Bellied Up - Taking Back The Bowling Industry #45

Episode Date: April 13, 2023

Our first caller wants to find a date for an upcoming wedding and has a beef with bowling. In the next call, we get an update from the mother who wants her daughter to get into deer hunting (Episode #...36). The last caller is a tattoo artist in Wisconsin, and we get a full breakdown on what it's like to be a tattoo artist. Please consider helping Jake's good buddy Will, with his cancer treatment Here Get yourself a "Road Huntin For Ditch Chickens" hat

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everybody, welcome to the Bellyduck podcast. I am here with my really good buddy, Miles Mont Pleasure. He's French and I'm not I'm what are you? I'm a little bit of a lot of things Try me. Well, I have some French Canadian in my blood. I don't know the French or assholes. Did you know Miles I take half offense to that because the can I'm French. I can't know. The French are assholes. Did you know miles? I take half a fence to that. Because the can. No, I'm French. I could say that. It's okay. But French Canadian is like the perfect thing because Canadians are so nice and the French are assholes. So like when you say French Canadian, it's like, I'm pretty middle of the road. You're you're clean assholes, what you're saying? Sparkly clean one.
Starting point is 00:00:47 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Welcome back everyone to the Belly to podcast presented by Fleet Far. Or are you redoing the intro? Was I know I just we never said that this is the Belly to podcast. We usually do.
Starting point is 00:00:59 I'm down to change that if you want. Should we workshop this live or I think we did just workshop at live. We have two intros and now people can decide which one they like that. Choose your own adventure. Charlie. Miles, it's what day? April 15th or 16th. April 15th. Did you get 13th? April 13th. Did you get your taxes done? You know what, Miles? It's so funny. You say that because know what miles it's so funny you say that because I hope so. Yeah. You gotta get it for that is what you're saying. Taxis are so goofy. It's like, Hey, if I'm the IRS, I'm the IRS, you're the taxpayer.
Starting point is 00:01:34 Let's do it. Let's act it out. Okay. Hey, oh, God, I've been working so hard. Here comes my paycheck. What the? Yeah, where did all my hard earned money go? Hi, I'm the IRS. Welcome. How much do you owe us? I think that I already, you took my money already. What do you mean? I got to then do something else on top of that? Yeah, today is tax day. And you need to tell us how much you owe us. Okay. Uh, well, I guess let me try and do the math, I guess,
Starting point is 00:02:10 is there a way that like an easy way for me to do this? Yeah, there is. It's called turbo tax and the fine people at turbo tax bribe dust and well, bribe the politicians to make the tax code super complicated. Now for the low price of $35, but you're gonna probably end up paying more because you want that audit protection, right?
Starting point is 00:02:32 Yeah, I do, that sounds awesome. Well, that's gonna be a lot of money. How much? I mean, probably more than you want to spend, but you don't want to get audit it, right? I don't want to get caught up in litigation. I can tell you that much. So, someone that just works hard and does my job every day,
Starting point is 00:02:49 I'm already seeing a lot of money going to you, you son of a gun, Mr. IRS, the last thing I want is to pay a lawyer to deal with an audit. Well, then you're going to want to get the audit protection. Or a accountant with an audit, sorry. Yeah. Okay, then I think that sounds good. Cool. Cool. All right. Yeah, okay, then I think that sounds good cool cool. All right well How much do us
Starting point is 00:03:10 Actually while you're thinking of that Three years ago Yeah, you're driving seemed a little suspicious. So we're gonna could I get your driving record from three years ago So I can verify that the amount of driving you did was actually a business expense. I was three years ago, you got those papers going around and telling you, my house burned down.
Starting point is 00:03:33 Oh, did it? Yeah. Oh, what a tragedy. Well, turn around, I'm in a handcuff you, you're going to jail. Okay. Okay. That's it.
Starting point is 00:03:41 And that's how taxes work. If we could do really an act of her, like a business owner is a little bit different. It's it. That taxes. And that's how taxes work. If we could do really an act of for like a business owner is a little bit different. It's different. We were kind of hodgepodge you would start off going W2, but yeah, if you own your own business, then it's a little different than you kind of, yeah, like if you're ubering, you know, you can write off a lot of stuff. You can write off wear and tear on the vehicle meals on the road and this and that. If you're bar tending, it's like, where are those cash chips? Yeah. And you're like, I didn't get any cash tips. And then they don't believe
Starting point is 00:04:15 you. And then you go, they say a nice, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, Hyundai, Hyundai Accord outside. They're like, oh, yeah, you don't get cash test. What's the deal with that? Hyundai Accord out there. We know. We know how much that, that Honda Accord costs. Just giving away Accords, all right? No. Next thing you're going to tell us is you're about to upgrade for a Corolla. I think the tax system was built for when we didn't have computers. It would be so simple for them to just automate, computerize. Everyone's, how much they owe, it just literally says, you got to pay us this much or we took
Starting point is 00:04:55 this much out. Here's your money back. It just doesn't, it's like I get that you make everyone do it an honor system by themselves. Now, I'm that you make everyone do it an honor system by themselves. Now I'm talking actually about this. Makes sense to do an honor system when you don't have computers because the amount of manpower would take
Starting point is 00:05:11 to go through everyone's taxes and be on real. Right, right. So let's just do a computer system that just spits out what you need to pay or what you're getting back. Yeah. But again, back to big tax, they're lobbying, I think to just, there's, they're not, they're right. Isn't it? Okay, listen to this.
Starting point is 00:05:36 The tax, big tax, yeah, like turbo tax is writing off lobbying to make all of us continue to have to do all of our own taxes. They get to write that off on their taxes. Isn't that kind of messed up? It is kind of, you know what else is messed up is that like some of the politicians that they're lobbying are very like anti-tax people. Like the people who put them in office are like against how complicated the system is But they like that it's still complicated because that keeps people pissed off about taxes, which they think favors them
Starting point is 00:06:12 Yeah, isn't that interesting? It's a it's a funny world. It is a funny world. Oh my god. Taze. Geez Louise. Oh, isn't that hilarious? We got pay taxes Yeah, we do Hey, you have to die and you gotta do two things in life Wow, isn't that hilarious? We got pay taxes. Yeah, we do. Ha ha ha ha. Hey, you have to die and you gotta do two things in life. Die and pay taxes. And that's so funny. Did I just, was that what people are upset about?
Starting point is 00:06:36 I don't know. I know. I you're still worried about that. You know what? I am working on this, not being so much of a people pleaser. Well, that's the thing is is so when you get really, really famous Charlie, which I see that in your near future, not that you're not famous already. No, I'm not.
Starting point is 00:06:53 You're real, real famous and they start making funny you on SNL. Yeah. You got to have some quirks that they can identify you with. If you just talk super normal and proper, they're not going to be able to make funny you that good. But if someone can watch your behavior and know you, we're lips a lot, it's gonna be hilarious to everyone who watches you
Starting point is 00:07:10 when they're making fun of you on SNL. Yeah, I don't, okay. It's a good, that's good. Okay, yeah, so you want, you want to give them something. Do some annoying stuff so that people can make fun of you. It's you saying I got to be more annoying? Well, I don't know if that's possible, but's possible, but just embrace the annoyances I already have. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:30 Don't try eliminating being more annoying because that's what's going to be, that's what we all make fun of you for. Wow. It's really nice of you to say that, my house. Everyone listening is like, and my child is annoying and my house is a dick. Yeah. Well, that's your thing. I'm French.
Starting point is 00:07:46 Your French? The French are a whole whole. Yeah. So there's nothing we can do about it, I don't think. Yeah. Just like Texas, there's nothing you can do about it. Nothing you can do about it, but except belly on up to the bar and chit chat, you know?
