Castle Super Beast - CSB 046: Chokejerk is Not Enough

Episode Date: December 3, 2019

Download for Mobile | Podcast Preview | Full Timestamps Pat finishes Death Stranding(spoiler free), Woolie plays Teppen, and a whole. lot. of. League of Legends. You can watch us record the podcas...t live on Outro: Teppen - Nero Theme Go to and enter promo code SUPERBEAST to get 20% of your entire order. -- Go to for 50% off your first year. -- Apply today at Titanfall 2 is free on PS Plus Crowdfunded console Atari VCS Silent Hills might have sent players real-life "emails or text messages" 3DSens converts NES games to 2.5D Capcom reportedly have two mystery games playable at Jump Festa 2020 If you don't like the Final Fantasy VII Remake box art don't worry: It's reversible! Shovel Knight creators share more info, cheats for upcoming Smash Bros. mode Battleborn's concurrent players will drop from 15 to 0 in 2021 Sonic the Hedgehog movie redesign cost $5 million, suggests report

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Starting point is 00:00:00 music good morning yeah fuck it hello fuck it good morning good morning functional morning yeah you woke up like what 40 minutes ago I guess no no I woke up at 8 a.m. well that's not functional morning for you then at all it's functional afternoon I woke up I woke up I woke up yeah at 8 a.m. get that chocobo in got that running yeah yep yeah yep how's that every day how's that though it's every day bro yeah but how is it oh it sucks oh yes yeah that's garbage but I did it every day good for you I thought you only had to sprint for like seven
Starting point is 00:01:15 minutes well so do you want to do you want to check that article out do you want to see it we can revisit it I posted it I let people actually way more fun this way okay because the the the the conjecture that exaggerates off of the lies from your and Matt's mouths comes out to hit me yeah with tons of like wow what an idiot you know like well if you just just but I'm that's not that wasn't what I said yeah but it's more fun this way yeah but people take it seriously see and then they act like assholes see the something that's actually that's like an article that's a real thing but it's not seven seconds and then it's see here's
Starting point is 00:01:50 the thing man you gotta like all you got to do is make your regular statements so stupid that no one has to exaggerate them this is also like almost forgotten lore at this point because it's going way way back yeah right it's going right pretty far back you're right but I'm feeling good I'm feeling good where was it I said I recently posted it to somewhere on the subreddit where that whole sprinting thing came up again and I was just like can I just show you the thing I was talking about and it was just the article describing that it's just like they took a couple code control groups and it was just like short work
Starting point is 00:02:28 for an extent listen man fact-checking is not is not you know what it's less funny if I oh it's way less funny so then I'll leave it alone all right yeah running every morning and yeah some people are super confused but whatever and then go back six years and follow the lore and and on top of that boxing to back in back in back in back in back in back in so it sucks but you just have to mentally do it this might be a silly question I ask considering I know that you're mainly going to the boxing gym for training purposes but in the entire time that you've been doing the boxing thing has anyone punched you in the face
Starting point is 00:03:15 in like sparring sense okay but you've been punched in the face I've gotten hit not full force good not a hundred percent good that builds character yeah I've gotten tapped and it's not the end of the world you'll live it's one of those like like when you even just doing drills it's like there's different coaches and like one of the coaches wants like like power and precision and the other coach wants safety and speed yeah so the power and precision guy is like looking for those sounds and those hits and he wants that and he's checking your posture and then like the speed and safety guy is like get in tap the glove
Starting point is 00:03:55 and make sure your hands are back out so that thing where you stop to see if it was good don't do that get your hands the fuck out and you'll and he'll reinforce that by taking a swing at you immediately after you do your drill uh-huh so you go like pop pop pop and then he'll come swinging at you full force and then you better be out type of thing so it's like dark souls well I get it it's like boxing I get it it's like training in boxing so that that that's happening what else is happening is for anybody who's interested in wearing clothing I also wear clothing there is a shirt that can be purchased that is new in
Starting point is 00:04:38 addition to a re-upping of the old shirts so there's merch over on Rooster Teeth you just search for it by Castle Super Beast type in the words Castle Super Beast and I believe since technically today is Cyber Monday you can get those shirts today for cheapers for cheapers yeah I think they're 20% off that's well 20 or 25 something something like that 25 there are a couple bucks off yeah there's a there's a there's a discount so if you are interested in that as well as the possibility of like free shipping I think over $50 want to fucking cover your disgusting unwashed body so you can go out and buy more monster you can go
Starting point is 00:05:24 get this shirt and it's getting there's there's it's there's the shoutouts to juice who who did it and it's like a really cool like almost urine like any sketch but it's also like we're robots robot lag and really I was thinking like metal gear rise it's metal gear as well it's a little bit of yoji it's a little bit of everything but you know what more than anything it's cool so if you're interested in that you can go check that out at the link to it on my Twitter I also did that so you can actually if you're just listening to this and you can't see anything that's cool yeah you shouldn't have to but you can go to my
Starting point is 00:06:02 Twitter and just scroll down and then you'll see like the cool shirt it'll say sap castle super beast sketch t-shirt what whatever is that that's on woolly wolves oh my god and angry as pet you'd also find that yeah under a mountain of stupid shit though yeah I tweet a lot and it's all I think it's stickied on the subreddit as well under the post shirt that makes sense so that would be the easiest way to find it as opposed to you know I was cracking up real bad that's supposed to navigating through the front page I was I was cracking up real real bad why would you be able to find it that way when I posted
Starting point is 00:06:46 my shirt tweet which was hey idiots go buy this shirt give me money and it was this huge all caps thing that almost hit the tweet like the character limit and then I was like I wonder if woolly also posted and it was just all lowercase the word shirt and a link them like well there's a difference in personality exemplified for all the world to see there it is if you would like it you may spend your or hard-earned credits of value in this society for the capitalist purposes money money can be exchanged for goods and services yes this would count as a good this is in fact a good it'll keep you
Starting point is 00:07:30 warm it'll make you feel like cool about stuff you like and maybe you might make a friend it's possible that you're out with the shirt and somebody goes wow that's a cool shirt give it to me and then they point a gun at you and then you've made a new friend I mean has anyone ever robbed anyone for a piece of merch related to anything we've made I hope so cool so yeah I know you did stuff I did do stuff you can talk about that might be the most excited I've ever heard you ask me about my week woolly that's that's not that might be the wow let's not tell lies what this is the part where
Starting point is 00:08:24 you can talk about your stuff all right wow well I beat death stranding where are you at exactly I'm one session past where I was the last time so I so I actually I clicked the link and you were in that forest yep that forces a fuck ain't it mm-hmm and then on the way back out yay yeah did were there bridges mm-hmm isn't that the sickest mm-hmm that's the game mm-hmm that that experience is the game mm-hmm and I as people were able to definitely I guess assess still not 100% familiar with like all the the nuts and bolts there are many of things so I know when you're gripping you've got your stamina or energy or whatever the
Starting point is 00:09:19 monster energy you've got the meter that goes down yeah then there's also the the meters on the bottom left bottom left is your baby in your feet boots okay and then there's the other blue there's the light blue and then there's the other blue meter that overlaps on top of your stamina yeah that's max stamina and current stamina right right so like there was stuff that like Reggie was pointing out and I was like right okay but I'm ultimately just like hey like if that don't fall down don't go don't let it get low yeah don't let it get low so then don't get and then you drink energy drink to make you drink monster brand
Starting point is 00:09:54 energy yeah and I was that's basically all I'm like whatever the whatever it is or was I'm just just don't let it empty and then that's it the standing still really helped yeah standing still in water actually it's shockingly helpful didn't didn't have as much trouble by seeing them this time around and like before I was just relying on the the clip clip clip clip clip which is like nice but useless mm-hmm because it's actually just point your camera in that direction and then stop moving so you can actually see the fucking thing yeah and whatever I don't know so I guess I'm just like you know maybe I just need
Starting point is 00:10:34 off-camera time of like doing like non-important missions to get used to things or whatever but everyone says my playthrough is an abortion to watch sick so I don't know that's the best I'm trying I got nothing well go go ahead I'm not picking it up as fast as other people go ahead and find the secret prepper that you passed by there's a secret prepper is it the is it the Ludens fan yeah yeah I saw him on the map oh you saw him I saw him on the map and I also saw him in the preview video yeah okay so I know I know what that is okay so I actually didn't find him until late so at the current point that I'm at in
Starting point is 00:11:14 Death Stranding I beat it credits rolled and because it's Kojima credits rolled mm-hmm and then credits rolled the game's really nice it dumps you into a nice little postgame where it's like stories over but it rewinds time a little bit so that you can just keep doing what you're doing mm-hmm I at least four-starred everybody like every single fucking thing on the map which means I earned every single piece of gear that there is in the game aside from a few there's charms on camera no not not all of them on camera okay some of the yeah because some of that is lots and lots and lots of trips I built every
Starting point is 00:11:58 road I ziplined the whole world I for I it's you know that moment in a game where you're like a completionist wouldn't say that you did a hundred percent but you feel like you did everything of value mm-hmm I'm there mm-hmm so I have some thoughts one the actual filling out the map and meeting people and getting new gear from them that like it you know stuff is stuff is trivial as getting a slightly better pair of boots is really engaging and a lot of fun the BT gameplay actually has a nice escalation in difficulty which was really cool a lot of the characters are fucking awesome I think Heartman in particular is super
Starting point is 00:12:49 fucking rad and the cutscenes involving Heartman are the coolest thing in the game he's very cool to look at and his attitude is not at all like match his looks and it's very upbeat yeah but what's interesting is I started going through those interviews you should read every single and they're so important and they're so important and like for someone who hasn't like walked into the game yet like he has all the koji questions oh yeah right so like every one of his interview questions has been basically this is the shower thought what's the deal with Hideo had that day yeah and he put it into a heart man
