Castle Super Beast - CSB 025: Chicken Parm 2: Rife With Wife

Episode Date: July 10, 2019

Download for Mobile | Podcast Preview | Full Timestamps Castle Super Beast, now 200% more Texan! Includes the RTX 2019 Panel. Yee, and I cannot stress this enough, Haw. You can watch us record the... podcast live on Outro: Gerudo Valley (Combat) - Cadence of Hyrule_ Crypt of the NecroDancer feat. The Legend of Zelda The Juggalo Resistance Epic Games will cover refunds to protect developers after backlash Netflix announces Cuphead cartoon series Turok returning as a cute 2D game Tennocon

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Starting point is 00:00:00 【Arguing Endgame The year is 2045. Sick of watching your family waste away, you decide to finally take it to the breadlines, burst through all the security and make off with as much sustenance as you can to feed them. You break out of the glass of the security checkpoint and hoof it into the streets and you give yourself about two minutes before the facial recognition drone cops decide to swarm. And you know that you have just enough time to make it back to at least one of your little hideouts because you got your boys that helped you set up the plan. But apparently you might have been sold out because some of those drone cops were ready and waiting the moment you got
Starting point is 00:01:28 outside. You run into the crowds, you blend in, you do your best to use your escape tactics and for the most part you seem okay. But suddenly the drone cops that scanned your face are plastering that face all over Times Square. Your face is everywhere, they're hunting for you because you stole food and you're absolutely fucked. You do your best parkouring into an alleyway, you hoof it, you turn a corner, you hit a cul-de-sac, you got nowhere to go and then the drone cops and their Ed 209s have you surrounded. The fuck do you do? Suddenly from nowhere a bottle rocket of Fago lands on the drone cops and explodes coating all of their cameras with gooey soda-y garbage. Who could this be? Multiple colors everywhere, gooing up their joints, unable to move
Starting point is 00:02:26 like ninjas. Clockwork, a hand grabs you, pulls you through a grate and underneath a sewer and before you know it you're being led down hallways and paths. It's dingy, there's a bunch of people, it's kind of weird. You don't quite know what you're looking at. You hear the sounds of a chair, you see a wrestling match going on in the background. There's chains hanging. Unexplained magnets on the walls. And before you know it you're brought before the throne as two gentlemen stand up with their rags but lots of big, big chains hanging from their necks and they say to you with their faces painted welcome to the resistance.
Starting point is 00:03:16 Whoop whoop! Because Shaggy Too Dope and Violent J have discovered a manner in which to defeat technology preemptively before facial recognition has a chance to take us over. The insane clown posse's facial makeup, the juggalos are in fact the resistance because they cannot be recognized by any future tech. Which is really crazy because I was talking to people- Whoop! Fucking whoop! I didn't think that was all that special until I discovered that those things can see through almost every type of makeup you could throw at them. Anything. Except for the juggalo mask. So here we are. This is what it was all about. Dark Carnival is a warning to the future. Cloud World is our only salvation. This is how we
Starting point is 00:04:10 fucking do it. The attempt to dropkick Fred Durst was in fact a warning. It was to let us know. ICP Champion Shit Wrestling was training to fight off the future riot cops. Something about Fred Durst that we don't know yet. He's gonna sell us out. Something about him. Oh dude Fred will totally sell us out in a second. He sold himself out. He's gonna sell us out too. They're gonna keep rolling rolling rolling. When they roll into your neighborhood. Roll into the bread lines. When they roll into your neighborhood with the pacification squad. Yes. Keep rolling. It will be blasting rolling from the fucking truck. 100%. They were absolutely warning us. But this is what it is. And the Fago grenades
Starting point is 00:04:57 are the only substance sticky and shitty enough to keep them at bay. We're living in the most bizarre timeline. I don't know when it happened. But at some point ICP went from scary and trashy to kind of wholesome. I think like like so too. Two things happen. Two things happen. Three things. One. The Jesus. Yeah. The Jesus. But two. That was the secret. The classification as a gang slash cult. Yes. By the FBI led a lot of people to be like man what the fuck. I just come out. I get drunk. My girl she's pregnant. Yeah. And we just walk around shirtless and we drink Fago and it's all about the love. It's all good time man. It's all about the love. What's the problem with that you know. And basically man says that's a cult. There's there's a whole
Starting point is 00:05:55 and there's a whole like thing where there's documentaries that people went in and started filming and whatnot getting into the world of the juggalos because seriously if you're kind of that kid in that with that face paint that you're the only one in your town and you're doing it and you're like you're unapologetically what we want to know what's going on. Are you OK. Things OK. How's it going you know and scary. Yeah. And I think that basically that sort of isolation and the fact that there is the classification and they're like we want to fight back against that image kind of turned it into more of a just the nah man it's all cool but yeah. Exactly. And and and you know wrestling and Fago and and random acts of comedy where and don't we've
Starting point is 00:06:41 mentioned it on this podcast before but never forget big money rustlers never forget big money rustlers. Also you're it's all love. It's all love as long as you don't bring Tila Tequila around because the moment that you do that is there a few there. She's not but she came to one of the she became she came to a gathering one time and at that gathering she was not very welcome. So the way they let her know that she was not welcome was by throwing not Fago. Yes. But feces. Oh yes. On her. Yes. On stage. That's a cult. So don't do it. Is it Tila one of those people that got famous because she was hot and then it turned out she's fucking crazy. Yeah basically. Yeah. Something like that.
Starting point is 00:07:32 Absolute to the wall fucking crazy. Like I think it was like one of those things like hilarious in like vine sized clips. Yeah. And then a reality TV. Then you just film them for more than one minute. A reality TV crew rolled in and went oh no. And then the world kind of found out more. But yeah they they pelted shit at her dude. It's kind of fucked. That's pretty funny. Don't. So yeah. You like and I've heard stories too of other comedians that are like you get invited to the gathering because it's a gig. It's a paying gig. You come out to the fucking but clown woodstock. You know exactly. And like if you can win them over then you got fans for life that are loyal fans that will always have you in there and will always support you and do absolutely fucking die
Starting point is 00:08:16 for you. Right. But you got to you got to get past that initial funk and you know and and if you can then like yeah it's all good but some cook some comedians don't make it. They come in they try they don't really know how to play it and it just fucking it ends in tears. And Tila I think was one of those acts. Yes. So wait she was a comedy act. I think she came in as a personality slash comedy act. Christ. I'm not a hundred or maybe she was singing a song. I don't know. You know what any of those are just no either way it resulted in her getting silence of the lambs you know and that in a good time. Hey. Hey man. This is an audio podcast. It is an audio podcast and we're a fresh back from RTX. However if you were if you clicked on this podcast you
Starting point is 00:09:12 should have seen something new. Yes that's correct with your eyes. Got a new logo. Yes we have a new logo. It's got a big C on it and it's fancy looking. I like it. We unveiled it at RTX at the panel which will be attached to the end of this. You can staple it. This is a mini podcast. It's going to be a missed one. We're going to skim through it and then we're going to stick that panel at the end of this one and you'll get to hear two mini podcasts and that'll be that. That'll be that. It's different. It's a C. It's also like a beast. It's also like a Contra slash Castlevania logo two things that I love. Yep. Yep. It's got the Wolf Dragon super beast looking thing. I think my favorite part is the Rooster Teeth people helped us with
Starting point is 00:09:59 this logo. They threw it at their art nerds and the art nerds like through like what 15 logos that is total. Yeah. And at every part of the process they give you like five like okay you want to work on this one and me and Willie pick the same one every time. This is fate. This is a faded logo. Pretty clear cut and you know it's not lazy because all the S's are different even though it's three. Yeah you could have done it the same but you didn't. So that's that's how you know it's designed. Well anyway so yeah we are back from Austin Texas and Austin's hot. Fortunately yeah we dodged the heat wave here in Montreal but Austin is still in fact quite hot. It's in Texas. And the timing was pretty alright too not just in terms of the heat wave but also
Starting point is 00:10:44 in terms of the fact that not a lot of things happened this week anyway. Yeah. So I feel like you know we kind of went over our weeks in brief in the panel. Yeah. And then we took some live emails. Yes we did. In which. So we skip all your emails this week. Yeah. Including the we'll see. Fuck them. But I we were also granted from Austin these hats. So we got to give shout out to the portion of the podcast 1313 Matman 1313 the Matman 1313 big fan of all of our streams for a long time. Wooly is wearing his now it is a big ass cowboy hat with his logo on it. I do in fact have my horses in the back mine and pages are at home because I felt like too much of an asshole coming over here with it on as mine has my head logo in the forehead. You got to commit
Starting point is 00:11:43 and pages has a upside down McDonald's arches for McDonald's for women. You got to commit. I would I would I would have worn this out into the street. We also got transit. We also got a new merchandise. Yes. It will be available to you shortly a wooly versus any Pat stairs that shirt big thumbs up which I spilled a bunch of chicken wings on last night. Beautiful. And then this morning after I put it in the wash I spilled half a can of Red Bull on it right before coming out. That is authentic. Which is why I fucking sent you that text saying I was going to be 15 minutes late because it's it looked like I pissed myself from my nipples. Oh that's fucking great. So my shirt is ruined. The shirt that I brought the one shirt that I grabbed one of one of destroyed
Starting point is 00:12:28 it. Fantastic. Yee. And I cannot emphasize this enough. Ha. But more shout outs. Matt man 1313 for those wonderful hats. Everybody that we ran into. I want to give a biggest shout out to our new friend over Earthsea Fareed who helped us find things and help us out at every opportunity. Yes. Very nice man. I'm so short like me. Yes. Fareed is very cool. And we got to hang out a little bit later because you you guys left a little bit before we did. So also a huge shout outs to Austin eruption for showing us around town yelling at me from his car scaring the piss out of me taking us to some queso joints putting some tacos in me getting me all fed full of good shit. Yep. And he took us to a cool
Starting point is 00:13:21 board game bar which had literally there is a bookcase that opened to a secret room. Oh come on. That was private reserved. And we got to play some games in there. And yeah. Fareed came and hung out. So we got to have some good times playing Secret Hitler. When you were not around and I was hanging out with my buddy Megzy 71. Love you buddy who plays 14 with me. We went to Austin's Museum of the Weirds which had a totally real big foot encased in ice that was super real I promise encased in ice encased in ice. It was on an episode of Unsolved Mysteries 40 years ago. Did you know that? But more importantly than everything in that museum is bullshit except for I believe his name was Johnny T Rex a sideshow artist that I went to see who gave us a hell of
Starting point is 00:14:11 a show. His name is Johnny T Rex because his front arm his front arms. Yes. His arms are significantly underdeveloped and like and at essentially the elbow and his hands are all gnarled but he has a great attitude and more more importantly than that he is immuno electricity and hooked himself up to a car battery with us and then walked around the room zapping the shit out of people with his knuckles. Would you say that he was keeping Austin weird? He was keeping Austin weird and in fact in the gift shop for this place it said keep Austin weird which I thought was a fucking joke. I don't know why you thought it was a joke because it's stupid because it's fucking stupid having your actual phrase for your hipster city being keep the city
Starting point is 00:14:55 weird is fucking dumb. It's there it's there like it's what do you even call like not gentrification but like anti pre-hypstrification like no but that's but that's already gentrified yeah so it's then once it's anti normie don't don't it's yeah it's like after like keep it keep it gentrified I don't know whatever keep it weird don't normalize it it's a weird place yeah we also went to that city weird wonderful party which I bailed out on early because there was a lot of music and that made pen nervous you used the extent of your extraversion power yeah to its limits I was there for two hours and 40 minutes of three hours yeah see I have a style switch button yes that's the difference well the fun part is is that so me page and punch mom went down to the
Starting point is 00:15:49 industry event that all the industry people would be at and I walked in and I immediately pulled out my phone and went woolly where the fuck are you this place has loud music get over here yeah and you showed up not too long afterwards yes because I was checking out the local FGC which over in Austin there's two places there's arcade UFO which was used to be run by Fubarduck shoutouts that place they're holding it down their little corner lots of lots of good fighting game machines and rhythm shit and then star 69 garcade which is the garage arcade oh man that's fucking I love that yeah and that's weird yeah and they had a samurai showdown attorney going like so I'm like I'm gonna go support this local and see what's up to the people
Starting point is 00:16:34 but yes I eventually got there later so unfortunately for woolly once he had gotten there we'd run into many folks we had run into chris and jam and sand unicorn and oh god I forget two other people's names I feel like such an asshole but more importantly than that by the time you had arrived our new friend jam and one piece saliva had been able to imbibe alcohol which led to I think jam asked the question who would you rather fuck oh we're just going oh I'm telling this story you're not getting away from it now everyone in the entire group said spider man except for woolly okay look who said you can't do that he's a high school kid okay look before the options even got laid out I simply brought to everyone's attention that Tom Holland not in real
Starting point is 00:17:31 life but in the Peter Parker character is a middle aged middle teenager so I'm like I don't know whether that's well I don't know which teen that is yeah but it's probably not legal so in America you can be 18 in high school you might need to get in the jail yeah you see I'm also not used to high school meaning 18 because yeah because here you can't be 18 in high school unless you're a dumb fuck here high school means 16 at most 16 17 and a half when you want to go is the last year so I'm just like that is possibly the jail jam and uh and Paige took offense to this and decided to tell woolly that spider man is 18 and began to cracker dance at him that's a good way to put it um while pushing you in a way corner yelling 18 year old spider man at the
Starting point is 00:18:28 top of their lungs yes for I want to say 20 minutes yeah longer than that okay because you tried to get away I saw you sliding against the wall yeah well okay at that point it just became a hilarious bit yeah we just kept it going my but ultimately sorry no but but but ultimately like like the the all pretentive seriousness in that discussion ended the moment it was like okay what if we slide that age out you know and my favorite part is that when I told Paige about this later because her memory sucked ass I was like you know that like Troy Baker was like ten feet behind you right and moved away yep due to the commotion you two caused in fact quite I saw it happen didn't get to meet you you're very handsome I liked your hair apologies that's on us spider
Starting point is 00:19:21 man is 18 however I am happy to say that our shirts next to each other yeah all sold out yes and uh that was really awesome of everyone thank you so much thank you made a huge impact clearly for the first possible event that they could be sold at and uh later on I saw um that yeah the Troy and Nolan shirts yeah like totally crushed it too so our entire wall with that whole that whole batch of recruitees got the same yeah we were all exactly so their stuff and then our stuff right next to it like that whole wall just became like let's just put some posters for sale here because there's no shirts left yeah so that's the best possible outcome I also want to give a shout out pleasure to meet peach jars icy and Alec yep that was fun and that's a that's a hot morgan almost
Starting point is 00:20:07 more than anyone else uh cammy excuse me I appreciate meeting skull god that was that was quite nice that was quite nice big surprise yeah yeah skull and wool from the discord the you know wool shows up every week when we do our fighting games skull is fucking skull and he came in and the first and like after getting you'll hear it whatever you'll hear he's in there you're it's almost it's almost a spoiler that we the man knows how to bust someone's balls oh yes that's how it goes every time every time he's he's given a microphone so I I'm not even surprised but whatever that spoilers for the actual we'll get to that at the end of this thing but um I was highly amused by the um the receipt I was given the the invoice I was given after the panel for
Starting point is 00:21:00 overwatch training titanfall uh uh uh uh carrying apex carrying just crushing he gave you a physical fucking receipt like he had to be an invoice put it out for all the all the all the costs that were incurred I think the total was around five hundred thousand dollars for crushing you in a public manner on stream and multiple multiple things so yep yep that was uh that was well played uh to him I say uh hardy fuck you and how do you do and uh fuck you mothman too just cuz I know you're I know you're in on it because I know he's in on it he's probably because I'm having a good time about man mothman sent me a genuinely super heartfelt dm of yesterday it's like I'm having so much fun with 14 this is the best game thanks buddy yeah I'm like yeah I'm the fucking moth man
