Bellied Up - How To Look Cool While Hunting #74

Episode Date: November 9, 2023

Our first caller is bothered by jet skiers tearing up his local lake. The next caller wants to know how to avoid looking like a dweeb when he's hunting. Following that, a caller is concerned about... his wife being forklift certified. Our final caller needs advice on how to make her husband more Midwestern. Get yourself a ⁠⁠"Road Huntin For Ditch Chickens"⁠⁠ Hat Want us to come to your bar for a Bellied Up episode? Click ⁠Here

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to the Belly to podcast who are we chit chat with today? You're gonna take my name's Taylor. Hey Taylor. How you doing? Where you calling him from? Uh the greatest state United States. That would be Wisconsin hell. Yeah, you are. I like it. We're in Wisconsin Uh, I'm driving a dump truck around the Madison area right now. I live right outside Madison. So oh there you go. Good for you. Happy dumping today, huh? Absolutely. Well, belly up to the bar. What's on your mind? So I got a family cottage up in Northern Wisconsin, beautiful areas, well, 20 miles north of Hayward. Oh, yeah, and beautiful areas, while 20 miles north of Hayward. Oh yeah. And on the chip floor?
Starting point is 00:00:46 No, that's Wes, never mind. Nope. Keep going. Nope, no, it's more north than that. It's more north than that. It's like, essentially, it's in between Hayward and like rural. Oh, sure.
Starting point is 00:00:57 Or like superior. Yeah. Yep. Love that area. So family cottage, I own it with my 15 other cousins. It's been passed down to generations of the family and stuff like that and The thing that gets me the worst is these weakened warriors that come up in tear up the water and They like you go out there fishing and we just got like a little 16 foot fishing boat little 15 horse motor I mean it's a big lake, but it's not huge. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:25 And you got these people that come up and they're just super rude about, you know, just driving by a super fast and jet skis and stuff. And within, I would say, a hundred feet all the time. So my question is, how do I go about dealing with these folks? Well, the thing about Wisconsin is there's a surplus of fireworks and bottle rockets. No, you don't want to shoot bottle rockets at them.
Starting point is 00:01:59 That's just that's a last-ditch scenario. Okay. So I think we should start actually by bringing miles into the conversation because miles is a jet skier. Well, I have my parents have a jet ski. I know it's been a while since I've been on one, you know, miles as a jet skier. Do you know the rules of the lake? How far you're supposed to stay from? No, absolutely. I have no idea. Mostly you just got to use the eyeball tests, right? You know, like, I'm far enough away from that guy. I mean, with a fishing boat specifically though. Yeah, you try to avoid fishing boats.
Starting point is 00:02:30 How big is this lake? Like, I was 100 feet like, you know, 100 feet. That's what. Well, no, I mean, it's a, it's a mile across. So I've had, actually, you've had two cousins that have trained for the Iron Man and they've done it. And they've swam completely across the lake with us following them in the pontoon boat. They swam completely across and that's a mile completely across the lake.
Starting point is 00:02:52 Okay. So you got a decent sized lake. Yeah, so there's plenty of room for people to move around, but you're out there fishing on your 16 foot, 16 foot 15 horse. It sounds like an aluma craft type deal. And they're just getting within 100 feet of you, did you say? I'll say, well, I did the non Midwest nice thing one time. I yelled at a guy that was more, no less than 50 feet from me.
Starting point is 00:03:23 Well, 50 foot, yeah. That guy. No, that's, what is the actual? I don't even know the actual rule. How far, I usually try to stay a couple hundred feet away, especially from a fishing boat, because they got the cast going. So I don't want to, you know, Right. So I think, I think by the Wisconsin DNR,
Starting point is 00:03:44 when I took motor safety when I was 12 years old. Yeah, was 200 feet from a fishing vessel. Yeah, I like how you call the vessel to you know, you got you got a 16-foot boat. No, that's a vessel. That's what's up. Charlie. I'm not where my head's going is Fishing kayak still a vessel. Where my head's going Charlie is we need to start coming up with some techniques to keep them wide. Okay. You know, I think what you could do is maybe get some buoys of some sort, you know, and put them around your boat. I don't know if that would take too much time to put out.
Starting point is 00:04:23 Yeah. What else could you do? I'll water booy's. Yeah. Like maybe just a booy that just says rocks on it. Oh, that's not a bad thing. Yeah. If you see a random booy out there, you're going to stay away. Although if you're in a jet ski, you don't care about thinking your props. Yeah. But at least they won't go inside the booy, you know, that's, you know, not crazy people. They're just dickheads, you know, maybe if you see a jet skier getting close, you just buzz the tower a little bit, you know, you can fight a little fire with fire. You're casting some junk. So, you know, they got to learn somehow.
