Castle Super Beast - CSB 003: Succ 2 Save Fyre Festival

Episode Date: January 22, 2019

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Starting point is 00:00:00 There's no chance to get this far. But... It's out of this world. Seems very easy... But I'll never tastes it. There's no chance to get this far. There's no chance to get this far.
Starting point is 00:00:33 Howdy. Good morning. Good afternoon. Whatever, man. Good night. See you next week. I got a fucking text message from Wally this morning. I want to say 11 to 20 ish, right? It was like no sleep. Can we delay the podcast? And I'm looking at it as I've been looking at my ceiling for hours. Yeah, that's fine. Maybe I'll get...
Starting point is 00:01:05 Nope. Did you get any sleep after that point? That's the point at which I got two and a half. I had my two and a half right before that. I had zero all the way through. At some point this morning I was like, we need three o'clock. I got the flutter eyes today. Oh no. Oh god, that's so embarrassing. That's very embarrassing.
Starting point is 00:01:37 I'm so embarrassed. Wow. So yeah, sleepless and super beast. I like that. That's good. See how that happens? If you're sleepy you make judgment errors. It's like being drunk, really. I caught just enough because I'm a bad napper these days. I used to be so good at napping. I used to be a champion napper. But now napping really doesn't do much for me. And it sucks. But I managed to get just enough that
Starting point is 00:02:09 you know when the full on melatonin you know the waves? You know when you feel the waves? The waves of sleepiness. I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. You wake up sometimes half asleep and your brain feels like it's kind of on the ocean. Do you know what I'm talking about at all? No? Really? Okay. I'm staring at woolly with befuddlement. Wow, I'm surprised. Melatonin is the thing you take that makes you sleepy. Yeah, I'm aware. I've taken it. It does nothing
Starting point is 00:02:41 to me. Yeah. And I feel these waves of sleepiness that I'm kind of woozy and I feel like my body's almost like sitting in a canoe you know. And I feel like that kicks in for me like late. Before when I was good at napping it used to kick in right away. But now it takes a while to kick in and today it kicked in just before I had to get it. Because for me my sleepiness is either so gradual that I don't notice it until I'm like my eyes are fluttering
Starting point is 00:03:13 or it is a sudden instantaneous crash where I go man, I'm gonna stay up all night. And the irony that is that you're describing how you used to be good at napping and how you were not good at napping. No. I used to be the anti-napper. Like I could not nap ever. I could only sleep unless it was like after midnight in my own bed with my
Starting point is 00:03:45 head turned a certain way and just all this stuff. But then lately like in the past year around like 6 or 7 p.m. I'm like oh I could go for an hour. Yeah. And then I go for 90 minutes usually and I wake up and I go yeah I feel better now. Yeah. Like I said the hardest shock to that for me recently was the running thing and that's where you just absolutely destroy your ability to pull all nighters. But that is not
Starting point is 00:04:17 what happened last night. And ultimately when you kind of get into that like oh it's just starting to get good you know. Like the sleep foreplay is about to turn into like the sleep fun times and then it just that alarm goes off and you're like fuck me now I gotta get up. And that's the most brutal one. Outside of like waking up during REM. Yeah. That's the most brutal it can get. I had a one that I have not experienced as of yet last night where I went
Starting point is 00:04:49 to bed at like I think like 401. Yeah. And I snuggled into my pillow and I like you know that point where like the room is cold and it's like but your shit is warm and it's like the ideal comfort level. Yeah. It's like it's not gonna get more comfortable than this. I was like yeah. And then at some point I had that you know that interim moment right before you fall asleep. Where your thoughts make no sense. Yeah. Your thoughts are garbage and
Starting point is 00:05:21 it's almost a dream state but you're not actually asleep. It's where you forget the last page that you were reading and everything starts going. And I'm like fluttering and then I'm like huh that's weird that I'm thinking all weird haha and I became hyper aware of it. And then that snapped me the fuck awake and then I had that that moment in my chest of like uh oh that was my shot to fall asleep. Oh yeah. You can't fight the next five hours. No. No. You can't fight your brain. Don't fight your brain on that. It wasn't important. It wasn't on purpose. I just you have to recognize
Starting point is 00:05:53 like when that happens and be like oh that's my head. Yeah. Okay. And you got to just you got to lean into it. Maybe maybe there's a reason for that because I'm also do you ever get it's like hypnagogic jerks? No. I don't think I do. I don't think I do. Are you familiar with what a hypnagogic jerk is? If it's exactly what it sounds like then yeah. But what does it sound like? Because people at home might not know. It sounds like the twitches you have when you are passing off and then you nodding off and then you go boo. Yeah
Starting point is 00:06:25 and you bolt away for no reason. I hate that shit. So I don't think so except for no that's not true. I get them when I'm in a public place. Yeah. Because I can fall asleep in any situation but I will always be aware that I'm in that situation. Yeah. So like if I know that I'm on a train, if I know that I'm on a bus, I'm on the way to go somewhere, if I'm on the watch you know then like yes as my head hits a certain threshold I'm like nope. You ever have a route that you took often enough that you could like sleep to the minute? A thousand percent. Oh isn't it the best?
Starting point is 00:06:57 To my QA testing job the first place I worked at I had the exact timer down so that I could hit the metro underground subway station. I could jump in immediately knock out. Like I was barely conscious enough to get onto it. And then I would knock out and then the moment it pulled up and those doors opened I knew exactly how many. And like it was a weird thing because it wasn't just a timer feeling. It was like the amount of stops and starts and jerks. The amount of times that I'd hear the little
Starting point is 00:07:29 bell go off and I'd hear the door shake open and it was like yeah I know exactly now this is my stop and I'd immediately just get out and run out and like I would run into, I'd run into like tens of friends and people that I worked with that would see me but they'd know you know. You don't touch willy shoulder. He's gonna pop up. He's gonna pop up. They know and the first time they'd be like oh dude hey we're here and I'm like I'm good. I'm good. And then eventually just got used to it and I'd be like yep and I'd be walking up the Chomp Godpat. You know Chomp Godpat would see me and just be like yep he's doing his thing.
Starting point is 00:08:01 That extra ten minutes makes all the difference. All the diff. Because I had all the diff. Like my horrible sleep schedule happened back when I started going to Seja because I lived off the island so I was doing like 45 minutes to an hour 15 of transit each way and most of that was on a bus that would go off the island right. So I'd step super late but that's okay because I'm gonna get like an hour extra sleep on the way to school. No problem. And you know when you
Starting point is 00:08:33 get to the end of the bus stop it's the final stop and then the bus stops so I'd wake up because people are getting up around me right. But then on the way home the trip would always take different lengths of time because it would have to cross a busy bridge and if it's rush hour then it's gonna take two hours. And I never missed my stop once because I think my body learned the sequence of turns that would hit like right before I got to my stop there was a big left turn and then a big right turn. It was the only time in the entire route that would happen.
Starting point is 00:09:05 And I always bolt awake. I was like oh yeah it's time to go. And that's where I got most of my sleep for like two years. Yeah. Which in hindsight very bad to do. It is. But the thing with like that crazy, I'm reminded of that crazy college student burst nap configuration. Oh the Iron Man Sleep Schedule. Where you just take those half an hour naps throughout the day and then you get that deep two hour one. I remember being recommended that
Starting point is 00:09:37 by a guy who would later go on to be known as Crazy Alex. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So I should say everything that you need to know about the Iron Man Sleep Schedule. I believe it was recommended by university students desperate to not die. And what they did was basically realize that if you train your body to take burst naps of half an hour you take five naps of half an hour throughout the day and then you keep going. And then when you finally get to a point
Starting point is 00:10:09 after those five naps you can take one two hour power sleep. Fucking. But it's a power sleep where your body immediately drops into REM. So there's no phase one. There's no like oh slight phase two. Like you drop into the deepest sleep possible for exactly two hours and then you wake up and apparently you feel super refreshed. So here's my favorite part about the Iron Man Sleep Schedule. Burst naps. Everyone I ever spoke to that tried it. Their sleep became like an
Starting point is 00:10:41 absolute nightmare. Like it was the worst thing that they had ever tried. And then the blow the advice that would come back would always be you're not doing it specifically enough. You have to nap for these periods and it has to be at these specific intervals during the day. Even if you're at work or at school and then everybody goes I can't plan naps exactly four hours apart. I can have a shift to work. They go well I guess
Starting point is 00:11:13 you're not dedicated enough for the Iron Man Sleep Schedule. What you're effectively doing is you're pulling the like you know the electric car routes you know. So when you have an electric car like if you have like a Tesla or so. Like what they do is they'll go like if you need to get from here to New York it'll show you the map and go this is the route you're going to drive and then it'll plan how much battery power you have and how much time you need to charge at each station. You'll be like okay drive for two hours and then pull into this station and you don't need
Starting point is 00:11:45 to charge your battery all the way back up. Charge for exactly 15 minutes and then hit the road again and then you will know when you need to do another charge and it'll plan out those semi-efficient routes. Works great right up until you run into a charging station that isn't there. Well ultimately but what you're doing with your body is exactly that. Is you're min-maxing your charge time so that you can get just enough. Would you say that you are partitioning your charge? Yes it is almost a partitioning of the charge. It is almost a charge partition
Starting point is 00:12:17 you know but you are yeah you're min-maxing everything and then that last one is a full deep simulation of sleep you know. And you know what it fucking yeah it sounds super brutal and every introduction to it always says it's going to take you a solid two weeks of suffering to get there. I don't know anyone who successfully pulled it off but. Except for crazy Alex. But it has been written about and I remember that specifically absolutely not recommending would not would not
Starting point is 00:12:49 recommend. I would recommend no sleep schedule to anyone other than are you tired you should probably get more sleep. There is a ridiculous epidemic particularly of like every single person I have ever met who does internet stuff that they none of them get enough sleep. Not even close. Yeah yeah yeah it's real it's bad and I like the scariest is always whenever you hear those advanced stats
Starting point is 00:13:21 about like how hey you are dying hard. Very hard. By not sleeping and you hear all those things about just like oh you're just getting out your body and it's just like fuck. Yeah but there's memes to look at. And there's yeah basically. There's me woolly. Yeah if you know this. There's footage to render. But there's there's a cat and it is fat. It is a fat cat and it is making a noise
Starting point is 00:13:53 and it is 5 30 a.m. and I will be damned if I do not watch this fat cat make a funny noise. What if someone says something on a comet somewhere in one of my things. I have to see it. You know what the absolute worst one is. If anybody can find the comic that I'm referring to and credit it because I can't remember the artist or what web comic it is. But it is just a little cartoon stick figure man lying in bed going ah time for sleep
Starting point is 00:14:25 and then their eyes shoot open wise is like but what about that embarrassing thing you said eight years ago. Yeah yeah yeah yeah absolutely. But what about that thing. Oh man. Oh god. The amount of times my night has been ruined. That one is so fucking great because it's one of the most on points it's ever been because like immediate my brain went straight to that part. That moment at that party
Starting point is 00:14:57 where I where I said that where you're like 16 and I went ah why did I do that. And the girl I like saw me. And the whole room just went what the fuck and I'm like oh no. Yeah that's the realist. That's the realist with a why. Oh my god oh. How could I have never been such a stupid
Starting point is 00:15:29 holy fuck I gotta shake that off man. Like it went to the moment and then it went to the pregnant pause held in the room afterwards and I went ah ah ah that mo yeah that's yeah that's everyone's got one. Hey man that's a bad. At least for either of us it's not the fact that we shit our pants during our set at the local tournament. Ah I just
Starting point is 00:16:01 you know like you saw that right. No I didn't. There's a fucking smash tourney that occurred recently where a guy shit his pants in the middle of his set then won his set and then left. How did they know? Was it just spell based? Because he was standing there and then he went ah and then shit was smelled everywhere in his vicinity and then he had to hurry and leave because of the poopy. Okay I I have several questions. Several.
Starting point is 00:16:33 I may have no answers. I did not seek out extra details on this narrative but question one. Yeah. Is this real? Yes Okay. The source here is mom retweeted the response to this story that was imagine being the guy who lost his set to the guy who shit his pants. Because
Starting point is 00:17:05 just saying when Pat walks in and delivers a story about a smash player shitting his pants. Hey listen. That sounds like a story that sounds like a story that I dreamed but thought was real right? So I'm really inclined to not believe you right now. People said that about me saying that the Spanish Pokemon team was throwing fucking feces in the hallway of their hotel room. But even then it's like no but this is smash though.
Starting point is 00:17:37 This is too much of an overlap of Venn diagrams of your favorite subject matter to possibly be real. Look. Are you sure he didn't do it for you for this moment right now? He might have been wearing a get smoked hat and it might have been right for this moment. Oh yeah. It's possible. I would be very thankful to that person if that was the case and he won for giving me this gift. Wow Thanks buddy. Was it 3-0? I don't know man.
Starting point is 00:18:09 You want to hope it was. You want to at least walk out of that one saying yeah man but I crushed it though. Yeah I crushed it. And then I crushed it again in my seat because the shape of it was crushed. Yeah I could not imagine. Because it had nowhere to go. I could not imagine anything like more like vile of a way to shit your pants because when I assume that you're gonna shit your pants in my mind you're always standing up trying to get somewhere so at least it can fall down or exit normally. No but if there's
Starting point is 00:18:41 sitting down. If there's sit involved well now you've got a shape coming. Now you're working in a smear quotient. Now you're playing with power. Yeah you got some play dough going on. You got some nice. If you're lucky. Now we're gonna go but up actually. Yeah my brother used to do that. Because going down ain't working right. The placement of how you sit means it's probably going up. I think I just like unlocked
Starting point is 00:19:13 a secret prerequisite of like why I'm so terrified of shitting my pants. It's okay you've never played it but in Lost Odyssey when Kaim has these moments and memories there's a great one where you see a glass shatter in midair around his head as he unlocks a thousand years of memories. That's what just happened. Because like I now remember when little kid my parents used to make fun of my older brother to me not like not when he was there. That's like oh yeah your brother
Starting point is 00:19:45 when he was your age he'd shit his pants and he'd shit his pants so hard that it would like go up his back like to his shoulders and I'd be like ew and they'd be like yeah you're you don't do that though you're a good kid. You've never shit your pants and damn way to kick the crib under the bus. He was my older brother so he was at least eight when I heard that story. Shoulders is way too high.
