Bellied Up - We Talk To An Amputation Expert #103

Episode Date: May 30, 2024

In this episode, we're at Stalley Cats in West Allis, Wisconsin. The first caller wants to know how to get his wife to eat more vegetables and what should be on the Midwest Food Pyramid. The next ...caller is having trouble with his wife's friend at the campsite. The last caller feels like he's too honest with people who need amputations and needs a little more Midwest Nice in his life. Get yourself a ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠"Road Huntin For Ditch Chickens"⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Hat Check Out Myles' other Podcast ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠You Betcha Radio⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Check Out Charlie's other Podcast ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Cripescast

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to another episode of the Bellied Up Podcast. I'm here with Charlie. Charlie, how you doing? Miles, you're wrong. I'm here with you. OK, we're here together. Stally cats, ladies and gentlemen. Nice, beautiful establishment here in all West Dallas. You know, you know what I like, Charlie? I got a little spring fever going on.
Starting point is 00:00:22 The doors are open. The natural air is coming through the place. Yeah. Beautiful day out miles. You know, how dare I sit next to you with that spring fever? You have to watch out. Yeah, I might. I might start humping your leg or something. I mean, I was going to take it to that level, but, you know, I've seen you. I've seen you watch enough dogs.
Starting point is 00:00:44 And after a while, they behave. Oh, I've seen you watch enough dogs and after a while they behave a woman, but they have a little fashion here. Look at that. Nice. Well, Charlie, yeah. I was actually thinking today about, no, you don't say I was thinking today. Wow. Charlie is cheap. Really? Those ads. That's just what you thought of today. Yeah. I mean those Midwest cheap videos he did. I don't, I think it was just you. It was an autobiography. Okay. I'm not cheap. I am Midwest cheap and there is a difference. There's a difference. Okay. I'll give you that. Yeah. Um, but what I'm saying is there, even a guy like you who's Midwest cheap,
Starting point is 00:01:26 there's stuff that even you wouldn't cheap out on. And I'm wondering what a guy like you wouldn't cheap out on. Interesting question, miles. Very interesting question. There are a few things that I don't cheap out on one of them binoculars. He's smart. I have a really good set of binoculars that now I got a deal on them. I got them with a coupon. Okay. But it there's the Midwest. Yeah. I like that. I waited for the, I waited for the right time to buy them, but these are some nice binocs. I will say other things that the, I waited for the right time to buy them, but these are some nice but knocks. I will say other things that are, I would recommend not cheaping out on if you can afford it. Anything that keeps you from the ground. That's what I was going to say. I was going
Starting point is 00:02:16 to say a mattress. Yeah. You know, you talk to, you talk to any of the, uh, the people who know what they're talking about. You want longevity. You want to be able to hunt and fish long into, you know, the golden years. So a nice mattress, nice pair of shoes. Yep. Anything that goes between you and the ground, right? Anything. Uh, yeah. Even if you're getting yourself a bicycle. Now I used to be a bike mechanic and I would take any frame that they had and just add onto it. And then I had frames that were too short for me or too big for me. Not good on the knees. No, no. So make sure you got good tires on your car too. Yeah. Cause you in the ground, the tires are the thing on your car that make contact with the
Starting point is 00:03:00 road. Yeah. Fish said that once. I'm not really a fish song. That's one of the that's one of the one songs I remember. The tires are the things on your car that make contact with the road. They were high miles. Anyways. Yeah, that's kind of where I go now. Is there anything anything that you kind of like? Because miles you're kind of cause Miles, you're kinda, you're for the most part I feel like like me,
Starting point is 00:03:29 but you kind of have a few things. Well, one for me right off the bat is toilet paper. Oh, you're a fancy, fancy toilet paper. I'm not gonna lie, I will splurge and get the nice toilet paper. What is even the nice toilet paper? 24 ply, something like that. I don't know. I gotta be honest with you. I don't pay any attention. I'll wipe with whatever. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:51 I mean, it's just basically the softer, the better for me. Yeah. Do you have, especially when you're in there three, four, five times a day, are you really? And are you, and you're rubbing and grinding down there trying to get her clean. It's that the single ply adds up after a while. Are you in there that many times? I wouldn't know. I mean, you are looking really slender these days. I basically just a lot of my way that I've lost weight is just take laxatives. Just crapping.
Starting point is 00:04:18 Yeah. Good for you, man. Pop some food in your mouth. Pop a laxative. There you go. Yeah, that is not, I got a full cabinet of turbo lax at my house. That's for fast effective relief, not medical advice. Ladies and gentlemen, anything miles says, anyone who says that I've been taking those Zempig. No, it's been turbo lax. I feel like everyone's on the OZ M pick train these days and they controversial subject. You know, it's funny. People like, Hey, how'd you lose some weight? And every time I tell
Starting point is 00:04:49 them that it's just working out and not eating bad, they're disappointed. They, they, they want me to, they want me to have this special formula. You know what I mean? Yeah. And I just, this, that's just actually hype. People don't want to hear that. Just hard work. Yeah. Just hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard. Oh wow. Did you guys hear that? Well, it sounds like somebody learned in college. Yeah. Yeah. Football, you know, D three baby. Yeah. That's really cool. That's a, that's a, you put that on a t-shirt cross that off the bingo card. Can't believe I said that already. I was just, that wasn't even
Starting point is 00:05:30 like a good one. No, I see. I was being lazy. I was being a lazy host right now. Yeah. I need to find a talent dial in here. Yeah. All right. Let's get dialed in. Let's and get dialed up. Yeah. Dial up. Let's get that on T-shirt. There you go. There you I knew we'd find it. All right. Let's take some callers. Welcome to the Belly. The podcast who we talking to today. Hey, you got Greg on the line.
Starting point is 00:05:56 Greg, Greg. Greg. Hi, Greg. How are you doing? Hey, doing well, guys. How are you doing today? Doing good. What watch belly up to the bar with us. Tell us what's on your mind, Greg. Hey, so I got, need some advice here. So I'm the primary cook for my wife and I. And one thing that we've been trying to figure out is how to get her to eat more vegetables. She's not a big fan. So what she does, she usually likes green beans and corn usually, but I want to find some, maybe some good Midwest
Starting point is 00:06:32 dishes to incorporate some, uh, try to disguise other vegetables in. Okay. Now, usually when we get this question, Charlie, which we get this question a lot about vegetables. It's usually for children. You know, how do I get my eight year old deep more vegetables? Sounds like this is a grown adult and I as I'm in uncharted waters here. Well, miles, here's the truth of it. I think that children are just more honest. I think there are a lot of adults out there that are not veggie intakers, you know? That makes sense. Greg, you know a lot of adults.