Starting point is 00:04:58 I'll just pull out the mosquito rod and throw a giant octail on and throw it. Yeah, you know, although now that I'm saying that, those jetski's go fast. That might be how someone loses an eyeball. So you don't want to go to jail. I'll over this. You could do, you could get a decoy boat because no matter what sounds like these jetskiers are just addicted to pissing off fishermen, get a decoy boat, set that out further, anchor it, put some like fake cardboard cutouts you fishing on it, then
Starting point is 00:05:26 they can mess with that fishing boat over there and leave you alone. Yeah, I feel like we should booby trap it somehow though. What's the way we can teach a jet skier a lesson without actually hurting them? I think that's the deal. What's that? OK, so there used to be some rules on the lake that you couldn't jet ski between the hour, or you can only jet ski between the hours of 80m until 4pm. And that was including jet skis and water sports
Starting point is 00:05:56 being like skiing, tubing, wakeboarding, stuff like that. Well, that got taken down because a bunch of the bar owners said they were losing revenue because people were not on the lake all day. So that was your, those other times where you're losing your time and you're fishing time or whatever, told you got taken down. Well, you guys come out at 630 in the morning with their jet ski and just tear the lake up. I feel like I'm at a city council meeting right now.
Starting point is 00:06:19 I do too. I do too. We're at the county meeting and it's like those jet skiers are causing issues. We used to have this rule and you took it away. What's the compromise going to be? Yeah, I'm trying to think of that too, because the bar owners, you gotta think who's keeping those bars afloat when it's not summer,
Starting point is 00:06:40 when it's not peak season, it's the fisherman. True. It's the fisherman. They for the longevity of the bar, the fisherman, you know, are the foundation of a lot of these bars. So it's just how it goes, especially when the fish is bad, you know, I mean, that's the thing about fishermen. Fishing's good, your cell brand fishing is bad, you know, you're having a few. It's raining out, you're at the bar.
Starting point is 00:07:04 So I think these bar owners really need to's raining out. You're at the bar. So I think these bar owners really need to know who's really a foot in the bill, you know, and if people aren't out on the lake, they can go to the bar. So the problem with fishermen though is they bring their own beer on their boat. That is going to the bar. I'm trying to. Yeah, that is, that is. Have you tried filling up another cooler full of water balloons? Oh, yeah. That's it. That's the, that's the, so they got these water balloon slingshots. Yeah. And get a tour. You're going to want to change one of your fishing chairs on the front of the boat to turrets. You just got make your make your fishing boat a little pirate ship. Okay. That's what it is and put up a flag. And that way when they see that flag, they
Starting point is 00:07:52 will know that they're going to get pelted. And anywhere within that, the radius of your slingshot, you've seen those, those slingshot. Yeah. Yeah, get one of those deals. Phil with like Apple juice, though, so then they get sticky. Yeah. I mean like vinegar vinegar. That's good. Vinegar balloons. That actually would piss me off. I don't want to do anything that's going to ruin their vessel. Yeah. You just want to do something to make them never come back by. Yeah. Exactly. And if you got the pirate ship rolling, then you're good to by. Yeah. Exactly. And if you got the pirate ship rolling, then you're good to go.
Starting point is 00:08:25 Yeah. Yeah. And then on your way to your next fishing spot, you should chase them a little bit, you know? Make them know, make them know your deal. And also, you got to have 15 horse on there. Yeah, you're not going to really chase them, are you? Yeah. I think the biggest move, Charlie, he's got to go on the offensive.
Starting point is 00:08:44 Yeah. You've been passive and too defensive for too long. I think we need to set up a vinegar balloon, water balloon, turret setup on the front of the boat. You see one of them getting too close. You know, you can keep your line in the water, but now you're fishing below water and you're fishing and hunting above water as well. Yeah, it actually is more fun. Yeah, he's going to end up going out there just in just years with water balloons instead of fishing at all.
Starting point is 00:09:16 You're going to be like, I was so excited about this turret water balloon setup. I forgot my rods and my truck. Yeah, that's the move right there. I think we solved it for truck. Yeah. That's the move right there. I think we solved it for you. Yep. That's gotta be the move. I just gotta find some biodegradable water balloons because it's not that true. I forgot about that. That is true. You don't find them. Because if you get, send those balloons into the water, you're going to suffocate your fish, you know, or your ducks or something. So yeah, you don't want to do that. Yeah. Yeah. You'll find something though. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:46 And it will figure something out. Maybe a giant net, like a big yield net, but it just wrapped around their crop and their boat just stops and the jet ski just stops. Yeah, just a few tons of that was a kid I ran over the rope with a jet ski and it got all caught up in the motor and stuff and that put us out of commission for a while just lay out some ski and ropes all the way around your Okay, 200 foot ski and rope from all directions of your boat and then They're not gonna run that over. Yeah, that's not a bad idea and put so we're talking Yeah, and that's where you can put those float and boobies just at the top of the ski rope, you know?