Starting point is 00:20:17 That's way too high. Now to be fair my brother was a really strong kid so who knows. You ever come back to the house and be like hey what up shit shoulders. No. Now he would have beat my fucking ass if I did that. Yeah. Would have been worth it though. Now see here's the for me. The fact that I knew was enough. Right. I don't need to I don't need to like rub somebody's face in it. It's just the knowledge to me is enough because like he he he
Starting point is 00:20:49 well I think if you don't mind we can we can yeah let's yeah we can nose dive out of this one. Fucking so fast. Hey what's that is that the ground sick nice hey ground what's up I don't know what you're I don't know what I'm doing what am I doing so Monday everyone happy Monday I had a fairly busy fairly I noticed which is good because I had a fairly tame week
Starting point is 00:21:21 fill in more this time a lot of things occurred so I guess I'll start with the joy the the the glow in my life that is the new documentary fire on Netflix that is about the fire sure it's not the Hulu documentary that's exactly the same no because you see the difference between the two is that Netflix tried to jump in and undercut the one that actually
Starting point is 00:21:53 had the main guy in it because the main guy in it was trying to explain his side of things and then Netflix was doing their version like man fuck that here's this coming out a week beforehand each shit also there's another layer of the story I found out afterwards which was that the marketing company that bigs itself up super hard in the Netflix version had a someone who left it and said that they were involved and knew about the shit show this is the best so that marketing company made the Netflix version while the one
Starting point is 00:22:25 employee that left went to make the Hulu one because they were implicit in the knowledge of what it what went down so the actual presentation of these documentaries itself is also a shit show awesome because we can't have nice things because scumbag fucking just that the worst of the influencer generation that we belong to farfest was that one down south that everybody showed up to and there was like
Starting point is 00:22:57 literally nothing and there was a bunch of people stranded on some island yes and I had a really like I had a really weird thing yesterday because when I when I remembered hearing about it for the first time I remember hearing that I remember hearing about it in a specific context while like working in QA but that's impossible because it only happened in 2017 was so my brain was like who told me about this when did I hear about it because I have a fake version of a memory hearing about
Starting point is 00:23:29 this don't worry about it that I can't attribute because it makes no sense with the time probably just playing a shitty game the day you heard and I was like I went digging back through the podcast and I was like I couldn't find an episode where we talked about it now on the week of so I'm like I'm like who told me about it how did I hear I don't remember it was a dream that told you the future it was it was really confusing but either way Fire aka FYRE Festival was the event that took place in April to May of 2017 that happened in
Starting point is 00:24:01 the Bahamas that was supposed to be a once in a lifetime Woodstock at a on a beautiful dreamy beach with all the best most prettiest girls and all the best amazing artists performing a music festival and everyone was going to be there and if you weren't there then you are going to miss the fuck out man you're going to miss the fuck out because jaw rule jaw rule like jaw rule was involved in this right
Starting point is 00:24:33 jaw rule was absolutely running the show with his boy Billy you know and jaw infamously made a toast that went beyond the world where he said here's to partying like rock stars I'm going to fuck it up but it's like here's to something like something here's to partying like rock stars and Billy and Billy goes and fucking like porn stars and everyone goes
Starting point is 00:25:05 and then they have these videos where they bring in all the pretty Instagram models to hang out on the beach and do jet skis and to play with pigs and to be all hot and cute and to kiss the camera a bunch and then they did that and they sold a dream they sold an amazing perfect dream it'll be the greatest party ever like like actual like idyllic tv paradise right with the whitest sand and the clearest blue water and everything was just perfect and he bought an island and he's like this is Pablo Escobar's island
Starting point is 00:25:37 that I bought my island right and then like the story just goes in to how like okay so you know the part where you said it was Pablo Escobar's island yeah so Pablo Escobar's lawyer and people specifically told you not to do that so get the fuck off our island so then they had to move it elsewhere and then one thing after another happened until you got to what was essentially a lot of like the term they use is like the millennial influencer crowd got trapped
Starting point is 00:26:09 in this resort area that was not a resort it was kind of just like a dirty water ditch with a bunch of tents that were sold as glamping tents that were actually left over emergency shelter tents and there was no food no water and cheese sandwiches the infamous cheese sandwich photo and then it gets to a point there is a fucking like I don't even want it like it's a documentary but I don't even want to spoil it because like there is a single
Starting point is 00:26:41 moment of like you cannot get any lower than this outside of someone dying which no one did right thankfully but it went full on Lord of the Flies and there was one moment where for those of you who've seen it it was when they there was a truck full of water and they could not get the truck full of water the day before to reach the camp so no one would have any water so everyone was going to get fucking dehydrated and yeah just say it okay well literally
Starting point is 00:27:13 the fucking asshole Billy that was in charge of this whole festival that is a sociopath that is a psycho that is basically just running things on the feeling of we were looking for solutions not problems so if you can't find a solution to every logistics issue get the fuck out firing the guy that goes you don't have enough toilets firing the guy that's like this is you didn't book these people right you can't tell them that they're here they're not here telling
Starting point is 00:27:45 your investors to give them more money and just lying about how much you're worth and just getting millions and like the whole thing was built on a lie and it was built on a platform of an app that was actually a decent idea which was just a way to book talent through an app that without like middle management using things but the point that it gets to is where that water is stuck and these kids are going to dehydrate they're not going to have enough water and the only way you my right hand man and event coordinator friend this poor
Starting point is 00:28:17 poor older gentleman the only way we're going to get that water is look you're gay right what you got to do is get on down to that customs office where they want $125,000 go see that guy at the customs office and you're going to have to suck a dick man you're going to have to suck a dick what does the customs office have to do with the water you're going to have to the customs office stop the water because the water came through and the customs office said
Starting point is 00:28:49 in order to bring these trucks full of water to the festival you owe us $125,000 like duty or some shit yeah and then he's like you got to go down there you're literally the only one that can do this because you're my gay right hand man you're going to have to literally go in there and the poor fucking guy was like I've been doing this I had a career I'm like a professional this has been the thing but I just I freshened up and I squirted some mouth
Starting point is 00:29:21 wash and I went down there the guy was nice and he just went hey look you can it's cool just take the water you know just take it and it works and you guys are going to owe us the money first please when the money comes in but he fucking went down there and it's like your festival the thing that should have cancelled it literally was hinging on you making a guy go give a blow job and it's like Billy
Starting point is 00:29:53 you have a perfectly fine set of lips what the fuck is wrong with your mouth well I don't want to you head down there and you suck the dick Billy you suck it what reasoning would you have to fucking make this guy go do it well it's your fucking fault that we're in this predicament well I guess these people can starve with no water then all you got to do is suck one dick to stop them from dehydrating I feel like there was a point before this moment
Starting point is 00:30:25 that this could have been avoided via some action hey look all you got to do is head on down there put your knee pads on put your lipstick on Billy and just keep thinking here's the fucking like porn stars so Billy and the right hand man they were at the festival during this occurrence so there was like a considerable worry I assume they were going full blown Lord of the Flies because when water starts to not exist
Starting point is 00:30:57 yes society stops existing too and when everyone who paid various amounts of like tens of thousands two hundreds of thousands of dollars for their amazing resort setups when everyone standing in the same place goes doesn't matter how much you paid or what you bought if you see a free tent go get one and everyone immediately panics because they've been waiting outside for hours and for six hours they had their stuff and they were just sitting there wondering what was going on and no music was playing then they're like run and get your tent
Starting point is 00:31:29 and everyone goes oh we're fucking it's on because there's no one else to sleep so they all ran to get their tents and people started destroying the tents around them so that they would not be next to other people and nightfall happens and then you realize that this place that had no setup that had no infrastructure that had no toilets had no lights either so it becomes pitch fucking black and the real survival mode kicks in
Starting point is 00:32:01 and shit gets dark in more ways than one because the survival of the fittest is absolutely now roaming and that drunken like teenage yeah we're gonna have the best weekend ever starts to become oh fuck we don't know what was that noise you know what has water blood it went nuts dude and then all the local Bahamian workers that you fucking promise their money are not getting paid so then they fucking start rolling
Starting point is 00:32:33 up going where's our money and then they're like uh and then the employees are like yeah we don't uh and then they're like the fuck's our money and then more and more of them start just walking up and standing around and being vaguely threatening and then eventually someone catches wind that maybe just maybe hits might start getting put out on people so it's a fairly unique situation because there's always hey where's my money to a person that you know there's always
Starting point is 00:33:05 hey where's my money to a person that you don't know you're in the country that you actually live then there's hey where's my money to a person that you don't know in a country that you don't live but they do that power dynamic starts to change so the guy who lived there that arranged to get all these people hired who basically had no answers when they came to him and said where's my money and then started fucking coming by his house he gets on a fucking boat and just
Starting point is 00:33:37 he's like no no I'm out man the ocean's a big place I'm done and he's just out goodbye so motherfuckers are now walking up on this property looking for anyone who looks even remotely like an employee of fire festival while the kids are scavenging for survival material and mattresses and beds and water which of course it rained and wet everything of course it rained right um it rained to the tropical areas of the world and and it just it is one of the most
Starting point is 00:34:09 insane, insane stories of one fucking sociopath asshole who would never take no for an answer and he apparently just was surrounded with enough talented people that they always found a way so that every time it should have gotten shut down it didn't and it continued and continued and then people stealing and hustling and scamming of people on this dream of this influencer like wave where they just put out videos of paradise and perfection and FOMO kicks in
Starting point is 00:34:41 harder than it ever has and people come in and go through like people are just like literally talking about how like they sold shit to get to this once in a lifetime experience and everyone is kind of like yeah all this awful shit is happening but if you think about Woodstock you don't, no one talks about all the awful mudslides all the ODs that happened all the horrible like plumbing and just the grossness of the situation because Woodstock was such a legendary event that in retrospect
Starting point is 00:35:13 it just became historic and man you had to be there. Yeah well Woodstock was also landlocked so you could just drive to things if you needed it yeah so putting it on an island I feel is the root of many of the problems. I mean there was literally a shot of a bunch of kids and well not kids but a bunch of young adults and what not everybody party goers and festival goers sitting around inside this little like camp area and then one of the guard people like in like an air and airport
Starting point is 00:35:45 and they're there they have no way in or out and one of the guard people walks up to a door and puts a lock on a chain and shuts it and everyone's like what what is that what is happening right now you know like you have to watch this thing I remember when it was going on there was the underside to it that was the darkest of the humor was that everyone there every single person there had to be wealthy in some capacity to be
Starting point is 00:36:17 there correct and well that's kind of the that's that's what got people to to really enjoy watching it burn down that's where the sickness in your heart comes in yeah where it's all like all the kids are all rich kids and trust fun babies but then it turns out that's not necessarily there were some normal normal middle to lower class that did sacrifice to make their way up there well it's not nearly as much fun now no it's in fact it's pretty fucked
Starting point is 00:36:49 and and there's other parts of it that are just like when all the rich kids turn into cannibals that's kind of hilarious I'll be really honest but I butcher the word every time but the German word for like the enjoyment of watching oh Shaden Froide Shaden Froide is that how we're going to close enough okay Shaden Froide whatever yeah that it's absolutely that that tingle in your heart and you know like they cut they literally cut to Ron Funches on Conan going like if you paid for Blink 182 tickets out in the Bahamas
Starting point is 00:37:21 you deserve what you got or whatever that you know what I mean like fuck you type of thing like it's one of those moments of like yeah you know they the rich kids got served a cheese and bread and like there's all the memes like the one girl going crazy with the fucking bond like crazy like zombie apocalypse behind her going I was promised a ruler but it turned out it was like no a lot of normal a lot of normal people got fucked over oh man you know and this dude Billy is so out of his goddamn mind what happened to
Starting point is 00:37:53 Billy now well he got fucking arrested and then he got out on bail and while he was out on bail he committed even more felonies because that's the type of person and that's the thing like I was watching and like like Steph was getting really like like all this fucking just this piece of shit you know really guttural and I'm like I had like the opposite reaction when they revealed the whole thing about like oh yeah his money was like basically stolen from the get-go yeah right and I'm like I just I had the complete check
Starting point is 00:38:25 and I'm like oh no I don't even have them like no you're just you're just a piece of shit like there's no part of this where you had to choose between one or the other and you went I'm gonna go like no you were just scum it's one of those and you get to be written off I'm kind of there as well because I'm like oh it's your job to be evil yeah it's how you make your living and then you he's the kind of person where you're like well if you if you let me out on bail and I can still walk around I'm going to commit crimes I mean until you until you stop me one of the reasons
Starting point is 00:38:57 why haven't you stopped me that I know to acquire money and I'm like fair enough we should probably stop you one of the reasons I like to acquire money is so that I can pay my bail payments to go out and make more money with more crime it's a self-sustaining economy and the whole time taxes the whole time this is going down the only question on everyone's mind is what does Ja Rule think of this where is Ja what's Ja Rule doing where is Ja his name is number one on the fucking
Starting point is 00:39:29 poster and all that shit and he is he's co-founder of fire ostensibly co-owner co-founder directly responsible and Ja is on twitter going watching these documentaries with y'all I can't believe it my mouth is a shit Ja is like wow I can't believe y'all I got bamboozled y'all it's murder that's your responsibility Jo
Starting point is 00:40:01 oh my god I can't believe have y'all seen these two documentaries have you seen this y'all need to watch this shit is crazy Ja should be in jail over this shit Ja is literally on camera in the documentary going yo I wouldn't no no it's not fraud it's not fraud I would say it's false advertising you know literally on camera and he's just Ja's on twitter going like I got receipts I'm telling
Starting point is 00:40:33 I got ahead I got I got I didn't know did you and he's just like I can't believe it have y'all what that's like this is a wild tangent did you see that clip floating around a 50 cent on Colbert of course and that's old that's old that's super old I only recently saw it I saw the clip recently but I saw the instagram story a while ago it must have happened over a year ago damn it this part is 50 cent going like yeah like so I bought all these group
Starting point is 00:41:05 on tickets because I saw them and went wait I can buy the first three rows or four rows of Ja rules concert alright fuck it now you gotta perform and like that happened a while ago and that is one of the greatest trolls ever but the best was I don't know if you saw his instagram I did not but there is a photo there is a photo of oh I saw that photo of basically someone edited like a concert and then a bunch of empty front row seats and just one shot of Fitty in the middle just going
Starting point is 00:41:37 with his hands out wearing a suit it was unbelievable it was fantastic yeah yeah that's great that's fucking great and Ja just I think Ja can't believe it I think the fact the DMX is constantly in jail for threatening people with guns and all that but Ja rule gets to put a bunch of people on a fucking island to make a goddamn budget battle royale event
Starting point is 00:42:09 doesn't go to jail I think that is a travesty I mean he's out he's fine you know like think of how bad that could have got he's partnered up with someone else that has a new business doing similar things you know because and that's the one thing going all the way up the chain like this was able to very clearly point paint a picture where the buck stops and the buck stops at Billy and like DMX is still in jail up until yes well you got to check the website I did I checked your website just now
Starting point is 00:42:41 you got it and that's the one thing is like you're going through that documentary and there's a point where you just go like you could have Billy up until like the halfway point could have come in and been like listen I just had a dream like Ja rule said something to the effect of for a failure for this for to fail this big you got to dream this big shut the fuck up right he had literally that type of fucking mouth Ja and and and and there's this whole thing where that's awful like
Starting point is 00:43:13 you had plausible deniability where you could have went I'm just this startup in tech investor and I had a startup company and we were entrepreneurs and we just decided to run this event to blow up our product before it launched and it got away from me and I didn't spend the money right and I got yes caught up and what you had happens you literally could have had plausible deniability but the moment you told the man to go suck the dick to save the festival listen
Starting point is 00:43:45 it's over listen I don't know it's done I there's no walking it back I don't know what to tell you but unless you get a dick in your mouth people are going to die like you know what I mean like like it's literally just the fucking like the actual punchline material you know the thing that is like okay okay if you had to save a thousand festival going to all those people you see all those people would you do it on the water and apparently the answers Billy would not
Starting point is 00:44:17 do it Billy would not Billy wouldn't do it anyway like and that is that story could have been so much worse and it is very lucky for jaw and everyone involved that somehow there was no loss of life right that's that and so jaw on that call where he said that line where he where he said it's not it's not fraud it's it's a false advertising
Starting point is 00:44:49 he literally went look no one got hurt alright everyone was okay I'm sure people got hurt we just need to find a way to spin it this room is full he did not say that this room is full of a lot of geniuses a lot of smart people in this room we just need to find a way to spin it he literally said the word spin comes out of his fucking mouth holy shit have y'all seen this documentary oh my god
Starting point is 00:45:21 it's crazy I didn't know what was in it yo y'all need to check out Netflix this shit is crazy it's wild out here because like I'm just thinking like if you just move some of those events over by a week the story would become one of like cannibalism my favorite part is that the overwhelming impact and the feeling of it by the end is that this story could not have happened at any other not just like era in history
Starting point is 00:45:53 like 2015 was too early it had to be 2017 it was so it had to be in the instagram era it had to be right now you know it like anything sooner and it was not the pieces were in place the sentiment was not there the feeling was not there the ability to get all those people out to an island under such suspicious circumstances and make so much money yet lose all of it and continue to fucking steal like it had to be now and it had to be the perfect confluence
Starting point is 00:46:25 and it had to be Ja Rule it had to be that fucking name where when Chappelle says it in a punchline people that don't even know who he is laugh because you're like what the fuck is this reference we're talking about Ja Rule why are we talking about Ja like Ja Rule and Mysticale that's the two names where you're like why what why is my brain going back to this place scratching at the door of Mysticale like I feel like I've heard that name dangerous oh god
Starting point is 00:46:57 get on the floor you know raspy voice before fucking anyway come on but that's exactly it dude so arousing endorsement for the movie Fire on Netflix please watch and understand the concept of love that's wild but then also understand that the movie was put together by the marketing team that's in the movie
Starting point is 00:47:29 that literally in the beginning they got the like fuck Jerry is the name of the company and they're like they got legendary marketing team fuck Jerry oh my god they got the best they got the geniuses and I'm like alright alright alright alright you know but knowing that keep that in mind and you gotta you gotta like I say it from time to time and I cause I quote Mission Hill a lot but it truly truly was a touch tone for our generation
