BudPod with Phil Wang & Pierre Novellie - Episode 239 - BonusPod 238 Travel Infuriates The Mind!

Episode Date: November 1, 2023

Normal service to resume towards the end of the month! Substitute Phils will be found!Intro is DRINKING GIN IN THE GARDEN, the lads share their public transport (escalators, spacial awareness, trains,... lifts) rage, and Meg gets in touch regarding self-dislodging and autism tat Get bonus BudPod on Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello, listeners. Autumn is here. Autumn is here, and it is fucking it down outside. Apologies for this situation. I was about to say apologies for this apology. I'm very British. Phil is in New Zealand. Phil is in New Zealand. He's fled the country. He's fled the country. It's no easy way to say it. People have finally... Well, they've turned against him.
Starting point is 00:00:34 They've turned against his habits. Someone heard how much he loved slurping noodles in the restaurant when we were out together the other night, and a mob formed and it got ugly. Anyway, the point is, until the heat dies down, this week, I'm going to give you guys the bonus pod,
Starting point is 00:00:57 right, that would have applied to last week's normal episode, so you can have a nice contiguous thing. If you're a VIP Patreon of ours. If you're a VIP-y Patreon of ours, if you're a lovely Patreon subscriber, you're going to get a solo pod this week, I'm afraid. And you're going to like it! I'm going to record it while I'm on tour, so it'll have a sort of quite claustrophobic hotel room vibe,
Starting point is 00:01:23 which is good. Is that good? It's certainly a vibe. Phil's on tour. If you're in New Zealand or Australia, figure out how near he is. I imagine not at all by European standards, but, you know, just drive for seven hours. It's just a seven-hour drive.
Starting point is 00:01:42 There's nothing wrong with it. Nothing wrong with a seven-hour drive. And figure that out. I'm on tour by the time you hear this. Leeds, Sheffield, Nottingham, things like that. Check my Instagram. Tickets available still, I believe, for Bud Pod Live. Smelly Crapmas, the Christmas Budpod Live.
Starting point is 00:02:05 That is December the 15th. And still tickets available for my final last hurrah in London big show, 23rd of November at Leicester Square Theatre. Budpod Live will be at Bloomsbury, the Bloomsbury Theatre, which is part of the UCL.
Starting point is 00:02:21 So don't get confused. Don't show up to the wrong big room. Anyway, apologies for the lack of a new episode. Transcontinental travel simply did not permit it. So here is the bonus episode from last week's episode 238. I hope you enjoy it. And substitute service and normal service will resume
Starting point is 00:02:48 ASAP possible. It's bonus pod 238. You enter the house. You've bing-bonged on the doorbell a few times but no one's come to get you so you let yourself in you go hello hello it's me it's it's pod bud um i brought some sandwiches and a bottle of pims i know it's now, but I thought we could have a nice time.
Starting point is 00:03:28 And then you go, hello. You shout through the house, hello. No one's there. You go, you look in the kitchen, no one's there. You look in the bathroom, no one's there. And you go, oh, maybe my friends are in their bedroom. It feels a bit weird to go in to the bedroom um but i don't know where else they could be so you click hello you you've got a shout out that says hello i'm just coming up are you there and you
Starting point is 00:03:57 you look down the hallway either side and you walk over to the bedroom you knock on the door hi it's pod bud I'm here for... I'm just here to hang out. You said you wanted to hang out, catch up. Silence. And you... I'm coming in. You open the door to the bedroom.
Starting point is 00:04:13 Hello? And there's no one in the bedroom. The bed's all made up. You walk over to the bed. And you notice there's a lump in the middle of the bed. And you go, what? And you slowly pull down the bed covers and it reveals that the lump is a little wooden sign and that just says we're in the garden
Starting point is 00:04:34 drinking gin and you go oh god you pick it up it's really heavy the sign it's like so heavy it looks like it should be light and it's... and you drop it. And you read it again. We're in the garden drinking gin. And you go down the stairs and you go out the back, through the back door, through the kitchen, through the back door out into the garden.
