Boonta Vista - UNLOCKED BONUS EPISODE: The Three Twin Situation

Episode Date: December 29, 2024

We're on a little Christmas break! Here's an unlocked bonus episode painstakingly selected from the archive. *** Lucy, Andrew, and Ben bring you: Waking up at 3am to your scrolling girlfriend, too man...y twins in Needham, Ohio's fastest backwards man, and an incarnation of pure evil in Lancashire. *** Support our show and get exclusive bonus episodes by subscribing on Patreon: *** Email the show at! Call in and leave us a question or a message on 1800-317-515 to be answered on the show! *** Twitter: Website: Twitch:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello, it's me, Ben from the podcast Bunta Vista. We're currently on a little break as we do at the end of each year. We're taking two weeks off, but for you, the free bows, you still get a couple of treats we have unlocked. Well, we will be unlocking two bonus episodes from throughout the year that we really liked. Honestly, I had a super hard time narrowing this list down. A bunch of a bunch of bonus episodes this year that I thought were really, really good, plus a bunch that introduced a bunch of very important lore, I think, to the Buntavista universe.
Starting point is 00:00:38 You can get those episodes by signing up at slash Buntavista. It's like seven bucks a month for extra episodes and there is a backlog of 350 of them. There's so fucking many episodes, but the two that we've chosen, I think, are probably the ones you most need to hear. This one you're gonna hear is called the Three Twin Situation and it is great. Just introduces a really um
Starting point is 00:01:07 an individual that will sit with you for a while I think. I hope you've had a lovely uh end of year you've you've had fun you've stayed safe and that you're doing well um will be there'll be another unlock bonus episode next week which whoof it's a good one um stay safe we'll be another Unlocked Bonus episode next week which, oof, was a good one. Stay safe, we'll be back with new episodes after next week. We'll talk to youavesta. This is a bonus episode. I am Ben and I am here in one of Theo's stress dreams about the live show. Cruel faces leer and smirk from the darkness of a mostly empty room. The painful, laughterless silences that follow each and every failed joke are interrupted only by disgruntled murmurs and the uncomfortable shuffling of the terminally bored. What fumbled riffs manage to make it through a mire of stage fright are thinned even further by intractable and unpredictably intermittent technical issues. The air in the room hangs stale and dead, held in place by the sheer weight of shattered expectations.
Starting point is 00:02:36 Up the back, frowning and furiously making notes, is Theo's psychologist, Martina. It's Lucy. Hi, Lucy. Hi. This guy's got anxiety. Yeah. This guy's got some severe psychology going on. He's actually, he's failing psychology right now. Yeah. He's doing so badly at this. Yeah. He's got like the kind of diseases that mean that you're fucked up and it's a personal failing. Yeah. And we're all talking about it. Like me and all the other psychologists,
Starting point is 00:03:05 we go back after his sessions and like talk about how fucked up and weird he is. And it's so weird cause none of them have any other patients that they feel the need to do this about. No, it's like, it's literally just, I've never spoken this way about anybody else. You go to like a conference in Bern.
Starting point is 00:03:22 Yeah, I've got papers on that guy. Yeah, I've got papers on that guy. Weirdest most fucked up guy I've ever had the displeasure of working with. And also it's fine for me to name check his psychologist by name because he did it at the live show. Also up the back, looming enormous and furious, it's the former prime minister of Finland, but she's 10 feet tall and she's in dominatrix gear. Hi Andrew. I'm going to step on you.
Starting point is 00:03:53 Yeah. But maybe I won't. Maybe I won't. This part of the dream is confusing for him. He doesn't know whether it's part of the stress or it's just sort of part of his subconscious looming up. Is she actually just me? You know, is this not sexy?
Starting point is 00:04:06 Yeah. Does she hate me? Oh no. The former prime minister of Finland, whose name I can't remember, Serena Russo, I want to say. Olga. Serena Russo, like the lady from the... Yeah, it's Serena Russo.
Starting point is 00:04:21 It's definitely Serena. Serena Russo's here. Santa Morela Marin. Not the current prime minister, because originally in this intro I wrote the prime minister of Finland, but she's not- I've been keeping up with Finnish politics, so this news to me. Thank you. It's Pateri Aupo now.
Starting point is 00:04:37 Yeah, as soon as it stopped being a- Are they in sexy? He is not. Yeah. As soon as it stopped being a sexy raver, I was out pretty much. Yeah. Oh no. She wasn't like problematic or anything, was she?
Starting point is 00:04:52 Only in the sense that like people got really mad when there were videos of her like- Because she partied too hard. Going to dance with her friends. And here's the thing, controversial take. I know we didn't talk about this before we started recording. You guys might be scared of this going public. I think beautiful women should be able to dance with their friends. What about the Argos?
Starting point is 00:05:16 What should the Argos do? I think the Argos can dance too. They can look on at the beautiful women. The Argos can start a book club. Must be nice. Look, everyone's beautiful, really. Yes. Yes. Oh, I thought that was the start of a segue that I couldn't quite see.
Starting point is 00:05:37 No, no, that's a fact. That's the reason that had a hard full stop on it was because that was a goddamn cold, hard fact. Just spitting facts. That's right. We're keeping it real. Everyone was a god damn cold hard fact. Just spitting facts. That's right. We're keeping it real. Everyone is beautiful. Even the ergos.
Starting point is 00:05:49 We're keeping it real. We're keeping it 100% honest. And you know, like, like we said at the live show, disgustingly successful live show, the key to relationships is honesty and communication. Opening your heart, speaking your truth. You know. And we do like to help people with their relationships on Paging Dr. Lucy. It's time for Paging Dr. Lucy. This comes to us from r slash relationships. GF said she doesn't remember what she was doing on her phone. Guilty. Uh oh.
Starting point is 00:06:51 Dump her. I woke up at like 3am to 4am. My GF was on her phone, but I was half asleep. I thought nothing of it, so I went back to sleep. The next day I asked her, hey, what were you doing up so late on your phone? She doesn't remember what she was doing on her phone but said something like, I must have been having a hard time staying asleep. We don't live together so if she were up to something I feel like she would have waited for the next day after I leave. I just think it's really odd that she doesn't remember what
Starting point is 00:07:22 she was doing on her phone. Women are notoriously up to something. Like usually, yeah. Also, that's just a funny phrasing. A hard time staying asleep. I would say like a hard time falling asleep. I don't know. Staying asleep isn't like an active process for me. You're not going to help yourself with that blue light. No, turn. Put the phone in a different room. If you can't sleep, don't pick up your phone. It's not going to help. You're not going to help yourself with that blue light. No, turn. Put the phone in a different room.
Starting point is 00:07:46 If you can't sleep, don't pick up your phone. It's not going to help. You're going to be Googling all kinds of stuff at 3am. Yeah. You're going to be learning all sorts of new shit that you won't remember because you were in like a fever state. This guy's problem is that he is coming at this from two misapprehensions. He's starting from like a basis of misunderstanding here. Number one,
Starting point is 00:08:08 girlfriends do not sleep. They are just on their phone while you are sleeping. You will sleep through the night. Your girlfriend will be keeping up with things on her phone. Blue rectangle, inch and a half from the eyes. Yes. That she was spending so much time focusing on you earlier in the night. Now this is kind of her phone time. She's recharging. Yeah. Yes.
