Brown Girls Do It Too - What Will People Say? with Nina Wadia

Episode Date: March 5, 2021

In a packed series finale, Poppy and Rubina are joined by former EastEnders and Goodness Gracious Me star, Nina Wadia. They also take on the challenges they set themselves over the course of the serie...s and discuss the topic of 'What Will People Say?' If you're an Asian who is going to have sex, you have to worry about those four words and for Poppy and Rubina the impact of what the community around them may say has impacted their lifestyles. Nina Wadia also talks about the importance of sex in her life, her first time, an elusive orgasm and what has become the bane of her life, the dreaded aubergine!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 BBC Sounds, music, radio, podcasts. Brown girls do it too. Yeah. From the BBC Asian Network. I'm Poppy and when I first met Rubina I thought, hmm, are we going to like each other? She'll probably hate me and then she will learn to love me and I was right.
Starting point is 00:00:21 I'm Rubina and when I first met Poppy I thought she was a bit much and boy was I right but I've realised that you are in fact a shower and a grower oh
Starting point is 00:00:32 because I told you that I was a grower not a shower but I see what you did there I'm both you're both I'm a shower first and then a grower later
Starting point is 00:00:41 yeah exactly and this is season two and the final episode in this series of our sex podcast, Brown Girls Do It Too, available on BBC Sounds. If you didn't know by now, where have you been? Welcome and welcome. But before you enjoy having our soundtrack your life, we should warn you this film is strictly over 18s only. If you're more of a PG gal or guy or however you identify, But us girls, we like it spicy.
Starting point is 00:01:13 So in today's episode, we are talking about that thing your mum and your dad used to always say to you. Four killer words that have blighted and crippled us all. What will people say? Or in Bengali, we'd say, when it comes to talking about sex, Rubina and I have left very little to the imagination. And as two brown women who are part of a big fat Asian community who love to gossip, let's not lie, we've been programmed to think about how others might view us as shameless, sluts,
Starting point is 00:01:49 whores, beshirams and basically everything in between. We'll also be talking to superstar actress, producer and all-round legend. She's been in
Starting point is 00:01:57 Holby City, EastEnders and of course the show that I dreamed of being on as a little kid. Goodness gracious me. It's Nina Wadia, OBE.
Starting point is 00:02:04 Can't wait to ask her about her small web machine. We love you guys reaching out to us. So feel free to contact us at browngirlsdoittoo at Remember to use the hashtag
Starting point is 00:02:15 browngirlsdoittoo. You can also tweet at BBC Asian Network and at BBC Sounds. We're going to be reading some of the lovely messages that we've received from you guys
Starting point is 00:02:23 during the recording of this podcast. And later, we'll be talking about all the lovely messages that we've received from you guys during the recording of this podcast. And later, we'll be talking about all the tasks that we set ourselves over the series. So, Rubina, what do you think people in your community say about you? I actually dread to think what they might say behind my back. Obviously, we do this podcast and that's probably created quite a lot of ripples in the community. I've just really upped myself. Tsunami, babe. Tsunami. I can't really up myself. I think I've created ripples.
Starting point is 00:02:45 Tsunami, babe. Tsunami. I know what they say about me. And I always just expect the worst. I get loud, annoying. Who does she think she is? She thinks she's better than everyone. Obviously the slut stuff.
Starting point is 00:02:58 Because we don't conform to any of those ideals that they want. Yeah, because to be like a success in the community, you need to be, you know, really well educated, then married and have children. And it's quite like a specific arc of things that you have to do. And I'm not married. And I think a lot of people will be like, you know, she's not married.
Starting point is 00:03:16 Yeah. I think that's something that people probably talk about. Yeah. Yeah. I think my whispers would be she's divorced. Divorced, you know. And unmarried. Being unmarried is basically a gateway to being a prostitute.
Starting point is 00:03:31 You're effectively a sex worker. Well, she's obviously shagging everyone if she's not married because people who get married obviously don't have affairs or anything. Yeah. There is something kind of like shameful or projected onto you if you're living with somebody and you're not married. It's like, what are you doing? What are you doing living together and being unmarried eating crisps and watching netflix and getting fat is exactly what i'm doing like the married couples
Starting point is 00:03:53 but there is such a we we place such an importance on marriage like it's such an institution it's such like a pillar of society and having been married and having and seeing friends who are on their second marriage and friends who are divorcing and i'm not that old uh i'm like i don't i don't necessarily believe in the institution of marriage at all i do want a big fat party though so i'd probably get married for big fat party reasons and also just to shut my parents up because again they would just not accept the idea of me cohabiting and living with someone in sin if i'd been married living in sin and living with someone in sin. In sin. If I'd not been married.
Starting point is 00:04:25 Living in sin. I've been living in sin my whole life, babes. I know. I can't get out of it. How many nectar points, how many like hell nectar points do you think we've accrued for doing this podcast? A million. Not a million.
Starting point is 00:04:36 I'm overselling ourselves. Definitely enough for a free tank of petrol. I think it's an interesting time that we're living in now because what will people say had definite weight in the 90s? Can you imagine being brown in the 70s or 80s? You know, I remember my aunt, you know, she got married when she was 17. I mean, she loves her husband now. Another aunt got married at 16. Her parents had to sign for her to get married.
Starting point is 00:04:59 Wow. Yeah, this is like in the early 90s. But you couldn't do anything. I mean, what would people say is was the mantra um and it still gets said now I mean my mum says it but and my both my parents say to me but it doesn't hold a lot of weight or value because they just know we don't give a shit yeah I think my fear is having kids out of marriage I think that would upset my mum yeah I think she's like you know that would be like a step too far for her yeah it's like rubbing chili in the wound in an already open gashing wound i know and i feel like i always
Starting point is 00:05:29 take my mum on this journey where i'm like and now i'm gonna throw one at you is that okay and then she'll be like oh no and then it's like another one oh no and it's just this constant thing where it's exactly that you're you know really deepening the wound yeah it's like every everything in her life with me and my brother has probably had to be like, what, you're not going to do it this way? Everything's new. Everything's a challenge.
Starting point is 00:05:50 Yeah. And so I feel gutted that I always had to put her through that. But she seems pretty robust. And I guess that's the good thing about the community. It is robust and it's evolving so much. Yeah. I think my mum's the same. I think there's like a lot of disappointment in her heart
Starting point is 00:06:02 sometimes when she's like, God, are they going to bring me five good bengali son-in-laws and it's just not going to happen sadly but I mean we need to show change and we need to evolve right we've been doing it one way for so long we need something we need to just think outside the box a bit so yeah no I welcome I welcome change for sure yeah one of the things I always think that my mum picks me up on in a kind of what will they say way is if I have male friends who aren't my partner. And my mum is always like, well, what does your partner think? What does your partner think about that? Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:06:36 And you're seen out in public with this other man. You know, what will people say? What will they think? And I'm like, well, if they think we're fucking, that's kind of great, isn't it? I'm just like out with all these guys pretty cool right can't wait to hear what people would say yeah I mean I often when they're back in the day not so much now I'd be like oh I just sort of imply that my friend he's gay right I'd just be like yeah just but I wouldn't even say the words gay because I couldn't I don't think I was allowed to say the word gay but like my mum would know he likes guys but it's just to take the heat
Starting point is 00:07:07 off you know yeah um because these are things that people would say they'd see you out they think that you're they think about your relationship status they'll think about how you look it's a lot of that isn't it it's a lot of that it's a lot of that did you see what she was wearing yeah you know what will people say if you're wearing the outside? Yeah, totally. But today we are dressed as the perfect... Daughter-in-laws. Housewife. So for this final episode of series two of Brown Girls Do It Too, we, my dear listener, have gone all out and we are wearing saris.
