Bellied Up - Relaxing Road Rage #110

Episode Date: July 25, 2024

Our first caller has a sweet car he wants to sell, and we also talk about our first cars growing up. The next caller wants to find the right gal for his buddy. (51:12) The last caller is frustrated all the road construction, but he might be the best solution to his own problem.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to another episode of the bellied up podcast. Charlie is here with me at the Cormorant Pub in Cormorant, Minnesota. We are feeling good. Charlie, I actually have a funny story about the Cormorant Pub. Not so much about the Cormorant Pub, but it involves the Cormorant Pub. What happened? So I got my parents got a cabin not too far from here. Congratulations to them. Yep.
Starting point is 00:00:27 Had it since 2004. Oh, I'm a little late to the party. Yeah, it's been a while. Pretty cool though. But we have like a back lot and we redid the back one winter. Yeah. And I tell you what, this is the most my dad thing in the world.
Starting point is 00:00:43 What happened? So he decides that we're gonna do this on weekends or whatever in the middle of winter. So it doesn't disrupt the summer, correct? Oh, smart, smart. Smart, until you realize that there is no heat in the back lot and it is January and you are working on this when it's negative 10 degrees out.
Starting point is 00:01:08 Oh, no. So I'm working inside, but it is zero degrees in the building, freezing my ass off. Space heater. Well, let me get there. OK. And so we're talking, you know, but here's also funny part. It took us too long. Like all we were doing was like replacing the sheetrock and like putting some flooring and, you know, studs up, whatever. Yeah. Like we were doing the whole thing.
Starting point is 00:01:33 Right. And this is, this is our schedule that winter. We'd wake up, you know, we'd be kind of ready to go around like 10 a.m. It's an hour drive out here. It's 11 a.m. We would work from like 11 to 1 30. Then we head over to the Cormorant pub, get some lunch. Then we go back and work till about, you know, that was about an hour or so. You're two 30 work till like three 30 and then call it a day. So we were literally working like two, two and a half hours at
Starting point is 00:02:04 a time. And I don't know about you, but you can't get much done in two, two and a half hours. No, the stop and start is we spend more time driving and eating at the Cormorant pub than we did working on the place. And is that kind of because your dad preferred it that way? Or were you and your brother's just little piles bitch? Because it was so cold. You're like, oh, it's like, you know, you know, it's bad when your dad is even like, yeah, it's pretty cold. Let's go warm up and get some food. I know it's like normally I would roast you on that, but this is a cold part of the country.
Starting point is 00:02:40 This is a cold state. It is. I know this is Minnesota, but it's very close to North Dakota. It's you know, it is brutal cold state. It is. I know this is Minnesota, but it's very close to North Dakota. It's you know, it is brutal. Yeah. And that's tough when you're, you know, working with your hands and you can't like feel your hands and you're. Yes. And the kicker of the whole story is Charlie.
Starting point is 00:02:59 Yeah. About the last weekend we were working, my dad was like, Oh, I got this propane heater and I'm not talking like, uh, like one you'd stick in your like ice shanty. I'm talking like an industrial sized propane heater. And I'm not, I'm not, shouldn't you, he lit that thing up and in three minutes we were sweating. Really? So the whole time we could have been working in warm weather, warm indoor conditions.
Starting point is 00:03:30 You need a pair of gloves? I got an extra pair right here. My hands are sweating. You had an extra pair of gloves this whole time. Yeah. And there was already sheet rock existing in the walls and he didn't wanna take that off but he wanted it insulated.
Starting point is 00:03:44 So, and it's like a barn shape. So there's like a dead space in the roof. Yeah. Kind of like a, so you would get up there and so we caught a hole in the wall and me and my brothers had to go behind the sheet rock and shimmy on all of the, the rafters and put, uh, insulation up on the other side of the sheet rock while shimmying and freezing our ass off. Hey, you know what? I'll tell you this much. You could probably shimmy between some sheet rock
Starting point is 00:04:11 right now. You're in, you're in sheet rock shimmy in shape. Yeah. Yeah. It was 50 pounds heavier at the time. You were you really, I don't know what it was. Maybe 20. This was college. You said, no, this was after college. Okay. Yeah. This This was what did you have an actual job at this point that he was taking you away from? I might have been working concrete at the time, so I did have the winners off. Gotcha. Gotcha. But what was your job? Oh, yeah. Well, you finished. All the story is when you're in the dead of winter, freezing your ass off.
Starting point is 00:04:42 The Cormorant Pub is a warm oasis for you to go eat and drink at. Is it? Cause it feels very airy right now. No, inside. We're in the outdoor part. That's also the Cormorant Pub. I see, I see.
Starting point is 00:04:57 Yeah, I haven't ventured into that part yet, but this part is awesome. And I'm sure that part's just as cool. Well, either way, it's nice to be here with you, Miles. Oh, you're taking your first bite of the cheese bake steak bites. Is that what that is? So good. It looks really good. Wow. Very, very good. I like that kind of pan, you know, that with the skillet pan, the skillet plate where you think they put that plate right in the,
Starting point is 00:05:25 that little skillet thing right in the oven. I bet they did. Let me touch it. Still warm. Oh my God, that's hot. Yeah. Yeah. Well guys, we're going to take some callers chilling here at the Cormorant pub. Should we do it? Let's do it. My guy. Well, uh, my name is Joseph Ross, originally from Omaha, Nebraska, but I'm, I'm out in the coast guard. So I'm out here in, uh in Charles from South Carolina right now. All right. I've been a caller in before, but I always loved belly, bar with you guys.
Starting point is 00:05:52 Hang on. Hang on. Let me see if I remember it. Are you the coast guard that was talking about the cocaine? Oh, absolutely. Yeah. Do you remember? I remember.
Starting point is 00:06:04 That's cool. All right. I'll welcome back to the belly it up podcast. Appreciate it. Thanks for having me. Tell you what, wasn't sure I was going to make it through again, you know, but good to be here. But here you are. Well, why don't you belly up again with us and tell us what's on your mind. So I got a I got a car and I know we used to do buy sell and trade on a bellied up I haven't heard one in a while but I got a car and I've been having some car issues since the 2008 Honda CRE and I've had I had the AC go out last week which doesn't fare well in South Carolina in the summertime and
Starting point is 00:06:45 then when my girlfriend was visiting me the starter went out so the weekend she was here I didn't you know I took her to dinner in the car and then brought her back out to the car afterward to go to the next spot go get some drinks and car didn't start. You couldn't start her. That wasn't a great look at the boyfriend. No, didn't start. Yeah. So if you're by selling or trading this car, you're not doing a good job selling it. Yeah, you got to start with the positive. Well, bury the negatives.
