Castle Super Beast - CSB 023: Surprise Mechanics in the Basement

Episode Date: June 25, 2019

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Starting point is 00:00:00 efficiency. Hello, welcome to Castle Super Beast. This is a podcast. My name is Woolly. This is Pat. Oh, hey, we're doing this now. Commencing a podcast. Oh, wow. Okay. And sometimes we talk about video games. And sometimes we talk about movies. It's kind of familiar to the super best friend cast, but it's not quite the same. It's something new. And I would like to let people know that starting this week, this podcast will feature surprise mechanics. Now, I know you might be wondering to yourself, were they, did they start late today? Late? It's for or surprise mechanic, right? You didn't see it coming. You didn't know when it was
Starting point is 00:01:35 going to go down thinking you were doing a weird new bit. But it turns out it was just a surprise mechanic. You had no idea what was happening. Surprise mechanics, surprise, completely ethical surprises, always and forever. Because as long as you, hey, you know what? The data shows, Pat, that people love surprises. So this podcast is introducing surprise mechanics as a full time feature. And now anytime anything unexpected happens. Guess what? Surprise mechanic. We know you love it. That's why we do it. You know, the data shows people love surprises. I know so many people that fucking hate surprises. I feel that's actually much more common for people to go, I fucking hate surprises.
Starting point is 00:02:29 I always remember this one bit where Bob Kelly, the comedian always talks about once when he's never, he's never had a surprise birthday party and he's always wanted one. And his wife was planning on for him. And like, it was, and it was one of these things, it was like late in life, you know, like she really got all of the friends together and they planned the whole thing. And then like two weeks before he gets a call from Patrice O'Neill. And Patrice O'Neill is just like, Hey, yo, Robert, man, look, I just, I don't know. It maybe you're like me, but like, man, I just want to let you know, like, yo, I fucking hate surprises. So like, I was just thinking, like, I don't know, maybe you're like me, but like, yo, they got some fucking like birthday
Starting point is 00:03:17 party shit coming up that they're planning. And like, yeah, I just figured, you know, you might be like me and just like hate that shit. So I just thought I'd give you a heads up because, you know, I just want to be real. And I like, I don't want to have you like, just being, you know, showing up and being all like, what the fuck is going on? Like, you know what I mean? Like, I'll give you a chance to kind of prepare yourself and shit. So just let you know, they got a surprise birthday party coming. Bob Kelly is like, you fucking dick. I had no chance. There was no chance. Spoilers for real life. Because it's just, and it's like, he's the kind of dude that would fucking absolutely,
Starting point is 00:03:55 as a prank, like he'll smack your ice cream out of your hand. You know what I mean? Do they, they always tell their stories about, you know, like, oh, like one of them, like Rich Voss had his first CD that he was selling, what after he made them all printed and then like, Jim Norton bought one and then smashed it on the ground and broke it to pieces just because fuck you. Why not? That's the kind of, you know, why not? But in this case, he was legitimately just like, no, I'm trying to help you out. I want to help you out because I fucking hate surprises. And I just figured, you know, you were like me. So just a heads up, man. That's cool. Never go say I never did anything for you. Yeah. Yeah. Some people hate surprises.
Starting point is 00:04:40 That's awful. I'm really sad now for Bob Kelly. You know, who loves surprises? Who's that? Children. Children do like surprises. Kinder surprises. They do. Look at that. The name. It's right there. Kinder. What does Kinder mean? Kind. Kind. Children. Children. I don't know. Kinder means children. I don't speak, I don't speak candy ironically. What do you think a kindergarten is? Minus grade one. Yes. But what do you think the words mean? What's the etymology? It's a child garden. Oh, is that where you grow them? Anyway, yes. This is where you grow the children. No one has time to know what words mean. Okay, well anyway, Kinder surprise, child surprise. Kids love surprises. I like that. I like a child surprise. That seems negative. Well,
Starting point is 00:05:30 then you shouldn't purchase any of the child surprises. Don't buy any then. You know, my favorite part about the surprise mechanic thing is this is like E3 was what, two weeks ago? Right, tops. EA had people on stage going no loot boxes in official marketing capacity. But we don't use that term. We don't, we don't call them that. You're using the negativity of the term you popularized to sell things. Loot boxes represent something interesting in the sense that like, it shows you how quickly, you know, a company will catch on to people like absolutely despising something. But, but the proposition is just too great to ignore. It's it's legal gambling. And we've seen it. It started, I want to say like
Starting point is 00:06:26 the first step into the realm of like, it's not just a game you're buying anymore is like when DLC stopped being expansion packs and they started and it started being like single piece content. Right. Like MMOs. I want to say MMOs started it, but I don't know if that's true. No, because MMOs existed for like 15 years before any of this kicked. But did early MMO, but did those MMOs sell you items and individual things or they sold expansion packs? Not gold. The the the buy items. No, no, gold gold buying was always illicit. Yeah. And the buy fancy pretty horsey horse armor came late in the game. I remember that that came out in the game by fancy horsey mounts for $10 or whatever. That came after horse armor. And it came with it got really, really big popular with
Starting point is 00:07:21 free to play MMOs because they needed you to buy something because like once upon a time, we always talk about it, but it's like you got brood wars and it's like, yeah, that's a fucking that's a second like that's a second half game. That's a second Starcraft. Right. You're buying it's a half. It's a half a craft. Yeah. Starcraft 1.5. Yeah, it's a half craft you bought. But like, you know, you know, that was the original one because it needed all those files. But whatever, right? You don't feel any way you didn't feel any way about that. But it got into the first like there was this little bit piece of like DLC thing. And then eventually, you know, DLC complaints got more and more like elaborate as time went on. But we also saw more games like going, OK, we have to invest
Starting point is 00:08:06 heavily in a post launch program to have seasons of content. I know where to point the finger. There's two fingers to point, right? One is the buy the item as big popular. That's what I'm trying to get at. That's my that's what I asked. Yeah. And then the other is like your game is shit unless it's a live service. There's a reason it's called hats. There's a reason people joke about buying hats is because TF2 went fucking like ass in on the hats. Yeah. And you didn't buy them from Valve most of the time. He's bought them from other people that made that made their hats. Yeah. Now, the thing is, is I guess it doesn't really matter where the origin is, it's just for conversation. But like, the point is that there's a couple steps you take, right? And you start with
Starting point is 00:08:53 content that's one single piece, you know, or consumables, right? Is that that's that was the next level of it where you're like, Oh, my God, it's not even like, it's like, you can keep buying this shit, right? Or whatever. Then you go towards the games as a service idea, live services and like how appealing that is, because it's like, Oh, shit, MMOs are getting money every month. Other games that are not MMOs are not getting money every month. Can we do that? Right. And then while not use while not using any of that money for the overhead MMOs usually use. Yeah. And in the meantime, overseas, across in the Asia's in the far off Far East, some parents might say the Orient. Right. You had the perfection of the gacha that happened on phones
Starting point is 00:09:44 in like, not even like, like early smartphone generation, you know, you had you had that stuff started to come out. And we didn't at all have gacha over here. We didn't have got not even gacha. I say gacha, but it's not really gacha. What I accurately probably want to say is like, games that like, have you buying in based on like time locked gameplay, or you buy you buy something that'll speed up the process to when you can play again, or things where, you know, yeah, you're basically your slot machining with with our credit card on this on this phone game. I gotta say, Japan's strict gambling laws have created two forms of insanely popular, not technically gambling industries in Pachinko and gotcha. Like, it's kind of astonishing
Starting point is 00:10:41 that like, I think gotcha is obviously more successful than Pachinko because Pachinko is pretty regional overall. And you have to jump through like a stupid amount of new hoops. Like, okay, you take the steel balls over to the place that's a separate place from the Pachinko place, and they'll give you a prize like, but gotcha is just genius. You can you can make people gamble for nothing. You can have them gamble for literally nothing. I mean, but it's not gambling. Yeah, well, we like, I mean, it should be obvious at this point that like people will like bend over backwards to gamble on absolutely anything they can gambling's fun. You know, it gives you a good burst of I won in your brain.
Starting point is 00:11:26 Fun is one word. Yeah, there's many other operative words. But that's one of them. It is a word. And you know, eventually whatever you get to this point where where you can actually, you know, just process exactly how much discontent there will be on the release of a product so that you can dial it back to a range that is still insanely profitable. Yeah, I've talked about it a couple of times where it's like your your your frustrations and anger and discontent are literally calculated in the pricing point. And the times that really blow up are the times in which whoever was responsible for doing that math forgot to carry a one and you end up with stuff like Battlefront in which they're like, uh oh,
Starting point is 00:12:10 or fronter on launch. Yeah, under undersold this launch. Yeah. Oops. Yep. Yep. Yep. You know. So yeah, you know, it just it's a really interesting timeline we follow as like we get to this point where now like, you know, Western companies are taking like those get like gambling practices from the shit that was perfected across the ocean and incorporate them here see insane amounts of profit. And if left unchecked, admittedly, we will go way further. I can't I can't conceptualize what it would be, right? Because everything that I can think of makes me like just laugh as like, could you imagine you're playing a game and oops, you died by another life, right? Like almost like an arcade machine, except it's in your home fucking wet dream from
Starting point is 00:12:59 decades ago, right? Except it's a game that is like you die all the time. Like it's a fucking super meat boy. You know what I mean? Like it's like an arcade play style at home situation. I couldn't like that sounds laughable. I don't want you to underestimate the strides that FIFA made with ultimate team to to this future. Like we have gotcha in the east, but out in the west with I think his name was Andrew Wilson at EA. Like boy, today put the time in to get those soccer players. Now, the was that now that's the thing with that is though that's that's applying that feature on top of a game that you've already purchased. Right. FIFA is not free. Right. I see let it die being mentioned a lot at the end of the day. The thing that lets anyone sleep at night
Starting point is 00:13:53 is the fact that let it die is a free game. Yeah. So if you like let it die, I don't know how much do you like it. Do you like it $20 a lot? Do you like $28,000? Do you like it $60 a lot? Yeah. Right. There is your there's an idea of you starting at a negative or other games you would have started at $60. Yeah. So for example, I put a couple hundred dollars in a Warframe easy. Totally worth it. I didn't have to. I could have played Warframe for freeze. Yeah. Right. Okay. If I had bought Warframe, I would not have put nearly as much money into it after I burned myself like a crazy person on the Overwatch. Imagine if there was a restaurant where all the food was really, really cheap. Uh-huh. But you were encouraged to tip generously and the service was like over the top incredible. I would
Starting point is 00:14:41 tip like crazy. Yeah. Probably more almost than you would have done on a normal dish. Possibly spend more overall in general on the trip. Right. And that's kind of the business plan in a way. Right. This is a one in a hundred chance. The waiter will give you a hand job on the table. Sure. That might happen if you get 100. It's advertised right on the wall. Now what's not what's important is not the actual hand job, but it's the lights and the shimmer and the vibration because everyone cheers around you. Yes. No. No. The moment that you reach in the hat and you pull out the thing to see if you won when you do win. Yeah. There's like a, oh, there's confetti that shoots out. And even when you fail, the, oh, you didn't. Better luck next time. Yeah. But that moment of
Starting point is 00:15:27 build up definitely puts something in your brain that gets you close to thinking, almost got a handy. Yeah. Hey, maybe I should just buy another meal. Tip a lot. Yeah. Tip a lot for sure. Yeah. Um, so you have, you have this now where obviously before shit gets out of control, because guess what? If history proves anything, it's if you do not stop this shit, they will go as far as they possibly can until someone else comes along and does. So you have companies, you have countries now going, are you fucking, are you, are you serious? Are you making, are you giving kids, are you making kitty casinos right now? It's, it's funny because are you actually making kitty casinos like everyone's been disappointed with their local and federal
Starting point is 00:16:13 governments at some point, but nearly every country that everyone listening to this has a federal body dedicated to nothing but slapping down people running bullshit casinos and the and they love slapping down bullshit casinos. And I want to say that the like the country's like leniency depends on like how much they've been bought in on the deal, brought in on the deal rather, you know, and like countries like Australia have zero part in the deal whatsoever. Yeah. And they're very happy. In fact, we want to grandstand and platform the part where they televised them going, Hey, how about I slap your shit? How about you fucking stop? Which leads us to, of course, the fucking hilarious story this week, that is,
Starting point is 00:17:05 they're not loot boxes, they're surprise mechanics, and they're quite ethical. It's it's how I put this, if you've hit the point where you're in front of like a panel of officials and the word no, no, it's fine, though, comes out of your mouth. You're probably an asshole. And you're probably full of shit. So here's the thing, though. No, no, ducks totally love drinking oil. But here's they love it. It's fine. Don't worry about it. Here's the thing, though, right? Every step along the way. Yeah, I kind of forgot my point. And I talked around for a while and I can think I just remembered it said every one of those steps along the way, whether it was like the horse armor or the you know, these little yeah, or the
Starting point is 00:17:58 the models are already on the disk, but you're buying the two kilobyte unlock for this content. I didn't care about that until cross tech and pushed it way too far. Like I was like, I completely understood the reality of making DLC and that you work on it while it's going gold and all that right up until cross tech and said, OK, here's 10 characters. It was 10, right? It was crazy. So like 12 and they're all there. Yeah. Yeah. And not only are they all there, people with game sharks are playing as them right now. Yeah. Plus wait a year. Yeah. Like, oh, my God, it got very absurd. It got really, really frustrating to anybody that was like, like going, why? Like it's I own it. It's here. I purchased the stuff. Really? OK, cool. Like,
Starting point is 00:18:53 there was no lawsuit over it, but there's a legal challenge to be made that you own that stuff. Right. And all of these things result in fixes that require drastic pullback, right? But the thing about loot boxes is again, it's too much money. It's too much. It's too high. It's like the level of success, the level of like the amount you rake in, it's casino money. It's what built Las Vegas, right? That's the level we're talking about. And it's so much higher than the loot box thing, sorry, than the cosmetics thing, then the extra characters thing, then the horse armor thing. It's a golden glam thing. It really is that much higher that they will happily sit in a courtroom or before a fucking panel and sound like assholes because it doesn't
Starting point is 00:19:51 matter how much they sound like assholes. It's so worth it. And you it's this weird thing where it's like, OK, if you if you piss on this person, heading this panel and tell them it's raining, you might be hastening the downfall of the thing you're trying to say. If you keep going this hard instead of dialing it way back and keeping it under the radar, you're endangering this revenue source. But at the same time, oh, man, there's so much money just keep just push, you know, and you know what makes me think of it makes me think of so Activision Blizzard is a big Activision Blizzard and EA are the two ones that we talk about a lot in that they love this shit. And it makes me think of an interview with Bobby Kotick like a year after he started there, which was he came in
Starting point is 00:20:47 and he said, we're here at Activision, we're looking at properties that have a lot of value that we can exploit every year. And then ran guitar hero into the dirt. Yes. And it died. And then almost ran call of duty and call the fucking duty into the dirt until it almost died ran wow into the dirt until it's like in the worst shape it's ever been. It's it's this real like just you burn it out, burn it all out, just get as much as you can. Like no thought about next quarter even well not even next year. I mean, it's reminiscent of like you're basically I'm going to say you're going to Martin Screlly the situation when you get in front of a panel and you have to answer questions that are blatantly like, are you are
Starting point is 00:21:42 you creating gambling for children? Is this what you're doing? No, I'm with Mark Wahlberg and like no but like but like the like the the the fucking the Screlly bit it's like yeah man these fucking pills like this this pharmaceutical game is so profitable that I'm going to act this way that I'm going to be like this because it's just it's it's it's stupid money aren't you worried that this kind of behavior is going to have everyone looking at you to see if you you know shit your pants and then send you to jail. Oh, I'm not too worried about it. EA representative pulls out the new Wu Tang album exclusive purchased for only EA employees. But yeah for real it's it's it's shortsighted if they like let's say Battlefront two hadn't
Starting point is 00:22:31 happened because Battlefront two is currently in my mind the high water mark for are you serious that game was like gutted by its loot box stuff and it was the star you know everything that everybody knows right it's Star Wars right so they saw hey man because it's Star Wars we can make infinity times two billion dollars right but if that game hadn't come out we wouldn't be talking about this shit for another two to three years because it would have taken that long to build up and EA would have made so much more money over that time well this is where like corporations and in general large companies like the actually I remember taking a class on multinationals right back in college and like the whole talk about how they take on properties like human beings yeah
Starting point is 00:23:20 and basically it's like you you're acquiring wealth that's your one goal yeah there's an there's an aspect to this where like the smart quote unquote thing to do would have been to in theory put the pot put the frog in the pot and slowly turn up the heat yeah so the pot the frog doesn't jump out right but the moment you saw how successful the first iteration of this was how delicious that frog could be and you hire people slash you have people on board whose job it is to analyze the situation and tell you how delicious the frog and see how you can create the maximum juices yeah right and it's like well if we can create the maximum juices in one step if we can go from step one to step 18 why wait 18 iterations and then you turn up the heat to 18
Starting point is 00:24:09 and the frog jumps out and calls you in front of a meeting and you lie your ass off to the frog about how there was no pot at all like that they could have actually slowly done this in the way that other aspects of other negative aspects of like like what what basically come down to getting more money out of the purchaser yeah right in video games that's all these these all amount to the same thing yeah it's you you have your price of entry and then we want more right the word oh god they don't even use it anymore they used to use the word we're current user spending but now they don't even i've never heard that oh you've never i've been in this industry for a long time i've literally never i remember reading it a lot in like uh fucking uh investor
Starting point is 00:24:55 shit but now it's become obfuscated in which they talk about engagement and how much engagement they have yeah and engagement means two things engagement means how long people stick around but it also means how long people stick around with their money yes but in a more in a much more like obvious way engagement is straight up like interaction with things like because that is currency in and of itself well you know how you keep interacting with it right but with the money sure but in a lot of cases but that's what i mean in a lot of cases though the the influential kid in grade nine who gets all of his friends into the game yeah is just as valuable as like the one person who's occasionally spending a little bit here and there you know
Starting point is 00:25:46 because the idea is like one of those kids will be a whale or will lead to a whale you know but anyway um yeah so we get this clown shoes state of affairs now it's it's extra crazy because it's like it's not a legal proceeding where you have to dance and like don't say the wrong thing because then your shit will fall apart it's like you're trying to convince these people and everyone that you're talking to just you can see it in their face is like are you for real with this shit right now it is it is a corporation it is a giant company doing the equivalent of rolling out of bed with coke on their fucking beard yeah and go and showing up and straightening their tie and going your honor at what yeah i have no i don't even know what cocaine is you're out of
Starting point is 00:26:34 order is that is that a is that a soft drink you know like like you know putting your hand on the bible and and being like i don't swear to shit like yeah you know like literally just going into it really is just you you really could have done so much more damage if you controlled your impulses but the the fucking greed inside you know what's gonna bite the the blood in the boner got so turgid that you couldn't help but turn it up to the max you know what's gonna end up biting them in the ass super hard all the attempts they made to head this off at the past that will weak shit are gonna be used as proof that the shit is real you remember when oh god what was it nba live was like telling belgian people to like call their representatives and tell them that the loot
Starting point is 00:27:28 boxes in nba live were totally cool and that they don't need to legislate it do you remember that that was like the start of like this the whole situation again like how are you supposed to then go in front of whatever fucking body and go no man we don't even know what that is like is it possible is it possible to gaslight an entire nation can that be done yes but it's tough oh wow yeah yeah um the best part about the story uh in which ea's vp of legal government affairs refuses to use the term loot boxes in favor of surprise mechanics and compares them to kinder eggs which are not gambling but quite ethical the best part of that story is uh underneath the tweet uh where hard drive magazine aka the hard times straight up just replies and says
Starting point is 00:28:31 i don't remember writing this and they're the video game equivalent of the onion it's great straight up just being like wow really i saw i'm very fond of a phrase don't piss on me and tell me it's raining you've used it quite a few times including today they are like it's it's a fucking thunderstorm oh dear it's it's it's so it's so silly that i can't help but chuckle because it's silly i mean i kind of even applaud the like the the room of people that went okay guys what do we got what do we got what do we got kinder surprise oh that's like a you know who has not bought their child a kinder surprise and you go ever bought a happy meal do you know what's going to be inside that happy meal you don't know what that toy is going to be does the kid love it yes he does
Starting point is 00:29:27 what are we looking at surprise you didn't know what you were getting was the happy meal free no it wouldn't you had to buy that fucking meal kid's happy at the end of it why because he didn't know what toy he was getting fucking raise immediately how do we put that in a sound bite and put that in front of a bunch of old people that don't understand video games because to be fair yeah they really fucking don't and a lot of the time like these things are almost embarrassing how little they understand about technology when they're going into these questionings but like yeah like the balls on the team that came up with that your honor i was just worried that my wife was overheating so i filled her with speed holes
Starting point is 00:30:13 aerodynamics to ventilate her so that she would feel better so yeah um that was a an irresistible story off the top it's i forgot that happened this week that feels like ages ago oh yeah and and i mean if you want to double dunk on it why not right that leads right hand in hand to uh the other very similar story which you know much to everyone's surprise it turns out that uh nba2k19 fans uh are not really happy with the level of increased unskippable in-game ads right see they were tolerant to a certain amount sports games yeah there's ads on the on the stadium that and there's a little mountain do logo underneath the replay that makes sense that looks like it is
Starting point is 00:31:21 on the tv but now yeah that you've increased those ads and you can't be unskippable another real ads and you're gonna actually have a moment where your loading screen is complete and it says at the bottom loading complete but the ads not done so you can't go forward into the game which you have paid 60 dollars for years they're kind of upset well woolly who's gonna who how are these sports games supposed to make their money while having total monopolies without this kind of thing how could a basketball basketball game make money in a system that only they get to make a basketball game without this kind of practice it's impossible you know modern day modern modern day um monetization right as a as a a domain that you can actually like fucking master and and and walk
Starting point is 00:32:25 into any company that deals with media and like fucking skyrocket to the board of directors if you know what you're doing yeah uh it's really interesting how so much of it is just based on the principle of don't ask for permission ask for forgiveness yeah um like i don't know if anyone like listen to our follow-up our members early satellite radio right but i do not serious xm once upon a time was serious and xm separately yeah right they're competing it was like blu-ray and hdvd um and uh there was a whole thing where their main their main competition wasn't so much each other as much as it was am and fm radio yeah regular s fucking radio because everyone has one and it's built into fucking everything right the end so back then as these satellite things
Starting point is 00:33:16 required you to install a satellite you know wire in your car and all this nonsense and you'd subscribe right you pay to subscribe to the service everything was ad-free because you were paying for it makes sense simple right i want entertainment i want it around the clock i want radio i don't like ads i'm paying you already therefore it's model the money comes from me not from the commercials right man done and for a while they had that and then suddenly at some point commercial started airing and i remember it was a real pissed off at hulu where it's like why am i paying x dollars a month for hulu and now i'm seeing a fucking commercial in front of my face because the temptation cannot be resisted right like the idea that you can start this business
Starting point is 00:34:03 on a subscription model in order to not have to have advertising is like it's the most appealing thing in the world right it's a really great because a lot of people that are it's like yeah i just want to hear the thing i like and that's it or whatever it's fine but at a certain point someone walks in and goes hey you know i looked at uh everything and i looked at all the money you guys have coming in and quite frankly you're not optimizing where you could be you know you see your profit margin here how would you like that to be 25 times higher it's it's tomorrow it's funny because all of these like you know you your disappointment all that's been factored in they always factor in but they always leave the one part of the equation out which is what happens
