Calm Parenting Podcast - Jr. Attorney, Cop & Judge At Home? 5 Responses to Arguing #454
Episode Date: March 2, 2025Jr. Attorney, Cop & Judge At Home? 5 Responses to Arguing #454 Do you have a relentless arguer at home? A child who can prosecute everyone else, but is immune to rules? Who has a strong sense of justi...ce and fairness? Your strong-willed kids ARE going to argue. Kirk provides 5 different responses/scripts, including an emotional one at the end. Listen to this one twice! For Kirk's Birthday, we are bringing back our Black Friday Sale for one week on the Get Everything Package. Visit to get the lowest prices of the year and hundreds of practical strategies that really work with your strong-willed kids. AG1 AG1 is offering new subscribers a FREE $76 gift when you sign up. You’ll get a Welcome Kit, a bottle of D3 & K2 AND 5 free travel packs in your first box. Go to HAPPY MAMMOTH Get 15% off on your entire first order at with the code CALM at checkout. ONE SKIN Go to and use code KIRK at checkout for an exclusive 15% off your first purchase. COZY EARTH Wrap yourself and your kids in Cozy Earth luxury…with 40% OFF! Visit and use my exclusive 40% off code CALM. HUNGRYROOT Get 40% off your first box PLUS get a free item in every box for life. Go to and use code CALM. IXL LEARNING Get an exclusive 20% off an IXL membership when you sign up today at BETTER HELP. Visit today to get 10% off your first month. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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So how many of you have a child in your home who is like a little cop judge and attorney all rolled into one
These are kids who will prosecute everyone else in the family, siblings, parents, friends at school for small things, but they're immune from them.
These are kids you can tell them, like, do not put your foot up on that chair.
And they will stare you right in your eyes as they tap their toe on that chair and then argue with you for 45 minutes that they didn't really use their foot.
It was their toe and the toe is not the foot. I know because we had 1500 of these kids in our
home over the course of a decade and this was our son Casey as well. So I want to give you
at least five different ways to respond to these kids,
these junior attorneys in your home.
And that is what we're going to discuss on today's special episode of the call
and parenting podcast, special for two reasons. One, it is my birthday.
And I was thinking, what do I really want to talk about? Like what,
what really animates me? And I thought, Oh, this topic.
I love this because I think we can turn this into a positive
And then the second reason is this we have a lot of new listeners to the podcast a lot of people are emailing like oh
We missed your Black Friday sale. So here's what I decided to do because it is my birthday month
It's my company and do whatever I want. We are doing a Black Friday sale in March
Why because I want to Because people will like that.
Because that means more people will get our resources and stop the power struggles and stop the fights as spouses and get along with your kids.
And it just is also something I know people are always like, why are you doing that? Because I'm like your kids.
I want to do what I want to do and if I want to do a Black Friday
sale in March, that's what we're doing. So let's dig into this with some different ways I used to
handle this with Casey and all the kids we worked with. So you have kids who will come at you
sometimes over very small things and they're often very specific and I really like this approach.
You don't have to say yes. You don't have to agree with your kids, but the next
time they put together a really kind of well-reasoned argument over something
say, hey you know what I just noticed? Man, your argument shows that you have listened to me,
that you understand what my objections are.
You then came back with a well-reasoned reply,
which shows a lot of strategic thinking,
good critical thinking skills.
You are anticipating my objections.
By the way, this is what a great salesperson does,
you are very persuasive, you communicate well, and by the way, you're very, very precise, and do you
know, by the way, you're not going to do this in one long litany because your kids are going to be
like, why don't you guys just shut up? So I get that, but what I'm saying, I'm putting this together
for the podcast, but over time in different situations, I want to point these things out.
Why? Because they're all true.
And the fact that your child is precise, one other time you could say, hey, you know what I've noticed lately is when you make these arguments and make your case, you are very, very precise. And what that tells me is, man, there are a lot of jobs
out there that require that kind of precision,
an attorney, an architect, an engineer,
a dentist, an accountant, that's a great quality.