Starting point is 00:04:58 And the garden's completely empty. You set down the pims, you set down the sandwiches on the table. You go, hi guys! I saw the sign, you're out here nothing hmm it's very quiet and then you hear
Starting point is 00:05:13 you look around hey, hi, is there someone there? look what the and look, and you start looking around the garden, and you start looking through the bushes Hey, hi, is there someone there? What the? Hello? And you start looking around the garden, and you start looking through the bushes in the garden.
Starting point is 00:05:34 Oh, God. Here you go. You're sort of scrounging away through the bushes, and eventually you part a bit of bush, and you see Phil and Pierre,re really small they're really small they're phil and pierre but they're small and they're sitting on the ground covered by the bush cross-legged they're passing between them a a normal size bottle of gin so it's really big in their hands and phil is lifting the bottle gin up. And he passes it to Pierre, the tiny Pierre. Pierre goes, are you feeling it yet?
Starting point is 00:06:10 I hate these noises. And Phil goes, yeah, man, really feeling it. And Pierre goes, it's good. And he spots you. Look, peering at us through the bush. And he goes, it's good. And he spots you. Look, peering at us through the bush. And he goes, what do you want? And you go, I'm just here to catch up with you guys, my friends. And Phil goes, well, come on in.
Starting point is 00:06:41 And he zaps you with energy from his fingers. And you go, what the? And you go smaller and smaller and smaller and smaller and smaller and smaller until you're it's even smaller than phil and pierre you're the size of the bugs on the ground they're they're running around you it's terrifying. A beetle as big as you. And Pierre goes, Ah, you've overdone it. And Phil goes, Ah, sorry about that.
Starting point is 00:07:13 And you go, How do I fix this? And Pierre just grabs the gin bottle and hands it to you and gives it a little shake. Welcome to Bonus Palm. I liked that. The story is we were even smaller and you have to keep drinking gin to get back to normal size we were even smaller we were even smaller yeah we're to fill ourselves with gin and slowly inflate to get bigger i like it's kind of an alice in wonderland for our age yeah i liked the use of the phrase are you feeling it yet for gin
Starting point is 00:07:48 i like that i think old i think old ladies drinking gin and tonic should say that to each other sit sat out are you feeling it yet yes it's gin i felt it evaporating off my gullet gin is just vodka infused with juniper berries right that's all it is is that true brewed in some slightly different way, question mark? I thought it was just vodka steeped in gin. How is gin different from vodka? Although both drinks are clear and colourless,
Starting point is 00:08:36 it is a different case when it comes to the palate. It couldn't be truer. Gin has a distinctive herbal taste, while vodka is... Come on, yes, yes, yes. Vodka is water-based, while gin is distilled with juniper berries. But surely it's still water-based. And botanicals giving
Starting point is 00:08:51 them their distinct flavors. Eh? I hate it when the places try to just explain, like, though they're not the same, they taste different. You go, I know that. I'm not a baby. I'm asking how they're made. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:09 Is it just fobbing you off? Yeah, both gin and vodka are made from natural ingredients. Great, thank you. Oh, they're not made from rocks from space. Oh, they're not made from robot parts. Originating from separate parts of the world,
Starting point is 00:09:25 gin is distilled and vodka is flavorless. No, gin is distilled with juniper and vodka is flavorless. So I guess they're both just grain spirits. I suppose. I mean, you can make gin in a bath. I just don't... I hate that kind of thing where people don't understand the question you're
Starting point is 00:09:47 asking and i hate that made from natural things like do they mean it's not mdma it's not made by a dutch scientist in a lab but even then he's using things from the world and the world is everything's natural everything is natural it's like like, oh, it hasn't got any chemicals in. And the pedantic answer is, well, then how does it exist? If you didn't get your whiskey by downloading it, then it's natural. You wouldn't download a whiskey.
Starting point is 00:10:20 If it is in the world, it's natural, isn't it? Don't make no sense. No, not isn't it? Don't make no sense. No, none at all. It don't make no sense. None at all. I have a very, not even spicy, it's probably quite lemon and herb take. Oh, yeah. Is it distilled with juniper berries this time?
