Bellied Up - Charlie Goes On Blind Dates #30

Episode Date: December 29, 2022

Presented By Fleet Farm In this episode we have a Canadian woman call in and we ask her what she wants from a man, next caller is having trouble with a coworker, Last caller lives is a homeowner from ...Colorado and is trying to find a man.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back everybody Belly We love it hey folks welcome to another episode of the belly-up podcast. I'm your fearless toast Charlie barons And I'm your fearful host miles mod pleasure and I'm your fearful host, Miles Mon Pleasure. Mon Pleasure. I never saved my last name. It's not gonna wear. It's not gonna wear.
Starting point is 00:00:27 It was kind of uncomfortable even just saying my last name. You know why I don't? Oh, because it's not about you. No, actually, it was gonna say it's very hard to pronounce. So. Yeah, and it's very hard to pronounce. If you don't say, it's hard for you to pronounce. It's hard for anyone to pronounce,
Starting point is 00:00:42 especially after a couple of these beers. I cannot pronounce him without saying like, Mon Pleasure. I got a lot of you to pronounce. It's hard for anyone to pronounce, especially after a couple of these beers. I cannot pronounce him without saying like, Mont-Pleasure. I got a lot of mountain to pleasure, but you know, miles mount Mont-Pleasure is it's Mont-Pleasure. Mont-Pleasure. I'm kind of pissed I didn't know what O'Claire meant
Starting point is 00:00:59 because if it's French, you know, you should know. You're a Frenchy. That's why I don't get in bar fights. I'm trying to talk my way out of them. Yeah, speaking of which the bartender here at Palmer's was showing us his is It's what Charlie was this going on the bathroom? His hand punch the guy in the tooth guy and infected Deal if apparently if you punch someone in the tooth. That's the kind of charm you get go to the darks Go to the dashes. You don't know what funny things are hiding in people's teeth
Starting point is 00:01:31 Ginger vitus and whatnot you get in your well That's your hand doesn't know how to handle ginger vitus. Is that what happened? I guess. Oh, I'm that doctor I think the bigger less is just don't punch someone in the mouth with ginger vitus That sounds like a New Year's resolution. Yeah, give me a head for the temple instead of the mouth. No, that's it. But just don't, you don't want to punch people probably. Well, no, I don't punch people. I'm the freshman.
Starting point is 00:01:51 I don't fight. I'm a love another fighter. We we. Uh, my new years is coming up. Oh, we got we're getting into it. Well, I thought that I had this whole transition. I know I had a good. Oh, you had a joke.
Starting point is 00:02:06 No, no, no, no, no, let's rewrite. We want to take you. I don't remember it. No, I don't remember it. We rewind it. So New Year's Eve. Oh, no, no, I'm not in the mood to talk about New Year's. Because you're not then let's just sit here.
Starting point is 00:02:19 Okay. So call comes in. Okay. So Miles New Year's is coming up. I believe that there's two ways to do New Year's. Okay. And this is gonna be pretty obvious. It's mostly like anything, but stick with me.
Starting point is 00:02:37 Okay. Low key and high key. Low key, high key. I'm a rock middle of the road. I think high key goes from about 18 to about 24, 25-ish age wise. And then after that, it's pretty low key. New Year's Eve. Until I feel like my parents went growing up, they would like once we got old enough to like stay home by ourselves on New Year's, they would get like a they go out with their friends on New Year's again.
Starting point is 00:03:06 Oh, yeah. There's a window there where it's like 25 till when your kids are old enough that you're just doing nothing. You're just chilling at home. You're watching the Dick Clarks. Dick Clarks New Year's Eve. Oh, it is still, it's still called it with Ryan C. Crest, right? Or is it Dick Clarks?
Starting point is 00:03:24 Dick Clark productions. I don't know. It was Dick Clarks, New Year's Eve Bash or whatever in the ball drop in. Yeah. No, they still drop the balls or they drop the ball. I hope people's balls are still dropping. That's all I got to say. I mean, I just could turn to a weird world.
Starting point is 00:03:40 Yeah. Yeah. Well, we took the we're off to a good start in this podcast. Miles. So what, what's your favorite thing to do on New Year's? Charlie. My favorite thing to do on New Year's. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:03:56 I'm not, I'm not like a high key New Year's guy. I didn't see. No one is favorite thing to do on a low key New Year's. I don't, I don't know. I, I, let's start over no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, Do it that often. Super basic, dude. But here's the thing. Super big. This is a, have you ever had a champagne buzz that's just perfect? Oh, lines up with the ball drop that midnight. No. So I've been doing it wrong. I think this sounds like a country song called champagne buzz. Get a bottle of odd.
Starting point is 00:04:39 Yeah. Yeah. Pain buzz. Oh, new years day. Yeah. She left me with a champagne buzz, no one to kiss at midnight. She left me standing in a great country song right there with a shame. And no one ever talks about champagne buzzes ever. It's always beer and whatever. Yeah. And now they're getting into white clothes. Everybody's, can I get in on your next album? Yeah. I had to do it publicly. Otherwise, you just said no. I would have said yes to your face and just, you know, never returned your call on it.
Starting point is 00:05:15 Come on, I'm from the Midwest. Oh, yeah, actually, we already, the whole album, done already, Miles, do you want to be in on it? Miles? You want to? I'm thinking that we just wrote a song right now all right Let's let's start from the top Or the chorus champagne buzz it is a river. You know, look that song same type of vibe, you know You know, you know same vibe. I think you should take singing on a synth because you're like right there. You're at the precipice. You sound like my seventh grade choir teacher. That wouldn't let me into choir class because of it. So my my like seven. I think it was younger. I think fifth grade choir teacher.
Starting point is 00:06:03 Um, I remember we were all singing. And naturally. No, but I remember I remember I was singing. I was singing so bad that Mr. Skinner. I remember that. He said, Hey, let's try this one more time. Everybody sing except you. Malvet.
Starting point is 00:06:24 Yeah, just lip syncing. Yeah. I want you to do it's like that I'm how am I supposed to learn if you won't let me sing I mean that sounds like me in Seventh grade and choir class just lip syncing. That's what I would do. So you yeah, well the guy that you do Adam Adam girl you guys sing and then music video will be me lips thinking it or like it Let's do it champagne buzz. It'll look like a lot like when Chris Farley did chippendales I'm thinking cuz you know and Christmas Eve you dress up real fancy with like a bow tie new year's Eve New Year's Eve. What I said where you said Christmas Eve? Dammit. New Year's Eve you dress up nice, you know, it's a black tie affair
Starting point is 00:07:03 I'll just wear the you know, it's a black tie affair. I'll just wear the, you know, I'll be chipping, uh, chipping Dale's Chris Farley. I, I like that. I like that. Just not that, not, not BOTI and, and your chest hair and your cuff, your cuff length. Yeah. Um, Miles, so do you, have you ever opened a champagne bottle
Starting point is 00:07:19 with a knife, you know, I, I don't trust myself with that. You know, I've watched too many internet videos now to even attempt that. Yeah. I, um, I, who I've done it. Yeah. Is it, is it, is it pretty cool when it works? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:34 When it works. Yeah. But, but then sometimes you can get like, if you do it wrong, and I've done it wrong before too, and it's just not worth it. Don't do it. Do it on a bottle. What's the cheap stuff? Andre.
Starting point is 00:07:46 Andre. Cooks isn't cooks kind of cheap too. Cooks the same church different view. Same church different view. Same. Yeah. Same shelf at the Piggly Wiggly. You know, oh wait, are they not a sponsor?
Starting point is 00:08:00 What's your what's your one? What do you guys do? Don't you have what's it called? Not holiday, the grocery store, I'd forget. IV. IV. Yeah, I can never, they don't have high v's where I'm from. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:14 Yeah. They got that at a high v. Yeah. Oh yeah. Maybe we do that at the high v. Anyway, we started off with a great plan of what we were going to talk about in this intro. And I think I screwed it up already.
Starting point is 00:08:27 We're at Palmer's by the way here in Minneapolis. You see, I edited in real life. I edited in real life. No, just let it ride. Just be in the moment. Let's get in the present. You and me. We're each other's presents.
Starting point is 00:08:38 Do you want to go a roto bottle of Andre now? That would be great. That would be cool. Should we do it out of a paper of Andre down. That would be great. That would be cool. Should we do it out of a paper bag? Yes. And we're going to do it right on the street right here. Right. Paul Mercer. That's perfect. The thing this is pre-recorded and not live. Yeah. Yeah. Um, so, um, that's really a champion. Your favorite thing to do on New Year's favorite way to bring in the new year. I don't ever do it otherwise. Are you a New Year's resolution guy? Oh, how am I? Is he?
Starting point is 00:09:10 Jared, Jared, Mike, Jared, I want you to tell the folks. So we do New Year's resolutions on you bet you're radio found, Rob podcast we found. Yeah. Every year. Yeah. And what was my resolution for 2021? Uh, shed some weight. No. What was it? What it was to get to get cut? Yeah. Oh, it was to get cut. Well, you've been, you've been cut. And they want to know what I know on this year.
Starting point is 00:09:35 Yes. But in 2021, when I made the resolution, yeah, I walked on a treadmill twice. The entire year, The whole year miles. I tried hydroxy cut that didn't work. Turns out mix in hydroxy cut and beard doesn't work. Hydroxy cut and beard don't mix. It's like oil and water. Well, you've been, you've been golfing is pretty much a treadmill, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:10:04 Yeah, do you remember unless you're just, of course, unless you only, because I have a rule. I don't golf unless I can ride golf. Really? Dude, I, there's been, so early on in the year, right? Yeah. The golf course is sopping wet from all the snow melting stuff. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:10:23 Everybody call me like, hey, we're going golf. You want to come and, yeah, he's like, just so you know, it's walking only you get a push car. I go, hey, I'll catch you next time. Hey, I haven't seen you in 20 years. We were great friends. You want to go golfing? Yes, of course.
Starting point is 00:10:39 We're walking. I'll see you in 20. I'll see you next 20 here. You ever go for his be golfing? For all thing? Yeah. Well, so wait, does the, does the industry, the, they call it fralf or do they call it disc golf? I think they call it disc golf, right? I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. call it fral. I mean, I really don't know.
Starting point is 00:11:05 I don't, I don't really play this game. I've been pretty public on you bet your radio saying that Frisbee golf slame. It's super lame. I mean, are you kidding me? But, you know, if you think about it, golf is pretty lame too, you know, okay. All right.
Starting point is 00:11:23 I mean, seriously, that's cool. It was that. All right. I mean, seriously. That's cool. It was that. All right. What? Are they a sponsor? Golf is a sponsor. Yes. Look, I golf.
Starting point is 00:11:32 It's the only sport you can do in your like 90s, dude. I'm not saying it's bad. I'm just saying it's golf. You just don't like all the rules and snobbery around it, right? I don't. I don't like that. I don't love it either, but I do respect it. You know? Okay. Well, all right. So I don't respect it, but what I would I I respect the rules of golf do you? Yeah, the etiquette of golf. I do respect because yeah, you got a golfer And so he growing it's that makes sense this makes sense because you got so pissed at me when I was golfing with you and I was
Starting point is 00:12:07 being disrespectful on the course. Yeah. It's like the one thing that I don't do that's bottom shelf. You know, it's like, Hey, we're spedig it on the course. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, look, look, I respect the fact that you respect something. That means a lot.
Starting point is 00:12:24 Yeah. That means a lot. Yeah. That means a lot. I respect the fact that you have so much respect for. Do you talk your shirt in? It's like the only thing I have standards for. You know what? You know what? Ruinedip for me, though, I was a caddy early on
Starting point is 00:12:38 at a country club. I think we've talked about this on some podcasts, right? I think so, but some jackass. You left after nine holes didn't you? You remember stories. I don't remember telling oh my gosh Well, so what's your resolution this year pal? Okay. This is you put me a little bit on the spot. Okay You know, I started working out this year. You look good. 2022. I've, you know, I've been, uh, I was a little bit on like, you know,
Starting point is 00:13:10 went to the game Vikings game, all that. So I'm, you know, I'm not in tip top shape right now. But give a flex. Give a flex. Do you mind? I'm not. No, I'm not. That's not me flexing yet. Can you flex? No, I know your arm is shaking. No, I'm not.
