Bellied Up - Bar in a Hardware Store #43

Episode Date: March 30, 2023

Presented By Fleet Farm In this episode we're at Hi-Ho Burgers & Brews in Dilworth, MN. Our first caller is puzzled by the number of geese around his house. The next caller is wondering if he ...has an addiction to Touchtunes, and the last caller has a dream bar idea and explains why Kansas City, MO is awesome. Please consider helping one of our listeners' good buddy Will, with his cancer treatment Here Get yourself a "Road Huntin For Ditch Chickens" hat

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, everybody, welcome to another episode of the BellyDup Podcast. I'm Charlie Barons. I'm joined by the fearless, amazing, the French miles. Mump laser. We, we. Oh, hey, hey. Uh, we are also presented by Fleet Farm. How are we doing, Miles?
Starting point is 00:00:17 I'm doing good. How are you doing, Charlie? I'm doing good. I feel like it's been a while since I've seen you. It has been a while. The last time I saw you was in Green Bay, Wisconsin, and you weren't feeling so good. I wasn't feeling good, but look at me now.
Starting point is 00:00:29 Yeah. Bill of health. I mean, wedding coming up here, I know this comes out way further in the future, but I'm feeling good. Yeah, we're going back to the future. Now I do want to say, you're looking really good. You've got the short sleeves. I'm seeing the guns. You're up to one salad a day. You told me the other day, and boy, I am seeing the difference. You look, yeah,
Starting point is 00:00:56 you're looking like now I am a taken man. So cool, Charlie. Not yet. Feel not yet. Yeah. That's true. I got a few days. Your last ditch effort here. That's exactly what this is. This is kind of like the hallmark movie of me coming to the small town to try and break up the wedding. You know, see if we can only think it would be better as the little set during Christmas. I know. I know. It would be a textbook. It would be a hallmark hallmark movie. Grandma, so who would watch it if we were set during Christmas. Oh, yeah. So you're, I'm curious, what are your health secrets?
Starting point is 00:01:31 Because you're looking really, you know, really good since the last ice, I saw you. Yeah, basically just on, basically just a lot of mushrooms, spineless, and the Joe Rogan podcast, a lot, a lot of DMT. Good for you. And then I just deep dive into the Joe Rogan podcast the lot nice lot of DMT good for you And then I just deep dive into the ancient pyramids is really what it's bad They are just get so focused on that I forget to eat they're fascinating. Yeah, I couldn't be a bigger Cataclysmic ancient civilization guy now give it I'm gonna listen to that. So good for you. I'm gonna diet a Rogan and now. Give it for you. Listen to that. So give it for you. David Rogan and mushrooms. Good.
Starting point is 00:02:07 Good. What about you? What's what's been what's your diet consists of these days? A lot of mixed nuts and berries, whatever I can forge for in the woods. Okay. Yeah. Foraging there in Milwaukee and in the in the forest. Yeah. A lot of forest. Forging in the forest. Forging in the forest. What is the strangest thing you've recently seen in the forests of Milwaukee? Okay. You're saying forests of Milwaukee, like there aren't any. There actually are a lot of good parks there, but I did see I saw a crane, which is nice.
Starting point is 00:02:37 You know, there's actually a very healthy crane population in Wisconsin. Jared, we drove by the world's largest crane sculpture. Did we not? Driving through North Dakota. Remember, I was like, what is that a road runner? Like, no, that's a crane. Sand Hill crane. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:02:55 Yeah, sand Hill cranes. Yeah. Yeah. There was a roadside attraction that we drove by. That's really cool. Yeah. Oh, I saw a ditch chicken on my way up. Yeah. I did. And I used to, I didn't have a, first of all, I saw a ditch chicken on my way up. Yeah, I did. And I, I didn't have
Starting point is 00:03:08 a, first of all, I don't know if you can shoot them in Minnesota. I don't know either. I didn't want to find out the hard way either. Yeah. I was a bit of those go. Yeah. So then you would have to bring it to my house and I had to clean it for you. The whole thing. Oh, listen to him. He doesn't think I know how to clean it. No, I'm saying that you don't have any facilities to cook a fesant right now because you're on the road. Well, it's cold enough out and I got a knife in my back. So what I would do is I play it and I just keep it in the bed of the truck. Okay.
Starting point is 00:03:36 All right. There we go. It's God's freezer. Okay. I didn't know if you're maybe like pull over side of the road, start a fire. No, for some nuts for some for an appetizer. Hey, if I were really hungry, I would do that. I have, I can add any moment if I have a feson, really get some poppers going, some peasant poppers, although I do need bacon for that. Poppers without bacon is not really a popper.
Starting point is 00:04:00 It's really. Forage in the forest for a pig. No, you know, well, you can wild pigs have you ever gone Yeah, I suppose it depends on which part of the country you're in. Yeah, I was in South Carolina Oh, that was me by the way. I just do you hear that little smack of the lips I'm just gonna bring this out into the open so I can just get it off my chest one of you Made a comment or I heard was more than it was than one. People are upset about the lips smacking and Miles and I are uncertain as to who is,
Starting point is 00:04:30 who is doing the more. There's more so you with worried about it. Well, I guess that's true. I am, because I'm curious, it's almost like, you know, when you're blind to something and then all this sudden you see it, it's like, oh, no, what? You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:04:44 No, absolutely. So I'm thinking then all of a sudden you see it. It's like, oh, new, what? You know what I mean? No, absolutely. So I'm thinking you like, you think about seeing a yellow car and then all you do is see yellow cars, but you never see them otherwise. Yeah, right. Or you get a new car, a new variety of car, and you really haven't paid much attention than every time you're on the road, you see it.
Starting point is 00:05:01 That's why cheap people always give themselves the peace. Well, that's for another reason. Yeah. Yeah. Mostly it's like an inferiority complex of some sort. Well, they have short cars. Yes. They have short and fat cars. Yeah. So that's a good way to put it. Yeah. But yeah. I want you to get, why don't you just get a couple of smacks out of the way? Lip smacks. Why don't you just get a couple smacks out of the way? Lips max. Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk,sk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk,sk, tsk,sk, t And you wouldn't understand the lung capacity. It tends to be a professional beatboxer I'm finding out. I mean, finding out in real time. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:50 So anyway, I'm sorry if my lip smacking offends any of you and I'll try and watch it. Maybe I'm the most, oh. That's anyone try that from instead of lip smacking. That's almost like a squirrel. Mouth clicking. You know when you're walking in the woods and you're like, yeah, they do something else. It's like real and in a dog, you know,
Starting point is 00:06:13 every boy. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. We got it down. I think we got it down. Did you have a question? You said you had somebody want to talk to me, but we save it for the next. We've talked a lot. I'll just save it for the next one. But yeah, for those wondering, Charlie and I just got here. This was us just getting reacquainted since the last time we saw each other. We really decided to just do it on on live. Yeah. Instead of just having this conversation then doing the podcast.
