Bellied Up - The Art of Not Annoying Dad #37

Episode Date: February 16, 2023

Presented by Fleet Farm In this episode we're at the Green Bay Curling Club in Green Bay, WI. First caller is moving in with his girlfriend and needs some tips, next caller's dad is trying to fix the in their home, last caller of the day is taking their Christmas lights down.

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 Oh, right. Welcome back to the Belly to a podcast presented by Fleet Farm. Fleet Farm. We love it. Miles, your voice sounds awful today. I'm going to tell you that right now. You know, I didn't do my vocal warmups. So, yeah, was that really the cause of it? Or perhaps were you out inebriating last night? I, I was out last night, but I just had a couple beers and then I called it a night. So I don't know what I maybe I'm coming down with something. Yeah. Okay. I love the way you
Starting point is 00:00:32 like. But Charlie, where are we at? Miles, we are at the Green Bay Curling Club, which is a fantastic spot in Green Bay, Wisconsin, just a, you know, just a stone's toss away from Lambo field. Just a stone cast away from Lambo field. Yeah. It's a beautiful spot right here in Green Bay, Wisconsin. And if you like curling, holy smokes, you know, get on out here. You can be a member. Yeah. And we're currently bellowed up to the rock bar. I think is see the sign. Oh, yeah, because the stones are called rocks. Yes. Yeah. Do you know what they're made of? Yes, I do. Miles go ahead then, Charlie. It's granite. It is. And do you know which state has granite as their state rock? Wisconsin. I think so. Although I haven't said rock.
Starting point is 00:01:23 I know. It's state rock. You don't know Fargo state rock. Wait, I think I. Although I haven't. Stay rock. I didn't stay rock. You don't know Fargo. Stay rock. Wait, I think I'm going to check this Wisconsin state rock. I think it might be red granite, you know, but I don't know. Anyway, it's that's a tan, tan, gentle thing. That's confirmed red granite.
Starting point is 00:01:40 We got it confirmed bang a ring. Okay. Why do you know that? Cause I love Wisconsin miles. Fangarang. Okay. Why do you know that? Because I love Wisconsin, Miles. You really do. I've never met anyone that loves Wisconsin as much as you. Well, you know, I've never met anyone quite like you either. You know, that's, I'll take that as a compliment. I'm not gonna push back on that one.
Starting point is 00:02:01 That sounds good. Have you ever curled? I have never curled. Okay. You have. Because I did it one. That sounds good. Have you ever curled? I have never curled. Okay. You have. Correct. I did it one time for a video. So it's not like I did it like play the whole game or whatever. Yep. But I played it enough to know that I'm not the best. What's the hardest part about curling in your mind? In my mind, well, it's just a spatial orientation and getting the stone and the bullseye, you know, the grooming, the sweeping,
Starting point is 00:02:25 I really enjoyed. I enjoyed it. Yeah. So like throwing it is the hardest part. I think so, but you've just got to be in the zone. You got to be in the Zen zone. What does Charlie Barons do to get in the zone? Well, Charlie Barons does a lot of things.
Starting point is 00:02:38 I mean, you know, I sit there in silence and I visualize miles. Okay. I visualize the stone getting into the bull's eye. You know, and that's really a life lesson, you know, visualize the future you want. You know, spend a little time every morning waking up, you know, and just sitting there visualizing. That's what you do for your curl. I pretty much.
Starting point is 00:03:00 Yeah, some might call this. Yeah, you're in sleeping. Oh, you know, but closing your eyes and closing my eyes and letting my dreams take me Wherever I got to go. So yeah, I don't know. I but I'm I'm gonna say I think we're gonna give it a go today a little bit Yeah, we're gonna try it. I think yeah, so we'll see how that goes I Mostly concerned about getting in that position that they get in when they throw it. Oh, there's going to be a lot of it. There's going to be a lot of it. And then trying to get up off of the ice after throwing in is like, I think I think I'm
Starting point is 00:03:34 most worried about. Well, I think a little stretching will go a long way. You guys can you stretch me out? Yeah, I'll stretch out. All right. After this, we'll have you stretch me out, maybe activate the glutes a little bit. And then we'll have after it. That'd be good. Actually, if you lie on your back, I can, I may actually, I can stretch you.
Starting point is 00:03:51 And then I can even push you like a stone and see how far you go. Yeah. Yeah. Put you on a little saucer. You mean so and throw. That could be fun. Put you on a little saucer. You know, see how close to the bulls how he can get. Should we do that?
Starting point is 00:04:04 That would be kind of fun. That would be fine. I bet they've done that. Well, I will have to ask. I don't know. I'm afraid it might ruin the ice because if one thing I know about curling is that the ice matters. The ice does matter.
Starting point is 00:04:16 Yeah, you got it. You're right. You're right. We don't want to mess with the structural integrity of their ice out there. Not that you would do that. And if people are watching the video, they can see the monitors behind us. I mean, this is a fancy establishment that we've got very fancy establishment. In fact, as we're shooting this, you can see if anyone hits a bullseye,
Starting point is 00:04:35 you know, which, oh, oh, there goes someone slide the right through. This is great. This is going to be bad for our attention issues, my, I shouldn't have pointed that out. Yeah. No, I'm just going to be watching these monitors, see who's getting a bull's eye. Is that what it's called? By the way, a bull's eye when it goes in the middle. I don't know. I've never done it. Well, we'll have to figure it out.
Starting point is 00:04:55 But I'm excited for another day of taking callers and, you know, doing all that. I wonder what it's like. Well, I'm also excited too. We found out today that there's a thing in the curling community called broom stacking. Oh, yeah, broom stacking. That's a fun thing. Why?
Starting point is 00:05:12 So what you do is after your match, you and the other team got to sit down at a table and have some beers and get to know each other. I feel like you'd be a really good broom stacker. I would be. I would be not so much the guy throwing necessarily, but definitely the comradery guy after the broom stacking. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:36 Miles is there for to bring the bring the fellows and the gals together. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Well, good. I can't, uh, why don we start broomstacking you and me right now and take some colors? We're taking colors. Cheers. Oh, I just spilled on me. That's why I get for not cheers and before I sip. What's going on? Who do we got on the line? Colton with the sea.
Starting point is 00:06:09 How are you? Oh, no, I'm paradise, but how are you guys doing? Doing good, Colton, what's what's cooking, where are you calling him from? Ohio. Nice, wearing Ohio. And near Athens. Oh, sure, not sure. Yeah, I'm not sure. Yeah, I'm not sure. Yeah, I'm not sure. Yeah, I'm not sure. Yeah, I'm not sure. Yeah, I'm not sure. Yeah, I'm not sure.
Starting point is 00:06:30 Yeah, I'm not sure. Yeah, I'm not sure. Yeah, I'm not sure. Yeah, I'm not sure. Yeah, I'm not sure. Yeah, I'm not sure. Yeah, I'm not sure. Yeah, I'm not sure.
