BibleProject - Law Q&R - Law E6

Episode Date: June 3, 2019

Tim and Jon respond to several questions, listed below. Isaiah from Georgia (1:40): Hey Jon and Tim! My name is Isaiah and I am from Lawrenceville, Georgia. I have a question concerning biblical law a...nd God's nature. I've talked to some friends on this issue for some time, and their view is that God's nature was not fully revealed in the Old Testament. So God's will was not fully revealed. They believe this is why the Israelites thought they had to live under the law. They use Paul's writings to back that up. They also believe that the New Testament is the full revelation of God and his nature. And so we can see his full intent was to have a personal relationship instead of a list of rules to follow. What would you say to this worldview and why it should be changed? Rich from New York (13:10): I'm a pastor in upstate New York. Your series on the law is just outstanding. And yet I have a question. As you folks talked about the common law understanding of law that existed until the last few centuries, I found myself wondering about the understanding of law among the Pharisees of the first century, for example. It seems that their understanding wasn't just that the mosaic law was a snapshot in time but that it described how the law needed to be lived out in any age, whatever possible, more like statutory law. Or am I wrong about that? Victoria from Tennessee (21:45): Hey Tim and Jon, this is Victoria in Chattanooga, Tennessee. I've been really inspired by this conversation about the law, particularly the relationships of the New Testament to the Old Testament. I'm sure you're getting here, but I wanted to ask how we’re asked to understand our broad call to obedience when Jesus says something like in Matthew 5, “therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others accordingly will be called least in the kingdom of heaven.” What commands is he referring to, and is the spirit of the law or commands a filter for interpretation, or is there a place where we need to draw a line in the sand? Thanks. Joe from Cleveland (22:15): What I’m still at tension with are Jesus’ words in Matthew 5:18-19 where he states not a dot or iota will pass away from the law, and those who relax the least of these will be least in heaven. It seems we had agreed the Hebrew Torah showed itself to be flexible and not necessarily the final word in judicial cases. I interpret Jesus “dot and iota” statement as a more literal or explicit command to the letter of the law so to speak. Does Jesus’ statement raise that tension for you or is there another way of understanding it? Petra from the Netherlands (39:30): Hi Tim and Jon my name is Petra, I'm from the Netherlands. A lot of people consider the law as a guidance to obey God and to eternal life. As I have listened to your podcast, I get the assumption that you do not agree with that way of seeing the law, which I understand. What are your thoughts about a practical way to obey God through the Holy Spirit, by the Law, what are your thoughts about that? Thank you, bye! Laura from Iowa: (47:20) Is it important to differentiate between passages that are referring to the 611 laws, the Torah, the whole Old Testament, or the entirety of Scripture? And if that's important, how can an average Bible reader go about this? Show Music: Defender Instrumental by Tents Show Produced by: Dan Gummel Check out all our resources at Our video on how to read biblical law:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, this is Cooper at Bible Project. I produce the podcast in Classroom. We've been exploring a theme called the City, and it's a pretty big theme. So we decided to do two separate Q and R episodes about it. We're currently taking questions for the second Q and R and we'd love to hear from you. Just record your question by July 21st
Starting point is 00:00:17 and send it to us at Let us know your name and where you're from, try to keep your question to about 20 seconds and please transcribe your question when you email it. That's a huge help to our team. We're excited to hear from you. Here's the law. We get ready for video that's out now, which is how to read the law in the Bible.
Starting point is 00:00:55 Yes. We estimated, was it 10% of the Bible? 5 to 10% I think was my general. Depends on, because some of the old tests in the laws are one sentence, some of them are many verses, whole paragraphs. Yeah. So somewhere between 5 to 10% of the entire Bible is made up in those 600 plus commands in Exodus through Deuteronomy.
Starting point is 00:01:15 Yeah, but they're all there in the first. They're all there in the second through fifth books and it's a significant chunk of the Bible. That throws a lot of readers for loot. And so that's why we included it in the How to Read Bible series. It was a great conversation. And I know other people, I've heard from other people as well that they really enjoyed it.
Starting point is 00:01:36 Yeah. But we have some questions that we're going to respond to. Yeah. As always, you all sent in loads of thoughtful questions. Yeah. So we don't always have answers, but we always have a response. Hey, when you're in. Yeah, let's do it. This first question is from Isaiah from Lawrenceville, Georgia. Hey, John and Tim, my name is Isaiah, and I'm from Lawrenceville, Georgia. I have a question concerning Bill
Starting point is 00:02:02 Kuhlaw in God's nature. I've talked to some friends on this issue for some time, and their view is that God's nature was not fully revealed in the Old Testament. So God's will was not fully revealed. They believe this is why the Israelites thought they had to live under the law. They also think that the New Testament is the full revelation of God and His nature. And so we can see His full intent was to have a personal relationship and serve a list of rules to follow. What would you say to this worldview?
Starting point is 00:02:32 Thanks. It's a great question, Isaiah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. What I also just want to first recognize Isaiah that you have friends that you sit around and talk about biblical theology.
Starting point is 00:02:43 It's great. Which is awesome. Even if you disagree, it's just a great gift to have friends like that who want to learn and talk together. So you said, what would you say to this way of, you said worldview, but this way of thinking about the Bible? I think we're back to a topic that John, you and I've come across many times. Back to the topic that John, you and I've come across many times, in some ways that way of pitting the Old Testament and New Testament against each other is like differing depictions of God, one is less developed, one more developed. That way of thinking about it, I think, is actually driven by a pre-assumption
Starting point is 00:03:22 of that the role of the Bible is to be like a comprehensive theology handbook telling us about the nature of God. The goal of the Bible is to unpack for us in comprehensive fashion the nature of God. And so then you get, well, a different God whose nature is different in the first three quarters than the last quarter, because there's so many laws in the first one, so that God must be about law and wanting people to obey. But then Jesus is about freedom from the law and personal relationship and the indwelling of the Spirit, so that God must be about relationship and presence. So I think it's a pre-assumption that's causing us to pit the parts of the Bible. If you come to the Bible expecting this book
Starting point is 00:04:11 exists to tell me about the nature of God, that's why it exists, then you will start to go, okay, what do I learn about the nature of God from this section of the Bible versus this section of the Bible? But you're saying, let's pause and let's step back and let's see if that's even a good assumption. Yeah. I do think the Bible tells us a lot. It claims to reveal God's purposes and ways. It does tell you about the nature of God. It does.
