Bellied Up - Is North Dakota Better Than Minnesota? #87

Episode Date: February 8, 2024

The first caller is bored with a broken knee; we brainstorm what business she can create in her free time. The next caller is in love with Michigan women and wants to improve his game. The last caller... is a college student in North Dakota and thinks North Dakota is boring; we help her find some fun things to do. Get yourself a ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠"Road Huntin For Ditch Chickens"⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Hat Want us to come to your bar for a Bellied Up episode? Click ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Here⁠⁠⁠⁠ Check Out Myles' other Podcast ⁠⁠⁠⁠You Betcha Radio⁠⁠⁠⁠ Check Out Charlie's other Podcast ⁠⁠⁠⁠Cripescast

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Starting point is 00:00:00 All right, folks, we're back. Charlie, we're back. Where are we at? Back? We're at Chubbs pub. Chubbies. Chubbs. Pub. Chubbs was a real guy. We found out. Chubbs was a real man. Don't know anything about him, but that he was real. I know that he was a good guy. Well, we don't know that either. Well, I'm just know he's Chubbs. Hey, but the name like Chubbs, how could you be a bad guy, Miles? That is very true. What I love about Chubbs, as could you be a bad guy? Miles, that is very true. What I love about chubs as always, I got a pull tab machine over there. We probably got to throw a 20 or 40 or 60 or a hundred in that thing before we leave. You want miles? That
Starting point is 00:00:36 reminds me. I was at the filling station gas station. Some may call it and I was like, you know, I'm sitting here filling gas and I wish I could like just have a pull tab machine right here. So like while I'm filling up the old truck, I could just buy some pull tabs. That actually would be a great spot, right? Like just, it's just one machine. Yeah. Yeah. The gas pump is also a pull tab machine. Exactly. I mean, I don't know why they don't put pull tab machines in a lot of different places. You know, like where's the place, Miles, that you just wish there was a pull tab machine? I, so, not to brag, gonna be a dad again.
Starting point is 00:01:16 Congratulations. I've been going to appointments, right? I've spent more time in a hospital than I have in the last decade, in the last couple months, right? Yeah, you should really see the doctor more. Yeah, that's what my mom and wife say. But that's not what the point of it is. How great would it be when you're waiting at the doctor to have a pull tab machine in the lobby? Oh my gosh. Hey, why limited to the lobby? Why not putting it right in the delivery room? I mean, deliveries can take hours. Oh my God, labor.
Starting point is 00:01:47 I tell you what, I don't know yet, but I'm guessing that it takes a long time, depending. Yeah. And it would be nice to pass the time with gambling. And not just miles, you know better. It's not gambling, it's investing. Sorry, sorry. And you have a new child coming into the world.
Starting point is 00:02:04 So why not invest in their college fund while they're coming out the deal? And birth is expensive. What better way to invest and get a return so you can pay for it? I mean, I think that's great. And like at the, well, even just not even the delivery room, just any room in the hospital should have a full time machine. Cause they tell you what hospitals are fucking boring. Seriously. Yeah. And what's funny is at best they're boring. So I had an ultrasound, right? And Anne's doing her thing and you had an ultrasound. No, Anne did doing her thing. They just shoved the dad in the far corner of the room. Oh yeah. Like they have, they could put chairs closer and in different spots in the room, but they
Starting point is 00:02:44 choose to put it in the far back corner. And I wouldn't have been surprised that they would have hand me a coloring book during it is what it felt like. But if they had pull tabs, I would love to sit in the corner. And I will say guys don't give birth, but sometimes we feel like we are when we're not winning in the restroom, you know? And so why not put one in the stall while we're taking care of business? Next to the condo machine, they should have a turntable thing for pull tabs. Next to the Rough Riders, you got the pull tabs. Exactly. Oh, that's good. Trying to think where else? Where else?
Starting point is 00:03:23 Airports should be Some airports have like casino rooms and stuff in Vegas. Yeah It just would be nice to be able to have them at each gate That would be cool. And also like each airplane has a bathroom Section why not have a little pole tab section why not put it over by the? The what you would call it though.'re, you know, the, the jump seats, you don't need jump seats for the flight attendants. You know, those seats they sit in when the, when the captain says, all right, the fold down one. Yeah. The fold down ones. Yeah. What are they even there for?
Starting point is 00:04:01 Well, also it's just like, yeah, everyone should get instead of getting a thing of crackers, you should just get a pull tab. That's true. Maybe two pull tabs if there's turbulence, distract you a little bit. Start bribing all the people when they have bad service. Yeah. Give them a poll instead of a drink ticket. Well, do both. Yeah. Drink it. Yeah. Regardless, more places need to have poll tabs. I concur. I concur. It is settled. Well, I'm excited for another day of bellied up and it's an honor to be bellied up with you at this bar over here at Chubbs. And I'm looking forward to taking some callers. Let's do it. Welcome to the bellied up podcast. Who are we talking
Starting point is 00:04:44 to today? You're talking to Ali Ali. How are you Ali? You doing good today? All right. I had better days. Oh Well, let's talk about it. What's what's on your mind? So I was seeing Thanksgiving weekend and I ended up carrying my ACL and feel lateral and medial meniscus. So everything but the PCL. Yeah. Yeah. Overachiever. Come on. Yeah. Basically. Yeah. I know. Well, that's what you get for doing physical activities. Halley. Well, that's what like Michael Scott said everyone. I know that skis has torn legs. You know, that's what like Michael Scott said, everyone, I know that's keys as torn legs,
Starting point is 00:05:26 you know, that's why I'm from Wisconsin and I'm out in Reno now out in Reno from Wisconsin. So you didn't grow up skiing being in Wisconsin or did you grow up skiing on one of the dumps that they snow on? I see the Alpine Valley. Alpine Valley. Nice. Sounds fancy as shit. I have no idea what it is, but oh my god. Oh, it is fancy out there. Yeah. Is there a chalet? It is fancy. Do they have a chalet? Do they have a chalet? They do. They do. I knew they would with an Alpine
Starting point is 00:06:00 Valley. Yeah, they do. Okay. So So I mean, was your leg just like flopping around? Was it just like dangling there like a loose tooth? It kind of was. I got a lie. I actually got back up after it happened. I got back up to see down the mountain and it just like totally gave out and then like P patrol had to come like cart me down. Oh, so you were one of the people that was riding coffin style on the back of the snowmobile. Yeah, I thought was it embarrassing or was you too much pain to even notice? Um, I was actually not embarrassed. I was more so embarrassed that I fell down the second time and like face planted again. Yeah. I mean, you didn't have one knee. So I suppose that would happen on that. This is the big tragedy.