Starting point is 00:08:01 Yeah, so I think we got some good collars today. I think I'm feeling it. I just today. I think I'm feeling I just have a feeling I'm feeling it my right. I got a feeling I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. But wait, your burgers are old. Meat's fresh. Meat's fresh. Burgers are old recipes. Oh, all right. I'll do me a, I'll do me a, a beer cheese burger. What's that?
Starting point is 00:09:01 Oh, no, I know it doesn't look like it, but I'm the one eating salads. Yeah. Do you want to split the burger miles? No, I'm good. I'll just have the lettuce off of it. Okay. Yeah. Put a little extra lettuce on there.
Starting point is 00:09:13 I'll pick it off. Thank you very much. Thank you. Yeah. Yeah, Charlie, we got to get you healthy like me. Miles, you are a very, very healthy. That apps that one stung. Look, one took one look at me to get you healthy like me. Miles, you are a very, very healthy. That abs, that one's stung.
Starting point is 00:09:27 Look, one took one. Look at me and said, you don't eat salads. That must be the other guy. But you know what, I'm a work in progress. Well, you're a piece of work. That, thank you. Yeah. You know, I don't get, actually, I do get that a lot.
Starting point is 00:09:42 But I don't think, no, I do. Yeah. I have a piece of work. But I'm French get the, actually I do get that a lot, but I don't think, no I do, yeah. I have a piece of work, but I'm French. What else can I do? Oh, so. All right. Well, let's take some colors, Charlie. Take some colors.
Starting point is 00:09:54 I'm like, I can't wait to munch on that little leaf that you're gonna throw my way. I'll give you a pickle too, my old. Instead of throwing me a fricking bone, it's like throwing me a fricking leaf. Yeah. Why would you want a bone thrown to you? Oh, because you're a dog in that analogy.
Starting point is 00:10:10 It's not good. Yeah. All right. Hello, welcome to the Belly to a podcast. Who do we got? Well, geez, but we haven't been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty miles with the truck and nine. You're with this normal.
Starting point is 00:10:30 Oh, thank you for calling. I have actually been wondering about that. It's about time you call. Yeah, jeez, we've been waiting on your call. What? Tell us about our extended warranty. Well, jeez miles for starters. I think you have enough 150 so I can't do much for you there Charlie there. Yeah, you're working on that old old snowman feel of yours. Yeah, the Yamaha. I hear you're not
Starting point is 00:11:00 Yeah, the old Yamaha there. I hear you're not giving your to the sleep firm. So I'm here to give you a great warranty on that old thing. So you're naturally right and enjoying it. That's super exciting. Now I will tell you this much on that. The clutch is gone. You know, I got the carburetor up and going, but now the clutch is gone. Does the warranty work with the clutch or no? Oh, we can, we can warranty anything. You're going to start to be barrens from what I understand. So you get everything warranty. My wife used to drive a Ford.
Starting point is 00:11:38 I don't warranty a ship for you. You know, I never caught your name. What's your name, sir? Oh, my name is Iike Iike Iike like Mike like Mike with Mike without the end. Okay. There you go. Ike. I just got a fantastic burger over here. Oh my gosh, that looks good. Oh my gosh, you tell me about it. Oh, okay. All right. Well, is that all you call? You just call him about the excited. He's telling me to tell me about the burger. I got a couple of things I got in this country. Which you fell on. Okay. First, I want to hear about this burger that Charlie is raving a phone. Well, it's a fantastic burger. It's got bacon on it. It's got cheese. It's got a patty and it looks like under the patty four deep fried pickles under the patty and I'm about to add my mouth is watering three. Oh no four regular pickles on top. You want to pickle miles? Oh, I have five pickles.
Starting point is 00:12:48 Yeah, so miles. Don't share, don't share with miles. I, well, I already did. Don't share with miles. I already did. I was trying to be nice and they put some cheese on the side. Oh my gosh, hang on. I'm.
Starting point is 00:13:02 Oh, what kind of a middle of the call, Charlie? Hmm. Oh, yeah, hang on. I'm out of the culture. What kind of a thing in the middle of the culture, really? Hmm. Oh yeah, he can. He can. Why should I hold a man up for me? Hmm. Hmm. How is that, soccer?
Starting point is 00:13:17 Oh, it's so good. It's so good. Oh, good. Where are you guys at today? We're in Delworth, Minnesota at the high hole. And the high hole has a heck of a good burger. All right, what do you got? What is it throwing at us?
Starting point is 00:13:33 Well, two things, two things. So first, we can have Minnesota. Well, I got a wedding coming up, it's for my cousin. And I'm trying to locate a date. And I said, you know, if Charlie thing have people calling in, well, I might not might as well throw a pat in the ring. And if there are any single ladies out there, that want to be a wedding date for me and, uh, Dr. Jover and Minnesota, I'd appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:14:02 Well, I think that's great. Can you tell some of these ladies what you may have to offer them is a single fella that they could be looking for to possibly be your date. Oh, man. Just I, I mean, I'm also one of them girlfriend's true. So I mean, maybe I'm true for one. Okay. Good deal, right? Think a two for those.
Starting point is 00:14:24 I think those come hand in hand. One would say so I think you're on the right track. Okay. Good deal, Dr. I think. A two for those. I think those come hand in hand one would say. So I think you're on the right track. Yeah. Yeah. So I'm currently living in Texas. And I I moved down here to a state for snow for a couple for a winter or two. And then I just don't get in. So if there's I'm willing to move that she's willing to take a chance, you know, of working, of working guy here. What do you do for a living besides cell extended warranties? On that. I'm working receiving kind of at a store. So, you know, unloading them trucks, you know.
Starting point is 00:15:01 What are you receiving on a daily basis? All anything from palette to water to frozen meat and just about anything. Okay. Hey, anything that you want to find in a store. Well, I mean, you know, and you're holding down a job, that's a big, that's a big win right there. You know, I mean, you're doing good. You got a side hustle that's a big win right there, you know. I mean, you're doing good there. You got a side hustle, selling extended warranties. There you go. You also got some back. You also got some good banter. You know, you let me have it on the Ford
Starting point is 00:15:35 truck and the my new phone love for lettuce. Um, and so what else? I mean, what else you got going for? I mean, you got it, you're probably on a scale of zero to 10, you know, attractiveness. What would you rate yourself? Probably, I mean, just over the phone, your voice, yeah, go ahead. I'm, I'm probably a five and a half. Okay. I'll give myself a just your average guy, farm work and I got my side host was going, got me a warranty sales and
Starting point is 00:16:12 photography business off to the side, but you know other that, you know, just a so you're artistic too. Yeah, I'm I I'm, I'm an eye for photography. I'm not, I'm not a painter or anything. Oh, you're just capturing God's paintings. Exactly. Well said, man. Well said.
Starting point is 00:16:37 Now, you give it, you're probably, you're probably understanding. You say you're five and a half, you're probably a six and a half. Your personality probably pulls you up to a seven. Tell you what, a Texas seven is probably like a North Dakota eight. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. How tall are you now? Oh, I got a good name about five, 10. Okay. So is that below or above average or about average? I would say that's right on average.
Starting point is 00:17:11 Yeah. So you are. That's right on average. You are what we would call right off the rack about as average as they come, which is good news because people like average. They don't want anything too crazy. So I think, yeah, I think you're in a good spot. People like rats.
Starting point is 00:17:31 Sorry, I was eating this burger, but I wasn't putting the microphone by my mouth so anyone could hear. Is that okay, Miles? Yeah, it's fine. Yeah. Okay. So what are you looking like looking for in a wedding date slash girlfriend?