Starting point is 00:06:39 What do I? Yeah. Essentially, that's what happens. Yeah, that is. So I'm excited to get some new collars in, aren't you? We are. So, uh, why don't we take some collars? Let's do it. Welcome to the belly to podcasts who we got on the phone. Yeah. This is Emmett Hanna from Southwest Indiana. How you doing? Oh, doing good. Hey, what's going on? Emmett, you said, huh?
Starting point is 00:07:04 Yeah, correct. All right. Emmett, what's on your mind Emmett, you said, huh? Yeah, correct. All right, Emmett, what's on your mind? Belly on up to the bar. Well, I mean, so main thing here is lately, I've been noticing all these geese are coming back in. They're migrating or whatever. And I don't know if they actually have an idea of where they're going. I mean, they're flying over.
Starting point is 00:07:25 I hear them, it still winter. It's snowing over here. Mm-hmm. And they're migrating back up here for what reason. I have no idea. I'm going to go to meet them. They have no sense whatsoever. So you're saying we maybe have some confused
Starting point is 00:07:41 geese on our hands is what you're saying. Absolutely. And I mean, it's not, I mean, it's not just this year. I mean, every year, they act like they know where they're going. They get the V pattern. They're on some sort of trajectory, but they have absolutely no idea what's going on around them. And they're either late or they're extremely early. That is true. I think that is a good point. Now, one question though, I would like to give Geese a tiny bit of credit because if
Starting point is 00:08:11 we tried to organize a bunch of humans to walk an avi-shaped pattern, it would be disastrous. Would it not? Absolutely it would. So let's give them a little credit for being able to fly in a V formation. I think it is very impressive what they do. I always get sad when I see him flying in a V and there's clearly a gap in the V. And it's just like, oh, a rest in peace, Larry. You know, you went down too soon.
Starting point is 00:08:41 Did you know geese mate for life, by the way? Did you know geese mate for life, by the way? Yeah, yeah, I did. And I'm not sure if they have as much intuition as in the same way that they're traveling, right? If they have the same amount of brain power going into those decisions. But right. So if they do, they're in bad hands. Yeah, so let's dive into a little bit about your irrational hate for geese
Starting point is 00:09:09 because it seems to be kind of deep rooted. You can sense it in his voice. You can tell it's like a passionate thing that he has. I know, and I'm gonna add on before you even answer about your deep seated hatred of geese that a lot of people do not like geese. Geese get a bad rap rap and I'm here to be in defense. Are you okay? I am I am but I don't want to necessarily go that far but I'm very
Starting point is 00:09:34 interested to see why you hate some so much. Yeah let's talk about that. Let's unpack it. Yeah where do you think it started? Well I mean you you see about about every parking lot you go to you go over to the Wal-Mart or the Minarbs and you see them everywhere. I mean, just coding the lawns and the medians all around and it's always out of season. So you can't do anything about it. You can't bring a shotgun into town. No, it gets to use those like their coffee. And it's just not fair. I mean, they're talking. They are just out there. I mean, they're they're playing a game that we know we're going to
Starting point is 00:10:09 lose. It's just it doesn't make sense to me. Well, I'll tell you this much. I live close to what must be a goose sanctuary because every morning at like five 30, I am a, I am a woken, awakened by the goose alarm clock. They're just roosting at like 5 530. They're just, they're going to town. Have you heard that? Have you heard geese? Now, have you heard that over there in India?
Starting point is 00:10:39 Yeah. Yeah. Some partridges in my little vicinity there. So I don't have the geese where I'm at, but I got other birds to deal with. Oh, so they're making noise for you early in the morning. Well, not so much. It's more so when Ann wakes up, she's banging stuff around in the house and, you know,
Starting point is 00:10:56 you want to wake up the bird. She's waking up the bird and. No, that's yeah. That's my form of geese's and getting mad at me to wake up. I got. So you sleep through the geese is what you're talking about. Yeah, yeah, yeah, heavy sleepers. I don't know why, but I feel like if you just look at me, you can just tell that I'm a heavy sleeper.
Starting point is 00:11:15 That guy is a heavy sleeper. Yeah, heavy drinker, heavy sleeper. Okay, so it's, do you have any geese around your house? Are they, because one thing that I don't like about geese is that they're always crap on on everything. I mean, there's crap everywhere. If I go golfing, if I'm at the lake, it's everywhere. So is that another thing that seems to be an issue for you? Is that another thing that seems to be an issue for you? The crappy issue on our end is not of the geese variety. It's more of the bovine variety.
Starting point is 00:11:51 We don't have enough geese around us and like directly by our house and rural Indiana that they're crapping all over everything. I mean, we have a couple that land in a pond right by our house and we love watching them. They're taunting us saying we're out of season and then they fly away. That's about all the interaction that we get. So you're a goose hunter then. I wish I was, but I've actually never been. You've never been. I'm surprised with this much animosity toward
Starting point is 00:12:21 the geese population. I'm surprised you're not into that. I can't tell if it would be good or bad for him to go goose on. He's definitely going over his limit. Yeah, that's what he goes. We're going to have to make sure that we keep you right on the limit. I think is what it sounds like. Exactly. I do like the idea of these geese being lost though. You know, like, because I feel like, you know, we've had such a wild winter.
Starting point is 00:12:43 The past couple of winters have been super wild. So, you know, maybe the geese... One question on that. Yeah, pal. I feel like we you know, we've had such a wild winter. The past couple of winters have been super wild. So, you know, maybe the geese. One question on that. Yeah, I feel like we say that every year. I think every year, it's always like, God, we sure had a lot of snow this year. And it's like, we did basically every year prior to that. Have you ever thought about that?
Starting point is 00:12:58 I think that's maybe, that's just maybe a thing we say. I think it's one of those things we just say. It doesn't matter what happened. It's sure a lot of snow. Yeah. Well, that's probably because every time it does snow, you're out there doing some about it. So really stick to the dome.
