Call Her Daddy - 42- Let Him Watch Porn
Episode Date: July 3, 2019This week, the Fathers are discussing the highly anticipated porn debate-should your man be allowed to watch it? Uhhhhhh, duh. Strip clubs, massage parlors, boys nights, you name it, the girls are tal...king about it and get ready for a reality check. Also, presenting two new sex moves that will have men celebrating WAY more than just their independence this 4th of July. Introducing, the Superman and Glory Tit Shot (tits want facials too)! Last but not least, there is something extremely sexy you can be doing on both twitter AND tumbler to spice shit up. Tune in, daddies.
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do you call him daddy do i call her daddy call her daddy
hey guys it's alexandra cooper back hey guys hey guys it's sophia franklin
we just i kind of did i feel like you sounded like me.
Yeah, that's not.
We just did reverse.
We're like annoying in different ways.
Yeah, we are.
Like one's loud, obnoxious.
One's like stupid and slow.
I actually, I think I'd rather be loud and obnoxious.
You're lucky.
Oh, okay.
I actually read something on the internet today and they said every time Sophia speaks,
she sounds like she's asking a question.
Oh, sweetheart.
I've been dealing with that my whole life.
Guys, we're at the ripe age of seven years old.
Seven years old.
I'm excited.
I'm nervous.
No, I'm just kidding.
I'm not fucking nervous.
I'm a little nervous.
For what?
I think I'm nervous just for the thing that we're about to tell everybody guys we've got a
mission not nervous just embarrassed we've we've got something we got some news bitches operation
get the girls to the hamptons get the call her daddy girls to the hamptons all right let's tell
them we actually talked about this in another episode if you live in new york the cool thing to do is spend your summers in the hampton
just chilling by the beach rich and fabulous montage yeah not us not us no we were invited
to go to the hampton we were and alex and i were like all right so let's what's the best way to get
there there is this thing called blade for those of you who don't know what it is you take a heli short for
helicopter helicopter you can take it from manhattan to go to the hamptons so we've seen a
bunch of people on instagram posting about it and i was like oh alex like let's use our influencer
influenza status and see if we can reach out to them and see if they would like you know hook it
up hook it up like now that i'm saying it, it's so embarrassing.
The fact that we thought that they would hook it up for us.
What are we doing?
So I reached out to them.
I DM them.
And you know, Alex and I had every intention of, you know, just purchasing a blade ticket.
And when we went to checkout and our checkout cart said $2,000 and 870 cents.
Did I say 870 cents?
$2,000 and 70 cents.
We were like, okay, let's reach out to them and see if they can hook it up.
Because obviously we could definitely afford the...
I'm just kidding.
That's literally more than I could ever pay.
So no.
So we reached out to them.
We DMed them.
Alex, can you pull up your phone and read to them?
So Alex gets on Call Her Daddy.
And my personal.
And your personal.
And reaches out to Blade and DM's them.
And is like, hey, could you give us a flight to the Hamptons?
And we'll give you some promotion, give you a shout out on our Instagram page.
And what did they say, Alex?
They literally just respond and go, we don't unfortunately period period literally not like hey like thanks so much for like hi we don't unfortunately oh so embarrassing oh okay well
not even like oh girls like you know love what you're doing like nothing they're like we don't want to be associated with you please leave us alone dude they're like we actually have billionaires willing
to pay full price we're like guys and we're like really you don't want a little shout out on
instagram they're like no we actually don't i just wanted to be like oh like we're just trying to
trade in wheels for wings you know and they're
like okay that's great yeah do you have the money and we're like that's not the point the point
isn't the money guys it's the we'll do a collab for you you give us the wings we'll give you the
post and they're like we don't want your post no more wheels just wings it's the slogan they're
like we don't need your help we have billionaires that literally have paid months in advance.
We're like, but the billionaires don't have what we've got.
They're like, what do you have?
They're like, they have money.
And that's what we want to fly.
We're like, but money isn't always.
They're like, please stop.
We're like, the jitney is overrated.
Blade is the new thing.
They're like, we know.
Pay up or get the fuck out of our face.
We're like, Blade, you'll rue the day.
You don't fly the cone, daddy girls.
Fuck you.
Why am I talking like that?
For some reason, if you go to the Hamptons, you've got to talk like an old time croony.
I don't even know.
I don't know.
And they put like their sweaters over their shoulders.
Hello, dear. Okay, we're done, Alex. we're so annoyed anyways at blade at blade that's what you guys
are gonna do you are going to go to fly blades instagram harass the fuck out of that guys comment
on i don't know if they have posts but comment on their last post and be like fly to call her
daddy girls to the hamptons that is the girls to the hamptons get the call her daddy girls to the hamptons oh my god so embarrassing dude i
know anyways that's kind of awkward um also side note i have a theory okay which is one of my
sophia theories men get extremely horny after they fly okay so do you want to explain where you got that idea i've just noticed
it from guys you've noticed it because men walk out of the airport with ginormous boners
every time i get off the airplane i have guys swinging their dicks at me but oh classic no no
i talked to this guy and he told me every single time that a flight lands he has like a huge boner and like he's horny for like the next few hours.
Oh, my God.
He said something about the air pressure.
Someone write in.
I really think this is a thing.
All right, sweetheart, wifey, my confidant, my partner.
We've got to address this.
And it's a big one.
