Bellied Up - Worst First Date Questions #120

Episode Date: October 3, 2024

Our first caller is a guy asking about the worst questions to get on the first date. Our second caller is a guy who is just a bit tired of the rodeo life. The final caller is looking to rant about peo...ple who kiss a$$ at work

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to the Bellied Up Podcast. I'm your host, Charlie Barron's here with Miles. You betcha got him showing Miles, actually the Wisconsin state flag. What do you think of it? I like it. There's a lot of words on here. There's a few words I don't know.
Starting point is 00:00:14 What does it say? It says, it says Wisconsin right at the top. I know it says Wisconsin. Okay. And then it's forward, which is a state motto. And then in here- Hold on, what does that, what do you mean? It means forward. which is a state motto. And then in here, what does that mean? It means forward.
Starting point is 00:00:27 We're pushing it forward. We are, you know, people of the future. I think I would, they should have gone with onward and upward that maybe would have left the tongue a little bit. That could have been, I also like that says forward. I just said they're thinking about the future and then on it, they've got like a sailor holding a rope colonial men a Minor with a pickaxe and then they've got this plow on here from like the 1800s is a very intricate
Starting point is 00:00:56 Design yeah As a merch guy be tough to embroider yeah Lot of stitches lots of colors. Yeah, a lot of colors, a lot of stitches, lots of colors. Yeah, and then these these little diamonds on the bottom. Those are little cubes of lead Because I think lead mining was a thing back then again forward they should just put back Is that a is that a beaver on there? No, dude, that's a badger. Are you kidding me? Wisconsin badgers. We're not the yeah, I was a genetic. It's I mean,'m fucking idiot. Wisconsin Badgers. I'm such an idiot. We're not the, yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:25 Yeah, I was such an idiot. I mean, it's tough. It's small. I couldn't see it. I know. What is the, is that Latin? E pluribus unum. I think that means the plural unite.
Starting point is 00:01:38 Something like that. Can we get a check on that? E, E space pluribus. What does it say? Unum, it says out of many. No one out of many one out of. I don't know what that means. Wait, out of many one. So out of many, there is one of a kind.
Starting point is 00:01:58 Yes, sure. One of a kind. One of a kind. Oh, and look, they got the Armand hammer here. So they're doing baking. So that must have cost Johnson and Johnson quite a bit of money to get rights to the flag I mean, that's pretty does Arm and Hammer Oh There's a cornucopia and Johnson owns everything cornucopia you guys love Thanksgiving. We love Thanksgiving and then yeah There's a bunch of lead fishing weights down here at the bottom. What is that guy right there?
Starting point is 00:02:25 That's it looks like a flag of something in the middle right around there at the bottom that white Yeah, it looks kind of weird looks like a hand puppet of some sort it does It looks like an old rubber someone left at a park and they'll guide it up So how do you feel about the Wisconsin State flag? What would you change about the West Wisconsin safe? Actually, I changed it a long time ago. Oh, did I made a shirt out of it? Yeah. I made these people, these two guys tailgating, you know, and then someone that cheese head on. Yup. Yup. You got it. I think one was wearing a stormy Kromer and then in the middle I put like a beer thing, you know, and then a few other things is cute. Anyways. Also, I am the largest idiot on planet Earth.
Starting point is 00:03:08 Why is that a beaver in the Badger State? I think that that would be the clip. Guys, I haven't been getting as much sleep. I got a kid now. Oh, the kid excuse. Hey, Miles, before we get into the podcast, can I tell people that I'm on tour? I'm going to be in. Thanks. Do you like can I tell people that I'm on tour? Yeah. I'm gonna be, thanks. Do you like how I didn't even wait for your response? I was already going to.
Starting point is 00:03:30 I was predetermined. I'm gonna be doing stand up folks. I'm coming around the Midwest, gonna be in Saginaw, Michigan on October 9th, Van Wert, Ohio on the 10th, Dayton, Ohio October 11th, and Columbus, Ohio October 12th. B and Columbus, Ohio, October 12th. Bunch of other dates,
Starting point is 00:03:49 See you guys on the road, thanks. My mom's birthday is October 11th. Are you gonna be there October 11th? Fly her out. October 11th, I'll be in Dayton. Yeah? Yeah, she wants. Just a hop, skip, and a jump for her birthday. She'd love that.
