BudPod with Phil Wang & Pierre Novellie - Episode 174 - Solo intro and BonusPod 170!

Episode Date: July 27, 2022

Wang's away, so the Bonus we play! BonusPod 170 featuring Phil Wang and the Smegmine EmulsionsBonusPod 170 Blurb:The lads chat American Taliban and The Death of the Rant, the rise of sketches on socia...l media, our weird issue with Spain and being annoyed when people watch things on their phone.Sketch: Phil Wang - Bacon White (2022 remaster) Get bonus BudPod on Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Howdy there, Budpod fans. It's Pierre here. Phil, as we speak, is not even in the United Kingdom. He's betrayed the Queen. He's told the Americans where she keeps her limited edition keychains. They've been stolen? No, Phil is in Canada, I think. no, Phil is in Canada, I think. I think at time of recording, Phil should be in Canada. Or on the way, he might be on the plane as we speak, in a sort of Air Force One scenario.
Starting point is 00:00:38 I'm going to have to guide him through how to knock out various Quebec separatist terrorists. No, Phil's doing Montreal is the point. Just for laughs, Montreal. In Montreal, très bon, etc. I don't think it's Phil's first time in Montreal. I don't think it is. As a comedian, I mean. I know it's not his first time in Montreal as a person.
Starting point is 00:01:08 Where he tried to... A few years ago, just before COVID, I think, he tried to make a bit of money selling what he called Poutine, which is a sort of sexualized, very aggressively sexual version of poutine. Ended up upset just about everyone. Yeah, people did not like it.
Starting point is 00:01:29 It was good. Like, as a food, it was good. But it was the way it was presented. And presenting, the way things... Presentation is so important when plating up, isn't it? So, Fills Away, what you guys are going to get is a little taste behind the VIP, a little lick of the
Starting point is 00:01:47 velvet rope, a little sniff of a VIP area seat, and it's going to be bonus part 170. So this is the Patreon bonus content that relates to episode 170. And I picked it for you guys because it's good they're all good but also it includes phil's genuinely good singing of um of a song that relates to episode 170 we discussed uh bacon white um and it's very good so things to plug. My Edinburgh Fringe starts on the 2nd. I have a reviewer on the 1st night. Because I can't convince reviewers to come any other time. They want me raw, baby.
Starting point is 00:02:34 Raw. So, if you know anyone in Edinburgh or going to the Fringe who likes good shows, please do send them my way with some urgency, I'd say. shows. Please do send them my way with some urgency, I'd say. And beyond that, if you are in London next week, and you aren't going to the Fringe, go and see Carl Donnelly at the Soho Theatre. He's one of the best and for my money, pound for pound, the most underappreciated comedian. He is an appreciated comedian. I mean, everyone thinks he's great. He's got a good following. He does sell that shows at the Fringe normally at Soho as well, but nevertheless, underappreciated in my opinion. He's a real genius. So you probably will have seen him at the Comedy Store. You could have seen him in any of the Aussie or New Zealand festivals. I think he might have done shit in LA as well. Anyway, the point is, go see Carl Donnelly at the Soho Theatre.
Starting point is 00:03:31 Keep Carl and carry on, I believe the show's name is, because he's doing that. Normally he's a big fringe monster, but his parents were sick, and I think recently his dad sadly actually passed away, so he's down in London.on so go see carl um and see me at the fringe if you can please and if you could please share the link or retweet or something my album that has come out with 800 pound gorilla i don't want them sweet boys at 800 pound gorilla to think i'm some kind of slouch. So I'm promoing the tits out of it
Starting point is 00:04:06 while simultaneously trying to sell tickets to the Edinburgh Fringe. So it's not an easy, it's a bit of a lot of promo. I don't like doing promo. And this is the wrong business to be in for that, is it not? To not be very happy constantly selling yourself and begging for attention. to not be very happy constantly selling yourself and begging for attention this is why people hire people for this isn't it but i'm not doing well enough to have a salaried minion i'd love a minion a salaried minion forget it and they'd always be salaried i'm'm not offering minion internships. Minternships. No minternships here.
