Castle Super Beast - CSB 006: Your Colostomy Bag is a Z-Targetable Weakpoint

Episode Date: February 12, 2019

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Navy Federal is proud to serve over 8 million members and is open to active duty military, the DOD veterans, and their family members. Receive a lifetime membership benefits, excuse me, receive a lifetime of membership benefits like credit card, APR average that is 4% lower than the industry's member only exclusive rates and more. Visit slash friendcast for more information call 1-888-842-6328 or download the Navy Federal Credit Union app today. Message and data rates may apply visit for more information.
Starting point is 00:00:57 Okay, so it's gonna be a blow-up because, you know what I mean? Like, yeah, who are you? How did I get here? Yeah, it's gonna be a blow-up. Let's see. I don't know what else to say. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning to everyone out there in internet land. Hi. How are you all doing? I was fine. That's great. And now I feel like my voice is not being listened to. Oh, okay. I thought you were gonna say I thought because you're saying it kind of like I feel like my voice is starting to go and I was gonna get big anxiety. No, no, my voice isn't starting to go, but it's more like my voice is here, but it's not
Starting point is 00:02:06 being heard. Okay, listen, that email got sent. Okay, take that email. You put it in that drawer. You know that drawer where emails go? Yeah. Yeah, you put it in that drawer. Maybe I should just that email copy and paste. Yeah. Then click the button again. Yeah, just do that. That's a fun one. That's a fun one. Yeah, it's it takes like five button presses. It's a little past. It's a little passive aggressive and it's and it's efficient. You know, I kind of feel like no, you want to be passive aggressive. You put like, like an addendum to that is like, Hey, just sending this again. And then if it doesn't work again, what you want to
Starting point is 00:02:44 really passive aggressive it up, you copy paste that and put another addendum on it and you just see how big that chain can get. No, the way I usually do is like, I go like you get like maybe like three of like different re-engagement of like, Hey, just wondering what's up? You know, Hey, it's kind of weird, but I don't want to bother you. But what's up? Right. And then after like that point, then you can just go a paste, a paste, a pay because there's nothing changing. Yeah. So yeah, perhaps you could hire some form of robot to send the message 100 times a second. Hmm. That's handy. That's like that would be possibly extreme. But hey, what
Starting point is 00:03:36 do I know about solving problems? That's a that's a good question. What do you know about solving problems? I know that you should stand further back than three feet when you shoot a zombie. Okay, I know how to solve that problem. That's an escalation further beyond what I was more so thinking of dispute. Oh, of some sort. I know that when you spill something on the floor, the fastest way to solve that is to just take the whole roll of paper towels and just put it in the middle of the spill. Just throw the roll at the spill. Yeah. And then it'll soak it up. I mean, you could also just keep like a spill rag around. You're
Starting point is 00:04:28 blinking. I am blinking. I am somewhat confused by your term spill rag. You can keep a rag in the kitchen. Yeah. Like, you know, there's a rag for drying dishes and a rag for wiping your hands. Yes, that's correct. Yeah, you can have like a rag for wiping the counter, which you can then wash and reuse for like quick spills that mean nothing instead of a paper towel. I don't usually so like, yeah, I would use like the dishwash thing for that. But like, the spills that I am describing are not the nothing spills. I'm talking, oh, I dropped a whole can of coke on the floor. Well, that's you've got like bigger issues, I suppose. I could, I would say
Starting point is 00:05:10 I have bigger issues. But it like, if you drop a can, like the cans are designed in a way that they don't explode out of the bottle. Like now, well, if it's open, it does. Well, no. But like if you if you if nothing's wrong with you, you can pick that can up fast enough that it's still a small spill. Well, that was a assumption that you just made. Okay, that something is not wrong with me in the situation that I would be in a state. So here's the thing, if I'm dropping a drink on the floor, I'm probably in a mental state in which I will look at the drink as it is falling and go, no, with my arms out, and then it will spill more and more. And I
Starting point is 00:05:53 will look at it and think in my mind and possibly say, no, stop. Do you not do the last minute foot out catch? Because the last minute foot catch does work. Yes, sometimes. However, we're talking about the situation in which I'm most likely to spill something on the floor, which is a situation in which I'm already deficient mentally in some form, either due to lack of sleep, just waking up or just being kind of stupid for the moment. Only temporarily, though, never the moment, never implying that no, never a permanent no debuff. No. Okay. I've done the foot save on many objects. I have to. It's it's it's quite satisfying. It's like, you
Starting point is 00:06:40 don't need to actually stop it from hitting the ground. You just need to stop it from hitting the ground at the velocity that it's going to get the ground foot save is almost always worth it. Unless it is a like unless it's like food. In which point, less, you didn't need to solve the problem. You just get yourself two problems. Yeah, yeah. So there's now hit your gross foot and the gross. Yeah, if it is in a gooey, liquidy form coming down, then there's nothing you can do. However, if it's a plate that's going to break or a glass, the foot save will just stop the velocity harm. You know, this is really weird. The don't don't foot save a knife,
Starting point is 00:07:16 though. Yeah. What if you can get to between your toes and everyone will be really impressed? I mean, if you want to take that, you know, sure. I think back to some moment when I was like seven years old, and I was my mom was like, Hey, Pat, here's a plate, bring it to the dish thing, right? And I picked up the plate and I walked over and just halfway to the front of the kitchen. I just dropped that fucking thing on the floor and it shattered to a million pieces. And I remember, I remember even at the time being like, How did that happen? I think I actually just let go of the plate. I don't think I like, I don't think it
Starting point is 00:07:58 slipped. I think I just wasn't paying attention and just opened my hand so that it may free fall and smash to a million pieces. Mm hmm. One time. Yeah. No, that's right. I don't know why I did that. One time. I really didn't. Well, I hate washing dishes. I hate. I think that is fairly obvious that there's very few. My dad likes washing dishes, but he's a anomaly. Don't enjoy it at all. No, nobody does. And many, many a battle were were drawn on the on the premise of like we had a system of wash what you use. But apparently I'm the only one that can adhere to that. Yeah. And the frustration just escalates to a war.
Starting point is 00:08:48 This washing is difficult because I feel like the deal, the armistice you just described is the one that is very common. Yeah. And any multiple adult situation. Yeah. And no one ever fucking does it ever, ever, ever, ever. And there's something just really outrageous about having to wash somebody else's dish that they did not want to wash. Yeah, basically. And there are other chores like taking out the trash or tidying up a room or making a bed or whatever that for some reason doesn't apply in my mind anyway. And I think it's very similar for most people. But like, I know you use these fucking dishes and just too
Starting point is 00:09:30 lazy to fucking wash them. Oh, so mad. Yeah. Or even like do the little fill it fill it up with water so that it gets a chance to be an easier wash. Yeah, whatever the fuck it is. I remember though, I will confess that one time when I was very young and not wanting to wash dishes but was assigned to do so. Yeah. I was washing a glass that was a really annoying one. And I was really pissed off and I was being a shit. And I absolutely didn't smash it. But I let you allowed it. I allowed it to fall and crack. And so that I didn't have to do it anymore. That's fine. And that was like, in my brain, I was like, well, I
Starting point is 00:10:20 slipped out of my hand. I didn't. The action wasn't causing it, Jesus. And that. Oh, no. That was okay, wasn't it? And then I felt guilty afterwards. But I still never did anything about it. I just besides like, I was like, okay, well, that's between me and Jesus. And then that was it. Isn't everything just between you and Jesus? Well, you see the real, the real lesson to be learned there would be to like go and tell the person what you did or whatever. Fuck that. Or you can just silently ask for forgiveness and be like, we good, right? We good. And we carry on with our way, you know. But you tell I'll tell you one thing. I
Starting point is 00:11:03 didn't have to fucking wash those dishes. I got back to playing fucking my 386. Yeah, that was that. Yeah, no, I absolutely would put I put dishes in a category where I'm willing to do like I will do uneven amounts of chores in exchange for not doing that. I would totally agree with that. You know, I will take over any other responsibility, catch me outside raking and mowing the lawn and dumping the trash out and and fucking while cleaning out the bathroom. Yeah. But I just I fucking load the dishes now. Nowadays, I think like maybe maybe much of my hatred for
Starting point is 00:11:49 dishes has been exaggerated because I was like in my mid to late 20s before I discovered how to actually wash them properly. Unlike a crazy person from a story that's been told in which I thought that if you let it just air dried that they would give you mold that would then the air dry give you give you like horrible diseases, right, which would then increase the multiplying time of dish doing by hours. And then now that I think of it, I was specifically taught to hand dry every single thing specifically so they didn't get like mold on them. And I'm like, hmm, yeah, I wonder where that came from. There's a conversation
Starting point is 00:12:35 for the next family meeting. Yeah, there's a there's there's a there's a a pseudo there's a an inlaw that won't be named that upon upon acquiring a dishwasher still decided to rinse and fully wash and put the like the like basically do now clean dishes into the dishwasher. Like it was there. So it started as like it started as like, okay, we'll just we'll just give them a little water down and then put them in those like, that's actually prudent. Yeah, right. And then it was like, well, if I'm watering it down, let's get them soap on it. Right. I'm right here. And then it became like, all right, well,
Starting point is 00:13:19 I'm just going to scrub it a little bit just to get the hard stuff off so that we don't have to deal with it later. You just deal with it now. But you just deal with it now. And then it just became a full dishwash. And then it goes into the wash the dishwashing machine. Like, what are we doing? You've now doubled your work for no reason. You know, this is why it was a funny. I remember what I remember it up. There's dude blow it up. I remember an argument that lasted, I want to say for like six years between my mother and I, in which she would every single time, you know, those little, those little
Starting point is 00:14:03 dishwasher tabs you put in the dishwasher. Yeah, she'd put the dishwasher tab in it and then not close it. Oh, and then I go, my, I think you're supposed to close that because it does the things like, no, look, and I would look the dishes are clean afterwards. And my mom, look, I put the tab in and then just close the door. Yeah. And like, look, it's just on the floor. She's like, Patrick, I'm your mother. And that is how we do dishes in this house. And I remember keel to authority when I got my own place and it had, and I finally got my
Starting point is 00:14:51 own dishwasher. The first thing I did is like run to put that tab in and close it and be like, yeah, I knew it. I fucking knew it. Chests. Yeah. See, I felt very differently about that phrase than many of my young contemporaries as I grew up, because whenever I heard that phrase of I'm your father, right? Or I'm your mother, I always took that as a personal victory because it meant that I had outsmarted my parents. Yes. Yeah. No, that's exactly it. Right. That's what it is, is that like, you have been cornered. You have nothing else. I got you. So the only thing you have right now is the fact
Starting point is 00:15:33 that you've been on this planet longer and you're going to use that. And you have legal authority over me and all sorts of shit. Right. And you're, but you're going to fall back on that as opposed to an explanation where you can use your words. Because if you were so right in what you were saying, you'd be able to easily destroy the small child in you would be able to explain your reasoning. So easy, but you've absolutely you've a thousand percent abandoned your posts by fucking falling back on the I am this. And it's like, all right, we all know you are. No one's saying you're not.
Starting point is 00:16:04 Let me tell you, let me tell you the story. The most damaging series of fights to ever rock the Bois Vents household. And my dad occasionally watches the beginning of the podcast. And if he does, dad, send me a text message while you're listening to this. It was over the pie because of course it was. So in my family, we had dad, my mom, me, my brother and my sister, five. Right. Sure. Dad and the sister don't care for pie.
Starting point is 00:16:38 Don't give a shit. Mom would be like every, you know, week, two weeks, three weeks, right? Get a piece of fucking one of those little pies from like the Super C. You know, there's a little, I don't know, like it's like a tiny pizza or whatever. Yeah, yeah. Like, yeah, we got to serve for the thing and the family, right? The sister and dad would play. I don't think it's no big deal, but all right, me and my brother loved,
Starting point is 00:17:01 loved it and my mom also loved the pie. That's why I kept showing up. Now that's three people, right? That's three people. How do you fucking think that pie got divided? That's right into four. Now, how does that work? My brother and I, every week or two weeks ago, my mom.
Starting point is 00:17:23 There's three of us. Why don't you just divide the pie into threes? And or, or it's six. That's annoying, right? Well, just cut the Y shape. Yeah. And she goes, no, one third of that pie is too much for dessert. That is too much for you.
Starting point is 00:17:43 And we go, mom, you're just going to eat that other piece later. She's like, no, this is everyone. We're going to share it. And so what embarked was the shittiest attempt to negotiate a week to week basis on who would get that fourth slice later in that week. OK, I don't. Well, she I don't. Her reasoning is sounder than I thought it was going to be.
Starting point is 00:18:12 Yeah, because the basis of this piece is too much for you is a normal parental thing. Sure. And then I get a large piece of pie. Yeah, I mean, it's the same. Like, can I can I get three scoops of ice cream? And it's like, no, fuck off, you're getting too much. That's not good. It's shit. And you're right.
Starting point is 00:18:28 So I understand that. I get that part of it. And then two, three days later, one of us will be like, hey, any pie left? No, I ate it. How could you eat it? You said it. I bought that pie for you. And you that. Hey, hey, then I bought that. You should be grateful.
Starting point is 00:18:54 You got that pie. And then the next week. Hey, how are we going to divide this divided into three? No, we're going to divide it into four because that's too much for you. But you're just going to eat the piece tomorrow as a family. You should have taken that fourth piece and flushed it down the toilet. No, no one you watched it. Never.
Starting point is 00:19:18 You should have sat around the toilet and watched it go down the bowl. And that's the only way to use the fourth piece. And everyone gets the exact amount and then you flush the. It got to the point where my brother and I were like, dad, please eat the fucking piece of pie. This is so unfair. And he's like, I don't want the pie. And we're like, dad, the pie situation is so unfair.
Starting point is 00:19:40 And he's like, you could just have no pie. I'm like, you're not helping. You're not helping at all. I mean, you know, this came up like six months ago when I told the story, like I had a family thing and you know, Paige didn't know about the pie story and my mom and I got into it again. Like time had not passed. You know, I mean, if we consult the scripture, it says that King David
Starting point is 00:20:08 was brought a baby and a mother was claiming that the baby was hers. But another mother said that. Yes, I am familiar with this. And so then he took she drew a sword out and said, well, then we'll draw the draw the baby into two and one and one of the ladies was like, yeah, cool. Yeah. Yeah. So, you know, take from that what you will. Yeah. And apply that to your life lesson.
Starting point is 00:20:30 Yeah. And that'll tell you what you should do about the pie. Or was it King Solomon? It was King Solomon, whatever. Some guy and he's going to cut the baby. And one of the ladies was like, yeah, that's cool. Yeah. And the other one was like, no. And then he was like, well, then and then he clearly then he turned to the lady that said, no. And he went, well, you just don't know how to play fair.
Starting point is 00:20:52 Exactly. And then he fucking split that baby. Yes, right. And he kept one third of that baby for himself. And it's that smoking stick style had no baby. If you know. And then he S ranked it. Yeah. And then the God was like, yeah. And that's what happened. Bible. That's how it went.
Starting point is 00:21:12 My mom owes me like, like a hundred slices of pie. God damn it. I mean, yeah, but also. And you know what the worst part of it is? The worst part of it is I have no doubt in my mind that my mom never once thought I'm going to cut it into four so that I can get the extra piece. And this is a preview of the pride.
Starting point is 00:21:41 This is a knowing preview of what I was to later become because the real reason why you cut into four, right? Well, you have to cut into four. Four is four is equal. Yes. Yeah. If it was so I was expecting it has to be. I was expecting OCD reasons. Yeah. And that's not what I was given.
Starting point is 00:22:00 Right. And if there if it was simply OCD reasons, then yes, I was going to jump right on board with that. That's the way you cut a pie. You cut it into four. But I but again, the third versus the quarter means there's an entire what is that 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, there's an entire. There's an entire eight percent extra that you'd be consuming each time.
Starting point is 00:22:28 Yeah. And you know, she was probably just trying to shave off a couple of those. No, those porcupine pounds. No, the real reason is porcupine pounds. No, you cut it into four. You have to. That's the way. You have to. OK, so that's the way it's done. OK, so here's the real test, right?
Starting point is 00:22:50 What you actually do is when the cut starts to occur. Yeah. You fucking grab. You are she pulls out of the box. Yeah. And it's already been done into into thirds. Yeah. Right. And then if the reaction is. Right. Then that's like, I'm upset because now you're trying to make yourself get more pie. Yeah. But if the reaction is, no, it's not right.
Starting point is 00:23:13 It's incorrect. Yeah. That. Well, is more telling. Luckily, pie is never cut pre cut prior to it. But I mean, if you went in a like, you know, like while something else was going on, you went in, you found it. I want to go back in time and fucking try that now because that's the information. Like, are you going to get a like a scoff and a god damn it, Pat? Or are you going to get?
Starting point is 00:23:35 No, you know what happened? You know what happened? You know, if that if I were to do that, it's like, you're trying to you're trying to game the pie system, no pie for you. And then it would be the remaining three pieces would get bisected into six. And then it would get split between the two people that didn't interfere in the pie system. Ah, OK. OK. That's yeah. But I just it would be worth it'd be worth sacrificing that week's pie
Starting point is 00:24:01 to find out the core of the issue. I have been I have been having this argument on and off for 25 years. It's worth it because there's there's there's stuff where again, where my mom would have like a weird habit about something. Yeah. And it would be no, that doesn't make sense. And it would be like, no, this is the way we're doing it, though. And then you have to like, you have to do it enough times to be like, you're you just have a weird thing with this.
Starting point is 00:24:27 This is not about what makes sense. This is about you having an issue. And then and then when you find that out, you kind of go like, all right, well, now I know how to handle this. And now I know, like you have a weird a weird ism here. I have I have a lot of sympathy for my poor mom that I did not have as a child now because my mom was the kind of person had lots of those. I don't know why this is fucking lame old lady shit or whatever,
Starting point is 00:24:52 but like decorative tins or doodads around the house. Yeah. And she was very particular and they were all spaced all perfectly. And if she were out of the house, I would go up to them and I would nudge one or two of them off by like 10 degrees. That's that's that's so petty. That is the pettiest it's ever made. Well, no, because then she would walk into the room and immediately like instinctually know.
Starting point is 00:25:22 Did one of you guys move one of these? Yeah. And that would blow like an hour of her time as you check. So I thought that was hilarious as a kid. Yeah, I find that significantly less hilarious. Now, right, as I find myself doing the same fucking thing to your toys, to anything in my house. So, yeah, it's never that subtle with me. It is much more clear.
Starting point is 00:25:51 I walk into the bathroom. I see one of those fucking toilet seat covers on the top of the toilet seat. I rip that shit off and throw it back in the closet. And that's the end of that. And then, you know, and then I get the fucking call down and I'm like, what did you do and I'm just like, I am. Would you rather we leave the fucking toilet seat cover on? I didn't say fucking.
Starting point is 00:26:18 No, no, no, no, no, no, no, but you said fucking though. You said you said bitch though, right? Yeah, in your mind. You say that loud. Yeah, yeah, no, so that's the best you fucking you. So like, I'm like, would you rather we leave it on? And then while I'm trying to pee pee, yeah, this fucking toilet seat snaps shut. Yeah, the cover.
Starting point is 00:26:40 What's it called? A pollstered toilet seat. Each shit is a 5% chance per bathroom trip that you're going to piss all into the carpet part as it refuses to stay up. Every single person's we didn't have that in the inventor of the toilet seat cover upholstery is a monster every single you are a monster. I went into somebody's house to like a friend's house or whatever. They had that bullshit or maybe your grandma or something that had that shit.
Starting point is 00:27:10 I would have to pay and it'd be it'd be a fucking three hand job. Oh, yeah. Where? Oh, yeah. I have to I have to like kind of brace myself. Yeah. And then I got my left hand out to hold the thing back. Yeah. And then I got to aim. But now I'm like, because I'm leaning forward. I mean, it's awful. I don't care how pretty you think it makes it look.
Starting point is 00:27:29 You don't have to. And it's and it's like, and it is. And then you can always tell it's like the guy. There's this is this is a decision that's that's not based on the guy here because there is like the girl is not going to have to hold that part up. Of course not. Your back is going to hold it up. So it's like, you just don't care about the fact that this makes it impossible to stand up and pee. This is.
Starting point is 00:27:49 So it's like, so then why don't you sit down? Fuck off. It gets so angry. It was like, it's like, well, I'm too bad. And I'm like, no, oh, yeah. This is the no the reverse. Holy shit of the all time classic. Leave the seat up shit, which is yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:10 Not only are you going to not leave the seat up. I want you now engineer the toilet seat so that it can't. Stay up. It won't. It won't do it. Everybody has to sit down. Fuck you. I'm a stand up and I'm a write my name. Like like being sitting down.
Starting point is 00:28:31 Being sitting down like I or obviously like removing possibilities of a particular physical ailment. This is probably coming across way more aggressive than jokey. But I mean, I listen, man. When you when that fucking upholstered toilet seat is like, oh, I'm going to fall down. You're going to piss all of yourself. That's a terrible. That's a fear.
Starting point is 00:28:54 That's a huge fear. No one wants that. You don't want piss on your upholstery and exploding everywhere else. So I don't want it exploding on myself. The worst part is that it's almost always carpeted. And you know, if piss hits that, it's there forever. That's the you. That stain is not going.
Starting point is 00:29:10 It's it's it is my alarm going off. It is a monstrous. It is a fucking crime against humanity. And here's the thing, right? When I'm at someone else's house and I see that in place, I I roll my eyes. Yes, I judge. Yes, judge. I judge.
Starting point is 00:29:26 Everyone in the house. Big, big judge. That's right. It tells me a lot about what's going on. That's right. And then I I. I move the top of the toilet. Usually if it's like a normal toilet, you know, the toilet. You pop the lid up and move that back so it creates a little bit of extra room.
Starting point is 00:29:43 Yeah, because oftentimes it's leaning up against just the top part, which you can get an extra inch or so. If you just honestly, usually enough, and I'll do that for someone else's house. But fucking back at home, get that shit out of here. And it was like, I don't I'll take the yelling. I'll take I'll take the licks. I'll take whatever. I don't give a fuck. I'm not doing this.
Starting point is 00:30:04 This is for your own good. This is too far. Although now that I think about it in retrospect, maybe just maybe maybe pissing on the fucking upholstery. Would have been the right solution. It might have been a solution. It might have been the best choice. That might have been the correct way out of it, because now what do we do?
Starting point is 00:30:20 And you go, oops, hey, I don't know how to stop midstream. I I'm sorry. I haven't flexed that muscle enough because I'm a child. Fuck, what's a Kegel? And that's the end of that. Yeah, you know, maybe that was the right way. But I was I was too concerned. And that thing, we had a fucking big one, too.
Starting point is 00:30:39 It was one of those fucking clappers, you know, like that shit was not going to it was it was you know what else I hate about those things. Go say you say you completed the entire ordeal successfully. No issue. All right. Great. You got to wash your hands. Two seconds to wash your hands. Bam. Yeah. That's the toilet seat snaps down.
Starting point is 00:31:00 Yeah. Scares the shit out of you. Yeah. Shout out to the new ones that have a soft drop where it just slowly. That's new. Yeah. Got me one of those. Those are great. But I would absolutely march and burn a pile of toilet cover upholstery's outside in public in Town Square.