Starting point is 00:04:02 Yeah, not too bad at all. She is obsessed with you. Well, hey, I'll get her a plane ticket. How does that sound? Actually? Yeah. Yeah. I've now pot committed to that. So yeah, her and your dad. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Round trip in the Dayton, Ohio. Keep this injured. And when my parents listened to this back later, she's gonna be very upset that you never followed up. Well I'm just thankful because I know your mom doesn't listen to this podcast. She does. She does.
Starting point is 00:04:32 Oh yeah. Oh wow. Yeah. Well, come on out. Mary Jane, bring bud. We'll make it. We'll make it a deal. Okay.
Starting point is 00:04:42 Is it legal there? I, they did just legalize it. There you go, yeah. Yeah, yeah. So you can come out and get your weed and the whole nine and then fly it back to Fargo. I'm sure that'll fly. I'm sure that'll fly.
Starting point is 00:04:58 Well, shall we take some collars? Let's take some collars, Miles. Hi, this is Miles from Bellied up podcast. What's going on man? We decided to call you back. Hey, I appreciate it. How are you doing? I'm doing good. Why don't you let us know what's on your mind? Get some off your chest. What do you got for us today? Oh man. So I called in earlier. Talk about a buddy of mine. You've got a crazy first day question. Okay, let's hear it. Yeah, what was it? Yeah, the first day question was,
Starting point is 00:05:28 if you could go to prison for anything, what would it be? And so he said he didn't know how to answer that. So he asked the question back to her and she's a hairdresser. So of course she said arson. But he kind of got so so he's kind of been on a roll. I just told him back in the water. So how great they did not stay together. Yeah. Let me guess. No, no, this was this was a one and done date, but I think that's a very telling question. Arshin did they meet on Tinder?
Starting point is 00:06:08 I think they did. Yeah, that, that adds up. You know, I think this, uh, Carrie Underwood song about, I dug my keys into his car and passion my keys into the side of a pretty little souped up four wheel drive that song was, that song was made for hairdressers. I could tell you that much. Absolutely. Yeah. So there's some truth. So that was gonna, I was going to turn it to a question I had for you guys on what were some crazy first day questions you guys got? Oh God, dude, I don't remember any first dates.
Starting point is 00:06:46 You know. Is that a good thing or a bad thing, huh? I don't know. I think I blacked him out, you know? I only remember the first day with my wife. First? First date questions are kind of like, now they have these card games, you know? Have you seen these card games?
Starting point is 00:07:03 I haven't. It's like, we might be strangers or something or. I hate that game. That is the most incriminating game ever. It is. It starts off with innocuous questions like what's your favorite color? What's your favorite season?
Starting point is 00:07:16 Then there's certain sections that are like, when was the last time you thought about your ex? You know? Like, who was the last person you searched on your Instagram? Why would anyone sign up for that? Let me see your Instagram. I don't know. I feel like there's. Yeah, I feel like there there should be a whole host of like good,
Starting point is 00:07:39 good, non incriminating first date questions. But, you know, if you're going to find out, you might as well find out on the first date that you're with someone who may or may not be burning your house down. Yeah, I agree. Yeah, I mean, at least they laid it out all on the table. First date, you didn't waste your time, you know? Yeah, yeah, you got the non-negotiables out there.
Starting point is 00:07:58 I think what's messed up is she's gonna do that on her next first date, and there's eventually gonna be some guy that's gonna be like arson. That's so hot And we will go back to my place Documentary on it. Yeah The arson tinder gal is what the Netflix series is gonna be. It's kind of like the don't know when that's guy. I love watching that. So well, I should, I should turn the guys, if you could go to prison for anything, what would it, what would it be?
