Call Her Daddy - The Ex Encounter
Episode Date: October 31, 2021Halloween Sunday scaries got you down? Well this mini is sure to bring you up. Father Cooper begins by discussing the difficulty of managing your time between your friends and your significant other. ...Is it wrong to want to spend all of your time with your boyfriend? Are your friends just jealous? All of my struggling Catholics out there - please stand up. Big Al explains how she overcame the strict ideals of sex imposed by the Catholic church and how she currently fucks and sucks guilt free.  So, you’re a virgin? Well if your name isn’t Mary we are dropping the V word all together. Father Cooper discusses what to say to someone if you are having sex for the first time. Are you obligated to tell them? Should you take the secret to your grave? As great as Big Al is at having sex, some may say she is even more skilled at avoiding it. Alex gives a play by play on how to stop a hookup from going all the way while still keeping the mood flirty and fun. SOS – I’m going to see my ex, what do I do?! In this episode, Father Cooper fully breaks down the ex-encounter…what to do, what to say, and one specific move we all want to add to our arsenal. Last, but certainly not least, a tale as old as time…sexting. Big Al discusses how to handle that sext that went a little too far and got a little too freaky. Happy Halloween and enjoy daddies!Â
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what is up daddy gang it is your founding father alex cooper with call her daddy
hi daddy gang is your boyfriend still handcuffed to the bed frame let that be my hope for all of
you um i hope you guys had a great halloween some of you may have have Sunday scaries right now. Some of you may be thinking about
how you need to get ready for work tomorrow. Everyone, whatever you did last night, I absolve
you. And today we're here to just have a little comfy, cozy trip. We want to feel safe from all
of the issues that we caused ourselves last night so in the spirit of everyone
feeling hungover and like shit so do i okay so have a little bit of fucking sympathy we are going
on a field trip and we are going to france and yes i'm flying you all first class but what i'm not
fucking doing is i'm not fucking doing the voice i'm just not doing it today fucking sue me if
someone has a problem with it dm me questions of the fucking week we're going to france let's fucking go question oh fine i'll do this question one fuck okay i am currently a
junior in college and have been dating my boyfriend for about six months i know that may not seem like
a long time but i truly believe he is the one I've done the hookup stuff and gone through
a lot of self-development and in my heart I truly want to marry this man whoa he makes me so happy
and is honestly my absolute best friend that I just also have super hot sex with the problem is
is that I have two roommates and I constantly feel like they are mad and annoyed at me for
hanging out with him a lot they sat me down and told me it actually and I was full-on bawling about it. I have tried to make more of an effort
since then but I still feel like they're talking about me behind my back. I love my friends and
I've known them for years but at the end of the day hanging out with my boyfriend brings me more
joy. How do I continue to hang out with my boyfriend while not feeling uncomfortable in my house. Help. This is a really relatable
topic. When you find a partner that you are so in love with, they naturally obviously become
your best friend and you want to do everything with them. But that doesn't mean that we go on
the internet and tell everyone that we're moving into our forever home with your best friend
please don't you don't need to tell he can be your best friend keep it to yourself however
you are in college and I think that my advice would absolutely be different if you were out
of college I'd be like listen we all grow up and eventually your partner becomes your best friend and
you start to make friends with them, etc.
But what I would say is this.
Your friends should be understanding if you have a significant other.
But if they are coming to you because it's like, hey, we never see you.
Your friends love you.
They want to hang out with you and they're just trying to bring up to you
like, hey, girl, we just wish we could see you a little bit more. So if anything, it's coming out
of love. It's not like your boyfriend's a dick. They're not coming at your boyfriend. And they're
not even really coming at your relationship. They're coming at you in terms of we want to
see more of you. And you don't want to look back and be like, what the fuck did I do? Like, I would say
if this man is going to be the person you're going to marry, you have a lifetime. And sadly,
you don't really have a lifetime of all unlimited time with friends. Dynamics change, locations
change. They're eventually going to get significant others. And I would just say,
make an effort intentionally to set up girls nights. And I think it's also healthy. You're
in that honeymoon phase six months in, you're like, I want to marry this guy. And again,
maybe you will. But if you continue to just isolate yourself with your boyfriend,
who are you going to go to when you actually are annoyed with him? boyfriend who are you going to go to when you actually are
annoyed with him or who are you going to even go to with the good stuff like you don't want to just
isolate yourself and just have one person in your life and listen I get it it's really hard when
you're vibing more with your significant other than your friends to get out of that and to force
yourself to go hang out with your friends because you're like wait I could just be on the couch with
my fucking boyfriend I'd rather be doing that and get fucked and go to bed.
