Bellied Up - Does New Zealand Belong in The Midwest? #78

Episode Date: December 7, 2023

Our first caller is a law student who wants to know which Midwest laws we would pass, and we pick his brain about law school. The next caller wants to know how he can lose a few pounds, and the last c...aller is from New Zealand, wondering if New Zealand belongs in the Midwest. Get yourself a ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠"Road Huntin For Ditch Chickens"⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Hat Want us to come to your bar for a Bellied Up episode? Click ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Here

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the Belly it up podcast. Everybody we are belly up. Yeah, Miles. Yeah, we sure are. We're here too. We're here. We're here at Duffy's in Fargo. It's the oldest Irish bar and all Fargo. It's nice place here, Miles. I really enjoy it. It is the second week of Advent. I really enjoy it. It is the second week of advent, like the second purple candle, not the pink one. I would never. Miles, you know, it's close to Saint Nick's day. Stocking stuffers are going on. Did you have, did you hang up stockings growing up for Saint Nick's day when you were a
Starting point is 00:00:38 kid? We did. Did you listen though about the advent? Yeah. Are you a candle rotator? Because obviously the first king is going to get burnt more. Are you a you rotate them?
Starting point is 00:00:49 No, absolutely not. How dare you? In fact, it's sacred. It just to do so. I don't know. Have fun burning in hell miles. That's a bummer. Anyways, yeah, we are stockings.
Starting point is 00:01:04 What do you mean? What I didn't? I really know what I we did. We did. I always enjoyed it. Um, it was always a fun time because it was the precursor to Christmas, you know, and uh, sometimes though, I mean, you guys had to have quite the mantle at your house to fit all the stockings on that. And my mom made the stockings. It was really cool. Sometimes though, St. Nick
Starting point is 00:01:29 would get, uh, get a little funny and leave oranges in the stockings, which I thought, you know, I like citrus as much as the next guy. But, you know, when it's, when St. Nick's clearly just taken from the fridge and putting in the stocking, clearing out the old freezer. Yeah, I'm sorry. I got a year and a half old tenderloin. Yeah. Is this deer tenderloin?
Starting point is 00:01:58 Freezer burn corn. My favorite. Yeah. Well, I better go put this down the freezer, you know, yeah. It's all about the presentation after all. Um, miles, you know, we are at that, that time of the year when people are driving around on these slick Midwest roads and not only a lot of people are very familiar with how to drive in the winter. And even those who are, uh, find themselves needed a refresher course. Yeah, almost like you got to relearn how to ride a bike every, you know,
Starting point is 00:02:34 driving on the winter roads is not like riding a bike. No, it is not. So what are our top tips for driving in the winter? tips for driving in the winter. Um, number one, uh, you don't need to be speeding. No, drive slow enough. So the person in the front seat could filet a walleye and not accidentally circumcise themselves. Well said, Johnny. Um, I would say number two, make sure your packing supplies.
Starting point is 00:03:03 Yeah, you got to have survival stuff in the old car because it doesn't matter how safe a driver you are. Sometimes you hit that black ice, you go spinning into the ditch, you might be out of town. Last thing you want to do is run out of food and water and not have a shovel to dig yourself out. Yeah. A nice warm blanket. Exactly. Extra clothing. The whole thing. Yeah. Get yourself some peanuts. Won't be the last thing, Charlie. Well, I would say now if you have yourself a pickup truck of sorts, a little extra weight in the back can go a long way. So I had to do that with my dodge to coat of sport that I drove in high school. Yeah, it wasn't a four wheel drive vehicle, was it?
Starting point is 00:03:45 It was. Okay, well, either, then yeah, it's still. It's too light in the back. Too light in the back, too light in the back. And you can do this not just with a pickup truck, but with a sedan as well, even a minivan. Get yourself some sand, get yourself some salt that you have for the salt grind.
Starting point is 00:04:04 Just stock up on that stuff and keep it in your car instead of in your basement It'll add a little extra weight to give a little more traction to those back tires and Yeah, I think that's that's some good tips. Yeah, drive like your grandma's in the car drive like your grandma's in the car you know, holding a unless unless you guys are going to the casino and she's going to want you to drive a little faster. Yeah, she is. Yeah, like you're driving your grandma to church, not the casino. Yeah. Exactly. Very true. Very true. Grandma Sue likes to gamble. Is your grandma like to gamble? My grandma did like to gamble.
Starting point is 00:04:41 Is your grandma like to gamble? My grandma did like to gamble. She was slots only. Ah, just a slot scale. Same with my grandma. Yeah, I think it's a grandma thing. Grandma's love them slots. I mean, really, it's just like us like in poll tabs, though. So it's the same church, different peel.
Starting point is 00:04:58 Same church, different peel exactly. That actually would probably get people to go to church more too. After church, you promised you poll tabs and slot machines in the common area Yeah, I think you'd buy you get a lot more people coming to church. Yeah, I mean I don't think there's anything in the Bible That says you can't gamble in church No just gambling outside of church is frowned upon by the never seen thing about in church. Yeah church is frowned upon, but they never say anything about it in church. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:30 They do. You know, that maybe you'd have less cheasters, you know, timeout. Cheasters, the C and E's, the people. Oh, yeah, Christmas Easter. Yeah. Yeah. I remember growing up, it was always like, you know, you go to church every Sunday throughout the year. and then the cheasters would show up and I remember my parents just being like, yeah, they get. We can't sit in our normal spot way in the back now because the cheasters are here. We got all these other people here. Yeah. I hate it when people come to church. The parking is bad. And every, every Christmas and Easter, the sermon would not be about what the reason for the season.