Starting point is 00:08:37 Probably some white collar crime, you know? Yeah. You want to have like a fun time in prison. You want to learn like a new language, maybe arts and crafts, leather working, you know, you don't want to be going there, getting a tattoo on your neck to identify you with the only gang that can protect you. Yeah. Yeah. Trying to do something just, you know, that doesn't harm anyone physically, you know, maybe financially. I think it'd be fun to be like a political prisoner. Like in what sense? If you have to go to prison, you know, like something that, that the people are like,
Starting point is 00:09:11 yeah, like Nelson Mandela is what you're saying. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, if you got to go to prison, why not go for something that can land you at the head of a country at some point? I mean, why are we shooting for the white collar crime? You know, that's true. What would color that be? Some that won't leave your 401k dry Yeah, I'm thinking there's got a way I was actually thinking about this the other night, right? so sometimes they go down to the American Legion and not play some bingo good for you and
Starting point is 00:09:41 Those bingo cards that they use I mean, I'm sure you could find them online or find a way to copy them. Um, and you could, you could probably run a system to where you want to commit bingo fraud, no fraud. I think you could. I mean, I guess that one would be, I'm on board with that. Be creative. Some of you can write a book about when you're in prison and have it be a best seller. Yeah, and maybe turn it into a positive, like the catch me if you can guy, you start working for the FBI.
Starting point is 00:10:09 Oh yeah. You start working for the local authorities to catch other bingo frauds. Just going around casinos around the Midwest, VFWs, church raffles, you know. Start catching them, count like counting, you know. What do you do if you're, if you're frauding bingos? Oh, we got a beer coming. Sorry. Oh yeah. Miles, you're cruising through those for you.
Starting point is 00:10:32 Thanks man. Um, what, what, how would you, so that's how you would answer that question is bingo fraud. Or maybe you could do some kind of a whole tab and do that thing in Bezelman's game. Yeah, I've thought about it. It's going to be tough. They got those things locked out, locked down pretty good. It's almost like, like if you've ever watched oceans, 11, they go all the way to the dice factory and tamper with the dice at that level. You almost got to go to the pull tab factory and tamper with some stuff. I, I've thought about it. That's a good point. Yeah, it's it's one of those things. So you
Starting point is 00:11:07 told me you've got a significant other. Are you married? What's new? What's your situation? I've been in a lady for about six months. She's from Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. Oh, Fond du Lac. How's about it? You ever get up to Fond du Lac? So yeah, we were just there over Labor Day weekend. Get out on Lake Winnebago. We took the boat up to Oshkosh. Went out to eat up, know all the old haunts of Fond du Lac and just visit the beautiful people and see how much hippie cow was out and about. Yeah, so what? Tell me how the first day went with this gal. Did you meet her on Tinder as well? No, we met at a church happy hour with a mutual friend.
Starting point is 00:11:53 Shut the fuck up. I know your mom is listening to this, but tell us the truth. I wish I could say that. That was that was my parents joke. When someone asks, hey, how did your dad meet your mom? And my mom would say, I was handing out communion at church and he came up for seconds. I know you're lying. That's a good joke.
Starting point is 00:12:14 I wish I could say I was, but it's kind of a pure and pure holy story. So when you guys get married, is your, is your honeymoon going to be a mission trip or what? That'd be crazy. Yeah I do I hear that those mission trips get pretty crazy. Mission trips a hotbed for swingers or no? A thousand percent. Yeah missionary trips is what they call them. What's the weirdest question that your wife has asked you or your girlfriend? Yeah, girlfriend right now. Uh, no way.
Starting point is 00:12:50 Dude, I don't even know. What's the question you hope she doesn't ask you? What is the question I hope she doesn't ask? The one you're thinking of. Yeah, I mean, the first one was, would you ever move over to Wisconsin? And probably not, unfortunately. Well, what? Why not?
Starting point is 00:13:11 I think there's some great people there, but my heart's kind of set on Northern Minnesota right now. Oh, okay. Well, that's same church, different view. Yeah. But no, I've, so you were talking about that game earlier, uh, that one of those card games and I swear every time she stacks the deck against me. So I just get, um, and those card games, what's always like your top three insecurities. I'm like, Oh my word. And what are they? What do you answer? What do you say? I say, I got a pretty crazy neck
Starting point is 00:13:47 beard most of the time. Unfortunately, can't really grow facial hair. The near game is strong with this one. I shaved mine this morning. I had the near game. Yeah. It's kind of a setting. I'm kind of in the same way and I wicked unibrow. Um, you got to wax the brows is what you're saying. Yeah. Let me tell you, it helps when it gets cold, but in these hot dog days, but you also have more to catch sweat that doesn't get in your eyes. If you got more brow, true, true. Less party, but I do the bigger I get, the more I sweat.
