BudPod with Phil Wang & Pierre Novellie - Episode 95 - Kamehamehappy new year!

Episode Date: December 30, 2020

It's a great episode to see out the year! The boys discuss Hawaiian kings, Japanese words and Chinese words, chicken lollipops, sweetbreads, fake or not fake commemorative t-shirts, the year 1995, vet...eran forum posters and what happened to them, the squid and the chicken nursery rhyme, chess terms and our possible status as Catalonian heroes. Get bonus BudPod on Patreon! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's Budpod 95. Is 95 something? 95, fine and alive. Finey five. Finey five. Ninety... Ninety five. It's quite a nice number. Again, we're into the golden era of the 90s here. 95. That feels like one of the good years it was one of the
Starting point is 00:00:29 years that things get named after yeah yeah 95 was one of those years where you look back and you think yeah you'd be pretty you'd feel pretty good about stuff if you were alive then a lot of good stuff was happening pretty much everywhere except the balkans that's right sorry balkans but uh everyone else was having a pretty good time 95 is in a lot of uh old commemorative t-shirts that people still have yes that's a good point yeah the random little the random little t-shirts that people still have. Yes, that's a good point. Yeah, the random little t-shirts you can get from like TK Maxx. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:13 What is the deal behind those? When you see one where it's like, Spotswood Young Men's Athletic Association, Indiana 98, go Bulldogs. And you're like, what the, is this real? And so we know you've made, you made this to sell here in the UK. So have you made a boating club up? Or is this a real one?
Starting point is 00:01:36 Yeah. Am I expected to have heard of the boating club? Were they famous for their polo shirts and and and was so sick they branched out and selling just polo shirts to people who weren't even members is that how this brand started i don't understand i don't understand was there a year when we when everyone was into like you boating was there a year when boating was widespread and everyone did it? I don't understand how those shirts get made, and I don't understand how TK Maxx gets a hold of one of them. Yeah, TK Maxx is...
Starting point is 00:02:19 It's like someone turned a junk shop into a chain yeah it's like a rag and bone man became a millionaire and made and created an empire of rag and bone shops the across the country tk maxx doesn't sell more than one of any item and you have to just be lucky that like i remember when we were at uni i went to tk max and i bought a pair of d black diesel boots slash trainers and i've not i didn't see another pair in the shop of any size and i've not seen a sink that shoe ever again since i think that part of the reason it works as a chain is exactly that sort of semi semi real semi-artificial scarcity because the high you get from being like i did it i got the one felt bowl in in t i got it the last bowl made completely a felt
Starting point is 00:03:33 i got it it was the only one in the tk max cambridge and i got it i got the last heavy woolen dark blue blazer with a lotus flower pattern lining in the world. Possibly the only one ever made. Possibly the only one ever made. Is it cut for someone with a huge beer belly? Yeah!
Starting point is 00:04:00 It's such a weird... Weird shot. And you know what I don't understand about retail yeah which is something i have to confront every day of my goddamn life um one of the many things i don't understand about retail is what makes one shop fail while a seemingly identical or similar shop doesn't. Like, why has Debenhams failed, but TK Maxx has held on? It doesn't make any sense to me.
Starting point is 00:04:32 Yeah, I don't get that either. Because as you say, Debenhams is this huge chain in the UK and has this long history behind it. And everyone has sort of vaguely affectionate things to say about it. Whereas TK Maxx sells random shoes and stuff by the counter, like Himalayan sea salt. That seems to always be by the counter. That's right.
Starting point is 00:04:56 Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's like WHS became a teenager. So it's not like sweets at the counter, but like tattoos and piercings. Yeah, that's it. Do you know how old... I pulled this fact up when I was on Have I Got News For You recently.
Starting point is 00:05:16 But Debenhams, when the first... The same year the first Debenhams shop was opened in London, Captain Cook, was it James Cook, Captain Cook, was it James Cook, landed on Hawaii. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:05:32 So the first, it was the first Debenhams was opened the same time the first ever European landed on Hawaii. The first time Hawaii became like part of the Western consciousness, Debenhams opened their shop.
Starting point is 00:05:47 Do you think they managed to get the announcement out to Captain Cook? The Debenhams was open. Yeah, that's the only reason he left Hawaii. That's the only reason he left. Why, beautiful people, as many coconuts as I want, the most beautiful vistas the world has to offer, why, beautiful people As many coconuts as I want The most beautiful vistas The world has to offer Why would I ever leave?
Starting point is 00:06:10 Captain, they've just opened A huge shop in London Where you can buy jumpers and folders And And make-up And that's kind of it, actually And he went, bye Jove
Starting point is 00:06:24 I'll have to go Sorry, Umhataway And that's kind of it, actually. And he went, bye, Jove. I'll have to go. Sorry, Umhataway. But my country calls. He turned to King, I think it's Kamehame, isn't it? Kamehame or Kamehameha? Yeah, it's the street fighter move. Yeah, he turned to him and he said, do you have an in-store burger chain?
