Bellied Up - Co-Workers Drink Too Much #50

Episode Date: May 18, 2023

First caller, who's got a boat and wants some tips on how to ask his buddies for gas money. Then we've got a Hoosier-turned-Floridian caller, worried about whether his kid will pick up Midwest...ern values. And last but not least, our 21-year-old caller just hit legal drinking age and wants to know why his coworkers are always downing drinks like there's no (work) tomorrow.

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 All right, everybody. Welcome back to the belly up podcast. I'm here, Miles. You bet you guy here with Charlie Barons. Barons. How you feeling? How does that shoulder, by the way? Oh, you know, how long did so for those of us that after? Yeah. For those that don't know, Charlie Barons throughout the first pitch at a Milwaukee Brewers game. You sure did. I'm going to be honest. Yeah. You got a little more juiced than I thought.
Starting point is 00:00:29 Yeah. See, I, you know, I have more juice than I thought I had to. Was he adrenaline pumping? There was some, honestly, I kind of blacked out on actually thinking and like before I knew it, the pitch was over. You know, I remember walking up at the pitch was over. It was almost like an out of body experience where one spirit, almost an angel came in and helped me get the ball over the plate. And then everyone in the crown stood up and they started flapping their arms
Starting point is 00:00:57 like this. Like they had wings too. Exactly. And ironically, the brewers were playing the angels in that game. This is like a plot to a movie. We should write a movie about it. We should do it. We should do it. And we should call it Brewers in the outfield. Well, maybe Angels on the mound. Well, I guess it is Brewers.
Starting point is 00:01:17 Yeah. We'll workshop it. We'll figure it out. That sounds good. But, yeah, no, I was surprised. I was just a bit outside to quote the great Bob Euker. But I mean, I wasn't going to bring that up. But since you did, yeah, you missed. I would have I would have hit some kneecaps for a left handed batter. Yeah. But at least you got it to the plate. Oh, there's a lot of people getting your shoes,
Starting point is 00:01:43 and they just don't get it there. And every single person in the moments leading up the days leading up, the week leading up. Yep. The hours was saying, don't put it in the dirt. Yeah. It's better to not go in better to go wild. Okay. And to be honest with you, I was kind of thinking about that. And so I think what you saw was my attempt to go wild.
Starting point is 00:02:05 Yeah. And what happened is it went close to over the plate. He caught it though, didn't he? He caught it. Yeah. Then you're good. He almost had the pole muscle to catch it, which would have been bad because that's our left fielder.
Starting point is 00:02:16 Yeah. Well, speaking of pulling a muscle, did they at least let you warm up a little bit? No, no, they have you going cold the day before I Wanted with my brother and build do set we went over to the park and through some balls. I was throwing out my brother, you know, and I heard his hand You know only because he caught in the palm, you know when you catch Why don't they put more padding on the palm? I don't because you're not supposed to catch it there.
Starting point is 00:02:47 I suppose. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's why. But no, I was really happy. Did you, uh, did you just to get a gauge, uh, what kind of he be throwing? Did you happen to go out on maybe like a gravel road or, uh, you know, a construction
Starting point is 00:03:02 road area, construction zone and find one of those speed things on the side. And then wind up and pitch it. Pitch it toward a police checkpoint. Yeah. If I ever do that, which I plan on doing at some point in my lifetime, I bucket list to do that. No, like the construction's like slow down signs, you know? Do those actually could those measure a baseball?
Starting point is 00:03:23 I don't know, but I because of the one movie where he does that and it says 72 on there. Oh, I think he lost his fastball and then as he's walking back, it blinks and the nine comes into play. What was that movie? What was that movie? Rookie the rookie? Rookie of the year? No, rookie years. Oh, the rookie. The rookie. Yeah, it's with Dennis Quay. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, we're, yeah, I forgot about that. Um, so I always make sure that if I'm going to throw a pitch past that, I give it a good full five minutes, just in case a nine flashes instead of just the 72. Do you think, um, now for me, it's easy because Milwaukee, where, you know, we got the brewers. Fargo.
Starting point is 00:04:05 What do you guys got going? Cook and baseball wise. Well, I'm probably going to have to take a road trip. Yeah. Yeah. Twin's game. Either a twins game. Maybe maybe down to STL for a pitch.
Starting point is 00:04:18 I don't know. Yeah. I'm not going to Chicago, though. I can tell you. Thank you. Thank. That's what I was getting. No, it's going to be either MSP or STL just short for Minneapolis St. Paul and St. Louis. Yeah. Thank you. Thank you. Is that where you are a fan of any particular baseball team growing up? You know, we watched the twins.
Starting point is 00:04:39 My dad's family is pretty big twins fans. I just never watched baseball. I like playing it more than I liked watching it. Were you good? I pitched. I was a pitcher. Oh, wow. But I quit like ninth grade because I couldn't hit anything. And they wouldn't let me play catcher when I wasn't pitching. So I'm left handed.
Starting point is 00:04:57 So I don't know what people keep keeping who can catch based off of what hand you throw with is kind of bullshit. Yeah. And that's a hill I'll die on. Yeah. And I think it's, you know, I was a catcher not to rub it in, but I was a good. Yeah. Thanks.
Starting point is 00:05:15 I'd love to put the gear on, get behind the plate. See, I'm a physical contact guy. That's why I like football. So if I could get in the dirt and have balls bouncing off my chest, that just was very appealing to me. I think I would have been a good goalie as well in hockey, but or I would have been a great score. So either way, but no, I had to play basketball where you, you know, you get tacky for fouls all the time, but this is enough about me. Let's go back to the pitch. No, I'd like to talk more about your athletic prowess.
Starting point is 00:05:42 No, no, no, no. Your whole family was there. You're looking good, by the way. Thank you. Really been working. Your whole family was at the pitch. I saw. Yeah, my whole family grandma's here. Here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:05:53 So I know what my family would do if I pitch it and I missed left. Yeah. What would what did they say to you afterwards? Was it all Charlie? That was so awesome. Or was it like roasted immediately? Absolutely. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:06:07 Immediately everyone was just a bit outside. I got texts from my uncles being like, don't quit your day job, you bastard. Yeah, a lot of, yeah, that's why you couldn't make the JV team in high school. Yeah, I didn't even go out for it. I my baseball career ended in about seventh grade. I just honestly, I was a good batter. And then I got hit one, two, I would always take the hit. I would take the hit and walk.