Starting point is 00:04:49 Anyway, we're getting distracted. We're letting this get away from us. So, yep, this is BonusPod 170. Hopefully back next week. See you at the Fringe. Go see Carl Dunley at the Soho Theatre. If you want to see me do my previews in London before I go i go tomorrow the day of release the day you're hearing this 27th of july 27th wednesday the 27th of july i'm at the sackford a pub in london with alex keely
Starting point is 00:05:19 good comedian good friend good boy And then the day after? Question mark? Dunno. But search Country Mile or Star of Kings. I'm there with Alex McKeith. It's all over my Instagram, my Twitter. If you want to see my previews. That's the show I'm doing in Edinburgh. It's a new show. It's not the same as the special,
Starting point is 00:05:39 which is always still available to view quite once on YouTube. And releases an album now by 800 Pie Gorilla. It's a new show, god on YouTube. And releases an album now, by 800-Pi Gorilla. It's a new show, goddammit. And I'm taking it to Scotland for a month. So there. And we'll see. We'll see what's what.
Starting point is 00:05:56 Okay, well, enjoy the bonus pod. Bye! Oh, and before I forget, thank you very much to all the pod buds who came to my preview in Bristol at the Wardrobe Theatre with John Hastings. It was very nice to see you guys there. I had to chat with one or two of you before.
Starting point is 00:06:13 Sorry I couldn't stick around afterwards. The last train is a real fuck. Anyway, enjoy. It's bonus pod 170. You enter the comic book store. And it's wonderful. You're a kid in a candy shop, really. All the posters of your favorite superheroes are strung about the place.
Starting point is 00:06:40 Action figures still pristine in their packaging. Wait for you to collect them and never play with them and behind the counter is a man in his 40s he's got a ponytail and glasses he fits the part of a comic book nerd, but he still holds himself with the confidence and the assuredness of a man who deserves his place in comic book nerdity. He's been reading it for a while now. He knows his stuff. You're in the right hands.
Starting point is 00:07:17 You're going and you're looking for... You're looking for... What are you looking for uh um what are you looking for you're looking for the spider-man annual the spider-man annual oh what's a good collection of spider-mans i don't know marvel shit uh okay i'll go easy you're looking for um super Superman for all seasons and you say sorry do you have Superman for all seasons and he goes yes just look at the back shelf there
Starting point is 00:07:52 and you go over and it's in the Superman section and you see Superman Superman Red Son and other Superman collections and you get to Superman for all seasons and you go ah here it here it is, brilliant. I've been really looking forward to reading it.
Starting point is 00:08:07 And you notice something strange about the Superman on the front. He's hovering in the way that he's meant to be on Superman for All Seasons. But his face is a bit... Superman doesn't have a beard, does he? What? And you look closer and he's like, oh, Superman's a bit
Starting point is 00:08:23 broad, stockier than I remember, too. I mean, I know he's broad at the front, but his legs are thick in this. Very, very thick. And there's an S on his chest, but underneath the S is also a small capital A. S-A. What does that stand for S A
Starting point is 00:08:45 and you look again at the face and it's got a cheeky grin on it what isn't that the guy from that podcast that's that's Pierre isn't it what surely not and you look at the other copies and they've all got
Starting point is 00:09:02 the same face they all look they all Pierre hovering with a Superman costume with SA on the chest. This isn't right. These seem like knockoffs. Well, forget it. I'll get Batman then. I'll get Batman. I've been meaning to get the Long Halloween.
Starting point is 00:09:16 And you go and you find a copy of a, you say to the guy, do you have Long Halloween? And he's like, yes, we're a comic book store. Of course we have these classics. And you like whoa okay okay okay and he's like over there in the batman area go over to the batman area and you sift through and there's dark knight and um the killing joke and and you find uh and there it is long halloween great pick it up and there he is a classic long long Halloween cover with Batman crouched over and... Wait, what's that? Huh?
