Call Her Daddy - 56- The Instagram Scam

Episode Date: October 9, 2019

Sofia tells us about a traumatizing experience she had while her mom was in town this past week…just say no to drugs kids! Also in the episode, the girls discuss uncircumcised dicks. They can be com...plicated so listen up. Even if you have never encountered one, you should know how to Gluck it like a daddy. They also talk about fitness girls on instagram, ass injections, and last but not least, eating the puss* from behind. 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 do you call him daddy do i call her daddy call her daddy hello daddy hello it's the father it's the fathers call her daddy is alex and sophia back at it again how How's everyone feeling? Hope you guys are feeling refreshed. It's hump day. Everyone gets excited for Wednesdays. It's like a holiday every week. You just look forward to Wednesday.
Starting point is 00:00:36 Better than Christmas, I would argue. Better than Christmas, better than New Year's, better than Halloween. But I'm not going to start this off positive. You never do. No one is expecting Sophia to come in here in a good mood. What's wrong, Sophia? So my mom was in town. Woo!
Starting point is 00:00:53 And it was the first night she got here. And Alex was getting ready because Alex was going to go, I don't know, probably suck dick. I don't know. Whatever Alex does. Don't worry about what I'm doing. You focus on yourself. And Alex was like, do you have any any weed and i've talked about this before weed and i yeah it's a love hate we don't really like the hard stuff like sophia prefers meth on like a casual night than weed
Starting point is 00:01:18 right so i'm like sophia give me some weed no no but i will say like i've tried some arguably harder more intense and you're fine with it and I'm totally chilling and weed just does not suit Sophia so Alex is like can I have I'm like oh I actually have a weed pen I've had it for fucking years I just never use it and it was like disassembled and Alex was like okay I'm rushing to get ready can you like put it together and like hand it to me worst mistake of my life and i start putting the weed pen together and there's like the button on it and i'm like pressing it and i used to smoke jewel a jewel jewels i actually quit doing that but so anyways i'm trying to put
Starting point is 00:01:57 the pen together and i'm pressing the button and i inhale it as if it's like a jewel so as hard as i fucking can i'm pressing down the button and next thing i know a ginormous cloud of smoke comes out of my mouth out of my nostrils out of your butthole i fall to the floor coughing up a lung like i couldn't catch my breath for like 20 minutes and i'm like holy fuck i'm about to be so high this is not good I'm like Sophia where's my pen meanwhile my mom is in my room she has no idea this is going on so I realized that I took a fucking monster hit monster okay without trying to do it on purpose right you guys I think like 10 or 15 minutes passed and I got so freaked out I jumped into my mother's lap and curled up in a ball and I was like mom I'm so scared I'm so scared it was like reflexes like a cat literally
Starting point is 00:02:54 she was like what the fuck is wrong with you I'm like mom I smoked I need to confess like I'm freaking out my mom was like what is going on I I had a full mental breakdown panic attack your mom was probably honestly loving it. Being like, oh my God, like my daughter is back in like her childhood ways. Like she wants me to stroke her hair. You're like, mom, hold me. Okay. This is the thing.
Starting point is 00:03:14 Can we quickly discuss panic attacks? I don't know. I've never had one. Every time I read about it online, people are like, oh yeah, I thought I was going to die. Like you're going to die. No. The craziest shit
Starting point is 00:03:25 happens to me when i smoke weed i start to go into these like different alternate universes like a different realm and i hate how it feels it's like impending doom and i'm like holy shit you're gonna be stuck like this forever like you fucked up your brain and then i get scared i'm gonna be stuck like a crazy person like the next week you do oxy and you're like I don't feel the impending dune and I don't think it's gonna fuck up my brain I'm kidding so if you're not doing those drugs but no I think it's so interesting I'm freaking out right now can we like keep talking I'm not kidding what did I'm getting tingly all over my body what else did you say to your mom so you were just asking her to hold you I did end up saying like I think I might feel better if I go to the hospital my mom is like are you sure and I was like yeah and she's like let's just like wait a minute she's
Starting point is 00:04:13 like let's put on tv I started like pacing like up and down like our apartment just freaking out wait and your mom told me I remember because guys I had to leave okay I had plans I couldn't sit around and watch this fucking I am not trying to be here for this I was like this is my Saturday night I don't need this shit yeah sorry about that so um but your mom did tell me the next morning she said Sophia would like look at me and I would be like smiling trying to make her feel better and Sophia would be like stop smiling mom stop fucking smiling and she'd be like okay so she'd start like rubbing you and you'd be like why are you rubbing me like everything your mom did it was wrong yeah my mom yeah I was like stop doing that don't look at me stop breathing close your eyes look to the side I started freaking out dude weed is such an interesting drug and I do think though to me it's interesting that you freak
Starting point is 00:05:02 out when you're with me and your mom. Because I know sometimes people that smoke weed have an issue if you're in public and you do it. You're not comfortable with the people around you. Right. But I can sympathize with you because I remember. I know. I know. OK. Although it would never happen to me now.