Starting point is 00:17:49 Oh, someone that could, you know, make me look way better than my brother's girlfriend could ever make him look. Make it look like I just got to. Sorry, you cut out. What was it? I got to look better than my brother and his date. Okay, so she's a senior. Are we looking for a guy or a girl date? Oh, female. I'm looking for a girlfriend. Okay.
Starting point is 00:18:15 You know, the long haul. Okay. The long haul. One of the, you said she's gotta be better looking than your brother's girlfriend, correct? That's what you said. Yeah. Better looking at the inside or the outside. Oh, definitely the inside.
Starting point is 00:18:32 Definitely the inside. So you're looking for a gal with a good soul. Yes, yes, surely. I like how this is turned into basically in audio version of his Tinder profile. Yeah, which is kind of. That's true. What was the biggest fish you caught? Yeah. Oh gosh.
Starting point is 00:18:52 That had to be a 21 inch bass back in old five. It's not out of a pond. That never happened. And it's been a while. It's been a while. Okay's been a while, okay. It's only one inches if he holds it really close to the camera. Yeah, that's what he was. Did the equivalent of that here?
Starting point is 00:19:12 That's probably what it was. Well, you know, no, five, he only had the little point. You can get it longer. I mean, you can make anything look big. I have found that to be true. Lighting that is too. Lighting and angles are what it's all about. Uh huh. All your shadows. Give yourself a drop shadow. Wow. Okay. Well, we put the message out there. So any
Starting point is 00:19:43 Yeah, basically a bicellin trade, but for his heart, it it. Oh, miles. Yeah, I'm selling myself and training like that. Yeah. Now, and how can they get in touch with you? You can do my, the, the old Instagram there. Okay. And my, my handle is a super, super sport underscore Ike.
Starting point is 00:20:05 Okay. There we go. My handle is super, super sport, underscore Ike. Okay, there we go. Now tell me, you've been pretty hard on me for driving a Ford. If she drives a Ford truck, are you out? Does that a swipe to the left? It's set of swipe to the right for you. Oh, no, that's that a swipe to the left instead of swipe to the right for you? Oh, no, that's definitely a swipe to the right. I enjoy my floor. I just like giving you a give me a crap. A little inner squad scrimmages. I like to call that right there. Just busing each other's balls. You know, I always wanted to give you a hack. I always wanted to give you a hack. I always wanted to give you a hack because you only attempt that forward in the background
Starting point is 00:20:47 because if I ever call in, so if I'm gonna give miles or run for his money, you did, you truly did. Truly did. You got him a little razzled. You're comments about his Ford got him all mad at me for eating a burger on the podcast. I think it was the other way. You should see the way he's mad at me for eating a burger on the podcast. But I think it was the other way.
Starting point is 00:21:05 You should see the way he's looking at me every time I take a bite. He's giving me the side eye, the mild side eye. Hey, I, I'm going to give you a little piece of advice to once you, because you'll, you'll get this girlfriend with them. I mean, that's foregone conclusion. We'll find you a gal. Once you start dating, you and this gal are going to have conversations about activities that you should and shouldn't do when you're shooting a podcast. And then your girlfriend's
Starting point is 00:21:40 going to go, yeah, that sounds awesome. We'll plan around that. And then your girlfriend is going to just regard everything that you talked about and just do set activity while shooting a podcast. Are you asking me to marry you? Is what's gonna happen? Is all I'm saying. So just be prepared for that. You're gonna have a discussion.
Starting point is 00:22:01 You're gonna agree upon something. Time out. And then she will disregard the conversation. Your girlfriend. You're a girl friend. I'm giving you a heads up there. But I'll give you some more advice. Sometimes your girlfriend is gonna wonder
Starting point is 00:22:15 when this conversation about not eating a burger happened. Wait, I never said anything like that. I just said about an activity. I was just giving a good advice. But you used the example of eating a burger. I never said anything like that. I just said about an activity. I was just giving them Good advice. You use the example of eating a burger. I never said that. Did he not? Did he not say that? Can we rewind the tape? I said activity. Oh, I had an activity, but you said it like eating a burger. No, I didn't. I think you're now Again, this is also gonna happen. I like she is going to project things that you never said She is going to make things up. I'm a fish, my burger. I remember this conversation at all. I feel like you had it with your other
Starting point is 00:22:52 girlfriend. So this is what you got to look forward to. Ike, what do you think? Well, I say I would I can't wait to see what ends up happening here. Yeah, I'm excited for you. Um, what's going happen is I'm going to finish my burger. Well, you go for it, Charlie. I'm not mad at you. Thank
Starting point is 00:23:21 you. Thank you. I'm not mad at you. I did you have another question? I did. I have a bone to pick with one of you. So a couple, a couple podcast back. You guys were talking about bowling. Yeah. I don't know. Okay. Well, recently me and a buddy went on a little trip and we noticed something about bowling. What did you notice? And it's kind of an eight and it's been eaten at my soul for a little bit. They are starting to put strings on the top of the bowling can. Yep, I
Starting point is 00:23:53 was just at a bowling alley that had those not too long ago. I know exactly what you're talking about. And it's been thought. It's been thrown me through all, no? Because, you know, I remember the good old age when, you know, pins weren't attached to string. No, there were no strings attached, Tim. So what's up with that?
Starting point is 00:24:11 What's up with that? Is it kind of blew my mind? Well, again, I don't want to bring up the last topic of conversation, but if you don't like strings attached, you are not going to like having a girlfriend's because that's all it is. Yeah, there are a lot of strings attached to that. You're attached to the strings and you are not the one pulling them. Well, I wasn't referring to that, my own. I was just I didn't want to go back to that one. I know that our strings. Okay. I'm sorry. So I never knew all the old games, what are the strings weren't attached to in a flicker pin? I know. I know exactly what you're saying. They just don't make stuff like they used to. All right.
Starting point is 00:24:52 Oh, and then don't ask Mike at EWASETOW. Don't ask. No. So what makes you most mad about the strings on the pins? You know, it just appoints me that these bowling yowies want to take all your money and upcharge for, you know, all this time and whatnot, but yet they don't want to put any money into what used to be pins without strings.
Starting point is 00:25:23 I agree. You know, back I agree you know back when the machine back when the machine did it and now it's just held on my string just And see there ain't another cost or you know, I think it's just I think the whole I Think I think the whole industry is being held on by a string is what it seems to be these days. You know what, I feel you. And in fact, it started a long time before the attaching bowling pins to strings. It started when they got rid of the people that used to live behind the bowling alley and would set the pins up. Remember back in those days?
Starting point is 00:26:10 Oh, yeah. I remember those days. I mean, those were people that knew how to work for a living, you know? And as soon as society lost the pins, set her uppers, we've been down all the wrong track ever since. That's what's wrong with this country. And I've been telling miles that for a long time. We've been going down the wrong alley. We've been going down the wrong alley. Yeah. Too many people grease and palms, grease and lanes. And it's just, it's all about money these days. And that's why we're all just in the gutter. Yeah, you know, it feels like we're on the gutter.
Starting point is 00:26:49 That is true. Yeah. And we need someone with some balls to step up and take back the bowling industry. Yeah, we do. Stick your finger in a hole and throw it down the lane of life and rattle some pins, you know. So let me get straight.
Starting point is 00:27:07 So you and you and Miles want to open up a curling center, but what if it was a bowling center and curling center? Oh, we could do alternating lanes even. We kind of mix. We're gonna mix the whole play. That's a great idea. We got a mix. We got a mix. We got a mix. We got a mix. We got a mix. We got a mix. We got a mix.
