Bellied Up - Interrogating A Forklift Driver #29

Episode Date: December 22, 2022

Presented By Fleet Farm   In this episode we cheer up a guy that is about to go through a surgery, Next caller is wondering how to deal with people that don't know how to launch a boat, last caller o...f the is "Forklift Certified" and a Buffalo Bills fan.   Get yourself a Road Huntin For Ditch Chickens Hat:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 All right. Hey everybody, welcome to another episode of the Belly Up podcast brought to you by Fleet far. We love it. Now miles we got Christmas coming up and I'm wondering dude fella friend guy, buddy guy. Yeah, guy Do you have any Christmas traditions that you really like in your family that you're just you can't wait to do this this Christmas You do it every year. Yeah, so My family weirdly, you know some people are ham turkey when all those things For some reason my family started tradition now. I don't know. I want to say 15 winners ago, but 15 winners ago.
Starting point is 00:00:47 15 winners ago. My mom makes an absolute amazing rack of sourcrout ribs every. Wow. Sourcrout ribs. Sourcrout ribs. So there's no actual like barbecue sauce or anything. Yeah. I don't know how she cooks it up, but they know
Starting point is 00:01:05 the sour crab and ribs involves. And I tell you what, those suckers just fall off the bone. Wow. I've never had sour crab ribs. You're missing out. They're good. Maybe I can get the recipe. Whether or not you're going to eat the sour crab
Starting point is 00:01:18 that comes with it is up to each person, but the ribs, the flavor, you can't go wrong with it. So you're leaving sourcrout on the plate? Kind of. Yeah. I think it's also one of those things that I probably think it's fine, but the texture and the smell and the, you know, gas that you get later is something that I'm just leaving on the table. Oh, you know, I didn't realize that sourcrout makes you gassy.
Starting point is 00:01:45 I, does for my dad, I know that. So sorry dad, but he's got the sourcrout parts. Yeah. And I don't have it on Christmas. That'll happen, you know. What about you, Charles? Well, we got a big family. We do.
Starting point is 00:02:01 Everyone knows. And so you got to have some traditions. Well, yeah, and actually this tradition is largely because we have a big family because you can't get gifts for everybody, right? You must really go in on the gifts you get you basically we pull names at Thanksgiving. Yep. We pull names and we only get gifts for one other person Okay, so and then this is that's like kind of the boring part is like I got your parents get gifts for everyone Well Santa does But no we get gifts for one of our siblings. You pick one person the family get a gift to that's the boring part the fun part is You have to write a roast for them. So every Christmas everybody in my family gets roasted. I actually
Starting point is 00:02:44 Really like this. I actually really like this. I actually don't even want a gift. I want just someone to roast me. Yeah. I think because we actually now we're starting to have some, I got some nieces and nephews now. Mm-hm. And so it's like, you know, giving siblings gifts
Starting point is 00:02:57 were kind of like, eh, you know, whatever. But, you know, let's give gifts for the kids or whatever. But a roast every year is something I get on board with. It's perfect. It really is. I mean, and you can always tell, there's always the crunch time about a half hour before, it's like, we're doing gimmicks. That's what we call them, gimmicks or whatever.
Starting point is 00:03:19 And you can just, everyone's just writing, like talking a half hour before. Because everyone prepared and got the roast ahead of time. Yeah, and if yours, if yours sucks, people are going to let you have it. Like this is like, you get roasted about how bad your roast was. Yeah, 100%. And if you like give up, if you say something nice about, like sometimes when we bring a, you know, someone marries in, you know, and they start saying, and they don't want to like offend somebody that's start saying, and they don't want to like offend somebody that's usually out goes. They don't want to offend somebody because they're too nice.
Starting point is 00:03:50 Or like you came into the wrong family for that. And there's a lot of boo. There's a lot of booze. But then what someone will pick up the slack because they're like, okay, we appreciate that you didn't want to be mean to someone in this family, but to show how mean you could be someone will add some verses into their roast of someone of their to help out, to help out, to roast, to give them some big. Smart. You know, the other thing is if you get my mom often, you'll use that as an opportunity. That's like when you're doing a comedy central roast,
Starting point is 00:04:20 you know, at the beginning of it, you roast everybody else at the roast. If you get the mom, it's like, you get to roast everyone. You get to roast everyone. Yeah, because like the wild card real tend to not want to roast mom, because she like, you know, she's like, but you give her a few ribbons in there. You know, and she's pretty, she's pretty great. And but everybody else is then fair game.
Starting point is 00:04:41 So that's you see now, here's what I have to say. That works for a family of 14. Oh, yeah. I'm looking at, you know, some families that are families of four. And I think it will get just a little too awkward. Yeah. You know, it's like that is true. You know, you go with four sitting here. We just started roasting each other. It's like really not enough roasting. Yeah, there's not enough crowd. You need a, a, a, a family is a family of six. And I'm thinking I don't, I don't know. I don't know if there's going to be, it's like me and my younger brother are going to be go really hard at everyone and like,
Starting point is 00:05:18 maybe make someone cry and then the rest of them aren't going to go so bad. And we're going to look really bad. Yeah. And you don't want to be the person to start their tradition and then the rest of them aren't gonna go so bad, and we're gonna look really bad. Yeah, and you don't wanna be the person to start their tradition and then go real hard in the paint, and then it's just awkward, you know. You almost, you almost got a lean into it a little bit, you know. But, I mean, there's a reason why the Comedy Central roasts have that many people up there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:43 If it was a roast of Charlie Barons and it was me and two other people up there roasting you would be weird. Wow. Now it's like all of this guy's just really hate him. It would just be like my stand up show in Fargo. Yeah. I did do a roast. Yeah, you did. You came in hot. You either got to do one roast or you got to have like 10 people there. That's true. By spools with in laws and all that, it's a number starts to get up there. It does, it does. Yeah, it's a lot of fun.
Starting point is 00:06:10 Yeah, I'm going to propose it to my family, see what they say. You know, I'm sure there's a couple family members in your family that can't take it, some can, some can, you know, but that's just the beauty of roasting. Everybody pretends to be able to take it in the moment. Now, whether or not they go back home and cry, that's up to them. But that doesn't matter. It's not your problem. You don't live with them anymore.
Starting point is 00:06:32 No, exactly. We're all over that. You got to get some thicker skin. I tell you what, that's the Christmas cheer right there. Go to Christmas, rip on each other, go home and cry. That's what Christmas is all about, right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. They've been so tears. You know what? The Baron's household sounds fun on Christmas. Everyone's just like walking on egg shells. You know, like just like, oh, good. Well, there's no egg shells anymore. We've all just destroyed the, it would be nice if somebody in that family would walk on egg shells and not just walk in the door. Hey, you look like shit. Hey, dad, how are you? You know, yeah. Charlie, you owe me money. Where is it? Yeah, I just got here.
Starting point is 00:07:12 Can't we have some egg knock before that? You know? Yeah. Um, no, honestly, I'd love to be a fly on the wall at the Berns. You're welcome. Anytime. You're welcome. Anytime. You tell that to my mom if I go to your house over her house and Christmas while she'll lose her shit now that I'm really gonna get a roast that's not welcome so no no you you might be someday maybe Charlie wolf my parents are gone and your parents are still around maybe I'll be at your Christmas. Why we could do a Christmas exchange. You know, I go to your family, you go to my family. That would my family would love that. Which I don't know what that says about you and I, but they would love to see you over me.
Starting point is 00:07:59 Oh, geez. Yeah. I love this podcast. I always it's always just a wonderful thing. This podcast feels a little bit what it's like to be at a Baron's Christmas. Just a little roasty, a little roasty toasty. Hey, should we take some colors? We'll take some colors. I'm in the roasters beer to so I can recover at a boy. All right.
Starting point is 00:08:18 Hello, what's your name? Where are you calling from? Hey, this is Ben and Wackasha. Oh, Ben and Wackasha. How you doing, Ben? Doing pretty well. But you guys can't complain. Feeling good. You know, okay. Ben, why don't you belly up to the bar with us? Tell us what's on your mind. I bet why don't you belly up to the bar with us tell us what's on your mind? Well, I just wanted to say that this is my second time calling you guys. Oh geez, well, now you're gonna, you're, you're, you're just gonna lay that out there. You're not gonna say if we give you good advice, bad advice.
Starting point is 00:09:01 Well, I was gonna explain because I called the last time talking about the blood sweat. Yes. Oh, yes. How's that treating you? It's probably better now with the winter, huh? I was going to say that there's good and bad to it. The good part is winter and I don't have sweat no more. The bad part is I have other butt issues that need a pending to surgery.
