Breaking History - Why We Can't Escape JFK Conspiracy Theories
Episode Date: February 19, 2025Every now and again, a work of art is so profound that it breaches the boundary between fact and fiction and affects current events. And if you had to rank the most politically resonant artworks Ameri...can pop culture has produced in the last 50 years, the 1991 film JFK would top the list. More than any document, this film codified the murder of JFK as a conspiracy in the minds of the American people. Directed by the most celebrated filmmaker in America at the time, Oliver Stone, JFK featured Kevin Costner as a character who said that President Kennedy was killed as part of a government conspiracy. The film was so influential that Congress passed a law in 1992 that ordered government agencies to find and, ultimately, release hundreds of thousands of secret CIA files relating to the assassination. Now President Trump has ordered the declassification of all remaining records. Many Americans never thought Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone—or they questioned if he was involved at all. But by the end of the Cold War, the JFK truthers were considered fringe and paranoid. Oliver Stonge changed that. In today’s Breaking History, Eli Lake argues that JFK made conspiracy theories go mainstream. Tinfoil hats were no longer just for oddballs. They were for everyone. And the U.S. government has played a big role in that. After all, whether or not Oswald acted alone, the full array of facts still remain to be shared. Thanks to our sponsors: Go to to get 40% off the unlimited access Vantage plan and stay fully informed on today’s biggest news stories. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Every now and again, a work of art is so profound
that it reaches across the transom and actually affects current events.
Well, if you had to rank the most politically resonant pieces
of American pop culture in the last 50 years.
I would say this film tops the list.
Now we're through the looking glass here, people.
White is black, and black is white.
Directed by the most celebrated filmmaker
in America at the time, Oliver Stone,
JFK, a masterpiece, featured the biggest movie star on earth,
Kevin Costner, saying things like this.
President Kennedy was murdered by a conspiracy that was planned in advance at the highest
levels of our government and it was carried out by fanatical and disciplined Cold Warriors
in the Pentagon and CIA's covert operation apparatus.
It was a full frontal attack on the American state as we know it. A three hour video essay
explaining just how and why the US government, up to and including a former president, colluded
to murder John F. Kennedy. Republic R.I.P. It was as explosive a text as could be imagined, including a long
scene analyzing the famous Zabruder tape, amateur footage of the assassination, forcing
the audience to watch Kennedy's head being blown off by a bullet again and again and
again. Back and to the left.
And yet, Stone's film wasn't buried.
It wasn't covered up after Hollywood executives were leaned on by hidden political forces.
It was nominated for eight Academy Awards, an insane endorsement of a wild accusation.
The political equivalent of Kendrick Lamar calling Drake a pedophile at the Super Bowl.
More than any other document, this film codified the murder of JFK as a conspiracy in the minds
of the American people.
In many ways, it changed the course of history because you'd have to say that if Oliver
Stone had not been given $40 million to make a film about the deep state killing a president?
Well, then this...
...declassification of files relating to the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy...
...would almost certainly not be happening right now.
That's a big one, huh?
A lot of people are waiting for this role long for years.
For decades.
The chain of events that led to Donald Trump promising to release secret files about supposed
government collusion in multiple assassinations really begins with Oliver Stone, a dazzling
filmmaker, a traumatized Vietnam vet, a political firebrand, and also a total crank. In Oliver Stone's mind, the 20th century is a crime scene,
and the U.S. government is always holding the murder weapon.
The conspiracy he puts forth in JFK is vast.
I will let the artist take it from here.
You will find that there are essentially two conspiracies are hypothecated.
The first one, a conspiracy to kill the president, which is very small and covert in nature.
His film was such a significant political text that in 1992, just four months after
its release, Oliver Stone gave testimony before Congress. By the way, we've added this down
a little bit because it is long.
It had to come from an element in government that was practiced in this art of assassination.
The only people with that sort of experience
are obviously the intelligence agencies
who had been doing it abroad in the 1950s
and in the early 60s.
I think that that expertise was brought home into America.
There was a second conspiracy I hypothesize
and that is the conspiracy to cover it up.
And that cover up I believe has been going on for 28 years and most recently expressed
itself in the vehement attacks and misrepresentations on my film. That cover up I believe involved
people like Lyndon Johnson. We know that autopsy was a compromised if not a rigged affair. The cover-up extends, I believe, to the FBI and Mr. Hoover, at that time chairman of the
FBI, and I think it extends to people in the Warren Commission.
But I don't think necessarily that the people involved in the cover-up were people involved
in the conspiracy to kill him.
