Bellied Up - Pull Tab Investing 101 #114

Episode Date: August 22, 2024

In this episode, we start off by trying our luck with pull tabs. The first caller ran into an interesting scenario while pull tab investing, he also has a sweet secret ingredient for his 'rubbing ...alcohol.' Last caller doesn't want to blow his job interview, so we give him advice on how to beat his nerves. We only had two calls this week due to cell phone signal troubles, but we'll be back to three calls next week! ⁠HIRED FROM THE NECK DOWN SHIRT⁠⁠ Get yourself a ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠"Road Huntin For Ditch Chickens"⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Hat Check Out Myles' other Podcast ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠You Betcha Radio⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Check Out Charlie's other Podcast ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Cripescast

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Starting point is 00:00:00 All right, guys, we're at the Toad Lake store. Welcome to another episode of the Belly to podcast. Charlie and I and Jake and Tyler all put 20 bucks into pull tabs. We're going to win big boys. When in big, let's go. OK, little pull tab invest investing to start off the day. So live Charlie or polls, baby. I like that.
Starting point is 00:00:25 You know what? This is all part of the investing strategy. You put 80 bucks in 80 win eight back. About a 10 percent return, you know. I got to get me. I got to get me a big old. Well, I want to get a mouse. What if we open a bar?
Starting point is 00:00:44 What if you and I open a bar and there there was a whole wall of different pull tabs. Because you imagine it, Miles Charlie. Do you want to run and manage a ball? Oh, no, no, no. That's where you come in, Miles. I want to show up like once or twice a week and just collect money and have a beer. You know, so you figure everything else out. Okay. I'll have my guys do it. Yeah. A bar sounds good. But it's a yeah, I want to have my own bar. You know, no, you don't. You, you like the idea of having
Starting point is 00:01:23 a bar more than one. Thank you. All right. Here we go. All right. Big money. Nothing. All right, guys. Welcome back to another episode of the Belly to podcast. We just wisely invested $80 in poll tabs and tell you what, it was fun. Sometimes. Yes. It's a good yes. It's a future investment, right? We had a good time. We didn't lose 80 bucks, we just gotta keep playing and then we need to win more than anything. The investment is not complete until we have made more
Starting point is 00:01:58 than the initial investment. Scared money don't make money, Charlie. And it takes money to make money as well. You want to be safe. You're not going to be rich. You might be broke, but you're not going to be rich. Would you rather be broken tried or just as right in the middle and never try at all. I'd rather be broken. Yeah. Um, Well guys, we got another good episode of the belly to podcast coming to you. We're going to take some collars. You ready to do it? Charlie is born ready miles. Let's do it. Welcome to the belly to podcasts. Who are we talking
Starting point is 00:02:38 to? Oh no way. This is a Jonah Jonas Jonah. And then Jonah, and then Jonah in the whale. Yeah, in the belly of the whale. Okay. Jonah, how many days was Jonah in the belly of the whale? He was in the belly of the whale for three days and three nights. Three days and three nights. You bet your ass he was.
Starting point is 00:03:00 Have you read that Bible story recently? He lived it. Oh yeah, I have. I'm very familiar with it. I like it. I like it. Well, why don't you? Belly of a whale up to the bar with us. Tell us it's on your.
Starting point is 00:03:17 I don't know. Jonah called the belly podcast. That is that is ironic. There's something there, Jonah. What's cooking, my guy? What's on your mind, huh? All right. So about a half a year ago,
Starting point is 00:03:36 I played my first set of pull tabs. Congratulations. Popped your pull tab cherry, I hear. Yep, you bet So I Was with a bunch of buddies were down while we were fishing all fish were not biting So what do you do when the fish are not biting? drink
Starting point is 00:03:58 bar Yeah so we went over to the little local moose lodge and I saw that it was a machine. And I went up, I put $40 in, I got 40. And just for, you know, shits and gays, I gave five each to each of my buddies. And I won like 10 bucks in my big pile and one of my other buddies, he started dancing and I ain't never seen him dance. So he looked over at him and he's all, I won 250.
Starting point is 00:04:40 I'm like, well, I'm the one that gave it to you. Okay. I'm like, I thought good buddy. Yeah. This is a situation you're in because you put the money in, but you made it seem like a donation to your buddy. Is that correct? Correct. Now he ended up at the end of the night, all my buddies paid for everything, right? And I paid my share. And then all of a sudden we're walking in the parking lot and they throw, well, in all, we won 275 for the $40, but they threw their 280 bucks at me and they're like, it's all yours kid.
Starting point is 00:05:20 It's your first pull tab. See they were pull tab, uh, you know, veterans. So they said all the money was mine, but in my heart, it's like, that I actually went in. I don't know. Okay. Well, that went a totally different direction than I thought it was. I actually think your buddies, that's a classic prank by them. You thought that they were going to keep the monkey money. They gave it to you at the end of the night. I think that's the right way to do it. I don't think you have anything to be worried about.