Starting point is 00:07:39 I know it's a podcast and you actually cannot see us, but we are in the studio wearing full on saris. And can I say, Poppy, you look absolutely beautiful. You look absolutely beautiful. Little twerk, little twerk. I'm going to wrap the headphones around me, but look at us. I know, it's the most glamorous I felt all year. Our future never-existing Asian mother-in-laws
Starting point is 00:08:00 would have been so proud of us. In he logo. Asian mother-in-laws would have been so proud of us. There's a whole Bollywood scene playing out in this room right now. Well, it's our last episode. I thought we'd make an effort, obviously. I feel like this is the kind of outfit that our community would be really happy to see us in.
Starting point is 00:08:19 Yeah, they absolutely would. You know, a girl in Asari is somebody who you think is... Obedient. Obedient. Obedient. Well, because she's pinned down with all her heaviness. She can't go anywhere. She can't go anywhere.
Starting point is 00:08:28 She can't escape. She's good for making tea and samosas. No, I'm being really reductive. I love saris. I think saris are quite sexy. Big time. Yeah. And they feel a bit empowering
Starting point is 00:08:37 because you get to show like little bits of flesh. Absolutely. Like a bit of belly. Bit of belly. Bit of Indian tyre, which I love. I love a fatty... Indian tyre. A fatty lady in a sorry is the best what you see is the best when you see them you're like oh my god a fat lady i just you have taken me back to like weddings and i'll be like that blouse boots too smart for you well that's the thing about um sorry blouses they're incredibly
Starting point is 00:09:04 sexy because they are tight and push up and everything is like yeah and that's the thing about um sorry blouses they're incredibly sexy because they are tight and push up and everything is like yeah and that's how they have to be worn yeah it's not a t-shirt it's not a loose thing t-shirt it's it's tight and i don't know if you've ever been to have a sorry like a blouse measurement anywhere no i was when i went to buy this specific sorry which was a fiver in uh wembley my mom was was like, oh, let's get the sari blouse made now. And I was like, okay, yeah, sure. And I was with my mum and I was like, so where do we go? Thinking, oh, we're going to go to a tailor.
Starting point is 00:09:30 Lovely, really excited about this tailor. So she takes us into this tailor. Yeah. Which is basically two Indian guys, two sewing machines and a curtain. Right. Sounds like a sweat factory. And my mum was like, here, we'll do it here, this guy. She was like, oh, bye.
Starting point is 00:09:47 And she was like, I've got this guy to stand up. Was he measuring you? Did he touch your boobies? This guy came into the middle of the room, right, and got this. I'm not kidding. He got a curtain that went round in a circle, like a curtain rail. Me and him in this curtain rail. And he was just measuring me.
Starting point is 00:10:01 And my mum was like, it's fine, it's fine, it's fine, just it's fine. And I was like, this guy has to measure so close to my body to get this blouse working. Oh my God. It was so embarrassing. Did you feel violated like that? No, I just felt like it was really Indian. It was like the right thing to do.
Starting point is 00:10:15 Exactly. So look, we talk about Saxons podcast all the time and you and I are obviously very open. How far do you feel like people in the community think that we may have taken it too far? Oh, yeah. I mean, where do you want to begin? We've had quite a few trolls, didn't we?
Starting point is 00:10:30 That was fun. We did. Fun times. I actually, I think I got a lot out of the trolls eventually. When it first started to happen and people were saying like kind of mad shit about us, my highlights were Pecora knows that I look like Noel Fielding and that girl
Starting point is 00:10:45 with the fake teeth is wild. I think I got, I think we both got fake teeth but I think we just have brilliant teeth. I mean,
Starting point is 00:10:53 look at us. We've got good teeth. I got, I got all the Behr Schurum ones so I'm just like nail polish emoji. Behr Schurum,
Starting point is 00:11:04 lots of slut shaming, does she not have any shame these should be in the bedroom was a good one was just a compliment though isn't it what a horror what a horror but no it doesn't it doesn't um upset me does it upset you i think it did yeah i think i didn't want to do the podcast i think it put me off wanting to do the podcast again really yeah definitely I think I was like oh well I just don't want to make something that people hate or they hate us or we're like upsetting people like I wanted it to be fun and funny and like have that kind of energy that we bring to it be something positive and when people get angry about it or upset about the podcast it definitely affects me I'm not very good at reading the
Starting point is 00:11:44 comments oh but you know people will always have something to say about everything all the time. I don't think you can keep anyone happy. No, it's true. What about the nice comments? Should we do nice comments? Yeah. So I want to read out. Obviously, we have people sliding in to our DMs and emailing browngirlsdoit2 at
Starting point is 00:12:03 And it is so lovely. And I do try to respond to everyone that slides into my Instagram DMs. I have a couple of messages that I want to read from a listener. She said she didn't want to be named, but she said, Hi Poppy, hope you're well.
Starting point is 00:12:17 Hope you don't mind me messaging you, but just wanted to let you and Rubina know that I love your podcast. Your podcast provides me with the best entertainment and laughs on my lockdown walks when I need to take a break from work or decompress. Anyways, just wanted to share the love. I've suffered from low libido for the past two years or so.
Starting point is 00:12:34 I'm 32. And listening to you guys each week has helped me reconnect with my sexuality and remember what I enjoy. So yeah, big love to you both. Oh, that's so nice. I love that so much. I love that she's like reconnecting with herself.
Starting point is 00:12:48 Like, I feel like that just makes it all really worth it. Exactly. That versus a troll. Yeah, Pokora knows any day for that. Exactly. I've got one that came to my DMs and I'm not really big on Instagram, so I was quite excited when it came through.
Starting point is 00:13:02 I need to figure out how to respond to it and what the other inbox was. But when I got through. I had to figure out how to respond to it and what the other inbox was. But when I got there, I got there. Wow. Granny's doing it too. Brown girl on Instagram. Figuring it out. Okay, so this was from Anita.
Starting point is 00:13:18 And she said, Hey, I just wanted to say I absolutely love the podcast. It's incredible. So necessary. And as someone who has always shied away from and really struggled to embrace my brown girl identity, this podcast is not only seriously empowering, but when I listen to it, it makes me feel like I'm having drinks with a bunch of mates, like I'm genuinely cracking up to myself when I'm listening on a walk. And it's been completely eye opening knowing that the nuances of our community and are so widely shared and experienced.