Starting point is 00:09:32 All right. I guess we have turned into an anal podcast. Now, did you say surgery? Yes, I just left the doctors on this. Oh, no, no, no, hold on. No, hold on. You called in about Buds West. So asses, we would call it.
Starting point is 00:09:55 The day that we're recording next, you went to a doctor's appointment for your ass and you're leaving saying that you have asked surgery. I didn't go to the doctors until a little bit after, not the day after. Oh, so it's a separate issue from blood sweat, but you know, but well, you know what, I can't believe I'm saying this, but why don't you lay it on us? What's going on? Yeah, what's going on? Don't literally lay your ass on us, but literally what's going on? So I'm going to put my ass up to the bar and sort of...
Starting point is 00:10:35 Why don't you ask up to the bar and tell us what's on your mind? I just got to... because my job I drive and combinations are having cysts. I need to get that removed. Sist. Oh, you got a cyst? Yeah, a preliminary area. So I think it's like a preliminary cyst or something.
Starting point is 00:10:58 Okay. Okay. I'm going to be honest. I'm a little honest scope here. Yeah. Well, do they use a scope to get rid of it? Yeah, what's, is this a, is this, is it, is it an invasive surgery there? Is it a clipper and goal kind of thing? I haven't been fully briefed on what, what's the surgery is it? I'm going to try not to say anything about the brief pun right there, but I liked it.
Starting point is 00:11:28 I liked it. How are you feeling about it? Are you feeling good? Are you feeling nervous? Yeah, your voice seems a little shaky currently. Yeah. Talk to us about it. I'm going to have to be put down, which is fine.
Starting point is 00:11:44 I've been put under before. OK. I'm going to be put down, which is fine. I've been put under before. OK. There's the tip. Between being put under and being put down. Yeah. You're not a dog with bad hips. OK.
Starting point is 00:11:58 You're a human being, you're a little bit of butt problem. You're going to be put under, but you're coming back to us. All right. So you're nervous about going to be put on there, but you're coming back to us. All right. So, so you're nervous about going to sleep? Is that is that part of the deal? No, I've been put to sleep before. I've had to be put to sleep to get my wisdom teeth out. Okay. So what talked to us?
Starting point is 00:12:21 What are you nervous about? You seem a little nervous. Just a surgery part. I never had I never had surgery before. We just said the wisdom teeth out. Where's those pulled or where those that right? Is that count as a surgery? Yeah, it's kind of a minor one. Um, so it, I mean, do they say how long this uh, surgery would be time wise?
Starting point is 00:12:45 No, it, they, they haven't said yet. I've got to get a call back to get to schedule. Okay. All right. Well, look, that is a scary thing. That's a scary thing for sure. But, you know, I bet you that it's probably a common procedure, cis happen.
Starting point is 00:13:03 You know, cis happen, kind of like shit happens, cis happen, cis happen. You know, cis happen, kind of like shit happens, cis happen. You know what? You know what? I want to give you an assist right now. Oh, that's good. Miles is giving you an assist. I'm going to give you an assist. He's got to assist Miles.
Starting point is 00:13:17 He doesn't need that. Shit. I'm going to give you a surgery right now. Okay. Here's the deal. Oh, dear, it's worse. I'm gonna give you a surgery right now, okay? Here's the deal. Oh, dear, it's worse. Think about all the people also are having an assist surgery. And just tell yourself, hey, I'm not that special.
Starting point is 00:13:37 Everything's gonna go right. It's gonna go good. It's another day at the office for the old surgeon, and you'll be back on your ass in no time. Yeah, that is that is that is comforting advice. You know, you're not that special. I love that. Miles. Can you come for me in my time? I'm neat. Yeah, you're not special. No one loves you. Geez. Always. Well, good, good, got bad cop. Your turn. Okay, my turn. Yeah, geez. Well, good, good got bad cop. Your turn. Okay, my turn.
Starting point is 00:14:06 Listen, let's go get the benefits here. You're going to be, you're going to be out for a little bit. You're going to have some probably some pretty cool dreams. You're going to go to another place, you know, with the dreamscape. Probably going to get access to some fun pharmaceuticals. There could be some benefit on that, on the back end of the surgery. You might get some ass.
Starting point is 00:14:28 You'll be able to relax a lot, catch up on some Netflix, you know? So, and I, you know, I think that's far away from anything that can really go that far wrong. I mean, I'm not a doctor clearly because I'm sitting in a bar on a Monday afternoon. But I don't know, I think there's a few doctors that actually do that.
Starting point is 00:14:54 It sounds like assist surgery is a pretty common thing. And I think you're gonna, I think you're gonna be fine. Did good. Could also go on social media and look at all the cis popping videos that are out there and just so you can get a good eyeball on what's gonna be going on. Yeah, I don't know the good. Where?
Starting point is 00:15:16 Can I ask where on the on the I ask situation the cis this? That's a boy in this question. Are we talking about cheese? I'm a beause. I was trying to keep it sphincter level conversation here. And now you're trying to get into the old. Is it on one of the cheeks? Hold on here.
Starting point is 00:15:36 No, it's in the crack. Oh, it's in the, okay, I got it. So you haven't been able to wear a thong in a while, I suppose. Yeah. Yeah, I just, I think it's kind of uncomfortable. Yeah, well, um, man, I'm really, you know, like how far? You know, this, Hey, this is also a metaphor for life. Sometimes, you're going to be face down, ass up, having surgery. And when you think it's all not going to well,
Starting point is 00:16:07 something's right around the corner that's truly going to assist you in having a better life. I think you're I think your moments right around the corner. You're gonna have your surgery. And then something great's gonna happen. That's what I believe. And what you want to is you want to look at the globe and you want to look at the number of billions of people around the globe and each and every one of those folks as an ass for the most part. I think most yes. So you got to think you got to think that whatever this doctor is seeing, he has seen a million times before. So don't worry about it, relax, enjoy the process, you know, take some time to reflect here.
Starting point is 00:16:53 And you know what, I think going into it, your best asset is your attitude. Yeah. And just do your best to keep a good attitude. And I think it's all gonna turn out in the end. But... But. Oh my.
Starting point is 00:17:12 Are we getting you to hang up? He hates it so much. Listen, we are not doctors and we have a terrible bedside man or a hot... You can't take anything to do this. How have we done for you? Do you feel better or worse at this point in the conversation? I tell you what Charlie, we really wrecked them. Are you laughing or dying to get off this phone call? I am laughing. I'm very mean. I'm gonna be thinking about this one. I'm hooked out or please.
Starting point is 00:17:51 That's the last thing you want to be to be in your the the anesthesi. I'll just face down as up and just thinking of Charlie and Miles, you know. Let us know let us know when your surgery is. We'll be there. We'll just, yeah, yeah, yeah, I'd like to get a good look at it as well. See if you're, if you're down playing it or not, we'll be in the room. We'll do a live podcast for you while you're getting this while you're having this happen. How's that sound?
Starting point is 00:18:21 Live, live commentation. Good live commentation. Your live commentation. Yeah. Oh, yeah. All right. This guy's really got an ass on him. I tell you. So, let, how are you feeling now? How are you feeling better or worse from when you started the call?
Starting point is 00:18:38 Honestly, I, I look a better. I could have gone either way right there. I don't feel any different. I could have gone either way right there. I don't feel any different. Honestly, we were worse. All right, well, you feel a little better. That's good. That's good. Yeah, and you know, it's just an afternoon now.
Starting point is 00:18:56 Exactly. That's a great, what I say, your best asset is an attitude. And your attitude is that you're just going in for a. You're like Michael Jackson just an induced nap. That's what he used to do. Yeah. Very, very expensive. Oh, yeah, the price of it. That's another thing. Geez. Are they going to tell you the price up front? Or is this like a roll the dice and see how much of your house you get a mortgage? I actually don't know if that's how that works. I don't know anything about mortgage in a house such as that. Like I remember in monopoly, I was like, I don't get, I can just flip this card over and then
Starting point is 00:19:35 I just get more money. I don't understand. Do I own this still? What's happening? So, yeah, I don't really understand. That's another podcast. Yeah, sorry. I'm confusing the deal here. Anyway, do you have anything else? So this is like to say, I'd like to hold on. I'd like to point out that this is how Charlie and I deal with serious stuff is by not being serious at all. No, in fact, if you put a counter up,
Starting point is 00:19:59 we probably made like 26 ass puns here. And 20 of them were the same ass pun we just repeated over and over again. But you know. Oh my God. How's business otherwise? Yeah. How's the road? I'm saying the roads are made, they're clear.