Starting point is 00:21:54 if skull's up to some shit he's not far behind you know what I want to give a shout out to someone whose name we never got I want to give a shout out to kind of a skeezy looking guy with sunglasses that we met in the barbecue joint who upon seeing a get smoked hat just handed off his vape full of weed to us that's true no questions asked had no idea who we were just here you are sir yep madam actually gave it to page that's uh that's Austin that's southern hospitality right there I suppose which led to woolly holding a a pile of drugs on a fucking american street no no no no pat took it from page and then said here woolly can you hold this I was like sure he's like okay now now step back a little bit and then it's like okay great and then he pulled
Starting point is 00:22:45 his phone out and was like yes he's right there officer hey just trying to do my civic duty uh shit um Austin you have a serious problem yeah and I don't know how you're gonna fix it but it's kind of fucked up that you've basically taken the whole public bike system thing to the next level by including these little fucking scooters which again we're gonna get into a little bit into the actual second half of things and they're these scooters they're they're but they're uh electric so you don't have to pedal them or like push they just power and go but when they run out of juice slash when your time is up you just fucking leave them wherever they are just to turn them into litter and people apparently get paid to come back and charge them up on their usbs
Starting point is 00:23:35 and put them at the stands on a volunteer basis which means no one's fucking doing it which means the entire city is just littered with the graves and fucking corpses of scooters I thought you were exaggerating when you first told the story later in the podcast and then I walked around more I might I must have seen like 600 it's a it's a complete mess just piles of them and I've never seen the largest item of litter that I've seen thrown around everywhere and I've never seen so many people that live there universally reviling it like absolutely everyone I asked about it makes that face like god fuck you saw them didn't you yeah because they're new they they they are about a year and a half old keep Austin weird everyone is super pissed and apparently some people take
Starting point is 00:24:22 it to the extent of grabbing them and throwing them in the fucking river there was that river next to our hotel where the bats fly yeah yeah there were some turtles in there I don't know if you saw I didn't they were cute but yeah you totally had people that were like uh it's getting so sick of seeing them and tripping over them walking people in the chat are saying they're coming here to Canada to here to Montreal that's insane that's insane well see here's the thing I can't I can't won't work here because people will steal them and melt them down I mean that well that's a possibility I can't see them coming here simply because I feel like Pete like the the residents of the city would be way too violently upset yeah at them being everywhere right there's so much
Starting point is 00:25:06 about this there's an entire section of this city that is dedicated to preserving its antiqueness yes right and it's literally a kind it's a part of the city where you can't build new buildings you can barely renovate old ones because it has to stay as rustic as possible stay old because it's you know the part of the city that never burned down it's 180 whatever are drawn through it you know what I mean like we're so fucking on top of this level of like making sure the city's aesthetic is yeah proper and we have festivals every every summer that like bring in like tons of like that five roses factory can't get torn down yeah that thing that it's empty it's an empty building but it's an icon so they keep it up and it keeps they keep the power on yeah right nothing the city
Starting point is 00:25:53 pays for that sign to stay on because you know why because the there's a picture of it in the airport so now you can't change it that's it right so I feel like uh I mean like I have to go I haven't heard of it coming here but I feel like that will not last people will fucking either that or right or the Verdun aqueduct is about to get super crowded with bullshit there's no way Montrealers are gonna take that man they will take it and they'll hoard them in their backyards because bike theft is outrageous in this city can you imagine there's just scooters around take like we have every year an anti-police police brutality demonstration you mean the celebration of police which is in fact a celebration of police brutality because literally it is a
Starting point is 00:26:44 bunch of people getting together and saying yo let's fight cops I almost got caught in it last year yeah I remember every time every year every couple years you forget I was going to play video games and then suddenly a troop of people sprint past me and I look behind and the wall of cops is rolling in like jet set radio yeah and I'm just like I'm gonna be on the sidewalk and hold my video game arcade stick in my hand and make it very clear that I'm going to video games you know and it was fine because it's very clearly hello officers if you are participating you are in the street with the with the outfit on you look like you're doing watchdogs take your god damn hat off yeah yeah yeah so um anyway I'm I'm uh I don't see that lasting if they ever come
Starting point is 00:27:33 here at all or at the very least I see it being something where they have their dedicated exit points yeah and people will bring them there I have I can't imagine people just dropping them around because you can't have them dropping them around because then when the hockey game happens too many people have easy window smashy items available oh fuck think about that yeah think about the burning cop car yeah yeah we got one every year every year the city designates one cop car kind of running down thing they put it next to the fucking molson center they get the bell center they get the oldest car on the forest and just like wheel it out there as the fucking bait just because they gotta lose one um yeah anyway so that was that that was that rtx pretty fun fun yes
Starting point is 00:28:16 that was a enjoyed yes that was a big rooster teeth um lots of rooster teething was done and um there was uh yeah I kind of didn't know what to expect in terms of like how generalized it was going to be I was kind of wondering if it was going to be like this is pretty much like an anime game con except it'll be about rt stuff and it's like no it's much more specific to our it's it's it's hyper specific because there's so much of and specific days were allotted to types of content yes and lots of podcast recordings and such um but there was a big old stage for that mortal combat and that was fun because yeah on day two after we wrapped up with our signing and our panel and stuff uh it was then my job to go hang out and do uh the
Starting point is 00:29:06 commentaries which if you didn't catch it live um is archived on the e-league uh twitch stream and I saw there was some confusion because there's people in the chats that were like not sure like why I was why I was popping in and out on commentary so frequently and it was because I wasn't the dedicated commentator I was the dedicated hype man for dragon who crushed it and got to uh grand finals and on the last gate reset the bracket and then last round final final fucking hit like managed to not take that uh kuzger was so good but his setriand did really well and um yeah I did some mkf commentary uh seijam was there um a lot of really good players were there for for of the nether realm games and it was a really fun saturday event I was really
Starting point is 00:29:58 happy that this rtx had a big old fighting game thing in the middle of it yes that made it very comfortable and fun for me look here's the woolly zone it's cordoned off yep just so it was quite enjoyable not to mention there was that like geico gaming section that had like some tecan running too so really geico geico gaming had tecan and soul caliber running so i'm like all right thanks a little lizard man no complaints there yeah um anyways but yeah let's just let's do a little mini week you know I uh later on the podcast i'm gonna talk very very very briefly about 14 and expansion is good that's my thoughts um there was one thing that popped into my mind of course as soon as we were done with the panel and it cracks me up do you remember two weeks ago we
Starting point is 00:30:43 were talking about villains who is your favorite type of villain who is like dude just let me win yep if you let me win yep it'll be fine yeah a lot of people uh guessed correctly as to who I was referring to yeah 14's primary antagonist this time around is that and makes a really strong argument and yeah if you just let him win everything would probably eventually be fine except fuck off and it's really really um compelling as a result after that nothing else on my fucking week I saw the last episode of jojo which is not the last episode of jojo it is not people lied no no one lied they announced that the the last episode was gonna be a double special because of the cancellation of the baseball it's not i don't know if it's baseball this time but
Starting point is 00:31:28 whatever they yeah some shit was pushing um but I gotta say it is astonishing to me because I had not read this part of the manga that if somebody hadn't gotten called out like a bitch they totally would have gotten away with it if only someone didn't get called out so hard notice that a repeating in almost every part is like the hubris that comes from the bad guy more or less having it in the bag but then having a moment where it's like use a bitch hubris bam and then they go you calling me a bitch and they're oh and then then they get that was a fatal mistake that's it that's it that happens more than once it's good times yeah it totally does doesn't it you're right all right that's it that's it from our week check out the later staple part of the podcast
Starting point is 00:32:26 right on uh how about you wolves uh okay well I talked about our tx I talked about ufo I talked about star 69 garcade uh what else was there I mean uh by ufo do you mean birds no this is a bit off topic but have you caught up with the new the new chem trail um are you talking about the one that I told you about way was birds aren't real damn it you did tell me about that yes I saw a billboard of it recently yes I told you about birds aren't real so did you hear about it so anyway um all right you win this round yeah uh hey I'd be interested to go check out spider-man too I want to I want to know what you think there's some there's some fun stuff in it um uh Mysterio is handled in a really fun way and it's like it's a classic
Starting point is 00:33:27 like okay take this villain what's his what's the original Mysterio about oh my god it's fucking lame yeah how do we fix exactly how do we fix this and then they they do a good fix yeah um same thing with vulture same exact same thing with vulture exactly like good good character good motivations good stuff going on and Jake Gyllenhaal doing a pretty good job yeah um I keep fucking it up with is it Gyllenhaal or Gyllenhaal whatever okay well you see him like slamming tom hall in an interview about his name did you see that no okay so I did see him getting all excited about Sean Paul though okay so Jake Gyllenhaal is like they're reading a question and the person has like an alliteration their name has lots of L's yeah he goes wow I oh man my my name's got a lot
Starting point is 00:34:09 of L's in it because I'm Jake Gyllenhaal right yeah so I respect anybody with multiple consonants in a row and tom hall goes I I have two L's in my name names do you have whatever and just completely ignores him yeah yeah it's like that skit on snl where there where it's like the pirate skit and then they're like we'd like to welcome our guests Peter Sarsgard are I are and then they have this interview and they just try and it's the whole thing is just he goes like did you just invite me on because my name is Sarsgard and does this skit only exist because your pirates that want to say my name yeah they're like nah that reminds me I want to give a shout out on behalf of page and my friend Max Z there was a there was a caught a pirate cos player on
Starting point is 00:34:56 the RTX floor who was playing a gay pirate selling pamphlets of his gay pirate fan fiction wow called semen on the poop deck I saw him yeah I saw him I read both of them bought it of course page bought it she grabbed it I overheard him selling it yeah as hard as selling it super hard to a crowd of people that were standing around yeah I read some of it it's really good okay so if you see this man okay at a local convention you go talk to him it's a trip okay is this part seven yeah no it's part nine okay gotcha all right understood um so uh yes uh what oh yeah so anyway um yeah that that was done really well and um there's like so all ultimately I think we're far from home is gonna fall in is is gonna fall in uh to the middle to the lower deck of the MCU movies because I feel like
Starting point is 00:36:03 I wouldn't call it great yeah but it has cool stuff in it yeah it's just like far from home it I know just like um homecoming why I enjoyed homecoming more uh because I liked the introduction of like New Young Peter in a way like the novelty of like oh he's not the same age as every other like character in this MCU world right now yeah he's 18 is a one that I like like there's a novelty to that I'm like okay yeah and like they remind you of that so heavily yeah in like the crucial moments and uh this time around it kind of feels like outside of like the main stuff with Mysterio they kind of just bumble around Europe is there anything in far from home as good as the talk in the car because that that that scene like stood out to me as probably my favorite there is the
Starting point is 00:36:55 out of all the Marvel there's the there's the okay there's the equivalent in the sense that it's the best thing that this character does okay right like in terms of like the strength of that moment in all of the Marvel movies there's nothing like that but there is a this is a really defining moment for uh for you know Vulture this is a really defining moment for Mysterio got there's a really there's a really good one like that um and uh I would say there's some others they definitely go like really wild with the post credits stuff um everybody coming out of this movie just started yelling at me that the post credits thing is a big big goddamn deal there's there's some there's some wacky stuff that they do with the post credits and the less I say about it the better
Starting point is 00:37:44 for those who haven't got it yet so um but like big but don't or don't think too hard about it wacky you know um it's not like a like a Deadpool 2 like oh this makes the fucking movie yeah well that's not fair because that no one will beat the Deadpool 2's um but yeah I feel like outside of that that main stuff there's uh um you know some bumbling and then there's uh stuff where you're like character you're like oh man you're smarter than that you know like I found I found myself saying that more than once and um we're in this weird place where like we're just like comic books is when they're all written by different writers characters that were really smart over here or maybe not as smart over here but you gotta do that to make the story happen yeah sometimes
Starting point is 00:38:29 but anyway beyond that um yeah go see it go and uh whatever we can go in on on further details but that's it I checked that out and um uh uh uh uh I guess yeah yeah I'll talk about this so uh here here I can thank everyone can thank uh Skullgod and and wool and some of the other guys I went out for drinks with for this one but I played Dota Underworlds what the fuck is that that's the Dota Auto Chess game oh that's the Dota Auto I don't know what the Auto Chess is I read about the Auto Chess that week when the story happened what is the Auto Chess the Auto Chess is the new mod of the mod of the mod I know that but what do you do in the Auto Chess the Auto Chess is the is where you pick your units yeah and uh you basically use coins to okay so every match has I don't know maybe like
Starting point is 00:39:30 either 12 or so players uh huh and um what you do is you have rounds where you you start off with a little bit of gold you buy some units and the units automatically fight on their own okay you don't control them you just place them on the board got it and then they will go towards whatever aggro's them in their range and then fight whoever is left alive gets gold can buy some power ups or and or items to put on their units yeah and use or use the gold to create to level up and buy more units okay so you want to basically start so this is Counter Strike Lords of Vermillion I don't even know what that is yeah you know what Counter Strike is I know what that is Lords of Vermillion is a Square Enix arcade game that functions in an incredibly similar manner you
Starting point is 00:40:14 place fucking peep things on the board and they they roll around and they do automatically they do it automatically yeah okay so the only thing you're really managing is uh what unit you're buying and like units have synergy with each other sure they do so you want to you want to focus on that and then you can spend gold to sell to buy new units to buy like items to put on them yeah whatever but for the most part it's Auto Chess they just fight this is the new hotness it seems to be now I remember when I heard about the premise of it I was like that sounds interesting what exactly does that look like right because that definitely is a new like don't think about it just click the things and watch it go yeah you know kind of a progress quest sort of game um and uh ended up
Starting point is 00:40:59 talking a bit more about it over some beers and I was like okay my curiosity will lead me to actually take a peek at this and uh I played it a bunch just like on the on the plane back yeah and uh I'm curious to go into these other auto chess games and see how they stack this is a weird ass new genre it is a weird new genre and it is the most weird way to approach MOBAs which is to not approach them at all yeah but to come at them sideways from the mod off of them into its own that's MOBAs MOBA mod so I know that there's there's this one I know that there's a TFT for League of Legends yeah and then there's the actual other original companies thing that they're making the auto chess core game or whatever this makes me feel old guess what from now on the new hotness will always be
Starting point is 00:41:57 a mod of the old hotness okay this is how games are going to go from now on monster hunter is not a mod of old there will never actually just old I like I feel almost like it's like there is never going to be a brand new concentrated effort that'll take over it's always going to be something that is somewhat similar to what you were just hooked on except with a new crazy twist you like new coke but that didn't take yeah it didn't so like if someone takes fortnite and spins it a little bit to pornography but it's like if but if there's like no I mean no because that's not gaming but you don't know but anyway like if there's mods I don't know fortnite somewhere there's no mods for fortnite but if it ever started allowing mods as a thing and people started making a mode