Starting point is 00:06:10 It would just be the pre-scolting everyone for not coming the rest of the year. Well, nice to see all of you here today. It would be great if you were here for Advent. It was always, you know that Jesus wants you to be around more than twice a year, you know, that tough doc guilt everyone into donating a little more. Yeah, they probably gave up at some point trying to get people to come. So they're just trying to milk it for all it is. If you like floor collection baskets, try to leave them one more. They do it as you're walking in like they
Starting point is 00:06:43 think they're getting a program, but they actually cost money to get a program. That's actually a good. That's not a bad idea at all. Something's got to pay for the boiler. You ever have a confession so bad you didn't want to say it in church miles? Like to a priest in the confessional. Yeah. Do I do a priest in the confession? Yeah. Do I do a priest in the
Starting point is 00:07:05 confession? Yeah. Me too. Every time actually. I really do. Catholic school for 13 years. You think I've never lied to a priest? Are you kidding me? Some about lying to a priest in the confessional is just so
Starting point is 00:07:18 funny. Well, it's a high pressure situation. Sometimes you panic. I know. Wait, look, you want me to tell you the whole truth? I can't say that God's right over there. Anyways, folks, we're going to take some callers. Mary and Mary Christmas season, everyone. Yeah, Mary Christmas. Make sure you get to your confession. Hey, I'm leave it to you.
Starting point is 00:07:43 Christmas. Make sure you get to your confession. Hey, and leave it to Yeah, the best time we get to see that church is the is the Sunday after Christmas. Oh, yeah, it's a ghost. Now, out. Sproul out. People have gotten there. Yeah. All right. So we take some dollars. Yeah, let's do it. whole whole whole welcome to the belly up podcast. Who we got on the horn. Hey, it's Ryan. Right.
Starting point is 00:08:09 Speak with you. Nice to speak with you to Ryan, where you calling in from guy? Well, I'm calling in from Minneapolis, originally from Kansas, but I've been going through law school up here in the twin city. Okay. We got a man of the law here. A legal fella. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 00:08:33 Well, what can we do there? Yeah, belly up to this bar. Tell us what we can help you with in the old legal world. Well, you know, I just wanted to know if you two, if I went by wave to magic wand and you two were masters of the Midwest and you could pass any law that you wanted. What law would you pass and what would it do? This is a great question, Ryan. If we could pass any law in the Midwest, what would it be? Fantastic question. Miles, you want me to go first?
Starting point is 00:09:09 I'm going to tell you this right now. If you are a, if you are an establishment of any sort, I don't care if it's a gas station. I don't care if it's a grocery store. I don't care if it's a food depot. Do not advertise your business upon the highway. if it's a grocery store, I don't care if it's a food depot. Do not advertise your business upon the highway, add an exit sign. If I then get on the exit ramp and it puts your business more than 1.1 miles
Starting point is 00:09:37 off of the highway, that is false advertising and I have a problem with you. And I'm putting that distance at 1.1 miles because I understand that sometimes You know, you need a little give it really should be half a mile But don't go advertising your business if your thing is two miles off the highway that just that gets my goat miles Really fires me up in the in the belly of the old soul, you know Anyways miles, what's your love? I'm trying to think of one.
Starting point is 00:10:08 I think you should just be able to drink about anywhere. Yeah, really. Like in a preschool, you think that's okay? No, I just I just about anywhere. Okay, well, I didn't say to lower the drinking age, Charlie, I just said, if you are a legal drinking age, you should be able to drink at most places. Okay.
Starting point is 00:10:29 Name one place. My house. Like the fact that you can't drink at college football games in some places, that's insane. In Wisconsin, you can drink at those. I know it's, it's only in some spots that you can't, but it's, well, to be fair. To be fair. What? Be fair, Charles. I feel like in Wisconsin, you could probably drink just about anywhere.
Starting point is 00:10:50 That is true. Yeah, that is true. Well, it's got, yeah, I was down at a high V in Nebraska, and you can drink beer and walk around and shop. That's pretty cool. So I that like triggered in my mind, well, we should just have this at all the grocery stores and everything like that. That is pretty cool, perhaps so that, um, you know, I'm trying to think of places where
Starting point is 00:11:14 you probably shouldn't be able to do. Well, do you think in court, you should be able to drink, have a beer in court? Yeah, maybe then people, maybe then people will be a little more honest. We can get to the thing faster instead of having as long drawn out court stuff. Yeah. What do you think they're long? It's not. Me? Yeah. What law would you pass?
Starting point is 00:11:38 Oh, man, you're turning the tables on me. I would say, you know, we just make it a legal fact that Kansas is part of the Midwest. I know that that debate has been on this podcast before, but, you know, for me, it's an indisputable fact. And being up here in the Twin Cities, there have been occasions when folks in my class will be like, oh, you know, you're kind of from the south. And I'm very opposed to that notion.
Starting point is 00:12:08 So that was probably my just. Don, I think we already. Yeah, that. I know you all did. That that is for sure past and people should not be saying that to you that that should be sort of a one of those no-nose in the workplace. It should be illegal to harass somebody about their Midwest credentials. I got a question for you about law school. Yeah. What is the worst part about law school? Oh God, I mean, probably the reading, it's just especially that first year, it's just so much reading, and then you kind of come to class, and the professor give you like the main takeaways, and you're like, okay, so I read how many hundreds of pages that were essentially worth, you know, but honestly otherwise, I like the people in law school. They're they're great
Starting point is 00:13:06 bunch, but reading. Oh yeah, I mean, you know, I feel like every lawyer I've met, it's kind of dry and it seems like it would be like not that fun. Oh yeah, I didn't say that they're the most fun. They're great people, but no, no, they're great. I mean, I think our law school, Minnesota is maybe different than some other law schools where we just kind of are a little more friendly and collegial. But yeah, no, I would say just there's a lot of sort of formalities that don't really need to be Part of the legal experience in law school. What you what kind of lawyer are you trying to be? That was my question miles. God. I've been waiting you guys What kind of lawyer do you want to be?
Starting point is 00:13:58 That is a phenomenal question boys. Let's figure it out. He's classic. You got you got the lawyer, filibuster going on. He can never just be. Yeah. This is what the answer is. It's that is a font phenomenal. Yeah, he's running out the clock. I tell you what? Yeah, he's just milking. Are we being billed for this by the way?