Starting point is 00:20:39 Okay. Good for how the scouts of rose speed, they're pretty good. Pretty good for December, huh? Oh, yeah, no, no, we have. Oh, God, God, go. Let's just let his ass have it for like 10 minutes. And they were like, but all the roads out there. Yeah, I'm trying to.
Starting point is 00:21:07 I was like very worried about this very serious thing about going. My house, he's got a lot going on as if it's not just a surgery and I don't want to half-ass interview. the the the the the the the the the the
Starting point is 00:21:35 the the the the the the the the the the
Starting point is 00:21:43 the the the the the the the the That wasn't the main thing of Let's get to it then let's get to it. This is the whole podcast at this point You know we as we assumed that that's why you called in but you know what assuming does Charlie it makes an ass out of you and me Apologize go ahead. What do you want to talk about? Oh, no, that that was much more fun than the original topic, but I, I, I'm a father of a one year old daughter and I just wanted advice of Midwest ladies to, to razor. Oh, well, that should be good. They should both of us have zero kids. Zero kids, I can, before I left my home today,
Starting point is 00:22:29 I told my house plant that I loved it. So that's, you know, you said it was a daughter. Daughter, yes. Tell her that you love her. That's start there. Make sure to water her every day. Make sure she gets properly watered and fed. I mean, want to change out the soil once in a while. Make sure that's, you know, you don't want to be
Starting point is 00:22:53 sitting in dirty soil all the time. Nope, nope. Now, this is actually, are you? So she's a mid Midwest daughter. And I look, are you going to teach her? are you guys a hunting family? No, not really are you a fishing family? No, okay, that's where the advice begins a family Of course What do you mean? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:23:24 What do you mean? No, yes, for fat. Okay, okay. Okay, it's like, God, I'm a dick. I think this guy is, this guy's, everything's a strange. Now we're making ass jokes and making fun of his family. You know what? I think this could be a good place to start.
Starting point is 00:23:40 I think that if you can teach her to hunt and to fish, that is probably going to be a good starting point. I know that you don't do that. I don't know if you don't like it or whatnot, but she's going to be met with a lot of fellas as she gets older who are going to claim to know that they know what they're doing hunting and fishing. And there's a good chance they really don't. So if she can be prepared to call him out on their BS, that's going to save you from having a pain in the ass, you know, son-in-law, you know. Well, that ends. You should start to let her know now on how to avoid guys like Charlie and I, because that's they will do you otherwise. You will just never hear the
Starting point is 00:24:24 you will just never hear the and back end of it. I do you're gonna try. I really do. If you wanted a day to couple assholes, just sit in there. Didn't you? Yeah. Yeah, you're going to want to teach your young to avoid guys like Charlie and I and that's really I think I think the the point of this whole call is Look for the warning size signs if he
Starting point is 00:24:49 You know has a big Wisconsin accent and tries to tell your folks. He says I say hey steer clear And if he drinks bush light Tell her to steer clear Congratulations, are you enjoying being a dad? You know, it's 50, 50. It's the best part of the day is when I put her to sleep. Okay. Wow. That's good. What's your favorite part?
Starting point is 00:25:17 It looks so cute laying there sleeping in all that. Yeah. What's your favorite? Night, night, quiet. Well, what's your name? Well, she's young yet. She's young yet. She probably just does a lot of crying, a lot of changing, but is she starting to get a nice personality going? Smile at you
Starting point is 00:25:34 a little bit. Oh, yeah, she definitely smile at you. Okay. Nice. Nice. She's got a mother's attitude. Well, you, buddy, that's on you. Don't act like that's her fault. You, you're part of this too. What would her mother say about the, would her mother say she's got her father's attitude or would her mother agree?
Starting point is 00:26:02 Yeah, she wouldn't agree. We have, we have discussed it and we have agreed. Agreed to disagree or agreed that it's her. Agreed that it's her attitude. Oh, wow, that's good. Well, you guys have common ground there. That's a good attitude and that's your best asset. So this has been good, man.
Starting point is 00:26:24 It's good to talk to you again. Glad you got the swasting figured out based off of the seasons. Yeah. Yeah. And now you're going to get your, uh, he's going to get his ass really figured out this winner. You're going to get figured out. Okay.
Starting point is 00:26:38 Now, don't let him wreck you. Okay. That was not a pun, guys. That was not a pun. I Was I was trying for a pun, but now I realize now I realize what I said and that probably was not sensitive Man, we're idiots. Well, we appreciate calling in again man. It was good to talk to you and have a safe surgery have a wonderful holiday and tell
Starting point is 00:27:09 your family we says hi. Yeah, tell your daughter, tell your wife and you know what, we'll be, we'll be, we'll be in that operating room with you. Yeah, we'll be. Yeah, we'll be mentally. We'll be there for you. Call it, call it afterwards. I'll just know how it goes. I'll call you a third time and talk about my ass again. That'd be fantastic. Well, hopefully by then we don't have to talk much about your ass because everything's figured out. But we'd still love to talk about the update. Okay. Hey, we're just being a little talk about this podcast. Yeah, it's very cheeky.
Starting point is 00:27:48 Yeah, we're being a little cheeky, you know. Yeah. Well, this is the Midwest goodbye again, you know, and... Oh, I bet you just want to see us in your rear view. I mean, your rear view of me are doing that do yeah, now I'll honk at you. I want to be looking, looking down at your shoes. I'm getting in my ass work down. Face down, ass up.
Starting point is 00:28:16 Yep, absolutely. All right. That's a fun event. We love you and good luck. Yeah. If everything comes out, all right. Yeah. That's what we love you and good luck. Yeah, if everything comes out all right.
Starting point is 00:28:24 Yeah. See, I'm trying to try to come out all right. All right. There's a good odds. Good odds. Great odds. All right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:37 That poor guy. Yeah. We are absolute dicks. We are. Mark, thank you so much. Thanks for having me. Yeah, so we're assholes. our absolute Dicks. We are. Yeah. We're assholes.
Starting point is 00:28:51 Hello, who do we got on the line? Hey, what's up, guys? You got Josh and Ohio. Josh and Ohio. What's cooking my guy? Oh, nothing. But I just enjoy the nice cloudy days. How about you guys? Sam, Sam, little snow on the ground. You got snow out there. Oh, yeah, snow a couple of weeks ago, but it's actually 50s last week. So you got to love that Midwest up and down. Yeah, you got the fake. Hey, it's winter now.
Starting point is 00:29:18 You got to went back to fall for a few days there. I see. Oh, yeah. Well, why don't you belly up to the bar with us and tell us what's on your mind? Oh, absolutely. Well, I need some Midwest advice. Need some Midwest advice about idiots at boat launches and just guys that shouldn't own boats to be in with.
Starting point is 00:29:40 Well, you're talking to them. So, you came to the right place. What is your first question? Well, back in June, I was at the lake and I was lined up at the boat launch about 10 boats ahead of me. And at the end, we had about 20 boats behind us. And the cops had the boat launch closed and wouldn't let anyone launch the boat on this lake because it's one idiot it was pulling his pine tune out pull this pine tune up with his wife and well that's that's issue one is just him and his wife but did they get into a fight? No, but women typically both out as good as you guys. Oh, you're going in on.
Starting point is 00:30:29 You know, you know, the gals can do it. It's really an experience thing, but let's hear it. So anyways, that we were to pull this pontoon out. And he has, he thinks he's got the pontoon and those little splits, you know, when you go to pull it out, and he's got him off the slip, and when he goes to pull it out, have the pontoon leaning against the dock, and he's stuck in this place now that if he backs up, the whole pontoon is taken out that's wooden dock, and if he pulls it up, the pontoon's falling off the side into the lake sideways. So, you're really caught between a boat and a dock is really what you have a hard dock. Yeah, now you're you're really giving women a lot of shit, but it
Starting point is 00:31:12 sounds like this guy had no idea what he was doing period. Well, that's my issue and that's not just a viable watching. This's like, this is a common Midwest issue. OK. That did the awesome guy. How many drinks he had had? Because let's start there. Have you ever tried to keep anything in the water when you've had a couple?
Starting point is 00:31:38 No, that's a good point. It should have had some of the lines that they've been working on. He shouldn't have been behind the wheels when I'm saying. Oh, exactly. That's a good point. And then, well, then by the end they had, they tied a chain to the pontoon and hooked it up to some guy's hitch. They had about five cops standing on the dock, pushed on the pontoon while this guy pulled it up and all of us standing on the side of video and laughing at him. So you know what?