Starting point is 00:08:28 Did she talk to you during the evening? That's an hour of phone time. Yeah. Did she put her phone face down away from you where you couldn't see it most of the evening so that she could focus purely on you? Yeah. That's love. And you're betraying her right now to Redditors, you know? Yeah. Did you ever like walk into a room and she like very quickly put her phone down, screen down and then her eyes went up and to the right and then she did a little, like a little thrilled smile and then she tried to hide that smile?
Starting point is 00:08:59 She was focusing on you. And she's so happy to see you that she didn't want the phone distracting her in any way. When she threw it across the room like a frisbee reflex. Smash immediately smashed her iPhone 13 Max. I had put this story in the notes, sort of forming the completely opposite hypothesis to it, but Lucy's energy has drawn me in. Yeah, yeah. I think she's sucking and fucking.
Starting point is 00:09:24 I feel like this is one that needs more context. It's like it could completely be nothing. Yeah, or. It also could be in the context of her absolutely cheating. She's discreetly sending bedtime pussy pics and then hiding the phone when you're awake. At like 3am though. Oh my god he knows. Like do all these work.
Starting point is 00:09:41 That's prime, prime pussy pic hours. 3am. Oh yeah. It's never gonna look better than at 3am. Now misunderstanding number two, for those of our listeners who were agonizing over an incomplete list that whole time. Oh, it's like a greasy pig situation. Number two is the idea that when a girlfriend has been deep in phone time session that you can ask her Specifics about what she was looking at. Yeah, she has been looking at tik-tok Most of the videos are not very long and also she's not even watching most of any of them She is just it's it's more of a stream of consciousness
Starting point is 00:10:22 Flipping kind of thing if you were to say like, you know, tell me 10 things you saw in that four hours on TikTok. Good luck. Yeah. Oh, right. I'll see the next day. No. Like, what are you doing? That's not going to happen.
Starting point is 00:10:36 Oh, remember that fugue state you were in yesterday? You mind doing a little recollection right now? That is kind of where I landed on this is that like she's probably TikToking and like, she's looking at like a bunch of completely insane videos that don't really have content. Yeah. Or she's like Googling, woke up midnight diarrhea. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:58 You know, and just say, oh, okay. Diarrhea for boyfriend, not live in situation, diarrhea is still a secret. Unclog toilet, unclog toilet fast, quietly, discreetly. Secret plumber phone number. Yeah, it was probably that. Keep in mind, she's the type of person that doesn't use her phone often. She'll leave her phone charging in another room and go to sleep. She'll go work in her office and leave the room
Starting point is 00:11:29 in the living room where I'm working right next to me." I think he meant to say, leave the phone in the living room. TLDR, it was not that long. Gio said she doesn't remember what she was doing on her phone at 3 a.m. If you can't make it through two paragraphs, you're in trouble. trouble. Yeah. Like what's he potentially accusing her of here, like of having maybe manufactured a fake personality in which she pretends to be a person who doesn't even care if her phone is within arm's reach. You know? Hey, she often makes a big point of, I'm just putting my phone face down on the arm of the couch and I'm leaving the room. That's normal to me. Like, like that's she's setting up a pretense to try and establish a pattern of, Oh, I barely use my phone. And then bam, he falls asleep. So did you know he falls asleep early as well? He's got that sleep apnea. So she's got an
Starting point is 00:12:21 overseas boyfriend. She's talking to Fabio. She's talking to Fabiano. Fabiano. You want to see somebody who's going to rock your world? Oh, you got your chest waxed again today, babe? Show me. Show me. She's got guys in different time zones. That's what I reckon. It doesn't need to be every time zone, but I reckon every three time zones would maybe
Starting point is 00:12:42 be smart. Just so that you've got a constant 3 a.m. You know? It's always 3 a.m. No, that's not how that works. It's always 3 a.m. somewhere. That's what we're always saying. It's always 3 a.m. somewhere, but not for you, which is kind of the crucial element.
Starting point is 00:13:00 Yeah. Do you think that like Ludacris, she is pimping all over the world? Yeah, I think for sure. Yeah, like 100%, especially with no other context. You think she's got hoes in different area codes, also like Ludacris? I think this guy is asking a very stupid question because it doesn't really gel with how phone use works, but at the same time, she's snapping pussy pics and sending them to Ecuador. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:27 Guyana. Yep. Bolivia. Uruguay. Oman. Paraguay. Oman. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:33 All over. Yeah. Madagascar. Send my pussy straight to Turks and Caicos. That's right. Trinidad. Tobago. Trinidad and Tobago. Pussy pics and Tobago, pussy pics for all of you. Got a guy in each.
Starting point is 00:13:48 Hey, if you're walking into the room and your girl is just flipping the phone over the moment you walk through, that's probably a bad sign. We cover bad signs in Omen's importance. You shall see hail fall from a clear sky and burn as fire upon the ground. You shall see darkness cover Egypt when the sun climbs high to noon. And you shall know that God is God and bow down to his will. This one comes to us from WCVB in Massachusetts. Uh, uh, sorry, I was looking at something else. COVID, the COVID.
Starting point is 00:14:34 There she is, she's back on board. I have COVID. I have COVID. 23 sets of twins graduating from middle school in Needham, Massachusetts. Ooh, you guys got village of the damned. Sorry. That's a lot of twins. That's really a lot of twins.
Starting point is 00:14:54 It's a striking number of twins, right? Needham, Massachusetts. There is. Is there something in the water? You guys got a mutation going on? Something's happening. 23 pairs of twins graduated Wednesday from middle school in Needham, Massachusetts.
Starting point is 00:15:12 The 46 twins, checks out, you're very clear. Doing the math on that one. Represent approximately 10% of the 438 students who just concluded the eighth grade at Pollard Middle School. Now look, do I think this represents like maybe the presence of evil in the world? Maybe. Yeah, I do. But I'm also going to keep it real and say congratulations to all of them. Oh, for graduating middle school?
Starting point is 00:15:46 Yeah. Okay, we don't have to. Not everything has to be. Yeah, it's kind of just fucking stupid to have a graduation from middle school, but I mean congrats to them. I think they all resisted the temptation to like pull the blade off the guillotine in the art class and kill their teacher with it. They resisted the temptation to make
Starting point is 00:16:05 like blow darts out of their pens. They all got together with all of their blonde bowl cuts and striking blue eyes and said, I know, I know in music class you want to take a string out of the piano and garrote Mr. Parkinson. But we're going to stay on the straight and narrow. We're going to get through. Maybe they're going to do something real fucked up at the graduation. No, the graduation's already happened. I think I just blew this whole fucking thing wide open. Holy shit. I just found out something crazy. Go on.
Starting point is 00:16:41 In 2005, Needham became the first jurisdiction in the world to raise the age to legally buy tobacco products to 21. 2005, 19 years ago. Really? These kids? A bit older than them. 15. But...