So you can say all of those things and still say,
hey, the answer is still no, but I do respect
and appreciate your thought process and I can see how
all of these different attributes and skills and they're really gonna they're really gonna help you
in your life. Now that's a lot better than saying why can't you just take no for an answer? Why can't
you just be content? Right? Why why can't you just be compliant and a little sheep like our other kids? I get it.
I get it that they're frustrating. I do. But why is this such a bad trait?
Why? Why? Look, I just pointed out probably seven or eight different
positive aspects of that and I'll show you in a little bit how to use that to your advantage but why is this such a bad trait? Why does it trigger you so much?
That's the real question and as always even on my birthday we're gonna find
out. This isn't really about your kids so much. So much of it is about us and you
know no blame no guilt but own it could it be for some of
you that you were not allowed to express yourself to your own parents as a kid
and now this brings all of that up and it's like I got shut down as a kid and
then for some of you it's a little bit of guilt or just wondering like gosh we
weren't allowed to talk back to our parents it was just like because I said so and so
now you're struggling are we letting them in get away with things when
they're arguing like this and I want you to deal with your own triggers now next
Sunday a week from today I'm going to do a special podcast on healing some of
those childhood wounds so So that just listen
that one that when that comes out but really wrestle with this a little bit
because otherwise you'll just walk around complaining about them for the
first 18 years of their life and probably longer about like oh they're a
little turny they can never take no for an answer. By the way it's a great
quality for a salesperson. Okay, number two. This was one of my
favorites because Casey, man, he, Casey never walked. He marched. He marches into a room and you could
see his body posture, his eyes on fire. He just wanted to argue. And I've been through this before,
so I'm not going to do this one a lot, but a lot of times what he was looking for
was my intense emotional engagement,
because that feeds these kids.
And you know what, just thinking about this,
because Casey had some of his friends over last week,
and he invited me over to hang out with him,
because I like learning from them,
and I just love his friends, they're awesome.
And I was talking to this one couple and I
was like hey how do you guys argue because they're both like strong
personalities and the the wife said well I just want to deal with it right away
like I want to talk about it and her husband was like no I need to go back to
my room so I don't say something I don't mean. And Casey jumped in, he's like, yeah, I'm like her.
I want to deal with it right away.
And to be honest, all through his childhood,
whenever we had conflict or weren't getting along,
Casey would come to me.
He's like, Dad, we need to talk.
We need to make this right.
And so just know sometimes, I've done that a lot,
they're looking for that intense emotional engagement.
So I don't react to them. I just say, I know what you're looking for right now. Argu. So I don't react to them.
I just say, I know what you're looking for right now,
arguing, I'm not gonna go in the courtroom,
but I will go to the garage and make this with you.
I'll go out and play catch with you.
We'll go play guitar, whatever it is.
I will give you my intense emotional engagement,
but only in positive ways.
So here's what I really wanted to get to.
Sometimes I would just look at Casey and say,
you know what, You're absolutely right.
And then I would walk away.
Now, part of it was I just wanted I know you.
I don't want you to provoke your kids, but sometimes I just wanted to say
that to see how his face would respond to like, you're right.
He's like, no, not argue with me.
And then I would transition to, hey, I know what you're after.
Let's get this in a positive way.
Sometimes I would say, Hey, look, here's something I found in life
case, relationships are more important than being right because no one likes
to know it all, especially wives.
So that's another way that you could handle that,
but don't do it in a provoking way too much.
Okay, number three, sometimes,
and I can use all of these kind of in tandem,
I just say like, hey, I hear you,
but what are you really after?
What do you really want?
What do you really need from this?
Because I can hear what you're asking me for or telling me to do,
but I'm trying to hear what's really beneath this.
And sometimes they just want to feel heard or to know,
hey, your point is legitimate.
That is a really good point of view.