Starting point is 00:09:48 And, like, why is Batman's ass showing? He doesn't have, like, ass... There's no Batsuit where he has assless traps. His butt's sticking out. What? And, yeah, I mean, definitely no beard on this one, but... Glasses? Why is Batman wearing glasses over his cowl?
Starting point is 00:10:07 Huh? They're like 70s glasses. Like those golden, old 80s, like serial killer glasses. A lot like the glasses that... That other guy on the podcast, Phil Wang, wears. Are those Phil... Wait, what? And this time you open up the comic and you look... And you find panels with Bruce Wayne on what and you this time you open up the comic and you look and you find panels with Bruce Wayne
Starting point is 00:10:27 on them and you're like Bruce Wayne's not Bruce Wayne's not Asian looking he's not supposed to be half Asian and he's
Starting point is 00:10:34 Bruce Wang what why is why is Alfred calling him Mr. Wang and so this is ridiculous
Starting point is 00:10:42 you get this pick up this copy of Long Halloween you go and you grab Superman for All Seasons with PR on it and you just walk up to the guy behind the counter
Starting point is 00:10:49 and you say what's this what's going on you shove them right in his face you're like you're starting to knock his glasses out of place what's going on old man
Starting point is 00:10:55 are you trying to fuck with me are you trying to fuck with me where's Superman for All Seasons where's the Long Halloween come on man stop fucking with me and you turn and
Starting point is 00:11:04 and and and the man says the smile creeps on his face and like and he goes fucking with you why what are you talking about if these if these titles don't suit your tastes sir why don't you choose another and you spin your heels and you look at all the other comics. The Hulk. The Hulk's got Pierre's face. V for Vendetta. The Mask is Phil's face with rosy cheeks. What? You go to Watchmen.
Starting point is 00:11:34 It's called Wang Men. No! You find Persepolis. The touching story of a young girl in post-revolution Iran. But it's called Pierresepolis, the touching story of a young girl in post-revolution Iran, but it's called Pierre Persepolis? What? And it's all Pierre in a tight-fitting dress, trying to
Starting point is 00:11:54 learn the ins and outs of growing up from a girl into a woman. This isn't the graphic novel classic I was led to believe it is. And everything, it's all Pierre and Phil. And you start to go crazy, and the mind behind the counter is going, ha ha ha ha, yes, it's all Pierre and Phil and you started going crazy and the mind behind the counter is going ha ha ha ha yes they're all Pierre and Phil ha ha ha
Starting point is 00:12:10 they're all Pierre and Phil ha ha ha and then from behind from the back room you just hear clap clap and
Starting point is 00:12:23 Pierre and me slowly walk out the beaded curtain and we aren't clapping, we're slapping our butts against each other's like that like we're in cow and chicken or something and we say we say in we say in unison, Excelsior!
Starting point is 00:12:52 Welcome to Bonus Pod. Very good. Very sort of Twilight Zone again. I really like the slow clap being bum cheeks just just smooshing butts together to well well well it's very funny um and i would like to see um someone photoshop a version of the v forendetta mask that's you with rosy cheeks I really like that as an idea yeah I embarrass myself there with my lack of knowledge of any classic Marvel titles
Starting point is 00:13:32 I only know the DC ones and the Dark Horse ones obviously is Superman for all seasons good? it's really good it's Superman for a year and it's him. I think he's sort of gone back to Kansas or whatever,
Starting point is 00:13:49 and he's sort of trying to hang out and chill out on the farm. It's one of those Supermans which is like a lot about Clark Kent and his family and where he came from. It's quite slow-paced and quite sensitive. I think it's very beautiful. Yeah, Superman for all seasons is really good. I would like a a new superman where superman's parents being you know sort of boomers from the midwest have become insane
Starting point is 00:14:10 trump conspiracy theorists yeah that's good i like that a lot superman has to fight his parents away from the capitol building on january the 6th there's a superman called red son the superman red son superman red parents because they're Republican is very funny. Superman Red Parents. Superman Red Mum. And then it gets really leaned into by Lex Luthor, who's now wearing a big blonde wig because it's an illusion to try and be. And he gives Clark Kent's mom
Starting point is 00:14:46 a sort of like kryptonite powered mech that she can stop without it. Yeah, a big mech with MAGA written over it. Yeah. Oh, God. Well, well, Phil, speaking of, as we said in the main part,
Starting point is 00:15:05 America's taken one giant backward step for man, one giant backward step for mankind. Yeah. One small step backwards for man, one giant leap backwards for woman. Yeah. Yeah, truly, Shrodri, Roe v. Wade has been been what's the term um repealed i think or superseded repealed i think because yeah which means now that um abortion before a certain number of weeks could be illegal and most likely will be illegal in many states.