But I promise you in the long run, you want those friends in the long run. You want to create those
memories. And if he is a good boyfriend, he's going to totally understand that and he will be
supportive of that. So you don't want to alienate yourself and you don't want to be the person
coming back to the college reunion friendless.
And that boyfriend you lost everyone for is now what?
Dating another girl like you do have to sometimes.
Listen, this is the one thing that I wish sometimes I didn't do, but I always do.
I always think worst case.
I think worst case before best case.
What if you do break up?
Imagine if you push them so far away that even when you break up, like who are you going to?
Because they're not going to be there anymore never isolate yourself to the point where the only
person you have is your significant other okay hey daddy long time listener first time questioner oh
welcome to the fucking gang bitch i know that you've spoken about your time in private Catholic school before, and it doesn't sound like you personally were super religious. Not true. But do you have any
advice for people still trying to recover from all the crazy shit they told us about sex in
Catholic school? Personally, I really struggle to date because I can't get the whole dating is to
find your spouse. Don't date until you're ready
to fully commit to marrying someone thing. Please send help. Us recovering Christians are riding the
struggle bus out here. Dude, I fucking love this question. I'm really, I'm a little confused. Did
you not think I was religious because of the gluck gluck, I was under the impression that Jesus was a fan.
I actually didn't realize that that goes against. No. Okay. Fuck. I went to St. Andrew
Elementary Middle School from K through eighth. I was Bible thumping bitch out here. Okay.
And let me tell you this. My parents though, weren't threading in the sex
concept to me. They were a little bit more progressive in terms of like, you cannot have
sex till you're married. But going to school for nine years of my life and having that be
implemented into my head of like, do not have sex before marriage that fucked me up. And like,
I don't know if I've ever said this to everyone but my entire life
every single weekend Saturday or Sunday I was at a soccer field and then my mom was pulling me off
the soccer field and we were racing to go to the five o'clock mass I did my holy communion and my
confirmation etc I absolutely still hold on to my faith and I pray all the time. People are like, what is call her
daddy right now? But it's true. But I don't agree with the Catholic church. They still don't accept
same sex marriage. So fuck off. I don't agree with the Catholic church, but I still have my
religion and my faith, if that makes sense. And how can women can't be priests yet? And
sex before like the church and their ideals are separate from the actual faith in itself try to
separate the two almost and know that you're not a bad fucking person we are now living in a society
that is has progressed in such an incredible way in the past few years even this year versus last
year like there's so much that's constantly
changing and religion has not caught up the day that they do i will absolutely be back in line
maybe not all every weekend but you know i'll frequent um going to that five o'clock mass but
there's just a lot behind it listen religion is a huge fucking topic and i i would just say
your question about dating to find your spouse and not having sex before marriage.
You're not a bad. Let me just put it this way, because I could go on about religion for a long time.
This is the moral of the story and that I have found to be true because I haven't gone to hell yet.
And so I'm living, breathing proof. OK, you are not a bad catholic if you fuck god bless okay listen
the truth is religion is flawed and so are we we're humans and humans created religion and your
reconciliation is four hail marys a gluck gluck and a fucking high five get in there bitch love you
next one okay so I need some advice.
Have a question.
For a little background, I am a 21 year old who is graduating college this semester who
is still a virgin, which is kind of the point I'm needing advice on.
In no way did I think I was going to graduate college still a virgin.
It's not a religious thing.
It's just more of wanting to be comfortable with someone for the first time I have sex
Totally understandable. thing it's just more of wanting to be comfortable with someone for the first time I have sex with totally understandable I think just going to a university where hookup culture is so prevalent
and of course COVID making a year and a half of my college experience virtual I can't even
imagine I'm so sorry I just didn't really meet a lot of guys who I ended up talking to having a
relationship with I do hook up with a good amount of guys, but just always stop before
having sex because again, I didn't want to do it for the first time with a guy who I don't really
know that well. I may be just making this situation more complicated than it is, but if I do go ahead
and have sex with a guy I hit it off with at the bar or I've been on a date with one or two, do you
think I should tell him that I'm a virgin? I've always thought that that
is what I should tell the person because obviously with that, I'm less experienced. But do you think
this is something I need to say? I think this is what is keeping me from just doing it if it makes
sense when I feel it. If I tell them, will they be thinking I'm expecting more out of the relationship
than what it was? Because I don't think I'm going to. Thanks for the help. Okay. The question is, what do you want to do? Take
the person you're going to have sex with out of it. Does it make you feel more comfortable
in the moment to be like, Hey, I just want to be honest and upfront. I've never had sex before. Also the term virgin, like you
don't need to be like, I'm a virgin. Like that is just like a bird. You don't need to use this
terminology. That's she's a virgin. Like, okay. I've never had sex before. I've never had sex
before. You can say it like that. But again, do you even want to say that?
