Bellied Up - Dating Your Cousin #58

Episode Date: July 13, 2023

In this episode, we're at Dale Z.'s On Tour in Milwaukee, WI. Our first caller is wondering when a town is considered a small town. The next caller is about to have a baby and needs baby name ...suggestions. The last caller is best friends with her cousin and she wants people to stop thinking that they're dating. Get yourself a ⁠"Road Huntin For Ditch Chickens"⁠ Hat Want us to come to your bar for a Bellied Up episode? Click Here

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everybody, welcome to another episode of the Belly Up Podcast. I am your host, Charlie Barons. Joining me is my co-host, Miles, the U-Betcha guy. How are we doing, folks? You didn't mention anything about that intro. I thought you were going to take issue with you being my co-host. No, hey, this is your town, this is your city, this is your state. You're damn right, and we are at Dale Z's home of the hot nuts,
Starting point is 00:00:24 $3 special ladies and gentlemen, get down here. You might have to get in that nut hut right there. Maybe get some, well, that's just a little nut hut. No, a little nut hut. Just a little nut hut. Now, is that a quarter turn deal? No, no.
Starting point is 00:00:42 I think they just pull it out. Oh, anyways., how you doing? It's feeling it's been a while to see you. Miles speaking of hot nuts. Guess who just bought a Harley Davidson motor cycle hold on. What? Yeah, you bought a Harley. Yeah, I did. I like the way you said that. I got checked and see if you got a bar of wire tattoo or not on your Oh, don't have your appointment schedule don't judge me don't be where is your
Starting point is 00:01:12 Acly's chap sat Charlie those are in my bedroom Oh, yeah, because you're not riding your motorcycle here today is what you're saying correct Yeah, no, I I rode my electric Chevrolet Bolt. Okay. Find a guy who can do both. I, I, I, I can do both. I have both. And in fact, my dream is to trailer my Harley
Starting point is 00:01:34 with my bolt. You want to know what I did when I saw that you bought a Harley Charlie? What's that? Harley Charlie. Harley Charlie. Good time Charlie with a Harley. Good.
Starting point is 00:01:43 Oh my God. Good time Charlie. Good time Charlie with a Harley. Oh my God. Good time Charlie. Good time Charlie with the Harley whiskey bin hellbound. I like that. I just made that up right now. Hey, put it in a country song. Okay. Let it get 500 spins on Spotify. Yeah. So, um, so hold on. So I saw you put it up on your story. Yeah. You got it from a wonderful. I got from Barb. Barb. She looked like the salt of the year. Salt. Oh my gosh. Barb is absolutely amazing. She put it on Craigslist. Sorry, that was burp. Um, and I found it on Craigslist. That's where I found it. it makes sense because she put it up there. And oh, he's a beautiful bike. Beautiful bike. 98 Harley Davidson sports star and Barb took impeccable care of this hog. She showed me,
Starting point is 00:02:35 can I can I show you actually what she sent me? Yeah. Because she had this motorcycle in several competitions and hang on, I got to find-Barb in my phone there it is. First of all, don't we look cute? So put the, she just looks like you're on. Like she looks like she could be you're on. She could be, yeah, she could be. I mean, that's a good looking bike.
Starting point is 00:02:59 I don't know anything about bikes at all, but it looks like a good looking one to me. This sexy machine is what that is. And those are the trophies. Okay, so there's one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. This is a eight trophy, winning Harley Davidson, the Charlie Pound. And again, there's 12. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11.
Starting point is 00:03:22 Oh, maybe there's only one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, maybe there's only eight. I thought these were little trophies. Yeah, there's only eight. Hey, there's 12. We'll say there's four, not pictured. Yeah. There's four, not pictured. So first of all, when I saw that, yeah, what do you think? I thought how cool your buddy Chuck is. I said, you have to call me Chuck when I'm on the, well, you're a good time Charlie with a Harley though.
Starting point is 00:03:49 Oh, yeah, that's right. Okay, we'll go with that. I said, wow, Charlie's really hitting his midlife crisis early. Thank you for saying early, I appreciate that. Also, look at my hair now. So yeah, I'm doing it like Uncle Jesse.
Starting point is 00:04:03 Yeah, I can see that. I've got the Uncle Jesse. I haven't gotten a haircut, so it my hair now. See, I'm doing it like Uncle Jesse. Yeah, I can see that. I haven't gotten a haircut, so it's growing longer. I got a little center part for all of you out there in radio world. How's it looking? Does it look okay with the headphones? Oh, yeah. Feathered in lethal.
Starting point is 00:04:17 No, Jared, Jared moves his hand like, eh, feathered in lethal. I got to look at it. And you know, now that I got to hardly, my hair is very important. Well, no, because I am healthy. I hope you're a helmet wearer. Oh, yeah. I'm a, you know, some people call them brain buckets. I say no. And by the way, wouldn't you rather have your brain in a bucket than splattered all over the highway? Yeah. Yeah. So anyways, no, what are your plans with this Harley? Wow. First of all, at the time of recording, now I know we are in the future, but is Harley's anniversary,
Starting point is 00:04:50 big old anniversary going on in Milwaukee. So, you know, my plans are, I'm gonna obviously make a video called First Time Harley owner, because in my line of work for those of you who don't know, anything I personally want to purchase I just have to make a video out of it and then I can write it all off on my taxes. And then it's free. Yeah. Yep. Uh, hopefully nobody. Well, even if the IRS is listening, that doesn't matter. I'm doing it by the book. Yeah. By the book. I didn't write the laws. I'm just taking advantage of it. Yeah. Yeah. You're gonna do a video, but when you're gonna take that thing for just a cruise,
Starting point is 00:05:25 just you in the open road. You know what, Miles? You're gonna head up to Door County on that thing or what? Hey, I'm not, but we are. Oh, yeah. Got a seat on the back just for you, Miles. I saw that, luckily right before I left to come here, I saw the story that you got the Harley
Starting point is 00:05:41 and I actually packed my ass list chaps as well. Damn, that's gonna be so much fun. You and I actually packed my assless chaps as well. Damn. That's going to be so much fun. You and I just going up to get them door county cherries. Go cherry picking in our assless chaps, sweating it out in a, you know, little cherry grow. It's going to be what a, what I would call a slippery situation with all that leather and sweat. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:03 Can you imagine the, the, if we rode today, it's 89 degrees. If we rode today up to door county, do you know what that seat would look like by the time we got there? Let's just say I don't think Barb would take a refund on it. No, a lot of sweat. That would, that is what we would call soiled. But yeah, I guess, I don't know, I never picture you as riding along Lake Michigan, Lake Michigan would be like, damn, that is a wet seat.