Starting point is 00:13:47 It's very comforting to know that back when I was struggling to find myself within a judgmental community, I wasn't alone. Such an awesome podcast and important conversation. Thank you. And for series two, we actually had a banging email address and lots of you decided to email in and show us your love. So thank you so much for doing that. And we had a really nice email that we wanted to read out, which is, Hi Poppy and Robina, I'm a huge fan. I'm a sexually open, experimenting brown girl
Starting point is 00:14:12 that lives the double life of good virgin daughter at home. I've had boyfriends, friends with benefits, girly threesomes, attempted to sell pants, feet pics, you name it, I've done it. I feel that your podcast normalises Asian girls getting out there and exploring themselves and the big wide world. up the great work selena love you selena that is the most amazing brilliant email and i would like to also attempt to sell pants if anyone wants to buy uh my pants um i'm on my period right now so probably not interested if you do
Starting point is 00:14:40 if you do the dms i'll figure out how to respond. So next up we will be speaking to the wonderful Nina Wadia OBE, OBE, I always want to say Obejean but that's not right, I shouldn't say that. We'll be chatting to Nina Wadia about her sex life and after that we'll be talking about the challenges that
Starting point is 00:15:01 we set each other across the series and seeing who did them. Who did you do them? I might have done them. You'll find out. We'll find out. Radio One Screen Time. My first question is, what up, dorks?
Starting point is 00:15:13 What up? Listen to me, Ali Plum, talk to ludicrously famous film stars from career-defining moments. Talking about the industry with Al Pacino was really one of the highlights of my career. To the hidden secrets of the industry. Put a little bit of witch's brew in their drinks. I was like, you will cast me. Radio 1 Screen Time with me, Ali Plum. He hasn't got the accent or the voice.
Starting point is 00:15:33 Thanks, Tom. But he's got the energy. Available to hear on the BBC Sounds app. Asian Network presents Brown Girls Do It Too. So today's guest is a very well-known face we all looked at on our telescreens and looked up to. A role model, an inspiration, and possibly the funniest woman ever. It is with immense joy to say that this face and voice is joining us here
Starting point is 00:15:58 on the season finale of Brown Girls Do It Too. She's an actor and producer, Nina Wadia. Welcome. Welcome to Brown Girls Do It Too. This is an actor and producer, Nina Wadia. Welcome. Welcome to Brown Girls Do It Too. This is very surreal. I feel very starstruck. Can't even say it. Can't say it.
Starting point is 00:16:10 Look, I want to say sorry for you. Wow. Poppy, you sound drunk. You're like, oh, come here for you. I'm waiting for you. I love you. Well, it is all for you. Welcome to the show.
Starting point is 00:16:25 Oh, thank you for having me. You, for us, are one of the original brown girls doing it too. You were breaking a lot of grounds, especially in British television, being an actress, and all the kind of amazing stuff that you were doing and a kind of representation that we never saw. Do you kind of feel the weight of the pressure of these two fangirls looking at you lovingly now?
Starting point is 00:16:43 Hanging on your every word. I'll tell you what I'm most upset about is i didn't get the memo about the saris because i would have loved to put one on i mean you know what you could just drape one over your you know your t-shirt now so you know we really would love to talk to you a little bit about what kind of sex and conversations around sex were like for you growing up and also maybe how you learned about sex. Well, the way I learned about sex was drawing on the back of my school bus sitting with my best friend, David Walker, and me going, what's that? And he literally said, you're so naive.
Starting point is 00:17:22 And he literally had to describe the picture to me you know which was incredibly graphic of how a baby's made and I went whoa and that's actually how I found out about sense you slightly got shafted in your biology lesson you got crap drawings literally honestly it was like old I was 14 I was the naivest kid honestly I was such a tomboy growing up and you know and literally all my friends were boys and I just hung out with them but that's because I love sport I play cricket I'd play basketball I'd play football I just loved sport so for me there was no interest whatsoever in sex at all I just enjoyed the company of boys because I found them simpler. Because I'm genuinely I'm such an easygoing person. So for me, I found women complicated
Starting point is 00:18:11 at that age, you know, I only really developed like I got I didn't even start my period till my late, late, late 16. You know, very late, and I suddenly then developed and then all of a sudden, all these boys I used to be friends and hung out with it was just different eyes on me well they weren't on me anymore they were just on my breasts and I was like oh no here we go and that was the start of the downfall of a lot of friendships that's so interesting because I think a lot of women remember the moment that they became sexualized like I think you're just like oh I, I was just, you know, the skinny tomboy. I was quite similar to you. And then suddenly wearing a short skirt
Starting point is 00:18:48 and people being like, oh, legs, rather than just like my legs. Yeah, my legs have always been the feature of my body that I've actually liked. So it was literally any chance, you know, to get my legs out in shorts or a skirt
Starting point is 00:19:01 or whatever it was. And then I developed and then it was like, oh no, I'll just wear trousers now because it just it became about something else for me when I developed breasts and they were quite large I spent quite a lot of time um hiding them and hiding my legs and hiding bits of my body and wearing quite baggy clothes how did you kind of grow up and feel about your body as it kind of evolved into womanhood oh I hated it I hated it because I was always looking for a sports bra that could
Starting point is 00:19:25 hold me in while I played sports. At that time, I couldn't find anything to hold them in place. And then my sister was a lot more kind of glamorous than I am. She would be like, okay, we're going to get you an underwired. And I was like, oh, it's the most uncomfortable thing I've ever worn in my life. It's just like, can we just let it hang free? It was like, no, you can't. You really can't. Actually, I do. I have a very, very funny story about this underwire bra thing. I'd done the Queen's Jubilee. So we were at Buckingham Palace and we'd gone for a rehearsal first. So, and we were just sort of hosting it as the kind of goodness gracious me kind of gang. And when I'd gone for the rehearsals
Starting point is 00:20:05 anytime I went through the security machine I'd beep and they and they go what is it do your earrings metal this and that I think no no no and they go oh oh do you have an underwire bra and they'd ask me openly in front of like everyone being going gosh yes okay yes I'm yes I'm wearing an underwire bra anyway we do the rehearsals we go back out to the hotel we get changed to do the actual event and we're running late so we get rushed to the front and I think oh they're gonna do this whole thing again so I announced the entire kind of like everybody going I just go I've got an underwire bra right and then I go through machine and I don't beep and the reason is I changed into something else that didn't have it and so I go through a machine and I don't beep. And the reason is I've changed into something else that didn't have beep.
Starting point is 00:20:46 And so I walked through and everyone just thought, why did she tell us that? And I was so embarrassed. I kind of came out and said, oh, why did I tell the whole world about this? It was just mad. Well, I mean, just as a very quick side tangent, Rubina's going to have an interesting conversation
Starting point is 00:21:03 with the train guy tomorrow or tonight, aren't you, Rubina? Do you want to tell me about that? Yeah. So as part of this podcast, we did a bunch of different challenges that we've like never done before. And I'd never I had never owned a sex toy until about a week ago. You know, it's a good thing to do as a woman. I should get one and see what it's like. And so when I was buying one online, I bought a butt plug, a clitoris, like a clit sucker.
