Calm Parenting Podcast - Want to Podcast, Write A Book, Help People? 10 Important Lessons

Episode Date: January 17, 2025

Want to Podcast, Write A Book, Help People? 10 Important Lessons Want to start your own podcast, write a book, or help others using your unique gifts? I hope I can inspire you and save you time and mo...ney with hard-fought lessons I've learned over the past 25 years. Begin 2025 with hundreds of practical strategies that really work with your strong-willed kids. Visit to take advantage of our New Year's Sale and make 2025 DIFFERENT. AG1 AG1 is offering new subscribers a FREE $76 gift when you sign up. You’ll get a Welcome Kit, a bottle of D3 & K2 AND 5 free travel packs in your first box. Go to  HAPPY MAMMOTH Get 15% off on your entire first order at with the code CALM at checkout.  HUNGRYROOT.COM Get 40% off your first box PLUS get a free item in every box for life. Go to and use code CALM. ONE SKIN Go to and use code KIRK at checkout for an exclusive 15% off your first purchase. COZY EARTH Wrap yourself and your kids in Cozy Earth luxury...with 40% OFF! Visit and use my exclusive 40% off code CALM.  AIRDOCTOR Head to and use promo code CALM to get UP TO $300 off today! AirDoctor comes with a 30-day money back guarantee, plus a 3-year warranty—an $84 value, free! IXL LEARNING Get an exclusive 20% off an IXL membership when you sign up today at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 January is all about fresh starts and it's a great time to swap out skin care products weighing your skin down in favor of OneSkin, scientifically proven to switch off the aging cells that cause lines, wrinkles, and thinning skin. That's why we love our daily OneSkin Eye and Face regimen. OneSkin is powered by their proprietary OS1 peptide, developed by an all-woman team of skin longevity scientists, the first ingredient proven to help skin look, feel, and behave like its younger self. We enjoy OneSkin's nourishing ingredients
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Starting point is 00:01:07 Hey moms, a big focus of the podcast in the new year is creating new thought patterns. And that includes making your health and your emotions a priority. And that's why I really appreciate Happy Mammoth, a company dedicated to making women's lives easier through all-natural products such as hormone harmony. Hormone harmony contains science-backed herbal extracts called adaptogens. Adaptogens help the body adapt to any stressors like chaotic hormonal changes that just happen naturally throughout a woman's life. Hormone harmony is for any woman with symptoms of hormonal changes such as poor sleep and racing thoughts, even night sweats and just feeling tired all the
Starting point is 00:01:51 time. The biggest benefit? I feel like myself again. That's what women say over and over in 30,000 reviews of hormone harmony. It's time to feel like yourself again moms. For a limited time you can get 15% off your entire first order at happy with the code CALM at checkout. That's happy with the code CALM. So I get asked all the time how did you get started in this? If we wanted to do something similar and start an organization to help people, do you have any tips for us?
Starting point is 00:02:29 What if we wanted to start our own podcast? Or do you have any advice if we want to write a book? So I wanted to do this special podcast. I was just gonna give you free advice. It's worth what you're paying for it, which is nothing. But some free advice I've learned over the past 25 years. And I hope that that helps to maybe inspire some of you to take the next step and to jump into the unknown.
Starting point is 00:02:52 I hope it saves you a lot of money and hopefully helps make some money and you can actually do what you love and help other people. So I normally say that's what we're gonna discuss on today's episode of the Calm Parenting podcast, but this isn't really about parenting, but what it is about is personal growth because if you are going to do this, you are going to deal with your own worthiness issues. You are going to have to be vulnerable and face rejection by other people. Oh, you're going to grow a lot. So let me throw out some ideas for you, no particular order that I've learned over the years.
