Bellied Up - Minnesota To California #40

Episode Date: March 9, 2023

Presented By Fleet Farm In this episode we're at Lenny's Bar in Green Bay, WI. The first caller is an insurance workerwho is trying to convince his girlfriend that wisconsin is a good location spot, a...nd Charlie helps out. The next caller wants to improve his two skills: golfing and fishing. The last caller is a transplant from who live is St. Paul and wants to know when he will finally be considered a Midwesterner. 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Charlie Barron's welcome back to another belly-up podcast presented by Fleet Farm. Fleet Farm. We love it. Miles, more pleasure. More pleasure. It is me pleasure to be back with you here. Oh, okay. We, we. Oh, yeah, yeah. Oh, oh. So, nothing else. Yeah, that's all right. Now, Miles, yesterday we did a little some fun. What we do. Yeah, we went. So we were at the curling club for the last episode. And so when we're done, they graciously let us throw a few stones. Yeah. That's what they're called.
Starting point is 00:00:37 Oh, turns out that ice is slippery. Yeah. I had to learn that the hard way. Almost fell a couple times, but a lesser athlete would have been on his ass, but not me. Haha, I did see almost go ask every T ghetto. I did not know. I wasn't necessarily wearing the best shoes for it. No, neither of us were. And then we put those. So if you don't have the right curling shoes, they put a little like slipper thing on you, a little makeshift, you know, elastic type flat bottom slipper. You slip over your shoes. I felt bad because I had mud on my boots.
Starting point is 00:01:08 Yeah, and I even said to him, I said, I got mud on my boots. I knocked the lines. I got you be fine. That's how you know a good, a good curling club. Yeah. They're like, yeah, you'll be fine. Yeah, I will figure it out. Yeah. Yeah, I almost made the mistake of stepping down with the slide thing. I put on my shoe first.
Starting point is 00:01:27 And then you would have seen me do the slips are the splits. I kind of wish I was seen that I kind of for the sake of my pants. I'm glad that you didn't see that. Oh, I was I would have had to head to head to coals. Head to coals. Do some coals cash gets new pants. I bought it. Stitched up your slacks.
Starting point is 00:01:45 Like like sewed them. Yeah. No. Have you? Yeah, I did that one time. I didn't do a very good job. I've been honest, but it worked for a little while. Nice. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:57 So have you thrown curling stones before yesterday? Yes, I did. One other time, one other time in Wasa, Wisconsin, at the curling club up there in Wasa. Uh, however, I did not, I, it's very, it's always a new thing. It's always, I mean, that was years ago. So it was basically brand new. How do you feel like you did?
Starting point is 00:02:21 Um, I think if I'd have got a couple more throws in me, I feel like I would have figured it out, but there was a league start and so we only got a couple. I didn't realize how hard you got to push off that little block. Yeah, it's, it's honestly that, that is something that I was kind of thinking about after the fact, like, oh, I think I could get pretty good at this, you know, yeah. And because it's, yeah, it's like your form and then it's very slight as you're releasing the stone, it's that he can, he's equated it to like a handshake, you know, like you're just slightly turning your, you're just a little, yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:05 I knocked over my beer. Yeah, your hands a little shaky today. Wow. You know, what's going on with that? Everyone's gonna think that I went drinking last night. I know. Just day after day after day. You didn't really bet to bed for you. I didn't even have a didn't even have a beer at dinner. I know it's that two diet coke. So that's probably why you were up till 1 a.m. I wasn't up till 1 a.m. What time did you go to bed?
Starting point is 00:03:28 Well, like 11 30. Okay, well, that's it. That's really it. It's one of those things, so we have a curling club in Fargo actually. Do you? So now it's like, I have to do the determination,
Starting point is 00:03:40 this is what happens with everyone, right? They try a hobby. Yeah. Then there's a period of what I think of absorbing that hobby. Yeah. And then you have to make the determination, am I a blank guy or gal? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:55 Am I a curling guy? Yeah. I don't know. I think I kind of have to decide. Yeah. Well, you do. I mean, I feel like as we get older, we have less time on our hands.
Starting point is 00:04:03 So, and so many interests, but you really got to narrow it down because otherwise you just suck at all of them. Exactly. Which is where I'm at. Exactly. And I'm thinking, you know, and you suck at them because you don't play them enough, right? It's not because you just suck.
Starting point is 00:04:17 Well, thank you, Miles. It might be the nicest thing you've ever said to me. Yeah. Yeah, it's, I don't do it enough, you know? I like another hobby I really want to get good at is like archery, you know, like, but not just with a compumble with a recurve bow. Okay. And I'm like, yeah, and I'm okay at it, but I don't do it enough, you know? I think that's a story of being an adult. Yeah. Yeah, like I like doing that. I just don't do it
Starting point is 00:04:43 enough. Yeah, I know. And then you end up doing stuff enough of the stuff you shouldn't be, right? Like, yeah, okay. I'd like to lose some weight, but I don't work out enough. But I definitely go to the bar enough. Yeah. That's true. All the stuff we shouldn't do. Well, the thing with...
Starting point is 00:05:02 We do enough of. Yeah. Yeah. And the thing with curling is, you know, the thing with... We do enough of. Yeah, yeah. And the thing with curling is, you know, you can kind of combine it with drinking. So, I could see there being a lot of potential for you and curling for the reason. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:15 There is going to be a tipping point, though, where it becomes very lethal for me to be out there on the ice after having X amount of beers. Well, you have one before you go on the ice. One for you on the ice, probably one while you're out there and then a couple after, sounds like a good pace to me, don't you think? Get you loosened up. Yeah. Definitely. It's it's it's this curling goes under the category of you do it. If we were to have played a whole match or whatever. Yeah. You wake up the next day and you go, wow, I must really not use those types of muscles
Starting point is 00:05:46 in regular life, because I'm so in places I didn't know I had muscles. Right, well, absolutely. And because it's such an awkward thing, I mean, at least it was awkward for me. It sounds like it was awkward for you. You know that there's some muscles there that just have not been used by a mile, you know?