So a daddy gang member wrote in and she asked what are your thoughts on
boyfriends watching porn should i be offended what do i do i mean we fucking answered this
one before but i'm gonna read it until every time someone asks this i'm just gonna keep reiterating
so you know actually sophia you're actually about to convulse over there sophia's breathing heavy
why don't you answer sophia is it cheating if your boyfriend watches porn um that's totally fine if you don't want him to watch porn he will just end
up coming inside of a two-cent hooker on the side of broadway and 27th street on a Wednesday morning when he's so sexually frustrated and has so much pent up sexual frustration that he just had to blow a load inside of a prostitute before his work shift because you wouldn't allow him to watch porn.
OK, or or or he's just going to lie to you about it and do it behind your back.
Like, is that what you want?
Is that what you want, Mikayla?
My real advice is maybe you should try watching porn.
You might enjoy yourself.
Dude, what the fuck?
There's porn for everybody.
Watch a little girl on girl.
It's hot.
Oh, yeah.
Someone actually wrote in and asked, like, is it weird that I enjoy girl on girl porn?
No, not at all.
That's so normal.
That's a go-to for straight women.
That's a goat girls
yeah if you are upset about your boyfriend watching porn you need to fucking grow a larger
pussy no you just need to grow up oh yeah that too not even grow pussy just grow up just grow up
yeah my little two cents to every girl listening out there listen i support you guys i love you
guys but you guys gotta fucking reel it in with how far up your boyfriend's
asshole that you are you're getting entangled in their asshole hair i don't think a guy i don't
think a guy has ever asked a girl what she's doing when she's masturbating wait babe are you watching
porn why are you watching porn his dick is bigger than my fuck no he's like holy that's yeah there
we go that was my point i'm like alex
that's such a good point i'm like i know right that was amazing i i think it's true no guy is
like stop watching porn he's like babe send me what porn you watch yeah girls if you have to
understand that the more accepting you are of the sexual shit with your boyfriend the more open he's
gonna be and the less shady he's gonna be be. So stop pushing him away and repressing him
and be like,
don't watch porn.
Although, I mean,
there are those guys
that you give them three sons
and you have an open relationship
and blah, blah, blah
and they still fuck you over.
Yeah, that's fucking sex.
But listen, guys.
But I do agree with you
for the most part.
I'm not saying that porn
is like fucking health and virtue.
It's not necessarily something i don't i think
sometimes porn can be unhealthy yeah yeah yeah but like to be like you can't watch a while like
unless he's addicted to porn like leave him alone yeah leave him alone let him and you start watching
porn and maybe start creating porn oh become a porn star fucking martin scorsese and then you
can have the best of both worlds.
And you'd be watching you.
There you go.
Fucking stick up.
Also, picture this, please.
You are sitting there with your boyfriend.
You guys are watching something R-rated.
Love that.
There's a sex scene.
Like a girl walks out and like her areola you can see in your face do you hurry and like
put a blanket over his eyes and you're like don't look don't look this is not okay like you like
turn to your right and his eyes are still open you're like cheater remember remember watching
movies with your parents and they'd be like okay this part close your eyes and plug your ears oh
yeah can you imagine so what is that what they have to do now?
Is that basically porn? This poor guy probably just like splooges in his pants and he's like, I have not seen
an areola since we started dating besides yours.
Yeah, dude, that's actually such a good point.
If you don't let your boyfriend watch porn, are they not allowed to watch R-rated movies?
You fucking prude.
Lots of things to think about.
Lots of things to consider.
Let's talk about some
other stuff girls should not get upset about okay alex okay things girls shouldn't get mad at their
boy club strip club strip club strip club i'm going to the strip club i'm going to so many
girls get pissed if their boyfriends go to the strip club am i crazy that that doesn't bug me
daddy gang we had you write in all the girls being like what's one thing you really hate that you're
you are not okay with your boyfriend doing and so many of them wrote and saying the strip club
why i do you would you care okay listen to this and tell me if i'm actually psycho but don't
actually answer that because i know the answer right but like listen right okay so
i would be more upset if my boyfriend checks out a girl in front of me like when we're just at like
the movies or some shit then if he goes to a strip club if i go to the strip club at least you guys
are both partaking in the same thing and you're both there to like look at her booty hole
and okay enjoy it one i enjoy it and put a dollar bill in her butt crack vagina i don't do that you
would probably get in a lot of trouble but that's kind of a good idea in the thong so i agree with
you on the i agree with you on the checking girls out i would be more upset also i think um you're saying
going to the strip club together i think we need to address just girls are not okay with their
boyfriend going alone to the strip club and right that's okay to me see because this is the thing
you're in like a structured environment they're there for that you know what's going on yes you
know and they're not being shady they're like i'm going somewhere where there's gonna be naked girls right and i'm like paying for that yeah so i think girls if you're so
insecure about your man going to the strip club like he's going there yeah for the experience
and if he gets a fucking lap dance he's not gonna leave you for the local fucking stripper i'm just
he may get a boner that's but like same thing as fucking porn so
let's talk about that because that's a whole different thing okay some girls are like i don't
even want him at the strip club some girls are like it's fine if he goes but like i do not want
him getting a lap dance so he's like paying for money and this girl's like rubbing up on his dick
fucking blow me claire i know claire is like you're not allowed to go babe and it's like you know what
claire he's gonna go to the fucking strip club he's gonna get his dick a little fucking hard
he's gonna watch fucking katrina bouncing up and down in front of him and then at the end of the
day he's gonna come home to you if you suppress him so much maybe he instead of going to the strip
club he goes to a frat party and then another cassandra is there and she's actually twerking
up and down on his dick and then she pulls him into a side room and she fucks him.