Starting point is 00:13:24 You have. No, you have man's face. All right. It feels the same. No, I haven't flexed yet. Can you flex? No, I know your arm is shaking. No, I'm not. You have no man's face. All right. It feels the same. No, I haven't flexed yet. Okay. All right. I haven't flexed yet. I'll let you know I'm ready to flex. What do you think of it? What do you think of it? What do you think? It's hard. It's pretty hard. Yeah. You know, you do it. You got some big biceps. Yeah, and I wasn't even flexing.
Starting point is 00:13:49 So. Oh, man. Now, my New Year's resolution this year is to get back to my drinking weight. I don't like me losing a few pounds. I think I'm going to get back up. OK. Volking gear.
Starting point is 00:14:04 Flask guy, right? Yeah, well, that's another one. So I want to me, you know, losing a few pounds. I think I'm gonna get back up. I'm walking here. Flask guy, right? Yeah, well, that's another one. So I wanna get, you know, I don't like me cutting weight. That's, you know, I just, it's like, I can go up a flight of stairs and not get out of breath, which sucks, you know? Yeah. No, actually on YBR,
Starting point is 00:14:23 short for Ubic Radio, where all podcasts be found. I've heard of that podcast before. My New Year's resolution there is to become a flash guy and a thermos guy. So basically all metal containers is what I'm going for in 2023. You know, thermos, it's a represent, represent, it's representative of coming to work to work. I like that. You know, thermos, it's a represent represent it's representative of coming to work to work. I like that. You know, I like that guy shows up to work with a thermos. You know that guy's getting shit done. He's not pissing around going out to Starbucks in the middle of the day. You're not going to those other fancy coffee places. He's also not doing any coffee pot talk either. He's also not doing any coffee pot talk either. Yeah. He's got that baby parked right next to him on the desk
Starting point is 00:15:07 and he's just working away. So that's really what my New Year's resolution this year is. I like that. I like that about you. You know, I'm thinking that this year, I'm gonna try and do more stuff. Oh,
Starting point is 00:15:19 oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, That's a good bartender. I know. A great bartender sees you spit out your beer like I just did and has like a napkin before the before the beer even hit the bar top. She handed me a napkin. So you just want to do more stuff. It's not what was so funny that you spit out your beer.
Starting point is 00:15:45 No, I want, oh, I turn my mic off. I wanna, you know, last year I spent, I spent a lot of time not, like I spent a lot of time working and stuff. And I just want to, I want to fix that dumbass carburetor, you know? You want some more time to yourself. Yeah, I just, I want to think around in my garage more. You want to, you want to really think
Starting point is 00:16:07 about all the hobbies in your life, really? I used to be a hobby guy, I know. And then now you're just working so long. I'm just a workaholic girl, darn it. And I'm, I'm gonna learn how to, it was so hard. I'm, thank you. Yeah, at least somebody sees it.
Starting point is 00:16:21 No, I know it. And I, and I told you, you told me how many shows you did last year. Yeah, at least somebody sees it. No, I know it. And I and I told you you told me how many shows you did last year. Yeah, I said Cripes all friday. Yeah, you would say yeah, and I couldn't believe how many shows you were doing so I'm not touring till the fall I am gonna be dinking around in the garage a lot that is my New Year's resolution I'm gonna I am gonna rebuild that carburetor. I'm telling you that right now I believe you and I need to do it in the next month before the real good snow comes. Because I'm getting that. I'm getting it out on Lake Winnebago. Oh, yeah. I like that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:51 That's it. Boom. You know what? I'll keep it simple. Get that snow. Uh, snowmobile out on Lake Winnebago. Get it. Homin. Get that 1980 Yamaha Homin. Like it's a 1982. You know? Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. You know, there we go. Close some air through the holes in the carburetor and get that bad boy up and rocking and rolling and you're on your way, we're on our way. You know, it's funny. Can you probably one thing though? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:18 Just winter that if you're going to get that thing humming, yeah, I want you to drive the snow and be able to a bar and have a beer at the bar and park your sled outside. I'll do that for you. I'll do it right. I'll do it at at smitties in Fondalac. There we go. Yeah. Or smitties.
Starting point is 00:17:32 Fondie. My folks dogs name is smitty and I always mess them up. I call it smitty, but smitties my dog's name. It's smitties. It's a name of the Fondie. Yeah, I go there with my grandma's shoe a lot. That's her name, her main staple you want maybe I'll get grandma's su on the back of the sled Oh, that was close. I almost put my beer on again. Stop drinking when I'm talking Jay's just that funny so guys
Starting point is 00:17:57 If you want to see a funny show go to Charlie Barons this show this coming year the fall and the fall be looking for the dates barons this show this coming year, the fall and the fall. Be looking for the dates. Stand up, show. I guarantee that you'll spit out your beer at least once, at least once, because it goes down the wrong pipe. You know, what I also want to do since we're talking about it. I want to do Charlie. I want to scuba dive. I've never tougher to do up here than you know, but you know what the great lakes have some of the best Scuba diving. Do you got to get scuba certified? Yeah. Oh, yeah, it's not like a forklift. You can't pretend
Starting point is 00:18:34 I was gonna say all your scuba certified hotbearance No, I well, I'm not I've snorkeled, but you know, like scuba diving. Same church, different peel. Yeah, it will, you know, and you know, you know, you guys knowing like bird watching scuba diving opens up a world of underwater birds, you know. What it does. Yeah, I mean, I've never thought about that. Tell just now. No, I was going to the river. I live close to a river and I now. No, I was going to the river. I live close to a river. And I, some of these, some of these water docks, oh my gosh, they get down there for a while. How cool would it be to see a bird? I thought you were referring to fish as, as, as aquatic birds. Yeah. Well, that's what you're saying. You want to go somewhere and see actual birds dive underneath the water. You want to go somewhere where you can, you can scuba with loons is what you're saying.
Starting point is 00:19:27 Yeah, looted diving. Yeah, I didn't know that. I thought you meant, I thought it was a metaphor that fish are the aquatic birds. I, that is a metaphor I've made before as well. All right. Oh, there we go. I think we got a big 2023 ahead.
Starting point is 00:19:43 I think we do. And I'm excited. Happy New Year to everyone big 20, 23 ahead. I think we do. And I'm excited. Happy New Year to everyone. Yeah. And Miles. I'm sorry I called golf lane. I know. I know you didn't mean it. I did. I mean, I did it and I didn't. I was really, really nice about the scuba diving.
Starting point is 00:19:58 And and and the carburetor talk. And you were kind of shit on the golfing. I know. And so that's why I feel bad Because I was waiting for you to shit on me and you had it. I know and so now I'm apologizing. Thank you That means a lot. It would make me feel better if you shout on me a little bit But we got a whole podcast for you to do that. So okay, should we take some callers? Callers ahead. Hello. How are you today? Hello. I'm doing great. What is your name? Hello, how are you today? Hello, I'm doing great. What is your name?
Starting point is 00:20:32 Jess I'm good. Jess. Where are you calling in from Jess? Canada oh Callin from Canada All miles is doing a bad Canadian impression and Miles is doing a bad Canadian impression and just what you think of his Canadian impression was it good or was it laxed a daisicle? It was laxed a daisy. Oh Miles, you can do better than that. Okay, well tell me this, when was the last time you were at a Tim Orton's? Pardon me?
Starting point is 00:21:01 Yeah. She said pardon me. I didn't catch I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:21:16 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Why don't you belly up to the bar with us and tell us what's on your mind? Yes. I would love to. I got a quick question. You're not the weird ass, Jeet. I mean, I've been trying to find the cheese to my cookie and I'm finding it's a little delivered or the whole thing under my hands. I'm going to be honest with you. Charlie and I have been doing this for a couple years now and we've never heard that one before. No, but that deserves to be on a shirt.
Starting point is 00:21:52 So you have a lot of things to do. I'm going to be honest with you. Charlie and I have been doing this for a couple years now and we've never heard that one before. No, but that deserves to be on a shirt. So you haven't found the cheese to your protein is what you're saying. I have not I have not found the cheese to my protein. Okay, well, talk about my beaver.
Starting point is 00:22:21 What would say that again? You say I said I haven't also found the band to my beaver. All right. All right. You just keep talking. That's what this podcast can be. You just keep rambling.
Starting point is 00:22:40 It's all going to be jolly. We'll just listen. What else you got? What what what kind kind what kind of damn is your beaver looking for? The good side. Okay. Well, did you ask her what her beavers looking for? She did. She's not miles. Let's let her talk. She's saying gold here. What what are you looking for in a damn? Oh, well, you know, the good kind of, you know,
Starting point is 00:23:11 good kind of logs for know. Oh. Okay. Well, I'm not sure on that. Whatever one will do the trick. Okay. Are you looking for one log? You're looking for a couple. What's how many logs we talking? Just run.
Starting point is 00:23:35 Okay. So it's going to be pretty weak damn is what your sand. That's that's right. It's going to be a weak damn. Hey, no, no, no, no. It's got to be such a good log that it is the whole damn is what you're looking for us. What I understand, a log to fill the dam. That is what I am looking for. Exactly. You guys know what I'm talking about. Yeah. Well, how are you going about finding this log log?
Starting point is 00:24:07 Well, I thought Trot's some different avenues, but they all lead to some very strange thing. What's the strangest thing you've been led to? Well, I went to Gate and he took me to a taboo show, show which you know, I'm the kind of gouda for him to get into the white panel ban with the promise of candy and puppies. But that one was a little different when he left me for his sisters. There's a lot to
Starting point is 00:24:43 tell me. Okay, can we use the second call from Canada that's been absolutely banana gone down. I'm not going to say that. I'm not going to say that. I'm not going to say that. I'm not going to say that. I'm not going to say that. I'm not going to say that. I'm not going to say that. I'm not going to say that. I'm not going to say that.
Starting point is 00:24:58 I'm not going to say that. I'm not going to say that. I'm not going to say that. I'm not going to say that. I, that was my question too. It is the naughty but nice sex show. So what is that? It's a cool zone. You get to do that in Canada? We get to do that in Canada. They come through and they're, you know, they're an interesting, an interesting process program. But you can go and do all kinds of stuff there. I was rocking the pole dancing in the party bus. And you know, some people have a bag of bags. I got
Starting point is 00:25:32 a bag of sex toys. Oh, okay. So I mean, I'm there. More toys in there and tricks to make Mr. Rogers blush. Wow. Yeah, I mean, I'm blushing a little right now to be honest. So it doesn't just take Mr. Rogers and I can probably see this. I ain't no Mr. Rogers. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:56 So it sounds like the tipping point was him leaving with his sisters, which is a fascinating thing. Was he going home to their folks house because there was a family party or when you say go home with his sisters? Are you in Red Door? No, I'm not. Well, you get there. There's someone there who sounds a lot like you. And so when was the moment you realized this had gone south on you?
Starting point is 00:26:32 Well, like I say, when the sisters showed up and he left with the sisters, so the sex, the biggest sex toys was like, hey, you know, I can look past the bag of sex toys. Is what you're saying? was like, Hey, you know, I can look past the bag of sex toys. Is what you're saying? Not one of the sex toys became because I was rocking the pole dancing. Okay. So you got those as a reward for pole dancing. Yes. And no, I don't work in a strict strip club. That's actually we were never going to assume that. We have a real studio and I have one in my basement too.
Starting point is 00:27:06 Oh wow, well very good. So you're getting practice in at home miles. You know, if you're looking the, uh, uh, my, my, I've been looking for a pole dancing club to join. So you're saying you know a good one? Uh, I have one in my basement. I don't know if it's a good club to join. I mean, it's parties only usually me in the cat. Ah! Disturbo. Oh, that's in the cat.
