Call Her Daddy - 52- College Life: Being Hot vs. Not

Episode Date: September 11, 2019

Welcome to College 101 Daddies! Bringing you the ultimate guide for back to school- the College Playbook. Get ready to finesse the fuck out of your college campus and pay close attention, because navi...gating school is a little different when you are a 5 vs. 10 (apologies in advance)! They also talk about what to do when you're BLOCKED, getting Shadow banned on Instagram, and a sex move that is so simple yet so effective…the Hamburger. It's like a workout for your esophagus. Get that exercise in! Also, if you are ever suffering from cotton mouth- have no fear the daddies are here!!!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 do you call him daddy do i call her daddy call her daddy hello everybody oh daddies it is alexandra cooper and sophia franklin back at it again guys what's up it's fucking hump day are you humping a leg are you humping a tree are you humping a dick are you humping a vagina oh some people actually masturbate that way shout out shout out to anyone that humps pillows to masturbate okay so guys today is just an interesting day sophia looks fucked up she's's got something on her back. It literally looks like I have a dartboard on my back. I got allergy testing done and I didn't worry about I can't shower for the next two days. I love your natural musk. It gets me all turned on.
Starting point is 00:00:57 I have had men want to rip my clothes off before they even get a glimpse of what you look like they just get a whiff of you and they're like who the fuck is this girl yes it's because of scent bird guys this is one of our favorite fucking sponsors we love scent bird scent bird is a luxury fragrance subscription service for perfumes and colognes we say it all the time i am that bitch that before scent bird was literally keeping my little victoria's secret and trying to use bath and body work spray and you keep it and use every last drop and it's disgusting scent bird is basically a way for you guys to get new colognes and perfumes each month sent to you okay they have super high-end brands. They have like 450 designer brands. There's Tom Ford, Prada, Versace.
Starting point is 00:01:47 My favorite is the Juicy Couture one. Shout out. I always use it since seventh grade. Men want to literally lick my vagina because of it. And you guys get to choose a perfume you want to try and they'll send you a 30-day supply. So you guys, you can get 50% off your first month today. That's only $7.50.
Starting point is 00:02:04 For your first fragrance, go to slash daddy and use code daddy for 50% off your first month. So guys, as you know, Sophia and I have had some issues in the past with Instagram. Let's just, let's get right to it. We're shadow banned. People are trying to type in call her daddy into the search And they are not able to find us As far as everyone knows we don't exist It's not fair Alex and I figured this out a couple days ago
Starting point is 00:02:30 And I'm sitting there talking to Alex Five minutes go by This girl commented something bitchy On like one of call her daddy's pictures And Alex within seconds is like give me your phone Give me your phone i'm like okay alex literally responds to this poor girl and is like the reason that you are bitching is because your boyfriend literally has to suck his own dick because you are that bad at head because you can't
Starting point is 00:02:59 get the job done and i'm like no wonder we're fucking shadow band you're like alex no wonder you know also we did post a video of a penis one time that did happen but i feel like that's what the people want that's the content people go to call her daddy for don't fucking get upset with us help us get unshadowed i don't know if that's a thing i don't even think that's a thing it's kind of like honestly kind of cool oh my it's like we're more exclusive oh it's like you really gotta like go out of your way to like join the club yeah fuck us it's not the best but it's vip it's really what it comes down to vip if you're not shadow banned then you're really not living college oh those were the days oh my god we lived we loved and we graduated we graduated not only from college but just from
Starting point is 00:03:46 finessing college yeah and so of course college is a shit show but of course we're not gonna let you guys be out there on your own the call her daddy girls are here to give you college 101 bitches college 101 it's like a college manual it's a course we're teaching a course oh oh this is your most important course so guys i want to first start this segment out with the one of the number one questions especially for incoming freshmen is how do i find friends if i'm not in any type of greek life or sports where your fucking merch around campus i agree there is nothing that screams oh shit this person is dope as fuck they like to have
Starting point is 00:04:26 fun and oh she gives a great blowjob or oh he knows how to eat pussy really great let's be friends more than the merch it's the easiest fucking way to meet people around campus an immediate conversation starter so put on that fucking merch because also i have to say all social anxiety goes out the window the minute you see someone and call her daddy merch there's no there's no like oh should I go up to him or not daddy gang accepts daddy gang no matter fucking what you walk up to someone that you see them in Sophia's fucking mugshot the gluck gluck whatever it is and you get fucking after it you're like daddy gang daddy gang let's fucking go one of the first things for someone to be successful in
Starting point is 00:05:04 college is really understanding the dynamic of where you go to school. OK, if you go to school where the social scene is dominated by sporting events, then you should 100 percent be befriending an athlete. If it's not athletes that are running the campus and maybe it's Greek life, then you should be absolutely befriending someone in greek life if you are what i like to call a narp right a non-athletic regular person okay i thought you said fucking narc no but you're a narp you were a non-athletic regular person so yeah i'm actually a little bit athletic i played soccer and lacrosse in high school of varsity mind you anyways no i'm just kidding the reason i was considered more uh i hate the word cool but like okay i played a division one sport you were cool in college i think that's fair to say being a division at division one athlete automatically you were a division one athlete you fucking put out like i've never seen how wouldn't you be cool
Starting point is 00:06:07 dude what is going on today i'm not gonna interrupt you anymore that was actually funny i was getting a little excited okay so listen but the point is it depends on what school you go to so i went to boston university so there the athletes ran the campus our greek life and i'm not trying to be mean shout out to anyone that goes to bu i'm sorry i'm not trying to be an asshole but like our greek life people made fun of them because we went to a city school right so we're like who even are the sorority girls yeah and then there's some colleges or universities where greek life runs the fucking that's what i was gonna say say. Then you have an Arizona fucking state where maybe the soccer players aren't really shit there and the Greek life is where you are the most popular.