Starting point is 00:07:17 Well, let me tell you, let me tell you. All right. So I got the starter fixed. It was a parking lot. This got her up, up and running. Boy, she starts like a champ. Now it's almost like the starter is going to run away before the car catches up and lo and behold, got the starter fixed and the AC picked right back on. Good to go. Okay.
Starting point is 00:07:36 A little finicky, but she works. She works about 75% of the time. And you're talking about your car. So yeah, my car. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. All right. Yeah. You got the starter going with your girlfriend sitting there watching. No, unfortunately had to take it to the shop, but she, she was watching us try in the, in the parking lot.
Starting point is 00:07:58 It didn't work out too well. It was a real downer as a boy, real, real, not a great boyfriend moment. I'll be honest. in the parking lot didn't work out too well. It was a real downer as a boy. Real, real not a great boyfriend moment. I'll be honest. No. Lowest lows on the manliness scale. She was probably she was probably thinking about past boyfriends that could have got that thing fired up.
Starting point is 00:08:17 Yeah. Yeah. Mm hmm. Wasn't great. But I bought her a few drinks and we're good to go now. So it's all good. Oh, glad to hear that. But glad to hear that. So are you trying to trade this car now or are you trying to? Sell it. What are you trying to do if it's such a great car now and everything's working fine
Starting point is 00:08:37 Well, really what it brought me to brought me to think about and I wanted you guys opinions and thoughts and just recollections of the classic Midwest high school car brought me to think about and I wanted your guys opinions and thoughts and just recollections of the classic Midwest high school car. Because I feel like if I were to buy Sellotrade, this would be a good high school car for someone, you know, driving around, no AC, spent their lawnmower money. But I just remember driving around and I had a bronze Toyota Camry 99. Naturally, the door handles didn't match the paint color of the trunk or the body. Nor should it. Yeah, exactly. But I just thought about a lot of my friends had the red Grand Prix.
Starting point is 00:09:18 You guys remember that one? Of course. Oh, yeah. That's what I was going to suggest was the ultimate high school car. I knew a lot of guys with the old Grand Prix you call them Grand Prix if they were annoying you Like that miles that was good. That was good. I'll put myself on the back for that No, there's nothing better than the classic high school Midwest car I'd tell you about mine real quick. It was my aunt's mom's Buick, I believe it was in 1986. One of those boxy deals wasn't the big old boat,
Starting point is 00:09:54 it was like half the boat, you know, but the ceiling felt, you know, was sort of dragging down and it had to be pinned up and it was pinned up by like a bunch of star pins because my aunt had it so and then once I backed it into a my my dad's trailer hitch I put a hole in it put a bumper sticker over the hole you know it was a jesus saves bumper sticker because that was all in the car and I just had the to, you know, Jesus saved my ass that night. That's for sure.
Starting point is 00:10:30 And then and then eventually what I did was I was able to put a hole in the piece of plastic that got chunked in and then put a fishing line through and wrapped it around. And I was able to pull that chunk out. So it looked good enough that you couldn't really tell that much. And I was able to pull that chunk out so it looked good enough that you couldn't really tell that much. And I was pretty impressed with myself there. Miles, what was your high school car? So mine was a hammy down Dodge Dakota sport pick up. I was rolling good. And you were the high school quarterback too, weren't where? Yeah, it's just that I was riding dirty as all the kids call.
Starting point is 00:11:11 They say rolling, they hate it. That was me. But roll them. No, by the time I got it, three of the four speakers in the car were blown out. Well, it didn't have any, you know, bells back then, there was no Bluetooth capabilities. So what I would do is I'd take my iPod and plug it into a cassette tape with a
Starting point is 00:11:36 ox cord connected to it. And I'd slap that baby in there. And you know, then it was like, you know, you're the talk of the town. You can now listen to whatever music you want to in that thing anything The trim was falling off the side in the winter I'd have to throw sandbags back back there because it was so late in the act like truck
Starting point is 00:11:57 So it was it was actually I my older brother drove it I drove it my younger brother drove it and my dad sold it after that for actually like Four grand or something. It was he got a pretty good deal. Holy smokes Yeah Yeah, that'll happen so I I will say my favorite adult car was Volkswagen Rabbit 1981 diesel stick shift five on the floor and you couldn't really get it into first gear. You had to rev it up enough to pop it into second. And then because of that, you had just a black cloud of smoke just go up.
Starting point is 00:12:46 But it got 45 miles to the gallons. So that was nice. You just had to have an oil can in the car at all times to reload it every now and again, or the entire engine would seize up. And then I camoed it. I camoed it up at the legendary parking lot, Manitowoc with my brother and a few friends. That was nice. You just take if you want to camel. Yeah, if you want to camel your car out there, folks, it was nice for me
Starting point is 00:13:12 because this was started off as a tan color. So you already have a great base camel deal. Oh, yeah. And then you just get it for a desert camel look. Well, actually, no, it was this was just taking the the it was a dark pattern taking the the pattern. So then I got the green and I got the black just two colors and those three colors together. It's not now was a duck hunting car is beautiful. I love that thing. Unfortunately, it now rests in pieces somewhere in Wapaka. So that's how that goes.
Starting point is 00:13:42 But yeah, there's nothing better. After Brad Paley's hit song, Camouflage or Before? Like were you kind of the inspiration for that song? I'd like to say I was the inspiration. I definitely wasn't. That song was out. And I think this was at the early stages of Man to Walk Minute.
Starting point is 00:14:01 So I wanted to camel a car like my duck jacket. So that was kind of the inspiration there. Yeah, it was an adult car. Got a decent deal on it though. Got it off Craigslist. But yeah. So are you buy selling or trading your car that works really good?
Starting point is 00:14:22 Well, I'd like to sell it. I'd like to sell it. If someone's interested, just let me know blue Honda CRB. It's got a year old tires on it. Just didn't oil change and the starter change brand new starter. Um, don't ask about the AC all wheel drive comes with the trailer hitch. Um, what ball for three grand, my brother. My brother offered me $200, but I'm looking for three grand if that's possible. Okay, so are you willing to do-
Starting point is 00:14:49 Two inch hitch. Two inch hitch. Are you looking 3000 OBO or best offer, or is it a firm three grand? Oh, oh. We could start with 3000 OBO. We could do that. How many miles you got on that sucker?
Starting point is 00:15:07 Let's see. I got it with 100, 1000 at that hundred and thirty thousand. I say hundred thirty. That's it. Yeah, that's it. So those tires. Yeah, I mean, you're a coast guard. So you're you're spend most of your time on the drink. So yeah, in the past year, how many miles have you put on? How many miles are on those tires? Where is the penny when you put it up to those tires?