Starting point is 00:05:18 But back in the day, I was kind of dating this guy and I went to visit him on a trip and I wasn't like super comfortable with him yet. So I was trying to be a fucking hardo and go hard in the paint. And you're like, I'm going to take this. I'm going to rip a bong out of my asshole. Watch this bitch. Watch this bitch. So I remember I was in Chicago with him and we went to his friend's place and I was trying to be cool and they were taking edibles. Oh my God. I would rather die. No, because edibles are fucked up because you don't know how much you're taking aside from like a hit of weed, like edibles really fuck you.
Starting point is 00:05:55 So I took the same amount as them, like the little loser I am. And I legit, I swear to God, started hallucinating. Yeah. And I remember I went into the bathroom of this guy's place and I started staring at myself in the mirror for like what felt like an hour. And I'm, you know, when you're trying to get yourself to like feel sober, normal, you're like, you got this, you've got this and you're with yourself for a second. And then all of a sudden I'm like on the ceiling and I'm like, literally I'm distorted.
Starting point is 00:06:20 I'm distorted. People try and be like, marijuana is not a hallucinogen. Yeah. Okay. I don't know okay so i'm hallucinating and i go back outside and i'm trying to pretend like i'm totally fine and i ask him because we had to go get ready for dinner i ask him like hey could we go back to the hotel a little early i think i have to shower he's like yeah yeah for sure i think i did shit i had to go shit i was so we get back to the hotel room when i tell you i was having the biggest panic attack sofia oh my god i ended up walking into the hotel room
Starting point is 00:06:54 turning on the shower and i got into the shower with all of my clothes on and i took off the um like the portable shower head why and i just put it on my face and open my mouth because I had the worst cotton mouth. So imagine this guy. What? Dude, I don't know. I was freaking out. And I had the worst. So he knew you were freaking out.
Starting point is 00:07:14 He knew I was freaking out a little bit. But can you imagine we walk in? I don't say a word. I turn the shower on and I'm in there with all of my clothes on. I'd be like, this is a serious issue. And I just stood there with the showerhead in my mouth essentially trying to like get out my my cotton mouth wow and then after that i got like all undressed and got under the covers and i was like i cannot go to dinner and interact with humans
Starting point is 00:07:35 he was like like that's the type of shit when you get high guys cannabis is a hell of a drug people gateway drug people say weed is a gateway drug i do not agree i think other drugs are the gateway to fucking weed and that shit will fuck you up i don't think that's i don't care how it's being legalized i swear to god like meth is like less than you on the road i would kill 72 pedestrians so that was just um an update of marijuana if you guys are interested right now i know you're like twitching let's please move on let's move on okay uncircumcised dick dang lang deck decks uncircumcised dicks it's like there's this crazy it's an enigma not smegma no enigma it's an enigma and there areegma. No. Enigma. It's an enigma.
Starting point is 00:08:29 And there are so many women that look at it like it's the green eyed monster. It's like, oh, run away. It's like Bigfoot. And you've never seen it, but you can only imagine what it looks like. And it's like, girls. Girls. Enough is enough. It's not a big fucking deal. It's not that scary.
Starting point is 00:08:40 It's very similar to vaginas, actually. Okay. Because some girls have like the hot dog bun it's an actual slit their vagina looks like a line yep okay you see it in porn a lot yes or then there's some girls that have super long labia and they have flaps that they could literally flap away into the sunset fly away with okay wings wings flop flop parachute parachute they are fine there's a fire thank you sofia um okay so the thing with the uncircumcised dicks it's similar it's similar when a man comes out of a vagina and he's born usually it's when they're born or sometimes people get circumcised
Starting point is 00:09:18 later in life but most of the time a baby is born and there's a decision made whether they are going to cut this extra skin or they're going to keep it. And those who keep it the way they were naturally born, you know, fucking fuck the plastic surgery from day one. They're going natural. Yes. These men have extra skin. Yeah. And I want to clarify what the fuck the extra skin is because uncircumcised dicks when i was younger i thought the extra skin meant literally
Starting point is 00:09:45 the entire penis from base to head was covered in an extra shield of skin wearing a fucking long pimp fur coat uh yes no nope girls what it is is it is a thin piece of skin that is covering the head of the penis. It starts at the little base. You know how it looks like a little mushroom in cartoons? Like his mushroom part of his penis. Yes. The top, the head.
Starting point is 00:10:12 There is a piece of skin that covers that. Yes. So really just like one long penis. It looks kind of like an anteater. An anteater. It does. Here we go. Amazing, Sophia.
Starting point is 00:10:23 Pigs in a blanket. Yes. And a sausage is hiding under the blanket yes so every time a girl is like i don't know what to do with it it's not that serious girls it's fine it's a piece of skin it's fine literally it's a skin it's a scab like we're all gonna be fine just rip the band-aid off okay um i think you're really wrong do not rip the foreskin off sophia i have a question for you. Yes. Women always write in saying, I didn't know what to do with it.
Starting point is 00:10:49 A lot of people think that when a penis gets hard, that you don't see even the skin. You don't have to deal with it. Yeah. Sometimes if the guy gets hard, the foreskin will just roll all the way back. It will fold back and be skin tight, stuck to his dick. Right. And that's at the base of the head, girls. Right.
