Castle Super Beast - CSB 041: Overwatch 2 Announced Direct to Pornhub

Episode Date: October 29, 2019

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Starting point is 00:00:00 ... Morning. Morning. What's up? Like right now? Yeah. A little sleepy, but much less so than usual for the podcast. I actually woke up at 7.30 this morning and was like, huh. So I did some chores around the house and went back to bed. Now I'm back here. I'm up. I'm awake. I want to talk about video games and such. Did you go back to sleep? I did. Yeah. Okay. From like 10 to like 12.20. If they, you know, they say like, if you don't get your full eight, you're kind of killing yourself. Yeah. If you get four and then you get four. I've been doing that for like the past three or four days. Is that okay? It is okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:01:31 Because sometimes you don't get eight, but you get four and four. So the thing with four and four is that the important thing about sleep from my personal experience and what I remember from doing the school in is hitting stage four REM. Right. You got to hit your REM sleep. If you don't hit your REM sleep, you're fucked. But as long as you get like a two and a half hour, three hour chunk, right? And you cycle back out to like stage two or whatever. That's fine. You get a couple of those though. But getting what like getting dragged out. So you remember back in the day when you had a much stricter schedule than we have now? Yes. And you would go to sleep maybe a little bit too later, you know, you mess up your schedule a little bit. And your alarm
Starting point is 00:02:30 would drag you out of the deepest darkest sleep. And that was the actual worst thing that has ever happened to a person. It was just like, oh, like just disoriented awful. Yeah. And I felt it extra hard because I'm not a morning person. Right. So it was always just like a debuff. So now do you remember like waking up naturally, maybe 15, 20 minutes before your alarm and feel like okay. Yeah. And then be like, I'll get another my smile alarm still going to go off and I'm going to get another 20. And then when you wake up from that 20, it's way worse than when you had woken up naturally. Yes. So the second set is you get back faster. So the the the result of the past couple days has been I've been waking up naturally after three, four hours. But I'm sleeping
Starting point is 00:03:29 twice a day now. And it's weird spaced out. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Okay. Yeah, I mean, so I know that you can you can set your body to that mode. And we've talked a bunch of times about like the the different fucked up ways that college students try to Iron Man sleep schedule. Try it. Don't try down. You know, don't try it. No, you don't do that. But but you but there's other college version sleep schedules, including things like yeah, like two power naps as opposed to I used I used to run the sleep schedule back in my college days of stay up for three or four days at a time and then sleep literally all of Saturday, which probably not no good doesn't doesn't make up for it. If you want to get if you I don't know how terrified you feel like being right. But there's a dude his
Starting point is 00:04:30 name is Matthew Walker. Okay, he's a sleep expert. And he's done a bunch of interviews on different podcasts. He did a Rogan some time ago. If you ever felt like just absolutely hearing everything you don't want to hear about how important sleep is, and about how super murdering it can be to not I'm very familiar. Yeah, I've done my own if you want if you just want to really reinforce that. Yeah, then go listen. Go listen. So you're saying is I should fall asleep right now? If you didn't get any, you know, um, yeah, what's what's way more interesting to me is why I am on to at like two sleeps a day now. And that is because of a comedy of errors that have happened over the past couple weeks, revolving my internet, I talked briefly about it last week, remember where I was
Starting point is 00:05:30 like, my video tron internet, it's just fucking up, you became a red bar, red bar all day, every day, could barely stream. It guy came out to my house. I'm going to use fucking big air quotes here repaired fix the problem. Did not fix the problem. Shockingly enough, I streamed that I think that day, fucking thing crashed like three, four times. Just bam, dead. Great. Okay. Way to confirm for me to switch over to a different internet company with fiber access, the fiber cable, it's much faster, right? Oh my god. So when got Wednesday, Thursday is the day that I have made the appointment to get the fiber optics installed. Yes. Did you cancel the existing video Tron? No, in fact, Bell has a new thing where they cancel it for you. How about that? We'll do all the we will
Starting point is 00:06:36 literally call them and cancel for you. So that that's a value add that screams mobile generation to me where like when you switch from one provider to another, yeah, and you don't want your customers to go through the whole survey bargain situation. They don't want you to hear retention because they don't want you to whatever retention has to offer might actually be good back. Yeah. So they're going to handle that for you. But like also, that's a pretty smart. I don't want to go through retention. I get it. I get it. So but it's a but it's a pretty smart deal is that they'll they'll call and cancel it after your shit's installed. Yeah. Okay. So they're supposed to show up on Thursday. All right, Wednesday, I wake up. There's a man in my yard. And it's a video Tron man. And
Starting point is 00:07:29 he has a big fat loop of cable on his shoulder. And I go, Are you serious? And sure enough, this video Tron man that I did not call spends most of the morning recabeling the entire block of houses that I am on. And then I go out and I go, Hey, man, what's up? He goes, Yeah, cables are fucked. You're in an okay, I'm like, No, he's like, it'll be fine now. I'm like, I'm like, what was causing it? It's like squirrels, like pardon, squirrels chewed through the cables at the main line. They fucked up all your internet. Did they get electrocuted? No. Because they chewed through the wiring or whatever. But then it's the elements that hit the hit the copper that caused the damage, the corrosion. And I'm like, squirrels. Right. So I'm like,
Starting point is 00:08:26 awesome. I'm so glad video Tron sent out a tech to recable my essentially my whole neighborhood the day before switching service. Right. How long between that and the end of the service? The first guy like a week. Okay. Right. And I'm like, fuck, well, I'll stream tonight. I guess, right? They recable the whole thing. Problem did not get so okay, somehow. Crash after crash after crash. Same same fucking same exact problem. So I go, Okay, well, crash, OBS crash. Oh, and OBS will crash because I completely lose internet for five seconds. Okay. And then it comes back, but it's like, stream step, right? Okay, so Thursday. All right. When's the guy coming 12 to five? It's better. It's better than 8am to 6pm. But it's still like, right? Guy shows up at 1030am.
Starting point is 00:09:30 That's weird. He's super early. Okay. I asked him to come in. I remark doesn't have any tools. Bell guy? Yeah, the bell guy doesn't have any tools. But he's like, he's just scoping it out, scoping it out, goes to my backyard goes, Hey, man, there's big problem. I'm like, pardon, big problem. Because well, the fiber thing's too far over to the other side. I got to get into this other guy's yard. And this other guy's yard is locked. And what can't you just use a ladder? I was like, nah, man, God do it from over there. And it's locked. I'm gonna have to come back here tomorrow with two with another guy. I go, Okay, show me where show me where the fucking whose yard what are you talking about? So we walk over. Sure enough, the guy's backyard is now
Starting point is 00:10:20 unlocked. Because he the dude's in it. And I go, Hey, man, do you mind if my internet guy does the internet thing in your yard shouldn't take too long? He goes, Yeah, sure, I got to be out there. He's like, you know, those agreements like apartment buildings, it's like, I someone has to be there if there's workmen or whatever. So I got to be here. But I'm out here. Just are you, you know, you get to he goes, Oh, yeah, I can definitely need is definitely two man job though. Are you going to be here tomorrow? Dude's like, I guess. Like 8am. Yeah, sure. 8am. Okay. So I'm like, so you're going to be back here tomorrow with another guy to do the internet. He goes, Yeah, definitely. Please. Okay, well, that was worthless. 8am the next day, which is why my
Starting point is 00:11:16 sleep is screwed up because I was going to bed at 6am. But I got to be awake for dude stomping around in my house. Two different guys show up. Take a look at it. And you know, walk in the backyard, take a look at the box, take a look at the guys yard. Those why the other guys say you need two guys. I'm pardon is like, this isn't a two guy job. I said, well, he needs two guys. And he needs to get in the other guys are so and they go, No, we'll just use the letter. Yeah, I think you just didn't want to do it. And then I'm like, Wait a second. That guy showed up to a 12 to five appointment at 10 30 in the morning on a Friday. That dude was going from house to house, figuring out reasons as to why the fuck he
Starting point is 00:12:12 didn't or couldn't install the internet so that he could get off Friday afternoon Friday at like one or 2pm. Because the two guys are there expecting a super gigantic job. And they're both confused. Yeah, because they're like, Oh, I can totally do this by myself. It'll be a little easier with the right. Fun part about those is, of course, you know, you don't have anyone's number. So you know, I don't know the guy's name. I don't like, because you could just be like, Hey, you would call him and ask I am not the expert. But yeah, it's just some older tech guy, just with a little bit of an accent goes, I think I think he just did not want to do it. You got to respect the hustle. I super don't. He's trying to get that Friday. He's doing what
Starting point is 00:12:55 it takes. Waking up early. He's waking up early to get off work. Yeah, you got you got to respect that hustle. So there's two guys, they do it from my side of the yard, because it was super easy to just put a ladder up against the fence and climb up to the box. And then they cable it and they cable it all through my house. And then they set it all up. And man, I was expecting them to show up at eight, finish by nine and then go back to bed, right? So it's 1230pm. And they're finally done. And they plug in the modem and the modem doesn't fucking work. And they call up bell. And this is the thing that I am just so baffled by. I've seen this with three or four different tech people. There's no longer a direct line for the technicians. They call the regular ass helpline and wait on
Starting point is 00:13:56 hold. Wait on hold. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So these two guys whose stomachs I can hear growling and clearly are done and want to go are sitting like hanging out on hold to get ahold of a bell technician at the headquarters to literally just tell them, yo, dude, turn on this modem, turn the modem on, activate the account. Why is the account not activated? Because it was supposed to have been activated the day before, but it didn't. And then my favorite part, the argument between the tech in my house and the guy on the phone, because the code he had to send over, you know, the modem code had four Fs in a row on it, which constantly fucked the guy up on the other end of the phone. He had written three, he had written five, like just like actual fucking
Starting point is 00:14:55 comedy of errors. It took like 45 minutes for this dude's phone call. Then we do the setup. Okay, dude, type in your your your fucking number, type in your name. It's going to ask you for an email, you know, contact email, type it in. I'm like, okay, it's, oh, it's offering me a bell email because you know, they do that service. They go, I'm like, okay, I type in a bell email that I want website hangs and gets stuck and we try and back out and it goes, no, you need to give us your email. And we end up restarting the entire process because the website just demands this process be done in a certain way, but you break but it collapsed every time like, wow, this is a really good endorsement reminds me a window setup. Yeah. Yeah. So we dodge the email.
Starting point is 00:15:48 He sets it up. It's finally done. Test it. Wow, it's it is the fastest internet I have ever used. I have 100 megabytes, megabytes down 100 megabytes up. Like it's fast and it has been completely reliable and amazing. And those guys have been very nice and shook their hands. I wanted to hug them. I was so thankful that they they helped out. They left. You want you want to hug bell? I wanted to hug the person who busted their ass cabling my house. Wearing a bell uniform. Yeah. Actually, it wasn't a bill. Uniforms. Okay. And then my favorite part of the whole day is that I went to bed because I was tired. And that's how I got started on the two sleeps a day because I went to bed at like one PM, right? And I get a phone call about an hour and a half
Starting point is 00:16:41 later. Hello, Mr. Bov. I just wanted to ask if you're happy with your service. So I thought because you know, like companies do this, they'll call me like, we're the tech's cool. Yeah, they give us a little, a little survey survey thing. That's what I'm expecting. It's not that. It's videotron. Oh, they're like, I'm like, retention got through to you. And I'm like, what, pardon? Yeah, it seems fine because I because he didn't announce himself as videotron. He just said, yeah. And I was like, well, because I have this request from from bell to transfer your, your customer data over to them. Is something wrong with your videotron internet service? And I go, yeah, it doesn't fucking work. And he goes, well, that's what, you know, I don't have
Starting point is 00:17:31 any calls on your file or any maintenance report. I'm like, you said two guys out here, you sent one guy to my house. And then you sent a different guy to my neighborhood and recabled the whole neighborhood and they don't fucking work and squirrels ate my cables. You don't have that. It's like, well, sir, you know, is there anything that we can do to might you can give me the money back that I lost from not working? He goes, Oh, I can't buy can't really do that. But there's possibly there's a when is your bell service due to be installed? Oh, they finished about an hour and a half ago. And you hear the tone just go, Oh, so they already installed it. Like, yeah, it's really fast. It's very good. Because while I'm very sorry to hear that, sir, I hope that in
Starting point is 00:18:17 the future you can come back to us. I'm sure if you had called me, we could have sent a superstar down to your house to fix your internet. That's super star superstar. I remember the word so vividly because I was so blown away. Like a Kirby. Yeah. I'm like, well, you sent to Mario superstar and they couldn't fix your shitty service. Okay, so I don't know what you want for me. And he goes, Oh, thank you for using video. Good bye, sir. Like, so I mean, I guess Bell did do the thing. Oh, totally. But then they have a second layer of retention, which is like the but it's too late. Yeah, it's way too late. Okay. And I and you actually get to enjoy telling them because they try to sell to you and you go, No, it's, it's done, dude. Your modem is off the wall.
Starting point is 00:19:10 I just refused to see Bell as the protagonist in this situation. They're not. I'm the protagonist if you say so. I mean, the yeah, that's, that's, that's foibles. That's foibles, but they continue to follow you wherever you go. And I don't know what to say, dude, I tell you what, I had a service interruption yesterday. Yeah, around 2am. Internet stop working just stop. Yeah. I was like, what's up with that? Did a Rotom a rotary start? Didn't work? I was like, Okay, not on me. I'm not on you then plug the modem out with three minutes, plugged it back in, took another five and started working again. And I was like, Okay, cool. Yeah, you know, I was having just the the internet was straight up down for like 12 hours at one point. And then like just it would just die
Starting point is 00:20:04 like that. And it was only the upload, which I'm going to assume most customers don't even notice notice when that's gone. But I notice and you would notice. And it's like, Fuck. But internet fast good now. And I got to see here's the thing I've switched between bell and videotron enough now that I hate them both. I fucking, fucking hate them both. They're so awful. But you have no choice. You have why I have one choice and it's one or the other. And the or a subsidiary in that's independent that is still one or the other. Yeah, I'd rather go that way personally. So I know I know the problem becomes down to the communication points when they again, they have to do call the number and sit there on the phone with you. Yeah, you know, but
Starting point is 00:20:55 I still much rather I have used one of those internet services, the independence back in the day. And as infuriating as this problem was to solve, if it was one of the indies, it would have been more than twice as long because the fucking the bell or videotron rep that they send out to your house to work for, say, tech savvy knows they're out there for tech savvy. Yeah. And they don't give a shit. I know. Fortunately, I've had a couple solid uninterrupted years of tech savvy. Yeah. So I'm I've been pretty nice about it wherever I've been because it's like I've just gotten that lucky. But they've been fine. And I switched to tech savvy from another independent before that. So, you know, until I have a reason to complain about it,
Starting point is 00:21:49 I think the funniest part about all of this is that the internet that I have now with Bell is proper fiber optic cable into my the back of my computer. It's the fastest internet I've ever used. And then I'm like, wait a second. But I had fiber from Bell at my old apartment right before I bought the current house. That's weird shouldn't and that one wasn't nearly as fast as this. Let's do some Googling. Tap it to tap tap tap to tap fiber 2015 to 2017 in Quebec. There was a class action lawsuit from Bell customers due to its fiber optic cable internet service, not actually being a fiber optic cable internet service, it being called what's termed fiber to the node, which is fiber optic cable to your local telephone box and then coax cable from
Starting point is 00:22:44 that from your box to your house. Yeah. And I'm like the apartment that I had that was totally built in like 2015 2016. They had billboards and metro ads with the word fiber on them. Yeah, like and they lost that lawsuit. So now they send guys out. Well, yeah, if you're lying, you shouldn't they lost it super hard. Video Tron now, however, hilariously enough is doing the exact video Tron if you go to their websites is fiber optics. And then in the deep ass fine print, it says fiber optics will be routed to your neighborhood, but a coaxial cable will be used to connect from the node to your house. Dude, dude, delivery service Uber Eats so fast, the car is going to drive from the restaurant to within a mile of your house. And then the
Starting point is 00:23:36 guy's going to get out on foot and hook that last mile to your front door. That is absolute like the fastest service in the world, light speed from the restaurant to one mile outside. And then he's going to have that he's going to walk. Yeah. God, I hate. I hate having to care about this, right? Like I just it should be. Yeah, it's a utility. It should be background. It should be at this point. And currently it is. And there was a hidden benefit to this, which is I discovered why every time I spoke to someone at Bell, they were like, Do you want the TV also like no, I don't want the fucking TV. It's only 10 bucks extra. Yeah. And I don't want it. Do you want the line line though? No, they don't offer that anymore. They don't even ask.
