Castle Super Beast - CSB 035: Barpartheid

Episode Date: September 17, 2019

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Starting point is 00:00:00 the am am an 11 7 1 up
Starting point is 00:00:43 the AC a videogames good and we so very good are they applied some very good video games had some good times of video games i had some bad times video games but overall i would say the video games are pretty good i think video games are good
Starting point is 00:01:07 i don't know and i think if you really had to stop and think about it you'd be like yeah there's good games well here's what i was doing i was playing a good game earlier uh... yesterday i was like this is dumb
Starting point is 00:01:29 video games are dumb but their video games are good like you ever have like a somebody says like a stupid joke and you're like haha and then you think about it too much you're like video games are simultaneously dumb and good because like i remember there was an onion article a long time ago was like alien struggle to determine why so many humans spend the majority of their days staring at glowing rectangles
Starting point is 00:01:54 yeah and i'm like by the way uh... pocket note next time uh... someone old uh... old someone old yeah close to the grave
Starting point is 00:02:07 yeah as opposed to you know closer to the grave than you at least like nearby uh... vicinity is said next time someone implies that like all you're just staring at your phone all day and one of those uh... you can recite the uh... the data that shows that like old people spend more time watching televisions then young people spend watching phones well yeah of course
Starting point is 00:02:27 so like screen time overall yeah old people i could tell it my dad my dad never said that to me because i'm like dad you watch old war movies all day uh... yeah like in terms of just raw screen time yeah all people are crushing it you know why but there's no little thing on the tv that says you've watched this much tv
Starting point is 00:02:45 today yeah where his phones do that also watching tv is a communal activity to the elderly remember phone bad phone bad phone is it small and it's because you look down at it all day so you don't get to look up and see all the the glory that is the things that banks he wants you to see it is it is like
Starting point is 00:03:05 straight up bad for your neck yes like for like consistent phone viewing is like really really bad for your neck and so we'll see though those little cartoons where it's like every year our teenager is getting shorter because he's bending more and more over to look at it well that's good for me because i i welcome the world of normal sized people do you heard me that's right normal sized people everyone in this world is too tall
Starting point is 00:03:32 so uh... not only your video games dumb and good dumb and good this little exchange has put a thought in my brain what thought is that most things that i think are good are simultaneously dumb and there are very few things left that i think are good without also being
Starting point is 00:03:55 dumb everything like any good smart almost everything i love is simultaneously dumb oh there's few things i like left in this world that are not
Starting point is 00:04:08 also dumb okay and uh... dumb is is a term of affection these days much more than it is a term i remember like four years ago actual when we'd all be screaming at some moment in a game all that's the dumbest people like oh why don't they like it i really like that's like no no
Starting point is 00:04:27 dumb is is good dumb is not dumb has officially become a good term at least amongst my in in my lexicon because it is for the enjoyment and not for your brain yes and i mean you know like dumb movies have become it enjoyable and you know the whole like the movie culture and dumb games have become the best because like every game we always get the highest over are the absolute dumbest yeah things
Starting point is 00:04:56 that happen make no sense their stories are objectively terrible and i have a game like that to talk about this week is it astral change yes it is yeah so there's just no question about that part of it nonetheless i think as i've just said as i just zoom out on it
Starting point is 00:05:17 i kind of go how many things are there left that i think are good but aren't dumb and the answer is very very very few i like space sciences that's objectively good and smart um there's a couple of films i think are are good and smart but but do you like them as good as your good dumb films nah the good dumb is way more fun you know what that is anime is always dumb you know what that is i'm just thinking about
Starting point is 00:05:48 you know what's so you know how you have your different parts your brain right yeah your fucking human brain your primate brain your lizard brain yeah that lizard brain shit that's really powerful that would include things such as pornography or hardcore animated violence and then above that right above that is like your sappy romance thing where the girl looks at the guy and she cries and there's like doves and shit
Starting point is 00:06:18 and you're like oh right and then above that is like Carl Sagan talking about hypercubes this is very little in between yeah Carl Sagan talking about hypercubes is not very entertaining but it is fascinating yeah and most people don't want fascinating they want entertaining it doesn't give me a rush in my heart and or penis now i say that in a way that implies that uh i'm somehow making a judgment call i'm not because i prefer i generally i feel like i want to say i prefer
Starting point is 00:06:46 fascinating but i probably don't you probably realistically if i preferred fascinating then i would actually do that with most of my time i'll be real but i don't mind my choices day to day week to week month to month are all entertaining over fascinating so i realized something in the course of this conversation which may be the darkest realization about my personality i have ever had i used to read constantly i was the kid in elementary school that had that giant book it would be tearing through like fantasy novels
Starting point is 00:07:18 like dragonlance i read like a hundred of them spaceship greek myth stuff you know anything you get from the library and that continued about halfway into high school until the easy available availability of your friends dad's vcr setup that could copy tapes occurred and i started watching anime sure and i'm like oh video games were always a constant but anime just straight up replaced reading so reading books uh was replaced by anime audio books
Starting point is 00:07:56 help for me but more than that uh i i think every once in a while if i just go listen to a podcast on some subject matter yeah of importance i'll feel like i read a good book oh yeah i'll see i feel like i'm still in touch with a good that side of you know good smart intellectual fuck off whatever entertaining go you ever just watch like a like i'll just go watch a just go watch an old v-sauce episode about gravity and that's like a whole book right how many times have you had the discussion with people
Starting point is 00:08:37 about how the movie idiocracy is becoming real multiple everyone has that discussion i've had that four times but how many times have you had the discussion where you were slowly embracing that future and how many times have you had the discussion where you were like i've come to realize i want to see the poopy fart butt at the movie theater do you remember the movie i remember the movie they're watching i do yeah like did you ever think for a second that you would come to a conclusion as you felt
Starting point is 00:09:11 as super above everything at the time watching the movie that you would be like no i want terry cruz as the president and i want the poof poopy fart butt well in in the movie theater this this brings to mind this is where we're a while ago where it's like do we want to watch some oscar winning classics from the 80s or 90s or do we want to watch jackass again and the answer was let's just watch jackass again i mean at its worst jackass literally had poopy fart butt yeah that's correct
Starting point is 00:09:47 so this is why i feel it it tied directly into it because like the other one is like ha ha team america world police one of the dumbest movies ever made because the puppet it throws up for like a minute remember that ow my balls remember how fun that was so remember the puppets having that stupid puppet sex show puppet sex you can't can't say it's against that's like the funniest thing i've ever seen it doesn't violate any many parental guidance things it's just a bunch of plastic it should though it's really graphic i mean okay but like
Starting point is 00:10:21 but like if they're if like what well anyway like if you had a transformers movie where where he opened up a hatch and started pooping on the starscream's mouth okay but what if it cut to black and you know you just heard it that would actually be way more pornographic that's what i'm you but then that's nothing being displayed is there right no but so that's why the the ratings boards are all based on like objective calls from a number of board of people that are like yeah the context matters because you can't have a robot
Starting point is 00:10:51 decide what does and doesn't fit the standards and practices there unless you fuck that robot up with porn because quite frankly like you just said cutting to black and just hearing the sounds of whatever is probably way more explicit yeah feeling simply because your imagination is better than whatever they could show you yeah you know what they should do for ratings boards we need we need to see we need to plan what'll fuck up the kids so here's what you do
Starting point is 00:11:21 you have to have a control plan you mean anticipate no you have a control group of kids and then you have the test group of kids and then you show the test group of kids all that shit that you think will fuck them up and then you just watch them for like 30 years and you see which ones like commit crimes i'm aborting this joke it's sex deviants this is stupid here's and then then you figure it out you're like ah singing in the rain did it serial killers all i have a question
Starting point is 00:11:53 so we were talking about stuff that's good and dumb yeah and then we're talking about how some stuff is fascinating and good but it's much rarely yeah more often that yeah is there anything you can think of that you like that's deep and dumb deep dumb deep and dumb yeah totally kojima oh no i was gonna talk about shit like the time cube no when i say deep i don't mean there's a lot to sift through okay i mean it's actually there's depth to how
Starting point is 00:12:33 stupid it is there's there's there's a lot of stupid is a dumb is a defining trait but also the intent that the creator had putting into this uh is worth discussing okay is worth discussing yes at length okay anime well okay but when we say anime like to me the good ones there's actually just the the anime the word but then there's like okay i'm just gonna say because eva's dumb as shit like yeah they happen to say of his fucking stupid oh yeah but it's fascinating oh yeah and it's it's
Starting point is 00:13:07 eva's deep and dumb kojima you said it before kojima um punch mom's watching eva uh because despite the fact that initially it was like yeah it's like should we watch this i'm like probably not gonna be up your alley right and it's like oh but what about the like the the shrink stuff and it's like yeah but a lot of the time there's there's there's a bunch anyway there's a whole discussion about it but then in the end we ended up seeing so much eva related shit in japan that is just like okay i just need to know what the
Starting point is 00:13:38 fuck this is yeah so she just started going through it and uh she thinks she's about halfway at this point and i jumped on and and sat on the couch and watched like a random episode and it was the one where uh ritzko is like um doing the tests with the magi system i was just arguing with a robo mom and they're going over that whole thing and i was like oh yeah like that is that episode is like 80 percent just jargon yeah as the hacker angel is just like i mean your systems it's a it's a tng episode yeah it absolutely is right it is like i you know i feel
Starting point is 00:14:14 qualified i know enough about tng to say like them sitting inside the the the cockpit with the chair shaking is basically all that happens and they're just going oh no man the we tried to throw off the dead bolts and didn't work all crap but like there's a couple of moments maybe like 15 to 20 percent of the the episode is like either these little touching moments with the characters that are kind of establishing their things about them or the relationships they have or hinting at their feelings of the past
Starting point is 00:14:40 and then ultimately there's just like the description of like her mom in the like as a as a three the entity being and how these things these things are always in conflict yeah and the two have to outvote the third for any action to take place and it's like oh yeah that was an interesting thing that i completely forgot about in this otherwise dumb cool show yes where a dumb cool shit happens all the time yeah um or that time they danced to punch the monster because while that's happening right while they're they're they're
Starting point is 00:15:15 surviving by the skin of their teeth as this uh hacking angel is trying to self-destruct the the uh central dogma yeah um they're the kids the 14 year olds in the in the pods are naked getting all like don't stare at me don't look at the camera you know and it's being super like uh uh uh just dumb wacky zany yeah so um you know around an episode of they have a definitely dumb and deep definitely could yeah throw throw up fucking magma diver next to fucking anything magma diver so bad
Starting point is 00:16:02 here you go inflation gang you remember that see because our soup blows up yeah we're like i think not biased but like i think like because we like Japanese hype shit yeah um if something happens to do that and also get into uh uh uh a slightly below surface level discussion we're definitely going to give it the benefit of the doubt is there anything western you can think of that's dumb and deep what applies in that way
Starting point is 00:16:36 nothing that i'm into but i'd say the entire young adults fucking category of fiction these days probably has some depth to it even though it is very dumb and about maze running and or being hungry westworld westworld is very deep and dumb westworld westworld is the deepest and the dumbest westworld crushes that criteria harder than anything that's westworld that's big that's a big one yeah yeah yeah i mean does fantasy ever get like now oh man i scratch is a completely different i just
Starting point is 00:17:31 it just popped into my head because i have the ultimate deep and dumb for you and it is a man's name that man's name is david lynch uh okay david lynch is deep and dumb to the point where people emulating his style also create things that are deep and dumb see i was thinking i was thinking of the lynch that i've seen and the lynch that i've seen is it is not it's faux deep yeah because it feels like
Starting point is 00:18:11 it feels deep and abstracted to the point of non-discussion yeah um but what if though and the the the most sense i was able to make of uh mulhol and dr was a gigantic essay i read about it after i watched it which framed a lot of the movie as homages to film genres but that doesn't i mean we can go back and retroactively explain a lot of things but that doesn't explain um i don't think you can explain absolutely everything about the weirdness of what lynch does i just
Starting point is 00:18:49 so i i had this moment in my mind while you were saying that which is i want to see if this is a real quote and it is where david lynch will say something crazy and then someone will go to him can you explain that and he'll go no yeah so what i was saying is if you take a if you take a a given thing where you go like we have 15 super strange decisions decisions that david lynch made in this scene yeah and we can break down why they happen you will never cover all of them because there will actually be 20
Starting point is 00:19:20 and there'll be five that you cannot explain and five that he cannot explain that he just did because he's like you know it'd be fucking weird and then he just i've told this story before but it bears mentioning on the specific thing there's an episode of the new season of twin peaks i think it's episode eight in which it starts with an atom bomb explosion and in uh post season interviews he describes how he was like getting into screaming matches with hbo people because uh he wanted more money to shoot longer episodes and they're like dude
Starting point is 00:19:53 come on right yeah and you can tell right away it's this episode because it's the weirdest one by far it is a five and a half minute zoom in on an atom bomb explosion and it like it zooms in from the the mushroom cloud and then it zooms into the fire and to the subatomic and to the sub subatomic and like there's nothing there it is content less and then at the end of the episode a crazy magic oil hobo speaks a cryptic phrase uh this is the water and this is the well into a
Starting point is 00:20:31 radio thing for like five minutes and then a big evil bug with a human head crawls into a like a teenage girl's mouth and then the episode ends and you're like why do you hold why'd you hold the camera on this guy saying this for like half an hour and all i can think of is because fuck it because i could yeah and then you fuck you well and like is like are so are you are you coming from the same places as warhol and kaufman right is it is it in defiance of the genre no
Starting point is 00:21:11 then it's just cuz just cuz yeah and i mean at the end of the day he also like he made a playstation commercial with a weird duck in it and every time in every interview that i could find when i was just looking when people go hey what's up with that he goes i will never explain anything ever yeah well at that point you build an empire on not explaining anything so why would you right like and the the you know the the magic of like film in particular like if you were to go back and look at like a like a someone like salvador dolly can get away with painting something
Starting point is 00:21:47 strange and then having people dissect it forever yeah because it's one frame which you can put as much intent as you start digging through the guy's life you go okay try to piece it all together doing a lot of drugs and then sometimes that's simple and then you can eventually most likely create some sort of narrative that explains why you're seeing what you're seeing like uh take Lewis Carroll right how much literary insight could you possibly get from Alice in Wonderland almost none how much literary insight from Alice in
Starting point is 00:22:15 Wonderland can you get by finding out that Lewis Carroll loved drugs and was obsessed with his neighbor's 14 year old daughter Alice a whole lot you could you can assume a lot and that now gets to the other thing i was going to bring up where i was going to say Richard link later when uh when you see the unexplained weirdness in some of the stuff he does it's almost just going like yeah well i'm trying to capture the random uncontrollable subconscious dream states yeah
Starting point is 00:22:44 so your mind doesn't have explanations for what it does so when you see things that make no sense it's like yeah that's your mind when you're dreaming who cares yeah fuck you leave it alone yeah right um i think you're really really obvious ones with creators coming out and you're like i know how come how come Ava is so weird and dumb and he's like well i love giant robots and i was really depressed uh when i made the show and my dad kicked my ass when i was a kid
Starting point is 00:23:13 and you go oh well that actually pretty much explains literally everything in that show also he had the clout to do that because he worked on a ton of amazing shit at guys and built up a reputation for being a fucking anime master so yeah you know you can do that shit but yes absolutely most certainly unexplainable and you hand wave it but like i feel like hey you go to david lynch and you're like hey david and you're about to ask him to explain it and then you look at his hair and you're like oh i i know why
Starting point is 00:23:52 did you watch uh boyhood i did not watch boyhood apparently it was made over 12 years 12 years a decade plus two uh-huh i don't agree with the concept of that film well i'll tell you one thing uh it was all right i don't agree with the concept of that film it took 12 years and it was yeah it was all right how old's the kid one that starts uh like whatever like three four i don't agree with it i don't know i don't think i forget i forget how or no i forget how early it
Starting point is 00:24:26 starts i'm just making shit up i don't think like a little kid can fucking sign on with the full knowledge of being in a 12-year movie project take it up with sag and actra those rules are long established buddy i don't i don't think that's a good thing to do well reminds me of uh that when the kid turns of age he can decide fuck that i don't like that and pull everything off the shelves yeah sure and give back all the money yeah i don't know it's it feel like i remember i remember when you remember when facebook started to
Starting point is 00:24:56 explode with your friends baby pictures and they yeah and i remember thinking like the baby can't consent your kid's gonna be fucking mad pissed in 15 years or not care because no one uses facebook anymore or not care because we're all in the database anyway we're all in the database but you know what i mean and it's sitting there but no one actually browses it oh i like that yeah sure it doesn't even matter anymore but don't look at my baby penis then you know what then we stop it by saying children and
Starting point is 00:25:24 underage kids too young to uh decide for themselves whether or not they want to be in a film or depicted as a child actor yeah uh now adults have to play babies thumbs up from pat that's that's all child roles must now be played by full grown adults in every film yep i don't care how it looks yep go find yourself a gary colman if you're lucky otherwise just get an adult yeah just get bruce willis to play the son put him in a diaper put him in a fucking done bob it perfect this is way
Starting point is 00:25:56 better solved well you have you've solved a problem i didn't know existed because this is a much much better world we'll live in now because like imagine home alone with modern macaulay colkin no changes no changes at all dude you'd be getting auditions left and right i would because i am a small baby man i'd have to shave no no no no no all right it just becomes an accepted part of society yeah the beard symbolizes baby
Starting point is 00:26:32 it it's one of those things that you just culturally like it becomes invisible like you know how back in the day there would be um those uh in japanese theater there'd be those guys in all black that would like carry things around on the stage yeah the the the stage the stage hence yeah right so like i remember reading uh or that's not true that's a lie i remember someone who read about this told me there's a little white lie everyone tells to keep the theme going um someone who read about this told me that
Starting point is 00:27:07 people from uh back in the day that would go watch these old theater performances those people were actually almost invisible to them like they became so expected and thus but then unexpected that like when people would lift up the actors to make them almost fly and do these weird crazy jets they'd be like oh they were super duper shocked by what they were seeing because like your brain just starts censoring those people i remember a million years ago i think it was one of my English teachers that told me this that in way back in Shakespearean or pre that times
Starting point is 00:27:40 that the soliloquy actually felt way more impactful than it does now like when somebody just stands like stands on to the little side stage and brought directly to the audience yeah and that was like fucking crazy because how like what are you doing holy shit but you're in the you're over there and play world but also there was that that was also um close to the point in time and in which like actors were not necessarily seen as actors the characters oh my god right and and uh there's like a that whole thing of
Starting point is 00:28:16 like you're a performer that will take on multiple roles like that was that there's a point in time where that wasn't a concept but um or at the very least people would tour and not know that you were doing this thing is you know back in the days of bards in any case uh you know what you know what's deep and dumb us we're deep and dumb this conversation is deep and dumb that's meta oh that's meta oh it's meta that's super meta welcome to your meta podcast this
Starting point is 00:28:48 weekend this conversation itself is deep and dumb wow think about it bruh i think video games are bad i think video games are good debate um of the nba 2k20 docket article that i sent you last monday okay that's your opening statement that's video games are bad okay my rebuttal uh you chose to create a career out of them therefore you must enjoy them enough to decide that that's a is enjoyment necessarily a qualifier of good or bad
Starting point is 00:29:33 yeah okay well then you win you won video games are okay at least at the end of the day video games are okay you know what's not okay and that's the name of the podcast clip yeah video games are okay you know what's not okay in video games astral chain story okay i need a file number before i even start to talk but so far but so far i'm giving it the benefit of the doubt i need a file number from you right now for hype um i can't give you a file number but i can give you a three
Starting point is 00:30:13 completed three completed so just acquired okay just acquired the arrow got it legion all right that game story is objectively terrible i heard it is it is a platinum ass but i beat it over the over the over the weekend it is a platinum ass fucking nonsense it is like you get to the final 10 percent and you get the feeling oh man they're totally gonna answer what no no they're not no they are not so there will questions be coming up for you woolly
Starting point is 00:31:04 such as huh how does that item work where did it come from why does so-and-so have it and not this other one what was this person's plan could that possibly have been their plan huh what but were they enjoy having those questions forever because it doesn't matter because things get introduced explicitly so that they can so let's assume i'm gonna use a facsimile here an analogy let's assume a character shows up facsimile whatever i don't know how to talk a character shows up and they have a
Starting point is 00:31:45 magic gun from god from the lord and they shoot your character and your character grows wings do you mean the gun from the oldest house yeah sure and then your character grows wings and has a cool anime moment and you go wow where it's shut up and the word god will never be uttered ever again yeah i'm gonna go ahead and assume that possibly this might be the difference between uh camea dumb and i i don't remember the new director's new director's name
Starting point is 00:32:24 even though i read a really long article about people praising him for becoming a true director and saying i knew he became a real director when i saw him getting super pissed and yelling at everybody and then the other guy platinum being like na na na na i knew he was a real director when we said yo this is stupid you should take it out and he said i will never take it out i would rather die than remove this feature and they're like yeah he's a real director yeah that was probably when you become an ornery son
Starting point is 00:32:50 of a bitch yeah you're now a real director so the the game is stellar stupendous fantastic i can't believe how much content how to there it is like it's incredible it's probably the best platinum game it has the worst story of any platinum game yeah by far it is so astonishingly hilariously bad and that's the thing that so when when there are like plot holes are expected and unanswered things are but like there's more hole than plot here so that