Starting point is 00:27:27 We got a mix. We got a mix. We got a mix. We got a mix. We got a mix. We got a mix. We got a mix. We got a mix.
Starting point is 00:27:35 We got a mix. We got a mix. We got a mix. We got a mix. We got a mix. We got a mix. We got a mix. We got a mix. We got a mix. We got a mix.
Starting point is 00:27:43 We got a mix. We got a mix. We got a mix. We got a mix. We got a mix. We got a mix. We got a mix. We got a mix. We got a mix. We got a mix. We got a mix. We got a mix. We got a mix. We got a mix. We got a mix. We got a mix. We got a mix. We got a mix. We got a mix. We got a mix. We got a mix. We got a mix. We got a mix. We got a mix. We got a mix. We got a mix. We got a mix. We got a mix. And we could save money on the the stones for What do you call it the For curling the stones those are expensive. They are all set can be like a grand So we save money on that we just take some bowling balls We maybe take a little grinder and make them flat on the top and the bottom. And we can just do like, I just take the heaviest one. It'll be like not quite curling, but it'll be like the, I like that. What a little belt grinder.
Starting point is 00:28:13 Just grind those suckers down. Yeah, then we can just play curling with bowling balls that are flat on the top and bottom. Then you don't even have to switch grips even to throw the, throw the stone. That's true. Oh, man. That's actually, I don't say this often, especially when you say something, but that is genius. It is. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:33 I agree. I think that's genius. And, you know, if you guys open this up, could you hire me and reset a pen? Yeah. Absolutely. Yeah. I mean, you know, let's take it a step further. What if using miles as new curling stone, we set up pins on the ice and do ice
Starting point is 00:28:55 bowling. That's a great idea. That's a great idea. Do you really think so? I think so in the first person to get a strike gets a free shot in the home. Yeah, I think that that's doable, I think. I don't, are you okay with
Starting point is 00:29:08 pardon with an ounce of liquor for the first person to get a strike? Charlie? Well, I think that we could find room in the budget for that. I think we can find room.
Starting point is 00:29:16 I, I, I also don't want to end up in a situation where we're trying to cut, cut corners and put string and the corners and the corners and the corners and the corners and the
Starting point is 00:29:24 corners and the corners and the corners and the corners and the corners and the corners and the room in the budget for that. I think we can find room. I'd also don't want to end up in a situation where we're trying to cut cut corners and put strings back on pins because we're just giving away shots either though. Yeah, it's a slippery. Don't worry about it. Don't worry about that. It's quite literally a slippery slope. It is a slippery slope. It's a slippery slope. Don't worry about that. All right, because we're on a short rope here. Don't worry, I know I know a place we can buy alcohol and bulk. Okay. Oh, do you?
Starting point is 00:29:56 Is it the back of a tri-factor left open? Yeah, he's our plug at the at the distribution center. Yeah, I can I'm not going to reveal distribution center. Yeah, I don't, I can, I'm not going to reveal where I were. It's just so I can give the plug. That's smart. No, please don't ever reveal that. I every good bowling alley slash curling club should have a guy like you in their corner. I can tell you that. Yeah, we like I can. Yeah, maybe if there was more people like you I can the world bowling alleys wouldn't have to resort to having strings on pins, you know what I mean? I know and drives me up and drives me up a creek
Starting point is 00:30:36 I you don't think you understand the anatomy of a creek very well, but what's why you've never driven up a creek? Miles no have a creek very well, but you've never driven up a creek, Miles. No. What the hell is right? I can you believe this, Miles has never driven up a creek. Charlie, Charlie, the meat jumping in there is because it's trucking the in top incapable. Yeah. You know what?
Starting point is 00:31:04 I thanks for calling in my guy. No, we really do appreciate you. I think this is a great business idea. You know what I want to do like I want you to give us your contact information off the line. We'll send you a message. We're going to send you a little care package and hopefully you can call back in some other time and we can, you know, touch on this business idea and just keep up with you on your your path to finding true love, you know. All right. So good. Okay. say, I'm going to, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm? I mean, they're pretty much curlers are just bollers who got real bored. Like when you get bored with bowling, you go to curlers. Yeah, they're like, it's like damn near the same type of shoe and everything, you know, it's just like, it's just, it's bowling on ice. And was that what we call it? Yeah, pretty much.
Starting point is 00:32:23 All right. Um, yeah, it's got, we'll do? Yeah, pretty much. All right. Yeah, it's good. We'll do it at, you know what? This is gonna be the thing. This is gonna be like, there are some golf courses where they do soccer golf, foot golf, foot golf. It's gonna piss off all the curlers,
Starting point is 00:32:41 but the people who love it are gonna absolutely love it. We're gonna start a culture war in the curling ring. Are we? I don't know if I'm prepped for that I mean, I'm prepped to like watch this happen, you know, I let Ike be like is gonna Ike is the face of this who doesn't like Ike That's as that'll be his campaign to yeah All right, taking campaign too. Yeah. All right. Taking another color. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:07 Hey, boy. How we got an update? Is that the case? Yes, we do. Guess who's back, back, back, back again. Get, get, get, tell your friend. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 00:33:20 Woo! And I got Rosie with me. Okay. All right. This is going to be kind of a dual interview here then is what it's saying. So to catch everyone up to speed, tell us the situation that we're in, all right? Well, the situation as I called you boys, you gave seller advice on how to get my 15 year and I'm going to be a friend of mine. I'm going to be a friend of my friend of mine. I'm going to be a friend of my
Starting point is 00:33:47 friend of mine. I'm going to be a friend of my friend of mine. I'm going to be a friend of my friend of mine. I'm going to be a friend of my friend of my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my
Starting point is 00:33:54 my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my Oh, Rosie, thanks for joining us. What's the update? Uh, I don't know about hunting. What's the other one? Um, I'll go scouting. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 00:34:21 Yeah. You like being out. Yeah. You like being out the woods. Yeah, I'll come turkey and duck, but. All right, so talk me through what's the difference? You know, you're like on turkey and duck, but why not a deer? I'm turkey and. Have you ever seen a mallard just scooting around in a pond? Yeah, so cute.
Starting point is 00:34:48 They're so cute. I love the docs. The ducks are so, I mean, they shake their little tail feathers, you know, have you ever seen a red rested mergans or do their courtship dance? Well, you got a YouTube it. It is, it's uh site to be hold. Yeah, I'll be also to tell about the logistics. Uh, also, you know, when you're going hunting for turkey, you just shoot the turkey and then to carry it back,
Starting point is 00:35:24 you just carry it over your shoulder to the trap But with the deer you can't do that. No, you can't I don't know well, that's why you bring your mom and you make her carry it, you know Yeah, I did you get a deer when you went out? No, I haven't gone deer hunting or stouting. Oh, okay. So you just, you bred more into it. You did a little more research. Is that right? Yeah, that's my great uncle and my grandpa, I love those hunt deer. They go hunt deer. Yeah, because then you got a field dress
Starting point is 00:36:07 It if you get a deer and you got to probably chase after it a little bit Yeah, I mean this is maybe a good time Charlie for a good life lesson What's that miles just because you can't carry the deer very good and it's a little extra hard work To get it out of the woods. Doesn't mean you shouldn't go deer hunting. No, it's why you get a four by four. It's, yeah, that's why you get a paper root. And you can buy a four wheeler that then drags it out
Starting point is 00:36:38 of the woods for you. Well, you think about that. I don't know if I'm calling it though. Yeah, what do you think about that? I don't know if I'm calling to those. Yeah, what do you think about getting a paper root? Are you down for that? I we live kind of rural so paper is involved vehicles. So we'll teach you how to steal a vehicle.