Starting point is 00:34:48 if we push it way too far and people abandon our shit and then we don't make money well that's that's the place that we enter now and that's the place we go to because like it's one where the once upon a time good will mattered now it doesn't right so you're it's quite rare than it does yeah i i guess but i maybe maybe it's just nostalgia talking but it feels as if the world before we had to think about these things and be like that sounds disgusting yeah right is one where in theory the people in charge of this stuff were aware of it slot maybe they just maybe they would have done it but they just didn't you know know that this could be done maybe the data was just missing right who knows um but it just it's just the
Starting point is 00:35:35 but the balls in my brain it takes to basically just be like hey i know you're already paying and i know that the reason why you bought into this service is because we said no ads but now we're just going to put them in anyway and sorry if you like the content you're still going to stick around aren't you yeah and then it just ends up being the way things are now it's like well then what what's the payment for it's nice that we get to look at sports games as an example for everyone a relatively low stakes example of why long-term de facto monopoly sucks shit for everyone right your football game being crap isn't the actual end of the world compared to i don't know like a company having a monopoly on a type of food or something you know yeah but like you get
Starting point is 00:36:27 to see it like oh wow this just gets shittier and shittier every year and it will only get shittier and the thing about it is it's not like having multiple revenue streams is inherently evil of course not we have multiple revenue streams there you go it's that like there's an understanding when you kind of have you make an ask you know at the beginning of like well we're starting this and people are again they're buying with the understanding that part of the reason why you're getting my money netflix is because i'm not sitting through commercials yeah so for example this podcast that everyone is listening to is free yes there are commercials and yeah yeah the commercials pay for the podcast yes if we were to in the future the long far future whatever
Starting point is 00:37:23 switch the podcast to hey give us five bucks a week for a pot and we know whatever the commercials would probably go away because it switched i mean don't a lot of like patreon things that's the whole point set the number one thing on a patreon is watch my bullshit with no ads yeah makes perfect sense yeah we still will slurp a red bull oh they would have to see from time to time my shit but no uh but ultimately yeah it's just and there's a little a bit of a basic understanding and it's a it's a bit naive to think of it as a mom and pop style like well you see where that dollar comes from so now you understand how the sausage gets made yeah it's not quite that but it still is something where yeah the when you take a game that people have been buying and you've
Starting point is 00:38:11 already annualized it when it doesn't need to be annualized annualized because sports games are the same thing year after year so and ultimately don't need iterations beyond every three to four so woolly do you okay i keep running into this problem the what i would call a context problem and what you just said is a really good example there are people that are listening to us that depending on their age or when they started playing sports games whatever literally don't remember a time when the yearly sports game had real new features yeah right sports games used to come out every year and it used to be that every year had a genuinely cool new thing in them i remember when quarterback club introduced the stiff arm stick i yeah christ i remember that i don't play
Starting point is 00:39:07 fucking madden yeah yeah i remember back in 95 when care uh no lpa 93 in 94 when you began to be able to create sports characters and make custom teams and how fucking crazy that was and um there came a time when god what was it it was madden uh was it 99 no it was the first madden well but i played a p we bought a pc version of it i remember it was it was the only time we went off console and we bought a pc it yeah madden and it had uh roster updates that would happen literally like oh shit new season came out move them over download the new update to get the updated names of the players yeah and it was like oh fuck that's super cool right now nowadays roster updates are a massive thing because people like ultimately fans of the nba's of the nhl of
Starting point is 00:40:13 and mlb all these you know things they want player names and they want to see the players face and they want to recreate the thing they like a lot of sports fans are stat nerds and they want their they want their stats and all that really is is a fucking patch into the current game a couple text files right but whatever we've they've already found a way is what i'm saying to bilk sports fans for their money every year and it's accepted now we simply just accept it it's normal right the fact that you don't make a leap forward with actual design or tech or whatever or anything yeah is just accepted and normal i mean i don't care anymore right so you've already suckered people in in this way and so why not push it further because the idea almost is that if you have a
Starting point is 00:41:00 bunch of suckers already here why not suck them more right anyone who's already upset at this is gone yeah so the people who are left can probably be squeezed a little bit more also i mean we're talking a duo of a pseudo captive audience and an uninformed audience when you're talking about the amounts of people that buy sports games a lot of people buy sports games that i remember uh my old boss the grocery store it's like it's madden day and he ran out and got 360 yep and was sick for a week uh and just maddened it up yeah and it's it basically just represents new game new soundtrack new ea tracks to listen to as you get your season set up and you play with your friends and make your trades and do your thing yeah and it it does i mean what there were people that
Starting point is 00:41:48 literally would go through team rosters and update every player name yeah themselves back in the day and now this just represents like yeah we'll do all that for you or whatever but it's just it's the idea that like you already have created an audience of people that you know you're exploiting so why not throw it a little bit further by by putting these ads in those games and notice that like it's sports games that get these extra ads and not any other genre you know what i mean like you like not to say there aren't ads in other genres of games but like this type of thing is coming up constantly on this podcast from sports games because they know that these are the people that and because they have a monopoly they can get away with it we're the only baseball game in town
Starting point is 00:42:34 we're the only football game in town we're the only basketball game in town licensed right they're but as far as that most people are concerned yeah that's literally the same thing once upon a time it didn't need to be licensed but now it's now it's now it's everything yeah a hundred percent a hundred percent like they like i want to play my football game with my football characters yeah so you know um people are are are just fucking going what what the shit is 2k doing with these and 2k is smiling while thinking in their brain what are you going to do about it yeah see you next year i mean i saw a video where uh it it was a solid like like the whole the over the loading screen it continued play we played the whole thing and then it was a solid like 10 15
Starting point is 00:43:24 extra like seconds of just like no you can't start not gonna start yet i this is a bit of a tangent but i i just something just popped in my head what is the most outrageous ad you've ever seen in a game um didn't we talk about loud to say cup noodle because cup noodle was hilarious i mean didn't we already talk about like um dark sky and all that shit yeah dark sky was pretty bad but there's one that i actually think of that was way worse how far into alan wake did you get zero alan wake has the most absurd ad i've ever seen in the world where you're in a fucking mental hospital and a fucking storm is tearing the place out and it's like run away from the darkness it's gonna kill you and there's you know how max pain they'll play like a fake tv show and you
Starting point is 00:44:12 fucking run into a lobby and playing at full volume in this big tv is like a fucking ad for like a ford tourist that's like multiple minutes long and you get an achievement for watching the whole thing and like the background storm ambience just drops away as you watch it and it's just like holy fucking shit guys which of course i'm sure if you play offline there's like it's just a blank screen no it's built in oh that's before that shit started oh wow okay because there is an argument to be made and i will say this that when you're playing your soccer you're football and you see or the hockey and you see like the the the ads of like the different sponsors around the edge of the that's part of the look of a sports it's exactly right and then it
Starting point is 00:45:00 goes and oh let's get that replay brought to you by coke the coke minute which is the reason why it's crazy is because sports games had a free pass to get away with a million times more than everybody else because that's what you fully expect when you watch a normal sport because it would actually be weird to not have it yet yeah yeah but yeah then they're like but what if more though but what if yeah well anyway this shit's crazy yeah and unlike uh most of the other stories this one with the nba2k19 has no update because it's just that's it that's the game fucked you know um you know what's i saw like i went i i played five recently somewhere uh street fighter five of that is yeah and saw that they had the ad costumes on that you could you could
Starting point is 00:45:54 turn on and whatnot and stuff and i'm like oh yeah okay i guess that update happened and i still remain in this place of just like it's not that i it's not that i like it but if you decide to make an ad supported version of your game but then make it free i understand and that's your other is to it yeah that's it totally understandable there's a there's a game there right to somebody because you're still playing that core exchange uh you're still acknowledging that core exchange we mentioned way at the top which is you're going to make your money somehow you're putting out on your sleeve how you're making your money and that's through advertising as people play this free video game you want you know what i just got a
Starting point is 00:46:36 great segue in my brain because we're talking about annualized franchises and we're talking about brand and ad integration into those franchises right and how most of the time it comes off and you want to vomit but there is actually one other series i can think of aside from sports games in which removing the ads would damage that series a specific ip or a genre specific ip in which removing all of the ads of which there are literally fucking thousands would damage it and that's the fucking yakuza series where every single health item or nearly every health item consumable store etc is a real Japanese product do you want boss coffee to refill your health hell yeah i would like some boss coffee to
Starting point is 00:47:33 refill my health please how did they isn't that a licensing nightmare they get it i mean calorie mate and and and metal gear solid is still a thing there is boss coffee there is cc lemon yeah there is a fucking ads for nico nico doga all over the place it's rife but it's fine because it's accurate because it's in a hyper accurate or hyper realistic version of a city that totally has that shit everywhere right and on top of that so i've been playing a lot of judgment slash judge eyes whichever you want to call it yeah the fact that sega has gotten away with making the same fucking 10 block radius 15 times in a row i believe this is the 15th yakuza ish game and that camero cho fucking block is the same fucking location it's literally always been
Starting point is 00:48:36 there has been more than one of these a year since this series has come out it's a good thing it's a story that's driven on narrative and that you're following the chapters yeah like what happens to these characters and you look like it's crazy because like everybody's totally cool with it because it it makes sense and they do the work to update it game to game and then find the ads and that pays for some of the like high-end stuff that they do in that series whatever but like see look look how easy it was yeah all you had to do and this is the tough part was make every single one of those games good and have tons of good shit in it that's all here's some big fucking air quotes that's all you had to do is make every single one of them a good one even the shittiest yakuza game
Starting point is 00:49:27 is still pretty good okay but no no no no there's a difference though because if it like if people are still happy with their sports game but they throw in ads on the loading screen that's like every time you use that cc lemon you have to watch a 30 second animation of him drinking it slowly as the logo zooms in on the can and then he walks and disposes of the can and a recycling I had a really fun moment when I streamed uh judgment uh last week where there's a side quest in which I walk up to a restaurant that I have not heard of and I you walk out and then the president of the company is there and the president of the company is like hey did you like our stakes we really really try and mix the highest quality stakes with the lowest price possible so that the customer
Starting point is 00:50:17 always wins and your character goes wow that is a really fantastic and that is the start of a five part quest line which is just and I mean just talking to the president who by the way is standing in front of a real poster of himself on the wall of the restaurant and you're like wow this this is an amazing way to run a company and I look at my chat and go is this is this ad and sure enough comes back this is totally an ad this is a real restaurant and this is a real guy yaks gotta get those sacks of money and they gotta get paid it's the it's what they do it's really funny to me because it happened with the cup noodle thing too yes where it's so fucking in your face yes and it's and it's played so serious while being goofy as fuck that I laugh and I go oh you got it because
Starting point is 00:51:15 it comes back around right and it's and it's funny the cup noodle thing in final fantasy 15 I think is my favorite part of the entire game especially with what you can do with the photo there which everyone I knew I don't know I didn't talk to you about it but the final photo was like noctis with the cup noodle on his head or just the photo of cup noodle this is the memories we made along the way cup noodle like it's hilarious and it doesn't come off gross it comes off in this like pathetically sincere like embarrassing almost yeah but also this is the same franchise as ff7 and ff6 in a way like you like it what like how am I putting it's like oh right yeah it's just it's weird to think that like the world we live in now is one where like you know what I
Starting point is 00:52:10 can't even I just looked down into our chat and saw the perfect example of what I'm talking about and it's fucking Wayne's world do you remember that shit that fucking long bit about how they would never sell out while they're wearing pizza hut t-shirts and drinking big pepsi that shit was hilarious well I mean movies but movies like do that all the time it's been a part of movies forever the fucking seven up transformer or mountain dew transformer it's you know I feel like it there's a really fine line make me laugh at how disgusting you're being right and you get a free pass you get a free pass sure just give me a chuckle one one chuckle so if they had a fucking thing in nba where they had a feature of like tv emulation mode where they actually
Starting point is 00:53:05 dialed it up to like disgusting but it was optional I bet some people would get a kick out of it the mountain dew minute presented by Taco Bell insurance providers Geico yeah the fucking lizard it crawls across the street yeah yeah yeah right um anyway brands yeah but yeah hey so I played judgment cool guess what sure uh that game does not have an e in it in the title which screwed up my titles for a while and a bunch of my tweets guess what what judgment the word does not have an e the legal version doesn't the the one everyone else uses does okay well I learned this back when I worked on uh uh uh guilty gear judgment yeah and I remember that was the time that I'd be writing bugs and I was like god damn it how does this word not have an e well it has
Starting point is 00:54:04 m e n t is there but I mean after the judge but the reason is is because there are two different words that mean 99 percent the same thing and one has an e and one doesn't after my stream and me fucking it up all over I had a guy uh messaged me on twitter who apparently works in a law firm he's like I have to spend hours a week going through documents yeah just taking the e out yeah or else the documents don't count yeah I that's where that's where I learned it I learned it on the fucking job regardless this game is weird shocker as from the Ryuga Kotoku studio which they're now named the like a dragon studio yeah um it's really like a dragon games because the whole time I streamed it every 10 minutes I had to re explain to people coming in wait is this a yakuza
Starting point is 00:54:52 game and the answer is because it takes place in the same location it takes place yeah it's a spin off yeah but everyone keeps expecting majima to jump out a window right and what's a guide in whatever as as I've gone through a bunch of it and as I've talked to people who played the Japanese version majima is not going to jump out a window yakuza 6 has problems I finished that like last week and the biggest problem is they actually got stuck trying to get away from Kiryu because Kiryu's the man right he's the face that first game came out in like fucking 2004 and it became increasingly difficult for people to come into the series because you'd have moments and like yakuza 4 where you turn a corner and you're like oh my god it's you that one boss from yakuza
Starting point is 00:55:48 one that I thought died but I guess you didn't die and now you're the head of this entire side quest chain and new players are go huh what see I'm assuming I'm assuming that judgment has characters from that world zero oh wow this so the more the more that I play it the more up comes really really clear that they're like we this is so by the way this is the first one that got a dub since yakuza one and it has two subtitle translations it has a subtitle translation for the game and as a subtitle closed captioning option for the dub okay so when you switch it to dub subtitles you get closed captioning when you switch it to it's Japanese language but subtitles translates the Japanese translate it's super cool that's a lot of work sure is because
Starting point is 00:56:41 this is the the new attempt to be like hey kid doesn't have the word yakuza in the title right yeah right hey everybody there's this cool game series we got and you don't need to know a goddamn thing about it to jump in that's what I heard that's totally what this game is a lot of people let me know that this there is like zero knowledge required and to a degree it's a little disappointing because I have only been able to find one line of text that references anything at all from the old games and there's a it's basically a move that Kiryu used to have that you can unlock in this game then it describes this move was made famous by a legendary yakuza and that's it that's literally all I've been able to find in the whole game I mean at some point in the middle of an investigation
Starting point is 00:57:31 somewhere deep down within the final hours of the game someone's shirt's gonna get ripped off the game has been out in Japan no not one no no there's a there's a guy who says that a crazy yakuza man jumped out of him because he was hiding in a bathroom stall which people assume means majima but he doesn't mention an eyepatch he doesn't mention a thing he just right um you're dealing with the tojo clan you're dealing guess what hey there's yakuza but it's a new family I've never heard of and it never seems to overlap at all this is a very contained side story not only do shirts like not get ripped off someone has seen buttoning one up so early in the game like the fair one of the first things that happens is your character is dressed like a hobo to blend
Starting point is 00:58:19 in and he somehow rips the entire hobo outfit off to appear as boy bands cop man there you go in in a very similar way and I guess that's the one that we get okay um so aside from the weirdness of how much of a spin-off this is the game's fantastic shocker it's it's fucking great yep there's a there's a real benefit to the change in tone because you play as a disgraced lawyer who is now a private detective instead of I don't know a fucking yakuza and just that single change in context as to being this is a person who is actually on the outside of this world poking their head in it gives them the ability to do a lot of stuff that they don't usually do and it's great it's a new combat character that plays completely differently from any of the other characters they
Starting point is 00:59:12 had they decided to try something new where now you instead of having all sorts of combat styles they have one that's for groups and one that's for bosses and you just hit down the d-pad and go this is the single target boss fighting style or this is the group fighting style with lots of wide kicks I imagine that the life of a yak and the life of a detective would have different amounts of random fight encounters on the street you would think that wouldn't you I would so they've actually done something really smart here because in the yakuza series by the way yakuza it's an rpg series there's random battles it's just modern and you're in a city but you're random you're fighting random battles all the time so there's still random battles here but for the early game what they do is
Starting point is 00:59:56 most of them are jokes and they're just drunks they're drunk goons that are just they're not gang this yakuza that angry asshole this which of course they would all fight yakuza man because whatever territory for us right here it's goons you get a little farther in the story and you have a little story event where you have a run in with a local street gang and you piss them off and then the game tells you hey some of your random battles will be against these gang members and what they've done is that in yakuza one through a million random battles would just slowly increase in difficulty over the course of the game but each random battle would be more or less the same difficulty it just dependent on how many goons there were here they're still drunk
Starting point is 01:00:43 idiots that are jokes and then there are mini bosses wandering around so you're flipping a coin between pretty easy and fairly tough and it makes sense in detective context yeah because you did a stupid run in and you pissed these guys off I just did another story event I fully expect a larger yakuza organization to now start showing up and basically they set it up so that as you go forward tougher and shittier groups will be mad at you and trying to murder you therefore like putting more variety in your random battleship it's smart is anyone is there anyone trying to subject the detective to a shakedown not yet okay that's really only been in zero and it sucks because that was like the best part of zero it was the most memorable part that everybody love to
Starting point is 01:01:37 talk about um stories fantastic it's it's it's it really how to put this you know how we've talked in the past or alluded to like ace attorney is like a satire yeah of the japanese legal system but most people don't aren't aware how screwed up the japanese legal system is so they don't even think about it at all right this game is literally all about that the reason your character is disgraced is because he's a defense attorney who actually got an acquittal and then the next day his client went and murdered his girlfriend oh yeah well yeah yeah yeah yeah so I remember the trailer set that up um so but there's also something to the hard boiled story that is like you have to have a disgraced cop that is the truth of the matter is they were just too good at their
Starting point is 01:02:28 job yeah right yeah they would they like that's there's always a sin city tale underneath of like if you weren't a defense attorney fuck you hard again yeah son of a bitch you think you're better than us you know there's always that so yeah yeah of course uh game also it's the first outside of zero it's the first yakuza game of any kind to run at a good frame rate it's it's the first one outside of the ps4 port of zero that runs at 30 like it actually runs wait by good frame rate you mean 30 i mean 30 okay because i remember when i loaded up that first that third one for testing purposes and i was like oh that's a really busy city i don't have high expectations that's right fine and that was correct for you to think that yes but we are now many many a year later
Starting point is 01:03:21 and well let me give you let me give you a they haven't figured that out yet very fast breakdown okay one and two are on the ps2 and get fucked trying to have that look stable right sure three four five zero were all on the ps3 and three didn't even run that well and they only kept throwing more shit at it as time went on and they shared they used the same engine yep and then zero got ported to the ps4 or was cross gen so it ran at 60 there and they went yay and then kawami was a fucking wii u game that then came to the ps4 so that it ran good there yay and then we got six which is a new engine the dragon engine and we're right back to you who's the three of like it's trying to hit 30 it's trying and then this one actually not only runs at a really and i'm like
Starting point is 01:04:16 i'm crazy about this i mean it is a stable 30 but it actually has a higher resolution than all the other games they put a lot of like optimization time into it and it actually makes a big difference that when you're running through the city people aren't fucking popping into existence and the shit isn't shuddering as you turn a corner usually when you switch to a new engine it's so that you can go hey look guys the sky's the limit look how awesome this is going to be for the future yeah and that's why they switched to dragon yeah and now but but you switch to it and you're immediately pushing it to the limit and right away yeah and now the only thing is because and it used to be push it harder and that's why yakuza 4 doesn't run as good as
Starting point is 01:04:58 three and then five really doesn't run very well at all and here they've actually gone the opposite and it's like i could be fine with the games looking like this and running this way for another five ten years fine whatever it's good now games great yeah i guess yeah no no not i guess the game is great i mean i'm just thinking about how i'm like okay so like they're not rockstar right no rockstar is making bigger games with comparable amounts of insane content yeah that are running at 1080 60 yeah fine they don't have that kind of money well no wait what are you talking about rockstar games don't run well at all really does crazy red dead runs at some weird frame rate and then on top of that has like the worst input latency of like any game i've ever played
Starting point is 01:05:49 fucking big cash money rockstar doesn't run at the like you know why why look at the detail on this horse testicle huh they're the they're the like the pinnacle of just push more detail push more draw distance push more everything that is me fully fully just assuming with no knowledge whatsoever you're thinking that the money would have obviously made money goes into more it doesn't go into better i straight up outsider thought the money made it all work woolly wow more and more nobody the reason why i play most of my games on pc is because nobody cares about better they care about more i would gladly dot so like i'm gonna switch over i played some of the iceborn beta this weekend did you play any of it no it's fucking awesome i can't play it anymore
Starting point is 01:06:45 the fucking variable fucking 35 to 50 fps rando chug shit on the ps4 i can't do it i'd fuck it not after playing a bunch of it on pc but with that being said just lock it to 30 if you locked it to 30 it would be fine it would be smooth but this variable shit is the worst i gotta talk to somebody see if i can get that message across it's so fucking bad so what are you gonna do i'm gonna wait on pc i'm gonna wait a couple months hopefully not that long till pc but look what i did get to do is fuck around with all the new all the new shit they put in all the new weapon stuff it's it's approaching character action at this point because they gave everybody nero's arm it's crazy how much shit everybody got i think it's the most amount of new moves
Starting point is 01:07:39 those weapons have ever received in an update i mean the devil bringers not the metric for that but i get what you mean it's getting really actiony well i also mean they literally gave like it's got more mechanics than the devil bringer does yeah it's it's awesome i'm very excited for iceborn i hope that pc release is not as far away so excited that you're gonna sit at their copy and stare at it i would rather wait to play a better version than get frustrated also i'm in a weird place all your friends are playing now oh no all my friends are waiting for the pc version oh except for one well there you go you know the crazy one who just will not wait and will double down and recreate all of his shit on the pc version that friend yeah he's going ps4 but