Starting point is 00:06:49 This is the big tragedy of ski hills, like riding down on one of those sleds behind the snowmobile. It seems like I would pay to do that, you know? But the only way you can do that is if you're in excruciating pain or like almost dead, you know? I feel like they should offer that as a service. What? Yeah. The patrol should just offer to those card people down. They are, they do get bored easily. I feel like they set up these traps so people get injured. Oh, so you think you were, you were booby trapped is what you think?
Starting point is 00:07:23 I think so. I think so. Well, I mean, you might want to pursue that. You could have a lawsuit on your hands and you could own the mountain. Literally, yeah, then you can ride up and down on that ski patrol thing. All you want. Yeah. And since this is our idea, you got to invite me and Miles out to to ride that thing because I've always wanted to ride it. To ride it. You want to ride down on a slide.
Starting point is 00:07:46 Yeah, I do. With seat patrol. Yeah. Yeah. I want, I want a power glided sled. What mountain are we suing by the way? I'm not sure if I should say this. Oh, you, yeah, you can. We'll bleep it out. Okay. Okay. It's Mount Rose. Mount Rose. Where the the, we're as well. Name, rename and Mount bellied up because we now own it. Charlie soon. Miles, we don't
Starting point is 00:08:14 count our mountains before they're hatched. Where is Mount Rose right outside of Reno? Okay. See, this is why you don't go past Alpine Valley. You know, I mean, Sunburst if you're feeling adventurous. What about Whitecapped up in Northern Wisconsin? Whitecapped. I've never gone to Whitecapped. You've never gone to Whitecapped? No, I never, I never skied. I didn't ski till I was like 19 years old. This is the first time I've ever seen Charlie be stumped on a place in Wisconsin. I don't know where the hell it is. I'm gonna soak this in.
Starting point is 00:08:48 Yeah, where is White Cap? I knew what White Cap was. No, you didn't? Yes, I did. Do they have a chalet there? First of all, it's pronounced shallot. Thank you. Yeah, see, that's the one I'm thinking of.
Starting point is 00:08:59 Yeah, I know it. Do they really have a shallot at White Cap? I was really young when we went there, but I think so. I'm pretty sure. Yeah, they do. Do they really have a shallow dad? White kept? I was really young when we went there, but yeah, I think so. I'm pretty sure. Yeah, they do. It's an up in Wisconsin. Yeah, I know it. It's right off a highway. Jay. I have no idea. Yeah, it says it's on County Road Eve. It's County Road. Did I say I? Oh, yeah, you meant you meant you meant email. Yeah. Yep. Thank you very much for that correction. Um, so what are you? Did they fix you up? Are you? Yeah. So I had surgery December 18th. The knee it's there. Okay. So you had surgery at the 18th. Did it go well?
Starting point is 00:09:46 Yeah. I ended up passing out two days later from not eating and the drugs they gave me. You know, what, what drugs did they give you? Pain, pain? That's awesome. I've been cotton. Oh my gosh. Yeah. Do you have any extras? Yeah. Miles, that's a felony. I'm asking if she has any extra because I didn't want her to do them all because she faints. Yeah. Well, thank you for clarifying that. We almost were owning a mountain, but now we got a felony that we're fighting. Now I know. Yeah. He just wants to steal the mountain steal on top of this. just add to the felony charges.
Starting point is 00:10:28 So what are you doing now that you are just sitting on your ass? Yeah, what's. So I'm listening to a lot of belly dogs. As you should. I'm watching a lot of movies, reading books and losing my mind. I'm going to be honest, my dad. So my dad wishes he's like, he loves that. So Nate Bargatsky hit the nail on the head when he said that old people love having surgeries. Like they just love it. My dad would love what she's living in right now. A little surgery, just relaxing
Starting point is 00:11:02 at home, watching movies. You know, I want you to count your blessings here. You know, if you didn't fall down on that mountain, tib, fib or whatever you did and ended up having surgery and sitting at home, think of all the relaxation time that you're getting right now, pretty soon you're gonna have to be working and doing all that stuff. Just enjoy the moment right here right now. What do you think of that? I mean, I could, but like, it's like a border collie
Starting point is 00:11:36 being stuck in a kennel for eight weeks. Eight weeks? You know, like I just, like more like nine months, but Oh my gosh. Because yeah. And then you got to do the rehab and everything after. So, so are you looking for ways to amuse yourself while you're stuck in? Yeah. Doing all this. Okay. Well, Charlie's got a list of stuff you can do at home by
Starting point is 00:12:00 yourself. Why do you say that? What? Why do you say that, Miles? What? Let's hear it. What do you why do I suggest? Yeah, Ali and I would like to know why you think I have a list of stuff to do at my house by myself because you like playing cards playing playing Solitaire. Charlie. What? Why? Why am I only playing the card games with one person, Miles? Well, I just don't imagine that you have a lot of people. Are you saying I have no friends, Miles? What are you doing? Are you saying me and Charlie don't have a lot of friends? You have friends that go to work during the day is what I'm saying. You know, Ali, he's digging himself into a bit of a hole here. He better be careful because he might tear his ACL climbing out of it.
Starting point is 00:12:49 Are you a cribbage player, Ali? Late at one. I was younger. All right. Well, maybe you could start making cribbage boards. That's a good one. Oh, make them and sell them and then start like a cribbage leak out here in Reno. There you go. That's one idea.
Starting point is 00:13:07 Tears are ACL once and now has stuck with a privilege board making business for life. You know what? Honestly, though, I think that this is that this could be the start of some because Reno, obviously it's casinos, it's gambling, it's whatever. Ellie, how many times have you gone to a casino? Ellie, how many times have you gone to a casino? Miles, how many times have you gone to a casino and been like, where's the Euker games? Where's the sheep's head game?
Starting point is 00:13:32 Where's the cribbage? You know, what was your favorite car game growing up? Go fish. Where's the goal? Where's the, why can't you gamble? That would be funny to be able to gamble on Go fish. That would be good. You know, we should start our own casino of games
Starting point is 00:13:47 that we actually like to play, you know? I mean, don't get me wrong. I like Blackjack. Like a Midwest casino. A Midwest casino. I think if you want to start a little side gig. I think I got a good one for you. You're going to start a side gig.
Starting point is 00:14:01 Sounds like you're a little entrepreneurial. And it's going to be a fun anniversary Valentine's Day cards business. And you're going to steer into the skid. You're going to call it fallen for you. That's nice. And then you have the whole backstory that, I blew out my knee. I didn't have anything to do. So, and I was lonely and I wanted to find love.
Starting point is 00:14:27 And so I made these cards during that time. And then you have a whole. Are you a human single? Oh, shoot. As I was coming out of my mouth, I knew I was going to catch flak for that. I was going to bring it up to Ali. Are you indeed single or no?