And then, oh, follow me on IG.
No stripper is like, follow me on IG.
Let's fuck.
She's spiraling.
She's spiraling.
The thing is, is I also think a strip club is like, do guys even like going to strip
clubs anymore?
I think like immature ones.
When I was younger.
And if anything, it's more of an experience.
Girls, let him go right girls let your man go
yeah exactly okay guys nights letting your boyfriend have a boys night there's a lot of
girls that are not okay with their guys going out with their guy friends and drinking without them
do people realize like you need to have a life outside of each other this is you need to be able
to like go and enjoy stuff without that why are people
acting this is the thing i want to ask everyone if you are so fucking terrified of your boyfriend
going to a party alone going to a night out with the boys going to a strip club like how insecure
are you about the relationship right dear god it's like so you don't trust him going to a bar without you
why the fuck are you with him such i mean like you might as well not trust him when he just
walks out of the house anywhere in in public 100 like what is this relationship that's weird
like you probably you look like the the mothers that have their kid on a leash yeah do you know
what i mean 100 around% You're with that
like your boyfriend.
And then oh my gosh
there's girls that are like
oh it's fine
if he has like a guy's night
but then they want him
texting her
every second of the night.
Dude we had a girl
write in from Daddy Gang
and she was like
boy's night
when he doesn't text me
and check in.
I want to understand
from your perspective
I'm really trying here girls what do you mean by him checking in? He needs to check in. He needs and check in i want to understand from your perspective i'm really trying here girls
what do you mean by him checking in because he needs to check in he needs to check in 100 if i
have a boyfriend i need updates like every once in a while but you should not make your boyfriend
be like hey babe just got my second beer feeling a little tipsy hey babe there's a girl on my right
shoulder don't worry i'm escorting myself to the left wing of the bar don't worry we're all good
coast is clear hey babe i'm peeing i'm looking down at my dick thinking about you hey babe just
like come on so you might as well fucking perioscope it or live instagram it and put your
phone up at the bar and let her watch everything come on he needs to let you know every couple
hours like he's alive like hey every five minutes no oh stop guys boys nights are fine strip clubs
are fine porn is fine what's
what drugs and alcohol oh yeah there are some girls that are like i don't like when he drinks
without me like again the insecurity level why are you and especially if you're like because he
gets too wild when he's drunk and what does he do fuck other girls when he's drunk then why are you
dating him and i get that everyone gets like a little wild sometimes like when they're partying
but like if you're in a relationship you should trust him to like not be blacking out
and fucking girls.
You probably don't need to be dating.
No, I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
What about video games?
Oh, that's one.
Someone wrote in a lot.
Dude, unless like it is a fortnight addiction and they start jacking off to whatever fortnight
character it is.
And like your tits and ass like can't get him up.
And he's like that addicted to the screen.
That's so fucking true.
If he's getting carpal tunnel and he is on the verge of getting fired from his job because
of his video game addiction, then maybe you can be upset with it.
I just think it's
kind of ridiculous because girls you have to think about it how many times has your boyfriend been
waiting to like decide where you guys are going to dinner and you're on your fucking phone double
checking what felicity's goddamn fucking birthday dinner looked like on her story on your instagram
hold on on instagram and your boyfriend wants to kill you same thing with fucking fortnight
everyone needs to relax every massage parlors let your man get a little rub and tug like come on what's the what's the problem i
think everybody deserves a little one like let's all like in a little old asian woman giving a
little rub would you actually be okay with your boyfriend getting one? A handjob for, like, an older woman that's getting paid, like, $5.
I think I'd be more upset that he's, like, taking advantage of, like, this old lady who
probably doesn't want to be giving handjobs for $5.
I feel you.
But, like.
I, like, low-key wouldn't care.
Who gives a fuck?
I would be mad that he'd be exploiting, like, a 70-year-old woman.
But maybe, like, she's low-key like it because, because like if he's younger, she's like, oh, most
action I've done.
I know, but what is she getting out of like the hand job?
She gets to see a nice dick instead of her husband's wrinkly one back home.
Oh, oh, oh.
She gets off, he gets off.
We're all happy.
You know.
So I think.
I guess it depends.
It's the same thing.
If he fucking hires a prostitute, let him fucking have a good time.
I'm just kidding.
I'm just kidding.
Let him fuck her.
We sound like we're
just pro guys no fuck them fuck no fuck them but they're not allowed to do any of this they're not
kidding dude okay lock them up when we asked the daddy gang girls like what are you guys not okay
with your boyfriend doing yeah you guys had a fucking field day sophia and i in the first five
minutes were looking at all the replies.
We were like, it was so funny
because you could just tell that there were so many girls
that were fucking pissed and just scorned women.
And they would write in specifics like,
I'm not okay with him spending the night with the baby mama
just because his kid had to play soccer in Saratoga Springs
and they needed to share a
hotel we're like whoa all of you were like i thought you'd never ask holy shit and you guys
are writing paragraphs we're like oh god you guys are amped but one one of the first ones i read i
was like okay well what are you guys not okay with and this girl just wrote him breathing in the same
room as another female i'm like okay another one wrote when he fucks another girl and expects to
come home and cuddle fml i'm like hold on wait back up to the fact that you're like when he
fucks another girl and then he wants to come home and cuddle like no just like sleep there for the
night like what what um one of these one of these is the last ones i want to talk about though some
girl wrote in and said when he goes clubbing bars are fine but not to the club dude i saw a bunch of girls right why
why i guess clubbing because you're dancing and bars you're like standing around but
bullshit but bars it's easier to like converse with people oh my god guys i think if your
boyfriend's going clubbing or to the bars it's the same fucking thing my i'm having post-traumatic stress okay so my ex-boyfriend told me that he would play this
game that every single time he went to the club the wife of his best friend would grind up on him
and the game was for him to try to not get a boner.