What I did in the movie was show a paradigm of possibilities.
I showed a president that deeply divided the country, made many
enemies through policies intended to end the Cold War. I think we have a president that
was moving on many fronts to rock the boat, to shake the establishment. And I think we
must look there for the root causes of people who were, if not involved in assassinating
the president, were certainly relieved to
see him go.
So there you have it.
Lyndon Johnson, J. Edgar Hoover, and the Warren Commission covered up a CIA Pentagon
murder of the 35th president.
That testimony and Stone's film were so influential that in 1992 Congress passed a law ordering
the government to release hundreds
of thousands of secret CIA files. How many films can claim to have had such an effect?
It is not only a great film, it's probably one of the most impactful films of the 80s
or 90s considering that it really changed people's perceptions.
This is Michael Moynihan, co-host of the Fifth Column Podcast and a Free Press contributor. I mean keeping in mind that the first conspiracy theory
stuff about the JFK assassination came within a month of the actual
assassination, but it was after JFK that it became really the thing that everyone
believed. If there's a conspiracy theory that everyone in America believes or a
vast majority of people believe, it's this one. It's true. There have always
been Americans who believe that it was impossible
that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone
or even shot Kennedy at all.
And this view ebbed and flowed in our culture.
But by the end of the Cold War,
the JFK truthers were largely considered fringe and paranoid.
That is, until Stone dressed JFK trutherism
in the language of respectability.
Once the nation had heard these accusations
accompanied by a swirling John Williams score,
they became a fixture in American culture.
You found it on Seinfeld.
I'm saying that the spit could not have come from behind.
That there had to have been a second spitter.
The Simpsons.
The Rand Corporation, in conjunction with the Saucer people...
Thank you.
Under the supervision of the Reverse Vampires...
are forcing our parents to go to bed early in a fiendish plot to eliminate the meal of dinner.
We're through the looking glass here, people.
And the Sopranos.
My cousin acted alone. I did not sanction this. We're through the looking glass here, people. And the Sopranos.
My cousin acted alone.
I did not sanction this.
It's a long gunman theory.
This was the moment that conspiracy theories went over ground at the dawn of the internet
Tin foil hats were no longer just for oddballs.
They were for moms and dads and me and you.
Today you can find these dot connectors everywhere. Just listen to Rob Reiner,
the cuddly director of When Harry Met Sally
and the man who played Meathead on All in the Family,
going through the looking glass.
They have a stack like this, a file on Oswald,
the CIA does.
None of that ever came out.
Nobody understood the connection
between Oswald and the CIA for years, for four years when
he went to Russia.
There's thousands of pages on him.
Oliver Stone's movie asked a question that the American people have never been able to
get off their mind.
Because the official investigation, the Warren Commission, into the crime of the century
was lacking.
The CIA and the FBI hid evidence from the fact-finders,
and the fact-finders themselves hid evidence from the public.
Now in 2025, Donald Trump has signaled he is willing to share the last-date secrets remaining
from one of the most painful chapters of our recent history.
I'm Eli Lake, and from the Free Press, you're listening to Breaking History.
After the break, why the murder of the 35th president remains a mystery wrapped in a riddle
inside an enigma.
Who shot John?
Who shot John?
Who shot John?
You're telling us nothing with your Warren Bay report. You ask other dadas if you're silent and true. Now I hate to disappoint, but it seems fair to warn you upfront.
I'm not going to crack the case of who shot John Kennedy in this podcast.
Sorry about that.
Personally, I believe it's almost certain that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone on November
22, 1963 at Dealey Plaza.
But at the same time, I understand why people don't. This isn't QAnon. It's not
flat earth. The murder of John F. Kennedy is a really strange chapter of American
history. It's full of mysteries, coincidences, and lies.
It doesn't make any sense. He drove past the book depository and the police said and lies. target at that range. But if there was a second assassin, that's it.
We just heard from Woody Allen's Albie Singer in the autobiographical Annie Hall speaking
for many Americans. Still today, JFK's death remains an open wound.
After nearly 62 years, we still have not closed the case despite the official commission chaired
by Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren, a 1978 House Committee investigation, and
the declassification of reams of documents by order of Congress.
The story of the JFK conspiracy theory is not limited to a few hucksters, red-pilling
traumatized boomers.
No. It is also the story
of how the government squandered its most precious asset, the trust of the American
people. The investigators failed, not because they reached the wrong conclusion, but because
of the way they went about it. Over the decades, our country would discover that the Warren
Commission, the official investigation
of the crime, had in fact hidden plenty of information from the people.