Starting point is 00:48:01 and I was there to say I saw it and you need to be there too you hear just like I remember hearing about it so hey did you hear about all those rich kids stuck on that island they're gonna start eating each other soon what fucking what are you what jaw rule taking a battle royale and a hard kite to a chain lock fence being padlocked
Starting point is 00:48:33 and all the kids are doing parks and rec faces going oh what I wish Chris Pratt was here oh man alright so yeah fire fire and then all the bands were like we either like they all a bunch of lines say they just missed their flights and oh blink 182 was like yeah we can't deliver the performance and then other people were just like what festival are you talking about I'm supposed to be at your show right now where are you
Starting point is 00:49:05 what are you talking about what show it's it's it's quite it's a fucking journey it's a journey so there was that there was alright I mean I kind of promised this a little bit so I do have to deliver on it I'm not gonna go full in not gonna go hard on it but I am going to talk about the other thing I watched this week was the movie Annihilation I saw your tweet about this yes and I remember
Starting point is 00:49:37 that I don't know I don't remember I don't think you did you watch it or you just watched clips I watched clips of all the monster bits right you just watched the clips right you're right but you never actually watched the whole movie I did not I also read the plot guide on Wikipedia okay yeah and I'm trying to remember what your impressions were when we talked about my impressions were that a lot of that monster stuff was super cool yeah the bearer is like an amazing like looking monster and the ending is cool looking and interesting I guess okay but I mean I didn't
Starting point is 00:50:09 fucking watch it so I can't possibly actually comment on it okay other than from a visual level so I like this is one where I fully like and this is a god we're going hot off hot off of the of last week's persona discussion doing it again I guess but like here I am I'm going to be on a mountain top and 80% everyone's going to come at me for this one because Natalie Portman and I mean like the there's a couple people out there that are just like yeah dude I totally agree but for the most part I'm definitely against the grain on this one you hate that why do you hate good
Starting point is 00:50:41 movie so much so the problem is is not even that it's really just if I can paint a scenario for you we're going to spoil Annihilation if you're interested in Annihilation you probably want to tune out yeah I don't want to go too long and I'm going to try to keep this as loveless possible because quite frankly in as much as I can fucking be like alright I'm here on the mount top and I'm going to put the gauntlets on and just fight all 89% of you motherfuckers and just yell and scream I'm going to try to take it I'm going to try to take it you're not at that point in your life where the blowback
Starting point is 00:51:13 powers you yet but it's also because it wasn't so bad that it deserves that level but the flaws are really really bothering me so what I'm going to paint I guess is the scenario right where I'm suckered into this because based on just the concept there is a field expanding bubble of mystery that has appeared on planet earth right the boss has appeared
Starting point is 00:51:45 and everyone suddenly has an arrow pointing in the direction of the field because you're just like what the fuck is happening over there nobody that goes in the field ever seems to come back out we don't know what's in it right it is mystery and it is expanding and we have been studying it for three years and we've been sending in people and we've been sending in animals and we've been testing out different things to try and you know we know where the origin point is from but effectively yeah we've like over the course
Starting point is 00:52:17 of three years we've sent in a bunch of people and no one's ever come back out and so on and so forth right cool concept cool strong start great so imagine if you will and this is where I'm just going to say imagine if you will here's the the meeting where people are discussing this problem right and this could happen one year in two years in or three years in but regardless of when it happens field is expanding slow enough that we know that it's going to eventually be a huge problem but for now three years totally fine we've seen it travel within a state you know so we understand
Starting point is 00:52:49 decades before it's a cataclysmic event what can we do about this okay so we've tried sending people in and it didn't work okay what is our next option well we can send more people in yeah okay we did that cool you keep sending people in until it works that's always we can zap brannock in it right and we can dedicate ourselves to sending in as many men as at our disposal top men those kill bots have a kill threshold so I knew that sending in enough men to
Starting point is 00:53:21 you can keep sending them in right or you can do things like alright you can you can you can send in let's say you send in somebody and then they don't come back okay the next person that goes in will be like walk forward and have this rope with you wrapped around you okay and then no matter what happens within 24 hours we're going to pull it out with whatever and whatever comes out we'll see what happens yeah right we'll see what comes out how about that as an idea oh yeah that might give us some
Starting point is 00:53:53 information okay cool so that's a basic first step we could take is we could just literally actually talk about and do that we could just literally tie this to so no they don't we could literally tie a rope to somebody and then yank it out yeah after a certain point of time okay but that's a little bit that we're not going to get enough information because what if we yank it out nothing happened that's all fine right okay so or you know nothing comes back out right okay so we can have somebody walk in and then we can put one of those we can put those uh like stakes in the ground right and then we can put like some sort of even like a wiring system
Starting point is 00:54:25 to basically create a line tethering you in case because we don't know what's happening in there yeah a guide wire right the guide wire it might melt and become something else it might totally end up on the opposite side because the map isn't we don't know what crazy bullshit is happening in there and I love me what I call it I call it Tokyo Jupiter because there's an old movie an old anime called Razifon where they have where Tokyo gets encased in this large fucking thing that looks like Jupiter okay and it's it's a cool idea because there's a world inside a world and nobody knows what's going inside no one inside knows what's going outside and vice versa right so this type of concept
Starting point is 00:54:57 is interesting to me you're describing the plot of uh Shin Megami Tensei Strange Journey it's a super awesome mystery thing I love that right so somebody can walk in and then put the little stakes in like guideposts yeah and then we can even tie a little like one of those automatic things that travels down the wire really fast with a little note where you're like okay even if you're gonna die and evaporate or like even a camera right we can try sending that information back down that rope and see how far we get until we get to that origin point which is the lighthouse and if you don't make it that far then we still at least have something to go on right um that's possible as well
Starting point is 00:55:29 uh okay no that still for whatever reason let's say that method doesn't do it or you know for some reason kind of traveling with vehicles and then having an automatic retraction let's say for whatever reason that it's not gonna work with the mystery of this thing right uh what about if we literally went above it to the origin point and orbital dropped down to the center point where we know things are happening yeah parachute in right camera wouldn't work on its own because that you know a repel with the person tied to the repel go in go out like what if we
Starting point is 00:56:01 why the journey where we have to kind of walk through and take days and days to get to this origin point when we could possibly just fly over it and going down now here's the part about this right I'm starting this out on a completely wrong note right and I'm starting this out on a completely wrong note because I am giving you the literal I'm telling you literally what I made no sense in terms of yeah I got the impression reading up on it that there's a character plot line here with emotions yeah right so yeah it's the
Starting point is 00:56:33 you know the why didn't why didn't we drop why did we drop the ring into Mordor with the on the eagles back right because then the eagles would have turned evil so the important part to uh the important part to to break down here is despite all of that premise because none of that type of stuff happens right but like this the the the important part and the thing that this movie succeeds at is telling you a story not through the lens of what is literal but through the lens of what is metaphorical okay and through the lens of its themes right so uh the movie
Starting point is 00:57:05 is a series of events occurring to a character and a supporting cast and those supporting and the supporting cast in the character it's interesting because almost persona like in they're all flawed in different ways they all have their own tortured regret or past or things that have made them uh experience trauma and what we literally are seeing is the thematic journey of them walking
Starting point is 00:57:37 on foot forward into the threshold the point of no return that this that's represented by the shimmer and they're going on a physical journey and confronting themselves right and it's and it's so everything that happens literally is actually thematically the right thing to occur to show you how in a very persona like way you face yourself you live up to the truth you know and then your lizard brain is like shoot the bear with your gun
Starting point is 00:58:09 um yes it's a strange journey you might say yeah I would say that in fact I did say that earlier yeah so so so you have uh you have that that the fact that like this the movies literal events are not actually what matters it's the it's the thematic events that matter right and um and so what's happening right is that you get to these moments where you encounter like the alligator uh which
Starting point is 00:58:41 that was all right you encounter the bear which is a pretty decent cg monster like that was a cool moment you know like the bear was was the highlight that people tend to remember I remember little v was like I don't remember anything but the bear and I thought that shit was right got like cool skull thing going on big old skull bear thing happening to terrifying condemned freaky bear yeah freaky bears freaky hype bears hype good good but then you get to the end and then uh there's literally like on a technical level there's like there's a there's a cg alien like dance kind of it's fucking weird it's very weird but the cg is not great no it's not the cg is
Starting point is 00:59:13 very poor doesn't look good at all because the bear looked way better yeah and I was very like oh no this moment is being hurt by the fact that the cg is failing right now even though what it represents is thematically supposed to be interest important because it is the character learning to literally face them their shadow self embrace it and then uh um and then of course the the other part of this that is interesting is the part where um you know and and and like I I've seen the the the the the write-ups in the videos about this but it's like the part where the you know the allegory of the hero that goes into uh
Starting point is 00:59:47 goes on the adventure and comes home but they but they still feel like an outsider at home yeah because home is forever changed or they're forever changed and incompatible with home right right this movie goes against that and it subverts tropes and if anyone's been listening to woolly will figure it out you'll know that I love subverting tropes in fact I'm you love a subversion of your expectations I'm fucking predictable with when you when you subvert my expectations it's always a good movie so I'm gonna talk about that that's fine but what's happening is that this movie will has the character go through something where it's like they come out but they're because of their own flaws
Starting point is 01:00:19 the infidelity in particular in this relationship that you learn out learn about they are the cause of what made like so much of the pain occur with her and her husband and the supporting cast and she actually can't possibly return home unless there is a version of home that is now completely modified so the weird clone of her husband that exists is the only thing where that could happen to make her try to resume a normal life so that's fine then but it's actually bullshit because it's not real you know like but you're but you're choosing to
Starting point is 01:00:51 embrace a lie and live with that and thematically super on point with that right that's what it's going for and that's what works right you know what that reminds me of it's one of those tropes that always bugs me where you know when somebody gets transported to an ideal world and the characters go dude you gotta snap out of it it's not real it is extraordinarily rare for a character to go yeah but I'll live forever in an ideal world who cares if it's real
Starting point is 01:01:23 I can think of one time forever and it's fucking I got one right away it's Pantaliano in the matrix no it's what's their fucking what's the name of the show Twin Peaks with Dipper yeah summer camp Gravity Falls and Gravity Falls the character gets stuck in a fucking ideal world
Starting point is 01:01:55 obviously fake and they're like fuck it I don't care that it's fake this is the best thing ever Joe Pantaliano in the matrix says okay so you're gonna put me back in I don't want to remember nothing okay this steak remember that talk about the steak so he does it too I don't give a shit right so yeah that shit's awesome but anyway right so the movie is thematically functioning and the story is moving forward successfully in the way that is really metaphorical and in fact reminds me of Cloud Atlas
Starting point is 01:02:27 because Cloud Atlas is directed emotionally yeah right so it cuts from cut to cut on the emotional beat not the actual chronological beat to me what should happen a good movie should be able to take the literal and take the themes and the metaphor and blend them together successfully in a way that the events occurring are still sensical they're logical and you can follow what's happening and you agree
Starting point is 01:02:59 with the decisions and it all it needs is I know this is based on a book but all it needs is tighter writing around these events sounds like it's time for woolly to figure out how to make a better annihilation and then you marry that to thematic storytelling and metaphor and then when you have a super successful metaphorical journey and then a logical literal journey coming together you have an awesome film but when one of them works completely well and in brain
Starting point is 01:03:31 dead shitty like action movies it's just I've invented a problem and I've invented a solution go kill the bad guy yay the day is saved shallow and pointless right and people that don't dig deep into the meaning of movies or don't care about that whatever will never really care about that you can just enjoy that on the surface level and it's totally fine but sometimes movies go further with it and some and in this case this is a movie that's embracing the other side but completely throwing out the literal side so that you have to fully embrace the thematic but turn your brain off to the actual events occurring but the events occurring
Starting point is 01:04:03 are the most interesting part of the first reason why we walk into because the appeal of the story is the mystery behind the shimmer so I'm not going to sit here and say that the themes and whatnot are not successful in what they do but I am going to say that the literal part of the story that fails to you know moment to moment like I'm not even talking about the fact that like some of the characters like things like the tattoo moving are really cool and the character is having these freakouts in these ways where you're like okay that seems like it wouldn't be like why would this type of group of people
Starting point is 01:04:35 be put on this type of mission with this type of thing and you're like well okay because the people are all flawed to begin with and the journey is about flawed people and yes we would mentally assess to make sure that people going would need to be sound and not freak out and have these panic attacks but in this case we need the story of these flawed individuals and that's perfectly acceptable and it's the reason why it's going forward but you just you can't pretend that the two are not married together and that's the problem. I completely agree when you are making a piece of art regardless of whatever it is the thematic basis should blend with the practical reality of
Starting point is 01:05:07 it so if you were to make a big painting and the themes were about like counter culture with art and surrealism and shit it should also be a pretty picture unlike a bunch of children scribbles like say a Jackson Pollock painting. You really wanted to get into that. I was thinking for like the past ten minutes and you know what you found a transition. See if your shit's all themes but it's not a thing that people
Starting point is 01:05:39 like to look at or is even interesting to look at or satisfying in any way I guess you're a failure. So I'm someone who can understand I can understand that context matters in this way so I'm not jumping on this train with you. I'm still the same person that walked past the art studio when I saw like Matt I saw like the Matt's fine art studio area where they had the fucking McDonald's bag with the name tag on it as an entry where I'm just like get the fuck out of here and the classes where you have to talk
Starting point is 01:06:11 your way into a good grade. I am one of those people like let's fill people in for at home. I am one of those people that is pretty firm in the belief that most of the art world is just a money laundering operation and snobs that just like to stand around and smell their own farts. I mean did you catch the new Banksy? It's on a corner. It's on a wall and the poor guy doesn't know what to do with it but no. I think there's a threshold where
Starting point is 01:06:43 you're not smelling your own farts that you can appreciate something made with a certain context having a meeting and I'm totally on board for those situations. The funniest thing is that the first time I ever heard about Jackson Pollock and one of the reasons why I dislike him so much is that the first time I ever heard about him was in Seja when a teacher was telling us about him and my teacher was describing how he made the paintings and he was like you know I used to know a guy in Montreal I used to teach here who made something really similar but he had to stop because it was illegal and we're like what? It's like
Starting point is 01:07:15 oh because what he'd do is instead of dripping paint on a canvas he put a bunch of paint cans in front of a canvas and then he'd get an audience and then he'd just fire his pistol at the paint cans and try and paint that way and I'm like that's actually a pretty cool performance at least. Sure. But at the same time if you're just getting into the mentality where you're like art is getting a reaction out of somebody so I'm gonna stand in a Forever 21 and put SpaghettiOs into my vagina Oh you remember! Oh man!
Starting point is 01:07:47 Then I think we need to have a discussion. That's the ultimate! I think we need to have a discussion. Oh the SpaghettiOs! Because ultimately right I fully admit that to me that's real by the way. That's real by the way. To me, alright, I'm coming at this from the point of view of I was in a technical art program where we were learning commercial art, we were learning illustration, design, 3D and all kinds of stuff for literal work right purposes to get a job. Commercial art! And there was a level of disdain coming from
Starting point is 01:08:19 the fine art students who were doing it exclusively for the expression and the emotion and the craft and the sales and the job and the such were not to be considered in the process of art. And there was this absolute nose up you know. So those of you at home can't see? I mean get a big jerk off motion. Yeah there was a nose up feel there's a nose up vibe that we were just like holy fuck you know because you can feel that way about your art and your bullshit meanwhile we'll be over here learning this trade and learning these abilities and
Starting point is 01:08:51 rendering our learning how to draw a fucking blueprint for a house or whatever and then also if I choose to make a piece of art that has a commercial use I can put meaning into it because I'm not an idiot you know like I can make something that also has a meaning and marries a dollar for a piece of work does not deny meaning. I can marry the technical prowess and the impressive technical skill to the metaphor
Starting point is 01:09:23 of the theme that we want to explore the story as Eli would put it what is your story? I would like and it doesn't have to be one or the other. I would like to expand on that feeling slightly more. There are those many people that look at any form of expression that can be artistic right and decry that the instant that monetary value enters into it that means it cannot be real
Starting point is 01:09:55 or legitimate and therefore art or expression or trades accomplished for cash are therefore deserving of derision next to pure art. I'm doing big air quotes right? That includes this podcast YouTube videos, Twitch streams, singers painters, sculptors, people who
Starting point is 01:10:27 go animators. Animators who when the YouTube algorithm changed on them and made it so that no money was going to happen anymore the response came back like I thought you were just animating for the love of the craft. It's like motherfuckers people got to get paid. People got it. Not only did I literally have that argument with people while I was in school. Of course. You then went on to have that argument
Starting point is 01:10:59 in every subsequent profession you ever had. One of my teachers literally who was responsible for my grades subscribed to that school of thought. He's a teacher. He's using his art to make money. She literally stood there in the front of a classroom with desks and students that pay a tuition to keep her fucking rents going and held that
Starting point is 01:11:31 fucking died on that hill. Because again the technical class has to have a amount of fun. The classroom literally looked around at each other going is this happening? Your grades are tied to convincing this person. It was unbelievable. I have a very very biased, not great opinion towards that side of things. I remember knowing people that were
Starting point is 01:12:03 in the drama program at our SAJEP. Who would look down on the people that were going to go into the trade school like the fucking people that were going to plan to go be welders. It's like they're wasting their lives. People got a weld motherfucker. Looking down on a trade is so absurd. It was again it was like we had all
Starting point is 01:12:35 our technical drawing teachers and stuff and they were all great. Then we just had the design arts ones and one of them came in one time and was like my name is Dr. So-and-so. I am a doctor of arts and you will refer to me as Dr. So or Dr. So-and-so. I will not respond to miss or teach or this or that or name or name. We were just like oh this is going to be a good year. This is going to be a fucking good year.