Starting point is 00:32:06 I think in the moment you probably were pretty frustrated. Am I correct in that? Oh, yeah, absolutely. Think of how much mileage you've gotten out of this moment though. You're calling into the podcast, talking about it. I imagine you went to the bar later that night and talked about it. I bet every family gathering. If you were maybe with a family member, while this was happening, say, Hey,
Starting point is 00:32:26 I remember that jackass who almost pulled the whole doc out of the thing. You've got a in the moment tough, but now I'm starting to think that this was a pretty big moment for where you're at. And it probably even made the local newspaper. Yeah, the hard work is done here. Now you just have to tell it, tell and retell the story. You got to keep making it more extreme. You know, this guy, he pulled up to the dock. There was, there was about eight docks at this landing and he was hooked up to all of them somehow. And he got a rope in the motor and you just got to keep exaggerating the story until it's basically like when that
Starting point is 00:33:08 boat got caught in the canal and stopped all the trade to North America. I mean, that's what this thing's got to talk to. That's a good point. So let me ask you guys, what's the dumbest guy you've seen at a boat launch? The dumbest guy we've seen at a vote launch. Three, two, one. The dumbest guy. What? I thought we were repeating the deal.
Starting point is 00:33:34 No, I thought we were naming who was the dumbest guy. Okay, let's do it again. Let's do it again. Three, two, one. Myles. Charlie Burns. So the fact that here's the deal. Myles, I watched him get the fact that here's a deal.
Starting point is 00:33:45 Miles, I watched him get up to a bolt launch and we were doing this for a sketch and he was actually using his backup camera and I was like, come on. Absolutely. Fucking was not. You were. I was not. You weren't. I was not.
Starting point is 00:33:59 I remember you were. That was part of the bit. See, this is why I can't remember anything. Our life meshes between bits and real life quite often. Okay. Let's get to the question here, though. The weirdest, the, what was it? The worst people we've seen at a bowl launch.
Starting point is 00:34:15 So my buddy, growing up, my buddy and his dad, what's his name? My buddy, Jay and his dad, Pete, God bless him. He's up there. But he's up in heaven listening down to this story. And oh my God, I have never seen two people go at it like like Pete Riley and Jay Riley when they got to a bowl. It was like every issue they had between father and son would come out at the bowl. It wasn't even about the boat anymore. It was about the childhood trauma or this and that. Because Jay would be in the boat and he'd drop his dad off.
Starting point is 00:34:51 His dad would bring the car back and back the trailer and then they'd be landing the boat on the thing. And Jay would do it his way and Pete will want it done his way. And the best part about this is, and this is why a bolt launch is so perfect for these kinds of elevated things. Is everything gets escalated, the more people are watching. And when there's only one in, one out, you've got an embedded audience.
Starting point is 00:35:16 And all of Pine Lake was watching this father and this son work out their differences with each other. And it was hilarious. It took 45 minutes, I think, very quiet, right? Well, and I think the tough part about when it doesn't go well at the landing is the, when it starts going a little bad, it only gets amplified the more cars waiting, right? So you let's say you got What should we call this fellow that that hooked on to the doc, right? Let's say we'll call them
Starting point is 00:35:53 Derek Derek Jackknife set, right? Derek Jackknife. He didn't just Jackknife it He Jackknife did in front of 20 other people waiting to go Which causes another level of anxiety it causes another level of anxiety. It causes another level of panic. And therefore, cause you to jackknife it the other way. Now you've done a double jackknife, and you haven't got the can of soup open yet. And in all of a sudden, no one's getting to eat. And but it's still boiling over. And it's just a scenario no one wants to be a part of. And I think you experienced that there that there that day.
Starting point is 00:36:29 Yeah, you know what? Now that you say like that, the boat launch is this, this very rare moment where a lot of people who are not used to like public speaking or being out in front of everyone, they are now on a stage. The boat launches in just a boat launch, they are now on a stage. The bolt launches in just a bolt launch, a bolt launch is a stage. And you are the actors in the theater. And everybody, every drunk jackass at the bolt. I mean, just waiting it to throw it on that stage. And they will magnify your mistakes because just like you're doing, I bet you this pontoon thing is probably 70% as bad
Starting point is 00:37:06 as you said it was, but you have made it even worse because now you're talking about it. So if somebody, which is your prerogative, you want to amplify, you want to tell the story unless it really was that bad. Well, yeah, it probably was. But you can also tell when someone else has had has failed that about launch before because you guys are all making fun of them right, taking videos, laughing, whatever. Then there's always another guy who's like, come on, guys, give him a break. Yeah. Yeah. Just give him a break. He's, he's tough, you know, there's the landing isn't that straight and you know, it's like a drop software It'll come on guys. It's fine. You know that guy has also jackknife to trailer at a boat landing
Starting point is 00:37:55 Come on guys That's miles for sure Dude just cut him some slack. Okay. Hey, we all been there, all right? We've all been there, right guys, right? Have you been there? Have you been there? Now it's an audience I have not been. Oh, man. You know, that's, look, I think we gotta give,
Starting point is 00:38:18 we can't just sit up here and rag on people. We gotta give them some to walk away with, okay? What are the top three tips for landing a boat? Miles. Oh, that we were asking him. Oh, well, yeah, let's go. Top three tips. We'll each say one. We'll each say one. Okay, so we'll each get one tip. Go ahead. What is the top three tip for land a boat? My tip is definitely have the, have a winch pulled out because a lot of people just pull it up without the winch pulled up and then that's a huge issue if that's not how to begin with. All right, good tip.
Starting point is 00:38:56 My tip bring an extra person to lobby to the other people waiting in line to smooth over all the anger. If it's taking you too long at the landing, have someone in your group kind of razzing you as well to the other people waiting, being like, ass, sorry, it's this guy's first time, whatever, smooth it all over. Hand in out some beers. Yeah, have a beer. It's gonna be a while. Tip, tip number one, one A and B have some extra beer maybe have a little butter shots available while everyone's waiting to and all of a sudden people forget all about launching the boat and they're like wow these guys although they suck at launching
Starting point is 00:39:37 a boat they had they're here to have some fun yeah and now we're having fun and all of a sudden we take the bar out of the bar and put it at the landing. And it's a good time. So the solution is to open up the concessions at the boat launch, and then you make money and walk away with the show at the end of it. Yeah, it could be a great. It's just a roll up cooler. That's your concessions given conversation pieces to everyone.
Starting point is 00:40:01 Involves, you've gotten everyone with some with some drinks and you know what we all walk away being like hey it's a great day on the lake because that's what it's all about. And that is what it's all about. My tip is going to be resolve your backing up issues and your emotional issues before you go to the boat landing. Well, that's never gonna happen. Honestly, just go to a parking lot and spend an hour in the parking lot,
Starting point is 00:40:32 just backing it up. Church parking lot, it's fantastic. Well, here we go. Resolve all of the emotional damage when you're hooking up to the trailer at the beginning, at home. Yeah, but it's the stress. That's what brings it out.
Starting point is 00:40:46 That's true. The added stress, because you're embarrassed that other people are watching. You're like, will you just do this? And I've had the same thing with my dad as well. It's not just my buddy, J, I've had the same things. Although my, oh, thank you. Oh, I just got a beer.
Starting point is 00:41:02 Just got a beer. Now you're feeling good. That's what needs to happen. You know what? Miles might might might have might have won with the advice, you know. All right. Basically, how we solve anything in the Midwest is we just mix in a few beers and everything's going to be all right. That's it. That's. I love it. Put that on a hat and sell it. Yeah, we will. Maybe. Well, did we answer your question kind of sort of maybe?
Starting point is 00:41:30 Yeah, I got one last quick question, kind of go along with that. I'll make it fast. All right. So once you get the boat, once you get the boat in successfully, if you can manage to do that, I'm going walleye fishing,
Starting point is 00:41:44 bath fishing, you name it. And it's on kind of a small lake and I got a got a tinkle a little bit. I'm kind of close to cottage. Am I just am I given the cottage as a show? Am I bending down? What's the best solution to that? I think you're doing a much show. If you're from where I'm from hang it much show anyways. So what do you worry about? If you're me, they ain't getting much of a show. So letter. Yeah, I would hang it. They got to like at that moment have to have a spotting scope or binoculars up to their eyeballs and know what's going on from shore, even if you're only about 30 yards out. So I mean, I think you let her rip.