It looked suspiciously like a cover-up led by government insiders.
Then you have an official commission to it with a person who had been the former head
of the CIA.
It's not necessarily a commission that gives you the feeling it was doing it robustly.
This is author Gerald Posner, whose book Case Closed actually makes the best argument for
the official version of events.
Despite that, he can see why people distrust the investigation.
A lot of documents stay sealed.
They don't release the president's autopsy in deference to the Kennedy family.
And there were rumors the autopsy was bad.
The Zapruder film wasn't seen. Time Life bought it and only put stills out in Time
magazine and when it was shown finally in 1975 by Geraldo Rivera on his overnight program,
everybody said, oh my God, he was shot from the front, Kennedy, because that's what it
looks like when you watch the film. So no wonder people have been suspicious over the
years. So I approach the doubters of the official line with humility and charity.
They are not crazy.
In fact, they are in illustrious company.
Because one of the weirdest things about this story is that some of the senior officials
blamed by the conspiracy theorists for JFK's murder were in fact conspiracy theorists themselves. And the most prominent
conspiracy theorist of all was Kennedy's own vice president and future president, Lyndon
Baines Johnson. So what happened that day, November 22, 1963? What happened to send America
down a rabbit hole it has never been able to climb out of.
What happened the day JFK was murdered?
Well, first we got this.
From Dallas, Texas, the flash, apparently official, President Kennedy died at 1 p.m.
Central Standard Time, 2 o'clock Eastern standard time, some 38 minutes ago.
The Dallas police arrest Lee Harvey Oswald after he shot a police officer and have the
murder weapon used to kill JFK, a World War II era bolt action Carcano rifle.
He purchased it under a phony name.
On page 10 of that catalog is listed the very rifle that was purchased by Lee Harvey Oswald under the name of A. Hydel.
It's very simple to purchase this gun. It only costs $12.78. If you buy the scope with it, it only costs $19.95.
During his perp walk, Oswald protests his innocence, but drops a strange insight into his life.
Come on, men.
You know they're taking me in because of the fact that I live in the Soviet Union.
I'm just a Papsy.
The Soviet Union?
Yes, this former Marine defected in 1959 to the USSR.
Well, that's weird. I wonder what... Oh wait, hold
on, what's that?
He's been shot. He's been shot. Here Oswald has been shot. There's a man with a gun.
Oswald is killed only two days after Jack Kennedy's murder by a nightclub owner named
Jack Ruby. live on TV.
Imagine what is going through the heads
of the American people.
It must have felt like being buried by an avalanche
of apocalyptic mad libs in Dallas, Texas.
Blank was killed in front of the American people.
How did Blank get into the blank with a murder weapon?
What the blanking blank is going on?
At this point, the world is upside down. How could a rational person not suspect that something funny was going on? A conspiracy makes far
more sense than whatever the news is trying to tell you. Jack Ruby shooting Oswald deprived
America of a trial. And as the press dug into Ruby, it turns out that he's part of the Dallas underworld,
the mafia. And when asked why he did it, Ruby's motive doesn't exactly seem solid either. He did
it, he claims, because he just loved Jack Kennedy that damn much. He wanted to be a hero? Huh? And
so, Jack Ruby unlocks the first genre of JFK conspiracies. The mob did it.
If they can work a president, they can work a president of a union.
That was Joe Pesci in Martin Scorsese's The Irishman rehabilitating the theory that it was gangsters who offed Jack Kennedy.
Though that film came out in 2019, the truth is that the mafia theory has largely faded in recent years.
But to sum it up, it goes like this.
The mob helped elect Jack Kennedy in 1960 with the expectation that he would support
the toppling of Fidel Castro's regime in Cuba, and the mob would get their Havana casinos
What they didn't count on was that the new president, A, would refuse to send air support
to an invasion of Cuba,
known as the Bay of Pigs, and B, would appoint his brother, Bobby Kennedy, as attorney general.
Bobby had been waging a vendetta against organized crime for years, so instead of JFK trying
to take out Castro, the president was declaring a war on the very same mob who helped elect
Perhaps predictably, the mafia decided then to kill him, or at least that's how the theory goes. Well, did they do it? Did
the mafia kill Kennedy? The truth is, I really don't think so. But hold on, there's
a lot more to get your head around before you decide which JFK conspiracy
is the right conspiracy for you.
If Kennedy's murder was in fact a well-conceived plot, perhaps one of the you.
