Call Her Daddy - 96- The Orgasm Gap & Forced Sex Fantasies (ft. Sex With Emily)

Episode Date: September 23, 2020

DADDY GANG!!! This week Father Cooper kicks off the episode with an update on a man she is dating. The update includes a SERIOUS social media road block, one that she has never encountered with a man ...before... so naturally the uncharted territory calls for a full mental break down!!! THEN, Emily Morse, the sex therapist best known for her podcast 'Sex with Emily,' joins the show to discuss an array of sexual topics. They get right into it, addressing 'forced sex fantasies,' which Emily explains in detail the psychology behind why so many people experience them/why you should not feel shame for having these fantasies. The women also dive into juicy topics like the huge orgasm gap between men and women, how to have an orgasm, how to SQUIRT, people in relationships with different sex drives, and a whole lot more. ENJOY!!!!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 do you call him daddy do i call her daddy call her daddy what the fuck is up daddy gang it is your founding father back at it again for another episode of call her daddy daddy gang everyone around the world i don't know where you are australia the uk that I am dating, are you ready for this? Has a private Instagram. You're all like, okay. And no, that's it. That's literally it. That's literally the big shocking kabooyah. He has a fucking private Instagram account. Now, when I say that, some of you may say, Al, pig Al, what's the stress? Lots of us here listening to you chitter chatter have a private Instagram account. No, no, no, no. Let me tell you how this has affected my life. Okay. It seems so simple and yet pure chaos. Here's the timeline. Daddy gang picture this, this beautiful man. And I have been talking for a few months now. It started on a whim. You guys have heard the story. It's amazing. You guys have been part of this journey. Okay. But this man is a man of privacy and integrity it's extremely lovely so basically in the beginning of our relationship we were just talking about how the show and all
Starting point is 00:01:51 the things and his job but whatever and we talked about it and we agreed that i would not follow him from my main public instagram alexander instagram Totally fine. He's a private person. He didn't sign up for this psychosis. Fair enough. So with that said, if I am not following him, how do you think that makes me fucking feel? Out of the loop and not okay. What is he posting? I don't know. Do you guys know? I don't know. So I'm not going to lie. It's been, it's been a stressful couple months, not being able to stalk and get in and around his asshole and by in and around his asshole, I mean, look at his Instagram. It's been hard, but just because I don't follow him, I decided, all right, that's fine. We'll figure that we'll figure that situation out when due time comes.
Starting point is 00:02:48 But for right now, why don't I at least feel a little bit connected and just DM him from my main account so that we can be in each other's DMs, send each other cute little memes. Maybe I'll send him a fucking cute dog picture and say, hey, wink, wink. My birthday is coming up. No, sorry, wink, wink, my birthday's coming up. No, sorry, it just happened. But you guys get it. I've always said being able to communicate with someone that you're talking to on different platforms, it's fun. You're texting, you're FaceTiming, you're DMing each other.
Starting point is 00:03:15 Brilliant. Yes, I know. Thank you. So it's like last week on like a fucking random Wednesday, I decide to put the plan into action, daddy gang, and slide the fuck in. Now, the first order of business is what is even his fucking Instagram account? I've never asked him. I Google his name and I click on the linked Instagram account that matches his name. It's like, oh, this is his Instagram.
Starting point is 00:03:40 So I head for the kill. I decide to take the sexual route for the slide-in. Classic. Classic. What else would you expect? And what I do is I detail a time that he gloriously came inside my pussy. And then I ask him to send me a dick pic so that I could touch myself later to it and think about the time that he filled me up. A classic love story. Because this man doesn't really use Instagram and he's not on it often, or at least he's told me, I'm on to you. I expect it's going to take a fucking minute for
Starting point is 00:04:19 him to respond, but I'm feeling great about my slide in so days go by daddy gang days and this message hasn't been opened about four days later and and by four i mean exactly on the dot four days later because i was counting calendar day after calendar day waiting for this motherfucker to open it i wake up and i have a notification that he answered me and my heart skips a fucking beat. Oh my God. Let the Instagram flirting begin. As if we don't talk every day. Still, it's fun. So his response is, how do I explain this?
Starting point is 00:04:58 Very not what I expected it to be. It threw me for a loop. I wasn't anticipating this response but as you know we're a go-getter and we can shape shift and we can move and groove in whatever direction we're pulled so i was like okay here we go what did he respond with alex he went the route of not knowing me and i thought it was interesting at first because i'm like okay i mean i guess we could maybe role play like oh like you know i don't know you like who are you like what do you mean you want to dick pic kind of vibe so I'm like all right I'm down I mean the response was a little bit more dry and aggressive
Starting point is 00:05:32 but I went with it his response was and I quote excuse me question mark send the next one who is this question mark and then the third one, what is going on? At the time, I was confused by his lack of flirtation considering on phone calls, it's much more suave and in it to win it. But who knows? Maybe his DM game isn't of the same stature as his texting and FaceTime game. That's okay. So I decide to go with it and be a little bit more aggressive. And I spell out his first name in all caps. And then I decide to go with it and be a little bit more aggressive and I spell out his first name in all caps and then I proceed to say something along the lines of do you want a picture of my pussy first blah blah let me get that dick pic like mind you guys this is someone I've been
Starting point is 00:06:17 talking to for a few months now okay so like this is funny I look into the d DM after I offer pussy pics and he has left me on red. Now, I am no bitch and I refuse to let my ego take a stab like that. So naturally, I pick up my fucking cell phone and I FaceTime that motherfucker and he answers looking all beautiful and tan and luscious. And I'm like, what the fuck? And he's like, huh? Hi to you too, babe. And I'm like, why the fuck are you leaving me on read? Do you not want this pussy? And daddy gang, when I tell you this man looks at me as if I am talking gibberish he goes what are
Starting point is 00:07:07 you fucking talking about and I said I dm'd you and you're leaving me on red and he goes Alex I have no idea what you're talking about I just kind of the the eyelashes bat a little bit and I'm like what do you mean and he's like what are you talking about I'm like I dm'd you and you dm'd me back pretending you don't know me and I dm'd you back again and you left me on? And he's like, what are you talking about? I'm like, I DM'd you and you DM'd me back pretending you don't know me and I DM'd you back again and you left me on read. And he's like, you never DM'd me, Alex. Daddy gang, in that very moment, I realized I was in fact DMing the wrong man. I was in fact DMing a man with the same exact name as the man that i am fucking and i am dating however it was not his fucking instagram alexandra cooper with her verified account i am harassed i am sexually i am i am sexually harassing this man send me your fucking dick and this man
Starting point is 00:08:01 is genuinely like please who is this is this? Stop messaging me. He proceeded to block me. Honestly, thank fucking God he decided to go the block route as opposed to being like, yeah, send me the pussy and I'll send you the dick. I have no idea who this man is. I look at the man that I'm dating on FaceTime. I'm about to start. I don't, it wasn't a ball my eyes out moment, but it was like a holy fucking shit. What? I'm sorry. What? Because I didn't believe him at first. I thought he was fucking with me he looks me in the eyes he goes Alex I have never gotten a dm from you so I proceed to send I proceed to send him a screenshot of what I was dming this poor poor poor man with the same exact name as him and I said
Starting point is 00:08:39 that is literally on google when I go and type in your name and Instagram, that is what is linked to your name. And he's like, babe, that is not my fucking Instagram. Okay. Okay. So that was my induction into dating a guy with a private account. I couldn't even find the real fucking account. And a shout out to you, whoever you are out there, you know who you are. The man with the same name as the other man that I'm dating.