Starting point is 00:42:34 I think you let her rip too. Yeah, the problem is, you know, are you, are you, are you, what time of day is this? That really impacts it as well. It's daytime. Yeah. All you got to do is grab the needle nose from the tapal box and then so you can aim and then just let her up.
Starting point is 00:43:03 Do you get that? That was a small pecker joke. Yeah, I got that. Do you have any, I gotta ask you this, guys, like screw these guys, I got a hog. Do you have any sisters? Do I have any what? Sisters. I have one, yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:24 Okay, did you ever, if she's in the boat, and she's got a pee and then you're just pissing off the boat Is she like getting annoyed like why can't I do that you know? Yeah, she typically just sucks it up and holds it till the end, but yeah, this guy is just have the ability to Go as we please I guess I that you know what, we stirred this off by saying that, I got eight sisters, which is why I bring this up. I have eight. Eight, yeah. Oh my man.
Starting point is 00:43:53 Yeah, and if they go into this, they're going to be like that 70% about backing out the boat. Why don't you go back out the boat, and then I'll go back out the boat. We'll see you 70%, Charlie. And then they'll be talking about this boat thing about sitting in the boat and they got to hold it. They've got to have stronger bladders than the guys. And item four women in this current situation, it's called the Shiwi. Oh, the Shiwi? Yeah, it's like a basically. So maybe you got a best show. So we have she.
Starting point is 00:44:27 So we have sheweeds and buckets up the concessions and two. Yes. Ah, yeah. I see we're building this together. Yes. There we go. Those shewees and beer. That's all you need.
Starting point is 00:44:38 Yeah. Maybe a shewee attached to the Koosie with the beer. Well, you got a beer inside a beer inside of kuzi she we attached. I mean, it's not a use. She will do that. You know, I think we I think we learned a lot on this episode. Yeah. Yeah, you know, I only saw my solution, but also gave me a business idea. So thank you. I call. There you go. Yeah,. So basically do a food truck at busy launch sites at lakes and just sell beers out of the right there out of the truck. And the Chewie is you up. Oh yeah, sorry. Yeah. Also, Chewie's are not a sponsor, okay? That was a genuine pl-
Starting point is 00:45:25 Yeah. So we are not, we have not been paid by shewees to say set information. What if we were, we were like, oh, God, we finally were able to work in shewee without it being weird and worked out. Well, based on miles of situation, it kind of sounds like you might need a shewee.
Starting point is 00:45:43 You know, you wanna know why I know so much about it. Use it a lot. Okay. You know, the oldest sister. Yeah. Well, I like this guy, but also fuck you, okay? It's not that small, all right? All right, well, we appreciate you calling in, I guess.
Starting point is 00:46:06 Yeah. Um, I could have done with all that last comment, but okay. That things are going good. Now we're fighting at the boat landing. It's a whole thing, but yeah. You walk up to a guy and give him a she-wee and he'll be like, really dude.
Starting point is 00:46:21 That's how you really get the juices flowing. Okay. All right. Well, thanks for calling in, man. This is good. We got some, you know, we have a lot of stuff on this podcast. So yeah, you gave me some good advice. So thanks a lot. All right. Good luck backing her out. Oh, yeah, you too. Take it easy. All right. Bye, bye. You know, Charlie, my, I think I just figured out what you're giving your sisters for Christmas gift this year.
Starting point is 00:46:52 What's that? She we yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Stop your bitching on the boat. Here's a she we have yourself a she we that way. They don't need to jump in the lake. You know, that's usually the move.
Starting point is 00:47:04 Exactly. I like, I don't want to get my hair wet, you know, one of those deals. Yeah, it's like, here's a shewie. Yeah, you don't need to pee on your hair anymore, you know, because if you're going in the lake to pee and then your hair is in the lake, that is true. And hair absorbs a lot of shit. So yes, and pee as well. And pee. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:22 Yeah. All right. Well, you're going to do. Don't lie to me. Do you think any of your sisters would enjoy getting a she-wee for Christmas so that for the same boat scenario? Honestly, I think they would really like a she-wee. I think they would like what is this?
Starting point is 00:47:39 Oh, I'm like, I had that so thoughtful. Oh, my God. This is like so useful. Yeah. Oh, I'm like, God, that's so thoughtful. Oh my God. This is like so useful. Yeah. Until they realize like what they actually have to do to do the she we out in the lake, you know, you just, what do you have to do? Just letting it all hang out.
Starting point is 00:47:55 I don't know. Well, I mean, I think we're comfortable with it. I don't know if gals are comfortable with the she we's the only thing hanging out, right? I mean, theoretically, yes. Yeah. I mean, you're turning the same way.
Starting point is 00:48:06 There's a transition process as well. I'm saying you've got more. Uh, all right, I'd have to see the she-wee didn't know what we're talking about here. You know what Charles? Let's take another caller and in between, let's maybe take a look at the old she-wee. All right. That sounds good.
Starting point is 00:48:21 All right, Charlie. It is December 22nd. December 22nd. December 22nd. Wow, how time flies. Where did the year go? Time flies like an arrow. Yeah. Fruit flies like a beat banana.
Starting point is 00:48:33 Yeah. Um, or yeah, where do we go from here, Miles? It's we go to free farm is what we do. We farm. We love it. Guys, it is almost Christmas and And we know for a fact, you haven't bought anything. I mean, that's just how you know. Exactly. And so if you are a last minute shopper, just like Charles and I, you
Starting point is 00:48:55 got to go to fleet farm. The only Christmas a few days away, the last minute shoppers can still count on fleet farm to find something for everyone on your list. Charlie? Yeah. Yes, Miles? You got, on Fleet Farm to find something for everyone on your list. Charlie. Yeah. Yes, Miles. Are you going to be able to buy something at Fleet Farm for one of your siblings? Yes, of course, Miles, because Fleet Farm has fricking everything. For everyone on the list. Something for everyone on the list. You know, it's officially time to check that list off one by one on December 22nd. It's finally time. Toys and trim galore at crazy low prices. You wouldn't believe these low prices, Charles. I wouldn't. Just take a walk through the store and I'm sure you'll find what you need. What prices and what you don't need? Yeah. Well, that's the most fun part about
Starting point is 00:49:41 sweep farmers gang all those stuff you don't need. It's an adventure. It's an adventure. Feef Farm's going to tell you what you need. Just go there and the store will talk to you. The store I say. We'll speak to you. I tell you what. Tell me what. Just now I said that one.
Starting point is 00:49:58 The serving of items is unlike any other. Trust us. We find unusual treasures like gold and silver. At flea farm. We love it. Yeah, they have some, I've seen some, some gold fishing lures there. Yeah, you just got to know where you go. Some silver fishing lures. I bet they're silver somewhere. And there's probably some rare earth metals and red fishing lures. I've seen some neon green fishing lures. Mostly the treasures there are fishing lures. They got the crankpates, the maps, the whole thing.
Starting point is 00:50:33 Jigs. What is the treasure that you found? I usually like going to the back 40 where everything's super discounted and you just, it's like, hey, run through there. You normally be able to get a couple of things with your budget and get like 15 things. It's a great time. Yeah. Um, you know, they've got some, well, I was going to say birdseed. I, they have great birdseed at your bird watcher makes sense.
Starting point is 00:50:57 Yeah. So guys, if you're also a bird watcher or if you're just a human being that lives on this earth, you're going to be able to find something. I got a real nice big ratchet strap there. The other day it was really nice. And I recommend you get that for people for Christmas too. You can't go wrong with a ratchet strap. Plus, from the free fun family years, wishing you a Merry Christmas.
Starting point is 00:51:21 Oh, free-farm, some Merry Christmas. Oh, Merry Christmas, free-farm. Merry Christmas, free Christmas. Merry Christmas. So much. What do you get for the store that has everything? I'm married Christmas. I'm married Christmas. All right. Okay. Go to flea farm by your gifts. You have very little time left. Go. Go now. When you're at home for the holidays and you're in charge of dessert for
Starting point is 00:51:42 Christmas dinner, bring some tippity tippity tippity cow. You can mix it, match it with flavors, make whatever you like. Right now we're making orange and these candies because we got the shamrock mint. Yeah. Charlie had a little left in his last one. We just decided to pour the shamrock mint tippy cow flavor in there. Yeah. And now you're having an orange shamrock. Let me tell you what are you getting no I'm getting notes of that Shamrock I'm also getting notes of mint as well in this one are you well that could be because it's a Shamrock mint tippy cow Oh, I guess I didn't need to turn around to show you that they can see it already Shamrock mint tippy cow tip I'm also getting notes of
Starting point is 00:52:22 they can see it already. Shamrock, man, Tippy cow, TIP this in here. I'm also getting notes of cow. Are you getting? I'm also getting notes of tips. Well, the tips of the teats is where the milk comes from and the Meredith milk in the Tippy cow. Teats. A T note. So, uh, check out Tippyow, bring it to Christmas and people are going to love you for it. Buy their affection with Tipeekow. Well, and my family is big after dinner drinks,
Starting point is 00:52:53 people. Yeah. Grasshoppers, the whole thing. This is usually my dad takes a whole 45 minutes to get all that after dinner, just all you got to do, you buy a bottle, you put some ice in the glass, and then you pour the drink in the glass and you got day after dinner, just all you gotta do, you buy a bottle, you put some ice in the glass and then you pour the drink in the glass and you gotta after dinner drink. It is that easy. Little concoction. It is an installation. So get yourself some tippy cowl, they got a website, you'll find it when you Google. Just Google it.