Starting point is 00:24:23 They don't even give a shit. That's surprising. But they get they come in and they pull out the biggest motherfucking modem I have ever seen. It is the size of your laptop. Really? Yeah. Oh, it's it's fucking gigantic. And I'm like, Oh, is that thing so basic? Yeah, because it's got the TV hookup. It's the same box. Yeah. Okay. I'm like, Okay. So I put it behind the TV and I am one of the guys leave. I log into it and I'm like, Wow, this is actually a really high end modem. You know how much of a I'm sure you're familiar with how much of a pain in the ass port forwarding is this thing actually port forwards really easily. It lists devices based on their MAC address. And you can set port forward rules according to the MAC address. You don't
Starting point is 00:25:10 need static IP. What was the difference in price plan between the switch to this? It's 15 bucks less. Okay, then the way shittier service I had with video Trump. Okay. So like, they they offered me like nothing. Like, what were they going to offer me? I'll keep your shitty internet service that doesn't work for what for more for more like what how how how much can you discount it before I even start to listen like a third like two thirds of the price. They're not going to cut it to like fuck off the fuck out of here. The fuck out of here. What about the superstar though? What about that superstar? I couldn't believe the audacity. I'm like, why didn't you just send a guy out to fix it on like a picturing like like Jean Claude with his fucking Tim's
Starting point is 00:26:04 in his hand and his at his case and the other like with the bootstains tracking into your house and it just says the word superstar. He's like, ah, ah, why is the video so sweet and super superstars? It goes to a superstar. Why? Okay. So yeah, that's been unlike there was there was the moment during the day that video tron ostensibly fixed my internet by recabling the whole fucking block that I streamed and my stream kept going down like dude, I was going to like cry like I'm sure if you go back and look at how awesome and excited I am when I come back on video. But like, dude, I have been trying to work a honest day for like two weeks and I just can't. It's so frustrating.
Starting point is 00:27:14 Shit, I was just going to ask you about the installation, something about that, but never mind. I forgot whatever. Yeah, okay, shit. And so now I mean, it's been since it was Monday now. So it's been since Friday or Saturday, whatever aces. Okay, did you do? Did you do so back in the day like way back when every time I did an internet upgrade, there was always a test download that's right of something to just be like, oh, wow, look at it go. Yep. Did you do one this time? Of course I did. And I took a I took screenshots of it and put it up on I downloaded the entirety of Resident Evil 2 on PC in three and a half minutes. Okay. Which is fucking fast. How big is that? It's 29 gigs. Okay. I'm like, mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah, there's
Starting point is 00:28:05 always there's always something as a benchmark. Yeah, besides actually doing and the other benchmark was go to YouTube and does do you even get to see the part where it goes from 360p to 1080? No. No, you don't. So that's that's how God have blighted me squirrels and internet companies. Squirrels chew with the lines. That's right through the lines. The most old school of problems. And so I asked dealing within 2019. So I asked the guys like squirrels is like, yeah, squirrels are chewing cables. I'm like, is there anything I can do about that? He's like, call us when they chew through them the next time. And I'm and he's like, I recabled all of it should last a couple years. Like that sounds like a lie that like a dad tells a kid about why something
Starting point is 00:28:56 isn't working. So I got in touch with a guy that I know who works for ISPs. Sounds more like it's just like bad quality cables that die or has worked with ISPs rather. And it's like, yes, animals totally chew through cables. Oh man, that is a that is a real thing. And one of the bigger the one of the better reasons to upgrade to fiber is that fiber cable has way, way more insulation on the cable and is thus way harder for animals to chew through. There's something there's something like a little like poetic about the fastest craziest internet technology being brought to you. Yet an interruption is can be caused by something as simple as a fucking squirrel on a line going like you think we'd be past that it might have not been squirrels because the issues actually
Starting point is 00:29:50 started a couple days after a raccoon went nuts in my yard. Okay, this big fat raccoon was screaming and knocking over garbage cans and throwing a hissy fit in my backyard and crawling up the side of my house and all sorts of shit is super pissed. Adorable big fat raccoon. But the problem started a couple days later and I'm like, did that motherfucker try and bite through our cables? Like it's like imagine if it's like, oh yeah, sorry about the bad Wi Fi. There's too many seagulls in the area. Just disrupting the signal. I don't know if you guys know this seagulls transmit their own Wi Fi signal and the noise just weakens your own Wi Fi. So again, amazing technology, unless nature happens to be right there and just be fucking with it.
Starting point is 00:30:42 Well, and you got to find a way around it. In doing more research, I discovered that the problem probably wasn't even actually squirrels, right? They had corroded the cable, but the problem existed even after it was all recabled, right? So I do some looking and coax cables to the copper wire, right? Which means it's vulnerable to electronic interference, which means one of my neighbors probably had some kind of new device that was blasting magnetic fields outside, just outside their walls directly into everyone's cables, just enough to fuck it up. Seagulls. Basically, yeah. And the seagulls, they run on web, right? I don't use WPA2. They don't use WPA2. They use the old shit, the solved for the solved form of encryption. But it's like, yeah, that's, that's where we're
Starting point is 00:31:39 at. The only, so like the guys are sitting in my house and they're sitting on hold and I can hear the whole music through the dude's phone. And he's just like, because he can't leave until the job is done. And all I can think of is God, I want these guys out of my house. But also, man, that sucks for them. But also, the only upside to this is that at least someone will get to laugh at my expense when I tell the story on the podcast, which is the one reason to continue living, I suppose. Right. It's like, all my misery is just content for later. Just content for later. It's, you know, I will say something that like the existence of that in life, like a reason to defile. At least I'll get a story out of it. Yeah, it's a bit like, like, like almost like when you're a comedian and
Starting point is 00:32:32 you have the ability to laugh at your bomb or call out your bomb in a way where you're immune, whether you like you try and you fail and then you can turn it into a success. It's that, right? You can always turn the bad into good if there happens to be bad enough. If it happens to fall in the middle and it's not as interesting or entertaining, then unfortunately, you get nothing. Yeah, but the bad feels out of it. But good for you. Yeah. Well, problem solved for now, crossing fingers. It's nice to have fast internet again. Fast. I wonder like if there will ever be like, is it going to be like a generation or three before there's actually a difference? No, you know what it's going to take to get out of the clutches of Videotron and Bell?
Starting point is 00:33:22 What's that? A brand new type of internet that is not something that they can lay down first. Well, I have bad news for you. The main talking with people, ISP people that like, you know, on Twitter or whatnot, you discover that so you have your fiber, right? But it doesn't improve your ping. It'll improve your download upload because your pipe is fat, right? But you're running into a technical problem and the technical problem is the speed of light can only go so fucking fast. Certainly. And through conversion. Well, fiber optics is speed of light plus decoding. Yes. You satellites, right? That get really good. Sure. You know, stuff like that. But in terms of cables. This is kind of the end. Because we always we were always told about those fat ass
Starting point is 00:34:26 Pentagon pipes, you know, those fat ass. Yeah, I have a small version of that fat ass pipe in my house right now. It's the same fucking thing doesn't get any fatter. No. Well, the Pentagon pipes, they get bigger and there's more of them jammed into one thing. But the actual technology is still just like a superheated piece of glass that pulses light. You can make the pipe fatter and fatter and fatter, but it can't go faster because light is light, right? You can put you can pay for more to get through reminds me of a talk of looking at like some Ted talk a million years ago about graphics card technology, you know, the processors as like they have to keep making them smaller because the way the way processors are getting faster is because by
Starting point is 00:35:13 making them smaller, light travels slightly less distance in in the diode or whatever the fuck it is. And it's like, well, I mean, that, you know, we just nearly to be real, we just haven't hit like organic computers yet. Well, we haven't we haven't started hatching. You want to if you want to get real sci fi craziness with quantum entanglement, you can actually go faster than speed of light. But that requires you to be able to willingly quantum entangle things, which is not a thing how fast you need your big boards. Yeah, quantum fast. So the the biggest upside to this was pointed out to me. Forget by whom but it was that now if I were to try stadia, right? There will be a stadia development studio in Montreal. And I have Montreal's fastest
Starting point is 00:36:08 fiber optic cable, and it is being rated as like it's actual, you know, they say up to certain speed, I'm actually totally getting that speed. So I have about as fast and as an ideal as an internet as you can get to a nearby stadia thing. I am in the position to test these types of things under actual ideal conditions. And if they still suck ass, then that shit is doomed like literally forever. Because the technology is wrong. You can always get your hands on. Well, that we'll get to that. We'll get to it. We'll get to it. Yeah, okay. So did all that crap. Do you have any particular blighted stories or do you just want to jump right into video games? Um, I mean, in terms of a week, yeah, I'll take my turn. Yeah, take you go ahead. We'll circle on back.
Starting point is 00:37:03 Uh, I we finally finished River City Girls. And do you get both endings? No, okay, so got the first one. Yeah. And unfortunately, kind of in the process of just trying to just dicking around, because like it's like unlocking extra characters. Awesome. That's such a good thing for a game like that to have. Uh, you all like just beat them up to live and die on how many characters you can play as and how much you can do. And like with each character having like a pretty extended move list, like it's really nice to see all shit. Here's more for you. There's a lot. So, um, that was really cool. But, uh, after doing so, you have two options after you beat the game, you can do a loiter, which is continue in the world or you can start a new game plus. So I was curious
Starting point is 00:37:58 to see if there was a specific cut scenes for the unlockable characters. So after doing, I did loiter, dicked around with them with them a little bit and then started a new game plus just to see. And, uh, in both cases, it says you're not going to lose your progress because like whatever you've leveled up and unlocked up to that point stays with, um, the two main characters. Yeah. Uh, but like to get, but I didn't look up the requirements for the secret ending before that point. And unfortunately starting a new game plus kind of so pushes you back. I'll tell you what that, uh, it's not actually a different ending. It is a different final boss. Yeah. But the ending remains like almost identical.
Starting point is 00:38:42 Oh, really? Yeah. Oh, um, which surprised me because I thought the ending was going to be different considering how the game ends originally. Um, because I know you, I know, I saw what I saw the final boss, uh, thing, but it gives you a little more context for what the fuck to deal with the ending is. Okay. Um, and it's really weird because we're talking about River City girls who beat them up like lighthearted beat them up that has a really crazy ending. Okay. I think I thought I was very surprised when I got to the end of that game. I actually called it, uh, early on in playing the game. That was quite, uh, but it was, yeah, it was pretty, pretty wild that they went for it anyway. Um, in, in, but in terms of like getting the second ending though,
Starting point is 00:39:28 uh, yeah, it's based on beating it and then going and getting all these collectibles and then going to get a, uh, a final boss fight in a different area. And, uh, those collectibles you have to get, like if you restart a new game plus, you no longer have access to those areas. You have to repeat those bosses and get through the things of the game again. So I didn't realize I was locking myself out of that. So nah, you know, that that's a plus side. Cuneo is busted. Cuneo seems pretty cool. His, his, uh, flame Rick upper thing is busted. Yeah. Uh, Ricky looks way cooler though. Way cooler. I was really disappointed because Cuneo is like an objectively better fighter right off the bat, but, but Ricky is way cooler. Yeah. And in fact, Ricky looks what I
Starting point is 00:40:17 thought Cuneo would look like translated into. Yeah. Because Cuneo always had like the, the jacket, but Cuneo like the, I little icon, Japanese, you know, Cuneo, like to me that look like it's like a Japanese student guy. So the Ricky that shows up here that's like not looking like a Japanese student and, and Rick, uh, Cuneo with the white jacket and the, the orange hair, whereas Ricky is like super Japanese student, not a ban show, but like still got the open coat. It's like more ban show because he's just removed like shirt entirely, you know, version of it. Like I, to me that design is more of the Japanese aesthetic I was expecting. You know, Kyoko and Ricky are the power couple here. It's like the other girl and whatever her name is.
Starting point is 00:41:11 And Rikunio, they're okay, I guess. Yeah. No, like it, but, but it, and I didn't realize either that like, because the whole time I was playing as Kyoko, uh, I didn't realize that, uh, like move list wise, she's way more limited, uh, as well. She doesn't have the ability to jump cancel stuff as frequently. She doesn't have the ability to, uh, interrupt certain strings. Like in terms of like advanced combo shit and whatnot, almost every combo you see is, is for, wow, God, what's her name? I think you, I think you said it backwards. Wait, I'm like, uh, Kyoko's the red head. You were playing as, uh, Oh, Oh, sorry. Sorry. Yeah. Uh, Misako Misako. Sorry. Yeah. Other way around. Sorry. Kyoko has everything for, uh, uh, yeah. Misako is really grounded. Um, and, and she gets,
Starting point is 00:41:58 she gets, uh, less technicality in terms of your moveset, but I like Misako better. Yeah. You know, like I'm one of those people where I'm like, yeah, well, design wise, yeah, I'm worse. I much before that. Yeah. But it's unfortunate. I like Kyoko much better. Yeah. Because of course I do. Yeah. It's unfortunate that like there is a, um, a, a, a depth. I'm still really baffled that Kyoko was player one inequality on that. Misako looks like player one. Again. Yeah. I thought all the marketing was implying that as well. Yeah. But then you get to the fucking start screen and it's like, Oh, okay. Sure. All right. Yeah. And, and, and it's like, and it's also just like, you know, it's not, and it's not just like, yeah, it's not just short hair bait. It's
Starting point is 00:42:44 attitude wise. Come on. I would, I'd much rather the tough girl than the soft one in that, in a, in a context like this, even though they're both batshit crazy. What do I say? I got a thing for ditzy redheads. Yeah. Yeah. Um, so yeah, that's, that's a pleasant surprise with an unpleasant surprise to, to just my curiosity being punished. And it turns out there are no cutscenes for the new characters. It'd be, it'd be too much. That'd be a lot of work. It'd be too much. That'd be a lot, you know. Hey, now that you've beaten it, how about that fucking soundtrack? Oh yeah. Like because you, when, when we, when we first, when we first, when we first spoke, you had only played about an hour. So you'd heard a couple of the, the fancier tracks, but they just keep going and
Starting point is 00:43:35 going and going and going. It's incredible. The mall, the, the song from the mall is just fucking power. That shit is fire. I don't know. It's called the hunt. Okay. I listened to it on occasion when I'm doing whatever bullshit because it's fucking great. Yeah. Megan McDuffie, massive shout outs for composing and singing. Good job, noise. Just awesome. So yeah, that's it. So yeah, beat off, beat off, beat that. You sure did. You sure did, Woolly. And I watched you beat it right off. There you go. And then watch it off. All right. Yes, I masturbated the video game. Yes, you did. And then I watched
Starting point is 00:44:40 Dolomite is my name. So that's the mockumentary. Oh, no, pseudo documentary about it's not. It's it's what the fuck is it? It is. It is a fictionalized retelling. Right. It is. It is a of the story of Dolomite with Rudy Ray Moore as played by Eddie Murphy. Yeah. And his team, you know, including Keegan McElkey, Titus Burgess, Mike Epps. Mm hmm. Fuck in. What's his name? Wesley Snipes. Really? Really? Yeah. He's out of jail. He's not is not only is he out of jail, but he is in the fucking movie. And and actually has has a moment in the movie where he straight up says, use it.
Starting point is 00:45:39 Use it. Shut up. He has a use it moment in this movie. And I was like, is that? No, there's no no. No, it was pure coincidence. There's no way. There's no way that could have been. I doubt he even remembered. Yeah, exactly at this point. Yeah, so pay his taxes and got to be in the movie. And I don't think he paid his taxes. I think he paid his taxes with time. Yes. Pay his taxes with his time. Well, I suppose so. And I mean, and you also have to. You don't just go to jail and not pay them. Yeah. Because then how many people would just be like, yeah, I'll take some time, you know.