Starting point is 00:05:49 You think that's the right way to do it. They didn't put any money in Charlie. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter at all. He gave them a gift, but even if what was so he would they usually, if it's a group of people, you split the money anyway. So he at least should have came out with. I don't think that's the rule. 70 bucks. That's not a hard and fast rule, Miles. Hang on, I'm just fixing my little audio over here.
Starting point is 00:06:14 Okay, listen, telling you this right now. Jonah should have known better. Jonah, you should have known better. You can't be a taker backer, can you? I won't, I didn have known better. You can't be a, a, a taker backer. Can you? I won't. I didn't want it. I just, I was like, you got, you want it, you keep it, whatever. I paid my share, you know, for the tap, which is not a lot, which is pretty crazy, but there's a lot of business at night and it really wasn't that much. Yeah. So I got a technical question for you. Did when you put your 40 bucks in, did you
Starting point is 00:06:47 ask them if they wanted to go in with you and did they decline or was there no ask involved? No, there was no ask. I walked over, I put my 40 bucks in and I just handed them five each. God Jonah, that is a rookie mistake. If you are with a group of people and you're going to do pull tabs You at least got to ask if they want to go in with you That's lesson number one in this scenario it's a rookie move but Jonah you're new to pull tabs and you do not have pull tab 101 miles. What are the most important rules of pull tabs? Well, the number one I just laid out, right? It's I need to hear it twice for
Starting point is 00:07:32 it to register at home. Yeah, if you are going to buy pull tabs, you first need to make sure that the table doesn't want to go in with you. In other words, if you're going to buy pull tabs, you need to ask if anyone else wants to buy pull tabs with you. And it becomes a group effort that way. If not, then you can move on from there. Number two, I mean, this is just becomes a, you know, classic transaction of you put 20 in another guy puts 40, another guy guy puts 60 you divide up any of your winnings based off the percentage in my mind I don't know how you feel about that Charlie some people may split it down the middle but I would say go off percentages you know you're getting way too in the weeds in the math
Starting point is 00:08:17 for me miles here's how I think I'm not really great at math there I'm a welder so you know I weld and I breathe in a lot of fumes and my brain's kinda fried. Exactly, you gotta keep it simple for a miles. And the way I play pull tabs is bored is bored. If you give that pull tab away, that's their money. And if you pull it yourself, that's your money. So it'd be like, if you hand it to them,
Starting point is 00:08:45 it's handing them anywhere between $0 and $777. Well, that's just wrong. That's not wrong. If it's a group effort, you just divide the money up, the winnings. I mean, that's how it goes. Would you agree, Jake? What do you mean that's how it goes?
Starting point is 00:09:04 Is that how it goes everywhere? I think so. It only seems agree, Jake? What do you mean? That's that's how it goes. Is that how it goes everywhere? I think so. It only seems fair, right? Can take some of the fun out of that. Why don't they? Yeah, we know that's the fun part is you all. It's a group win. Yeah, I'm kind of torn. Yeah, I was good. I didn't realize Miles was a communist.
Starting point is 00:09:23 I want you all to put money in want it. You all put money in. What? You all put money in. Yeah, I don't know. You risk the dough, you get to take home the winnings. All right. All right. This should be a kid's book, you know, about sharing.
Starting point is 00:09:39 I think the other thing to keep in mind is if you do go to a pull tab investment center, as I like to call them, the P, I sees the tech, you go to a P T I C. There is a person with a box that you buy the pull tabs from a person. If you do win, make sure you tip that pull tab, uh, uh, attendant at the thing. You make sure you're taking care of the people that are taking care of you. That I agree with. Now, what if the bartender gives it, gives it a little something extra, you know? Yeah. Like we just had a little a titty rub is what you're saying. Our bartender did a
Starting point is 00:10:16 titty rub on the pole tab for luck. I would say you got to do well one, you're going to tip them anyways for being the bartender and give them a little off the top, you know. Nice choice of words, miles. Nice choice of words. All right. So good to know. No. Yes. I think another good savvy move next time you're at the bar for your pull tab investing is if you do get a winner and they're the cardboard ones, make sure you pull off the tabs so they're not just hanging off of the cardboard. So then you know that that specific one is a winner and you can pile those up and you know, Speaker 4. Yeah, we did that. We, we, we pulled a little cardboard off. We, you know,
Starting point is 00:10:58 we put like the six winners out of who knows how many by the end of the night we pulled and then we took a picture of the pile of the losers, you know, Yeah, that's it. There you go. You got to make sure you're taking a photo of all the stuff you didn't win. Yeah. The old lady wasn't too happy at the picture. I told her how much I won. You don't. We won. Yeah. So I think that a lot of times you got to keep in mind that pull tab investing is a group environment. It's a group sport is what it is. I mean, I like it. I like it. It's just not the way I've I've been playing it, you know, and maybe I've been wrong. You ever you ever have a realization that you're just operating life
