Call Her Daddy - 43- Run-ins With Your Ex

Episode Date: July 10, 2019

Alex and Sofia are talking about running into your ex (accidental or on purpose), how to handle it, and reminisce on their times of being total losers and letting a guy get the best of them. They also... discuss escaping the friendzone for girls and an update for men who continue to marinate there. And lastly, TWO new blow job updates- The Gluck Gluck Turbo Edition. P.S- We gotta stop with birthday months...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 do you call him daddy do i call her daddy call her daddy hey everybody what's up it is the holy rollers born again christians back at it again we are reformed and there will not be any talk of sex. Absolutely not. We don't have sex. We have no dick. No deep peas. No deep throat.
Starting point is 00:00:32 No airtight. No airtight situation. No anal. No donkey punch. No dirty Sanchez. No squirting. Maybe a little squirting. Guys, it's call her daddy back at it again.
Starting point is 00:00:48 It's Alex and Sophia. Guys, we're fucking pumped today. I don't know. There's something in the weather. I think it's because we both took like a little vacay. A little vacay. A little small vacay. Yeah. And now we're back in the studio. Okay. So let's give them an update. What's going on in our lives so alex and i had to extend the lease on our apartment oh yeah you you know we're keeping you guys updated on our lives for as much as we complain about the apartment you would think we would have really quickly been excited to get out of there but because we're lazy pieces of shit we're also not finding a new apartment so therefore we have to stay in this shitty trap house of an apartment so we thought
Starting point is 00:01:25 we had found it we found it we went out last night with our friend who's a promoter oh kill me i know your panties are all wet promoter promoter boy oh god and he was like why don't you girls just live in one of my apartments and we were like exquisite we were like silent yeah what does that mean one of your we kind of looked at him like are you our new sugar daddy right turns out not so much no so we asked him about the apartment yeah we're like what do you fucking mean we can just live he was like yeah you can live in one of my model homes model and we were like i was like oh my god like i mean i never thought i could be a model but like i've definitely like kind of have thought about it i'm like i didn't realize you thought i was
Starting point is 00:02:09 finally someone sees the potential here model so we're like what the fuck is it and that's why we wanted to bring it up to you because i feel like a lot of people that listen to our podcast don't live in new york and so you guys are always interested in what is it like to live in new york so we found out these model homes. So tell them what it is. So girls, a lot of them are foreign, like Russia, Ukraine. But a lot of them are not foreign, too. And they will move here and they get free housing in exchange to go out with promoters five nights a week usually and like not entertain their clients like they're not escorts right but like they have to just they have to go out so that
Starting point is 00:02:54 the promoters can be like hey look at my table it's filled with hot bitches exactly so in theory you know i'm thinking as sophia who's been arrested multiple times and is kind of done some ratchet ass shit. Loves to party. I like to party. Love to party. Okay, I don't think, I think everyone knows that. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:03:14 As do I. I was thinking, ooh. So what? All I have to do is party? Every night of the week? Alex and I look around this table that we're at. These girls look like they are ready to off themselves they look so fucking upset one of the girls actually that was one of the models i
Starting point is 00:03:32 looked at sophia and i was like i don't think she's wearing an ounce of makeup right and she was wearing like a baggy sweatshirt with like little baby jean shorts yeah and i asked her right on their phones and i asked her i'm like oh like what's up and she was like i want to fucking die this is my fifth night going out this week so like i'm drinking water and i can't wait for this night to be over yeah because alex and i go out and we're like insane like i'm like blackout let's rage until the fucking sun comes up and these girls are like on a clock waiting for the night to end so it was kind of like a wake-up call we were like wow it sounded really cool at first and we were like wow we could totally go out five nights a week but also to be
Starting point is 00:04:08 on someone's time frame to have to be smiling entertaining people i couldn't i couldn't keep it up because like i go out like however many times a week and i go hard die but if you had to do that like you would just want to sit around i just feel like it would take the fun out of going out because it almost becomes a job and also these girls told us that a lot of them don't get their own rooms there's both oh my god they have to share a room with like another model yeah you'd be like having sex on the bottom bunk i'd be on top i'm like here we go so he's about to finish get ready you're gonna feel this one rock the boat so guys yeah moral of the story is we don't still have a fucking apartment we're not gonna
Starting point is 00:04:47 take the model home offer and um so if anyone has an apartment they want to give i could have taken the offer because i am a model sophia can knock it over then she's gonna i'm fucking kidding they're not they're not really models no they're like aspiring we'll have modeling jobs yeah which i get because if you're trying to be a model you they're like aspiring models. They will have modeling jobs. Which I get because if you're trying to be a model, you only can book a gig once a month or something. So you need that free housing. You get that free housing, baby. Well, we don't have it, sweetheart.
Starting point is 00:05:16 We're going to keep looking. We're going to keep trucking. Yeah. All right. We're going to look for a different trap house. A cuter one. A cuter one. But still a trap house. With no rats and dust yeah but still bed bugs and
Starting point is 00:05:28 leaking oh you say ceiling yeah yeah and intruders and serial killers anyways okay anyways so milf hunter milf hunter everyone's ears just perked up milf hunter he hunts milfs for a living he hunts them down and he slays them and he puts his penis in them he lets him know what's up in his life so guys we have a milf hunter hackeroony every single man should listen up every every single man man man man man man listen up okay guys this topic we're about to start talking about is how a guy should handle a girl talking about other men in front of him. Scenario. Scenario.
Starting point is 00:06:11 You're sitting on the couch with this girl you want to fuck. You're in the friend zone or you're just kind of like friends with benefits right now. Yeah, you're trying to fuck her. You have not penetrated the vagina yet, but you are wanting to. Sad story. You're trying to stretch it out. That's disgusting okay try to stretch that pussy out go in there like we don't have to go there we can just say you want to have sex with her okay so you're sitting on the couch next to this girl and
Starting point is 00:06:40 you are pushing down your boner because her vagina is calling your name you can smell it from a mile away i just assume with a name like milf hunter that's how he thinks right right right always peepees on the mind why did you just give him an australian accent i'm hunting milf okay okay okay so he's on the couch trying to fuck this woman and she gets a phone call from another dude how is he supposed to handle the situation because he's not her boyfriend no he has no claim over her no let's get into it tell us listen men first and foremost i want to point out that men are so insecure i think on call her daddy a lot of times we talk about female insecurity and how to make girls not insecure but i want everyone to know that you're gonna run into like real savages in your life of men that
Starting point is 00:07:34 come off like they know everything and they're cocky and they don't have feelings but really deep down a lot of fucking men are so soft especially for for the right girl. So, and so this is, this is what's going to happen. Guys need to encourage girls to entertain men because it throws girls off so early in the getting to know each other process or in the friend zone, et cetera. So Sophia, you just pointed out that example. So now I'm going to break it down for you. Okay. Milf Hunter said his friend right now, he's coaching his friend. He's trying to hook up with this really hot Spanish girl that's so out of his league. Is it me?
Starting point is 00:08:12 Well, sweetie, you could be next. He has said you're pretty cute when he met you. He's like, Sophia, like, looks pretty good in person. So anyway, so he's like, all right, I'm trying to help my friend land this bitch. So his friend texted him when he was hanging out with this girl. Just the same scenario. You said she got a FaceTime from a guy before she answered. She looks at Milt Hunter's friend and was like, oh, my God, he's so annoying.
