Bellied Up - Cut Grass and Eat Bass #35

Episode Date: February 2, 2023

Presented by Fleet Farm Our first caller is a construction worker wondering how to break in his winter bibs, next caller lives in Washington and wants to live in the midwest, Last caller is living in ...South Carolina that's thinking about moving to Wisconsin and is a big "Midwest Survival Guide" fan.

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 Go ahead, Charlie. Oh, geez. Here we are again, the Belly Up podcast. Hey folks, I'm Charlie Barons and joining me today is Miles. Mont plays. Sure. Mont plays. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:14 Mont plays. Yeah. Oh, you bet you guys. What I go by now. Miles, you bet you guy. I have you officially changed your name in the state of North Dakota. No, I have not. I do it.
Starting point is 00:00:24 How great would that be if you did that? And it was on your license? Can you, I bet you you can do that. Well, you'd have to if that's what you changed your name to legally. Would you do that? No, I wouldn't do that. I would be disrespecting my family heritage. Well, just for like a month, you can change it back after that.
Starting point is 00:00:41 The process to do that would be worth it. It wouldn't be worth it. But guys has always Charlie forgot that we are presented by Fleet Far. Fleet Far. We love it. Yes, we do miles. Maybe Fleet Farms should have that sort of their repertoire
Starting point is 00:00:57 is name changes. So then when it's even after, you know, like we get me and I get marrying she goes to change her name. We go to the Fleet Farms. I get the browse while she gets to change the name It's not a bad option. Oh Have a name change station kind of like how you go with your passport at like the post office, you know Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's cool You know flea farm. I wonder if they listen to this podcast
Starting point is 00:01:24 It's kind of like me staring out the window. Do you think Fleet Farm thinks about me as often as I think about it? It's your hand on the window. Yeah. Do you think they listen to this? I'm sure. I'm maybe. We'll find out after this.
Starting point is 00:01:38 We'll see. We'll see. If Fleet Farm does not text us both. We love it. Fleet Farm, if you're listening, send us each a pretty hefty package just so we know you're listening. Yeah. Send us a care package with a new auger. Yeah, that would be cool.
Starting point is 00:01:55 Yeah, just just let us know if you're listening. That's the only way we'll know. That's it, that's it. I don't know if I can believe you if you just say you do. Yeah, no. So if that's the case just send us a Bunch of stuff and mom if you're listening text me. I love you Actually my mom does that often dad if you're listening
Starting point is 00:02:17 Yeah, you know what I love about this bar Charlie Not only the dollar bills and the ceiling, but behind us, we got the bowling only. Yes, we do. Do you roll miles? I'd like to think that I could be a decent baller. I just don't have time. Yeah. Well, you got to make time. If you don't prioritize pulling me that I make more time than you ever do. It's 2023. This is the year of me doing things. I like that. I told you that. I'm my rest of the 20, 20, 20 stuff. And so is bowling on the, on the, on the, all bowling sound the way. Do you know that I at one point was considering purchasing a bowling alley.
Starting point is 00:02:53 Now, before you start thinking on Charlie, that's pretty spendy. It was significantly cheaper than a home. I believe that because who wants to buy a bowling alley? Well, that's what I figured out pretty quick into that. You know, just the grease alone is going to put you through the portal and the basement fridge. Like you opened it up. It was just mold. So anyway, I decided I couldn't. What I like about this bowling alley miles. This bowling alley does not have that. No, this bowling alley is amazing. They got two palm trees separating. It's really
Starting point is 00:03:25 an oasis out there. It is an oasis. You know what it reminds me of if I'm going to pick, if I've ever been to a bowling alley, that would be the closest thing to a big Lebowski bowling alley. This is pretty close. This has it. You know why? Because it's got that 70s. I'm going to go ahead and guess this is, is it 70s? You think 70s was when this was a, yeah, definitely not 80s or 70s. 60s are 70s for sure. Okay. Look at the little stand with the thing on there. What stand with the thing? Where you were. Yeah, you know what? No, there's no TV's either. Yeah. Well, it's all you got to keep score by hand.
Starting point is 00:04:05 The old fashioned way old fashioned way. That's why you learn that gym class growing up. Yeah, speaking of bowling and gym class, what kind of bowler are you, Charlie? Are you a silly goose? Are you a serious guy? Are you a spinner? Are you a straight roller? What are you? What is it? All right. First of all, how many drinks have I had? Three. Okay. I'm gonna say like hypothetically. Hypothetically. No, today I'm at the workday, today at the office, how many drinks have I had? Hypothetically
Starting point is 00:04:35 bowling, how many drinks have I had? We'll just say five or six. Five or six drinks. Now I'm, I turned from a silly goose into a professional. Oh, you got a first. I go reverse when they start their serious, then they realize they suck and they've had a bunch of drinks, then they start getting silly. You're saying you're the opposite. I am the absolute opposite. And it's usually around beer four that I start throwing some serious coin down on the bowling alley floor. I'm talking five, $10 around.
Starting point is 00:05:04 I'm gambling on this around. So every 10 frames five to 10 bucks. You bet your ass. Holy shit. That is. And I, how are you even able to stay in business betting that kind of money? Did you not hear? I was considering buying a bowling alley. That doesn't happen when if you're a bad gambler. Oh, yeah. It's not gambling if you're you bowling right? No, I'm betting on my skill. I was gonna purchase the bowling alley solely off my bowling gambling winnings It's similar to Poltab investing. It's investing you're gambling. No, I wasn't because I I've got a pretty solid spin a pretty solid
Starting point is 00:05:43 80 11 split shot. Oh, yeah. Well, I don't even end up in eight and 11 situations. I usually just go, you know, nine or 10 pins down every single time. So. Oh, really? Do you want to play around right here? We will at some point. We got to do the podcast. They'll try my first. You got you got you got a a I'm definitely a guy who thinks that at any moment I could ball 300 I if you gave me six months of rolling What is what a bowling balls made out of Every what no you just said what are they made out of? You're a thing. What do you know?