Starting point is 00:33:20 i guess whenever something happens and you go oh why did that happen where did that or what caused that or what was the domino right everything you do in a thing and you just kind of go what was the domino that hit that to fall that to fall and the answer in astral chain is shut up now the dominoes like can always in many cases be further like dumbness yeah but there is a domino there and i want to say like in kimia's case you can go read extensive files on everything in the wonderful 101 yeah all of the technology they have
Starting point is 00:33:56 why it happens where it came from that's all stupid as shit it's all incredibly dumb but it's there but it is there because he's in his spare time thought about those questions while so while getting ginnis books of world record uh a fucking accomplishments by the way i don't know if you saw that he got it yeah um in bayonetta right there is an answer to the name of the forest that gamora the demon comes from yeah there is lore behind madama butterfly and everything about how um not madama butterfly but the final demon uh she calls at the end of one i forgot the
Starting point is 00:34:33 super big the giant one lady um the creator or whatever god i'm i'm blanking out but like that how that is a summon that usually kills the witch that summons it yeah and so it shows that bao was willing to die in that moment to fix the problem not knowing xiao was alive and so xiao seeing her summon it gives her half the gives half and then that and that's how they survive okay let me let me give you an astral chain version you ready shiva okay here's the astral chain version of that
Starting point is 00:35:05 you know how they all live on the ark right the ark is where humanity lives now yeah why because the the chimera threat took over 99 percent of the planet right how'd they know where to build the ark do you remember the line of dialogue that they gave you no they just said that scientists got together and no they didn't they said that the prophets said that they would have to build the ark oh but when you hear the word prophecy you're not supposed to question it right it's supposed to be a written they'll say
Starting point is 00:35:34 the prophets did this and there's a another line of dialogue that says pretty much the same thing in the files yeah yeah you're not supposed to question that when you see that in dumb fiction you're supposed to just go oh it's this world's version of the bible okay got it there's a no no they're people because a character later remarks that i had to learn from the prophets and what i just told you is literally all of it in the game sure you know what's fucking sick what when that stuff ends up coming back around and having a very
Starting point is 00:36:05 clear explanation shoutouts to attack on titan yes it doesn't have one in this game they're probably have a fucking uh they're gonna have a sequel it's a sequel to this and whenever you think okay whenever you run into dumb dumb magic bullshit in astral chain i will tell you a story about that game's development that will help it make more sense all right it was supposed to be a fantasy game in ye old arthurian times where you controlled demons
Starting point is 00:36:40 instead of cop magic and nintendo was like and why why not sci-fi instead and they were like okay nintendo suggested the setting switch yeah that's interesting right that so oh man so remember yeah the plot is actually totally under arthurian magic demon rules okay which is why a lot of the stuff is biblical yeah it's so funny how a snap decision can be made early on in the process where you just kind of go yeah all right let's start let's start replugging these
Starting point is 00:37:18 these you know pegs into the board they also and uh you compare it to like near automata where the setting is so integral integral to like why everything is happening and it's the most deliberate point in time you could choose it's it's to tell a story here's the plot fiber and everything every single thing in the game has to adhere to this and literally everything yoko taro has ever written like the timing of where and how near-automata setting
Starting point is 00:37:49 introduces itself to you is the most deliberate thing in the world yeah didn't you just flip it to the other side or it's like yeah fuck it cops yeah space future future cops you guys see that american tv show cops folks post-pocalyptic though yeah sure uh and also you were supposed to be controlling two at the same time legions at the same time yeah the difficulty and that got cut because it was impossible yeah your brain doesn't do that like you can do ikaruga brain to people and make make your brain turn to mush yeah and feel all fuzzy and
Starting point is 00:38:22 tingly because you're like oh my god i have to reprocess right but you cannot do that forever yeah and uh some people learn how to play schmups with two with one hand on both sticks and those people are fucking crazy they're mutants but that cannot be sold yeah as a game for everyone to play yeah that's wild the the fact that the the system we have is a compromise from a much more complicated and hard one yeah
Starting point is 00:38:52 is like i can see it and i can see each each element being like you have to give the player a chance to stop thinking you can't require them to continuously think and process a battle and another battle over here at the same time and somehow dodge and react to whatever else is happening to both of them so man ask chains fucking amazing like incredibly horrible story aside like you you end up starting to laugh at it and how stupid it becomes because stuff stuff just
Starting point is 00:39:30 starts to happen let me you know you know when some stories and stuff just starts happening and you're like why dude like the third fucking mission in the game like there's this there's a moment of just like yay we did it but did you no you know and it's a really alarming like pop off i should say yeah it's when you come back out of the pool and you come back out and but it's just like oh my god like literally blaring sirens and everything's on fire
Starting point is 00:40:06 people are falling out of windows um you know and then and then and it's at that moment that the game is also like time to get good yeah you know uh yeah it it's very clear that if that game like revealed its true form show me your true form if it did that from the get go people would have fucking returned it i drove i feel like the the game's pacing is kind of kind of unbelievable like unbelievably good for its terrible story because mission one is super normal
Starting point is 00:40:48 right like you played mission one two and three right mission one is really normal it's like monsters get them right it's like a common writer episode like the the the the the chase and then the the battle on the highway yes and then mission two is like okay let's investigate and get the monster of the week yes and then oh but all that crazy shit happens at the end yes and then number three is okay now we're fully fledged magic cops and we're gonna go to oh no right
Starting point is 00:41:19 and so you know big escalation around six or seven it's just like it starts to become like huh if i did what if i didn't have an understanding of what platinum tries to do usually uh i would have had serious questions about the pacing in this game because you don't know what you're moving towards right like we have seen that dmc five hype chart yeah of progression and we also and before that was explained we also know that like you know uh not i mean dmc's capcom but like but we know that platinum games
Starting point is 00:42:01 have a similar trajectory of so to go to fucking space i will tell you right now don't tell me too much it doesn't have the same trajectory as other platinum games okay but we know that there is a um some games will do the start the first mission full power depower and then build up to that this one it start the first mission you're not even using the real gameplay system and the real gameplay system would scare you yeah so we cannot show it to you and in fact they they take most of the game to
Starting point is 00:42:31 give you the real they trickle it to you right and they trickle it to you uh in such a way where you have to do these like combat tutorials until you get it yeah you know you must um now that's all interspersed with um i really i want to find the right i guess the word is busy work right but like there's a thing to where you can you can either have a game just be like i said action to action to action yeah you can have a game where you have busy work in between the action i think
Starting point is 00:43:02 that the pacing in this game is incredible i definitely uh i can see the parts of like the micromanagement that you can do on everything in astral chain yeah that like people like right rpg players love that mm m o players love that yeah i like some degree of it i don't like i don't need this guy personally right there's a level to which it's are you talking about the ability system i mean like slotting in the shit to your legions attack up slight slight
Starting point is 00:43:38 modifier but but it's i'm excited when i get a good one right i hate that system i'm excited when i get a good one and i go oh wow yo self-destruct can do this so this makes me play a little bit different with that one and i can now go oh but this legion over here has this to it so like it makes me because it's the chips and i love the totally the chips i love the chips the problem with legion is that the chips in near had your the chip you equip to your character yeah here it's the the chips you equip to your five characters
Starting point is 00:44:10 and some of them have bonus attributes that are like parry or whatever oh yeah well and the more legions you get the faster that becomes like impossible to remember who has what well pat what's your pokemon holding well you all what object did you give your pokemon you also unlock the ability to hold five of those per legion if you go full and by the end of the game i tell you what i it was on stream i had like a fucking frustrated breakdown and i pulled all of them off all of them and slotted in
Starting point is 00:44:45 identical attack ups on all five that's stupid and said i will never engage with this system ever again that's i hate it just put on stuff that's getting didn't fuck you know what's good attack up okay well don't tell me having 40 attack up is bad because it's good that's good but like you're that's ridiculous there's no there's nothing wrong with this all right you go ahead and micromanage all that shit but the game does have that across the board in such a way where you're like whoo by the end of it for sure right
Starting point is 00:45:14 because you've got the tree you've got this chips yeah you've got the uh what's the third one uh the skills skills yes you know skills are important the tree it gives you those skills and also just boosts and the abilities are at the end there okay so maybe it would like me perhaps they thought things would be either too easy or too uh i don't know what but like i don't think you'd i don't think you need the tree and skill the skills menu i think the tree should just give you the moves that you get
Starting point is 00:45:50 right and uh i think you can just give people like a tree where you unlock new inputs to do the things why are you talking about skills or abilities because yes i know that is confusingly worded isn't it because skills in that game are the hold the button and then do round trip or do which you have to equip yeah right those are all great or mostly yeah but though and i think and i and that's where i say like yeah you don't that's probably where i would have pulled it back and i would have really yeah you
Starting point is 00:46:21 would have kept the fucking slot in stat boosts but removed the the moves no no the moves would not be removed they would just be a permanent part of the character the character's kit as opposed to cycling through i don't know that game is button heavy already i don't even know where you would put them um i mean so wonderful 101 allowed you to draw shapes to do what you needed to do contextually in this case you couldn't do that necessarily um like one of the best moves but i would i would just
Starting point is 00:46:51 i would rather it be on like inputs like up down circle forward forward things like that then be um slotted in as if they were like items in a way i feel like because it is already difficult enough to get your legion and yourself to be doing different moves just with the two that are back forward and circle i think forward forward and otherwise would just and also they unlock a shit ton of moves they unlock like nine of them yeah this so this game is it gets into the busy work
Starting point is 00:47:26 you know and the busy work is really uh uh again depending on who you are like if you like you're you're treading through these little rewards you're getting these little bits pieces and you're like i'm cleaning my legion i'm scrubbing the dirt off of it by the way you should do that i'm i'm doing it it's been it's been confirmed by the devs it makes a difference it makes a difference what it does is it it uh the more uh the more dirt dammit no the more dirt is on your legion the less often they will auto attack okay okay
Starting point is 00:47:54 so when they're completely buff clean and you send them out they will just never stop attacking okay but if you leave them filthy they'll attack and then kind of sit around no i'm scrubbing my my my chip pokemon you know what i mean like i'm fucking doing the the thing but like i definitely see um and it doesn't it doesn't feel like a feature creep thing it just feels like a like this game is gives you so many options and these systems are a way of like sectioning them off into yeah compartmental i agree so the the reason i
Starting point is 00:48:29 think we're having a difference of opinion on this is because you have arrow and you have sword right yeah when you get to having the five yeah dude i don't want more inputs right you are drowning in inputs and you are you are doing stuff like using swords uh fucking uh because one of the best ones is autobind where they you whip them around super fast right you'll do that and then you'll immediately switch to arrow and then use the line arrow ability to like hit all the people that are chained
Starting point is 00:49:03 up and then you'll switch to beast to how so that you restun them and it's like my brain wants to imagine it'll it'll be like cycling through daunte weapons right but lest we forget that too is a yeah like okay how do you get the hang of daunte okay i got the hang of daunte but the hang of daunte really just means i found the five things i really like to do so like it's it's and i'm gonna cycle through these things because we keep
Starting point is 00:49:32 talking about how like your stand cops since about using your stands and it does feel like that for the beginning of the game at the end of the game it actually emulates a very specific moment in persona more you ever watched the p4 anime no there's a part in middle of the way through when they're fighting mitzubo uh fucking dragon quest kid yeah and in the anime it's the big hero moment where uh you just start snapping his fingers and just like one after the other after the other after the other
Starting point is 00:50:03 and they all just through they just all come out and just bam bam bam yeah yeah okay and it's like it's actually like that it's it's more like just your your guy swung and your your axe like did an x cut only for them to knock it up and then beast to jump out and hit it and oh yeah like it's it's a whole fucking so that moment in any like uh anime style setting is where like protagonist displays mastery is when like they have a bunch of things to choose from
Starting point is 00:50:36 and you see them hot switching like super fast style switching yeah it's literally just all switching right whether that is near weapons just coming out and flying and doing amazing things are like even i brought it up before but it's like yeah pulling out your pokemon and having them all just fucking go one two three three three no there's rules to it obviously like anytime you see someone doing really cool fast switching of things yeah it it's like oh fuck this person has completely taken control of whatever the the skill you've been learning and building up
Starting point is 00:51:03 to um one nice one that uh doesn't come up too often but is 100 that as well is probably one of my favorite moments from uh gendys clone wars when that uh clone trooper has oh the guns the guns yeah where the clone trooper is just gun combo wing at least standing on the ridge for like a minute straight and then throwing away the pistols and pulling out the rifle yeah and then rifling rifle done switch to the next one mate like it was
Starting point is 00:51:34 styling it was sick that's a fucking awesome gift shoot many guns and it and it shows yeah mastery of all things right you're saying the gameplay turns into it totally goes there and uh as the as now that i am into chapter 12 which is the post game which is hey you want to go fight some shit the it's there's just as much post game as there is game there aren't any cutscenes then there aren't any blue cases but if you want to get out there and fight your ass off with your
Starting point is 00:52:09 fully maxed out kitted out character against increasingly tough encounters in which bosses start showing up as regular enemies fucking have at it i mean there's tons there yeah the game and and early on in they're definitely so right now i'm definitely getting fucking cock teased on like the um the the uh uh uh alpine style feelings of like jumping into this portal yeah fighting a few waves yeah and then like
Starting point is 00:52:45 aren't pulling back out and just me being like god damn what i wouldn't give to not have the next one be an hour away yeah you know well what what when the alphimes are there in the blue cases it's a little pace breaker and when the alphimes there in the big cases it's like just discrete levels in between the big set pieces like and when i saw one hidden behind a car i couldn't lift i was so bummed out that one's really good too i was that one's really good so you know what you're gonna do come back with your
Starting point is 00:53:16 arm you're gonna come back and do most of that level again and find a bunch of hidden stuff and find a bunch of man i finished some of those missions the first time getting half of the fights in them total so the like four of eight the the fights themselves being fucking honeydicks honeydicks to you the whole time yeah where you're like okay i'll depict up these cans and investigate this shit but i'm trying to get trying to get to that next fight yeah um is is working for me whereas some again i i can't
Starting point is 00:53:46 help but think of someone who's like maybe not i saw a lot of people that yeah going like what the fuck is this game about right i mean you i don't know if you watch the uh the girlfriend reviews uh i did not know okay but like that so that's the girlfriend reviews she did did a thing of that and like you can kind of hear just like as a spectator watching this i'm like what is the point what are we doing is this is the phoenix right stuff the point because it's really simple and basic it's not that complicated
Starting point is 00:54:16 the puzzling but it's taking up so much time and it's just it's a cool off period it's a cool off period certainly and it's a and it's a it usually it's a setting uh like the story is really fucking stupid but the fact that they like they the the mission you're talking about mission three is in mazon forest right the that's the the name of the area it's like the kind of slummy looking area hoboville yeah so that first hour and a half in that area is to be like hey look people live here
Starting point is 00:54:47 you'll solve the couple of their problems this is the cop working his beat so that when you come out of that portal and see that half of them are on fire sure you're like oh no i gotta save the city which you know near automata also does yeah to very dramatic effect multiple times but you're still fighting at your own pace as you travel across that overworld and you don't so that you don't get rusty slash the next fight is as soon as you want it to be yeah um and that's something that i wish
Starting point is 00:55:27 i had more control of i wish i had more control of where the next fight would be well if you skip all the blue cases then yeah it'll be way faster i guess because blue cases are all along combat right now cases are all combat i know but i i don't want to like sacrifice completing the stuff i want to for that you know what i mean yeah i wish it was implemented in a in a a more frequent encountered kind of way again like near having that overworld for you where
Starting point is 00:56:01 you can just run by everything fast travel if you need to or go fucking fight every time you pop back in every time it repopulates you know it would be interesting if there was a um an overworld or perhaps an underworld of like uh whatever hell dimension yeah where fights were everywhere yeah there is it's mission 12 it's after you beat the game well but not locked that far away uh you're you're you're running into the issue that is being caught it's not a
Starting point is 00:56:35 big deal no but let me let me just you're running into the issue that is being caused by the fact that you're not playing sitting down and beating this game in three days perhaps like if you sat down and just beat through and ran through this game like you would fucking crush something on your own time but i didn't feel this way you wouldn't feel this but i didn't feel this way with any of the other um like recent well yeah none of them had nearly as much as like non-combat side stuff right this one has by far the most like a huge huge amount
Starting point is 00:57:04 like well there's a fucking photo hunt mini game in there of course like that's way more in depth than you probably think it is so uh what what i'm effectively feeling is like man i really love this combat and like i want to do it more often yeah that's basically the just i i really feel like a big reason why they they did it like this is because what you described earlier which is you know remember how they they kept the real combat system from us for two missions yeah they don't want to scare you away
Starting point is 00:57:35 i think that's part of it i think they're letting people like you know you got aero legion so now we're now think about you have aero legion now in the next mission you'll be doing story uh talking to them oh now you'll do a training fight or now you'll do a little a little gait fight so you can feel out aero legion you know well i will say this right like one day platinum will be able to do all that non-combat stuff and have that be equally as compelling because if that was their goal
Starting point is 00:58:09 during the cooldown it's like oh i don't think it's possible for it to be equally as compelling i mean one one day they might get there but today is not that day because i mean quite frankly yoko taro knows how to do that yeah but that's having someone else going to be doing the ff 14 raid that they're talking about and the storyline on that shit is going to be way more compelling than the fights right um so but but like it is a very like it's a valid claim to to say you know
Starting point is 00:58:39 if you were looking at the pie chart of like different types of actions you can do in this game or time spent doing these these objectives yeah um the large non-combat objective part of it uh is like it's that it's that necessary downtime but it's not hyper compelling content yeah i i'd agree with that i enjoyed it as a pace breaker especially because i was streaming it for long periods
Starting point is 00:59:09 but it's to the game's credit that all i want to do is get back to that that awesome yeah and and the best part about it is that like i'm at the point where i'm either replaying old missions to s-rank stuff and you just skip right to the part you want or just going ahead with uh with mission 12 which is just fucking crazy long and super tough like the you know the platinum ultimate difficulty it is not that much harder it is really very it's a minor step up in difficulty
Starting point is 00:59:42 um like i like i feel like it could have been like a selectable difficulty right from the start hmm um you know what would have made a difference you know what actually might have made a little difference is uh having the void on a loading screen i find the loading screens are actually really fast they're pretty they're not that bad yeah they're not that bad they're pretty quick they're they're slow when uh they're slow when you're going from the hq into the city
Starting point is 01:00:14 yeah because that's a that's a big ass load but uh the first so the first the first time i was going into the the frame rate dimension it it took a while but then after that it was very quick i was like oh they didn't even have the animation of you getting like it took seconds yeah i think it's because it's it i bet if you played a different switch game it would take longer again but i think it's just permanently loaded into the game's fucking memory something but um because that is a frame rate dimension now that you've been there
Starting point is 01:00:42 yes holy shit is that obviously the frame rate dimension but like something about um baos constant like okay wait press press the pause button here do your moves feel it just yeah you're always in the void you're always feeling that combat and trying something out and even throwing down a random enemy if you wanted to would go a long way to just keeping you in touch with fat the game is ironically enough for platinum game less focused on combat than most of the others
Starting point is 01:01:12 there are puzzle solving elements like actual puzzle solving elements all good yeah um available in the game there are platforming elements in the game which just seems really weird to say in a game that doesn't have a jump button there's a lot of collectibles there's a lot of collectibles platforming is like it's super weird isn't it i mean it's trying to get you to just to do the the chain pulls to to get you up to these balconies that are just like oh man that banister was in the way yeah that failed
Starting point is 01:01:42 there's a couple of those where because the jump is weird you have to fucking gimmick your way around uh environmental areas in interesting ways probably my favorite is there's one way late in the game where you have to send your legion over a hole in a railing to like sit on top of a car and then like run down a staircase while keeping the legion in the same spot so that you can yank your character over like a hole that you wouldn't be able to send your legion through it's it's it's goofy there's always these little moments of dissonance where
Starting point is 01:02:15 if you see like a pickup on top of a dumpster um and you have to jump off of a balcony and aim in your legion pull to get you right on top of the dumpster to get the item but it's like you're on foot and the system in the game just doesn't have a way to just crawl up just not a jump just like yeah it's right there yeah why can't stan cop crawl he can crawl or uh or uh or climb yeah well anyway that game's fantastic and dumb that oh it's it's straight up the dumbest game i've played all year
Starting point is 01:02:52 it's fucking so stupid also the other day uh i remember i was saying like doesn't seem like there's a ton of airplay yeah and you went yeah there isn't as much there's airplay in this game yeah i said there isn't as much it's definitely not there but there's there is some hefty you can you can get up there you can get up there and you can stay up there for a minute if you if you if you want play your cards right yeah so i went i didn't expect that and that was dope yeah you know else is fantastic
Starting point is 01:03:25 that i beat this uh this week river city girls yeah yeah how long was that six hours cool you uh i saw you played it for what an hour and a half two two all right you're 30 through cool uh fucking great beat them up it's it's a new river city fun references great art style great music incredible music incredible music music music that i'm worried is gonna get flagged when uploaded to youtube because anytime i hear vocals kick in i'm like god damn it i didn't