Starting point is 00:06:39 And then one time I got hit too hard. And I just I couldn't, I couldn't sit in the box. I became a scaredy-cat after getting that hit. Yeah. Baseball yips really. Well, it was. I literally couldn't stand it because I always just I pride myself. I'm taking the ball and walking. Then I think I got hit in the hat or something and then I was it didn't hurt. It didn't hurt until that point. Yeah. Once the kids actually could throw. Yeah, no. Yeah. That's Yeah. That's why I quit baseball. As soon as the ball started curving.
Starting point is 00:07:08 It's like now I already have a tough enough time when it's going straight, judging the speed, you know, change up fastball. And now you're telling me, it's going to look like it's going to hit me in the face. But then it's going to curve and be a strike. I'm out. That sucks. That's terrifying. But I'm glad that you got to do that. Look, that was fun. Would have been fun to be invited with the rest of your family. Oh, you know what? I even said, I even said, uh, let's shoot the belly up podcast in Milwaukee. And then I had a wedding. I had a wedding in here in Minneapolis. And then I would have put the pieces together to invite you to the game. Yeah, but I wouldn't want to steal the show from yes.
Starting point is 00:07:51 That's true. It would have showed up. Then yeah, and then I would have chugged a beer on the jumbo tron. Everyone would forgot about barons is ball one. We almost went to a bird's game once miles, you and me. Yeah, I got sick. Yeah, I found out he had COVID in my living room after spending two out two podcasts. You know what it felt like and two sketches just sneezing on me. He was sick as always. Like, are you okay? Do you have COVID? He's like, no, I'm fine. Everyone just bitch.
Starting point is 00:08:18 You know, you know what it felt like once once we found out that I got in COVID it felt like the next morning after a one-night stand, you know, where you're like, well, that was, that was fun, but I got to go now. You know, what was your name again? You know, it's like, well, it was kind of that type of energy wasn't it? And then you're like, I should really go get tested. Yeah. Oh, that being said, why do we take some callers? That sounds good. Let's do it.
Starting point is 00:08:55 Hello. What do we got on the line? Hello there. Andrew. Hey, Andrew, how are you? What? What are you? What, what are you up to? Yeah, you hear me?
Starting point is 00:09:12 Yep. What are you doing? I'm just at home. Watching TV actually. No, the weather's shit. I can't do much outside. What do you do for a living? Working on a TV. Working a TV. You're working in a TV. How do you get inside that? TV.
Starting point is 00:09:25 The film and film television. I don't know what you're inside. I just know how to use it. So like you're a producer, you're audio technician. What do you do? Camera work and lighting.
Starting point is 00:09:42 Nice. That's cool. Yeah, it's pretty fun. What do you think about the writers strike? Yeah, it's kind of called some problems for us. Is that why you're sitting at home on a Monday? Pretty much, yeah. It's been a few Mondays, a few Tuesdays as well. Wow, where are you living? Where are you calling him from? I am outside of Chicago, suburbs. Ah, okay, which one? East Dundee. East Dundee, which street? Did you just burp? I belong to Fox River. Oh, you're along the Fox River? Yeah. Nice. Well, why don't you belly up to the bar with us since you don't got anything
Starting point is 00:10:29 else going on and tell us what's on your mind. Let me go grab a beer. Yeah, get your stuff on beer. There we go. Yeah, we got one too. Yeah, why aren't you? Oh, the line is what do you got there? Lines, uh, original light, summer shandy. This is a juicy. It's a juicy peach. It's the white beer. Oh, juicy peach. It's nice. It's a juicy. It's a white beer. It's the white spear. It's a white spear. Wife spear. Hey, they're good.
Starting point is 00:10:58 I mean, I enjoy it. Hey, if you were judging me, no, no, I'm good judging you. I don't know. We're just singing of a peach emoji right now. All right, what's on your mind now that you are currently Got something to wet the whistle. What do you got? Graduation that's a big freaking day good for you the three best days in a man's life That is a big frickin day. Good for you. The three best days in a man's life. Day he gets married. The day he has his children and then when he buys a boat and then the day he sells a boat now. How, uh, what kind of a boat you get a speedboat? You get a pontoon. What'd you get? Give us a layover land.
Starting point is 00:11:38 The 18 foot bathboat. Yeah. Nice. How many horse on that? with basketball. Yeah, nice. How many horse on that? That's all I got. And she runs. How many horse power? Mercury 150. Merc 150. That'll get a good job done. Wow. That's got some ponies as they'd say.
Starting point is 00:11:55 Oh, yeah. Car community. That's a, that's a nice piece of equipment. Along with that. Yeah. Yeah, along with that one. There's a lot of gasoline burns a lot of gas. Along with that, yeah. Yeah, along with that one. You've got a lot of gasoline. Burns a lot of gas, yeah, 164s. Full of big engines.
Starting point is 00:12:07 Yep. Yeah, so I'm fine paying for the gasoline. But how will I nicely tell my buddy is that when they come, they have to bring the beer and the ice and the sandwiches. I'll pay for the gas, but I can't be paying for all the beer to this. They're job. OK, well, this is easy.
Starting point is 00:12:24 You just start your bark orders, right? You're in a group chat with them. And if you make it a group thing, right? Then no one thinks anything of it, right? If me, you and Charlie were in a group chat and I had the gas in the boat, I go, Charlie, you're on sandwich duty. You're on beer duty. I'll bring a cooler. All you need to do is bring the beer in beer duty. I'll bring a cooler.
Starting point is 00:12:46 All you need to do is bring the beer in the ice. I'll bring the cooler. I'll bring that. It'll be fun. We're going on the leg. Buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh. Boom. That doesn't sound like, oh, he's making me do all this stuff.