Because if your answer is like, no, I don't feel the need to say it.
I would just want to know if it's deceiving to them.
The answer is fuck no.
That's for you.
That's your information.
You could lie and say, I've fucked a hundred dudes.
Welcome, number 101.
Step into the fucking bedroom.
Okay, Alex.
Actually, yeah, when I think about it, like like I feel like I would want to tell them just because I'm nervous that maybe they would approach sex a
little bit differently if they think I've fucked and they go crazy and wild and go to go in one
position like I don't even know what's happening I feel like in the past maybe I've said like don't
tell them just go into it but I don't know like have you ever masturb maybe I've said like, don't tell them, just go into it. But I don't know. Like, have you ever masturbated?
If you are like, oh, yeah, I masturbate all the time.
I have toys.
I have a dildo.
Then your vagina probably is going to be like a little bit more ready for a dick.
Whereas if you're like, because when I have had sex for the first time, I had never put
anything inside of me other than a tampon.
And still that was like new. So I would
say to you, if you are very unexperienced, just in general with your vagina, then yeah, maybe you
could say like, Hey, just so you know, like I've never had sex before. I'm not looking for anything
serious. I just wanted to give you a heads up before we like get into the damn thing. But I
would also say maybe don't say it right as you're like on the mattress because that could
that may also just be like well but again if that's when it feels right it may be the right
time I'm just saying I feel like if you want to tell him that it stops there tell him don't think
about but then is he going to think I'm going to be clingy because oh my god no one's up nope nope
nope nope if you want to feel more comfortable and by you being more comfortable,
it's telling him that you're a virgin,
you tell him you're a virgin.
And if he whimpers out like a little fucking bitch boy,
bye, you got to do a lot more for me
to fucking fall in love with you
other than just stick your fucking penis in me, okay?
Don't flatter yourself.
So that's what I would say.
OK, next, I know you've touched on it before, but how do you halt a makeout session before it turns into sex without being like, oh, I have to go. I have to get up early or something like that because
what if it's like 6 p.m lol whenever I didn't want to fuck someone it was
it was smooth like butter I'm gonna fling my fucking what does that even mean I came up with
this really suave way to get out of a dick ever going inside of me.
It was like I never wanted to fuck anyways.
Listen, you have to keep in mind pussy power, ladies.
Okay, use it.
If you are feeling that they're trying to kind of all of a sudden the hand is no longer on your hand and it's
obviously now on your thigh and you can feel Bri is trying to get laid and Bri that's my dad's
name let's try a different one um you can feel Kyle Brian no you can feel Kyle like starting
to get a little excited and interested.
What you're going to do is you're going to put your hand on his hand and you're going to look up at him and you're going to be like so flirty with your eye contact.
And you're going to be like, Kyle, you are so cute, but not a chance.
And do a little giggle and be like, hold on.
I don't even know you like that yet and like
jokingly flirty where they're like what are you talking about it's like three months in
Slim Shady used to be like can I at least do you even want to know the size of my dick like do you
at least want to graze over my pants I'm like no sweetie I'm sure it's a baby carrot and I'll be
fine with it you make enough money to work whatever point is, is that I just blacked out. You can be flirtatious in your denial. If that makes sense. Like you're not being
like, Oh, excuse me. You almost use it as foreplay, but foreplay in terms of the long game of a
foreplay. It's not actually you're fucking that night. It's a foreplay in terms of flirting.