Starting point is 00:06:38 Yeah, I'm not sure. Yeah, I'm not sure. Yeah, I'm not sure. Yeah, I'm not sure. Yeah, I'm not sure. Yeah, I'm not sure. Yeah, I'm not sure. Yeah, I'm not sure. Yeah, I'm not sure. Yeah, I'm not sure. Well, what's on your mind? Looking for some of the fight. All right, well, we're guys, I hope
Starting point is 00:06:52 I know, I've been calling for like a month trying to get you guys while you're here. I currently moved in with Wait, second coldening, I was second, I just I had to drop my microphone for a second. Thank you first of all for your dedication to calling in and uh second of all, did you just say you're moving in? I'm moving, I've clearly gotten a part of this with my lady. Okay, good for you. Need to advice, please. All right, what's the advice? Let's see advice. What's the question? I need some. What's some advice for moving in with your significant other? Oh, boy, okay, so
Starting point is 00:07:36 just general advice about moving in with the significant other. Well, I think we should start miles with how long have you been dating? I think we should start miles with how long have you been dating? I've been dating for about eight months. Eight months. Bad. I, that's pretty quick. You must be pretty head over heels, huh?
Starting point is 00:07:57 Well, we were talked, we even talked, we talked about six months before I decided to pop the question. Whoa, whoa, whoa, hang on. What question were we popping? Like the question of do you want to move in or the question? No, wait. The CSC learned to be my lady. Ah, so you were talking for six months and then, uh, you guys were hanging out or whatever and then how?
Starting point is 00:08:23 So like you asked her to be your girlfriend? Yeah. Oh, okay. Yeah. The other earlier question is what do you say? I see, I see, I see. Is that and is that still thing? Is that because I feel like when I started dating Ann,
Starting point is 00:08:42 we just like we woke up one day and we're like, yeah, we're just dating You know what I mean? There was no official asked of the girlfriend thing. Oh really? Yeah, what's your take on that? I don't know any of that works honestly. Um, well that that I don't know this is funny. Okay, so you so you date him for six months kind of you're just seeing each other for six months And then you ask her to officially be your girlfriend now fast forward eight months after that who asked who to move into whose house? I guess I have to live in the barn Okay, so she moved into yours and how is it going so far?
Starting point is 00:09:22 It's not bad And how is it going so far? It's not bad. Yeah, it's not bad. What were you thinking of during that very long hesitation between not and bad, you know? Just a few little things. All right, well, what are like, yeah, what are those things? You don't like to talk? Do you like to cook it in here?
Starting point is 00:09:44 And I like to AC on. Hmm. Okay. So you've lost your thermo thermostat privileges. It sounds like. Yeah. I lost the decoration portion of it. Is in you didn't want any decorations. And she did or vice versa. Well, I had one little I had one with a corner. That's all I got. Now, be honest, before she came in and started decorating, did you just have one poster on the wall of like Rocky IV movie poster on the wall or did you actually decorate your? Well, I.
Starting point is 00:10:24 I'd rather got me the rooster's bar sign a while ago. And I decided to hang it up. And she said it was getting taken down. Well, how does foot foot down? You put your foot down on a bar sign. I'm staying up on the bar sign. Yeah. Is it a neon?
Starting point is 00:10:44 Yeah. Yeah. Is this in your living room? It is. Welcome to rooster. Welcome to roosters. Well, honestly, that sounds pretty cool. Is, is, did you have that in the living room, though? Yeah, I had to say in the room. You're literally like Michael Scott, which is Neon sign at the dinner party. He puts it up. So I mean, was she wanted to go ahead? Was she wanted it to go in the laundry room,
Starting point is 00:11:14 but I said now it's staying out here. I like it. I hate, okay, here's some advice for you. I hate to break it to you. That ain't staying up forever. You are on borrowed time for how long that thing is in the living room. Yeah, you can choose this gal who you probably love very much or you can choose the rooster sign.
Starting point is 00:11:35 It's gonna be that simple. I mean, we could tell you, we could give you the advice of no, you'll keep that rooster sign up, but you know, we do want you to stay in this relationship. Yeah, well, better advice is I think it's good for you to stand your ground at first, but just know you're going to have to crumble at some point. Yeah, and that's kind of how relationships are. You're going to have a lot of battles, a lot of them. You can win a battle and lose the war, you
Starting point is 00:12:05 know, like you can hang up the rooster sign. And that's something else is coming out. Like, like, like, you're going to want to hold some cards. And if you, if you drop all your cards on a rooster sign, you better really love that rooster sign. I gotta tell you that much. A lot of love. I've ever gotten. Okay. Well, let's say let's hold on. Let's maybe dive into a little bit. Why do you love the sign so much? What does it mean to you? Good question. So rooster growing up as a kid after Friday night white. That was the place to go.
Starting point is 00:12:45 Okay. So it's a similar key to E with quality food. I find it for 25 bucks. Get shit face and leave a cap. Okay. And you said after Friday night lights like you as a player would play in the game on Friday and then go to roosters. Yeah. Yeah. Okay, so this next bit of advice is going to be tough to swallow. This is going to go in the category of tough pill to swallow.
Starting point is 00:13:18 And everyone who's an athlete at some point has to do this. You need to grab the your book and just close it. Oh, wow. Wow. How did that feel hearing that miles tell you to close the your book? How'd that feel? Be honest? You know, it kind of hurts, but at the bottom of the room, sir, signs there's a middle light. And her dad loves Miller light. So I'm thinking it might be a regift Okay, all a regift like you think you're gonna give that to her dad now Yeah, and then he hangs up in his house. Oh, wow, okay. I don't mind that way
Starting point is 00:14:01 That way it's keeping her off you but it's keeping me happy because I still get to go and see it. So it's like a dog that you have to give away because it bit the nephew, you know. All I care is that if I can just see him once more, so let me come by. This is a rescued beer sign at this point. That's hilarious. Well, it's, where is the current status of the beer sign? Where is it currently at? Oh, it's still hanging. Did I ask that already? No, we said the living room.
Starting point is 00:14:36 Oh, in the low. Okay. God, buy the TV though. Yeah. That is mad. Wait up buy the TV. Just backlight. Yeah. Um, do you see what happened just now, though? You've already started the process of losing your ground on this thing because you've already got a plan B for it. You know, if you're really, truly sticking around, you wouldn't have a plan B, you know? Uh, yeah, I see what you're kind of. Yeah. And then we know it's tough to lose your favorite beer sign. We know it's tough.