Starting point is 01:13:07 We were set up for because these people are responsible for your grade and your graduation and ultimately your future. All that to say that I understand that side of things because I fucking I lived in it. I steeped in it for three years of my life but when it comes to making a movie like this and the part about this that definitely is going to bug people the most is the fact that it's like but if I walked out of it and I had a good positive association with that film. Doesn't that mean it's good movie? Doesn't that all that matters in the end and it's like well I don't I'm not trying to take that away from you
Starting point is 01:13:39 but I am saying that like you know after I guess I after I thought about it and then I thought about it a little bit more and then I put that out there and then people came back and then we kind of went forth because you know what sometimes first impressions aren't always going to be the lasting impressions right but you know despite the fact that the saying says that it's not always the case in this particular case like after getting through the like the actual subplot of the movie and seeing that there is this successful narrative based on metaphor and theme it completely doesn't address
Starting point is 01:14:11 the part of this where you're like yeah but you failed on the literal level you know and you don't always have to attempt a literal level I suppose but it would have been a better movie in my opinion if it did but the bear was cool. It's a somewhat complex thing it's like if your story succeeds emotionally but not logically you end up in a situation where it's like well what if you don't actually connect with the movie emotionally what if you don't subscribe to the message that's gone you know right it's like take
Starting point is 01:14:43 fuck let's take the opposite end of this spectrum and let's take a classic movie that I'm going to assume everybody listening to this podcast has seen once is Aliens right that is a fucking popcorn horror flick right action horror or what have you it everything in that movie makes sense from a logical perspective monsters scary run right yeah but it still manages to tackle themes of loss motherhood camaraderie I've been convinced I saw a
Starting point is 01:15:15 write up that was like Aliens literally addresses old world feminism versus new world feminism yeah sure and I was like I can already see it yeah that's the thing I was like I'm like okay hold on no wait hold on no you actually have a fucking point in Aliens I was like wow so yes 100% that's like regardless I odd popcorn flick and the climax of the movie is what the climax of the movie in Aliens is the lady get into a robot to fight
Starting point is 01:15:47 a bitch right but the context is the person who lost their child gets their life when they don't have to to defend a child that isn't theirs because of the attachment they have right that's a theme there's something going on there there was no need to in the service of the literal plot remove that emotional thread in fact the emotional thread improved it and it would be the same with annihilation I feel or is if even if the movie was say
Starting point is 01:16:19 80-90% emotional if the literal part of the narrative gel together a little bit it would probably have been more satisfying to you I think so and we could just sit here and list movies that successfully do both all day all boy all great movie alien you know what I mean like all these great films will do both at the same time and you go man on this level there's kiss but then on that level um you know and yeah it's just one of these ones and you know the last movie they made was
Starting point is 01:16:51 which I don't know if you saw but that's happening in Toronto right now well actually no it's not but yeah they shut it down shocker I mean it pretty much just a jerk hut it's just a jerk hut with dolls there's another object in the jerk hut like I want to see a city council meeting we're like listen everybody in here understands a whorehouse this is creeping us
Starting point is 01:17:23 it's just a terminology that freaked everybody out where they're just like no you can't have a real doll whorehouse well can we have a jerk hut with plastic things in it get out of my office cowards you can't stop it it's happening anyway yeah well it can happen over there motherfucker bring that shit out to Cal what if a bunch of real doll enthusiasts just happen to get together in an area and bring their real dolls
Starting point is 01:17:55 with them and just happen to be in the same place at the same time well that's their business flash mob it's just a jerk hut I hate that I've never heard that word before in my life I just made it up yeah that's probably why I never heard it and I hate it oh yeah so that's it man you know I can keep going with it but honestly we'll tap out there but that's kind of where I feel the issue is
Starting point is 01:18:27 if that still is grinding your gears and it still gets your goat then come at me bro I feel like annihilation really set the world on fire no but I did get a lot of really glowing recommendations to see it that's the worst and I took a while to get around to it but at the time if I saw it with all that hype up I would have probably been more upset but I gave it a lot of space and then came and came to it and that's kind of where I fell you know so that's it that's all but you know
Starting point is 01:18:59 I'm still on a hill and there's still 89.4% of y'all apparently it's down to 77% I checked while we were at it there is the user reviews the user reviews are at like 66 or so or whatever but I just like the idea of 89% coming up the mountain like fucking Mortal Kombat Annihilation Speaking of Mortal Kombat
Starting point is 01:19:31 I got to head down to play Mortal Kombat and hey from annihilation to Mortal Kombat to Mortal Kombat Annihilation to MK11 so I saw the so I saw a little bit of the footage the animation looks significantly improved yes that video specifically you can tell that everyone saw it everyone watched it and went oh we got a guy come on guys so they definitely fixed the mocap and gestures of the attacks I mean you know there's definitely going to be
Starting point is 01:20:03 some that I'm sure they'll be able to plot and go a little bit here a little bit there look at Cammie's fucking air throat exactly for the most part they they're not doing the usual Netherrealm wonky normals and wonky idle states the number one thing in all Mortal Kombat and Justice Games was that everyone's feet were like nailed to the floor the only one who's allowed to have an idle state like that is 12 everyone else is just too much movement happening there remember when we were playing D.O.A. and we were talking about
Starting point is 01:20:35 idle stances and one of us had picked Zach yeah and you said I think this is about as much as you're ever going to see a character move in their idle stance because he's all over the place because Eleanor is more or less standing in place while she moves around a lot Zach actually steps off and moves backwards and forwards to the point that he dips his torso buttons will whiff yeah yeah he actually keeps moving so Mortal Kombat 11 I'm going to be releasing a Woolly vs. video
Starting point is 01:21:07 on my full impressions of that and about an about an hour about 45 to an hour footage of some matches I played with true underdog gaming cool guy new buddy we met up just you know on the way to the event and went like hey yo yeah we do the thing I do the thing internet internet yeah and then of course I got there and saw video games and Max and the crew and we just you know we we all like talked and Xavier was there in his ridiculous Shao Kahn outfit
Starting point is 01:21:39 so fucking sick and I'm like yo gimme like anyway like I'm like I might have some cosplay ideas give me some connection give me to hook up but yeah you know I'll definitely elaborate a lot more going into the video and people who kind of tuned into Max's stream have gotten the feel for it but here's where we're at aesthetically it's beautiful it has the single coolest fatality I've ever seen number one power gap the rest
Starting point is 01:22:11 who's is it one of scorpions of course is the fucking teleport underneath it's the round the world you can see it in the trailer the round the world is the coolest fucking fatality they've ever done it's super fucking rad that's that the round arousie is Sonya sure whatever um the new character garrus I like him he's like a mother's alive without the mask on he's a cool time control man he's also
Starting point is 01:22:43 salamel he's all you know what I mean he's he's a lot of things I saw some bullshit involving that guy hey how much time is left on the clock is it under 30 seconds no it's 10 now oh what that is so crazy he sucks 30 seconds off the clock somebody watched the fighter pedia about time on the clock and you can literally add it back yeah you can you can do it once per round right so he does that or there's not timer scam affecting
Starting point is 01:23:15 moves where he quite literally can rewind time in terms of placement so he can uh he can wringo road again for those of you who knows what that means yeah uh he can enter the true man's world and uh you basically you can even if you're getting hit you can fucking just rewind time and roll it back because you save state right but it's a
Starting point is 01:23:47 four it's a persistent four second roll back uh so this is what like this is what you can do it's fucking cool man um and then uh scarlet looks really cool scarlet's back part of the main cast now part of the main cast uh we saw a lot of what's going to look what that roster is going to look like based based on the soft confirms in the bet behind the scenes trailers and so on and so forth we saw like a little tease for cabal saw Cassie she mentions katana you know uh Shao Kahn obviously like a lot of shit is out there and so it's like yeah it's shaping up
Starting point is 01:24:19 you know who the new villain is uh crow chronica or crow or something like that like some time travel time travel girl yeah yeah uh i'm not happy with all this time travel time travel is the name of this is the way to put the name of the thing and in the behind the scenes trailer you see uh old luke hang fighting new new evil luke hang oh okay we're gonna have lots of it then huh yeah it's going it's going uh but anyway the the the thing about it though the the craziest
Starting point is 01:24:51 what's actually nuts is what they're doing to the systems and like again uh check the video out for full elaboration but the short version is that they're doing crazy shit like um uh uh okay so x-rays are now no longer tied to any meter they're tied to your life bar you get them before you die and uh when you get them you use them but they once you use it and it lands it's gone forever okay so you get one per match and if you whiff it it comes back
Starting point is 01:25:23 in five seconds okay it's weird but what they did is they put it on a cooldown like a moba ability right you have meter your meter is now split into offense and defense two bars each yeah so the it's not then it's not like all breakers and then exes it's like no there's your exes on your offense and there's your wake up and defensive options on your defense and each takes from each but when you spend it and wait it comes back
Starting point is 01:25:55 what because it's not meter it's a stamina bar so you actually literally have stamina to do ex moves not so you're gonna be using a lot of ex moves you're going to turtle and wait for it to come back and then use it again okay so there's that also running is gone good also no that's not good uh also forward momentum is don't like running and more calm yeah well here's the problem
Starting point is 01:26:27 forward momentum is it's a lot harder to get in zoning is now stronger than ever because moving forward is a challenge uh you cannot really move in very quickly outside of a side B type move which sometimes is very dangerous and vulnerable to use some characters have teleports and can find ways to just kind of do that in but ultimately there's a level of we want this to not be about like uh the pace that mk9 or mk10 was at we want to slow it down and make it a bit more footsie oriented which is an interesting decision because that's definitely a street fighter thing
Starting point is 01:26:59 so Mortal Kombat kind of went its own way with it and now it's kind of going back to this kind of footsie based street fighter type counter poke thing where it's short it's very low and a series of decisions as opposed to like you know kind of what mk9 and 10 were going into so this feels a bit like a new weird street fighter but also crush counters and hybrid um injustice zoning mix I guess my question there is like does the feel of the buttons is it appropriate for footsies because you have mk's pretty stiff
Starting point is 01:27:31 you now have poke buttons but it's still a little stiff and you have a sort of parry system now and a sort of short hop system now but ultimately the main problem is that like if the game rewards you for walking back and laming it out and getting that meter back and it makes it very hard to walk forward so you have a very uh zoning and defense heavy game right now and I don't see uh that unless they design characters in a way that they're meant to it's meant to like
Starting point is 01:28:03 get around that completely it's a very weird choice and I think online is going to possibly be a nightmare because everyone's going to be walking back and zoning and everyone's going to just like lame is the way because you're rewarded for like taking your shot with all your resources and waiting for them to come back for free um now if you have a teleport or a way of subzero sliding in and punishing that stuff then do it right but what if you don't but like the situations where if you fuck it up and don't and you get crush countered basically it's called a crushing blow and stuff like that so you know and then you have more forward moving
Starting point is 01:28:35 normals and such but again it's a bit of a weird decision so that's what they're doing they want the game to feel a little different I'll elaborate a lot more in the video that's not what I said yep in fact Netherrealm Studios is good at listening to feedback so if anything they're gonna possibly turn it around but remember this was announced at the video game awards we're seeing it for the first time now and it's coming out in April that's that's too late to make big ass changes of a turnaround compared to most other fighting games but that's a mortal combat take it from woolly madden yes sure bad game or don't whatever
Starting point is 01:29:07 there was a really cool first Mortal Kombat game so the whole they like uh one of the gifts they gave on the way out was a really cool hourglass yeah and uh that was fun with the with the emblazoned logo so I was like yay thank you for that that's cool um but shout out to WB Games for that because that was a fun time and I'm glad they were super good about like just getting people in to try out this new thing you know and it feels like they have not a lot of time to get the word out there so they really want to and it sounds like they're doing uh they're doing it you know
Starting point is 01:29:39 they're putting the Paul's doing his job uh Paul marketing you mean that's what I mean yeah uh so there's that and then yeah yeah sorry we're running long so I don't want to fucking go into it well that's fine I can blow through mine as well I would like to take a five minute break at some point because yeah I'm gonna piss my pants that's no problem so I'll just wrap up very quickly and say that uh the um some stuff worth pointing out one uh the uh I wrapped up
Starting point is 01:30:11 Ahegao Academy on stream you wrapped it up well hit an ending oh wow yeah uh things did not go as expected and uh like that game is is hilarious and uh it went and did not go as expected so another attempt is gonna be happening to continue to see if like we can get things to go the way we expected um I've caught wind that there's been a patch ever since uh the stream yeah there's the woolly patch as Rills put it so really yeah so I'm looking forward to seeing what changes with that
Starting point is 01:30:43 I played assault spy which is uh that briefcase game yeah it's Minato Arisato with a briefcase doing action in in yeah I own that I haven't I haven't hopped in yet though and um there's ideas that I like I just said them on stream but I'm just like man I wanted they wanted to make a thing that had elements of this but oh well I guess it will never happen uh but the game is really really good and it take it literally just there's a point where it's doing these like devil may cry well specifically DMC inspired things
Starting point is 01:31:15 and other things that are really interesting but then you see parts where it just goes oh no we're just gonna call that move judgment cut oh yeah like our dimension slash rather like we're not even going to fucking it's an homage yeah there's an action there's just a lunar phase and I'm like oh is that yeah that's lunar phase that's trick that's so you're like okay cool uh game's really fun and really good um it's a little there's only thing about it is that like running around in neutral while you're not sprinting there's a sprint button when you're not sprinting running around in neutral little little stiff in some ways you know but I think it's kind of just like
Starting point is 01:31:47 I don't know a little bit of it's just budget you're just feeling the budget you know you feel the budget of the game a little bit but it's still a really fun character action game and and uh it's got these wacky dangin rampa-esque uh uh hijinks going on it's got some tiggle anime bitties oh yeah hell's yeah and it's got them with the little line it's got the it's doing it the what the little line it's got it's doing the thing I we went into it on the stream but it's like it's like the there's like you can have a straight curve yeah or you can have a curve and then like a little indentation because it's tight oh yeah okay
Starting point is 01:32:19 it's got the good lines the good lines so we went full fucking weave on it we went full on anime titties and it was a good time and I'm gonna absolutely be going back to that over on wally versus on the stream um and uh I guess I'll move this to the docket because there's one that I just there's a really cool thing that I think we should bring up uh yeah and you know what I'll tap out there okay well we'll just take a quick second you folks listening to the audio version home won't even notice anything absolutely not
Starting point is 01:32:51 um but with the end of my week if you want to check out those streams or more of uh catamari damashii or jojo steven stand user or zone of the enders you can head on over to wally versus and uh see more of that we'll take a quick BRB and we will BRB oh they can see you walking in they can see it happening they can see it happening this is more embarrassing than it's oh god
Starting point is 01:33:23 oh no in he goes please close the door thank you all of you it's it's off splash some water on my face lovely now we're back we're back right now we are back oh no ah hey man what up you feel it refreshed a little bit I splashed water on my face too is that what it is yeah it's but you know you know it's
Starting point is 01:33:55 piss it's piss I splashed piss on my face I mean I don't know how close your face is to the bowl but it's closer than yours uh so yeah anyway um that was me how was you uh I didn't do uh nearly as much or as interesting but I did play two games one old and one new though they both feel very old I took a look at the onamusha remaster
Starting point is 01:34:27 and or re yeah it's a remaster and I had a situation in which I played it for like 10 minutes and was like ooh this didn't age very well because the the pre-rendered backgrounds are not nearly as high fidelity as I remember like they're considerably lower fidelity than say a reasonable remake which I actually released first I've been hearing good things and I was like oh man the isn't timing is just impossible and then I
Starting point is 01:34:59 picked up again a second time later on stream and I was like oh that's why all the timing and all it all felt weird because I had I didn't get far enough to get my bug arm in my gross bug arm that lets you do which is the instant kill attacks and it is a relic it is a weird game from a weird time and aside from its own sequels there is very literally nothing else like onamusha at all it is a pre-rendered backdrop resident evil tank controlling
Starting point is 01:35:31 our 3D controlling version game now with samurai sword action and it's a decent beat em up and environment like crawler is any of that based on the idea that it's close to what you know but it's not what you know therefore it bugs you no because I really feel like I really liked onamusha back in the day a lot of it is that onamusha 2 onamusha to onamusha 2 is similar but not quite as extreme as the difference between zone of the enders
Starting point is 01:36:03 and zone of the enders the second runner like onamusha 2 is a much much better game wow that is much longer and has a lot more mechanical depth onamusha 1 is still fun it's just it's pretty simple in a lot of ways but probably the coolest thing about this remaster is the additional controls they've added so I heard that you don't have to choose between which controls you want because they're both available on the control they are both available at all times that's really smart is tank controls