Starting point is 00:06:32 Like it'd be so wet, like Michigan would be envious. The car behind us would have to have their windshield wipers on the whole time. And now that everybody has tuned out of this podcast, we can talk to the real fans. Yeah, to kind of wrap it up here, Charlie, on the Harley talk. Good talk. We're wrapping it up. Okay. I'd just say just see first it if you would have told me when I met you how many years ago,
Starting point is 00:06:59 a four or four or five, ish years ago, we go back a long ways, Miles. I don't think I would have had a my bingo card that you'd be a Harley guy, but I'm from Milwaukee. This is where Harley Davidson's were born. I understand. You know what they were, Miles? You know what Harley and Davidson were? They were bicycle mechanics.
Starting point is 00:07:19 Also, I was a bike mechanic. I should have seen it coming. Should have seen it coming. The, the, the dominoes were lined up. And all I needed was someone to blow the first domino over. And now I got to Harley. The last thing I'll say too is, yeah, I feel pretty good right now because you're already
Starting point is 00:07:36 going through your midlife crisis. And I'm not even close. You're not close younger than you. No, hey, I mean, I don't know. You've been working out a lot. What are you squatting these days? 285s for five a couple weeks ago. 285 for five.
Starting point is 00:07:52 So you should be up to 315 right now. So I, while I'm getting there, we're working up to 315. So basically I can squat two of you, Charlie. I think we should do a video where you just squat one of me. Yeah, that'd be fun. I think we should do a video where you just go out one of me. Yeah, that'd be fun. I think I could do it. Are you doing it with the proper form?
Starting point is 00:08:10 So you're not messing up your back, Charlie, Charlie. Of course I am. Okay. Yeah. Okay. You can't just go up to 285 raw and not have good technique. Well, you know, I wouldn't expect a guy with twigs for legs to know that, but I don't have twig dude. I got some decent looking thighs. Yeah. I know you guys can't tell because
Starting point is 00:08:32 I'm underneath the bar right now, but you know, we'll have a cheek off once we get our chaps on. We will. And folks, if you are new to the belly that podcast, and this is your first episode listening to, we don't spend each episode talking about our thighs and assless jabs. This is just a special occasion. Yep. Cool. The midlife crisis episode. So welcome to that. Yeah. Um, we got some good collars coming up. I, yeah, we do. Oh my god. They're so good. They're so great. All of them. Yeah. And uh, Charlie, just stay safe on that thing. Hey, I will miles. Make sure you look both ways. Use your turn signals. The whole Shabang where your helmet. I always wear my helmet and buckle up. Do you guys get that? Because there's not buckles
Starting point is 00:09:16 on our they thought it was funny. Well, should we take some call? Let's take some call. Let's take some callers. Welcome to the Belly Up podcast to we chit chat and with. Hi, this is Patrick. Hey, Patrick. Belly on up to the bar. Fellow, what's on your mind? All right, so I had a quick question for you. Sure. My question is, how small is a small town?
Starting point is 00:09:44 How small is a small town? How small is a small town? What do you think, Charlie? I've done a little, go ahead. I've been moving a couple of times, and every time I move, I move to a bigger city, and they tell me that my previous town is small. But what is the real answer? So where you currently live in then?
Starting point is 00:10:03 So as of right now now I live in Milwaukee. I go to school at UWF. But prior to that, I lived in Dubuque, Iowa, because I did my undergrad there. And then prior to that, I'm originally from Sparta, Wisconsin. Sparta, sure. Yeah, no, Sparta. Oh, yeah, I know Sparta. It's right up there by, you know, Toma, right? Sparta is close to Toma.
Starting point is 00:10:26 Toma in between Toma and LaCara. Yeah, there's Sparta goes. Toma is part of LaCara. Charlie, let's start there. How do you think that Sparta is a small town? I mean, you know, it's a small town unless, you know, you're from Toma, you know, it's all relative. Yeah, you know, I think that's kind of the conundrum that he's in. I think that's all relative. Yeah. You know, I think that's kind of the conundrum that he's in. I think that's the question. How small do you have to be to be considered a small town? And do we do this off population? Or do we do it off situation? Or do you do it off of how many
Starting point is 00:10:56 bars are in the town? That's that's how you measure. There's a town of 500 that may have five bars that might be the big city. Yeah, wait, Patrick's trying to say something. What'd you say, Patrick? I was saying, I think he kind of have to take into account population, but also five times the town vibes of the town. A vibe. I think that's what he said. OK.
Starting point is 00:11:18 So here's how you determine if your small town is a small town. First, how many bars do you have? If it's just one, I don't know if that's a town. You got to have at least two. Otherwise, it's unincorporated. Yeah, might just be a township. A township. Yeah. It might be a township at that point. And don't let the word ship confuse you. It's a small situation. How high do you go with population in a small town, Charlie? I'm going 900. Under 1000, a small town. Under 1000. Okay. I can get on board with that. What about the towns that are maybe between five and 10,000? Is that a small city?
Starting point is 00:12:01 Well, let me phone a friend on that one. Patrick, what do you think? and is that a small city? Well, let me phone a friend on that one, Patrick, what do you think? Well, so I started around 9,000 people and growing up, I just seem to think it was that small in the town because we had some town that you're talking about, 900 people. To me, that was small.
Starting point is 00:12:18 Yeah. But again, I talked to different people, they got different answers. Well, you talk to a city's booker and oh my gosh, they're definitely going to think that that's a small situation. Now, was the buke calling Sparta a small town? Yeah, so all my friends from like the lacrosse area and then when I moved to the buke, they said 10,000, 9,000 that's a small town.
Starting point is 00:12:42 Yeah, I think I'm going to go small cities around that. Okay. Right. Yeah. Small towns around a thousand and under. And everything else above that is just a normal city, I guess. Yeah. Yeah, you could call it a small city. Yeah. I think that's what we do. Yeah. Okay. That might be it. Hey, how many bars does Sparta have?
Starting point is 00:13:05 I mean, every corner. Okay, pretty much. How many corners does Sparta have? I mean, it's a city about nine or 10,000 people. I think there's probably 40 or 15 bars there. I think you also have to look at your 40 or 50 bars. Oh yeah, that's how we do it here, Miles. Oh, they must help.