Starting point is 00:11:09 It's going right there. It's not going all the way down onto his fucking penis and there's like balls. Yeah. And so in that instance, it's kind of like you kind of go about it like a regular penis. Yes. Sometimes, though, whether it's a smaller dick or whether he just has a lot of foreskin. Right. Sometimes it will still kind of
Starting point is 00:11:25 look like a little gobble neck like a turkey gobble neck so then in that instance that's when i think the girls freak yes that's when they're like what the fuck is it that's what we need to talk about that's what we need to talk about there's nothing to be scared about no the first thing and the first thing you need to know girls is do not for the love of christ do not think oh my god we got to get that thing out of the fucking way and rip it down and push it down to the base of his fucking wiener head absolutely not you need to be so gentle because gentile a the foreskin has nerve endings and it's super super sensitive super sensitive and b depending on how well this guy takes care of his foreskin, you just need to be
Starting point is 00:12:07 careful when you're pulling it down. I talked to my friend who had dated a guy that was uncircumcised and she said from her personal experience with her boyfriend, when if he would get hard, that there was still some of the foreskin was like covering a little bit of the top of the dick. And so she said, you're going to give head and it's still there lightly throughout you starting to give him head. You're easing the skin down. It's not in one big motion girls and don't get freaked out by it. Use it as a form of foreplay. We, okay. We have to slowly get that thing down. Like, let me lick around. Let me go slow. Let me
Starting point is 00:12:41 like start licking the base and I'm going to come back up totally slowly you're kind of wheeling it back like it's the curtains like the curtains oh i love that going back to show the light yes to show the stage to show the dancers there we go but the main fucking issue tell them the hygiene issue oh this was the main thing that girls were complaining about my friend told me this story about how he was hooking up with this guy in high school and he's giving him head okay and um the guy like didn't take care of himself and he said that he almost literally threw up in the middle of the blow job and that it tasted like the inside of a fucking belly button. And he was pissed. No, wait. So, okay. So, with that said. The inside of a belly button.
Starting point is 00:13:27 Wait, didn't. Sorry, this is so random. But didn't Lamar Odom say that Khloe Kardashian's pussy smelled like the back of an earring holder thing? Have you ever smelled that shit? It fucking smells rancid. So, that is the funniest shit. Isn't that really funny? It's so fucking true, though shit isn't that really funny it's so fucking true so true but okay the belly button also smells fucking ratchet so that's fucking suck so
Starting point is 00:13:53 and i do not want to give uncircumcised penises a bad rap no we love them we love them they're fine but men you don't have the luxury if you're uncircumcised just jump in the shower and do like a two second scrub because there is the skin and there's extra opportunity for gunkage to get in there and men are listen men i love you but you guys are disgusting a lot of the times the amount of girls that wrote in saying i actually had lint come yeah oh my mouth you can kind of tell if he takes care of it if you're like going downtown about to give a blow job like yeah if his shit does not come back all the way and you try to move it and it's like a little stuck that is a huge indicator that it's like crusted up and there's an infection there's an infection repulsive repulsive disgusting but so yeah that's a great tip girls go down there for like a pre-blow job
Starting point is 00:14:45 and like see what you're working with do not though however because i feel like there are girls that probably do this yeah go in there acting scared oh my god like oh my god i'm so scared i don't know what to do like i've never done this before what do i do i've never seen one of those yeah i've never seen it like that don't do that reversal rules girls can you imagine if he took off your pants and he looked at your pussy and he was like holy shit i've never seen it like that don't do that reversal rules girls can you imagine if he took off your pants and he looked at your pussy and he was like holy shit i've never seen flaps that big what am i supposed to do how do i get in there and it's like you would want to die same thing goes for men like you don't want to body shame them no make him feel like it's not a big deal you're like i've literally you could think you've never given a fucking blow job yeah literally
Starting point is 00:15:23 just saying like i want you to teach me like i want to know how you like it yeah you could you could be like tell me if this feels good and try different things and look up at him and figure out what he's responding to boom one of the um biggest tips i have for girls when they're giving a blow job is if you pull the skin over the tip of his dick and then you play with it with your tongue. A guy's going to go crazy like mid blowjob. Yeah. Pull that shit back over his tip and go to town. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:53 Around. Yes. Yes. He's going to be like, oh, wow. Heaven sent bitch. And we love a good heaven. Angel in our midst. Angel in our midst.
Starting point is 00:16:02 And I read this. This is for professionals only. OK. our midst. And I read this. This is for professionals only. Okay. I did read. It was like from this guy that was uncircumcised. He said his favorite thing is if girls nibble on the force. This is if you've hooked up with this guy 20 times and he's like confirms that he's into it. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:16:23 But besides that, I want to do a big fat PSA that sex with an uncircumcised dick is really almost the same as it is with any other day. The only thing I want to point out with sex is the condom. Right. So for the condom with a guy that has just don't use them. You just don't. You know, the foreskin serves as a condom. Actually, it will protect you from pregnancy and STDs. You just don't, you know, the foreskin serves as a condom actually.