If Kennedy's murder was in fact a well-conceived plot, perhaps one of the most natural suspects
would be America's greatest enemy at the time, the Communists.
Well, there was plenty of fuel for that fire.
Back to 1963, as the country reels from Kennedy's murder, more information begins to eke out
about Oswald.
And he is a very strange guy. Six months before he murdered Kennedy, Oswald tried and failed
to kill a retired far-right general named Edwin Walker. Here is Walker explaining the
incident to a local NBC news affiliate.
Well, the police from the city came in to investigate a rifle shot that was fired into the house,
fired through the west window, and hit the cell and hit the wall across the room and
went through the wall over the desk at which I was sitting.
Oswald also took a trip to Mexico City before the Kennedy shooting and met with officials
at the Cuban
and Soviet embassies there, red flag, red flag, ostensibly to get a visa to travel to
Cuba. Another holy shit moment. At the time, Oswald was also a kind of political
activist. He joined the Fair Play for Cuba committee, a New Left organization comprised
of many prominent intellectuals like Gore Vidal and James Baldwin. Oswald became a spokesman for the group and even
engaged in debates with anti-Castro emigres. Here's a 1963 interview on a local television
station in New Orleans where Oswald explains his political philosophy.
Are you a Marxist? I think you did admit on an earlier radio interview that you consider
yourself a Marxist? I think you did admit on an earlier radio interview that you consider yourself a Marxist.
Oh, I would very definitely say that I am a Marxist. That is correct. But that does not mean, however, that I am a communist.
What is the difference between the two?
Well, there's a great deal of difference. Several American parties in several countries are based on Marxism, such as Ghana.
Certain countries have characteristics of a socialist system such as Great Britain
with its socialized medicine.
These then are the differences between an outright communist country and countries which
adhere to leftist or Marxist principles.
In your work with the Fair Play for Cuba committee, what are you advocating?
We advocate restoration of diplomatic trade
and tourist relations with Cuba. That's a strange ideology for a former Marine. But
then again Oswald was not your ordinary Marine. He was such a strange fish that
even before he was accused of killing Kennedy, a fellow Marine wrote a novel
based on Oswald's life called The Idol Warriors. While he served, Oswald was mercilessly teased,
called Mrs. Oswald and later Oswaldsky by his battle buddies when he was stationed in Japan.
He was an oddball with delusions of grandeur who began ordering Russian language newspapers to base.
He was obsessed with Marxist Leninism. While he's serving the tail end of his military service,
what kind of prompts him to leave is this kind of growing fascination with the Marxist
communist cause and increasingly with the Soviet Union. This is my free press colleague,
Peter Savodnik, whose book, The Interloper, is the best treatment of Oswald's sojourn
in 1959 to the Soviet Union. And, you know, one of the things about Oswald's sojourn in 1959 to the Soviet Union.
And you know, one of the things about Oswald that's kind of sad, but also I think rather
telling is that he's not an especially intelligent man.
He's not an especially, to say the least, astute or intellectually attuned man.
So whereas like other leftists by the late 50s, early 60s had already kind of lost interest
in the Soviet Union and were focused on, first it was Mao, then it was Cuba, and then elsewhere
in Latin America.
Oswald is, for the most part, at this point, oblivious to all that.
And what he's excited about is this idea of another father figure, another cause that
he can glom onto or he can break into
as it were, and that is the communist cause and the Soviet cause.
After obtaining an early discharge from the Marines, Lee Harvey Oswald hops a ship across
the Atlantic and finds himself in Helsinki, Finland. He walks up to the Soviet embassy,
renounces his American citizenship, and obtains a Soviet
When he finally arrives in Moscow, the KGB believed at first they'd hit pay dirt.
Oswald served at a large military base that launched the top secret U-2 planes that surveilled
the Soviet Union.
But within a few days, the Soviets realized Oswald knew nothing that could really help
them. He was in proximity of this very important weapon, but he didn't know anything about
He certainly didn't have any sophisticated understanding of the mechanical engineering
aspects of it.
He didn't know anything about rocket science or rocketry or how to build a rocket that
might reach it.
And so it was not hard for the KGB in a matter of 48, 72 hours
to rule out his utility.
I think it became clear to them pretty quickly
that he was useless to them.
The Soviets tell him they will not
be granting him citizenship.
Oswald is devastated.
He goes back to his hotel, despondent,
and ready to end it all.
He goes into the bathroom, and he slits his wrist.
And the KGB ultimately finds him there. and ready to end it all. He goes into the bathroom and he slits his wrist.