Starting point is 00:10:26 Because the ski rope might sink. So yeah. Right. And make some available foot out. We'll put out the boobies like the swimming lines and the swimming pool. You know, they got the little boobies every like 12 inches. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:39 There you go. That's what I have. Then you just gotta be careful not to get snagged on those. Last thing you want is to have a big muskion and it wraps itself around one of those ropes Then you're gonna lose the musk in you're gonna be even more upset But I you know we got enough to work with here a little brain storming. Yeah, I think I got to make biodegradable They at this point. I'm sure they're doing yeah Yeah, some yeah, I'm sure they're doing. Yeah. Yeah. Some, uh, yeah, I would think. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:08 Well, I think we've found a few options. Sorry. Flingshot. Yeah. You like. Yeah. I'm going to have to design the slingshot. And then I'll, uh, I'm going to have to say you guys a picture. You're just going to get a picture randomly next summer when I go back up there. Yep. So it's just going to be a random swing shot. That's nice. Yeah, you just, um, you know, right in front, yeah, get yourself, uh, oh, that'll be great. I don't know how you're going to mount that to the top of the, uh, your boat, but you'll find a way. Any, you found a new sport. Honey, I'm going hunting. She's like, I thought you're going fishing. No, I'm hunting jet skiers today. That'll be great, man.
Starting point is 00:11:45 I'm excited for you. It'll be come the next professional sport. Yeah. Do you have those wake boats on your lake as well? Yeah, there's a couple. There's not a lot. There's more people that go out like ski right away in the morning, but there's a lot of jet skis,
Starting point is 00:12:01 a lot of ponteons. Yeah. There's not as many wakeboard boats, which is kind of nice. Yeah, on a small lake like that, like those things are so annoying, man. It's way too much. Yeah, you just tears up the shoreline and the big waves all over the place.
Starting point is 00:12:18 Yeah, those things driving us. I mean, if you get like a big body of water, that's one story, but if you're on one of legs, like, man, those things shouldn't be there. Anyways, well, it was good chit chat with you. Yeah, I think for big my call guys, absolutely. And good luck, Fishin' and Hun. Yeah, I appreciate you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:41 Appreciate that you guys have a good one. You too. I'm the out of charge. I just sounds like good old fashioned. I'm like a great time. I'm knowing, uh, jet skiers, I know they would find that sporting as well. Yeah, then it maybe draws them in. I would attract them.
Starting point is 00:13:01 And all of a sudden they got like blood in the water. They're just all circling. Yeah, like that was really bad fire. Yeah. Yeah. We probably should have told them that, but while he was still in the line, he'll find out. Yeah, he'll find out. Sorry about that, my guy. But, uh, well, Charlie, should we take another caller? Let's do it. Welcome to the belly up podcast, who is on the line today. Hey there, my name's Charlie. Charlie, I like you all righty. How are you?
Starting point is 00:13:31 I'm doing good. How are you guys doing great? What's cooking? What's on your mind? Belly on up to the bar with us. Yeah, so while I wanted to call in and I wanted to ask you guys, you know, trying to get into hunting as it were, but I don't want to look like a neighbor about it. You know, I want to want to kind of get into it, but you'll kind of elk or deer hunting, but I'm also kind of interested in maybe some some bird hunting. You know, there's a lot of turkeys in my area. I think that might be a kind of good place to get my playlist in the water.
Starting point is 00:14:13 So you said elk is that what you said? He said elk or deer initially. Now elk, I don't recommend you start with the elk. That's yeah, you're going to want to not start with elk. Yeah, long term, that's the goal. Feel the freezer without. Yeah, let's build up to that. Exactly. Yeah, now where do you live, Charlie? I'm in Southwest Colorado. Oh, so he's an outterritorial there. Okay, well, what you're worried about looking like kind of a do we about there? Hunt and what new. Yeah, what what do you what's the first thing on your mind that you're
Starting point is 00:14:50 worried about? Well, you know, I guess I don't want to look like I'm just kind of walking out of a Coleman catalog or anything. But I also don't want to I fully into it and, you know, can't all camel everything and you make that my whole personality. Yeah. Have you ever? What's your experience with hunting or guns or anything so far? Have you ever shot anything? I don't know if you're thinking bull. I don't know if you're thinking gun like you got any experience. You know, I did a little bit.
