Bellied Up - The Keys To a Perfect Mullet #56

Episode Date: June 29, 2023

Our first caller is the father of a mullet champion he breaks down the do's and don'ts of a great mullet. Next caller is having trouble with her coworker. Last caller isn't sure if he shou...ld stay in his college dorm or not. Get yourself a ⁠"Road Huntin For Ditch Chickens"⁠ Hat Want us to come to your bar for a Bellied Up episode? Click Here

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Starting point is 00:00:00 All right guys, we're back baby belly up podcast here with Charlie Burns, Miles you betcha guy Charlie fourth of July's right around the corner fourth of July. Oh, I love the fourth of July Are you excited to play the game of will I blow a finger off or not? You know Folks, these are your top five tips for being safely fired That's a little visual joke. I was listening. I was pretending like one of my fingers got chopped off by a fire
Starting point is 00:00:30 word. I will say, stump Lake liquor and fireworks, shout out to them, not a sponsor, but you know, funny name for a firework stand. What's it called? Stump Lake liquor and fireworks. That's right. That's where they get the name from stump a lot of stumps after you guys got to handle your fireworks with care. Okay, don't go around
Starting point is 00:00:51 Shootin bottle rock and set your buddies. Okay. Well I don't want to endorse that but that's when you shoot bottle rock and tell your buddy just be safe. Wait, we're safety glasses Mm-hmm and also your body just be safe. We're safety glasses. And also give yourself distance. If you're, you know, it makes your distance is there. Those long wicks are your friends. Okay. That gives you time to get the hell out of the way. The extended wick. I'm a big, big proponent of it. It also builds suspense. You know, built suspense. Like what's going to happen? So it can be a dot. Is it going to just like burn the house down? Probably though, it's sometimes when it's a longer wick and you like, you thought that it went out and you start walking up to it and then all of a sudden it go off. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:01:33 that's a bad thing. Yeah. You know, fireworks honestly, they scare me a little bit because I'm not, I'm not because you're 36 years old now. Yeah. I've been around this earth miles. I've seen people lose limbs and stuff with the fireworks. Have you? I haven't watched it personally, but I had a buddy who used to, you know, have more digits than he's got. No, I think that they are dangerous if not handled properly. Yeah, you've got to handle with care. And just know that won't always go as advertised on the box too. You might be thinking you're getting a super explode or and it's a super dud. And it's tough to return a firework after you've already lit the wick. I know that from experience.
Starting point is 00:02:14 Good life lesson actually, Charlie. Yeah, I want you to put that on a shirt. But what's your favorite kind of firework miles? Um, I'm a big cake guy. You know, I like cakes. Cakes, um, is that where it? Well, it's, it's one that you light and has multiple things that shoot up in the air. Okay.
Starting point is 00:02:35 That's called a cake. And I think that there's different types of fireworks, right? There is the hand-to-hand combat firecrackers, bottle rockets, smoke bomb, snakes, all those. Yeah. And then you got the fountain switch. Unless you're buying them for kids, who is buying fountains anymore? Not only people buying them for kids, snaps. Snaps is one of my favorite things growing up where you know, you would just throw them
Starting point is 00:03:01 at people's feet. Then he felt bad as when you flick them in your fingers and they'd snap in your finger. You ever do that? Hey, no, but I should. Yeah, you got to try it next time in your, uh, if you got any nieces and nephews, their mind will be blown. They'll be like, whoa, why are you one my shit? Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:03:17 And then they'll try and they'll burn their finger and then all of a sudden, you're the problem. Well, it doesn't burn. Okay. Well, I yeah, I got to give that a go. But then you got the mortar one shotters, right? You drop the thing down the tube, you light it, it goes, shh. And that's it.
Starting point is 00:03:35 I like the ones that have a bunch of those in them, is what I like. So it's, shh. shh. shh. shh. shh.
Starting point is 00:03:44 shh. shh. I like those. I really like your sound effects, is what I like the I really like your sound effects is what I like miles are you the guy are you the guy who goes out and gets the fireworks are you the guy who even though you didn't get them in Siss on lighting them are you the guy who just likes to sit there and watch well we're in a transition period in my family. Okay. Well, we're in a transition period in my family. Okay. My dad for the longest time would get the cakes and the fireworks and all that, but I think now that my brother, sister, have kids and hopefully have kids here in the coming years, it's gonna switch.
Starting point is 00:04:18 We're gonna have to do a passing of the guard and we will be the ones now purchasing the fireworks. Do you think your dad is just gonna let go of that throne? I don't know. I think he probably will. Because I think for spending 500 bucks on fireworks, this is exactly what he wants to spend his money on these days. That's true.
Starting point is 00:04:37 I think it's to it a little bit. Yeah. Well, that's, that's fun. I'm excited for you and your family to take on that torch. Nothing's worse to then get into firework and not realizing it's a whistler. Oh, you know, the whistler is being prepared for the whistler. Well, the whistler, could you give me a little sound effects? So, oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:01 And it doesn't, it doesn't even explode. It's just, it's just whistles like, oh, come on. Like watching your. It's just it's just whistles like oh come on Like watching your friend play video games is what that's like, you know It's boring. Oh Once you think I meant I was trying to connect whistling with that. Yeah, no It's like a mole for it. Those are the worst and and and if we ask someone gets one of those Well, it's always one of those they throw in for free And so you feel like you got to light it because it was for free and then it starts and everyone's like all right
Starting point is 00:05:30 When's this one? Oh, yeah, yeah Why do you like this one? Are you a guy who enjoys the whole firework show? Are you just like where's the finale? You know what it's a great another great life lesson Charlie It's not about the finale. It's about all the fireworks along the way. Take time to sit there and enjoy the fireworks because someday there will be a finale. When the, when the quite literally the smoke settles, there won't be any fireworks left. No. So enjoy them while
Starting point is 00:06:06 you can. Or a finger left if you're holding the fireworks. Sure, that is true. Um, final question after the fireworks. Are you the guy who says, Oh, man, that was awesome. Or are you immediately going to critique it? Are you going to give an honest assessment of the fireworks? Are you just going to appreciate the fact that you got any fireworks. I'm you know me. I'm a cry no I'm a critic. I knew that question. Yeah, I'm a critic. Just wanted to hear you say it but Well, we hope that everyone is safe this Fourth of July holiday. Yep. Remember to
Starting point is 00:06:39 always light fireworks with safety and helmets and shoulder pads and proper attire. Yep. For a lot of fireworks. Stay safe. Shin guards. Be smart. Shin guards. And do not do anything. Charlie and I wouldn't do this fourth of July. Treat take some callers, Charlie. Let's do it, Miles.