Starting point is 00:09:03 Thank you. Thank you for not reporting me. Or as far as the other man that I'm dating thank you thank you for not reporting me or as far as I know you haven't yet god bless you and god bless your family and I'm so sorry you'll never be hearing from me again although I can't contact you because you full-blown blocked me anyways now that that's in the past god bless um then I turn to the real guy that I'm dating and i'm like okay you know respectfully can you send me a fucking link to your instagram how about we just do that he's like yes he's like yes calm down calm down i'll send you my link and here's the update on
Starting point is 00:09:37 that i had told him you know maybe i'll follow you from my fake account and he blinked a few times and looked a little concerned that I have a fake account. And I did tell him that my fake account, the name is Frank Bouchard. And now I'm realizing I'm going to have to go change that one. And I identify as a male on my fake account. He's like, OK, you fucking psycho. But he knows I'm crazy. And he was like, yeah, that's fine.
Starting point is 00:10:00 Follow me on your fake account. Like, it's not like I'm trying to hide anything from you. I just like obviously we don't want I don't want people like coming and stalking my life and i'm like right right totally totally um but daddy gang you're gonna be shocked shocker up the ass i have not followed him yet and all of you are like a, how come he's giving you the go? I don't know. I don't know. I literally think it's called personal growth.
Starting point is 00:10:34 A year ago, I would have said, no, you're a fucking idiot. His last Instagram picture is probably with his fucking girlfriend. In all seriousness, I think I don't want to follow him yet because I'm enjoying the fact that for the first time in my life, this is the first man that I've ever dated with a private Instagram account that is a private person and the relationship isn't so social media driven. And I kind of fucking fucking like it and I feel like the minute I follow him I know where I know where I'll be every minute of every day and it will be inside of his Instagram stalking every single situation going on so I think I'm just trying to be like all right maybe
Starting point is 00:11:19 the healthy thing to do is kind of live in this non-social media world for a minute with him and enjoy that and I'm pretty fucking sure my therapist would say that is personal growth but then I'm gonna bitch slap that bitch if I do go finally follow him in a year and I'm like so he has a wife and kids okay all right welcome to call her daddy this week folks full-blown health entering a new era and as you can see I mean the bitch is on the move. Let's take a little commercial break. I need a sip of tequila. So, Daddy Gang, health and wellness this week.
Starting point is 00:11:55 Health and wellness this week in all facets. Health and wellness also with regard to our sex lives. This week I'm having on a guest that I truly believe looks at sex and wants us all to succeed wants us all to come wants us all to have orgasms wants every man to be satisfied every woman to be satisfied and she brings a lot of fucking big ass facts that make it happen daddy gang emily morse is sitting before me she's a sex therapist she's an author she's a media personality she's the host of the podcast sex with emily and and she has her Sirius XM radio show, Sex with Emily. Welcome. So excited to be here.
Starting point is 00:12:30 You have no idea because I jokingly am like, guys, I have all the answers. And I am so excited to be like, bitches, listen the fuck up. I actually have a sex therapist on my show. So now you can be like, yes, you're right, Alex, or no, you're wrong, Alex. I also think, Daddy Gang, I wanted to bring Emily on specifically because there are some topics that are touchy-feely and can kind of trigger some people. And I think it's been something I've wanted to talk about for a really long time, but I want to make sure it's done right.
Starting point is 00:13:01 And Emily is sitting before me, and when I brought these topics up to her, she's like, yeah, okay, let's go. Oh, yeah. You oh yeah you're like oh OCR I've been doing this for years let's go so um let's just get right into it because sex I mean we're on the Call Her Daddy podcast right now let's get wild exactly let's go so um we're gonna start to talk about one topic that could be triggering to people and I'm gonna put in the time codes of where you can fast forward to this is a little like warning if you've ever had any sexual trauma um if you think that you could be triggered by a topic like forced sex totally understand it's not for everyone so you should fast forward to this time code daddies go to 29 minutes and 45 seconds. Love you. Okay. Now, Emily, let's get into it. Forced sex, rape fantasies, even saying that word on this podcast scares me.
Starting point is 00:13:52 And I have had so many women write in to me being like, can you please explain to me what is wrong with me? Why do I have rape fantasies? Can you kind of go into like what that means and what it is? Okay. So forced sex fantasies or rape fantasies, but forced sex, I think is a that means and what it is? Okay so forced sex fantasies or rape fantasies but forced sex I think yeah me too yeah it doesn't mean that we want to be raped and actually in our fantasies it's consensual if we think about it like we we actually it's not
Starting point is 00:14:16 like we want to be hurt we don't actually want to be raped we don't want a stranger to break in we have a fantasy that we would like to have like have our partner do with us or like role play it but we don't actually want that so let's clarify that so there's a few theories about why but first let me say this is that it's one of the most common fantasies for men for women for non-binary people it is probably one of the most common I think it was like 68 percent of women have had it and like 50 something percent of men like it's common I didn't know with men too yeah and that daddy gang I think like that right there we can just hold because it's like so many women in my dms are like I feel strange like why am I thinking
Starting point is 00:14:57 about these things I feel nasty I feel disgusting um if you guys remember when I had Savannah on my friend she came on and we I didn't end up putting it in the episode. But she said, I am one of those girls that I enjoy for sex. And when I watch porn specifically, I don't enjoy watching porn unless the girl is like kind of not enjoying it. And it's like a forced sex situation. And she was like, and then afterwards I'm done masturbating and I feel fucking disgusting. And I'm like, what's wrong with me? And I'm like, wait, no, we need to somehow normalize this.
Starting point is 00:15:27 We're not talking about physical abuse. We're talking about a fantasy that fantasy does not equal reality. I want to absolve everybody of their guilt. Okay, yes. And the shame. Absolve us. You guys, listen. There's two kinds of fantasies.
Starting point is 00:15:41 There's the fantasies we want to actually have happen in our life. And then there's the fantasies we just want to keep to ourselves. Yes. Those are all fine. Now, let's say we already established that it's really common. So just knowing that it's so common, I hope that everyone can just breathe a sigh of relief right now. Be like, oh, chill. It's chill.