Starting point is 00:15:19 So I grew up in Alaska and I did some bird hunting. Yeah, I would go grow hunting with just a little 22 and to, you know, some guys some some experience, but it's definitely been a while. And I'm also a bit, you know, I am intrigued intrigued by both hunting. I would be interested in getting the Dollar Tree. Yeah. Well, I think first step, we'll with the gear Charlie. Yeah. If you have anything that is matching, you're going to look like a new about there. Okay. Everything looks like it needs to look like you acquired it over the years. So if maybe you go, it's raid your dad's closet or a uncle or something, maybe steal a sweatshirt
Starting point is 00:16:04 from him, maybe some pants from Goodwill, and then you can have one piece item that actually is pretty nice and new on there, but I think that's where you got to start, Charlie. What do you think? Yeah, I would start, and also you got to figure out what you're going to do. So if you're bow hunting, you're going Camo. If you're gun hunting, you're going blaze orange. I've never hunted elk. I don't even know what the hell you wear hunting elk. It's Camel. It's got to be Camel. Cause you're kind of you're tracking it. Yeah, you're tracking it. Yeah. Yeah. So I would start off, I like your idea of starting off with bird hunting. If you're doing Turkey,
Starting point is 00:16:42 and I like the bow idea too, I think you get yourself a bow and you just start going after it. It's a little bit more difficult than gun. But just start doing it. And then Camo is is where you're at with that. Goodwill does have a lot of Camo stuff I've seen at least around Wisconsin. I'd imagine Colorado the same thing. So just go get yourself a nice, uh, nice, uh, Camo, whatever fits, it's not gonna match. And then you're gonna want some good boots too. The boots I would buy them new, especially if your end game is out because you're gonna be walking a lot and you're going, you might as well just start breaking them in now.
Starting point is 00:17:22 You can't show up to your camp though with brand spanking new boots, Charlie. You're going to get made fun of a little bit. That is true. Make, you're going to, if you do buy them new, you're going to want to rough them up a little bit, you know, wear them around the house, rub them in the dirt a little bit. Yeah. Break them in. Go for a walk with them.
Starting point is 00:17:42 Go for a few hikes, you know, you don't want the blisters either so That's a good start and make sure When you get your bow You got to get it sighted and then you got to know what all the sights mean So just go out to a range somewhere bring yourself a paper plate stick it up there on the hay bales and see if you can't fill that paper plate from 10 paces and then start walking it back from there. What kind of bow would you recommend, dude?
Starting point is 00:18:14 I think I shot a recurve bow when I was kind of learning to shoot, but it's definitely been a while. Yeah. Well, those recurves, I'm trying to get good at a recurve right now. I don't even know what, this was like one that I found in my basement a while back. So the re curves are super fun, but I wouldn't recommend hunting with them until you know, you've got a little bit,
Starting point is 00:18:39 quite a bit under your belt, because you don't want it with bow, you don't, it's easy to wound an animal and not kill kill it and then you got to track it and not really fair to the animal so I would do a compound bow and there's so many there's you know there's so many good ones out there miles you do bow hunt what do you got? I have a compound bow, but I haven't been hunting. I just haven't got out there. My dad didn't really do it. And so I kind of got to get into it with maybe Ryan or Tyler that worked for me. Yeah, those guys are big on it. Yeah. So I don't know much about that. Well, whatever the honestly, you get yourself over to, you know, Cabalas or wherever they've got, you know, is some of them even have the indoor ranges.
Starting point is 00:19:29 So you can go shoot some and it depends on your, you know, how strong you are and what kind you're going to do. And then, you know, the tension you got on the boat. So there's a lot of that's kind of that is a high entry. That's a big commitment right there with the ball. Charlie, I can feel you sputtering a little bit. Let's just direct him to YouTube. Every question that you got, search it on YouTube, there'll be an answer. The best we can give you is the advice I'm aware. I feel like I'm sputtering, but I feel like the engine's kicking up something. Okay, then keep going Charlie. What else you got for them?
Starting point is 00:20:10 Well, have you ever thought about muzzleloader hunting? You know, I've never never done any of that. Yeah, it's fun. You get to pretend like, you know, you're in the Revolutionary War or something. The Mel Gibson Patriot. No, he was everything. Yeah, I would be a good guy. I don't know if I know a whole lot of people that do it. I think my neighbor might, but.
Starting point is 00:20:35 Yeah, that's another good tip. What's that? Find an experienced guy. Be up front with them, say, I'm kind of a new, teach me your ways. Yeah, that is good. Also, you gotta get a stand. You know, if you're, um, got bull hunting, there's so much, you got to get yourself a tree stand and then you,
Starting point is 00:20:52 you're going to want to try not to fall out of that your first time. I don't know. You are gravitating toward both, though, am I right? I, you know, I do kind of feel it. I just, I do like that kind of that vibe. I guess a little bit more of hunting. Yeah. How easy is it to turkey hunt with with a boy? I have no kind of answer your contact. I was going to say I would start with turkey hunting because turkey hunting you're usually it's just you got to wake up early, but it's it's going to be easier
Starting point is 00:21:22 to get a turkey. You got the decoys. You gotta get yourself some turkey decoys. You gotta, oh, and this is what he can start doing now between now and turkey season. Start learning the calls. Get yourself a box call. Those, that's kind of the entry level call, but if you can, get yourself a diaphragm. And that, you are gonna have to go to YouTube to figure out, do those. I'm not very good with it. Dispract.