Starting point is 00:06:53 Yes. I do want to add. Okay. Maybe this is just me like being an old lady. Okay. But old lady. You guys know your interests and like stay in your lane. Maybe you don't want to fucking go to the humongous.
Starting point is 00:07:06 Right. And I was right. You're like a drama kid. Then join a club, a drama club. The biggest issue in college is people trying to fit in a lane that is not their lane. That's how you're going to succeed in college is finding people with like interest. Yes. Now, Sophia, we're going to talk about reputation.
Starting point is 00:07:27 I think one of the most requested, specifically from girls, is, guys, I'm coming into college or I'm in college and I want to preserve my reputation. Reputation. God damn it, Daddy Gang. Your reputation is probably already extremely fucked because i know who's listening and if you're anything like alex and i you're fucked no i'm just kidding so and college is a huge opportunity for you to make sure you create the narrative for how you want your reputation to be set create the narrative now if you guys remember back in the day episode two it's called
Starting point is 00:08:07 if you're a five or a six you need to die for that dick this is what alex means okay everybody listen and listen everyone i don't want anyone's feelings to get hurt it's gonna hurt feelings it's gonna rub but it's the fucking truth it is okay if you are a hot girl, do not fuck the first semester. That's the fucking truth. It is. First semester, you need to be so careful. You need to be so strategic because if you're a super hot girl and you fuck around, people are like, oh yeah, she's hot, but like she's such a slut. If you are super hot and you hold hold out you are going to be this prized possession that people are trying to get to the party because they want to penetrate you guys line up your roster go to parties be the biggest fucking flirt you can be but do not let anyone fucking know what
Starting point is 00:08:57 your vagina smells like definitely be a tease absolutely now this is the thing that's going to rub people the wrong way. This is the kicker. And we hate to say it, but. We hate to say it. If you're not a hot girl. If you are below a seven. If you're, yes, if you are below a seven, fuck a little. Fuck around.
Starting point is 00:09:18 Fuck her. Fuck around. I think if you are below a seven. You can be a little slutty. And this is why. Tell them. You will get the reputation of a girl that is willing to put out and you will get invited to fucking parties because once again, guys are like, OK, I can hopefully fuck her at
Starting point is 00:09:39 the end of the night. This is the fucking hard truth. Listen up, lady. And you don't have your looks to fall on. It's true. So you got to kind of. This is why I call her daddy. No other fucking podcast or show is going to say this.
Starting point is 00:09:53 And we're just telling you the fucking truth. If you are a five or a six or a seven or below that. And the guys are like, yeah, but fucking invite her. Because at the end of the night, when they want to get their dick wet. And they couldn't get the fucking nine that's not willing to put out they're gonna be like yo but fucking cassidy is willing to go downtown and the thing is is it sounds fucked up but really like we said know your lane just this is the thing okay if you're hot don't fuck if you're not as hot just put out into the universe that you're willing to be wrestled
Starting point is 00:10:26 down like a wild hog i wish you did not ever you are willing to be wrestled down put it out there you're willing to be wrestled down like a wild hog and you'll get invited to parties and this is this is the other thing i want to say is that pay attention to the school you are at because the school is going to determine where you are on the scale oh okay and and pay attention to your friend group because you know what if you are going to arizona state maybe back in kansas you were a nine okay sweetheart wake up arizona state things have changed you're a fucking six if that and you gotta put out sweet so also think about this when you're applying to colleges okay do you want to have to be a slut and be a fucking six at arizona or do you want to be a nine because there you go in boston yes the girls are actually hideous yeah i'm sorry anyone listening to this that's a six or below
Starting point is 00:11:32 boston is your calling put that on your college essay why do i want to go to this school because i don't really feel like putting out and i would like to have a chance at being hot i'm gonna be a nine here whereas i'll be a five at arizona there's a no-brainer mom okay i'm going to be you common sense but if you want to put out and you know you're a little slutty and you know you're just a whole go to fucking arizona go wherever the fuck you want go where you know you'll be a six go to fucking arizona go wherever the fuck you want go where you know you'll be a six and the only way to make waves at that school is for you to open your fucking legs and let a little penetration happen downstairs this sounds a little fucked up
Starting point is 00:12:16 we are gonna be kicked off no we are if i had gone to arizona that's my fucking life dude you would have been a fucking four but it's true if i had gone to arizona i would have been another fucking blonde bitch with not as nice of a this and not as nice as that and then it's like oh right but i be you and in boston i swear to you it's like harvard is harvard is across the river or yeah yes and so sorry to harvard people but there's not that many hot girls at harvard no all these fucking people are ratchet right and it's like oh wow uh-huh any girl that is above like a seven normally is like you're a 12 holy shit so no you're a model you should be yeah literally yeah so you gotta know your environment but it's the truth. It's not a big deal. It's the truth.
Starting point is 00:13:05 Everybody just needs to be self-aware. Yes. If I walk into a homeless shelter, I'm probably going to be a nine. You're going to be a 10, sweetheart. That's a good comparison. I'm hot. Right, you're hot there. At a homeless shelter.
Starting point is 00:13:17 At a soup kitchen, I'm fucking Candace Swanny Opal or whatever the fuck her last name is. You walk into San diego state oh sweetheart i'm a five on a good day on a good day okay it's all about relativity it is if you are a hot girl at college you you you know what your best friend may be a six a five and that's totally fine we love good friendships however when it comes to partying you need to find yourself a fucking hot girl yeah because what's gonna happen is you're gonna find yourself running into situations where the guys are only inviting you and it's like well can i bring my other friend they're like ah you know blah blah blah sorry can't find another hot friend
Starting point is 00:14:00 you are way more likely to get invited to a party if there are multiple hot girls with you. Yes. If, however, you now are below a seven, girls, find a fucking hot friend. Latch on because your fucking best hope of getting invited to that after party with all of a sudden the fucking hottest athletes, the D1 guys that are throwing the after party, and you're like, how do we get in? It's from the fucking hot friend. Yes. that are throwing the after party and you're like how do we get in it's from the fucking hot friend yes make her fucking be the one that's spearheading the fucking agenda and you're fucking hiding behind her and you run into the party behind her and you sneak in totally that's your best bet totally agree the moral of the story is you're a fucking leech i want you leeching onto these
Starting point is 00:14:37 hot bitches and sucking their blood and fucking going to every party on frat row use and abuse them for what they're fucking worth their looks shove them in front of the fucking door and be like this is what we're working with tonight and then you crawl underneath their legs and you scoot in there literally you go find the keg all right and then you fuck the guys go find the keg the keg why are you always seeing my truck sophia you get it you go find the K as in ketamine. You get yourself into a K-hole your first week of college. No, the K.