Starting point is 00:12:57 It's more of a we're doing this together. Kind of pot luck style. Yeah. I like that a lot. I know. Now if you did do that with them, would they, what would they say? I mean, I think they say like, yeah, sure. Oh, that was kind of pretty sour. Like they only bring like a six pack. Like they don't bring enough with
Starting point is 00:13:22 the beer enough. Like they'll close your mouth with some beer but like that's because you're drinking that expensive lining Google's you know you gotta go with something a little more affordable I see how it is Miles miles is over here taking shots okay um There's a bridge quite a few bush cans in the boat okay So are your friends are your friends broke or are they cheap um I think cheap the other cheap okay Okay, so are your friends are your friends broke or are they cheap? I think cheap the other cheap. Okay, so they have some money. They just don't want to spend it on
Starting point is 00:13:55 communal activities Exactly and are you afraid if you make them spend the money that they won't come out? No, I'm not worried about telling them. I'm just like, what's the correct Midwestern way to do it without them having any hard feelings? Yeah. Um, well, I think that the way you do it, because the Midwest way to do it is by not actually confronting them to their face by just doing all of it yourself. Either doing it with number one, you do it all yourself. And if you're still not happy with that, then what you're going to do is you're just going to after after the trip is as big, you're just going to send them a Venmo request for whatever money you think is worth it.
Starting point is 00:14:36 You know, that is the most passive way possible. Also, calling a podcast to ask how to tell them to do it. You know, yeah, there's not a lot of directness going on in the Midwest. It's a lot of around about kind of ways, a lot of passive money gathering going on at the end. Have you always like stock the boat in the past though and stock the gas filled the gas. Well, I only had it like a few months now. So it's only now he sees as being a potential future issue and he's got a nip in the bodice. I think what's happening. Okay. Okay. Um, another thing you could do. Yeah. Okay. Here's a good move too. To make you look even better, just say that you had something come up and you're running late.
Starting point is 00:15:29 And so if someone could swing by the liquor store or swing by the grocery store to pick up some food and beers because you weren't able to get there, you were trying to, you did everything you could to get there, but you just can't this time. And then they then put it on them and it looks like you're doing this valiant effort to go above and beyond for them, but they end up just buying it anyway. Yeah, make a fair save of the day. Like man, if you picked up two cases, specifically two cases, that would save the day. And they would probably feel good about seeing the day, right? Yeah. But the problem might be is they sound
Starting point is 00:16:04 pretty cheap as after you guys go out in the day, right? Yeah, but the problem might be is they sound pretty cheap. As after you guys go out in the water and you get home, they may send you a van more requests. Oh, let me just whenever come back out again. What do you think of that, Charlie? I mean, I'm thinking that that is pretty good. I'm also trying to think what kind of person am I? You know, because a lot of people just space out and don't even think about it.
Starting point is 00:16:29 It's like almost like some people going with the philosophy of, oh, you invited me. This is your thing. And then when I invite you to come over my house, I stocked the beer. I got beer in the fridge. Yeah. I'm paying in the fridge. Yeah, you know, I'm paying for the heat You know actually got into myself a little bit of a situation once where I had some friends that wanted me to come out on a boat and I they always got booze right and so I actually was running late and so it became the conundrum
Starting point is 00:17:00 They were already waiting for me at the dock Oh And I still had yet to go to the liquor store. So I had to make the tough decision between, and I, and I, you know what, wasn't a tough decision. I learned a lesson that day. I thought, you know what, to be courtesy of them, I'll bum a few beers off of them. They're good friends.
Starting point is 00:17:22 You know, they don't seem to be an issue. They think they'd rather spend more time on the water than wait for me to go to liquor store and boy, oh, boy was I wrong. And in true Midwest fashion, they didn't say anything at the time. And of course, I bummed a few beers, but every now and again, there's a snarky comment about, oh, well, Miles doesn't bring any beer when he comes over. Even though I do every other single time, I always make sure when we're at a bar to pick up certain tabs or beers or whatever, I'm trying to do my penance for that one bad deed that I did.
Starting point is 00:17:59 But I learned a tough lesson that day that you always go for the beer. People don't care about their time. They care about how much beer you bring. And people never remember the time you did bring beer, but they will never forget the time you didn't put that on like a sign to put above the bar somewhere. Seriously, seriously. So I'm still on the boat trailer. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:22 Oh, yeah. So is there. There's evidence to be named boat? Is there a acceptable amount of time where you can leave your buddy at the ramp? Where if it's past, if he's an hour late, you're just leaving by. Well, is he getting beer or not getting beer? It's the question. Yeah. How bad do you want him on that boat? What's he adding? Okay. The other friend brought beer. So we got enough beer for two people, about three. Third guy, our late, we don't need his beer.
Starting point is 00:18:50 How long do you wait? I think what you do is you leave as he's, so then when he shows up, then yes, to wait for you guys to come pick him up. Because nothing feels lame, then standing on the end of a dock, waiting for someone to pick you up. You just feel exposed out there.
Starting point is 00:19:06 You feel like you just look like kind of a doofus. You're a sitting doc. You know, it's like showing up way too early to a social event and you're kind of just sitting there, you know, which is you and the host and they're kind of wondering why do you show up so early. But you can't race back either because then he won't learn his lesson. You have to be teaching lessons along the way here. So let him sit for a minute. Yeah. Like that. Good good good good idea. It's like it's going to completely change my summer.
Starting point is 00:19:36 They call off that. Yeah. And and I think you got to start with the subtle comment. The subtle comments like my buddies did because it actually I lie awake at night sometimes thinking about that time I didn't bring the beer. Yeah, I've never seen you so concerned about what somebody else thought about you in this moment. Yeah, it was, I lie awake and they still once in a while whip that out on me and so it doesn't have to be super mean. It's just, you know, maybe you're at the bar
Starting point is 00:20:07 and you're like, oh, no, where I'll get it, you know, just like we're on the boat. Now, there is stuff like that. There are certain situations to where like some people just don't have the money. And in that case, you can really, you can earn your keep on a boat. I think you can be the anchor guy. Yeah. If, if, let's say you're in a situation where you're real broke, yeah, just fine. Ben there. We've all been there. But you gotta put yourself to work once you get on the boat. Even if you don't have the man any ropes, just, just have a rope in your hand. Yeah. You know, I don't know what you need the rope for. Show up with a rope. At least have a rope in your hand. Yep. You know, I don't know what you need the rope for. Show up with a rope. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:45 At least have a rope. Be ready. Be the first person to always stand up. You know, if you can just be vertical instead of horizontal on a boat, it always plays better. It looks like you're really active trying to help out. Yep. Look at the horizon. See if there's anything floating that might ding the prop.