Starting point is 00:42:48 their own modes and whatnot we would find what the new hotness is because everyone that knows fortnite that knows those characters in that style would be interested in yeah there are characters are there there are are there yeah are you sure there are people that have a certain look that look like the fortnite anyway people would go like I know that like members zerg football no oh that was a huge deal back in the day zerg football was a thing I used to play zerg i didn't catch on I thought it caught on but it never caught on massive no yes I mean yeah but anyway I just think uh yeah no John John wicks in it too that's true yeah anyway so I feel like um floss we're gonna be looking at mods as the new major takeover things it's been like that for a while yeah like since 99 I guess
Starting point is 00:43:37 it's never going back this counter strike was the first one that I can remember the was like all far yeah I think I don't think it's ever gonna go back okay I think because I think it's like the easiest bridge to something new is like when you're sort of connected to because even pub g the assets battle royale popping off pub g is a mod of daisy is a mod of arma sure and arm is a thing that existed and armor was not hot I mean even minecraft it's like some things are just like it's that's like oh man that's a model it's the thing you already know except it's with minecraft assets wow and now it's like suddenly I care now that rainbow dash is in front of that tank in tianamin square this picture resonates with me for the first time I understand
Starting point is 00:44:25 it like every time you mention that I take damage that's the worst that's the worst anyway yeah so it wasn't in tianamin tianamin square in that image it was something way worse okay if you remember I thought I thought it was it's them put it was them in front of the fucking train at Auschwitz uh yeah now I can understand because rainbow dash is there yeah and it's like I'm gonna hurl you degenerate motherfucker well in any case um yep the auto chest is now in my life and I'm going to be exploring uh more of what the fuck this is yeah and if I and I will say that like uh I guess these are like the characters that I'm using in this one are the dota regular like units and such right I assume um like skeleton king
Starting point is 00:45:23 so you skeleton king and like a beast rider and then a doom night you use mepo no but what about jinx yeah I wasn't blown away by that part of it that blonde girl from the music video the kda yeah whatever yeah I don't know movers but this is how woolly gets in you know what the goofiest thing is through not getting in I kind of through the side door I kind of got in with heroes of the storm and that all that did was show me how not in I was like I couldn't tell how big the pool was until I dipped my toe in kind of thing well anyway um that's just saying characters he's heard of yeah yeah it doesn't uh actually like Goku
Starting point is 00:46:16 and so because this is the type of thing where it's like ultimately it plays itself but there's there is like some like skill to how you pick your abilities and units yeah then there's just enough for there to be a way to tilt the odds fucking slot machine it's there's enough goddamn slot there's enough to tilt the odds however it is also random enough that you don't have to think too hard about it let's just fucking it's like a slot machine so it's a goddamn waste of time and I'm going to find out more yeah this is interesting I'll let you know all right do that also uh the mobile version is a fucking buggy mess yeah you click on your audio and it crashes the fucking game quite often I like I without even trying I encountered like at least 20 bugs
Starting point is 00:47:01 at least 20 wow minimum every screen there was something wrong with it um but that's awesome yep so that shit was pretty rushed out but anyway gotta rush it out because it's hot that was that was the the auto chest mober mods is this is this the thing we're gonna do where every two weeks one of us tries the genre we're not familiar with and just bounce the fuck off of it well I never do this so it's fun isn't it because you're like uh weird it's like putting your hand in that hole in indian jones and you should gotta grab the thing but you don't know if someone's gonna bite you well you know how you know how they got me right how they got me was they're like like like this one is the better one but that one has yasuke
Starting point is 00:47:50 I'm like I like yasuke that's how they get you so it's like if you want to use yasuke and he's a really good unit that's how they get you should go do that one and I'm like okay you're describing like the entire reason why fake grand order is popular or uh hot or or the warcraft uh or I know that thing I know that thing what do you mean master's area does a does a fucking dab all right well any of the haters I guess so in the news this week let's check out the news real quick yeah let's do it behold it is castle super beast new logo that's the big news news is over uh yeah so quite frankly just to just to throw it just to just so that you in case you
Starting point is 00:48:44 didn't catch it in the beginning yes um it turns out the juggalo makeup blocks facial recognition technology well woolly that doesn't have to do anything with video games yet so you say so you say you know and I remember the days of testing early connect and I remember what that was about and connect was like who is there that's not a person when I go oh oh that's a juggalo oh yeah um the only way to uh to to defeat this future that we're heading for because hey you want to you want your phone to fucking recognize you you don't put a password in it anymore you just look at it oh I use my fingerprint oh well that now they got the they got you got options yeah you got options um there's so many pictures of my face and very few pictures of my the tips of my
Starting point is 00:49:38 fingers so I feel like that's a safer option to be honest what there really actually is here is the setting for a fantasy world where like a whole bunch of resistance fighters are fucking tripped the fuck out in their crazy juggalo jay can you get back into game development and make a goddamn juggalo rpg like undertale like the most watchdogs thing you could possibly do yeah would be to put the fucking juggalo mask on and be unavailable and unscanable yeah by anything in the games straight up they'd have to send realize out to get you because the the scarobos can't do it be fucking sick um there's actual testing on how far it works and how far it doesn't like exactly what it takes to throw it off and uh there's like these pictures of like uh like juggalo
Starting point is 00:50:39 face paint and then there's stuff there's face paint that's more like kiss and how like that also works effectively as well and they could have taken credit too seems like it's something to do with the black and white right really fucks with it yeah well it just because it doesn't really know where eyes are because it's looking for black and white as it's not a natural human shade to anyone to have shocking white with dark light pitch black in weird clown fucking shapes yeah yeah um like the more yeah the more extreme it is the more it can't remotely tell where the face begins and ends so when the time comes you know what to do good job boys bookmark this for the future you did it you know what this means right we're gonna have to cover
Starting point is 00:51:23 the story in two years where the facial recognition has now defeated the juggalo face paint to warn everyone oh that it's no longer gonna work well now that's when the juggalos like adopt face two yeah and then and then we get like roshak roshak style moving fucking masks you know what kills me i don't know how far you got in a judgment but there's a character in that game that is like a uh like a minor side character but he factors into the story where's guy fox mask yeah it's straight up off the rack guy fox mask and as a result i can't take the character seriously at all yeah that i just can't that thing's unfortunately it's it's just culturally gone yeah um it meant v for vendetta once upon a no it's you are an asshole yeah whatever it meant who knows i don't
Starting point is 00:52:21 fucking you know remember something what i don't know but yeah you just proved the opposite of your point in one second so we rat yeah yeah yeah in any case um so there was that um i mean you know what i kind of feel like we don't have to say it anymore because there's always going to be a news story that resets the clock in your heart that's correct you just know which one it is right you know that this week you read it and you go oh yeah that's a reset yeah that's a good one even though we never acknowledged or said it we never had to bring it up until this point so what is it which one's this well quite obviously it's the one where um the epic game store the repeating story uh this one i talked to people about this one stepped up rtx and this is this is the actual worst out of what
Starting point is 00:53:21 should be good well it for me it defines a new limit so the story is this uh epic is going to now step up to cover the refunds on games like shenmu three after there's backlash from the people that kick started it because if there's anyone that crowd funded their game and then epic buys its exclusivity rights uh and people want their money back if the developer is in a situation like this they can't afford to give that money back because the money ain't there so so epic is going to cover those costs as well which considering the fact that they're paying for the exclusivity anyway it's clearly peanuts for them to throw out a few more and just hand it back so this should be oh good on epic for throwing even more money at the problem and getting people's refunds however on
Starting point is 00:54:09 the other hand this damages kickstarter significantly because now there is absolutely no threat to any developer at all to do anything that you dislike with the game you kick started as long as they go over to epic because epic will just pay to make all the boo boo's go away so uh what this does is to me like it now puts this story that we've been tracking which is epic is um buying out exclusivities on things that are really upsetting people because they're like we don't really don't want to interface i didn't pay for that i didn't kickstart this thing so that i could only buy it on a shitty store well first it started with i was excited for this game and now it sucks to hear that the only place for me to get it on pc is going to be through your story right and then
Starting point is 00:54:54 eventually it became i spent my money specifically to get it from not this other place yeah um and in each of those cases it's always been something where i've been saying this a lot recently because it's been relevant but the the the the proposition of the the profit is it's so great oh i don't i don't uh i don't behoove anybody who takes this this deal because the deal is so stupid good for them right but that doesn't mean the people who are behind it don't tell them to fuck themselves but with each version of how steep the the the drop on the roller coaster turned yeah uh i always was saying like well there's they're taking epics taking huge sheet on this but in the end it's still worth it for them right uh one would assume naturally there is a point at which the negativity
Starting point is 00:55:43 is so great that it would not be worth it and my brain uh uninformed as it was assumed that epic handing money out to the angry peep mob yeah would be considered the point at which it was not worth it turns out nope it is still literally so worth it throw money out of a helicopter into the crowd and what i'm now thinking is it does not matter how upset you get in terms of these games being exclusive it's still so worth it for them to buy it no matter how fucking pissed so the world gets a result as a result because exclusive is exclusive and if you care you're probably gonna wear it down and they'll do it eventually right that's the thought so this is this is like another nail in the public perception of Kickstarter and has been for a long time and this is why i'm mainly
Starting point is 00:56:38 pissed at this because it hurts the potential viability of future decent Kickstarter projects it has become a thing over the past couple years where it's like we need x amount of dollars to kickstart this Shenmue is a really good example and then it becomes clear very early on it's like that Kickstarter did not pay for that game that Kickstarter was a demand by a publisher to raise enough money to show that there was value in the thing and then the publisher kicks in the money to fit do the thing and it's like well what the fuck am i even kick starting now yeah it was actually a publisher own game or whatever and this takes it a step further it's like if if epic is paying an indie company enough that it can bankroll the entire Kickstarter and refunds for
Starting point is 00:57:25 every person and hundreds of thousands of sales for it why the fuck should i bother to back anything anymore yeah epic should just back them themselves well that's the that's the thought processes there's a couple things that that that you go into here right there's the idea that um um there that they exist as an entity in the background and if a Kickstarter whether genuine or actually as a fake popularity uh interest test yeah uh uh is successful epic can swarm in and go like hey everyone loves this here here take this yes you're gonna do that anyway just fucking fun the fucking game yourself now pre-orders served as an interest test back in the day sometimes there was other forms of doing this yeah Kickstarter being used for this is disingenuous
Starting point is 00:58:13 and it sucks and i really don't want people to do that i really hope that shit fucking curbs and stops but uh as long as it doesn't and as long as like there are like like companies that are out there with like a need for more money for the game they're working on epic knows they can store them and do this and the idea that this is always possible and they don't care how mad people get about it means that it's not going to go away anytime soon and teleport night starts to dip pretty much so it's just worth it for them to go for it and do you remember dive kicks Kickstarter and how they had a Kickstarter because it's like hey we got to put out dive kick and then a publisher expressed interest and then they canceled the Kickstarter and then despite that kept all their
Starting point is 00:58:54 backer promises yes wasn't that nice that was incredible thanks Keats amazing that they reached out and went yep we're this is funded but here's what we promised and they stuck stuck by it even though they had no obligations to whatsoever that was a pretty noble thing a plus um in this case it really is kind of wild and i think this is also interesting because epic is looking at this in a different way where it's not the gamble of development from day one on an idea no it's hey this thing's already proven it's already out it's already proven we don't have to worry about the yeah we don't have to worry about the build-up process we don't have to put hands in that at that early of a stage and like lose stake early on it's just once it's ready to go this is the
Starting point is 00:59:37 worst because back in the day you would just have epic buy up 10 studios and then make games for them and those would be epic games and no one would like people would be like oh bummer they bought them out but people like yeah that makes sense because they bought like microsoft doesn't sony doesn't like everybody fucking does it it's reverse development in where you're paying for the costs at the end of the development cycle yeah and the epic takes zero risk you and me take all the risk and then they go well no there's not that much risk we'll pay you bet it sucks everything about it sucks epic store is a feel bad store that gives games out more cheaply than other stores sometime and then you buy it because whatever it's bummer the only thing
Starting point is 01:00:21 that the only silver lining is the idea that if the store doesn't suck then it isn't that big of a deal but we know but we know where it's at right now it's so bad it's hopefully i run all my fucking epic games through steam hopefully this this this moment is is not evergreen and will sound super dated a couple years down away from now yeah when it's super amazing and i can't believe tim sweeney's by the way is a fucking asshole we have a more popular platform than steam on pc see him tweeting about like how competition in the fucking digital marketplace is great and he was like retweeting like gog stuff well i'm we're looking at a tweet right now from of him talking about the the shenmu three yeah um parts of this and uh yeah just basically talking about how epic is like yeah
Starting point is 01:01:14 will guarantee the refunds if if necessary whatever the case is and and just step on in here um it's really it's really interesting to see how far they're willing to go with it and it's really it's it's it's that you know what we know the fucking like oh bold move tom let's see if it pays off for him i want to like i want to give a thumbs up to the epic game store for somehow making a story about giving people refunds i feel bad that's astonishing yeah and and and i feel like as developers too there's probably going to be people that are like like why didn't you come earlier in this process because we had no faith in you that's the whatever they fucking tell someone in a meeting it's either we had no faith in you or we literally didn't care about you until
Starting point is 01:02:08 your game was about to release and it looked like it was just gonna do well which i guess is also we had no faith in you because the idea that you're like there this game would not have existed but nintendo said hey make a bayonetta 2 but bring it to us we'll pay for it you know how to do that don't you everyone goes oh cool bayonetta well actually not no so they don't the reasonable person goes oh cool now there'll be a bayonetta 2 and a whole lot of unreasonable people yeah and then everyone reasonable goes what the fuck are you talking about you guys fucking stupid but um but it's and it's a very understood exchange yeah between the two yeah so this is a this is a funny one and and and here's the thing knowing now that this is how far
Starting point is 01:02:51 it'll go like we're literally handing the money back to you because that's how much it's worth it this story is going to go as far and as deep and as down into the depth as possible and people are going to get as mad as they want it does not matter there is one thing that they will not stop get factored in here and it's because the deal is too good to not take the deal is the deal that epic offers you as a developer is too good to not take you would be a fool to not take it however if you take it what happens is is say the guys who made it out of wilds that was a hit start a game right yep fuck any future attempt to crowdfund a game from them hmm hmm fuck them right didn't that that also blew up due to the game pass though from what i understood