Starting point is 00:07:04 Welcome to the Belly to podcast. Are you coming to us from the eye of a hurricane? Absolutely. Sounds like there's a, uh, a whole deal of wind going on out there. Who we got on that, uh, the call today. I saw Eric just acting there pulling over to get you off my truck and then it'll be a lot better. Okay. All right. You know what?
Starting point is 00:07:32 We really appreciate you doing that for us. Yeah. Where you at? What you're hauling. Oh, well, I actually love hauling some diesel fuel here. Oh, it's something you want to be careful with. Sorry. That was a tiny bomb. Just a tiny one, God. Okay. All right. Well, this is off to a great start. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:07:54 where were you taking the diesel, the diesel fuel? Well, it's actually down to the cross. Well, it's down to, oh yeah. Hell yeah. Beautiful down there this time of year. The, the, you know, it's nice down there. Well, why don't you tell us what's up? The Mayflies. The Mayflies. Yeah, we're actually calling. You were calling. Yes, I was calling. Now, my son's not here, unfortunately. We listen all the time, but my son is Emmett Bailey the USA Mullet champ. Oh, I know all about Emmett that kid is That is a good looking kid you got there, okay, and did you cut that hair? Oh
Starting point is 00:08:41 No, okay No, I'm not that I'm not that good. I'm bald. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I don't think I'd feel comfortable walking into a barber shop and seeing a bald guy cut my hair. You know, it's just one of those things. I gave up for the good fight a few years ago. Now how does how does Emmett feel? Being the the mullet champion and then seeing his father Knowing that that could be his future have you guys have you guys had that talk have you had the talk yet? Oh, yes, yeah, we've had lots of talks about the hair and how he's got to enjoy it now because he's
Starting point is 00:09:25 only got a solid 10 to 15 years left in it's gone. Wow. And how old is he right now again? He's nine now. He's not. You're only giving them so 19, 19 to 24. You think he's going on that hair? The belly gene hair is not good.
Starting point is 00:09:47 Not good. Now would you ever encourage him to use a propitia or some sort of product to keep that hair on his noggin given that it's gotten him so far in life as just a young nine year old lad and where could it go from here? The the the possibilities are endless. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:10:07 I told him, you're going to keep that lion's mane intact if you want to keep the lifestyle going. Oh, yeah. And now I got a question for you guys. What does hair care routine look like? How are we, uh, teaming that man? Well, he's got a washing condition at every day because you can't be a mullet chair. team look like how we uh... team in that main well he's got a washing condition every day because
Starting point is 00:10:28 you can be a mullet champ with a ratty mullet yeah a hundred percent that is hundred if i if i know anything about mullet champs that what else you guys doing to it well we we go to our girl with little about every every month that you know, it all trimmed up looking fresh. She's got the dapper man in a Claire with the answer. Okay. Oh, the dapper man, the dapper.
Starting point is 00:10:54 Oh, the Dan man. Dan man. And how often are you watering it? Why try and water it twice a day? Okay. All right. Yeah, it's thirsty. Thirsty day. Okay. All right. Yeah, it's thirsty, thirsty, main. Now, hold on.
Starting point is 00:11:08 Okay. Alyssa is the one that I think we need to also highlight here because if I know anything about a mullet champ, it's that you're nothing without your hairstyle list or barber. Yep. And so is she just as proud of the mullet as you guys are? Oh, absolutely we give her a shout-out whenever we can she was Estatic when he won the championship and it was her hands that crafted it. Wow that is It's good that you give the the credit where it's due is there a picture Does she have a nice picture of him over there at the
Starting point is 00:11:46 Dapper Man in O'Claire, Wisconsin? Oh yeah, we made sports cards so we can hand them out so we autographed for many gave her one. Good now. Now are you worried a little bit? You know, he's starting to become what I would call a child star. How are you managing the fame, the fortune and everything in between? How are you handling that as a parent? Has the mullet gone to his head? Well, we got to keep him grounded. He still has to do the dishes and feed the dogs and clean up dog. So we want to keep him grounded.
Starting point is 00:12:24 So he's grounded right now, or is that what you're saying? Yeah. See his room. Well, no, he's certainly at school. He was grounded. Now he's back to normal life now. How is he dealt with the influx of ladies at such a young age? Well, that's a funny party. Still doesn't know how to talk to him. So he gets real nervous. Uh, but when you're his age and you got to mean like that, all you got to do is whip it back and forth a little bit. And that's all the talk and he needs, I think. Yeah. He just exactly. You worry though that he's relying too much on his looks to get a head in life now. Get ahead in life. Pun intended. Yeah, I'm hoping. Yeah, I got that one. Yeah, he, uh, I think that his, his
Starting point is 00:13:15 looks is what he's going on right now, but he's open his new racing career, uh, takes him off. Oh, now did he get the haircut and then decide to be a racer or did being a racer influence the haircut? No, he had the haircut and that's what he wanted to do with his winnings was buy a go kart so he could start racing. And did he? He did, he Wow. So how much does the winning there be in a mullet champ actually now? I'm curious. Yeah. It was $2,500. Wow. That's a lot of go kart. Yeah, that is. What you got in there of V4. Pretty much. Yeah. It's a predator for Marba Freight. pretty much. Yeah, it's a predator from Harbor Freight. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:07 Dang. You know, anything about Go Karts, sure, not a damn thing. No, it sounds really good. No, sounds awesome. Has he crashed it yet? The Go Kart. Nope, not be actually only got to drive it last Sunday for the first time. Oh, wow. I'm surprised that it gets a Go Kart and can only drive at one. He can't just drive that around the neighborhood.