Starting point is 00:04:38 But the question is how. The question is how. And once again, we're back to this. This is why we made a video about this because there's 600 plus laws in the Old Testament. People just assume by that sheer fact, oh, this is a book promoting and saying we need to relate to this God by obeying the laws. That's the nature of God revealed. And so the whole point of our conversation and in the video was to say, and let's pause, the Old Testament is complex,
Starting point is 00:05:08 but in its primary form, it's an overarching narrative about a covenant relationship. Yeah. And the laws play a subordinate role to one part of that storyline. Yeah, but if we go back and we just look at the basic question here, which is, is God's nature revealed more in the New Testament than the Old Testament? Just by nature the fact that you have more material, so you learn more. I mean, that and of itself, Yeah. Is there a progressive nature to understanding God's nature? Yeah. Yeah. That's kind of a kind of the basic. Yeah, I hear that. So I guess my current response for the moment would be the purpose of the Bible isn't only to
Starting point is 00:05:56 tell us about the nature of God. Right. It's telling us a story about the identity of God and God's purposes that are revealed in human history, leading up to the most perfect revelation, but the fulfilling revelation of God's character in the person of Jesus. So if the point of the Bible was to just explain to you the nature of God and the nature of what it means to be a relationship with God and all that stuff. Then you could, you would assume that if there was two different parts of this handbook, they both would fully give that. But if you think of it in terms of a story, if you learn about a character at the beginning of a story, you know that there's a lot about this character you don't know. In fact, at the beginning of a story, you don't know anything about the character
Starting point is 00:06:49 and you learn more and more about the character over through the story. But you don't get to the end of the story and go, oh, this is a completely different character than the beginning. It's a narrative development. A narrative development of that character. Now God's unique character in that there's a sense of God that he doesn't change in the way that characters change. Yeah, in one sense, but this is a story about God entering into a covenant partnership with humans and humans do change. Humans change. And God has submitted his own freedom to a certain set of constraints by entering into real partnership with humans. That's what makes the drama of this biblical story so intense. Yeah, and God lets his mind change when humans, like Moses, presses on him.
Starting point is 00:07:37 He genuinely interact, interact. He doesn't just solely act, he interacts, which means that God will allow and engage in actions that are, I have a friend who uses the phrase sub-optimal. That are not his ideal, but that are what's necessary in this relationship. And I think the way that the laws of the covenant fit into the storyline, the way those narratives are composed, the laws, and the increasing amount of laws are being portrayed as, again, what my colleague of mine calls a suboptimal, that the whole idea is that humans
Starting point is 00:08:20 are in partnership with God and that they listen to the voice. We did a whole episode on that. Humans keep not listening to the voice, requiring God to make it ever more clear what his voice wants them to do at particular moments in the story. And all of those laws are fit within stories of people never listening to the voice. But accept, excuse me, sometimes, mostly never, but a few times listening to the voice of Abraham's story. Yeah. And so what it prepares you for is leading up to the person of Jesus who is a paradoxical character because he is both the covenant god and the covenant human partner who is able to perfectly fulfill that partnership.
Starting point is 00:09:03 So let me back up. Yeah. Isaiah, your question is, how do you respond to someone who says, who is able to perfectly fulfill that partnership. So let me back up. Isaiah, your question is, how do you respond to someone who says, the Old Testament gods about law, New Testament is the perfect revelation of God's about relationship. I would say, if you paying attention to the narrative argument of the Hebrew Bible, the New Testament and the Old Testament are saying the same thing about God's nature, God's purposes, and how the human and divine partnership is going to be fulfilled. The Hebrew Bible creates a need for a divine human partnership that will be fulfilled in
Starting point is 00:09:39 someone. And that's exactly what the New Testament claims about Jesus. But a narrative reveals the nature of God in a different way than a systematic theology book. And I think that might be part of our hang-up is we're looking for a definitive statement about the nature of God. Oh, these some books of the Bible present a different portrait or a different, what seems like a different nature, but I think we're imposing an alien framework onto the Bible. It's a narrative, so God's purposes are developing and taking the story somewhere, and that's why the old and new testaments are different. They are different, but they're different in the way that the first half of a story
Starting point is 00:10:24 is different than the last half of a story is different than the last half of the story. Right. That would be it. That was not a very short work in size response. And that makes perfect sense of why Paul, for example, can still feel free to quote from the laws, the covenant in the books of the Torah.
Starting point is 00:10:41 He'll quote from the Ten Commandments to children like innovations, you know? He'll quote children, obey your parents. But he'll also quote from a law, in first Corinthians about feeding your ox. And then turn it into a wisdom principle about compensating church leaders for the hard work that they do.
Starting point is 00:11:01 So he still really cares about those laws, but he sees them within a narrative wisdom framework, which is what we are after in the video. Yeah. And to do a quick summation of the story, it's that God wanted to partner with humans, to rule the world, and give them his wisdom. And this is represented in eating of the tree of life and having eternal life with God. And so that quest for wisdom, the law, as part of the story of God choosing one people,
Starting point is 00:11:35 and saying, here's how you guys can live in my wisdom. Here's my law, and then we get 611, 613 examples of those, but then those are placed in the narrative to actually make a point Yeah, which is how that's impossible, especially. Yeah, nobody does nobody actually does it That's the story that we see God fulfilling. It's not now all of a sudden God's like, you know what this whole law thing and then trying to live by my wisdom through laws That's not working. Let's try something else It's that I still want them to live by my wisdom through laws, that's not working. Let's try something else. It's that I still want them to live by my wisdom
Starting point is 00:12:08 and be human partners. And let's take it to another level, which is I'm gonna show them how to do that through Jesus through the incarnation. Yeah, so in that sense, God's nature is the same in Old and New Testament. He's beautiful, mind, all-powerful, holy, transcendent, who wants to enter into communion with his creation
Starting point is 00:12:31 in genuine partnership. And that partnership is fulfilled and brought to perfect fulfillment in the person of Jesus, and then is spread in the work of the Spirit. That's what the old and New Testament God is up to. And in that sense, it's the same. The same God whose nature is developed throughout the course of the narrative.