Starting point is 00:13:14 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I just think that the geese, you know, we take our directions for granted. But imagine if we were up in the sky flying without a GPS, I mean, we would be very, very lost. I think we do have to give the geese some credit for being able to get, you know, really
Starting point is 00:13:32 anywhere. And if they get lost once in a while, well, that's just, that's just something that, that's going to happen because they don't have a GPS on them. Right? Right. of a GPS on them. Right? Might be like a really right. They don't. Oh, go ahead. They stay in cell signal range, though. So what is that?
Starting point is 00:13:51 I'll go. Oh, you don't think birds are real. Do you? You think this is I definitely do. Oh, okay. Okay. I thought this call was going to take a turn. I thought I thought we were going go deep down the rabbit hole. Before we know what we're talking about, contrails. Okay, so we're up here in Minnesota, technically right now, but basically,
Starting point is 00:14:14 you know, North Dakota, Minnesota area here. Now we obviously see him fly self, but wondering where do they actually go when they leave? I know it may seem like a really dumb question by me, but I've lived here my whole life. And so I've never actually seen where did all the geese go. Maybe that's a, and that's maybe a good country song name right there. Where do the geese go when they fly? Where do the geese go when they fly? I like that. Actually, it sounds pretty good. Well, we also maybe found where they fly. And it's just overhead of Emmett here. I think that's where they go. The geese are vacationing in Southern Indiana in March. Yep. Uh, well, yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:04 That is interesting. What do you think a goose does on vacation? It's free to be Florida. Florida, Louisiana. Okay. A whole bunch of crap is what it does. Yeah. They just eat grass and crap. Yeah. Oh, this was, I don't think we helped that much, but I don't think we helped at all. I think the main thing is, is I think you just need to go, it's one of those things. He's got pent up stuff going on. He needs a release. And I think that he just needs to maybe go goose hunting somewhere. You know what, I mean, I'm going to offer you an alternative option.
Starting point is 00:15:47 Why don't you just go ask the goose, what's up? Why I mean, have you ever talked a little goose group therapy? Yeah, I've, you know, a lot of times we hold in these deep seeded hatreds of, for instance, in Wisconsin, in's people from Illinois. It's really unfounded. So maybe, now granted, there are the toll booths in Illinois and also their terrible drivers and a few other things in the bears and the whole deal. But maybe if you go talk to a goose and get it's side, it's perspective, maybe you'll understand said, goose better. And and and you'll be less inclined to be maybe you guys set with them. He wants to fly and hang out in the pond by your house
Starting point is 00:16:31 and then fly away. He sees the same thing you do where you live. Yeah. Maybe you and the geese aren't so different. Just lost in a big wild flying around hoping to find the right direction. Looking for my what's that? He's gonna pull tears. He said, Oh, you're in a pool of tears. I think we found it. Just beautiful. Absolutely. Yeah. Flying in a V. Missing trick. See? Where do the geese go when they leave here do they go to Florida or do they hang out with a deer we're gonna work on that for you man okay we're gonna really work on that song for you well we appreciate calling it man hopefully you can find some relief from the geese truly. I know how it's going to be.
Starting point is 00:17:29 It can be also though, if you've heard of fly too close to the sun, you get burnt. If you get too close to the geese, you're going to get packed. So it's true. That's what they do. They hiss at you. Have you been hissed at by a goose recently, Emmett? Now recently, but in years past, it's been a perennial problem. Okay. One time I caught a goose fishing and my dad had to come over and pull the hook out. Thanks for calling. Yeah, no comment. He's like, let me get back to work. Yeah. Well, we appreciate calling in man. Hopefully the geese situation gets a little better. Yeah, you bet. Yeah, I better be going. All right. See you now. Talk soon. All right, see you now. Talk soon.
Starting point is 00:18:22 All right, both. Well, he couldn't get off the phone fast enough. Yeah, I mean, I don't, I think we did our best. I had my, we tried. It's, I, but I do understand his disgruntledness with the geese population. I get it. It's just, I'm not a biologist and none of my good friends
Starting point is 00:18:44 are geese and so I don't really know what I'm gonna say in that. No, you know. So anyway, oh well. Who do we got on the line? Hey guys, this is Mitch, Sean from Sioux Falls. Mitch from Sioux Falls. What's going on? Not a lot, just pretending to work showing on my March man this bracket. Okay. I like that. I like that. What is your go to technique to look like you're working?
Starting point is 00:19:17 Just have email up on one screen and then two sabre tabs, one with the bracket stuff or like watching games on Thursday, Friday, you gotta have one tab open with like a spreadsheet and then you gotta do your other tab open with your bracket and a game on. I like that and every once in a while you gotta like get up and walk around and just be like, I am in the thick of it in there.
Starting point is 00:19:43 Sound a little discgruntled. And then they're like, I don't think I want to talk to him today. He sounds really busy. And then they'll kind of leave you alone. I think that's a good move. I think you're already know what you're doing. So there we go. Yeah, you got a lot of insight to share in the workplace.
Starting point is 00:19:59 What's on your mind outside the workplace? So I wanted to get you guys thought. Well, first up, thanks for taking my call, a big fan, but I wanted to get you guys thoughts on something. So I'm a big touch tuned guy. As of this call, I have 5,609 plays and 755 check-ins. Wow. I've likely probably spent a down payment on a house worth of credits over like nine years or so. So I just kind of wanted to see if you do have a problem or am I just a good bar patron trying
Starting point is 00:20:31 to set the vibe right. And then I just kind of wanted your thoughts on touch tunes in general. What do you guys think of it? So where do you start? Our own touch tune stock. Because let's start there. I think we should find out who owns touch tunes. Miles is starting with the financial aspect. Well, I mean, down payment for a house on touch tunes is it's quite a bit. You know, I think first and foremost, let's get you invested in touch tunes because you've already invested your life savings in it. Charlie, Charlie, what do you, you had some of you're going to ask them? Yeah, I mean, you know, we've, first of all, what do we think of Touchtoons? It, this goes into the music in the, the history of music in the bar. Start off with a
Starting point is 00:21:18 jukebox, you know, Ponzi, hitting that thing or whatever and it just played for them. I mean, if, could you imagine if Fonzie had touch tunes, you know, be a lot less cool. You know what? What's he, I mean, it goes from with his hand to like, blank, putting it on his phone. I think my big, I think, honestly, it's a natural progression of music in a bar.
Starting point is 00:21:42 I know some people don't like it, especially when there are those who dominate the playlist all night. Sounds like you are maybe guilty of that. The real question there is what's your go to first song when you're using touch tunes in a bar? Oh, you know, that's tough. I think you got to read the room a little bit, right?