Starting point is 00:15:57 But the reason why, let's talk about why. There's a few theories. There's a few reasons. The one is that we want to absolve ourself of any kind of um sexual uh responsibility or sexual because we have especially for women we have so much shame around being sexual like let's say we grew up in a home or in a religious background and they're like don't have sex till you're married masturbation is wrong to kind of say you know what i'm going to completely release all of my responsibility
Starting point is 00:16:25 and someone else is taking the initiative and dominating me I'm I'm shame free I'm guilt free because I didn't have a hand in it that is so mentally that literally makes so much sense and that's not even where my brain would go because I'm assuming the next one you're going to say is something about how we enjoy men being super super aggressive and dominant but the first one you're bringing up that's brilliant daddy gang it's like if you are one of the girls that there are virgins that listen to my show if there are women that are less experienced and every time after sex i know there are some women that are like why do i feel this like cloud dark cloud above me after i have sex and i feel awful and i just feel like a bad human being these women that make sense if they're having these emotions. Listen, and this is, I would love to get, you know, we could be here for six hours.
Starting point is 00:17:09 Because let me just say this, the good news about all this shame and worry we have about sex is that it's stuff that you can change. It's your thought patterns. It's because we grew up in an environment where most of us, especially in America, even if your parents weren't super religious or something happened, we are mostly told that women shouldn't be sexual. If you are, then you're sluts. Or maybe you were. Every day you were hearing that, like, it is wrong. And so every time we masturbate, every time we do something sexual, we have sex with someone, we feel guilt and shame.
Starting point is 00:17:39 And that is a process of undoing. That's in therapy. That's in listening to what we're saying right now is like it's okay and challenging like like if you're like well it's wrong i want an offer i want everyone to take a beat and go okay so you think it's wrong where did that come from yes does it still work is it still true like is it is it true whoever like does it work for you because we get to challenge our limiting beliefs and say okay i heard this from my mom or from the church or from wherever but
Starting point is 00:18:09 actually it doesn't serve me anymore and then you let go of shit that doesn't serve you you're like nope i'm not taking that into the rest of my life exactly literally so beautiful and i think that's like a huge reason why i wanted to start call her daddy because it was like the amount just all the way down to the basics of like why is it so normal in society when we're like yeah and then he was like jacking off a guy can jack off and it's like a joke like oh yeah men jack off all the time the thought of a woman masturbating it's like wait what we never talk about it oh my god never talk about female masturbation it's always men it's always okay but when we do it I mean did you talk to your friends about masturbation I was just about to say i remember in college there was one of my
Starting point is 00:18:47 college teammates one of my friends was super open and was like oh my god i masturbate all the time and she was like ew like why are you talking about that and i realized there are so many women that are not open with their friends about sex and i think that is it can really affect you in the way then you go about sex if you don't have an open group of friends that talk about it it can really affect you in the way then you go about sex if you don't have an open group of friends that talk about it it can fuck you up is it fine and be that friend i always say that on sex with emily i'm like be that friend in your friend group if they're not be the friend that says you know what i realize we've never talked about sex and i masturbate to you going back to the for sex other thing though does have to do with this desired part of it that we that there's something
Starting point is 00:19:25 about like the you know like the cheesy like romance novels and like erotica but we want someone to think we're so hot and they desire us so intensely and they want it so badly that they can't help but force us into sex and they grab us and it's aggressive and they they're dominating us it's so hot the idea of him being like oh my god I can't control myself yes like I can't take another I'm gonna have to rip your clothes up and throw you down oh my god he goes like getting turned on I'm like oh my god I love it that's what I want exactly that's such a fantasy so that's like the one of the say that's the second reason and then the third is is when you are a dominant human and they used to say this about men but I hate like putting genders into this but in a lot of our daily life we are dominant
Starting point is 00:20:10 you're a business woman right I'm a business I'm a submissive mostly like I'm like take over not only do I have a job but I'm talking about sex all day yes I want to be dominated I don't want to have to think about it in my day-to-day life. I'm on top of it. So just like dominate me. Yes. So that's, that's so interesting. Cause I'm thinking, I remember, um, there's a lot of girls that write in saying that they started hooking up with these businessmen that are so successful and in the bedroom, they like to be dominated. And it's because when they're these big ass CEOs at these huge companies that a lot of us would know their name in an article, they want a girl to be dominant in the bedroom because in their life. Like I want to wear a diaper.
Starting point is 00:20:47 Yes. Literally, I want to wear a diaper. I want to act like a baby because these men 24-7 are the boss in every scenario. So in the bedroom. Yeah. It also shows that women who have been sexually assaulted. And we do know the numbers are like three out of five women have had some kind of sexual assault. There is some correlation that if you've had some kind of sexual trauma in your life, that
Starting point is 00:21:09 it are the way our brains are associating it. Maybe it was a family member, something horrible happened. We start to like twist it and associate with the trauma. Like it's our way of trying to heal it. Yeah. And we're like, oh, somehow it's the way I'm getting love and acceptance, but we know it's fucked up and then we feel worse about it but there is some stuff and i talk about this a lot of my show but there are some therapies like there's like somatic therapy where you get into
Starting point is 00:21:32 your body or emdr as a trauma therapy that if it really is preventing you from like having a pleasurable sex life you don't have to live with this guilt and the trauma around it i just want to say that but also if you're like i'm fine fine with it, fine, then embrace it and say, yeah, I was, I had sexual trauma. And like, I know some women who have dealt with it. They've accepted so much of what we go through is accepting it. So they're like, oh, I accept that I had assault and it turns me on to have a forced sex fantasy. And the more I can make peace with that and say, okay, well, it was my earliest sexual association. I'm going to be okay with it. there's like choices here I love that you just said that because I remember I like lightly touched on it in answering someone's question once and I
Starting point is 00:22:14 couldn't believe the amount of positive feedback I got from basically just saying like you can have a healthy normal sex life if you have been assaulted in the past that does not label you like you're fucked up forever and don't let it let it like control you and don't let it be you like you can work to become and enjoy your sex life that person that did that to you they don't get to own you for the rest of your life you need to somehow find a way like you said therapy or you just coming to terms with like that happened and i'm moving forward there's everyone has a different way of coping but you deserve to live your best fucking life and all deserve pleasure do not let that um become who you are in your identity right i love getting choked in the bedroom i love getting like slapped around a little bit i think i remember talking
Starting point is 00:23:00 about it with savannah though like there are specific situations i would love to know if this has ever happened to you okay so when you are engaging in like aggressive sex in the bedroom daddy gang sometimes in the heat of the moment it's so hot but once you're doing it i have literally had moments where like and it's so hard because it's not his fault but like all of a sudden the slap is like a little too hard and i'm the one being like slap me choke me and then it's a little too hard like i literally had moments after sex where like i'm crying because it's just like it was so much and it's like fuck and i remember savannah telling me he chokes her so hard and she liked it and she had the best orgasm and afterwards she had blood vessels popped in her face and she was like i liked it but i was like
Starting point is 00:23:45 what the fuck and then you have this weird emotional back and forth because it was so so intense yeah and i've had moments where i'm like it's a lot emotionally i think this is why communication is the most important thing with sex and clarifying it so if that happens and sometimes you're with someone just once and it happens yes but if you're in a relationship with someone talking about sex can be hot so it can be to be like okay listen let's like talk about what just happened my advice about talking about any of this stuff is timing this is my like three tips for talking timing turf and tone oh so you don't talk okay let's just talk about turf okay do not my best advice do not
Starting point is 00:24:23 talk about your sex life in the bedroom. Now we think we're in the bedroom. Of course we're going to talk about here. Like if we're cooking, we're going to talk about cooking in the kitchen. Like we're going to be slicing and dicing. But the problem with sex and being like, this is what was good and not bad in the bedroom is that we're in an aroused state. We're in an altered state essentially.