Starting point is 00:12:53 Yeah, cool. The Bible is a unified story that leads to Jesus. Bigs the question is, why does God allow a story to progress? In the first place, you know, why not just right off the bat just be like, here I am incarnate without a manoeuvre. Here you guys go like a why the whole story, but that's a whole nother. That's a whole nother thing, but the answer is love. The answer is love. Yeah, I think that's what the apostles would say to that question is because God is love. But that's a whole other situation. Next question is from Rich, who lives in New York.
Starting point is 00:13:33 I'm a pastor in upstate New York. Your series on the law is just outstanding. And yet I have a question as you folks talked about the common law understanding of law that existed until the last few centuries. I felt myself wondering about the understanding of law among the Pharisees, so the first century, for example. It seems that their understanding wasn't just that the Mosaic law was a snapshot in time, but that it described how the law needed to be lived out in any age, whenever possible,
Starting point is 00:14:01 more like statutory law. Or am I wrong about that? There's a great question. Yep. Good job, Rich. Very perceptive. So this was a whole episode talking about what I learned from Joshua Berman and Michael Defeather, a bunch of Hebrew Bible law, ancient law scholars, talking about the difference
Starting point is 00:14:23 between common law and statutory law scholars, talking about the difference between common law and statutory law. Right. Yeah, which I guess go back and listen to. Yeah. The main difference was a common law society where the purpose of law codes, literary collections of written law, isn't to be the final statement where authority is in the words given to those words by a governing body. That's a mode of law code function in a modern, many modern Western societies that's called statutory law or legislative law on this model. In the ancient world, law codes were examples.
Starting point is 00:15:10 They gave you examples of how judges applied their ideals of justice and recompense and fairness. That'd be a typical law code, but the law code that Moses got was from God himself. Correct, Yes. But you would still say they were examples. Well, and again, the reason why I brought this up is because within the 600 plus laws of the Torah, there are laws that address the same topic, but tell you to do different things. The whole reason was to solve that puzzle.
Starting point is 00:15:41 What's up with that? If you view the 600 plus laws as a statutory law code, those feel like contradictions within the Old Testament law. My whole reason for bringing it up was that's imposing a foreign category of law onto the laws of the Torah. Yeah, it's still hard for me to... As I've thought about this over the last month, it's still uncomfortable. Because I just assume, well, gosh, if they had these laws, how else can you think about it, except for those with rules? Yeah. Because they're very specific oftentimes.
Starting point is 00:16:21 You wouldn't think, oh, that's just an example. So who knows what will actually happen to me or what the actual consequences or what I should actually do. That just, that seems like a, not how you would think. Well, if the Old Testament is a law code in that way, that makes sense, but it's not a law code. Well, Old Testament's a law code. It's a narrative about a covenant partnership.
Starting point is 00:16:41 But there was a law code. And presumably, yes, totally. That's right, Moses wrote stuff down. But he wrote stuff down at different moments. And you're saying that law code that Moses wrote down at different moments, we can't impose our modern construct of statutory law to whatever that was.
Starting point is 00:17:02 600 plus laws of the Torah. They weren't perceived or treated that way. That's why when Moses, when God tells Moses the commands of how to observe Passover, the first Passover says roast the lamb, do not boil it. Once they're on their way into the promised land, Moses gives a command, boil the Passover. But those are different moments in the life of the people.
Starting point is 00:17:30 So different moments require different applications of divine wisdom and command. You can see that process within the Torah itself. So then we've got first century Jews in a tradition called the Ferris Seig with tradition. Yeah, this is to now to just question. Yeah, yeah, right. And they see how the laws are working in the Torah. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:55 How do they view it? Yeah, that's right. So a popular misunderstanding of the Pharisees is that, well, see, look, finally, we get to a statutory law approach. They care about the precise wording and application of the law, right? That's a common perception of the Pharisees. Yeah. It seems like they do.
Starting point is 00:18:14 It seems like they do. However, if you actually read the literature written by Pharisees, it's translated into later categories of called the rabbinic literature, we have, we read a section of the Mishnah, or of the Talmud, at the beginning of the series. That's the, that's Pharisees, okay. Correct. So what the Mishnah and the Talmud are, are conversations of Jewish religious leaders
Starting point is 00:18:38 and Torah scholars collecting conversations from the time of Jesus, and then in the centuries after. And what you see there is not a statutory law approach. They are arguing, they're creating wisdom principles underneath the wording of laws. They're constantly not following the simple plain meaning of the wording of laws. They're discerning ideas and wisdom underneath it that can apply, and for them is after 70 AD, you don't have a temple, you don't have kingship,
Starting point is 00:19:12 you don't have priesthood. So all those laws have to be adapted. And so they are discussing about how to re-adapt the wisdom of all of those laws into new circumstances, but that's the common law approach. As to say, the written text is a guide of precedent and wisdom that can be applied in many different ways. I guess what's interesting is
Starting point is 00:19:33 then there was all sorts of different motivations within the fair say community. Yeah, oh yeah. And so one of them could be, hey, we want to live by God's wisdom. Mm-hmm. The whole point is that we would trust in God's wisdom and live by it. And then cool, let's try to figure that out.
Starting point is 00:19:53 Let's work it out in a community together. What is God's wisdom now for us? What I think a more traditional motivation assigned to them as an evangelical is oh they just they just wanted to cross all the teas and dot all the eyes rigid legalism rigid legalism make sure that they could please God that's right through not making any mistakes God in a corner that he has to give me blessing because I obeyed the laws right Right. All these nasty caricatures. Yeah. Of the fairies.
Starting point is 00:20:28 And then that's run as like that's all they did. Correct. But there's room for... Yeah. But there were some people who do that. Just like... Some even don't do that. I mean, there are religious, yeah, totally.
