Castle Super Beast - CSB 005: The Sony Let's Playstation

Episode Date: February 5, 2019

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Looking for more great audio entertainment? Listen to Unauthorized Bread, the first novella from bestselling author Corey Doctorow's forthcoming Radicalized. In this science fiction tale, you'll be transported to a near future America where technology is tightly controlled and danger lurks. The audiobook edition of Unauthorized Bread read brilliantly by Lemise Isaac, available now at Google Play. The first book of the first edition of Unauthorized Bread read brilliantly by Lemise Isaac,
Starting point is 00:00:36 available now at Google Play. Did it configure to a setting based on the wrong mic previously and now it's just sticking to that? Can I see the sound settings for the PC? Oh yeah, the other thing that turns on all the time, right? The auto fucking bullshit. The other thing, enhancements, noise suppression. Every time you fucking, you mook, you son of a bitch, this is the worst.
Starting point is 00:01:38 You fuck, you fucking thing. Every time with the fucking noise. Every time. Every single time. Holy shit. Oh no, I'm still listening to us. Oh my god, I'm so done with it. I'm so done with it.
Starting point is 00:01:57 How many times? Literally, every dozen times? More? Every time Windows forces a bullshit update on you. It turns that back on. It turns it back on. It turns on the other fucking thing. And you know what?
Starting point is 00:02:10 You can't turn off the updates. No, because you need them to security and shit. But even if you wanted to just be like, no, my computer is working, it's fine now. But also now you actually literally just can't turn the updates on. That's the thing, it's like the status of my computer is now fine. Just let it be, let it be alone, and you can't fucking do it. I think there might be 20 videos back on the old channel that are fucked to a degree because noise suppression turns on on the microphone settings for no reason.
Starting point is 00:02:49 It's a setting that makes every single microphone in existence sound like shit, and it always adds like this weird distorted room hiss to every recording. So I'm not sure what noise it's attempting to suppress. And it's the last thing you check every time. Oh yeah, because it's deep in there. Because there's a million other more obvious hardware problems that you go through. Like am I using the right microphone? Is my bit rate too low?
Starting point is 00:03:16 Is it OBS? Is it Twitch? Is it Connection? Am I unplugging my fucking fridge again and blowing out the fuse because my fuse box is fucking broken because I plugged out my fridge? How'd you do that? Exactly. I flipped the switch, and then it went, I'm not turning back on, and I was like, oh cool.
Starting point is 00:03:34 So now I'm not in time to plug my fridge into a different plug outlet because that one's just gone because of recording audio purposes or whatever. Now your fridge is good, man. Yeah, well, it's running on a different one because you're not supposed to fucking... You leave your fridge alone. Well, you're not supposed to use a switch, a fuse switch, as if it's a light switch. It's not meant to do that, obviously. But I literally had no other choice because I couldn't, like, the plug is so far, it's
Starting point is 00:03:58 in a coat. The way my fridge is set up is as deep inside of a thing. Yeah, I mean like almost every fridge that everyone owns. So in order to get rid of the noise, I had no other solution but to turn its fuse off. Yeah. Right? I raced later the same fucking thing to a washing machine. Oh, what a dumb dumb?
Starting point is 00:04:14 What a dumb dumb? What else? What am I supposed to do? You're supposed to pull out that huge-ass fridge that doesn't even look like it has the clearance to actually be removed anymore. It doesn't. Which, I don't know how you would ever even replace that fucking thing, and you're supposed to unplug it.
Starting point is 00:04:31 Or just leave in the audio with the fridge in the background and the hum, and then it's just... Yeah, the hum makes it homey. And everybody get, you know, ah. I recently had the exact same situation where I'm like, I need to put my hands inside the washing machine's guts where there are electricity cables. And Paige is like, you have to unplug it. I'm like, Paige, this thing might weigh like 800 pounds.
Starting point is 00:04:56 I'm not moving it. Even if I get another person over here, we're not moving it. I'm just gonna flip the fucking fuse. She's like, but what about electricity? I'm like, no, just flip your fuse to turn off the room. And then it will be safe. And as I am here, sitting here, sounding clear, I did not die. Our houses are not in office.
Starting point is 00:05:16 Yeah. That's... Well, yeah, it is now. Yeah, but... My living room is a fucking battle zone of cables right now. I mean, you think about anyone who has their shit soundproofed, like Lil V when he records, he has a proper room where shit soundproofs. Any proper audio man.
Starting point is 00:05:33 Anyone who's not fucking amateur hour. Has that shit on the walls. And is not recording in open air, air, air, air, air. I don't know. I think these microphones do a really good job. They do a fantastic job otherwise, but you know what doesn't do a fucking fantastic job? Windows. Windows.
Starting point is 00:05:49 Just let me stop. Let me fucking stop. The computer works. Don't keep resetting it. Oh, no, fuck, you're... When do you want your update? I don't. No, that's not an acceptable answer.
Starting point is 00:06:00 The answer is either now or I'm gonna bug you later. And then you literally see a prompt after rejecting it like four times where it says, Hey, we know we're bugging you, but you really need these updates though. And it's just this stupid fucking home. You know what? It's we have to update it from home. All right. If I send it to pro, yeah, then it's not gonna, then it's like, then it fucking leaves you
Starting point is 00:06:24 alone. All right. It's like there are important updates, which are security ones, so people don't steal your butt picture. That's gotta be it. That's gotta be it. But can I not just have the security updates? You can steal my butt pictures.
Starting point is 00:06:35 I don't mind the butt pictures. Oh, that's weird. Yeah. That's... It's all right. I'm pretty proud of my posterior. Windows 10 home. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:50 I'm gonna fucking make this pro and then fuck off with these stupid things. Don't do that live. It could update itself. No, that's gonna absolutely do the update live and turn the noise suppression back on. Oh, man. Oh, no. And that's no good. That's no good.
Starting point is 00:07:07 I can't believe this. When it's like that British kid with the fucking bandana is like, oh, fuck, I can't believe you've done this. But like the person who punched him is Windows and we're the kid. We can't believe Windows has done this. I'm building a fucking story out here. I'm doing it. Eight minutes and 40 seconds in, write it down.
Starting point is 00:07:35 There's something beautiful about the live format that causes magic to happen. Just magic. And then in post, I get to cut and paste and yeah, you get to rearrange it. Nuns the wiser. It's just like if there's a purely pre-recorded section that had no live component, you would instead just love it. I was like, wow, that's not really frustrated when they start fucking, what do I happen? Who pissed in their coffee?
Starting point is 00:08:06 Oh my God. It's Microsoft did like 12 times now over the years and they refuse. They refuse. That happened to me. Keep it in. Keep it in. Coward. No, I have to keep it in.
Starting point is 00:08:22 It's a fucking spot. It's a read. Of course it's staying in. It has to go at the beginning. When I said cut and paste, I meant I was going to cut it out of where you just heard it and put it at the beginning because that's where it goes. That's where it goes. Do you not understand how this works?
Starting point is 00:08:36 That's what makes the podcast go. What are you talking about? It's the gasoline that you put in your podcast car. You know that? You don't fuck the old. We're not going to acknowledge chat bullshit. Oh, it's too late. New podcast, new show, chat can get called out live on the fucking air.
Starting point is 00:08:52 No one gives a shit. No rules. No rules. It's stupid shit. You get blown up live in both the Twitch and in the MP3 later on in the night. Oh, no. I don't give a fuck. I'm feeling some type of way.
Starting point is 00:09:07 You're breaking the walls down. Holy shit. It's already a shumbling. How could you be like this? Don't come at me with stupid shit. Dumb, dumb. Don't use the fucking fridge like that. What choice?
Starting point is 00:09:19 Is it serious? What choice? What? I mean, do you want decent quality audio or not? I was a man to be eating nothing but lukewarm food. Oh, fuck. Like this is like nah. Oh, nah.
Starting point is 00:09:30 Nah. My, my, my grew drink over there must now be room temperature lukewarm. Making decisions for the quality of the product I am trying to deliver on a daily basis and motherfuckers are just anyway. I recently, uh, people watch my stream probably remember this, but like I want to say six months ago, maybe a year ago, I want to say that, that fucking suppression thing turned on midstream. Like, like it just kicked on because all of a sudden my, the same microphones we use
Starting point is 00:10:06 here just sounded like fucking shit and I could not figure it out for like two weeks. So I went back to the Yeti during that period as I, as I, as I spent two, three hours every single fucking night, just miss it. I bought all new cables. Yep. I like, I, I, I fucking, I, I have a backup mixer that I pulled out to be like, is it, oh, no. And it's, oh, it's this little checkbox and that, and that's the thing, right?
Starting point is 00:10:38 Like if your mixer just took to, remember when our mixer takes a shit and it just goes and it's like, okay, we use this thing a lot. Or, or, or I take it, I come in on a fucking Sunday and I get a screwdriver out and I literally rip it apart like a car and spray and spray and wipe every single component down and put the fucking thing back together, right? Cause that's like, um, it like, there's mechanical parts, you know, that you're dealing with the knobs and such going, not the whole thing's obviously a mixer is not mechanical, but I mean there's mechanical elements that you can fucking clean and if they don't work,
Starting point is 00:11:21 you toss it and you get a new one because whatever. But when it's a fucking little tick box on your OS, because our policy is to now be annoying because we don't know how to make money off of our audience anymore. And we want to go through this whole thing of like, hey, stop using Chrome. Hey, stop, uh, not up to, hey, stop doing what you're doing. We're still here and we're still relevant and our business meetings, our business meetings are now all about how much can we get away with without completely pissing off the user? That's what Microsoft basically boils down to.
Starting point is 00:11:54 The legal authorities of the European Union in most cases. It's beyond infuriating cause it's just like, listen, man, what are you doing? Why are you doing it this way? I don't think you understand, but the tribe knows and the tribe provides for solutions. It's almost as if every time they fuck up with a second year OS, like with, uh, uh, the Vistas and the 2001s and the, uh, the in-betweeners, you know what I mean? I feel like Vista got a lot of hate, but boy, people don't remember 2002. No one remembers ME.
Starting point is 00:12:32 No one fucking remembers ME. That was so bad. Yeah. Right? That's what I'm saying. Like all of those fucking in-between years, right? It's almost as if like, okay, we finally got past it and you know what? The whole thing where we're going to try to shove Metro down your throat, you got past
Starting point is 00:12:47 that too. Cause everyone figured out a way how to keep it looking like a normal desktop and then you go and you download fucking classic shell and then you've got a normal start menu and then it's like, okay, well, we're just going to keep running our bullshit in the background. Is that okay? And you're like, yeah, well it's not, but you know what? Fuck it. I don't care because I can dress you up the way I want you.
Starting point is 00:13:05 Eventually the performance overhead on whatever I have in here is going to be so high that it is not even. You can show up and say, hey, I'm, and I'm like, I don't give a fuck and I'm just going to cover your, I am going to put the dress on and I'm like, this is you now. I want you to wear this dress. This is the dress that I'm familiar with. This is what I want. And you're going to keep wearing it.
Starting point is 00:13:20 And they're like, oh, but I'm not, no, no, I don't give a fuck, right? So you can continue to try and be like, hey, I met you, though, I got the new shit in the bag. I'm like, no, I don't give a fuck. You're wearing the dress. Maybe it's because I'm a young, I'm not a young person or whatever, but I legitimately never was able to parse or understand the Metro interface. Like I don't understand what, what it's made for iPads and it's made for fun.
Starting point is 00:13:41 Fucking tablets. Well, excuse me. Excuse me. If I say iPads, that's a competing fucking product. You mean it's made for the surface. It's made for the surface. If you go out and buy your fucking surface. Which, by the way, I have a surface.
Starting point is 00:13:51 I gave it to my dad. I like that. Oh, oh, don't forget your Windows phone. It's made for your Windows phone. Have you ever used a Windows phone? My Pal Foggins had a Windows phone. It's fucking terrible. I used it for like a minute because it had its stylish menus that I thought looked pretty.
Starting point is 00:14:07 That is probably the same reason he picked it up and it was like he couldn't get away from that fucking phone. It was a nightmare. It was a anyway. So and I mean, yes, I know it's I'm sorry. It is insanely hyperbolic to say that a magical smartphone brick device that I'm carrying that's holding the future in my pocket is a nightmare. That's insane.
Starting point is 00:14:30 That's a ridiculous thing to say. But the point is, is compared to what we all had at the time, this thing was a step backwards in all sorts of convenience and productivity. And that's what I'm kind of getting at here. I'm getting at the fact that you we got past your Metro bullshit and now we're on 10 where people are like, OK, fine. It works. It's normal.
Starting point is 00:14:51 OK, OK, OK, it's fine. It's a big old air quotes normal doing what it's got to do, right? And you're like, great. Now all you have to do is keep it that way, but you can't because you're so fucking meddling that you just have to keep going fucking with it though, but like, no, but it's fine. It's like, OK, OK, OK, OK, but then like, like, like maybe like three months later, they're like, oh, and you just can't can't let you can't leave it alone. So you have to keep fucking meddling with it reminds me of a while ago.
Starting point is 00:15:23 I remember like I keep somewhat up to date on PC articles to talk about like the future windows and what they're trying to do with their business platforms. And it's like, oh, they want to get Metro because the push to iPads and, you know, tablets and desktop computers aren't making the money they used to anymore. And all I can think of is like your windows, you're running the de facto operating system of what must be like. Let's give it the most conservative 60 percent of the world's computing devices, right? How is selling that that license for like, I don't know, what is 100 bucks each somehow
Starting point is 00:16:06 not profitable or like, it's it's it's like it's like saying that, oh, I can't make a profit on gasoline anymore, huh, but but cars use gasoline and there are cars everywhere. I have a moment and it happens. You know what? It used to happen way more often, right? When I didn't turn off all these fucking updates, right? And I remember and you guys used to get on my case about it a lot more, but I didn't give a shit because I'm like, I know the past I came from before you guys.
