Call Her Daddy - Merry Christmas

Episode Date: December 25, 2019

Happy Holidays Daddy Gang :) WE LOVE YOU ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 do you call him daddy do i call her daddy call her daddy merry christmas merry christmas to the daddy gang hey daddy. It's call her daddy back at it again, but not really, but kind of. But kind of. Guys, merry motherfucking Christmas. Wow. The holidays. The holidays. Right now, you're cozied up to your mom and your dad and your grandma.
Starting point is 00:00:37 Drinking hot chocolate or a hot toddy of your little wild side with the family. Guys, Merry Christmas. Daddy Gang, we wish we could be with you guys right now, toddy if you're a little wild little wild side with the family guys merry christmas daddy gang we wish we could be with you guys right now but we currently um actually this is funny but we are recording this before we leave for christmas sofia and i are both right now alex is fucking obsessed with me and is stalking me and i went home for christmas and guess who's here I am going I'm going to Utah for Christmas and Sophia and I are both going to be right now at this time you're listening to us we're both in Utah yeah my family has a house out in Utah and we're going to be all there and it's just ironic because it's like Sophia and I were like wow this is going to be such a nice like two week break
Starting point is 00:01:19 like we can really just like yeah not hang out and I'm like oh I'm coming to Utah like I'll be there I'll be there let's all hang out what are we doing tonight, oh, I'm coming to Utah. You're like, oh, I'll be there. I'll be there. Let's all hang out. What are we doing tonight? So that's fun. So we're both in Utah. And next week is going to be New Year's. The new motherfucking year. 2020.
Starting point is 00:01:36 I always have the worst fucking New Year's. I think we've talked about that. Dude, the year we met. Let's just quickly tell them. Oh, my God. The year we met, Alex and I were both going through like breakups kind of. We met during the holiday season. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:48 Yeah. And so we had no New Year's plans. We were fucking losers. Losers. And like we were desperately reaching out to people trying to figure out something to do. And we both ended up just going home and spending it with our families. Dude, I will never forget.
Starting point is 00:02:02 We were sitting in a little dingy side alley salad place and we were texting every old hookup we could think of for plans that was such a low point that was so now look at us ah guys it's it really is great you know you look at your glow up for a year and i think it's awesome to just think also just about call her daddy the year we've had and I know like we're wrapping it up this year, but like it's so fucking cool. I know we're never like super sentimental and serious, but I do want to just take a minute to like thank all of you for the support this year. Like 2019 has been the fucking best year.
Starting point is 00:02:38 Like I could baby say of my life. The best present I received is the daddy gang. Oh, I mean it. I mean it. I love Gang. Oh, so corny. I mean it. So corny. I love them. No, it's true. We fucking love you guys.
Starting point is 00:02:49 I mean, the Gluck Gluck. The Cooch Gobbler. The Cooch Gobbler. The Reverse Cowgirl Cyclone Rocket. Rotisserie Chicken. Mona Lisa. How to Eat Pussy. I mean.
Starting point is 00:03:00 I mean, you can't make this shit up. We've given you guys an arsenal, and we're so happy That we could provide you with it and we are so Fucking happy to see the testimonials that it's All fucking working daddy motherfucking Gang so you guys we are going To release one of our Older episodes but it is one Of our fucking favorites it's still a
Starting point is 00:03:18 Banger this is about to be a banger That I bet most of you have literally forgotten Yes so we're about to play you guys One of our favorites first I gotta ask you though Sophia yes do you have any new year's resolutions you're like um I think those are a little dark to be saying right now you're like actually no just kidding um I do oh one of them is I really genuinely want to start meditating have I been saying that for the past seven years absolutely i presume medicating you guys gonna say medicating i already do that i want to replace the medicating with meditation oh stop the micro dosing and insert some meditation
Starting point is 00:03:58 i agree i think what about meditating um i know this is gonna sound crazy coming from us i think this is everyone's fucking new year's goal but i really do mean at this time i think i really actually want to fucking like get back in shape like oh when i i had a guy that i was dating a little bit ago and he had he wasn't even trying to be a dick but he made a comment he was like you're kind of ugly now you're you're really slacking and slagging um no i he had said to me like you know i bet like until after you have a baby like you're never going to be back in your like prime soccer shape and i was hurt a little bit by that that maybe why we're not talking anymore but i was like i was like oh and so it kind of did trigger me like i used to be in
Starting point is 00:04:41 the best possible shape of my life and now i'm not and i want to get back there i will do it with you i think we should try everyone that has that goal will try to fucking be more maybe we could try to be a little bit more like health positive next year not like health as in like mental health but more of like the eating i have had i've purchased groceries once yes in almost nine months yeah so maybe like we could start like doing every month try like at least once yeah so i mean things are happening here on call her daddy we fucking love you guys and we hope that you're also having like a good new year's and christmas if you guys don't have family to spend it with yeah if you're going through a hard time the holidays can be depressing
Starting point is 00:05:18 you're here for you we love you we love you guys so sit back, relax, enjoy. We were considering a little Christmas jingle soundtrack release, but then we decided that you guys would probably unsubscribe. Have a holly jolly Christmas. Merry Christmas.
Starting point is 00:05:39 And we just both sing our own song at the same time. I'm like, hold on, Sophia, let me take this up. I'm like, no, this one can really. Can you imagine? Would you guys listen to our Christmas jingle? Maybe next year. All right, guys.
Starting point is 00:05:57 Enjoy this episode. Listen to this oldie but goodie. Oldie but goodie jingle. Jingle motherfuckers. Here you go. Go suck on some wieners and go suck on some clits. Merry Christmas, bitches. Who is it today?
Starting point is 00:06:10 Who is that? Oh. The fathers. The founding fathers are. The fathers are here. Back at it again. For another episode of Call Her Daddy. Daddy.
Starting point is 00:06:23 Please don't ever do that again. Sorry. All right. Okay. Let's tell them. Let's tell them. Let's tell them. Let's tell them.
Starting point is 00:06:30 Let's tell them the news. Yesterday, Alex and I were listening to another podcast that someone recommended, and we had a revelation we must sound guys like we smoke crack do seven lines of cocaine and like pop adderall before we record guys we literally i don't listen to podcasts i just i don't even listen to my own and uh when are you kidding oh my god i would literally enter a witness protection program like if lauren's ever listening to it, I'm like, turn it off, turn it off, turn it off. I can't listen to myself. So, um, guys, we listened to this podcast.
Starting point is 00:07:10 We like put it on the speakers at our apartment. And Sophia and I in the first like two, what? Two minutes we looked at each other and we were like, what the fuck? Well, what in the actual, I think for the most part, podcasts are. I don't even know how to explain it. They're supposed to be consumed in a way that's just like chill. This is not calming. This is.
Starting point is 00:07:33 It's like we say something and then two seconds later on a completely different topic. I'm like, and then he fucked me in my ass and then I turned around and I fell off the bed. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So anyway, it was it was just shocking to like know how we sound there was a girl that wrote in actually and she said guys I need to tell you there are certain parts of the podcast that sound like they're sped up like
Starting point is 00:07:55 something happened like during the editing process and I'm like oh see this is a thing that's not it's literally Sophie and I'd be like okay and then we're like what why do we talk so fast i think because we get so hyped i'm like oh my god the post that clarity let's get into it yeah if you're five or six die for that dick and then we just go so guys i apologize if you are listening to us and like these girls are on fast forward. So social media. Here we go. Here we go. Let's just make this quick because it's such a joke.
Starting point is 00:08:29 Guys, daddy gang, a lot of you have been writing in and you guys are like, Oh my God, guys, we, I have such a great hack. Like if you want to post a thirst trap on your Instagram story and have the guy that you're trying to get his attention,
Starting point is 00:08:41 like if you want him to see it, but you don't want obviously your whole Instagram following to see it, like your mom and your grandma that follow you. You use the close friends. No. Knock it off. Knock it the mother effing off right now. Don't do it.
Starting point is 00:08:58 It's probably the most transparent thing you can do. Everyone knows what you're doing. Now, let me sympathize with you guys a little bit because I understand that on Snapchat is the whole, you had the whole feature in the beginning when you could basically choose people who you want to see in the story. However, on Snapchat, that person doesn't know how many people are seeing it. Yeah. With Instagram and this whole close friends thing you guys have
Starting point is 00:09:26 to understand like i'm on someone's that has me as their close friend and you guys are not close and i'm like why does he have me on this and he he's trying to like flex when he's flying places on his pj i'm like i don't care right why am i on your close friends we've literally met once so so embarrassing listen i get the idea guys but i i also confirmed with milf hunter and he was like i think it's so weird when i go on and a girl has like obviously i'm never gonna complain about an ass shot and a mirror selfie but he's like it's kind of weird when she has me on her close friends and i'm like i think we we haven't even like slid into each other's dms yet like why am i on that it's too it's way too transparent so guys clean that the fuck up it's embarrassing i wanted to bring up just a little
Starting point is 00:10:09 comment that i overheard oh so i was actually talking to my guy friend and he was talking about dating apps and he was like there is a rule that every guy lives by. Okay. And he said that what he does when he goes to a girl's profile on a dating app. Yeah. He goes and finds the ugliest picture of her. Okay. And he says, this is what she will look like in person. Oh. So he literally, he scrolls through every picture until he finds the ugliest one and
Starting point is 00:10:42 then decides. Like that's what she's going to look like. This is what she's going to look like. Or she could even look worse. This is what she's she's gonna look like and do i want to go on a date i thought that was very interesting that's actually so interesting because i'm over here grasping i'm like no but he has two photos where he kind of looks hot but then the other ones he's really like do i just give him a chance that's a hot photo nope oh fuck so maybe we gotta kind of all rewire ourselves here daddy gang when you go to a
Starting point is 00:11:06 guy's or a girl's profile yeah for on the dating app you gotta just when you see your the ugliest one no that's what they're gonna look like or worse i think that's a really good point i just had a random flashback to um i think there's like memes on uh instagram and twitter with regard to the whole like picking who you want to see your story isn't there that meme where they're like when your girlfriend is like you need to post me more and so he posts her on her snap or on his snapchat story but it's blocked from everyone but her so she's like oh my god he posted me but no one else sees it see that wouldn't even work on Instagram exactly if I was a girl
Starting point is 00:11:46 and i told a guy like babe like let's start posting pictures together which i would never never i'm being held hostage if you see me posting with a man it means i'm literally actually have a gun to my head i would never i could be it could literally be life or death i would never ask a guy to post a picture no no but if he went and put it on a close friends a picture i would be like do you think i'm dumb who are your close friends pull up your close friends let me see let me see how many are there it's literally me and like my two best friends on there just so please yeah it's actually pretty funny yeah relax guys can we get into sex i've just been waiting for you to ask me that like
Starting point is 00:12:26 can we have sex can we have sex right now like hurry up alex for real i'm into okay you've been playing hard to get and i'm over it come on over here and sit on my lap let's do the whole podcast okay this segment is truly gets me hard yeah like thinking about yeah giving the daddy gang this is getting me a little like i feel like beyonce in lemonade when she has the baseball bat and she's like yes vandalizing every car all right daddy gang let's say it together one two three how to trap a fuck boy daddy gang i want everyone to sit back and relax okay because we are going to give you step by step detail by detail master manipulation like you have never heard and this is probably going to piss people off we're exposing the game we are and i think a lot of times people will write into our podcast if they don't, like they're
Starting point is 00:13:25 not fans and they're like, you guys are promoting unhealthy shit and you guys are manipulating X, Y, Z. Listen, I say it with Milf Hunter all the time. There are two people in this world, those who finesse and those who get finessed and you choose which one you want to be. And I think that, listen, I get it. Like, oh, cheating and all this shit. We know it's not healthy, but it's reality.