Starting point is 00:13:28 Well, I think I mean, you got 40, 50 bars. That's just the city, I believe. Right? Well, this is Wisconsin. Yeah, you kind of have to look at your bar to church ratio, you know. If it's two bars to every church, that's kind of a standard practice. Yeah
Starting point is 00:13:46 Well Patrick do we answer anything for you on this call? Yeah, I mean I think it's all situational I think I don't get too caught up with all the vernacular of what it should be called and not. I do think that the vibe of the city or town matters much more than the actual population. There could be a town, a city, a small city of 9,000 people and really have small town vibes. I think that probably matters a little bit more than what the population is. Let me ask you guys this. What are the essentials for a small town
Starting point is 00:14:30 to have everything you need? I say for sure you need at least two bars to start. I needed that. I was on this. I've always been told in Wisconsin, a town needs for something to be considered a town. It needs two or three things. And that's a bar, a church, and one singular howl.
Starting point is 00:14:53 If you have two of those three, you're good. Okay. I would love to see the place that just has a bar and a church at no houses. I like it. It's the same building. There's plenty of. Are there? Where there's just a bar and a church at no houses. I like it. It's the same building. There's plenty of. Are there? Where there's just a bar in the church, huh? You ever heard of middle ridge with Johnson? No, where's that at on the hand? I'd say it's in the
Starting point is 00:15:14 colleges. It's in between Sparta and LaCrosse, and the Bangor region, if you know that it is. Oh, yeah. Sure. So kind of, uh, kind of over by the little crease in your at the top of your palm. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. Got it. Yeah, I see where that is. Okay. And so what's that got? It's got, it's doing the bar in the church.
Starting point is 00:15:38 Just bar just church opposite sides of the streets. Just opposite side of the street. Yeah, there's kind of like a three way stop. It stops on set. Where do they hold funerals at the bar of the streets. Yeah, just off the side of the street, yeah, there's kind of like a three-way stopper stop sunset. Where do they hold funerals at the bar of the church? That's a great question. I'm not from there, but depends on who died. Right, yeah. So, if I've done who died. I think we kind of got to got through the weeds with you on this Patrick. I think we've got it. I think so. Yeah. No, Charlie, yeah, I got a second question. Yes, as you boys got the time.
Starting point is 00:16:09 Sure. So I like to try myself as a Midwest nice person. But I'm in graduate school right now. Okay. I'm actually starting to get my doctorate of physical therapy. Oh, good for you. How do I thank you? I appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:16:30 How do I? People always ask me what I'm doing. And I hate telling people that I'm studying to get my doctor because they start thinking I'm a lot smarter than I really am. I'm just, you know, I'm just pretty standard guy who I just keep going to school. How do I approach that? I'm just, you know, I'm just pretty standard guy who I just keep going to school. How do I approach that? Oh, I see.
Starting point is 00:16:47 So he doesn't want to be bragged, docious. He's downplaying. How smart he is. Uh-huh. Which is always a good move. But also the doctorate thing is really, you know, that's the line you got to walk. Because if you tell an actual doctor that you're getting your doctorate and then they say, yeah, and then you can't be saying, I'm a doctor.
Starting point is 00:17:10 Although there is nothing better than getting someone who thinks that they're super brainy and smart like all doctors in the world, riled up because you start devaluing their degree by calling yourself a doctor. I do kind of like that. That is fun to watch. You know, you got the snobby pediatrician who thinks that he's smarter than everyone. And you can roll up and say, I am doctor so and so
Starting point is 00:17:33 and it'll just get his blood boiling. Yeah. I'm doctor Patrick. So I think you maybe you steer into the skin a little bit and actually start playing it up even more. Yeah. The only time you can't play it up is if like you're on a plane and they're like, is it they're a doctor on board?
Starting point is 00:17:49 And you're like, I'm a doctor, ma'am. Doctor of physical therapy. Does this man need is Charlie horse looked at? You're saying fear into the skin. Yeah, well, own it more. So when people ask you, don't say I'm studying to get my doctorate, say, I'm going to be a doctor. And then when they, then when they say, Oh, that's like, where are you going to medical school? It's like, Oh, doctorate of physical therapy. Yeah. It's like when I was, got, well, I am. I'm a scientist
Starting point is 00:18:20 because I got my exercise science degree. You got to really lean into it. test because I got my exercise science degree. You got to really lean into it. Patrick, did you know Miles is a scientist? Miles, I too. I'm an exercise scientist. That's good. Let's go, dude. I could tell. I knew I liked you. Miles, if you couldn't apply to physical therapy school and beyond the past, being a doctor, I could be a doctor as well. But instead I'm here at this bar on Monday, at Monday at noon, drinking. So, I gotta go to class in an hour, so I think we got me to be there. Well, you don't have to.
Starting point is 00:18:56 You can just come over and have a drink with us, you know. We're close to that. We'll make sure you're never gonna be a come a doctor. Stick with us. Yeah, I think that's the move though. I think I think you just start telling people you're going to be a doctor instead of trying to be shy about it. Because then they'll think it's funny when you reveal that you're actually going to be just get your doctorate in physical therapy.
Starting point is 00:19:19 They'll love that. I think that's going to be my move from here on out. I love it. Yeah. On the first date, all you need to tell me is you're starting to become a doctor. You wait till the third or fourth to let them know it's in physical therapy. Right. Right. Of course.
Starting point is 00:19:33 Yeah. Yeah. Pregnant before you reveal you're not actually a doctor. Wolf. Wolf. Well, I that's miles as advice, not my advice. I just put a marker on that. Well, Patrick, thanks so much for calling in, buddy.
Starting point is 00:19:50 Yeah, thank you, boys. I really appreciate the show. Yeah, we appreciate you. Take care now. Hey, time to go, I'll like to say. You too, bye-bye. Charlie, I noticed that your first instinct was to just immediately tell him to skip class.
Starting point is 00:20:06 He's speaking from massive experience. So, you know, Miles, there's a reason I'm sitting here at this bar. I graduated, um, actually, with two degrees, oh, journalism and environmental geography. I don't, I couldn't even begin to think what that even means. Neither can I and I graduated with it. So here we are, you know, folks, isn't geography by nature already environmental? You might think that, but I studied the interaction of humans and their geographical location. For instance, sounds like anthropology to me. There's some of that in there. There's some of that. But no, I think, you know, we gave them some decent advice. He's gonna piss a lot of people off
Starting point is 00:20:49 if he takes your advice. I love that. You're just a real crapster, smile. Some people just like to watch the world burn. That is the dynamic between us. I'm Batman. Get her pregnant. Or she learns you're not a doctor.
Starting point is 00:21:09 Miles, what would your mother think? You know, she'd laugh at that one, I think. And then what? No, no, no, no. You are kind of like the, the Joker. That's kind of your vibe. Yeah. Chaos.
Starting point is 00:21:22 I don't care about anything else. Yeah. You got a hair on your microphone. Barrowed it from your beard. Look at that. Yep. Hawk. Now, let's say another one. Hello, who do we got on the line? Hey, Miles, you got Charlie. How's it going? Oh, Charlie. What a name. I love it. How you doing, Charlie? Doing well. Doing well, Charlie. You know, it's, uh, I got it. How you doing, Charlie? Doing well, doing well, Charlie.