Starting point is 00:24:43 And so if we just, if we want to have a constructive conversation, we might not hear it. We just had an orgasm. We're like, no. So TERF is like outside the bedroom. And the best time is when you're, you're just like chilling. You're on a walk. And if it's uncomfortable for you, which for most people, it's so painful.
Starting point is 00:25:01 They'd rather be choked and have blood vessels and talk about sex literally i'm gonna stop breathing but like i'd rather do that than tell him how uncomfortable i am and it's like no okay so turf i love this so outside the bedroom when you're going on a walk and then you've got your um timing so just make sure you're not like hungry i always say halt hungry angry lonely tired like if you're just doing it you're like fuck you and you never go down to me and i'll no and then the other thing is tone it is not when you choke me were you trying to kill me or why don't you ever go down i always hear that like you never do this or you never initiate you have to be your tone is check this it is curious it's open it is collaborative it's like hey babe so let's first you okay my favorite
Starting point is 00:25:46 compliment sandwich you're like hey so that sex was so hot the other night like the way we were like you're aggressive and you're touching me like that was really hot and i think like next time sometimes it got so hot and it was like it felt great but i didn't want it in the moment it was hard to stop so from now on if i pull away that doesn't necessarily mean I want to stop sex altogether. It just means stop. We ease. And that might seem super obvious to you. But what happens is if you pull away what we're afraid of, which happens, let's say
Starting point is 00:26:15 you don't have a conversation and you pull away. Then he's like, oh, did you say what? And then you're like, no, I want to keep fucking. I want to keep going. And then the mood is ruined and he's soft and you're like fuck i ruined the whole thing so then you wrap again i don't want to start again and then you realize that once you take all the weirdness and awkwardness it actually becomes so much hotter because you're getting your needs met so i think we can kind of close out the four sex fantasy of just explaining to everyone like you do not have
Starting point is 00:26:40 to have shame of yourself and you should honestly embrace that part of what you're into like i'm sitting on this podcast openly being like i like a man to dominate me um there are some women that are like i like to be dominant in the bedroom that everyone has their different why don't we clear that like you're like oh should we get italian tonight or should we get mexican right why not be like i'm a dominant what do you like yes but the reason why you know why they don't alex because most people don't actually some people don't know what they want they haven't really thought about it or maybe they have enough experience yet so what I would say to those people is if you still actually don't know you could say I'm curious to like explore things and just look at what you do like and then you start to like when you're with someone that you actually can talk to then you can kind of figure it out that's
Starting point is 00:27:21 so interesting because I for the first time in a while, I was actually super turned on. So I'm like hooking up with this guy in LA right now. It's how early on do you tell a man that you are into being dominated because you don't want to be too aggressive with it. So it was really hot to me and men listening, this is something that I would encourage you to do, but we were hooking up and just like making out and I forget how it got started but he basically said like I want you to tell me what turns you on and what you like because I want to be anything for you and he he did it in a way of being like I felt so open sexually with him to finally be like I love to be dominated and when I said that to him
Starting point is 00:28:01 he was like that's so fucking hot like yes and I like, I don't think I've had a lot of men that have looked at me and been like, what do you like? And for a woman that to me, men listening like that made me want to be 10 times kinkier, 10 times freakier. Cause I'm like, oh, this guy is down. A lot of women safe. And a lot of women can get insecure. I don't know if I want to do that yet. Is he going to judge me? This guy was like, I want all of you and whatever you're into, I'm into. Let's go for it. And not every man's going to be like that. So I say the men who do say to you, oh, you must be super sexual. How do you know that? I'm not into it. I say walk.
Starting point is 00:28:36 That's a sign to say he's not your guy. And we can teach men to realize that once you give and once you're open sexually to give, it's going to come back to you as well. You're more likely to get your needs met when you get curious about what your partner's into. We are transitioning to orgasms. Yes.
Starting point is 00:28:53 Because I'm like, Emily, come on the show. Ladies, there are so many girls that are just so defeated. I have literally them writing down, why can't I ever finish during sex? I've been to the OBGYN. There's nothing wrong with my vagina. Let's talk about how to come. Why can't I come?
Starting point is 00:29:10 Why can't I orgasm with my vibrator, but not with the man? Like, let's get into it. Should we share DMs? I swear to God. No, literally. I get it too, but forever. It makes me sad.
Starting point is 00:29:18 Listen, okay. Most women are going to at some point have a problem with orgasm. But let me just say this. You are responsible for your own orgasm it's not about anyone giving you an orgasm it's not about them figuring out your body like i used to believe that someday my prince will come and so will i oh my god emily that was a good one yeah i used to i was like oh my god he's gonna ride up on a horse and he's gonna fucking know my body and know what I need because I didn't know I wasn't told I knew
Starting point is 00:29:52 sex education I was like and then I kept not having orgasms I used to always fake orgasms before this became like my career because I was like this sex has got to be better than this so if I tell you that that you are responsible so and then that's like a mind fuck like i think a lot of people are like not about them they don't know they don't know how the hell would they know if you don't know why do they know right they don't fucking know how literally nobody knows if you don't know how does he know right and if you put a hundred women in a room right now and they were all orgasm let's say they were all masturbating okay hundred women they would all be doing something a little bit different.
Starting point is 00:30:27 It doesn't look the same and their vulvas don't look the same. And we all want something different. And so my heart goes out to men who feel like they have to make the moves. They have to initiate. They have to know. Take responsibility for your orgasm. First and foremost, if anyone's going to do it, you're going to do it yourself. And I used to make jokes about being like,
Starting point is 00:30:45 take a mirror and go put it down on your vagina and stare at yourself. you even know what your like vagina looks like you pick it out of a lineup like if i put your vagina on a wall would you know would you know if you can't then you are like failing like come on girls you gotta get that's your best friend your bff that is your bff yeah and so girls it's like learn your own body and be like, oh, I know how to make myself come when I'm in my room. Then we transition to the bedroom with a man. Right. So much easier. So much easier.
Starting point is 00:31:11 And then he's going to be psyched to be like, oh, great. You're going to show me. Awesome. And we think that they're not because we want to give them all the power. And that's just the patriarchy. That's how we were raised. Right. That is not the reality of great sex.
Starting point is 00:31:21 Now, for some women, they just can't. And a toy is awesome. Lube is important. I'm telling you. You know I could rant on lube forever. Yes, you always can. Lube on every nightstand is my dream. Like, leave it out.
Starting point is 00:31:33 Take it out from under the goddamn bed. Why are people so awkward about lube? Want to hear why? Tell me. Because we are told. Because it's the same thing. It's like, why is your pussy not wet? You're not wet.