Starting point is 00:14:28 Like one all this one's a racing. Go like 70 miles. So that'd be bad. That'd be kind of fun though. So he sits at the track. I don't think the neighbors are going to appreciate it. Right. It sits at the track though. All the time.
Starting point is 00:14:42 I'll say the neighbors are gonna appreciate it. Right, it sits at the track though, huh, all the time. Well, I'll say it'll be in a trailer in our front yard until the weekends. What number is he? 32. Nice. Nice. Okay, well here I got a question that I imagine
Starting point is 00:15:01 that there's a lot of kids out there that are aspiring bullet champs. What advice as the as the father of one? What advice would you give to those kids out there? Definitely be yourself. I met through the whole process once he has felt and that's like the country fell in love with him. That's great embrace who you are. Unless you're boring, don't be yourself. Okay.
Starting point is 00:15:28 Yeah, if you're boring. That is true. Yeah, unless you're boring, you're going to have to make a character out just like for a wrestler. Yeah. Yeah. Do you think that that could be a future for Emmett? Is maybe the professional wrestling roots since this is kind of a gateway in the sense. I could I could see it. He is a he is a wrestler. Now if I could see with the long air throw roll bottom, it'd be a mini Ric Flair. Yeah, Ric Flair, maybe a
Starting point is 00:15:54 Hulk Hogan type of vibe, you know, now with the wrestling. Yeah, we do have the gene for that. Yeah, yeah, the balding with we call that I think the Yeah, yeah, the balding with we call that I think the skull I think we call that the skull it the skull it yeah Yeah, yeah, he could be a skull it champ someday as well Hey speaking of which what's the merchandise play after you become the world mullet champ? Are there some Mullet two pays out there of Emmets and is he getting some good coin off of that some residual income from this we have some t-shirts out there some mullet boy t-shirts because uh... media kind of
Starting point is 00:16:33 deemed a mullet boy emit baili so we have some mullet boy gear up there i have to check that out what's the website of mullet boy shirts uh... it's right now you can go on his Facebook page, Mullet Boy, Emmett Bailey, and there's a link to it right there. We got to up your merch game right now. It needs its own self-contained website, and we got to expand the kuzis, you know, and, um, well, and, and coms, as well, coms be big. Uh, that's a good idea. Travel size shampoo bottles. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:08 With his face on him. And conditioner and conditioner. Basically his same deal. What's he doing? Is he a high class now? Is he using head and shoulders? Where's he? Paul Mitchell guy.
Starting point is 00:17:20 Yeah. Yeah. Three and one kind of fella. Yeah. You know, he's with them all at you can't be putting. Yeah, we got to have tools. Yeah, you're gonna have to. I'm so sorry about that offense that Charlie just gave to you guys assuming that he uses three and one shampoo conditioner body watch. What is wrong with that? A mullet champ would never do such a thing. Okay. Well, I'm sorry for
Starting point is 00:17:45 my ex miles. Geez. You know, honest mistakes. Yeah. He's a lot of keeping what got him. Yeah. Yeah. What's your hair care routine these days? A lot of lot of wax. Well, yeah, it's a it's just, you know, we shave it once a week and then shampoo three and one
Starting point is 00:18:06 We take care of it all we don't have no hair to worry about so we're good. Do you have a mullet on your face at all? You got any hair you're worried about? Yeah, we got the beard we take care of that. Oh good for you. Nice. Good for you. Well, this has just been an honor To talk to you and and you'll have to tell Emmett that we says hi and hopefully we can get Emmett on the show at some point too you know. For sure for sure I will try and next time he's not in school I will try to get all these guys and he can be on he'd love to talk we laugh and listen to you guys all the time. Well that'd be great you, if he keeps progressing in the go kart racing thing, you
Starting point is 00:18:50 know, he won't even need school. He'll just, he can just, well, he's going to stay in school, you know, just in case, you know, because racing, sometimes he get the yips, he can't drive anymore. But if he ever needs a sponsor for his race car, you know, the belly-up podcast we love to sponsor his race car at some point. Well, absolutely. I was actually going to bring that up because I've heard Miles talk about wanting to be a car owner for a long time.
Starting point is 00:19:18 We'd be loved to team up. I think this is the first place that starts. We should do a little belly up action. We should get some negotiating point, though, is we need our faces on it, though. It's not just the belly up name. We need our faces on there. Well, that's a lot of pressure because I got to do my hair for that picture. Well, we'll get you off of the three and one shampoo and we'll get you some conditioner and some regular shampoo. We'll get you a look at nice. We're gonna have Alicia or Alyssa. And Alyssa, you know, Claire fix you right up.
Starting point is 00:19:51 And you'll be looking good over at the the the dapper. What we could do, Charlie, is we could photoshop mullets on ourselves. That's what we'll do. That's what we'll do. Take the pressure off. Well, this has been really awesome. Thanks for calling in.
Starting point is 00:20:06 We are interested in being a sponsor, so make sure you DM us on the bellyup Instagram and we'll figure that out. Perfect. Sounds good, man. Well, that would be exciting. Oh, yeah. Well, I appreciate you pulling over for us and excited about the sponsorship,
Starting point is 00:20:25 potential sponsorship here. And, you know, I think that our number 32 Ford go-cart ran good today and belly-up sponsor is just so proud to represent them today. Absolutely. And be careful with that diesel now. We perfect, I will. All right, watch for deer. I will tell your folks to say hi.