Starting point is 00:21:45 You know, I got my copy of the Midwest survival guidance part of me that my wife got me for Father's Day. Oh, heck yeah, you did. You mostly use it as a coaster or a one-well. Stop it, Miles, stop it. You don't need to laugh at them. Exactly under my laptop to keep it higher. No, okay.
Starting point is 00:22:03 Yeah. It is a thick book. it is a thick one. It's a thick one. It's thick way thicker and needed to be. So, Charlie, what's cooking, man? What's on your mind? Well, what's cooking? Quite literally we have a bun in the oven and my wife is about nine months pregnant.
Starting point is 00:22:22 And we have been prepping. we have the nursery ready to go. We got a new SUV. We have all the important stuff except for, you know, the name. So we're having a baby girl. And we were just curious. You had any advice for a nice midwestern baby girl name. Okay. Well, first of all, congratulations. Yeah. I guess I didn't realize it was on the list of things to get ready for a baby was to buy a new SUV So that's kind of cool to slip that in there. I know. Hey, oh honey. This SUV's not gonna do we got to get a brand new one No, not a minivan not a minivan. We got a SUV. I like that. That was smart. Yeah, good for you
Starting point is 00:23:01 That was that was a big topic of discussion, but hey, it wasn't S U V to S U V. This was, you know, a whole Toyota Camry too. Let's get enough space. Yeah, I mean, that's smart. Yep, you got to do it. You got to do it. All right. So let's dive in.
Starting point is 00:23:16 How do you name your Midwest baby? Charlie, what do you think? Well, I would say you start off with the Bible names. Okay, that's kind of a standard practice. If it's in the Bible, you can name your kid it. You know, that's what they said for a while. Ruth, uh, Ruth Sarah.
Starting point is 00:23:35 Oh, no. Mary. Mary. Yep. Yep. Yeah, Mary Magdalene. Mary again. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:46 Dude, I've got really exposing Charlie's Bible knowledge right now. I know that all the three in a row and all he could do was name the same one that I did. Bethesda isn't that one. Isn't that a name? Yeah, I think Elizabeth is one. Elizabeth. Yup. Yup. Let's see here. There's some shoot. Come on. Well, the Bible is sexist. There's not a lot of women that's coming to mind. Just pulls the get out of jail free card.
Starting point is 00:24:15 And I was talking to the Bible, sexist now. So I'm trying to think now. I even brought the Bible thing up. Sorry, Charlie, I'm really screwing the boot here. You know, let me ask you this. What names have you thrown out there? Well, see, I'm like you guys. I'm more traditional.
Starting point is 00:24:36 However, you know, my wife has brought out names such as Rowan, Brindley, and Sawyer, which... Oh, man. I haven't quite seen in the scriptures, to speak, but I think you need a man But really down the name of man. Well, so Brindley is actually my New Year's. That's a good one. I don't know. Oh, Brindley's a good one there. Yeah, I got a nice name. Well, we're down to three. Okay. We're down to three. We're down to Angela, Adi, or Delilah. Oh, my thought was with Delilah, you always have a karaoke song you can embarrass her with. That's true. And you can call her Lila. Yeah, right up, right up there with Caroline. That one's also a good
Starting point is 00:25:19 karaoke name as well as Maria is also a good one. Yeah. Alice is also a good one. And if you and I'm not gonna talk about that. I'm not gonna talk about that. I'm not gonna talk about that. I'm not gonna talk about that. I'm not gonna talk about that. I'm not gonna talk about that. I'm not gonna talk about that. I'm not gonna talk about that. I'm not gonna talk about that. I'm not gonna talk about that.
Starting point is 00:25:32 I'm not gonna talk about that. I'm not gonna talk about that. I'm not gonna talk about that. I'm not gonna talk about that. I'm not gonna talk about that. I'm not gonna talk about that. I'm not gonna talk about that. I'm not gonna talk about that.
Starting point is 00:25:40 I'm not gonna talk about that. I'm not gonna talk about that. I'm not gonna talk about that. I'm not gonna talk about that. I'm not gonna talk about that. I'm not gonna talk about that. I'm not gonna talk about that. I'm not gonna talk about that. I'm not gonna talk about that. I'm not gonna talk about that. I'm not gonna Now is that short for Adelaide or is that just ADDI? So that's where we're allowing some compromise because you know she would want you know I think Adli is the name she would want I would want more like Addison or something like that but at least we can agree on the nickname Addi. Oh sure. So that was kind of the thought with it.
Starting point is 00:26:04 So some some derivative of that. Well, okay. So if you guys are let's say we're let's just take that name, right? You want to add a sense. You want to add Lee. I want you to start thinking about playing the long game here. All right? What is going to give you the most leverage in the future? Because that's what marriage is all about is keeping score and having leverage over the other one. And you really got to be starting to think about that. If you're still going to get Addy, what you like, maybe give in on the full name so that you can have some more leverage later in the marriage. Not a bad call. I like that. I like that. She, I'm willing to go
Starting point is 00:26:44 with Addy because to me, she'll always be Addy. So I like the thought I like that. She I'm willing to go with Adley because to me she'll always be Addy. So I like the thought of building some brownie points mild. Yeah. You sound like an old hat on this Mara came. Well, I didn't realize you'd been married devil. Yeah. It's been four months were still married. So I'm doing something right. Yeah. Right, Charlie. I mean, and she came with you to Milwaukee. So yeah, she must like you a little bit. So, okay. The question is, are you guys maybe thinking about having, I know it's a little early to be thinking about another kid, but are you wanting to have maybe more than one? Yeah, we want three. Okay, you got to save all of your name. And we have our boys name. We have our boys name figured out. Charlie, you'll appreciate this because we met at Jackson Brady.
Starting point is 00:27:28 So our our boys name was going to be Brady for Brady Street. Oh, wow. I remember that. When we got the sex, when we got the sex, we had everything but the name. We just had to have something. That's a weird way of saying that you're having a baby, you know. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:46 We got the sex. When we were doing the sex to have a baby, we had everything planned. What SUV we were going to get and everything. We talked about it. You know, if you really do want the name to be the one that you choose, you can have your wife named like new car. Is that an even trade? that you choose, you can have your wife named the new car. Is that an even trade? She names the car.
Starting point is 00:28:07 You name the baby. That's a good point. See, when I name my cars, I like a liberation. And we got a wolf flag. So that could be another good question. What would you guys recommend for our, our wolf flag? Maybe Victoria, the Volkswagen. Victoria, Vicki.