Starting point is 00:14:17 Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yes, Emil. Well, yeah, six minute increments boys. No, and I round up. Yeah, we know. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:30 No, that's a phenomenal question. You see, it's actually reminds me of a study of this that happened when I learned it in law school and just goes on and on. And that's why you read all those hundreds of pages. So you can rattle those off and pick up the bill. It's honestly just has to read a lot to learn longer words. So you can get more billable. I was.
Starting point is 00:14:53 Exactly. That's exactly right. I mean, if you if you could wave a magic wand on your end and give me like a job today in my dream legal field, it would be working with journalists and folks like that and protecting their rights. So I studied journalism for grad. But that would definitely be like, what is that mean?
Starting point is 00:15:16 What does that mean? Give me an example of something you'd like to do. Like, I give you an example. So I was covering this thing. Eminiapolis or St. Paul and I was covering the convention there, 2008. And I got arrested. And then they they had my camera for two weeks, two weeks they had my camera after getting arrested for covering this protest. So he would have
Starting point is 00:15:45 come and been like, yo, give him his camera back and know you're not charging him with this misdemeanor. Is that the correct example? Yeah. That's a fantastic example, actually. I have been doing research on it for arrested for being a journalist. Yeah, I was arrested covering the protest. Yeah, the police surrounded everyone. They put an issue to disperse. People are then supposed to disperse, but the way it goes in journalism is you stay there and you're allowed to cover the story of your press,
Starting point is 00:16:12 but they just arrested everyone. Is it because you were kind of just dressed super normal for public official at all? Wow, they said what they, their excuse was people were making credentials on Photoshop. Why would they go to the links for that for just a protest? So they could cause havoc and then not get arrested. You know, yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:34 So as a lawyer, do you think that Charlie has a case that he can win? Oh, absolutely. Yeah. I mean, the unfortunate thing is as a matter of constitutional law, that's not where we're at, but jurisdiction to jurisdiction, there are protections. And I think Minneapolis is moving in that direction, especially after the reporting in 2020 as well. So hopefully that just becomes more of a protected activity moving forward. Well, we'll see how it goes. We'll see how it goes. That's a great line of work here.
Starting point is 00:17:13 Getting into that's cool. Well, why can't you do that? That sounds good. Just go down that road. Well, you know, I mean, a lot of those jobs are dogbonding. Dogbonding. and being a Midwestern body, I don't really want to live off on either one of the coast. I would prefer to stay in the Midwest and those opportunities are a little fewer and further between in the middle of the country. Well, that is. Well, I'm married.
Starting point is 00:17:40 Go ahead. Yeah, married and have a kid and want to stay somewhat close to family that's all mostly in the Midwest. Yeah, free babysitters. I get it. I get it. It's also maybe not a good business plan. Either I don't think that journalists unless you're the top dogs have a lot of disposable incomes for. Yeah, not a ton. Yeah. not a ton. No. So what would be your second choice then? So I've been interviewing a few places, but I also am interested in sort of public interest type work, working for the government and anything like that. So I've been interviewing, don't want to jinx anything, but I'm hoping to hear back soon about
Starting point is 00:18:32 position in government. Okay, I want to the last thing I'm going to ask you is give me something that I can use any time I get into an argument. Give me your like top three things on how to win an argument as a lawyer. Okay, number one is plead the fifth. You just don't wall them silent. If they're not taking that, then number two is you go the complete opposite direction and just throw a bunch of words at them. Yeah. Talk endlessly as I was doing earlier. You know, you just fill a bluster as you were saying. Yep. You got to go on and on. Don't let them get a word in edgewise. Number three, let's see. I guess number three would be you actually have a good
Starting point is 00:19:12 legal argument and then you bring that table and then you beat them. But you know, barring that, you just either stonewall them and plead the fifth and or you go the opposite direction and just ramble the whole time. Well, Charlie's got the rambling down there.
Starting point is 00:19:28 Maybe you should have been a lawyer down there. I know, I was thinking about it for a little bit in there. You could have been a lawyer for the DNR and then just been just filibuster on talking about fishing lures. I said. What do you think the biggest, how far into law school are you in how many years?
Starting point is 00:19:48 I'm my last year, three year program. So number three. All right. So if someone were to, you know, kind of get busted with sort of a public intoxication thing. Uh-huh. What do you recommend they do if they are being apprehended by an officer of the law? Well, I would say you probably don't want to run from the law. That doesn't usually end very well. What if I would also, what if you're fast or what if he to tell that the cop is slow? Well, are you on well, I guess I should clarify. Are you running on foot? Because then, then that throws a whole different equation into it. You know, then you just, you're drunk. But, uh, no, yeah, I would say probably don't run and then, uh, call a lawyer.
Starting point is 00:20:44 Because I am not officially a lawyer yet. So I can't give any legal advice. Oh, yeah. That was a trick. Guys, that was a trick. I knew he couldn't give legal advice. So I was trying to throw a softball over the plate.
Starting point is 00:20:58 See if he swung. You know what he did? He almost got disbarred before he took the bar. He did, but what did he do there? What did he do there? He filibustered. He didn't plead the fifth. He did, but what did he do there? What did he do there? He filibustered. He didn't plead the fifth. He knew he was on a podcast.
Starting point is 00:21:08 And also, it's a classic lawyer move to not commit to anything. He couldn't just say, don't run. Oh, yeah. He said, you probably shouldn't run. A lot of qualifiers. Yes. You know, in historical experiences, it's probably not a smart thing to run, but I can't tell
Starting point is 00:21:27 you for sure. How did I do there? Was that good? That was great. You know, you should, you should enroll in law school too. It's kind of one of those things. No. It's kind of one of those things where you learn a lot about it because you get irritated by something, right? So something that irritates you, you then learn a lot about it. And all of a sudden, you're actually like now in the thing, talking to lawyers is one of those things for me. Very frustrating. Can't get a straight answer at anyone.