Starting point is 00:27:32 Sorry, look at it. You had a bunch of cats. OK, OK. When someone's like, oh, not a bunch of cats. Just one cat. Oh, just one cat. That is important to know since you are looking for a. OK, so one, get a cat, two,
Starting point is 00:27:45 what kind of strip of pole am I looking for to put in my basement? Well, you want the good stainless steel about inch. Because God forbid you get any stains on that thing. That would be bad. You don't want to see the straight. You don't want to see the pole dance
Starting point is 00:28:04 and you don't want to see the pole dance and the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the
Starting point is 00:28:11 the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the
Starting point is 00:28:15 the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the more. Okay, so now we do have to get to this point. When you say this guy leaves with his
Starting point is 00:28:28 sisters, where is he going with his sisters? I thought what's the part I'm not really sure where where he exactly went with his sisters, but he left with his sister's and left me there by myself. Okay, before we get into how we're going to find you a good log. Yeah. Do you think he wanted to take you to a taboo show because you had mentioned that you do a little pole dancing with your cat in the basement? Do you think that that tipped him off at all? It might have tipped him all? It might have to come off it might have But like I said, I'm I'm down for I'm down for whatever
Starting point is 00:29:12 Okay down for whatever but not him leaving with his sisters Can I just clarify this because I've been trying to several times? He wasn't like leaving with his like he and his sisters weren't like hitting it off at like he was talking to picked him up Is what you mean right? No, they showed up there and he went home with them. But when you say when he home with them, like to a family party or to something, like they dropped him off at his house, like what kind of going home are we talking?
Starting point is 00:29:41 Is this a job free situation? Just job free. I've just seen Game of Thrones job free as the product of an home are we talking? Is this a jafrey situation? Have you seen Game of Thrones? Jafrey is the product of an ancestral relationship between Cersei and spoiler alert. Oh, sorry. Sorry. Game of Thrones. Because I was getting that we are delivering five. Okay, I just, I'm be honest, I didn't want to be the one that
Starting point is 00:30:04 brought up the I word. I didn't want to be the one that brought up the I word. I didn't want to bring up incest Charlie did so you think it was or wasn't an ancestral relationship. I'm not sure. I was like I was a little scaffold by the left with them, but you know, I did it I would have really been doing your family, you do it your family. So big game of thrones fan on the phone. That's nice. Um, okay.
Starting point is 00:30:33 Okay. Okay. So let's find a, let's find a good guy here. What kind of guy really makes you a tick? Give us the three things that you need in a Canadian fella. Oh, he's got a rock some bit overall. He's got to be able to rock those. Look, damn good. I agree with that. Bib overalls. Number one. What's number two? He's got to be outdoorsy outdoorsy. You're doing great so far. What's number three? Number three is he's got to be into some whiskey. It sounds like you're looking for a Midwest
Starting point is 00:31:17 man. You need to have a little south and head to the Midwest. Sounds like you're looking for a Midwest fellow. What do you think, Charlie? Well, I think that head to the Midwest. Sounds like you're looking for a Midwest fellow. What do you think, Charlie? Well, I think that might be the case. Now, I feel like what you just mentioned, you should be able to find all around Canada. And if you cannot, the Midwest has its doors wide open to you because outdoorsy, whiskey, overalls,
Starting point is 00:31:42 bib overalls, does he need to be wearing a shirt under the overalls? Yes or no? No, this has got a nice sprinkling of chest hair Not too much just a nice dusting So just a little All right with that all right little taco meat is what you're looking for. I like that. I like that. Charlie, can you provide any taco meat to the situation? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:10 So I have a little talk. Is that what you're saying? Do I have a little taco meat on the chest? I do actually think. No, no, and I, I, it's sorry. Yeah, but you did on one of our episodes early on. What'd you wear to the bar? Oh, I wore bib overalls
Starting point is 00:32:26 to the bar. He wore bib overalls. It was on my birthday, actually. Yeah. Yeah. I want to know in my book. Where are you rocking them and looking pretty fine? Oh, what's I ever was he? I mean, I tell you what, I had to offend some women off of the stick because they were trying to not let us do the podcast because he was looking at fine. I was rocking them bibs. I tell you that much. And there's something to be to quit desirable about the bibs. I mean, it's much better than the skinny gene man that's wander around.
Starting point is 00:32:58 Yeah. Well, there's some guys who can't help wearing skinny jeans. They buy regular jeans And down south here, we call them American thighs. And sometimes regular jeans turn into skinny jeans because you got a little extra meat on the bowl. Some of us can't help that, right? So cool. Yeah, I was showing up with the skinny jeans going, you know, going out and doing some outdoorsy stuff. And yeah. And then you end up, you know, getting a little, you know, frightened of the noises in the bush. And then he pushed me down. Are you pushed me down and like took off running, but the trick was on him was I had the keys to my truck.
Starting point is 00:33:42 So, you know what? Have everybody? Time out. Okay, hold on. This was another date you were on. You were in the woods and a guy puts you in. Another date I was on. Like I said, have you guys not been on some weird dates? These are the kind of men in Canada. Okay, I mean, I can say I've never asked a woman to a taboo show. And I don't think I've ever pushed a woman down in the woods. So, no, I cannot relate to this. And I don't know anyone who's going home with their sisters here.
Starting point is 00:34:15 I mean, what's your dating app? 23 of me, what's going on? Ha know, Facebook, match, whatever it is. Okay. Tinder. But these are the fellows that are out there. And like I say, when he, the one that, when we went hiking, he wanted, he wanted to come. I was going by myself and he wanted to come with and I said, okay, so we're going in. And yeah, he heard a noise and he totally like just pushed me down and like took off. But he was also leaving a nice trail of trail mix behind because he thought that he could find a way back with that. He's just attracting bear just like they're leading him right to him.
Starting point is 00:35:07 Um, well, I mean, in his defense, not to defend the guy, but in his defense, you don't got to run faster than the bear. You just got to run faster than the other person. So he probably is trying to get ahead and start with the old push down. As long as he really pushed you like was in an accidental. He got scared and just was it snowy was it was it was it. Yeah, was it. It was full. It was full on pushed me down and brought his dog and the dog leash wrapped around my ankle and I fell and he was gone. I definitely had a better date with his dog than with him.
Starting point is 00:35:45 This is so bizarre. Where do you find these guys? Socks. This guy sucks. Like, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. What was he? What was he? All right, Charlie. I hear a bear in the woods. What do you do? Well, what kind of bear we talk?
Starting point is 00:35:58 Doesn't matter. What be any bear? You figure out what kind of bear it is first. The answer is you get in between you, you go bear you then the gal. That's the answer. You always make sure you're in between the gal and the bear. That's number one. Is it a polar bear? Because if it's a polar bear, we're just, no, we're just all, we're just sitting there.
Starting point is 00:36:22 It's, we're done so. No, no, if you're wearing your skinny jeans and it's pushed the girl down and run for the bill. I can't, so skinny jeans by choice, not by body type, right? No, they were, they were definitely, they were skinny jeans that, you know, it's like, he's showing up wearing like,
Starting point is 00:36:41 really dainty little shoes, to who the heck goes hiking and dainty shoes and skinny jeans. So you walk back to the car and you have the keys to the car. Does he apologize for pushing you down? No, we got mad and he said that I'm crazy, crazy. Um, because he said I was going to get him lost in the woods. I mean, this guy's insane.
Starting point is 00:37:04 Yeah. I don't know where you find him. Now for a moment, we've been saying all these guys are insane. I am curious, where were you hiking with him? Just to turn the tables. I was going into a place called Cannonaskus. And when you go in there, because I like to go in and there's a place where you can watch the golden eagles come through on their migratorial path. Oh cool. I was going to do that and buddy wanted to come with. He thought it would be cool and that was where it happened.
Starting point is 00:37:40 Yeah, huh. Okay. That sounds pretty normal. Well, it sounds great. So there's a website called I think you're looking more that speed than you are tender up there in Canada I think if you're looking for a farm rain pushing down he's gonna be wearing overalls one. Yeah He's not gonna be wearing skinny jeans because he's wearing overalls and He knows how to handle a bearer too. I don't know if that's how you're feeling Charlie But I think that might be a good option. He'll either know how to handle a bearer too. I don't know if that's how you're feeling Charlie, but I think that might be a good option. I believe there's no ought to handle a bear or he'll have just enough gusto to think he
Starting point is 00:38:11 can handle a bear. Yeah. And either way, freehand, you might have to handle a bear, but that's what we're looking for. That's a real gentleman. You deserve a guy, you know, you deserve a guy who will, will go after a bear. I I was gonna try and make a log joke there, but it's quite work. But you see where my head was going. Yeah, it turns out you need to stop looking for logs and start looking for farmers. Yeah, but I'm wondering,
Starting point is 00:38:36 are the farmers going to be, you know, a little on the deliverance side? Well, you've already gone down that road. I hate to say it. So, you know, you might as well try, you know, it's not can get any worse than a guy going home with his sisters. I'll tell you that much. Yeah. We're pushing them down. I was back here midwest and I was down in Minnesota a few weeks ago. And I will say the Midwest men are quite gorgeous. Oh, gorgeous.
Starting point is 00:39:06 So I see what this is about. She's trying to pick up Charlie on this podcast. Oh, is that what you're trying to do? Are you trying to pick me up? Sure. Sure. Sure. Sure.
Starting point is 00:39:18 Sorry, Luke, if you're not going to push me down, if we go for a hike, then I'm sure I'm here to pick you up. If it makes you feel any better, I've never seen Charlie push anyone down. So you got that comb for you, Charlie. Yeah. He's wore bibs. He's got some taco meat. I've seen him drink a couple whiskey's here and there. Whoa. I think we just had a match made in heaven. Matchmaker, matchmaker, give me a sorry. Can you do tequila too Charlie? Oh, can I do tequila? Oh, it's on my rider.
Starting point is 00:39:51 Okay. Yeah. I've seen you do tequila. If I try it in there, I'm cause I like the tequila too. Well, I'm gonna shut up. I'm gonna let you guys have your first date here. I'm gonna turn my microphone off. Charlie, take taking away. So
Starting point is 00:40:06 You like walleye or no What's the biggest walleye ever got? That's nice. That's nice. Yeah, I like, I like wallets. You like looking at them. You don't necessarily need to catch them, but you like looking at them. Yeah, and I like to just go and, you know, be out there.
Starting point is 00:40:34 So I think nobody else is doing. You know, I'm, I'm, I'm there. No, I'll fully wallize any day of the week. I promise you that. OK, it's getting hot. Now, you were talking about gold needles, right? He's a bird watcher, by the week. I promise you that. Okay. It's getting hot. Now, you were talking about gold needles, right? He's a bird watcher, by the way. Do you see it? Yeah, I've been bird watching before. I got some nice knocks. You got a nice pair. You got a nice pair of
Starting point is 00:40:55 knocks. I have a lovely set of knocks. Okay. Let her finish. I have a couple of things that I take. I have an all pair of pen text and then I have a new set of Bushnells. But Bushnells learned as nearly as it is my other ones. That what they're calling on these days is Bushnell's. I didn't know. Yeah. What have you seen through your pair of knocksx recently. How do you hold your be nox? I hold them with two hands. Okay. Two hands. Two hands. Two hands.
Starting point is 00:41:32 Two hands. Two hands. Two hands. Two hands. Two hands. Two hands. Two hands. Two hands.
Starting point is 00:41:40 Two hands. Two hands. Two hands. Two hands. Two hands. Two hands. Two hands. Two hands. Two hands. Two hands. and you get to see the the trumpeter swells coming through there too. You can see the cool little I. I am that those birds. You want to see the birds and
Starting point is 00:41:50 your birds want to see the knocks. So I I totally get it. All this bird talk is making me pretty hot and bothered. I got to let you know that now. It just just amuse me here. You ever see a goal, Neagle,
Starting point is 00:42:03 goalie and talent down. come up with a perch. Oh, no, I haven't seen that because when you go out to this little spot, they're flying over, but you can, like, you can check for their bands to see and all that other kind of jazz. It's kind of an interesting thing. So you can go at that, like, in the early, kind of mid fall and also late March late March they come through so you can see some pretty cool things come through there. You ever seen a red breasted Merganzer? I have actually just a couple weeks ago down on the river. Yeah, you have. Were they doing the courting? They're a little courtship dance.