Starting point is 00:37:01 And just kidding. I don't still feel cool. We do not steal here on the belly to podcast. But if they love the keys in it and it's unlocked, I think it's kind of fair game fair game totally. Plus it's only illegal if you get
Starting point is 00:37:16 caught. Okay, Miles, will you, you know what? I'm so I'm so he is just be it he's misbehaving. Okay. So we apologize for that. No, what you're going to want to do is I guess there's no convincing. We already tried convincing. I know.
Starting point is 00:37:34 I think we can mark this up as a lost cause in that department. Yeah, but you like going out and scouting. You're a lost. Let. All right. No, no, no, no, how your mom feels. I'm exhausted. That, you know, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no I think you're doing an amazing job by saying you're going to go out and do the scouting. Are you sincere about doing the scouting?
Starting point is 00:38:10 Yeah, I've always been okay with scouting. Okay, so there you go. What's your favorite part of scouting? I mean, I don't really go scouting much, Okay. But when I used to do when I was younger, it was just fun like waking up better early and... Whoa, whoa, whoa. You gotta tell them about the snacks. Yeah, my grandpa does bring really nice snacks.
Starting point is 00:38:38 Okay. Really good snack. What kind of snacks does Grandpa bring? He brings these like bread that are stuffed with eggs and sausage and cheese and stuff. Are you talking about a breakfast hot pocket? Is that what you're essentially doing? They're homemade. My aunt makes. Yeah. Okay. I mean, that sounds delicious. Yeah. And he also brings a lot of cookies and hot chocolate and hot chocolate. He brings all that stuff. Wow. This doesn't sound like you're going scouting. It sounds like you're just going in having
Starting point is 00:39:18 a picnic in the woods. Yeah. I think the boat good idea. She likes to drive the boat. Oh, yeah, I think the boat and the deck hunting fun. Even though it's really cool. It gets, yeah, you cause you're on the water. It gets really cold. That brings me to my next question. What do you want to be when you grow up? I don't know. I like farming and forestry. Oh, that's cool. Outdoors. Something outdoors. You know what? You're not supposed to know what this age.
Starting point is 00:39:58 Okay, Charlie. Did you know what you wanted to do in your 15 years old? What did let's get into the mind of Charlie Bairns. What did you want to do when you were 15 years old? Charlie when he was 15 wanted to be a rock star. And boy, how far I've fallen from my dreams. So miles when you were 15, what did you want? I thought I was going to be a division one head football coach with a national championship under my belt by now. Oh my gosh. Well, we are just a bar of broken dreams right now. Little did I know, uh, national championship on my belt. It's, now I got my belly hanging over my belt. It's a little bit different than what my dream was at 15.
Starting point is 00:40:42 So you don't even got to have it figured out by that. No, you don't. You just keep following your passions, whether they be trees in the forest or the farm, what kind of farmer? Um, animal and corn and soybeans, because that's kind of what we grow. Oh, that's what you guys got. Good. Well, you got, you got a heck of a, a heck of a life going for you. And a lot of dreams that I, I think you're going to achieve them. You're going to do better than both miles and I. I think you're going to achieve your dreams.
Starting point is 00:41:22 But she's not going gonna do better at deer hunting Whoa, Zing we got you kiddo Yeah, how the chance you're gonna beat us in a tree stand No, you're not gonna kill a deer with a hot pocket. That's for sure They do sound really good honestly. Yeah, we got to try some of those sometime. I'm tired, Rosie. We got a mom. We got her. Yeah, well, listen, great to get an update on the situation. Did you ever take her out and have her look at some roadkill at all or not? There's, well, you can just see it driving up and down the road.
Starting point is 00:42:11 And as I think that I had family members after they listened to the podcast, and I'm basically famous now. So thank you for that. I mean, the pop barocca are always at my house. I know. No state. I know. But they said they
Starting point is 00:42:25 threatened to call a department of child services if I start Shevon Roadkill. Yeah. So you're not so what you're telling us is you're not gone. Yeah, you know what? I'm busy go outside and play with some roadkill. Not saying that as what you're saying. No, and then I you know, I didn't see that a couple of those serial killer movies. I thought maybe bringing Roe Kill into it. I know the best.
Starting point is 00:42:48 Yeah, you were right. The best route is a parent. I think that's part of the homestead of trying which isn't good. Yeah, no, you probably did the right, you did the right thing as a parent, the wrong thing as a deer hunter. Well, and it's another thing to Charlie. It shows that we are not ready to be parents. No. Far from it. Oh, nobody's ready to be parents boys. Nobody is. You just gotta jump in blindly.
Starting point is 00:43:13 Now you sound like my mom. Half the fun is just trying to figure it out. Yeah, half the fun is trying. You know what? It's and it's also smart to call us and give great sound advice to your children as well No, just probably in the handbook, right? You know like the book that says what to expect when expecting in it's like you're gonna Call a podcast with two degenerates at a bar and they're gonna give your kid advice about about their dreams That's usually in that book. Yeah, and then your family's You're about to pod pass and that's just my family We're already on good footing. Yeah, you're you're figured out Wait, so real quick. Well, I have you boys there my old. Yes, you're from Fargo. I am. Right. You're a Fargoian. Yep.
Starting point is 00:44:09 What is your favorite season of Fargo? I'm kind of a fall and spring guy. I like the changing of the season, but I'm going to have to go. Oh, you think about road destruction. No, no, no, TV show. No TV show, Fargo. That's four of them, too. Didn't she say what's your favorite season? Like, and didn't say the show, Fargo, right? She didn't say the show, Fargo. No, it's silly though. I love you with them.
Starting point is 00:44:54 Well, you know, let me finish my thought. I'm a big changing of the season's guy. I'm a big autumn. You know, like the colors, you know, I also like the big melt that happens in the spring. And it's just great spring vibes. That being said, asking someone from Fargo, what do they think of the show Fargo? Is like asking someone from Yellowstone National Park, what they think of the show in Yellowstone. There's no correlation actually at all. They love it. So it's Fargo's not a fall of just degenerate murderous gamblers. Well, I didn't see that. Yeah, I mean, that's still some of the kind of read the news and figure out that. No, I've actually never seen the show.
Starting point is 00:45:30 I made me probably should so that one I asked questions like this. Yeah, I know. It's so good. That's what I've heard. Billy Bob Sortin. He's good. Yeah, we watched it in the family. That's the kind of parents I am.
Starting point is 00:45:46 Oh, wow. Well, those kids already knew we had about you. You actually considered the road kill thing, you know. We know you didn't do it, but I did. So I'm sorry to just play on the show. Oh, man. Rosie was wondering about that too. Really? We're kidding. Rosie loves Bargo, don't you baby? Yes, a good show.
Starting point is 00:46:11 It is a good show. Rosie, we're we're we're get through the Randy Farge. What all would be, uh, yeah, there's a little. Yeah, yeah, keep it. So keep it. Yeah, a little R rated. Okay.
Starting point is 00:46:24 Yeah, a little Richard., you got to keep, keep, keep, keep, keep, keep. Yeah, a little R rated. Okay. Yeah. A little Richard. She is 15, though. So, you know, either she's going to learn from you guys or she's going to learn it at school, you know? Why came home? Okay, I love you, parading miles. That's like my own mother. I feel right at home. Yeah. Well, now I've been compared to both of your mother. I feel you clenching a wooden spoon on that end, you know, not that your mom. It's a ruler, but all right. It's a ruler. You know, rulers have the little metal piece. That's how you get them. What's that? I got. Yeah, the little leather string on the end too. Oh, yeah, that'll get you. That'll how you get them. What's that? I got a little other string on the end too. Oh yeah, I'll get you. I'll get you every time.