Starting point is 00:10:40 Yeah. It's full of botanicals, rude botanicals. I think we've had escalators for long enough now that you should know how to get on them yeah right right right okay so what what is your part what is your specific beef with escalator behavior and etiquette too many people still do that little wobble at the start of the escalator where they go oh oh as though the people behind them have a gun and they're saying get on and they're like afraid and they go a little they go oh and they do a little jump as if they're like oh oh it's moving and it's like the slowest escalator like they're a sausage dog and they have to like really time it perfectly to get yeah yeah yeah and i get it if like you're a wobbly old lady you know yeah i get it and if
Starting point is 00:11:34 you're a four-year-old i get it but this morning and as part of my knackered morning trying to get here from dublin airport i saw a young guy with like trendy, like brand new, perfect trainers and like modern, you know, new smartphone. Like he's not like a cretin or a Luddite. This guy wasn't even a cretin. This guy wasn't even a cretin. Nevermind a Luddite. And he did that thing where he was like,
Starting point is 00:12:02 and jumped with both feet onto the escalator step like a toddler. What? He jumped with both feet? Yeah, but only like an inch high. That's more dangerous. Yeah. That's more dangerous than just putting one foot on at a time. And then when you're like a meter away from the end of the escalator,
Starting point is 00:12:23 you can see them thinking, oh, oh, oh. It's like in a cartoon where people are going towards a waterfall, holding onto a plank. And they're panicking as they get off it. They get off it in this like kind of, oh, and they jump a little bit like the Indiana Jones. It makes me so furious because it's so pathetic. It's very odd. Yeah, especially if they're an urban-sounding person
Starting point is 00:12:50 who presumably lives in the city. I'm just going to tighten up the mic there. Sorry about that soundlessness. But it's like, you're a person. You've used these before. Surely you're like this once and then never again. Maybe he was really hungover or something i see this too much in london all the escalators and the tube stations people are they're afraid of them
Starting point is 00:13:12 i want i want to grab them by the shoulders and whisper in their ear that was pathetic grow up just a hand on each shoulder just shaking them right in front of your face just look it's better i'm in their ear like uh the the the slave during a roman triumph saying remember you are a man i'm standing behind them with my hands on their shoulders and my my mouth next to their ear saying it's just an escalator you've done this before it's an escalator it's basically stairs how bad could it be you stand
Starting point is 00:13:53 for most of it most of it you just stand so I think that I don't know how these people should be punished but I think they should be punished I have a memory of in Malaysia there was we were going down an escalator
Starting point is 00:14:10 and there were kids, a couple of local kids and one was sat, like sat on the escalator, like sat on the steps of the escalator like it was a seat you know and mum was saying don't do that, that's dangerous, mum's a bit nosy but always like always trying to help on the steps of the escalator, like it was a seat, you know? Yeah. And mom was saying,
Starting point is 00:14:25 don't do that. That's dangerous. Mom's a bit nosy, but always like, always trying to help. Yeah. Cause she had, she just had doctor mentality.
Starting point is 00:14:32 She was like, you know, don't do that. That's, that's quite dangerous. And this kid, I remember looked up at her and just kind of ignored her or didn't understand her.
Starting point is 00:14:38 And then, and then when the escalator, when she got to the bottom, the escalator fucking sucked her foot in. And went like that. It sucked something in and she got trapped and this girl was screaming. But I can't remember the rest of this memory. I feel like this bit has definitely, definitely happened.
Starting point is 00:15:01 In London the other day, some poor kid got his toes chopped off by an escalator yeah how how does it happen well there if you're little it can go in the thing as it rolls down the end but if you're an adult it's scary escalators though the they are they it does seem like they were designed to look as much like a chomping robot monster as possible. So sharp. So many sharp, jagged, metallic edges. Why haven't they smoothed all their shit out by this point? Every angle is so sharp. It doesn't seem like they put in requisite safety measures. They are tooth-like, aren't they?