Starting point is 00:46:24 Yeah, I suppose so. No, you got to pay them and then go. So anyway. Um, it was yeah, it was pretty it was pretty funny. All in all, like you you like there were some there are some parts of it that were like definitely super like almost like TV movie corny. But for the most part, it was it was pretty hilarious. Because you're looking at I don't know if you know anything about Dolomite. I do have watched Dolomite. OK, right. That's why I was so excited when Black Dynamite got announced. Yes, exactly. Because Black Dynamite is just carrying that torch. And funny enough, like Black Dynamite is what Dolomite thinks he is. Yeah. And bullhorn is what Dolomite actually is. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:09 Right. That's that's the important distinction. That's the thing to understand is like actual Dolomite was not at all like Black Dynamite or Michael Jai White was just like buffing actually like capable. Yeah, he's more like this fucking out of shape dumb guy. But he's so smooth talking and he's so he's got the lines and he's you know, Godfather Arap is one of the terms they use because like, you know, all the stories about him and like his ability to just like fuck all night and fuck anybody up and just again, really smooth talk his way like Muhammad Ali style, you know, like that same that same train of thought that it all came from that same place. And yeah, this just goes into that history.
Starting point is 00:47:51 And it's yeah, it's just a fun a fun like recreation of like a lot of those scenes that you know from the movie. It's like a fucking Ed Wood for black exploitation with Rudy Ray Moore. Yes, it is it is like Ed Wood for black exploitation. And it's also like um, Dolomite is like black Austin powers. Yeah. Right. Everything that you get that Austin powers is about and what it's making fun of and whatnot. It's like it's like that same thing from that era. I'll be honest, like when I watched Dolomite, I look back on it. I thought it was like more ridiculous than Black Dynamite, because Black Dynamite would pan the camera for like a laugh and Dolomite did not. Dolomite was played straight and serious. And again,
Starting point is 00:48:42 like Michael Jai White happens to be a talented martial artist. Yeah. Right. And gigantic. And Dolomite is not. He's some fucking middle aged chubbo who's just making a lot of Bruce Lee motions, you know, doing is doing these terrible little spin. It's so bad they're doing it. And you know, it's yeah, it's it's what it's what black people in the 70s thought kung fu was, you know, and doing their best to just like right before show enough. It was yeah. And it's a good time. It's a good time. It's on it's on Netflix. Go check it out. And I think yeah, if you've watched how Eddie Murphy in it, I think he does a pretty good job. I think he does a pretty good job. Like I know Eddie Murphy. He signed on for that. And he has another special like tied to them.
Starting point is 00:49:30 But as far as him playing Rudy Ray Moore goes like it's pretty solid. He's still Eddie. Yeah, more than anything else. He cannot be he can't not be, you know, it's not going to be like like Joaquin, you know, or Denzel disappears into disappears entirely, right? I'll even say like yeah, and exactly some people just disappear into the character like Bale, if I remember correctly, with all his movies, all his method bullshit, certainly that Daniel Day. Yeah, you know, Dale Day is really good. Actually, yeah, that probably right. And we were talking about Anthony Hopkins. Yeah, how like it's like, Oh, he will never not be Hannibal. Fuck you like every other. But then then you have what I would call your classic Hollywood actor where
Starting point is 00:50:22 it's like, I'm going to see the movie because Brad Pitt is in it. And he's our George Clooney. And they're going to Brad Pitt and George Clooney all over this shit. I wouldn't have thought Will Smith could do it. And then Ali, you know, yeah, same kind of thing, right? But in this case, he's still Eddie, right? He's still Eddie for sure. But it's still fine. And especially give us an easy trying. He's trying. Okay. And the movie is funny, right? Like it's about like it's meant to come off it like funny. So it's like it works. And yeah, I know all that to say that like, in the same way that you can appreciate like, what was it? What came out recently that Oh, yeah, the disaster artist, right, right? Kind of how they just recreated scenes. Like in that way,
Starting point is 00:51:07 like you get to see them shoot scenes from Dolomite. That's weird. Recreated in the in the process of making it with this this cast, you know, and yeah, it just again, it just it adds a it adds some context to what was going on. There's some I did some shit. I definitely I was not aware of like from the origins of like where he came from himself that you know, this is a bit off topic. But have you ever seen the thing with two heads? I think it's called no, it's this it is. It is the fucking craziest of the black exploitation movies that I've seen. It's an old racist rich white guy has to save his life by transplanting his head onto a black dude. Oh, I've seen the poster for that. I've see yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I've
Starting point is 00:51:55 seen the poster for that movie. It is it is the weirdest buddy cop like tag along ever. And as a result of the movie's terrible effects, because it's literally just two guys standing close to it, like one guy's got his chin on the other guy's shoulder. The last 45 minutes of the film is a car chase in a field with like 35 cop cars, because it's the only way they can film a scene with both of them talking to each other. Wow, because one guy's in the back seat under a big coat. Yeah, just going like it's fucking so dumb. Darrell Philippines in it as well. Um, what should we call it office hot tub time machine? Oh, right. Okay. Not Patrice. Fuck. That sucks for him. The unpatrice. I like him. He's great. But that sucks for him. I I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:52:48 Darren Philbin. Darrell Philbin. Darrell Philbin. Yeah. Darrell Philbin. He can do what like, what he's good. I like him. He's good. What he lacks in O'Neill raw comedic power. Yeah, is made up for with the fact that he can sing. And they oh, I did not know he could sing. Oh, he they use it in this and they use it in a hot tub time machine. I you know what, I should have known that because he's got that he's got that soft comedy voice. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That usually goes. Hey, man. Yeah. And just a lot of like a lot of his humor is done soft. Just like, I don't know about this guy. Is you serious right now? Yeah. Yeah. And he's he's he's great. And uh, yeah, no, now I remember why you like because they would hire him when Patrice would
Starting point is 00:53:40 be too crazy to work with when Patrice refused to actually do shit on the on the set. Craig Robinson. Am I stupid? Yeah, no, wait, that's his name. That's why I couldn't recognize his name. His name is Craig Robinson. Yes. He's he's Darrell on the office. That's correct. So, yeah, there you go. Best of the fucking staring film character. Okay. My mistake. I completely I'm sorry. I completely yeah, Mr. Robinson. If you listen to our podcast. Yeah, I'm very sorry. Anyway, I watched a lot of the office not recently. Is it good? Yeah, you know what? You know what? I actually I finally lightened up on it because I used to I used to definitely be like, man, British office, you know, it's not that, you know, and then it isn't,
Starting point is 00:54:37 it becomes its own thing. And like, I will say, like whatever, I talked about it before, but it's just like, it took it took a while, but eventually I was like, okay, yeah, this is fine being its own sort of separate thing. But I do prefer the pure cringe. Well, it's because that's British humor. British humor is pathetic and embarrassing and sad for a which like, yeah, you know what? That appeals to me more than a lot of American humor, which is very zany and happy. It's super short, you know, like it's it's like British seasons. So they're like, there's it's barely like British longer seasons. I don't know what's up with you guys. Well, you know, like I said, I don't mind that stuff. But but I did. I didn't realize that like, apparently, I'm one of a group
Starting point is 00:55:21 of people that are like, you know, office hipsters or whatever. Like people are just like, oh, I only like the original song. You're you're I didn't know that was a thing. You're you're England a booze or whatever. You fucking whatever the weeaboo is for France. Tia booze. Tia booze. Tia booze. Is that real? Or did you just invent that? Tia is a chat. Okay, Tia booze. Tia booze. Yeah. So I mean, here's the thing, right? I'm deaf or very was worried about that. Like that works in that context. But not every show has a has a superior British version. Oh, that's not true. You know, no. I don't even like I glanced at that British house of cards. And I was like, Oh, I don't know about that. But anyway, British house of cards is just everyone's drunk
Starting point is 00:56:16 all the time, if I remember correctly. Parliaments like the US Senate with the three drink minimum, I think the the joke goes. Yeah, but but then you see the current events, the current goings on's where the dude at the speaker is yelling and then someone in a robe and the with the wig called Black Rod shows up to Black Rod has to march in and this guy that's yelling is super like, I know you're doing the Queen's service, but this is an outrage. And I'm just like, what is happening right now? Is this real? It's tradition. That shit was wild. It was incredible. Well, I like what? How old are you? How? Oh, man, I'm going to blow open Canada real bad on this was that clip of just the dude freaking out as someone walks up to escort him in this full
Starting point is 00:57:19 cosplay, full cosplay. Oh, how old were you? When because of American TV, you were on I say, you discovered that Canadian lawyers and judges wear fancy little robes instead of suits. I mean, because I learned it from I shit you not an episode of law and order in which they go extradite a guy who got over the Canadian border and they show the Canadian courtroom and everybody's wearing the fancy little robes. And I remember going, what the fuck is that? And my dad's like, that's what they wear. That's what they do. I tell you what, like I've seen, you know, again, I've seen it. I've seen people walking around in them robes downtown, going a subway, trying to get a fucking sandwich. It's weird, you know, doing their thing. It's super weird. But part of
Starting point is 00:58:17 something you're talking about, too. Yeah, I've seen them there, too. But part of seeing this, like part of seeing it in this context that I'm describing with this fucking Black Rod shit was like, oh, this works way better when it's just a painting. Yeah, in your head. Oh, yeah. And when you're staring at the real thing, you're like, are we on stage right now? Yes. Is this a costume? Yes. What the fuck am I looking at? Pumping circumstance, man. Oh, it was like it was amazing. It's a it's a it's a structure that's existed for longer than the New World. Therefore, it's built towards the sensibilities of its time. Whereas like, let's take the Americans, the Americans, like the way their court, now their government looks, is built towards the
Starting point is 00:59:12 sensibilities of what, like what, 1790? So overcoats, you know, like, but there's always a point in time where someone gets the job and goes, okay, come on, I'm not doing. Come on. So I got to where I'm going with the ruffles. I get its tradition, but it like, come on, right. And it just depends on how much time passes, whether it's one, two, three hundred years, you know what I mean? Like whatever the case is. And yeah, when you're and we're not obviously, we're not into one of the new countries of the New World. This is the fucking old land, you know. So like, you're going to have these traditions from way back when they carry forward. But at some point, it's like, nah, we still got to put on this giant fucking, this this wizard cosplay.
Starting point is 01:00:00 Yes, this wizard cosplay. And I have to march in holding this stick, you know, and do whatever the implication is of what this holding this stick means, based on the Queen's duty. I don't, I don't know. I don't know. But it's amazing. It's it's it's zany, it's zany goofballs. Yeah, full on sidetracked by Black Rod. I'm in fact, someone that was a while ago, I'm kind of disappointed that we didn't get Black Rod fan art that we didn't get like, it's the kind of thing that you would, you would hope that like, Japanese Twitter just latches on to and just starts drawing a khaki of, you know what I mean, of just like Black Rod descending from the mount on a horse and going all the way in or just like super B.C. Black Rod with a giant version of the rod
Starting point is 01:00:51 hank slung over the shoulder like a buster sword. I don't know. I don't know. I was just hoping that that would go somewhere that it didn't. So what you're saying is that the Simpsons versus Australia episode is par for the course for the Commonwealth. What I'm saying is fucking goofy shit going on in the Commonwealth nations courts and and parliaments. What I'm saying is you should check out. My name is Dolomite. Yes, you should probably do that. That move looks good. Well, he saw it. He says it's cool. Sorry, Craig. Daryl. I'm sure he doesn't care what his own name is. You know, the face we talked about a second ago where he's just like, is you serious right now? Yeah, that's what he says in response to the call, Daryl. That's right.
Starting point is 01:01:43 Yeah, whatever. That's fine. Leave it there. Take a quick word from our sponsors. Let's do. This week, the podcast is sponsored by DoorDash. Hey, DoorDash, what's up? Well, earlier, we made reference to the idea of food being delivered and then the person getting out of their car and walking to your door and it taking long and what not happening. That's not what this is about. No, DoorDash doesn't do that. No, they drive the car to very close to your home. I mean, quite frankly, if they could drive it up your staircase and to your door, and if the guy if the deliver can wind the window down and just hand it off like a reverse drive through, they probably would. They would reverse drive through your food to you if possible. Now,
Starting point is 01:02:34 that's not feasible like ever. But what is feasible is the next best thing was where they they speedily deliver your food right to your front door, find a parking spot on your street and bring it as close to you as they can within reasonable distance because physics, because physics, but maybe one day we can defeat those physics perhaps. I have faith. In any case, not only is your are you getting your food super fast right to where you are, but you're getting a choice from all your favorite restaurants in your city. And you've got all the the modern pops, you've got all the major chains you like, all 50 states and Canada, you can order from local go tos, and you've got your your Wendy's, you got your Chipotle, you got your
Starting point is 01:03:25 Cheesecake Factory on there. Don't worry about dinner. Let dinner come to you with Dordash. And mayhaps one day that delivery can drive right up to the porch. And I mean, if I mean, if you're crazy, if you want to go nuts, you can you can remodel your house to put like a window outside in your driveway. If you want to embrace the future, you might as well let the street curb just completely drive right up to your not even your front door, but like the window of your room. Well, no, yeah, no, but what you put out you remodel your house, so your driveway, you know, the wall that would board your driveway, put a window in that, put a sign saying food here. Yeah. And then just lie on the floor and open your mouth and just say,
Starting point is 01:04:10 yeah, just toss it through the window. You can embrace the reverse drive through by even having a little sign like a drive through. Yeah, that says like, hey, food delivery here, come come through and they drive on up and then you got the window. Yeah. And you just yeah, just chuck it right in. Yeah. Just pour the drink into the window. I'm here. Society will eventually catch up, but you can be ahead of the curb. But before you do that, you're going to want to head on down to get download the Dordash app. Because right now our listeners can get $5 off their first order of $15 or more when you download the Dordash app and enter promo code CASEL. That's $5 off your first order when you download the Dordash app from the app store and enter promo code CASEL.
Starting point is 01:04:57 Don't forget promo code CASEL for $5 off your first order from Dordash. Thanks, Dordash. Thank you. The podcast is also sponsored this week by away. Anyway, what's up? Sometimes you want things brought to you, but other times you need to go to other places. You need to have you brought somewhere else. And when you want you brought somewhere else, you want your stuff brought with you, ideally, and you don't want your stuff brought with you in shoddy, breakable, terrible, weak, bullshit bags. You want a good suitcase that you can rely on. Protect your items. I have traveled many places this year. I have more traveling to do. And the best suitcase I've owned is an away suitcase. I continue to 100% push that because it's solid. It is hard. It comes with a chargeable
Starting point is 01:06:00 battery in it so that you don't have to worry about your phone or whatever devices. If you want to charge your switch or your laptop, whatever is going on, you have one of these things locked right in to the case. You can pull it out so that you can board the plane properly with it. And yeah, tons of colors and styles to choose from. It's got a hard protective case on it. It's got the wheels. It's got everything I'm looking for. And inside, it's even got a little laundry bag that you can put your dirty clothes in. And so you don't have to figure out what corner of the hotel room to throw your gross stuff in. I feel like a stupid child when I do that. But what other option do I have? Pick a corner that you don't particularly care about
Starting point is 01:06:43 and throw your gross stuff in it. And if guests are coming over, throw your jacket over that corner. Yeah. Yeah. Like an animal. Yeah, we don't do that anymore. You get the little away bag. It unrolls. It takes up no space when it's folded up. And then when it's ready to go, it clips on to the bottom of the inside of the case and hangs out of it. So you literally have a laundry bag set. It's it's perfect. Genius. In addition to the space dividers and the compressor that you can tighten to push down anything that's protruding too much so that it all fits in perfectly tight. So you want to absolutely try out an away suitcase. There's a hundred day trial lets you try any away product on the road. That's a lot of days to figure out whether or not you
Starting point is 01:07:29 like an amazing suitcase, quite frankly. And yeah, they've got a range of unique personalization offerings, including hand painting, TSA approved combination locks, all the features I mentioned and more. So you can get that with there's either the carry on or there's the bigger carry on, which has even more space for stuff and still fits into an overhead compartment. Like it pushes it to the max in terms of how it's going to fit into that little, you know, case that says like, you want to get on the plane, your bike has to fit into this. Like it to the millimeter fits into that thing. But it does. And I used it and I've carried an arcade stick, a PlayStation four and all my clothes and my switch
Starting point is 01:08:22 in my away case and traveled with it. Okay, that's a lot. It's awesome. It's awesome. So really handy for me traveling to tournaments. If you want to check it out, you can head on down to away slash beast and use promo code beast for $20 off a suitcase. So that's $20 off a suitcase by using promo code beast during checkout at away slash beast. Thanks away. Thanks away. Okay. Yeah, we got there's a quite a few stories this week. Well, hold on. I had
Starting point is 01:09:12 I had more week to go. Oh, I'm sorry. Circle around. Remember? I didn't. I thought, whoa, okay, because I didn't want because I was going to go for a while. I wanted to give you some time to talk. So but then I was playing a circle around because I played one game of note. Yes. So okay, so so your internet was your intro. That was my blight. And then I was like, do you want to talk about video games? And then you talked about movies video game. Tell us about the outer. How did you know that's the game I wanted to talk about? Because everyone is glowing with impressions on how this so I want to I want to point out one thing right away. It is the pinnacle of irony that this game has an 85 on Metacritic.