Starting point is 00:13:34 email or is everyone else's really good you'll get heart man emails you'll get mama emails you get dead man emails you will get emails and interviews from a wide fucking variety sources there are like a hundred ish and you unlock them all the way up until the end of the game one of the ones I unlocked near the end of the game which I couldn't believe was one that you unlock near the end of the game is what's the deal with planes why can't we just fly shit and because the clouds you know the timefall clouds they're all fucked don't you can't fly anything your heart man says that in an early email actually he's like air
Starting point is 00:14:08 transportation has yeah so they go into more detail about like oh yeah the Kyrelium just really really fucks up the guidance or you know whatever the nature of our beaches um so hands across America yeah backpacking addiction hundred percent is us very like if you're into it man it's really good like it's really good it's really satisfying they keep adding new facets to the Ruckin over and over all the way up until the end including a few including a few upgrades that you get so late that you're like this is this there's nothing to use these on this is too late you know what's interesting the fact that you know how
Starting point is 00:14:59 like there's so much like what is the game what what is what is this game right something I didn't realize not realize but something I thought about was like was some of that confusion due to the fact that like being a postman being a UPS delivery man is a passive omnipresent aspect of every other video game maybe right you are always fetch questing absolutely you're always walking around delivering an object to a person who needs it in another village in every video it's just the thing you pick up on the way out of town so the concept of actually paying attention to that part of things is like wait but that's the
Starting point is 00:15:40 background yeah who cares right it's like it's like China going to see Black Panther it's like I don't understand what am I supposed to it's it's a great feeling where you know near the near the fucking end of the game I'm doing a delivery over a mountain yeah it's hard yeah and I'm like I'm transporting really fragile shit so if I take one bad step I die and I totally did so I'm like fuck okay well I'm gonna have to go down to the valley which of course is filled with ghosts and thus the trip was eventful and difficult but if if like the game didn't have all these conversations and then props where
Starting point is 00:16:23 people were talking about how delivering things is so important then if you just watched a trailer for someone delivering and carrying things which is what we saw yeah prior to the actual plot then you'd be like but that's the secondary background thing you always do in video games when you shoot the gun what's the game you know so it is interesting to just take a step back and go like oh he he like made it about that thing that we do all the time but he he hoodwinked us so that people would be into this thing that would have been a hard sell otherwise I really like what I ended up getting in terms of like
Starting point is 00:17:01 gameplay moment-to-moment like I spent maybe 85 hours with it like I really I got the time in and I loved it and I'm glad I built all those roads but like if I had just been told like say it didn't have Kojima's name on it so there's a package delivery game I would have been like okay into the into the bin next to Firewatch and Deer Esther and and whatever hmm so well but the but the horror elements I mean yeah what are cool yeah so I'm glad to say that the horror combat yes I know and stealth stuff does ramp up more and more like there is more variety but it's it's a it's a proper curve it's not like spikes
Starting point is 00:17:50 it's like mm-hmm it's a smooth curve all the way up oh yeah I mean that that glimpse of a boss was terrifying and I want to give a huge shout out to one I think his name is James Earl Jenkins mm-hmm guy plays diehard man mm-hmm he they should take some of these cut scenes and tell the Oscar people they're from a movie mm-hmm so that he can win an Oscar mm-hmm because that motherfucker kills it okay there is I have not seen a good like acting man act like diehard man in like a couple years including the films that I've watched he fucking kills it Mads is way underused mm-hmm like I want you to be in my game cool what do
Starting point is 00:18:46 you want me to be I don't know feeling like just hold like every scene he's in his fucking sick but Tommy Earl J Tommy Earl Jenkins I don't like correct him okay thank you thank you people Tommy Earl Jenkins is diehard man actor he do good job yeah Mads is way underused it's a bummer the actors who played everybody else did really good jobs it's just diehard man stands out the story does not really require a spoiler cast it's I would say way more straightforward than I was expecting and like I put it like in between like Metal Gear 2 and 3 in terms of like huh what you know mm-hmm okay so no no massive digestion period
Starting point is 00:19:48 required no like you you get it okay and it has and it has real answers for you there's only one problem and that problem is the I'm gonna call the Kojima tell all scene where a character stands in front of you and tells you what the deal is so the Patriots did it the boss did it Ocelot did it mm-hmm liquid did it etc mm-hmm it's the fucking worst part of the game mm-hmm it is it is it is it is so bad because it's the first time that Kojima like you know we've been talking about throwing themes in your face mm-hmm this is injecting the themes into your blood and skull face in the back of the truck yeah and it has parts of it where
Starting point is 00:20:45 the characters talking and you're actually going no that's wrong though like that's that's not correct like not in terms of morals I'm like shit actually it doesn't work like that yeah um you read a bunch of shit and you thought it was cool and you put it in your game but that is literally nonsense and doesn't make any sense and I disagree with the story at that point okay you disagree with Kojima's hypothesis like the hypothesis and then the theme and the answer yeah and I go no that's wrong okay and I'm not the only person I spoke to a bunch of people and everybody was in agreement games great ending sequence
Starting point is 00:21:36 great that one part though that one 45 minute part is so bad that if I stop playing during it I would have never gone back to pick it up interesting well I'll judge it myself and this is particularly important for you Wolves because you'll be recording this the end sequence is like seven hours long oh yeah of course it it's like arsenal gear times three yeah I I expect honestly like anything I'm playing nowadays I'm that the the every time a game starts to make you feel like you're preparing for the end it's all lies now so I've I completely refused to buy into it ever uh at this point in time because it has not been honest in years so the the problem with
Starting point is 00:22:29 this I literally just like there I hit one an indivisible that says like really yeah there's a point in indivisible where it's like hey you're not going to be a this is the point of it's like no it's not no it's not so in death stranding when when you get the the feeling that this is that like I think somebody says this is the last delivery you'll be making for a while Sam right it is it's just that from that point on there's other stuff you are you are locked into what is essentially act five of mgs4 yeah where it's just like it's it's just like it's it's it's hard to tell a player to indicate to a player that you are closing out a section of the game and without having somebody come tell you like the the remainder of the deliveries will not be
Starting point is 00:23:18 available for the right and like but the problem is and then your brain goes oh this must be like the biggest deal 20 minutes away from credits and you're like no it just means what you've been doing now is going to be you'll be very serious different yeah so yeah there's there's tricky tricky ways of handling that and like I'm no I'm no longer buying into the like exiting sitting down and expecting a credit sequence within a reasonable time frame because persona fucked me up yeah on on expectations in terms of gameplay there is one thing that I forgot to say which is that in this delivery game I really didn't know how they were going to handle a finale and the gameplay finale the final boss if it were is actually really fucking fantastic
Starting point is 00:24:10 it's really really good yeah I saw you had a tweet that was basically just like great great great great this part sucks and then this is great yeah yeah that that that con that one conversation that goes on for almost an hour it's all it's also like the longest stretch of cut scenes in the game by like a massive margin what are what are what's a long stretch of cut scenes these days it's an hour plus yeah it's fucking crazy that's everybody's doing it no man I sat and watched Naruto talk to his mom for 45 cool a cool 45 really in a nuns game really yeah wait his mom that's correct man there was dumb yeah she was waiting at the gate but yeah it's and I feel bad for the actor responsible for that conversation because they're doing their best but man just
Starting point is 00:25:09 I can only imagine them looking down to the page and going so this is what I got to work with huh all right everyone has the same thing they all say the same thing which is I don't understand this but Kojima is a visionary and I trust him I can understand now how individual actors were really fucking confused because if they were not like looking over and going through the all the other character scenes yeah they'd be really really fucking confused about what the fuck is going on I also have a massive pop filter up in front of you for the possibility that you just might not understand what you encountered slash there might be other interpretations that will be brought to the forefront down the line I discussed this with a lot of people and
Starting point is 00:25:57 there was even a thread on it but but it doesn't matter in the sense that it's still well I'm telling you right now it is not complicated enough to not understand okay okay I get what I'm what I'm thinking of is that reviewer that was that said something to the effect I quoted it before but it's like the post discussion for the next 10 years yeah should be really interesting right so so it's like okay let's see where it goes what people interpret is anyone gonna go on a forum and do a big breakdown a big breakdown analysis that goes actually I think things went this way or that way and interpreted a little bit differently what's gonna come out of this so when I when I when I was going through this uh page page was me right next to me and she seemingly correctly
Starting point is 00:26:46 internal internalized what the message what you know like the fucking the oh this is what's going on man you know the the real nitty gritty what's yeah right the human element and she was explaining it to me and I'm like I think you're right but that's stupid so I'm interested in seeing your thoughts on it um overall very good game very weird super unique very glad I played it when's the last time you encountered a piece of media where you thoroughly enjoyed everything about it but fundamentally disagreed with the thesis I don't know I really don't know because like the thesis is like connection is important and of course killing people is bad yeah yeah right you know and I agree with that thesis it's just a couple of the little little nodules off the
Starting point is 00:27:41 side that I'm just like no bad but yeah I don't know if I'd give it a like give it like a eight I don't know there's my review really good there are some flaws that stand out like there are some bits in which like you get to the end of the game and you're delivering stuff to make the to get upgrades and you're like I'm literally just zip lining back and forth between two locations for like an hour over and over it's just to deliver this shit and it's like it doesn't fucking matter you know like the zip lines are too strong zip lines are OP they're just OP but you have to or rather you should be using them off of roads now you get enough bandwidth you just fucking okay I had the you spent you spent the time to trivialize the game yeah yeah okay um