Starting point is 00:15:41 Very toothy. Toothy little stairs. Yeah, you'd feel like they maybe would have stuck some little rubber knobblies on or something. There must be a mechanical engineering reason for it. They all have to like mesh in a particular way. Horrible. Horrible. You got any travel-based grudges well yesterday i was i was getting through from the train station from paddington to my home here in peckham and i swear the second
Starting point is 00:16:18 you're in the in a rush everyone gets on a little walkie-talkie. Oh, yeah. He's in a rush. Stand in the fucking middle of the platform. Not doing anything. Yeah. Or they go like, walk like it's just a balmy, warm Sunday on a beach. And you're not in the tube at all. You're walking along the beach. And you're looking at the coconut trees as the palms drift in the wind. the coconut trees as the palms drift in the wind a level of slow walking that you would you would walk faster than that through the fucking sistine chapel
Starting point is 00:16:51 slow walking or just literally just standing in the middle of the platform maybe this is my my my spicy take is there should be slow and fast lanes and standing lanes for pedestrians everywhere so any like like train platforms should have painted on the ground walking lane for you know not just the yellow lane where i have to stay back behind like moving lanes yeah slow lanes overtake lanes and more more ground markings in like japan and, there are markings on the ground of the train platforms marking out where the doors will be. So you can start lining up for the doors before the train's even fucking there.
Starting point is 00:17:32 Some tube stations seem to have those and some don't. Really? Oh, I've not seen them. I've seen some where they're like, this is where the doors are, like trains in London of some... Or sometimes they'll tell you where the door is, but this one is like,
Starting point is 00:17:45 they literally will carve out a Q shape. So, you know, where to Q for the door. I think, the other day, I was standing about
Starting point is 00:17:56 to get off the train and the doors opened and there was a young guy, one of three. The other two were slightly off to the left, but the young guy was right in the middle
Starting point is 00:18:03 and was about to get on through my body. He obviously thought, well, this guy's, this giant man standing with his face pressed against the doors can't be getting off. So I'll just climb on through his body somehow. Some people, honestly, I think everyone has. some people honestly they're i think i think everyone has a so i we all have a a sort of sphere around our immediate bodies our immediate selves within that sphere we are aware of what is going on we're paying attention to what's going on right some people's fears i think my sphere is like two meters yeah some people's fear is fucking five millimeters like like they aren't thinking about how loud they're being beyond five meters millimeters they're not thinking about
Starting point is 00:18:52 anyone else's body five millimeters beyond past their fucking epidermis yeah just completely unaware they're like fucking dodos walking around they're in like a pitch black room basically yeah before the compassionate western civilization they would have been dead like within five years of being on the earth you know yeah they would have just got crushed by a horse and cart or something honestly they wouldn't have survived feudalism for a moment this this really pissed me off yesterday i was on the train and i had to change at swindon to get back from bath and and this is something that you know happens all the time but i really
Starting point is 00:19:29 noticed yesterday was okay so i have to go to platform one i my seat reservation is is uh carriage c seat 47 okay so carriage c i didn't look up for carriage c yeah the train is coming it's not there yet it's due but it's very busy a lot of people are going to get on this train you look up at the little lcd led display and it shows you a little cartoon of the train and the carriages where the bikes can go where's first class yeah but each of the carriages is numbered one two three four five six seven eight nine ten but my car is c yeah and not only that there's no marking on on the platform yeah so you don't know where which way the train is going to be pointing when it comes in because they don't have a fucking compass on me and even if if you knew which way the train was coming in,
Starting point is 00:20:25 you don't know if it starts with carriage A at the front end or carriage A at the back end. Yeah, because it depends. So what's even the point of numbering these carriages? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. So then the train gets there. I'm at the front because I'm guessing C is going to be near the front. Not only is it not at the front,
Starting point is 00:20:46 because the train is made up of one longer train and one slightly shorter train, the front is like carriage J and then goes back K, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And then starts again on the new train, which is then A, B, C. So my carriage C is actually at the
Starting point is 00:21:01 other end of the platform. C is at the back somehow. C is at the back,. C is at the back. Because on this train, because it's two trains, we have this basically two alphabets on it. Yeah. Let's stop and start again. Well, we all know the alphabet, Phil.