Starting point is 00:31:23 I'd be down just to just to send a message. I or I or how about we can be we can. You know what? That's unreasonable. It's hilarious. But it's unreasonable. Slightly too far. OK. We don't you know what? Maybe maybe we should save the marchings and the burnings
Starting point is 00:31:40 for things that are slightly more important. How about I meet you in the middle? OK, there's a middle here. Yeah. And I'll and sell you a toilet cover sticker so that you just stick it on top of the thing and it makes it look pretty, right? So you can buy yourself a cheap white toilet cover instead of if you want. I mean, just buy the nice one if you care to give them.
Starting point is 00:32:02 Yeah, sir. But you don't want to whatever fine. So then buy a sticker that goes on the top and then it's like a skin. You know how you fucking put your skins on your Xbox? Yeah, you get your cash money fucking GTA skin. Yeah, cash money, GTA skin on your fucking toilet cover. See your faceplate and then you got a faceplate on your toilet seat. There you go. And then you don't have to fucking worry about the extra thickness
Starting point is 00:32:23 that every fucking asshole auntie's house has because no one in this house has ever had to use the toilet with the seat cover up. It's so selfish. It's so incredibly selfish. To take the function away anyway. Now, there's obviously changes in a house that has two toilets. One toilet becomes the they become genderlocked toilets. I guess they do. I guess they do.
Starting point is 00:32:49 But like there's what I mean, I don't think I've ever been just just peace sitting down. I would find that suggestion outrageous. I've got that. That's what I got. I got that outside of any particular physical disability or injury or whatever, right? Pink sitting down has two reasons. One, you're wasted. Sure. And there's no trust sure in your motor control. Yes, sure to that's extra security mode.
Starting point is 00:33:16 Some form of ejaculate was recently passed. And you may not be able to trust the direction your stream is going to go. Because if if because I'm not going to meet you on the phone. I'm not going to meet you on that one. No. Oh, yeah. Amen. You've never had it go straight sideways. That's a lie. Ames, Ames, not a problem.
Starting point is 00:33:42 Ames, not a problem. That's a lie. That's. Sometimes that shit can go 90 degrees. And then you're pissing on your wall. OK. I'll meet you on that first one. I'll meet you on that first one. And just say that, yeah, we have we have all range mode.
Starting point is 00:34:06 Oh, yeah, when necessary. And otherwise, we've got normal fucking flight mode. And then you just choose between the two based on the circumstance. But you don't take one of those away. I got to say, every time I discuss this kind of topic, I'm like, ha ha ha. Or every time I go to the bathroom, there's part of me that's like, Oh, relief, because I'm going to the bathroom. And there's that other part of me that I'm like,
Starting point is 00:34:30 I'm so fucking disgusting. This is so awful. I hate it. Like, you know, if you could if I would pay, you know, it's inside your body at all. Oh, I hate it so much right in there. It's so disgusting. And it's it's far away from your head makes me sick.
Starting point is 00:34:56 Oh, my God. I remember being fucking younger than I am now and like holding stuff in just so I could pretend it wasn't happening because I'd be so repulsed by this awful human body of mine. You're quite lucky that you were born in a country where you don't have to use the squat. Yeah, yeah, I remember going to Japan seeing a squat toilet and be like, no, I can hold it.
Starting point is 00:35:29 Yeah, yeah, because I because I was like, I'm just going to I'm going to hold on to something. It's actually healthier for you. I'm sure that's why I have my little stool. Yeah, but I remember being like, I'm going to hold on to the railing or whatever the fuck around here is for handicapped people. And I'm going to I'm going to go halfway. I'm like, no, this is going to end a disaster. I'm just going to hold it. I'm just called it.
Starting point is 00:35:52 I'm going to fall into this fucking foreign toilet and it's going to be a whole ordeal. Yeah. You know, I mean, there's going to be a whole thing. There's other benefits as well that you're missing that that, you know, we don't have to go into the technical details of it. But the pressure of you sitting down. Holds things in place in a way. Oh, there's like a tendon.
Starting point is 00:36:16 There's all sorts of stuff that holds things in place in a way that it is natural and better for your body to have your legs elevated in some fashion. Now, if that's your body lowered or your legs just have any elevated by, say, a tiny stool or box, you keep in front of your toilet. Yes, I completely agree. Now, here's the thing, right? I feel like you were going to say if there was a way earlier for you to just completely remove the ability and the answer exists.
Starting point is 00:36:46 It's called a fucking colon colostomy bag. I am where and I can put a hole in you. No, you can't. And you can just fuck. It's this. What the fuck is this? Willie Madden's discount medical service. And then you can just take a tube and put it where it go.
Starting point is 00:37:02 And then you can just simply not have to worry about ever actually having to use it properly by draining the bag out. So if I could pretend that the bag didn't exist somehow, because the bag is a part of you now. It's an organ outside your body that in a second. But you can't ignore that the bag is there. Not only is that means you're touching poop all the time. Not only is the bag there.
Starting point is 00:37:25 Not only can you feel it fill up, right? Because it's touching you to touch to you. Not only can you know when it's full, but you now have a new glowing target point on your body for anyone who wants to cause. You are really, really, really OK. So, you know, well, no, you need to stop right now. The anxiety level feeling over this discussion has suddenly skyrocketed. I am like, actually, when you described that a colostomy bag as a target,
Starting point is 00:37:59 I am like, almost that panic attack over the in over the thought. It is there is a new like thing to target like the Birkin eyeball. I don't like this, which is a context I can now use. Yeah, there you go. You got to have something you can shoot at or a splash. OK, I'm going to know or just punch in a fight. No, like for max damage and it's not real body damage. I'm being really serious right now.
Starting point is 00:38:34 We need to back off this just a little bit, just a little bit. OK, because I'm going to lose it. I'm just saying, hey, in exchange, you never got to go again. It is in exchange. That's equivalent exchange. That's if I could like I'm the type of person to think of, hey, we have teleportation technology. What a miracle.
Starting point is 00:38:59 Put it in my body so that my waist just disappears. Yeah, give me for say a magic wand. Yeah, so that I may just shit myself and expel you to the then all of it. Yeah, look, which is oh, my God. Can it is the word shout outs to J.K. Rowling, no one wanted that, J.K. What the F? You tell me that double doors should just shut themselves
Starting point is 00:39:26 and there was like magic use alternate dimensions for your poop. That's fantastic. Yeah, I mean, but that's what comes with with a society that has disposable magic, I suppose, right? If you have to go that, yeah. But I think, yeah, I think it was better. I don't think we needed to know. Like, so the part of the part of that, that explanation
Starting point is 00:39:49 that actually blows my mind is not that there was a spell to remove it from your bowels is that they would shit themselves and then magic it away and then magic it away. Like, oh, yeah, no, I just shit my pants. Like because like a baby, I'm going to assume the feeling of shitting your robes is unpleasant. It's probably that there's some splash. It's probably more unpleasant with pants on.
Starting point is 00:40:16 Yeah, but robes are still in the way. Yeah, yeah, sure. Yeah, and then you get exactly like it is a two part process as opposed to one. I don't like it. Yeah, I don't like it. I'm going to write that book. It's like nobody poops. You're the only one.
Starting point is 00:40:35 Be ashamed. And send that out to the children. Nobody. It's just you. OK, so it's because your butt's broken. Where would you put the bag, though? That's the lot that you got to decide where to put it. No, not I'm using teleporters here. You shut up.
Starting point is 00:40:58 Would you put it on your shoulder with the eyeball that goes so that it's up there and everyone could see it? Do you put it on your back? The only the only way that I could ever. Where do you put it? The only way I could ever deal with this type of situation ever is if it wasn't a bag, it was like. Oh, God, like I like the fucking
Starting point is 00:41:19 like the slot out filter for like a Brita where it's like just a plastic square. Sure. And it's slotted out and then you slotted a new one in. I mean, you could always have it just be like four smaller tubes that go out to your wrists like swabs slingers. Oh, man, that's the worst. That's the worst superhero ever. And out of the back of your ankles
Starting point is 00:41:46 so that you can just on the stealth when you need to just do it like that. Right. And then if someone attacks you, you know, how one of those bomb blast beetles will be like, fuck you or like the lizard with the blood in the eye and shit. It's like all the Jesus Christ human defensive mechanism. Just fucking just now. I'm sure there's a lot of people at home that aren't putting this together. But if if the if the line has not been drawn, let me draw it for you.
Starting point is 00:42:15 There's a reason Pat is so into cybernetics slash transhumanist stories and fiction and stuff. The idea of transcending my disgusting bodies like gross fluids is the most appealing thing in fiction to me. Adam Jensen looks clean. So clean. He can take a shower with that robot stuff. Would you sacrifice?
Starting point is 00:42:45 Yes. Yeah. I don't even care what you were going to say. Like if you you know, you'd never have to eat again. Oh, man, you'd give up food. Put me in a jar. Yeah, my brain in a jar. OK, you'd give up the food and the taste. I mean, and that level of science,
Starting point is 00:43:06 you could probably just poke the part of your brain that makes you taste the right thing anyway. Yeah, sure. Fuck it. Or just make your tongue feel the thing anyway. So you could probably just fake it. But I want to be a brain in a jar like a robot. Like there's a fallout enemy type called a robot brain. It's a fucking brain floating in a jar with a robot like a like a rosy robot.
Starting point is 00:43:26 Yeah. But and here's the really important thing. You need to encase the the top part so that I can never see the brain so I can pretend I'm all robot. Data was my favorite character on TNG. You reject your humanity because he's not gross. Yeah, I mean. There's a man I should introduce you to. Yeah, his name is Murphy.
Starting point is 00:43:50 Oh, yeah. The new version. Uh-huh. He looks great. Yeah. Yeah. What about when he's got to get a tune up? That's fine. Just don't look as far as I'm certain they could get rid of that, too. Wow, I like the taste of things too much.
Starting point is 00:44:10 I would, uh, to me, I would rather it go back to you know how? Oh, my God, we have to like we're now here. We're we're here now. Yeah. So we can't back off yet. No, because there's the last place to go, I suppose. Yeah, is to the place where I'm like, when you're a super baby. Yeah. Wait, what? When you're a baby. Oh, OK. But you're like even more of a baby, like you're like newborn.
Starting point is 00:44:36 OK, all right. Like you're phrasing on this is bizarre when you are months old. Got it. It's not even poop infant. It is just black fluid. It's not even, you know what I mean? Well, oftentimes it's like green or orange or but it's like it's like a bird almost. It's like it's not even, you know, so it barely even registers is that like that
Starting point is 00:45:01 gross shit. What are you talking about? So it's like, you know, if you could go if you could go back to that, it would probably be what do you what am I talking about? How does that not register? That is the vilest form. No, most. OK, here's where I'm coming from. What are you multiple parents I've heard from have said, actually, when the baby is really young, it's super easy to clean up
Starting point is 00:45:27 because it's not that gross because it doesn't feel like it's like poop. It's just like a weird fluid. And then when they get older, even better, when they get older and you're like, oh, this is a diaper. And this is how because your brain doesn't even feel like it's the same thing. You know, it doesn't feel like it's like any sort of you know, so I've heard that so fucking mystery, biological fluid is better. No, it's just that it's less gross with your kid when you're changing
Starting point is 00:45:57 the diaper early on and it gets more gross. Right. Later. This is what parents have been around a lot of babies. My mom used to babysit kids. Babies are disgusting. They're so gross. They are fluid. They are human fluid factors. Probably the probably the best part about getting older is that you get
Starting point is 00:46:19 drier and huskier. OK. I don't know. Apparently no one agrees with this, but has no one heard this from any parents? Never. This part? Never. I've heard this from multiple. I have. I have heard and seen. I don't know that the earlier a baby is just the more. So you want consistency?
Starting point is 00:46:38 I'm not because then at least I'm not dying on this hill. I'm just reporting what parents have told me. This is not my experience. This is what I've been told. Are these human beings? Yeah, they said it was not that bad. And then another couple said, yeah, it's really not that bad. And then later on, it gets gross.
Starting point is 00:46:59 But apparently everyone disagrees. So I guess I don't know. No one else heard that then. My that's what they told me. I can only report what I was told. Well, I have known you for 15 years. Plus this is going in the list of most baffling things I've ever heard you say ever.
Starting point is 00:47:19 I'm so confused as opposed to hating your own body. And it's no, no, no, no, no, no. That that list is a big list that we keep over there. There's no comparison. See, you're reasonable. Ah, I'm not to a higher standard. Well, in my own mind, I know that I do crazy stupid shit all the time. So the fact that I would say a crazy stupid thing is not even that notable.
Starting point is 00:47:44 Right. Right. But you will very occasionally say some thing that is wildly out of character in its reasonableness. See, and that bears investigation. Sure. But here's the part where we like, unless I step in here to remind that this was information that I have. I have no idea. I'm saying I heard this, right?
Starting point is 00:48:09 Yeah. So this is not me saying I have a preference. No, this is not my preference. Absolutely. This is you knowing crazy people. This is me getting information, double checking to see if everyone else heard the same thing. No one. And apparently, well, a couple of people said, yeah, yeah, a couple. I noticed a couple of people said, like, oh, no, I noticed that. But I don't know.
Starting point is 00:48:29 So this is this is literally me going. Is this real? No. OK, well, well, mileage may vary as anything. Here's the other thing. Here's the other thing, though, if unless you're a parent, would you really know, right? Like, wouldn't you have to kind of go through that to finally actually come to that conclusion?
Starting point is 00:48:49 I don't know, man. I've been around like mom bait me. So if you're kind of yelling in the chat going, no, no, no, it's like, if you have kids, I'm going to take your opinion more than if you don't have kids. Like, otherwise you're in the same boat as me and you don't really know. Like as as as somebody who's parent, like babysat children for like a profession, like I had like essentially a long cascading series of infant and up to four year old minor cousin ish siblings around for like 15 years nonstop. And I could tell you everything about a child is the most disgusting thing
Starting point is 00:49:31 ever happened to humans. Children of men is like, Oh, finally, the earth can be clean. Now, those of you who watched my stream yesterday may be baffled by the phrase the earth might finally be clean from Pat. As I went on one of those rants, I do about how much I love to litter garbage on the ground. Yeah. But human filth is so much worse than garbage.
Starting point is 00:50:06 Your own body is the most disgusting thing that will ever happen to you. How do you feel about the fact that the earth has life literally growing from actual shit? How do you feel about the fact that cows taken poops leads to healthy grass fields? I can appreciate the ingenuity of that grass while simultaneously mentally vomiting. How do you feel? Do you about the fact? Did you ever watch your situation where you are?
Starting point is 00:50:41 I will die. There is no water to be found. I'm dead. I'm throwing myself off the nearest cliff. The only source of water. Yeah. In dire circumstances might be pile of dung. OK, so I hope everyone at home is familiar with the image that I'm going to.
Starting point is 00:51:03 This is Bear Girls level three. I hope everyone is familiar with the stock photo image slash meme that I'm going to channel here. But guess I'll die then. Guess I'll die, yeah. Well, I think you might have. Do you remember the Onion video series, Horrible Planet? That rings a bell. There is a horrible planet is a nature documentary series describing how truly, truly awful the world is.
Starting point is 00:51:38 And the final episode describes how to trick birds to drink all the bleach in the world, to clean the earth and how you can eventually end up in the top of a stainless steel room at the top of the tallest spire at which no animal can reach. Right. So that's supposed to be satirical. And I watched all six of that. Oh, those videos going. Someone understands.
Starting point is 00:52:11 Yeah. New article just popped out talking about how bugs are on their way out unless we do something. And it's like, well, fuck, if the bugs go, then everything else goes. That's fine. OK, so we're here then. We finally arrived. We're at that place where it's like, yeah, you know what you mean finally and arrived. I was born in this state.
Starting point is 00:52:42 Ah, so unless you can achieve immortality, why last why let it continue? I look at the world. What is the purpose? I look at the moon and I see a perfect society. What has what has the entire history of humanity been for? Ah, if not up to this point, making gross stuff. And once you no longer are around to perceive it. Listen, humans just God put humans on this earth to create bleach
Starting point is 00:53:17 so that we may fix the planet. I mean, the planet itself is going to the Rock. It's the Rock will be here. It's just a matter of what's going to be on the Rock. You know, the Rock is going to fucking be the Rock is going to be the Rock. If a billion asteroids smash into it at the same time, maybe it won't be. But for the most part, the Rock is going to be floating around the sun. It's just what's going on on top of the Rock.
Starting point is 00:53:45 That might be funny that you mentioned that there as every time I have this conversation with somebody, I always discover something new about myself. I love rocks. I love rocks when I was a kid. I used to have a coffee tin after because my parents drank tons of coffee. So we had a million of those Folgers coffee, you know, those big ones. Yeah, just dozens of those things filled with all the cool rocks I could find. And they were cool.
Starting point is 00:54:14 Some were sharp and some were some. A lot of them were round and saw, you know, smooth and they were all dry. And and and and and clean and perfect and devoid of any organic material at all. And I just think I'm like, oh, man, wouldn't being a rock be great? And yes, I am turning into a Captain Planet villain. I am aware of this. However, I'm aware of that. So I'm not going to take the steps to become fully super villainous.
Starting point is 00:54:55 Henchman, maybe. I just want to take the moment to apologize to those who have vocally let me know that these tangents are growing out of control before we even get to our weeks. Yeah, this this unbridled, unchained madness that has been happening before we even get to the business of the podcast is is too fucking much. I love rocks.
Starting point is 00:55:25 Yeah. I just want to say I'm sorry. And I want to simultaneously say that it's not going to stop. I'm going to I'm going to. But just, you know, I'm going to say that I'm not sorry. And I'm loving that I got to talk about my rock love and that I wish I could I should go get a pet rock on ironically. You have.
Starting point is 00:55:52 Two Z target points now. Just keep that in mind. But two to I mean, usually it's one. OK, you know, later in the boss fight, OK, like, oh, shit, there's the. It's like, I don't know. If you look at humans, we have like a hundred. We have we have so many. But it's like if you in the fight, if you fight for long enough,
Starting point is 00:56:08 it's like, oh, shit, the colostomy bag has been revealed. OK, I don't have that. So listen, listen, listen, my mental like turn in my mind was what panic, panic, panic, wait, I don't have one. Right. So. Right. Yeah. I mean, you could always armor it up, you know. But anyway, why not just armor your whole body by putting it inside a cylinder? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:56:42 Why don't you just encase yourself in steel? I was about to to recommend some sort of like night armor with a night no, no, no, no, with a fucking night. An impassable cylinder. But just let's just keep it simple. Just put it in a geometric shape. Yeah. Yeah, you don't need to do things really. So, gang, I just want to take it aside.
Starting point is 00:57:09 My personality is what you get when somebody has many unfounded assumptions that just never come up for decades. And then it's too late. It's far too late now. Well, this can't be fixed. No, I can't. I don't even know where I would start. And and you and it's really it's really exacerbated by the fact that
Starting point is 00:57:39 like you've been given a platform to allow it to stew further. Oh, yeah, because this is usually supposed to be cut off by the harsh cold reality of real life and people are what the fuck's wrong with you. And then it gets cut and then you never it never gets to. But here we're in a situation where it's like I'm as crazy as it can be. And people will ha ha ha. Yes, more. And it gets to when it's juices.
Starting point is 00:58:01 Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. 400 degrees. Yeah. Every time this has happened in in entertainment, it's always ended really. Now, listen, if you guys want, if you if anybody out there understands how vile we are and everyone around you doesn't understand, I understand. You're disgusting. And we're going to have to make it through that.
Starting point is 00:58:30 If only you could just swallow the bleach. So that it was just the end of that. And by the way, yeah, and then on New Year's Eve, every man, woman and child will each drink a cup of bleach and the earth will be clean forever. Yeah, it's just how do you clean out the inside? Don't drink bleach. Yeah, you'll die. And your body gets really gross after you die.
Starting point is 00:58:52 You're probably not a fan of the microbiome that's keeping you alive. I am somewhat fascinated on the fact that due to the nature of surface area, more of my body is external forces than my own body. At which point, I have to wonder, is anyone even a human? Yeah, no, you're being piloted. It's it's really. Yeah. I don't know if it's a biology or a philosophy question, but it's really pretty fascinating.
Starting point is 00:59:20 You're being piloted by flora. Yeah, totally. Let's take a quick word from our sponsor. This week, the podcast is sponsored. By. Unauthorized Bread. You're halfway through this podcast. You're probably already thinking about what to listen to next. Here's a suggestion.
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Starting point is 01:00:28 The science fiction audiobook is brilliantly read by actress Lamees Isaac. So start listening today. The audiobook edition of Unauthorized Bread by Corey Doctorow is available now at Google Play. Thanks, Unauthorized Bread. Yeah, I also want to thank whoever wrote that ad copy for their faith in us that this would be
Starting point is 01:00:56 the halfway point of the podcast. Right. Yeah. The podcast hasn't even technically started. This is correct. But we the real podcast. Yeah, we're in the pre-show still. Yeah. Yeah, pre-gaming it. All right. Well, hey, you know what?
Starting point is 01:01:16 Yeah, you know, it is disgusting. Zombies and the undead. Except for that one. That one's all right. Oh, I don't like this. I this it's here. Deal with it. So, yeah, had a week.
Starting point is 01:01:38 And this week consisted of if we're going to. Yeah, we can we can we can work it that way. The Resident Evil 2 that was played. That is a proper I would call that experience a toe dip. It's really interesting how the how like. Looking I went back over to kind of just look at some of the thoughts and the feedback and all that stuff and on the way I was playing. And of course, there is definitely a
Starting point is 01:02:09 a large amount of like, dude, you're turning it into the souls like crawl through. Oh, yeah. Right. You're doing the other snail, resident snail or whatever. I don't even know what to call that one. There's no really. Yeah, yeah. But like the point is they're going like, dude, what are you doing?
Starting point is 01:02:24 Right. And I'm just kind of like, do you not remember the first 10 minutes of the video of the stream? No. Well, often many times, people literally were not actually there. OK, well, if you're like, why is Willie Payne playing so slow and going so and I'm like, one, brand new franchise, so don't even know. But two, go watch me play the beginning of the game. Yeah. And see how the other way was going.
Starting point is 01:02:48 And then I went, oh, that's not what the game wants me to do. It's funny because I was just thinking about this like before you went on this particular track and I was like. It's it's funny because most times this particular type of experience isn't actually visually seen. And that is I literally don't even know what this genre actually is. Right. Like the same thing of like no one really sees
Starting point is 01:03:20 anyone's actual first touch on a fighting game. And I mean, like the first time ever. Or it did happen with the Souls series, but even that is like an action RPG, right? So I'm like, oh, yeah, there are like decades of implicit knowledge here that you have zero access to that. And the number one that stands out to me the most is that very early on in Willie's stream,
Starting point is 01:03:49 you got really bit a lot and were very damaged and just mentally assumed that when you got back to the main hall, you would be healed. And I assume there was a reset point, right? Yeah. And like that is the actual opposite of not just the genre's history, but even of its stated goals. Right. And the fact you don't know that is like the real like, oh,
Starting point is 01:04:18 that we're we're an actual zero here on knowledge. And it's something that's always interesting is the phenomenon of knowing a map or knowing what's ahead, knowing what you're supposed to look for, knowing and so on. And like remembering what it's like for everything to be fog, right? Like once it's not fogged to you, it's just a matter of memorable encounters and puzzles in different locations. And that's a resident evil speed run is or even a competent
Starting point is 01:04:48 like run through is a it's a series of math equations. Right. But like it's so when it's actual fog that I'm walking into, right? Like things like don't run or the liquors will hear you that come early on, then make me go, well, now, I'll never know if a liquor is in an area that I've been to. I don't know. So if I start running, I might get jumped. Yeah. So let me stop running in this area.