Starting point is 00:20:37 Oh, totally. Conservative Protestants in Europe and America have no high ground to stand on when it comes to accusing other religions of hypocrisy and legalism. Just as a practical example, you know, the ways that rabbinic, fairsayek, and then rabbinic legal discussion about how to observe Sabbath, how it develops in the early centuries. Again, I've just done some reading on it, but what the conversations involved was, them taking the laws given to the priests about the lighting of candles and the preparation of foods for the Sabbath in the temple, they created wisdom principles and then begin to apply that to be
Starting point is 00:21:17 followed by every Israelite in their own home. The lighting of the Sabbath came out, the special preparation of the meal and so on. And so that's not a plain-sense reading of the laws of the Sabbath gear, the special preparation of the meal and so on. And so that's not a plain sense reading of the laws of the Torah. It's viewing them as precedent, as common law, that can be applied by any Israelite in their home, whereas as the laws, as they're worded in the Torah, are given to the priests, you know, for the temple, that kind of thing. So that's a good example. These are the conversation partners of Jesus
Starting point is 00:21:46 about the meaning of the laws. And I think actually we have now a couple questions. Yeah, we have two questions. One from Victoria in Chattanooga, Tennessee, and then another one from Joe Murphy in Cleveland, Ohio. You had helpful ways, but different ways of getting at the same type of question about Jesus and the laws of the Torah.
Starting point is 00:22:06 So we thought we would listen to both your questions. Hey Tim and John, this is Victoria and Chad and Newgatenesis. I've been really inspired by this conversation about the law, particularly the relationship of the New Testament to the Old Testament. And I'm sure you're getting here, but I wanted to ask how we're to understand our broad call to obedience. When Jesus says something like in Matthew 5, therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others accordingly will be called least in the kingdom of heaven.
Starting point is 00:22:31 What commands is he referring to and is the spirit of the law or commands a filter for interpretation or is there a place where we need to draw a line in the sand? Thanks. Hey Tim, hey John. I really enjoy the insight and effort that each of you put into these podcasts and I want to say thanks so much for that content. Where I'm still at tension after these podcasts on the Torah are Jesus's words in Matthew 518 and 19. He says, for truly I say to you until heaven and earth pass away, not in a
Starting point is 00:23:02 aota, not a dot, will pass from the law until all is accomplished. Therefore, whoever relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same, will be called the least in the kingdom of heaven. It seems that in the podcasts, we agreed that the Torah showed itself to be flexible and not necessarily the final word in judicial cases. I kind of interpret Jesus' dot and Iota statement, though, more as a literal or explicit command
Starting point is 00:23:32 to the letter of the law, so to speak. So my question is, does Jesus' statement raise that tension for you or is there another way of understanding it? This is Joe from Cleveland, Ohio. Thanks so much, guys. Yeah. So, in the history of Christians, I'm trying to think about the laws of the Torah and how to relate to them as part of the Bible and God's Word. Yeah. Jesus' comments in Matthew chapter 5 have been really important.
Starting point is 00:24:00 Yeah. Because he's explicitly addressing the laws of the Torah and how he relates to them, how he wants his followers to relate to them and so on. Is he explicitly referring to the to the 611 laws or to the Torah as a little rarity unit? Okay, as always context context context. This is in the opening movement of the sermon on the mount, which means, take these words in the context of that opening, but then also in the whole sermon on the mount,
Starting point is 00:24:32 and what the sermon on the mount is doing. And of course, we don't have time to talk about that. But Jesus opens Matthew 5, pronouncing the Beatitudes, the famous blessings on all of the wrong kinds of people. The people who don't typically seem blessed. Correct. Correct. The poor, the non-powerful, the non-wilthy,
Starting point is 00:24:53 the non-influential, the peacemakers, the pure and heart. The people who get taken advantage of and. Yeah, so these are the people to which Jesus brings the kingdom of God first, which is why he pronounced them the fortunate ones. Then he goes on to say, you all, who's the famous the salt of the earth, the light of the world, the way that Jesus is bringing the kingdom is surprising and the people to whom he brings it is surprising. And he calls them salt and light. The light is really important. You're the light of the world, a city set on hill.
Starting point is 00:25:27 Dude, this is the summary of the book of Isaiah, which is all about God wanting to create the ideal covenant partners who will live in the New Jerusalem, which he will exalt to become a lighthouse, beacon to all of the nations. So that Isaiah two can be fulfilled. All nations, they stream, they river. Yeah, they river up. Yeah, up to the new Eden, to live in peace and harmony in the kingdom of God. And Jesus says, y'all are the vanguard of that
Starting point is 00:25:58 people. Yeah. And the you being these. The blessed. Down in that one. The people to whom he's bringing God's kingdom. Yeah. In that moment. So then he says, so how does your light, how does the light of the new Jerusalem shine? Well, through good works, through your behavior. This is verse 16. It's verse 16, yeah. An ethic, a kingdom ethic,
Starting point is 00:26:22 that Jesus is going to unfold in the Serenade on the Mount. Then Jesus, next verse, says, don't think I came to abolish the Torah and prophets. So apparently some people saw the movement he was starting as a threat to the institutions of Israel, the temple, and high priesthood, and also to the Scriptures. The Torah and prophets is a reference to the scriptures. Yeah, that's a reference to the scriptures. Correct.
Starting point is 00:26:47 But you just said a threat to the institutions. The institutions that have found their legitimacy in the scriptures. They appeal to the same scriptures, which is the laws of the covenant and you're right. So actually, let me rephrase that. Let me start that differently. Jesus says, don't think I came to abolish the scriptures. Yeah. So He oriented himself in came to abolish the Scriptures. Yeah. So he oriented himself in relationship to the Torah and prophets.
Starting point is 00:27:09 No, he doesn't just say the laws of the Torah. Yes. The whole thing. The whole thing. As a unified narrative statement. It's a literary unit. Yeah. And he says, no, I didn't come to set it aside.
Starting point is 00:27:19 I'm fulfilling it. Yeah. So that's going back to the way the Gospels just introduced Jesus, that he is the time is fulfilled in Mark 1. He's bringing the narrative. So it's back to the first question that we just talked about. Jesus relates himself to the scriptures as an unified narrative leading up to a moment that he says is here.