Starting point is 00:16:46 When every time the computer would do its thing, it would I would walk out, go home and come back to a brick and I'd have to fucking spread it out and fucking pull serial experiments lane with on my floor and just rebuild it piece by piece until I figured what the problem was, right, and then do the same thing for the software once the hardware was sorted. And I did that so many times and I got so fucking frustrated by that process that I just said, fuck updates. If I get it working, it'll go until it goes and I'll deal with the freak the lower frequency of problems that comes from letting it stay still static than the one that comes from
Starting point is 00:17:24 your new experimental bullshit that's not working, right? And every time that problem would happen and every time my hardware would would explode in that way or the excuse me, the OS, because it would be that whenever it's a hardware problem, like I said, it's not as it's not as frustrating because I'd be like, yeah, I get it. You're going to turn it on. It doesn't turn on and you're like, OK, something explodes, right? That fan's been spinning for a while. You know, the memory went back. I salute the spin. You did it for a while. No problem. But when the software does its thing, I fucking have a moment where I just kind of look out
Starting point is 00:17:55 the window for a while and I go, you know, people always tell me about this Linux, you know, they do. They always talk about it. Yeah. And as time went on, that became less and less of a thought. Yeah. And I've kind of solved the problem by having less and less of these moments. But right now is one of those ones where you're just like, OK, hold on. Let me think here. OBS, audacity, some kind of browser, got to get premier in Photoshop. So let me ask you. And then like audio conversion software. But like things like level later are probably not going to be. So let me ask you a question. I just kind of do the mental math to be like, if I just fucking it would take about a week to get comfortable. That's
Starting point is 00:18:44 not true. With the basics. No, that's so here's here's the thing. Have you used Linux personally? Not really. Because back when you but I know there's Lindos went when the Ubuntu craze. Yeah, ongoing. Yeah, I was like, yeah, fuck it. I'll throw Ubuntu partition on my fucking drive. I'll see what's up. And Linux is pretty slick. I like its multi desktop stuff and stuff like that. But the main problem with Linux and it is infuriating because it is tied to the issue we are having right now, which is Windows will often do things for you. Right. Now, most of the time you don't notice. Occasionally, it will say, Hey, man, let me fix your mic for you. And you're like, no, stop. I'm a power user with the audio settings
Starting point is 00:19:35 of this device. Do not fuck with that. The problem is, is that you are not actually a power user on every aspect of your PC. And Linux expects you to be, at least from my experience, I loaded up Ubuntu and then spent a full day attempting to install video car drivers. I'm not afraid of a command prompt. Okay, well, if you're not afraid of a command prompt, I started learning and learning that I started that. That was that was my that was my original PC days was fucking Dawson. Yeah, same here. So you got all that shit. But but and then it's like, yeah, okay, go go with it. Go with an apple. Yeah. Okay, sure. You can go that route and that'll be static. And that'll be that'll be what it needs to be for the most
Starting point is 00:20:21 part. But like also if you need if you ever need it, like if you want to switch parts out or whatever the fuck are going going to go down that road, then it's not for that. Right. It's not you don't really get maybe it is now but from my old fucking dinosaur knowledge, when you when you bought any form of thing that ran iOS, you were getting it in a more or less static shape. So you're not going to be updating parts. So the mental image I always had, maybe that's wrong. Now was that Windows was a pickup truck. And it's your dad's pickup. And okay, you know what, I think the carburetors fucked him right so you go in the engine you tinker around you you have somewhat mechanical so you can fix
Starting point is 00:21:08 it right. Linux is a fucking box car with a fucking spoiler on it that you rigged up with a nitrous. And Apple is some luxury car that it stops working. And it doesn't make any noise anymore. You know, how do I fix this and they go take it to the dealer. And they go, Well, no, how do I fix it? Yeah. And they say, you don't know. I have in my personal experience with Apple, which has been limited. When you do encounter a technical issue. The lack of actual control you will have to fix that is way worse than what we dealt with here because they don't want to surface any of those buttons to you. Yeah. And the problem is two is I mean, like back way back when I had a lot of I feel like I had a lot of people I knew,
Starting point is 00:22:02 even like neighbors or just friends and whatnot, they were all sort of equally as well versed in like, I could call someone up and ask questions about what I'm trying to fix because they all had the same type of deal going on. Nowadays, it's very easy to be a like beyond your third or fourth computer and not at all ever have to think about any of this stuff. So I imagine a lot of people now like the only people that are kind of learning this are people that have an interest in it. I have seen the creation of what I would call the young old computer user. Sure. Whom I will you I will point at page aka peach saliva as where my laptop's really slow. Okay, let's load it up and look at it. Yeah. Okay, what are all those pop ups? What are those? I don't know. I
Starting point is 00:22:53 just click X every time it loads up to make them go away. Yeah. And I'm like, you're the same as I'm like, you grew up during this era. Yeah, you're the same as dad. You used Apple products your whole life. And that was always fine. So your computer experience is, well, I want to look at the thing. And the kids now with the iPads and the tablets and all that shit, they ain't going to know nothing. Yeah. No, there's there's there's there's like there's there's the there's the staff era where it's like, it what's is there a problem? Yeah, okay, reinstall windows. I mean, that does work. Yeah. And it's like, whatever, whatever, reinstall windows. I've been there and that'll solve a lot. I've been at that place where I'm like, I am so at a loss for words. I'm just
Starting point is 00:23:40 going to do it. I'm just gonna do it. Yeah. And I'm like, you know what? That's that absolutely. And that worked most of the time that but like, there's every once in a while, if it doesn't, you're like, okay, we got a serious thing. Now we can go in and see what's going on. But yeah, man, like these fucking days with this type of shit, it's just like, well, especially no one's learning this position that we're in. It's like, let's say, I'm going to call up Eli play your grapes. I'm like, Eli, my microphone's broken. He's like, I don't use your microphone. I don't use your PC setup. I don't use your the programs you use. I don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Oh, okay, there's no advice there. Yeah. All right. Um, I'm going to
Starting point is 00:24:21 Google, because woolly loves Adobe Premiere and Billy loves Adobe. Everybody loves Adobe Premiere, except for me. I like Sony Vegas. But I'm like, okay, so I'm the only person that I personally know in life that uses Sony Vegas. So I'm going to Oh, this shit doesn't work. Okay. How to import MP3s into Sony Vegas is whatever won't work. All right, here's a thread from 2015 where a guy goes, I don't know how to do it won't work. And then 10 guys go, I don't know, just do this. And then he goes, I don't work. And then the original poster goes, Oh, I figured it out. Yeah. Thread clothes. Yeah. And that's what I'm about ready to fucking throw a brick through my own window. You know, I mean, back in the day, I'd be I call up Misha and just be like, Yo,
Starting point is 00:25:07 how do I do this or that or my bios is all fucked. How do I get it to not do this or whatever? And you'd be like, Oh, yeah, here try this or that. And like, because he again, he was dealing with the same shit. Usually he was buying parts more ahead of where I was at. And people were again, you learned how to use that because you had to because when things went wrong, there was your just computer was not going to work. Or your fucking parents weren't going to sit there and try to fix that. Or occasionally you tried to tinker with it and you broke it yourself. There's that. And then you were like, I have to fix this. But before my parents realized that I completely fucked the computer up. Yeah, there's that. That's motivation. Nowadays,
Starting point is 00:25:46 at least there is Yo, YouTube, what the fuck am I doing? And then you might get something like, Hey, yeah, here's the tutorial. What's up, guys? Here's how you do this or that or whatever the fuck. And a lot of the times that'll cover it. My favorite video tutorials are completely silent ones in which the person talks to you by opening up a notepad on their desktop. That's pretty rad. That is my favorite. I like those. Those ones are almost always really good. Yep. Similarly, shout outs to the videos where you see someone, which I'm going to call it, reverse engineering, taking apart hardware. Yeah, like they do that. Like, like, so it's like, oh, you're my fucking whatever my whatever's needs needs, like, I don't
Starting point is 00:26:32 know, my Dreamcast or my phone or whatever. And they just they just silently they play some music and they just use the screwdriver to point out the screws. Fast forward. Yeah, next step. Take off this. Oh, it's beautiful. Watch out up. There's a little bit of a snug here between where the LCD connects to the motherboard. Make sure to not pull too hard. And then you just there's no words, just visual only and listen very carefully. If you are assembling your PlayStation two, you know that ribbon, don't fuck with that ribbon. Yeah, you fuck that ribbon up. That thing is a brick. Yeah. And you can just use screes. You can use screwdriver gestures and pantomimes and occasionally a hand going, whoa. And then you then then you did you slowly do what you need to do. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:27:14 I've taken apart fucking gameboys have taken apart PSPs of like how many fucking things I've done, just with these types of tutorials and they teach you fucking everything. Let me ask you ever replace a CPU or a CPU fan? Yeah, it's the worst. I hate it. It's you know, like, you know, like applying the gel. It's the only part of anything to do with any piece of technology I've ever interacted with that is not a digital piece of technology. It's it's, but it's like, it's like, it's like cars have white parts. Yeah, it's like that. That's, you know what I mean? A car is the driest hardest. It's over over the years. The idea of I'm going to put paste or liquid to my technology, like it is repulsive and terrifying because like,
Starting point is 00:28:03 you know, there's there's all every fucking possible way of like, okay, put a dollop that's half a P or make a really thin line that's an X or, you know, and whatnot. And then you have, oh, God, what was it? Was it edge or whatever? There was some fucking magazine, the non magazine website that everyone went nuts over because they showed how to do the thermal paste and they showed how to do it in a way that would damage the CPU guaranteed because there was too much and it was in the wrong spot. Yeah. And it's like fucking shit. Yeah, the wet the wet stuff is a little bit it's not it's a you know, you have to get used to it. I like the water cooling urge that's who did it. The urge who did that stupid shit. Okay. So like the when the water cooling
Starting point is 00:28:49 system fucking entered this house. Oh, man, that's that was that was big worry, big panic, not sure how to do what with what with that. And that to this day, I still completely don't really know. But I kind of get it a bit more now. The thing about water cooling that I is that it's entirely contained and there's no way for the water to actually get out unless you stab it with a knife. It's all exactly right. And I didn't know that just exists to cool a copper plate. I didn't real I didn't know that when it was when I was first introduced to what I thought it was like, wait, no, inside your tower, there is liquid and you are dunking everything. Now you want to go hard, you can do the fucking oil treatment with your PC, which is exactly what
Starting point is 00:29:35 you're describing. And you dunk your entire PC into oil. Wow, and the parts stay cooler because it's oh yeah, well, oil is non conductive as shit. So like that's going to stay fucking nice and temperate. But I hope you I hope you plugged in a USB extension. Yeah, because nothing else is going to touch that shit. Also, you probably I guess you don't have to dust what it's underwater in mineral oil. No, I don't think so. I guess I guess that gets rid of that. Fair enough. Interesting. That's weird. But don't don't drop an open flame into your oil computer. That would probably be bad. That's just a thought. Just stop Windows. Just stop. Just stop. It ain't hard. Anyway, well, as we'll see later in the in today's podcast, Windows and its derivatives
Starting point is 00:30:30 seek to touch other operating systems. If you can't beat them. And they're not doing so great in that regard. Offer a truce. I don't know. We'll get there. Yeah. That's weird. Break anti compete laws. I don't know if it gets into that territory. It's just an SDK. But well, no, I'm just talking about like Windows bundling that browser is against anti monopoly laws in a bunch of countries. Telling people not to download Chrome. Shout outs to Jeff's tweet that points out the fucking madness that is Canada and its prices for cellular data. Yeah. Because it is a chart comparing everything from every other country and leading the pack that is planet Earth is Canada, where most other countries have themselves kind of like
Starting point is 00:31:39 coupled somewhere in the middle of this jumble. I want to say I want to say it's like Finland or something like that is way down low with like 20 gigs or 25 gigs or so for like between uses pounds. So it's like less than five pounds. Yeah. And then, of course, Canadian data where you're getting like barely two, three gigs over 20. I'm paying like 100 plus bucks a month to get like six gigs of data. Exactly. Exactly. It's a big ripoff, but I need my data. And we're the only country in the world that has prices this bad. And now they're going to tell you they're going to say, you know what they're going to say to you? Well, Canada is really big. We got to put the cell towers everywhere. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, the fucking Internet coverage shit. Canada,
Starting point is 00:32:34 if you looked at the size of Canada where the population lives, it's like a single US state. Yeah, so it's just a long strip short history lesson. I don't know how many other countries the supplies to, but for us, Bell has been a fucking cunt of a company the entire time they've existed in our history. Because guess, because usually when you put up these communication lines and towers, they're they're owned by the state. Yeah, state says we need a bunch of infrastructure. We're going to build some infrastructure for phones or whatever. Canada has Bell put the towers up themselves and their privately owned communication tower is what's the country relies on for its entire history. So that when we move forward into the time of Internet,
Starting point is 00:33:27 Bell literally is like, we own the Internet in Canada. And then the government goes, we might have made some mistakes. And there's nothing you can do as a competing Internet company, except rent out Bell's towers from Bell, which is so that's the weirdest thing in realizing they had the government had essentially created its own privately owned monopoly. They said, okay, Bell, here's what you're going to do. We're going to force you to rent out your own lines to your competitors at cost. And you're just going to have to deal with it because you can't be a monopoly. And Bell went, oh, it's not fair. And everyone in the world said, I don't care, fuck you, Bell, you're the worst. But the steps that happened before the world we
Starting point is 00:34:19 are at now were long and excruciating because first they said you have to rent them out at cost. And Bell went, oh, car. So then everyone started creating all these other tech companies would basically rent from Bell, sell back to you, but repackage the data in different ways. Like, some people would offer unlimited, even though Bell wasn't. Yeah. And then it was just thoughts with the numbers to make it work for them. They try exactly, right? But then if you became again, to use a power user, right, if you became someone that was going in way, way hard on, on, on your downloads and uploads or whatever, they would fucking throttle you or throw you on to garbage ass pipes where your internet was now trash because you were using it way too much.
Starting point is 00:35:03 And then people figured that out. But it was still unlimited. And that was, and that was horrible. And then, you know, and it would just be all this stuff because basically at the moment that you start using it too much, you're costing them money because they're offering you an unlimited service, but they're paying Bell for everything. One of my most satisfying moments, and maybe this is petty because it's not the guy's fault, but he's, there's a little Bell logo on his jacket. So fuck him. Is when you have, so out here in Montreal, there is Distributel. There's Tech Savvy. There's a couple internet companies that use Bell's lines because the government says they have to. And the goofiest part is that because they're Bell's lines, Bell has to send their
Starting point is 00:35:50 technicians to your house to install another company's internet. Yes. And they fucking hate it. Because they're not, yeah, they're not, they're not doing it like for you. Yeah. They're doing tech work as a contractor for some other company that you're a customer of. Absolutely. It's, it's so good. But it's, it's also the fucking worst because like the entire time anyway, like the way this whole thing is set up is madness. And like in a normal circumstance where things developed organically were like, you know, like smartphones, it's like, okay, they came out and then Apple had, had iPhones and then you had Android phones and Google pixels come out and whatever. There's a whole thing where you can usually say in a perfect world, the market will
Starting point is 00:36:43 figure it out, right? In a perfect society where everything is just fucking flowers and daisies. Competition is the best way. The market will figure itself out and then everyone can just go, yeah, like I'm going to choose the service that offers the right one for me. In an ideal society or an ideal world, competition is the best way to get the best thing for any particular consumer. And the, the invisible hand of the free market will provide, right? Libertarian cast starts now. No, that's not, that predates libertarianism by like 50 to 100 years. But, but when your whole country is fucking, is fucked from the get go because you've, because this shit, the technology that has now become mandatory, like your communications and your transportation starts off
Starting point is 00:37:36 private. Well, let's continue the analogy from the invisible hand of the free market. The Canadian internet is not an invisible hand. It's an, it's a fist and it belongs to one person. That person is Alexander Graham Bell's fucking skeleton. Yeah. All right. Yeah. And so people realize like, okay, hold on, hold on, hold on. There is no market. They're like that. The market doesn't exist. Yeah. So, and I look at that and I look at, uh, I talked to my pals in the States and they go, you know, near weekly fucking Comcast or whatever, or AT&T out. And it's like, we might have dodged a bullet up here with the way that it happened. Oh, really? Because since it was so bad, so early, steps were taken to mitigate it that will continue onwards. Whereas all the
Starting point is 00:38:33 American companies are just absorbing each other. And now they're going to become one big company. But it might be too late because they might just, oh, you know what I'm saying here? I know what you're saying, but at least someone can compete. But there is no realistic competition in the vast majority of the United States. Yeah, I guess that's already in a big ass city. Sure. But half of Americans don't live in big ass cities. They live in rural areas in which point your choices for internet are maybe Comcast and fuck you. Yeah. So eat it. Yeah. What if like, there are four different internet providers I can choose from right now, despite there being a realistic monopoly because of the way that it worked out? What if like some, some billionaire teams up with like
Starting point is 00:39:24 Korea and just says yo, Fios everywhere. Well, that's like in the Fios for the farmers. That annoys me because and then we just start installing fucking laser lines. So you look at for everybody. You look at Canada and you look at the deal with its internet and I can't speak for the cell tower stuff because I'm not familiar with that. But you look at a country like Canada, which is fucking big. It's really big. It's really wide in particular, right? A infrastructure network costs a lot, right? It costs way so I'm going to compare a lot to the United States. Yeah, because they are direct neighbor. Our cultures are very similar. We like we run things kind of the same. It's very comparable, right? The US has a lot more shit in between the places that people live than Canada
Starting point is 00:40:11 does. And if you go down and drive down the fucking Trans Canada highway, you will see that you will go big ass city fucking 15 hours of wasteland, big ass city, right? You got to link those with the cables all that, right? That's expensive. That's basically what middle America turns into as well. Yeah, but America's population is mostly like centered around those edges. Yeah, yeah, it's all coastal, right? Just just like us were settled settled around the bottom edge, right? Next to the border. Yeah, well, it's temperate there. It's nice. And like the one company owns it and it's it's fucking goofy. You look at Korea, you look at fucking Japan, you look at the places that have the ready. Yes, we're talking it's a one 1000th
Starting point is 00:41:04 increase in population density. So yeah, you know what, fast internet, no problem. Of course, because you're you're you're you're fucking what you call it, your square footing. I mean, you were you we went to Japan, right? I mean, not together, but like we were there. You had the we had those fucking cheap ass bricks that were the Wi Fi machines that were in some cases faster than internet, you could get at home. Like this is amazing. That's because that internet tower only has to cover a fucking, I don't know, 10 mile radius. Yeah, because they're everywhere, because there's so many people that it would serve. Yeah, no, in both cases, it's just like we have less landmass, so therefore we can make it work so much better within this, you know, concentrate
Starting point is 00:41:47 the internet. Yeah, juice. And it's fucking awesome that that that's able to work out in that way. Sucks that we have it set up the way we do. But regardless, countries big, that's cool. Yeah, third number number three. Who's number two? I forget, but I've number two. I remember being taught that we were number three, unless that was pre USSR. Well, you I mean, USSR doesn't count that country doesn't exist anymore, in which case, biggest, because we're number two. Okay. Yeah, because Russia's fucking big. Okay, still. Okay, we're number two, then. Yeah, even after even after the so I learned that fact when when the USSR still so then so you must have learned that stuff in 1989 when you were three years old, or whatever the fuck. Okay, so we're number two now.
Starting point is 00:42:35 Cool. Yeah, right. But yeah. And none of it, none of it, none of it, none of it, none of it is used because we're all huddled down south. No, none of it's used up north. That's the way we gave the anyway. Yeah. A little Canadian joke for no one. We have a we have a territory called Nunavit. Yeah, but then there's a place called Yellowknife. That's a cool name. That's us, right? That's that's Yukon. Yeah, okay. Yeah. Oh my god, dude, I found out the craziest fucking thing. You think Northwest Territories is ever going to get a real name because the fact that it sounds like a project name and the fact that it's not Northwest fucking pisses me off. When are you going to update the project name with a real name? When are you going to be version one? All right. So no, you know what
Starting point is 00:43:22 blows my mind. I was talking to Paige about this. She was she was on one of those threads of like stupid shit I believed until two minutes ago. Right. It's like, Oh, no, I thought that this meant that and someone posted it's like, Oh, I it took me forever to realize that Alaska isn't just in the middle of the ocean. Oh, God. And I went, What? What the fuck are you talking? She's like, because when she shows me a map of the U.S. and it's floating and Alaska and why are just floating in the ocean? Okay. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's that's that's dumb. But here's also why you're still stupid, because anytime you see a line on something, you know that that's bordering territory. No natural occurring. Like the fact that Wyoming is a fucking square does not mean
Starting point is 00:44:07 that nature decided that, you know, so that Manitoba was decided by the Lord. Yeah, that weird rectangle, like the edge of Alaska should give that away. Like anyway, but like, yeah, but why doesn't a U.S. map just like do the U.S. and the states are all colored and then Canada's in like gray and then you have it's like, I don't know. It's fucking. Do you think if if Kanye son moves up here, he'll become the Lord of of that province? I'm what he'll take over fully, fully confused Kanye West. Yes. Got it. No, that person has a son. Yes. His son has a name. All right. The name of the sun is North. That's fine. Therefore, the sun's name is Northwest.
Starting point is 00:45:09 Now, with this new information, let's rewind and revisit the joke. All right. This joke sucks. I hate this joke. Can you hear that? Yeah, I don't know if they can. Yeah. All right. That daughter, daughter, daughter, daughter, Kanye has a daughter, not a son. Whatever he is a child person daughter says chat daughter. Yes, daughter. All right. I'm not up to date on my hip hop progeny. I apparently am not as well. Forgive me. You know, what's great. DMX got out of jail. I'm glad I didn't know that on the same day that Resident Evil two came out and ex gone give it to you memes had a massive resurgence. Good for you, DMX. Yeah. Don't go back to jail. No. Hey, your taxes
Starting point is 00:46:05 and don't make weird deals with strangers in parking lots of 711. Well, I heard that he had an impromptu concert at a TGIF. It's not TGIF. It's some fancy like ballroom looking fucking place. I watched some of it. It's weird. It's really bizarre. Oh, well, then it was just it was just yeah, then I was it was mis reported to me, but I heard that he had a concert somewhere. And that was a thing. Yeah. It looks like it looks like he's performing at like a high school prom. Oh, I didn't see the footage of it. I just it's it's wild. Okay. Okay. He looks good for a guy who just got out of prison again. I mean, it was only for a year this time. Oh, was as far as I knew. I thought he I thought he got out early because he played tripping for the judge.
Starting point is 00:46:50 Maybe it would have been that time. I think it was I think he might have been in there for like multiple things. But Wesley Snipes, can he play like Blade for the judge? Yeah, they're going to show him the part where he won't open his fucking eyes. So they had to see G some bullshit onto him and the judge is going to be like 10 extra years for that crap. But what if he shows him the Lamogra fight and then he's like, Oh fuck. Yeah, that's pretty dope. Hmm. Yeah, that's definitely going to pick up and there's nothing we can do about it. Well, that's the nature of recording in a human location where people live and have lives. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, say we were recording at my house, you know what happens every now and then?
Starting point is 00:47:28 Yeah, you know, yeah, that's true. And he's cute and all, but he he can get mad. Yeah. That happens here too. But then I'm like, Hey, Steph, get out of here. Oh, no, shit. So there's a fucking, there's a fucking stamper video. Uh, what's it called? Fuck in. It's it's puppet something. It's with puppets. And it's two shitty puppets. And he does this grandma voice. Wes. Yeah, he painted what he does again. And in my like, it's that man is a treasure. He good. All right. We start the podcast. I guess we should.
Starting point is 00:48:21 Cue the anthem. You're going to have lots of time to get through that anthem in both languages and the bilingual one as you wait on that loading screen. I'll tell you what. All right. So I'm going to go first because I played, I think you should go first. I played very little of it. I think you have a few sentences worth of thoughts, maybe even five. But yeah, so I played anthem for a sum total of five entire minutes, maybe 10. Right. So my impressions are highly limited and obviously should be treated as such. Don't take it too, you know, too late. I think your tweets were your tweets. I think your tweets were taken very seriously. Well, but so I want to talk
Starting point is 00:49:21 about a broader topic first, which is the idea of a first impression in general. Anybody out there who's like 13, 14 listening to this one, you got good taste. You're going to go far to first impressions are important. Your dad's not lying to you. First impressions are lasting impressions. They are vital. That's the saying. Get a good handshake. Get a decent smile. Learn how to say hello to somebody. No, that good handshake thing. People have overdone it way more than they have not yet. I don't say I don't say get a strong I've encountered too many asshole handshakes and I've encountered very few weak handshakes recently, especially at, you know, now that we're shaking a lot more hands in our life these days. Some people are average person has
Starting point is 00:50:08 a pretty good handshake. Yeah. But every once in a while, some people try to really hard overdo it. Yeah. No, no, no. When I say get a good handshake, I don't mean go hard because that's a terrible handshake. Learn how to shake somebody's hand like, like, oh, hey, nice to meet you. That's it. It's like, yeah, you're you're because that that gives a parameter of your general comfort with human contact and, you know, yeah, you're being don't don't fucking don't be that video games also have first impressions. Yeah, sure. And it's particularly important because it is the first impression that is attempting to elicit a sale. So the very first impression that I ever had of Anthem was that this trailer is a lie. I don't know if you guys remember, but we did the three
Starting point is 00:50:49 coverage and they the reveal trailer for Anthem came out. And I'm like, this is CG trailer. And they're like, no, no, no, no, it's real. By the way, that was a totally a CG trailer, especially if you play the game or watch footage like that was complete nonsense fakery. I remember because my impression was Iron Man. Yeah, right. Now that part's realistic. It was a concept thing, but they told us it was real game and whatever. All right, so download the Anthem on the origin. That's actually strike one, which is not fair to the game. You went straight to PC. Yeah, of course. Okay, but you know what? We have to have this is a second conversation afterwards. But every time I go like, yo, I'm going to take a look at this game.