Starting point is 00:07:09 Do you know any other adults aside from your wife that aren't into the veggies? I know plenty of them, especially my closer friend group. Yeah, I mean, it's interesting. I have no idea how to figure it out because we do eat out of a fair amount and Just want to cut back so we don't die early, you know, yeah. Yeah, it's good. That's good Now is she does she not like cooked veggies? Does she not like?
Starting point is 00:07:39 Salads like like what is she sort of we just got to get to? Does she only does the corn and the whatever? I mean, yeah, usually a big fan of like Caesar salad stuff do, but she will absolutely scoff at you if you put a broccoli in front of her. Now, OK, you know what? I figured it out as soon as he said Caesar salad miles. She's just got to put ranch on it. Okay. Whatever the vegetable just add ranch. The worst, the vegetable, the more ranch you add and she'll be fine. Yeah. It needs to just treat the broccoli like it's a dip cone from dairy queen. Exactly. Just put it in all the way, then pull it out
Starting point is 00:08:22 and it should be completely coated in ranch. Yeah. And you just make sure she knows Greg that she's just been doing it wrong this whole time. Not her fault happens to a lot of grown ass adults. So just not putting enough ranch on their veggies. Yeah. And I think another good way to do it is if she's a good Midwestern gal, just start eating vegetables with alcohol. That's true. Bloody Mary. Bloody Mary. That's how I get my greens. Yeah. You start pickling them. You know, that that's a great, great idea. Basically, if you can find a way to make vegetables, not taste anything like vegetables, I think that's your ticket. That is, I mean, look at what they've, you
Starting point is 00:09:02 know, a lot of people have kind of said this. So this isn't anything special, but you look at the rebranding for cauliflower over the past few years. Some comedians got a bit on it. I forget who. I'm not trying to steal it, but cauliflower has been completely rebranded
Starting point is 00:09:19 and they fry it now in like bacon fat and stuff. Same with the Brussels sprout. Are you kidding me? If you can make cauliflowers and Brussels sprouts good, buy Omi, you're good on some. So I think that's your sort of gateway. You do have to remember when you're cooking the vegetables, you're losing a lot of the nutritional value.
Starting point is 00:09:40 At least I think I heard that once. Yeah, I've heard that before too. It's probably false though. Right? Yeah. Just remember cooking them loses the nutritional value, adding alcohol to them, enhances the nutritional value. Oh, I've heard that the booze really brings out the vitamin C booze brings it out. Yeah. And I've heard Greg, what do you think? Do you think any of those options could be possible? I'd say that's a lot of good ideas for sure. Um, I kind of thought of something else though. Like what do you consider the Midwest food pyramid? Like, like, do you consider like,
Starting point is 00:10:16 like cheese beer, uh, whatever, whatever else you could figure out. Yeah. All right. I'm just kind of, kind of curious. I want to meet some more dish ideas to cook up. All right, Charlie. Yeah. What is the Midwest food pyramid? Let's start at the bottom. What's the biggest section on the bottom grains, which is beer. Yep. Yep. Gotta have the beers. Yo, that's your Carvel cram. That that's sort of the centerpiece of the diet right there. Occasional, you know, occasional rye bread at the fish fry. Yeah. The breading on the wall. I know that's the next tier up, I think, Charlie.
Starting point is 00:10:54 What's that here up is just all fried foods. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Pickles, fish, French. Oh, yeah. OK. So we go. We go. I like this. So we got the beer on the bottom. Then we go fried foods. Yep.
Starting point is 00:11:11 Up above that, we got our pickled foods. Yep. Okay. And that's where a lot of the veggies can come in. Now, if you don't like a particular veggie, you try it pickled first before you say you don't like that veggie. Have you ever had pickled asparagus? Oh yeah. Oh, I mean, your pee is smelling for days with that.
Starting point is 00:11:32 Isn't that good? See, has your wife had asparagus yet? I don't believe she has. Okay. They have to put some in front of her though. I've always been a big fan of, yeah. I mean, well, basic pickles, any, like, especially when like, uh, anyone in your close family makes them like, especially in the coffee pot, like in an old coffee pot, you put some of the vinegar, some onions, some other, some other stuff in there that always hits the spot with me for sure. Yeah. You can even pickle northern too, you know, and that way you don't have to
Starting point is 00:12:07 cut out the Y bones. So it just the the pickling dissolves the bones. So keep that. Have you ever had fresh fresh water ceviche miles? I haven't. No. Come on over to my house after we'll have it. All right. Yes. I finally got an invite to Charlie's house. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:24 I mean, 100 and five or four episodes. I finally got an invite to Charlie's house. Yeah. I mean, 105, four episodes. I think it's about that time. Nice. It's about that time. All right, Charlie. What's the top of the pyramid? What should you be eating least? Hang on. We're still on the pickles. So pickled and then that's a split section. It's pickles and meats. Okay. A lot of jerky is in there. A lot of dried meats. All right. Smoked meat, smoked meats, non-smoked meats, grilled meats, grilled meats. Up above that, you've got your, you know,
Starting point is 00:12:52 your liquors. You shouldn't be going too crazy on the liquors. You know, not too crazy. OK, but just one every now and again. I would say if it's a Saturday night and you're at the bar, just go ahead and jumble that. Those are those are cheat days. And then you turn the pyramid upside down. Okay. 100%. What? Where does cheese fall in? Cheese? We haven't put cheese in here yet. I don't think so. Start the pyramid over, ladies and gentlemen. Start the pyramid over. It goes
Starting point is 00:13:22 in the fried section too. You got cheese curds. Well, but not all cheese curds are fried, Miles. We got to have the squeaky cheese curds in and we can't be putting them at the top. I'm worried about people's health. I know how the CDC feels when they come up with all these regulations. They always got to start over when someone
Starting point is 00:13:39 throws something else out. Yeah. And I OK, I do know what's that. FDA, FDA, FDA, CDC. We really should be hosting a podcast. The more we talk, the more I think years ago, the CDC did the same shit. They had to start over constantly. So yeah, yeah. First don't touch anything. Then where I met, it was the whole thing. So I wasn't completely wrong. And no miles, you shouldn't know miles. You should definitely know you're a nutrition scientist. Aren't completely wrong. And I was, you shouldn't know miles. You should
Starting point is 00:14:05 definitely know you're a nutrition scientist, aren't you? Yeah. I mean, but this is not exactly what they teach you in school. You know, we're, we're starting from ground zero here and working our way up. And at the tippity top of the food pyramid, I think we put salad. Yeah, I was going to say salad. And that can be. And that's why we're finding Greg's wife doesn't exactly love it because it's the thing she should be eating least anyway. That's true. Greg, I think he called in to ask for advice about your wife. And we are seeking the same advice your wife is in need of. So this was a big old waste of time for you, Greg. I did have a, I might've said this on this podcast, but when I, you know, I'm an exercise scientist. So when I was, wait, have you said that before?