Starting point is 00:03:27 Number one, just begin doing it. Don't overthink it. Don't overplan it and think, okay, I've got to do this and then we're going to do this. No, because it never goes as you expect it to. There are going to be wrinkles in this and you're gonna go down different paths. Start now. Number two, do not collect certificates. Way back in the day when we started, I used to train people to basically use our methodology to help people and then I stopped doing that. You know
Starting point is 00:03:57 why? Because almost every person who came to our training was like, well, I've been through the nurtured heart approach. I am a certified teacher of positive parenting. I've done this and they have like 18 different certifications, but they hadn't actually done anything because what happens is, and many of you are like this, and I know this is hard. You want to wait until you feel qualified. You're never going to feel qualified. What you are going to feel is afraid.
Starting point is 00:04:24 You're going to feel vulnerable. You're not going to feel is afraid. You're going to feel vulnerable. You're not sure if you can actually help people. You're going to have to wrestle with your own self-doubt. Many of you are going to deal with your childhood issues because maybe because the way their parents treated you, you don't feel worthy of being paid for things. You don't feel like you have enough to give other people. How am I going to charge people? And so you go through endless trainings.
Starting point is 00:04:48 You know what? I just need one. I just need to do one more class. Then I'll jump into it. No. Stop that. Start now. I promise you, you will learn more from just doing it. In that process. From learning from people. You're going to learn more from that than any training you will ever do.
Starting point is 00:05:09 Number three, if you want to start a podcast, do this today. Go into some room in your house. You don't have to have a recording studio. Go into a room on your computer, on your phone, and just start speaking five, seven, eight, ten, twelve, fifteen minutes about what you're passionate about and about what your expertise is and see what comes out of you. You can't plan it out. You're going to need to find your own unique voice. So, but to do that you just have to start talking. And so I had a little bit of
Starting point is 00:05:43 an advantage because as I'm gonna go through a little bit later, I used for many, many, many years, we spoke all over the country. And so I'd spoken in front of live audiences. So it kind of had a voice, but it is different when you're staring at a computer instead of a live audience. Number four, do not invest a lot of money.
Starting point is 00:06:02 You don't have to have a lot of money. We started this podcast. All I'd used for recording was that those old Apple earbuds that stick into the side of my laptop, it didn't sound awesome, but it didn't sound awful. We built the podcast that way. Well, you know why? Because our podcast grew
Starting point is 00:06:21 because it has really good content. And so it wasn't until this past year when it really started kind of, you know, becoming really popular. Our son, Casey, finally said, dad, do you have to actually sound professional? So we have a Shure. It's S H U R E, Shure seven. I don't have any deal with them. I should, a Shure seven microphone. I think they're about $250. That's it. I don't have a studio. I am in our, we have a small house with two bedrooms. I am at a desk in our extra bedroom. That's it. Don't get business cards. Some of you are hiring business coaches. Maybe that's fine.
Starting point is 00:06:59 I don't know, but they usually, usually spend more people on the business coach than you're actually bringing in. You don't need fancy stuff. You just need good content to do this. To get our podcast out, at first we used Simplecast. I think it was $15 a month and it automatically sent it out to Apple and Spotify and YouTube and everything else. So keep it simple. You don't need fancy stuff. I record on GarageBand. I mean, it's free through our MacBook. I'm not bragging. I think we have the number one parenting podcast in America. We have a lot of downloads. We do this. There's no... We don't have staff. I'm on podcasts all the time with people and I'm not meaning to sound jerky, but they have like not many listeners and they have like a producer and a production staff
Starting point is 00:07:53 and they've got all this equipment and a studio and I'm like you don't need all of that. Look, you don't need all of that at all. And especially to start, just start talking and get into it throw yourself into it Number five help people just start helping people what problems can you solve for other people? What is causing other people pain our? our two top emails are I'm at my wits end, right and You describe our child and our home. Can you please help us, right? So start just doing it. Jump in there. If you want
Starting point is 00:08:35 to speak to people, do small events. Don't turn anything down. When I first started it was talking to two people, eight people, five people, because then you'll get it down and you'll make mistakes in front of a small crowd instead of a bigger crowd. Number six, make it easy for people to give you money. Have a simple website. Be clear what you offer. Take all payments and get paid.