Starting point is 00:15:32 Oh, the mine? Oh, tread, tread, great. Penny sticks all the way in. All right. All right. Good. I've probably only put it, I've probably only put probably 2,000 miles on these tires, If that really in the past year.
Starting point is 00:15:46 Oh, I've been underway a lot. Yeah. I've got to guard the coast. I know you guys aren't doing it. You know, I am quite literally as far away from the coast as you can almost get. I live in Fargo, North Dakota. It is directly in the middle of the coast as you can almost get. I live in Fargo, North Dakota. It is directly in the middle of the country as far away from the coast as possible. Miles is in a tsunami free zone. Hey, and thank you for your service for living there. Well, I'm protecting the Canadian border.
Starting point is 00:16:16 You never know when those fuckers will attack us, you know? The mountains. That is true, that is true. I'm just kidding, I love the Canadians. He's got to say that because they are they're ready to go at any time. I'm very diplomatic of you. J.K., guys. It would not be hard for them to find you, Miles.
Starting point is 00:16:38 Well, if people don't understand, they always do. If someone down there in South Carolina or wherever is interested in this Honda CRB Blue how can they get ahold of you? Ross IRA No way You all 14 you said oh, yeah, it's Roth IRA 14. Okay. I thought you got just Roth IRA and I was like, that is a great handle. Okay. Oh no, it'd be legendary. I think that
Starting point is 00:17:16 one was already taking off some, some financial bank company. I don't know. It's our family business, but they took it over from us. I don't know what happened. Okay Roth IRA 14 if you're looking for a Lately used Only got a hundred and thirty thousand miles on it so not too shabby three grand OBO Hit him up How much rust is on it underneath? Because you're right by the ocean underneath No, no, no, no, no underneath. No, no little bubble spot on the hood
Starting point is 00:17:57 If you got a bubble spot on the on the roof you for sure have rust underneath No, no, not on the roof. It's on the hood. It's on the hood. I want to see some pictures of your undercarriage. That's what I want to see. Hey, I don't know if you can say that over your podcast there. Hold on. You know, we're all allowed. If you're both consenting adults, just quick follow up. You may have nothing here, nothing to report.
Starting point is 00:18:23 But have you found any more drug dealers since glass? We talked since last time we talked no no more drug dealers. They've been they've been slowing down on the water That Charlie we won the war on drugs we did It's the it's the little things that we do here on the bellied-up podcast I think all of Columbia heard that podcast and they're like we're not going out there on to us Yeah, they're Honda. They know they know even the Midwest knows once the Midwest knows they know that's no longer route they can take Anyway, thank you for protecting the coast and watch out for sharks out there Well, you see up And watch out for sharks out there. Talk to you guys later.
Starting point is 00:19:05 We see you. That's good. It's nice to get a good thinking. Get three grand for that. No, no chance in hell. I was to say, you might want to take that 200 boxes. Yeah, you know, yeah, it's cars is tough, man. Although the prices have held ever since covid.
Starting point is 00:19:23 You can do pretty good on an automobile, but that one, although those Hondas, I got to tell you, man, the Japanese know how to make a car. I mean, they do go forever. They go forever. My uncle had Mike, which is dumb because then no one buys a new car. It's not a great business plan by the Japanese. What I heard is that the Japanese make their cars knowing that people are not going to take care of them. Whereas American cars are usually made with the idea that people are going to take care of them, which is the least American thing you can do.
Starting point is 00:19:57 But yeah, I mean, classic Americans are being delusional about America. That is classic America. But my grandpa Bobby had a Honda minivan and my uncle Joel took it after. And it just recent my grandpa Bob passed in 2019 and the van just got smoked by a deer, but it had 350,000 miles. Isn't that crazy? My thousand miles on it. Isn't that crazy? My uncle Joel Eddins still would have gone had that dang deer not hit the sucker. But yeah, it was totaled. So rest in pieces. Grandpa Bob's minivan.
Starting point is 00:20:36 Oh, you are talking to Grant from Michigan. Grant from Michigan. Thanks for calling in, man. What's going on? Well, I got quite the predicament. Okay. You came to the right place, Grant. I'll grant you that. Ah, there he is. Charlie, my favorite host. Oh, shots fired. Miles is offended, but I am. I'm not delusional, Charlie. I know that you are the beloved bellied up post. I get it.
Starting point is 00:21:10 I'm always I, you know, I'm too rough around the edges sometimes with yet, you know, and you're like the sweetheart kid. I play it up. I know. I know. I'm not delusional. I know they like you more than me. It's okay.
Starting point is 00:21:22 That's not true, Miles. That's not true. Just your mom and a few other people Yeah So I don't take offense grant I won't hold it against ya grant you got miles at a good moment he just What'd he say? He just crushed a 1919 root beer he was like can I get a root beer you see it on tap? I just just crushed a 1919 root beer. He was like,
Starting point is 00:21:45 can I get a root beer? You see it on tap? I just looked over at that root beer. It's gone. He like, I've never seen a man chug a root. We got to get this call going because miles is blasting on a sugar high and he's gamma tummy ache. So I mean, there was a lot of ice in there. It was maybe six ounces of root beer. There wasn't that much ice. He housed it.
Starting point is 00:22:12 Yeah, okay. And now he's getting a refill. Granddaddy. He's getting a refill. Now and again, you just got an unbelievable hankering for a root beer. And now he just refilled me. I get it, I get it. I'm gonna have a little bit of that root beer. Yeah, there just refilled me. I'm going to have a little bit of that. There you go,
Starting point is 00:22:27 Charlie. Okay. Sorry. Oh, that goes down fast. It was true though. I literally, before this call started, I got it 30 seconds before that. And it's, it was already gone. When I called it out, it's kind of like when your parents catch you like hiding like a like an entire box of fruit roll up wrappers under the couch. Do you eat all these already? What the hell is the matter with you? Anyways, Grant, what's on your mind, my guy? I graduated college probably about three years ago. What'd you graduate with? I was in a house full of Three years ago. What'd you graduate? I was in a house full of I grew up
Starting point is 00:23:09 Yeah, you live in a house full of Communications degree Maybe don't forget the minor it's marketing. Oh and market. Yeah, it sounds like you got three roommates right now. So what's going on? So I got a roommate he graduated around the same time as me. So and he's just, he's single. He's very single and we just can't get him to go out and, you know, meet women. So he works from home, but he's always at home and never quite leaves the house after work hours. So my question is, how can I get this man to just talk to a woman? Maybe he's on a date. Okay, well hold on here. What's his vibe?