Starting point is 00:15:48 Apparently there were already six states where there was only one abortion clinic left. Wow, yeah, that's a lot. Yeah, they've been eroding it for a while. Overruled by, oh, there you go. Okay, overruled by is how it says on Wikipedia. Yeah, that's because these precedents, these laws that are based on cases are so fragile
Starting point is 00:16:09 because they're... And I didn't know this until I read up on this particular case. Roe v. Wade is an interpret... These laws are based on interpretations of the Constitution. So Roe v. Wade is... the current freedom to get an abortion in america or the one that has just been lost was based on an interpretation of an amendment which i think was based on a right not to be discriminated against because of sex and because uh uh giving birth is a sex-based thing, then you could interpret the Constitution
Starting point is 00:16:46 as saying that not allowing women to get an abortion was an encroachment on that constitutional right. And maybe the constitutional right also to privacy? You have to build these laws. Privacy, right, right, right.
Starting point is 00:17:04 So I've got it wrong. It was privacy but so it doesn't actually stand as its own law so what needs what needs to be done is for a right to uh abortion to be passed as its own law not not not um some other argument yeah not something that can be overturned so easily. Yeah, and I mean, it's basically, it followed the privacy argument in the sense of like, I mean, the easiest thing, the easiest way to get anything to be appealing in America
Starting point is 00:17:33 seems to be to frame it as a watch out for the government issue. So I think they sort of went, oh, well, if the government can come in inside your body and take and determine things in there, then who's to say they won't start forcing you to donate kidneys even though you don't want to and things like that right and so that well i think what i was thinking of was a gay marriage so that is based on the constitutional right to um not be discriminated against because of sex and because being in a homosexual relationship is contingent on your sex, then there was interpreted as unconstitutional
Starting point is 00:18:07 not to let same-sex marriages happen. So gay marriage is also similarly fragile. And that's why some people are nervous now that this means the Republicans could come for gay marriage next, because I think it's built on the same legal infrastructure that Roe v. Wade was built on. Yes, it's it's built on the same legal infrastructure that roe v wade was built on yes it's all just saying like the constitution doesn't mention it so therefore it's it's there's
Starting point is 00:18:32 no there's no um protection because it's not specifically mentioned something like that right yeah exactly i hadn't realized i mean, I knew Americans were obsessed with their constitution. I had no, I didn't realize just how, like, legally obsessed they were with it. That everything so much has to hang literally off this one document. Yeah. Well, that's why it's, yeah, I mean, these guys are like, these guys like to refer to themselves as constitutional, like, originalists and stuff. Where they just go, like, they not only interpret it, like, word for word. And it's no coincidence that they also tend to be the kind of people who want to interpret the Bible word for word as literal truth. They want to interpret it word for word as literal truth in its context.
Starting point is 00:19:18 So, like, anything that wasn't around in the 1700s, they're, like, verging on fucking Amish, intellectually speaking. What do you mean properly like as in like you they you can't use the constitution to claim a right to anything that's like modern right right right yes they're literally obsessed with like oh george washington wouldn't have known what that was though and it's like yeah but that's why we should ignore george washington sometimes because it's not 1780 yeah they're willing to accept that things change with time unless it's to do with say the right to form a militia which is surely not as relevant anymore but no for that funnily enough that one still is relevant very important to be
Starting point is 00:20:02 able to form an insane militia um even though what george washington was talking about was literally uh the national guard which we which they already have right right right he was talking in terms of like being able to fight off the british again the next time that was right yeah i see um yeah amazing and then they ignore the fact that like so many of the most famous founding fathers were like openly anti-christianity or at the very least intellectually atheist that gets uh ignored and so what happens now that so so the states that that are still okay with abortion will still have abortion available. Yeah, so the... So New York and California and stuff.