Starting point is 00:06:51 And the guy, he said some stuff in Hawaiian, and Captain Cook just waved his hand and went, I'm out of here. You guys carry on the colonizing and murdering without me. Yeah. There aren't nearly enough shirts here that are simultaneously fun and adult i can't get a i can't get a light pink pinstripe here
Starting point is 00:07:13 for god's sake yeah i forgot it's called kamehameha kamehameha yeah i i do remember I forgot it's called Kamehameha. Yeah. I do remember reading that somewhere and thinking, what made someone find that out and think, that sounds like some kind of shooting force out of your hands. Was it named directly after him? Well, I mean, what are the odds they just made that up and it sounds exactly like him?
Starting point is 00:07:40 I would say high. Really? I would say there's a high probability that if you just came up with a bunch of uh syllables someone in the past has been called that that's true and to be fair kamehameha is all very sort of like ah it's all very like attack soundy isn't it that's right it's like a war cry yeah whereas if you picked random syllables for something that shoots like a beam of pure energy out of your hands you wouldn't choose floopy floopy floop oh wait kamehameha is from dragon ball not street fighter yeah yeah yeah but they
Starting point is 00:08:19 do say it in street fighter don't they as well oh do they, do they? I'm just getting Goku here. Oh, no, that's because I've searched Kamehameha Goku. Street Fighter. It's definitely in... Yeah, it is also Kamehameha, yeah. Oh, no, Hadouken, that's it. Street Fighter is Hadouken. Hadouken. When is Kamehameha?
Starting point is 00:08:40 What? Yeah, this is... Oh, now, where has this article been my whole life? From 2009. So, what came first? Hadouken or Kamehameha? Yeah, this is... Oh, now, where has this article been my whole life? From 2009. So what came first? Hadouken or Kamehameha? Oh, hold on to your hats, folks. Oh, it's not an article. It's like a chat room, obviously.
Starting point is 00:09:00 It's just a bunch of people misspelling words and using way too many old-school message board emotes when they're being rude to each other No, it's just one of these nerdy ones where everyone's just very genuine and just trying to answer the question and actually trying to be helpful Do you know what, sometimes I find these kind of message
Starting point is 00:09:20 board posts from the dying days of message boards and you'll see that like someone's posted the query that i'm asking you know something about photoshop or or oh this thing doesn't work or whatever and then one of the replies will be from a guy who's like a sort of legend legendary figure on the message board yeah he's got like the equivalent of like generals medals yes yes for like wire fixer
Starting point is 00:09:51 dot org and he's got like five stars and like trusted contributor or something and if it's like a fun forum it'll be like legendary member and he's got like emerald diamond like pixel gifs all over his thing and like yeah you expect him to have like
Starting point is 00:10:11 one eye that's completely whited out and with like a scar going across it and he walks with a cane yeah and then on his profile like under his picture, it'll be like 82 million upvotes or posts. And you're just like, Jesus Christ. This guy knows. Is this all you do? This is all. And then, yeah, and his little message board post signature will have a kind of ruby border or something. Sparkling.
Starting point is 00:10:40 And my question, whenever I see those guys posting and their little profiles is what happened to you because they're always like that no one uses message boards anymore or at least not to the same extent they did and i always look at those guys profiles and think this was clearly your life. It was. It was. And I'm so glad they did because now it's like unearthing ancient dwarven textbooks or something. It's like all these questions I have about my computer. I look up and someone in 2007 answered a question on a forum somewhere
Starting point is 00:11:24 and who knows where they are now if they're alive, what they're doing but I'm glad they wrote this down It's funny isn't it, what will happen if in like 2050 everyone's like look we can't keep storing the whole internet, we have to at least delete the porn
Starting point is 00:11:39 at least the porn from pre-2030 we can't, it's too much okay so here i'm on an anime uh forum and it seems wash your hands what wash your hands why i'm just implying it's full of dirty masturbators oh right right oh no i'm clearing my history straight after this um just in case it's it's like medusa don't look too closely at any of the anime phil or you'll become a weeb um and it looks like i was right it is a complete coincidence really in yes in japanese kamehameha means turtle destruction wave.