Starting point is 00:16:48 It will protect you from pregnancy and STDs. And then right when he's going to come, he comes and he holds this foreskin together and he comes in the little pocket and it doesn't go anywhere. So foreskin equals condom. You're good to go. So when, if you guys are using a condom with a guy with foreskin, I am telling every girl that you should let the guy put the condom on because some guys will prefer that the skin um is pulled back and then there are some guys that wouldn't want to pull the extra skin over their head when they're fucking okay so they kind of
Starting point is 00:17:18 have a preference and so if you go to put the condom on you're risking that like maybe his shit's pulled back when he wants it forward etc so really let him do that i just want to read this really quickly okay there was one girl that wrote in and she was like one time i took a shot of vodka out of the extra skin at the top and it was soft so there was like a little cup holder situation and she took a shot out of his fucking wiener because because guys picture it this skin's a little above where the fucking top of the head is so there's like a little scoop it wow so you could really it's like a little on the go on the go cup holder you can store things in. I did talk to my friend who has an uncircumcised dick. That's amazing.
Starting point is 00:18:08 Thank you for doing that. And he said that he will do this thing where he will squeeze the skin, like the foreskin at the very tip. So it's like a balloon. Oh. And go pee and fill it up with all of the pee while he's like holding the skin tight and then just drop the pee into the toilet. Because guys so mature it's like a water gun actually a water balloon if you were into golden showers i mean you're fucking set super soaker wait that's unbelievable
Starting point is 00:18:37 so they can really make it like a storage unit a cup holder um a measuring cup i mean i guess you could probably hide stuff in there weed okay all right on instagram oh god it's just every week every day you're scrolling you're scrolling you're scrolling you wake up you scroll you go to bed you scroll in your dreams you scroll and i bet that everybody that has an instagram account which is almost everybody is following a fitness account or a body inspo account you know what we're talking you follow a girl who has the nicest fucking ass you've ever fucking seen and she is hawking product she is hawking fitness plans i mean steven hawking this stair stepper that she's trying to sell the fucking protein powder that god damn watch that shows her calories so nine what are we trying to say fuck those people i'm just kidding we just want to talk about number one number one ass injection
Starting point is 00:19:46 oh sweetheart you said it and she went they're not doing that she went there photoshop oh oh oh little facetune on that asshole and it's about to look real fucking nice on that asshole every fucking girl in la who has a good body and people are asking oh my god what's your workout routine they're making money because they went to a trainer and they said hi can you write me a workout plan that i can give to my followers and then tell them this is how i achieve this butt and they're all lying because really the workout plan they're selling you i swear to god they're not doing that whole workout no they are absolutely not no and this is the other part of it because i completely agree they are not go i mean some of them are going in the gym
Starting point is 00:20:31 like that's fine yeah so that they they can keep up their ass injection facade i want to clarify that i there is nothing wrong with girls getting fake butts do your thing i love it go for it queen but i agree with you i think it's fucked up when people post a video of a butt workout i was looking at this other girl the other day and i'm like okay so you clearly have a butt implant and you're trying to convince me that if i do those squats and i do those reps that i'm gonna get that butt absolutely fucking not docker giovanni gave you that butt and now you're looking you're holding little dumbbell weights pretending like you got it like that i really would have so much more respect
Starting point is 00:21:09 if like the kardashians or any other girl that got their butt done and was showing their butt off when they're working out would just be like guys i got my butt done and this is my the workout i do to keep everything around it looking good like I need to make my sure my legs stay in shape right like I need to make sure that my legs are like fit to go with that right don't lie to me I know there's silicone in there right and there's no way I could get that ass this is how I feel about plastic surgery just tell us now we're just going oh we're going that route tell us if you're gonna get plastic surgery and you don't want to openly tell people that's your decision and i think that's fine me too when i think it's an issue is when you are trying to shove it down people's throat that it is real aka the girls with the fake ass trying to
Starting point is 00:21:59 sell fitness plans right chloe kardashian you're lying to people you're trying to like tell people to buy something over a lie right i think that is when it's fucked up the protein powder the pre-workout the diet pill oh yeah like the the facial lifters even though like the fucking doctor did that but let's train yeah and it's like no you got your ribs removed. Like, it's the little tweaks that you're just missing the mark on the fact that, like, no, that product didn't do it for you. That was surgery. Yes. Surgically removed. And this goes for Photoshop, too. True.
Starting point is 00:22:34 It's like when you are enhancing your ass and using, like, the nip-tuck feature. And then telling girls, oh, go work out, do this plan, and you're going to get this ass. Yeah. The girls that are selling it and doing it for Photoshop, we're all sitting there wishing that we had their ass. The girl doesn't even have that ass. No. No.
Starting point is 00:22:49 You know what the girl should be selling is Adobe Photoshop plans. That's what it should be. Listen, we always say it, again, and I'm going to reiterate it. I think it's great. If you guys have ass injections, slay queen. Cheat queen. Okay? We've said it in the past.