Starting point is 00:08:36 He's so obsessed with me. He calls me all the time. And by the way, classic girl, classic girl. Like, shut up. He's so obsessed. He says, like, it's literally so annoying and then she picks up and literally her brother literally and she like changed his name so she said she prefaces with that and then she proceeds to answer and talk to the guy for a little bit
Starting point is 00:08:56 when she was talking to him milf hunter's friend was like what the fuck do i do when she gets off the phone like how do i play this do i even acknowledge it do i not so what milf hunter instructed him to do is he said be annoyed but not in the way that you would think he instructed him to be annoyed at her for not being nicer to the guy on facetime that likes her talk about a mind a mind fuck so he's telling his friend yep to get mad at her for not being nicer to basically encourage her to talk to him and give him a chance saying like we he seems like such a nice guy like why are you a dick to him like i feel like he's like so he would be so good for you like you guys would hit it off mind you milf hunter's friend has not even kissed this girl
Starting point is 00:09:41 yet so milf hunter is having his friend basically friend zone the girl before he can get friend zone this girl's over here like hold on so what the fuck for a guy to get out of the friend zone yes you gotta friend zone her first exactly you gotta friend zone her like oh bitch you thought you're not really friend zoning her but you're trying to make it seem like that because this is why we get in trouble and call her daddy because it's fucked up but if you make a girl feel like she is just a homie to you yes or that you don't want anything sexual with her and that you don't care about her and you don't care about anyone that she fucks it's fucked up but girls are gonna be like well why i want you to right well wait why don't you want me exactly yeah so basically milf hunter said like this is my bread and butter he was saying like humans worst enemy in the vast majority of
Starting point is 00:10:34 situations is themselves and we're all victims to drastic overthinking so like when a guy starts doing this to a girl and it's like super nice and it's like hey like he's nice like what are you doing girls are gonna freak the fuck out yeah and even if they didn't think they liked you all of a sudden you're gonna look like this opportunity that's like wait but why don't you want me if what about even about me right even if they did not like you at all the second that you make a girl feel like you don't want her she's gonna freak out exactly and then he gave me one more example of a personal thing. He said, right now I'm talking to this girl and I'm hooking up with her, but we've basically
Starting point is 00:11:10 made it clear. We're just friends with benefits. Yeah. And I think a lot of call her daddy people write in being like, how do I get more? And this is a great way you could do it, guys. He will have this girl open DMs in front of him. He'll be like, open it, open it. And he will interrogate her on why she's not answering certain guys. he'll be like open it open it and he will interrogate her
Starting point is 00:11:25 on why she's not answering certain guys he'll be like what's wrong with him he looks like the man like stop being picky and ungrateful and go for him like he's he's like a good looking dude and she's sitting there being like why the fuck do you want me fucking other guys like this is annoying and then she gets attached to milf hunter well and that's what I was going to say is MILF Hunter is so good at being the best friend to the girl. But not in like the embarrassing friend zone way. Like he's still like a savage. Yes. But he gets a girl to feel so comfortable with him.
Starting point is 00:11:58 And she's like, wait, like maybe like we could be more. Yes. You know? Dude, this is the thing. For so many guys are always wondering how to get out of the friend zone and we've done an episode on it but this is just taking it to a different level of a lot of guys don't know how to fucking respond when that bitch is trying to make you jealous about it over another guy you usually are just like i'm not gonna say anything or i'll call her out later no no no no you do the complete opposite you hype that man up and then she's gonna be pissed yeah i do want to
Starting point is 00:12:26 add if you feel like it will be too obvious like you guys are a little bit more serious yes and it would be too obvious for you to be like oh my god why are you not talking to him right then i think in that situation you just ignore it i think the second you get upset oh my god with her about a guy yeah even you know what now that i'm thinking about i agree with you even if instead of doing like the whole like he seems nice why don't you go for him just literally say when she gets off the phone like i mean dude you could have been like a little nicer like and then she's kind of like wait why do you even care if i'm nice or mean or not well i you shouldn't even want me to answer the fucking phone totally so
Starting point is 00:13:03 just a little comment like that yep on the flip side I know because every girl's like wait guys help us listen yeah girls are different girls are completely different because if a girl did that if you make the joke like oh why aren't you answering her like why like she seems so nice sometimes this is the thing girls are way more see-through than guys like guys will be like you don't fucking want me to talk to her shut the fuck up yes you know what I mean girls are way more see-through than guys like guys will be like you don't fucking want me to talk to her shut the fuck up yes you know what i mean girls are just known to be a little bit more jealous a little more possessive and a little more crazy which is fine fucking own it ladies yeah but because of that like when you make that comment or that joke saying like oh my
Starting point is 00:13:42 god like she seems really nice like why don't you give her a chance shut the fuck up it's gonna come off you look so try hard so what okay so put yourself in a situation like every girl that's in a situation where like you're hooking up with this guy you're you're friends with benefits or like you're in the beginning stages and you're not an official item how can they just kind of make this guy like them more by saying comments i my go-to thing is i am very sarcastic same and i'm always joking all the time and you know what it has worked for me and it i swear it mostly works for everyone if you do it right i would make a joke like oh my god like like if we just got done having sex like i'd make a joke like oh my god like do you think i'll ever become a main oh like a main bitch and he's like i will make jokes about being
Starting point is 00:14:32 the side bitch yes yes do you think like i could ever like like come on like just give me a chance or i'll be like i'll be like am i at least your number one side piece and they want to die because you probably just fucked in the best he's ever been fucked. And he's looking at you like he's in love. You're like, come on, like, girl, just let me know. Can I add girls quickly? Do not underestimate the power of sending this guy home in an Uber or you jumping in an Uber right after you talked about it before i was talking to a guy this past weekend and he was like there is nothing that mind fucks me more than when a girl like right after sex is like okay like gotta go
Starting point is 00:15:10 he's like dude fucks with me dude that is that's i want girls to start doing it all around we've already said girls high five them in like joking way like that's another one get the fuck out of there we've always said i think your whole like will i ever be a main like that was so good and then another one i do i do actually the same thing as you of course we do the same fucking thing who are we um say i like just fucked this guy and then he'll if he says like if he goes to get my attention after sex like we're both laying there and he's like hey and i'll cut him off i'll be like i know i know i'm leaving round twos on her way like don't worry i know my place and he'll be like yeah no i just wanted well i just wanted to ask you to get me water and I'll cut him off I'll be like I know I know I'm leaving round two's on her way like don't worry I know my place and he'll be like yeah no I just wanted well I just wanted to ask you to get me water and I'll be like it's fine it's fine I know I don't want to run into round two I'm getting out of here and then you can cut it back a little bit be like I'm just kidding but I do have to
Starting point is 00:15:57 leave like I'll text you later and then you don't fucking text him no and then you don't ladies the sarcastic joking yeah to a guy that you are hooking up with or you're kind of getting a little friend zone. That's the way to get them to be like, hold on. You just sucked my dome so good. Wait, I want you to be the main, but why are you okay with being the side? The second you act like you get upset over anything, it's such a turn off to guys. And listen, we always know people are mad because
Starting point is 00:16:25 like oh collar daddy that's not healthy go fucking bitch and cry to your friend yeah never show them your like weakness and your because there are too many girls that do that yeah and then guys we just told you fucking play it cool play it right and like make little jokes and get her insecure and then she's gonna want to fucking jump your. It's all about making people insecure and question their worth. That's really what it comes down to. God, my mom's listening to this. If you can just make people feel like shit about themselves and worthless, then you really made it in this world. Okay?