Starting point is 00:12:25 I don't know why turtle. Beg your pardon? Turtle destruction wave. Isn't that just how Shera Cole would say total destruction wave? It's a turtle destruction wave pit. I mean, turtle destruction wave. Where is Geordie Dragon Ball where is it
Starting point is 00:12:47 I want it now I'll read man how way that's freezer wait wait wait Dragon Ball Vita Zane pet there's something there
Starting point is 00:13:13 oh wait wait wait oh okay actually I think I know the name it was Kame right so actually you're actually a bit right. So the Kame is the... Right, right, right. So Kame is the attack,
Starting point is 00:13:33 the type of attack that the Kamehameha is. And the creator of Dragon Ball, who I think is Akira Toriyama, asked his wife, who came up with the the name she told akira that it would be easy to remember the name of the attack if he uses the name of a cultural hawaiian king named and in hawaiian it means the very lonely one or the one set apart oh yeah poor what a sad name for a king yeah that's not a name for a king that's a that's a name for a kind of um that's the name for an album by uh some very boyish young men with
Starting point is 00:14:14 eyeliner and floppy hair that got released in about 2006 the very lonely one yeah yeah Or it's like a superhero from an Alan Moore Book Yeah Yeah So depressing Even Alan Moore was like I've got to delete this People can't cope So in the most
Starting point is 00:14:39 Satisfactory of all outcomes It seems Pierre we are both a bit right Yes It does mean some kind of destruction wave in japanese and also the name of hawaiian king i imagine that's where turtle comes from in the japanese translation and that's just an unfortunate random bit of translating the hawaiian king name kamehameha it's amazing isn't it that even when japanese is in japanese it still has baffling sections of randomness to it.
Starting point is 00:15:11 Do you think... I guess that's what happens with Japanese a lot, right? Because if you have a syllabic language, there are only so many consonants and vowels. That's true, but... I mean, it's certainly more the case for mandarin because in in japanese you can you can link syllables together to create a word which is broadly similar to english yeah but in chinese it's very strictly one word is one syllable and there are only so many to go around.
Starting point is 00:15:48 Oh yeah. Mandarin is a bit more like German in that sense in that you just have a set number of words and you have to link words together if there's something new has come about that you don't have the word for. That's how in Chinese you end up with words like business goose for penguin. Is that true, though?
Starting point is 00:16:11 I thought that wasn't true. It's like I looked up the definition as like enterprise goose. It's something of that ilk. That explains why every now and then, in the before time, when things were allowed, you and I would go to a Chinese eatery, and I would ask you to dredge up some of your long-lost Mandarin alphabet knowledge for parts of the menu. But then it was always so interesting to me
Starting point is 00:16:45 that every now and then there'd be something where you could read what the thing was, but you still had no way of discerning what it was. Well, I'd probably be able to read three of the words and it'd be like, fried stones pot. What's fried stones? They've definitely not fried some stones.
Starting point is 00:17:09 So is there some sort of crustacean in there that looks like a stone? Yeah, it would always be something like green reversed beef. We'd sit there and be like, reverse beef? But it's beef in reverse. Feeb.
Starting point is 00:17:40 Speaking of reverse beef, how was your Christmas Day lunch? So some delicious feeb feeb roast it was fine it was fine I had already I had already before we were put into tier 4 I'd already evacuated whoa that's how afraid I was of coronavirus I'd already evacuated so I was I was managed to be with some family at
Starting point is 00:18:06 least yeah there's a funny thing but um your friend and mine uh george four acres uh the comedian and actor uh was in uh tier two which then became tier three which then became tier four all within like a week or something and he felt he said a curious guilt even though he'd done nothing wrong because he was already there and i know what he means you do feel like uh you've slipped under the the thing indiana jones style you know yeah it's a kind of survivor's guilt quickly quickly grabbing your mask instead of like Indiana Jones. Yeah. Yeah. How about you? Yeah, it was nice.
Starting point is 00:18:50 Just me and my sister at home. We just had some... We had some roast duck legs, which was really delish. Just really simple meal. Like, the first time I can... The first Christmas lunch i can ever remember where there were no leftovers like we made exactly the amount that we needed for that day and there was nothing left over there's like a couple of beans left but there isn't a mountain of turkey or
Starting point is 00:19:17 mountain of brussels sprouts or anything we just made what we needed and there was a yeah there was a a real satisfaction to that um especially when like i got sent photos of like friends who like had an entire turkey between three people it's like well what do you need to do that for i i went down to the uh i went to the butchers on uh was it christmas eve like early in the morning on christ Eve. Just to see if we could get, or maybe even the 23rd, to see if we could get a full duck. Because I thought, ah, that's about a responsible size of bird
Starting point is 00:19:51 to have between two. And I got there, and the cue out of this butcher was, I'd never seen anything like it, man. Really? Oh, it just went, it snaked and snaked and went around, went down the street and then curled around
Starting point is 00:20:04 and came back up it and went off a side road um and i just i just took a video sent it back to my sisters like we'll just have the legs and i just walked home a friend of mine what was more committed she went early in the morning like early in the morning to her butchers and even then she was in the queue for two and a half hours. Two and a half hours? Two and a half hours queuing outside. And at the end, she got a chicken. She got a chicken.