Starting point is 00:28:24 I like Vicki. I like Vicki. Um, Vicki's going to be, yeah, you know, well, I was, well, I was going with that, asking about the other kid was, yeah, you definitely want to keep all your leverage you can get when you get that. If you end up having a boy, because you want to have a lot of say in the, the first born son, you know, so, but if they sound like they already agreed on that. So now you just got to use that leverage if you give her the name of so you can get out golfing more.
Starting point is 00:28:49 Yeah. Yeah, I say you, by the way, where are you and who's up, who's down and if you guys are keeping score? Who, who, who was the other person more? Depends on who you're asking, I'm pretty sure. Well, right now she's probably like for the benefit of the doubt. Yeah, she's nine months pregnant. She's like, there's nothing you can do to compete with that, you know, especially how hot it is this summer. Geez, Louise. Yeah, I guess you're why you left an Emmy, Miles?
Starting point is 00:29:19 It's a funny thought. No. I like it. Sometimes Miles laughs when he has a funny thought. No. I like it. Sometimes miles of apps when he has a funny thought and chooses not to say it. Yeah. Yeah. That's for the best of the podcast. Well, so is that what you guys are going to do? Adal Adalyn? What is it? What was that? Adley Adley and Addy. I think that's the solution though. I look forward to coming home and tone or that tonight. Oh nice. Yeah, you get to deliver the news. Wait, I'm about you actually are going to take your advice. This is Charlie. Let's go. I do like this Charlie. I do have to warn you though. Okay. I mean, do you have this pressure of thinking of naming your child because like that name, think about all the people who like name their kids like Luis or well, Luis is not a good name. Good name for this example. Like far,
Starting point is 00:30:13 and that also not. Preston with three axes and four y. Yeah, the Braxton's of the world with the multiple axes. Like, how is that name going to age over time? You know, like, do names become pass, say it all, you know, you got, you got a kind, that's a lot, you know, that's too much pressure. I'm sorry, I even brought this up. That's too much pressure. I think we left you in a good place. And then I just screwed the pooch on that. I'm sorry, Charlie.
Starting point is 00:30:39 He hung up. No worries. That's great. Think about it. I think a lot. So think about it. I think we're off to a good, good place. What were the other two names you were thinking about again?
Starting point is 00:30:47 Oh, I was just going back to the drawing board now. Well, so it was, um, we had Delilah, which is what I like. And then Angelo, which was her mom's name, um, which we could always use as a middle name if we go with one of the other two. Now my question to you, I feel like other people do this. Do you associate a name with someone you already know, like that? So like when you say Angela, I just think of the office. And I just think, you know, this kid's destiny just be super
Starting point is 00:31:17 uptight their whole life, you know? I'm going to have a great personality. Exactly. Yeah. So my wife, my wife, the first grade teacher, and so yes, we both have associations with names. She just has way more association in the negative connotations. Oh, yeah, I believe that. That's why it's down. Yeah, you can't just. All of my teachers refuse to name their kids miles after I believe that system, you know Charlie I Constellation reduced a lot
Starting point is 00:31:55 Absolutely Charlie you could also name her Charlie C-H-R-L-E-Y or or L.E. That was my thought. That was my thought. Charlie with a with a Y. And then my wife's name is Jordan. So we can name our first boy Jordan. Then we'd have Jordan, Jordan, Charlie and Charlie.
Starting point is 00:32:14 That's not going to be confusing at all. I don't think so. No, no. Well, that I mean, I do like that. I've never heard of any family doing that. That might be a sign, but I don't know. Yeah, well, that that I do like that. I've never heard of any family doing that. That might be a sign, but I don't know. Yeah, well, that one quickly got nixed, though.
Starting point is 00:32:30 It got nixed. Yeah. Well, it was a good thought. I like your thought by a child. I like where your head's at. But you know what, maybe your wife knows best. At the end of the day, she is carrying the child and she's, you know, yeah, let's be honest.
Starting point is 00:32:44 She's going to have the final say yeah leverage aside happy wife happy life especially when she's nine months pregnant my thoughts and prayers grow out to you on this naming process and I think that I think that Adley's a good way to good spot to land on yeah, that Feel good Charlie Feel good. Well, well, thanks for the advice today. We're looking forward to being folks And why don't you guys stay high to your both for it. Okay. Yeah, we bet you we will say hi to Adley's folks for me All right, thanks boys. We'll go bite the pressure the pressure of naming a child like imagine is the pressure, the pressure of naming a child, like, imagine is unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:33:31 I know. That is because I'm I'm thinking too, like, how is the name going to age? Are they going to get made fun of for the name? There's another element to like their name that you can't really express to your friends as much, especially when they're having kids as well. What names you like and don't like? Because what if that was one that they really liked? and you're like, Oh, I hate the name. I hate the name Charlie. And then it'd be like, Oh, well, that was actually my number one. So this is awkward. Yeah. We're going to play your cards close to your best of ones you don't like. Do you like the name Charlie? I do. I do Charlie. Are you guys saying if having kids?
Starting point is 00:34:06 Yeah. I think I'm having a boy. Yeah. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'm doing my best. Good name. How do you... How do you... But take an ice bath so I heard that works. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:20 Yeah. Should we take another call? Yeah, we stick another call. Miles, when I get to the cabin, what's the first thing you do, Charlie? I put ice in a cup and pour some tippy cow over that ice. I will cheers to that. Heck yeah, nothing better than looking at a nice smooth lake in the morning than having a little tippy cow to my cup. You know what I like to do?
Starting point is 00:34:46 What do you like? I got myself a new Margaritaville machine. Of course you do. You don't need to always be putting margaritas. It's a frozen concoction machine. So all I do is pour some tippy cow in the old blender, shave some ice in there. And next thing you know,
Starting point is 00:35:05 you got a delicious, creamy, shake style tippy cow tree. I didn't realize you could do that. Oh yeah. Well, maybe I'll have to get an invite to the cabin, hint hint, and try that out. Get on the bike, head over to Minnesota. We'll get you right on the tippy cow frozen concoction. Oh, that'd be quicker than it's not on northern pike miles.
Starting point is 00:35:27 Consider me there. All right. So guys, I highly recommend it, whether you're going over ice, just like Charlie or your shave and ice, having yourselves a smoothie of some sort with tippy cow, you got to do it. Once you get to Lake area, there's nothing better. Cools you off. Cools you off.
Starting point is 00:35:44 Make it a cow. Take it. Tidot on back, baby. With Tippy cow. Tippy cow. Welcome to the belly to podcasts who we chit chatting with today. Hi, my name is Megan.