Starting point is 00:27:42 So next verse, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke, he's referring to little, they're called ligatures, or different ways and lines of the way Hebrew letters are written. It's his way of saying, the scriptures have a biting value until he says, until all is accomplished. So, I'm here to fulfill the Torah
Starting point is 00:28:06 down to the lettering of the Torah. It has a biting significance and authority. Until. Until everything is accomplished. Does that mean a biting authority for a time? Look what he says next. Whoever annuls is new American standard, whoever breaks one of the least of these command
Starting point is 00:28:25 mince. So now he's talking specific about within that, so we went from the law on the profits, I'm fulfilling, the law, the Torah according to his lettering, and now the command mince. So he's talking about the laws of the Torah. And when I read that, I read that from a statutory framework and thinking, this is what it says, you don't do what it says, you don't do what it says, you're breaking it. Is that what he means?
Starting point is 00:28:48 Okay, so you can't take this statement out of context, so keep reading. So whoever breaks the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same, he's least in the kingdom of heaven. So if you disregard the laws of the Torah, they don't matter who cares about them. You'll be leasing the kingdom. Whoever keeps them or does them and teaches others, he is great in the kingdom of heaven. Oh, okay. What does it mean to do the laws of the Torah next sentence is crucial. Unless your righteousness, righteousness is a relational term about maintaining right
Starting point is 00:29:24 relationship with the people that you're in social relationships with. And in a covenant partnership, your righteousness is being faithful to the one that you've given allegiance to. And the terms, yeah, which, so unless your covenant allegiance to God surpasses that of the scribes and Pharisees, you won't enter the kingdom of heaven. And that sentence is just a tee up to this. He's going to go into six examples right now quoting some line from the laws of the Torah. And then don't commit murder. Yeah, and then he finds the wisdom principle behind it. Exactly. He doesn't follow the precise wording of the law. He says the wording of the law, it's wisdom that points to a divine ideal. So you've heard, don't kill people.
Starting point is 00:30:05 Yes. Look, what's the wisdom behind this? Correct. It's about, it's about despising people. Yeah, and contempt. Contempt. Contempt, thinking that you are superior to another person. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:16 But they're less human. What gets you to the point where you can take someone's life? Yeah. Yeah, it's that much contempt. A slow road of dehumanizing another person. So while a whole lot of it and a really bad morning might actually kill someone. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:30 Yeah. Yeah. But incubating that in your heart is just is is correct, dangerous. Correct. So when you go back, this is what Jesus means by doing the lot, right, whoever breaks the least of these commandments, but whoever does them was great in the kingdom of them.
Starting point is 00:30:48 What does it mean to do the commandments of the Torah, according to Jesus? Find the wisdom behind it. You discern the divine ideal underneath the example of the law, and then fulfill that divine ideal. So to set aside or break it, it means to not live under the ideal. To not read the laws of the Torah and look for the divine wisdom underneath them is in Jesus' terms to break. Which is what we've been talking about in terms of common law.
Starting point is 00:31:14 Correct. That's right. Again, that's why I found that so helpful. Yeah. So in other words, Jesus here is not reflect a statutory approach to the laws of the Torah. He reflects a common law or he reads them as divine wisdom literature. So same with adultery. So you didn't sleep with another person's spouse.
Starting point is 00:31:36 Great job. But you constantly are abusing and objectifying other humans in your mind through sexual fantasy. And Jesus says, you're breaking the commands of the Torah. Even though you're not committing adultery, you are breaking the commands of the Torah. You're not living by God's wisdom. And this all comes back to the partnership thing. It's not just because God has a list.
Starting point is 00:31:57 He's checking it twice. And he's going to find out if he's 99. He wants to rule with you and to rule you need wisdom and to rule and wisdom. And a ruler who is constantly objectifying people and has contempt for people is going to be a horrible ruler. That's right. Yeah. So what Jesus is trying to form is the light, the city on the hill, the new Eden people who by nature discern the
Starting point is 00:32:27 divine ideals of covenant faithfulness. And so they'll use the wording of the laws of the Torah as a guide to point them to something deeper and more transformative. And that's how Jesus read the laws of the Torah. And I think we talked about this, but what trips me up, and I'm sure trips other people up, is that idiom of not one Iota. Yeah, sure. That's right. Because that immediately puts my mind in the place of statutory law. That's right. Exactly how it was written. That's what matters. Correct. And if you have that statement taken out of the paragraph, just floating
Starting point is 00:33:01 by itself, sure. But you can take any statement, any sentence of someone's writings out of context. So within the context, you would say that by him saying, not even that, were the words Iota or. Yeah, yeah, King James is jot and tiddle. Such a great line. Struck of a pen is an IV. Yeah. In context, you're talking about the written text of the Torah.
Starting point is 00:33:26 And that it does matter how it was written. It does matter. Don't change how it was written. That's right. But he doesn't mean, therefore, follow it exactly as written. Because he goes on to get these examples of not doing that. You have to read all of these as one coherent statement. You can't just take the statement about Jesus referring to read all of these as one coherent statement. You can't just take
Starting point is 00:33:45 the statement about Jesus referring to a stroke of the lob needing to be followed without what he says later. Can I show you another example? We didn't talk about this. Yeah. But another example that's really helpful. This is a Matthew 19. And Jesus is approached by the Pharisees asking him about divorce. Oh, right. I was gonna ask you about this one. Yeah, this is such a great example. Or maybe this wasn't the one. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:10 I was gonna ask you about the one where he goes back and forth and he's like, you guys break the law to let people... Oh, yeah, I got it. So this is different. This is different. But we could read that one too. They ask him, is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for any reason
Starting point is 00:34:26 at all? So this is an active debate in the first century that has survived in the discussions of the rabbis and the Mishnah and the Talmud. And it's about at least at this point in Jewish culture, divorce can be only initiated by males. Just stop and imagine that world. Real quick. It's actually imagine that world. So quick. It's actually not that hard to imagine. It's not that hard to imagine. What's crazy is from our vantage point, it seems crazy. Sure.