Starting point is 00:17:02 So you're, the parents not smoking. Well, I know that doesn't make any sense, does it? Parents quit smoking and now they're having fucked up twins. Yeah? No, well people, people usually like people are more likely, am I correct? People are more likely to have like twins and triplets and shit like that when they're doing IVF, right? Yes. Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 00:17:24 So, and that's when you go in there and they're like, we're cranking up all the fertility dials, right? So maybe by not smoking until 21, these people are becoming even more fertile. Yeah. Becoming powerfully fertile and they're busting out frightening evil twins. I'm trying to figure out numerically
Starting point is 00:17:43 how this would have had to have helped. So if you were 18 in 2005 Frightening evil twins. I'm trying to figure out numerically how this would have had to have helped. So if you were 18 in 2005 and you had a kid that is now one of these kids that's graduating, so I guess 18 in like 2008, you otherwise would have been smoking then, but because of the law you waited three years. You are so fertile. You're so fertile because you haven't been vaping or having cigarettes. And now you're getting twins.
Starting point is 00:18:06 And now you're in Massachusetts. Sexy place. Just a sexy place to be. The full foliage, no cigarette smoke. Clean air. You have extra good cums because of how good the atmosphere is and how healthy your body is and suddenly 10% twins. You're in a room, like a regular classroom.
Starting point is 00:18:29 There's three twins in there. Cause there's probably 30 kids, one at every 10 is a twin, which probably means you've got two twins from a set and then one straggler twin per classroom. His twins in the other classroom. Yeah. And his twin is also the straggler twin in another classroom. Yeah. Per classroom. His twins in the other classroom. Yeah. And his twin is also the straggler twin in another classroom. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:49 They need to work out a better system for that. They should have raised it to there's no straggler twins. You got some classes with four twins, some classes with two twins. Nobody likes an uneven amount of twins. No, it's unsettling. You'd be like, oh my God, we've got three twins in here. What the fuck do you mean you have three twins? That doesn't make any sense. Triplets? Yeah. Everybody's first response is going to be, you what triplets are. I'm a teacher.
Starting point is 00:19:28 Every class I teach has three twins. What else do you need to know? I'm a middle school teacher. I think I know what I'm talking about. I don't like the idea of creepy twins. Obviously they're dressed identically. Correct. But you can only see one of them. Yeah. What's the other one doing?
Starting point is 00:19:46 Where's the other one? That's unsettling. What's he doing? He's cutting your brake lines? He's sabotaging the gas line in your house right now? It also kind of undercuts, you know, the effort that the mother went to dressing them identically. Yeah. If you can't see them at the same time, you may as well just let them wear fucking whatever.
Starting point is 00:20:04 Yeah. identically. Yeah, if you can't see them at the same time, you may as well just let them wear fucking whatever. Yeah, you really got to keep a united front if you want that full the shining effect. You know? Yes. Hey, Jonathan, where's Bonathon? I'd just love to see you standing next to each other instead of alone like this. He's probably sick of hearing it. He's sick of being asked where Bonathon is. Yeah, because Bonathon's under your house. Yeah. And he's gonna wait until you fall asleep. Quote, I have many twins in some of my classes, said Cal Hammerstrand, whose twin brother is Owen. Oh my god. There's something wrong with this city.
Starting point is 00:20:43 Yeah. Quote, I think one time I had six sets of twins in one class. That's not right. You're telling me there was twelve twins in there? Twelve twins? You got twelve twins? Twelve twins? That's almost half twins.
Starting point is 00:20:57 But Cal is also in the class. Twelve twins in a straggler? Wait. Yeah. Thirteen twins in that room?ler. Wait. Yeah 13 twins in that room. 13 twins? 14 twins? What's going on here do you think there's like a like a power plant or a yeah There's got to be that like the Needham nuclear reactor or something. Yeah, something's upstream From Needham. I like it. I don't like what's going on there. I wonder if any ley lines run through Needham.
Starting point is 00:21:27 Meteor crashed there or something a while ago. It's an old one egg in the town mine. That might have been it. With approximately three out of every 100 births resulting in twins, it is rare for a cohort to have so many sets. In this group, some pairs are identical and others are not." So this is like a one in 10 as opposed to like a one in 30. So three times as many twins as you would expect. Do you think if you're at a school where there's like way too many twins like this and maybe there's
Starting point is 00:22:05 like six sets of twins in your class and you're one of the sets of twins, do you think you feel kind of shit if you're not identical twins? If there are identical twins in your class and you're non-identical twins, it's like I might as well not even be a twin. Yeah. Pointless, like a boy and girl twin. Fucked up. It would suck so bad because you know these guys are taking like a big like
Starting point is 00:22:26 Let's get a twins photo, and then you and your sibling don't look like you look kind of alike because you're related But like you're not identical. Yeah, yeah, I'm sorry not just brothers and sisters. We meant twins. Oh you are oh I'm gonna need to see your birth certificates You sure you twit You know what I'm finding slightly weird about this article. No mention of triplets. No triplets. Just twins, just a crazy amount of twins, no triplets. Oh, there used to be some sets of triplets.
Starting point is 00:23:01 We didn't like that. This is a twin town. It was actually 46 triplets. Hold didn't like that. This is a twin town. Yeah, it got rid of those. Didn't like that. It was actually 46 triplets. Oh, hold on, hold on a second. You make the triplets get together and decide which one has to go. 69 triplets. There was 69 triplets.
Starting point is 00:23:16 Yeah. Oh, good work. Quote, some of them, I just didn't even know we're twins. Some don't even know we are twins, said Brayden Mahoney, whose sister is Lauren. So that's, he's one of the filthy non-identical twins. Mixed twins, yeah. Yeah. We call them NITs.
Starting point is 00:23:36 The NITs. Oh, you're a NIT, non-identical? Oh, don't. Sit with us. This is for identical twins only. That's the hierarchy at this school. Identical twins at the very top. Non-identical twins underneath them as a sort of, as a sort of a servile cast
Starting point is 00:23:55 that serves the identical twins at the tops. And then the non-twins who are just sort of scum, they're like filth, but soon everyone there will be twins because it's growing. With this chapter behind them, this unique club is moving onto high school together. Quote, we'll be able to keep this streak going, said Owen Hammerstrand. Quote, of how many twins are here and I'm excited to see them all there, continue to learn more and more as we get older. Hmm.
Starting point is 00:24:27 Yeah. I think Owen might be the dumb twin. Yeah. I feel like Cal was much more articulate than Owen. Get Cal back in here. We'll be able to keep the streak going of how many twins are here and I'm excited to see them all continue to learn more and more as we get older. That would happen to non-twins as well.
Starting point is 00:24:44 Yeah. That's what you do at school. I should be bullying. I just remember these kids are in middle school. They're in high school now. They just graduated. That's true. Well, they're starting high school soon. Yeah. He's a sophomore. He's a freshman. Fresh, fresher. He's a whatever. Americans are weird.