Starting point is 00:22:00 You know, if you're in a small town bar, you've got to play some old Hank Williams Jr. or I don't even know Toby Keith. If you're in a younger bar, you need to find some Morgan Wallen or Luke Holmes. And then, I mean, if I'm in a club that I'm probably just not in my element, so that doesn't really happen to me. Yeah, I don't think that they got touched in a club. I'm going to be completely honest. They have a DJ who's basically doing the same thing. So that brings me to a good question
Starting point is 00:22:29 form. Have you ever thought about professionally DJing before and instead of paying to be a DJ, we ever thought about getting paid to be a DJ? Yeah. Touch tunes is kind of like the karaoke of DJing, you know, to a degree. Have you thought about that? You know, here and there I thought about it, but I'd rather just go to the bar and have fun than work if that makes sense. Okay. All right. So it's, it's truly a passion for him. It is a passion. He's a touch tune passion guy. Um, or he's passionate about touch tunes rather, uh, has anyone ever found out I don't, I'm not super familiar with touch tunes. I got to be honest with you. I don't think I've done it. My brother's done it when I've been in the bar. But can people find out who's playing what song? No, it's
Starting point is 00:23:20 totally anonymous. So one thing I'll have to, it add to what you're saying, your choices of songs. I would like to say kudos to you for being a person who can read the room and find the right song for the room because not a lot of people who spend a lot of money on touch tunes. Usually it's like the reason why I spend so much money is I want to play the songs that I want to listen to. It sounds like you adjust for the room and that's to listen to. Yeah. And it sounds like you would just for the Roman.
Starting point is 00:23:46 That's what it really, that's what it takes. Honestly. Now that said, I'll go ahead. No, you go ahead, Charlie. Well, I know that after you've started it off, you've read the room, you've played the song, you think the room wants to hear the room is grooven. Now you've kind of earned one, you know, give five for them one for you. What's the song you're doing for you?
Starting point is 00:24:11 That may be the bar doesn't like, maybe the bar doesn't like it, but you like it. That's just tough. I don't even know. I mean, whatever I'm into at the time, so it could be really anything. It's totally a it's a wild card move. Depends on how you're playing. I can play it and I can play it. Okay, there we go. Pull up the app. Yeah, pull it up.
Starting point is 00:24:34 What, give me the top five most played songs you got on there. That's a great idea. Oh man. You know, wild card one is a little Africa by Toto. I mean, that's that is a great. I mean, it's out face value seems like a wild card song. Everyone loves it though. Everyone's poverty. Absolutely great. So that's your top song. I'm not sure if you can see it. Oh, one of them. It's me in the bar like that one. My favorite.
Starting point is 00:25:07 Well, I ain't going down to the sun comes up by Garth Brooks is one of them for sure. So what is the top song you got in there? I know you can see what's the top song. I don't know if I can see my actual top one. Oh, yeah, they got to fix that. I just have all of my favorites. They do need to fix it. Well, I'll write them a letter. Okay. What do you wish Touchtunes had that they don't already have?
Starting point is 00:25:38 A VIP, like section where I don't like, I can just pay like a monthly thing and get as many plays as I want or that I can prioritize my play over everybody every time even the people who use the priority play like I want to be able to skip number one because I feel that I've earned it a little bit right? Yeah, yeah, I mean how much have you spent on touch tunes? Let's get a dollar amount there. I don't know. How do you not know that?
Starting point is 00:26:03 I did a rough estimate. I did it, well, it's, the price has changed over the years. I did a rough estimate, I don't know, it's quite two years ago. And we figured it was over like $8,000. Absolutely. Wow.
Starting point is 00:26:15 Wow. What do you do for a living again? That's a cup of coffee a day, it's like six, right? Yeah, it is a cup of coffee. I mean, if you're not drinking the free coffee, yeah, it's a cup of coffee. What do you do for a living? What's your job that you're barely working at?
Starting point is 00:26:34 I just work in marketing for a hospital. Oh, clad. Oh, a hospital marketing. So that's real hard. Hey, are you about to die? Come to our hospital. Hey. I tell you what, I can't fault you.
Starting point is 00:26:49 That's a great gig. Yeah, yeah, it's a great gig, you know, I mean. Because you can always fall back on like, how, you know, what's going on with the marketing team? We haven't had as many sick people lately. And you're like, dude, I'm telling you, it's just people are just eating cleaner these days. What am I supposed to? I'm doing my best. I mean, you've got five
Starting point is 00:27:10 basketball games up on your tabs, you know, just just dreaming up new songs to play in the bar on touch tunes. I like it. I like writing my stat list for the night. You're writing your stat list. That's a funny, dude, that's a funny dude. That's a funny sketch. That would be a great sketch of just walking into a bar like a DJ, you know, and setting up your or like a like a touch to the superstar that comes in like, that's a sign autographs and stuff. Yeah. And everyone's gathered around him.
Starting point is 00:27:39 We're ready to do his thing and then he cracks his knuckles and just press play on the song, but he's like dressed like a DJ instead of like a DJ booth. He sits at like a booth like that one over there. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. Oh, that's great. What if we made that new sketch? What do you think about that?
Starting point is 00:27:56 I think that's gold. That's gold. So, so I got one more question. I'm very, I've never talked to anyone. It's been a marketing person for a hospital. Truly, what is your job? Like are you, I mean, are you in, are you like, are you guys running campaigns for people to eat bad food
Starting point is 00:28:17 so that you get more business in the hospital? Or how does it work? They're behind all the McDonald's ass. I'll keep that in mind for the next pitch meeting. Yeah, that's perfect. Yeah, walking. So guys, hear me out, hear me out. What if we encourage people to get sick? Be a good, I think you're on to something. But actually, what do you, what's like the daily routine if you're not? Uh, just kind of figure out patient experience to grow out where, where we need to pick up, you know, more people enrolling and, you know, either the health insurance side or try to get people to come see whatever hospital for their cardio vascular or orthopedic needs or whatever. It's a big stream like so.
Starting point is 00:29:10 Yeah, let's see how good you are at your job. You've clearly, you've at least seen a video of Charlie and I. You've seen, you know, you've seen our physiques. If you are trying to sell me services of some sort, what do you think I'm going to need? So let me think. I'm thinking, I'm thinking you're going to need orthopedic or like back pain
Starting point is 00:29:40 or shoulder pain after you hang the numbers up on your house. Okay. What gives me a way that I got back pain? No, I just mean you'll have back pain from working. Oh, okay, man. He was super-dial-releuring. It's not all the beer in the beer gut that I have that's weighing on my spine. It's the work that I'm doing.