Starting point is 00:42:40 Yeah, there was just there was just a one and actually I was out with with my aunt. We wrote for a walk and she thought it was a piliated woodpecker. I'm like, no, I think that's common misconception. Jason, Louise, but that that makes me so sad. No, I, your aunt's got to know that. What's it? Come on. Was it a male or female rep?
Starting point is 00:43:00 Rest in Merganzer. It was a female. It was definitely a female. Yeah. Yeah. Charlie's are. It was a female. It was definitely a female. Yeah. Yeah. Charlie's favorite. He loves the female. I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, home with two of his sisters or something. Oh, we did.
Starting point is 00:43:25 Probably did. And after all by yourself down there on the river, that breaks my heart. I would never leave a lone red breast and her ganser out there just to fem for herself in this cold, cruel world. Push her down. Yeah, I, you know, I'd get right. I'd flap my wings all over that bear. Tell you that right now.
Starting point is 00:43:47 And would you also know that there's like, I mean, to the the great horned owls are kind of my jam. You might be into the to the others, but I'm into the great horned owls. So you find them. So I know this is bird nerdy. So you say you're a little into hooters as well. Miles, Miles do not talk to my girlfriend like. Okay. You're lucky. We're talking about knocks and hooters.
Starting point is 00:44:17 I tell you what, this is sir, but not killers. So you know, this is a Christian show. Okay. Jays go. We there's, you know, this is a Christian show, okay? Jay school week. That's right, Miles. Sorry, I'm sorry. You know, I'm going to get you a different level.
Starting point is 00:44:30 Oh, yeah, I am. I know it wasn't the guy taking you a taboo show, leave with the sisters. That was, yeah, that wasn't a new level. Miles is just jealous because he's the third wheel on our date right now. Yeah. But, you know, it's fun to watch.
Starting point is 00:44:43 He's a little left out. Well, we're fun to watch. I don't know how to go. Well, we're going to have to have a second date. I think that's all there is to it. So I want you to send Charlie a DM and we appreciate you calling in. This has been, wow, I did not think that Charlie was going to get a girlfriend on this podcast, but here we are. I found love in a hopeless place. Yeah. Yeah. We're birds of a feather, but here we are. I found love in a hopeless place. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:05 Yeah. We're birds of a feather, so we flock together. Oh, that is hot. Oh, my gosh. I am getting steamed up in here. Yeah, this is cool. I can imagine how you feel right now. I'm ready to jump in a river and dam up a.
Starting point is 00:45:21 Yeah, let's ask you. Bar top raise up a couple inches. Now, uh, now miles, you had to take it there, you know, can you believe what he's doing? Be a gentleman, okay? I'm sorry. I'm sorry. He says he's sorry and I apologize for him too. Okay. If miles is the bear in this situation, I'm fighting them right now.
Starting point is 00:45:40 Well, uh, like I said, hit them Charlie. I just podcast. Thank you for calling in. This has been great. Um, Canada never seems to disappoint on this podcast. No. You guys are some good folk up there. And a glad you got yourself a boyfriend on this podcast. That's pretty awesome.
Starting point is 00:45:59 So you guys will go bird watching sometime and, what would you say Charlie watch out for bears? Yeah, watch out. You want I'll watch out for bears. How's that sound? True gentleman. You watch out for the bears and if you definitely do not come to Canada, I will take you out and we could go do some bird watches. Oh my gosh. Go. Wow. All right. Well, thanks for coming in. That's great. All right, we'll see you soon now. Okay, bye-bye. What will we will?
Starting point is 00:46:37 Well, I think that went pretty good. I don't sweat it. I'm sweating. I'm feeling something. Yeah, you are feeling something, Maria. Yeah. Oh my God. Yeah. Ready to.
Starting point is 00:46:54 I'll be okay with me, you know, pushing the whole date. He's seeing for you. You know, it's what friends are for. I know. Yeah. Right there. We just had a blind date on this podcast first. First time, first time blind date on the Belly Up podcast. See folks, anything can happen here at the Belly Up podcast.
Starting point is 00:47:13 That's why you got to keep listening. And you got to keep bellying up every week, every week. All right, let's sing in our call. Welcome to the Belly Up podcast. Who are we talking to? Yes. Yes. Hey, who we talking to. Hey, my name is Tim.
Starting point is 00:47:27 Tim, where are you from, Tim? I'm from Michigan. Nice. I, it sounds like you're driving right now. Where are you driving to? I am driving all from work. I do refrigeration commercial refrigeration and I travel all over the state of Michigan pretty much. So I'm coming from the west side, going to the east side.
Starting point is 00:47:45 Oh, nice of the state. Yeah, of the state. I travel, my company actually has the contract for all of the all these in Michigan, so we service and build all of them. Oh, okay. Miles was just taking a pee. I'm going to catch him up. Miles, he's a refrigerator fellow in Michigan,
Starting point is 00:48:04 driving from west to east right now. Are you hauling any of them or no? Yeah, what's your hauling? No, we do commercial refrigeration. So like we build and service the big coolers and the freezers that hold on the ice cream. Oh, you're doing it. Yeah, we keep the ice cream cold. Okay. Hey, this guy's actually all these doesn't do too much of that Okay, this guy's doing this guy's doing the Lord's work keep he's the guy How many days of the year do you get to meet the guy? How many times do you get to meet the guy who keeps the ice cream cold? Not right off. Yeah, the swans guy would come to my house, you know, growing up. Oh yeah. Or at least drive through the neighborhood. So yeah, we do a little
Starting point is 00:48:50 bit more travel than the swan's guy, people leave that. Okay, here we go. So what you're saying, the swans guys got it easy then is what you're saying. That's what sound like. Oh no, they they have to go to people's houses. They are far more brave than I am. Okay. I go to the stores where they're kind of expecting me. Okay. So what makes you want to call into this belly-up podcast today? You got, can we answer some questions for you?
Starting point is 00:49:17 Are you selling something? What's going on? The I was just calling to ask what your favorite thing to hunt is like what's your favorite animal you white They'll enter a mule deer hunter that's like Oh miles well, aren't you? So I only I want to get into duck hunting. I've actually so growing up my family didn't do it I'm up in North Dakota and we didn't really have any land and you know know, you could do the public route all that stuff. We just never really did it growing up.
Starting point is 00:49:47 What we mainly did was Whitetail deer hunting. And then we also go Feson hunting. I like Whitetail deer hunting, except for the fact I got to sit there and be quiet, you know. So that's why I like Feson hunting a little more. You can hoot and holler. You get to be active doing it where I go deer hunting in Minnesota, you kind of sit in a tree stand
Starting point is 00:50:09 and wave from to come to you. Take a mile's deer hunting's like bringing a flusher deer hunting, you know. It's like, just bringing a chocolate lab out there and just trying to like eat and hump, you know. And you can't do that in a deer stand. Really, Charlie. I'm on from from a standard blind. We, I'm in a tree stand.
Starting point is 00:50:31 Okay. All right. Charlie, what do you do? Well, my favorite kind of hunting is duck hunting. And I rock hunting. Yeah. And I kind of like we go duck hunting together. We should. I haven't even wanted to know some of my invited Charlie Fezin hunting. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Let me have it. I deserve it. But he went Fezin hunting. Dude, dad and staff and ask his questions. Sorry, but Charlie went for one hundred. All gager. Sorry. Do you guys hunt with a 12 or a 20 gauge? That's the real question. I have a 12 gauge
Starting point is 00:51:03 over under straight barrel Mossberg. There's the real question. I have a 12 gauge over under straight barrel Mossberg. There you go. Yeah. Um, that's the way to go. He can't go without a ball. Yeah. I, well, look, I've done the 20 before I've done feson hunting with a 20 and on it, my dad actually really likes doing it because he says he's an old man and he doesn't want to carry that much weight anymore. Man says the same thing. Yeah. Yeah. He's like, I don't like to pick. I don't like how heavy you're there. I love, I love, I love. And look, I don't mind a 20 gauge, but you know what? Someone got a 20, you got a 12 gauge when you're young.
Starting point is 00:51:38 You got 12 gauge when you're young. You might as well give her a rip. But I like duck hunting. And by the way, you cut Miles off, but he said, I bailed hit on him for fuzzing hunting. And I went with dude dad instead, which was not true. I was going to go with both. You went with dude dad? Yeah, I did.
Starting point is 00:51:56 You went with dude dad instead of you, but not instead they were different weekends, but I couldn't. Instead, I couldn't do the days that my I was going I did commit but then something how much warning did I give you I gave you at least six months six months and I committed to it still couldn't be there can you believe that ship man it sounds to me like you like to do that better than you I know but enough about us let's talk about you what kind of my like he liked to do that better than you. I know. But enough about us. Let's talk about you
Starting point is 00:52:26 What kind of hunting do you like to do? I do mainly white ill and I get a chance to go out and how do you? I haven't really got to go out and I already said this but where are you at? Bo he's a Michigan. I'm an easy Michigan. Yeah, he didn't say he was a bull hunter earlier, did he? Oh, you're saying where he's from. Yeah, he's a Michigan. You were he didn't say he was a bull hunter earlier, Ditty. Oh, you're saying where he's from. Yeah, he's a Michigan. You were peeing. You were tickling.
Starting point is 00:52:49 Yeah. Now, bow hunter, do you ever go recurve hunting? You ever go out with a recurve? I do not. The place I go hunting is there's a lot of tight shot. Yeah, I don't have too much movement room. So I go with a compound bow. Yeah, that makes sense.
Starting point is 00:53:05 It recirps one of those ones where you gotta be really good, because otherwise you're just gonna wound the animal, and then that's not fair to the animal. And then your ass is gonna have to go follow that. Definitely. Yeah, blood, yeah, the whole thing got out. Yeah. Ask for permission.
Starting point is 00:53:21 Ask for permission to go on someone's land. That's the whole thing. You have to do that anyway, though. Yeah, it's all thing like you know You have to do that anyway though no matter where the dear goes if it leaves your property is better to ask for permission Yeah, that's true. The farmer field or whatever. Yeah Yeah, just try and do everything you can to avoid that conversation, you know Yeah, because it's one thing about the Midwest that I know is that we love talking to people But we also hate talking to people So we're does thing ever? Yeah, we love small talk.
Starting point is 00:53:49 It's not really a big talk. Yeah, especially if it's another hunter walking on your property, that you're more less likely to talk to them, you're more just trying to chase small. Yeah, it's a classic, you know, fire warning shot in the air type of situation, you know. Yeah, definitely. You can't really do that with a classic, you know, fire a warning shot in the air type of situation, you know? Yeah, definitely. You can't really do that with a ball, though. I'm not going to pass. You got to pack some heat while you're out there, too. Yeah, you're sider.
Starting point is 00:54:15 Yeah, what goes up must come down. So, definitely. Did you have any any. You imagine walking through a field and having an arrow go right front of your face Holy shit. I'm not gonna say I haven't had it happen before Ah, that is one of the lucky ones. That's a scary part of it. Yeah Yeah, so what what else what did we all go ahead? I did I need some advice on some with my job. Yeah, I love this
Starting point is 00:54:47 Love this is right up around two guys that don't really have a job. Yeah, this is going to be good. And he's calling that 430. You know, it's been a hell of a day too. You know, call end of the day job talk. You better be headed to the bar after this. Is all I got to say. All right, well, what's the what's the work question? OK, so I just started with this company about seven months ago, doing an apprenticeship.