Starting point is 01:08:24 everybody else i know is going well i'll just wait for the pc version because all the all the friends that i play with monster hunter are the same friends i play f of 14 with and they're all pc players uh i'm glad tekrex is back i'm very glad he's you you never dealt with him before did not he's he's a good screamy boy he's he's a good one uh what else i do oh yeah i'm sure you touch this i'll have almost nothing to say about this other than blood stains really good did you wear a certain mask as you played nope okay oh which one apparently you guys or stone mask bass so if you want to play as bass when you start the game have your name be all caps bullfighter yeah you get a dumb little zubaz mask on your face yeah that's cool um did you play
Starting point is 01:09:21 bloodstained though i did not uh i will be taking a look at uh that and uh judgment and other things so a little later this week though so had a busy weekend but we'll get there i have uh i have a real easy sell to anybody who is on the fence about bloodstained have you ever played or enjoyed symphony of the night symphony of the night specifically yes you'll enjoy bloodstained it's my favorite because it's symphony of the night too it's the castlevania game i have enjoyed the most so and i really mean like because you know aria sorrow came out and don sorrow came out and portrait of ruin came out and order of occlusion came out they all had variations on the formula this is symphony of the night it's just symphony of the night down to certain rooms being the same
Starting point is 01:10:08 renewal and symphony of the night when you go into the the the grotto underneath the castle and there's that waterfall that goes down and there's like all these little satellite rooms yes you have trouble getting back up yeah yeah that's there cool it's exactly the same yeah i believe the uh the twitter account is called whip or sword yeah so they had they had a they had a thing where hey when you fight the secret boss do you want to get a whip or do you want to get a sword and they couldn't the the the poles got inconclusive so you get the whip sword from it there you go yeah there you go and the boss that you fight to get it is iga cowboy hat wearing yeah nice iga nice also i we all joke about ha ha is that a jojo reference this is this is now like this is bordering
Starting point is 01:11:01 on too far this is bordering on way too far okay now you said you talked about the mask for a second the stone mask is right there is it is it a name you enter no it's an item that you pick up just pick up and it's the stone mask okay it's the stone mask yes and it has the thing coming out of the forehead and it's the stone yeah yeah if you hold up on the d-pad you do um you do one of giorno you do um josuke's pose and if you keep holding up on the d-pad you do deos pose when you look at him from the back yeah um there's a character that might as well actually be named deo in the game mm-hmm and everything that comes along with it there's a certain special move you can do that has the same sound effect as it does in stardust crusaders like it's yeah stupid i mean dude like
Starting point is 01:11:53 that like i saw the intro to hunter hunter now that fucking mask is just sitting there it's right there it's just there yeah and you go oh yeah hey look cool anyway moving on don't worry about it yeah that's fun uh it's a really good game and it is a success of kick starter good good kick starter game took a long time i only have one thing to say about it that's a downside and i kind of feel gross thinking it it's not hollow night in scope no i mean it's just not hollow night this is a sequel to symphony and night that we would have gotten in like 2000 and hollow night is the sequel to all that to one of the metroid or those that we got in 2017 or whatever year came out sure i mean i agree with the sentiment that i don't know if you're saying this or not but
Starting point is 01:12:52 personally i like sprites more than 3d a lot of the time yeah i'd still miss the bloodstain doesn't have sprites yeah so there's that but it's not just that i just mean like the feel and stuff like that okay i was just as excited about bloodstains anybody else and i feel kind of disappointed not in the game because it's exactly what it needs to be but it's not like more like hollow night was all i was a shock um is there a so besides the symphony of the nightness is it also the same in terms of um spells moves and equipment uh it's it's aria it's based off of aria okay because it's kill enemies get souls use power okay because um like i enjoyed the hollow night system as well of like you know equipping the um what are they called charms charms and fitting
Starting point is 01:13:42 the numbers in and making that all work yeah no this this is straight up very aria or donov's uh donov sorrow just like kill this enemy get the arrow spell put your hand out and shoot arrows that kind of thing game fantastic right on um yeah there's parts of it that are hard as fuck though as they should like i'm stuck i'm for real stuck on a boss i can't beat it i don't know what the fuck it's supposed to do yeah future reference uh save yourself some some trouble and don't compare things to hollow night those guys are fucking crazy can i compare silk song to hollow night those guys are fucking you can compare silk song yes yes that is the one game you're allowed to compare to hollow night i'm i'm super like weirded out like metroid prime four
Starting point is 01:14:24 is going to come out i'm like you know it's no silk song um what should you uh that's pretty much it cool i didn't play fall fancy at all actually all right because uh i did everything i wanted to do it now just wait for the expansion i watched anime did you watch attack on titan yeah all right in fact i messaged you at 6 30 a.m this morning yeah i didn't see that but i watched it before that yeah you watched yes yeah so hold that thought this week we'll actually talk about that shit yeah also uh shout outs to everyone who doesn't listen to the end because i put the message in at the end but yeah those who didn't hear it i love it i love it expose my favorite for not listening to music whatever my favorite is when people are like pat did you know this and then they
Starting point is 01:15:11 messaged me back like oh i watched two more minutes and you said the thing that i told you yep oh yeah oh there is a huge ongoing for the last x years yeah number of folks that uh send in a thought or tweet a thought um mid listen yeah and then get there later and go oh like yeah yeah i ended you probably would have forgotten i get it but also yeah give it a shot yeah give it a shot but yes we will be talking about the basement and other things from attack on titan this week yeah we promise like things more exciting than the basement who cares about the basement fuck the basement who cares uh yeah catch up man it's it's good stuff it's good for you we were talking about the eo 10 onslaught today um cool i guess curse you
Starting point is 01:16:06 kami subs for putting that curse on us uh if you want to check out more of my bullshit check out the slash angriest pat this week i'm barely streaming at all because thursday friday onwards it'll be all shadow bringers all the time until i beat that main scenario quest which will be every day until i do i foresee many stream hours from friday onwards there's no shortage of games you could take a look at but you're choosing this one well here here's then there will be others yeah it's like i i'm not streaming today tomorrow wednesday because i'm like let me think i'm gonna be streaming probably like nine days in a row and then helping on a plan to go to rtx do i really need to stream 12 days in a row and then i'll play the rtx like
Starting point is 01:16:57 that seems like a lot yeah cool now before we forget let's take a quick word from our sponsors yes let's uh so this week the podcast is sponsored by door dash door dash door dash they give you food don't they if you had a long day at work or a tough day at school or you're still stuck at the office why don't you treat yourself treat yourself to a meal you deserve it's on-demand foods from your favorite restaurants coming to you with door dash man i'm so hungry right now right going places to eat kind of fancy and whatnot those days are over how about you get it brought to me we have we have the tech we can do it we can we can actually have the food it's kind of magic and if the places that you like to eat like you can pack it in a box then why do we why do i have
Starting point is 01:17:50 to go why can't you just why do i got to use my legs like a sucker i mean quite frankly we're steps away from the delivery person coming in and feeding you yeah but that's the future we're not there yet in the meantime door dash where if you love to cook but you're not in the mood you don't want to have the dishes tonight you call door dash you get them to deliver your favorite foods from your restaurants in your area and hey uh quite frankly it's ordering is easy all you got to do is get the app the door dash app choose what you want to eat they'll bring it to you anywhere um there's over 300 000 other amazing restaurants on that list of available that's one of those numbers that's too big to understand it's just it's like okay everyone everyone everyone
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Starting point is 01:19:33 uh when you download the door dash app and enter the promo code super beast that's five dollars off your first order when you download the door dash app from the app store and enter the pro the promo code super beast that's promo code super beast for five bucks off your first order from door dash thanks door dad thank you door dash how about you walls what you do with your you must have touched something yes well first i touched the fgc i want to hear about samurai showdown well first i want to talk about the tournament oh yes i was at ultimate montreal air dashers aka you mad oh guys you have to understand you have to understand how good these guys are so good the montreal anime community the montreal anime community are called the
Starting point is 01:20:38 montreal air dashers and they have succeeded their original tournament with uh ultimate oh god that has to be that has to stay and this is you mad this is you mad has fucking it's that's it's just you mad is is one of those awesome memes that it got to stay yep forever like as much as i like hose mad which i'm enjoying a lot lately where'd that come from it came from the song hose mad where the hook is hose mad times 24 cool and it's garbage it's trash but hose mad is just so i don't know it's fun to say yeah but you mad is forever mad you mad yeah yeah because that's an emotion put into four letters anything that uh anything that a troll can adopt as a way of life is probably gonna lifestyle it's gonna stick around you mad is a lifestyle yeah it is a hundred percent
Starting point is 01:21:39 so um the uh the anime tournament here yeah this was easily the best year they've had easily sick ass venue um right in central downtown pretty much right it was right it was like a spot that i'd never seen before right across from the best buy um what on st katharine right like a really cool central church no not the church but like that spot yeah that yeah right like there's the anw on the corner yeah i was like right there what it was super good uh there's a venue for what for parties and events okay and it's a really nice spot and it has like some cool interior i've watched by that fucking thing yeah a thousand times there's a really cool event spot there and uh we had a tournament and um this like it hosted you know like we had like uh yeah it was 170 or so 180 people came out
Starting point is 01:22:38 and they ran the most brackets i have ever seen at a minor tournament oh yeah there was i think 18 games like every game that is not a capcom game was running yesterday so i i for those of you at home listening to the audio version the can't see my face proper drew scanlin i close uh they 18 fucking games they smoothly ran brackets for fucking everything and i couldn't believe it just every people that are there like the the contestants are polite and show up to their matches or what like no but just like the like the confusion that comes from that many brackets overlapping with people in multiple tournaments being called in multiple times is insane but they fucking did it like that's crazy unbelievable yeah no so like the entire umed crew is like a lot of them are the guy pretty
Starting point is 01:23:36 much i've had almost all of them on um my get into fighting games uh streams you know umed but yeah they they absolutely crushed it this weekend with the biggest investor they've done yet i entered just for like as i i looked at the list and i was like i'll do this this and then there's like oh my god i got down the bottom and then there was a second half to the list i hadn't seen right so i entered this weekend uh exerd mk 11 cross tag battle um lethal league blaze uh hold on running lethal hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on exerd cross tag battle unist lethal league blaze mk 11 uh there was definitely more uh foosies i entered foosies and i want to say one more game but uh i can't remember right now but i think i entered like seven things
Starting point is 01:24:47 and you won them all skull girls skull girls i entered skull girls yes um so that was just fucking wild um but uh so you entered a portion of games that was so broad it is multiple games more than you would even see yes at most tournaments and tecan eight i entered tecan as well so there yeah and that was less than half of what they had yeah that's ridiculous so anyway uh what uh i ended up doing most of the time however was i grabbed my my my ps4 i walked down there yeah plugged it in and went oh look it's the sam show who wants to get some games oh yes because s and k was kind enough to bless you yes some sam show yes and uh that shit ain't out yet so it's out tomorrow yep and to those of you who have not purchased sam show one we're gonna listen to
Starting point is 01:25:44 woolly talk about it and is a is it good it's good okay if you like fighting games they have the one they have huge balls that stuff we talked about last week about denying epic because they're going to sell millions yeah huge balls but too it has the best pre-order bonus for any game i've ever seen in my entire life which is you get the season pass for free yeah if you pre-order in fact uh so what i understand the way that works is not it's better it's more than just a pre-order bonus actually yeah so you get the season pass if if you if you pre-order you get the season pass for free if you play the game within the first five days yeah i believe you also get it for free so i think it's straight up pre-order or play it within the first week to get that and there's
Starting point is 01:26:39 a little golf club there you go in addition to uh know you epic game store go fuck yourself we got millions i'm might double dip on pc just because of that the balls are huge the balls are so big they've i said like i said folded over a thousand times they're so big now onto the game yes well there's two categories there's the game yeah and then there's darly dagger all right so let's leave darly dagger for later great the game i so i've not actually watched much footage of it but i watched a little bit of footage just on the way here and i have a question for you woolly how many times do people get hit per round so because it seems to be one what i said on my stream last tuesday was samurai showdown uh makes you question what life bars are it it looks more
Starting point is 01:27:36 like a point system than a life bar samurai showdown can easily be broken down into a series of bad decisions is what you're allowed it's not so much a life bar as it is a number of bad decisions you've made that you're now paying for yeah how many are you how many mistakes are you allowed to make well it depends on how much risk you're willing to put on the line okay because here's the thing about samurai showdown right if you get hit with a fucking heavy slash that's 33 just just clean if you just stand there clean okay that's a lot all right that's a lot if you get hit with a weapon flip super which is a super that knocks your weapon out of your hands yeah that's 50 okay and that clean just standing there just not a counter hit no just taking it all right
Starting point is 01:28:27 that's a weak super by the way yeah if you get hit with a like secret art super yeah the the actual the big boys the actual big one you're looking at 75 70 about 70 okay that's a lot you're looking at 70 65 70 yeah let's say um and if you get hit with a full isen aka the lightning blade uh huh what is there to look at you just die what is there um not 90 so you die you die night not did you get touched yeah you're gonna die okay cool if you didn't get touched these are these are clean clean okay tell me what counter hits are like well you see the percentage of the number that it at the counter hits add are you serious to the to the damage oh that's mean so you see like a little one to be up plus four plus six you know but you see the exact exact
Starting point is 01:29:22 extra percentage of damage you're taking on those as well um and of course if you confirm things a lot of the time they scale back so those fierce numbers go a lot lower when you do a throw first yeah because it's like it's guaranteed well yeah you're not taking a risk you're not taking a risk right risk will fucking reward you with riches beyond all measure it's it's funny because does this game have a comeback mechanic yes what is it isen okay it's your health is low and then pop your rage explosion okay but it sounds like it barely even needs one if a fucking counter hit hard slash is what 50 percent i mean because i saw a video on the way over here yeah of darlie dagger yeah no weapon yeah punching a character tam tam and taking them down to zero
Starting point is 01:30:13 from 75 percent that's correct and darlie is in like very little health has the worst is in a bad place she's zoned out in the corner with tam tam let her put the sword down and made the mistake of doing his floaty jump backwards he had it come in it's and she cranked that fucking shoulder and walked forward and miguel boosted his ass this feels into the next dimension like it has the potential for being the most exciting game and the most salt creating game ever now here's the flip side of when you press that c button to do all that damage do i know you're gonna press that c button uh oh i'm gonna do the deflect do you know what happens when i deflect what's that there goes your sword also you're gonna hold your arms out like this for a big fat counter hit
Starting point is 01:31:09 as i do what do i want to do let me go make my lunch do my taxes and then i'll do my super and now how much time do you get like for real enough time to do a super you can confirm anything you want off of a off of a deflect a path what you're saying is that it's lenient on the input you cannot confirm um uh you cannot pop your your rage and then do the east end which is the big slash that turns every screen red and kills everybody yeah you can't do both but you can do any other super in the game which is probably plenty yep more than plenty so what does this do to matches i feel like you're describing a 2d bushido blade so this is what it does to matches and this is what we discovered as we played it for most of this weekend it was a three day tournament
Starting point is 01:31:55 friday saturday sunday and uh the samurai showed on five players five special players were there because it was a five special was running as a tournament there yeah so i got to sit down with a lot of people that were used to sam show and and get the ins and outs going what it does is it creates a game where things are sealed right and it's it's it's the concept of sealing things in in a fighting game what that means is i have something that you know okay for example i play blanka you play um you play young yeah every time i do a blank a ball you can rush punch me on block just every time so i'm not going to do those anymore right oh my blank a balls in this match are sealed don't use them don't use them yes right unless that's confirmed yeah off of the
Starting point is 01:32:49 hit except for abel who had the ability to take a blank a ball and ultra me on hit yeah so sure turn that off right that's what sealing is right so you literally are like take the like so in this game you find out what blows up what and you find out what actions you get blown up by and then you go okay in this match i'm going to do this a lot less or i'm going to do this in not in this situation and depending on where you're standing on the screen your options open up and or decrease so what you're saying is that in a usual fighting game say you'd be playing as kami or you or whatever it's like hey maybe don't jump in on their wake up because unless it's a cross up because they could blow you up with a reversal with a reversal yeah dragon for you right yeah exactly here it's like
Starting point is 01:33:36 don't jump in on this situation because you'll die so good not not because it'll be bad or you'll get hit yes but because you'll just die yes and there are situations where someone will zone you out or do whatever they're doing or characters like darlie who have no problem being zoned out because they can win the round from the other end of it yeah not because of the punch because of other shit i'll get to yeah right um so now that we've established that my shit sealed from here and here and your shit sealed in here and here what do we have to do we have to play fucking footsies you have to play footsies you have to you have no choice you have to take those two characters and start wiggling you have to start wiggling back and forth and throw it out and feel
Starting point is 01:34:20 the range out and uh uh you have to play footsies that sounds like trying to emulate a samurai battle it's so clean right and what we basically came to so like um some some uh uh notable anime players were in town lord knight and like his e k or these like players that came to visit and like they both got their shot on it and we were kind of just talking about like um there is a an aspect of this where uh if dragon ball fighters and marvel represent what happens when you embrace chaos yeah and you get a situation where there's no neutral neutral half a millisecond i mean there there is yeah but you know what i mean it's not in in a traditional sense yeah right this and and blaze uh and grand blue fantasy recently yeah being just street fighter two represent order right so order has
Starting point is 01:35:18 been restored this game is so honest about everything you have to do because it's all a commitment you can't even run without but you can't just run and not and it's not a commitment because you there's a little bit of a slide at the end oh no so if you run you better know what you're doing after that run because you're open to getting hit for running yeah right jumping at the end of a jump there's a landing animation and at which point it takes time before you can jump again unless you time it perfectly and then you can cancel it but like everything is a commitment what how high do the combos go in this game okay uh i jump in and hit you yeah i hit you again yeah and then i do a fireball you know what the things you're describing sounds like this is a great
Starting point is 01:36:10 game for people to get into on fighting i would say so um so you know you know how you can jump kick and then crouching forward hadouken yeah combo yeah you did come that's the highest level there you go it really is a game that takes it back to the buh buh buh basics right it really brings you to a slow paced stare down that you have to get used to and like when you know what the mechanics are when you get used to like the few things it's not a ton of mechanics but when you get used to what it's asking you to do and you realize that oh i fucked up i'm dead or you fucked up you're dead we now have to play an honest game with each other and it's so good this what you're describing is a feeling a game that is built on a feeling that feels bad when it's you but it feels the best
Starting point is 01:37:08 when it's somebody else oh yeah which shows up from time to time in other games yeah but here it seems to be the core of it which is all right we're neutral and i hit a button and the instant you touch that button before the animation even comes out you go i just killed myself i'm dead it's over i just died the most common phrase heard the entire weekend is oh it's over right like you literally you you hit a button you're fuck it's not yeah that was that was a bad move i'm dead yeah it is it is really really really satisfying feeling to capitalize in those moments um some of the the so like there's a there's like it's it is the period it is absolutely don't do combo no combo no combo no combo how could you not do combo right and uh every throw in the game that's not a command grab
Starting point is 01:38:00 obviously yeah the new like normal system throw yeah is a makoto karakusa yeah okay so everyone is and this is this is the way it works but it's like everyone every grab is i grab you and i push you back and now you're open to something now i will cut you a little now i will cut you a little bit yeah god like it really really was a ton of fun to like go through get used to like the mechanics and play that footsie game man because it's it's it's a satisfying i i don't know how to put it but it's like it's pure it's the purity of what's good about fighting games in a old school sense uh in the new school sense it's that marvel hype it's the crazy you know you and i are both people that very rarely they'll be fighting games that we prefer to play on pad for whatever reason this
Starting point is 01:38:44 feels like something that i would actually prefer to play on pad are there many combo button things this is a game i'm playing on pad okay my decisions for pad games is usually based on is it a four or six button game yeah if it's four button game yeah okay all right yeah if it's four buttons i generally play on pad if it's six i play on stick yeah uh this game is four buttons it's abcds s and k always is always and you have um the oh except for kof 11 with the blow off shut up kof 11 yeah but uh um you get out of here with your controls but in your terrible menus every every shortcut button you need is on the shoulders okay so far right so you can get used to that no problem very easy to play this on a pad the one thing that is not simple to do on a pad
Starting point is 01:39:34 is uh okay there's there's literally three there's three moves i can think of yeah that are difficult on a pad two of them are gal forward moves uh and one of them is a universal system where you disarm yourself okay so to disarm yourself you have to press the equivalent of down triangle circle and x at the same time okay right there are a combination of shoulder shoulder buttons you can press down l1 and x at the same time that'll do it that's fine yeah i'm not there's times when i don't get it and also how often are you really going to disarm yourself quite rarely i would think unless you're playing darly daggers unless you're playing but uh yeah you kind of but that's about it right and then with gal forward there's a move that's intended to be difficult to
Starting point is 01:40:20 do yeah which is uh half circle back triangle plus x oh that's the awkwardest one but it's a good it's and it's an intended thing that they want it to be that way and for whatever but like so that's that's the that's what's going down um anyway so uh yeah a lot of the characters resemble what they used to you know a lot of them do the things they do and have all their strengths are the same um that seems great it it's a pretty good who's who of samurai showdown because it brings back everyone you want it to see everybody from the from two that matter everyone that mattered and then all the extra new ones that mattered yeah um like shiki shiki got in yoshitora got in he's the seven sword seven sword samurai he's the shit where's he from
Starting point is 01:41:07 he's designed by yashiro naito no i mean but what game did he show up in uh he showed up in five okay yeah he's the shit bring him in he's amazing yeah so he's there right uh i miss the twins there's um yeah you know uh uh uh so getsu and kazuki but uh who knows right it's it's good shit um and yeah the we know that rimu ruru and a couple of other characters are going to be coming uh shortly darly dagger yeah it's not the same as but it just so happens that in addition to being made for woolly yeah in design and in execution yeah there's a really satisfying replacement for the things i loved about monster hunter and marvel infinite that's the i never thought that's the last thing i expected you to say yeah i don't know what i thought you were gonna say
Starting point is 01:42:07 yeah but definitely wasn't the fuck that so it's the big sword remember what i so yeah okay swinging around the the great sword in monster hunt with monster hunter and marvel infinite is a unique incredibly fun experience and uh this is not the same thing but there's moments like it that i really enjoy some of that same aftertaste yeah for example uh it's a game that has um there's close normals and there's far normals okay right she has a sweet spot you can stand in where if you land her heavy she swings the likes if you land it from far she swings the blade and it fucking cuts you open yeah up close same thing going the other way right if you stand in the sweet spot she lands it in you and then cleaves it back for like extra damage and it's brutal right so it's