Starting point is 00:15:10 The K. Wow, you can see what kind of parties I've been going to. Jesus Christ. Anyways. Anyways, so another question that someone was asking about college, this was a huge one that Daddy Gang wrote in, was how the fuck do I approach someone in class? Because I have to admit that I had a lot of experiences where I saw a hot kid in my class and very few would shoot their shot. We asked
Starting point is 00:15:31 milf hunter, what is the best fucking way to shoot your shot in class? And he said, after a class, say it's first semester, you guys just started this class. His go-to would be to approach the girl that he thinks is super hot and he would go up to her in a very non-assuming aggressive way and she's like hey i was just wondering did you have a chance to look up this professor on rate my professor and that is so good because there's two answers she can give it's yes or no it's no she's like well what is that he's like you'd basically just go read reviews of what this professor is like. I haven't a chance to look it up. Thanks, though.
Starting point is 00:16:06 Like, thanks for that. And then walks away. So he's on the radar, not assuming. And because a lot of girls may be like, what is he going to do? Try to start a conversation. Right. Absolutely not. He's like, you don't know.
Starting point is 00:16:16 OK, cool. Thank you. That is a great line. Or if she says, yes, I did. He's going to play dumb and be like, oh, shit. Like, what does it say? Like, is this a good class to be dumb and be like, oh shit. Like, what does it say? Like, is this a good class to be in? Or like, are you, are you thinking of dropping it?
Starting point is 00:16:29 All you need is that one line and she is looking in your eyes and speaking to you and you're on her radar. This can go for girls too. Girls can do this to any guy they think is hot. Right. Girls shoot your fucking shot. I think a lot of people in college assume that all the hooking up starts at the party fuck no it fucking doesn't i would say 90 of the time it starts by talking to someone in
Starting point is 00:16:51 your fucking class absolutely or like at a pre-game or something someone in the dining hall on campus you eye out basically who you're you want to hook up with before a party setting and the class makes it so easy because you guys already have common ground, a common denominator. You guys can literally sit there and talk shit on the professor. And then slowly it turns into, hey, like, hey, can I get your number? I'm going to be out next week. Could you send me like the notes from class?
Starting point is 00:17:18 That's a huge one. The amount of guys that I gave my number to because they were going to be out one week and needed notes. It's such an unassuming thing. I'm like, sure. And then all of a sudden it's Friday night and they text you and they're like, yo, what are you up to tonight? Unassuming.
Starting point is 00:17:32 Unassuming. That is so smart because you're not at the party. Yes. And thinking this guy is just trying to fuck. Yes. You're in class and you're not thinking about that. You're thinking about fucking H2O and chemistry. It's not. I'm done. Okay. I'm done done so that's how you approach someone in class okay next another question i think this
Starting point is 00:17:52 was seriously the top question and it bothers me it bothers me too hooking up when your roommate is in the room let me just start off by saying alex and i when we are gonna hook up with a guy and we are older now and we fucking have apartments or we have our own room yeah we go to the guy's house yes that's what you should be doing i don't think college is any different no guys i'm so confused about this all of you are stressing like what do i do how do i tell my roommate first and foremost if you're the girl you should absolutely be going back to the guy's place it is so much easier for a guy to wake up his guy roommate and be like dude i need to fuck this girl give me like 30 minutes
Starting point is 00:18:36 get out absolutely girls it's not as easy now here's the thing there are some horror stories of roommates and i understand where girls are coming from where it's like a sunday night and you decide to go get hammered and you want to have fun and then your roommate is fucking pansy nancy and she fucking wants to get her sleeping because she's got economics in the morning and you're not gonna wake nancy up and be like nancy i need to get fucked so i think that is the best opportunity to do a little thing i like to call check off your bucket list the amount of times in college that people say there are these locations around campus that you want to fuck in before you graduate start a little early if you're in freshman year you're in the shitty dorms go onto the soccer field so many people in my college did
Starting point is 00:19:22 that there were so many kids that fucked on the soccer field. And in the morning I'd be playing and I'd see jizz all over the fucking 50 yard line. I'd be like, they got it in. They did what they needed to do. I was going to say, if your roommate sucks, just get creative and go fuck on the football. And then also, if you really have a shitty roommate, get a new roommate. So there shouldn't really be an issue with hooking up in your fucking room. And also maybe don't do it, you know, the first day, but establish rules with your roommate early on and be like, Hey, if there's ever a time, like you need to get it in, let me know and I'll leave and vice versa. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:56 Anyway, next one. This is a huge one also, which again, it's really not that hard guys. Someone was like, what do I do when i see someone after i hook up with them on campus whoa they're like freaking out that's the thing is that's the thing about college in the real world you can fuck 70 guys and never run into them they'll never tell someone who knows someone that's a thing college it's like everyone's gonna fucking know college college is a cesspool of drama and everyone knowing everyone's business you're walking out of your fucking class and oh my god the guy's dick i just sucked but it was a disaster and he
Starting point is 00:20:33 fucking came all over my stomach and i started crying and then and then you have to see him the next day this is the biggest advice i have okay you need to fucking get out of your heads yes daddy everybody is overthinking it way overthinking it what you need to do is act normal act normal act normal okay you guys are walking past each other and do a little smile and a wave and keep walking smile and wave boys smile and wave boys my favorite thing is to fake phone calls i pretend i'm on the phone 24 7 and then i look at someone and i wave and you keep going easy it's like people feel like they need to acknowledge what fucking happened and it's like no you absolutely do not it's the sun is out past right you were probably black out when it happened which means it doesn't even count which