Starting point is 00:35:56 Hey, Megan. How are you? I am awesome. How are you guys? Good. Where are you calling in from? I'm calling in from Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Okay. Lancaster. PA. Is that it does that look like Lancaster?
Starting point is 00:36:13 Yes, it does. If you're from out of town, most people do say Lancaster. Okay. But it's Lancaster. Yes. Gotta get that Lancaster. You know, Lancaster, the old link, keyster. Go and ask over link, keyster. Yeah, Miles, do you ever, does anyone ever tell you their name?
Starting point is 00:36:31 And then you forget it immediately? Because you're trying to pronounce landcaster. Yeah. Okay, Megan, sorry, Megan, chase Louise. This might, Megan from link, keyster, why don't you belly up to the bar with us? Tell us what's on your mind. Awesome. We'll do. So it's actually a weird thing today. I'm calling in because I have this problem. Yes. Basically, one of my best friends is a guy. And we hang out all the time and he's like one of my
Starting point is 00:37:00 favorite people in the entire world. Okay. But the thing is, he's also my cousin. So we have been friends for years. We went through a stage where people were like, they're dating and then we told everyone, like, no, we're cousins, we're not dating. Uh-huh. But we literally go everywhere together and hang out all the time and now people are saying,
Starting point is 00:37:24 oh, they're related, but are you dating? So the question is, how do I keep my best guy friend, but also get out of this like crazy situation? Okay. Okay. Okay. Well, yeah, you want to jump in first? Lots of impact. There is a lot to unpack. Does he think you're dating? No. You paused way too long, Megan. That was not the delay on the phone. You didn't think she paused.
Starting point is 00:37:55 No. Megan, does he, does he, does he for sure not think you're dating? He 100% does not think we're dating. He says if we see each other it's family reunion that's too close And he also says something about he doesn't want to have children with web feet He does it. Okay, would you get what was the last he doesn't want to have children with web feet? I Mean that is I mean really up there with why you don't want to
Starting point is 00:38:25 down your cousin. I just, I'll put that out there. Megan, how long have you been seeing your cousin for? We've been friends probably for the last like maybe eight years. So you can see our problem with this, Megan. Okay, so hold on. He's been your cousin your whole life. Yeah, that's that's right. Okay, so hold on. He's been your cousin your whole life. Yeah, that's right. And now they're just friends in the last eight years, what happened before that?
Starting point is 00:38:51 Well, we didn't know each other. He's like my second cousin, like, like, I guess the second I was third cousin. Oh, so now we went from being first cousin to second or third, which means legally. And first cousin's to kissing cousin. Yeah, I'm seeing these, I'm seeing these webs dissipate now as the bloodline gets farther and farther away.
Starting point is 00:39:11 So what you got one web told, that's not that big deal. Helped you to swim better. Yeah, just ask any frog. Yeah, you know, frogs, frogs cousins, you know, fornicate all the time. That's why they're such great swimmers. It's not a, it's such great swimmers. Yeah. It's not such a bad thing.
Starting point is 00:39:26 Yeah. So Megan, I'll go ahead, Miles. Well, I was gonna say, what, what do you, why do you think everyone else thinks that you guys are dating now, not just like spending time together? Do like once in a while you guys, like when you are departing from each other,
Starting point is 00:39:44 you hold on to a hug for just a second too long. Is there things like that that are happening or what? I like never, we never hug. We don't hold hands. We don't look like my best guy friend. So it's a very least like, he is really funny. So I laugh at everything he says. What he calls like, I'm paying attention to what he says.
Starting point is 00:40:09 But aside from that, like I literally don't do anything. Megan, when he talks to you, do you look him in the eyes? That's what I was thinking. Yeah. Oh, man. Oh, what color are they? They're like a greenish blue. Oh, you Charlie, what color are my eyes?'re like a greenish blue. Oh, you're Charlie.
Starting point is 00:40:25 What color am I eyes? Oh, they're beautiful brown. Okay, actually, I didn't help our cause. Not while miles are different. Megan, let me ask you this. What's the name of your BF slash cause? His name is Dan. Dan.
Starting point is 00:40:47 So let's say in this world, let's say there's a world where you and Dan aren't fourth, fifth, thousands once removed. Would you consider dating him? You know, he went into this podcast, right? She didn't say no. She did not know. Oh my god. Oh wow. Okay.
Starting point is 00:41:08 So the answer is if he wasn't your cousin, would you consider dating him? Here's a man. That's not a no. Megan. Hey, Megan, I want you to. I'm a guy definitely. Megan, here's what I want you to. I'm a guy definitely. Megan, here's what I want you. This is how that should have gone.
Starting point is 00:41:28 Charlie, ask it again. I'll be you. I'll be Megan. You be Charlie. Megan, if Dan wasn't your cousin, would you date him? No. Okay, see? That's how that should have gone, Megan.
Starting point is 00:41:39 But now let's hear your explanation. I'm very curious. This is my explanation. So people always say that you should marry your best friend, right? So if I found the guy that was just like Dan, but not Dan, I would marry him in a heartbeat. Oh wow. You guys are going to have some webfoot children. I'm telling you this right now. You guys have one of those things going where it's like if you guys are both still single at 45, you're just going to get married and have web feet kids or what? Is that a deal You guys have one of those things going where it's like if you guys are both still single at 45, you're just going to get married and have Web feet kids or what,
Starting point is 00:42:07 is that a deal you guys have? Is Dan attractive? Absolutely not. Dan attractive. No, no. Oh, wait. This is the thing she went up with that. No. So he's not attractive. He listens to podcast in your tournaments. but Megan thinks you're ugly Is that your final answer Megan? Okay, he is I like he's thinking the track if he's my cousin. Yeah, I know okay I'll just describe him and we'll determine if he's good looking. Yeah, go ahead describe your best friend Dan
Starting point is 00:42:48 Okay, he has brown hair, a blue green eye, he has a beard. Okay. What else? He's fairly athletic. Okay. what else? That's about it. How are his calves? I couldn't tell you. Oh, okay. Have you seen him when they showed up? No. Never. Never. Never.
Starting point is 00:43:15 No. No, the lake with Dan. No, actually not. Okay. That's good. Okay. Yeah. I mean, that's the appropriate way to describe your cousin.
Starting point is 00:43:25 Yeah. That's very cousin. Yeah. You know, bring it back here, Megan. Yeah, Megan. I'm starting to learn a little bit. See, actually, what we're doing here, Charlie, is we're training her how to answer questions to not let people on the, you know, that's really it, Megan.
Starting point is 00:43:37 Like neither Miles nor I actually think you're fornicating with your cousin Dan, but what we want to do is make it so other people don't think that. So we're trying to weed out the bad habits with you right now. Exactly. So do it. Perfect. Yeah. Okay. So here's the training.