Starting point is 00:21:27 Anyway, the gifts were the butt plug for our producer, Rehan, and I got a clit sucker for Poppy and I had a little bag with it on the train and I left it on the train. So now she's going to go to lost property and they're going to be like, well, what's in the bag?
Starting point is 00:21:37 And then she's going to be like, stop. Never bought one before, experimented and went crazy. So now I have many. Oh, I have the best sex toy in the world. It's called my husband. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:51 Shout out to Nina's husband. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. That's good. So you don't have any other toys that you bring to the bedroom? Not for a long time, actually. No. When I was in my 20s, for sure.
Starting point is 00:22:02 Yeah. But I think as you get older, you get to that point where you just go, oh, I don't even have the energy. Yeah. I mean, I keep telling Rubina, my toy is called Victor and the cleanup is just too long, so I just don't bother. Yeah. And what, for you, when you kind of had your first sexual experiences
Starting point is 00:22:19 growing up, like how informed did you feel about what was going to happen? Like with this kind of minimal bus drawing sex education that you had, you know, when you went into that first sexual experience, you know, what was that like? Well, it's, it's, it's an odd one, because, you know, in your head, you just think it's going to be this amazing, incredible, you know, really intense sort of sexy moment. And, you know, my first he was he was actually someone I was deeply in love with. And our first time was hugely disappointing. Because it wasn't what you thought. And so for me, it was it was just something that I thought, it's almost like I just wanted to get it over and done with. So I didn't have to think about it anymore. And and then I could just enjoy
Starting point is 00:23:03 my life a bit. Because that's also the time that I discovered that, you know, actually, you know, I enjoy my own company. I enjoy being independent. I didn't want to settle down. I didn't want to be in just a monogamous relationship straight off the bat, you know. And it was, I think, for the time that it happened with me, it was a big revolution. You know, there were a lot of women who were either just really kind of upset about me doing that. And then there were just my gang who were just, you know, no, we have something to say about this. We want to enjoy sex. We don't want to hide it away. We don't want to feel ashamed about it.
Starting point is 00:23:41 This is, it's equal. You know, it's like we have to have as much fun as the guide does otherwise don't bother you know I'm from India originally and lived there till I was nine where you know nobody spoke about anything you know um and then you kind of I moved to Hong Kong at a very sort of odd time with my family and that's sort of you know in a co-ed school with British boys you know who are, can I just tell you, with sex. So you kind of grow up quite quickly in that environment. Did you feel like a pressure to perform in the bedroom in a certain way,
Starting point is 00:24:15 based on anything that you had kind of grown up and learned when you had your first experience where you're like, I need to be the one lying down, I need to be showing moans of enjoyment, you know, like, did you feel like a performance in it? Well, I quite enjoyed, you know, pretending to have a lot of orgasm. But no, it took it took time to actually experience one, I'll be honest. And then that kind of, you know, I think, probably probably I would say by my late 20s, it was when I was finally relaxed about enjoying sex. Up until then, yes, there was that kind of pressure of, am I doing this quite right? Because should I, shouldn't I be having a bit more fun? And of course, like I said, you know, you kind of talk about it with your girlfriends, but, and you see stuff in the movies,
Starting point is 00:25:01 the movies have such a distorted kind of view of what it should really be. And it's only when you get confident just in your own sexuality that you just then go, oh, actually, yeah, you know, I'm gonna, I'm actually going to, you know, now start to enjoy this. It's that shame element, especially in the Indian community. There seems to be this thing of guilt and shame.
Starting point is 00:25:24 You know, if you're if you're thinking about sex, there must be something wrong with it. If you're talking about it, oh, gosh, that's wrong. So that's the one thing I think that we need to fight for more than anything else. You know, we've we've fought for us being able to, you know, be the doctors, us being able to, you know, want to go to university, us being able to have a life and a career before marriage or a life and a career at the same time as marriage, you know, and I mean, there is there is that thought of, oh, well, you know, I remember having a discussion with this woman was like, well, you seem to want it all. You want it all. You want the career. You want the sex life. You
Starting point is 00:25:58 want the family. You want, you know, and I went, yeah. And yeah yeah sorry because men want that you know men want that all the time so why is it a big you can't have it who says I can't you know it's just I think it's a case of we have to fight for what it is that we want it just comes easier to men but I got to give credit to the the men that like I've seen men evolve you know know, South Asian men. And I am so proud because they champion a lot of us. You know, they really do. I mean, I say I wouldn't be anywhere where I'm, you know, in my work or my career or my life if I hadn't had the husband that I have. He is just, we are equal partners in everything that we do. And so, you know, that's what I hope that other men are
Starting point is 00:26:45 and recently you know when I go to events well pre-lockdown when I've been to events um you know I meet guys who I just think treat treat their women with such respect and such fun and they're proud of the women that they're married to and I hope that continues yeah big time I love that me and Poppy always talk about us as Asian women maybe having like a late bloom to things and now because we were teenagers and we didn't really feel that attractive growing up in the UK.
Starting point is 00:27:13 We weren't like the protagonists of any movies. You know, we were just like side dorky Indian girls with moustaches on the side. You know, like just nothing attractive. We didn't see ourselves as attractive, you know. But then you get to a point where you're,'re you know merging and discovering your sexuality and having sex and being like actually people fancy me people want to have sex with me like maybe there's something going on and then then you go a bit wild which is definitely what I did which is definitely what a
Starting point is 00:27:35 lot of my Asian brown girlfriends have done I've really noticed not in everyone but there's definitely like a pattern it's like a developmental delay because in one respect you are so i'm the eldest of six i'm you know i was pretty much had my you know when i was 10 kind of sexualized in a way that you know you're not allowed to play outside anymore you've got to you've got to hide yourself you've got to hide your body i didn't get my period till five you know five six years later so i was still a kid so then you've got that sort of innocence taken away from you a bit and then um you have all of society's baggage and i say asian society's placed on you, especially if you're a woman, you have all of that burden carried.
Starting point is 00:28:07 And I think definitely like Eka Rubina said, I feel like I'm sort of living my best life now. Right now, Poppy. Right this moment. And I've noticed that with a lot of my other girls. So in one respect, you're immature because you've never had a boyfriend and you're a virgin.