Starting point is 00:06:04 Yeah. So anyway, I have high hopes that this could be your thing. I could see you being a professional curler. I could see that for you. That are bags. Why? Because there's the one guy on the USA team with the mustache that kind of has the same builder one. Oh, Matt Hamilton. Yeah. Yeah. Well, you could, you know, the smartest thing Matt Hamilton ever did. I mean, he's done a lot of smart things, but one of the smart things, get a mustache, you know, because when you're watching curling, everyone kind of looks the same, but if you're the guy with the mustache, everyone's like, I'm a mustache guy. Smart branded himself good.
Starting point is 00:06:38 Branded himself a little facial hair. So I could see you don't, you look, you, you, you've already brand yourself well. So I could see you, I want to see you in the Olympics, Miles. I got high hopes for you. Wouldn't that be funny? I could, I could. I just don't do it enough. Wow. You don't do it enough. But you know, you got, you know, your big time enough. Just build a curling rink at your, your, your, I'll just, yeah, I'll build a curling club and I'll be like, uh, it'll be like a Midwest mafia movie. Right? Instead of going, instead of owning a strip club, yeah,
Starting point is 00:07:12 you own a curling club. Yeah. But you don't say a curling, you just say, yeah, I'm headed down to the club head down to the club. Yeah. Why don't you meet me down at the club, then we can talk. I got a side room. You beat up the guy working like the bar. You know, you just hit him over the head with it. Yeah. With it. It's like Tony, like when you got all pissed and just beat the guy up with the phone, you know, because you can get the phone. There's right. Great episode. Yeah, death by curling stone would be brutal.
Starting point is 00:07:38 Quick. That could be that could be my M.O. if I was in the mafia though. You'd have to be working out so much though. Break in legs with curling stones. Yeah. They're heavy. Aren't they like 50 pounds or something? They're very heavy. I was actually carrying it, not to flex.
Starting point is 00:07:54 I was carrying it. It's so strong. And they were like Charlie Charlie. You are not supposed to pick those. I know. Everybody in the whole club stared daggers into your back and you picked that up. I did. Yes. What do you mean he picked it up? He picked it up off the ice. You're not supposed to do that. Well, why? Day is a real. It's because
Starting point is 00:08:14 if you drop it, you don't fuck the ice up and you're standing on where it needs to be really smooth. Well, okay, I'm strong. Every didn't see that. I thought they were gonna jump you. I did not see that. What are you doing? I'm doing it. I'm my second time curling. I made a mistake. Get over it. I'm already over it.
Starting point is 00:08:33 Yeah, I'm over it. So should we take some callers, you think, or do we have more to dive into on this issue? Are you getting a curling, Claim? What do you mean? We just brought this up. I think you should. Yeah, I couldn't use that like, uh, you have your secret mafia meetings in the room where they store all
Starting point is 00:08:52 like the ice shaving and grooming equipment. Mm hmm. It's like the mini Zamboni thing or whatever it is. Yeah. The mini Zoni mini, the mini, the mini Bony. I will find it. I'll find it. But Zamboni is a good curling club name. You know, yeah, the the the Fargo stoners, stoners club would be good. Stoneers club would be good. Oh, dropping stones, you know, crack dice, curling club. Cracked dice, not bad. Yeah. Yeah, we'll find it.
Starting point is 00:09:32 We'll find it. You kind of have to ingratiate yourself into the, or ingrain yourself into the culture. And then you find like some small like that, like, you know, sliding stones, the sliding stones, sliding stone curling club. Slippies, swippies. stones, all the sliding stones, sliding stone curling club. Slippies, slippies. Yeah, I like slippies.
Starting point is 00:09:49 That's it. Slippies curling club. Yeah. It actually has kind of, hey, head on down to slippies. Yeah, slippies slides off the tongue. I see. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It really slips off the tongue.
Starting point is 00:10:00 I like to ask over T kettle, but that's a mouthful. Ask over T kettle. A O T, get over to the A O T K. Yeah, ask over T kettle, clearing club, the A O T K, A O T K C C. That's what yours is going to be called a tick. Yeah, yeah, we'll find that don't slide off the tongue. We'll find it figure it out but yeah I'm gonna have to open up a new club called slippy's curling club and and really Limit the phrase. I don't do it enough out of my vocabulary. Yeah, gotta get that done
Starting point is 00:10:40 So what do you say we take some calls? I say we'll get that done. As you would say, keep removing. Keeper movement. Hello, welcome to the belly dot podcast. Who are we talking to? James from Texas. James from Texas. James, where in Texas, are you going from? You know, the Gulf Coast area. Oh, nice nice. You're on the coast. Good for you. Yeah. What do you do down there? I'm in insurance sales auto insurance home insurance blood the work. All right. So you're a good golfer then is what you're saying. No, no, I work from home. So it's mostly just home and then hunting whenever I can get out. Okay. You traded the golf clubs for the old hunting gear is what you're saying. What are you hunt down there? You get those mule deer or what do you go for? No, those are our Westman. I do mostly duck,
Starting point is 00:11:39 occasionally clay on some big hog hunter myself. All hog. Hog hunting. That's it. Do you go out with like the dogs and stuff? No, I don't have the balls for that. I use ARCIS teams and try to clean up as many as possible. They're in invasive species. Yeah, have you ever done it in a helicopter before? Geez, go weathe.
