Bellied Up - How to Not Hit Deer #39

Episode Date: March 3, 2023

Presented by Fleet farm In this episode we talk to a guy tells us his story at a waste water treatment plant, next caller can't stop hitting deer we give her some expert analysis on how not to, Last c...aller is wondering how long a best man speech should be.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, everybody welcome to another episode of the Belly Up podcast. We are brought to you by Fleet Farm. We love it. Miles, you got a little bad joy party coming up this weekend. Fella. Oh my gosh. I'm super bummed that I can't make it. I'm just trying to climb the invite.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Hey, I was I was booked already. You didn't ask me what weekend is good for me to attend your bachelor party before planning it. Yeah, you're right. You're right. My bad. All right, Miles. It's, it's, you're a very Midwest fellow. And where are you doing your bachelor party? Where did you decide? Are you snowboarding it? Yeah, I want to play some golf. I'm a bachelor party. So, so where are you going? On Arizona. Arizona. Nice. Plus, it's like the only place like that that's got a direct fright from Fargo So Take into account living in Fargo is how many layovers do you want to do in different cities?
Starting point is 00:00:56 So and your brother is planning it Yeah, I mean loosely loosely who's really planning it who's doing the work together? I think doing it together. Yeah. Um, no. So that's kind of too much of a control freak to just let someone plan a whole party for me. You know what I mean? See, I'm the exact opposite. You didn't you didn't plan anything for your bachelor party? My bachelor party, I, my buddy was also getting married. So I, we basically just made it a joint bachelor party. We went skydiving in Racine, Wisconsin, you know, which I don't even think the place is open anymore. I don't know. It was it was fun. Have you ever been skydiving? No,
Starting point is 00:01:36 I don't want to do it. Yeah, it's kind of a goofy thing. Kind of a waste of gas, but you know, it's honestly, it's, well, I mean, think about it. That's, you know, that's honestly, it's, well, I mean, think about it. That's, you know, that's a, it was fun. I'm glad I did it. I don't think I'm going to go do it again. Anyway, this isn't about me though. Miles is about you. You're going to go play some golf. Classic barons. Making it all about himself. Miles, what are you going to be doing? Festivities wise outside of the golf? Ah, just drinking. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:06 Yeah. I mean, you're not really into those classic bachelor parties. Oh, no, we'll be at the strip club. I think we got a couple of strippers coming over to the bear B and B probably like, I don't know, talked on YBR by two per guy. Really? Yeah. You're going to want to cancel your gig and come.
Starting point is 00:02:23 No, I there's no. There will be no strippers. I feel like that's a lost art. The stripping. Yeah, the bachelor parties have strippers. I think that that's not a thing anymore. No, I think I, you know, it's kind of one of those. I don't know. Is that a thing? I actually haven't been to a bachelor party in a while. I've been to quite a few bachelor parties now. No strippers at any of them. Well, that's probably for the best. I would agree. It's a lot of money to spot. I'm feeling a little bad for strippers are not making as much money these days because
Starting point is 00:02:54 they're not having bachelor parties. I bet you. I bet you people don't think about the economy and the the type of toll that modernization of bachelor parties have taken on the stripping community. It's a great way to start this podcast, Miles. I have not heard this thesis yet, but I'd love to hear what your solution is to this economic problem. Well, we've got to start. If we're not going to have strippers at bachelor parties anymore, we've got to start
Starting point is 00:03:21 including them in other activities. I've got to find another way to for them to start including them in other activity. I got to find another way to for them to get their bag, you know. I suppose that's true. Look at a real man of the people. Yeah. All right. So what do you think a good spot for strippers to be aware of what's? Well, first of all, pole dancing is a is not only an art form. Sorry. You're right. I shouldn't I should be calling them dancers. I shouldn't be calling them strippers. Yeah, exotic entertainers. I apologize.
Starting point is 00:03:48 You know, and honestly, where should we put it? We be putting these exotic dancers. Well, I think there's actually plenty of venues. There's a lot of like burlesque shows and all that, which are actually kind of fun to watch, you know. Why is that? Or if you call it burlesque, it's different.
Starting point is 00:04:00 Yeah, why is it fun to watch? Well, because the athleticism of these folks is incredible. It really is. Have you ever done pole dancing? Do you think that they make a reinforced steel pole? They don't. That's what I'm going to get you for a wedding present, I think. Get me a pole that actually will support my weight. Yeah. Yeah. And I'll make it a flagpole so it's not just going to waste. You know, we'll put it right out in front, you know, it's just outside your garage where you got all your workout stuff.
Starting point is 00:04:32 Just miles, you know, right in the pole. Well, that'd be fun. Yeah. That'd be really good. I guess we could put it. I mean, I take that back. They make poles that are getting them. Firemen's pole.
Starting point is 00:04:44 Yeah, you get a firemen's pole? That'd be cool. Do you think Ann will let you put a firemen's pole in your house? I think I just won't tell her if we build a new house. I'll just sneak one in. Are you building a new house? No, I'm saying if I ever build a new house,
Starting point is 00:04:59 I'm gonna sneak it in and just label it something else. I'll call it a laundry shoot. Yeah. Yeah. She goes, she's like, and this is laundry shoot. Let's keep going. Wait, whatever. And then I'm got it. I'm doing something or whatever.
Starting point is 00:05:13 And she opens the door to the laundry shoot. And it's just a fireman's pole. And she's like, oh, that's some a bit. Uh, well, so I was thinking, you know, like why not have like, you know, at retirement parties, why do we not have strippers at it? You know, I was doing the stripper thing. Well, that's what I was trying to get to is like, you know, where is some good spots that we could include them in?
Starting point is 00:05:37 Cause they've lost batch of the bachelor party thing. I honestly don't know if they've lost the bachelor party thing. I think a lot of people are still, I just haven't gone to a lot of bachelor parties in recent memory, you know, Jameen the ones I want to go. I can't really have you been at a bachelor party with a stripper. I haven't. Well, all right. Well, then I'm wrong. Okay. Well, they can teach pole dancing classes yoga, Pilates, you know, I mean, these are some athletic gals. Yeah, it's like, yeah, let's maybe bring the outdoor cat inside, is what you're saying. Well, they're indoors in the, I'm trying to find the analogy here. But that's historically, well, a wild outdoor cat that, you know, does some risque stuff. We got to, you know, pull them risqué stuff. Uh huh. We got to, you know, pull them inside. Yeah. Have them do some fitness classes. Yeah. Yeah. It is quite the workout doing that.
Starting point is 00:06:34 Okay. Well, there's some ideas. So what are you guys going to do at night then when you're guys going to play cards? What are you going to do for? We're going to go to Twin Peaks. Oh, Twin Peaks. Okay. There you go. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's a nice establishment. I hear they got really good wings.
Starting point is 00:06:50 Yeah. Yeah. Every time someone says like, who does or Twin Peaks has good wings, it's kind of like saying, you know, I read the playboy for the articles. Yeah. Well, no, I watched that documentary about playboy and they said that they were absolutely monumental in the media landscape. Oh, I came out.
Starting point is 00:07:07 There was a sell. Articles were. I do think they actually had some. No, it was a self-done documentary. Oh, yeah. The end of like this was brought to you by a Playboy. Playboy. Playboy.