Starting point is 01:09:57 Because New Vegas getting 84 was the fucking impetus for the path that obsidian has been riding on for years and years and years that 84 on New Vegas is what caused them to miss their Metacritic bonus from Bethesda, which caused a decade long spiral of the company almost going broke over and over and over and over again. So it is hilarious to me that this game has achieved 85. It also gives me great sadness in the way that reviews work. Because this game being an 85 and New Vegas being 84 are fucking crimes. Because you can tell from the instant you play this game that this is going to be something people talk about for a decade. It's going to be fucking incredible. It's not New Vegas to it is New Vegas to kind of thing.
Starting point is 01:10:52 Did you beat it? No, not even close. I was only able to start streaming it relatively recently. So I've only put about about 10 hours into it. But in that time, I have enjoyed it more than almost any other game this year with the exception of Outer Wilds, which is very, very confusing. Poor one out for poor men who I saw that just can't keep up. Well, it's extra. It's extra confusing because Outer Wilds came out last week on PS4. Yeah, I like we did have I feel like I had a conversation with him about it when we played it. But yeah, no, it's God bless God. It remains very confusing. Okay, so is this game an 85 to you? No, this game is incredible. It's probably going to be my game of the year. So what's up with that? RPG that had talking in it? People
Starting point is 01:11:48 or no, I guess I'm just I'm going like like wherever that score came from. I don't know if you looked into what people what problems people had with the game gets too easy apparently near the end. And some people don't care for the tone. The tone is have you ever played any of the fall games? No, old ones. I've tested three, but it was a it was just like compliance work on it. So so it wasn't much beyond like so this is this is a lot closer to the first two games in that section that was actually made by the people who made Outer Worlds in that fall. I wanted to have this really cheery chipper like 50s era nostalgia kind of look to it contrasted with Nuclear Holocaust. Yes, I did see the intro for just the weirdest happy go lucky with bleak horror.
Starting point is 01:12:39 Yeah, they've traded in the bleak horror of like of like famine and murder and nuclear wasteland for the bleak horror of working an office job that you don't care about and your boss is an asshole. It is super relatable. It is a perfect game for its time. So the background is is that you're going to the outer rim essentially of the galaxy in which corporations literally own planets and run everything. It is far enough away from Earth's government that it's the corporations that run everything. And it is the bleakest, saddest, funniest corporate dystopia I have ever seen in anything to the point where I was misunderstanding some of the game's plot because it was bleaker than I thought it could be. The fucking first line of dialogue you hear
Starting point is 01:13:40 from a human that you meet on the field is a jingle as he is nursing a gunshot wound. He is legally obligated to open with the company choice, the Spacers Choice company jingle. And I misheard it about a dozen times because the jingle is you've tried the best, now try the rest Spacers Choice and their radio jingle is it's not the best choice, it's Spacers Choice. It's like it's cheap garbage and it's advertised as cheap garbage. So the whole tone is bureaucracy greater than human life. So there is an interaction relatively early on that you know, you ever play a game and you're like, I hate these people. I want to kill them and or I hate this town. I mean, is that not most? Yeah, I hate this town. I want the ability to burn this town down.
Starting point is 01:14:39 You very early on talked to the foreman of the local factory. And she describes to you because you are doing a quest in which you are extorting reddit slash yeah late stage capitalism latest possible latest possible stage so listen to this future era capitalist so you're doing a side quest and the side quest is you are going around town essentially extorting people to pay up their gravesite rental fees which they have to pay every year in advance of their death to rent their grave from the company. People are behind on their gravesite fees. So you run into Phyllis and Phyllis is not paying her own gravesite fees. Phyllis is paying Eugene's gravesite fees wait for their own well Eugene's already dead so she has to pay his gravesite fees and you ask
Starting point is 01:15:37 wait why are you paying Eugene's gravesite fees right she goes well I was as close as living relative because Eugene killed himself right and then she goes on to say that she didn't really like him all that much and that that what he did was really irresponsible for the company and the dialogue option of one of them is that's a really fucked up thing to say about a family member she goes what Eugene was in family to which you reply you literally just told me he was you were the closest living relative yeah and she goes yeah I was the closest living person relative to where his body was I found him so I get to pay the fine for his grave and then she goes on to say oh wow suicides a crime the the technical term for it is irreparable
Starting point is 01:16:36 damage of company property what Eugene did to himself was vandalism it is the bleakest corporate nightmare it is the worst and it is constant that is one conversation that's one holy shit and it's nonstop oh my god that's intense I did my first stream was about five hours and I ended it and it's like anyone who's worked in retail anyone who's worked in an office with a shitty boss anybody whose work service is just like die hey woolly that is hey woolly oh man you'll you'll appreciate this because I know you've worked in an office in which this probably happened there's a plague in this city mm-hmm the plague is is a plague you were dying yeah there's an email chain to people describing how you know if you have the plague you know what
Starting point is 01:17:36 you should do you should come to work and work double shifts so that you know you can keep your blood moving and the work will fortify your spirit and help beat the plague and also it just so happens that you don't get medicine unless your your productivity is high unless you're on shift I have totally had bosses tell me to come in while I'm sick and it'll make me feel better okay so you have to imagine that the the the team working on this could not possibly have been like they're you can't have crunch on a game like this no you can't something somewhere would just break in there's there's a lot of details that make you feel like the game is screaming at an industry that fucked that company over for a decade yeah that I could like
Starting point is 01:18:31 the tone of what you just described is it just obsidian has gotten fucked over top to bottom by Bethesda by Microsoft by tons and tons of companies and times they've got stuck on contract work for like six seven years they they got saved by Kickstarter like it you can feel just the the fuck but it is and you know corporate capitalist nightmare company like owning lives in the future is a bit of a topic that multiple things have visited uh so somebody on our subreddit I think it was or maybe one of my youtube comments I forget but they pointed it out and they nailed the game's tone is that usually when you see the corporate hellscape future looks like blade runner looks like police knots it's fucking cool this shit looks like garbage because why would you make it cool
Starting point is 01:19:19 when it would be cheaper to make it shitty and it's like it's it's it is the writing is a plus plus like just incredible top to bottom constantly over and over every character I met was fascinating and like genuinely actually funny um on top of that systemically the game does a lot of things that this type of open world like first person rpg has have toyed with like people have modded in dialogue skills give you combat bonuses so if your persuade is really high the first time you shoot a human enemy or damage them there's a chance that they'll cower or uh robots will have a chance to attack each other after attacking you if your lie is really high so it gives all these non-combat abilities that would usually just be dumping grounds for skipping content actual combat
Starting point is 01:20:15 ramifications the setting sounds similar to borderlines it does but done well okay yeah totally there there's totally an element to that um the game looks incredible it's it's super I like the right I like the art style colorful yeah really bright yeah the art style is strong um it runs really well and I've encountered no bugs and from what I'm talking to people almost no one has encountered any bugs at all because it's running on goddamn on real engine and not Bethesda's piece of fucking shit creation kit so it's exactly the nightmare that Fallout was afraid it is it is literally showing everybody you don't need Bethesda to make these types of games their engine is not the be all end all for these types of games
Starting point is 01:21:16 they don't have to be buggy they don't have to be poorly written they can just be excellent Outer Worlds feels like the cross between the way a bioshock feels Bioshock 1 feels like moving around mass effects or couture structure like you know the first planet then you go to one of the four you know that kind of thing yeah and the Bethesda style of first person walk around talk to people it is incredible everything about the game so far has been fantastic I'm going to put out an idea that no matter how bad a franchise gets it's never completely dead and buried until a replacement shows you the the power gap I feel like this game comes along and says because bioshock mass effect and and fallout as far as I
Starting point is 01:22:17 can concern are dead bioshock is actually dead like that that company doesn't exist anymore mass effect is functionally dead and I would we'll talk about fallout but yeah but like there has not there's not yet been a mass effect replacement in that idea this totally scratches that itch as well the the way you talk to people the party member you know that kind of thing the so far the cast the first part remember you get is voiced by Ashley Birch I think it's her best work yet the second yeah the second party member you get is a priest of the religion of this game which is the law which is just determinism well you are you're familiar with what we used to talk about in college of the nightmare of the plan of the the the physical interactions all leading to
Starting point is 01:23:12 inescapable lack of free will deterministic yes that's the religion of this setting dominos is yeah is is the plan because you gotta the plan tells you to accept your lot in life and work hard because it won't matter if you change is it a it's a corporate religion yes oh man but it's also but it's also a real religion yeah okay but it's like it's also but endorsed and the guy and the and max vicar max totally buys in but is also like oh man it's it's incredible it's pause pause that thought for a second for just one second yeah sorry there uh delivery man had to drop something off at my door all right then I got it enjoy your delivery sir I don't know what it is we'll find out but yeah games incredible um I will I will refrain from this
Starting point is 01:24:12 recommendation until I've beaten it but I've been hassling you to play new Vegas for years mm-hmm because I don't think you've ever played this type of game no once I beat it I will probably say new Vegas can wait play this one and then if you get the taste for it go back and play new Vegas hmm it's just so great it's soul crushing it's it's legitimately hard to play the idea of like the the idea of things being as like establishing how fucked up they are and what with the setting and then throwing a religious angle into the mix is like shotgun to the chest for me I know that is I was explicitly reminded like hey remember to tell woolly about vicar max on the podcast woolly the very first quest you do for him is you got to find a fucking heretical
Starting point is 01:25:13 book about like I think essentially like fucking philosophist communism you got to burn it because it's not good for the law but it also but naming your religion the law gives you these all these amazing moments like like one of his combat yells is may the law forgive you because I won't right and it's like oh that's so that sounds great it's like the miracle yeah yeah okay yeah you got that pronunciation in your head too didn't it yeah like there's a little whoa at the end of it games aces aces amazing incredible can't talk more good about it it's so good can't wait to play it I'll probably be streaming it later well I will be streaming it later tonight um what a what a fucking crazy year yeah there's no uh there's no season pass for it there's no announced DLC
Starting point is 01:26:08 there was no pre-order bonus it just came out 2019 really really really strong year for like old franchises and new smaller titles uh maybe not the best year for the blockbusters probably the worst year for blockbusters ever but that makes it feel better yeah it makes it feel better because it's like the the things I like are having the time of their life and yeah that other shit is you know well it's important to put money into the industry but fuck man it doesn't have to be like that it doesn't have to be um you don't have to sacrifice quality so the part where the as you just said of like it doesn't it doesn't have to be like that is for
Starting point is 01:27:08 the longest time the biggest argument for for Bethesda they're the only company that really makes those kinds of games right do you want a big ass giant open world rpg pretty much got Bethesda but their engine is so bad and it's been getting worse and worse because it hasn't changed right like so you go well that's that's the price you pay right and there was no one ever to prove it wrong now there's totally a game that runs on a real engine that everybody uses and and you can see it so in a Bethesda game every object in the world has physics and is like a pickupable object right that's what you see all those goofy things I filled my skyrim house with a million watermel you know that kind of shit uh when you when you remove a clothing item from somebody's inventory it comes
Starting point is 01:27:55 off their model right stuff like that right mm-hmm you played bio shock I know you did yes remember in bio shock where everything was static except for items that you could pick up and they were just highlighted yeah yeah just do that you don't actually need every item to be movable you don't actually need every character's body to have the ability to get dragged ever as soon as you take that shit away the game is a million times more stable because there's a million things that it doesn't have to give a fuck about one of the one of the bigger problems with the Bethesda style rpg is that the longer the game goes on the worse it runs because it every time you load into a new area it has to calculate the distance from something's original position it is did you take it it has
Starting point is 01:28:45 to label it as gone did you move it it has to label it as moved over right but look how look how impressive it is when that body ragdolls down to the floor after you kill it doesn't matter it doesn't matter but Skyrim though it doesn't matter what uh none of it matters what are you playing it on i'm playing it on the pc on the epic store you can also play it on the pc via the microsoft xbox game game pass game pass which is currently a dollar yep to start game passes the is the the game like flicks right yeah kind of yeah so if you want to check it out you can spend a dollar uh you're playing it on on the store are you playing but are you are you playing on a controller yes really yeah huh absolutely full controller support okay well of course full
Starting point is 01:29:35 controller support but i get my my impression of like a game that goes like hard like that i imagine it would be like mouse and keyboard but no they've been either or since pretty much fallout 3 okay that that style of game um yeah it's it's great there's all these little things there's there's stuff that i couldn't have possibly expected in terms of like things that games just don't do i i walked up to a character and one of their opening dialogue was like yeah i keep hearing rumors about some kind of fucking colony ship some crazy bullshit whatever i'm like oh shit that's because i chose dialogue options earlier in earlier quests mentioning like telling people the truth yeah i'm from a college instead of just shutting up and saying this stuff like uh unmarked
Starting point is 01:30:29 quest solutions such as hey i got this experimental medicine do i want to give it to the guy who paid me to go get it do i want to give it to the guy who'll give it out to the sick people or which are both you know quest markers right or do i want to go to the constable who is unmarked and go yo hey um these people are trying to bribe me to get medicine that the company says they're not supposed to have and that is a viable end to that quest the fucking cotor mission it but so you played cotor guess what it's that yeah you didn't play cotor 2 right so cotor 2 you find you find a certain robotic companion in your the hold of your ship and there's a quest line to repair him in this game you get in your ship and there is a robotic companion in the hold of your ship and
Starting point is 01:31:18 you have a quest to repair them and they're a cleaning robot not a cleaner an actual cleaning robot it is a janitor robot okay so every time you've talked about this game and every time we saw like footage of it and stuff like i always in my brain associated as like spiritual successor to fallout um like but you're also spiritual successor you're also cotor describing it as it's wrapping one hand around old republic and another hand around mass effect as well okay so let me let me break it down obsidian is currently made out of people who invented fallout one and two a lot of the bio air staff who made balder's gate one and two a lot of the people who made cotor 2 and who made new vegas all the all the fucking super famous rpgs of that era
Starting point is 01:32:12 are either directly made by this team were inspired by people made by this team or were sequels to people things made by the like it is obsidian is that 90s early to aught it's where they end up pc rpg house that's where they all live now with the exception of bethesda and that was just a style thing for new vegas and did they also get anybody that was like let go from bethesda the cleanups i don't think so okay but who knows what right staff but creatives it's like fall the people who were behind new vegas and the original fallout and some of the cotor people made this game and you can so it's weird because there's you look at it and there's spiritual similarities to mass effect but it's actually not similarities to mass effect it's
Starting point is 01:33:09 the stuff that stayed the same from from work to mass effect and it's actually about cotor okay what uh how's your like when you when you start out what what options do you have a lot you have a lot so first of all um i was astonished that i was able to make myself in the game literally as i am now it has the hairstyle i have right now to this i'm losing my hair but i let my hair grow too long hairstyle that's in there classes uh no skills the old style skill system where you choose between oh christ uh melee one and two handed guns long rate long long guns hand guns and big guns stealth which is hacking sneaking etc tech which is medicine hacking the whole fucking game the whole thing and the the the one of the more interesting things
Starting point is 01:34:05 about the game is the way you level up is very different so you're your classic you had your perk system in the sky rooms and shit and then you had your your skills system where you would put up medicine from 1 to 100 right here they've decided that um that's a lot of decisions to make really early so for the first 50 levels of a skill say uh say woolly you want to learn guns you want your character to use guns but you don't know which guns it's been an old fallout problem that oh i spec'd into energy weapons energy weapons are hard to find especially in the early game and so you can end up having a kind of miserable playthrough when you level up the first 50 levels of all the weapons you don't level up hand guns or you don't level
Starting point is 01:34:52 up long guns you level up ranged combat and each of them gets one point every time you put a point in oh okay all the way up to 50 and at 50 you start you start putting it into one or the each so what this means is is that for the first half of the leveling process you can figure you're not going i want to be uh lying and uh and and sneaking you go do i want to be stealthy yeah do i want to be smart do i want to be charmed you know like it's give if you start broad and then and then you realize oh i really like that's way very smart oh i really like one-handed melee does anyone do that no it is literally the first game to do it that is very and every two levels you also get perks which are stuff like the ability to fast travel while encumbered uh