Starting point is 00:21:03 Yep. Look for sand bars. Oh, yeah. Yeah. And check the buoys when you leave. Make sure you're not, you don't have buoys dangling outside the boat. You know, just be helpful. Also know how to tie a proper boat knot because you can be the guy to hop out and to tie
Starting point is 00:21:20 the boat up. You know, if you're that helpful, a guy everyone's going to forget the fact that you took 12 of their beers. Also make sure that you're waving at every other boat. Go by to signal that you guys are a friendly boat. People really enjoy not having to be the one waving all the time. Yeah. Be the one to initiate. So if you are in a tough financial situation, you can't always bring a 30 rack of beers to the boat. At least earn your keep is what I think we're saying here. Yeah, if you do just those few things, it'll go a long way.
Starting point is 00:21:52 You'll ride for free, you'll drink for free, and you'll get invited back on that boat. Man, I need my stuff with friends with the boat, so I don't have to be like, I just do that. Yeah. He's a, he's put up for sales side on his boat. But that's cool, man, you got to you got a fun summer ahead of you. You really do. You mean the popular you're going to get this most mid-boss guy. You got a boat. You can talk about right? See, I am what you would call a smart person. And I don't have a boat.
Starting point is 00:22:26 I just have friends with boats. FWB. Love it. No, my parents cabin a lot. They got a boat. And I ain't buying a new one. If that one's still working, you know? So forget friends with benefits.
Starting point is 00:22:42 We just want friends with boats. Parents with boats. We just want friends with both parents with folks Yeah, we'll make sure to bring a lot of beer Love it. What's your what's your stance on having like a dolly or a two wheel card on the boat? Because that's what we're going to need to do with all the beer we're bringing. Is it, you know, like some people are like shoes off in the boat kind of rule. Do you have a rule against bringing a dolly or a two wheel cart full of beer on the boat? Well, I'm not really that good at catching fish yet.
Starting point is 00:23:22 So I just see that the live well is cooler because I'm not putting fish live well. So it's just it's a cool beer. I love that. You're not even fishing out there. Are you? I have that's that's about it. Santa Fe. So that's not why we go.
Starting point is 00:23:34 His buddy shows up and he's like, guys, I forgot the rods. We're like, we don't care about that. Did you bring the beer? All right, man. Well, I hope that that helps a little bit. We gave you a few different angles to go at and sounds like you're going to have a fun summer. Three years, they've taken my call. Yeah, I appreciate you calling. I have a good one. I still thinking about that. I can tell. It's really non-adjust. It's just because I also know other people that do that and I don't want to be in the
Starting point is 00:24:09 same category. And it's one of those lessons you hopefully only have to learn once. Yeah, I'm sitting here thinking like, geez, have I ever done that? And if you have to be the guy thinking, geez, have I ever done that? You're probably the guy that's done that. I know I've shown up late. For sure. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:24:27 Yeah, I mean, I'm never shown up on time. And yeah, I probably forgot or you brought insufficient booze. It's like like, you know, on the super superhero or super villain origin story, that's my you bet you guy origin story. That's the moment I decided I was, you know, going to be the bush like guy, you know, guy with endless bush lights. Basically, it had a traumatic experience for you. You know who I, who's kind of annoying is a guy who just brings a six pack. And it's like some of the thickest beer that only that guy wants to drink, you know. Yeah, it's like, if you'reest beer that only that guy wants to drink, you know? Yeah, it's like if you're gonna bring beer,
Starting point is 00:25:08 the only you wanna drink, that's fine, but you gotta bring at least some mouse. Yeah, you know. Yeah, and, or at least bring 12 and pretend that someone else is gonna drink those. Yeah. You know? I would love to do an experiment one time,
Starting point is 00:25:20 just show up with like the thickest IPA somewhere and just, you do the thing where you just start throwing them to people because they're not gonna, you can't throw it back. Yeah. Once you catch a beer, you can't just be like, I don't want this and whip it back at the zem. So then they have to at least drink some of it and then just scan and see everyone's faces a little, oh god, I bet he hates that. I bet he's gagging on the inside. But with an IPA, like if you are going for the full commitment of taking a sip, you at least know as bad as it tastes, it's got at least that much alcohol.
Starting point is 00:25:53 Yeah, it's got more alcohol. Yeah, you're like, well, at least I'm going to get messed up. I'm going to wake up with the heat sweats at 3 a.m. You know, you guys ever get that, you know,, I get the meat sweats in the middle of the day. I know. Yeah, it's just how it goes. Charlie gets heat sweats. I get meat sweats.
Starting point is 00:26:10 I get heat sweats, dude. I can't, I can't drink anymore. I can't do it. Like I drink a certain amount of beers at night. 3 a.m. Just waking up. I'm like a freaking, I'm radiating. Yeah, you're old.
Starting point is 00:26:23 I think you just stated that you're old. I'm, yeah, I'm old. I'm, I'm, I'm trying to catch you. So, yeah, all right. Should we take another collar? Yeah, let's do it. Welcome to the Bellyduck podcast. Do we get on the line?
Starting point is 00:26:38 This is Brinson. What's up, my guy? How you doing? Brinson, you said? Yeah, it's like Brinson, Missouri, but it was an iron instead of an A Branson Branson Branson Branson Yeah, it was I yeah, it's like Cranston Freda Feltchard What's going on man? I'm just a former Hoosier turned Florida man.
Starting point is 00:27:07 And we were expecting our first kid in November, my wife and I, and congrats on the shots. Congrats on the sex. Thank you. Yeah, you did. Very good. Yeah, at least once confirmed. Confirm one time sex, however,, thank you. Yeah, you did. Very good. Yeah, at least once confirmed, confirmed one time sex, have her good for you. Yep, almost as good as Ryan and T-shirt guy. He's got me
Starting point is 00:27:34 beat. Well, Tyler Tyler's got eight kids, but what's on your mind? Why don't you belly up to the bar with us tell us what's going on? So yeah, I ended up a man my wife, but she lived in Florida her whole life and she fell for a nice fuzzy-haired white guy and somehow, but you know we're here and living in Florida, but there's certain things that I just can't teach like you know the Midwest goodbye. How do I teach this to my kids like Without them getting lost and you know the whole Florida man antics like wrestling outgators Well, what a well here's my first question. Let's flip it around here. How do Floridaians? How do people from Florida say goodbye?
Starting point is 00:28:23 Florida in case you were wondering. I think we're drunk and passed out on the couch on being honest. I get drunk and passed out on the couch. Yeah, I mean, that happens here too. I mean, that's also very similar to the Midwest goodbye, I guess. So what, what, um, let's see here. Well, I think we let's not, I mean, the Midwest goodbye, that's like some advanced stuff and you're talking about having a kid, I mean, we got to talk about just we got to start with the foundation. So the Midwest, you don't got to jump right into the Midwest can buy it's a baby for right for cry. Six babies got to learn how to say, oh first. Yeah, that should be the first thing. No, mom. They're not there enough. But look get it right out of the gate.