Starting point is 01:05:17 You know what I don't know the. And that's why how to even begin occasionally overlong explanations. It's like, listen, you're getting the explanation on like liquors not going to move between a room because otherwise you would become hyper cautious, even more so, because you would think they'd be able to leave. And thus not denote certain areas as safe or less safe or whatever. Even souls games, when you first touch them, like once you understand the rules, yeah, then you get to get really comfortable with them.
Starting point is 01:05:48 And then you are skating through as you know the rules, right? And so that's even if progress is slow, yeah, it's comparative skate. Right. So at this point, I'm assuming the rules are all out to get me until proven otherwise. They often are. Yeah. So like when I when I'm told like a method of avoiding a problem, I'm going to assume I should employ that, you know, and otherwise like. And at the same time, like knowing which items to prioritize when it comes to
Starting point is 01:06:20 knives or shells or, you know what I mean, in bullets or damage and that sort of thing. It's like, these are all resources that you're that you have to spend to get out of the situation, the general answer of knowing being like, well, if I knew what the end of the games count on each of these things was, I'd have a much more educated. Well, also the I can give you a very simple rule that applies to all good survival horror games. Yeah. On items, usefulness will inversely correspond with its rarity.
Starting point is 01:06:52 OK. Right. Well, is this is this a bullet that will kill an enemy in one hit? Good. You'll find 10. Right. Is this. But you can you can misuse it. Oh, hell, yeah. And how easily can you misuse it? You go back 20 years. You will find that the number one piece of advice in Resident Evil One
Starting point is 01:07:15 and Resident Evil Two guides are save the game, go explore these five to 10 rooms and fucking do whatever. Now, reload your save. And now with your knowledge of what's in those rooms, decide what to or what to not engage with. That is a terrible practice for a stream. Well, fun thing that you mentioned that because hard core mode and RE2 is so difficult that when Max streamed it first,
Starting point is 01:07:50 that had to happen. So I vividly remember him walking out of a safe room on the east side of the map and getting bitten by a zombie that he might have been able to avoid it and going, OK, fuck it. This is a scout now because he had zero resources and could not afford that. So fuck it. I'm just going to go run around and see what's here until I die. Right. Yeah, I'm going to say that the
Starting point is 01:08:19 the thing that makes the most sense is I started that out similar to how when we first started to keep I keep going back to the Souls games because it's the most recent thing in memory of here's me touching a brand new genre. Yeah, learning the rules from day one on camera, not knowing what's coming. Right. And like the first thing you do is assume that you're playing something similar to other genres that look like this. So when the camera is here and enemies are like that and the name on the box necessarily implicates in your particular experience, whether it's even four or five,
Starting point is 01:08:57 whatever the case is. So like the thought that like, hey, let me just try and run by this enemy. Right. Is like, that's a thing I can do in other 3D games where enemies are totally around like this. So you give it a shot and then it turns out that doesn't. So that's an example I was just thinking of as we were discussing this. And what they did with that in this game is fascinating because in the old games, zombies, like their awareness and ability
Starting point is 01:09:19 to like in their vicinity, yeah, was poor, right? You could actually kite around them. Well, it was poor to make up with the fact that physically moving your character around them was difficult, very difficult. Yeah, it was tough. Yeah, OK. To add there's a there's a there's a room, right? The last room in the original game before you hit the RPD front doors. And that room is still in this game.
Starting point is 01:09:45 It's the one where you run by the school bus and then you turn right and you go into the front doors. That had eight zombies in it. It's like the most dangerous room in the game. And there is an S pattern that you have to run. OK, so that you don't. So they don't touch you. But with the camera and the way you control
Starting point is 01:10:02 and the fact that the camera shifts halfway in the middle of that makes that really, really hard. Yeah. But here, where you have naturalized, clear, common sense, 3D movement of your character. It'd be way too easy. That would be trivial. Yeah, it's so easy. Yeah. So what they do is they have zombies have a wider detection cone,
Starting point is 01:10:26 a larger launch, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. And so you end up being like, yeah, because because otherwise you could you could just kite through patterns on enemies and just sprint where you need to go and so on. Yeah, that makes sense. But all that to say, so that was a like, OK, now I understand this part of it, right? And then the way the bullets and all that other stuff, you know, kind of comes into play.
Starting point is 01:10:48 And then there comes a level of like, all right, now there's an enemy that punishes you for running and very strongly and and is a very difficult enemy. So this is not something where you can deal with the problem when you get to it. I should mention those were massively buffed over the old games. Like they were not that. OK, back. Well, now they are they're not mini bosses, but they're like below a mini boss, right? Yeah. So like a like the if there was a mini mini boss, it says, yeah, it is like
Starting point is 01:11:19 you don't want to sprint for convenience and then encounter the problem later and then deal with it because that's that's that's that's fuckery. You're going to spend your entire fucking equipment getting out of that situation. So, yeah. So then caution becomes the way, right? And then on top of that, afterwards becomes like mental like a lot of it's tough because it's one of those things that people don't really talk about.
Starting point is 01:11:47 But, you know, backtracking and all that, it's it's looked out upon in games. Backtracking is actually core to this genre because the whole point of backtracking is I need to go back to this area. I know that this area is danger, danger, danger, danger. And then your brain goes, what is the actual safe path or safest path? I can route to that destination and then the game will know that that's the safest path and then often fuck with it. Now, from a learning perspective, right, trial and error teaches you how to do things.
Starting point is 01:12:22 This is what humans are good at. So going too fast, I've learned the mistake. Fat hits me. So then I'm like, OK, cool, caution. Well, that's a lot of that is actually just straight up the stream slash LP blindness. Sure. But the point is, though, is that like you switch gears now, right? So I'm like, OK, drop it back from five to one, right? Because then you're like, well, if caution is the thing the game is trying today,
Starting point is 01:12:49 is the thing that the game is trying to teach me right now, then let's embrace that. Right. Now, the thing is, is that how cautious is too cautious? Well, you can go maximum cautious and you'll still make progress. Absolutely. Right. It will probably be not as fun to watch if you are crawling through. The number one piece of advice I'd give to anyone who plays this game, regardless of their experience, is that in terms of noise generation and enemy awareness, all of your different walk speeds are the same.
Starting point is 01:13:26 There's only walking and running. Yeah, exactly. That's the only two different states. The actual speed is based on how quickly you want to approach this situation. But the noise generation and whatever is literally just did you click your analog stick in or not? So all that to say that it's like you can go maximum cautious on gear one and it'll probably make it a lot less interesting. But ultimately, you'll be safe and things will be fine.
Starting point is 01:13:50 And the game is basically allowing you to be as cautious as need be because that's what it's now encouraging. You turn, I'm thinking like, well, mentally turned it up to gear two and then sometimes three for the purposes of just making some progress and getting a move on. But I'm doing this without the comfort of genre knowledge and learning. Right. And so what I'm fully expecting, of course, is that the introduction of Mr. X will then make it so that it's like,
Starting point is 01:14:19 no, you got to go back to gear four now. Right. I'm fully expecting that you cannot be that cautious anymore when that becomes I'm going to assume you've seen at least one piece of footage of zero you've ever seen. People have sent me at least 50 clips, including all the DMX stuff and whatever, and I've never clicked play on any of them because I'm like, I don't want to see this. That's actually really cool.
Starting point is 01:14:39 Right. Here's the thing. What I have seen is the fucking Ganondown airdrop. Yeah, that from the original. I saw that thing. And then. Oh, that. Yeah. OK. From from Lythero. Yeah. And I've seen and I know from the original game that he pursues you and we talked about how he pursued you in the game.
Starting point is 01:14:58 You're aware that he exists in the police station. I am aware he exists and I'm aware that he pursues you. So based on that knowledge, your assumption is correct. Yeah, it is. Listen, you know, this generalized layout. Yeah, go. Yeah. So I'm definitely assuming that's going to be the case. So all I can really say is like knowing myself and knowing the fact that, like, especially when you're on and you're going, you're not getting the real
Starting point is 01:15:23 you're not getting to dedicate all of your brain to really actually internalizing. I mean, there's an actual pause button that I can use to stare at that map. What I need to I know that this time frame when the game lets me drop the gear back to one, two or three is where I'm supposed to be memorizing the map. Absolutely. That's my assumption. OK, so you have you have correctly deduced the entire game play loop of like 70 percent of that game. Fantastic. Which is and it's and it's why scrub quotes was Mr.
Starting point is 01:15:54 Scrub quotes X right for a while, right? Because the people going Mr. X rules are just one. It's like, no, yes, you've already been to the police station. Yes, that that entire part of the game. Yes, was supposed to be you learning what the place is. Yeah, so that then the game goes, OK, now do it fast. Right. So based on that assumption being correct now with that with you confirming that
Starting point is 01:16:21 it solidifies my thought, which is anyone asking me to go faster when I'm supposed to be learning this thing is being unreasonable. Well, it's it's the kind of thing is and this game has every kind of weird possible because I mean the caution learning it has the every possible weird variable of speed ever, which is. I went slowly through it, but even that was with the generalized knowledge of what enemy types are in the game. How the game expects me to want to play it.
Starting point is 01:16:56 Extensive like research testing with the demo with every kind of thing. And there was one thing in that demo that I found was not accurate in the real game, which was fascinating to me. There is a specific animation in the demo when a zombie attacks you from a 90 degree angle as you were sprinting and your character literally takes an arm and pushes them down like like it's football, right? In the base game in normal and hardcore or standard hardcore, they do that animation and the zombie like gets you and not to the floor.
Starting point is 01:17:27 That animation only works like that in assisted mode on easy. OK, in which you actually have like a fucking 40 degree, 45 degree cone to the sides of your character that if you're sprinting perpendicular, you can still the zombies will just fucking fall down. OK, and that's fascinating that they actually changed even like little minute details like that. Yeah. But like every like it's also it's a remake of an existing game. Yeah, right. And then obviously that's going to change
Starting point is 01:17:53 because the further you get into the game, the RPD layout is very familiar. Right. They've added a room here. They've added a room there. They've remixed this hallway. What are you right? The later areas are more or less completely, completely brand new in terms of layout and design. So all of that just disappears. Yes, but you are learning unreasonably slow, says the chat.
Starting point is 01:18:16 This learn faster. It is different when you're streaming, man. No, no, no, like, you know, it's not the same thing. You know, you know, one of my favorite things ever is like we have tons of particularly artists that we talk to on Twitter and make the RMA. Oh, that's great. And then every now and then. You get a little DM boop.
Starting point is 01:18:40 You go, hey, man, I just want to say I streamed yesterday. Yeah. Oh, man. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, we talked about this not long ago. We talked about this not long ago, how it's like it doesn't happen often. But every once in a while, someone gives it a shot and then they go, holy fuck. My mic didn't work. The stream dropped.
Starting point is 01:18:58 And then when I came back, I was so paranoid about that. And then that I was like, and then the talking part and then I fucking myself. I couldn't even fuck. Yeah, I couldn't play the game. And it was just like, wow. And I was like, yeah, that's a little bit of a little bit of like, I'm glad I'm glad you shared this. Oh, yeah. Oh, I love it.
Starting point is 01:19:15 If only we could use the I'm the best point of view gun to shoot and just spray that ray all around so that everybody gets it. But yeah, it's so you're fighting against a lot of things. You're fighting against like the reduction. Anyway, it's all Johns at the end of the day. Oh, yeah. But it's just that but it but it but it's just like, yeah, you're fighting against the the extra stream situation in addition to the map. It's all big jobs.
Starting point is 01:19:40 So I'm ultimately like, no, I think it was I think I'm doing fine. And I think like I didn't die. And I'm like, I saw like there was a later on at back. I went back and I was like, people motherfuckers are like, yo, wagers on whether Willie makes it to the RPD without dying or not type of thing. And you got a little dice there. Yeah, yeah, you know. And I was like, OK, all right, see how that's going.
Starting point is 01:20:01 And currently the overwhelming thought is, oh, man, Mr. X is going to fuck up. Well, that happens. And I'm like, so maybe or maybe I'll get lucky or maybe I won't. My favorite part about all of that is that in when I streamed it the first time, I think almost all of my early deaths. I can't quite remember where I didn't have to take that damage and then just walked into the enemy over and over and killed myself to reload
Starting point is 01:20:30 the save. Yeah. OK, now I'm going to do it right. Yeah, yeah. And the other thing that's a good is that I was talking to some people right before I came over. And I was like, I know it. I think the quote is, I know it in my heart. Well, he's going to end up with zero shells before that first boss fight. I just know it. He's going to get that shotgun and he's going to use it on every
Starting point is 01:20:53 zombie he encounters until that boss fight. And he's going to walk in that boss fight with zero to three shotgun shells. And I came over and I'm like, I knew it just just like like because especially when when especially when you first got it. Yeah, I was like, hey, it's a powerful weapon. And you said exactly what I knew you're going to say, which is what every single new player ever would say is,
Starting point is 01:21:22 yeah, but I got the new gun I want to use. Well, which is what, which is weirdly enough, what the demo was used for in a lot of people's minds. When they like, I can use a shotgun and I have to worry about my progress in the main game. So here's the thing. And I like this, I mean, it's surprising to explain this, but I guess you have to when you're when you're seeing cold versus informed.
Starting point is 01:21:43 Right. Yeah. You pick up a shotgun, you have a new gun in a video game. Yeah. This is what this is what it is. Yeah. Think of how you pick up a gun and last of us. And you usually in by the time. And I think it was the case for you by the time that you get that shotgun, it has four shells in the thing.
Starting point is 01:22:00 So you can load it. Yeah. And you've probably picked up three, six. You have like 10 shots. Now, what it actually is, is a new spell. Yeah. With four uses. Yeah. I'm I'm it is a lightning spear. I've been I've been I've been running around with magic missile and that's been doing me fine.
Starting point is 01:22:17 Yes. Now I have obtained a fireball. I know it's it's it is lightning spear. It has four uses. Yeah. And this is for the situations. Right. And you're like, OK, cool. And it's like the test use is already too much. Yeah. You know.
Starting point is 01:22:33 And and like, don't you dare fucking miss? Right. And so here's the other thing is that in particular. So both characters have completely different weapons, like even their handguns are different on a very significant manner. Leon shotgun does have the head explosion near guarantee, which makes it actually really, really useful. There's a there's a use case that the game is actually really good at, which is I know that zombies going to wake up.
Starting point is 01:22:58 But it's not awake right now. So you're just going to walk right over and just clip the the model of the shotgun into their mouth when you already know that it's going to wake and go pop. Yeah. All right. And then it's like, well, I know I didn't waste any ammo because I took exactly the one because you already knew that one was getting up. So you remember at the very end of your stream? Yeah. There was the zombie that was on the floor in the jail cell area.
Starting point is 01:23:23 Yeah. And how you tested it. Yeah. And every time I run the game now, I just walk out, bam. Yeah. Yeah. That that that zombie doesn't exist anymore. Exactly. So no, no, that makes perfect sense. And I mean, there's no there's no reason to not no reason, but it's like the chances that you're going to assume upon picking up a shotgun that this was the case are pretty slim, ultimately.
Starting point is 01:23:48 So yeah. So in here and here's where it gets extra meta. There are rules in RE two. Well, no, not rules, implications. Yeah. For how things are to be done in RE two based off of the original. But those those rules are actually based upon implication or foreign knowledge from RE one, where the shotgun actually took an enormous amount of time and effort to acquire and for Chris,
Starting point is 01:24:21 that was the only gun he had extra for 90 percent of that game. OK, right. Now, if I recall correctly, the mag in the previous action RE games was still a fucking amazing weapon. Yeah, of course it was. And it's also the wall bouncer in Marvel three. So that thing. No, it's not. Oh, wait, wait, with Chris. Chris.
Starting point is 01:24:46 OK, because Wesker doesn't have the. No, not Wesker. Chris pulls out the mag and he shoots you and you balls off the fucking wall with it. Of course you do. Yeah. So that makes me go, this is more. This is not lightning spear. This is fucking whatever. This is soul inferno. Something ridiculous.
Starting point is 01:25:02 Yeah, you know, like one you. Mere. So I'm expecting even bigger level of dirty. No test case with the mag with the mag. Yeah, I believe that. I believe that. I in fact, I would be. I bet you that like everyone knows the exact number of bullets that exist in the game. No, because the game actually fuzzes with you.
Starting point is 01:25:22 OK, and watching that happen was amazing. Watching the like, for example, Willie shot and critted five, six zombies. Wow, I wish that happened to me. Because the better you do, the less that happens. And the more more resources it takes from you. I actually saw someone describing it in detail that said it's a point system that starts at five and every time you miss,
Starting point is 01:25:55 it goes down by like a point, like a whatever number, like a partial part of a point or something. Every time you get a headshot, it goes up by a point or something. And then like you kill a zombie and it goes up by three. It is so you can be on difficulty ten narrowly complex system. Yeah, but it's basically a number that's at five and it just keeps swinging up and swinging down, depending on how successful you're being and whatnot.
Starting point is 01:26:22 And then you get and it is made that way so that if you are having the absolute most disastrous run conceivable and walk into a boss with actually nothing, there is enough ammunition in that room to statistically, not realistically, but to statistically kill that boss. I have dumbed and karma is in your favor. I have dumped and I shit you not more than twice as much of the ammunition you put into that boss before it died.
Starting point is 01:26:52 I could not believe and I bet there is an extra hidden value where if you have actually no resources, every bullet gains power as you go because you killed that boss with like two bullets left in your gun. Yeah, for the sake of a genre that is attempting to recreate tension in these scary movies. That's a really cool design mechanic. Yeah, especially since in the old games,
Starting point is 01:27:19 you could put yourself in a situation out of games. Uncompletable. Yeah. Games are actually straight up uncompletable. Yeah. But in those games, aiming was trivial. But you get that. So you get right. Yeah. But it's like besides adaptive difficulty, it's also like a tension creator, which is something that the genre benefits from.
Starting point is 01:27:38 So that's a really cool idea. Yeah, man, shit was awesome. Shit was very good. And I that game. And this is this is the I said it before, but now you have more context. Your experience with that game now feels just like it would have been had you gotten on the train back in 98. Here's I have I have expectations of this
Starting point is 01:28:00 of the series that are very, very not what I a couple of things that I expected that I didn't get, especially. And I mean, some of this is colored by playing for four and five first. Weird, but just weird. Overall amount of zombies encountered way lower than expected. Yeah. Like there is a precise count to the obstacles you're running into. There's like 125 enemies in the game.
Starting point is 01:28:27 It's almost like running through turtles and goombas. Oh, yeah. You know, in this set way, as opposed to just like hordes. All right, because you play a game like Left for Dead and you get a very different impression of what enemies are. No, like, like a room that it like there's a there's a room that you're not going to encounter because you're playing as Leon with Claire. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:28:50 It's a room the size of your living room. I know the size of this podcast room with like your kitchen. There's three zombies in it. Yeah, it's insanely dangerous. Yeah, yeah, yeah, because there's three. Yeah, exactly like that. You know, and surely, of course, there's the, you know, set moments or set modes where that that goes through the roof and why not.
Starting point is 01:29:07 But for the most part, the regular game had a lot less than I expected there to be. But the reason being, of course, is that their durability is super hot. They're issue. They're an issue. Yeah, right. And it's something I really like because I feel like the reason why the zombie enemy, which is like one of the most standard fodder enemies possible lost its power as an like an enemy type is specifically
Starting point is 01:29:35 because of games like Left 4 Dead. It's like, this is fodder. This is like this is far, whereas in in the classic Resident Evil, maybe not so much in three for some reasons, but like one enemy is supposed to be crap, two enemies are so supposed to be like, oh, shit. Right. I'm the one thing I can feel in advance right now is two enemies or three, and they're not the same type. That sounds like a nightmare to you.
Starting point is 01:30:11 Actually, technically already encountered that. You just you just delayed it in a way that made that encounter much more reasonable because it was one and then one. Yeah, but the simultaneous. Yeah, what about one and then one and then one? Yeah, right. Because that's the actual nightmare because then you're actually possibly running out of what you need, you know, so that's true, too.
Starting point is 01:30:33 Yeah, but otherwise, fucking great experience. Fantastic. Also, in terms of visuals, when R2 came out and this is tough to understand now, but that pre-rendered background shit with the high quality PS1 model. Holy shit. Go look at R2 in 98 and go look at even how primitive Metal Gear Solid looks next to it, right? Like that was the fucking cutting edge of what games look like.
Starting point is 01:30:58 Yeah, but I mean, also FF7 backgrounds. Yeah, like, right. That was a common type of environment. And now you look at this and you're like, wow, holy shit, that is gorgeous. That is one of the best looking games I've ever seen. It's so pretty. That engine is good. Yeah, looking forward to that.
Starting point is 01:31:21 And it's interesting to be so critical of like my actions in like one sitting as opposed to just sitting down and fucking doing it and getting a raw impression. But, you know, raw impression would have been looked very different and would have ended the same way. Which was without me there, you would have just ballparked solutions upon retries. I mean, I might have found myself in a situation where it's like, oops, you're low on knives or whatever, you know, like, oh, I was walking around
Starting point is 01:31:59 with I was using a bunch of green herbs when I shouldn't have, you know, or something like that. Like I was using two green herbs to get myself back up to to find instead of spraying it because it seemed more valuable or whatever. But yeah. Um, I forget who I was talking to. But I was like, if you don't finish a Resident Evil game with an in with an item storage box, literally with 20 plus full heels,
Starting point is 01:32:24 then you did it wrong. Like ideally, you should be going into that final boss with so many full heels that you you can't even bring all the full heels you have because you so much you've so many full heels that you didn't use because you saved them. You refuse to use those resources. So besides that, oh, one last thing. Yeah. This is this is a genre that takes the RPG mechanic of I can't use that.
Starting point is 01:33:00 What if I need it later and turns it into its actual primary gameplay? Right. And right. And after like being a big survival horror game fan makes that impulse way stronger in other games. Because it's like, well, no, I could never use that Megalixer. Yeah, I'm fucking Megalixers. What Megalixers are meant to be saved.
Starting point is 01:33:23 But you have 82 of them. Doesn't matter. So I had like five or six somas going into the final boss of Persona 4. And I used zero of them because I was like, what if I need them for the final, final, final boss? Yeah. Well, for me, my plan initially was, oh, yeah, motherfucker. Well, I'm going to get a magic mirror and I'm going to get an attack mirror.
Starting point is 01:33:48 Yeah. And I'm going to just put these fuckers on and you can eat shit. Damn. And then. Boss is like, yeah, how about Megadolion? Oh, no. And you're like, oh, fuck. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:00 They're like, nah, you don't get away for free. The nuclear element later changed to the almighty element in the original games. That element was nuclear because it's like, it's just they give you two items that are go, yeah, you're invincible. This covers you from everything and this covers you from everything. But there's one other thing, though. So the other bit and not as much to say on this, except the Capcom Devon may cry five new demo.
Starting point is 01:34:30 Similar, very similar to the old demo. Right. Very, very similar, only really looking at three changes. One being the introduction of the shop and the managing of your of your arms. The mission start screen to being the punchline and being available to try out. Fucking awesome. And three being the encounter by the fountain, which is a new one. So man.
Starting point is 01:34:58 Counter by the fountain. The right before you run indoors of the Greeds. Yeah. Oh, OK. They were not there in the first in the first demo. Oh, that sucks, because that's the best fight in the demo. Yeah. That's the real fight where you get to try out shit because they have some life.