Starting point is 00:20:51 I will do you bet you. All right, thank you guys. Yeah, thank you. What a, you know, I thought it was going to be a lot more racing team, but I guess I'm a go-kart guy now. Hey, see how easy I could be persuaded. Sometimes life just persuades you. You know what I do think we need? team, but I guess I'm a go-kart guy now. Hey, see how easy I could be persuaded. Sometimes life just persuades you. You know what I do think we need? We need bumper stickers. Guys,
Starting point is 00:21:11 belly up bumper stickers. I don't know what we not have those. Well, we see at the bar. Exclamation point on a car. Yeah. Yeah. I'd rather be belly up to the bar. Yeah. Yeah, actually is maybe a good one. That's good. What else? Well, we got to think about it because we got to think about it. I know, we're doing it right now. Oh, yeah, we're thinking right now. But what are we going to put on this kids car?
Starting point is 00:21:34 Okay, our kids car. Our kids car. Yeah, wait, it's tough to put belly up on a kids go car. I know. I know. Think about that. That's why I said the faces. Oh, yes.
Starting point is 00:21:43 I thought we were just talking everyone else's bumper cars. That's what I'm talking about. Yeah, yes. I thought we were just talking everyone else's bumper cars. That's what I'm talking about. Yeah, only adults can have our belly up logo with the beer and the bar dice on their go cards. Yeah. All right. Do you want to buy a go card with me? Yeah, I mean, I'll find it if you buy it.
Starting point is 00:22:00 How's that sound? I've drove one of those go cards actually, by the way. My friend had one and they are unbelievably fun. It's wild because you're only like a couple inches off the ground. Yeah. The seat is and it's pretty sick. Yeah. You got to wear like a helmet, everything.
Starting point is 00:22:16 Yeah. They go and get up to 70 miles an hour. Yeah, I don't know if the one that I had got up that high, maybe like 45, I don't know, but still 45 of the go card,ing feel pretty good going on corners and trying not to spin out the whole thing rubbing it like the once. Hugging it. That's what I meant. I'll get the the the turn.
Starting point is 00:22:41 Just talking. I said just a rubbing. Just rubbing. Well, I can say rubbing is racing. Yeah, there's rubber. No, like anyways. All right, we'll take another color. Welcome to the belly to podcast. We chit chat with. Hi, this is Daisy. I can't believe I got on. You got on on Daisy where you calling him from I live in Indiana in order of Indiana nice nice. What do you do for a living? Work time and like a
Starting point is 00:23:26 Production factory, but I'm training to be a pilot right now. Okay, you all right. Well, why did you belly up to the bar with us? Tell us what's on your mind? Okay. Uh, so I am this co-worker who the moment, you know, army like a rat on a keto like, wait, does not give me a moment in clock is, just follow me around. You cut out, you cut out again. You cut out, you cut out. You cut out. We need you to say it again. We couldn't hear you. Yeah, right before Rad on a Cheeto, say it from the beginning. Okay, so every time I come into work,
Starting point is 00:23:56 this coworker comes to me like a Rad on a Cheeto, she doesn't give me a moment to like do what I need to do constantly in my ear talking. And I just don't know how to like get a little space. Okay. Ah, so okay. First of all, I got to ask you think she like, likes you? What do you think she just likes you? Good question. What do you think she just likes you? Good question. I think it's like I know a little bit of her backstory.
Starting point is 00:24:29 And super nice person. It is, I need a moment of space. It's kind of one of those people, you know? Well, I think we all know someone that can be a lot. Yeah. That's the way to say it. You don't say that someone's annoying. You just say, they can be a lot. They can be a lot. Yeah. That's the way to say it. You don't say that someone's annoying. You just say, they can be a lot.
Starting point is 00:24:49 They can be a lot. That's what I say about miles when I'm talking to other people about him. And so I think there's a way that you can get around this and get her to take your hint. Now, what does she talk to you about that can be the most annoying? Because I've got a couple tactics. One tactic has be direct, not very Midwest of us. Another tactic is to just do what you're doing and accept it
Starting point is 00:25:13 and deal with it. That's a very Midwest way. That's what you've been doing. Here's a third tactic, but I need to know what is she talking to you about most of the time. talking to you about most of the time. I feel like I'm crap talking now. But it's like, have you ever heard of D&D? Yeah, D&D. Dungeons and Dragons. Okay, she's talking to you about Dungeons and Dragons.
Starting point is 00:25:41 Do you like Dungeons and Dragons? I can't really say I do. I'm kind of to this no hunt and be keeping, you know, outdoors, you kind of your all fun. Not my cup of tea. Wait, you're into beekeeping. Well, let's not, we'll get into that. Okay. Let's finish with.
Starting point is 00:25:56 Sorry. I'm you're good. I've got, I knew I knew immediately. I've got a, I've got a tension. Dungeons and Dragons. No, no, so did you do AD&D. Yeah. Did you do something at the beginning of this friendship that you were trying to
Starting point is 00:26:13 be nice and sound a little bit interested in D&D and then that's why she just keeps talking to you about it. I feel like I did make that mistake and then it kind of just was a rabbit hole from there. Yeah, that's the problem. You try and be nice. They think that you're genuinely interested in it and then they won't leave you alone. So you're going to have to find a time machine. Look at all the delirious.
Starting point is 00:26:39 See what they got cooking if they got a flux capacitor. Getting that sucker. Go back to your first day on the job and just say, I don't know, I don't know, Dungeons and Dragons. I'm sorry. Or that's the problem. Sometimes I pretend to know because I just feel so bad because I have best that I've gotten to this.
