Bill Meyer Show Podcast - Sponsored by Clouser Drilling - 03-19-25_WEDNESDAY_7AM
Episode Date: March 19, 202503-19-25_WEDNESDAY_7AM...
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Some open phone time here.
We got a lot to talk about this morning.
Kevin Starr is going to join me after the 730 news and we're going to dig more into
House Bill 3075, which had its hearing the other day.
And it is as serious as a heart
attack and something which is a clear and present danger on the Second Amendment, could
essentially just shut down the entire gun industry and people being able to legally
transfer firearms.
And we'll dig more into this.
And I know it's just being held up there and, oh, it's just about gun safety and all
this and the other.
But, of course, you know how it will be portrayed it will be portrayed
as gun safety and gun safety only rather than really just disarming good
people and making sure that bad people continue to be armed usually by stealing
them that kind of thing 7705633 770 KMED. I was intrigued by the way that State Representative Dwayne
Younger's story the other day. Remember when he went on, this was on Monday, he did a remonstrance
in which he stood and he read from the haters, which is an LGBTQ friendly book. It's basically
a smutty sex scene filled book. Graphic detail just just all there and it came from the North Valley High
School Library and so Dwayne kept reading it and then like like state
rep Mannix would stop and say hey this is purient this is lascivious this is
wrong this is violating the protocols but you know Dwayne was trying to get the
point across there that okay this book is too filthy and dirty and disturbing to read on the floor of the house.
But we're taking taxpayer dollars and putting it into the school libraries,
school libraries for the kids. You know, more of the hard left control of the educational process
there. And he was making some headway with us. And I found it interesting the way it was being You know more of the you know the hard left control of the educational process there and
And he was making some headway with this and I found it interesting the way it was being reported and some of the commenting I mean sure news watch 12 and k-o-v-i they reported it
You know just fine there, but the comments were quite in to interesting
There was a one clown that I noted that I couldn't help but respond to but they said well
Yeah, you know a caveman wants to ban books.
I'm not surprised at all.
And I said, you know, quit lying.
I said, quit fibbing, is what I told this person.
This is the typical hard leftist approach.
You're wanting to ban books.
Dwane Younger has never advocated banning a book.
I have never advocated banning a book.
There is a huge, and this is something
where you need to get back in the face of these people that will question these kind of policies
that Dwayne was trying to bring attention to. Well, he did bring attention to it.
To go up there and detail how totally smutty and inappropriate, age-inappropriate this kind of book
is, is not the same as banning it. Nobody has
banned the haters. Moms and dads, if they want to buy the smut filled passages and
and line them up and you know put a you know put yellow marker on it and and
give it to the kids, they're certainly welcome to do it. The question is should
taxpayers be forced to pay for smut and put it into high school libraries? And I
said you need to stop fibbing about this because no one's talking about banning books.
The books are still available. It's whether or not taxpayers are forced to pay for them.
That's it. And what Duane is advocating, and this is the way we have to portray this now,
is that we're talking about being responsible and edge appropriate
and practicing discernment and judgment and being good stewards of our public
school children's education but they're gonna try you want to caveman wanted to
do you write the bad books uh-oh there's a lot of that here in southern Oregon. Let me go to the first line
here. Hi, good morning. It's Open Phones. This is Bill. Who's this? And what do you want to talk about?
Hey Bill, it's Wild Salmon again. Sorry for calling twice.
Okay, I'll forgive you. That's all right.
Okay. I'm just looking at some of the data that's available about water. And it kind of concerns me that
we haven't had a lot of water available for years we've been under drought. We have a
record high, well, not record high, but we have a very high snowpack at Crater Lake.
There is a USGS site that shows what the snowpack is in each of the basins. Rogue Umpqua is 151% water content.
Boy, that's pretty wet, gloppy snow that we have in the hills, right?
Well, there's just a lot of water in it, and the Klamath Basin is 170%.
Isn't that a good thing?
Well, okay, let's look at the lakes that are around here.
Howard Prairie is 64%, Hyatt is 65%, Immigrant Lake is 89%.
Now you're talking about full at capacity.
Full, yes.
All right.