Starting point is 01:35:38 faster recharge on your time you know your vats bullshit stuff like that companions give you some of their skills it's it's it's great it's just great even their their like slow down time mechanic that like i mean vats was the one that they all used which was to hit the button time stops and you choose the thing all they did was they turned it into bullet time and time barely moves at all unless you do anything and you aim at what and it will tell you what the effect it will cause if you shoot a guy in the leg it'll hobble etc and every time you shoot or swing it takes part of your bar and it's the exact same system as vats except it's way way faster and less of a menu so a lot of first person games handle melee
Starting point is 01:36:28 differently this game handles melee very weird you have a three hit combo you can learn power and sweep attacks and there is a separate skill chain for defense which includes a double jump which is a dodge in any direction as well as bonuses off of that dodge and invincibility off of that dodge and types of perfect blocks and there's a melee system in this game and it's not like a super basic like no no it's super basic for my character because i don't know shit but you learn sweeps power attacks perfect blocks and a command dodge which is plenty honestly for this kind of thing along one or two handed weapons and various whatnot games great that's good games games super good can't recommend it enough you're streaming it later tonight slash angriest pat
Starting point is 01:37:27 on my new working internet you should you should play it at some point somehow it's yeah uh no that sounds that sounds really if you can handle the the death in your heart because it's it's it's bad it's non-stop like every person every single person you talk to depresses you a lot of a lot of what uh you're describing to is stuff that i'm look i'm excited about for cyberpunk yeah actually um but just i come in come came early yeah that's nice that's cool that's very cool uh okay all right let's move on to the news hope there's nothing that'll make outer worlds look even better by comparison in there uh yeah it's uh do you remember last week when i pointed out that fall out first was probably
Starting point is 01:38:31 announced in such a way as to deflect like interest or views from outer worlds that worked out really good didn't it remember last week when i said it wasn't a clock reset it was announcement of a bad idea i think is what the way you said it you were completely right you were a hundred percent right and then comes and then first you gotta swing and then you then you follow through that so willy before the podcast started i i said to you i think this is this year has been the year of the same stories happening over and over and over again more than any other time we've ever done this podcast but this is the one that i didn't expect i somehow didn't expect this week to have this story because it's so fucking dumb okay so fall out first right
Starting point is 01:39:34 hundred dollars talked about it premium service gives you access to private servers an unlimited scrap box etc etc for a hundred bucks a year or whatever per month yeah um um does it which one either no it doesn't it's just like like i'm actively how do i'm trying to not keep talking about this game but every week when i when i'm making the docket this is literally the most interesting thing to happen in video games i'm trying like people have to understand that i know how dead horse this is getting i'm trying to not bring it up all the time but fuck me if you can't not bring it up because the servers are not private people can get in
Starting point is 01:40:28 and the scrap box is not only not unlimited it fucking deletes your shit anything you put in there goes away so i guess it is unlimited like it literally doesn't do the things that you're paying for it to do why can't the so i don't know i don't know which one i think is crazier right because one is it's this this box only has to do one thing which is keep items and it doesn't and it's not only is it not keep them it deletes them but the other is like i'm paying for a private game and then people very very quickly found areas that had already been looted or had or had like enemies dead and they're like huh and then it was discovered there's ways to break into people's games and this okay like i i i keep armchair qa braining yeah let's
Starting point is 01:41:27 hear it this i want to hear and this is just what this is exactly what happens when a feature gets like pitched as a like a very like what can we do in a short period of time yeah right and uh you know team lead will come over and go we can we can put these boxes in a team leader can go or they'll go like okay based on the structure we have can we give people their own private servers can we give them instances what can we do and they will figure out a way within the existing framework to go oh yeah we can give people their own individual you know but it it's not the actual versions of those things because it wasn't built for that it's the jury it's the one you slap on afterwards right and like whoever is making the decisions to okay like first there's
Starting point is 01:42:17 that and then there's someone else along the chain likely a producer that is like accepting that at face value and just going okay it's in ship it right and like there's no point where both of these features can happen to come out like this and not do what they say they're doing and the qa team didn't find it there's there's they found it there's no way so i actually willy i happen to didn't report this for a fact that Bethesda's qa department is incredibly good at their jobs they are probably the best qa team in the business but no one listens to it's it's impossible like the types of bugs we're describing here are basic functionality right work no and and somewhere along the line right because there's a siren that's been blaring for the last
Starting point is 01:43:20 eight months in the office over the state of how everything is like in it has to be fixed it has to come out right and like the nature of like everything with this game has been so oh god fuck shit uh do this right and like there's definitely a database sitting there with possibly thousands of what we call w nf's which is will not fix yeah right when you attach a price tag to a feature those things become the highest possible priority and yet still they didn't give it a really really high price tag too it's not so like so when when a game then right is not knows what when there's clearly like okay we have a bad situation there's a lot of problems here these features were we're promising are not working but yet still somehow
Starting point is 01:44:23 it ends up in the public's hands someone who understands the situation says we got to start making money right now this thing is a sink and if we don't start right now the time it would take to get these things working will have created an even bigger loss yeah so this is about like this is a this not about bailing water out anymore right it's about just buying time by spreading yourself out on the boat as it's like that that's it it's just about buying so like this is unbelievable that like the people that are looking at this are like still the people making decisions to put this out are still working at like you know what I mean like this is like a game like this ends a career I don't know how else to say it it's insane well
Starting point is 01:45:17 it's insane I have a feeling that these kinds of decisions are coming from above development so to save money for sure but what I like check if you can't like a note like there's no way to do this unless you just set a fucking reminder right yeah but like the list like how many people are going to keep this game on their credits none is the question absolutely when we look at it back when you look down the line to wherever p these people whatever they end up working on right you check the mobile games profile and how many are going to actually keep their names no this is this this game is a problem for those people because you take it off your credits and then they go why didn't you work on anything from such an year to such a year like it's a it's a it's a
Starting point is 01:46:10 black mark on I assume okay there's a lot of folks who are working on this game who are quite talented and just don't have any time or resources to fix a goddamn thing okay now here's the part where I have to be woolly yes right and I apologize in advance all right woolly for being woolly all right clearly there are people that are playing and enjoying this there are I am not at all a person who has touched this so I'm doing the thing of I'm the ignorant asshole who's commenting who's never touched the thing I'm just looking at the fire from the next block over and you're going wow that's a big fucking fire that smoke is blotting out the sun right there are people who like this so sure so now woolly as woolly has to go like well why are these people are liking this what is
Starting point is 01:47:02 it what is it that they're enjoying is there something inside there that is exactly what they're looking for do you remember what I mentioned to you that Bethesda's is the only type of people that make these kinds of games that's it combined and I guess maybe the name and the and the attachment to the franchise attachment to the franchise it's that okay so this is the only type of game out there that's kind of like itself it is unique in a you know fashion and that's it well then I guess I feel bad for those people I felt I was one of those people and I felt bad about it for a long time right up until last week well Jim just put out a great video Jim Sterling put out a great video on which outer world shows off we straight up just don't
Starting point is 01:47:55 even need Bethesda anymore well unfortunately for those people that care the most yes that are spending the hundred dollars there is a bit of a wrinkle to the story that is easily better than the development fuck ups I couldn't believe that this is so much more entertaining this would have been the version of the story I would expect from this from last week yeah as opposed to yeah the what we got right yeah because at some point one expects a lesson to be learned but alas alas no lessons to be had the result of creating the fallout first program uh one led to a hilarious website being purchased because Bethesda didn't bother to purchase any of the applicable domains and four chan got to it first and that got done done it hey to the guys who put those websites up
Starting point is 01:49:04 they look really good and really official it at a glance takes you a second yeah it which is the intent they did a good job with their web design right instead of just going like open ass cheeks ha ha yeah they actually made something that looks a lot like the official release and then and then you read it for a little bit you're like okay that's pretty good all right uh but second there is a class war yes there appears to be a violent class struggle that is in the middle of happening so because people that are free players are targeting not free players no one's a free player people that are not fallout first players are targeting people that are fallout first players and griefing the shit out of them so the fun fact about the fallout first subscription is that the
Starting point is 01:49:56 box that's infinite doesn't work the private servers don't really work but what does work is the special emblem next to your name that tells you you're a fallout first subscribe so you're extra special and that you have a hundred dollars to waste on a piece of shit which signals to anyone who ever sees you that you need to die um so anyone else who was on this game and and let's be real like there's definitely a sizable people that were on this game to find the next thing going wrong oh totally right because it's become that it's kind of it's kind of the best part about the game it's become that radical heights like uh uh uh everyone else online is streaming yeah and trying to find bugs instead of just playing the game type of situation absolutely
Starting point is 01:50:48 and uh so yeah now anyone that shows up that's a paid subscriber is getting people fucking targeting them and and and ruining their experience which has led to what might be my favorite reddit post of all time fallout first players we need to assemble and build gated communities for ourselves piss poor 76ers are targeting us we need to come together and shield us from these animals they will tear us apart and they will never be satisfied oh man so it's it's it's class war it's like an ad it is like an ad class war for outer worlds it is like you know like this whole thing is like a fucking advertisement this is so amazing and it's it's this reddit post was somehow written and then immediately the person writing it had a british accent yeah
Starting point is 01:51:42 we have to pull up these are his poor 76ers peasants yeah yeah yeah it's incredible the idea because i'm thinking like let's say i was younger and i was playing 76 and i was miserable because i spent my money on it right and i'm i'm like lower middle class and i don't have enough money to buy another game so i'm just playing it and being miserable and then i see somebody walk by with a badge that says i spent a hundred dollars on a feature that doesn't work i'm gonna kill them i'm gonna shoot them they're dead like i will drop whatever the fuck i am doing to shoot them because fuck it why not yeah what what what why not or put on a bear costume and go punch them why not with a gang a gang of others go back to your private server asshole oh wait
Starting point is 01:52:41 i mean like on the one hand i feel really bad for people who spent a hundred bucks and got double fucked only to then have people organize on mass that's what i'm saying though that's what i'm trying to get to it's like in addition to the fucking in addition to the bullshit where the thing you paid for doesn't work everyone else is like fucking get that guy has the bonus feature of pariah you know and you are you are a fucking lord of the manner with your top hat and monocle walking down through uh ogre street yeah yeah you're walking down ogre street and mother fuckers with knives are spilling out of the taverns and coming to shank the shit out of you on the other hand those people are goddamn fools for picking up fallout first well this this is the first part
Starting point is 01:53:38 of the conversation right where i'm like so who are we talking about here who in fact are these people we're talking about foolish people or people with money to burn who don't give a fuck the ladder fuck them the former there's uh fallout is also popular enough that like there's gotta be people who are just fans of the franchise that aren't paying attention to gaming news or sure anything going on but they have to still play the game they have to still play the game it's what so like that that falls apart right away because that game sucks but like assassins creed creed games that sucked still did come on come on like no none of those sucked like this sucks this sucks on like a new level i mean i i don't i don't know i'm trying to wrap my head around some reason
Starting point is 01:54:26 for these people to like dude i don't know super okay what's happening first guy the person who says we need to make these gated communities has had his items deleted and has had his private server invaded and is is like but still though that if you want to you want to take a deep dive to fucking just examine this mental state go find the thread at thread about the guy who broke the story about the item box deleting your shit because he starts it off going listen i hate Bethesda to i i disagree with fallout first but i need it because i trade and i'm a trader in the game and i just you know i just need it for for my gameplay the way that i like to play the game and everyone goes what what do you what is that what does that fucking mean i'll tell you what
Starting point is 01:55:16 that means now no i know exactly what that what that is i have friends who despise gacha uh slash know exactly how gross and that it is that like it when it's at its worst uh but are just still like but it's just like it i wanted the thing like i don't i just wanted it i wanted the thing and it's like i don't enjoy that this is what's happening i don't like that this is where we are but it doesn't change the fact that i want the thing enough that i'm still going to you're describing an addict i mean is that not what mobile games are designed to yeah and fucking kill yeah listen i know i shouldn't have that drink but i have but i really want to be drunk right now i mean what happens so yeah um
Starting point is 01:56:13 i just i'm like there must there must be a perspective of someone who's like no there's this though that cost is very powerful but i want to know who's going to have this on their resume you know if you work for any organization that touched Fallout 76 and you are going to put this game on your resume please contact us i would be fascinated to hear what you have to say as to why and if you're not i guess contact us anyway so that we can ask you what the hell you are going to put on your cv for the time what was that yeah yeah what was that two year three year gap that you just didn't work went into the vault yeah just went into the vault uh anyway so that you know what somebody in our chat just answered it artists and 3d modelers can safely put this game on their
Starting point is 01:57:12 resume because arts art and the 3d models 3d model you know nobody on that design or design yeah you came in you made what you had to make and you got out if you made if you made assets you're you're fine hey fallout can we can we can you comment down for a couple weeks please besides like if there's a good time for you to lay low it would be during the lead up to blizzcon it's friday dude it's friday if there's any time for you to get the heat off your back wow this is the most angry people have been at blizzard in a long time because it's not about the video games has nothing to do with video games so the story is that apparently overwatch 2 is going to be possibly revealed um although the correction on that is at first
Starting point is 01:58:15 they're like overwatch 2 and then it was like not so much overwatch 2 as much as it is overwatch part 2 yeah chapter 2 like the fortnight yes uh so uh the rumors uh and and that slasher has been putting out uh well not putting out but that he's been talking about it a bunch include things such as like it's going to be focused on pve it's very different going to have a new hero it's going to basically be an expanded version of those uh pve events yeah except it's like a dedicated mode sure um there's going to be uh there was even like a leak from uh someone again you take it with a grain of salt but someone claimed to have been fired from blizzard and then wrote up a big yeah thing about the state of the company and and and how they just they don't care
Starting point is 01:59:07 anymore so here whatever yeah again it's just a random post it might just be nonsense but they talked about like uh the abilities that were you know whatever the the the the the focus on pve to kind of like um not completely replace the existing overwatch as much as it is like build on what was missing from the last game and such and so on uh apparently this is going to be dropped at blizzcon and might even be playable there and everyone is just going why motherfucker who gives a shit and i'm like oh no oh no you like if this is the ground is salted man if this is actually if you're dropping overwatch too and everyone's like who gives a fuck that's like you can't walk that path now listen the average person who doesn't pay attention to this
Starting point is 02:00:06 shit is going to go yay overwatch too and there is a time frame that like it almost won't matter sure but still i still agree with you the fact that the overwhelming reaction of the people that talk and whatnot is who gives a fuck is wow you really really burned everybody real but not just with the blitzchunk shit but the overwatch league and the horrible way that's been handled and i i like holy fuck i was really surprised how non-plussed most responses were uh just just flipping through it yeah flipping through the threads um yeah like they're probably looking at this as a like well we're just gonna have to climb that mountain over the course of years to get it back in in goods graces well that assumes they stop throwing themselves down the
Starting point is 02:01:04 mountain and that does assume that does assume uh and the timing of this of course is also oh yeah diablo 4 is also gonna straight up get announced at this blizzcon which also guess what also people are like who cares which is fucking astonishing even more than the overwatch thing as an outsider people going like no fucking whatever who cares but that and that was what was the point of the controversy last time they were talking about diablo absolutely it's the point the point of of anger and frustration implies that you still care yeah and that you're mad about what you're doing about what they're doing because you want them to go in the right direction with it and now it's just be like people just just want them to stop