Starting point is 00:22:00 No. Then you start googling. I mean, in case. Yeah, in law school, that's why professors always throw around it depends. Yes. That is the quintessential legal phrases. It depends. Yeah. Uh, final question for you on this, more of like just a curiosity question by me.
Starting point is 00:22:21 Are you worried about, I mean, I guess when what you're doing, it doesn't matter. But our lawyers are starting to get a little antsy about artificial intelligence and chat GPT coming along and writing contracts for people. Yeah. Yeah. They are very antsy. I actually, there are professors at my law school, the University of Minnesota, who have done research on it because they're very, they're very antsy about it, but I would say, you know, it's probably just another tool that's going to get used and people are going to figure out how not to abuse it, but professors are especially worried about people using it on testing. So I would say something people are concerned about. I like that. I like making a lawyer nice and squirm.
Starting point is 00:23:11 If they're concerned, you know, you're on to something miles. Exactly. So there you have it. Well, this was really slick. Thank you for calling in and chit chat and with us. Yeah. Yeah. Thanks for taking the time to talk to me, you guys. It's been fun. I love the podcast. I listen to it a lot and, you know, it makes me, makes me happy that you both are in this part of the Midwest.
Starting point is 00:23:40 Oh, well, thank you very much. It's very kind of you and we are on that. You listen to us and keep doing the good work. Good luck in your career. Oh, yeah. Thank you. Before we jump off, I have maybe a short question. Sure. And all limited one, not three things, unfortunately,
Starting point is 00:24:00 and not three top things, unless you want to go down that route. But I said, I mentioned earlier, I'm a dad. So give me your top Midwest dad is them that I need to pick up. Oh, that's good. Well, I think how old is your kid? She's three years old now, but she's crazy. Okay. Is she holding flashlights for you yet? Not quite yet, although I'm sure she'd love to. She loved it when we were camping to keep
Starting point is 00:24:37 turning on the camp light. And of course, keep us from actually falling asleep for a while. So there was that. She's got potential then. I think the next time you got to fix your sink, you have her hold that flashlight and make sure she holds it straight. Yeah, there's no other bonding between a father and his kid
Starting point is 00:24:57 like screaming at him to hold the flashlight, right? Yep. That's how relationships are really got strong bonds. And anytime you're doing a household project, you can't give them the layout of what you're doing. You just have to give them directions on how to help you. And you can't tell them when it's going to be done. You just, you just have them there. And they cannot complain about because they have, they have a warm bed, they have a roof over
Starting point is 00:25:25 their head and they got three square meals a day. Yep. And if they don't give them any information like Charlie was saying and then get mad at them when they don't know what to do without you telling them exactly. Do not teach them. Righty, tidy, lefty, Lucy, but when they go lefty, when they should go righty, just say, how do you not know this? Didn't anyone teach you this? Didn't anyone teach you this? And you got to do it the first time, the first time. Yeah. All right. So there you go, man. Yeah. Well,
Starting point is 00:26:00 it was real good talking to you now and tell your wife tell your daughter we says hi and and you guys all watch out for deer, okay? Oh, we'll do tell your folks I said hi Charlie and my well do. I'll do bye bye now. Hey, lawyers are fascinating to me. It's just a whole different breed of human. It is. You can spend a lot of money on a lawyer. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You know, it's running a business like we do Charlie. I got a whole cabinet full of lawyer documents, but yeah, only one little sleeve for everything else. So yeah, that's a I know They do love to they do love the English art form. We all make fun of lawyers until we need one right? Yeah, and then we're happy we have one It is something that stops me from lonely.
Starting point is 00:27:09 We know it is also you'll turn it off. I'll think on. Ming Nang. Hello. Hello. Hello. This is Evan. What little tune were you singing at? I am I'm pulling up to my nose right now. So I'll say a little thing a little say big money at my yard. You know, there you go. Well, welcome to the building of podcasts. I see you're in a good mood today. What's on your mind? What do you? I got to go. I'm picking up some socket wrenches for for my work at my yards. They only had a little bit of what I need
Starting point is 00:28:00 at home depot so long to the. I go to all reliable here. Second should have came here first. Yeah, what kind of second are you looking for? 16 millimeters, but nice. How do they build in a, a mystery in St. Paul? You're building a Christmas tree? I mean, a giant. Yeah, it's like a big like metal frame with like the fake brand. It's obviously a fake tree, but it's like 30 40 feet tall. Oh, that's a cool
Starting point is 00:28:31 good. But it last year in like a rice park, St. Paul for a celebration army. So nice. Some good holiday work. Keep you honest. I like it. Well, belly up. What's on your mind? I'm not honest. I like it. Well, belly up. What's on your mind? Well, yeah, reason I called you guys. Looking for weight loss and ice. I know you guys probably won't be the best people to go to, but feel like. Reach out see if there's any any tips you guys got going for me. Now why would you say that? Why would you say that we're not the people to go to?
Starting point is 00:29:13 Not the poke fun. I mean I'm a I'm a bigger guy. Miles you're obviously a larger male too. larger male to, um, oh, geez, I'm not picking my words here. Yeah. Uh, yeah, sorry. I say, I'm not trying to be, um, I don't know, but what, what about Charlie? I'm just gonna see also, I think myself a whole ear. Is he also a large man? No, no, no. He just seems like the kind of guy who will eat whatever you want. So I'll say the same weight. That's true. That might not be true. But. No, that's true. I just true. Okay. No, I'm just messing with you. Yeah. Yeah. I know. I've, uh, let's just say I got a little more insulation going into the winner than other people. You know, that's what I call it. Yeah. Um, so you're looking for weight loss. No, nothing wrong with that.