Starting point is 00:34:51 But for most of human history, that's like normal. Yeah. So that's interesting. And then the debate here is what are the legitimate reasons? And Jesus sidesteps that part of the debate completely. And he says, you guys, have you read Genesis 1 and 2? This passage actually been hugely significant for me personally. When it dawned on me, that when Jesus reads the Old Testament,
Starting point is 00:35:16 he always, any issue, he takes back to Genesis 1 and 2. And that started to shape me like, oh, maybe I should think about the Bible that way. And it's like a decoder ring I should think about the Bible that way. And it's like a decoder ring. Something to figure out so many things. So he goes back and he doesn't. They're quoting from a law in Deuteronomy chapter 24. And what he does is just like in the sermon on the Mount,
Starting point is 00:35:37 he goes underneath the law to the divine ideal that he sees in Genesis 1 and 2, which is about male and female, the two become one flesh. And so then he uses that ideal. And what he says about the law of the Torah is this command about Moses and a certificate of divorce was written because of the hardness of your heart. He permitted you. But in the beginning, it was not this way. This is hugely significant. What G.S. is saying is the laws of the Torah earlier, I borrowed my colleague's phrase, are sub-optimal. The laws of the Torah are got accommodating to Israel as a fallen, ancient, nirrester, and forth. In the ideal, you don't have to deal with two
Starting point is 00:36:24 people who have become one deciding not to be one anymore. Correct. Just not even a category. Right. So the laws of the around me 24 do not represent God's ideal will for marriage. They're a divine accommodation for human sinfulness. But that's what Jesus, but they still have abiding value.
Starting point is 00:36:44 Abiding value and wisdom. Correct, yes. Yeah. So, what Jesus is doing here, just exactly what it did in the sermon on the Mount. He looks for a divine ideal underneath the wording of the command, and then he calls his followers towards that ideal, which then leads on
Starting point is 00:36:58 into the statement about, so, you know, he should really consider not getting married. So what he tells us, disciples. Does he say that? Yeah. When the disciples say to him, whoa, if that's the meaning of the marriage covenant, Matthew 19, verse 10,
Starting point is 00:37:13 it maybe it's better not to get married. And he says, well, not everybody will be able to embody the divine ideal that way, but some people should. And he makes this remarkable statement about the elevated status of single people in the Kingdom of God, which fit nobody's categories at the time. Because to be single is to be without. Yeah, without a family means you have really no future. No future, no social safety web, no honor, right? Because through your large family and land holdings is how you gain honor and status.
Starting point is 00:37:46 He elevates, he says here, Unix, as people who have a unique role of status and value in the kingdom and that they are able to attain something and experience something that very few people have the honor of experiencing. He sees that as an honor. Yeah. That's why he elevates not being married. And that was shattering. Yeah. Culture shattering in the first place. Not in today's world.
Starting point is 00:38:13 No. That's like, no. I mean, it's less of an issue. It's actually, it's almost reverse. Like, to be single allows you freedom and a certain type of freedom. Right. And that when you're single in the ancient world, it's the opposite of freedom.
Starting point is 00:38:31 Yeah, totally. Yeah, that's right. You don't have a safety net, you don't have people who can call it to. Yeah, and you can see Paul still reflecting on this letter to the Corinthians, where he says, you know, if I'm not my opinion, I should be like me and not get married. But you're not a second- class citizen of Jesus' people.
Starting point is 00:38:47 If you do get married, when Paul thinks about being single, he thinks about it as an opportunity to serve and to sacrifice for others in a way that you can't when you're married. Whereas in our culture being single, has a different meaning altogether. But for Paul and for Jesus, it's a unique honored role to serve the kingdom of God in an important way.
Starting point is 00:39:06 It was a very courageous way to live. And in some ways still is, but in the ancient world very much so. Right, correct. So let's just get back. We got to this topic because Jesus turned a command of the Torah about divorce into a conversation about the divine ideal for human life. There you go And covenant partnership. Okay, so it's another example of Jesus reading the laws of the Torah as as wisdom divine wisdom
Starting point is 00:39:36 Nice. Yeah. Hey, we got another question from someone. I think we've played before. Oh, yes, Petra Although I'm so I'll also I wanted to play your question one because it's a good question But two we've mispronounced your name last time. That's Petra. I'm so sorry. Is that mispronunciation? Pet or is it just an accent? Petra, Petra, Petra from the Netherlands. Hi Tim and John. My name is Petra. I'm from the Netherlands. A lot of people consider the law as a guidance to obey God and to enter eternal life. If I have listened to your podcast, I get the assumption that you do not agree with that way of seeing the law, which I understand. Do you have what are your thoughts about a practical way to obey God through the Holy Spirit, by the law. What are your thoughts about that?
Starting point is 00:40:25 Thank you. Bye. This is actually a great kind of practical follow-up Yes. where we've been so far. Right. You're right. The point we're making is both Hebrew Bible and the New Testament
Starting point is 00:40:37 aren't presenting the laws of the Torah as the checklist to get eternal life. Right. That's not how the laws are presented in all testament or the New Testament. Eternal life was represented by the tree. Yeah. Yeah. And you have access to the tree by trusting God's wisdom and following God's command.
Starting point is 00:40:57 The great thing about the tree is it's not that the tree of life follows the God's command and then you get the tree of life. Every tree of the garden is yours. Including the tree of life. But there's one that you're going to pass by right when you get to the tree of life. Don't take from that one. If you take from that one, it will start you down a road that will kill you. So the divine command isn't about eternal life as such. It's about God saying, don't do the thing that's going to ruin this gift that I've kill you. So the divine command isn't about eternal life as such, it's about God
Starting point is 00:41:25 saying, don't do the thing that's going to ruin this gift that I give in you. And the gift will be this happy partnership if you just trust me. The divine command is living such a way that you could actually eat of the tree of life. Yeah, that's the divine command. Yeah, totally. Yeah. And so failing to follow the divine command. It's an interesting distinction. I just want to make sure I tease it out. Oh, okay. Sure. We're going to make a video about it. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:49 Okay. About the tree of life. That the law isn't here. Do all these things and now you can achieve eternal life. Yeah. It's not like some like staged like tests of like. That's right. Run this gauntlet and now you can get to the tree and eat the tree.
Starting point is 00:42:07 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. It's, here's the tree. Ever-present choice that's next to the tree that represents a different path which makes eating of the tree impossible. That difference subtle as it is, it seems really significant. Yeah, I think it is. We're going to talk a lot more about it.
Starting point is 00:42:26 Yeah. In conversations to come. So what are the laws then? The laws are applications of divine wisdom, at specific moments in the life of ancient Israel. And those have a biting value, according to Jesus. And so your question, Petra, is about a practical way. Yeah, how does that be?