Starting point is 00:16:59 Anyways. We're not going to have a podcast. Someone's going to listen to this and be like, these girls need to be cut off air. But it's the truth. It's the fucking truth. So hopefully that was helpful. Birthday, birthday. It's your birthday.
Starting point is 00:17:14 It's your birthday. Bad bitch contest. It's your birthday. When I die, bury me inside the Gucci or Louis. Fuck, I don't know. Who cares? Doesn doesn't matter no one cares um my birthday is coming up i know in a couple weeks and it's really interesting because people would think that's a time of celebration i actually just feel a shit ton of pressure because i know people are like, oh, my God, what are you going to do for your birthday?
Starting point is 00:17:48 And I'm like, I fucking hate my birthday. What do you want for your birthday? But for some reason, it seems like every other fucking person on this planet loves their birthday. Love. Absolutely. Throw in the hot tea at him today, Sophia. Alex and I just want to discuss the birthday
Starting point is 00:18:07 and the birthday but not the birthday the birthday month the birthday fucking month everyone knows that one girl it's it has to be mostly girls no guys but I know a couple frat bros are like it's my birthday month yeah let's go bro yeah let's fucking pound our heads with beers and chug it for an entire month bro and end up in rehab bro yeah get the fuck out of here okay so the birthday month everyone knows we're talking about there there's that one person that one person you go out to dinner with a group of friends and you're out to dinner celebrating your friend getting a new job.
Starting point is 00:18:47 And then there's that one girl that when you're about to raise your glass to do a toast and she's like, also, we're also celebrating my birthday. And then it's always like, and my birthday was a week ago. So we're also celebrating that. So like we can just celebrate it now. And they're like, well, we still celebrate it. No, but we can celebrate it now too. Or like my birthday was a week ago. So we're also celebrating that. So like we can just celebrate it now. Like, well, we celebrate it. No, but we can celebrate it now too. Or like my birthday is coming up.
Starting point is 00:19:09 So we're also cheersing to that. No, we're not. No, we're not. No, we're not. This girl got a job. Your birthday is in three weeks. We went to dinner to celebrate our friend getting a new job. Right.
Starting point is 00:19:19 Not your birthday month. Not you coming out of a vagina. No, no, no, no. That's where I also people. What are we celebrating? That you were able to come out of the vagina no no no no that's where i also people what are we celebrating that you were able to come out of a vagina listen that's what i don't get about the birthday shit is like do they realize that every person they're talking to has a birthday right it's not like a like a little secret thing everyone was born everyone was born i promise i i promise it's we always make
Starting point is 00:19:48 generalizations but i'm gonna tell you right now if you're celebrating a birthday every everyone else yeah can we talk about and this is gonna upset some people okay i don't care but the sash and the crown you are not princess diana sweetheart you are just not hello guys you are cynthia 21 years old from kansas going to the local bar and i'm not talking shit on you because i was sophia franklin at 21 yeah going to like the local dive bar as well i think let's say i personally think the only time the sash is okay is for the 21st. When you say these women are like 30 and they're showing up with their girlfriends with the crown and the sash. I want to go over and fucking slice it off her.
Starting point is 00:20:35 And been like absolutely not. It's a lot. It just gets to a point where it's just a little narcissistic. And we're not shitting on birthdays. The day of your birth. Go for it. Be happy. Love that.
Starting point is 00:20:48 Celebrate. But day of your day of your day of listen, this is the thing. Okay. Christmas Eve. Christmas Day. Okay. Fine. Fucking Jesus gets two days.
Starting point is 00:21:00 Totally understand that. 25 days till Christmas. No. Totally rocking with that. New Year's Eve. New Year's Day day your birthday doesn't have an eve there's no birthday's eve there's no birthday's eve no there's not but dude you know how then there's the girls also yeah that think they can get away with anything on their birthday there are girls that act like the people that act like terrorists they act they're like you know it's it goes as
Starting point is 00:21:26 far sometimes girls are such monsters on their birthday and they're like i can do whatever the fuck i want yeah this bitch is like on in the morning she's like listen i fucked your boyfriend last night but it was my birthday and i was so drunk i don't remember i had to get fucked up it was my birthday and then i had to get fucked and your boyfriend was just in the room at the time like what was i supposed to do we do not negotiate with terrorists okay like what i'm done negotiating they think that they can turn osama bin laden level psycho because it's their birthday and it's like it doesn't matter if it's your birthday or not you can't just do fucked up shit because you're like but it's my birthday i know like i came out of a vagina on this day it's my birthday i can cry if i want to no i mean i think it's settled
Starting point is 00:22:06 i just keep yourselves accountable one of my best birthdays you're not supposed to be talking about this okay talk okay but this one's fair to talk about okay here she goes i've told everybody about my arrest yes mugshots online go buy them now yeah there is a detail that i left out so when i got arrested i was put into the jail cell well it wasn't the jail cell it was a drunk tank love that and my friend that i got arrested with was in the drunk tank right next to me okay i got arrested hours before my birthday so you know like you celebrate it at midnight right like oh my god now it's like yeah yeah it was hours before midnight that i got arrested oh i didn't know my friend had the people in the drunk tank next to me sing me happy birthday shut the fuck up dude there were people
Starting point is 00:22:59 in there that were like full-blown criminals full Like in there for drugs. And they're like happy birthday Sophia. And all of them sing happy birthday. Dude. Yes. And the cop came with like a baton and was like slamming and was like shut the fuck up. Like stop. But they were all singing me happy birthday. And then the people in my cell started singing it too. Wait that's kind of the best birthday.
Starting point is 00:23:17 You make really awesome friends. No you don't. No you don't. But okay. Okay. So if he's like honestly that was like my best birthday like i really got close with those like who were like criminals this one guy that killed someone was like low-key kind of cool yeah it was really nice it was really great that's i like that
Starting point is 00:23:34 let's talk about blowjobs blowjobs are like flowers for men oh my god they are they are like girls when you wake up and he's um purchased a beautiful bouquet of flowers for you. You're like, babe, you don't have to do that. Blowjobs are like flowers for men. It's like you wake him up, you give him a little BJ. Oh my God. A little lollipop pop. All right.
Starting point is 00:23:55 So blowjob tip. I just have a new blowjob tip because. Because it's Alex Cooper. Whoa. Tell us. All of you nasty hoes out there doing the gluck gluck. I'm so fucking proud of you we still get every day people writing every day you changed my life it's literally turning my life
Starting point is 00:24:10 around this guy looked at me like he had no idea his soul was gone so this is a blowjob tip girls if you want to get really fucking nasty with it this is like this porn type shit so if you're trying to decide like all right where can i ramp it up because a lot of times i know you guys are killing the gluck gluck and you need like a little more aspect to it here you go when you're trying to decide like, all right, where can I ramp it up? Because a lot of times I know you guys are killing the gluck gluck and you need like a little more aspect to it. Here you go. When you're giving him a blow job, you are going to suck him off until he's about to come.