Starting point is 00:07:19 Yeah, I don't know what's that got to do. Okay, that makes sense. Yeah, tell your own story as opposed. But yeah, I think you're just going to do the classic, you know, bachelor party stuff. Maybe drink yourself into oblivion, play some golf, probably smoke some cigars, you know, you know, it feels like a bachelor party thing to do with smoke cigars. Sure. Yeah, have some stovies. I'm actually a little upset that I'm not going because now I'm going to be out of the loop during the wedding.
Starting point is 00:07:45 Yeah. Like the thing is with a bachelor party, it's a way for you to make friends before the wedding. And then we get to the way. It's like, oh, Dave, what's up, man? Geez. Last time I saw you, you were face down in a snow bag in Arizona. How that happened, you know?
Starting point is 00:08:02 But no, it's going to be awkward for me coming to your wedding because I'm coming You know, I'm coming there. I'm gonna have to make fast friends with everybody like at the ceremony I'll be making you know what I'll have to say though Charlie is I think no matter what I don't think you're gonna have too Tough a time making friends one nervous about that, you know, and so I kind of Inside joke and tell everyone coming to the wedding, we're gonna email everyone but you and say, don't talk to Charlie Barron says a bit. Even if he tries to talk to you, don't talk to him.
Starting point is 00:08:33 That would be really funny. That would be really funny if you did that, but you just told me now. So yeah, but you're like, there's no way he's gonna do it. Right. Right. Yeah. And then I'll probably forget about this
Starting point is 00:08:44 because I forget like everything, you know. So yeah, that actually would be really mean of you. Oh, hey there, guy. What? Why are you walking away? I don't know. Miles is doing that thing. I don't appreciate your impression to me, by, okay. So, uh, can we eat before we do this podcast? Do normal me not hung over me. Do not. I'm trying to get your voice. You kind of talking the back of your throat a little, do a little nasal, do normal me not.
Starting point is 00:09:22 So, okay. Do you like this hat? I think they'll sell. I hate it. That was my idea. It's Tyler's idea. Stupid. Well, you want to snack? There's some jerky there. It's probably expired. So I've been thinking, then you walk over to the whiteboard and you just draw like a bunch of stick figures, such a circles. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:02 Every time I walk into Miles's office, he's got this whiteboard there with, and I try to figure out the story of what inspired what is on the whiteboard. Because it is, it's like squiggly lines, some mountains, you know, a person on the mountain climbing it, an arrow headed down the mountain, another arrow. Random words. Yeah, random words. Something that just says like potential or like industry standards stuff like this random words. Yeah, it's like you were watching a YouTube podcast or a YouTube video on how to build a business and then you were just regurgitating like what you remembered from like kind of. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:10:44 Yeah, that's good. Well, it's how you got here. So, you know, right there, you contributed to the bachelor party. That was, that was my roast. Oh, oh, that's, uh, I'm, I'm missing your roast. Yeah. You've got a roast in me. You know, I could have roasted you in Fargo on stage, but I chose not to.
Starting point is 00:11:02 Why didn't you miss an opportunity? I did miss an opportunity because you did not hold any punches back in that. You know, did we say how you ended it on there? Did we say that? Yeah, it was up on stage. And then Miles, he roast me for five minutes and then he goes, no, I'm kidding. Charlie's actually a pretty good guy, even though he got divorced. Okay, here he is.
Starting point is 00:11:27 The audience just confused They're like wow, that was like actually way too far. Yeah for roast. Yeah Well Callers Charlie Take some colors welcome to the belly to podcast who we talking to Take some colors. Welcome to the Belly to podcast who we talking to. Oh wow. Hi Charlie and uh models. My name is Rain. Rain? Yeah like the weather but it's felt like Wayne but with an R instead of a W. Yeah. Wayne with an R. What's cooking my man?
Starting point is 00:12:13 I would I'm driving home from work. I'm a wastewater operator and I'm listening to the podcast like I do every day. I'm sorry, I'm shocked right now that I'm actually talking to you. Rain, first of all, rain, that's the perfect name for a wastewater operator because you know when it rains That's when it's toughest on the system. Is it not? Yes, yes, Charlie. Yes, it is. Rain also. Sorry. Sorry. I just I thought of the greatest tagline if you were ever a bartender. You're ready for it? You could be mixing up a drink You got the bottle you're tipping bartender, you're ready for it? You could be mixing up a drink.
Starting point is 00:12:45 You got the bottle, you're tipping it in and you're go, you know what? When it's rain, it pours. Ah. That was a polite laughter, rain just gave you. He just gave you a polite laughter on that. My rains and pours. Well, when it rains, it pours.
Starting point is 00:13:02 You got to make it rains. I know, but you changed it to when it's rain, it pours. You got to make it rains. I know you changed it when it's rain. It pours When it rain at pour when it Anyways, sorry And when they come in they make their money rain at me and then it pours. Ah, yes, make it rain You know make it rain then I'll pour. There you go. I'm liking this rain. Hey, where are you managing the wastewater facility? What city? I mean, my facility is out here in Holly Ridge, North Carolina. Oh, I was about it. Okay. Nice. Well, what's on your mind, Rayn? Belly on up to the bar with us.
Starting point is 00:13:53 Well, I, I recently, I have, I've seen your channel, Charlie for a long time now, like since, since COVID, really, yeah. And I found the podcast, I want to say about a month ago, and I've already gone through it all on bottom line for Tuesday. Oh, that's awesome. Man, we'll thanks for doing that. I'm, I'm thankful for the entertainment.
Starting point is 00:14:13 It helps me get through these long days. Trust me. I this past weekend, I was working a 13 hour on Saturday, Sunday. And then today I did a 12 and I got to go back in at 2 a.m. Holy smokes, we got to do more episodes for you. Well, I'm going to be looking forward to it. It's funny that you said made that fun miles because I was just listening when I had seen that you guys that tweeted. I was just listening to the one where you were talking to the guy
Starting point is 00:14:43 about that. What was that? Some kind of beer you were talking to the guy about that What was that? Some kind of beer he was trying to get you guys to drink and you said it sounded like a gas Charlie. Oh, yeah. Yeah, grain bell. I think Green Hill. Yeah, that's right. And You guys were just talking about how miles was trying to steal your puns under. My pun thunder. about how miles was trying to steal your punthunder. My punthunder.
Starting point is 00:15:12 I said that. Yeah, um, I said punthunder. I mean, you didn't say punthunder. Trust me. That was that was out of my stupid mouth. I like pun thunder I don't know to I was gonna take credit for you. Yeah, yeah, that sounds like me Yeah, that sounds like me. Well, you didn't say it. Oh, okay fair enough Well, rain what's oh go ahead your mid story keep going guy Well, Raym, what's the name? Oh, go ahead, your mid story. Keep going, guy. Oh, I was just going to say that like a couple of days ago, I was at the plant and I had you guys playing in the background.