Starting point is 00:55:08 And there's a guy that's been here for about three years. Well, I've only been here for about seven months and can pretty much, and there's still he's been here for a lot longer so he knows more, but the things that I do know that he knows I can do as good as not better, and quickly progressing and catching up to him and he's starting to realize it Uh-oh. And is very quickly getting extremely angry and I guess you could say aggressive and hostile and work site. Oh He's now I believe trying to get me fired actually. I passed two times. I've worked with him
Starting point is 00:55:40 He's called the foreman within 10 minutes because I hope I didn't need his help I worked with him, he's called the foreman within 10 minutes because I thought I didn't need his help. Okay, but just like, how would you suggest dealing with that? Do you want to go first or do you want me to go first? I can go first. Go ahead, Charlie. The way I would kind of approach it is you're dealing with someone who's acting out of their insecurity, which is that this 18 year old punk kid, you know, comes in here. He thinks he knows my job better than me kind of a deal. And then
Starting point is 00:56:11 that same vein, how tall is this guy? Uh, he's probably about six, one, maybe I thought maybe it was a little bit of small man syndrome, but I'll stand corrected. So I'll go and you on, Charlie. Well, I basically, I think that really what you're doing at this point is you can do one of two tactics. You can either continue pissing them off. And this guy sounds like a ticking time bomb. And maybe he'll leave, but there is a good chance he'll go bowling alley in a China shop and he will somehow get you fired. You know, now the question is how abusive is he being if he's being like physically abusive or anything like
Starting point is 00:56:54 that or emotionally. I'm sick sick to swallow 240 pounds. Oh, that's right there. That's it right there and six.6. So we does have little man. So wait, you're 6.6 and you're 240. That's not that big. I'm a lot. I'm more than that and I'm 6.1. Are you kidding me? You're so you're six six. Yeah. Okay. Well, then he's having small match and small man. He's looking at this guy who's towering over him and he's like, even at six points, like,
Starting point is 00:57:35 I've never experienced this before in my life. But I now have small man syndrome and I have to try and get out of him, you know. Give us a scenario of like what he'll say to you that you think is the most egregious offense that he's made Well, I don't swear so I can't really say after stilty so try well hold on basically hold on Why don't you switch what that's strange? It's a little strange. I don't really I don't feel as necessary I mean if any I personally if somebody starts getting mad at me and they start swearing It's a little strange. I don't really, I don't feel as necessary. I mean, if I personally, if somebody starts getting mad at me
Starting point is 00:58:08 and they start swearing, I just kind of find it funny. I initially told you can resort to when your mad is a swear word. You're really not thinking that much. All right, he's not a person to get mad at somebody. What? Now, he said, you're not a cusser. No, I get it. That makes total sense. I'm back in the up here.
Starting point is 00:58:26 I find it more interesting to when you get mad at someone or someone's mad at you, you throw out a 15 letter long word and then it just kind of fumbles on when they walk off more mad than they came in. This guy's got a dictionary. I know, but here's the thing, there's nothing more intimidating than a articulate guy though. That's true.
Starting point is 00:58:43 I want to play devil's advocate here. Okay. The guy's a little intimidated by your vocabulary. Maybe get him with the source. Well, I'll just say try stooping down to his level in the language departments, not in the behavior department, just the language throwing a couple of cuss words in normal conversation. He might trust you more.
Starting point is 00:59:06 And here's the reason why you kind of look like I used to work concrete construction. If there was a guy who did cuss on the concrete site, I'd be like, I don't know if I trust this guy. Is he a narc? You know, is he here? Is he OSHA? What's going on? Why is he here?
Starting point is 00:59:23 If he's not cussing. So, you know, it's a good thing You don't cost for the Lord's work all that stuff But there might be a trust factor there that he maybe just goes He doesn't even he doesn't he never said I've never heard him say the F word. I don't know if I can trust this guy So that's my devil's ad we get woman Yeah, the big thing is you think I'm coming for his job, which I, like I've told him a couple times, I'm not.
Starting point is 00:59:49 He's been there for three years and he's still on the, I guess, he's about middle grade in our company. And right now I'm been here for seven months and I'm trying to be like three levels of all of them. I'm trying to get the foreman before I've been there a year and a half. Like I don't want to be as boss. Yeah, I want.
Starting point is 01:00:07 Yeah, that's exactly. I don't want his job. I want his boss to job. And what is your first move as his boss? What is it? I personally, I don't care as long as he does his job. I don't, I like the guy. He's a ton of fun to be around when there's somebody
Starting point is 01:00:25 helps there, but when it's just the two of us, it's just such a hostile work environment. It's hard to deal with. And you talked to your boss about this? I have. They just kind of, there's nothing really they can do because so far, he hasn't done anything bad. And which is, I'm not worried about him'm doing anything because like I said, I just knock them. But it's just like it's annoying because you can't have a good conversation when you first come into work that type
Starting point is 01:00:53 of stuff. We might have a situation of you taking the higher road here. So let's say you put yeah, hey, let's do that on the first time on this podcast. If it's an experiment for us. You've never done this before. This is a new thing here at the Balli now. Try on this out.
Starting point is 01:01:10 Charlie, let's take the high rock. Okay. So imagine yourself being a six one fella and seeing this six, six, 18 year old younger, scholar stunning. Are you better looking? Okay. Good. Let that helps. You're over average. Good. That's good. And let him know you know that too. But then kind of walk yourself to it. He's been there a lot longer and you're doing
Starting point is 01:01:38 stuff good. Maybe, you know, you just open up the conversation. Hey, man, did I do anything to, you know, piss you off at all? What do you think he would say? I actually, I have tried that. Yeah, I'm what he said. And you didn't say much other than a couple of choice words and then our phone and stuff. Actually, that's a really good story if you guys want to hear.
Starting point is 01:02:03 Yeah, we're here for stories. Okay, so if you ever go into Where are you guys right now? Minneapolis Minneapolis, okay, I believe there's more fans clubs there than BJ like would I be correct in that? We don't live here. We're just here Okay, well, do you know what a stands club looks like inside of a Sam's Club. Sam's Club. You know yeah I'm dabbled. Okay well pretty
Starting point is 01:02:33 much it's in Walmart too. There's those cases that have like your chicken or your meat in the middle of the floor like just randomly in the middle of the floor. Sure. Sure. You know what I'm talking about? Yeah, just like everything. Okay, grocery store. Yeah. Yeah. We have refrigeration lines that we have to run to those in order to keep them cold. Well, we can make them look nice.
Starting point is 01:02:53 We put the map of PVT tubes around them, and we were putting a PVT tube in the wall, very in the ceiling. And he was up on top of the list with the foreman, and I was a list lower holding the thing up making sure it didn't fall off all that stuff. Super sketchy stuff that a boat to walk in we'd all be in jail. That's like the stuff. Perfect. Sounds like my kind of workplace. Yeah, one of the straps will start to come off. So I hollered up at him, pulled him to grab it, and he flipped out. Did you not tell me what did you, unless you walked that type of stuff, just screaming at me from the bottom of the list, means I'm this 200 pound tube is falling off.
Starting point is 01:03:35 Well, finally, the foreman grabbed him, yanked him back and started screaming at him because he wasn't picking the stupid thing up. By the time I got up there, it was like he was going to cry. Because the foreman had been chewing a mouth. Well, later on that day, I was like, hey, did I do anything like the making mad all that stuff? I tried to take the high road and it ended up in a tool getting chucked across the room. Ooh, by the foreman or by the guy? By the guy, the foreman wasn't around.
Starting point is 01:04:09 He came in later. What tool? I mean, the guy working. It was a big time tool. This is, okay, I got a perfect scenario for it. I got a perfect name for this guy. He's a guy that I would call a JDGI. JDGI just doesn't get it.
Starting point is 01:04:31 He just doesn't get it is who this guy is. And what you got to do with these guys is just keep working your ass off and act like he's not there. I mean, I don't know what else to do. Clearly the form and seeing some of his behavior, he knows probably should fire this guy, culture reasons why, but he hasn't, because it's like we need warm bodies,
Starting point is 01:04:54 we need the camera forward to hire someone who these day, whatever. So I think you gotta be the bigger man and just realize this guy just doesn't get it and he probably you know His wife's probably sleep in Swiss some other guy and it's probably not Mary That's part of it. He probably hasn't been with the woman in a long long time and it's like a whole build up It's it's kind of he's probably got childhood trauma. I mean, there's a whole list of things that go, this guy seems to be the issue. I wouldn't necessarily put that on yourself.
Starting point is 01:05:29 This guy's just a JDGI. Yeah, it's a return to sender thing. You never get an email or you get mail in the deal that's not addressed to you. You know, just return to sender. That's his own issue. He's going to really want to piss him off. Just go, Oh, how's your relationship with your dad? Actually, his relationship with his parents is really good. I don't try to piss them off. I
Starting point is 01:05:57 genuinely try to make conversations. That's something we have talked about before. I will randomly have really good conversations. So we eliminate that one. The guy just needs to, the guy just needs to not. I mean, that's like the thing. You know what? I agree with you. Thank you. Finally, we just keep going down the line.
Starting point is 01:06:16 Start with the parents, then the relationship. Clearly, it's like, get him a, get him a subscription to Pornhub, is what I'm saying for Christmas. Get him one of those You know That's certainly one way to look at it miles I Bet you that this guy is gonna be gone in a matter of months especially if he's got the relationship with the foreman
Starting point is 01:06:40 The foreman's proud just waiting for who can I replace him with, you're probably close to being able to replace him. So you're saying that he's coming for his job? Yeah, 100%. No, I'm not. I don't want to. I know you don't want it, but you're going to probably get it. You're going to get it. You're getting it.
Starting point is 01:06:57 No, yeah, you are. By the time we're getting to the point where we can, of course, to lose somebody on our crew, I will be long-cast. No, you're getting this job. You're getting it. Nope. You're going to get it. You are.
Starting point is 01:07:11 You want it. I know. See, this is the kind of stubbornness the other guys dealing with, though. You just are giving it back to us. I imagine. We're training you right now how to deal with them. We are.
Starting point is 01:07:21 So now we're got a little bit of a lens into what that guy's dealing with. And tell you what, you're stubborn. You're a stubborn guy. Yeah. Which has its benefits, you know, I mean, you're good at what you do, you know, but it's gonna, it's a two way street. How dare you try and keep your co-worker safe by telling them about the pipe up there, like how dare you try to make conversation with him. That is just mean. And then on top of that, we keep in him safe.
Starting point is 01:07:51 That was you keeping you safe. Yeah, I was under it. So that was 100% meat meat safe. You know, you can measure how good an organization is the ratio between me and we's so Think about that maybe maybe it should be more about we than me. Yeah, maybe the next time he throws a tool at you You'll let it hit you, you know what I'm kidding about that. That's a joke. Hey What what tool did he throw at you because that that kind of says a lot?
Starting point is 01:08:23 He didn't throw it at me. He just shrunk it across the room. Oh, wow. The walking copper. I like your copper cutter. Okay. All right. Maybe I missed her. Well, that's fair. I mean, honestly, you know, you're going to encounter these people again. You know, once he goes, there's going to be someone else. So you just got to figure out, you know, just do your job and keep her moving. Keep your head down, come to work to work, bring a thermos. A thermos can help. If you come to work with a thermos, this guy's going to instantly respect that is true. That's, you know what, this guy understands how to work, he
Starting point is 01:08:59 brought a thermos to work. It took us this long in the conversation to get to the answer we had all along, just bring a thermos to work. Just see what happens. Just trust us. Just bring no no more problems. Yeah. All right. Do you bring a thermos to work every day? I work out of town too much. I'm out of town. Another excuse. That's the point. That's the point. Being a thermos to work every day and see what happens you work out a town like your fine Coffee what do you mean? Yeah, are you not drinking coffee? Well, that's another issue you how can you trust someone who doesn't swear and doesn't drink coffee? Okay, it coffee sounds your growth proven fact
Starting point is 01:09:44 You could use some coffee, fella. Your sick sense. It's unbelievable. That's so my God. No, hang on. So, timeout, do you believe that the tooth fairy exists? You know what? I'm stepping in for you right now.
Starting point is 01:10:00 I'm gonna defend you against Miles. He's picking on you. Listen, Miles, he does not believe in the tooth fairy, right? You don't believe in the tooth fairy. What do you mean? No, I'm 100% real. I'm 100% real. I'm 100% real.