And the KGB ultimately finds him there.
They rush him to a hospital.
They determine that he was not very serious about trying to kill himself.
And then he's held for a little bit longer in the psych unit because they want to evaluate
And now the KGB, the Soviets have a bigger problem, which is, do we allow this guy to stay and
avoid what could very well be an international incident, which is a dead US Marine on Soviet
soil, or do we force him to go and perhaps run into other problems of some sort?
I think ultimately there's this kind of calculation, fine, if
he wants to stay, he can stay and we can kind of bury him, we can disappear him as it were
in some provincial city where no one will ever see him or know him and he'll be kind
of swallowed up by the vastness of the Soviet Union. And that's exactly what they do.
So Oswald is sent to Minsk, the capital of Belarus today, where he is given a job in
a radio factory. His life is like the Truman Show. The KGB keeps regular tabs on him. Everyone
he interacts with is an informant of some kind. We know this because both Norman Mailer
and later Peter Svobodnik got access to reams of the KGB's actual files. They include
mundane details about this strange ex-Marine,
his eating habits, how often he masturbated, what he discussed in the break room of the
factory and his political opinions.
But while the Soviets knew everything about Oswald at this point in the Soviet Union,
by the time he was shot by Jack Ruby in 1963, the CIA and the FBI still claimed to know very little.
What they saw was a defector to the Soviet Union returning to America and shooting the
Surely it was logical that he had been ordered to do so by the KGB.
It's a fair question, and one that obsessed leaders of our own government.
Even before Chief Justice Earl Warren's commission could investigate the crime, the new president, Lyndon Baines Johnson,
was consumed by the idea that it might have been a communist plot and he was
even more concerned by what that would mean for the future of planet Earth.
Consider this phone call from Johnson to his former mentor, Senator Richard
Russell of Georgia. It's November 28, 1963, just six days after the assassination. Johnson
is cajoling his old friend to serve on the Warren Commission.
It's already been announced and you can serve with anybody for the good of America. And this is a question that has a good many more ramifications than on the surface.
And we've got to take this out of the arena where they're testifying and Khrushchev and
Castro did this and did that and kicking us into a war that can kill 40 million Americans
in an hour. Johnson is asking Russell to serve on the commission to deflect attention away from
the Soviet Union. He knows that the Cold War is on a knife edge, and an accusation like
this could tip us into thermonuclear war.
Now that call reminds me of Plato's concept of the noble lie, when a leader has to practice deception
in public for a greater good.
And this is not the only conversation like this that Johnson had as he was recruiting
for the Warren Commission.
He made it clear to all that he spoke to that he did not want them to blame the Cubans or
the Russians full stop.
After all, who wants to be the president of a smoldering crater where America once stood?
But the noble lie would come to haunt America because this deception helped undermine the
American people's trust in the story their leaders were feeding them.
Indeed, in his last televised interview, the former president admitted to Walter Cronkite
that he could not bring himself to believe the official story.
In 1975, two
years after LBJ's death.
The full tape was revealed.
Well, during a long interview I had with Mr. Johnson at the LBJ ranch in September 1969,
we talked about the Kennedy assassination.
A portion of the interview was not broadcast at the president's request on the grounds,
he said, of national security.
I asked Mr. Johnson then whether he was satisfied there was no international conspiracy in his
I can't honestly say that I've ever been completely relieved of the fact that there
might have been international connections.
You mean you still feel that there might have been?
Well, I have not completely discounted.
Well, that would seem to indicate that you don't have full confidence in the Warren Commission report.
No, I think the Warren Commission's study and I think first of all is composed the ablest most judicious
bipartisan men in this country. Second I think they had only one objective and
that was the truth. Third I think they were competent and did the best they
could but I don't think that they are me or anyone else, is always absolutely sure of every thing that might have motivated Oswald or others that could have been love.
Absolutely wild.
wild. What on earth must this have sounded like to the average American?
After years of being told to believe the Warren Report's assertion that Oswald acted alone,
here was a former President of the United States suggesting that he never really could
quote, completely discount that Oswald had been a part of a great unrevealed conspiracy.
It would be like Barack Obama telling Stephen Colbert that jet fuel doesn't melt steel
And inside the corridors of power, Johnson was not the only man doubting the official
James Jesus Engleton, the chief of the counterintelligence directorate of the CIA, also figured Oswald
was engaged in a conspiracy with the Russians.