Starting point is 01:35:11 I mean, the indoor fight with the Greeds is a close quarter. And you know what I mean? You get to have that like room version of combat. Yeah. But yeah, the Greed fight by the fountain is fantastic. I agree. So that was a really the only thing I don't like about that demos. Enemies need like, I feel like that's on the normal or whatever difficulty,
Starting point is 01:35:30 like the hair you're not familiar with, don't make cry, because those bug enemies just don't have enough health to really go hard on. Well, they're puppets. Yeah. And not only are they puppets, they're the puppets that you fight at the beginning of the game. Yeah. Right.
Starting point is 01:35:43 The ones that just kind of stand around and stare at you. So they're meant to be style-beasted upon, you know, and then the actual kind eye, I believe the kind eye are the ones that you're supposed to actually fight and look out for that game has like from watching the footage. That game has so many enemy types. It blows my mind. Every time I looked at footage of that game, I saw a new enemy type. There are dozens and dozens, including that one from the IGN footage a while ago.
Starting point is 01:36:20 I want to say like a year ago that I'm like, Hey, will they look at this? That's a Nello Angelo as an enemy. Yeah. Right. Like there's and that and my brain, you know, my brain goes like, Oh my God, on fucking a hard mode or Son of Sparta mode or fucking whatever that fountain fight or whatever, it's just going to be filled with end game enemies to just fucking dance on.
Starting point is 01:36:45 For sure. For sure. And we've already seen at least five or six bosses just through the footage and the trailers and whatnot. By the way, that, that, you know, the, you know, the fucking theory that that boss, the laser boss is Lucia from DMC to I didn't know that theory. Oh, you didn't? Really?
Starting point is 01:37:07 You know, you know, in one of the original trailers where a fucking Nero is where first shows off punchline, where it's the same, the transformation of Lucia. Yes, yes, yes, yes, you see the, you see the lipstick. Wait, do you remember what Lucia's double trigger looks like? Angel thing. No bird like thing. Yeah, it looks just like that thing. Wait, it just cues in it that are similar to Angelo Credo.
Starting point is 01:37:32 Yeah, yeah, yeah. And it's like, yeah, I did, I did see that possibility. Are we going to get the girls as extra playable characters? Come on, come on. Come on, man. Timeline updated that game has seven characters. It could have eventually it could, but the potential is there sevens a lot. So, yeah, the, the as far as the demo goes, punchline is just as fucking awesome
Starting point is 01:38:00 as every other devil breaker in the game. I want to say that punchline was created of we want to give Nero a real impact, we want to give him a real impact and we want to give him like round trip. Yeah, it's exactly. So now you get to style from a distance and do now you get to do something and make a decision and then you get to fucking real impact. And why not fuck it? You get to do extra nonsense in the air.
Starting point is 01:38:35 Fine, whatever. Because like me getting used like the way he's surfing on it and the way you control that, it's very finicky. It's not easy to control the surfing and turning and whatnot. Like you kind of go away a little bit too fast. You have to kind of, whoa. And then you shoot it out and detonate it when you do the punchline surf mechanic, but there is a video that I retweeted.
Starting point is 01:38:56 Oh, I saw that. Hey, did you know that when he does the flip, it actually is a launcher for enemies? Oh, I didn't know that. Fuck. I didn't know that. So just very, very quick and brief jumping on it, surfing to launch. And just you are just you are doing your guard flying without it being a bug. Right.
Starting point is 01:39:19 You're doing guard flying type aerial maneuvering. You're dog fighting in the air and it is not a bug. It's intended because also enemy step allows you to stay in the air as long as you want and you can then snatch them back up to you. So as long as they have life, you get the ability to reset your actions and keep it going and it's nonsense. It's fucking amazing. So the ceiling for skill with just that alone is is now rain way higher.
Starting point is 01:39:49 It clicked two disparate pieces of information together. Yep. And I think I may have just accidentally figured out part of the design process on some of those moves in particular. So back when DMC three came out, they did an interview in which they talked about the trailer and the trailer had a lot of the first cutscene in the game in it where Dante's fighting the, the, the, the prides in the bar and Dante at one point jumps on the enemy, kicks off and then starts spinning and shooting.
Starting point is 01:40:23 Right. And it was a large, large point of pride that you can actually do that. You could do that. Yeah. And they said, we wanted it to feel like everything that Dante can do in those cutscenes that you can do in game. Yes. But there were two things that you couldn't.
Starting point is 01:40:43 You couldn't ride the missile like you do after you fight Cerberus and you couldn't swing around a motorcycle like you did going up the building. And I'm going and I'm like, sure enough, in DMC five, you can ride a missile like you did and you do get a motorcycle weapon that you can swing around like you did so there is now nothing you cannot do. That's that cutscene Dante can do. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:10 Yeah. Yeah. I'm like, wow, that's like a decade of like, you know, it really bugged me that you could never throw the motorcycle around or whatever. You can't shish kebab stinger a bunch of enemies into like one line. But and I mean, you know, as Virgil, you can't pick bullets up and fucking toss them. You don't know that. Yeah, you don't.
Starting point is 01:41:34 You honestly don't. Not that anything would be firing bullets at you for the most part. But well, yeah, I don't know that either. Anyway, that is a really, really handy fucking breaker. Nico is awesome. I love hanging out in the van. I'm a huge fan of those loading screens where are not the loading screen. The mission start screen where Nero is just kind of hanging out, just going,
Starting point is 01:41:55 oh, what's the is it done yet? I don't know what's going on. Oh, geez, that's going to be a high quality video game. I have very little to add to the thoughts that you you you put out on the podcast a while ago when you played the first demo, other than even with your exhaustive description of how much heavier Nero and particularly Blue Rose, the gun feels, I was still massively unprepared for what a boom that pistol has. It feels heavier than most game shotguns.
Starting point is 01:42:31 And like it's heavier than coyote. It is ridiculous. It is beefy. It is a beefy shot. Like almost every enemy suffers visible stun states and upon being shot with your default gun and the explosion holds them in place. It's it's it's so beefy that it holds them in place as you recoil and do your next action.
Starting point is 01:42:55 Oh, also fooling around with that game's taunts. Amazing. They took the best part of taunts and they looked at the people who would beat Bloody Palace and do the S rank taunt so that Nero would play his guitar forever. Yeah. And they go, well, what if he puts the hoodie up and he keeps the hoodie on until he takes a hit right entire level?
Starting point is 01:43:14 Right. What if he loads his gun in the taunt and the enemy visibly recoils from the animation and then the gun is loaded? Yep. Like, or what if the Vroom Vroom actually gives you a rev charge? Yep. Yep. And rainbow does damage and they took the right taunts and put them in the
Starting point is 01:43:35 right place because my favorite taunt in the game is a D rank taunt. And it's the start of the fight, which one wants to play. Yeah. And then he walks forward a little bit and you're instantly at C rank to start. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:43:52 Yeah. It's so good. It's really, really like there's a there is a an incentive to do a taunt within each rank and then do the do the next thing. Did you notice, you know, he has one where he gets on one knee, puts his arms out and goes, did you notice what happens to the game? The game's audio drops by about 50%. I did not notice.
Starting point is 01:44:15 No, go the next time you do it, listen, real careful, because the game gets significantly quieter because the game stops. That is incredible. Did you see the footage of fucking V's taunts that got out? No. Two of them got out. He plays of fucking Vi of air violin. Okay.
Starting point is 01:44:36 Right. Just like Nero's guitar taunt with a violin and he starts tap dancing with his cane like it's show tunes. He's a fucking prick. It's the best, but he's still styling on people. Yeah, even with his uptight bullshit. That's awesome. It's it's so good.
Starting point is 01:44:59 That's fantastic. Like someone who wouldn't taunt, what would your taunts be? Yeah, yeah, I love it. And we need a full system of them, including possibly midair versions. Yeah, I'm sure a bunch of his taunts are going to be a position dependent with the with the summons. I hope they taunt too. I assume they would shout outs to riding high, big fan of that.
Starting point is 01:45:25 And the fact that it has a function now where you can now let go of the trigger. And that if that's a bug, it's a bug that's probably staying in there because it lets you free up your fingers. And that's really, really sad. Sorry. So when you do the air taunt or when you do rainbow, the the drop kick, you can let go of your charged gunshot. OK, and then it stays charged until you fire it.
Starting point is 01:45:49 That's probably a bug, but they probably were like, oh, yeah, it's the best. It's the best. That's a bug as a feature. You don't have to hold any more. Because I was talking to somebody when I was playing them was like, how do I charge Blue Rose and not fire off a shot? So I can have the three stocked up. I mean, the answer is you just hold it.
Starting point is 01:46:09 Yeah, the whole time. Like that's like because I want to do all sorts of stuff and jump and well, that's so that's remember we talked about putting the Blue Rose on the trigger. Yeah. So I got used to that now. Yeah. And I see the absolute benefit. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:46:21 And now it's actually way less useful now than it used to be because it acts differently now. Because the level three charge used to cause a pop up and then a second pop up. OK, OK. Right. Well, in this case, it's still incredibly handy. But the problem is just like finger dexterity starts to be at a premium. You know, like you're like, man, I need that lock on R1 button. And apparently streak also works.
Starting point is 01:46:48 OK, which yeah. OK, that's the one. There you go. While while shuffle Excalibur probably right. Long animations just let go in between there. So anything that lets you just let go. I also discovered when I was playing it, I guess I do have more to say than I thought,
Starting point is 01:47:04 but I discovered when I was playing it that I had a really specific style of X acting where when I watched you do stuff, you were trying to get every single one. And I was like, I min maxed mentally. What that is. And what I did was is that instead of doing that, I picked certain swings to really, really, really learn. OK, so that I could get the the good move that I wanted.
Starting point is 01:47:35 So Nero's second air swing is the easiest move in the entire game to X act. Helmsplitter for me. Oh, yeah. Well, OK, it's going to vary, right? But his second, like when he pop them up and go, what, right? Yeah, that third hit will knock them away. But that's the swing that you would do before you do at Excalibur in the air or Helmsplitter or roulette. So I'm always going to have ex roulette or ex Helmsplitter or, you know.
Starting point is 01:48:07 So I so I split rather not not help. So there are yes, there are ones that you get easier timings on. And I feel those out anyway. Yeah, I'm just taking the bonus on the ones that may or may not come out. So like the second swing on the ground as well, the one that would get the delay before combo C. Exactly. So that combo C, that spin that hits twice, that gets it. The first swing after a delay is usually guaranteed a lot of the time.
Starting point is 01:48:31 Yeah. But, you know, sometimes you just feeling yourself and you just get that you know, and it just the combo fucking looks better than ever, you know. Congrats, you made a character action game character that has one weapon compared to one that has 80 and it is just as good. Yeah, with this one, this one weird trick. Yeah, there was there was a guy that was like, man, damn, and I just hate the way Nero feels. And I was like, I wish I want to like sit you down and talk to you
Starting point is 01:49:01 to really just work this out because I'm telling you, man, it's it's all there. It really is all there. I've talked about this to you. I've talked about this to people in my discord or whatever. I want to put it on record before it can't be no, you know, before it's spoiled or whatever. What I think is going to happen to Nero's game play as that game goes on. I think he's going to get a devil trigger because L one only does break away right now. And I feel that's kind of a waste.
Starting point is 01:49:31 We know that there's a buster replacement arm, right? He's going to get devil trigger. You're going to hit L one, activate it and it will break away and it will break that arm because his arms going to grow back or have a phantom arm or some shit. And he will have some kind of unified combination. Good ass arm move set with it. And then at the end of it, you're going to come back out of DT
Starting point is 01:49:56 and you're going to put your next arm on. Well, that's not insane, considering the name of his theme song. Yeah, like the character that doesn't have a devil has a theme song called Pull My Devil Trigger. It would be beyond ridiculous if that were the case. Also, can we please get the devil trigger that looks like the design from four's possible devil trigger, which is the devil hoodie. Because the full suit, because that's the shit.
Starting point is 01:50:25 The full suit would be something that would be something not to mention that the theme coming back at the moment when it when it matters, it would be absolutely like sublime. But yeah, man, that demo is fantastic. Makes me big, excited. And there's here's one where we can probably tag, but. Apex. Yeah. Apex put a bunch of time into that now, got a lot of games in.
Starting point is 01:50:58 I had a full talk about an experience. Talk about a journey from the last time this podcast was recorded until now. A little bit, a little bit, a little bit, a little bit, a lot of details, a lot of things changed, things like life moves fast, as they say. And like there was definitely. That when stories like this happen, it becomes painfully clear. The different pockets of people that only catch what you say on the podcast versus podcast plus Twitter.
Starting point is 01:51:37 Plus only Twitter, only Twitter versus Twitter plus stream versus only stream and so on and so forth. Right. And so that was something where like very quickly after that, that really, really bummed out mood I was in on the podcast came the like, let's try the game out and then came the news about the fact that Titanfall was in fact still being worked on and that a real game that is not the VR game is being made, although he keeps they keep saying they're experimenting, yeah, but still they're doing something with it.
Starting point is 01:52:14 And then, of course, for a followed by the bump to Titanfall two servers, which I was hoping for, which we've got all on all platforms. The servers are way up. A lot of people are going back to Titanfall two as a result of experiencing Apex Legends because they're like, oh, my God, this game is amazing. Let's go see what the other thing they did. So or people that knew just going back to be like, I want to try that again. So all in all, that's awesome.
Starting point is 01:52:40 That Titanfall two is like back in the spotlight in a way that it never has been. And also it's awesome that I mean, well, you know, respawn after fucking making the first one, it not hitting second one, sort of hitting, making but still not really getting killed in the womb. You know, the knowledge that the knowledge that it still exists and they have the success and the fact that this thing was like 10 million and 72 hours or whatever the fuck it's like, that's nuts. That's crazy. Oh, man, I'm good on them.
Starting point is 01:53:17 I just with that, it's got a really dark joke in my mind. She wouldn't expect games by respawn entertainment to get spawn camp. Yeah, right outside the. Yeah, I'm born and then battlefield just bam. It there's still there's still that sting that it like it took making a better version of Fortnite for this to happen. So that I'm like, I can. Summon a lot of feelings.
Starting point is 01:53:48 Yeah. About apex legends with a hilarious tweet I saw, which was, hey, can you tell me why I should play apex legends instead of fortnight? Yeah, when you shoot someone in apex legends, they don't turn into an eight story building, right? Because like I played some fortnight and I thought it was cool. And then I watched what high level fortnight is. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And it's the worst construction.
Starting point is 01:54:17 It's actually like construction. Madly terrible to me, right? That's the part of the game I keep forgetting exists, because I'm just thinking of PUBG. Have you seen what like the one V one at the end between the two top players? And they're just they're just building farther and farther into the sky because all the towers got to try and get position. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And it's it was like shit.
Starting point is 01:54:39 And you're building like nonsense structures. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, it's it's quite funny. This game plays really well. I I tried for days and days on PC. And I was like. I just don't have the practice and it in me. And I went from pathetic play on the PC, just embarrassing
Starting point is 01:55:04 to loading it up on PS4 immediately getting kills in a match. Like just just like I don't know if that's because PS4 players are no skill baby babies or that I am also a no skill baby baby or that I'm just so much used to my controller. But like when I played on the PC with my Xbox controller was the only game I ever got kills in. Right, like I just I spent too much time on I'm more comfortable with the pad. So I'm going to go play with all the other pad players.
Starting point is 01:55:35 And I have I've played both versions extensively. The PS4 version on the pro anyway, has absolutely no framerate problems of any kind. It's a it's like around 45 when you're dropping, you know, from the ship. Yeah. But in gameplay, it's perfectly smooth. So I had a similar journey that's actually interesting. Because for me, what I the first thing I did was grab my controller and load up the PC version to play with some friends. Right. Or but even before playing with friends, I wanted to do training.
Starting point is 01:56:05 And then I wanted to just play some games randomly. I picked Pathfinder and. OK, because of course, I'm going to go for the only one that might have a maneuverable grappling hook. Yeah, also, BroBot is the shit. So I went straight to Pathfinder and it was. Yeah, it was just pathetic, as you said, embarrassing. Yeah, I couldn't do anything.
Starting point is 01:56:33 And it's like, oh, that guy had so much more movement control than I did. Or aiming control. And it's like, that's my fault because I'm playing with this method. I was I was absolute dead weight. I was also like having like a really salty first session. Oh, yeah, of of not just like the effectiveness, but just being like I jumped too early because I thought I would be able to double jump because the similar feel of the run and slide is really similar.
Starting point is 01:57:00 It feels so similar that the like the fact that you're the running around feels so much like Titanfall and the sliding part as well. That I kind of go, man, I it makes me jump early and then realize I don't have a double jump. And I went, ah, so. The yeah, I know reset the clock. We see it. I look at I look at Pathfinder and I see oh, he's got the grapple hook.
Starting point is 01:57:25 Yeah, there will be a wall running character coming. Maybe that and that will be their thing. Maybe the fact that so we see the video of of Motherfucker zipping, grappling the ground and just spinning in a full circle around the last guy just cause physics nonsense, right? Absolute nonsense. So that's the thing that happens. But I picked that character with the controller. I'm doing nothing.
Starting point is 01:57:49 I'm an anchor, not in the sense that I'm an anchor on the team as the one you rely on weighing the boat down. And there's nothing else that's and it's just not helping. So there's in addition to not being familiar at all with Battle Royale, the genre again, anything, right? So then I go, all right, I play some games with some some friends, you know, again, similarly like embarrassing results, can't hit shit.
Starting point is 01:58:17 Everything's just outclassing me and that's the end of that. I decide to install the PS4 version just to know. Yeah, is this really just the mouse versus controller? Quake situation again, yeah, or not. And just like with Overwatch, load a PS4. Oh, yeah, no, totally. That's exactly what's happening on PS4. I'm like, we are console children.
Starting point is 01:58:42 Yeah, no, I'm not. I'm not a shooter in general. My aim is lower than the average person that plays more shooters in general. Yeah, totally. Sure. But still, I was not completely worthless. Yeah, as you know, like, oh, I killed the guy. I got the exactly.
Starting point is 01:58:59 I hit the target or or in the fights that you lose. Oh, I got to shoot them. I did the thing a little bit, you know. And I went, OK, so there's that. Plus, they're not hitting you as dead on as well. Yeah, right. So their aim is a lot less and then you have the fact that you're possibly just playing with children.
Starting point is 01:59:16 Well, I I I streamed it and was having a miserable time in that, like, it's just so bad. And everyone's like, dude, just play it on PS4. Max is playing it on PS4 right now. And I kind of have to admit, I am a little embarrassed. How much that particular part made it OK in your brain when I went and downloaded it and started up my first match and was like, do you want to invite your friend, Maximilian
Starting point is 01:59:45 to to play with it? I'm like, no, no, no, I'm not going to send him an invite. He's streaming it right now. Yeah, but like the point. Yeah, of like, he adds legitimacy to that version in my mind. So there I had that moment, right? And I remember because like a min plays overwatch on on console, for example.
Starting point is 02:00:01 Yeah. And I was like, OK, so you can play here with people on controllers. And this is controller land and you can actually be effective because everyone else is kind of like you. Yeah. And oh, there's I mean, grab something for you. You know, it's really wild about the PS4 version of Fortnite. Plug must have fucking keyboard in with. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I'm sure. Fuck, I'm sure. It's officially supported.
Starting point is 02:00:27 It's not it's not like a Chronos Max like act thing. Just plug it right in. So so knowing that, then I was like, OK, so this is what it is. Play load into like my first or second game and two people just fucking disconnect. Yeah. And I'm I'm solo. So I'm then playing a game solo. Yeah, did surprisingly better than I thought I would.
Starting point is 02:00:51 Same exact thing happened to me. I got like number four. I got fourth and I was like so low by myself. Yeah. And I was like, OK. And then and but then still went into another game. Someone fucking dropped loaded up another game. Dudes were yelling in Spanish. And I was like, like, let me turn on that voice translator thing
Starting point is 02:01:14 where it turns it into text, please. And I turn their voices off. It turns their voices off and it turns what they say into chat. That's OK. So let's incredible. I would like to switch gears here to talk about. Sure, we'll get back to the game play. Fuck this game's gameplay, who cares?
Starting point is 02:01:32 That's not what's amazing. This game has the most impressive interface of any game I've ever seen. It is unbelievable how every single part of the interface is perfect. As opposed to Anthem, I did not. I did not even know that that's what it actually did. I assumed it would also have it voice and then to know. OK, I don't want to hear a fucking human. No, it turns them ever.
Starting point is 02:01:57 It turns them off, right? I don't want to hear the ruffling of your your chair or whatever is happening in the background of your house. I'm past that point in my life. Yeah, right. I never want to hear another human being unless it's somebody in my discord, right? So.
Starting point is 02:02:15 They must realize that that is a really common sentiment. Because this game's ping system means you don't ever have to hear another human being ever again. Everything that you would ever need to do in this game is adequately and quickly resolved by that ping system. Yeah. Hey, dude, did you know that you can go into your inventory and then cursor over the ammunition type for the gun you're using and say,
Starting point is 02:02:43 hey, I need I need heavy ammo. Yeah, if you see any heavy ammo, please ping it. You can not not only can you say I need heavy ammo, you can say I need a heavy ammo extended clip. Yeah, do you have any? You know, and usually a teammate will just throw it on the floor. You pick it up. And when you pick it up, the game goes
Starting point is 02:03:01 hit down on the deep end to thank them and your character will go. Hey, thanks, man. In their their unique. Yeah, fuck. Yeah, yeah, fuck. Yeah, like, holy shit. Like the thing that overwatch doesn't have the thing that no one in all their game has anything like.
Starting point is 02:03:17 But could have absolutely crushed if it did. Yeah, to just. Hey, let's go over here. I agree. I'm looting over here. OK, no problem. I found this. Cool. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:03:28 And enemy fought it. Enemy spotted where? Right there, right there. So the one that gets me and it is a it is a it's so weird because it's so obvious now, but it is a line of dialogue that I would never have a type that I would never even thought to include, which is someone has been here. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 02:03:46 Is the most useful thing you could ever say. But that is based on a character's ability. No, it's not. You find an open door. You could similarly just ping the area and just tell some people have been here. What if you ping the door being open? No, you it's it's hold the button down and upper left is. Oh, the general general.
Starting point is 02:04:07 Yes, OK, OK, OK, because there's there's there's also the ability and there's also the specific tracking. Yeah, right. So there's that. One thing that's here to stay is the overwatch hero system here, the overwatch hero system and the overwatch like and like the occasional alt, you know, is here like that's it between anthem and this and fucking everything else that's doing it this way where you get three things of this being broken up into passive active
Starting point is 02:04:33 and alt is even simpler. I actually really like the passive part of it a lot. Yeah, it takes one learning step away for most people. You know, like in a lot of cases, it's like, no, don't worry about this one. Just know that the character actually I just like all of their passives. I think their passes are all really good. Yeah, yeah. Right now, I don't know.
Starting point is 02:04:55 Like I've asked some of the guys I play with if like, hey, do you feel like comps or a thing yet? And like they've said, no, I don't know if if other people are finding differently with that where it's like, hey, this team plus this this team with these two characters together works really well or maybe this kind of strategy. But so here's the thing. So like I said, I was on PS4 and I noticed that that's where I was being effective, right? I could have simply accepted that.