Starting point is 00:14:57 No, this story. So when I was in college, I had a nutrition class. Yeah. And the lady who taught it was a hundred pounds overweight, which was ironic in itself. And she told us, no matter what, this is the advice for you, Greg and your wife. It doesn't matter how you consume vegetables. You just got to get them in. And she told us she will chop up spinach and put it in her brownies. That's not a bad idea. Cause I've put other green things in brownies and it turns out all the sugar with the brownies kind of cancels out all the good eating. Well, I tell you miles, you have got to try my brownies and choose from the sixties. She was born in the 60s. So I was wondering if it was even spinach. she was putting in those brownies. Oh yeah. Yeah. Okay. I see
Starting point is 00:15:50 how it is. You know, I'll tell you, here's some, here's some, just the devil's lettuce has got to be a vegetable, right? It is a vegetable. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Just cause the devil made it. Don't mean it ain't green. And by the way, folks, that's a misnomer. The devil didn't make that lettuce. Okay. Hard work and farmers did you support them? Okay. Anyways, I think we, I think we got something good in there. I think we did too. Yeah. We'll just, Hey, we'll just do like an offshoot. Here we go. Yeah. You encase the pyramid with cheese. That's it. The pyramid's gotta be surrounded by something. Cheese is just like water. You gotta consume eight cups a day. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It goes. Pyramid water goes around and
Starting point is 00:16:40 then cheese outside of water. Cause that's what you should be consuming the most. Exactly. And we should probably put some, some sort of, um, people are going to miles people are going to have turbo lacks turbo lacks. Let's make sure there's some turbo lacks in that food pyramid too. Also some Tums fry, you know, you, you, you know, a pickle back, right? Pickle back. Just do turbo back. Turbo back or no lacks back. Yeah. Yeah. The patrons of the bar seem to not have liked the lacks back. No, they are just looking the other way. I saw a crinkled nose and a frown. Yeah. So we're, we're still workshop it, but for eating that much cheesy, it's gotta come out somehow. Charlie. It's we're
Starting point is 00:17:32 just doing math here. And this folks, this is coming from a registered exercise scientist. Yeah. That's what they call me. R E S R E S registered. Yeah. And he, yes. And if you try this and you find out your health is not improving and in fact it's disproving, we never said this was going to improve your health. Oh yeah. We should make it clear that this is not going to improve their, in fact will not improve your health, but it's the way we live. It's more fun. It's more fun that way. Yeah. Hey, which pyramid you want to do? You want to do one that makes you live a long life, but you're miserable or you want to live a short life and have some fun and pick our pyramid, pick our pyramid. There you go. What do you think, Greg? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:16 I'm a big fan. I like to add the addition of anything like cheesy potatoes or I know people call them funeral potatoes, wherever you're at Midwest. That was actually absolutely have to be in the pyramid somewhere. Yeah. It's in the cheese section. I think. Yeah. I, I, yeah. Or the salad. Are you talking with cornflakes on the top? Oh yeah. Cornflakes breadcrumbs. Yeah. And I'm thinking off usually I like like cream of chicken soup. That's always a good well, that's always what's added in it too, but That's just how my mom makes it and it is absolutely heavenly and I know Charlie and miles your mom's I probably made it to at some point. Oh, yeah sure got a rival my mom's cheesy potatoes Well, hey Greg you tell your mom we want to mom's cheesy potatoes. Well, hey, Greg, you tell your mom we wanna try your cheesy potatoes.
Starting point is 00:19:06 All right, so if she could send us some, that would be great. That should keep, right, Miles? Yep. Yeah, just put some cold beer in the box with it. That'll keep it for a bit. Well, thanks for calling us, Greg. We're happy that we could help you introduce
Starting point is 00:19:23 some more nutrition into your family's diet. Hey, honey, we could help you introduce some more nutrition into your family's diet. Hey honey, we're eating healthy tonight. I made us some bloody Marys. Eat your celery right up, honey. There you go. There's nothing tastier than the salary and your bloody Mary. Nothing tastes here. Plus people can't give you a crap about drinking it at 10 AM. You just say, Hey, I'm having a, my greens. Yep. Having a balanced a balanced diet. So yeah, yeah. Another satisfied customer here on the belly to podcast. I won't let Greg add any more in case he's not. Oh, Hey Greg, guess what I'm doing right now.
Starting point is 00:19:58 Eating a, eating myself a cherry in the garnish of my old fashions. Just fruits and good antioxidants in that. Tasty. Excellent. Excellent. Excellent. Happy to live a healthy life here. Well, Greg, you make sure you tell your wife we says hi. OK. All right. I'll tell her for sure. All right. We're good. Oh, your folks. I said hi as well.
Starting point is 00:20:21 Will do. Greg, have a good rest of your day, my guy. What a good guy. He is a as well. We'll do Greg. Have a good rest of your day. My guy, what a good guy. Good guy. Yeah. I mean, I'm going to be honest there. This is a phase where they're talking about how they got to get more vegetables in. They're not going to do that. I don't think. Well, I mean, if they follow our advice, they will. Yeah. They can get them in. Yeah. Yeah. Pickled was a pickled stuff. Yeah. Mix it with alcohol. Yeah. And Delsen and ranch. That's how you eat healthy. That's it folks right there. That's your key. Forget the Atkins. Forget the Weight Watchers. Forget the Jenny. Forget Jenny Craig. Jenny Craig goes Zempik. All that. You know, just just listen to us. We won't. We won't set you wrong. We take another
Starting point is 00:21:02 caller. Let's do it. Hey,ents, this is Dan out in green Bay. How you're doing? Dan and green Bay. We're doing good. My guy. How are you? I'm doing all right. And I got an upcoming crisis.
Starting point is 00:21:12 I'm definitely hoping you guys can help me out. Well, belly up to the bar. Tell us what's on your mind. Well, as of last year, my wife started inviting one of her friends out camp with us. Great gal. Uh, just there's an issue when we're sitting around the camp, you know? So I like how he prefaces great gal, but you know, there's, if they say great gal like that pregnant pause, you know, some's coming.