Starting point is 00:24:36 And then when he comes in your mouth, I know we've taught you guys to fucking put that thing in the back of your throat and swallow it. But this time is the only time I'm going to say don't do that. What I want you to do is when he comes in your mouth, you are going to try to keep as much in your mouth as you can. And then you are going to literally spit or kind of just open your mouth and like put the cum back down all over his dick. Let the cum fall out of your mouth. Fall out of your mouth onto his dick.
Starting point is 00:25:04 And then you are gonna clean that shit up with your tongue like you're licking a a melting ice cream yeah his dick is the cone and it's vanilla ice cream and it's melting all over and you need to slurp it back up slurp it oh my god like imagine as a guy looking down and you're like oh fuck i just had my nut and then the thing is is a lot of times guys their dick is so fucking sensitive after they come yeah so this is not something that's going to be too much on them it's just you're like you're lightly letting the cum fall back out and then you're slurping it back oh my god like a nasty like a nasty ass fucking you're gonna die I have a blowjob tip. What? Turn on the siren, Sophia. Wait, what?
Starting point is 00:25:49 Okay, so this is going to be easier if you have, like, a less sensitive gag reflex. Okay. Didn't we tell people to, like, hum? Yeah. Yeah. That can help. I remember when I was in high school, I read something. It was like, if you put your thumb in between your pointer and your middle.
Starting point is 00:26:04 Oh, my God. I've heard that, too. And you hold you hold it like it doesn't fucking work i don't maybe yeah just train yourself shove shit down there all the time so if you're able to deep throat his dick which i think the daddy gang is doing yes okay absolutely fucking proud of you over there if you can lick or suck his balls at the same time, guys go crazy. So if you can put his dick all the way to the back of your throat and you're able to stick your tongue out and get his balls and lick them. This is such a good one. And I'm so proud of you right now. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:26:37 Oh my God. I'm going to cry. I'm going to cry. I'm graduating. You're graduating. Dude, that's so true. Listen, actually, this is such a good one if your guy has also a smaller dick this is something i've done when he's got a smaller dick and it it makes
Starting point is 00:26:52 it him having a smaller dick almost a positive right because you can go down balls in there shove some fucking balls in there like come on no more a blow job is not just for the dick you're putting the ball sack and dick in there dude that is i'm so fucking proud you brought that up girls this is some shit where and i think a lot of times when guys have a smaller dick this i don't know if i've ever told girls this but if he has a smaller dick and you know it's going to be easy for you to deep throw that's great for you don't let him know that what you need to do is you need to slowly be easing down onto it and don't go right for the base if i've talked to milf hunter and he's like i've had some bitches try to just fucking go deep throw it out down on my dick
Starting point is 00:27:35 and i'm like okay okay like act like it's huge and like right so what i want girls to do is even if it's a small on the smaller side, licking and circular motions around slowly going down, coming back up and don't go down to the base right away because you want him to feel like you're training your throat. You got to act. Just pretend his piece is huge. Yes. Just pretend if his piece was huge, you could not go down because you would have to be training
Starting point is 00:28:01 your throat, like slowly taking more and more and more until finally you're gagging and you're down there. So if it's smaller, don't let him know it's small. And then put the balls in there. Oh my God. Pop a ball. Pop a ball. Pop a Molly pop a ball.
Starting point is 00:28:14 Dude, that's great. All right. There has been an influx. Influx. of people writing in asking what do i do if i'm either a running into my ex or b running into like a hookup situation i'm fucking this person but we're not official i cannot wait to talk about this because the drama like talking really quiet right now it's like building up and like this is this is home this hits home the drama yeah that has ensued i think most of the people are asking more for like when they
Starting point is 00:28:51 run into them in a party setting yes at a club at a bar at a house party yes and this is such a good fucking question it is so i have so many memories like how the fuck do you act of you know running into like ex-boyfriends or like a guy that like i was like a fuck boy like we were hooking up and like how do you handle that situation dude it's pretty fucking crazy i want to preface by saying do not go to the party people if you just broke up with them yeah just don't go if you get like text my friend being like hey just so you know like josh is gonna be there like amanda's gonna be there and you and he broke he broke your heart like three days earlier you are gonna end up bawling your eyes
Starting point is 00:29:35 out crying into like a cup of tequila in the middle of the party with like a bag of carl's junior shoving yeah and he's gonna be like you go like you're gonna look so stupid yeah and he's gonna be like thank god i broke up with that train dude how many times in high school or college did you find out like you're like a hookup that you were hooking up with was gonna be at a party and you like try to go to the party but you're not emotionally unstable you're just psycho at that point there was this guy that i was dating on and off and like we would always be hooking up but like we would never give it like these like we're right so you could still do whatever you want so like we still technically could do whatever he I would go out of my way stalker level to make sure I showed up at any
Starting point is 00:30:15 party he was at and it is so fucking you're like oh my god we're both here and it's meanwhile it's like I was asking everyone in town where you're gonna be tonight I wanted to be there because I wanted to see what you're doing yes Yes. So let's talk about it. If you see an ex at a party, I think that unless he killed your family or you or she killed your family or it was so painful. Yeah. He like cheated on you with your sister. Yeah, that would fucking suck. You go up to them.
Starting point is 00:30:41 Yeah. In a house party situation. Actually, you know, I'm actually gonna pull up something i wrote to a daddy gang member because she was going through this exact situation and i just want to read it so it's clear what i mean by this she was really fucking nervous because she was going to this party and she knew her ex was going to be there he had broken up with her and she was like all my friends are going to be there i want want to go to this party, but I'm just nervous of like, how the fuck do I act? So I said, listen, what you're going to do is immediately when you get in there, you
Starting point is 00:31:12 are going to have a plan. So your friend is somewhat near you and you're going to walk in there so confident you're going to legit go up to him and be like, hey, like, how is everything? Like, hope everything's good with you. Like, um, and then like maybe like two other words like, yeah like so crazy to see you here like oh who are you with blah blah blah and then the minute this is happening you plan with your best girlfriend when you're in there for like 15 seconds she's gonna swoop in and she's gonna be like oh my god Sophia come take a shot come take a shot and you're gonna grab her arm and you're gonna pull
Starting point is 00:31:42 her away and as you're walking away you're like okay like have a good night bye yeah and you get the fuck out if you see your ex or a hookup in a public setting yep if you completely ignore them you're gonna look but her yep obviously if you go up to them and bitch them out you're gonna look but yeah no yeah a thousand percent right because because if you wait the whole party then it's awkward and you're looking at them the whole time and then if not and then i also told her specifically because he broke up with her these were just a couple very tangible things i gave her i said do not be over the top like loud and obnoxious trying to look like you're having too much fun with your girlfriend god you know those girls i've done it i've done it i've done it you are screaming you're like oh my god you're being
Starting point is 00:32:30 so funny jay take another shot and your ex-boyfriend is like she is trying so hard like everyone at the party is noticing her like you're like flipping your hair around you're like pouring like a bottle of water on yourself like you're like white t-shirt club and he's like bitch try harder and then the other thing i told her is i would also try to avoid being on your phone a bunch like texting because he selfishly will think that you're texting your friends about him and don't overthink also him being there if i could give you one trick is you trick yourself we always tell girls you trick yourself into acting like he died and it's just a kid at the party that actually
Starting point is 00:33:09 happens to look like him but the goal when you're there is once you say hi you act like you that he's not even there because truly people hate to see other people happy especially since he was the one that ended it he's gonna be like why is this bitch not like lurking and staring at me i feel like a lot of people are gonna fuck this up so i just want to like clarify when you go up to him if you're still heartbroken or upset or whatever is the situation or if he is just a hookup and he was like kind of talking to a girl you you gotta make sure this is not for the faint of heart and you gotta make sure you're in the right headspace before you go up to him and say hi absolutely you cannot go up to him and say hi and think that you're just acting cool and chill and you can't just go up there and be like
Starting point is 00:33:55 hey uh you you look really you look good you know you know when girls do that like you look really good jason like hey jason and then you both like make eye contact and he's kind of like what does you look good. You know? You know when girls do that? Like, you look really good, Jason. Like, hey, Jason. And then you both, like, make eye contact and he's kind of like, what does this bitch want? But you take the eye contact
Starting point is 00:34:10 and he's like, oh, wait, maybe there is something there. So you try to be like, you try to be drama. I mean, you look really good. Yeah, Jason.