Starting point is 00:15:56 And I was replaying the dish chicken up, so because it was just, it was funny. And I'm at this place. We have this place called a spray field. It's where we spray and irrigate. So it's our post cleanse water. It's called creek water, essentially, is what we call it. Because it's essentially as clean as the water you
Starting point is 00:16:19 would find in a natural running creek at this point. Sure, yeah, you can do it. And yeah, so we have infiltration basins and sprayfield that has over a thousand spray heads on it. So part of my job is making sure that these spray heads operate properly. That's a big time. So it can be, especially in the heat,
Starting point is 00:16:43 luckily though, it's cooled down out here though, and I'm real happy about that. But the weird thing about it though is that the entrance of our spray field is the Holly Ridge Police Department shooting range. So it's inside of our property in our fence. So we go through the fence to go work on our spray head and there's you know at least twice a week there's about five or six top at the shooting range with an instructor
Starting point is 00:17:14 and I had the gift chicken episode on and I had gone on the side of the shooting range because it's covered by a massive dirt firm. So there's no, there's no way of ricochets or anything like that, luckily. And I am bent over in the field covered in mud and just dirty and it's, you know, not a good time. But I've got the radio playing. I've got the radio playing the this chicken episode and it gets to the part and I'm kind of zoned out at this point because I'm really focused on work. But I've got it turned up loud enough so I can still hear you guys.
Starting point is 00:17:59 And it goes silent for a couple seconds and that's when I caught on that I didn't hear it anymore. And then it was just the guy shooting the shotgun. And it made me jump. And in the process of that, I turned around, and I looked at my truck, and I kind of laughed. But when I had jumped, I didn't realize I dropped my screwdriver. So I got back down on my knee to get it,
Starting point is 00:18:24 to get back onto the spray head I was working on, and I knelt down on the screwdriver and it duped right into my cast. Oh no. Son of bitch. You know, screwdrivers, they got to come with a warning on them. I've been saying this for years. Yeah, it's one of those tiny, tiny ones that has to be able to fit into the nozzle of the sprayer. So I can get things like dead bugs and frogs and little rocks out because that's what really clogs them up a lot. And so I just dropped it when I knelt down something both me and I thought I had I had knelt down on a strong piece of
Starting point is 00:19:06 Hey, but then when I looked down and saw that I had a screwdriver handle sticking out of my leg. I was like, oh wait a minute Tell me more about yeah, yeah, what I love. Hey, do you ever want to? Let's leave. I we need to know more. Tell us more of what happened after that. Well, I only got in. I would probably say about like a half an inch. So I just I just ripped it out and went to go clean it. And that was the end of that.
Starting point is 00:19:43 I just thought it was really funny because of circumstances. I was, because at first I heard the shotgun and I like stood up because I was like, are they even going to shotgun right now with a range? Ha, ha, ha. Well, this is great. This is great. You know, I love how we can just integrate ourselves
Starting point is 00:20:03 into your work day here and also wound you in the process. I do apologize about that. Yeah, you all healed up. How are that just happened? It was, I was working on an off week schedule. We do eight on and six off. So it had to have been two weeks ago.
Starting point is 00:20:28 What's the weirdest thing you saw over there at the wastewater treatment facility? Well, we have this thing inside our actual plant, which everything is gated by the way. We've got three locations that we operate there. We have two operators and our supervisors, so we're a very close knit team. That is crucial details for the story you are about to tell. I know, I know, I know, I'm excited about where this is going, because you've really laid out a fortress of fences and a team.
Starting point is 00:21:08 So what happened then? So inside of our actual main play, where we do 90% of our actual operating is that's where our influence is coming in at. Yeah. And so we have this thing called a reject basin. And that's where we bypass when our think about our equalization tank, which is what takes in all of the influence.
Starting point is 00:21:34 When it gets too full, we bypass into our reject basin. And so it's just, it's a huge, I'd say about, maybe a quarter acre size pond that we hold the dirty water to be clean for. And there is a 10 foot long alligator that lives in it. What?
Starting point is 00:21:59 And he is white with black stripes on his tail. You got a zebra alligator living in your wastewater treatment facility? I have a picture of it that I would be happy to send. Yeah, send it over. Twitter. Send it over now. I'll definitely
Starting point is 00:22:18 I'll definitely I'll definitely I'll definitely Is this just a white alligator who found some shit or is this an actual black and white alligator? I can't, I best describe it as a mini boss you would find in red dead redemption too. Can you tell me about Red Dead Redemption 2. I'll never heard these guys talk about me again. Yeah, no, I mean, I'm looking up pictures of other black and white
Starting point is 00:22:54 alligators. And all that's showing up. This is a slack drawing. Oh, wait, here's one white alligator. And then there's also with a black alligator. Yeah, so you got now bino alligator. I wouldn't necessarily say that's what I was saying. I wouldn't necessarily call that bino, but he's a light gray.
Starting point is 00:23:16 Well, he doesn't, he's not. He said he was white. He's pretty white. When I send a picture over, you'll understand. Yeah, maybe we need to see a picture. Is that some weird chemicals in the in the wastewater treatment facility that maybe turned them white? Well, there wouldn't be any in the reject base in anything other than the normal stuff that you would find in this kind of water, like a little bit of ammonia and phosphorus, just like, you know, because like there is urine in there.
Starting point is 00:23:57 Oh, the saline. But now it's like the piss. Yeah, I would say so. He recently found out though that just we've known about that one for a good minute now. But we recently found out because my boss was taking a look at at the reject basin and a baby popped up out of the water right next to him. And human, the baby. The baby. No, a baby alligator miles. Oh, yeah. Sorry, miles was it. I see, I'd be leaving that job.
Starting point is 00:24:38 Okay, all right. So leaving the job. No, miles, you know, cheese cookies. So if there's a baby alligator, there must be more than one aligators because I don't think aligators, I'm not a biologist. I don't think they're asexual. They don't, they don't do it like plants do. That's, that's kind of where the problem is, Charlie, because we've not seen another one. Wow. That comes back to the detail of how heavily fenced it is.
Starting point is 00:25:05 Yeah. Which is that crucial detail. And you know that your body's not lying about it because you are a tight knit group. Exactly. They took a picture of it. Well, we want to see these pictures. That can be easily doctored as it is.
Starting point is 00:25:21 Is the baby alligator albino as well or no. He also looked at Gray's like a little bit of a Gray, but we do have a third one in one of our separate location. He's all black and we call him Wally because we've known him the longest. That's what I would name an alligator I've known the longest too. What's the name of the albino alligator?
Starting point is 00:25:47 You know we actually hadn't come up with a name for it. What were you guys leading towards you think? Here let me think of something you're poppacool to the poppac the popular quick. Okay. Or you could just call them number one. You know, because that would be tippy. Tippy. Oh, tippy, the alligator. The alligator that eats children.
Starting point is 00:26:17 Oh, no. Miles said we're no children involved in this. It was a baby alligator. Oh, okay. Well, geez, this is this is this is gonna start trying here at some point. I still got to figure out how to do it. I haven't been informed real well. Is there anywhere I can uh is there anywhere that like there's an instruction manual or like maybe something that gets some tips from?
Starting point is 00:26:50 Rain, do you have any kids? I have two boys Jackson and Jameson. Well, Rain, you know how it's done. Tell Miles how to have kids. Okay, so you take the line and the coconut and you mix it all up. Yeah, I'm not a big metaphor guy. You're gonna have to hit me in the head with it. What how does it go? Hmm. Now, how do I keep this family friendly is the real question? You know, God, we can bleep it all out if we need to.