Starting point is 00:21:43 While you're driving, put a few, you know, diaphragm or mouthpieces in your car and then just start doing them while you're driving, eventually you're going to get pretty good at that. And, and yeah, man, I mean, I think turkey hunting would be a good one to start off with. It's camel. And then, yeah, you're good on the camel with deer. If you're gonna
Starting point is 00:22:07 bohunt them, so that's the way to go I would say. Okay, I guess kind of going back to just the general gear, you know, if there's there's one thing that I guess to make me look like I'm not just immediately starting off is the one piece of gear equipment that I should have that maybe you wish you had kind of the first time and learned about later. So for deer hunting specifically what's the best piece of gear? Or just hunting in general like just you know what's the piece of equipment or gear that made you realize you needed later on that you didn't have when you first started kind of deal. You're gonna need some snacks. I've
Starting point is 00:22:51 been out and not stand before without the proper snackage and I tell you what it can get pretty lonely, pretty boring and pretty hungry out there if you don't have the right snacks. I'll also throw in, get yourself some, I stole my dad's battery powered socks. They took the nine volt batteries. Those are honestly pretty good. They did yet get a short in them at one point. So I bet you they got some better electric powered socks, but the last thing
Starting point is 00:23:26 you want, especially if you're deer hunting, there's a lot of sitting actually turkey hunting as well. So and you want to, you don't want cold feet. The last, they're the first thing to go numb. So I would get yourself some, some of the socks that warm themselves. Yeah. Hunts just like getting married to Charlie. The worst thing you can have is cold feet. It's oh, thanks Miles. I appreciate that. What? Oh, no, nothing, nothing. You got married. I'm not talking about your divorce. Oh, there it is. There it is. Hey, if you're looking at bulls, I got a shout out to Wisconsin bull maker Matthews. They're out there in lacrosse on Alaska area. They're a little bit a little bit on the spendier side, but if you're looking for a nice bull shout out to Matthews.
Starting point is 00:24:22 I'm not going to be a guy who is going to be a guy who is going to be a guy who is going to be a guy who is going to be a guy who is going to be a guy who is going to be a guy who is going to be a guy who is going to be a
Starting point is 00:24:38 guy who is going to be a guy who is going to be a guy who is going to be a guy who is going to be a guy who is going to be a guy who is going to be a guy who is going to be a guy who is going to be a guy who is going to be a guy who is going to be a guy who is going to be a guy who is going to be a guy who is going to be a guy who is going to be a guy who is going to be a guy who is going to be a guy who is going to be a guy who is going to be a guy who is going to be a guy who is going to be a guy who is going to be a guy who is going to be a guy who is going to be a guy who is going to be a guy who is going to be a guy who is going to be a guy who is going to be a guy who is going to be a guy who is going to be a guy who is going to be a guy who is going to be a guy who is going to be a guy who is going to be a guy who is going to be a guy who is going to be a guy who is going to be a guy who is going to be a guy who is going to be a guy who is going to be a guy who is going to be a guy who is and also good luck hunting. Yeah, thank you guys. I really appreciate it. You know, whether you guys are podcasts, you do whatever you appreciate you and watch for deer. And if you see one, don't
Starting point is 00:24:53 miss. Okay. Are you folks? I say hi. All right, real good. That is nice guy. He seems like a great guy. What we kind of didn't warn him about that I'm thinking about now,
Starting point is 00:25:04 Charlie. Yeah. Again, we should didn't warn him about that I'm thinking about now, Charlie. Yeah. Again, we should maybe have told him this online. Getting made fun of for being a new, been hunting is just kind of the right of passage. Yeah. It's, you're going to get made fun of. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:15 And then eventually you're going to be able to make fun of the other new guy. And it just goes on and on. And that's how life should be. Yeah. I went hunting over at my buddies this year and I showed up with nothing because I came from a show. So I got made fun of even though, you know, I
Starting point is 00:25:30 don't have to for I just took it, but you were there. I just took it. I didn't even defend myself as like just give me your pants, please. All right. Let's take another one. Charlie I can not alone Charlie high miles. It is November something. What is it? Nice. It's November 9th. This last weekend I was having a celebratory tippy cow. Why miles? Because I got a world record dear. Really? Yeah. Well, how many points? 30 point buck? He got a 30 point pocket. How'd you celebrate that? I tip on back a tippy cow. The only way to do it, my old cheers to that cheers to your deers. What about you? You go hunting yet? Mm-hmm. I missed. You miss.
Starting point is 00:26:21 Classic. Very classic. Hey, winner lose. We booze in. I like how you run that there, Miles. Yep. And I'm back with a tippy cow. So you did after you missed, you went back to the shack and you said, it's a nice didn't see nothing all day. That's exactly.
Starting point is 00:26:40 Yeah. What are you guys doing out here? Were you banging pots? They're like, six deer pots? They're like, six deer stands. They're like, we heard some shooting over on your end. Not me. No, I think that that was just ricochet in the trees.