Starting point is 00:30:06 No. Yeah, well, I, so I think that I've lost 40 pounds, but I've come at like an impasse where I just plateaued for last month. I haven't been able to lose anything else. How did you lose the first thing? So I've lost. I mean, I just kind of stopped eating like shit, you know, just not going out eating fast food
Starting point is 00:30:31 or trying not to drink as much, which is difficult because you know I live in the Midwest. I'm in a Burns little Minnesota, I guess I didn't say that. So I have a lot of friends who like to go out of drinkin' which is kind of my crotch right now is going on on weekends and grabbing a couple beers that turns into like two three beers turns in a 10. Sure enough, all the weight you lost during the week kind of goes, do you just gain a back on the weekend kind of thing? Well, I think we identified the culprit.
Starting point is 00:31:06 You are in luck though, because you called up to talk to a, um, an exercise scientist. That is Miles Montpellier. So here's a question for you. Uh, it sounds like you're getting some wrenches. Are you in the, uh, trade of some sort? Are you an active guy at your job or are you sit behind a desk?
Starting point is 00:31:29 Yeah, I'm on my feet a lot. So that's helped me with my weight loss journey. I'm working on a warehouse. As you guys have gone through in a previous podcast, I do operate the foreklifts, any quotation certified. So, you know, that kind of work will do different events for companies too. So I'm just kind of on my feet walking back and forth a lot,
Starting point is 00:31:56 but there's only so much that they can do. How many meals a day are you eating? Oh. meals a day are you eating? I mean, that's another thing I've tried to be more regulatory with. I've, I'll try to keep it like, both three smaller meals, maybe four. No, like, God, do similar breath with every single day Yeah, I mean like just trying to keep it down for five six meals a day. I'm not doing anything crazy like eight or nine
Starting point is 00:32:39 I mean, that's why I would just start. I mean if you're yeah, my guess is you're not I Not I want to assume here, but you're not probably wanting to get on a treadmill, are you? I, that's the other thing. I've been working out like two to three times a week. It's just, I think it's more of how do I go about trying to lose weight while also having a social life, like going out, drinking, having those empty calories. Yeah, I think you got to just start still being able to enjoy myself. I honestly, I would just eat, I would just not eat breakfast. If you eliminate one meal out of the day, you're eliminating a whole 30 year calories, you'll lose some weight there. Breakfast isn't that big of a deal once you get used to it. It's just those first couple of days and not eating breakfast that sucks.
Starting point is 00:33:27 Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, I'm on it. Try that. They call it the, um, I am fighting. I know. Ladies and gentlemen, when Charlie said the joke about cocaine, that was actually Miles, you bet you guy, please direct all legal liability toward him. I will say on the, um, on the, uh, not eating breakfast thing, the not eating breakfast thing, what's it called? It's called intermittent fasting. You just said, oh, you just said, I was too busy trying to get that legal disclaimer in there. Geez, Louise. So do you like, how do you feel when you miss a meal? I normally will make up for it the next meal, so like all is over and dollars next meal. So I've been, again, I try to have like smaller snacks
Starting point is 00:34:10 throughout the day and I've tried to make those healthier snacks too. Like I'll bring like a banana and apple to work kind of thing and have those kind of leads it up to lunch. I don't overindole myself at lunch, but do you drink a lot of water? Yeah. Yeah, no, I don't really drink soda unless it's mixed with alcohol. There you go, you can just use that excuse, right? I just gained some water when I'm in drinking a lot of water. That's always a good one. They say if you drink like a gallon of water a day,
Starting point is 00:34:41 that's supposed to help you feel full or something like that. Yeah, you could get a heavy dose of nicotine as well. That knows it's a press here appetite. Yeah, just start smoking. There you go. I get enough second hand smoke in my work for the branch of my co-workers in our warehouse. Smokes.
Starting point is 00:35:02 Yeah, no, you don't want to do that. That's solving one problem with a bigger problem. Question is you lost 40 pounds. You just want to keep how many more pounds you want to lose? Ideally, probably another 40 because I about two just over 240 right now. I like to get closer to 200. How tall are you? I'm about six three. You're getting you're only the losing other 40 pounds. Maybe another 10 in your goods at six three. Do you feel good? Yeah. Oh, I feel so like, I feel so much better since I've lost weight. I put on a lot of weight, you know, around COVID and all that stuff. So, well, you know
Starting point is 00:35:55 what? You're asking us for advice here. I mean, it seems like you're kind of on the right track in a lot of ways. So if someone out there is like, I want to do what you did, what advice do you have for them? Because that's really impressive going from 280 to 240. Yeah. I mean, as much of the sucks, it's all about like, chloric intake versus your like, what you're putting out, like if you're watching your calories and exercise and that's honestly the best way to do it, try to set, kind of set a regular meals for yourself on over indulgent meals. You know, I also would recommend a, if you want to start shedding weight, I call it the stress diet. So just start
Starting point is 00:36:49 a business, hire some employees, get super stress and just lose weight because your stress is L and you just forget to eat because you're busy. That's a good one, Charlie. That's not bad. You know that one. I know that I know that pretty well. I think you do too. What do you think of that? I don't know if I have the financial capital to be able to start my own business right now. I get like a front to bank quick and get a loan. Perfect. That means more stress. That's what you're not looking for money. You're looking for stress. Yeah. Let's keep the eye on the prize here. Yeah. You know, start a business. He can't afford. Lose all your money, get super stress. And then you don't have any money to buy food. So then you won't eat that too. Mission accomplished. And who says we don't give good advice here on the Bellyduck podcast?
Starting point is 00:37:44 Wait, Miles, isn't that actual advice we can give him? Isn't there somewhere where you change up your workout? Like, if you're doing the same workouts all the time, then your body gets used to it. So you just got to like, change up your workout. And that'll burn in a real sense. If you just want to like, lose weight, they call it the fat burning zone. So you actually don't want to go as hard as you can every single time. You actually want to keep your heart rate within a certain percentage range. And that'll help you drop weight faster. Really? Yeah. No way. Why? What if you go really, really fast? What does that do? Well, then you hit the anaerobic or the aerobic capacity, then you're like, your lungs get better, but it's not necessarily me.