Starting point is 00:15:07 But here's the thing. So you're an apartment. Yeah. So hopefully someday you can end up getting a home. You know, God willing, it's with, you know, your girlfriend you got now, you guys set up in a house. You, you get somebody to get married, all that stuff. You're gonna need a pretty
Starting point is 00:15:26 cool rooster's bar sign to hang in your garage. That's where I think the long term play is with this thing. And you can have a nice little garage bar. Next to the garage fridge, you got the sign in the wall, ask your buddies,, ask your father-in-law. It sounds like he likes having some beers. And then all of a sudden, you get to look at that thing every single day. And she's happy. Yeah, I kind of agree with him, Cohn. You got to find your little oasis here, you know, whether it's your basement or your garage. And you just start focusing on making that the best basement or garage you can,
Starting point is 00:16:05 because I know a lot of fellas in relationships long-term and not one of them, not one of them on the living room. I mean, that is. You know. Kudo, honestly, kudo, you're gal for not like already making you take that down. Yeah, I can't believe it's still seeing there. I'm not saying it shouldn't be up there, but I'm just surprised. It's worth the other living room, but I just don't know how long you're bailed to stand your ground. Yeah. Do you have any other issues going on with the gal? No, just just looking for some moral advice. You have first time living with a woman. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I think you did. We did give you some good advice here is you're you're going to lose all the
Starting point is 00:16:50 battles at some point or you're going to lose the war, but you might win some battles here and there. Yeah, you're gold here, though, and you like her quite a bit, even after this rooster situation, you like her. Yeah. Yeah. I can see a future. Yo, you could see a future. Wow. Well, always. She moved in. So you're kind of stuck for at least a little while. Yeah. Does she want to get married right now? No, I don't think so. Her uncle wills and kind of hit drop on the head. And I'm saying I do got a future because my first Shark coming around or that what talk you but I've been getting a couple of hate quote and how you doing Oh
Starting point is 00:17:32 And if you bring that sign over to her dad turn it in Motivation Yeah, and you know what you're doing he you know what he's doing. I know what you're doing Colton You already know that sign's going you know that sign's doing. Oh, you know what he's doing? I know what you're doing, Colton. You already know that sign's going. You know that sign's going. You wanted to call up on this podcast to tell us about this sign.
Starting point is 00:17:51 How much you love this sign. Knowing you're already gonna give it away to your father and law. Knowing that's a plan. But if your girlfriend listens to this podcast, she is going to know that you love it and you gave it up because you love her more. Wow, super smart. So we're gonna need you to say that you love it and you gave it up because you love her more. Wow. Super smart.
Starting point is 00:18:05 So we're going to need you to say that right now. Okay. So she knows when she listens to this and you can even clip that and show her, I'm like, wow, see, honey, I really love you. And that's why I let the sign go. Even if, and you can have your fingers crossed or you're like, give me a wink afterwards if you want, we just need to get it on tape so that, you know, you got receipts. Yeah, yeah, and just take this clip
Starting point is 00:18:30 so she doesn't know that you knew all along. You were getting resistant. Just have her listen to starting right now. Yeah. Trying to say that I love my girlfriend, more than I love my relationship time. Dawn, yeah, send that over it. And she's not gonna listen to this full podcast for sure.
Starting point is 00:18:47 Oh, God no. Yeah. So. Oh, she hates the podcast. We got the Cleveland. That's a really lucky two. Go, yeah. She hates it.
Starting point is 00:18:56 Oh, she hates the podcast. Why? Why? She just said, she can't get her head after I'm full podcasting. My baby, you weren't something new every time you listen to one. Yeah. Well, so she hates all podcasts or just our podcast.
Starting point is 00:19:12 It just podcast in general. Okay. All right. So what does she do? She, what do you mean? So she doesn't like talk radio either? No, that's enough. She wasn't to hear music.
Starting point is 00:19:26 You know what? I take all this back. Hang this sign. Keep the sign up. Keep standing your ground. How cold. And I think we've, I think we've started a beautiful thing between you and your, uh, your gal here.
Starting point is 00:19:42 Congratulations. I appreciate it. All right. Well, listen, your gal here. Congratulations. I appreciate it. All right. Well, listen, let us know how it goes. And I apologize for telling you to close the yearbook. That was maybe a tough kill to swallow. But you know, my, my guys tell me that every other day. Yeah. My olds has his, my olds has not only his yearbook open, but bookmarks in it. Yeah. I tried. Imarks in it. Yeah, I travel. Yeah, I travel. All right, my guy will listen. Thank you for calling in and call back in and keep us updated on what happened with this rooster sign. Oh, I will send a snapshot to the on your Instagram. We still I like that.
Starting point is 00:20:26 Send a snapchat on Instagram. Sounds good. All right, man. Well, thanks for calling in. I appreciate it boys. Watch out for deer and hire a book that they hire. All right, right back at your guy. Take care now.
Starting point is 00:20:40 Real good. So miles, that was really fun. Is there anything that you had to give up in your house that you really like and you like and more obviously? Yeah. Well, you know, we moved into our house. It's kind of a blank slate. So you never have to like give much up. Oh, that's in that sense. It's just never goes up. Yeah, right. Or it just goes in the basement through this and that. Not much that is there was there something that you had in mind ever in past relationships that you're like I stuck my ground and then I didn't. Not me as far as like home decor. No, I mean, not like a packer bathroom or anything. No, dude. Honestly, like even, I mean, I, I am, I just moved into my spot. Or I think I've said that's on the podcast. Like when I was married, there was, we moved into a place.
Starting point is 00:21:37 And yeah, I never really, I never did anything proactive to like hang anything other than what I was told to hang. Yeah. So that's kind of it. And now in my current house, I just hung my first picture on New Year's Eve. And I've been there for six months. I'm proud of you.
Starting point is 00:21:52 No, thank you. Hey, it doesn't matter how long it's been. I'm proud of you. Thank you, dude. New Year, new me. Yeah. Boom. January one.
Starting point is 00:22:01 Jan one, baby. I mean, he kind of is living out every guy's dream to be able to hang a neon sign in their living room. I know. I know. I mean, that's the fact that it isn't down already. I mean, it's like, it literally is the Michael Scott situation with Jan and he's got the, what's the sign? It's the same Paul girl. Yeah. Just bright blue neon. Do you think that was product placement in the office?
Starting point is 00:22:34 I don't know. I don't know, probably. Yeah, probably. That's a great product placement there. Speaking of which, Tiffy Cowell, ladies and gentlemen. All right, let's take another one. Welcome to the Belly-Dup Podcast to we got on the phone right now. My name is Ben.
Starting point is 00:22:55 Ben, how you doing? Where you come from? The greatest city on the mighty Mississippi. Oh, look, cross. No, St. Louis. Oh, St. Louis. All right. There we go. How is the gateway city doing? Oh, beautiful. Yeah. I haven't been on the gateway arch myself. Can't do the height. Oh, you haven't. I went in that thing. I went in the arch before miles. Have you ever been in the arch? No, I'm scared of falling as well. it's wild you get into this little since neither of you've gone up I tell you about it real quick you get in these little elevator this rickety kind of elevator and creaks all the way up and it's very claustrophobic and then you get up there and you're like huh
Starting point is 00:23:40 I was about it and then you get back in and go back down. It's actually kind of fun. I recommend it Is it true that the it's sues up there? Yeah, it gives you a little sway. It's got to it's got to sway Yeah, you know, otherwise that's that's for that reason I'm out. I don't need to go up there You guys haven't lived you both got to do it put on your bucket list So what's cooking over there and saying Lewis? I was gonna do it, put it on your bucket list. So what's cooking over there and saying Lewis? Ah, nothing much. Just waiting before I have to go into work
Starting point is 00:24:09 and, you know, I thought you guys had your phone call on. I'm like, ooh, maybe I can get in from you guys just posted it. Yeah, well, awesome. I'm with the so later I finally got in. Heck, yeah, wait, I already forgot. What is your name? Sorry.