And Lost Creek is 20, a little less than 20 feet from being full.
If we were to have a very warm rainy period or some high temperatures,
I think we could have some floods we haven't seen in a long time.
I suppose you could be right.
It's kind of a prediction game
though, isn't it? Because I don't think the water master or the people... is that what they're
called, the water masters? Is that who? Okay, but you know the people who decide, all right,
are we going to allow the lake to fill up or the reservoir to fill up or are we going to let
Applegate Lake drop down and fill it up?
The people who make those decisions, it is kind of a forecasting thing.
And in the past, we've had issues in which they've let the water go and then...
Isn't that the way it usually happens though?
You're doing something and you're using, well, it didn't do this and it didn't do this, so
I better do this to compensate and then it does something you didn't expect.
So I'm just looking at the water that's available in the mountains now is 170% in the Klamath
Basin and 151% in the Rogue Basin.
But you know what Greg has told me?
Well, you know what Greg has told me over at Rogue Weather?
That what is fortunate about this particular type of snow that we have up there is that
it's very high water content, but it's also relatively dense.
And because of that, it is going to be, usually it is much slower melting.
So it doesn't tend to have as much reaction for that.
It's something which will be letting loose a lot of that moisture for a long time.
But that's the case. We just have a situation where we haven't had this for a
while and the people making the decisions are bureaucrats. And you know,
there's a potential there for some higher water than normal. So if you live
along any of the creeks or rivers, you know, there
was a lady who drowned out in Gold Hill area because she was trying to clear a culvert.
She got washed into the thing. We can have a lot of issues that we haven't had in a long
time. So, you know, clear your culverts, check stuff, because we could have a lot of water
running down our streams and rivers.
Yeah, and make sure that you have everything open as much as possible.
Good point and thanks for making it, Steve.
I have a leftover from Pebble in Your Shoe Tuesday I wanted to get here.
Terry in Wyricka says, hey Bill, I may be the only person on earth who is irritated
by this, but here goes.
There are several public service notices on television that drive me crazy. First, there's the SPCA showing you pictures of terribly neglected animals.
They even show one dog that is pathetic, and they tell me that if I don't donate immediately,
this poor animal will die.
Excuse me, feed the dog.
Ask me for money to purchase additional food.
And then the capper, if I donate, they'll send me a feed the dog. Ask me for money to purchase additional food.
And then the capper, if I donate, they'll send me a t-shirt. Why?
Why are they spending my donation on t-shirts?
One children's hospital will send me a blanket if I donate.
I realize they get these items for very little or nothing, but they have to pay postage if nothing else.
Another thing, half the organizations requesting donations use the same whining, desperate
sounding woman.
Sorry, I will buy my own blanket or t-shirt with the money I could have donated.
Terry and Wyricka.
Terry, I appreciate you sharing your pebble, your irritation.
7705633 will give Terry an email of the day.
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Siskiyou pumps
730 Kevin's Terry is standing by we're going to talk about house bill 3075.
Yep, the monster the monstrous bloodth, disarm, shut down kind of the firearms industry in the
Second Amendment right in Oregon. But that's okay. Maybe if the Republicans are there like they were
last time a gun grabbing bill got up, they can stand up with another fake check. They could stand
up with another fake check and say, here it is, another $25,000 for a future lawsuit. I'm hoping
that's not what they're planning,
but we'll talk with Kevin about that in more after news.
You're on the Bill Meyers Show.
Joel here from Butler Ford and Truck Center,
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This is News Talk 1063 KMED,
and you're waking up with the Bill Meyers Show.
The Bill Meyers Show trying to bring some truth and context to an otherwise liberal light
field, Oregon, really.
And I was talking about this with Kevin Sterritt on how the reporting was going on with Dwayne
Younger reading from the Smutty Book the other day on the house floor.
And people were like, yeah, it's a caveman trying to ban books.
And it's like such nonsense.
It's like not buying the Smutty book is the equivalent of the ban of banning
books. And next we're going to be with Nazi salutes and burning books in the
town square. It's it's kind of a fascinating state we live in right now,
isn't it, Kevin? Welcome back to the show.
Fascinating is the exact word I would have used.