Starting point is 00:08:58 Start with your prices low so you get paid for something because it builds momentum. It feels good. If your prices are too high, nobody's signing up for it. Look parents are and people are really busy. Simplify everything. Don't assume that people read through everything on your website. Make it simple and lower your prices. So you just start getting experience doing this.
Starting point is 00:09:24 That's what you want. Number seven, be true to yourself. Here's a weird thing. I tend not to listen to other people's podcasts who are in this parenting space and here's why. Because I know if I listen to other people I will immediately feel like I need to be more like them. I need to do use more brain science. I listen to other people I will immediately feel like I need to be more like them. I need to do use more brain science. I need to call things hacks. I need to do it the way she did it the way he did it. I know that about myself and I don't want to stray from who I am and what I'm what my lane is. I stay in my
Starting point is 00:10:00 lane whether that's good or bad. I know bad. I know some people will like me and other people, I'd be really irritating because I talk really fast. I do the podcast the way I wanna listen to podcasts. I hate listening to podcasts when there's lots of music at the beginning, I'm like, come on, get to it, get to it. I don't wanna hear like, well, I'm just coming to you and I had this over the weekend or two hosts are talking. I don't care about your life unless they're really funny or good. So I do the podcast the way I want. There's no music.
Starting point is 00:10:32 It starts with, hey, is your child struggling with this? Do they do this? Good. Boom. I'm Kirk Martin, founder of Celebrate Calm. And in less than a minute, I'm starting on strategies to help because that's who I am. It doesn't make it the right way to do it. It's kind of like our website. You know those websites you go to and there's a there are pop-ups that come, hey before you go sign up for this, hey here's ten dollars off. Those people do that because it's extremely effective. I hate those so we don't use those on our website. We could sell more stuff, but I find it irritating. And I'm irritating enough and I don't want to do it that way. We used to have at the beginning,
Starting point is 00:11:11 we had all these business consultants, you need to do this. When you come out on stage, you need, no, that's not who I am. Be true to you. Know your gifts and know your strengths and you do you. Know your gifts and know your strengths and you do you. Hey moms and dads, I am just like your kids. So when I find something I love, I won't stop wearing it. So about a year ago, I discovered Cozy Earth and the first thing I wore was their bamboo shirt. It's actually what I'm wearing right now. And I remember blurting out,
Starting point is 00:11:40 this feels like I'm wearing heaven. So I actually emailed Cozy Earth and I said, you have to sponsor the podcast because I rave about your bamboo stuff to everyone. Look, I don't even need to be told about Cozy Earth. I work out in Cozy Earth. I relax in Cozy Earth and I sleep wrapped in Cozy Earth sheets. The cool thing is they gave me a 40% discount to pass along to you at with the code CALM. So last year we ordered their bamboo sheet set and I swear every night when I crawl into
Starting point is 00:12:11 bed it's like being wrapped in luxury. We sleep so well because this is premium viscous bamboo and it's so breathable and soft. Moms and dads, parenting is hard. Wrap yourself in some cozyzy Earth luxury every day. It will relax you, might even make you a calmer parent. Definitely more rested. And you can try their base layer clothing for your sensory kids.
Starting point is 00:12:35 I bet they wear it every day. So visit, use my exclusive 40% off code CALM, and please tell them you heard about Cozy Earth from the CALM Parenting Podcast guy. I love their stuff. So I have three new habits I'm creating in the new year. More sleep, more stretching, and core work.