Starting point is 00:25:01 He's kind of a senior. Have we ever mentioned this before? Okay. So apparently in America, they've got middle school, which is like grades five to eight or whatever. Yeah. In between elementary school and high school. But in some states- Is that junior high?
Starting point is 00:25:17 Some states middle school is junior high. Get it together. Get it together. Simplify. Streamline your processes. Sorry. I'm just reading about Needham, Massachusetts. Just got really distracted.
Starting point is 00:25:28 I just realized it's a suburb of Boston, so we could have been having a lot more fun there. Oh yeah. And what are some of the Boston riffs that we could have had? The Celtics just won the playoffs. That's good for them. The riffs are flying. The riffs are flying. Take it fast. The riffs are flying. Take that post-live show energy. We kind of put all of our energy and our will into the live show and now we're kind of like burnt out husks. But because of our self-imposed
Starting point is 00:26:00 schedule and lifestyle, we couldn't really take a week off. So I think that's you. I think that's mainly you Well, I mean also we people pay to get an episode a that bonus episode. I don't want to disappoint Oh, no, I mean your lifestyle outside of the show. Oh, yeah. No, I yeah, that's life, baby Hey, that was some weird shit from the United States. How about we hear some weird shit from the United Kingdom? It's time for tabloid phenomenon. This comes to us from Wales Online. The Spider-Man masked bully who tormented neighbors and turned a quiet street into hell. Yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:26:50 Yeah. I just, I want to say from the outset, this sounds like it has been genuinely deeply unpleasant and probably traumatizing for some of the people involved in this story, but it's very funny. So who's to say what's right and what's wrong? of this story, but it's very funny. So who's to say what's right and what's wrong? We report, Wales online reports, we read it out, you decide. Oh, like are you, the listener going to sit there and tell us that you are the arbiter of what's good, what's evil, what's funny, what's not. Are you free of sin? Yeah. Have you never cast a stone?
Starting point is 00:27:27 Nice house. Is it made of glass, perchance? Absolutely. Can you hear yourself right now, listener? You sound unreasonable. You disgust me. You are bringing the show down. You know what? Get off my fucking back. You're bringing the show down. You're bringing the show down. From the very start, it was clear there was going to be an issue. Yep.
Starting point is 00:27:51 Live in Wales. Actually, this takes place in Lancashire, I think. But for some reason, Wales Online had the most extensive reporting on it. Their court reporter covered it the most. Good on them. But they couldn't have imagined the five years of hell that would follow those first two words they were met with while unloading their belongings. Quote, fuck off.
Starting point is 00:28:17 End quote. Alminous. Huh. Thought you were editorializing, but that's what it says. That's the actual words there Yeah, they were the words of their new neighbor Liam Bain Should have been doing Bain voice
Starting point is 00:28:44 And little did they know this was day one of his campaign to torment them. It's kind of, honestly, I have almost zero campaigns of torment going, right? I'm really light on campaigns to torment people. Yeah. Yeah. I'm not currently involved in the giving or taking of long-term torment Yeah, I'm thinking about it Someone bought the place next to us and they applied for an Airbnb license and got it approved
Starting point is 00:29:14 So like I'm sort of preparing a campaign of torment. Yes turds in a big jar Can ready and you can you can greet them. You can greet every Airbnb guest with those two words. Just got a nice Sonos subwoofer and the Kid Rock catalog, you know? The community seemed perfect. Cozy, well-kept bungalows, neat gardens and ample parking. well-kept bungalows, neat gardens and ample parking, good local amenities and pleasant walks on the doorstep. Idyllic. Most neighbors were elderly. I like the idea that they're still listing the positive attributes of the neighborhood. Elderly neighbors. Some had lived there for decades. But when Bain moved in with his partner, Joanne
Starting point is 00:30:10 Hillman, the peaceful community became a prison. You know exactly what kind of guy you're dealing with, huh? Just got a picture in my head. On Monday, June 10th, 2024, Bane was jailed for 18 weeks and banned from entering Tranmoor and neighbouring Hire Furlong for five years after he admitted to harassing five of his neighbours. His antics included dressing up in superhero masks and paramilitary face coverings and patrolling the streets. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:30:49 Normal stuff? He swore and spat on gardens, blasted music in the early hours, obstructed their entrance to the estate, and regularly flexed his muscles, clenched his fists, or performed topless press-ups in the street, dressed only in a pair of shorts." This guy's really living the Bane lifestyle. He's the Joker, actually. He's sort of like the Bane Joker. What if Joker, what if Bane was the Joker?
Starting point is 00:31:21 What if the Joker was Bane? What if the Joker was Bane? What if the Joker was Bane? I'm fully picturing Tom Hardy Bane now through this whole thing. Which is quite interesting because I was actually picturing Tom Hardy from, what's that really good movie? The Nick Refin one where he's the famous prisoner? Bronson. Bronson. Bronson.
Starting point is 00:31:45 Yeah. I was kind of picturing him as Charlie Bronson. Charlie Bronson. I'm not picturing Tom Hardy at all. I'm quite faithful to my partner. So I can't even sort of conceptualize him in my mind. I told him I don't do that anymore. Putting my phone down very quickly.
Starting point is 00:32:04 Not picturing his beautiful, pretty little lips at all. I am not picturing Tom Hardy's plump lips right now. So full. One man who had cycled the same route for 40 years was left hiding behind a hedge as menacing Bane followed him in his van and intimidated him. Nice bike you wanker. He sounds really scary. He's just a bad man.
Starting point is 00:32:30 Like he's just... But also, hiding behind a hedge is like... It's pretty funny. It's not the behavior of a grown adult. What motivates this man? Rage? Who knows? The darkness?
Starting point is 00:32:42 Who knows what shadows lurk in the heart of Liam Bain? Yeah. Workmen were invited to fight the nuisance resident for a 50 pound bet. Now they've used the passive voice here. Workmen were invited? Like were invited by Bain or by residents? By the people who live there. We have to assume it was Bain, but it does sound kind of like the residents were at their
Starting point is 00:33:09 wits end were like, I'll give you 50 quid if you go and fight him. Oh yeah, I just put a hit on this guy. 50 pounds. 50 pounds is not a whole lot. No, that's not enough to take out Bain. 50p to take out Bain. Wait, that's not p. Uh oh. Uh oh. A woman in her 70s was left in tears after a humiliating soaking with a hosepipe at the hands of Bane. Can't
Starting point is 00:33:38 be hosing 70 year old women bro. You can't be hosing Nana. Who raised you Liam Bain? The shadows I think. Yeah probably the shadows. What if someone hosed your Nana huh? How would you feel Liam? Then in March 2024 he was arrested and bailed with strict conditions to stay away. strict conditions to stay away. The residents breathed a sigh of relief. As he sat in the dock at Preston Crown Court, a dozen neighbours filled the public gallery, hoping for an end to their misery. Bane's partner, Joanne, also sat in court in support of the man at the root of their heartache. Don't show up in court looking like you want him to go down. If he sees you, do you think he's going to be like, I feel bad for what I've done to these people, or is he going to be like, you are getting fucking triple soaked.