Starting point is 00:14:46 Yes, I do. Yes, I am single. Oh, Miles, I just wanted to call him out on that. Hang on. Hang on. Ali, I heard a little unbelievable intuition, Charlie. Miles, you were very excited there. But I heard a word. She, she slipped in there. She said technically, well, she was maybe had a friend she would hang out with, but now she doesn't have a knee. So wait, Ali, were you technically single? Did you just get out of a relationship and screw the pooch on your knee? Yeah. Oh, geez. Is it? Oh, I know. I feel bad. Well, I'm the one who doubled down on it. Are you did you do the breaking up, Ali? Or no. It was mutual. I was going to break up with him, but then he ended up doing it. So that's
Starting point is 00:15:28 He broke up with you and you broke up with your knee. It's a tough scenario. Wait, when he broke up with you, were you upset that you couldn't be the one to break up with him? I don't like slightly, but like I'm not very of a confrontational person. So I'm kind of glad he ended up doing it. Oh, you're not very confrontational. What was all that? How do you know I'm single? Shit. You just pulled on me. Hmm. Sounded confrontational. Normally, I'm not used to it. I'm not good with confrontation. We're bringing out the best center, Charlie. I just wanted to call you out. My old. Thank you. Yeah. You guys are really bringing out my best. So are you on that? Are you? I mean, I imagine that
Starting point is 00:16:10 breakup went like he started breaking up with her and she was just like, started smiling. I was going to break up with you. This is awesome. They high five. This is over. Right. And then they just, all right, I'm going to grab my shit. Where's my toothbrush at? And then she left. Is that how it went? No, it's a little bit more like bomber than that. But I mean, if we want to say that, then we can do that. Well, are you already back on the app? Swiping? Are you going to wait for the needy? You know, I'm back on the app, Siphen, you know. Okay. Any success? No. No, do you have in your profile that your knees busted right
Starting point is 00:16:51 now? Are you going to save that for the third like message? I think that for a little bit later, you know, that I'm a little broken right now. You could show your sense of humor and there's got to be a photo of you riding the sled down the hill. Have that be it. Be the photo on your thing. No, I didn't get a picture. I didn't get a picture. Damn. What a tragedy. How's that possible? The knee wasn't the tragedy. The no photo op was the tragedy.
Starting point is 00:17:17 Yeah. What were your friends doing at this time? When you broke yourself, what were your freaking friends doing? I was skiing by myself. Oh, God. I brought. What do you mean? She was skiing by herself. Skiing is a social activity. No, sometimes it's just great to get out there.
Starting point is 00:17:35 I've skied by myself quite a bit, you know. And by the way, you go to you go to the mountain. You know, I think people go by herself. A single people go by ourselves is what she says. Now, I guess I'm coming from the thing. The only time I'm going skiing is if I'm forced. So I guess that makes sense. Well, let's see here. So you didn't get a picture. You're broken, broken up. You're broken, broken up. God, it's, it's- You're single and lonely.
Starting point is 00:18:06 And your knee is exploded. You're sitting in Reno. Well, that's also my other problem is that like out here in Reno, there's just no Midwestern guys. Well, yeah, in Reno. Man, that is a shame. No Midwestern gentlemen. There's noern gentlemen.
Starting point is 00:18:25 There's no Midwest gentlemen. What kind of guys are you encountering in Reno? What's the typical Reno guy like? Well, they're all very outdoorsy, which I'm also very outdoorsy. Not right now. Well, like they just like don't have. Well, my friend's true. Thank you, Miles.
Starting point is 00:18:42 You and Miles, I'm on your team, Ali. Miles. We're, you know, he's, he's shooting shots on this and we're just going to have to team up and knock them down together. So what's the difference though in a Reno guy and a Midwest guy? There's like a Midwest like personality. That's just like really different. I don't know how to describe it. Well, that doesn't help because we're on a podcast. Yeah, we're, we're hoping that Ali, there's not much else going on. Midwest. Nice. So they're not nice out there. My house is over here laughing at himself. Do you like how Miles like yells at you for not describing it? Cause we're on a podcast and he just takes a minute to just laugh to himself off Mike
Starting point is 00:19:33 about his own joke. He's like, if no one else is going to laugh at it, how do you feel about this? I'm speechless. Well, that sucks. Cause we're on a podcast. So you're, you're looking. Okay, go ahead. No, you go ahead. All right. So you're saying that you're looking for a Midwest nice guy. Are you thinking someone like Miles who roasts you and then laughs at his own jokes?
Starting point is 00:20:00 Cause there are some Midwest guys that, you know, they're not always that nice either. You know, language of love, that nice either, you know, language of love, I say from the Midwest is sarcasm. We were just, I mean, like a sarcastic guy. This we just were writing this video. Miles and I were just talking about this. What Midwest love language you think it's sarcasm, which is nice.
Starting point is 00:20:24 We were saying acts of service. We're saying like the Midwest guys are so out of touch with their emotions. The only level language they know is like, Oh yeah, no, I'll do that for you. No, fix your gutter. Yeah. I'll, you know, take actually, this did come up once like this. I had another surgery like two years ago because I constantly break myself and a guy was using my car to drive me back and forth from work and he's like, oh, I'm going to clean your car. And then like I showed him your Midwest survival guide, Charlie. Yeah. He's like, wait, do you think I'm
Starting point is 00:20:57 in love with you? Cause I cleaned your car and I was like, kind of. And how did that go? He's like, oh, that's weird. And I was like, yes, I know that it's not like, you're not allowed with me. Like, hell, it was really nice of you. So like, Oh yeah, I thought it was weird too. I totally didn't think you're in love with me and I wasn't ready to marry to you. She's like, yeah, it's me too. Exactly. So where's that guy now? Is that the guy you just broke up with or? No, we're another guy. I don't know. He disappeared. He disappeared. Lots of guys,
Starting point is 00:21:33 lots of surgeries. Miles, you know, he's just being, this is how he shows his glove. So here's the problem. The next guy that you date, you got to marry him. Otherwise you're going to break another part of your body. If you break up. Oh, that is true. So I just have to be careful next time. She gets into a relationship. They break up and she just immediately just be wearing it starts wearing a helmet.
Starting point is 00:22:07 Just very cautious. That might feel some bubble wrap. Yeah. Oh man. I don't really know what we were supposed to give advice on Charlie, but that was a nice bar conversation. Don't you think? That was good. What didn't we answer for you, Allie? Is there anything we, any meat we left on the bone here? No, I think you guys answered because I'm just gonna start a cribbage business now.
Starting point is 00:22:29 Now, or like a game and it's gonna be like a business and it'll be falling, what was the name of it? Falling for you. Falling. With a four and a letter U. I'll do like a whole like Midwest card game, little business. Yeah. I like that.
Starting point is 00:22:51 Start your own Midwest casino. Well, Allie. She passed out from the OxyCotton. Yeah, yeah. What's going on there? Do we lose you? Do you pop one of those pills when we started this conversation or?