Starting point is 00:28:39 is there anything else so I guess the post the discussion is really just the how did you feel about what you were what you read you know hey here's an here's a question when you beat it and load up your new game plus does it dump uh some new interviews yes okay cool there are there are like uh I'm not going to do them because I was playing it on stream and there was a chat to just tell me what was in them but it's like there's a fucking like animal house style like this is what happened to the people along the way and they'll send you emails and like uh oh we got back together I'm gonna go work over on this that you know and just like little denouements for certain characters to give you a
Starting point is 00:29:24 little bit of a boost while you're you're cleaning up your five-star America uh yeah there is another one other thing and that is you know when we're watching or playing a game remember when you were playing wonderful 101 and you got the drill yep and you were like oh yeah they like the thing I like yeah yep this happens in Death Stranding and it's not good because you're like oh you like the thing oh no you're doing the thing that was in the thing that I liked oh it's and it doesn't fit it's not appropriate oh it's like you're doing the thing but like now you're just like it's not an omaze there's a fine line between omaze and ripoff yeah okay interesting hmm wow and also for the love of god do not watch that fucking launch trailer I
Starting point is 00:30:28 yeah well why the fuck would I do that yeah everybody who's listening that is interested in Death Stranding and has not watched that launch trailer yeah for fucks so every time I felt like it I would just go and play so I uh I watched though I skimmed through the launch trailer right before the podcast started I mean don't watch that the anime intro for astral chain is unavoidable it's there it's non-stop all can't stop it spoilers but whatever you don't even know what you're looking at you know um yeah yeah no definitely that's a stupid but yeah so uh Death Stranding is in the bag um it is still a really different thing than I wanted from the basic pitch the way that you described it as the coolest thing in the world is seeing a guy float up to the sky to stab himself
Starting point is 00:31:18 so he doesn't get eaten by a giant thousand foot tall hand monster um the game looked a lot more horror-ish and it's like it's more about rucking and while I really enjoyed the rucking I would have actually appreciated a lot more horror and yeah yeah um I kind of came to terms with the with what the the threat was right in terms of like how it expresses itself in the game the threat is loneliness but uh I I remember a couple definitely uh many podcasts ago when I first saw that launch trailer and I saw the hands grabbing Sam and he had to like shake him off and I was like oh no it's just goop hands yeah this is good hands and I was like goop hands is a concept that's been explored and we're not scared of goop hands anymore but like if goop hands was
Starting point is 00:32:14 your character floats into midair and is being dragged away by an unknown force and then let's kill yourself in a game or or like the break the break and shake to get off of it yeah is break off of it before you're too high up and you fall and die or uh or I don't I don't know I don't know right but things like that right not goop hands but goop hands in other ways yeah you know like don't goop hand me open the world up around me and make me fall into like you know like make it way more what the fuck because that is what scares me if you want to scare me those ideas get me right and as and I'm saying this as someone who doesn't go down that uh survival horror like hallway that often yeah like those ideas are terrifying so like the float away man
Starting point is 00:33:04 I think it's a way stab man I actually is a way scarier thing to do to a player in gameplay as you're disoriented as fuck than goop hands the bts have a real problem and that they're like visually astonishing and super cool and they are like a horror antagonist they're monsters right they're ghosts but unlike almost every other ghost monster that has a real horror attention to them is they are codified and explained to the fucking nth degree almost immediately like there's a email or an interview you get within the first couple hours of the game that's like this is how voidouts happen there's a antimatter reaction inside the bt so that I can appreciate because you are the the camera is placed behind a character
Starting point is 00:33:57 who is hanging out with the scientific community right in this post fallout right so you're surrounded by people whose job it is to understand totally and that is appreciated but what I mean is is that they very quickly lose their horror vibe because they're there's very little too well explained actually mysterious about the fucking gotcha gotcha I mean they do refer to mysteries outright with like things like we still don't understand how these babies yeah and it's like and you know you learn that if you piss on the ghosts the ghosts don't like it but yeah but I've gotten like I said I've gotten a pastor at the very least I've put away that feeling in order to allow the game to take me where it wants to go yeah
Starting point is 00:34:45 um but that moment in that trailer and that trailer that trailer itself which is the what the fucking first or second big cutscene in the game that's that is almost a uh bioshock infinite preview slash ff versus 13 yeah preview of like something else entirely could have come out of that you know because you don't ever see hand I don't so far at least you don't see hand prints I don't I haven't seen hand prints in gameplay oh you totally have okay I'm I'm way too busy looking at the clip at the flip so when when they come after you the they they hand prints that stomp stomp stomp stomp stomp I camera was not looking at them camera was looking at the way out okay when when when you hear you know they they they hate they see you and stomp stomp stomp
Starting point is 00:35:34 they're they're shooting up giant hand prints on the ground yeah uh so I it was like it's in I I assume they're happening because they're obviously introduced as like that's what these things do but they I've never paid attention to it because there's always something way more pressing to and um if you uh got pulled down like ball down not necessarily grabbed by the monster yeah there are hand prints all over your backpack yeah okay um because they have your goodies yeah I'm looking at my meter I'm looking at where the clipper is pointing and I'm looking at my way out like I'm not noticing the hands you know yeah because the hand stalking around is not a gameplay thing that's only like they die you die oh die fucking uh uh uh uh oh obrid deck obrid obrid
Starting point is 00:36:17 oh die a deck it's a some fucking ancient sci-fi term from some fucking thing oh obrid obrid deck robo hand robot hand that gives you a thumbs up yeah radar the baby uh carousel yes when you um but yeah uh anyway that that's that's that's that's kind of where I go and like and it's this and it's the same reason why like um like goop hands not not scary anymore but like other concepts that like once upon a time I had an effect have now become expected yeah right so like if you go let's say you actually found yourself in hell one day yeah okay hey great I'm in hell god and you literally saw a big flaming throne with a goat-legged dude that was red and he had the horn sticking out like hey man what's up full-on uh pick of destiny style yeah you want to play rock I was just thinking
Starting point is 00:37:11 that I want like you want to play some fucking rock music yeah full-on pick of destiny style satan like wouldn't that be the least scary thing in the world thing in the world right like well I mean if it's a giant flaming goat man you'd be like still scared because he can sure fucking kill you but yeah but the threat is there but like but like that's not it even it doesn't even remotely register a blip on your like oh I'm scared of that right whereas if you found yourself in uh I don't know uh let's say you were squeezed I'm just gonna fucking riff all right let's say you're in a hallway but the hallway was really really thin and you were squeezed shoulder to shoulder with walls and the hallway was actually up to down yeah so you can't you can't see you can't you can only look
Starting point is 00:37:54 down crane your neck down to see below you or above you right and then uh a Junji Ito ask fucking whatever character with a giant spiraled hole in its face taking up most of its skull is crawling towards you and you don't and making no noises and he's like and you try to scream and you hear nothing and he goes hey dude I'm a fairy yep and you can wiggle enough to get yourself a little bit lower but nowhere near at the speed that yeah that's much scarier yeah right so all of that is just based on shit you've never encountered yeah and the and not knowing what any of that is is fucked right you feel super fucked because you're just scared of the unknown but that's why when I'm like when you're trying to scaring me when you're trying to scare me with things that
Starting point is 00:38:47 we've seen which is why a lot of those shitstorm games you guys played I'm just like what the fuck is this garbage because it's like you can't can't you like create a completely different scary concept like cthulhu's and stuff do you play with inverted controls I don't know okay I honestly don't know I just do the thing um but if you like when you play like something or when you reach like when you look at something and you're like you're designed for like a creature is like if you go into like the the the hp lovecraft mythos a lot of the time to me that's like you're going for cool yeah right but that coolness is not necessarily scary in the sense that if you if it's something you've seen a bunch of right so yeah I just kind of often doesn't actually scare me
Starting point is 00:39:34 I just think it's radical it's just rad exactly right so even and when you see things that are like referential to that you're like oh that's rad I love that and it's not like I'm terrified of that actually it's a completely different feeling well a lot a lot of focusing on the fear uh your ability to like uh super impose your own personal state on the character in question yeah and whether or not something that threatens that character actually spookifies you as like a startle response for me it absolutely does because I'm a big baby but for you not so much so yeah so maybe maybe it is a lot of it is me but uh uh that is kind of part of like when I'm like well what's a what's a thing that you've seen a lot of right I don't know a hand reaching out of a wall oh my god or
Starting point is 00:40:19 something and you're like why can't that hand reach out of me and knock the wall I don't know like yeah if I were to try and direct something scary I would do non-stop that yeah because that makes me massively uncomfortable so I really thought that's what we were getting and I guess I'm just like ah it's funny you mentioned that because Junji Ito haven't seen a bunch but famously is like a big chicken yeah and gets scared super easily oh yeah Kojima couldn't finish watching the eye and so Junji Ito was became like obsessed with horror manga and horror stories to try and like cure himself of that shit yeah and it didn't work yeah but then he got way into it but but like that's the kind of like the Ito style like that is so good yeah while Junji Ito is the
Starting point is 00:41:03 shit and that's why he's in Death Stranding right but like that's the type of direction you go in where you're like yeah man that's a hole in a wall I don't know like that's good enough it doesn't have to be a thing that doesn't have to be a big tentacle monster I mean for I don't know I heard it turned to shit as a franchise but um Blair Witch right oh yeah right garbage right just right to shit yeah I've never seen any of them I just know the trailers and the memes but but um the first version of that where you go found footage and I think you find the person standing in the basement yeah that's the big that's the big scary reveal is a person standing with their back to you in a basement and then it cuts away and you hear a bunch of screaming because you don't know what