Starting point is 00:38:25 You will lose weight, but yeah. Not as much as in the fat, but so fast. Interest. Wow. So. Okay. So, yeah, so whenever I work out, I'd like to do like a little bit of like, I'll do like 30 minutes of cardio and then I kind of do a mixture of machines based on if I'm trying to work out my legs more upper body
Starting point is 00:38:46 I know I can only get the gym but like two maybe three times a week So it's yeah, so leg day or I try to work my upper body So Google the fat burning zone and figure out what percentage you're in so like and it's usually like a Fenty old you are. It's like 125 to 140 beats per minute. And then if you can just stay in that for 30 minutes, you actually should be pretty close to being able to still have a conversation while you're on the treadmill and that should help.
Starting point is 00:39:16 Okay. No, that's very useful by thanking us. Yeah. Where are you guys drinking at today? He's gonna come over and add a few more. Yeah, the real us. Yeah. Where are you guys drinking at today? He's gonna come over and add a few more. Yeah. Well, you know, we're over at Duffy's in Fargo. Oh, nice. Yeah, we'll get over to Fargo. I think I've been to Fargo once. Yeah, next time. Oh, I got to I'm in a bird'sville, Minnesota. So I'm just out of the cities. Yeah, you're only three and a half hours away.
Starting point is 00:39:49 Come on up. We'll be here. Yeah. All right. I was wondering if you guys would be closer by because Charlie, you were just here on this last weekend. I was. Oh, you on Friday. Yeah, I did a bunch of shows over there.
Starting point is 00:40:02 I had a lot of fun, man. I went over to Paisley Park. You ever been to Paisley Park? Princess place. Oh, no, I have it. No, it's cool. That guy didn't have a lot of weight on him. Tell you that.
Starting point is 00:40:17 He goes by partly the dry stuff. I got one last thing to see. You got to drink in tequila this time. No tequila. No tequila right now, but give us a look. Okay. Okay. Well, if you guys are doing shots of the keel in the future, do chase it with an orange
Starting point is 00:40:36 instead of like the salt and lime, the orange, trust me, the orange, like it just neutralizes all the, all like the bad taste of it. Utilizes it doesn't mask is what you're saying. Mask neutral. I don't know. It it does wonders. Okay. I go to anyone else drinking to Kila. I've been pushing my friends on it whenever I've done shots at the Kila and it's it's a big big hit at the party. Well, that's a great tip right there. That is a great tip. For anyone who doesn't like the the floral taste of tequila, you get yourself a nice
Starting point is 00:41:14 little orange on there and then knock it right out. Yeah, that's good. It's like it makes sense. It's like a margarita. Yeah. Well, not really. Well, I better get into the minars before my it makes sense. It's like a Margarita. Yeah. Well, not really.
Starting point is 00:41:27 Well, I better get into the minards before my boss calls me. There's one with a helmet. So all right. Well, you get into that minards, say big money there. All right. And watch out for deer and good luck losing that extra 40. That's a good job. So yeah, we think you get a nice ass. Oh, thanks boys, you guys have fun today. All right, we're all good. We'll see you in the
Starting point is 00:41:53 space and try out the killer with the orange. Trust me. All right, we'll give that a go. Appreciate that. Margarita. I have a good one. Well, you give me shit about the margarita. Margarita got like lime juice in it. That's what kind of makes it a margarita. I don't drink margarita. I just drink it straight. Oh, fancy guy. Yeah. I know I'm talking to a guy with the margarita maker. Yeah, I know, I know my way around a margarita bill machine. Yeah, you do you do take one more collar. Let's do it miles Folks Christmas is almost here and tippy cow is here for you Stock on up on your tippy cow and for your stocking
Starting point is 00:42:37 Stuffed stocking stuffer. I mean this is better than an orange. I don't care how old you're never mind This is better than an orange. I don't care how old you're never mind. This is better than an orange, Charlie. Yeah, it is for my stocking this year. The orange flavor. That's the orange. Oh, yeah. Put that. A typical. Now that we're over 21 and of legal drinking age. Put a little tippy cow in our stocking. Honestly, very sock-shaped. It is very sock-shaped. Yeah. Kind of. This holiday season ditch the egg
Starting point is 00:43:07 nog. We don't need all that. Yeah. Switch on over to Tipeek how Tipeek how Tipeek how welcome to the Belly to podcast. Who are we talking to today? This is Cameron. As again, boys. Cameron. Oh, it's going going good my guy. What are you calling from? I'm an Australia currently actually. Oh Wow, yeah, yeah, you talk really cool Cameron Can we'll just let him go for like 15 minutes. Yeah, we'll get our best viewership. Yeah him for like 15 minutes. Yeah, we'll get our best viewership. Yeah. All of the Australians will be upset. It's not even the Australian accent. I'm from New Zealand. So, okay. See, me, I would not know the difference. So, wait, glad you told me. Is it Kiwi? You got
Starting point is 00:43:58 over there? Yeah. Nice. Yeah. That's me. See, I'm world. Yeah, what else? What explain that? I think Kiwi. I hear New Zealand and people say Kiwi. So that's why I said it. Right. Why do people say Kiwi? Yeah, you guys grow Kiwis? Oh, no, it's a national bird. So we call Kiwis at Kiwi fruit and the bird is a Kiwi. K-wee's at K-wee's fruit and the bird is a K-wee. Okay. Okay. I should have known that. I like birds. Well, I want to say you are our first new cylinder Australian on the podcast. So thanks for calling us.