Starting point is 00:06:21 I don't know that how do you know he's making it up? No, no, he's like makes up a lot of stuff. Give that. Can we give that Google? What is a? Males made out of and also can we figure out what the pins are made out of? Pins are what your thing. I think you said Paul your a thing. Yeah Your a thing. He's what else is made out of your a thing skateboard wheels. He knew that off the top of his head. Hey, well, I'm asking him questions. What about rollerblade wheels? Same thing same church different fucking pew. Okay Okay. Hey, my mom might be listening. You give me six months of rolling your thing and I think that I can ball 300. God, that sounds so cool. That sounds so cool. Roll of your
Starting point is 00:07:13 things. Sounds like you're doing drugs. That's a shirt. That's a that's a ballied up shirt rolling your a thing. Yep. Absolutely. I think that's the next deal. All right. We'll figure it out. I did. I hate it when I give a great idea. And then you you amuse me and we never end up doing the idea. This happens all the time. It's all the so. Oh, here we go. Bring bring those up, Miles. Bring those into the front. Thank you very much.
Starting point is 00:07:43 By the way, shout out to the nook in St. Paul for letting us film here. This place is amazing. And so Miles, what he has here is this is a, this is a not the unfinished pin. This is a plastic coated. So it's plastic coated wood. Plastic coated wood.
Starting point is 00:08:02 No, that's cool. I love throwing your thing around throwing your thing. You know what? You know how some people have a baseball bat in their trunk in case they ever get into a little fight. They got to go kick some. What are you in? Are you in, you know, a lot of people in the mob or what?
Starting point is 00:08:16 Why I got a baseball bat, my trunk, but like for smashing Nezen or just like if you got a couple of chances, it's take some cuts at a park. You got some spare time. A little bit of both. Okay. Anyways, all I'm saying is that a bowling pin might be, it's kind of hard. You got to be a strong guy and you got to have a good wingspan if you can get into a fight
Starting point is 00:08:35 with something. We should probably not promote that, right? I'm not. Right, Miles, you should think about that before you promote violence on the belly dot podcast. Anyways, that's not a good idea, but rolling your a thing, really good idea. Yeah. You got to roll it before you. I'm rolling your thing and smoking pins, baby. Do you know? That's a great shirt, actually. Rolling your head on smoking pins. Yeah. That's a good shirt, isn't it? That's good. All right. Yeah, it'll have a, it'll't it? That's good. All right.
Starting point is 00:09:05 Yeah, it'll have a pin smoking a joint down there. That's good. And then it'll have two bowling balls on either side of the pin. We two bowling balls and a pin smoking a joint. It looks like a weiner. We're just get two bowling balls balls and up represents you and I rolling your a thing and hitting a pin. But you're putting two balls next to a phallic object. Anyways, I don't think though. I don't think anyone will pick up on that. I think if
Starting point is 00:09:36 let's see some designs on this. I think we're going to be drooped over a little bit. Oh, I love bowling, Alice. You know, it's just, just guys. Yeah, just fellas being guys. Well, look at this. Well, Charlie, I think what we should do is we should take a break, then take some collars over the break. We're going to find other, a dollar bill, again, and then you'll have the next three collars
Starting point is 00:10:10 to be able to work it in. So you don't have to work it in right away. Oh, okay, I like this. And okay, if you forget to weave it in, it's a $10 fine to the other person. We're finding you just like in that pal. You gotta split, you put a 20 in, and then you just free 10 bucks,
Starting point is 00:10:24 you gotta split any winnings with the other guy. How's that sound? Wait, say it again. Polt 20s and $20 bill into the poll tab. Okay. And then you got to split the winning with the other guy if you lose got it. All right. I like that.
Starting point is 00:10:35 And before we leave, we are going to put up some dollar bills ourselves. Absolutely. We we the wall take it. The wall give it and anyway, that's it. take it, the wall give it. And anyway, we just the wall give it, we just give it to the wall. Dollar bill, dollar bill. So right now we're picking dollar bills. Some on a dollar bill that the other person has to say during the calls,
Starting point is 00:10:59 R.A. found mine. Oh, I got two good ones. Mike oxalong. Oh, that's not bad. That's not bad at all. You know, it's weird miles that we're like getting up to walk around. You know, probably the best ones are sitting right in front of our niggas. Probably. But you just never, what if there's something better out there, you know?
Starting point is 00:11:24 You know, this is kind of, that's what you just never yeah, what if there's something better out there, you know, ah You know, this is kind of that's what life's all about. It's you can't just have your head on a swivel all your life Looking for the next best thing or you'll never be happy or you'll never realize that maybe the best thing was sitting right in front of you Miles I was just sitting right in front of you. Are you trying to tell me something to my right? Oh? You know, that's good. Keep laughing at your own jokes. Okay. See how that works out for you. The dirtiest ones are definitely over by you, I think. I mean, I just had a good one and now I lost it.
Starting point is 00:11:58 Well, sucks. That's, that's awesome. All right, I found mine. You got yours in a minute. Oh, no, I don't like that laugh. All right, so yours can you read it right back there? It how your eyes? Where what's one right under some some T1 some the dark Sharpie right that says. Yeah, there it is cut grass eat ass. Wait, no, no, it's eat bass doing It definitely can't see the bee though. Yeah, I mean
Starting point is 00:12:35 Well, if you get bonus points, if you say eat eat it now, just just to cut grass eat Bass, okay, all right, I got yours. You ready? Come on over here. I'm coming. You're gonna like this one. I know you are. You live this all the time. Oh, here we go. Are you ready? All right, what is it?
Starting point is 00:12:53 All right, I love men. I love it. I love it. I love it. I'm gonna do it. Charlie loves men. I do love men. But it can't be like a fellowship thing.
Starting point is 00:13:04 It's gonna be like a ro- Yeah, I think you be like roles. No, I do. It's romantic. If you're gonna make me say cut grass and eat ass You have to be romantic. I love my eyes. It has to be romantic. What's wrong with romantically loving men Charlie? There's nothing wrong with romantically about that. What's wrong with that? Miles, I love Matt. Okay, don't get me wrong. I am so fine saying this. I'm just, fine, we got it. Cut grassy bass and I love Matt. We try to romantically. Romantically.