Starting point is 00:31:42 And if your pussy's that wet, my dick's not big enough. If your pussy. I did something wrong. Then you're not turned on. You're not turned on. It's like, no. No? You're not wet. And if your pussy's that wet, my dick's not big enough. If your pussy, like if I did something wrong. Then you're not turned on. You're not turned on. It's like, no. No. I am not turned on and it has nothing to do with that. So a women's wetness level, like I could be super wet.
Starting point is 00:31:54 Yes. And not turned on. Yes. I could be so fucking turned on and not wet. And dry as the Sahara. And it's like, what the fuck? I swear I'm turned on. I swear.
Starting point is 00:32:01 If you have a lube on your nightstand, just sit in there and you take a pump and before any, before masturbation, a hand job, a blow a blow job oral sex a few drops of lube and you rub it into your clitoris you can rub it on a penis yeah there's no shame in the lube game emily coming with the facts today it's true i love this institute did a study that showed when lube was added this was like 10-5 years ago women were 80% more likely to orgasm just a few drops of lube on their clitoris is everyone listening are you guys listening and press pause and take a fat note go buy yourself lube so then you got to think about if you you've tried this you've tried your fingers your hands some women try the shower head they toys and it still doesn't work there's a few factors okay it could be in your head there could
Starting point is 00:32:49 be like shame we already covered like it could be religion could be you think it's wrong anxiety stress you're worried about it you're obsessing about it and it won't happen it could be medication if you're taking antidepressants antidepressants have a huge impact on your libido even birth control pill so like check all those boxes and here's the other thing is like it's not all about orgasm but the majority of women do not orgasm with penetration right only 20 do thank you that is just listen 20 of women have an orgasm with a penis and you're like why didn't i know that because everything we see in movies, in porn. He just sticks it in and she's like, oh, I just had an orgasm.
Starting point is 00:33:27 That doesn't happen. What? That's not real. He wasn't even touching her clit. That's what I say. I'm like, you are nowhere near anything. That did not feel good. I'm always like, stop.
Starting point is 00:33:35 Exactly. So just know that we're not set up for success sexually as women. It's like we constantly feel like, I remember like even guys going down to me or like during sex, I'm like staring at the clock. I'm like, okay, he's going down to me. It's sex i'm like staring at the clock i'm like okay he's going down to me it's been eight minutes nine minutes why aren't i coming at stress like it takes there's an orgasm gap too because guys come between six and ten minutes women are like between 20 and 40 minutes so i don't know that time that's amazing yeah it's it's true put that on the fucking put that in your notes women do not feel shame that it takes you longer and that is why men have to understand you need foreplay we need some teasing
Starting point is 00:34:09 we need some kissing we need some looking you need to put in work on her clit time before she can even get close to having an orgasm it's not about pounding away no no pound away we do not need the pound don't pound i mean the jackhammer no no ow my vagina i know same like ow like now i've got it like just remember that like women are like a slow cooker right like if you warm her up and a man's like a frying pan he walks in he's like alex you're so hot let me go i've got this erection 30 seconds but you're like okay thanks good didn't even see you walk in right glad you're here that's just how it works and that's actually such a good analogy like we are the oven they are a frying pan exactly and it is we're on two different timetables so men need to understand that and women you need to understand that and
Starting point is 00:34:53 not be stressed to try to be a fucking frying pan don't you're never just thinking it you're never be a frying pan so this is the oh this is going back to the vulva versus the vagina is that they're not equal so we're told oh sexual organ vagina penis but really it should be penis vulva because if i'm telling you that 20 of women are not going to orgasm that way but it's going to happen externally the vulva is the exterior part of the vagina it's everything that you see and that is where the magic happens. The magic. The clitoris has 8,000 nerve endings. The penis has four.
Starting point is 00:35:29 Bitches. 4,000. Let's, only 4,000. Half. So the clitoris is eight. And let me tell you this. Ready? The clitoris is not just the little bulb.
Starting point is 00:35:38 The clitoris has legs. And those legs extend into the labia. So the labia. The labia. So when we're talking about masturbation, you want to not just go right for the clitoris. You want to like stroke your labia, inner, outer labia. That there's clitoral nerves internally that are behind, like you can't see them, but it's about teasing it and stroking and playing with like different hand tapping,
Starting point is 00:36:02 circular motion. And then you can move your fingers inside but for a lot of women it's just external and that's fine too there's not like an inferior orgasm that is so brilliant too because i think so many girls are like okay yes you said the clit so i'm going to go for the clit and you just put the vibrator in your clit it's like girls no you need to form you need to warm up yourself literally foreplay yourself before you get to the clit like the clit is the castle and you're going up to the castle and first you're focusing on the what do you call it the just know that there's a lot of erectile tissue that goes inside and outside and it's all connected and just find where yours are but first if you want to go in like when we're talking about
Starting point is 00:36:41 masturbation like you're saying like the best thing is get curious. Like how does everything feel? Because you might find that like teasing yourself, like you're saying before you get to the castle, like what's the moat like? Like let's go over the bridge. Let's look at the grass. Are there animals?
Starting point is 00:36:57 There's a dragon. Like we're going to look and like you realize like you're teasing your inner thighs, like you're going up there slowly. And then that part of it is like kind of like an edging for women. It's like you are building towards the orgasm. That might be the part that turns you on. So when you go right for the clit, it's painful.
Starting point is 00:37:14 And so you can explore. I love the mirror thing because here's the other cool thing about a mirror. If you touch yourself and you look, you'll be like, oh, when I start to get aroused, the blood starts to like, it gets engorged. Like your clitoris, the clitoral hood moves back. You're like, oh, it's hot. Like look at my body. I can see what's happening.
Starting point is 00:37:34 Like, and then I remember telling that to a boyfriend. I was like, look, do you see that? He's like, oh, that's really hot. And then he got into making that happen. Emily, wait, that is so hot. Enroll him into into your like be like look babe my clitoris when you touch it like it gets swelled and this happens that's because of you like this is how you do it oh yeah wait that is so hot so you would you start to like touch
Starting point is 00:37:54 yourself first and show him i'd be like look this is what i need yeah because i know he doesn't know and how and how should they how should china is so scary to a man he's like that looks the rubik's cube of life i don't fucking know what that's like, that looks. It's like the Rubik's Cube of life. You're like, I don't fucking know. He's like, I want to do everything to it. I want to make it feel great. I just have nowhere to start. I know there's a hole and I'm just like going to try to get in there.
Starting point is 00:38:15 But it's not about the hole. It's about the vulva. Exactly. Okay, this is the next big question. The advice on the varying sex drives in a relationship. One person is constantly probably going to have a higher sex drive than the other exactly what desire low desire so in every relationship there is a high desire partner and a low desire partner so as long as we accept that like and okay at the beginning the honeymoon phase everyone wants sex all the time right but
Starting point is 00:38:41 eventually it sorts itself out and typically there typically it's not always a man. I used to think that too. Before I had this career, it was like women are frigid. Men want sex all the time. Right. Not at all true. It's women. It's men.
Starting point is 00:38:53 You probably hear all of it. Yep. So knowing that, you just got to work with it. Because there's always going to be someone. And the low desire partner has the power. Right. Because they're the gatekeeper to the sex. Right.