Starting point is 02:05:22 Now I can play with other people and that's the way it goes. Yeah. But I decided to go back to the PC then. Yeah, where my friends were and Skull God and then the rest of the crew and the crew were then then they also explain the fact that like, you know, like at the highest level controller versus keyboard, you just don't stand a chance. But there are people on controllers that are way better than everyone. You know, on a keyboard, yeah, that are absolutely.
Starting point is 02:05:51 And the proficiency for both is quite high. So like Pat, like sticks, arcade sticks and like controllers, there is a high level of proficiency you can attain with a controller. So don't feel that bad about it, right? If you wanted to, you could actually just learn to use that and make it work. And I was like, OK, let me do this. So I continued and I was like, all right, I got a little bit better, but not much.
Starting point is 02:06:14 And then I made a switch to Gibraltar, Gibraltar, yeah. And now Gibraltar Gibraltar Gibraltar, excuse me. That's how it's pronounced the rock of Gibraltar. Yeah. And now I'm playing the game. Oh, yeah. Now I'm actively getting kills in our matches. I'm actively like that gun shield, huh? I'm shielding. I'm calling in the strikes. I'm put I'm throwing down.
Starting point is 02:06:36 I'm playing a modified Reinhardt. Yeah. For my team. But that shield is not the same because it's not a one way shield. It's two way. Yeah. So you have to be smart about that. But basically, also, he does a partial Haka. Yeah, you're right. And I'm not sure if he's like he's Polynesian,
Starting point is 02:06:55 but I'm not sure like what specific type of Polynesian. But either way, like while he in his like animated kill, he pulls out like an obsidian like it's it's the like it is. It is a proper I'm not familiar with. It's yeah, it's it's I forget the name. It's clearly like an Islander weapon. Yes, it's a Maori type of like like sword thing that you use you use as well. And it's you can do like Haka with it as well.
Starting point is 02:07:18 But yeah, so that I mean, style wise, I used the character besides the robot that I thought was fucking awesome. Yeah. But in addition to just that, his kit, I was like, oh, I can actually help my team now. So I'm not an anchor anymore. I'm actually, you know, unlike I'm having a human being. Yeah. And I'm having some proud kills. Like last night, we were ziplining and I tossed a fire grenade
Starting point is 02:07:39 down while mid zipline right on top of a dude. And the line was lot was it fell in such a way where he ran through the line and died and I fuck. I'm like, yeah, I'm getting I'm getting them in there. So I'm feeling like a lot better now, because I guess like Pathfinder was just not the character for me, you know. And the grappling feels really good. And I fucking love the abilities with it.
Starting point is 02:08:03 And you can even hit you can grapple people. I think that Pathfinder's passive is the most interesting thing in the game by far. But I was going to get to that. So Pathfinder's passive being scout out that survey beacon and see where the ring is closing even one layer deeper. Yeah, is amazing. Like, oh, it's so a lot of people are saying it's not that good. It gets better the longer you're in the game.
Starting point is 02:08:28 The smaller that circle gets, because eventually the circle is going to sit like close in around a building or something. If you can be inside that building, yeah, holy shit. So a lot of the early game was me because I can't shoot and help anybody. I'm just relying on getting that survey because I can do that. I can grapple up to a survey beacon and show you guys the map. I'm helping, right? And it was like, yeah, sort of the early game.
Starting point is 02:08:56 It's just really not that useful. But but like anyway, like right now, I'm like, no, being assist assisting in a firefight, getting kills, doubting people. I'm that's much I'm a much more that's a much better use of my thing. And plus now there's a thing where I'm like, OK, as this dude, as a Gibraltar, like, feed me your alt amplifiers. Let me get that airstrike as quick as possible so that as soon as we engage, we have one ready to go, you know, and tactically like throwing things
Starting point is 02:09:26 down when people are actually way more powerful than I was expecting. They're really strong. They're really, really his last a while. Bangalores is very similar. Bangalores is is interesting in the sense that it's like it's not as good because they don't explode right away, but they spread out more. They also hurt your team. So oh, they yeah. OK. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:09:48 So and it takes a while for her to get it compared. Well, the idea that what's it called? Gibraltar's is you're all going to get the fuck out of here. Yeah, right now. You're going to fuck off. Yeah. Yeah. And Bangalores is you will move. You will move from where you will not stay here. Right. Right. I know you're there and you are going to move. Right. It's interesting in how similar they are.
Starting point is 02:10:15 It's actually a push, but both of them are completely worthless indoors. Well, yeah, you know, so their circumstantial to that. Well, luckily, 95 percent of the game takes place out of buildings. Yeah. So yeah, it's I was given a decent piece of advice, which is if you if you have a lifeline on your team, give her the alt accelerant. Mm hmm. Because high powered defensive items for the whole team. Yes. Is way more useful than anybody else's.
Starting point is 02:10:46 Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. That that everyone's got purple shields now. OK, we're now 200 percent stronger. Yeah. The the that's that's one as well. That's like feed the girl, feed her, feed her. Whereas like, say, bloodhounds is like it's really, really good. But you can you can hold on to that until a firefight starts. It's not going to be a problem.
Starting point is 02:11:07 Costic on the team is pretty handy and have not played with the caustic on my team. Played with a lot of caustics. Those grenades, those gas things are pretty fantastic and handy. So yeah, all this to say then that the game is very good. The game is very really good. I'm very big enjoying the game is very fun. I'm enjoying a battle royale and I'm ultimately like I and I and I feel good knowing that Titanfall exists as well.
Starting point is 02:11:38 You know, it's about it is a battle royale modeled after the type of shooter that is my favorite to play. So this is a net win and boy. I feel like like one thing, one thing to with with the like the way I was reacting last week as well is that it's like, dude, you're overreacting. And it's like, well, you have to understand that what I'm reacting to is the knowledge that my franchise is dead and that it's over. Yes. Right.
Starting point is 02:12:06 So that's it's a very different thing to now come back and go. Oh, that was an overreaction. It's like, well, because it undied. Yeah. Right. So like the game existing and not having the stuff that I wanted it to have. Ultimately, I was still like, like I said, from you can go back and find like the first moment where I'm like, OK, well, it's weird. It doesn't have it, but that's it's allowed to be its own thing.
Starting point is 02:12:31 That's OK. But Titanfall 3 is what I really, really care about, you know? So all that to say that, yeah, man, this is this is something that I'm like currently at, you know, like feeling the moment. And I want to say that like the things there are a couple of steps that warmed me up, even when I kind of was like not when I had no knowledge of the genre and when I wasn't really when I was still feeling like, you know, like down about it, the things that kind of cracked me open.
Starting point is 02:13:00 Right. The first thing was the music. Yeah, it's very good. The music is incredible. And the second thing was the swelling music as you drop in as a team. It's very dramatic. I I really, really enjoyed that immediately. Yeah. And I'm like, oh, I'm not going to pretend like that. No, that is rad.
Starting point is 02:13:22 And the like dropping in in these games is always a big mechanic and whatnot. Dropping in as a team while the theme has it lasts just long enough so that by the time you land on foot, it's played out to the to the its crescendoed and then dropped out. I'm like, yeah, it makes the start of every game feel really, really dramatic. And I really enjoyed that. And then, of course, you know, you don't really hear anything else until the fucking game's over, you know?
Starting point is 02:13:50 But like you said, the ability to ping things makes it not. It only is it is it handy so that you don't have to deal with talking to humans. Yeah. But it's also handy because I need cursors on my map for awareness. Yeah. I need things on. Jimmy saying, hey, there's a guy down by the thing. It's like, OK, where is that where? Right there, though. In others. So like when we play other games and stuff like that, it'd be like, if I'm not as familiar with this map or I'm just again,
Starting point is 02:14:14 I just don't have that strong level of awareness. There'll be like under under the bank under the bank next to the bridge, next to the bridge, he's he's running, he's running, he's running. What? Where is that? Throwing it on top of the. Throw it in the eye. He's gone. And I'd be like, you know, I literally don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Right. And it's like and it's like now it's basically like
Starting point is 02:14:31 throw it at the thing I just pinged, you know, fucking there. It's fucking right there. Exactly. And you can you have the option in the settings to make it 3D or 2D. Yeah. So you can, you know what I mean? Like there's all kinds of like extra clarity options for for knowing where you're pinging two things, wait, one, two, three things about that game in terms of little, well, not so little, but little gameplay things. That's like, this is an amalgamation of every good idea I can think of,
Starting point is 02:15:02 as well as some new ones. So number one is that when you drop into an area, the area is discreet to the point of it will be named and will even tell you what rarity of loot will fucking spawn there. Shoutouts to Skulltown, right? Yeah, like, yeah, that's really good. Because in PUBG, for example, you you you fly into the military base. It's very dangerous.
Starting point is 02:15:27 It's very likely to be a lot of players, but military base has a lot of good stuff. Right. That's stuff that will take a long time to learn. Drop into the airfield at the fucking north end of the map in in Apex. Purple high tier loot in the airfield. Like, OK, great. Thank you. Fuck it. Let's land on the airship. You done that yet? Yeah, it's a mess. Well, here's the deal.
Starting point is 02:15:50 Land on the airship melee just immediately start. Yeah, that's where I got my first kill. OK, because I kicked somebody the fuck off. Exactly. Right. Pro tip, pro tip. Don't go over the guns to start hitting people immediately. Different melee puts you in different puts them in different positions. So the damage is the same. But when you slide, you do like an uppercut.
Starting point is 02:16:13 When you jump, you do a jump kick. When you stand, you do a punch. Each thing knocks you in differently. I think the melee system in that game is the best of any battle royale because all the battle royales have melee shit shows when nobody has a gun and you land right next to each other. And it is it is terrible. It is the worst ever.
Starting point is 02:16:32 Right. And here, all may lays have a visible long wind up. Do a bunch of damage and knock back. Yeah. I. So the thing is, is may lays are nowhere near what they were in Titanfall. Of course not. Right. And they can't be they can't be for what the game is, because you're going to be in melee. You're going to be meleeing in many more situations
Starting point is 02:16:53 than you originally were in that in there. But the fact that like it exists in that way where you can kick people off the thing is fucking sick. That's cool. And again, I like the fact that you have the like, again, the ability to like grapple them with with the robot. The executions are interesting because. It's a big style and finish that will probably get you killed. I really hope that was the last man in the team that you're doing better.
Starting point is 02:17:22 Confirm that it was because otherwise what are you doing? Because but no, but if it was the last man in the team, then the whole squad goes down anyway, you know? So when you went all through, when if you're crawling around and the last team member dies, you all die. Your squad's eliminated. So the execution is only performed when at least one person is living and your and your execution animation, you're vulnerable.
Starting point is 02:17:45 They're very long. Also, they're very long. You're very, very vulnerable. There's no there's no like all for style. Yeah. You know, and their end points and they're fancy. And yes, you stop them from being able to get revived by their buddy. But it's like, fuck, you're just going to stand there and possibly get shot by the guy that's coming to revive them. You know, so I actually want to mention the revive system.
Starting point is 02:18:07 That was one of the things this game's revive system is fascinating. Two layers is is listen, you're downed and then you get killed. First of all, getting down in this game, you are more powerful than in any other game I have ever played when you were downed because you have a dedicated shield pick up that will protect you significantly from being murdered. Very weird, but cool. I get it. You have something to do.
Starting point is 02:18:32 So they can pick you up. They fail to do so within 90 seconds. OK, you're dead. You're now a crate. OK, wait a second, coffin. They can run up and pick up your card off the crate. And then they can bring you to these big ass, vulnerable, glowing terminals with items around them that will actually airdrop the team back in.
Starting point is 02:18:53 But it takes a while and you can see the thing coming naked. I got to do that once. I got that achievement on place of like it's called team player. Yeah. And it's like you manage to survive and both your teammates are fucking dead. Yeah, you brought them right the fuck back to the game. That is great. Yeah, no.
Starting point is 02:19:10 So my boy, two a really awesome sniper that I play with. He is a he's a skill. He is his main skill of sniping, but his second ability is picking up the tags and ninjaing the fuck out of a hot zone, right? Because rescaping a hot zone is a very hard thing to do. Yeah, especially when you're one and they're three. But like he's very good at doing that.
Starting point is 02:19:33 So we've had multiple games. We've had games where we've come back twice, you know. But that's a really cool thing where it's like, yeah, you got the gears before pick up and then you've got the actual respawn. And which I don't know if any other battle or VR games ever know, you can't respawn. Yeah, that's it. You're out. And that's the end of the game. How appropriate by respawn. Right.
Starting point is 02:19:53 And the other the other thing and it goes into right what you were saying at the end of how hard it is to get out of a hot zone. The way the levels have been designed. And I mentioned earlier that the the zones or whatever are discreet. Yeah, there are essentially big maps that have been stapled together. Some of which are previous Titanfall areas. Yeah, but here's what's really important. What's really important is that all of these big map areas
Starting point is 02:20:17 are at the lowest point in the game's vertical space. And all of the connecting points are at medium to high points in the game's vertical space. So what does this mean? It means that escaping the area in a gunfight is extraordinarily difficult because you're going up running up a hill. You're back to people they visible from everywhere. Yeah, what it means is that once you get to that
Starting point is 02:20:41 that transfer point as you climb up the hill and get to the tunnel or the bridge, you have the high ground, you have the high ground and getting deep into that thing is trivial because you slide it like 300 percent or fucking whatever speed down into the thing. Yeah. So transferring into levels has its own mechanics. Engaging is very easy. Also, it comes into play when you're running from the circle, which you're going to be doing a lot of,
Starting point is 02:21:07 which is a whole other thing you never had to do before. You know, so yeah, man, it's a good game. Really good, really good. I'm probably very much likely going to keep playing on PS4, mainly because none of my pals that usually I would play shooters with have any interest in this game at all on the PC. And so like I got a couple buddies who might play it on on PS4. So fucking always plays on PS4.
Starting point is 02:21:31 I'm probably going to play that game solo forever. Yeah. Like realistically, no, there's enough. There's enough going on in there that I'm definitely I'm in. I still crave my movement, but I I'm just going to sit and wait for the Titans to come back. And in the meantime, I'll enjoy Apex. Do you think there's any possibility at all that there will a character a character will eventually arrive,
Starting point is 02:21:57 that their alt is a Titan, or is that just way too much? I think it's too. I. The fact like if I think that would cement I involve being dead, you know what I mean? Like it's such a mechanic. And if this is a you're walking around on the map in a Titan, like, you know what I can see happening. And I think we talked about this before,
Starting point is 02:22:17 is that there can be some kind of event where instead of a eye cast dropping on the map. Yeah, a Titan drops on the map, right? And just fucking say all three characters need to get into pilot it, right? Or some shit, you know, it takes place in the same world, right? I do know that at the end of that intro, the guy looking at you is fucking bliss.
Starting point is 02:22:37 Yeah, I know. But at the same time, like even if not, it's really obvious it takes place in the same world because characters are being designed around former Titanfall two multiplayer abilities. Also, look at that monster in the water over there. Yeah, like Mirage is the most fascinating character in the game to me because he is literally a single Titanfall two item turned into a character. You're right, right. He's that grenade that would cause a dude to run forward.
Starting point is 02:23:02 Yeah, as as an entire kit or your grappling hook robot is now that the whole kid grappling a robot. Yeah, exactly. Except and there's like parody. There's one of his things where he's parodying Bastion where like a bird, a crow comes to land on him and then it starts pecking the shit out of him. He's like, anyway. So, yeah, that's that's going to be that's going to continue. I think Bloodhound's tracking ability is like my favorite ability.
Starting point is 02:23:25 Haven't used them. I've ever seen in a game. I should probably. Yeah, I should probably pick him just to see. It is to see what it looks like. Yeah, it's fascinating. So you'll be running and if anyone's passed through an area like up to, I want to say, like a minute prior, you'll see a icon and a track on the ground and the track will be blood or footprints or jump or scrambled over or whatever. And it has a it has a border around it that is ticking down to let you know how long is the how old is this? Right, right.
Starting point is 02:23:55 And it will be Monster Hunter and they will point in a direction and you'll be able to go a guy vaulted over here and he was bleeding. And he went that way. Monster Hunter. That is so powerful. Yeah, as as a as an area of map awareness. Also wall hack, but not an amazing one. His it's OK. It's a short range wall hack. It's there's a there's this this feels iffy because there's the points. So boop. OK, no, there are people here.
Starting point is 02:24:23 I should fucking smart up. But like the range you have to use it in is one where your footsteps are quite clear and also the enemy sees it. You're about to engage. They can see you doing the move. Oh, it that the the beam or whatever. Like it's visible. It comes through the wall. Yeah. OK, OK. I know that. Like, but and your team can also see any pangs that it does.
Starting point is 02:24:45 OK, but his alt is really wild. Have you seen what it looks like? I don't really. Bloodhound gains twice movement speed and the world goes black and white except for enemies that show up in bright red at any distance. Oh, wow. So it is particularly strong with snipers because it's like, OK, I can see the whole map boot. Oh, he's there.
Starting point is 02:25:10 Bam. No one escapes my sights, something like that. Yeah. OK. Yeah, I've now that I'm back on PC doing well and playing with my friends, that's the most enjoyable for me. It's a very good game because I get to keep my pride in check and I get to use the control style I like. I switched my aiming curve to steady. By the way, I did.
Starting point is 02:25:41 I went through the I mean, I remember this in Titanfall as well. It's the same curves. And if for any reason you feel like you might want to practice and try that out, try them, go into the training range and try them out. But in curve, steady. If you see a fucking Mozambique, you run, you leave that shit alone. It's wild how every gun in the game is pretty good to good, except for that one.
Starting point is 02:26:08 There's a there's there's no, there's a there's a list. There's a basic gun. Oh, I know there's a list. Yeah. But but there's there's the list. Yeah. And then over here, yeah, the gutter is Mozambique. So like, like we were playing a game where I was just like, oh, God, I saw like two of them and I'm just like, enemy sighted, enemy sighted, like fuck this thing. And so and it's so common. You run into it all the time and it's the worst fucking shotgun in the planet.
Starting point is 02:26:35 Anyway, fuck that gun. But the yeah. So that's that's that's I foresee. A lot of that that that roster screen is so empty. Yes, it will continue very much. There is an easy overwatch sized cast. Yeah, there you could get a lot. Play it to earn.
Starting point is 02:27:02 But the last thing that I want to say about Apex Legends is that boy, is it had been it's been successful. Yeah, one million concurrent, 10 million played within a few days. Wow. What a massive success. By the way, Anthem comes out on Friday. Oh. So now we have. So we have battlefield kills Titanfall.
Starting point is 02:27:27 And now we have respawns. New game Apex kills EA's most monetarily invested. Why? Why? Who also I played the division. I have almost something to say. Play division two beta over the weekend. Guess what? It's really good. It ran fine.
Starting point is 02:27:46 I had a lot of fun with it. That comes out in three weeks. Anthem is so fucked. Who cares? Why would you ever make 60 bucks for Anthem instead of just playing Apex for fucking free? Like. Well, yeah.
Starting point is 02:28:04 And like and EA just it's like either way. It's like, well, from one child from one child to another, you know, it's like, OK, well, what's the difference? It's like our success is beating our success, you know, in a way like let them fight, except it's like your children. They're your own babies. Yeah, exactly. Why? Why?
Starting point is 02:28:30 Yeah, it's you know, dude. I forgot I. OK, I shit. The hot new thing I forgot. Anthem existed until somebody mentioned it to me yesterday. I brought it up today, you know. But yeah, exactly. And that was that demo was like hours ago, you know. Yeah, um, it's quite.
Starting point is 02:28:54 I you've you you see the nails in the coffin. But then it's like the nails are there. And then they fucking got curb stomped. So you want to hear my into the fucking. You want to hear my fucking cynical opinion? Yeah, EA stock dropped recently due to whatever the usual. Sure. Right. And I looked at Anthem and they said.
Starting point is 02:29:18 That's not going to fix that. Is is is Apex good to go? OK, you go. You think that's why no news, no announcement, no press. I think it is wild that Apex Legends came out on announcement of completely nowhere. Dude, there was not even an interview of a hint of that game. So the best thing about it. Because we all really we know the worst is the fact that like you've got
Starting point is 02:29:51 to jump in the shower with Fortnight to compete. Yeah, you got to get in there. You got to strip down and grease up and just get in there. You know, and that plastic prison shank is the only thing you've got. You've got as a weapon. No one's getting out alive. That that sucks. But the good thing about it is the idea that if you want to silver lining it,
Starting point is 02:30:15 you can still release something with completely no prior hype up whatsoever. And watch it do gangbusters if it's free, if it's free. And that that is the ultimate caveat. Oh, of course, because everyone will try a game if it's free, because the group of friends in high school has to go and tell each other to download it to play together. And that's it. That's all I actually have to do. Hey, man, this game's free. It came out. You want to play it?
Starting point is 02:30:38 Oh, yeah. So I'll play. I'll play a couple hours of anything if it's fucking free. It's quality of life over the thing we've been doing for a while. Yeah. Yeah. So and and adds camaraderie to a solo game. Yeah. So when people are playing fort, you know, they get together and they play against each other and play fort. Well, now you can play together. You know, I initially hated the squad aspect.
Starting point is 02:30:58 And then as I got used to the pink system and turned humans off. Oh, yeah. No, it's fine. It's fun playing as a squad, as long as I can remove every human element from it. Right. Yep. Agreed. So, you know, a timeline fixed timeline restored. Oh, also, that game is going to get a battle pass. Yeah, for sure. And I'm going to get it. Sure. The only question is, which version of the one
Starting point is 02:31:23 that is going to guarantee you certain things at certain points? No, I mean, like PS4 or OK, yeah, I did see that loot box thing where there are like the loot boxes will guarantee you. So the loot box percentage type of I did a little digging transparency on the contents and guarantees on certain numbers. And I was like, OK, the rates are worse than overwatch. But I appreciate that they straight up fucking just say you have a seven point four percent chance
Starting point is 02:31:51 to get the legendary ones guaranteed every 30. Yeah. Is that number terrible? Hell, yeah, it's terrible. But I appreciate knowing that before I ever spent any fucking money on it, which I'm not. I mean, we get the battle pass today. Ready for China. So the battle pass will tell you exactly which ones you're getting when, right? That's the way the way a battle pass works.
Starting point is 02:32:08 It's kind of fascinating. It's it's a it's a it's a it's a great idea. And yeah, there's no repeats. It's a great. That's a big difference. Yeah, no. Well, overwatched that a little while ago. You got money. But yeah. No, you don't get repeats and overwatched anymore. Oh, they got rid of them. They got rid of that period.
Starting point is 02:32:23 OK, OK, I didn't know that. But the battle pass is a fascinating idea. Like let's keep playing fucking forever. And it's very simple. You play the game and you experience milestones and kill milestones or whatever, and those will reward you with an item. Yeah, I got a cosmetic for a bloodhound. Yeah, I got a gun for flatline.
Starting point is 02:32:42 And you know which one, right? And period. And if you and if you play every single fucking day of that season, you can get every single goddamn thing. And all the craziest, rarest, best shit still get repeats. Is at the end anyway, right? Is at the end. Yeah, right. But here's the genius of the battle pass.
Starting point is 02:32:59 I don't know if anybody else before it and I does this, but it's smart. Say you didn't buy the battle pass, but you were playing every day. There's two progress bars. There's the one on top, which is losers. No battle pass. You get an item here or there. But you'll also see at the bottom what that would correspond to. If you did have the battle pass, you say, hey, man, you hit 60 levels in 60 days, so it shows you would have gotten all this crazy shit.