Starting point is 00:27:01 This is hilarious. You've been pretending to know about tensions and dragons for this long that your Yeah, I don't know. Sometimes I said dumbest things. If you look at me, like I'm stupid, but I just want to be nice to not be a yeah, okay, person, right? Oh, I got a great idea for you. If you want to get out of this scenario, you got to tell her for you. If you want to get out of this scenario, you got to tell her that the boss got mad at you too for chip chit chatting a little bit
Starting point is 00:27:31 and just say like I would I want a chit chat. I want to do it. But bosses, I got to come in and just get right to work. It really sucks. You know, I want to talk about ghouls and and goblins, but I just She's your boss Already been talked to before like hey, you need to focus and stuff and not so much me But her but you know guilty by association and it's I could be working in the whole time. It's all around D D, larking, whatever it is. Let's have into it. Larking live action role play. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:13 This girl sounds awesome. Yes. Yeah. Here's what you need to do. You can you can just mirror her. You know, I think you got to learn how to play D&D. No, no, no, no. She's got to think you got to learn how to play D&D. No, no, no. She's got to be even more a lot.
Starting point is 00:28:28 That's it. She's got to be even more. You need to be so annoying, we clingy to her. Yeah. That she actually gets turned off by you and starts doing it to another cold water. Yeah. Be the mirror to her.
Starting point is 00:28:42 So you just mirror her and you find the thing you're most passionate about, which you said was be keeping. So all you do is just talk to it, just go down the B hole. Don't go down the B hive hole. Okay. Go deep into the B hive. You just started going the B whole. Gee. Charlie.
Starting point is 00:29:05 I meant B hive. Go deep. Go to NSF. I meant to say rabbit hole. Go deep into the B hive with her. Tell her all about B. Well, let's roleplay at Charlie. You and I will collectively be fans of D and D. Yeah, larp it.
Starting point is 00:29:22 And we're going to larp this. And you are going to need to even come harder at us with beekeeping so we get annoyed and and want to talk to another one. So Charlie. Yeah. So, uh, did you happen to Larp this weekend? I was a fucking ghoul. What about you Charlie? I was over at the park. I was a night, a medieval night, and I totally beat his behind With a sword and with my well, okay, yeah, my wand. Yeah, I like to call my wands my swords But that's a just a thing sometimes I do that, you know, I call my wands my swords because I like have this other thing where I do Renaissance fairs Do you go to a Renaissance fairs? Oh, are you asking me? Yeah, we're asking you.
Starting point is 00:30:07 We're doing a lot right now. We're rolling. I think you're not for taking that fun. OK, you know what? See, see, what you need to do, what you need to do is you need to now start talking about geek beekeeping to us to throw us off our game. So go ahead.
Starting point is 00:30:22 OK, OK. Well, most of the bees in the B high are actually girl bees. Most people think it's all guys, but you know, it's a lot of girls is there. Really? You know, there's actually a lot of guys at Renaissance fairs. Yeah, there are. I love a good Renaissance fair. You have you ever had the chicken at the Renaissance fair on that big old drumstick, Daisy? That's a turkey, gleg turkey. That's what I meant.
Starting point is 00:30:46 But you have you had honeycomb. I mean, that's pretty good. Straight from the beehive, you know? Yeah. Oh, you sure bring it up this beehive a lot. But have you ever, speaking of a queen bee, I was larping the other weekend and I went to the queen's castle and I did some sorcery. I got him in the Queens Castle because I was protecting him and I got past the guards
Starting point is 00:31:12 and I broke him into the Queens Castle. What do you think of that? I think that I'm really bad at room playing here. No, you were doing so incredible there. See, I think the problem is, is she's too nice. She's too nice. But that's what, this is a perfect tool for a nice person, because all you have to do is say, what you're interested in, and approach her. I know what you, that's so not intuitive to approach her, but approach her with all these beautiful beech facts.
Starting point is 00:31:44 And guess what might happen? Maybe she's going to get really into beat keeping herself. And now you found yourself a best friend. That's the magic of all of this, Daisy. You know, it's not the, that's what flower you're flying to. It's about collecting the honey along the way. It's all about collecting the honey along the way all about collecting the honey along the way What do you think Daisy ultimate?
Starting point is 00:32:09 I'm gonna be verse The ultimate who know be verse No reverse Do you want to be friends with her? Yeah If she weren't annoying would you want to be afraid I call? I'm not a coward. I'm not like a socially awkward person anyway, so. So she. So I'm worried. It may be, but I don't know.
Starting point is 00:32:32 I just feel like our interests are completely different, but maybe if I take your approach, I'll have a new beekeeping buddy. There you go. I can tell in the way you said that, that you're not totally convinced, but I'm not going to do this. I don't know. I like that. I like that you're not totally convinced, but I'm not going to do this.
Starting point is 00:32:45 I like that you are people pleasing us. Have you taken in any a Graham test? I have not. You should take one of those. It's really eye opening. If you just Google that. But no, I look, I mean, that's the other, you look, you got two options, okay? You either go down the B hole or you, you just be honest with her and say, Hey, listen, I got to focus on work.
Starting point is 00:33:15 I can't talk very much at work. So we can talk for the first 10 minutes when we see each other, but you know, you got to set your boundaries and say, I can't talk after this. I, we could also set her up, you know, set up the other person that got fired. No, no, don't set her up to get her fired. Don't, don't do that. But set her up with another person at the office. Yes.
Starting point is 00:33:37 Find the other week or late at the office. You know, you know that Janet over there, she actually is a level four D&D wizard. I saw pictures of her at a Renaissance fair. You should go talk to her. Oh, I love it. Yeah. That's a lot. See, we got there eventually.
Starting point is 00:33:56 It was a little round about path, but we got there eventually. So well, what do you think you're going to try that? There was one other thing. Oh, yeah, please. Oh, definitely. You're right. You know, I'm going to get to work and maybe find that poor person and set them up with deities.