Starting point is 00:20:39 A chicken? Yeah. Presumably that's not what she had dreamt of. I can't bring myself to press her on that i presume it wasn't but i have to be supportive and say well well done good i mean to be fair to even like we couldn't see we can see chickens in our in our supermarket either like a full chicken they were gone yeah i mean it's it's a funny thing of like how can they it doesn't the shortages thing just seems insane because were there really that many chickens on those lorries you know actually i guess it's kind of like that every year everyone does just go fucking ape shit don't they
Starting point is 00:21:21 that's true it's usually hard to People usually have to book your turkeys. But I think what's happened in London because of the timing of the new restrictions is that... I don't think London usually stocks for that many Christmas birds because so many people leave London for that. Ah, yes. Whereas suddenly this year... And then countrywide, it was the case that people assumed Christmas was going ahead late enough that all these families bought a full Christmas dinner and then found out that they couldn't. So then the people left over in London bought, as it were, a second round of Christmas supplies.
Starting point is 00:21:59 A Christmas dinner for the road. And so, you know, but we got out of it fine that's true yes i i often wonder about that i because in my head the only way the shortages make sense if there's some mental family out there where someone's just gone well we'll need a turkey for for most of the days right each every day a new turkey yeah every day a new beast is unveiled. How did the turkey end up being... Because that's an America bird. That's an American bird, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:31 I think it's another one of the sort of late Victorian things. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, because he gets a turkey in A Christmas Carol, right? Or is it a goose? If it's a turkey or a goose, but they definitely... I think it's because turkeys fatten up so nicely and are so big and breasty.
Starting point is 00:22:53 So I think they were sort of well known as these giant, ludicrously easy to fatten up birds. Even in the Victorian era, people were just like, bloody hell. Yeah. God, can you imagine how lucky you felt when you when you when you just discovered america well discovered in inverted commas but discovered
Starting point is 00:23:14 america and you're like hmm i hope this place can sustain me and just balls of meat are wandering around the forest and they're incredibly easy to kill they're really dumb and they're slow and they're easy to hit and they're full of meat yeah um yeah well that's well they the settlers originally ate so much corn that they didn't have any uh some chemical that you need dextrin or something, that you can't get if you just eat corn. You have strokes and dementia and you go mad. Ooh.
Starting point is 00:23:53 The early settlers didn't know how to cultivate stuff in their terrain. They had some weirdly... Which to me is weird because it's like, well, aren't you already fucking farmers? What's the... Were they farmers or were're just religious nutcases i had to like pick up farming skills as they went yeah but in those days in my in my head it's like well
Starting point is 00:24:14 what were you if not a farmer you're not a you're not a graphic designer like maybe this maybe society had reached enough an advanced enough stage of specialization that you could just be a churner Like you just churned butter, but further up the chain you were useless
Starting point is 00:24:35 Well, if anyone needs me to wank them off, I have the skills, but otherwise Handouts of corn I'm trying to look this up the story of Jamestown is horrific Jamestown? yeah the first sort of major settlement in the north
Starting point is 00:24:58 where we'd call the United States like 1601 or something maybe earlier well they went nuts because they just ate too much corn well they had this weird corn thing happening and they also oh god yeah they dismembered and cannibalized a 14 year old girl they've just found they found a grave with that on oh yeah i'm just saying that they're starving and under siege and freezing cold and yeah yeah it's the same reason i'd never get the new playstation straight away it's like let other people figure out the kinks
Starting point is 00:25:34 in in this new world and then i'll come in when things are smoothed over i would have had i think the same approach to america if you well you know they're like oh phil wow you know they discovered this new place it's bigger than anything we've ever known and it's just full of balls of meat that are easy to kill you should come and i'll be like um i'm gonna wait it out and then jamestown happened which is sort of like their cyberpunk 2077 and i can't see i was right because there's obviously some things here that need to be fixed some bugs yeah well this is it so i'm just coming back when they when they released the america slim yeah yeah yeah yeah the bug fix for America I think that's probably the next stage of
Starting point is 00:26:28 turn America off and on again yeah is there a patch due on America soon? let's start that I was just thinking exactly that can't wait for the developers to put a fix in for this one.
Starting point is 00:26:50 This newer version of America's got a lot of bugs in it. Looking out for the update. Could the devs nerf the power of racism in America, please? Could we nerf the power of racism in america please could we nerf that you know currently white supremacists are a bit overpowered um it's actually not very balanced game could we nerf them and maybe buff democracy yeah what's nerf nerf is when you like let's say that you're you've got, like, Call of Duty or whatever. If a gun is too powerful, they release a patch that nerfs it, so it makes it more like a nerf gun. Ah. So it reduces the power, and buffing is increasing.