Starting point is 00:13:48 Like, people get so pissed when we're trying to help crack the code of, like, for example, what we're about to talk about, how to trap a fuckboy. This is what I'm going to say, all right? All right. I am going to sound like a mature, reasonable grown-up. Okay. Okay? reasonable grown up. Okay. Okay. I'm going to say, number one, you should never really be trying to trap a fuck boy. And I know that sounds like the opposite of what I just said, but just hear me out.
Starting point is 00:14:14 Right, right, right. You, if you feel like you need to trap someone, you probably just need to get the fuck out. Bottom line. Yeah, for sure. You shouldn't be trying to trap a fuck boy or any man for that matter you should be going and getting a self-esteem masturbating and learning to be ecstatic by yourself whatever and like let a guy come to you if a guy wants you he'll let you know let me with that said we're gonna tell you how to fucking trap one because a fuck boy is like a fucking burning building not everyone out here is a fucking firefighter but some of us
Starting point is 00:14:46 bitches want to play fucking hero i get it a lot of times we're like don't go for the fuck boy but we some of us can't help it so like the founding fathers we are we're gonna obviously help you i just needed to tell them the healthy route but we're gonna get fucking bad with it here we go all right guys so liking a fuck boy is really one of like the weirdest emotional things a girl experiences. Especially when you're a little bit younger and you have like your first run in with your first love of a fuckboy. I know it's sad, but it is kind of funny because, correct me if I'm wrong, a lot of girls will act oblivious. Like they didn't see the signs. When in reality, a fuckboy, even if he's the lying type, a fuckboy will really always kind of show you signs.
Starting point is 00:15:32 I mean, it's denial. They don't want to see it. No, and we're dumb and we convince ourselves to catch feelings. Or my personal favorite is when girls are like, I can change him. I can save him from his awful life of fucking a bunch of bitches. No, no, no. No, no, no. So what is a fuck boy?
Starting point is 00:15:49 Ooh. I feel like there's two types of fuck boys. Two types. There's the one. Yep. Go ahead, Alex. Okay. There's the one who is truly a fuck boy to the core.
Starting point is 00:16:01 Yeah. It is part of their personality. And like pretty much they will never change. Right. Like when they're 60 years old, they're going to be. They're a fuck boy. It's it is part of their personality and like pretty much they will never change right like when they're 60 years old they're a fuck boy it's literally in their core and then the second type is they're going through a fuck boy phase and every girl goes into the relationship hoping right that it's the fuck boy phase yes they're going to come out of it. We can change him. Yeah. I can save him. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, you can't.
Starting point is 00:16:26 No. So you can't save him. But what you can do is you can match his fuck boy persona and fuck with him right back. Well, quickly. Okay. Alex. Yeah. I feel like a guy is not a fuck boy if he is being upfront with you.
Starting point is 00:16:44 Yes. guy is not a fuck boy if he is being up front with you yeah if you're going in to the relationship and he's sitting you down and he's like i am not looking for anything serious i'm here to fuck i'm here to have a good time and if you're down to fuck and not get feelings i'm here for it yeah and girls will try to say girls will try to be like no like he is a fuck boy oh i know what you're saying it's like those girls that if they ask their friends like oh like what does he fuck around a lot she's like yeah he's such a fuck boy that is let us clarify that is not a fuck boy if a guy has sex with a lot of girls that does not make him a fuck boy yeah all and then and that's just you fucking catching feelings sarah sorry but no that's not yeah and then if he's being completely up front with you in the beginning
Starting point is 00:17:22 he's not a fuck boy he's telling you what's up. A fuckboy is the guy that lies to your face to get you in bed. Yes. You know what I mean? It's when they use manipulation tactics and they finesse a situation to get the fucking poon. Ooh, have we ever said that word? I'm calling it poon. You really are a frat boy.
Starting point is 00:17:41 I am. I don't think I've ever said poon. All right. So, how do you trap one? In Call Her Daddy fashion, we're going to teach you how to trap a fuckat boy. I am. I don't think I've ever said frat. All right. So how do you trap one? In Call Her Daddy fashion, we're going to teach you how to trap a fuck boy. Let's get into it. In order to trap a fuck boy, ladies and gentlemen, and I guess guys could kind of listen to this too because if you're fucking with a fuck girl, because there are some.
Starting point is 00:18:01 I'm looking at one sitting across the table from me. Fuck you. girl because there are some i'm looking at one sitting across the table from you so listen first and foremost is this is a classic game of mirrors all right yeah so when you are trying to fuck with the fuck boy and trap him the tendencies of a fuck boy are in inconsistent communication yeah there's the public flirting to kind of like embarrass you if you're at the bar yeah you've been hooking up and then you see him with another girl they disregard your emotions yeah just inconsistent behavior all around sporadic texting following other people on the gram after you guys just fuck liking your post and then 10 others at the same time acting like super into you one second and then you don't hear from him for three days. Inconsistent communication.
Starting point is 00:18:46 So, like I said, a game of mirrors. Everything we just basically said, in order to trap a fuckboy, you are going to play the same type of game. You mirror what he's doing. You mirror it all. So, Sophia. Yes. type of game you mirror you mirror it all so Sophia yes milf hunter oh I love when you say the king fuck boy milf hunter told me that he was fucking this girl all right and this is going to be an example of how you can basically trap a fuck boy so he was fucking this girl and he went and followed four of her sorority sisters like in an hour okay the girl
Starting point is 00:19:27 was like why the fuck did you just follow like all of my friends like what the fuck a normal girl who's fucking with a fuck boy yeah she called him out right you should never never be calling him out on his bullshit ever it makes me sad you turn a blind eye to what he's doing it's you never never ever ever call them out on their shit girls knock it the fuck off knock it off listen girls i get it in the heat of the moment you guys just had sex the week that before and then you see him following all your friends he's like posting a winky face on your best friend's picture i get it you never ever ever call them out this is what you do milf hunter then said i got a taste of my own medicine because another girl i was fucking
Starting point is 00:20:19 i followed her friends too and instead of calling me goes, Cooper, I posted one of my boys on my story with me and I tagged him. Yeah. And then I saw two hours later, the girl that I had just fucked on a Wednesday, she went and followed my boy. And I was like, hold on, hold on, Han. No, no, no. He was like, you can't just go follow my fucking boys.
Starting point is 00:20:44 I'm the one you're fucking. You you're mimicking their behavior their behavior and you're not calling them out let's talk can we talk about that let's break down yeah yeah yeah so the first step I think to trapping a fuck boy is you are never calling them out on their shit yes with that said you don't want to look like an idiot yeah you're not calling them out on their stuff, but you're not like incomplete la-la land and he's like fucking all your friends and you have no idea. No, because you know what? Because you know that girl, it's like almost a fuckboy's dream is when it's like she does everything for him, she fucks him, she leaves, everything's perfect, and then he's fucking
Starting point is 00:21:21 around and she never calls him out and he's like, OK, this bitch is oblivious. There is a line to which you don't call them out. Yeah. But you do subtle fucking thing. Yeah. Let's talk about these subtle things. Yes. You make almost inconspicuous comments about how they are a fuck boy, but they need to be executed so well. So from the start, from the get go,
Starting point is 00:21:56 talking about sex and dating with them. Right off the bat, I am super open about talking to the guy and like what he's up to. Right. Because on a first date, you can go in there and you can talk about like, oh, so like, do you do this on a first date? And like, have you had go in there and you can talk about like oh so like do you do this on a first date and like have you had girls do this and etc yeah and if you don't look crazy because it's a first day you're like I met you 20 minutes you have no loyalty no jealousy I think that's something that on a first hangout or something my strategy is come off so open and chill. And in a way that I'm like, oh my God, wait. Okay, can I ask you, last girl you fucked, did she owe when she was like on top? Or like, you basically just like joke around and ask them questions.