Starting point is 00:21:23 means it didn't even happen exactly okay so act accordingly let me tell you a little personal story that happened to me i hooked up with this senior when i was a freshman i really thought you know this could be the man i you thought you were gonna be different but what what was it you were another notch on his belt well that's exactly what happened so Sophia three days went by and I never heard from him again I was like you hooked up and he ghosted my ass my fucking shitty ass so I will never forget it was the third day of the ghost it was really starting to sink in I was feeling really great at first you're like the phone's not working on the second day you were like he's just he's busy and then the third day you're like in the third day i went to the hockey game and there he was on the ice totally fine i was like so i
Starting point is 00:22:09 guess he didn't die so i'm sitting in the dining hall with my teammates and my friend starts sprinting towards my table and she's like alex alex alex blah blah blah is coming into the dining hall oh fuck at that moment i wish i was wearing a diaper because i proceeded to basically shit myself and i was like no this is so embarrassing yeah so i sat there and i decided oh my god i need to literally just crawl under the table and die and as he started to approach and get closer i had a change of heart and i decided you know what fuck this i look fucking great today i've got all my makeup and hair done i stood up and i purposefully pretended i was going and getting a fucking banana in his direction and i walked directly past him the banana no that's actually not what i did at all that actually probably would have worked well too but you said banana out of
Starting point is 00:23:03 everything and you expect me to not make a joke that actually would have been a good one but what i did is i just walked past him and did not make any eye contact looked directly at the banana went right for it beelined walked past him i am so proud of you and later that night guess who got a fucking text hey what are you doing tonight shut up it's like out of sight out of mind works and then he saw me being so cool not clingy not trying to talk to him and i get a fucking text okay you handled it like a fucking pro like a g like a g spot all right and it was really just one of those moments where i realized like everyone fucking over right don't hide under the table like a pussy alex man up.
Starting point is 00:23:45 I absolutely would have been the person that like ran out screaming. But no, that's the thing. Act normal. Don't completely ignore the person. But don't go up to them and be like, oh, my God, what are you doing here? Where are we sitting? Where are we sitting? You're like, what?
Starting point is 00:24:03 You sucked my dick. We're not going to sit together now. I'll see you at 12 p.m tonight again shut the fuck up bitch that was great okay another huge question is long distance should i stay in a long distance relationship while in college fuck no grow up grow the fuck up grow up get rid of the fucking boyfriend or the girlfriend you think you're in love with when you're leaving high school get fucking rid of them there is no reason to go into college thinking this is the love of my life i know you barely have tits in an ass when you're in high school all right you've barely seen what puberty looks like enjoy college i totally agree it's the most fun time you're gonna have of your life right A bunch of girls were writing in also and they were like, guys don't want to commit
Starting point is 00:24:45 in college. Like, how can I make them commit? You don't. You enjoy being single. Trust me. You don't want to be in a relationship at least during the first years of college. And if you're that desperate, if you really want a fucking boyfriend, look outside of school and look for older guys it's true
Starting point is 00:25:06 okay yeah there are other men out there this is the thing in college there's just too many people that are available even if you've got that bomb voodoo clam you've got that bomb dick it doesn't matter really because in the beginning stages of college, everyone wants to have a good time. I remember freshman year and this is a huge, huge PSA to everyone that's going into their freshman year. It really sucks when you meet someone that you really like in your freshman year because it's too soon to be in a relationship. And my biggest advice is try not to let that relationship move too fast because one of you is going to end up resenting the other if you rush into something freshman year and then you're at the parties and you're like well wait i didn't get to taste that dick and that dick looks cute or oh that pussy looks fucking tight and you can't because you're already fucking locked down so do that and then
Starting point is 00:25:59 another thing i want to address the most common thing you see in college is coming. STDs. Hold that too, sweetheart. Wrap it up. I'm on one today. Oh, my God. Tell me that wasn't a good one. Wrap it up, folks.
Starting point is 00:26:16 No. But the most common thing you see in college come the end of the semester is washed up burnouts who did too much too early and they can't maintain that type of activity so what i'm saying really is like daddy gang you need to take the first couple of weeks a little slow in terms of getting super blackout in terms of fucking too many people because people are going to get so fucking drunk and show their true colors and daddy gang we expect you to be observant guys let everyone play their cards and you sit back and watch this is the definition of playing the long game yeah you're going to be there for four years yeah chill the fuck down
Starting point is 00:26:58 that's also another point i would like to make is there are so many kids that are going to walk onto that campus that had overbearing parents that have never had a sip of alcohol, that have never gotten their dick wet. Yes. And there are no parents in college anymore. Right. All rules are out the window.
Starting point is 00:27:14 And they're like, oh my gosh, what is Everclear? It sounds like fun. What is Absinthe? Let me take a fucking fifth to the face. And they're blackout in the hospital and that's not daddy game. Also, Jungle Juice. That shit will sneak up on you. fifth to the face and they're blackout in the hospital and that's not daddy game also jungle juice yeah that shit will sneak up on you guys be careful fly under the radar and be very observant scouting and selecting who you want to go after and who you want to do like sophia said you have
Starting point is 00:27:40 four fucking years you don't need to get blackout the first four fucking days of the semester didn't i did tell that story of that kid and he had to be taken in the emergency room no yeah i did the kid just passed out not to go to the emergency room because he drank too much no he went to a party he was like known as like a pretty cool kid i remember and within the first few months oh yeah he got blackout. And it's like, ew. He got alcohol poisoning, had to go to the hospital, and literally had a fucking scarlet letter for the rest of his time there.