Starting point is 00:41:50 happened that is a lot of unknown weird stuff RE7 homages it you go out of the basement and the guys in the on the radiator or whatever yeah I like that there you go that's I'm like yeah I don't know what the fuck that is you don't know what to make of that yeah you know or it follows all this stuff you just gotta go go a little somewhere different with it so yeah um that that kind of got away from me BT's kind of stop being scary and start being like video game enemies video game enemies by the end as your as your methods of dealing with them increase exponentially they be like and health bars start to get introduced yeah you're like okay that's cool though but of course like I'm I'm I'm you know I still have to wait to see like other versions of things yeah
Starting point is 00:42:37 and whatnot but uh so yeah beat Death Stranding and I was like oh I missed that I uh all this Death Stranding and about connecting to other people I should I should reach out and form connections with other people via the strands of the internet and so I decided hey why not give that League of Legends a shot is that the thought process no it was actually uh the actual thought process was uh about a yearish ago I was playing hots and hots was in the middle of being killed if you remember that um apparently they took devs off hots to put them on Diablo after that immortal shenanigans um and I was like well does League I mean League's a thing maybe I should try League because all my buddies who played hots they would all go oh I used to play a bunch of League back
Starting point is 00:43:32 in the day blah blah blah right I'm like I'll give it a shot and when I tried to play League back about a yearish ago the text size of things in the UI was so laughably fucking small on my tv 4k setup that it was completely unplayable unreadable like you all right we did it that's a podcast see you guys next week you know no no no we do hour long discussions of fucking fighting games every two weeks do we actually is that really literally happened or has it been curtailed underneath that drastically based on the fact that I'm hyper paranoid about going over 15 to 20 minute fighting game conversations is that a massive over exaggeration because I've been actually paying attention to how much fighting games talk I've been bringing to the podcast
Starting point is 00:44:20 because people like I don't want to scare anyone well my jargon or is that you know is it is it or is it a feeling it's that miss that maintains no matter what I do bow is it a feeling that I will never escape me no matter how much I try to curtail it people play mobas and some of those people listen to this podcast I'm making a joke I am someone in the chat said let's end the podcast now I thought it was funny oh who was that that's really funny and then I tried to just follow this so I actually have a lot of things to talk about of what actually kicked it in on this particular eve of this particular thanksgiving American so yeah like I was saying like it was unreadable so I was like ah fuck it throw a
Starting point is 00:45:03 league on the pile and um especially since I played one match of Dota 2 like three years ago and it's kind of funny uh because my experience with Dota 2 three years ago 100% mirrored almost to the word what Ryan Davis's rest in peace buddy uh experience with Dota 2 was which was I pick up the the Dota 2 I go I'm gonna play this guy he looks cool and then I start walking down a lane a road and then everyone in my ally check goes what the fuck are you doing what why you do what stop it and like what I don't I'm and I hit the enemy I don't I uh and then that just continued for like 25 minutes until we lost um but I last it was last Wednesday or something I was scrolling past some bullshit or I forgot what it was I think it was just Twitter and I
Starting point is 00:46:08 happened to see a screenshot of the League of Legends UI which included a UI size interface option set to like 30% or something and oh they must have updated the the client or whatever to include accessibility options to make the text bigger so I decided oh why not give it a shot so I loaded it up and sure enough you can now on a 4k uh tv play the League of Legends with text size that's readable you still need to go into um the fucking preference file to make the chat the right size but yeah you can totally do it I was made to believe that something somewhere along this line had something to do with fighting game sadness it did so where's that why you so the week before this if you remember I went and I was like man I really want to get back into a fighting game
Starting point is 00:47:09 yada yada yada and I asked you about it on the podcast and over that over the week prior I uh spent some time playing Tekken matches and I tried to get into some matches of Revelator and just was met by long wait times for matches like you know couple minutes followed by matches that were over in 40 seconds in which I got shit stomped and just a very unsatisfying feeling and then I saw the league screenshot and went oh I had fun playing Hots and all of my buddies from my ff14 rating days all of them played league at some point or another even Eli even like of gripes played league at some point right like why not give it a shot mm-hmm and friendship ended with fighting games now mobas are my best friends not quite uh
Starting point is 00:48:08 in playing it so I played about 40 games of league now yeah people have been tracking it I know that's weird is it yeah is it yeah why is it weird is it not just what happens when you play the most popular thing so is this not just there the natural state of affairs upon picking up the thing and playing the thing you don't think that people will be attention is that people are able to track your matches yeah because that's the thing that's the big thing I don't there's no feature in that that surprises me so honestly the actual nitty gritty of like playing league like I don't even find that interesting to talk about last hitting is weird because it wasn't in Hots watching league yeah so don't be surprised when people are watching league I'm sure you even know like last
Starting point is 00:49:02 hitting is like kill the minion right before it dies no I don't know what that is at all okay so you played like two matches of Hots enough to get that skin yeah enough to get the skin right and you remember hanging out around minions while they die so you get experience and shit like that I don't remember okay well you do that then you know the minions in the lane yeah well in Hots you just hung out near them and you got experience okay you didn't have to kill them yourself in league you get experience from being near them but in order to get cashed to buy items in the shop like counter strike you need to actually be the killing blow and it doesn't matter how much damage you do to them before that it has to be the kill which means that you are spending a lot of micro
Starting point is 00:49:40 time just oh can I kill them in one hit can I and learning to ballpark it and that interplay between the two guys on the other side doing that while also trying to fuck each other up is like them the first 20 minutes of every game um it's the laning phase hitting the hitting the the hitting the grunt yes hitting the hitting the non play the hitting hitting the creeps to kill them while somebody is on the other side trying to hit your creeps to kill them and you're only like five feet away from each other so it's this constant thing of you have to I want to get this one and like what were you saying about that well I'm well now I'm explaining it you get this one but you don't want it's like a 20 minute game of footsies yeah um if I need to go first flying games
Starting point is 00:50:26 is this the jungling are you talking no that's not okay well okay woolly okay fucking for people that don't know shut up you too late now for people that don't know what amoeba is an offensive but ancients an offensive but ancients there's three lanes top bot I don't I don't like that they call it bots I don't like it is bottom too does it's too long too many syllables takes up too much time dude moba terminology is the worst like we fucking talk about fighting game like footsies and shit like that this shit is the actual worst they are all horrible because they come from sports do you have guessies are they're guessies they're not guessies okay but jungling is because in between the three lanes top mid and bottom there is the jungle which is the part of the map that doesn't
Starting point is 00:51:20 have a lane doesn't have minions and just like in warcraft 3 where you would send your your heroes into the creep to get experience the jungler goes into the jungle look man I don't look I don't want anyone to be like yo I don't come to your tournament and shit on your floor what the fuck with your with your your voice and attitude making fun of our terms no I'm not even about no hey I just have never heard these words no I'm gonna be that person okay the moment please distinguish the difference between pat talking art and us yes I am because I hate being attributed I am pat that fucking comes out of his mouth well you're on this podcast with me so different voice you're kind of stuck don't do it hey don't do it I'm hey so I can't imitate your voice but anyway so the jungler
Starting point is 00:52:05 just it hangs out in the middle and then it goes into people's lanes to try and get to be ones and kill people um so it's it's a MOBA it's a really popular MOBA there's there's there's characters to support this person who goes and lives in the top lane all these you know meta things and more than anything what is interesting to me about league is not league it is the fucking baffling infrastructure that has been built around league to support league so and now that I played a bunch of it I have a good deal more I played a bunch of of league and I played a lot of hot yeah there's a record of 40 hours or something no like matches okay you can't see time you can see matches yeah um and
Starting point is 00:52:56 you I have a much better context for the thing we keep talking about like why aren't fighting games the MOBA level esport and there's things that I had never considered so one is the fact that when I queue up for a MOBA I pick my role that's a weird thing to do it is a league thing where you go do I want to play top do I want to play middle do I want to play support do I want to play bottom or do I want to play jungler and I can even have a second choice for that and it will assign me whatever so roles are not suggested they're the game they are enforced okay that is not a thing in dota but it is a thing in league um on top of that now that I'm finally playing draft games I never played draft games in hots a draft game is very really simple woolly woolly follow
Starting point is 00:53:51 me here I'm very much following you look at our follow you pre-select your character yep and then both teams get to ban characters yep and you there's no mirror like card drafting yeah there's no mirror matches yep and if a character's banned they're fucking gone uh so basically you pick the character you like and then you ban their immediate counter pick and then they do the same and if you fucking got banned you got to pick another character uh which sucks uh that feels that feels great that is something that fighting games obviously can't do because they're one on one but if I had the ability to be like I'm queuing up a zangief and I want to have the button that turns off dolls in that's sick like wait you're you're you're you're queuing up with your bad
Starting point is 00:54:44 no no I'm just saying or is it not I'm you queue up and that as your role yeah and then I pick the character for you and then I go hey I'm playing as um but obviously Lord of Kaiser so I don't want to see vain but that's also like not applicable because like someone can be like everyone can be a specialist but these are games where like the amount of time it would take to be like your adults and specialists yeah versus like in a game like this where you're learning their abilities but it's not going to be well the exact same right and you're going to have to be multifaceted I would actually say the time is probably similar because in league sorry in Street Fighter 5 right now you have 39 matchups yeah in league you have 130 no 145 matchups yeah for any character