Starting point is 01:36:35 like it used to be which I personally with this game is actually probably like a better way to fight but not to navigate the environment because the tank controls when you're locked onto an enemy your controls are relative to the enemy when you move left right up and down so if you're doing discrete directions compared to analog movement seems to help a lot with like dodging and stuff like that but in terms of purely navigating the environment the analog stick 3D controls are pretty superior
Starting point is 01:37:07 so I find myself switching between the two quite often were you playing in English or Japanese? I was playing in English which has just horrific awful voice acting I heard the Japanese new dialogue is great so they re-recorded some of it a bunch of the music in the game is completely new and the reason for that with the voice actors I'm going to assume it's a royalty issue or people are dead
Starting point is 01:37:39 for the music it's because a lot of the music was allegedly composed but it was actually big stolen or improperly composed by that Capcom the thief guy? yeah the thief guy so they fucking ripped it all out and put new music in what's the deal with these legendary games with asshole composers I don't know man musicians are dirtbags what can I say that's the only explanation I got
Starting point is 01:38:07 but uh game is pretty fun game has some definite like asinine old video game shit there's this long puzzle sequence that just results in instant death if you fuck up at any point and it kicks you back to a checkpoint like 5-10 minutes earlier but it's a pretty good game and it's super weird and I appreciate it more than I love it
Starting point is 01:38:39 I love Onamusha 2 and I really hope they bring that out next you're the first negative I've heard about it well it's weird because I played that game when it came out and I really liked it then but there are some bummers about this port the pc versions very bare bones all the additions that were added to Genma Onamusha on the xbox did not come over I heard about that yeah how long is it? it's quite short
Starting point is 01:39:11 it's a resident evil style length so it's 6-10 hours I guess yeah you probably blow through it in 5 but Issen is a when you attack an enemy right before they're about to hit you it's almost like a parry timing it will result in this big flashy slash that usually kills enemies in one hit or at least it's massive damage that's an awesome mechanic and it is the game's like most interesting feel good part of the entire game by far
Starting point is 01:39:43 they added it's one of those things where you started with persona 3 but going back to older games now you would go oh god I can't go back to like say I can't go back to not being able to choose what skills my demons inherit you know having to do the random shit you feel it you feel it there's a change they made to Issen in the second
Starting point is 01:40:15 game where you could where if you held r1 to enter the lock on you would charge up your blade and then if you got 3 charges and then Issen the guy you could then keep hitting the attack button to chain Issen everyone within range and you could do it to bosses too and it just added so much and it was the coolest fucking thing in the world and not having that in one
Starting point is 01:40:47 even though it never was a feature in one feels like it's missing it's still a good game it's just very old and I am so much more in love with 2 that I'm like 3 and it's intro have terminally had me interested in this game I just never went in and I would have just jumped into 3 but I was like no don't be an asshole play this fucking game so I do want to play one and I actually want to LP it at some point one's a cool game and if you haven't played it you absolutely should
Starting point is 01:41:19 I just warn you of one particular detail it has the worst ending of any capcom game I can think of the ending is the biggest in like limp hand job in a parking lot let down sorry frost walrus just fucking skated by my window it's kind of nuts out there is it like a immediately pop into and it's all fine type of situation
Starting point is 01:41:51 is it a cliffhanger or a bad ending cliffhanger that is so bad not just because it's a whore it's literally describing zoe one it's literally zoe one except you don't get to fight him at all wow that sucks the final boss walks down a staircase looks at you
Starting point is 01:42:23 and then it fades to black and then that scene is never resolved into your playing a different character and the boss is alive so I guess the hero lost but then three shows up and samanosuke is fine so you're like no but what like what happened and fuck that sucks it's terrible is there some production explanation as to why they fucked it up so not that I'm aware of damn that sucks it was supposed to be a lead out of money boy I don't know but it's terrible it's like they build it up like it's going to be the final boss too and then it's not and it's like
Starting point is 01:42:55 okay the game is really cool and more than anything it's just like I bought that game so that Onamusha 2 would happen because Onamusha 2 is one of Capcom's best games of the era that a lot of people don't know about because these are weird pre-rendered hack and slash action adventure games but three is the peak right no two and three it's just the intro two no no two and three don't know occupy that place that persona three and four
Starting point is 01:43:27 and seven where they are both so good but they are fundamentally different in a bunch of very important ways so people are gonna oh no mega man two and three there's sonic two and three yeah mega man two and three yeah yeah got it they're both fucking fantastic but they're not the same people that are gonna swear by two I want this or I want that yeah got it got it I can't tell you which one I prefer okay both the shit and three in the modern era will
Starting point is 01:43:59 scale a lot better because it's 3D so it'll look a lot better yeah I want to find out I really do that's cool okay and knowing that five hours is pretty good and two you get to fight the final boss yeah are they all about that length no two and three are way longer actually two and three are like twice as long as one which is weird okay and two has a lot of replay value two has an entire like character sub-story system in which
Starting point is 01:44:31 you get to like choose one of five other heroes that you hang out and you'll play through their sections and there's all these isn't that also like dawn of what dawn of yeah multiple viable for dawn of dreams is bad on a musha dawn of dreams is bad and I'm blaming ono for that but red main character got replaced with blue main character so he sucks dude he's great in tatsunoko yeah but he sucks
Starting point is 01:45:03 in his own game that's such a shame man he is a charisma vacuum all right you know who's not a charisma vacuum jpeg dog yeah who has unfortunately passed away oh that dog was a dog of the developers confirmed that yes but that thing took off that took off way stronger than I expected a googly was telling me that the I don't like that it's called jpeg dog though yeah you should call it ace dog no it's it's a jpeg man
Starting point is 01:45:35 ace dog regardless it's combat seven came out is a good woofer so before I continue with any part of this conversation he looks like a good boy he does look like a good boy the best part about it by the way is in that cutscene it is two completely different dogs that are both jpegs it is clearly is there anything else on the planet like ace combat's cutscenes no and that like and that's Tekken Tekken 7s I suppose so like well what is your personal experience with ace combat I've watched my old
Starting point is 01:46:07 roommate play some of them okay but so you're aware that ace combat like real ass ace combat is the weirdest thing ever it is so fucking bizarre it takes place in Jackson Pollux America yeah no no no no not Jackson Pollux fucked David Lynch no he does all the like the perfect perfect like a Boy Scouts paintings and stuff oh Norman Rockwell Norman Rockwell it takes place
Starting point is 01:46:39 it takes place in Norman Rockwell's I can see that that's that's what ace combat is with danger zone yeah there's a war zone out there but so wholesome to those of you who don't know I'm gonna assume because ace combat is somewhat niche ace combat is a 20 year old flight sim slash arcade playing game that do you remember does everyone remember how we all made fun of that drive club interview yeah in which the man walked up to the car and asked everyone how much they wanted to fuck these
Starting point is 01:47:11 cars now imagine if instead of cars it was planes right but now instead of a sim it's an arcade shooter somewhere in between after burner and flight simulator and instead of dry British Monaco Grand Prix announcement it is game after game after game of overly sincere absurd melodrama
Starting point is 01:47:43 the way ace combat stories are told is so dramatic and so sincere and emotional it is it is the weirdest but it is also emotion less a little bit a little bit and I discovered why those stories are so weird or at least the good ones when I was streaming it because I was explaining so an ace combat are many games that have a story so Tekken 7
Starting point is 01:48:15 terrible story mode right same folks right no not the same folks no no why does it feel so much like it then I don't know but maybe it's Namco culture but it's definitely different people weird okay but so you have the a plot of Tekken which is the Zaibatsu and the Mishima and Kizuya and Heachi and they hate each other family values but then you have the B plot which is the journalist traveling around trying to find out stuff about the Mishima
Starting point is 01:48:47 heritage and whatnot right in ace combat 7 let's take that as an example because the new one you have the plot which is Eruzia has invaded Osea with an army of drones because they've taken over the space elevator right which one's America I'm not sure okay they all appear to be America okay except for Belkin right so there's plot one and plot two
Starting point is 01:49:19 is mechanic girl with a busted leg has become a prisoner of war and is working on a criminal base used as a decoy and reminisces about the old days with her grandpa and talking with his old flying buddies plot number three is old man ace pilot with his granddaughters helping build the drones and reminiscing about his fallen kingdom that was absorbed into his current country and how he's dying every time he goes out onto the plane
Starting point is 01:49:51 right the sea plot is the war and you flying the plane and shooting down people yeah okay the A plot is mechanic girl that never gets into a plane after the first cutscene talking to people about being a prisoner and talking to this loser who's into conspiracy theories and what the true color of the sky does the color of the sky mean anything
Starting point is 01:50:23 to you because to me it means a hell of a lot and that is a weird sentence isn't it because it's all weird sentences because it's fucking weird so you have a big old top gun battle where you lose your comrades and shit blows up and then after your mission is over it cuts to a girl looking at a photo on a desk and the sky and doesn't it all acknowledge what just happened and it does a slow pan over CG models that aren't moving and we just don't talk about
Starting point is 01:50:55 the part where like half of your squad got wiped out so do you know how many of your comrades died back there so it's on the brain I'm gonna drop an early game spoiler it's like mission 4 out of 20 because it is it is it's the only part of the story that has to do with your character at all right and it is fascinating it is so wild you go on the mission to rescue the former president because he's been taken hostage in the space elevator
Starting point is 01:51:27 the mission is going relatively well the former president has gotten on a helicopter and they're flying out of the war zone right but oh no some drones are getting real close to the president's helicopter you're gonna have to take those drones out so you lock on to one of the drones and you fire and then the screen goes black and then the cutscene of your missile hitting the president's chopper goes off and your squadmates are like did you just fucking kill
Starting point is 01:51:59 the president oh my you're gonna get court-martialed and then the remainder of the story is you get court-martialed and imprisoned for assassinating the former president in a friendly fire accident and then the story goes from there it's crazy what the fuck it's wild it's so nuts and then jpeg dog is there and then jpeg dog i mean like you could just be arcade dog fighting
Starting point is 01:52:31 like after burner where it doesn't matter you're making points but then woolly we're gonna have to take it to the enemy because of their terrible arsenal birds which are the giant two three kilometer wide stealth bombers that fire drones and their aerial aircraft carriers and the rail gun tunnel and all this magical fucking bullshit that you're gonna have to do star wars shit in you mean the bosses from our type yes okay yes i yeah and that's
Starting point is 01:53:03 that's why it's the strange reel because it's you're flying dude you're flying a mig you're flying a f-14 super tomcat lovingly detailed in every plane fucking way now death star trench run with that plane you president killing criminal like ace combat is so nuts it's so nuts but it's always really good it's always really really good except for sol horizon the only game they ever made that took place in the real world with real locations
Starting point is 01:53:35 oh it is a really good game it is really fun to fly the planes it the multiplayer is pretty decent there's a lot of cool lovingly crafted planes to unlock so far the story has been alternatively a riot and a hyper emotional soap opera and of a larger note than any of those things is holy shit the music is incredible always always always
Starting point is 01:54:07 is unbelievable ace combat as a franchise is absolutely amongst the best of all time musically i will always always dig into that well it is the mission in the game with you just flying in like blue skies and clouds taking out generic guys has this massive swelling operatic and it's oh my god go any woolly versus intro almost
Starting point is 01:54:39 i'm like i'm all over that it's so fucking good i played a bunch of them and this is the this is this one stands out even amongst former ace combat game and it's it's funny because the missions the missions in this game compared to most video games are insanely long they are 15 to 25 minutes long and if you die you often start over and they're pretty difficult and the whole time the music is so good and the control of
Starting point is 01:55:11 the ship right is so on point and feel so good it they hit that perfect sweet spot between sim and arcade that it's great it is it is a kind of game that is somewhat niche but i would still recommend that everyone try because this is hey do you want to play a dog fighting game yeah play as combat because why would you play anything but ace combat well you're not playing tom clancy's hawks seven so i did play that notice i did play that and it had an
Starting point is 01:55:43 interesting thing in terms of the planes movement in high speed turns but that's it but that's it yeah yeah right no it it fucking just yeah a good old dog fighting game they're like there's these there's two n64 ones there's a macros one and there was a i forgot the other one like i think it's something skies or skies or something it's slipping my mind at the moment but blazing skies no no it's another thing it'll come up but fucking ace combat is one of the only one that i know that's still going strong
Starting point is 01:56:15 but you know and this one year or like not year to year but it's just it's fucking like i remember specifically twice or when i did the intro for scrub lords and when i did the intro for table lords in both cases scrubbing through like a five minute long incredible track and i'm like i only where do i cut this i only need 15 seconds of it but it's all amazing and it was the hardest thing in the world to settle on and a moment you know uh yeah
Starting point is 01:56:47 it is so um the game is fantastic it's a great place to start and i should mention that if you do get a version of this aero fighters assault that's what it if you do get a version of ace combat seven try it out or to you know give it your support definitely get the playstation version oh because the playstation version if you buy the deluxe edition which is only 60 bucks comes with ace combat five remastered which is
Starting point is 01:57:19 another fantastic ace combat okay so it's not about performance no it's about you get another game okay okay okay yeah okay and ace combat five is fantastic so that's the one to get because obviously um yeah it's a really simple game so there's not that much i have else say about it other than the story is hilarious and touching in a weird way the game plays great and it sounds unbelievable i'm a little bit busted though because i always
Starting point is 01:57:51 will never will have the memory of um played uh afterburner climax in the fucking arcade and that fucking that seat picking up and just shooting you on a fucking ride i'm like i don't have a big moving seat i like the feeling of the big crazy stupid seat afterburner climax is the shit but yeah man i know i i get it you know it's like it's it's it's a weird it's so weird because i really feel like it is the literally only
Starting point is 01:58:23 fighting game like of the tight like dog fighting game that has come out like five years yeah the last one i feel like was crimson skies was the salt horizon ace combat six okay like crimson skies was a million years ago you know um yeah like all those other games were a million years ago like you just don't get them i feel like everyone got out of the way because this team just what you're gonna beat ace combat i mean it's incredibly specific genre and sadly once upon a time we would say starfox but we don't say that anymore
Starting point is 01:58:55 yeah because they didn't really make starfox game because fucking starfox multiplayer was like i had almost as much time clocked in on that as i did smash brothers yeah it was stupid how much starfox we played and the winner fought for the rumble pack yeah i will say one thing about ace combats multiplayer is that it's not just because the single player because the nature of dog fighting in that system is that other players are really really maneuverable it is incredibly difficult to get a real lock
Starting point is 01:59:27 on people that know how to like 180 the plane on a dime oh man fighting the i fought i did the mission where you fought the ace in ac7 the ace every game has the ace the enemy ace that shows up right so first of all the dudes doing 180 degree turns and impossible g maneuvers shit your plane can't do okay great and then you get a lock on him and then your plane gets hit by lightning
Starting point is 01:59:59 goes out and then you are periodically hit by lightning during the fight as you're trying to dogfight this guy it's so amazing that's so cool it's so awesome yeah fuck god nothing like a good fucking dogfight man yeah regardless of whether or not you're in planes well because it's the closest thing to that episode no i meant in mechs i meant in not i'm like michael vicks dog star cross the
Starting point is 02:00:31 was a long time ago we moved past that but yes yes although like in real life the closest thing to actual mech battles is dog fighting easily yeah that's where you gotta love it yeah man yeah absolutely in there and where can people find more oh they could find more of me i'm pat by the way over at slash angriest pat this week the schedule is a little goofy so usually i do tuesday to friday
Starting point is 02:01:03 8 to 8 p.m. eastern to whatever this week's gonna be goofy because i'm gonna be doing a weekend for sure a bunch and i'm probably gonna be starting the stream in friday afternoon and taking like tuesday wednesday thursday off because resin evil 2 is coming out on friday is it now and yes it is and i am going to go hard on that until i don't want to go hard on it anymore so i don't really plan
Starting point is 02:01:35 on streaming or working seven days in a row or 12 days in a row so probably not gonna see me tuesday wednesday maybe even thursday but friday afternoon assuming i don't get the game early somehow i will see you guys with resin evil 2 i'll be playing as claire first that's over at slash angriest pat okay uh so come on capcom i sent the emails come on buddies
Starting point is 02:02:07 yeah they responded to the first email that's already better than usual much better than usual that's okay usually hey woolly you send in fucking emails and tweets to companies to fucking you know hey hey guys right not really oh you don't know i actually haven't because the most disappointing one is when they get to you after the game came out and they're like oh totally let's do something and you're like
Starting point is 02:02:38 the game came out too yeah yeah i hear that uh okay so first i want what's in the news to point out some news yeah that'll do that'll do yeah so first up in the news is just full on full on shout out and shill for something amazing yeah uh that a friend is working on uh-huh you may have caught wind