Starting point is 01:42:53 kind of an encouraging you to play in this range this is a very specific range yes right uh i like that heft i like that to her blade and everything uh about how she swings it and whatnot that reminds me of playing monster hunter um and not to mention people walking by going like that looks like a monster hunter character a little bit often and i'm like yeah kind of definitely right especially her wind pose where she stomps the ground and a barrel of fucking booze lands on her shoulder oh wow okay she punches it open and chugs it you know and then fucking does the full mouth wipe like you're like oh marry me now she's amazing um so uh uh she's got um the big fucking wind to punch that you've seen right which no one has really seen or been paying much attention to
Starting point is 01:43:43 is she's also got without with her sword the ability to turn it into a hammer and then charge that shit i didn't know that at all and crawl forward with it very slowly that's literally monster hunter after about three to four seconds the hammer becomes an armored overhead unblockable full ground uh uh hit hurtbox that does about 60 to 70 percent of your life what don't let her do it that seems stupid also the weaker versions of the swing uh if i let it go earlier knock projectiles back at you so if you decide you're just gonna zone at me i'll just swing the hammer and knock the projectiles back right so if you want a zone but you have a character that's not full screen zoning don't let me sit here and do this because you're not going to win the round oh that's crazy
Starting point is 01:44:39 right and if i stupid oh also after you take that 60 percent damage from the unblockable hammer that has a hit of armor that hits the whole fucking bottom of the screen uh you wake up staggered so you just die so you're open to another okay which can be a super an isen or just a hard hit or a hard c yeah yeah so that's that's the round if you eat it straight the fuck does everybody have some kind of fucking stupid bullshit a lot of people do a lot of people do um don't let them do it but darly's is you see the thing is hurt with hers is though it's very much don't let them do it if you know then you know you know if you're caught sleeping motherfuckers are going to be crying online in this game hard on day one so excited hard right and one of the funnest things i learned last night
Starting point is 01:45:30 one of the last things i discovered about that is it's hard to use it in certain matchups where they know you're gonna do and they just don't let you right really actually it's not practical in the same way that the sword punches the punch is not super practical either it's for certain situations where you you can fucking try some gimmicky shit right yeah but if you flip their weapon out of their hands and then go stand on it and charge that hammer what the fuck you gonna do this is mine now because you have to come get your sword yeah so i'm and i'm like this is what the move is for the move is for you when you disarm somebody you go stand on their sword and go let's play fucker let's fucking play it's it's so much fun so much fun that game sounds cool yeah
Starting point is 01:46:14 pick it up absolutely if you now here's the thing about it is that like it has complex inputs it's not doing the shortcut button input thing yeah um so to do supers you're doing snk motions oh yes right uh there is that does exist and that has always existed in samurai showdown yeah uh you can still just use buttons to play the game yeah and do well do do fine as long as you know how to use the systems that the game has i have a question that you may not be able to answer because the game is not out but have you tried to play an online match of any kind yeah so i don't i was i was told not to try online oh yeah i don't think the network was up yet okay uh they seem to have confidence in their system this time around we don't have a confirmation
Starting point is 01:47:08 whether or not it's going to be rollback okay we don't know we're all crossing our fingers i don't know if praying for rollback because there's like rollback benefits and rollback you know downsides and this like the biggest rollback problem is when it rolls back and you see it in a game like this i can see moments where it rolls back and you see it to be like outrageous sure yeah the the life bar reveals itself like i won yeah um we know that but of all the evils of netcode rollback is the preferred yeah right uh we know that they gave i believe code mystics five special and they put rollback into that so we'll see if they do it in this but this is s and k internal developing so we don't know for sure anyway samurai showdown
Starting point is 01:48:03 feeling great seems like it's going to be a banger refuses to spell their own title correctly after all this time it's the world who's wrong the world is stupid for putting a w in there and it's easier for branding and marketing purposes yeah because except for the part where people for like assume that it has the w in it yeah because why would it not so uh yeah and it's gonna be at evo and uh i don't know how long it's gonna last i hope it sticks around it would be a great to see s and k have a second branch yep you know game here uh it's certainly strong enough as a contender to stick around it's just will it be like sam show and kind of like alt be the the new thing that fades into relative obscurity i feel that the the type of game that it is with
Starting point is 01:48:54 how hard and how mean it is will do well in the viewing era because every match is like one in millisecond away from a huge upset but also in this time of somewhat exodus from some of the bigger titles yes and where unist is getting its proper play yes i think that we're going to get some people that are like yeah i'm gonna stick around with this game you know i'm not getting the too deterred by it and i'm like i think the willingness to learn how to walk back and walk forward and then when the time is right press a button is higher than it is to learn a touch of death in marvel or dragon ball i prefer it honestly yeah a lot of people do i prefer neutral more over big old combo it's hyper neutral but it's still neutral yeah you know what i mean i know what
Starting point is 01:49:50 you mean but like i'm just anyone who plays those games that here's you say they have no neutral would be like that fucker doesn't know what he's talking about but it what it is will last for a millisecond yeah it's exactly what i mean guys come on and it is um it is really just deep down in your soul deep deep down what choice are you going to make at splatfest you know do you embrace chaos or do you embrace order what do you prefer i'm literally someone who enjoys both at their peak taken to the extremes yeah you don't want that middle of the road shit you want to fucking give me that stupid shit we're playing a three on three with touch of deaths then so fucking be it i want to get mixed up in the dumbest way possible you know i want to see that
Starting point is 01:50:31 virgin sword like like round trip coming back as you teleport behind me but the fucking doom rocks are coming yeah and then you and then you you know what i mean and it's yeah you just can't possibly yeah that i got blown up by that i want i want to see that incoming mix up and go oh when it hits me when i want to play chaos simultaneously i don't know he's moving a little closer i'm he might hit a button i don't want him to hit a button should i hit a button i don't know i'm not going to hit a button there's some high-level samurai showdown uh that consists of two players holding down back and staring at each other i have a question for you there's this old akuma match in third strike that i remember we all watched back in the day that we were all it was so goofy
Starting point is 01:51:16 because i would think it was akuma versus urion and they were just wiggling back and forth and crouching for like 20 25 seconds and i'm like this is a good nap right yeah yeah that that that this game is that honda honda stare down right that and for people that don't know i'm not gonna bother to explain it's weird but just like there's a lot to be said about a game that can be exciting while actually nothing is happening yes but actually a lot is happening but actually nothing is to samurai's drawn blades are staring at each other and circling the exact distance and then someone goes for it and then the other knew that he was going for it and then he gets parried yeah and that parry gets opened up and then the guy who got the parry is
Starting point is 01:52:05 like haha i got you and he's coming in for the punish but you can cancel your deflect state into a special if you feel like taking the risk so you do an uppercut and blow up the punish so i know that you know that i know all right okay people are gonna get mad it's people gonna be a rage quit fast but i can't wait but the thing is about a game like this is that you'll die before you get a chance to reach one third round there's no time to rage quit you can't reach the ethernet cable you're already you died remember the greatest hokitono can match ever yeah that yeah right we both on the third round if we haven't used our pow yet our rage explosions you better fucking believe i'm gonna use it you know because what is there to lose but the entire game
Starting point is 01:52:55 and then we both pop it and now we're both staring at each other waiting for someone to you know you do something you know you do it god damn dude yeah yeah it's gonna be there's gonna be sequences where like i had like there's so many to go into but there's moments of like haha i got this round what the fuck you're gonna do oh shit you did the thing i never thought you would do now what do we do and the answer is stare and slowly figure out like oh can i maybe bait you can i put a foot out and uh yeah you know like there's these just tense moments of like i never like i didn't think but basically if we both make a single mistake here the game is gone yeah and it's just the most focused and intense you're staring at everything on the screen also
Starting point is 01:53:46 by the way when you do the rage explosion the timer stops going down yeah so there was a match that i won that was on zero and the guy who was losing popped it and said it match ain't over yet and the timer's on zero and you're like oh fuck and you still have to keep your keep it going because it ain't over till it's actually over i'm waiting i'm waiting for the moment that is the equivalent of you did a wake up super but he knew i would block it wait who does two supers in a row that's crazy i can't believe i got hit by the second one because who would ever do something so stupid yeah yeah yeah the clock is not the end yeah you know anyway samurai showdown is fantastic yeah that's pretty much what i did but if you would like to see more of samurai showdown of
Starting point is 01:54:40 wonderful 101 which just finished this week very much like what you did with the parts what are you talking about i don't understand i very much like what you did with the parts hey we played the wonderful 101 and it just so happens it just so happened that the final episode is episode 101 how that's crazy fuck that could that have been called bananas i didn't think that game was that long dude we did it we actually got to 101 episodes it was crazy what a finale you're such a jackass so uh that's and that's going down um and yeah i'm gonna be starting new things as well at over on woolly versus that's on twitch and on youtube and uh i guess i'll announce here too as well that uh i'm going to be changing the channel format around and
Starting point is 01:55:32 trying some stuff out you talking about the youtube channel or the twitch channel the youtube channel so i'm gonna be doing things a little bit differently i'm gonna i'm gonna try less shirts well i mean we're rtx is coming don't worry about that no i meant like like more nipples oh in general well no promises there but my tattoo is coming along okay um no i'm gonna what i'm gonna try doing is um i'm gonna focus on one core lp and we're gonna take a i'm gonna do a lot more looks at quick one offs that makes sense right i'm gonna check out a lot more games i ended up doing something similar that on my stream where it's just like trying to do multiple at once ended up with everything taking forever yes because like at some point it kind of like dawned on me
Starting point is 01:56:16 that's like look i want to get through a lot of games and experience them and see what they're about and like the lp experience for me is really fun because i get to finally figure out what the big hubbub was with this thing right but in a situation like now where i'm like okay fucking cadence of higher rule judgment bloodstained all just dropped and more things are coming and this is going to be a pace of like i was like there's nothing coming out in july somebody helped me figure out what games to stream and they're like did you forget that mario maker comes out i'm like i sure did it's gonna be fucking stupid right like so i'm just kind of looking at this i'm like okay there's a lot of games i want to play here that i'm not gonna get to do justice
Starting point is 01:57:02 if i do things the way i'm doing them so we're gonna i'm gonna try doing things in a different way and seeing how that works because at the very least i'll get a chance to play more shit that i'm missing yeah as it comes out frequently and as we get into fucking crazy town of like release schedules um also like i want to have more fun playing shit that i probably you know want to take a crack at like i want to take a crack at judgment i want to take a crack at it and see how it goes and then the no frills the no frills safe intro and then for your then for your personal you'll be like oh man this one really hooked me and then you'll you'll dedicate time to that so that's the second part of it that i was thinking of i didn't necessarily lock it in there but the
Starting point is 01:57:42 idea being that like hey if one of these things that i take a look at feels really good yeah maybe i'll start doing some more of that because it felt really good yeah you know i've actually i'm now right now i'm in the weird opposite of what you're doing in which i'm like bloodstained and judgment fuck y'all that's for me all me all for pat because on the flip side i'm giving them shadow bringers which i would normally just disappear into a dank cave and do myself you guys get this one you know mm-hmm it can't all be for you some for me some for woolly well i think i said it out there but you know one for you one for them one for us yeah that's how it go uh yeah but that's over on woolly versus and
Starting point is 01:58:42 check it out for more of that fun shit all right let's get into the news and you see what happens when you tell people about stuff before when you tell people about stuff before yeah the hunter-hunter is it when are we gonna get the hunter-hunter you're gonna get the hunter-hunter when the hunter-hunter ready to go is it like when are ready to when are ready to go are ready to go but this is usually why did you just schedule it four months ahead of time i just this is why i do the i record and then we and then suddenly out of nowhere oh fuck uh-huh because you never saw it coming but now that you know it's coming it's just where is it though don't worry when the time comes it's fine did you lose the files i lost the files
Starting point is 01:59:23 i might have to fake it and recreate them with a photo of john hey news photo on a stick like a photo on a potato oh yeah yeah hey news what's up hey what's new this week well apparently uh this has gone from rumor to being slightly more credible because of multiple sources i like that but it seems like diablo four has been shown to blizzard employees it's looking pretty certain now that one of those multiple diablo projects mentioned by developer blizzard uh last year is on the way following recent reports that devs were being moved off of starcraft fps to work on diablo four the studio is now caught that everything about what you're saying now is all bummers like the studio has now put up two new job adverts for a
Starting point is 02:00:21 diablo title lead character artist and lead concept artist it also seems that the game already exists at least in part as it's been shown to blizzard employees that was like the same article like a few weeks ago that was like by the way there's an overwatch two coming and everyone reacted with fuck off the idea that overwatch two is coming makes sense when you consider that they put the forge in the game yeah or the or whatever the workshop because it's like all right here's the final update make whatever you want yeah bye it doesn't make sense in terms of fuck off sure but i believe it that's bullshit but i believe it yeah um yeah and the idea that hey uh there's a uh you know the funniest thing about the starcraft fps that got that got starcraft side projects are
Starting point is 02:01:11 destined to all die i think it's the fourth one to just die and some of them looked pretty good so i also though recently so not to go back to it but this reminds me of the fucking uh i had a violent day last week uh and that was the day in which we completed the third birthday oh yeah and uh how'd that go yeah i don't actually know i'm asking genuinely i don't know how did that go i needed to lie down oh that bad huh the record we we hit the stop button and i wasn't done yelling it hurt my voice for a while i feel really happy that as somebody who played pe1 back when it came out and really loved that game that i just stopped playing that series and just kept that in my mind as that great game that i played and then we did the lp of two
Starting point is 02:02:14 and that's a pretty good game but it's not quite as good but i looked at third birthday and i always went not not uh uh uh and never even i don't even know what you're even talking about the actual worst it's ever been uh the actual worst it's ever been it's never been worse this is this is it you took it you found a way you found a way you did it you broke me you did it the worst it's ever been great what i like to think of when i hear cancelled starcraft fps title is at least it won't be that they were they had one of those so they had a third birthday on their hands and they went you know what how about we keep starcraft in the our bubble it's in that it is yeah right now um you know what's really funny to me about diablo four i remember back when diablo immortal
Starting point is 02:02:59 shit was going down and all that fucking jokes about hey everybody don't you lie and everyone no you know apparently diablo four was in development at that point as well and it was decided to not talk about it instead of favoring diablo immortal and that decision i feel like is just hey you own a phone don't you well i have to if i want to get in a blizzcon now um it's just like play path of exile just play path of exile instead are you saying that your hopes and excitement for diablo four are currently um soggy do you remember the email we got in one of the very first podcasts about
Starting point is 02:03:48 trusting companies and how the three bees the three bees and how they'll never let us down bio air Bethesda and blizzard do you remember how i want us what year was that 2015 must have been 14 and how we all laughed ourselves stupid then before 76 and before andromeda and anthem blizzards there too now like it like they were on a downward slope at the time but like every single thing i have heard about world of warcraft for five years is the game is now worse than it's ever been now it's now it's even worse now it's even more terrible right everything i hear about starcraft is that it was not another brood war war and so uh overwatch's league shit is so embarrassing and then the immortal stuff and
Starting point is 02:04:53 it's just like who even cares who even gives a single shit um i do it i do definitely admit that like when i see a new announcement for a new blizz a new overwatch character i kind of go yeah that's a cool design that's uh can't wait to see their model ripped into a cool animated short hot french medic man yeah shoots you with the with the medic gun yeah and then he saves you mm-hmm okay yeah yeah uh once upon a time everyone that i was at summer camp with spoke exclusively about diablo it like now you probably weren't allowed to play it because of the devil i certainly wouldn't now i'm just talking d1 or d2 i think it was d2 because d2 was like a fucking my friend who can't why aren't you playing d2 right now my friend brought me the booklet
Starting point is 02:05:59 with the art in it and gave it to me and i just borrowed the booklet and stared at the character art yeah that's because it was cool that's all i got diablo 2 was the shit and it was more the shit than any game of its own era it was the best it is like the template for the whole genre that we have now and that game still kicks ass now could there not be a trailer that releases that reaches back to all of that and ignores all of this no and hell no why not because the games that continue d2's legacy already exist and these are it's the games that are from the other companies from the people yeah yeah or or done by inspired of like pillars divinity etc no god you fucking bitch i'm sorry you fucking bitch i don't know i don't know every time i don't oh my god
Starting point is 02:06:57 if the camera is in the place and it looks like the click you move you move the mouse you click you click the sword man you kill the devil are you doing it up perfect kill the devil are you doing it up perfect does it take 60 hours to kill the devil borderlands and path of exile and loot games loot games fully not rpgs this is rocket night adventures blame my parents this is rocket night adventures slash sparkster all over again blame no but yeah because the blame the church do you remember when diablo 3 got first shown and there was a weird backlash that the game was too colorful oh yeah you remember that yeah so that got memed out and kind of like mocked but there was a core
Starting point is 02:07:51 of it that mattered and that was diablo 1 and 2 are filthy slimy dirty looking like they're grimy and shitty and sad you know like awful and diablo 3 the way the character proportions looked and the way shoulder pads were real big it was a little gauntlet legends it was a little world of warcraft it looked more like that and what people didn't know until the game came out was that it wasn't just the game's look it was also the game's feel it was also the fact that despite not coming out on consoles for like two extra years the game's interface and all the way the skills worked was clearly built so that they could eventually go on a controller right all these you know little things and it built up to like this isn't really what i wanted it's still diablo 3 is a great game once
Starting point is 02:08:44 they fix that auction house shit that i think the guy who headed that up had to leave the company over it um but then you look at something like um christ there's a bunch torchlight path of exile and grim dawn are all more accurate to what people want out of diablo so it's ultimately just we have our answers elsewhere it's fine path of exile is free too and it's huge but but every genre kind of has that yeah but there's still uh the originator factor right and that's when you but then you look at the development team and all that it's like oh everyone that whose name i would know who worked at blizzard no longer works at blizzard and everything to do with the way that diablo immortal was pushed gives me zero faith i remember there being a time um that not to say that this is the
Starting point is 02:09:41 case here but just i just remember i'm remembering when there was a time that uh hope and devil may cry five was lost not because ninja theories existed but because it was like oh yeah those people are gone that was so long ago yeah dante's awakening is and then it turns out all those people totally still work there they were just on dragon's dog well yeah um and i mean we knew we knew it sooner was around but um the the and then four was like fucking a million years ago and it was just like well the window of time to make the proper five that was coming off of four and three is gone so there's a there's another part to this which i honestly feel is almost specific to blizzard blizzard games take fucking forever to come out yeah their release date shit has always been a joke
Starting point is 02:10:34 it's absurd but you buy a game with that blizzard logo on it get best game you're gonna play this year that hasn't been true since fucking starcraft two came out like a decade ago like diablo three on release sucked even then i still don't know how people feel about starcraft two because the last thing i remember hearing is people went back to one yeah so i don't know one has a much more built up competitive scene and it's two just you can't you can't catch lightning in a bottle again and also everything story related with two is the worst it's the fucking worst they by the way the same things that i'm talking about uh diablo here where it came it became more colorful and more fantasy yeah that also happened to starcraft
Starting point is 02:11:23 no playables i'll knock where we're where what the fuck is that where magic starts to come into starcraft and story threads just start to it it's a fucking mess i have zero faith in anything blizzard puts out anymore and bumps me out they're running this weird problem with world warcraft that like they've run out of things that are from the games that people cared about back in the day to mine for shit well that's the nature of this business yeah but like the long-term mmo it's like look at all the characters that you love from warcraft there aren't any more they're all either all dead or gone or whatever um yeah yeah d4 is coming i guess yep pretty much hard confirmed
Starting point is 02:12:25 we yeah it was a pretty quiet newsweek in general yeah you know that that but um for anyone who uh wants to touch it i love when i look down and i see that's not true followed immediately by pat knows what he's talking about like right next to each other and like yeah that's right it's awesome by the way if anyone makes a japanese ps uh psn account you can grab sam show right now uh yeah there's a demo with oh cool i want to say like five or six characters in it with training mode and versus mode and tutorial mode so really yeah it's a lot you can grab that um available until july 7th but japanese demo how much randy news do we got this week we either have one or two randy news oh i didn't no you see the clip mom
Starting point is 02:13:16 posted from the john bonkast yeah talking about the fucking dlc mission sure which has a personal attack on clap traps yeah yeah yeah okay fine yeah you're right that did happen no you're not no not the other one i'm not gonna claim anything that may or may not be faked if i don't know for sure but the other i heard about the i heard the only other thing i heard about was claptrap okay and i saw the clip and it's like yeah so claptrap has basically been given a really petty fucking i want it's so fucking targeted and yeah it's very like wow really we're throwing it in the game we're throwing our beef yeah i'm throwing my personal beef with the guy who i have alleged to have assaulted and who i've been lying about on twitter into the game and i'm making the new voice
Starting point is 02:14:05 actor like drag himself through the dirt to shit on the old voice actor it's fucking gross man not gonna lie kind of done with the randy stories he's not he's not i'm mentally checked out he's not it's is it gonna take bars you think that'll stop him he's a magician what are bars gonna do um all randy has to do is literally nothing because people like borderlands and people get excited for borderlands and every week i go fuck do i really have to like borderlands that much i'm so grossed out we should probably explain the story a little bit better in the new sanctuary in the new dlc for the borderlands 2 that came out to push borderlands 3 there is a quest in which
Starting point is 02:15:06 claptrap denigrates himself including things as such as now that i am broke i will have to go back to my old employer and crawl on my hands and knees and beg for a job in what appears to be a very clear like essential voice acting diss track on dav eddings the former voice of claptrap who left the company under poor terms with randy who alleges that he assaulted him alleges that randy stole a bunch of money which whoa hey look there's more news about that somewhere uh and that um he basically just wanted to get paid for his voice acting roles since he doesn't work at the company and that's why claptrap got replaced you know it always goes well when you use the new talent to show on the old talent and and just full on straight up take again take real world shit and put it
Starting point is 02:15:57 into oh yeah it's great yeah yeah with one exception what's the chef in south park uh oh you're talking about no yeah okay well chef in south park was voiced by isaac's yeah uh who was a member of one church of Scientology oh oh okay hence oh wow an episode about the super adventure club which followed the same uh um storytelling devices as this is what the super adventure club actually believes as horrible things were flashed on the screen yeah and uh chef stopped being on south park oh is that why chef's one way yeah oh okay that's so all right there's one exception out there all right and that's that's south park but yes but this actually makes me like kind of worried it's like is are we gonna run into like quests in borderlands three
Starting point is 02:17:00 in which you have to get back a usb drive from the the medieval times and oh it was actually just cooking recipes on it well no that would be that would be whatever game eddings worked on next okay but you know what i mean right are we gonna get weird personal attack side quests i mean i'm not gonna lie if we started to get a little bit more hip hop in the game industry yeah i would turn 180 hard on this story but it's not hip and double down on it but it's not hip hop if we started getting diss tracks in our games as shots were shot yeah but but it's not yeah it's just not what happened to sega does what nintendo what happened to clay fighters rule the streets sega fucking almost went bankrupt that's what happened right ryu and and chun li's body's in a