Starting point is 00:12:01 No, no, that's so expensive. Yeah. Yeah, basically they just get in a chopper and they just mow them down. They leave them there. Yeah, they don't pick them up, right? Usually from what I see, they have trucks that kind of follow them, they just load them up in the truck. Oh, they're really good. When I was in South Carolina? We did that. We went out with the dogs, they showed you that's not how we got it eventually, but I'm and put it on a spiket. And oh my gosh, it was great. Yeah, so good. Yeah. Anyways, yeah, why don't you belly up to the bar with us. Tell us what's on your mind. All righty. Well, I'm about to finish my degree. And my girlfriend wants to go on a trip to celebrate my finishing of a degree. Okay. What's your degree in? I got that fact first. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:12:54 Chemistry. Okay. So you got what do you get a job in if you got a chemistry degree is what I want to know. Chemistry related jobs. I don't know, I was going to go into oil. Okay. Okay. Got it. So the degree is more of a formality than or. I don't know, it's important, it's important, but it's just, you know,
Starting point is 00:13:17 oil has a lot of things you can do in a political chemistry and analyze stuff. You could do environmental chemistry, which is my specialty is analytical and environmental chemistry Pretty similar looking at the Impa And stuff that's awesome, and we'll congratulations. So but we cut you off though. We cut you off for your real question. What was that? Well, so I have I've got First question is that has to my graduation. My girlfriend wants to take a trip. And I want to go to
Starting point is 00:13:51 Wisconsin because I love Wisconsin. Yeah, that a boy. I did. I did an internship at Marquette in 2017 and got to really explore who I am as a person and found my love for Miller Light and Lightning. I love this. This is amazing. Miles is all sad. Just listening, just listening.
Starting point is 00:14:17 Oh no, Bush Light is, you know, we drink both and we're hunting. So I like them both. They're both great beers. I and Miles just so you know, I used to be a craft brewer before I got an insurance. So I know your version for IPA boys and I agree with you. I thought it was a chemist. I like how he's, I like how he's using his skills.
Starting point is 00:14:39 You know, it's not every IPA boy that rubs me the wrong way. It's more so the ones that got to tell everyone that they are IPA boys. Oh, I know, there's a worse. I used to be like that, but then I said, you know, I ambushed light and it was like, yeah, spirit. Like, wow, this actually like doesn't taste like I'm eating a handful of grass. I love it. I love. A little pad to the tongue. I love how you went out though to explore and to find yourself. And you found yourself in Wisconsin. Well, Charlie does a lot of people say that they go to Milwaukee,
Starting point is 00:15:12 do an internship at a market and use it as its experience to really find themselves. Have you heard that before? I'm going to be honest with you, Miles. It doesn't happen a lot. That's why I'm sitting here. Pretty shocked. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:23 Yeah. Yeah. I see you. You can describe to us what you meant by you found yourself. That's why I'm sitting here. Pretty shocked. Yeah. Yeah. So you described to us what you meant by you found yourself. Well, it was a pretty bad time in my life. I found out that I got accepted to the internship the day my father's funeral. Oh. And yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:41 So I was basically kind of flying in the wind there. I packed up my dad's funeral. I got to notice that was April 7th of 2017. And by May, I don't know what sometime in May, I was packing up my old 93 Chevy and heading out to Milwaukee for three months. And it was nice living there for three months, not knowing anybody. So I had no expectations of how, who I was supposed to be other than I was from Texas.
Starting point is 00:16:13 Wow. This, and this, this sounds like a great, that sounds like a country song, honestly. You know, Honestly, you know, I'm 93 Chevy, you know, I didn't know nothing about myself except us for two X's, you know, that actually is a country song. Yeah. Yeah. Well, we're sorry to hear about your dad and I'm glad that you kind of experienced. It sounds like you kind of turned it into a positive at some point. Is that can I? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:42 It was the huge positive. It became a became a packer stand and a brewer stand. Yeah, baby. I love that. I love that. Well, what now, after you went there and you found yourself, you know, now you wanna go back for your vacation?
Starting point is 00:17:00 And it sounds like the old ball and chain doesn't wanna go back. Well, so her parents are her mom's a fib. Her mom's a fib. She's born and raised taxes by her mom's a fib. Okay. She just doesn't understand why I would want to spend a week in Wisconsin and what is there to do because all she knows is Lake Geneva.
Starting point is 00:17:27 Oh, sounds like a fib. Sounds like a fib or the daughter of a fib. I get it. Yeah. And I wanted to go for summer fast, but Jesus tastes the Chicago is better. Oh, taste of Chicago. Yeah, I know. I don't know. It's somewhere where you go eat food in Chicago. That's not better than summer fest. It's Chicago's response to summer fest. They do it the same time every year. And it's because everyone in Chicago
Starting point is 00:17:59 was leaving to go to summer fest. They made taste of Chicago. Okay. Well, it has a lot of people from Chicago that leave to go to summer festival and made case to Chicago. Okay. Well, it has all those people from Chicago that leave to go to Wisconsin because Wisconsin's better is what you're saying. Right. So so you're trying to figure out how to navigate. For on creation.
Starting point is 00:18:19 I'm trying to ask if y'all have any recommendations that I can use to explain why? And where to go in Wisconsin to convince her that Wisconsin is some of better than say taking a cruise around Mexico or worse Chicago. Okay. Yeah. So you're wondering, why is, excuse me, whoa.
Starting point is 00:18:44 You're wondering why Wisconsin is the superior vacation destination? Well, I'm wondering what can I say to entice her because she's always saying, what's in Chicago, there's nothing there. And of course, my response is, well, my buddy, Billy and Jack, he's there and that's a good enough reason for me. But for someone who has him, I got him out of time driving around with sounds and I need him. I'm going to go ahead. I'm going to go ahead. All right.
Starting point is 00:19:13 So glad you asked. Let's pull up the old map and start cooking away at it. So first of all, you're going to fly and you're going to land over in Milwaukee. Okay. That's Green Bay. Of course. That's Milwaukee right there're gonna land over in Milwaukee. Okay, that's Green Bay. Of course, that's Milwaukee right there. She landed Milwaukee. Yes, she.