Starting point is 00:11:43 the way you think is standard. And then you then you realize you're kind of a jerk face? Yeah, I think this is that moment for you. I think it is. I think it is. I also think my sister has screwed me out of a lot of money. So I'm a little bit, you know, I guess all, all sisters are the same, you know, a little bit So all sisters are the same, you know, a little bit to a degree. Yeah, I guess. Yeah. To a degree, to a degree. So what did you do with your winnings? All right. It actually turned out good. My grandpa wasn't doing too well, so I bought a plane ticket out to California to see him. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:12:23 And he's and he's still alive and kicking. I mean, this dude is 97 years old, going on 98. And just when we thought he was going to kick the can, you know, he's fine. I love it. That is that's why you do it. That's why you pull tab and Vesco. See your 97 year old grandpa before he dies. Yeah, folks, if you've got grandparents around, make sure you see them on a, on as, as regular of a basis as you can, you know, and mine
Starting point is 00:12:52 them for all the information they got. They got some good, good wisdom there. And you know, also rookie mistake, you should have taken that 270 or 80 bucks that you got, you should have reinvested. And then you could have maybe paid 270 or 80 bucks that you got, you should have reinvested. And then you could have maybe paid for your grandpa's hospital bills too. So that was, you know, I mean, I never said I didn't spend more than 250 bucks. I just said, I used the money they gave me to get the ticket. You know? Okay. All right. I liked that. But also good on you for, you know, a lot of people probably would take that money and go blow it on booze and a trip to the casino or something. And you said,
Starting point is 00:13:34 Hey, I want to go see a grand pops. You know, I like that. Hey, what's your grandpa's name? His name is Gerard. Grandpa Gerard. He's been a farmer ever since he, yeah, Grandpa Gerard. I imagine Grandpa Gerard, if you asked him, how do you live to be 97, he's like, I just drink beer every day. Oh, similar. He, he makes Armenian style moonshine and we've been, uh, he's been making it in our family for generations. So, uh, he takes a shot of that in the morning and a shot of it at night every day. I told him, I knew it. I, you know, I wasn't sure on that one miles, but he saw your beer and raced two shots of moonshine. Gerard in moonshine and moonshine. He's our man. And then so yeah well I'm Armenian.
Starting point is 00:14:30 We're all Armenian. That's actually an Armenian priest which is pretty funny. An Armenian priest. That's kind of interesting. I never. Yeah. So we're not Catholic but we're Christian. The Orthodox priests can get married.
Starting point is 00:14:44 So that's, that's how I'm here. You know, I get asked that a lot. Yeah. How makes sense. How's about it? That's great. So are you going to carry on the moonshine tradition? Has he taught you how to make it or are you going to be a priest? Yeah. No, I, I don't think I'm the right fit for a priest. Oh, I do. I go to church, you know, but I'm a welder and grandpa taught me how to make it. And he's actually given me great grandpa's still. And if the authorities are listening, it's a rubbing alcohol still, you know,
Starting point is 00:15:17 we make rubbing alcohol for wounds, you know? You never know these days who's listening. That's true. You don't, you don't. What who's listening. That's true. You know, what is the secret ingredient to a Armenian moonshine versus a normal moonshine? So traditional like Southern moonshine is a corn based mash. Armenian moonshine. We call it Rocky and that's the name of it. It's a raising based mash. So grandpa's a farmer. He grows grapes and he drives them into raisins
Starting point is 00:15:48 out in the central Valley in California. And he just used whatever extra raisins he had laying around. And that's what their family's done for generations now. So every year he makes us a batch. And the last batch we made, we made 22 gallon rubbing alcohol. Rubbing alcohol, yeah. For medical purposes.
Starting point is 00:16:07 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Medical purposes. Medical purposes. Yeah, you're medicinal rubbing alcohol. You rub your gums with it. Yeah. Well, that's actually pretty cool. You know, I'll tell you what, growing up, yeah, it's, yeah, Grandpa's an awesome dude.
Starting point is 00:16:21 I love you. Growing up what? I say, you know, growing up and anytime I had a sore throat or you know, a toothache or whatever, my, my parents would either rub it on my gums or I just take a shot of Rocky and it's that stuff's no joke. We've got it up to 185 proofs. So what proof is this shine? 185. That's the highest we've gotten it up to. Wow. Is that like what your guys' game is is how much, how, what proof can we make this? Yeah. No one's ever beaten. He got it
Starting point is 00:16:56 up to one 95, but we've tried. I mean, you're also running out of proof to even go up to, if I'm doing the math correctly, I don't think you can have 110% alcohol, you know, at some point you're going to, that's true. That's, that's true. 100%. That's why, you know, the higher you get up there, the harder it is to get it higher. It's kind of like an exponentially downward curve. So what, what is the key to getting a higher proof? You can double the store or you can even triple this. So it depends, you know, great grandpa was known to do some wild stuff, you know, double triple distilling it.