Starting point is 00:13:39 I mean, I'm, well, Miles, we'll figure it out, okay. We'll figure it out. Okay. We'll figure it out. And you do not get to retroactively make rules here. Okay, especially to a game I started. You wouldn't know as anything about me as I move the goalpost a lot. Yeah. Well, I'm going to move them back. I'm going to move them back. All right, let's take some callers. Hey, welcome to the Belly to podcast. Who we got on the line? Brad Brad, how you doing? You're against me. Brad, how are you? We're on the mint and are you Brad?
Starting point is 00:14:16 Just north of Ann Arbor. Okay. And Brighton. Brighton. Sure. Yeah yeah right over there in Brighton. I know Brighton All right, it's bright over there this time of year with the Sun and the snow, you know Yeah, 100% gotta have your sun goggles out. It's bright a ton of the time there a ton that would have been fun So what's cooking? Yeah, we Stop amusing us Brad. Geez. I'm going to be belly up to the bar, man. What's on your mind? All right. So I am a construction worker.
Starting point is 00:14:52 And I build houses all year round, all through the winter. And as you know, in the Midwest, it gets a little chilly outside. Yep. So my question to you guys is, you know, and I wear a tool belt and all that. So it's a little difficult to move around when you got, you know, four or five layers on my question. What are you trying to fit? Three inches or six inches a layer. It can be tough, you know? I mean, that's the story of my life, boys.
Starting point is 00:15:20 So I was just wondering if you guys had any suggestions as to like any sort of flexible type, you know, insulated pants. I have car hearts. I have all that stuff, but it's just, you know, it's a pain in the ass. Yeah. Okay. So you got bibs and stuff, then, is what you're saying already? Oh, yeah. Yeah, you got bibs and stuff, then is what you're saying already?
Starting point is 00:15:45 Oh, yeah, yeah, I got bibs. I got the insulated car heart pants, but they're just so damn stiff. Oh, well, that's because you just got them. That's because I mean, mate, that could be true. That could be true. I would suggest maybe wearing them around the house, maybe wearing them in the shower,
Starting point is 00:16:01 loosen them up a little bit, just living, living, living, breathing these things, really get them broken in so that they are comfortable to move around in. Yeah. All right. And Brad, that's what you want to do. That's step two.
Starting point is 00:16:16 Okay. Step one is, you ever get a baseball mint as a, as a kid? You ever get a fresh baseball mint? How much, how much you a fresh baseball mint? How'd you break that baseball mid in? You just keep throwing a ball into it as hard as you get? Yeah, you do that, but have you ever have you ever taken a ball, put it in the mid, wrap the mid. Oh, someone keeps calling here. We got someone call on the guard. And I'm bravo. He's right around the corner. Oh, yeah, we got someone quick.
Starting point is 00:16:45 Do you hear the tell you on the horn? I do. Yeah. The call report is not there. Oh, there. We just found the phone. Sorry. We were playing hide and go seek with the phone here
Starting point is 00:16:56 over at the nook, which is a fantastic bar and St. Paul, Minnesota, if you never back. I just, you know, the reason why they're getting so many calls is they're just so busy. Yeah. So busy. Yeah. So Brad, anyway, the point is with the baseball glove
Starting point is 00:17:10 is you put a ball in the glove, you wrap the glove with a rubber band and then you put that under your mattress and you sleep on it. Have you ever done that? Okay. See how you have not. You're gonna wanna, you know,
Starting point is 00:17:23 buy some prosthetic legs. Yep. You're gonna wanna, you know, buy some prosthetic legs. Yep. You're gonna wanna. You're gonna wanna put those in your bibs. No, I got you don't buy prosthetic legs. Someone needs those. You go steal a mannequin from the TJ Maxx. Okay.
Starting point is 00:17:37 Well, and herb-orgers has gotta be- There's one right around the corner. Yeah. Herb-orgers has gotta be already out of business. They're selling stuff on Facebook, marketplace, all their mannequins and stuff So you can find a mannequin so you get that mannequin you dress it up in your slacks here You know you're your your lined bibs you pick up your mattress shove that mannequin under the mattress
Starting point is 00:17:56 And you sleep on that mannequin for a few weeks and then by the end of those few weeks your backs can be hurting so bad You won't care about how stretchy your pants are okay fix it right up right there glad we could help you here on the Belly no podcast just sound really yeah best it best advice yet I think the next best advice is probably just get a a flask maybe get a little nipper that you put in your bibs and then that just keeps it warm from the inside out. And that's another option.
Starting point is 00:18:30 Little whiskey blanket for you all day long. I like that one too. I like that. It's kind of like micro dosing that people do for drugs, but just micro dose some whiskey. Just to just enough to keep you functioning working, but also to keep you warm. Perfect. And that's what I tell my old ball and chain is you're having another beer. It's like, no, no, no, I'm just micro dozing. I'm micro dozing. Yeah, it's trying to stay warm.
Starting point is 00:18:55 It's what they're doing in Silicon Valley these days. They microdose. So you know, we can they can do it in Silicon Valley. We can do it out here. Absolutely. Well, that's good. I think we can do it out here. Absolutely. Well, that's good. I think we really helped you out today, Brad. What are you saying? I agree.
Starting point is 00:19:11 I agree. I couldn't agree more, boys. You know, I appreciate it. Brad, I appreciate you. And, Miles, this is why I love men. You know, they call up the podcast. Come on, hold on, you love men. I do.
Starting point is 00:19:24 I absolutely, like, romantically or... All right, look, I don't personally swing that way, but I love it when people do. I love it when men do, because I love men. I love whatever orientation they are. I don't care. I just love men. But I love it when men call this podcast. I love women too.
Starting point is 00:19:41 Don't get me wrong, but I really love it when men call this podcast Brad and they have a very interesting question that, you know, us guys, us men can just sit around and we can chit chat about and come up with not just one, not just one, but three solutions. And when three fellas, three men, put their noggin together. Good Lord. We just get some good.