Starting point is 00:29:06 Yeah. No mom, no dad is the first word. It should be, oh, should be your baby's first word. I also think another way that you can instill the Midwest lifestyle in your baby is maybe just taking a half a ranch packet and just pouring it in the bottle, mixing that up and, you know, ranch. What's going on? It doesn't brand we talking about. It doesn't matter. just pouring it in the bottle, mixing that up and, you know, range. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:29:27 It doesn't matter. He just, it's a baby. Their taste buds are still figuring it out. They're not going to know the good stuff from the bad stuff. So whatever's cheapest, I think is probably best. Yeah, just mix it right in there. A lot of them are going to be on the floor. Yeah, I know, I know. It's just, hey, it's kind of like fruits and vegetables. You
Starting point is 00:29:47 just got to get them in. You just, doesn't matter if you mix broccoli in with your brownies or anything like that, you just get the greens in, get the ranch in the baby bottle. And only go for walks in the rain, just so they're used to going home when you guys go home It rains plenty here, so I think they'll get plenty used to that. Okay, well that's good. What part of Florida are you in? Did you say? St. Pete like the camp area. Oh, yeah, see the thing about Florida is it's basically Midwest south a lot of people from the, a lot of snowbirds find their way down there. So you're going to want to find yourself your various bars, your Hoosier
Starting point is 00:30:31 bar. You said you're a Hoosier. You want to find that bar. You want them to become a Packers fan. If they, you know, have any real interest in seeing their football team succeed. I don't want to hear any jokes about the Packers team this year, but you know, there are a lot of Midwest folks down there. Just start engraining, you know, meeting them, get, get, get surround him with the Midwest. Well, you did a comedy show in Florida, didn't you, Charlie? I did Naples. I did a Naples and Orlando and Tampa in each place and Miami, a ton of Midwest people in all those places.
Starting point is 00:31:09 So yeah, you got to get a friend group around this kid that also is maybe from the Midwest as I think what would be a good move to do. So I got a good answer for that. Me and the hot buddy as we play video games, but one of them's got a lake house up on Michigan that we went to last Fourth of July. So I plan on keeping that tradition going. That's a great start. So I also think if you can find Midwest only daycare, that would also be great. Ooh, you know, they don't have those, but they should start. They should start. Maybe you should start that. Yeah. You have to have some sort of, one of your
Starting point is 00:31:42 parents has to be from the Midwest. Otherwise, you can't go to that daycare. And lunchtime is only brides. What kind of brusso we're talking like Italian sausages. We're talking like that. Chicago's foul brought it to make the huge difference. Hey, he's from the midway. He's not lying. He's asking the right questions. He is a straight shooter. I can tell you that. Yeah. He is. You know, if we want to get four pillows and settle with like that, it's okay, but it's not as good as like a good butcher getting you. Oh, man. Wow. This guy knows his stuff. You know, you know, what? I think, you know, over, I think you're over thinking it. I think that from what we've heard from him today, this kid is, you know, I don't think you have to worry about instilling anything. I think you're overthinking it. I think that from what we've heard from him today, this kid is, you know, I don't think
Starting point is 00:32:27 you have to worry about instilling anything. I think it's going to be, he's going to learn some Midwest values from you. That's probably good. The problem is the life is New York Italian. And so we've got to try and like win over that. It's a strong culture. Oh, man. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:44 Yeah. And New York Italians, they're a little bit more demanding than Midwest people. But here's the thing is you're going to be the shoulder to cry on growing up, right? Your wife, I don't want to put anyone in a box, but probably going to get a little bit more short tempered or heated than you would in a scenario. And the kids gonna be like, wow, dad, mom just went off the rails about a Sharkootary board and sandwich meats say, I don't know what happened.
Starting point is 00:33:15 You know, it was just, it's just got a cool. And then he's gonna come to you and go, dad, what's going on? And then that's when you just instill the Midwest niceness in them. Yeah, your first words are going to have to be, oh, sorry, because your wife's probably going to get to him first with the first words, which is going to be a few. So after he says that to his teacher, he's going to have to come in hot with an op-sori
Starting point is 00:33:40 after that. You're going to, you're going to rest your life. You're going to be just repairing thing, just repairing the damage that happens. Yeah, the midwestness is just the band-aids for the New York Italian. Yeah, they do have good food though. Well, man, and the Catholics make just as many kids. It's kind of impressive. Are you both Catholic? Actually, no. I grew up in a castle. She grew up Catholic. So it's all over the place. Oh, wow, penicostal. I don't even know what that is.
Starting point is 00:34:10 I've never heard that. If I love, I mean, I've heard of it. I just don't know what it is. I've never heard of that. My life, like the penicost, it's closer to like charismatic type of thing. Charismatic. Oh, is it? Like,
Starting point is 00:34:24 I've never heard of that either. What like? Like what what is the do you guys have a pastor? Do you have a priest? How does that work? Yeah, my dad's doctor. Oh, your dad's a pastor. So is it Christian? No, yeah, it's Christian. Yeah, the Pentecost. Your mom's gonna be so upset when she was. No, no, I know. Well, I don't think you did. I don't think you did. Me and your mom are gonna have a talk after this. That's fine. I didn't honestly.
Starting point is 00:34:51 So anyways, yeah, penicostle, is that like where you get like really into it and you like, you know, you kind of like, it's a lot of raw, raw stuff? Yeah, how much eyes closed hands in the air singing goes on at the service good question 75 inch TV with like pepper spray in your eyes Just Oh, our God isn't awesome. God, he rains. God, you're the hands and hands. That song was after me. I don't even know that song. Oh,
Starting point is 00:35:36 yeah, I'm gonna have to have a talk with your mom. Yeah, I know. I was really 2000. I was only like a baby during that time. Oh boy. Yeah. Geez. Now you're having a baby. You were born in the early 2000s and you're having a kid before. I was late 2000s, lander. Okay. 98 or we're still not in baby.. Not that one. You 24. Yep. From here soon. Wow. And you got one in the
Starting point is 00:36:10 oven already. Bun in the oven for you. Is she 25? 24? She's 24 as well. Wow. Where's you guys meet? You met in college.