Starting point is 00:23:10 No. Well, Allie, listen, I wish you the best here. I hope you heal up quickly. I hope you find love. What dating app are you on? Where can people find you? I'm actually not on any right now. I tried those and they didn't work because there's no Midwest guys out here. Well, if you get on the app, she cannot change your location. We have an app for you. Oh yeah. What do you think?
Starting point is 00:23:40 We are currently equal partners in an app with another caller called only fins. And it is a dating app where in order to get on the app, you have to have your profile picture holding a fish. And if you are going to start a conversation, the conversation needs to start with both people sending a photo of them holding a fish and we call it fish picks. Fish picks. But the fish then has to be in another pick with a ruler and you can only engage with the person if you have the same species of fish on your profile. You interested?
Starting point is 00:24:19 I'm not a fisher. Oh. I'm not a fisher. Are'm not a fisher. Oh. Are you looking for a fisher? Potentially. Okay, this is good market research. It is. It is.
Starting point is 00:24:32 And I think my initial thought was maybe right, that the guys need to be the fishermen and the gals can be anyone. So we'll workshop it. We'll workshop it. I like it. Yeah. No, it's a great feedback. I like it. Yeah. Alley.
Starting point is 00:24:45 No, it's a great feedback. I think Alley's trying to get off the phone with us. The person who is sitting there with the bum knee is trying to get the hell off the phone with us. Is that right, Alley? A little bit. Oh, my gosh. How are people going to listen to this podcast if the person we're talking to doesn't want
Starting point is 00:25:04 to be talking to us I was just kind of just set in Charlie. Oh, she's sorry alley. Well, we screwed up on this one. We wish you the best We're gonna thank you. I'll consider the app as long as I don't have to fish All right, sounds good alley. We're sorry you got hurt. Even Miles is sorry. I am sorry. Thank you. All right. Heal up quick. Thank you. All right. Bye-bye now. Bye. We overstayed our welcome yet again. Nice. You know, this has happened a couple
Starting point is 00:25:41 times, Miles. We're not like getting cues. At first, I thought it was maybe their issue, but you know, it's starting to become what they would call in, they would call it a pattern. It is a pattern. We can't have two colors where the colors are trying to get off the phone with us, you know? Well, seems like a good, good gal. She does. Yeah. Do you think we offended her? I definitely offended her at some point. Yeah. But I'm
Starting point is 00:26:05 willing to shoulder that. That's good. That's important. Should we take another collar? Let's do it. Welcome to the belly to podcast. Who are we talking to today? Hey, how's it going? Teddy? Hey, Teddy. How you doing, man? Charlie, I'm doing all right. Is my leave that you guys are still I am here? What's going on, Teddy? Oh my gosh, guys. I'm just enjoying this Monday. Doing pretty well with going on with you guys. We're just bellied up to the bar. Why don't you belly on up with us and tell us what's on your mind. Well, I would love to belly up to the bar and tell you guys what's up. Born and raised in California, currently living in Seattle and just met some really cool people over the past, I don't know, four or five years and being here in
Starting point is 00:26:59 Seattle and some of the coolest people have been from Michigan. Some of my best friends are from LaVonia. Not sure if you guys are familiar with that area. We're in Michigan. Is that LaBona? LaVonia? I guess it's outside Detroit. LaVonia. Oh my gosh. I was like, I think someone's spinning a yarn there. My guy. La Bonia. Come on. The girl's name was Ima. Ima from La Bonia. You guys are here. You see, I'm holding up my two hands and it's right here on the lower peninsula, but I guess Charlie would say they're not the real mitten state. Right? I would say that name on that. He's never, he wears
Starting point is 00:27:44 gloves. You know, don't make me go back into that whole situation. Anyway, so tell us about the Lebonians. Here's the thing. They're great people. Like some of the best people ever. And here's my, here's my problem, guys. I dated a very nice lady.
Starting point is 00:28:03 Oh God. I dated a very nice lady. Oh God, maybe, maybe three years ago now. And she was from Michigan. She went to state. I made the mistake one night. The first time I met her, she goes, yeah, I went to, I'm born raising Michigan, went to school in Michigan and I said, go blue. And turns out it was supposed to go green. So I bought that one right from the get go.
Starting point is 00:28:22 But then a couple of years later, I met someone and she was also from state. And then a week later, I met someone and she was from Unish. And nothing ever worked out with any of these love interests. But they're all from Michigan. And I haven't talked to anyone except for Michigan Women's Sense. And I'm really conflicted guys. I haven't talked to anyone except for Michigan women since and I'm really conflicted guy. But I don't know what to do. I love it here in Seattle, but is there something in the water in Michigan that like the women there just better? Okay. So you got a little, yeah, don't ask about the water in Michigan. That's a whole another thing. You want to light a river on fire?
Starting point is 00:29:03 Um, that's, that's Ohio. Never mind. That's Ohio. So, okay. So it sounds like you have a bit of a crush on all women in Michigan is what it sounds like. So why don't you go ahead and go. Why don't you tell us what about Michigan women makes them so attractive. They're good people. They're not this kind of smart that's like trying out smart you and make you feel stupid. But man, both of the most recent ones play soccer. They are very, I think, genuinely just attractive humans. I don't know how to say that. That being weird,
Starting point is 00:29:46 but they're physically attractive and just fun to hang around, fun to talk to. Now, so why, so they're physically attractive. We got that. what about their personality? Do you like, why are they fun to talk to? Like here, you, you, you be the Michigan girl, Miles, you be the guy. Okay. What's up, babe? Hey, honey. You're looking extra Michigan today. I guess I'll take that as a compliment. Yeah, it is. Thank you, sir. Tell you what, the
Starting point is 00:30:28 water in Michigan is just something else. Look at you. Is it now that Lake Michigan or is that Lake Superior? We're talking about Flint, baby. Oh, geez. Isn't that a hot topic? Yeah. Yeah. You're right. You're right. To call off the act out on that one. We don't know where that's going to go. Um, so, all right. I didn't know why I thought that experiment was going to get us anywhere. What do you do? What am I supposed to do? Do they talk to you about your, what do you like? What are they bringing up? You know, are they good at flirting? Is that what you're kind of thinking? I don't know about that. I'm a terrible floater myself. So I can't even
Starting point is 00:31:14 articulate that well, but I studied structural engineering and college myself and they're both engineers. So it's just really relatable. I also joke around with them because I'm such a big fan of the podcast, but I'll walk into their house when we hang out and I'll throw my, my jack in the middle of a bed or I'll talk about going to Meyer, even though I've never been a Meyer. I learned about where to like park, I guess parking and going in the right door is a big thing there.
Starting point is 00:31:39 When I leave the house, I'll say, I'll tell the folks that I says hi and to watch for deer and they get a crack out of that. So never been there, but I enjoyed. Yeah, they're good people. Right. If they watch for deer, they have to be good people. Yeah. Oh, absolutely. Now the thing that we haven't quite addressed yet, the old elephant in the room is you have screwed it up with all these women somehow. What's going on? You're not currently dating any of them. That is very true.