Starting point is 00:20:05 Come up, put all of her hands together. That solution. Yeah. Fires me up, Brad. Just fires me up with our heads together. I'm glad. We really get the juices flowing. Get the juices flowing.
Starting point is 00:20:17 By the way, Brad, did you know they got troughs at the end? And you know what? It can be pretty hard to come up with a solution. But Brad, do you like peeing in a trough for a year now? Well, back in the day at the old Joe Louis arena, I was a kid, that's all it was with trough. All right. Now, Brett, everyone gets their own personal toilet and it just seems a little, uh, a little too classy. Yeah, it is a little too classy. Now, Brett, when you walked up to that trough as a young whipper snapper, did you ever, were you comfortable or did you get up and not be able to pee because you
Starting point is 00:20:48 were too nervous? What a highly personal question. Never had a problem. Never had stage fright. Wow. So he loves Matt as well, Charlie. And he, I mean, he's comfortable around men of all shapes and sizes, you know. Miles, your turn, Brad, are you curious if Miles has stage fright in at a trough situation? At this point, I absolutely have. I haven't had any trouble performing. If that's all you're wondering. I'm any scenario guys, I'm gonna be vulnerable with bull.
Starting point is 00:21:23 In any scenario. I'm gonna be vulnerable with bull. To'm gonna be vulnerable with both of you right now. Okay. I have I have I've been the guy who's walked up to a trough sat there pretended like I pissed everybody at the trough New I was a liar and I pretend to shake it out. I was gonna say did he happen to do the oh god It's hard to find in here. I'm still looking for it no I I was I was standing there a little while no I was I was sit there I hung it and it and I was hung out dry not I want to say that for you says he left it out that I'm dry I think that's why they say that. Probably what comes from the old Troph days.
Starting point is 00:22:06 Anyway, Brad, I'm really glad you called in. I think we all got a construction you do. Charlie keeps trying to, he wants to go ahead. I frame houses. I'm a framer. OK, so you got the easy work up there. And you're out of the mud. You're out of the elements.
Starting point is 00:22:23 Once you get the walls up, you know, Wow. Once the walls are up, the wind kind of dies down a little bit up until that point though. It's it. Yeah, it can be a little chilly willy up there. But yeah, it doesn't get real bad until about February. So do you get mad at the old concrete guys that they don't put the anchor bolts in straight?
Starting point is 00:22:43 Yeah. But most of the time they do all right. Okay, well, that's good. It's good that you got yourself a good concrete guy, because you know, everyone should have a good concrete guy on their speed dial. That's my lawn of my life models. Put that on t shirt. No, at on a tee. What was that? I do like, I do like your new, uh, the new construction shirts that you guys have. All right. So that's basically that's basically my life. Well, there we go. I know a couple days. Yeah. Yeah. Aren't those cool. Looks good for my house. Good enough for who it's for. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:23:22 absolutely. Those are cool. The problem is though, Brad, in your scenario, the whole house is going to tip over if you don't have those things square. So, you know, that's true. The rest of square is that's a big, that's a big part of it. Yeah. That's, uh, that's your life is just putting together squares. Well, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Brad, have you seen my I survived the Midwest goodbye shirt yet? I have. Pretty cool, right? I dig it. I'm into it. By one or no? I have not. No. Oh, do you buy one miles as construction shirts? I have not, but you know what? Maybe I'll just do a two for right when we get off the phone and order a boat. You have to pretend to want Charlie shirts.
Starting point is 00:24:08 You know what? You know what? You know what Brad, if you shoot us a message, we'll both send you one for free for coming on the show today. I'll send you two. I'll send you three. I'll send you. I'll send you.
Starting point is 00:24:20 I'll send you. I'll send you everything we got. I'll send you everything we got. All right. Brad, we're just fine. I'll send you everything we got. I'll send you everything we got. Brad, we're just buying your attention. I'll even include Charlie Barron's credit card number, Social Security information. So you can really go buck wild. Perfect.
Starting point is 00:24:37 Perfect. Oh, sorry, that's your new cord miles. All right, man. Well, we appreciate you calling in. Thank you guys for answering. I appreciate it. Yeah. I've been looking forward to giving you guys a call and I finally caught your video about posting the time. So figured I'd take advantage and hop on. I love it. My guy. I love it. Have a good one. It's a pleasure, boys. Talk to you guys. Alright. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 00:25:05 I'm Brad. I'm good. Tell you what, though. That is a problem pleasure, boys. Talk to you guys now. All right. Bye-bye. All right. I'm Bradson. Good guy. Tell you what, though, that is a problem. And you know, you're working in the cold weather. And it's more so for me was not so much the leg movement because I wasn't doing shit anyways. Yeah. It's more so about when you got the big kinko gloves on
Starting point is 00:25:20 and you try and reach in and get nails out of your tool bag and then everything. It's a whole thing. So I thought it was going to go that direction, but it sounds like he just needs to break in his bibs. I mean, and we gave him a lot of good advice and a lot of good advice. But hey, you're winning so far. Yeah, I am.
Starting point is 00:25:40 You really got that. I love men on the way. I really do. Now I can now my head is clear. It's like I just took a wicked piss. I'm feeling good now. I'm a whole new man. Okay.
Starting point is 00:25:51 Well, I've that's I still got mine weighing on me. Yeah. Do you remember your grass and eating bass, baby? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Stick another call. Hello.
Starting point is 00:26:01 Who do we got in the wine? Robert. Robert. How you doing, guy? Where are you calling from? Washington State. Okay, over there on the west coast. Oh, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:26:13 Oh, we do know now. We do know now. What are you up to today? Oh, just working away. Yeah, I work. I am currently working on some kind of minions. Your condo guy, huh? Yeah, I do do the pipe insulation.
Starting point is 00:26:31 Okay. Right. What do you love about insulation? Skylase pipe. I don't live by rapid. Yeah, this guy likes rapid pipe. Oh, that's good. That's good. Well, why don't you belly up to the bar with us? Tell us what's going on.