Starting point is 00:24:26 Ben. Ben. Ben. Ben. James Louise. I thought you were just going by one initial. So I was like, we got James Bond stuff going on here. Em, you know.
Starting point is 00:24:38 All right, Ben, sorry about that. Can we offer you some advice on anything? Yeah, you got some to buy seller trade. What's cooking today? I want some advice. How do you tell your old farm raised parent that they're self that they can't fix? Well, first of all, I think the answer is yeah, you don't.
Starting point is 00:25:01 Okay. First of all, what are they trying to fix right now? Oh, some rickety old plummon. Oh, they're, they're redoing their plummon, huh? Sounds like a shitty situation. Yeah. Well, so what's busted? Which pipe are we talking sink or can? Oh, it's our up there's a plumbing for bathroom. We can't get the sink tricep pipes to go and get sick. Every time my dad fiddles, I said, it gets more and more busted. Did you tell him that? And you can do it. I love this. Why would he pay someone else when he can just do it himself, you know?
Starting point is 00:25:45 But he keeps breaking more of it. I'm like, just call someone. You know what? You're making it more than that's not your role. That is not your role is to hold the flashlight and hand them stuff. Are you helping him when he's doing this, or is he doing this on zone? I try to help get that old man moved where it's like, oh, the way I got it.
Starting point is 00:26:13 Hey, have you tried showing him a YouTube video on how to do it? He works as like for my old school district, he works as a like maintenance guy for like plumbing and stuff. So he knows that I'm like, well, there's different between like a like half inch pipe for like a freezer fluid. And then there's a difference between like plumbing in your house. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:40 Well, is there? I think it's kind of all the same. I think there is. Because like all my dad does is like fix coolant and stuff and that's it. I mean, he doesn't do like major bumping or fires you to like rip apart the house. What is he ripped up in the bathroom, by the way? What is the current state of this bathroom?
Starting point is 00:27:01 Okay. So he managed to fix our shower drain. So you managed to fix that. So we've got a big ass hole in the ceiling in our kitchen. Where you just see like there's a live wire that runs right near it. There's like a completely corroded out copper pipe coming in. And every time my dad tries to put stuff on and it keeps falling apart and breaking and bending needs to go and cut more pipe. Oh geez. Okay.
Starting point is 00:27:32 I mean, so hold on. The guy clearly, I mean, you can't argue if he did fix one thing with the plumbing, it's tough after that. He only fixed the shower. He can't get the thing to work for some reason. Yes. Yeah. He's getting to it. And it's smart to just Fix the shower. We can't get the thing to work for some reason. Yes. Yes. Yeah. He's getting to it.
Starting point is 00:27:48 And it's smart to just leave the hole open downstairs. So then when he's inevitably going to have to fix his fix, he doesn't need to co-open another hole. It's counterproductive. So I'm on board, but just leave the hole in the ceiling in the kitchen. Yeah, maybe it's just going to be on a feature of our house. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:28:09 You've got to lean in. Hey, we got this beautiful, open concept feeling. Yeah, vaulted ceiling. Is that what we're going to call it? Now, here, if you really do want to fix this situation, it's going to require two things. One money and two time. And here's the first thing I'm asking, are your folks, they still work in the farm, farm still functional? No, my dad, we live in the city. My dad will look at farm raised boys.
Starting point is 00:28:36 Oh, I can do it all attitude. Got it. Well, then this is a simple fix. And it's going to require a lot of money on your end. First of all, then you've got to be the hero son and you got to send your folks off on an all expenses paid vacation. Okay. And then when they're gone, you call an actual plumber to get in there and take care of that whole plumbing situation. I think that's the money for that.
Starting point is 00:29:01 Well, you start buying those lotto tickets. I don't know what to tell you about it. What if I'm investing is a good option. That's what my parents told me. Don't buy a lot of tickets. When the money is just don't give us the money. Oh, wait, your parents are saying don't buy the Lado ticket. No, do buy the Lado tickets. They also try to say we should do it again. And if we win, decide in your name, lead guy, you get the money. Oh, yeah. I see. We already see a plan for the lotto. Yeah. I love the elaborates lotto planning.
Starting point is 00:29:33 Just in case. Yeah. You got to have that stuff iron out before you win the lotto. Yeah. By you don't have a new board. If we win the lottery, just sign in the kids name. So we ever reach an unfortunate accident. They can just go and spend all the money. I have a new book if we win the lottery just find in the kids name. So we have a region unfortunate act and they can just go and spend all the money. I love this. Yeah, you know, you don't that that's actually some really it. I love the dreaming that goes along with it and all the planning.
Starting point is 00:30:04 It's like you don't. Yeah, it's a dream that's the key word a dream. Yeah, well, you don't play the lot on the planning. It's like you don't. Yeah, it's a dream that the key word a dream. Yeah, well, you don't play the lotto to win. You play the lotto for the dreams. And that's it. That's what keeps you going. Okay. So yeah, anyways, I think that I think you're just kind of screwed. Now is your mom on board with not hiring somebody to do this? Oh, we want to hire someone. It just keeps saying, no, that he can fix it. But the thing is, I have a father much like this. He's a construction guy. And he actually does fix stuff.
Starting point is 00:30:37 But he takes him a long time and his body's broken down. His body's broken down. So then he's always complaining about his back and his knees and all that other stuff. And even though he can fix it, we're like, why don't you instead of spending the entire day at the lake in the back fixing this stuff? Why don't we just pay someone
Starting point is 00:31:01 so you can actually come to the lake and enjoy it instead of doing all the work. And so you say, we don't have to pay that much. It's only like, I think it was like three grand, it's the plumbing fix instead of like my dad filling around with it with all the wrong stuff. For like months. Oh, no, it's been since last Christmas. Like exactly the last year, 26th, I dad busted the pipe. It's been a little
Starting point is 00:31:28 over one year exact and he still hasn't fixed the kitchen. Well, yeah, I guess you're short of sentiment. Does your dad have any hobbies outside of fixing or not fixing the, the hunting fishing. That's not much I can do hunting and fishing? That's it. He's a hunter and he's a fisherman. I, I think I got a, I think I got the, the, the fix for you. Okay.
Starting point is 00:31:52 I think I figured it out. I just did some math in my head. He sounds like a guy that, if his friends suggest something, he'll be open to doing it, but if his family members suggests something, he won't do it. So you need to get 100% true. So what you need to do is you need to get with one of their friends.