Starting point is 00:47:09 Yeah. All right. Well, I'll let you guys go because I know you guys got a got lined up. Got people lined up with faded breath. But Indiana is really awesome. You did have a collar who kind of didn't sell Indiana. We've had a few not sell Indiana, but hey I tried. You heard me try to defend Indiana and you did Google it. I did hear the Google it. But we live near Brookville Reservoir, which is an expansive Native American reservation that is managed by the Army Corps of Engineers. And we have unspoiled a huge lake that's just fishing. There's no vacation.
Starting point is 00:47:54 Like there's no homes along the edge. That's incredible. And it's always unbelievable. The walleye here and the blue gills and the crappies and the bath. Oh, the bath. Well, we got I got to get down there. I don't know how much that sells in the end. I'm pretty good. Yeah, I mean, cheese. Yeah, wait a solid. Um, well, we got down there. And you don't have people, you don't have people zipping around the lake and speedboat. Yeah, those people that are just freaking jets. That's good. Now we don't have freaking.
Starting point is 00:48:27 Can't stand those things, especially when Miles is driving him. Wow, you got to get to point A to point B fast, you know. When you're in Brookville, reservoir, Brookville, state lake, there's no getting anywhere fast. I like that. You got to take your time. All right. Well, we appreciate getting a follow-up from you. This was awesome. You know, hindsight, I'm glad you didn't take your advice last time with the roadkill. It probably was a smart decision, but that's why you're the mom and we're not parents. Maybe some bail money. Yeah, That's good. Um, and so, and hold on real quick, my,
Starting point is 00:49:07 my youngest daughter Adelaide wants to say hi. Oh, Adelaide. Hi, Adelaide. How you doing? I'm good. You like deer hunting? Yeah. Yeah. All right. We can rub that in Rosie's face. That's a blood blood thinner. Yeah. It's good for you, Adelaide. You know, I don't want to say it live because of my hurt some feelings, but she's a golden child. I can just tell already. You just said it live.
Starting point is 00:49:35 He is a baby of a family. Yeah. That sounds about right. Sounds about right. All right, boys. Well, take it easy. All right. You too. And watch out for deer or scout the deer. Scout, like literally watch out for deer.
Starting point is 00:49:51 Yeah, that's it. Just watch out for deer. There you go. You can literally watch out for deer. All right, bye, boys. Yeah, all right. We'll see you. Bye.
Starting point is 00:50:01 I love that. Good, good, great. Rosey. Good, good, Gals. Rosey sets them up up Adelaide knocks them down. Yeah, that was good Yeah, guys tax day is almost here. It's either a great time of year or a dreaded time of year Which one is it for you Charlie? I love taxes Just in case the IRS is listening. I think they are. I think they're a fan of this. Well, they were a fan until our intro.
Starting point is 00:50:28 No, well, we got to win them back. Regardless, Charlie, though, after you're done figuring out your financial obligations, you got to pour yourself an ice cold glass of typical. We love it. We do love it. We do love it. Yeah. And honestly, Charlie, you know exactly
Starting point is 00:50:50 what I'm going to be spending my tax return on. What's that miles tip? You cow? Is that what you're spending your tax returns? We love it. All I know is it's going straight to the old cow that's tipped over. Well, folks, oh, hang on. Well, you're cheers to that. You are not ready for me to start this. Where you are? Cheers. Cheers. Tipped it on back with Tippy cow. Reward yourself after this taxis, and especially if you're at a count miles, I love the way you square. Folks fleet farm is not only a hardware store. They also sell clothing. They also sell firearms. And they also sell backpacks. Do they? They I saw there. What about
Starting point is 00:51:41 satchels? Do you know if they sell satchels? That's a really good question. I'm gonna guess that maybe they do. They sell paint. They sell nails. They sell screws. How about nuts? Nuts. They are absolutely nuts and bolts in there. They're not about serving yet. Anything you think you might want. An ATV. So make sure you get over to Fleet Farm every day that you want any of those things that we mentioned. Both seats. Go to Fleet Farm. Welcome to the Belly Up Podcast. Who we chit chat with. My name is Jake Bussi. Jake? Yep. Hey Jake, how are you?
Starting point is 00:52:31 Doing good. How are you guys doing? Oh, we're doing great. What's on your mind? Why don't you come belly up to the bar with us? Sure. Well, I had a story and then I was sitting there on the whole kind of thinking and I got something better to maybe bring up. Okay.
Starting point is 00:52:45 Were you, you were, yeah, like sorry, you were in Jamesville a couple of weeks ago for at the J-PAC, right? Yeah, I was down, Jamesville. Yeah. Do you remember a guy sneaking in the back door and getting you a burger? Yeah, I mean, so I was in Jamesville. I did the show. We went to the bar. Yeah. They says, so I was in Jamesville. I did the show. We went to the bar.
Starting point is 00:53:05 They says, kitchen's closed. And I says, okay. And then they says, we'll open it up for you again. Oh, so I got a buddy. He put a photo on Facebook. He's like, I'm sneaking in. I'm getting Charlie a burger because you have the burger joint. And we're like, don't do this, man.
Starting point is 00:53:21 You're gonna get arrested because you're sneaking into J-Pack. And then you put a picture up painting your burger. And so anyways, and I get a chance to talk to you. And he's not a cop, he's not a cop, he's a cop,
Starting point is 00:53:33 he's a ragu, oh right now, you're both going to jail. But the thing, wait a second. So the thing is, so he found out he had, he found out he had cancer that night.
Starting point is 00:53:43 That's why he was like, walk it, I'm doing it. Oh, no. Whoa. Oh my gosh. Yeah. I'm so sorry to hear that. So I'm so sorry to hear that.
Starting point is 00:53:53 He got diagnosed with stage four. She hears renal, a papillary carcinoma, which I believe is kidney cancer. Oh, good. But he's, you know, he's going to give it a good fight. But he's like, I've known him forever, and it's like, it is an example of the kind of guy. He is like, I've been a tattoo artist for like 20 years now.
Starting point is 00:54:11 And when I was getting into it, I wanted to do a portrait, but I was super nervous to do a portrait. And so he's like, I want to do one on me. And we had a buddy that's like, I'm a dirty, get a picture of me, tattooed on your chest, and Will's kind of guy, that like, you dare him to do it. You'll do it.
Starting point is 00:54:26 We had to stop there and I'm to do stuff because it was funny. And I'm like, I'm doing too stupid to think. Yeah. Um, so my first, my first portrait tattoos of my buddy, um, Will's chest. So like, I do owe this guy like a ton. So like, I feel fortunate to get through to you guys to try to get any little, like, you know, traction to him. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:43 I mean, what he sounds like a guy that everyone would want to have in your friend group. I mean, everyone wants to go in and get down for anything that would also give up part of their body for, you know, your profession. Yeah. I mean, you know, in the Bible, it says something about blesses you lays down his life for a friend and I mean that's one thing to lay down your life But to get your buddies face tattooed on your chest. I mean you got to live with that, you know? Geez Exactly. Yeah, this is a now standing gentleman. Is there a way that someone actually donated to it or you got like a Go yeah, I got to go fund me. I'm looking at the page right now. To go fund me, it's called Will's Resistance, you know, like WIL, L, L, Poshri, S, then Resistance.