Starting point is 00:23:04 We totally support girls that photoshop or they facetune do your fucking thing but like sophia said don't fucking sell me shit right don't try to shove it down my throat and lie to my face and try to convince me that i should like be purchasing something guys don't lie to my friend i'm upset i am too and it's upsetting guys i'm deactivating my instagram um quickly can we just address the instagram situation that's going on right now i'm gonna take two seconds to say it because everyone knows what's going on instagram has officially taken away the following activity page so you know we've talked about in the past daddy gang used to be able to creep and crawl and watch your crush or your boyfriend cheat on you right before your eyes.
Starting point is 00:23:47 And you knew he was cheating. I know. And now it's like, how the fuck do we stalk everyone? Why is Instagram doing this to us? I think Instagram. They don't want to enable the stalking tendencies. So that's literally someone turned them on to our podcast. And they're like, this is how people's lives are getting ruined.
Starting point is 00:24:04 They're like, oh, maybe we can help. They're like, they're like these crazy bitches are going to grow up to be serial killers. Let's not enable. They are enabling, but I think it's fucked up because now how are we supposed to stock? So don't worry, daddy game. We hear you. We've seen you guys. We're going to come.
Starting point is 00:24:18 Of course we're going to come up with something for sure. Don't worry. We'll get back. We'll get back to you so you can go back to being the shady hose well actually it's good for all the cheaters out there right you are safe and sound you are in a little bunker you like that bikini pic you're not getting in trouble go like 12 rounds do you think people are gonna go on like liking sprees i am now fucking go like every person's picture and no no one is
Starting point is 00:24:46 gonna know milf hunter was like how the fuck have you guys not talked about this and we're like sweetheart what and he was like eating the pussy from the back it's such a unique switch up it can be great like she can either be standing or she can be like on kind of all fours. Like when you're fucking your doggy or, but the other one is she's standing and she like lowers her chest onto the bed. And he's like, you can take a knee, put one foot on the floor,
Starting point is 00:25:14 provides great stability. You can be eating her pussy while like you're rubbing her clit with your thumb, like suck on her pussy lips. You can finger her. Love it all. all yeah you know what alex and i we never do this but we decided to fucking override milf hunter and we are here to say that we are not a fan we're not a fan i just it is it is what it is it's it's a shooketh kind
Starting point is 00:25:41 of moment we've never really come on here and said we disagree with Milk Hunter. We have to. But we do on this. And I think a lot of girls will agree. I do too. If you are scrolling through porn and you are trying to find a video of like a girl getting oral sex. Yes. So many of the videos are going to be of her getting eaten out from the back. From behind.
Starting point is 00:26:01 And I scroll past those videos until I find the one of her laying down. I think they are so overrated and this is what it is. Okay. Listen to me as a woman. Call me lazy. I don't really give a shit. I want to lay on my back and I want to be lazy as fuck when he's going down on me. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:26:24 That's number one. Number two. Okay. Tell them. The angle of his tongue on your clit, to me personally, when it's from behind, it's just not as good. I agree. I just feel like he can't angle it as well.
Starting point is 00:26:36 He can't get in there as much. Well, even Milf Hunter said he's going to take his thumb and rub your clit while he's sucking on your pussy lips and like sucking the rest of your pussy. I'm like, well, no, no, no. I would rather you. I would really rather the flip flop if you fingering my vagina and your tongue is on my clit. Absolutely. Number three.
Starting point is 00:26:57 I don't necessarily want his face in my ass while I'm trying to get, you know, like this whole shoved up the asshole. Like your face is there every once in a while, but not that's not my favorite go to Sophia. You're spitting facts today. Sweetheart. Those three points are unbelievable and I want to really let everyone know that I agree with you. I agree with you. I know we don't disagree a lot, but I'm absolutely agreeing with you on this one.
Starting point is 00:27:20 It's like what if you just went and got Indianian food and your belly has been rumbling you had to go there and you're like i do not need his nose in my ass crack right right because there could be a little mistake dude i like that you brought up the indian the rumble, the code red rumble. When you start to feel it, the whole point is relaxing the body when you're getting your pussy. And if we hit up the local Indian joint and I feel any, any wind coming my way towards my asshole. I'm sorry. I just need to say this. I decided on Indian food. It could be any food. Oh yeah. Oh my God. Shake shack. Whatever. Don't come after me for being racist.
Starting point is 00:28:06 It's fine. No, we're fine. If you are getting your pussy eaten from behind and you feel the wind coming. Oh, you cannot dare. No. Dare. Relax your asshole. If you're getting your pussy eaten that direction.
Starting point is 00:28:20 No. You can imagine trying to clench your butthole to just try to like keep the fart in in that position he's gonna notice oh there's nothing you can do your asshole is spread apart however if i'm laying down like i should be getting my pussy eaten normal you can you can get away with murder girls you can like squirm a little you know when you squirm a little and you try to make him think he's hitting her, right? But really you're squirming to try to clench for dear life and not let that gasp off. We're moving on immediately. No, but you know, you kind of like clench up. Yes, I do.
Starting point is 00:28:54 It's like, oh, baby, I feel so good on my pussy when really it's like, oh, God, don't let it out. Okay. Okay. Men, I think that this position to you seems like this hot, cool, amazing position. Bend her over and suck her pussy lips. Yeah, it sounds all great and fun. Finish her. Finish her.