Starting point is 00:32:14 You might have to, you might have to wet the beak for them a little bit. I think that's pending on how these, how close these friends are. But you're going to need them to suggest to your dad that he should just hire someone to do it. And I guarantee the first time they say it, he's not going to do it. But if they're like, you still haven't hired someone, come on, it's so easy. Just go hire him. You can do it. He'll do it the next day. Oh, no, his friends are all also country born and bred. I know that's what I'm saying. You got to agree. You're going to have to pay him a little bit. You're
Starting point is 00:32:48 going to have to re-sose wheels. You're going to have to bribe him. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. Now, as we all know about, you know, I mean, they got their principles. They do, but they can be bought. Absolutely. Because there's anything about about old guys who like working hard as they do also like earning money. Yeah. The root of all of this is money. They don't want to have someone else. It's less about the pride of someone else coming and fix it more about the financial element of it. So you bribe one of their buddies, you know, I would say a hundred bucks can get this problem solved. That Chris cool Benjamin Franklin will get the job done.
Starting point is 00:33:27 Yeah. And that might just have to be your Christmas present to your dad, you know. Maybe. And he's going to hate the gift. And so can you tell me can you tell me this? How is this affected your life? Is it like? Because like are you not?
Starting point is 00:33:47 I'm not you, up there's bathroom things. So you have to share the bathroom with your panoramic shower. So you have to share your bathroom things. You have an up there's bathroom. So we all have to wash our hands out of the bathtub. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:34:04 Get a bar. So we just scrub our hand underneath the bathroom. This is amazing. This is amazing. You guys are watching your hands in the bathtub. It's like you're living in a dorm room with your parents now. It's like you coming in and out with family with your little like bag with all the stuff that you have and you high five and like you're up I warmed it up for you.
Starting point is 00:34:27 Well, I got to what when the last time you were working with your dad when the last time before he kicked you out before he kicked you out you were helping them do this right. Oh, yeah, someone helping. Okay, we're just trying to figure out where the leak was happening. And that was what? Okay, all right. But growing up, you've done a lot of projects with your
Starting point is 00:34:54 dad of this nature. It sounded like no, no, he sounds like the dad's alone wolf out there. That's just a lone wolf. Okay. Yeah, he is. He's got like, I'm going to do it. You're in my way. Get out my way. Well, maybe it's possible.
Starting point is 00:35:12 Maybe it's possible. We're going to give you one other angle here. It is possible that you do not know the top three rules of helping your dad fix something. Miles, what are they? Well, I think number one is always aim the flashlight where your dad says and don't get distracted. And that might be the hardest one to follow. But also know that where he says to point it is not where he actually wants you to point it. But he's going to get mad at you for doing exactly what he told you to do. Exactly. And you just have to sit there and absorb that like a sponge and that may bring up emotions of anger. It may bring up emotions
Starting point is 00:35:52 of sadness and that step too. Take all those emotions and shove them deep, deep down inside you or take them out to the garden and bury them with the rhubarb. The only time you can talk about emotions with your dad is when you're kind of bitching about something that your mom did, that they both didn't like. So you can have a party all at there. I'm trying to represent your baby. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:14 And that is actually the next step is find those bonding moments with your dad in the deal because you need to buy his good graces early on in this fixing relationship because you're definitely gonna screw something up and you're gonna buy his good graces early on in this fixing relationship, because you're definitely going to screw something up, and you're going to need his forgiveness, which is not unconditional forgiveness. So you got to give him a reason to forgive you early on here. That sounded about right? Yeah. Right. I gave me some advice there. Yeah, I don't think he's going to take that away. Yeah, the tone of his voice. No, otherwise, we've disappointed Ben the way he's disappointed
Starting point is 00:36:53 his father in this situation. Well, Ben, we're really feeling in here. Sorry, we can't give you better. Well, hold on one last thing here. Yeah. Hey, Ben, if you're so upset about the sink, why don't you just fix the sink? Because I also know. I don't have to know how. I barely did any plumbing in high school when I took the home X class.
Starting point is 00:37:16 But the thing is, is your dad doesn't know either and he's still doing it. So you can get in there. You can watch a YouTube video as much as anyone else can, Ben. Yeah, you have what your dad does it and that's YouTube. Oh, like that one episode that you guys had where you were talking about that 17 minute YouTube episode and how to fix that one thing. Okay. Do not the bar is that what he's talking about? You know, I don't watch our videos our videos seriously that was not an instructional.
Starting point is 00:37:48 They're well trained professionals on YouTube teaching me on do everything you could ever imagine. That's your fault for looking at our YouTube videos. But also what I found with those old guys that like fixing stuff is even if they're doing like I'm getting to it. You start fixing it, that he's never gonna pop up faster out of this couch to come help or to take it over when he sees someone doing something
Starting point is 00:38:14 that he should be doing. And that makes him so mad and it could be a good motivator for him. Would you agree? Oh yeah, he'll blame me if the mess is up and he'll have to fix it and then we'll actually get it done. Well, the thing is is just maybe you just got to jump on that grenade. Go make it worse to motivate him. Make it so bad that he has to fire.
Starting point is 00:38:38 It's a little fair in a presentation. But just a bare disappointment. Yeah, just go and like just start ripping off the sheet rock, start just take the entire pipe off and turn on the faucet and just let flood the house. All right, there you go. I think that's it. I think after trying several different piece of advice, that's the one we should go with. Just make it worse before he calls someone to make it better. Yeah. Well, but Charlie, I heard you said you've been the thing, Louis.
Starting point is 00:39:13 Yeah, I've been the same. Louis. Yeah, I was down there doing a comedy show and I went there when I was a kid. It will 18ish somewhere. Yeah, I've been there twice. Beautiful city. I love it. Yeah. I heard you're a big cheese connoisseur. Y'all, your opinion of our Saint Louis specialty cheese.
Starting point is 00:39:35 Okay. Well, connoisseur is a stretch. Yeah. This guy only knows about a pepper jack cheese and cheddar cheese and that's it. I see. I got a profile. What's that? Provelle. Oh, yeah, profile, sure, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, like advice on how to hold the flash like for your dad when he's fixing the thing, you know, I'm I'm Don't know the advice after advice. This isn't a foodie podcast, you know, but yeah, but all right,
Starting point is 00:40:12 well forget about what I don't know. Tell me what I should know about St. Louis cheese. So Provelle is a cheese that is born and bred your Missouri. You already know more about cheese than Charlie did with that one. What's that? What's that? What are the butteriest cheeses you could ever have? What are the what?
Starting point is 00:40:31 Cheese? It's the most buttery cheese. The most buttery cheese. Who? Yeah, when you get down to St. Louis style pizza, all that cracker crust. And you go and take a bite of it.
Starting point is 00:40:44 It's like you're basically like how it looks a pound of butter melted over already Gully cheese. Oh God. That sounds delicious. Wow. Uh-huh. No And one thing here to say that's the most controversial thing to say here. Mm-hmm St. Louis has the best pizza in the entire of the United States. Oh Okay, you cannot eat exactly So you're talking about the wash the entire of the United States. Oh, okay. You cannot be exactly. So your time out, La Vos. Where are you time up, pizza?