Okay, something tells me you would have used a different a different word. I was trying my best to be a politician. But you know, you were telling me though,
you've been dealing with this crap even in little can be, you know, for years in which people come
to these public meetings and just essentially lie through their teeth for a political purpose.
Yeah, I mean, you know, we had the same thing where we had parents looking at these books and
saying, this is absolutely astonishing what
is going on here and parents would start to read some of the stuff from these books and
school board meetings in the school board met what we had at the time we had some actually
intelligent school board members are pretty much all gone now.
But the school board members are cringing of course and then you know you get people
getting up and saying that can be was full of racists and and homophobes you know, I've been living in this town for three years and Hispanic people are attacked
in the parking lot at Fred Meyer.
Okay, living in Canby for three years, three whole years, right?
And they're seeing...
Well, let's assuming that that was even true, because nothing else they said was true,
and that's the reality is that when you deal with the left,
lying is not a new phenomenon,
but there was a time when you got caught lying
that it was embarrassing.
But I think pretty much since the Clinton era,
lying has become just the way they act all the time.
It's like, okay, it's just another policy.
Well, it's another tactic. It's another tactic to gain more political
power, whatever it takes. Well, by any means necessary, right? It's kind of like
by any means necessary. That's their whole point of view. Absolutely. When you see
like the Chuck Schum is the world getting up, all we're doing is we're
gonna eliminate Social Security, we're gonna cut Medicaid, and we're gonna give
a billion dollars to Elon Musk, because you you know he kind of needs the money and it's just flat out
unrepentant lying and that's kind of what we see in Oregon all the time and
in fact you know we're getting that from the Republicans now. Okay we're getting
that from the Republicans now? Really? Yeah I, after the hearing on Monday...
This was House Bill 3075.
And I imagine it was pretty bad because it was all stacked by Democrat-controlled witnesses,
That sort of thing?
And so people have been contacting Christine Traze and saying, look, the last line of defense for us now, because the implementation
of this bill will be incalculable, is you guys refusing to participate. And they're being told,
oh, we're not allowed to. You know, we're not allowed to. The law doesn't allow us to,
which of course you simply lie. You know, the law doesn't say that you can't walk out. The law says
that if they're unexcused, that it's a penalty, that there's a penalty to be paid. There's no law.
out the law says that if they're unexcused that it's a penalty that there's a penalty to be paid there's no law there I mean they're not being the
Republicans in the house are not being held in place with lawful painful chains
and handcuffs on them you know keeping them there you know they can say well
they'll send the police out looking for us well have you okay the police are
really going to come and drag some house drop out of his house you know but the
fact is is that the
Republicans have apparently
now just declared a policy of
complete and total surrender
because here's the reality.
They have no power they cannot
pass anything they cannot stop
anything. And what they've been
reduced to is hilarious press
releases about look at this we got this introduced, which goes right in the garbage.
Or our bill is moving. It's been assigned to committee.
Yeah, I got an email from Christine Drazen last night, you know,
and talking about Christine Drazen introducing a bill which would start,
you know, eliminating property taxes for people,
I think making less than one hundred fifty thousand dollars.
And and I'm thinking, hey, that's really great.
It gets introduced, but there's no way this passes.
It's kind of a, it's just a intellectual exercise or political exercise, isn't it?
Yeah, and probably there's no way it'll even be heard.
And if it is heard, it'll either be gotten stopped or it'll go right in the garbage.
I mean, I got one yesterday from one of my favorite legislators talking about, we're so excited that our bill's moving. It's been applied. It's been assigned
to this committee. Well, so it got assigned to the committee where it will die. And I
had somebody contact me who was who after the hearing spoke to a house rep. I'm not
going to name names because it wasn't there, but spoke to a house rep, a Republican house
rep who said, we want this bill to be as bad as possible so that it will fail in court.
And I thought, that's insane because we won't be done all that.
Well, do you know how bad it has to be? Listen, some of the worst bills ever have
just been judged as constitutional measure one fourteen for example Kevin
everything everything in the bill has already been declared constitutional by
the Oregon appeals court
and under this bill under thirty seventy five
we would you know who has the money left to sue anybody they have all our money
you could only sue in Marion County where of course we would lose and then it
would have to go to the appeals court where of course we would lose.