Starting point is 00:20:47 Yes, so it looks like the majority of the voted allow states to ban abortion from conception onwards because it does not think... Yeah, so you're allowed to ban it now, basically, seems to be the... Ah, I see, I see, I see. Okay, so a bunch of states have had trigger laws set up for when this happened they had what laws trigger like a trigger law like it gets triggered when
Starting point is 00:21:12 this gets repealed yeah so like it's like they don't even need to pass a new law now they've just already they were like it was there waiting arkansas idaho kentucky louisiana mississippi missouri north dakota oklahoma south dakota tennessee texas utah wyoming yep and so is it is a band right and so i guess a little different state to say whether these are outright bands or or bands that affect a shorter term of pregnancy than before no just bans just you can't write that's it outright nine states alabama arizona arkansas michigan mississippi oklahoma texas west virginia and wisconsin never repealed their pre-row abortion bans those weren't enforceable due to row but would be enforceable with Roe being overturned oh god okay
Starting point is 00:22:05 oh right so they're just waiting there like chicken pox in the background yeah exactly like a like fucking uh tetanus in the soil so there's a few where it's unclear oh yeah oh no hang on
Starting point is 00:22:24 the overturning of Ro road did not make abortion illegal in all 50 states contrary to common misconception while it remains legal in several states states with trigger laws to restrict abortion in the event row was overturned immediately implemented them okay so yeah it doesn't make it It is only, so it's illegal in one, two, three, four, five, six, seven states. And it's unclear in a couple more. Okay. And it's heavily restricted in a bunch of other. Okay.
Starting point is 00:23:00 Yeah. I mean, just overall very depressing. But the one good side to this maybe is that the Democrats are showing some pretty big increases in their polling numbers ahead of midterms in November. Well, this is it. Abortion seems to be similar to gun control in that there's actually more consensus on it than people realize. Most Americans are in favor of some availability of um abortion clinics
Starting point is 00:23:29 and abortion treatment well and as as ever with the progressive vote the problem is turnout right yeah yeah but i think even like maybe less so than gun control but i think you might cross the party lines as well abortion i think you have to be quite far right to be... May be. ...less so than gun control, I think. But people are not... America's not as fanatic. Maybe I'm speaking out my ass here.
Starting point is 00:23:56 But I think there is actually more consensus than people think on it. So in the long run, it might be good if it means that instead of hanging off of the constitution it spurs the democrats into putting it into proper law yeah well I mean
Starting point is 00:24:13 the midterms are like low turnout and like the turnout of people under 30 or under 35 is always like 20% and like if you do them like someone did the modelling and it only needs to go up to 30% and the democrats just win everything oh really like it's like as long as that's across the board and in the right sort of districts and whatever else but like the idea is that hopefully this scares the fuck out of people that are actually going and voting for once in their damn lives
Starting point is 00:24:39 i really wish young people would vote i get i lose my patience with people whining and complaining and posting and going on twitter just fuck just vote fucking vote it's not it's right there the tools are right there literally in front of you just do it i just think it should be compulsory and i know it makes australian elections fucking mad but like i'd rather have a mad election that everyone had to do than this like kind of oh most people just forgot you know which is so pathetic it should be compulsory and it should be a public holiday it's so yeah yeah it's so clear to me public holiday no work compulsory and get on with it get on with it that's what i say bacon white you're so lovely you're pale and quite delicious Although others find you gross You're the bit that I love most Bacon is full of water However you ought to never fear
Starting point is 00:26:15 When you fry it the white plops out And that's when I shout Hooray, it's here Bacon white Oh, how I love you If loving you ain't right Then I wanna be wrong Ho! Give it up, everybody, for the Speckmine Emulsions. Oh, yeah. there they are so globulous and pale oh bacon is full of water it makes it heavy and that's why they are able to charge you more Even though they're selling you less meat
Starting point is 00:27:05 Thank you ladies and gentlemen I'll be here at the Morrisons all week Remember to tip your capsules But yes, the Talibanification of American social life continueth. Creeping Taliban. It's getting quite spooky over there. Huh? The creeping Taliban. It's creeping Taliban.