Starting point is 02:01:52 that's actually the worst like when they're mad at you they still have hope that you're going to not make the mistakes because they want the thing they love as as somebody who for a lot of my life was a huge blizzard mark i just don't want that company to make games anymore at all i don't want more warcraft games to come out i don't want more diablo games to come out i just want them to stop because fuck them i don't give a shit i can't i'm just i'm just surprised i'm just i'm just really surprised by like the the so let's be real dude the controlled leak oh totally you know what i mean uh uh coming down the line usually when you say this is a controlled leak it's like complete nonsense everything is leaking out of blizzcon and it's all big game announcements
Starting point is 02:02:44 that are supposed to make people stop caring and stop complaining and it's not making people stop complaining and they're and it's like maybe like let's get let's lay let's lay the the foundation let's see how people are gonna and it's just no complicit on still gonna be a shit show guys complete disinterest people are gonna show up with signs and secret costumes under their coats and yeah it is true it is it is a leak from slasher and espn at the end of the day you your source is not a a random poster it is fucking it's espn going oopsie so yeah um i don't know how the future plays out on this one i mean i do but what i but what i what i'm but it always stops mattering let's let's be realistic it always stops mattering there's
Starting point is 02:03:35 always a point in time in which like the current events will not be like souring so the majority of people let me you're you're right in that like that i completely agree is that it does stop like the the scandals or whatever it stops mattering the other thing though is that these are almost always coincided with drops in quality it's very very rare for a company that is constantly embroiled in garbage all the time to still be putting out a plus amazing pieces of work blizzard used to be like a stamp of quality on the level of nintendo on the pc they were the nintendo hey it's a blizzard game guess what it's unbelievable it's incredible i'm trying to think of anything that's come out in the middle of right that's not the case anymore right overwatch everybody
Starting point is 02:04:37 loved it and then they kind of ruined it over time which was really bizarre um wow is in a wow is in such a state that the most successful way it's been is by going back in time did it get ruined over time or did people just kind of like slowly check out i think the way they handled the league stuff the league the the pro stuff had a lot of people and the way the way that they balanced it but on the level of everyone playing the game for fun i think competitive and the way they balanced that game really fucked that game up okay a little bit of both uh they also killed hots they built up and killed hots in this in this period diablo went from being killed how that game's not getting any new oh just untouched
Starting point is 02:05:23 it's i mean they're they announced one new character but they they straight up rolled back and they're like it's not a priority and it will not get resources and it is essentially a dead game now okay um which couldn't they announced that publicly without telling anybody on their pro circuit so the people on the pro circuit for hots just got oh yeah my my my athlete crap my esports shit just disappeared i'm glad i found out alongside everybody else kind of thing um like blizzard is no longer a stamp of assured quality and if blizzard was a stamp of assured quality this would all go away and no one would give a shit right let's let's look at um um bioware right bioware gets bought by ea ea is fucking evil yes but bioware is bioware holy
Starting point is 02:06:21 shit and bioware puts out dragon age and they put out mass effect one two and everyone's like it's fine and then it became not fine and then just the releases just started to fall to pieces and now no one gives a fuck right with blizzard the slights are a hundred times they're like the worst they've gotten politicians and like geopolitical heat on this shit you know like it's as bad as it gets now i hear that but maybe just maybe maybe just maybe what's the guy's name that does the videos talking about the new characters and balancing and stuff uh jeff kaplan yeah okay so kaplan comes out on stage yeah right everyone uh-huh makes their noises and he goes press the button the projector turns on porn hub logo blizzard is uh is happy to announce a direct
Starting point is 02:07:27 partnership officially announcing a direct partnership with porn hub and source filmmaker you want a 180 this shit let's get it going yeah get it going and you know port hub already has the contract written up and signed sign it sign it guys you we just need we just need your we mail it every day to the overwatch to direct to port hub i so you can feel you can feel the the belief in from blizzard that the announcements are going to make all this go away and all i can think of i don't know if they believe it but i think they're crossing their front and i think that the ruckus that we're all looking for to a blizzcon is
Starting point is 02:08:22 absolutely going to drown out anything they talk about you're gonna have videos of people getting thrown out you're gonna have people you're gonna have altercations you're gonna have probably someone rushing the stage in a winnie the pooh car you know like hopefully not i i think everyone should act with dignity and be safe and not do anything criminal but i think people are absolutely gonna cross some lines they probably shouldn't and that even if they don't even if everyone was peaceful and just yelled a bunch the video of hey the guy who went up on blizzard stage can't be heard over booze is going to be the story of the week rather than overwatch getting i mean they haven't changed their their q and a format so that's
Starting point is 02:09:11 still going to be open so people thought that it meant that they weren't going to have q and a when they saw the the world of warcraft like a sign you know it's a question it's what it was they used to do that as well it is still unknown whether or not they'll have a proper q and a section at the end of the at the thing then here's the here's the thing we talked about this before if it becomes really clear to the crowd of 35 000 people that that q and a ain't coming people are just gonna start yelling out their q and a anyway like they think there's no stopping that how much how much security do you need to escort out 35 000 people a lot right well you don't escort out 30 000 people you you you put up a wall and then you escort the others yeah out out quite frankly
Starting point is 02:10:03 you just don't run the event oh boy oh anyway so excited i can't wait i cannot use any stronger language than if you are going to be president blizzcon do not touch anyone do not run on the stage do not break the law no no but feel free to be annoying i mean there's just look annoyance is worth something at the end of the day there is you know understandably going to be a police presence that i imagine there will be a significant police presence is there for anybody who goes too far you got to get in the van you know you don't want to get in the van don't you know you don't want to get in that van not a good not a good um so you want to be a sarcastic snide little bitch yeah go for it
Starting point is 02:10:58 um be the kid who danced oh that kid's amazing and then turn the shirt around oh oh fucking the cameraman just has like a conniption let's do that do uh uh uh uh whoop oh oh hey whoops have one of those have one of those fancy cosplays you can turn inside out for a different look mm-hmm mm-hmm oh that that's that's a big one you remember in cosplay contests you remember in fresh prince when the first episode where uh will goes to jail uh to jail he goes to school and he turns the jacket inside out and he looks great yo hey that's a good idea yo next level so you have the obvious may outfit yeah but then like the like the free hong kong outfit and then you get the normal may yeah that's actually just may yeah and then you flip
Starting point is 02:11:56 that giant jacket inside out and you press the button on her little buddy and a huge flag shoots out of it yeah you know what's gonna be really interesting that tech you know it's gonna be really interesting the fully clothed roadhog cosplayers with the goggles and the mask no okay the Hong Kong protesters tend to wear goggles and masks oh yeah there you go they look right just like roadhog holding an umbrella yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah hey it's just roadhog man um I just thought I had no other overwatch characters in Winnie the Pooh colors yeah well anyway it's just beige and red I like beige and red they're good um how many Winnie the Pooh's do you think you're gonna see in that fucking crowd I mean it's it like at the very least is it gonna be like a
Starting point is 02:12:49 wears Waldo picture casual casual casual Winnie doesn't have to be full-on fursuit or like a like a shirt red shirt you want to bear bear bear bear bear arms and here what is what is you try to say bear ears barriers but they're different pronunciation yeah yeah beer barriers beer ears see you did it I do that all the time you all you do it very rarely I think it's the first time I've heard it you do that in like two years but it happened the arrears of bear ears so you know who I feel really bad for the interns they are going to send to die on that stage yeah everybody give it up who's excited no one on that stage is gonna have anything to do with any of the decisions that were made I mean yeah I don't know I I like Korea still cares right
Starting point is 02:13:49 no no Korea still cares about brood war man no seriously speaking of q&a's speaking of listen they're like trust me when a when a horse is beaten I don't need running back to it right I don't I'm not the person who wants to that's actually kind of more my thing I love beat dead I don't I don't but a sizable amount of people were like okay but did you see this D&D at Austin Film Festival situation though well I think you deserve to beat this dead horse but I I'm just I'm done when it's done it's done it's not right at the end of the day guess what Game of Thrones sucked it's all we I I got it it's done we can move on with our lives right right but I mean look I'll read it so I read it yeah it's wild it's it's not wild
Starting point is 02:14:42 at all it's what I thought it's just yeah yep that's about right they didn't have a writer's room like no what what no why would why would you do that no they put the baby on a real block of ice and the mom was mad because it was crying because it was on a real block of ice and they kept trying to get close up shots of its penis yeah so we talked about the difference between the Russo brothers and and this because they happened on the same weekend and D&D and the difference between like literally just closing yourself off versus what the way they handle that there's no one way right some people if you're fucking brilliant if you're really good at what you do when you've done it a million times before you can close yourself off to the outside world to create
Starting point is 02:15:22 something amazing and come out and like that's that yeah unfortunately for these guys they I believe the quote is um let me find the exact tweet it's a huge thread if I remember correctly it was the gist of we didn't know what we were doing we learned a lot we treated this like like in like school like we yeah it was like a like an expensive film school for the both above the bus because we didn't know what we were doing and we just learned as we went along um we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna walk well let's go through it let's go through it so yeah I couldn't find the exact thing but uh it was just yeah it's something along those lines of just like them coming out and straight up emitting it so and and also like the the phrase of like
Starting point is 02:16:20 actual out loud like yeah we didn't know what we were doing right so this is they they went they went dark after the the thing smart came out you know and they just got away from everything went up to like a cabin or whatever the story was and you know uh the cast was at comic con and the cast was answering what they could and everything and for the most part everyone was just like hey man you guys did your jobs and then the story had multiple parts to it eventually the last time we talked about it it was uh based on these writing um uh nominations yeah getting handed out and how HBO submitted these episodes for best writing like clowns and the actors themselves not get having to submit themselves to get in despite the fact that they're the ones that
Starting point is 02:17:08 fucking crushed it and didn't oh absolutely and like everyone like just like you were talking about like the asset creators on fallout you know the actors like in the actors come away music set design it set design actually gets called out specifically as being incredible by dnd right they had to learn from the set design effect like literally everyone that had to take the ball and run with it despite the fact that it was a fucking greased hog the ball has been replaced with a greased hog run with it you know um sui and then eventually uh you know it took a while but david binoff and db weiss went to austin film festival and they they they held a panel so someone was there and took uh notes of a like a live elaborate notes yeah a live uh uh live
Starting point is 02:18:06 tweeting what what was going on and basically um just if it says yeah someone asked that they go online and did they go online and david said yes we were geographically challenged and the maps were helpful uh they didn't obviously read or go into any of the feedback that they were getting at the time uh jason mimo was found through fan casting pages um we're talking about game of thrones by the way obviously dnd refers to the people that made game of thrones so this is the story about them answering uh they would write these characters and then they would know how they they work so they just let the actors do whatever they wanted so the this was always speculated but like here's the hard confirmation on it like the writers and source material ended
Starting point is 02:18:50 up in divorce because and the divorce was amicable because they ran out of writing material right so yes the thing about georgia r martin like not having the book completed did lead to them having to come up with their own shit and he was able to give them some things but uh ultimately what we got was what they had to come up with despite the fact that up until that point we were given a very highly crafted uh first couple of seasons we were adamant in our pitch to hbo that we would downplay as many of the fantasy elements as possible to appeal to people's moms and football watching dudes and to be fair that is what grabbed a lot of people early on that it was fantasy without feeling like fantasy right the fact that it like like the first seasons especially were all
Starting point is 02:19:44 a lot of like okay this this is a lord of the ring setting but it's not directed like even the books are still low fantasy yeah and also this feels like the dumbest thing in the world to say alongside comic book films being the most popular film medium right now okay as if it couldn't get any dorkier than fucking comic books david is describing the pre-meeting with grim who was questioning their bona fides and quote unquote we didn't really have any we'd never done tv and we didn't have any we didn't know why he trusted us with his life's work uh which i think his answer or rather i think he he said it was because they figured out something about his writing that no one else had figured out with like a mystery that he was yeah you know and and basically he saw that as a sign
Starting point is 02:20:35 of oh these guys get it because they're paying attention so to where this is going so they they figured something out lay one finger of blame down at grim's feet for not vetting these people more they solved his riddles three yeah they a director they shall be they guessed his riddle and he said good enough um they uh yeah they talk about the basic writing mistakes on the pilot um things like that uh they described their writing process as one of them would write half the fucking episode and then give it to the other and he would write the second half and then they would read each other's halves and go yeah that's good yes uh dan was basically saying that uh Game of Thrones was an expensive film school for he and dav for example they had no idea how to work
Starting point is 02:21:34 with costume designers and it was a huge learning experience um uh two months before the pilot was to air and episodes were averaging 39 minutes and HBO made them write and film 100 minutes of scenes to meet their contractual object obligations for example they added a scene with robert and cersey and realized there was no scene with them there was not one scene in that first season as originally written that had the husband and wife talking to each other they didn't understand the characters and the extra minutes helped them understand the characters better they let the actors redefine the roles especially macy and they began writing for the actors it's like the actor moved into the house and redecorated he learned about the characters
Starting point is 02:22:16 from the actors so here's the thing that's not necessarily a disaster no there is value in having the actor bring character to the role yes totally but then using that as your sole guide stick in an adaptation is baffling every time i hear like super talented people talk about that process there is always a like well there's almost two things to it right there's like uh the there's a like a riddle which is how do i play this what's this supposed to be there's a bit of a back and forth but it's very clear where the road is it's very clear what the boundaries are it's very clear what this is supposed to be in terms of like the broad scope and then the character will in the context of and then the actor will in the context of the script and whatnot kind of
Starting point is 02:23:11 figure out some of the details the intricacies and a few other things and then put it together and then again to bring them up again you get anthony hopkins in uh westworld right perfect figuring out how to do um so this process works fantastic while you're adapting because the rules are defined what has to happen i i listened to a recent interview with uh todd from breaking bad yeah uh you didn't see alcamino yet right okay he plays a pretty sizable role in that oh yeah that makes sense um and uh for those of you who don't remember todd is the he's the redhead that gets introduced fuck late kid show that just is a complete sociopath he's total scum and you're just and it's it's it's incredible how like he's introduced as this guy that is like
Starting point is 02:24:03 just a almost wholesome normal simple man that has no problem no morals being beyond evil it is the right it is the difference between immoral and amoral sure he doesn't have morals right uh it's it's it's it's established that like uh early on when they have that train heist episode yeah and they get and it's an amazing episode and they get through this almost like bumbling adventure yeah of like oceans 11ing the train to get whatever they need for the meth production and it all goes off and you're like wow what a what a caper and then todd is standing up there and then as they complete it and they're ready to go there is a child who happens to just have rolled by and he saw the whole thing and he's just watching and then todd's like well we
Starting point is 02:25:00 gotta solve that and todd solves the problem because Todd and he Todd's yeah and then you go oh oh that's what this is yeah right that's who this is so um it like that that that he's doing an interview and he's talking about how um he's like what he didn't know what this character was he just got the script yeah you know and um uh uh and he's and he's talking to um god i forgot the director's name but he's he's going pizza man what do i do with this right yeah well what is he and he never really fully explained it but he's like he just gave him an analogy he just basically said he's like um you're driving on the road and then like there happens to just be like a raccoon that just starts crossing the road and like with the way you're driving you can't swerve because then
Starting point is 02:25:54 you're just going to swerve off yeah and there's traffic on the other side of you so you can't go that way yeah right yeah and then he walked away and then and then the guy who police thought was like all right okay let's see what i do with that yep so it's just like oh yeah there's there's okay well that we what are we supposed to we just keep going whatever yeah right well the raccoon was there well now there's no problem now we don't have to worry about whether to swerve left or right yeah you know and it's like okay got it he took that and yeah did it and nailed it did an amazing job um that can happen when an actor is coming is going back and forth and doing this whole thing and for the first batch of Game of Thrones they had those pieces of information to give to the