And so this is the typical Republican shuck and jive, smoke and mirrors lies. They're not suing anybody. They're not doing anything.
They've decided that, you know, they're completely impotent. They're eunuchs. They could do nothing except better their own nest. And
protect their own political careers which at which they accomplish absolutely zero and you
wonder why people in like the rural parts of the state are largely not voting because they've just
given up. And you know if you look at measure one fourteen they we had a extreme you know if you look at measure one fourteen. They we had a extreme you know probably crooked secretary of state at the time.
She declared that with that bill that measure in effect
before they finish counting the votes.
And then when they quote finish counting the votes the
the it was so it was such a narrow margin that there
should have been a recount but it was certainly.
Within the margin of error of the voter fraud that we know about.
And so, you know, I was talking to somebody last night, oh, we should sue.
I'm like, oh, really?
But you're suing in an Oregon court with Oregon judges appointed by Oregon Democratic governors,
That's where we find ourselves right now.
This has been a real challenge, especially with the judicial supremacy tyranny that we're kind of working through right now. Right. And I mean,
think of what small fries we are compared to what the federal
administration is going through. They've already been sued about 120 times or
something. Every move that this administration makes brings on a lawsuit.
And usually, in many cases, he loses at the level he's starting at, where he has to.
So what we have is absolute judicial tyranny with unelected people running people's lives,
and now, in fact, destroying people's lives. When you think about what the outcome of this bill will
be, is that if anyone can actually jump through the hoops they're
going to have to be very wealthy and very well connected. And this is if
you're going to jump through the hoops of 3075 measure 114 and all the rest of
them to jump through the hoops only the wealthy and well connected will own
firearms and be able to do this is kind of how you would see this playing out in
the real world. Well it can't be any other way because when you look at the
fees that just go to the state,
that doesn't include whatever fees you'd have to pay
to take the class that currently nobody gives.
And nobody really knows who's qualified to teach it.
Currently, well, I personally, for some time now,
the Oregon State Sheriff's Association
hasn't had an online class, which they said qualifies,
except of course with a
shooting requirement and I you know you have to one of the Oregon State
Shooter. But wait a minute the shooting requirement how can you have the
shooting requirement to get a gun if you can't buy the gun until you have a
shooting requirement this is a question I've kind of wondered about do you know?
Well this is as the Democrats would say that's your problem. Oh, oh, okay, all right.
But you know, it's funny that the Sheriff's Association
has had this online class up there for some time,
which of course doesn't qualify for anything
because you need to have live fire shooting.
But it is a great explanation for why they have been
absolutely AWOL on this thing,
that we had four sheriffs who were plaintiffs,
but the Sheriff's Association went and hid on this whole that we've had we had four sheriffs who are plaintiffs but the sheriff's association went and- hit. On
this whole thing even even
after promising some of the
sheriff's that they would step
up. And contribute. Because
they've got this class that
they think is going to be a
moneymaker for them. And you
know. You still got the
shooting issue and then you
still have the financial
barriers. And then you still
have this other little issue
where let's say somehow
you manage to fulfill the class requirements which for many people will just be impossible.
And if I recall correctly, if you fulfill the requirements of the permit, you have a permit
but you cannot buy the gun. There is still yet another permit you would have to buy or get,
right? No, the class is not a permit. The class is what you need to apply for the permit,
which lets you apply for permission to buy a gun. That's all a permit does.
You know, I want to start doing this with voting, Kevin. In fact, I think we should have measure 115
or measure 125 or what is it? Or measure 666. How about measure 666?
I like that.
In which everybody who wishes to vote has to have an intelligence test, an IQ test first,
apply for a permit, and then apply for a permit to be able to apply for a voter's permit. How about
that? Yeah, and that's exactly what we have. But on top of that, here's another interesting factor,
is that the
permitting agents who would
typically be the sheriff's in
some cases I guess the chiefs
of police. They're required to
respond within two months okay
but- they're not required to
respond at all until they
accepted your application. Now
you may recall that in the past
share there many sheriffs
who have the authority to issue concealed handling licenses. We're putting the permit
application acceptance out for months and during COVID just refusing to accept them at all.