Starting point is 00:41:10 No, pizza. You're saying the best pizza. But he said it's cracker crust. Yeah, it's a thing. Cross. Like, cracker, I know it sounds like La Vos. Like, take a bite and crunch it. Yeah. Take a bite.
Starting point is 00:41:24 Can't bite a crack. Okay. So you are, I mean, do you understand how many haters we're going to get on this exact interview when you're talking about? Yeah, hold on here. So I don't mind the haters. It's true. So you're saying that St. Louis has the best pizza in the country. Yeah. Okay. You can't do great deep dish. That's just too much bread. New York. You just get gooey in the center. Flopting Lewis has a perfect balance of crust cheese, dog straight ratio. And you're saying, no, when I the first thing I think of when I think of St. Louis is not pizza. I'm going to be honest with you. It's the art. Toasted ravioli's. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:08 All you got to try. This is a fun tip to if you're talking to anyone from St. Louis, all you have to say, all you have to do is just know that they do toasted ravioli's in St. Louis and like people go bananas for that. Toasted ravioli in St. Louis and like people go bananas for that. Tasted ravioli's, okay. Oh yeah, it's ravioli breaded and deep fried. Breaded and deep fried. Now where does the toasting come in?
Starting point is 00:42:36 That's the, it's just what it's called. It's one of those names because you think it's one thing, but it's actually another. Oh wow, okay. See how good this. We learn something new every day. Yeah. Okay. Um, I mean, give me the exact, what's the number one, like what is the, the best part of St. Louis pizza then? Is it the, is it the cracky crackle crust? I think it's all together. Like you got that cracker crust, the perfect ratio of like sauce and cheese that just makes it like you're eating like just heaven.
Starting point is 00:43:13 Now, well, what is the classic? My biggest weakness is that I have no weaknesses. Has basically what that answer was. I feel like all the Chicago deep dish pizza lovers are are just not going to be happy with this situation because we you're talking about as the exact opposite of the top of these dishes is too much bread and thought too much bread. It's really pretty. It's high and pizza, like a pizza and pie corn. Yeah, it's like it's a pizza pie. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I think that's what people like about it. It's kind of like a
Starting point is 00:43:46 casserole, you know, hot dish, hot dish, casserole, whatever. Well, that's good. I like that. I think we get we got a lot off of our chest in this, this situation. I'm going to be honest, I don't think I've ever had St. Louis pizza, but now I got to try it and I got to see if all the buzz. Yeah, it's out of show. Bring my old along. I will. Well, we'll book a show and I'm not as groupie. We'll book a show.
Starting point is 00:44:13 Yes, he is. We'll book a show in St. Louis. I'll bring miles long. Just get them. Ravi Oli's toasted and get us a line on some good pizza and we'll be down there. We'll all go up in the arch together. Okay. I'm bringing a picture.
Starting point is 00:44:29 You know what's that? Emo. IMO pop your beer. Oh, Emo's has the best pizza. Well, we'll go to Emo's on our way to the arch and then we'll eat the pizza on our way up through the arch. How does that sound? Uh-huh. And you'll be like, hmm, delicious. Mm-hmm. I bet I can see myself now taking that first
Starting point is 00:44:51 bite. Oh, I have to have frozen out bites with your deep fried little balls of Provelle cheese. Oh, now that sounds really good. Done this? Mm-hmm. It does. Yeah, I mean, it sounds like a cheese curd. It sounds like a cheese curd. Like a cheese curd. Yeah, I wonder where you guys got that idea from, huh? I don't know. We got a bunch of unhealthy food. We got a chouxy butter cake. Butter cake?
Starting point is 00:45:17 Chouxy butter cake. Okay, you guys got a lot of butter stuff going on with cheese and cake. You make cheese. Both this butter crust and the whole thick of butter in the filling. Oh, wow. Now I know why you guys are so hard on your plumbing. Now, you guys are doing a lot of stuff. There's no plumber that could keep up with you guys.
Starting point is 00:45:38 With the amount of butter you guys are putting in stuff. You just have to put them on retainer and he's there every other week. Now I'm starting to wonder is St. Louis where you get where the butterboards were invented. I don't know. Have you heard of that? Have you heard of the butterboards? No. Miles, have you heard of the butterboards?
Starting point is 00:45:54 No. No, it's just huge trend, you guys. Have you guys heard of the butterboards? None of you have heard of the butterboards? I wish you would just get to what the butterboards are. Well, I'm just amazed you haven't heard of the butterboards. A butterboard is where it's a board, like a charcootery board or a chrychutery board.
Starting point is 00:46:07 However, you say that. And then you take a butter, butter, a stick of butter, and you move it all around the board. So it's just like this, this pizza crust of butter, but it's just butter. And you put like toppings on it, like garlic and paprika or something like that. And then you just put chips in it, or you take, it's just a dip.
Starting point is 00:46:26 So you take a chip and you dip it in the butter and they've got like these high class butter boards. Now it's a, it's the rage. Like a shark. Yeah, I could have said that all quicker and said it's a shark. Cudery board for butter, but I didn't. So what do you, what do you think of that? Have you, none of you have seen those, huh?
Starting point is 00:46:44 We got some unhealthy stuff of, oh, that sounds like a heart attack with an acid. Yeah, and that's coming from someone from St. Louis. Oh, man. Well, thanks for calling in. This was a lot of fun, Ben. Informative. It was fun. It was all the above. We found out what causing our coming to break and we got a solution for how to fix the plumbing. Exactly. Yeah. Exactly. Keep us posted. We want pictures. Okay. All right. Well, yeah, pictures. Yeah. No, like the pictures of the progress on the thing, not the reason that the
Starting point is 00:47:27 Yeah, I was saying, you know, just want to clear that up. Yeah. All right. Well, thanks for calling in. This is great. Good luck. Convincing your dad's friends to convince him to hire someone. And good luck. All right. I'll need it. I wish you guys get back to your whole day of drinking. All right. Well, real good. Thank you. So yeah, Charlie, what a ride that was. I know. You know, I just I was just trying to peel the layers. Peel the layers. It's just kind of funny because we just all have the same dad. I know. I think I feel we just all have the same dad. I know I think I feel like we all have the same dad
Starting point is 00:48:06 It was that generation that generation of dads. They just kind and you know what? Honestly, we're probably gonna grow up to turn the exact same way. We're gonna keep the line going Potentially. Yeah, potentially. I mean, I've been fixing my car radar now for at least a month and a half So I kind of get it. Why do you just hire someone? Ah, no, I can do it, dude. I just had to get a new diaphragm and a new gasket. I ordered the wrong one is what happened. So you blew a gasket?