Starting point is 00:36:22 In college, went to a Christian college, both of us had scholarship and then graduated and didn't talk to him for a few years and then got back together and got married in COVID was nice and great you guys go to the go the scholarship reunion and is that where you met why'd you have to slip that in there you're making both me and Miles feel bad about ourselves. Yeah, what the hell? We couldn't afford private college without it. Oh, I see. I don't think anyone can.
Starting point is 00:36:49 Yeah, I know. Okay. Yeah, what's, tell us how you guys got reunited. Was it you slid into our DMs or what? A little bit, but the other way around though. I was working for a church up in Jacksonville and she was a English teacher to a little kid in Honduras. So she used to expand in English and when COVID hit and they had to go back to the US, she saw that I was back in Florida because I had to move back up to Indiana with family after college because you know it's hard to find a job, all that stuff.
Starting point is 00:37:28 But yeah, she DMs me on Instagram to see what was going on. And I was like, oh, that's not girl from my English class in college. Let's go. Okay. Well, you guys are thoroughly making me and Charlie feel like pieces of shit because you're only 24 and it sounds like she's carrying cancer and you're doing God's work out there and it's like this whole thing and me and Charlie you're just two 30 plus year old guys better than a bar on
Starting point is 00:37:56 a Monday. Well, I was working it to Pultlay for most of those years. So, okay, still better than, still better than working concrete what I was working it to Paltry for most of those years. So, okay. Still better than, you're still better than working concrete what I was doing before this. So, you're doing a heck of a job is what we're trying to say.
Starting point is 00:38:14 Yeah, we're not worried about your kid, all your kids guy, your kids gonna be in good hands. Yeah, and you had sex for you. Last question to have for you. How are you going to raise the kid, Catholic or a pedagone? A pedagone or a pedagone? It's a pedagone.
Starting point is 00:38:33 His dad is the pedagonal. Is this kid going to have five sides? Or is he going to be Catholic? So we actually ended up because that's something you got to figure out when you're married. I mean, Charlie's got plenty of experience arguments. So, you know, you got to find experience that you like together. So we're at a non-denominational church that we ended up liking. Oh, why don't you meet me in the middle of what you guys said?
Starting point is 00:38:58 Pretty much, because at the end of the day, most Christians believe 99% of the same stuff just the one percent we all get I'll get caught up then. You know what? God. Kids got it together. I can't wait. I'm, I, I want to, you're going to be a good dad. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:14 And you're asking the right question. I already got a 10 by 10. I can't be cooler for the beach as well. So the kids are going to be set. Yeah, yes. You are set, man. Just remember, oh, sorry, before mom and dad. Oh sorry Yeah, I think that'll be good sounds good man. Well congratulations again and
Starting point is 00:39:36 You're gonna be a good dad and thanks for calling into the pod Appreciate it. Thank you so much. Yep. Tell your wife. We says hi and your dad Okay, we'll do Appreciate it. Thank you so much. Yep. Tell your wife. We says hi. And your dad. I'll tell your folks. First time to do. Okay. We'll do. I'm sure my dad will appreciate it. All right. My awesome. See you now.
Starting point is 00:39:51 What a good good guy. Good dude. Asking all the right questions. You know, I think that kid's going to grow up to be just fine. One of his wife is the sweetest lady. I made her seem to be Tony soprano. Well, you know, he did. He said Italian, New York, you know, Tony Sprano, New Jersey, you know, but same church,
Starting point is 00:40:11 different peel, same church from you. Hey, and pentagonal, you know, good. I don't know. So what actually is it? Pena castle. I don't, I've never heard of that. I love this visual though. That's all good.
Starting point is 00:40:24 Pulled in the 75 inch TV above your head and pepper spray in the eyes. Good, good guy. Let's take an all the one. Charlie, Miles, it's May. It is. It's May. You know what goes great in May. No, you know what it means good for. Boos. Flowers. Flowers. And tippy cow. And tippy cow. No, it's, you know, it may be good for booze flowers flowers and Tippi cow and Tippi cow, you know, if you're doing your garden, starting to get a roll in in May. Yeah, I've never done a garden
Starting point is 00:40:53 But I imagine if you were to do it, I've never done a garden. Well, one day you're gonna find a garden that you really love and You two are gonna decide to spend the rest of your lives together. And then on that day, you will do a garden. Well, I think that that has happened. So maybe I'm a gardener, but regardless, you know what makes the garden grow? What's that, Miles? Booze. Booze! Because you plant the stuff and then you just got to wait.
Starting point is 00:41:21 And so, no better way to waste time gardening than with Tipeekow. Hey, nothing goes better on a hot, cool day than a nice ice cold glass of Tipeekow. So, Charlie, cheers to your garden, cheers to your garden success. I know you're going to need it. Thank you. And Tipeek, I'm back. Tipeek, I need it. Thank you and Tip it on back with typical like yeah Delicious real milk from Wisconsin. Yep, Wisconsin cows guys If you're interested in Charlie and I coming to your local small town bar to belly on up and do our podcasts
Starting point is 00:42:02 We have a submission form now so you can submit your bar and maybe we just might show up. So if you go to our Instagram page at belly.up pod in the in the description, the profile, the link in bio, click on the link, submit your bar. Welcome to the belly.up podcast. So we got on the line. Welcome to the Belly Dot Podcast. So we got on the line. We're saying, oh, we need to work. What? Hello?
Starting point is 00:42:30 Hey, what's your name? Hello. My name's Hunter. Hunter. Hunter. Hunter. What are you, are you talking to us in a bathroom? What's going on?
Starting point is 00:42:43 Oh, there you go. You were on speaker phone, weren't you? Okay. It sound like you were. No, I was on the picture. You were what? I was on the Bluetooth earbud. Oh, the Bluetooth. Yeah. Yeah. We got switched over to the other one, but you're sounding all day. They don't work all that though. Yeah, you're coming in good now, though. So, uh, Hunter, why don't youy up to the bar with us, tell us what's on your mind, what's going on? Well, I got a little debacle here. So I just turned 21 a few weeks ago. Congratulations. Happy late birthday.
