Bellied Up - California To Wisconsin #117

Episode Date: September 12, 2024

The first caller is a young fella in a sticky situation with his difficult roommate. The next caller is a Texan who needs advice on whether he should date a woman he's known for only a little bit.... The last caller is moving from California to one of the best states in the country and is wondering how to deal with the bitter cold. Check out our Clips Page 👇 Get Yourself a "Road Hunting for Ditch Chickens" hat 👇 Check out Charlie Berens Special "Midwest Goodbye" 👇 Check out Myles' Podcast "You Betcha Radio" 👇

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the belly to podcast. I am your host miles. You bet you guy here with my cohost Charlie Barron's my second chair. I'm the second chair. Tamborine kick. Yes. Miles you run this show here. You do. You guide it and you I am just your humble sous chef. No Charlie It's nothing without you. You're you're an integral part of the show Charlie. You're the skipper. I'm your Gilligan well guys speaking of Boats boats and and sailing. Yeah, you gotta sail We're here at the Long Bridge bar yet again in Detroit lakes, Minnesota. Vibes are immaculate. The sailboats behind us, the rum buckets are flowing. Charlie's
Starting point is 00:00:53 on his third one already. No, that's still miles. I see some swingers shuffling in here right now. Some pineapple shirts, some full mingos are coming in. They're gracing the week. A lot of Tommy Bahama getting thrown around. Yeah. Some boat shoes. We better get out of here miles or we might, you know, not get out of here alive. True. Speaking of boat shoes and boats though, Charlie. Yeah. I was thinking the other day you were thinking what day you gotta be kidding me It's been a couple does your mom know she'll be happy anyways Yeah, I was thinking Pontoons are just like living rooms on the water. They are they are
Starting point is 00:01:38 And why do they have to just be living rooms? Why couldn't they be kitchens on the water? Oh? to just be living rooms. Why couldn't they be kitchens on the water? Oh, you know, like what a boats. What should they have on them that they don't have on them? Well, that's a good question, but that's a really good question. So what like a punch because you, there are boats with kitchens there. They're called houseboats. I was both. Yeah. Or, or you on tunes. Yeah. I think every, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or,
Starting point is 00:02:20 or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, or, Usually what you do with the toilet you throw it away But if you put a little piece of metal on the bottom of it and put it down and then fill the till with coal You know you get a little great one of the toilets great with the toilets is you got a nice porcelain Cooking deal so you get that on the boat perfect. Yes, okay, so we have the toilet grill Mm-hmm, and then you need a toilet which is gonna be you can't do a real toilet So it's gonna be a bucket, you know Yeah, five gallon bucket for the toilet. Yes, or if you got an old grill laying around just stop a toilet seat on that That's actually smart cuz that'd be more comfortable. Yeah, so the toilet is the grill The grill is the old grill old toilet is the new grill old grill new toilet
Starting point is 00:03:03 What other stuff do we need on a pontoon Charlie? I just want to real quick before I say that's really genius because like a Weber you know you got the vents on the bottom so you fill the deal and then you just open the vents when you want to vent it out. Yeah. I mean like why don't we just have cupboards again sometimes have like the doors underneath the seats and stuff or underneath. Why don't we just install a cupboard and have like a snack pantry? Well, that would be good. And if you had it, you know, I'd be there. Cause I'd always leave the door open. Yeah. Is that what you do with your? Yeah. I never shut them. It's like,
Starting point is 00:03:39 it's like, why would I tie my shoelaces after I take my shoes off? You know, that's the same thing for closing cupboards. It makes no sense. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Other things that I'd like on them, you know, I think we want, I think every boat should have. Do you want me to go? Well, I was just collecting my thoughts. Okay. Well, you could tell I was collecting my thoughts. I thought may springboard you into the next thing. Okay. Okay. I'm sorry, folks. I was malfunctioning sometimes on the belly. That podcast that malfunction. I could tell it was it's embarrassing when it happened. Rodent got underneath the
Starting point is 00:04:21 hood and shoot the wires. You know, I think at the front of the pontoon, they, why don't we just have mini trampolines? So therefore you start on one end of the boat, you run and you jump off the trampoline into the water. That's freaking genius. Why don't we have tramp mini trampoline? You know what miles that is true. And also like diving boards, this is better than a diving board. But I was thinking just the other day. I was like, man, the most fun I had as a kid was going off a diving board. I like live for that. I live almost hit your noggin on the board. And then the life card you're trying to impress is like, Hey, you can't do that again. You got too close. How embarrassing. And I had a shot too. Yeah. She looks like Wendy peppercorns sitting up there. And you're like, so wait, you're telling me that if I do that again and I hit my head and I'm drowning, you're going to give me CPR. Am I hearing that right?
Starting point is 00:05:26 And she's like, yes, don't do that. And you're like, done. Just like squints, just like a good old squints. I didn't have the Cajones miles. I didn't have the cones. Anyway, let's start diving board on it too. Just for old time's sake. Well, a high dive. So you have the low trampoline and then climb up a ladder and diving board off the top. And I would like an arsenal of nerf weaponry. And then if someone's really pissing you off, it's not diving board anymore. They're walking the plank. Oh yes. In fact, let's just make it a plank because a plank is just a diving board, really a bouncy diving board. So, and
Starting point is 00:06:03 the high dive, you don't need more air. So we'll just make it the plank and someone's got to walk it at least once an hour, you know. Okay. Another thing I feel like you've got to have your standard practice to binge water, water ski situation, but you've got to kind of up the game a little bit, which is where the nerf guns come in. You know, you need and I'm not married to super soaker super soaker, super soaker. Yeah. Cause nerf is kind of fun. Like you can take it, but I think water guns would be great because it would be good to battle, you know, synchronize.