Starting point is 00:53:21 Just honestly just Google it. And then also find out your liquor stores Great Googley Muguli found where all liquor stores have typical We talking to the hell he actually got through holy hell yeah, you did what's your name? Where you from where you at what you all? This is Austin I'm a Chicago transplant actually I'm a Chicago trans plan actually.
Starting point is 00:53:46 You're a Chicago trans plan. So Austin, what does that mean? Where you went to Chicago or you're from Chicago? I moved to Chicago. I'm from originally from the suburb of Minneapolis. And then I went to school in Wisconsin. And I moved my way down to Chicago. You just you're on you're just going south. We're in every way, man.
Starting point is 00:54:08 I've been everywhere. Absolutely. Hey, you ever been to Palmer's? We're seeing that. Paul Merz right now. Where are we at? Jake? Whoa.
Starting point is 00:54:20 Is this just Minneapolis or what? You're been to Palmer's Minneapolis? Never been to Palmer's in Minneapolis. Well, you got to go. Oh, you got to go. Um, where'd you go school and Wisconsin? Where'd you go? Where'd you go school and Wisconsin?
Starting point is 00:54:40 I went to a clay Wisconsin. Oh, oh, Claire. Sorry. He said that. I can't. Oh, yeah. You're good. Yeah. No, oh Claire. Sorry. He said that. I can't. Oh, yeah. You're good. No, you don't need to turn it up.
Starting point is 00:54:49 I'm just saying that. What is your favorite thing about Oh Claire with sconce? Oh, man. I think it's got to be the fall when the season is changing and like, it's beautiful around the campus. All the colors. That's what I've heard a lot of people say that O'Clair is just beautiful.
Starting point is 00:55:08 O'Clair is a, it is very beautiful. And do you know what O'Clair means in French? I do not. Clear water. Leave it clear water. Okay, clear water. We, we, we. I knew I had.
Starting point is 00:55:21 We, we, my, I got, I got a question. Oh yeah. He's trying to keep the conversation movie. He's like, hey, I never been to the dude. You ever been to the dude Dodge and oh Claire was Johnson, by the way, you ever opened it up at 6 a.m. No, I have it. I know what you're talking about though.
Starting point is 00:55:41 I haven't done that. Well, no matter how this podcast goes down, man, let's go to Claire and let's open up the due dodge at 6 a.m. sometime. That's what Miles has never asked me to do that. Well, Charlie, I like this guy. So well, what's your question? What's your question, Chicago, fella? So what are you guys drinking?
Starting point is 00:56:02 What do you got in front of you right now? I have a push light in front of me. I don't know what I have in front of me We also have tippy cow in front of us. I'm drinking the shamrock mint. It's a great for the holiday season Found we're all I know you guys You guys are always in spats with each other a push light Chris is lining Google's, you know, whatever, but I have a Reasonable compromise for you guys, I think If you ever had green bell premium
Starting point is 00:56:30 I I have and I am sticking with bush light is how I'd like to answer this. Oh, come on green Green belt the medium I'm sorry, I'm gonna let you talk. It's a Minnesota brood beer. It's a Minnesota brood beer. And I think it's a good compromise for you guys to, you know, meet the middle of Minnesota between North Dakota and Wisconsin. There you go.
Starting point is 00:56:57 I don't know if you've ever met me before, but I can be stubborn. So that's not a good enough argument for me. Johnson. There you go. I don't know if you've ever met me before, but I can be stubborn. So that's not a good enough argument for me to switch over if I'm going to be honest with you. Do you have more on that? You got another way to state your case here? I mean, it's just a solid, you know, clear, yellow, nice, drinking beer. a solid, you know, clear yellow, nice, drinking beer. I will say I think I might have a bit more flavors for back of lack of better words than book light. But, you know, yeah, I'll go ahead and drink a beer that's like clearly not as crisp and clean as bush light.
Starting point is 00:57:39 That sounds like fun. Green bell. Flavor just means that it's guy a little skunky. You know, that's what I've learned over the years. Corona light. Wow. What a good flavorful beer. A.K.A. it's just skunky. Doesn't green belt come in the clear glass? It doesn't have to, but it does. The premium does. Norse comes in an amber glass. That's all I have to say. It comes in a clear bottle. That means it's gonna be a little skonky. Graeme Bell premium sounds like something I'd put in in my gas tank. I mean, I cannot remember trying the beer.
Starting point is 00:58:17 I'm sure it's great. But yeah, it sounds like they've got another beer called ethanol. It sounds like they're they've got another beer called ethanol. But so did you just call up this podcast? To tell us, give me and you riled up. Yeah, did you just call to say, don't drink the beers from Wisconsin. Don't have miles, drink his whatever he drinks. You know, just drink your beer.
Starting point is 00:58:42 Now, are you an investor in this? Sounds like he's got other alternative motives. Yeah. He probably works for it. Yeah, ironic part is I actually work for a brewery that is none of these. Oh, which I don't have a horse in this race other than I think that this is a good compromise for you guys. And I will say this podcast has been getting me through the long shifts at the brewery. And I don't know how much longer I can stand you two bickering over.
Starting point is 00:59:09 Hey, you know what else could help you get solutions for you guys to come to you. You know what else could help you get through a long shift that said brewery is drinking a really good beer like bush light. That'll help you get through it. You know what, let's. I'll tell you what, man, you get drunk while you're canning beer one time and you don't do it again because of the added. And suddenly none of the cans have nids on them,
Starting point is 00:59:36 you know, it's like a weird thing. And then you realize you have four more hours ahead of you and it's just not gonna be fun. What do you do at the brewery? I mostly work in packaging so I make sure the beer gets from the tank into keg, can you name it and then I also do warehouse stuff but I don't do any of it. They don't trust me with it. Are you forklift certified? You're damn right. I am.
Starting point is 01:00:08 That is so cool. I'm not gonna lie. Wish I was forklift certified. That's pretty cool. It's honestly, it's honestly the best super power. I think I know. I'm jealous. Talk me through getting forklift certified.
Starting point is 01:00:20 What's it take? Well, so I mean, so we're gonna find out he's actually for a certified. So I by a technicality I'm forklift certified. Oh see. His boss told him, hey, if anyone ever asks you if you're forklift certified, just tell him yes. Because what is possible? Is that what's happening right now?
Starting point is 01:00:47 No, it's I drive the forklift all the time. That doesn't mean that the forklift certified, man. I'll take on a forklift certified. An actual forklift certified dude, any day. There we go. He's definitely not four-cliff certified. That's one thing you want to learn about warehouse work.
Starting point is 01:01:12 Eighty percent of people who say they're four-cliff certified are not four-cliff certified. I drive a four-cliff that work. I just got to, he's not a nice guy. This is not an issue of do you drive the foreclose? We are all pretty
Starting point is 01:01:30 confident you're driving that foreclose. The question is are you driving it into the side of the wall at some point because you're not foreclose certified? I've never possibly maybe drove driven the forks into something that I wasn't.
Starting point is 01:01:45 But because what happened he was doing before that his first four hours of shift, he was drinking while he was doing the canning line. And then I don't want to say it, but then he maybe he quickly operated a forklift and hit the wall is what it sounds. You know, and you live and you learn. And I guess that's what we're what we're doing today. Not on this podcast. I'm not gonna. I'm not what's.
Starting point is 01:02:14 He still hasn't told us anything. What it takes to be forklift certified because he's not even started the process. He doesn't even know where to start. Do you take the online class? Have you watched a YouTube video? I got instructed by the owner on what to do. And then maybe watch the YouTube fail complete.