Starting point is 00:27:27 Well, see, I got down to business as soon as I could because I was one of those guys who was the oldest in the house, and I had a father who was deployed all the time and I had two younger sisters that I would take in care of. And so once I met my wife when I was 19, we got pregnant about, we got pregnant a few months later actually, because we had that when Hurricane Florence torn North Carolina to shred. And I had her moved down here with me. And three months later, we found out she was pregnant. And so our son Jackson was born in 2019 and then our son
Starting point is 00:28:27 Jameson was born February of 2022. Wow. Okay. So, yeah, no. Yeah, I hope you turn it. So, can you describe to me how sex works? I tried to get past that, Miles. You're really going to make me say it. Can you describe to me how sex works? I tried to get past that miles. You're really gonna make me say it. Yeah
Starting point is 00:28:52 All right, will you take you take Yeah, you undo your pants right You're gonna have to explain to your kids at some point man. So let's practice I can't fucking do this. You're going to have to explain to your kids at some point, man. So let's practice now. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're having the talk. Pretend Miles is James in and have the talk with him. All right.
Starting point is 00:29:21 So, but I've always had it in my mind that I would make it uncomfortable as hell for my kids. You can do that here. Explain to them how sexy their mother is. Wow. Wow. Okay. Let's go.
Starting point is 00:29:35 I am feeling so uncomfortable, but all right. All right. I thought you were supposed to make me uncomfortable. Not you. Yeah. Rain, what's this about for you? Why are you uncomfortable? I'm just trying to keep it family friendly, but if we're not going to do that, then all
Starting point is 00:29:57 right. Just give it. You already dropped the F bond, Rain. So, you know, family friendly went out the window. Let's hear how babies are made. All right, Miles. So what you do is you find someone you really, really care about. Done. And you make sure they do care about them. And it's also important that they care about you so that you can both really feel the love.
Starting point is 00:30:28 I don't know what you're saying. And then you take all your clothes. Oh, go. You're getting to the good part. And then you snap that belt buckle off. You smack her on the ass with it and you tell her, way with the belt buckle, with the entire belt. Oh, that's way different. Wow.
Starting point is 00:30:52 Okay. And then, I've now taken off my belt. I've smacked her in the ass with my belt. Now what? What if Ann doesn't like the whole belt thing? Just let him, we got to get we just just close. Well, you know, he went for the belt thing. I don't think they need a belt deal to get into this, but okay, you know,
Starting point is 00:31:15 I, hey, I'm not going to question how Jameson was born. If your wife's into it, that's great. So okay, so you are speaking from experience, you use the belt, then what? And then you get under the covers, you take all your clothes off and you just roll around together and tell things happen. All right, that's it. Wow. Just roll around. Just roll around till things happen. All right, well, you're going to want to work on round. I'm going to go to the next round. I'm going to go to the next round. I'm going to go to the next round. I'm going to go to the next round. I'm going to go to the next round.
Starting point is 00:31:48 I'm going to go to the next round. I'm going to go to the next round. I'm going to go to the next round. I'm going to go to the next round. I'm going to go to the next round. I'm going to go to the next round. I'm going to go to the next round. I'm going to go to the next round.
Starting point is 00:31:56 I'm going to go to the next round. I'm going to go to the next round. I'm going to go to the next round. I'm going to go to the next round. I'm going to go to the next round. I'm going to go to the next round. I'm going to go to the next round. I'm going to go to the next round.
Starting point is 00:32:04 I'm going to go to the next round. I'm going to go to the next round. I'm going to go to the next round. I'm going to go to the next round. I'm going to go to the next round. I'm going to go to the next round. I'm going to go to the next round. I'm going to go to the next round. I'm going to go to the next round. I, this is been a really good call. You got anything to buy, sell, or trade? Maybe a belt. Well, actually, you know, I do have one question real quick, Charlie, if you don't mind, answer it for me. Sure, rain. Let me know. Well, I started making these just fun little YouTube videos for my channel that I just thought were fun to make, put together their little gaming music videos. And I've been at it now for probably about a year. And I've made, I've made little headway, but I would like to know if you have any kind of advice
Starting point is 00:32:50 on getting into that platform. Yeah, there are YouTube videos. What's the name of your YouTube channel, Rain? It's Shinobi Ocean. Shinobi Ocean, how do you spell that? Shinobi Ocean. Shinobi Ocean. How do you spell that? It would be SHI and OBI Ocean. Okay, and that's the name of your YouTube channel. All right, and what kind of videos did you say gaming videos? Yeah, they're these short between two to four minute videos. They're with some music playing in the background
Starting point is 00:33:27 and it's just gameplay. And with a little bit of memes sprinkled in, a lot of times the channels that do these kind of videos, they throw in too many memes and it gets too convoluted with the gameplay. And so I wanted to present more play over memes because everyone sees means everywhere. Well, I'm now your 20.
Starting point is 00:33:49 You don't want a meme of them to death, you know? That can get out of hand. Yeah. I'm now your 28th view on what's the name of this video. MW2 is out, I guess. Okay, you're gonna want to work on your titleing, maybe make something a little more engaging of that. Now, let's read your description, occupying my time waiting for gun, game and or gun
Starting point is 00:34:16 fights, knockouts, I though, MW2 gameplay to the music of kale scrubie donny dark old kale scrubie yeah I am I like that yeah you know I I want to see more of you that's my initial reaction there I like the the gameplay, you know, Elmit, but I'm not a huge gamer. So if you're asking me personally,
Starting point is 00:34:50 so the whole brain, I want to get your person, but you know what you should do. It's all about finding your niche, okay? So, you know, you start with this gameplay, but then I want to hear about the wastewater treatment facility. And so if you talk about the wastewater treatment facility while you're playing the game, I mean, I think you could carve out a real good niche for yourself. Okay. You know what? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:18 I actually have to talk it. I've had the thought recently that I'm not a fan of kick talk, but I know the power behind it. I've recently maybe starting either one of those or just doing YouTube short and making a series of just, basically what I'm doing at work and just recording, you know, things like the gators popping up and then times where I have to repair spray heads and digs belts that could tear my arm off. You know things like the gators popping up and then times where I have to repair spray heads and Big belts like a tear my arm off. Yeah, if you can make it
Starting point is 00:35:53 a lot like the grounds crew TikTok where they replace the cups every morning and show how they repair grass and do all that think you got a You got a real thing going but You'll find your niche real quick. And I like shorter videos are better that way you can see how well it's doing and all that. But get it after it go for it and send us your videos, man, it was so much fun talking to you.
Starting point is 00:36:17 And shoot that a bino alligator with a camera, not a gun. Put that a tic-tackel of that, okay? Yeah, I'll send that picture over here in a minute. Do you guys take a look at it sometime? That'd be awesome, my guy. Yeah, he was for calling in. Thanks for answering. It was a real pleasure talking with you guys.
Starting point is 00:36:38 You too. Awesome. Take care, my guy. Everyone's gotten uncle just like him. Rain, I love my guy. Everyone's got an uncle just like him. Rain, I love the guy. I love the guy. Just great guy, entirely too many details in stories. He's a detail guy.
Starting point is 00:36:53 He's a detail guy. He's a detail guy. He's a detail guy. And you know, he likes the details. He wants to make sure he's really set in the scene. Then the one thing we want to detail on, he didn't give us any details. It took him a while to get there,
Starting point is 00:37:05 and then he started going on some weird details with that belt situation. You know, I'm like, Chase, a lease, you know. All right, well, we got to take another call. Yeah, you bet. Cast, who's on the horn? Hello, it's Shannon.
Starting point is 00:37:21 Hey, Shannon. How you doing? I'm good. I'm just driving home from work. Where do you work? I'm a nurse at an assisted living. Yeah, where? South Dakota. Oh, what city? Uh, bill is really small. That's awesome. What street do you live on? Just kidding. Just kidding. Just kidding. I don't live in Phillip. Actually, I just work in Phillip. Oh, real good. Well, uh, thanks for calling in. Belly on up to the bar with us. What's on your mind?