Starting point is 02:03:10 of one rice pirate mick working on literally what he is calling his own part of jojo's bizarre adventure oh yeah i saw this because he just went fuck it i'm making my own jojo i'm gonna just do it so a chapter zero test scene like was put out and it is non-canon it is just an example of like how it's still pretty good and it is basically
Starting point is 02:03:42 literally his own jojo and it's called blood son vendetta that's a pretty good it's fucking strong and non-canon it's basically just him animating with it's got the music and he's got he's got like some great voice acting on board we've got like designs on point and you just are looking at literally mick doing his own fucking world with a really good stand idea
Starting point is 02:04:14 and a really good like feel for the way the show flows and like the art is it's so interesting because when you're watching it you're like the way you know it's not an actual episode is because the art is sharper than the actual show is the detailing in the episode he put up in the mini episode is tighter than it is in the actual show jojo's bizarre adventure but it also doesn't have tweening it kind of is like a motion comic in a way but fuck is it on point
Starting point is 02:04:46 so i absolutely just want everyone to know i want everyone to know about this and the fact that he's working on it you can go to youtube and go to check out rice pirate's channel and watch episode zero zero zero of blood sun vendetta it's it's fucking great and there's a there's a double like version yeah i'm like i'm looking at we're looking at the subtitle version now but like there's a there's a dubbed version with test
Starting point is 02:05:18 voice recording and again like it's super duper on point so um yeah i don't know i don't know if you've seen or heard but it's like he it's the same person who made that pink jojo shirt that i wear or that's time you know like and we you know did like the sleepy cabin cast a while ago and stuff so um if you want all that jojo goodness go check out blood sun vendetta uh yeah and
Starting point is 02:05:50 say sorry i'm just i'm just really quickly googling because i i believe he like set up a uh like a patreon or something like that uh let me just very very quickly research oh yeah totally rice pirate is is creating blood sun vendetta on patreon so uh type a combination of those words in yeah patreon there for sure patreon rice pirate so if you want if you want to fucking you know contribute and the cool thing too is that like it like looking at the way this kind of like um the way this kind of is playing out it
Starting point is 02:06:22 seems like you can actually like if you just look at the credits and stuff this is actually playing out in such a way where uh if you wanted to like the name jojo's bizarre adventures not actually like on the main logo or anything it's kind of just like we are the we're like based in this world but if you wanted to rip every possible thing out he could and just call it blood sun vendetta isolated and then people would just side eye and be like really yeah yeah but he got his credits looking like fucking jojo credits and like one of my favorite parts is like after you go through this whole
Starting point is 02:06:54 amazing like inking in my and looking art then things sort of fade away to reveal jojo so gotta take that out yeah in case i i mean i i don't i i don't know what's gonna happen like that's that's the one thing is like the idea of making your own legally distinct jojo and hoping to not getting trouble for it is like little dicey little dicey not gonna lie but i hope i hope it goes far the thing is of course is that to put that level of effort into episodes is gonna fucking take a while
Starting point is 02:07:26 so we shall see and yeah what was i you feel i feel like you're stuck sorry i was really i was i was multitasking i was talking while looking up but um yeah uh i was trying to get the list but like kira buckland absolutely fucking in there of course killing it so shout outs here is becoming anime yes if not already is yes so that is awesome always happy to see come on
Starting point is 02:08:00 joleen oh god please please please i'll put my vote in that and also come on uh shoko nakagawa for the intro song she did the um she's a super hyper jojo fan she sang uh sorairo days for groin lagann yep and she did one of the meanest sickest covers of sonochino sadame and i need her for joley for for part for part six yes agreed um so there was that
Starting point is 02:08:32 uh there was mk11 we already talked about that yeah so that's fine uh we can absolutely fucking take a look at the fact that uh there has been an announcement for the guilty gear 20th anniversary edition fuck yeah let's rock i remember guilty gear coming out fuck including guilty gear the original game i you know i always used to say by your side but it's not it's just called the missing link
Starting point is 02:09:04 i believe um guilty gear one guilty gear double x guilty gear one a bad game a broken ass fucking moogan game yes uh but a legacy was born from this but then again a legacy was born from street fighter one okay but imagine if marvel started at marvel two oh man imagine where we'd be right now i would be in the future it'd be like that's what i'm that's what guilty gear is guilty gear so good now because it started at marvel two oh no that's the franchise it they
Starting point is 02:09:36 like you didn't start i'll never forgive them for taking away a fucking bike and stability do that move on the ground or taking away cliff cliff is so broken cliff is so cool oh man so cool cliff is so broken yeah yeah what a franchise what a what a fucking adventure uh but so we're looking at guilty your 20th anniversary edition coming out for the switch including guilty gear one guilty gear double x and accent core plus r so uh you're getting guilty gear
Starting point is 02:10:08 two you're getting everything uh you're getting the full legacy of the story and uh you're getting it all the way up to the best and latest version uh which is uh you know like i said you gotta hit him with the plus r sometimes you know every once in a while when it's not normal racism you hit him with the plus r that's a negative emblem oh shit uh yeah 20 years man 20 years um i feel like johnny still hasn't been arrested
Starting point is 02:10:40 johnny is still a virgin uh thank goodness i i am like one of those people that is like i feel like i've walked microsoft microsoft microsoft's path uh in that like i have firmly i've always admired guilty gear from a distance and then i got in a little bit and then toes and then toes but street fighters fucking street fighter man and it just wormed its way in slowly and now it's just on my brain
Starting point is 02:11:12 and like i think about playing it when i'm not playing things and that hasn't happened to me in a long time guilty gear is a great fighting game eggzerd fucking gets under my skin i need it's so fun don't worry persona 5 rumble will be announced soon well let's you can just replace that with your heart rumble racing reimagined retelling what what's the fucking our stand for what are we doing here because now we have
Starting point is 02:11:44 the official confirmation persona 4 5 r has a trailer next information is in march but we don't actually know what the fuck the r is a trailer there's nothing it's one of those trailers nothing okay well can we possibly get excited for the fact that it's a new rendering of downtown shinjuku that could mean anything or is it shibuya shibuya yeah what the what the fucking building march yeah but it's new it's a new render right fucking
Starting point is 02:12:16 hate the way atlas does all of their media stuff ever persona 5 royal uh huh by the way did you see footage of a last survivor there's 10 minutes out of this really bad yeah i watched i saw in fact last week when we first brought it up it had like about 10 minutes available yeah fucking they turn everyone stands in the guns which is the worst thing
Starting point is 02:12:48 because the moment it started and i was like oh wait it's battle royale so you have to do this hiding thing and little footsteps and what not and that's not very jojo you know jojo is i'm up in your face and now we're choosing how to puzzle our way out of this battle so or haha i coughed on your breakfast you're gonna die of a disease now whatever man it's it's just to fight those gunslinger arcade strato setups you know but uh yeah this thing is is i don't know what it but clearly if it has a new asset for downtown or maybe it's just for the trailer maybe i'm reading too
Starting point is 02:13:20 hard into it but like maybe it's not just a re-release maybe it's a different spinoff yeah i'm just glad the dancing spinoff is already out of the way so i can't be hit with that disappointment it can't be hit you can't be hit with that twice i would i would flip my lid if it's persona 5 driving all afternoon racing no i said driving all afternoon i mean yeah that name came when we played it and it was there but like when you like you know when you throw r on any other
Starting point is 02:13:52 franchise it automatically means racing you know what no it's persona 4 persona 5 r rated and it's pornography all the s-links end in pornography they already do yeah when are we getting SMT dancing all night when are we getting that shit atlas do a dance battle against yaoi and he just spins his head yes absolutely keep the beat going as the world ends
Starting point is 02:14:24 as demons conquer tokyo for real reels dance keep the beat perfect all right nailed it you get one chance to answer this question correctly who's the dj is there a dj yes steven jack frost ho it's jack frost but think about steven
Starting point is 02:14:56 you know steven's a secret boss in SMT apocalypse i believe it he gets out of his chair he stands up but yeah no he got better how fucking steven holy shit he's the dj to me oh man he's the god damn dj i invented the dj summoning program here you go kids
Starting point is 02:15:28 fucking cute apocalyptic tokyo we talked about ace combat and that is that surprise surprise more dragon ball games are coming one's gonna be a rpg of some kind and it's saying this is gonna depict a never before expressed nostalgic and new dragon ball world boy that's gonna be a fucking trash game well the render of the character looks pretty good
Starting point is 02:16:00 so far yeah that's a 3d model we're looking at um this game's gonna be bad yeah well you know it's the annual you know but hey they also basically said sagas to and jiren and jiren and fighters alongside the announcement i mean look we've been over this a couple times and i'm saying this as an outsider anyway but like how fucking great would it be to have that full rpg modern day budget experience but not for dragon ball
Starting point is 02:16:32 not dragon ball see it'd be the shit it'd be the fucking shit think about that world holy shit that ball dude just grew two extra arms there's a dinosaur over there i want to go fight it yeah like dragon ball no i'm being attacked by illegally distinct jackey tune dragon ball not z yeah is a fucking rpg already because it's about the world you know so the fact that we have to go back to z because it's the big money maker is like ah it'd be so cool to really explore that younger goku
Starting point is 02:17:04 era because the world building is so much stronger back then even though it wouldn't sell use the power pole on the rabbit to put him on the moon and because the fact that it wouldn't sell means that i'm a bad business person so my idea is already terrible but everyone that knows would love that you know who cares about that old stinky dragon ball little pudgy kid goku running around and then when you finally that's why they made gt remember yeah and it sucks but then you get your nimbus to quick travel and then you get your power bow and you can like see the map really the absolute
Starting point is 02:17:36 best you could possibly expect is dragon ball told in the vein of Naruto the broken bond that's the best you can possibly but there's so many dragon ball games that come out so often that it's almost like well just give it a shot no you'll you'll make up for it next time i said no you know anyway it's me the man who owns a kiriura tomer marmar's yeah we'll see yeah pat we'll see what this is yeah yeah you got that
Starting point is 02:18:08 you did it you did it you got there totally we'll see where this goes we'll see what it is if it's you know it could just be full-on rpg of dragon ball z which you know sure it's fine you got a couple of arcs you speak for a living i speak for a living so you guys want to know a secret about speaking and making a mistake don't try and save it let it happen that's that's the mistake
Starting point is 02:18:40 trying to save it causes bigger mistakes speaking of bigger mistakes alright and trying to save them alright have you seen am i fucking looking at this we're looking at the overwatch korean contenders getting their trophy because they just won a tournament overwatch tournament it's fantastic and they hoist up the cup and oh no oh no
Starting point is 02:19:12 the trophy broke and the camera and the camera moves really far away but it's too late and we're gonna pull out even further we've seen everything no let's not get in oh god there's the cup it's broken no one on the stage knows what to do hands are up people are shrugging what does that thing cost then like 20 bucks the trophy fucking broke that's offensive at a live overwatch victory
Starting point is 02:19:44 ceremony that's how fucking bad that's i feel really bad for those guys because like when you pick up the trophy over the thing that you ostensibly feel a great accomplishment for and it starts to disintegrate in your hands that can't feel like anything other than this is how seriously i'm being taken right now the trophy is just symbolic it doesn't even matter yeah but then the symbol
Starting point is 02:20:16 disintegrates in your hand it's like they put the belt on you and then the belt just falls apart because there's no buckle and they never thought it through holy fuck that's awful you want to talk about one job you know just make sure it doesn't fall apart when they touch it like there's literally there's two things you can hold on this trophy they're the handles on the left and on the right the one thing a trophy needs to do is be held by
Starting point is 02:20:48 its handle a Stanley cup this is not oh boy yeah they were smiles but but also what people do with trophies is they go on wild benders with them and do stupid shit with them hoisting them up they have to be durable and you gotta take shots out of there and do all kinds of dumb things so anyway you know the overwatch contenders that's a shame everyone's like
Starting point is 02:21:20 but yeah that was just a little moment that occurred and it's like guys that's awful overwatch you got more money than this every time i hear about overwatch now it's like it's some disaster really? kinda lost track with some of the new characters and stuff going on but it's still it's still making its money oh i'm sure
Starting point is 02:21:52 uh what are you looking at? you got that look on your face speaking of making its money we can get real close to home and talk about the other news this week about making its money as reported everywhere on the internet all of machinima's videos were suddenly removed without warning so we had like a little bit of warning that stuff was going on at machinima
Starting point is 02:22:24 but we were just as baffled when we woke up and i got a text from woolly that essentially said machinima is gone and i went huh so um for the most part max put out a video just going like yo i got fired basically the same thing happened to us but it happened after the bet we had already broken up so it was like
Starting point is 02:22:56 well we didn't really get fired because we weren't working there anymore but dirty deeds done dirt cheap like within three weeks the entire company just ceased to exist on every level well it got bought well yeah but it still went away the channel and its content went away and unfortunately even for those that were not just dropped like a fucking sack of potatoes we're just going to private every video that you've ever made on this channel sure glad i started
Starting point is 02:23:28 hd remixing my shit i bet solidus feels real smart right now yeah and all those people who downloaded those machinima episodes and purple stress that's helping me put it together so woof baffling as to why they fell in need to private all the videos like i don't get it like i don't get that part of it why bother like literally why even bother
Starting point is 02:24:00 i mean i do know that the state they were in was despite the 13 million subs or so it was like they're so there's hourly videos so people were not tuning in to that much you know but uh yeah yeah it was really really nuts and uh i mean vimeo is still out there vimeo is infinite and for those like that are i mean and i think they're like machinima has their stuff copied over but also people were kind of wondering about the best for stuff and it's like yeah that vimeo page is still out to offer a genuine congratulations
Starting point is 02:24:32 to mr darkside fill for outlasting us everything and everyone and also outlasting machinima yes who let him go a few years ago and when they let him go i he was like this is bullshit but whatever all outlast you all yep you totally did dsp you super one dsp you are the rocks on the eternal shore crash against
Starting point is 02:25:04 you and be broken there's nothing else to say dsp absolutely killed it i cannot absolutely killed it i cannot overestimate and overemphasize how genuine my congratulations absolutely because i remember him saying like all last everybody i'm like yeah right fill fuck me a thousand percent egg on the face of the world dsp absolutely hung in there so no the real for you the realest
Starting point is 02:25:36 of the real like yes the whole network came down my dude the whole thing we went down then it went down and when the system breaks down we break down but he stayed true he stayed true man man tell you so that happened this week as well and hey what up add sense
Starting point is 02:26:08 how you doing add sense also going on look hot get in yeah well i don't know it's a bit from a distance it's hard to tell you know it's one of those it's one of those hot it's one of those lighting based you know it's like mood lighting yeah bright daylight i don't know we'll have to see we'll just have to see how it works out it's a little bit blurry hard to read we'll find out as we pull
Starting point is 02:26:40 up closer hey there's a new power rangers console fighting game and the reason why the words console are being used so aggressively for the trailer battle for the grid power rangers bans power rangers battle for the grid is because is because the like the first thing in the trailer is coming to console in pcs because there's a fucking mobile game yeah like injustice has mobile yes and because and that's the one that had the streetfighter crossover and stuff now this is apparently being made by
Starting point is 02:27:12 what is the fucking company's name and something it's the people that made the mobile one okay anyway and oh yeah tommy's in it at the end and he's got he's holding a controller and he's doing a nintendo promo style thing like hey i was a green ranger ignore how i'm a massive piece of shit um i mean i know about the part where he lost at ufc oh he he fucking bullied the fuck out of billy on the set oh really really yep oh fuck that sucks man
Starting point is 02:27:44 yep i like tommy's tommy oh i like tommy oh that sucks fuck damn i didn't know that well anyway um he really was a villain in his heart shit damn yeah everyone power rangers for woolly well anyway the green ranger the green one was the evil one so uh the the power rangers fighting game is being
Starting point is 02:28:16 made by n way n y and n y n way and they made the mobile game and they're basically apparently people are saying it's kind of just being like support of the mobile game that is being consoled up it's being consoled up so um we will see how it goes but having played a bunch of mobile fighting games not particularly uh you know i'm a little bit uh i'm not expecting much oh apparently it was the entire cast was bullying billy oh really
Starting point is 02:28:48 yep so they were all everybody they were all scummy yeah including the deceased well yeah she wasn't scummy afterwards fuck that's a bummer new story that i didn't hear about don't bully billy yeah bully the other billy from fire festival no bully bully that billy he's the bad bully i think the law is gonna bully him just fine bully the bad billy that's what i say
Starting point is 02:29:20 the three bees yeah alright fuck there uh was a i've been something i've been enjoying i don't know maybe it's just me it's just a little you know like you know like there's the feel good stories where you just kind of throw up the puppies and go look at these cute puppies i follow chonky animals on
Starting point is 02:29:52 twitter yeah i know what you're talking about i've been enjoying something over the years that happens from time to time uh and what i do like is hearing about these stage plays in japan and seeing the cast photos okay because they're fucking great don't watch them they're terrible no but i love the cast photos of the persona one and the bleach one and the you know there's a whole bunch of them out there that i believe i want to say there was a a phoenix right one we looked at a while ago and so the my hero academia stage play