Starting point is 00:23:56 Is he happy? Is he lonely? Is he sad? What's how does he feel about his current situation? Is he in the guys? I mean, he could, he could be dating a lot and you guys just don't know it, you know? How well do you know your roommate?
Starting point is 00:24:15 He always has his buddy over. He always has Tom over. How well do you know him? I know him pretty well. We ran in college together, so I've known him for like five years I like to think I know him pretty well. So you know that he doesn't my guys hopefully so Okay, so you know he's but you know he's in You know he's attracted to Yeah, I would hope it's women. I mean, I think it's women and definitely women.
Starting point is 00:24:49 It doesn't matter. There's a situation with that too. Listen, any way you swing the bat is completely fine. It's just we got to get these details right in order to help this fella. If he wants to be helped, he could also be one. Is he sad and lonely? He's not sad and lonely. He. Oh, I don't know. Maybe he is.
Starting point is 00:25:08 I don't know. He how well you just said you knew him really well. Now you don't know if he's straight or not. I don't. I like to say I feel like if you live in a house and like four guys total, you don't get lonely. That's for sure okay okay so are you projecting on to him what you would want in his scenario or do you think he wants to meet a gal I I think he wants to meet a gal okay there's a little bit of like backstory with women though there's a what with backstory backstory
Starting point is 00:25:44 well okay what's the backstory? Yes, there you go, Charlie, not listening, golly. You know what, Grant? I am listening, it's hard to hear sometimes because you know what, I don't need to defend myself, Grant. Why don't you just give us that backstory, my guy? Let's hear it. He may have liked a woman in college and it may have been like
Starting point is 00:26:11 Two or three years since that woman has said no, I'm not interested and he may still be trying to talk to that woman But I don't know he doesn't like to talk about it. So What does that tell you? So he's hung up on a girl that doesn't want him. The one that got away for two years ago. Oh, I see it happen. I had a buddy. It was like that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Good. No. Good.
Starting point is 00:26:37 I think what you call that is the friend zone. Correct, Charlie? Yeah. I think. Yeah. Oh, yeah. And the friend zone can be the danger zone if it lasts too long and you're thinking there's something else there so Is he? You know, is he a good-looking guy? Is he you know got a better personality than he a short king? Yeah He's not a short king. He's a He I he runs every day. He's still doing all the running So he's got a little bit of a skinny body to him, but he's got a little
Starting point is 00:27:11 Fluff over that over the six pack if you know what I mean, okay. All right All right So you didn't know good women like facial hair, right? Yeah, he's got a beard. How tall is he? Five, 11, five, 10 area. Let's call it six foot. Call it six foot. Hey, yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:31 Okay, well, what's the line? If we're building a dating profile, you round up always. Round up, pump his tires a little bit, all right? Okay, what kind of woman do you think he's interested in? Well, describe the woman that he's been hung up on. Maybe we can, you know, it's like Indiana Jones when he's stealing the treasure and replaces the thing on it.
Starting point is 00:27:51 That's what we need to do in this scenario. We gotta replace. All right, all right. So he is from a small town here in Michigan. He still every weekend goes to bill. Hey, so that tells you how much he loves a small town. So he's a little country boy. So I would say we want a little country girl to go with that country boy. But the girl that he's hung up on, what is she like? What does she look like?
Starting point is 00:28:19 What does she do? Oh, I don't wanna get into specifics. I would say she's probably like that. She's also from the small town. Yeah, but she got brown hair, blonde hair, red hair, no hair. I would say dirty blonde. He's looking for another small town country gal because he's a small town country boy get him on farmers only that's an easy one right there Is he on the dating apps?
Starting point is 00:28:51 You know what forget the dating apps Yeah, I agree with him. That's not a that's not a great way Do you so he's gone during the weekends weekends are out take him take him to make it easy for him What's he likes running does he like trivia take him to a trivia night take him to make it easy for him. What's he likes running? Does he like trivia? Take him to a trivia night. Take him to dart league. You can meet some some stellar gals at dart league I'll tell you that right now Yeah, yeah Charlie, I'm good. I'm getting a little bit feeling like this guy You know how when you know you maybe date a good gal
Starting point is 00:29:25 in high school and you guys break up and then you go to college, you really need to then date an insane woman to get the other woman off of your mind. I think we need to first find him a palate cleansing girlfriend. A rebound of sorts. Yeah, so essentially. Someone has set the bar low for next time
Starting point is 00:29:47 Yeah, that's not so much the bar low just someone who's maybe a little bit crazy, you know Just and so what I think you didn't do is We it's you're not trying to find his wife you're trying to find the girl that will then eventually find his wife. And so what you're going to need to look for is the local hairdresser, whoever that is, just hook them up with her. There goes our hairdresser audience miles. Thank you. Not every hairdresser is crazy, but most crazy gals are hairdressers. That is just, you know, I got a cousin that's very upset right now. Is she crazy? A little bit. She hasn't listened. Um,
Starting point is 00:30:34 okay. Okay. You know what, Grant? There's a lot of focus that you're putting on your roommate. We're going to get back to your roommate. What's your dating situation right now? I went rain shop in this past weekend. So that tells you your dating situation right now? I went rain shopping this past weekend so that tells you my dating situation there you go. Wow I see so everything's going good with you so now you got a little extra time on your hands and you're focusing on your roommate. Oh yeah. Okay does your... yeah I feel bad for him. Does your... well some people are just happy single. How old is he?
Starting point is 00:31:09 20, let's say 25 or 24. How well do you know this guy? Do you know this guy at all? What day is his birthday? How often do you, I don't know. Okay, what day is Miles birthday? Do you I don't know how okay what with Dave Myles birthday Myles's birthday is on March 19th. You are yeah right.
Starting point is 00:31:30 You pulled that right out of your butt. 22nd. Damn it. Did you get married on the 19th? 18th. The 18th. I knew that is did I wish you happy birthday? I think I got married on the 18th.
Starting point is 00:31:44 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. All right. Roughly, I know what day my house's birthday is. OK, you passed that test, all right? OK. You have a fiance. She knows your hairdresser. My hairdresser.
Starting point is 00:31:58 What's your roommate's name? I can't say it. I told him I wouldn't say name. Okay. Okay. So now I told him, I told him I might get on. So you told them you were going to do this? Probably. Okay. All right. Hold on. We're pausing this call. When he gets back from his run, you are going to call back in and we are going to discuss with you. It's going to be like, it's going to be like an hour and a half. That's fine.
Starting point is 00:32:30 We got the time. All right. I mean, it's going to be a while. Oh, it's going to be a while. Call them and tell them to turn around and come back. I can't. All right. All right.