Starting point is 01:03:58 happen to me and i put the whole stream up so uh uh yeah i think that's uh i like that there is i mean obviously like kunio and and dragon double dragon have had crossover references for a long time um i'm loving the fact that like the moves they're doing as well are like even doing the sound effects and things like that so like just yeah solid solid system i like i like the striker system yeah that's something that adds a little bit of refreshment to you know like like fighting goons all the time and
Starting point is 01:04:34 i beat them up is is kind of you know tired but like here's a little thing where you're like oh let's collect this new one and then build up that database uh ending is interesting okay well sure normally i wouldn't even mention it other than that game has a pretty interesting ending indefinitely i i could see that like from the outset there's gotta be some weird place to go with it that's not what you think it is significantly weird and it is not the place i thought yeah yeah i could like from the get go it's
Starting point is 01:05:06 like van pulls up it kidnapped our boyfriends what are we doing and i'm like immediately i'm like how you gonna how you gonna fucking play this what's gonna be up when you get there what's gonna be the twist you know what do we do who cares that song on the title screen is amazing let's get you it um map navigation uh takes a minute takes a while to to backtrack to do things in that game the bus stops help but they're not the end all solution no none especially when you go into like the school well there's like
Starting point is 01:05:36 six and you're like well you're no fast travel in the school you're in the school well luckily you only have to go back to school like once um great great designs on some of those characters nice returning faces fun stuff so uh you're playing as misako i assume hey if you bet it uh cuz like i feel disappointed cuz i dabbed i dabbed my way to victory on six of seven wait wait wait hold on hold on a second misako is the black haired one yep
Starting point is 01:06:05 main character well uh kyoko is player one but misako is first in some of the intro stuff so i don't know tough girl yeah yes yeah yeah yeah i'm playing tough girl yeah kyoko is kyoko looks like player two in all the media but she's actually player one so i like i don't get it what are you talking about really yeah in all the in all the things she's like player two yeah except when you press start on the game she's the one the the cursor yeah i had to move over right like that's that's what i'm talking about it's actually weird
Starting point is 01:06:36 okay um and you would think misako would be player one because she's the one dating kunio and uh kyoko is the one dating riki well but black hair all the way but uh yes other girl has the dab and other girl has the uh the drop kick yeah and it's just like kuretsu i i dabbed six of seven bosses to death on the final hit yeah and i screwed up once i'm bummed out but you know it's better than a dab nothing a fucking you heard me a fucking you heard me
Starting point is 01:07:08 a haymaker really the dab is straight up a better move i i picked up misako and play the haymaker is good but it's straight up not as good as the dab well sure also the dab has rainbow effects rainbow effects and um and and and what you can't see on the sprite is the little date that it was implemented on because i feel like that game or at least that move and the entirety of borderlands three so i want to talk about that even though i haven't played it
Starting point is 01:07:45 should have a little date stamp next to every joke just so that everyone playing it knows hey man when this was written in it was fresh at the time so i gotta i got a couple we can't be held reliable for the fact that this game took too long to come out i was talking to a friend of mine who has worked for a long time in the game business yeah and he has worked with a lot of different teams and a lot of different companies and almost every project the guys go hey you would be really funny
Starting point is 01:08:19 let's put gangnam style in our in our game and he goes don't do that by the time the ship ships you will look like the most dated old man ass holes in the universe but you know who won't say that to andy pitchford anyone so that's how you get a game in which i saw a goddamn article come up on my twitter here's how to get the rick and morty shotgun and the one punch man shotgun and i'm like i'm going to die i'm going to die oh yeah like the references have been pouring in
Starting point is 01:08:53 uh my cup over overflow with with nothing later than 2016 nothing and um and that's still probably going to be funny to anyone who's not it's to good old meme lords using social media on a regular basis so i have a i have a couple friends playing that game it is universal this is second hand from people that most of you know but i'm just saying friends of mine so second hand don't take my word for it everyone fucking hates the writing in that game
Starting point is 01:09:33 like it is remember one of the things i mentioned was like they said they were going to tone it back down to like borderlands one level uh-uh they apparently turned every character into clapture app and like every single line of dialogue must have a gag in it it must have something zany or stupid in it and it just grates i haven't seen anything besides the um the reese uh introduction scene with um not troy baker not baker it was clearly trying to be troy baker
Starting point is 01:10:11 and because they probably told the voice actor be with tribe with tri baker oh that's good i like that um i feel bad but like what was this comment like why didn't they just get mercer it's like because he's fucking sick of being tri baker too like yeah you know also the the the pitchford company seems to be fucking forging brave new ground in burning bridges burning the ideas of bridges before the bridge happens burning the architecture plans yeah this bridge will never get building the paper
Starting point is 01:10:54 the blueprints uh that game is a bummer to me that game is depressing tales of the borderlands was fun yeah and borderlands two is a really good game if a bit embarrassing and me me oh yeah and i i i completely caught up on fucking demon slayer i'm all i'm all caught up now man that animation is fucking non-stop super gorgeous every episode people pass me uh because they're asking me about what that twitter account was i mentioned last week uh that's random sakuga on twitter that's r-a-n-d-o-m-s-a-k-u-g-a that's a good ass high quality
Starting point is 01:11:34 animation uh i said high budget and someone didn't like that very much yeah but it is objectively the part of the show that has more money spent on it than the others so i would call that high budget yeah around sakuga on twitter is a good account to follow demon slayer is gorgeous at all times and might be the most boilerplate standard shonen i have ever seen like it's following the formula so closely that the plot doesn't matter can't get more boilerplate than my hero
Starting point is 01:12:17 oh yeah you can my hero is boilerplate as fuck the like this thing like exudes shallowness at every but it's well produced where is that money coming from then i wonder like it's it's a fun watch and i will continue to watch it but boy i really like one or maybe two characters and the rest are just fancy flowing sword animations if that show did not have the fucking sister in it it would be unwatchable what does caught up mean literally caught up to the
Starting point is 01:13:01 current episode area i mean how many episodes 23 out of the season so almost up uh and the last game that i would like to talk about is you you've heard of control i'm sure i talked about how it was an scp game i played control you played control i played how'd you like it i played control um well here's what i did i played control about half the time uh the rest of the time i read control yeah so that's a remedy thing huh yeah yeah it is and they did that that was
Starting point is 01:13:40 the switch over when they hit alan wake and they decided not to adjust that but to go further in yeah to lead into it as hard as possible that's a lot of reading yeah and that's a lot of backstory and that's a lot of cool details about things um that help you shape the world so every single item that you read about is in there uh like like you know they're all like all their flavor no they're not all flavor half of them are actively encountered
Starting point is 01:14:20 but it's still flavor as you go into where it came from yeah what its bits are and why this asset matters yeah this so that the next time you encounter a telephone or a teacup there's a you're like what oh oh my god it's the teacup woolly woolly that's the anything that model that for real happened to me a few nights ago where i'm like oh my god it's that rubber ducky i heard about it's like literally a modeler just made a model of a teacup and put it on a table and then when it went and like in any
Starting point is 01:14:54 other game you'll be like that's a teacup and in control you're like it's really weird yeah so um i mean it's it's a really cool setting and like i really like the the way that they talk about the house the oldest house it's the coolest location ever i'm really i really like how they talk about um the the you know the the federal bureau of control more or less being like a thing they built on top of something that was already there yeah as opposed to the men in black which you know yeah we made this fancy place we created this
Starting point is 01:15:36 and then the aliens no we found the oldest house in 1964 and then it was fed or it was established in 1968 because no one can see the fucking thing so why not um you know and then you basically just start building bureaucracy bureaucracy around something out of necessity because unchecked what the fuck is going to happen there's there's a really great moment later in the game where you see a diagram of the oldest house on the new york city skyline yeah and it is
Starting point is 01:16:06 twice as tall as the empire state building yeah yeah but still in nobody notices it if you're not looking for it why would you find it and then and then on the left is an even larger model of it that says it is not to scale because the interior of the house yeah it makes no sense does not may it match the exterior of the house and if anybody shows up going hey what's up you go like hey who are you come with us hi what's what's you what you doing you looking for something you got you lost that game had the worst
Starting point is 01:16:38 marketing i have ever seen because they showed gameplay trailers of you doing cool telekinesis powers and they all took place inside the red concrete or red room red rooms and you were like this looks like the most boring shit ever and now that you spend like a single hour in that concrete building you're like this is the coolest concrete building ever i disagree because i think the trailer made it look ominous okay and and there's a whole lot of what the fuck is this game yeah vibes off of that original look
Starting point is 01:17:11 at it so i remember all i remembered was the nonsense abstractness of that trailer going forward and like i thought they did a good job building up the mystery um like i feel i feel like the coolest moment in the early game is when you start reading a fucking document online what to do if your office disappears so right it's like just submit a submit a report to maintenance that your office is gone but i talked to i talked about it earlier but i'm torn because i'm like now i'm like okay i love
Starting point is 01:17:41 fleshed out settings and anyone who is a good writer can pull you fucking screaming into their setting yeah and immerse you whether you like it or not and i will always always always hype up thousand years of memories in lost honesty right as just like god i don't even want to go back to the rpg i just want to sit and read this book inside of this this rpg it was that good in control i like i'm wondering like is there a better way
Starting point is 01:18:22 while simultaneously getting hype every time we pick up a page with something interesting on it every single page i picked up was interesting but i'm also wondering if there's a better way than to just stop and read for five minutes or less you know and then it's like well yeah other games have done audio logs right there are very few in how do you feel about audio logs and it's like well depends because if you do have an audio log you're going to start overlapping with relevant dialogue as she's walking
Starting point is 01:18:52 through talking to whoever she's talking to and it's and there's literally a point where an audio log started playing and then we moved forward and like uh she started doing her own dialogue and you're like shut up jesse but thankfully the game real didn't make the mistake that every other fucking game does and cut it off and it just played both at the same time yeah you had two sets of subtitles going for her internal dialogue and then the the audio log playing so like i fucking hate when you know like it interrupts to do whatever
Starting point is 01:19:24 like that in this case it just lets you do both and then that was fine but yeah i i don't know what the best method so for this is i will tell you that for your purposes that there are a lot of pieces of the puzzle that you don't have in terms of the story delivery because they use every trick in the book there are pieces of paper FMVs there are FMVs their character live action there are hold on there are pieces of paper there's you talking to emily pope and talking to other characters with a
Starting point is 01:19:59 like a hey tell me about the whatever then there is what's called the hotline which is a watching videos oh did you get to the hotline yes you recognize that character no it's max it's max's voice actor doing trenches lines that's why they they were so like in love with the way that he taught yeah well unfortunately the visuals was a gift playing over and over again will walk through and then you will find um little uh projectors going like this is how the oldest house works by
Starting point is 01:20:34 dr darling the old guy with the glasses i don't know if you saw that dude that's alan wake his voice actor okay so everybody's in on this one uh there are also environmental storytelling things and then there are also my favorite the threshold kids the tv show made for children of the bureau to explain to them via puppets yeah i'm not there yet yeah um it is mixed medium to every possible degree there is about a third of that game is spent
Starting point is 01:21:09 watching a tv show or reading a book okay so near does this as well where there will be extended sit and put the controller time to read right uh it's there's one in particular near the end of the game with devil and pobola where it's just like fucking read it's funny on nintendo consoles when games do things like this because the console goes to sleep in the middle of it yeah right literally like there'll be times where when playing the switch or back on the we you and you would see the screen go dark as it
Starting point is 01:21:41 prepares to know what are you doing here what do you do are you actually still are you still playing still playing you know uh the ultimate is i think it's like you're you're fucking xbox would shut off during like tom clancy game credits right so because you know there's that part of things right and i've i've already i remember arguing with like james about this stuff uh about like it's like okay so does extraneous detail or does like
Starting point is 01:22:17 an amazing backstory that's not shown to you in game but included as just text you can read or possibly not even in the game but it's a companion piece right that's fantastic does that build the quality of the game up i would say yes or does it actually just hurt it for being not in the game right you know and i assume james would say no he would say like why why wasn't i showed this right and you know what i have no hard counter argument for like yeah you're right
Starting point is 01:22:52 for for for why wasn't the best part shown you know uh control does something really fun and that you're reading about all these and you're expecting to never see them and then you see a bunch of them like the the the teacup analogy you described like i hit a point where like oh my god that's the anchor oh my god that's the fridge oh my you know just like bam bam yeah yeah so and it changes from game to game as the circumstances apply but it it definitely does get
Starting point is 01:23:26 into a weird place where sometimes you will hit something like uh ground zeros for example right where it's like okay these tapes are long really long the best ones are fucking vivid and vile and powerful at establishing what the game is trying to establish but at the same time it's like okay but if we were to see these as cutscenes in the game the game would not be released because it would be well there's that but it would also be like uh it would be they wouldn't they couldn't afford it and yes the content would not
Starting point is 01:24:05 be it would not you could not make that yes because it would be too horrible so now you're like well this exists based on the fact that this is a budgetary constraint yeah and you could either release the game with none of this or go well we have the time to do this type of thing that's what fits with what we can do then you have to go like all right well fuck am i still gonna look at it in the same light because it doesn't have this in a fully implemented way you know it's hard to say
Starting point is 01:24:36 right but it is but control brings up that feeling of like fuck i'm wondering if there's a better way to get to impart all this information i don't think there is especially in the setting that they established dry office documentation is totally the most appropriate way to read that shit okay uh in another setting you're looking at kodak conversations yeah in another setting in ala wake you'd be reading pages from the future yeah uh personally i like kodak
Starting point is 01:25:08 conversations but like i have friends besides not just james in this case i've had multiple people i also know multiple people who i fucking can't do this i love them i'm falling asleep right and that's and let's really real right the audio tapes are just kodak conversations oh yeah totally there's kodak conversations you can listen to while moving around with and there's no video graphic of a mouth moving attached to it but it's the same thing we've always gotten yeah right um it just
Starting point is 01:25:35 feels different due to the presentation of the info of it but uh yeah i've totally gotten used to that happening and just being like yeah some of the best stuff is just gonna be dialogue that goes that you're staring at a black screen of these two character portraits talking to each other if control like if it were bioshock logs of all of that stuff so that you could play it'd be awful dude you'd have to stop and
Starting point is 01:26:07 moving and wait for it to play wouldn't you have come like six audio logs in the entire game like you you would have to stop and because like you wouldn't want to go too far anyway so audio logs kind of force you to slow down there are way way way more video logs than there are audio logs well you'll walk into a room and there is a projector playing a little informational movie about the bureau and those you you do stop but you stop because you're you're watching them and they're they're live action and they're acted you know
Starting point is 01:26:36 yeah i i guess they're just like it hasn't been thought of yet but like i i i want supplemental reading because it adds so much and i but i want a less flow breaking way so i'll i'll give you implementing i'll give you some context on this because this is remedy's thing and they have fucked with it in every which way on every single game in max pain you had a few in-game cut scenes right but you had hard flow breakers of those
Starting point is 01:27:09 graphic novel panels all the time all the fucking time i don't know if you remember how constant they were but they were constant right and then you would also have max monologue to himself during levels in alan wake you would have alan talk to himself again you would have the occasional in-game cut scene but you would find pages and the pages were written from his manuscript and they would often describe events that had either just happened or events that were about to happen and they were pure foreshadowing
Starting point is 01:27:42 then we got a fucking quantum break which doesn't do much of that instead it does yo this is a tv show that did not work yeah yeah it did not work they backed out from that the right pacing of reading to me like the ideal version of this because clearly this is a method that's tried and true the ideal amount is a souls game right all optional and very much there but you're how often are you picking up an item and reading a description on it if i'm playing by myself
Starting point is 01:28:24 almost every time if i'm playing before an audience not every time but but no i mean in terms of pacing like maybe once every 10 minutes no yeah give or take i'd say that's about the same for control you get a lot more in no control is more frequent than you get a lot more in the early game in the executive sector okay because control we were picking up three documents because it has to establish the house it has to establish so that was the front loading moment
Starting point is 01:28:51 okay fair enough then because yeah there's also fun things about the the way those documents are written yeah that you may um so you notice that jesse calls them the hiss yeah just off hand and then and then you find documentation yes from before her arrival referring to them i guess i named it yeah yeah i remember that yeah um i believe the the phrasing you know like you people use a show don't tell yeah right and that applies to movies a lot of the time
Starting point is 01:29:22 um definitely applies to video games but sometimes you gotta tell okay but now let's go back to xeno gear's disc too yeah well that's money so this is so this is the discussion right so i guess what it comes down to is um because i like i said i i like it when it's good and in controls case i was enjoying it but i was feeling like there was way way too much of it and i guess at least in that first part and i guess it's the frequency yeah it settles into a nice groove once you hit maintenance sector which is the second okay because the frequency
Starting point is 01:29:59 like i said in the souls game feels about right never thought about this being a problem once um the frequency in lost odyssey was not enough yeah i wanted more so like oftentimes when you go through uh because there is a there's like a almost metroidvania uh like style to it with the key cards and stuff like that so oftentimes you'll go back and find secret areas and what's your reward going to be it's going to be the documentation on the pram and what happened to the team that found the pram
Starting point is 01:30:29 the other solution would be metroid prime where it's pretty frequent but you're reading one paragraph yeah right so you scan that thing and then you get a little description on it and occasionally you're getting a lengthy piece right as you get to the computers and stuff but for the most part you're just kind of scanning something and getting like one or two paragraphs tops really like there's a lot of exposition of that game and if it wasn't so well written and interesting it would be
Starting point is 01:30:58 trash but it it's it and i also want to say this not uh it's not a this is not a as much of a big deal as it is an interesting discussion point which is why i like talking about it right now but it's i'm not emphasizing this as a major flaw against the game it's more just like i like thinking about other ways that this can be done because i i didn't play out awake so i didn't uh or quantum so fun fact about alan wake and this is a easter egg that is pretty well known at this point and also they spoiled it with their upcoming d a dlc plans
Starting point is 01:31:31 did you read any of the documentation about altered world events yes and i know that the out the overlook hotel is a reference it's not uh it's very similar it's very twin peaks ish but in your little jail cell for bullshit items there is a page from alan's manuscript and okay established that's what that was that's what happened to alan what do you call a spin-off where the spin-off is actually the the core the important one like like what are you alan wake is the spin-off yeah that's what i'm saying what do you call
Starting point is 01:32:09 a spin-off when it's actually like no alan wake is a folder within control there is also as opposed to there is also a single line of dialogue yaiba being a folder within ninja guidance there there's also a single line of dialogue about max and how max counts as well and they said here's the dlc plans and there will be two expansions one is the basement of the of the oldest house the foundation whatever the fuck that is and the second dlc in 2020 is called a w e and it is a like it's just giant block letters and the top half of it is alan
Starting point is 01:32:43 wake's box art and the bottom half is controls box art a w e yeah a w yeah the like is it alter world event or is it the alan wake event did they already link max alan wake before this yes okay max's books sorry max is uh the main character in uh alan wakes novels but he uses a different name for them but when you read alan's novels it is max's narration that comes through uh like when you read his book in the so then alan wake did the same thing to the max pain
Starting point is 01:33:21 yep it's the bigger folder yep that's a really cool way to spin off just pull it back one pull it back every time just pull it back one as opposed to going forward yeah like usually you expect to spin off to be like okay you know that setting all right now we're gonna go into that character's past or pick something in that story yeah but in this case it's like no no no we're actually zooming out so at one point you talk to a character that is possibly trans dimensional and they say i had a dream about a writer
Starting point is 01:33:51 writing about a cop and in the next dream the cop was real and you're like okay done established parallel universes max is real alan's real and jesse's real and and none of them are real yeah and and fluctuations in reality yeah can make things that happened in their own worlds yeah everywhere and there's a character from quantum break that i'm not familiar with that is mentioned but uh but yeah it's a whole it's a whole thing that game is fascinating and it also you ever play psyops the mind game
Starting point is 01:34:25 because sure did yo you remember that game was fucking awesome sure did control is the sequel to that uh you say psyops i say the four sun leashed sure whatever the early builds what oh yeah okay no no no because i keep talking about that but that had a lot a lot to do with combat sure whereas in this case just the fucking force powers yeah you just become a jedi you're jediing people yeah you're fucking
Starting point is 01:34:55 you're wonderboying yeah you're killing yaks from 300 miles away with yes with mind bullets that dude yeah so control goes places it's really cool mm-hmm it's a really fucking cool game they do an astonishing amount of cool ass shit in a setting in which you can't leave the building you can't leave the building you can't leave that building and yet there are a lot of cool locations in that building yeah um
Starting point is 01:35:33 because that building is bullshit yeah i fought that first boss as well and saw how like um well anyway i guess we'll see how things go but uh the the what was i gonna say what was i gonna say the way that um the way that she walks in off the street in the beginning like i found really interesting because i was just like that feels like it was framed in such a way to show you the world is okay it's everything normal outside fine until you walk through this threshold and
Starting point is 01:36:10 that and this is where we start trying to figure out what the fuck is happening um yeah the other interesting thing about it was uh this is a so that we took a look at this over on the channel and more versus you can check it out as it's coming out this week reggie was playing and uh it was funny watching someone else take control of the situation and like to them just like how do you how do you play games because everyone plays the games differently very differently yeah and uh and i'm like okay let's not