If the president and a CIA chief didn't believe their own story, why should we expect the
American people to? Why should anyone? Well, basically no one did. The fact is that while
the finger was pointed at the Soviets from inside the White House, the Kremlin didn't
believe Oswald acted alone either, as they
had their very own distinctively anti-capitalist conspiracy theory. Here is an excerpt from
The Sword and the Shield, a history of the KGB, by Vasily Matrokin, a KGB defector.
It would have been wholly out of character had the Center failed to interpret President Kennedy's assassination by Lee Harvey Oswald in Dallas on November 22, 1963 as anything
less than conspiracy.
The deputy chairman of the KGB reported to the Central Committee in December that the
reliable source of the Polish Friends, the Polish Intelligence Service. An American entrepreneur and owner of a number of firms closely connected to the petroleum
circles of the South reported in late November that the real instigators of this criminal
deed were three leading oil magnets from the South of the USA.
Richardson, Murchison, and Hunt, all owners of major petroleum reserves in the Southern
States who have long been connected to pro-fascist major petroleum reserves in the southern states who have long been
connected to pro-fascist and racist organizations in the south.
Of course for Moscow, the culprits had to be oil magnates, oligarchs, capitalists, running
dogs. It seems as though the JFK conspiracy is very much in the eye of the beholder. The
Soviets blame the capitalists. Johnson blames the Soviets. Oliver Stone blames the government who sent him to Vietnam. JFK's death has become a Rorschach test,
where everyone sees their own worst enemy. After the break, how the conspiracy theories began to
look inward and point the finger at the deep state operating within the American government itself.
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Mr. Gatison, are you saying that members of the Pentagon ordered the President killed
because of his opposition to the war in Vietnam?
I would say that the fact that the military of the United States was behind the murder
of John Kennedy is so obvious that most of the people in the United States have to be aware of it.
Of course, the Pentagon and the Central Intelligence Agency were involved in the murder of John Kennedy,
just as they were involved in the escalation in Vietnam which followed.
You mean direct involvement?
Of course.
We just heard from former New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison,
who was the inspiration and main character of Oliver Stone's movie JFK. It was Garrison, who
was played by Kevin Costner as the last Boy Scout, willing to take on the
American government, so help me God. Today, most JFK assassination
researchers have dismissed Garrison as a charlatan. But Stone was right to portray
him as a kind of pioneer, even if he was largely a pioneer
of bullshit. Along with lawyer Mark Lane, it was Garrison who first began to forward the theory in
1966 that it was the CIA in conjunction with the Pentagon that murdered Kennedy back in 1963.
Now in order to get there, you have to start thinking of the world around you
as an elaborate deception.
In his role as Jim Garrison, Kevin Costner summed this up with a shout out to Lewis Carroll.
Y'all gotta start thinking on a different level like the CIA does.
Now we're through the looking glass here people.
White is black and black is white.
Just maybe Oswald is exactly what he said he was.
A Patsy.
Once one is through the looking glass, well, then anything is possible.
Oswald himself was a spokesman for the Fair Play for Cuba committee, a pro-Castro organization.
But for Garrison, this is only evidence that in fact he was deeply anti-Castro like the CIA.
His theory was that Oswald was actually a military intelligence
agent sent to Moscow, then allowed to return in order to build a credible backstory of
Soviet involvement. In fact, said Garrison, it was the CIA who had pulled off the murder
and the CIA who made sure Oswald was perfectly placed to be blamed and labeled a Soviet assassin.
This case made by the rogue district attorney and partially co-signed by Oliver Stone requires
Lee Harvey Oswald to play a part in the mysterious Operation Mongoose.
Operation Mongoose was a real top secret CIA program.
Its existence is no fabrication or fantasy of a conspiracy theorist, even if the details of their work sound exactly like the fabrications and fantasies of a conspiracy
Mangus existed to dream up ways to kill and discredit Fidel Castro, and they seem to have
a real sense of the absurd. One plot would place a chemical in his scuba suit that would
cause his beard to fall out. Another was to booby trap seashells.
Exploding cigars?
They pitched it.
The Bugs Bunny ideas never really went anywhere, but they were part of a serious, broad strategy
to eliminate the leader of Cuba.
Why is it unlikely that this wacky bunch of ACME assassins trained Oswald to kill Jack
Kennedy? Well, the
man who oversaw Operation Mongoose was unlikely to want JFK dead, given that he was JFK's own brother,
the Attorney General Bobby Kennedy. Bobby knew the details of Operation Mongoose inside and out,
as was revealed when these plots were declassified in 1975 in an
explosive congressional investigation into the American Deep State led by
Senator Frank Church. However, the mongoose movements are murky. Cast your
mind back to earlier in the episode. Do you remember this?