Starting point is 02:17:52 dumpster what happened to those days johnny cage made the switch to bloodstorm johnny cage fucking lost his job over that shirt did i uh yeah we'll see we'll see how petty it can get but um i'm i'm checking out on randy until until next until further notice don't worry until further notice there'll be more yeah speaking of more fun timing on this one uh but platinum says it's glad it did a lot of intel gathering on a wonderful 101 port for the switch really yeah so apropos of nothing nothing at all because who the fuck is talking about wonderful 101 why all this noise about wonderful 101 now no actually though that game bombed harder than any game i can think of well we have that's a real game we have no reason for people to start talking about wonderful 101
Starting point is 02:18:55 at this particular moment much less for platinum to come out and talk about it yeah but they did and what they said was uh that it's something that we hold near and dear to our hearts we've talked a lot about different to different people about what it would mean to get a port done and we've done a lot of intel gathering and the only thing i can say right now is that i'm glad we did we talked to a lot of different people about a port i find that the we you get sadder like you know the we you sitting behind the fucking rain stained glass looking out the window at its friends like or no looking inside at its friends is sadder every year like like it becomes a a business plan like riku staring from the outside at the warm home yeah like it
Starting point is 02:19:43 becomes a business plan for companies to save their games from the we you and put them on something that people can buy at them on it's an island and and and your yours you're slowly ferrying people to shore to a real low to a real location that has shops and platinum themselves have done a lot of self-deprecation on wonderful 101 literally saying things like it only sold 13 copies like you know um they know the mario maker stuff is the one that i'm like like in my in my mind i'm like oh mario maker is finally coming out yeah like mario maker one is finally coming out for real yeah because it's on something that people can play um yeah i i always just get that like is it but is it just was it just the console
Starting point is 02:20:43 was it not also well no it was also platinum it was the part platinum and it was the marketing and it was the fucking like there was no word out about the game except for a code that got slipped into some so these very very bluntly it's all of those things but in a in a situation where maybe wonderful 101 could have sold 300 000 copies on the xbox 360 and ps3 right yeah because the install base for the wii u was 120th of that it sold 120th of that i mean better games have sold less is that real is that a is that true have they is has anything better than wonderful 101 sold worse than wonderful 101 it's the actual no hold on i'm gonna i don't think so it sold 5000 copies in its first week in japan
Starting point is 02:21:46 it's actually the it's okami had uh i want to say 80 000 yeah and that was a massive bomb like like 80 000 launch window or lifetime or whatever um the only one that comes close that i'm seeing is god hand god hands a fucking bomb it was but wonderful 101 is more yes you're right yeah okay nothing better than wonderful 101 has sold worse that statement was immediately a lie but the fact that you said it and it was a lie let you realize the truth immediately that one of them is the saddest no one's gonna beat it no one's gonna beat it that's the top of the mountain right there that's the best game that has sold the worst of all time because there's games that bombed right and there's like a couple the halfway up the mountain and then there's like at the bottom
Starting point is 02:22:42 of the mountain there's like lawbreakers and shit right but at the top they're shining and beautiful is wonderful 101 titanfall which was fine still did fine yeah one yeah totally did fine it's like a million it was it was not great based on there the um the fact that it was exclusive for yeah totally but it's it did fine it we're talking orders of magnitude difference yeah yeah okay you have to remember how big of a loser one over one of them it really was woolly we still run into people consistently that don't even know that game exists yes at all yes yeah the thought of him getting of wonder red getting into smash is kind of a joke come to think yeah we always thought oh so we you get well of course it's like what are we fucking stupid
Starting point is 02:23:36 what were we stupid think of that fucking joke yeah just because we were in a bubble of everyone that knew it and thus cared that much yeah everyone in our circle had a wee you yeah because everyone in our circle were idiots yeah including ourselves well uh we look forward to new news as we move forward and as i'm looking down to see people going what game are you guys even talking about yeah bayonet bayonet of three is on the way and apparently doing well i'm glad so you know yeah we look forward to more news on this i want her to call her son akira on the phone and be like you do good at school with your personas she's not gonna call him akira whatever she's just gonna say love
Starting point is 02:24:28 no stay okay love now quit being such a joker all right move on you see that get me away from this just see that thing about uh the trophy for k rule saying that him and donkey con could have been the best of friends okay if only he had a change of heart so yeah so it's it's the it's the doc it's the fucking uh bio of k rule in smash that says he could have been donkey kong's most trustworthy animal friend but who could say now if only he could have a change of heart yeah and then in the joker trailer near the end joker steals king k rules crown yes and then in the banjo trailer king k rule is just chilling with diddy and donkey kong in their house hanging out hanging out waiting waiting being pals for their rare buddy to show up it's like thanks joker
Starting point is 02:25:20 literally stole k rules heart for those powers here's here's the part that needs to happen there will eventually be another donkey kong country game if k rule is a playable character and they don't explain it then this is now like double canon right you literally change the franchise through smash brothers yeah yeah uh that was fun cool move joker good stuff good stuff lore smash lore getting way inside that's about as meta as it gets i thought it ended with with the toy box and and master hand and taboo yeah representing a kid and his parents yeah taboo's your dad from the lego movie turns out fucking jokers actually upsetting the nintendo world um oh you see that uh fucking soul caliber is canon in yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so that's
Starting point is 02:26:20 another short short story but um it's basically just a conversation with spawn and scorpion right and the dialogue is uh sort of spawn says to scorpion so you've been to other realms and scorpion says yes and each one carries its own injustice yeah and so and spawn says i guess that's why my soul still burns like okay there we go he went there we go it happened he actually did it that means scorpion hung out with link one time it's all in it's all in it's all confirmed to be shares a world with kratos oh that means because because nier is going to be in 14 and then that you just uh fucking i'm not doing the chart again i'm not like they are they're all connected video games are a common universe
Starting point is 02:27:16 they're all just different planets prove me wrong shut up quote from cave story portals hanging out with jen kazama why seriously why not just straight up why not oh okay no what's the quote no quote from cave story that's the name of the character okay see that was confusing because i don't know cave story okay well cave story has a main character named quote okay he's the gun guy with the hat he's the gun hat man the gun hat man okay and he's in blade strangers with shovel night yeah who knows dracula who knows everybody yeah quite frankly i saw i saw some and then shovel night has fucking kratos so then you go kratos into every other game that has kratos in it i remember i remember there's some goofy meme of just like indie game exists and
Starting point is 02:28:10 just the next shot is shovel night busting through all i love it i love shovel night is zubazing harder than zubaz yeah right well because he's a real character and has more like momentum and like a real game exactly so that's the thing like they 100 took the spirit of the baz that we got in there and took that to the character shovel night and went everything fucking also he gets super huge and ripped in all of his cross striking the earth busting through the ground in in blade strangers he has a deep voice have you seen him in uh bloodstained i've seen him in bloodstain huge big beefy fucking night man tarkus shovel night um hell yeah absolutely you saw him in in in rivals of aether looks amazing there mm-hmm shovel night's fucking great and everything
Starting point is 02:29:02 keep it going love you shovel night keep it going just uh while um god the the indivisible yeah uh which apparently is going to launch sooner than expected september right something like uh we'll see um yeah so this what do you got well uh bond 25 is the name of the next bond movie yeah um until it gets a real name until it gets a real name and the director insists this this is the story the director of bond 25 insists he's not holding up production to play red dead redemption 2 he promises okay he swears that he's not spending his time playing red dead redemption 2 instead of working on the movie kary joji joji fukenaga uh apparently has
Starting point is 02:30:10 not been turning up to work often to work often and crew on the sets think that he's always late and apparently not getting the job done because he's too busy playing fucking rdr now i need your help because there's i need we need to define what this type of statement is it's a statement that by you saying it automatically makes me believe the opposite right what is that here's i what is that call i figured it out it's the thing where like the story comes out out of nowhere nowhere right who's talking to you no one okay but the details are so specific as to what and how the time is being wasted yeah right if murah was just busy playing games you'd be like oh fuck off maybe that's just someone being but him coming out saying i am not not writing berserk
Starting point is 02:31:03 because of idle master specifically idle master like this fucking bitch when you know like when you know the exact activity that george r martin is not doing that he's not up to it becomes so much more real i don't know what it is what it what is this i don't know it's a type of statement we see all the time like like like specific targeted denial maybe because it's like like sir are you driving all right i definitely didn't drink a 40 before getting in this car like what are you all right what like specific targeted unprompted denial because the core of it is that no one's talking about the thing that you're denying like details that you never would have questioned yeah that you now have forcing the image to be
Starting point is 02:32:07 realer in your head it's it's like the equivalent of like oh man i'm really embarrassed somebody saw like my creepy porn tabs and then the person you're talking about because that would never happen to me i definitely don't have a giraffe pornography section on my computer you're like what i couldn't possibly occur what yeah why are you yeah um it's like denial i out accusation like i love the discovery of the story alongside the specific title yeah it's the exact title i the only thing we're missing is a platform yeah you know like god damn though i fucking love that it's it's like yeah like i'll go downstairs in my house i'm like hey sweetie hey page how you doing she's like not looking at skeletons yep and i go what are you hey definitely not looking at skeletons
Starting point is 02:33:03 that's surprise mechanics right that's what that is did the did the story of what happened to her phone get back to you with that no she was hanging out with a friend of a new friend of hers and she's like okay take a photo of me in front of this thing so she takes a photo of the of her new friend and then her friend's like oh cool can i see the the photo on your phone and page hands her phone and she takes her thumb and just scrolls once and goes what's up with all these skeletons on your phone what why is your film real nothing but skeletons oh no now you state that question in a humorous manner as if i'm supposed to know the answer to that question as if i don't share that question myself the answer is is page has a problem okay well
Starting point is 02:34:04 i mean it's a bit it's a really funny bit it's a bit it's a really funny internally consistent bit that never goes away when a new dating sim comes out starring a skeleton and that gets oh you saw that blown the fuck up you saw that that's just a bit totally just a bit funny jokes on the internet totally not playing red dead redemption too definitely not not spending time with a horse never blow off for george brisard had one of those definitely not wasting my time playing world of warcraft instead of working on jukin and come forever absolutely and then people like what do you tell who's even talking about world of warcraft absolutely not spending time with the horse and and and and and running from bears don't do it absolutely not what is even a red
Starting point is 02:35:02 red dad redact it what i what do you even talk i don't even know what video games are help oh it's that new one that two snacks made yeah so i don't why is he putting so much work into this stuff why did he make a video game for the video he created a video game and then filmed himself playing it to sync up to existing dialogue for the new two best sisters play what the fuck are you doing god i don't get it stop it's too much it's too much quality stop for like the the dumbest crap ever like just to have a game where the bear can pull a gun out and shoot you in a fucking red dead quick prompt like oh man which i fucking died at by the way like the fucking gun pulls the the bear pulls the gun out and anyway fucking two snacks um so uh that was happening
Starting point is 02:36:17 other little brief stories not a ton here i mean there's okay so there's a kind of a fun one in which um there's a guy uh that created mario royale which is a mario one i had a buddy of mine was playing that the other day it's nuts yeah and this is one of those moments where he's like hold on a second this sounds like a moment for woolly's video maybe but hey don't pay attention to me i'm just a shitty irrelevant youtuber that's correct my opinions don't matter um but uh the the video was pretty much made on a time limit where the guy is like hey guys you should play this before i get seasoned assisted because it's gonna happen really fast and what it is is is mario uh as a battle royale in the sense that you can't interact with other mario players that are playing mario
Starting point is 02:37:07 one at the same time but you can interact with the world that you're sharing so that everyone is hitting the same blocks and you're trying to race towards the end of the level at the same time as a hundred other people this was playable through a website so you could just there's a real value to multiplayer that's like a disgusting mess it's a fucking mess and you can kill all all you can kill other marios using all the obstacles and shells and bullshit in the stages and whatnot it's nonsense it's fucking nonsense but that's the whole point and uh yeah i guess what obviously nintendo is like hey stop that stop it and he had the a couple of tweets where he was like okay and then eventually he stopped it but now you can go play in fringio royale which features no mario
Starting point is 02:37:58 content whatsoever and still can play alongside a hundred other players um everything is different new colors that is my favorite title i have ever heard all the audio is replaced all the music is gone and when you die there's a voice that says it looks like you've been copy struck i'm sorry my friend the that it this was planned he totally knew he was gonna get c indeed and was working on this this dude's a genius it's like i'm about to send out that video oh pull it back pull it back there you go that's the best so now everyone can enjoy in fringio royale available now legally distinct from anything you might think it might be not distinct from at all available now on inferno plus dot com slash royale it's really amazing that like devolver actually beat this indie creator to
Starting point is 02:39:03 the punch with like the the whoops can't show that in a christian manga the website is pretty funny dmca royale enjoy oh it's dmca royale now in fringio royale is the name of the game however it appears that things have been updated and who knows what the fuck is going on but anyway enjoy these original sprites in an original world doing original things completely infringement free it's fucking oh my god it's hilarious yep oh that reminds me in judgment there's a mechanic that gave me a good giggle in terms of legally distinct there's this service you can help donate money to in-game to help people in their companies out call quick starter oh interesting and you help unlock moves and abilities through it
Starting point is 02:40:01 interesting uh yeah so uh one or two last quick stories one dragon ball super is rather dragon ball bro super broly is getting a sequel broly again more broly guess what the way things ended you could do that yeah okay that's no that's no problem all right good broly's cool his power is maximum and there's even like people for him to hang out with cool sounds good uh 2020 possibly 2021 seems like it did fucking gangbusters money will we be getting the bio this is the question everyone is asking no i don't want okay well i don't like bio broly he's defeated by children and krillin
Starting point is 02:40:55 um i guess we can talk about it it's not a big deal just mention it now when you do this now i'm like what is it for you talking about so it's like shang sun came out for mk 11 yeah and basically there's an article that was written about how and it like the the whole thing where it's like there's tournament variations and there's custom variations and all the cool moves where shang sung turns into other people are part of his custom variations but all but he can't not in tournament that sucks ass it does so like the official safe version of him to use is boring the one that no no yeah it's not the one that has all the shang sung that sucks ass yeah it's a bummer
Starting point is 02:41:39 that is the worst part about the way they do that variation system well it was just a bad decision it was just like the moves you chose to make the ones in the in the tournament variations are the ones that we want to see him rather the ones the ones you didn't put in are the ones that we want to see him use because that's all the shang sung stuff the transforming stuff yeah yeah that's lame yeah yeah it is and uh he basically turns into a bunch of the old ninjas right it's fucking cool he's doing a bunch of like yeah even though he's not turning into the entire roster he's turning into the old ninjas a bunch and he's got like rain and smoke and max shit and uh yeah they just um they the they're only in the custom moves so
Starting point is 02:42:25 you know whatever it's that's it and and it's just a discussion surrounding what to do with the tournament variations and stuff like that and i think they could do a bit better i think then they could do they could do a bit better than what they've done i understand not wanting to intimidate people by having like three modes to choose like you did last time but i think it was fine i think it was fine having that or if you want it even more because the idea of the custom thing is that now it just gets wild and yes the custom customize your own fighter thing online bit seems fun it's i guess it's just yes it's casual fun but like some people do want to just have one type of character i thought the variation system was the best of all worlds yeah it is a
Starting point is 02:43:04 bunch of goofy shit and maybe one's really good one's really bad but all the stuff is there and you don't have to waste too much time like like because if you if you like if you're memorizing how to play this character and then it's going to change up in every setup you go to or something yeah that's weird so you can't do that right obviously um i do think of chaos codes where uh you pick your character and then it lets you pick two extra moves of a list of like three or four yeah and you're like oh that's fast enough sure uh you know why not like a sis but yeah so you just literally just pick your your your your like your your groove or a sis type is just like yeah which of these couple moves do you want yeah you know and it's and it was fine but in this case
Starting point is 02:43:43 they kind of went about it like the most um confusing way possible in that it's like you get to customize your outfits and the whole rpg feeling thing for people that don't care about like playing it in a you know sort of competitive context or whatever yeah that's weird like whenever i don't know it's like if you were able to play the fucking world tour characters in versus mode you don't have to fight against these modes don't have to fight against each other no they don't have to beat each other's throats they can share the same thing you know but they chose to not go that way with it can you uh can you carry this for 90 seconds while i use the washroom i will carry it for 90 seconds while you use the washroom okay well um i can i can talk about a story
Starting point is 02:44:31 in which well no you probably want to be around for that yeah okay well let's see here there is the next story there's a story from last week you didn't get around to and uh that is uh relating to our upcoming story and that's the story where phil spencer says that microsoft is thinking of buying a japanese game studio um now this is interesting they have described that uh i think it would be nice if we found an asian studio in particular a japanese studio i liked it when we had some first party capability in japan we have a small team there but i think we can do more uh that being said our trips to japan i love having fantasy star on our backstage with sega and i thought it was fantastic miyazaki sand before dark souls and now having elden ring on our stage
Starting point is 02:45:22 japanese creators have shown up more and more so everyone's kind of going oh shit are you kind of talking about maybe buying from soft is that gonna actual is that being implied is he just kind of is it one of those things where it's like a celebrity that wants to date with another celebrity that puts it out in the air and just lets everyone kind of like carry the message for them or is it actually possible that we're going to be heading for a world where uh all your favorite from soft miyazaki titles are exclusive to project scarlet i don't know have you heard word of this no well the uh story from last week was microsoft following in disney's disney film footsteps is thinking about acquiring a japanese studio and it doesn't
Starting point is 02:46:15 say which but film set and phil spencer uh mentions that boy it was sure fun having dark souls miyazaki sand elden ring on our stage that was really cool huh so here's the weird part let's say they snap it up right let's say all right from software is now microsoft microsoft's being so weird now that i don't even know if that means that the games won't still come out for other platforms it's weird i mean like obviously they are losing but like the post scale bound situation soured me heavy on like whatever would happen with any exclusives because you're like is you buying them just like epic game storing them like are you purchasing them as a death sentence for them i don't know because you just want the you're hoping their their quality will
Starting point is 02:47:12 save you from a slow sink did you see there was talk about getting halo on the ps4 no microsoft doing weird they're doing weird things with their properties but here's one thing you know how bloodborne is like a sony thing yeah yeah like do you think a for a souls exclusive to a xbox console would save that console no it's all for the future like we're not even talking about ps4 and xbox one now no no no we're talking about yeah that's why i said scarlet scarlet doesn't need saving us out yeah okay but i mean the momentum is xboxes to uh to it's sorry sonys to continue yeah right you know every generation there's that oh yeah yeah so right now it's all sonys for the taking with the way microsoft's doing cross play i fully expect the momentum to swing back you think
Starting point is 02:48:08 so yes you think scarlet's gonna come back around absolutely huh because i think they're gonna do a buy a game on scarlet you own it on pc and also you could play halo anywhere you know like just you think everything is going to automatically be on both i think i think microsoft is going to be kind of i wouldn't have guessed i would weird company where they're both a software developer and a hardware developer they're doing they are doing weird things in a way that makes them kind of unpredictable and i guess they maybe they don't want to be predictable maybe they don't want to have it's so obvious what they're on because they're doing target they're talking xcloud they're talking to nintendo they're talking shared uh uh uh fucking uh platform uh space with another
Starting point is 02:48:53 letting cup cuphead and there's all kinds of weird stuff happening they're opening up a lot of shit that you never thought would open up ever and you don't know which ones they're putting all their chips into per se yeah but um i was this i just was under the assumption i'm like ps5 guess what they learned their lesson about fucking with the formula they're probably just going to play it safe and just make it a playstation 5 with backwards compatibility for the four cool here's your new controller here's your more powerful box i think the single and here's a really good version of psn probably i think the single most exciting thing that i can think about about playstation 5 is that my ps4 library will just roll right through and i can pretend the ps4 never existed
Starting point is 02:49:35 most exciting thing for me would be a redesigned store it's kind of astonishing how bad every playstation store is they've never fixed it it's so it's gotten more responsive but it's always been terrible to i have searched for things using exact words and not gotten a single result yeah and then found it through the thing and it's like i spelled it correctly what the fuck yeah i don't know man um i have a i have a sneaking suspicion next year's e3 will be very big exciting on the console front well probably but as for like microsoft coming back on this one i don't i didn't i didn't i really like a lot of stuff they've done with backwards compatibility i like the stuff where they're just putting shit everywhere now i think it's good it ultimately
Starting point is 02:50:28 i think it's their good guy turn now it ultimately does come down to though like who's got the dev kits who's working on white you know and then at some point you stop working on one of those two dev kits yeah and then it just drill down on whatever you know yeah so anyway um spencer was kind of where he was kind of just courting the idea of maybe perhaps considering letting from soft know that he thinks they're cute they're kind of cute so it's a very terrace house move yeah it's a very very terrace house kind of move yeah you don't need i don't need an answer right away i just want to let you know that i think you're kind of cute i just think i don't love you i just want to let you know that i like you hey now hey now who's who's on this fucking translation
Starting point is 02:51:23 we get netflix on the job over here so it's not netflix studio cara sure it's a whole new era for a whole new time but hold on we have we have we're not done yet because phil spencer also this week i mean it's it's a it's a minor footnote but in this story talking about scarlet the question as to whether or not we're entering what might possibly be quote-unquote the last generation because of streaming have you heard this discussion so i really like skill up he's an australian youtuber right and he got to try out some of the streaming stuff on uh at e3 like you know play uh xbox games on your phone like by streaming it's like it's really impressive and he has he's one of the guys like i really do think that this is the future eventually
Starting point is 02:52:11 and i see that sentiment a lot that streaming is gonna be you know like a big deal in the future are you people fucking crazy are you all out of your fucking minds with whose cables with what infrastructure it doesn't exist yet it's completely separate from the console and the system and the game and the technology it doesn't matter the cables are shit the cable that goes from that guy's house to your house is a piece of shit it doesn't matter and it's extra crazy in skill up's turn which is why uh bring him up because he lives in australia the first world country with the worst internet of all now here's the bad news it's not that i disagree because yes as we can see through the stadia demos the shit's not real yet it's just not
Starting point is 02:53:09 and we're not in a we don't live on a continent where the capability to make it real exists unless we decide to cut a swath through who we allow to play these games like take for example you might if you happen to live in a bad state you're not allowed to play this game fuck off then sure we can do this you want to take for example the re7 port for the switch on the where that it uses this shit already and that games japan only you know why because in japan it's not a big deal you just switch up yeah but every time this topic comes up dude it's the same thing and it's the same thing that i'm also i'm afraid of it's the thing that i can't factor in here which is i don't know for certain for certain i don't know for certain that the responsiveness that i care about