Starting point is 00:34:15 Hell yeah. Hell yeah. What's your other question? One other thing. So I'm a pilot and I like flying and recently I flew West Thompson. I don't know. Charles had any good places. That's easy, Charlie.
Starting point is 00:34:29 Had any good places to fly into West Thompson. Oh, Charles has a ton of good places to fly into Wisconsin. Actually, we had another caller who just got his license and he was at the same thing. But I say this. I say Wisconsin, Del's hayword, the driftless area of Wisconsin, which looks like Ireland, you know, because there's all these rolling hills and stuff and it looks like Ireland, if you've had enough Brandy, which you don't want to do while you're flying. Go to the Apostle Islands, way up at the tip of the top of the thing of the map of Wisconsin at the top of the
Starting point is 00:35:07 hand. Some of the right of these beautiful islands right on like superior, they have ice caves in the winter. They have you know, sea caves in the summer and you can kayak through them. Door county is beautiful. Yeah, there you have it. So that's just your quick stuff and you can find a whole other list in this book called the Midwest survival guide. Miles loves it when I put my book on this show. So I have to do it every episode. Thanks Miles. Anyway, yeah, that's gonna be fun. Get back on over there. It's a great state. We'd love to have you back. All right. Thanks, guys. All right. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:35:47 Hopefully it gets better. And just remember you catch more flies. Bees with honey. All right, guys, watch out for the deer. All right. You two now, but by well, Miles, Charlie, I think we you and I should go to a Renaissance fair one time. I too, we should. Jared goes to the Renaissance fairs. Do you? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:11 I've been to one. Yeah. I think he goes to him. I've been to a couple. I think they're super fun. I would love to do an activity like that. Maybe we should do a belly up from a Renaissance fair. That would be us. We could both be dressed as. Yeah. Yeah. No, that would be so sweet, dude. They are bars at Renaissance fairs. We should do it.
Starting point is 00:36:31 Yeah. Okay. Well, we'll put that on the list of ideas to talk about later. It's a great idea. Okay. If you're listening out there right now, please send us messages. If you think we should do this from a Renaissance fair, and which one we should do it from.
Starting point is 00:36:45 And what Charlie should dress as? Yeah. What should we learn? I will wear whatever you guys want me to wear. I will not. I think we'll not come into that. Why? It's fun.
Starting point is 00:36:56 It's fun. You're going to put me in the, you know, the fools outfit. The Jesser. The Jesser. The Jesser. Why are you sprayed? Well, you know, you can wear a cod piece. No, it's going to be hot.
Starting point is 00:37:08 Oh, um, we'll figure it out. We'll figure it out. Um, but that is tough, though, to have someone that's nice and thinks that you're really good friends with, but now affecting your professional life. Tell me about it, dude. That's how I ended up at this bar today. good friends with, but now affecting your professional life. Tell me about it, dude. That's how I ended up at this bar today. What's taking another collar?
Starting point is 00:37:31 Happy birthday, America. Nothing's more American than cows. Happy birthday. Nothing's more Wisconsin than cows. Who the cow? Nothing's more Wisconsin than drinking things from cows. I met a cow that was born on the 4th of July. What was his or her name? Denise.
Starting point is 00:37:54 D nice. D nice. And it was a great and the cow was awesome. The milk red white and blue. If you guys want to be celebrating in the most Wisconsin, Midwest, American fashion this year, you got to pick yourself up some tippy cow vanilla soft serve. Actually, I think would be the way to go. Yeah. Just seems like a vanilla vanilla holiday, don't you think? Oh, yeah, honestly, yeah, because that's the white, you know, the red, white and blue. Yeah, this is the white in your and the vanilla soft serve has a blue label.
Starting point is 00:38:29 So all she need is is a little red. Um, maybe you put some cherries in this. So some door County cherries and then you got the red, the white and the blue in your glass, typical, uh, we found it. We found it. You go find it at a liquor store, sipping on back. It's a great lake drink. It's a great over ice.
Starting point is 00:38:49 It's great any time of the day. Check it out. Tipeek cow. Tipeek cow. Welcome to the Belly Up Podcast. Who do we have on the line? This is Dennis from Kentucky. Louisville Kentucky. Dennis from Louisville. How you doing, pal?
Starting point is 00:39:11 Going along to get along, you know. Going along to get along. Wanted to belly up with us. Tell us what's on your mind. What's going on? So I am a, I'm a college student and I sophomore year, but I took a couple gap years. So I'm older than everybody else in my dorm. So I'm really trying to get out of there. So why did you take a couple gap years?
Starting point is 00:39:40 Just because I didn't really want to go to college right out of high school, but then COVID happens. I was like, I'm sure it's held. I'm going to waste money on school right now. So I was like, didn't want to go online. Yeah, I mean, I think that's by smart. Did you work at the gap in those years? No, no, I worked at like the largest employer back in Louisville. I'm taking a gap year. Oh, you're just where you're working?
Starting point is 00:40:12 Yeah, the gap. I already told you do it. Dude, I just set up taking a gap year. I didn't say I'm taking a cinema year. That would be great advertising for hiring for the gap. It would be great. Take a gap year. Take a gap year.
Starting point is 00:40:24 I like that. Yeah. Okay. You always a marketing one around here. Yeah. We're we're we're good. We'll figure it out. So anyways, you're you're you were working where, though, really, you were we were too busy laughing at our own terrible jokes to listen to you. I was working at your P.F. You P.S. Doug Heffernin on the you. I was working at B.P.A. U.P.I.S. Doug Heffernin on the line. Yeah, look at this.