Starting point is 01:02:39 Throw one under the bus. I know. Just threw his boss on the where do you work? Where do you work? I'm not. I'm not. I'm not. Yeah, don't answer that. Don't answer that. You know, if You want to know everyone at Anisert Busch is forklift certified actually and they'd be proud to talk about where they work Oh, we had to bring it back to this See what you did here. You call up having talking beer and
Starting point is 01:03:07 Alliance and you're gonna get eaten. I'm just saying, you know, that's fine, but I'm just saying You guys would probably drink cranberry or get around get around get around a grain It's yeah, okay. Well, hey, you're in minute. You're in Minnesota You should it might even be on draft. You know what, hey, don't even worry about going. I'll get around to it. It just is gonna be a big roundabout. Miles, it's a long bend around is what I'm saying.
Starting point is 01:03:38 Miles discovered puns on an earlier call we had, and it was all about asses. And now he's playing the same game here and I'm calling them out, you know, I'm saying, dang, I had one and I was going to be really. I'll help you out, I'll help you out, okay? You know what, the best is. To say, Charlie's kind of the rhyme and hundew on the show is my friend to go toe to toe with you. Yeah, I have been this this episode.
Starting point is 01:04:08 And I tell you what, you have a couple two tree bush lights and you just might end up ass over T-cattle. That that's good, but my else they would have had to have heard the other one in order. People listening, he hasn't heard it yet, but the people listening at this episode.
Starting point is 01:04:23 Oh, okay. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. So that would have been funny. Hate having to explain it to all kids. No. Now it's funny. It's funny. In retrospect, oh, I'm so glad we're here today all together. Do you have any other questions that we can answer for you? Before you made proclamations more than you did ask a question. Yeah. Yeah. You have anything you can buy, seller trade, before we let you go? Oh, man.
Starting point is 01:04:51 I'm a man of many skills, including forklifting things, town-own-of-forklift, though. So I don't know. I'd have to store stuff. What's your favorite forklift maneuver? Yeah. I love a good you know 180 turn like if you're in the base you need to just like shift it you know you're in staying the same spot. That is pretty good. The rear steering on it's pretty it's pretty nifty not gonna lie and it's
Starting point is 01:05:20 you know it could be honest it's kind of weird because I like some days I'll be driving the forklift and then I'll drive home in my car and I'll have to parallel park my car. And it's so much harder when you don't have a rear steering. Yeah, yeah, and I feel that. Do you ever use the 180 maneuver as a pickup line at the bar. Uh, well, I'm going to pre-committed relationship, but I'll tell you what, the next time I meet my, uh, my partner at a bar, I'll, uh, I'll walk up to her and get with that. Yeah, give it. Okay. Hey, if I have my fork lift right now, I park this big fork lift.
Starting point is 01:05:59 Yeah, don't even got to do it at the bar. I suppose in the bedroom would work too, huh? Oh, there we go. Time to park this fork right, right in where it needs to be. I want to park that fork right near the garage. Gosh. Um, hey, do you have one of the stick shift for clips? Yeah. No. Hey, got not electric Buggie-wiggy-wiggy It's a the Yale. I don't know exactly a model, but it's a Yale You know who wouldn't know what kind of model it is someone who's forklift certified because that guy knows his machine
Starting point is 01:06:35 Yeah, go to school forgot sake Quick cut corners, okay? cut in corners, okay? You cut corners with a four-clift. Shit's getting fallen over. Yeah, it's a mess. First thing you know, you're cutting corners with a four-clift. The next thing you know, you're cutting corners with a knife lift. And then what's that going to do?
Starting point is 01:06:57 How do you cut corners with it? There was something there was a joke in there. I there was a fork and I think sometimes I had it and I don't know where it's gonna I know it's like jumping off a plane. Did I put the parachute on? No, oh, sure. I'll just go deal with this joke. There's something there though. Yeah, there is. Work left. I was just gonna go the office route. Every time that he makes a mess in the warehouse, he just goes, we'll get someone to clean that up. I got to clean that up. Oh man. I'll leave you guys with one thing, this is mostly for Charlie. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:36 Lifelong Packer fan, grew up as a Packer fan. I moved to Chicago and I got a job at a bills bar of all places. A bills bar. Wow. Yeah. I got started with it. I don't know. I'm the most confused. You're the most interesting man in the world.
Starting point is 01:07:54 Yeah. Pack. Yeah. No, first one. I blew up in Minneapolis. Oh, yeah. Fanned moves to Wisconsin. Goes to the beautiful, old clear, then goes to Chicago.
Starting point is 01:08:04 Works at a bills bar. Says he's four-cliffs certified, not four-cliffs certified, the whole thing, works at a brewery, but he's pushing another grain belt here. Very confused. Very confused. Just a man in the mirror. Life is a spider web. Hey, man, I mean, if you want to know the reality, this will happen when you get two degrees in music.
Starting point is 01:08:23 Two degrees in music equals you have zero degrees. Pretty much. Don't you wish someone like, don't you wish we started this podcast earlier and you could have called in and said, hey, Miles Charlie, is it a good idea to get two degrees in music? And we would have said dude,
Starting point is 01:08:43 just get fucking forklift certified That had been well spent wouldn't enough wait let him finish Well all right, well, yeah, I want to figure out where you're going with this So you're a packers fan and now you're working in a bills bar Okay, you were great place, but for now working the brewery, but I'm not gonna lie. I kind of don't shut your dirty, shut your dirty mouth. Shops. Do not. Do not.
Starting point is 01:09:19 No, he say he says part of the bills mafia now. Oh, you know what? You enjoy that. Okay. You can't grow up in Minneapolis. Be a Packers fan and be a part of Bill's mafia. It's not how the world works. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. We have we have issues. You know, this is like when you you said you were a Packers fan, you came hot out to gate with that. Okay. And then that's like when you came hot out of the packers fan. I thought I grew up in the pack. So he's no longer. Oh, he's no longer a packer's fan. Did you keep up? How old are you? Now, yeah, 28. You're 28. So I can't even believe him there. It sounded like he was lying in the
Starting point is 01:09:59 boat. It did. It did. I don't know who this is. Well, you should go back and watch the ESPN classic episodes of the bills in the 90s and how many Super Bulls they lost in a row. And then you think long and hard, if you want that, that, that to be your, no, look, I respect the bills mostly because they've lost, they've seen pain. They've seen pain.
Starting point is 01:10:19 They've been through it. Oh, yeah. And look, if the Packers are out, I'd be happy to consider pulling for the bills. Okay. Packers out. But nope, they're not out yet. We have a, we have a, we have a chance. This comes out. The Packers are going to be. So you're going to eat those words, miles. I'm going to serve them to you. Anyways, well, look, so you want to be a bills fan now. Is that it? Is that it? You want to be a bills fan now. Is that it? Is that it? You want to be a bills fan? Then get out of this house. You want to be a bills fan, you
Starting point is 01:10:50 know? I love all this whole thing. We just haven't let them talk. That's better that way. I go ahead. You know the floor. We're going to say defend yourself here. No. So I, you know, I know there's been a lot of recommendations on including places in the Midwest. I think Buffalo, New York, by itself, I think that actually we've had that. Is the gateway to the Midwest is what someone said. Yeah. And, and, and, and, yep, and it is. We've agreed. We, it's already there. Okay. Hey, there it is.'ve agreed we it's already there Okay, hey there it is maybe haven't I haven't heard that part, but you know, they got great things they get way more snow than we do So much snow juice. No, they got before that one game. Oh
Starting point is 01:11:40 Yeah, where it is That was a lot of snow and I'm from North Dakota and we see some snow up here. They literally you like we're way further north than Wisconsin. Yeah. And we get some snow, but that was snow like I never seen it. That was Lake effect snow. What they could have done is taken all that snow and made like a dome and played inside with the snow. And they glue, you know, when the, let's say the snowfloss push everything into one spot as
Starting point is 01:12:06 a kid and then you and your buddies to shovels and make toll roads and stuff. You did that too. They never fall on you and you get trapped. Well, we had that happen once, you know, we've got arrested soul neighbor kid. It happens. Turns out, first responders weren't that fast at responding to a bunch of kids in the snow pile. No, I can't. That never happened. Everyone who got piled on is still alive today. I promise you.
Starting point is 01:12:36 But yeah, it's the same thing. They could have just dug through the stadium, dug out enough for everyone in their stands to see it and then had a little like snow dome over the top. Well, snow dome, like they're playing in a snow globe. Well, they should have doubled down. They should have moved all the snow into the stadium and dug it out instead of trying to get it out of the stadium. Be mild.