Starting point is 00:38:00 I need some advice on how to not hit deer. Oh, good. But very good. I need some advice on how to not hit deer. Oh, good, very good. What a good grill guard for a durengo. Okay, okay. So you're looking for advice on how not to hit a deer in the Midwest. All right, here we go, Charlie. Yep.
Starting point is 00:38:22 Charlie, how do you avoid deer with your car? Okay. First things first, work the bright scheme. Okay, and you gotta do the brights, you gotta do them polite. Okay, so if another car's coming, lose the brights, but if there's not another car around, pop those brights, make sure you got full visual. I was maybe gonna go the other route.
Starting point is 00:38:44 You're saying headlights, brights. Yep. I'm saying just cut the headlights all together. Because the last thing you want is a deer in headlights. And that's when you end up hitting them. They just stand there. So if you don't have any headlights on, they'll just keep running by and you won't hit them at all.
Starting point is 00:39:00 You should take our both those pieces of advice for the next week and tell us how many deer you hit using miles as advice. Okay. Okay. So yeah. So first one, you know, you try that. Second piece of advice is eyes always scanning. Okay. So constant vigilant eyeballs. Yeah. Do not be text texting or be distracted driving that phone should be on the on the driver's seat, okay? And face down, all right? So you and you're not just looking for deer, okay? A lot of people that's the mistake they make.
Starting point is 00:39:36 They're just looking for deer and they miss the smaller critters. Then all the sun, smaller critter comes out in the road and all cheese guise now you're trot now you're surprised by that and bam that's when a deer jumps out okay don't get distracted by the small game run those right over exactly in fact always run over anything no swerving that's how well I was gonna be my next piece of advice is always have your hand on the e-brake. So at any moment, you can then drift around whatever creature comes on the road, like Vin Diesel.
Starting point is 00:40:11 Okay, you can take miles of advice on that. But when you tip over your car, you can call miles at hang on. I'll give you his phone number. Okay. Okay. So yeah, I would say you can come get me out of the ditch. He'll come get you out the ditch. He's just in the in the top bunk in the of the Dakotas. I'm in North Dakota, so it's not too far. Yeah, he'll come right down to the bottom. Bunke will help you out
Starting point is 00:40:36 that ditch. No problem. But yeah, I seem to be attracted to my car. I've already hit like four. You've hit four, dear. Oh my gosh. Yeah, they, I have to leave for work at like four or five a.m. and they just pop out of nowhere. By the end of the winter, you're gonna have a baker's dozen of deer, okay? Yeah. Yeah, now, are you, when you hit the deer,
Starting point is 00:41:02 have you kept any of them? No, no, because they, I don't hit them hard enough to kill them. Well, that's great. They're walking around wounded. That's okay. They'll get they'll get by a wolf. I'll get them later. What do you mean you don't hit them hard enough to hit up? All right, slower you drive. Yeah. Okay. Next piece of advice. Gun it when you see a deer so you can put them down humanely. Yeah. Or you'll just pass them, you know, because if you're going so slow, that's, that's why, you know, if you were going faster, you would have missed all those deer.
Starting point is 00:41:36 Think about that. Answer me this. Do you happen to drive by a deer farm at all? Yeah. No, but I drive by a ton of cornfield. Oh, okay. So I do. Yeah, maybe take a long way home.
Starting point is 00:41:51 You live on a farm, she's not going to avoid it. You know, she's surrounded by cornfield. Yeah. So you live on farm. For deer though, for deer is absolutely incredible. You know what I think? I think the next deer you hit, because like next week, you do need to have, she uses my technique.
Starting point is 00:42:10 Well, Miles, I don't know. I'm trying to not kill her, you know, in the deer's one thing, you know, she would have her going fast and furious, Sioux Falls drift. With no headlights on. No headlights. That is straight up. You're just you are basically giving her all vindiesels. Remember that one where they turn their headlights off to go that's what you were doing. I just got miles as Joe got all this. This is really good. No, the next deer you hit, you've got to
Starting point is 00:42:39 go track that deer down and clean the deer. And then I think you'll internalize what happens. The consequences of hitting a deer and you're going to know that she's trying to avoid it. Well, I know but I don't think she's internalized. It's not like she's like, Hey, I didn't hit any deer on the way home. It's sucked. It was so uneventful. How much damage have you done to your Durango? Oh, enough. Have you had to take it into the shop? Or is it just dense right now? Yeah, no, it knocked out my fog light the last one and cracked the grill. Well, you're not using lights anymore. So you don't got to worry about that. No, no, it is that one was fixed now. Uh, it was probably $8,000 for the damage. Holy smokes. You got a big problem on your hands and no backstrap
Starting point is 00:43:37 even offset the cost of this. This is, this is terrible. And you, you haven't killed anyone dead. Not one is plopped down on the side of the road. Not that I saw. I stopped just to see the DM edge and then kept driving the work. That was bloody. Oh my gosh. Well, I'm kind of, oh, one thing you could do is you've ever seen Mad Max. I'll take that as a no. What you could do is, oh, I said, have you ever seen Mad Max? I haven't yet.
Starting point is 00:44:22 Okay. Well, you watched that. They put some really interesting things on the top of their grills, like these long, like kind of spikes, spiky situations. I'm not saying spikes, but kind of just put, like, put up two big long PVC things. Let's do like a shish kabob.
Starting point is 00:44:39 Well, you could like, like a shish kabob. Oh, yeah, so you put a little spike on the front, and then as you hit them, they just keep sliding further on. And then when you get home, you just throw it on the rotisserie and you got a whole lot of cool of doing as well.
Starting point is 00:44:53 It's not bad at all. That's one option. Or you go to Fleet Farm, you get yourself some two by fours. Okay. And you extend them off the top of your grill. You kind of just drill them, actually both sides of your car, just drill them up to the door. So you can still open the door, drill them there.
Starting point is 00:45:13 And then put two big medicine balls, you know, the kinds of things that people get at their house, you know, for like doing sit ups, but they never do it. Then do basically the two by fours are going to capture in these medicine balls. I say you get five, six of them. You hit a deer. It's going to go blink and it's kind of just bounce. Yeah, just duct tape. It can even be simpler than that. Just duct tape medicine balls to the front of your grill. And then them deer, it's going to be like. They'll bounce off exactly. That's it. That's a solution. That's perfect. That's perfect. I'll get my husband
Starting point is 00:45:50 right on that. Okay. Real good. Yeah. And tell my set. So if you need help, miles will come right down. Charlie, just do a tutorial video on this. I think this actually would be good. How? Yeah. You were on YouTube. Yeah. we're not going to ever like completely be able to stop hitting deer. Let's just make it like softer for deer when they get hit, right? So maybe even an airbag system could be good. Oh, as soon as the deer comes in the road, you just push a button and they, you know, explore it out.
Starting point is 00:46:20 The bags before. Yeah. The deer bag. The deer bag. The deer bag, I like it. That's a YouTube video. That is. Yeah, I think we'll have to put this on a video for sure. We'll use your car miles. Yeah, we can use my car. Oh, you can use my durango. It's already got damage, so it's probably pretty smart. It's fixed. It's fixed now, but you know, it's inevitable. It'll happen again. Well, you know what?