If they can whack a president, they can whack a president of a union.
The murder of Oswald by the mob-affiliated Jack Ruby had popularized the theory that
the Mafia had been behind the killing of Kennedy.
Well, if you still need proof that investigating the Kennedy assassination is a tangled weave
capable of bamboozling just about anyone? Get your head around this. Operation Mongoose
had led to a brief alliance between the CIA and the Mafia, collaborating on plots to try
and poison Fidel Castro. I kid you not. Here is CIA contract agent and former FBI G-Man,
Robert Mayhew, at a press conference during the 1975 Church Committee investigation.
My only understanding was that the capsules were to be given to someone.
When Jim Garrison uncovered reports of the collaboration of one, the CIA, with two, the
Mafia, he added one and two together and made five.
Though there has never been any evidence in the last 62 years pointing to Oswald being involved with the mafia or
the CIA, let alone with both at the same time, Garrison ran with the idea that Mungoose had
been a plot not just against Castro's life, but against JFK's.
Unlike most cranks in their basement, Garrison had the power of subpoena. He was elected
as a city's prosecutor. He could send people to jail. And he used that power, accusing
a New Orleans businessman named Clay Shaw of facilitating a plot between right-wing
Cubans, the CIA, and the mob to frame Oswald for Kennedy's murder. At trial, these dramatic
accusations did not stick. A jury
acquitted Shaw within an hour. But Garrison remained at Gladfly on this issue for years,
eventually living long enough to advise Oliver Stone on the film that revived his reputation.
Yes, he advised on a film about his own work. It was an inside job, you could say.
But today, on the brink of a potentially monumental reveal
of secret CIA files, where do all these theories leave us?
After the break, where the JFK conspiracy stands today.
Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Kevin Costner. There's a simple way to determine if I am paranoid.
Let's ask the two men who profited the most from the assassination, your former president
Lyndon Baines Johnson and your new president Richard Nixon, to release the 51 CIA documents
pertaining to Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack Ruby.
All the secret CIA memo on Oswald's activities in Russia
that was destroyed while being photocopied.
All these documents are yours.
The people's property.
You pay for it.
But because the government considers you children
who might be too disturbed or distressed
to face this reality,
or because you might possibly lynch those involved.
You cannot see these documents for another 75 years.
I'm in my early 40s, so I'll have shuffled off this mortal coil by then, but I'm already
telling my eight-year-old son to keep himself physically fit so that one glorious September
morning in the year 2038, he can walk into the National
Archives and find out what the CIA and the FBI knew.
This is seen from JFK reenacting and rewriting the closing arguments of Garrison's trial
railing against the idea that the files pertaining to the assassination won't be released for
another 75 years.
Well, it has not been 75 years yet, so why is Trump about to disclose all of these files?
Such was the power of the film's grasp
on the popular and political spirit.
That indirect response to Oliver Stone's film,
as we said earlier, Congress passed a law
that required the government to release the remaining files
related to the assassination by 2017.
And in 2017, Trump complied with that law up to a point.
But even the most unpredictable president drew a line
at releasing them all.
Back in October, 2024 though, Trump went on Joe Rogan
and explained that he would in fact be opening
the remaining JFK files in his second presidency.
It's time to open them.
I can't tell you whether or not they're going to find anything of interest.
And I did partially open.
I think I've opened 50 percent, but I was asked not to do it.
And I thought that was a reasonable ask, but now I'm going to do it.
I'm going to do it very soon.
And so one might say we're reaching a kind of endpoint.
The documents are coming, right?
That's great.
We can all put down the goddamn looking glass now.
For what it's worth, Trump's former CIA director,
Mike Pompeo, does not think the coming declassifications
that Trump authorized will shed too much light
on what we already know.
The news value of them is grossly overrated.
I think we released, I can't remember on our watch,
140,000, 180,000 pages of those documents
while I was the CI director.
We should do our best.
The most important reason to do it
is because everybody out there talking about these things
will get to see that there's less there than meets the eye.
So what is it that's coming?
We know Pompeo thinks it's a nothing burger with cheese,
but what about the people who've dedicated their lives
to this monumental chapter of American history? What are they hoping to discover on that fateful
day when the CIA finally lifts the veil? I thought I'd ask them. Jefferson Morley, who
is the best skeptic of the official narrative surrounding the JFK assassination writing
today, told me that he thinks there will be a number of revelatory files in the final
release on very specific events.