Starting point is 00:17:43 I like that. I like that. Well, Charlie, I'd love to try some Armenian moonshine sometime, especially if it's 195. If you guys want some, you know, if I'm ever up in, you know, Fargo or, you know, up in Wisconsin, I'll, I'll make sure I always have a gallon in my truck of rubbing alcohol for medicinal purposes. Well, I was going to say, I, I, on this podcast, I want to say that I don't want any illegal Armenian moonshine. I do not want to try it. So don't come to Fargo and do not drop some off. Okay. Yeah. Get out. No, not at all. And if we text you an address, definitely do not send it in the mail. So we can definitely not try it on the next episode of the belly
Starting point is 00:18:34 dot. I'm going to send them an address, Charlie. No, we are not. No, not at all. No. Okay. Well, I'm glad we've detailed all the things we're not going to do. And I'm excited for what's about to come in a mile. Not going to come in the mail. Right. I'm excited to get no mail. Yes. Yes. All right, man. Well, we appreciate you calling in today. Kind of a fascinating story. Your grandpa, wish him well. He sounds like a cool guy and good on you for investing your investment and going to see him. So congrats on the win and thanks for calling in today, man. All right on guys.
Starting point is 00:19:21 We'll see ya. Have a good one. Thanks Noah for Jonah, sorry. I guess I had one. Thanks Noah. That was good. Jonah, I'm sorry. I guess I had better. Screwing up my Bible names. Noah, Jonah, you know. Noah built the ark, okay?
Starting point is 00:19:30 Same Bible, different. They both had water. Same Bible, different, you know, chapter. You know? Yeah. Same Bible, different book. All right. All right.
Starting point is 00:19:38 You bet. Same Bible, different book. Be good, Jonah. All right, guys. Charlie. Oh, that's loud in my ear. Charlie. Just screaming there. What's going on? All right. You bet. Same vital, different book. Be good, Jonah. All right, guys. Charlie.
Starting point is 00:19:46 Oh, that's loud in my ear. Charlie. Just screaming there. What's going on, Miles? It's time for you to start celebrating family time with Tippy Cow's vanilla soft serve right here. Why's it gotta be vanilla, Miles? Because.
Starting point is 00:20:00 Are you calling my family vanilla? Yeah, in the best way possible. Okay. Your family's delicious, just like the vanilla way possible. Okay. Your family's delicious. Just like the vanilla soft serve tippy cow. I like it. And hey, don't think too much into that one. Yeah. Don't overthink vanilla. Yeah. Whether you're gathering with relatives or relaxing by the lake to be cow adds a nostalgic touch to your summer. Tippy cow is the perfect companion for those memorable get togethers. Shoot it. Shoot it at me, Charlie.
Starting point is 00:20:26 What's what's a memory? Oh, the family get together. Fourth of July, you know, sitting there. We see the wind was blowing toward us and the fireworks, the explosions of the thing that they were actually blowing on to people. And they were going, Oh, and then the next morning I picked all of it up with my grandpa in the yard and we took it over to the police station and he, he was getting pissed about it. It was fun.
Starting point is 00:20:53 What a good, that is an awesome nostalgic memories. And typical just brings that nostalgia out. So here's a toast, Charlie. Yes. Here's the family reunions and a glass of typical vanilla soft serve. May your gatherings be full of laughter, love and delicious treats. Cheers to making every moment with family a little bit sweeter. Cheers. Tip it on back. Summer festivals and events are a blast, Miles. I would agree, I have a ton of fun. But not to be the pooper of the party, they can sometimes lead to unexpected accidents.
Starting point is 00:21:35 Been there, done that, Charlie, I tell you what. Whether it's a food stand slip-a-dee-doop or a festival fumble-a-oop, Nikolai Law is here to help you sort out any personal injury claims. Enjoy the end of the summer festivities knowing that if you need legal support, Nikolai Law is just a freaking phone call away, guys.
Starting point is 00:22:03 Make the most of your summer events. Stay safe with Nicolay Law, 1855 Nicolay. Injured, get Nicolay. Injured or no? Get Nicolay. Are you injured or no? Get Nicolay. Welcome to the Bell belly to podcast. Who do we got on the phone? My name's Jeff. My name is Jeff. What's going on? That's about right. Hey,
Starting point is 00:22:37 you ever heard that one before? I've heard lots of things. Yeah. Yeah. I've got a lot of names. A lot of people. Well, Jeff belly up to the bar with us. Tell us what's on your mind. Oh, boys. I tell you what, I got a few things on my mind today. Well, the, uh, called the right spot. Well, the first thing is I got a, I got a job interview in about an hour. What better job interview prep than Bell filling up to the bar with us? What kind of job are you about to, uh, interview for? Oh, I don't know. This is kind of a family program, but I'm interviewing to be a semen salesman.
Starting point is 00:23:18 Seamen salesman. Are you going to be a bowl of ejaculator or getting a couple of steps down the line from that. Yeah. Oh yeah. I'll be the ejaculation deliverer. All right. You're the handler. Now, Jeff, I gotta tell you what you are, um, applying for here is some serious business. That bowl semen is not cheap by any means.
Starting point is 00:23:44 And the time it takes you to get it from point A to point B, you can blow the whole load. All right. So you got to be on your game. You got to keep it refrigerated. And time is of the essence. I'm sure you're aware of all those things. You know, Charlie, I've got I've got a few years under my belt dealing with some semen. And I, oh, there you have it.