Starting point is 00:39:04 So they're deciding if it to the sex right so they're deciding if it's going to happen or not if your partner wants it every day and you don't then you like literally have to negotiate and be like okay three and a half times a week and like maybe but maybe some other days it's not it's mutual masturbation so you both get off or it's just a massage or it's nothing but like that's okay but it's setting expectations because if someone wants it every day and you know you don't that's okay but when you don't talk about it then it becomes so tense resentment and it's like what and so then that can be a really odd dynamic because if you're the one who's always wanting going after it and your partner's like no and then you feel rejected and then it's good this whole really right really bad dynamic do you have any
Starting point is 00:39:41 advice like for women that like i have a lot of women writing and being like why am i just like never horny and like how do we even yeah i'll tell you okay okay so listen here girl it's it's seriously because we don't understand what turns arousal because we are still equating our arousal to the frying pan the frying pan walks in sees hot alex at her computer and he's got an erection that's like enormous. And you're like, I was just finishing a fucking email. I didn't see you walk in like, hi, men are more spontaneous arousal. Like they see you, they're turned on. The majority of women hear this, write this down. The majority of women are not going to spontaneously be turned aroused.
Starting point is 00:40:22 Our job then, again, going back to ourself understanding well what does get me in the mood what's for some women they're like well when he told me i was really hot or he did the dishes he did this favor for me he bought me this really cool gift we were on vacation like figure out all the things that need to happen what what watching porn together exchanging fantasies if you have not been having orgasms in your entire sex life, has been based on pleasing your partner, I wouldn't want sex either. Yeah. What the hell are you getting out of it?
Starting point is 00:40:51 Right. So once you understand. It's like a chore. Yeah. Once you're like, I'm going to wear that thing that makes me feel sexy. Right. I'm going to masturbate before. I'm going to have my toy charged.
Starting point is 00:41:01 I'm going to set the environment that makes me like have a few glasses of wine or one glass whatever makes you get hammered don't get hammered because that doesn't we think it does but mostly it's inhibitions are gone and then we don't remember we black out but we all think that's good blackout sex but sometimes a glass of wine does help that's the wine whatever like a hit whatever yes and i'm not i'm just saying find what works for you but mostly it's in our heads and you don't need any substance you just need to do a little work to figure out what is that and it's so true men are so visual he can walk in the room be like oh my god alex you're wearing those leggings i have the biggest boner and i'm like what are you talking about
Starting point is 00:41:38 so i'm like wait what and women you that's such an amazing way to look at it. It's like, what turns you on? And I've said on my show before, like I literally get turned on when I'm taking nudes. When you're taking pictures of yourself and you are looking at angles of your body and you're like putting on lingerie or a cute little outfit, like you start to feel hot. And then naturally, if you are someone that has figured their self out and you're masturbating and you know what you like, and you're taking pictures, all of a sudden, maybe you get on your bed, maybe you start masturbating. So if that
Starting point is 00:42:14 turns you on, then transitioning that to your sex life. Okay. Well, if you know, he's going to come home soon, why don't you start taking pictures and maybe you send him one. And then maybe you start masturbating before he gets home. And like, you start taking pictures and maybe you send him one and then maybe you start masturbating before he gets home. And like you need to learn what you like and you build up to it. And role play too. You can even be like,
Starting point is 00:42:32 let's do something. Let's recreate our first date. Let's meet at a bar and change names. Like there's so many little things you could do. I want to ask you about role play. It's so fun. How so many women are in their heads and they're like,
Starting point is 00:42:43 I'm sorry. I feel like a fucking weirdo to be like babe like i'm gonna pretend to be like your little slave yeah slave whatever and it's like how do you even initiate turning on that like different part of yourself and having the guy engage in like what do we say what do we do like how do you even go about it you just kind of get well first again it's all talking about it like these are the fun things to be outside the bedroom be like i thought this would be hot. And then you just think, like, let's go shopping for costumes.
Starting point is 00:43:07 Or let's just pull something out of the closet. Like, what would be hot? And then it could be awkward at first. It's weird. Every time you try something new. But then you realize something really interesting happens. Once you get past the giggling, or it's weird, and you keep going, then you're like, I actually am a French maid.
Starting point is 00:43:24 And you actually did just get into your room and what would the french maid do what would the school girl do and then you can just sort of leave yourself and be someone else and then there's someone else and then that becomes interesting yes rather than i'm fucking the same person staring at the same ceiling boring doing the goddamn thing so you just kind of realize that sex is funny messy weird all the things this is my favorite question and emily i am ready to hear what you have to say about this okay everyone in the daddy gang listening here we go number one can you teach yourself to squirt number two what the fuck is the liquid that comes out when you squirt? What is it?
Starting point is 00:44:07 What is going on? Okay. Pretty much you could teach yourself to squirt. But I don't want it to be like an essential for failure, but it's all internal stimulation. So it's those internal collateral nerves. You could do it with a finger, a toy, or a penis. I have to say that it's probably best with
Starting point is 00:44:25 a toy or a penis or your partner's fingers if they've like longer hands whatever longer fingers right first off it helps to again like i said like have that be aroused be turned on already have a clitoral organ empty your bladder we'll address that part after your bladder girls so so then it's just like a um it's a continued penetration into your vagina. And it's in one spot and it's not a, it's sort of a going in and out, you know, thrusting and sort of hitting a one spot. And it's also like a little bit slower though. It's not even a fast. It's sort of like a hitting a spot.
Starting point is 00:44:59 Okay. Hitting a spot. Slower. And then eventually you can start to speed it up. But it's like a particular area, not a spot slower. And, um, and then eventually you can start to speed, speed it up, but it's like a particular area, not a spot. And once you do that, it also helps to be your pubic mound is the area right above the,
Starting point is 00:45:13 the Mons pubis right above your clitoris. I wish I had my bubble puppet. Right. I have a bubble puppet. I do. I should have brought it. Oh my God. I love that.
Starting point is 00:45:21 I know I have to get you one right above your, so this area, right where you're like pubic hair was or is or whatever you're pressing on that and here's what happens when you press on that area in addition to the internal stimulation you are stimulating the internal like clitoral nerves right which is what's or the g-spot will just say is responsible for that kind of release because some people can use like a wand vibrator like a magic wand and they can squirt that way. And that's because you're stimulating it from the outside.
Starting point is 00:45:49 Okay. But for most of us, it's just a practice. It's, again, not going to happen the first time. And I don't ever want to say that, yes, everyone can squirt. But it's also, another thing that helps is doing your kegel exercises. Yes. Strong pelvic floor. Yes.
Starting point is 00:46:04 And men can do them too. Really? Just saying. Yes. Same way as women. It's those pee-stopping muscles and they're great for men too who have PE,
Starting point is 00:46:12 premature ejaculation, helps you last longer. Your pelvic floor muscles are the muscles that are responsible for the contractions and the orgasm. Got it.