Starting point is 00:48:38 Well, I didn't necessarily blow the gasket, but I think that's what happened. It's not fire in the way it should. So I'll show. You wanna come over and hold my flashlight? gasket, but I think that's what happened. It's not fire in the way it should. So yeah. Um, you want to come over and hold my flashlight. You've never had toasted Revy, only. No, I haven't had toasted. It's pretty good. And you know what? I don't appreciate you getting on me about this whole cheese thing over and over and over again. I like cheese. Okay. Do I remember the name? Call yourself a cheesehead if you don't know any of the cheeses outside of cheddar. I know cheddar
Starting point is 00:49:06 Colby You know Swiss Sharp cheddar. Yeah, who gives a shit, you know it all tastes wonderful and that's all and I just have a bad memory for food Okay, some people are foodies and other people just like eating food. All right, and I'm a guy just like seeding food You know Sounds good. Yeah, okay and other people just like eating food. All right. And I'm a guy just like seeding food, you know? Sounds good. Yeah, okay. Real good.
Starting point is 00:49:29 Real good, then. Should we do another call? Yep. Charlie, it's pretty cold out these days. It is nippy out there, Miles. And I tell you what, you got a vacation plan this winter? You know, I don't know yet.
Starting point is 00:49:41 I mean, I should. I wish I did, but honestly, I don't know if I do. Yeah. Well, if you, when you're making your plans though, I'm just going to remind you to make sure that you are planning around Tipeekow in the sense, you don't want to go down to the Florida Keys and get there and not have any Tipeekow. Well, Miles, do I have to check my bag with this in it? I don't, I don't know how that works. No, do I fly with the tippy cow? Because that's you're just going to have to drive to the Florida keys.
Starting point is 00:50:11 I suppose you're right. You know, we always make the sacrifices. Now, can you drive to the Florida keys? I don't know how that works. I don't know. I'll work see that. I've never been to the Florida keys. I don't know why I chose that as the place. I know nothing about it. I don't know. I wonder if there's a key chain that can get you from Florida to the keys. No, I don't know why I chose that as the place. So I know nothing about it. I don't know. I wonder if there's a key chain that can get you from Florida to the keys. Yeah, probably. Yeah. Um, the chain will be the key chain. That's why it's called a key chain. What's called a key chain? I figured that out. Wait, what's called a key chain? A key chain. Is that why they they name the key chain after the Florida key? I think it's
Starting point is 00:50:43 a chicken or the egg situation. No, it's interesting. But regardless, I think what we can do is we can broom stack here at the club with a little typical and maybe discuss that and figure out, get to the bottom of it. It's not a bad idea, you know, and no Googling allowed. Yes. When you're drinking typical, you cannot bring out the Google. It's got to be a fair argument based off the knowledge you currently have. Yep. And if you don't have it, how much BS you have
Starting point is 00:51:09 and how convinced you are of your own BS. Yeah. And I mean, Tippi cow just helps helps that align the way. It does. Really conversation fluid. And but Charlie, if you're not, if you can't fly with Tippi cow, you just got to go to Wisconsin Delts for your vacation, then this winter, I'll be in the Delts for sure. They'll have, they'll have Tippie Cow. Tippie Cow is made in Wisconsin. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:33 From Wisconsin cows. So it's fitting. Wisconsin cows. Yeah, it's fantastic. And then there's nothing better. Now I'm getting all, I, I, I, now you want to go to the Delts. I just want to sit in Noah's arc water park right now and just sit on this typical back. Yeah. Oh, go down a big
Starting point is 00:51:52 slide with some tippy cow trying to spill it in the drink. I think my dream would be to go down a slide that has tippy cow pushing me like that's the it's just a vacation of the slide. Wow. And then that's heaven. That's what they call heaven miles right there. Yeah. So get some typical little piece of heaven in your glass. Oh, miles. You know what's coming up. Going to fleet farm.
Starting point is 00:52:16 Yeah, fleet farms coming up. How'd you know? Just see that exit ahead of you. You know what I like about fleet farm is they got everything I need to do myself a little ice fishing and whatnot. That's about to fire up the old ice castle here soon and head out. Yeah, are you? Yeah, real good. So my problem right now is in the shed that we're storing it. Yeah, there's a lot of stuff in the way. Oh, yeah. We put it in their last winter and then we just kept
Starting point is 00:52:43 putting shit in front of it. And then now I got to clear everything out of the way and then pull it out and the whole thing. But it's worth it though. Yeah, it is because you're going to get out there on that ice. And if you have anything that you need or that you broke from last year, you know, where I think you got to go. Roll on up the fleet farm. Fleet farm. We love it. Yes, we do. And they got everything you need. And also, you know, is the lake start to enthaw. And then you're going to have to, it's that time of year where you're going to have to get back into the old cat open water fishing. So they got that for you too,
Starting point is 00:53:21 you know, they probably got some great sales. They always got great sales going check it out You're your local fleet far one if you really want to good deals. You got to go the back 40 you've been to the back 40 back 40 Yeah, that's the sales Section's called oh my gosh. Well, yeah, I do have to do that No matter how this podcast goes down you want to go to fleet farm check out the back 40 Charlie That sounds awesome. Thanks. Well, how. Can we get a toy from Toy Land? Yeah, absolutely. Okay, real fun. I want a nerf gun. I do too.
Starting point is 00:53:53 That'd be fun. Fleet Farm. We love it. Hello, who do we got on the line? Hey, this is Roy from Spokane, Washington. Roy. Spokane. What's going on over there? Oh, not much. It's got done taken down the Christmas lights for this season. Put on all the Christmas stuff. Oh, that's really quick of you. Miles, when is an appropriate time to take down the Christmas lights? Whenever you can get to it.
Starting point is 00:54:21 OK, very nice. Or when all of the ice thaws on the roof so you don't go sliding off. I honestly, I feel like you can just leave them up and not turn them on and then they're already up for next year. That is true. That is a good move. Yeah. Better to get straight up, dude. I'll give you that one. Real, not a big fan of them taking down. Talk to me about what kind of lights you're putting up, because I feel taken down. Well, sorry, that you put up, that you just took down. I feel like the world is split into two people
Starting point is 00:54:53 when it comes to Christmas lights. You have the really tight lights all the way around the house. Everything is just looks pristine. All the lights are facing up. All the bulbs are not burnt out. There's a single burnt out one. And they're usually the white lights.
Starting point is 00:55:15 Then the other one, they're kind of haphazardly thrown up there. And they're usually a bunch of colored lights. Which category do you fall into? All right, so that might be a half and a half for you. So I do the classic colored lights, but all perfectly done straight up on the clip. Okay. I don't want to move on. I think you're a rare breed, then.
Starting point is 00:55:37 I don't see the colored lights not haphazardly throwing up there very often anymore. I know, and it drives me crazy. I can't stand the haphazardly guys, you know, it's like, why haven't you got? Yeah, because you're forced to by somebody. If you're not gonna do it right, why do it at all? Because someone asked you to do it, you didn't wanna do it, that's why.
Starting point is 00:55:58 Well listen, we kind of jumped off the, we kind of latched onto your your Christmas lights. Think pretty hard. That's a lot of time. Hold on. I'm silky. He seems like he's, you seem like a guy who takes that shit pretty seriously. You have any like, uh, lawn stuff you blow up and have all winter like, talk to me about the rest of your decorations.