Starting point is 00:12:58 One easy habit I continue is starting every single morning with one scoop of my AG1. I love my daily AG1 because it helps me feel more energized, regular, and mentally sharp. I drink my AG1 while I'm writing my podcasts because it helps me focus and then afterward it helps power me on all those hikes you see on Instagram. So this new year try AG1 for yourself. It's the perfect time to start a new healthy habit and that's why I've been partnering with AG1 for so long. AG1 is offering new subscribers a free $76 gift when you sign up. You'll get a welcome kit, a bottle of D3 and K2 and
Starting point is 00:13:41 five free travel packs in your first box. So make sure to check out to get this offer. That's to start your new year on a healthier note. Number 8, this is going to be hard for you. Ask for money for your services. When we did that training back in the day, here's where people stopped. Well, I just want to help people. Well, I know, but you can't help people if you don't get paid. You'll be out of business. And asking for money for
Starting point is 00:14:16 your services is not a bad thing. It doesn't, it's not because that's a lot of people, forgive me for this. I don't want you to be offended by it, but a lot of people do non-profits because it sounds more virtuous. Oh, we're a non-profit. Well, non-profits and our for-profit company have the same thing. You have money coming in, some do it by donations or selling products, and then you have expenses. It's just they're treated differently in a tax sense, but it's not more virtuous to have a charity. So I'll share a story. We used to do this on conventions. And I remember this guy was up there,
Starting point is 00:14:55 super nice guy, great guy. And he's like, hey, you know, we're really trying to encourage families and we have these books. And if you'd like to support us, I'd really love for you to buy a couple of our books." Well he was basically asking people to buy his book so they could do good work helping
Starting point is 00:15:14 families. Well then I would go up and I'm like, well I'm doing really good work helping families but I sell our programs and it does require an investment. But here's what I learned from that. When we sell our programs, I need to put in enough, I need to put in so much effort to make them so good that they change your family so you're willing to pay for them. And in the end, that will change more families than just asking for donations.
Starting point is 00:15:43 Does that make sense? Because a lot of you get hung up on like, well, just have a big heart. I know I do too and I found I help more people by creating things of value that they need. I hope that makes sense to you but it's going to be hard because you're gonna have to be vulnerable. You're gonna have to face rejection by people. You've got it. Number nine, you've got to market yourself. Know what you stand for. Who's your target consumer?
Starting point is 00:16:09 Use case studies on your website or when you talk and say, hey, I was working with this person and here's the process we went through because other people say, oh yeah, that sounds like me and they can identify with you. You know what the best marketing is? Good content. Do good content and people will identify with you. You know what the best marketing is? Good content. Do good content and people will really appreciate that. And then number 10, be willing to fail. Be willing to listen, try new things, adjust,
Starting point is 00:16:35 because you're gonna get into this and then eventually you're gonna be like, oh, I thought we were going to do this to help people, but then we found out this is what people really needed. And by the way, I found out I really love working in that area. And so that's why I want you to be flexible with this. Throw yourself into it now. Not tomorrow. Okay, tomorrow's okay, but not the next day. Let's start this now. Now what about writing a book?
Starting point is 00:17:02 So I have a very different take on writing books. Now here's a caveat. If it has always been a dream of yours to write a book to see your name on the cover of a book and see that in a story, by all means do it. If it will give you a sense of accomplishment, if you'd make yourself proud or your mom proud, do it. If you think it would give you a sense of legitimacy of like, oh, I wrote a book, do it. But here's why I don of like, oh, I wrote a book, do it.
Starting point is 00:17:25 But here's why I don't like the idea of writing a book. Now, personally, I don't want to write a book because the publisher is going to make me write the book in their style. I've had several book offers, I've sent the manuscript and they're like, you need to make these changes. I am a strong will person.