Starting point is 00:27:37 Right, right, right, right, right. That's the irony, Phil. I make these jokes, and I know exactly what the terms mean. Yes, but yeah, but you're a professional gamer. That makes sense. They say you're not a professional gamer until you either have diabetes or RSI on the wrist. Speaking of online gaming,
Starting point is 00:28:04 I've been really getting into my chess Yes I want to give a shout out to Podbud Gabriel Who's been giving me a lot of Chess tips And been helping me improve My technique
Starting point is 00:28:19 So thanks Gabriel Nice He's been real great Been teaching me some of the basics Show me the ropes What's the most mind bending Thing That he's taught you
Starting point is 00:28:33 The most mind bending Thing Uh Like The value of damaging your opponent's pawn structure and also preserving your own pawn structure. Yeah. So, for instance, and I'm reticent to be saying this to you, Pierre,
Starting point is 00:28:59 as we're always playing a game. So, say you think about swapping a bishop for a bishop it's worth it if if if by doing so your opponent has to like move a pawn in front of another of his other pawns because you want to avoid double pawns because they get in each other's way double pawns being when there's one pawn directly in front of another instead of next to it yeah you don't want you don't want um double double pawns being when there's one pawn directly in front of another instead of next to it. Yeah, you don't want double pawns is too much pawns. It's too much pawns.
Starting point is 00:29:33 You're getting addicted to pawns. You're not going to be able to enjoy real life if you're so obsessed with pawns. Yeah, I've been spending too much time recently on online pawnns. I've been looking at online porns a lot recently. Yeah, and that's not a lie. A lot of online porns. Look, the main thing that you've got to teach your kids when they look at porns is that that's not what real people look like.
Starting point is 00:30:10 If you show them two pawns, you know, a pawn takes a bishop. That's not how it works. You know what I've always wondered and would love to know is the history of the imagery in chess pieces. Like, only the knight looks anything like what it's supposed to be. He looks like a horse. And the queen and the king, I guess you could say those are crowns on top. Okay, I guess all I'm...
Starting point is 00:30:39 And actually the rook looks like a... I guess all I'm asking is why does a bishop look like a circumcised penis? looks like a car i guess all i'm asking is why does a bishop look like a circumcised penis well i mean the the whole game comes from uh like india slash the persian empire right so it must have been like some other thing and we just went some medieval guy just went oh that's a bishop i reckon right right right who else would be next to a king? Because they're famous for their combat prowess. Yeah, very few, although very few, but not none, not no bishops throughout history known for their combat prowess, but very few.
Starting point is 00:31:15 Yeah, how cool to be a battle bishop. A war bishop. A warbish. Yes, a warbish. The bishop pieces look like a big pope hat at the top. That looks a bit, a warbish. I guess the bishop pieces look like a big pope hat at the top. That looks a bit like a pope hat. It definitely resembles a kind of mitre of some kind. Yeah, a little popey bishop hat.
Starting point is 00:31:36 That's right, that's right. Yeah, it's interesting that... I looked up where checkmate comes from okay it's because chess was originally Australian yes it was invented by an Australian and he had to send it around the world because
Starting point is 00:31:58 every time he tried to explain how to play chess to one of his friends when they were out they got the bill and left. That's what their friends would say every time he'd go, this new board game I'm working on. And they'd go, checkmate. And then they'd just leave. They'd pay.
Starting point is 00:32:18 And they'd flee. um but apparently so uh it's a corruption of sheikh mart and sheikh as in the king and mart apparently in in farsi or i don't know persian whatever the language was i can't remember is dead so sheikh mart it means the king is dead oh sheikh mart and do you think is there some sort of um Indo what's that main language
Starting point is 00:32:51 of families that basically comes out of the middle of Eurasia Indo-Aryan? hmm can't say Aryan anymore Pierre
Starting point is 00:33:00 on podcast I'm afraid um but do you think that Maat has anything to do with mort oh now you're telling me now you're telling me some interesting things let's see shake mart i like that shake mart so the king's dead check let's see etymology
Starting point is 00:33:18 uh oh yeah okay so an alteration of the Persian phrase shah mat, which is the king is helpless. I like that. That's a lot more dramatic. The king is helpless. The king is helpless. Others maintain that the king is dead because it came through Arabic and mata means died or dead.
Starting point is 00:33:41 The lonely king is helpless. The lonely, soulless king is helpless. The lonely king is helpless and dead. Sorry, you were saying? It's all, there's all sorts of tedious debates. Sheikh Maat. Yes, there's a debate as to whether it's the Arabic
Starting point is 00:34:01 version or the Persian version, but it's the same thing. Right. In modern Arabic, the word mat or mate depicts a person who has died open-mouthed, staring, or confused or unresponsive. The word stupefied or stunned bear close correlation. That's a very specific definition for such a short word. Yeah. Mat. Mat.