Starting point is 00:34:15 Hope all is well. Yeah. Hope things are going well. I mean, you do, you look good. And you're like, kind of about to start
Starting point is 00:34:24 tearing up. You look really good. There's that, like you're trying to be drama or you're still pissed and you're like kind of about to start tearing up you look you look really good there's that like you're trying to be drama or you're still pissed and you're like hi jason how are you oh hello jason hi i hope you're having a great fucking time bye see you around hope you have a better night than me and it's like oh my god you gotta go up there and be like jason like hi yeah um so good to see you like yeah yeah come take a shot with me later like see you later and especially if he's with a friend you say like hi to him do you like hey guys like what's up like how you so chill it has to be so chill but you do not guys ignore him because then you're fucking looking like you're a little butthurt bitch yes and i And I know the Daddy Gang can pull off some Meryl Streep Oscar winning performance.
Starting point is 00:35:08 I know they can do it. It is so true because I think a lot of people get so fucking nervous. Like, what if it doesn't come out the right way? You look at his face and you pretend it's a random fucking guy that you knew back in high school. And you're just going to say, hey, how you doing? You look great. Okay, great. I'm going to take a shot.
Starting point is 00:35:22 Sorry, I'll see you around. So casual. Yes. I think there are some. I love that you're like. You look great. Okay, great. I'm going to take a shot. Sorry, I'll see you around. So casual. Yes. I think there are some. I love that you're like, you look great. You look good, Jason. She's like trembling. She's like.
Starting point is 00:35:31 And he's like, okay. He's like, okay. My girlfriend is here. My new girlfriend. I'm like waiting to play beer pong. Are you done? I can't wait to meet your new girlfriend. There are.
Starting point is 00:35:41 Shut up. There are some public settings that i think you can't ignore them okay dude at the club oh yeah if you're at the club first of all it is impossible to talk to the person next to you can i just can we just quickly say that because the club you're like screaming such a bizarre place because you pretty much are going to the club to hang out by yourself absolutely it's too loud that's so true have a conversation with the person next to you like if this girl or this guy sits down and sees her his ex across at a different table just you should not feel obligated to get up
Starting point is 00:36:16 and walk over because can you fucking imagine that like you just said there's no words in a club no she gets up she's piling through people she gets to his table she piles past the bottle girls oh my god hey right and she has to actually physically grab him and pull him in right so that she can like scream in his ear it's like no everyone if you see your ex at the club you don't need to go up there or if you're at the bar and there's like a hundred people there and you're like you can barely get through to like say hi to him then don't worry about it but if it's like a house party yeah or if it's a bar but like you're near each other and people are hanging out near each other absolutely i think okay so i think the same thing goes for let's say if you're at a house party and okay there are people that have written in you you're
Starting point is 00:36:59 hooking up with this guy it could be every night it's every other night but you both know that you're hooking up with other people you show up to the party and he's there like you literally left his house this morning and then you show up to a party tonight and he is there with another with another girl that is the worst it stings you're like god damn it i was just fucking coming on your face this morning but okay let her have a chance tonight like it fucking sucks but i kind of think you do the same thing you go up hey you introduce yourself to her don't say i'm jason's friend no hey guys like hi i'm alex hi like oh nice to see you like cool whatever and then bounce out totally you got to be casual yeah and then that is gonna make him be like uh why is she being so chill with
Starting point is 00:37:42 me like who the fuck is she here with it's so true you know listen i'm gonna throw myself under the bus here because why not i will i know exactly this is the best no this is one of my favorite stories you've ever told me when you when alex was a young a young loser a young loser no i think it's good to tell the daddy gang this because we have not always known what the fuck we're doing. Alex and I were not always savages. No. We were.
Starting point is 00:38:08 We had to be losers and learn from our mistakes to become savages. Oh, and I was a big fat fucking loser in this case. So guys, I was hooking up with this guy. He was older than me. It was when I was at school in Boston. He was not in college. He was older. He was a public figure.
Starting point is 00:38:24 Very successful. Yes. And i was like so happy to just be talking to him yeah so i went over to his house one night we hung out we had sex the morning we woke up and i was like oh like what are you doing tonight like are you going out and he was like uh i'm not really sure giving me no no words i was like shit i'm like okay oh shit and you know goddamn well he has plans so then i hate later that night i find out where he's going through a mutual friend oh my god and what do i do instead of you know letting him live his life because we're not fucking married or we're not boyfriend and girlfriend instead of not going i show up to the fucking club and i will never forget i showed up to the club oh my god and i see him with other girls he's with
Starting point is 00:39:06 like 10 girls oh and it's at a table oh and i want to did you have a table at least no no you were in like the general admission section you're standing around creeping around yeah you're one of those girls like hoping someone invites you to the table oh so finally i'm creeping around, creeping around and he sees me and he looks mortified. Like what the fuck is this bitch doing here? Like you're my third side piece and I have my main and my other side piece there. Like, no, I start getting so drunk. So I'm like, what else? I just got to get toxic myself.
Starting point is 00:39:37 The moral of the story is I tried to get his attention so much guys. I couldn't get his attention. I followed him into the men's bathroom the men's bathroom he goes into a stall to pee i follow him i whip open the stall door we were in like the biggest stall and i close it and he was like well he has his dick out he's fucking peeing and he's like what the fuck are you doing alex get the fuck out like get the fuck out you followed him into the bathroom let's say his name is like david and i'm like david no i'm sorry no listen i'm not crazy i just want to talk i just want to talk and he's like oh i don't want to talk to you i'm out with my friends right now with people like i
Starting point is 00:40:13 don't want to talk were you crying so yeah i started bawling so you were bawling and followed him into the restroom i followed him into the restroom this is this is like what is this bitch yeah that's so embarrassing that's maybe the worst thing you could do. And then I waited till he was leaving that night to hopefully, hopefully he'll pick me to go home with. The desperation. And we walked outside and everyone was getting cars and I'm standing there and I watch him look at me in the eyes, turn around and get in a car with all of these girls.