Starting point is 01:10:14 You're hilarious. Hey, stand up, stand up. Stand up. Stand up. Help them in the office. That's true. Oh, you know what? Now I see why you're getting your ass kicked at work. I tried to defend
Starting point is 01:10:32 you. We've tried this all time. It's a long time. You got to start drinking coffee. Yeah. And you were six, six. I just can't get over the tape. You can't get over the tape you can't get over the tape hey time oh time oh maybe coffee does stunter girl six and he doesn't drink coffee six one on a good day imagine how tall I could have been if I just wouldn't drink coffee my old let's see that hey do you drink coffee I do hey, do you drink coffee? I do Okay, um Charlie do you drink coffee? Yeah How tall are both you I'm like six one six two depending on how confident I am
Starting point is 01:11:22 Okay, Charlie how about you? I'm six foot go up yourself. Okay, you're right. All right. You're right It's don't you grow your right? I've never done drink coffee. I've got got a body you six eight doesn't drink coffee I've got another buddy you better shut up before I throw a hammer across the room. Okay Are you just on a basketball team? Why are all your friends this tall? This is kind of crazy Bullshit actually only one of them play back for ball. You can hear the other Yeah, I mean, maybe cool it on the coffee stunts your grow talk at work. Okay. Cool.
Starting point is 01:11:54 And that's a little bit. Let me go go. We're starting to get a little worked up here, Charlie. I can imagine that the coworker feels a little bit that way as well. I'm searching right now. I don't think they're copying you, sir. Who doesn't, your coworker? It's really not a real thing.
Starting point is 01:12:09 And how tall is he? And how tall is the coworker? Oh, I really asked that he sits one. Hey, do you drink like monster energy drinks or something? Oh, by the way, according to Harvard, it's this little school, maybe you've heard of it. Harvard, you ever heard of Harvard? There is, there is no scientifically valid evidence
Starting point is 01:12:30 to suggest that coffee can stunt a person's growth. Oh, man, he body, big. Well, also, see, Charlie, the thing is, there's no scientific evidence that you caught that massive pipe either. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh see it. You know what? You called here for a price. We were taking your side for a long time in this conversation. But man, we've been here 20 minutes after eight hour shift, I, you know, I'd be telling you to go, you know, do something that I'd be chucking wrenches as well. Yeah. Tell you what, that sheet rock looks like you have a
Starting point is 01:13:14 wrench in it, you know what I mean? No, no, you're a good, good guy. No, I'd all joke. I really just tried to have a good time. Yeah, I'm sure about six hours in the car, you just try to figure something out the past of time. Yeah. You're a real ballbuster. Well, honestly, that's good. Yeah, it fits in good, I think.
Starting point is 01:13:39 I think you're going to do just fine. You're going to do fine. You just keep working hard. Bring that thermos to work. Put water in it. Put fucking cool eight in it or whatever keep working hard. Bring that thermos to work. Put water in it. Put fucking cool, laid in it or whatever 18-year-olds are drinking these days. But tell everyone it's coffee. Just tell them it's coffee. They're not gonna know. So, all right. Well, we appreciate you calling in, man. This has been good. All right. I appreciate you guys' answer. All right, get back to work. We'll see you.
Starting point is 01:14:06 Yeah. Tell you. Oh, Jared hung up on him. That little hell I tell you what, I tried to keep my cool for a lot of it. Yeah. You did a good job. You did a good job. I just, I'm going to say it.
Starting point is 01:14:21 If a guy showed up to my dad's job site when I was working on a green guy who was six, six, only 240 pounds. So this guy's a bean pole, by the way. And he'd end drink coffee, he didn't swear. And he actually like tried to work hard. Oh. He's gonna get made fun of quite a bit at our job site at least.
Starting point is 01:14:44 I don't know about your experience. Well, I think we taught him a little something. No, but he seems like a good, good kid. He's honestly once he gets to be about 25, he'll get it. Yeah, he'll get it. Life will beat him down enough to where he'll start drinking coffee and start swearing. I feel like he beat me down in that interview.
Starting point is 01:15:02 I do feel a little dejected seriously. I don't know how many more of those I can handle, you know. I feel like he beat me down in that interview. I did feel a little dejected seriously. I don't know how many more of those I can handle. You know, Jay, and that was just 20 minutes, imagine eight hour shift. He's a good ballbuster, because he comes across very innocent, you know, like, oh, help me, I'm getting bullied at work.
Starting point is 01:15:17 And then we try and then he starts bullying us. He did bully us. Straight up bullied us. We got bullied. I totally, God. And I get him. He's good. I give him scientific evidence. He starts talking about my northern pike. Yeah, it was a good deflection. I'll get that. He's like, hey, the guy's good. That's the worst part is
Starting point is 01:15:34 like when like we're both not on his side until he makes fun of one of us. And we're like, Charlie, what about that? Yeah. Oh, folks, we are just wrapping up 2022 and with the year almost over, man. Good year. Good year. It has been a good year, not a sponsor, but fleet farm. We'd love it. Get into the fleet farm to see what kind of end of the year
Starting point is 01:15:57 sales and clearances they got going on. Yeah, you're going to find a way to steal the deal, you know. But don't steal, I'd flee farm, please. No, please don't. Just steal the deal, don't steal. You steal the deal. Now, no time is better than the present. Ha, ha, get it, present, get it, my house.
Starting point is 01:16:17 Like, it's good. Now to start off shopping for next year's gifts at any great prices, think about it. You could get all your Christmas shopping done at the end of the year for next year. Well, that and you get pick up some stuff for some ice fishing ice fishing. The ice is there for you and for someone else. Heck yeah. And by now saved before they're gone because when they're gone, they're gone. One thing to always say, you don't have to own a nice castle. You just have to have a friend with a nice castle. Yes. And what you need to do,
Starting point is 01:16:51 hey, if they invite you to come ice fishing, you got to come bearing gifts. Yes, you do. Comparons gifts. Yeah. That was a pun. So go to free farm, get them a gift for someone invites you on their ice castle and free farms got everything you need for that. Get them a nice little fat scar, you know. Jesus. That's a big gift. That's a big gift. But hey, it's a big ice cast.
Starting point is 01:17:16 Get them a big gift. Yeah, get them a big gift or just some wet heads. You know, that's all you need. Yep. Maybe some leeches. You know, put a wrap on the year in thanking Fleet Farm for their sponsorship of the podcast, etc. Plus, wish you Fleet Farm for the sponsorship this year. They, it's been great. It really has. Thank you, Fleet Farm. You know what, Charlie,
Starting point is 01:17:39 it's really cool to be doing what we're doing. It is. And have brands like Fleet Farm. Yes. That aligns so heavily with who we are actually as It is. And have brands like Fleet Farm that align so heavily with who we are actually as humans. I grew up going to Fleet Farm. You did too. And it's just nice to be able to partner with people who actually get it. They get it. They get the deal. Fleet Farm. They get it. Fleet Farm. I get it. So folks, get your touch on over to the fleet farm, save some money, and make your ice friends smile. You know, yeah. You ever walk up to someone's ishani and just knock on the door and see what happens. I've done that. Hey, can I see your pole? You know, one of those. Yeah. Yeah yeah, gets a laugh about a quarter of the time. Jared's laughing.
Starting point is 01:18:25 Yeah. I love no one else is. Jared's the best laugh for. He's gotten that actually before. He's good laugh. He's great for it. We need to, Hey, when you laugh next time, can you put the mic up to your mouth? Jared gets home.
Starting point is 01:18:39 There we go. Jared gets home after doing this. He walks into the hotel room. He's like, I can't laugh anymore. Oh, those guys, miles and Charlie are just hilarious. He's like, I'm exhausted. Yeah. And if you want to get exhausted with great gifts,
Starting point is 01:18:58 go to Flee Farm. With others. New Year's Eve is coming up. It's almost here. So why not drink some tippy cow at midnight? Why not? You know what I take back everything I said about champagne. I'm gonna tip on back a tippy cow.
Starting point is 01:19:14 Tippy tippy cow. And today we got the old vanilla soft serve in front of us. You know, I'd like to think that ice cream is a new year's dessert. Would you agree? But you'd like to think that ice cream is a new year's dessert. What did you agree? But you'd like to think that for whatever you're about to say right now. Wow, you really got the mic up to that.
Starting point is 01:19:33 I'm tipping back some tippy cow of vanilla soft serve right now and it's going down easy. And if I had to close my eyes when I drink that, I would have been at Dick Clark's New Year's ball and the ball would have dropped and I would have been Tipping back to be cow. I really like what you did just there And if you don't have anyone to kiss at midnight Charlie You can just kiss a bottle of tippy cow cuz put it to the teeth because you know what Charlie what This is so bad. This is so bad. Go ahead. Go ahead. All right finish it up Charlie
Starting point is 01:20:13 You can kiss a bottle of tippy cow cuz that will never leave you Give it a kiss Charlie I think you're supposed to kiss the lips cuz that's where the fun stuff comes out. Oh, God. I'm talking about on the tippy cow, you weirdo. That was erotic. I tell you what? If you want a rotic news, Eve and you're alone Similar to Charlie. Wait. I don't kiss a bottle of
Starting point is 01:20:50 tippy cow at midnight. Tell you that much. Tippy cow. We kiss it. Seriously though, get some tippy cow for New Year's Eve. Everyone's going to love you. And you may get more than one kiss. And they're your Zeeve. Hello, who do we got on the line?
Starting point is 01:21:07 This is Rachel. Hey, Rachel. Rachel, what's going on? Oh, nothing. I'm just on a little vacation right now. Oh, okay. All right, you guys. Yeah. Where are you vacationing at?
Starting point is 01:21:23 I'm in California. California. Beautiful. It's a big state. Rachel. We're in California. Are you someplace warm? There's beautiful. I'm gonna see the salmon a capostrano I'm we're actually gonna be going to I'm we're actually going to be going to Disney. Disney Land. So how do you feel about the haters that say that Disney Land isn't quite what Disney world is? You know, um, okay, so I have been to both. And I wouldn't I wouldn't say that I'm like a Disney adult because I'm not. Um, thank you.
Starting point is 01:22:10 Um, um, cause it's called one of gone strange if that was the case. So I'm glad we cleared that up because I was actually going to be a question of mine. So thank you. Oh, okay. Um, so I've been to both of them and I like Disneyland better. I know other people like the other one. I just feel like I like Disneyland better. So and I guess we started going there because I opened in 55 and that's what your mom was born. So he loved Disney. Yeah, that's nice. Cool. So I've been to Disneyland one time in my life. It was actually on my sixth birthday. So you don't remember any part of it?
Starting point is 01:22:54 I don't remember shit. Yeah. Are there photos? Because I mean, you know, then you can at least. Yeah, there are photos of me. And I do remember the, going on the teacups and it's a small world. You can't forget the small world stuff, you know.
Starting point is 01:23:15 That's what will be in your head for a couple of decades. Honestly, that's how annoying it is. So. Yeah. I mean, you know, you have to go on that. I can't do the T cup. I can't do the spinny ride, but I watch everybody else and hold everybody's stuff.
Starting point is 01:23:31 Well, so that's my question. Are you a mom? Do you have any children? No, I'm single, no children. Okay, so who are you going with? So my mom and my older brother, so we actually got my mom loves to say a lot. So we actually got my mom a pass. Cause we used to come out here with my dad and my dad recently passed away. So we've
Starting point is 01:23:58 got. Oh, thank you. It's always when I say that it's always awkward. I don't know what to say when people say sorry. Oh, what would you like us to say? I don't you know, I don't know because I feel like I have to acknowledge that somebody said sorry. Well, no, let's do this. Hey, you know, tell us a little bit about your dad. Was he good guy? Oh, yeah, he was an amazing guy. So yeah, we can make you like Well, I was gonna say it's not a I'm sorry. It's a hey. I know you like you're crying the first time at all. Well, the one I was gonna say is, hey, instead of doing, I'm sorry. Let's go. Hey, let's celebrate
Starting point is 01:24:33 his life and you know, he sounds like a good guy and so that's why I brought that out. Yeah, thank you. Thank you. Sorry. Yeah, so but yeah, we got a A pass that we're out here to do that So the so it's you and your mom and your brother coming out to Disney your mom likes it because 1955 that was what year she She was born year she was born 1955 The park open of the park open guy the the park open guy at the same year.