Starting point is 00:22:38 I don't know if you need to go in there and be like, did she owe when she was on top? But do you know what I mean? Like asking them like joking sexual questions. I always like to ask about like the dating style. Okay, like I'm like oh so like okay because I'm a little more perverted I'm like did she fucking come the point of this everyone listening the point of this is immediately this guy is seeing wait why the fuck is she okay with me telling her like what I'm doing to other bitches exactly why is she chill with that that That's number one. Yep. And then number two is when you're that open with them in the beginning, it shows that there are
Starting point is 00:23:10 no feelings, no feelings, none, none. There are no feelings on your end. And then again, like what I said, you are letting them know that you know how to play the game. And it also sets you up for the future that then when you keep making those comments it's not out of nowhere it's been set from the beginning that's the precedent and that when you start to get closer to possibly having those feelings you can drop the like okay say like the last girl you fucked did you and then he's like why the fuck is she okay with knowing that the last you know what I mean? Yes.
Starting point is 00:23:46 And then giving them just a little bit of that, like you have insight into how men think and it fucks with a lot of times. I also think off the bat, you are setting the tone that you are open to talking about him fucking other girls and it kind of throws them off their game. The other thing that I want to bring up is you are also letting them know that like, you know, you kind of have some insight into a guy's mind. Yes. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:24:15 Yeah. Because you're like, you're like, oh, have you ever had a girl do X, Y, Z? And you'll say something that, you know, a guy fucking hates if a girl does that. And then he's like, why does this girl have like this inside info into a guy fucking hates if a girl does that and he and then he's like why does this girl have like this inside in phone to a guy dude the fucking post nut clarity oh i bring this is your go-to right i bring it up all the time all the time you're like guys are like how do you know about that legit on sofia's last last guy that she was talking to i could do alex i called it the pnc and he's like excuse me and he was like what is the p'm like... You're like, no, like the last girl you fucked
Starting point is 00:24:46 did she low-key try to cuddle you when you were having post-nut clarity? Uh-huh. And the guy, what did he say? He was like, how... He was like, what is the PNC? First of all, I said the post-nut clarity. You're like, post-nut clarity.
Starting point is 00:24:56 Come on. I'm like, come on. What are you talking about? You know. You know better than I do. He's like, why do you know that? Yeah. He's like, bitch, what?
Starting point is 00:25:03 How do you know that? And so it's... It lets them know that yeah he's like bitch what how do you know that so it's it's it lets them know that you know the game you know the game you have insight into how a guy thinks yeah and you're entertaining cool with it yeah you're entertained by talking about it and it throws them off yeah so after you're into your first few hangouts with a fuck boy this is my tactic you we talked about making comments okay you cannot overplay them and i can't stress it enough girls it you can you have to read the setting and you have to make sure your tone is not coming off too sarcastic that you come off as butthurt this needs to be executed perfectly
Starting point is 00:25:45 for example i used to do this to the guy i used to date before we started dating and it fucked with him okay i knew he was fucking other girls but he kept like forcing the whole like i like you i like you and i'm like you're literally talking to 12 other girls but like okay gotta love it so what i would do uh-huh was going to go out for a boys night. And I would be there beforehand because I was going to go for a girls night. And I'd be like, all right, I'll see you like tomorrow, whatever. He's getting ready. I'm sitting on the bed.
Starting point is 00:26:16 He would come out in his outfit that he was going to go to the bar with. And I will look at him and I'll be like, oh my God, babe, go change. And he'll be like, what? And I'll be like, you cannot wear that shirt to the bar. No girl is going to gonna go home with you and fuck you let alone go up and flirt with you at the bar you need to go change go change immediately i know immediately he's standing there like wait hold on he's like why are you okay with me getting fucked exactly like wait why do you want me to change and look good for other girls and then this is where you come in and you say something so like inconspicuous again why he's either gonna say wait why do you care if i'm getting fucked or he's gonna say
Starting point is 00:26:57 um i'm not fucking other girl what do you mean i'm not going to the bar to fuck other girls and you're gonna just brush off his question and you're just going to be like i just want you to look presentable babe go change go change you laugh it off that guys i cannot emphasize it is a mind fuck to a guy the fuck yeah they're like and this is this is um i think another good point we can make is so you say that whole thing you need to go change no girl's gonna fuck you say that whole thing. You need to go change. No girl's going to fuck you in that shirt. If he comes back and he was like, what are you talking about? And you're like, I obviously know you're like talking to other girls. Like, that's fine. That is not the move.
Starting point is 00:27:34 No. Keeping it going and being like, I know you're talking to other girls. It's fine. You look so butt hurt. Now you look too butt hurt. You look butt hurt. You have to make the jab. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:27:44 No girl's's gonna fuck you in that shirt please go change yes he addresses it what the fuck and then you brush it off and you're like relax just go change go change go change yes that a fuck boy cringes inside of his skin he's like why is she acknowledging that i could be potentially getting pussy and you guys don't underestimate the power of these jobs like it fucks with them it fucks with them in a way that they they don't know what to do so let's talk to them about when is a time that you don't respond to a fuck boy so so like for example i just said when he says what are you talking about i'm not gonna go fuck this bitch and you brush it off so i think there's there's two instances where you don't respond okay fuck boy okay when he comes at you asking questions about what you're doing
Starting point is 00:28:37 yes when oh that's a good one when he is like okay so like you like, you know, what are you up to? Are you talking to people? What, you know, like what did you do last night? So for example, if you had said that to him when you were like, go change. And he was like, well, I'm not trying to go fuck girls at the bar. Are you going to go out tonight and try to, what are you up to? You brush it off. Brush it off. You never respond to that.
Starting point is 00:29:02 Do not engage in that conversation. No, no, no, no no you are this little shady mcshade and you're like i always i think usually when they hit me with the like well who the what are you doing who are you fucking i already know what you do you answer sarcastically we are sick we are sick in the head we are i do it too i'll be like oh my god like are you kidding me like i don't have time to do anything babe you either go you're the only man in my life or you go completely opposite you're like oh my god i'm literally doing the entire tri-state of new york so when you and they obviously know you're fucking kidding so when you answer that sarcastically you are not you're
Starting point is 00:29:41 not giving them an answer and they're annoyed because they know you're lying but guys that are fuck boys and let's clarify this for people because people may be like well no if i am sarcastic and they're like no really tell me girls you you do not engage so even if he's like no tell me the truth and you're like babe i was a virgin before i met you you were a virgin and we both took each other's v cards and he's like what the fuck and then you laugh it off and you're like relax and you literally walk out of the room or yeah you can literally say that's for me to know and you find out but say it's so sarcastic because guys i promise like i'm up to no good baby baby let's go baby let's get after it baby you literally could say that and you'd be like, are you psycho? Are you unwell?
Starting point is 00:30:26 Yeah. You're like, yeah, I am. It's brilliant. Okay. The second time. That you don't respond. That you shouldn't be responding. Okay.
Starting point is 00:30:33 Is any time this fuck boy is trying to have an intimate moment with you or a serious conversation. You completely. Oh, this gets my dick wet. Yes. I fucking love this one so for example if a guy is just like you know like i've been wanting to talk to you like it's kind of like we're kind of getting to like this like i really like you you're like you're my girl whatever those comments those are the times that girls fall into the trap and they get feelings and they're like oh my god like no he's deeming me
Starting point is 00:31:05 as like he i'm no no no he doesn't fucking like you he likes your fucking pussy he is a fuck boy and he's fucking with you it's true so what i do is i act as if it almost made me feel awkward yeah and i hurry and change the topic of conversation it's so weird looking right now because when everything coming out of your mouth i'm'm like, yep, I do that too. Yep. Yep. And then he looks at you and he's like, this girl really doesn't want to fucking go there with me. At all.
Starting point is 00:31:30 Yeah. Guys, the fuck boys pry on using the lines of I like you and you're the one and I really like I'm I just obviously like we don't need to be in a relationship yet. But like I think that we could be. Yeah. All that shit. They blow smoke right up your asshole and what they usually get back is oh my god i like you too girls yeah when he says this to you you are gonna like sophia said look like kind of awkward like you feel a little bit uncomfortable and like you don't want to go
Starting point is 00:32:02 there and you and you do not respond in person you're like you don't want to go there. And you do not respond. No. In person you're like, you kind of like chuckle and then you're like, all right. Oh, well, all right. Let's watch this Netflix thing. Like literally avoid. Yeah. At all costs.
Starting point is 00:32:15 This is going to be the best piece of advice I'm going to give. Because you just said the fuck boy likes to blow smoke up your ass and tell you all of these things to your face. Yep. This is so cliche, but it is the truest thing. And I use this in my day to day life all the time. All right. Everyone's like, I don't really want Sophia's advice, honestly.
Starting point is 00:32:38 So she uses this in her day to day. She's a psycho. I know. It works. But actions speak louder than words. This is so huge when it comes to the fuck boy i've been in this situation oh my god i have a guy sitting there looking me in my eyes being like i love you i'm in love with you i want to spend the rest of my life with you you're like that's nice when you have a guy telling you that you you know you want to eat it all up and be like
Starting point is 00:33:04 oh my gosh. Of course. But when they're saying that and then their actions say differently, he doesn't respond to you. He's like ignoring you for days at a time. Those are his actions. And that's the only thing you need to be paying attention to are the actions. Only thing that matters.
Starting point is 00:33:19 Like literally. Fuck it. Fuck and I love you. Fuck it. Get the fuck out of here with that I love you bullshit. Anytime anyone says they love you fucking get the fuck out of here that i love you anytime anyone said so no and i think that's such a good point because listen girls the whole point of how to trap a fuck boy we're talking about it mirror their actions yeah when you are avoiding talking
Starting point is 00:33:39 about shit when they get a little emotional with it when they try to get you in your feelings and you don't respond or when you make the comment about oh my god no one's gonna fuck you at the bar and then he's like wait what and you're just you laugh it off when you are so casual yeah and milf hunter confirmed this guys fucking hate anything that makes them feel like they are sharing a girl yeah even if they know they are mil milk hunters like i don't want to know about it i don't want to think about it and when you act like you don't care it makes the fuck boy think wait so they're being casual with me too this is just about sex they don't even they don't even like me they may not care about me i'm just here to have fun i'm here to fucking
Starting point is 00:34:20 fuck freely they look at you like okay so this girl could give two fucks about me and about getting serious like she's just down for a good time she is just having fun and for some reason guys are so attracted to that oh my god they're like wait no marry me they're like i have a boner oh my god especially older guys because they always they always are thinking like, oh God, everyone's ready to settle down. So brilliant. Another thing I want to say, and this is a big one, ladies and gentlemen, disappear. Oh my God. Disappear.