Starting point is 00:34:22 Definition for such a short word Yeah Mat So a possible alternative would be to interpret Mate or mat as unable to respond A king is mate or sheikh mate When the king is Unable to respond Okay that makes sense
Starting point is 00:34:36 It makes sense from every goddamn angle Yes Yes Much like a helpless king it is being attacked from many different angles at once it's um before about 1600
Starting point is 00:34:56 chess could also be won by capturing all of the opponent's pieces leaving a bare king this style of play is now called annihilation or rubado I like that rubado okay rubado rubado annihilation chess rubado would be a very fun thing to yell as you punch someone who's not looking in the side of the head rubado as you just sucker punch someone who's not looking at you they're busy doing Roboto!
Starting point is 00:35:25 As you just sucker punch someone who's not looking at you They're busy doing something else There are some really great terms in chess Vienchetto What? That sounds delicious sounding Vienchetto is when you get It's when you get one of your bishops on the longest diagonal
Starting point is 00:35:44 So the one that goes across the entire half of the board. Ooh, I had a Vienchetto on Christmas Day. Yes. That's the one that comes in three flavors, right? Yes, yeah. There's a lot. There's a, yeah, I've been getting, I've been going full Queen's Gambit into it.
Starting point is 00:36:04 I think the most disgusting term from chess is a Dutch opening. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I haven't had a Dutch opening like that since the 80s. I saw a thing on the shelf in tesco today that i've seen before but it it sort of reminded me i i was freshly disgusted with it it was as if i'd never seen it before freshly right right right okay as if as if it was the first time you'd seen this. Yeah, I was disgusted anew. And I would love to have a serious conversation with whoever named this product, but you can buy, to heat up in your oven and serve as a sort of snack at a party from Tesco,
Starting point is 00:37:03 something called chicken lollipops. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I've heard of lamb lollipops, but those are natural. That's because of the shape of the bone, right? Yeah, I think that's a sort of tender, roundy little bit.
Starting point is 00:37:19 But a chicken lollipop, that's a satay, isn't it? That's chicken satay. No, these are like little breadcrumbed and stuff. It's like oven food. But it's on a stick. Yeah. Just call it chicken on a stick.
Starting point is 00:37:37 The thing about lollipop makes it sound like you're supposed to cook it and then suck on it and lick it and be flirty with it. I also don't like it because it implies to me that the chicken is sort of raw or yeah i have to sort of lick it i have to erode the chicken slowly yeah raw and cold and glassy chicken lollipops i mean it's a disgusting combination of words it's a really terrible bit of naming. It's really terrible. Even just like chicken pops or something would be better. Chicken pops is a bit better. Yeah, and you're supposed to get chicken pops when you're young.
Starting point is 00:38:29 And if you don't, you have to get much worse chicken when you're older. You're in danger of getting much worse chicken when you're older. Yeah, and that's why people have those chicken pops parties. But yeah, chicken lollipop is disgusting i was trying to think of other like meat dessert combos uh that that exists no just like i was trying to think can anything be more disgusting than this lamb trifle. Oh. Yeah. Oh, no. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:39:10 Ham pudding. Ham pudding sounds like what the Victorians would call like a pig's brain. Right. Yeah, yeah, yeah. A hell of ham pudding for breakfast. You know what is the worst name for a bit of meat slash offal? It's sweet bread. Yeah. It's a double lie, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:39:32 It's not bread. And it's not sweet. It's like a gangly bit of a lamb's throat. The whole name is a prank. You like some sweet bread? Sure. Here's your sweet bread. Is that a neck?
Starting point is 00:39:51 Horrible. I thought you were getting some brioche and then there's a fucking cow's neck on your plate. Have you eaten much brain? Have you eaten much brain have you eaten much brain have I eaten have I eaten much brain
Starting point is 00:40:10 have you ever eaten brain no I've had I've had it's called brawn I had um fried lamb I think lamb brawn
Starting point is 00:40:19 at a restaurant yeah how was that yeah nah doesn't really taste of anything special that's the thing all these things we think are gross in the no it doesn't really taste of anything special that's the thing all these things we think are gross in the end they don't really taste of anything
Starting point is 00:40:29 i mean if they were really delicious we'd all still eat them and would have been raised not to find them horrifying no exactly it yeah i mean i don't know if i said on this before but i ate crocodile and yeah you said it tasted nothing. Tasted nothing. And he's like, oh, right, yeah. Do you now... It's like a combination, it's like if squid married chicken. That's a nursery rhyme, isn't it? Yeah, the squid and the chicken.
Starting point is 00:41:00 The squid and the chicken. The squid and the chicken went to sea in a diving bell made of ham. I'm pretty sure that was it. The squid and the chicken went to sea in a diving bell made of ham. One asked the other to marry his brother, and the other to marry his ma'am. There you go. his mam.