Starting point is 00:06:42 Well, then you'd have to have biodegradable nerf bullets. That's true. I wasn't thinking of that miles. You're so smart. You're so smart. So but a super soaker water ski thing would be pretty awesome. I feel you got to get the real big ones that hurt when you spray them, though. Well, Charlie, one can dream. One can dream someday. We'll buy a boat together and pimp it out.
Starting point is 00:07:05 Pimp my pontoon. P my P. OK, guys, we're going to take some collars and as Charlie would say, keep her moving. Oh, yeah. Welcome to the Bellied Up podcast. Who are we talking to today? Hey, Alex. Hey, fella. How the heck are you? Oh, not too bad. What's your name? Alex. Alex belly up to the bar and tell us where you're driving. Oh, I'm headed home. I just
Starting point is 00:07:36 played a played a few holes at the local golf course. How'd it go? What'd you shoot? Oh, you know, it didn't go too well. I shot an 84. Oh, that's great, dude. It'd be my best round ever. Yeah. It wasn't too good. I shot a 73. Wasn't my best. 84 is good, right? It's really not shot worse than my handicap. Yeah, that'll happen. That's been, uh, ever since I had a kid, It's my handicap has been going higher and higher. I feel like Creed and you take me to a place where blind men do. Anyways, what did you call in today? Alex roommate that I have, he's just not, not a very good roommate and I just need to know how to still be good old Midwest nice to them, but it kind of lay down the lawn them a little bit. Okay. Why is he not a good roommate? You got to
Starting point is 00:08:34 give us some more info. He, he provided the TV in the living room that we use. We offered to split it with him. He said, no, don't worry about it. I got an extra TV laying around. Well, we're sitting here, he's not a big football guy. It's Chief's season, we're watching the Chief. And he tries to hide the remote so we can't watch the Chiefs game. What does he, so, okay. He basically did not buy the TV for the house.
Starting point is 00:09:03 He just secured TV privileges for himself for the duration of the monopoly. Well, my question to you is, is he being mean or are you just mad that you got bested in the sense that he figured out a way to always be able to control the TV whenever he wants. You know, it's a little bit of both. It's a little bit of both. It's not that he can use the TV whenever he wants. It's that he uses the TV when he's not, or he doesn't let us do the TV when he's not there. What? All right, guys, I'm going to put this TV in the living room. Well, you can only watch
Starting point is 00:09:44 it if I say so. That's crazy. I'm taking my ball and going home. Yeah. How old are you guys? We're 22. Oh, sounds like that was going to be my guess. Actually. That's insane. Okay. So that's number one bad thing that he's doing. What else is rubbing you the wrong way? Much on the information, but we shared shower, right? And yeah, yeah. I'll wash your back. If you wash mine, what'd you say? He goes in there. He goes in there way too often. And so when I get a little suspicious and he comes out dry as a whistle and we're like, what's going on here? What are you doing in my shower?
Starting point is 00:10:37 He's jerking off. Exactly. That's what conclusion we come to. So do you think he's trying to tell the time out? Let's paint a picture. Do you think you say he doesn't get wet? So you think he's just lounging in the tub, just letting the gripping and ripping? Well, here's the thing. It comes out, he goes in fully clothed, comes out in the same clothes, not an ounce of water on. And then the shower head is, is pointed completely to the side. Yeah. Yeah. I think, I think, I don't know. I don't know how, I don't know how the heck I am supposed to address that. I mean, it just sounds like you're going to need a little extra Drano. Our drain already clogged once. Yeah. It wasn't too pretty, but I refuse to do it. Wow. This
Starting point is 00:11:32 guy sounds like a real jerk. Now sounds like a real jerk off. I say it's off, but is that it? Oh, there are some more odds and ends, you know, eating each other's food and, you know, using each other's stuff without, uh, what just like things that you wouldn't use with someone else. And just kind of like, why, why would you borrow? Why would you go into my dresser and borrow a shirt or a jacket? Like what, what you asked, you know? All right. Here's what you gotta do. What. What kind of what's your job? I work in insurance. OK. Do you want to sell us whole life right now or term?