Starting point is 01:03:35 otter wilds was one of those games that hit hit hit game pass on the xbox yeah and uh as a result of it being like one of the because they have a whole curation thing they're pushing and like that was part of what helped people catch its visibility so if say like obsidian people mad because otter worlds is going to be exclusive right but otter worlds is a published game nobody put a dime into that so it sucks but eh right if they did that with one of the many games that they've had kick starter fuck kick starting anything from them ever again right and and so same thing with phoenix point same thing with christ any of the ones that got kick started and then Shenmue you would be laughably stupid if you gave kick starter money to a company or individuals
Starting point is 01:04:25 that then took that kick starter project and then sold it here's your other thing it's such as epic i mean again and this all depends on how much you really don't like the the epic store i really don't like it so i'm i'm willing to go this far but it's like this also makes me think back on the story from two weeks ago about sam show with even fonder light in the sense that it's like please support sam show extremely well it is doing very well but it's like yeah man like the the you know what i mean being in a position where well at the same time snk has always been a baller there that's not true they shut the fuck down but snk you i'm saying i'm saying i'm saying that like they see themselves as them at their peak yeah so they see they they don't see themselves as like
Starting point is 01:05:16 a small fighting game company as like we're right there with street fighter we're the guys that were up we had capcom versus snk remember we're coming back equal footing yeah if capcom versus snk and street fighter cross tech in we are on the same level you the the the the the stakes sorry the the table has been set for a cvs3 next time next round so you know that they feel that way about themselves and thus they're like where why would we take the steal right and uh us the audience knowing a little bit more accurately like maybe not snk sam show is pretty cool and popular maybe not that popular but okay yeah i see what you're saying i'm extra motivated now to be like yeah no they turned them down and like they're that's the fight our dicks are too big to fit in
Starting point is 01:06:10 this store that's the fight back right um at the very least again i'm gonna always end it this way but it's like if you just fixed it just fix the fucking store it would be cheaper just make it competitive it would be cheaper than this route this route right here is insanely expensive take the money from one purchase and put it onto the website development right now one the dedication to forcing the sale but not actually well like how do i imagine if the only play do you like chicken parm yeah it's pretty tasty it's good one imagine if the only place you could get chicken parm was in a sewage fucking hut okay you had to crawl through a mile of shit uh-huh to get to a hut a lot of people aren't going to do that for chicken parm but it's the only place to get that chicken parm
Starting point is 01:07:10 couldn't you just make a door like there's another there's another setup on it but it's on a different continent okay there's one chicken parm place per continent okay and you got and it's all a moat of feces okay in what one mile in all directions that's a big fucking moat and it's not and you don't and you don't have to swim through it but you gotta wait because it's at least waist deep yeah no boats no boats no boats allowed how much do you like chicken parm i like it i'm a good bit but i don't like it that much you know it's it's it's like fuck man you have fond memories of chicken parm from your childhood what if you actually let people know you're like hey do you guys if you guys like chicken parm we're working on a new recipe right chicken parm too yeah if you
Starting point is 01:08:00 yeah yeah and if you buy it now right we will deliver it to your house we'll deliver it straight to your house yeah you don't have to go anywhere we got a hot brand new dish chicken parm two straight to your door soon as it's right i will totally pre-order that chicken parm i'm not eating that's delicious i'm not eating i'm waiting for it yeah and then you get told not only is it not coming to your house but it's back at the fucking shit moat it's it's in the moat oh man i thought oh god come on it's right over there just go just go what's the problem okay what you're mad you're mad about the fact that you you already bought it you already overreached the chicken park i did all right we'll give you back your money
Starting point is 01:08:41 therefore i don't want my money back i want it at my house this is that you have described a real situation that i've had with uber eats in which the uber eats guy is hungry yes and takes your food yeah just takes it yeah and they go and it's an hour and a half later before you realize oh this guy's just not gonna show up or whatever the fuck and you call the reason it will be having a refund you it's like i don't want a refund i want this guy to deliver my fucking food yeah yeah i want my fucking food that's why i'm hungry now or or he came up with the bag there were two deliveries he handed me the wrong one and walked away can we just tap him before he goes down to his car right and just make him come back up it's like no he's basically disappeared he's he's right around the block
Starting point is 01:09:29 i can't chase him on foot but if you just let me call he can just come back around we can swap the bags no problem well now it's confiscated you might have done you might have i you might have taken a syringe and injected it into that person's meal i had a driver confiscate my confiscate steal my fucking food three times in a row i summoned i was ordering from a certain restaurant that i i do at a certain time of night at you know over a period of about a month and i got this guy every time and every time he fucking stole my food and i called him up and he said oh i couldn't pick it up there's cops in the building everywhere but restaurants closed and i go what he goes yeah no you can't get in it'll it'll have to be five minutes the cops will
Starting point is 01:10:16 leave but then and i can go in but i have to do my other delivery and then i call the restaurant and he's like what the that guy's a liar he just took your food i just saw him this is your patrick right yeah yeah no he took your food he's gone there's no cops like why even drive up at that i guess because the gps can tell that he didn't drive if he didn't do it oh yeah so they need him to pull up so he needs to he knew he knows he needs to do that very least and here's the thing man mom and pop they need that money for chicken parm two otherwise the restaurant's getting shut down yeah chicken parm won't come out because they they so they made the chicken and then they were going to go get the parm and they realized the parm had too much development time required
Starting point is 01:10:59 and they're like well now we're just going to have chicken we can't do chicken parm everyone's going to be mad unless we take the deal from the shit moat company but then the only place to get our chicken parm is behind i'm sure people won't mind most people won't mind but it keeps the lights on it keeps the lights on we can do something better next time yeah but now all the customers are afraid that the next thing you do will only be at the the shit moat because the shit moat paid for the last and they won't crowdfund fettuccine alfredo too yep turning this into food actually made it a lot clearer because it shows how fucking stupid this is guess what what i also want some chicken parm i could go for chicken parm right now yeah we've said it too many times in a row
Starting point is 01:11:47 we're right at the cusp of where it stopped being a word on the last one that i said but i i could still go for some it's just worth it for them to keep doing it um we know about the there's the the the g2a story oh my fucking god this thing is unbelievable but we already addressed it in the back half so yeah we talked about it did we talk about the fucking at the panel at the goddamn with the with the we broke it down and then what not so we'll get into that a little bit later okay we broke down the emails to the people that that that happened oh what a bunch of criminal assholes don't buy games from g2a if you don't get to the end of the podcast today don't buy things from g2a there's something i'm very comfortable telling you to
Starting point is 01:12:33 boycott very comfortable it uh that's a fucking that's a wild ass story that they didn't even have that they'd have somebody responding directly but like like like a like a person as a on behalf of their company trying to explain away you mean the person that doesn't have a last name and assuredly doesn't exist trying to explain away uh how they'll totally totally pay 10 times the amount of lost sales if they can confirm that the keys that they buy are lost but wait that's not the story i'm talking about i'm talking about the new one there's a new one oh well this is going to be weird because the new one is going to be on top of the old one the new one is about the emails they sent to fucking a game journal websites do you not see this shit what happened
Starting point is 01:13:20 they sent out emails to like uh like 10 15 fucking uh no they sent it out to 10 uh like in smaller like independent game journalism websites it's like hey guys we would like you to publish an article called how it's pretty much impossible to resell stolen cd keys uh that will write for you and you just you just punch it up so it makes it look like it's on your website and don't say g2a and don't put our name on the article and we'll pay you a lot of money as long as you don't tell anybody that we sent it and i think that or something like told them to go fuck themselves and just posted the email and everyone told them to go fuck themselves like it was a total strikeout like zero for 10 okay well now we're now we're talking about it so we might
Starting point is 01:14:17 as well and then um sorry if you're gonna hear it twice g2a's twitter account responded to the original big fucking tweet and said this was sent out by our employee adrian no last name um who was acting on his own behalf not on behalf of the company we absolutely did not tell him to do this and he will be disciplined harshly and we absolutely do not support this kind of thing which is the last part of the meeting after the idea comes together and someone puts their hand up and goes but what if it goes wrong what do we do blame it on fictional adrian and then this guy had nothing to do with anything and he did it that guy does it's not real will he right okay it's not a real person but that's how that's how we how do we get out yeah we just it's it was okay cool so everything
Starting point is 01:15:05 else is airtight yeah okay go team three two one crime um no so yeah the actual the the precursor to the story which you're gonna hear later is about the fact that a bunch of developers including any developers are almost at the point where they're like steal our games instead of instead of buying them from gta don't don't yeah just steal them because g2a steals our shit for real and uh they take and resell keys from all kinds of dubious sources and we don't get that money good pr move g2a good dude too good pr moves back to back so yeah yeah uh looking at the article here g2a employee tried to pay for the pay the press for favorable coverage uh blatant fcc violation as well as probably actually criminal
Starting point is 01:16:00 yikes now that's what i call a fucking yikes that's a good pr move okay well anyway just know who sends those things out think for one second what if someone doesn't take the deal think about the think about the website yeah about the business they're in you got it think about the nature of how they make their money why would anyone not take the deal there it is you'd have to be stupid not to take that deal i mean look how well we're doing yeah um we can go we can go with feel good stories yeah we can lighten things up a little bit yeah let's lighten things up hey netflix is funding a cuphead animation fucking seac i hope it's a silent film yeah it won't be i hope that cuphead doesn't talk and mugman doesn't talk cuphead mugman will talk i hope that it's like
Starting point is 01:16:52 they do things and then it does the silent film they were crazy at the cards you're fucking nuts and i hope that there's i want there to be a narrator that's like the narrator from cuphead sure but i'd love for it to be very very old school i appreciate your artistic uh integrity you are insane i don't want to hear them talk i want to hear them like snapping their fingers and i want cuphead to do it like making a mouse i want mugman to sound like odb uh yeah so cuphead uh was picked up by netflix and it looks like they're working of course with studio mdhr on a production in the style of the 1930s we'll see what i said it's a character driven comedy following the misadventures of cuphead and his cautious but easily swayed
Starting point is 01:17:45 brother mugman do you like mugman better i i like mugman a lot i like them both together okay i like them both together i do um anyway so that's fun and we also what was the other thing we heard from netflix what was the other thing uh i don't know lol something else animation related it was announced it was bup bup bup bup bup bup bup shit canon busters yeah canon busters that that that uh awesome kickstarter that that popped up that looks bebop is she is going to be showing up on netflix as well um got robits yeah i i kick started that i got in there oh yeah yeah looks good looks good looks good so yeah that's weird it's gonna go exclusively to the epic game store once we start dealing with like not games because steam sells movies and software as well
Starting point is 01:18:47 yeah but would you so you think epic's gonna fight netflix on that gives i don't fucking know fuck it they got that fortnite money they do but just how much money is fortnite money yeah and how much can that possibly last at its current rate i think that's the thing i think that's why they're going so hard i don't they're like we have the money now so spend it yeah i don't think that epic i don't think fortnite money is quite yet at that netflix money yeah i still the i think the comparison between the two is the difference between being rich and being wealthy um isn't netflix broke is that the case is it one of the i think of amazon because i know amazon's broke yeah yeah no so that's one of those situations like the social media stuff where we don't make money
Starting point is 01:19:37 on this but we hold it down because it makes because it's more important to not allow competition yeah netflix is netflix is fucking broke no shit yeah how about that yeah so is it one of those situations yeah it's just like amazon and facebook and twitter yeah where it's like it's not about the fact that this doesn't make money it's about the fact that we cannot let anyone else take this case because we're the number one spot and we we have all the eyeballs it's so big that we push other people out of the spot we have all the eyeballs an opportunity cost for the capitalism is fucking weird so it's all investors yeah all investors well then okay yeah okay thanks for my castlevania uh series rich man loved it loved it um to rock is back fuck off it was back
Starting point is 01:20:22 twice no but it's new back in a new game have you seen it no to rock is back twice to rock escape from the lost valley if you haven't seen this i think you should see it here let me play this trailer for you oh you gotta really turn the fucking yeah to rock is back wow we got ads okay well um it's in a new developers working on it of course and looks like they also worked on a voltron game uh and this is a different genre to the to rock series discover new what the fuck is this what the fuck is this monument stardew valley we are looking at an isometric stardew valley as as as cute game we're a little cute to rock with his big giant head is rolling and dodging from the cute monsters to rock escape from lost valley is this the same to rock that are these the babies
Starting point is 01:21:33 named to rock these are the cutest little dinosaur hunters you have ever seen and they are back why bother with the name is it to get this reaction because we're talking about it and now it's a story on the podcast as opposed to nothing i'll always remember to rock the you know my number one memory of to rock is because i never played the n64 games it's the fact that the 360 game had the worst achievement ever designed in it it was an achievement uh where you would get one dinosaur kill one enemy kill and one team kill in a single match and it ruined the game that's pretty if fucking ruined the game right out the gate that's pretty strong so to rock going in a bold new direction fucking jesus uh yeah it's cute and uh it's and it's not just like a mobile thing it's
Starting point is 01:22:31 like no this is a steam thing and they're they're doing it i don't i don't quite know how we got here but i don't hear the same way we got to fucking kfc cheetos it says it says that it was born from something called the universal game dev challenge which makes it sound like a um uh what do you call it uh what do you call it when you fucking gather for a day a game jam yeah it almost sounds like a game jam project that they somehow had the track license and then they just they just went further with it but yeah this is this is what we're doing now have you seen that fucking kfc cheetos uh i didn't click play it's like two logos in every bite i didn't i don't that's a real phrase i don't get it i saw the thumbnail with chester cheetah holding a a tray of burgers and then he doesn't
Starting point is 01:23:21 and he had a hat on and then i i almost clicked play but then i couldn't bring myself to do it it's got a bunch of 30 year olds pretending to be children going i need something with co-branded flavor it is the ad apocalypse the power of the crab was too strong that day silence brand that we need a bigger crab that's a nice out of context and i guess the last piece of news because short week tell me about this tenokana so tenokana happened uh everybody did a good job on stage thumbs up particularly rebecca with her fantastic fucking that's the warframe right rebecca if people don't know what tenokana oh tenokana
Starting point is 01:24:15 yes it's the warframe yes okay oh yes it's about it's about warframe rebecca out there with her fantastic low-key not at low-key but low-key d o cosplay the barely um uh shout outs to not just doing the hand over the face pose yeah but the finger as well yeah being like don't fucking look at me that's that's accurate we got a real fucking snippet into the goddamn like how insufferable rebecca has become on that stage because they showed off the imperium demo which was shown off last year's railjack you know the space part uh looks really good and i think it was steve was like oh what are you gonna do shove a bunch of jojo memes in this in a really tired tired voice and then as rebecca named the the demo ship the ss jojo there was an audible like