Starting point is 00:19:28 Okay, and then I'll hold it up so you can see. Now I don't know if the camera sees this in perspective. I'm, uh, whatever. That just got. All right, so you landed Milwaukee and then right away you've got a bunch of stuff to do in Milwaukee. Now is, is your gallon outdoor gal, or is she an indoor,
Starting point is 00:19:43 outdoor cat indoor cat? Both okay, perfect. You like to canoe, but we also like Netflix, you know, fantastic. All right. Well speaking of canoeing you can do canoeing or kayaking in the Milwaukee River and You can bar hop along the way. It's fantastic. It's a good casual thing for kind of your indoor outdoor cat situation. And then you get in through there, you park the kayak, you go over to like boon and crack it or something. That's right off the river. You go have yourself a couple drinks. Return the kayaks, then you can go hiking lion's den, which is right on Lake Michigan. By the way, you go to you go to Milwaukee in the summer. Boy, I'll tell you what, after a couple of drinks,
Starting point is 00:20:27 you look at Lake Michigan and it looks just like an ocean, you can barely tell the difference. You're wherever you want to be speaking of oceans. Do you know you can surf in Lake Michigan? Yes, absolutely. You can hang 10, sheboy again, just up the way is the Malibu of the Midwest. They got the best waves in sheboy again. And while you're up that way in sheboy, and you might as well keep just up the way is the Malibu of the Midwest. They got the best waves in Shaboygan.
Starting point is 00:20:45 And while you're up that way in Shaboygan, you might as well keep going up the thumb. And that's Door County, you get Door County cherries. And you get some of the best hikes in Wisconsin up there. If you come in the fall, oh my gosh, you gotta see the colors, okay? Now that's just the eastern part of Wisconsin. And I barely touched the surface of the eastern part of Wisconsin.
Starting point is 00:21:05 I could go on and don't even get me started on the Wisconsin delts. But since we started on the Wisconsin delts, let me tell you about it. Have you heard of the Calahari? Have you heard of, oh, my great last day. Miles, why are you yawning right now? What? My, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, ice fishing. Now we're up here in Green Bay. Where were you guys fishing? What like? Right here. We're in the river. Oh, we're right on the river.
Starting point is 00:21:47 Yeah, I'm on the water fishing. Oh, you were open water fishing. Oh, see, you know, even if the ice isn't thick enough, you can open water fish right on the river. Now you do want to bring your spikes just in case you fall in the drink, you know, clip them on there and go in. I left off at the Delso. Sorry about that. A lot of great last dates spots at the Delso. Have I told you about the museum of historic torture devices? That's a fun one. Also, Rick Wilcox's magic castle. I mean, it's fantastic. Cheese days in Monroe. I could go on and on. And by the way, we haven't even gone up north yet, but up north, it's some
Starting point is 00:22:23 of the best skiing, fishing, hunting, whatever you want to do and the ice age trail. You can take that all the way around Wisconsin, go to the driftless area of Wisconsin, by the way. That's, you know what, how I said, you look at like Michigan, it looks like an ocean, you go to the driftless area, you have a couple cocktails, looks like Ireland. Okay, so I mean, it's a beautiful place Wisconsin. And that's miles is, you know, taken another sip of his beer. So I'm just, those are just the cliff notes. Okay. And again, barely scratched the surface, but anything she wants to do, we have it right here in Wisconsin. Oh, deep fried, deep fried cheese curds and squeaky
Starting point is 00:23:03 cheese curds. Just player that whole clip, player that whole clip. And if she stays awake for it, then, then you know that she wants to go to Wisconsin. Miles, you know, I, I, Miles, I need you to be a supportive call host right here. I just said, you she's going to stay awake. How could she not, I mean, how could she not? I need you to be a supportive co-host right here. I just said, she's gonna stay awake. How could she not, I mean, how could she not? It's a fantastic place, all right? So phenomenal.
Starting point is 00:23:30 Charlie, is anyone ever told you you would be a great voice of one of those museums where you put the headphones on and it tells you about the stuff you walked in? I should do that. I should do a guided tour of Wisconsin. Yeah, maybe I'll do that. You could do a driving tour of Wisconsin. You know what, I do that. You could do a driving tour of Wisconsin. I'll, you know, I'll just drive you guys.
Starting point is 00:23:47 You let me know when you're landing and we'll go, okay? All right, that's about offering you a constant be jerky from Texas or whatever you need. That'd be phenomenal. Yeah, that'd be great. Thank you. Well, there we go. I think we got that settled.
Starting point is 00:24:00 I think you got like a whole novel worth of stuff that you can, you know, show them that this is why you need to go to Wisconsin for a little post grad VK. And thanks for calling in, man. It's great. Yeah. Yeah. Appreciate it. I have one other quick question for both of y'all. Yeah. Because when I left Wisconsin, I was really missing Wisconsin. I thought about the Yelp comedy. It was kind of like a source of happiness for me. And when I'm struggling in chemistry,
Starting point is 00:24:32 do you all ever do shows down in Texas? Yeah, I certainly do. I've played Austin, Houston, Dallas, and I'll be back down there probably in the fall. I'm touring again probably in the fall. I'm touring again come the fall. But when I when I tour Reach out to us on Belly up DM us or something on Instagram get you some free tickets you and you and your wife Yeah, sure man
Starting point is 00:24:59 I'm if you'll ever need anything on the Houston or Dallas area. I'm always here to help So I appreciate your boys, you know all my love goes to Wisconsin and North Dakota, North Dakota, South Dakota, and the world's greatest, you know, water-fowling. So I hope to make it up there one day too. Hell yeah, man. Let us know, my guy. All righty, we'll appreciate y'all and tell your folks I said, find and keep removing. Okay, watch for deer, all right?
Starting point is 00:25:24 We'll see you soon now. appreciate y'all and tell your folks I said find keep removing. Okay, watch for deer. All right. We'll see you soon now. All right, Charlie. I got really excited there. I know. Well, that was your audition to be the tourist guide of Wisconsin. Maybe I should do that. A guided tour. A guided tour of Wisconsin. Like, maybe that's my next album. Well, no, it could just be a podcast. And you do it of like, hey, once if you're on this, you say the location that they can listen to this as they're driving through. Oh, that's nice. And then so it's like, give me a location that you would drive through that you'd talk about. Well, green Bay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:08 So you go and you say, Hey, get on, you're going to start on the intersection here and you're going to head west. Yeah. And you're like, over here is the Lombardi, you were on Lombardi Avenue and you got the Lambo field to the left and this to the right. And you just go all the way through. It's a part of that idea, Miles. It's not bad idea at all.