Starting point is 02:53:59 and that you care about is what that guy cares about or what that girl cares about and maybe there's more of those people than there are of you and or i and in the end the service that is not super responsive is perfectly acceptable to roll out your as the new norm you're completely right and that is a legitimate fear however there is one thing that is pseudo unique about the games business and it's why the lootbox thing with wales and all that is a thing but the games business has power users yes that are a minuscule proportion yes the actual population yes that spend the majority of money on video games now what ends up happening in this reality that were but i'm thinking about is not that consoles go away because phil spencer said
Starting point is 02:54:44 that's yeah we're not that's absurd this is not how consoles will never go the scarlet is not the last generation right um but the problem would be that okay well now your console costs about 1200 bucks yeah and why bother subsidizing it at all when you would just have this and and those who care will invest in that and getting that box yeah while everyone else will run their little stream setups that's totally possible and so it'll just become a niche thing even more wow you have the box that's crazy yeah you don't just stream it like netflix what are you doing wow that's so weird just your mic your tv has the app i think that's your phone has the app what's the problem i think that's a bigger jump than you think i think it's not next gen i think it's the gen after next gen
Starting point is 02:55:34 i think that you can look to the pc to see the already accelerated version of this because for the pc it's why get all this shit for the pc just get a console it's like 300 bucks right but pc games and graphics technology still sells but what you are seeing is that because nvidia has no competition yeah video cards now cost twice as much as they of course they do also just fuck you also remember when we talked about getting your new uh tower setup and then you go and you do your fucking full diagnostic and it goes congratulations you're in the 0.01th percentile of users of pc users and you're like yeah yeah that's my dick fucking big yeah so you're so you're and you're and you're so you already are there i already live that life you're already
Starting point is 02:56:26 living that life so that what's the stop that from transferring to console world when everyone jumps on the stream box little we're going farther than the fact that the stream box we're going there because the person playing madden doesn't need fucking oh i don't know willy there's one part of that that i feel like everyone undersells when call of duty was at its height at its absolute height right and was selling his shit zillion copies right the number one piece of feedback from dumbass hey bro focus testers as to why they liked call of duty more than all the other competitors was a nebulous i don't know it just feels better sure which ended up being about the frame rate but what i mean is that like we're seeing like i'm fighting games at the moment like the
Starting point is 02:57:17 eight frames of lag thing is a thing that like has become uh an issue in a genre where it should never be an issue because the people making it should know that the people that play this care about this shit yet it still shows up well that's an unreal engine thing that that was everybody it was a certain engine and then but then like sam show had that like oh fuck eight frames what's that about now how four frames they fixed right day one patch right four is fine yes i mean you don't expect to go below two anyway so whatever fine but all this to say that the world where someone who is playing the thing casually and doesn't care about like that little extra underwaterness to it yeah as much because it was way cheaper to play it this way anyway
Starting point is 02:58:00 slash they didn't have to buy they could just rent it on their service that they subscribe to for ten bucks yeah like you're not there's gonna be a point where it's just like you can't beat that you know i have a i have a feeling that the world like i can't see this kind of screen streaming thing ever becoming the primary method for anybody that actually spends real money on this stuff because the math on it just doesn't work you live in a world and i live in a world whatever the ceiling is we're we're heading for it so it doesn't matter where the floor is yeah if they drop the floor out from underneath us we're hanging off the ceiling so we're fine yeah so ultimately it doesn't matter in that way but if but there's there are people with that
Starting point is 02:58:46 the floor matters there do you understand what i'm saying i do but also the same thing is like the two largest markets for this shit is north america and europe which is actually a larger market for games than north america is because of all the different little countries right um the the internet in these regions is the problem yes that we're talking about yes there is like i would say 60 of united states citizens just can't with this shit and just can't and those people would be told to go buy a 1200 box but that's the thing is then you have the thing of like can you market a 1200 box of those people or would it still make sense to use the old method where you're selling the 500 or whatever maybe if you tell them that it'll teach them discipline
Starting point is 02:59:34 then they'll spend the money on it yeah i don't know i think i think your worry is well founded but i think that the doom stay is either farther away than you think or won't be as bad i don't have faith in the general population oh yeah i don't because i know that there's just a degree of like yeah man i'm into i'm into weird nishit i'm always i'm into shit that's not super big and that's kind of how that's fair like just today like i was rolling through last minute stories and and like uh when i was looking or this morning when i was grabbing stories for what's happening this week and whatever and like uh had a moment where steffer was just kind of like yeah like i'm scrolling past a bunch of this and it's not really relevant to me whatsoever
Starting point is 03:00:18 and i'm like yeah i feel further and further isolated as the stories that i care about get further and further apart in the news yeah you know so i know where i stand and i know where and then you hit and then you scroll past the stories where like i don't give a fuck about that at all but i guess a lot of people do i guess a lot of maybe i should put it in even though i don't give a shit and then i try and then you guys stare used to stare at me and be like why the fuck you put this in and i'm like i thought someone would nope oh well fucked up yeah because now you have to run the the fucking math on would pat know about this what do you give a shit i don't know i don't know maybe and then worse yet neither of us give a shit but a whole lot of people listening to
Starting point is 03:00:52 oh yeah right oh that's my you know what that's my favorite what do you put more of those in there what are you gonna do about that so we can slap them down and tell people that the thing that they like is stupid so yeah um hey i recently had a a little back and forth with somebody it was very civil and i appreciated them asking and this is didn't you hate didn't you say you hate the music i'm like yeah but what's more important to everyone at home is that i hate the band that you like understandable that's the one i hate the most totally understandable anyway um it i feel like it happens in in other part in other aspects of media yeah where you know just the thing that is like while you're trying to get your steak someone else is totally fine with the fucking
Starting point is 03:01:47 like road pizza look at look at the fucking misery on mike and jay's face is in about half of the half in the bag episodes as it's a movie that they should cover because it's big right and they're like it's another comic book movie it's aquaman does the fucking right like not everyone cares about a steak man and my i've been burned in the past caring too much about it and then saying other people like the taste of no you're actually crazy nobody gives a shit yes i've been hurt i've been burned by that too many times to now have this reactive like uh oh uh oh i might just be doing the steak thing again oh you want a really fucking recent example everybody in uh my final fantasy 14 gang of buddies discord most of them play monster hunter right so hop in the iceborn demo
Starting point is 03:02:36 i'm like oh man i can't this fucking framerate i can't and despite being in a room of people who all play pc games and all played picked up monster hunter so there would be 60 fps the universe was like oh right i forgot pat's crazy pat who cares like oh wow even in this hyper specific subsection i'm still on the farthest extreme that of caring of this stuff like my perception of like what people give a fuck i always have to lower it of like yeah nobody gives a fuck about the crap every one of those cousins and or relatives that i would run into at christmas and or over family calls or whatever that would go hey you do the internet thing why don't you play the fortnight i mean like the league the my nephew who said that to me the last
Starting point is 03:03:32 time i saw all of them yeah those kids have no problem playing on a streaming service yeah and they're a huge market and that's all you basically want to serve so you're saying get rid of all children no i'm saying it sounds like that's what you're saying i'm saying when when street when fortnight is like basically already serving up itself it might as well be streaming because it's on every fucking platform it might as well be right i'm saying the future going towards that direction where you can see people willing to play fortnight on their phone and not care because it's still fortnight so what you're saying is oh my minecraft on everything because it's already minecraft oh my god old man woolly i can't believe you got that album on vinyl who cares it's so
Starting point is 03:04:17 inconvenient yeah i know it sounds better on vinyl but it's just so much more convenient my walkman yo yo brice gave me a fucking gift that's a new jebess album right there and that's a fucking classic that's a new jebess final right but you're worried about being a vinyl record owner in games i'm worried that you have the record player is like absurd look i don't care about the fact that um like if we go towards a place where my consoles are going to be these expensive things that are like serving my needs and i'm going to also get the games that i care about serving my needs in that way and whatnot they'll be more expensive it'll be a shitty place to live but i'll live there luckily you make money off those i also purchase arcade sticks yeah right i'm that
Starting point is 03:05:03 person but what sucks is the idea that the default place to make your video game will not be that place it'll be the streaming place where that just gets more attention because that's how you make a profitable business these days and appealing to the niche is not going to necessarily be profitable it'll just be for the highly refined it's not refined what's the word highly for the customer base that has a lot of uh uh uh uh uh uh demands for like quality quality their tech for the tech they expect with what they've purchased and how much it costs right and if someone who's like i'm playing the latest version of this the game in this genre i expect it to have these quality of life things you know so what i see is the same situation as vr nobody wants to
Starting point is 03:05:54 be held left holding their dicks like they were with the week enthusiast i'll take that word nobody wants to be the person that sat on sat out on the big new thing that made everybody a million dollars yes right but until there's some grand success you're gonna have you're gonna have to do a lot to convince me that streaming games is anything other than a pipe dream because it's so far been dismal failure after dismal failure after dismal failure in a best case scenario where we still end up with that world it'll be a world where the games we're playing are still the same and ultimately on the same platform it's just i have the box and you have a connection to a box from a remote on the way scarlet wants to do it is that you play it on the box but if you're out of the
Starting point is 03:06:41 house you could play a shittier version of it on your phone yeah which is like laughable what fucking walk around with a controller in your pocket what fucking internet connection 5g whatever the problem with g's on your phone is not speed it's latency hey man you seem to new black mirror the controller is the console bro yeah whatever anyway all right let's take some letters hey if you want to send in a letter send it to uh castle super beast mail at that's castle super beast mail at and yes there is the basement spoiler cast the end of this but again who cares about the basement anymore ryan says they're castle super beast uh willy this may make you happy but i'm prepping for a yard sale getting rid of my funko pops and making room for
Starting point is 03:07:35 decent figurines however there's a few i don't plan to get rid of including nemesis from re this is pretty much the only reasonable price collectible i could contain i could obtain for that character are there any characters that you would purchase in a heartbeat if they actually decided to make collectibles for them aka the funko problem yeah yeah tons i would love to own something with strider here you on it i would love to own something with rad spencer on it you know uh it would be fucking the funko version no that's the question nothing exists other than the shitty okay well no never the funko then no see your standards do high because the whole point is that he's keeping his nemesis funko because there's no affordable nemesis that he can get
Starting point is 03:08:23 how much would that funko cost me which funko the one for strider here you same thing as all the other funko 10 bucks whatever the fuck it is i don't know i'll take that 10 bucks i'll go print out a picture of strider here you yeah and i'll put it in a picture frame and i'll look at it okay satisfied question answered well he does not skimp on on christ this is the same exact fucking conversation we just add it is it's literally the exact same conversation there is not a single difference would you get the shitty version if it was the only one you got and the answer is no i'll wait and get the expensive version or i'll print my fucking or i'll do it myself i think yeah yeah we are the problem no it is the children who are wrong
Starting point is 03:09:16 there was a nightmare from soul caliber to resin kit from a garage sale a garage kit online that was like limited to one of 200 that i'm staring at back in like 19 sorry no 2000 and like four or five or so and i was obsessed with it i would hover over that site i had never fucking had the money to order it and i never did and it was just like it's this or nothing why would i want something less than this and like it's it disappeared it went away i never got it but it was that or nothing yeah it's like i when i when i'm not buying the fucking todd mcfarlane shit toy version when people are like pat why won't you play this game and this version with a bad frame or whatever it's like i didn't spend four thousand dollars on my fucking computer
Starting point is 03:10:04 so i could play some bullshit at 24 frames a second with screen tearing i did it so that i wouldn't have to think about that concept at all regret going too deep into lore hey there insulting yet funny synonyms for castle super beast with no news of an armored core armored vor this year at e3 i decided to visit some ac communities i'll go in online to see if i could learn anything new an ac fan like games would also like to bemoan the death of the franchise uh i got to reading about the links from fourth gen pilots of their anyxt because basically they end up being curled in a ball of breathable liquid while the computer plugs into their brain to merge men and machine uh i'll re-listen to a
Starting point is 03:10:46 podcast of yours from some time ago how you talked about limiters off and whatever it means shitting yourself and it made me wonder if you could shit yourself inside of piloting a next it might result in you swimming in your own shit unknowingly for the duration of the sortie only realizing when you unplug and exit the craft yeah as diving too deep into the lore ever ruin something for you nope okay thanks john i am always even if something's really really really stupid i'm glad that i saw the stupid thing the description there almost is like lcl it sounds very familiar also hey i don't know if we talked about it i'm not down for lcl style piloting you don't want to breathe in the liquid the part where they say breathe in the liquid i'm
Starting point is 03:11:28 like nah i'm not going to do it fuck you sure about that yeah okay i'm super sure drowning is unpleasant uh here's one from mr combo con himself hunter dear guardians of uber creatures hey man what up uh i chose the mystery tournament at my con to think of a game that was somewhat universal and easy to pick up that can be the curve a learning curve for those who but there can be on a curve for those who put time in yeah uh a featured games like trek super slam dive cake machito blade gang beasts and most notably nidhog recently uh what are their games would you recommend people jump in blind for a competition what's the ratio of competition to cheesy b yet what ratio of comp competitive to cheesy bs is ideal keep it up my dudes all right it's a hunter
Starting point is 03:12:14 i have a list for you oh man it's real simple these are all things you should know yeah you want me in on this kind of suggestion thing i'm here for you man ultimate chicken horse yeah lethal league blaze yeah the speed runners not familiar duck game mount your friends not your friends yes samurai gun bomber man five for the super nintendo that's a good list done you did i'm good you did i'm good solid done and done you want easy to pick up low mastery to load up easy to learn hard to master right competitive edge makes all the difference at the top but down at the bottom it's shenanigans and fun yep that's the list right there for bomber man five you're getting four players you got to get controllers for that shit that's good all right uh let's take this one over here
Starting point is 03:13:13 from uh jesus oh hey man jesus says they're chewy and fuckface for girls what's up jesus here i have a friend in the game industry that recently attended e3 for the first time to my amazement he found it boring and quite uneventful this e3 sucked ass apparently he basically called it a schmooze fest and said there wasn't a lot to do with the physical event itself mostly for the fun stuff most of the fun stuff was for parties he didn't have a way into yeah i'll take it with a grain of salt from my friend but i know he can be brutally honest he ever found this to be true in the industry uh or has it lost its veil of mystique during your careers as youtube people did it have any in the first place e3 has gotten shittier every year since like 2012
Starting point is 03:13:55 i've never been to e3 so i can't say for sure but i do know that uh like i mean packs events and shows like that trade shows as opposed to conventions infinitely increase and decrease in quality whether or not you have an attendee badge or a media badge when they made e3 open to the public they created two tiers of e3 one is hey do you know people can you get in can you schmooze walk right this way here's the cyberpunk demo for you right and if you don't look at the statue outside our booth then later on when the show floor closes are you just back at your hotel room play in your switch are you hearing dumb stupid shit from a developer who's not supposed to be telling you the shit he's telling you but he's drunk so fuck it that sounds like a better fun
Starting point is 03:14:48 way to spend your night so yeah it does make a huge difference and having experienced both types of shows uh if it was all um waiting in lines and back to my hotel room i would have no interest yep websites just as good uh and lastly let's take one from will who says hey well what up man dear will woolen pat the mind goblin king since netflix just put up this is neon genesis a vangelion i thought i would watch it for the first time i always hear the show and the characters are super fucked up before watching it thought i had some idea of what i was getting into but holy fuck i was not expecting the extent of how much emotional baggage the characters have it's so rare how glued to my tv i was for the last three episodes this is the voice of a million people by the way
Starting point is 03:15:32 so there's a there's a statement that i saw recently which i guess it would be different for any other show but it was somebody going man i've been hearing about ava for years i'm super hyped to watch it yeah on netflix and all i can think of is a vangelion might be the program that hype describes the least accurately ever it is a depressing labyrinthine mess that makes you feel bad so uh spoiler spoiler spoilers i'm sure some people will probably be watching this but who do you think in the show has the most emotional baggage or are there any other shows that come close to this level well and then a bunch of ps is well there's a three-way tie between your three winners and everybody knows it uh i think shinji's the king i don't think anyone
Starting point is 03:16:31 talks that is pretty bad yeah you like ask uh yeah i sure do i think i think shinji's the king i think he gets it the worst you're right i would put the the i would put our our two female leads are actually our three female leads relatively even and then i would put shinji three a step above three what oh yeah all right yeah yeah okay thank you yeah took me a second there yeah all right our 35 female uh so the uh the thing about the thing about you know the whole netflix they have a bit going on now is you know what man it really sucks that these kids aren't getting flown to the moon it does it really really sucks yeah and i understand that there's a part of this where it's
Starting point is 03:17:21 like it was this or nothing because archiving purposes new dub all that shit plus people only care what's back on netflix and that's fine well but we have to say this in a world where we pretend you couldn't go back and watch it in other ways you know there is i have a few statements on that which is one of which is a correction it's really sad that these kids didn't get to fly to the moon in english because in japanese netflix they totally got the rights to that's true that's true right so yeah like that's its own little right uh yeah i've seen the translation stuff i don't think i also think these kids i don't know i mean they're experiencing like when i think they should experience love yeah there's i get it i get the reasons why but i just it's been that way in my
Starting point is 03:18:08 brain for fucking my entire life so it has there's some there's clearly a really rigid view of what translation means from the people who re translated this yeah that i really don't agree with i don't think anybody who ever watched the first one agrees with and i mean if you count the manga events there's some like that that is not ambiguous no at all however a couple modified or offline reads do not damage no it's still it's still the thing it's still the thing it's more honestly what i don't envy is the the weight of expectation going into the show now for someone who's seeing it for the first time because there's a lot of people that like are just gonna click on it not knowing what it is but there's a lot of people that have heard of it enough did you uh did you see that image going
Starting point is 03:19:01 around of that four-chan thread about ray no it's the funniest thing i've seen in forever it's just some fucking four-chan thread of a picture of ray oh yeah yeah that's like hey ray is loving live and she's the best and then the next person posts a picture awesome yeah it's like yeah whatever op and then a picture again though scoing you cons have been doing this for 25 years yeah yeah 20 years and here's to 20 more yeah uh as for the this person who just experienced this for the first time and and is all getting to experience what everyone's been on about uh congratulations in the sense that well congratulations yeah but also uh as far as are there other things like this yes you've seen them you've experienced the children of eva because it's influenced so
Starting point is 03:19:58 much media out there it's there's a weird thing of going back to evangelion now because you get to this point of you're like oh that's what gintama was making fun of i mean oh that's just like this i mean on a on a on a like on a super basic level it's like yo the machine goes berserk and that's a cool and then there's the part where it's like uh have you watched any anime that attempted to deconstruct its genre recently ever guess what you're watching yeah that's an eva it's this it's this thing where when i was watching gundam 1970 gundam right i kept having this feeling of like oh wow that's where this started or became popular and people watching eva and gellie and now like there's certain moments that i'm sure don't hit quite the same more pop it's more go nagai
Starting point is 03:20:55 shit than tomino shit but it's still the same like type of mecha show right but what i mean is there's still moments that might just not pop is like oh i've seen it before it's like yeah but you didn't see it in 1996 yes did you see the fucking thing is like by the way reminder for anyone that didn't know but when eva first aired it was following or it was replacing ninja turtles in japan yes and they even had a warning and they had a lead in fucking like a little bit where they're like and now after the turtle adventures here's a new show you know and like you're like oh yeah of course ninja turtles gets replaced with a robot show fuck you why i like robots that's cool yeah how could they have known so it's funny that i know didn't tell them it's funny that we're
Starting point is 03:21:49 talking about this because uh i recently embarked on the journey of hey i want to be able to play ff7 again i it's been about 15 years since i played ff7 remakes coming out i'll go through it again right what version do i play the answer is the switcher xbox one version all the other versions are fucked up pc version i fought with for hours it does not like my computer fuck it but we're talking about ff7 lately right and it's like a lot of people talking to us are like oh i never played it you know why because i didn't exist or i was too yeah right ever came out before ff7 it's old it's really old it's very old and you have to be able to like if you really want to get that real it's like you have to appreciate the what it was next to and how fucking nuts that was
Starting point is 03:22:42 i also think that we're there's a part of this to just it's there's an under tailing here where like knowing that people are treating it this way takes away the surprise that it goes those places of course you can't get rid of that everyone it's so has told you that ava is ava and has told you to care about it so now you're watching it to find out what the big deal is and you'll still enjoy the journey but that's a weird expectation to go into straight up versus watching it as hey it's that cool robot show that gets and then going like it gets kind of dark and then i'm like it gets kind of dark and then it gets confusing and then it gets really confusing and then you're finished and you're like i feel gross i mean is is is the movie on netflix
Starting point is 03:23:32 i hope not and i hope they wait a little bit and aveva and then i believe it is is it up there okay all right yeah it'd be nice to wait a little bit and then pop it up there so like and here and here's the here's the bonus element that most people especially people listening to this podcast aren't giving me able to have because it that time is gone and it is i am younger than the characters in this story that context dramatically changes how you're going to feel towards these characters when i watched evangeline oska would have been an older girl at my high school so it's fine anyway not for you okay mr we just talked about this with red dead two no one asked no one asked but uh i also think there is a um there's a bit of an issue where it's cat it's
Starting point is 03:24:30 put together with like uh ghost in the shell and ask and um akira as like a big uh there's a so so okay for example people like my friends have been checking it out recently and like people that i know are and like i was like oh like should staff check this out and i was kind like no it's not really gonna it's not gonna do the thing it's not gonna land in the same way it's not going to hit the same notes that you'd expect and like it's and it's it's in it's in that same thing where like people that were not into mecca were into ava right yeah and you get because you didn't have to be because it wasn't about that but there's definitely a lot of beats you're gonna miss like i'll argue with you that ava evangeline is not a mecca that's fine that's fine like but you're
Starting point is 03:25:23 missing a lot of intended beats a lot of the stuff that it's mocking and thus not getting as much juice i mean shit let's just talk about the first episode right first episode of your super robot show of gun dumb oh man people are attacking the colony oh what am i gonna do i'm amaro i'll hop into the robot and save the day pew pew pew yeah i'm the hero i love this robot or if you want to co do your koji cabuto or you want to do your any like hot blooded fucking protagonists shonen manga like it's yes dad left behind the secret experimental robot that's gonna stop the alien and i will be the hero and i'm i'm gonna do it let's go go go right and then their theme song plays yeah yeah now let's start with ava get in the robot