Starting point is 00:21:39 You know, she's, what's wrong with this, with this gal, this great gal. Oh, it's a, it's great. It's like when you're sitting around the campfire, the smoke moves and hits you in the face. You know what you do? You take it, take your turn, you know, get the smoke in your face every once in a while. You get a big plume, you give an oomph and you know, just wait for it to move. But this lady, every time the smoke hits her right in the face or even near her, she just picks up her seat and just rotates around the fire like being a Doug Grada. It's just, I don't know why it bothered me, but it's like, she's just rotating around
Starting point is 00:22:14 the campfire all night, moving her lawn chair. And I know, you know, camp is coming up soon and I don't know how to deal with it. I haven't said anything. Of course not. That'd be, you know, a simple light, but I just, I don't know how to either get over it or to bring it up to her. I just, I need some help. Okay. So you're wondering how do you handle someone who's playing musical smoke chairs at the bonfire? Yeah. Charlie, what do you got for him? Well, for starters, I got to ask you, is she hurting anyone?
Starting point is 00:22:46 Is she is she tripping around the campfire? Is she taking your chair? You know, is she kind of moving too close to your territory when the smoke's hitting her place? What what harm is this? Is this a victimless crime? I think we got to ask that. Well, there was only one victim and it wasn't a beer. Oh, she hit a beer over while she was rotating around.
Starting point is 00:23:10 Okay. And that will not do that. That will not do that. Crosses the line, Charlie. This is after hearing that this, I was wondering if this was really an issue. Now I know this is a problem. It is a problem. We need a solution. Charlie, what do you got? Well, I'll tell you this much. She just needs to learn that you can't fight the winds. You can't find the winds. You can't fight the smoke. You've got to just embrace it. I think that the occasional smoke in the lungs is not going to hurt you from a campfire. Okay. And she's just got to understand that it's actually good luck to get hit in the face with the is it? Yeah, it is. Wow.
Starting point is 00:23:52 I didn't know that. Yeah. Explain how that's good luck. Well, I just said it's good luck. I mean, how is anything good luck? That's good luck. It's just enough people say it and it becomes good luck. So you just got to tell her that campfire smokes good luck and, uh, and also bring up the beer, you know, every time she, uh, she tries movement, just say, Hey, we, we tried this once before and we had terrible results.
Starting point is 00:24:17 Yeah. Hey, be very passive aggressive. I got some other solutions, but step one. And if this doesn't work, I got more, but be really passive aggressive. The smoke hits her. She starts getting up, just announce everyone. Oh, she's getting up and moving. Everyone grab your beer. So she doesn't spill it over. There you go. And you say that, I mean, is there any other way to be aggressive? I mean, you can't, yeah. I think you can also, when you sit down, just start handing out a sippy cups for everyone to put their drink in. And when someone goes, why do you got these? Like, well, fucking Cheryl keeps moving around, knocking everyone's beer over miles. That's
Starting point is 00:24:58 actually a really good idea. I feel like that could be an invention if it hasn't been invented already. Fear nips. Yeah. You know, like I put like at the bottle top, the old nipple on the bottle, you know? And so, Hey, you want me to put a nipple on that already got one. Yeah, I do. Cause I are, cause Cheryl's going to be moving around. Yeah. So I think really Cheryl is going to do what she's going to do. And I think you just got to bring a beer nipple with you the next time. I think this one's on you, my guy. I have all sorts of ideas running through my brain right now for this. Charlie, give me one of them. You could just play musical chairs. That could be fun. Although I'm saying beer plus beer
Starting point is 00:25:40 plus fire plus musical chairs. We could find ourselves in another lawsuit needing Nikolay. What's the fun if there's no danger, you know, I guess that's true. Yeah, that's true. You could play musical chairs. Then it's like, Hey, music stop. And just every single time she's at the chair where the smoke is just stop the music. And then it's like, well, we can't do anything about it. That's just musical chairs, baby. That's kind of fun. I like that. I think you could also go the gas mask route. Just pass them out when you, when you sit down at the campfire. Also, if you are, it depends on what kind of fun you're having, you know, it's, I, I wouldn't know this by buddies from college.
Starting point is 00:26:23 No, it's a good way to consume the devil's lettuce. Oh yeah. You ever seen that? Wasn't there an NFL player that was doing that around the draft time? Larry, you can do the layer, the tonsil situation. What did he say? Well, right on draft day, a video came out of him smoking weed out of a gas mask. Oh really? Oh, that's fun. So you could go that route. Um, yeah. What do you think Charlie? Anything comes to your mind? No, I mean, I, I, let me ask you when you're building that campfire, you go in TP or log cabin. Oh, we do log cabin or a log cabin family. Okay. All right. Well, you just have never tried the TP,
Starting point is 00:27:06 it's not your thing. You find log cabin to be a more sustainable way to build a fire, a more dependable way? It's usually like, we're one of those, you know, I start a fire a little later in the day and it's not really, I'm not too good with leaning logs up against each other. They always fall down. And after a while I'm like, heck with it. They're, they're going in a box.
Starting point is 00:27:30 It's a finesse game. Okay. Finesse game. And after a couple beers, you don't have the finesse you need. So, all right. Well that, that's good. I might, I think there might be another layer to this. What's that? I'm wondering if there's another reason. What else does she do that irritates you? Because usually something minor like this, Charlie is the straw that breaks the camel's back. It's usually a lot of other stuff. Someone does miles. You're saying that the smoke from the bonfire, the moving to avoid the smoke is a proxy war for a larger issue with your life, bringing her friend on the camping trip. So what else do you get annoyed that
Starting point is 00:28:11 she does? Cause I know it's not just the campfire thing. Well, we do a lot of camping out in the woods. You know, we, we carry in, carry out. She likes different kinds of drinks that take different multiple bottles and cans and of course they're not going to carry it. But that's that's one of the things I do like taking pictures. The fact that there's absolutely no wifi anywhere seems to shock her every time we go out. But you know, it's, everybody gets to invite somebody, you know, black ball somebody from the campsite. What else? Well, that size says it all. He's like, where to begin? Where to begin? You have not even truly begun to belly up to this bar. You know, what else? I, there's gotta be one thing that irks you way more than the rest. It has to be the, uh, the Instagramming. She loves
Starting point is 00:29:22 taking the pictures, loves traveling back into town to get something from the gas station, but really just to find a signal to post a pic. And we're doing that two or three times a day when, you know, I'd rather be doing something else, anything else at the campsite. Well, why do you have to, you have to hike in, you have to hike back out to the car to take her to the gas station Yeah, and I say hike it's like one two hundred yards It's not no, you know three hours of walking back and forth. I might be over exerting But so my question when my wife and I paid for the campsite, it's you know, oh you guys are paying for it, too
Starting point is 00:30:04 Yeah, we like roving around. You know, we got we've bent up to Antigo last year We go to down to Marshfield about two three hours way south of Marshfield And hang on something's not making sense here is your is she the only one that do you bring friends to? Well, that's what I was gonna to get to. Yes. Who has got the gun to your head bringing this lady along? The wife, the wife, anybody else? We'd, we'd have a conversation about it, but. And what is she so special to your wife? Heck if I know. I, so it's just a friend. I have no idea. There's no, I don't know why she's special. I have nothing in common with this person, but I got the solution. The bonfire stuff was cute that we did. Right,
Starting point is 00:30:52 Charlie. It's not the root of the problem. So I got a solution. You know, if you got a, if you got to do a root canal, you don't just, you just rip the whole fucking thing out. And so here's what's the plan is you need to drive a wedge between this gal and your wife so that you don't even have to invite her anymore. And you got to find what that wedge may be. It may be that she's wearing the same outfit as your wife. It may be that maybe you stage a situation where it appears that this gal is flirting with you and it makes your wife jealous. You got to find the wedge between your wife and this gal.