Starting point is 00:32:42 Here's the simple solution. You're a soon to be fiance has friends. You know, one of her friends would date him, right? Well, one of the problems is already getting my other roommates. Does she only have two friends? What's what's going on? Yeah, I know. Does she only have two friends? What's what's going on? Yeah, all of her friends are also engaged or married. So it's that time of year, dude. That time of year. What the fuck is that?
Starting point is 00:33:16 I don't know. I'm season, but wedding season. Wow. OK. You guys are you guys are very young, making some big choices. That's good. Okay. I would maybe you could try gaslighting him a little bit and be like, I don't think you can get a girlfriend. You know, he sounds like he sounds like he's a competitive guy. He likes to run. He was in college track or cross country or whatever. Is this maybe be like, yeah, I just I've given up on you. He likes to run. He was in college track or cross country or whatever.
Starting point is 00:33:48 Is this maybe be like, yeah, I just I've given up on you. I don't think you can find a girlfriend. And then that'll really make a man. If you really want to get him a dog, this is what you do. Get him a dog. Make it a cute dog. A dog. Yeah. Make it a very. I do realize. Well, how much do you like your friend? You get him a real cute dog. You deal with the dog pissing on your stuff once in a while in the
Starting point is 00:34:10 puppy stage, but you better you better get him a puppy. That is prime time to find yourself a gal. Get to the dog park. You'll find a bunch of other dog lovers there. They are going to be obsessed with his dog. They're not going to look at his face probably for the 10 times that they meet him. You know when you see someone that they see a cute dog, they're like, oh my God, what's his name? Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
Starting point is 00:34:32 oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
Starting point is 00:34:39 oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,'s face and they've already fallen in love with the dog. And then from there, it's an easy, easy getting the number situation because they'll at least take a date where they can have unlimited time with Roxy Roxy also weird name for a male dog, but it could be female. It doesn't matter. Rocko or Roxy either way. All right. So get them a dog. That is that is the deal and the rest of you roommates need to just deal with it Okay, deal with it. You're all in this together and you're doing it for your friend whose birthday you don't even know Yeah, you figure that out but let us know what happens and when he gets back from that run give us a call back and we'll
Starting point is 00:35:24 Give you more details All right, we'll look out for it All right, you have a good one now. Maybe his buddy is just asexual I was like some guys some people out there that just aren't that interested in dating anyone and that's okay Just totally fine. What honestly, business wise, it would be great to be asexual. Yeah. I mean, spend all your time working, right? He's not even worried about the rest of it workaholic. And yeah, so maybe that's his deal. I don't know. I like running too much. Yeah. there's married to the To the running game there that yeah, he's married to the game. There's a lot of information
Starting point is 00:36:09 Grant wasn't giving us there. So I think it would only be productive if the guy calls back He's he's just hesitant with the details on it, you know Cuz also if your fiancee You know, you gotta have more friends. There's something else going on. Well, should we take another caller? Let's do it. Ah, lake days, Charlie. Nothing beats lounging by the water with a drink in hand.
Starting point is 00:36:37 You know what you should try next time you're doing that? What's that, Myles? Try mixing up a Tippy Cow's orange cream with a splash of citrus soda and a squeeze of fresh lemon I'm gonna try right now It's a creamsicle in a glass perfect for soaking up the Sun speaking which it looks like a sunset That is actually a mixture. I don't think I would have thought of Charlie well miles the night citrus soda orange and
Starting point is 00:37:09 Little fresh lemon that actually sounds very refreshing Yeah, after we're done belly it up here We go back to Lake you and I are gonna do one of those up that would be fun. It would be fun so guys Here's a little toast for you Here's to Lake days and a cold glass of Tippy Cow orange cream cheers to summer fun. Cheers Charlie. Russell, how's it living? Living good, busy, busy legal work,
Starting point is 00:37:38 but having fun, the weather's getting nice and you know, we're gonna speak that Midwest summer is on the horizon I can see it it can almost taste it so yeah well I like it when you can taste it in the air you know it's just mmm that's a little bit of that's a little bit of charcoal mixed with little wood burning mixed with little sunscreen mixed with little freshly cut lawn mixed with is that chlorine? You know, and there you have it. Summer. Um, anyways, get to the point, Charlie, um, underrated injuries. Yeah. So we were, we got this question. We were talking.
Starting point is 00:38:23 Yeah. And we were wondering, you know, you know, the obvious ones getting hit in the head with the garage door. Okay. You're driving a forklift and you crash and this and that maybe you're on a ladder. It falls over. But what are some of the injuries you've seen that people gotta be looking out for that they don't necessarily think about that you've had to deal with? Yeah, so this is one thing and you know you hear people make fun of it like, oh I was in a car accident and I got a back and neck injury and I'm in this brace or you know something like that and actually and you'll hear the insurance companies say well you know
Starting point is 00:39:05 you don't have an injury your back or neck you just have degenerative conditions and they've made this kind of like a naughty word but degenerative conditions to your back and basically like natural aging and so not to get in all the science of your back but you've got all these discs in your back and vertebrae and it's super important obviously right for how you move and what you do and so often individuals is as we get older and I actually just had a deposition I was taken of a orthopedic surgeon yesterday and I asked him a doctor you know because I had to he worked for the insurance company so I need to flush that out make sure we're all on the same page so the jury would know if it goes to jury trial. Hey, what's degenerative back that's normal aging?
Starting point is 00:39:47 Yep, I agree with that. I said how many of us at age 50 have a degenerative back? And there's more at even younger ages, but it gets obviously higher as you get older. At age 50, this orthopedic surgeon said 100% of people have degenerative back. So basically, it's just normal aging. And so as we age, and some of of us our backs age a little bit faster you know if we're in sports or we're doing you know maybe we've had some pre-existing injuries and things like that. But under Wisconsin law and Minnesota law if someone gets
Starting point is 00:40:17 injured the person that injured them is responsible for that person for any of the aggravation. So you basically we we call it the eggshell plaintiff rule, you take someone and you find them. So if they have an aging back, which we all do, or their back's a little bit more degenerated because of heavy sports, some folks will get much worse of a spinal injury, whether it's to the discs or it's to the spinal cord,
Starting point is 00:40:39 because of their back, just the age that they are, or maybe they had a preexisting illness or injury. And so a lot of their back, just the age that they are, or maybe they had a pre-existing illness or injury. And so a lot of those things, people will say, oh, you know, my back, I just got a neck and back ache, and it turns out, well, no, you might have a disc injury that might be affecting your nerve system. It can cause ridiculous pain that runs down. So I'm nerding out on all of it,
Starting point is 00:41:02 but basically when people get back and neck injuries, you see on TV the jokes about it, but it's really serious. And often you can have one person that maybe has extremely healthy back and they get in a car accident and not a big deal. But then another individual that's maybe 50 years old or perhaps their back has just aged quicker because of physical, hard work kind of job, like construction job or anything like that.