Starting point is 03:26:13 or i'll toss this dead bitch into it i don't want to fuck you fuck you bitch get in get in get in you pussy i don't want no this is why your mom doesn't love you that that's an alien oh wow dad called me i haven't heard from him it's nice that he's calling okay well yeah fly me to the moon and let me play that's gonna miss that that that beat is not gonna hit right yeah you're not think about the moments where like you eric andre cut to fly me to the moon yeah and now those are gone also a lot of a lot of stuff in the way that it's cut and it's it's like i almost said fucking filmed uh like shot is super weird there were filmed moments yeah there were in that one part but like um evan kellion fucking hates background music and we'll and we'll just give you like
Starting point is 03:27:18 you know hey walk into school where you would usually expect and in evan kellion i think there's one and it's like cut to waiting for the subway dead silence with train noise awkward long moment that sucks to watch yeah yeah and that is you know what that's one of the only things that ava keeps that's pseudo unique is that it's a it's a 26 episode show with two extra ones that are a movie in which parts have been made explicitly to suck ass to actually watch it literally was constrained by budget during its error it's airtime like there were things about the show that had their concessions that were had that they had to make because they couldn't afford so i have one piece
Starting point is 03:28:13 of data about the um elevator scene that was animated do a lack of money yeah it's because one of the producers stole a bunch of the money they actually had it that's amazing but he he put it aside for future projects and the team was like where the money though uh i i'm curious to know if there's anyone out there that is born in a generation where they only had the rebuilds and if they went in and only watched the rebuilds and are now experiencing the show for the first time that would be a really interesting perspective also we have new confirmation that 4.0 is coming soon so that literally is still happening by the way just in case you forgot about them and pretended they didn't exist i usually pretend that three doesn't exist well 4.0 is coming
Starting point is 03:29:03 i will give 3.0 a big thumbs up on one thing it is the closest you will ever come to going to see a movie theater and sitting down to a single frame of text that says fuck off for 90 minutes you mean eoe no there's cool shit in eoe eoe is the text stop bothering me actually it's too bad i believe actually yeah no end of a vangelion might as well have been called too bad you're right anyway enjoy or don't that's the end of our podcast and this is the start of the basement cast if you don't want to hear about current uh anime attack on titan anime attack on titan spoilers as of june 24th 2019 you should stop listening at this point in time we're gonna give you about
Starting point is 03:30:01 five more seconds to get the fuck out of here erin kruger fuck you who gives a shit about erin kruger i want to talk about armin and mikasa okay well here's the let's let's back up let's back up stop okay so so woolly i walked in here last week and went so basement and you went yep i went what do you think and you said it was so worth it it was so so so worth it it was totally worth it why what's in the basement a photo cool and then you have which meant nothing when they picked it up and then they go what is this and i go what and then they go it this is not a drawing and you go huh and it's like oh my god right yeah can't right all right yes what now then i think back and i go no no no no
Starting point is 03:30:57 hold on we already knew this why back when um back when reiner was walking around inside that castle we saw him pick up a fucking can yeah and and they were like huh you can read that that's weird what is that it's a can and then later they drink coffee that no one can identify what is this mysterious black liquid it's kind of like tea but it's not i wear bitter smelling what is this strange black liquid yeah exactly right um there's there's the the line by bertolt which is the the tiniest little hint right before we get there where the first time they ever talk about the reason they're there is what have you fallen in love with this filthy inferior race yes okay that's an information that we didn't have yep and then when he got when you go what are the reasons bertolt explained them
Starting point is 03:31:48 and he goes no no fuck off yeah you're like almost almost uh so to wind it all back because i mean quite frankly let's let's not fucking ignore that we talked about how the decision was awesome i believe we talked about decision between erwin and armin for that right yes um now i don't remember if it was on camera or off camera but to me that decision was so absolutely 100 easy arm it's armin all yeah of course it is because but it's easy for you to say that because you spent more of the story with armin and you like armin that's not even it that's not even it it's on a on an objective level yeah arwin is a great leader yeah armin is a great tactician yeah arwin needs armin's leadership and arwin needs armin's tactic ability he's thinking uh armin needs arwin's leadership
Starting point is 03:32:43 the reason why i say that's easy for you to say is because that's the problem that the characters encountered which is yeah it's easy for you to say it must be arwin armin but arwin's obviously and it's all personal yeah there was no objectivity there at all it absolutely but looking at it objectively oh yeah it's armin yeah like the brain that puts the plan together yeah that has discovered everything worth fucking analyzing ever is the whole show is this kid yeah also leadership can be learned big smart tactician brain is no done and and then you get to have that moment where erin's like no look at all the shit that we would have all just died in like a second if armin didn't uh it's it's it's it's crazy how clear that shot that was there and
Starting point is 03:33:41 like it's all and it was over the top but like the part where it's like where levi's like yeah fuck you stupid kids i don't give a shit and then arwin's like yeah get away from me and you're like it has to be fucking the kid man it has to be the kid so i want to i want to point out the so one the attack on titan the candles blowing out exactly the candles are all the fucking possibilities that his giant brain are coming up with and they all fucking level and there's one because he figured it out and no one else can figure it out yeah fucking there armin is the candles there's something about the the adaptation here that's really amazing and they've done something really incredible where the manga has a benefit in one storytelling which is it's happened a
Starting point is 03:34:29 couple times now and every time they do it i like cheer or when you turn the page in manga brand new image shock whatever it is right they have adapted those moments in this anime into my favorite thing ever where tap tap tap on the wall ah reiner's there and before i can even think oh what are they gonna do with reiner he stabbed in the face just ah just i went on many a rant many a time about my favorite thing in that entire show and that is the moment where reiner just first fucking loses it and goes hey dude i'm the i'm the armor it's me it was me all along you know it's we got my bro back here bro told where he's the colossal where obviously we got to get out of here we tried to kill humanity you know what it is yeah can you you want to just
Starting point is 03:35:21 come with us it really sucks like can we just do we just skip the whole process because really you know it's tiring i don't want to do it and fucking dudes looking at him like and everyone walking around is like and like the faces because they put the plan into action already because they cut to like oh yeah so here's how this is going to go down yeah and everyone's got this fucking the dead eye look where the all the budget in the veins of their eyes and does somehow despite everyone already having their pants shit looking and and and erin winning the oscar yeah going hey man what do you mean what what are you talking about i don't get it and the glance over and the cassa is fucking stabbing them like the oh it's such a good moment
Starting point is 03:36:12 and like you do it again with this one you get that again exactly right it's like it's nice to see because one of the most frustrating things particularly when you watch anime um jessica jones had this problem the worst of anything i've ever seen bad guys talking blah blah blah kill him kill him now what are we doing here what do we make him stop looking at him and letting them talk and move away from you kill them shoot them this shoot them it's almost the oh this is almost the only anime i can think of where thoughts happen in thought time as opposed to anime time yeah right no one is talking out loud in the middle of their flaming burning punch jojo style yeah like the thought of all this shit that i just put together i'm gonna stick into his teeth yeah and
Starting point is 03:36:57 that's how i'm gonna i'm gonna stay here yeah took place in that you know yeah in that thought time moment so everything that is building up the way you feel about things like the characters are always two steps ahead of you not just in terms of how smart they are but in terms of acting on the emotion as well yeah because they're in the situation so of course they're gonna be moving faster than you're thinking about what they would so not only are they like doing the thing i love where they're smarter than you but they're also peter quilling the situation with fucking duh because you're like you know it's it's it's you there's no time to hesitate this is absolutely everything you know and now we've solved all these problems everything's behind us it's all based on what the fuck is going
Starting point is 03:37:42 on out here yeah so you get into the basement and it has a we we we danced around it one of my favorite moments ever is that he goes to try the lock and it's the wrong key yeah and you're just like oh my god oh my god really no i know my stomach sank everyone died for this key to not work the key doesn't fit and i went oh yeah yeah yeah yeah the the fake out on the key was oh because you're you're so focused on the door yeah right it's all you've been thinking about for so long and then Levi kicks the fucking door okay no we're in it and it like don't that's not shut up you know then we then we get the big reveal that the world is larger than we thought it's actually pretty normal uh well obviously the eldians uh so our main characters this is where i
Starting point is 03:38:37 i think it's really fascinating because our main characters who all looked like a bunch of Aryan superheroes and there's a weird german military aesthetic except for the japanese except for those that that one family and though that those people that can't be controlled what's up with those now we move out and go ha ha we flipped it it's they're totally in the Warsaw ghetto 100% actually they're in Madagascar right no but what i mean no what i mean is yes in the flashback yes totally in the Warsaw ghetto internment camps yeah oopsie ha ha we flipped it on you armband zeppelin done germans okay what what what else you need ha ha we reversed it and then we get so i've said that like berserk is like the greatest it's the most justified revenge story ever and
Starting point is 03:39:27 attack on titan our early moments with Eren establish he has like the best reason to be the most angry piece of shit ever 100% fuck that who cares let's talk about his dad how his dad has the best reason to be the most angry piece of shit ever and grisha gets the thousand yard stare worse than Eren ever did and you get you get to watch that happen because one he's what is he seven yeah right and when the shit goes down and then you expect the world the moment he put the armband on and the soldiers act like shit yeah you expect the world to be the worst thing ever right and i'm going in expecting the world to be the worst thing ever and then i was unprepared with how bad it was well it was bad but then you cut back to his dad being like hey man i was apologizing and you got
Starting point is 03:40:17 it shut the fuck up listen play along this is how it go did you want to live you know and you're like uh okay this is how bad it actually is so you kind of expected an expanding of the map at some point but for it to not only expand but for it to be so satisfying with the tasty morsels of juice of what you get and then you're like oh the nightmare that all of our characters have lived in the worst thing that ever happened to them and the downfall of the future is actually to protect them from the even more horrible outside world so the conversation that followed after this after that episode right when the dad goes this is who we are we come from the the where the descendants of ymir and the titans were fucking clothes wearing literal giant gods that ruled over mankind
Starting point is 03:41:04 in in particular the marlians yeah until they fought back by taking taking our shit and getting seven of the nine pieces and then turning the type the tables on us right and you see all those pictures and we get told your ancestors made a deal with devil and titans are evil and blah blah and then you immediately get told no nah there were angels it's the other way around and then you get a character later on going who cares i don't know yeah yeah it doesn't matter because because because the imagery of like the the the literal basement meetings yeah is showing you the goddess ymir with her long hair and if so here's where we start going and fucking analyzing right you mean how that's the mural we saw in the season two go back to the outro of season two and
Starting point is 03:41:47 that's the mural the whole story is right there weird shit it's like i'm watching monster you remember monster yes and slowly you come to realize yes all of it you know the other whole stories right there so you watch the fucking the season two outro where now what this what they haven't told you about but you see it is royal family bunch of kids eating some body parts what the fuck we don't know but it seems like human form consumption of some sort of person or flesh equals transferring of the ability yeah without even needing to be a titan yeah right um maybe it was so pure and undiluted at that point in time you didn't have to do the weird but now we're looking at what is basically the incest babies yeah of what used to be smart titans maybe yeah
Starting point is 03:42:32 bearded tool using clothing wear and now you're looking at freakazoids that are mutants because of spinal fluid blah blah blah as opposed to the nine we see bending around ymir in that like you know thing and like including the giant but then it but then it's like but is that even real and then you go to the marley inversion and you see a literal satan devil giving the apple and you go okay cool so what's what and then you look at the wall it's like oh the the the royal family left to go to madagascar and create paradise and create the inner wall chill and leave us and then said i'm putting all these titans inside the walls right and you see the titans holding hands and you use a scream to make them do that yeah but the ones holding hands inside the walls are
Starting point is 03:43:14 wearing the fucking greek robes with the big noble beards and i'm like that's not what the fucking titans inside the wall look like it's not at all they look like nightmares so these stories are all horseshit but then the but then the the king did renounce war and doesn't want to and that's a it's all horseshit it doesn't matter it doesn't matter all that matters is what our characters do with this shit now because shit is bad we know there's nine pieces we know two of them exist within the fucking wall and the other seven are out right great let's do the count and i remember already doing this and i don't know like it's like i always expect this to happen and it always takes me by surprise because i somehow forget but it's like anytime a story gives you a bunch of like
Starting point is 03:43:58 different how do i put this the idea that it's like those nine are the only nine people saying three are in the walls okay well anyway i don't know but yeah anime anime anime but like here's the thing um the the uh the idea that it's like oh there's irregular titans there's regular titans and then there's specials right yeah and we don't know what the fucking deal with these specials you've seen them all you've seen almost all of them right no you haven't but like you've we haven't seen one because i did the count but the point remains is that oh there's one missing one the story well let me get there in a second when the story pairs down and starts doing the the thing which Game of Thrones does or whatever all these stories you simplify you make it so that guess what
Starting point is 03:44:39 turns out you knew a lot more than you thought then you thought you thought it was broader it's actually a lot the map expands but your knowledge of the situation is bigger than you thought because you've seen female you've seen female yeah you've seen armored yeah you've seen colossal you've seen beast yeah you've seen uh all guy on all fours you've seen the long mouth yeah you've seen the tiny one that yamir turns into yamir you've seen the coordinate yeah right and seven yeah and you've seen the attack titan the shingekino kyojin the name of the fucking show dude which turns out to be a double entendre the whole time that only works in japanese because it's the name of the show and i was like why they translate that episode that way that's a that's the wrong
Starting point is 03:45:24 name for the episode oh no it's not shut up idiot it's not attack on titan it's the attack titan right that's that's literally eight right there yeah so guess what you're missing one yeah you know um what's the last one i don't know you know because we've already because yeah you have yeah that's so that's it right and then already piecing together like i already frame by framed like uh grisha's memories yeah and you're like this whole thing comes together in a really weird way but okay he has reasons what's his name the fucking drill instructor ending up being like a major major major major player yeah that's hilarious i fucked with your gear you couldn't do it because i was fucking with your gear the whole time you did it though and then how about this
Starting point is 03:46:08 right the random poetic fucking like the things were like god laughs at coincidence in a story yeah where dina happens to wander right to that house right to the one and pick up that woman and fucking crush her yeah because poetry because right you it rhymes so anyway so you have you have all that and then you get this this like setup now where um it's like zeke the fuck boy zeke the the worst person in the world that we knew so far like the actual most contemptible piece of shit ever you look at his you get his backstory you're like oh grisha fucked him up you went so hard the other way that you re emphasized everything that the dad was yeah that's what happens when you go the other way this is why the kids of the most religious people you know are the most insane
Starting point is 03:47:02 people you know big party and then their kids go i need some structure in my life and run to the cross right and zeke fucking turns into that i don't know how those ages line up by the way because he's got a big old beard and he's minimum 35 by the time we know that annie's is airing time becomes really goofy when people are turning into titans it sure does as ymir proves right but you get the the fact that he fucking turns the whole thing out and um god what was it oh yeah of course there it always takes one sociopath right in these types of situations where it's like there's a fucking dam and it's spilling over yeah and then it takes one dude who comes along and is just like yeah so i fed her to my dogs wasn't that fun
Starting point is 03:47:55 and you're like yeah no i get it i'd be really sad if somebody fed my kids to their dogs but i mean it was your kid so fuck you you get it right right yeah yeah yeah so when you slow down these flashback moments and like you almost frame by frame them you start to put together what you know what you don't know and what what might happen right and in that last episode it's like historia touches the paper which it's like okay if this was some stupid ass anime that never thought about things and was just dumb and didn't already deliver on being well done that paper would just be because ymir's feelings are written in the words but instead we've established that memories flow through a certain point in time and space and are malleable and you can see things that other
Starting point is 03:48:44 people's memories blah blah blah because whatever and then we established that like well erin's going kind of crazy right now because he's got like a shit ton of people in his head and he's living out multiple lifetimes simultaneously yes the end the the so the thing is though is when you well with it with with ymir writing that letter and she touches it and then she sees all of ymir's memories you're like what is it with that paper what she do to it i don't know she fucking sweat on it but you see all the screenshots of the flashbacks of ymir that we've seen up until that point and then one that we haven't which makes no sense in her timeline because we've seen everything up to that point yeah unless we have it somehow right right and you're like is that even the same
Starting point is 03:49:27 ymir or is it right now or is it a long time ago yeah because guess what if anybody's possibly going to know things they shouldn't know in an assassin's creed to desmond this story is for you style moment do it for me kasa and armin and it's like it probably might be the original i'm gonna say the original ymir maybe is somehow the person that isn't but so we get to the point where it's like hey have a family you got to do it from a kasa and and armin and he goes huh and i go huh yeah yeah yeah yeah like that is straight up that is etio looking at the camera going i don't know who your memories are these who are you talking to and i go yeah okay there's two possibilities here either time is a loop which i don't think is happening here or this coordinate
Starting point is 03:50:18 shit with the memories goes forward to it's it's a two-way street and then i go is there any sequence in this show that would have supported this at all so far right in which memories go forward in time and there is in the first episode when erin is sleeping in the field and makasa comes to wake him up he is seeing his mom get eaten in the future from his own point of view he's seeing fights with titans that haven't happened yet you can judge these these characters can occasionally just see other people's memories from the future in my digging by the way i don't know if you caught it but did you catch the name of the first episode uh i forgot the name of the first episode of the show is to you
Starting point is 03:51:12 2000 years in the future really the name of episode one of attack on titan is called to you 2000 years in the future okay it's right there and you never think twice about it because you're in the middle of going what is this show yeah so you want to talk about hidden in plain sight it's the first thing you read right and then so now you're like this whole grisha plan where he runs into this family and just goes ham on him and gets the coordinate power right what's the deal with the the the time frame of this you get 13 years asshole oh shit that's like why was he suddenly so adamant that he had to do it right now in the like just go go go go like you get exactly that amount of time and then we get a wonderful sad depressing scene in which armin
Starting point is 03:52:02 goes okay so i just did this yes so i got 13 yes arin you have eight it's been five already and then you cut to makasa who essentially says shut up yeah a character whose entire real family is dead yes whose entire adopted family is dead yes and the only two people of note in her entire life just got terminal death sentences in the same sentence and the only thing she actually really wants is for one of them to put a scarf on her yeah cool you look like you lost some weight are you okay no no so we talked about how much we like the speed at which characters and attack on titan do things and they do them faster than you and i are thinking of it i think there's one higher thing that some phoenix right games did and this episode this last one i think i know exactly what
Starting point is 03:52:56 you're talking about at the exact perfect timing i've never seen it better where characters are talking in an awe in a meeting yes going so arin did this shit once we don't know why and i go fuck and arin jumps up and goes oh and then and then yeah and then and then everyone goes what and then i go no no no shut up and he goes no and then he goes nothing and he goes no go on titan you may speak and he's like no that's good no and he sits his ass back down and armin is like and just goes oh my god and like the second like hold that the my mind take that thought and fucking hold it it's this perfect lead-in sentence that i that they go well you know he
Starting point is 03:53:53 did it once when he was under a lot of stress why didn't happen under those circumstances and i go why did uh and then the character like it's simultaneous it's simultaneous it cuts to her and you go oh yeah i literally yelled oh like it's just like in that second because i up until that point when they're showing you everyone turning right before dina there's that old bald guy who has the big shaggy beard and i'm like oh they're doing the thing where you see the the person before because that's the guy that ate arin yeah and then the other weird looking one with the big eyes is the one that peeks around the corner i've seen that one all over the totally and then oh my god it's the smiling titan yeah there it is right what's the deal with her well now we know the deal
Starting point is 03:54:39 but then you didn't quite do the fucking math on it because it's a thing that never came up once again explicitly and you're like why why how come erin never did that again is it ultra instinct does he just have to emotion it and then i'm like wait why didn't i think about during like when they're talking about dina and they're talking about how zeke is dina's son how come i never put together that oh yeah no zeke can totally effortlessly control all titans in his vicinity no problem and we're standing and looking at the line of them which conveniently allows levi to fucking tell him what to do in so far why didn't i put that together oh shit oh shit yes exactly right hold that shit and it's this weird situation because like the solution also the the the
Starting point is 03:55:22 leading to the real thing was i don't i the first thought was shit i didn't tell armin and mikasa about about the the one that killed our mom about that being her yeah also this other huge thing yeah so the moment the hand the handcuffs comes in contact with it right um it's it's super yeah i love that moment and he and he like immediately sits his ass down and just goes nothing and then hanji looks at him and goes oh that's what levi meant oh i see yeah so here's the thing that i've been trying to figure out now right is and like i think i kind of got well now we yeah now we got it yeah we have basement and then basement is like whatever now it's about paths last episode i remember going with what we had and going um um grisha goes into that fucking cult room
Starting point is 03:56:20 and he fights uh what's frida and she's awesome by the way frida's cool yeah and he fucking eats her and takes that god damn power right good for you you've secured the coordinate yeah cool then i'ma just squash all these babies because fuck you rice you piece of shit right and you're like that's not no no no no that's that's not the same as go get the coordinate that's very different grisha what the fuck are you doing why would you do that that seems needlessly violent why are you splattering the children yeah and then you get this episode where it's like oh because you like literally this is all your fault yeah shitty stupid piece of shit king fuck you you you left us out here right and we can't like like leaving this in any of your hands means this
Starting point is 03:57:13 continues to exist go fuck yourself and it's like this king's like yeah i abdicate war and it's like oh so you left your entire people out to be fucked to death but also you kept everyone in here so stupid that they live in a perpetual nightmare it's peace though you fuck off and these walls are an are a nuke that are mutually assured destruction yeah also undercurrents of their being oil and diamonds yeah no it's on the paradise island the way underneath the way underneath of of uh attack on titan racism and but it's like but wait why are they sending all of them to get the coordinate right now they sent the whole gang in yeah to get it seven of nine right and it's like six of nine why it's like oh because soon titans are going to be whatever in on the global
Starting point is 03:58:02 stage because war and gotta get that oil gotta control them so all you people because it was always weird why if they were just going in to get the coordinate why were they so absurdly callous about the insane damage they were causing right they're like we need to like fuck them to fuck them we need to murder all of you and then it's like no because they all have to go you all have exactly right and um even though it's like yeah go in and and well anyway the the yeah the idea too of like uh what was it the the warrior's thing right i'm like okay so that's a word they keep bringing that word back what's that about right it's like hey reiner you're a soldier but you're also a warrior remember that shit right and reiner goes oh my god oh my god um uh right uh