Starting point is 00:40:48 You ever seen the show King of Queens? Are you too young for that? Too young for that one, I think. Eyes are getting weary. A back's getting tight. I'm sitting here and trying. Uh-huh-huh-huh-huh. This really is. All I want to do is drive my car right home to you. I think
Starting point is 00:41:11 that's the theme song of it. That's really good. Wow. You're a really good singer. I think you should do that professionally. Hey, sorry, I derailed it again. What's your favorite kind of package to? What was your favorite kind of package to deliver? I phones. They were really small, really light. Oh, yeah, around really easily. Nice. Nice. But back to the point. Well, hold on. Let's stick with the mail man thing here.
Starting point is 00:41:40 You know, I'm mail man. How dare you call that you put us man a mail man, delivering mail. Wow. I'm packing chips put us man a mail man. So delivering mail. Oh, I'm going into plane. Okay, sorry, sorry. Okay, you know what? Sorry. He's the package man. I was on an airfield and speaking of all so you weren't actually
Starting point is 00:41:58 delivering them to the house. No, no, okay, because I was going to be my question is, did you ever get invited in for any tea or iced tea or anything like that? Any crumpets. Yeah, but never mind. Continue on. Keep going.
Starting point is 00:42:15 You're getting to what you called in for miles wanting to know if you were for. Yeah, so those are my gap years, but now I'm older than everybody in my dorm. How are you trying to move out? Uh, I'm 20, almost 22. So everybody else in my dorm is like 18 just out of college. And I'm like, uh, you don't know how to clean a room yet. Yeah, whip them into shape. All right. So you want to get the hell out of there?
Starting point is 00:42:41 Yeah. And I currently have an offer from somebody that I knew a long long time ago from Boy Scouts. And he's actually a really good dude. He knows how to clean up a room. I know that's for sure. He's a boy scout. He better. You know what, I think he actually leaves the room better than he found it. I've heard that scouts on her. I He could probably tie a good deal after his dog. He does Yeah, he cleans up after his dog so he's responsible on that account It's a green flag, but
Starting point is 00:43:21 The other person I would be moving in with is his girlfriend. So, you all have any advice or should I call the whole thing off entirely? Because I'm not committed to anything yet. But like, should I not move in with these people? Wow. How long have you known the girlfriend? Going on two years. It sounds like that's enough time to know that if you have to call a podcast, you know little sum, sum about her that's rubbing you the wrong way. That's true, but I don't know.
Starting point is 00:44:01 It just seems like one of those, one of those moments where I was just like I was coming to a crossroads because that's something I don't know jumping in on a lease and all these financial these people I was just kind of concerned that like something might be dissuade but yeah well okay so let's let's roll play it a little bit. Okay, I like roll play. Let's Paying a picture for you. Okay, so Is she introverted or extroverted the girlfriend? Is she talking to him or is she kind of quiet? Pretty introverted Well, what don't you like about it? Yeah, what? What is she done to you?
Starting point is 00:44:47 Nothing. She's like a great person. Like, we're kind of friends. Like, it's fine. So this gals ever so hesitant about it. If they didn't stretch your slinky, then what are you getting in the huff and a puff about? I don't know. I've been burned by a similar situation before. Do tell. I'm trying to have to do tell you other situation. How did you get burned? I was I was quite literally on the same precipice where I was about six months ago at the beginning of last semester. When I when I couple of my friends were like they started dating and I was still friends with both of them and they were like, hey, do you want to go in on an apartment? They would be cheaper than the dorms.
Starting point is 00:45:32 That was like, that's true. Why not? And then like, right as I was about to do that, a couple of red flags came up with a relationship and I was like, he pulled back. I feel like maybe red flags. Their relationship was full of arguments and blew up all the time. Suffice this day felt like the red headed stepchild. And do you see that in your current situation? Are you seeing any red flags such as that? And do you have red hair?
Starting point is 00:46:11 red hair. I don't have red hair, so I wasn't the stepchild. But I don't see any of those red flags on the surface, but I'm like, you know, also now the new perspective roommate from like, would I see them now? I wasn't looking as much for them. I don't know. Yeah, I think you're bringing you're bringing old relationships and the new relationships. Projecting your insecurities, you cannot do this. You have to learn to not do this in life. You have to learn to trust people. Have you taken an anyogram test? I would encourage you to take an anyogram test.
Starting point is 00:46:42 I would encourage both of them to take an anyogram gram test and that way you can all find each others Yeah, there's four letters Just take some personality tests and and it'll help you guys communicate better so that you guys can get along and if you Yeah, how does that sound? I feel like you you're very hesitant to do this. It's been around for a long time. I feel like that's something I would be open to. Should the whole thing start to hit the rocks, but I don't think. Like no, no, no, but you all are absolutely right. Like I said, trust and you know, accept them. Yeah. Well, they also say it's easier to stay healthy than to get healthy.
Starting point is 00:47:32 So maybe you should start the personality test right from the get go. That's what I'm thinking. It's easier to stay up than it is to get up. Are we still talking about any of your parents? Listen, I think that she is an introverted person. She's with a boy scout. This guy knows how to tie knots. Okay, I have a feeling that their relationship is going to work out.
Starting point is 00:47:54 All right. And you sleep. It's been two years. I haven't seen you red flags. Two years, no red flags. How long was this other relationship you walked your ass into? They were at eight months, different take. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:06 Yeah. This is a completely different situation. You can't project the last relationship onto these people. Yeah. And how far away is your room? Have you done a sleepover there? Go do a sleepover. Yeah, do a run to them.
Starting point is 00:48:20 It's not that fun. It's within biking distance, which is something I was looking for. Well, that's good. So you've gone, slept over there. There's no biking distance, which is something I was looking for. Well, that's good. So you've gone slept over there. There's no red flags in the middle of the night. There's no early morning ruffling of the feathers. No, no.