Starting point is 00:40:41 And I was in the, I was in the street by myself with my friend. Wait, weren't you like also standing with a guy yeah were you standing with a guy and he like said something to the guy on his way out so guys let me just tell you that this story is so good it is it's kind of weird but so i'll just throw myself under the bus he this guy that i was talking to was a professional athlete and i found another professional athlete at the club so i was like oh my god i'm gonna hang out with him and make this guy jealous you're not making yourself sound like a cliche okay yeah i know i was running around i was like professional athlete are you there are you there i was like fuck him i'm gonna go hook up with this guy or like make
Starting point is 00:41:17 it look like that i'm standing in the middle of the road with this guy before this guy um the guy was hooking up with gets into the car he walks over to the guy i'm trying to leave with oh my whispers in his ear and then gets back in the car and leaves with all the girls and the guy that i was trying to hook up with looks at me and was like hey sorry uh i'm gonna have to call it night this guy told him not to hook up with me because i was his and yet he's leaving with 10 girls that's so fucked up yeah then I went home by myself crying with my friends and they took all the razors out of the bathroom and I slept in the bathtub that night.
Starting point is 00:41:48 They took all the razors out. Yeah, they thought I was like gonna hurt myself. So trauma. I'm like, I'm not that depressed. I just want to fuck it. Well, I did kind of want to die. But so that was a story. That was a story I'm not proud to tell.
Starting point is 00:41:57 That is such an amazing story. The point of the story is that I was so desperate to get this guy's attention and I was so miserable. I've been there. I've been there though because like you think that you are so in love yes and like you cannot help yourself yes you can need to be at the party you want to be there you want to say something and i'll all i have to say is from experience daddy gang i will never forget that night and from then on out i was like everything if you really feel like you need to talk to this person it can wait till the
Starting point is 00:42:25 morning do not embarrass yourself and go up to him in the middle of the party and be like can we talk hey like it'll just take a minute but can we talk and you try to pull him aside and be like I just want to let and it's like no no if it's an ex if it's a hookup no no leave it I've done the exact same thing I remember um there was like a party I went to and the guy that i was hooking up with was blatantly flirting with girls like doing body shots off of them like do you remember when at parties people would smoke hookah and you would blow the smoke into the person's mouth next to you of course yes and then they would blow it out he was doing that with another girl and you know what i did what i sat there patiently waiting hoping that he would take me home i'm like i'm like you know what I did? What? I sat there patiently waiting, hoping that he would take me home.
Starting point is 00:43:05 I'm like, you know what? You have your fun at this party, but I will be going home with you. Dude. So I would never. Pathetic. We were pathetic. I mean, I was like 17. But look at us now.
Starting point is 00:43:15 It's like, so now. Now. Daddy. Now. You walk in. I would literally inhale the hookah through my butthole and then blow it out into a guy's mouth in front of him guys yeah man up don't be a little bitch you got you act super chill you act like you don't care but you don't overdo it and then you go home and cry yeah you go home and cry like a big girl yeah
Starting point is 00:43:42 then you sleep in the bathtub and cry your eyes out. Oh, call her daddy, man. We've grown. Yes. Growth. Just to reiterate, don't be the girl that you like jump up on the table and you're like, this party is wild. This is the best party ever. I'm loving the bathtub.
Starting point is 00:43:59 I'm so happy. I'm single. I'm going to take all my clothes off and jump in the pool. Who's coming with me? Hurry. And your ex is like, thank God. Everyone's everyone's like wait we literally aren't even drunk yet and you're also not drunk i saw you you're not even drunk why are you we're waiting for the for the yeah 12 packs why why are you taking your clothes off already i'm hammered i love being single s-i-I-N-G-L-E. They're like, wait, were you just crying the other weekend? I saw you at the bar.
Starting point is 00:44:27 He's like, shut up. Oh, girls, guys. Reel it in. Reel it in. Reel it in. Okay. Questions. Questions of Zivik Vivi.
Starting point is 00:44:38 Zivik on Zivik. Olé. Coche au moto. Sacrebleu. Sacrebleu. Okay. Ops. Okay.
Starting point is 00:44:44 Ooh. Question. All right. Okay. question all right okay so my best friend is talking to this guy on snapchat and they started getting very flirtatious and sexual she knows he's been hinting at wanting an ass pic but she isn't exactly blessed with the nicest ass so she doesn't want to send hers she asked if i would log into her snapchat and send him my ass which I'm completely comfortable with doing. But I have a boyfriend. I've been in a relationship for a while. Is this considered cheating on my end? I do not think that is so amazing.
Starting point is 00:45:14 Right. What a fucking friend. But honestly, sweetie, the fact that you're even concerned about that is like, really true. Yeah. I'm like,
Starting point is 00:45:22 absolutely fucking do it. No. And it, you know what? It's you're, you're a good person. You you are good for it but it's absolutely not cheating no because i'm like listen he this guy that's getting this ass pic thinks it's your friend right in no way are you is he jacking off and thinking about you he has no idea who you are but at the same time don't tell your boyfriend because he's gonna get it but i get it and i'm pretty sure like i've probably sent like maybe my friend's shit i
Starting point is 00:45:47 don't know wait remember when um you told us when you were in like seventh grade you were sending a tit shot it's like who had the biggest seventh grade oh sorry okay i was a little older sorry the tit shot no but dude like we we've even i mean we've gone as far as when you've been taking an ass shot i'm standing there like helping okay so that's what i was gonna say is like if your friend doesn't have the nicest nicest ass you're obviously it's not gonna be that cool though when she goes to hook up with the guy and it's not her ass my advice would be you guys do a full-blown photo shoot yeah and even have your friend take the fucking picture so you get your friend's ass at an angle that it looks hot and i agree and i also think like at the end of the day if you just i totally think it's fine for you to send your friend's ass
Starting point is 00:46:29 and then if it's just gonna be a one night stand you show up he will he really fucking notice if it's that different yeah but if not like fuck it right also you're a great fucking friend yeah you are an amazing friend boom that's great okay this is one of my most favorite questions i've ever oh my god okay what we've ever received okay yo yo for next week can y'all cover how to shoot your shot when on molly or in the middle of rolling it's the really really deep deep questions on call her daddy that i thought you were about to come at me with something so profound and you just asked me how to fucking shoot your shot while you're fucked up on drugs respect respect well okay let's try and answer this honestly if you're rolling okay you just popped to molly how to
Starting point is 00:47:25 shoot your shot i would honestly try to keep the conversation brief to a minimum your eyes are gonna be black yep you're gonna be salivating in your mouth and all of a sudden you're gonna be asking her for her number and you're gonna be like massaging her shoulder and she's gonna be like i didn't ask for this what are you doing you're like tweaking out yeah i keep it brief i keep it brief just I keep it brief. Just be like, I think you're so cute. Can I grab your number?
Starting point is 00:47:48 Boom. I also think if you, obviously if she's on it, yeah, if she's rolling, then it's fine. Yeah. You could find something that like you're interested in to talk about while
Starting point is 00:47:56 you're both fucking rolling. If she's rolling, my advice is like, she's going to be freaked out and freaked out. If you start trying to like touch her and massage her, she's going to be like super high. Probably. Right. right now if you start trying to like touch her massage her she's gonna be like super high probably right right maybe doesn't want that be like be this super cool guy that acts like he can handle his drugs and that's the best and she feels like you're like that's the best and the guy is like so good at it no but if you're if you're at a party
Starting point is 00:48:20 and you're on drugs you will gravitate towards the guy that acts like he's been there before can handle and he's chill i was gonna say give her like you're like kind of that safe place and then she's chilling with you and then like by the end of it she'll be like oh that the guy that was dope yes i'm glad we like gave the daddy game that just in case yes you never know you never you never know yeah okay this one sophia. Okay. A man asked, do women really stalk their exes on social media? And if so, why? Oh, sweetie, sweetie, sweetie.