Starting point is 00:27:41 I think we said before. I think it was a creeping time in reference to um to afghanistan or was it or do we say it was the one time where you could say it's creeping sharia and not sound mad that was it yeah so that was the one time you could say it's creeping sharia and be like no yes that is that that is what's happening actually yeah yeah yeah i mean the news from afghanistan is always like again like i've said this before on the podcast but i'm always surprised when the newspapers are surprised they go well you'll Yeah, I mean, the news from Afghanistan is always like, again, like I've said this before on the podcast, but I'm always surprised when the newspapers are surprised.
Starting point is 00:28:07 They go, well, you'll never guess who's banned school for women. The Taliban. Yeah. Yeah, it's so embarrassing when, I remember the start when the Taliban retook Afghanistan in a week or however long it took them. And the news was like, could this be a new Taliban? Just because they weren't instantly saying
Starting point is 00:28:28 we'll murder all the women now while everyone's watching. And everyone went, oh, is this a kinder, modernized Taliban? And I just sat there going, are you fucking thick? Are you thick? What are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:28:42 And then now, as the months have rolled on and people's attention has moved away from the afghanistan stories trickle in on girls to the taliban has decided no in fact they won't be allowing girls back to school and people go what this is it's like yeah they're the taliban what did you think was going to happen yeah everyone's sort of going i can't believe how rude they are and you're like what yeah what um we really need america to fix itself because you know russia and china are getting more and more saucy and we do need america because europe hasn't quite got its shit together yet with regards to deciding whether or not it's worth defending itself ever I was thinking I was thinking
Starting point is 00:29:28 recently why why it sometimes feels tough to be a political comedian at the moment and people go people's first instinct is to say oh it's because things are so difficult. Things are so dark. Things are so bad.
Starting point is 00:29:48 And things are so serious. And I sort of thought, I think it's actually the opposite. I think we live in thoroughly unserious times and we're led by thoroughly unserious people. And it's difficult to be a comedian in a world that desperately needs seriousness yes that's a fucking good point that and that is the conflict it is not that times that are serious times are unserious and it's it's difficult to be funny when what is needed is seriousness when times have been serious when we've been led by serious if flawed people say the 90s and early noughties comedy made a lot more sense because you could be silly against a serious backdrop
Starting point is 00:30:32 but now leaders are unserious and so it falls on comedians to be serious and the result is not good the result is perverse i mean yeah you just have these like comedians becoming this sort of like earnest priest figures and then politicians sort of fucking trying trying their best to become memes you know yeah i mean the ultimate serious comedian turned politics enthusiast is zelensky the only serious european leader who could only become serious because a very silly man did a silly thing. Yes, yeah. A sort of comedically bloated propaganda weirdo. He wasn't a good president until the war.
Starting point is 00:31:18 His ratings were really low. Because it turns out comedians are not good at running a country. What he is good at is running a country what he is good at is leading country in a war and yeah and that's when he's that's that's when he really started to shine well that's why people compare him to churchill because churchill is like smash world war ii the second world war ii is over he just lost the election yeah yeah um yeah i mean it's Yeah, I mean, it is a perverse way around. I got really annoyed at Spain. I find myself angry at Spain quite a lot. I don't know why.
Starting point is 00:31:51 It's just the one country. Everyone's got one European country they just feel like they have some sort of instinctive issue with. For some reason, for me, it's Spain. Spain is too big a country for me not to know who runs it. That's my problem with Spain. I have no fucking clue who's in charge of spain and i should you know i mean and they have they have like an evil king who had to
Starting point is 00:32:11 flee that was fun i've always had a problem with spain i don't i've always had a fucking problem with spain there's something about spain i every time i go to Spain, I'm like, pull your fucking socks up. Spain. This is not good enough. I've been to Barcelona. Yeah. And I walk around Barcelona like Maximus fucking Aurelius, going, is this it?