Starting point is 00:14:19 It's kind of a lose lose proposition. So you're saying you're out there like Anthony Davis in the summer or what? Yeah. Yeah. I just got one straight line right across the top like that lady in dodgeball. Well, we appreciate you calling in, man. I think that's a great first date question. If anyone's listening, try it out. Let us know how that question goes. And if you're out with a hairdresser, you don't even need to ask because you know, the answer is going to be arson. So well, listen, yeah, thanks for calling in, man. And tell your girlfriend, we says hi, tell your buddy to stay safe out there and and consider Wisconsin Lake
Starting point is 00:15:06 Winnebago is a beautiful beautiful this time of year every time of year frankly so I can tell I really convinced him all right well we'll talk to you soon my guy all right God bless you boys drive safe tell your folks hi okay real good what a good good guy yeah Yeah, yeah. We met at the church happy hour. We're drinking wine. That's like the most innocent thing. Everyone should be like, wow, and I just let them have it.
Starting point is 00:15:34 I apologize for that. Actually, no, I don't. No, I don't think you do. I like your mom's joke, though. That was pretty funny. Catholic humor. Hey, gotta love it. It is illegal to go up for seconds though.
Starting point is 00:15:47 You can only have one a day. So just for all those, hey. Is it one a day? All the priests that are listening. Trust me, I paid attention growing up going to Catholic school. It's one a day. It's probably the only thing you paid attention to.
Starting point is 00:15:57 I didn't realize it was one a day. Yeah, you can't overdose on the Lord. What if you go five o'clock one day one day and then seven 30 the next day? You're going to, yeah, you're a different day. You just have to wait till that stroke of midnight. Yeah, I think so. I don't know. What if you go to five o'clock mass on Sunday, Easter or Christmas, you go, you do the
Starting point is 00:16:20 five o'clock mass, then you do the midnight mass, technically different day. Yeah, I think you could. We should get a priest on this podcast. Yeah. Get the confirmations. Well, should we take another caller? Yes, we should. Yellow.
Starting point is 00:16:35 Oh. Oh. Hello? Who's this? Oh, shoot, sorry. This is Zane. Zane. What's up, Zane?
Starting point is 00:16:42 Belly up to the bar. What's on your mind? Oh, you know, just I'm in broken bone Nebraska right now at the mid state finals rodeo. Broken bone Nebraska. Broken bow like BOW. Oh, broken. Rodeos there could be broken bone. Yeah, definitely some broken bones tonight.
Starting point is 00:17:04 Yeah, I've had a couple of them before in my time. You're a rodeo guy yourself. You performed? Yep. Yeah, I ride saddle broke horses. You ride saddle broke horses? Saddle broncs. I ride bucking horses.
Starting point is 00:17:21 Oh, bucking horses. Oh, like the Denver Broncos. That's what you're hopping on. Oh, like the Denver Broncos. That's the, that's what you're hopping on. Yeah. Roll Bronx. So, um, you gotta be kind of crazy to be doing that. Well, kind of, I guess. I mean, you only got a couple screws loose is what you're saying. Not the whole thing. Well, from all the beer drinking and knocking my head around, it's brain cell. I got two brain cells fighting for third place right now. That's a classic rodeo joke right there. I like it. Well, what's on your mind fella? Oh, well, I just thought I tried. I saw you guys are taking callers and I've been
Starting point is 00:18:00 a pretty big fan of the podcast. Longtime listener, first time caller. Well, thank you. And you know, I just kind of want to talk about you guys. Well, you guys kind of thought about rodeo and stuff. I've been to Fargo at the pro rodeo there at the Fargo dome before miles. Nice. What do you think of Fargo? You know, I got a funny story about Fargo. The last girl I dated, I met her at the rodeo there. I, I, okay. First I got asked, can I swear on this podcast? Okay. So I hate coming off the pickup man or rode my horse. And then I went face first into the dirt and got road rash all over my head. It's like right, right along my left eye. And so I went to, I went to cowboy Jacks,
Starting point is 00:18:40 I think is yeah. Downtown Fargo. Yeah. You've been there. Every story that involves cowboy Jacks. We know this is going somewhere with a Jack and Coke and a bad decision. Oh, I'm Pendleton water and twisted T don't get me down. Get it right. Charlie Jesus. Yeah. What happened? What happened to cowboy Jacks? So there's a bareback rider there. He's trying to ask his girl to dance. And I was like, Oh, you need to like fucking man up. Like just go ask her to dance. Don't put the foot around it. Just go do it. And he's like, well, I just don't know how to start the conversation. And I was like, well, watch me. And I was like, ma'am, would you like to dance? And she said, sure. And at the end of the night, we went
Starting point is 00:19:26 back to at the end of the night, I got a steak and potatoes at three in the clock in the morning. It was pretty kick ass. Is that code word for something sexual or you actually got steak and potatoes? No, no, no. I, no, I was actually thinking potatoes. I thought bareback riding was the code word. Yeah. He said me and a buddy were there and we did some bareback riding. I don't know where you're going with that. It's not that kind of podcast. No, no, no, no. He's a, he's a bareback rider. He rides bareback horses. Okay. That's pretty bad ass. And he couldn't talk to a girl. No. So there's a thing around. Bearbeck riders are weird. So they keep, they're kind of keeping themselves and they don't know how to talk to women.