Starting point is 00:17:41 I don't like to be, I want to do it my own way. I like the autonomy. I don't like to be I want to do it my own way. I like the autonomy I don't want to make 1500 edits and in previous times when they've tried they're like well You just need to sound like this more. I'm like no, this is my voice This is how I want to write my book and I don't want to give up my freedom in order to write a book I want my autonomy There's also this when you write a book. I want my autonomy. There's also this when you write a book, you're going to spend countless hours and then there's usually at least three to six months between
Starting point is 00:18:10 the time you get your manuscript on and then it finally gets printed. It's in bookstores. And then for me, so much of my stuff would be, I like to update it. The reason, look, part of the reason that we do a podcast and we have audio downloads is this, a couple reasons. One is so much of this with our Strongwell Kids is in tone of voice, and I can't model that in a written book. What I can do in the podcast and our programs is model even matter of fact tone. I can give you scripts to use. I actually go through conversations of how it's supposed to sound and I find that to be helpful. Also, people don't tend not to read a book two or three times. People listen consistently
Starting point is 00:18:53 to our audio programs over and over again. And here's the other thing, flexibility. See, if I have a new idea, I can go in and update our audio programs whenever I want. And then I put them, that new updated file, right in the app. So people, in the last couple months, I've updated the discipline program, the Calm Couples Marriage, and the 30 Days to Calm program. And I continually go through all of our programs and I update, I bring my newest ideas and new insights in the podcast I can do that as well. So that's important to me
Starting point is 00:19:31 Here's the other thing financially on a $20 book you as the author are only going to make two to three dollars per book on the Amazon and the bookstores and the publisher get all the money and Amazon and the bookstores and the publisher get all the money and Philosophically I have a problem with giving away my life wisdom for $20 in which case I'm only gonna get two Dollars from that I don't think that's right and you are going to do all the work the publishers No matter what they say, they do not promote your book unless you are a big-name author do not promote your book unless you are a big name author you're going to do all the work and here's what I've seen happen with most people including a lot of my friends you're gonna put all this energy into it and it becomes all consuming and then the publishers gonna be like hey we've got to get pre-orders
Starting point is 00:20:18 because what happens if the launch date is say February 27th all the pre-orders that come get added in that first week and so it makes it look like you got a lot of orders that week because you're trying to get on a best seller list. But I know one thing how many of you have seen this every single book that comes out our author is like oh best-selling author. It's become meaningless now and so what happens is that you I don't have a nice way to say this, you become obnoxious. I have good friends who've written books lately
Starting point is 00:20:50 and I'm like, they're becoming obnoxious because every Instagram post, every podcast, hey, please buy my book, please buy my book, and you're begging your friends to do it. And it becomes all consuming and you don't get much out of that. And so there's also an opportunity cost. All that time and energy that you're putting into it, you're not getting a lot of return for that.
Starting point is 00:21:15 And you don't get that time back. So again, if it means something to you, if it's a dream, by all means do it. But I hate the process and I won't do it so you could write your own book and then just sell a PDF version of it online for eight or ten dollars guess what you get to keep all eight or ten dollars for that and it could be an adjunct thing that you do okay let me give you a couple quick examples to encourage you to jump in so way back in the day we were working with kids doing all this cool stuff and a friend came up and said,
Starting point is 00:21:48 Hey, we've got this big PTA event at our elementary school. The speaker just backed out. Do you do speaking engagements? I was like, sure I can do that. I've never done it before. But there's nothing like the pressure of in three days having to speak to a couple hundred parents about parenting issues and so it forced me to come up with our methodology, a philosophy, concrete examples and so I jumped in and did it and then I started getting invited to other places and then over time we were traveling sometimes 20 days a month. We get into a town, into a school. Casey would do student assemblies,
Starting point is 00:22:27 teaching kids how to control their own impulses and emotions that became the basis for a Straight Talk for Kids program. I would then train the teachers in the afternoon and the parents at night. So everybody was on the same page. And it was really interesting because every night I'm meeting dozens and dozens of parents and talking to them about their different issues, different age groups, learning
Starting point is 00:22:49 so much and I'm learning that whether I'm in Iowa or New York City or the Czech Republic, everybody's struggling with the same issues. So then I pick up, I just start doing in about 2012, I think it was called Blog Talk Radio before podcasting was a thing. I just started doing in about 2012. I think it was called blog talk radio before Podcasting was a thing. I just started sharing our experiences I think we probably had like 18 listeners, but that led eventually to this podcast and over cove during cove It really picked up. I didn't plan I I didn't plan on I didn't have some master plan of like We're gonna do this and then we're gonna corner the market on this. It just grew because our content is really good, I believe, and because
Starting point is 00:23:30 we just put it out there. And then, so let me tell you the Instagram thing really quickly. So 14 months ago, I remember very distinctly where I was and I was adamant with my family. I was like, I will never do Instagram. I hate Instagram. I hate social media. I don't like technology. I don't like all that negativity. I don't want any part of that. And so my family kept saying like, come on, you're a good communicator. I think you'll be good at this. And I was like, you guys know me. I was like, I get dressed in the dark. I shaved by a nightlight. I don't like, I don't like to look at myself. For the time I was a little kid, I didn't take good pictures because I just felt awkward and now you wanted me to carry around a phone a camera and Videotape myself and I'm watching myself speak. Do you know how awkward that is?