Starting point is 00:34:57 The inconsistent communication from a fuck boy is one of their strong suits it's something that really almost is the catalyst towards forcing girls to like gravitate towards them it's it's girls like wait it's the chase i want it i want it you're sitting around waiting for his text and it's driving you crazy so disappearing is something that you should just go away for a couple days and and not answer them and then literally hit them up like hey like i'm coming over tonight like let's fuck or something fall off the face of the earth literally a couple days so he's like where the fuck is i alex that is like the main the main you can do and you know what i want to tell a little milf hunter story about all basically
Starting point is 00:35:39 tying all of these into one okay so for research purposes of course we reached out to milf hunter when we knew we wanted to talk about fuck boys but the fuck boy of the century so i reached out for president so i reached out to him and i was like listen we're talking about fuck boys talk to me about a time that a girl kind of cracked the code and slid in to your heart a little bit. And he was like, all right, I'll do it. I'll do it for the daddy gang. I don't like to admit it, but I'll do it. I can't wait for this story. So he started talking to this girl. They met on a dating app. They're texting, they're sexting, all shit okay finally they hang out for the first time and he said this girl was unbelievable in every aspect of in bed and the way that she hung out with me
Starting point is 00:36:34 so she was he loves getting his dick sucked just putting on a record yeah he's like he's like you know what i'm really good at in bed getting my dick sucked getting my dick wet love when a guy says that so he said Cooper she went down on me before we started fucking and she like sucked the life out of my dick it was the hottest thing she just went ham and it was the sloppiest
Starting point is 00:36:59 nastiest grossest fucking thing and she was like down there committed to the game so she sucked his dick they fucked and he said it was an amazing fuck she was crazy whatever after they fucked he said that she gave him a unbelievable massage he was like i went through my post-nat clarity she started massage love men love a massage. Love.
Starting point is 00:37:26 I didn't believe you. I know. You didn't. Until I started dating this guy. And he was like, oh my God, I would actually want to marry you. Okay, sorry. That was just a side note. But girls, if you want to give a guy a massage, we'll follow up. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:37:34 So she starts giving him a massage. And he said, I had gone through my post-nut and she was massaging me, rubbing my hair, et cetera, until literally she massaged me to sleep. Oh my God. He said he woke up about 30 minutes later or something and she was gone. Oh my God. She massaged him to sleep and let herself out. My mind is blown.
Starting point is 00:38:00 He was like, what a fucking daddy. He said this was best fucking case. Sucked my dick, fucked me right, massaged me to sleep and let herself out. Wow. Now this is the kicker. Yep. On their second hookup. So in his mind, he had the images of her sucking dick, of her fucking him right.
Starting point is 00:38:24 And he was like, I was amped for the second hookup. We had been talking nasty. We had been sexting. It was getting disgusting. And I was ready for the second hookup. I was ready to try all these new moves on her. He said she didn't suck my dick for that long. It was like a little pre-sex blowjob, but like not as nasty.
Starting point is 00:38:41 And it's just like a quick little like, here, I'll get your dick wet. She didn't go into overdrive, overdrive, overdrive on that dick. Gluck, gluck. No. It was a gluck, gluck 1000.
Starting point is 00:38:49 1000 if. Okay. So, and then he said, we fucked. And after they fucked, she got up, started getting ready immediately,
Starting point is 00:39:00 grabbed his face, like his two cheeks with her hand, kissed him on the cheek and said i'll text you when i get home and walked out please tell me she didn't text him she did not text him when she got home she did not text him when she got home and milf hunter was like i'm sitting here confused as fuck where's my massage where was that that dick sucking Turbo Lux 595,000? And where the fuck was her getting crazy nasty? What the fuck happened?
Starting point is 00:39:32 That is so incredible. He said, he was like, and I'm ashamed of myself. Yeah. He was like, she started to make me feel insecure, Cooper. She didn't text me. And feel used. And he literally said, I felt emasculated. I felt used.
Starting point is 00:39:47 For the MILF hunter to come out here and say he's feeling insecure and used. Oh my God. Jesus. This bitch knows the game. So what he said he ended up doing. Oh my gosh. Is he was like, first of all, he's so funny. He's like, obviously I don't care about her safety.
Starting point is 00:40:02 But I used that as an excuse. And I texted her and I was like, did you get home? Okay. Yeah. So milf hunter post fuck fucking slid in and texted this girl and she did not hit him up. And what he said was, I started to feel like a side piece. I love it. She literally made me feel, does this bitch have a boyfriend yeah
Starting point is 00:40:25 hold on she mind fucked the fuck boy the fuck out of his soul the first time yeah and came back didn't give him a massage didn't give him this and didn't text him yeah what he said was he was like if she hadn't played it like this we probably wouldn't have hung out more than twice because she wasn't even my type physically. Wow. He was just addicted to the fact that he felt like he was chasing her around and he was like, wait, was the dick not gray? What happened?
Starting point is 00:40:55 She was unattainable. Unattainable. And she was confusing. Yep. And that is what you need to be. That's what you need to beautiful that's what you need to be milf hunter told me there are two ways basically for a girl to get his real like attention okay and capture his heart but not really but just like kind of yeah he said one it's those who mirror a lot of what i do so
Starting point is 00:41:20 they kind of are acting like the guy in the situation. And I'm like, wait, what the fuck? Pay attention to me. Or two, those who are super thoughtful and nice to me. What? Okay, listen to this. He had said, I know that's kind of confusing because you're like, wait, what the fuck? He said one of the girls that he was fucking would just bring him food. Like he would never ask for it and she would always just grab
Starting point is 00:41:46 him something from home or make him something she would she bought him like tiger balm and brought it over and would like massage him when she would come over fuck him leave and i was like wait does it kind of come off clingy hold on i was gonna say that sounds like stage five clinger right i said that to him and he was like cooper no man is going to be like I'm not going to eat this Chipotle because she wants to be something I'm going to fucking eat the Chipotle and fuck her and then maybe just not answer for two days guys are just so animalistic it's like
Starting point is 00:42:14 Jesus Christ give them food give them pussy dude he said he had a girl that started to progressively start doing his laundry after cooking him food he was like I never knew I needed her around so bad but when she fucking did that first load of clothes and hit start on that spin cycle baby she had me locked in i thought that was like rule number one is to like not be doing a guy well that's the thing
Starting point is 00:42:38 if okay let's talk about this okay there is a level of if you do that yeah and he wakes up the next day and you're still there after sex and you're lingering and you're fucking sitting there like what do you want to do today fuck okay stage five i wanted to bring this up because you mentioned how the first girl was gone gone the next day so after you have sex with the fuck boy yeah what is the protocol you know i think the answer is inconsistency yep you should never do the same thing after you know there should be times where you leave right away sprint out of there maybe leave like 4 a.m right and then throw in a couple times where you sleep with him but you never stay there past the morning dude never ever ever ever i think so like you like you can sleep in with him for sure once you wake up awake you
Starting point is 00:43:32 gotta go you're not like let's get breakfast no i think that's so important too because he said like i just said milf hunter said it's if she mirrors what i'm doing or if she's nice to me and he said what is the way to trap a fuck boy is if you combine those right so what we just balance exactly it's a balance because I was I was talking to Alex on this the other day I was hooking up with a guy like a few months ago and I just hated sleeping in his bed like I just I know i fucking hated it so every single time you would hook up i would be like thank you thank you poof gone i would be gone but i felt like a fucking prostitute you're like thanks for the fuck gotta go like that made me feel like a prostitute so
Starting point is 00:44:17 it's like you gotta mix it up you know i think that's the whole mixing it up that's the whole name of the game yeah it's the inconsistency that drives them to want you more because every fuck boy I'm telling you in your life right now, every fuck boy in their life has the girls that are literally being forced, shoved out the door. Like, please leave. They're staying too long. The girls that are massaging them, doing their laundry, and then they're staying the next day and hoping for breakfast.
Starting point is 00:44:44 No, no, no, no, no. And then they also have the girls, like we said in the beginning, that are massaging them, doing their laundry, and then they're staying, the next day, and hoping for breakfast, no, no, no, no, no, and then they also have the girls, like we said in the beginning, that are down for the fuck, they leave, and then they never ask questions, and that's fine, because maybe that girl's,
Starting point is 00:44:52 not even trying to trap it, maybe they did dicks, just so good, right, but the girl that's trying, to trap the fuck boy, whether your intentions are, to try to date him,
Starting point is 00:45:01 or just to trap him, or just to fuck with him, yeah, the name of the game is mirror what they do yep inconsistency and never play your cards and tell him what you are doing because you will come off like you're trying so hard to prove to him oh my god i fuck too there is a line that when i was in high school, I would say this. And Alex, tell me that you didn't say this line either.
Starting point is 00:45:29 It is fucking mortifying that I would even say this. I loved to walk around and be like, you know, I'm just not like other girls. Oh my God. I want to die. Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God literally tell me that you didn't used to do that in high school you think you're so fucking cool you're like honestly
Starting point is 00:45:53 i'm just not like other girls die die i'm not like most girls knock it off alex cooper and sophia franklin in high school back then knock it the fuck off knock it off dude that's so embarrassing we've talked about it in previous episodes when girls are like i just have trust issues it's worse than that way worse girls you should never never be saying i'm just not like other girls if you're saying that then you are every other fucking basic bitch shut the fuck up no no no no i think i'm trying to channel my inner high school i think you say that because you're like, you want him to think that you're just like such this fuck girl. Like you're so chill and you're cool and you're one with the boys.