Starting point is 00:20:10 They had all they do is talk to horses or weird. So, so did you end up the boogie? So did you end up stealing this guy's girl then? Yeah, basically. And what did he think about that? Or are you like, Hey kudos. Yeah. I was like, kind of like, well, good for you. And cause I ended up dating her for like six months. Then I went to park rapid Minnesota over the 4th of July and she dumped my ass after park rapids. I fell off like a sack of shit. What did you do? What happened in park rapids? I got really drunk and I fell off the bucking horse. I got on and her car broke down on the way to park rapids.
Starting point is 00:20:45 So I had to hop in with a bunch of buddies in the Ford conversion van and nothing happened in the van. There wasn't bad in it though. But what, why did she break up with you? What'd you do? What happened? She, she, she decided that she was, that she was too mature to go along with the rodeo life going down the road.
Starting point is 00:21:04 Okay. Okay. Yeah. Well that you'll have that you're married. You gotta find a girl that knows your first married to the rodeo life. You know, he's committed to the game, married to the game, married to the game. Married to the game. Exactly. Who are the crazy guys that today?
Starting point is 00:21:22 Well, we're in Hamline, Minnesota. Who are the craziest bastards in all the rodeo? So I know this guy named Stanford deal and He's he's gotten he's gotten like 18 speeding tickets driving a semi He got pulled over doing a hundred seventeen in a semi one time. Are you kidding me? Was he at least going downhill? No What's that? Was he at least going downhill? I mean, he was in the Eastern part of Colorado. No, no. He was on a straightaway. What was his name again? Sanford. Sanford. Can we see Papam or whatever? See cap them. This is the legend of Sanford. What would tell it? He's got to have other stories about
Starting point is 00:22:09 him. He sounds like he's a legend. So when I was in high school, so they got like a high school rodeo association in South Dakota. I'm originally from South Dakota and I, I got the still lamb. They got a high school rodeo association in South Dakota and they used to do the state like the state championship in our state finals in Bellefouche, South Dakota. If you guys know where that's at. No. And so Sanford, Sanford helps out a lot of guys
Starting point is 00:22:35 own bucking horses and bucking bulls. And he's got really long curly hair. And I remember when I first seen him, I didn't know what to think about him, but he looks like David Allen co. I've never seen a guy like he's, I didn't know what to think about him. But he looks like David Allen. So I've never seen a guy like he's I've never seen a guy. I don't even know how to describe him. He's a he's kind of like a mythical creature.