Starting point is 00:26:52 Well, I was calling you guys today and had a little bit of a book with the fleet farm. You got a little what bone to pick with the fleet farm? Yeah. Well, welcome to the flea farm complains or hotline. The flea farm sponsored flea farm. No, we're the complain hotline here. Hey, they're welcome to the flea farm complaint hotline. How can we take your call? Well, I went down to Missouri back in June and we
Starting point is 00:27:24 had uptaken the northern route through Illinois, Wisconsin and Minnesota cutting through there. And on a second day, after spending the night in St. Cloud, we were stuck at the fleet farm in Fargo because you guys were making videos of it. And I was like, I got to stop. Yeah. Miles is hometown. That's my home farm home fleet farm. So it sounds like you've had a great experience so far. What's the point? Well, even in the small, in the little,
Starting point is 00:27:55 little small towns I live in, you know, even the hardware stores got hats, I couldn't find a fleet farm hat for, for a momentum. You know, why I you know, why? Because they flew off the shelf so fast flying. I know, well, you know, and I bought merch off your guys' stuff. So ours wasn't sold out. No, I mean, the, the only thing that I was able to get for fleet farm was Charlie shirt, you know, meet you at the fleet farm. Wait, that was the only shirt, you know, meet you at the fleet farm Wait, that was the only thing. Oh the only thing that said fleet farm on it. Yeah. Yeah. Well, how do you like that shirt?
Starting point is 00:28:40 Oh works pretty good. I like it. It's orange. I wear it on the jabs. I had all the time nice nice. I love that. I love that Yeah, no, yeah, no And then I had some, uh, I had a question a little bit of advice there for in Premier Gays. Yeah, let's hear it. So me and my life are thinking about moving out out to the Midwest there. Um, we were thinking in the North end might, yeah, yeah, my, uh, it's really expensive to live out here and I just want to move some better. Uh, you know, like you got a good head on your shoulders. I'll tell you that. Did you like how he said that too? He was like, it's just really expensive out here. And I want to move somewhere and he was going to say cheaper, but he was like better. I like that. It was better. Like, honestly, we, you know, after being in the Midwest, you know, we came home and
Starting point is 00:29:24 Lady in line was real rude at the at the grocery store. I just looked at my wife and was like, can we just go back? Yes. Everyone's got a moment. Everyone's got a moment where maybe they were led astray. They headed west. They headed east. They headed south and they look and go, hey, I want to go back to land where they
Starting point is 00:29:43 cut grass and eat bass. Right. That's what happens. It hits you right between the eyes and that's what you go, I'm going back to the land where they cut grass and eat bass, baby. Cut, great. You had that moment, didn't you? Well played.
Starting point is 00:30:00 A little bit, yeah, a little bit. Well, you know, my best friend of over 15 years moved down to Missouri. And I like to midwest and all, but I'm not moving to Missouri. That was way too. Well, there's a reason why they call it misery. You know, it's right. It's a human down there too long. Well, yeah, yeah, you guys can't talk smack about Missouri. Now, you can't talk to that. I can't bend their bunch. I can absolutely do that. Well, I'm just because there's a lot of people who don't need to give them crap, you know. I suppose.
Starting point is 00:30:34 I suppose it's the Missouri. It's not the heated, it's the humidity. Is that fair to say? Oh, yeah, like we were there. It was like 110 degrees with that 95% humidity. Oh, wow. Swamp ass. Geez. Oh, tell me about it. You know, I'd rather be, you know, two weeks of stray rain here and being soaking wet than being swampy.
Starting point is 00:30:56 So you're thinking of going to a northern spot in the Midwest. You have any? Well, yeah, yeah, because Washington, you know, you know, we, we don't really get a whole lot of hot weather. So we're pretty cold blooded up here. Okay. Well, what you got an eye on the state right now. I was thinking like Wisconsin. That's a good move right there. There's the big reason one of the bigger reasons is I want to be near one of the lakes. Yeah. I was just trying to figure out where because I'm a construction and whatnot. So I was like, what city's really kind of boom and, you know, I'm really glad. Yes. I'll give you just a couple off the top of the dome here. Okay. Lake Winnebago is fantastic, fantastic big body of water, multi-species action. Okay. You can go wall-wise, perch, northern. I love walleye. Okay, you can go wall wise perch, northern. Yeah, catfish, you know, and
Starting point is 00:31:47 they got it's a go ahead and bass bass. They do have bass, crappies, you know, they got a birdbot, you know, that no salmon, but you can just go over to one of the big legs, or the big lake Lake Michigan or Green Bay, and you can get yourself some salmon. Oh, really? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, because, you know, the L-wives came in back in the 80s, you know, and they had an L-Wive die off. And that was because they opened up the St. Lawrence Seaway, so they had these invasive species in. Well, then they brought the salmon in to eat the L-Wives. Okay, and when they did that, they thereby opened up the sport fishing industry and sort of revitalized the great legs.
Starting point is 00:32:29 Now, since then, the zebra mussels have come in and kind of messed with that ecosystem a little bit, but we can get to that in a different podcast, but I do want a Cripes cast, but I do want to say specifically that, if you're looking for that kind of fish in action, Lake Winnebago has a lot of cities with a lot of different, you know, construction jobs in that area of the Fox Valley. You can go Appleton, Ashgosh, Fondalac, a bunch of different spots. Nina, Manasha, the real twin
Starting point is 00:33:01 cities. Nina, Manasha, I should not say that in St. Paul, cheese, Louise. But I would say like when a bank goes a good place to start for you off the top of the dome. Okay. And then, but yeah, yeah, it's gonna say we got Wally out here and Wally out here in Washington too. They're delicious. Oh, they're good eaters. That's true. Miles and I just had a Wally sandwich over with a nook. Yeah, it's real good. I just read a deep fright call it done. Oh, yeah, they deep fright this one. Yeah. I think the biggest one I caught around here is probably about 22 pounds. So all measuring it in pounds. Yeah, out of here, we measure our fishing pounds. So how big was that?