It's a really good argument. Now, I don't agree or I'm not going
to give in. I'm not going to give you what you want, but I do hear you and that you are making
a legitimate case for that. And sometimes they just want us to agree with them. And that's why
sometimes I would say, I do agree with you, but that doesn't mean you get to do X or Y.
Now, sometimes with your kids, it's a justice and fairness issue because many of your kids
have a very high degree strong sense of justice and fairness.
And that's related to that very, very busy brain and things feel kind of chaotic and
out of their control.
And that's why they like to control other people, put acorns in their pockets, cheat
at games,
all a search for order and structure and justice and fairness is,
well that was right or that was wrong and I need to show that.
And it like tidies everything up in a box.
And I remember one point, I did this with a lot of kids at our camp actually,
because they would get upset at the other kids, That's not fair. He got to do this.
And I used to try to explain to them how life works and all those things.
But they weren't looking to be convinced.
And sometimes too much talking like this just doesn't work.
So I remember and a lot of this stuff, I just tried based on a hunch.
And I was like, oh, that works.
So looking at your child and being able to say I hear you you are not incorrect
You do want this you did make your case for why that is not just or why that isn't fair
But I can't do anything about that and neither can you it's just the way it is
that and neither can you. It's just the way it is. So what I'm willing to do is to discuss and problem-solve what we can do with the understanding that we're not
gonna make it fair. And sometimes just saying, I know you want fairness, I can't
give that to you. That sometimes with a strong will child can be very settling.
And you've heard me talk about giving kids positive intensity because you know
what sometimes when we get into those long explanations it just creates more
anxiety and instability. So what about um I just remembered a cool story. Let me
tell you that one. It's not gonna fit into these five but it's a cool story. Let me tell you that one. It's not gonna fit into these five, but it's a cool story.
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13, he came in to me and he's like, dad, I think I deserve a later curfew. And I was like, well,
of course you do. Like it would be weird if you didn't argue for a later curfew.
But I said, Case, I'm not gonna argue,
I'm not gonna decide it now
because we did have a rule on our home
that any big decisions, tough choice,
kind of tough problems that we had,
we would take 24 to 48 hours.
So it's typically 48 hours, then we'll discuss it
because anybody, everybody can calm down.
And sometimes after that initial kind of burst,
it's like the desire for certain things goes away
and it's teaching impulse control.
And I said, okay, I'm not gonna make a decision now.
Here's what I wanna know from you.
What can you do to earn a later curfew?
I wanted to put it back in his court.
Now, he never really came
back to me and talked to me, but I noticed the next few times that he came
home, his curfew had been 9 o'clock. And so he was coming home at like 8 57, 8 52,
8 58. And I was like, hey, what's up with this whole coming home early thing? And
here were his exact words. Dad, I wanted to prove to you that I can control myself so you don't have to.
And I was like, oh, that's either really good wisdom or the most manipulative thing I have
ever heard in my life.
And it was probably a little bit of both.
But you know what?
When we started talking, he said, Dad, I know you're a stickler for these things.
I didn't want you to have to worry about me being late
because I know my friends do that
and it drives their parents crazy.
So I started coming home early
to demonstrate that I am responsible.
And I said, Case, that was brilliant, really well done.
Your new curfew, 9.15.
And his response was, seriously, Dad,
I deserve 10 o'clock based
on that I said in case you keep doing that the more responsible you are the later
your curfew is and he worked his way up there but that was a way of handling the
argument where you put it back in their court okay now here's a really cool one
so you've got a relentless arguer who just comes at you again and again and again.
So I'm gonna tell you a quick story.
So I remember back in the day,
I come home from work and Casey's on me right away.
Dad, you've gotta take me to the store.
I've gotta get this new game.
I gotta get it.
You gotta take me.
And I say, Casey, no, I don't do demanding.
But dad, it's first day out.
I really wanna get this.
All my friends have it.
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
And so I was like, I get it not happening.
And so I went upstairs to change and just to try to buy some time.