Starting point is 00:43:16 I got sent out a cow on a. Oh, thank you, thank you. So I got sent out here on a work trip. I'm working right now. And after all our shifts, I got to somehow keep up with the other co-workers that's far. I'm trying to figure out how to approach. I'm trying to learn some bar etiquette. Yep. So I don't what what it would do. I just hammered him down. Let's start with what you're having trouble with right now. What's kind of your biggest hang up? What's the biggest thing in your mind that's been tough for you to figure out?
Starting point is 00:43:57 I can't keep up with the other guys over the site. There's cranking down 12 years, beers are so after a hard day's work. I'm just over here drinking like one or two and I'm gone. Well, so I think the question you're looking to ask is, how do you up your tolerance now that you started drinking? And the answer is, you just keep drinking. Is really how you do that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:28 You even though I got work in the morning? Well, no, even at work if you need to. I mean, you got to bump your numbers up. You get at work? Yeah, I think that's what's gonna have to happen. Well, that advice could- What do you recommend drinking? I'm kidding.
Starting point is 00:44:43 I'm kidding. Do not drink on the job. I forget he's really young. You might. Here's what you got to remember though. Here's what you got. I should put this away. Yeah, put it away. Actually, way it's three o'clock. Yeah, it's five o'clock on the East Coast or somewhere in the middle of the ocean.
Starting point is 00:45:03 Yeah, but what you do want to remember is you don't want to, you don't want to catch them too quick because you got to think about the financial implications of that. Okay. You can consistently go to the bar and buy 12 beers and have that be a lasting thing. So think about your wallet also your liver, but but it's a company paid for. Oh, well, then get your liver. Well, so here I want to, I'm going to frame it in something so you can then understand
Starting point is 00:45:33 your co-workers more, okay? So I want you to close your eyes and put yourself in your co-workers shoes. What do you guys do for living? What's your guys's job? I'm a finished carpenter. Okay, okay, he said yeah, so I'm just gonna go out on the limb and say maybe some of these guys have been doing this for 10 years 15 20 years and I'll I hate to break it to you But life is gonna beat you you down. And it sounds like your co-workers have been beaten down a little bit gone through the ringer. I'm from Fargo. We probably
Starting point is 00:46:11 would say we'd they've been through the woodchipper. Okay. And when you've been through the old woodchipper, you don't have many options other than to, you know, take the edge off of the end of the day by having a couple 10 to 12 beers and makes you feel better about how life's beating you down. So, we're saying they got to put a lot more time. Well, they're just more seasoned than you are because they go well you're like I got a work in the morning and they go I got to have 10 to 12 beers tonight because I got a work in the morning and you're like I can only have one to two beers Because I got a work in the morning and at some point along the way
Starting point is 00:46:57 You're gonna flip flop and be just like them some point you're working to drink at other point you're drinking the work point you're working to drink at other point you're drinking the work. But the, uh, I mean, I mean, here's, I mean, not wrong, Charles. So is it just the number of bars or are you confused by some of the bar etiquette? It sounds like you're not very familiar with the bar. And the first bar you might have gone into is when you turn 21, is that the case? Legally yeah, okay, so you bet in bars before today. What about the etiquette? Are you confused about? Like how do I call the bartender? Like is there a way you know like hey I need to refill like okay Is there a way you know like hey I need to refill like? Oh So yeah, so you have any
Starting point is 00:47:49 But my cop up like Well, there's several ways to call a bartender no, that's a very good question. That's a very good question Go ahead Charlie. How do you call a bartender over to get you a drink? Okay, you want to make quick eye contact, give a smile and say whenever you have a moment. That would be good. Yeah. If you pair a visual move with a very polite audio, words move. It's a very good way to do it, Charlie. Yeah. What you don't want to do is get up there and start tapping your card like an asshole. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:31 And yeah, that's what you don't want to do because that's a surefire way to get ignored in a busy bar. And another good way to do it is if you know you're going to be there for a few hours and you order one beer, just slap a 20 on the table when you pay for it. And there may be bartenders that go, well, I can't be bought like that. Yes they can. Oh yeah. And if you give them a big tip up for all they always do. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:59 Oh yeah, they're, they're, I mean, don't remember you. And it's like if your boss tells you you're going to, they're like, mean, don't remember you. And it's like, if your boss tells you, you're gonna, they're like, hey, do you want a $2 an hour raise? Are you going to say no to that? Are you going to be like, yeah. Same thing. So you're going to want to drop a 20 down first, because you're going to, you know, it's basically you're not, some people view it as, oh, you're over tipping. But in reality, you're buying the convenience of the bartender liking you and giving you priority over other people in the bar but you don't have to do it in a douchey way you can do it in just like a casual throw a 20-down walk away very subtle fold it like
Starting point is 00:49:39 you're putting money in the basket at church you know the right hand should not know what the left hand is doing. That's in the Bible somewhere. Oh, okay. Or did I read that? I think I'm getting it now. What's that? Yeah, you see that? You see how that's done?
Starting point is 00:49:54 I think I see that. I think I've seen it on a bathroom all but. There you go. Okay. Yeah. So those are just a couple tips. But is there anything else about the dynamic that confuses you inside a bar?
Starting point is 00:50:08 No, I think I'm getting it a little bit. Every single day they've been going to the bar. I've enjoyed it. So I'm just slowly learning. But I feel like I need a little extra. Well, I mean, honestly, if we had the money runs the world. So have you buy your coworkers drinks? If you give good tips to the bartender,
Starting point is 00:50:27 your co-workers are going to like you, the bartender is going to like you, and it may seem like you're wasting money on that, but having co-workers that like you goes a long way. Yeah, and you're also wasting a lot of money on it. Are you going to the bar every single day after work? Yeah. Oh my God. That's not is that sustainable? He's 21 years old. It's absolutely sustainable for a 21 year old. Be able to go to the bar every night. Well, you see I'm working out of town. They got me living in a hotel. So what's there to do besides work 14 hours is then go to the bar.
Starting point is 00:51:06 Exactly. It sounds like you're actually living the dream. And so you know what, I'm just getting all upset because if I have a certain number of beers at my age, I wake up with the heat sweats, you know? Well, that's because you haven't been beaten down like his coworkers have. I've been, you gotta grab a hammer, Charlie.