Starting point is 00:26:31 Now, maybe we'll do it after this one. Okay. All right. You should come with me. You can drive. And I can just, I can provide the like the random. Ooh. Yeah, I need that.
Starting point is 00:26:41 Oh, I need that support exactly. All right. Thank you. That's a great idea. Hello. Who do we got? Travis from Ohio Travis from Ohio. How you doing my guy? Good new all doing great doing great what's or be out? We're belly up to the bar right now here in green Bay Why don't you belly up with us? What's on your mind? Oh, I got a couple of need a little bit of advice from the both. Yeah. Okay. All right. First mild view. How long you been golfing?
Starting point is 00:27:18 I've been golfing since I was a kid. I don't know exact age when I started, but yes, since I was a kid. all exact age when I started, but yes, since I was a kid. So you have any advice on getting better at golfing with limited time constraints? Okay. Lots and lots of prayers to the old big man upstairs. Number one, number two, I would say a little swing fluid helps, you know, a couple, couple beers going down before you start and then a couple while you're playing, how is helps? And lastly, biggest thing is just don't beat yourself up and remember that you're playing for fun and not playing to be on the tour.
Starting point is 00:28:03 So really, really, it's about, it's about the mentality more than actual if you don't got any time to fix the game. The swing fluid definitely helps me until about the nine hole. Okay. Well, then just playing nine holes then. Don't go for the, don't go for the back nine. Less is more. last is more. Charlie, you fishing. Yeah, I'm definitely a avid fan of fishing. I can get over the fact that I suck at golf and I get to get drunk and have fun.
Starting point is 00:28:34 Yeah, but I can't get over the fact that I'm never bringing fish home. Oh, never bring in fish home. Not never, but never, not very many. Okay. All right. Well, I can help you there. What kind of fish and do you like to do the most? I'm not never, but not very many. Okay. All right. Well, I can help you there. What kind of fish and do you like to do the most?
Starting point is 00:28:49 Oh, we do the river run, the walleye. Oh, yeah. And then I like to get the perch, but the problem is that we don't, I don't have a boat. And I can't really get out of Lake Erie and fish for the perch very well off the shore. Well, Lake Erie, that, I mean, yeah, that's it's all. So you're first of all, you're in Ohio. So yeah, are you sitting there in Cleveland? Is that where you're, where you're going to lead? Oh, Toledo.
Starting point is 00:29:14 Oh, you're in Toledo. How, you know, just so I can get a frame of reference for everyone on the podcast. Yeah. You know, everyone's hard to Toledo, but not necessarily know how big of a city it is. How big is Toledo? Would you say? Uh, bigger than Kenosha, but smaller than Milwaukee. Okay. I would say, well, how big is Kenosha then? I believe Kenosha is like 150,000. So like a little bit less than Toledo. So like a little bit less than Toledo. And then Toledo is pushing I think 220.
Starting point is 00:29:47 Yeah. Yeah. So Kenosha is about one fourth. The Milwaukee is about four Kenosha's Toledo is about half a Milwaukee. So, you know, Toledo is about half a Milwaukee. Yeah. And how big Milwaukee? Well, Milwaukee is about two Toledo. Okay.
Starting point is 00:30:06 All right. We got that. We got that established share. That's real good. So you're in Toledo. Now I'm in Toledo. He's in Toledo. Now my whole family is from Wisconsin.
Starting point is 00:30:17 Holy Toledo, you don't say. I was just going to say that. You don't say everybody but me. Well, first of all, you can come back. Where are they in Wisconsin? Uh, Kenosha. Uh, I got some family in Green Bay extended family. Okay.
Starting point is 00:30:34 And I got, uh, what's that? We're in Green Bay right now. We're out, we're out Lenny's tap. I've never made it to Green Bay unfortunately. Oh, you got to get up here. Well, to answer your question, I'll go ahead. Don't want to cut you off. I was going to say, for this up, I've been up in,
Starting point is 00:30:51 it's probably Madison. Madison, okay. Now, if you get back to Madison, I'll tell you this much and you want to get perch, you go on Lake Mendoza, Lake Mendoza, a lot of perch there, you know, and you can kind of get those probably not, I mean, offshore, you'll find some perch.
Starting point is 00:31:09 Perch, you really want to find a kind of a, I don't know, you got to, you got to, if there's a reef around, like if you're fishing like when a bago or something, there's three reefs there, you know, or there's the big hole in the park, you know, I mean, so is there a park around or a pond? Cause I think, you know, if you're in, if you're in, you know, that they've got different species of fish and, and if the perch, um, yeah, you do need a boat to get out there. Otherwise, you kind of just, uh, it's, that's a weird, uh, like to fish. Charlie, the better advice is go out on the boat drink all day. Then on your ride home, go to the store, pick up some fish, tell everyone that that's what you caught
Starting point is 00:31:52 for the day. They're going to be like, you caught a cod? Where'd you get a cod? Yeah. You know, you can be like, yeah, I think I'm trying to give them some solid advice. I know, but what about the park? What about the podcast? I'm giving them advice. Okay, what about the Marina? You got the Marina there? There's some good shelter there,
Starting point is 00:32:10 probably around all the boats. Fish are like to hang out under there, gives them a little protection. You ever fish under the boats or the docked over there? That's a good crappies spot over here. Oh, you getting crappies? You're getting crappies hang out. You're getting crappies?
Starting point is 00:32:24 Where? I'm not getting very many because I'm not getting a go fishing as much because I got the kids. Oh, so it's a time situation. That was also an next question is you say you got limited time for these hobbies? What is the you said the kids are taking up all your time? Oh, my I can't blame her at all. Bless my wife's heart.
Starting point is 00:32:43 But you know, I could only get out so much and I'll leave her with the kids while I'm at work most of the time. And then I go out on the weekends and spend time with my hobby. So I don't know you bring them with. Why don't you take them golfing? Why don't you take them fishing? Not as age yet.