Starting point is 00:24:12 That nitrogen level is really important. So what, uh, well, one, it sounds like you got some years under your belt, but how do you get qualified to handle semen? You know, I'll tell you, it takes a lot of trial and error. Sometimes there's some slip ups and there's some spills, but really just comes down to years of experience and knowledge of how to handle it.
Starting point is 00:24:37 Yeah, it can be a sticky situation I've heard. Yeah, yeah. Well, naked milk's a dirty business sometimes. That's true. That's true. All right, Jeff, we are, we are going to run you through a mock, a mock interview session. Miles and I are hiring you as the semen salesman. Okay. We doing good cop, bad cop, good cop, bad cop. Are you a good cop or am I a bad cop. You're a good cop or am I good cop?
Starting point is 00:25:07 You're good cop. Okay. Well, Jeff, we appreciate you coming into the interview today. How are you doing today? I'm doing real good. How are you doing? I'm doing good. You know, I'm not going to bowl crap. Yeah. We are looking for someone who's pretty good at handling semen. Do you think that you got what it takes? Oh boys, I'd tell you, I know I got what it takes. I've been handling semen for over 10 years now. Yeah. 10 years. You don't say that's a long time. Someone saw some people would call that a decade. Hmm. Yeah. Yeah. To some, to some. Yeah. Yeah. That's for sure. I even believe it or not.
Starting point is 00:25:50 I teach people how to handle semen in person. Okay. We got a bit of a connoisseur here, Charlie. What do you think, Jeff? What do you mean you teach people how to handle semen? What are you talking about? Are you certified? Yeah.? Oh, I get a lot. Yeah, yeah, self-certified, really. Jeff, are you jerking with me right now? Huh? I'm not. I'll be honest with you. This is serious business, Jeff. Each one of those gloats is worth somewhere north of $2,000, depending on the load. Could be more. You think I'm here for fun and games? Yeah. I'm not here for fun
Starting point is 00:26:26 and games, but I'll tell you what, you get that sexed, semen 90% chance of getting a female calf talking double the price there. You can't be messing around with that. No, you can't. That's what I like to hear miles. Next question. Well, one, I mean, you handled that perfectly. There's no way you don't get this job. Would you agree? Charlie? I go ahead, Jeff. I'll be honest with I'm going in feeling pretty good. I already, I called one company before kind of requested an interview with no job opening posted. Cause I'd be honest, they got to make me a pretty good offer to leave what I'm doing now.
Starting point is 00:27:12 So, I mean, and it is tough to get an interview as a semen salesman because they usually hire internally. So it's good. It's good. You've gotten to this point. You've got a reputation that precedes you. Would you say that this job that you're interviewing for is maybe the climax of the industry or no?
Starting point is 00:27:32 It's probably pre climax. Okay. Probably pre more of a four play situation for those. Yeah. Yeah. Jeff, let's take a step back for a second. There's a lot of people listening this kind of unsure what we're talking about. Just let them know why what you're doing is important and the various steps involved in bull ejaculation. Well, you see, most of the dairy industry is now relying on artificial insemination. And like I tell folks that come visit the dairy, when I give tours, we, you know, they always ask how we get the cows pregnant. It's very important that we get the cows pregnant.
Starting point is 00:28:15 They say, where are the bulls? They say, we don't have any bulls because of safety and genetic progress and blah, blah, blah. And then I pause for a moment and I say I'm the bull. That's a terrible BCLD joke. You're whipping that joke out when? All the time. Oh all the time. Yeah when there's when there's fourth graders coming through and there's elderly folks coming coming through middle-aged folks, all ages, all genders, all everybody we're, it's a diverse, it's a diverse joke.
Starting point is 00:28:51 And what, what's usually the response on a joke like that? And that's about it. Yeah. Do you have a personalized license plate that just says the bowl on it? I wish, but I can't shell out that kind of money. What? Jeff, I thought you were rolling in it. Is it isn't a seaman salesman making some good coin? Well, I don't know. I'm about to find out in this interview. It's not a salesman right now. Well, what what's your what's your right now? You're just an inseminator.
Starting point is 00:29:25 Well, right now I'm managing a dairy farm. Yeah, oh you're managing the dairy farm got it What is the top job in this in in the the field? You're looking to get is it the stroker? Is it the broker? Yeah Probably the president and CEO of a semen company. Okay. Do you have ambitions of climbing that ladder? Oh, heck no.
Starting point is 00:29:54 Climbing that pole rather? No, you don't. Well, what is your dream job then if it's not to sell bull semen? Well, I thought my dream job was my current position and, you know, dreams fade. And so my backup is looking at a semen salesman. Well, what didn't work out with this job you got going on right now? What changed your mind? You know, a lot of pressures, a lot of stress on call 24 seven dealing with a lot of folks
Starting point is 00:30:22 with this and that and you know with great power comes great responsibility. I think you're finding that out. Huh? Yeah. I'd like a little less than a little bit more money. Yeah. I mean that makes sense. How high do you want to climb on on on this job? Oh, I'm not not too high. Not too high, not too high. You're you're this could this do you still have a dream job in this industry, Jeff? We're trying to get your or is your dream just to work, make that bag and then go home and enjoy life? Are you working to live or living to work? Right now, a little bit of both.