Flirting is hold on I don't
even know you like that calm down and then use their name always Noah relax and then give a
little wink and just be like you're gonna be fine and they're like come on and then you're like
you're fine and then going for the makeout absolutely make out hand on neck and you're
like one day but I still have to figure out if I even like you yet and like
body language you can even lean into them when they have their hand on your thigh
hold your hand on both of their cheeks when you go to make out and you're like not tonight but I
really appreciate the wine thank you let's keep hanging out what are we gonna watch tonight and
they're like wait what jokes like that get you in a position where you're
letting them know that it could eventually come but you're also like chill the fuck out not tonight
and what are they going to do cry like a little bitch well if they do that then you know where
you're staying you're never showing up again and seeing that person a man's ego is very fragile and
we love to stomp on it always crush it but if you actually like this person you're like i do eventually want to hook up
with them but just not tonight there's those subtle positive reinforcers that allow them to
be like she's not a tease like it's not like you're grabbing his hand and like rubbing your
pussy with his hand and they'd be like but not tonight like fuck off no it's more of a subtlety, but you're in control. Relax, buddy. I'll let you know
when it's a green light. But for now, red light, red light, green light, and then shoot them in
the face. What is that squid game? Anyways, next. How do you casually text your ex and tell them
you want to hook up again? Help, please. Daddy love you. Sweetie, this is your sign. If there's ever been a sign on call her daddy, it's for you to never
text your ex. I love a good drop into the exes, especially if you're single, there's nothing
better than fucking an ex. Before you throw yourselves out there and completely reveal
your cards to your ex, I want to do a little pulse check. Okay. Personally, I despise throwing out the,
Hey, what's up? You're never doing that to your ex. It just, that's just never happening. So
you don't need to sugar coat it. I remember I didn't know what to say. And I was like,
I literally know I just want to fuck. Like there is no emotion tied to this. I just want to hook up buddy. And I know we had great sex. And so I slid in to his text messages with the peach emoji, aka ass. And then I put a phone. Like, I don't even want to say it out loud. No, I booty call oh god booty call i literally texted him the fucking emojis that equate to booty call
and it actually worked he was like haha and then that night like never answered after the haha and
i was like what the fuck did i just get not only did i like here we go did i not only semi get
ghosted again i got a haha he then texted me the next day, late night. Is that offer still available?
Boom. See, if you put it in their minds, even if you get rejected in the very beginning,
there is a chance that they will come back around. It's like you're just soliciting sex.
So it's not like you're like, hey, what's up? No, shut the fuck up. What you're going to do is
make it clear it's just sex on the mind
and then if they don't want it i mean then it wasn't meant to fucking happen but if they remember
that good pussy or that good dick then they probably will come back and when you hit send
on that text be prepared for anything to happen my go-to throw your phone in your bed sheets or
out the window and go pick up a fucking
hobby and wait for 24 hours till you check your motherfucking phone.
That's actually would be a really interesting topic.
And maybe DM me if you guys would like me to talk about it.
But the re-vibe of connecting with an ex, I don't know anyone that has not at one point,
even if it's through text or DM or Facebook fucking messenger,
dipped their toe back into the water a little bit with an ex.
You can't help it.
Do you want to hear more on the art of the revive with the ex?
Let me know.
Okay, next.
Hi, daddy.
I'm going to a pregame on Sunday where the guy, kind of my ex
boyfriend, that broke my heart is going to be there as well. Should I ignore him? No. Or be like,
hello. Or be like the hello girl, let's be friends. No. What if he tries to make a move because I look
hot? I fucking love the confidence. You're like, what if I look so fucking hot? He cannot control
himself. That is a great win for you, girl. Should I give bitchy vibes the whole night?
I don't know how to act. Please help me, father. I think the vibe, because I've been in this
situation, is confident, but not overly confident where you're being obnoxiously confident. You're
not going in there trying so
hard that it's like you're wearing your prom dress. Let's be chill confident. It's almost
like a silent confidence. You're not at all phased by the body that's about to also be in the room
that broke your heart. You're also going to be friendly. Absolutely. But not over friendly guys.
This is where the self-awareness, if you don't have it, read a fucking book on it. Self-awareness,
the friendly vibe is going to go to a certain point. You're not going to be like, Oh my fucking
God, Ben. And he's like, I literally just fucking broke this girl's heart. And I have a new
girlfriend. And you're like, Ben, stop. Where the fuck have you been? Come here. Give me a hug. And it's like, what the fuck? You need to be
chill friendly. And I would also say there's a slight tinge of uninterested and unavailable,
but again, mixed with friendly. So what does that look like? You treat him like any other person that you're friendly with at the pregame.
Hi, Samantha.
Hi, Rebecca.
Hi, Kale.
Hi, Christian.
Oh, hi, Ben.
How are you?
And now I guess friendly.
Change that word to casual.
You're so casual friendly that he's kind of taken aback at how mature you're handling the situation.