Starting point is 02:33:24 And you know what? OK. And you know what, Willie? If you buy that battle pass right now, you'll get them. You'll unlock everything you unlock. So everything you so your time is spent is being banked. And then you get the rewards upon purchase. Yeah. Increasing the incentive. Oh, yeah. Evermore. Yeah. Till infinity. It is it is the free to play shooter.
Starting point is 02:33:45 That is the hardest fucking dosage of crack. Yeah, I have ever seen a dealer deal. You know, you've you've earned like 10 pounds of crack. You just need to give me five bucks and I'll give you the 10 pounds in goodwill. Yeah. Up until this point, you've been loyal. Yeah, you've been good about it. You I know you've been clean for like five years, but that's five years. Now, these are season these are season locked.
Starting point is 02:34:11 But in an idealized scenario, you could straight up play fortnight every single fucking day, max out every possible milestone or whatever the fuck they are, right? Gets day plus day minus one of new season and go, you know what? I've earned all this stuff. Do I want to pay the 10 bucks for the battle pass or 20 bucks for the battle pass to get all of these cosmetic items? You took the already
Starting point is 02:34:40 life crippling addiction that is crack cocaine. Yeah. And you inserted FOMO into it. That's right. For a double dose of Hey, guess what? Guess what? My cosmetics. Willie, there's another twist. Oh, boy. The final twist in here's where it gets really wild. And this is fortnight only to my knowledge, but they're probably going to institute this in in Apex because it's smart.
Starting point is 02:35:11 So Apex and fortnight all they all use fake money dollars. V bucks and fortnight Apex coins. Yeah. You know what some of the rewards for those milestones are? Uh-huh. The currency that actually buys real money. Currency that you buys what you want when you want to know that if you do all of them, it'll kind of pay for itself. Assuming assuming you spend that money on the next one. Get the behind me, Satan.
Starting point is 02:35:44 Yeah. Get that. Your temptation will not work today. No apple. Dude, if I buy this thing, I'll get these things. No tree. No serpent. I buy the battle pass. I'll spend twenty dollars. But every week or so, I'll get five dollars back and I can.
Starting point is 02:36:02 I can use that on a hat. Not today, serpent. Not today. It is. It is so. My soul is mine. It is so disgusting, insidious, but at the same time, I legitimately cannot argue with the system that in in perfect scenarios will literally give people all this shit for a one time cost ever. You mean free money?
Starting point is 02:36:26 Yes, I mean free money. OK, cool. Do you want to buy some free money? Yeah, I do. Because, you know, if you if you play enough, you really only have to do the one buy in, you know, OK, maybe you were a little behind and maybe there's that one thing you had. But look, I have free money that I earned so I could just buy the hat with the free money.
Starting point is 02:36:44 So each one is like seasonal. Yeah, they're seasonal. And then you can just buy the season last like 90 days or whatever. If you earn enough of the last one with the net. Well, boy. And you can see them. Dude, you can see. Dude, this is the world.
Starting point is 02:36:57 No, think think think. OK, there's an extra part of this. Say you've earned during the season, half of all the rewards, right? Right. You've earned. Say it's the end of the season. You've earned half of it, right? And the season cost 20 bucks for the battle pass. You look at the battle pass rewards and realize that you'll pay twenty dollars,
Starting point is 02:37:18 real dollars. But in your rewards, they'll give you seven dollars back in fake money. So the thing actually only costs $13. Right. You would have spent that money anyway. It's so insidious. It's so crazy at the same time. If you're a person that wants to support the if you're going to play this game, twenty dollars every fucking three months or whatever.
Starting point is 02:37:45 Guess what? That's an MMO subscription. That like it's it's it's actually cheaper. And so like we are naive for not thinking or realizing that the tech levels would improve and that the disease would upon inoculation double its efforts and come back in a new form. And so right. So here's the thing, right? Every time that flu comes back around and it gathers data, yeah, we are now looking at loot box
Starting point is 02:38:19 employees designing this incentive system with modern gacha data. Yeah, that's right. Because we didn't have Western gacha data. No, until recently. Now we do because that was only a Japan thing. Yeah. And then an Asia thing. And then that data, it's different culture. And now we have gacha in full force.
Starting point is 02:38:38 So now we've got gacha fucking data to throw in. And the thing is about it, though, battle pass is fine. You get a shit ton of stuff in those types of games. Free games. Free games. Free. It's they're always small costs. They last for months. Yeah. And you win things by playing. Yeah. Like the game is free.
Starting point is 02:38:58 Thus, you're entitled to try and make your money back. You know, I understand that part of it. Like even the other games where we're talking about loot, loot boxes and whatnot with the Overwatch itself is like, these are games you purchased. You purchased the experience in any way. This one, their entire monetary system is based on you falling for that serpent. Yeah. And it's like, but on a realistic basis, delicious apple. If you become the guy who's playing apex legends every day
Starting point is 02:39:25 and you love apex legends wedged between the cleavage. Fifteen, twenty bucks every three months is fair, right? As long as they keep adding stuff. Which you look at that screen, they're going to keep adding fucking stuff. They're going to add a bunch of shit. Gacha means they got you. Yeah, I always assume that's what it was, but apparently it's a different Japanese word.
Starting point is 02:39:49 Oh, boy. Well, then there's a there's a phrase that Jim Sterling coined, which is fee to pay, which is games that you buy so that you can buy shit in them. Oh, that's that's that's that B2P. Yeah, we don't know fee to pay, not buy to play fee to pay. You're paying a fee, which is the price of the game. Yeah, so that you may pay things later for pay for. Yeah, that's that's battle.
Starting point is 02:40:18 OK, OK, right. That's right. But I mean, right now and then buy more. Yeah, yeah, but hey, don't buy it now and maybe buy more. Yeah, OK. Mm hmm. Here's what I'm going to be interested in seeing. How quickly can or will the infrastructure get set up for this in a full on eSports capacity?
Starting point is 02:40:39 To like how full on is this going to interrupt the current tournament and like eSports circuits? See, I always teams are surely already being I always felt that PUBG eSports was laughable in its ideology. I thought the Fortnite eSports had potential, but I think it looks like shit. This looks like a big ass video game with teams. Yeah, this this seems much more clearly obvious, better fit. It's designed for sports.
Starting point is 02:41:14 I mean, the way that loadout, the way you fucking it shows you your team and then the the height and the fact that the way it says, hey, look, this is these are the toughest motherfuckers on the map. Oh, you don't run into them. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then a champion has fallen. We've got a new kill leader. And that happens within 30 seconds of the match.
Starting point is 02:41:32 You're like, oh, oh, shit. Guess he wasn't that good. Some killers on this map. Yeah. No, I'm just wondering how fast they can get this. Apparently there's a big ass tournament for the game tomorrow. Sure. Sure. You know, I'm wondering how EA expected performance to go. Probably not as well as this.
Starting point is 02:41:51 Yes, probably not nearly. And thus I wonder how much they are then scrambling on the back to be like, oh, fuck, oh, fuck, oh, fuck, let's make this a big thing. Because like now we're attacking. And I wonder what Fortnite is doing in response. I seriously doubt Fortnite will ever do anything in response. Fortnite built its its fortune off of Fortnite. And I seriously don't you mean off of PUBG, whatever.
Starting point is 02:42:15 Fortnite is still number one for sure. And I actually don't foresee that changing. Are the Twitch viewers back to normal? I don't know, because the Twitch viewers were fully on Apex. But I fully Apex was at three, three hundred K. Well, I personally find it was exciting to watch and even think. But like there were three times the amount of viewers in Apex, then there were on it's also new for us.
Starting point is 02:42:37 I see Apex having a comfortable second place. But maybe I'm wrong. Maybe it could beat Fortnite. I personally like way, way, way, way more. But it depends on this gets down really gross and old manny. Yeah, but it depends on what the Minecraft generation thinks. It's still ahead four hundred. Sorry for right now, I just checked it.
Starting point is 02:42:56 It's four hundred K right now and Fortnite set one eighty eight. All right, I got a I got a I got some information here. Yeah. In March, you'll get your battle pass for Apex. Sure. You will earn cosmetics and loot boxes. Each season will last three months and feature one hundred levels of unlocks over a three month period.
Starting point is 02:43:31 These will not include playable characters. They won't include. Periods. OK, OK. One a one year road map details. Every new season will have. OK, so they're doing seasons. They're doing three month seasons and every season will have new characters, weapons and items.
Starting point is 02:43:54 I imagine if you simply have a favorite character and a favorite weapon and a favorite skin, purchasing those on their own will still be the cheapest thing you could do. Well, you can't purchase. Skin, most of the game skins. Can't you just buy the buy the normal currency and then select the thing you want to unlock? No. So the way that it works is actually somewhat complex.
Starting point is 02:44:19 So you go to the store and right now in the store is a. What's his name, a robot? Pathfinder, Pathfinder, race car skin, essentially. Yeah, you just buy that. Yeah, right. But if you went to the skin menu in the thing, those unlock with crafting materials. Yes, and crafting materials only come from your loot boxes. OK, all right.
Starting point is 02:44:43 And by comparison, to get a to get a what do you call it, a character? Yeah, it requires a certain amount of either money tokens, which is 10 bucks each, or it required experience tokens, experience tokens, which equates to 20 levels per character. Yeah, yeah. And you or you can also buy quips and and and as you as you level up, the levels come more slowly, but you get the same amount of currency every level.
Starting point is 02:45:13 Right. So as you become super pro, it will actually take longer and longer to unlock those heroes unless the battle pass rewards some of those currencies. I am I am terrified of what loot boxes will become in five years time. I'm terrified of what they're going to look like in three years time. Twenty twenty one loot boxes will be terrifying. I feel like they're actually getting better than they are getting worse. Well, that's what I mean.
Starting point is 02:45:44 That's what I mean. I'm terrified because you will look at them and be like, I don't feel that bad about that because I look at the battle pass. And it'll be like, yeah. And I can see how it has been designed for maximum insidiousness. But at the same time, I go. Yeah, that's fine. Yeah. And I mean, I would like we were joking with the squad earlier,
Starting point is 02:46:03 just being like, oh, man, like if you spent money on this game, your profile should have a big money dollar sign attached to it. So then everyone knows you spent money and it's like games have already done that. Yeah. Oh, really? Yeah. Like they put a little jewel to let you know you play Gears of War three. No. OK, you played any Gears of War game one. OK, and Gears of War three. If you bought that collector's edition, you get that sick gold Lancer.
Starting point is 02:46:27 Solid gold Lancer. Right. Right. Right. Yeah. So look at me. But but in this game, you want to like most people want to mask the fact that you're spending money and make it look like you got it out of experience. Well, you can already tell who the fuck spent money in this game. If you look at the levels and it doesn't matter in the garage, he's got the fancy animated fucking banner. Yeah. And all that shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:46:48 Um, so, yeah, that's that's terrifying to think about, because it's going the fact that it's going to get better is what's scary. You know, I very much the the the turnaround from last week's podcast to this podcast might be the biggest turn around we have ever done. Well, that's because the story moved that fast. Yeah. The game came into existence and the news dropped. And also, the game is now actually the hottest game that exists right now. And then the other game, the old thing that was old and busted,
Starting point is 02:47:19 also kind of was flushed down the toilet and then kind of crawled back up. And then they plunged it back up and now it's a little stronger. And then it smells a little more. And you're like, well, we can we don't need to. We can pull this out of the toilet, put it on a plate, let it stew. Yeah, it was it was quite the fucking running mobility character for fucking sure, dude. I don't know. They're giving specific grenade. The reasons they are kids.
Starting point is 02:47:42 But the reasons given in that paragraph that I still hate. Well, yeah, as it's too, too, it's that it doesn't read well for the players. Yeah, look at what the fucking pathfinder is doing with this fucking grappling. Which if they just as bad as it ever was, if they nerf that, they're going to nerf that. Then you they're going to nerf that. Then you know a wall run isn't coming. They're going to nerf that for sure. You know it. You absolutely know it at that point.
Starting point is 02:48:09 They're going to nerf that because it fucks up the balance between the versions, if anything, because Pathfinder is now a better character, way better on the PC than he is on a console. Well, so one thing that I was thinking I was like, how come this shield that Gibraltar throws down isn't one way like Reinhardt? Yeah. And the answer is because he would become a mandatory player, a mandatory character. Oh, absolutely.
Starting point is 02:48:33 With everything if you could shoot through the shields, right? The fact that it's 400 K fucking viewers right now. Exactly. It's still it's still on top in terms of viewers, you know. So, yeah, yeah, we'll see how that goes. I don't think the wall run. I don't know about the wall run. It might happen, but I don't think it'll happen. I think they gave their reasons that they're against that. I think we're sooner going to see a bunch of characters that have different
Starting point is 02:48:53 kit types from Titanfall and then different team helping mechanics. Or like for every couple of characters that helps out the team, you'll get one mirage where he's just like, I'm fucking solo. My abilities help me and me alone. Yeah, it's more than twice. Sort of spheres right now. That's crazy. You know what I like?
Starting point is 02:49:12 And you know how you know, was that more than anything was the me going like, oh, there's going to be shit, zillion characters added to this because every character has a fucking type icon. Yeah. Bloodhounds, the only one with a radar. Right. Yeah. There's two supports, two shields, two guns. But you know what? At the end, I have no idea
Starting point is 02:49:33 what these genres look like when they come out. I have no idea what these genres are about. I have no idea how they shape up or how they handle these types of things. So I would actually tell you my guesses have zero credibility. So because this is all brand new to me, I would say that that is not a unique scenario because every single one of these to come out is been unique in its rollout. Is it trying to beat fortnight? Is it horribly failing at that?
Starting point is 02:49:59 Is it trying its own thing? Is it PUBG? Is PUBG dying? Is PUBG a mess? PUBG is a mess. PUBG is now in the third slot. Oh, yeah. It's now in that place that
Starting point is 02:50:13 Kulfebe was talking about. Oh, yeah. Except it's in the fourth because it's called duty. Oh, blackout was better, right? Oh, much. Yeah, I forgot about that. The bigger problem with PUBG and blackout is the blackout is the same type of battle royale that PUBG is.
Starting point is 02:50:30 It's just better. Whereas Apex and blackout and fortnight all have very, very distinct types. Right. Is there a what about the fact that what about the fact that fortnight is third person? Does that make a difference to any of this? The fact that it's not a first person shooter? No, no, he was also a third person.
Starting point is 02:50:53 Yeah. And black and call duty was I would honestly I think that the perspective for each game fits what you're actually doing in them. In Apex, it makes way more sense to be first person because it's more about like I'm running and jumping and shooting, right? In fortnight, you're building in fortnight. It was in first person. They're going to be fucking unplayable.
Starting point is 02:51:14 Yeah, you're building nonsense. You have to look at everything to look at where your character fucking is. Yeah, right. Hmm. Hmm. Let's move on. I like that game. I'm shocked.
Starting point is 02:51:27 I do, too. I like that game. I'm shocked as well. I want to go play some right now. Yeah. Uh, we should, we should play some on, on PS4 PC together and do a thing. Sure. What I am going to do and embarrass ourselves is, however, absolutely jump on
Starting point is 02:51:45 Titanfall 2 with a community night at some point. Multiple people have gotten in tights trying to spearhead that. And I just want to say it to everyone that has thank you for your offer. However, I'll let, I'll let the world know when I get the time and when I have the ability to do that on a stream, um, because right now my streaming nights are, you know, they're kind of like, They're Tuesdays and Saturdays. They're two days, it's Tuesdays and Saturdays.
Starting point is 02:52:10 One's fighting games and one's everything else. Yeah. And so for it to take place on a Saturday, it means like, OK, well, I'd have to like not do Resident Evil or, you know what I mean? Like, there's, and there's a couple of things I want to play. I want to go back to Assault Spy. I want to do a lot of things. So I'll have to let you guys know.
Starting point is 02:52:24 But I have one last tip to give you. Especially if you're Windows, not yours, because I know you killed your Windows update, but if anybody out there is having issues with Apex Legends or any other PC game recently. So remember, I complained to you the other day about how Windows turned my microphone settings to shit. You know what Windows also did? Turned game mode back on.
Starting point is 02:52:47 You know what fucking game mode even is? When your game is running, Windows turns off all the processor power to every other function on your PC, including OBS. Wow. So I was streaming Apex Legends and every time anything happened, the stream would actually die and freeze. Okay. Until I turn that shit off.
Starting point is 02:53:08 Wow. Holy shit. So go into your search bar and go game mode and turn that fucking shit off. Um, that's nuts. I'm glad that, uh, when I brought it up last week, like many people had the same idea as me and they thought, let's return to Titanfall too. Yeah. I'm glad that many people shared the same thought and I hope that that number stays
Starting point is 02:53:29 up so that we can play some of those game modes. But, um, yep, the community match night will happen. Um, sure is soon, soon. Uh, I just need to make sure I pick one. Actually, um, I'm so glad that Apex is doing well because I like Respawn and I want that company to die. Yeah. And we all know that EA is very willing to just murder companies on a whim.
Starting point is 02:53:52 Their hands are red. So, but on the other hand, now it doesn't even matter if Anthem's a success. Right. By where's gone? And, and well, I mean, you know, why aren't you doing as good as Apex's? Your big brother got all the grades and he brought home the money and look at his hot girlfriend out in his Cadillac. I am.
Starting point is 02:54:14 He's the quarterback. Why aren't you the quarterback? I am not, this is a prediction that I have no, but it's like two years ago. He was a nerd. I have no ability to verify slammed into a locker. I have no ability to verify what I'm about to say at all. It is just a gut feeling, but I have a strong, strong feeling that Apex has already made more money today than Anthem will have made by the end of the month.
Starting point is 02:54:40 We'll find out. And that people will be drawn into meetings over that. We will find out. And that is fucking unfair. But what are you going to do? You can't fight free, man. Yeah. How do you fight free?
Starting point is 02:54:56 We have entered into the weird nightmare that is nothing can make as much money as something that's free. You know what the funniest, the funniest fucking part two is that, you know, that thing where we go, oh man, don't release in this hot zone. Are you crazy? This is a bad time to put your game out. If anyone knew what this was going to be in this time frame, they would have sprinted away from it.
Starting point is 02:55:21 Tons of people delayed their games to even this week or last week specifically because it was a drier quarter only, only to find, oh, wait, the biggest, newest, hottest shit came out with no, how could you, there are people that probably saw that game come out and go, yeah, like, like, I was like, I was like, like, Anthem would have fucking like pucks a ton. He fill the goddamn, the ground hog, go back in, just hit the, hit the fucking deck and you pop back out in the summer and you go, yeah, maybe now, you know, because February is gone.
Starting point is 02:55:53 That's not, she's not yours anymore. And March is gone. Fucking Sekiro and don't make cry five come out that month. They own that fucking month. Okay. But, but not really though. That's fucking for weebs. It's not.
Starting point is 02:56:05 They'll make cry four sold like five million. And remember, and that was a bad game by the end. Yeah, by the end, but it sold a couple million. Okay, but we're talking about fucking Fortnite dollars, man. Like it's a different world. It is a different world. I suppose you're right. Um, man.
Starting point is 02:56:24 Uh, fuck, I had one other thing I was going to say, but you know what, whatever. Oh, you know what, I have one last thing to say. There's this, you know, it feels stupid that I feel prideful over this because I didn't, you know, wait, I did invent Warframe. That's true. It is nice to see one of the controller presets in apex called Ninja. Yeah, it's called Ninja. And it has L one and R one as jump and crouch.
Starting point is 02:56:46 Yeah. And you're like, oh, good, good for you, Warframe. You made it to the point where you're being introduced as a control option in other shooters. Wait, does Ninja the blue haired, big mega streamer play with games like that? No, it was used as a keyboard. Oh, well, then I, I, it's a Warframe thing. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:57:03 I guess I thought, I guess I lost like Call of Duty had a goddamn control. I thought, I thought it was a reference to Ninja. No, Call of Duty had a control preset for a long time called green thumb, in which it was the Halo controls. Okay. They, they do that kind of thing. I know. You saw, you see a fucking style in metal MK 11 called Sonic Foxy.
Starting point is 02:57:22 And you start to, you start to assume things. Uh, but yes. So community night for Titanfall coming soon. In the meantime, standby for Titanfall. Yeah. Uh, and also, uh, before we get into the news, just to let anyone know, everyone know Jet Set Radio is now live on Wally versus if you want to check out me and Reggie, um, doing the info dumps and having a good time with, uh, the original
Starting point is 02:57:50 game that you can check out Wally versus Jet Set Radio. And for those going, why didn't you play future? It's because why would you begin a journey at the destination? You know? You need somewhere to go. Hey, Wolves, if we're going to come off our weeks, where can people find you? Uh, over on Wally versus on YouTube and on Twitch. And, uh, that is, uh, yeah.
Starting point is 02:58:16 So the re, and that's where you can find Wally versus Jet Set Radio happening right now, uh, this Tuesday, we're going to be playing some Tekken seven on PS4. So if you want to jump in and play some games online with us, uh, Tekken seven PS4 is where we're going to be at. And, uh, yeah, Titanfall two, RE two, big twos, lots of twos, big stuff. And if you want to see only the sickest, most pro apex legends gameplay, you can come down to slash angry's pet. I'm also, I dived in a darkest dungeon the other day.
Starting point is 02:58:49 That game's great. Yeah. And, uh, better than I expected. Nice. I only lost, I made about five trips in only lost one person. I saw someone made some radical art work. It's amazing. It's so cool.
Starting point is 02:59:01 I was insanely jealous. It was really, really cool. Yeah. Yeah. I was like, damn. Yeah. Uh, and, uh, probably gonna just, uh, don't tinker around with the fucking fallout and all sorts of shit.
Starting point is 02:59:13 Yeah. And then next week is the new res evil stuff. So, hey, great. Um, you know, I just mentioned, I'm going to, I'm going to assume this is on the docket, so I'm going to segue into it anyway. You know, I was just talking about how people got brought into a room and we're asked to explain why they didn't do as good as the other thing, but there are a lot of Blizzard people that got that meeting recently.
Starting point is 02:59:39 Uh, well, which meeting because there were two Blizzard meetings. Yeah. One meeting was about the troubles. Uh, and by the troubles, there were, of course, the hundreds of layoffs that we've heard hundreds of layers. Hundreds of layoffs about, uh, but at the other meeting, there was the 15 million dollar bonus for the CDO might have been 20. Give her 10s, 10s of millions.
Starting point is 03:00:06 Give or take five million dollars. They gave to some rich man. Well, you know, to be rich. We stand on the outside, probably not knowing all the factors of how, uh, the CEOs take their bonuses and why and how. And I'm sure there's a fantastic reason. So when pressed, I was actually prepared for this. Uh, there are numerous articles that are written in, particularly in business
Starting point is 03:00:31 circles about the nature of the CEO, executive, whatever, enlighten me quote unquote, sweetener, enlighten me. This is what it is referred to a sweetener. And this is, listen, I'm, I'm, I legit want a need to know. Listen, you got this position, chief financial, uh, whatever, everybody in the top, you know, 3% of the company, right? In terms of managing, you know, high up positions, right? There are these, these guys walking around, they're rich.
Starting point is 03:01:06 They're already wealthy, right? And they're all working for wealthy companies. So it becomes a kind of headhunting in which during these negotiations, well, the salary is not enough. I got a $20 million bonus at my last place. And then these other guys are offering me 15 missile. What are you guys going to do? And that's where that comes from, right?