Starting point is 00:46:31 Shut the fuck up. No. You look so fucking dumb. But that's what I'm saying is you cannot let them catch on to that you're trying. No. You know? That's what we, when we said don't, if he's like, well, who the fuck are you fucking? Don't be like, don't worry about what I'm doing. No. Like if you're doing what you want to do, I can do what I want to do. No, no, no. No. You know? That's what we, when we said don't, if he's like, well, who the fuck are you fucking? Don't be like, don't worry about what I'm doing.
Starting point is 00:46:46 No. Like, if you're doing what you want to do, I can do what I want to do. No, no, no. No. Get a little smirk on your face and just be like, babe. Babe, relax. Just stop. The amount of times I used to tell the guy I talked to to relax.
Starting point is 00:47:00 They get insecure. Don't play your hand and let them believe whatever they want. Their mind is going to race. Yeah. Because like I said, Milt Hunter said, even though they're fucking 12 million girls out there, they don't want to believe that you're fucking someone else. The strategy that we just gave people. It's kind of really.
Starting point is 00:47:22 We just gave them serious insider information and I don't give a shit i don't give a shit i want to help out the daddy game me too because a lot of girls are like i want to fuck with this fuck boy and you know that most podcasts are like that is so unhealthy that's not healthy that's not mature that's not how you should live your life that's fine that's fine and i agree with them yeah but that's not going to change the fact that the fucking game works. Absolutely. Every time. The game will always be the game. It's always going to be there. And it's just if you want to play it or not.
Starting point is 00:47:49 Right. Or you want to get played instead. Yeah. Okay. Dude, you know what's going to happen? Eventually, we're going to get, it's going to fuck us in the ass. Yeah. And some guy is going to listen to this episode that we start dating.
Starting point is 00:47:59 No. And he's going to be like, the thing is. No strings attached. No, no, no. Because the thing is, is when they listen to this and they come at us with a game, we're creating a new one. That is what people fucking always ask us, dude. They're like, you're giving all your secrets.
Starting point is 00:48:13 We will create a new game. A new game? There's- To fuck with the fuck girl that fucked the fuck boy that knew the game? No. No. I'll just invent a new one. I'll invent a new one.
Starting point is 00:48:22 Me, you, and no punter. Taking over the world baby perfect that one and finesse you once again fuck you again here we go holy shit so a lot of people are always asking us like guys how to spice it up how do i spice up my sexual intercourse whether it's with your girlfriend your boyfriend your wife your husband your fiance there's several ways your fuck girl your fuck boy your side piece there's a mistress okay i think there's a million ways but we want to talk about role play and this has something to do with a wig oh i get excited so guys girls i think there is something to be said about a setting. A setting for sex.
Starting point is 00:49:07 Yeah. I've heard this a million times when people are married and they've been married for 10, 20, 30 years. Sex experts, which I am not. Oh, yes, you are, darling. Actually, yeah, I am. Actually, yes, I am. I might not have the degree, but kind of. They always say change up the setting. Literally, if you guys have to just go get a hotel.
Starting point is 00:49:31 Legit. A motel. A motel. A motel if your role play is to be a prostitute and get the room by the hour. Boom. Boom. Gold. Love it.
Starting point is 00:49:42 So women and men, here you go. Sophia and I want to give you guys an idea. Boom. Gold. Love it. So women and men, here you go. Sophia and I want to give you guys an idea. Yeah. Ladies, you are going to tell your man, I want to meet you for drinks. Want to meet you for drinks. Mm-hmm. This is not going to be any normal drink situation though. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:50:00 We're going to role play. Tonight. Yeah. You are going to be whoever you want to be. And I'll be whoever I want to be. Ladies. You're going to go, whether it's on Amazon or to a store, and you're going to buy yourself a hot wig. If you're a blonde, go brunette.
Starting point is 00:50:17 If you're a brunette, go blonde. Go redhead. Go curly, straight, longer, shorter, whatever you want to do. You wear a wig. You dress to the fucking nine. Yes. You tell him to meet you. A time and place.
Starting point is 00:50:29 You tell him to meet you at a hotel bar. Hotel bar. I think that's like the go-to. So fucking hot. And you have to set the rules with your man or your woman. Yeah. That the minute that you two see each other you cannot break character at all ever i think a lot of times couples if you're super close you're like oh god
Starting point is 00:50:55 okay wait here we go yeah no no you are literally if your name is fucking sophia tonight you're veronica if you're dave you're robert for the night okay if you're gonna do this you gotta go a hundred percent and go through with it and no little like oh my gosh like no absolutely you're like i am veronica fucking throw an accent in there absolutely whatever you gotta fucking do yes i think this is so fucking hot because listen you bringing in this like you're a different person you're wearing a wig you're giving him like a complete different persona if you're super shy right be that girl that's confident and sexy etc yeah meet him at the fucking bar and fuck his brains out when you
Starting point is 00:51:35 go up to the hotel room together have a hotel room booked for sure dude this i want to go try me too first of all this sounds so fun. So fun. And then so hot. Dude, if couples integrate this, it's like, babe, Saturday night, you want to role play? Let's get that hotel room. If you start integrating this into your relationship, I know it sounds fucking kind of crazy, but like every other weekend you can be a different woman and a different character and it's so fucking hot. And then also, you can literally transform yourself in the bedroom as well on these nights.
Starting point is 00:52:12 If you're not as vocal with your husband or your boyfriend or your girlfriend or your wife, this is the time for you to all of a sudden become a major freak. Because in their mind, that's the point of this. Right. And try out moves that you usually wouldn't do. Get a little drunk. Have some fun. You can be whoever you want to be point of this. Right. And try out moves that you usually wouldn't do. Get a little drunk. Have some fun. You can be whoever you want to be.
Starting point is 00:52:28 Love it. Love. We have a little sex tip. Yep. A little sex position that is so hot. It's really fucking hot. Alex, let's get into it. This is for guys.
Starting point is 00:52:41 Mm-hmm. Girls can obviously do it too in a different way, but let's focus on the guys. This is a tip for guys girls can obviously do it too in a different way but let's let's focus on the guys this is a tip for guys alex and i'm i'm not gonna say which one but one of us had an experience with a man that rocked our fucking world world okay rocked it side to side up and down what this man did was the hottest thing and we have deemed this move yep the mona lisa the mona lisa the mona lisa we're not talking about the painting fuck no you guys thought we were here to educate you you guys thought we were here to talk about art do you guys know who we are no one thought we were here to talk about art fuck off the mona lisa you know say it with me alex just one two
Starting point is 00:53:24 three the mona lisa oh my god it sounds amazing it really does guys we're bringing you The Mona Lisa. You know. Say it with me, Alex. Just one, two, three. The Mona Lisa. Oh, my God. It sounds amazing. It really does. Guys, we're bringing you a move. If a guy did this to me, I am actually worshipping his dick. Like, I will actually put your dick in my mouth, even when it's flaccid.
Starting point is 00:53:42 I don't give a fuck. Anytime, any day, anywhere, it's in me. i don't give a fuck anytime any day anywhere it's in me kiss the ground you walk on yes so this is what you're going to do you're on top of her you are going to waddle up and plop your dick in her mouth love okay this just sounds like a regular face fuck no no no you are then going to instruct her to touch herself and you are going to say i want to feel you coming with my dick in your mouth i want to feel your moans on my dick and i want your mouth full make yourself come okay i just came i am horny now and i need to go i just literally came in my pants sophia i didn't know you could do that i think every single guy really needs to pay
Starting point is 00:54:34 attention to this move you literally even if she doesn't fully understand what you're doing take her hand and start putting it down where she needs to put it. Have your dick in her mouth. This girl is going to start getting herself off. And I'm telling you guys. When she is coming. There's two things. One for the girl. It's going to be great. Two for you.
Starting point is 00:54:56 If a girl is fucking coming. And your dick is in her mouth. And she can't open it to actually have her O. Your dick is literally basically suffocating her. I mean, there's a vibration on your dick. You're going to feel her moaning. Yeah. And it feels amazing.
Starting point is 00:55:11 It's going to be amazing. Also, you can do a little glance back. Yes, watch her. And watch her touching herself. I think, look back. Also, guys, you have to understand, like, for girls, some girls aren't always in the mood for a face fuck so this allows them to actually really fucking enjoy it and get themselves off getting skull fucked is not usually what we
Starting point is 00:55:33 plan to do on a sunday morning no not really it's not really like a girl's favorite past time per se. Absolutely. Now, this move is absolutely one that girls can offer as well. It tells a guy to do that? Put your dick in my mouth while I touch myself? And I want to moan
Starting point is 00:55:57 all over your dick while I'm owing? I think a guy would actually cry. Cry? Cry. Of tears of joy that he found an angel.
Starting point is 00:56:05 Yes. The fact that one, you're offering him to face fuck you. And two, you're going to be coming while his dick is down your throat. I mean. And three, you're going to be touching yourself and he can watch you. Oh my God. And four, you're initiating. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:56:20 Which girls, you know, are known to not do. Do. So I think the Mona Lisa is something I want every Daddy Yang member to incorporate into it because it also, again, if you do face fucking all the time, switch it the fuck up and hit him with the Mona Lisa. And guys, make sure to make her know, I want to feel you moan on my cock when you are coming. You. So hot.
Starting point is 00:56:40 So fucking hot. And then if you can kind of like make sure that you come the same time as she does, I mean, that's fireworks. The moan of Lisa. Oh. Plan B. Let's get right into it. La, la, la, la, la. Plan B.
Starting point is 00:56:56 Plan B. Here we go. Here we go. Plan A. Nah, fuck it. Plan B. Let's talk Plan B, Sophia. All right.
Starting point is 00:57:02 Plan B. What an interesting capsule. What a great. What a great. Pharmaceutical drug. What a great invention. Yeah. Fun fact, Milf Hunter has never bought Plan B for a girl.
Starting point is 00:57:16 But he also said he never. I shouldn't be laughing because it's fucked up, but it's like kind of amazing. But he said he's never also had a pregnancy scare. Yeah. He said, I don't fuck around with that. Yeah. Great. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:57:29 Just a quick. Thank you. So plan B. This game is so brilliant. Plan B. There's a million things to say about plan B. There really is. But I think the main thing is a lot of girls have been writing in and they're like, the
Starting point is 00:57:40 next day after I had sexual intercourse and plan B is the move, how do I approach this? Do I tell him to buy it? Do I split it with him? Do I go get it myself? So there's a lot of factors. Living for that. Right. So there's a lot of factors.