Starting point is 00:12:16 Pardon? What kind of insurance are you selling? Oh, I'm just doing some underwriting right now. All right. Nothing too special. Nothing too special. So you can't just move out because that would be my number one suggestion. Oh, yeah. Oh, it's beautiful. And I'm locked in for another nine months. Okay. So you're in this for a long haul. I got a suggestion for you. If I know anything about the Midwest is we don't like confrontation. So you're going to need to do this passive aggressively. Yes. So what you're going to do is you're going to go on whatever the TV that they bought
Starting point is 00:12:53 their website and you're going to say, Hey, I lost my remote and I need a replacement. Then what you're going to do is you're going to program the new replacement remote to that TV, which then should make the other road remote not work. And so now he only gets to watch TV when you guys want to watch TV and he can say, but I bought the TV and you can say, but I bought the remote. Exactly. And then you don't have to say anything to them. It's just a nice passive aggressive approach. You know, bait and slump. Yeah. Cause a, a new remote's a lot cheaper than a new TV, you know? Yeah. But, but I'm more concerned about the other
Starting point is 00:13:32 thing, the shower. Perfect. So what you're going to want to do, well, where is he? You want to, I suppose you just want him in his room using a sock or what? Is that what you wish you would do anything? Anything but that it's not about the fact that he's doing it. It's the fact that I know when he's doing it and that he is doing it. And I am in a location and a shared space. More or less that you do it. God, I'm so why does it rub you the wrong way? I don't want to be I don't want to be, I don't want to be
Starting point is 00:14:06 standing on someone's children. I imagine he's washing it. Is he clean enough about it? I it's a little dirty. It's a little dirty in the old bathroom. Yeah. How much, how much, how much residue are we talking? I try to ignore it. Okay. Well, Charlie, what I got to clear my brain before let's give them some, some ways to get around this. He doesn't want them. It sounds like the issue is, is he doesn't want to see him come out of the bathroom knowing that he is currently in post nut clarity, you know? So what's a way that he can avoid this and maybe offer an alternative situation? Well, can you shut your door that way? You don't see them go
Starting point is 00:14:55 in and out. I don't think, well, you know how like in an apartment building or a neighborhood, they have quiet hours. Why don't you guys just have a designated jerk off hour? And then the rest of the house, you guys take shifts and the rest of the house goes like for lunch and then one hangs back and that's their J O hour. There's J O H and then you guys don't have to see the post nuts shame on his face when he comes out of the bathroom. Yeah, but he, he only drawn this side. The only time that he consistently does it, it's like clockwork 11 PM right there on the dot where I'm sitting there just minding my business. I mean, you got to respect a guy for having a schedule. Maybe, maybe here's what you do.
Starting point is 00:15:47 Maybe we had a couple episodes ago, a fellow who was selling contraptions to help with the self of the self pleasing variety. Perhaps you get him a contraption that would keep it all in one place, shall we say. And that way you know that it's gonna go straight down the drain and there's gonna be no, no, you know. Oh, I got it. I got it. So, so you know when you go get a haircut, Charlie? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:23 And they put the little cape around your neck so you don't get any hair on your clothes. Well, we need to invent. This is a million dollar idea. It's going to be called the cock cape. The, or you could just call it the cape. Yeah. So you put like the little cape around the base of your guy and then any, it's an easy cleanup. Nothing gets in the tub. It just goes right on the Cape. I view it as kind of more of a cone, like a dog when they get their neutered or spade or dog cone could also be a good one. Just take a dog cone, but you're going to have to like open up the top half of it. Cause I don't know how you're going to get, maybe this is a whole new, uh, there's a contraption on top of the dog cone that keeps the, and it's
Starting point is 00:17:10 perfect for roommates to rule. You know, there's a contraption on top of the dog cone keeps the splash. Cause I don't know how you're going to get your hand inside. Well, that's why the Cape is way better solution than your cone, but it keeps just going to flop right down miles because have you ever seen the beard, a Cape thing where you suction cup it to the mirror? Have you seen that one, Jared? You've seen that, haven't you? So basically it's like a Cape, but then at the bottom there's suction cups and you suction cup it to the mirror. So when you trim your beard, Oh yeah. So then you just suction cup it to the front of the shower wall. I could have really used one of those in your bathroom last night. I trimmed
Starting point is 00:17:51 up my thing and then you're talking about the J O H. No, I wouldn't do that. It ends there but you know, you got your, you got to do that ever. Just if. You got your, you got a white shank and my beard hair, thank God is not white yet. So you can see it all over the place. That's all right. What color it's me here. You know what? Forget. Here's the easiest solution. Just paint your tile white. You'll never know the difference. The title is already white. All right. Well then the, the, yeah. What do you think of the, the Cape idea? You think he maybe down? I think we split it three ways. I'm in, oh, you're in, oh, he wants a piece of our business piece of action commercially. All right. If you want in, you got to put up all the capital for it. Oh, okay. We'll
Starting point is 00:18:48 see what we can do here. I'll send you a prototype. Okay. Yeah. Look, if he makes the prototype, we'll do the capital because yeah. Okay. We'll be the capital investors. Yeah. We'll be the brain trust of the operation. Yeah. but it's not getting split three ways. Okay. Like you're, you've got to be like a 20% are on this cause you know, it was miles and my idea. I came up with the name. Well, I wanted to call it the different name, but more PC.
Starting point is 00:19:20 Hey, how about we throw in the old caveat that I'll lower my percentage when I can get a new apartment. Okay. We'll pay for apartment for you. If you only, if you come down to 5%, all right, that works for me. Done. Sweet. That's an art of the deal. We didn't even tell them where the apartment was going to be. What city are you in again? Oh, I'm in KC. Oh, well, we'll find you a sketchy neighborhood. Yeah. Yeah. Well, that's, um, I mean, okay. Well, I think we solved your problem. We got to get this prototype going. Hopefully we can get it done in the next nine months so you can test it out and see why'd you say nine months? He's got to be at the apartment for another nine months. I was thinking something else about nine months
Starting point is 00:20:11 anyways, I know Yeah, this is bringing up roommate PTSD for me, I'll tell you that right now Reminds me of this one time. I walked going to do it. I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it.
Starting point is 00:20:30 I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it.
Starting point is 00:20:38 I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it. I want to see my roommate trying to shave under his old ball sack in the mirror on the wall. So that was a pretty tight. Did you help him out? That's a tough location. Hey,
Starting point is 00:20:59 you know, I got in there shaving cream and everything. I cleaned them up real nice, don't worry about that. Good for you, you know, it's a good service you offer. Well, we're happy we turned your lemon into... Lemonade. Lemonade. So thanks for calling in and tell your roommate we says hi. Oh yeah, all right, you have a good one.