Starting point is 00:44:37 Great. Yeah. What time is it there? Uh, this time cool to eat in the morning oh you're up early wait so is it 745 it's November 6th here is it
Starting point is 00:44:54 November 6th there or is it November 7th already never in the same no he's a time travel he's calling us from the future freaking cool man what's it us from the future fricking cool man. What's it like in the future? It's pretty cool being in Hades of Co stuff
Starting point is 00:45:12 Conte about what's going to happen tomorrow The more mission things are, the better Yeah, yeah, it's better to just let us experience it. Yeah smart. See he's a he's a smart time travel. He's seen back to the future. He cannot affect it. Next thing, yeah, you start messing with it. Pretty soon your mom's gonna be coming on to you. Yeah, I don't want that. Then your dad'll disappear from your family photos.
Starting point is 00:45:35 Yeah, who don't want that? No, not at all. Yeah, well. All right, well, watch. I have an Australian, and some of you's Australian's are into that. Mom's gonna help that. Is that what they do in Australia? Is there a feud between New Zealand and Australia? Yeah, there is
Starting point is 00:45:54 actually what is it just you guys just don't like each other or a fun banter? I think we're like brothers pretty much. Okay. Similar countries. Yeah, it's kind of like Minnesota and Wisconsin, right? Yeah, I just brotherly love. Yeah. Pretty much. Yeah. Well, why don't you belly up to the bar with us? If I know, I guess you're not Australian, but I know Australians like to drink to New Zealanders like to drink. Yeah, yeah, we love to drink. Well, belly up then, tell us what's on your mind. What do you want to talk about today? Well, I was wanting to space my case, but for the entire country of New Zealand, I think we should be part of the Middle East.
Starting point is 00:46:43 Oh, right. State your case. Let's hear it. Country your case. Let's rock and roll. Yes. We're probably one of the most polite countries you'll ever get to. Everyone's always saying we say, instead of. So it's always, oh, sorry. Oh, sorry.
Starting point is 00:47:07 We have great likes. You got great lakes there, huh? What kind of fish are in those lakes? A trap mostly trapped in the parks and good fishing or good fishing. Oh, you got perch over there too. That's pretty cool. Trap perch. How did I get there?
Starting point is 00:47:27 Yeah, I don't know. How can we have the same fish in lakes here and in New Zealand? Like I get the ocean, right? But if they're fresh water, how do they get there? I think birds eat them. And they birds carry them in their mouth. They carry little Fish larva in their mouth and then they fly across the world and then they they swim in the Australian lakes Or they New Zealand lakes and then they populate them with perch. Is that a fact?
Starting point is 00:47:59 You know that for sure. It's a fact. So I don't national geographic. Oh I didn't see it, but I think it sounds like it makes sense. So all right. So, okay. Well, hold on. Is it because very early on in earth, we all used to be on the same continent. And then we all broke apart. Oh, yeah. Pant, Pantirina. Yeah. Tangerina or something. things. Yeah, that's a lot of things. Yeah, that's a lot of things. Yeah, that's a lot of things. Yeah, that's a lot of things. Yeah, that's a lot of things.
Starting point is 00:48:29 Yeah, that's a lot of things. Yeah, that's a lot of things. Yeah, that's a lot of things. Yeah, that's a lot of things. Yeah, that's a lot of things. Yeah, that's a lot of things. Yeah, that's a lot of things. Yeah, that's a lot of things.
Starting point is 00:48:37 Yeah, that's a lot of things. Yeah, that's a lot of things. Yeah, that's a lot of things. Yeah, that's a lot of things. Yeah, that's a lot of things. Yeah, that's a lot of things. Yeah, that's a lot of things. Yeah, that's a lot of things. Yeah, that's a lot of things. Yeah, that's a lot of things. Yeah, that's a lot of things. Yeah, that's a lot of things. Yeah, that's a lot of things. Yeah, that's a lot of things. Yeah, that's a lot of things. Yeah, that's a lot of things. Yeah, that's a lot of things. Yeah, that's a lot of things. Yeah, that's a lot of things. Yeah, that's a lot of things. Yeah, that's a lot of things. Yeah, that's a lot of things. Yeah, that's a lot of things. Yeah, that's a lot of things. Yeah, that's a lot of things. Yeah, that's a we got distracted. Yeah, what else stating your country here?
Starting point is 00:48:49 Well, I'm not much familiar with the Midwest, but I don't know. It feels like We get a lot of American media and it feels like it's usually more to be a state in America We have to be in the Midwest Got I seem like It's a great rationale. Pretty much. And would you say Australians are your fibs? Pretty much. Yeah. Yeah. Are'm just saying about breakfast. Yeah. I'm just saying about breakfast. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:27 I'm just saying about breakfast. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:35 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:43 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I'll be no, you can't you can't get Kangaroo actually you can eat kangaroo. I think the national break this year of construction workers and finally tradesmen would have to be made pause Nate Paul Meek pa mate boy. Yeah, oh cool. Is that just like a hot pocket, but what fans here sounding or what? I'm gonna go to the beach. I'm gonna go to the beach. I'm gonna go to the beach. I'm gonna go to the beach. I'm gonna go to the beach.
Starting point is 00:50:10 I'm gonna go to the beach. I'm gonna go to the beach. I'm gonna go to the beach. I'm gonna go to the beach. I'm gonna go to the beach. I'm gonna go to the beach. I'm gonna go to the beach. I'm gonna go to the beach. I'm gonna go to the beach. well, I know we just have made steak and cheese and in a pastry.
Starting point is 00:50:25 I like that. I mean, I sounds way better than cool meat pie. Well, I try to get healthy at all. Just put a friggin meat in that pie. What kind of meats in your pie camera? Or is that an inappropriate question to ask right now? Oh, it's a steak and cheese.
Starting point is 00:50:42 Steak and cheese. Steak and cheese for breakfast. I don't love that. I love how he said that too. Uh, Stike and Chase. Stake and cheese. Stake and cheese for breakfast. I love that. I love how he said that too. Uh, Stike and Chase. Was that good impression of you or no?