Starting point is 00:43:53 Charlie, ask the question about Dan again and see. Does he have a nice package? Megan, come on. Megan, that was like 20 seconds. Who did that question? I did not say. Well, I, I've meant like, now I'm kind of curious of he does. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:11 But sometimes you can tell like if there's certain kinds of pants or something, the pleats, how the pleat pleated, pleated pants. How do the, yeah, what size are his hands? I don't know. Okay, Megan, we're going to, we're going to, sorry, that was a joke. What size are his hands? I don't know. Okay, Megan, we're gonna, we're gonna, sorry, that was a joke. We're gonna bring this back to serious territory. So you have big socks.
Starting point is 00:44:32 Megan, how old are you guys? I am 23, almost 24 and he's 25. An older man. Oh, wow. Okay, and is he, as he been romantic old with anybody else in his life? and he's 25. An older man. Oh, wow. Okay. And is he, has he been romantical with anybody else in his life in the past few years? Does he have a girlfriend?
Starting point is 00:44:53 How'd that make you feel? Not right now. It was fine because we're all like, we are always like, we've been friends. Yeah. Now, here's the question. This is a genuine question because I feel like this happens sometimes. Does his past girlfriend seem to have any concern with how close you
Starting point is 00:45:11 and Dan are? Well, we weren't as close when they were dating. Did you break up that relationship? That was not very much info, Megan. Definitely not. Okay. All right. What up that relationship? Yeah, that was not very much info, Megan. Definitely not. Okay. What ended the relationship just part of ways or? Yeah, yeah, they just kind of part of ways. Okay. And then you got closer after that.
Starting point is 00:45:43 Yeah, because I think it's a combination of like us both, like being older and like most of the people in Pennsylvania and Lancaster get married by the time they're like 20 or 21. Oh, I like those kinds of work. That's why we like that's why we hang out and we like go like we literally like we'll go to like different events together because we're the only single people left. Okay, here I got a good solution for you. You can maybe this part of your training. So his name is no longer Dan. His name is now my, my cousin, not boyfriend, Dan. So every time you address him, just go, Oh, look, who's
Starting point is 00:46:17 here? My cousin, not boyfriend, Dan is over there. And then if you do that enough times, you know, I mean, people have to think that you're not your boyfriend. You keep telling them they're not. Sounds a little guilty to me, Miles. Sounds. I don't know if that's the best advice. We're just calling cousin Dan cousin. Yeah. Yeah. That's the other thing. Megan, that's what's tripping me up a little on this. And I'm sorry about the package line. I want to back it up and just apologize for that. Now put her in a forward and go. You're talking about, you say we've been friends for eight years.
Starting point is 00:46:51 We've been friends. You guys have been cousins and you're still cousins and you're always cousins. You do said my cousin, Dan, all the time instead of like my friend. You know what I, it's the BF talk. The best friend talk is what's getting in trouble. Here's the thing is like, we've been cousins, like forever, but like, honestly, he has siblings
Starting point is 00:47:15 that I don't even know. He's there that like far, like, far removed cousins, if that makes sense. Okay. So I do like think of him more as a friend because I genuinely don't even know all who siblings make. makes sense. Okay. So I do think it's more as a friend because I genuinely don't even know all the siblings me. Got it. Okay. I think you're gonna have to put your politician hat on and just start calling them cousin Dan. That's what it sounds like. Just to play devil's advocate, Megan, can you describe to me the family tree of how Dan relates to you? Can you walk us through that?
Starting point is 00:47:45 So your parents and just walk me through Dan, okay? Yeah, so let's see, his grandpa would be my like great, great uncle. Oh, kids, this is gonna be complicated. Let's start with, who is related on your mom or dad side? My mom side. Okay, and this is your mom's cousin's kid? No, yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:08 Yes, I think so. But like, wait, does he feel like hurt? I forget, it's like all for generation or something. I don't know, I think you guys might be far enough apart. Yeah, go ahead and go after it. Are you seeing anyone?
Starting point is 00:48:24 Yeah, just get after it. Megan, are you seeing anyone right now? No, no. And part of me think if I just actually started dating someone, people would at least stop talking about me and Dan. Well, do you think, how do you think Dan would be? That's a, that's a hell of a Tinder profile. Looking for someone to date so everyone thinks I'm not dating my cousin, Dan. Megan, how do you think Dan would feel if you start dating someone else? He would be like, I think he would be like so hurt by it probably. You have to go find other friends.
Starting point is 00:49:07 Oh my God. I'm Megan. I I've never met. I have a man. But I've never talked to someone two people so in love. You two just need to get rid of the cousin talk.
Starting point is 00:49:20 You're so far away. Just. Yeah. You know, I mean, this is. I mean, I can cut the sexual tension with a butter knife on this phone call between you and Dan. I can just feel it, Megan. Thank you. Is it not the solution I was looking for? This.
Starting point is 00:49:36 No. Well, I know what the truth hurts sometimes. And honestly, Megan, I think you are looking for this solution. I just think you need two fellas sitting at a bar to tell you that it's going to be okay. And I think it is going to be okay if you date your cousin. And honestly, Miles said we got some call. Yeah, we got to stop saying cousin. Say, uh, fourth cousin twice removed.
Starting point is 00:49:59 And that's just a friend. So calm friend. Don't calm cousin and soon that friend might be lover. Yeah. And then soon it might be lover. Yeah. And then soon it might be husband, father of your child. Okay. Okay. Well, I mean, we were giving you the green light of I think that these are your great, great, great, great grandpa's great, great grand kid uncle, something like that. I mean, I think your great, great, great uncle would be proud to like that. I mean, I think your great, great, great uncle would be proud to know that
Starting point is 00:50:25 that the smile and his cheese curds from X and my nine years ago. Yeah, watch Game of Thrones before. Yeah, it's totally cool. It's called keeping the bloodline pure. Yeah. And you guys have to looted it enough. Okay. So start, start bringing that purity back. You know, this could never happen. Okay. But we're joking. We're not miles. I'm dead serious. Megan, would it be the worst thing in the world? If you guys were together. Probably. Okay. Yeah. I think that's the other thing about living in Lancaster is that like everybody's related to everybody. It's a big world, Megan. It's a big old world. Everybody knows everybody's business. So maybe I should just move. Yeah. Yeah. You and Dan run away together. Where do you guys want to go Hawaii? Yes, start fresh in Florida. No one will know that you're cousin.
Starting point is 00:51:25 Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah. And there's so many cousins married in Florida. I mean, that's the capital of cousins married cousin. That are Alabama. Yeah, yeah. Do we help you out today? I'm making it. Oh, not really at all, but are you mad at us?