Starting point is 00:31:02 Yeah, right now, a little bit of both. All right. I'd like a little bit of both. Yeah, right now, a little bit of both. All right. I'd like a little bit less with, yeah. Yeah, Jeff, tell me this. Are you single? Are you in a relationship? What's that status? Oh, boys, I tell you what,
Starting point is 00:31:14 I'm in the happiest relationship I've ever been in in my life, and I kinda want to get your guys' input on something. Yeah, yeah. Glad I asked. What's going on, Jeff? Well, I met the most beautiful girl, the kindest girl. We've been together about a year and a half here in a couple of days.
Starting point is 00:31:34 And I got, don't tell her, but I got a ring in the gun safe right now. You got a ring in the gun safe. You got to be kidding me. What kind of a ring did you get her? Well, it's named after her. If that helps. It's a good one. It's a diamond safe. You got to be kidding me. What kind of a ring did you get her? Well, it's named after her. If that helps it. It's a good one. It's a diamond ring. Her name's diamond. Jeff, you know, my follow up question, is she a good dancer?
Starting point is 00:32:06 Oh, she, she, I step aside when the music comes on and just sit back and enjoy Jeff. That wasn't the question he was asking. Where did you meet her? I'll believe it or not. I'd like to thank Mark Zuckerberg for Facebook dating. Okay. You are the first person I've ever met that's seen success with Facebook dating. So kudos to you. Yeah. Her name's name's diamond that that is a very very unique unique name She in theater at all. This is like diamond a stage name or is that a real name? well diamonds not actually her name, but She is a pretty She is a pretty blonde out of pretty palomino horse. And she runs rodeo.
Starting point is 00:32:46 She runs rodeo. What are you wondering about? Well, I'm trying to figure out how to do it. I've never done this before. Okay. I wonder if I've had any tips. I know Charlie's done it at least once. Miles, you've done it once.
Starting point is 00:33:03 Yeah. Well, what are you thinking right off the bat? What's your thought process? I know Charlie's done it at least once. Miles, you've done it once. Yeah. Well, what are you thinking right off the bat? What's your thought process? What do you think you want? How do you think you want to do it? Well, so she runs barrels. So they got the three barrels set up in the arena.
Starting point is 00:33:17 So I'm kind of thinking, breaking into the local rodeo fairgrounds and setting up some barrels and walking around. into a local rodeo fairgrounds and setting up some barrels and walking around and you know, kind of each barrel has a picture memories of each stage of our relationship. And then we walk it and talk and discuss and she probably cries and all that. And then we go back to the finish line and then I get down on a knee.
Starting point is 00:33:42 That sounds beautiful. That's like the most well-thought out proposal I've down on a knee. That sounds beautiful. That's like the most well thought out proposal I've heard in a while. It really is, Jeff. That's from the heart. It's thinking about her. I don't think you need any advice on that. Do you, Charlie?
Starting point is 00:33:56 I take zero credit for that. Jeff, I'm gonna give you one alternative on this, okay? Love to hear it. I take zero credit for that idea. I asked chat GPT. Did you really? You asked chat GPT? God, Jeff, you know what?
Starting point is 00:34:13 That ruins the whole thing. Don't tell her that. Forget that idea. It's trash. Here's what you do, Jeff. You make friends with the road. Step one, make friends with the rodeo clowns. Okay? Now you got-
Starting point is 00:34:26 I was thinking that too. Yeah. I was thinking that too, but I was specifically told, don't do it during the rodeo. Well. Yeah, that scraps your whole idea. My idea was that he would make friends with the rodeo clowns.
Starting point is 00:34:43 He would get inside one of the barrels, you know, and before she's at the last barrel, pop the top off the barrel and then the question and pop the question. But then he's like, he's one of them naked guys in the barrel, you know? So you get the suspenders on the barrel and then you get down on one knee, you know, so the barrel drops down again. And then he says, will you marry me? But at that point, the barrel shot, you know, so it's kind of cute anyways. She said, don't do it during the radio. It's kind of scary. What'd you say? I said, kind of scary. I thought about that one a
Starting point is 00:35:20 while ago and she kind of shut that down before I even said anything. Well, yeah. All right. Well, I mean, honestly, I think his plan's pretty good, Charlie. Really? You're going to give them the chat GPT plan. It is a good plan. That's kind of the unfortunate thing. I think this is less about the idea and more about that. You're freaked out that Chappy GPT came up with that good of an idea. I know. Yeah. Yeah. That's unfortunate. What is the different world? What does she think about your potential new job that you're interviewing for? Well, she's not exactly in the industry, so she doesn't totally understand it, but
Starting point is 00:35:59 she respects my decision and knows we're doing it for the right reasons, you know, trying to make a life together, try to get something that works. So she's on board. Diamonds don't buy themselves. You got to get you got to get that funding. And I think you got that liquid gold on your hands. So you just take advantage of that. Hey, speaking of which, don't you have an interview coming up here soon?