Starting point is 00:42:49 God. 21st century by the law. Follow of Jesus. Do it. And I think the sermon on the Mount is our model. Look at how Jesus quotes from the commands of the Torah and look at how he discerns divine wisdom underneath it. And the great thing about that is it requires proactive meditation on the reader's part. To say, here's a command about like when Israel goes to besiege another city in Deuteronomy 20, don't cut down the fruit trees. And then it says, what are the fruit trees that you should cut them down? It says as if it's this fascinating law where the fruit trees have this kind of like personal sacred value.
Starting point is 00:43:30 Like if you're going to go war against another person, don't involve the trees in your campaign. Leave the trees alone. Because trees get, you know, totally clear cut in siege battles. People build siege ramps and siege towers. Yes, sure. Or the Assyrians would intentionally just devastate. Yeah, just a way to like just spit on the ground
Starting point is 00:43:52 as you leave. Just level all the fruit orchards and so on. And so Israelites weren't supposed to do that. Yeah. So you could say, well, I'm never gonna lead a battle campaign against the people. But there's wisdom here about honoring the productivity and beauty of creation
Starting point is 00:44:08 in the midst of a human project. Oh, that's what we're thinking about. And then all of a sudden, you could see like, there's an ideal about how humans relate to creation and the environment in a way that could be applied in a thousand new possibilities. And it's biblical wisdom. So I think that's the model, Petra, in a way that could be applied in a thousand new possibilities. Sure. And it's biblical wisdom.
Starting point is 00:44:26 So I think that's the model, Petra, is trusting that the Holy Spirit can use these 600-plus laws to inspire new ways of being faithful to the divine ideal. Some of these laws don't make a lot of sense outside of their maybe historical cultural context in their neighbors and yeah, or at least they don't seem to. It seems so though that's what we did in the video of kind of boiling down to the buckets. Yeah, the main categories. Right.
Starting point is 00:44:55 So I'm just thinking if you're going to do this exercise I wouldn't be surprised if you sit down with some friends, open up some laws and just be like you know what I don't think we're going to get to the wisdom behind this one. I just think that's gonna happen. Yeah, don't boil a baby goat and it's mother's milk. Yeah. Yeah, I don't know. I continue to be surprised.
Starting point is 00:45:12 Sure, okay. Don't let it scare you. What profound wisdom there are, even in the most obscure laws. But you have to do it, Jesus style, which was doing it biblical style, which was seeing the laws as examples of applied ideals. And with this construct in mind,
Starting point is 00:45:29 then what does, is it Jeremiah, when he says the law written on your heart, like how does that Tien, what's that mean, what's he thinking about? Yeah, let's see. Well, we did talk about this in part of the series. I don't remember what episode it was. The idea, yeah, the image of God riding
Starting point is 00:45:46 the commands of the Torah on the heart, which is the new covenant ideal in Jeremiah 31. I think that's it. If it's on your heart, then you do know the wisdom underneath. You do it, yeah. God wants to create people who innately, who don't obey God's divine wisdom as a second nature,
Starting point is 00:46:03 but rather as what becomes a first nature. I think that's, and that has its mirror image and Ezekiel's vision of the new covenant people, which is God's spirit. It would be first nature to know the law, know the wisdom underneath the law, and then know how to apply that wisdom to the body. To desire to do it and then to actually do it consistently. And then yeah, you get to Jesus and he talks about the spirit. That's right. Do it, helping you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:36 Well, talk about the spirit's some. He actually just acts in the power of the spirit. Uh-huh. We're told in the gospels. It's particularly on. And John, he does. Oh, this is true. It's particularly in the Gospel John and then in Paul's letters were the active role of the Spirit in guiding Jesus followers into new wisdom. That's the idea.
Starting point is 00:46:56 So on the practical level, Petra gets some friends together on a Friday night, get some great like hors d'oeuvres. Party time. And just like pick a section of Deuteronomy. And just take it slow, get some commentaries. You know, some that might help you understand some of the ancient Near Eastern background. And then think about what it means, what are the divine ideals waiting to be discovered? Waiting to be applied in new ways that are in those laws, that would be a fun Friday night. You're going You like the spirit? Yes, and to invite the Holy Spirit to give you guidance as you have a conversation. That's cool. That sounds like a fun Friday night to me. It does, doesn't it? Yeah. All right, let's conclude this Q and R episode with Laura from Iowa City, Iowa.
Starting point is 00:47:43 episode with Laura from Iowa City, Iowa. Hey Tim and John, this is Laura from Iowa City, Iowa. My question is, is it important to differentiate between passages that are referring to the 611 laws, the Torah, the whole Old Testament, or the entirety of Scripture? And if that's important, how can an average Bible reader go about this? Thanks so much for all of your work and the resources you guys put out. So we just came across this challenge in the sermon on the Mount, didn't we? Jesus talks about the Torah and the prophets. Hmm, yeah, as a literary unit.
Starting point is 00:48:21 Then he talks about the Torah and the next sentence. Then he talks about the commands. Yeah. Yes, I know. If we're talking about the biblical vocabulary for laws and so on. Yeah, and we've talked about the word law in and of itself, is not even actually. Yeah, it doesn't capture layers of meaning
Starting point is 00:48:42 about the Hebrew word Torah. As a, yes, as a translation of the word Torah, it is lacking. But in the same way that all translations are lacking, because it's a translation. But some translations are more lacking than others. Well, that's true, but it's not a fault of the translator always. It's just about the mismatch of languages. Yeah, still, you're not blaming that's right.
Starting point is 00:49:03 This is, languages don't always have the same equivalents. So the word Torah can... Yeah, let's parse it out. The word Torah comes from the root word yara, which means to instruct or to teach. Okay. So a Torah is an item of instruction or teaching. Yeah. And that is one of the vocabulary words in Hebrew used to talk about the covenant laws. Well, don't even start there. We just say that's the word used to talk about the covenant laws. Well, don't even start there. We just say that's the word used to refer to the first five books of the Bible. Ah, the Torah of Yahweh, according to Psalm 1, or the Torah of Moses, according to Joshua 1. And if you think about how do you receive a teaching, how do you learn something, how you instructed, there's lots of different ways.