Starting point is 00:21:24 All right, You have a good one. All right. You too. Now. That's not a terrible idea. It's not a terrible idea. I think like, okay, you put that online. At least one person is buying that. Unironically, someone's going to buy that. It might not be. I'm not sure if it's a good idea to buy that. I'm not sure if it's a good idea to buy that. I'm not sure if it's a good idea to buy that. I'm not sure if it's a good idea to buy that.
Starting point is 00:21:48 I'm not sure if it's a good idea to buy that. I'm not sure if it's a good idea to buy that. I'm not sure if it's a good idea to buy that. I'm not sure if it's a good idea to buy that. I'm not sure if it's a good idea to buy that. I'm not sure if it's a good idea to buy that. I'm not sure if it's a good idea to buy that. I'm not sure if it's a good idea to buy that.
Starting point is 00:22:04 I'm not sure if it's a good idea to buy that. I'm you tried to make it a dog cone, but I know I wasn't clear as to what you were saying, but now that you more clearly said it, I would agree it was a good idea. Well, should we take another caller? Let's do it. Hey, my name's Antonio. I'm for Fort Worth, Texas. Arguably the best state in the US. Yeah, arguably.
Starting point is 00:22:40 I gotta tell you, I used to live down there in Dallas, and I got over to Fort Worth quite a bit. It's a nice, lovely city you got there. In my opinion, Fort Worth is... Sorry, I'm getting ready for work. So I'm all over the place right now. My opinion, Fort Worth is the best city in Texas. Well, and you're an unbiased source. My opinion or worth is the best city in Texas. Well, and you're an unbiased source. So we believe you.
Starting point is 00:23:11 Now, so what I wanted to talk about, so I'm 20 years old. And my question is, is it a bad time to get married at 20, 21 years old when we've only been dating for about a year or is that like the best idea ever? Oh, well, I want to hear what your answer is. One, two, three. And no, yes. Oh, okay. No, it's not the worst idea ever. It's just not the best idea. Yeah, I mean, every relationship is like a fingerprint. You know, you don't want to leave them at a crime scene.
Starting point is 00:23:51 So I'll tell you this right now. You've been dating the gal for a year. What is the rush? So I wouldn't necessarily there is a rush, but there also kind of is. So here's the thing. So I've known her for in total about five years, but we've been dating for about a year
Starting point is 00:24:09 and a couple of months now. And I think the main rush is, is her parents kind of tend to, how do I say this nicely? I guess I said they don't treat her like she's 20 years old. So like the hardest part is, is uh, like here's an example. I usually like to keep to myself, right? I mean, I don't like, I don't like a whole bunch of group of people and her family, she's, she's got a big family and she also has a twin.
Starting point is 00:24:45 family. She's, she's got a big family and she also has a twin and, um, that could be cool. So they, they like two for one deal. Don't get any ideas, miles. But, uh, anyways, what I'm getting at is like they miles. I know it's on your mind, you dirty dog. But, um But basically I don't like to be around her whole family all the time when I just want to be around her. If you know what I mean. Some days I just want to be by myself and includes her. I'm like cool. Let's you know that's I'm cool with that. But when I want to hang around her I have to be around her whole family
Starting point is 00:25:24 sometimes live with her parents. Yes. And no. So she has her own apartment and Waco, Texas. That's where she lives. And, but during the summer, cause she's going to school down there, Dan, the summer, she'll come back and move in with her parents. Then this summer, but doesn't have to necessarily, if you know what I mean. And so how is marrying her going to solve this? Yeah, this sounds like it's going to amplify your problem for a lifetime. This is like gasoline on the fire.
Starting point is 00:26:01 You think that's why I wanted to call you all. Yeah. Talk you off the ledge. This is the PSA portion of the show. Are you you can't even drink yet and you want to marry someone just so you can get her out of the house, out of her parents' house. It's not going to work that people don't change just because you marry them. If anything, it makes it worse. So you're going to be seeing a lot more of her family.
Starting point is 00:26:26 And if you're not a big fan of her, you are marrying her family. They say you're marrying the girl and that's a lie, dude. So that's, I mean, that's the reason why you want to get married. That, well, I do love her. Don't get me wrong. Like I said, I, it's not just solely so I can get her out of the house and I have her to myself. That's not what it is. Like I do want to have her for like, you know, for the rest of my life, I can see that happening. But the thing is, it's like, it's just hard. It feels like I'm sometimes dating somebody who's 16 still or something. You know what I mean? Yeah, I wouldn't say that in that way, dude.
Starting point is 00:27:07 Yeah, go ahead, marry a six-ton girl. That's really smart. She is 20, she is 20. Don't get me wrong, any CIA, any cops that she is 20, I've got the paperwork. I'm gonna be honest, if you have to put a disclaimer to the FBI that she is of age, I think it's too young to get
Starting point is 00:27:26 married. I'm with miles on that. I know you don't know this now, but Charlie, I want you to think about your brain. That old noggin of yours at 20 years old. It's not fully developed. Do you think that that brain was ready to get married? No. And making the wisest of lifetime decisions? No, you don't have an adult brain yet. That doesn't happen until you're 20. And I know you'll have an adult brain because you won't be calling up
Starting point is 00:27:55 asking if you should marry somebody after a year of dating them. I mean, now some people do it, but they've got a fully formed brain and, but they drink a lot. So look, anyways, I think there's no harm. And it's not that this relationship isn't good, Charlie. Just give it a few more years. Yeah. Cause you guys are long distance too. So you've still like, yeah, you've been dating for a year, but realistically you've only been dating for like a few months.