If there are two people going to be in the same space and they are both overthinking
what they're going to do when they see each other.
And then the person that got quote unquote burned goes up to the person that fucked them
Chef's fucking kiss.
We're over this.
Like, hi, we're at a pregame.
Let's have a good fucking Sunday.
If he tries to make a move because you look hot sweetie if he broke your heart he's probably not
going to do that but again maybe he gets really drunk and goes for it i would use this as an
opportunity to as i like to say get back on top figur, you don't need someone that broke your heart to be swooping
back in because they've had one too many Coors lights and now you're looking hot again. And for
the night he wants to bang and in the morning he'll want to go back to the phase of breaking
your heart. So I would say stay strong in the environment knowing that it's if he is going to try has he texted you has he reached
out in any way oh so the only reason that he's going to go for it is because it's dangling right
in front of his face and maybe his other girl that he's hooking up with isn't there at that party no
you're not ignoring him that feels purposeful it takes effort to ignore someone at a Sunday pregame. That's not the vibe. And it also
makes you seem like you care too much. This, oh, this gets them. I just pictured myself back in
Boston doing this. Okay. You're pretty deep into the night. Okay. How have you been? What's up with
you? Oh, I'm good. How are you? I'm good. And then ask him one more question. You need to get him on
a little bit of a ramble like, oh, how's work? Oh, you know, it's been. And then you divert your eyes
to a friend. And in the middle of his statement, be like, oh, my God, that's so good. Hold on.
Casey's taking a shot. I'll be right back. And you leave and you go fucking take a shot with
your fucking friend and you leave him fumbling with his words. Oh, oh wait, I was, and then you're off. And that is a lasting impression of you're not priority anymore.
Just like I wasn't priority. Boom. bonjour papa cooper what i love that picture this you're sexting it's going great and then
out of nowhere he says something way too out there or just something that you are not into at all. Normally I address it like, oh, that's a no
for me, dog. But that obviously kills the vibe. What do you suggest for changing the subject,
but also letting them know that that's not something you're into or ever want them to say
again while I try to keep the sexting going? Love you. Love the pod. Wow. Okay. My first thought is I wish you gave
me an example. What was your question? The point is, is if you don't like something that they
sexted you, I don't want you to shut them down because I think, listen, if it's fucking creepy,
the one thing is if it's creepy, I just don't answer and maybe even you do a thumbs
down you double tap and do a thumbs down and then you literally leave them on red double tap thumbs
down and leave them on red if you are talking to a fuck boy that has the upper hand and it's kind
of the guy that you're like hoping he answers you that Saturday night and you guys sexed a lot and
have fucked but he's so inconsistent randomly even if it's like a
sort of not great sext you double tap either thumbs down or maybe even better ha ha and then
you leave him on read and you don't even respond to the sext he's going to read his last sext 19 fucking times and wonder what the fuck did I do wrong? And
you're going to make him feel so insecure that he's going to text you the next day.
So that's just a random tip. If anyone is like, fuck, I don't have the upper hand,
go for that and do the double tap thumbs down on a sext and there's nothing better. Or even if he's
like, do you want to come over? And it's like super late night and you're like, fuck this dude. He always does this to me. Use that as a time to
reclaim a little bit of power and just double tap and leave it at that. But that's not the point of
this question. Okay. The point of this question is how to move forward. If it's a weird sext,
I think I would say this. There's a beauty in sexting of half of this isn't even going to
happen anyways. He's like, I'm going to
take the cherry into your pussy, put it in there. And I'm going to tie the cherry knot with my
nope. That's never going to happen. It's fantasy. So I think let him run off with fantasy. Slim
shady would send me shit that I'm like, bitch, your dick doesn't even do that. Like that is such
a cute idea for you. And I'm sure you've watched it in porn before, and I'm sure you would love to
do that, but you can't fucking do that because that requires a certain size dick baby
that's never gonna happen but you let them have it because it's never gonna even happen and you
know it's not gonna happen so what I would say is you literally respond with no response to that
and you pick up almost where you left off or where the last thing they sexted you left off on
I think it's absolutely transparent oh she
didn't respond to that guys are dumb but they're not that dumb where it's like if you don't answer
he's gonna get the hint and if he doesn't when you're in person with him you can be like no
I'm not down for that in person there's nothing nothing better than an in-person thing. Go fuck yourself.
Nah, not down.
We are always at a loss for what to say during sexting.
I remember one of my exes, it was like his favorite hobby and I was exhausted.