Starting point is 00:41:31 And they may have much worse injuries and it's, it's not their fault. That's just, you know, how, but, but it is a responsibility to the person that hit them. And so often the insurance company try to pull that card saying, Hey, you know what? You're not really injured. There's no way you could, you just have, you have a degenerative back and it's like, well yeah, we all do. So I guess long answer to your short question. No, that's really interesting. I would got to take care of our backs, Charlie. I went to the chiropractor and the chiropractors use this degenerative back thing too, to get
Starting point is 00:42:00 you there. Like, yeah, you got degenerative back. You know, you got to come in here twice a week and do two appointments. Otherwise, I don't know. So a lot of people use the degenerative back against you. Insurance companies doing it in a different way, you know. But luckily, we got Russell here to, you know, know these things and say, hold on to your bucket. So in some ways, hey Russell,
Starting point is 00:42:26 I got sideswiped by a semi about a year and a half ago and my lower back hurts. What can we do about this? Yeah, so that's when someone contacts us who we wanna make sure that they're actually following through with treatment. Cause a lot of us too, as you guys know in the Midwest, we just try to tough it out.
Starting point is 00:42:46 Most of us don't want to go to doctors. And so we just try to move on, but it's important to figure out, you can go to chiropractor, but generally depending on the accident, you also want to see a medical doctor and get some imaging and things like that. And just find out, for example,
Starting point is 00:43:03 if you do have a disc injury, because there's things that can be done like my dad total Midwest guy grew up on a farm he's like milking cows when he was five he gets in a vehicle accident he's kind of that guy oh yeah nothing wrong with me and then it's getting worse and so finally we did get him to a doctor turns out he had a you know disc injury and had to get surgery. So, um, you gotta, you know, you can't, you can't, uh, just say, I'm a Midwest top. I mean, we are, and it's awesome, but you got to take those, those things seriously, especially, you know, as your back is aging, you're just more susceptible to injury.
Starting point is 00:43:37 I like how he said, don't go to a chiropractor, go to a real doctor. I did not. I didn't say that. I said you can go to a chiropractor. You said, but go to a real doctor. You guys are putting words in my mouth. I just said, you also sometimes you want to go to a medical doctor. So they're a doctor of chiropractic or, you know, that kind of stuff. And that's fine. There's a place and time for it, but also going to a medical doctor
Starting point is 00:44:05 is helpful. Make a little backpedal. Looks like. Oh, come on, Miles. Looks like I am a better lawyer than Charlie. I backed the pro into a corner. You know, Miles, I think we got to rewind the tape and see if that's what he actually said to see if you're a better lawyer, because I don't remember him saying that personally.
Starting point is 00:44:26 Yeah, I do feel like you might be twisting my words a little bit, Miles, but I suppose we could go back and listen to the tape and see what I did or didn't say. He's for certain twisting the intent of the words, even if you didn't mean it and you did say the chiropractors are fake doctors, you definitely didn't mean to say that. So it might be that I didn't let this be clear.
Starting point is 00:44:49 I did not say that. OK, I'm just. Yeah, now we're both muddying the waters and we're it's like we dropped your glasses on the bottom of the lake, Russell. And now Miles and I are just down there trying to find them, but we're muddying the water regardless of you said it or not. I have planted the seed of doubt in the jurors mind is all I'm saying. That's what it's all about. Undo that seat of doubts Russell. So yeah, I feel like, and then you guys just keep kind of reiterating in different fashions and now it's almost becoming like a truth even though I did not say that
Starting point is 00:45:28 So we know you would never say Chiropractor a fake job and not real and you should never go there or trust them. We know you would never say that No, I would never say that you're correct Now some people have said though I've heard that you did say that. No way. No way to confirm. So it's amazing. It's amazing how this is where all fake news comes from right here. It's a classic. He said he said situation. It's a classic.
Starting point is 00:45:59 Well, man, you don't like us very much, do you, Russell? Well, we just lost him all his chiropractor business. You know, he calls in to try to spread the message of, of, you know, just being everyone's lawyer miles and being a good guy. And now you come in here, accuse him of not liking chiropractor next marketing campaign. Chiropractors are real doctors. I, I, I would obviously chiropractors have their, their time and place. And so do medical doctors or orthopedists. So, you know, everything helps. And obviously like, you know, even see pro athletes do chiropractic care, PT acupuncture, and then they also, you know,
Starting point is 00:46:44 have orthopedic doctors. So everybody's got their time and place in theactic care, PT, acupuncture, and then they also, you know, have orthopedic doctors. So everybody's got their time and place in the injury care, just keeping people healthy. So that's, that's where I sit on it. You know, even if miles is going to take that now and twist it in some other way, but you know, I feel like you guys, I've just miles is, I'm not sure if that's a good, if you're, if that's you just trying to advocate for you to win the you versus Charlie at the best lawyer, you're trying to implant that seed in my head right now.
Starting point is 00:47:07 Like maybe that's what you're doing. I think it's working against him. I think he took the wrong legal, uh, arguing tactic to the debate tactic to get to where he's got to be. I think he screwed the pooch on that. Now I'm the winner. Yeah. I think they call that like objection mischar mischaracterized, mischaracterization of previous
Starting point is 00:47:27 testimony. I like that. That's a nice little handful of words. I'm going to put that in my pipe and smoke it. You can object all you want. The jurors heard what I said and I can on I know we're going to have to probably do this trial and maybe we're going to have to get a jury together and you guys, we're going to put one of you on each side. And that's the only way this is going to be settled. And I will be, uh, you know, kind of the referee as the judge,
Starting point is 00:47:53 but ultimately we'll have to have a jury of your peers. We can have like a seven person or 12 person jury. Uh, you know, basically we got to find 12 friends, Charlie. I thought we were looking for 12. We're not finding friends. We've got to find objective people. So we're going to pull them out of the crowd. That's the political answer, but you got to find some friends. Well, if you've got the right skills though, miles, right by the end of the jury
Starting point is 00:48:18 trial, they're all going to be your friends. That's true. Very smart. Is it okay to bribe jurors? No, no, no, They cannot bribe jurors. But can you just say, Hey, you guys, if you want, after this, you can come up to the lake house for the summer. You can do that. Yeah. I think that may be a bribe. Oh, what have you just like, Hey, I'm going to be at the packing house later. I probably just going to have an open tab for the place. So just do with that information as you'd like. Yeah. Or I suppose you're just throwing out there for the public at large. Like I will just may happen to be at the packing
Starting point is 00:48:55 house. I just may happen to be drinking beers. I just may happen to have open tab all night. Yeah. If anybody has to stop by great. Yeah. And we don't discriminate jurors or no. Also, if you jurors look underneath your seat, gave you a beer, you get a beer and you get a beer and you get a beer. Yeah. So basically what I'm hearing is when I am the judge of this, if this trial happens, I'm going to have to like one watch you guys with like a Hawkeye, you know, like Eagle eye. And then two, I'm probably going to need a bailiff or someone there to keep ordering the court because of the shenanigans that may be happening to my potential jurors. Welcome to the animal house. This isn't a courtroom anymore. Don't you think we're not
Starting point is 00:49:41 going to bribe the bailiff? That's a good point. Everyone gets a taste. Everyone gets a taste. I've seen casino. I know how it works. So basically I'll be in this courtroom and I'll be the only one that's not bride, but everybody else will. Yeah. We'll have to see how this goes. You're not going to miss out on, you know, old St. Charlie's presence. OK, I guess I got some good beard oil suppliers and you'll find a little some some. So I just might happen to find up at, you know, when I'm sitting in the courtroom, there just happens to be some brand new beard oil and beard cream and maybe like six pack of beer underneath my seat.