Starting point is 00:31:34 Hmm. All right. Well, I guess we could call that operation smoke screen is in effect. We'll have to do some, uh, do some digging that I'll find something then. I think it's already there. I mean, the fact that she makes you guys all go back into town to post on Instagram, that is uncalled for on a camping trip. It's like the complete opposite of what a camping trip is supposed to be. Yeah. Can't she just take your car by herself and you don't have to go with her? No, I'm not letting her know. Oh, you're not letting her drive. I see. Why don't you just get Starlink? The satellite Internet.
Starting point is 00:32:13 No, then you got to then you she's going to be on her like Instagram. Well, I went around the woods that that's the worst thing you want. OK, yeah. Well, I think, though, today, Charlie, we identified what the real problem is and how to go about want. Okay. Yeah. Um, well I think though today, Charlie, we identified what the real problem is and how to go about it. Yep. Yep. Sometimes when people call in the belly of a podcast, what they're really calling in for is a proxy war for a much bigger issue and I'm glad we dialed it down and got to the root. Yeah. Yeah. I'm glad you guys did too. I think, I think this was a bigger thing than, than I thought it was and I'm glad you guys did too. I think, I think this was a bigger thing than, than I thought it was. And I'm glad we're going to get to it before something bad happens.
Starting point is 00:32:48 Yep. Yep. That's true. Well, we're happy to help. Tell your wife. I says, hi, tell your wife's friend. We says just stay at home and play on your phone. Well, do you take that? You should, you should suggest trying to put on the YouTube video of the cackling fire on the TV at home. That's something we could try. That's something we could try. All right. Well, have a, bite, bite. That I started to hang up like that. That that somebody call you bite, bite, bite. Bite. Very nice. Very easy. He's a nice guy. Clearly.
Starting point is 00:33:37 The mean it was obvious there was other reasons going on. I tell you what, Miles, I tell you what. What would you do if you brought a gal like that along? I really stretches my slinky, the whole frickin Instagram thing when you're can't just why you have all the rest of your life to waste it on some stupid app, you know, don't bring it out camping. Connect with a bird, you know, seriously, I, that drives me nuts. Yeah. I know. Yeah. Take another call or charge. All right. June is one day away. Charlie. Is it really? Can you believe that it's already June day? No. Oh wait. And I
Starting point is 00:34:18 celebrate June day every year. Do you? Yeah. I thought it was 31 days in you. Yeah. I thought it was 31 days and there's there's 31 days in may. Yeah. So tomorrow two days from now is June day. You know how I like to celebrate June day miles. I like to celebrate it with an ice cold glass of tippy cow. Well I'll be gosh darned because that's the exact same way I like to spend June day miles. Do you want to spend it together? Yeah. I'll bring the tippy cow. You bring the ice and the June. Well, that's coming either way. Yeah. Time never stops. I suppose. Well, or does it time relative? Yeah. Time just stopped there. Cheers, Charlie. All right. June day. Here's the folks listening. Cheers to June day. Happy June. All right guys. We have our favorite injury lawyer on
Starting point is 00:35:13 the line. Russell Nicolay. How are you doing, man? I'm doing well. How are you guys doing? We're doing good. Super duper. Say Charlie and I were maybe having one too many drinks last night and him and I started talking about all of the weird laws that are around. Yeah. We had a great conversation. We there's one in North Dakota that if you it's illegal to dance with out a hat on, if you can believe that. Well, Miles, that's why you're always wearing a hat when you're cutting a rug, my guy. I know. So we were kind of wondering, Russell, in your mind, what are some of the weirdest laws you've come across? Well, so the one that you're talking about, North Dakota, I haven't been able to verify
Starting point is 00:35:59 that. So I've been looking through, it's called the North Dakota Sentry Code. So it might be in there. I just may not have found it, but I was going to tell you what you might be interested in Miles is there's like sections in that code related to pull tabs. And from what I can tell in about 1981, they started kind of regulating or maybe even allowing pull tabs. But yeah, I thought that part might be pretty interesting based on your pull tab investing. And it talks about one of the things important is the maximum prize of $500.
Starting point is 00:36:31 And if the top considered a top tier prize, if the top tier prize are not claimed, it's illegal to close out that pull tab. So basically they got to keep the game going until those top tier prizes get, actually pulled and turned in. So that means, you know, just keep investing until you get the big ones, I think. Okay. Good to know. It's you're not always out of the game just because someone pulled
Starting point is 00:36:54 it. They might have a few too many drinks, forget about the winning card in their pocket and walk right out of the bar and you're back in it. But does that, do they have a certain number of big, big boy tickets, big winners that they have to have? Like, as a percentage, is there any legal stipulations on that? Like, if someone sometimes this has happened, OK, where I've known some people have walked out bar by a bunch of pull tabs. They put a couple in their pocket on un-pulled pull tabs,
Starting point is 00:37:26 and then where do the un-pulled pull tabs go? They go into the wash. Sometimes they get into the garbage. So sometimes you could just never know where this ticket is, you know? Are there any rules on that situation? From what I could see, and there may be like some further, like actual gaming rules, but in the North Dakota code, it didn't say anything about that.
Starting point is 00:37:48 Basically it says, unless all top tier winning pull tabs have been redeemed that the game may not close. So once it, once it's been placed in play, it's got to stay open. That's basically it. And then it says a maximum price per pull tab should be no more than $2. So I don't know what you guys have been spending on that miles. And then it says a maximum price per poll tab should be no more than $2. So I don't know what you guys been spending on that miles. Oh, yeah. Two bucks. Minnesota, I think, is a little higher.