Starting point is 00:51:34 I don't know what fucking platform to get it on. Right. That's what the end of this conversation is going to segue perfectly into that. Holy shit, because I have a whole little plan in my head. So I go origin. Okay, that's actually kind of not fair to the game part. But yeah, origin strike one, right? Load it up. First thing that happens. Loads in on the wrong monitor and I can't change it. Okay. Have to start the game, start to load into the game, go into the menus. Now I can change my monitor. Okay. All right, I'm in a hub. It runs bad, like stuttery and it feels unoptimized. And it's like, I'm throwing a fucking Titan Pascal at this. It's the second most powerful thing. Like this should be cake. Okay,
Starting point is 00:52:26 well, did you attempt any I fussed with the settings? It couldn't get anything, you know, realistically to run how in my mind it should have run. Okay. All right, I'm going to walk over to the robot that you get into, you know, you walk into the square. That's a cool animation. And all I can think of is like, this is taking me a while to get to the robot. This is going to be possibly very annoying when I'm just hopping out of missions, but you know, whatever, hop into the robot, get into the mission screen. I actually cannot figure out how to start the mission for a good bit. I thought I was the stupidest fucker in the world, only to have other people point out the same thing to me unprompted. The menus that I was dealing with are just poor.
Starting point is 00:53:18 You know, the menus is bad. Load into the game and go, okay, got a jump, got a melee. Okay, usability is fat. You know, the cooldown, shoot the gun, fly around and just nothing about the movement or the shooting or the way the abilities pop or like, you know, I ran down and shot a guy for a couple of minutes. I'm just like, this feels like the division with slow flying. And when I say slow flying, I mean, like they're throwing a lot of speed lines on the screen to tell you you're going really fast, but you're not really actually going very fast when you fly in that game. It's kind of like a jog in the air. It feels about the same speed as like a Final Fantasy 14 flying mount. It just made me feel like, ah, it's kind of slow and kind of stiff. And I just
Starting point is 00:54:15 like, I was just, I just had this moment of like, nah, nah, like this is, all these little pieces were bad first impressions. And then I got to it and I, it felt okay. So I was like, nah, nah, I'm you're flying speed is faster than your sprint or your jet sprint or whatever, because you can see that on ground, you're not going to keep up with somebody for sprinting after them. So you know for sure that it is, it is faster, in fact, faster, but it doesn't appear to actually be fast, if that makes any sense. Okay, it seems to be a marginal improvement. And then I turned the game off and I'm like, all right, I'm done. That I'm not going to bother, I'm going to wait for full release if need be. And then I went to Twitter to talk about it and someone's like, do you play it on PC?
Starting point is 00:55:06 Be careful. Because that demo can fuck your hard drive up. Funhouse made a video with two out of four installs getting a corrupted hard drive. And I went, are you, are you, yeah, and saying it a lot lately, because Eli stuck it in my head, but bitch, are you for real? And I deleted it off my thing. And then you called me about half an hour after that, asking me, hey, Pat, you were talking about Anthem, you wanted it. And like, nah. And then you put up a poll that said, where should I play this? And it was overwhelmingly. And this was before any of that news hit me. Yeah, it didn't hit you, but you put it up and it was like 70%, like put it on the PS4. And then you played it on PS4. Yeah. And now I passed the baton to you. So in general, the that that question is always
Starting point is 00:56:02 going to persist because that's one that's one that is like, my main thing is it'll, I, my computers get enough that it'll run fine on whatever. Yeah. So ultimately, my only real choice is where are other people so that if I want to play with multiplayer purposes in mind, I can play with you guys or is one version fucked up in some in some massive way. Exactly. And that is always like, just fucking throw a dart. I don't know. Right. It's literally game by game. You can't even trust specific studios to get it right. So then I was kind of just going like, okay, do I feel like, like, so then when I went and I bought like Ace Combat, right? I was like, do I want to switch to HDMI tonight? No, let's just keep it plugged in. All right. That and that was it. So I
Starting point is 00:56:50 said, let me just buy it on steam. And that was the only decision behind like, oh, let me just get it there or not. Because for the most part, it's like, yeah, sure. But and then it's sometimes some people are like, oh, no, I have it on PS4 or something. Like, ah, fuck. All right. Well, so anyway, that's that's going to continue to be a thing. And I guess I don't want to put a pull out every fucking time for every game. Save yourself the trouble and just hit me a tweet because I follow all that stuff religiously. Okay. I love version differences. And I love finding out what the differences are. But I also want to know like population differences. I can usually so population wise, this theme spy will tell you one thing, but then population wise,
Starting point is 00:57:28 this game will do much better on consoles than it will on the PC for a bunch of reasons. One, the Warframe community is a lot stronger on PC. And there are obvious direct competition to this is a fucking console game. They that demo doesn't have the right prompts in a lot of cases. So when you're using your mouse and keyboard, it'll tell you hit down on the D pad. No, it's just like every time I go to like load up like a fighting game or something on Tuesdays. And like, I'm like, yeah, we're going to be on PS4 or so. And then so and then like a couple of comments are like, oh, I don't have a PS4. Sorry, I can't play with you fighting games on PS4. And then I go, well, fuck, particularly if they're anime fighting. I know. But I just that happens.
Starting point is 00:58:11 Like infrequently, but frequently enough that I go, oh man, I just assume everyone had a PS4 and they don't. Yeah, it's like I buy every fighting game that I care about on the PC as well. But then I play them on PS4 because that's where people play the fucking game. Yeah, because because PS4s were fighting games go to live. So I installed it on PS4 and I booted it up. And the first thing I noticed was that the loading was very, very difficult. And I popped in your stream every now and then I caught loading screens quite often. Yeah. So there's that. I mean, I'll just just like I'll give you the TLDR of it is the game's all right. That's my big takeaway as well. It's like, this is this is fine. It's overwatch with
Starting point is 00:59:03 flight in third person with like in terms of like using your cooldowns and abilities and then your gun is kind of just what you do while you're waiting for your cooldowns to come back. Yeah, I see cooldowns are really powerful. Right. That's what you're using your abilities. And then while they're while they're while they're you're waiting on the cooldown, you just that's what your gun is for. And then you use your alt, you know, and that's but you have the flight and whatnot going on. Um, the entire fucking hub can go. Please go. It's like I follow a YouTuber called quiet shy. She's the warframe community lady basically makes a lot of funny videos, got a robot voice, and she put a video out about Anthem that was pretty it was poking a lot of fun at it. But the
Starting point is 00:59:50 main thing is like, holy shit, you actually go back to the hub every time. That's insane. So that's fucking crazy. Thankfully, it seems like you can run. And if there one, it seems like I heard that there's a rumor that sprinting will be in the final build for the hub into from this from the getting into the javelin, you can then go to the forge, which is all I'm ever going to need. Sure. But like, right. But then you have to get out to go do your cuts. Like I saw the timer on it. And then the frame of destiny are the two games that are obviously going to be compared here. And those are 10 seconds to get into a mission from from the menu. And here it's like, it took me a minute plus to find the fucking javelin. So yeah. And I was like, what the
Starting point is 01:00:32 and I had that brief like five minutes of like, should I go talk to some of these people? And I was like, no, also, they don't have their things on anyway. But then some of the, you know, then the cut scenes kind of started and I went, Oh, Oh, no, I don't want any of this. I just want to feel the robot. Yeah. And that was another thing too, was the way the the tutorial kind of came at you was just a bunch of paragraphs that were just like, Oh my God, like this is not let me just get hands on right now. You know, this is really important. So so that entire hub can just fucking go just just it is it is it is the walking around up Sturgo, I guess. Yeah. Right. In a game that you're supposed to be mission, mission, mission, mission,
Starting point is 01:01:10 mission, mission. Right. And it's like, come on, that's a once you're in game, I found that the I was fine with the feel of it. I thought it was it was doing what I expected of it. And that was cool. A flight I really grew to enjoy. And in particular, I will say this, like, so you you gave that a little brief spin. And then that was the end of it. Right. When you unlock the second Javelin. Yeah, I did see people saying that interceptor wasn't their company. Huge difference between you mean, whatever you started as yeah, wasn't their company. And the second one is a lot more fun. So the well, so that you pick one of three, right? And then one is a mage, the other is a heavy hulkbuster. And then the third one is the interceptor, which is your ninja. Yeah. And
Starting point is 01:01:57 yeah, I've been told the ranger is your is your default Iron Man that gives you your Master Chief, you know, generic balance or whatever. But everyone, everyone was and it puts them on dome shields, right? Everyone was really heavy saying on saying to me, well, two things. The thing I was getting the most on Twitter was, don't play the game, don't just stop, stop, abort, abort. And I was like, okay. And then the thing I heard second most was, okay, but you're going to just interceptor, though, you only get to choose one. Yeah, don't don't go any other way. I know you. I have been told that the interceptor one is the one that has movement the closest to warframe, which is a weird come like way to frame that. Yeah. And I look at that game and I'm
Starting point is 01:02:45 like, how about this? Like the game is fine. I think it's going to launch in a fucked up technical state. And I think it's going to launch with too little content. And I don't particularly feel anything about it as exciting, but it's probably fine like to play, right? But I look at it and I look at it as the most possible. Like, I can see cynicism in the look, I can see cynicism in the design. I'm looking at the the I'm looking at the robots, the javelins. And I'm like, is each of these a different fucking game? Also, yeah, to rip off. Well, the other problem, the problem is whatever is good in there is like what there's a there's a hate train rolling is like is the ranger the destiny robot. There's a hate train rolling full steam ahead. And that hate train is
Starting point is 01:03:37 fueled by anger at EA, which is justified. So it's understandable. And that one screenshot that came out that nobody wants to talk about from EA, which is our skin's going to cost fucking $20. I didn't see that. That's crazy. There is a screenshot out there. That's insane. That says it will cost 2000 fake fun bucks or whatever to buy a skin which convert which would likely convert into $20 for context. The the pricing of like a warframe thing is three to six ish for a cosmetic item. Destiny is fucking engrim base. So it's different. But like $20 for a skin would compare to say a fortnight, right? I hope that's not true. I hope this is confirmed as we all know is free. It doesn't cost money. I hope I hope that ends up not being the case because that would be
Starting point is 01:04:38 a really stupid move. It would be wild if it was $20. Like what people might be looking for when they come to this game might be locked behind level 12, right? Which is your your choose your neck, your second really, right? But you started 10 in this demo. But I'm assuming you started fucking one when the game starts, right? The demo starts you at 10. But like all this to say that like if the if the ranger is not cutting it for you, some people might not even get to the point that they get to experience whatever else they're looking for. The fun one. Yeah. Well, because for me, the interceptor was okay, here we go. What's the deal is a lot faster. Here we go. Go, go, go. Yeah. Okay. So interceptor is way faster.
Starting point is 01:05:32 And it puts your entire emphasis on movement because triple jump, triple dash. Yep. Okay. Yep. All right. Right. Use as liberally as you would. Also, sprinting and and doing those things. Okay. Your your shield is tied to like you go in your ranger, you can put the protection up and you can just wait and hide or whatever. As an interceptor, your shield is tied to your speed. Okay. So when your shield is low, move fast, then it comes back. Cool. That's actually really cool. It is because then you have to ninja to get your defense back up, right? So that big old crazy Genji feeling is going on. Then you have flight in the midst of that level of air control. And then you're also everyone may lays with that big uppercut and then the big
Starting point is 01:06:31 death from above. Yeah. Interceptor combos and keeps going and melee, melee and just and has a big string, right? And then its alt is invincibility while your melee damage doubles or triples. Okay. Yeah. So it's all about the rush down melee thing and speed and that makes the flow of that suit way more fun than the ranger. You like complaining about the heavy and how the heavy apparently doesn't feel very good at all. So Min spent his time with the heavy and what I've heard from most people is that the problem with it is that it's not heavy enough. All right. Right. And that effectively it's coming in and it's drawing all that's supposed to draw all the all the aggro and tank the damage, but it's not tanky enough for that purpose. Okay. So yeah,
Starting point is 01:07:31 like it maybe it doesn't it doesn't necessarily work out. But there's a video of of end game footage that IGN put out where they're like, Oh, here's like everything max leveled and going into the grandmaster three challenges or whatever. And like the amount of pips of health that it gets later on are absurd. You just can't see you can't even see them anymore. Right. So it seems like it might start that way, but eventually ends up being absurd in terms of how much health it gets. But everything also gets like a fucking 3000 HP modifier percent modifier and whatnot, like like everything gets insane, but your weapons get it's all yeah, whatever. So that was the main thing is once I switched to that second javelin, it felt a lot better.
Starting point is 01:08:20 The cosmetics, the promise of how you color your parts and choose your shaders. I saw that as wild is really, really cool. I mean, I wish I could spot color like I saw regardless. I saw a color wheel. I saw choose whether or not you want Warren rubber, you want brush metal anyone anyone who knows Coral painter is going to is familiar with the color wheel with the triangle in the middle. And it's like, Oh, that's fucking really, really in depth color wheel. You can get a lot out of that now full on RGB numbers that you can you can play with and grab nothing you nothing I know of adds shaders as well, like what kind of material you want each surface to be. It's extremely rare. Unfortunately, in almost anything to actually alter the material look for honor gives you
Starting point is 01:09:15 different types of metal as you level up, maybe, but I guess very minor. Unfortunately, because of the the way it's laid out in the UI, not being super intuitive. A lot of people were like, wait, how do I change the color? Because when you go to that paint menu, it seems like you're only selecting materials, right? And the color at the end of the material is like a bar on a menu. And then the end of the menu has a little nub with the color on it. And you have to move the cursor over to the UI is just not it's not intuitive. Overall, it's not. It's apparently especially bad on the PC because like there are menus that like will not register the mouse at all and you have to move with the keyboard. I was like, that's goofy. When I when I first entered,
Starting point is 01:09:56 and I was looking at that main screen where it's like, how do you launch, right? And I saw the I saw the launch expedition. And I was like, okay, and people said, don't do your expedition yet, go do a free play first. And I was like, okay. So I assumed that launching expedition would be the thing not to do. And I'm looking and then it's like, okay, so the first part on top, I'm like, is entering into what I see here as the mission going to bring me to a menu to choose? No, or is this going to start? It's and it was just unclear. Yeah. The thing that worries me when I look at that, like the materials and color wheel stuff with Anthem is actually amazing.
Starting point is 01:10:38 Yes, like Warframe has palettes. And those aren't as good. I made my unit one. And it was really satisfying. Destiny has their shader system, which is a trainwreck. But I look at that, especially there's a screen of like, you know, here's 20 different materials. That is, in my opinion, not a realistic portrayal of what that screen is going to look like when you play that game. There's a whole second menu of like purchase, because those are all just defaults. I seriously doubt that. Okay, well, I seriously doubt they're going to give you like a dozen different material that I imagine that all of those will be locked. We'll see. But what the demo had was you go to the second screen where you can purchase or it's usually purchased or
Starting point is 01:11:31 craft on that that second part. And then there was other types of crit materials like wacky patterns and stuff decals and so on. And then there was another layer as well that I only found going back after afterwards where there's material, there's color, and then there's dirt level. Yeah. How dirty do you want it to look? Do you want it to look brand new? Do you want it to look normal? Like you've had it for a while, used, super busted up or new, but covered in grime. You know? And so that's a whole other level as well. So the level of javelin customization I'm very satisfied with. They did quite a bit to make your thing look unique, which was why when we loaded into all those missions and I saw generic ass motherfuckers dropping in, I fucking yawned.
Starting point is 01:12:23 I'm like, I can't believe I'm the only one that bothered. When you load in a warframe. Because all I saw was generic ass fucking colors and it was such a bummer. And you see a fucking rhino with the fucking default colors. You're like, motherfucker, what game are you playing? What is this? What are you doing? It was terrible. How dare you? I hated that. I hated that. It takes two seconds. Just go in, pick your favorite color and over. But you know what? The UI made it so that maybe you couldn't find the color. Maybe they, maybe they looked for it and they couldn't find it in one fucking. I want to play. Right. So that's how it be. So that's how that goes in the game, though. Right. So then free play. I did free play for a while. I went back in afterwards as well to
Starting point is 01:13:07 just to see and there's these world events and these things. And it's like, yeah, you can kind of just fly the underwater stuff is really cool. It's really pretty when you fly a pie into the sky. Yeah. And when you're soaring with like three other people and you're all like doing fucking Star Fox formation or not, but you're like following the same path together and going underwater together and then shooting out together and fighting. It's like a nice flow, you know, which is what the vision of that trailer, the rendered trailer wanted to capture that feel of like Iron Man together, we're going to go get Iron Man under the water, Iron Man out of the water and then fight, fight, fight, fight, fight and then fly away again. And that's that feeling
Starting point is 01:13:48 of being able to like you're standing still, you do a thing, you give it like I had a I went to a world event, right, took out somebody or whatever, you both do the little wave and then you just jump off and blast off the other way. It's like, yeah, that's cool. The missions have some really, really weird decisions in them, such as puzzle solving. In one case, you're puzzle solving where you have to like find the color in the room on the platform and then match the door to that color. I saw that. Yeah. And I'm like, okay, so this is me and Min talking. So we're going, oh, yeah, this is how you do it. Are we figuring out how it works? And you got to go find the thing doing that with randos with no Mike is nightmarish. And that's the end of your mission.
Starting point is 01:14:33 Yep. That is the fucking end. Because if you don't if they don't know, or you don't know, then you're going to be wandering around trying to figure out what to do. But if one of you figures it out, the others are still going to be changing the colors, because you're solving the mission together. So the fact that they can go and fuck up your but your thing while you're trying to solve it is that sounds great. Stupidest shit ever. That sounds awesome. So if that is going to be a thing that is more than in more than one place, I don't think that's a good idea. Right. The other puzzles type of things were just like, bring the object back to the location while you're while the fight's going on, which is much more like, yeah, you can't fuck that up as hard.
Starting point is 01:15:10 And then you have your big fucking boss fight. Yeah, where you do the big old boss. I thought I thought there's three bosses in the demo. And I fought both of them. And then you take on that last big old bug. And right now in the demo, there's a consistent thing where that's consistent. People are getting it half the time. It's like a 50 50 shot of you getting probably within five minutes of a fight that lasts like 40. Yeah. And then you get disconnected and fuck you. Right. So you fucking get disconnected and you get kicked the fuck out of the mission. The thing, the fight itself is really long. Yeah. The mission itself is an hour. Yeah. All together. And you just get booted. And that happened to me. And that was the end of that.