Starting point is 00:41:24 There you go. In that story, Chicken Pops was just the chicken's father who the squid had to ask the chicken's hand for, from. Oh, God. Do you now have, after eating lamb brawn,
Starting point is 00:41:44 the memories and knowledge of the lamb? Yeah. My gambling skills have gone through the roof. Yeah, you're a gambling addict. Yes. Gamble responsibly, everyone. When the fun stops, stop Jumping around a field in spring Well that's what they say about you Phil
Starting point is 00:42:15 Is that you're as strong as a lamb He's as cunning as a lamb. No, not very much. He's got that real lamb-like cunning. Sort of man who you'd want to have your back when it comes to a gambling debt. So did you say gambling debt? No, no. You heard me.
Starting point is 00:42:44 You heard me right. I was very clear. I don't think I would eat brain. Is there another meat where we specifically eat the babies? Or is it just lamb? I do know that a lot of pork is actually from pigs that are also very, very young. It's just that pigs grow and age differently so we don't think of them as young
Starting point is 00:43:08 but in terms of number of months they're certainly very young good good good fresh yes yes young pigs young little pigs speaking of I made a
Starting point is 00:43:23 did I mention this last week that I made Young little pigs. Speaking of, did I mention this last week? That I made a pork broth. I can't remember what I said last week. I don't think you did. We were definitely discussing the broth you've been making on our WhatsApp group. Okay. Well, let's bring our WhatsApp group into the real world. Because I made me a pork
Starting point is 00:43:46 broth from scratch. Just from bones and some garlic and some salt. And my word, it's delish. And you were saying you couldn't hammer the bones. I couldn't get into them. But boiling them for long enough, they just kind of fell apart
Starting point is 00:44:04 anyway. So it got to all them little tasty nooks and crannies. They got in there. And you know you've made a proper stock when it turns into jelly in the fridge, and now it's just one single block of jelly. Nice.
Starting point is 00:44:20 Have it on toast. Ugh! They say the sweetest part of a pig is the nook Crannies are a delicacy here actually The local people they boil their crannies for flavour They should have cranny for breakfast here. They think it gives them a good start to the day. Put a couple of crannies in them. Please, you are the honoured guest.
Starting point is 00:44:57 It is tradition for you to suck the juice out of the cranny. Oh, no, no, I couldn't. I really, I couldn't, no. i couldn't i really i couldn't no i couldn't have another i couldn't have another cranny my nooks are stuffed with crannies and my crannies are stuffed with nooks how are you gonna uh see in the new year the worst evening of the whole year? The worst evening in the worst year. Yeah. Hmm.
Starting point is 00:45:33 I'm yet to find out. I have no idea. The only appropriate... Is there any parties going on? Yeah. The only appropriate tribute would be if everyone, as the year ended at midnight, just shat themselves
Starting point is 00:45:45 a brown farewell everyone just stood up saluted and filled their pants um the dutch opening that's how the dutch start their new year it's called the dutch opening to the year well that is how the dutch do it but they're blacked up when they do it Well, that is how the Dutch do it, but they're blacked up when they do it. Yeah, there have been a few campaigns over recent years to end it, but most Dutch people just don't see what the big problem is. Look, Dutch people really love svartpoep. Oh, actually.
Starting point is 00:46:23 Yeah? And I'm looking at it now. Is it in Catalonia? In Spain? They have the Christmas figurine of someone pooping. We got... Oh, it's like a long time ago. Bud Pod, like in the teens, maybe. Someone said it should be our mascot.
Starting point is 00:46:41 That's right. I've got a Batman one. A Kaganer. Is that what it's called? Yeah. K's right. I've got a Batman one. A Cagana. Is that what it's called? Yeah. Caganer. Spanish Christmas pooing. A little poopy man.
Starting point is 00:46:53 A little poopy man who wants independence from Spain. The strangest Catalan Christmas traditions. Yeah, it is Catalan. Why do Catalan Christmas traditions involve poo? Put another log on the fire. It's Catalan Christmas. Is there an answer?
Starting point is 00:47:15 Why do they involve poo? I've not found it. Maybe we should promote the podcast in Catalonia. Yeah, they're obviously our audience. Our gente. Apparently in Catalonia they have another one that's like a log, an actual log. A shit log. It's a huge dump.
Starting point is 00:47:38 Yeah, it's a bunch of logs. They're shit obsessed there in Catalonia. It would be great if Budpod became so popular in Catalonia. It would be great if Budpod became so popular in Catalonia that we were asked to become sort of British supporters of their independence drive. We'd start to see our faces being carried on signs and things.
Starting point is 00:47:56 I was just thinking that. Imagine being so proud of your Christmas poop tradition that you demand separation from the rest of Spain. They're just lifting our faces up and down, chanting, La podcast de mierda. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:19 Libertad para Catalonia. Escutar el Budpod. They make figurines of us pooping. Yeah. And like this huge papier-mâché floats. Yes, yes. And it's just us, like these huge figurines of us just smiling, going through these crowds. Yeah, walking in that kind of horrible mascot way
Starting point is 00:48:48 Koji Koji Koji Koji Koji Koji keep on yacking it what would that even be hasn't someone sent us that Keep on yacking it.