Starting point is 00:33:45 I did okay. How long it is? How big is it? Really? That's interesting. Now, is that a West coast thing? I'm trying to figure out where we are. Yeah. Well, we're in the Pacific Northwest, right? Yeah. So up here, I know for sure, we like to measure our fishing pounds. You know, we got, you know, you got limits on how big or how small, but how heavy is it? That's where the plays are. Come on, a 22 pound wall. You gotta remember, it's probably more like 16 pounds, but he's just telling us. Oh, no, no, no, that's right. Yeah. Can you just tell me inches just so I can wrap my head around this somehow? Do you have a general idea how many inches I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:34:26 I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:34:42 I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. Yeah, that's not a lake trout. No, these are even the walleye are in the river and the reservoirs out here. And they're in the Lake Columbia River. They're that bad. Well, they think he was river. Listen, before you move, we're doing a fishing trip out there. Okay, Miles and I are coming, all right? I'll bring the booms.
Starting point is 00:34:59 Yeah, that's an either is a nice sized walleye right there. Oh, yeah, and I know just the guide for it. One of my buddies is the guide you showed us the spot now. We're you fly fishing for him or were you? Oh, no, so we were we were just trolling for the walleye up and down the river. Oh, you're trolling in the river huh? Oh, trolling. Well, you gotta remember that our river out here, you know, we got big canyon wall. So our rivers go deeper. They don't go wider much. Oh, you know, the best time of year is like February, March, you catch your, uh, catch your walleye. You know, that's actually a good metaphor for life too. If you go to wide, get spread yourself too thin, then you're not going to have much walleye fishing in there.
Starting point is 00:35:45 Well, you know, you want to go deep and you want to go narrow. You want to specialize and really take care of something. You're going to be pulling up 22 pound walleye. Yeah. It's a very metaphorical thing. Speaking of which, Lake Winnebago is a very shallow lake. So you should probably go back going in. Yeah, that was, that we were looking at Wisconsin because of the great lakes, Oh, like so you should probably go back going in.
Starting point is 00:36:08 Yeah, that was that we were looking at Wisconsin because of the gray legs, because my wife grew up on the on the coast out here on the Pacific coast. Well, come, come. You literally walk across the street and she was at the beach. Wow. Well, just so you know, you're walking into a, just so you know, you're walking into a different kind of salt life in Wisconsin, just so you know, yeah. I grew up in the mountains, like maybe about half an hour from Mount Rainier. So I grew up in the mountains, see a group on the ocean. You're familiar with the salt on the
Starting point is 00:36:38 roads then. Well, you know, it's you guys have spent enough time on the West Coast. Come on out to the West Coast to Lake Michigan, okay? It's I know. And I'm my two feet of snow is just melting right now. We had a snow circle through. I got two feet of snow at my house. Well, you're prepared. You are prepared for the West then in many ways. All right. Well, we're going to kick you off with the Midwest. If you're going to move back, we're going to send you. We're going to send you a couple of fleet farm hats. How's that sound? That'd be awesome. So we're gonna have our guy hit you up, get an address from you, and we'll send you some fleet farm gear so that you can rock it and sport it until you move back to the Midwest, man, or move to the Midwest. How's that sound?
Starting point is 00:37:22 That sounds pretty sweet, guys. Hell yeah, man. We'll appreciate you calling in. Um, yeah, I love listening to you guys. You guys are awesome. Can't wait for you to move to Wisconsin. We'll see you soon. Not here. Okay. All right, bud. All right.
Starting point is 00:37:34 Good. Why not? Well, we're even jarls. That was well played. Thanks. And now that I think about that could be a T shirt. Cutting grass and eating bass. Yeah. Maybe that's think about, that could be a T shirt. Cut and grass and eatin' bass.
Starting point is 00:37:46 Yeah. Maybe that's the next shirt. That is the next shirt. Well, we got, so we got Roland Yurothane, Smokin' Pins, and we just do and shirts. Roland Yurothane, Smokin' Pins, and cut and grass and eatin' bass. Yeah. Dude, I think another good shirt would be and cut and grass and eatin' bass.
Starting point is 00:38:05 Dude, I think another good shirt would be just like lay out your favorite dollars like this. I'm a shirt and it's just all dollars with stuff written on it. Yeah. Dollar dollar bill. Is that a good shirt idea? No.
Starting point is 00:38:18 It's... No. Yeah, it is. You have to do it right. You have to do it. Obviously All right, we're gonna take another call. Just spit and gold. I was so nervous that it is the balloon pop event. The first 300 customers. I remember this last year. Do you? Yeah. Or whenever they did it at another point too. At the free farm. Yes. It's a great event. Were you one of the first 300 customers
Starting point is 00:38:44 to save? No, I slept in way too long. It's not about me though, it's a great event. Were you one of the first 300 customers to save? No, I slept in way too long. It's not my me though, it's not my fault. You got busy up late promoting Fleet Farm on podcast, I'm sure. Well, you were doing the Lord's work at least, but this year you should really try to get there and get up early, because you can shop, then pop, baby.
Starting point is 00:39:02 Explain what it means, Charlie. All right. So ranging from 10% to 100%. One lucky winner. On your entire purchase. Is it miles? Are you going to the ad reader? Should I chase?
Starting point is 00:39:13 Go, you know, we're in a fight already. We, we, we, we, we, we go ahead. We need that. I just love this event. I just love this. All right. One lucky winners can get 100 hundred percent off their entire purchase Here's how you play as you enter the store get a ticket fill your card give the ticket to the cashier at check out pop a balloon
Starting point is 00:39:33 It was my pop sound effect. There you go. That's better and save on your whole cart It's this Saturday only February 4th plus not only the Saturday event But great deals will be happening all week long. So get to the fleet farm. Pop till you drop, baby. Fleet farm. We love it. Ha ha. Better. Fleet farm. We pop it. Nice. You did do better on the end there. Yeah. February 4th. Charlie, I know this is gonna be tough for you. Valentine's Day is almost here. Oh! Ah!