Starting point is 01:16:11 And men warned me that it might happen because it happened to him before it happened to his brother. And everyone else said, Yep, this is what occurs. I was like, do I lose everything? And then people said, No, the next time you go into a sortie, you and you then come back to the hub, the super broken menu that feeds you your that tells you what you get or whatever will give you all those pickups you've picked up in the meantime. So you get everything up to that point. But to me, that happening in a live scenario means I'm putting the video game down for a while. I'd like to add some context with its contemporaries here. So that happens. Right. In destiny, there was a long standing bug in which sortie. Yes, sortie. So yeah,
Starting point is 01:16:58 that's a sortie. Sortie. What are you going to tell me it's sortie. You have some other weird English pronunciation of sortie. It's sortie. So really? Yeah. Well, guess what? It's a fucking French word and it's pronounced sortie. Oh, no. Don't come at me over this shit. All right. So destiny to when you ran the raid, the raid would take a while, take three to six hours, this fucking long ass thing, right? And had a consistent bug that was maddening that would just a character would do a one of your six guys would just not respond, which makes the which makes the raid like logically incompletable. It's the kind of raid that you need certain amounts of people to stand on certain amounts of thing. Uh oh,
Starting point is 01:17:41 Jimmy's just not going to respond. And the only way to consistently fix it was somebody had to leave the party, then Jimmy would respond, then you'd have to re invite them back in. I don't know if they ever even fucking fixed it. So awful, just awful. Warframe has a long standing issue that I want to say they have mostly mitigated with host migration because it's actually peer to peer in which the host leaves. Oh, you failed to reconnect to the new host. You lost every single item that you picked up in your mission. That sucks. Fuck, right? Anthem seems unique only in the fact that it is this encounter that is causing the server shenanigans, right? That's weird. That's actually I'm not saying
Starting point is 01:18:31 it's even worse. I'm just saying it's odd because that's a bug that's not like the system sucks or it's just like, okay. So list of bugs I've encountered over the eight hour stream that I did and then eight hours. I did an eight hour stream and then despite because I was like, I want to do it all in one and then I'm done. Yeah. But then last night I was like, yeah, fuck it. Let's just throw it back on. Just to get more time in with the interceptor. And I did and I'm glad I did because I got to see the extra free, free world stuff and and some more bugs. So lag spikes was the first one, right? Animations just playing out in weird ways. Shit looking wrong a couple times. I jumped and then we got stuck in place and couldn't move.
Starting point is 01:19:19 Lag, lag, lag, you know, menus fucking up and take and taking forever. Super duper long loading. That can also be a latency. Yes, perhaps. The fact that I was streaming is a possible contributor. I would mention because I'm streaming a lot now, I would not say that streaming in terms of your, your overall internet use should be a factor in games because with us streaming, we're still have, we sell faster internet than the vast majority of people that are going to be playing the game. The thing is that it's usually not a problem. So like Min said, it might be. And I was like, okay, I'm willing to believe that. But in most games, it's not an issue.
Starting point is 01:20:04 I would say that it's likely not. And I would, and I think that if your net code is solid, therefore it wouldn't be right. If your net code is solid. So later on, I saw weird, I guess an effect didn't fucking spawn properly, but a black sphere just flickering on my model. Awesome. For, I don't know, maybe like three minutes or so. Apparently there's some really common sound bug that's quite awful. Forgettable music, maybe? Is that the, is that the sound bug you're talking about? I saw a part where you were playing and the chat was just going like, is there music in this game? It's, it's really, it's really generic movie synth, you know, like the, you know,
Starting point is 01:20:50 people talk about the Marvel movie. I would say that if you're going to be replaying missions a lot that having too much like high music would actually be a problem. So I get what they would be going for on a design level. However, the name of the game is Anthem. Oops. There is a cool thing that a system that I learned about a little bit more later, which is combos and the fact that you can use abilities into abilities into melee. And then if somebody else is doing something, you can work together and whatnot. Yeah. I remember hearing something about priming a target. So, so for example, one of the abilities you get with Interceptor is a lock on that makes
Starting point is 01:21:35 one target take 33% more damage. Super useful, right? Super good. So you throw that on old trick attack, throw that on, throw out your, your fucking glaive, right? And then do, yeah, I'm just thinking in FF 14, it's called trick attack. It's the best move in the entire game. Throw it, throw it, throw out your, throw out your glaive or your ninja stars, do your big melee attack. And then the mage freezes the target. Yeah. And then you hit them and then you get a big like combo thing for like working together, doing like a double attack. And also if the mage freezes the area that you're in while you're, when you do that attack, you are now ice buffed. Cool. And all of your melee is got ice damage on it. That's cool.
Starting point is 01:22:20 And when you run on the water, it freezes under your feet. That's really cool, actually. Yes. So that was stuff that, that, that when I popped it in the second time I discovered. Uh, the common one was leaving expeditions and or missions and that level up screen, showing you at level zero and showing you no rewards, even though you have all rewards. Oh, that's weird. I don't like that. And then you're, and then you just get straight to a loot menu, but none of your actual bars are moving or doing anything. Don't like that. And then, of course, there's the literal crashes that occur. Yeah. One of which dropped me out of the game. I sent a report in responsibly to Sony to ask them what happened. Yeah. And then the inability
Starting point is 01:23:04 to reconnect to the main server. So there's a weird discussion that I feel like that I'd actually like to touch on about the technical state of the demo, right? So that experience seems fairly common. What you just described, I've been seeing people talk about it. And from what I can ascertain the PC version of the game is in a significantly worse state than the console versions, right? Now, games not out, right? That's always the very first thing to point out is that the game is not out. However, the, the talk from EA's, this is a really old build, so old. This demo was pre-alpha. And it's like, you're not calling it a demo. Sorry, you're not calling it a beta. No, it's called a demo. It's a demo. This is a demonstration of what you think this game has in
Starting point is 01:24:06 terms of value to entice me to buy it. And that distinction is relatively important. And that's why me and you and everybody gets all up our own asses when they call what are obviously demos, betas, and so on and so forth, right? You felt this demo was a appropriate representation of the game. So it is fair to criticize the fact that it's fucking falling apart and that the game comes out in two weeks. The way that that streamended is like, I don't care how good things feel, that spirit crusher makes me put the controller down and walk away from the game for a while. I don't, I'm, I mean, it might just be me, but like that feeling is like, that's the, that's the lost save feeling. It's just the feeling of, oh my God, I finally got that drop. But due to some
Starting point is 01:24:59 insane bug, they'll roll your server back an hour and you're like, I can't believe, I would have. Yeah. And I don't, and I don't, and I like, I don't usually play games with rare and uncommon items. No, it's, you know what I mean? That's very much not in my way, exactly. So, but like, obviously, the potential is there. And in a world where all of those issues don't exist, and that hub has a sprint, or it's just, or you can hit start and hit fast travel to any particular person, for example, where I can just spend as much time as I need to in the, in the world itself and use that. And you know what, when the expedition's over, it says, where do you want to travel to, right? And right now it says, and it's pointing to the hub, maybe that menu will
Starting point is 01:25:44 be expanded to be other map locations. So you can go from a monster hunter, for example, you know, map to map. Yeah. Right. If you can do that, then you've got yourself a game with potential. You've got yourself something solid there. And I hope that, I don't know how many Javelins are going to be in the final four. Okay. Well, then I guess DLC will roll out and bring you your, no, it's going to, they have expanded on what the DLC plans are. And this is where, so I feel like, can you toss the baton back to me? Because I want to talk about live services, right? This is a live service game, right? Well, that means that I mean, it's going to be updated, right? The current state of what's actually in the game appears to be
Starting point is 01:26:32 little in terms of things to play. And that's important because these are the types of games that I'm coming off destiny, a game that I play two, three days a week, for example, not me, but I'm talking about Phantom Person. Now I'm going to play Anthem two, three days. Oh, wait, there's not enough in the Anthem. Well, they're going to, they've announced, we're going to do cataclysms that change the world map. Okay. What are those? I don't know. We're going to do rift storms. What are those? I don't know. They have, they have not mentioned anything about adding new suits to the game in that I am aware of. So then that means they will and it'll be season two. Well, they've said that all,
Starting point is 01:27:18 they have said that all game updates to the game will be free, that the game will be monetizing itself purely through cosmetics. And if that's the case, I actually see very little reason for them to put out new mechs, new javelins. How many warframes are there right now? 37 and they just announced two more. Now granted, warframes five years old and you can buy those fucking things for, I don't know, like 20 bucks each. The difference is that you can also earn them. And here's where, here's the rub, right? Warframe has a relatively complicated in game economy, right? That I think most people would say is fine. Destiny only has for, for most stuff, you hit the raid, you get your drops, whatever, and then
Starting point is 01:28:16 you have your fucked up micro transaction thing for cosmetics. Nobody knows what the fuck EA is going to charge. So you can get everything in game as well with in game currency. But how much and how long and how, you know, and this is where I would say you take the perception of responsibility, not responsibility of power away from Bioware. And then you start thinking about you're dealing with EA goosing their numbers. And it's like digital extremes is an indie company that I think has treated their customers with class. What is a move list on an average warframe look like again? Move list, they have four abilities. Okay. Yeah. So it's, it's actually comparable. It is, it is very comparably. It is suspiciously comparable, I would say. It is L by the way,
Starting point is 01:29:16 it's 123 and an alt. And like, you know, I think destiny and bungee in the way they've run that micro transaction store has been ugly and bad and has damaged the game. And that's fucking Activision, let alone EA who was responsible for that Star Wars battlefront shit. So I think some fucking trepidation about how that game is going to actually work with the, you know, with the item part of it, yes, is appropriate. I think it's very appropriate. And I think the fact that it's going to run on origin on the PC, and it will also tie into origin a little bit on consoles. And worrying about that is also appropriate because origin sucks. And I think that worrying about the fact that they released a demo that DDoS'd origin into crashing
Starting point is 01:30:14 is appropriate. That's fucked. That that happened. We'll see the state that this launches in. I would say that if the game is coming out in two and a half weeks, knowing that knowing the way QA works, yeah, you would know better than I buddy. But here's the thing, if they're if they're if they literally said this is an old build, yeah, they said it's a couple weeks old, then then the things you need to fix for that rolling start, if you're dealing with the most critical issues, it's those crashes and those drops and those latency issues and that server hit hammering, which means the smaller, more annoying, a little, little annoying things are not going to get addressed until way after like changes to
Starting point is 01:31:08 the hub design, for example. So that's a while. So that yeah, that day one patch is going to get it into not tip top shape tip top shape is not going to happen for a minute. It's it's really weird to me because I look at this game and I like it I said it before, but it feels very cynically made. It very much feels like it wants to appeal to everyone. And I don't I don't find so. I find well, I say that as somebody who has played to a degree all of the live service games that this takes influence from. Right. I have played a lot of destiny. I play a lot of Warframe and I dabbled in the division and I see a lot of those games in this a lot of it. So there was a weird time when when Overwatch was first coming out where it was like Blizzards
Starting point is 01:32:00 getting into the hero shooter genre. What? Okay. You know, that's a weird choice. Why are you not doing a mouse clicky game? Yeah, with the mouse clicks. That's your thing that you like that. You know, and then they're like, no, we're doing this. And I was like, okay. And then they did it. And then it's their fucking thing now. Right. This feels like a bio where your thing is the mass effect. Uh oh. Yeah. Okay. Well, what's another thing we can. Oh, this game, by the way, is clearly built off of Andromeda's skeleton. So this feels like the we let's we got to find another thing. And let's try this out. Yeah, because if this works and mass effect threes multiplayer, which people like. Yes. But it's like, if this works, then this can last. Sure.
Starting point is 01:32:51 There's no like, like whatever that story ends, who gives a fuck, people are still online playing in this world doing stuff. I and you can continue and you can warframe it. I keep the legs going for a long time. I think back to when this game started development was when destiny was hot. And that's activision's baby, you know, and then warframe got really, really popular two years ago, which and you know, I see it like I see the little pieces and division apparently got better and people are really excited for division two. And I look at it and it's like, there are, it's the MMO thing with live services, right? Because live services are pseudo MMOs, right? There already exists winners and losers in this space.
Starting point is 01:33:43 For who is for here the mighty rule, kind of. But like, who is this one for? Right? I can't see many people coming off warframe to play this for a lot of reasons, not because it's better or worse, but because the reason and I and destiny players apparently that new expansion is turning the game around, you know, and there was a board meeting and there was a gas leak in the board meeting. And it was a gas leak. Yeah, I just I look at it and I go, if I was playing destiny and enjoying destiny, right? Why would I go and this is this is a specific issue to live services games. Wolves. I'll use a fighting game analogy, right? Why am I going to go play Street Fighter five? When Street Fighter four already has 44 characters.
Starting point is 01:34:38 I play all those characters. So in fighting games, you don't you don't actually play all those characters in a live service game. You totally do the amount of built up content over the years matters. Right? The fact that you look at MMOs and they have like a decade like wow has a decade worth of fucking content now, right? You look at 14, it has three, four years of expansions in store. You look at warframe, they have all the missions and all those story shit, you look at destiny, they have the expansion, they have all the multiple raids on it. And then you go, okay, here's your new live service game anthem, right? It will start with much, much less to do in that game by default, because it can't have as much as the ones that have been around for years,
Starting point is 01:35:25 right? So the thing is like, oh, I'm going to start playing anthem because it feels amazing, or I love what they're doing with the thing, or you know, whatever. But all the feelings I got when I touched it were like, yeah, it's fine. So two things. One, games as a service is a gamble, but it's a gamble that fucking pays off. And when it pays off, yeah, it pays off big, yeah, and it pays off for a while. So obviously, why not take that gamble in their MMOs now, and to money wise, I mean, warframe itself is proof that you can have a rough start and on the tail end, bring it back around. Okay, I'm gonna, I know I sound like a broken record on this, but it's important. Warframe is free. Yes. Yes. But I'm saying
Starting point is 01:36:22 it's the important part. But what I'm saying is what you're what I what they're likely saying internally, yeah, especially is games as a service, huge payoff, rough start, we can fix it. And eventually, like when things are tightened up and whatnot, people can come over like with these games like with destiny, which so let me give you a really destiny's not free to play. Let me give you a really good example that uses the two games you talked about, right? Every single person that I know that plays warframe played warframe at some point back in 2015 when it launched, or you know, came out on ps4, that version of the game, or 2014, whatever, that version of the game bears almost no resemblance to the game that exists now. And it was fucked up and it sucked. Yep.
Starting point is 01:37:09 But you downloaded the demo and you played it for an afternoon, you went that sucks. And you moved on. Yep. No harm, no foul. Yep. So when people were like, you know, warframes of shit. Like, really? Is it what? Right? Yep. Now let's look at destiny. Destiny came out and parts of that game were fucked up. Still pretty good. The parts of it were fucked up. And then over a long period of time, they improved it, improved it, improved it, improved it. Destiny one ended up in a really cool state. Everybody loves it, right? Yep. Destiny two comes out and it is fucked up. Yep. But I bought destiny one and went through this song and dance before and I felt like ripped off for a year. And now I'm getting these DLCs that cost 15 bucks. And they're bad. Those are different
Starting point is 01:37:59 feelings. Those are very different willingness to go back in and spend money. And you can burn bridges when you charge money or that you don't when things are free. Yes. Or you can learn from the past and possibly just let this do the destiny one thing. Yeah. And then not make that that sequel mistake. And you know what? It's like destiny two to my knowledge from what people told me that Forsaken expansion really improved a bunch of stuff. They're working really hard on the game. But in destiny's example, it's actually wild because it's like it is the exact same development path the first game went through where it's like and it and everyone's thing of like, why didn't you just continue on from the first game? Why did you revert all these things? And now you're
Starting point is 01:38:52 having to revert the reversions back to the way it used to be. But if there's eventually the it's good now patch a year from now, that will probably like make the rounds enough for people who did buy it to go, All right, pop it in, download the update. It's free. I can see the difference. Oh, hey, maybe they're stuck. All right. So this is probably what they're thinking. Let me tell you about the it's good now patch. Every patch is the it's good now patch. How do you mean? Every single game that releases in this kind of state, any kind of state, any variation of every game we have talked about, every single significant update is the one that people are going to come out of the woodworks is that Oh, dude, this this one, this is the one. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:39:48 but this is the really good one. But people are full of shit. There's clearly one patch that matters when you talk about no man sky. Now, between you and me and between people who have played a bunch of these and aren't like frothing at it and have some perspective, absolutely. Like, oh, you look at Warframe that planes of idle on patch. That was a big fucking deal because they added an open world segment to the game, right? Destiny, that fucking update that added random rolls back into the game. That's a big fucking deal. But as somebody who like walls, I play a bunch, I play an MMO, I play a live service game, and I've touched other live services games, right? I played Wow, right? Every patch has people coming to you to tell you
Starting point is 01:40:36 every single one, every update, every change. Oh, man, it's dope. And filtering out that signal from noise for most people is impossible. So what happens? Okay, hey, Wolves, well, there's people that love anthem right now. Yeah. Hey, Wolves, a couple of them are really helpful in our in my chat season to a street fighter five. Fuck, that's really what the game need. They tone down invincibility on DP. That's the shit right there. Oh, wait, no, it wasn't. That's not the one. And you know better. So what happens you go back and say you go back and you go, okay. And what happens they go, well, I was told by somebody who seemed like they knew what they were talking about that this was the one, but it's not. So the next time somebody tells you,
Starting point is 01:41:27 even if it's real, you're gonna go, I don't know. I don't know. And that's a problem pretty specific to a live service. I guess the only difference there is like, have you spent the money already? And or are you being asked to spend more? Yeah. And is the trouble just a matter of downloading an update and booting it up? Or is it purchasing a new thing? You know, it's, it's weird. I'm just saying that like, this is likely what they have in mind. Oh, I totally agree with you. You know, I'm not arguing with this is a rolling start you per se. Well, I'm just trying to put it out there for why this. Yeah, I think there's a really fascinating and complex topic. And I have a feeling that you and I and a huge portions of the people listening to this podcast are giving
Starting point is 01:42:19 it a lot more thought and care than people that may actually be in charge. Now, if I can throw in the X factor, go for it. We also have on the table, the known fact that Bioware doesn't have the benefit of an infinite tail end here. No, because this is the final gambit. And they have come out there is a hard limit. I don't think there's anything more dire for Bioware than the fact that they had people come out. And so this isn't the end of Bioware. If this fails, you might as well just confirm that this is the end of Bioware. If it fails, the fact that you that that sentiment was so overwhelming that people felt the need to actually address that the company would not die if this game bombed. This company is going to die if this game bombs.
Starting point is 01:43:14 I don't know if it's going to bomb so much as not not float. Well, woolly to investors, that's a bomb. That's a fucking bomb. They spent a lot of money on this game. Oh, yeah, this game is expensive. Like even if it's in its technical state and all that, you can you can feel the money off of it. And in some cases, the money feels misspent. But like, this is developed five years, a big AAA game. It's got to come out the gate swinging or else it's a massive failure. That's one of the things that Warframe had that helped it out when it was fucked up and shitty is that all it needed to do was keep the company from going bankrupt. That's a low bar. See, and it's and it's and it's I guess it's just it's weird when it's like when you kind of
Starting point is 01:44:02 blah collect trying to put the thoughts together. When the feeling is meh, yeah, that you know, like it unfortunately slides to one polar end or the other. Yeah, totally. And it has to and it can't yeah, and it has to be more than meh. It has to at least be like, yeah, like there's interesting things there, but also the menus are bad. So I came off that I came off that that five minutes. I didn't go, oh, this is terrible. I'm going to I went, I don't really feel like playing this. It's terrible, especially for a game that they want you to get invested in and spend money on. They don't have the time to get this from meh to yeah, in two weeks. But they they do have the ability to get it from meh to
Starting point is 01:44:53 and that's and that's where you are floating. Yeah. So that's the real thing. Right. And it's because what I felt there, like I said, like I'm like, when it was doing what it set out to do, it was working. Yeah. And I really do want to see what it's like with those other two suits. This balance is really delicate, too. Like we're not just talking about game feel or monetization or whatever. Right. What if what if the end game activity, the stronghold thing, what if the the because this happens sometimes where they're like, this is the primary thing that you're going to be doing to grind the thing. What if you don't really enjoy that particular thing that they want you to do? And that's the thing to do because there's not enough. Uh oh. Right.