Starting point is 00:32:07 That is very true. I totally, I totally botched that. How did you botch it? I think that I'm probably just too honest about my feelings. Like if I, by the third one, I was kind of like, oh, you're from Michigan, I'm already in love. And I probably should not have told her that I just immediately knew that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:29 That one, that one was a bad idea. Yeah. That's bad on a few levels. You know, you're kind of then roping her into the previous girls that you dated. You know, it's that's probably not great. Did it. Yeah. I'm like, you got a point.
Starting point is 00:32:43 Did you say I love you way too early? Is that really what happened? One of the two definitely the other, the other is not so. Okay. So here's the thing. This is just Midwest people in general. They are like a deer, essentially, and it's very easy to startle a deer. If you come on too strong, if you make too many sudden movements, they're going to put their head up and then they're going to jump and trot away. And so the biggest thing would just Midwest people in general, you got to take your time, take your time. You got to put on a little camo. You got to paint your face. Give them some salt. Give them some salt. Be patient. Wait to get a broadside shot of the deer.
Starting point is 00:33:26 You know, don't just try and take the first shot when you see their antlers popping through. Call a little bit. Yeah, you know, get it. Get erotic with it through the audio. You sometimes got to doubt yourself in a little urine, you know. Yeah. Have you been peeing on yourself? you're in, you know? Yeah. Have you been peeing on yourself? Not usually, no. Well, maybe you should start. So next time your nose to nose with Michigan Doe, I want you to take your time. I want you to, you know, be patient. Don't make any sudden movements. And I think you might have
Starting point is 00:34:01 a better shot. Yeah. You want to be one with nature nature. You wanna be one with their environment. You wanna be chill, you know? You wanna almost make it seem like you don't even need them to like you. Yeah, you don't care, you know? And do- Okay, so.
Starting point is 00:34:20 Yes? No, no, no, Charlie, go ahead. I'm sorry, there's a bit of a lie. I didn't wanna interrupt, sorry. Oh, no, that's Charlie, go ahead. I'm sorry. There's a bit of a lie. I didn't want to interrupt. Sorry. Oh, no, that's all right. That's all right. I was I think I was just gonna say kind of I forgot what I was gonna say. You go now. I'm a great podcast. Okay, no, I insist. I'm kidding. You really are. I learned from you. No, I am sick. I learned that from you, Charlie. There you go. After you. Yeah. No, thank you. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:34:49 We'll be at this stop sign all day. All right. What were you going to say? Yeah. Yeah. So there was a nice guy who called into the podcast, maybe in, I don't know, 10, 15 episodes ago. She's from the Southern. She said that she wanted her Southern. She wanted men to be more direct, right? You're saying the complete opposite for Midwest women. I gotta, I gotta dance around a bit is what I'm hearing. Well, you can be direct, but only if they want you to be direct, meaning you don't just go and bum Russia deer. You have to be patient, whatever. And then when they talk to you you you have to feel it out and know when to be direct Yeah, you've got to understand that you're gonna have to take a shot at the deer
Starting point is 00:35:33 Yes, but you just got to be patient with it and you can't just start firing away right away And when you when you take a shot, okay? You don't with these women you you don't aim for the legs. You don't aim for the head. You don't aim for the chest, but close to the chest. You aim right for the heart. And it's I was gonna say the shoulder, but It's well, sure. Yeah. I mean, that's another That's probably more
Starting point is 00:36:03 Technicality. Yeah. But you know, it's through the heart that it all drops into place. And it's a great analogy actually, Charlie. It is. Although it's, it's, it's, you know, there, there are less serial killers from the Midwest. So we want to kind of make sure we're careful with the analogy at the same time. We're talking about deer though. We're not talking about humans. Well, I know we're talking about, I'm just saying for people who are not familiar with analogies, they may get confused and I'm throwing this out there as a disclaimer, which was probably unnecessary. And now I just screwed the whole analogy up. But the point is broadheads. And do you like that point? That was fun.
Starting point is 00:36:48 Yeah. So anyway, how do you feel about that? I love it. The other thing, so I'm going to take some recalibrate on my side. The other idea is I, the question is, do I just move to Michigan and increase my odds? Is that, is that just a terrible idea? I mean, you're going to be like a, like a puppy in, in a toy store. You're not going to know which one to, to play with first,
Starting point is 00:37:19 you know, it's going to be kind of a overwhelming experience. Easy yourself. I would maybe just like move to Wisconsin first, and then you can like, once it's been a weekend over in Michigan, and then move back, you know what I mean? Like, I wouldn't just go full go. I think that it's going to be disastrous for you.
Starting point is 00:37:36 Park it in Iowa for a little bit. Park it in Cedar Falls, Iowa. Start on like the west side of Nebraska. Yeah. And then just start working your way. Yeah. You know, you'll learn a lot. Okay. But I think he's like, I was really looking forward to moving to Michigan. Oh, what a dog. You know, the other thing what trial by fire, throw them into the ring.
Starting point is 00:38:05 Get on in there, Michigan and just figure it out. Yeah. You're, you're good. Here's the thing you got to understand. You're going to have to emulate the way a lot of Michigan guys are, you know, which is very much coy, very much, you know, just sort of waiting in the wings for another fella to lose their chance. And then you kind of just be friends with them and, you know, ask them if they need help with anything a bunch, you know, and almost, almost friend zone, get close to the friend
Starting point is 00:38:37 zone, but not too close. But yeah, I like the idea just offer to helps for stuff. And then eventually she'll fall in love with you. And if that doesn't do that, if that doesn't work, it was Miles's idea. Right. Right. Right. Of course. Yeah. But only do sexy helping stuff. You don't want to like, you don't want to be like, Hey, I'm going to come over and I'm going to fix your sewer line. You know what I mean? Like you're going to want to like do stuff where you can like take your shirt off and all that. Like I'm mowing your lawn with my shirt off and things like that. Otherwise could be disastrous. Or, you know, more realistic is probably shovel her walk and cargo shorts. She'll really feel at home in that scenario.
Starting point is 00:39:30 And then she goes, oh my gosh, you look so, you look so cold out there. You wanna come in for a nice hot cup of cocoa and warm up, cozy up to me and warm up. Yeah. And then you've got, then you got it in, you know, and then you can, you can say, oh, maybe we put a little brandy in there. Oh yeah. I didn't even notice because I'm so manly. I was shoveling this thing in shorts.