Starting point is 00:56:23 Yeah. Why I have scaled back a little bit this year because the snow came way too soon. Yeah, normally I have a star I put up and then we wrap our flagpole lights and I look like a big candy cane, but I didn't do that this year. But this year I did buy my first Christmas inflatable and it was Santa's waist up. It looks like you fell off your roof into the snow pile. Oh, that's fun. That's unless you don't have snow, then that just looks like a decapitated Santa.
Starting point is 00:56:58 Cut off at the leg. Yeah. Yeah. Well, it was pretty good. So in your mind, what makes a good Christmas setup? Preferably some sort of theme or at least matching lights, right? I've seen the people they put like, you know, like the newer lights, they got the purple in there. Yeah, the blue. Yep, they do that plus the old ones with like
Starting point is 00:57:22 the classic orange, white, red, blue. And so I mean, that kind of build it off. Just stick to one light, as well, you're saying, commit to a style. Once got a light, yeah, don't go crazy and try to do it all. What else? This looks messy. Uh, I mean, just because I do it, I like it to be a nice clean line, you know, I like them all face in the same direction. I'm okay with the staple that you can do the clips. I've done the staples for a long time. But you got to watch the wire with the staple gun because I've shorted out a couple lines doing that.
Starting point is 00:57:58 I believe that. Clark Griswald is what we'll call you. Yeah, I'll take it. Get the compliment. All right, well, what else you got out of your mind? Why don't you belly up to the bar and then, see if we can help you out today. All right, so I just, some podcast-specific questions. Okay. Me and my buddy, we have a podcast we're good and going.
Starting point is 00:58:22 And it's called a supper club social. And we got the name from Charlie from talking about supper club or supper clubs. Oh, yeah. Or catches. Yeah. Yeah. And so I know we pretty much just talk about our daily lives
Starting point is 00:58:38 and then we make a cocktail. And I'll give our review on it. And I was wondering, how do you guys, like you guys have people edit it for you or are you guys editing it yourself? Yeah, I mean, I think at this point, you know, you're early on in doing it and until you kind of take off and get to that next thing,
Starting point is 00:59:00 you kind of edit it yourself. And that way, you know, when you hire somebody, you'll know exactly the process of what they're doing. So it's just easier for you to manage if you know, like every part of that. But definitely when you're starting small, you kind of do all of it, you do all your social media, everything. And you just kind of slowly build it over time. Eventually, you know, when you get a sponsor, maybe something like that, and then you can hire somebody to do that for you. But yeah, it's just school and go man, but super awesome, you're doing that,
Starting point is 00:59:29 love that concept. And yeah, send us over one of the episodes. We'd love to take a listen. Oh, awesome, yeah, I'll do that. Cool man, congrats. Yeah, what other questions do you have about it? I mean, that's pretty much it. I mean, we're lucky.
Starting point is 00:59:46 So we're just getting going our biggest video. I was like 150 views. That's it. But, uh, well, you get there. It's a little fun, a little hobby to do. Yeah. Keep doing it, man. Well, we want to remind you that at one point, we had 150 views as well.
Starting point is 00:59:58 100% we did. We all started from zero. So you're just in a different time. Okay. We got a couple of little on there too.. Yeah, while we got you on the horn, is there anything you want to buy, sell or trade? No, not currently. I have a really tiny artificial tree, if anybody wants it for free, I'm giving away. Oh, so he's got a free, are you putting it by the curb? Is this a curb alert?
Starting point is 01:00:25 Oh, yeah, it can be opened out there. It's just down the basin right now. Yeah, I put it out there. I mean, now's the time of the year. Someone's gonna really want to know seriously. You know, you get the right-thinking person's gonna go scoop up that now. What kind of tree are we talking? Oh, a large tree went out last Christmas, so we had to buy a perfect placement. So we just bought like a cheap little, then Walmart pre-lit one. But uh, you got to sell it, maybe. You guys sell it, but you guys see this stuff free. Free tall.
Starting point is 01:00:56 Yeah, it's free. Been used one season. Uh, on the 10 side. So that's what we didn't usually get. We just got a new one, but uh But if you like, if you don't got a big space, it's perfect for a small space, like maybe an apartment or like if you use rent in a room, you can get it in your room. No problem. And it don't need any water. And it's
Starting point is 01:01:18 prelit. There you go. But the thing, you know, all those stats are fine. But let's sell them on what it makes them feel when they see it. This tree, yes, it's sitting in the corner, but it fills the whole room. You walk into that room and suddenly you are filled with holiday spirit because that's what kind of tree it is. Yeah, yeah, I like that. Don't. Yeah, I love that, Miles. Don't say it's a cheap Walmart tree. Say it's giving off Charlie Brown Christmas vibes, you know, yeah, that's nostalgia. Yeah, we're, it's not old.
Starting point is 01:01:56 It's nostalgic. You got to be a, you know, marketing side of it, change up the words. Yeah, I like it. Awesome. Give it a shot. When I put it on there, I'm done with the words. Yeah, I like it. Awesome. You're gonna shot one after the bottom there. I'm going to do it with you guys. Heck yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:08 Well, thank you so much for calling in. We appreciate the heck idea. Yeah. Thank you. I think you hope you got that. A good holidays. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:02:15 You as well. Take care now. All right. Bye. Bye bye. This guy loves Christmas. Tell those who have Christmas. I mean, he's, you know, he's take now. Obviously, this is not coming out loves Christmas. Phil, those kind of Christmas. I mean, he's, you know, he's, now, when he's...
Starting point is 01:02:27 Obviously, this is not coming out around Christmas at all. I know. So, let's give the audience a little bit of back story on this, because we're shooting this on the second of January. Okay, so he's already taking his Christmas lights down. I mean, this guy means business. Yeah. Yeah, I mean, like we didn't even put up a tree this year. Yeah, I didn't either. And when I, I asked him why we didn't put up a tree, he's just like, she was like, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:02:56 I really liked the way that we had it last year. So I'm not doing to it this year. She's like, well, you could change something up this year. It's not like you have to do exactly the way you did last year. Did you say that to her? Yeah. Did she say, Miles, why don't you do the tree? I mean, I wasn't complaining about not having to set up the tree with her. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:16 Okay. Well, that's good. So yeah, well, you know, maybe this guy will have some, maybe you should connect him with Anne. Maybe this guy will have some, maybe you should connect him with Ann. Yeah, I mean, this guy, he should just start, he should start his own, like, Christmas lights business the way that he sounds like he's operating. It's, I mean, he runs a tight ship. He runs a tight ship on the Christmas lights. And you know, that says a lot about a fella.
Starting point is 01:03:39 It does. It's a, you know, they get their Christmas lights up, tighten bright. Well, geez, you know, they don't mess around other areas that I like to look at a guy that I go, he was raised right. He's raised raised in honest fella. All right. Well, Charlie, I think that's another episode in the books. What do you think? I think so.
Starting point is 01:03:57 Thank you, ball for listening to another episode of the belly up. And you guys just enjoy the heck out of yourselves. Hey, and don't forget to tip your bartender. Do not forget. Okay. Cheers. Cheers. Love you guys.

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