Starting point is 01:45:37 What if the only shader or material type that you want is the most expensive one? And it's and it's $14 per frame, you know, at least I keep calling them fucking frames. I keep calling them fucking frames. And that's okay. Javelin is a cool word. I told you about Steve Sinclair over it. Yes. Yeah, that's that's hilarious to me. At least they're getting it out before the end of quarter one. Yeah. And isn't that what's worth it? Isn't that what really matters? Isn't that what really matters at the end of the day? Isn't that the most important thing? So I want to I want to clarify again. Fucking morons. Me, Patrick Bovet. Right. I have never worked in game development. I've never worked in bug testing. Well, you have worked extensively
Starting point is 01:46:22 and exhaustively in QA. Right. I feel that even though I have not worked in that field, I am enough of a fan of games that I can feel it. And this game could use six months more in that oven. And it's getting kicked out for the quarter. Well, it's not going to be in the oven, but the chef will be at your table, adding things to your plate as you eat. That is a fantastic, fantastic analogy. Couldn't you just cook it a little longer so that it's good? I got a blowtorch right here. No, no, I don't want you to crème brûlée the top of my steak. Lean back. Lean back. Hot flame. Hot flame. Hot flame. Lean back. Lean back. Lean back. Hot flame. I think I might be the best metaphor slash analogy I've ever heard about game development,
Starting point is 01:47:14 actually, because it sums up the problem perfectly because you're sitting there with your food and you're like that. I ordered a steak with mash and you brought out a steak and you're blowtorching it in front of me and there's no mash. No, the mash is coming. The mash is coming in just two years. Don't worry about it. So, hey, date, you come here often and then you're with your fiance, right? And she ordered the same thing and her fork breaks in half trying to eat the steak and she has to go and get a new fork, right? Yeah, yeah. This game is absolutely like, okay, this is no fall at 76. I don't think I don't think anything will ever be another fall. That game looks like it got pushed out like 18 months early, like crazy early. It's again,
Starting point is 01:48:19 nothing in 2019 is going to be on the level. Like anything that comes out this year has to hit like 15 new cycle refreshes before it's compared. You can compare it to 70s. But this game looks like, yeah, no, this could totally, there's a world in which this would have been delayed until the Christmas season, the holiday season, and they would have come out and it would have looked more polished and there'd probably be a little more content in it. But the budget and the studio, the external factors, the fucking console cycles ending in a year got to get it out. By the way, they also have to work on the ports to the new system because it's a transitory thing like Disney One was. Is it? Yeah. New consoles are scheduled to
Starting point is 01:49:08 be announced and come out in 2020, 2021-ish. These games are five, 10 years long, man. So they're already then. They would have to be working on a next gen version, probably based off the PC version. I remember Destiny One came out on the PS3. That's resources you need. You know what I mean? That's a team. Don't worry, outsource it. Don't worry about it. Just outsource it. Okay, put it, give it. Just outsource it. Give it to fucking Durante. Yeah, fuck. All right. That's Anthem. Can you sum it up in a word? I thought I did. Can you sum it up in a sound? Can you sum it up in a person? Larry David.
Starting point is 01:49:58 Looking at those people. Yeah. Can you sum it up in a music? Groose's theme. There you go. No, no, no. I guarantee you that if you spent more time, you would have found some fun stuff. I absolutely believe you and I knew that when I stopped playing it. It was the kind of thing like I made the decision in my mind this isn't actually worth my time and instead I spent that afternoon instead of trying out Anthem to ultimately be disappointed, I ended up grinding out a bunch of weapons and more frame which I knew I would enjoy. Which is an itch that you can scratch. Yes, because you know, it was a journey and the journey was, oh god, oh cool. Oh, fuck. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:50:52 No. Fuck this. That's a weird journey. You can watch the summary of that once a solidist takes a crack at editing. He has to add an emotional journey on that, right? He wants to capture not specifically the moment. I hope so. But just like the pitch has a lot of footage. But you know, the stream went up. I mean, the stream was was Saturday and I mean, you could go check out the VOD, right? You want to see the whole thing. The VOD is absolutely there. So you can go check that out, as well as a Hangout Academy where we got the woolly end. Congratulations on dating yourself. Yeah. Well, actually, Steph did, but it was
Starting point is 01:51:32 cool. Congratulations on dating her own fiance. Yeah, it was cute. Big fun, big fun jokes, lots of fun stuff and lots of insertions and cameos and good bits when you get past the bad end. So shout outs to Team US or Team US, whichever it is, but essentially the Discord peeps in the Hangout Academy game. That was fun. That was a good thing. Good time this week. Also available in VOD on Woolly versus on Twitch, and I'm going to get the video highlights up soon. And yeah, I guess in terms of, yeah, that's pretty much what I did, right? So that's the week. And in terms of what you can look forward to, if you want to check out stuff on Woolly versus. So Reg and I have
Starting point is 01:52:29 done our Jet Set Radio playthrough, so that should be starting soon. As soon as we're done with Katamari, we'll be rolling right into that. The rolls don't stop. We just put on the rollerblades instead. And after that, also going to be starting, taking a crack at Life of Strange 2 with him because I played the first one and liked it. And I want to see what this story is about with these boys. So we're going to be doing that soon. No, the concept of love is incorrect. Understand the concept of love is wrong. That is wrong. That is Jet Set Radio future. Fly like a butterfly is also Jet Set Radio future. Don't know. These are the wrong songs. Woolly, who are you talking to? I'm talking to the chat being wrong. This is incorrect. Let mom sleep.
Starting point is 01:53:23 That's correct. I think you might be going crazy. Thank you, Dash Zero. People go and fly like a butterfly. Concept of love. Get the fuck out of here. Wrong game. Wrong game. Oh no, that's sad. We're going classic, where back when Professor K looked cooler. And yes, I'm going to be doing some one-offs as well with Billy. And then Tuesday, new Dragon Ball, new fighters. Videl is out. Dude, both Videl's. What universe do we live in that I was the one who streamed DBZ fighters before you? Well, the one where my fighting game streams are on a set day. That's true. Yo, Videl's awesome. So like anytime something happens, you know when it slides to. Yeah, you're right.
Starting point is 01:54:10 With still with the possible exception of this week, though, yeah, with the possible exception of this week, because one Tuesday, Dragon Ball fighters coming out. Me and Reggie, we're going to get a special guest as well to join us for Dragon Ball fighters. Jiren looks like an asshole. Jiren in the game. Yeah. Yeah. He looks in a permanent state of mom told me that I get to use the Xbox. Seems correct. So yeah, we're going to be doing that. And depending on circumstances, I might for the second game of the fighting game stream, get an exclusive look at something special. I might get an exclusive look at something special. So I don't I don't want to. Is that up in the air? Yeah. So if it's once it's locked down, then
Starting point is 01:55:01 then it'll be possible. Exclusive might be might be exclusive. But stay tuned for something interesting on Tuesday with the fighting games. And then depends on my schedule. I'm not sure how this is going to work out. But the tentative plan, let's say. No, no, no, no, no, not that. Not that. Even before that. Before that on the seventh is when double may fry cry double may fry comes out. Yeah, double may fry. It's my favorite cooking game. It's it's similar to overcooked to there's a lot of co-op now. The second DMC five demos coming out on the Thursday and depending on my ability to have a free night. I why I might just pop in for a look at that on Thursday. Different demo.
Starting point is 01:55:54 Yeah. Yeah. So I might dive in. So that might be on that might be on the seventh on Thursday. I will also be streaming that on the seventh on Thursday. We'll take a look. Apologies. We'll see how that goes. That's that's the day that it's fucking. Nothing will stop any of us. What are you? What are you gonna? What are you gonna do not? I didn't get to play the first one Yeah, that's why that's wacky. And then on Saturday. I will find out just what X is going to give me. Oh, wow. You're going to be playing DMX's albums. I'll be playing DMX's albums live on Saturday for everyone to hear. And then I will get kicked off of YouTube. Oh, no. No, Twitch. Yeah. Um, hey, you have like a level of anxiety in your face right
Starting point is 01:56:53 now like quite place. I don't know how this is going to go. But would you like to sit on that couch while I see what the fuck this is about? I know a thing or two about Resident Evil 2. This is 2019, which now that sucks. That's how you have to say it now because there's two and they have the same title. Yeah, I'll tag along to giggle. All right, we'll see how that goes. I'll see you on Saturday. How far can I get in one in one? That's how long you want to go. If you want to do the whole thing, you could do the whole thing, assuming non disastrous failure in eight. Uh, well, the whole of one, right? One character. Yeah. Eight. Yeah, that's a long. Yeah. I would not recommend to do that. I would recommend to do four, four, and then maybe if you took a long
Starting point is 01:57:40 time, another four, you know, like, yeah, that's a long. Okay. Yeah. So on Saturday, I'm gonna, I'm gonna install or download Resident Evil 2 and I don't know what I'm doing. Well, the funny thing is that you do know what you're doing. You waited until it got remade, so you don't have to play the old. That joke that you've been making the entire time I've known you has now come to fruition. I know. I just, I just don't know how to survive a horror because you made that joke back when fucking are he one for the GameCube game and Final Fantasy tactics and so on and so forth. Right. But what is and but and and and you know what, if you keep, if I keep it going, I don't really ever have to cash in on it. But uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, I have a really good
Starting point is 01:58:33 piece of advice for you to stew on sure for Resident Evil. Okay. Think of items as meter. Okay. There you go. Do you want to use an EX? Yeah. No. So you don't think you don't think doing it in one? I think that's especially since you're unfamiliar with the genre overall, I think that's fairly absurd because it will take you a lot longer because you do have to come to grips with certain mechanics that are not in games. Okay. So just asking for burn out. So I'm saying aim for 10 to 12 on your first. That's, that's what you would probably hit, I would say. I'm going to call 11 hours and four minutes as, as your final run time on Leon A. You're doing Leon A. Okay. Yeah. Okay. All right. So that's, that's, that's coming up. We'll see how that go.
Starting point is 01:59:30 Yeah, I'm excited. It's just, it's just gonna be a mess. I don't think it'll be nearly as much of a mess as you expect. I really don't. I did see, uh, uh, that light arrow tweet where he's like, yo, shout outs to this Gannon down air that fucking resulted. Man, I've never seen that animation. He got, he got Gannon dared. Um, straight up dude just dropped on you. And I was like, but yeah, you know, and that's the only one I actually watched because a lot of people have been sending clips. Yeah. And I'm like, I don't want to watch a possible thing that might happen. Yeah. So it's a really weird scenario because everyone's sending those clips are like, well, I mean, what is this even a spoiler? Of course, you know, Mr X is going to punch you
Starting point is 02:00:22 in this hallway. He did 20 years ago. Yeah. Remember? Yeah. 20 years ago. Totally, totally. All right. Um, so that's happening. So yeah, big busy week of big, big, big games and big, big funds. Um, Videl's fucking cool. She's super cool. I'm glad that the argument over her hair has resurfaced due to that alternate costume. Uh-huh. Uh, and I, and I forgot that the resolution that was reached in the past was that great say a man helmet is better than both. I really love the the orange gray say a man helmet that needs that is the definitive winner of short hair versus long hair. The answer is fucking say a man helmet. Um, but I, I'm a bit concerned about her inability to, uh, get in against, um, people that have really good keep away as somebody who
Starting point is 02:01:19 so we'll find out got massively blown to shit over the weekend. Yeah. Um, I've definitely no means of expert on the DBZF DBF. Fuck it. Um, yeah, I think I saw, I think I saw that clip. She got fucking ball. I think you got, I think you got put into a compilation. Yeah, really? Yeah. I got fucking rekt. Um, there are people out there that were like day one fucking maximized shit. I was like, whoa. Oh, well, when you see a trailer and you see what the moves look like in the trailer, you can start pre-labbing. Yeah. You absolutely can start pre-labbing. Oh yeah. She's great. She's a lot of fun. She's unique. She doesn't have a reflect. No, she dodges. She dodges, which is different in an interesting way. Yeah. She's cool. Um,
Starting point is 02:02:03 just dash. Yeah. Well, super dash doesn't get through every type of projectile. Yeah. And they got nerfed a little bit. So, uh, that advice is terrible chat. But anyway, uh, just dash all the time, man. Yeah. Just dash. Just never stopped dash. We go it in. Never stop going in. Super dash. All right. Uh, that's me. Uh, I only have one extra thing to add because I've mainly been playing Warframe and RE2 some more, um, playing a little bit of Dead by Daylight. They're having an event called the Lunar Festival. It's for Chinese New Year. It's pretty cool. Has some costumes in it and it adds a slightly different aspect where players are trying to get these magic lanterns and it gets them extra points when they leave. It has turned the game into a
Starting point is 02:02:47 shit show, not because of the design, but because of the player base. Um, you get just as many default points for the new currency, whether you win or lose. So people are running in and just standing in the middle of the fucking room and just waiting to get killed. You got people somehow teaming up with killers to point other survivors out so they can maximize points. You have people fucking around on the one side of the map doing shit all, causing the game to be unwinnable. You have massive amounts of disconnect. Like bring, you know, when there's a big new event for a game is like, Oh, cool. It brings everybody back. A lot of those people, you don't want back. Yeah. And it sucks. It brings back the trash. It brings back the trash.
Starting point is 02:03:34 Hmm. And it's a bummer because the event's cool. And that's it. You can see me, uh, play some crap over slash angriest pat, you can see that. And this Saturday as well, slash woolly versus or a little but, but I'll be off off to the side giggling. See, that's what I'm fucking you liked. You don't like the giggle. That's what I'm setting myself up. You know what? You don't like to see how this goes. Let me tell you, it's not Monster Hunter. Like rules are simple and counterintuitive. See that don't let it bite you. Well, unlike Monster Hunter, I have played a shooter, two of these.
Starting point is 02:04:14 Yeah. And I have played four, right? Yes. The control is very similar. Yeah. And I mean, that was a million years ago, but yes. And then five. And that was also a million years ago, but yes. And then the true definitive experience that is the umbrella and chronicles and, um, dark side chronicles. So yeah, one might say I've already done a truer. I hate you in this bullshit release. All right. Chronicles sucks, man. That game's a bummer. You just have beef with Lore hidden under pylons. Do you do you remember the fucking Mr. X assholes with the white coats and the fucking Eurobeat glasses? I don't fucking know. Those guys look like assholes. They crammed like 20 hours of story into four minutes. It was, it was,
Starting point is 02:05:01 I'm talking about the unique stuff that was made for the trip was all like fucking garbo was bad. Let's go to the news. Yeah. So, hey, I feel like this has been given a wide enough birth that maybe there's some details on it now like some wide births because I came into this podcast with a couple of little tease clips here and there about the apex. Yeah. But hopefully by now there's been more. Uh, let's see. Yes, there has been more. So the, uh, we, we did good by, by the gameplay reveal started while we were right when we started the podcast. In fact, people were rumors had it because slasher, uh, was reporting that, uh, there was an event where a bunch of influencers and YouTube and Twitch people got together and, uh, Titanfall respawn team
Starting point is 02:05:59 minus Titans in, um, a battle royale called apex legends. Yes. And, uh, to everyone who goes Titanfall three is dead. Uh, it was directly confirmed that like, or at least I read something that was saying this is not that Titanfall three is in development and is in is going to be multi-platform will be canceled and is something that is being worked on completely separate from this. So I don't see why this guarantee that we will work on it right up until the part that we cancel it. Okay. Well, um, anyway, that's, that's what I read. But regardless, here we got apex legends, uh, which is a Titanless MMO, uh, sorry, Titanless, uh, battle royale, um, which again, the one thing I said was, Hey, I know that, uh, Titan falls out of the mech combat and movement
Starting point is 02:06:59 was amazing. Yeah, that'd be cool. So that would be dope. Uh, and then skull god kind of went, yeah, I heard that there's no wall running either. And then it's like, uh, oh, okay. So let's, uh, let's take a gander at this launch trailer and narrate it like assholes. All right. I see a fish. We're looking at the apex legends official launch trailer that we are looking at. This appears to be some CG shit. Oh, it's stylized in a fortnight. It's, it looks like four. There's a bastion. There's a soldier and there's a soldier girl. It's literally and yeah, it's literally fucking. It looks like what I saw. There's a character select screen. Yeah. Right. So it's being animated in a weird way, but like, do you want to have
Starting point is 02:07:45 character select alongside, uh, a battle royale type game? Sure. Usually to have everyone find their equipment. Joe, Joe, all star fucking whatever is going to have that. You're right. And Paladin's battlegrounds or whatever the fuck that's called also has that. Okay. Uh, she did a Titanfall style. Okay. Yeah. Stealth kill behind. There's uh, something about the shading that is just screaming the biggest fortnight at me. This is all just CG. It really is. And this is not, this is not at all what I'm looking for. Let's hit that one. Yes. Or it's the video game. All right. Let's look at the 139 minute trailer called the apex legends gameplay trailer, which looks way less like fortnight than the CG trailer
Starting point is 02:08:30 from respawn entertainment. Oh yeah. There's a drop ship. I've seen the drop thing. It's, it's the bus. Are you falling into the thing like the, from the bus prepare for dudefall? Yep. Oh, there's eight characters. Yeah. One's a, one's a bastion. I'm running over to the items. I get the items. I have a gun. Sure. So the big difference on this is that compared to your fortnets and your pubg's, your characters have abilities. Yes. Like your overwatch. Yes. Build your squad. But let me see if you can jump double jump boost wall right. Watch it. I saw slides. Slides are there. Slides are good. All right. Melee kills are still there. I'm seeing abilities being popped. Oh, the wall has absolutely been toned down. Wall hacks. Well, that's that was
Starting point is 02:09:21 that was like, okay, we got a door kick. I mean, we would be seeing sprints and sprints and sprints. Yeah. Like maybe, okay, we got a grapple. Not a grapple hook. No, it's a zipline. That's different. Yeah. Zipline is not a grapple hook. That is very not a grapple hook at all. Okay. Movement wise, so far we've seen a slide. Maybe one character. Maybe one character. Maybe one character gets to be that. We've got. Yeah, nothing dashing teleporting. We got Nova's ability. All right. From when we got Nova's three or whatever the fucking is. What's that? What are you talking about? Warframe. The portal shit portal warframe ability. Okay. Okay, so we saw sprinting and a jump and a slide and a portal and a I didn't
Starting point is 02:10:02 see no wall running. I saw no double jumps. Okay, gameplay deep dive. Yeah, that's that's going to be like it's six minutes and we obviously can't do that. Yeah, fucking. Yeah. Get to the part where they explained that the movement is boring. Yeah, so. Oh, there's a poison man. Look, he's poisoning them. That's his ability. Okay, ability is to poison. Did they really tone down the movement? They sure fucking did. Why? It was your bed. It was like one of the best things you had going. Like, like, it was the coolest thing. I have a really cynical answer for like respawn was absolutely crushing it with that. I have a really, really, really cynical answer for you. But then again, like I only really played the only like their only game I fucking really
Starting point is 02:10:52 touched was Titanfall. Yeah. The cynical answer that's in my heart is that the really high and high skill movement abilities would make it so that the kids would get destroyed too easily. And then the kids wouldn't want to play the game. Really? Yes. That is is it possible that like those people know because Titanfall three said they're said they're working on it. So those people I like I feel that it is like got to dumb it down for the babies. Or even more cynically, you can't all run in fortnight. So don't put it in here. That's a terrible decision. That was a really bad decision if that's deliberate. Yeah, because like woolly, your point of light, well, the Titanfall movement's fucking awesome. That's the
Starting point is 02:11:43 first thing I thought about Royale game that has that would be cool, even if it doesn't have to Oh, like people like like Titanfall players asked for a Titanless mode to be added. And they and they did and it was fun. They added in a thing because you can still fucking double jump grapple speed boost. You could do amazing shit that you could do in no other first person shooter. You had the market cornered on all right that level of movement. 31 minutes ago report Respawn has canceled Titanfall three in favor of apex legends. Come on. Where's give me your source. Oh, fucking windows central calm. I'm going to Fuck off trusted. Come on. Come on. I just typed in Titanfall three canceled and immediately
Starting point is 02:12:37 got a news result. Hold on a fucking minutes. Typing Titanfall three canceled. You just fucking get it right there. Destructoid two. Oh, man. Kotaku one hour ago. Titanfall three is not in the works. Oh my god. That's the fastest I've ever been cynically right about anything in my life. Oh my god. Fuck you. That's hilarious. I mean, not for I mean, that's terrible. But like, was that like five minutes? For those of you at home listening to the audio version, Willie has slumped into his chair, defeated his smile and optimism very much gone.