Well, you know what our kids are like, right?
They are going to, you can go up and you can lock your bedroom door.
They will go outside, climb up through the second floor window and come in
and just keep going after you.
And so I get that. So that's
kind of what he did not through the second floor window, but he comes up and
so I remember the look on his face and he's fully invested in this and I
remember looking at him saying I know exactly what you want and what I really
respect and admire about you is you're persistent because when you want. And what I really respect and admire about you
is you're persistent,
because when you want something,
oh, you go for it.
And you had planned out today
what you were going to say to me
because you knew that I wouldn't want to do it
and I'd have objections to it.
And man, that is really good strategic thinking.
And in my head, I was like,
I just wish you would put a little bit of that energy
into your schoolwork.
But I didn't say it.
You think it, but you don't say it with these kids.
So I said, Casey,
I've seen this movie play out in our home like 43 times.
Here's how it works.
You get an idea.
You get really emotionally invested in it.
You want to do it.
And then you become the bulldog, the attack dog,
and I really love those traits.
But here's how it always end.
You keep going and going and going, and you don't hear me.
And you eventually call me a name,
you eventually go over the line.
And so not only do you not get to go to the store
to get your new video games or whatever you want,
you lose privileges with your video games you already have and you end up upset.
And so I don't think you want this movie to end that way again.
See what I'm doing? I'm reading life.
I've been around the block. I've seen how this works.
Here's how it's about to end.
You're going to be upset and crying and lose the things that you like most.
But I want to give you an option to rewrite a different ending to this story.
See, there's that ownership piece. I'm putting this back in your court.
Here's how we could do it differently. And I said, Casey,
here are two things I know about you. You have a really big heart,
not toward me or your mom, but toward, I'm kidding,
but I'm not kidding, that's true, don't say that.
But you have a really big heart
because you'll do anything for a homeless person
or one of your friends.
And you love money.
Because our kids, it's not a bad thing,
they're like born entrepreneurs.
So here's an idea, I'm going to go downstairs and get started on dinner.
If you want to come talk to me, we could brainstorm three different ways for you to earn some money
in this neighborhood with a side job. And with that money, you can buy those games yourself.
And so I walked away and gave him some space and gave myself some space
sometimes I would disappear into the bathroom and act like I was going to the bathroom or shower because he didn't want to
Come in and watch me either of those things and so it gave a little space
But I put it back in his court and it wasn't just it just wasn't me getting frustrated
I can't believe you already have enough video games. Why can't you be content with what you have?
Why do you always have to push me stop taking it personally? I want to teach case
I know what you want. I know what's going on
Here's a different way to get it and this is really really cool
Part of the reason I wanted to do this particular podcast is and here's a shout out to my friend Max and
Max is a kid like so many of our kids
and his parents let him listen to our podcast
and then they talk about a little bit.
But Max was listening to Casey's program.
It's in the get everything package,
one of the 16 programs that you get.
But one of the things Casey teaches kids is that principle,
hey, if you can control yourself, your parents
won't have to.
And Max went to his parents and said, hey, I want to apologize because I realize now
I've just been pushing you and arguing all the time and it's not working well.
What can I begin doing differently to prove to you that I can earn, so to
speak, that later curfew? See, it's cool when you equip your kids with tools of
how their brains work and show them ways they can be successful in doing this. It
takes a little bit of time, but you know what? It takes a whole lot less time than
arguing and being frustrated and sending them to their rooms so
follow those processes the final one which is kind of my favorite is this Casey
was a little bit older and he was had put together basically a PowerPoint
presentation not quite but kind of on why he should be allowed to go to this special kind
of overnight thing with his friends. And we had been back and forth on it and he was handling it
actually pretty well. He wasn't like, you're stupid, all those things. We were having a pretty good
discussion, but he was really adamant about that. And so there's a lot to this, but there's one basic
question that I want to get to. But you know, of the things I did during that time I didn't dismiss
it. Oh you know it's no big deal there'll be other opportunities. See that's
dismissive. When you're a teenager and you have a chance to sleep over do stuff
with your friends that is the most important thing in your world and it
should be. So I would acknowledge that and say, Case, I understand all
your friends are going to be there and you're going to be feel left out and alone and maybe
embarrassed because your parents wouldn't let you go to it. Like that's hard. Sometimes acknowledging
that is extremely helpful. It doesn't always solve it, but you should do it anyway. But anyway, we
were going back and forth and back and forth over this and I remember we were kind of at a standstill.