Starting point is 01:12:55 But more snow in the stadium. 100%. Miles, I think they kind of tried that with the metradome. And we all know. No, no, no, no, the snow is the roof. We don't put snow on the roof. Yeah, there's. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:13:10 Yeah, yeah. There you go. And we all know how that ended in a beautiful stadium that is US bank, which I just was at. Oh, yeah. It is a beautiful stadium. If you sit on the one side, I was, I was on the one side with a glass on the opposite side.
Starting point is 01:13:26 I should have brought my sunglasses. I couldn't see a thing for the first three quarters. It was a new game. We got it. They can't they put a little tint. Can't they put a little tint on those glass that the glass in the US bank? You've been in the US bank stadium before. I don't go into any territory. You just were at a Chicago Bears game. That's different. Someone gave me tickets for free. But all I'm saying is if we can just get a film of tint on the top of US make stadium, that'd be nice for everyone sitting on the side that faces it because my mom, her cornea is her shot.
Starting point is 01:13:59 I at least had a hat on to I could kind of block some of the sun. My mom, I went to the game with her. She, I mean, she's going to have to have cataract surgery next month, I think, because of just sitting there staring in the sun the whole game. Really? I'm surprised that they didn't figure that one out.
Starting point is 01:14:10 I know. But they didn't, they don't got me on the board over there. So. Well, soon enough. Do you like how you've just been sitting here
Starting point is 01:14:18 listening to Miles's son proposition? Did you have some to add about that? I don't know. I know. But they didn't, they don't got me on the board over there. So. enough. Do you like how you've just been sitting here listening to Miles's, uh, his son proposition? Did you have something to add about that? Sun's undefeated, everyone. Yeah, I've actually never been to the US bank stadium.
Starting point is 01:14:34 It brings some sunglasses. Pretty darn big. That's funny. They need to bring sunglasses to an indoor stadium. Yeah. And also when it was high and noon, right to be getting the game, it was hot in there. It's like a greenhouse. I mean, it felt like I was I was beading up to it in there sweating. They should just start growing. They should just have real grass in there at that point. Honestly, it's a greenhouse. They should. Oh, why don't they? I mean, that seems like they could. Well, anyways, well, boys, we better, we better turn on out to the, yeah, you do have a good day. Yeah, you're pushing a call and in. I know we gave you some good advice today.
Starting point is 01:15:18 Well, we gave you advice anyways. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Anyways, yeah, yeah, you know, I might go get my real fourth lift certification, but I kind of like being a cowboy, you know, he kind of like he loves the thrill of being the bad boy. He's the bad boy of the warehouse. He's like, you know, I could go get trust me. I could go get certified, but I don't need to. You don't need certification. Go ahead. Why don't you arrest me, OSHA? They might. They don't fuck around. Oh, I can't say that again. Well, oh, you can't say the outboard, but you can say that. Fuck around, fuck around. Pretty soon you won't be around. Remember that. Yeah. Hey, there we go. Remember that Oshia is listening to our podcast They got cameras everywhere man. I'm convinced they do so after we get off this call We're gonna try and delay what brewery you work out. Yeah, totally in a call. I'm sure. Yeah, kidding. We know dark
Starting point is 01:16:20 Can I keep I want to I want to send you some beer. I think you guys would actually enjoy it because it's not we don't have any IPA. So you can send it to I'll just give you my address right now. Yeah, sir, it sounds good. Yeah, it's 12. You're right. 12.01. Fuck off lane. Oh, yeah. offline. No, I didn't mean that. I didn't mean that. Charlie, tell him your address and then I'll try it when I come over. Why don't we message you the address here because the last thing I want to do is save my address and then have a bunch of people send, you know, someone someone might send a duty or something, you know, and that's what you want.
Starting point is 01:17:06 Yeah, you don't want that. No, Charlie just hitting my shoes. It could be duty or be. So, you know, Charlie is a single guy. He's getting new to be honest with you. There was this one time. You'll enjoy this story. You get anywhere to go.
Starting point is 01:17:20 Okay. How many things have you rammed the forklift into a sense we started talking on the phone here. I got the day off. Honestly, your job sounds amazing. I'll tell you a story. Get the newties isn't all that it's
Starting point is 01:17:40 cracked up to be. You know, you might think, oh, yeah, someone sent me a picture of what not. That's cool. But no, it's not. I remember this one time I was on my Facebook page of all pages. And I popped open my messenger and I wasn't looking. I wasn't looking at it. I was just it was sitting there. It was open. My mom walks in the door and I'm like, hey, mom, how are you doing? And she goes, Oh my God, Charlie, what is that on my computer? Just two knackers. Just straight up two knackers. Or thing and send knockers all the time. Well, socks. Well, when when your mother is walking
Starting point is 01:18:17 in the door, dude, just looking and then she's like, that's socks. Then she has like, what website are you on? I'm like, come on Facebook and she's like, I'm on Facebook, that's not on Facebook. I am deleting that Facebook account of mine after that. But then so, you know, anyways, that was that was a situation. I tell you what, I got sent to Baronokers as well. Yeah. And what's had the access to the UBATJ account
Starting point is 01:18:44 because she would like do stories and stuff when we had events. Yeah. Uh, and what's had the access to the U Betje account because she would like do stories and stuff when we had events. Yeah. She was like, well, here you go, Miles. This is going on. Oh, bye. Sorry about that. Yeah. I mean, you know, I mean, look, I'm, you know, there, it's all God made it all. God made it all. Be sure to. Be sure to. Yeah. I don't know. Well, we appreciate you calling in. If you, if you can on our next recording, be looking for, let us know if you're
Starting point is 01:19:17 forklift certified. But don't call in again and tell your forklift certified. All right. That's your homework. He's gonna call it in line again. The best part is if we rewind the tape now to how affirmatively it's like your forecooks. Yeah. You can't call into a podcast with bullshitters and try and bullshit a bullshitter. I tell you I know I can't do that. We can sniff our way through it. Yeah, quick. Well, thanks for calling in, man. We appreciate it. Oh, yeah. So, you know, tell your folks at the high and, you know, all that. Yeah, we'll do you two. Okay. And okay, there. Okay. Watch out for deer in that fourclift.
Starting point is 01:20:05 Okay. Watch, yeah, watch out for a palette rocking. Oh, yeah. All right. But by now. Well, Charlie, I think that was another good episode of belly up. What do you think? Well, Miles, it was an amazing episode.
Starting point is 01:20:22 I called him on his bullshit that he's not because no one's actually foreclipsed. You know, when he, when he said that, the way he said it, I was kind of questioning it a little. You just perked up a little bit. You're like, well, I was just like, well, I first of all, I was not, I was, I've never been foreclips certified. No, no one has. That's the thing.
Starting point is 01:20:44 I mean, I've driven one before. Yeah, me too. That's about it. Yeah, and the thing is is that's how you find out you fuck around you find out you go, hey, I go, hey, you's his sad. So to get all that's funny. You said that. You know what? Actually said, you know, you know, I, it's a lot of that going on. You know, he's not telling the truth. Well, I mean, until it to be
Starting point is 01:21:17 for you don't need to be golf cards certified. You know, but also I do some weird things. A little more power and a lot, it goes a lot higher in the air. I'm for a cliff does. Yeah, but also I do some weird things a little more power and a lot It goes a lot higher in the air. I'm forklift does yeah, but a golf cart a golf cart you can do some weird stuff with golf cars. No, not like you can't a forklift Yeah, you can kill people with forklift like they could tip over and shift and hit
Starting point is 01:21:40 Palette racking and I suppose I are seeing you want a golf card is just launch it up through a sand trap. That's true. And there's another analogy out there. You don't need to be car certified. Just kidding. Okay. All right. All right. Well guys, go check out the road hunt for ditch chickens hat. They're on all you bet Thanks for tuning into another episode. And yeah, everybody just watch for it here. Okay. Oh, wait, we had some mouse we wanted to say, didn't we? I think we did.
Starting point is 01:22:14 Tip your bartender. Oh, yeah, tip your bartender. And don't screw the pooch and not do that, okay? They also tip up fronts when you get to be a little bit intoxicated like I am. You know, you're going to probably forget, but if you tip up front. So when you get to be a little bit intoxicated, like I am, you're gonna probably forget, but if you tip up front. Coming hot with a 20, your bartender, Ovia. Let's see if you have. That's your love on back.
Starting point is 01:22:33 It's the way the world goes round. That's the way he is. Love you guys. See you in the next one. Bye, bye.

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