Starting point is 00:58:01 Yeah, there are. I know girls who they're in the heat of the moment and you're getting it on. Yeah. And there's just something sexy about saying, I want you to fill me. Fill me up. I want you to fill me full of cum. Yeah. Boom.
Starting point is 00:58:14 Boom. It is hot. We've all done it. We've all done it. We've all been there. Wait, wait, wait, wait. We've all quickly gotten pregnant for a second. Alex, you don't even really stop with the generalizations.
Starting point is 00:58:23 We're like, everyone's cheated. Everyone's done this. Like, every single person in America that is a female has asked a guy to fill me up with your cum. Obviously. Duh. What the fuck. Everybody. No, I feel you, though. I feel you on that. I've done it. I think if you're doing this,
Starting point is 00:58:39 that's going to kind of change the game the next day. Yeah, if you ask him, fill me up, then it changes the game because, alright, if you ask him fill me up then yeah it changes the game because all right let's talk about it first of all when do you think is an appropriate scenario to expect the guy to play for pay for plan b um i would say i would say every single time unless yeah so let's get into the actually actually even if you did that i would still expect them to be a. But because probably my age. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:07 I know like in college and stuff, it's a little bit different. So, for example. Mm-hmm. Out of college now, if I was fucking with a guy and like he came inside me. Or even if he didn't. Oh my God. If you were just worried about pre-cum because you didn't use a condom. I think if you are openly talking about it.
Starting point is 00:59:23 Like you say like, fuck, I'm like a little nervous. Like I haven't been taking my pill on the same day. Or even if you're just nervous and you express that and you're like, I think I want to take plan B. If you vocalize that and tell them, I think they should man up and be like, okay, like I, yeah. Do you want me to pay for it? I'll Venmo you or do you want to go get it now? However, I know a lot of times girls, and I've done this before where you leave you don't want
Starting point is 00:59:47 to deal with you're not even especially if you're not really close with oh my gosh a one-night stand yeah if you're having a one-night stand the next day you're like oh my god i'm out of here i never want to see you exactly and then you head to cvs or whatever pharmacy and you pick yourself up because you're like i don't want to have to involve them in that shit and mean, obviously if it's your boyfriend or someone you're super close with, I will be like, hi, let's go get Skittles and whatever. And also get me a plan B. Yeah. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:00:13 Totally. I, um, I'm one of my ex boyfriends. I remember the first time we hooked up and this was before we were dating. I was being a little promiscuous. You got me out there. He took me to Walgreens and he came back to the car and he like had the plan B. And then he had Gatorade. He had all these snacks.
Starting point is 01:00:31 He was like, you should probably eat something with that, which I don't think you need to do. I don't think you need to. But it was like still cute. Oh my God. Marriage material. What about this, Alex? We were talking about this. What if you wake up in the morning and he literally, like, comes into the room
Starting point is 01:00:46 and, like, hands you the Plan B pill? Oh, I'm like, fuck out of here. Right? Well, I just, yeah, I actually have had stories of girls being like, he went and bought it for me and I woke up and he was like, here, take this and hand me water and wanted to watch me take it.
Starting point is 01:01:02 Oh, my God. Dude, the guy I went on a date with the other week, I don't know how these things come up on first dates, but it did. You're like, do you like ass play? Do you like ass play? And then you're like, it was the weirdest thing. We talked about sex the whole time.
Starting point is 01:01:16 But I asked him somewhere in the conversation between appetizers and the main. I was like, so plan B. And he told me actually, he was he's like a wealthy guy he was like I actually make girls I I get it for them and then I make them take it in front of me and I was like ew I have another story but don't you think that's weird dude oh that would really upset me because it's like it's not your decision no it's like who do you think you are right to tell me to put something in my body what type of other than your cum no for me it's like do you think that you are god's gift to earth
Starting point is 01:01:50 and i want to have your child i will take care of it yeah i will fling myself down some stairs bitch legit okay put a fucking hanger up my okay sorry people are to get upset about that. Okay, but I dated a guy and he did the complete opposite of what my ex-boyfriend did. Okay. He would have me send him a video of me filming myself. Shut the fuck up. I'm not kidding. Putting the plan B in my mouth. No. And then open my mouth and like lift up my tongue and show him that I had taken it.
Starting point is 01:02:22 Dude, what the fuck? And the fact that I even did it. I did it like once or twice or twice and i was like in the middle of filming yourself and then i was like i was like sofia what are you doing and like that pisses me the fuck off yes does he think you want to have his child i and on top of that you would be so lucky on top of that i'm pretty sure we were using condoms this was okay this was this was like a high school beginning of college thing but like still he was psycho about it like ocd the video i actually remember a daddy gang member wrote in and was like i remember this guy that i was hooking up with came in and like bought me plan b and made me um like put it up her butt put it up her butt and in an iv and all around the whole no but she was
Starting point is 01:03:08 like i he made me show him like me swallowing it and then she was like and i was like fuck this guy so i put it under my tongue and i didn't actually swallow it and then i spit it out which in hindsight i'm like wait so bitch what she was like just in so she i didn't want to so she was just gonna risk pregnancy just to spite him i love it no but i think i think this is a really good topic because first of all if a guy ever asked me to send him a video of myself swallowing plan b i would tell him to go fuck himself right but there is something about some guys and i know this is fucked up, but haven't you felt in your sexual history, Sophia, guys with more money? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:53 For sure. Push the plan B. The guy that made me take the video, his dad was like a millionaire. Yeah. And that's why. And then the fucking kids in college are like, oh, should we get it? Yeah. Do you want to go halfsies on it?
Starting point is 01:04:03 And the kid with the trust fund is like, I brought you three three of them and so you can take one one today tomorrow and just just to ensure it's kind of crazy yeah but then i also have this weird thing where i when guys do say it to you i get why girls get a little annoyed because it's like bitch first of all don't tell me what to do second of all i don't want your fucking kid i will take care of it relax just hand me 50 bucks yeah so i mean we said earlier the the dirty talk will indicate the plan b process but now that i'm thinking about it even if you're trying to be kinky and telling him to do that at the end of the day the guy is going to decide where his cum goes it's true okay unless you are you know holding him down which some do um a lot of girls with some celebrities and athletes out there are holding them down i doubt
Starting point is 01:04:53 a girl can hold a fucking athlete you never know you never know but i'm just i'm just saying it really it's it's up to the guy where he's gonna to come, and I think that they should just be paying for it. Dude, girls are crazy. I mean, let's talk about pregnancy scares. The girls doing the fake pregnancy scares? Yes. Yes, I want to talk about this. Yes. It is something that I find fascinating. It is kind of crazy.
Starting point is 01:05:21 Because it is very prevalent. It's so prevalent. This guy dated this girl and he said that she would do it multiple times and every single time he fell for it. And I'm like, how? What? How? I actually remember in high school this girl was dating this fuckboy and he and her were always had such a tumultuous relationship and they would always break up and get back together and then he actually fucked a girl in school and she found out and she lied to him and was like i'm pregnant i found out yesterday
Starting point is 01:06:01 and immediately he was just like, what the fuck? And they had so much history that he like got back together with her. And then finally, eventually these girls obviously have to tell him that you're not pregnant. And when finally he found out and everyone found out, he left her immediately and was like, that bitch is crazy. That's the thing. It's such a temporary fix. If you are trying to trap a guy with a pregnancy that's fake, eventually when it comes out, the guy immediately is going to be like feeling a sense of like almost like a freedom. Like, oh my God.
Starting point is 01:06:37 One, I had a moment where I realized I don't want to fucking child with this bitch. And now that I know that she one lied and two, she's not actually pregnant. I'm out. It's completely just a temporary it is the only time i think i would maybe do it because i am crazy at the end of the day yeah also side note if guys are wanting to fuck the crazy because they're the best in bed then they have to deal with this shit yeah they got to deal with the aftermath of the crazy exactly you know so when would you do it sophia i think they're the you know i love a good block love a good i i revel in it you do it's my favorite thing yeah it gets you hard i also have been in relationships where men have noticed how much i love it and they like to do it right back to me oh they play the game
Starting point is 01:07:22 right up nope not today son if you think i'm scared of a drive-by and showing up at your house you are sadly every time you fucking say drive-by i'm like a drive-by shooting sophia no no when i say drive-by i mean you literally can we all take a minute to just picture sophia franklin in her car sunglasses on hood up driving it's so fun it's so fun but there have been times where i've had guys block me and I, you know, I get on MyFitnessPal, Venmo, I try to do the whole thing. MyFitnessPal. I just said that casually.
Starting point is 01:07:55 I think I talked about that on an episode. It was like episode one, two, or three. I was like, I see how many fucking carbs you've had today and I'm sliding in. But if he was hitting me with a block and I just desk because when someone blocks you it really does something oh my god it really fucks with you that's why quick side note every time girls are asking should I reply with a k or should I just leave him on red and not respond there is nothing daddy gang there is nothing, daddy gang. There is nothing more powerful than silence. Yep.
Starting point is 01:08:26 Think about yourself. Oh, yeah. If he responds K or if he just doesn't answer, your whole world crumbles when they don't respond. Dude, another tangent is on the last episode, we were talking about if someone cheats on you and how some people get super vengeful. And I'm like, if someone cheats on you and you some people get super vengeful and I'm like, if someone cheats on you and you actually disappear and they're like, where did this human being go?
Starting point is 01:08:52 That is a hundred times more of a mind fuck than getting vengeful. You need therapy to get over the complete silence. You're like, where did they go? What is happening? If you completely fall off the face of the planet, fuck all the Ks. I feel like I did that in high school and now I've graduated to just the silence. And the silence is golden. Dude, disappearing silence, it's great.