Starting point is 00:22:54 He just kind of shows up places and helps out and then he disappears. How does he help out? Oh, like sorts of bulls and horses like like put blanks on bulls and horses. Oh, okay. I also used to get on Facebook. He used to get on Facebook and post videos of him doing like air guitar and shit. This guy sounds like a legend. Yeah. I'd like to, I'd like to have a beer with this guy. Yeah. Do you know him personally? Can you call him up, get him on the line? I don't have his number. I do know him personally, but I don't have his number. Well, next time you see me got to get his number. We'd love to talk to him on the podcast. His number
Starting point is 00:23:32 is probably just a pay for at a love somewhere. It's just a prepaid phone. It's in the bell. It's a belfry struck stop. So I did have a buddy call in here a couple, a couple of days, a while ago, I think last summer did we talk to him? Yeah. His, his name was Keith. He's the one who talked called about being friends with Tucker craft and you just roasted the crap out of him. Oh yeah. That guy, the guy who was like, I'm buddies with Tucker crap place for the Packers. You let them have it. I would like to set the right. I apologize. I was maybe a little harsh. Oh, so what's the funniest thing is everybody in Timberlake South Dakota gave him so much shit over that mission accomplished.
Starting point is 00:24:22 He runs the look. He runs the local bar. He worked at the local bar. So everybody came in and gave him shit. And now he unfollowed us and he talks shit about me. I'm sure I'm, I apologize. Is he still a fan? No, no, he doesn't. Yeah. He's still a fan. He, we're talking about like how to call in. Cause I told him I wanted to call in and he's like, I just kind of saw it on Instagram one day. Yeah, that's all it is. Well, we do. He's the big rodeo guy too.
Starting point is 00:24:51 Oh yeah. Well we do, we do appreciate the call here. What is your pitch to get us into rodeo? If we wanted to like start off easy and rodeo, what, what could we do? Button busting. Yeah. Get on sheep. Who do you think would do better? Who do you think would do better on a sheep? Me or Charlie have a weight limit on.
Starting point is 00:25:19 Miles has been squatting into a new life. That was a layup. You shouldn't have gave me that. I know. I deserve that after giving your buddy shit about the Packers. So. Oh, he deserves it. So do I. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. And while you but oh. Well, thank you for thank you for giving us a call and chit chatting.
Starting point is 00:25:42 And we'll aim for the sheep and I'll, I'll be the first to go. I'll test the waters. If you can't, if they can handle you, they ain't going to handle me. So that's maybe smart. Yeah. You aim for the sheep and then, uh, then get on a bull or something. Yeah. I'll, I'll wait for the bull. Actually don't get on bulls. Getting on bucking bulls is pretty stupid. Yeah, it is. And some would say Broncos the same, but you know, well, no horses. I would
Starting point is 00:26:08 say horses are more safe. Oh, well, I that that actually asked Christopher Reeves about that. On that note, thanks for calling in. Let's leave Superman out of this. Yeah. Thanks for letting me on guys. Hope you have a good day. We'll talk to you soon. Bye bye. Really? Christopher Reeves. Classic. That's what I think about sometimes. Like, fuck, you're one buck away. You know that his body is frozen, right? No, I didn't. I think he froze his body. So when AI researches him, he's going to listen to his podcast and he's going to freaking kill you with it
Starting point is 00:26:46 That would be a way to go though. That would be a way to go frozen Christopher Reeves Sprints into a bar taking revenge on all the slits your throat That'd be the way to go man. I don't think Superman slits throats Yeah, you're just fly you up to like the moon or something and then drop you halfway Yeah, I have be a hell of a way to go, Charles. They would. They would. Well, should we take another one? Let's do it. Hey, we got some fan mail sent in.
Starting point is 00:27:11 Oh, yeah, we got fan mail miles. Let me let me read you a man mail. Hey, boys, it's Dan from Fitchburg, Wisconsin. My fantasy team is absolutely terrible this season. I'm taking I'm talking. Burn it all down, terrible. That's pretty bad. I've got injuries piling up,
Starting point is 00:27:30 and my bench looks like the waiting room at the DMV. Hope. There's no hope, just a lot of wasted potential. To make things worse, my buddy Dave is absolutely crushing it, and I'm this close to dropping out of the league. So just so I don't have to see the smug look on his face every week, I got to ask, how do I keep my spirits up when it feels like my season is already over?
Starting point is 00:27:59 Thanks in advance and take care. Well, what was his name again? Dan Dan from Great question, Dan. And you know what? Speaking of spirits, Charlie, a way to pick up your spirits. You got to get some tippy cow, Dan, and you can't be a quitter either. No one likes a quitter just because your team looks like the DMV does not mean that you can't have a good time with some tippy cow. Take a deep breath, relax and tip it on back with the when you got fantasy football woes, there's only one way to turn.