Starting point is 00:28:21 But then on another respect, you're forced to grow, you're older than your years because you're going to school reports or you're translating things to your parents you're going to doctor's report so it's a real weird paradox and I've noticed in my friends later on in life they they do go mad it's definitely it's definitely like a blueprint I've noticed you need to really have the confidence you need to believe in yourself and it's it's that thing that you've said, is that, you know, you just, once you realize that
Starting point is 00:28:46 actually people do fancy you, and you shouldn't feel guilty about that, you should actually just enjoy that. That's when the fun comes in. It's letting go of that guilt of, you know, just, oh, I shouldn't be doing that. And you go, well, actually, why shouldn't I be doing that? You know, because that's kind of fun. Otherwise, what is life about? For me, life is about, you go, well, actually, why shouldn't I be doing that? You know, because that's kind of fun. Otherwise, what is life about? For me, life is about, you know, the love, the family, the, you know, just enjoyment. And part of love is sex. And if you don't enjoy that side, you're missing out on half the experience of love anyway. So it's allowing yourself to get rid of that sort of Asian guilt that's put on you as a child and just going i'm going to compartmentalize that and actually men are very good at doing that
Starting point is 00:29:29 men are very good at compartmentalizing women always take that with them it's all mixed up with all the other things in our lives um so it's it's having that ability to be brave enough to go you know what yeah that was a stupid one night out okay that goes that goes in the vault yeah let's let's move on you know file that night learn from it and uh yeah do you have any like good tips that you could give um somebody who was maybe struggling with that like maybe like bedroom tips or kind of confident tips that you would just be like you know because what you're saying is it's quite a difficult thing to do but maybe there is just like a physical sexual thing that you can do that kind of overrides it genuinely you know make yourself over in the
Starting point is 00:30:07 way that you want to be seen you know people people are scared of reinventing themselves and as an actor we do that anyway in every role I play I have to reinvent to come up with something else so you know it's it's really interesting because in my personal life I'm actually not as shy as I am if I'm working with someone I don't know. You know, I know Nitin, I mean, Nitin Ganatra has played my husband more than I know my own husband. I've known him for years. And I was so happy when he came on as Masood in Enders, because we already had a language, we already knew each other. So there was a scene they wanted us to do in EastEnders where they wanted a shot of, you know, Masood and Zainab kind of in the throes of lovemaking. And he's taken me back to the office
Starting point is 00:30:46 and he puts me up on the table and then he climbs on top and the shot they wanted at the end, which is a very brave shot for East End, I was going to tell you, was of Nitin's bare ass. And Nitin is a very brave guy. And there's this moment where he was like,
Starting point is 00:31:01 okay, so we're going to have to tape me up. And so what happens in nude scenes is that they put these these very funny socks that they put which are nude colored on the cock and then they kind of tie it up like with strings so it's just like it's like you're going out to buy a vegetable and it's just why do they tie it up with string well it's the only way to keep the sock up because it's not like, you know, unless you, I guess they could use baby socks, but that's a bit demented. But anyway, so yeah, so they wear this like nude sock thing and then he had to lie on top of me and I was hysterical. I just kept laughing because I, outside of just me and my life, I am so, so like shy
Starting point is 00:31:42 that way. It's ridiculous. And so we did this scene and every few seconds, the director was like, Nina, I can hear you laughing. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Two seconds later, I'm laughing. It got ridiculous. Um, but it, it's all about, you know, just knowing that you're going to have fun with, you know, whatever the scene is that you're filming or whatever, you know, reinvent yourself to answer your question, reinvent yourself in the way that you want to be seen by everybody else and then be happy with who you have. But don't let other
Starting point is 00:32:12 people tell you, you need to look a certain way. That'll just make you unhappy. Times are definitely changing, isn't it? I mean, when we were growing up and we say this in the podcast a lot, we didn't have any role models. my role models were size zero kate mosses and i just didn't have their body type even in porn as well you know you don't have brown bodies to kind of masturbate to there was just literally no one i mean we had you guys goodness gracious me to you we all masturbate to you guys we had goodness gracious me and beckham and sometimes rabina and i honestly will lament over the fact that one seminal film, one seminal comedy programme...
Starting point is 00:32:47 Those are still our reference points. They're still our references. Next year, Bend It Like Beckham will be 20 years old and those are still our reference points. Like, that's crazy. What was my reference point?
Starting point is 00:32:55 Tell me. There was absolutely nothing for us. And when I would fight to go up for lead roles, I'd always get cast as Girl Next Door or Best Friend. I never got to play
Starting point is 00:33:04 the lead roles. So it was so frustrating for me because I'd be going, but that's not fair. And then when Goodness Gracious Me came out, I'll never forget. I suddenly went from having done seven years of theater training and working in theater to suddenly doing my first proper big television job, which was Goodness Gracious Me. I'd come back from Canada where I met my now husband. And I remember walking down the street and someone shouted my name.
Starting point is 00:33:28 And I went, did they just say Nina? Like, how did they know me? And I didn't realise Goodness Graced Me just catapulted us, you know. And all of a sudden, after the first series, we were role models. And I'm going, how are we role models? I've only done one TV series. What are you talking about? It was a show where you had four Asian protagonists running it.
Starting point is 00:33:49 And everything was just like, like, like, eye-wateringly funny. And, you know, just seeing you guys have so much fun makes, made Poppy and I, like even doing this podcast, we're like, you know, we can have fun. We can just have, we can do something that's just fun. We don't have to do something political. We can just be silly. Or read the news or play terrorists.
Starting point is 00:34:08 You know, we can be, as Rubina says, the main protagonist in things. And that's what it's felt like, actually, doing this podcast. Yeah. We can be irreverent, we can be silly, we can be quirky, we can talk about sex. Yeah, and we can be honest. And we can be honest, yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:19 You know, because so much of this is hidden away. So it's so refreshing to hear that there's a podcast like this out there. You know, it's so refreshing to hear that there's a podcast like this out there you know it's just yay finally you know well done to you guys Nina can I ask you something so how how important is you know having a good sex life like how important is that to you I think it's hugely important especially if you want your marriage to last long I mean I know genuinely yeah genuinely I just I I can't imagine sort of still being with my husband if we'd kind of run out of steam and just gonna can't be asked how many years have
Starting point is 00:34:50 you guys been married for 22 give us some tips give us 22 years that's incredible yeah it's a long time it's a long time but i mean um what i can say to you is role players come in very handy. Oh, I love that so much. Medieval made, medieval made. All the time, every day, every day, every day. I always go back to that. Love it. I actually love it. No, it's good.
Starting point is 00:35:14 It's good. I think you have to be brave. I mean, it's always awkward, you know, when first starting out. It's like, you know, it's just, it's one of those things that I know that talking to my other female friends, they've just gone, oh, I'm not brave enough, Rob. I'm not brave enough to do that. And I said, well, actually, it's a lot easier than you think. Because at the end of the day, you're not being yourself.
Starting point is 00:35:32 So you can be however you want to be. Imagine, like, if your partner said, I'll be an estate agent. I'll be like, get out. Get out. Get out. You want to be an estate agent? Or like the guy who runs the corner shop. I'd be into that.
Starting point is 00:35:46 I might be into that too, actually. Is he hot? For me, it's accents. It's accents. Oh, is it? So does your husband do accents then? Yeah, he does. Oh, gosh.
Starting point is 00:35:56 He does certain characters. And then there's French accents. He's from Montreal. So, you know, he goes a bit French for me sometimes. So can I ask you, what were you guys role playing when he goes french i'll tell you if you tell me taking me to places i've never been before um no it's it's all kinds it's all kinds but with with us it genuinely accents are massive play and uh for me, of course, I'm a voice actor as well, so I do all kinds.
Starting point is 00:36:30 And so, yeah. Is there any accent that would put him off? Could you do Indian? If you did Indian, would that put him off? Indian really puts him off. I tell my partner, if I talk like this in the nasal, talk like this in the bed, and he's like, please stop. I'm like, racist.