Starting point is 00:48:53 What the fuck? Has he not listened to one episode? I don't think guys really get the fake accounts. I stalk every one of my exes. I still look at my high school exes sometimes. Girls never stalk. and the girl i stalk every one of my exes i still look at my high school exes sometimes the girls never stop i am completely over yes all of my exes and there are some that i'm actually repulsed disgusted by and i still want to know what they're up to just for fun in the morning i sit down i log into my fake account and i check up on them all it's i know how they're doing i know their
Starting point is 00:49:23 schedule i know the last bitch they fucked. Like, I'm in their lifestyle. They just don't know it, but I'm there. It's the most fun thing to do. I think it's... I stalk other people's exes. Oh, me too. I'm like, Alex, I was on your ex-boyfriend's picture.
Starting point is 00:49:36 He's looking good lately. Exactly. Guys, listen. It's just fun. And you're asking why. I don't know. It's just girls do that shit. Why is the sky blue and why is the grass green?
Starting point is 00:49:49 I don't know. There's your answer. I like that. OK, so he is talking about he needs some advice with his girlfriend. We've been dating for almost two years and we now live together. And about two months ago, we went from sex daily to sex maybe once every three weeks now i know it's easy to say oh dude she's cheating because that sex drive didn't just dry up we are both 30 no i know i was like no we've like scarred people like cheating
Starting point is 00:50:19 yeah i know no no no um he said i've gotten every excuse from her like i'm tired i don't feel like it i'm not in the mood i smell bad it goes on and on i've scoured her phone and email but her phone is prepaid oh and she has no computer so i can't creep the iCloud i forgot that portion was in the question anyways is there... Who has a prepaid phone? Yeah, wait, why? This question just threw me off. Maybe she is cheating.
Starting point is 00:50:49 She's brilliant. Now I'm more concerned. I'm like, wait, the prepaid phone and no computer. Wait, hold on. This bitch knows what she's doing. She's got her shit on lock. No, at first I was like, she's not cheating. And now I'm like, wait.
Starting point is 00:51:01 We're both like, no, no, no. There's no way. Now I'm like, oh, she's a savage. Okay, is there any other explanation besides cheating to explain why her well just seemingly dried up yes now that maybe she is cheating but there's there are a million reasons why girls stop fucking their boyfriends i think the hardest one to hear but it kind of seems like the most likely is she's over the relationship. Okay.
Starting point is 00:51:26 Or, or I know what you're about to say, Alex, she's feeling like shit about herself. Okay. Yeah. I think that this is like such a common issue and you and I always joke on call her daddy, but being so real,
Starting point is 00:51:36 I even have more reasons. I think one, ask her what birth control she's on and ask her, talk about that because that can dry up some people's sex drives and you should have. It did it to me actually when I was on it. Yes. And so like that's a huge issue. The birth control or really any type of medication.
Starting point is 00:51:52 Like if she's on antidepressants that can kill your sex drive. Oh, huge. Huge. So that could be, it could be a medical reason. Or she has a prepaid phone so she's absolutely living a double life. Also, make sure you even know if that's her real name. Like do you really know this girl? And honestly, why doesn't she have any type of computer yeah what does she do what does she do for a job for real now i'm starting to think this girl doesn't even exist
Starting point is 00:52:12 okay check out make sure she's real okay or do you a lot of money or if she's gained a shit ton of weight yeah or lost a ton of weight i would listen if it's getting that bad i'm not i'm gonna say that therapy is that bad of an idea. And that's something that you guys could go to therapy and be like, babe, I love you so much. We got to figure this out. Alex and I are starting sex therapy sessions soon.
Starting point is 00:52:32 Yeah. We're all of a sudden, color daddy's starting healthy. We're like, the gluck gluck is here to save your marriage. We're like, no. We're like, okay, no. Like a blowjob doesn't save the marriage. We're like, yeah, it does. Oh, sweetheart, the gluck gluck does. It no. They're like, a blowjob doesn't save the marriage. We're like, yeah, it does. Oh, sweetheart.
Starting point is 00:52:45 The gluck gluck does. It does. That's not just a blowjob. Yeah. That's an epiphany towards a healthy relationship, bitch. Okay. Wow. That was, whoa.
Starting point is 00:52:54 That was a lot. Okay. I have a story. Oh. I love a story. And this is just to show that, like, every time people shit on us for talking about how common cheating is here you fucking go great trust issues are on their way here we go okay alex and sophia last night i was in my boyfriend's neighborhood so i decided to stop by without telling him i pulled
Starting point is 00:53:19 up to his house and there was a car there that i'd never seen before and my friend and i my friend had me convinced it was just it was a bitch but we had been together for over two years and he had my full trust like i mean full trust i never thought anything was being shady so i was sitting outside debating what i should do when he calls me and asks why i'm outside of his house and he tells me to go away at this point i'm suspicious And half of me knows someone's in there at this point. And half of me also, though, doesn't want to believe it. But I called him back and asked if I could just come in and say goodnight. And he was making all these excuses saying I didn't want to get up from bed. I'm tired.
Starting point is 00:53:56 I'm like just pissed right now. I know. I know. So eventually he came outside and I walked into his house and I start to go back to his room and he grabs me, picks me up and tries to throw me out into his house and I start to go back to his room and he grabs me picks me up and tries to throw me out of the house and threatens to call 9-1-1 on me he was freaking out so I kept trying to go back to his room he keeps pushing me he keeps grabbing me to stop me and now I know that there is someone in there and I just still couldn't believe it oh my
Starting point is 00:54:19 god I had I just had to see her which I totally get where she's coming from I needed to beat her ass I don't get that no but he's like um but he is obviously three times as big as me I couldn't get back there he's pulling me back so I left and I went back to my car and I decided to just wait there till the bitch left I went back to my car I would like I know he called the police but me too me too so I go back to my car and he comes out of the house again and he tries to get me to go on a drive with him and i told him no fucking way we need wendy's right now we can settle this over mcnuggets and she's like bitch shut the fuck up i said no way let me go in your room and he says okay this time and so i know he's fucking hiding this bitch from me like he thinks i'm stupid oh so i search the whole house and i don't find her and then i go into the backyard and he runs in
Starting point is 00:55:12 front of me and i literally see this bitch sprinting away and i ripped him off of me and i bull after this bitch but no but she got in her car before i could get to her and she sped off and i got into my car to go after her and my ex jumps on to the top of my car, the hood of my car trying to stop me from. This is like Jerry Springer. I know. So I brake really hard so he falls off and then I and then he chases me for 15 miles. He gets in his car and he follows me and I try to lose him and I had to call the police
Starting point is 00:55:40 on him because he wouldn't stop following me. And that is how I know I will never trust anyone ever again. OK. Long story. But that was like the most entertaining story i've heard in a while dude can you fucking imagine first and foremost all i've done we're just gonna put this to rest girlfriend why are you going after the girl this has nothing to do she doesn't even know you exist you always say that on call her daddy why are you trying to beat her i'm not i'm gonna play devil's advocate and like i low-key feel bad for that wait me too because she's in the middle she probably had no idea and she has this other girl fucking trying to and then bulldoze her down and imagine what the boyfriend is saying to the side piece being like like this is my crazy ex like run for your
Starting point is 00:56:18 life but it's actually his girlfriend so back to that dude can you fucking imagine showing up he won't let you in the house no i would burn the fucking house down it's like what the fuck this is the thing with cheating is i have been so open and honest on this podcast that i have been such a shady shady bitch in all of the relationships i was in and was shady there's no excuse for my behavior yeah but i knew that like that relationship was going nowhere and like it needed to end anyways and like you know this bitch is like it sounded like they were two years in super serious and she fully trusted him and like she was like i just stopped that's when it's really crazy it It is. It is so bizarre because like this girl was just driving by. I was like, oh, I'm just going to stop in and say like goodnight to him.