Starting point is 00:32:59 All right. We'll get there. We'll get there. I still got a little perch advice for you. So what I think you do is you want to start off simple, okay? I would not get cute with it. I would get yourself. I would just go straight worms. Okay, as straight worms on a lead on a A jig worms on a jig. Okay, I would get different color jigs I would try them out just a little piece of worm
Starting point is 00:33:23 Make sure the hooks not too big and just drop it straight down. No bobber just tight line it and just drop it all the way down to the bottom. Reel it up a few clicks off off the bottom and just sit there wait see what's biting. Reel it up a little bit more off the bottom and just kind of feel around that area. See if they're if they're in that area at all if they are and then you can start getting cute with it, but I would take out worms, because that's gonna be your easiest way to catch perch at my opinion.
Starting point is 00:33:51 Perfect. Now, miles. Yes. Couple, I was just actually just today, I was just listening to a couple of weeks episode, and then I happened to see that you guys were taking calls. Huge package thing here. Good for you. It was two weeks ago, you said, taking calls. Huge package thing here. Good for you.
Starting point is 00:34:05 Two weeks ago, you said, Packers were about eliminated and they're gonna be eliminated. Oh, it goes where it smiles. You want any hot sauce? You still got, you got one more week left, just relax. Now, by the time this comes, R-E-L-A A X relaxed? I can still be eliminated by the time this comes out miles, we will be super ball champions. That is a bold fit. Bald faced line. I've been saying that since the beginning of the season. It's fine. That's what every delusional packers fan says.
Starting point is 00:34:37 I do say it every year, but this year, I mean it. I really do. So I did say that though. That was, I'm, I forgot about that. And now I'm going to be stressed the next week at the game. So it's okay. I'm used to my team being eliminated and play out. I'm going to Ohio State fan and New Year's Eve didn't go very well. So yeah. Well, that'll happen. Yeah. You should really become a badger's fan. I'm just going to say that. That's going real proudly.
Starting point is 00:35:05 Lately, probably. That's a good one. The one thing I can't do. Yeah, I know. I knew coming out that my mouth you wouldn't be able to do that, but it's a nice thought, you know. All right. Well, thanks for calling in. I can big time team for me. How about that?
Starting point is 00:35:18 Okay, that sounds good. I'll take that. Thanks for calling in, man. Yeah. Before we helped a little bit. Yep, definitely. Thank you, fellas. Have a good in, man. Yeah. We helped a little bit. Yep. Definitely. Thank you, fellas. Have a good one. See you now. Hey, everybody. I love Tipeekow. By the way, March 9th is today. Guess what's coming up? Saint Patty's day and what better Tipeekow to get than the Shamrock mint. That's right. We're all about Shamrox. It's one of the more you don't you are you Irish you
Starting point is 00:35:46 go Irish in that French no but I like I like drinking Shamrock mint typical yeah I'd say hey for a couple days I am Irish you know put a little Irish in yeah yeah well by the Shamrock mint typical that's what I mean nothing weird and we also have March man is coming up. You know what I'm going to be drinking the whole time, mouth to be cow. Oh, this month is all about luck. So I'm going to be filling up my March man, this bracket with a glass of sham rock, mint, tippy cow in my hand. And hopefully that this will be the year my final four teams finally go to the final
Starting point is 00:36:22 round because it has not been the case pretty much ever. Honestly, I've never picked all the final four of you, Miles. No. Tip on back. A tippy cow, Charlie. I'll tip one on back, Miles. Thank you. Charlie, Miles.
Starting point is 00:36:36 I don't know about you. It might be too early to be saying it, but Lake season's going to be right around the corner here. Oh, geez, Miles. Yeah, it is. Yeah, it is. You got to get ready. You know, you're much more of an open water fisherman than I am. But I like floating around at the lake. I like, you know, I like taking my nieces and nephews tubing. And maybe launch them a couple times. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So kind of like how you are. Oh, and maybe launch him a couple times. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So the kind of like
Starting point is 00:37:06 guy you are. Oh, yeah. Yeah. And I'm pretty sure they got all that kind of stuff at flea farm. What do you say? We're doing it. The flea farm. We love it. Yeah, they got everything. They got a story of a whole of a whole donkel thrown you off the tomb. Yeah, sure. I mean, I had uncle whose whole goal was to rip the tube cover off every time he took us. Oh, wow. One of them guys. Yeah. I shout it is.
Starting point is 00:37:28 Yeah, no, I was, I was actually skiing. And if I wasn't getting up, we get three tries and then we're done, you know, because he's got a date with the cooler on shore, exactly. And that all day, exactly. And I have big family. So it's like three you get up. No, then next, you know, and where you probably got those skis in the lifejack and everything, athlete farm probably. Yeah, actually, I think they got skis over at plea farm.
Starting point is 00:37:56 I think they do. Well, if they don't, you can get a couple, you go in the lifejacket for sure. You can get lifejacket. You can go with you can get a new seat for your fishing boat. I love their seat section. I think that's one of my favorite section. We bought some seats. Dan, we don't know where they're at, but we definitely bought them because we were going
Starting point is 00:38:13 to use them as something. Yeah. I don't know, but I think I paid for them. So I'd really like my seat back. We, oh, we were going to use them as bar stools. We were going to put them to a bar stool. Oh, early on, in the early days, back before, in the early days of bellyup, before we were going to all these different bars
Starting point is 00:38:30 that we were going to all play. I went to Fleet Farm and we bought some boat seats that were gonna be our bar seats. So they're out there somewhere, but regardless, they had our back. So guys, if you want to get ready for lake season coming up, if you wanna build a bar and have boat seats be the bar seats, go to Fleet Farm.
Starting point is 00:38:48 Have everything you need. Fleet Farm. We love it. Welcome to the Belly to podcast. Do we get on the horn? Hey, this is Brian from St. Paul. Brian from St. Paul. How we living, Brian?