Starting point is 00:30:00 No, I could hear the wheels. That weight is cultured for. that I'm doing. No, I could hear the wheels that we called your poor. I could hear the wheels in his head turning though. He's like, how am I going to answer this? He's like, just looking at him and hearing him breathe. It sounds like he's going to need some heart insurance. You know, you're in good miles. You're in good shit. Do you know miles is doing a salad a day these days? I know your bosses are going to hate me because I'm going the other way.
Starting point is 00:30:26 I'm not, I'm trying to stay away from the hospital. Yeah. Wait, that's a good thing. Well, this was really great. We think that you're doing a public service by playing the tunes you like and feeling out the bar. Not even playing the tunes you like. Playing the tunes the bar likes.
Starting point is 00:30:45 And I feel like all touch tune app owners should take a page out of your book and ask not what the touch tunes can do for you, but ask what you can do for the bar. John F. Kennedy said that. I'd heard him. Yeah, I've heard that speech. It was really good. It was good. but I don't know You better yeah, hopefully it ends better for you. Yeah
Starting point is 00:31:14 It's been enough time we can laugh at that Last thing before you guys allow me go here or recommend a More mines. What's up area? Safari bar and runner south to go to you got to hit it up. That is it's one of my favorite places. It's so cool. You guys definitely should do a podcast hold on. It's it's the Safari bar. Yeah, and the number one play is Africa by Toto. Is it not? I think it has to be right. Yeah, there you go. All right. And Miles, I want to introduce.
Starting point is 00:31:48 I want to introduce a new segment to the Bellyduck podcast. And that's called pitch your bar. Tell us why we should go to this bar. Tell us come on down and tell us about your bar. Come on down and pitch your bar. Pitch your, is that, do we like that branding or pitch your small town bar? What do you think?
Starting point is 00:32:10 We'll find it. We'll find it. We'll find it. Go ahead. Floors all years. Oh, it's just, it's awesome. The guys are huge hunters. So they have mounts from, you know,
Starting point is 00:32:21 they've got a cougar on top of the bar. They've got mule deer. Then they've got a bunch of animals from Africa. They've got a cougar on top of the bar they've got mule deer and then they've got a bunch of animals from africa they've got a bear uh... you do this they've just mounted a lore it is super awesome cool beer most important thing tell me they don't have like it do you have any idea how they got the name for the bar
Starting point is 00:32:42 honestly i'm not sure if i ever uh... talk to the owners again, I'll ask you. Yeah. I'm just, I don't see no connection between the name and that. So I'm just curious. But yeah, I love to know. Yeah, ask them for us, will you? I will. I'll put in a word. All right. Well, good luck pretending to work. Stay strong out there. And it's only illegal if you don't, if you get caught. Remember that. It is, um, actually illegal, whether you get caught or not, no, but you're only going to jail. If you get caught, okay. Tomato tomato, potato tomato. Well, thanks for calling in and keep doing the Lord's work
Starting point is 00:33:25 on the touch tunes. You're really doing a good job. We'll do. God bless. Thanks, fellas. Have a good one. Yeah. The one question I was gonna ask him is how much
Starting point is 00:33:37 a month would he realistically pay to get that VIP status? It sounds like he might have paid like 500 bucks a month. I mean, that's, yeah. Like eight grand. You got to talk into the mic. You got to talk into the mic. Oh, sorry. Eight grand. And that was two years ago. How do you go from, from talking to mic, the whole call. And then as soon as you feel like the call's done, it's just I forget all about I forget that we do this talking after the feel I forget that we do every call I forget that we talk after the call I do kind of like the segment of pitch your hometown bar Yeah, like we shorten sweet. I like it. We should have like a little like song to like bitch your bitch your bar yeah that's good let's just cut that and then we'll
Starting point is 00:34:32 use it every time. All right, we'll take another color. All right, Charlie, you know what? What's that, Miles? Since you're up here in the Fargo Morehead Dillworth area, I think what we should do. So all the ice houses by now have to be off the ice by this time. But ice is still thick enough.
Starting point is 00:34:55 You and I could just trot on out there with a bucket. You know, it's actually very special time of year miles because what you can do is take an outboard motor or a trolling motor, attach it to a floating ice sheet and then, and then send that sucker across the drink till she melts. Basically do it just like the polar bears do. That's how the polar bear is ice fish actually. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:18 I saw that on national geographic. And I'm also thinking what better to float around on a little iceberg than to have a nice cold tippy cow. Nice cold tippy cow. All we need is two buckets, two rods and one bottle and one bottle of tippy cow. Hey, cheers to that. Cheers to that. I was pausing because I didn't know if you got my two rods joke that I tried.
Starting point is 00:35:43 Oh, a weiner joke. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Two rods, one bucket. Yeah. Oh, we can take turns on the bucket, but we're definitely taking turns on the tippy cow. It's going to go, we'll just pass it back and forth. Yes, sir.
Starting point is 00:35:58 That's how we just float around on this ice cap and have ourselves a good old time. And basically, we want to shorten the most amount of time between ice fishing and regular fishing. Basically, yeah, we want to go for short pulls to long pulls in like a day. Yeah, I mean, I have a tougher time going from short pulls to long pulls than you do, probably, but I still try and get it done.
Starting point is 00:36:24 I, you know, I like how you know your pull. Yeah, I do. I really do. Cheers to you. It makes it all better when you got a nice ice cold glass, a tippy cow, baby. Tip it on back. Hey, man, amen. Hey, everybody, I make sure you get over to fleet farm. It's an awesome place.
Starting point is 00:36:41 It, and it's where you get all your home improvement needs life needs whatever you can get a crock Pot there you can get nails and screws too and You know I head on over there great great Midwest Crocs as well. Can you get Crocs? Well, they're starting to get warmer now So I think you got a head over there and get a pair of crocs You can get a pair of crocs and I just did the a pair of crocs. And I just did the lip sync. That's me. It's me. I'm the guy.
Starting point is 00:37:07 So anyway, yeah, head on over to Fleet Farm. Welcome to the Belly to a podcast. Who do we have on the line? Holy smokes. Yeah, my name is John. John, how you doing? Where are you calling in from? Oh, calling from the great state of Kansas City.