Starting point is 00:39:55 I didn't even notice how cold I was, but now you mentioned it. Yeah. I'm a little cold. What do you think of that? Okay. Okay. I like it. I'm going to the next. No, we get don't you guys worry. Okay. Are you right? I'm going to get my best. We guys right on it. Are you writing this down? I got notes. Okay. Yeah. Good. It's also on the podcast. If you wants to relish and do it, you know, bellied up podcast podcast. Yeah. No problem. Well, I think we did a good deed here. Miles, what do you think? Finding love in all the weird places? Yeah, I think that, I mean, you're right on nail on the head that Midwestern Michigan women are very attractive, although I am
Starting point is 00:40:39 taken so good, but I think you got it. Oh, I see. I was confused what you were saying. Now I figured it out. Thanks for calling in, man. Yeah, no, thank you guys. Really appreciate it. I'll take it to heart. I'm gonna, I'm gonna make sure I execute on that with these good notes and hope you guys enjoy the rest of your day. Watch for deer and fellow folks that says hi. Yeah. All right. That sounds real good. My guy. Take care now. Take care. Well, miles, we really had a third guest on the podcast there. I think we did better with him. You know, I think the deer analogy
Starting point is 00:41:25 was really nice. I think that worked out. Yeah. I think the whole analogy of hit him in the heart was actually very profound, Charlie. Thank you. Thank you. Right on point, broad point. You like I did that, you know, the bowl hunters will like that one. Yes, folks. Yes, folks. What are we? Should we do another caller or are we? Is that it? No, we have another caller. Oh yeah. Because we've done two right. Sometimes I forget if we're on two or three folks, we are presented by Nicolay law. Nicolay is accident and injury law firm with offices in Wisconsin, Minnesota, North Dakota. They've been helping folks in the Midwest since our friend Russell started this deal in 2007. It's a family business. And after Russell started, I almost said ruffle and that would have ruffled Russell's feathers. So I'm glad I caught
Starting point is 00:42:32 that. But he brought his brothers in his sister, his cousins. And now even his mom works at the firm. Holy smoke. Just like you, Charlie. You got a whole family operation over there. Family, what do they call that? It's a family tradition. Yeah. Yeah. There you go. So you're definitely going to be careful. What state you say that in though? Yeah. I mean, so I mean, no, don't south of the family traditions, you know, that creates cousins with funny eyes. So anyway, you're definitely going to be tree like family by the Nicolay family. And you can check them out. Myles Welcome to the belly up podcast. Who are we talking to? Oh my gosh, I'm so excited. Is this miles?
Starting point is 00:43:18 This is miles. How are we doing? Who do we got? But my name's Evelyn Evelyn. Welcome to the podcast. Grand Forks. Oh, you're calling from Grand Forks. North Dakota, Charlie. Finally, we get someone to call in from Old North Dakota. We're down here in Fargo. Well, miles, miles. I would not say I'm from North Dakota.
Starting point is 00:43:41 I just go to school here. I'm actually from Minnesota. Okay. That's all right. We'll take anyone we can get here in North Dakota. I just go to school here. I'm actually from Minnesota. Okay. That's all right. They will take anyone we can get here in North Dakota. Same church, different pew. Hey, do not compare Minnesota and North Dakota like that. Oh, I would agree. That's a little animosity. I, which do you like better? Minnesota or North Dakota? I love Minnesota. I'm a Minnesota and through and through. Are you a Vikings fan? Yeah. I mean, I am sort of by birth. I don't really follow it, but I wouldn't either. Well, Charlie's going to be a Grand Forks later this week. Yeah. I'm
Starting point is 00:44:17 going to be in Grand Forks on something Thursday or Friday or Saturday, Thursday. I will be out of town, unfortunately. Okay. You're shampooing your hair out of town. I get it. Yup. I get it. Well, I, for you boys, maybe some advice.
Starting point is 00:44:37 Okay. What is it? Well, so I, I am a student here at UCD and I met my boyfriend here last year and he is from Chicago. We're both flight students and he is a big city boy and I'm wondering how I can introduce him to my extended midwestern, very midwestern small town family and how to make that an easy transition or just how to get him and what it's like to be Midwestern. Yes. Small town.
Starting point is 00:45:10 So you're wondering how you take your boyfriend who is from Chicago and introduce him into small town Midwest culture. Yes, exactly. Now is he excited about it or is he kind of confused by the whole thing? He is very confused by the whole thing. His family is all spread out around the world and mine is all in southern Minnesota. And it's just a very new world for him. How long have you been dating him?
Starting point is 00:45:42 For almost a year. There's still time to get out. No, I'm just kidding. Both. No, I'm just kidding. For the vote of confidence. No. Um, so is he nervous or is he kind of just approaching it? Because has he met your family? He's only met my parents, but- And how did that go?
Starting point is 00:46:11 It went well. There was definitely a few times where I could tell like they weren't on the same wavelength, you know? My, it's just very different family, very different cultures. My mother loves this podcast, so I'm trying not to say anything too bad about it because she listens to it all the time.
Starting point is 00:46:31 So, but. Okay. What was, what's- Give us an example that you can share of like, what, where there was kind of like, ooh, they're not on the same page. My boyfriend is, he finds it hard to understand how much time I spend with my like extended family And how much that means to me because I've just grown up like that and he hasn't really and then just the whole like small town
Starting point is 00:46:56 Walking into Target and you run into five people that you know at least, you know He's not very comfortable with that whole idea and I'm trying to introduce him to it slowly because yeah, that's just part of my big part of my life. Right. What we're dealing with here is sort of a real life hallmark film. Big city guy comes to the small town, you know, the gal is really into her family. He's like, I'm a big city boy, you know, and then he, uh, Oh,
Starting point is 00:47:29 were you, were you working at a coffee shop per se when you guys met? Was he coming in to get his, his Frappuccino? And you're like, we only drink black coffee around here. We're going to have to recreate that scene. Yeah. But no, we met on a ski trip last year. Oh, a ski trip. Well, what, what attracted you to about each other? Cause you both come from very different backgrounds. What, what, what are the things that he likes about you? Would you say, what are the top three things he likes about you? And then the top three
Starting point is 00:48:04 things you like about him? Probably, I think he likes how down to earth I am compared to more city people. I'm a lot different than a lot more, I'd say down to earth. And I, I work really hard for maybe the second thing is that I like work really hard at school. I think he likes that about me. And then third thing is probably that I'm a pilot and he's a pilot. So, but three things that I like about him are probably his confidence, which I think comes from being a city boy. Something new for me for sure. And then I like his, I think he's really smart. And then obviously he makes me laugh really, really hard. So those are probably,
Starting point is 00:48:54 and he's really, yeah. And he's really real. So I like that too. Okay. Did you guys meet in the cockpit? Miles, I knew you were going to do it.? Miles, I knew you were gonna do it. I knew you couldn't pass it up, could ya? I couldn't. Yeah, he's giggling at himself. He's proud of that one. I bet.