Starting point is 00:34:36 You old bitch. I'm getting a cart in each hand. I'm going to you old man. Highest setting double gurney. I'm gurneying you, old man. Highest setting double gurney. One by one, the neighbors took to the fitness box to tell recorder Kevin Slack, the judge who was to pass sentence, how their lives had been affected by Bane's campaign of abuse. Mr. Atkinson described how Bane would create situations to quote, draw him into one day while cutting his tall conifers.
Starting point is 00:35:09 Bane's children appeared and began kicking a football around the base of the ladder. Can I just point out that appeared is in scare quotes? Appeared. Appeared. Oh, they somehow came outside to play. But the children are real like he has children. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:24 He's got kids. Yeah Bane and his partner then joined in the dangerous game a whole family menacingly kicking a football around Tree what the fuck are they doing? Oh be careful up there. Whoa, I'm passing it to you. Later, as Mr. Atkinson swept up the cuttings, one of the children ran into the road. Bane accused his neighbor of chasing the youngster with the brush, calling the pensioner a quote, nonce, and a quote, pedo.
Starting point is 00:36:03 This guy's won. Like, he's won that argument. Like if you're an old British guy getting like someone's yelling nods at Pito at you, you have no good argument against that. And it's maybe true. I'm not saying that I think it is. Everyone's going to be like, oh shit, is he? Does this guy know something we don't? Because that is an old guy, like an old English guy.
Starting point is 00:36:27 So he might be shit. He's old. He's English. He might be a nonce in a beer. He might be a nonce. Statistically likely. I didn't think it before until I heard this guy say it. And then now I'm thinking about it.
Starting point is 00:36:39 There's every chance in the world he is. Bane regularly circled the Atkinson's property, sometimes on a child's bike or scooter, shouting, beep beep, coming through. Sorry, this is really funny. Like this guy is pure evil. He's like just the jester though. Like, yeah. He's kind of like the joker in a way. He's evil and murderous, but he's kind of funny.
Starting point is 00:37:11 Like it's kind of funny. It feels a bit more, to me it feels a bit more like having to live next to Dennis the Menace but he is an adult with a gym membership. He's 35. Yeah. And he's stacked. You present zero threat to Dennis the Menace. He's doing Dennis the Menace stuff. I want to hear from Liam Bain. Like, what is his beef?
Starting point is 00:37:35 Yeah. What's the go Mr. Bain? Why does he hate these? Because that guy's a nonce and a pedo. Is that what he's doing? It's like I'm hearing that like most of the neighborhood is elderly and I'm hearing he hates nonces and pedos, you know? Maybe this is sort of like a to catch a predator, but it's like to really spook a predator, to terrorize a predator. To force a predator to move by being unbelievably terrifying to them at all times.
Starting point is 00:38:02 He would block the path to their home, making it difficult to get their car in the garage or gesticulate and shout obscenities. Oh, fuck. That guy's out there gesticulating again. Close the curtains. He's gesticulating. He's out there doing the wanking motion and calling me a nonce. Painting a hilarious picture.
Starting point is 00:38:21 Like every time you open your blinds, this guy's just out there like sticking his fingers up or like doing a burnout on your lawn on a bike. Is he still out there? I don't think so. Oh, fuck he is. Yep. No, he's there. Yep. No, he's pulling, he's moaning us.
Starting point is 00:38:37 Oh, he just called you a nuts because he saw you. Yep. Close the curtains, close them right back up. Turn the TV up. He's being very loud. Sometimes Bane made gun signs with his fingers, or waved his fists on the couple's CCTV cameras. Was he doing put them up?
Starting point is 00:38:59 Was he doing put your dukes up fists? I'm mad at you fist! Grrr! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Was he doing, put your dukes up, fists? I'm mad at you, fist. He pretended to shoot me with his hands, your honor. He took photographs of his neighbors and shot lasers into their gardens. Come on. Liam. Bane.
Starting point is 00:39:21 Can I call you Bane? What are you doing? What's the go? Yeah. I would like to criminally profile this man, like on the program, Criminal Minds. I want eight episodes of like taped interviews with this guy, talking through all of the different things he did. When you were on the scooter, why did you say beep, beep coming through?
Starting point is 00:39:42 And beep, beep coming through. Is that something your father used to say to you? Now when you were calling these guys nonsense and pedos, are they? Because they're kind of old. So they might be. Just tell us if they were. Mr Atkinson said,
Starting point is 00:40:02 quote, For five years I endured stalking, bullying, verbal abuse and physical torment from Liam Bain. It has taken its toll. No day goes by without persistent agonizing torment. He won't allow me to be visible in any way. He is constantly watching me, hanging out of the front window." I will point out that was Mrs Atkinson and you could have been doing a much sillier voice.
Starting point is 00:40:30 Mrs... Not all women sound the same, Ben. All English women do sound the same on this podcast. If I've got anything to do with it. After clearing her throat, Mrs. Atkinson continued, I can't open my blinds because as soon as he sees a change, he is out there. When I tried to open my blinds, he put a massive plank of wood face in my front window. He had drawn a big smiley face on it. He then started running up and down the road with his top off shadow boxing. This guy's just a big brother. He isn't everyone's big brother. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:15 Go outside. He's like, you've got a big brother in your neighborhood. What's the plank about? What's the smiley face on the plank? Is that like a, this is you? I think it's just like You know the scene in Edwards is a hand a plague You know the scene in Edwards is hands when like Edwards kind of snapped he's he's he's finally felt the the
Starting point is 00:41:41 Sheet he's cutting up Yeah, he's got the cruel sting of humanities indifference to the strange, the artists with hair like Robert Smith. And he does like the hedge outside of the churchy lady's window and she opens it up and it's like a scary face. And she goes, remember that? Maybe that's what he was going for. Although if he was, shouldn't have put a smile on there. Angry face. And she goes, remember that? Maybe that's what he was going for. Although if he was, shouldn't have put a smile on there. Angry face. Angry face. Come on. A big smiley face.
Starting point is 00:42:14 Maybe he was trying to be kind. Maybe he was reaching out to you. This is exactly like a rival. That was him trying to send a message with symbols. Yes. And then of course he's out there with his shirt off shadow boxing to show that he is your neighbor and potentially protector. He will protect you. He's not the protector you want. Unfortunately. Or the protector that you need, but he is out there at all hours and he's got a laser pointer. He's got a scooter. He has a child's bicycle, he has no shirt,
Starting point is 00:42:45 and he has huge muscles. He is the protector who is currently outside of your house. What if Saddam Hussein came to your neighborhood? Yeah. Who would you want? Would you want some like old guy? Who's maybe a nots? Oh, you want Liam Bain gone? You're going to be missing Liam Bain when Saddam Hussein comes to your neighborhood. When Saddam Hussein rolls in. Holy fuck, that's Saddam Hussein. Oh no, Saddam Hussein's back. Oh list. When Saddam Hussein rolls in. Holy fuck, that's Saddam Hussein. Oh no, Saddam Hussein's back. Oh, we put Liam in the clink. Liam's doing time.