Starting point is 00:24:16 So I started doing it at first I did it while I was walking and talking because that's what this guy did and I thought well I should be like him and I found out I don't like that. People said it's making us sick to our stomach. So I just started, I like to hike, you know that. And so on our hikes in these beautiful places, I got to combine a passion for hiking with teaching. And I remember the thing that blew this up was this.
Starting point is 00:24:41 So we were passing through Sedona, Arizona, where at this really cool hike called Cathedral Rock, and there was nobody up there in that moment. And I was like, okay, let me do like a 90 second video. So I was racking my brain. Oh, I'll do it on video games. It was a horrible video. I would be embarrassed to put it out, but I didn't know any better. So I put it out there. And all of a sudden we're getting all this these comments. I love it. I hate it out there and all of a sudden we're getting all these comments, I love it, I hate it, you're a boomer, you don't know what you're talking about, this is the best thing ever. We had virtually no followers at first and overnight we started getting like 20,000, 40,000, then a hundred thousand. And then I was like,
Starting point is 00:25:18 Oh, maybe I should start really taking this seriously. So I started doing a little bit better quality, but I don't edit anything I leave imperfection in there. I do it all myself. There's no fancy graphics or anything But I think what happened is people started to see oh, this is my you're describing my child This is my home. And so it just grew organically and now we're at, we joke about it all the time. I have almost 900,000 followers. I'm a 58 year old influencer and it's just kind of funny, but I didn't plan it.
Starting point is 00:25:53 I didn't intend on it, doing it. So my encouragement is this, do what makes you uncomfortable. Get out there and just start doing it. Don't have it all planned out. Don't wait until you feel qualified enough. Don't listen to the doubters. Do what you love and start doing it.
Starting point is 00:26:10 Don't throw a lot of money into it. If you need some encouragement with that, just let me know, email me about it. I'll help you as much as I can with this. I don't wanna do any of that business consulting stuff. I just wanna encourage you with this. Okay, you guys have a lot of gifts and passions out there, man. And so I want you to use them. And by the way, the millennials, because that's who I'm connecting with with Instagram, is
Starting point is 00:26:35 I'm getting the beautiful part is I'm getting immediate feedback from all these young people. And it's like revitalized every it's just so cool when you put yourself out there so thank you all for listening thanks for listening to our podcast you are family so when i sign off and i'm like hey love you i mean that you're like family to us and it means a lot to us personally that you're so engaged that you tell others about us that you that you share our Instagram videos and all those things this is a very very very personal to us and I think that's partly what has has helped it grow is I don't know if I mentioned this before like everybody was always the everybody emails or tests like who handles your social media? I do.
Starting point is 00:27:25 I upload the video and I'm in the comments section on Instagram. By the way, I do not have time for Facebook and TikTok, so if you're on there, migrate over to our Instagram page because I interact with people on every single post, try to answer questions because it just is a good place for me there. But anyway, hey, I respect you all, love you all.
Starting point is 00:27:46 Okay, go crush it, go kill it. You can do this stuff. Follow your dreams. Bye.

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