Starting point is 00:28:27 Yeah, I can see what you're saying. Cause distance makes the heart grow fonder, but you want to make sure that proximity also makes the heart grow fonder cause you're going to have a lot more proximity in your future. And you just don't know what that looks like yet. Yeah, I guess you're right.
Starting point is 00:28:47 Oh man. Wow, I didn't expect to actually like some pretty solid advice. Like that was hard. What is that supposed to mean? We are an advice podcast. This is our whole bread and butter here, dude. If we can't give solid advice, what are we even doing here? Yeah, I love how he wasn't even like it was good advice.
Starting point is 00:29:03 He's like it was solid. And that's our guarantee, Charlie is we'll give you at least solid advice. It will be cohesive. Yeah. Oh, I guess it's fair. All right. Did you did you buy the thing? Did you buy a ring already? Oh, no. OK, good. Thank God. What was at one point I was on the verge of buying a ring, but then I bought a car instead.
Starting point is 00:29:32 Smart, smart priorities, dude. Yeah. What was the thing you were going to say? Shoot. I lost my mind of thought. That's because you don't have a fully developed brain yet. Yeah. And it's train of thought too. So when you get that one down, like it's nothing, then you might be able to talk about the marriage. The evidence is damning here.
Starting point is 00:29:56 Did we buy enough time for you to remember what you were going to say? No. What do you like about her? I'm not going to lie. No, you're not dumb. You're just young. Oh, go ahead. You've thought her? I'm pretty dumb. I'm not gonna lie. No, you're not dumb. You're just young. Oh, go ahead.
Starting point is 00:30:05 You've thought of it. Young and dumb. What do I like about her? Well, she's very sweet. She's very, she takes good care of me. She's very kind. She's very understanding.
Starting point is 00:30:16 She knows kind of how I function as a person and she's been with me through like my growth, I guess over the years, because I used to be a totally different person than like who I am and today. So she's helped me kind of, I guess my path. Yeah. Cause like a few years ago you were 12, you know, like a few years ago you were playing with GI Joe's, you know, You were playing with GI Joe's, you know?
Starting point is 00:30:48 Yeah, I guess you're not wrong. And I'm like, I'm on the same boat with y'all as like it is too early, I believe. And that's why I like like because about six months ago, I was ready to like, all right, let's get this ring. Let's get this thing. Oh, also, another thing is her parents want us to save ten thousand000 before we get married. I mean, that's something I'm not like, that's a little bit. You know what? Cause they know they got to pay for the wedding. Yeah. Yeah. That's not, here's the thing. We don't want to, we don't want to pay for, we don't want a wedding. We just want to at
Starting point is 00:31:23 low and then travel. We don't want a whole big Samara ceremony and all that if you know what I mean mm-hmm yeah here's the deal there's no harm in waiting dude what I don't I don't know the difference between I mean yeah she's gonna spend some time with her folks, but yeah, there's no harm in waiting. We got this invention actually that you might like. Ha ha ha. Ha ha ha. Ha ha ha.
Starting point is 00:31:54 Ha ha ha. Bill Dean. Nevermind, I'll tell you when it's fully developed. Speaking of fully developed, you should do that first. Now let's say you win the lottery tomorrow. Still don't get married, because half of that could easily go to her when this doesn't work out inevitably. It's a great life lesson. Shut up, Miles.
Starting point is 00:32:14 If you're going to win the lottery, wait till after you get divorced. So, yeah, yeah, there's I'm looking at let me, you got to do a pro and con list. Have you done a pros and cons list yet? No. Yeah. Well, I can already tell you the cons far outweigh the pros, my guy. So yeah. And you know what?
Starting point is 00:32:40 At the end of the day, Charlie and I could both be wrong and you guys are a match made in heaven, you know, and you guys could be fully in love and soulmates for the rest of your life. But if that is the case, it's the harm in waiting a couple of years just to make sure. Yeah, I guess so. Yeah. And here's the thing, like I was kind of on the same boat as y'all. And I've even talked to like some of them like my parents about this and
Starting point is 00:33:06 stuff and they pretty much say the exact same thing to y'all. Yeah. Well I imagine y'all are probably a couple beers in huh? I wish. We are one run we are one rum bucket in. Miles we're at this one rum bucket in. Miles, we're at this sort of island-themed situation here. And Miles got all the fruity drinks with the rum in them, in a bucket and fruit. You know, when in Margaritaville, Charlie. Yep. Get a bucket that's not a margarita.
Starting point is 00:33:39 Yeah, well, we're glad we saved it. You got anything you want to buy, sell, or trade? Well, I actually do. I have my older pickup. It's a 2002 Dodge Ram 1500 with a 5.9 V8. 296,000 miles. Oh, geez. But you might be thinking, hey, that's a lot of miles.
Starting point is 00:34:00 But here's the thing, you're wrong. That motor, bulletproof until you shoot it, man. I'm telling you, the transmission is rebuilt 240,000. I've redone all the suspension myself. Does it got a Hemi? Everything's pretty much redone. Does it got a Hemi? No, I'd say Magnum. It was the year before they made the Hemis.