Starting point is 01:09:14 Okay, back to your point. Back to what I was saying. What were you saying again? What was I saying? You were saying. Oh, okay. So if he had me blocked. Okay.
Starting point is 01:09:21 And I desperately was just trying to get through to him, I may be like, hi, we've got a baby in the bun. I may throw in a little something. I've done some crazy shit when I've been blocked. I just said a baby in the bun. Again, that was the old baby in the oven. Sorry. No, I agree with you.
Starting point is 01:09:38 Actually, this is something I think I've done. How many times have you told the guy you're talking to, I'm late on my period. Like I haven't gotten it yet. You know what? Genuinely why I do that. And tell me if you're kind of on the same page. I already know why.
Starting point is 01:09:53 Because you kind of just like to see their reaction. It's not even that you're trying to be crazy and scare them. No, it's like fun. You're bored. I'm bored. Boom. I've literally done it just out of pure. Every guy listening to this is freaking out.
Starting point is 01:10:04 Out of pure boredom. I've been like, I'm kind of late of late i'm kind of late just because i'm sitting on the couch i'm like oh i wonder like how you would yeah like what are you you're asking dinner plans and then the next thing you know i'm like oh by the way i'm late you just want to see i've actually done that i'm thinking um one of my ex-boyfriends i remember in the beginning because again you can kind of see where they're at in the relationship in the beginning of the relationship i i told him that because it was true i was late um but my period's always sporadic and he was like oh my god and he like we made jokes about like he was like oh guess i gotta push you down the stairs or something and i'm like cute interesting you're like so maybe that's not who i want to be and then fast forward to about like six seven months later and i told him that and he was like fuck all right like i guess should we go like get a pregnancy test i'm like
Starting point is 01:10:49 babe like oh my god he's in love he's in love with me um if we're gonna talk about fake pregnancies i need to bring up this daddy gang member wrote in he told me that this girl he was dating sent him a picture of a pregnancy test a a positive pregnancy test and was like, I'm pregnant. He threw it up on the Internet, did a reverse Google image search and was able to find that it was a fake photo. So let that sink in, people. Because if you're sending the picture of a, of a fake pregnancy, you're going to Google and you're taking a photo from there. You know, we, that's so smart that he did that. I actually didn't even know you can do that until like last year or someone, it was a long story,
Starting point is 01:11:36 but that happened to me. And guys, yeah, you can put that photo in Google and see if it's anywhere. Yeah. I mean, think about how much shit you can use that for holy fuck i forgot that you could do that too that's huge girls are fucking crazy man they are so are guys so are guys men can be just as crazy it's true especially when they're in love they can do some crazy i have some crazy fucking stories about guys that were in love and they pulled some crazy shit. We are talking about stories that Daddy Gang members have written in. And you just said guys are crazy too.
Starting point is 01:12:14 Yes, Sophia, I did. There was a Daddy Gang member that wrote in and said that her. Daddy Gang is popping off this week. They are amazing. They are. We read everything you guys send in. And it's like, I feel like we're bringing the crazy out of them. Yes.
Starting point is 01:12:28 They're like, I never told anyone this, but here you go, guys. I'm like, it's a secret society. Well, this poor girl had it happen to her. Okay. So a guy went crazy on her. She had a guy fake a suicide. Fake a suicide that the entire town was like. Bought into it.
Starting point is 01:12:48 Bought into it. This kid was dead. Yes. To get her attention and get her back. Okay. So guys are like, bitches be crazy with a fake pregnancy test. Yeah, well you're crazy too. When that thing, when your heart starts to flutter and you feel those things called butterflies,
Starting point is 01:13:02 that's love, bitches. And you'll do some crazy shit when you're on that drug. I think we need to give them some of the details. Cause this story rocked my world. So just to like give you guys a little bit of insight. I'm like, so if you and I had a pause couple weeks, we've been laughing because we have been reading all of your stories.
Starting point is 01:13:19 And what's happening is usually you guys give us like a really good base to the story. Yes. And then we will follow up and DM you and be like, wait, give us more details. Oh my God. We reached out to this girl and she was like, I am so sorry. I'm at work, but like, just give me a couple hours and I've got you. She came at us with like a full blown investigation, journalism at its finest. Like the daddy gang, when we, when we start talking to them, you guys are are doing journalism for like we are literally investigative journalism it's kind of fun sometimes it's like a
Starting point is 01:13:49 confessional yes and people are just like i do we've had people that we've called we have called daddy gang members like it would be easier to just tell you on the phone i'm like all right let's get a phone call set up and people write in dirt oh my god i'm just like i don't think we can say that but like low key we're gonna end them out so back to this whole the guy faked his suicide to get back with this girl we contacted this girl last night when she got home from work she hit us with the facts so i want to just kind of like quickly go through this story with you guys because i was like this to a t is call her daddy okay so she's with her girlfriends on a friday night and she gets a call that her boyfriend tried to commit suicide he tried to od on benadryl okay so all of them were
Starting point is 01:14:38 like that would be a tough one that'll be a tough one that'll for sure be a tough one so it didn't work he tried it didn't work so He tried. It didn't work. So she's with all of her friends and they're like, let's get fucking blackout. Like, this is ridiculous. My boyfriend is such a, or ex-boyfriend. She had just broken up with him. She's like, he's a psycho. So they all just get hammered and he's texting her, psycho.
Starting point is 01:14:57 I just tried to kill myself. I'm going to kill myself. Why don't you love me anymore? All this shit. So she blocked him. Okay. Uh-oh, the block drove him to really kill himself. The next morning,
Starting point is 01:15:08 this girl gets a call from her ex's mother saying, saying Tyler hung himself and is dead. So when the guy's mom, mom contacted the ex girlfriend andfriend and said tyler killed himself and blamed it on her oh immediately my god this girl obviously feels so bad because she blocked him and like she didn't get any of the texts of him being like i'm gonna kill myself all this that is so fucked up she's mourning the loss of her ex. She cries. She's blaming herself. She posted even on Facebook being like, I wish I could have saved you. All the shit.
Starting point is 01:15:48 Oh my God. And everyone in the town. In his town. Yeah. The girl wrote in. She's like, the entire zip code. New. Was like planning the funeral.
Starting point is 01:15:56 She said everyone. They were writing on his Facebook page saying RIP bro. Like the whole fucking tri-state area. Yeah. Literally thought that this kid was dead that's insane fast forward to 11 something at night and this girl gets a text from someone saying tyler's not dead i just talked to him so this girl has been mourning for a few days honestly it's he was resuscitated resuscitateditated. He just came back. He's fine.
Starting point is 01:16:25 That happens. Sometimes people die for like a few minutes and they come back. But dude, imagine. Give them the benefit of the doubt. So, but the girls were like, imagine us. I've been posting on Facebook like, I wish I could have saved you. I'm fucking tweeting the quotes about, you know, I'll miss you and RIP bro. And then it's like oh by
Starting point is 01:16:45 the way tyler's not dead that would be such a mind fuck i'd be like i would be like oh my god is it his ghost what the fuck what so finally the dead guy calls her tyler calls her off a random number trying to convince her that he's walking out of the hospital and he's on his way home in a cab and we need to get back together she's like hold on you just fucking died there's a memorial service coming up tomorrow for you and she just said it was one of the things in this town that this kid had everyone believing that he fucking killed himself. That's so crazy. And then he rose from the fucking dead.
Starting point is 01:17:28 I'm not going to lie. I've been in some messed up relationship. You've done this. Yeah. You've faked your own death. No, but I have been in relationships where guys will hit you with like the something bad might happen if you don't talk to me. Can we just talk about that?
Starting point is 01:17:44 I actually, my boyfriend in high school pulled that shit. And like, I don't mean to be an asshole, but, and listen again, I know that that happens in some relationships where that shit actually goes down. But if you're using that to get the person's attention, fucking relax. We, another random part of the story I just remembered she wrote in and she was like also a side note when we thought that he was dead a guy that i had used to talk to was just texting me from like this random number and he was asking me if i was okay and if i wanted to get fucking dinner turns out oh my god it was her ex oh my god using a change my number app and he was texting her so then you're thinking to see if she was being shady or if she would imagine if she was like
Starting point is 01:18:31 yeah let's get dinner and then she shows up in her dead fucking boyfriend sitting at the diner and she's like hi tyler okay so he faked his death and then was trying to text her from a random number and meet up with her and see if she would like do it how fucking trippy would that be also is he going to be mad at her when she thinks he died and went to get dinner so he's like he's like even if i die you are not allowed to go on a date or get dinner with anybody he's like bitch i caught you she's like but you're dead you're supposed to be dead dude it's gotta love it gotta fucking love it all right let's get into questions all the way all right i have a crazy one we're gonna hit him right where it hurts new york city this is fucking nuts it's only place it could happen yeah. Okay. A cougar sugar mama story.
Starting point is 01:19:27 Ready? I am a 20-year-old. I'm an athlete at my school in NYC, and I am broke as fuck. So my friend told me about the website Seeking Arrangements, and I decided to give it a try. After about a week of checking my account, I got a message from a woman who lived on the upper east side she told me she wanted to take me out for lunch and would pay me 200 just for being there so i met her at a brunch place and as soon as i got there she began to pump me full of drinks love that conversation was really casual and organic so i was having a good time after lunch we hit some bar and around 7 p.m she asked me if I wanted to see her apartment
Starting point is 01:20:06 and that there could be some more money in it for me. So I guess I must have said yes. I was hammered. I'm imagining this lady in a fur coat. I know, right? For sure. So she got in an Uber with me and we went back. She lives in the penthouse of an apartment building
Starting point is 01:20:20 and it is gorgeous. So she gave me a tour and then she said she was going to take a quick shower and change oh my god she left me alone on the couch with a bottle of champagne in the living room when she came back she was wearing nothing but a silk robe and when she walked back into the room she told me to finish my glass of champagne because she had something to show me in the bedroom as soon as we got into the bedroom she dropped her robe got naked proceeded to show me how girls or women are supposed to throw it back oh afterwards she ubered me back to school and paid me an extra
Starting point is 01:20:54 six hundred dollars when i got back to school my girlfriend was frantic and asking where i had been all day i gave her a hundred dollars and told her not to worry about it. And once a month, I go to the Upper East Side to my sugar mama's apartment and pay my girlfriend $100 to not ask questions. Okay. Hashtag degrade me. Oh my God. Wait, that shit is out of the movie.