So the wife is fucking backing it up onto his dick.
And the game is for him to not get a boner.
And you know what?
He lost every goddamn time. And he got a boner every time.
And I guess he was sure to let you know that.
This is my.
Why do you know that?
And then I put up with it.
I'm pretty sure I got off the phone call.
And I was kind of like, well, that doesn't make me feel great, but I guess it's a game.
I'm glad he was or I'm upset he was losing.
He'll win next time.
He'll win.
He'll win.
He'll win.
And meanwhile, he's on the phone with you like, babe, it's the craziest thing.
By the fifth round, I was hard again.
And you're like oh i'm like okay well um i
don't think you're supposed to get boners with other girls and i don't think you're supposed to
tell me about it he's like babe it's just a game it's just a game the things that you put up with
and then in hindsight when you look back on that relationship you're like huh what what a game
where you just do not get a boner but he gets a
boner and he's like on a six boner and he's like and then it was crazy babe i've never i got hard
like seven times and i really just wanted to fuck her by the end of it i'm like oh by the seventh
boner i was like this woman has something and you're like i'm in new york you're across the
country i'm happy this is healthy i don't think that you and i should be dating but like glad you're you're playing your games
that sounds healthy sophia i also just want to say last point i know a lot of girls wrote in
and said i'm okay with my boyfriend going out for like a guy's night but i'm not okay when there
are specific friends there that i don't trust of
his that are like single and fuck boys etc and what i have to say to you girls is like that is
boyfriend yeah yet again if if your boyfriend is easily swayed by one of his friends to go cheat
on you yeah it's that doesn't that has nothing to do with the friend that's your boyfriend has
a decision to make and if he's making it to go fuck another girl that, that like, who cares?
The goal is to be in a relationship where like something, the world is ending.
And for some reason, your boyfriend needs to spend a night with his ex-girlfriend, Megan Fox, and the hottest stripper slash porn star and lisa ann and someone gave him a viagra
and his fucking phone is gonna die and he has to spend the night with them and you can be like you
know what i trust him like it's okay i'm going to bed okay sophia what actually what woman in the
world but honestly that should be the goal that's actually so true that you're like i don't care what situation my man is in right i trust him and i don't and i obviously obviously that example
but but still but it's kind of true maybe like not the viagra that's like not fair
that's then like okay fine go fuck them and let me know how it was but like no i agree girls we
just got to be be more secure in relationship. And if you're not.
Yeah, then what are you doing?
You got to be in a new one.
Get out of it.
Get a new relationship.
Yeah, but actually.
And I know we're ranting, but once again, if this guy wants to cheat on you.
He's going to cheat on you. It's not going to be probably during the guy's night that you were freaking out about.
It's going to be while you were at work.
During his lunch break.
And you like thought he was running errands. Right. And like inside another you know what i mean yeah if it's gonna
happen it's gonna happen right and so if you've that many weird so just give up and be single
welcome to the singles club bitches guys we have i mean we're always trying to help you guys out
we're always trying to get the nation aroused we always
want people to be horny we always want people to be horny at work at home at school in the shower
wherever you are sleep awake sleep awake whatever it be yeah so we have like a really good topic
twitter we don't really talk about twitter that much and you're thinking why would twitter get me sexually aroused oh sweetie
sweetie sweeties listen up guys for all of you this is for men and women we want you guys to
start utilizing twitter going to the porn sex pages yeah on twitter like a little creep little
creepy but a creep that is gonna do great in the long run
because they're doing great and what you guys are gonna do is you are gonna copy a tweet uh-huh
that is sex a porn clip a porn clip essentially it could be a gif or it could be a clip and what
you're gonna do is you are going to send it to your significant other or the person you're talking to or you're hooking up with and you are going to use this basically as a form of
sexting but a lot of people aren't utilizing this and it can be so fucking hot it's so great because
sending an actual porn right like an like a full video yeah no one is really trying to watch that in the middle of
the office when suzanne is eating her salad next to them and they're like sorry they're like
terrified their headphones are gonna come on right right it's like too aggressive yeah and also it's
like time consuming like if someone sends me an entire video i'm kind of like like all right like
let me i'm like when people send me like full videos.
Full porn.
I'm like, hold on.
Let me like take my bathroom break or my lunch break.
But it's like it's too daunting.
It is.
This is so hot because it's just short to the point.
And what you can do is add text with it.
So I want to explain.
So, guys, so what we want you to do is the first and foremost is the buildup can be so
crucial and you can really use this for, um, let's say you're at work.
And you start with a little sexual gift.
You send it to your partner at like 2 PM.
It gets you both in the mood.
He's like, Oh my God, that's so hot.
You should be able to hear his fucking boner hitting the top of the desk being like, Oh,
Oh, boing, boing.
I'm aroused because it's fucking it's like he's hot and you feel steamy in his cubicle and he's excited to see you later.
Then you both get home around like five or six and you know you're going to go see them later.