Starting point is 02:13:41 Fuck you. Yeah, Fortnite. You like Fortnite? Well, what if you like Fortnite, but it's Titanfall? Well, it's not Titanfall, but I mean, You know what? You got to speak into your microphone so people hear you. It's my fault because when Titanfall one came out and it was it had no single player and it was this weird multiplayer only thing, but I still felt the really good fucking cool potential. When we played it for Mecha week, I was impressed. I remember and I was really excited by that, but I knew that it just didn't have the content that it needed to survive because call of duties
Starting point is 02:14:28 and whatever. And someone last night was like, Oh, cool Titanfall. It's that game that ruined COD for years. And I'm like, what? I don't know. Whatever. Okay. I can see why people would say that. And so on. And it's because I guess they tried to do some of that stuff, ripped a bunch of shit off of Titanfall and apparently didn't do it very well. They did it well in one of them. And you know, so I'm like, all right, cool. And then Titanfall 2 gets announced and Titanfall 2 is amazing. And it was like, Holy shit, this should have never existed. Titanfall 2 is a great game. The fact that this product happened is a fucking miracle because this was an Xbox and PC exclusive thing that had so little single like so little single player content, which then means
Starting point is 02:15:08 that like, like it's just not the experience people are looking for of a product. And this relies on servers and being populated to be alive. And so I'm like, this would never happen. And then it came out. And it was fucking incredible. But at the same time, it was actively murdered by its own publisher by releasing the exact same day as their competing battlefield game. Never forget that. And I just got my hopes up because everyone else loved it, how cool it was. And it arrived like Titanfall 1 never arrived, but 2 did. And it made up for not having any story in the first game by having an incredible campaign, a fucking amazing campaign in the second one. And now I'm like, well now we've got a franchise.
Starting point is 02:16:04 Yeah. And I just, I made the mistake. You forgot that it was killed, remember? Of getting my fucking hopes up. Remember how they killed it? BT didn't die for this. Yeah, BT died for shit. Dude, I think I don't fucking play first person shooters. No, you don't. It's not your jam usually. I really like I'm just if they're not whatever, they bounce off of me. Yeah. They're not your real house. When they do, it matters. Yeah, I'd get that. Mirror's edge, parkouring, speed, fun, movement. It's very clear what you desire to play in your first person games.
Starting point is 02:16:54 Yeah, I mean Overwatch is fun. Overwatch is just fun. So that's cool. It's simple and you throw it in and you fucking shoot bang bang and whatever. But their style and character design and all those other little elements and sucker or whatever casual, I don't know. But there is nothing out there like fucking Titanfall. No, there isn't. There really, really isn't. And like it picked up the ball that tribes had dropped after vengeance became weird and ran with it. And you get to just take all this fun, crazy, cool parkour movement, ad swinging, which I fucking love. Yeah. And robots. Yeah. Big robots too, not little ones. And they fucking fall from the sky when you summon them.
Starting point is 02:17:46 And you can jump on the back of your enemies and hack theirs. And you can both eject and grapple each other in midair. I think that we're at a point, I'm going to tie this slightly into earlier thing, that when we're at the point where we're with big publishers, let's say Ubi, let's say EA, let's say Activision was Deep Silver, whatever. And you look at the big fucking thing that they're making or the rumored thing, right? Yeah. They always say, don't worry, guys, don't worry. Nothing's going to happen to, let's say, Dragon Age four. If Anthem blows up, don't worry about it. Don't worry, guys, we got we know people love Titanfall. And we got, we got say, could be Titanfall three, it's fucking not, but we could write every single time you got to take
Starting point is 02:18:55 those things with big ass grains of salt. The idea of like, don't worry, the thing you want won't be canceled for the thing you don't want. No, it's always, it always is. It always is. Can we start some kind of fucking thing where the day that that that this game comes out, everyone buys a copy of fight Titanfall two instead. Would that do anything? I mean, they'll probably delist it despite you. Can we all just buy a copy of Titanfall two on the day that apex comes out? All right, well, yo, Skull God, what are you up to? Send me a message. Let's fucking let's play that day's today. It's out now. It's out now. Yo, Skull God, reinstall that game. Reinstall Titanfall two. We're going in.
Starting point is 02:19:53 We're fucking going in. I'm playing, I'm playing some Titanfall two. That's it. This that's it. This announcement is like, just like upper, upper, upper, upper on you. Sorry, body, body, body. Like, we're gonna, we're gonna get a thing together. We're all gonna buy Titanfall two the day that it was two hours ago. Oh my God, it's one of these announcements where it's like, and it's out. That's cool. I was so fine with this being their other thing where they're like, yeah, let's make a let's get a fucking let's get a Fortnert. What did you call it? Fortnit? Fortnit. Let's get a Fortnit out there for the kids and then then the fucking hack knife will return. Yeah. You know what you're
Starting point is 02:20:43 feeling right now? You're, you're feeling the emotion that hit that Blizzard crowd when they asked them, don't you guys have phones? That it's that emotion, right? The emotion that you're feeling the emotion that those people had when they loaded up Fallout 76 in general. Like, I feel like this is becoming like a thing, like more and more and more. Build up goodwill, burn it to the ground because the current trend is a better financial risk to take that. Even though it may not be. Then the established IP that was gangbusters, but not really in terms of sales because you sent it out at a date to specifically kill it so that you could. So remember, and here's where it gets really dark, right? Sometimes you send
Starting point is 02:21:44 a game out to die so that the company has rough times and then you can go, hey man, you know, would turn you guys around. Anything we tell you to. That's what Bethesda tried to do with human head with prey. That's what Microsoft did to, I want to say like three or four different companies, including they tried to do it to Platinum. I, I, yeah, I backed off and thought that we were going to get a Titanfall three and I made the mistake of thinking that it turned around. But nope, Titanfall two is now in the place that Titanfall one was. The only difference is that Titanfall two will always be an incredible game. Yep. And nothing can change that. Except if you pull those servers down,
Starting point is 02:22:38 in which case I'm going to have to take a life. But we'll see how this plays out. In the meantime, reinstall the fucking game because it's, it's time to just get back in a second. Let's see if you're three for three. It's time to just get back in there. That's it. And I'm, I'm playing on origin because that's where I fucking bought it. But yep. That's it. Oh, well, I have good news and bad news for you. The Titanfall one, so Titanfall two servers are still up. They're currently 4,600 people across apparently all platforms. I'm looking at
Starting point is 02:23:32 it. Yeah. No, that's not news. We knew that those servers got really, really sparse. Yo, we got, we got a, we got a heads up from men says you can grab a retail copy of Titanfall two around here for $4 for the ps4. How about that dollar ammo? Okay, apparently they have a ton of them. Okay, so if you want to make like a show of it, I can play on both consoles. That's fine. I don't mind buying a ps4 one too. I'll buy both. I don't care. All my shit is unlocked on, on the, the PC version. Yeah, same here. Yeah. Yeah, no, the third, the, the, the servers got real sparse, like two months out. In fact, around the time when we were doing that LP, I remember when I was like, I think I was talking about it where I was just like, yeah,
Starting point is 02:24:26 like, it's just that thing that happens where like after the season of the release window comes out and people get their fill, then multiplayer drops off really bad on PC because people didn't want to deal with origin anymore. Yeah. And the playlist, the playlist just becomes a very limited selection of game modes you can play. I got a buddy of mine, Jim. I was never able to play a single game of Titanfall two with him because the game refused to match us together. Like, like origin sucks. It fucking sucks. Physical copies of Titanfall two are on sale at the dollar store for four bucks. They have a lot of copies. Should I just fucking buy like, that's what I'm saying. If you want to make a show of it, I, yeah, you should buy
Starting point is 02:25:08 20 and just, just Santa them out. Yeah, people do a fucking bit when you walk down the street and you say, here you go. Here's a Titanfall. Here's a Titanfall. It's a good game. Yeah. It's a, it's a fucking like, it's quissa. Okay. Well, if you were gonna, is apex free to play? Yeah. Damn. I was gonna, that guy was like, trade in your copies of apex for a copy of Titanfall two says woolly. I'll start in a fucking exchange service. Well, will they personally, you know, you have to stream this game on some or do a video on it, right? Apex. Yeah. Because it killed your baby. But why do I have to, you have to touch it. Why can't I spend more time with the baby instead of its murderer? That's just how video games work. What is this
Starting point is 02:25:58 logic? That's just how video games work. Oh, this man broke into my house and strangled my infant. Now you got to make out with him. It's now you got to hang out with him. It's the way it works. It's just how it works. Oh my God, I can't believe, I can't believe you've done this. Are you kidding me? Literally the only hope man EA like man who had lost all hope loses additional hope. He did not know he had. I feel like EA Activision and Bethesda are all just trying to fucking like one up each other week to week. Well, this week is double EA. Yeah. Woof. Oh, right. That is EA, isn't it? Fuck. That's I thought that was that. Of course it is. No, I thought respawn, you know, no, no, no, no, it's not. Oh man, that's real dark.
Starting point is 02:26:56 Okay. Can't we just know? No, you know the answers. No. Okay, but like, no, if they said, shut up. No, but like if they said, guys, we're scrapping it and we're making Titanfall Royale. So 100 max on a map, go or 50 max on a map, go or 100 players, but 50 max on a map. Sure. Go. Then you go. Damn it. All right. Let's see what this is about. You know what I mean? Because at least you're still in the thing. You know, it's a really good comparison to this. Was it last week or the week before Nintendo had the head of development go out and say Metroid Prime 4 is currently super fucked up. Yeah, we're starting over. Don't worry about it.
Starting point is 02:27:53 We really want to make sure that we release a really great game for you guys and we know you love Metroid. So don't worry. Wasn't that a nice thing to do? Has there ever been? Can you think of a time ever where here's the new thing just like the old thing? Don't worry about the old thing. You love it, don't you? Has there ever been a time where that's the only one I can think of? Because I was, I was one of those people that was like pissed off at the change in RE4. And then RE4 comes out and it's like Capcom kicks down your door and says, shut up, loser. Play this. Metroid Prime. Metroid Prime was one. Because it's just rare. It's fucking rare. It's just like, how do you expect this to go over?
Starting point is 02:28:49 You know what's another one? Fortnite. Yeah. Yeah. Right. Exactly. Fortnite. Fortnite itself. It was a survival buildy game. And then they went to themselves. No, shut up. It's Battle Royale now. Like how do you expect this news of a new IP to go over when it's hand in hand with the cancellation of the thing that people actually were waiting for? Well, I didn't like that other thing anyway, said Joe consumer, apparently. More like Joey, junior consumer, because Fortnite. Is Ninja going to play it? If Ninja's going to play it, then maybe it's got a shot. Maybe Drake will play it. Oh, my God, dude, I hate this. I hate this world that we live in where I'm always just on the outside of this fucking
Starting point is 02:29:44 bubble of like what is popular in video games. And it's never done anything for me. Well, I know that I live in the niche. Well, I understand that. Yeah, but I've spent my entire life living in the niche. Okay, I play fighting games. Well, it is extra bad because it is your business now. Yes, to not be in the niche. I never like RTS is I gave them a dabble and I had some fun, but I never went in super hard. And then RTS is became everything. Yeah, when doom and Wolfenstein were fucking the thing, I was still not there with the thing. Yeah. And like literally, there's just this world of like the thing that everyone happens to fucking love just happens to be one that I'm like, I'm not really into that doesn't really do it for you. And it's not out of any
Starting point is 02:30:35 fucking hipsterism or like, it's too popular. Because if it legitimately was something that I was into, or found interesting, I would be in like, Hey, I'm not a big fan of first person shooters. Holy shit, I love this first person shooter. But it's the most unpopular first person shooter that we have. I like I will play Overwatch, which is super crazy popular because I like it. You don't like it as much as the one that that no one plays. But but the point remains is that I'm not like, you know what I mean? I'm not in this place because I just I'm like the popular, you know what I mean? It just happens to fall that way. Well, I just happened to not be into Counter Strike and I happen to not be into the MOBAs into MMOs because the fucking breadcrumb
Starting point is 02:31:18 system doesn't entice me. Yeah, that's not the reason why I enjoy video games. So I know that this is the house I live in, right? And year after year turns to decade after decade. Yeah, we're there now, where it never ever ever is the thing that you enjoy. And that's fine, right? When the baton stops being Battle Royale and it becomes something else, that's fine. Remember the podcast when we didn't know what PUBG was? Yes. And Vinny had to explain made us look very silly. He's like, Are you is this a joke? And I'm like, No, we're like, No, what is player on battlegrounds? I'm making a really good first impression with you right now. It was insane, right? Looking back, especially considering it's ridiculous. Yeah, so stupid. But that's what
Starting point is 02:32:02 I'm fucked. That's how they started talking about that sells me to know what the fuck that was either. You know, so so this this world is and here's the thing, like I'm way less like I don't I'm way less doubt like as much as like a fortnight and all like PUBG, I'm way less down on that because it's like down as a negative about it because I think Battle Royale is a really cool game mode. And I understand why that's yeah, it becomes a very different feeling when you look at it and you go, I get it. It's not for me. But that's cool. Objectively compared to when Mopas fucking came out and you looked in like I don't get it. This seems like it sucks. That's it. That's it. Like objectively, I look at the 100 man survival match where you intensifies and you get to have that
Starting point is 02:32:47 battle royale like at the movie. Yeah. Feeling as the thing closes in and you find random weapons and all the fun of random combined with skill and like I super get what's exciting and fun about that. As opposed to something like MMOs that are like the driest of MMOs where I'm like, I mean, you could never. Yeah. You know, this looks something like I could penetrate that wall, but the baton is going to get passed again, and it's going to be something else. Yeah. And I know that that's the place that I live in outside. I know I'm on the fucking cliff outside the city. I get it. But can't I just enjoy the things in nature out here where I decided to put my fucking cabin? Like the fact that this is not where I am not in the big city where everyone's
Starting point is 02:33:32 doing the thing. I get that. But why does that have to come over and kill my shit? So that's what fucking sucks, man. To use. If you can just live and let me have the thing that I like in this small place. There are other people that live in shacks out there like you, but the fucking fact that it has to come over and kill this shit is beyond infuriating. It sucks, man. And then it's like, well, then I guess I just have to get on this fucking like, no, I don't want to. I will like to expand your analogy slightly. You've been very good at these today. So if the big city is Fortnite and Titanfall is the outskirts, there is a growing problem. So I would say that I am halfway between you and the average person. I like a good amount of niche stuff, but I also dabble
Starting point is 02:34:18 in more popular stuff because I dab a pretty broad. I'm easy to not easy to enjoy, but I was like, you're covering some of the main game, right? Yes. What's been happening more and more and more that in the analogy you've described, the people in the suburbs are now having that experience as well. People that like things that are pretty popular are being told that those things are niche and those things are disappearing as well. I have two examples that jump into my mind right away. One is survival horror. Do you remember the entire decade in which survival horror is dead because people don't play horror games and then amnesia came out and horror games became the biggest thing? That was not real. The idea that people don't buy horror games was
Starting point is 02:35:15 completely manufactured. That was the big city telling you you didn't want it and they canceled a bunch of them and we fucking that continued on all the way to science house. Wasn't that just fallout from the time when single player experiences? No, no. The survival horror thing was the test run of people don't want single player experience because I thought it was that. No, no. That predates it and then there's overlap and then games people don't want single player games and then God of war and Skyrim and all these and Bioware comes out. There's rumblings that Bioware has been trying to get Kotor 3 off the ground for like six years. Not going to happen. They keep getting shut down. Kotor sold a shit ton of copies. It's
Starting point is 02:36:05 one of the best games on the original Xbox. It was very popular. It's the Star Wars license. Yeah, that's a micro story on the docket. Bioware was like, can we make Kotor? No, they kept getting shut down. It's very similar to what happened Rare, right? And it just keeps happening. Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow? Yeah, I just like I really, you know, like I this announcement when the rumors came out, the most optimistic I could be was just, hey, they're trying to do a thing that'll cash in. And you know what? If it's a funner version of Fortnite, maybe it'll get some of that audience to be like, no, this one's got characters and cool movement. Yeah. And then it is not that,
Starting point is 02:36:58 right? So it pulls all that stuff out. And then it kills the thing that did. So it's like, it's like, I thought we were going to have two versions of cool Titanfall movement ones for you guys. And this one's for me. And now we have none. Yeah, dude. I have locked on in my mind to the exact sub suburb analogy that I wanted, right? And applies to both of us. You know what used to be somewhat niche, hardcore character action games, devil may cry ones, somewhat niche, DMC three, somewhat niche, right popular in its audience, right? DMC four actually sold like two, three million copies. You know what it doesn't sell as much as Call of Duty got a war actually. And that's the character action game that's for everyone. So you know what we need to do?