Starting point is 00:48:36 The dog is good. The dog's good. OK, are they kind of, there's a dog too? Yeah, there's a dog. OK, and are they quiet people all the time? It's gonna be hard for you to sleep. Yeah, they're not a party. We all know how to party, but yeah, we're a really kind of quiet. Okay. So yeah, so there's nobody getting a little hammered, hammy slammy and then, you know, going to practice, you know, what they do on the Discovery Channel.
Starting point is 00:49:13 No, no, no. Yeah, you're gonna be fine. Yeah, give it a go. Just do it. You, you, it sounds like you need to do it. It sounds like though what a good move could be is try everything again to keep her name off of the lease agreement. So if you want to sneak out the back door, you can. Yeah, see if you can pay them direct. Yeah. I think that's going
Starting point is 00:49:35 to be the plan. I'm really avoiding trying to have anything security deposit related to that style. You know what, though? I think there's another layer to this. What's that? I think there's another layer to this commitment issues. Yes. You have. You've already thought about going off of the lease. What are you so afraid of commitment wise? He couldn't commit to a year of college at a high school. He took a couple gap. Yeah, he went to work at the gap. You know, he doesn't want to commit to living with his buddy who seems. They seem to be a delightful couple. They do. I mean, it's, this seems like the perfect
Starting point is 00:50:08 throttle to me. What happened to you in the last few years that's maybe caused some commitment issues? Yeah, let's talk about your childhood. I don't know if it's childhood, but it was just like the last getting burned on the last lease agreement because I that's still kind of humps me because those people are still in my life bringing it up all the time. You know what are they bringing it up or are you bringing it up? What are they saying? They live across the street from each other so they just they're constantly talking smack about one another
Starting point is 00:50:46 But not you Nope, nope, they talk next to me about each other. Well, then move Yeah, we got all the solutions That's what I'm saying that's the that's it solves two problems. Yeah, just move in That's the, that's, it solves two problems. Yeah. Just move in. I got a confrontation all. Yeah, I don't like confrontation.
Starting point is 00:51:08 You're like rex and toy story, you know. That's great. The problem is, we can all get along. You just move in with this other couple. It's probably your best case scenario unless you got other options. You haven't brought them up on this phone call. Or just take another gap year, take the money
Starting point is 00:51:24 you get from gap and get your own place. That's true. Yeah. There we go. There we go. I don't know if that's the direction I was really hoping by fourth junior year would go. We can hope. Hey, life is a wild ride. It is times you don't know where it's going to go. No.
Starting point is 00:51:44 So, well, man, I mean, I think we, I mean, we have gave them as much advice as we've is a wild ride. It is sometimes you don't know where it's gonna go. No, so. Well, man, I mean, I think we, I mean, we have gave him as much advice as we've given anyone on this podcast. We have. And it's now in your hands. Balls in your court friend, you know, you've been fighting us
Starting point is 00:51:57 on a pretty logical situation here. So I love always non-confrontational with everyone else but us. But you're giving it to us. What's that about? What's that about?'m not just really hesitant. I'm sorry. I know you are just a you're you're overthinking it. Okay. Release your inhibition. You you just got to move on in, move on in, move on in, and feel the rain on your skin. You like that?
Starting point is 00:52:30 How do you even wrote a song for you? I love this. So remember that song? I love this. Natasha Benningfield. I have a very related voice that I knew one of them. There we go. Miles is just in that kind of mood today.
Starting point is 00:52:42 Well, friend, we think we got good old solution down there in Louisville, Kentucky. And you know, you also have no other options to do. What are you gonna do? Stay and your life is continues to what? I'm tired of drinking beer and private and secret. Yeah, you shouldn't have to drink beer and secret. He's like 42 years old and the dorms having a sneak dorm hooch and do the door so he can catch a little buzz in between science classes. Yeah, you got to get this resolved now. Stop living in the past, okay? Alrighty.
Starting point is 00:53:25 All right. Well, watch out for deer down there, okay? You too. Bye bye. All right. Bye. But you're on your tippy toes. We're trying.
Starting point is 00:53:34 What are you trying to do? Where you trying to prove? I don't understand it up. So I thought I'd. What's your only I think? My wife. We did a frustrating. Really?
Starting point is 00:53:44 I was. I was. Uh, I was like, are we speaking English? Or are we speaking? It felt like at times we were speaking Mandarin to him. And he just kept coming back and, and, and fighting with us. Now I know what it's like to have kids. You know what? I, I think we better call that couple and let them know what they're getting into living with him.
Starting point is 00:54:03 I know this guy, this guy knows how to hold on to the brush. One time they're gonna accidentally eat the last slice of bread in the kitchen, and he's never gonna let him hear the end of it. He's gonna call us up and talk to us about it. And you know what, I'm happy that we're an outlet for him. I do appreciate that. Well, I wish he'd be not so stubborn.
Starting point is 00:54:21 He's a little stubborn, but maybe he doesn't have anyone else to be an outlet for this. And that's where we came into his life. That is true. And that makes me feel good. Does that make you feel good? Yeah, I mean, I don't know. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:34 Well, it makes me feel good enough for the both of us. So anyway, folks, thanks for tuning in to another episode of the Belly Up podcast. You know, we'd love to come to your favorite small town or bar too. So if you got one that you want to recommend send us a message over at And where's it? It's not either of those. So just go to the Instagram page at and the link is in that bio. Sounds good. Sounds good. We should get a website though. If you heard about the web revolution, you
Starting point is 00:55:04 know, you're talking about the world wide web the world wide web You can actually have a belly-up calm if you want did someone else buy it out there? Keep saying that then we got to get it now before you get it We should really get into it. I got a I got a URL guy. We'll see all right Well guys Thanks for tuning into another episode of belly-up podcasts We're gonna see in the next one in Charlie What do they need to do always if you get a juicy Lucy at man?
Starting point is 00:55:29 You better tip your bartender because oh my gosh, was that good? I tell you what see the folks love you guys

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