Starting point is 01:36:42 knock let's not backseat let's just see how it go see where it goes how it go and um boy like there's the there's those moments where i'm just like okay now i can now i understand if you're someone like definitely reggie someone who uh runs into a square room um sees the the the lamp on the desk pointing at the object to pick up yeah grabs that and then runs out the hallway and never looks right yeah to see what's on the wall on the right side of the square room yeah that this this game and i'm like
Starting point is 01:37:16 this game are you are you just gonna not look at that side of the room this game does not like that because because there's like there's like paintings on the wall there are whiteboards in this game that are readable and have documentation on like okay so uh jimmy's i super late in the game you find a a post-it note and he's like uh find me a new fucking office because this my goddamn post-it note keeps duplicating and i can't get any work and you go into the office and it is just like a nightmare of post-it notes
Starting point is 01:37:52 on every surface that is infinite and the room has been sealed off and it's like really close by to a bunch of important stuff it's like ah fuck it right but that's just an optional room that you wouldn't have to go into that uses a key card that if you never went back to check out oh what does that level six card open you would never find it there is one detail um excuse me not really not really you're early it's fine yeah or it was just like um the idea that like uh the gun and the and like
Starting point is 01:38:30 it's it's what it looks like not what it looks like like the gun and like what its history is and what it what what it might have used to be oh yeah all that stuff that's what i mean what it looks like right right it might have been a sword it might have been a fucking uh uh what was the other a sword or or a hammer a hammer yeah yeah and um the idea that it's like okay well um the lodged bullet inside someone's head might create a memory feedback loop that can serve a purpose to help you out here yeah and then i'm just thinking like what about every other person you shot
Starting point is 01:39:07 with that thing well they're all they're all weird ghosts i don't know who knows anyway cool game there is and if you have a fear of upside down pyramids which you should that is a very ominous scary feeling i think i think the description you should play it of the fucking infinite nonsense voice represented by an upside down infinitely gigantic black pyramid in a void of white as the board is inspired oh yeah like yeah the board
Starting point is 01:39:42 needs a director to handle things what does that mean well i don't know you're slowly learning what it means i did not know that upside down ominous pyramids as a as a concept were terrifying but now i do yeah because you see it you're i don't like that especially when they're growing uh very cool game so far um and at the end of the day it's it's a shoot bang uh but it's a really really buttered up shoot bang it doesn't it doesn't do you feel the butter huh
Starting point is 01:40:19 there's so much lavish lavish topping underneath where did you shoot that guy's desk yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah or your melee is a fucking force all the bits fly off the floor during your melee but at the end of the day you are just aiming and shooting at the shooters and there's the heavy and then there's the throw yeah you know and so on and so forth exactly uh and i and i've seen the clips of where that goes it goes goes so uh yeah uh it's really slick and the and the setting
Starting point is 01:40:56 hey it's a really slick feeling shooter and the setting elevates it which means it's a good ass remedy game this is the opposite of astral chain and here's how complete opposite of the gameplay in control is background to everything happening in between yeah the game right everything happening in between shoot bangs is so i very thorough i very much enjoy the shooting in control but it is in service to me finding out what the fuck is going on because you barely really even think it like i i didn't like when the gun came out and then it
Starting point is 01:41:32 became like oh yeah shoot the things and i was like right remedy yeah of course and then and then i almost forgot that because the whole time through i was like this might just be all about the weird discovery it was regi planet did you get to shoot the gun no okay but you saw and you're like that i bet that feels really good probably it does yeah feels really good but but but the gameplay segments are just all in service to this journey through this fucking crazy ass setting and this is the exact opposite of what i was
Starting point is 01:42:03 saying about astral chain yeah where you're trying to get back to the next gun shoot bangs yeah and everything in between is fine but it's not distracting you from how much you want to get back to that's also a fascinating fascinating coincidence in that in control you are desperately trying to leave the astral plane every single time you get there and in fucking astral chain you are desperate to get to the astral plane yes when you're in the real world i thought it was absurd i streamed a game where every single night i was going
Starting point is 01:42:36 to the astral plane yeah also red is bad red is bad in both games red bad red bad red big bad blue or white good big red red bad yeah red evil super not good um also shout out to the things that i love such as um uh nonsensical or back or monologuing as background so uh i described like how i've i fucking love ignis in kof uh 2k1 because his win quotes and taunts are these long
Starting point is 01:43:19 lavish right right quotes uh i love when a character in game says a bunch of shit to you in the middle of the boss fight yeah um so in in this case the incantations yeah that people are saying as they as they uh become um i forgot the term hissified uh yeah as the hiss takes over or whatever and the fact that like you know like some of this might actually serve as like a a a wi-fi signal booster yeah the the the hiss is an antagonist is fascinating because the hiss appears to be a phrase
Starting point is 01:43:55 right um that makes you evil you know and like bed man is all about that as well and shit like that like i love i love that um and and and my one of the coolest things in all of persona five to me is fucking landing on that boat and having a politician's speech yeah just blaring at you the whole time you know as he fucking go drones on about whatever like i really dig that so that's a nice touch in this game where you walk around the corner and you just hear someone going off on some shit and you're just like
Starting point is 01:44:31 we're gonna come back to that area we're gonna we'll deal with that a little bit later but someone's going off the words away yeah that game is rad good shit it's rad i'm excited for the alan wake expansion because uh also that hideo gives gima mission ps4 only word why don't know interesting uh kojima is not ps4 only isn't he oh like is hideo kojima the human being yeah a ps4 only like i went grafted to his back you can't see it you know that's that's
Starting point is 01:45:14 that's an odd concept he's just a man with a voice yeah uh so that's that's what that's what i got to talk about this week if you want to check out what i'm doing over on the internet you go down to slash angriest pat this is a finale of control week but also mostly blasphemous that game about uh stabbing the catholics uh in metroid you see that shit yeah i heard good things it looks fucking gross like gnarly yeah i saw the trailer i'm gonna be taking a look this week for sure uh let's take a quick word for more
Starting point is 01:45:46 sponsors let's do a little overdue uh this week the podcast is sponsored by door dash hey door dash what's up you know it's important food and you know what's awesome about like food when it arrives in the mail yeah and i was gonna say like that it tastes good okay i was i was i'd be more direct i was dialing it back i was saying when it's good when food tastes good i do enjoy when taste food good but when food tastes good usually it's far away yeah
Starting point is 01:46:28 and when you look at the overworld and you see the dots on the map i don't want to deal with no random battles man i am not in a grinding mood today sometimes you might be in a grinding mood but if you're like me you're probably not ever in a grinding mood fucking hate grinding you know you're not a fan so what if there were a way to get the rewards to you to me where you are on the map yeah it comes to you to me to you well to your home yeah you need an address yeah door dash connects you to your favorite
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Starting point is 01:47:32 local spots favorites national restaurants all all of it we've mentioned it before they got the cheesecake factory they got chipotle that's keto friendly isn't it chipotle is keto friendly yeah you go to chipotle and we don't have them here in kebek but in america you go you head on down to one of those and you just get a bowl you put the veggies then you put the meat into toppings yeah and then there's no carbs so i'm a fan of that
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Starting point is 01:49:34 thank you door dash thank you door dash podcast is also sponsored also sponsored by ray con so i don't know what you're listening to this on right now my ears yes that's the ideal receptacle that is somewhat unique platform only you and i get to do that the ear platform is a very ideal unique way to listen to a podcast yes here's the problem most of you don't really have that option no one else is here yeah you guys can't do that you can't listen to this no so you're listening to a playback of this yeah possibly probably in the future
Starting point is 01:50:13 but no it's always going to be that way because even if it's live oh yeah there's still being transmitted it's with a slight delay that's crazy man so this is always going to be the future slightly yeah there's always going to be a you're always listening to the past would you say that the future is now i would say the future is now and a 100 mega shock yeah and that you're always listening to the past now if you can't be here the next best thing you could
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Starting point is 01:52:32 an amazing deal on it one more time buy raycon dot com slash super beast high quality wireless earbuds at not ridiculous prices thank you raycon thank you raycon okay so yeah for me it was pretty much all about control and river city so you know it's uh the fucking fall sprint is ongoing it's happening video games are happening a lot video games are good um i think uh yeah there is so so basically uh i think this week uh you're going to be seeing uh control
Starting point is 01:53:20 river city and astral chain uh over on woolly versus and uh you can tune in on youtube at woolly versus uh or on twitch at woolly versus where also uh i took a look at uh or rather i continued playing sick hero um finally made it to big decision points so that was cool um i appreciate that the pathway i'm going right now and that is like all right you chose one branch um fight some real ass sword fights yeah uh because at the end of the day no matter what the game throws at you no matter how many monsters
Starting point is 01:54:05 or crazy fucking beasts or cursed things they that you fight the purest usage of the system they've designed is sword on sword combat that game has multiple different final bosses and all of them are sword fights um the game was built for this and you can feel it at its best in those moments and i enjoy those it's refreshing because you're like this is what this is why the rest of the game exists for this and so those feel really really good it's the the first moment you fight uh genichiro and you're like yeah and then
Starting point is 01:54:42 the next and then you don't feel that again until you fight madama butterfly yeah you know where you're like oh oh oh oh right yeah this feeling yeah this this feeling is very good it makes it makes the system all come together and make sense um everything else is wrapped around that so um yeah so you know at the end of the day um i know it's been a while since sekiro has come out so it's like woolly why are you taking so long to take for you to wind back up uh i actually not that bad i think
Starting point is 01:55:17 i so i i stopped on the monkey yeah and after i came back i got right to the second phase right away and i think it was four or five tries that's a fucking radical boss fight yeah that has my favorite surprise in the whole game unfortunately it was spoiled for me oh but what are you gonna do i put my controller down and was like clapping to give myself like a thumbs up when it happened and i was like oh yeah so i know in an ideal world this would have been
Starting point is 01:55:52 uh long behind me and wouldn't be a thing but what can i say like it's a game that works for my schedule bond streaming on saturdays and um you know at some point other like things like japan happened and is weekend tournaments and things like that and get pretty but you believe that japan is continuing to happen it continues to happen so uh for anyone who's still interested bear with me i appreciate your patience and uh i'm i'm yeah we're getting
Starting point is 01:56:21 there uh i also i forgot that game existed i really really enjoyed it but it did not leave the lasting impact that any of the souls or bloodborne games had on me i also uh i want to give a huge shout out to punchbomb for working miracles by modifying a japanese purchased small ava unit one kigurumi that's how that happened into a woolly a woolly sized comfortable kigurumi i was blown away because i saw you wearing them like how the fuck do you get a something in
Starting point is 01:56:57 your size out in japan you don't you don't but with a sewing machine you can't and some know-how you can uh you can work magic we can work miracles i also bought you too can wear children's clothes exactly man i told like i said you can't possibly expect that people are going to be making cute looking onesies for a body type that literally doesn't exist for big ass grown ass men it ain't happening what are you doing um and uh it's not the only thing i also bought uh at the ava store this
Starting point is 01:57:30 really excuse me fucking sick shirt that like i'm like i i can't pass this up gotta figure this out it's a shirt made up of all the frames of eoe and it and all of them make up a unit one face but like you're looking at frames of the whole movie oh wow it's fucking sick it's super and from a distance does it look like a hegao shirt from a distance it's it's unit one making an hegao face okay important yeah so i'm like i this is one of a kind yeah i'm not gonna fucking pass this up so again it's the wrong size and
Starting point is 01:58:08 gonna work some magic to upsize it so um yeah that's cool anyway all of that oh i have one last thing to say to you as advice for astral chain at some point you'll be playing the game and you'll see something on a different character and you'll go that's cool i want that and the game will go no you may not you can have that okay but later um cool good to know also this week uh i'm gonna be taking a look uh so yeah those videos i mentioned
Starting point is 01:58:42 are coming out uh but uh in terms of other stuff going on uh daemon x makina came out so i'm gonna be taking a look at that or a revisit i should say yeez since i looked at the demo last time blasphemous is definitely on the list of things to check out and uh remem the nino kuni remastered just dropped really i'm gonna be taking a look at that as well huh um so yeah all of that over on really versus let's get into the news
Starting point is 01:59:10 no no no no that's retired i'm tired that's retired oh but i like it no it's gone it's it's my favorite one you're not you can't i'm allowed to do what i want it's been banned forever you can't ban it you can't do it that's not i'm gonna talk to friend of the show randy pittsford that noise and the hills say it's okay that noise is depreciated boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom news i flew out of tokyo right before their game show started
Starting point is 01:59:42 stuff happened it would have been nice to stick around for tokyo game show yeah well well we can still talk about it what happened a lot of trailers dropped hell yeah a lot of trailers dropped literally like an hour and a half of death stranding footage all right well let's take it off the top from the top we got the ff7 remake trailer oh it looks incredible it is very pretty so first of all the trailer itself was just uh showing off was just a a take a look at some of these extra
Starting point is 02:00:17 characters you didn't see before yeah like corneo right here's uh here's hojo here's wait hojo wasn't there yeah for a second i didn't see him for like one second he says uh he says whatever in japanese he says kakuranbo is over stop fucking around eris huh no that's 10 oh shit okay that's saying you've led us on a merry chase erith oh yes right okay my mistake you're crazy um you get to see rino and rude fucking styling oh they look really good god damn it like
Starting point is 02:00:53 the turks are the shit they're so cool and and and and uh rino like when i the more now that i see him in his full full glory i mean it was an advent children as well there's a there's something that dawns on you we're like this is a fuckboy rino is this dude's a fuckboy he is a um he's a host yeah hollering in the streets being like hey baby let me get your number hey you got time we can go let's go get a drink i got this stick that fucking hair and that
Starting point is 02:01:30 fucking face but i love it it looks fantastic um the uh extended uh look at the gym workout sequences and how they're gonna look now uh it's like hey look so in one of the earliest interviews they're like are we gonna see cloud and drag and they're like yeah of course that what trust us we are aware that ff7 is just overflowing with dumb shit we will not take that dumb shit away from you and fucking going to the gym to do squats to get the wig
Starting point is 02:02:05 is something in that trailer to be like no you will have to do the squats to get the way and tifa tifa will have to do pull-ups to help get the wig um so one i just just that the idea of rino jumping out and having this cool showed out with cloud where you're like that's not how that fucking went down like it wasn't that cool at all and rude being outside and having been being cool they were super darkish um what i hold on a second yeah what i uh can see though as far as like taking things away from you goes or not taking
Starting point is 02:02:40 things away from you someone pointed out that like you know the moment where eris walks out and she's wearing the dress yeah and then clouds like whoa yeah right you go back to the original version of that which i i saw that a couple weeks ago fucking she walks out of the closet and goes so how do i look and he just nods and just looks at the ground like uh and she goes ah you're no fun yeah he immediately goes uh and i like that's so much better but i know that the one the one that got that killed me
Starting point is 02:03:12 is uh the shot of the girls grabbing both of his arms yeah okay let's do it and that's right before that's the plan before the dress to be dragged yes and somebody just fucking uh made a tweet and somebody voice acted it it's like i wonder i wonder what barrett's doing these girls hands are sweaty why didn't i get as many songs and smash bros and just like the the thoughts that would be percolating in crowds yeah crowds nice nice cool out though i really uh i can tell that what they're probably gonna do is have cloud go oh like his heart's gonna skip a beat
Starting point is 02:03:47 he's gonna doki doki yeah and then he's gonna then he's gonna do something like uh whatever anyway right like kind of shy play it off they also showed off all like a half hour of um he's gonna get there oh yeah but um i much prefer the deadpan straight version of she walks out trying to be like hey cloud you like what you see and him being like no that they have to that's so they had to do what they could with these little chibi models and thus it all had to be body expressions so it'll you know playing it straight works a lot better when the character
Starting point is 02:04:19 literally doesn't move at all yeah um i like i just i like the the complete shut down did you notice uh so they have they have this super close-up shot of corneo be like come on little kid and just give dance yeah and it's like i watch that and then i'm like wait a second i watch it again and like corneos above the camera because you're looking at him from clouds perspective that is cloud in the room in the drag and that's corneo be like yeah yeah squeezing it up that's the dawn and he is he is perfect
Starting point is 02:04:53 mm-hmm um i mean it's kind of obvious that like since this all takes place in midgar like you know the starting group is gonna play a much bigger role yeah jessie and bigs have more lines in these trailers than they have in the entire well now if you didn't know you would say jessie and bigs were main characters the whole way through what are you talking about of course like the way this is being shown it's like oh you're gonna spend hours and hours they're part of the crew what are you talking about you're gonna spend fucking
Starting point is 02:05:26 i mean you're you're gonna you're gonna leave midgar obviously to go chase sephroth and they're gonna stay behind to take care of midgar to take care of midgar that's that's what they do that's why they fight for freedom yeah you know once you accomplish the freedom you know what's color said you notice the jessie and bigs have gotten tons of play wedge i don't think we've even seen his face have we have we seen wedge at all he's in the background some shots shooting a gun like
Starting point is 02:05:53 like it looks like you're gonna switch between them in combat it feels like wedge won't get any love because who cares about fatty like i didn't look at the names on the combat list when you're like you won't get to play okay but but they're running around fighting and shooting guns even though you're not switching to them one of my favorite moments in that trailer is like a helicopter attack helicopter firing a machine gun at them and it says put down your weapons or lethal force will be used and it's like they're dodging bullets while this is being said do you think it would have
Starting point is 02:06:21 been would it dilute eris to let you take control of them on the party in full fledged like combat for this part of the game i don't know i do like that so you mentioned um taking control of eris the cutscene that you thought was hojo was uh saying yeah i so here's the thing so i very recently saw this right just a couple weeks ago in the original when you get to the fight on the support beam saying just shows up in a helicopter with eris
Starting point is 02:06:54 and says and she's like don't worry marlene is safe because you sent her away to go to her house to get the girl in disc one in disc one right the scene that you see in that trailer where he confronts her at her house with marlene is not in the original that is a new scene okay it did happen but it's it's you know it's fleshed out so i'm gonna obviously i'm drawing a huge blank well yeah it's been 15 years on saying right so it's but what i mean is like not only are they gonna just add more but
Starting point is 02:07:26 they're also gonna take everything that got heard to be mentioned in the background will now probably become its own thing because why not why not just show it to you why not to show it to you yeah sure no i mean like they're fleshing out those hours and like you might as well with the budget this thing you know my favorite part about fleshing out those hours is is the fleshing out of those hours now has a face and it's the face of soldier
Starting point is 02:07:58 when they're running away on the in that trailer on the motorcycle jessie goes who is that oh and then it's this it's a soldier goes that's a soldier yeah and that's like some guy going and that soldier is has zach sword from the beginning of crisis corps because that's the that's the that's the standard issue that's the standard issue for soldier second class but but that's some fucker right so i'm like who is this guy yeah and it's like oh that's a boss you're gonna that's our part one antagonist that's also your um what's her name
Starting point is 02:08:30 mary what in ava uh new girl right yeah right yeah there that's that's the face of remake yeah and you know what it's gonna have there's gonna be some so in the in the gameplay demo the reason why i wanted to mention it is that we got to the first shot of what clouds freakouts are gonna look like because in the original cloud goes and like the screen flashes white a bunch of times and people go what's wrong with you right he goes out don't worry about it in now you're gonna get black feathers
Starting point is 02:09:03 well well yeah now it's he gets a little days he gets a little blurry and he sees like a single black feather where he sees things that just aren't there right and that's great but we'll also get a fun little moment where he's like oh that guy's soldier second class his name's i don't know jim right and then jim fights the party goes who are you he goes i'm cloud from soldier he's like that's weird hmm and yeah and they go yeah and he goes what is like oh we can't listen to him
Starting point is 02:09:34 he's crazy fuck that guy get him get him now that would be that'd be yeah that'd be good feel like like wait what what like i'm in first class you wouldn't know about me that would be pretty solid that would be pretty solid there's a lot they can do that'd be fun um oh they also showed off way more gameplay hey it looks fantastic so then yeah we saw that backstage uh extended look at the um the power plant and then later on uh a fight with a fucking monster i forget the name of it but it's the mossy fight in the
Starting point is 02:10:08 basement to get away from corneo boy uh one thing that i could not be more happy about is so one obviously i talked about how much i have the fucking the combat choices and the slowdown looks so cool every time looks really nice so good every time second uh he does cloud does one of his limit bricks where he spins spins spins spin dunk and like it the animation looks fucking perfect on it all the animation the ground bounce that the enemy fucking eats on that point i'm like yeah like i can't tell you
Starting point is 02:10:39 how much i i'm like nowadays i i guess i just pop off for enemies reacting to getting hit yeah because that's a lost thing yeah and and like so many video games that are like rpg number based don't show you enemies reacting to getting a big hit reaction i hate it i hate it so much like i i you know like like i hate it so much because when i see these moments i'm like yes it looks so cool to see the thing get fucking smacked off the ground and bounced into a corner yeah in reaction to what you're fucking doing
Starting point is 02:11:17 i used to argue with my friend about super robot wars because the the biggest fucking most annoying thing to me would be these amazing gigantic attacks going off on a totally static image and then the number pops up for all the damage and then the enemy blows away slowly when they finally implemented cutscene death where it's like no that thing died in the middle of the crazy yeah zhengar's own boat slash then i'm like thank you like it it's the most anticlimactic feeling
Starting point is 02:11:44 and um you've heard me like drone on endlessly about like me not liking it in big mmo raid bosses where nothing you do will ever affect the boss it's just gonna stand there until it fades away i know that's a stupid 90 over simplification but the point is is when i see the way the boss reacted in the dungeon there to that moment i fucking pop off because it looks and feels great yep and and uh second is summons are exactly what i said they would be or said i hoped they would be yeah
Starting point is 02:12:13 you call in another party member that will act on their own and it hangs around and fights with you and then when the timer goes down it does its big attack and its pieces out fucking perfect so good this uh i hope it comes out in march that's where i'm at on this i'm like i i'm i'm fully i i believe but now i'm like i hope it comes out in march for real because i want i want it now i want you to go back to what i said when i brought up the summons yeah where the end result