So you send them another video of a girl getting absolutely pounded.
And you're like only three more hours until you have me bent over
the counter dripping wet like this right babe and he's like oh my god and he's watching a video of
a girl getting pounded over the counter yeah you oh my god the visual right dude guys are such
visual creatures yes that you adding a little clip with your sex is going to take it to a whole different level.
It really is.
There's a lot of couples that write in to us that are like,
hey, my boyfriend and I or my girlfriend and I didn't start talking sexual in the bedroom right away,
so now it would be kind of awkward if I just randomly started talking in the bedroom
because it's just awkward.
And so what I would suggest is if you guys aren't talking dirty to each other, this is
the first way you can start to initiate it.
You're going to start sending these videos and then send a little sex along with it.
Like I just said, like, oh, my God, this is going to be me in three hours and I want you
to fuck my pussy like blah, blah, blah.
Like helps you transition.
And then when you're fucking, you can be like, fuck, babe, like this feels like amazing.
I feel like this is a video like this is so hot, like fantasizing about you all day like that.
And you can start talking.
Can I also add that?
You can always add.
Tumblr is not just for like the depressed and suicidal,
which I know you guys were thinking.
Yeah, when we were younger.
I feel like when I was younger,
I would just go on there and post the deepest, darkest, morbid shit yeah what you can do on twitter you can also do
on tumblr and i know a lot of people are like i'm not on tumblr this shit you can find on tumblr
oh my god you cannot find anywhere else like it's like super dirty super fucked up shit
and like that's just we love that we love that i don't realize how demented i
know but it's so fucked up and it's so dark and dirty and i love you if you're telling a guy like
download tumblr and they're like absolutely not and you're like no trust me like it will be worth
it and you're sending them like some disgusting daddy's daughter yeah or like yes girl like or
even like written erotica like forbidden shit yes and you have your
profile and you can just pin them all on there and be like go look at my profile babe look what
i posted today i was thinking about you the whole time so i then it's fun because like you guys each
have your little like tumblr right i think i think that's such a good idea tumblr and twitter guys
like start making it your own especially if you're looking for a thing to help you stand out with your new hookup that's that shit that not a lot of girls are doing and
guys same fucking thing goes for you I think it's so hot like I had a guy the other day send me one
of like him it was a guy eating a girl out and like okay it was so hot I love that you just said
that my advice if guys are gonna send that guys, you already scare girls all the time.
Just you saying like, hey, I'm scared.
The guy sent you a clip of a guy eating a girl out.
Like, that's not scary, aggressive, and that's fucking hot.
It was so hot.
Don't send her a guy like fucking railing her from behind.
Like her head smashes the window. Just jacking off all over her yeah make it
more geared like just be like just send her something more sensual yeah that'd be my advice
totally agreed oh here's a little instagram hackeroony instagram hacks we love a good
instagram hack tell us so we talked about summerer ray how many followers is she at like
millions 20 million something insane and the rumor is that she bought a porn stars account
changed the screen name to somer ray or her mom did it for her yep and that's how she got famous
right brilliant so there is this fucking instagram hack that i did not know about
if you go to someone's profile on instagram and click the three dots in the top right and then
click on about this profile it will show you all of the former usernames that person has used since
2017 which kind of sucks because it's 2019 so like it's september 2017 if they did
it before then then you won't you can't see but like from here on out if people are buying accounts
and then just switching the username you're gonna be able to you're gonna be able to see
that's fucking nuts it has to the um the page has to be on public to see this.
You can't see it for private accounts, but it is really interesting about it.
Like those people that have millions and millions and their profiles are public.
I like want to go look at every single person now.
And be like, oh, that's funny.
You had a porn stars name like last year.
Well, it was weird because we went and looked at Somers and in 2017 it was like troll me
or something and i'm
like why was summer ray's account called that yeah because it was probably not hers right so
that was super interesting and it was so interesting because i wanted to check mine out
and there it was sandra martinelli 862 guys if you go to my instagram and this is for people who say we make shit up get out of my
what episode was this i one or two it was i think it was one or two yeah two episode two sophia
talks about her sandra martinelli story the whole story about sandra martinelli is i went and
double tapped a girl's picture and it was like the ex-girlfriend of a guy was dating and i was so fucking humiliated
and mortified and terrified that i quickly quickly i quickly switched my username i switched my
profile picture entered the witness protection program and just completely changed my profile
so that if she went to look at like oh who's this person that liked it sandra martinelli sandra martinelli liked it we don't even know who sophia is anymore
she died genius i also i just want another instagram hack for everyone to know is girls
say you think your boyfriend's being a little shady and you're always constantly checking his
liked like the following following page you're looking at the feed you're looking at his activity
or you're looking from your fake account because you only follow him on it like we told you to do and
you're looking for his activity oh yeah boom what i need you guys to understand is if he is liking
pictures of girls that have their account on private you will not be able to see those pictures
that he liked so like he could be in a full-blown relationship with a girl with a profile on private
and he's liking
every single one of her pictures
every single day,
every fucking minute
and you'll have no idea.
So just be mindful of that.
Be mindful of that.
When you think
that he's being good,
he's not.
He's really not.
He's just being smarter.
the trust issues we give people.
I know.
I'm sorry, guys.
But we just want you guys
to be aware.
Sexual seduction. Sex'm sorry, guys. But we just want you guys to be aware. Sexual seduction.
Sex, sex, sex, sex, sex.
Let's talk about sex, baby.
Oh, okay.