Starting point is 00:46:50 Not anymore. Not with the deer bags. That's important. That's right. My husband getting tired of paying the insurance still on it. So you're going to put a like cattle guard on the front of this thing or what? If that will prevent the $8,000 with the DMF, I'm up for anything. Possibly. I don't, I'm not, I'm not an expert in cattle guards, but
Starting point is 00:47:13 sounds like it could be a good choice. It's good. I could try it. Well, it seems like the deer, another good thing to help avoid is the deer seem to be going in the middle of the road and you hitting them. So you should try driving in the ditch. Hmm. You don't have a drain go go where they're not. Wow. Yeah. That is kind of closer to their habitat though. If you're in the ditch, but have you ever heard of anyone hitting a deer in the ditch? No, I on the road. No, I haven't.
Starting point is 00:47:45 Yeah, actually, that's true. When you put it that way, Miles, genius idea. Thank you. You know, I do have to ask why are all these deer so attracted to you? I've never heard of anyone hitting four deer this close together. Did anyone spill dopey in your car?
Starting point is 00:48:00 Are you riding windows down? Are they attracted to something? I don't know. My kids like to drop a lot of food in the car. Maybe. Okay. Maybe I don't. Maybe just where I live.
Starting point is 00:48:14 Yeah, it's probably just where you're live. You're like your local DNR needs to be handing out more deer tags so you can control some of the population. I think it's the real thing here. Yeah. Yeah. I think I mean, I can get landowner tags and just start moan them down. Yeah. You're already moan them down though. You know what you should do. I know what you should do. You should, um, you should start breeding wolves. So yeah, that would be good. Yeah. Oh, there you go. Yeah. Start start releasing wolves. Reintroduce the wolf population in South Dakota. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:48:49 you're going to piss off a few farmers, but you know, I mean, maybe more some ranchers. I don't, I don't want to get rid of all the cows. Well, I barely want you to know the wolves all have enough. The wolves all, although I suppose a cow is slower than a deer, they're going to go right for the cows. Yeah. It's a tough one. I don't know. I think deer bags is our best bet. So your bags is currently. Yeah. We'll be over in South Dakota. We'll rig up your Durango with some deer bags. All Well, that's good. If you ever come to Wall South Dakota, oh, yeah. What?
Starting point is 00:49:29 You're in Wall South Dakota? You're back in the Wall. You're back in the Wall. Yeah. I didn't believe that anyone actually lives there. Yeah, not a lot of people do. I don't live in town. I don't think I could ever live in that town.
Starting point is 00:49:43 I live north on a farm. Okay, got you. You know what? What wall? It's South Dakota is famous for Charlie. Dry wall. I don't know. wall drug. Oh, wall drug. How are you not connecting? Smokes. I had no idea. Wow. Free ice water. Free ice water. Coffee is only five cents. Well, Miles, I've been trying. Yeah, you're, uh,
Starting point is 00:50:11 if you're honeymooning, you get a free donut. Do you really? Miles, forget about it. I am. Just go on. Everyone where I'm going to be on my honeymoon. Oh, well, what? Anyways, it's a tourist trap. Don't waste your honeymoon. Oh, well, what anyways?
Starting point is 00:50:26 It's a tourist trap the oyster time. Oh, don't stone under sell it like that. And soon while South Dakota is also going to be known as the birthplace of the deer bag. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, we'll be able to put up a billboard. You know, just say we could put up a few more billboards I don't have enough of them. Yeah, where we could advertise the deer bag, and you can only pick it up and we're all I love this. I'm so so glad you called in. Well until we get there do us a favor Watch for deer
Starting point is 00:51:02 I'm a flavor. Watch for deer. I'm sorry for deer. Yeah. I'll try my best. All right. Well, your best has not been good enough to date. So you're going to have to try it a little harder than you've had. Actually, no. OK, last piece of advice.
Starting point is 00:51:15 Sorry. Yeah, yeah. You can't always get what you want. So what you need to do is you actually need to start trying to hit dear with their car and then you'll miss them. It's like gambling. That's actually. That's not a bad idea, man.
Starting point is 00:51:33 Like when you're playing bingo, you're like, I don't even want a bingo. You know, but if you feel like you're trying to get a bingo, you never end up getting it. That's true. You know what? I agree with that. We've given you many tactics here Okay, and you know what you do now is up to you all of them. Yeah, so Hit it here. Yeah Like brick a leg All right, real good now perfect. Well, thank yeah, tell your folks. said hi. I will. I will and you tell yours. We says hi. Okay.
Starting point is 00:52:08 I will. I will. Thank you. Bye bye now. Charlie, I think we got to get deer bags going. I do. I mean, we could shoot it tomorrow. No, I mean, I think it's a product I think we can pitch to feed for them. I think they're gonna love it. The deer bag. Yeah. It's just like a little thing that goes across the front. You know, I, I bet here's what I bet it is. We put a game cam. We strap a game cam to the front of the grill. Right. The game cam will see a deer and it's the fastest game cam ever. As soon as it sees that deer, it ignites the deer bag, which will just be a shop vac blowing up a big. Yep. I think what is that noise? Deer bags are filling up. Yeah. That's great. We'll get it going. We will. All right, guys, we're recording this this episode in the past. So you're listening
Starting point is 00:53:05 to this episode while I am currently at my bachelor party and I'm probably out somewhere soaking up the sun, hitting golf balls. And I'm probably sucking down a couple tippy cows. You can tell you that much. There's nothing better than getting ready to marry the old ball and chain By sipping on some tippy cow Charlie You having a good time sipping tippy cow at my bachelor party right now Miles I'm having such a good time sipping this tippy cow at your bachelor party. How did you get this on the plane? Carry on Mm-hmm Yeah, the case that I put on and the whole thing, but I'm so glad
Starting point is 00:53:44 Carry on. Mm-hmm. Yeah, the case that I put on and the whole thing, but I'm so glad That you were able to make it to my bachelor party because you're such a good friend. You would never miss it for the world We never miss it for the world. You would never miss a chance to drink tippy cow with me at my bachelor party You would never do that. I canceled my gig just so I could come hang out with you on your bachelor party and get yelled at for Disrespecting the golf course. That way to get the invoice in the mail. Address to the amount that that gig cost you. Yeah. Well, I'll get you a true friend and Charlie Barons. I'll get you a real good wedding present. And what did true friends do together? They click a clink a glass of tippy cow and tip it on back. Mm. Don't that tastes so good. Real Wisconsin milk. And folks, are you going to the
Starting point is 00:54:32 fleet farmer now? If the answer's in all, you got to, you know, check your, check your hat head, you know, it's more than, yeah, no, check your head. Check your head. It's more than just a hat rack. Okay. my dad always says that to me. Get over to the fleet farm. It's got everything you need. Spring is coming up. So, you know, you need some bins for organizing. You need a new broom to do that spring cleaning.
Starting point is 00:55:00 You need some trash bags and whatnot to take stuff to the goodwill, you know. Get on over to the fleet farm. Oh, birds are coming back. Get your bird seed. You gotta change out the winter bird seed with the spring bird seed. You got new species coming through,
Starting point is 00:55:15 coming from the south, back up north. So get that spring bird seed. Get it over there at the fleet farm. We love it. And bring your binoculars too, because they got birds in the store. How's about it? Hello, who do we got on the line?