Starting point is 00:51:24 I guess so. I got to lose the microphone, pick up a hammer. I guess that's it. Yeah, you'll be drinking every day. Yeah, it's time to grow up. It's time to grow up. You know what? That's true. You know what you're answer to soft. I'm on his side. It is time for you to grow up. I'm so sick. You act like a kid. Me and this 21-year-old kid are sick. You act like a child. Why even bother? That's what all of his coworkers say. They say that every time they walk into the bar, they get through the threshold, the door of the bar,
Starting point is 00:52:03 and they go, I should go home. Because I got to work in the morning, and then they go, why even bother? I'll just have a couple and go 12 beers later. Yeah. They're just showing in the work just overheating. He is. So when I was in college, my dad had some out of town trips for his construction crew. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:23 And they treated that like, this this like they went to Disney World. Like if they're a kid and they went to Disney World, it's like, this is the adult version of going to Disney World is having an out of town job because everything's paid for and their families aren't with them. So they can just drink for like two weeks straight and not worry about a thing. Yeah, that's true. It is straight out like that's what I thought coming down here and be no experience. We're you know, just working at home and no, everyone's just letting loose. Yeah, because they don't have any other responsibilities. Yeah, I didn't understand the full context of
Starting point is 00:53:00 this situation. Apparently, are you working right now? Yep, what are you doing? Well, can you hear this? Sounds echo it sounds like you're an empty room putting the trip on. He's got a nail gun. I think I know that nail gun dude. I got a train deer for this shit. I didn't even hear what he was doing You got a really big paying attention for it. Do it again. Yeah, it's a nail gun. All right. Are you paying attention? All of a sudden you just hear in the background. Oh son of a bitch. What's your aim in that? It already happened. your aim in that. It already happened. There's no one else here. Just me. Nice. There are some are at the bar. He's doing their dirty. Yeah. That's great. Pretty much. Well, I think I mean, we honestly, you're in the wrong profession. If you don't want to
Starting point is 00:54:02 go to the bar and drink on road trips, you know, I think that you might just want to get a different job. What kind of hotel are you guys staying at? Uh, hill, uh, hillton. No, not a hillton. I'm sorry. American. Sounds about right. American in in window Minnesota. Oh, wow. Yeah, it looks like we're staying at the Ritz Carlton. No
Starting point is 00:54:30 It's the super I'm looking on the window. I can see it from here. I'm trying to read the sign I think we were what it was. Yeah, I mean it you definitely aren't out of help and I can tell you that much Yeah, but yeah, we're ballin out. Good for you guys. You're ordering like road service to on the company card or what? You think they have room service and a Mary can? No, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:54:58 But they do have a bar at the hotel. Oh, nice. Is that where you're? I'm in. Go ahead. Oh nice. Is that where you're going to go ahead? Go ahead. Nope. After you went and said double bar action. I was going to out to the party and then coming back and drinking beer at another bar. Yeah. Wow. It's great. Just take a few steps or maybe my room. And then you're denied at the American. Well, you could also do. So if you are really concerned about your work performance and being hung over and stuff like that, you just got to eventually perfect what my uncle has and you just got to perfect the Irish goodbye.
Starting point is 00:55:35 You got to learn how to do the, you got to do the fade, right? You know, you look like you're going to the bathroom and right at the last second when no one's looking, you dip to the elevator and you go up to your room I think you just got to learn that move just the oh Different What is it? Well, I got a little different version of the eye. It's kind of like an Irish goodbye. I just stand up wave to everybody say goodbye and run Yeah, I mean that works too. It's kind of like a formal goodbye
Starting point is 00:56:06 But instead of you know saying goodbye to every one or you know, it's probably way out of midwest good I don't like yeah, you just say hey guys see up Make sure you get it later and then I run to the elevator. Yeah, just try not even acknowledging your leaving just go to the elevator and I think you'll find, okay. What you can, oh, this is great. So you do that and then the next day they'll like, what happened to you?
Starting point is 00:56:32 You were the one there once and then you're gone. Did you Irish, you go, man, I had, I wanna say 22 beers last night and I was just too drunk. I just ended up, yeah, and just say like, yeah, I just woke up and all my clothes, you know, I don't even know what happened. So, wild night though, right guys,
Starting point is 00:56:51 even though you had two beers, they're not gonna know. That's true. I just exaggerate, they'll give you a lot of work, Fred. So there we go. I like that, I like where this is going. All right, well, you gotta get back to work. I gotta, I gotta buy some trade. Oh, good. I got a, uh, I got a buy-cell trade. Oh, good. Throw it in there. What do you guys? He's got a live extra trim.
Starting point is 00:57:10 Yeah. Oh, let me get a few. Bye. He just, he did the goodbye. Yeah. Did you hear the. Wait, wait, there's no way. So he just did his version of the Irish goodbye there. That I. And if he's listening to this now, I got some major criticisms for it.
Starting point is 00:57:40 It leaves a bad taste and everyone's. I honestly, I like the move. I, I, the energy is great. Energy is great. But the feeling that I now have about him, this is a little less than bizarre. So I think you just need to go with the regular Irish goodbye. Um, did you hear if we rewind the tape and listen again, and he goes, hey, what do you think is, what do you think of you shooting at that point? You know, I hope it wasn't the actual trim. Oh, I don't know. It doesn't matter. But he's just shooting it into a two-way force. He's a frame or anything. He's a carpenter by just a stud somewhere. But we just got hung up on. That was the first time we got hung up on.
Starting point is 00:58:29 That and 21 year old kid. Yeah, I mean, is that really the first time we've been hung up on? Yeah. Keep leave that. Yeah. Now I'm so is it. What happens on with this be Jared or close to Yeah, now I'm so what happens with this be Jared or close to Like around 50 some episode that took us to get hung up on by some by some kid who don't even know how to drink Yeah, he literally it was some lightweight kid hung up on us. Yeah, he just got sick of talking to us Yeah, he did that that has happened. We haven't hung up on yet though I mean he did give us a demonstration of his move. I'm 50, 50 on it, I think. I liked it initially, but now that you, you know, bring
Starting point is 00:59:14 up these other things to light, I'm starting to rethink it. Yeah. I'll just need some time with this one. I've got a band of men issues. My dog ran away once. Feel that. All right. Well, is that it, Jared?
Starting point is 00:59:27 That's all from what a way to the episode. God, what the hell? Let's call him back. Also, let's find out where he works. Let's call his boss. He's drinking on the job. Well, Miles, another great episode of the belly to pot. Yeah, it was Charlie.
Starting point is 00:59:49 Yeah, it was nice. Still again. Yeah. Yeah, it was good. Well, see you guys. Drop the bike. Ha ha ha!

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