Starting point is 00:36:44 You know what I mean? Oh, don't get me wrong. Mine's crap at doing them. It's just the fact like this in the bed and he's like, please stop. I'm like, racist. You know what I mean? Oh, don't get me wrong. Mine's crap at doing them. It's just the fact that he makes the effort. Oh, that's nice though.
Starting point is 00:36:50 Yeah. That's it, isn't it? That's the secret to love. Yeah, exactly. Put in some time. Give each other some effort
Starting point is 00:36:56 and yeah, push, push forward. Absolutely. Goodness Gracious Me basically is the pioneering show that did many groundbreaking things but also was pre-emoji talking about the aubergine.
Starting point is 00:37:10 Pre-emoji. Goodness gracious me did it first. You've got to talk to us about the emoji dick aubergine. So the Mrs. I can make it at home for nothing apartment aubergine. I love it. That came about literally because my mum, I used to love going out to restaurants. It was one of my favorite things to do. And my mom would always go, what kind of restaurant? I'd go, Italian.
Starting point is 00:37:33 Italian? Pasta. Pasta? I can make it home for nothing. And I'd go, mom, really? You can't? You can't make pasta like the way they make pasta? I said, firstly, because every bit of pasta she made
Starting point is 00:37:42 had chilies in it. So I was like, okay, fine. So this character had been in my head for a very long time. And then Sharad Sardana, who was our kind of lead writer, I told him about this. And he goes, oh, we've got to write this thing in. But every time we did the sketch, we never found a kind of punchline, an end point to it. And I was like, well, I said, you know, the one vegetable, there's only one vegetable my father hated his whole life. And it was an aubergine.
Starting point is 00:38:06 And my mom was insistent that she was such a good cook that she would find a way to get him to eat aubergine. So she would be like obsessed with making a dish where she'd go, did you like it? And if he said yes, she'd go, ah, there was an aubergine. Imagine if the poor guy had an allergy. It wouldn't matter. It wouldn't matter we did this thing we found the punchline for Mrs I Can Make It Home I'll make it at home
Starting point is 00:38:33 with a small aubergine and so this started with that and then of course the jokes just I mean literally for my fan mail and I kid you not I would get aubergine sent to me to the BBC in the post. And they'd say, can you sign it?
Starting point is 00:38:49 And I'd go, this isn't going to last very long, OK, but fine. I would sign it. When we did the tour, I had people, there was a guy who had a tattoo of an aubergine just above his nipple here somewhere. And he asked me to sign it. And I went, you got an aubergine tattoo. And he went, yeah, because I love that character. He goes, can you sign it? And I go, are you joking?
Starting point is 00:39:11 No. And I remember going, oh my goodness, this is ridiculous. And then we get the aubergine emoji. And the minute that thing came up, my life was hell. Every single person under the sun that i knew thought that they were the first person to send it every event i go to people go look how original i am and honestly and of course i have to smile and you know it's so funny i hate they've been the bane of my life
Starting point is 00:39:45 we'll move on from aubergines thank you so much for coming on the show before we let you go and enjoy the rest of your Sunday we will play our game with you which we play with every guest it's very silly, we haven't actually quite figured out a name for it so maybe you can help us brainstorm
Starting point is 00:40:00 right now it's called the quick fire fuck game sorry Robina had a really long do you want to tell Nina about that? help us brainstorm. Right now it's called the Quick Firefuck Game. Sorry. Robina had a really long Do you want to tell Nina about that? No, I don't mind. She's embarrassed to tell you. Because it's so shit. Because I tried to do like a Borat voice and then I couldn't figure out
Starting point is 00:40:15 whether it was offensive or not. It didn't work. So it's multiple choice and you can choose what you want. Feel free to add and embellish your answer. Feel free to say absolutely none of your business. You know, there is no pressure to answer anything here. So without further ado, it's time for the quickfire fun game.
Starting point is 00:40:34 We should really turn that into a jingle. I know, that's pretty good. Go for it, Poppy. Doggy or missionary? Ooh. Wheelbarrow. Very good. Okay.
Starting point is 00:40:48 Pubes or no pubes? Ew, no pubes. No pubes at all? No pubes at all. Can't bear it. Me too. I prefer no pubes. I like a landing strip.
Starting point is 00:40:59 I mean, I like a landing strip, so I'm not a feminist, but I'd rather have it all off, do you know what I mean? Yeah, but right now I just have pubes. Right now, everyone in the world has pubes. Lights on or lights off? Ooh, I like mood lighting. Nice. A dimmer. You know what? A dimmer's a really good shout. That's a classic actor response as well.
Starting point is 00:41:21 I like the three-point lighting system going on around me. Spit or swallow? Ew, neither. Porn or no porn? Ooh, interesting. It's been a while. Probably no porn. Lube it up or natural juices?
Starting point is 00:41:41 I can't believe I'm asking Nina Waddy this question. I'm just going to say the word flavour. That's all I'm going to say. Tell me what's your flavour. Hand job or foot job. Real fetishists are massively into this stuff. So that's how I interpret it. I know I have a bunch of them following me because of EastEnders
Starting point is 00:42:02 because I used to walk around without shoes on. Oh, my God. And there's a massive Zainab masood foot fetish club oh my god it's really weird you don't like it okay so there might be someone with like a nina wadia feet temple work like got all your toenails they open up they open up the cup it's like wow god oh no that's probably famous though isn't it when you when you get like fan mail They open up the cup and it's like, what? Wow, God. Oh, no. That's proper famous, though, isn't it? When you get, like, fan mail for your feet.
Starting point is 00:42:29 That's how famous you are. That's how famous you are. So hand job or foot job, what did you say? I've never given a foot job. Might be quite interesting to try, don't you? Give head or get head? Get. Yeah, we've only had one guest on Brown Girls Do It Too
Starting point is 00:42:50 who said that they would give. They're a giver over a receiver. They're a giver over a receiver. We're all selfish. We're all a little bit. Yeah, absolutely. It's our prerogative. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:42:59 Quickie in the beach club toilet or quickie in a park? Quickie on a plane. Ooh. Nice. Exit's this way. I'm still using that. I love that. And the final one, very special for you.
Starting point is 00:43:14 I think we know the answer, but aubergine or cucumber? Neither. Courgette it is all the way. Well, Nina, it's been an absolute pleasure and real monumental life moment for both of us to have met you. Thank you so much for coming on our podcast. We hope you have had as much fun as we have. Yes I have. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:43:36 Keep doing what you're doing. It's so fun and it's nice that there's women out there who can enjoy this. So yay. Well you paved the way for us. You're the original brown girl doing it. You are the girl yeah fair enough thank you so much yeah thank you so so much we really appreciate it no problem see ya bye brown girls do it too and that was nina wadia i am so happy we had her on brown girls do It Too. I mean, I was completely starstruck. I was just like, this is so real.