Starting point is 02:12:51 is 12 fucking knights standing not in this game and no no no the whenever it comes oh you want the whole crew the whole round oh that's i don't know on horseback is in the room beating the shit out of whatever you summoned it on i don't think that's gonna it is dude what game what game if not final fantasy fucking seven can afford to make it happen 14 because it did as a boss fight or whatever right yeah yeah no that's not what i'm talking about i want the squad
Starting point is 02:13:30 rolling in no what's more likely is that the squad rolls in one at a time and leave quickly no no we need them rolling in fucking 13 or 12 deep whatever the number you're you're talking about like like 10 times the fucking budget like market they're gonna do it they're gonna do it market they're gonna come in one at a time man you're nuts they're gonna fucking come in they're gonna swarm it it's gonna be one of the best summons for that reason and then at the end of the timer they're gonna do the big fucking team so
Starting point is 02:14:07 what's probably gonna happen is arthur's gonna come in as the summon and then when he leaves he'll do the the 12 version or what if certain summons require you to go to the summon world yeah the fight gets teleplane the fight gets teleported to the astral frame rate plane right because you know the remember remember how likes the summons would lift off into the sky sometimes you remember how the nights of the round summon has no background of any kind it's just the thing yes yes so that's what i'm saying is like what if you just like
Starting point is 02:14:41 like because i think about this right think about every summon in the game being implemented the way they were into this right now you're telling me that this team who's trying to exceed expectations of every fan of ff7 fans of the games themselves are not gonna find a way to make it work i'm telling you that what you're specifically asking for is a likely technical impossibility i saw mario 128 you can't tell me shit don't you can't tell me nothing i fucking seen
Starting point is 02:15:13 128 marios jumping and dancing and going why who they can do it you're nuts bring him to the frame rate realm each shit this game looks amazing this game looks good it looks really really good um yes uh uh shout outs to mr producer's uh sand coming out with the buster sword katase yeah so um that happened then uh what did we got there's a trailer heart trailer hearts whatever kingdom hearts three remind dlc trailer all right you know
Starting point is 02:15:52 yeah uh neo two yeah uh took a look at that better coming out soonish this game like continuing to just just it's like you just pick up where you left off because development never just keep going just keep going it's great yep it's great um and uh and more playable characters than just neo as well uh there's footage of you playing as a girl um some of these you know it's create a character right yeah yeah yeah right right okay yeah they announced that a while ago right like yeah you're playing as your
Starting point is 02:16:33 own so just yeah fully embracing that that aspect of the the soul'sness um what happens to your boy then you'll probably be in there as a as a a pliskin yeah probably that'd be fun i really like that i love it when the character passes the torch i like it that'd be really that'd be really dope in this particular instance too um so those you know those like uh animal summon modes yeah that you would power up in like some of the ones seen in in this trailer for neo two they look fucking elaborate like they look like big stand
Starting point is 02:17:07 pop-offs like i mean um um do you remember when zappa from guilty gear would summon row yeah i saw it yesterday on salty bill there you go it looks like that it looks like that uh undeniable um death stranding briefing trailer uh samantha america strand so uh i didn't get to check out the death stranding stuff um there's a lot yeah in fact i know i saw the thing saying 49 minutes trailer coming or whatever the fuck hideo was talking about the madman
Starting point is 02:17:49 uh this seven minute trailer the briefing trailer i didn't actually got a chance to check it out but all right i can sum up death stranding for you what you got all right death stranding is a strand game what a fuck no in death stranding you will be moving from the east coast to the west coast it uh a primary aspect of that game's gameplay is going to be traversal as expected um it's going to be point-to-point and like managing the shit on your back is actually going to be a primary gameplay
Starting point is 02:18:24 component so they showed off stuff like uh a little base filled with enemies that he wanted to sneak in to steal stuff from but in order to do that properly he put down a bunch of his gear on the ground way outside so that he could move better for example doesn't feel like sam is going to be like it doesn't feel like you have the combat advantage over the things in the world not that much he's a guy yeah yeah nothing nothing shown to me so far seems to spell out like sam can
Starting point is 02:18:57 fucking handle it they also described that uh basically it is that using a hyper uh elaborated on version of the demon souls messaging system to ping locations where there might be a safe way down or uh aonson that you could regen your health at or a good path to use or where someone would have left a vehicle for you to travel is there or in some cases even player built architecture to help you traverse the environment so you choose what your your message is going to be but what else you choose
Starting point is 02:19:31 so for example that at one point in the trailer there was a player built bridge that would that acted as a river crossing and then by crossing the bridge you automatically sent likes to the person who built it huh now how do you encounter that like shard you just do they're just out there okay so you're just going to be there's certain things in the world yeah that are shared yeah across whatever like the other thing is that uh combat has you shooting ghosts like ghosts or
Starting point is 02:20:05 something not bts not bts uh and bts are stealth sequences in which if you fuck up you get transported to the boss fight dimension uh and the way they described it is that combat is avoidable and the way combat is avoidable is like yeah you can take a fucking wide-ass circle around areas that have bts or you can take the way way faster route of going straight through hmm you also can throw uh bottles of blood come and piss at at enemies to hurt them i don't because the bts hate of a big old bottle
Starting point is 02:20:52 of compass i don't like the sound of stealth in from i don't know what what is the actual thing you were saying the the creepy hand print fucked up titan god fear yeah doesn't come into me when i'm creeping through the bushes avoiding the hands coming out of the ground really in the sense that like avoiding ghosts doesn't do it no no no no like like okay the stealth parts i guess it depends on how the stealth part comes together like if it's done
Starting point is 02:21:32 in in such a way that's if it's done in a really effective like good tense way i i'm just thinking back to the clips of like the hands coming out of the ground the hands coming out of the ground at you is the stealth failure mark they appear to be unavoidable okay okay it is you have a bunch of floating ass bt ghosts and don't get seen the weirdest part they showed is that the the um sam can totally restrain those ghosts physically while trying to sneak past them with like a bola
Starting point is 02:22:07 okay which was like baffling when i saw it i i have i have faith that it i have faith that it will likely live up to that i just the thing that the thing i guess i just hope it's not that simple the thing that i uh i feel i think a lot of people feel it and i saw a thread on our subreddit that was people feeling it was uh a lot of people are going to hate this game a lot they're going to hate it because an enormous amount of this game is wandering through the landscape and climbing a mountain
Starting point is 02:22:46 and getting to a location yeah and figuring out how to climb down a hill yeah whether or not i like or hate that depends entirely on how interesting the land is in breath of the wild i enjoyed it because over each peak in valley there was something of note one page and i were playing one playing phantom pain it was dry that was the the the feeling that we got i think she was the one who said it was like it's kajima's breath of the wild it's his attempt at that but phantom pain was also that no phantom pain was still a stealth game
Starting point is 02:23:22 like this like this has a boot meter it has a monster energy drink energy meter it has yes a monster oh you mean like metal gear survive yes monster it has a boot meter it has your foot meter it has your piss meter it has your energy meter it has like you know traversal is it's a dedicated mechanic and it's also like how much are you gonna throw in your back how much damage did happen to the items that you were transporting on paper that's not my favorite thing to do in the world yeah that's not the funnest thing to for me but
Starting point is 02:23:58 we'll see how it plays out we'll see because you know if if if if that was if it's designed solidly enough then fuck what about what my my my on paper expectations are you're gonna just wow me you know i'm increasingly fascinated by what the like hour to hour gameplay looks like now instead of the minute to minute because there's a lot of parts in that 49 minutes where they're traversing and there are huge cuts and it's like well what is in those huge cuts it literally just walking up the hill
Starting point is 02:24:30 because the game is gorgeous and beautiful there's a question remember when sandbox was new and the idea that you could sandbox in anything at all was kind of like holy shit i do um my screen is over here uh do you still do everything and just dick around and nobie nobie boy your way through well you're not going to be doing taxi missions taxi missions you're not going to be doing firefighter missions to put out
Starting point is 02:25:06 flames the two blocks over because that's because that what i'm what i'm because i feel like like the sandbox appeal to me i don't have that much of that anymore depending on the world because like in a crazy ass fucking saint's row game we're just like jump around and be fucking nuts yeah right or our hulk ultimate destruction yeah right like you you're so superpowered and what not that simply moving around is kind of a wild new thing but a lot of the novelty of kind of like okay i can piss i can go do this i can do that
Starting point is 02:25:40 there's going to be a point where after i've tried out these things and found out the stuff i'm not going to spend a ton of time doing them and i kind of and i'm thinking about the way i played phantom pain and i'm thinking about the way i played ground zeroes and how i tried out each thing and kind of saw the content and then i was like oh cool cool that's there now i'm going to just be doing engage in the core the core mechanic while casually picking up anything that happens across my path of interest of note so it feels like in a game like this
Starting point is 02:26:15 how much of the fun is going to be based on the wanderlust it feels like to kojima the sandbox is new because he got his taste with mgs 5 and he's like i'm only making open world games now because open world games are crazy oh yeah after after making the longest hallway in the world and it's it's fascinating because it's like it feels like oh it's like he discovered fire like it's brand new and i guess to those of you who have played it this feels like in kojima's brand new like brand new view of oh man open world's crazy
Starting point is 02:26:53 he has made what is essentially the japanese version of stalker see yeah i knew that would would kind of ping right off you stalker is a game in which you wander through large environments and encounter ghostly slash supernatural anomalies at your pace at your pace and yeah there is some shooting but it's mainly wandering around and getting stuff and oh no a mutated dog attacked me and i gotta eat a food to not die is it good yeah stalker's really good i know i hear a lot of good things about
Starting point is 02:27:33 stalker that became metro yeah which is very different but still good old gilm was super obsessed with stalker get out of here stranding nailed it killed it uh yeah so you know that that little feeling sort of continues in the sense that um like there's like you know you know how we just talked about like control being so interesting that like who cares when the next shoot bang is as long as the shoot bang is good as long as it's not bad yes who cares when it is yeah
Starting point is 02:28:08 because the shoot bang was good right it's a little like that here but how good is wandering around gonna be hope it's good yeah because by nature i i don't need that by nature i i'm i'm down with my koji hallway but we'll if if that shoot bang is good if that wander is good then i have nothing to complain about yep you know i really really did games in what you wander around so ideally this could be right up my alley unless it's dull the like dull is dull you gotta have
Starting point is 02:28:45 things to see like i i i know i i i i bring it up a bunch but i do really feel that i'm like breath of the wild like kind of did actually go it made me it really did make me go like oh this can be more interesting than you thought in terms of like the frequency of like things that i find frequency of things you find on this big map that are like compelling to pick up right it's problems in fact happened in the road the railroading yeah sections whereas
Starting point is 02:29:16 oh i think the the dungeons in that game were terrible compared to everything else right whereas like the the you know the the size of what you encountered and the nature of it was just like out there enough to be like yeah i'm just gonna go into this field and see where this takes me to a cliff side all right up on the cliff side found the dungeon nice come out of the dungeon is that an island in the distance i'm gonna get it there that and then it's the best part of the whole game that that stretch yeah imprinted a lot in me because it's like that was
Starting point is 02:29:49 designed that was a hallway yeah but that was like a bunch of hallways next to each other yeah you know one thing that was confirmed during this is that my guess was somewhat correct it is a big fat wide hallway it's a super super wide fucking hallway but it is a hallway from east to west right but you're gonna take doors that lead you up and then back down yeah surely yes at some point you the the cities and locations will be like focal points but it is totally a hallway
Starting point is 02:30:29 just a really fat wide one probably called a couple kilometers wide from north to south i mean look at a certain point like even if your gigantic game is well what am i trying to say here let me rephrase that uh megaman game yeah lets you pick one of the robot masters one of eight hallways but then you're gonna clear them out and then get to the final hallway but the way the journey there yeah determines what you're so here east to west seems like the difference will be do you want to go straight through dead center which is a city
Starting point is 02:31:03 which you could totally just walk through except for all the bts or do you want to take the fucking kilometer ass detour all the way around the city avoid all that but then avoid all that you know um saw that 49 minutes of of norman dicking around and is i did not see that part no don't look at his dick stop looking at his dick kojima spent almost an hour uh just dicking around with reed do you want a piece sitting up a piece sitting down like showing off that kind of stuff as opposed to like the meat and potatoes
Starting point is 02:31:38 is such a fucking hideo move and people are clamoring for real meat so and you're not getting it i won't show you i want to point out that the big worry about the games exploration elements to me has been the fact the environment looks like a weird american scotland rolling hills a lot of moss a lot of you know a lot of fucking uh little plant cover i don't think the whole game is going to look like that i think we have essentially seen the first zone over and over and over we've seen the city parts we've seen the the remember the where remember where um mad's first shows oh yeah no i remember
Starting point is 02:32:21 that with the war war two duncirk look in right but i'm talking about when they showed gameplay it's always been in that that rolling hills kind of thing yes i feel like that is the first area because in the 49 minute gameplay demo he moves out into an industrial like like dune scape a little bit he's hiding a lot there's probably a lot of like and we know there's a there's forested sections but and if you're going east to west you will have to walk across the top of the rocky mountain but like yeah there will be texture swaps like the environment will change as we when you're wandering around environmental change means everything yeah the architecture of the land has to change or else it'll suck ass i just hope
Starting point is 02:33:06 that when i suddenly i'm traversing sand instead of grass that like the stuff in that sand is super fucking compelling yeah i'm really hoping you know um so there was that uh you want to talk about shin sakura wars what no okay well sekuna tyson has a new game coming out for the ps4 and uh anyway uh persota 5 royal we got to see the new opening movie we got to hear the um the new battle theme there was a bunch of gameplay of mementos apparently mementos is being changed up in a couple of ways though when i watched the footage of it it looked pretty much the same just a couple of new enemies i think they changed it so the death never gets the flu anymore
Starting point is 02:34:04 oh really yeah um mementos definitely is the area of the game that needed the most i would agree improvement so i'm happy to hear that because you have to spend a lot of time you have to um and then for leveling up what else are you gonna do uh new uh team up fucking attacks look super rad uh it really feels like they wanted to get as many little giffable moments into that makoto and ryu g1 where like they're doing these amazing fucking combat things and she's like doing flurry punches and crushing the cans and it's turning the all-out attack into like like what's happening in the smoke yeah basically uh those look really nice as well and stylish so um yeah i'm down i'm digging it i am not gonna play it because i don't have that kind of time
Starting point is 02:34:59 i don't know if i'm gonna play it but i'm going to certainly watch someone else's uh uh here's here's the compilation of the new stuff i don't know if i'm gonna play it which is sad because if you think about the difference between the golden and not the golden it's huge that's nuts right so i mean there's an extended series of sequences with a party member that will i know seemingly dramatically change the plot that i very much want to know what is about the golden is extraordinarily different from not the golden yeah so this is a lot of content it's just going to be a very busy time to put another 120 hours down well if i can turn it into work i'll turn it into work you know if you know if i can i can't how great would it be if
Starting point is 02:35:53 there was a mode that was like i've played p5 already and then it was just like let me get you're safe there is a mode and that that is a thing and it will give you a uh a pair of sunglasses or a hat or some shit but that's not what i mean yeah i know i want a calendar that i can scroll up and down and across get fucked how and then go here hey woolly i haven't i had it's the internet that's that that's what it is they'll never do that i know it's so much work it's so much work and so many triggers are dependent on what you did the day before but it's just like it then then we're stuck with this where it was like god damn it that's so much replaying i'm just glad i didn't replay it a second time on new game plus when i felt what like i wanted to yeah because i felt
Starting point is 02:36:45 this coming in the future yeah so at least there's that and there's a lot of people out there that definitely are like the type that i'm just like fucking i'm gonna go play p5 again like hell yeah but why not i i'm not because it just takes too much time hey man we go hey hey you gotta know right you gotta know if it's good right shut up apparently people really want to talk about sakura wars no they just want to talk about it because i said i want to talk about it it's an old anime yeah i've never heard of it oh yeah yeah back in the day when i was uh running the anime club yeah there was a lot of people that were fans of it and uh i watched an episode or two and i was like yeah not my speed i'll i'll move on and that or was it not was it not
Starting point is 02:37:37 it's an old game okay no i'm stupid i'm thinking of something else completely that i'm completely thinking of something else a sakura wars is not what i thought it was i could i thought this was something else entirely then well shit i don't know what i'm confusing it with but this is a new thing talking about funko what sega saturn strategy rpg yeah i don't know mecha dating sim okay anyway i'm sure this is compelling for anybody who's listening to this after the fact in an mp3 form well good talk super worth it super worth it speaking of anime gungrave gore people were like hey pad you care about this i'm like go talk to woolly
Starting point is 02:38:41 we'll talk to woolly right now and all the other guys fucking what pound max whatever guns but sambos um rocket billy red Cadillac yo this sounds like that dumb anime shit you've been watching are you watching your anime person yes you know night you're watching your girl cartoons again actually i gave up on on bbb which was the new night out joint but um i super loved gungrave and gungrave is about as cool dumb as it gets maximum cool dumb because gungrave is a stupid zombie killing yeah like
Starting point is 02:39:41 beyond the grave man gunman but his origins are a traditional mafia story so can i ask you like some clarification on this because you've i've heard you explain this to others but you've never explained it to me so you're like oh man brandon heat it's the coolest mob story ever put down to anime great and then i'm like okay well i'm gonna youtube gungrave and it's a zombie cowboy shooting monsters yes he's wearing a cowboy hat what are you talking about and he's dragging a grave what are you talking about it's fucking okay okay okay brandon heat is the best and oh my god it's bungee holy shit sorry i'm freaking out watching the school trailer um brandon heat is the fucking coolest and it's a cool ass mobster story in anime all right and how come it never
Starting point is 02:40:34 looks like that when i look at a picture at gungrave because what you're watching is um why is this so difficult uh what the fuck um um you're you're watching the story of the the fucking band of the hawk okay okay and then you meet and then you go oh cowboy gun thing what's up with this and then it cuts back and then you go back to guts meeting griffith uh and then you go all the way through till the behelit drops uh and then you go back into the present that sounds like shit okay remember when it happened in berserk i do did you think it was shit no what was it it was cool yeah yeah so it was super cool going through that mobster story in the past well a a mobster story a realistically told mobster story doesn't naturally lead into gun
Starting point is 02:41:34 zombies no it doesn't and so it a fucking fantasy fucking medieval story with so knights and swords and demons and magic does in the background of the mobster story they're setting up this tech and there's a bit of this shit but you know what it doesn't it doesn't but it should i feel but it should i feel like gungrave is actually really good but the way you have attempted to sell it to me for years i'm not trying to sell you on shit you sell it to me now i don't care if you don't want if you haven't watched it you're not going to i have no interest in selling you anything you can fuck off gungrave's been awesome for years it doesn't matter whether you watch it or not brandon heat and harry mcdougal and that elevator will always be the hottest fucking shit
Starting point is 02:42:29 this sounds dumb but the big cowboy zombies is the max dumb and that's just i don't i don't get it either and there's not much like i i i don't know what to say i don't get the cowboy zombie dumb wait really i don't get it what but it's just what you saw it every listen the let me look again griffith and guts hanging out doing the milk the the what's the the fucking golden the millennium age man golden age arc right yeah hot as shit hottest hot as shit yeah and then afterwards i don't know wait did you just stop watching it no i finished it okay i'm saying afterwards i don't know why it went the way it went it just kind of becomes something else but that's a totally different thing right that's like a it's very different very different
Starting point is 02:43:30 but then but then it all kind of blends together at the end it goes full on it goes full on action for the sake of stupid with stupid plot i hate it it's it's the astral chain right right you're watching a guy dressed in a cool thing kill a bunch of cool bosses yeah and they have a bunch of cool boss fights with zombies uh-huh and they're cool fucking fights but they're complete nonsense okay but then but then the story starts happening again and then it gets really really good gun grave good gun grave gore okay i like gun goes good you could take all your your gun grave questions to woolly because i don't want it's cowboy the moral of the story is i don't give a fuck whether i sell it to you or not i love it it's it's fucking
Starting point is 02:44:25 i i have that's not very influencer of you i don't give a shit i'm if i'm doing a bad job explaining it too bad go watch it and find out how good it is i want it is great it was not sold to me adequately too bad oh you know what sells it better what's that your fucking eyeballs watching it no i don't want to click play no fuck off sitting right there no it's right up there i'm good oh i got so many emails yeah hey man sometimes like i don't have nothing witty or strong to or clever sitting in the background to sell you with something with yeah sometimes you just got to go that's a cowboy with a coffin hanging off his back in two giant guns why and i guess watching him do stuff is gonna be kind of cool i hate don't forget that that knight was also the guy who made
Starting point is 02:45:19 a full-on action figure for gazelle the peacemaker a character that never had anything anywhere but he just liked the idea of this big badass guy having a giant revolver on his back so he made a toy for it and it has no lore i don't know what you're talking about okay so there's Trigun yeah and then they made a bunch of Trigun action figures right right i bought them there's Vash the Stampede and Wolfwood and then Mona of the Gale then in Trigun Maximum a bunch of crazy other shit happens then they made a toy of a character and his name is gazelle the peacemaker he's a fucking badass and he has a giant six shooter like a humongous six shooter strapped to his back right and it you get it and like the toy is this main character looking important thing
Starting point is 02:46:19 but he's just a random new original character that Yasuhiro Naito came up with that was like yeah that'd make a rad toy that's it that's it that's weird he didn't come from anything he wasn't from any parts of Trigun he was just a new original character that he went i like that look i'm gonna make a toy out of that it was the dumbest coolest thing ever and that's how Naito rolls so if he's willing to put that product out there with no attachment whatsoever you best believe he's gonna put a dumb cowboy hat on a mobster and make him kill zombies but then when it comes back around it comes back around and it's fun okay right there's basically there's basically a point where you go through the um the the four heavenly kings yeah right the you go you fight ballrog vega