Starting point is 00:50:23 I just got there, but might just happen. Well, Russell, thanks for calling in, man. This has been great. Um, I think the listeners will decide for themselves what you said about chiropractors and, uh, you are at the mercy of the jury of our peers, right? Charlie. Yup. 14 footers. I really, I really appreciate that. Thanks miles. So I'm going to PR campaign after this to prove my innocence. All right, man. Well, thanks for calling in and keep doing what you're doing. You're doing good work and guys call Nikolay if you, if you need some help. So heck yeah. All right, man. Thanks. Appreciate you guys. Be good. We'll see you soon. Hey, it's Willie.
Starting point is 00:51:13 Hey, hey Willie. How you doing? Doing pretty good. Where are you calling him from? I'm calling in from Washington state. I drew the Montana last week and all these about quarter lane to just outside of St. Regis. Endless construction on interstate 90. Yeah. In both directions. It's that time of year. Isn't it Charlie? It is road construction season. My tell me about the four seasons the Midwest has.
Starting point is 00:51:49 Of course, you've got fall. You got winter. You got spring and you got road construction season. And sometimes it bleeds into those other seasons dependent on the weather. And it is a tough one. It's a tough go. But hey, those pot of hey, those potholes are not gonna fill themselves, all right?
Starting point is 00:52:09 So, you know, you complain about one, you get the other. It's just how it goes. Very, very true, yeah. Those beautiful orange flowers are in full bloom, my guy. So the question is, what do you do when you're in that construction zone? I try and just go the speed limit the best I can. And it's a little bit anxiety inducing
Starting point is 00:52:35 when you have the teeny little orange cones and you have semi trucks coming at you to run the other direction. Cause they closed down the eastbound lanes, both eastbound lanes of going in the right lane. And this happened in both directions in Idaho and oh geez, it was, it's hard not to look at the scenery because interstate 90 through Idaho and Montana. It's beautiful. One of the most beautiful things you'll ever see.
Starting point is 00:52:56 And you got those white knuckles going. And then the westbound traffic is going in the right lane. And then the westbound traffic is going in the right lane. And then the westbound traffic is going in the right lane. because Interstate 90 through Idaho and Montana, it's one of the most beautiful things you'll ever see. And you got those white knuckles going. Oh, absolutely. Yeah. Well, you kind of, yeah, you got nothing left to do, but pay attention to the road and those scenarios.
Starting point is 00:53:20 And, you know, just hope that everybody else is also paying attention to the road because one mistake, one beer to the left or to the right, and oh no, then you got some bigger issues. You got an insurance situation on your hands. But what is your question specifically with all of this traffic? specifically with all this traffic?
Starting point is 00:53:50 My question is what do I do to sort of de-stress while I'm going down the road and while I'm waiting? Because that's the other thing, as soon as I got off of the highway and I went up through St. Regis, there was a, at the very end of 135, when you turn left onto 200 to go towards Kalispell, there was a guy in the neon vest with a slow stop sign and that thing was after stop sign towards the pointed towards me for about 30 minutes.
Starting point is 00:54:18 I was sitting in the same spot for 30 whole minutes. You gotta be kidding me. You got, do you have a deck of cards? I should have. My cousin was texting me like, Hey, what's your ETA on getting here? I'm going to order pizza. I'm like, I'm not sure this, this construction guy's been, been at a sign point at a stop for about a half hour now. So honestly, you don't know what I'm going to get there. Yeah. You were about to order pizza to that spot, you know. Yeah. Oh, it would have been
Starting point is 00:54:51 would have been nice and toasty warm since my car doesn't have air conditioning. Oh, geez. Oh, yeah. Were the windows to keep you cool? Do those at least work? Yeah, the windows are in this in this little next fan about for my birthday that actually works really well. Oh, did you get a nice neck fan? What kind worked very well in the 90 degree Montana sun. Yeah. Does that plug right into the cigarette lighter then? No, it's just the rechargeable
Starting point is 00:55:20 thing. You use your USB C and then it lasts about five or six hours. It was cool. Where can a guy find a good neck fan these days? Probably Amazon or something like that. Sure. We'll have to look for one of those. Yeah. If you have an old Honda Civic like I do and it doesn't have air conditioning, that's your
Starting point is 00:55:47 best choice probably. Well, we actually have a guy who has a blue Honda CR-V with 130,000 miles on it and the AC works about 75% of the time. Would you be in the market to buy three grand OBO or best offer? Yeah. Does that interest you at all? I just thought the civic, we had a, we had an old time at the end for about 21 years and then, you know, we used to live in around Cleveland, Ohio and the
Starting point is 00:56:19 rust just ate that thing up. Yeah. The salt on the road that Coming off the lake still 20 21 years though. I mean Congratulations 21 years and 211,000 miles we got out of that out of The workhorse and how did it finally go that Odyssey? Well, I was driving to work one day.
Starting point is 00:56:46 Well, the check-ins and like came on and I was like, Oh shoot. But on the traction control, like came on, they're like, Oh no. So I got home, I fucked a little scanner thing into it and it said, uh, the code is an op sensor. And once my dad knew like, Oh shoot, not again. Cause I guess what that meant is that somehow, some way, somewhere where I parked it when I was out in the public somewhere, rodents had found their way into the engine and the car was clean as a whistle, but somehow rodents had found their way into the engine, shoot the knock sensor wires.