Starting point is 01:25:11 from like everyone it's like fucking good job rebecca i saw the mask just make them yeah she sent me the fucking meme image of all the references she snuck into tenokana on my twitter dms a few hours ago and i'm like i know rev i know you're doing a good job but about warframe there's a lot of shit in that uh conference i can't even talk to you about there's a lot of spoiler mode stuff in there uh but there's weird time travel uh mechanical horse stuff and they're making a space game out of it now the railjack slash imperium stuff looks a lot more in depth than we thought and the biggest thing is that they showed off something called squad link where you're going to have space battles against ships that will link up to people playing in the
Starting point is 01:26:08 open world sections to do like battle of and or stuff like those that team of four out there is doing a space battle needs a shield taken down and you in the open world will get a message to go out and blow up a shield generator on the planet and stuff like that a lot of co-mingling space pseudo mmo stuff looks great looks super cool that game is getting weirder and harder to define every year more references please yes please she got the stone mask in in the duvery paradox trailer now the thing with with this type of stuff is as it gets more and more official like i just i don't know where it goes but i sure hope it ends somewhere like suddenly the sound the the music for a new trailer or a new area has tommy singing the vocals you get the fucking commander himself
Starting point is 01:27:10 i don't think that i don't think the tone of that game suits that at all i mean you never know yeah you never know but yeah ten o'clock was cool right on good job on your presentation guys okay gifts are hard so we're gonna uh take a quick uh takes a couple of quick emails yeah and then we're gonna switch right over to the staple that rtx podcast mm-hmm which the quality of the audio might be of course not the clearest because it was a recorder on the table next to us uh and we did our best so you know um forgive me there's something that page and i look at uh elmo sometimes you know our disabled stupid cat and we one of us will say that he's trying his best and the other will reply that his best sucks and that may be true
Starting point is 01:28:09 here that's fair that's fair also i apparently have been told some lies about cats that are not true okay what lies are those i talked about them in uh a recent video i forget which one okay but it was it was uh well there was a there was a two so there was the studies that were real and then there was the stuff that wasn't real there was fake yeah what is your fake news about cats well well the real one was the stuff about the them responding to when your owners call you yep right that story about how like they hear you they just ignore you if you had owned a cat you'd be able to tell that because i say elmo and he's not facing me and his ears turn back to see me yeah but he doesn't turn around because he's a fuck yeah so and that's and the way everyone
Starting point is 01:28:52 kind of summarizes that like they're cindere basically yeah cats are cindere whereas uh dogs are more uh yeah dairy no yeah it depends right some are very just fucking melon some some are most dog and some are summer summer you most are dairy dairy some of them are fucking yandere that's true um and uh what was the other one the other real one was that cats see you as big cats yeah and that they don't actually meow uh to each other nope they just do it to humans nowing is an exclusively human form communication because they think that's that sounds like what you guys do yeah yeah so that's what i remember um and then the ones so those are real what those are lies the one the lies were that um when uh a cat is like stuck with like an owner that might
Starting point is 01:29:43 not be alive anymore yeah that like the whole thing where they start eating at your body yeah uh that i the lie was that dogs don't do that too dogs will eventually do that so will you and i and so that eventually that was there and a couple other things in that vein about basically how uh the cats care a lot less about you than dogs do um and a lot of people more or less wrote into basically be like that's not true slash they care but they're just more they're just assholes assholes about it they're bitches type thing so if you do the what what the the best excuse for this is that you take you know those videos of people who record their house but when they leave the house yep and their dog or cat is there dogs and cats pretty much act
Starting point is 01:30:34 almost the same they don't like it that you leave and they're happy when you come back hmm yeah but cats are dicks this is accurate yeah which is why i i preface the i believe i preface that this might not be true i'm not sure the deal i'm going to we're talking about this and we have some time to kill yeah with the microphone in front of me yeah so i'm gonna say the story now okay but it i'm not sure what is the story this might not be the no no no i thought that's it's what i told you you know oh i thought you were like so i ran into this cat oh well i did write i told i did meet that racist cat you did yeah is it unracist now maybe not yet it's hard to it's a hard to have a break you know it takes them i take a while
Starting point is 01:31:22 like people if i was a baby and somebody tried to put my whole head in their mouth i may have had a bad experience also that's scary and and and the link of course always comes back to the fucking palico war when when i when i blast fiend but i still maintain that i want to do somebody made a mod to turn them into dogs and it looks terrible but that's but i don't but the thing is also i don't want a doggo palico yeah you want a dog i want just a dog poppy yeah you want poppy i want poppy man that's so cool don't really exist in monster hunter that's the thing and i and i don't understand what's so hard to understand about why that's so fun to have a fucking poppy with a bandana on and like that's gonna help you hunt the monster
Starting point is 01:32:16 like it's it's because the dog has to have opposable thumbs so he can shoot a gun you know what isn't there a isn't there um a class in was it evolve where the where one of them has a dog i remember i don't remember there's a class in something where it's like someone's tracking there are a shit ton of classes in something that have a dog yeah well anyway your standard hunter class or in whatever yeah yeah sure has dog you know and there's there's a fucking cops you know with the with the fucking robot dog yeah that show was sick it was godlike i wish it was super good that's all that's all so it's like if you take the palico and you mod it so that it has a dog head now it's fucking bad idea that's not the same thing and i and everyone kind of went
Starting point is 01:33:08 like look really it's what you want and i'm like no i wanted i don't want a modded little character you don't want some abomination i don't want a mascot i want an actual buddy dog capcom wants a mascot yeah i know i know i just but i just i don't know like but i feel like this the wires get fucking crossed maybe in monster hunter six you'll get a dog you know maybe friender go and poppy poppy is there another great anime dog that we're forgetting uh wampo wampo is pretty good like wampo a lot menchi you know and you fucking let's go poppy take on that rathalos and the fucking barks and the rathalos goes holy shit that bark was to ash in about half a second well but then it has a power bark and the power bark is like an ability that it gets like once
Starting point is 01:34:02 every like five minutes in the game capcom already has sure a dog a dog that is strong blade wolf monster i'm eggy akamaru eggy's not fair all of it that's not fair right and then every once in a while it has a power bark and then it goes fucking woof woof woof woof woof and the rathalos goes does a flinch it flinches yeah and then you you get right in there with that fucking amplified discharge you know i forgot what it's called uh you're pretty close but amplified discharge sounds like you know you get in there with that charge blade and you lock it in and you super element discharge did you see all the shit they gave charge blade no you can you can power up the axe now also sure so you can power up the shield the axe and the sword hell yeah
Starting point is 01:34:58 three bars and they nerfed it they nerf super element discharge okay because it was too good it was busted big woofer buddy yeah bite the thing you know is zuna drop it yeah poppy's poppy tell me that's not that's too good everyone who's fucking mad about the palico thing tell me that's not cooler than what you have right now come on yeah man i don't care how many years you have of palico attachment inside your soul you need to look deep deep deep down look me in the eye look me in the eye and tell me it's funny that a buddy hunting dog with a full move set that can help you out monster hunter wouldn't be so much cooler than the palicos you have right far on the palico stuff they went and in monster hunter generations and generations
Starting point is 01:35:51 ultimate you had a new weapon class called the prowler which was you could play as your palico and it sucked ass no it was it was technically better than all the other weapons but felt like shit to play and was just awful to be in a party with like they moved it like is it chat is it because it's is it because it's cute is that it yeah is that the only is that no the other reason is more people own cats than dogs because dogs cats are easier to take care of because they can hang out in the house by themselves okay but you but but but take that part of it and now hold that over here and let's look at the part where you're a hunter the other thing is the dogs you're hunting wild dogs have an incredibly gigantic variety of size
Starting point is 01:36:34 and type whereas most cats look like cats so all you got to do is swap the fur texture on them yeah do you want a newfoundland do you want a rottweiler do you want a golden retriever do you want a german shepherd what do you want a doverman yeah you got to build that those are all just big dogs they're all very different do you want a tabby you want an irish wolfhound you want a dog that's not real but it looks big yep like the mabari from dragon age i mean to be fair the big floofy type fucking cats look super different from yeah but you know what i mean right like almost fluffy and then there's cats that are just skin yeah but they're still the basic sit there's still the basic shape yeah there's dogs that don't have the same shape a pug is not
Starting point is 01:37:15 an irish wolfhound yeah like if you were if you were doing if you were not hunting if you were doing something like it's just the fact that it's hunting is such a clear thing to have a yeah because there are about 10 easily recognizable hunting dogs and i guess i want the cute can override that and i if that's where you're coming from then i'm nothing i can say we'll defeat that but i still think it would be so much more appropriate because if you wanted a hunting dog for monster hunter people will go like okay golden retriever it's a terrible dog to kill things with but it is a hunting dog it would help you find the thing right track those track those fucking footprints yeah we have flies for that cute cute flies yeah yeah yeah yeah i would love that so much
Starting point is 01:37:55 it would be so fun you know and then you know what you do after a good hunt what's that you pet the dog you pet the dog you pet the good boy and it could get that goddamn twitter account to recognize it yeah it's a good twitter account all right anyway uh see gunjan changed the game because of that twitter account i did not they added an update to allow you to pet the dog that's wow that that accounts doing good work yep uh gabriel says real quick tick on poko man all i'm gonna say is down grades are worth it because i don't have to play on the 3ds anymore that's a fair point can't even hate it i can't even hate it but it's it's a it's a fucking it's a portable thing it's always gonna be on the portable thing you know the deal it's always gonna be on the shittiest hardware they
Starting point is 01:38:41 can get away with uh dear brennan and rich evans i mean it was not i'll take that it was it was not anyway i really do feel like your laugh can occasionally really hit those rich evans points what constitutes being a waifu for instance woolly said in bloodstained it said it contained waifu elements which i saw some got upset thinking it's simply a character customization i had trouble wording i had trouble wording what makes something waifu in the past and i never been able to get it down pat xeno blade 2 is the most definitely a waifu game fire emblem and awakening and persona however when i say this the others question why xeno blade 1x or earlier fe games or smt aren't waifu games help a friend out explaining his reasoning because there's a difference between
Starting point is 01:39:20 smt and persona what comes to waifu stuff got it this this this came up recently because i talked about it in bloodstained i saw a lot of people saying this i also said something similar yeah and it kind of like i got i got irked by this because a lot of people were just like going off and saying like man for woolly fucking hates it and all and like we're inferring a lot that i didn't say you're inferring much waifu judgment that we are and i was i was and i'm just like i find it hilarious that it's like i can see the designs for like what they put as accessories on the characters yeah them appealing in that way but i'm not saying they're bad i'm not judging i'm not calling it something that is like don't do this i hate that so i that was so far off and i was
Starting point is 01:39:55 like what the fuck are you guys talking about i can break it down in what i believe are three core elements one anime anime flavor is important to calling something a waifu thing two main character cute girl specifically cute girl not that she's super hot but she's cute three character customization that makes that cute girl cuter these make a waifu system i mean that's that's pretty vague it is it's broad it is pretty broad to me it's a feeling of like if you take a character and like if you take someone that would otherwise be like fairly plain in design even if they're already sort of cute or whatever and you add elements to them that are like accessories or like clothing items that like hit a particular flavor you know so um i feel like like you know
Starting point is 01:40:58 how we talk about like you take a normal kid and then you give him that one streak of white and then you put the hat backwards yeah and you give him the gloves and suddenly you've got a protagonist from a shonen anime that's right right and like it's it's the same flavor where you add these accessories where it's like okay so now this this nun has a little uh in bloodstain specifically she's got the um what the fuck is it called the leg she has the garter and then one leg right over one leg like like like a little like a literal wife does on on the wedding day mind you she's got the little thing on the head a little hat little hat thing that's like a particular flavor and then the opening at the legs with the tights on them where you can see she's got the habit that has
Starting point is 01:41:39 the split but her boobs are too big so it pushes the split out and then you can see the g-taste leggings underneath you know and i'm like that's where you took a normal sort of done and you added these little flavors to it that are all flavors that people are particularly into now i want to point something out people are going pat you're wrong of course i'm wrong but no seriously i'm describing a waifu system there are also waifu games and the waifu game is defined by having numerous like archetypes oh yeah designed for different tastes pick your favorite right depending on which like side of the fence you swing on or if you sit on the fence mass effect is a waifu game a husbando game or a waifu husbando game sure if you go back long
Starting point is 01:42:25 enough any anything like uh harem love hina fire emblem is right you can you can write that you pick your wife who's from that yeah the word just came about very happy with that yes right with wife yes not bad uh it just came about eventually you know as something that like it already existed in the form of like we used to just say things like harem choices yeah you know but it's like pick your favorite of this yeah of this list but um ff 15 is a husbando game for real but yeah like i think like you can have tame you can have tame designs but as long as they're different enough from each other like persona yeah right where it's like you have tame archetypes but like they're all like the archetypes the archetypes so what are you looking for do you want your
Starting point is 01:43:11 literal sexy nurse yeah do you want your teacher do you want your like your sports sportsy athletic girl yeah we've got your goofy kind of down to earth home girl yeah you know like do you want your your president in show yeah you know class rep like there's there's literally so you just you spread it all out like that you sure do and in the case of bloodstain it's like yeah you can see like where they just you can see where they just uh they they throw some accessories on slash little things to the hairstyles yeah and little little isms perhaps to the voice to the voice of the character the the way they talk really high pitch make real low pitch give her sunglasses her french braid etc and like and these are all things where you can be like you know
Starting point is 01:43:53 i never really thought about it but i really have something for that little tooth sticking out yep or i really have something what is up with that i don't get that one but i guess that's a thing i have something for the thick rimmed glasses yep you know i got that one right i have a particular flavor for uh chokers yep right like get that one you and me both persona three were like if you cari didn't have that fucking choker i would just shoot her in the face but the chokers cool yeah chokers are cool but you know and then that's all and that and that's kind of what you you sort of get is like these these cut little like uh bits of that that amount to the flavoring now of course what's to say when something is not a waifu thing attempt or not a waifuism or a game
Starting point is 01:44:40 or whatever i don't know it's hard to really say because it's a bullshit made up term that doesn't really exist so genre it's not really clear cut but i think it's kind of funny feeling it's like yeah it's a feeling in your chest and elsewhere and i mean ultimately i the moment you almost have a serious discussion about it or it's almost like well it was a joke like people think it's funny to say the word wife in japanese and that's why everyone says it comes from fucking asamangodayo it's just that this is the funny that dude's a creep yeah yeah but it's but it's ultimately just like it caught on because it was funny to say yeah like you know there's not much analysis behind the feeling everybody loves saying the word waifu and husbando it's fucking hilarious the