Starting point is 00:49:44 Oh, yeah, that's right. To do that. Yeah. And, uh, through a song. Mm-hmm. And in the Torah, it's primarily narrative. Yeah. There are some songs.
Starting point is 00:49:55 And then scattered throughout our, all of this, what we call law, ancient law code. Correct. Yeah ancient law code correct and Then as a shorthand Often times the specific commands are sometimes also called Torah. Yes, they are yeah And so that becomes a complication sticky one. That's a sticky one So you're reading Psalm 1 and the righteous one is somebody who meditates on the Torah of Yahweh a day and night. Oh, does that mean just the first five books? Does that mean the commands of the Torah? Or is that just a way of talking about the whole of the Hebrew scriptures?
Starting point is 00:50:35 Well, that's another thing. Now the Torah is referring to the whole of Hebrew scriptures. Yeah, but which it can. Yes, so it's very flexible word. It's a flexible word. It can mean first five books of Moses. Often mean just that as it's very flexible word. It can mean first five books of Moses. Yeah, often mean just that as it's. Yeah, usually with an in a phrase though the Torah of Moses. Okay, it's usually something like that. It can refer to all of scripture, Hebrew scriptures.
Starting point is 00:50:55 And then it can refer specifically to the statutes. The law, the ancient law code. Yep, and sometimes that can be in the singular Torah. Sometimes it can be in the plural Torah, sometimes it can be in the plural Torah, which then gets translated laws. And so when you see that like in Psalm 119, 176 verses, then every line has some sort of word referring to. And it's the word laws, commandments, statutes, statutes, chukim, ordinances, mishpatim. There's about seven or eight different words used. And it's using words that could talk about any one law,
Starting point is 00:51:33 but also as a whole poem, I'm sorry, I'm under 18, is reflecting on the scriptures in general as a source of divine instruction. So in that tradition, it's actually a flexible vocabulary that there's context. And I think it was also sometimes elements of double meaning where a poet, say in the book of Psalms, can talk about the plural, I followed your instructions.
Starting point is 00:51:58 But within the whole book of Psalms, it's portraying this poet as somebody who's the ideal meditator of scripture as a whole and being faithful to it, even though within the poem it's talking about specific laws. So is it really just then context mainly? Yes. How do you know what it's referring to?
Starting point is 00:52:18 Correct. Which is true, just as a rule of thumb in reading the Bible in general, the immediate literary context. As a rule of thumb in reading the Bible in general, the immediate literary context, the whole book that you're reading has a context, and then the whole canon of Old Testament, and then all their New Testament, like expanding circles of context are crucial for determining meaning. But can we also say that even if a passage, say a Psalmist, is referring, it seems in context to the specific statutes. Correct. Even then, because they live in a common law paradigm, as they're thinking about that,
Starting point is 00:52:54 they were thinking the way that Jesus is thinking about it is, I care about that statute. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And how that statute's written, because of the wisdom underneath of it. That's right. That's a wisdom that is also communicated through narratives and poems, through the whole of the Torah and prophets. I love that. So when the Psalmist says, oh, how I love your law, he's not far from saying, oh, how I love
Starting point is 00:53:19 your wisdom. Psalm 119 is spoken from the voice or persona of the Psalm 1. Righteous one who meditates on the Torah of Yahweh day and night. It's someone who... Yeah, when they read the scriptures, they hear a voice that's not their own. And they hear wisdom that tells them things to think about, that they've never thought to think about before. And they discover, yeah yeah a wisdom there. And on a personal level that's what has kept me enthralled with reading these texts for over 20 years now is I'd made a genuine
Starting point is 00:53:55 other voice here which I think is the voice of the spirit. You know calling the gods people through all of the scriptures, even the laws of the covenant. And it's an unending source once you learn how to listen to the voice. Listen to the voice. Listen to the voice. That's the whole point. Listen to the voice. So, man, so many good questions that we could talk about a lot longer, but those are good questions.
Starting point is 00:54:20 Yeah, thanks everyone for those questions. Yep. The next week on the podcast, we're gonna jump into... Oh, wisdom. Wisdom. Yes. Oh man, this was such a fun experience. This conversation was like a lot part two.
Starting point is 00:54:33 Yeah. Anyway, because we got a couple on the line. Oh yeah, that's right. So this is gonna be wisdom, part two. Yeah, we have the next video in the How to Read the Bible series real time, from May 2019, it's going to be How to Read. Well, we were going to call it how to read wisdom literature. That's right. Then we change. Then we start talking
Starting point is 00:54:49 about it. We start talking about it and then we changed our minds, changed the title. Oh yeah, this is a big paradigm shift for me. Yeah. And you guys get to hear us whistle through that in real time. Yep. So that's the next series coming up. How to read the wisdom literature. Yeah. And yeah, super rewarding. And then we'll do a Q&R with that. Yep. So that'll start next week. Yeah. Thank you everybody for listening, for your encouragement, for those of you who support what we're doing. Thank you so much. If you're new to listening to this, we are a nonprofit in Portland and we make free resources. Yeah. Like this podcast, but then also the videos and some study notes and other stuff. It's on the website,
Starting point is 00:55:30 Yeah. Thanks for being part of this with us. Hey, this is Cruz. I'm from L.A. I was born in El Salvador. I listened to the Bible project all the time and I use it because it's fun and creative. I can learn about the Bible in a much, much better way. We believe that the Bible is a unified story porque es un creative fun, me puedo aprender sobre el pueblo en una mejor forma. Estamos pensando que el pueblo es un histori
Starting point is 00:55:47 que lee a la gente a la gente. Estamos en el proyecto de la Criotina de la gente, como mí, puedes encontrar videos, estudiar, parkas y más a Hola, mi nombre es Cruz.
Starting point is 00:56:00 Soy Salvadorenio y vivo en la ciudad de Los Ángeles. Yo uso el proyecto de la Víblea casi todos los días es una manera creativa de aprender acerca de este libro fenomenal. Nosotros creemos que la Víblea es una historia unificada que nos dirige a Jesús. Somos una organización que es fundada por gente como yo. Puedes encontrar videos gratis, notas de estudio, parkas y mucho más, at you you

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