And in fact refusing to do renewals but telling people if your permit expired you could still be arrested. So if you
get it at a department that
can't or just unwilling and not
interested in issuing permits
or just you know doesn't have
the resources to do it. They
simply stop accepting the
applications and that's the end
of the story but should you
somehow get this this mythical
class and somehow get the
permit. Then you just get this this mythical class and somehow get the permit
Then you just get to start the process all over again when you go to buy the gun
Because now you have to go through one more background check and as you know the state police
You know for some people just don't perform them. You know you I hear from people all the time. I've been waiting six months
I've been waiting 12 months. This is an instant background check to exercise a right.
Here's a right you get to pay several hundred dollars,
maybe considerably more,
and go and ask for permission and wait months and months
and months and possibly years.
And so, you know, that would explain the panic buying
that's going on, but imagine being somebody
who desperately needed
protection for themselves and their family, knowing they couldn't rely on the few deputies
that were covering a county the size of Connecticut. And this is what we're facing.
And the reality is, if this bill passes, the Republicans passed that bill. period, end of story. They passed the bill 3075 and all the other ones.
They pass it by being there in the state legislature.
And there is no getting around this.
There's really no excuse.
I guess we're going to find out though, with many of these Republican House members, is
their so-called quote unquote scary air quote career more
important than actually protecting their constituents who are going to be raped over the, who are
just basically just gang raped by the legal system here?
Yeah, I mean they've told people off the record many times that this is all about protecting
their political careers, which is, of course, absurd because
what their career is, they are doormats and enablers for the Democrat agenda.
That is the only purpose they serve is to be there to pass Democrat bills, because if
they're not there, the Democrats can't pass bills.
So the attacks on trucks, the attacks on farmers, the attacks,
the endless attacks, the tax increases, one thing after another. Every day the Republicans
go there so the Democrats can pass their agenda. And they say, well, yo, we won't be able to
run again. Well, who cares if you can't run again? The fact is, is that the Republicans
are meaningless. And there is no reason for
there's there nothing changes if the if the House and the Senate are 100%
Democrats at this point. I want to ask about the Senate. Can the Senate, does
the Senate still have enough Republican members to be able to deny quorum if
they wish to? Well they have enough members. The question is, they have enough members who walk out.
I did have a conversation with one Republican senator right after the the
actually, when was it?
I think it was last week who said, look, she says it's not going to happen.
They're not going to walk out.
And some of them obviously have no reason to stay there.
Like Bonham and Kim Thatcher them obviously have no reason to stay there like Bonham
and Kim Thatcher. They have no reason to stay there because they've already been denied the
right to run again. But for people like Brock Smith and Anderson and others who just, you know,
really feather their own nest, you know, for people, you know, why would Greg Smith leave?
He made a million dollars last year because he's a house rep. Do you know if Lynthicum would
walk out? You know the new Senator Lynthicum? Diane? Yeah. Well, you know, I think Diane has all the
right instincts, but you know the problem is that if she does and the rest of them don't, then she
suffers the same fate as Dennis, which for so what, right? I mean, yeah, so she so in other words, they hang you out to dry, they
either walk out in unison, or it's just a it's just symbol is
symbolic, I guess. Yeah, if they do. Yeah.
You know, it certainly will look bad for anyone who stays on the
floor. But if one or two walk out, and what the fact is, they
could just walk out for that one boat, they don't have to walk out
for for for, you know, for 10 unexcused absences.
But I think that the best people in the legislature
are really kind of screwed, because whatever they do
isn't going to matter, because the leadership is so-
I mean, look at Christine Drazen's record.
She votes with the Democrats constantly
for their worst bills.
She is a liberal Democrat, and all the pretenses and all the press releases and all the fund
raises are a bunch of crap.
I mean, here's a person who twice voted for tampons in boys' kindergarten bathrooms and
then lied about it, just denied it.
Here's a person who voted to hamstring the police during the riots over and over and over
again, and then sends out her
little press releases,
how she's fighting for us.