Starting point is 00:32:43 Is this all you have you know i mean i like the bit of i like the bit of spain that i saw in the the the sort of galicia based murder mystery semi-pagan thing on netflix can't remember what it's called that was good but even then there were bits of spain that was what is it about spain but phil the prime minister of spain who i learned through getting annoyed is uh called pedro which is good right pedro promised ukraine a bunch of military equipment and then just didn't send it yep that's spain and the tiny amount of stuff that did arrive was low quality so they really yeah i mean come on and i bet what they did send was in very small portions on tiny plates and cold And cold.
Starting point is 00:33:48 Goodness me. I'm just getting more and more fond of Portugal. Put it that way, Spain. I've always said it. Portugal is the thinking man's Spain. It's the thinking man's Spain. I think this is it. I think this is what it is.
Starting point is 00:34:05 Sorry, Spain. Sorry, Spain. Rant over. I think this is what it is Sorry Spain Sorry Spain Rant over Rant over Follow us for more rants Here on social media You know there's not much to be grateful about these days But I am grateful that the age of the rant Has finally gone
Starting point is 00:34:22 The rant is dead Long live the ironic TikTok dance. If there's one silver lining to the gradual erosion of our collective attention spans, it is the death of the rant. Yes. Yeah. Rants are over. You may now only skewer things through sort of um very accurate cringy sketches
Starting point is 00:34:46 thank you jonathan pie for killing the rant yes thank you for jumping the fucking shark with rants the whatever the opposite of uh midwife is the undertaker for rants he's put them to bed forever. The last man to make money from rents. I think anyone, and this will be like some people's uncles mainly, who thought Jonathan Pye was a real news reporter at any point should be turned into glue. I think we'd be a better society. thought they thought it was a news reporter for
Starting point is 00:35:28 a channel that either didn't have a logo or had an acronym they don't recognize despite clearly being a british channel and they've lived in this country their whole lives they thought there's an actual news channel out there that looked sort of like the bbc but was just called the news they thought that existed i um i was always desperate to see him on tour because i couldn't envisage what it would be for like say you know 45 minutes then an interval 45 minutes right because the whole thing is that he tries to do the news and then he's so angry he's got such a big rant inside him that he gets he flips out and he does the rant right yeah yeah and that's the pleasure so you go this guy's trying to do the news and even he's sick of it right that's the kind of idea there and it's a good like concept for something over like three minutes but do you so my question was always let's say the 45 minutes first half does he lose his temper and do a sort
Starting point is 00:36:26 of 38 minute rant or does he lose his temper do a three minute rant calm down try and get back to the news lose his temper again and again and again yeah yeah is it just network Repeated Again and again in shorter In shorter lengths Is it just a shit network You've got to have texture there's got to be Soft and quieter bits it can't just be That one scene from King Lear for an hour Just a screaming nude
Starting point is 00:36:58 Old man on the moors I think it might be I think the character is Jonathan Pye when he's he's not on the clock this is him just hanging out down the pub Pye down the pub
Starting point is 00:37:13 yeah Pye down the pub Pye in a pint Pye in a pint come on that's gotta get commissioned various celebrities and politicians have to have a pint with jonathan pie while he berates them yeah the rent is dead it's a good point the rent is dead and it's part of the seriousness thing
Starting point is 00:37:40 that you mentioned i wonder i think it's mostly sort of sketches now you and i know lots of people who do very well on twitter with sort of self-filmed um sketches characters alistair green is a is a real genius for that kind of thing no yeah and not just sketches but in particular sort of character portraits like yeah thumbnail sketches josh pew is really really good yeah really great really well these are really well observed male what would you call them archetypes yes they're sort of non-political and then there's a few people we know who do the political version of those things with sort of wigs and suits or whatever um and they do very well big numbers But maybe that's the new thing, is little character things.