Starting point is 00:40:11 Yeah, my health is it. Yeah, so I'll take the lead on this one. Okay, yeah, why don't you go for it, okay? You know what, guys? If you're not Charlie, Valentine's Day is almost here. And don't get your significant other diamonds or flowers. Get them some tempi cow. That's what they really want. They want the gift of a buzz. And, I mean, you could also probably get them some strawberries. So you buy the chocolate shake
Starting point is 00:40:36 flavor, mix it with strawberries. It's like the erotic experience of feeding chocolate covers strawberries. So you're significant other. Chase, just letting you know that people do that. That's what people do, huh? Yeah, maybe one day I'll find out. All right, let's take some typical and hopefully around times they goes smoo.
Starting point is 00:41:01 Just like typical smooth. The smur. Hey, guy. Hey, who's this? This is Scott coming to Greenville South Carolina. Scott from Greenville South Carolina in no way. Scott, I used to live in Greenville South Carolina. I know I've heard down previous podcast. Have I said that before?
Starting point is 00:41:20 I don't know. You say a lot of stuff. Oh, that's awesome. Where do you live? What street are you on over there? I'm well green gold based in molden. What? But I'm off butler in molden. Oh, okay. I forget where that is. Charlie used his GPS to go everywhere when they live there. So no See, so why don't you belly up to the bar, tell us what's on your mind when you got going on Scott.
Starting point is 00:41:48 Yeah, so I actually moved down to South Carolina back in April and I'm planning on moving back to the Midwest in January and I'm trying to figure out where I want to move to because I moved from Illinois and I don't want to deal with the Midwest winters, but I like the Midwest. Okay. I'm trying to figure out where to move back to. Missouri. Missouri is warm.
Starting point is 00:42:15 It's a little swampy down there, but it's warm. There's a reason why they call it misery. It's funny. It's funny. You're calling Scott with this question because we just had another fellow from the West Coast call and saying he wanted to go to the Midwest, but he wanted to be cold or at least colder than Missouri.
Starting point is 00:42:33 He doesn't know my cold is. Well, yeah, he's from the mountains of Washington. So I agree with you. You get that warmth up there in the Pacific Northwest that's colder here. So do you have anything off the top of the dome where you're like, oh, this might be a good place. I'm thinking maybe either Missouri, Iowa or maybe kind of southern area of Indiana because coming from Illinois, Illinois is just too
Starting point is 00:42:57 expensive these days. So maybe not Illinois, but kind of Southern Midwest area. What kind of lifestyle you look into live? Is it small town vibes? Is it suburbs? Is it city life? What are you looking for? Well, I do love photography. Like actually, I'm not sure if you know town Cedarburg with towns,
Starting point is 00:43:19 it's about 20 minutes north in Milwaukee. Oh, I know Cedarburg. Oh my gosh. Oh yeah, it's kind of so beautiful. It's, I mean, a river runs through this town miles. It's gorgeous. And they got a brewery right on the river. Uh, and they got a nice winery, uh, there too, which I think, uh, put a cute little downtown miles. We got to go sometime you and I. It's just just north of Milwaukee, just about 20 minutes. Quick car ride. Fight. Yeah. So what's the city name? Cedar Burke. How about how big is Cedarburg? Cedarburg.
Starting point is 00:43:53 You know, Cedarburg. It's about, I want to say 5 8. It's about, um, one eighth of a Milwaukee. Well, how big is Milwaukee? Well, Milwaukee's about eight Cedar Berks. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Got it. Okay. So yeah, I see this one. Yeah. So he's looking for relatively small, but not like 200 people. Right. And but if he wants a big city, I like a scenic scenic area,
Starting point is 00:44:21 but not like basically abandoned. You want it to be scenic by way, not necessarily so scenic that no everyone left. Yeah, pretty much. Well, I think you got a really good shot there with Cedarberg. And yeah, you're a photographer, you said, huh? Yeah, Cedarberg's just too cold, cold though because I've taken pictures that that bridge in every season and back in February, it went up and it's no eight inches. And so I was up there digging out the spot that I would take photos from in about negative five degrees. And I actually
Starting point is 00:45:00 had to come back the next day because that was too cold and I couldn't feel my fingers. All right. You know what we call that in the Midwest? We call that just another Tuesday in January. So yeah, maybe not the best spot for you. I mean, what do you take photos of? Um, well, I mean, I've been doing more concert photography recently. I have fun. I'll go around town like small towns and take pictures, but more for work. I like doing concerts, various events, sports, stuff like that. What's the craziest concert you've done photography at? I wouldn't necessarily call it crazy, but the winner jam tour, I think it was in... Is that the all-state arenanoyed two years ago?
Starting point is 00:45:46 And who was playing? KB, Andy Minio, skillet, red. I don't remember if the cycle was there, it's more of a Christian tour. Gotcha. Ah, the Christian tour. I was lost on that. I don't listen to a ton of Christian music myself.
Starting point is 00:46:03 More of a breathy vocals guy is what you're saying. Sorry. breathy vocals. Christian music's got a lot of breathy vocals. That's more of the old school stuff. You're listening to the disciple and read. That's more like the heavy metal. Think more along lines of Metallica and stuff like that. They're more aggressive like that. Interesting. Very interesting. So different breath, same, same songs. Different church, same pew. If there was ever time, a time to say different church, same pew miles, chase, boys, church, different pew.