Starting point is 01:25:05 OK, cool. So you guys are out there and where are you from originally? Did you say? I'm from Colorado. And I am a native of Colorado. Like if you know anybody from Colorado, you've got to flip that in there somewhere. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:23 I don't have the bumper stickers. That'll happen. Well, sounds like you're about to have some fun. You're on vacation. Why don't you bill you up to the bar, tell us what's on your mind. You're looking for any advice, maybe a buy seller trade, maybe looking to sell some memory, Billy, you get a DC
Starting point is 01:25:41 land or something like that. Let us know. No, I mean, the Broncos aren't doing well. So I guess, Remember Billy you get a DC land or something like that let us know No, I mean the Broncos aren't doing well. So I could sell some Broncos. Broncos let's hide That's the new motto right Uh yeah um I feel like our new our motto every year is well there's always next year Sound like a Vikings fan to me, honest. Very similar. At least we got hockey. So, what's up for our time? Yeah. I actually have two questions. So, my first question is, I'm from Colorado but I have this problem that when I talk to people
Starting point is 01:26:25 like if they have an accent or something, I just like start talking like that and I don't know if that's the sense. Well, I've been listening to you guys a lot, so my mom's like, why are you talking like that? So your colleague is what you're saying? I was gonna, I asked for you from because you first of all you were saying sorry a lot. I felt like you were Midwest for sure, you know, and you do have a little hint of something going on there, which I honestly appreciate. I like it. I think it's solidarity with with a with a beautiful land. How does that sound? with a beautiful land. How does that sound? Yeah, that's because it just happens. I don't know. It's just it comes out and then I feel bad about it because I don't want people to think I'm not doing that. No, no, no, God, no. Tell you what, dear. No. No, I want you to do the rest of this call in a Midwestern accent though. That would be very appreciative. So can you do that?
Starting point is 01:27:30 I mean, I could probably try. I mean, you're right. I feel like she's already pretty much doing it. Oh, yeah. The way you help that try. You know, no, yeah, probably try. Yeah, no. And all yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:43 But then I'll say something and then you'll be like embarrassed for me. Well, you sound great there. I'm like, oh, okay. Eight. That was amazing. And we had a community in college earlier. It was a whole thing.
Starting point is 01:27:57 Yeah, we do it too. Okay. Okay, then it's fine, man. It's fine. It's totally fine. It's totally fine. That's the way it Midwest person would say it too. Yeah, it's fine. It's fine. It's totally fine. It's totally fine. That's the way a Midwest person would say it too. Yeah, it's fine. You're fine. Yeah, don't worry. He is actually now in a committed relationship with a Canadian. I am. As of two callers ago. So sorry he's off the market. I know you said you're saying. Yeah, he's committed. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:27 What okay? Well, that should solve your accent deal. We think it's beautiful. So what what's your next question? Okay, so my next question is So I am a homeowner Not so bragged well, I had the I wanted to buy a house before I turned 30 owner. Not surprising. Yeah, not so fragile. Well, I had the I wanted to buy a house before I turned 30. So I work like four jobs and just saved a ton of money. Wow. I wish more people your age had that mentality. It's instead. Right. Instead it's all about. Well, you said you bought it before you're 30, didn't you? Yeah, I did. So if you're under 30 and you bought a house I'm saying I wish more people had the mentality under 30. Oh
Starting point is 01:29:12 Yeah, yeah, I'm I'm 37 Well, but your voice You sound like a child No, you sound you sound 29 years old. You sound very youthful. Oh, thank you. So, what do you think about this house? Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:29:36 So, my question is, like, if there's an Apple project, I will just try to do it myself just to give it a go. Yeah. But I was wondering what was your, like, if you guys have any projects that you tried yourself, like, did you mess up? What if you mess up? Like your biggest project mess up that you were like, oh.
Starting point is 01:29:57 Well, where do we start? Yeah, I mean, you called the right podcast. Please call the wrong podcast. We're not gonna help her fix shit. No, but, like, you can tell you about messing stuff up all the time. I got this carburetor right now, that's... Oh, no. You know, you should really know how to fix a carburetor
Starting point is 01:30:17 before you take it off the snowmobile. You know, the nice thing about any DIY project in all seriousness is YouTube has some great tutorials I would watch the whole tutorial, okay, because You get I watch like one minute I get excited. I'm like I know how to do this I got it from here. I got it from here. Yeah, it's the equivalent of saying I don't need these directions You know, and then we all know how that ends up. You end up with a fist full of screws and a wobbly table. So. And in my experience, I have lived in my house almost two years.
Starting point is 01:30:56 And I still. Oh, yeah, well, not to brag at house, but listen to this shit. I still don't have house numbers on my house. It's accurate. Charlie's been there. You don't, I didn't hear what you don't have what house numbers. Okay, so they're like the delivery they just paid you. Well, yeah, yes, you're right. I do have cardboard taped in the front door window. Um, cardboard. That is like, so like, look at you though. Like look at that. Thank you. I know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don. I don. I don. I don. I don. I don't know. I don't know. I don. I don. I don. I don. I don. I don. I don. I don. I don. I don. I don. I don. I don. I don. I don't know if you're worried about getting numbers. You know, we call that even a problem. Yeah, it's good enough for who it's for, right? Yeah, if people know where it is, and that's fine.
Starting point is 01:31:50 And if you don't want somebody to know that you live there, which wouldn't be very Midwest of you, you just take it out of the window. And they're like, I couldn't find your house. You're like, that's weird. Oh, oops, it is. Wow, you must be out of directions. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:32:04 We must be bad with directions. I don't know. Google. We must be listed. The other project I have going right now is the toilet paper holders and all the bathrooms in my house. Turns out we bought some not so good ones to where they started getting a little wobbly.
Starting point is 01:32:21 You know, I think, you know, shielded and I have a my fiance. I think is just cranking oned and I have, and my fiance, I think, is just cranking on those things was pulling off toilet paper in the morning, you know. So basically, now you've got to switch back to the back of the toilet. Well, so that's, or I just said, so we ordered another toilet paper holder. I started the DIY project to put it up, because I know what I'm doing, right?
Starting point is 01:32:48 I get it up. And the anchors that they sent me with the actual thing didn't hold, and the thing just fell out of the wall. So I got a lot of holes in the wall now. One of them is about fifth size. I played G- Rock roulette and missed the stud. Thank God. But you know, we decided as a household, we decided we're going to be a floor stand toilet paper holder family. So that's perfect. And then just put a picture over the whole line.
Starting point is 01:33:25 Exactly. You know what I'm talking about. So that's what DIY is all about is mess it up and then just put a bandaid over it. What is the project you're trying to do right now? No, I was just curious. So I guess the project that I really messed up was gaining my deck. Uh oh, what'd you do?
Starting point is 01:33:50 You know how you said you watched like a minute of the YouTube video. I think I may have done that as well. I'm not. So I'm going to paint it on. All right. Talk us through this first minute of the YouTube video. What did they say? Well, it, I mean, it seemed very simple, you know, just, it was new wood, but I didn't have to do any of the crazy stuff with like dripping it just power washed it, you know, I bought a power washer.
Starting point is 01:34:19 I was like, look at me. Here we go. Project time. I put the stain on, but the oil based stain, I didn't. The video was like, yeah, you put it on and then you just like don't put too much on. You wipe it off as you go. But I didn't realize you like super had to wipe the oil. Stain off. I'm gonna dry all the way. So, so was slippery, A.M. is what you're saying? Yeah, so show up here, who has seen their deck twice, my hand's loud, because I have to do a big deck.
Starting point is 01:34:54 Everyone's got to wear the shoes they wear when they during curling, came to you from slipping. Everyone's got to wear tracks bikes on your deck. So the day they were flimping. Everyone's got to work. Everyone's got to work tracks bikes on your deck. So the day before. I was like, I might not use what go out and they'd be like, can you stay on the porch? I was trying to get some carpets put out there. I probably needed it.
Starting point is 01:35:15 But I'm like, sure to stay on the carpet outside. Or what you could have done has gotten some rags. Rubber banded them around their ankles over their shoes And they could have just skidded across it and done the wiping for you see that would have been a promo right there Only that you guys have this podcast tuner Wish you would have called in sooner. We're gonna get in the line of advice. Get me a game out of it. Well, I think we just got to leave you with some DIY advice, some a little Midwest DIY advice.
Starting point is 01:35:53 Step one, watch the whole YouTube video. Step two, cock and paint will make you what you ain't. Did you hear that? It deserves repeating. Give it again, Miles. Cock and paint will make you what you ain't. Did you hear that? It deserves repeating. Give it again, Miles. Cock and paint will make you what you ain't. Thank you for emphasizing more that time. And I think step three is WD 40 and duct tape
Starting point is 01:36:17 will fix whatever step one and two didn't fix. I don't think that I see with your deck, but WD 40 will take it right off. You grew up with duct tape. You said anything. I'm not even 40. You'll take it off. Uh, yeah, whatever it is. Don't listen to that. Whatever it is. I'm accurate. Well, please. I was totally there with them on that. I was. No, I'm serious even even go spray your deck with W 40. Please don't.
Starting point is 01:36:48 I'm not going to. I didn't say W 40 on the deck. That's kind of where you're applying. I said duct tape. Oh, yeah. No, that'll fix it. Yeah. Gupta that shit.
Starting point is 01:36:57 Okay. Yeah. I need maybe 80 to 90 rolls for a deck, but how cool of a deck would that be a fully duct tape deck? I mean, come on. You are the talk of the neighborhood and you use enough duct tape. Toddlers could be out there. It's like a padded cell. The duck deck.
Starting point is 01:37:19 I don't know if my mother all go for that. If I'm like, well, put the kids in the paddest cell. It'll be fine. Okay. Call it the duck deck. No, no, no, no. Hey, the duck deck is is your brother handy? Where the hell is he doing?
Starting point is 01:37:33 So I have two brothers. I'm sandwiched in the middle of them. They're they're both well, one of them is handy. The other one. So all you got to do is buy him some. they're both well one of them is handy the other one. So all you gotta do is buy him some beer. All you gotta do is buy him some beer and pizza and he'll do any DIY that you'll ever need.
Starting point is 01:37:53 Yeah, I mean, that's my, my brother has been teaching me how to change the oil in my car. It's good. And that's, yeah, except, you know, he makes me do all the stuff and I'm like, I don't know what I'm doing. Can you look at it? And he's like, if I have to get down there, then I'm not going to be happy about this.
Starting point is 01:38:12 So then I try to, so I just like put all the stuff and I just hope it's right. Oh, that's, yeah, that's one to roll the dice on. You know, I love the people that feel that way, driving down the road while I am as well. As your car's still working. Oh yeah. Yeah. I mean, watch one minute of a YouTube video. It's good. Yeah. I got it. I mean, I have, I have another YouTube video fail. I mean, you gotta be careful with those videos. Yeah, you do. So it's not all, yeah, you gotta be careful with them.
Starting point is 01:38:47 So I need advice too. Can I have advice for you? Yeah. Yeah. Please. No, we are here for you. We are here for you. I'm gonna be honest, this is the last call of the day.
Starting point is 01:38:57 And so we got all the time in the world. Yeah, give it to us. Let's just go. Well, you guys sound great for the last call of the day. Let's go. Let's go. Well, Charlie's been drinking. I've been hanging out. Charlie's coming out. Charlie's, you know, I was going to go a little problem, but we're working on it. Miles is getting loopy at the end of the day. I'm trying to keep us on track here. Miles is who's definitely had more than me, by the way. Well, I weigh a lot more than you do. So it evens out.
Starting point is 01:39:30 Then I guess, okay, so my here's my, I need some advice. Okay. As so, obviously, I feel like, you know, this as a single lady, looking for the guy. Single lady looking for the guy. I know where this is Yeah, where's the going you tell me oh No, oh no, we're not falling for that You say in our first rodeo We already felt for that with the Canadian so oh We already felt for that with the Canadian. So.
Starting point is 01:40:04 Oh, oh yeah, I yeah, are you are you not trying to steal Charlie Barons's heart? Is the question. No, she's not. She's just looking for a fight. First of all, yeah, I need advice, but also like, uh, yeah, I feel it's a heart problem.