Starting point is 02:30:24 is happening and uh apparently these costumes are looking pretty tight so uh i put a link to it if you guys want to just google the my hero academia stage play but like those are decent yeah those are pretty decent and that's the fun part it's like because you know what it ends up being it ends up being highest budget official cosplay you know it kind of just that it kind of just ends up being the highest budget official cosplay you can get and uh you know we're looking at um midoria and and back ago and the rest
Starting point is 02:30:56 of the cast and stuff and like i'm like fuck these are fun these are pretty cool i don't know maybe it's just me oh my god what's up we've been given a fucking gift so uh reset the clock you saw to reset the clock to um i delivered a new story while loading up my twitter to refresh and get the updates because that's how you gotta fucking run a podcast sometime is literally talk apps in mind to lead to deliver a new story
Starting point is 02:31:28 as you scroll for updates reset the clock reset the clock motherfuckers because we thought we were getting through it but we were not fallout 76 potentially gearing up to go free to play why is that is it because ep games australia just pulled every copy of the game off its shelves and has no listing for the game anymore in its database shit oh my god
Starting point is 02:32:00 live lot like hot hot hot hot no game this will break the record from paid to free to play what was i don't like like mmo's that have done it like no no no no but what was uh what was cliffy b that was free play right away or or or no uh law of records they go free to play battle born that that battle born that was like a year it took it to go like we were expecting it to happen sooner and it didn't happen yeah
Starting point is 02:32:32 what no yeah three months what was the record well yeah what's the record guys if you got the record we don't know that we're not seeing yeah we're not reading who what's the record you people radical heights radical heights was was was was free off the bat people are saying people are saying law of records for three months okay uh possibly radical heights alright so this might not break the record however though the the the the snowball
Starting point is 02:33:04 is now a catamari it is it is now a like there is no momentum that can yeah so here's here's the here's my future desired headline which is Bethesda troubled as they cannot even give away fall out 76 for free but like there's like where do you go from there right like box of unshipped copies of fall out 76 falls on puppy yeah like what you know like what more
Starting point is 02:33:36 well I I said this a while ago and it's like I assumed that the replacement bags that people would have been sent out would have been like Carson eugenic or something like is they were made with asbestos it has to just go to the next level of but wait so going free to play with your game particularly if you're an established company and potentially have many future games that you're going to be dealing with way to just absolutely kill people's
Starting point is 02:34:08 trust in your ability to buy a game from you right like this means anything that Bethesda ever puts out that isn't the most sure fire slam dunk hit ever people are going to go well if it bombs they're just going to go free to play and I can play for free in six months let's actually get through the story just to make sure because we just clicked it and we don't even have I did read some of it oh did you it's EB games is pulling it from shelves pulled copy the pulled new copies from its shelves distributor recall
Starting point is 02:34:40 no new physical copies on sale buy one get one free on pre-owned copies in EB Australia oh yeah because they can't send those back yeah yeah that looks like it's going free play quick get all the copies off shelves holy shit that's that's wild
Starting point is 02:35:10 I mean it's the only way to possibly turn a profit if you possibly could right is to just get anyone in there spending what they're willing to because you're not going to get actually here's the thing about free to play games like I play warframe and I you know I'm up to date on the like I'm in the games as a service like world right sure you know what the number one thing with games as a services you gotta put shit out you gotta put shit out stuff's gotta come out they're gonna take a year or more to actually get this game running like normal
Starting point is 02:35:42 reset the clock like you remember when you remember when people laughed at warframe back when it first came out because it was fucked up because of the jank yeah because it was fucked up and weird right well they kept adding stuff and fixing stuff right yeah do you think this game's gonna go five years when the fuck does the outer worlds come out this year okay well you get so many tries oh by the way
Starting point is 02:36:18 I'm I'm certain you don't have it on there because it's warframe related news and there they put out a roadmap that's like hey we're gonna add all these features they're adding a shit zillion features including a warframe that's literally just Zarya I saw someone it's about that right is it just in terms of ability or in terms of aesthetic she looks like a she looks like a Robo Zarya she has a big gun like Zarya and she is unique in that she uses her shields as her energy source so you can just so it's Zarya you can just do that warframe can just take it right but they've been just taking it to be and
Starting point is 02:36:50 they they they say that by the end of the year they want ship combat and exploration in every planet in the game like in space and all and a new enemy faction all sorts of shit but the funniest thing and this is just a little joke is that in the when they get so they their community team they got Rebecca and they got Steve who's the lead developer and they do a prime time and they're all just a bunch of jackasses in Ontario so they get Steve in front of a whiteboard and he says
Starting point is 02:37:22 okay 2019 roadmap first things first change the name of warframes to Javelins and Rebecca the community manager goes no no no because Javelins is the name of the robots in Anthem so digital extremes throwing big shade at EA saying that Anthem is a warframe robot wait is that like a tweet somewhere no it's what Steve's writing on his whiteboard
Starting point is 02:37:54 he writes warframes little arrow to Javelins and they all yell at him to wipe it off the whiteboard and it's like everybody was thinking it what a resilient ass game what a resilient game warframe is the DSP of warframe of the there you said it
Starting point is 02:38:26 that's wow does dude Anthem the only time I hear people talking about Anthem is people going man not a lot of people talking about Anthem huh you know that game comes up in like March a lot of things come out in March actually they're kind of deadly right now I don't know why people are aiming so much for March y'all need to kind of back off of March a little bit you know exactly why they're aiming for March
Starting point is 02:38:58 it's because March 3rd first is the end of the fiscal quarter yes but fucking learn you're fucking less than once or twice no Willy these are all games except for Capcom these are all games that missed the last fiscal quarter and now they have to hit this fiscal quarter no matter what and they probably a lot of those half of those got moved into this one because red dead came out in like November right but now they're competing with all of Capcom stuff they're competing with Anthem
Starting point is 02:39:30 February 22nd it's the guys it's the same range ultimately it's fighting game February as well alternatively fighting game March a lot of the time yes so even if it like March or late February it's within the range of that like you gotta deliver Q1 you know Anthem is in February huh wow so that's really soon yeah um are you hyped I actually want to touch oh I'm gonna play it I want I'm gonna buy it I'm gonna play it I want to know because I want to know
Starting point is 02:40:02 that's it yeah I do want to know I mean I deep down no matter what you're doing have like a desire to iron man through the sky yeah and I and I am invested in Warframe and I played a bunch of Destiny and I am now at the point where I am academically curious about the way people make these games right these sci-fi shooter like lutes advent you know as like I want to see what this one does
Starting point is 02:40:34 so that I am more informed about it in the future and who knows maybe it'll be super great just maybe you sound convinced I'm very convinced but hey thinking something's gonna be crap and then it turns out to be great is better than the alternative it is temper those expectations because when it turns around everybody wins that's what I say
Starting point is 02:41:06 and last but not least we have got this is just I'm just throwing this one out there just throwing this one out there for the this was out there for the for the ones you know who you are SD Gundam G generation cross-rays fuck you got leaked early and a trailer showed up where it shouldn't have and it's a new little Gundam games a new little SD Gundam game
Starting point is 02:41:38 and in the trailer for the SD Gundam game we got to see a little collection of some Gundam pilots fucking wow you've got the full range if you want your fuck boys fuck boys are us is here child soldiers are us wow look at that because our little SD Gundam trailer they're all grown up right they won't they'll never grow up into good looking robots they're always gonna be these
Starting point is 02:42:10 sd pieces shit yeah if you want your fucking you want your wings you got your hero you fuck boys are us all fuck boys all day looks like shit all day nonstop fuck boys you want them iron blooded you want your fucking you want your Gundam seeds oh yeah you want your shit askin you want all of it fuck boys we're selling all fuck boys all fuck boys gotta go all child soldiers gotta go you want your sets in a you want your
Starting point is 02:42:42 double zero you want your Gundam double O's we got them we got all your child soldiers they got all child soldiers gotta go she be style they got a little V SD cute thing on their face you want your more child soldiers not enough oh no we got your iron blooded orphans all of them all their iron all your orphans and child soldier fuck boys gotta go that's too much iron all over everywhere SD that's a bad supplement for your blood SD child soldier fuck boys oh no all of them are you even aware of what your
Starting point is 02:43:14 even actually saying G SD Gundam G are you hearing yourself cross generation rays Gundam Gundam all right it's a Gundam coming soon all right now on to our actual last story it's a it's both a minor and a big one because I just want to give a shout out I want to give a big old congratulations to one H bomber guy for raising roughly one shit zillion dollars for charity
Starting point is 02:43:46 whoa did you are you you did not hear about this shut up shut your fucking mouth you didn't hear about this okay okay okay this is one of those things that I like I feel like I saw like like tweets in the word going around but I don't know H bomber guy yes he's a youtube man does you tubes right okay he did a live stream on the twitch okay he decided to he wanted to raise I think three thousand dollars for a charity called mermaids which is a British
Starting point is 02:44:18 charity that helps with trans rights and getting the word out about trans rights in the UK right so he wanted to get three thousand dollars okay and he decided the best way to do that was to do a one hundred and one percent run of DK64 okay it went on for fifty eight hours whoa and he raised three hundred and forty thousand dollars whoa holy shit dude I'm super in the dark I didn't know anything about anything you were just saying so he raised um H bomber guy yes
Starting point is 02:44:50 let me let me do a quick little thing they had John Romero calling in they had politicians calling in I'm bad at internet I don't know people's names that I should I don't know they got Grant Kirk hope on as well apparently like we have there's how many times do you come across a name of someone that everyone's like dude how do you I'm like I don't I'm sorry I didn't know what a Waffle house was until yesterday what is that it's a store
Starting point is 02:45:22 my waffles it is a it is a southern waffle restaurant everyone was all shocked and shit no no no that's what I know what I mean though is in terms of like twitch and youtube people I feel bad for not following our peers and knowing their names I also feel bad because the only thing I know about H bomber guys that he did a Dark Souls video that I can't stand okay well I'll say this but he did a good thing well for this being the first time I have ever heard of
Starting point is 02:45:54 first impression of H bomber guy that's a fucking hell of a first impression that's awesome so congratulations that is super cool what up you know how he got around 57 hour Donkey Kong you know how he got around holy shit seven hour like time limit how he'd go to sleep but he put a skeleton in his and that was it that's pretty funny that's pretty funny yeah yeah that's a hero you're good that's awesome man that is super cool right on
Starting point is 02:46:26 that was like the biggest news all weekend just I just didn't hit you well no the name would go by but I just didn't click on anything because I didn't know who or what and I didn't know what exactly what was happening or who it was but I am glad thank you that's super cool a little bit beyond expectation yes yes roughly I'm ignorant 100 and four times oh yeah
Starting point is 02:46:58 no a lot more a lot more than and who called in they got John Romero they got Grant Kirk hope they got that politician lady Cortez from the states oh AOC yeah right right like all these people calling in to be like yo you're doing it okay
Starting point is 02:47:30 slash H bomber guy what is the H then for hero yeah okay you know live on stream woolly learns and gets exposed sick yeah you didn't want to end on Gundam you didn't want to end on fuck no what I do wills is that I keep I keep I have a mental list of stories that I because every time I go hey did
Starting point is 02:48:02 you hear about this you go yeah it's on the docket and I screw up your your pathing so I just wait till the end and go okay well we didn't get to it okay I'll throw it in there I gotta gotta gotta gotta gotta mail dumb mail oh hey if you want to send a dumb mail in dumb mail send it to castle super beast mail at don't you fuck it up fuck that's a bad that's castle super beast mail
Starting point is 02:48:34 at your emails might sound something like this oh god reset the fucking clock no again no no no no no I'm just I open my phone up and I'm looking at it and it's just like the fucking fallout shit I just I can't believe we're doing it like every week every single fucking without fail without fucking fail it's a gift it's a fucking it does keep on giving in fact um we got one coming in from
Starting point is 02:49:06 retro dlc says dare bootleg canadian giant bomb hey what up I've just watched a video by Brian David Gilbert on polygon titled every sonic game is blasphemous okay turns out the original western localized sonic sonic the hedgehog story is heavily influenced by fundamental Christian beliefs and an internal document literally called sonic the hedgehog bible this is real and can be read on the lore was used as a basis for the original UK sonic comics and the books called stay sonic and I'm
Starting point is 02:49:38 heavily disturbed that sonic it was intended by the USA to become a religious value propaganda tool what are your feelings on the matter does woolly feel closer to god through sonic if so this might be why best regards Kyle well that connects a couple dots doesn't it uh so uh the thing about this is because I looked at it and I clicked on the link and checked it out and super worked uh it's sonic is a religious icon he is believe it or not that did like that's that's the wildest thing to me it's like it did kind of work and deviant art did kind of go in that direction
Starting point is 02:50:10 however um this is something I might be able to offer some unique perspective on perhaps because people might not uh know this I don't I I it's super common in the industry but maybe it's not outside of the industry but when you hear the term bible in reference to an IP or a product it's not a real but it literally just means this is the thing that has all the information you need and you it's almost like a bible because you would only need this so a branding company for example will make a branding bible for
Starting point is 02:50:42 let's say pepsi right and pepsi will have the pepsi bible that is everything you need to know about the logo the exact color and shape and size of the pepsi logo and how you use it how it should be interpreted and what should be associated what words and thoughts and feelings and so on yeah so for example if you look at video games when um bungee was shopping around uh halo to movie companies with microsoft there was a halo bible yes that was like listen this shit either has to be in the movie or not contradicted in the movie and apparently the tome was so massive
Starting point is 02:51:14 that every movie company they went to went fuck you and fuck that yeah but that's an index and like the deal is that like millions of dollars are spent uh making sure that like a branding company can like you know obviously think through like that the feelings you get when you look at their font or whatever and all of that is covered in the bible of the given ip so bible is just an industry term for gigantic gdd slash reference doc slash all encompassing tool to help you not contradict uh or create uh um continuity
Starting point is 02:51:46 errors in the future you know what's a funny one so not that big a deal they never ironically a mass effect with all their codec stuff did not have a centralized bible because the mass effect bible was drew carpitian it was the writer okay he just had it all in his head it was the man okay and then when he left there was a book written in between mass effect two and three that had so many factual errors in it by aware had to apologize you gotta write that shit out you gotta pay somebody to write that shit out
Starting point is 02:52:18 you can't do that hey woolly you played mass effect one right one okay let's see if this there's a part in that book where somebody stabs a krogan in his heart and the krogan dies that's not how that works no see everyone knows that's not they have like four and the book was rife with it because the person who wrote it just played the games i guess and didn't even read the codex isn't star trek also overwhelmingly full of that type of bullshit because writers and writers come along and don't give a fuck about the previous material
Starting point is 02:52:50 they're a little better about it depending on who the showrunner is voyager's real bad voyager's real real bad about it tng and ds9 are pretty good about it original series doesn't give a fuck about shit because fuck you zoos is an alien yeah that you gotta pay someone to write that shit down especially when world building is your appeal yeah it's your main appeal there's a great youtuber named mr beatong who makes
Starting point is 02:53:22 one video a year yes mr beatong very talented the his contribution to this discussion is that he describes the world of mass effect and other similar sci-fi as talky and techie there are parts where you will stand around talking to geordi or tolly or whoever for like 10 minutes about how the engine works in a setting like that the details of that setting become hyper important because they're the kind of things that people actually want to know right how does travel in space work what's up with these aliens you know what do they
Starting point is 02:53:54 eat etc um so if you just try and fucking cowboy star wars it everybody goes what what the fuck that's not how that alien works i know all about their weird balls and then you lash out at them at a con on stage and try to and try to yell and scream and say shut up yeah i was writing a good story you just didn't understand it yeah that's right uh
Starting point is 02:54:26 hey there super castle clashers long time listener even though there's only two episodes anyway caught a dilemma my friends are into the fortnight like everyone else really any good at the game and i ended up not liking it friends keep pestering me whenever i am online and they get on my case and tell me get off those japanese games and so on uh i end up putting myself offline so they don't bother me they've been my friends since preschool and i don't want to end my friendship over something stupid as games so for my question what do you think is the best course of action i should take in this situation
Starting point is 02:54:58 give up the good work love from the rocky mountains well if they're really your friends i don't think it would be much of an issue for you to be like dude i don't want to play fucking fortnight like simply you can be friends and not play fortnight with them and if your friend like the basic the basic uh decision here is going to be how much are your friends going to escalate wanting you to play fortnight if and that will determine the level of your friendship i understand that the circumstances of them being your friends forever is very strong based on that preschool connection