A few days after the assassination, the Miami station of the CIA launched an investigation
of the assassination.
And they called in agents and they said, query your sources on these five questions, okay?
They did not investigate Lee Harvey Oswald.
They did not investigate Fidel Castro. They did not investigate Lee Harvey Oswald. They did not investigate Fidel Castro.
They did not investigate organized crime.
They did not say, alone not killed the president for no reason and we're not interested.
What they said was, go talk to your sources among anti-Castro exiles and see who has the
money and the guns who might have pulled this off.
We didn't know about this investigation till 2017,
and we still don't have the results of it.
So a good search launched by President Trump
would go back and capture situation reports
that were submitted by these officers
in the course of this investigation.
So these sit reps, which are known to exist
or did exist in the 1970s, would give us some
Well, did the CIA find out that one guy killed the president for no reason and another guy
came along and killed him for no reason?
Or did they find out something else?
The answers are overdue.
Let's just put it that way.
Gerald Posner, who has written the best book arguing that Oswald acted alone, is keen to
find out everything the CIA and FBI
really knew about Oswald when he visited
the Cuban and Soviet embassies in Mexico.
If you ask me what my hope is for like a big get,
it's not that they're necessarily as a plot
to kill the president, but maybe the CIA knew more
about Oswald's unhinged behavior
at the Cuban and Soviet missions.
We had to have a lot of surveillance on those two enemy missions in the middle of the Cold
And then what they should have done, of course, is share the information when Oswald comes
dejected back into the United States 10 days later, who had an open investigation on, that
would have made the case a priority and potentially would have stopped the assassination.
Other redacted files that should be released include James Jesus Engleton's testimony before
Congress on what his office knew about Oswald in his journey to Russia and back, plus the
personal files on some of the agents running anti-Cuban propaganda operations out of Miami.
And there are more.
So there is a chance that maybe, perhaps, we might discover something that resembles
a conspiracy.
Again, I have my doubts, but let's see what the files say.
On the other hand, I'm almost certain it won't be enough for many.
Even if the FBI would unveil JFK himself, writing the Ark of the Covenant and singing
a lost Beatles song, many would
still be disappointed.
Even if the released files contained a photograph of LBJ pulling the trigger from the grassy
gnoll, it would still be rejected by some because the JFK assassination theories are
just too complicated and also too addictive to just give up on them.
Even if you believe in a conspiracy, have to be wrong.
Right? Because there's so many.
This is Michael Moynihan again.
There's the CIA, there's the mafia, there's LBJ,
there's the Cubans, there's the Soviets.
I mean, if there was a conspiracy,
one of those things is true and everybody else is wrong.
It's been six decades since Jack Kennedy was killed.
And today, trust in government is even lower than it was back
when we decided that perhaps the deep state really murdered our
handsome president.
So is it any wonder that in this second Trump administration, the
Republican Party is committed to opening the kimono and lifting the
veil on not only the JFK assassination, but almost every outstanding conspiracy theory of the last half century.
It is with profound honor that I have been entrusted by Speaker Mike Johnson and Chairman
James Comer to lead the House Oversight Task Force on Declassification of Federal Secrets.
Together with the help of the White House, our intelligence allies, the Department of
Defense, the Department of Justice, we'll be conducting investigations into the following. The assassinations of JFK,
RFK, and Dr. Martin Luther King, unidentified aerial phenomena, also known
as UAPs, unidentified submerged objects, also known as USOs, the Epstein
client list, the origins of COVID-19, and the 9-11 files.
Well, I welcome the sunshine.
I want to know the remaining state secrets too.
But I also wonder if even this dramatic moment will ever satisfy the beautiful minds in the dot connectors.
Because once you go through the looking glass, it's hard to come back out.
If you believe in conspiracy theories, then why wouldn't Trump and his allies be in on it too?
Or perhaps the documents proving who really had murdered JFK
were destroyed long ago.
You get the picture.
When black is white and white is black,
anything is possible and nothing is real. Thanks for listening to Breaking History.
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Until then, see you next time. Who's shot John? The one and only Who's shot John? The one and only
Who's shot John? The mafia baby
Who's shot John? It's making me crazy
The men in the tellers, wait to deny it
Don't miss the chemilics, we devil's denier
Who's shot John? It's the CRD. Who's shot, John? It's the KGB.
Who's shot, John? Has been every day.
Who's shot, John? It's the shoot and the...
Who's shot, John? Who's shot, John? Moose Shot Time!