Starting point is 00:55:29 Oh, no shot. This is Thomas from Woodstock. Thomas from Woodstock? Wait. How are we doing, Thomas? Oh, you know, I just got in my car on my way to work. And I figured I'd give it one last ditch after giving you guys a call. Oh, evening night shift or what's going on?
Starting point is 00:55:51 Yeah, work six to six. Okay, we're at. Um, I work security at local free hospitals here. What's the key to hospital security? Um, What's the key to hospital security? Not let patients, what they say, you know, get to your head. What do you mean? Well, you know, usually we get called it. It's some agitated patient that no longer either wants to be there to ask to stay and or is starting to fight nurses.
Starting point is 00:56:27 Okay, so I you know, my thought was external threats, but in reality, the real threats inside already. Yeah, well, so the one of the three hospitals, the one I'm going to tonight's actually a psychiatric hospital. So we've got to have extra staff on chairs. That pause there. Set it off. So you can imagine. Yeah. So what's the craziest thing that's happened? Wrong choice of words.
Starting point is 00:57:00 I would love to share, but I don't think if I can. I'm not sure if I can. I'm not sure if I can. I'm not sure if I can. I'm not sure if I can. I'm not sure if I can. I'm not sure if I can. I'm not sure if I can. I'm not sure if I can. I'm not sure if I can.
Starting point is 00:57:20 I'm not sure if I can. I'm not sure if I can. I'm not sure if I can. I'm not sure if I can. I'm not sure if I can. you pass. Belly on up to the bar with us. So, and tell us what is on your mind. So, actually, I got a couple things for you, but you guys remember Carter, the bartender, you guys spoke with a couple weeks ago? Sure. Yeah, Carter. Yeah. He's actually my best friend. And so, I mean, he hasn't officially asked me yet, but he said I'm going to be the best man at his wedding. Oh, you know, what do you mean he hasn't officially asked you yet? Well, you know, me and him are best friends and like he's always said it, but you know, it's one of those things where it's like, you know, he's going to he's going to send something to all of his groomsmen. And so I got it yet. And I'm just kind of waiting on that.
Starting point is 00:58:06 Was this guy that was asking about engagement advice? No, it was he was a bartender down in Southern Wisconsin. The one of our other funnies, his his girlfriend got them gifts. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yep. And we went through the techniques to the bartender, how to get their attention. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So I mean, assuming makes an ass out of you and me. So I would be holding your breath until,
Starting point is 00:58:37 I wouldn't be holding your breath. It sounds like he hasn't sent you anything. And does Carter have brothers? Yeah. Carter does not have brothers. OK, well, then Carter does not have brothers. Okay, well then that's not an excuse. Okay, so it wouldn't be a shame though if he didn't ask you.
Starting point is 00:58:51 If he asked like his new friend. It's I'm not gonna like, I'm not gonna be an ass and like, expect it to be me, but you know, after saying it, you can't expect it. You can't expect it. Now are you expect it. Now, are you calling us to low key tell Carter? You feel? Is that what you're doing? Well, I'll tell you, no, I mean, I'm assuming if I'm speaking with you guys, it's like going there. So he's definitely going to hear this. But I'm just like, how long does a best man's speech need to be?
Starting point is 00:59:26 Oh, okay. Great question. Yep. Yep. Perfect. It needs to be not too long. Great answer, Miles. Great, frickin' answer.
Starting point is 00:59:38 That gives them a lot to work with. But it's like, okay, well, if you are absolutely amazing at giving a speech and everyone's laughing and the crowd's going wild, like it would be if I had to give one, then it can go on a little bit longer than if you're like listening to paint dry. Yeah, I think it's less about the time and more about how funny it is, okay, because nobody wants you to get up there and be emotional and talk about how much you love this guy. That's assumed. Okay. Also, you don't want to say how much you love the guy too much because then everyone starts murmuring about you and his relationships. Right. They're thinking a thruple is going to happen in this marriage. Yeah. So cool it on how much
Starting point is 01:00:20 you love your, your buddy. Yeah. We know you love him. You're his best man. We get it and we're sure you had a bunch of sentimental things happen in your life. We just want you to talk about the one time that he went to jail that no one knew about. That's all we want to hear, you know, the best best man speeches I've ever heard are just roasts of the groom and just roast the room be kind to the the bride, you know, because you want to have privileges over at the house and if you roast the bride, it's not going to happen. Yeah, I might lose those. What did you say? No, if I go after the bride, you know, I might lose those privileges. Yeah, you might. I would say, I would say 10 minutes is a lot.
Starting point is 01:01:09 I would go seven minutes. Seven feels okay. Six to seven minutes. If you're not very funny, maybe five, if you're a little funny, you can stretch it to maybe eight, nine. Yeah, and if you're not funny at all, I mean, get in and get out, you know, absolutely. Yeah. Let's just say I said this, I think on our other podcast too, it's like, there's people only
Starting point is 01:01:34 remember people only remember two things about a best man's speech. Was he funny? And did it go too long? There's only things you gotta be worried about. Be funny and don't go too long. Oh man. Oh, you're not now. You're stressing, yeah. Now are you a funny fella? Do you think you're gonna be able
Starting point is 01:01:56 to write some good punchlines or no? You know, I would like to think so, but I guess that's not for me to decide. All right, here we go. OK, let's game it out. Yeah, everything's gone according to plan so far. You get a nice package in the mail. You're now the best man.
Starting point is 01:02:16 It's wedding day. Dinner's wrapping up and it's time for speeches. What's going to be your opening wine? Shoot it to us. Oh, well, well, you know, I don't know if I could do that because you know, Carter is going to be listening to this. All right, Carter, Carter, if you're listening to this, then need you to shut it off. Yeah, your mobs, Carter, Carter,
Starting point is 01:02:37 you're going to skip ahead, right? All right, what's, I'll go ahead. Do you have an opening line? That's tough to come up on the spot Not yet, you know, okay, let's just come up with a funny story about Carter. What's the funny? What give us some facts about Carter? Oh geez just go to stop facts He put me on the spot How tall is he how tall is he? He put me on the spot. How tall is he?
Starting point is 01:03:03 How tall is he? Uh, like six, one. Okay, average, not an angle. Uh, what size pants does he wear? I have a vinyl. I don't know. Just cast, dude. 36.
Starting point is 01:03:16 Okay, average there too. Okay. What else? He's a bartender. So you can make some bartender jokes. Is he a good bartender? Um, I think so, but you know, I like my drum drum and he knows how to pour them to me.
Starting point is 01:03:32 So he knows how to pour them. Okay, there's an angle. It's, you know, he always makes sure to get to know the customer so that he can satisfy the needs of the customer. And that's also what he's done with his beautiful bride. He treats her so good. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:51 I mean, that's something that's something where we're moving. Can you think of some bartending analogies, you know, like, you know, shots, beer, I'm just listening off bartending that we're awful at this, you know, shots, beer, I'm just listening off bartending that we're awful at this, you know, Jesus. I love him, I love him talk. I know, I got to love him talk. All right, what else about Carter? Just where'd you guys meet? I went to school with him back,
Starting point is 01:04:18 like I met him when I was in first grade. Okay, give us a story about his first girlfriend in first grade. Oh, Jesus. Well, you know, there's a good start, Dition on names, girls name was Eve. And they, it was just, you know, your average first grade relationship, you know, you're like hiding from each other at recess and all this other crap and then you know, I I mean as much as I can remember is just the spirit to go young two kids just who've got the title but have nothing to show for it. Yeah, what's your best memory with that's a good joke. Tell them that not much has changed. You still has nothing to show for it. You know.