Starting point is 02:47:10 sagat and dictator right and that's what it fucking gets fucking sick again okay but you can just whatever before that don't don't worry about it all right we got shenmu three moving on a day in shenmu rio's walking around he sees a kid he learns he does the fighting shenmu three um tgs show the best thing about shenmu to ever happen is something i'm gonna ask willy to put it at the end of this podcast i don't know what yeah you would it's it's very stupid i think you have seen it though um you want to talk about this the game that's like shenmu but way better than shenmu in every way or they showed off way more yakuza seven stuff including nugget's son
Starting point is 02:48:25 running as a politician or the go kart races they shot out they shot off a bunch of like a dragon or the summon skills you see that summon then i didn't he each of them summons lobsters from his phone and lobsters fall out of the sky and do like fucking samurai like hisatsu cuts on dudes okay and it's been confirmed that the the fantastical elements such as spells demons robot cops supersage hobos and animals that do heat moves are all in ichiban's head animals do heat moves that's right but everything you're seeing is in his head yes because he's fantasizing that it's like dragon quest um sorry this is this is delayed but uh whatever the fuck it is you want me to put at the end of this podcast yeah uh you can't convince me to not end
Starting point is 02:49:30 this week on bullshit blazing i don't know what that is what is it well that's unfortunate we'll get into that because the only way to turn the end is that a gun grave thing yes it's a good and it's not a gun grave thing then why'd you say yes no it's not a gun grave thing it's it's bullshit blazing is the new anthem and uh you need to fuck off if you think i'm going to play anything else besides that this week so anyway you see that new fucking guilty gear trailer dude oh yeah that song is done do you fucking listen to that song that song is terrible did you not fucking play that song on repeat over and over again that song is terrible you're fucking garbage it's the best that is that's bullshit blazing coming out of your mouth you're speaking bullshit
Starting point is 02:50:22 blazing that terrible that you have never been more wrong it is the best i love that guilty gear soundtrack you're calling guilty gear terrible no i'm calling that song terrible because it's awful that is bullshit blazing indeed name of the fucking song by the way oh god um yeah so whatever it is you want to do is gonna have to wait all right yeah i'll i'll ask for next week though yeah all right we might as well go into guilty gear because since we're talking about it hey it looks good looks okay shut up shut your fucking mouth looks incredible no but we need to we need to create a reason for the the clip to say guilty gear 2020 looks okay which is the one that was like the the dumbest was like three hours it's like
Starting point is 02:51:22 astral chain for an hour and we're just fucking going off on how sick it is and just the video title is it's okay yeah and then talking about movies that movie is okay which usually means the opposite everything is okay it's okay if you're gonna fucking come at this with your preconceived notions then here's what your notions are yeah you know what that thing is it's okay it's okay yeah didn't hate it that guilty gear trailer looks incredible and they use the same like bread and butter combos with kai and soul so that you can compare it to the excerpts first trailer 2d tyrant rave and you're able to be able to be like yeah it looks really good and by 2d i don't mean two-dimensional i mean down dust sweep into tyrant rave and then you just you get to look at
Starting point is 02:52:16 kai and how his stance has changed and he's like super confident in all of his poses now i dropped a tweet that basically said i think it's time to stop talking about guilty gear as the best-looking fighting game and it's time to start talking about it as one of the best-looking video games i would agree with this it's incredible looks unbelievable like the first time excerpt dropped it was all about embracing uh the beauty of of sprites and their lost frames to try and recreate that old feeling this time around they still have the same level of crazy hit stop but they're fully fully showing off the 3d every two seconds they have no problems whatsoever zoom because they're also emulating like 3d like utilized hyper animated
Starting point is 02:53:17 like red line style like oh it looks good it looks better than every 3d anime ever tv show trying to put shit out on on the air like easy it doesn't it's in game so it gets to render out 60 frames per second you don't have to deal with that choppy bullshit it just looks glorious the whole time it was very high quality and i understand the technical limitations behind why anime can't look like this but i don't care it doesn't look as good yeah i don't care so we got a may looks great new character design for everybody everyone everyone so soul looks like a really good soul kai is easily the best he's ever loved ever been and if the may is the fucking like way we're going to be dealing with returning characters where their color scheme and general
Starting point is 02:54:14 silhouette remains the same but they look a hundred times better than they ever did well she's she's an adult now yeah that's it which means johnny kicked her off the boat oh she's not allowed on the ship not allowed on that ship at all the johnny ship no longer has room fuck me johnny ship is empty bro may ship no longer may no johnny ship no no no get out of here go live your life as an adult and accomplish all the things you would this is for your sake and then johnny like flips the coin just goes disgusting and she's like wait johnny what about mr fainter back aside um get off my boat does his fucking back dash just into the dust into the distance uh anyway i
Starting point is 02:55:18 cannot wait to see everyone after the personal stylist takes them shopping and they get the fucking glow up yeah no that's that's the first time i've seen a character and i said to myself oh that's a glow up that someone someone in universe took that character and we're like okay you look like a fucking clown let's go to the fucking store like kiske some cloud kiske is like yeah you know what like no time to wear some clothes yeah you know and he fucking he's on that rock flip rock Howard train yeah of like yeah man black t-shirt black pants it's good look and then something draped over to just kind of add a little bit of custa a little bit of flirt with it went from his primary to his accent color it's so good it's so clean
Starting point is 02:56:02 i was like oh his hair's not long anymore fuck it fuck it he doesn't need that go back to cut tail go back to the old look clean up he's a dad he's a king yeah now actually he's a king dad yeah let's see and may i want to give like a thumbs up to may in particular for being a person i have literally seen on the street that is the most casual looking fighting game character look i've ever seen the king of fighters touch has been applied yeah to these characters right it's that idea of like as time goes forward let's just put clothes on you know the character you know who they are let's just put some clothes on like some normal clothes normal wearing clothes that still speaks to their design and still speaks to their you know like aesthetic
Starting point is 02:57:00 because god damn it like who doesn't love kyo's looks over the years right who doesn't love fucking eori with the fucking dress down like come it's so cool so now you're gonna get to enjoy slayer in some other attire yeah matching his fucking class and dignity and personality it's gonna be great temkin temkin's all over the place wearing a suit wearing a wearing sleeve list shirt whatever the fuck temkin can do whatever he wants we got we already got his glow up yeah go another way with it let's you um i don't know what the fuck bike is gonna get including i don't know if she's gonna show up yeah there's a lot of they've they mixed and matched a bunch of their characters now that it's unclear as to who will show up on the first round
Starting point is 02:57:51 well i think what should happen is like angi mito and bridgett should get a crack at it yeah and zappa should get a crack at it zappa's money abba should get a crack at this game is money yeah but zappa's big money big zappa is the money for two other characters oh you mean like jacko yeah like jacko or flt fuck off like they've done it they don't care yeah angie abba yeah you're right of those two ito's just gonna be topless with pasties the whole time yeah just full like yeah fuck it she's gonna go from a skirt to tight leather pants and just full on pasties nothing else you know what i want to see for a fucking zato one i want to see eddie as the one who's standing there and he's flinging uh zato one's corpse at you as the as the as the second
Starting point is 02:58:54 character like uh like filia with samson yeah no no no man i'm i'm really excited to see what the neo versions are gonna be of whoever comes back uh also interview with ishiwatari daisuke talking a little bit about how um depth is not gonna be sacrificed while like reinventing yeah of course gear they they're not allowed to do that but the idea of having like a stylish mode is not something they want to do this time if anything they just want they're like if we need to put a stylish mode in the game is probably too complex so he's looking at it from the point of view of let's make it inviting from the ground up but have have that depth um something interesting about astral chain's interview uh talked about how uh or kimia said this actually he said um
Starting point is 02:59:49 he said i don't think people want modes like um easy automatic and stuff like i don't think people want uh a game that is overall easy they want a game they want to wear as much as they want something like those modes to give them a touch of what it feels like to be an expert right that's a good quote and i was like that's interesting it's not that the person who wants it want the person doesn't want the game's ceiling to be low they want it higher they just want to know what it's like to be up there yeah and that goes oh don't fuck with never fuck with that yeah if you bring that down you're just robbing the game of something incredible that it could be you know uh so that that's a pretty astute observation um and uh yeah that kind of
Starting point is 03:00:46 comes to mind with this a little bit um something else too i think uh i think keats said this weekend it was like i like games that uh frequently forced me to reassess what i'm thinking and for some people that's just stressful yeah you can't design something for everyone right yeah you can't and like there's always going to be no you can't there's always going to be people that just don't pick up that product i said that no you can't i thought you said yeah nah i was i was a little mumbling but um it's i i i i'm curious i'm really really really curious to know what all this big talk is for guilty gear 2020 and lastly i hope that it ends even though you can still see a lot of the same moves being performed you saw sweep you saw a tyrant rave
Starting point is 03:01:34 you saw a fucking yeah you saw everything you saw the same combos yeah right i hope it's called guilty gear three that'd be cool i'm really crossing my fingers but it won't be on that it'll be called guilty gear fours uh but uh why why if yeah no i'm hoping for a guilty gear three um um project resistance we're glad to see it looks like it's a cool idea that needs much more time in the oven haven't watched the those the the stuff on it so what what do we got here what is this trailer slifer dead slashed it by daylight what was evil now is it we were talking about what it could be and so it's it's not like it's not outbreak for dead slash dead by daylight with brazil
Starting point is 03:02:35 it's actually closer to a different game called uh last year because oh last year yeah i remember that because there's a because there's a the the the the director whatever the fuck it is is placing enemies out out of line of view and stuff like that zombie you no no like they're literally like a floating camera and can move around the map and and put like a liquor down behind the corner and shit like that because the director system not director system sorry the zombie you asymmetrical thing allowed you to oh yeah kind of like that your zombie spawns and and zombie you could be play zombie master uh what what uh what i'm looking at here is yes you know third person but but but like i guess when you say left for dead left for dead that makes me think it's like
Starting point is 03:03:24 get through the arena get to the end escape combat heavy as opposed to survival heavy pretty much okay which is not what you want to know uh reaction to it's pretty tepid and it looks a little undercooked like the footage they showed was just it didn't look very polished uh i saw matt walker going out on twitter being like hey guys games got a long way to go maybe quit being assholes and i was like that that's not a great sign okay i bet this is being made by whatever division inside capcom keeps thinking that there's a way to really hard break into the multiplayer esports genre so as someone who's like you know you you'd be this is this is this is aimed at you this is not aimed at me this is not aimed at me but it but it is it's not hitting you but it's
Starting point is 03:04:25 aimed at you it is not aimed at me it is aimed at people who are huge huge fans of asymmetric multiplayer playable mr x it has elements that should be appealing to me because of the brand but the type of game they're showing has no appeal to me whatsoever despite its superficial similarities to other games that i know i like because i was going to say that as a big resident evil fan i assume that you are in their crosshairs a big reason what i want to know is like providing that the framework of this game is the same which is new re system engine yeah multiplayer for players asymmetrical what would you want this to be i want it to be outbreak i don't want a director and i want a huge portion of the thing to be randomized ai stuff against in classic ish
Starting point is 03:05:23 style or as an evil levels that will seal off or be different discoverable like honestly more like left for dead but with a survival element though all the footage they show they show is of them going up against tons and tons of enemies and there's the there's the tank character who uses melee weapons and is really good and it's like how did how did how was outbreak received middling how does capcom feel about outbreak i don't know because it had serious serious technical problems and design issues okay but the core of it was really cool now last year and friday the 13th and dead by daylight and those type of games are much more modern and popular dead by daylights the the one that really like ran away with it so like and that's that's
Starting point is 03:06:15 the one that you see the most influence from so that's then it makes sense that they would be attempting that yeah but what i'm what i'm saying is is that this is a a game idea that they had and then they put resident evil on it like if you're a longtime resident evil fan you have seen many many many resident evil games that are hey let's slap resident evil on this and make it a resident evil game yep like the fucking gun ones and the fuck it and then you get something like re7 which this engine was expensive what else can we do if it it's really expensive and then you look at re7 hey woolly what does re7 have in it that has anything to do with resident evil almost literally nothing yeah all the way to that game's ending when somebody says the word umbrella
Starting point is 03:06:58 that could be its own game but that's a resident evil game because it has the stuff in it that i care about which is spooky areas a focus on exploration dangerous locations survival elements resource management yada yada yada yada yada so you're not mad at the lore no there's there's already been like 10 games that that people write off entirely and i'll tell you i'll tell you as a description outbreak uh and i remember from seeing the trailer of like the fucking all the players trying to survive and whatever like the random squad yeah like it always sounded super interesting yeah as an experimental game um i i'm totally disinterested in this and i it'll probably be fine right i don't think we're looking at another orc i don't think we're looking at another
Starting point is 03:07:50 the other one umbrella core what if uh umbrella core is a you go fucking play that for 10 minutes it was a test it's astonishingly fucking awful when i was in qa it was in it was in the office it's fucking bad right i didn't i wasn't on the team but i saw this coming back with tears oh yeah oh boy holy shit uh i was gonna say like like what if this ends up like hitting hitting its stride and fucking somehow like being a really big deal although it's although it's it's also kind of like the fact that you're looking at like a main character that's like punching a glass right now and there's like little power up glows on him and like lots of just like not immersive things happening because a lot of like i think multiplayer based things are should focus on making the types of
Starting point is 03:08:40 games that it's good at and stop making the games that it has failed at making or that other or that other people are good at yeah i am i am sick of game after game after game of we're gonna let's use the resident evil brand to slingshot this terrible idea and oh look it's bad right umbrella core an umbrella core operation raccoon city uh the fucking 3ds mercenaries game the fucking um all the gun survivors they should have used the uh they're they should have used the the dino crisis engine instead the crisis brand instead uh uh fucking resident evil guy den uh uh umbrella chronicles and dark side chronicles like these games all suck but they put resident evil on them to hope that oh yeah people it's like they suck well um speaking of asymmetrical oh
Starting point is 03:09:50 have you seen the lobbies in dems fighting herds did you check this out at all i heard that they added a salt mode the salt mines what is the salt the salt mines is fucking awesome is what it is the salt mines is a pop off and a half i love it i think this is so much fun this is so much fun in a fighting game um in a completely in a completely different way and this is the thinking outside the box that i think we need to see more of man let me pull this this shit up um um okay so the salt mines is a mode right and effectively uh what it is is uh when you when you jump you know how like arxist games in the lobbies you control a little cute avatar of your character i do and then you can go down and sit at the little arcade sure and do all the little
Starting point is 03:10:56 stuff okay so uh in dems fighting herds you are playing a little you you go into this mode and you are how you have a cute little horse slash dems fighting herds cow whatever character yes you know in a uh top down uh 16-bit grawl ass yeah it looks like a like a grawl mmo yeah right uh you basically have your your little your little thing and and and uh you get dropped into these mines with i don't know what the max number of players is but about people but the demo shows off that you are they're playing in a group of i think six so uh you all basically then enter different rounds of play where you go through them you go through these mines you go from room to room and you're racing to mine salt right okay as you mine salt you basically walk up to a
Starting point is 03:11:56 block and like kind of like chip chip chip chip the button to collect sodium to collect it and you're trying to get up as much as possible uh which you can use to buy hats okay uh there's different things in the game where like if you end up with like like some of them or some of the best-looking hats or whatever them or the funnest hats are like expensive as you go through these mines and you're going against other people sometimes uh there's going to be these enemies that attack you right as they rush at you they basically it goes into a short round of them's fighting herds it very short round where you fight a monster ai as a as a salt mines creature right you beat it and then move on and continue playing so basically it is u6 versus these these
Starting point is 03:12:52 enemies like a dungeon crawler yeah dungeon crawling exactly um sometimes they describe i didn't see it in the in the footage they in the stream that they did but i heard that like you can go up to a treasure chest and there's like a countdown on it and that if you approach the treasure chest where someone else's count is the countdown is going you can challenge them for what's in it and then you guys have to fight a match to win that prize okay before going back to to playing the salt mines right so there's little things like that where you can fight for a prize or whatever right um as uh time goes on as the rounds increase the enemies get harder they get bigger life bars um and they get you know whatever like trickier to fight and then eventually things
Starting point is 03:13:41 kind of uh uh get to the final countdown where upon getting to zero whoever has the most salt uh uh is cemented into first place and the game basically goes something sinister is coming so a boss is going to appear but what that ends up being is if i can scroll to it fuck where the fuck was it here let me go jump forward a lot the player in first place becomes a bear okay the bear is a super broken fucked up super crazy character that is like almost unstoppable but you can fight it it's just crazy busted yeah um and then that bear is has a job to hunt down every other player in the salt mines and kill them and kill them their vision cone becomes a lot smaller so they get the fog of war okay till it becomes completely dark whereas the bear has perfect vision yeah the
Starting point is 03:14:44 bear can sense which direction in the mines they're at and can run after them and basically uh the bear has like kind of like an ice slidey mechanic to like how it runs so the players can outrun it a little bit yeah but like it it generally can close the distance on you and you can use dynamite to keep it off right when the bear catches you one by one it starts murdering the shit out of the rest of the players to get all their salt and you need to try and survive right as long as you can uh and then of course after that it divvies out all the salt everybody gets their rewards although this this mode kind of lasts until you i think yeah you hunt them all down and let me move forward and then uh at the end yeah you take your rewards you go to the shop up in the overworld uh-huh and
Starting point is 03:15:36 then you buy your hats yay and it just it's just it is just like a fun completely different that's a cool mode yeah completely different way to play a fighting game online with people it's great really cool mode really great super fun i love that super creative someone fucking's wearing a soul bad guy hat so now they have hair like soul bad guy you know you mean a bull sad guy hat no soul bad guy licensed really officially why also uh uh chi is in there also ragna okay they have they have uh guest licensed like haircuts and and hats in the game officially so dem's fighting herds fucking that's a cool mode they're doing it man it's so fun uh definitely want to see that kind of creativity in in finding ways for people to play with other friends and
Starting point is 03:16:40 have fun together you know let's see more of that guys i would love to see like mk was a deception i had like an overworld fighting game thing and it was terrible but i'd love to see that idea actually taken further well that's what i'm that's what i'm that's ultimately what i'm trying to get at is i would love like a rpg develop something fully around this concept right um and allow it to be fun so that like it's fun while you're fighting off like random little grunts here and there and it's also fun while you're fighting against each other right never forget that um you know that thing in titanfall where you can shoot a bunch of stupid grunts and and spawning in ai fights yeah or you can go fight pilots which you need to do for to effectively win but you can still you can still
Starting point is 03:17:32 participate as a beginner and get the hang of things by just fighting that's great that's a really smart idea and i like i like that i like that in place here um it's titanfall 2 still dead yeah fall 2 servers are up you can still play it yeah but is it but is it nothing stopping you if you boot the game up can you play it yes you can i don't believe you the only thing stopping you is you uh my mouse died do i go talk to apex sorry to titanfall and then it just loads up apex and i'm like no no please wait did your mouse just die for real yeah oh mega man zero legacy collection announced that's a lot of mega man games z z1 z2 z3 and uh that's cool plus that x that x advent yeah that's good i like that hooray for that um and a new mode where you are basically doing
Starting point is 03:18:37 time trial challenges and then you can do multiplayer time trial challenges against friends or the world oh that's nice z chaser so that's a nice little unexpected bonus sounds good sounds good i like mega man now that's fucking almost all of them minus like the the side eh who cares about that shit excuse me power soccer who cares legends legends too i always forget stop it i don't am i crazy i didn't like legends too nearly as much as legends one legends legends one has a better story legends two has better mechanics because i really loved like the the overworld in one and i didn't like it too i think i feel like legend i i liked i liked legends one story i like legends two mechanically they improved a lot
Starting point is 03:19:34 music is fucking awesome all around but all in all though but at the same time you're comparing two great games yeah remember data would do that little dance when you save the game he sure did oh man that was great remember when you had to fight all the bones in the city one after the other no actually i don't it was really rough wait what you had to fight like three of you have to fight like three bosses in the same city area that were destroying the city did you say the bones tron bone it's tron bond man okay you have to fight the family all together it's three bosses together and that part was really really tough i remember having a hard time with it tron bond diesel bond baby bond um let's see here the surge two had a trailer
Starting point is 03:20:30 yeah i'm gonna be playing that soon enough so i'm not i'm not watching trailers anymore surge one was good but flawed i'm expecting surge two to be better but flawed so pretty good just a funny ass headline here uh contra rogue core demo oh my god has 14 frames of input lag 14 frames that's a lot of frames of input lag 323 milliseconds of lag 14 frames is a like a full heavy punch um start to finish in many fighting games i was gonna say a one bar connection against somebody when you red bar warriors please go home but it's a red but that's a red bar like by default at all times you know what woolly come to think of it we both responded to this uh query in social media but since the initial uh stance came from the podcast we
Starting point is 03:21:35 might as well uh expand slightly on the podcast so a intrepid person said woolly pat you guys don't seem to understand that by uh having ping tests and requirements for online play that you are essentially banning many people from online play such as the example they used was many us states i would add the entirety of australia to that turns out we had very different responses mine was oh i definitely know that i am saying that i demand that we purge the red bars to the wi-fi dimension um i tried to elaborate a little bit because i felt like uh the individual was probably coming at it from a point where they just thought this is unfair you're telling people to not play the game too bad for them they can't control that that's true um so what i did was
Starting point is 03:22:37 i tried to liken the scenario to driving yep and uh i kind of created an analogy where i tried to explain basically that um we all drive with a communal agreement that we're not going to endanger each other on the road right because it would really suck if you put your non-street legal car in to the street in traffic where we're all going to have to fucking swerve around it right right that non-street legal car that breaks down all the time is someone who's constantly disconnecting and also in the example that you gave if you were having f1 and as ranked play as the equivalent and you brought your dad's old van in you're endangering well that's so that that's the second part of it so yeah like the understanding that like you know but but the the key purpose of that is