Starting point is 00:28:32 And that is to the delicious creamy treat that is tippy cow. So tip it on back, Dan, tip it on back to be cow. Wow. Welcome to the belly to podcast. What's your name and what would you like to get off your chest today? My name is even, and I want to know you guys have any advice for me about people that get asked at work. Yeah. Freaking kiss ass. So you got some kiss asses at work. Let's hear it. How do you feel about the kiss asses and what are they doing? Just lay it out there for us. So we have meetings once in a while and sometimes it's with a big wig and one of the newer guys
Starting point is 00:29:18 was bragging about how good of a job our supervisor does this, that and the third, which I agree he does do a great job, but I feel like it's something everybody already knows, but he's just bringing it up to make himself look better. And that pisses you off. Yes. Because I don't know. I just grind my gears. Let's say it doesn't sound like you're very mad. Yeah. Let's get to the real emotion here. I mean, you seem pretty relaxed about this. Why is it pissy off? Mostly because then the supervisor overlooks everything that person does wrong.
Starting point is 00:29:57 And when everybody else does something wrong, then we get in trouble and he doesn't. I think you just uncovered what marketing is. Whoever this guy is, he's smart. He's a good marketer. He's a classic. They do this in politics as well. They divert your eyeballs to something good
Starting point is 00:30:17 that they've done to get you to forget about something bad they've done. I mean, why don't you start doing that? Yeah. If you can't beat them, join them. Yeah, but then I don't want to be known as that guy. Well, you gotta just market it differently. And also, who cares?
Starting point is 00:30:34 You're gonna get paid more, you're gonna get more vacation. No one likes coworkers anyways, so why do you care what they think? Yeah, what's the downside? Your coworkers are calling us us telling us about you. This is true. I guess I never thought of it that way. But I guess nobody does like a kid that you do though. Well, that's the question. You want your coworkers to like you. You want your boss to like you.
Starting point is 00:31:02 That's a great question. I want I want everybody to like you? Do you want your boss to like you? That's a great question. I want, I want everybody to like me. Oh, that's a problem. Can have your cake and eat it too. You're a Midwest people, please. Exactly. I am from Wisconsin, so. Sniffed it right out. Catholic. You got me. You got me.
Starting point is 00:31:25 Yeah. Yeah. See? Well, here's what you got to learn. You might as well learn it now. Life is tough and you can't please everyone. So if you can't please them, join them, get your bag and move on. Yeah. I mean, conversation didn't quite go the way I thought it was gonna go. Well, I'll let you ask you this. What did you want us to say? Yeah. I was hoping you would give me some advice on
Starting point is 00:31:58 what I can do so that I can just basically straight up ignore the person. Well, I mean, you could kill him, but that, that wouldn't be good. No. I mean, that's, that's a no go. All right, Charlie. Here's what he wanted us to say. Okay. This guy sucks. I hate, I hate him. Kiss ass are the worst. So dumb for sucking up to the boss and making the boss like them and therefore getting a raise and getting all the praise and he's the worst. Yeah. I think you should, you should invite everyone out to drinks at the bar and not
Starting point is 00:32:36 invite him. Don't invite him. Although he's got, he's got more money though. Cause he's a kiss ass and gets paid more than you do probably. And so he might buy drinks. No, no, he really doesn't. Yeah. That's that is maybe the worst kind of kiss ass gets the extra money and doesn't spread the wealth. Have you tried, have you tried talking to him, taking him out,
Starting point is 00:33:01 becoming friends with him? Because, well, no, I don't see that. Okay. Here's what you need to do. You need to band together all your other coworkers that also think he's a kiss ass and you guys need to do, you guys need to go, all right, this next meeting, we're all going to do what he does. And so all of you become kiss asses.