And as bad as she is, let's keep in
mind that the whole rest of
the House Republican caucus voted
her in as leader again.
What does that tell us?
What do we have on the House side?
We got Dwayne Younger, essentially.
And another couple of other people who probably have the best intentions but don't have the courage and
the spine to say that the best interests of the people of this state who are being crushed by the
boot on their throats, that that's not as important as having our offices where we really
accomplish nothing except the paycheck and whatever graph we could collect.
And you have the title, I suppose. That's why here, folks, when it comes to measure
114, when it comes to House Bill 3075, and there's actually some other ones that are
going to be moving, Kevin's right. If the Republicans are there, if they're there, they've
enabled this to happen.
And I know that they can say, well, you know, we'll be penalized.
No, it's pretty, it's not fun.
But the way it's done, if you're actually going to play hardball, which I don't know
if Drazen can actually play hardball or not, or if they're just going to be batting around
balls of yarn, it's hard to say here, Kevin.
The thing is, House Bill 3075 comes up for a vote. This would destroy firearms rights in the
state of Oregon. And yeah, you could sue, but it would take years. Everything's
still destroyed at that point. And a lot of people are turned into instant
criminals with their existing firearms in their magazines. All this
kind of stuff. It all happens with this one. They walk out,
they deny quorum, and they don't come back in until A, the walkout days are excused,
they're then made excused, and then they will come back in and continue the legislature's business.
That's how it works. It's not if you walk out, you're not going to be allowed to run for reelection.
It's if you walk out and you don't get them excused. Well, if they want to pass all the rest of their crap,
they have to negotiate. Are they willing to? And why wouldn't they be willing to do it?
Because they're on the take, basically. Look, you have to, people have to understand that if this bill passes,
our lawyers have told us that all the lawsuits are moot, meaning...
Everything that we've paid for so far on these Oregon firearms lawsuits, the Measure 114
lawsuits, all this kind of stuff, it's all for nothing right now.
It goes away.
Not only is it all for nothing, but once the federal lawsuit is mooted because 114 has
now been repealed and replaced with this bill, Then all of the people who are involved in the lawsuit
to stop it get hit with a
couple hundred thousand dollars
in legal fees. So when people
say well you can sue or idiots
in the legislature say well you
can sue the fact is is that.
The people who are trying to
stop this nonsense are going to
be bankrupt. You know when you
look at the you know how much
money do they think we have and all this, all this money is coming from people in Oregon who also
get to pay the state's lawyers. It's like when, when they pulled out that nonsense with the
$25,000 check, right? Oh, we're going to contribute this to somebody else who's going to sue, which
they didn't even do that, right? That was all a fraud and a lie.
The fact is, is that the gun owners and the patriots in this state do not have unlimited
resources because they're being sucked dry by the government to begin with.
And this is why, and this is why the best battle against these gun rights stripping bills here is to not have the gunfight. All right? The thing is to not let them pass, not be there as a
Republican, let them get past and say, oh, well, we'll help you sue after the fact.
Well, that's a loser's way of looking at this. The best fight is the one you don't have to have.
It's an absolute lie. But on top of that, when you think about it, you're so desperate to hold on to
this job where you are essentially a A doormat. You are
a fool that that's exactly what
these people are they go there
to pass the agenda of their
enemies. And they they they
keep acting like they're
relevant. And they're not
relevant. They're absolutely
meaningless and it's all about
look at me I have this title
and- the best interests of the
state are meaningless.
And it's not just, it's not just gun rights, it's every other right.
And you know, I sent an email to Drazen yesterday saying, look, you guys can't do anything except
refuse to participate because you basically are the fools of the Democrats, we are in a state where the state is taking medical, mental health
advice from a transgender turtle.
And the rest of the country is laughing at us because we look like buffoons.
A 400-pound transgender turtle is giving mental health advice to the Oregon Health Authority. This is beyond insane and for the Republicans to act like this is business
as usual is just disgraceful.
This is what you have to do folks.
Christine Drazen's number is 503-986-1400.
Please call her today, call that office.
Tell them you must leave.
You can stop these bills but you can't take part.