Starting point is 00:43:12 No one else knows how to fight our shadow box. Who's gonna clock old Saddam one in the face? Is it you? Your nonce? Who's gonna intimidate Saddam Hussein out of here, you know? All I got is a bunch of elderly Pedophiles who don't even know how to throw a punch what I would give for one 35 year old adult Dennis the menace to just clock Saddam Hussein square the jaw for me
Starting point is 00:43:43 Going going down to Liam's cell look I know we've had our differences well you didn't like it before now you need me to shadow box for you yes Liam Bane. Here's your Spider-Man mask. God. I love him. Maxine Nightingale of 79 said she showed kindness to Bane's partner, Joanne Hillman, and her children when her partner, before Bane, died. Oh, so Bane's moved in. Yes.
Starting point is 00:44:27 Bane's moved in evil stepdad style. Although it sounds like the kids like him. Kids are like they're having fun. They're like, yay, we're here. We scared the pedophile. You're so much fun. You're so much better than my dead dad. My old dead dad never let me scare any pedos. What are we doing today dad? More pedo hunting! Yay! Get in the van.
Starting point is 00:45:00 Maxine gave lifts, loaned household items, and allowed the children to visit the garden. Real fucking big of you, Maxine. Yeah, click rats. I let children be in a garden. Lardy fucking die. But when Bane came on the scene, problems began with Bane standing in the street wearing a Spider-Man mask. On one occasion, he squirted a jet of water at Mrs. Nightingale's car, causing her to break suddenly.
Starting point is 00:45:31 Like a Spider-Man jet? Like a web slinger? Yeah, he's throwing web, but it's just like a water bottle. Between him with the mask on and her being inside the car, she't hear him going thwip thwip over and over Mrs. Nightingale worried she had hit something but when she got out of the car to check Bane soaked her through with water causing her to break down in tears 79 year old woman they don't like that bro don't do't do that. Yeah. Like it was my nan. I wouldn't be laughing. No.
Starting point is 00:46:07 Come on. What if it was a nonce? What if it was a nonce's wife? What if it was someone who was sort of like a nonce's assistant? Like she sort of helped in their long and fruitful marriage to that nonce. A nonce's assistant. Yeah. Let's go a little further into that.
Starting point is 00:46:29 Lifetime nonce assistant, Maxine Nightingale. God. It's a bonus episode, they're not gonna sue us. It's fine. On another occasion, he walked in front of her car as she drove home. As she was stationary, he walked in front of her car as she drove home. As she was stationary, he threw himself into the vehicle, claiming she had hit him.
Starting point is 00:46:50 He's trying to do like, better call Saul stuff. Hey kids, watch this. Ow! Owie! Ah! Ooh! Ah, my lumbar! C2 and C3 for sure! Ow, owie, ah, ooh. Malamba. Oh, C2 and C3 for sure.
Starting point is 00:47:11 My doctor said I'm not supposed to get hit by cows. He was later heard on CCTV telling his partner, we'll get five grand for this. telling his partner, we'll get five grand for this. You see the best thing about Bane is he combines high level intelligence with an intimidating physical stature. Yes, yes. He's a criminal mastermind and he's jacked. Mrs Nightingale said, it was scary because he deliberately tried to get me in a very serious trouble.
Starting point is 00:47:46 Barbara Proctor, 79, all 79-year-old women who live here. Interesting. Interesting. That answer has got a profile. Barbara has lived in the area since the early 1960s and said there were no issues till Bain moved in. But she said she knew others had moved away because of the defendant's behaviour. She often saw him wearing a balaclava, walking on her wall, and would find dried dog dirt thrown onto her driveway.
Starting point is 00:48:21 Dog dirt? What do you mean dog poo? Are you saying poop? You mean doodies? You mean the poop that came out of a dog's arse? Dog dirt? What do you mean dog poo? You're saying poop? You mean duties? You're talking about the poop that came out of a dog's ass? Dog dirt. You mean shitty dog shits that he has let dry out? He was launching dog turds at your house. Aren't you a driveway, sorry.
Starting point is 00:48:38 Yeah, not your house. That's part of the criminal mastermind that is Bane. He lets them dry out before he picks them up. Shirley Broom, 83. They're getting older. Lotta old ladies. Said Bane would make V signs and stand in the window shaking his fist or shadow boxing. He would beep his horn and flash his headlights and
Starting point is 00:49:06 follow neighbors off the estate. She said he was quote, increasingly out of control. This guy just like going ham on his lights, flick him on and off high beams hammering on the horn right behind you as you're trying to go to work. I'd kill this guy personally. I'd just kill him. I'd offer someone like a hundred quid to kill him. Just keep driving when he you know throws himself in front of the car. Just be like you are correct. Yeah I will hit you. I got CCTV footage. He did it himself. He did it on purpose. This guy hated life. Then in March 2024, Bain was arrested and charged with stalking five of the residents of Tranmoor and Hiafur Long. He was bailed with strict conditions to stay away, forcing
Starting point is 00:50:01 him out of the family home where Joanne and the children remained. He later pleaded guilty to the lesser charge of harassment, as the British would say, on the understanding he would be subject to a restraining order to protect his victims, which recorder Slack said would last for four years. Well, they'll all be dead by the end of that. I mean, they better be because he's fucking coming back. He is coming back for sure. Like he's sitting in that courtroom, pointing at them all as individuals,
Starting point is 00:50:33 going, I will see you in four years. Shadow boxing. Four years, Barbara. Four years, Barbara. You're a spab, bro. I am. This man is absolutely doing like Cape Fear tricep dips for four years straight. Yes. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:50:53 He's Cape Fearing the fuck out of this. Right now, as we're talking, he's just like scratching into the wall, counting down the days until he can start doing the exact same thing, but worse because they grasped on him. They put him on the inside. He's going to fucking get him worse than he's ever got the more powerful lasers, louder horn honks, more convincing accusations of pedophilia. Let me tell you this.
Starting point is 00:51:21 You thought you were having a bad time, but if there's one thing you really don't want, you don't want to be the stoolie that grasped up Liam Bane. Yeah. Yeah. You know, it's fucking over for you. Because he lives by a code. Like you notice that he never laid hands on you? Well, guess what he's going to do now that you grasped him up?
Starting point is 00:51:44 He's going to lay hands on you, but good. What's going to do now that you grasped him up? He's going to lay hands on you, but good. What do you think all that shadow boxing was practiced for? Yeah, what do you think he's doing pushups in the street for? What do you think he needs to get strong for to spray you with those? That's easy. That thing's not hard to turn at all. Maybe he's been hoping that one of you would do this, you know? Yeah. Maybe hoping one of you would do this. Give know, maybe hoping one of you would do this. Give me a fucking excuse.
Starting point is 00:52:07 Give me a reason, Barbara. Give him a reason. Hey Barbara, violate my code. See what happens when you violate my code. Hey Barbara, you know my code? You remember me telling you about my code at length in your driveway? Yeah, 3 a.m. yelling at your bedroom window.