Starting point is 00:21:14 J, K, L, E, D, A, A, B, C, dining cart, bicycle one. And then again, A, B, C, and... Unbelievable. It's like, what's the point of giving me any of this information? It's completely useless information. This kid who thought he was going to walk through me... Yeah. I said, as I got off, I said,
Starting point is 00:21:41 Come on, man. I said, come on, man. And I put my hand on his shoulder and i just moved him to the left wow but you know what's weird is that he offered no resistance it was like it was like moving a man made of smoke he probably wasn't even aware of what this force was moving his body he's like what i probably thought he just like levitating he was so fine with me physically moving him out of my way he's had no objections to it but this is what i find and this is the saving grace i think of these are saving grace of people who have who don't care how they
Starting point is 00:22:16 impact other people is they tend not to care how other people impact them yeah yeah so they don't mind other people being noisy they don't mind being moved by other people. Because for them, that's just how we all just do what we want. And then if our impacts, our effects interact with each other, then whatever. Yeah, the only wrong person is someone who tries to affect anyone else or to establish any sort of rule. They're like anarchists. Yeah, yeah. well they're like animals they're just like a fish and you can just move a fish the fish doesn't get annoyed you've moved it
Starting point is 00:22:52 but it will try and swim through your face yeah it was so odd just looking at this person as if to say, what was your plan? Yeah. What was your plan? But I mean, being in London for as long as I have, I've just become like a spatial awareness machine. Like I can get on the packed tube and I can spot like a patch of ground
Starting point is 00:23:20 and I go, okay, if I drop my backpack and hold it down, I can fit into there. So I'll go, excuse me, and I'll fit in, I've dropped my backpack and hold it down. Between the legs. I can fit into there. So I'll go, excuse me, and I'll fit in perfectly, Tetris-like into this little slot. And other people will get on and just stand literally in the door. Yeah, they'll stop.
Starting point is 00:23:35 They'll stop immediately. They'll do nothing. Just not to make this angry transport part, but this morning on the, you know when tube stations have a lift, it's an elevator. If you're lucky. This lady got on and then turned around
Starting point is 00:23:50 and faced outwards, not having gone to the back. The full empty elevator was behind her. Wow. Wow. So she's first on. She's first on and she just stands and looks at us as though she's like,
Starting point is 00:24:01 you want to fight me for it? This lift's mine. Get your own. That's insane. As if she was turning to us as though she's like you want to fight me for it this this lifts mine get your own yeah that's insane as if she was turning to us as if to say what lift are you getting bitch like and everyone had to like every time i enter physical space in my mind is a graphic representation of the space and i'm a little dot in it and i have to find the place in the space where it makes most sense to be and because we have to fill the space with all the dots yes and dot the space with all the fills dot your eyes and dot your fills fill your spaces with phil um that is insane but some people truly have no spatial awareness so the entire elevator which was full had to like shoulder barge past
Starting point is 00:24:46 this dipshit to get in behind her and it's like this mustn't be unpleasant for you yeah yeah but i bet i bet she was confused as to why this was happening i was like why is everyone smushing past me or maybe or she was like she was like i have to be first off what if they what if they run out of london what if i get off at last and all the london's have to be first off. What if they run out of London? What if I get off at last and all the London's gone? If you're destined to be first off, then you go in and you stay in the front of the lift, but you go to the side. You hug the wall.
Starting point is 00:25:15 Yeah, she could have done that. Amazing. And she had a little rolly suitcase labeled University of London Business School. Ah, well, that makes a lot of sense. Do you think? I did look at it and think, well, is this what you learnedon business school so ah well that makes a lot of sense do you think i did look at it and think yeah you learned a business school is it never always have the lift to yourself first rule of business kid well it's all about like you know owning the space and ensuring you're off first and like i'm businessy i'm here doing business yeah she um she was dressed a bit like a gender queer agenda not gender queer gender reversed dr robotnik
Starting point is 00:25:52 maybe she was trying to get the business class of the lift maybe that's what she thought she was in this is the business class well i go to business school so i should be business class because i got a lot of business classes uh speaking of business we should probably get to the business of reading some vip correspondence we got a message from meg from matt meg Meg! I beg of you Tell us what the correspondence is Dear D. Phil and Pierre HD D. Phil and...