Starting point is 00:37:24 Well, not state, but, you know. It's a state of mind from the great state of Kansas City. Well, not state, but, you know, it's a state of mind, the great state of mind of Kansas City. How is Kansas City? You know, we're doing that championship mindset. Yeah, congratulations. It's great. No, you know, I do want to apologize for Super Bowl one, but aside for that. yeah, we know we're still, we're still kind of holding the grudge against, uh, gets the packers for that. Yeah, you shut that was back when, you know, it was really tough to win a Super Bowl, Charlie. That's, it was a hell of a lot tougher than the, technically, technically, I wasn't a Super Bowl. So, it was a Super Bowl. That was Super Bowl one. Yeah. Well, oh, I see what you're
Starting point is 00:38:05 saying. I mean, I didn't call it the Super Bowl yet before the before the merger, you know, so that's exactly what I'm saying. Not as much competition. Less people knew about the NFL at that point. Now we're getting the cream of the crop talent. And it clearly shows that Kansas City was better than the Packard. Sorry. I don't care anything about the talent. I don't care. Look at the equipment. Those guys wore back then to play football. You had to basically, I mean, you had to be the, they were playing with five things. I know. And so people weren't leading with their head as much people. Yeah. They were real men, you know, they were, they were willing to go out and put their life in the line and get killed, you know, well,
Starting point is 00:38:44 no, they wouldn't hit each other as hard because they'd have as good equipment. So if you go pound for pound, how hard they had, it's about the same. I'm sorry. You just pulled that out of your ass. There's no way. Sorry that I just kind of schooled you on that one about two or one. Or no, sorry, championship one. No, it was, first of all, it was the Super Bowl.
Starting point is 00:39:04 And the Packers won a ton of titles before the Super Bowl's even there. They've won the most titles in the NFL for all of you. Yeah, I won a bunch of like middle school basketball titles as well. When I was a kid, anyway, what brings you on the belly to podcast? Oh, you know, just one excited to talk to you guys. I didn't think I'd actually get through. So excited beyond. I'm not going to be a little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more
Starting point is 00:39:30 little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more little bit more dream of mine to like start a bar flash hardware store. Oh,
Starting point is 00:39:46 like this. Makes and boost with drill. What could possibly go wrong? Right. You know, I think it could be a liability nightmare, but I haven't talked to insurance. And that's not my, not my word. Let's not start with insurance. Let's start with the dream. Yes. What the lawyers figure that? Do you think in Wisconsin, Dallas, when they were building the world's tallest water slide, they were like, what would the insurers think of this? Hell no, they got to that. I don't know. I'm later. There's enough, there's enough bribing money to go around. So tell us about this dream. I'm loving it so far.
Starting point is 00:40:21 I'm loving it so far. Well, you know, so I love tools. I'm what guy does it. And, you know, like to have a drink. And, you know, if you've got that project that you're working on late at night, and you don't have a hardware store to go to, but, you know, it's also the same time. It's been a rough day, so you need to have a drink, you know.
Starting point is 00:40:42 So, you know, combined the two together, have a hardware store that's open for you know combined a two together have a hardware shore that's open for hours or a bar or bar that's open you know hardware store hours. You know basically just the whole idea that you got guys that just go belly up to the bar and a bring this you know contraption I'm working on I don't know how to fix it. And like hey you know bring your needs to read we'll take care of you. Oh, I love it. Well, first of all, great idea to make the bar, the think tank for all of the projects, right? Yes. You maybe come to the bar, you workshop it with the other guys of the bar.
Starting point is 00:41:18 See, I did their workshop it. And then you go ahead next door to the hardware store, you get the stuff, go home and you do your project. Hi, see, I'm thinking. Or better yet, your hardware stores is the bar. So while the guys are there sitting at the bar and they're like, you know what, you know, take some, take some pressure off, have a drink, have some tippy-cow, you know, that's been good. Basically, we make it like an Apple store, but for drinking and hardware.
Starting point is 00:41:43 So you can sit down and you can see the wall and there's people walking around handing you drinks saying, can I help you with anything? I like it. I like it. And you know, you open the tab, they spend way more money, then they forget what the problem was, they have come back. You know, it's a great idea, I think. It's perfect. Now will they be able to actually bring the projects in and start actually doing it? Will there be a workshop in the bar? I hadn't thought about that, but you know, I could see that, but I can also see the problem.
Starting point is 00:42:21 I have guys that have had a few too many of them use power tools. I mean, I don't know. They're doing it at home. No, it will. Well, it's just you got to adopt the mentality of we just don't talk about that part of this thing, you know, just it's just an don't ask, don't do a situation. You know, have like a if you want to membership, you can go to speakers in the back. It's a speakers, but it's actually a workshop. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:46 There we go. And then you should also have some, uh, you should have some like high chairs and that people sitting on them and they're like the lifeguards, you know, have some life. No, no, no, don't stick your finger in that, in that engine. It's going, wait till it's turned off. I blow the whistle. Hey, you have a bunch of guys like, I've got a membership to read, but I only have three figures. You know, that's
Starting point is 00:43:13 the, that's really great. No, Hey, reads, you may lose a finger, but you'll gain a friend. I think we got it all figured out. Yeah. I like this. So like what I'm trying to decide is do I buy it? Do I buy a bar and then retrofit it into a hardware store or buy a hardware store and retrofit it into a bar? I think you buy the hardware store. A lot more room for activities. Plus, it's a little more of a blank slate, you know?
Starting point is 00:43:45 Yeah, there's more square footage and it's probably cheaper land than bars are usually on pricey land. I do have to ask this though, what lighting are you going to go with? Are you going to go with bar lighting or are you going to go with hardware store lighting? Because two very different vibes you can create. Well, lighting is actually my specialty. That's what I do for a living. I sell lighting. So I'd go with them like designer lighting on the front end. And then like you walk through a door and you're going to like the hardware store lighting
Starting point is 00:44:19 in the back. But yeah, you can totally like make the front of the store look just like a bar. But then you go behind the bar and there's a hard work short. Well question You're being the lighting guy and and this is our dream now together I dream that it's you kid they all got dimmers and you can Change the lighting in each section of this store slash bar So some guys are really working on a maybe a small engine of some sort. You can crank those lights up right where they're at so they
Starting point is 00:44:50 know what they're doing and then but doesn't kill the vibes in the rest of the season. Or you think or you have a certain group of your attendance be the flashlight. I was just going to say. Yeah. No, it's you know, kids back in the day used to be a caddy, right? Used to be a caddy. Kids also will work as like baggers and grocery stores and stuff like that. Bring them back to the local community by hiring all the young kids to hold flashlights for all the people working there.