Starting point is 00:55:32 including every variation of character with them okay so well it's all match up well but but they they're not the game is not clearly expecting you to pick and stick with one no it is because that can be so the tutorial the tutorial process and the like seven day you know uh get a get a get something every day for playing kind of thing gives you well 12 11 characters right off the bat for free and then the free rotation adds like 10 more so you you straight up cannot enter into the ban game until you have 20 characters so I could see instantly um everyone getting really mad at me yeah because what do I do when I play the video game yeah I find the character I like I try to learn how everything about them and then I like to play as that character it's the overwatch problem
Starting point is 00:56:25 times a million and then that in this context would be probably massively infuriating to everybody because that makes me utterly utterly worthless so if I go as a player if I if I roll in and I got a support role and I go well I want to play Mordekaiser yeah I want to play Mordekaiser and I start walking bottom with support role people are gonna be like what are you doing yeah and you're not supposed to like the characters more than the game but but also well it's not even it's not even that is that if you are playing or am I just wrong on that there are specialists but those specialists live in the place they're supposed to live so you're you're you're a specialist at playing top or yes bot and in that specialist you could go if I'm gonna play
Starting point is 00:57:10 Mordekaiser every game until I die on top right right so if the only time I'm not gonna play Mordekaiser is if he gets banned so so basically it's like um you want me to join you I play healers plural well and if I have if my Ana goes down then I have a decent Lucio I can run for you so yeah it's basically you want at two probably three that are your mains so liking a character will lead to bad things liking a character obsessively will lead to bad things because well I mean and that's even that's even outside of the team dynamics is like Garen right now is a character I really like he gets banned almost every game I play like almost every single time I load into a game Garen's banned because he's the best guy on top right now he's top tier he's he's he's vanilla
Starting point is 00:58:04 cigar well that's what I'm I was also gonna say like if you could just ban somebody wouldn't everyone just have a clear always banned this character people on top tend to ban uh uh from my experience they either ban uh Darius or uh Garen which are two characters I like to play and when they ban one I pick the other of the hundred and some 146 you happen to pick you happen to enjoy playing the two best yeah what are the odds of that uh pretty good because they're popular and then they're cool looking there's a so Lee has a has so many weird facets about it it's really old it's from 2009 and you know what's fun you can tell that some characters have not been changed since like 2010 like you look at the art style of old
Starting point is 00:58:52 characters and they are warcraft 3 rejects and their models look like shit compared to the entire rest of the game and you're like oh man you don't you're like a giant Frankenstein monster man nobody buys the sexy lady skin for you huh so you don't you don't get the you don't get the love um so there's all that shit I think I think it's fascinating to iris uh like we'll never get to talk to to make to crack will he plays boss character jokes ever again oh no you literally you that card is taken no you don't get that joke anymore no it only applies to fighting games anyway no um but the you were talking about like liking a character there is a significant benefit to like really really liking one or two characters in league and that is you can make sure that you
Starting point is 00:59:44 will never fight your most hated count counterfeit now ever early sam show that's like everyone bands genjiro and calls it a day yeah um in this case you're saying that like do you you connect to somebody and then see their avatar as the character that they love and then go not that character no what the way it actually works is everybody picks and then it asks you what characters you want to ban okay and then you ban the characters and then anyone who got banned has to re-pick and then before the match starts you see who everybody is on both teams um so there's that there's also a ludicrous amount of like I'm gonna say complexity slash depth slash I don't want to deal with this in terms of buying items every time you go back to base and the item combinations
Starting point is 01:00:36 and all that crap and then the runes that you set up before the match oh the rude do I want to have extra damage on on counter hits for three seconds after hitting a turn you know just that shit and then I discovered something that oh my god I wish any game other than this game was popular enough to desire right there's an application called which somebody recommended it to me and somebody recommended it to me because it would be something that it'll create loadouts of items to buy in what order depending on the enemy team composition and your character per match so you load this thing up in the background and then when the match starts it will load a custom item set into your shop and then you literally just buy item one
Starting point is 01:01:33 item two item three item four item five in a row and that is a optimal build path for that character for that match for that matchup etc which is so then why so offer other things so I said to the point of adding choices I said to personal to because that's only optimal from a general point of view there's obviously better more pro optimal whatever but I said to the person on twitter I said this feels like cheating this feels like cheating because I don't have to learn what any of these items do I can just beep beep beep and the response came back that's fine just keep playing against 10-year vets who are also using this program and I went oh okay so I do that and that's not even the best thing about it the best thing about it is that when you load up so
Starting point is 01:02:24 I have a second monitor because it's streaming you load it up and it goes okay you're playing Darius versus uh mortar kaiser right on it'll show you the following things on your second monitor what skills in what order would be effective versus the guy you're fighting what your character's win rate is against the character you're fighting both in matches and in lane like this uh Darius has a 60% win against mortar kaiser but only a 50% win rate of the match uh on top of that on the right side will be a bunch of fucking pro tips of hey this guy's e gets really strong at level two and this be careful of this thing at level six and just this huge cheat sheet about how to learn the matchup and fuck I would have appreciated a program that
Starting point is 01:03:19 gave me a fucking giant cheat sheet for how to play the alex versus akuma matchup when I'm loading into an alex versus akuma game that would have been fucking sick but what what are the like what are the specifics the specifics being of this cheat sheet the cheat sheet will break down uh it will have generalized tips about the way their passives work so I was playing against this hero called gnar there's a cute little furby that turns into a monster and one of the cheat sheet things said he can't gain any resources for 10 seconds after he goes back into tiny baby form so after his alt rush him down because he can't do shit it will also say at levels six and 11 they get power spikes because of the way that their stats work so these are the levels that they are their
Starting point is 01:04:13 most dangerous during the process when you played street fighter five did you go to the demonstrations I did not well wait I did with alex I think I did all the alexes did you read the descriptions they gave you they didn't give me any descriptions but then you're not then you didn't do them there's I'm not talking about trail trials talking about demonstration mode all right demonstration mode is text of the character's game plan and moves was that added later pretty sure it was there and it went and every season they added new characters they always had the demonstration you got gold for doing it um but they would describe what the moves were and what their faults were and when they were generally be used uh-huh so if you went through that for a
Starting point is 01:04:56 given character ideally if it was someone that you were not playing against uh or you know someone you're not playing as you could use that to kind of help you figure out what to do with them yeah people are saying that that was added later okay well it is not 100 the matchup specific thing you're describing but it does exist um it's not nearly as useful I can't imagine because the blitz the blitz thing gives you it's per matchup it's it's not so this is it it's not but by the way but this is a side website it's a side program side program you're running yeah right it will also break down your win percentage your pick rate all dude it is a stat cheat sheet explosion okay I've literally never even heard of anything as good it is okay okay okay it is not the same thing okay it
Starting point is 01:05:51 is a big fucking game changer I can't and I look at that and I go you want that a program to run alongside your fighting game honestly I'd like that program to run alongside any competitive game it's incredible because it is allowing me to improve fast yeah like like it is allowing me to internalize matchups within one match yeah and that's that's effectively what the lobbying process basically brings out yeah and they get to skip it because there are millions of these fucking matches played today right like what what you uh and they take 40 minutes or whatever yeah so that's one of the things because like if you go to uh I mean I I I I would have to see to see fully understand exactly how much it's giving you but like if it's effectively giving well
Starting point is 01:06:41 there's easy way for you to do yeah you know I actually probably actually pull up a screenshot but if it's if it's giving you um if it's giving you the information that like yeah you effectively learn over the course of matchups and by lobbying where you just go okay this is this unsafe this is what I can do in this situation that's what I can do in that situation and so on and so forth um it would definitely help a lot of people that don't know to do that process to you know to include a way to show people that you should be doing that in a fighting game like so that could be interesting um yeah well I pulled up a screenshot for you um let's see if I can and like here you go
Starting point is 01:07:30 so the shit on top is things things that are good to buy for that matchup the thing in the middle is optimal skill placement per that matchup the shit on the right is the cheat sheet for that matchup like it is and that all like automatically updates per match it is an explosion of information okay let me pull up over here even if I was able to say in Street Fighter pull that after the end of the match right it would still be incredible because in the post match screen it shows you hey you you missed uh 60 I'm going to hand you my phone here this is a text file and it is Sam's show data that I've written down yeah for character specific things with Darley yeah at the top there's general information and then there's like general meaty setups and
Starting point is 01:08:34 things like that yeah and then I go into this character's main threats how to deal with each one as your as Darley and then tendencies that players that play this character will tend to have yeah right so like is that about that's about as precise as you can get before going into like frame data so let me ask you a quick question about which I also included some of yeah because that is that is basically like you're creating your own little mini samurai show dot gg whatever sure how long how much labbing did it take to write this uh uh from the game launch until now no but I mean hours of writing this out yeah it took I mean what like playing and watching absolutely hundreds of matches okay so this thing gave it to me for free yeah instantly yeah
Starting point is 01:09:25 and at the end it told me hey you don't ward enough you don't you you lost on this match at this time at this time at this time be more careful and gives you advice yes and it's like yeah even if that right is a I had a big discussion with a couple people about that feature that you're describing which is to me that's totally different where it's like it's not the matchup specific knowledge it's the uh these are some these are three key mistakes you made in that game if I got a fucking cheat sheet at the end of a street fighter match and it's like you ate every single unblocked sure you can yes like I'd be like but that's and to me I'm like that's not even a cheat sheet that's a like every time the person was on the ground they did assure you can when they woke