Starting point is 03:01:33 And a lot of business folk would be like, that's just the nature of the business because you're trying to scout out the best talent for whatever. And you know what? I get that. You know what else I think would be important to add to this conversation? No one gives a fuck. No one in the earth thinks that it is reasonable for a fucking executive company to get a fucking 20 million fucking dollar.
Starting point is 03:02:00 There, there's a, there's a line in the wire in season five. The Gus asks his fucking, oh, the owners of the fucking paper. And he asked him, why are people being laid off when the company is still profitable? Period. Why are we talking about buyouts? Why are people getting cut when the company's still profitable? And the answer is, well, we got to have Jimmy, the CEO over there. He's worth 20.
Starting point is 03:02:27 If you think, if anyone thinks ever that the, any head of a company or chief financial officer or whatever is worth the cost of running an entire studio for years, you are crazy. You are insane. In addition, game biz is rife with layoffs and those people have to fucking move. They have to move from San Fran to Montreal to Texas to fucking Maryland, like everywhere, Calgary. It's ridiculous cross country.
Starting point is 03:03:06 You got to do the visa shit. You got to, you know, it's absurd. So this is how you create a proletariat games. This, yes, this, this is how you create like literally proletariat game studio. Uh, fucking, like, and we go to the classics as literally a bourgeoisie video game CEO board meeting occurs. Um, you can't, you cannot have these stories coming out side by side. It is beyond absurd, uh, to have whose tweet was it?
Starting point is 03:03:42 And I want to say it was moms. It was moms. Let me, let me pull it up. And mom even responded specifically to people going, ah, got you. Look, you have to pay these guys this money because a head, blah, blah, blah. And it's like, no, we under everyone understands that everyone understands that all the big boys play with the big money. We get it.
Starting point is 03:04:05 We just think it's disgusting. And that is a total moral failing of everyone involved. Yeah, that is not a gotcha. Yeah. Um, I'm scrolling to just find it. So I'm a little bit burnt, but the, the, that's the thing is like, like, there's the part of the story where you go, oh, damn, some bum layoffs are happening. And we've gotten so used to that.
Starting point is 03:04:27 I mean, frankly, I've, I've survived so many of them myself that, uh, yeah. There's, you almost like you stop batting an eyelid almost, you know, because you're just like, oh yeah, circumstances have changed and this quarter didn't do as well as we thought and, and so on. And usually they'll break it down. Um, damn, I cannot find it for the life of me. Yeah. Well, it's, it's out there.
Starting point is 03:04:51 You can find it, but it's the combination of this with the CEO fucking bonuses where everyone loses their minds. And this is where security has to step in and escort you with the box because motherfuckers might start swinging. And you know what? I'm sure part of this story is like, listen, guys, like as a defensive it, that deal with the guy's bonus was made like four years ago, they just happened to coincide and it's like, it, it's not like the timing makes it look
Starting point is 03:05:25 extra bad, but that doesn't make that idea any less disgusting, right? Like you might think it does, but it doesn't. The person managing the books cannot possibly be worth more than the people making every single part of the thing that make the money. That's ridiculous. And for an industry that is so terrified of unionization, boy, they're really pushing it, aren't they? They're really pushing the line of what people in that business are probably
Starting point is 03:06:03 willing to take. There's only so many people that can be laid off so many times for bullshit and then move to another company before a union happens owned by another larger company right before the same thing occurs once again. Yes. So Activision gives $15 million 15 million sweetener to new CFO Dennis Durkin. How many days apart? We're looking at January 4th.
Starting point is 03:06:28 Yeah. And then February 8th, mass mass layoffs. So 35 days apart. Yeah. Of course, the sweetener comes first. Well, yeah. So the sweet so the sweetener, like here, let's let's play armchair CEO ironically and it's been a minute sweetener comes in.
Starting point is 03:06:45 Yep. Okay, that's $15 million out of gross profit, obviously, out of net, really. Everyone in January must have been like, boy, we're doing great. Well, we told the shareholders that they were going to get X amount of dividends. We gave the guy 15 million. That's gone now, right? Well, we can't give them anything less than a hundred billion dollar whatever. Got to lay these got to lay these people off and also.
Starting point is 03:07:14 Let you know what, let's take a different look at this. Let's completely ignore the moral or outrageous component. Let's ignore the human component. Let's just look at this for profit. This is really short-sighted. This is really short-sighted. Has any company ever in the history of Game Biz had like half its staff laid off and gone on to make more money?
Starting point is 03:07:39 After years, but not. But it takes time, right? So and often particularly with active edition and EA, they turn into shells of their former selves no longer retain their original value when the company was purchased or merged and then they get killed. And then they find a new company to eat. So the details are that after Destiny 2 Forsaken underperformed. Why did underperform?
Starting point is 03:08:03 Is it because of publisher involvement to try and juice the numbers? Yes. I'm hearing that Apex had a little bit of that and that they fought it off or something like that. There was someone. There was an article somewhere or someone talking about it. From the interviews that I've read with Vince Sampella, it appears to be the kind of place that if EA tried to do too much, like half the company would just walk.
Starting point is 03:08:31 In particular, there's an old interview that I went and tracked down. I mean, these are all people that have been through the shit already. Yeah, there's an old interview that I went and tracked down that Skill-Up was talking about. He's a great Austrian. He's a great Australian YouTuber. You should check him out. He's fantastic.
Starting point is 03:08:50 In which there's an interview after Titanfall 2 came out and bombed, right? And somebody asked Vince, who's the head of Respawn and one of the creators of Modern Warfare. Hey, what does this mean for the future of Titanfall, right? And he said, essentially, well, I'm not really sure we'll have to see. Now, there was an EA PR person in the room who was assigned to Vince to talk over him and said, what we at EA are saying is that we're very committed to the Titanfall franchise. And then the next words that come out of Vince's mouth is, yeah, whatever the fuck that means.
Starting point is 03:09:41 So that's the kind of people running Respawn. So I feel like that's the kind of place that there's actually only so much involvement that can happen before Vince just lets it rip and leaves. He walked on Activision before he'll do it again. So that's what's going on with Activ Blizzard. I'm just thinking like, OK, Vince, talk some shit. You put the PR man in the room with him. Oh, no, that was actually a massive mistake.
Starting point is 03:10:13 And the other thing, too, was, yeah, there was two other stories that I remember floating around. They were floating on the docket. We didn't actually get to them. There's the bungee taking over publishing duties of themselves happened. And then there was the fact that the Cyberpunk 2077's creative director left CD Projekt for Blizzard right like last week or the week before this around that time frame. So I remember this popping up. But yeah, that sucks, man.
Starting point is 03:10:49 That sucks. Massive layoffs like that is fucking just the most depressing thing. I don't know if you saw the tweet Wolves that I made a few days ago, but I was just sitting around reminiscing. And I was like, one of the first emails we ever got on this podcast, that episode four or five in the old version of the podcast, was somebody who wanted to know about companies that we always stood by because they were always sure to deliver quality.
Starting point is 03:11:14 The BBB, the 3Bs, Bioware, Bethesda and Blizzard. And we all howled and laughed her then. And that was in 2013. That was six years ago. And that has only gotten that got funnier and funnier and funnier. And now it is no longer funny. Now it is fucking sad, especially right now. In February of 2019, that idea has never been more depressing.
Starting point is 03:11:47 All three of those companies are now trash, but not yet dead. Not technically dead yet. Half of Blizzard's dead now. No doctor has put the cloth over it and called it yet. So yes, of course. Apparently that was podcast episode 33. So that would have been early 2014, I assume. So fucking wow.
Starting point is 03:12:15 I'm not sure why this one happened to hit people during the middle of the podcast because the chat was blown up with it. But I had this. It's old. It's the vault thing, right? This was in here from fucking last week. Yeah, it's old. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:12:30 So the whole thing were reset the clock. A player unintentionally teleported into the restricted vault. That happened days ago, guys. Yeah, that was quite a while ago. And then terrified at the fact that Bethesda bans people who goes into restricted areas, going, no, no, no, don't ban me. This is a legitimate accident. Help.
Starting point is 03:12:48 Help me get out. And it turns out that the event that they had has everyone temporarily spawn into the vault and then to the location where the whatever, like rat infestation or something. So it doesn't. I don't know if the player that got stuck in the vault went and then took a bunch of shit. But I don't think there's anything to take. Isn't it? Isn't it the fact that it's no when he got there, I don't think there was anything to take.
Starting point is 03:13:11 Okay. Okay. I think he actually just fucking straight up walked through a goddamn wall. And so ended up there. The games. So the fact that the. Yeah. Prior is again on the map.
Starting point is 03:13:23 It's a locked vault. You need a key card to get in. And by the way, the game has no key cards of that kind. All the vaults in the game up until now have been inaccessible, which is outrageous for a fall. Okay. And yeah, it's a little literal bug work. I got in there.
Starting point is 03:13:40 I don't know if he does anything else besides that on the story right now, but there's also a Germany given another middle finger to fall at 76. Apparently it's being bundled with hard drives. Yeah. Okay. Great. Like get it out of here. But like no word on this player actually getting banned or anything, right?
Starting point is 03:13:57 So this is a minor clock reset. We reset it a couple of minutes. This is not a full reset, but we did mention it. So we'll wait until next week. Maybe there'll be a big reset. We can if we can sort of back over to our to our boys at Activision. Oh, there's because a lot of shitty news this week. Actually, now that I think of it, well, the more you have the, how many times are you
Starting point is 03:14:24 going to be naming a triple A publisher? Because chances are, if you're talking about a triple A publisher, it's probably gonna, you know what I mean? Like we talk about dev studios in a positive light and we talk about publishers in a negative light with the vast majority of the time. Huge bias. Yeah. Huge.
Starting point is 03:14:43 There's a couple of really good publishers out there. Devolver. Devolver. Sony. Occasionally. Not. They're not great, but they've done. They treat their first party studios pretty well.
Starting point is 03:14:55 Nintendo. Nintendo. They're good publishers. They publish games. Capcom's a publisher that we like. They will publish one someday. Yeah. They make mistakes.
Starting point is 03:15:09 No. No. Not Square Enix. Hold on. Let's count that. Devolver. Sony. Capcom.
Starting point is 03:15:17 Sometimes. That's before. Right. Bandai 9 Code does some cool stuff. They're weird. They do some cool stuff sometimes. Of course it looks fucking so bad. Their fighting games are great.
Starting point is 03:15:29 Yeah. They publish some great fighting games. Uh-huh. Atlas. No. Sega. Sega. Sega's good.
Starting point is 03:15:38 Now. They're good. I can tell you. Sega is the publisher. Yeah. Yeah. That's six. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:15:46 Yeah. Pretty much everybody else is Liquid Evil. Liquid because it shifts in states. Yeah. Also Liquid Evil's worse than Solid Evil in my mind. It's grosser. Well. All right.
Starting point is 03:16:05 How about that? So what's Activision doing? Activision is shutting down Guitar Hero TV. Yeah. Guitar Hero Live? Oh my God. Did you hear? No.
Starting point is 03:16:22 No. No. No. On the way here, I saw fucking Guitar Hero Live boxes in the trash waiting to be picked up. Wow. And I remember looking at it and going, what's Guitar Hero Live? So people must have tossed them with this news.
Starting point is 03:16:46 Yeah. Well, I mean, I don't know if it's so what you saw them literally. I saw literally got out of my house, walked while I went and got lunch and then walking towards the Metro. I looked down and in a trash pile, there was an empty Guitar Hero Live box on top of the trash. Well, and I looked down and go, I don't know what that is. I've never heard of Guitar Hero Live.
Starting point is 03:17:12 It's the reboot of Guitar Hero as far as I know. And it's the basically like the thing that was, let's go back to Guitar Hero a couple of years ago. Well, sure. Do you remember? No. Okay. Well, it had Guitar Hero TV as a feature on it.
Starting point is 03:17:31 And the whole point was whatever they, it was basically Activision revisiting Guitar Hero going, people are ready for, people were ready for plastic instruments again. And you know what? I remember saying that. I'm like, yeah, I can go for another round of that. I missed that a little bit. I'm a little nostalgic for it at this point. 2015.
Starting point is 03:17:49 So they had a bunch, they had a bunch of songs obviously up on a shop for sale. Yeah. And everyone bought their library of songs again. Yeah. And so they've been, and so basically they, they, with the shutting down of the game, even though it was live and things, things were being updated up to a couple years ago. And basically they're like with the shutting down of the program and people still having their song libraries and their purchases, they have to offer money back to people who purchased
Starting point is 03:18:26 the game between 2017 and January 1st, 2019. All right. For anyone who bought songs in the library up to that point in time. So basically it's one of those things where if you, you got, if you bought these songs and then two or three years later, the thing shuts down and then you're not allowed to use the things you purchased anymore, that sucks. I imagine the process for actually getting these refunds is labyrinthine. And so a lawsuit was involved, of course.
Starting point is 03:19:04 Oh, of course. So right now the refunds are only available to people in the States who can prove they bought it between 2017 and 2019. But ultimately is basically games as a service coming back to bite you in the ass because you shut down before an acceptable period of time for people that made a purchase. Well, also games as a service with licensed music also seems like double disastrous. Definitely awful, right? And the idea, of course, that I mean, look, I know that for a while they had these things
Starting point is 03:19:36 in place where it's like, if you bought these other songs way back on the old versions, you can go through some insane process. Yeah, it was quite, I don't know how to license them again on your new things to redownload them. It sounded like absolute chaos. But yes, what you're looking at here is another version of like you paid for a time frame with this content and a bunch of people decided that's horseshit because it is and now they're forcing people and now they're forcing these refunds.
Starting point is 03:20:10 So gas with gas wins again. Fantastic. Anyway, that's, you know, that's what it be. That's fun. It's nice to know at the very least that like it seems like legally judges are willing to look at that situation. That's stupid. That's fucking horseshit.
Starting point is 03:20:34 Don't do that. Give back the money. And that won't stop them from doing the exact same thing again because the amount of people that would follow this lawsuit and then actually file the refund is minuscule compared to the amount of money they made. But hey, it's something. Speaking of the digital era, digital foundry has heavy, heavy, heavy rumor confirmation words, big talk weighted big talk saying that the PS five will absolutely have backwards
Starting point is 03:21:12 compatibility. Oh, are you serious? This story is coming from a weird website that refuses to load for some reason. Because I want that Let's PlayStation. Yeah. Let me give this thing another crack because it literally just worked a second ago and then it stopped. But basically the digital foundry guy was like on Twitter.
Starting point is 03:21:41 There we go. On Twitter, someone said, who here thinks that the PS five will be backwards compatible for PS four games? And John Lineman, who runs digital foundry, I believe was said it upset it absolutely has this zero question. And then someone else followed up and said, is it possible that they will cancel it later in the generation? Kind of like they did before.
Starting point is 03:22:13 He said, why do you think they went with x 86 to avoid having two sets of chips as they did on the PS three? So we don't know where or what this confirmation is based on. But it sounds like dev kits are out there in the wild. And there's pretty much no reason to doubt that this is going to be a thing. Backwards compatibility is really cool and is a feature that I appreciate more and more as I get older. I really hope this doesn't mean like that the digital library will be not available.
Starting point is 03:22:48 And it'll have to be based on physicals while they slowly roll those out. Oh, no, the PS four at the very least, like that digital library is exhaustive and it's every single fucking game that has ever come out for the system. Yeah, there's absolutely no reason to think anything, but that that was a forward thinking move for in the future. If we decide to do backwards compatibility, your account will just have all of the shit. Yeah, every generation, whatever console ends up collecting all of the games for each of us ends up being like, OK, well, don't fucking make me lose everything that I bought here.
Starting point is 03:23:24 But then there's just the job purposes of like, can you please allow me to continue having less wires in my living room? I appreciate it if I could play PS two games via HDMI enabled device, especially because it wouldn't be that hard, especially since the PS four can do it right now. Let's choose not to. Um, we've got that PS two emulator that is sitting in the PS the PSP and PS two emulators that sit in the PS four right now are both apparently excellent. And seldom used, never used other than those those game like, but like they are open emulators
Starting point is 03:24:07 that you just plug a fucking ISO into. But I mean, they're used on a game by game basis. So like with Star Wars bounty hunter. Yep, or whatever. Uh, we've got a weird one that happened pretty much right after last week's podcast. Uh, the story that had a couple of twists and turns that I'm not 100% on, quite frankly, but Grand Blue Fantasy Relink. Oh, this is so weird.
Starting point is 03:24:35 Moved to PSY games entirely. Platinum no longer involved. What the F? Why? So this story came out and basically went platinum and silent cyber. Do you mind if I get some water, Wolves? Sure thing. Platinum and PSY games. I'm going to need some too personally.
Starting point is 03:24:50 Whatever. Yeah, don't worry. I'll get something else. It's okay. Um, they are on the right. Uh, you passed it. Keep turning. Keep turning that one.
Starting point is 03:25:03 Yeah, there's cups in there. Um, PSY games, uh, split ways with platinum on the development of Grand Blue Fantasy Relink, which is the action RPG that they are working on the one that looks like it's going to be a platinum game and that footage made me excited because it was very pretty and we saw the party running through the dungeon and then combat was a bunch of platinum things happening. And, uh, so this came out and then it was like, oh, okay, I wonder what happened, right? And then, um, yeah, I know I'm getting to the point chat. Relax.
Starting point is 03:25:40 And so this initially came out as, oh no, something might have went wrong, right? And then it turns out that, uh, upon update, the details changed so that, uh, it was just that platinum's job was finished and they were like, oh, we don't have anything more to do here. So we were guns for hire and we're simply leaving and doing our own thing and everything is fine. So that detail wasn't there initially, right? It was just that they parted ways and now PSY games is taking over.
Starting point is 03:26:12 Um, yes. That part of the story came out later and it's a positive spin so that it's like, uh-oh, it's not like something went wrong. They were simply hired for this job for these purposes in the same way that they were hired for Star Fox. They did it, right? The weird part, however, that no one has brought up is that their logo was on the website and then it was removed.
Starting point is 03:26:38 That's weird. So I get that there's the update that makes the twist that makes it happy. So yay, they finished their job. It's not actually a problem. And then there's a twist that makes it mysterious again. But can anyone explain why we had a platinum logo on the game's website that then gets pulled off? Are you trying to-
Starting point is 03:26:56 Mid-development. Try to imply that this game will lose its luster. So chat, before you jump the fucking gun, how about you chill and explain that one to me because I have no idea why you would do that, right? That's a weird one. It's probably, we know more than anyone what it's like to sit and be like, people to have theories and craft and you're just like, are you out of your mind? It's what I said what it was.
Starting point is 03:27:24 And people are like, but what about what you didn't say? And it's like, no, no, it's just that simple. Occam's razor. So I'm not going to be that type of person, but I don't get why you'd pull a studio's name off of the thing. Because they still worked on it. Are they not going to be the credit? Are they not going to get credited for the work?
Starting point is 03:27:43 Because that's really suspicious. Because platinum still gets credited for the small jobs they do, you know? So yeah, that's the part of the story that I don't have an answer for that I find very weird. And if anyone does know, then let me know, but don't take guesses, confirm it. Otherwise, platinum probably left it in a quality state because that's what they do. It is what they do. And the last footage we looked at of the game looked fucking...
Starting point is 03:28:15 Looked platinum-y. Great. Alongside that bullshit is the announcement of a no-duh Nino-kuni anime is actually happening, a film, they're making a Nino-kuni film. Okay. And it's weird because it's like, we're doing a Street Fighter the movie, the game, real battle on film. Hopefully it has better pacing than the game.
Starting point is 03:28:41 I mean, the best part of the game is that it looks like a Ghibli. That is correct. So now we get a movie that should have that style. What if it doesn't look like a Ghibli? It might not because it's not being made by Ghibli. Well, this is pointless. This is the most pointless thing ever. Like, wow.
Starting point is 03:29:00 The Nino-kuni anime film is being made by OLM Inc., the staff that... Not the staff, but the people that make Yo-Kai Watch and Pokemon. And they made Old Berserk. And it's weird that the Ghibli thing is not being taken on by them. And I guess they were like, we don't want to do this. We already did it once for the game. That's weird. Why would we do it again?
Starting point is 03:29:27 That's weird. It's not for the adaptation. You figure the shit out. Yeah. Yeah, it is very weird. But it's happening. They do it. But you're watching another studio probably emulate Ghibli's style as opposed to...
Starting point is 03:29:43 Oh, fun. Actually doing it. So we'll see where that one goes. That feels like an insult to life itself. Boy, that's a hard-ass insult, man. And then we got a little bit of fighting game news. There was the continued... We don't give a fuck attitude that MK11 has towards its character releases where they announced Kabal,
Starting point is 03:30:11 which they pretty much teased at the event. So we saw the trailer for Kabal earlier this week confirming him, even though they more or less confirmed him on the reveal. But alongside that, they just fucking casually showed some footage of Devora as well in another video from the event that... I was looking to see if I was in the background of the event and I wasn't, unfortunately. But yeah. So besides some Kabal stuff, Devora is back.
Starting point is 03:30:41 Good. She's awesome. Yeah. She's one of the fucking rad new characters. So Ed Boon's talking for a while, and then it just kind of shows you, like, yo, she's in it. And it's kind of similar to, like, there's another behind-the-scenes video where they just show you Cassie Cage.
Starting point is 03:31:00 She's there. She's just talking. So, like, they're basically doing these soft confirms where they're like, yeah, we're not showing you the big gameplay trailer yet, but there they are. It's just right there. You know it. You know.
Starting point is 03:31:12 And Bug Lady is still Bug Lady. So, yeah. That's a little double confirmation right there. Most, to be honest, with all the implied leaks from these behind-the-scenes trailers and other sources and stuff, like, there is a near-complete list that is shaping up that you can go out there and find of, like, what the cast of this game is probably going to be at this point. So, there's that.
Starting point is 03:31:45 And then, on, you know, in terms of fighting game websites, Eventhubs ran this fun little story about this fun little, this little show called Fighterpedia Remastered. And it was like, oh, what's going on over here? It's that show that where Zubas came from. And then they asked, like, oh, are you, is there going to be more of this show? And then there's a quote in there that's like, oh, maybe. I don't know.
Starting point is 03:32:12 We'll see. So shoutouts to Eventhubs for running that story. That was fun. Hey, let's take some mail. Hey, before you do that, I just sent you a news story in your Twitter inbox. And I want to get your live reaction to the headline. Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 03:32:38 Really? Yep. How did it happen? What happened? CD Projekt agreed to pay the Witcher additional royalties to the author. Yes. Andrew Sarpowski. Back in October, Andrew Sarpowski demanded $60 million, $16 million,
Starting point is 03:33:07 or $60 million lottees. $16 million USD, $60 million Polish dollars. In additional royalties from CD Projekt Red and while the studio initially declined, it has now agreed to hand over extra compensation. As reported by this website, the Polish developer will offer the author further compensation in a bid to preserve an amicable working relationship, although the figure apparently won't be anywhere near the $16 million he initially requested. He originally agreed to sell the rights to the book series to CD Projekt back in 97,
Starting point is 03:33:38 turning down a profit sharing deal in favor of cash, largely because he didn't think the studio would find success in the world of video games. It's a decision he's come to regret and he's explained in a rather frank Eurogamer interview posted back in 2017. They offered me a percentage of the profits. I said, no, there will be no profit at all. Give me all my money right now, the whole amount. All right, I remember why I called him a fool now.