Starting point is 00:26:51 I think it came from the north. I thought that was you guys. Yeah. Don't lie to me. Yeah. Hey, I didn't see anything all day. Then you complain about the property, how they don't know how to set it up.
Starting point is 00:27:02 And then, yeah, and then you're like, yeah, quite you guys are yapping. Heming a typical. And then, yeah, and then you just tip it on back. That's it. Cheers. Cal, baby, cheers. Congrats on your 30 point buck. For the pretenders and who are the contenders, we're more than halfway through the NFL season, but Draft King Sportsbook is still pumping out unbeatable offers every single game. New customers can bet just five bucks on anything to get $200 instantly in bonus bet. $200. $200. Miles, DraftKings isn't stopping there though. All customers
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Starting point is 00:28:40 terms and responsible gaming resources. Welcome, welcome to the Belly.up podcast, Who are we talking to today? Blake. Blake, how you doing? Good. How are you? Uh, doing good. Blake. I got it. Ever. What? Go ahead. Go ahead. Where are you? Where are you calling in from, Blake? Well, I'm, uh, somewhere driving through the middle of Wisconsin right now, but I'm from
Starting point is 00:29:07 Southern Minnesota. Okay. What are you doing in Wisconsin? I sell and in whole shipping containers. So I'm on my way up to up my Sonora at least. Oh, if you don't If you don't know where you're going, that's not good if you're the delivery guy. Well, you know, I
Starting point is 00:29:34 I punch you in the deep guess and you know, just kind of follow the dotted line there. Okay, so easy as that. Well, why don't you belly up to the bottom of us? Tell us what's on your mind. The old lady, she worked, worked for a warehouse, sort of deal or whatever. She got forklift certified. Oh, did she actually fake forklift certified. Oh, yeah. No, she took the task went through a little class, whatever, you know, well, that's not fake. That sounds actually and her boss put it on. So, you know, I don't, you know, but yeah, I'm a little bit scared of the whole forklift certified stigma. Scared she's going to come home and start ordering her on making me. Yeah, well, you know, if she does, she's well within her rights to do that. She's, uh, hate to say. Well, you know, that's, yeah I mean, you're right there. I'm just kind of looking for some advice on how to handle this.
Starting point is 00:30:51 Okay, so you're worried that she's going to maybe get a big head about it and she's going to get a little cocky. Is that what you're saying? Oh, yeah. I'm a little bit. Yeah. And you should be. You should be concerned about that because she has gone the extra mile. And you have it, you know, and I think if you really want to equalize it, you two have to go through that process. Well, so here's the question. Can you also use your CDL license as maybe a one-up honor. Is that, you got one of those? Yeah, well, I got my CDL. Well, there you go. Well, he's clearly already tried, but then he's still calling in, you know.
Starting point is 00:31:36 Well, have you seen some concerning behavior out of her that maybe leads you to think she is going to get real cocky about it? You know not yet. Okay. It's only been a week. Wait, you just got it framed in her room or what? No, no, no, not yet. She's not even throwing in your face. Well, she did right when she got it a little bit but What she said when she got it. I don't know. I'm just
Starting point is 00:32:17 She We're on our way to suffer and She says you never guess what I did today and I asked you know, no, what would you do? And she's like, I'm sure the pork that certified bitch. I'm like, Oh, God. Okay. I think honestly, dude, you found the right woman. Yeah. Seriously, you got to keep her. My man. Don't lose that one. Okay. Now that she's forklift certified, her stock just went up. Okay. So you're's forklift certified, her stock just went up. Okay. So you're going to have other fellows in
Starting point is 00:32:48 the warehouse going, Oh my gosh, you really know how to work that fork. You really know how to lift that fork, you know, and, um, yeah, there might be some competition in the workplace. So you better make sure you keep her happy. Okay. Whatever she wants, she gets for at least the next two months.
Starting point is 00:33:09 Well, yeah, well, I suppose you're right. She's been asking me to go on a cruise. So I suppose I'll have to sacrifice the snow field trip this winter. And oh, man, now she's the boss. She's forklift certified. So I know. Cruises suck. Have you been on a cruise before? I love cruise. Do you? My house. Do you like cruises? Never been on one. I did one cruise one time. I did a carnival cruise from
Starting point is 00:33:40 Ensenada to from LA to Ensenada for a blaze bachelor party. It was it was a nightmare scenario. You're like a prisoner on those ships. Well yeah you can't go uncurrentively. You got to go in real good. Yeah. That was the problem. Okay. They're a little bit you know sorry it also comes down to the right crews, you know, ice balls. You got to get somebody's forkless certified to pick it up for you. Yeah, the smart one. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:15 How do you sneak booze? How do you sneak booze onto the cruise ships? I just buy the drink. I get you drink for free. There you go. All right. Well, that brings up a good point. I need you to tell me, for me here real quick,
Starting point is 00:34:31 what are the things that, how do you pick the right crews? What do you need in a cruise to make it so that it's a great time? I mean, you gotta be in the mood for it, honestly. I'm not really in a trop of the mood right now. Like what when you're gonna choose a cruise, what does the cruise have to have? You said that carnival sucks. What is Royal Caribbean have that the other one doesn't?