Starting point is 00:44:06 She's probably gone off and thought, what the fuck was that? I don't know if she was expecting us to be so weird. Well, what did we learn from our little chinwag with Nina? She's the original Brown Girl Doing It Too. Original big tits. Yeah. And she definitely paved the way I honestly think if goodness gracious me
Starting point is 00:44:27 didn't happen I wouldn't do this this wouldn't exist 100% and it's interesting we said that she was our role model growing up
Starting point is 00:44:36 and then she said who is mine and both of us were like oh my god that's so true and that's why actually
Starting point is 00:44:42 she was quite revolutionary and radical in what she was doing I think the other thing that we learned was that uh role play in the bedroom is the one mate it sounds amazing if you're an actor yeah oh yeah because the range the range that's of stuff that nina can do yeah yeah you're you're on a winning ticket aren't you if you're if you're doing role play in the bedroom i don't think she's bringing that aubergine into the bedroom it sounds like she is done with that. She's done with that. Please stop sending her aubergines.
Starting point is 00:45:07 She's done. Tiny, tiny. Is it tiny or small? And a small aubergine. So, you know what time it is. Challenge time. So, on this podcast, we've set each other challenges, didn't we, Robina? Yeah, I had to swallow cum.
Starting point is 00:45:27 And I also had to use a sex toy, which I'd never done before. And my challenges were watch hardcore porn and send a nude. And my third one was say daddy in the bedroom. So do you want to go first? Or shall I go first? How many did you do? I did one of them one out of two how many did you do well I'm I'm gonna do the other one now in front of you take off the sorry no I'm gonna watch hardcore porn I thought I'd you know watch it with you and then I did send in a nude I could not do the daddy thing for love nor money.
Starting point is 00:46:07 Sorry, the BBC are not making me do that. I couldn't do it, mate. It was too much. I'm not into that. Also, my partner would have been like, what the fuck? But that's the thing you can't expect. Like when you have a partner, you can't be like, this is a challenge, by the way.
Starting point is 00:46:18 Like we're not YouTube pranks. I know, right? So, okay, here goes. My first challenge was to watch some hardcore porn because I'd never done it before. You sent me the link to some legal porn, I must stress. So I'm going to watch it now. And I thought I'd do it on the podcast in front of you with you
Starting point is 00:46:35 if you wanted to watch it as well. So you sent me the link and I'm going to watch it right now. I feel like people should watch porn solo with their hands down their pants in their bedrooms. Oh, God, sorry. You got to describe what's happening. I literally can't. I literally can't. I can't. I am. So right now Poppy is watching a video that's called Painal. I, um, oh mate, I'm not about that life. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:07 Can I stop watching it now? I've done it now. You've done it. Yeah. I literally cannot believe that people are into this shit. I honestly, um, having watched that, I find it incredible. Not incredible. That's not the right word.
Starting point is 00:47:21 I just, I can't believe that people get off on that. Like it was just so... Graphic? It was really graphic. And like really like, I suppose, God, what am I saying? There's a tab for everyone. Like people are into like rough sex. Like I get it.
Starting point is 00:47:32 Like I get it, but I don't get it. It's not my tab. It's not my niche. But I've watched it. So that task is done. My second task was to send a nude. And I sent my partner a nude earlier today. Yeah, boy.
Starting point is 00:47:43 Done did. And he said, I sent him a done did. And he said, I sent him a nude today and he said, wait, tell us about the nude. What were you doing? I've lost weight and I've been working out. So I felt sexy. I felt good. I liked what I saw. Obviously I took it from an angle up and down. I literally said to him, delete this after you've wanked or vomited to it and delete it in the deleted folder. Kiss, kiss. And then he said, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Very long ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. A bit too long, frankly. Three kisses.
Starting point is 00:48:07 Good try. You need some training, though. Oh. Kiss. So I've done the nude. Watched the porn. I just couldn't do the daddy one. Yeah, I couldn't do it.
Starting point is 00:48:16 So that's two out of three. Two out of three. I'm pretty impressed. So talk to me about your challenges then. Well, one I just found really difficult. So I'll do the one that I couldn't do first and then end on the high. But I could not for the life of me let somebody come in my mouth. I just couldn't.
Starting point is 00:48:36 And I was trying to prep myself and get really into it and just be like, come on, just focus, just focus. But I just was overthinking it and the idea of somebody coming into my mouth just really I just was trying to make it sexy in my head
Starting point is 00:48:50 and I was really pushing and I think my head just got into my vagina a bit too much and I was just like overthinking it and so I just couldn't do it well this is it right
Starting point is 00:48:57 like if you're not comfortable and you're not into it I didn't do mine like you know we set each other these challenges it doesn't mean we have to do them
Starting point is 00:49:04 yeah I guess that's the beauty of consensual sex you get to choose how's the one you want to do them but I did actually have the glass of water on the side again just in case I think a glass of water during sex is actually really quite useful
Starting point is 00:49:19 I get thirsty but challenge number two I did complete so I purchased off the internet uh the world's first biodegradable sex toy wow recommended to me by a friend so what does that mean if it's on a landfill it'll just like degrade yeah wow yeah yeah yeah which is great you know yeah yeah yeah for the environment buy yourself some sex toys that are good for the environment yeah yeah totally uh and it arrived in a really nice package no instructions interesting because you get instructions for shampoo even and like you know exactly what to
Starting point is 00:49:50 do with shampoo yeah and no batteries whoa so i had to go and get some double a batteries to put it in two it needed two double a's right pop them in and spent quite a lot of time just pissing about with it with my partner. Did you do like Star Wars? Do you know what I found really impressive is the range, the kind of... The vibrating functions. Oh my God. When you let go of it, your hands afterwards are like really going. It's very strong.
Starting point is 00:50:18 Yeah. So I was quite nervous about it and thought I should ease myself into it, how I would go. So I got into my masturbating position, which you guys all know about how I like to, you know, settle in. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And I decided that I wouldn't put it in straight away because that felt like a bit much. Well, you're just going, you're doing a poppy, you're just going for the mains.
Starting point is 00:50:32 Yeah, exactly. Start off with a nice starter. Exactly. And I, I kind of went for it. I really went for it. I, I kind of. Did you lube it up then? Did you put a semi 45 around it?
Starting point is 00:50:41 No, I didn't, I didn't lube it up. No. Natural juices then. I did some now well it took a while to get there to be honest i think i was really um for ages i was like this isn't working like i'm not getting turned on this is not doing anything for me and i was like oh it's like actually my hands are now feeling the vibration um so you one-hander two-hander i did a two-hander and i was like on my back being like is this working is this working i really didn't
Starting point is 00:51:02 get anything out of it until I flipped over. Okay. Game changer. And then I wasn't holding it anymore. I was kind of just like... Were you just like thrusting into it? I was just thrusting into it. Right, okay.
Starting point is 00:51:16 When you say you flipped it over, were you just using it the wrong way round? I flipped myself over. Oh, you flipped yourself over. So you were like on top. Instead of masturbating on my back, I think it's much easier to go on my belly. Yeah, so you were on top, basically. I was on top. Always works for me on top. Instead of masturbating on my back, I think it's much easier to go on my belly. Yeah, so you were on top, basically.
Starting point is 00:51:26 I was on top. Always works for me on top. Yeah, me too. Always has. It's always the end move. Anyway, I liked it and I'm not anti it. I would not say it was life changing. Oh, so you didn't come?