Starting point is 00:46:38 Oh, same church, different pew. That would have been the time. Yeah, Yeah, kids. Now you're saying, damn it. We're talking about a religion. I'm saying miles. God, we're going to confession. So, so what? You know, I do have to say this. You want to come to the Midwest, but you're saying that the cold is problematic. You got to remember that the cold is like, you know, the thing that that that kills off
Starting point is 00:47:06 the tourists a little bit, you know, that's what keeps the roads. And also keep everything clean. Yeah. If you've been to LA, you know, all the streets are kind of dirty and gross because it never snows. Nothing ever freezes over and washes away and cleans itself. It's true. It's a self cleaning system that we have here in the Midwest and you got to take the good with the bad, you know. Um, it's, I mean, come on. I've,
Starting point is 00:47:30 I've read, well, rather listen to your book, probably six or seven times, and even you say like, um, Midwest is the blade for summer, but be anywhere else in winter. I know. I said that. I said that. So timeout, timeout, timeout. I got a few things to unpack here. Yeah, I Never thought I would hear that phrase honored what I've listened to Charlie's Barron's audio book Six or seven times. I never thought I hear that phrase, you know I gave miles a sign copy of the book. He hasn't cracked it open once. He's maybe, I did crack it open when I was on the pot the other day and when my crack was open. Oh, yeah. That should be good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:17 This thing my dad a couple months ago and I had to make sure that while I was visiting Henfrew, we got played the entire podcast for the entire audio book for him while we were driving around. Did he like it? Oh, he was annoyed because he's lived in the Midwest as a majority of his life and he was like, I've always known these were things but I never knew they had names. Like, I knew what Midwest nice was but I never knew there was a name for it. Oh, look at that. See, he learned something new every day. And you pissed him off because he's like, I'm an old dog. I don't need new tricks. You know what? I think we should send you one of the updated versions of the Midwest survival guide, which has all these great poll quotes on the back of the book.
Starting point is 00:48:57 One is from Miles. I cracked it open when my crack was open. Thank you for listening to that book. Really appreciate you doing that. Yeah, I love the book. It's hilarious. Yeah, so now let's before we move on from that, if you had one complain it probably would be that it's a little long. What did your boys get hot? Your voice got high. Scott, you need a better point. You got too long. Why would I listen to it seven times? Oh, it's not long enough, Miles. Okay, well, again, never thought it hurt anyone say that. Scott, you're a believer. I appreciate you. Was it a little log? No.
Starting point is 00:49:45 No. It wasn't log. Oh, that's not what he sounded like miles. You're putting tone in his mouth right now, OK? And I don't appreciate it. I do so much driving. So I first found the Belly Duck podcast when I was in Illinois a couple of months ago, and I was driving back to South Carolina.
Starting point is 00:50:04 And I just got to South Carolina as I was listening to someone else say that they drove from like Wisconsin to Nashville and only got through half your podcast. At the time, there were 15 episodes out. I got through 13 from Chicago to Greenville. Oh my god. Scott, you are a super fan. We appreciate that. Hey, you know what? I'll send you a sign copy of the book for all your listening. I have, or yeah, you're multi-listening action on that. That's good. You're active years on our podcast.
Starting point is 00:50:35 Yeah, really appreciate you. I mean, why are you driving so much through Illinois? Did I miss that part? Or did he not say that? Yeah, I was visiting family and I was working in Greenville. Like we were off for a couple of weeks for construction. So I decided to visit family in Illinois. And I mean, I'm from the Midwest.
Starting point is 00:50:55 We don't fly. We drive. Yeah. Yeah. That's a good. That is perfect. Yeah. If it's drivable, you're going to do it. I like that. Yeah. It's only four hours. I like that. Do we help you find a place here, Scott, or you still looking for a warmer? Oh, I just value the winner so much because it's just like I said, makes a summer that much better, whatever.
Starting point is 00:51:17 So it's hard for me to pick a spot that has a lot less winner. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, the green isn't too bad. I mean, it's, it's not too bad. Scott, I'll tell you this, you can handle Cedarburg. You're going to like Cedarburg. And the problem is not as that it's too cold. The problem is that your coat is not big enough. Your big coat isn't big enough. So you get in though Wisconsin, you stop at the fleet farm in German town on your way up to Cedarburg, you get yourself a big coat from the fleet farm, and then you're going to be cooking
Starting point is 00:51:50 with gas the rest of the winter guy. I'll tell you that right now. That's good. All right, perfect. Man, well, this has been good. Yeah. Good luck at future concerts. Uh, snap those picks, as they would say. Hey, if you guys ever need a photographer, one of your comedy shows, give me a call. That's actually, you know, we've been thinking, we've been talking about taking the belly up podcast on the road, you know, where my old night is had a little like, I, I, I said, we were still thinking about that, Charlie, but you know, if we do that, Scott, we'll have to get you to be the photographer for it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:52:27 That'd be great. That was awesome. Hell yeah, man. Well, thanks for calling in and thanks for listening to all the episodes and Charlie's book a bunch of times. It's really good to see someone finally listen to that. Hey, Miles, if you come out with a book, I'll give it a listen. I'll tell you what, my book's gonna be mostly pictures and about one eighth the size.
Starting point is 00:52:50 So, we'll be able to listen to it 20 to 30 times. Sounds good. All right. Yeah, man, good to meet you and have a good one. Watch for deer Scott. Watch out for deer. All right, bye bye. Bye, Mom. What a good, good guy. All right. Bye. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 00:53:10 What a good, good guy. Great guy. Great guy. Really is. So I'm right, though, in saying that the Christian music is very breath. Right. Well, that is some God. He reigns. Why can they just say? I don't I don't know the only Christian music I listen to is and we will raise you up on Ego swings Make you to shine like the sun and hold you in the palm of yours. Our moms, our moms are both a list of this. No, my mom's shedding tears.
Starting point is 00:54:01 She's like, wow, what a good Catholic boy. No, it was most of the world's most of. Let's take another call. All right. Oh, we're done. No, we're done. That's it. We've just said, I'm in so much fun on this. Change school. We used to that. We're that's honestly a great way to end the episode. That is. All right. We're going to do the slow fade out here. We're going to sing it one more time. Charlie, guys, thanks for tuning into another episode of the, the belly up podcast. I think by now, we probably should have some more merch on the site by the time this comes out. So just go to the website. Oh, you bet Look for the merch. Go by Charlie's. I survived the Midwest goodbye at Yeah. Thank you guys for listening. We really appreciate it. Thanks for calling in. And we'll see you in the next one.
Starting point is 00:54:47 See you at your bartender. To your bartender. I will raise you up on Like The Sun.

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