Starting point is 00:28:14 Listen, I know. And he was fucked. He never got invited to anything ever again. Fucking loser. No, I'm just kidding. But guys, that's a huge. Listen, Sophia is sitting here years and years after college. She's a fucking grandmother.
Starting point is 00:28:24 And she remembers. She remembers that kid. That's a huge testament to people get too fucking excited in the beginning of college. Fucking fake it till you make it. Pretend you take the shot. Put it on the fucking ground. Yeah. Make sure you're not that loser that's overdoing college in the first week.
Starting point is 00:28:41 I did not have the best college experience at all. Yeah. I didn't really like. And I think not have the best college experience at all. Yeah. I didn't really like college. And I think that's good that you're saying that. Yeah. Because not everyone is that. Yeah, college is the best time of their life. Neither did I. Right.
Starting point is 00:28:52 People feel so much pressure and they're like, these are supposed to be the best years of my life. Yeah. Not all the time. No. It wasn't like that for me. No, and I think that's good because it's like, everyone has their own issues. You being, you enjoyed. Are you about to tell what my issues are no no I'm just like you're like everyone has
Starting point is 00:29:12 their issues so Sophia specifically had this no um but I think it's important to address because you may be a normal person that's not involved in any Greek life or any athletics and you're like wow I wish i was in that sorority i wish i was on that team right speaking from playing the division one sport my life was fucking hell at times everyone looks at the athletes like oh they've got it all we fucking don't yeah sorority girls tell them the fucking story oh please tell oh here we go my god because i am a grandmother i had to do some investigative work. And I reached out to my cousin who is in college.
Starting point is 00:29:51 And she told me that this sorority there, she said all the girls in this sorority are like super hot, blonde, 10 out of 10. So, guys, once again, if you're a a six fucking join the sorority down the street where they're busted yep okay because then you'll be a 10 so they would have the prospects sit on a washing machine master i know that i thought the same thing too no they were told to circle every part of their body that was jiggling while they were on the washing machine yes aka circle what part of circle where your fat is dude i hazing 101 in greek life that is shocking is this really a thing dude and that's a thing listen i'm not shitting on greek life but like that's the fucked up shit that like if you're not in greek life there you go you don't have to fucking sit on a washing
Starting point is 00:30:41 machine and circle your jiggling cons But I thought that was insane. I would have started crying. Dude, me too. I would fucking bawl my eyes out. So I want everyone. Everything is relative. Everyone fucking thinks that, oh, Greek life is great. Hey, do you want to sit on a washing machine naked and circle your fat?
Starting point is 00:30:57 And then you fucking have the athletes and it's like we're on a plane and it's the best fucking Friday night. Everyone is going out because there's some fucking festival happening. we're on a fucking plane coming back from arkansas and we miss almost every party of the fucking year that's the cool party yeah so college is amazing but also you gotta fucking take it in stride guys guys i know people confuse me with bella hadid no one does. But I don't have a personal stylist the way Bella does. Who is your personal stylist, Sophia? Stitch Fix. Guys, Stitch Fix, we've talked about it before. It's an online personal styling service that delivers your favorite clothing, shoes, and accessories directly to you, okay? Stitch Fix has the brands you know and love, plus exclusive styles you won't find elsewhere. We say it all the time
Starting point is 00:31:45 guys if you don't have a girlfriend this is technically acts as your girlfriend you don't know how to dress you don't know what pants to get whatever this personal stylist is going to hook you up so with no subscription required pick between automatic shipments or only getting the new pieces on demand shipping exchanges and returns are always free free okay plus the $20 styling fee is automatically applied towards anything you keep from your box so get started today guys at slash daddy and you're gonna get 25 off when you keep everything in your box again that is slash daddy blocked Blocked. You're going to start this segment. Oh, sorry.
Starting point is 00:32:27 Nice try. This is Sophia speaking. The fucking poster child for being fucking blocked. The poster child. Blocking, which in turn has gotten me blocked on multiple occasions. I'm sorry, Sophia. I'll never block you. I'll never block you.
Starting point is 00:32:44 The Daddy Gang has been writing in and they are also blocked and they're like what the fuck do I do when I'm blocked and I need to fucking get a hold of this bitch it is different for girls than it is for guys absolutely if you are a man yeah listen to me you are never blocked. You may be physically blocked on your personal accounts from seeing her shit, but you're not actually ever fucking blocked. You are never blocked. Let me paint a scene for you. She has just watched fucking seven rom-coms.
Starting point is 00:33:17 She had a bottle of wine to herself. She took a box of chocolates to her fucking face. She's in her field. And she is going to get on her fake account and stock every single thing that you're doing your friends are doing your family's doing your cousin twice removed is doing okay and if she's not her friends hello 100 if i see one thing guy sofia's talking to was up to that blocked her. Hi, Sophia. I just screen recorded his entire page and went to every single picture. Here, here's a screen recording screenshots.
Starting point is 00:33:50 Every fucking bitch has their friends on high alert of the man they talk to. Yes. That's just how girls work. And you know what? And you know what? Even if she asked her friends kindly, please do not tell me what Jared is up to. Her friends are going to fucking tell her what you're up to that's the thing guys that's just how girls are that's the thing and so you need to take
Starting point is 00:34:10 advantage of how absolutely insane women are yes because this is the first and i think the only time yeah that we are gonna tell men to post the equivalent of a thirst trap absolutely you're gonna be more active on your page than you've ever fucking been yeah you're gonna be out at a party and you're gonna throw up a fucking snapchat you're gonna put it on your instagram story you're gonna let this bitch know you are living without her maybe a little inconspicuous video with a blonde bitch standing next to you but you can't see the blonde bitch's face so the girls can't stalk the blonde bitch but it's very inconspicuous she's gonna be like who the fuck is he with and the only way she could ever find out is if she shows up like a crazy bitch to the party.
Starting point is 00:34:46 One hundred percent. That's something you and I would do. But guys, that is how you basically get her to come crawling back to you is you start being way more active on social media. And if you don't want to come off super obvious, like you literally never post, have your friends do it. Absolutely. There you go.