Guys, girls, everybody, listen up.
We always talk about sex.
On Call Her Daddy.
So we have a really, really hot sex thing for you girls okay i want
to do a disclaimer that rarely ever does call her daddy separate sexual moves with body type
and this isn't obviously limited to a body type but it's geared more towards girls with bigger
tits this is a move that every girl with a nice rack should have in their arsenal. All you girls with the honkers. The honkers.
Let's put them to good use.
Big titty bitches, listen.
I'll be taking a seat.
I'll be watching from the sidelines.
But all you big bouncing balloons just bounce on in there.
I'm so immature.
Okay, so guys.
I'm like a fucking pre-pubescent i like a pre-pubescent boy
that's never a that you're never going through puberty guys sorry okay girls listen up this is
slap them around fucking can you tie them in a knot can you tie him in a bow can you throw him over your
shoulder can you take it down the street you drop it off wait what is that from okay guys this has
to do with when men are about to come let's get into it ladies so listen how a man comes is a girl's 15 seconds of fame it is the goddamn fourth quarter of the game
this is your minute you're on the line you're ready to get the fucking touchdown all the work
that you've done during sex can go out the fucking window with a bad orgasm experience
true it's true so true like if a guy's like yo what the fuck great sex and then she's like oh wait i don't want
that and it's like you don't want what he's like ew that's a bitch grow up so if you again yeah
if you act grossed out or you complain that like oh my god come is gonna like i don't want to
swallow wait it ruins it for the guy do girls really do that yeah like i don't girls act grossed
out when he's gonna come i think some
girls do if you're listening to call her daddy you don't you don't fucking ever and if you were
you better stop that is like a nice smooth vanilla milkshake going right into your mouth and you're
gonna swallow it okay alex shut up i'm not just go with it i'm not it's not a vanilla milkshake
it is a vanilla milkshake and you love it And that's your number one order every time you go to get your milkshake.
So anyways, so when this guy is about to come, whoever is coming really should be catered
to to maximize the enjoyment of their orgasm.
Like that's just the law of sex.
Like don't fucking make them rush through their O.
Oh, I want every girl to preface this move with, babe, tell me when you're close to coming.
I want your come a certain way
immediately that may make him already want to fucking come because he's like yo wait what the
fuck like she's got this surprise for me when i'm about to come like this is so hot yeah ladies when
he tells you that he is close to coming you are going to get off the bed or get off the couch and you are going to get down onto your knees.
Girls with your dominant hand, take his dick and make sure that thing is so fucking wet and sloppy, whether it's from your spit or whether it's from your own cum and your vagina juice.
And you're going to start jacking him off.
OK. him off okay and then with your other hand you are going to basically like take your forearm
and your hand and put them underneath your tits and like lift your tits up press them together a
little bit and basically start jerking him off towards your tits telling him like i want your
hot call come all over my fucking tits like oh please come for me all over my tits i'm
begging you i want you to stroke your huge cock until you bust all over my tits like and she's
grabbing her tits grabbing her yes and they're like lifted up and she's like please come for me
daddy like i want your cum so bad and you just keep saying it as you're jacking him off towards your tits. Something about a guy's perspective of being jerked off paired with dirty talk.
This will make a guy come so fast with your fucking pair of this beautiful side of your
He has no work to do.
Straight up.
You're jacking him off.
You're pushing your tits up.
I feel like girls always let the guy pull out and jerk himself off.
All the time.
And I think pairing this with that nasty talk, like, fuck, like, I want to stroke your huge cock until you bust all over my tits.
Like, that to a guy, he's going to be sitting there like, holy fuck.
And he's looking down at you.
You have your neck up staring at him saying all this nasty shit.
And then it's like he doesn't have to do anything to orgasm, basically.
He's just
sitting there fucking having a memorable moment that's jizzing onto your fucking big tits and not
to mention because girls i mean this is for you but like a cleanup job of cum just like off your
tits is so easy and manageable your makeup intact intact your taste buds intact way less way less
messy than a facial and still very fun and unique and then he
can literally the minute he fucking busts and is done he can lay back you go get yourself the towel
and you let him relax and hang out for a minute well you just tell him like i hope that was great
and you slam the door and you get in the uber and he never hears from you again and then he's
because you're a daddy god that you show up and you're gonna mind he's like what was that was that where did you go and you're like i left i left bitch enjoy so girls that is like such a hot one
especially when you're comfortable with a guy and you're like babe like you need to tell me or even
if you want to preface it before sex i'm just gonna say do i think it might be a little more
fun with big tits but i think just girls like just do it oh 100 if you have smaller tits totally go
for it who cares either push them together but do you know what i mean like girls if you are nervous
to say like during sex like let me know when you're close to coming say it before sex be like
even if you're texting beforehand you're like babe i have something i want to try oh my god yeah i
want to try something like let me know when you're close to. Yeah. Cause like, I want you to come a certain way on me.
if I were,
he already came,
He already came.
If I were a dude,
I would be so excited.
It's really fucking hot.
I love that.
And then another move,
another move that I was thinking about that,
that girls don't ever do this shit either.