Starting point is 02:26:42 actors who then took it and turned them into their own amazing portrayals and then they stopped having that thing to give to the actors and just told them basically the actors now had to steer the ship with what no guidance well they were they were given waypoints in the fog of war yeah so you have the big fog of war but you still have a beacon over here you know when you know when like um uh god what was the i don't know what it was in starcraft but there was an ability where like it shows you one dot on the map oh yeah the the satellite satellite thing right yeah yeah you just be like and you be like oh there it is okay gotta get over there or something find a way yeah is there a terrain shift is there a whole this is what is there what are we gonna find it's kind
Starting point is 02:27:24 of astonishing the the series once they ran out of books that the series was any good at all for any length of time with the actors having to work under like that kind of constraint uh basically yeah figure it out i mean never forget those faces oh yeah right never forget kit reading it and just being like what the fuck am i looking at i don't want it and uh uh uh uh danny just having that yeah haha oh boy um so yeah anyway it just it goes on but for the most part they're just really really there are a bunch of amateurs who god given a big break honest about how they barely understood how they got this to begin with and ultimately it seems like the pressure was too much and at no point do they just come out and say it no but it's there in the subtext so you
Starting point is 02:28:20 know what the weirdest part about this whole q&a was get excited for star wars like disney has their writer-director combo coming out and going yeah we totally ruined it because we're incompetent and didn't know what we were doing like i wonder if confederate is still happening the the the the the bluntness in which they're like yeah we're terrible that's why it sucked is astonishing because get excited for star wars you know and i i mean look man and like we saw that i made that tweet with the fucking x-men origins wolverine thing and and i forgot what the there was another movie on that list that was a good one that people liked i didn't see it that was like oh but that wasn't bad it's like no but herein is the capacity of
Starting point is 02:29:17 all the good and all the evil of the world like you can see that somewhere along the lines even in the case of x-men origins where uh that fucking asshole that used to work at fox i forgot the guy's name but there's a dude that was in a production role that was like all responsible for tons of garbage because he was just the worst uh takes a lot of the flak on it but it's just like yeah the but the point remains that like yeah these dudes they they got the job they they they did the thing where you your resume is like spicier than it actually is yeah and you got the job and then you got to figure out once you get it how to work it and you can if you just ask enough questions and seem like you can you know do what what it takes but like at the end of the
Starting point is 02:30:03 day they kind of didn't know what they were doing makes me think of lucille ball at the candy factory but here's what's crazy right that whole part where she's sick sticking the the chocolate in her mouth yeah that lasted like five seasons yeah like she kept up because the person making the chocolate was doing an amazing job off screen yeah right so just outside of lucy's was delicious and light right they were making amazing chocolate and putting it on the conveyor belt and then yeah then it starts to pile up really slowly and then right at the right five minutes to the end of the ship just to the point where I would argue because it what it ends up being is that there's one of the things sorry I closed it but one of the points that they brought up was like
Starting point is 02:30:57 did you pay it it was like did you pay attention to where the characters were going in the books and what uh was what was what themes were being put together and they said we couldn't we didn't have the the time or ability to include any of that stuff yeah right so what that means is there's a bunch of shit that fans of game of thrones have been appreciating over the course of the the entire show that was good that they did not intend to be yeah it was all accidental because george thought it out it worked out but they didn't think or acknowledge that stuff they were just doing what was being handed down without even knowing it was that good to begin with oops all right oops can we now put the flowers on it and walk away right up until
Starting point is 02:31:53 you find out about the people who died secretly during production all right well anyway um right up until then well um I don't I can't say that anyone died in the production of that game of that show um I uh whatever I you know what this is failing this is not working all right I'm abandoning the segue all right let's do it let's do a different one Sony will issue you a refund if you're unhappy with your copy of wwe2k20 but why would you be unhappy with your copy of wwe2k20 I don't know the game's giving me a lot of laughs I haven't played it of course but I've been looking at people's videos of it on the internet and it's because the writing is hilarious right oh the writing actually is hilarious
Starting point is 02:32:55 it's probably the saddest thing about the whole thing is that the writing is like genuinely really funny in that story mode but oh boy uh gets worse every year and this year's a banger well what happened right the usual you took it from one studio's hands you handed it to another with no time and you just said make it pretty go and they didn't make it pretty uh so yep used to be yukes as we knew visual concept and it's like this is the worst part is I remember when we were complaining about the previous years as well oh yeah like this is like yukes is garbage yeah I just I don't know what I forgot what the year was where it just switched to complete shit but it switched to that shit that chips for a while but at least they had a full year to work
Starting point is 02:33:48 on the garbage and then that shit then got switched over to even further shit and now we've got these bugs where like I mean like it's you can I'm linking to them in the the the docket but like literally referees are falling into the ring and people are bouncing off uh there's one where somebody's just spinning around the ring as fast as everyone is getting stuck on the ropes and it is not just a buggy piece of shit but buggy in the funniest possible way like people are duck walking oh everywhere everywhere because their feet are trying to falling through the ring and going into space it's like it's incredible like it's one thing it's one thing for did you go to the thread where somebody broke down the current amount of bugs and things that don't work like nothing in
Starting point is 02:34:37 the game works like entrances don't exist uh you can import music but it won't play if you change wrestlers moves the game crashes a hundred percent of the time like it is this hundreds and hundreds of bugs and almost all of them are this doesn't work or if you do this the game crashes I mean sometimes it's just as silly as like the the money in the bank match is lost by Kevin Owens getting a pinfall right well that I mean that's like real wrestling like that's you know what I mean like that sometimes it's just as goofy as that but a lot of this is just like oh it's you would wish the game would just crash before these things happened like they fucking like it would be less of a story you know but this all the things that we popped off about
Starting point is 02:35:30 back in the russell mania days the floating curt angles and oh yeah and the teleporting ramus theory and now it's not just like oh every now and then it's like every single time you touch it single flies apart yeah so um obviously the this every just if you just go hashtag wwe2k20 on on twitter and you look at the videos it's like a it's probably like an hour or more of it's unbelievable nonsense but it's great it's it's wild so um obviously this got to a point where sony's like all right look all right here you go you'd like the game like there's the clip of ronda rousey just doing the flash dance on one of the ropes and and and and then the ref starts duck walking and then the the the the stairs are slowly sinking into the ground and you're just
Starting point is 02:36:27 it's the peak it's the peak and like qa teams like this is what we fucking we we go have a beer after work and like watch this shit and just and just die you know this is what we live for so yeah now all of you can live that a little bit too yeah and then of course it wouldn't be complete without the create a character horror of eyeballs sliding out of sockets uh and skeletons yeah as always fall inverting themselves why not so you know and why not joy or dope but you get your money back and hey um what can i say you know they're getting they're getting some press out of bummer because if it was just like a wrestling game came out every two years you could probably see really good wrestling games again from from any developer yeah but like that's that's but vince
Starting point is 02:37:26 is you're having your profits are you yes they become good enough that more people than insane idiot wrestling fans by them but the insane idiot wrestling fans are the same as the sports fans that are willing to buy it every year it all i would love to see the numbers unlike how many people would actually buy a good sports game if sports games were worth playing again doesn't even matter what we have now is is gangbusters upsetting what you currently have is a model that works there are so many people that would play sports games if they were good but quality is not where our money is coming from we've made our bed we're sleeping in it that bed is every 12 months
Starting point is 02:38:10 big sad yeah guess what it's the it's the it's every single topic on this podcast ever is why not quality because money okay yeah you're right castle super beast like that's the whole thing you know that's what everybody that's literally all of it no all um it's not all bad we have one good story we got there's some there are some good stories okay uh i mean really yeah we got some there are there are some good stories there's what there's one last one up here which is just um basically that's those are all the stories these are just announcements okay you know there's always a divide from one into the other death stranding is coming to
Starting point is 02:39:05 pc guaranteed death stranding is coming to pc in 2020 that's fine that makes sense right we do have the tweet we've got the proof it says it that's right good it's gonna happen um november eighth for ps4 and then early summer for pc so yay all right that's good um that's fine and dandy if you want to get yourself a project scarlet uh and you and you want to uh do it via the fancy xbox elite two controllers that they're selling in like a week you want to do it via a slow payment process you can use microsoft's upgrade option oh really i didn't hear about this where microsoft themselves will be taking trade-ins of your uh well this is so this is uh at least i'm looking at this it's from a euro gamer article so it's talking about this in a british context uh but
Starting point is 02:39:59 like basically you pay a monthly installment over 18 months and you trade in your uh current console well this thing's gonna have backwards compatibility for sure and then you get the new thing um so again this is i'm look this is based on a british article uh whether or not it exists outside of this context not too sure but that's cool that's a cool idea and they also said that uh xbox controllers will work forward with scarlet which is nice yeah um because i know that a lot of people uh that you know might otherwise hesitate to buy a new console as a generation gets uh interrupted uh is how it ends up feeling a lot of the time you know this would help that out so that's cool i thought also both of these
Starting point is 02:40:56 pieces of news to me scream that it's going to be fully backwards compatibility with the xbox yeah uh if it's telling you same controller in here trade yours in like yeah come on which is nice right you want you like nobody wants to feel like they're losing what they've already spent their money on uh no sir so there's that oh man i hope the sony playstation 5 has a fucking there's a new trailer out for persona 5 scramble which i completely forgot about yeah me too until i saw this trailer and i went oh fuck it looks like one of those muso games they put time into yeah it's what yeah exactly it's the guest ones yeah it's it's it's persona 5 muso and it's got a lot of a lot of fancy going on it's like a canonical sequel to the game which is kind of
Starting point is 02:41:45 not really kind of does well you see them driving in the van in the in the trailer and you're like oh okay all right uh looks really good yeah looks good looks really good um can't wait to jump right in there and it's going to be on the switch yep makes sense like joker yeah um so there's a trailer for that that dropped uh which uh also looks like better you know then uh uh i mean the quality of the the models and stuff is fantastic but anyway um so there's that uh and then of course yes everybody dan southworth he knows what he's doing power rangers battle for the grid they know what they're doing it's really funny um because uh the quantum ranger eric mayer is played by dan southworth back in the day he reprises the role and the things he says include foolishness lord said foolishness
Starting point is 02:42:54 and i need more quantum power and i don't know if you saw the combo video he actually for real has a call a voice quote that says now i'm motivated yes exactly so fully embracing the fact that you have virgin so here's the thing on your fucking call sheet you're gonna get him to do the virgin i don't think it's just dan southworth who is in on this i think it's the devs as well because when he says i need more quantum power his moves start to look real familiar like he has like a fucking judgment cut dash yeah all sorts of shit yeah guess what clockwork is the battle designer on this game yeah the the famous marvel there you go see see that's all i needed the guy oh clockwork versus neo clockwork versus neo okay okay okay okay clockwork yeah all right all right all right he came out he
Starting point is 02:43:51 came out in a ranger outfit on at evo to fight people on stage at bar fights so yes man you guys want to see a really intense money match go check out marvel 2 clockwork versus neo first to 10 it's intense it's the the the end of marvel 2 as they call it but there was some amazing shit that happened since but still the text was there he threw a stick for some reason it was very exciting it was very weird it was very exciting um so like they fucking get it and dan's like i can imagine more than happy oh yeah totally to oblige because you are virgil virgil is you how fucking cool yeah that's great you know this character that you played in power rangers before virgil has is now is now virgil that's that's that's great that's great um so it's extra crazy
Starting point is 02:44:46 hearing those types of lines coming out of a hero's mouth because it doesn't sound very heroic it sounds villainous i mean look battle for the grid at the end of the day like you know it was like is this just a port of the uh the mobile shit game no it's like no they actually like they made this is kusouge but they got that they got those dirty ass mix-ups in yeah they got that like insane team squad based marvel style playing and they got fgc people for those of you don't know kusouge is japanese for shit game yeah so it is it is uh it's poverty man royal poverty it's yeah though yeah there it is it's royal power it is royal poverty it used to have a family name and lands and is disgraced now but the can't but the blood is still in its but the name remains
Starting point is 02:45:42 the blood is still there you know um and yeah you can get doggy kruger too so that's weird doggy kruger is cool i i i did like a triple take when i saw footage of that game called power rangers i'm at that point now where i'm like doggy kruger is not a power ranger in my mind he's the blue ranger so it's fuck off deal with it he's a sentai character get out of here get out of here um and then there's some other fun stuff uh real quick one there is a game cube style joycon that's coming out have you seen this thing i've not seen this thing uh okay well it is exactly what you would think now game controller game cube game cube controller style joycon oh that's cool yeah actually and it and it's not excuse me it's not uh one of the the uh unofficial ones
Starting point is 02:46:41 that have to be hooked in this is wireless as well nice so that's the biggest problem with some of the ones that have like a like a nyko joycon with the d-pad on it it's got a state they don't really act like joycons yeah but this one's actually wireless so if you happen to be a smash player that doesn't want to use uh game cube controller game controller or whatever but you still want to use a game controller yeah it's interesting i'd be curious to try some games out with this layout because i like the feeling of the game cube controller yeah it is a different layout i really like it's a comfortable feeling you know um the the button layout and uh the c-stick i like i like the way they felt so uh that's fun and uh two other quick things one there is a game called x
Starting point is 02:47:35 zodiac which i thought was pretty fucking sick uh that was shown off at uh eg x 2019 which was a i'm looking it up on the phone right now little game game show yeah i mean you take a look at the at the footage of this and it's pretty you understand what you're looking at within seconds uh it's not that hard to understand but ex zodiac uh shows you oh wow what is and should be the place that star fox ended up it's basically going back to star fox not 64 star fox star fox oh wow that's that's a star fox it's doing the star fox hard what is it and i think that's fucking wonderful because i'm i'm i'm absolutely like ahead of having all my nostalgia buttons pressed staring at this thing um so right now it's just a demo uh there's a boss fight the music is is
Starting point is 02:48:40 doing the star fox type of boss fight music things and it just it elicits all the right reactions and feelings of the fx chip days in particular uh but yeah right now it's just a demo this might become something more and eventually end up on steam for now but uh you can check it out it's it's ex zodiac and fuck me i just like i didn't realize that i'm like you know what i i miss star fox and i miss what star fox 64 was but the original as well is its own thing that is worth appreciating so yeah that's dope as fuck um i'll care for the original star fox oh well that's a shame i guess it is love star fox 64 though makes me think of my dentist though and thankfully this is not i'm not announcing uh star fox fan projects yeah right whatever the
Starting point is 02:49:38 fuck you know it doesn't even matter i mean it's it's i'm announcing something it's talking about something else so that's nice i'm glad to see that i saw kataku like reference some kind of mario uh fan project a while ago and the comments were just non-stop of shut the fuck up everyone's like stop it everyone's saying shut the fuck up right now to you for saying you don't like star fox yeah weren't you a genesis kid i was yeah but my main problem with star fox was the framerate back then yep that was the first game that that that was the awakening of that feeling did you even have a computer back then i didn't but i played after burner and uh whatever the the first ridge racer at the time in the arcade and those were very similar but
Starting point is 02:50:30 the the framerate was like so much worse on star fox and the good video game inside of that it was i it didn't really impress me i preferred uh if i remember correctly i remember saying i'd rather go home and play batman and robin which was also a schmup but it was a like a side-scrolling kind of character schmup but when star fox 64 came out and i played that at friend's house i was like can i borrow your n64 because this game's incredible and here everyone goes oh pat and we just all right all right okay yeah that's kind of wild i didn't realize that uh no not everyone's going oh pat a lot of people are saying pat is right uh we're shitting we're shitting on star fox oh and oh wait i and a friend of mine totally had a pc and i played doom at his house all the time