Starting point is 00:34:21 So 2002, they still use their Magnum. And then 2003 is when they introduced the Hemi. Gotcha. Speaking of Magnum, it's 296,000 miles Charlie, but it's a light to 96. It wasn't ran too hard. No, how much you want for it? About four grand, about all it's worth. Cause it's got a couple other things that they need done. Is that how much wedding ring you were iron down or what? If you were to say, it was about 10 grand, the car that I want, if you were to say it's about 10 grand,
Starting point is 00:34:57 then we would know that you're not taking us seriously here. If people want to get ahold of you to purchase that bad boy, how can they get ahold of you to purchase that bad boy, how can they get ahold of you? Instagram. Antonio with two A's in the front. Morales. M-O-R-A-L-E-Z on Instagram. So A-A. Antonio Morales with a Z at the end. Okay. On Instagram. All one way. There you have it. And A-L. Yeah. And you have it. And, yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:27 Yeah, and would you? Oh, also. Yeah, go ahead. Go ahead. No, you go ahead. I was just gonna say, would you accept a trade for this? Are you looking for anything? Anything that I want, it's not really the same value,
Starting point is 00:35:39 if I'm gonna be honest. Oh, that's smart. I'm mostly looking for another car. I'm looking at like some Audi or Volkswagen diesel cars. Oh yeah. Like the TDIs. Yeah. How about... I mostly want a gas favorite. Get yourself an old rabbit. Oh yeah. Yeah. Look at you, you know your things. Yeah. Remember the diesel rabbits from the 80s? Oh, nothing cooks like those. Well man, I, you know, I'm glad we were able to give you some solid advice today. And, hey, just be patient is kind of the moral of the story. I think, I think you're in a
Starting point is 00:36:19 good spot, you know, even though you seem like you got a good head on your shoulders, let's develop that brain and then let's make a decision on marriage. Okay. All right. Yeah, I, uh, I can agree with that. All right. Well, here's, here's one more question. Sorry. One more question, please. Uh, is being for Cliff certified help out in any of that aspect? Well, I guess I got to ask. It definitely helps you find a new girlfriend. I can tell you that much. You know, you're telling me you're 20 years old scenario. You're, you're a hot gun mechanic and you're forklift certified. I mean, there's going to be a lot of temptation coming your way. You better, uh, if she leaves your ass. You don't worry about it. You're going to be in good hands. Yeah. I guess so. Yeah. You're right. Yeah. Well, all right
Starting point is 00:37:12 guys. Well, uh, I guess one day I'll give y'all a heads up. How about that? Yeah. I'll shoot y'all another call. Yep. We'll pick up. Oh, all right. Cool. Well, thanks for having me on the good old Bellied Up podcast. You betcha, Antonio. Good luck. All right, appreciate it. All right. Have a good rest of your day.
Starting point is 00:37:34 You too. You too. He's gone. Yeah. Well, Charlie, I think we did another good deed. Yeah. Nice work, buddy. You know, it's not every caller I
Starting point is 00:37:42 feel like we save someone a whole headache and hassle. But on this one, it's not every color. I feel like we, we saved someone a whole headache and hassle, but on this one, I think we did good. I, you know, I will have to say that most of the time our advice is don't get married yet, except for that one lady that called in that was dating that guy for like 20 years. That's been the only time we've said like, you gotta get married. Maybe that's the challenge. Call in with a scenario that makes me and Charlie say, get married. Yeah. Give us that. We'll call. We it's not that we're anti marriage.
Starting point is 00:38:14 No, I'm happily married. Yeah. It's just, yeah. Well, should we take one more caller, Charlie? Let's do it, Miles. Guys, as we wrap up the summer, make sure you're doing it with a glass of Tippy Cow's vanilla soft serve as I got one right here. And so does Charlie. Oh, yeah. I didn't realize someone put that in front of me.
Starting point is 00:38:34 It's like savoring that last sweet scoop at the county fair or a harvest festival in North Dakota or Wisconsin. Whether you're celebrating Labor Day, closing out the summer season with friends and family or just enjoying a relaxing evening, Tippi cow adds a nostalgic touch to your gathering. It's creamy. It's delicious. It's got full flavor and brings a sense of joy and tradition to the table, making every end of summer moment feel sweeter and more special. It was beautiful miles. So here's a toast or toast. Here's to the end of summer. Delicious barbecues and the sweet taste of to be cal vanilla soft serve. May your harvest
Starting point is 00:39:17 celebrations be full of laughter, flavor, and the best of summer's final moments. Cheers to a season well spent to many more to come. Salute. As summer wraps up, many are hitting the road for one last trip. I know Charlie's hitting the road. I hit the road the other day. I fell off my bike. Well, if your travels are interrupted by a car accident, Nikolai law is here to help. He's our guy. What about a bike accident? I'm sure he can at least point you in the right direction, Charlie.
Starting point is 00:39:51 Okay. Cause they're experts in handling car accident cases. We don't know if they're experts in the biking, but I'm guessing they could do a pretty good job, Charlie. Okay. And make sure and we want you to make sure you get the help you need. So call Nikole law. Enjoy the final summer trip safely. And remember if trouble hits Nikole laws got your back. This is Nikole or call one eight five five Nikole to get more information. So that's what you got to do. What's it call one eight five five Nikole. So you get more information on your bike accident.
Starting point is 00:40:26 Well I hope they'll have my back because I could use a massage. Hi my name is Jeff. How are you guys doing? We're doing great. Did you say Jeff with two F's with two F's? Yeah they are P H. Those aren't real Jeff. Okay. So you would say that my name is Jeff. Dude, that movie ruined my life for like three to four years.