Starting point is 00:35:08 Now, girls, girls, if he has you blocked it is the thing that's fucked up about men and it really fucking pisses me off is they are so much fucking better at out of sight out of mind than women are most men can be like yes we're done or you blocked me so i'm never looking at your shit. Perfect example. The fucking guy that ghosted you. He saw you walk by and he fucking slid into your text messages. He sees me in that fucking dining hall and he's like, oh, wait, they're way. Men are way more visual, but he's not stalking my social media. So unfortunately, women, if he blocks you because you can't throw up a thirst trap. No, he's not going to see it. No, he's not looking at his friends are not going to be like, bro, if he blocks you because you can't throw up a thirst trap. No, he's not going to see it.
Starting point is 00:35:45 No, he's not looking at his friends are not going to be like, bro, look at what Sandra did. So I'm going to risk sounding stalkerish, but fucking run into him. Yes. 100%. If you can, if you know his class schedule, if you know where the party he's going to, that is the way to get. That's the way to get
Starting point is 00:36:05 in his control yeah we sound so psycho i don't care but honestly the second a guy sees you is when everything will change it's true try to run into him at a party try to run into his friend i don't care if you have to make a fake account and pretend to be a girl that's interested in him oh make sure you're a hot girl on the fake account okay fucking dm him okay and be like hey are you going out tonight i want to suck your wiener and then guess who shows up you you fucking do dude i did this to my friends in college and it's fucked up but here's another tactic ladies i hoard my friends out and i would say hi bridget you need to go fuck um his friend so i can be in on every bit of their plans, on every move. She'll be like, we're heading to the dining hall right now.
Starting point is 00:36:50 We're heading to the frat party. We're heading to the hockey game. I would totally become a whore for you. Me too. 150%. If it was benefiting you, I'll absolutely be a whore any day. But that's the thing, girls. You got to get creative.
Starting point is 00:37:04 Also, you can still leave a voicemail from a blocked number so they block you you block your own number and then you can leave a voicemail so you call them from star six seven and you leave them a voicemail yes and that's one way to get through to them i can tell you've probably done that a lot i can tell um oh wow okay so if they won't answer because you you're blocked just call them and leave a voicemail yes hi it's me again haha you can't block a block number bitch i'm back and then leave like 500 voicemails that's a way to do it what is the notebook thing he's like i wrote you 365 letters you can be like i left you 365 voicemails and then you legit get arrested yeah that's like a restraining order issue okay
Starting point is 00:37:53 yeah but guys listen getting blocked it's not fun it's not cute but like i said it's a fucking mindset so hopefully that gave you guys some ways to infiltrate sex what a beautiful thing what a natural birds and the bees remember when people used to call it that anyway so don't pretend like no didn't used to call it yeah i've heard i've heard that yeah i'm like my mom saying it to me when i'm younger um sex guys you know it's just i know we all wait for this segment it's like shut the fuck up and just talk about getting. I know you guys literally fast forward through all the bullshit. You're like, here we go. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:38:31 Here's the sex. So as it always is, this has to do with a blowjob. Like, God damn, how can we add more to the blowjob? There's always a way to finesse and be greater at sucking dick. Once again, art form. Art form. Once again, it takes years of practice. It takes a village to perfect your sucking dick game. And we're the village.
Starting point is 00:38:55 We're giving it to you. Here we go. Alex, that fucking analogy is not. It takes a village. I'm like, wait, so are we about to tell him like multiple people should be sucking his dick at the same time okay anyways let's get right into it but first i do want to say because we were talking about college in this episode you can absolutely stand out in college specifically if you do this too obviously this is sex everywhere but let's talk about college because essentially
Starting point is 00:39:21 college is filled with cheap liquor stress and inconsistent bad sex that's the thing that i don't think people understand that much in college there's a lot of fucking happening right but it's not good sex no one knows what they're doing no everyone is just a fucking amateur and they're just going to have sex they lost their virginities like two years ago fucking they're just fucking the fuck exactly so it is really not that hard in college to stand out as a girl if you put a little couple moves in the bedroom he's leaving being like holy fuck she's she is the lisa ann of our fucking campus so when you are giving head when you choke or gag on his dick you generally are going to generate more saliva okay so we're going to combine that saliva with a line and a move okay okay sophia i just saw a liquid drip
Starting point is 00:40:20 out of your vagina she's so horny is excited is there another chair in this room because yours is a little soaked okay okay so the physical part of the move is the hamstring grab okay the most underrated thing because every man is going to be so obsessed with you when you just locate the hammy and let me tell you how it's aggressive so this requires some confidence in your esophagus specifically okay okay so i would have to say it's probably best on your knees what you're gonna do is you're gonna take your hands and you are going to grab the back of his legs this is so smart and you are going to slightly like right below his butt grab on each leg with separate hands and use that grip and hand placement to literally push his dick so far down
Starting point is 00:41:15 your throat that it literally it hits your fucking lungs lungs yes his dick is in your fucking lungs and it's gonna come out through your vagina it's that fucking deep what's the thing the doctors do they put it down your throat the tube yep that's his dick today ladies basically the point of this is one it's so fucking hot obviously for a man to feel this aggression but you have control of his motion and your mouth so basically you're essentially making him thrust forward at your pace and be sure and i cannot emphasize enough be sure to make sound effects when you push it deep enough to where your that is never supposed okay dude keep going okay i want every girl to be gagging You're going to generate that saliva like we said
Starting point is 00:42:09 But the noise and the spitting Loudly and the aggressively Shoving his dick down into your throat This guy is going to think That you are so obsessed with his dick That you want it under no Circumstance is his dick far enough yet I need more
Starting point is 00:42:24 Can I give my two cents Give the two cents You want it under no circumstance. Is his dick far enough yet? Yes. I need more. I need more. Yes. Can I give my two cents? Give the two cents. Give 25 cents. Okay. I feel like guys get scared that the girl is just doing it because she thinks that he's going to like it.