Starting point is 02:37:54 We need to change it so that it's popular. And what did we get? We got a motherfucker slapping a drink out of the hand of a man wearing a devil may cry five shirts in that fucking reboot. Only to debut it later, right? The difference is, is with this, with companies like Activision, EA, Ubi, whatever, they're not going to debut it because it's dead. They didn't, they didn't leave it on the shelf for later, possibly. They killed it and moved everyone over and probably fired some people, right? It's dead. Souls games came into existence very recently, created 2009, created a trend that people imitated briefly, very briefly, and then stopped and then are trying again. But you would think it would have taken even harder than it did, you know, considering all the
Starting point is 02:39:07 other versions of this that we're describing over the years. So you do that. And the reason why that never took off in the way that we look at these genres is because Demon Souls and Dark Souls, they did really, really well. But they didn't do as well as MMOs at the time. And they didn't do as well as fucking Dota and League at the time. And then they didn't do as well as Destiny and Division and whatever at the time. Like, because you're not going to imitate something that does really, really, really, really well, you're going to imitate the thing that is literally number one. And you're going to flood that shit. Oh, Overwatch was one of those. It's not, Souls games sell great, but they don't sell as good as Overwatch. I'm like, I'm never going to
Starting point is 02:40:08 like I'm not mad at Fortnite, you know, like that's a good game. That's a silly thing to be. Yeah, that's a silly place to. So that's not the case, right? Though I do, I can see here, though, the words just like, you're mad at what consumer choices are like indicating investors should spend money on. No, that's not it at all. Okay, it does look like that. But it is, okay, Street Fighter II comes out gangbusters, right? What we get a billion Street Fighter II clones, right? That happened. Fortnite comes out. What do we get? Five Fortnite ripoffs, most of which are probably not even worth talking about after the first couple weeks. The nature of development has increased the opportunity costs of trying to
Starting point is 02:41:01 take an idea and run with it, right? Yeah. So now, whereas, okay, there are actually 100 Street Fighter II clones that came out in a year or two after its release, right? Yes. Five of those turned into awesome series. Yes. You think Apex Legends is going to fucking go on to be a massively successful fucking touchstone video game franchise 10 years from now, like fucking Fatal Fury or King of Fighters or fucking Art of Fighting even fucking Art of Fighting even man. You think the same mass unmarked grave is radical heights, right? Because I like it. So it's like, is it just like I'm trying to figure out what the target is here and I'm like, is it just the... Want to steal Fortnite's lunch? That's it. Is it just the idiot that is trying to tell
Starting point is 02:41:59 you that the thing that you like is dead even though many, many times the industry has proven, no, you just didn't do it. There was an entire time when B games, quote unquote, short, mid-range size games that are not AAA and not mobile games. But still good. But still worth your time and money. There was an entire decade of those where the industry was like, no, those aren't worth it. And now they're super worth it again. They were always worth it. They were worth it back on the Super Nintendo. They never stopped being worth it. You just thought it wasn't worth it and you put that idea out there, but it was never true. In fact, those games have an analogy in movies, those horror movies that cost $1 million to make. Yes. And you make actually 100
Starting point is 02:42:48 fucking movies. Yes. And then one of them is paranormal activity, right? That used to be a really good business model, but nobody wants to do that. It's faster. So it's like, I think about this and I have a lot, like I've been dealing with this since fucking 2005. Like, where is the third... Because of World of Warcraft. Where's the third article that's going to come out and say, uh, Respawn says, if Apex doesn't work out, that's it for them. Yeah. You know? Well, that article doesn't need to exist. But you know what? Like, this is like, that's your trifecta, right? Yeah. You're fucking... The Triforce of Power is, here's your new franchise, Courage is, here is the old one going away, and then Wisdom is like, and if this new one doesn't work, we're
Starting point is 02:43:36 dead. Yeah. And I'm just waiting on that, you know, to fucking cement this as the same situation you just saw. I know you don't, you didn't follow Halo, and I know you didn't follow MMOs and WoW, right? But I do know that you, you heard about video games and you work with people who play video games, right? Yeah. How many fucking dead Halo and WoW killers were laid at the feet of those respective franchises? Dozens! Billions of dollars thrown into toilets going, yo, that's the, that's the top of the fucking, we're gonna get that. How many fucking Call of Duty clones? Cod killers. Cod killers. Holy shit, right? Halo killers was a thing. Cod killers was way more. And Call of Duty, despite its flaws and World of Warcraft, despite its flaws, are still here and
Starting point is 02:44:31 are still almost at the top of their respective genres in terms of numbers. And you see the same publishers over and over and over and over with every new genre, like maybe we'll be the one, but you can't be the one if you're not the first or second. You just, it's too late. You have to invent it. Fortnite's special, because it didn't invent Battle Royale, it just added the building thing that made it different. Titanfall invented it. They invented a thing. Yeah, but it wasn't the thing that everybody wanted. So it has no value. You know what did invent something? And it's doing quite well. And I seriously doubt anyone's gonna try and take it away from it, because it's not the biggest thing in the world. Imagine if For Honor was the biggest game right now. That would be a
Starting point is 02:45:33 think of what you would be seeing around For Honor. I can imagine. We would all be sitting here going, you're not going to take For Honor people away from For Honor, because they already have For Honor. You idiots. And I mean, that's another thing where it's like, yeah, we're doing a thing and it's new and it's not like quite like anything else you've really seen in, but it just is not it's not the world on fire, you know. But Businessman says, okay, so we're gonna do a Battle Royale. Okay, it's gonna look like, and you can jump in it. But like, but like, you know, fucking wow. But you know what, like the, that'll get epic. Like the people that are near where we're at with following the people talking, the people browsing the websites we're browsing today
Starting point is 02:46:33 and talking about news and the way that we're talking about are keeping up with multiple little things popping up here and there and trying them all out, right? That's not at all informative. What's informative is like the person who did not start playing Fortnite until they stopped playing Cod. Yeah. Right, because that is the person who's basically like, I am only on the outer rim playing the thing that I used to play EverQuest. And now I play Wow. And until something bigger and better than Wow comes along, that's the only MMO I'm gonna play. And there's something I talked about earlier with the live service thing with Anthem and Warframe. The biggest problem, particularly with any of these games have any kind of persistence or
Starting point is 02:47:25 long term community, the biggest problem, even if you make an objectively better game than Fortnite, it doesn't have the three, four years of development and iteration and content that Fortnite had. You don't have to beat the game that launched. You have to beat the game that competes with your game as it exists right now. And that's why trying to compete in those genres is so tough. And nobody knows when the process of Fortnite players filtering into the new thing is going to start. Nobody knows where that's going to happen, because it'll start out just like all these other little things that were like, oh, yeah, this is getting a little bit of popularity here and there. But like the bubbling, it's going to take a while to actually recognize, wait, wait,
Starting point is 02:48:12 wait, wait, this is becoming the new main video game genre. Like, do you know what the number one thing that causes this kind of migration? The old game has to start to fall apart. Hearthstone is the number one reason why people are going to that Magic the Gathering or Gwent, right? Because Hearthstone sucks now. Oh, really? Yeah, there's a degradation in the process, right? People start to leave WoW because from Lich King onwards, every expansion got worse and worse. Okay, interesting. The biggest player migration to Warframe ever was the three or four months after Destiny 2 came out, because people went, okay, right? Yeah. But Fortnite has to like fucking fall apart for stuff like this to have a chance,
Starting point is 02:49:06 really. And you know what, you know how I know that? Because PUBG did fall apart. And that's why Fortnite got its spot, because PUBG was falling apart the day it came out. And the instant a game came out that didn't fall apart on you, everyone went and played that instead. Yeah. So then fucking Gavin goes to class and says, yeah, new thing, try it out, come play this with me. Yeah. And then everyone's like, okay. You know what? And then before you know it. You know, when I played, I decided to play Fortnite because it was popular and like I want to know, right? And you know, the first thing I thought of was, wow, this game feels good and I'm not rubber banding all over and the server didn't crash. So even though I never really played Fortnite after
Starting point is 02:49:56 that week or whatever, I now I'm never going to go back to PUBG ever, right? Because if I am going to play that, I'll probably play Fortnite or Call of Duty even, right? Because that game is great. People who really lapse on World of Warcraft because they're frustrated and they want to switch over their life game, they'll never go back. This is that burnout is forever. And this is also not going to get any better as we get older. No, it's actually going to get worse. This is going to get severely severe. It's dawning on me now that this is not going to get any better over time. As costs go up risk aversion takes place. Maybe I'll get lucky and one day the number one game will be something I give a half a fuck about. It's possible. But outside of
Starting point is 02:50:41 rolling the dice, that's that this is just going to get worse as time goes on. I'm quite lucky. Like I love survival horror and survival horror is niche. But RE2 is like the biggest is going to be like the biggest release of the first three, four months of the year, right? So lucky me. I everybody's everybody's posting Mr X memes. Everybody's talking about RE2. It's a good time for everybody. That's lucky, right? When a new fighting game comes out that ignites your soul, you will be on event hubs looking through the comments. But it's like, or like get used to the inexpensive version of the thing you love where, you know, where someone can do it, but we're doing it without that budget. Like that's all we can say, you know, like if
Starting point is 02:51:30 if that's the way it goes, where like people that are fans of this thing need to either a put out the Kickstarter project that is like, yeah, we're going to do it ourselves. But it's like, I mean, really, I love I love isometric fucking 98 to 2004 era RPGs. And I don't think any genres died as far as that genre. And they came back. But like, they're never going to be like they're never like Baldur's Gate to that was like the most unbelievable bleeding edge fucking future game ever. But it'll never be like that again. There are tons of 2D offerings of every genre we like. Yeah, character action and souls likes and adventure. What do you know what I mean? Survival horror. Yeah, there's lone survivors. A great game. Exactly. Go play that. Well,
Starting point is 02:52:22 that's that's what I was going to. I was like, Yeah, I remember when you brought that up and during the non re2 era, you know, and it's like there are the inexpensive solutions to the triple a issue that I guess you can get used to. Wouldn't it be nice if the thing that you wanted was the big popular thing. So it got the maximum amount of care and time and money and attention. Wouldn't that be great? And I feel like genuine like sympathy, because that happens so rare Street Fighter four that happened. Because Street Fighter four was fucking nuts. Yeah, ArcSys is still doing it. They're still making gloriously beautiful things. SNK tried. Yeah, they got burned for it. Yeah, they got burned. Yeah, yeah, it's a burn. It's burning. And they
Starting point is 02:53:10 fucking retreated. And that's that's what that is. But um, men, it's burning. Oh my God. All right. All right. Well, that was a roller coaster of emotions off of a fucking game announcement. Well, it's because it's like I said, like it started in a place of, Oh, cool. Good for respawn. We're getting single player Titanfall only. You know what? You know, we're getting. Yeah, my first thought is when I see that, it was good for respawn. They keep to they keep getting to earn paychecks. Yeah, like that's how dark it's become. Yeah. But like, like, to me, it was almost like, yeah, this is going to fund Titanfall 3. Oh, you silly man. Or at the very least, no, this will be another, this will be another source of revenue. Yeah,
Starting point is 02:53:58 you know, that we'll have to, we'll have two games now. That's just, that's just foolish. Yeah. Oh boy. Well, I imagine we can speed through some of the other less important news items. I can think of three we can speed through. Yes, we can reset the clock. Okay, let's reset the clock. Bam. What's wrong with fall 76? Well, which one you want to start with? What about the one where they're banning people for no reason? That was debunked. Turns out the guy was cloning items. All right, fuck him. What's the next one? They rolled out a patch that was actually an old patch that rebroke everything in the game. Then they had to take the game offline. Then they deleted every thread that was ever mentioned about the fact that they fucked
Starting point is 02:54:46 their own patch up. Then they banned people off their forums for mentioning that. Damage control is really difficult. Difficulty is very high. So I got a buddy of mine who's currently working in game dev, right? And he brought up a word that I'm sure you're going to be familiar with. Well, it's called version control. Could you explain that slightly to the audience when you have multiple, when you have builds of a game and different people, if you need to solve, if you need to solve multiple types of problems at the same time, you will branch your build so that the multiplayer team can go fix a whole bunch of those bugs and they incorporate it. And then the single player team will focus on their issues or whatever. And then you'll
Starting point is 02:55:37 sometimes create branching paths that are supposed to reconnect at some point in the future. All right, now who's in charge of version control? Generally the pre-mastering tech. All right. So let's just assume that guy doesn't exist or is horribly overworked or was not given the right documentation by any of the people that he is working with. And they were just straight up, hey, we fixed all these bugs, cool, launch it. Oh, this is based off of two patches ago. Oops, we live loaded the wrong version. Yeah. And my favorite version of this, right? And it's not technically a bug. It's a design oversight. One of the patch changes they made was the Bobby pins, you know, for block making, no longer weigh a full pound. I think they weighed 0.1 pounds,
Starting point is 02:56:37 right? Bunch of people logged in to have their character so over-encumbered they couldn't fucking move because Bobby pins went back to being one pound. That's fun. Yeah. Oh, I'm carrying 100 Bobby pins. What's that, 10 pounds? No, it's 100. But where are those, where are those going to go? They're already equipped. Throw them on the floor. That's destroy them. That's yeah. Yeah. That's fun. We have fun here. That's fun. Oops. So the next place we can go is to Germany. Oh, this one's so embarrassing. Where good old GameStop Germany decides to make an offer. If you happen to be looking for a used PS4 controller, good news. That'll come bundled with a used copy of Fallout 76 for free. There's a follow up to this. Come on. The German GameStop or maybe it's Best Buys.
Starting point is 02:57:48 There's an Xbox One, Fallout 76 bundle that comes with an extra copy of Fallout 76. When you buy a copy? Yes. No, when you buy the bundle, it comes with a digital copy of Fallout 76 and they will throw in a physical copy of Fallout 76 alongside it. That is stock liquidation. That is literally it is costing us money to keep this in the warehouse. Nothing we can do about it at this point. You didn't make the accommodations to treat this like a Madden game. You know what? You know who's the biggest loser on that? The next time Bethesda ships a game out and they decide to trust them and everyone goes get fucked. We're going to take a thousand copies for our store. Pre-order numbers plus one box. I've never worked in a big box
Starting point is 02:58:46 retail store, but it is my understanding that, hey, this item is a month old and it's not sold. The money is ticking down by the second that you can't get it out of the store. Businesses likely lost money on the Fallout 76 launch. They profited a couple of bucks on MSRP, right? But then they likely lost money due to the stock and all that shit, right? So when that publisher comes around and goes, hey man, you want 10,000 Skyrim 2s? And they go, no, we want 120. See, I don't know much about the shipping end of the industry. I know that like with comics, everything comes from Diamond. And if it's not coming from Diamond, it's pretty much not coming at all. So there's one company you're dealing with. But here, if it's all handled
Starting point is 02:59:38 individually and there's no sort of unified middleman, then yeah, they might actually just be like, no, we won't be taking that shipment. So when you see those numbers of over X number of copies, not sold, but shipped, shipped, which, which meet, which is big, big enthusiasm for a game that you can use. It's that is we convinced retailers to buy exactly and based off of pre-order numbers and hype and what have you. Yeah, that might absolutely nuke their next game. For sure. This is why customer relations are important. And customer faith is important. And shipping out a real product is important. Brick and mortar, man. This is, this is the limitations. This is the limitations. Um, I'm not, it's funny. And these stories are always
Starting point is 03:00:34 GameStop, right? Because they GameStop has the buyback policy and whatnot going on. Like, you're not in a big business for them as used games. Well, 95% of their right. And it's like, oh, these used games aren't, aren't, oh, they're useless. Get them out. Uh, it's a bummer. It's a, it's GameStop policy that if they actually toss games, they have to destroy them. It's like food at a grocery store. Yeah. Well, you know what happens? Can't let the, can't let the homeless gamers get what happens when you just toss a bunch of non destroyed games and the dumpster behind your GameStop, right? Everybody, you create a dumpster city around dumpster economy. Yeah. We're in which we fish the games out and bring them back into the store
Starting point is 03:01:14 and sell them. Yeah. Which is like, I, I'm not going to blame you. Why not? Um, anyway, so this is somebody who worked at a grocery store, that whole like, we don't give away food. We might get sued if someone gets sick. That's bullshit. I can't think of, I looked at, there has never been anybody that's been fucking sued over free food and the situation like that. It's literally just easier to throw it out. Then to find somewhere to donate. Then to even make the effort to have people come pick it up for you. There would also be a, uh, he like, if there was a like, today's, we give everything away day, then why would people do groceries? Yeah. Right. Well, the idea is that you're supposed in a real, in an ideal world, you would have a charitable organization set up a
Starting point is 03:02:04 pickup and they've come in on Friday and grab anything that you would labeled as whatever, and they would bring it to homeless shelters and whatnot. But if you, but some, a human being needs to be there to watch that for at least a couple hours and that's money off the clock. Fuck them. Poor bleach in it. No, just throw it in the dumpster. Throw in the dumpster next to the fucking sorting area with the fucking disgusting bottles that poor goddamn Elliot has to go and do. And then he reeks like old bottles all day. Well, he's incorrect. Diamond is no longer the only comic distributor. Cool. Good to know. Update. The comics don't work the way I thought they did from 10, 15 years ago. Fantastic. Good job, old man. Right. So, uh, cool new event happening
Starting point is 03:02:53 in Final Fantasy 14. This was a surprise. Your hot dark apocalypse. That's awesome. Yep. And it's two P as the main character, apparently. Wow. I mean, that doesn't have to actually affect anything in a canonical way. Yeah. Two P is a soul caliber character. Woolly. It's canon. Oh my God. Yoko's that guy. He's that he's person. Have you not paid attention? Yeah. Yeah. Yoko's that guy. It's like persona. It's like not persona. It's like SMT. Everything's canon in the most tangential way. Also, I should mention the last raid they did return to evil lease that similarly got people excited. Yeah. Yeah. Can into it adds a canonical ending and it expands on the
Starting point is 03:03:46 ending of Final Fantasy tactics. Tactics in 12. No tactics specifically. Okay. Well, whatever the world of evil is right. And like it adds it, it changes some things about what the characters are like. And that's cool because there are like people who worked on FFT that worked on that raid. So the blessing goes through, right? Yoko Taro and I forget his name. I'm sorry, but the producer that works with Yoko Taro who were behind near automata are the two head design leads on this raid. So the blessing goes through. It's canon. It counts, which means two P is canon. That's right. Holy shit, which means soul caliber is canon to Final Fantasy, which means that she met humans. Yes, right. Well, um, yeah. So not only do you have to
Starting point is 03:04:44 go see a stage play to find out the true story, you now have to get through an MMO and three expansions to find out the truth. So and yes, I know that we know the game is that's the stage play summarized in the game. All right. I spoke to Clems. We'll do a video or something. Okay. Okay. With this. Okay. Because he also plays FF 14. So he was, he's blown out his pants when he saw this. Wow. Um, what's interesting is that, uh, everybody started to flip their shit and they announced Yoko Taro. So they do this little interview with Yoko Taro and the producer and they have it subtitled and the subtitles match like zero percent of what Yoko Taro is saying. What is actually saying? Yeah. Okay. Okay. So like they're like, he's like the best one is he's,
Starting point is 03:05:34 he, the subtitle reads, I sure do love Final Fantasy TM and all Taro says is, uh, Taro San says is Daisuki and he's like, I love Final Fantasy. I played 12 last and the one I played before that was two. I sure do love Final Fantasy and they were actually going to like, he was like, oh, I'm not going to play it. I'm going to skip through the game and just use it. And, uh, Yoshida comes out on the stage and says, we are forcing them to play through before they write this raid. Like it, oh, sorry, gang. It is, it is a fucking goofy mess. Wow. Wow. Well, I mean, I have no idea how this level of insane technology can be introduced into this world in a canon way. Oh, it's easy. Fall through portal done. I guess. But doesn't that still have insane
Starting point is 03:06:33 ramifications? Nope. Okay. Did you also see that they announced an FF 15 crossover during that event in which the regalia will become a new mount? Oh, so cars are just, yeah, you fly around in your car. Okay. They also announced Bunny Ladies, which everybody got their penis as big for. Okay. So, it doesn't, it's an MMO. Who cares? MMOs doesn't. Dude, Rathalos is a mountain that game. Right. Yeah. Okay. Got it. Rathalos. Got it. Shut up. So, uh, for Final Fantasy 14 players, uh, this is twofold. Great. One, near as cool. Two, it means that near music and near outfits will now be in the game, which people are very excited for. Yeah, that's cool. Because people have already done their, their jury rigged, like near like character lookalikes. Fuck that. Just grab two bees dress.