Now, here's the deal. I'm the dad. You're the dad. You're the mom. We're the authority figures.
I have the ultimate say, but I don't like pulling out that just, well, because I said so.
It's kind of immature in some ways, right?
And so I didn't want to just call that out. And so I remember looking at Casey
and this story always chokes me up
because we had battled for years and years, right?
Like it was part of my transformation of growing
and him growing and us learning this together
because we were kind of so much alike in some ways
and so much not alike.
And so we had this history and I remember I looked at him
and I said,
Casey, see I almost choked up there. Casey, do you trust me? And what I meant was, do you trust
that I have your best interests at heart? That I'm not just doing this because I'm some arbitrary
authority figure and your dad. Do you trust that I love you enough that I will
sometimes say no to you because it's the best thing for you even though you're going to be
mad at me and I'm going to risk after all we've been through I'm going to risk our relationship
being ruptured for a few days or a couple weeks. Do you trust me? And it was, it almost made me, again, I apologize, but I can remember, this was a long time ago,
and yet the feelings are there, the look on his face when he just said, I know you do,
I know you do.
Uh, and he walked away.
And he, he didn't argue with me anymore.
He didn't like it. He wasn't happy.
But what it ultimately came to wasn't like I won the argument. I got my way. It wasn't that.
It was that there was a relationship there. There was trust there.
And he knew it deep inside that I always had his back. And that was, it was one of the more beautiful moments
of our relationship where many weeks, many months later,
actually he came to me and he said,
Dad, I just want you to know,
couple of my friends got in trouble that night
and I didn't wanna tell you that back then,
but you saved me from that.
And I'm glad that I was able to trust you.
And then I think he came and asked me for something else because that's how our
kids are right? Like it's beautiful and then there's like wait you don't stop at
all? So let's kind of put this together. There's so many different ways that we
can use this and you may get tired of me hearing like as an opportunity next time
your kids are arguing with you. hearing like as an opportunity next time your
kids are arguing with you use it as an opportunity to point out like man you
listen it's well reasoned you communicate well you're persuasive
you're precise you can use that so many professions you can say at times hey
you're right about that relationships are more important than being right put
it in their court
sometimes and remember that justice and fairness. No I can't do anything
about that and neither can you and so you're asking them to grow up and say
hey you're just gonna have to deal with that because that's reality and I can't
make everything better or more fair in life which is a very honest statement.
And then remember what my friend Max,
I gotta mention your name twice Max,
cause this is a cool kid, but he came to his parents
and said, I heard what Casey said about controlling myself.
What can I begin doing around the house
to show that you can trust me?
And then that final question is, hey, do you trust me?
Do you trust me?
Remember, it always comes back to the relationship.
It's not about some kind of technique.
I like giving scripts, but at the end of the day,
it's the relationship.
So take advantage of that Black Friday and March sale.
You will get 35, 36 hours worth of strategies and insights.
Anyway, if you need help with that, reach out to Casey.
Thank you for listening.
Thank you for indulging me.
This is the podcast I want to do and I love doing this one.
So I hope you find it helpful.
We'll see you on Instagram and watch for the one next week.
I think the next podcast I'm going to do on really tough discipline tools and then on
the childhood healing childhood wounds. Moms and dads, thanks for working so hard at this. I know it's really hard.
You're breaking generational patterns and I'm really proud of you and I really
respect you for it.