Starting point is 00:38:11 I think they got five dollar ones. I actually won a thousand bucks one time not to brag in Minnesota. So I mean, but this is what you're looking for in your lawyer, Charlie. This is you know, what? Got to have a guy who's willing to do the deep dives on the poll tab laws and states. You know what, Miles? Here's the other situation is while I was listening to him bring this up to you about, you know, your state about North Dakota,
Starting point is 00:38:36 I was like, that sucks. Why are you talking about North Dakota? And then I Google weird laws in Wisconsin. Guess what I came across? I came across Nicolay Law dot com. Weird laws that laws in Wisconsin. Guess what I came across? I came across, weird laws that exist in Wisconsin. Russell already made a frigging website for these, man. I mean, go ahead, Russell.
Starting point is 00:38:55 This is some, I don't know if this is you doing it or you got someone on staff going through all these weird laws, but this is pretty awesome. Yeah, we've had some people on staff go through, and then I've had, you know, we have to update them because believe it or not, you know, our local legislature and folks in,
Starting point is 00:39:13 depending on municipal code, they actually go through these once in a while and decide like, there's enough shenanigans. So I think like, for example, in Minnesota, in 2014, they went through and got rid of like it was like 1,100 or some old and odd log so you know it's kind of like a treasure hunt to find some of these old things and see if they're still in existence. Like there's it there is one for example in the city of Sun Prairie in Wisconsin
Starting point is 00:39:40 where you can't ride the it used to be where you cannot ride a bike, removing both hands or practice any trick or fancy riding. And that's, as far as I know, I think that was, that was actually the law until October of 2020. So you couldn't be riding around your hands off the handlebars, can't be doing any kind of fancy tricks. It looks like you can't have two persons on a bicycle at one time, no pegs. So yeah, that's that's Wisconsin for you, Charlie. That's one of the ones I found in the city of Sun Prairie. Well, you know, October of 2020, they're probably
Starting point is 00:40:14 like, ah, COVID, everyone's in the house. Yeah. You know, these guys need something in their lives. Let's give them right in without hands. Give them some danger. There's also this other law in Wisconsin. Strange, but unfortunately true. Apple pie must be served with a slice of cheese. And also I say that strange and fortunately true because there's nothing better than apple pie with a slice of cheese. If you ask me.
Starting point is 00:40:42 Well, I think that's like folklore or a myth. I know, and I gotta look at our website, how originally those guys identified it. Oh, I see. Strange, but unfortunately untrue. Okay. Yeah. I'm an idiot. That's why I'm an.
Starting point is 00:40:54 That's why Charlie needs a lawyer. If he was going at the law by himself, it would be a disaster. Yeah, I see. I conflated words there. You know, I took untrue and took it as sad, but you said not accurate. All right, son of a gun.
Starting point is 00:41:11 I think you were just maybe wishful thinking, but I can tell you in Wisconsin, there's rules about serving substitutes of butter. So like, for example, there is a statute 97, 18, four, which says that you cannot, basically butter substitutes like margin you can't substitute those and serve at a public eating place unless it's specifically ordered or asked for by the customer so you just can't have that out there you got to have the butter the real stuff interesting well Russell if anyone was wondering
Starting point is 00:41:46 if you're the people's lawyer or not, I think that you are after this conversation. Wouldn't you say, Charlie? I would say so, too. By the way, your beard is looking really nice. All right. Now, I'm not just blowing smoke up your facial hair. All right.
Starting point is 00:42:01 I want to tell you, saw you in a selfie on the Instagram recently. And that billboards not lying, Russell. I'll tell you that right now. Well, I appreciate that Charlie and put I appreciate it. Yeah. Sorry. I feel like that got awkward right there. Miles is no compliment. My lawyer's facial hair. That's what you should be doing, Charlie. By the way, Russell, my head still. Yeah. I'm being Midwest. Nice Midwest. Nice or creepy. I said, that's nice. Russell, I tell you what that beard. Oh my gosh. What are you using? Some of that good oil on it. Yeah. Okay. Well, listen, when you want to put the handlebars on that mustache, you just let me know. Okay. Sorry. Now that got creep. We had this whole bit
Starting point is 00:42:46 the other day about Midwest nice or creepy. And that was a creepy part of it. What I did before was Midwest nice. Russell, my head is still okay. I want to let you know. I was going to ask you how you're doing after that garage door attacked you. So yeah, you're doing I'm doing fine. But it's good to know if I wanted to sue the shit out of someone I could have relied on you. And I appreciate that. Yeah. I'm your guy. I'm ready. I'm standing by. If you guys need me, you know how to get a hold of me. Just give me a call. Yeah, Charlie. We now know a guy. We know a guy. I've won my whole life to know a guy and now I know a guy. Hell yeah. Or maybe we could make a beard signal. I think like the bat signal, but that's kind of funny. Yeah, that's really good. I think,
Starting point is 00:43:31 I feel like he's actually going to do that. Yeah. I feel like he's going to find an area of the country where he can't like get in the billboard game and he's just going to get a big light and you know, I mean, you always see those like spraying lights in the distance, you know, like a movie theater grand opening. Yep. I like how I'm explaining this and keep going more into detail. And you already know, I already know exactly what you're talking about. So I'm taking notes. I'm taking notes. Yep. We're going to do this. I'm Googling it. You know, we're making plans now. You guys just keep talking. Yeah. Hell yeah, man. Well, yeah, thanks. Yeah. Russell has been great. Thanks for calling in, man. We appreciate it. It's always good to talk and we'll talk soon. How's that sound? Sounds
Starting point is 00:44:17 good. Thanks for having me on guys. Appreciate it. Thanks for the beard compliments, Charlie. Hey, anytime, Ross. All right. Anytime. Welcome to the Bellied Up Podcast, who we chit chat with today. Oh, no shit. What's up, boys? My name is Marcus. Morgan, is that your name? Marcus Marcus. Hey, Marcus. What's going on? What's up, man? Cool to talk to you guys.
Starting point is 00:44:47 Nice to talk to you, Marcus. Where are you calling him from? Oh, calling from good old California. Oh, wow. We're at. Oh, shit. Like in the middle of nowhere. It's called Amador County. Oh, yeah. Oh, sure. Yeah, sure. Right over there. Probably, it's called a Amador County. Oh yeah. Oh sure. Yeah. Sure. Right over there.