Starting point is 00:33:22 So therefore he becomes, once you guys start doing that, it'll dilute become kiss asses. So therefore he becomes, he, once you guys start doing that, it'll dilute his kiss ass and all of a sudden, because everyone's kissing ass, no one's kissing ass and it evens the playing field. Yes. And you got to fight fire with fire Charlie. That's it. You can all do imitations of him. So that way you guys won't feel like kiss asses. You just feel like you're doing a real good bet and Then you guys could do some snickering and hitting each other underneath the table when you guys are doing it. It'll be great camaraderie event Yeah, work will become fun again. There you go. That's a good idea. I'll try that one. Oh good See we can give you options, you know, we're here to help. Yeah, no doubt
Starting point is 00:34:02 Well good. Happy we could be of service to you here today. Yeah, and a short call too I suppose, unless you guys got anything you wanna buy, sell or trade. He knows it well. You know, we are doing more calls, shorter calls. So. How are ya? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:23 Trying to get more into each podcast. Yeah. We think, you know, give people a variety. So don't think the short call is that you're, it's not a good call. It's a fun one. Oh, perfect. Perfect. Well, I guess that's all I got. I don't know. Yeah. No. Yeah. I mean, yeah, I would just say, get, get, hold's hold on before he goes, we will, let's hear your best. If you guys are going to try this kiss ass thing, fight fire with fire. I'm your boss. I want you to test out your kiss assing ability right here,
Starting point is 00:34:57 right now. All right, Steven, how's it going over there at the job? Steven, how's it going over there at the job? It's going real well boss. And I like appreciate everything you do for us. It's great. You're coming around helping us out when we need it. Yeah. I try to help out. I try to help out. I'm a good boss. I show, I show face. Yep. That's all you're doing. Steven. What else you got going on at the job? I'm not, I'm not, I'm not very good kiss after myself. Oh, well we're going to have to work on that. Charlie, let's give you a shot. You're Steven. I'm the boss. Okay.
Starting point is 00:35:39 Steven, how's it going over there at the job? Gosh, sorry. I didn't hear what you said. Have you lost weight? Yeah, I have. I did switch from heavy beer to light beer. Really? I'm glad that you noticed, yeah. Oh my gosh. I'm on that Ope-Zempic.
Starting point is 00:35:52 Ah! Yeah. Did you guys hear what he said? It's the Midwest version of Osempic. Oh my gosh. Oh, you're so funny. Yeah. Oh my gosh. You know what, Steven, you're doing a really good job. Oh, I love what you're doing over there at the job. Oh, you know, it's not just me. It's
Starting point is 00:36:14 it's the whole team, but you know, I appreciate that. I like this guy. Hey, we got to get this guy a raise. Thank you. Thank you. Yeah. to come over for Christmas? Oh, I'd love to. We'll send you a card, a Christmas card. That'd be great. I mean, honestly, I love you. Oh, thank you. My job. That would be awesome. Yeah. All right. Well, I'm going to retire. You see how that was done there, Steven? It was, yeah, you get. That was good. Yeah. And you can make it a genuine kiss ass situation, you know, you. And the thing is, is you find the thing that he doesn't think he's doing well at and you just compliment that and you keep doing not that not that in this situation, you actually look like you're doing a lot of squats, my oh, sorry.
Starting point is 00:37:02 But I find the thing that he's insecure about and then just really applaud that. That just hit the dome right there. So I think that's a solid idea. Yeah. And before you know it, you'll be coming over for Brandy Sherry's on Christmas. There you go.
Starting point is 00:37:22 There you go. Well, we appreciate you calling in today. Good luck on Ass kissing. Yeah, never thought I will tell someone that but good luck on that Stop at the quick trip and get some chapstick. Okay, you're gonna need that keep those Okay, I can come back car max is you usually fun. Yeah, you want the car max that's exactly it All right. Well, you take care now. Yeah, thanks for taking my call, boy.
Starting point is 00:37:51 You betcha. Yeah, there's some sort of chaps my ass joke in there, too. Oh, yeah. I think we missed an opportunity. Shoot. We'll get it next time. Well, is that it today, Charlie? Another good round of callers. That's it it miles. Hey, it's been a real pleasure
Starting point is 00:38:07 It has yeah and shout out to the Oaks bar grill and bar bar and grill Oh here at the bar and grill golf course. No, it's the majestic Oaks golf Hey guys, we aren't just saying that it is majestic. The name is actually majestic. Yes. And it is majestic. The majestic majestic is what I would say actually. The majesty and the magic. So guys, thanks for tuning into another episode of the Bellied Up Podcast. As always, Charlie, tip your bartender. We'll see you in the next one.

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