Starting point is 00:34:57 I don't know, they're just a little bit nicer, I think. I don't know, I've never been on a carnival. I've only ever been on Royal Caribbean. So I honestly couldn't tell you. I just only ever been on Royal Caribbean. So I honestly could tell you, I just heard Royal Caribbean's night shirt. So, okay. Well, I mean, you look at your, you look at your options on what you can do when you go to shore. That's true. It's a whole cruise mentality. I mean, you gotta do, you gotta do the excursions.
Starting point is 00:35:24 Yep. Gotta get off the deal. Well, man, I wish you the best of luck with dealing with the forklift certification and just stays strong out there, but maybe lean into it. Now you can pawn off some stuff on under her because she's way more qualified now than you are,
Starting point is 00:35:43 right? So you get to sit back more. Well, yeah, I mean, there's some good uses to this. She can run the board with formal. Yep, there you go. Where we at the home. Yeah, well, we appreciate you calling in, man. And tell your wife we say, I appreciate your answer.
Starting point is 00:36:00 Tell her we say congratulations. All right, I will. All right, talk soon. No, but hello, welcome will all right talk to no But hello welcome to the belly to podcast. What's your name? Kenzie what's going on? Where yeah, what are you up to? I am in Marshall Minnesota and I am a music elementary school teacher Okay I am a music elementary school teacher. Okay.
Starting point is 00:36:24 Marshall, Minnesota. I got a guy that works for me and went to college in Marshall. Don't get him, don't meet a lot of people from there. So I'm glad you called in. Thanks. Yeah, well, why don't you belly up to the bar with us, tell us what's on your mind. So I was doing Minnesota all my life.
Starting point is 00:36:42 I'm pretty Midwest. I have a pretty Midwest accent, but my significant other is from the cities area. He grew up in Idina, Minnetonka area, the cake wheat or land as we would say. I was wondering if you were gonna say that. Yeah, and I am wondering how do I make him more Midwest or he doesn't like to drink fear, but neither do I, but he doesn't like sports either. He is very much city boy. So how do I make him a Midwest boy? Well, what do you like to do?
Starting point is 00:37:20 Let's start there. You're a Midwest gal. What are your kind of hobbies? What do you like to do in your free time? I love to watch hockey. Big old hockey fan. I love that. You are Minnesotan through and through, aren't you?
Starting point is 00:37:32 Oh, yeah. I love hockey. I'm actually wearing a hockey jersey right now. My classroom, all my kids sit on hockey teams so I know where they're at. Wait, they sit on hockey team. What did she say? So I need name tags to put on the floor. So my kids can sit on name tags. And they have or sit somewhere they have a same seating and they can sit on a hockey team.
Starting point is 00:38:02 But they have a hockey team they're supposed to sit on. Oh, nice. Oh nice. Oh, okay. It's a hockey classroom. I like it. And what's the name of your fellow? What's his name? Zach.
Starting point is 00:38:12 Zach. And Zach grew up, you know, well, does he like hockey? He's starting to get into it, but doesn't care as much as I would. He doesn't really care for the winter. Yeah, he's just not, he doesn't even have a Midwest accent.
Starting point is 00:38:31 Well, I think you start off by, by playing the mighty ducks for him. So he learns a little bit about hockey and also the fact that he's a cake eater, you know. That'll work. That's where he learned the term cake eater. I did show him the first one and he didn't care for it. Oh, thank it.
Starting point is 00:38:52 So this is your here. I'm trying to get him to watch the other ones because the second one is my favorite. Beyond. Yeah, D2. What? So he doesn't like that. Is this you said this is your husband your boyfriend what was Okay, well, I'm not congratulations. Um, I think you're looking for a pivotal moment Honestly, there's gonna be I think what you're gonna have to do is do the spray and prey type of method
Starting point is 00:39:25 there's gonna be, I think what you're gonna have to do is do the spray and prey type of method. Just start engulfing him in Midwest culture things. We're at a bar right now here in Milwaukee. They open up at 6 a.m. Maybe you try that. Take into a bar, 6 a.m. dive bar, small town bar. Get them Wisconsin old-fashioned Charlie. There you go, Brandy. Um, get them going there. Maybe, uh, cheese curds, some ranch, all that stuff and just start trying it. And eventually I think it'll click. Everyone clicks at some point, Charlie.
Starting point is 00:39:58 Yeah, you do kind of have to throw the kitchen sink atom at this point. Um, what does he like to do? Maybe there's something we can find in what he likes to do and make the pivot from there. He is a huge history nerd. Right now he's going back to get his master to be a history teacher.