Starting point is 00:45:06 You guys have probably seen it there. You've probably seen it on the map, you know, near Sacramento, not too far from Sacramento. Yeah, I know. Right here on the arm. Well, why don't you belly up to the bar with us? Tell us what's on your mind. Oh, so, uh, you know, I was just kind of driving around. Part of my, uh, part of my job is I, uh, I'm a home health nurse. So I drive around, I go to people's house and help them out with different things. And, uh, you know, my girl, my girlfriend always tells me, you know, I'm a little, I should be, I'm a little too blunt when it comes to trying to convince people how to, or to make the decision to amputate whatever it may be. How are you in a position to tell people what to amputate Marcus?
Starting point is 00:46:04 So I'll tell you what, when I have to go to your house and look at your leg and I can see your bones and your tendon and you want me to try to help you fix it. Sometimes I find it hard to just not just say, you know, it'd be a lot easier to not have this leg. Yeah. what I mean? Yeah. But then you're putting yourself out of business. If we're just amputating everything, you're not going to be able to have any house calls. No, I tell you what, man, you have to take it. I still got to come to the house because you got to know that it's got to be taken care of. True. Yeah. You gotta make sure the stitches are good. Eventually they'll have to come out and I'll
Starting point is 00:46:43 be able to take them out. So I still got a little bit of work, you know, and then, you know, I kind of keep them on for a while, but I've been told that, you know, just telling them, you know, you'd be a lot better off without that leg. It doesn't, it don't, it don't go over too well. I'll put it like this. I'm three and oh, yeah. I'm three and oh, three and oh, getting the okay to get that amputation. So you're bad in a hundred right now on amputation advice. Thousand he's bad in a thousand. Sorry. Pretty, pretty close. I mean, you know, I did, I did get one that was both legs, but I counted as one. Okay. So a two for one close. I mean, you know, I did get one that was both legs, but I counted as one. Okay. So a two for one deal. I hope they got a discount, but I got to go about
Starting point is 00:47:30 it being nicer. I guess. I don't, I don't know. I mean, I I'm more of a straightforward guy when it comes to it, but my girlfriend tells me I should find a nicer way to go about. Yeah. Well we'll get into that in a sec. I need to first know there's probably a lot of listeners right now sitting on the couch wondering, Lord, should I amputate this leg or arm or something? And so I'd like you as the expert of amputations to let us know what are the top three things you should be looking for, for an amputation. Man. Well, like in all serious note, you know, like if you're dealing with something for a really long time, you know, I mean, that's a pretty good candidate, you know?
Starting point is 00:48:09 Okay. So chronic issue. Yeah. So if I got gout, should I just amputate my foot right off then? No, there's a lot of green area. More, more like a wound, more like a wound, I guess. You know, if you got like, if you got some kind green area more, more like a wound, more like a wound, I guess, you know, if you got like, if you got some kind of chronic wound, you know, that won't
Starting point is 00:48:32 heal or is constantly getting infected or something. Well, I have that. That's a pretty good, that's a pretty good candidate. I have that insatiable wound and need to satisfy and live up to my parents' expectations. Does that qualify amputation? That's going to be too much to add to date there. I don't know if we should pull that one off. Okay.
Starting point is 00:48:58 All right. That's one. You got any other tips? You know, seeing a bone is always a good one. You know, like if you've got a bone sticking out, that one's probably going to qualify pretty quickly, at least in my book. Marcus, why are you the guy on the amputation train here? This seems like a very interesting specialty.
Starting point is 00:49:18 Did you go to school for this or did you just make yourself the amputee guy in central California? No, you know, I think, uh think I think I've more kind of fallen in line of like being that guy that people go to, like the one who's going to tell you, you know what I mean? Everybody has that one guy who's just going to like tell you, you know, other people are going to beat around the bush about certain things. And I've always been that guy. But they're like, well, you know what? We really should, but you know, try sending Marcus in there. He'll probably be able to get through them. Marcus, you're talking about he's, he's, he's the closer call in the bullpen. Call Marcus. They didn't take any of our hints that that leg should be lopped off at the knee. We got
Starting point is 00:50:06 to send in Marcus bearer of bad news. Marcus, were you in the tree trimming business before this line of work? Cause the way you're talking about is like, yeah, that one's going to have to come down too close to the power lines. Yeah. Whenever, when everything's a hammer, when everything's a hammer to Marcus, the only solution are when everything's a nail to Marcus, the only solution is a hammer. All he knows is cutting stuff up. What else do you get? You know, you know, man, you know, like amputation was, I just figure it would be a good, a good one to bring you guys in on. But you know, I'm that guy for everything, you know, I'm that guy for, for all aspects, you know, any, any hard decision I usually find myself being the
Starting point is 00:50:54 Well, we, well, we should do, we should have Marcus on call for when we get people calling in for relationship advice. And then when you and I are him and in Han, we're like, all right, this is a job for the closer and he can have a walk up music. We'll patch him in and then he'll tell it to him straight. Just cut it off. Just amputate this relationship. It's funny, man. Cause I mean, I listen to you guys all the time. Super, super stoked to be on number one. You guys are super funny, I listen to you guys all the time. Super, super stoked to be on number one. You guys are super funny. I love what you guys got going on, but I listened to you guys all the time and I'm constantly doing it in my fucking car. I'm like, what
Starting point is 00:51:34 the fuck is up with this guy? I don't know if they're getting in or what. Well, I think we found a closer Charlie. I liked that. So, okay. Let's, let's play the game that your girlfriend says you need to be a little more, less direct and beat around the bush a little bit, be a little nicer to folks. Charlie, what's a good way that someone who's too direct can be a little more Midwest. Nice about it. Are you, is this okay? So this said this said that we're giving Marcus advice. Yes. Yeah. Well, I think the way you got to look at it is like you give you just you're a neutral kind of guy.
Starting point is 00:52:13 You just give the pluses and the minuses. Well, on the plus side, you could have a bone sticking out of your leg for pretty much ever. You know, it's going to be painful. So you get to learn how to manage pain for the rest of your life. You get to clean this wound every single day. Those are the pluses for keeping it or the pluses for chopping it off is you don't have to deal with anything anymore, including a leg. And I'm sure, you know, they got some good prosthetics these
Starting point is 00:52:42 days. And you could also say things like, Hey, I know you've been trying to lose some weight Oh, yeah, what a good way to lose weight by just literally cutting a fourth of your body off. Yeah, I mean that is That would hey that's a great I got a practice going in circles. I like that. That would, Hey, that's a great, it's kind of like, Oh, you've got it. I got to practice going in circles. I guess. You know what I mean? Yeah. Yes. You just got to keep chasing, chasing, chasing yourself, you know, giving the answer. I mean, I guess I could see that I now have, I don't know. I now have a line for if I ever meet someone who just got an amputation guy, you should look like you lost a lot of weight.