Starting point is 00:55:34 Yeah. Will's Resistance. Hang on. I'm looking it up right now just to make sure. So go fund, slash Will's Resistance. Yeah, and you'll see a picture of him. He's sitting in a makeshift sound studio that he built for a buddy that wanted to put out like a music album. And actually Marty Morgan, the guy who's sending it up, that's who basically recorded a music album in his garage. It's really the kind of guy he is. He's like anything he has,
Starting point is 00:56:00 he's the first friend. That's awesome. Yeah, so I think what we'll do is everyone can, that's listening, if you feel that you can help out, go to Will's Resistance on GoFundMe. And we'll probably also throw the link on our Instagram page, or we'll probably tweet it out, belly it up pod, and see if we can help you, help you guys out.
Starting point is 00:56:27 How's that sound? Yep, there it is right now. That sounds fantastic. And we'll, uh, fantastic. Thank you so much. We'll toss donation in ourselves on this sucker too. So, um, no, I, you know, I do got a question for you about being a tattoo artist. That's what you said, right? I need you to talk me through what it's like living as a tattoo artist day to day. I don't know a lot of tattoo artists. Imagine it's kind of a funky profession, honestly. It's, honestly, it's one of those things where you love it and kind of hate it. Like I mostly love it, but it, I mean, you guys do comedy, so it's, I feel like it's a
Starting point is 00:57:11 similar art where it's like, it'll, it'll devour up any amount of time you get to it, because there's always something to get better at. There's always like something to improve on. It's a blessing to look forward to what you do every day. I don't think you could get that to artist and hate it. So I do love it. Definitely the people are the hardest part sometimes because sometimes people have an idea
Starting point is 00:57:33 because everything's kind of custom now, like the days of the flash shops. Like I got started right like a year before like Miami and kicked off. And you know when tattoo shops used to be a little scary to go into, they'd be like, if this assembled Harley and the lobby and like, you'd be like, I even have busy rolling cigarettes. Can you do this tattoo for me? But now we're like, now I swear to God,
Starting point is 00:57:53 we're like barista. Like we're too nice. You know, I want to dial it back a little bit. Okay. So you want to get a little rough around the edges again is what you're saying. Yeah. Back into the prison tattoo. You guys, you guys maybe got too sharp a needle. You need to maybe get a wider needle that doesn't paint as tight of a line as well. Yeah, use a rusty nail instead of a sharp needle. Yeah. Well, now people are, there's starting to like use pre-numbing products for like the tattoo before they come in. They're trying to like get around the pain. I've even seen people hiring to go under anesthesiologist to put them under, and this is an Instagram thing right now.
Starting point is 00:58:30 But it's getting a little out there and those are kind of unrealistic situations, but. The pain is part of the game. Like that's part of the point of that, too. I actually say no pain, no game is literally the freeze. Yeah. Exactly. Yeah. Exactly. So it's, um, where does one just find an anesthesiologist that will just put me under for a tattoo?
Starting point is 00:58:56 I mean, what? You know, I don't, so I don't really know that either, but like, I do know if you talk to the right doc, could essentially like, why would you be able to get like a bike in a prescription for like, if you get a nose job that's technically cosmetic as well. So if you find a doctor that'll agree to you I've heard of you're going to large amount of like tattooing done you get a small viking prescription of course we don't recommend ever doing that. Are you talking to Michael Jackson's doctor? So it's like it's breaking a couple ethical guidelines here. I know. Right.
Starting point is 00:59:22 Sounds like it's breaking a couple ethical guidelines here. Oh, wow. Yeah, no, I'm just, I'm telling you what people do. That's not what I knew, but I'm saying what's possible, what you find someone that agrees with you. It's nice to get a, you're a darker out of the tattoo industry, Charlie. It is nice to get our here to the ground. What miles do you have a tattoo?
Starting point is 00:59:39 I don't have a tattoo. I have, I mean, you know this about me. I got commitment issues. Yeah. It took me. I got commitment issues. It took me so long to get married. Yeah. And what's more committing than putting something on your body till you die, you know?
Starting point is 00:59:54 Yeah, I don't like like that. Commitments either. How many backouts have you? You're a wife's name. Would you get your wife's name? I would not get my wife's name. And I can proud to say that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:07 Why not? So I always tell people with that because I don't think it's a big deal. I think you love someone that much. That's great. Well, what does suck is like if you show someone that tattoo, it's like it's something that's suddenly talking about a divorce with a stranger, you know, in the fifth time, sixth time, you show that tattoo and they're like, oh, what happens if you get divorced? You'll start to regret that tattoo, which is because you don't want to have that.
Starting point is 01:00:28 Oh, yeah. If you don't get divorced, there's a lot of divorce talk that comes with a tattoo. Yeah. There it is. Okay. So being a tattoo artist, what are the tattoos that people regret the most? Generally names are you know like Anyone that you're not like married to you know if you want to get a name on you get your kids name That's great
Starting point is 01:00:52 Anything that's like super visible when you're real young. We try to steer them away from that like it's like listen You can get sleeves, but don't start at your hands, you know work your way down It's if you're over a certain age and you know the profession you want to be and it's never going to stop you then go nuts. But the biggest regrets are just the ones you don't think about or not. You know, not every tattoo has to have like a super significant meaning, but you don't want something that you like hindering you later in life because you know, there's still people out there that like, like my dad doesn't like tattoos. He's happy I can make a living doing it, but you know, he's out there, you know,
Starting point is 01:01:23 he's in charge of a hiring process and eventually he'll retire and that old way will completely be gone and then everybody will be a little more free, but it's already got a lot easier to, you know, be accepted with tattoos out there. Where's the weirdest place you've ever tattooed someone? Like, weirdest, I mean, I hate tattooing anything on the neck. Arm pits are always strange inner sides are always a weird experience. Yeah any genitals if you done any genital work? No, I did have the problem with it is like going like I one time guy was serious. He wanted me to
Starting point is 01:01:57 tattoo like you know he said you wanted to make his dick he said but he wanted to make it look cool and I'm like I don't think you can do that. And he wanted some shadows on a vein. So it would look more, you know, frobbing. Yeah, a little more mean. Yeah. I was like, you can probably go funny. Like, if you get like the cool guy sunglasses or like something like that, maybe.
Starting point is 01:02:20 But, you know, if you go on Instagram, you look up like devil tattoos. A lot of girls will get like, um, you know, if you go on Instagram, you look up like devil tattoos. A lot, there's a lot of girls will get like, like, honey masks, like lower and then like basically it Just kind of forms into it. They can maybe get away with cool guys can't get away with cool way to explain that last tattoo. I have to tell you. You could really lost me. The one that the gals are getting what what tattoo are the ladies getting?
Starting point is 01:02:43 So you know, like kind of a Japanese like honey mask though, that was a popular one. We'll go get it kind of like in the crotch and then essentially the mouth will turn into the into the line. Why didn't you just say that? You know, I was curious too. Yeah. That's probably the weirdest. I mean, this funny version of it where they'll get like juice is head and the beer game,
Starting point is 01:03:04 which is like, oh my god, that's your heart date night. Oh boy. Wow. That's, you know, you don't know that that's there when you're swiping on Tinder. Do you? Yeah. I mean, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's like that meme. where did you just like know? Yeah, I mean, that's what like if I'm going to be honest with you, that's like after about two questions, that's immediately where I want to go anytime I would talk to someone in this industry is like, what's the general work? Like how weird is that? Is it something that like what's a small talk when you're tattooing something like that? You know,
Starting point is 01:03:45 like, yeah, what? Oh, that's where Netflix shows. That's where like, hey, you got a couple seasons you want to plow through. That's where you literally tell the plow through something as you're working on their generals. I don't know. Yeah, dude, I've listened to stranger things. Usants like eight times, you know, and I'm fine with it because it's distracting
Starting point is 01:04:05 and they get into it. I'll throw in like the belly to podcast my ear and, you know, okay, everybody be happy. You mean you're listening to us while you're tattooing? Oh, huh? Oh, yeah, yeah. Like it's, you know, it's, you know, it's called like active listening, you know.