Starting point is 00:57:22 And my mechanic was like, it's's gonna be $3,000 to fix this yeah I know no no well you rode it for 200,000 god-loving miles and you didn't go in you did yeah it's like you guys didn't have a home and you lived out of the van or? I don't know. No, we just, my folks bought that van when I was six months old and I'm now 22 and that's really the vehicle that's been around my entire life. It moved us from Cleveland to Washington.
Starting point is 00:57:58 You are 22 years old? How old did you think he was? You sound about 73. I had you no younger than 60 years old and that's a compliment. You sound like an old soul, but I, you could knock me over with a feather right now that you are 22 years old. Yeah. Yeah. You got that. You got that Joe para thing going for you right now It's good. Yeah, my cousin actually who lives in Texas my cousin-in-law He was actually just up in Marquette, Michigan
Starting point is 00:58:34 And he told me I should watch that show on a HBO Max Joe para talks with you Yeah, and I've been watching a little bit of it. I like it. Yeah. Do you notice any similarities in your patterns of communication? Oh yeah, absolutely. Yeah. I even, you know, I was out visiting my family. I was, you know, hanging out with one of my first cousins and I got him into your, into your two videos. He loves them. Oh yeah. Um, I, so you had brought up, you know, a way to de-stress on the road, considering how we thought you were maybe 60 years old, I think a good way to de-stress on the road
Starting point is 00:59:18 is just listen to the Midwest survival guide on the audio book, Charlie's audio book. And thank you miles for that plug. I do appreciate it. That should give you at least nine hours, you know, depending on what speed you're listening to it at miles usually listens to it at 20 X. But I will say, I think I see a business opportunity here, Miles. OK, here's what I think. Willie, I want you to get your nearest dictionary. And I want you to just read it. The whole thing. And I want you to record it. And I think that that would be one of the most soothing things
Starting point is 01:00:03 for anybody in traffic to listen to. And I think it could solve the road rage problem in America today. And I think they would just sell like hotcakes. Do you have- You do have a very nice voice. You really do. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:23 Could you just pull up any news article and just read it to us just for a little bit? My computer right here. Yeah. Oh man. Yeah, that was about nine hours of driving. I did over the course of last Monday, but oh man, it was was all worth it Montana is One of the most beautiful states that I've ever been to keep talking Willie Why is it so beautiful man? Oh? You have the mountains all around you and soon as you exit the low low pass
Starting point is 01:01:01 You enter just it's all these flat flat lands and then you see Flathead Lake and always just the most beautiful thing you. And describe Flathead Lake, describe that for us. Flathead Lake. Oh, it's really clean. I got to swim in it on last Wednesday. And it starts out, you're on the shore, you know, you have all your stuff laying in your baggie, you walk out to the to the lake and there's these really you should be wearing like shower shoes or some sort of swim shoes
Starting point is 01:01:40 because the rocks are really jagged and will kind of hurt your feet. But once that's all done, you get to the really nice, soft and squishy sand. And it's actually really shallow up to about, but for about quarter mile or so. And once you're done with that, you sort of start getting into the deeper part of the lake, but just all around you or the mountain, you if you hit Flathead Lake you're about 45 minutes to an hour drive from from Glacier National Park and oh man there are so many opportunities in that whole area I mean I did archery for the first time in about 10 years and my my cousin said I did great this is good good to hear. But what's your cousin's name, Willie?
Starting point is 01:02:30 Parker Parker. And I tell you what, Willie, you just need to start a podcast. And here's how it's going to de-stress you while you're in road construction and how you're going to de-stress other people in road construction. It's about the podcast is centered around living in the present moment, Charlie. And you're gonna drive and you're just gonna describe what you see, how you feel, just like what you did with us with the Flathead Lake. And I tell you what, I couldn't be more relaxed right now. Oh, me either. That was very pleasant.
Starting point is 01:03:07 I don't know how I'm going to finish the next podcast we got to record. I'm just ready to kick back and relax next to a fire. And Willie, play us out. Can you where are you right now? I am sitting at home with just the radio next to me and my computer. And I think the cat might be downstairs. Well, why don't you take a gander out the window and describe what you see. And this is a, all the listeners listening, just take this moment. Just look around and live in the present moment. What do you see, Willie?
Starting point is 01:03:49 Let's see, oh, that's the wrong side of the blinds. There we go. There are the maple trees and the Tula poplars are getting their summer bloom going in. are getting their summer bloom going in. There are the Cascade Mountains way off in the distance. There's a guy that almost ran a stop sign. But he fortunately stopped in time. There's some people, people out walking, uh, don't have a dog or anything,
Starting point is 01:04:28 but I'm sure it's a nice enough day that any dog or any cat would love to be outside. And it's a beautiful sunny day, about 85 degrees. Forecast calls for more of that. And there's an elementary school with the us flag in the Washington state flag and a baseball field. And, and then you have the driveway. You have my old Honda Civic and the garage that's full of router tables and our tools that haven't been used in a long time. I love it. Well, that was, that was poetic. You know, I think we may have found a new segment on this podcast. I think Willie Free Willie.
Starting point is 01:05:29 Yeah. Free your mind and listen to Willie Willie talks. Yeah. And we'll find it. We'll find it. Yeah. Well, Willie, we're going to we're going to save your number here. We might have to give you a call back and have this be a little recurring segment here on the Bellied Up podcast. Very nice, yeah. Like I am all blissed out.
Starting point is 01:05:52 That trip last week was just what I needed. It's gotten rid of all the anxiety and stress that I had when I left. That's awesome. So I'm really turning over a new leaf, I think. I love it. You're turning over our leaves. And I don't mean that as a weird innuendo, Willie. Thank you for servicing us here on the Bellied Up Podcast.
Starting point is 01:06:17 And Willie, you have yourself a good day. OK, and I want to let you know that that Honda minivan still thinks about you. I still see it every day. I sold it to my mechanic and they're gonna fix it up and use it as a loaner. Okay, smart. Service to others, I love it, Willie.
Starting point is 01:06:38 Well, you have yourself a good one, my guy. And watch out for construction workers on the road. Yeah, keep your eyes on the lines my guy We'll see you next time And watch for doze and dear. Yes, you too. Willie you too Well guys, thanks for tuning in to another episode of the bellied up podcast I felt somewhat we turn into an NPR episode. How about you? We did up podcast. I felt somewhat we turn into an NPR episode. How about you? We did. We really did. Honestly, I feel really good. Willie's got it right. He does. It's just noticing the things
Starting point is 01:07:12 because before you know it, they're gone. Be like Willie, folks. Free your mind, free your Willie. And don't forget to tip your bartender. See you in the next one, guys.

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