Starting point is 01:10:09 back up and you you got you ate it every time right so you want to go hey you want to be looking out for this in when the person's on the ground and here's how you block it right and I would even say like I I mean I've talked about different ways to apply this but it's like let's take you exactly to this moment in a replay and then go replay it but now block it you know what you know what would be the the absolute best piece of information that this that the league one does give you a little bit of yeah and that is this move yeah that you think beats assure you can yeah does not beat assure you can yeah stop it mm-hmm you want a little AI coach act after you make mistakes to to let you know that by the way just in case you thought this was one thing it isn't so right
Starting point is 01:10:59 that would be that'd be phenomenal so it would help people like really quickly this blitz thing does massively it makes it way easier to get in and stay in but there is one thing that I will say that we have been very wrong about the idea that while fighting games require a lot of upfront effort and time to get into compared to a moba because you just click around because of the execution barrier mm-hmm the amount of fucking shit mm-hmm I had to learn to fucking play fucking one match properly is way more than a fighting game but did you also not just finish saying that it handed you information about matchups up front yeah but I'm talking about that that blitz thing is from matchups I'm talking about how the game fucking works okay like in a fighting
Starting point is 01:11:49 game you're still placed on a fucking thing and it's fucking fight that bitch yeah in a moba like there are so many fucking stupid moving pieces at all times the shop and the fucking the the laning phase and the team fight phase and the dragon you want to get the Baron like it is at the very least just as brutal to get in from nothing like I I played a lot of hots right was and you're talking about from zero from zero because I wasn't at zero from from zero to competency yeah to yeah so I played a lot of hots which is why I'm adapting to league better I what it's about equal to to get to a point where you're like I don't know I'm playing matches you know like I'm a human I I totally believe that in fact I not really believe that I would
Starting point is 01:12:43 have guessed that looking at it that from zero to competent is more complex in any game where any game where the camera is zoomed out there is a cursor and there's shit yeah on the screen is going to be way more complex to learn than a game with two punch man's fighting each other for sure the for sure you know what the great because we've also talked about like hey you can blame your teammates when you lose right yeah that feels good you know it doesn't feel good uh realizing that your teammates are the only ones who won the match they carried you to victory and you're like it's like that's okay no that's not a universal I mean that's there but some people some people are more than happy the satisfied being carried like I have encountered
Starting point is 01:13:32 a lot of people a lot of people that when I started playing league they basically came at me like recovered drunks and alcohol and um we're sorry recovered alcoholics I guess and drug users and we're like dude don't get in it man I've ruined your life and I'm like and I and in talking to a bunch of them I discover and playing games with some of my friends yeah when you roped me in on that tweet I caught a lot of people going um god damn it I'm a 10-year veteran fuck this a lot of miserable people I guess I'm reinstalling it a lot of miserable people what is that sense so I can tell you what that addiction is what that sentiment is it's what it sounds like it's more complicated than that and that is the better you get in league the more you're able to see
Starting point is 01:14:17 other people's mistakes and the more there's the feeling that the only reason you lost is because that dumb fuck didn't use his alt at the right time right so the solution to that is to play with friends but then when I was playing with some friends I had some friends that they had been out of practice for a while and they were fucking miserable because they were getting blown up what if you play perfectly a little loose well in my heart I'm like they lost me it I played perfectly fuck them my stats were good but if you can't if you can't and it all comes down to the people that play ranked and take their ranks seriously and in fighting games hey your rank goes down you having a bad night guess what that's your fucking fault yeah so in teppen yeah right what
Starting point is 01:15:06 happens often is uh you played correctly but you just got handed bad cards yeah feels like shit huh and then you knew exactly how to fight that morrigan you knew exactly what they want to do you know what her deck is about you know how they tend to play but unfortunately you got handed a bad deck and when you did the re-roll the second deck was even worse yeah um there is there is a and since I played so many I played a lot of mmo now the feeling of dude we would have won if you just hadn't stood in that one wrong place at the 39 minute mark and died and gave them the lead on that teamfight yeah that feels like shit yeah oh I lost a rank last night because the game disconnected not disconnected but it lagged out in a moment where I had to play a countercard
Starting point is 01:15:59 right and it could and it just the corner it floated over the slot but didn't land and then instead the attack went through and I just fucking died and I'm like on the other hand hey guess what I've played two no sorry three games of league right now in which I have encountered the trademark league toxic in which people take it real serious so you don't get flamed by other people on the other team because that's turned off by default you could turn it off if you want but I mean that'd be you regular trash talk the real shit you got to look out for is the people on your team who are just like no stop stop it and hate you for not playing as well you're playing with other beginners aren't you not necessarily a lot you know the the funniest thing is is you're
Starting point is 01:16:47 playing are you bypassing that because there's people that watch you on stream so you're playing with people that are actually no you're bypassing that because people want easy wins so they make smurf accounts yeah and then they get mad at their teammates that they're playing in the lower ranks because they're not smurfs oh fuck those people holy shit what an asshole I know right um so it's so and this guy I played a game of as you hear called lux she's a support she has a lot of moves that you have to aim and oh boy I'm the worst I'm very bad and this guy this guy was so tilted that he thought I was faking it that's how fucking tilt this guy was where he's like this guy this guy's just doing it on purpose he's feeding out this motherfucker he's just so mad
Starting point is 01:17:42 and there's a couple ways you can handle that for me I respond to that with no man I wish I'm just bad lol and like his his fury makes me giggle uh and there was a different guy who was like screaming all caps because I didn't kill somebody or all just furious and like uh my bad lol I don't give a shit fuck him this is funny if that affects you it's gonna be a bad fucking time playing league if you have ally chat on do you need it on no there's a ping system wonderful um now people are gonna say do you totally need it on and then I had people tell me like unless you're playing like diamond or whatever fuck it you don't need it um it's just like I find it hilarious like it almost feels like that russian hockey player you know it's like why you have to be mad it's just game
Starting point is 01:18:40 and I get way more salty about my own individual fighting game losses than I ever have over anything that's happening and I I've played two matches a league in which people were fucking afk there was a guy just sitting in the base the whole game and we're losing and we're about to lose them like man this would have been a lot easier if that guy had played the game and so yeah so I'm still thinking about that cheat sheet and optimized oh yeah buy when it's crazy so there's nothing to buy in a round of a fighting game there's no there's it all it is is just decisions it's funny because like mobas aren't the only like counter strike is actually the first game that I think of that invented this type of system so every piece of information you could want it boils down to an
Starting point is 01:19:20 interaction yeah right now uh providing that you're not at the phase of trying to learn how to like do your combos um you can get that information of like here's in general what you should be doing buy well remember what I said last time I'm just like you know go to this go to this youtube replay of someone playing your character yeah like the way that person will do stuff will inform a lot of like you'd probably want to be standing back here a bunch of the time but like if you're not thinking about that then you're not going to extract there there's there's right or like every time the person got here he went for a throw but then every time he was here he didn't right there would be it would be an astonishingly easier way to get into fighting games if when you load it up
Starting point is 01:20:11 into a match a picture of your optimal range just showed up on the fucking like hey you're playing alex against akuma akuma has and it just showed a like a screenshot of here's the spaces that serlin's talks broke that down right here's the space that akuma controls here's where you really rocket yeah just that one photo per matchup would make a world of difference that was uh yeah that was that was useful back in after experiencing this thing with league it is depressing that i believe league is the only game that i know of that has this kind of thing and i'm like every game ever every shooter like think about uh counter strike and fucking call of duty the developers release those fucking heat maps to show you this spot you're gonna die people die in this spot you know stuff like that
Starting point is 01:21:01 and they optimize routes through maps and shit like that um so uh there's again like there's always there's tons of people did deconstructing these aspects and elements and things uh that we talk about i can bring up other examples like skull girls has a really nice character trial mode that walks you through some moves and explains what they're for and all that stuff as well right um the range thing is like yeah that's definitely something it's applicable decisions like there's what's important in a lot of cases is um it's not even about telling you what to do in a situation of the things that you you like of three things you can do here here's the one you should be doing here yeah it's not about that as much as like introducing a situation that you
Starting point is 01:21:42 originally didn't think of as a part of something you should think about yeah right so like if you never thought about like um i don't know let's say like after this character presses this punch button it's very very safe for them which means they get to go first right like if if the moment that that animation completes you you never thought about that moment is unique and special but now that you are could you imagine if you're playing big band it would be useful versus parasol and there was a screenshot of parasol poking and there was a a line of dialogue said this move is safe as fuck you can't punish it with your shit so the trials in skull girls literally have things like that when you play the character it'll go this move is really really
Starting point is 01:22:31 good at this yeah right watch out for that though when you take off your head as uh as fortune like you can do some really good stuff and here's some things that can do but warning it takes 50 damage so if you get hit both body and head you take 150 percent damage right like that's right there and you walk through every character's explanation and that's all there here's the thing and i don't want to put too much emphasis on this because like um that will help that will get you up to speed and feeling more comfortable right away it will not help you beat the people that destroyed you when you booted up excerpt of course not it would not help you win those matches any more in the sense that like those people you're fighting against still just have the