Starting point is 00:42:36 Yes. And it fucks with their head and it fucks with the entire fucking thing. The second a girl starts acting like they're dying for that joying the fuck out of what they're doing that's when a guy is gonna fucking splooge straight down the throat into the belly into the belly pregnancy 101 you're a cum savage that's what you come off as a cum savage so that's the first part of it after you've thrusted him so far down you're gonna spit on his dick you're gonna pull off you're gonna spit on his dick and you're gonna start jerking him off and you're gonna look up at him and tell him it's so
Starting point is 00:43:16 hard and you want it inside of you right now you need it you have the most control over a man when he's about to come when he's inside of you and when his dick is in your mouth those are the two moments i mean when you have full control that is the most profound shit i have ever literally it's golden no girl is daddy game pulls this shit out yeah the fucking hammy move spit on the dick all of it esophagus is getting a workout begging begging for him to fuck you. The esophagus workout is really what it's all about. Fuck the gym.
Starting point is 00:43:50 The esophagus workout. I personally have not grabbed a guy's thighs in fucking forever. I'm ashamed of myself. If you really want to ramp it up, I've done it where he's skull fucking me. You put a little finger in the butthole i wasn't gonna say that but yeah that's actually an awesome if your hands are already there why not why wouldn't you downtown to brown town yeah i feel that and i like that and i like where you're going with that let him know his boss let him know fucking fucking put it in there he did a little twirl around pinch his fucking asshole hairs that could be a thing
Starting point is 00:44:28 no there is nothing that hurts a man more than a twist of the ass but i have heard of guys pinching a girl's pubic hair oh i was like oh well i'm talking asshole hair. Clench that shit. If he cheats, you're like, baby, let's fuck. And you round off that can spring. Rip those dingleberries right off of his asshole hair. Dude, dude. Take them away. Take them away. We are crying.
Starting point is 00:45:03 Whoa. So I was blacked out This This move is called The hamburger Hamburger That's not If you
Starting point is 00:45:12 I didn't If you see the pink panther You guys will Really appreciate The hamburger His ham Because of the hamstrings And then
Starting point is 00:45:21 Burger Because his meat AKA his dick So yeah Have fun with it That's the sex move from caller daddy for this week woo let's move the fuck on well folks you know what time of the week it is well well folks it's that time of the way questions of zillow okay questions off the wife okay let's go pop it off do you want to keep going i could just just honestly literally do that for so i know alex yeah just sit tight sweetheart buckle up here we
Starting point is 00:46:00 go hi daddies i was listening to your podcast about mama's boys and how their breed might possibly be the worst kind out there. It reminded me of my ex-boyfriend who would always exchange kisses on the lips with his mom. Now, they wouldn't be tongue-punching each other, but literally every time we came to her house, left, the peck would be there. They would even take it as far as him laying in her chest on the couch while she played with his hair look up and exchange the peck i felt bad it made me uncomfortable because their relationship wasn't always the greatest but the mother-son pda was unlike anything i've seen before when i brought it up to him he got upset and said that there's nothing as special as a mother's kiss to her child.
Starting point is 00:46:47 Is this weird or was I overreacting? Kisses from Canada. I didn't realize incest was popular in Canada. Okay. Hold on. I'm not going to say it's incest. It's incest. But they're absolutely fucking.
Starting point is 00:47:06 They're absolutely fucking. The sexual chemistry. It's not incest, but they're fucking doggy every night. The sexual chemistry is undeniable. You could cut the tension in a room between them. this 25 year old man's head is resting on his mom's bosom and she is leaning down for a quick little moment of peckerness because what because that's normal get the fuck out of my face this is incest yes can you imagine if you're sitting there in the room and you literally are watching as your boyfriend whole he starts basically making out with his mother.
Starting point is 00:47:46 I would never. I would not want. It would be such a turn off. I'd be like, please don't kiss me. That's literally the beginning of a bad porno. Like the mom and the son and you're sitting there. The stepmom. Yes.
Starting point is 00:47:58 Sweetheart. I would very. That is very fucking weird. I would be. I would be concerned. And I think that. Do you low key think about your mom when you're fucking me right food for thought i don't know he's in love with his mother let's
Starting point is 00:48:10 just call it what it is and you say they don't use tongue i bet you they do when you're not looking sweetie yo okay well that was fucking they just don't use tongue in front of you. They're trying to be respectful. I just want to pass on some invaluable information to all my ladies and maybe some thoughtful men. The guy I've been hooking up with likes to come on my face and I love to wear makeup. Not a great combo. Unless you have Urban Decay All Nighter Setting-nighter setting spray love this shit is like glue the last two times he came on my face my makeup stayed perfectly intact even after wiping my face off with a towel what i couldn't think of a better platform to share so ladies grab yourself a bottle a i'm running home to purchase this
Starting point is 00:49:06 b don't because i have it you do and i've got cum on my face and i've wiped it off and my makeup comes off maybe like her skin has this suction thing that mine doesn't i was about to tell men to fucking spray her face before she's about to go down on you and that'll be like the cutest thing ever maybe maybe i just got a big load on my face and it was too big to fucking withstand yeah maybe she got more sprinkle action than a load um i would really have to retry this because from what i know i use it every time i do my makeup and i've had this happen and i've looked in the mirror and i've looked like a big long streak down my okay so maybe his cum just wasn't as potent as the fucking terrifying men you're hooking up dude no i would have is like
Starting point is 00:49:58 fucking tar hitting your face but your face is melting maybe i will have to retry it though i have a hack from the daddy gang okay okay we love a good tip to make him feel insecure tip of the day tipply dickily trickly mickley thickly okay this girl wrote in and was like here's a tip to make him feel insecure you are going to put your phone in his charger, perhaps before you guys hook up, before you guys go to bed. But before that, you are going to text about five guys some kind of question that will guarantee your response. Doesn't have to be sexual, but just text guys out of the blue. Don't check your phone and just let those text alerts from the men that he doesn't know stack up on your home screen as they respond to your questions later ask the guy sweetly if he can
Starting point is 00:50:51 retrieve your phone from the charger for you as he dismounts the phone from the charger the screen will light up with a bunch of texts from men with their names all over your phone he will wonder who all of these men are and what they're texting you bingo guys that i think i've done this before i have absolutely done this and i just never even thought about it you didn't calculate it was just like nature this is pretty brilliant if you are hooking up with the guy and you're trying to keep him on his toes or also if you're like i want him to want something more serious yeah this is such a good time to strike up that jealousy because he's going to be like, hold the fucking phone. Who is this bitch texting?