Starting point is 00:51:42 I got a lot of laughs. Are you mad at us? No. No. No. and the best part is is Dan's the one that told me to start listening to this podcast. Oh, that sounds like Dan. If I know Dan, like I think I do, he would think that, Hey, that's classic Dan. Have Dan give us a shout. Hey, Megan, quick question about Dan scale one to 10 like if an average gal some on the street what would they give him scale 1 to 10. He's gonna listen to this podcast. No, we know. It's simple question 1 to 10. Oh, I don't know. I feel like it's an answer that question. You know the answer. I can start to learn though. Miles, I'm sorry. I'm the lawyer here.
Starting point is 00:52:26 Just one or zero. Do not answer that. Do not answer that for the first time in this podcast. Here's the thing. Go ahead. Maybe maybe I could just find Dan a girlfriend that I could deal with the pain of losing a friend. And then it would be okay. That's the bravest thing I think you've said on this phone call, Megan. See, look how much you've grown on this call already.
Starting point is 00:52:49 It's all because of you guys. You know what? That means a lot. That really does. Really puts in perspective for Charlie and I, of why we do this podcast, bringing cousins together, but also pushing them apart. Megan, when you and Dan inevitably get married, can I be the guy who marries you? Can I appreciate it?
Starting point is 00:53:12 In any universe that would happen 100%. Okay. She said, yes, she said, yes. No, I think Dan, the call on a real note here. I think you just got to start calling them cousin Dan all the time. If you just call them cousin Dan. Yeah. Hey, get cousin Dan a beer.
Starting point is 00:53:29 He's over here. Uh, hey, I'm going over to cousin Dan's house. If you just keep that going, I think you'll start to lose a little bit of that stigma. Stop. I want to suggest one more thing before we let you go, Megan. There are, there are. Okay. There are these there, okay, there are these things, like 23 and me, okay, both of you get your DNA tested, make sure that you're
Starting point is 00:53:52 actually cousins, because if you're not, you could have the man of your dreams right in front of you. That's actually great. And then, and 23 and me is not even a sponsor in this podcast. We're just telling you to do that. Yeah. And I mean, think about that. What if you guys, OK, Megan, let's just roleplay with me here for a second. Let's say you both do the 23 and me. And as it turns out, you're not related at all.
Starting point is 00:54:17 Like someone's, you know, the mom on the other side. Oh, it's a step kid, you know? Yeah, and not even the mom, like several generations back, like that mom, you know, and the mailman, you know, and so there's no bloodline at all to you in that scenario. Would you get together with Dan in a frisky kind of way? Nope. Okay.
Starting point is 00:54:44 Good answer. Megan, look how much you passed. Yeah, It took us this song, but you officially, I think we're, yep. Yep. I think you're ready to take on the world with them. Yeah. I feel like I am too. I feel empowered. Yeah. That's exactly how you should feel listening to the Belly at Up Podcast. Found where all podcasts can be found. Oh, you can sit there. Go ahead. Um, Megan, when you said nope, did you believe that? Yeah. Okay. All right. All right. She's ready. She is ready to end this call. She also would like to throw out there that we,
Starting point is 00:55:15 in no way shape or form, we are an anti-incess podcast. I just wanted to make everyone know that. I feel like I had to, it's true. It was getting a little incest there. And I want to just squash that. We are an anti-incest podcast. Yes.
Starting point is 00:55:33 Charlie just had to throw that out there. Yep, I agree with that. And Megan, did I offend you at all in my line of questioning? No, not at all. I think you guys are hilarious. OK, all right. Well, if I did or you're sleeping tonight and you know, some bothers you, I do apologize on that, but just roll over and tell Dan.
Starting point is 00:55:51 It's all going to be okay. Oh my God. Sorry, Megan, I had to. You're so much fun. Thanks for calling in. Yeah, this is great. Yeah, thanks for having me. You have to tell cousin Dan to call in and tell him to say that it's so much fun. Thanks for calling in. Yeah, this is great. Yeah, thanks for having me. You have to tell cousin Dan to call in and tell him to say that it's cousin
Starting point is 00:56:09 Dan and we'll know. Yeah, if he says cousin Dan, he's coming on high. Yeah, we're going to be filming the next few days. So between now and next couple days, have them call in. Okay, sounds good. We'll do. All right, watch for deer and cousins. Yeah, tell your folks at the time. Okay, tell Dan. We says hi. Yep, sounds good. Bye, Megan. What happened to you? What do you mean? Usually I'm the one being a absolute dipshit. I could have I could smell chum in the water. I wanted to get to the truth. absolute dipshit. I could smell chum in the water. I wanted to get to the truth. My journalist took over.
Starting point is 00:56:47 I could tell there was some sexual tension going on there. And I just had to get to the bottom. I had to, you know. Okay. What's that? Do you think I was aggressive? Do you think she was mad upset with me? No, I think that you, I mean, the start of the call. She was wishy
Starting point is 00:57:02 washy. But by the end, no, no, no denied denied deny. Right. We got her where we needed her to be. We cleaned it up. Yeah. Yeah. 100%. So Dan, you got a key point into doing. We need to call it, buddy. We're the shout out out to cousin Dan. We're gonna need you. So anyways, Charlie, I think that that was another good episode of the Billy to podcast. Thanks so much. Yeah, cheers to you and cheers to me. And if you do disagree, well, then something else, I forget that right. I will say like how far away they are, they are technically kissing cousins. That's like the term they could do that for sure. You know, I'm listening to like it started off cousins.
Starting point is 00:57:51 It went to like third, fourth cousins. That blow line's going to be fine. Yeah, diluted enough. Yeah. Good to go. All right. Well, guys, thanks for tuning into another episode of the Belly it up podcast. Wait, before we go pull, tap, pull tap, pull tap,
Starting point is 00:58:05 hang on, I got nothing. Nothing. Guys, it's been real. Follow us on, do we say that here? Yeah, follow us on. Oh, I'm on tour. Can I start plugging my tour on this? Go ahead, Charlie.
Starting point is 00:58:16 Guys, I'm on tour. Check it out, Come see me on tour. Miles is coming to a few shows. He's going to work with me. I'm working the merch tent. Yeah. I open for him one time and he fired me. So now I'm working the merch tent. I can open for him one time and he fired
Starting point is 00:58:26 me. So now I'm working the merch tent. He said, call me out for my divorce. You guys want some good hot deals. I got keeper moving merch slinging them at every show. And if you bring a cousin, we'll give you a cousin discount. See you guys soon. Bring her cousin will give you a cousin discount. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

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