Starting point is 02:55:30 but if they really really actually get on your case because you don't want to play a game you don't enjoy with them they're kind of assholes well let's take a second here i just looked over i'm looking over at the fighting game shelf on your wall yeah and i see street fighter four street fighter four yeah tecantag tecantag yeah persona four arena persona four arena yeah marvel three marvel three yeah ultimate marvel three ultimate marvel what is going on what do you
Starting point is 02:56:02 mean what is going on why do you own two copies of all those fighting games because i used to be a tournament organizer ah see see there's an answer like what do you what did you think i don't know i thought you just you needed backups just in case i did because i ran tournaments you know what that's a real answer yeah you're right but yeah i know just tell your your okay one tell your friends to fuck off and eventually they'll fuck off two they don't seem like japanese games that much you need to be like no guys check this out you bring them over you play like one of those disgusting
Starting point is 02:56:34 disgusting anime titty games monster mon peace some the hdmi plugged in some something real good they'll come around they'll come around you just find the right one here's what you do you put it on and then you leave and you're like oh i'm gonna go get whatever and you leave the house for like an hour and you come back and your friends like you know it's okay well they'll forget how to floss um yeah man don't don't you can't get fucking pressured into playing the fucking like just you know
Starting point is 02:57:06 like i said every single time i meet up with family some new uh kid who has learned how to talk this year will be like oh youtube huh when are you gonna play the fortnight and i'm like probably never and they'll be like oh well then why are you even on youtube you know and it's like well wow yeah my four year old nephew at christmas what do you play fortnight well always every time every time it took a while for me to find the perfect answer uh that kind and it because it got really awkward for a long time
Starting point is 02:57:38 you know and uh i finally found the answer i want to say like either this year last year probably i think it was like last year and i just echoed it again but it's like because you know it was in the middle of the year when um a cousin held up uh she held up her face time and she was like hey there's my family in new york say what's up hey what's going on and they're like yo we see you got a youtube channel yeah okay so what's the like you guys you can jump on fortnight anytime soon you can play some night you know and it's like and like it was like well the thing is is that um the
Starting point is 02:58:10 it's not that i can't or wouldn't it's that uh the people that tend to like watch our stuff tend to like our stuff because we don't play it and they're like they tend to like the stuff that we like yeah and like people the people that are watching our stuff are watching us because it's not fortnight and i feel there's a lot of other fortnight out there and they kind of go uh and you can see the life drain where they're like oh you're one of that now we can ironically play fortnight we get absolutely i play minecraft but yeah that's the thing though and then you see the life drain and they're like oh you're not
Starting point is 02:58:42 real like i don't want to get too up on my high horse or sound like i'm no not at all no no no but like i think i can speak for you as well woolly in that we've been doing this for a while and we like oftentimes some not super niche but like relatively niche stuff right so i was just talking about ace combat right that's not a popular series it's well known and it's old but it's not like blockbuster yeah right it is of great pride to me that we have
Starting point is 02:59:16 entered enough cache that when we go yo ace combats the shit or this or go row is the shit or what have you punch planet punch planet right people who don't know fuck about that or might not have even looked at that genre ever will at the very least turn their head to see it and go occasionally oh wow that does look pretty cool oh yeah i didn't have noticed it otherwise thanks yeah that is my actual
Starting point is 02:59:48 favorite feeling yeah doing all of this yakuza character action persona yeah like what jojo combat jojo what have you fighting games yeah fighting games in general yeah yep um agreed yeah it like people going i never would have looked at it it's not my jam but it totally is actually turns out i didn't think it was but it was that is my fucking favorite yeah and uh the the click recognition will always be low on based on
Starting point is 03:00:20 you know the initial what is that but we're you know we're improving the world that's what really matters yeah uh so the other thing i tend to explain is that uh what happens because we've known this first hand with friends of ours who are youtubers when you go into that world of like you would get a of fortnite and such massive boosts but the moment you stop playing it everyone fucking hates you because they are only there for the game i sympathize not for you so strongly with marcus aka
Starting point is 03:00:52 evik namebro that's exactly who i was thinking mr dark souls he couldn't took like half a decade in being managed to extricate himself from dark souls and be couldn't leave the game he put he would put out videos of him playing dang and rompa and people would go fucking because that's not why they click the button yeah i click the button to watch dark souls and it's like i remember the time that he started to do that and i understand where that's coming from but at the time that he started to do that he had run weapon tests for every weapon in dark souls like he had done all the math
Starting point is 03:01:24 possible there was nothing left to do yeah sit and wait for the newest souls like and then make a video yeah that's that's you now that's what you do yeah so that's a rough spot to be in and i kind of had to explain what if ninja gets tired of fortnight what if you know and i yeah i kind of had to explain i was like there is a thing where people either tune in for what you're playing or they tune in for the game you know and both is great both is great but when it's exclusively because it's the hot game and it's not about you necessarily it means if you ever stop
Starting point is 03:01:56 playing it or don't feel like playing it sometime or play something else a lot of people are like well i'm fucking out because i'm looking for tonight that's why you got to vary it up man that's why you got to play new hotness old and busted new hotness old hotness new and busted had a good discussion with austin about a lot of this and i really like that man would know because he has the anime trash fire stream i really liked the terminology and i kind of modified it in a way but the idea of like
Starting point is 03:02:28 one for me one for one for me and i kind of went i took that and i morphed it and i said one for me one for them one for us see yeah i get it yeah yeah really good i like it a lot i really really like it and sometimes you get really lucky so resident evil 2 comes out on friday that's gonna be a big fucking hot game it also happens to be a game that i've been preparing to play for 21 years there you go right
Starting point is 03:03:00 so and other times you're like ooh i can't wait for this new shit that no one gives a fuck about yeah well you like when people are sitting in your twitch chat for a game and because news about it happened yeah because they're just waiting for you you know what i mean like it's like oh something about about re happened and then people are just sitting in your chat going all right you know talk about it like mortal combat before max even went live people are just in the chat going yeah okay this is the place can he gonna be there to talk about more you are the person we're here we're waiting
Starting point is 03:03:32 you know like that's like yeah they know you know they they fucking know um so that's what it be what does Kenny think of more combat he shared the same sentiment oh he got his tattoo down there yeah literally got tattooed it was fucking crazy nuts but Kenny's the kind of guy like i said he's gonna wait some people wake up and they and years later they regret it every morning Kenny's gonna wake up and look at that yeah like he's gonna fucking get so high anyway uh Sean says
Starting point is 03:04:04 dear william the maverick hunter and pat the maverick yeah shion here hey shion uh azer from the sfbp discord sfbp uh told me that this may have been revealed to you on twitter but i wanted to acknowledge it live on stream based on trebles original names were forte and gospel respectively forte and gospel i knew that and just forgot completely knew that yeah um i know that yeah 100% so both were technically keep the music terms
Starting point is 03:04:36 unlike megan and proto but uh like in the weird battle at work series forte is changed to base.exe and gospel keeps his japanese name um rock man and forte yeah was that's a game that's rock man and forte yeah we know like i thousand percent knew that just forgot um so i didn't keep rocking and rolling beast lords thank you beast lords is cool i'll live with that yeah i saw some people trying to go like hey what should we be are we the knights of castle super beast that's cool are we the beast lords you mean whatever you want whatever yeah it's cool it's all cool as long as it sounds are we the super beasts it can sound cool
Starting point is 03:05:08 or it can sound like fucking lame nothing in between like beasters that's terrible oh it's keeping that same convention going it always works fuck you it's so good uh beast arises hey there dwayne the wolves johnson terrible under pat awful vido here i'm an h artist and i'm here to inform you that i've done exactly 57 big ball
Starting point is 03:05:40 small dick chun lee pictures yep it is very popular yeah okay well you remember when you talk i stand correct you remember when uh you were like hey nobody loves big nuts and small dicks and then people linked us the uh the big burly redheaded man who died after injecting too much silicone no i didn't see yeah there was a guy in a sex cult that needed bigger nuts yeah so he died he injected a bunch of silicone into them and they got really big and then he died i know people do the saline thing yeah i heard about that yeah he should not have used silicone i think that's very clear
Starting point is 03:06:12 uh kuda says kuda who steered us wrong on our play no you didn't know you didn't akuta i just i misread what you were saying because i thought it would have been it sounded like we were not out it sounded like it wasn't a bad end when it already was a bad end but uh kuda says dear woolly will figure it out no woolly will figure pat out no you won't it's been a decade it's been more than a decade you said killer queens four on four but it's five on five am i the first person with the real correction
Starting point is 03:06:43 hurrah uh thanks as always it was a hooray actually i just i don't know i did that uh yeah that's correct it was killer queen is in fact that uh that number of players and lastly let's take one from 16 years actually 2003 okay that's what we met take one from michael from brisbane says goodbye my dear beast wars croaking formers recently fell nostalgia for ddr at the arcades in my younger days didgeridoo my disappointment jerks at konami have not made new versions on the current platforms debris
Starting point is 03:07:18 uh i think it'd be popular with new audiences what would be one older dead type of gamer genre you wish got revived into the current gen spotlight the toilet flows in the wrong direction it does it does it does it like gun games light gun games yeah uh have you played silent scope bone eater no but that's not a light gun game actually it's not but it's a better version of a it's it's better than light gun it's actually the fucking sniping shut your god damn it's super cool
Starting point is 03:07:46 bone eater what about what about what about gunslinger stratos that's not like a game i know it's not but it's better than like a game you fucking stop it it can track the cursor on the screen you're an asshole you don't got to put a fucking weird ass side screen hanging there shouldn't be a cursor on the screen there's uh what's a genre that should come back and be in the spot when i was at magfest my only disappointment was that there was no house of the dead cabinet hmm that's my favorite arcade game
Starting point is 03:08:16 that has the dead too i don't think it needs to be in the spotlight but i like i said i have another rock another i have another harmonics rhythm game in me i can i can handle one more i think i can handle one more um brisbane yeah i guess so uh australia hey you know what genre should come back and be in the spotlight fighting games i don't know i feel like they're bigger now than they ever were in any time other than like
Starting point is 03:08:44 95 this is true but and and and that like we need to just get comfortable with where they're at you know like they would they're a they're a highly specific genre like racing games don't be soccer don't be capcom and be why can't it be other things because other things are other things that's right people like the other things for the reason they are yes they'll like this thing this much and that's enough that's as far as it'll get 750 000 oh boy
Starting point is 03:09:19 what's coming or 1300 what's coming out oh what's coming out uh this week re2 is coming out and also then kingdom hearts 3 is coming out right afterwards it sure is you know what the funniest thing is apparently those games uh i feel like there's a kingdom hearts game and resident evil that came out like right next to each other way back in the day and kingdom hearts won the sales yeah i saw some people saying like they're doing posts of like together forever kingdom hearts and resident evil i hope resident evil beats it but it's not kingdom hearts is
Starting point is 03:09:51 going to crush it i'm not going to be streaming kingdom hearts but i am going to be streaming resident evil too at some point this week depending on whether or not capcom blesses me with something early and that's over at slash angriest pat what about you wools well uh catamari uh with regi is going to be wrapping up like we finished uh the game so i saw you got a good old adipoi from your pal two mellow yeah yeah absolutely and uh some other folks have been like chiming in get really happy with that i'm really really happy with uh the idea that i was i had
Starting point is 03:10:28 for this like kind of format where um i want to lp with a radio intelligence operator i want someone to have facts and cool info to really just you know bring to the lp that might not otherwise be there if it's double cold or if it's even if it's like one played through already one didn't i really like i want to have i love the feeling of like that of like people having interesting information and things to learn about the game's production as we go through it almost like a director's commentary track so uh right that's kind of what i asked regi to sort of become and uh i want to be
Starting point is 03:11:09 doing that for the others as well so that's that's a deliberate thing and i'm glad people are really enjoying that and uh that's going to continue on willy vs um excuse me so now that we're done that i am uh pretty sure i'm going to sit down with him this week and we're going to pick up uh jetset radio so that'll be happening um within short order once we once the rotation of of catamari moves through uh and then um zoe pretty getting there pretty close as well uh oh my god that i fucking almost lose my voice recording yesterday with min uh because like i like we we we tried some new
Starting point is 03:11:53 shit out we tried some new shit out in zoe too and fuck man that game is the best it really is and turns out it can eat it can be even more the best more than you thought possible really yeah um also uh uh uh yes least overrated game of all time as this the title goes and it and re4 sitting right there it's just like oh what a time so uh that's going to be wrapping up and then from there i'm going to move into something else i'm currently deciding um committing to too long rpgs is a bit tricky but i'll just like be upfront and say that like right now i'm thinking about um i'm trying to decide because there's there's three games that i've like always wanted to get into that i never
Starting point is 03:12:40 got into um and i think it'd be fun so one of them is uh onimusha right like i talked about uh one of them that's quite short yeah that's that's sure so that'd be an easy thing to pull out one of them is uh persona one and then eventually persona two that is not quite short no um and and and but i i'm curious about them because people for a long time have been like you fucking plebs play the first two games and i'm like yeah i probably should find out what those are about so i've been thinking about those for a while of course Naruto is always a possibility as well yeah you gotta have more Naruto but i need to i have to we have to actually like get that that that uh intro together to because you gotta you gotta film again intro um so that's kind of a
Starting point is 03:13:22 thought i'm having but i'm also juggling the possibility of going into earthbound and mother three because those are two games that i've always wanted to get around into and i've never played them yeah i haven't done them so i'm juggling all those as possibilities you know those are those are my feels i'm not sure which direction to go in right now but uh that's that's all possibility and then um jojo continuing with volta right now i back down and i'm sorry to those that were upset that i switched stands i kind of wanted that to be edited a little differently so that it wouldn't create an episodes worth of a gap of expectations so that kind of happened in a way that made people upset and i didn't want that to go down so i'm sorry about that you didn't
Starting point is 03:14:02 go with your tree with the pixies i didn't go with the pixies tree i went with uh deep purple i wanted it to be a more instantaneous thing at the end of that episode so that people would know but instead there was a full like day or two of people going oh it's pixies and i'm like sorry it's not and everyone got really bummed out you and dislike bombed the the shit out of the video so uh excuse me i but i think is that like i explained in a comment i kind of just uh i didn't want to commit to 50 hours or so of an rpg with something i thought was kind of lame i'm sorry but i don't know what game you should play it was probably gonna bug me in the long run so i picked something i thought i'd be excited about what's that should fucking play new vegas
Starting point is 03:14:38 new vegas yeah yeah guess what when i look at the list of uh twitch games that uh my audience likes to watch yeah number one on the list is new vegas you know why right it's because the audience is overlapped i've been streaming for like two weeks i would assume so yeah yeah i would assume so it's a fucking good game yeah so uh with that uh those are all up on the table for discussion and we'll see where it goes um and and and you know like men and i have some other stuff planned out and i'm most likely going to uh also uh i have a copy of the fucking arkham games and you know it would make sense to just go that direction at some point so i'm gonna do that too gonna do that too but anyway that's over on woolly versus and uh feel free to let me know
Starting point is 03:15:22 what you think about all these thoughts and things but those are the three games for now and the other ideas are we'll see how it goes you know let me know what you guys think about that stuff over on woolly versus and of course tuesdays is getting to fighting games i'm gonna sit down with fighting game folks me reggie and sometimes other people just playing some shit having some fun saturdays is wacky whatever the fuck is going on so that's again woolly versus over on twitch and uh you can check out my podcast woolly will figure it out i put out a video or i put out an episode of that uh recently talking about uh me and josh's mecca story pitching it to plague of gripes you guys had a lot of opinions on that and thank you for some cool ideas that
Starting point is 03:16:04 have come in thank you for the compliments on the art as well um i had my old art put on an album alongside uh diane and soul carls for this this old project and it's it feels weird seeing so many people know about this stuff now but um it there's a there's a there's a feeling of release that comes from getting fucking ten years of tension off your chest so thanks for all that yeah you look smarmy and smug as fuck new vegas new vegas it's number one the overlap is literally number one like you've bombed my stats yeah you blew up my even made a fucking step-by-step guide on how to mod it you blew up my escape my fucking twitch stats all right we'll see you guys next holy shit bye everybody you guys have to kiss and make up tomorrow hey do you
Starting point is 03:17:07 need a theme song i can write it for you no we're good we're good no so what do you think that second one was the best by far what about that's enough the way i've got a good one it involves a priest oh oh but it has a priest in it

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