Starting point is 00:36:23 Yeah, I got about 40 minutes. So I'd like like to, I'd like to offer some buy, sell and trade too. Let's hear it. Yeah. What, what, what loads you got cooking? Oh, I got two broke down John Deere lawnmowers. I got a broke down antique John Deere seven 30 people. I got a couple other broke down tractors and a, and a broke down four wheeler. Okay. Do you have anything that works? Well, I do have a brand new to me, 32 year old Jacob mower with a 72 inch deck that I know my long way. That's okay. 72 inch. 72 inch deck. Um, so what are you, what are you looking? It sounds like you're trying to get rid of your broken down equipment. Are you thinking trying to do this? Is that a lot situation? Are you trying to do it individually?
Starting point is 00:37:15 What are you asking for it? What's the thought? Hey, I'll trade for anything. Cool. I've tried to offering it up for trade. I've been offered computers and RC boats. A lot of weird stuff, but cash is game really. So you're just owning the cell. So he wants to trade it for cash. So that's what we call selling this buy, sell and trade game. It'd be a fair trade. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I traded first in greenback. How much what's your lowest offer?
Starting point is 00:37:49 How low will you go? They took. They took it as a lot that one John Deere tractor is pretty valuable, but if you take the two mowers and the four wheeler, I'd probably do about two thousand on those. Two thousand bucks. Okay. For a bunch of stuff that don't work. So you got to have 2000 bucks in a really big trailer and can do to get them working. I can to add it to and then not probably a nice winch of some sort just in case.
Starting point is 00:38:20 Okay. And then how about that other John Deere? What do you want for that? Okay. And then how about that other John Deere? What do you want for that? That's a $5,000 broke down tractor all day. Front end broke off one day rolled down the hill on me. Does it come with the front end? Did you were able to retrieve it? Yeah, it's sitting next to it. Okay. Okay. Well, where can they get a hold of you if they're looking for a broke down equipment? Oh, they could, uh, well, I don't have Instagram, but, uh, check on Facebook marketplace in, uh, New York, just, okay.
Starting point is 00:38:56 If you are in upstate New York, check Facebook marketplace. How about an email? You got one of those? Yeah. Yep. The ball, the farm. Yep. The farm guy, e h four or five at
Starting point is 00:39:13 Okay. Farm guy, e h four or five at All right. Jeff, I, I had a feeling you were a Yahoo mail guy. So good for you. I really want to, I really want to get out of a work email. No, that's smart. He just gave us the email. He gives the hotel when he checks in. So, well, Joe, we thanks for calling in today. This was great. Good luck on your engagement. I think you got a good plan and we'll see if we can get that equipment sold for you.
Starting point is 00:39:47 Yeah. Now go get this job, Jeff and have a great life with diamond. Thanks guys. Miles. Congratulations on the new baby. Good job building your brand and all that. Love you guys. You're awesome. I listen every week. Thank you, Jeff. Appreciate you All right. Hey watch out you too now. Oh My god, well, you're married to the game now married to the game, baby. You like that you like that hesitation He's like, oh god
Starting point is 00:40:19 It's very Midwest nice about rats on the jokes Doing good there. Well, thank you Jeff Midwest nights about rats on the jokes. Doing good there. Well, thank you, Jeff. Yeah, you know, I think I think he'll get that job. Yeah, I think he's gonna be a good salesman, too. Yeah, he can certainly keep you chatting, you know, and maybe he'll sell some stuff and help pay off that ring he got. So, Charlie, yeah, you're on the road.
Starting point is 00:40:44 I mean, I feel like you're always on the road. Yeah, always on the road, Miles. You got your comedy tour. Yeah, so good old fashioned tour. We got a new, we're kicking off the next leg of it, starting in September, you know, at a couple summer shows. But yeah, we're gonna be kind of all over the place. You know, this is the point, Miles, I wasn't expecting to talk about my tour.
Starting point is 00:41:08 Let me just pull up some tour dates. You know, that's how it goes in this business. You you kind of say, yeah, no, that sounds like fun. That sounds like fun. Then you get to this point, you're like, wait, where was I playing again? Right. And while you look that up, Joe, I just want to say I've been to a few of your shows. Yes, you know, I was pleasantly surprised. I had low expectations.
Starting point is 00:41:29 I like that you set the bar low and you exceeded them to the nth degree. And so kudos to you for putting on a show, even though no one thinks you can put on a good one. Thank you, Miles. And I really I take that to heart because I know it's not easy getting a compliment out of you. So I'll take the backhanded one any day really. But yeah, I'm going to be in Sioux Falls, South Dakota starting nine twelve. I call that Fargo South Fargo Shouse. I like it. Yeah. It's the South Dakota in the bottom bunk. Then I shock a P. Minnesota, Boston, Massachusetts, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, Bemidji.
Starting point is 00:42:08 I'll be back up here in Minnesota doing Bemidji, Saginaw, Michigan, Van Wert, Ohio, do a whole Ohio run, Dayton, Columbus, York, Pennsylvania, going through the deal and there's a bunch of other ones. Anyway. So you're going to Boston? Going to Boston. Do you do any special jokes when you're in Boston?