Starting point is 00:40:51 I can't resist. I couldn't resist. Well, belly up to the bar Jeff. What's on your mind? Well, I actually worked at a restaurant in Sun Prairie and we just got Charlie's brandy. All right. So I know he's got some great brandy recipes. Nice. Barron's old fashioned brandy, folks. Oh yeah, cause I know what, I need like a nail and a hammer for it too.
Starting point is 00:41:19 Yep, the nail would be holding the garnishes on and you can use a paper clip if you roll that out and the hammer is for, you know, my fridge is broken. So the ice kind of sticks together, you know, cause it's in that freeze thaw situation. So the hammer just breaks it up pretty good. Um, yeah. You know what I say about Barron's brandy? What do you say, Miles? It's great to cook with. Oh, it actually is great to cook with, Miles. You can make cheesecake, you can make a little mushroom batter,
Starting point is 00:41:53 mushroom situation, sauce for your steak. The list goes on. So, Jeff, what is your question here? I was gonna say dick move, Miles. Yep, total dick move, but that's a Miles situation. He likes doing that. Oh yeah, well, so someone new to Wisconsin, what is a great thing to know?
Starting point is 00:42:14 Cause I know winners are awesome over here. You guys got some advice for winter time for someone driving a Dodge Charger? You got a Dodge? Terrible car? Where'd you move from? California, because I didn't want to raise my kids out there and I got family over here.
Starting point is 00:42:35 All right, well, I like it. Wisconsin seems like a great state. It is, man. Welcome to Wisconsin. We are happy to have ya. As far as the brandy situation, I'd say old fashions, brandy Manhattans, those are kinda good.
Starting point is 00:42:52 Some I've heard have made Bloody Marys with the brandy instead of vodka. So the recipes go on and on and on. But your thoughts on just, you're about to, you came to Wisconsin at a great time. We got a beautiful summer going. But winter is gonna be a different beast. And that charger, I'll tell you,
Starting point is 00:43:17 the first thing you wanna do is fill that trunk with some sandbags. So I do have the sandbags, cause I was thinking the first thing to do is to sell it. Well, if selling it's on your agenda, that may help. But would you like to buy, sell or trade it? Anything to get me into a all wheel drive truck. Okay. So you'll trade it for all wheel drive truck. Good to know. Yeah. What's another game plan? What's another thing about Midwest winter that we should warn them about, Charlie?
Starting point is 00:43:50 You're going to whatever car you're in, especially for your first winner, you're going to want to drive slow. Take it slow. And and and I always say drive slow enough so the person in the front seat can fillet a walleye without giving themselves an accidental circumcision. That's how slow you gotta take it, all right? Another one is your grandma is sitting in the back seat
Starting point is 00:44:12 holding a hot soup that she's taking over and you don't wanna spill it on her. So those are a couple things off the top of the dome. Beyond that, well, I mean, we could go, always have a shovel in the back of your car. Have two ice scrapers, one for the deer, one for the, you know, the actual snow removal. Miles, you got any,
Starting point is 00:44:38 Miles is in a much colder area of the world. Fargo is like brutally cold. Charlie, I see you're stuck on the the car portion of the winter. Yeah, I was thinking more of the drinking portion You have a beautiful time from about Depending on when it gets really cold Let's just say November December and then end of February till the end of March, where you get to use the outside as your beer fridge. So be careful though. In January, mid February, it gets a little too cold and stuff starts freezing. Next thing you know, your snow is yellow and people are
Starting point is 00:45:18 going to start asking questions of what you were doing on the porch. You're going to want to be some good snow to eat, right? I mean, technically. That type of yellow snow. You know what, I scratched that. Put it out there, let them explode. Now you got a beer slushie. Beer slushie.
Starting point is 00:45:33 Yeah. Yeah, all right. Yeah, hey, I'll take it back. It's a fair game all year round. Yeah, you even kidding? If you, on a fresh snow day, you go out, get some of that, put that snow in a cup and pour A little brandy on it put yourself some soda on top of that you got a little brandy old-fashioned slushie puts
Starting point is 00:45:51 Don't forget the bitters now. We're you're gonna do that That's a winter video you bet your That might be a drink that I put on at the restaurant I work at put it on great idea Yeah, and if there's not snow just scrape the side of the freezer That might be a drink that I put on at the restaurant I work at. Put it on. That's like a great idea. Yeah. And if there's not snow, just scrape the side of the freezer. You know, that buildup, that's money right there. The other trick you could try right before the snowstorm,
Starting point is 00:46:16 go set some beers out on the driveway. And then when you go to shovel the next day, every time you find a new beer, you got a delicious treat to get you the next one. Just don't forget and use your snowblower. Otherwise, you're gonna... Only do that if you're shoveling. Yeah, you're gonna need a good stick. And don't go sticking your hand in the snowblower blade area. That's how you get unable to flip someone off. Okay. Yeah, that's a bad idea. So how do you convince your wife that moving
Starting point is 00:46:46 to Wisconsin in winter time was a good idea? You don't. You just hope that her love can last till April, maybe May, possibly June. Some years. I mean, the real answer is you take her on a warm vacation in February and she forgets all about how bad it was back home and then that buys you enough time for the snow to melt. Oh, beautiful ideas. Love it. Yeah. And yes, go ahead. Oh no, sorry. Go ahead. I'm not saying anything. I, I honestly think you don't take her on a vacation because if you do that whiplash back to Wisconsin, that might make matters worse. She may be tempted to move wherever you vacation.
Starting point is 00:47:33 No, there's nothing that solves any of your problems like vitamin D, Charlie, in the middle of winter. All right. I think it's... What kind of vitamin D are we talking? Whoa. Okay, you dirty dog. That's not appropriate for this. You did this guy. All right. I think it's what kind of vitamin D are we talking? Oh, wow. Someone's got a couple of kids at home.