Starting point is 00:51:30 Why is she fucking texting this many dudes after literally in the middle of us probably fucking? What is going on? It will jumpstart the what are we conversation if you guys are going down that road. It's pretty brilliant. It really is and honestly if you don't have five guys to text change change the names in your phone fucking text your mom your friend your cousin and all of a sudden it's jason tyler yeah greg and yes michael and the thing about the phone is you cannot help but glance at the screen.
Starting point is 00:52:05 Oh, fuck no. It doesn't matter how stand up of a guy you are, you're going to look. Any phone. I'm on the fucking subway and whoever's sitting next to me, I can't help but glare over and wonder what they're up to. 100%. So that's a really fucking good trick. Yep.
Starting point is 00:52:19 Make them fucking insecure. Make them jealous. Make them get down on one knee and propose. Woo. Okay. Okay. Sophia wasn't a muse she didn't like that one i honestly didn't even listen didn't hear you because i was looking for my you just like appearing it's been getting worse lately she doesn't listen to me okay thank you this girl wrote in what are some easy go-to excuses for leaving the house to go cheat i can only say i'm going to so many spin classes because my ass is not getting any smaller the fucking question that i'm really
Starting point is 00:52:58 trying to achieve what am i go to excuses because like a spin class is not happening anymore i don't know say you're go say you're picking up a new hobby and you're fucking doing ceramics just be like i'm going to get food with the girls um okay i need to i'm gonna try to go get a membership at a gym and try to like fill out a form i don't is this Is this a real question? I think it is. I mean, I thought about it. Do you say I'm going to the gym to fill out a form? Yeah. Like you're trying to like apply to get into a gym. Like Alex, you got to say Alex.
Starting point is 00:53:35 I know you and you're one of the best fucking liars I know. And I know that that is not what you're saying. Let me rattle some off the top of my head. OK, here we go. Let's just do. OK, I would say I would do the whole thing about, oh, I have. Think that what it needs to be is something consistent. Art, ceramics, fucking.
Starting point is 00:53:54 What's that? Wine and dine club with the girls painting. Paint club with the girls. And then he's going to be like, where's your painting? And you're like, it's at the studio, you freak. You freak. Stop trying to see my shit. This is my one avenue of independence. Let me live my life.
Starting point is 00:54:10 You don't need to see my art. He's like, Jesus Christ. I just wanted to be supportive. What is that thing with the swords? You know what I'm talking about. Oh, archery. No, archery. What is that?
Starting point is 00:54:22 Archery or? No, we know what it's called. Fencing. Fencing. Baby baby i'm taking a fencing he will literally fuck out of here he would never ask to go and see you do that ever he's like that actually makes my penis swell up and shrivel up and go inside of me that's so unattractive but yeah go for a baby yeah um yeah you gotta just pretend you're picking up a hobby that's the thing or literally be like listen i need better dick why do you need to cheat you need better dick there you go just be like i need better dick i'm going to have a better day be honest you know what is the best thing is is who said
Starting point is 00:55:00 this to me before the girl was like i asked my boyfriend if he was cheating and he said yeah of course I'm cheating on you and she was like so I thought it was a joke obviously I never asked him again and then like five months later I found proof he was cheating and she started bawling shut the fuck up I told you I was no he was like yeah I told you five months ago you asked me I said yeah I'm cheating on you it's like almost if you tell them you're cheating maybe they just won't think you're actually and how do you get in trouble you're like i literally told you i didn't think you were serious like that's your fault for not reading social cues like i don't know what to tell you classic oh healthy the last and final we mentioned it earlier in the episode but i just want to read it one more time this girl goes so
Starting point is 00:55:43 me and my friend want to be you guys for halloween what are your suggestions on outfits daddy gang you need to find the brunette to your blonde the blonde to your brunette the alex to your sophia and you know what your alex if you're if you guys are both blonde or both brunette get a fucking wig we're gonna be giving you guys wigs too if you need that yeah we are coming out with alex and sophia costumes for halloween and they're gonna be fucking bomb which i feel so wait should we do should i be you and you should be me 150 oh my god i'm gonna get contacts i'm gonna do the whole thing wait that's i've always wanted to be you for a day i same oh my god so halloween is our choice guys and these costumes are slutty as fuck and that's all that matters the tits are out and you're ready to fuck also tell me that every
Starting point is 00:56:34 fucking man at a halloween party and they see two girls dress up as us aka pose aka down the Down to fuck And let's go A.K.A threesome A good fucking time Wow So Daddy King Oh my god We love you Daddy What a fucking Wednesday Everyone in college I hope you're excited About college now
Starting point is 00:56:53 I hope some of our feedback Gave you You know got you A little excited Also if you're blocked Blocked You guys now know The drill of what to do
Starting point is 00:57:02 We love you guys Give us a rating And a review If you guys can It helps us We like to help you Help us of what to do We love you guys give us a rating and a review If you guys can it helps us we like to Help you help us back we love you We love you and you guys follow us on Instagram Sophia with an F Franklin with a Y and Alexandra
Starting point is 00:57:14 Cooper go follow us we sometimes Post really slutty things it'll get your Wiener hard as it should Alright guys go get fucking hammered Go get fucked up go get Fucked see you next wednesday

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