Starting point is 00:46:19 So if you strengthen them, you're more likely to have an orgasm and I've found when those muscles are strong, it can help have stronger, what was I just saying? Stronger, second release the muscles moving and the response. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:46:33 Yes. For squirting. And so that's how it can happen. And if your muscles, the reason why I say your pelvic floor is strong, because think about it, like that's the releasing. So you have stronger muscles that kind of push it out. What are we pushing out that we want to know? Yeah is this so everyone wants to know if it's urine and first i have to say who the fuck cares yeah like who really cares put a blanket down put a towel
Starting point is 00:46:53 down it doesn't matter there are traces of urine and it's from the periurethral glands it's peri-peri-urethral we have never used as big of words on caller daddy i am loving this you know what's so funny is that i actually feel like on my show, I use the basic, it's funny, but you're right. I like jokingly like pee on him. And everyone's like, Alex, stop. That's fucked up. I'm like, I don't give a fuck.
Starting point is 00:47:13 Well, I don't give a, here's the thing. I don't care either if it's pee. Like people are like, oh, but it is, it has traces of it. It's like fluids in there. And they've done studies. They've done, there is urine. It's, it's commingled. But I'm kind of like, if it feels good and it's a release right and it can be hot throw a towel down like take a
Starting point is 00:47:31 do it in the shower yeah but don't get tripped up on it because that's when we're like oh it's gross and i get it it can be messy but again take it to the floor take it to a shower i love the pushing down on the pubic region that is helps with orgasm too that's amazing squirting so because I just found stuff because that's what I used to do to orgasm I was like pressing on even before the whole squirting thing right with porn and everything no one asked about squirting like 10 years ago but it's porn so again if you can't squirt it doesn't matter yeah you're fine there's nothing wrong with you and and when you squirt it's not it's not orgasm necessarily you can orgasm not squirt squirt not orgasm so when you're pressing on this it's still you're still reaching all these clitoral nerves and internally you're like
Starting point is 00:48:13 so yeah try pressing on it next time and also like having a finger on your clitoris and then pressing down can also help you i feel like we just covered sex marathon literally we just went through a sex marathon emily whoa like i feel smarter i feel more confident i feel horny i'm ready to go have sex i'm like let's go but um thank you so much for coming on plug yourself tell us where we can find you so i have a podcast called sex with emily you can get it on all platforms it's my 15th year anniversary of it oh serious except i know that is amazing serious xm uh five dates a week stars 109 instagram all the social media sex with emily thank you thank you thank you so much for coming it was so fun all the success thank you mic check one two mic check one two mic check check chalk, chalk, chalk, chalk.
Starting point is 00:49:07 Mike Chalk 1-2, chalk. Oh, fuck. Do not ever DM me that you don't like this motherfucking segment. Because you know what it fucking does to me? You know what it fucking does to me you know what it fucking does to me it makes me wanna go 10 times fucking harder and when i introduce to you Ha ha ha. Questions of the motherfucking white bi-bi. Questions of the motherfucking white bi-bi. Let's get right into it. We've got a daddy gang question right in front of my face and I'm going to read it for you. Are you guys ready? Great. Okay. Father Cooper, bless my fucking soul and help me. I live with three other women on my college campus in
Starting point is 00:50:05 our dorm. We're all freshmen and all these bitches have boyfriends except me. I feel low-key fucking pressure to have a boyfriend, but I'm talking to four guys and they don't know that. But these pussy ass men aren't really engaging for my liking. Like maybe two are up to par, but none of them fully stepping up to bat yet. Do I even need boyfriend am i doing something wrong i don't fucking know please help okay you you do not need a boyfriend freshman year of college if you have a boyfriend you're a fucking loser no i'm just kidding well it's questionable i think that every girl i knew that had a boyfriend their freshman year of college they didn't have that boyfriend very soon after like no one with a boyfriend their freshman year of college they didn't have that boyfriend very soon after like no one with a boyfriend their freshman year of fucking college they're not even having fucking fun you
Starting point is 00:50:50 have the opportunity if anything they're jealous as fuck of you for like having fun and going around if i was you though i would start to venture out and try to find more girlfriends that don't have boyfriends because i could see if all three of them have boyfriends you're gonna start to just be like what am i doing but the minute that you open your eyes to like girls that are also single in college all of a sudden you're like I genuinely feel bad for my roommates and like I want to help them escape the life of fucking horror that's like straight up like I remember two of my girlfriends in college started freshman year with boyfriends and they always talk about how they look back freshman year and they're so jealous of how we all went.
Starting point is 00:51:29 Even if you're not hooking up with guys, just going to parties and having fun. You got to venture out and find people that don't have boyfriends and then your poor fucking friends one day one of them is going to crack and be like, I need to end my relationship. I'm so jealous of your life. Like, please help me. And then the other two will follow suit. And then all of a sudden they're going to want to be fucking single. That's just how college goes. But no freshman year. Fuck that. Ooh, this is interesting. Hey, Alex, love the podcast. Recently, I hooked up with a guy and I am 99% positive that he took a video without my
Starting point is 00:52:01 permission while I was sucking his dick. I want the video gone, but I don't want to see him again. How do I ask him to delete the video and make sure it's really gone? Love you. Oh, child. Whoa. Whoa. This is, oh, fuck. Do you guys remember? Oh, that was so fucking long ago. I will never forget. I had a guy that I was seeing and I was super super fucking close with and I was we were both fucked up giving him head and I was just so drunk you know when like I wasn't doing the whole eye contact shit that I preach like I was fucking blackout out of my mind I was just trying to focus on one thing and one thing only the fucking dick finally I finished giving him head and like not an ounce of eye contact. Like
Starting point is 00:52:46 literally I, I, and it's almost like I didn't even notice I wasn't even giving full eye contact until we're like both passing out, but we ordered Uber eats and it's taking so long. So he gives me his phone cause we're like full blown, basically like dating. He gives me his phone because he's like, babe, I'm going to like fall asleep. And I take his phone to go get the Uber eats. And I don't know why, but I just opened his camera roll probably to seeing this was years ago I think it was I was literally looking for old girls nudes and I found um I found I the last thing in his fucking camera roll was a picture of me sucking his dick and I was mortified and I like walked in the fucking room and threw the phone at him and I was like what the fuck is this and he started crying and
Starting point is 00:53:24 he was like I I'm sorry. Like, I just don't see you that often. And like, I just wanted to like remember it and I'm drunk, whatever. And it was a really, it was a really violating experience. However, I obviously deleted it from his phone. And like, he was like, of course, of course you're in a weird predicament. Sorry, that was fucking lengthy, but you're in a weird predicament because this asshole you're saying you don't even want to fucking see him again.
Starting point is 00:53:44 So it's like, how do you go about this a part of me almost feels as though i would suck it up and fake want to see him one more time so you can get that motherfucker in person and sit in the room with him and literally get his fucking phone and be like i am literally calling the police open your fucking phone and show me you're deleting this video and i'm not fucking around with you and i'm that fucking crazy I am a fucking crazy psycho bitch and if you don't give me your fucking phone and I want to see you delete it not only from your fucking camera roll but then we need to go into do your deleted and let's delete it from the deleted app let's fucking go I think you go ape shit on his fucking face but first you got to be endearing
Starting point is 00:54:20 and cute and sweet get him in person and then out of your fucking mind so my girlfriend of three years just suddenly broke up with me and the excuse was that we were living too far away 50 miles lol and i recently found out that she was soliciting nudes to her ex and talking to him a bunch while we were still dating i also also remember her passwords to her Snapchat and Instagram. So like, should I go deeper on this topic? By the way, I haven't logged into either. I'm not that crazy yet. Or should I ghost block and erase her from every social media platform and delete all photos of us or just keep her on social media and try to make her jealous for revenge? Also, side note, the relationship wasn't toxic at all.