Starting point is 01:45:18 character from uh what's that vr game called again uh you need to be summer lesson yeah yeah you know the fact that that was like designed by committee to be as appealing as possible yeah to a broad range and then here's a second one that's designed by committee to appeal to everyone the first one didn't do and and the third one same thing you know and they're very and but they're also very like normal tame looking like in in terms of the accessories yeah they're not like dragons oh that's a flavor that's a flavor that's a flavor yep is it if lambias are okay lambias are a flavor snack yeah so yeah that's about as far as i can take it and most importantly this is no judgment zone not condemning anyone that or anything that's doing the waifuism all right
Starting point is 01:46:05 so this is where woolly on this podcast you're right it is a no judgment zone however and this is where i'm gonna chill it will you also have a uh twitch and uh youtube channel yes yeah that's the woolly versus on both of those that's correct that is that also no no judgment zone yeah unless i judge okay so on angrius pat which is my twitch channel that is a high judgment zone got you i will judge you probably to be disgusting but that's fine but you're not judging as much as you are comparing to your own flavors no judgment okay you foot people gross you're gross oh we call them gross on ours too but on angrius pat here no judgment well what what actually it's happening on woolly versus is i take all the things that we would be judging yeah and i just attribute them to reggie
Starting point is 01:47:03 oh dude that's a lot all of them they tend to go his direction poor reggie at the moment reggie is currently a foot fetishist whether he knows it or not so you see the little toe it's oh it's scandal fuck you people but yes yes yes assumptions and inferring and inferring you know um the summary here comes from a one that says dear one and a half canadiens response to your milk bag discussion the other food related tangents you helped reinforce a revelation i had a while ago logic behind american design and food choices and packaging yeah is simply that they hate extra steps when involved with food items coming from men who lived for the majority of my life in the states not comprehending milk bags and ramune not understanding vegemite is not to be slathered
Starting point is 01:47:54 on like peanut butter but a base american logic is that food is just to be opened up and the food should be shoveled into your mouth that sounds yeah i await a future where americans casually use feed bags but aside from the woke edgelord shitting of the us of a i also ask on the side of the subject what are the upsides of perks or food items having certain packaging or specific steps so i actually ran into a similar revelation and that was because we're in texas texas barbeque and went to multiple restaurants that were run like fucking cafeterias yeah high end pricey restaurants with amazing amazing food that they're like do you want some peach cobbler i'm like yes i would thank you and the guy took a fucking big scoop into a trough and scooped me
Starting point is 01:48:36 out some peach cobbler uh page and i bought a peach cobbler to share at the airport in toronto and it was fucking plated and fancy in in in uh comparison right who gives a like there's a real feeling of who gives a fuck put it in your gob if i am about to eat so anything and the thing i'm eating is on a lunch tray yeah my taste expectations start at zero yeah even if it's really amazing they drop to nothing yeah versus if i'm sitting at a fancy restaurant your test expectations are high they start at like seven because they should it should better be if you're gonna fancy it up on this fucking plate it better be nice so there's that yeah um i will say that uh i don't know i assume that when it comes to something like sardines there's a reason why that tin is the way it is
Starting point is 01:49:31 i assume that's an optimal way that they figured out to stop you from eating the poison fish because it's disgusting sardines are fine i'll fight you you gotta you gotta mix them with other shit i'll fight you you gotta mix them with other shit but they're fine but i think i bet you the there's probably a preservation reason for that you know or like canning shit or whatever stays better longer in a can yeah um i always reminds me of that turkey falling out of Shakira's ass you seen that gif no it's a turkey in a bag you've ever seen that shit it's a fucking gooey nightmare you fucking photoshopped that falling out of Shakira's ass in a fucking dance routine i'm should i even yeah you should gift that you should look that up on your phone
Starting point is 01:50:21 because on your phone okay not on this screen yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna go post that on twitter right now gonna just swerve past that are you and last one coming in uh from chris says hello cowboy and pasta bro oh sorry uh the one before that was from uh aussie patrick and lastly chris says hello cowboy and pasta brothers upon replaying this amazingly made spider man ps4 i really i noticed something cool your first spider suit has the ability to focus refill your bar and rapidly replenish focus anytime you want this ability at first seemed like a basic boost that allowed you to heal to pull off finishers later in the game when your focus bar grows bigger it's a huge help in tougher combat situations since larger enemies take larger bars to finish
Starting point is 01:51:09 has there ever been a mechanic or an item introduced in the early game that you just saw as a helpful beginners tool but surprised you with how helpful it came back around in the later parts of the game probably the jab and god hand oh that's a good one the jab and god hand is like oh it's a fucking jab and then you you throw a million fancy fucking moves on your bar and you're like i can't fucking pop people out of their bullshit anymore and you go back to a jab or or a mock jab or anything that's super fucking fast as you're hit one in your combo that's a really good one yeah i can't i can't think of any particular but that's that's strong a basic beginner thing that comes back around to being super useful i mean it doesn't really count in
Starting point is 01:51:48 like the persona games when like you get your your starter back yeah at the end because it's not the same thing it's like a beefed up version of it um you know i'm gonna walk over and show woolly something i don't want to see turkey coming i don't want to see turkey coming out of an ass because that has many meanings it does doesn't it there's a lot of ways that state and sentence can be like look at it again that's that's fucking gross dude that's fucking disgusting that's super disgusting i hate everything about that that's what i was thinking that's the worst and that's actually safe for work technically it's safe for work it's just that the ideas it puts in your brain are very bad that's fucking horrendous uh uh that's really good podcast this week
Starting point is 01:52:45 uh brains brains can't can't stop them all right everybody wants to know what i'm talking about check them on twitter at angriest pat oh see there's a there's an organic plug uh did that damage you i because i know it's it's like i know what it is i'm able to like keep it in a say in a place where it doesn't do critical damage yeah but the it's well done i saw that five years ago it's just posted in a fucking oh wow it's you know scrolling down a form is it's well done it is well done i will say that um yeah so uh what's coming up uh this week on your stuff i'm doing hat in time uh nyak is the stuff i figured out how to uh hack the cut scenes to fix the problem i had and then on friday i'm gonna do a night wave stuff in warframe
Starting point is 01:53:41 my new plan is that on fridays i'm gonna do warframe or 14 streams and just chat it up and grind it out thumbs up everybody that's over slash angriest pat okay uh meanwhile uh over on woolly versus i'm gonna continue with uh mortal combat having some trouble because that game does not play nice with youtube uh as you can imagine um even if you make it blue mm-hmm i think i think my anticipation of codle job of job or con yeah has kind of led to me more or less being okay with it has it just like softened the impact on it yeah because i've been i just sat there the whole game like did you get to the end yeah yeah okay because the it's like it's fucking crazy how bad he jobs is unbelievable but i was i was expecting so much
Starting point is 01:54:27 worse yeah at the you know but um you can't get up how much worse did you call the broken yeah codle long may he reign wheelie wheelie legs no feely oh man um the yeah so uh what should we call it that that continues over on woolly versus alongside uh some one-offs we took a look at some cool games this week um i in particular uh i believe yeah we took a look at luca born from a dream um and we took a look at hardcore mecca we took a look at mario maker two so that stuff uh should be dropping soon and of course we're going to keep taking these quick looks alongside the lps should be starting uh the next game uh this week as well which you know no surprise the platinum train continues uh and gone in 60 seconds
Starting point is 01:55:23 continues as well thank you for the positive feedback i'm glad you're enjoying that i understand that you are concerned with the amount of time it'll take to get there um but obviously we're fucking oceans apart so it's tricky to make this work and if once a week is not enough the other version of this would have been like three years it might no i mean i'll see if i can do something about that but you know what the alternative is it doesn't exist so you just you you could either you just watch it all by tomorrow you can get it you can get the version where we do it like this or you or we do it in a way that fits the schedules or you can get the version where there is none so what do you want me to say i think it's fun to do i'm gonna keep doing it
Starting point is 01:56:13 that's all over at woolly versus tune in we're gonna play some fighting games gonna do some anime this week there's some anime that hasn't been dug up in quite a minute yeah that's that's what's worth doing and then of course uh we got the weekly stream slash lp thing we do gonna be doing oh you got something to announce this saturday right exactly so yeah so um we've got first week so uh this week we're gonna be taking a look at some of them racing games that came out recently reggie and min and i will uh be doing that on thursday evening and then on saturday we'll be cleaning up residenty finally god damn it's been now been two months since the last time we did it so it's hard to schedule up our schedules so yeah
Starting point is 01:57:05 that should be happening uh cleaning up re2 at the very least it'll be leon's campaign for sure cool uh yeah so stay tuned for that over on woolly versus all right now we're gonna staple the podcast to the other podcast so enjoy us in the past sorry about the quality goodbye bye it's not okay it's still 129 we didn't actually oh great it's not a late cast this next minute is all bonus for you people i have no idea is this actually so despite the fact that pretty much all we want to show you guys is jpeg uh we're having a little bit of technical issues it's just one jpeg guys if this fails uh woolly will just uh walk throughout you and show you the picture i could do it you know i have a laptop that's totally fine that's totally cool i'm actually
Starting point is 01:58:07 kind of hoping that it fails now because i can use that okay i can see the jpeg on the laptop i can see the jpeg in this year okay all right all right we are almost prepared are we now it is 130 all right is hey well hello we are going to start this special castle super beast segment right here the way we always start with technical foibles oh okay well you guys do that you have fun yep boy it sure is great to be here in austin texas i really enjoy and love your beautiful city full of scooters that just are lying about like corpses what what is up with that like we have we have vixies right yes a vixie is a is a bicycle and and and you can rent them and you can use them to get around and it's awesome and then when you're done with them uh you put them
Starting point is 01:59:28 back where they belong like there we go so uh where's the castle what no there's no castle the whole thing is the castle try to get the beast and come on the time is wrong what it says 1131 no it's just look at the logo the panel audience gets shittier every year so yeah this logo was made by the roosterteeth folks and uh it's the first like yes one of the first cool things that comes from this partnership so yeah and that's gonna be uh totally on the new stream and everything we do from now on the old logo was pretty cool too but uh it was kind of you
Starting point is 02:00:39 know it was very quick didn't you have to ask that like two seconds i didn't have to ask it over and like uh uh someone did but they made the cool gift yeah it goes like live from you know um but now we have this thing and that's cool and that'll be uh on a shirt that doesn't exist yet yes however however downstairs there are going to be we're doing this right away aren't we right away feeling super hard okay no no shut up shut up shut up and buy them they're gonna be there so they're they're on they're downstairs they're in the the merch section yeah you find them they're next to the wall they're in between the anime um and you have to it's
Starting point is 02:01:33 like super in the back back corner like you got a search but they're there and yeah woolly versus in uh past there's that it's going down all right so what was yes you're fucking scooters yeah holy shit guys get your shit together come on like so i was saying we have the bikes and you put the bikes back into the rack that they go into like a normal human being for us yeah apparently because i guess the new thing is like when you are uh when you are tired and done with your scooter you just leave it on the ground wherever it is and whatever finds it i was a bit i would hazard that the reason behind this is that it is more difficult to ride a bike while fucking piss wasted than it is to ride a little tiny scooter and do little tricks and and much less put it back
Starting point is 02:02:34 where it belongs yeah right that's litter everywhere and leave it i feel like it would be like seconds before much we all screamed with pitchforks and got that shit kicked out of this our city i'll just toss them into the fucking aqua talk like wow but we we have learned that apparently the strategy is uh to let people get paid for taking it home and charging it and doing the work for you is what the company's doing oh i'm the teo they fucking do that for the fucking baskets the grocery store baskets because it costs a quarter to fucking take the basket out you're supposed to put the basket back and get your quarterback but then people just fucking toss them who gives a shit so then a bunch of all the hobos get the baskets and get they get their quarterback okay i yeah anyway um so yay
Starting point is 02:03:21 austin you you're littered with corpses of scooters um that's cool i mean you guys are actually from there versus from here a lot of people are not here okay awesome all right thank you for coming out to what will surely be a pseudo mediocre panel it's already on its way being to being below mediocre i'm glad but we did it yes yes nothing less i'm like i'm kind of actually a little upset that we did get the laptop because i was looking forward to the plan b of just pulling out on my phone and just showing the logo to each of you i was 100 committed to it i was gonna do it yeah i might still do it well it's too late everybody's seen it it's true unless you guys want to pretend no they've seen it it's fine and that guy owes me a hug terry bogart owes me a hug so it's okay
Starting point is 02:04:14 okay okay then we'll do it we'll do it we'll do it um but i guess uh first things first hey how was your week oh it's okay dude i'm tired i may have made a this is your job tell me about you my job is to sit here and look handsome thank you no but i'm really tired because i fucking i may not have made a good idea with streaming that mmo so hard right before the rooster teeth because the fucking eight nine hours streaming uh the mmo to that nobody gave shit about was maybe a little bit exhausting was that the final fantasy yes it was which content oh the new shadow burger stuff and no spoilers yeah no don't yeah i beat it so it's good
Starting point is 02:05:14 was it yeah and it's it's the kind of good and spoiler thing that like i'll all i can say about it is i beat it and it's really good um you know 1.5 was really uh aggressive and daring yeah 2.0 has become very neutered and safe it's kind of kind of boring by comparison 1.5 was was never existed there is no 1.5 i was there's 1.053 which was the last patch they had that one in the that was the last patch before the fucking reboot the one where um the yeah the way back when back when monks could just spam oh wow who did you talk to over and over again oh wow and there was no cooldowns so you could just keep spamming you know what a cool down is why are you doing this that was the final fantasy 14 yeah but no it's a very good video game that i enjoyed very much but more importantly than that
Starting point is 02:06:16 something more topical is that i have i don't know if you've been looking at my twitter comments recently but thanks to a much more cultured individual than i won peach saliva who is right there i recently watched a good deal of a fancy production of phantom of the opera not the whole thing mind you that he gets it what's up with opera why is it so bad and for nerds dude in sleep he sank to her that voice which calls to me wait do you know do i dream again inside your mind what are you what are you doing fucking it's so stupid oh this is shit it's so it's awesome they're like singing talking it's so stupid it's hard it's impressive just because it's hard doesn't mean it's worthwhile some people get their balls cut off to sing better man it's like
Starting point is 02:07:22 it was a thing but it's not it's tragic it's a thing but you did it you got music you got too american phantom of the opera is the shit he has a mask and he has a cape and he's fucking cool did you like darkwing duck yeah yeah you know why because it was animated he took the mask off and he's like oh i'm hideous he had like a mole yeah okay it was kind of like came back in the wwd i don't get it i don't get it i kept talking to pager why are they singing they should be talking they sound stupid wait are you are you are you attacking opera are you attacking musicals as a concept no i'm attacking opera because you know that part where they're talking and then there's the part where they're singing but there's that middle part where they're
Starting point is 02:08:10 doing both really bad and they're like hey woolly how are you but it says hey woolly how are you and it's like they sound like idiots i mean they're holding notes they're doing work you can't hold notes i can hold the notes hey someone thanks well because i because i hear it and i turn and then the person stopped talking and i was just like one of you guys over there appreciate it i don't get it man there's a lot you don't get but that's okay you are the same person who said music as a concept it's stupid yeah so why are we having this discussion because because i established because it i keep running in a new forms of art that i think are stupid and and every well i guess it's not new but like