Starting point is 01:04:20 What's harder to tattoo? Yeah. It's a good game. Absolutely. What's harder to tattoo a penis or a vagina? I would imagine a penis because I think you'd have to stretch it. You know, I don't know if it'd be like a rolling on a like a piece, like a rolling pin or something or just pull it on.
Starting point is 01:04:45 You know, like, the guy that'd be pretty easy. You know, that's just skin, but like the dick is like, you know, any kind of trimming, any guy that's really tried to like, you know, gussie up one night with a shaver. No, there's nothing grannies. It would be pretty difficult. Yeah. And then it's a complex and cranny. It's a completely different tattoo once you get excited too, you know? That's what I mean. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's like a balloon that's overfilled probably and that's what you know How's it gonna look unsolved so right? Yeah, it can look like the The coolest carrot you know around but you know It's like this carrot came right out of the ground and then like it gets cold out.
Starting point is 01:05:26 It's like, well, this is like one of those snacks you get at the... We call that a baby carrot. That would have been tighter. That would have been tighter on the joke, yeah. Oh, boy. Oh, God. Wow. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:39 Huh. So I'd say, if I had any advice, I wanted to back up for like your wife the only vice I always give is like Just get something to symbolize them. I remember my buddy Joe one time he came back He's like I want a portrait of my wife with angel wings like well. You don't want to do that everybody's gonna think she's dead Is okay, how about this portrait of my wife? It's like then you're gonna be in that conversation about you know divorce I said just get an angel and then that's your wife. And then if you end up with a divorce, then you just got an angel on your arm. You know, just say that's like the way to pass the way.
Starting point is 01:06:12 You know, that's the angel. Yep. Exactly. And do you remove tattoos as well? Um, I don't remove them. I do lots and lots of cover them. Like, um, oh, okay. Like this is cool. So what's the, oh, go ahead.
Starting point is 01:06:30 Well, it's actually really like doing cover up. They're pretty challenging, but what were you going to ask? Oh, I was going to say what's like the coolest thing you've covered up? So it was a bad tattoo and then you had to turn it into what? Well, so I think my favorite cover up is on actually a tattoo. It was a lady got in a car accident when she was in her 20s and she'd like literally almost lost her arm blur elbow.
Starting point is 01:06:51 They actually wanted to empty tape, but she kept it, but she had a scar that wraps like completely around to where you could like see the muscles essentially moving. It was very, very like scar, scarred skin. Yeah, and so what we did with that was we put a mountain above it, like from the elbow to the shoulder,
Starting point is 01:07:07 like just kind of a picture of like Bob Ross, almost mountain scene. But then the lake essentially came down and turned into rapids, because the texture of the scar actually already looked like swirling water anyway. And just so cool. You got a little bit,
Starting point is 01:07:19 yeah, a little bit of darkness into there. It was like, as soon the contrast came in, you couldn't really see the scar anymore. I mean, it was there, you could feel it, but it looked like it was a purposeful thing. So all of a sudden, this thing that she hated her whole life, all of a sudden, was making her tattoo better.
Starting point is 01:07:34 So that was a pretty big win because, she had been hiding her arm for like 20 or 30 years at this point. So that's always like a cool feeling. That's good. If I ever was gonna get a tattoo though, I think I wanna walk into his shop. Yeah. If I ever was going to get a tattoo, though, I think I want to walk into his shop. Yeah. If I'm being honest, yeah, where is your shop?
Starting point is 01:07:49 Give it, give a shout out for it. So it's Alcoly Tattoo and James L. Wisconsin. We've been down there for, I think, 17 years now, like right in the heart of the downtown kind of where they got that like new walkie bridge with the tree. That's like our fun door. Hell yeah. But I actually just came up to, you guys
Starting point is 01:08:04 are in the Appleton area, right? No, right now we're in Fargo. But Fargo. Yeah. I live in Milwaukee though. Miles lives in Fargo. I live in Milwaukee. Okay, because that was just up at cold time list. And I like to kind of get some clients up there travel back and forth. Nice. So yeah, I'd love for you guys to come down anytime. Let me know. Make it happen. Hell yeah. Sounds great. I gotta think of my tattoo.
Starting point is 01:08:35 You have one, Charlie? Yeah, and that's the other thing. Well, it's the other thing is you don't really like, a lot of times now, like I tell people, just try to find a couple of things you like and even lose ideas, lose sketches, and then take an idea back and forth. That's, it's think you'd be the best way to create a design. Like some people think they gotta find exactly, you know, and walk in with it.
Starting point is 01:08:55 Yeah, that's not vacation anymore. Like most of us can design stuff pretty fast and switch stuff around, you know, let's Photoshop and iPad Pro create. It's a pretty collaborative process. Yeah, cool it's Photoshop and I have procreated the pretty collaborative process. Yeah. Cool. Well, like I said, if I'm ever getting to tattoo, we know we're going, Charlie. Yeah. I'm trying to say, yeah, we appreciate you calling in. We'll definitely be thinking about your buddy Will and hopefully, yeah, he sounds like a great, great guy. And hopefully we can help raise some extra money for him.
Starting point is 01:09:28 Absolutely. And so hopefully people start donating there when we get that out. And like I said, man, you also sound like a good buddy who just wants to help out as well. And so kudos to you. And yeah. Yeah, I appreciate it. And then kudos to you. And yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:45 I appreciate it. Man. I just anything, you know, it feels good to like be able to do something that matters. Cause in those moments when a friend is like down, you're just like, you almost only want a bother and he's going through enough. And you know, what say, Hey, I'm sorry, you're going through that. Going to mean to them. So actually, like get ahold of you guys. This is like this made my week. I'm stoked. Thank you so much.
Starting point is 01:10:05 Well, we're excited to. And we'll donate on our end as well. And everyone else can check it out in one last time. I have it popped up here. It's GoFundMeWillsResistance. And it's, yeah, you're sitting in the box in the recording studio box. So check it out. Oh, yeah. Awesome. Well, thanks so much for the call, man. We appreciate you. All right. Thanks so much. You
Starting point is 01:10:35 guys have a great day. All right. You too. Bye. Well, Charlie, it's always nice once and wild to get a bit of perspective. you know, we get here and you start Chomping out of burger and I get upset at you and then you get a call like that that reminds you that You know, we're only here for a short amount of time, a little perspective and that you know what? I don't even care that you're eating that burger anymore Because you never know what could happen and there's no sense in holding on to a grudge. No, there isn't. Also, you were eating fries and I could hear you chewing in the mind. No, I could hear you chewing at the beginning of that call. I could hear
Starting point is 01:11:14 you chewing. What happened to the perspective? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So perspective perspective. No, it's very true. And that dude, that's a cool that he calls in for his buddy. He also stole burger for me. I mean, that's a cool that he calls in for his buddy. He also stole a burger for me. I mean, that, that's a guy who, you know, who really is, he stole a burger for me. He made this recording studio for that fellow. He got a tattoo of his buddies face on his channel. At least we can do is get some people to donate to some soul. Go find me. So there you have it. Good good guys and guys think that's I think that's it for this
Starting point is 01:11:49 episode. We appreciate everyone who called in and another belly up episode in the books. Bang a ring. I got to go get a salad. I think. All right. I'll tip the bartender. Okay. Don't forget to tip your bartender. Guys, we'll see you in the next one. Okay, don't forget to tip your bartender guys. We'll see you in the next one

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