Starting point is 03:34:00 Yeah, because he took, you know what the check was for? It was for like $9,300. Yeah, yeah. But it was the frankness of the fucking... This will never make any profit. Fuck you. Give me my money now. Give me $10,000.
Starting point is 03:34:12 Like, ugh, then eat it. Yeah. Um, commented Siposki. It was stupid. I was stupid enough to leave everything in their hands because I didn't believe in their success. But who could foresee the success? I couldn't. You should have.
Starting point is 03:34:26 It's your series. It's so blatant. It's so raw. But the part that doesn't make sense is when you say that quote and then you go, no, but now the... So, let me explain something to you because I looked this up the last time it came up. That's fucking nice of them. Here's what makes sense.
Starting point is 03:34:44 It's not nice of them. Here's how it makes sense. Polish IP law doesn't give a shit that he turned it down. Polish IP law says that regardless of any circumstance, a creator is entitled to the profits of the derivative works to a degree. Okay. Okay. Is CDPriac acquiescing so they don't, on some mirror, like miraculous chance of losing
Starting point is 03:35:11 literally everything, including the license. Litigation completely. Right? Okay. This is, this lawsuit could actually go either way if it became a lawsuit. So, shut the fuck up and take a million euros or whatever the fuck it is. This is a plea bargain. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:35:29 Yeah, okay. We're signing it. Now, do I think that's fair? No, because he's, because he's a explicit asshole to the point where the Metro 2033 author came out and went, what a stupid old fool, right? But the idea of the Polish IP law thing is specifically to protect dumb or inexperienced authors or content people from getting their shit fleeced on them. The fact that this situation is the actual opposite of that scenario sucks.
Starting point is 03:36:07 Historically, I am always and always have been on the opposite end of this, having become familiar with how comic book artists got ripped off. Fuck. What happened to Jack Kirby? Everyone back in the day that was told, we'll take care of you, don't worry. Didn't get taken care of. Because it was just a dismissive thing of thanks for creating it. It's ours now.
Starting point is 03:36:29 You made this, I made this, right? Right. So it's nuts to always, it's nuts to never to not be on the side of the creator ever in that type of circumstance. This one time though, it's so fucking weird where the author goes, fuck you, you suck to the people that went, do you want? We're, we'll gladly offer profit share to you. So it changes the entire perspective because now this is, hey Jack, do you want a cut of
Starting point is 03:37:01 everything that we use that comes from your creation here? And you went, nah, just give me it all now. You're not going to succeed. And let's put it in the perspective. The guy didn't think he'd get 10 grand out of the profit share ever. And I get it. You're old. You don't know video games, so whatever.
Starting point is 03:37:20 You didn't check. It's not that he doesn't know, but he actively has explicit distaste for video games. But agreed to the pay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:37:33 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:37:41 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:37:49 Yeah. Yeah. In a regular scenario, it would be a test case for the limit of that law. Edge case. And nobody wants to do that. Yeah. Right. Yep.
Starting point is 03:38:00 Especially since, let's say the 1 in 100 chance they lose it, that's the license, too. Yep. Oops. Yeah. Right. You know, like, in conclusion, fuck that guy. Fuck that guy. Good move.
Starting point is 03:38:13 Yep. Well played eventually, I suppose. Yeah. Yeah, I'd say so. Polish IP laws fucking wild, dude. You know how CD Projekt got their fucking start? Hmm. They're blasting out fucking, what was it?
Starting point is 03:38:27 Turbo graphics games over the radio. Because you could tape it. Oh, I've been playing it on the fucking cassette. Yeah, it was a turbo. It might have been something else. That's how those guys got their start. Yeah. The Turbo graphics, I don't think had a tape deck in it, but I know the MSX had one.
Starting point is 03:38:47 Something where they were a fucking, a Polish language fucking pirate group. That's incredible. That would blast out pirate games over the radio. That's incredible. That's where that company got their start. Yeah, I know the MSX had one. I don't know what else had one, but that's fucking. ZX Spectrum Commodore 64, people are saying it was one of those.
Starting point is 03:39:09 God, that is pirate as fuck. It's as pirate as it gets, but you know why they did that? Mm-hmm. No Polish language games, versions of those games would ever come out. Right, right, right, right. And that eventually becomes the mentality of a very strongly worded good old games. I'm like, no fuck DRM, fuck you. Did they translate them?
Starting point is 03:39:29 Yes. Okay, okay. CD Projekt Red is one of those companies that Gabe Newell, back when he would speak to humans, would talk about saying that piracy is an improved service in many regions of the world, particularly Russia and areas of the former Soviet bloc, where games don't get localized there, but pirate groups will localize them. Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. Also, games in China are fucked.
Starting point is 03:39:54 Yeah. So there's a lot of places where it's like, yeah, it's like that for a reason, and you're fighting against years of it. Or video games never were not this, you know, in some cases. Let's take some mail. Hey, if you want to send a e- Oh, why am I doing this voice? Hey, if you want to send an e-mail, send it to CastleSuperBeastMail at
Starting point is 03:40:21 That's CastleSuperBeastMail at And? Oh, you can send something like this. I use the stalled time to get it all together, you know. Well, give me a second. There you go. All right. Hey, William Pat, hope you're doing well.
Starting point is 03:40:45 First time writing into the podcast, wanted to ask you guys, what's your favorite fake language in media? And if you prefer, and do you prefer when they have a translation or no? Also, for the person that asked about not playing Fortnite with friends, this happened to me with League and Fortnite. And what I do is play so badly that they didn't want me to play with them anymore, and it worked. Nice.
Starting point is 03:41:08 There you go. Then this comes from Gonzalo. Perfect. Yes, I do. I have my favorite fake language is that bullshit that Yoko Kano uses in Green Bird and into Intagaya from the Escafloné soundtrack and in Cowboy Bebop. It is some crazy ass, elvish thing, and it's beautiful, and it is simply used because the syllables are nice to hear, and that's the only rule.
Starting point is 03:41:41 And I don't believe there's any translations of them. Man, you fucking took the exact, not type, but you took the exact mental path. There's a second one, yeah. But it's the fucking whatever fake ass language that was named, Scott Dolph invented for one song in Beyond the Bounce. Beyond the Bounce. That's the other one. And the language of the ancients.
Starting point is 03:42:10 Yeah. In here. Yeah, the language of the ancients is incredible. And if I had remembered, I would have also said the Yoko Kano one. And if you could tell, it's, shut up, it sounds good for the song. Yeah. Is our mental process on this. I mean, I assumed you were going to say Beyond the Bounce, so I went this way with it,
Starting point is 03:42:30 but it's the same thing. It's just, that's what it is. Those are the answers. Scott Dolph, what's this language mean? I don't know. Sounds good. Near Zoe Bebop and Escafloné. Hell yeah.
Starting point is 03:42:42 By the way, gang, if anybody doesn't know, Scott Dolph, the guy who wrote Beyond the Bounce, was a localization man who also plays the Marine Commander in Metal Gear Solid 2. That's true. He's a black guy. He's a black colonel who's a fortune's dad. It says Scott Dolph under. Yeah. Who fucks vamp?
Starting point is 03:43:03 That's true. Loves to fuck vamp. Loves it. Well, he's got luck in his balls. Yeah. Nope. It was Nano Machines. No, it was luck.
Starting point is 03:43:16 But it was Nano Machines though. God, I just had another one. Fuck. I lost it. Yeah. It's Exaltaeus is another Yoko Kano. It's the song that I used in the start of my streams before it cuts to the trash pile. Yeah, it's that gibberish, that beautiful gibberish.
Starting point is 03:43:39 Thanks Gonzalo. Here's one coming in from Cole from Texas. Hey Cole. There's cool stylish bros. I got a hypothetical. You're familiar with Lieutenant Barkley from Star Trek Next Gen. I extraordinarily so. How about you, Wolves?
Starting point is 03:43:53 No. Okay. Shrubby loser who's always fucking up at work and abuses the holodeck for personal power fantasies. He really abuses the shit out of it. Would you, if given a holodeck, act out your own personal fantasies in the same way? Pat, would you recreate from your grocery store days and beat people up and make them have to constantly cover your shifts for or whatever?
Starting point is 03:44:13 Hey, would you recreate old days with all your siblings and cousins but programs so that they always lose to you at fighting games so that you get really salty about it? Love the new podcast. Keep it at work. Thanks. Sincerely Cole from Texas. So actually when me, Plague and Paige have watched TNG and he puts it up on Piccardo and we'll watch it on stream.
Starting point is 03:44:33 The holodeck we have all discussed is like fiction annihilating in Star Trek. The existence of a holodeck would be annihilatory to society because of this question. How could any society continue to exist when a fantasy machine exists that you can spend your entire life in? The answer is of course I would abuse it for maximum enjoyment. However, recreating old memories just to play them out with more satisfactory endings does nothing for me because I know they're not real, I would get zero satisfaction out of that.
Starting point is 03:45:15 I would just use it to look at butts. I'd just look at butts the whole time. Can you do that? Can the holodeck? Yeah. I can do that. I'm in there. That's it.
Starting point is 03:45:26 24-7. That's it. Holodeck is a problem. I can see it. In fact, that's actually usually what it's mostly used for. Oh yeah? Okay. Was that an episode?
Starting point is 03:45:38 That's what Barclay's doing. Was that a butt? Okay. I'm going to... If he's like that guy, he's all right. Here's the Barclay episode with the holodeck because the episode he's introduced in, he has horrible anxiety. Okay.
Starting point is 03:45:50 He goes and hangs out on the holodeck. On the holodeck, it's like a three musketeers type of fucking setting. But he has scanned in every major character from the show to be in this thing, so Riker's really short in this version. And he'll beat them up and he'll talk shit to Picard and all that shit. And here's where it gets nefarious, is that he has multiple love interests and they are his bosses and he has scanned them in. He's scanned Troy in.
Starting point is 03:46:24 He's scanned Beverly in. And they find out and they are fucking creeped out, man. It is the Star Trek Future equivalent of discovering your fucking roommate's wank pile has like your face like bolted on to some MS Paint images and porn, right? It's creepy. It's super... And they find it creepy. Shout out to that one episode of Black Mirror where they basically explored the...
Starting point is 03:46:58 What if the camera was in the opposite place? And what if the holodeck and its people that got scanned in are digital copies of people's complete minds so their full personalities are there? That sounds like that SCP article about the basketball game. If you're familiar with that, anybody at home who knows what I'm talking about will kind of connect the dots on that. I'm not. But yeah, yeah, that's fucked.
Starting point is 03:47:32 That's fucked. No, that's some petty shit, man. You know what's not petty? Butts. Well, it depends. No, it really doesn't. Some petty butts out there. No, I've never seen a petty butt.
Starting point is 03:47:46 No, not even once. Ruby says there will skate in Pat Kiasu. Ruby here. I'll live with that. Not to shill. To who? Contrary to popular belief. Just wanted to let you guys know that the JoJo fan game currently being LP'd, the seven
Starting point is 03:48:04 stand user, is actually updated several times in the past few years but nobody has stepped into translating all the new content. That's a bummer. The new Chaos mode has a lot of funky scenarios that deviate from the original storyline hard so it'd be a shame for it to go untranslated. Just wanted to ask if you guys could maybe get the word out there on the podcast in the hopes that someone might be willing to jump on it. I'll consider that done.
Starting point is 03:48:28 There you go, Ruby. Did you say to who? To who. Like, is that Toho? Yeah, but people write to and then H.U. Oh, I see. Dear Supercastles, Tommy wants to know, did you ever have any teachers or professors who were open fans of video games?
Starting point is 03:48:45 I remember once in high school, my world history teacher had an extra credit question on the test about an India about India asking what figure is notable for his stretchy arms. That's pretty good. The only teacher I could ever remember even mentioning video games ever was a history teacher that liked Civ. And that's like the most, yeah, of course he does. So we have, of course, he likes Civ. No, we had a history teacher, shoutouts to Jersey Joe.
Starting point is 03:49:12 He's awesome. We had our history teacher, Jersey Joe, that ran D&D campaigns at lunch and that classroom was where we would go to play D&D, we'd go to play our Game Boys, we'd play Pokemon, we'd do all of it. It was the hangout for gaming and it was basically because this was the one teacher on the staff, pretty old guy too, but he was the one teacher on the staff that was like, yeah, games are awesome. And then like all the younger guys were like two, they were just outside of that age where
Starting point is 03:49:43 they'd get it. So this, so yeah, this history teacher, so Joe would fucking, he'd DM and he would old school DM with the boards up and right and do the full on story tell and it was, it was great. So in fact, I believe he's currently DMing with friends of ours that do their own campaign. We had one teacher that used to DM some D&D games, he was a physics teacher, he was a big nerd. And then I remember a bunch of friends of mine used to go to those and they stopped
Starting point is 03:50:17 because the tone of them would get like skisier and skisier. And it was like, no, we're not going to go anymore. Don't do that, yeah. Brad says, what's the greatest length you've ever gone to to be rude at someone in an online game? I play Starcraft 2, which doesn't have a chat macro function, but one not to despair. I simply created Excel files full of stupid copy pastas like the Scott Steiner speech or Yoshikage's monologue.
Starting point is 03:50:47 And after determining the character limit in the in-game chat, it turns out it's 255, I copy pasted bullshit in the game chat constantly outtabbing during the game proper. People I play hate it and get very angry and mad at me and tell me to get cancer. Alternatively, what's your personal favorite example of online trolling? Much love from Brad. I got one. So do you got anything, Wolves? That's the one that is not the answer to the question at all, in which the only time I've
Starting point is 03:51:16 ever replied or like I've never sent any bullshit troll, I've never trolled like that. The only thing I've ever interacted with is when I'd get hate from people in fighting games and like early Dragon Ball was a bunch of that. And I remember deciding to experiment with replying to hate mail on PSN or whatever with tips. Oh, yeah, that's good. So whatever the person was mad about, I would just tell them I'd recommend legitimate advice version.
Starting point is 03:51:45 The watch would be like, OK, so here's what you were losing to, and here's how you beat it. That's really infuriating. And I wanted to see if anyone would reply. I didn't get a single reply. Of course not. I figured that would either be it could go one of two ways. Either someone would be like, oh, oh, cool.
Starting point is 03:52:03 OK, sorry. Or they'll double down in rage, depending on your personality type. But I either is acceptable. I'm fine with both. So I went for that route on it. So back in my youth, I used to be back back in the wild, wild world of the Xbox Live start at the voice chat experiment. I would occasionally troll people by being the younger, less responsible, definitely
Starting point is 03:52:38 not a public figure on the internet version of myself. But the last real batch of shit trolling that I can remember is that in Final Fantasy 14, there's a lot of group content in particular, you do 24 man alliance raids quite often. So a lot of people, what they'll do is they'll set up a text macro and the text macro will often be accompanied with sound effect eight, which is called danger bongos and a little bongo noise will play and I'll be like, hey, guys, the meteor is coming out. Get behind the thing or whatever as a warning to other players. However, what you can do as well is that there are some people versed in the wonderful world
Starting point is 03:53:34 of ASCII art to this day, and they will post these funny little moogles or cactar or what have you with some fucking shit posts in there, such as a moogle with a farmer hat on that says I thought this was a farm party and all sorts of stupid fucking shit, stupid troll ass garbage that's not toxic. No, no, no, just just on the real bitchy side of passive aggressive. Here's the thing though, how could a chat log possibly be big enough on the screen to show a full piece of ASCII art because you're playing an MMO and an MMO has a big ass chat log most of the time or people will see a giant parsa ASCII garbage and go look at the log
Starting point is 03:54:29 then you hit you hit select triangle to bring it up and then this is fucking to see the full screen. Yeah, OK, I got it. And then you'll see a fucking moogle with fire coming out of its ass going great googly moogly. It's all gone to shit as soon as someone dies, for example, right? OK, OK, text emotes, basically that being said. I will say these players are reviled, but I have to give them credit.
Starting point is 03:54:57 Part of the macro system in 14 is that when you macro those text macros, you can macro that text to an ability, right? So you get people that are the scum of the goddamn earth, but I have to respect them that every single ability that they use will be accompanied by a long ass anime style fucking Yu-Gi-Oh call out shit. OK, in particular, Astrologians and Dark Knights are the worst. Astrologians have five or six abilities in which they draw a card and motherfuckers will macro Yu-Gi-Oh quotes to every single one of those fucking actions.
Starting point is 03:55:49 So every time they do it, fucking ping will go, audible ping will go off and your fucking tech scroll will start scrolling like mad with all this weeb garbage. So wait, the game lets you say a thing every time you use a spell? And you can assign both to the same button? Because it's a macro system, so what you do is you make a macro and the rest. It's a language. The macro is slash ac bracket, the name of the ability and bracket and then any text you want to put underneath.
Starting point is 03:56:23 And you can even set it to party and then you can set a double bracket, fucking se.8 to make sound effect 8, which is Danger Manga. And Dark Knights turning on their abilities, having these long paragraphs of fucking edgelord The darkness rises fucking, oh my god, shut the fuck up. Can you only see chat from people that are in your group? Or like... Well this only happens in your group, yeah. But if you're in a group with somebody, you kind of stop with them, which is what makes
Starting point is 03:56:58 it like extra, I want to die. So on the one hand, these people are the worst, on the other hand, they're using the more time intensive version of what I'm talking about. And the best part about this, so the most common one, the most common one of these, it's called a raised macro. And what it is, is that you macro a message to when you pick somebody up from the dead, right? Why should we believe?
Starting point is 03:57:25 Macros have, okay, this is really, really obscure, but I'm gonna hope that you can trust to follow me on this. So in Final Fantasy XIV, you hit buttons, right? Every 2.5 seconds you can hit a new button, you see all the icons rotate like a clock and you can hit them, right? There is a little latency give on when you hit that button. So maybe you hit it a little early, right? The input will remain in the buffer and proc the input, the button as soon as it can, right?
Starting point is 03:57:59 So it feels nice and loose, right? Macros are specifically not given that input buffer because they don't want people just macroing their characters to be auto-played, right? What this means is that people who are using this on every ability have given themselves appreciably worse controls and less responsive controls than not saying anything at all. Just to get this fucking... Think of it this way. Moving the macro in is like removing negative edge from your buttons, right?
Starting point is 03:58:33 Or adding extra frames. And with raised macros, it can cause the spell to not go off in the right order and fail. So they'll have this annoying fucking passive aggressive fucking, maybe you should get up, put it up, but because of the macro timing and latency, the move that they cast to make the move go fast doesn't come out at the right time, and then they slow raise it and then they move and the spell doesn't go off. And so then they do it again. It's... oh my god, it's... oh, it's the shittiest thing in the world.
Starting point is 03:59:12 Wow. When you have these online games where you give people text control, the infinity possibilities for trolling, it's unbelievable. That's... We can just end it there. Yes, yeah. It's amazing. So with that, what... well, what's coming out?
Starting point is 03:59:38 Apex is out. Apex is what's out. Anthem is coming out, whatever. Anything else coming out? Resident Evil on the 15th... what day is it today? It's the 11th. On the 15th, Resident Evil 2 is going to get a bunch of DLC for free. I don't know if you've seen it, Wolves, but they're going to release the 1998 costumes,
Starting point is 04:00:02 which is the PS1 models, as well as... it's unclear if it's going to be one out of three or three and then more later, but DLC campaigns as side characters that apparently will have some kind of... they'll have a new enemy type specifically for that mode, which appear to be Devil Triggered Zombies that came out of a screenshot. I don't know what that's about. But in addition to some randomized elements, they might be like little rogue likes for RE2. That's the only thing I can think of.
Starting point is 04:00:33 Jump Force comes out. Oh, yeah. So... That game looks unfinished. Have you seen footage of the latest version? The sound effects don't exist. It's so bad. I haven't seen anything.
Starting point is 04:00:43 It looks so bad. I just saw the announcement for Jotsaro and Dio. Jump Force comes out. So, uh... yeah, I might take a look and see what's going on over there. Jump Force, more like force you to jump away from this garbage. This is... hey, this is the Unreal Nintendo character mod thing. Okay, straight up, I saw people saying that, and I'm like a lot of those people fucking around in Unreal Engine make shit that looks way better than Jump Force.
Starting point is 04:01:18 Way better. And Crackdown 3? Oh, yeah? I don't believe that. Crackdown 3? Is that true? I don't believe it. Are people lying?
Starting point is 04:01:28 I think people are lying. I don't know if they're lying or Microsoft is lying, but I don't believe it. What's the actual date? I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. Uh... Check that.
Starting point is 04:01:39 The internet? Yeah, I take a look. Cause... I don't know about that. Crackdown 3 is February 2019. So maybe... Crackdown... the first thing that came up was Crackdown 3 won't allow you to play with your friends in multiplayer. Oh. Talk about the Will Smith genie?
Starting point is 04:02:06 What does it say? It looks bad. It doesn't look good. It looks bad. I didn't watch the trailer. I just saw the screenshot. It doesn't look good. It actually looks way worse in movement.
Starting point is 04:02:15 It's very... I got nothing on that. You remember Clue from Tron Legacy? Yeah. That. Okay. Yeah, okay. Bad.
Starting point is 04:02:26 Just... yeah. But blue also. Well, Clue was like... It was weird, cause Clue was bad in movement, but good in screenshots. Yeah, well, worse than that then. You know? You know what they... I saw a screenshot of this and I was like, oof.
Starting point is 04:02:42 Whereas like in Tron, I was like, no, as long as it's not moving, it's fine. But the moment it starts to move, it's a problem. I am of the belief that these live-action Disney movies are actually pointless. But even beyond that, if you can't get Robin Williams again, which you can't, they should have just filmed the entire movie around the existing Robin Williams genie animation. The performance. No. I mean, literally take the animation cells from the movie and put them in and just film
Starting point is 04:03:10 the live-action alongside it. That is... Don't even care. That is bizarre. That is fucking cool world. Yeah. Fine. Fuck it.
Starting point is 04:03:21 He's a magic genie. He could be 2D if he wants. So yeah, I guess that's what it would be. And Hornet's coming out. Hornet DLC for Hollowed Out. That's cool. Yeah, playable Hornet is a cool thing. Did you...
Starting point is 04:03:36 Oh, you wouldn't have. There's a... Part of the secret, super double secret ending in Gods and Glory is a little preview of what Hornet's campaign is actually going to be. And it is an alternate ver... You beat the game, right? You didn't get all the endings. I didn't get the true ending.
Starting point is 04:03:52 But you beat one of them, right? Soft ending, yeah. So it is... Okay, you know how you go into that room? It is a variation of what comes out that would be what Hornet would deal with. Horror of the Orient? That's right. That game got super canceled, right?
Starting point is 04:04:14 For shame. I remember hearing about that game, and immediately, like, that's never gonna come out. That's now? That's not gonna come out. No. No. Unless it comes out and it's called of the. Yeah.
Starting point is 04:04:26 That's not gonna happen, in no way. It's such a title, though, you know? Apparently, it's a reference to the city that was. And the city was known as that? Yeah. But I remember the city, but like... I mean, you'd pick up that book off of a shelf next to Moby Dick. Yeah.
Starting point is 04:04:45 With another in a book called Horror of the Orient. Yeah, well... Yeah. I thought it was a great title. That was a great title. Um... Yeah, alright, so that's that. Alright, let's go home and unlock Mirage.
Starting point is 04:05:01 I'm good with Grebalter, and I'm probably more excited about Caustic, to be honest. Alright. I'm unlock Mirage.

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