Starting point is 00:45:23 Oh, there is going to be so much verbal abuse. Well, you're shine the damn light over here. Look where I'm pointing, you know. But it might be a little different if it's not their own kid. Yeah, that's true. It is like, it's kind of like a... Yeah, yeah. It's also kind of maybe you could work in a corking fee.
Starting point is 00:45:42 So when you go to a restaurant, you can bring your own bottle of wine, you just pay for them to open it, you can drink your own bottle of wine. If you wanna bring your own kid to yell at, you just gotta pay a smaller fee than you would for the one that's provided there. It's a corking fee for the flashlight kid, and then you can yell at your own kid while you're there.
Starting point is 00:46:02 Oh, it's therapy. It's therapy. I mean, the kid's gonna eat therapy,, it's therapy. It's therapy. I mean, the kid's going to be therapy, but it's therapy for the dads. I love this. This is definitely going to therapy. So what hanging out with his dad on the speakers, he's a lot of work job. What's his dad, you know, take a finger off, you know, yeah, well, and that's what's next door. He just, that's the add-on business that you add next door is just therapy. You know, I've noticed that.
Starting point is 00:46:29 Therapy and then you have like an urging here, you know, you just start leasing up some land next to it. Yeah, just have an emergency room that just specializes in putting fingers back on. And then wrap that into the business. Yeah, and then you have like, you know, you have a whole ice machine that we keep off limits to just keep body parts in and come off so that they can keep my ice so they're still good to sell them back on.
Starting point is 00:46:55 People also toss the fish in there that they just got here. All right, oh, I see, got some wall. I throw that in the limbs. In the in the digits. Ice machine. It's it. Throw that in there with the digits. You open it up. There's like, wait, what is this?
Starting point is 00:47:16 Good. Yeah, you got you got Wendy's got their their finger chili. Then you know, read we'd have our I don't know, but finger trip not serving that in our our menu. You know, I honestly think you know the number of'd have our, I don't know, but finger cheer not serving that in our minute. You know, I honestly think you know about the finger chili, right? No, and then if it's like one of the guys are like, ah, screw it, I don't want to,
Starting point is 00:47:33 I don't want to sew my finger back on. You guys can then hang all of the lost fingers on the wall as like trophies basically. Yeah, the wall of the wall. So if that brings up the question. Do you serve, do you serve food? No. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:50 I mean, you've got your why stop? You got your bar food, but I mean, yeah. Yeah, imagine this is like a low end steakhouse as well. Yeah, you might as well. If this is our dream, right, low end steakhouse, maybe, maybe only rib eyes, rib eyes. Yeah, that'd be good. So I'm, you know, it's a burgers and cheap steaks kind of plays almost.
Starting point is 00:48:12 I, um, like also a lot of chips. You got a lot of chips. Here's what I'm, I, I think that you could actually partner with, um, you know, a lot of these, of these hardware stores or having a hard time with supply chain, you walk in there, they don't have a lot going on, like they don't have a lot of supply for you, they got the space, you know?
Starting point is 00:48:35 So I think you could almost go into a hardware store that's on the ropes, pitch this idea, and then you're halfway there. I mean, this could be a real thing. Yeah, there are some hardware stores that are on the ropes. That would be a great business move. Yeah, maybe you could do something to really just revive it. Also, if they maybe do go out of business, a hardware store does,
Starting point is 00:48:57 then you can just use their empty shell space. You can, to get your own stock, you actually have a buy selling trade section that people can bring in in browse and do all this. And how many people too have old tools hanging around their place? You know, I've got this old table saw that was my dad sitting in my garage. I've been trying to find a home for it for a while. You know, by the way, if anyone wants a table saw out there, it's going for 200 bucks, okay? You gotta come get it though.
Starting point is 00:49:28 I'm really asking for it with that one. But yeah, I buy selling trade section in the ideal. By the way, you got anything you want to buy, sell or trade? Hahaha. You want some, man, I've always got stuff I want to sell. You want the buyer bar, Charlie? Oh, that's true. He wants to buy a bar, you know, in Kansas City. I'm not a guy. I'm not a guy. I'm not a guy. I'm not a guy. I'm not a guy.
Starting point is 00:49:45 I'm not a guy. I'm not a guy. I'm not a guy. I'm not a guy. I'm not a guy. I'm not a guy. I'm not a guy. I'm not a guy.
Starting point is 00:49:53 I'm not a guy. I'm not a guy. I'm not a guy. I'm not a guy. I'm not a guy. I'm not a guy. I'm not a guy. I'm not a guy.
Starting point is 00:50:01 I'm not a guy. I'm not a guy. I'm not a guy. I'm not a guy. I'm not a guy. I'm not a guy. I'm not I don't got a black market guy. Hey, why go black market? You don't you don't got a kidney guy, you know, no, that's like one of the guys I don't have unfortunately anyone with a filet knife can you know if you can if you can clean a walleye or clean a deer, it's probably a kid. Oh, yeah, I bet you I could get that kidney out. I'm pretty good. It's not about getting the kidney out. It's about getting the kidney into someone else.
Starting point is 00:50:26 Oh yeah, that's true. That's true. That is the hard part. That's cool. Because you can play a wall. I don't mean you can get a kidney out. Folks, that's another life lesson brought to you by the belly to a pot. No, brought to you by Reads bar and hardware. Like I want you to know. Tell them that you've got a lot here in the Midwest or in the in the
Starting point is 00:50:48 U.S. I have not seen any like pop and hardware stores, but in the in Ireland, you see it all over the place. Do you have pop and hardware stores? I guess maybe because the base is limited, but really? Well, looks like we're, uh, dang it. We got to do an R&D trip to Ireland and drink a bunch and go visit hardware stores Charlie Should do a belly up in Ireland. We should just go to make you can probably make that attacks right off. Oh 100% Yeah, I mean that's my that's my
Starting point is 00:51:18 Oh, we got to make your drink plenty of drink drink good beer to who will we're over there. Yeah. Oh, you're coming to now I like it. It's our dream. I like it. It's our dream. All right. Well, let's let's go do it. Let's go. By the way, using the Ireland thing as an example, while they do it in Ireland, in Ireland, they have every place is a bar like that. Churches that are bars. They have schools that are bars. They have hospitals that are bars. That's just what they do in Ireland. They have schools that are bars, they have hospitals that are bars. That's just what they do in Ireland. But I mean, if you need something to fill up, something on a business plane, just say, hey, they did in Ireland. Yeah, that's true. That is. Nobody reads those things anyway. That's true. That is true. Well, hey.