Starting point is 00:26:33 Oh, right A doctor... A PhD What's a... D. Phil is a doctor of philosophy Ah, yeah This message contains both a two in one poor story and also a piece of
Starting point is 00:26:47 autism tat from a fellow late diagnosed adult also to say we saw Pierre's warm up set at the attic in Totten the world's oddest venue and it was odd and had a great time by the way I've been on tour with
Starting point is 00:27:01 Bella Howell, very funny comedian and she has a good term for someone who seems By the way, I've been on tour with Bella Howell, very funny comedian. And she has a good term for someone who seems a bit autistic, like myself, which is he has a touch of the tism. Touch of the tism, yeah, yeah, yeah. I like that a lot. I hadn't heard that before. He's got a touch of the tism.
Starting point is 00:27:23 Because of like texture issues with cutlery and stuff, I have now bought what my sister calls tism spoons these like plastic spoons i'm gonna carry around with me because all the spoons are made of fucking wood now oh that's horrible eh that's so disgusting um so we chatted at the back i also made a comment about getting autism from the vaccine, and I hope people realized it was a joke. Anyway, I began writing this email when I only had my husband's embarrassing fecal story to tell. However, in the weeks or months that have passed, I've experienced an incredibly similar situation.
Starting point is 00:27:57 We have now both been victims of what is medically referred to as fecal impaction. Oh, is that like constipation? It's like mega constipation. You create a... Could God create a poo so big even he couldn't fart it out his bum? That's the question you're answering when you have fecal impaction, Phil.
Starting point is 00:28:19 Basically... Making a little poo diamond. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Basically, the poo becomes too large and or hard to poop out without manual intervention of some kind. Oh, my God. Can you imagine, Pierre, like in the past, before medicine, before surgery,
Starting point is 00:28:34 you just die of that. You just die. You just go, I can't shit anymore. And someone go, oh, I hope you're all right. And you just build and build and build. Eventually, your body would go, ah, rage quit right and you just build and build and build intervention your body would go ah rage quit and you just just die because or like at best a weird like witch or a shaman would have to collect up all the grease from when you sacrifice that lamb
Starting point is 00:28:58 and just try and like fist the poo out of you like fist the poo out of you man it's i'm so happy i live now i'm so happy i live now yeah getting even a tiny cut never mind a mega poo god damn so as meg points out t fiber and laxatives will not dislodge it because the poo is already fully formed pre preformed poo yeah several years ago on a completely normal day my husband had an issue in the bathroom he'd been in there for a while and it became clear that all was not well basically he couldn't get the poop to budge he was very dramatic about the whole ordeal and was literally screaming and crying on the toilet. Oh, my God. Ah! Ah! Nurse! Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:45 Yeah. In the end, I had to pass him rubber gloves and Vaseline. Yep. Wow. And in a last-ditch digging attempt... Vaseline. Vaseline, yeah. So I said As-saline.
Starting point is 00:29:57 Oh, oh. Gasoline and As-saline. Yeah. In a last-ditch digging attempt before giving up and going to hospital, he managed to release the beast whoa that must have been
Starting point is 00:30:08 satisfying maybe it's one of those things where it's like it's so tight and so big it's not even satisfying it's just like horrible you're just going
Starting point is 00:30:15 afterwards you're just like ah ah just recovering from the trauma according to him the monstrosity was about the width
Starting point is 00:30:22 of his forearm I'm looking at my I have quite a thin forearm, but that's pretty bad. Even my thin forearm. The thinnest part of your forearm is a fat poo. Is the thinnest part of your forearm your wrist? Yeah, probably. Yeah, that's still pretty fat. That's still pretty crazy.
Starting point is 00:30:42 That's Confucius said then. The thinnest part of your forearm is still a fat poo. Always remember. So, it continues. I was then randomly victim to the same ailment only a few weeks ago. There was no real reason for it aside from a bit of stress and maybe not eating as many vegetables as I normally do. I tried... Excuse me. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:31:07 I'm not throwing up. I've got sudden burp syndrome. SBS. I tried and tried to get my giant poop out, but soon realized I was in a sticky situation. I also had to resort to the gloves and Vaseline, but it was a less painful experience than him.