Starting point is 00:39:04 I live in pretty easy. It's a snow day. Nothing going on, but laundry and drinking. What caused a snow day in St. Paul? That's hard to get. Oh, I just don't have to go to work today. Oh, okay. Say I've got the tough weather coming through there. Yeah, seriously. That'd be national news. The snow day in Minnesota. Yeah, really, that'd be national news. The snow day in Minnesota. Yeah, really? Yeah, you got 18 inches of snow
Starting point is 00:39:28 and their school buses are two hours late. They just, yeah, they just put the chains on the school bus. Well, no, everyone just everyone volunteers and brings the kids to school on snowmobiles. Get them out of my house. We're doing good, man. We're just hanging out here in Green Bay actually. So, um, yeah, just chilling. Yeah, I bellied up. So, bellied up to the bar with us and let us know what's on your mind. On your day off. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:57 Yeah. Well, so real quick, I work in Donut, many apples, and I drove by Palmer's the other day. I work in Duncund Minneapolis and I drove by Palmer's the other day. Oh, there's a spot. Oh, there it is. We know Palmer's. Heck yeah. Fantastic. Stop in for one or no. Oh, no, I didn't have time.
Starting point is 00:40:15 Oh, you got the next time. Okay. Yeah. All right. Yeah, do that for us. All right. So I'm wondering what. So I'm a transplant.
Starting point is 00:40:26 So I was born in California. Oh, wow. So I've been living up here for, yeah, yeah. About eight years, eight or nine years now. Sure. So I'm wondering how long has it taken? And at what point do I become full Midwestern? I mean, I feel it.
Starting point is 00:40:43 I got the accident going on a little bit. Yeah. But, you know, what should I got the accent going on a little bit. Yeah. But, you know, what should I be looking out for to be like, hey, no, California. Yeah, remind me how long did you say you've been in the Midwest? Eight years. Eight. This is a great question. This is a great question. When you move, how long after moving to the Midwest, do you, how long after moving to the Midwest, does it take for you to become a Midwesterner? Fantastic question. Yeah, it's kind of like the common law marriage thing after seven years, whatever. Eight years, you tell me this, does anyone still give you a crap about being from California or anything like that? Or do they not even remember that you're from California,
Starting point is 00:41:25 the people that you know, all the time. Okay. All the time they go, oh, well, you're from California, you know, you can't, I mean, come on. Then I think the answer, the short answer is longer than eight so far because once you get to that threshold where they stop making fun of you, then maybe that's the time. I think I think really it also depends. I think it depends where you came from. So let's say you came from like Kentucky. Okay. That might be a little less of an incubation
Starting point is 00:41:58 period before you're full on Midwestern. But also a thicker accent to deal with too. If you have one, if you have one, but I mean, can talk like Colorado, you know, Montana, Wyoming, those things, we will allow that to happen a lot easier, you know, a couple, two, three years or whatever. California or like New York or, you know, Florida, I mean, those ones are going to take a little bit, you know, Florida. I mean, those ones are gonna take a little bit. You know, you're just farther from the epicenter and also California, obviously, that's just a good punchline.
Starting point is 00:42:33 So people might take to that a little bit. We're in California, where you from? Down close to San Diego. So we're talking like deep. Yeah, hard of California. Yeah, yeah, What's the actual town name that you're from? Temecula. Oh, you're right. Temecula. You might just want to be familiar. Oh, yeah. I've been to Temecula before. They got the wine country over there. How big? Oh gosh, now it's like 150,000 something like that. It's about a half. It's just a huge.
Starting point is 00:43:09 So a little bit smaller than Toledo. It's about one Kenosha. Yeah, it is about one Kenosha. About a Kenosha, yeah. So I think about two or three Mancato. Yeah, there you go. And that's it. How big's Mancato then?
Starting point is 00:43:25 They're coming up to 50,000. That's a girl about like half a it's about a third of Kenocha. Yeah. Yeah. Now, I think you want to start telling folks instead of I'm from California. I'd say, yeah, I'm from Temecula. And they might think that it's close to man Cato, you know, so that can help. All right. So I would just I would think about it like that.
Starting point is 00:43:44 You know, it's all about how you're branding yourself here, but, but I think you're doing everything right. Are you saying your hopes? Uh, yeah, I got the old. Excuse me, let me fly by there real quick. Okay. That's good. Yeah. Do you get on your hands and knees bow your head and pray to the ranch gods every night? Well, no. I don't know. Many metaphors or Middle Easterners that do though. Oh, okay. Are you? It's kind of. Pray to the ranch gods every night, bile. Well, it's kind of one of those things that's like Paul, Tixen, religion, you don't really talk about those things. Everyone prays to the ranch gods on their own time. They have their own way of doing it. So miles as a big ranch fella,
Starting point is 00:44:30 he'll tell you the viscosity and everything. Yeah, I'm kind of a viscosity snob. That's what they call me in the streets. So let me ask you this. If somebody accidentally steps on your foot, are you waiting for them to apologize? Are you apologizing because you put your foot under there? Yeah, I was I was probably in the way you were all doing everything good. It's a great start. He's doing everything good. What's your favorite food? food. Oh, that's what it's Mexican food. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I know. I've got some pretty good Mexican food. Yeah. No, there's some, I will say Midwest has some great, great Mexican food. That's true. But that, but people, you know, that they'll, they'll think they'll start putting the piece together when you said to Maccala, they'll be like, is that really close to Mancadal or no, you know? Um, okay. Good.
Starting point is 00:45:27 I think I found a solution to your problem. I think even if you feel that, uh, Mexican food is your top, you got to just tell people that it's like left side or something. You got to go with something, just just lie. Maybe is a good move because it's like one of those. It's like, uh, fake it. Tell you make it, you know, type of situation. But I like that, Miles. But if you want to, I love this left side. It's, it's so plain and potato. You know, say stuff like that. Well, what's your favorite Mexican spot in, um, in St. Paul?
Starting point is 00:46:03 So it's, uh, it's done in Mancato. Oh, even all that right next to Temecula. Paul. So it's it's down in Mancato. Oh, even all that right next to Temecula. Yeah. Yeah. That was pretty close to Temecula. There's a spot called Mazelon. Perfect. Yeah. Yeah. Just start talking about that. Perfect. And just say it down in Mancato. There you go.
Starting point is 00:46:23 You got that. Okay, that's good. That's good. Now, do you, what's your favorite outdoor activity? Gross hunting. Oh boy, cheese. This, gross. He doesn't even go fessing. He goes gross.