Starting point is 00:42:26 You don't have to give them away, but just is there an angle you try to go for? Well, kind of the deal is yes. Yeah, every location I go to, ideally I get there a little bit early. You go out on the town, you get a taste for the town. You kind of see what jokes pop up naturally, but a place like Boston, you know,
Starting point is 00:42:43 you can easily do the differences of like East Coast versus the Midwest, because it's a different vibe out there in Boston. I'm not sure if you know that they don't take kind of the Midwest slow pace of life as easily as, you know, someone say in, I guess, the Midwest. Can I make one request? What's that? When you're in Boston, you must commit to that. You're going to do this before I tell you what it is.
Starting point is 00:43:10 OK, I commit. I need you to work in a tea party joke. Oh, yeah. Yeah, there's a good deal. OK, so that's fun. Like throwing the tea in the drink. What's kind of the equivalent of that in the Midwest? Like, what do we what do we not like, you know, the, the, the, the man getting on us for here and what would we dump in? Like, well, you know, I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:43:36 It's a good thing. That's a good thing. Right. You guys saw it right here. Good jumping off point creative process. I need moments, you know, guys, that's why it's so amazing. You can put on a good show because this is what he's clearly. He can think on his feet super well, you know? Yeah, we got that. Miles, here's my question for you, though. When I came to Fargo and I did stand up over at the Fargo Theater, by the way, beautiful theater.
Starting point is 00:44:06 Fargo is a heck of a place to do comedy. I'll say that right now. Always have fun shows there. But you got up on stage, you did a little number yourself. And I feel like there is a glimmer there that perhaps one day, you know, maybe what he's always doing to me, Jerry, he was always trying to get me to do stand up, venture into the fray. What do you think? I'm I'm I got a kid now Charlie. Oh did you have the kids so I would stop asking
Starting point is 00:44:31 you to come on the road with. That's the only reason why I had a kid to get off my back. Well yeah. So you got you got zero interest in that. What did you like being on stage. It is fun. But I mean to to do a full hour of jokes, I just I don't think I could put it together. I only did like four minutes or something. Yeah. And that was even tough. So well, it starts with a joke at a time joke at a time for you, Miles.
Starting point is 00:45:00 Well, I'm going to be out on the road this this fall. What do you have kind of coming up? What's hot on your agenda? Well, I'll probably out on the road this this fall. What do you have kind of coming up? What's hot on your agenda? Well, I'll probably go pheasant hunting this fall. Probably go deer hunting this fall. I got a wedding in Idaho. Oh, who's getting married? Old college buddy. What are you going to do out there when you're not doing the wedding thing?
Starting point is 00:45:20 I don't know. Probably just look at the mountains. Yeah. Yeah. This is not going to go hiking. That's for sure Yeah, you're not a hike guy more of a visual guy, you know just look at mountains and I have a few beers and Relax. All right calling today. Well, that's nice. Okay, and then What big big, you know kind of family plans now that you got like a kid? I mean do you babies are kind of family plans now that you got like a kid.
Starting point is 00:45:45 I mean, do you babies are kind of doing their own thing? I don't know what age you get to start throwing a ball at. Yeah, we'll probably we'll probably start. We'll probably start throwing bullpen here this fall. Yeah. You think so? Warm up that arm a little three months is when you almost when you have to start them these days, otherwise they're behind. Got to get them before the bones develop fully.
Starting point is 00:46:08 Yeah, I'm trying to put everything in his left hand. So he's a lefty like his old man. You know, will you be disappointed if he's not a lefty? No, I don't care. Okay. All right. The number one thing I feel like about parenting is the more you try and force something, the more it goes the other way.
Starting point is 00:46:24 Really? Strict parents always have the wildest child's children. You know? Yeah. I guess that's the truth. So you're just not going to be a strict parent. You're going to do the I just have no expectations. That's good. Set the bar low and then we'll maybe you'll crawl right under it. You know, that would be good. I like that. Yeah, you see what I. Oh, there it is, folks. Now, you know why he's the best.
Starting point is 00:46:51 We found it there eventually. And I do also have to say it's our last podcast here at Toad Lake Store. And this is just a fan, fantastic place if you if you get over this neck of the woods, folks. Great beer signs. Yes, they are neon. A whole wall of taps that are out of commission. That's what I like when they retire the tabs, you know, and they put how many kegs went
Starting point is 00:47:16 through it. Yeah. Yeah. Give it its number. It's not. It's a beautiful spot here. Come on over here. Check out.
Starting point is 00:47:24 Check out the fish on the wall. Check out put your Skull sign on the wall, you don't see that. I don't actually see that. Oh Classic signs here folks. It's been great to have you with your You know what? I mean, thanks for bellying up to the bar with us have you with your, you know what I mean. Thanks for bellying up to the bar with us. We're clearly at the end of our rope and you know, it was nice to climb down it with you here today. So thanks for tuning in guys to another episode of belly to podcast. We'll see you next one. And as always, make sure you tip your bartender.

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