Starting point is 00:57:11 And her whole world crumbles. The fact that he must have been freaking out. Oh my God. That was a good one. That was a crazy one. Hey, Alex and Sophia. Love the podcast. Have learned and used a lot of this to get those good dick reviews.
Starting point is 00:57:27 Fuck yeah, baby. However, I have a huge problem that I didn't think would be a problem. I don't come every time I have sex. I would say it's closer to one out of five times I have sex that I finish the girls I sleep with girlfriends, fuck buddies, whatever have all expressed disappointment in my inability to finish i'm happy to get my partner off a few times before playing sex but it gets to a point where we both get tired of fucking what do i do i've started leading off with hey i might not come it's not you at all because of how often i'm told that they are disappointed much love please help Oh, my first question is, can this guy come from masturbating? Right.
Starting point is 00:58:08 That's a great because if he can, then you just make the masturbation like part of both of your guys. Right. Right. Like I know someone. I think maybe I talked about it. This guy like I never hooked up with him, but he told me he was like, I can't come from sex or a blowjob. The only way I can come from sex is pulling out and jacking off.
Starting point is 00:58:29 That's crazy. And like, he'll have like the girl do it. So I think if this guy can come from masturbating, incorporate that into sex. Yeah. I think like, listen, I get what you're saying with the girl part though. Like girls can't help but feel like they're doing something wrong if they can't make it but I think it's vice versa. Oh, totally.
Starting point is 00:58:44 But girls can fake it. Girls can fake it. Oh my God. Yeah. Hi if they can't make it but i think it's vice versa oh totally but girls totally girls can fake it oh my god yeah hi guys can fake it that's true if you're feeling really insecure start jacking off get the little squishy bottle of lotion and pour it on her back and then be like whoa that was a big load then wipe it off like whoa whoa tell this girl let's be call her daddy for a second yeah hold on tell this girl that you want to fuck her from behind and Put her face in the pillow. Put a pillow on top and then a pillow on top of that one. Use the squirty bottle and be like, oh my God, just came all over your back. Let me clean that up.
Starting point is 00:59:12 Don't move. Don't move. Yeah. And then listen, I also think there's just so many guys that can come. Maybe you should start trying of different ways that you think you could come. I just read a fucking question earlier today that I was going was gonna read but i don't have to read it now and this girl was like i was hooking up with this guy and he was when i was starting to give him a blow job because i love giving blow jobs and then he was like no use your feet and i was like what oh she started jacking him off with
Starting point is 00:59:37 his her fucking feet and then she went back to give him a blow job and he got soft when she put her mouth on it he could only say hard from something like that if it was to defeat. Wait, so maybe you've got a foot fetish. Yeah. Try different things out. And if it really is just the thing where like it's just is hard for you to come and it's one out of every five times, I think you should address it. Yeah, me too.
Starting point is 00:59:59 And I think how you should phrase it is like, you don't understand how hot it is to watch you come. I want to make you come and like, it will be great if I come and it will also be just as fucking awesome if I don't. Like it feels so good. Make her know that like coming is not the end all be all. And it has no reflection on how hot you think she is and like how great the sex is. Right.
Starting point is 01:00:22 Exactly. Make it so that like sex is just as enjoyable boom okay this guy i'm hooking up with completely skips over foreplay and just shoves his dick inside of me boy bitch boiler literally after only a quick makeup how do i get him to do more foreplay i was thinking about this because i think there are a lot of guys that do that a lot and i think you could do it in dirty talk and you can literally if he goes to like rip off your pants after you've been making out you kind of like push him away and you can be like you don't get to fuck this pussy before you eat this pussy and you like shove him down there so it's like no no you don't get to fuck this pussy you got to eat it first and like then he's gonna
Starting point is 01:00:59 be like oh fuck yeah you if you are hot like that it will make it way less awkward than you being like um no i kind of want you to like finger me and like no no no oh my god and just talking about how hard you're gonna come how wet you're gonna get how like you could potentially squirt like whatever you need to say like he's gonna be like eager to do it and then also if you if he like say he's never eating you out he eats you out one time after that never thought stop fucking talking about how good he is at eating you out how hot it is for you and how much it makes you calm and then he's every guy's ego it's like whoa this is great and if you want to be really fucked up just casually mention like an ex or someone you've dated or some guy you've hooked up with
Starting point is 01:01:40 and just say something about it being the best sex and he's going to be like well why like what made it so good and be like i mean he would just like pussy for hours or the way like he would touch me like tease me like it just drove me fucking like i was so wet before we could even fuck and then he can feel bad so he does yeah wake up call you little bitch boy and no call her daddy man is ever fucking just shoving it in oh god damn it it makes me fall in love with a guy when he just gives me like an hour of foreplay i agree about that i agree i just want to quickly say i was reading this question from this daddy gang she was like she downloaded tinder she was bored as fuck she thought she would just troll around she came across a guy who had called her daddy
Starting point is 01:02:20 in his bio naturally they start messaging um and talking and then they had a very open conversation about sex and how neither of their exes were as freaky as they wanted them to be and long story short we literally have made plans to fuck and fulfill all these fantasies together given that we have to do a five-hour drive to see each other but it's going to be totally fucking worth it thank you so much daddy he's probably like a six but this made him so fucking sexy in my eyes and i'm so excited you guys are really changing the world i love you guys fucking daddy gang out here fucking other daddy that's like what this is all about it's like fuck everyone else it doesn't look we gotta
Starting point is 01:02:53 keep it in the family keep it in the family keep it in the fucking family keep this bloodline running right right okay like that shit's fucking dope that like they're about to drive and fuck because they're daddy gang and they want to be nasty together oh baby yeah baby baby oh daddy gang we love you so much you guys know the drill we love when you guys help us out five star review if you can just leave us a little comment even if it's a little comment for us because sophie and i are losers and we read it every week i know we go and read reviews and then also if you guys press unsubscribe and then resubscribe yeah also a Also, a lot of you that are listening or new listeners, you guys write in when the episode drops. It doesn't come up on your iTunes right away. That's because if you're not subscribed, it will immediately download for you.
Starting point is 01:03:35 So make sure you're subscribed. Yeah. You get all that daddy. Yes. Love you guys. If you want to submit like a question. Yes. What's the website?
Starting point is 01:03:43 You go to Barstool's website and you go to shows. You go to call her daddy and it will be right into the father. Yeah. You guys write in your shit. We read every single one. Yeah. These are all from you guys. So the more you write, the more we'll read.
Starting point is 01:03:56 We love you every fucking Wednesday, baby. Put the balls in your mouth. Put the balls in your mouth. Put the cum on his dick. And slurp that shit like a fucking ice cream cone. Let's go. We fucking love you guys. We will see you next week.
Starting point is 01:04:09 Bye daddy.

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