Starting point is 03:23:30 modes exist as you're the intention of the player right um if you sit down and you go i bought this game i want to play it that's a simple thought right but the reality is that people go to play things with different intentions right when you play something live in person uh you can play offline on a couch with your friends for fun you just tell them you can play at an arcade where you're kind of like i want to win i want to get some stretch out of this order hit a tournament or you can go to a competition right so those are all places where you have different intentions playing the same game you can't declare those intentions going uh online in in just by popping the game in so the game has to go where do you want to play what do you what type of experience
Starting point is 03:24:15 are you looking for yes and so this is where someone who wants to just play no matter what and have fun with it and play against other people would have a player match and that's where i say that's where you jump online and as long as you're not constantly disconnecting with people yeah have fun drive your car on the road right but the person who disconnects we can all agree lost it sucks that their connection excludes them from being able to participate but you have to be exclusionary to that person because they're going to ruin your chance to play the game at all so i would like to say woolly that let me just i was sorry so the the whole f1 part of things is to say that meanwhile there's another mode called ranked where people are going to race their fucking cars
Starting point is 03:24:58 yeah and these are people that are looking to perform at the highest level right their goals are not just to have the same couch fun you're looking for they want to compete yeah and they want to compete against other people that are doing that as well because if you bring your still street legal but not f1 car to that area they're gonna have a heart they're gonna have to swerve around you the same way you're swerving around the person in the dead junked up ford model t so this is what it it means when it's like i i like how k i had that gate for the ranking thing because it was like sorry like people are trying to i think that was great how they seamless experience here you know and the best way to play this game is lagless which is offline but we can't do that
Starting point is 03:25:41 therefore we're approximating the best thing we can do here and your intentions are not the same as the people in the mode you're going into so uh we mean you actually said the exact same thing the differences that you said it much more nicely and even handed than i did um much much more reasonably i would even say i think it's important to state that people have different intentions playing the same video game as yeah so and it's simple to just say why can't i play with you this sucks and it's like we're playing we're almost playing different so here's the thing in my opinion if if you're like what hey pat why can't i play with you just because i have a red bar it's because the game that we're playing when you have a red bar and the disconnect isn't the game that i want to play
Starting point is 03:26:23 you made it that game um uh somebody pointed out to me that i i you know i talked about it for a little bit on twitter but people the somebody's is like hey you're actually forgetting this like cooperative gameplay is just as important and i'm like oh yeah you're totally right i can't think of the number of times that i logged into an mmo or logged into a team game and it's three out of four players versus the encounter or it's four v five because there's the one guy who just sucks ass because his his character just doesn't exist sometimes yeah the problem is that the effect there is somewhat lessened when the type of online is based on everyone connecting to a server whereas the nature of fighting games is that it has to be peer to
Starting point is 03:27:08 peer you sure because it's too the response well the team games i'm describing are also peer to peer in most cases okay okay like i mean woolly if you if you walk in and on your dota team there's four people and one guy with a terrible connection versus five people you lost that game might as well not exist okay um so that so just just sort of like uh uh uh explaining to someone that might be like like why can't it just be on the server why can't it just like you know it helps but it doesn't it like if you were to do that for a fighting game everyone across the board would suffer like i think dedicated servers would probably very much help fighting games fighting games need to be peer to peer so that you can get the best possible
Starting point is 03:27:53 response time i don't think that's true that's definitely true you know that for a fact that dedicated servers would not help fighting games at all i know i know for a fact from talking to someone on a fighting game dev team about this for a while and rollback is essentially the reason why people like ggpo so much is because what it does is it creates a neutral true like timeline of events that it constantly refers back to but it's the fastest way to have a reference point compared to have involving everyone connecting to a server you it just has to be done this way unless the game is turn-based or something in which case sure man go bounce it around all you want but when you're when you're counting frames it's so it's gotta be i think a better point that
Starting point is 03:28:40 was made that that was made to what i was trying to say was not made by me but it was made by somebody who replied to me and it was i don't understand why i should feel bad for the people who want to make their problem everyone's problem right the fact that you sir have a red bar internet will on your wi-fi and disconnect constantly mm-hmm is not my problem until you start to make it my problem mm-hmm but and i don't care yes that's fine the difference is is that that person says but it's not my fault this is where i live i don't care i know but i'm and i would rather just go your point of view based on where you're standing you're unfortunately in a valley that doesn't allow you to see over the treetops to understand their perspective here you're stuck
Starting point is 03:29:33 with what you're looking at and you don't understand better so i would like to at least explain what it's like from another perspective to hopefully get you to understand that if you understand that and still disagree that's no problem i can wash my hands it's all good at least you understood right but i would like to take that approach because i want people to not just write off everything about these games and these situations and i mean it's something that i know i've talked to plague at at length about for a while we're just like yeah you know living out in the fucking the shits doesn't get you any any anything helpful when it comes to playing fighting games online or offline so uh one of the interesting things i'm seeing in chat is like
Starting point is 03:30:18 pat that's a selfish point of view and my point of view is that i don't care that you don't care and that's totally fair i hope that developers start to care and start to add requirements to hit on a rank play not online play ranked play it would take it would take because k i did it yes and so this description the the the the the reason why i ended on that point is because the most the dumbest part about all of this is that the game itself could state its intentions clearly or at the very least reflect the intentions of the players more clearly by implementing these types of things implementing that speed test right but it doesn't so people are left to interpret on their own like oh i want to go play ranked and i'm yeah i'm connected off
Starting point is 03:31:07 my phone tether whatever you know like nothing stopping me i can play how i want you don't pay my sub right so and it would just ah don't say that to me you don't even know oh my god but the idea remains and it would really really really help everything if the game like if the game acknowledged that this is the reason why players are playing these modes like i think that i think the i don't remember how this started but i think it's like you know how i believe in rage quitter penalties yeah and i those penalties should include you don't get to play the game for a while and there's usually a subsequent amount of people that are like well but i disconnect often but i don't do it on purpose that would affect me too and i go yeah good if you disconnect out of half
Starting point is 03:32:05 your matches outside of your own fault like nobody cares now there's another perspective that other people chimed in on that they're like the focus of your frustration should be the shitty internet in america and the fact that the infrastructure is corrupt and garbage yeah well i don't live in the united states so there's not a whole lot i can do about that also canadian rural infrastructure is just as bad if not worse the bell ain't great you know how fucking far away the northwest territories are from the regular ass civilization they're farther from any civilized location than exists any point in the united states 100 the only the only the thing that i have is the same as in any other situation in life or just like this this person is like you poor fool
Starting point is 03:32:59 you're coming from a place of ignorance unfortunately and it sucks that you don't understand that by trying to participate here you're ruining everyone else's active like ability to play and have fun and like but you're like but my experience is being sacrificed too and it's like yes yes it is get out every like everyone is being dragged down by this and you know when that when you were having that magic car tournament and that kid came in and his magic cards were smeared with shit and piss and everyone could smell it and he was fucking up the table you asked that kid to leave how do we fix the actual situation well in an ideal world make better infrastructure and not have shitty companies running this bullshit in the state all right well
Starting point is 03:33:43 let's talk about real solutions well that's my point right unfortunately we have to skip that option because that doesn't seem like it's gonna happen anytime soon so we jump straight to the second point which is red bars go home get play from somewhere else whether that means moving somewhere else or temporarily going to a now well are you telling the entire country relocate to relocate to a real location because i am australians you need to move somewhere that matters somewhere that's real you say somewhere that's real yeah not in the agro zone you know what i love about australians they are good sports and they they're they're just like oh fuck you you fucking that it's like oh i love i mean better sports than some of the folks that
Starting point is 03:34:35 were like jumping in that thread but they are they are a silly people but it really is it just comes down to everyone is like but my experience though right yeah and of all the people saying but my experience though the ones the majority are the ones being affected by one person shitty connection yeah like the then this is a needs of the many outweighing the few scenario you ever play gears of war one multiplayer yeah you remember when the host was bad sure how fun was that shit host migration is not something i ever want to see ever again in any video game you remember when the host was running 300ms and the game was completely unplayable so you remember when host migration was like roses are red violets are whatever the fuck it was those you know in for
Starting point is 03:35:33 honor they had that huge problem in the first version of the game yeah where the fucking host migration shit would pop up every goddamn match or two and every time it did everyone's health went back to full so which was like the last thing anyone ever wanted so that is like well i forgot the name of that infrastructure but it's like it's not all players connecting to a server it's a like um it's fault it's not p2p whereas it's like every every match has someone acting as the host and everyone connects to that person as a small mini server yeah but that opens up one the ability of that person to cheat like a motherfucker yeah that person gets access to everyone else's ip's yeah that person gets the ability to literally if they want to create a
Starting point is 03:36:23 setup lag switch the game warframe is peer-to-peer and it has been because is the number one fucking complaint ever because when you have a host if that host that host is considered the reference point for the accurate timeline of the game so anyone else that's forced through their bullshit is going to like have an disadvantage if the person decides to put it that way and of course if the if the host has a garbage connection it's going to migrate constantly and have to re-update everything so that style of of infrastructure is entirely based on saving money not based on improving the experience of the players i would no one puts that in saying that this is the best way to have there is one person that can't that made the point that is
Starting point is 03:37:06 side to both of these points of view that was actually completely right and i would be happy with this this solution and i'm sure most people would too the actual problem the real problem that we're describing that that you could fix it with one thing is that ping numbers in game need to actually be fucking accurate when i set my fucking bars in dbz to be four bar and up only i was about to say i don't want to get fucking matched up with one red bar drop motherfucker yeah so i do i was about to say that like the the way that the game currently expresses what we're describing is by letting people with a good connection only search for people with a good connection slash only people in your area whatever the fuck you put you put limiters
Starting point is 03:38:05 but it doesn't work and if it did i would never have to see you unless i opted in therefore making it you wouldn't know that i was avoiding you you would only play against people who were okay with it yeah and everyone else that's not okay you would have a fucking internet ghetto community for the for the dqers dcers it's inclusive with invisible gates yeah and invisible gates make people feel like they're in the the same playground they don't realize there's an upper tier of playground happening just beyond the hologram veil like all all they need to do is have a secret ping test when you load in and then the secret ping test puts you into various tiers where you're allowed to play with you know good people did you know there was a bouncy castle
Starting point is 03:38:51 in the middle of the playground i did know but you couldn't see it i you know when i started when i was a teenager i couldn't see it but then i grew up i can move it out i got my but yeah and you can bounce super high in that bouncy castle and you can see everything you know what i love with the people in the dirt on the outside they can't even see the bouncy castle you know what i have people in the bouncy castle can say i don't want to see them you know what i absolutely love there is a there's a third level to this argument um there are routers that you can bar bar par thide says the chat there are there are routers that you can buy that will analyze your peer to peer data and will straight up say you can set them to hey don't allow peer to peer connections
Starting point is 03:39:36 below this garbage arbitrary rate anything over whatever and if it encounters them it will add them to a fucking blacklist and it is like you buying a piece of gear that says uh that says my internet is a gated community yeah you all need to go pretty sure that's how max fixes a lot of his problems i okay i was it was i was not using max i didn't want to it wrote max into our discussion but yes max has totally as a router that that turns his internet fighting game experience into a better fighting game experience the game by keeping the plebs out by doing what the game should be doing already doing yeah quite simply the game system is supposed to be doing this but it doesn't it's really weird how bad ping indicators are in most games like i've had one bar connections in dbz that
Starting point is 03:40:33 were immaculate and i've had um fucking um the five bar connections that were trash that were hitching all over the place i think they just measure ping speed but they don't measure packet loss which is the big problem um yeah man i think um it's kind of insane that k i's the only the only one oh you know why because it was free is that why yeah i thought it was because it was keats well i thought i thought it was because keats was like fuck that shit okay keats cares true but it got to get cat because it got but it got to get away with it because it was free whereas if street fighter did it street fighter five you know what you get i can't believe i paid 60 dollars and this game told me i'm not allowed to play ranked that would be outrageous
Starting point is 03:41:39 i mean look if you are out in the boonies and someone else out in the boonies has a copy of the game when i lived out you guys might be able to get a decent match against when i lived out in the suburbs so it's not in uh in the the suburbs of of the montreal and i didn't have good internet i could totally play very good matches against my friends who also lived in there a couple blocks down so it's not a complete write-off yeah but ranked is random against the world yes it is um that's it man it's just it's just a matter of understanding why the things are happening listen i don't dislike you the same the same result like it's not that well ideal world the situation should change realistically it's not going to no the way things are built yes we
Starting point is 03:42:24 should have these for these systems functioning but with what we have now with the cards we are currently dealt the best thing we can do is is take the week and throw them into the river of internet no that's already happening the best we can do is explain why they're being thrown okay we can tell them why and that's that's and then as they drown in the wi-fi waves i would like to take a story from um mile dude like fucking korea is looking at us going not our problem it's and japan is looking at us going not our fucking problem actually japan is looking at us going wait what is the problem because their internet is so clean on their fighting games they don't have to worry about what stage you picked they had arcade hookups running online
Starting point is 03:43:15 played at different arcades within cities because who cares turns out that bouncy castle has a fucking rope and invisible rope hanging that if you climb that rope there's a giant floating fucking second tier of playground in this um lego kingdom or some shit floating up there but that's asia i want to i want to tell a slight story that is the microcosm of this story within my own friend group my own friend group smash came out we played a bunch of smash like five or six of us right and we get into a big lobby right and you know one person would sit out and and uh you know then four people would play you know that kind of thing right and we all had good internet we're all internet fiends right like good city internet nothing below like a
Starting point is 03:43:58 broadband connection and uh something weird started to happen we noticed that uh one of our friends just if ever they were even present in the lobby the game would run like shit it would just run back just showing up okay yeah just them looking at the lobby and we were like dude it's totally your internet what is going on usually have such great internet he's like i don't know i don't know it's like on and on for weeks and it's like wow every time he shows up sure enough the game starts to lag it's got multiple extra frames of input delay and then do you have that moment you know that moment where it all becomes clear and somebody says that one extra word and he could end like dude what is the deal with your internet it's only for smash we play
Starting point is 03:44:54 all the time you never ever have this problem he goes i don't know my switch is right next to my router we go what do you mean it's right next to it he goes well the wi-fi connection it's like oh he's the only one in that group playing on playing on wi-fi and we're like dude it's totally the wi-fi connection i don't know the wi-fi connection is fine for everything else and we're like yeah but smash is online is shit and it's sensitive to packet loss and they even told you to go do it it's like well i'm not going to get a fucking adapter adapter just for smash yeah and what ended up happening is just that friend just stopped playing smash with us and it was it was kind of a bummer because and it's still the case like the new
Starting point is 03:45:40 characters come out and it's still the the exact case and i'm tempted to just be like i will fucking just buy you the fucking adapter like just like wi-fi is worse like out of this whole discussion that we've had i think wi-fi is is a bigger problem than your shitty ping because wi-fi introduces guaranteed packet loss yeah on every single fucking game it's a new convenient technology you know that you didn't have back in the day of everything plug it in i don't care this isn't even like i don't have the ability to plug it in yeah you do we know you do plug it in just plug it in and of course on the on the you know the level of just like retention or whatever like that's also how you lose people that story it's how someone stops
Starting point is 03:46:34 playing a game yeah you know someone that otherwise would love to play that game a bunch online does not because of that problem so um shit fucking shit shit's not gonna be good for a while stop using wi-fi for anything but your phone and if you have something that is anything for like it's one of my favorite scrub quotes is like that shows up it's like i don't understand my my wi-fi is fine i play games on all the time it's only this one this game sucks yeah no it's wi-fi sucks and if you're playing uh salt mines with your friends and your connections garbage who gives a fuck yeah bye yeah like it doesn't really make that much of an impact on everybody except for when they're chasing you and you're fucking yeah
Starting point is 03:47:21 glitching around the map but you know all you it's it's yeah that's what it is just plug it in man at the end of the day our world moves in increments of one sixtieth of a second the speed of light is too slow for us it's too slow for us that being said i mean light travels way faster than a sixtieth of a second so that quote is nonsense but it but it's limited to it is forced into one sixtieth of a second in increments that are like you understand like light is way faster than that i would like to take a quote from a member of the audience who knows a bit about this we have a sir who says the fact that smash is so insensitive to small amounts of packet loss is the real issue problems been solved for 15 years that is by some guy named max a million dude
Starting point is 03:48:12 in our in our chat right now how about that how about that uh he's completely right there you go but max i didn't say arxist has good online pat did don't put that evil on me it doesn't be online what do you just don't put that evil on me woolly you agree with me don't you remember holy shit it was off the podcast but he me and woolly were talking and woolly was like i can't believe people would talk shit about arxist is online right it's so i am not holding i am not oh satan get the behind me i am not holding that anyway um yeah yeah i want to know what summoned him it was like yo max people are talking about how you force people into the wi-fi ghetto i would like to think it was the quote of the super chat buff fighting game arcade man from
Starting point is 03:49:00 that manga yeah because that shit's the best well he's been in here for like 10 50 minutes but all but like no like i was saying it's like the speed of light is forced into one frame yeah therefore it is accurate it is oh god yeah man um i i want to say that like like the thing is is again the the number one solution is is fixed the world is a tiered society but the up the uprising the internet uprising is not going to happen no therefore you have to build the game that can best serve the shitty status quo we are stuck with yeah you know all right let's think red bars can no i'm not it no i'm good who i'm good what i'm good oh i'm good i'm good did you just autocomplete a
Starting point is 03:49:58 completely unsaid joke in your mind and are laughing at it is that what's happening because i think you actually know what i was gonna say let's take some emails and if you want to send an email in uh you can send an email down to us at castle super beast mail at that's castle super beast mail at email might sound something like this as picked by one woolly yeah if your bars are red you're better off dead boivin that's right if you're on wi-fi just go die boivin oh i love it i love it that's that's better than the first one i like that that's oh hold on a second i'm gonna change my twitter handle
Starting point is 03:51:00 that's probably pretty long if you're not plugged in i'll beat you in the shin on wait if you're on wi-fi i must write if you're not on wi-fi just if you're on wi-fi just go die just go die boivin boivin man come on whatever um there we go name can't include quotation marks fuck you but it's my name you doing okay man i'm okay i'm just pulling up some emails here if you're out in the boonies we'll treat you like a whoo hey what's up we got one coming in from from wait no that's wrong that's not the inbox i was looking there i i did it i did it i changed
Starting point is 03:51:57 my profile name thank you woolly i hope people get super mad okay uh where the fuck did it go i lost my email sorry here it's all for time uh yeah i gotta change that on twitter that could sound like a threat and then people get me banned off twitter yeah telling people to go die is a problem yeah so i'll just say red bars go home uh fuck fuck fuck let me let it get in the emails sorry did you lose all the emails no it just logged me out
Starting point is 03:52:51 oh okay pat if you have a red bar i'll hit you with my car i love it when people make up like infinite little stupid rhymes i've been doing it non-stop on on the channel oh every every fucking opportunity i get on woolly versus to throw in the the double quotation nicknames oh it's so good it's the best because there's so many if the ping is too ass get ready for the gas boivin no man i'm good plug in the corridor be put to the sword boivin all right that's all right oh i don't like him if your bar is red your baby's dead boivin listen all right the australian
Starting point is 03:53:48 don't need good internet they're all handsome and fit why they need this fantasy world bad connection get the gun boivin yeah that yeah all right plug in the cable or i will disable boivin that's good i like this okay all right all right we got one coming in from um let's see here no don't do that well he's having some technical issues colin says hey judge dreds and pat on heads what's up man long time watcher from the old times got into listening to you guys love the podcast thank you makes time on the forklift go buy a nice set of smooth paste oh god damn it um this email is probably gonna get thrown into the junk pile like the rest of them but here it
Starting point is 03:54:54 goes i was usually thinking about an old game back on the ps1 called kensei sacred fist an old fighter made by konami of all people i can't uh think of another fighter that they've made but whatever played it back in the day it's one of the greatest block animations ever is realistic and it was super cool with akira yamaoka music looked it up for the first time and saw it had lowest scores but i remember it being a really good game did you guys ever play it kind regards colin that's a scrub lords in it sure was isn't that game trash why would you ask a question that google could answer you talking to me no okay i'm asking colin a question okay well i mean i have a lot of questions that people could answer yeah yeah that would google one like i could do