Starting point is 00:55:05 That is until I found out about the nudes, and now I realize she's worthless to me, and she's going to a big party college, so I don't have any intentions of getting back with her. Okay, let's just for a minute, let's say your name is Josh. Josh, let's just kind of reel it in for a minute. If you are saying this girl's worthless to you,
Starting point is 00:55:24 and you didn't even see a future, I do not think it is necessary to put yourself through any more of going through her Instagram and her Snapchat. You just found out about the nudes. What more do you have to see? If anything, that's just going to be twisting the knife harder and you're just going to be like, oh, fuck. And you're going to feel 10 times more shitty. Especially because you're saying at the time it wasn't an unhealthy relationship. So if I were you assume, yes, there's probably a shit, a shit ton more on the Snapchat, on the Instagram accounts. But what, for what, why are you going to go look at that shit?
Starting point is 00:55:57 And it's just going to hurt you more. Anyone listening to this, if you're like, but I didn't even see a future with them, then end it in your mind. You got to just walk away from it. Why keep the pain going? And I don't even think I would like block her. Like I think, yeah, unfollow her on social media because you don't want to see her everyday shit. But to block someone is a calculated point to make. And I almost think it's like she's not even worth it. She's fucking around on you and she's sending nudes to her ex.
Starting point is 00:56:22 Like let them be together. Also, what does that say about her? Because if it is her ex, it was an ex for a reason. Now she's going back. So, like, good luck to them. But, like, I think you just, you walk away. Because this also kind of, this ties into another question. Someone was like, I just got out of a three-year relationship and I unfollowed him on Instagram
Starting point is 00:56:41 because I have no desire to see his face again. But should I block him or is it good for him to see me still? Unsure. See, this is the shit. I think it's more painful to the other person if you don't block them, like unfollow obviously the person, but like, if you don't have to block them, like if he wasn't crazy or she wasn't crazy and she's trying to like ruin your life, obviously then you're gonna block them but for the most part I kind of think like let him let him or her let them like look you up occasionally like let them be in pain while you move on like I think it's better to sometimes not block them because it's like no what look at my face look at this smile that I just posted on my fucking
Starting point is 00:57:19 Instagram I'm happy hey daddy last year I got out of a super toxic relationship and I met someone new he was hot older and everything I didn't have in my last relationship after six months although it could it couldn't have been better I didn't make time for him two months later he got a girlfriend and was texting me telling me how he's not over me I told him to figure his shit out but eventually I started entertaining him sending him n. We got to talking about getting back together. He hasn't left her, but I think he would. It's just because he doesn't know if I would make time for him again. What would daddy do? All right, here's the thing. I think you need to figure out what you want. You're like, and I told him to figure it out. No, I think you need to figure out what you want. You guys have
Starting point is 00:58:03 this great connection, but he's scared because you just never make time for him and you don't make an effort well are you gonna do it now like think about it what is the point of entertaining this guy do you just want him because you can't have him right now trust me I'm not being judgy I have had a lot of guys where I like them way more when all of a sudden I see that they've kind of moved on and then I'm like oh I want you again but I've gotten mature enough as with age that I've learned like okay now walk yourself through the situation and that's what my favorite thing to do let's all walk through it together hold hands daddy gang hello let's walk through this okay he has a new girlfriend okay so now let's pretend he's single what is going to be different than the last time when you didn't make time for him? Do you really like this guy?
Starting point is 00:58:49 Or is it more of a game to you and it's fun? Because not that, listen, you can do whatever you want, but to not be an asshole, my advice would be like, don't make him break up with his girl. And then all of a sudden it's like round two and you're doing pulling the same shit. Like, cause like that's not fucking cute. If he leaves her, are you going to be happy? Or are you going to be like, fuck, wait, fuck, get back with her. I don't even have time. I just like texting you when you have a girlfriend. All right. Let's do one more. I know this has been a little bit of a long episode, but hopefully you guys don't hate me for it.
Starting point is 00:59:20 You're like, Alex, we're so sick of your voice. Please, please exit stage left. Nope. One more. Okay. This girl says, hi, single father. Thank you for all you've done for my sex life. Hope you can help me out again. My boyfriend and I have been dating for two years and I want to try something new. I want to surprise him by waking him up with head for a middle of the night fuck. Normally,
Starting point is 00:59:47 I just ask if he's into it, but I want to completely catch him off guard. Creepy? Hot? Do I start sucking his soft dick while he's asleep? Thank you for all that you do for the daddy gang. Love you lots. Okay, this is just honestly a question that fills my soul with joy. In the past, I have said that the surprise blowjob is one that will truly take a man from being, even if he's not in love to in love. If he's in love, he's like, baby, let's get married tonight. Um, there's nothing better here's the thing also though i don't want people coming for me being like that is literally sexual assault
Starting point is 01:00:32 and you can't just go ahead and just start sucking a man's dick if it is your boyfriend fucking do it here's what you fucking do yes you start sucking his soft dick but i think what you can do is when a man is asleep you can kind of put your hand down there and just start rubbing his dick like I know it's going to be soft and it feels maybe weird for like two seconds but usually when they're asleep they don't even subconsciously know it but all of a sudden their penis will go from six to midnight and it would be an amazing opportunity and then you literally put your head down there and you start sucking um have I sucked a soft penis hard yes is it the most rewarding fulfilling feeling in the world when you be like
Starting point is 01:01:09 i did that like he didn't even fully i did that from start to fucking finish it's an amazing feeling so daddy if i were you and you're in a two-year relationship and you are like this with your boyfriend where you want to spice shit up abso-fucking-lutely, duck under the fucking covers, put the little soft ween in your fucking mouth, pop it in there like it's a fucking gumball, and go to town, sweetheart. There is no shame in the fucking dick game inside of your mouth and you sucking the soul out of it. All right, daddy fucking gang.
Starting point is 01:01:38 That is it for this week, folks. I mean, the personal growth. I hope you guys learned something. I hope you guys feel a little healthier Emily was amazing to just have on I think um, we were able to hit some topics that I personally, you know Sometimes you're all like alex. We don't really we kind of listen more for the comedic aspect of it than the actual advice Totally fair totally fair. I can respect that. Um, do I agree? But I respect it. Um, daddy gang I love you guys go
Starting point is 01:02:05 follow me on Instagram it's Alexandra Cooper go follow call her daddy on Instagram and I hope you guys have a great fucking Wednesday it's always a great day when it's Wednesday also let me know what you guys want for comedy content you know you slide in you let me know what you big dogs want and I will fucking try to make it happen you guys know the motherfucking drill I will see you fuckers next

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