Starting point is 00:47:50 This guy got two boys. Yeah. Hey, do be fucking. Get a have you guys gone ice fishing as a family yet? We have not. Well, there's nothing your wife is going to like more than getting out on a nice frozen lake. Forget the tent. Just get out there and just walk it. Grab a bucket.
Starting point is 00:48:15 Put some snow pants on. One of you can take the bucket. The other's on the knees. And I didn't mean it like that. Yeah, I'm talking about like, damn, I didn't mean it like that. I'm talking about like, damn, I didn't mean it like that. I had this beautiful iconic photo of two lovebirds out on the ice. Charlie, we know that ice or ice fishing is a problematic scene. You remember the news story that ice fishing leads to prostitution?
Starting point is 00:48:43 Yes, I remember that being claimed by. I got to hear the story. Well, I don't know that story. Just Google it. There's a where was he at again? Ohio. He was somewhere outside a suburb of Cleveland. I want to say Hudson, maybe Ohio. And the fellow claimed that there need to be stipulations on ice
Starting point is 00:49:03 fishing over at the park because that's a prostitution ring apparently there were prostitutes visiting these ice shanties and I says there's no way you can get those high heels on that ice like that so anyways the ice fishing is sounding pretty appealing at this point oh careful fella you're a married son. What's going on? I'm kidding how long you've been married to Joe how long you've been married For four years four years What is your wife do for living?
Starting point is 00:49:39 She's a hairdresser hairdresser and a and a bartender. I love it. That is a beautiful thing. And you guys get to save so much money at home because she's cutting everyone's hair and you're serving the drinks. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:57 You know, and then when I show up to work with a bad haircut, everyone knows the reason. Does she give you a bad haircut? No, she actually does a great job. Oh, that's good. Actually, I'm just kinda talking shit because it's funny. Backpedal's pretty good.
Starting point is 00:50:11 Yeah, I know. I'm surprised I'm even on this podcast. I'm like, you guys are hilarious, so I'm trying to keep up. Oh, no, you're doing good, man. Thank you very much. I appreciate you calling in here and I appreciate you slinging that brandy.
Starting point is 00:50:26 Hey, if anyone comes in, what's the name of the spot you're at? So it's called Johnny's Italian Steakhouse and I'm the manager at the one in Sun Prairie. So yeah, we're gonna do like a big drink special with that brandy. That's awesome. Gotta push it out there. So yeah, I figured I would
Starting point is 00:50:46 give a call in, say what's up. And then my first son's name is miles also. Let's go with a Y or an I with an I are you with a Y I am. Yeah. Oh, so he's one of the fake miles is he's yeah. Yeah. It's all right though. Same church, different pew. I love is your next name. Chuck. His name's Jimmy. Should have one. Just one letter, huh? Yeah. My best friend's name is Jay. That that will work for me. Jimmy. He said, Jay, what Jimmy. Well I've had enough of his buckets. Charlie's had one too many wrong bucket out here on the patio. And I didn't want any of the bucket, but here we are.
Starting point is 00:51:36 Well put yourself in old fashion on that menu and miles and I'll have to stop in there sometime. That is exactly what I was going to call it. Because I was thinking of the name for it and like a Oop old-fashioned. That is perfect. Just Oop fashioned. Yeah. Oop fashioned. Yeah. And then you just say, Baron's old-fashioned brandy in it. And then I'll bring you a shoe box of cash to keep that on the menu for a long time. That's how the booze business works. You know, a little bribery.
Starting point is 00:52:06 Sounds good. I'll get some stainless steel nails to use for the fruit for it and looking like we're good to go. I love it, man. I love it. Well, thank you so much for. Oh, hello. Is this Jimmy? Hey. What's your name? What's your name? Myles. Oh, is this Jimmy? Hey. What's your name? What's your name? Well, miles. What are you up to?
Starting point is 00:52:28 They've been crazy. He's playing. So sounds like a good kid. Yeah. Thanks for calling. We really appreciate you. And tell your wife, we says hi and. We really appreciate you. And tell your wife we says hi. And to just hang in there.
Starting point is 00:52:47 The winters get easier over time. Well, sounds good. Thank you guys for actually taking the call. Like I wasn't actually expecting to get through. Oh, well we- You guys are, get a lot of callers. We appreciate you, all right? You keep her moving.
Starting point is 00:53:03 Yeah, of course. And watch for deer out there. Oh yeah. You guys have a great afternoon. All right. You too. Now. Well Charlie I think that wraps it up for us here at the long bridge. We weren't here for a long time but we were here for a good time. You are swayinging like you just housed 75% of this bucket. You're doing the old sway, Miles. It's getting a little toasty out here. I gotta go maybe jump off the bridge.
Starting point is 00:53:32 Yeah, that would be fun. I know that sounds bad, but there's water underneath it. Yeah, don't worry about it, folks. And kids have been doing it all day, so it's safe, I think. It looks like fun. Charlie, go jump off a bridge. I'll go take a long jump. I'll take a short jump off a long bridge How does that sound? All right, folks only like 10 feet. Yeah, you can you can handle it in the end of it
Starting point is 00:53:59 There's muskies in that lake apparently hanging. I'll find some of them Well guys, I appreciate you tuning in to another episode of the Bellied Up Podcast. Make sure you tip your bartender and we'll see you in the next one. Bye bye.

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