Starting point is 01:05:06 What's your best memory with Carter? Oh man, we've been through life. I don't even... I mean, I say life, I mean we're 21 years old. Funny joke. And then you're like, wow, you guys move fast. How long has he been dating his gal? I want to say just around three years. Three years. Maybe over, maybe just under. I mean, he was in a difficult spot.
Starting point is 01:05:42 You know, they met right before his family left for Africa, his parents are missionaries. So like, I don't know if they consider the relationship started then, but I guess it really went, got together once he came back after like two years. Did you say that his parents do missionary? Our missionaries, Miles, cheese, go we. Is that what he said? Yeah, that would be a great joke. Missionaries.
Starting point is 01:06:08 That would be a great joke. Uh, you know, yeah, you know, it might be, except they're very religious, and you know, I don't know how that quote. Oh, and uh, Carter's parents are, you know, they're like parents to me too.
Starting point is 01:06:21 We grow up together, whatever, and, you know, they, they're to me too. We grow up together, whatever. And, you know, they're missionaries, but they also conceive Carter in missionary. It would be a great joke. I bet everyone would laugh. I wouldn't do that joke. You know what, Miles? It's not gonna be much to go off of Charlie.
Starting point is 01:06:39 I'm trying to make, trying to make gold out of just something normal. I know. Well, now he introduced a very troubling concept to this his parent do his parents If they're super religious sometimes they're not really into the whole joking thing you kind of limit your jokes here Are they gonna laugh at this they have a good sense of humor as folks? Um, they generally do okay, and I just don't know where would be crossing the line. You know, it's going to be a lot of probably like jokes related with those two that everyone will understand, but inside Joe. I don't know what what yeah, but at what point like the is it crossing the line? Well, you'll find it. And
Starting point is 01:07:21 I don't know. The missionary joke test the waters. Then you'll know. you'll find it. And to all the missionary joke, test the waters, then you'll know. If their face is turned bright red, then that's where those feet gen. Yep. Yeah. I mean, I think your best bet is to write out a bunch of different facts about Carter. See if you can find some punch on it. There's definitely a bartending joke. And always parents drink though. Not much. Not much. Are they happy with him with his profession as a bartender? Well, he's just a bartender on the side. He's an EMT. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. That's right. Yeah. EMT. There's some jokes in there. Yeah, I know that. The whole time. Yeah. I mean, I keep going. Well, I mean I keep going well, I got you know nine months to prep for this thing
Starting point is 01:08:08 So I'm I'm in no rush and I've got I've had some ideas here and there, but It's just I don't know what time frame and do I need to memorize this thing? No, all right to have like a piece of paper or something there Yeah, just write it on your phone and your note section. Just read it right off your phone. Yeah, no one expects you to memorize it. Or you can write it on piece of paper if you want to get fancy about it, you know. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 01:08:38 Well, we gave you as best advice as we could going off of the information that we had. And yeah, I just give you much myself there. Yeah, well, that's what you're gonna need to know more about your body coming here in the next nine months. Oh, I was trying to know plenty, but it's just coming up up like the better things off the top of the head. Okay. Oh, wait, you're just gonna, oh yeah, yeah, don't, don't wing it. Whatever you do, right it, right it is. If you wing it, it's gonna end up like this phone call right now.
Starting point is 01:09:08 We're, look at us, we're all trying to wing it collectively and we've come up with one half baked missionary joke which his parents are gonna hate. What do you mean? Miles, it was half baked, is that say? That's a great joke. Now if you want to do that, say like, of course Carter's parents are here,
Starting point is 01:09:24 you know, Carter's parents are here. You know, Carter's parents are here. Or no, Carter of course is here because his parents did missionary. I mean, our missionaries, you know, you got to like mistake it like that. Or no, you go like, oh yeah, everyone knows Carter. He's always a man on a mission. It's fine because his parents are missionaries and they can see them in missionary. Yeah, that could work. That's pretty good. Wow, it's better than the other one.
Starting point is 01:09:46 Yeah, you kind of have to riff it out like that. But start thinking of some fun stories. If you have like one story, one fun story with Carter, that kind of symbolize something else, you know, and make it comedic. I don't know. There's a way in there. Just just figure it out. You got to be a lot of good jokes and transitions.
Starting point is 01:10:04 Yeah. Yeah. you'll get it. All right, you got nine months and you know what? It's a moot point if Carter decides to go with his friend Tim to be his best man anyway. And you're off the hook and you can just get his hammered as you want at the wedding. You don't got even got to worry about it. I get that true.
Starting point is 01:10:21 Yeah, you know, it's like jury duty. You know, you don't really have an option what the ask you know, you can just say that you got to work, you work out a talent. So you can't go to jury duty. Tell me, tell me that just to avoid the speech that you just, hey, I'm not going to make it to the wedding. Hopefully Carter doesn't hear this. Hopefully Carter doesn't hear this podcast. And then here where you're at with the speech so far and then go with another guy. Carter, if you're listening, right? What's that? He knows that I'm not going to be, you know, it's not. I tend to not I'm not going to say my last minute kind of guy, but like, you know, it's going to it's definitely gonna take some planning and I got nine months, so.
Starting point is 01:11:05 Yeah. And I'm worried about it. Now, obviously, I got to make this thing good. Yeah, if he's getting married in October, November, area, you're probably gonna start it. It says getting married October 15th. October 14th sounds like a good time to start a speech. That sounds about how are my speeches and cool with.
Starting point is 01:11:24 Go. Well, good luck with it. All right, well, thanks for calling in, man, I'm sure you're from I'm sure you're from I'm sure you're from I'm sure you're from I'm sure you're from I'm sure you're from I'm sure you're from I'm sure you're from I'm sure you're from I'm sure you're from I'm sure you're from I'm sure you're from I'm sure you're from I'm sure you're from I'm sure you're from I'm sure you're from I'm sure you're from
Starting point is 01:11:33 I'm sure you're from I'm sure you're from I'm sure you're from I'm sure you're from I'm sure you're from I'm sure you're from I'm sure you're from I'm sure you're from I'm sure you're from I'm sure you're from I'm sure you're from I'm sure you're from
Starting point is 01:11:41 I'm sure you're from I'm sure you're from I'm sure you're from I'm sure you're from I'm sure you're from I'm sure you're from I'm sure you're from I'm sure you're from I'm sure you're from I'm sure you're from I'm sure you're from Real good, but thank you guys. Yeah, good to get talking. Well, Charlie, I think that wraps up another episode of the Belly and up podcast. Wouldn't you say I'm still trying to think of bartender jokes. There's something in there. You know, there's something in there. I'm going to think of it as soon as this is done.
Starting point is 01:11:58 I just can't my brain can't think past the missionary joke. I'm sorry. I'm no help here. Yeah. I know. Um, tip, you know, there's something in here. Just the tip, speaking of which, tip your bartenders. Yes. Okay. Guys, thanks for tuning in. We'll see you in the next one. We love you. And don't forget to tip your bar tender. We are. He said, Oh, don't forget to tip your bart tender. We are he said oh don't forget to tip your bartender And we said that already all right, okay, so you guys that was it that we really crash out landing That's a good one get some sleep. Yeah, yeah, I know see you guys

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