Starting point is 03:07:22 So when does this shit come out? Um, the first of that will come out in September as the first raid in the first Alliance raid in the new Shadowbringers expansion, which is coming out in early July and then the 5.1 patch will probably be in September. So it's a while soft. Does this also bring a new job? There will be a new job. It's the gunbreaker class. It's a gunblade user, but that's the expansion general. It's not the raid specifically. Oh, there's no like, no, no, no. Floating weapon on your back, Android job. No. Oh, okay. In fact, what will occur is that, uh, by the way, my prediction early here is that there's going to be a near automata raid. There's going to be a near raid and there's going to be a
Starting point is 03:08:19 dragon guard raid. That's what I hope. Or at the very least for the gear. And the main thing is that everybody wants to know, okay, I play a tank. Does that mean I don't get the fancy cloth dresses? Does it mean the healers are going to get the 2B outfit or are they going to get the commander out? You know, like everybody's like, well, no, I want 2Bs outfit. I want 9S's shit. Everybody gets a, um, a blindfold. Yeah. Okay. But which blindfold? Do I get the scanner type blindfold or the battle type? Battle type. I, I, I, I fuck it. Yeah. And, uh, the only other story that is super big, worth talking about, super big, we can skip the rest is, uh, Xbox announces their SDK update is going to include more cross platform support, including switch
Starting point is 03:09:14 and mobile. So that's crazy. Uh, this is basically Microsoft going, yeah, we talked to Nintendo and they're cool. They're cool with Xbox live supporting switch and so on and so forth. I don't know what this actually means. Well, this one, that here's one thing. Xbox live is an existing functioning online multiplayer suite. That's correct. And then there's the switch. There's no, don't even pretend. And then there's the switch. There's no fucking way. So, um, you know, I think that it's quite possible that Nintendo went online. Yeah, we could do with some, I think that's why I think it's probably more likely that it'll have, uh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. First party level of any kind. I'm talking about
Starting point is 03:10:10 like origin or like a like a U play game, certain games if they want to that come out on both can use Xbox live app and they'll allow people to play together in this way because you know, they've seen, like, they're like, yeah, this fortnight thing worked out great and Sony looked like a bunch of jackasses for a while. So why don't we lean into that? It's because that was the best heat we got. This is, this is the farthest lean in I've ever seen. I saw a stupid meme of like evolve or die. I saw a stupid meme of a guy sitting with his arms crossed looking all frowny face because his friend and his girlfriend were making out right next to them and people just posted Nintendo. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And I mean, like, again, Microsoft and
Starting point is 03:10:54 fucking and Nintendo are going deep tongue. It was it was the best heat they got for like because Sony otherwise is like, yeah, we were PS4 is doing great. You know what I mean? I don't need nobody. They're doing their thing. So like every time there's an opportunity to make them look like a bunch of assholes, which they do whenever they go against this, which is a business decision. And it is the same type, but it's like it is an anti consumer business. It absolutely is. So you're going to look like a jackass every time you have to say the same way that Microsoft looked like jackasses and Sony dunked on them with the use game shit. So you know, back and forth. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. So yeah, according to their GDC listing, they're releasing a new cross
Starting point is 03:11:37 platform X DK. And they want to push for things more like Minecraft and Fortnite. Of course, it has to it's going to be limited to whatever again, what what what games happen to oh yeah, totally, you know, what could we see a halo on a Nintendo. And that means in general that both consoles get to benefit from a larger player base. Yeah, it's cool as a whole. It's really cool. I remember when, you know, Steam and PlayStation had that crossover for like one second, but that's what I that's where my Steam account came from. Yeah, you know, I was like, Oh, my existing Steam account, or rather my existing PSN can be used for a pre existing Steam account that simplifies things greatly. And I just used that didn't go anywhere. They then immediately
Starting point is 03:12:29 broke up. And that was the end of that relationship. Still had your steam account, but I still had the account. Yeah. Fuck you. I just I just remembered something. And I'm pissed off at you for your own sake. Because I remember you told me that you had that chance to get that Steam account and you fucking didn't. No, I never really had the chance. But could you have even tried? I showed up too late. I showed up too late. So those of you who don't know, there used to be. Yeah, it's old now. It's old now. Yeah, I'm like, is this okay? Yeah, this is fine to talk about. It's old. There used to be such a thing as a press Steam account. And well, it was it was it was a I don't think it was it was pressed as much as it was like dev. There was a dev whatever. Yeah,
Starting point is 03:13:15 basically the account if I if I and I got there just a little bit too late. But when I first started working at a Square Enix, I'd awesome and whatnot. Like, there was a chance to get this fucking thing where you get more or less access to you get an account with a fucking thing that's just like free games. They used to send these out to GameSpot and IGN and stuff like that. And the deal was is that it was a version of Steam that literally had no money attached to it. It was just the whole library was given to you. Bunkers. Every single time something was added to the library, a key would be added to your account. Yeah. And they would give it out to big ass review sites and devs. Yeah. So that they could test so they could, you know, everything. Now you get individual builds for
Starting point is 03:14:05 things on separate codes that you have to like go in and verify within your your consumer account, where you have to convert your consumer account to one that takes in betas and then go and do that process. But this and this thing was lifetime. Yeah, it's for the accounts that we're talking about still exist. And the people who have them have free steam accounts for like free steam forever. It's insane. It's forever. Yeah, I've gotten that out of my system. I'm not I'm no longer but hurt by it. But it was literally just I was slightly too late. If I fucking got in a few months earlier, I would have been in there. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. That's a huge, that's a huge one. That's a fairly Jim used to have one. And Gershman. Yeah. Yeah. So I'm not sure if it's so in some
Starting point is 03:14:55 cases, the company would own this the account technically, but they would just give it to somebody to have it. But like, even Christ, even just having that for a while, that's absurd. Oh, yeah, I know a bunch of a bunch of folks from back then, or like a bunch of folks from from the team, like again, or later back before I started, we're getting them, which meant like more or less anyone who was in was getting one. That is a that is an insane value to the point where leaving the company, it's still worth it for a lifetime providing steam doesn't go out of business. You know, well, even then, yeah. But anyway, so that's what's happening with Microsoft and it's wacky. But hey, who knows who knows what the future holds. I mean, you see that this is a micro news story,
Starting point is 03:15:46 but Sony filed a patent for a new console that can play PlayStation one, PlayStation two, PlayStation three and PlayStation four games natively with backwards compatibility. So here's hoping that turns out to be exactly what it sounds like. Yeah, the Sony Let's PlayStation. Yes, the Sony Let's PlayStation. Like, are you fucking kidding me? Yes. The dream, the PSX box that we never actually got that has a burner in it. Those nutbags that almost released that thing. Holy fuck, I hope that's real. Yeah, that would make a lot of things really easy. Right. Life would fucking be nice, wouldn't it? Life would be so simple. Wow. Let's take some email. Hey, if you want to send an email and you go ahead and send that email
Starting point is 03:16:43 to CastleSuperBeastMail at That's CastleSuperBeastMail at Min just sent me a photo of all the copies of Titanfall. Which dollar ammo is it? I don't know. There's a couple, but it's probably the one in the the old mall. I mean, I'm looking at like, there's a lot of copies. That's a bunch of copies. That's a whole lot of copies. You can get all those copies. You get all of them. Yeah. On both systems. What's the point of that though? What is that? One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. That's, uh, yeah, it's about 20 copies. Yeah. Oh, I saw a guy ask no Exodus news. Eh, the one of the Metro Exodus developers ran his mouth and looks like a jackass. That's the news. I didn't hear. That was the guy's like, if you don't buy it on the Epic
Starting point is 03:17:35 store, there won't be any more PC Metro games. And he goes on his big rant. This is fucking dumbass. 80 bucks for 20 copies of Titanfall too. That's worth it. Seems legit. Seems like a deal. Uh, we got a couple and let's take one from seven, six, five, bro. Deucer dare fort mega monsters. What animal extinct or living would you want to eat and how would you want it prepared? I would love to eat a woolly mammoth. Um, I'd be down for a, uh, barbecue dodo. Yeah, I want to, I want a woolly steak. Yeah. Ironically enough. Dinosaur would be terrible because it's just, it's just lizard meat. Lizard meat's terrible. Alternatively, like one of those mega cows, you know, those fucking things. Yeah. Or like eggs
Starting point is 03:18:30 made out of like some ancient fucking bird. I mean, pterodactyl jerky might be all right. I don't care for jerky anyway. I love jerky, but I'm also like it's, it's you live on when you're like you live on it with keto is, uh, is lizard flesh even conducive to jerky? Sorry, bird flesh. I mean, you could, you could smoke anything. Uh, oh, you see that fucking nonsense of smoked pineapple where they turn pineapples into hams. No, but that sounds good. Basically, they, they shave a pineapple. So it's just the, the, the, the fruit and then they just hook it up like it's a fucking smoked meat and they smoke it. And you got like an inch of spice and shit on it.
Starting point is 03:19:20 Tastes good. Yeah. Apparently it tastes quite good. Uh, all right. Matt says, hey, punch daddy and shit, posty midget. How are you doing? Long one, but apologies. About two months ago, I was scrolling through Twitter and I saw an official Diablo page hosting a contest where contestants needed to upload a photo of themselves playing Diablo three. This shit is wild. Um, on the switch and the community would vote on their favorite submissions. That's cool and all, but the prizes for first and second place were Diablo Eternal Collection Switch Console, which meant that in order to even have a chance to win the switch, you already needed to own a switch. I, as someone from a third world country, were, uh,
Starting point is 03:20:00 with a heavily declining economy who wouldn't even dream of having a switch, got somewhat offended by this. My immediate response was to grab a piece of paper, draw a switch, overlay joy cons and all, and with some Diablo art on the sides, cut a rectangle in the middle and take a photo of my computer screen running Diablo three, uh, with a piece of paper in the front to simulate a switch, submitted it, was surprised to see it get through the process. Um, and, uh, I don't know how, but my bullshit got through and nearing the end of the day, it was rocking over a hundred votes. Fast forward a week. I had over 3,200, uh, and then some nice Tumblr people helped me out. Eventually, I was getting worried about it. I clearly thought this was breaking the rules
Starting point is 03:20:45 by not having a proper switch, but about a week after the contest ended, uh, I was contacted by the Diablo Social Media Manager and she told me that I was indeed disqualified, uh, and I wasn't one of the winners, but they were gonna send me a Diablo Eternal Collection Switch anyway as a gift for being creative and so on and so forth. I literally beat the system, um, good for you, with the power of the people alone. So that contest was so fucking dumb because people realized like, wait, you want us to take a picture of us playing on the thing that we're hoping to win? And Blizzard responded with, yeah. Yeah. And everyone went, huh? And Blizzard responded, yeah. Yeah. Fucking what? That's stupid, but good for you, Matt. Beat the system. Yeah. Beat the system.
Starting point is 03:21:41 Oh, man. Sit system. Sit some. That's it. You seen that tattoo? I have not. Fuck the sit some. Ouch. Uh, Grayson here, long time listener, first time writer, an honor of Anthem fucking up and kicking me three times during the boss fight, getting no loot or experience. What's the longest you spent? Go back into the game. Oh, it's too late. Demo's over. Anyway, uh, what's the longest you've spent on the video game, uh, for no reward at all? Mine was when I spent four hours trying to get the assassinate and elite to save yourself from falling to your death achievement. Uh, I did it multiple times and it never worked. Uh, save problems don't count because at least you had fun playing the game. I call bullshit on that one because at least you had fun before you got kicked out.
Starting point is 03:22:31 Also, it doesn't specify which game has the assassinate and elite to save yourself from falling to your death. I don't know a game you're talking about. Game that is. Yeah. But anyway, um, have you ever had a situation like that where you're fighting a super long, I don't know, like a raid boss and then it fucking just your computer black raided in 14. So there you go. Okay. That's uh, Halo reach says the chat. Uh, it, uh, Thornton with some bad times that fights great, but people are bad. That's, that's the reality of MMOs. Wow. This fight's really great. I'm really injured. Oh God, that guy just died. Oh fuck. Like just over and over and over and over and over
Starting point is 03:23:19 and over. If you're not cutting saving, then like, no, the longest I've had is I don't really do like the longest I have is RPGs where I'm finding a boss forever. Like, um, Persona three final boss. Uh, that's a long boss. And I was underleveled for it and I spent a solid 30 to 40 before dying and trying it again. And that was like, are really disheartening. Yeah. Um, Josh Mua says, Hey, CSB crew recently checked out the local Barnes and Nobles book store down the mall for physical copies of some manga I collect, set it to browse, and I saw some Isakai mangas with really long and dumb titles. So I thought it'd be fun to make a real or fake game like the Toho one you guys did previously. Oh, I like this down below is a list of manga I found
Starting point is 03:24:12 and some I made up with some dumb titles. Hopefully I set it up in a way that we can scroll and play to. Oh, that's great. Title should appear followed by the answer. Now this is a thing I know is like there's been, uh, uh, I've seen this before, but I also know that like there's a bunch of manga in general that have insane paragraphs for titles as a way of catching your attention. Like, is it a crime to pick up girls in the dungeon or weird, you know, or whatever the fuck. And it's just like, like, like it's almost like a tabloid headline is the name of your, of your manga in a weird way. So this is definitely all right. I'm so down for this. I feel like I might have a bit of an advantage that's unfair, but number one, God's blessing on this wonderful
Starting point is 03:24:53 world. That's real. Sounds real. That's KonoSuba. Yeah, it's real. Yeah, totally. There you go. Number two, lost in another world. Do exclamation marks. Sounds a little too generic. I mean, almost like I'll buy into it. I'm gonna say that's fake. I'm gonna believe, I'm gonna believe it, but it's really generic. Oh, it's fake. Yeah, fake. That time I got reincarnated as a slime. That's real. I know it's good. I know it's real. I've heard of it. Yeah, apparently it's really good. Is it? Yeah, apparently it's really funny. So every time I hear reference to a slime, I assume it's just dragon hunt dragon. Yeah, that's a dragon quest. It's a dragon quest. Yep. You know, I still want to say dragon warrior every time. Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 03:25:38 I do. Did you hear me say dragon dragon quest every time? Okay. There was only one of those and it was fucking 23 years ago. It's the only one I ever. It's the only time I ever. No, 30 years ago, Christ. I'll be the one to defeat the demon lord. That sounds fake. That's real. Fake. Ah, darn. How a realistic hero rebuilt the kingdom. Sounds fake. I know a guy who's reading that, I think. Real. Yep. Is it wrong to try and pick up growth? Yes. If it's for my daughter, I'd even defeat a demon lord. That sounds real. That's too specific to not be. It's super real. My big brother won't stop cooking for me. Oh, that's just creepy enough to be real, but it could also be fake. Calling it fake. I'm calling it fake too. Fake. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:26:38 Reborn as a vending machine, now I wander the dungeon. I know this is real. Yeah, that's real. Yeah. Yeah. The other high-leveled heroes are finally appearing in our town. Sounds fake. That's fake. It's fake. The hero and his elf bride open a pizza parlor in another world. Oh my god, that's I'm calling fake. Okay, that sounds like the elf one that loves the fries too much, but I'm gonna say fake. Real. Wait, is that the one with the elf girl with the fries? It might be. I didn't hear of this. I guess so. I don't want to be a hero for that everyone wants. I'm gonna say real. I'm gonna pass fake on this. Fake. Stop working and come play in our world, fake. Fake. Fake. High school prodigies have it easy even in another world. That's real. Fake.
Starting point is 03:27:31 It's real. I didn't say my abilities. Didn't I say to make my abilities average in my next life? Sounds real. That sounds fake. Real. Really? Wow. Okay, how many of these, dude? Okay, it keeps going. I think we got it. I think we got it. So I have a buddy of mine who doesn't. So I'm in a discord server with some old FF 14 buddies and the owner of that server has name control so she can just make anybody's name whatever the fuck she wants. Yeah. One of my old raid buddies was named Issa guy for like a year because he's that guy. He just loves to just dive in the trash. And so like all the ones that I went, you know, no, no, that's real.
Starting point is 03:28:23 Like the one where like, oh yeah, the realistic skills of the slime is like, all right, hey man, what's up? Oh dude, I found this trash. It's so bad. I assume. Yeah, I assume it's kind of like, like I have a friend that she was basically just like, yeah, uh, you anyone have any anime recommendations? And we're like, oh yeah, there's all these cards. And she's like, yay. And then I was like, blah, we're throwing a bunch of stuff out there. And she's like, no, no, no, no, no, I want the trash. Yeah, give me the garbage shit. I need the shit. I need the garbage shit. You know, and then we're like, oh, oh boy. And then like, yeah, she just was like, no, I'm on this kick. I need to see how bad it can get.
Starting point is 03:29:05 And so apparently the actual worst is that anime that Jeff did a video on called the, I forget what it's, it's, what the fuck is it called? Jeff did, and I think the subtitle, sorry, the title card is the actual goddamn worst. Not sort out online. Yeah, no. Fuck, what is that? It would remind me. Now I gotta go to his channel and look at it. Okay, but it's like, it's got this awful title. Well, anyway, um, yeah. Oh boy. Well, this certainly, this, this was it's, this was a day of ups and downs and downs and downs and downs and more downs. So, uh, I'm feeling pretty, pretty burnt. Um, but I think this was a podcast. If I have to say so myself, looking back on it,
Starting point is 03:30:08 I think a podcast occurred. Yeah. Yeah. I can't find it. I'll ask somebody what the fuck that awful piece of shit is. It's, it contains the line, I can't be your wife, but maybe I can be your little sister. Oh, oh no. Oh boy. If that jogs anyone's fucking memory. All right. Yeah, that's yeah. Well, yeah. Uh, yeah, so. Master Ragnarok. Oh, that's that piece of shit. Okay. Boy. Well, anyway, uh, yeah, so, so yeah, that's, that's, that's that then. Um, I, you know what? I kind of fucking sure did write some checks that my ass can't cash in terms of Titanfall too, because I like, I can't make this podcast hit the gym and also stream Titanfall tonight. Yeah. Well, it's sad that you killed Titanfall, but if I was the one who is saying that,
Starting point is 03:31:10 people would accuse me of killing Titanfall. I legit thought that I had some time before Apex came out. No. And it turns out I didn't. Hell no. Well, they beat you. Yeah. They saw it coming. I'll get, I'll, I'll, I'll do it at like further convenience, I suppose, um, which would have to be at my next stream, um, after the next three. Yeah. Cause that's all, you know, that's all out there. But anyway, hope you guys enjoyed the podcast. We'll see you next week on Monday or Tuesday, whichever the fuck you do. Yeah. And is there anything coming out that we are fancy? Nah, no, not this week. Next week, there's stuff coming out. Just that Devil May Cry demo. Yeah. Grab that. All right. Now you're allowed to play it. Bye everybody. Goodbye.
Starting point is 03:32:15 Two outlaws ride with weapons flexed. One is quick, the other's tall. Together they'll kill them all. Bang bang, they shot them down. Bang bang, they hit the ground. Bang bang, they torched the rest. Bang bang, we're lasers from their chest. Bang bang, they kill counts wide. Bang bang, the enemies died. Bang bang, they hit the ground. Bang bang, here's the rocket sound. Bang bang, two legends, one legacy. Bang bang, surrounded by enemies. Bang bang, go ahead and cry. Bang bang, you're all about to die.

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