Starting point is 00:49:06 What would that even be? Hasn't someone sent us that Continuar al... Al... Jacar? I can't remember. Should keep a spreadsheet of all the different ways of saying it. And all the... I've only just remembered all the different ways that bread sound like farts. Yeah. Yeah, I'm still very proud of that. ways that bread sound like farts. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:25 Yeah. I'm still very proud of that. That's a classic. That's a classic. Pam. Brot is the best one. It's still my favorite. Brot.
Starting point is 00:49:34 I still really like. Nah. Nah. Man. oh boy well a very farty new year to you all listeners yes hope you have a nice new year farty yes have a good new year's farty
Starting point is 00:49:59 make sure it's a covid safe farty what do you think you're going to do I can't wait to see you end 2020 bye bye 2020 bye bye 2020 don't let the door hit your ass on the way out I'm not a big New Year's fan so I'll probably just
Starting point is 00:50:19 sit around I mean it's not very good is it even in normal mean it's not very good is it no it's even in normal times it's um it's no good it just yeah it just it's also a lot of stress it's a lot of stress and it forces you to reflect on the year in an arbitrary 365 day long chunk. There's so much pressure. There's more pressure to have a good time on New Year's Eve than on your own fucking birthday.
Starting point is 00:50:52 Multiplied by everyone. Yeah. It's everyone's birthday and it's chaos. Everyone desperate to have a better time than on their birthday on the same night it's like one of those ways that they make hell sound initially appealing
Starting point is 00:51:12 and then ruin it in hell every day is your birthday but so is everyone else's yeah as the old saying goes hell is other birthdays hell is other birthdays and having to come to terms with that
Starting point is 00:51:36 you're going to have to spend the month of January living like a monk to undo what you've done to yourself which is my plan I'm going to live like fucking Rasputin what you've done to yourself. Which is my plan. I'm going to live like fucking Rasputin. I'm just going to eat poison cakes and swim in frozen rivers. Oh, I've just found that
Starting point is 00:51:52 Hell is Other People is also a Korean psychological thriller on Netflix. That sounds good. That's your evening sorted? It sure is. Jean-Paul Sartre, apparently, said Hell is other people.
Starting point is 00:52:10 Although this says hell is other people, dot, dot, dot, misquoting philosophers. It says one of these, is it? That's not actually. Oh. It's a well actually. Hmm. Hmm. I can't be arsed with a well actually right now. It's still a good phrase.
Starting point is 00:52:24 It doesn't mean the phrase doesn't make sense. That's true. That's true. Right. Well, I guess, listeners, we will see you in 2021. Yeah. When all this will finally be over. Yep.
Starting point is 00:52:39 There'll be no more problems at all. Because this was a 2020 thing. Bye, 2020. more problems at all. Because this was a 2020 thing. Bye 2020! It is a shame though, 2020 was amazing for the New Year's Eve glasses industry. Because it had two... When are we going to have two holes like that again?
Starting point is 00:52:58 Well, 2030. That was going to be ages away. When? Yeah, those guys who sell those glasses They play a long game They do We need to get some scientists onto this When are we going to have another two zeros
Starting point is 00:53:14 In the year Yeah I wouldn't have wanted to be responsible For the party glasses in the year 1111. What a fucking nightmare. An 8888 will be spoiled for choice. Oh my... Forget about it.
Starting point is 00:53:39 Can you believe... Yeah. An 8888, a spider could wear a pair. Gosh. I wonder if there will be an 8888. As in one, you know, recorded by human beings. Yeah, I mean... Yeah, we've done all right so far, but I don't know.
Starting point is 00:54:07 But our existence has been but a blink of the eye in the grand scheme of time. That's it. Like all those things where they go, if the whole world was a day, humans would be, dinosaurs would have died at 11 o'clock
Starting point is 00:54:20 and that whole thing. Yeah. Yeah. And. Yeah. And it's just, it's another one of those things that initially impresses you. And then it just condenses everything to the point of meaninglessness. Yeah. At the end,
Starting point is 00:54:33 you just go, Oh, well then what's the point of anything? What's the point of anything, including this fact? Yeah. Yeah. If you knew this fact,
Starting point is 00:54:42 you shouldn't have told me this fact. Yeah. If you knew this fact, you shouldn't have told me this fact. Yeah. But it is comforting to think that 2020 was merely a blink within a blink. Maybe that's what people talk about in those terms. Yes, everyone have a great New Year's party and a safe New Year's Eve and much love and prosperity. Crappy poo smears.
Starting point is 00:55:14 Crappy poo smear. How could I forget? Crappy poo smear. Crappy poo smear. Crappy poo smear for everyone and to all a poo fight. A pooed fight. A food... I don't know.
Starting point is 00:55:29 Yes, Cody everyone, bye! Bye!

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