Is when he's doing you from behind okay and you're laying flat on your
belly with like your legs out straight yep we're gonna call this like the superman the superwoman
okay superwoman if you do this contortionist shit that i'm about to say not only does it feel fucking amazing but it just makes it look like you love
sex you love pretty much it just makes it look like you love to get it you love that dick up in
you if you reach back with your hands and grab your ankles oh my he's fucking you from behind
and you're laying on your belly daddy it feels so good because his
dick is gonna penetrate you even deeper than normal yes and then he's like what is this girl
doing like she knows her shit she's horny as shit she wants it all and then some yeah dude that is
such a good fucking move and the re another reason why it's so hot for girls to do shit like this is because a lot of girls
go into sex and they're like, I just want to lay here and make sure my body like looks
And like, this is like, you know, like I look flattering in this position.
When you let all your inhibitions go and you're like, I don't fucking care.
I just want to come in.
This feels good.
That is when a guy is going to be the most turned on.
If a guy is fucking, I'm trying to pretend I'm a'm a man yeah sometimes i like to put myself in that position well if
you're a guy and all of a sudden you're fucking her from behind and she grabs her fucking ankles
up you're like pulls like her feet up kind of with her hands and is like this feels so good
he's gonna be like what the fuck who is this professional literally girls if you're if you're
not as flexible maybe like wear some like ankle bracelets and like hold
on to the bracelets on your ankles.
Double ankle bracelets.
Let's go pull them up.
Get up there.
So fucking hot.
Such a good point.
I mean.
The superwoman and the fucking nice little tit shot with a little cum.
The little tit shot.
With a little nasty talk.
Little nasty talk.
Girls, if you're not doing this this weekend, I mean.
I mean.
You're not having sex.
You're not having sex.
I don't know what you're doing, but it's not sex.
You're just lying there.
You're just taking it.
Okay, questions.
Questions of the week.
The week.
The week.
Sacre bleu.
Zoo. Let's go.
This girl goes,
Oh, Jesus.
Mary and Josephine. He has given me reasons to not trust him.
Last time I checked his phone, he was sexting a girl and sending nudes via Snapchat messages and had saved her nudes.
Next, he changed all of his social media passwords when we both were promised to share them.
Next, I've been dating him for five years.
In the past six months, he will not have sex with me.
Red flag, question mark.
And then lastly, he never leaves his phone alone with me in the same room.
So I just like, I want to just quickly.
I can't.
I just want to make sure I'm understanding.
So she's wondering if she should break up with him.
And the circumstances are.
No, it's not even break up.
She's just wondering like, is it okay to go through my boyfriend's phone?
Because like there's just been a couple signs.
And the signs are sexting, nudes.
Changing all the house,
sex with her,
no sex for a six year old girlfriend.
Let me,
let me put it this way.
You don't need to go through the phone.
You need to break up with this man.
some of the questions,
the daddy gang writes in,
like remember that girl wrote in,
she was like,
so my boyfriend ghosted me.
what should I do? I'm like, how so my boyfriend ghosted me like what should i
do i'm like ghost how does a boyfriend ghost i'm like what do you mean your boyfriend if i don't
hear from a boyfriend for three hours i'm like what's going on i'm like okay i guess we broke up
why does she need to go through the phone she already saw that they were wait right i don't
know girlfriend it's time to move on to bigger and better things. That's a very interesting question. I have a similar.
This girl wrote in and said,
this dude I've been on and off with for five years
told me he doesn't want to be in a relationship with me
because I broke my leg and need knee surgery.
How would you two deal with this?
How do you two stop fucking with someone
you feel so heavily for?
He is my first love and it's really hard to let go
even though I know i have to so this guy um he doesn't want to be in a relationship with her
because she needs knee surgery it's a classic that's a classic classic case of the knee surgery
blue if a guy like oh i'm she's getting knee surgery and it's like oh so she's gonna get
broken up with like that's the new standard knee surgery, and it's like, oh, so she's going to get broken up with. Like, that's the new standard. What is knee surgery?
Everyone gets, like, dumped.
She can't suck my dick on her knees anymore.
Got to break up with her.
I don't understand.
Wait, that's the most bizarre.
I thought you were going to say, because I need to get surgery, and I'm, like, cutting off my legs, my limbs, my head, and my tits.
Right, and it might be a little hard for him.
To continue.
Knee surgery.
I just, like, read this listen. I don't mean to be an asshole,
but girlfriend and I hate to break your heart,
but like he's not breaking up with you
because you're getting knee surgery.
He's using it as an excuse
because he's been trying to get out for years now
and he now is finally like,
okay, this is it.
And he actually doesn't care enough about you
to give you a better excuse.
He didn't try to come up with a better excuse.
He's like, oh yeah, yeah, that knee surgery.
Yeah, yeah, I'm out.
I'm out.
And you're believing it. Come on, daddies. Be smarter. We got excuse. He's like, oh, yeah, yeah, that knee surgery. Yeah, yeah, I'm out. I'm out. And you're believing it.
Come on, daddies.
Be smarter.
We got this.
Come on.
All right, next.
This girl wrote in, and I've heard this multiple times.
She has a theory, and she said from experience,
that if a guy is ripped and loves the gym, he has a small dick.
Don't trust a guy with abs.
Tell me you haven't heard that.
There's like a meme floating around right now. There haven't heard that there's like a meme floating around
right now there's actually yeah there's a meme floating around of like the it's a joke it's like
skinny guys have the best yeah and then like or is it just because the ratio in comparison
i don't know huge bod your dick is gonna look small yeah but i don't know because like i feel
like there's so many girls out there that are like yo like
i want that skinny boy dick like i think like oh it's not a thing people say i don't know but
there's something there's a meme on the internet right now and it is this this the body is like a
little skinny guy and it's like they put the huge eggplant emoji and then the buffer guys. It's like the little weenie.