Starting point is 01:21:18 That is out of the, that's the shit. Isn't it so fucked? Like, I'm so jealous also of guys. This sounds weird, but but like i feel like girls it's like we get all judged if we did that with a guy oh yeah a guy doing that with an older woman what a boss but actually what a boss but really dude going seeing that she's at the penthouse she drops her robe she's like let's fuck he she hands him money yeah the issue with the story yeah that's all fine what is this so he hands the girlfriend a $100 bill for her to shut the fuck up and not ask questions?
Starting point is 01:21:49 Can you imagine if your boyfriend came home and you're like, where the fuck have you been? And he hands you $100. And he's like, don't worry about it. I'd be like, I'd put it in my wallet, but then I would be like, what the fuck? What the fuck? Dude, that story is some fucking movie shit. You're right. I love it all right this
Starting point is 01:22:07 i'm so excited okay so excited for this question listen and i'm just gonna preface this with like i think we're ruining lives but ruining lives but we're also helping helping okay listen i'm a new listener after listening to the fourth episode and hearing that all guys keep all the nudes including their exes i entered crazy mode oh gotta love it i'm not proud of it but i had to know what was on my boyfriend's phone not to mention that he hates when i try to take his phone so he falls asleep And I get in that shit. And there they are. The motherfucking news.
Starting point is 01:22:51 Not just his recent ex. But some random bitch. I've never seen before. Sprinkled in the middle of his exes. Um what? So now I'm here like. What's my next move? Help me. Alex.
Starting point is 01:23:04 N. N. D. News. Never. Die. next move help me oh sky alex n n d nudes never die motherfuckers ever it's like sometimes i feel like what's wrong are we men why do we know this shit so many girls don't know i know and so many girls don't believe it which is the sad thing and it's kind of crazy because listen i feel bad one we're releasing the guy's secrets and then two girls are getting all upset this is the thing i have to say yeah as much as it's like oh my god we're cracking the code they all have nudes is it fucked up that like i don't really fucking care if my boyfriend has all his old nudes alex i genuinely I actually made a comment on an episode that my ex had shown me videos that he had with his ex-girlfriend, which obviously that's crossing boundaries. Not cool. Right. For her. Right.
Starting point is 01:23:54 More so for her. Yeah. Like I genuinely did not care. Right. He's with you now. He's with me now. He's already fucked her. He obviously has fucked her. He can close his eyes and imagine what it was like fucking her right what's the big deal for him to have it on his
Starting point is 01:24:08 phone he even told me that like he'll still jack off to it from time to time oh i remember people didn't believe you when you're like i don't care why yeah okay i could see some girls getting upset about that because it's like oh my god he's thinking about her and watching her and him have sex he can just close his eyes and do it. I just think like girls, daddy gang, listen, if you want to be the girlfriend that is way chiller than most, don't freak out. It's every single man. A guy in the office, we literally told him about this and I was like, you're never going to delete your nudes even when you get married.
Starting point is 01:24:44 Right. And he was like, he had a good point. He was like, no, I've worked hard for those. It's, it's almost not even about the actual nudes guides. It's legit like a little trophy for that. Do we have issues that it does? No, I'm just serious. I'm sitting here thinking about it.
Starting point is 01:24:59 I'm like, it doesn't phase me and it doesn't phase you. I don't think, I don't think it should phase girls because at the end of the day, it's not going to stop. You can either make them. So it's like, you know what? Why cry over something that will never change. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:25:12 exactly. Okay. This is really quick. I'm going to do two. Cause this is just a comment that I have to read. This girl wrote in and goes, my boyfriend just got the ugliest haircut. Does it count as cheating?
Starting point is 01:25:22 If I fuck around a little while it grows out. A daddy through and through this girl's like can i please fucking cheat on my boyfriend while his haircut fucking suck comment while it grows out i want to dm her and tell her to come over amazing all right this one pisses me the fuck off oh guys guys i need your help i've been with my boyfriend for a while so we know each other pretty well sexually i'm trying to work on switching things up a little bit spricing it up because it's always more fun however no matter what happens when i try to rub my clit he always pulls my hand away it's almost like he finds it offensive solely because he thinks he isn't pleasing me himself and obviously that isn't the case how do i make him comfortable with that so we can just
Starting point is 01:26:09 both enjoy sex that much more the fact that he's swatting her fucking hand away when i would i would slap him slap him in the face punch him out donkey punch fuck out of here bitch boy i would slap his dick away i'd be like your dick isn't making me cum so i'm gonna slap that away swat that one away what guy is not happy when a girl is touching her on an insecure little bitch boy a little bitch this is what pisses me off i'm like dude you literally are your girl is about to get off. That's so weird. You're inside of her.
Starting point is 01:26:47 She's taking care of her clit. I also want guys to understand, I am always that girl that's like, I'm going to suck your dick and use my hands and give you a blowjob and obviously use my hands, but there's no need for me to really give you a full from start to finish hand job. Guys know how to give themselves a hand job better than anyone in the world girls know their clit better than most yeah so guys you should never fucking tell a girl that she shouldn't be touching her clit a thousand percent okay next all right oh wait no actually i'm doing this one first okay this is fucking whoa whoa whoa you're literally not going to believe this and i swear it's not a lie i fucked a 50 year old ex-porn star when i was 18 years old his name is and then i have to bleep it out because she asked us not
Starting point is 01:27:31 okay he literally won a porn award for eating the best pussy i wish i was joking but yes he did live up to that that's a dream and then she goes he took my virginity. It was fucking great. He is so sweet and asked me how my vagina was doing the next day after. Has your man ever done that? He tried to have a threesome the next day, but I ended things with him and I'm going on a date with a guy my age, but it worked out. So she lost her virginity to a porn star? To a 50-year-old porn star. I'm obsessed with her.
Starting point is 01:27:58 Can you imagine the standards that that woman has moving forward? She was 18-year-old. She fucked a fifth year old porn star he won an award for eating the best pussy i that almost so now i'm kind of like fuck it fucked her for the for every other guy moving forward every guy that eats her out they're not gonna eat pussy like he ate it yeah like that's fucking crazy wow kudos to you girl this guy wrote in and said the past two months i've been hooking up with this girl but we both live at home which makes it somewhat difficult to be intimate i've always snuck around and kept quiet which actually ended up being really hot until last week when we finally got
Starting point is 01:28:33 some alone time when i say this girl was loud i mean we would have easily been kicked out of hotels screaming like someone couldn't hear her front row at a rave. I don't think she was faking it, but it was to the point where I was pretty turned off. I ended up faking it. Guys can fake O's too. And now I don't really know what to do. I tried to talk to her a little bit about it, but she actually said that it had been brought up to her before and that it probably wouldn't change. I'm not trying to be nasty, but honestly, it's so bad.
Starting point is 01:29:03 It makes me self-conscious too. Do you have any advice? i'm sorry or okay this is what i'm gonna say orgasms those are somewhat involuntary like if you're gonna be loud during that it's like what five ten seconds of like if there is no reason i i just don't believe it that this girl needs to be screaming bloody murder during sex guy i'm sorry dude it's so bad if girl needs to be screaming bloody murder during sex. I'm sorry. Dude, it's so bad. If you want to be loud and you are loud, that's fine. But there's a level though.
Starting point is 01:29:38 Guys, we always say, Daddy Gang, be vocal and make noises and let him know that he's fucking you, right? But there's also a line of like, if you are not shutting the fuck up, which is fine. You've said you don't shut the fuck up which is fine yeah you've said you don't shut the fuck up during talking neither do i but your noise level like if you're screaming yeah and it's like bitch if he pulls out in a second he's gonna want to stare at you and be like i'm what what are you doing it's it's not a good look when girls look like they're putting on a show and it's not i mean the fact that he brought it up to her and she was like i don't think it's gonna change i kind of just want to call bullshit on that i think that you can you know you can absolutely fucking shove your face in a pillow if that's what you do i remember being
Starting point is 01:30:15 in a hotel room with my boyfriend and the couple next door was actually this girl was literally screaming bloody murder and he was like dude that's so unattractive. I think there's girls that, you know, they hear, oh, guys like when you're loud and they just take it to that level. Don't knock it the fuck off. I'm sure when I was younger, I probably was a little obnoxious, but this is the last one because I just have to say it. Alex, on the topic of you peeing on the guy, all of these fucking girl, it triggered everyone when I
Starting point is 01:30:45 told my pee story I have a little something worse than that my boyfriend at the time we got very drunk and went home to fuck I was on top of him and didn't really remember much but he stops mid fuck and goes what is that smell to only realize I started shitting on him by accident so my fight or flight mode kicked in. And I say, that's what you get for putting it in my butt. And he was so fucked up and drunk. He believed it. And he was like, oh my god, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:31:14 And we never spoke about it again. I was so embarrassed. Dude, brilliance on brilliance. That and how quick she had to come up with that. She's like, that's what you get for putting it in my ass. He was drunk. He was like, fuck, maybe I am in her ass. It's not her vagina. That is brilliant. brilliant i mean you run the risk if you're
Starting point is 01:31:27 all right everybody so i hope you're at home relaxing with your family or if you're not with your family i hope you're at least drinking some eggnog drink getting fucking hammered enjoy yourselves have a happy holiday or let's just say happy holidays let's be politically correct oh wait yeah that's smart but we's be politically correct. Oh, wait. Yeah, that's smart. Happy holidays. But we're never politically correct on this. Who the fuck are we?
Starting point is 01:31:48 All right, guys. Yeah, enjoy. Happy holidays. Kwanzaa Cup. Kwanzaa, Kwanzaa, Kwanzaa. Enjoy. We love you guys.

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