I was like, how many more ways can I come up with a fucking role play of when I walk
in after his game and I'm gonna take care of his fucking broken
whatever the fuck is always broken and I always was trying to play nurse and I'm like I don't
want to be nurse I want to be in the circus but here I am trying to role play a nurse again like
come on give me a break stop getting hurt the point is leave him on red it's not gonna soil
your fucking plan you're gonna sext again
and you're going to have to come up with another fucking line like save yourself say save yourself
the minute someone fucks up in sexting let it be on them don't let it be on you we have too
much ahead of us and it is exhausting okay next i next. I need you help. Ah, my boyfriend sometimes asks me
what I want him to do to me while we're having sex. And I seem to just pause and have no idea
what to respond to him other than saying a position or to tell him to fuck me hard. I really
want to reply and tell him something more direct and sexy,
but I have no idea what. Our sex is great and always has been, but this is something I really want to know. Thank you in advance, father. Okay, this is my first question. What do you want?
What do you want? This took me a while. Don't get me wrong. Like, I remember a couple of my exes,
if they said something, I'd be like, if they were like, what do you want? Like, I would kind of do
the same position. Like, oh, fuck me over fuck me over like flip me over do doggy like whatever
the fuck but now with my boyfriend he's actually genuinely so turned on by getting me off that when
he asks me like he'll be eating me out and he'll be like babe what do you want like this is what
we can agree on as women and it is not fair but
our orgasms are better once we have them when you are getting eaten out or fingered or even fucked
it takes one slight movement off of that perfect spot and then you're back to square one oh my god
oh my god i'm getting so turned on oh my god i'm about to have an oh my god here it comes here it comes and then his finger moves and now he's rubbing the
side of your fucking labia we were you're not on my clit anymore wait fuck fuck i was so close and
then not only are you able to get back to it you literally almost have to start over sometimes
because it takes so much concentration for us to have an orgasm in the best way like you literally
go into a different
dimension. But what I will say is this, my boyfriend, when he started eating me out and if
he would like move off the clit and started to go like internally and fingering me, which at times
I absolutely love. And I'm like, oh, that feels great when he's like going up and in and like
hitting my G spot. But there are some nights where I'm like, all I want is my clit stimulated. That's all I want. That's literally I want. And then put your
mouth down on my other parts of my vagina, but like have your fucking finger on my clit at all
time. So locate what you want. Yes. Give them that affirmation and that confirmation that they're
doing great. Like, oh my God, fuck baby. That feels so good. And then in two seconds later,
be like, babe, like like babe tap my clit
and even if you take his hand and put it right on it and be like oh my god baby tap my clit or like
rub my clit like harder like lightly and then like go harder and like alternate like if you
literally give him almost the settings on your vibrator he then is gonna be like great and then
you're gonna start getting off it's not not sexy to get actually technical with tap my clit or like rub it and use the word clit.
So he knows it's not like, oh, hit my pussy.
And he's like, like, it's like chop, chop, chop.
And he's like slapping all different parts of the fucking beef stick.
Location is key, people.
And we need him to know where you want that.
Get comfortable literally saying like
oh slower like slower don't finger me as fast go slow and rub my clit like know what you want
especially when you're masturbating that's a lot of times girls write in and are like
why can i have an orgasm when i'm masturbating but i can't when i'm fucking my boyfriend
it's because you're too in your head about what your boyfriend is enjoying and seeing
and liking and you're not being able to let all your inhibitions go and actually get so turned on
and in the moment like you are when you're alone with yourself masturbating I promise you your sex
is going to be 10 times better if you can translate the way you masturbate into the bedroom and I also
promise you that your partner is not going to be like, what the fuck are they
doing? If you take more charge and you're more affirmative in what you like, that's so hot to
a partner. I love if my boyfriend is like, oh my God, do this to my dick. Or I'm like, absolutely.
And then do this to my pussy. Like it's all about communication. And it's also about genuinely
sharing and getting each other off but if you
don't know he won't know so try to start to figure out what really gets you ticking and then start to
implement that vocally in the bedroom i love you daddy mother fucking gang what a week what a week
what a fucking week right um i'm very excited for this upcoming wednesday and
the next wednesday we have hannah and page this week and then we have emily ratajkowski the next
week also there may be some new merch that is slowly coming out soon but i will keep you updated
daddy gang you know the motherfucking drill thank you for listening to another mini
and i will see you fuckers next wednesday