Starting point is 00:49:19 No, we met on the slopes in Montana last year. On the slopes of Montana. Nice. And you're both, was he or is one of you a good skier and the other one not a good skier? I'd say we're both good skiers. Okay. You can probably do more than me. So I call myself a good skier. Even though I grew up skiing in Minnesota. In Minnesota. Yeah. And these towers, Hills. So Charlie, I don't know how miles. I don't know how you live in. By the way, why? There's nothing. It's also another part of my question. You live in Grand Forks.
Starting point is 00:50:01 What do I do in North Dakota? It's so boring here. So this is the heart of it. What do I do in North Dakota? It's so boring here. So this is the heart of it. What do you, Miles, what does somebody do in North Dakota? Cause I'll be honest, I had the same question come in here, but then, you know, I've said this story before and I'll say it again, there was nothing more beautiful than driving with miles. We went through the city of Fargo and then West Fargo. And before you knew it, I was like, miles, is this where they filmed the moon
Starting point is 00:50:29 landing? And he was like, yep, right over there. It was in the winter. Well, okay. I'll lay it out for you. So let's start with the summer. So what we like to do here in North Dakota in the summer, something funny you could do is you're going to drive about an hour East into Minnesota. And that's it. And then you go to the lakes country there in the winter. Wait, wait, wait, pause. I'm pausing on this. In the winter, it gets pretty cold here, obviously. So then what you want to do is you want to drive a little bit north to the airport. You want to fly somewhere warm and spend a week or so in the warm weather. And that's usually what I like to do here in North Dakota.
Starting point is 00:51:10 Leave North Dakota. No, that would be great if I wasn't a broke college student. That would be great, but someday. No, I mean, pretty cold up here right now. Yes, it is. Um, I mean, we mean, there's hunting and fishing in North Dakota. You know, I do it in Minnesota, South Dakota. But Ryan, who works for me, he hunts and fishing stuff in North Dakota. Right, right.
Starting point is 00:51:39 So there's that, there's a lot of bars that you can go to. Yeah, true, true. You could maybe catch a musical in Madora. You could also go to... Madora. Yeah, you could go to the State Fair in Minot, just a quick, easy drive up to Minot. Oh, Minot, so exciting.
Starting point is 00:51:59 Yeah, exciting, easy to get to. Oh yeah, just straight shot. Yeah, State Capitalitals on a hill. I don't know if I'd call it a hill. Well, it mean, I just, those sound pretty fun to me. Right. Yeah. You could go for a drive. There's lots of roads. So basically what I need to do is just go to Minnesota
Starting point is 00:52:40 to do, to see trees and lake. I'm not saying that. In Jamestown, there's a big buffalo, big buffalo sculpture. Look at. Is it made of fiberglass? I don't know what it's made out of, I guess. Do you guys have a Paul Bunyan that someone could visit?
Starting point is 00:53:03 But here's the thing. If you live in the place with all the fun stuff, then you're just always stuck in the place with all the fun stuff. If you live in a place with no fun stuff, you get to have special times and leave and go do fun stuff. I always wonder that. If you live in LA and you want to go on a warm vacation, it's the same as being at home. How is that? How is that fun? You know, so I guess so, I guess so. Yeah. Yeah. You got a point there. You got a point there. And it's a great place to study here because there's really nothing else to do. So it also is nice to keep, keep crying at bay. You know, there's not a lot of people wanting to live
Starting point is 00:53:44 here. You're right. Yep. Um, can leave my door unlocked. Yeah. So, so to clarify the things to do for fun in North Dakota, aside for leave North Dakota is drive to a big buffalo or a little hill with the capital. It's not a, it's just a hill. It's called capital. Okay. Okay. Or hunt for something that you'd probably have a better shot at in South Dakota. Yeah, probably. I'm also not a big hunter. Sorry guys. All right. No, North Dakota's got to do it. It does. Yeah, it's got good hunting. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Well, she's done hunt. So it's moved. Well, oh, you're a pilot. It is fun to fly over the state of North Dakota. Also I'll say there's a lot of really isn't that fun to fly over the state of North Dakota. There's nothing to look at.
Starting point is 00:54:47 Well, I'll say that. No, it's nice because then you can get a good vantage point of all the other states and you don't got to fly over them, you know, there's nothing blocking your view of all the stuff you want to look at. See that's. Yep. Yep. Can't argue there. On the plus side, if you're a pilot and your boo thing is a pilot, the good thing about North Dakota is if you have engine trouble, there are plenty of safe places to land in North Dakota with nobody occupying them. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:14 That is so... Yes, that is actually really good. Really nice. Yeah. If that ever happened, hopefully not, knock on wood. Yeah. Yeah. Hey, where are you to today?
Starting point is 00:55:26 Okay. Well, let's go here. What would you say about Minnesota is so great. And you can't say the goddamn lakes either. All right. Well, there's 10,000 of them miles. That's it's on the license plate. She's got to be able to say that. What else besides the lakes is so great in Minnesota besides
Starting point is 00:55:43 going to the water orary Waters or Duluth or going and catching a sports game in Minneapolis, besides all of that. All right, not fair. What is there even to do? Okay, fine. I love to ski in Lutzen, Minnesota. I love to go up to Grand Marais and camp up there.
Starting point is 00:56:03 I said besides the Boundary Waters area, okay. I said, besides the boundary waters area, okay. Hey, outside of the boundary. That's true. Outside of the technical boundary waters area. Besides the North Shore. Okay. You know, you really said the best things about Minnesota, but anyway,
Starting point is 00:56:20 I love my cabin that is on a lake. I love going shopping in downtown Minneapolis and catching concert. And Minnesota nice is the real thing. Dude, we have concerts. The guy who owns the bar said he went to a concert at the Fargo Theater of the Needy Gritty band. Needy Gritty. Yeah. Needy Gritty Derby. Yeah. I have not heard of the nitty gritty band, nitty gritty. Yeah. So I have not heard of the nitty gritty band. Oh, you've heard them. You just don't know. Oh, okay. I did catch the red hot chili peppers in Fargo in April. Wow. I guess you're right. Can't catch that in Southern Minnesota. No, they actually went to Southern. They actually went to Minneapolis the next day.
Starting point is 00:57:05 Pretty central, but so do you have a new two today? Oh, she's changing the subject. We're in Fargo at Chubb's pub right now. Yeah. You're in Fargo. Oh, yeah. Come on down. It's an hour drive away. Hour drive. That's nothing. See, doesn't that sound fun? How many? Yeah. How many Walmarts do you pass on your way between here and there? Not any. Really? A lot of dollar generals, but there's nothing. Nothing in between Fargo and Grand Ford. Well, there's Bayville. Come on. Don't forget about the Comets.