Starting point is 00:29:12 Finish her. No, but the point is we've always said from day one of Call Her Daddy, in order to get a girl off, it takes a lot more work than a guy to get off. It's way harder for us. The last thing that a girl wants is when she's laying there trying to relax and get her oh and get off is to be worried about oh my god is my back arched and like how does my ass look in this position fuck no when i'm getting my pussy i want to be laying there i want to be able to close my eyes think about another man don't pay attention to the guy down there like Like you want to be in your own world.
Starting point is 00:29:46 How the fuck am I supposed to do that? My ass is on the ceiling. I mean, also when you're on all fours or standing like your body's not completely relaxed. You're like in a position where you're like trying to hold your weight up. So this position really fucking sucks. If you want to do it here and there just to have fun, go for it. But I'm going to tell you nine out of ten times. I think a
Starting point is 00:30:05 girl would rather be laying on her back i agree i think the um time that you guys can do it is say like you're switching positions and say you're about to go to doggy or something guys it can be really hot if you quickly go and like eat out her pussy if she's like not wet enough or just like do it because yeah and throw it in there before a switch of change of position don't be like i'm about to eat this box get ready and then she's got to be in all fours taking it i remember when we were talking about this like yesterday right alex goes i mean i think i would maybe like it if i was like super drunk or something and i was like i need to be heavily okay so that's not a good sign i'm like i would want to be so wasted i wouldn't even know i don't even know that my ass is in his face also i do want to point out i think it's very bold for men
Starting point is 00:30:55 to even be proposing this position eating it from behind when they're eating pussy in this position technically if you think about it upside down when most men can't even eat it fucking straightforward oh so what the fuck are you doing thinking you can eat that shit flipped yes they're they can barely you guys are fucking amateurs and barely know where the clit is when it's facing the right way we give you the map in front of your face we circle where the clit is and you're still all the way down south looking at my fucking asshole. I'm like, the clit's up here.
Starting point is 00:31:27 You know that the guys that are eating pussy from behind are licking the asshole thinking it's the clit. And they're like, you know that's what they're doing. That doesn't give us an orgasm. It doesn't. It may feel kind of good, but it's not what we want. Don't even try, Daddy Gang, to tell us we are boring. Oh, fuck that. No. Don't even try, Daddy Gang, to tell us we are boring, okay?
Starting point is 00:31:45 Oh, fuck that. No. There are so many different opportunities when she is laying on her back. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Don't call us lazy. We told Milk Hunter and any man that's listening, if you want to spice it up and you want to go down on her and not do it the generic way, our suggested female perspective, because men, you know how you like your dick sucked we know
Starting point is 00:32:06 how we like our pussy ate so uh-huh I know how I like it I know how I I know how you like it I know how you like it but okay I'm gonna rattle off one men you could suffocate your head into her pussy and have her legs draped over your shoulders yeah Yes. Like the fucking harness that you get strapped into at the roller coaster at Six Flags. Do you know what I'm talking about? Yes. The thing that goes over. The strap.
Starting point is 00:32:30 The strap. The strap's you in. Yes. Those are her legs. Yeah. And her feet are like resting on his back. Yeah. Girls, you can even cross your legs if you want.
Starting point is 00:32:38 But that position is great because your head is suffocated in between her fucking thighs. And again, total relaxation. Yeah. You are lame. I'm not going to lie. I also like that position specifically because you can kind of barely see his face,
Starting point is 00:32:52 which is a great opportunity. I do like that as well. You kind of swoosh him in between your thighs and the rest is history. Even if he wanted to look up at you, he doesn't really have a choice. You can lock his skull in there. I do like that.
Starting point is 00:33:04 Also, you can grab men. in i do like that um also you can grab men you can grab both of her legs and put them together and then lift them up by her ankle so that her pussy is like facing up towards the ceiling i fuck i forgot i love that one right that's such a fucking good one it like it like makes the man seem so dominant and aggressive and hot. Hot because he has to use his fucking big muscly arms to hold the two legs up. And they can be bent, obviously, because you can't like reach that high up. And then you put your face in her pussy. And that also angles her pussy up a little bit.