Starting point is 03:58:53 whatever armin are you okay or like whatever it was like in the moment right um so then you get this thing where you're just like okay so here's what you're dealing with you're dealing with literally uh you are born uh an aldean you're a piece of shit yeah sacrifice yourself you get 13 years on the clock your family not only gets raised out of the ghettos yeah you literally get to be considered marlion yeah and you are no longer an aldean you become a part of the hero ultimate race like all the weird association that you would think so burtolt reiner zeke at his daughter yeah all of them are like yeah we're not aldean we're marlion because we've adopted the fucking warrior code yeah at which point you go yeah right whatever
Starting point is 03:59:43 we like yeah you're still you're still talking about the wholesale genocide of your people for the lulls yeah um the the timeline with zeke again i'm just it still doesn't make a hundred percent sense how is how is annie the same age as erin while you got like if you do the run the like i tried to run the clock on it last night right and it's like okay they're about 15 right erin and annie minus that time frame you go back to the point at which uh zeke was sorry um grisha was entering the wall falling in love 13 years is about the time he had so give him a few extra yeah and then and but when what's his when zeke pointed him out he was about seven so like either zeke had a baby at 10 years old or the time between he got pointed out and getting kicked over the wall was like a
Starting point is 04:00:35 couple years past of torture then he got kicked over yeah but i'm i'm maybe i'm doing that all wrong eh whatever other thought is what's the deal with going out of your way to instead of just shooting all these marlians to drag them on a boat across the ocean and stick them with the with the with the it's such a process right and it's like it's so convoluted and stick them and throw them into the the the titan fields instead of just shooting them yeah it's really actually and i'm like is it because they want there to be as many titans here as possible because fuck those assholes i believe that is actually totally it and also kind of poetic fuck off but also when we get the coordinate we can control these things so that when the walls break open
Starting point is 04:01:20 we have more on our side yeah probably maybe it's so out of the way to be hateful you know it's absurd yeah uh you got that and there's also a i feel there's an element of like yeah show your real monstrous state you piece of shit you know kind of thing like it was spinal fluid the whole time yeah it was totally spinal fluid the whole time i feel really stupid of course it was of course it was oh what what kind of crazy scientific concoction magic bullshit are they oh it's spinal it's fucking spinal fluid and because titans are so fucking big you shipped a ton of spinal fluid like no problem and they and they they melt in seconds before you get a chance at it really so it's a hard process but ultimately that's all it was yeah just gotta tighten the people know
Starting point is 04:02:02 about and can control and just grab the spine yeah there you go yeah um and finally with this episode as well we get the confirmation that you're like okay so this origin point is a bunch of human stupid lies and bullshit probably something more scientific probably and then you're like no wait this coordinate shit is full on magic bullshit full magic right and you're like how magic we talk and well the forward the forward future stuff is wacky and crazy and confusing it's about as magic as it gets okay but how magic are we talking here what happens if someone dies and i was like random person gets the magic like yeah and that's that's the moment where you go this is nothing this has no this is a hundred percent real actual satan magic yeah like she literally
Starting point is 04:02:51 touched something some there's a spiritual connection between every aldean aldean that allows the power to never be lost and be born into a random baby and it knows to be born into a random child when one dies which means that kid can only hit 13 before they die again if they never yeah off their powers which means you gotta eat the kids yeah yep yeah you have to it's the law i think the i think that though the truth like even though the the devil's in the details and the truth that the uh that grisha's dad gave is probably a bunch of bullshit i about like how like our disgusting race did this and their crimes and that there's probably still some elements of truth and the things saying about like how the titans ruled
Starting point is 04:03:37 over people as intelligent titans right yeah and they forced the woman to to read to breed like hybrids basically yeah and they and like the idea that these big grand titans like literally in the almost like um mythological sense yeah would then create half titans and then quarter titans and whatnot and all the way down to these dumb incest versions of themselves yeah is super hyper believable you know um and i and i'm like i'm wondering i'm just like in the shot where they're like and then the titan wars happened right they show you again some of them are holding tools like swords and shields and hammers and shit and have helmets on yeah but then one or two of them are literally riding dragons there's a wolf giant beast thing in the background of one of those
Starting point is 04:04:27 paintings that's what a titan is writing and you're like what was that what am i actually looking at there you know was that real yeah so i don't and i think i think the like i assume we will get a couple more details on what the fuck even is a titan yeah at some point when we find out more about the court because we've now established that a character will be able to at some point in the story hit some revelation and just remember everything from another timeline yeah like everything yeah um it's the it's like literally from the the death game where no one knows nothing to we have so much information we don't know how to deal with it yeah uh but i have a sign of i have a feeling that like most of that historical period is going to remain unknown to make it
Starting point is 04:05:19 like who are the bad guys is it the eldians or the marlians because if the marlians are telling the truth and lived under subjugation and forced breeding and genocide for thousands of years you could understand why they would be pretty pissed and act like scumbags also but did that even happen all or is it is it the aldians who are brainwashed by the marlians right like the established that their memories can be altered at a whim and the titan wars were 80 years ago that's one human being there are people that are alive that saw that shit that was one person ago you know that like that recentness level in that really screws up the story for me and always because it's like and when you're in the walls it's like forever ago we've led into the
Starting point is 04:06:14 walls yada yada and then it's like no i was 80 years ago it's been a hundred years since we've been in these walls yeah and then but egrisha as a kid it's like yeah 80 years ago the fucking war went down yeah it's literally that recent it's right there so anyway now i suppose it's just like here we go uh we've got this we've we've know we know who we know who eight of the nine are um we've got the the yeah the shingeki no kyojin we've got the attack titan um who loves freedom uh that's the part that made me a little like oh come on uh and the the thing where like one of my burning questions at the end of that episode was hey owl cool good job right that was awesome you popped off you got them good why did you literally wait to the last second
Starting point is 04:07:09 if you were gonna murder all these dudes anyway well could you not have done this like 10 minutes earlier i understand that he even freaked out and went oh shit don't say the truth about i don't care what happens to that to to you or any of these people but don't say the truth about dina you fucker shut your fucking mouth right and he hides that part and then he just pops off and kills them all anyway it's like what's with the thing and then grisha goes hey fucker what the fuck's wrong why'd you wait why am i the only one alive you know and the whole deal that he gives is like hey so remember that time when you took your sister's hand and you let her out of the city and you got her fucking killed by a pack of dogs i didn't oh yeah you did remember that right and you
Starting point is 04:07:51 know how i'm here and the only reason why i've never got caught is because i let this shit happen and i've done horrible things myself because everyone's convinced i'm one of them because guess what that's how you don't get caught yeah yeah that means we've come this far we have to finish the job yeah that's one of the best fucking motivations it's i love that shit very interesting because usually and in real life or whatever the situation with grisha and a sister that's not his fault of course it's not his fault that some crazy psycho decided to have his sister eaten by dogs right but in this the situations are so fucked that's like no that's on you grisha if you had just been polite and stayed in your place your sister'd be alive right
Starting point is 04:08:39 now you'd be she'd be married and you'd be working and taking over your dad's business she might even have a couple kids yeah and you know what hey even further your own kid you fucked up again you fucked him up by doing now that the whole thing there you go good job it's on you so we've all got a lot of blood on our hands don't we grisha you know and and like yeah you gotta fucking see it through to the end and i can't i can't and that actually to me that speech and that event like that is like this is why grisha who seemed like a really nice guy is able to splatter those kids against the wall no problem because i've come this far i'm not gonna what i'm not i'm gonna let the fact that my sister got eaten by dogs be for nothing fuck you so this reminds me of one of the coolest things
Starting point is 04:09:24 i've ever been told uh someone told uh plague told me about a villain motivation in a show that i won't say because i don't know yeah whatever but there's a villain in a certain thing that is motivated by the fact that like they lost their their family in a horrible tragic accident or whatever it was or probably possibly due to their own things yeah and they're basically now fucking with time to try and fix that problem sure the process of fucking with time to fix that problem consists of them needing to do some horrible evil shitty things and the more horrible and evil and shitty the things they do the more they're like god damn it this fucking sucks but it's all gonna be worth it once i fix the problem because it'll be like none of this happened yeah and at some point when it
Starting point is 04:10:06 gets to the most extreme cases and states of how how bad it gets the villain is essentially like there's so many bodies behind me and there's so much wrong that i've done please let me win so that all the bad i've done won't start trick no okay because there's a star trek villain very similar all the bad i've done will have never happened if you just let me win please let me win it'll be fine and i'm like that is the best motivation ever i've come way too far for you to fuck it up for me now because i can't sit it down and look you in the face and go you're being irrational and you're wrong yeah it's like yeah you have you have no choice but to keep going i'm gonna stop you though the closest thing to fixing your problem is for you to literally win
Starting point is 04:10:46 yeah you know and this is kind of like that and i really really like that in a when in a quote unquote villain yeah question marks motivation it's like every single person on every team aside from the three characters that we like are all garbage they have all aside from like the the scout cast that we know like hanji and levi and armin and mikasa and erin and sasha and conny right except for that core group of your your team every character is a unrepentant piece of human garbage guess what in a story about literal nazi things happening yeah the nazis are simultaneously good and bad oh alongside and the allies are good and bad and everything is good and bad yeah because there's literal monsters eating people yeah and that complicates the story a little bit
Starting point is 04:11:42 and like i can only imagine like we haven't gone into it but at some point we're gonna have a conversation with the character going okay you know those monsters that have ruined your life and eaten all the people in your life you're one of those and uh they're actually our allies yeah yeah like uh also shout out to this royal family for doing this whole fucking crazy ritualistic insane thing in the name of peace and the one thing you have to think of is like okay so his will the first king's will is what keeps them from acting out and yeah because they they gain his entire life and see the reasons why he made the decisions he made and then agree with them yeah what is it about what he's experienced that makes everyone
Starting point is 04:12:28 see in that war that's what we still don't have yeah right because it's like you can see everyone's point of view and go i understand yeah they don't and disagree they don't become the king but they do see his life and they and they made the right call fuck i guess i'm not doing it then and everybody that ever tries to talk to him at all yeah he they he just shakes his head no no no no it's gotta it's gotta be like this wipe the brains out control them it's better this way that's all there is and so i guess the the final big ass quest well there's two one one i don't know where the story goes where does it go just go like what is the plan the arrows were pointed one way but it goes it goes out i guess the arrows point the other way now right and the next episode
Starting point is 04:13:12 is hey we just rode to the ocean just solve that problem sure sure just done oh okay uh uh uh so uh the attack titan crunched their bodies and tossed them over his head into the ocean into the sea yeah i should probably explain what the sea is um and and so it goes out it's like what is we gonna assault on marlia so for what to do what you're gonna kill the world who knows dude who knows but here's what you do know like think about the life zeke led after he turned his own parents in yeah you hero you champion of your sad downtrodden race you've lifted yourself above you truly are an example to be followed and just all of that for the rest of his life till we get the fucking hobo we get now oh that's why he's like that 100 convinced because there's there's parts of
Starting point is 04:14:07 zeke's character that made no sense right where he is vicious and callous and cruel throughout all his original appearances right and when he's fighting he's throwing the rocks he's he's like he's as evil as it gets he's having fun playing baseball but then he's talking to reiner and burtolt and he's pretty chill yep and he's polite yep and he's nice yep you're like what the oh that oh that's and it's like he's sad now he's a sad villain and he's there's one thing that he says that he's absolutely right about which is the last thing he says to erin it's like they're both trapped by their dad's bullshit right right because grisha fucked up everything ever forever those two have now had their lives ruined i mean the fact that like
Starting point is 04:15:06 moments after the most traumatizing thing ever happens which also by the way um uh uh important thing to note about the smiling titan about fucking dina yeah the only titan we have ever seen that didn't just eat somebody yeah right it fucking grabs the mom and squashes and fucking like pulverizes her first then eats yeah that's the only example we've ever seen of that all i can think of is what the fuck is that about so what i am thinking is that she tell right before she turns she tells grisha don't worry i'll find you and then the wall opens and she just immediately walks straight to his house and all i can think of is that somehow because she's royal something in her gains like one percent control something in like just you know just the tiniest
Starting point is 04:16:00 and it's enough in the well we look we saw we saw um um connie's mom looking at him going yeah we saw like the little bits and pieces of that so she had enough inside of her to just go straight to that fucking house so there's there's a there's a part of this that but i was gonna say that like erin gets it bad enough and then like his dad's like hey son come with me into this forest it's gonna be a fun time and then it's like okay you know um so now we've got all this information but there's some questions that i expected to get an answer to that are now more confusing which is i feel the number one question that starts the show off is why do titans eat people and only people and only people
Starting point is 04:16:50 and all i can think of is that they are all subconsciously trying to get that titan power yes all of them exactly i think straight up you're looking at at the dumbest incest monster version of what this thing you become a real person yes if you get lucky because we saw that happen this is what you this is how you save yourself right and titans back in the day that were smarter that would pass the power on by eating you know what i mean like consumption is the way that's how you do it the last and only thing they know how to do is to just go eat a person and hope that they eat the right person yeah guess what ymir did yeah got fucking lucky on that one that's literally all you're hoping for you know uh yeah also uh so there was
Starting point is 04:17:35 that and also ymir's backstory now goes from making zero sense at all to being like oh of course that's why they tossed her the fuck off the wall being worshiped as ymir yeah yeah you gotta go you gotta go the worst of anybody you gotta go real hard i was wondering if the finger cutting off thing had to do with like is he trying to make safer titans for people like nerfed with no fingers or something but no that's just their chosen method of being pieces of shit just being cruel yeah for sure um god there was one other theory thing i had about like uh oh yeah yeah i talked about it earlier but it's like i think that when you see those three kids eating the meat crying yeah right they're eating the bone and you see the skeleton in front of you right i think you're
Starting point is 04:18:24 looking at like yeah once upon a time the the closer to the original ymir you got the less of the body you needed to eat and the less weird creepy steps you had to take right you as a human being could consume a little bit of this meat and then you got the power like for example right like let's look at how everybody gets their titan powers first we got to turn you into a titan then you got to eat him right why can't you just eat him but here's the thing the kids are eating parts of a normal sized human being yeah and that's enough yeah right eventually you fast forward and that bloodline gets so dilated diluted yeah and weakened that perhaps the only way to pass that power on is for you a normal sized human to consume the entirety of that diluted five percent bloodline
Starting point is 04:19:13 in because the as you are already juiced up on spinal fluid and a monster with magic well here's you're a human being the only way to get all of that human being inside of you is to not be the size of a human being so now a titan has to do the swallowing yeah right because yeah it's just like you can't eat all of that person it's impossible it would take you a while so now in titan form you eat it now you get that power passed on but we didn't need that it's kind of astonishing to me when i look back at how like this feels like a story that he had in his head the whole time because there's so many elements that were like oh cool a stylized thing that end up being major plot points later on so many that i can't imagine that he was like oh cool
Starting point is 04:19:55 i'll just use it so like the one that stands out to me the most is the really cool animation of makasa going i'm a coward no i'm gonna cut these dudes and then never has a problem cutting dudes ever again which i always interpreted as like a change in will or intent or like a breaking point in a person's psyche no that was magic that was magic bloodline shit because her dad's an acrimon and it gave her the warrior blood and it just awoken in that yeah it just happened to awaken in that moment yeah yeah right like sure okay leave i yeah like i uh the one i'm trying to i was hung up on for a while is remember the end remember the end of the beginning but remember the end of the intro uh that we got huh i know what you're thinking where the fucking right the fucking
Starting point is 04:20:43 dinosaurs and then the animals all have the glowing red heart and they're marching on a fucking warline running towards everybody i'm like what the shit is that about so at the time i was like oh that's a cool animatic or maybe we'll see something crazy yeah and now i'm like wait did that happen so i'm like so i went from going this is some crazy shit we're probably gonna get into also because the end of the attack on titan game has like big animal versions of titans or some made up crazy shit and i'm like yeah that's some made them crazy bullshit they're like no wait maybe no what if it represents evolution that's all it is it just represents the history of evolution you see the cricket and you see the yeah all the animals with the glowing heart and then the t-rexes
Starting point is 04:21:24 are running right and then you cut to the fucking mural where the titans are on the back of dire wolves and dragons and you're like wait so who fucking knows what that was if we're going back to season two's outro and piecing together story now that we're seeing in season three the ending what the fucking did you did you see the the shot call that the author made the ballsyest shot call i've ever seen no he he published the last panel of years ahead of time the last panel of attack on titan yes i know what the last panel of attack on titan is that's insane and he put it out last year that's and it was like the story will be done in about two years here's what the last panel will be that's insane and wow it's nice and vague but i have a feeling it will be a bit like it's it's
Starting point is 04:22:19 nice and vague but when you look at it you're like okay that's probably great okay and i might mention this to you after this because it's pointing i don't want to i don't want to know okay i don't want to know but it's like wow the stands yeah wow so let's leave it there and i'll say this right we're making a lot of big fucking swing we're probably gonna get a little bit more next week probably here's no here's what i'm saying now we probably got a bunch of this shit wrong sure right i assume we do i hope because how can we we're i'm playing with what i got and that's all i know and i can't wait to be wrong on this which means i don't want to be corrected yeah do not correct this man do you understand this you know what's funny i saw a comment that cracked me up because
Starting point is 04:23:04 it totally it inverted what i thought was the discussion about the manga and the anime because everybody who's watching the anime is like what's in the basement but that's not what the manga people have been talking about they've been talking about when can we talk about paths interesting huh because paths is actually a bigger takeaway yeah than the basement yeah people can see the future and all human memory is connected what i was really confused and hung on to the fact that they were calling him the coordinate for a while there what does that mean what is why would you use that word and that's why okay right erin's now the sum total of all eldian life experience ever through all time we're probably never gonna get what ymir actually did
Starting point is 04:24:01 yeah and that's okay that's fine it's what happens from here i feel that the the story's doing a very good job because i'm seeing some people talk about how the story is trying to paint certain real groups in more positive light and i'm like that's ridiculous the whole point of the story is that it doesn't matter but if you're doing bad things that are bad to do fuck off and it's horrible and it's a nightmare you are responsible for the truth that you know yeah you can't be responsible for the truth you don't know right with what you know you make decisions and that's what you're judged on right and even like it's like even if the eldians are truly awful horrible monster race yes probably shouldn't be feeding them the dogs that seems
Starting point is 04:24:53 like a real easy moral stance to take and the fact not and it's not just that he's that extreme of a sociopath that gets that but he's ever he's able to easily pull it off cover it up no problem it's all good it's all fine and whatever and that is who cares and that all you that's all you really need to demonstrate how fucking bad it must be yeah on a day-to-day basis just in general for anyone in the state so yeah no wonder you're desperate to get out of that and yeah i'll take those 13 years yeah easy all right it also explains why the our titan antagonists are so like well not just their personal durability but they're willing to fucking go hard because risk their lives real good because they're on borrowed time anyway they're on borrowed time
Starting point is 04:25:42 and guess what i'm now better than you because they told me i am i don't have to suffer for the crimes that my ancestors did like you do i'm not one of that i'm not that that's you you're full of fucking shit you need to die i'm better than you now i'm fighting for justice yeah like and it may and it like retroactively makes reiner and burtz characters and annie's characters way better because now you understand why they're having fucking meltdowns after spending their entire young life with these people reiner's meltdowns are my favorite thing about the show the moments where he goes wait what it's so human it's so fucking real especially when he's just like like i just love it's such a ah this isn't worth it man can we just talk yeah you know and then
Starting point is 04:26:29 armin tries to pull that with burtolt and he's like no no you're not gonna get me again i'm gonna talk to you yeah after last time he's like hey annie's probably suffering right now isn't she when armin gets all scary you know and and burtals just like oh you know shut up shut up no no talking you know we didn't get a chance to no uh this is funny because we get characters like uh grisha we get characters like al we get characters like erin people who their entire and zeke people whose entire lives built them up towards this moment to this view yeah right and then you get characters like annie and burt and reiner who we don't have anything on at all and i guess it's because their shit isn't as dramatic or you know what you can assume it's average right you can
Starting point is 04:27:16 assume and the circumstance that they put themselves in is break in one case breaking them literally apart in their head you can you can uh uh you can and all of annie's weird cold behavior now makes sense dude you can fucking watch you can pause the screenshot and see the shot of uh ymir popping out of the desert and eating their friend yeah and like whoever that was right that person has a face but there they go yeah and now they're like i guess you're on the team now i mean you hear like hey buddy yeah come with us fuck yeah it's it's person who has no interest in any of this shit at all for a multitude of reasons and again and and and you know you're telling grisha to go into the walls and fall in love right
Starting point is 04:28:08 like yeah um i i hope i don't know how it'll happen but i really really hope that at some point fucking genre finds out about um what was his name the kid that died and trust the one that they fed to the titan because he heard overheard them marco i really hope genre finds out yeah yeah yeah that because i saw him like that was a wild retcon oh my god that was so long ago that was a while because i saw his face and i was like is that marco and he's like yeah that moment was a thing and they all had a one they they fucked up so many times yeah these kids don't know what they're doing they're fucking kids they're 15 it's almost yeah yeah um and as i say so you describe those two types of people and then you
Starting point is 04:29:01 have the rod rices where it's like my family just got massacred and i didn't give a shit about this bastard girl uh in fact her mom just got off in front of me right but i'm royal man ah shit she's the only one with the blood i gotta get the blood all right come with me you know like you're like oh yeah you're you're on the inside and you're just as fucking heinous you know it's all around yeah it's all around so anyway with that um we leave you and i suggest we'll probably have a quick one next week based on maybe ocean but i suggest you close it out on uh prozidi's latest video uh goofy sings the attack on titan season one how does he do that that's tough go yuck we really were the attack on titan after all weren't we we were the attack titans it kind
Starting point is 04:29:58 of works just not in english lightning most importantly the eotan onslaught was actually possibly accurate in its titling no wonder it was ambiguous and vague shout us to those subs whoa see you next week everybody bye bye hey good podcast let's see those s and i'm we've seen a girl the worst that probably wasn't even close to how you pronounce that oh well i'm gonna kill some titans a day Boo boo boo boo
Starting point is 04:31:35 The Lord's new song sure is intense Okay guys, it's Titan killing time Pee yuck Boo boo boo boo boo Boo boo boo boo Pee yuck

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