Starting point is 00:52:23 Number one, no women, no kids. Unless they're old. Or I think they're a pedophile, or a pedophile's assistant. You remember me writing my code on your driveway, Barbara? Well, fucking brush up. I'm coming back. Mr. Atkinson said he feels absolute relief. Quote, I'm not having to plan my life around contact with Liam Bain, he said. I no longer look at the CCTV. Well, don't stop. That's
Starting point is 00:52:55 how you know Liam Bain's coming. You're going to want to keep an eye on that CCTV more than you ever have before. You're going to want motion detectors. Keep it for later. This guy's fucking Anton Chaguer. You can't stop what's coming. He is pure, unadulterated evil, operating as like an unstoppable, natural force. He is coming for you and he won't stop.
Starting point is 00:53:20 He'll never stop. You're gonna have to kill him. You're gonna have to kill Liam Bane. You're gonna have to. He's a man with nothing never stop. You're going to have to kill him. You're going to have to kill Liam Bain. You're going to have to. He's a man with nothing to lose. You've got everything to lose. Yes. Liam Bain has nothing. He gave away his only plank.
Starting point is 00:53:36 And now he's got nothing. Liam Bain is inevitable. Yeah. Yes. My wife and I are laughing and smiling again, enjoying each other's company. I don't think either of us has the strength to go through all this pain and suffering again. Well, I tell you what, Liam Bain is going to put an end to your pain and suffering. You better strengthen up. You better start doing pushups.
Starting point is 00:54:02 When you say you're not having to plan your life around contact with Liam Bain, you, yeah, you do. You got to plan your life around it. More than ever. Start stockpiling weapons. You should be selling your house at this point due to Liam Bain. You should buy the house, like behind your house on the street that runs behind it and live in there, but set up timers and stuff inside the other house to make it look like
Starting point is 00:54:32 you're still living in the old house. And then when you hear the sound of Liam Bain coming into your old house to kill you because he thinks you still live there, that's when you pull your sawn off double barrel shotgun out of the secret hole in the wall that you made. And then you go over there and you fucking put him down. Don't let him talk. And that's self-defense. That's self-defense.
Starting point is 00:54:58 He came into your house. You got every right to defend yourself. English castle doctrine. Why don't you just kill Liam Bain? Like you're like 80. Do it preemptively. Yeah. What are they going to do?
Starting point is 00:55:10 Give you life in prison? What do you got? Five years? Yeah. Do it for your community. Do it for your little hamlets. Yeah. Would you rather die a coward or go to prison a hero because you took out Liam Bain before
Starting point is 00:55:29 he could wipe out every one of you geriatric potential nonsense while you were asleep in your beds. Probable nonsense. He sprayed your wife with a hose. Probable, highly likely. You're just going to let that happen? She doesn't respect you. You let that slide, she no longer respects you. You hid behind a hose. Highly likely. You're just going to let that happen? She doesn't respect you. You know that slide?
Starting point is 00:55:45 She no longer respects you. Like... You hid behind a hedge. Maybe that's what they intended, Liam Bain. Like, your wife no longer respects you. She might sleep in the same bed as you. She doesn't want to be weird for the kids and the grandkids. But she does not respect you.
Starting point is 00:55:58 You notice every time you come to bed, she really quickly flips her phone over and she puts it down, screened down? Oh, I don't remember what I was looking at. It was on Facebook. I was looking at AI pictures. Looking at Fafbius Facebook. I was looking at Facebook. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:56:14 I saw a really great natural nature image from a Facebook account called iHeartNature. Yeah. It's really weird. I wasn't looking at Fabio. Are you getting dementia? I'm worried about your dementia. I'm worried you might have Alzheimer's. Have you taken your pills? Think about how, how much of a good start you're going to be off to if when you get
Starting point is 00:56:35 to prison, everybody there knows that you took out Bain. Oh my God. Hey, you already punched the biggest guy, you know? Yeah. You punched the biggest guy in the world, Liam Bain. Hey, hey, hey, leave that guy alone. He punched Liam Bain and killed him. It was a coward punch. The king hit Liam Bain. The king hit Liam Bain.
Starting point is 00:56:56 He got him in the back of the head and then he went head first onto a set of stairs, died instantly. Problem solved. Hey, you're okay here, pal. You killed Liam Bain. Yeah. This is the sort of stuff that could only happen in England. You certainly wouldn't see it happening in Ohio. Truck speeds down I-90 in reverse.
Starting point is 00:57:32 Only in Cleveland, says local motorist. Really? That's your guys' deal? It sounds uniquely- Is that just a funny thing you say in Cleveland? Yeah, only in Cleveland. You don't like the weather, just wait 20 minutes. Only in Cleveland, four seasons in one day.
Starting point is 00:57:53 I don't know if this is, it's a rare phenomenon. Certainly. I don't think this is like a uniquely, intrinsically Cleveland behavior to me. I don't think Cleveland gets to own going very fast in reverse. Yeah. That's not yours. That's the cars reversing before. Yeah. I've watched a lot of movies. I've seen people driving their cars in reverse and sometimes they kind of flip them around and then all of a sudden they're driving forwards. The turn looks so good. Crazy. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:58:25 Video obtained by Fox 8 News shows a wrong way driver on Interstate 90 on Thursday afternoon. It wasn't that the vehicle was headed in the wrong direction, rather it was facing the wrong way. So what's the problem? Yeah. I think the problem is maybe that if you turn the wheel even slightly, your car would turn almost immediately and then probably just like flip over a bunch of times. What if you're a really good driver?
Starting point is 00:58:49 Is this illegal? Is it in the rule book that you can't do this? I think they can probably just get you for doing like nearly anything under reckless driving as like a catchall. But what if you are a really good driver and there's no risk of you fucking it up somehow? What if you drive better that way? I can see that maybe part of the problem would be the limited visibility from the fact that
Starting point is 00:59:13 you're facing backwards. Like thinking about it, I could sort of see that a little bit. Maybe you can just kind of focus better though, you know, like not all the distractions of seeing what's on the road in front of you. Yes, instead of trying to take in everything within your peripheral vision and in between, you are just looking at the rear view mirror. You're limiting your focus to that one area so you can truly concentrate on it. It's probably better if you're like neurodivergent and you have ADHD and stuff, so it's probably smarter.
Starting point is 00:59:42 Is this guy neurodivergent? I think this guy might be a neurodivergent king. We might have to stand him. While merging onto the highway, local videographer Christian Santana. That is a concept. Imagine a Christian Santana. Because that's what we all know. Santana is Islamic. A notorious atheist Santana. Christian Santana caught video showing what appears to be a red pickup truck on camera and later posted it to Instagram.
Starting point is 01:00:20 He said he first thought the truck was headed toward him or that it was being towed. Powerful deduction skills on the man here. One day Sherlock Holmes. Quite impressively, he's still like keeping up with traffic. I was like, what the hell? That's pretty impressive apart from anything. Sounding like a Tim Robinson character. What the hell? Quite, but that's still unsafe. I was like, man, if I stayed behind him, I don't know if he'd cause an accident.
Starting point is 01:00:52 Well, he didn't. It sounds like he did it. Like this isn't a news story about a guy driving a truck backwards on I-9. He causes a horrific multiple fatality accident. It's about just someone got video of it and nothing bad happened. So it seems like it's kind of maybe fine. Like this guy- I don't really see what the big deal is. I don't believe it.