Starting point is 02:51:28 and i know doom is not polygonal but like yeah i was aware of pc stuff okay well anyway um like you're talking to somebody woolly who had the reverse experience of showing dissent to people and then going oh whatever it's not a school star fox oh god okay dissent i read well anyway that game unfortunately that was more to my motion sickness fuck oh yeah it is i don't blame you one bit that thing that game was fucking hard couldn't deal couldn't deal with it that game was built to kill body hated it yeah everything about that um i get i got it free with something i think i did too i got it free with either a video card or uh might have been a mobo see here's the thing
Starting point is 02:52:21 i don't remember buying it but i remember having it and that was before piracy was like a thing well i mean it was a thing no i i had it i had the i had a copy that i got that came free with something and it was just that game kicked ass but yeah no gravity um anyway let's take it last but not least to otoko mizu or jet pack firefighting okay um you did you hit now of course you didn't hear about this what the fuck are you talking about well if i can see you did it see if i can it works you were right i didn't hear about it if i can hit this this trailer button here to show you what's going on you are uh a man in a fucking excuse me in one of those taiko drum loincloths yeah hovering over ito city with a
Starting point is 02:53:24 loincloth using the power of water to iron man your way around okay why is this lake busted that sucks you're really selling me on this let me just get to the footage this this is one of them like good one-offs you take a look at and go oh boy the good shit is our is here um hold on hold on hold on we're gonna get to it open it up on steam uh you are the firefighter man and you are using the power of water oh man to slide and iron man your way through fucking dank shit you are iron manning with water oh my gosh as a naked man and you're spraying the water on the fire this is amazing and the houses are being doused this is crazy and this this is this is the shit this is the shit this is the good shit otoko mizu and you power up and you thrust and you pose oh my god spray
Starting point is 02:54:25 and do the best firefighters job you can this looks incredible and then there's fights and there's dudes that are coming to stop you but they can't stop you because you're water you're unstoppable wow you're naked water iron man that's crazy firefighter saving ito that's great i love it coming to switch really yep really yep wow yep okay otoko mizu any questions not really good i learned everything i needed to know good done you guys should check out that trailer because the woolly's description doesn't do it justice because i don't think like it's the poses man him just like spread a eagling shooting water out of his toes another victory for japan that's right yeah japanese video games just got that certain
Starting point is 02:55:28 the emperor has ascended to the throne the chrysanthemum throne all right and otoko mizu has been announced for the switch two events of equal magnanimous dignity and impact as we enter the new era that name again otoko mizu go look it up take a question or two hey if you want to send a question email general comment whatever the fuck send it to castle super beast mail at that's castle super beast mail what up man let's take one over here from Grayson hey gray what up man what up there castle super anxiety when i was a kid even now my mom will occasionally watch me play video games i'd show her a game like halo
Starting point is 02:56:28 and be like hey mommy look how cool master chief is he wears armor and he kills the aliens and he isn't afraid of anything she'd then look at it for a few minutes and be like okay but how does he poop though i believe partly because she isn't used to this style of media her suspension of disbelief doesn't apply to things we wouldn't think twice about first and foremost like the need to fulfill natural bodily functions though i'm sure that the novels probably go into how master chief has a tactical colostomy bag attached he probably totally does i kind of wanted to swing this by you because i couldn't tell my mom it was just weird whether my mom was just weird or whether this is a common issue that we don't talk about because we mentally brush it off your mom's cool
Starting point is 02:57:16 that she gets right to this is this is the the what do they eat for a new generation and quite frankly how do they poop and she got there on her own yeah that's that's pretty impressive and the answer is uh there's a system that but why couldn't there just be a valve or a slot you know you know you know who'd really really like that jk rowling yes yes tell your tell your mom about jk rowlings recent recent solutions and uh let us know how she feels about those not now jk not now because i feel i feel like she'd be very very pleased with where that went thanks gracing uh uh
Starting point is 02:58:12 woolly this is my name the time sword dare will tron and patsworth so a couple weeks ago you read and received an email about bad finales or final seasons and i felt a question stern me with the most recent finale to my to with the most recent finale to my little pony friendship is magic while game of thrones had its final season torn to shreds by fans it was rightly deserved friendship is magic was quite different however i stopped enjoying the cartoon during season six it ran for nine and i and i tuned in for the finale having read the synopsis for the episodes well i'm still part of the community enjoying art and stories i'm completely mortified at how the show ended the final season is the epitome of terrible writing
Starting point is 02:58:56 and boring cliches but i'm almost alone in my opinion compared to game of thrones the fan base for friendship is magic uh regards the finale is well received and they loved it the long winded question is have you ever had something you love and terribly but no one else thought so that's a really good question where you're like screaming but it's terrible and everyone's like no it's good what are you talking about i feel like the answer to that is actually yes all the time but i can't think of anything right now i mean i i must it's actually way more common for me to be like this whole thing is terrible and everyone's like yeah no it's fine and i'm like don't you see and they go no it's fine
Starting point is 02:59:43 the problem is that a lot of the times when something does end terribly when it goes when i shelf it in my brain i shelf it in the bad because i feel like i'm thinking back on that ruined moment a lot yeah you know um i must have brought it up or talked about something along those lines and i'm really stretching i was i was hoping you'd possibly have one uh something that no one else feels ended badly but you i'm looking at i'm looking at like people are throwing down shit tons of things in our chat and i'm looking at them it's like i don't feel that way about many of these yeah so for example people talking about like steven universe in adventure time but
Starting point is 03:00:30 i i know steven universe ended like shit i well i tapped out before that yeah but uh then i went caught up like synopsis wise and was like oh that's a terrible that's a that's a fucking terrible ending super best friend um real funny i don't know i don't know but it's a really good question i really want to find i know there's something out there racing in my brain for it yeah the things that really stuck with me like i brought up battle stark electric a bunch you're not going to find anybody defending that last season you know stuff like that i think the last season of tng is real weak overall but that's generally appreciated and you even elie the crazy person believes in that
Starting point is 03:01:40 that yeah i got i got nothing yeah i'm sorry because it's a great question it really is and i know that i have an answer i just don't have one on me right now it's just hard to pull it out yeah um and that's an that's unfortunate but okay oh stranger things no i'm though i am like when three three started and like i kind of cake i kind of i mean peeped it out a little bit but i'm definitely less motivated to continue but like that stranger things there's a lot of people that that were that didn't like where to went so i don't i wouldn't put that in that category the only time i can think of is when the mass effect shit was popping off and there were the people that are going no it's
Starting point is 03:02:27 fine you're all just overreacting and it was like no that's really bad it's really bad it's bad not good i mean there is that mgs2 discussion but i think it is too great but i think everyone right kind of over time there was that slow like hold on these things are happening yeah oh shit kochimo means prekojima predicted the future yeah but at the time you're definitely like what the fuck is wrong with this dude what is happening dude's nuts where where where's snake you know the whole weird with the way the persistent where is snake feeling you know um um yeah it was hard up on that one for a while anyway we tried uh okay
Starting point is 03:03:29 nope nope let's take one more all right what's the last one hey orange boy says dare will answer and little red ranger all right uh finish the outer worlds yeah no spoilers obviously but it was by far and best the western the best western rpg i've played in a long ass time it's nice to see a game with actual personality and writing behind it do you think the success of this will light a fire under other western rpg devs no focus more on the absolutely not just hoping speculation but law knows nothing gets me to forget basic necessities like a solid western rpg absolutely not the fire that would have been letting under under by wears and Bethesda's
Starting point is 03:04:14 asses is the total failure of their products to do well not other people doing it good as well can i insert a caveat go for it what if this makes stupid cash no i mean if it's a breakout success that it's not like they weren't trying no yeah yes yes they were trying and failing it was not a dead thing right it was a alive but like on life support yeah like yes yes yes this is this is true this is true it's not you're not picking up an a torch that's been like unlit it's just burns it smells like shit it was a it was garbage incense for a while yeah okay fine fair um but i i you know it's i wouldn't it would it not be almost more like because there's two there's two reactions there's a mix ton of money there's a
Starting point is 03:05:13 reaction of like this is how you do it good and then there's the like can we bring our ip to you and you do what you just did for our ip yeah they're never going to do that right Bethesda obsidian straight up offered to make another fallout game for Bethesda and they got shoot like shoot out the door yeah just desserts yeah fuck them hey walls what are you what are you putting out this week um so uh with river city done please look forward to that finale uh i am pretty much right there on astral chain yeah right there right there yeah got to got to the big the the big the big the big started happening in astral chain and uh not a moment too soon um and and and the timing of that was quite nice
Starting point is 03:06:18 as well because um like to go back on to to just to to touch on another thing uh that i this and this is all my just my sense of expectation for when i see an upgrade tree sure but my expectations when i see an upgrade tree are that the end of that upgrade tree is going to be something super radical and then uh it turns out that uh there is no final super cool no the final thing is an extra slot on the skill chain thing it depends on which one for like it's distributed yeah for three of the five it's distributed in in a different order right but for like for sword for um beast and for axe there's no last really cool ability yeah they get they just get it earlier all their cool stuff is like right away yeah and it's the same it's the same ones right so i was kind of
Starting point is 03:07:12 waiting for a final oh you made it and this cost you four or six premiums yeah and bam there it is and i'm like fuck me because i spent the premiums to look at what it was going to be yeah and then it turned out to be a goddamn item slot that's why you load your game yeah well that's when that happened so that happened to me like three times on the bottom of the sword and then it happened to me again on the dog and i was like oh you could just look it up yeah that's the point i was enjoying the like oh what's it gonna be yeah because earlier on we would go what's it gonna be and then it would be something awesome and then i'd be we'd be like yeah i almost totally maxed out sword really early and it's got to see that pretty early yeah i was like okay well all right so yeah i started going
Starting point is 03:07:55 for the other things because we were enjoying that like oh yeah it's a cool ass new thing right 20% extra attack very exciting so then so then that expectation continued and ended up biting me in the ass so uh i yeah then i just we realized oh this is just a waste of your premiums which are now at a premium yeah you know you had no problem early on but now it is right and so i was like this is a bummer i really did want some you know cool final final cool ability there and then it's like oh well yeah yeah okay okay but it's like it happened right as i was like the fuck video game and then the video you're making me wasted my slots you know the video game was like hey just just in case you didn't get um what game what anime we're we're cribbing notes off of strongly
Starting point is 03:08:52 enough we're gonna make it really really obvious yeah so uh that that's that's it's it's nice that my my my you know prayers were answered though it still doesn't change the fact that they could have done something better with that yeah that weapon tree they could have put something in front load it put it yeah they do front load it and they change the distribution for sure but like it gets expensive to work your way all the way through it and you always assume in game that when it takes a lot of effort to work your way through a weapon tree there's something nice waiting for you at the end right that's what a weapon tree does like that's the incentive and in this case it just you know it's like i they they're they should have done it it would have been nice if they did but
Starting point is 03:09:42 here's the other thing you know so yeah uh astral chain continues uh over on woolly versus uh river city girls um as well as uh you know i'm gonna take a quick look at a couple of things upcoming uh ninja warriors once again unfortunately had to be retitled ninja saviors return of the warriors which fucking sucks because of the the the the show yeah the tv show so we're taking a look at that we're more than taking a look we did a full run through of it and uh was that like an hour yeah it's uh two yeah okay you know it's good shit um and yeah all that and more uh you can check that out over on uh youtube woolly versus and uh woolly versus on twitch as well um i haven't been streaming in a bit because uh these weekends have been really really like busy like there's
Starting point is 03:10:35 like it's like one there's a lot of travel stuff going on and two like the the the whole sam show like season thing like i'm putting in work yeah and uh to put in that work unfortunately just does it means it's hard to overlap all these things but uh as soon as my schedule lightens lightens up a bit i do uh want to start uh picking up the streams and do it more regularly again but for now there's still a couple of other things i have to travel to for work purposes so um stay tuned but yep that's that's me over at angriestpats my first real week back in like a month oh i'm sorry sorry um indivisible obviously continues and uh we just hit the new session because the first session was like super long super long yeah i did a it was like a five
Starting point is 03:11:24 hour like thing yeah because people were confused i saw people talking about how like today's episode went up but it was still clearly before we had discussion on the podcast because you were referencing things in the podcast that were new to you in today's video so so that first session must have been super long yeah we went hard right away on that you know and of course when something's coming out that way like it's you you run into that that soul's problem of like yelling at the past yeah you don't know the game's not good at yeah it's well basically it was like up until that episode i think it was episode five um it was still my first time touching the game yeah you know so i've figured out a lot since then and i figured out about like you know the certain
Starting point is 03:12:06 things i was looking at i was doing a lot of like dars combos that were like suboptimal and a couple other things that i was just like oh yeah i've learned that now now that i have the training mode for sure but um either way uh because we're doing we're doing big sessions on it because it's also something that like i want to put out big parts yeah because i know it's a long game and i know that um one of the parts uh everton at um they're they're honestly close to an hour each part really okay wow all right like i'm putting out really big chunky beefy parts 45 minutes you know or so um and as one as a result it can't be every day well yeah i know that's but but too like we're doing big sessions which also means it's going to take longer
Starting point is 03:12:47 for information updates to refresh as the new sessions go on so um yeah that that is continuing so it's the kind of game that you're trying to like just you you want to fucking get your hands on it as much as you want to get my hands on it as much as possible and i and i don't want people to be waiting through like part 80 something you know what i mean i want i want you want to get through it as fast as possible yes so that it's over but like doing that on top of the twice weekly recording of uh astral chain as well as river city yeah and then the one-offs right is quite a bit you know but all of that does continue for uh the meantime on willy versus and of course following astral chain will come uh something something highly anticipated highly
Starting point is 03:13:35 anticipated i've been doing a highly anticipated for a while yeah so i'm gonna keep that going it's always gonna be highly anticipated something highly anticipated like i was saying how's the dead overkill i'm sorry how's the dead overkill it's happening i'm doing a lot i'm doing a lot how's the why is why is it what i you couldn't you just i forgot i'm done now okay well i'm gonna do streams at slash angriest pat i'm gonna do out of worlds this this this week and i'm also gonna do disco elysium which you should probably check out yourself that's that's cool game and tomorrow i'm scraping together some old ff14 buddies to be doing a stream of the uh near automata yorah dark apocalypse raid which comes out tomorrow which uh from the trailer
Starting point is 03:14:21 appears to have 9s in it not just 2p but also 9s and the quote from yoshi p and yoko taro is everything that you want to see will be in it and there's already a snippet of a mix between the file fantasy theme and weight of the world remix that is incredible no reason so when you when he promises that i'm gonna put it in the near automata playlist on my youtube channel because fuck it how are the ass physics in ff 14 terrible it's a long-standing joke every time they have a q and a people ask them when they're gonna add a butt slider and every time they go we're not adding a fucking butt slider that's not good in fact it's so bad that when they added the bunny people that had the the bigger asses people discovered that their asses were actually part of the boot
Starting point is 03:15:13 model and that when you changed feet their asses disappeared this does not bode well it does not bode well for it cool and that's uh that's going down this that's going down the suite see you guys there as long as the internet holds up right out um you can just end the podcast so you can just do it you just know it what was it going to be it was going to be that um i don't know this good sorry this is super good i love this yeah stuff games channels video your channel it's your channel button button button button but i'll find you for too long
Starting point is 03:16:40 can you feel me coming like a heart beating time keep on moving hunting until you're mine um temptation says the strain but i won't let you get away can you feel me coming like a heart beating time keep on moving hunting until you're mine um fueled by the chase i'll win you know i'll never
Starting point is 03:17:39 given given can you feel me coming like a heart beating time keep on moving hunting until you're mine can you feel me coming like a heart beating time keep on moving hunting until you're mine um one moment and you're gone but i'll find you for too long um can you feel me coming like a heart beating time keep on moving hunting until you're mine
Starting point is 03:18:58 um temptation says the strain but i won't let you get away can you feel me coming like a heart beating time keep on moving hunting until you're mine um fueled by the chase i'll win you know i'll never given given can you feel me coming like a heart beating time keep on moving hunting until
Starting point is 03:19:56 you're mine can you feel me coming like a heart beating time keep on moving hunting until you're mine

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