And if she tells you, well, no, the law says we're not allowed to do it, inform them that, no, you have to get, you walk out and then you negotiate to get these excused.
Stand up for your constituents. The other number you can call 503-986-1451.
503-986-1451. Email me if you wish.
I will send you this information.
You can also go to
and go to the alert page and you'll find all this information.
But House Republican Leader Christine Drazen needs held to account.
If she's truly going to fight, this is it.
This is like, this is battle at the OK Corral and there's no there's no makeup for this Kevin would
that be a fair way of looking at this this is the battle yeah and I think the
Oregon legislative website has still as of this morning still had a bad email
posted for her and so I don't know why they haven't updated it but on our alert
we have updated because we use the address on the website,
and apparently that's the address that they put up there
before she took office.
And some people are not getting through,
so on our alert, we put the current email address,
but obviously a phone call is better
because it can't be deleted.
And even if you get a voicemail,
even if they go and run and hide,
they have to listen to part of it to find out who they're trying to ignore, where with the emails they're just
going to filter you into a box somewhere to make you go away.
Okay, so phone calls are better in this particular case, more personal at this point.
Well, obviously we encourage people to do both. But, you know, if you get a busy signal,
send an email. If you get a voicemail, leave a message.
If you get a human, don't let them lie to you.
All right.
I like that.
Don't let them lie to you.
And I have the feeling they're going to try and say, oh, well, the law, Measure 113, says
we can't walk out.
Oh, you can walk out.
If it's not excused, though, you'll pay the penalty.
But just make sure that it's excused.
That's all.
Thank you very much. Here's the latest jive from these people is,
well, if we walk out, they'll change the quorum rules.
They want to change them anyway.
They want to change them anyway.
So in other words, use the tool that you have
while you still have it.
If you have any stones, if you have any principles left,
And look, we have no illusion. If this bill does not pass, we get another crack at the Oregon Supreme Court.
Now, I don't have any illusions that the Oregon Supreme Court is packed with patriots,
but the fact is, is that it buys some more time whether or not something good will happen is unknown.
Do the feds intervene? Do the federal courts do something correct?
I don't know.
But at least there's some time for good people to make some plans, to acquire some things,
or get a U-Haul to get the hell out of Oregon.
And in the meantime, the Republican caucus won't even give their constituents that little
Kevin Starr at Oregon Firearms Federation,
It's a rough justice, it's tough truth to swallow,
but Republicans can't stop this, Kevin.
There just has to be the will,
and there has to be a principle,
and more than just Dwayne Younger
to be the strong spine there, okay?
Appreciate the call.
Thank you, as always. Thanks, Bill. Appreciate the call. Thank you as always.
This is KMED and KMED HD1 Eagle Point Medford KBXG Grants Pass.
There's been a crew of roofers out there.
Hi, I'm Cassie from Klauser Drilling and I'm on KMED.
A couple minutes after 8 we'll check in with Town Hall News, get the latest from the national side of things here. And then we're going to have a school policy that Republicans and Democrats actually agree
And it's starting to spread around the country and it's actually a good idea.
We'll talk to some people about that here.
I hunger to find some kind of thing to say, hey, you know, this is actually some progress.
Now there is not progress when it comes to the House Republicans, like I mentioned with
Kevin Sterritt here over the last few minutes talking about House Bill 3075, which will
be coming up with a House vote at some point.
And so Christine Drazen, the House Republican leader, must be held to account, and you must
call her.
Better to call her if you
can email, fine, but better to call because they can't ignore it to the same
extent. 503-986-1400, 503-986-1451 and I hope that you will have your way and
just have your way, you know, with her and just say, hey listen, this is it and
if you're there you have helped, pass it and just say, hey listen, this is it and if you're there,
you have helped, pass it.
And that's all there is to it.
And all the money you might raise after the fact
or fake checks that you hold up saying,
here's $25,000 for your next lawsuit,
which could cost a million or more,
the best fight is the fight you don't have to have.
You must stop giving Democrats quorum to screw your people over.
That's all there is to it.
KMED, KMED, HD1, Eagle Point, Medford, KBXG, Grants Pass, Town Hall News next.