Starting point is 00:53:29 You know, I think. Go ahead, Marcus. Sorry, I cut you off. No, no, no, no. No, you're good. You're good. No, no, no. No, Marcus, I insist. Where are you driving? Are you driving? Are you are you on your way right now to another appointment? Oh no, man. I finished up for today. I gotta go. I gotta go pick up a check. Oh, there you go. Wait, you still got to pick up a check on payday. What century are we
Starting point is 00:54:00 in? I'm starting to think he isn't what he says he is here. Yeah. It's starting to add a little weird. He's a, he's a nurse who's recommending amputations. He's driving around. He's picking up cash somewhere. Yeah. Marcus, are you, are you in the like limbs black market trade here? That's what it sounds like I mean, I don't know any other nurses. I've never met another nurse that's giving amputation recommendations You never you never met you never met somebody who's in the medical field no, I mean, I don't know. Something happened with the billing, you know, and we're not talking about the billing anymore. We are trying to dial down on if this is what is your actual title?
Starting point is 00:54:57 What does it say on your LinkedIn, Marcus? Oh, licensed vocational nurse. That sounds made up. Vocational nurse. Licensed vocational nurse. It's your nurse under, under your RN. So you got your registered nurse and then you got your license nurse. All right. How many years of school did you go to? Oh, a year. You went to school for a year. He's suggesting amputating legs. I got to tell you something. Marcus, you are showing us some flaws in the medical system right now. Apparently if we just want to show you, I could show you way more. Tell us the
Starting point is 00:55:42 weirdest Charlie. Apparently all you need is need is to watch a few YouTube videos and you can weigh in on amputating legs. Yeah, you watch YouTube videos for a year and now you got a license to a license to cut cut bait. Marcus, I don't get to cut it. What are the biggest problems in the medical industry as you see it, Marcus? Oh, I don't know. I mean, what's the biggest thing?
Starting point is 00:56:14 I think like the biggest joke is the fact that I have to get a referral to see a specialist. Why do I got to see my doctor, my regular doctor who is going to I want to I want to go see a cardiologist, right? For my heart. I got to go ask my regular doctor who doesn't want to work on my heart to give me the okay to go talk to a guy about my heart. That's kind of, that's kind of a joke. That's a billing thing. You know what I mean? They do that. They do that. So your regular doctor can still bill your insurance. You know what? mean? They do that. They do that. So your regular doctor can still bill your insurance. You know what? Maybe Marcus you're you're not part of the problem. You're part of the solution
Starting point is 00:56:50 You're cutting out the doctor. I tell people this all the time smart Yeah, why why need a recommendation for an actual bone doctor when you can have marcus tell you just cut the sum bench off Listen, but don't forget i'm three and I'm three and oh man. I mean like all every single one that I've done. They said, you know what? That's the right decision. Wow. You know, Marcus, if you lived in the Midwest, you would end up being an old
Starting point is 00:57:19 farmer that has a dog that gets cancer and he just takes them all back. That's what it sounds like. Yeah. Just not what you're supposed to. Isn't that what you're supposed to do? Well, it depends who you're talking to. But since we're talking to you, I, I responsible farmer, a responsible farmer would do it fiscally responsible. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I think we learned a lot today from you. We really did. What are you going
Starting point is 00:57:52 to do with that paycheck? You're picking up. You got any big things you're going to buy saw? Oh, you know, man, this is not, not, not in this world, man. It all goes to bill all goes to bills. I may be, I may be, maybe I'll buy some silver, but we'll see. You know, I'm going to be honest. I am not shocked at all that your first instinct with a little extra cast is to buy silver. Yeah. It's just, that is the biggest no-brainer I've heard all day. Most dependable currency. There is the poor man. That's the poor man. Yeah. I mean, that's actually pretty accurate. He is a straight shooter. I like that. It goes to well, Mark is right
Starting point is 00:58:38 here. We're here. We're glad we got a resident vocational nurse that we can call at any time for medical advice here on the Bellied Up Podcast. Thank you. Hey, I got a lot of it, guys. I got a lot of it. Real good. Well, listen, my guy, you drive safe picking up your check, okay? And let us know how much silver you end up buying.
Starting point is 00:59:04 You got it. I got a lot. I got a lot of ice and ice chest. The limbs are all sick. Now I feel like we are incriminating ourselves. I think we are going to be on a true crime podcast shortly. This is now a true crime podcast. Well, where we become journalists. It's going to generate the most.
Starting point is 00:59:24 You got to generate the most. You got to generate the most views, boys. Come on. I suppose. Yeah, I get it. Well, they say good bad news is still news. Yeah. Well, sorry, Marcus, we're going to have to cut you off here, but we got to get going. Yeah, we're going to. I see what you did. I appreciate it, guys.
Starting point is 00:59:41 All right. Drive safe out there, my guy. Watch for the deer. Yeah. We'll do lots of, Oh, he's gone. He's gone. Cut him off. We literally cut him off. Amputated that call. Real good. I gotta tell you, never heard anything like that in my life. I just, it just makes me wonder all of the shit like that. That's going on in the world. We never find out about. No, I mean, he's, he's keeping stats on how many people he recommends getting amputated. Also, how do you know if it's the right decision? How do you know if that's a thing? I mean, you got a bone sticking on your leg. Well, I mean, yeah. Every time you break your leg, a bone sticking out or sometimes.
Starting point is 01:00:25 No, it's a different type of break, but that's exercise science talk that you wouldn't. Is it? I want to know that. You know what? The more he talked, though, the more I am actually in favor of getting a recommendation from your doctor. You know? Yeah. Otherwise, that guy's just give me. I was going to say, it sounds like we should be amputating more than what we do already. After talking to that guy, it's like a medical salesperson. He's just an amputation sales. That's what it felt like sales vibe. Yeah. Yeah. He's like, he's like, I booked four legs and three arms this month. Going to be going to be eating good and buying some silver he's literally getting a commission off of arms and legs how much that cost you an arm and
Starting point is 01:01:14 a leg well Charlie I think that's another episode of the belly to podcast yep got it in the tank you know what I realized in our last couple episodes we forgot to tell folks to tip their bartender. Oh my gosh, we have, we can't forget that. And folks get on over to Stanley Cats, all right? You won't regret it. And always tip your bartender. Love you guys. See you guys soon.

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