Starting point is 00:51:36 Did you come? I came, but it took me a while. Okay. It took me longer than it does with my hands. Yeah, yeah, fine. And I don't know if that's a practice thing. I mean, I'm 100% going to have another go. Okay, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:44 I wouldn't say I'm a sex toy convert, but I'm definitely not anti it. It was a different sensation. Okay, okay. Well, I'm glad you did it. Yeah, me too. I'm so proud of you, man. Thanks. Smashed it.
Starting point is 00:51:55 So we've done most of our challenges. Didn't do a few, but that's okay. You can't do everything. No. And, like, that's the best thing about sex and talking about sex yeah it's just this long journey across your life that you get to experiment with forever and the relationship that you have with other people and your body is something that continues to evolve and hey you know what i'm not a hundred percent horny a hundred percent of the time yeah you know it changes we go
Starting point is 00:52:20 in waves and we enjoy it when we want and when we don't but when i have a good time i have a really good time and i think that's something that will always stick with me hopefully also we want to give a extra special shout out another thing that makes us feel really good another another person that makes us feel really good is our producer rayhan shout out to rayhan to rayhan who is if you've never seen him he is a small Bengali man who is often just like looking at us shocked or quizzical doesn't know how to
Starting point is 00:52:49 work a Google Drive doesn't know oh we found out the other day his name's not Rehan it's something else oh yeah fucking classic Bengali
Starting point is 00:52:55 he has a different name but we just wanna I mean look I'm sure you'll cut this out anyway but we just wanted to say a massive he's nodding don't
Starting point is 00:53:04 because thank you so much producer Rehan this is our final episode but we just wanted to say a massive, he's nodding, don't, because thank you so much, producer Rehan. This is our final episode. And we just want to say a big thanks to you. And thank you for like just giving us free reign and not censoring us and allowing us to tell our stories. Honestly, thank you. Yeah, and this podcast was totally inspired by Rehan and his experiences of feeling like his parents' stories
Starting point is 00:53:22 perhaps weren't documented in the women in his life. So he's done the ultimate amazing thing a man can do which is like raise the women around him so thank you you know what thank you that's what you do a foghorn and that's it oh my god is this it that is it
Starting point is 00:53:41 that is the end of series 2 of Randall's Date 2 series 3 come on bring it what should we the end of series two of Brown Girls Do It Too. Series three, come on. What should we talk about in series three? You got any more sex chat? I don't know. I mean, I'll always have sex. So perhaps. Walked into that one.
Starting point is 00:53:56 What about Brown Girls Do It Too Formula One Racing? Oh. Brown Girls Do It Too Construction. Oh, Brown Girls Do It Too Theatre. Okay. Brown Girls Do It Too, construction. Oh, Brown Girls Do It Too, theatre. Okay. Brown Girls Do It Too, porn. Porn. But we make the porn.
Starting point is 00:54:11 We're directors. We're not the actors. We make the porn. I mean, if there's anything we learned from this podcast is, well, two things. Brown Girls are not a monolith. We are varied and exciting and diverse and interesting. And we can be the protagonists of our own show. So thank you for letting us do that.
Starting point is 00:54:26 I feel a bit emosh, you know. Emosh, tits emosh, tits emosh. Well, that's it for now, guys. Or is it? Is it? Is it? Is it? Is it?
Starting point is 00:54:35 Is it? Is it? Is it, no. Thank you so much for hanging out with us. We would love for you to join in the conversation by using the hashtag brown girls do it too you can also tweet at bbc asian network and at bbc sounds and you can also email brown girls do it too at if you found this funny inspiring empowering any of those
Starting point is 00:54:56 good words uh then please do subscribe and download brown girls do it too you can listen back to all of them from series one to now and if you fancy fancy a bit more, like, I don't know, a season three? We won't do it unless you tell us you want it. So email in and say do it. And we'll be brown girls doing it too. Brown girls do it too. Brown girls do it too. Brown girls do it too.
Starting point is 00:55:20 Brown girls do it too. So Rubina, we're going to end the show with this little tune, which I think you're going to recognise. Producer Ray Hand just handed it to me, and I'm told it is a certified banger. I woke up in a prison cell Of plastic glass and lead It's quite dark, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:55:44 Travelling through a dream of laughs and tears It's quite dark, isn't it? I'm sorry, what is this? Why does it say Dirty Ruby? It's a song written for me by the guy I lost my virginity to. This guy. I mean, wave a wave with the chorus look at us
Starting point is 00:56:14 doing the head nod fire fire I mean he's got like a really like signature
Starting point is 00:56:23 style of singing it's like folk drunk torture I will be He's got like a really signature style of singing. It's like folk drunk torture. I will be mine and you leave me. That's what I think he's saying. So you lost your opportunity to... It's a really romantic song, guys. You're missing all the context. He's saying, don't you really shine.
Starting point is 00:56:41 Hole again. I've made him hole again. My friend. I never thought that I'd be whole again. Cute! But I can't hear it because he just sounds like he's really in pain.
Starting point is 00:56:56 Love is pain, Poppy. Love is pain. Love is pain. So this guy, you popped your cherry to this guy and he did an entire... It's actually very weird listening to it. How does it make you feel? It's really weird. He made a whole album of music for me. We were very much in love.
Starting point is 00:57:11 There's more of this. There is more. This is just Dirty Ruby. This is my song. And there's nothing more rock and roll than going to... I used to go to gigs and he'd be like, and this song is about my girlfriend. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:57:27 Wow. With a lighter. So that happened to you. Oh my God. That's like ultimate rock star girlfriend status. Yeah. It was the most romantic way to lose your virginity. Cracks in my soul, make me whole again. Oh my god, this is actually adorable.
Starting point is 00:57:50 The fact that this guy has written a whole album for you. Oh, you're so worth it. Oh, on series three, the album Poppy has written for me. Exactly. Should we have a little bit more of... What's his name? Joe. Joe. exactly should we have a little bit more of what's his name? Joe Joe
Starting point is 00:58:06 what's he doing? is he like a little tambourine? is he just like he played guitar and then I think he had some housemates who also were musicians they like just recorded it I think they recorded it on like a tape deck
Starting point is 00:58:21 it's old school I was just going to say he's on a voice memo it's probably a pre-voice memo. The quality is... Oh, cute. That's so nice. I'm just going to fade him down a little
Starting point is 00:58:31 because it's time to say goodbye. That's it for Series 2, guys. Thanks for listening. Bye. Bye. To be shined on and on and on again. My friend, I never thought that I'd be whole again. My friend, I never thought that I'd be whole again. Brown Girls do it too I'm Bella Mackey
Starting point is 00:59:10 And I'm Greg James We realised that we didn't pay much attention at school And so we've decided to do something about it Our new podcast is called Teach Me A Lesson Our lesson title for today is Are People Born Evil? We've been searching for the most inspiring teachers in the UK. And each week, we're going to learn something fascinating from them.
Starting point is 00:59:29 What do RuPaul and Aristotle have in common? And my initial answer would be, like, attitude. Well, my initial answer would be bald. So come and learn some new stuff with us. Teach Me A Lesson with Greg James and Bella Mackey. Listen now on BBC Sounds.

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