Starting point is 00:50:54 Could I go to Australia? Not as soon as they were all. Yeah, sounds nice. So are you in the trades? You said that that was the official breakfast of the blue collar workers. Is that what you do for a living? Uh, yeah. Oh, well, I'm usually a welder.
Starting point is 00:51:09 I'm farming at 11. What is, uh, can you say that one more time just to scotch slower? Sorry. Um, I'm usually a welder, but I'm farming at the moment. Oh, he's usually a welder. What are you guys farming? God, that's a cool accent. Do you get a lot of people interested in you on
Starting point is 00:51:32 sort of in kind of like a sexual way because of your accent? Uh, no, but I do have a girlfriend so there's something should be happy about that, but we're going to Canada and next year. So I'll finally get this. You, yeah, you are going to get some lookers your way. I tell you that.
Starting point is 00:51:53 Tell your girlfriend to be prepared to be a little jelly, okay? And you might have to be, does she have an accent too? Yeah, she does. She's in the middle as well. You guys are. What do you think of the Midwestern accent? I like it. I reckon of the American accent, the southern rail, southern
Starting point is 00:52:17 roll would have to be out there and then Midwest and then over a spill out. I'll take that. Yeah, I'll take that. Southern is pretty cool. Yeah. I want you to do an impression of how you think Charlie talks. Yeah, let's hear because I've been giving you, you know, I've been doing your impression. I don't know what's the phrase I'll give you some I'll say I'll say um chase chase Louise the Packers look great this year. Chase Louise the Packers look great this year.
Starting point is 00:52:55 Not bad. Not bad. Not bad. Nellossal. Yeah. Yeah. Well, that's cool. We should do something. We. I'd like to switch accents with you for just
Starting point is 00:53:08 a little bit. We should just go to New Zealand or Australia and do belly up to the bars there. That would be electric. Yeah, okay. If we were going to New Zealand, what three bars should we do belly up from in New Zealand. You'd have to go to a small town bar. You've come to my town, the Cochanga pub. That's the local. I don't know. I was really I've only been I've been to one pub in my last three months, the same ones every week. Well, you've been to one pub in your, in your life. Are you? So you're not a few. few.
Starting point is 00:53:51 Fies. Ah, that's cool, man. You can tell that Charlie doesn't hang out with anyone from Australia, New Zealand very often. No, I mean, I'm all about this accent. So, so you're not much of a drinker yourself. Oh, no, I drink. I just didn't use you on every small tan. The first thing that gets put up in a small tan is a pub before anything else. So we just have a pub. That's it. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:23 I was told by I have some Australian friends that you guys do a lot of drinking songs. Is that true for New Zealand as well? Yeah, we have. Yes, and chance. They're all disgusting. I just know I'll say them on the podcast. No, Sam will bleep him out if we need to. Yeah, I just say one will bleep it out. Yeah, I will. Our local rugby club, because that's our sport. Our chant is, I want to be a cruising player. We'll lift a life of sex and danger.
Starting point is 00:55:01 Here's the girl that I love best. Many times of sector breaks. Factors, standing factor, lying. That she had wings of fucker, flying. Now she's beaten long for gun bigger up and fucker. Rodden. Dude, we do the same shit here. I, I, I, I, I've heard that.
Starting point is 00:55:19 No, I've heard that before. We, we do the same shit here. I've heard some people in bars chanting that before Wow I mean Neckrophylia, I mean, you know, wow, it's not real. It's all hypothetical. Yeah, no theoretically speaking Well, that's really fun Thanks for sharing that's his last
Starting point is 00:55:43 Bit of state your case. I think that is. I think we can officially, uh, if you guys were a state, you'd be in the Midwest here here. New Zealand from this point forward is part of the Midwest. Cheers, cheers, cheers, cheers, brilliant. We'll get a talk about and we'll get a sit up in the middle of one of those likes over there. Yeah, tugboat. I like that too. I want to get a tugboat. Yeah, come on over.
Starting point is 00:56:13 You come over here. You let us know. We'll find a tugboat. Yeah, we'll do that. I'll definitely come to one of your shows when we can have a challenge. Yeah, yeah, yeah, you let us know. I'll get you in any show. No, since I didn't see you eating and you're going on your toe diet, so just looking at me before the display.
Starting point is 00:56:37 Well, I'm sorry I didn't make it out to New Zealand, because I really would like to get out there. When I'm really interested in, maybe you can answer this before you go. Do the perch have accents out there as well? Yeah, when you catch some hair in Australia, you pull them out and they give you a good eye mate. No, it's awesome, dude.
Starting point is 00:57:00 That's really cool. Well, we appreciate it, man. Yeah, we're coming out. You've convinced us. All right. Well, hey, have a good morning. Yeah, have a good morning. Cameron, enjoy that that meat pie, huh? Enjoy the future as well. Tell the future we says, hi. Yeah. Yeah, well, Dave, watch out for kangaroos. Ah, I love it. Yeah. All right, Cameron, be good now. We see you. Cheers boys. Yeah. Bye bye.
Starting point is 00:57:40 We got to get down under cheers boys. Good day. It's just it sounds so cool to me. Oh, it sounds so cool to me. Oh, it's so cool, mate. Um, what a good, good guy. Great guy. You've never heard that chant before? Never made. All right.
Starting point is 00:57:55 Well, like you're bad. It's a good boy. Go on, good boy. You don't know. Mm. You done? Should we have a drink? It's a good boy. God, good boy. It's on you. You done? Should we have a drink? Call the day. Cheers.
Starting point is 00:58:09 Cheers to all of you. Guys, thanks for tuning in to another episode of Belly Up Podcast. Charlie's going to be doing this for the rest of the evening if you guys are wondering. Cheers, mates. So, we love you. And as always, tip your part out. TIP your part. TIP your part.
Starting point is 00:58:23 of the evening if you guys are wondering. Cheers, mates. So we love you. And as always, tip your bag. Tip your bag. And see you in the next one.

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