Starting point is 00:46:37 I mean, this guy, he's got it, you know? Have you tried reading, have you tried reading Charlie Burns book called the Midwest survival guide? I didn't know he had such a product. Oh, I do have a product. Yeah, I'm gonna need to take it in chunks because it's a pretty hefty book But you know for the first time ever I will recommend reading it. Thank you Miles. Thank you very much I wrote miles a nice personalized message in the book and I he still hasn't gotten to it. I found it months later when I was on the pot and I flipped open the front cover
Starting point is 00:47:11 because my phone died. Yeah. Yeah. In fact, you know what we're going to do. We're going to send you a free copy of the Midwest survival guide. Okay. Coming right to you. It's kind of mean that you put me on your back cover shirtless like that. Did you do that on purpose? Look at that. There's miles right there. That actually supposed to be a version of me, but Turned into it's kind of if we had a love child. It is kind of like it's a mix between it's like if yeah if I get on Yeah, it actually does I think look a little bit more like you. It's got the thicker beard, you know, and yeah, that's great. So you got to pick up a copy of that. I mean, it's going to be hard to find.
Starting point is 00:47:53 I think that they're all sold out everywhere because they just been flying off the shelves. Wow. Thank you, Miles. This is amazing. Yeah. I mean, it's, it's like, wow. Yeah, I can't keep them on the shelves. And for that reason, I'll send you a copy for this. So we got your number. We'll get your address. We'll send you a copy over. I'll sign it in the whole deal.
Starting point is 00:48:15 But to answer your question, I believe that you are a Midwesterner at heart and keep in mind Midwest being Midwest is not about where you're from. It's about it's a state of mind. It's yeah It's not the state you said in the previous episode. I said it so again. It's not the state your front. It's not the state your from it's your state of mind It's not your state. It's not your home state. It's your state of mind somewhere in there. We're gonna find it. Okay, but Anyways, yeah, you're there. You're Oh, how many ice scrapers you got? In the car or just in my, in your personal collection. So there's two in the car and there's another
Starting point is 00:48:57 two in the closet. So yeah, we got a four. a point. So I know why you have that many. But here's the final test forum. Explain to me why you have so many ice scrapers. Well, you got different kinds of ice, you got a scrape. So you got the one, it's kind of the longer handles. Yeah. To get the snow off. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:24 And then if you got a layer of ice on there, you take the small one and you kind of the longer handles to get the snow off. Yeah. And then if you got a layer of ice on there, you take a small one and you kind of, you take those little like notches on the top. Sure. And you kind of cut some holes in there. And then you go back to your big long handle one. And if you're not sure correctly, the ice just slides right off.
Starting point is 00:49:41 Ah, man. You scored the ice. You are more midwest than a lot of midwesterners. I'll tell you that now. So I think you. That man. You scored the ice. You are more midwest than a lot of midwesterners. I'll tell you that. So I think it passed, man. And also did it. Did you know I said he's got two in the car.
Starting point is 00:49:52 He's got two in the car. One for the deer. One for the ice. I like that. You need some to scrape them off the grill. Good man. And it's in a dire situation. You're go after a football game.
Starting point is 00:50:04 You're in the parking lot, big snowy game, at Lambo Field. Yeah. You go on the parking lot, everyone's got snow on there. You can start handing out ice scrappers for people that are not as smart as you, to forgot a couple. Exactly. Or just take it. The next level starts scraping their car off for just start cleaning every car you see. Yeah, that's, that's good. You're, you're going to get there because you you are well on your way. Okay. You say in a couple years, they're going to be like they're going to even forget that you're that the Temecula is even in California. Yeah, I thought it was by Mancato myself. It is. It is. Yeah, the little bit just a little South of Mancato at all. Yeah, yeah, just a little
Starting point is 00:50:41 South. Little Southwest of Mancato. That's it. That's it. You know, and when he said, yeah, I'm from Temecul Where's that eyes a little Southwest of Mancato? That's it. It is all you guys say and you're not you're not telling it's true. It is true So anyways, well this was this was real like thank you for calling in. We appreciate the heck out of you. You put you through the ringer and you passed. Sure, Dave. Thanks, boys. I feel a better. Well, good to go. All right. Pick up.
Starting point is 00:51:10 Pick up Barons' book and. No, I'm sending it to him. Oh, yeah. We'll be looking in the mail for Barons' book. And probably arriving what, two, three months? Yeah, something like that. I'm a little slow on the go. Miles, I mean, sorry, he's putting himself out there and he's offered this awesome book, this survival guy. Oh, here we go.
Starting point is 00:51:30 We got it now. He's getting a little greedy. Charlie, yeah, the California is coming out. Well, Gellik, who's from Temecula, California now. Nice try. Nice try. Nice try nice try. This guy you actually you know what you got a little bit more to go. You got a little bit more to in. See you, man. Thanks. Yeah. Like other guy asked for free merch and just, this is a no. It's like, no, no, no, you're from California doing that shit. It's a complete flip flop. Yeah. No, we, we can send them some. We can send them some at ditch send them some it ditch chicken tap. Hey, there we go. You like scroll. Let's go to flee farm
Starting point is 00:52:28 Get the baron shirt on sale Yeah, they are on sale they're giving them away at the fleet farm. We love it Well Charlie my oh this was a lot of I think that was a good conclusion to another episode of the Belly Dot podcast. I would say another successful goal. I think we had there. Yeah. I think we had it all. I think we had tourism.
Starting point is 00:52:55 We had fish and golf and we had a little California talk. Yeah. To make it was not, which was not on the on the list of things that I were going to talk about today. But I learned that to make it was about one connocia. So that's yeah. Yeah. Well, just in size towns about a fourth of Milwaukee. Yeah. So, so guys, thanks for tuning into another episode of the belly up podcast. And as always, make sure you tip your power tender. I hope you guys. to be on the Belly It Up podcast.
Starting point is 00:53:25 And as always, make sure you tip to the Bihar tender. Hope you guys.

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