Starting point is 00:57:47 Yeah, true. There's Thompson. That's another town, South of Durran Forks. Hillt, the burrow, as we call it, in the North Dakota community. Now you're just listing towns in North Dakota saying nothing about the population. You guys have the boundary waters. We have Devils Lake, great ice fishing up there in Devils Lake. I'm, I'm going to work up top things to do in North Dakota and see if they
Starting point is 00:58:19 haven't been mentioned yet because you know, I think if, yes, yes, what, oh, geez. I don't, I don't know how to describe it. I love living in North Dakota. I don't want people to think cause I was saying there's not that much to do. I just, it's more of just the feeling of being in North Dakota. It feels really good. So I gotta stick up for the state. Yeah. This thing has 30 must places in North Dakota, 30 of them. Look at all that. All right. Let's hear them. All right. So, oh, hang on. I'm scrolling by here. Missouri, the Missouri Yellowstone Confluence Interpretive Center. I love that center. I love that center. Fort Union Trading
Starting point is 00:59:03 Post National Historic Site. We forgot to mention that we have Bonanzaville. What is Bonanzaville? It's a historic place. You can go Turtle Mountain, Chippewa Heritage Center, Scandinavian Heritage Center. All your stuff is heritage centers. And then that's because we have a rich history. Yep. The, the Modda, Hey trail. So mom, Lake, uh, sec, uh, Kaka, we, uh, look, yep. Uh, and Garrison dam. Yeah. That looks beautiful. I love that dam. Where is that? Is this, is that a picture that's on the west side of the state? Historic site. A lot of historic sites. Another sad Lewis and Clark interpretive center. What are these
Starting point is 00:59:51 interpretive centers dude? Like it's, does, does anybody know what an interpretive center is? I don't know for Abraham, the Fort Abe Lincoln State Park. So that's nice. North Dakota state capitol. On a hill. I told you there is no hill there, dude. That's because it's too close to a photo to get zoomed out photo. The Dakota Zoo. You can see more than 600 animals. 300 of them are records. Pioneer Trails Regional Museum. So that's nice. Enchanted Highway. Classic roadside art. That's what forms a giant metal statue. Wow. This is exciting. Dickinson Museum Center. Yeah. So we got lots of centers and lots of trails and roads. And I tell you what, I
Starting point is 01:00:48 love them. I love them. I've been to all of those. Oh, that is a nice tons of times. That big buffalo is pretty cool. I told you. Wow. Look at that. I gotta go see the big buffalo. Where is that again? That is why not? Jamestown, Jamestown. Don't drive to my not. That would not be the right direction. There's an international peace garden. We are the peace garden state. I think I didn't know that the geographic center of the US is in rugby, North Dakota. I think that's pretty cool. Rugby, North Dakota. Right. Yeah, it is. Geo great. Yeah. Did you just say the? Yeah, that is. No idea. That is true. The Ronald Reagan, a Minuteman, missile state historic site, a few more zoos, the Fargo air museum, uh, but you would like that. Come on down and
Starting point is 01:01:45 check out the air museum. Yeah. Yeah. A lot of, a lot of aviation to be had. Oh, you got a plane art museum. Oh, planes art museum. That's right. Down the road. Oh, maybe we should go do that. Miles. Yeah. Um, so anyways, I don't, I think I rest my case. Yep. You do. Thank you for the, for all the information. I think you win that one. Yes. Well, there we have it folks, North Dakota, hell of a place to come and spend your time. It's also a hell of a place to leave. And then come back to and leave. Well, thank you for the call. I, you know, I really hope that things go well with the boo thing. And yeah, you guys gonna pilot together, get your own private pilots thing
Starting point is 01:02:39 and start your own business. You could do aerial tours of North Dakota. That would be if you guys could fly over the Buffalo. That's a great idea. Yeah. So that's a great idea. Thank you, Charlie. Charlie here. Quick. We'll role play. We are, we are them. Yep. And we are over the intercom. We are doing the tour passengers. We just want to say we've reached 10,000 feet. You're free to move above the cabin. And if you look to our right, you can see farmland and a few raccoons. And then if you really squint, you can see Canada. Yeah, and we are just passing over the big buffalo.
Starting point is 01:03:19 And then two years- Look at how big that buffalo is. Fun fact, folks. We have flown over 13 interpretive historical sites, and that is the most of any state in the union. And it looks like we're gonna actually have to climb to 11,000 feet because we are approaching
Starting point is 01:03:39 the Capitol on the hill, and we may run into- Honey, where is the hill? Honey, I can't see the hill and we may run into honey. Where is the hill? Honey, I can't see the hill. You're going to have to squint into off into the distance. I still can't see the hill, honey. I still I see the damn buffalo. Why are we going past the buffalo? We already went there. I just keep circling the Buffalo. Maybe they won't notice. And that's it. I mean, then we wrote the script for you guys. Perfect. Thank you. Hopefully
Starting point is 01:04:12 I make a lot of money off that. Oh yeah, you will. Aerial tours of North Dakota. Can't beat it. Sorry, that was a burping in the microphone. My apologies. Well, thanks for calling in and sad. You can't go to Charlie's show. He's got a couple more in Fargo if you want to make a trip, but, uh, I might have to. Yeah. How far will you go? It's not about that. There's nothing to do in North Dakota. It's that you just haven't been creative enough. You're right. You're right. And that I think of more things to do. That should be on the sign when you drive into North Dakota. You know what? We're a blank canvas. You are. You know, we were Hey, we are the the land of opportunity here in North Dakota. Anything you can imagine, anything you can interpret.
Starting point is 01:05:07 Just try not to freeze. Just try not to freeze to death outside. Cause, wow, it's freezing up here. Yeah, it's only gonna be close. You act like you're from Florida. You're from Southern Minnesota. What do you, it's like, gotta be five degrees difference right now
Starting point is 01:05:24 between Grand Forks and Southern Minnesota. What do you, it's like, got to be five degrees difference right now between Grand Forks and Southern Minnesota. This, though, this wind up here is crazy. It's like the wind is, makes a huge difference. It's so much colder. Cause there's nothing blocking it up here. So that doesn't help. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:42 Yeah, that's nice of you guys to block all the wind for us down here in Fargo. Appreciate it. Well, thanks for calling in and you know what? Thanks for picking up. Yeah, for sure. Have a good one. We'll see you now. You too. Watch out for that. Fly safe now. Well, Miles, you did a great job. I knew this day was coming. You defended the home turf as best as anyone could. I literally think I gave him my all there.
Starting point is 01:06:13 But it's kind of one of those things. You just got to live here and grow up here and you know why you like living here. Yeah. It's hard to describe. Hard to describe. I still think you did a great job describing a blank canvas. It is what you imagine. And that's why there's so many interpretive historical sites. It's up to interpretation. North Dakota
Starting point is 01:06:36 is. Well, folks, it was great having you here. Bellied up to the bar with us on another episode of the Bellied Up podcast. This is your friendly reminder to tip your bartender. Until your folks, we say hi and watch out for deer. See you in the next one, love you guys. And come to North Dakota.

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