Starting point is 03:55:45 this okay google set my alarm for 10 minutes from now you just have to type two words in you know what's a fun thing about that one you get to discover who in chat is watching this on a speaker because apparently when you say it out loud apparently my voice is close enough to the default that it triggers everyone's phones no matter what i tell them to do that sucks it's hilarious what are you talking about i have power oh i can reach through the screen and fucking turn people's phones off i feel i feel sorry for the parrot who maybe seven years ago named their baby siri siri that's bad siri denaris portana got one coming in from zuzu
Starting point is 03:56:49 greeting super beast cast nathan here nathan says i know neither of you are currently into any sports games but i'm interested in your opinion with how little difference is made between yearly iterations should sports games just for go releases and become gas should they wait what games as a service oh i thought he meant inhalable should sports games become gas let's you purchase and breathe in the sports every year you breathe in sports um or pay a yearly fee for a constantly updated version of the game or is this just a shitty idea for the business and or consumers fun all the entertainment that you mentioned that because there's something i said to willy last week that i guess he forgot to include
Starting point is 03:57:38 which was the nba pc version of 2k 20 i did not forget to include it it's on the docket i we just skimmed it i skimmed it the nba 2k 20 game when you load it up on pc still has the nba 2k 19 taskbar image because it is literally the exact same game with roster updates more micro transactions and apparently way more bugs these are already gas so uh yeah there it is pulled up the story the taskbar icon is says right there nba 2k 19 because it is 2k 19 it's just been altered slightly i was like who didn't know that already you know yeah but it's it's it's the the nice things we don't want to pretend we know they they they know that and they are games as a service they just enter games as a service that you have to re up for 60 bucks every year so here's the thing
Starting point is 03:58:32 right if you actually now were to commit to here i think i think that if you were to just buy one piece of software that like would constantly update and then pay a yearly uh uh or monthly subscription on it one you probably end up getting gouged on the price it would be absurd of course and two uh i i feel as if that service would probably unlike say like mmo's that thing would probably start to slouch real quick in terms of like feeling the need to unless they gouged it real real bad uh uh uh uh they would probably i could see them like starting to just be like well it's out thanks for your money buy right i also should mention that there's a here's a name update and no other tech are up or major improvements there is a legitimate problem with that so let's
Starting point is 03:59:21 say ea even wanted to or 2k right they wanted to do that and just gouge you on roster updates and shitty features and microtransactions the problem with that is is two fold one every game resets the state of your microtransactions yours there's that so that you it has to be done again which is part of the money the second thing is the nba the nfl the nhl etc demand a game to be released every year yes now i i think sports are one of the exceptions that are like that's a genre that could benefit from the idea of gas right yeah but um and i said remember saying the same about like a rock band when we were like oh yeah please make a platform yeah as opposed to a bunch of discs with different music on it shittiest acronym ever well this is the actual worst and
Starting point is 04:00:10 it fits it perfectly i mean it was either that or just like sg yeah you know but whatever the case what i think this would call for probably would be a hybrid where you are subscribing annually not monthly to the service and you are getting an update but like you're basically download you're getting a new game for whatever for whatever purchase in and then there's benefits to like being a member or whatever over the course of this time i could see that being a way of just being like okay so you're not going to get a physical copy but you'll get a download every year and alongside that download you'll get all these season pass things and updates or whatever the case is as an incentive for someone who's like i've been buying these games for years i'm down to give
Starting point is 04:01:04 you guys this amount of money amount of money every year just just just roll me in yeah but you'll actually give them more money by rebuying it every year so it's not going to change if they were to find a way to up the price but give you a lot of extra shit you wouldn't otherwise buy i don't know man i i'm torn on this because uh sports game consumers appear to be morons and they just buy garbage every year i was gonna say the main thing about this email to be honest is that um like this would have to come from the company choosing to give a break to the the player in some way or make a deal yeah where as it stands it's doing them quite well yeah why would they change it with the status quo people are still dumb enough to buy fifa and madden every year
Starting point is 04:01:57 but um there could be some sort of system that does this and uh you know what if these licensed games were not uh literally uh the only sports games allowed to exist for each sport because once upon a time there was competition and now there is none and a lot of them are great then someone could come along and compete and say like oh well i will offer you a sports game that you can subscribe to for an updated roster and everything else you're looking for on a regular basis and that would then you know incentivize a competition but as is you're only allowed the one league game and that's about it or you can get a bunch of college players and not pay them for their likeness well they still rip them off anyway how about you just put out a football game called football game and it
Starting point is 04:02:44 doesn't have any license to anything and it but it plays well but people like football because they're fans of the teams yeah because they're idiots the people spending the money are buying it for the things that you're saying they should discard so it just doesn't work therefore we arrive to the end sports people who buy sports games in the modern era are buying large morons and nothing will change because they're too stupid to know any better what to do with their money well you know what pat an attempt was made yeah you tried to solve it stop buying them oh it'll change oh wait you're too dumb to understand what i'm saying i'm sorry okay well you can throw the ball though looking through the ball wow uh dilly says hello infinite void of unread letters that go into
Starting point is 04:03:36 yeah there's a lot uh only to be plucked by the cursor of fate in the lottery of publicity remember when woolly said that peak gaming age is 24 i do i didn't you did i didn't say 24 yeah you did the quote that i took that from was just was alex vie talking about justin wong and his peak in fighting games at 17 or 18 so why would i say because reaction time goes down at 24 after 24 your peak reaction time is 24 it goes down as you approach your as you approach your the third year 30 but it is not better than when you're when you're a teenager or at least that's what that's not 24 is the your peak brain physical condition did i did i actually say 24 it's quite possible that you that i said 24 and then you went uh-huh i think it's quite possible that this is another
Starting point is 04:04:28 one of those things that you said that gets attributed to everybody in the room well well because that hope that happens a whole lot listen a whole lot of people like to attribute things you say yeah to me and i fucking hate it oh well hey listen i fucking hate it listen being in the room means i concur with whatever was said of course you do why would you ever disagree with me i'm so smart anyway the story that i know was valier talking about justin wong and him having and and the idea of your peak abilities being in your teens yeah so like once you hit your 20s you're already fucking but experience though so if anyone did say that it wasn't fucking me so please stop not distinguishing between us well did you ever see that it happens
Starting point is 04:05:16 so often over the years and people misremember shit and make threads on things and come at me about things i've never talked about do you remember all the time do you remember when i told everyone when you were like sick in the hospital from an ant bite or something that you secretly loved funko pops and that it was all all of it was a massive work and that you actually really appreciate it when people give you funko pops and i said to them i said now i know what you're all thinking well he's gonna come out and he's gonna come out of the hospital and he's gonna say but i don't like funko pops i hate funko pops why would you make up this obvious lie about me while i was in the hospital and couldn't defend myself and that's a pretty good trick all right
Starting point is 04:06:01 that's a pretty funny trick but don't be deceived all right so everyone in the chat saying no but you did say it though so now i'm doubting reality yeah that's and i'm questioning everything that's always good and i don't know what's real anymore yeah right i know the story in my head was based on him talking about teenage years did i say something else in the quote i don't know anymore i'm fucking literally questioning everything because i'm pretty sure i know the source of what i of that that moment but i don't know i don't know what the actual episode is or what this guy's talking about was it just pat talking i'm getting gaslit the internet is fucking gaslighting me right now anyway it's my birthday and i'm now looking at what could
Starting point is 04:06:50 potentially be my peak performance in life i probably won't it probably won't uh it probably won't me as i am a washed up semi this is a bad sentence i'm sorry just read it for me okay it probably won't me as i am a washed up semi pro fps main uh and i and have since moved away from the competitive scene due to increase due to the increase in team-based gaming as opposed to solo skill yeah what is interesting to note is my style of play and my reflection of myself over time to this day going from reflex dependent run and gun eventually gave way to being happy being a support and sniper i i get that you can still stay relevant but i also don't feel the need to i realize what makes me happy is not always winning uh yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda
Starting point is 04:07:41 as we deal with ages as we deal with aging um i found he basically found a different way to enjoy playing the same games would you enjoy switching from perhaps rush down to parry or grapple master or something like that in a different context um how do you find aging affects your gaming style uh i don't i'm stronger now than ever i don't have that i like a style of play it because it's the funnest version of the game to me go jerk off in the bushes by yourself old man i haven't found that um my said woolly i haven't found that my age has changed anything about like my style of play preferences uh if anything i could say i've gotten more used to first person shooters than i was years ago yeah um i still really hate uh the fast ones that like
Starting point is 04:08:37 clipped through fucking walls and shit um that that's that comfort cage that vr does yeah is what i want in every game yeah quite frankly um but uh yeah this this doesn't apply to me i don't if i if i had to change the way that i played something because i was old i would just stop playing it because i want to play the way i want to play then i will brute force it until it works if i liked being a support in a game i it's probably something i've always liked it's not likely that it's something that i adopt because i'm just like oh i can't do what i want to do anymore you know uh all right minimum effort maximum derp says der woolly and pat i was recently a guest at a friend's house and he asked me to stay to eat lunch
Starting point is 04:09:26 with herself and her family this seems pretty normal so far agreed to stay but i was absolutely disgusted when lunch was served discovering that lunch in quotations was various slices of bread all smothered in mayonnaise this of course left me with two choices i could eat the soggy mayo bread or offend my friend and her family and get the fuck out offend them naturally i got the fuck out and lost a friendship that day but it was worth it it was so worth it what's the worst meal you've ever been served as a guest at someone's house the worst meal i've been served as a guest at somebody's house that's easy every single meal my grandmother ever cooked that sucks my grandma not my grandma on the french side oh okay but my english side grandma one of the two did it right though yeah
Starting point is 04:10:12 okay they did fine because i'm a man i was a old tiny french woman and she cooked like a beast she's amazing grandma grandma um my family got sick every single trip back from their house every time for my entire life i have some questions once the once we hit the stop button um this is a woman who grew up in the cooking school of my mother asking her as a child mom i don't think that meat is still good it's green and she said don't worry about it scraped the green off and threw it into the oven milk in the middle my milk is lumpy then chew it yes you know what masks the taste of bad food onion salt just put more onion salt i hate lamb now when i was young a friend of my mom's had us over there's a pretty boring adult house that kids would not have any fun doing anything
Starting point is 04:11:27 sure so eventually dinner time came around and a big ol bowl of egg salad was passed around i had never had egg salad before in fact i don't care for egg salad i've barely had any eggs before yeah but i heard good things about eggs a lot of people like egg salad never really never really just made them but i was pretty young at the time so you know that it smelled pretty funny but you know maybe that's just the way it's supposed to go yeah pretty slimy going down but that consistency maybe it was no no that's not correct i don't know what this is i've never had it before the consistency the taste the smell this is this is not i've had a single bite of egg salad and i agree with you on all points the texture is the worst texture later that night oh yeah many
Starting point is 04:12:30 vomits and shits later yes i was food poisoned oh proper food poisoned and eggs can now go fuck themselves ah i see see now it all makes sense because food repellent does like behavior is astonishingly fucking strong like you put them in front of me and you remember it and that moment yeah occurs yeah i'm not interested yeah that see that makes everything way way more sense i've explained it before it's just that simple i can't control egg salad's bad i don't like excel that was my introduction egg salads for like old people to the genre that is eggs yeah that's a bad introduction first impressions lasting impressions is we're literally programmed as creatures to do that so that we don't eat things that'll kill us
Starting point is 04:13:26 over and over and over it's like tasty food makes me ill but it's sorry spicy food makes me ill but it's but it's tasty so i eat it get over it woolly fuck off what do you what do you hate get over whatever your thing is uh get over being stupid idiot ha nailed it killing them today oh here's a question it's actually just talking about the lag discussion so okay we're just gonna skip that yeah we already had that discussion done that and lastly let's take one over from mike hey there woolly mammoth and the mustard goblin got mustard goblins uh loyal partner hey what up i'm currently unemployed and it sucks having a lot of time to kill between interviews and very little money
Starting point is 04:14:10 i got sucked into the world of absolute garbage brick breaker games hell yeah surprisingly the game played in most in most of them is actually solid while being pretty fun with it being pretty fun to launch a ball into a line of cluster of bricks or whatever watched chaos happen uh the problem is these games are horribly ad infested and some of the worst offenders are being uh ads after every level ads after every life lost ads after you restart a level because you screwed up ads after the little x that shows up for five seconds you have to physically hit the button you can't just hit your back button it does nothing uh the same as above but the ads go full screen and you can't hit back or home or anything without touching the screen when you do so it
Starting point is 04:14:44 brings up the star page it's fucking um ads that sound will shut off whatever music you're playing and not automatically started back up when the ad ends and unskippable 30 second versions of watch this player fuck up a puzzle solution so that i can say i can do it better it's it's easy and then download the game to spite the shitty player in the ad i've seen all of the above yeah all of the above yeah uh this is in addition to the various banner ads and ads on the level score screen and various other watch and ad to earn x reward in game currency for power ups which i'm fine with but in combination with the above ends up being awful and ruins the game experience for me love to hear you guys talk about advertising ruining good gameplay concepts and using this as a jump off
Starting point is 04:15:20 point to discuss the kind of monetization of free mobile games and how you think it could be done better wish me luck on my job hunt mickey bear um don't have free mobile games the absolute worst offenders have got to be the games with demos i noticed it start with tower defense games now it's all kinds of things that have either nothing to do with actual gameplay like fucking homescapes and garden scapes uh those fucking games yeah stupid uh those ads all right choose your own adventure ads that are basically a match three clone one of the worst of the worst of the worst is the demo where you click one thing and that's the end of the demo adventure adventure communist buy a single farm and the demo is over but you still have to wait 30 seconds
Starting point is 04:16:02 and pretend demos where it'll set up a moving screenshot of gameplay when you press it it just opens up the star page yeah listen listen all right uh as someone who's been playing a bunch of fucking scrabble yeah and uh i can and like you know the i jumped into the the mobile game thing a bit there um that is a rife absolute barren wasteland of garbage because this is what happens when you create an unregulated nonsense free game market and it's able to uh go unculled for years and years and years so that it has grown into a twisted cyst so that the things that started to happen on the we when people started to complain about um um what was the term um shovel wear shovel wear people started to complain about shovel wear on the we nintendo went nah man
Starting point is 04:16:56 but this is what happens when a community of shovel wear turns in on itself and turns their shovels on each other and bounces around in that box forever and then the light refracts stronger and stronger each time it hits a new surface yeah and then eventually it cracks open and a fucking photon cannon shoots out of diarrhea yeah because now all you're doing is basically buying a collection of ads with maybe a little game in between them why would you make a real game on mobile when you can just make garbage and make more money also if you make a real game on mobile how will people ever even see it i struggled when i got this new phone because this phone when i got it was fairly advanced i was like i'd like to see what good games there are and i could find
Starting point is 04:17:50 no database of any kind because there are 10 000 games that come out every second if there is a place where money can be made there will be people that will find the way the easiest way to game that system yeah right um there will inevitably be someone who wants that up and then there becomes a then there's a competition of how you won up the easiest payoff for the lowest effort and uh the concept of like doing something worth a damn or integrity is like infinitely non-existent it's been gone for years so what you get is someone who takes the philosophy of old war as sites and and old game as sites and and old porn sites that would infinite banner hell you and and just stack as many click through ads as possible to force you to eventually click something i remember one time and you put
Starting point is 04:18:45 that inside of a new downloadable mobile game and the same applies they're getting paid out for every time you get an impression on these things and every time you're forced to click on it and go through it it's a click through so that pays out even more so it makes perfect sense that someone would find that i remember long ago long long ago back in the ancient internet back when pornography was just in before the the banner the stoppers right and the pop-up blockers i was like i would like to look at some pornography and i discovered that it was so difficult to get through the ads that i actually left the situation going i don't even want to look at the pornography anymore i am now tired and sad and we'll now retreat back to playing video games
Starting point is 04:19:42 and then a single tear rolled down my cheek this is the game this is the pornography equivalent of the video games you were describing where you're like i would like to play a game and then you try and play the game but you can't and then you go i don't even want to play the game anymore and then return to the now easily available pornography yeah the other day i talked about like how ads for these games are just lies and how oh man how hilarious they're so funny and then people started tweeting some of the funniest ones out there there's some really really really funny ones because it's just it's your your look it's almost like youtube poop you know it's like the biggest lie i've ever seen tgs would like shits pants if this game was real but and and so like i
Starting point is 04:20:23 remember when i was just kind of like how are you how can like what is this world i'm stepping into and it's like this is a world of no regulation or rules this is a baron way no rules this is what happens when like the only thing you cannot do is like steal someone's money destroy their phone or show them porn are you sure you can't do those things you cannot do those are you sure you cannot oh you're not those ios guidelines i back in when i went for when i went through them they weren't very long it was a very short no really those those are the suggested rules don't get caught yeah um it it is it is really like this is unfortunately how do i put anytime an environment is left unto itself this will occur right we've seen it infinite times on the internet
Starting point is 04:21:19 like anytime people can come in and do a thing they're gonna do whatever the fuck they want to they're gonna do whatever they can do that'll help them get paid on it yeah it happened with bbs and then it happened with email and then it happened with the internet itself with browsing look at youtube look at the fucking weird ass fucking videos with the spider man and the fucking elsa that's that fucking scary shit or just the news article things where it just puts a news article headline generates an auto text read of the thing and then has a fucking uh a bunch of links under look at us we're not even real human beings we're just algorithms out here so the moment people can upload over whatever like their own things to a thing it's gonna it's
Starting point is 04:21:58 gonna happen it just takes a matter of time especially if it's the place where a lot of eyeballs are there are game companies attempting to make real games on phones and it's a joke i mean like they're some of them are good but like the fact that they're trying is there's a joke and there's a skullgirls mobile out there there's a teppin out there yeah i played skullgirls mobile it's fired at the airport right yeah near airport deadly airport uh there's uh there's a um what's it called there's teppin with nero in it now yeah uh tech and mobile existed for a second and then i tapped it to boot it up and it went server is not available great and then when i closed it it deleted itself from my phone so that thing doesn't exist anymore that's amazing
Starting point is 04:22:48 that game is just listen man super god you know what's gonna save us from this mobile game hell hall fake grand order man you got your saber avatars ready aw man it's that uh fucking gatches a whole other corner you can you can dig into but one thing remains sure it's slightly nicer shovel the the the the category we're talking about is the free game i'm a kid i have no credit card market yeah and their eyeballs too just because their kid eyeballs doesn't mean and half the time what you're advertising is like there'll be a bunch of free games by the same company that are all advertising uh a chain where you download this other free game yeah and then that chains you to something else where that's the thing that's
Starting point is 04:23:46 going to be like the money sucker you know um i remember when i see like again i got to a point where i was seeing like the most blatant lies and i'm like i have to know how much of a lie this ad is the biggest lie and the homescapes garden scape shit and that zombie fort fortress defense thing literally show you a different genre every time you see an ad for the same game like you see the completely like it's just you know so i'm like yeah what i don't know what country it is i don't know all of who's funding this i don't know where the dollars are going all of them right but i am i would like i would like to imagine that those microtransactions dollars are funding terrorism do you know yes who is making these these ad games to fund terrorism who the red bars
Starting point is 04:24:43 they're mad they can't play on lines with us so they attack our mobile game freedom uh fuck them you're trying to push i don't know some sort of like propaganda imagery you're the one who said mobile games fund terrorism man trying to create some posters in in in forties style that are dead then with with really high angular uh whatever the i forgot the name of the art style this is fucking yeah yeah all right you see a community of happy people and then one of them has like a the symbol for a bad wi-fi connection to report them secretly above their heads and they're like trying to pull a gun out and aim it at a child hey if you suspect your neighbors of packet loss
Starting point is 04:25:42 please report it to the internet bureau the happy eye in the sky yeah all right hey woolly where hey are you doing anything this week uh yep i said it before i'll say it again um control river city girls blasphemous uh deus x machina uh deus god damn it it's tough isn't it daemon x machina and uh nino cooney uh as well as i i i'm hopefully i can start putting out some of the japan shit i filmed it's gonna take some time to edit but okay no um that's over at woolly versus both on woolly versus on twitch and woolly versus on youtube and woolly wools on twitter all right i'm gonna go down back to my house after i'm gonna go wendy's first because i really want to go to wendy's every time we talk about certain things and demand wendy's but uh i'm gonna then at eight
Starting point is 04:26:35 o'clock that's in an hour and a half if you're listening to this live gonna start playing blasphemous over slash angriest pat check that out it's catholicky good sprites very good sprites you see the first cutscene it's just the trailer it's fucking astonishing he cuts like a goon's arm and then it fills the helmet with blood like the whole helmet and then just right on his head and he's like yeah i love it sick yeah that's pretty sick all right that's it go home fuck batteries on your batteries you can't close the mouse our game's good uh i don't know is the internet good yes yes then the game's good then game good yes
Starting point is 04:27:32 it's just in the podcast just hit the button who you are my business so long my leadership of the night that is me that is bullshit good soon you will know we already know the smell of the game i know who i am that moonlight lake told me this is who you are my business so long my leadership of the night that is me i wonder what that will be that is bullshit
Starting point is 04:29:06 if the word kill me i don't need a new one the smell of the game

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