Starting point is 00:33:39 So it's like a nice little cake for you to go to town on. And the only thing that's really exposed is the pussy. Right. legs are covering like her chest and like her face and her face so girls if you feel bloated yeah have him do this and men if you don't want to fucking look at that hoe you fucking stretch those legs over her fucking eyeballs and you just focus on the pussy the pussy eyes not her actual eyes beautiful look those are two genius good options milf hunter we had to overwrite we had sorry buddy wow okay so that's one of the first positions we've been like absolutely not yeah except 69 we should talk about that soon we should because i'm gonna also say kind of not to that either oh oh shit okay we gotta talk about that that questions of the week questions of the week are you guys excited i'm ready let's go this guy
Starting point is 00:34:37 wrote in and said please do a podcast about women who put in their dating profile my kids come first and if you can't handle it swipe left then he put a crying laughing face any normal person fucking knows that obviously a woman's kid is probably going to come first is there really a need to put it in your profile total turn off girls come first i don't shit alex we don't have kids so maybe we shouldn't be the ones commenting i do know that like people are very proud of their offspring and i totally get that but if it's your dating profile like that doesn't need to be in your bio it really doesn't you know what no i don't really know and and you know what i think that really no no not at all for no reason ever just don't ever do it just stop having kids hide them um no but I was gonna say if you have a
Starting point is 00:35:34 picture of your kid in your pictures I think that is enough that's perfect that's all you need to do yeah that's very aggressive to be like um if you can't handle that i had kids swipe left it's like okay bitch fine bye it's like yeah it's like you're the kind of mother that's gonna let her kid suck on her tits until he's like 12 okay like let's reel it all right that's that's literally not like that's me just being okay but yeah take it out okay this is a doctor related questions today so dr sophia put your cap on yes you just doctor franklin i'm here is it possible for birth control to affect your sex life i want to know because my fiance is telling me that her birth control is making her not want to have sex it is such a thing yeah i have so many friends that went on birth control and they were like i had
Starting point is 00:36:25 to switch like it happened to me tell oh we have a survivor before our survivor i cannot remember what pill i was on but this was a this was like over five years ago okay and um i remember it completely like diminished my sex drive i never wanted to have sex oh my god and i know you always want to have sex so for you to not want to have sex that shit was fucking you up yeah i think men have to understand that like there is uh there could be something medical with her birth control i had gone sorry we're getting deep here but i went to a gynecologist for my whole life that was just throwing me on this like generic shit and finally when i moved to new york when i went to see um a new doctor she literally did tests and everything to understand like where my hormone levels were to ensure that there was i don't even know what they're called but like one
Starting point is 00:37:14 side was more balanced than the other because i had less of this in my blood like i don't know there was some specific shit so if you girls don't know if you are on the right birth control make sure you're going to a doctor that is making it very specific for you totally they're not just throwing this at all their patients and you if you lose your sex drive that is not something that you should feel like you just have to put up with absolutely not there's so many different kinds of birth control yes just try something else boom my girlfriend does a thing every time she goes to bars whether i'm with her or not there she flirts with other guys in order to get free drinks we've talked about it and she knows it makes me feel uncomfortable even though i trust her that she won't take it farther what does the daddy gang
Starting point is 00:37:58 think of this we love y'all keep doing what you're doing oh i fucking love this fucking great question this is such a good one because i used to do this all the time me too when i listen this is the thing first and foremost talking to the lady friend the lady woman i would maybe i get this except i don't really get why she's flirting with guys when she's with her boyfriend why isn't your boyfriend buying you drinks do you know what i mean he's there he said that she does it with him and without him well you know what if you're a broke ass bitch and you're not buying her drinks then be grateful yeah how i know her you're not there literally like here's here you go baby but if you're not doing that this is the thing one girlfriend if you are not planning on cheating on your boyfriend and you are going to a bar and you want some free fucking alcohol
Starting point is 00:38:43 don't go home and tell your boyfriend that you were fucking flirting to get free drinks all he needs to know is you got drunk you came home and you're ready to fuck him doesn't care who got you intoxicated yes keep the details to yourself he's like i know you are a broke ass bitch how did you afford that just be like i met this girl and she was fucking willing to someone left a picture on the table and i was and it had my name on it and i took it and i fucking went for it like those are the kind of things and i know maybe it doesn't come off yeah your partner doesn't need to know everything single thing yeah i agree because then it's also like especially if you have the right intention
Starting point is 00:39:19 and you're not trying to cheat on your boyfriend then he's also just going to feel insecure when you go out right and you want to be able to go on your own what is the degree of flirting are you just kind of like she's like a handjob for a beer i know okay so then maybe i'm a little like right but if you're just kind of pushing your tits up and you're just kind of talking to a guy harmless he doesn't need to know but to the boyfriend i say if i you, why the fuck are you not buying your girlfriend drinks? If you have an issue with the flirting, then fucking Venmo her. Absolutely. Okay?
Starting point is 00:39:50 Absolutely. This isn't a question, but it's another tip. Okay. What is with guys putting childhood photos of themselves when they were seven on their Hinge profile? I don't give a shit what you looked like when you were a fetus. Knock it the fuck off dude totally agree i was just on it this morning when i opened like half awake going through and i saw a guy that had his little chubby self on the fucking diving board when he was younger
Starting point is 00:40:14 and i'm like what is that unless it's the funniest fucking picture ever i've seen guys where they put like their school like a yearbook photo from when they were little and i'm like what why i don't care what you looked like when you were seven maybe once you like become my boyfriend and i give a shit yeah and your mom's showing me pictures of yourself when you were younger i agree men i maybe it's because you have a lack of pictures doesn't matter it doesn't matter i'd rather you have three of your recent self then you throw in the fourth and it's your childhood picture because really it's dumb it kind of just to me is like why the fuck is that there and then it also kind of throws me off like sometimes i'm like is that his kid oh is that like yeah what is that i don't really get and then it confuses me
Starting point is 00:40:54 and then like and then your profile becomes like too much word and you and then i just yeah that's a great so men take all childhood picks out. Yes. Okay. This is titled. Actually, I'm not going to say the title. I'm going to keep it a mystery. Oh. This girl said, I was seeing this guy for a while and we had recently agreed to be exclusive. I have a very sensitive cat allergy.