Starting point is 00:38:27 Maybe Sketch is on its way back. Maybe, maybe. I was listening to an interesting thing yesterday about how we forget the importance of medium in what alters our tastes. So, for example, DVD box sets and streaming services moved us away from a TV schedule where commissioners and TV producers had to keep in mind that people would miss episodes.
Starting point is 00:38:52 So sitcoms where you return to the original premise at the end of every sitcom. Or long soap operas where you could miss a couple of eps and still kind of understand what was going on and what people's motivations were. But then when we had box sets and Netflix and stuff we were able to binge through entire episodes
Starting point is 00:39:12 in order which allowed TV makers to come up with complex stories where you really had to pay attention with lots of details and then that's what we're like now. And we sometimes think, oh we've become more sophisticated consumers. No, the medium changed. The medium changed.
Starting point is 00:39:26 And then we changed with it. In a similar way as TikTok and short form videos. Yeah, if the medium changes to advantage short form comedy, i.e. sketches, maybe, yeah, maybe welcome coming back to sketches. Yeah. And I think people who say, oh, we have no attention span anymore.
Starting point is 00:39:43 I mean, people have always been saying that. And I don't think it's true in the sense that, yeah, think people who say, oh, we have no attention span anymore. I mean, people have always been saying that. And I don't think it's true in the sense that, yeah, TikTok is like horrible, kind of like ADHD in the form of an app. But everyone's also watching 12 hours in a row of very detailed, complex drama. Yeah, that's true. That's probably good attention span. A lot of them do do it on their phone, while on their phone, which drives me fucking... The tension that arises in my neck if I'm watching something with someone
Starting point is 00:40:10 and they pull out their phone. I dart my eyes over to try and catch them and try and give them a little... Like a look that goes, do you mind? Yeah. I fucking hate it. And if they at any point say,
Starting point is 00:40:23 sorry, what's going on? I will throw them out the window Oh punishment time Punishment time That's what I shout As I hurl their phone into the sink Punishment time That's such a funny thing to announce
Starting point is 00:40:49 what was he punished someone for something really cheerfully punishment time oh fuck I do that to my poor girlfriend she's on a she hasn't seen Succession so we're re-watching it I'm re-watching it she's watching it for the first time and she doesn't really go on her phone much but if she ever does while something's going on yeah I do the same thing I sort of look over like what are you doing
Starting point is 00:41:20 it's the worst what is this I promise you none of your friends And I say this to everyone who's on their phone None of your friends are saying anything as interesting As Logan Roy No one There's nothing more interesting on your phone
Starting point is 00:41:38 Happening than what's happening on Succession I promise you Every second of footage that you're watching Cost Like a million dollars, basically. Yeah. So give it your attention. Sorry, rant over.
Starting point is 00:41:54 Rant over. Rant over. Rant over. Sorry about that rant. Sorry, bit of a rant there, but rant over. Sorry, bit ranty, bit sweary. Bit sweary. That made me a bit sick in my mouth.
Starting point is 00:42:11 Whenever you see someone's profile on Twitter and they go, bit sweary, and you go, you're going to call me a cockwomble. Tea drinker, bit sweary. No cockwombles allowed. Proudly blocked by Piers Morgan oh grow up to the glue factory with you that's what I say to the glue
Starting point is 00:42:31 that's what I say to people like that I just point in a general direction and I say to the glue that's your version of punishment time proudly blocked by Piers Morgan god yeah just come on
Starting point is 00:42:47 he doesn't know you're alive just stop it well I'm afraid it's our own punishment time now for running out of time
Starting point is 00:42:54 we must punish ourselves by saying goodbye for another week but thank you for subscribing to the Patreon it's much appreciated
Starting point is 00:43:02 thank you very much guys thank you for your show of faith. Faith in the boys! Faith in the boys. And do come see PME live at some point. Yes.
Starting point is 00:43:15 Otherwise, see you soon. Bye-bye!

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