Starting point is 00:52:03 You go ahead, Charlie. This thanks for coming on. You really got our creative juices flowing. My juices are flowing. I'll tell you that. If you know me, my head's now going to be just rolling with ideas for this business. We're going to start. Yeah. I really like it.
Starting point is 00:52:19 By the way, we're all partners on this. I think in question, I may be 4040 and you can be 20. Yeah, 40 40 20 work for you. You know, we can we can talk of your people talking my people. Yeah, sounds like you're great to that. Yeah. Well, I have your mom call us and we'll we'll chit chat about it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:52:42 Sounds good. Hey, one other thing I've got to say I think Kansas city need more love as part of the Midwest. You know, we're kind of like the, pit your city. The middle of the Midwest. Picture city. Pitch your city. Pitch your city.
Starting point is 00:52:55 Why is Kansas City not getting enough love from the Midwest? Well, Kansas City should get a lot more love. I would make the argument. I may sound odd, but we are like the the naval of the Midwest. The Navy and that. Yeah, we're just that not. Yeah, we're that naughty recess right in the beer belly of the Midwest. Right. The beer belly of the is it a lot of lint going on in Kansas City or why you say that? I mean, I wouldn't say that, but we do have the garment districts so they could probably
Starting point is 00:53:27 let it length there but we got a lot of great breweries, a lot of great beer, it's just a great great scene for just just good old Midwest town. Everybody is super Midwest nice and real friendly lot of deer hunters and you know we are right there in the outskirts because if you go out much farther west, you know, Kansas, Oklahoma, that's definitely not midwest. Well, that's midwest. Kansas, Kansas, Oklahoma. I mean, Dorothy is as midwest as it comes, you know, she's from Kansas. Yeah, it's going to get there. Okay. Well listen, but you're forgetting a huge aspect that makes Kansas City Super Midwest and that is the tailgating. I want to Chiefs game and you guys I'll tell you this month you know how to tailgate there
Starting point is 00:54:19 We do know how to tailgate and we got barbecue. I mean we've got some of the in my opinion It's the best the best food in the you know in the tailgate and we got barbecue. I mean, we've got some of the, in my opinion, it's the best food in the whole country. We got barbecue. It's way better than Texas. Texas barbecue doesn't stand. Is it anything like Kansas City barbecue? And you mix that with all the great breweries, all the great beer and distilleries that we have.
Starting point is 00:54:41 And J. Rieger, which is one of the coolest just distilleries here in the area, they got a adult sized slide right in the middle of the bar. And it was an old electric park that used to pump beer out underneath the road into a bigot in a park. And it was actually an inspiration for Walt Disney for Walt Disney World.
Starting point is 00:55:10 And so Jay Rieger, that it's just such a cool place, they're revitalizing the whole area and calling it Electric Park. And I doubt they'll be pumping beer into spigots, but that's what it used to be. And I mean, it was like, this is hard a prohibition area era. So you've got a lot of, just a lot of distilleries, a lot of bruise here in the area, great place. But yeah, the slide and J. Rieger, man, it's got to be one of the coolest places here in Kansas City. Until Reed's bar and hardware store becomes a thing. And you know what, if you think that you got to be worried about insurance with Reed's bar and hardware store, how much insurance you think they were worried about
Starting point is 00:55:48 with pumping beer into a park, you know? So forget about insurance. You know, back in the day when the insurance company was also the mafia, the guy funding the thing. It may still be the case though. Yeah. It's a city mob. It's not about what what you know it's who you know these days. So, uh, in need. So, and just remember that legal stuff is not a roadblock. It's just a speed bump along the way. So.
Starting point is 00:56:15 Hey, man, couldn't have said it better myself. All right, man, well, this was awesome. I can't wait for us to kick start our dream together. Our dream is, I mean, I've been dreaming about this since I was just a kid actually. So, yeah, I think it may be percentage wise, I'll go 60, you go 20,
Starting point is 00:56:37 and then he can go 20 as well. Yeah, I'm gonna have my mom call you too. Okay. Well, thanks for calling in, and I can't wait to see this dream become a reality. Indeed. Well, tell your folks at I and watch out for near. All right.
Starting point is 00:56:53 You too now. Real good now. So yeah, miles, that was, that's so much fun. That was a good idea. That is actually like, it would be fun to do that. Yeah, because think of all of the workshopping and the good bad, the bad good ideas that would come out of us sitting around having a couple beers, maybe taking a look at how we're going to get this snowblower running.
Starting point is 00:57:17 Yeah. You know, and there would be a lot of creative, a lot of old guys would come in and just start kicking it and then be like, that's all you got to do. And then I would start out. Damn it. But you would have been tinkering it with it all day. If you wouldn't have brought it to Reed's heart bar and hardware store. And the other thing, I think there's a lot of people and sort of like younger guys, gals, whatever, they don't necessarily note their way around tools the way like our dads did. Yeah. And I think that this would introduce, uh, do it yourself kind of mentality to a whole new generation. Um,
Starting point is 00:57:51 you know, I mean, it's, YouTube is a great way to figure out the stuff, but this is like YouTube with a bar. Yeah. Well, and it's like, maybe it can even be a side gig for all the retirees. Oh, they do. They're, they're to the bar just drinking and then you can just go up to them, be like, Hey, I got a gig for you. And then they just work on it and then go sit back down at the bar. It's great. Yeah, I've pays for the barbell. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:15 Ah, this is fantastic. All right. Well, another belly it up episode in the books, Charlie. How you feeling? Feeling great. I think the high hose is a great spot to sit, drink, have a burger, have a brew. And, uh, no, they actually have phenomenal burgers here. I've had them before. And so if you're hungry, we gotta get you one. All right. I'm going to do that now.
Starting point is 00:58:37 So guys, thanks for tuning into another episode of the Belly It Up podcast. And if you want us to come and belly up to your bar, we actually now have a form that you can submit. Nice. So if you go to our Instagram page at BellyDup pod in the bio, there'll be a little link. You can click on that. You can submit your bar. And you may just see us belly up at your bar someday. So again, guys, thanks for tuning in and we will see you in the next one. Don't forget to tip your bar tender. Tip your bar tender.

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