It's like a little corndog from experience.
Like, yeah.
Who's got that big dick?
And what's he skinny?
I know.
Alex, I know.
I know.
That is kind of interesting.
I think like skinny.
Or is it just because they're skinny?
So you're not expecting much so
when it fucking falls out of their pants onto the ground you're like whoa it leaves more of
an impression I don't know you guys let us know yeah have you guys fucked guys that are skinny
and have that big dick or is it just like a myth because I think one of the skinnier on the skinnier
sides that I fucked he had like a really nice big dick. So, okay, I'm going to read you this one.
So my best friend and I got high a couple nights ago and we slept together.
We're both girls, by the way.
I've already identified as bi for a long time, but she's straight.
Anyway, she has a boyfriend of 2.5 years and isn't planning on telling him
what went down. I think she's in denial about the whole thing, to be honest. Sure, neither of us
have acted on them in the past when we've been sober, but I do kind of feel like we were acting
on feelings that were there. Regardless, I think this means that I have feelings for her that I
didn't truly really realize, and she won't talk about it.
I don't know what to do.
Help me, daddies.
It was the best sex of my life.
Thanks, girls.
You know I gave her that cooch gobbler and stuck my finger in her butt.
If you really think you do have feelings for her, the best way to make her most, because
this isn't just about feelings.
She's now conflicted in her sexuality.
And if I were you, I would allow her to just like not talk about it because she knows
what happens she was there she knows what went down exactly yeah give her time to like if she
wants to talk about it trust me she will talk about it sexuality or stuff that's really really
serious and really really intimate you have to let people talk about it on their own so and you
can't force it and if until she comes to you or until she like tries something again she knows where you stand yeah she knows you're by she
knows you'll probably do it again and so let her come back to you right and if you try to force
this conversation on her and you make it a big deal like she's gonna you could lose her as a
yeah so just be careful just i mean i'm glad you did the cooch goblin you stuck a finger in her
butt i bet her boyfriend's not doing that shit to her good for you get it down daddy daddy okay this girl wrote in and she
said what does it mean like i'm not even kidding you i've only ever had a one night stand i feel
like no one has actually ever liked me or ever been into me and i've only had drunk sex i'm actually a hole and i realized
that now like i'm the side piece but my confidence is shot to hell i need help all right girlfriend
there's a lot of layers to this okay there is if you are constantly having one night stands
feel like you're just a hole which i'm pretty sure we have an episode called you're just a hole which i'm sure we have an episode called you're just a hole i think take a little break from fucking i think that's always an okay thing to do take a little
break from fucking and if you don't want to be treated like that i think maybe the next time you
have sex make sure it's with someone that you've gotten to know over a little bit of time and built trust with yeah and feel
like it's gonna be something special to you yeah could you still get fucked over you take that risk
every time but like if she's going out and feeling like she's being used yeah girlfriend maybe just
take a little break i totally agree i think my advice to you is that you need to go on a date
with a guy and when he invites you back to his
place you're gonna be like no sorry like i gotta get up early tomorrow but like tonight was so fun
or go back to his place and do not fuck him and you leave and when every girl's always like well
what do you mean alex like how are you supposed to say no to sex you literally just look at him
you'd be like oh sorry like not tonight like relax we just met like
make a joke about it i oh that's my go-to like relax we just met and like laugh so you're joking
i mean i think we just need to like state the obvious there are some girls that can have one
night stands and be treated like just a whole and don't give a fuck yep there's girls that they just go and have casual yeah random
hookups and they're like like got that dick wet got my own like living my life not all girls are
cut out for that and it sounds like this girl she said her confidence is shot to hell doing that
then maybe that's not the type of girl you are like maybe reel it back in yeah reel back in and
regain the power it's your pussy like you let any oh my god that lets the
dick go in there so decide which dick gets to go in and make them wait a little bit and then you're
gonna feel really fucking powerful when you're like ah third date he still hasn't got it now
it's my decision i want to fuck yes it's times like these alex i'm like this fucking brilliant
brilliant lady in front of me i love it Thank you Alright this girl just goes
Can you send a nude if he hasn't asked for it
I've known him for a month and slept with him twice
Is it weird if he hasn't asked for any type of pictures from me
If anything he's a respectable guy
He's not trying to force it
And that is the best
That's the best
How many times have we said this
The best nude is the unexpected nude The jack in the's the best how many times have we said this the best nude is the
unexpected nude the jack-in-the-box new where it pops up in his face and he never expected it sent
with invisible ink so he doesn't even know what you're sending him and he needs to press down on
the picture to see girls that's so i'm like jealous for you because that's like amazing like
you get to slide in when he's at work and you're like i was just thinking about you today like and
i got me it got me really horny and he's gonna be like this girl is amazing right all right daddy gang
oh daddy's hump day once again if you guys want to subscribe unsubscribe and then make sure to
subscribe again we think it works we don't know but also leave us a rating and review guys and tomorrow is fourth of july july july so if you guys want to get that
jewel listen girls you take him into the goddamn shack on the beach you get down you push your
tits together and you jack his dick off and make that cum splooge everywhere and you're gonna be
the goddamn american of the year happy fucking day of america motherfuckers. Guys, I'm so proud of you. Happy Daddy Day.
Happy Daddy Day.
Happy Hump Day.
Love you.
Go hump a daddy.
We love you guys.
We will see you next week.
Every fucking Wednesday.