Starting point is 02:09:05 you're shitting on a sub genre of a thing that you've already declared a waste of time yeah that's fair everybody gets their turn if i do if i don't if i don't keep going then that means like i mean i'm sure there was a point where like people who like ska felt bad that that i wasn't that i wasn't dumping on ska like i was on something else which kind of ska are we talking about like i don't give a shit about what kind of ska because there's it's important to this thing i had a friend in high school and it was christina she wore fedora and a tie every day in the school she was like man ska's my life you might be talking about because there's old ska which is like the whalers and the you know the original sort of like like jamaican kind of you know vibe and
Starting point is 02:09:50 whatnot then you have the new stuff and the new stuff is like the kind of punk version of it it's like there's like black scone whites god you're such an asshole it's a thing and some of it's okay you played tony hawk i did you enjoyed it no that's a game soundtrack yeah yeah that's a different genre of music called together that music didn't happen to exist no it didn't they wrote it for the tony that's why it's called the tony's it's where the oh i'm gonna glare from the front row oh she's so pissed i i'm defending the concept of music right now i don't even know where to go from here but
Starting point is 02:10:47 so i guess music's good now by that like by that logic it was music exactly well i do want to correct one thing and i you sent me a fucking music that you wanted to be used as the outro for the podcast last week that's i did you sent me a music yeah and you that yeah i did on our video game podcast because you liked that music yeah so i used it yeah it was good therefore see so the most important thing about the fact that i think music is very stupid is that you know what i'm gonna you i hate the band that you like what band do you like sir
Starting point is 02:11:39 that's a free beat come on see i got you all it's really really bad and stupid and you are stupid for liking it they fall for it every time and that was your week that was my week all right also i'm here austin seems nice more importantly it looks like a weird fake ass tv set because america looks like the fake ass not real world everybody here speaks english it's weird they do they do no much else surrounded by french and and weird and in like it's not even surrounded by french it is right yeah yeah and all and you guys have streets in nice grids it's very weird our shit's all like european twist one way cobblestone yeah you know but yeah every time
Starting point is 02:12:42 i come to the states i think i'm in a fucking fake ass movie because it looks like tv which isn't real i mean it's not real so uh i'm glad that i got in last night because this is the first time i've ever been like in america on the fourth of july yeah so i got apparently all women turn into flags yes yes literally in the airport this is what happened i saw that and and at night like like the whole you know fireworks are super banned where we live yes because you know because of the hands yeah and also like the drinking and yes that you combine the two and you have an explosive projectile that's correct fireworks is great it was it's awesome i love fireworks a lot in fact fun fact i wanted to be a pyrotechnician like back in the day before
Starting point is 02:13:32 really planes did you i sort of did and people last night were basically aiming their fireworks like this far above us and like you could see it falling like onto our shit and it was really like cool but also terrifying because all it took is one person to kick one over and that's it you're done yeah it's over one person's dog to run up and grab it or yeah like that darwin award yeah that did that did that i'm thinking of an america's funniest home video clip with the weiner dog handle on the back yeah it it was kind of nuts like because i always thought like oh the the the homebot fireworks that people get their access to is kind of like the little sprinkler fountains and whatnot so and like a roman candle maybe i know it's full-on missile into the air
Starting point is 02:14:20 my understanding is that depending on what state you live in you can get like like pussy fireworks and then you go one state over and you get the real shit and then you drive down to mexico and get the real shit and then and then you drive back over and you're like you got anything in your car you're like no way man yeah yeah it was cool it was terrifying but it was still cool i felt the america you know it happened we also i'm glad many of you traveled to austin to hear a bunch of canadians talk about wow fireworks on the fourth you are on wow hey and then i ate wowie then i ate some queso wow yeah i had a brisket now that's not crazy is it is how we had it was good it was good barbecue queso's the shit though man that's some kind of plant yes oh my god no not even
Starting point is 02:15:12 no it is a dip and it is uh basically like cheese and then other shit whatever and yeah yeah it's like a nacho dip cheese miscellaneous thing every place makes the roll they're super competitive about it and you can put it on fucking everything and it's amazing man that reminds me i did eat a local food i ate collard greens for the first time in my life there you go that's okay i may be notoriously picky but that stuff's okay and eat eat your greens you'll grow big and strong and healthy oh you fucking bitch you all lie my parents are fucking bitch liars when i was a little kid they told me that if i drank my milk every day i would grow up big and strong to be taller than my dad and that and that was fucking
Starting point is 02:16:10 bullshit my dad is shrinking and i'm still shorter than him and i have big bones now like i actually like page was like grabbing my arm while i was actually like you actually have big bones like yeah i was drinking all my milk i was supposed to make it tall should i eat your greens that didn't tell me that well i did but it was too late it's way too late way too late yeah well i guess since uh we i mean yeah that's the main thing i guess i had that had the week i ate the the bat and i played a couple games did you i played a couple games but i don't think i'm gonna have time to get through all of them just pick one i'll pick one i'll say mario maker two oh night it's nice that that is out on a console that people have purchased isn't it and that's cool
Starting point is 02:17:00 uh i see what did you make i didn't make any levels but like the first thing i did was go to like check out what was made and immediately noticed that people made jojo intros so i just fucking ran through some jojo intros and that kind of became my mario maker experience and it was wonderful i think that my favorite thing about mario maker might be something that didn't even happen to me and it has nothing to do with the game it was page and i were talking to Eli uh playing of gripes after one of the star trek things and he was just so fucking miserable and pissed off because he wanted to unlock some parts to make a level but then he realized he had to play the game to do it and spent all day playing mario maker and being miserable and hateful of
Starting point is 02:17:42 mario levels just going i just want to unlock the thing from the level and he was so mad and me and peter laughing at him because he is a dumb bitch sick bernie lie yeah no i you don't make anything just go download what people made and people why would you make something making things for idiots okay well i didn't make stuff someone made that long ago they made it yeah what a sucker you're selling shirts with your feet and you won't make them either you get them when you give money see what a good solution that is
Starting point is 02:18:25 content right now okay um suckers let's how about how about we take some some mail oh hey you got some emails we should take some emails if you want to approach the microphone no just microphone everyone don't push each other down so we'll see you less less but if you have questions feel free to line up with the mic we'll we'll take them and uh we'll so since since there's no screening process this is where you guys are going to get to see the the emails that we usually throw away actually yeah i haven't come through yet so i think
Starting point is 02:19:10 nice uh my name is Patrick uh pat also uh how i didn't even i didn't get any guys i was i was gonna do a big but it's no what's the bit i was just what were you gonna do the bit well if we have an email you can send it to the council super beast uh gmail doc that's not the email whatever man because this is actually gonna go in the podcast oh whatever literally has to be accurate information okay it's have an actual email for people who are listening to this send it to castle super beast mail at gmail dot gmail dot com not the other thing fuck that guy hey what's up hey what's up hey what's up my name is Patrick a big fan of you guys uh first got really in you guys during the assassin's creed but it was you man now oh that was agents man that's
Starting point is 02:20:00 a long time ago yeah that's not castle super beast but we have some super beast started after that fan since then too so thank you thank you all right so what's up all right so i have a question if you could have one of the events happen would you rather you raise the third birthday from ever happening or how scale that actually come out erase third birthday erase third birthday easy easy free free free free free free free free erase third birthday 100% because scale about might actually still come out there's weird rumors with that we also don't know what it is or could be or it might actually pop up it might have been bad who knows we know the parasite even wanted to are good and we know that like the potential of
Starting point is 02:20:46 that is ruined by the existence of third birthday so fixing the past as opposed to like the maybe of the future you know it's like it's like asking hey would you rather like go back in time and stop yourself from getting kicked in the nuts or have what's in this box which thematically enough is exactly what you're doing in the game the third birthday thank you kindly thank you hey buddy what i don't worry if you guys could design the moral combat fatality what would you do to the victim i see you task just taking the victim turning them around and making them stick their own head up their own ass i was actually thinking of something similar to that i was thinking i was thinking of like pulling the guy's head off and then like throwing the guy in the air and then
Starting point is 02:21:45 kicking the head like a soccer ball into their ass and they blow up i mean like there's all these really over the top ones that are all about like massive things like you getting ripped in half down the middle and whatnot but like it'd be awesome if someone just like like did small things like ripped your fingernails off you know and then like like made you like stub your toe you know and then just kind of like bonk your knee so like you're like like a really really little little or some things and then just like shot you in the head yeah thank you buddy appreciate it hey man what's up hey guys how's it going all right i'm a big fan of watching since like red dead prevention one when you guys were like your chin were injured i started watching that so it was
Starting point is 02:22:30 going to stop watching and then yellow yellow so all right i do have one question uh better woolly brennan molly has a twitch channel he runs with his uh better early training right so someone knows can we expect any kind of collaboration now that you guys will bruise the teeth with like him on twitch channel or anything like that i will collaborate my fist with his face i love you brennan you kick your fucking ass oh you suck he has children he has daddy what they're not gonna help him no well you know that thing about like when you have kids it's like oh you're like oh i can murder someone now because you have that capacity because they're like you don't you dare hurt my kids he has what are you doing with his kids nothing
Starting point is 02:23:20 but i'm saying he has are you threatening the the i am not threatening you're so credit i am not you're they're lovely and they're they're cute and they do the karate sometimes it's nice but you get a good hit it though you can get a good hit it he's had the kids he's ready to go yeah yeah hey what up man hey uh representing project win whistler a question about japanese games for you sure what's the game hold on i have a question for you what is project win whistler since you wanted to show it on the bypass so okay that's all right all right uh quick question what's the japanese game you want
Starting point is 02:24:05 localized or unlocalized you want your hand to just take my back unlocalized i mean i've always wanted did any of those shining force fucking pieces of shit oh god what was it called that fucking shining force fighting game it got everybody's youtube channel shining out for vx yeah that one kill that thing yeah kill that piece of shit oh yeah okay sure did uppers ever come out no uppers uppers give me uppers not not don't don't bring don't give me fun story that yeah hey man what up oh i'm not sure good sure hey that's the time for sure how's it going yeah i was wondering uh if you would answer the
Starting point is 02:24:56 question of can games ever be like revived your spiritual successors do you think or do they deserve to be revived can you mean any example oh okay yeah like you mean genres or like yeah do you think that they should be like like have a spiritual successor or believe in the company to making maybe another parents idea oh so you're like you think like konami would make like an actual castlevania now that people bought bloodstain and it's good yeah that's not gonna have that but i think the idea of the spiritual successor is fantastic in fact i mean almost everything you probably are like everything that we love is usually like a spiritual successor to something that was also a successor to something else like you build off of previous entries that
Starting point is 02:25:47 are like hallmarks of a genre to like advance it in a way you know like anything in the genres that we love like uh uh you if you go back to the origin point like you're gonna see something that was not as refined but still had like a raw gem of an idea and i think something like bloodstained is like it leans back towards symphony that i just purely as i can as opposed to like other things that come along the hollow night and stuff but yeah you kind of need that in order for your genres to evolve and for your games to get better for sure exactly yeah thank you hey what up hello darlin um yeah sorry i had to dress up as men it's on the apartment wall because my room
Starting point is 02:26:33 but i had a question if you guys could have any super castle beast merchandise made much like the pre-order bonus for no more hero's game toilet paper or super mine alone what would it be an actual castle hand sanitizer you'd come to an actual castle wouldn't you i got a dungeon no no hey i'm sarah hey sarah nice to meet you
Starting point is 02:27:18 um so i was wondering how you guys are partnered with Bruce Steve everything um are there going to be more collaborations with them and um how soon until you two are jobbers i could kill seconds of ruby i'd be down for that i could get killed i could get killed in a second yeah and i don't know if our rt friends are still in the room but yes uh totally down to collaborations that would be very very good we don't have any uh collaborations that we have on the table right now and we're always pretty much open to anything they basically kind of said yo anytime you want to come back down to austin we can do that and then we can work together so hey it just got more intimate that's
Starting point is 02:28:02 yep you're probably welcome hey terry what up uh not much uh are you okay yeah it's not for not we're not doing that we're not doing that that's weird but uh i actually um i i i i i i i actually have two things two things to say one of them is actually a question from my friend matt foley uh who's wondering two paths yes what is your favorite job four and if you want to go on this how do you think that they haven't played judgment yet uh yeah i've played a bunch of judgments it's absolutely fantastic i don't know if it's the best one because i'm only like i don't know a third of a way through it tops but uh it's most importantly
Starting point is 02:28:55 it's the best place anyone could possibly start at on this series because it doesn't have anything to do with shit and you you were playing some of it right it it doesn't have anything to do with shit nothing i'm like hey that guy that's a cool detective man and this other guy he loves crime murder these people but don't actually don't do it don't kill them yeah me and the other thing uh this is actually to uh page and this the ham by itself eating it by itself that's pretty disgusting please eat it and say thank you very much yeah vindicated by a man with a microphone thank you tony i'm holding a microphone
Starting point is 02:29:46 and i as someone who's living that keto lifestyle say eat the meat a little bit fuck yeah fuck yeah would you fight your significant other for it yeah i got to see him over there yeah uh uh is that your question fair enough named out here i've been a fan since the uh in a revenge in far far away oh yeah um kind of a joke question and a legitimate question first time what do you guys saw from the g2a stuff happening i think it's laughably crooked and like i makes me giggle because i remember hearing the g2a is like a bunch of pieces of shit and then every time like hey i should someone's like hey there's a deal on g2 i'm like aren't
Starting point is 02:30:33 they fucking pieces well i don't i so i don't have the full story in because i just saw a bunch of tweets and i kind of was like going through the thread but i didn't get the full context um but my the first thing that struck me was weird is like how they were like a company was like replying to like these individual claims in such a weird way yeah but i don't know that my basic understanding for the longest time is that people hate g2a like developers because they will buy up keys en masse from wherever they come from even if they are in some cases stolen off a truck and uh most developers are like pirate our game instead of buying it off g2a and i and i didn't see the the the main tweet that was like if anyone proves that this was like
Starting point is 02:31:16 from stolen or whatever pirate keys then we will pay that developer 10 times the amount that they were like that's bullshit whatever no one does that yeah but i honestly like as right now as a series of tweets i'd have to definitely i'd have to dig more do you've asked a question that will be answered in this week's actual real podcast yes because yeah we need more information for sure and the second one is kind of a joke question uh pat is that uh fantasy song and choose bet still on i answered this six times in a row on the stream in which it happened the fantasy star online to bet hasn't been ongoing since i wanted to cash out like three four years ago and liam didn't want to pay up you don't you can't keep a bet going double or nothing apropos of only one side