Starting point is 01:23:17 experience edge over you of course it right it gets rid of that feeling of i don't know what to do now that's the worst feeling that to me and i can't i can only speak for me yeah but i feel like i have even now after playing fighting games for decades now on and off i it is too often i get into a matchup in a game that i'm starting to learn and it's maybe a little older and i'm like i don't know what i'm supposed to be even trying to fucking accomplish in this match i don't know where i'm good i don't know where i'm bad and just being able to skip to that like not even middle below average point of like i have a plan yeah would make a big fucking difference yeah so for me it's it's it's not like for me it's like that what you're describing
Starting point is 01:24:12 is literally like after every time someone does a thing and i go what the fuck do i do about this right i don't hit rematch yeah i quit and go to the and i go and then i to make them do it and then i see what i can do to get around it right that take it then takes about 10 15 to figure out whether i can do something or nothing and then i write that down so right and then the next thing that in some cases if it's something that i'm like i've never fought that i have never been beaten by that yeah you will see someone on a video replay getting destroyed by something you go whoa what do you do about that yeah and then you see the person solve it right away and you go oh that's what you do so then you write that down as well
Starting point is 01:24:58 so like what you're describing is there but it is not handed right off the bat and it certainly would help if it were but it still doesn't make you like this this program gets you to the point of being dumb like so let i use the example of nar earlier the little guy turns into a big monster i played a match against him yeah before i used blitz gg and i played a match against him when i used it the difference between the two or and it's especially important for dota and league because there are there are 140 ish characters on both i went from what the fuck is that what is he doing i don't get it to oh that's what he's doing that's what he's doing yeah and this is a really hard discussion and this is literally the core of everyone trying to like make a game in a genre
Starting point is 01:25:54 that is that's full of experts these days right it's like it's the entire guilty gear discussion yeah right where i'm not like i can see some people already go like saying like um no woolly that's the part that's annoying right i'm not defending the arduousness of the process if that's what you heard just now you heard that's not at all what i'm putting out there because think back to every other time i've talked about what i think fighting games should have and how much i'm on the side of the new player they should have mobo trying to like figure out how to get to the fun part right think about how many times i've said i like that this game cuts out the um the difficulty of execution here because it gets people to the decision making which is fun so stop saying that
Starting point is 01:26:35 that's what i'm not doing that paid you're not paid jesus christ uh woolly so like it's it's so what i'm describing what i did to learn in samurai showed out i'm not saying that as an example of this is what everyone should do this is the purity of the process that's not at all what i'm doing i'm describing what i did in this game and i think that finding a shortcut to that process would be wonderful right um i'm trying to work out what i'm trying to work out through this discussion right now is with that existing shortcut like would that have saved you from this moment of like ah fuck this turning the game off and going to play league because because even if i get blown up but i don't know if it would if i have a plan when i i loaded up tekin
Starting point is 01:27:26 and hey armor king's out i love armor king loaded it up played against steve got bodied like i've never been bodied before the kind of body that like i'm not playing a match you know and i'm like i can't even figure out and tekin's really bad with it because like there's so many fucking normals right like i i got beat on every interaction right mm-hmm why did i even describe it then i described it because uh i wanted to mention the fact that it's not that the answer does not exist it's that you get to it in an older more time consuming way yeah it reminds me of when you talked about how difficult things used to be in monster hunter before world came out oh you have no idea that's why it's to address the fact that there is a way and it was it these are the steps
Starting point is 01:28:17 i'm walking you through because i happen to have knowledge in this genre what the version of this looks like in in this side of things so now i would like to take this in a slightly different direction yeah because there are i can see in our chat and i knew there would be some doter fans yeah who are like but what about dota 2 well in preparation for this discussion about blitz and the infrastructure i installed and loaded up dota 2 which does have a similar tutorial to league where it's like here's how lanes work here's how buttons work etc right dota does not have a blitz dot gg equivalent but what it does have because it's a valve game right it's integrated completely with steam it has a lot of other weird learning shit so normally you'd go to mobify or you know
Starting point is 01:29:07 some website the you know the event hubs equivalent for your your mover and go i want to learn about such and such character and you'll go there and people written 10 guides right blah blah blah in dota when people write guides for dota characters they're in the client you go to the training option and you pick a character and then every guide by date and popularity shows up and you click on it and it's there and it is a long text guide with pictures and shit and valve or the developers behind it made a basics one for every single character including a suggested buy order that's really cool yeah in addition there is apparently people are telling me a coaching mode yes yeah pros will literally go in your game with you yep and tell you like
Starting point is 01:30:03 your dumb baby that's a super good thing that's crazy we talked about that when it first got announced yeah and like i i continue to lavish praises on that coaching mode that is genius now when you asked me like whatever like oh what are you gonna jump on the river like i had half a mind to reply and more of a dota guy yeah that would have that would have been the reply had i not decided to completely sign bag it on the uh on the other hand when i played around in the training mode for dota just to you move character i was blown away at just why there's so much in game help options because that game seems like mechanics just to have them there's a day night cycle i asked a friend of mine why the fuck does there a day night cycle and he says do you want
Starting point is 01:30:52 you want the historical answer or do you want the gameplay answer and i went how about both and he goes well when dota was a warcraft 3 mod no one could figure out how to turn off the day night cycle on the warcraft 3 maps so that's why dota has a day night cycle the current gameplay reason is because there is a hero called night stalker that has extra powers during the night time so you gotta have and it's like that mechanic exists just to exist and there's also blade and there's also the you can't you can't see high up if you're on the low ground and you gotta last hit your own and it's just mechanics just to have them uh on the flip side you get to do all sorts of weird and crazy shit but i'm gonna be playing league for the time being maybe i'll
Starting point is 01:31:40 go to dota later once i get tired a lot of so i another aspect that comes to mind is just how easy it was over these years to get lost in the weeds in terms of like no man new players need this feature new players need that and like how many times games have come like especially the way they end like if you go to literally any western developed fighting game at the end of its life cycle of the last five years or so yeah like throw a dart and you're probably gonna land on one that had a ton of really cool things to help new players that no one else used or can or brought forward right killer instincts skull girls um a lot of these whoa hey sorry everyone that was a mistake you know there's a ton of these things that did exist and uh even if you
Starting point is 01:32:35 want to go back to the fucking virtual fighter tutorial in evo yeah right we always talk about how great that was we always talk about how awesome um the situational stuff in in uh unist was uh excerpt shows you about character specific things and goes venom does this a bunch of times when you're fighting against venom learn how to do that so you don't eat it so i and like it's all there in these different places right and like when it's not there you go man i would love it if it was there yeah but i think the there's more there's always something else that holds it back and and that is is now we're talking about online which is the point i was actually gonna get to next which is there is something about so let's not get lost in the weeds on these little features
Starting point is 01:33:26 so there's two things about online yeah one of which we knew about one of which i didn't quite realize number one how many games did i disconnect during league zero yeah how many games did i have latency issues zero yeah thanks how many times did i think about online and in terms of connection or latency at all yeah ever zero i fucking it's like whatever who gives a shit yeah it is a non-issue the only thing i ran into is is when people are right is not a japanese company the only thing that i ran into is there are a couple of my fight in your face that when i uh when we got into a match and like the character they pick up and they would leave so the game would end and you go back into the queue for a minute or two right right the cute you know the thing that
Starting point is 01:34:16 said first of all man it you know what every fucking fighting game needs it needs a average time to timer on the screen like hey the wait time yeah the wait time is approximately three minutes for your next match yeah sure enough at 255 or 310 or whatever the fuck i at least get into the lobby right so that guy is still talking about league when pat cracks the fucking can open on this you can't expect you can't come on like come on come on it's it's there's gonna be a lot of league and but also this is also about fighting games so think about it no it's about it's about movers but like uh so there's there's that don't don't expect that to to not right so quick wrap up online being good shooters nailed it moba's nailed it fighting games didn't nail it it's it's like
Starting point is 01:35:05 it's a deal number two and this is a much bigger deal counter strike match what 1015 mess fucking league match 30 to an hour oh same thing with dota yep the 39 minute mistake right fighting game match two minutes tops right but they all have the same wait time when i sat there and played uh street fighter five on stream last year i spent just as much time waiting for matches as i did playing matches when i when i was when i played league all saturday night like five percent of the time i was playing was me not playing the game it's a big fucking deal the amount of time you wait in between matches because people are fucking cowards and they won't rematch you pat i'm waiting for the day where the fighting game comes out with the the perfect
Starting point is 01:35:56 online the perfect hand holding the coach mode all the tutorials all the many things that we just described yeah uh for it to drop and everyone to still hate it so i can finally just shuffle off this mortal coil um it in the end won't matter because at the end no matter what features and no matter how much great or not great there's gonna be just something on that gameplay that says fuck the end you're just and it's gone so it's like no it's just it's just fighting games and that's where it's just fighting that's where i come to my final realization just let me die what do fighting games need to become the the thing right and what they need is to not be fighting games is to last longer than five years and have initial populations of millions of people