Starting point is 00:31:23 I had to take it out in small pieces which was yuck horrible oh my god jesus christ i had to dig up around there and strain for 30 plus minutes most of it was gone but there was a small remaining piece that would not dislodge and eventually i took to the internet for advice just you've been on the loo for 30 minutes digging in your own bum hole. Your fucking legs have got pins and needles and you're sweating and googling.
Starting point is 00:31:54 What a nightmare. More specifically, I went on Reddit and then found some very useful but also somewhat horrific advice. It turns out that as a woman, I had one additional trick up my sleeve. And yes, that is a euphemism. Oh!
Starting point is 00:32:10 I've heard of this before, Phil. I don't think you'll like this. Try me. Basically, one can go through the front door and massage and push the poop out from next door. Whoa! I don't mind that. You're sort of hammering on the wall on one side to yeah keep it down in there keep it down in there get that shit out of there in there
Starting point is 00:32:34 yeah cut that shit out yeah she's basically in her in her vagina like, with a broom just smacking the ceiling. Yeah. Hey, get that shit out of there. Being fairly desperate at that point, I did what was suggested. It worked on the final piece, and I can tell you there is no stranger feeling than pushing your poop out from the other side. Side, side, side. Wow, that's awesome, though. This is something I cannot unknow about my own body. Yes.
Starting point is 00:33:07 Switching gears a bit, I also saw this horrendous piece of autism tat, the tat we didn't know we needed. That is truly bizarre, and it is very American autism mom vibes. Let's have a look at this. Auto tat. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:33:22 Tisn tat. Oh, no. Oh, dear. It's one of those very long rambling in this house ones. Oh, no. auto-tacked oh no it isn't tacked oh no oh dear it's one of those very long rambling in this house ones oh no and it's like
Starting point is 00:33:31 you know it's obviously very well intentioned but it is a bit cringe in this house we've memorized the entire bus schedule is that what it says
Starting point is 00:33:41 in this house we love Warhammer just we love what Warhammer no it's what? Warhammer. No, it's quite autism specific. In this house, we do autism. What?
Starting point is 00:33:53 No. This is fucking Aperol together we joy shit. It is, yeah. We do autism. This is twee autism. This is autism. Twee-ism. In this house, we do autism.
Starting point is 00:34:05 Tweemus has come for autism now. We do meltdowns and avoidance. We worry and stress. We do tears and frustration. We do loud. We do flap and spin. We tiptoe and jump. We line things up and collect things.
Starting point is 00:34:17 We do love. We love. We do love and hugs. It's like badly formattedatted so it doesn't make sense we celebrate milestones i don't know what okay but most of all we do family woof we do family gross gross lovely intentions gross in norfolk pierre they take that advice a little too seriously. We do, family. Oh, you are bad. Sorry, those who know, know. Only some will get this.
Starting point is 00:34:54 I hate that. Only some will get this. Is there any more disgusting caption? Fuck you. Horrible. Horrible. Meg says, Koji, praise redacted,
Starting point is 00:35:16 but the podcast has got her through being home with Vertigo and hours of staring at the ceiling. Oh, good. And also, we got it wrong. We said that the New York immigrants' names were changed at Staten Island, but it's Ellis Island. Staten Island is part of New York State. Oh, of course.
Starting point is 00:35:32 Did we say Staten Island? Apologies. Correction. Well, I am almost hysterical with the lack of sleep. Yeah, I'm amazed you've pulled it through, to be honest. Are you going to have a nap? I have to go get a train. Yeah, I'm amazed you've pulled it through, to be honest. Are you going to have a nap? I have to go get a train.
Starting point is 00:35:49 Oh, Jesus. Where? Up north. I'm going up north for a few days. I keep forgetting. Well, hopefully you get a good long night's sleep tonight. Yeah, hopefully. Well, we'll see you guys hopefully. Remember,
Starting point is 00:36:03 we are doing Christmas bonus pod. Christmas live bud pod. At the Bloomsbury Theatre. Get your tickets. The ideal Christmas present, really. Yes, of course it is. It's what Christ would have wanted. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:36:19 Until next time, though. See you. Much love. Bye-bye. Bye. As women, our life stages come with unique risk factors, like when our estrogen levels drop during menopause, causing the risk of heart disease to go up. Know your risks. Visit heartandstroke.ca.

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