Starting point is 00:40:18 But he also like video games. Right now he's actually having students make board games in his class. So board game. So he's actually having students make board games in his class. So board game. So he's a board game guy. Oh, yeah, we play board games almost every night. Well, maybe the two of you can make a cribbage board together. We could do that. Yeah, that would be fun. You know, if he's into that and cribbage. I mean, don't't get a more midwest than a little game of cribbage. Very Wisconsin game, you
Starting point is 00:40:50 know, but that's okay. And he's not in any sports. He's not a Vikings fan, twins fan, nothing like that. No, no, he's not. His family's really into football. My family's really into football and not really into football. My family's really into football. I'm not really into football, but I'm really into hockey and I've been trying to get him
Starting point is 00:41:10 to watch hockey. I think I need a breakthrough because during my favorite team with the Golden Knights, I know I'm a traitor to miss the wild. But when the Knights were making it to the Stanley Cup, he made sure that we were in like a good service area. So I could listen to the game or watch it somehow.
Starting point is 00:41:30 So. Well, that, I mean, he cares about you. You got that going. From a history perspective, maybe he dives into a little bit of what kind of history is he specializing in? Maybe there's a way to get some Midwest history in there and get them on the story. He likes the stories. Maybe you can get them in the story of
Starting point is 00:41:51 how hockey came, you know, to the Midwest. Yeah, yeah, he's really into the Civil War, so I think I could definitely play into the hockey area when it comes to. Hey, get them into muzzle loading. Charlie. That's it. He could them into muzzle loading hunting Charlie that's it. He could become a muzzle loader hunter, you know, and your and your spin is just this is what they used to use in the civil war, man, isn't it awesome? Yeah. Start off going to like one of those reenactment places, you know, that'd be good. And then from there, you guys can hunt like you are, you know, in the in the civil war times. No, I got another question for you. You said you're a teacher, right? Yes, sir. Okay. And you're a music teacher. Yes, sir. I imagine you have quite a few students that don't give a rat's ass about music. Am I right?
Starting point is 00:42:45 Almost definitely. So, I'll put it back on you. You as a teacher, what do you do to try and get those kids into music, even if they're not really? I've tried to, I've asked them what they like to do, what's asked if they like to do a music. And so, some kids like dancing, some kids just like listening. I try to incorporate their genres.
Starting point is 00:43:10 I'm in Southern Minnesota, so I'm really playing a lot of country music in my classroom and playing a lot of stuff that they would recognize and know. So there you go. Make a list of stuff that you want them to get into and say all right If you want to get married you got to pick at least one of these things on here And we got to do them and you're gonna like it. Well, otherwise we're not getting married give an ultimatum Ultimatum is a good way to go and always good to start off a marriage with an ultimatum. That's my motto honestly I got one for man
Starting point is 00:43:43 So and miles has been married for almost five and a half months now. So he knows a thing or two about that. We'll wait for it to get to the full year before we double down and commit on it. But you know, I think he kind of knows what he's talking about. Well, thank you, gentlemen. I actually have my next class coming in. I would definitely support life. And I'll see where it goes and I'll call back in and let you guys know. All right. Well, we'll spare you the Midwest goodbyes since you got another class coming in and tell
Starting point is 00:44:15 your students we say hi. All right. We'll be telling you what's the society and watch out for you. All right. Good. What do you think, Charlie? I mean, I wish you didn't have that class to see you. I'm so happy to see you. I'm so happy to see you. I'm so happy to see you. I'm so happy to see you.
Starting point is 00:44:30 I'm so happy to see you. I'm so happy to see you. I'm so happy to see you. I'm so happy to see you. I'm so happy to see you. I'm so happy to see you. I'm so happy to see you. I'm so happy to see you. I'm so happy to see you. I'm so happy to see you. of the war history and then he learns how to like, and honestly though, I think that that call was kind of a microcosm of just marriage in general.
Starting point is 00:44:48 Yeah. You know, your partner, you'll have some stuff you like about them, they have some stuff that you just put up with, you try and do stuff together. There she has her thing. You have yours once in a while. They cross paths. And basically, you just try not to kill each other. I think is what it's going to be a good time to be able to do it. I think it's going to be a good time to do it. I think it's going to be a good time to do it.
Starting point is 00:45:11 I think it's going to be a good time to do it. I think it's going to be a good time to do it. I think it's going to be a good time to do it. I think it's going to be a good time to do it.
Starting point is 00:45:19 I think it's going to be a good time to do it. I think it's going to be a good time to do it. I think it's going to be a good time to do it. I think it's going to be a good time to do it. here is now fully popping. Yeah, you got to eat your old-fashioned cup. I'm getting there. I'm getting there Charlie. I have mine. Oh, it's good. And well, thanks, guys, for tuning into another episode of the Billion of Podcasts. We will see the next one and Charlie. As always, don't forget to tip your bartender. Don't forget to tip your bar tender. Lover guy.

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