Starting point is 01:01:15 Do you believe that's... Like if you were at the dog park and you saw... No, if you were at a skate park and you saw a dog skateboarding, you wouldn't be like, hey, that's dangerous. Stop doing that. You're not allowed to do that. Dogs don't usually skateboard. You'd stop to watch it because that's something cool and beautiful. If you saw a guy on I-90 driving a red pickup, full speed backwards, blasting from a Sonos
Starting point is 01:01:40 because his actual head unit is busted, you'd be like, man, this guy, I fucking love this guy. He's like a local character. Yeah. You know how every town's got like a guy. We're like, no, that's just that guy. Backup full speed, red pickup, kid rock guy. That's just him. That's what he does.
Starting point is 01:01:59 We love him around here. Only in Cleveland. Only in Cleveland. You wouldn't find that guy anywhere else. And yet he's the king of Cleveland. You wouldn't find that guy anywhere else. And yet he's the king of Cleveland. He goes into bars, everyone's like, oh my God, I've got to buy full speed reverse red pickup truck kid rock guy a couple of beers before he gets on the road to drive backwards really fast.
Starting point is 01:02:19 Oh, you know he's never paying for a drink at the bars of Cleveland. He's never bought a beer and he has like 10 before he gets into the car every time. Oh, he's always drink driving. It actually helps him drive better. It's part of his, yeah, it's the secret sauce. First two words out of his mouth every time he gets into his car and opens the window. Watch this. Oh.
Starting point is 01:02:40 And also beer me. Hey guys, check this out. Locking eye contact with you as he recedes into the distance. Imagine having to drive and there's a guy in front of you looking like eye contact at you the entire time. It'd be so awkward. Do I wave? Just trying to not look at him, but you don't want to look off the road. Yeah, it's like how there's an implied agreement not to look sideways.
Starting point is 01:03:10 You wouldn't stare into the car, the person next to you stopped at traffic because that's really fucking weird. You kind of just eyes forward, gaze unfocused. This guy stopped at you with the lights and he's just staring at you. Yeah, you can't avoid that. And you can't like pretend to be on your phone because you're not allowed to do that even if you stopped. So like you just kind of have to shrug at him like, this is weird. Can't use my phone.
Starting point is 01:03:37 I'm pointing at it. No! Shaking my head, putting it down. seeing that I got a message putting it down face first because of instinct. Video provided to Fox 8 News by the Ohio Department of Transportation shows the truck merging onto the interstate at West 8th 4th Street. Like safely merging as well. Very funny. Continued traveling in reverse at least to Fulton Road where it continued out of the camera's view, said an ODOT spokesperson. Spokesperson. Santana told Fox 8 News he received another video of the driver via social media showing the truck also moving in reverse on the highway near Lorraine. He said he thinks the truck exited the interstate at West 25th Street. Where's he going? the truck exited the interstate at West 25th Street. Where's he going? A spokesperson for the Ohio State Highway Patrol said the patrol did not respond to the incident and deferred to Cleveland
Starting point is 01:04:32 Cleveland police. Cleveland. So they don't care. They know about him. They know about this guy for sure. Maybe it was Mr. Baste. Oh him? The lightest Mr. Baste. Oh, the backwards car. Did you guys see the guy at the live show who looks a little bit like Mr. Beast? Yeah. Yeah. Thank you very much for coming to the live show. You do look a bit like Mr. Beast, if you're listening. You probably know who you are.
Starting point is 01:05:04 Yeah. Like you've been told a little bit that you look kind of like Mr. Beast. If you're listening. You probably know who you are. Yeah. Like you've been told a little bit that you look kind of like Mr. Beast before maybe you seem like a very nice person. But you do look like Mr. Beast. Maybe it was Mr. Beast. Maybe Mr. Beast. I got to go to a podcast live show in Australia. $1 podcast live show versus $10,000 podcast live show. We're the shit one. We're the one that we started. Yeah, we're the shit one.
Starting point is 01:05:32 Fox 8 News has reached out to Cleveland police for more information. Like, where can I find this guy to buy me a beer? Hey, that was definitely an episode of the podcast. Bunt of Vista. Thank you so much for listening. Thank you to everyone that came to the live show again. We had honestly just such a wildly good time. You would have already seen in your feed, there's a recorded version of that if you
Starting point is 01:05:56 missed it. But there is also a video version of it up on our YouTube channel, which has two videos. They are 300th and our 350th episodes, respectively. Yeah, the video quality is a little shitty because I planned it very, very badly. I put it in a spot where for half the video you cannot see Lucy at all because of my body. I don't know if I did it on purpose, but I think he's jealous, Lucy. Subconsciously. I think you might be jealous of me. I think you kind of steal the frame at all times. I just want to be looked at sometimes. Yeah, I understand. Is that so hard? Yeah, check that out. If you missed the live show,
Starting point is 01:06:39 you can chuck that on the telly and you can sort of point when stuff happens and tell your partner, oh, they're about to do the theme to this. Ah, I called it. I love this one. I love this one. It's so funny. You know what? I'll pause it.
Starting point is 01:06:51 I'll go back cause you were on your phone. No, no, you go to the bathroom. I'll pause it. I'll pause it. I don't know. I will pause it. I am pausing it. Why'd you put your phone screen face down?
Starting point is 01:07:00 Ah, yeah. Check that out. Oh, you changed your password on your phone, babe? You never used to have a passcode so that we could get into each other's photos if we wanted to send each other the snaps that we'd taken. And I'm always sending you the episodes of Buntavista. I'm always sending them to you, letting you like access my Patreon account so we should have a password on the phone. I would have thought you would have saved it as one of your podcasts in your podcast,
Starting point is 01:07:22 but it doesn't look like you have. It doesn't look like you have. It doesn't look like it's there. That's strange. Fabio? You have a text from... We'll see you on the free episode. Stay safe out there.
Starting point is 01:07:37 Keep an eye out if you're in Cleveland for that guy. Buy him a beer. Yes. If you are that guy, we will buy you a beer. Yeah. And if you're the guy that looks like Mr. Beast, let us know. Love to hear from you. Buy a beer for calling you Mr. Beast. Yeah. If I wish you'd told me when it was earlier for me to have bought you a beer, easier back then, but we'll figure something out. And if you are Liam Bain, we respect
Starting point is 01:08:00 you and are, you know, politely keeping our distance. We fear you so much. You are like evil incarnate. You make my skin crawl the fact that you exist and you're out there. He's out there alive right now. What is wrong with you? He's biding his time currently. That's kind of fucked up to think about. He's cape-fearing.
Starting point is 01:08:19 Like right now, like not even as a joke, right now, He's seething about it. Reading like a Bible passages, getting angry. Yeah. It's going out to a movie theater that's like not near there and kicking the back of the seats. Yeah. Just begging someone, begging someone to stand up and turn around. Fight me. What? What?
Starting point is 01:08:42 If you see this man, stay away. Bye. Bye! Bye! Bye! you

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