Starting point is 02:32:05 because then the bet goes infinitely yeah thanks guys thank you thank you hey yo man what up so i'm gonna watch you guys since you're mad at yourself like there's way long ago oh wait wait do you mean revenge or do you mean five um your old video on machinima i think it was or something like that random mgs3 we did mgs3 oh okay sure totally that was a good video i remember it well my question is first of all thanks for introducing me to nier that series is amazing pat do you hate the nier sound track
Starting point is 02:33:12 oh i oh you bitch no it's very good pleasing sounds to ears thank you for your question great question pardon hey sound track i actually legitimately think it's very overrated but have you listened to it no wait have you heard it in a bathroom with the reverb bouncing off the wall no that's the real way to listen to it like i think i think the the main theme is pretty good but i always felt that in like everything other than the main theme was like yeah it's fine oh yeah that's all i was thinking besides the main theme what's that i didn't play odc man i played halo three only
Starting point is 02:33:57 yeah push him away wow this email is going on a real long time thank you hey man what's up what's up uh so i think whenever you guys first mentioned a good shield out uh and in your phone to rjx we had at some point said hey good to be really dumb we got hats yeah so you want big dumb cowboy hats yeah hell yeah oh my god and they're broken oh yeah it's got my stupid face
Starting point is 02:34:53 it's got with donald's on it yeah final stickers thanks buddy oh my god thank you so much it doesn't fit because my dreads are too big and stupid but the idea is cool thank you well you got to cut your dreads off no but next time i get happy i can be like yeah you look really cute with that hey what's up man
Starting point is 02:35:42 thank you so much um i think i started watching you guys unfortunately all the time you were all playing um uh beyond two souls and yeah now i'm gonna look back and watch fair or not that wasn't safe yeah so my question was kind of answered a few months prior with the introduction of darly bagger uh if you had to design fighting game characters for each other what would you do well i mean okay i don't know how to answer this question the character already just yeah well i don't know like did you have long hair probably it would just be page it would just be page that's it yeah is that good yes that's good wait were you not paying
Starting point is 02:36:38 attention i was looking at my hat thank you for all your support darly can i like sleep and lean back now and do like this yes video got it what is your favorite self-deplicating joke that i'm always scared of shitting my pants hey just have a joke or am i always scared of shitting my pants i don't know man yeah i mean slowborn was pretty funny snailborn whatever whatever snailborn is that it snailborn well you gotta hit a speed um i don't know i mean i guess no my my favorite self-deprecating joke is crazy talk is my ability in fact there was there was a
Starting point is 02:37:53 possible issue with our flight and i said don't worry page it'll be fine and she put her finger in my face and you shut the fuck up you don't use that crazy talk shit it's gonna be a disaster now and we got upgraded to first class so there there's something hyper specific and fun about the idea of me having a giant beefy white leg thank you just the leg and that's it that joke came from nothing nothing fucking ethered because we were doing the shit storm and we watched spooky cookies compilation of the prior year in which like every 10 seconds we're like woolly is smelly yep that's basically how shit turns we're like we need to tone this down and then we just didn't
Starting point is 02:38:43 yeah all right thank you very much thank you yes i have two questions kind of a joke question and slightly less of a joke question first question how much red bull have you had so far today zero second is if you were to have sand abilities besides crazy talk yeah what would they be super human abilities that thing what doesn't sound creepy flights that's nice and safe so you can want to stand that makes red bull because it gives you wings
Starting point is 02:39:49 all right you win you win you're quite welcome howie so my question regards like so my question regards the advancement of technology with games house graphics have been progressively bigger more and more realistic do you think that whenever we reach that point where we can do whatever we want yeah dress towards more realistic games for more stylized i think once he hit photo realism photo realism is going to be the absolute god damn shit for a while and then people are going to be like it's photo realism it's it's that's you know like so you'll
Starting point is 02:40:33 you'll have a backswing to more fantastical have you seen the new season of black bear have you seen the first episode by the dance it's called striking vipers and in it there's a bunch of dudes playing this fighting game and it's basically street fighter for type of thing and then they fast forward 11 years and then you're playing a photo realistic hyper super this is reality version of it where you put the thing on your head and um i want the old version of the game then your realistic one looks terrible it was it didn't look fun at all and it was just like i think we're gonna hit that point where um yeah it'll be nice to kind of like simulate reality and you will be able to do like written scary games horror games will get amazing right from that but
Starting point is 02:41:17 artists and making stylized like character designs and things like that is is one of my favorite things about games like if that ever went away or became like depreciated it would be terrible like that would really suck in my opinion yeah no one wants a hyper realistic mario dear god or kirby have you seen hyper realistic kirby with the toes and that fucking text you sent me page god damn it thank you thank you hey buddy what up hey you might also recognize me from the name i use online it's skull god oh oh shit hear that guy that's fully playing apex because he's too bad to play it otherwise
Starting point is 02:42:06 he's hiring me to play hey what up skull hey this was a question to kind of talk to you uh what is the ps4 titan fall 2 stream the ps4 titan fall 2 stream did you not do it i i did i not do it no no fucking skull this is good i like this at an undetermined time in the near future we will schedule it too that could mean anything could you possibly be more specific how september i don't know i don't know ps4 uh
Starting point is 02:43:21 thanks skull i wouldn't reckon i should have recognized the fucking voices it's different uh discordant shit pitches people up and down it's weird son of a bitch hey how's it going hey man it's going fine uh two questions uh one can i give you something after i ask the second dumb question depends on the question yeah no sure uh so what we're gonna have our own fight club and this board because skulls would be a match in a game that should be spoken of what game which toho toho oh we don't know that's we don't talk about toho here that's no that's no no that's an answer okay
Starting point is 02:44:04 sure oh sure as long as it's not a syringe jared is caring fuck that let me give you this a duccon million years ago what is this oh hey cool thank you it's a hawking shirt that's the cool robot thank you so much hawking was the shit hey man what's up hi so my name is dang um i've been watching you guys since i was a freshman in high school and now i teach freshman in high school fuck but i know this is a trend where all of my students are really good at mapping and have
Starting point is 02:44:54 really good knocking skills also play games like fortnite cup g and napix and that kind of goes to the trend of video games about the skills education that we wouldn't you know expect when i was in middle school i typed like a hundred words per minute to go that big game um during finals week i just played about those you and those cs students who you know had good logic skills for you spirit so my question is what games have you played that made me talk you skills that you wouldn't you know expect or maybe what games would try skills that you would think would be useful besides you know i guess video games got the obvious answer but i'm well aware that uh i have a horrible speech impediment and trip over my words constantly
Starting point is 02:45:31 but the fact that i read constantly as a as a very very young kid and played a every rpg i could get my hands on i genuinely do think added to my ability to speak concisely and clearly to some degree uh usually though it just sounds like the music dumb you guys stupid but but like like i genuinely believe like my english language skills improve significantly playing from playing extraordinarily wordy games um like yeah music dumb stupid uh guitar hero and rock band lives in helped me with my drumming so it's pretty straight up in that regard but yeah like anything rhythm-based you know any rhythm for those games you're you just hit the button when the num when the thing what went and and when the thing yeah and then the thing and then the thing yeah you just do it
Starting point is 02:46:24 you just do it that's called rhythm no no you you should go fucking pull your hair out looking at me playing god damn you five-starred expert back in the day i remember i saw you yeah by sight yeah then you have the ability to play music yeah by sight you just have the thing come down you can do it like what i think thank you oh yeah cool what's up hey how you doing hey good thank you thanks go eat uh go throw some ammo back to you since you're here for this weekend um with uh reddit posts already meeting artists of what's supposed to be showing up for downtown this weekend what's your best song
Starting point is 02:47:11 what they're going to show you well i didn't see any of that shit what's what's what's leaking out at what at where ten o'conn oh ten o'conn's right now out in fucking uh the Ontario yeah the war freaks uh check the reddit post someone who has taken from the console version of the game images for wukong prime vincang prime and luge prime oh yeah okay i saw shy's video on that no yeah so outside of that was there any any other vets you were thinking on oh they're gonna show off a cut scene for something for new war i'm sure and they're gonna show off what rail jack is what's it called it's called something different now but they're gonna show off how rail jack's actually gonna work like for real uh and they'll probably show off the planes of osiris what's it called
Starting point is 02:47:54 kuviri whatever the fuck that shit is they'll show it off and then rebecca's gonna come out and be an obnoxious jojo fan and you're welcome dual colored money isn't you'd rather take an extra minute to figure out how much money you're holding in your pocket really but what is it faster to fucking yeah oh oh don't don't rip our money pat oh don't look oh that's where you are also oh oh that is legal tender oh so superior
Starting point is 02:48:51 you know i'm so glad i had a one in my wallet our new fives are like vertical too they're like it's like a sideways bill because no one holds money like horizontally so why not do inside like we're so much better with the money guys just give it out like that's fine how's it going my name is chloe i just want to take one and say that it's you two and also matt and them when they'll work together we're one of the big reasons we got me into playing fighting right now i'm glad it on and also really i fully defend you on the music thing and fuck you only makes me stronger buddy so really this is the question for you how high for you for under night at evo i mean oh my god it deserves it so much i know i i fully agree it
Starting point is 02:49:46 absolutely deserves a big say like that's a game that like before they announced it i just i remember i just woke up one morning out of nowhere and went why the fuck am i not playing under night and just like i need to start playing this game like it's really just been uh uh supported by its scene for a long time like called like the gameplay is really fun art's really fun design everything about it is amazing and it just kind of sat in the shadows for no real reason so i watched a lot of the vod so during the tournament like on the breaker and yeah those tournaments are yeah i was a bit worried that i was like okay they're putting this out there so that they can kind of get the other things they want onto that like finalist but thankfully samurai showdown is
Starting point is 02:50:26 also really really good as well so i'm not worried at all i'm really excited to see how it goes right on cool man thank you all right we'll run a long time so eju gets 60 seconds go right now hi i'm mel i don't know who you are um are there any games that you are just kind of exhausted about this course around are there any games that you just don't want to hear anything more about i mean i think like there was a point in time when that happened with like ff7 right back in the day that was one of the first games that ever got like talked into exhaustion uh Undertale definitely hit that category as well and these are like amazing games that like in their own right are absolutely worth playing boy i'm sick about her about undertale yeah you know like i'd say those
Starting point is 02:51:09 are the two like front runners on that uh that come to mind yeah i wish call duty would go ahead and die instead of that so we could just stop talking about how it's going to die next year cool thank you hey call and uh i was wondering if you could create a system or a gimmick and push for is it inclusion in a pre-districted game won't you yes raise your hand zapping man good for you i would put more zapping into survival war games all of them and pretty much anything with multiple campaigns per character take any any game any genre any type and add parry into it yes call duty parries absolutely thank you
Starting point is 02:52:08 rts parries pick pick an action and then if you get attacked on that turn then the next turn it's a parry rts already have parries it's called heart counter there you go totally yeah i knew that okay my name is bowl um i actually i have two questions what's that all right uh for starters uh patent i'm gonna be diving into font fantasy again right after i go back from rtx yes so i wanted to hate myself a little bit more so i'll be getting in class to get back in what's a more intermediate to heavy class mm-hmm what something that's not easily able to play you to start off with something i need oh in in 14 yeah summoner okay yeah and uh really i spent all my money to come here and i had a little bit saved up and i want to get better fighting games
Starting point is 02:53:06 should i love myself and go down there and buy a fight stick have you played any fighting games before are you into any currently um i have currently played a couple things okay you don't need a fight stick it's not mandatory especially you got games nowadays you can do a lot um i play mk on a controller i play guilty gear on a controller samshaw i play samshaw no samshaw i need a stick but fuck you like oh for me i switch back and forth depending on how many buttons the game uses honestly a lot of games are designed around a controller nowadays it's not mandatory you can totally get used to and play really fine with a controller okay if you like the feel of a stick though you know if you enjoy that consider it but it's not a mandatory
Starting point is 02:53:44 investment there's no like get this before you start type of thing right i just know the certain inputs just kind of come off a little easier yeah yeah yeah they can but if it's something you're considering but you're still like you're like i'm not too sure get tried out first you know like maybe uh if you have any friends that have it or any locals things like that get to get a feel for it but it's not mandatory at all thank you thank you all right we've got about five minutes it used to be street fighter haha holidays uh i don't know they reboot we saw her earlier what's up hey my name's josh hey josh uh this is kind of a good question if you
Starting point is 02:54:44 could be like a rat me and for me to understand and then power it up what would it do oh man i don't know i need a life requiem my stance already really strong i'm really happy with bring me to life and its mild ability to to make woolly bait exist in reality i'm afraid that if it goes too far it might get really creepy like the things that i really like start my coming through and i'm like oh no we need to yeah for me it's similar if i was able to make crazy talk like requiem be a stand that makes things i think are real real the world would start to fucking fall apart you gotta keep that on our own thank you thank you thank you oh we're actually gonna get everybody we're gonna do it depending on the speed of this question
Starting point is 02:55:44 a while ago but i felt like i was fully on board during the dmc don't make creative play through anyway my question is i had to graduate to do the degree in design but having to find the jobs getting kind of desperate is it worth it to try and find gear box i just saw the entire rooms like lean back in their chair that might be your answer here's the thing work is work work is work same thing as blizzard just fired everybody and is rehiring for the same positions with lower pay which is probably illegal but work is work and if you don't got no work you gotta get work i um just be prepared and look for like backup work if you go somewhere that you are expecting to get fired my my experience in the industry
Starting point is 02:56:35 consisted of me working at places that i fucking hated getting experience to then go places that i didn't pay so if you can get that job and can get that experience do it thank you yep and all the best luck to you buddy and this is a very important question for pat so let's say you can make the world perfectly clean and every facet yeah no bacteria no nothing else good except you need the only way you can do this is by shooting your pants i can do it i can do it right now i'll do it right now please don't do it right yes are you offering me a deal
Starting point is 02:57:27 we need to stop because there's no way we can verify whether it happened or not we figured it out were those plastic pants hey man what's up no pressure you're just the last question it's not like it needs to be a really really good one or anything sure what are you doing but uh would you guys prefer a game with uh two robot like super robot wars but better or a game with jojo a better so a game with two like super robot wars but better or like jojo cross over games
Starting point is 02:58:06 with better do where i have or i'm sorry what crossover oh definitely he's do we want a better super robot wars game as opposed to the existing things or do we want one good jojo game oh i'll take one good jojo game one yeah because jojo looks good now but we're still the gameplay the still the best one still the ps2 fighting game made by capcom okay yeah yeah jojo for sure awesome shirt by the way thank you man thank you thank you thank you all so so
Starting point is 03:00:38 so so so

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