Starting point is 01:40:22 You are a heart problem. You were a hard rock. Wow. Wow. She doesn't have to get a visa to come see you. Yeah. So is all this DIY stuff just? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:34 Just the rules. It's four play. Yeah, that was 20 minutes four play. Don't play. Wow. Don't play numbers on your house because it sounds like everybody wants to find it. Oh, geez, no way.
Starting point is 01:40:49 Wow, so why? Okay, but real, this is real. It's like, here's my question. So I, when I go out or whatever, I just, I don't care if I'm matched. I'm like, yeah, whatever, I got, you know, this is what I'm gonna wear. You're dressed. And I'll ask, like, yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:41:13 If I need to look nice, tell me I need to look nice. Other than that, I'm like, yeah, whatever, here we go. And I'll ask, like, my brother, my mom, I'm like, hey, how does this look? And they're like, well, like, if you want to wear that. Yeah. To be fair, I'm like, hey, how does this look? And they're like, well, like, if you want to wear that. That's what I'm saying. To be fair, I get that exact same response from my family too.
Starting point is 01:41:30 So, but I don't ask them how I work. They just say, oh, so you showed up in that, huh? You know, it's Thanksgiving. You really shouldn't just wear a flannel shirt with a t-shirt under it. Before you continue on the dress thing, what do you think about a man wearing bib overalls? Looking good.
Starting point is 01:41:53 Oh, geez. You're in trouble now. You're in luck. We're in trouble now. So, you, you, I'm trying to, I'm so flustered. No, I'm trying to get, I'm trying to dive down here. So you think is a question what should you wear? Yeah, is the the garb
Starting point is 01:42:12 Yeah, is that like is that like my first red flag that gives me you know nobody talk to me Nobody's like ask me out or anything like an non creepy way like he's a non creepy way, like he just went to the shirt or like, yeah, where are you wearing right now? I got a thing. I got a thing in a flannel. James in a flannel. Perfect. You match that. Well, the problem is here right now.
Starting point is 01:42:38 All the rattle. You got to move to the Midwest. Okay. Move to the Midwest. You know, I'm making mental notes. Hard for fine in the window with the numbers. DYI watch more than one minute of the video. Like I got it. I must meet you are you are and then when you go out what's your move to pick up the guys? Or what's their move to pick you up?
Starting point is 01:43:09 So here, that's the problem here. Is the problem, I feel like there's no move. There's no move. I can't talk to that. The zero movement is what you're saying. OK. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 01:43:24 Exactly. So that's what I'm like, is that my red flag? Well, so I'm like, I don't have a swagger food. My teeth are straight. I'm trying to look at people. No, over the phone, you sound very good looking. You sound like you got straight teeth from here. I haven't heard any, yes.
Starting point is 01:43:41 I haven't heard any whistles coming through the phone. So I know you don't have a gap tooth either. There's nothing wrong with that. I have a gap tooth, Charlie. You got a gap tooth. So I can say that. I can make fun of it. But it sounds like you don't have a gap tooth.
Starting point is 01:43:56 So that's good. I'm going to throw metaphor. Maybe you won't understand this because you're from Colorado and you're a Disney land right now. But when you're sitting in a tree're a Disney land right now. But when you're sitting in a tree stand and there's no deer walking your way, what you got to do is you got to find a different spot. It's all I got to say. What kind of places are you hanging out at? Are you going to the club or are you going to a bar? Are you going to church? Where are you looking to pick up some guys at?
Starting point is 01:44:24 going to church? Where are you looking to pick up some guys at? Well, I mean, I've been going to church, but I've been helping my mom since my dad passed away. So I haven't been going out a lot. I go to work. And then that, you know, that's it. And at work, I feel like that's not a place that I wanna meet at any place. Have you gotten any apps? Do you have any dating apps downloaded? No, so I should get some dating apps. Well, that's not how I would do it.
Starting point is 01:45:00 My advice would be go to a bar and go to the right bar and then you'll meet someone there. But if you're not able to go to the bar because you didn't help and out your mom and you've been working a lot getting apps might be the next move. It could be what city are you in Colorado? I am right outside of Denver. It's in right outside of Denver. Flatside or Rocky Mountain side. Yeah, which side? Which I almost told you like what town is that? Well, you probably that was the question. What town? I mean, I can't find you from just a town name, you know, he will find you. I live in Westman, so he've ran outside. So the flat side or the Rocky Mountain side?
Starting point is 01:45:45 Do you understand how it's done? It's on the Rocky Mountain. Okay, well, you need to move to the flat side of Denver. First, foremost. You just, you cross that line and it goes from hippie to more flannels. Although, there are a lot of flannels on both sides, I will say. If I know anything about humans,
Starting point is 01:46:03 it's flannels, attract flannels. And so you gotta go where there's flannels. If I know anything about humans, it's flannels attract flannels. And so you got to go where there's flannels. And so what Rocky Mountain Denver ain't got flannels as much as you think. So flannel attract flannel. Okay, so where's a flannel? Look for the flannel. Do I have to mat?
Starting point is 01:46:20 I mean, we need a lumber flannel on flannel action is what we're saying. Not less flannel on skinny jeans and sorrel boots is what we're saying. Oh, no, not not that. Okay. When you get into the bar, okay, and you see a fellow up there who you kind of like, all right, and you're doing nothing, right? Why are you doing nothing? Why don't you approach him? What's the biggest fear? I mean, that's what makes me feel bad, because I feel like it goes both ways, but I feel like that fear of rejection.
Starting point is 01:46:56 But I also feel like you can't just expect, you know, like, guys, to do make that move, because obviously, I've heard a lot of your questions. This is my go, this is the go to move, You know like Guys to do make that move because obviously all right So this is my go this is the go-to move and whether it's right or wrong I've said that's quite a few on this podcast are you shooting any eyeballs? Eyeballs are the gateway to the soul have you are you doing a lot of long eye contact with any guys you're interested in No, right. I need I'm more like look at them and they look at me and I look away. Okay. So do that. But I want you to give one extra Mississippi pause on the eyes before you
Starting point is 01:47:36 look away. So boom, we've made eye contact one Mississippi. Then look away. Not a boom, eye contact look away. It just looks like you accidentally looked at them then. You know? Mm-hmm. Have you ever fished for wall eyes with leeches? I have not. So here's how it works. I have been fishing.
Starting point is 01:47:56 Oh, go ahead. But not with what have you been fishing? Yeah, I've been fishing, but not with leeches. Okay, well, Miles just put his mic down. So he knows there's an explanation coming here. Are we done? No, no, no, no, we're not done. Where this is the analogy that's gonna...
Starting point is 01:48:11 I just know that Barnes is supposed to spit some truth is what's about to happen. So if someone might down and let him do his thing. This the analogy that's gonna wrap it all together. When you're fishing wall eyes, I'm like, when a bag go off the dock and you're going with leeches, you get a leech on your deal and you cast it out there
Starting point is 01:48:28 and then you drag it across the bottom. Okay, just drag it and then you're gonna hear a bump, you're gonna feel a bump, just a bump. Okay, that's the eye contact miles is talking about. They make eye contact with you, that's the first bump. All right, then you gotta open the bail. Okay, that means you don't move. You don't move. You just look away for a second. And then you wait for the next him to look again.
Starting point is 01:48:52 And at this point, this means the fish put the deal in its mouth. Okay. So you open the bail. And if line starts going out, you got a runner. So you look at him once, that's your bump, you look away, and then you're looking back at him. If he gives you eye contact again, you got a fish on. It's time to set the hook. Walk on over there, say, hey, what are you drinking? And he's going to say, I'm drinking, you're going to say, I don't care, but I'm having an old fashioned.
Starting point is 01:49:18 And then he's going to get you that old fashioned. And you just found yourself the man in your dream. Hook, line, and sinker is what we call that baby right there. Right there. You make it sound so easy. No, it's not easy, but it takes work. You don't walk out on the dock and you're the best fisherman on the dock to start, but that's why they don't call it a little practice.
Starting point is 01:49:40 All of a sudden, you're feeding the whole family with that type of hook line and sinker, you know, they don't call it Catching they call it fishing. Okay, so Yeah, you get out there you start casting your line. You're you're a very sweet gal You got a lot of heart you got a house You're gonna find someone If all that fails, just walk up to a guy go, I own a house. Yeah, I know I should say that I should be like, I come with a house and I'm
Starting point is 01:50:11 that free. Try the sugar mama around. That might be a good one. If all this, all this bullshit and analogies fail, you know, try and be a sugar mama. I'm not worried about you. I'm not worried about you. You're going to find love and you're going to find it quick. I guarantee you, we just put it out there into the universe. Okay. So if someone's looked at and if anyone's
Starting point is 01:50:33 listed this podcast, it's in the Colorado Rocky Mountains Denver side, West Minster, that's looking for a gal who's a sugar mama has a house? Let us know, we'll link you guys up. She likes to fish. No Disney, no Disney adults though. No, no, no. You are at Disney for your mother, okay? Not for your husband, okay? Yes, exactly, exactly.
Starting point is 01:51:03 I'm not just here, you know. Yeah. So what do you think? You think we helped you on a long today? Yeah, we need some reassurance right now because we're not sure. She just said um, this is an advice podcast. So we need confirmation that we gave good advice. Please. Yeah. No, I feel really I feel like. I feel like this is a great conversation. I feel like it helps me the fishing analogy. Like 10 out of 10. That was great. That was great. Wow. It was listening to God. All right. She do listen to it again.
Starting point is 01:51:35 Well, you've just been a 10 out of 10 guest, okay? So it's a two way thing. Cool. What? We know she's single. I'm just relaxed. Just casting my lead child. You know?
Starting point is 01:51:44 Maybe so. Maybe so. Well, you can go ahead and DM Burons as well. We know she's single. I'm just just relaxing just casting my lead child Well, you can go ahead DM me later. All right. Okay, please bear sounds bail is open. We got a runner Well, we appreciate calling in have fun at Disneyland and Tell your mom. We says hi, right Charlie? right Charlie yeah tell your mom we says hi and your brother I suppose tell me needs to start helping you out around the house that's kind of bullshit in my mind honestly how did you know how did you know well we talked about it now because you told us I know I'm sorry I you guys were like we're leaving this will be a two-second call and then it's like I don't know how long 30 minutes later. So then Wes goodbye you know yeah I'm trying here. You're doing good you're doing good good. Thank you guys I really appreciate it. Thank you. We'll see you soon. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 01:52:48 Bye. You guys take care. Have a good night. You too. Bye bye. Well, Charlie, we found you two girlfriends. Matchmaker. Matchmaker. I can just wait. What was this podcast? Both of them. I can't wait to see the title of this. Charlie finds love. I can't wait to see the title of this. Charlie finds love. Question mark. Charlie uses podcast as dating app. Some like that will be good.
Starting point is 01:53:10 Charlie, as always, this has been fun. Miles, it's been real. It's been fun. Are you doing the thing right there? It has been real fun. It has been really fun. And Brooks, Ben, our great bartender. Thank you so much. Thank you so
Starting point is 01:53:25 much. Thank you so much. Thirley, uh, uh, like baited it. Feared up. Yep. As I would say. So thank you. We're here at Palmer's in Minneapolis and it's a great spot if you're ever in the area. Got to hit it up. Check it out. Um, you got
Starting point is 01:53:42 anything else? Marin's are we good to go? I just it really am take have been taking in this bar. Oh, look, green belt every single time I get to see that every time I get distracted, I look at that little cat with the waving arm. I know. There's that and check out the wall, the walleye up there. Oh God. Yeah. It's way up. I see. it. Yeah, I got a sense. It's not often you see the underbelly of a walleye. I know, never.
Starting point is 01:54:08 God, that's a good looking walleye up there. Yeah, it is. The photo that goes along with it. I'll just check that out. Yeah, it's proof. So yeah, this is a great spot. Yeah. Check it out.
Starting point is 01:54:17 And you know, you guys make sure you tip your bartenders as we're going to do. Always tip your bartender. We love you. We'll see you in the next episode. Bye-bye. Make sure you tip your bartenders as we're gonna do Always Tigger Bar Tender We Love You
Starting point is 01:54:27 We'll see you in the next episode Bye bye

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