Starting point is 00:41:19 Nothing bad. I just get watery eyes and sneeze. But I can sense the smallest hint of cat fur dander anywhere. So we were finishing hooking up in his bed when my eyes start watering. He does not have a cat. I asked him, has there been a cat here? I'm so allergic. He said no. And then nervously asked me if someone who has a cat had been in his bed, if it could be dangerous for me.
Starting point is 00:41:44 So I lied and said, bed if it could be dangerous for me so i lied and said yes this could be serious you need to tell me and faced with my fake medical emergency he admitted that he had someone in his bed who owns a cat he thought it was a matter of life or death and totally came clean caught a cheater with my cat allergy shut the i'm like trying to picture this girl in the moment like my throat is closing up she's like for the love of god please tell me you have an epi pen if not say your goodbyes and he's like is this bitch being serious but like you can't take the chances she's like before i go i need you to give me the name of the owner of the cat. Wait, why?
Starting point is 00:42:29 Because she's like, I need to know the exact kind of cat I'm dealing with. Give me her name, her number, her address, her Instagram handle. What's her name? And he's like, oh my God, it's Casey. She's from my hometown. And you get all of her info. Yes. No, that actually would make sense because she could be like, it very important it really is important what type of cat the cat please tell me what type
Starting point is 00:42:51 are we talking siamese are we talking skinless skinless she's like the skinless ones are the ones that you least expect and then they're the worst my shit blows up i'm gonna die he's like bitch it's just a cat like dude this girl could go off so if you think your man or girl is cheating on someone who has a pet bring up the allergy shit have you been hanging out with someone who has a cat really a dog an iguana i have a serious iguana allergy that would be of just like skin like i have a skin allergy okay all right recently my boyfriend brought up wanting to be in an open relationship after two years of dating he doesn't understand why that makes me upset advice dude that is he wants other pussy he wants other pussy two years into the relationship and
Starting point is 00:43:46 he's offering an open relationship he wants yeah other pussy he loves you still and like he wants he wants to have his cake and eat it too he wants other pussy i think in those situations sometimes people get into relationships and then they're like wait fuck i think i just want to have a little bit more fun but i still love this person if you can be okay with it and you go have some fun too and let him have fun a lot of times men are going to be like wait okay i actually love her like i don't need that anymore especially if he knows you're doing your own thing too but there is a chance also there's the flip right that he like loves it so much and he doesn't want to be with you so really you just have to make the decision at the end of the day he wants other pussy that's all we know and so maybe he still loves you and he wants to have like a couple
Starting point is 00:44:27 wild nights and feel free and then he's gonna come back or he's gonna realize he wants to just be single yeah so you have to decide for yourself because if you say i don't want to be open and you shut that down i'm not gonna say he's gonna cheat but i mean yeah he's not gonna be you should keep that in mind he's gonna there's a definite possibility politely bring up the open relationship and he's like i basically have a pussy appointment tonight he may have already actually yeah that's another thing sometimes people do last question i'm dating someone who doesn't have a job doesn't want to get a job stays with me seven days a week but won't fully move in because he doesn't want to pay me for rent and talks to girls that I don't know or like after I tell him that I don't care who they are to not talk to them but I love him
Starting point is 00:45:20 so much that I don't have the strength to leave. How do I finally say fuck you goodbye? Girlfriend. Girlfriend. Girlfriend. Girlfriend. Oh, he doesn't have a job. He doesn't want to get a job. He's a fucking mooch.
Starting point is 00:45:36 He's a fucking loser. And he's cheating on you. What a combo. Usually what you got to just if he's really really really good to you and treats you like a princess and doesn't have a job right maybe or like he's a billionaire right maybe girlfriend i think that you need to call a therapist yeah i get your shit on straight with your head but also don't invite him kick him the fuck out no i don't need couples therapy not couples therapy i think you need to start seeing a therapist explain it get your self-esteem a little bit intact yeah get
Starting point is 00:46:10 ready and fucking kick him to the curb kick him to the fucking curb trust me I know I've been there before when you think it's the love of your life and they can do no wrong I promise you it's not the amount of time like I had one specific guy he was such a fucking loser and I was convincing everyone my family my friends like no like he's the love of my life like I swear like and he now they're like he literally is uh smoking heroin off tinfoil right now in your room and he doesn't have a job and he's stealing your money and I'm like but still the love is there no get the fuck out. And I promise you in less than a couple weeks, you're going to be like, what was I doing?
Starting point is 00:46:49 Yeah. Okay, daddy. All right, daddy. Yay. We love you so much. Another Wednesday. Follow us on Instagram. It's Sophia with an F.
Starting point is 00:46:57 Franklin with a Y. And it's Alexandra Cooper. Also, if you guys could give us a little rating and a review. We would love that love you guys can leave multiple so it just helps us and we sleep better at night and leave us five stars if it's gonna be less than just write it in your diary yeah don't write it here thank you all right guys we love you so much have so much fun it's wednesday or if you're listening on a friday go get fucked up go just go get crazy and go get fucked we love you guys see you daddies see you next week

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