Starting point is 01:36:41 league is 10 million sorry dota is 10 million league is 80 fortnite's 240 when i was looking at revelator matches i saw oh there's 2000 people playing right now how can we get everyone to embrace dad's dance revolution how can we push that to the forefront get it tetris 99 has really good net code yeah how can we get everybody to play tetris 99 more than any other game the net code solid they give you tips yeah like well i think there's going to also be i'm being snarky but i think there's also going to be a part of this which is just it's it's there's a genre appeal limit well this is this is where i'm going with it now that i've gotten a whole the and it's okay the league bug and let's see how it works and you know the documentation i talked about and a program
Starting point is 01:37:44 invented that program only exists because 80 million people play this fucking game right and there's a coaching circuit that i found a thought i'm talking to a league coach the guy watched my stream just chatting with him he's like hey check this out it's a website hey you want to pay 76 dollars an hour to have somebody coach you and league of legends in your in your university right it's it's the network is enormous right and it's only gonna you know it being free helps games that are free do well so and this is where it's like you know what you can do you're not gonna like your your giant audience is actually uh a if if well if your game is like addressing what everybody wants going to be a collection of different circles yeah right so a bunch of people
Starting point is 01:38:29 are playing your your your uh the the jesus game the jesus fighting game right the savior yes right savior the fucking whatever right perfect fighter battle the gods perfect fighter right the reason why perfect fighter is pop it off uh why are you playing it because anime titties perfect got an amazing netcode perfect coaching mode handheld yes all right um team-based complexity loving that i can play with my friends it's a good hangout game on friday nights that's great it's got guest characters i care about that's super rad too there's a campaign a story that's really well detailed so you can get like you're gonna be hitting the number one button for a lot of people but that number one is going to be a different thing across the board so why we've talked a lot about guilty gear and
Starting point is 01:39:15 how guilty gear is doing great things for fighting games the number one thing for any fighting game is going to be audience and netcode and by that token the league fighting game is by far the best shot you know air quotes at fighting games really really hitting the mainstream that game will be free for sure it will have it will literally i'm i'm bet you know they're making like five different league games i bet they're all going to go live in the same client launcher kind of thing so it'll just be a button click away of the thing that that many people play already hey look you want to play as Darius you like Darius on top right he's cool he's got a grab move in the air he was the axe guy you saw in the trailer you're like ari the fox girl oh she got right
Starting point is 01:40:02 it'll have the cannons if that game doesn't have the best fucking netcode ever i i don't they're making it i don't know what to even do no you throw you throw the baby out with the bath water it's done it's over right baby in the out the down the drain if like yeah 100 because i mean rising thunders netcode was top tier right away they made yeah i know so if they can't do it they're fucked i know i can so yeah that game's gonna be the shot maybe nothing else maybe right um you know there's always going to be people that also make the mistake the fallacy of pretending that uh if i spend more time on this game than you that i'm not gonna automatically be better in many cases yeah that's a that's a thing right um there's the part where uh you know
Starting point is 01:40:58 to quote Keats in a recent tweet the lesson from dive kick was no matter how simple the game mechanics are somebody who takes the time to perfect them killers are going to be killers will still win way more often than the person who didn't you can't stop that you can't nerf that that's a person who is taking the facts in front of them and streamlining them you know you know what i think i'm thinking of is like the thing i'm most excited about for that league fighting game it's gonna be around for a long time but like i think back to like street fighter four and street fighter five like could you imagine what street fighter four would have been like if had i just kept going like they instead of street fighter five it was hey we're gonna we're gonna
Starting point is 01:41:46 remix some of the we're gonna tweak it a little bit we're gonna completely overhaul the the look or hey here's a new thing we're gonna tone down these characters you know like if it literally just kept going four ten years there's a lot of inertia on stuff like this why look at wow for fuck's sake yeah the amount of inertia was because when people think of mmo they just think well we're in warcraft right and that league games they're probably gonna force it to be around for a long time no matter how well it does there ends up always being though the like inner circle of like people that are sick of the thing yeah um that played it the most yeah um that are also
Starting point is 01:42:29 and then there's also the fact that i remember when ono was saying we don't want to go beyond super street fighter four i do because we remember the days of street fighter two yeah and that's what scared everyone away yeah yeah well like some people live for the updates some people like that don't play as often never want to hear from them i would have been happy to have third strike go another 10 years i mean a lot of people would but then the people that want to get in on year nine don't know you know what they do they buy a coach or they download third strike dot gg it's it's it's almost an impossible solution it's almost impossible right you want people who have spent time to feel good because their time has been worth something it's it's
Starting point is 01:43:21 it's also for someone who has not spent the time to not feel like they're worth it's a whole lot of complicated factors like take for me i'm starting league in year 10 right that should mean that i'm going to get blown up constantly but because 80 million people play that game there's like two million bads i could get matched up with just bads just morons and i know that i matched up with them because i crushed some people in game like two and three and shit and i'm like i shouldn't be winning what the fuck is wrong with you dumbass well the fighters i mean the longer they go on the population dips and dips and dips and dips and then there's just killers you need bads you need so many people playing that there is an ocean of bads to swim in
Starting point is 01:44:20 and you will always float above someone else you will always float above somebody else so yeah i'm enjoying league to the people who are upset that i'm playing league because you don't want to get re-addicted you should really not play league if that is how you look at any particular game um and every time i'm relaxed bro every time every time this discussion is had to like in as much as i care um there is a virtue in being uh one of the folks that is just like hey man just let things be what they are you know and what do you mean exactly i mean to the folks that are like just let like stop comparing fighting games to other things and just let fgc be fgc no um and there's something to that there's something to that because
Starting point is 01:45:12 it's very dissatisfying over a long period of time to constantly have this how do we oh yeah you know especially when you don't have the gears in your hands to make those things out oh this sounds like loser talk no no it's it's the fine line between things that exist that companies that make these games should be doing and like um things that almost like quote unquote betray the nature of what your game is to begin with yeah you know it's you know taking it back to fighters like i don't know if that makes sense i i can't overstate how big like i've been thinking about it more and more and you know i see people on my timeline talking about guilty gears online yeah i will become crest fucking fallen if they announce they're not
Starting point is 01:46:02 going to use ggpo because i might as like dude i played revelator i played tecan i played uh i played like there's something else over the over the past week that we're all japanese fighting games i can't even remember right and all of them were fucking miserable experiences because i could feel delay i it took me forever to get into matches matches lasted 40 fucking seconds it sucked and it was a bad experience um i was gonna say too that like i don't know like was there any part of those games you those sets you did where you were like fuck yeah but i'm cute no yeah right that's and that's not good like part of why i want to play these games is to have that feeling and i always have that to some
Starting point is 01:47:01 degree it took me on characters that i love and that's why i love the characters because i'm like and when i'm getting crushed right in excerpt i'm still like fuck yeah biking though right can i get this in there can i get that going a little bit like that's just kind of like there's some enjoyment i'm getting i need to break down just how bad it was to try and get a match for me for revelator on pc i hit ranked i waited for about 10 minutes nothing so that's not going to happen when the player matches and uh arc says decides that they want to have their little arcade system set up so i went and stood in line behind two people having a match and then they rematch each other 10 times and then i just yeah that's not that's not the standing behind the line doesn't seem to
Starting point is 01:47:47 no it's more about like sitting down on a cabinet yeah so i went and sat down on a cabinet and eventually one guy left and then the other guy came over the process to get like two matches took almost an hour and it was like and the and the match is up did you do the uh non lobby version i don't even know there is a non lobby version there's a one that just searches the ranked one it just searches and matches you up yeah it didn't it wouldn't match me up with anything okay so it's like yeah like like that that was the moment like i played a game of tech and i got into two matches relatively fast and they got blown up and then i went to revelator and did that and that was like the bad taste in my mouth of like i think when i put fighting games on the shelf until
Starting point is 01:48:29 fucking uh grandblue comes out because grandblue will be new and hot there's certainly other games that don't have that bad online but like at the end i want more combat no i don't it's like so yeah now i'm putting my eggs in that league fighting game basket big bad's pretty cool big fans sick as fuck yeah i saw you got duded the other day i got duded it was fucking crazy yeah yeah but that's my week i played a bunch of league yeah um put games on the shelf not genres that's again you know that's kind of what i'm trying to know i'm putting i'm putting fighting games on the shelf until the new one that comes out that'll have a large population and hopefully decent online no and then i'll probably play it for a couple weeks and they got really sick
Starting point is 01:49:17 like i played a lot of dbfz online when it started and that was fucking miserable because the online was pretty good i i didn't have much delay but waiting five minutes well i'm just saying from the match you didn't have problems yeah i have problems i heard that waiting five minutes for three minute match that someone disconnects at the end of just kills my fucking desire to play that game at all yeah like that is like people people talk about how fucking toxic they get in league and how much of a bummer it is to see i don't think anything's as fucking bad as like having your match negated near the end like negated and then having to wait for five minutes for another one it sucks man yeah i um yeah like someone just said like you'll play punch planet
Starting point is 01:50:04 it's like yeah punch plan is fucking sick but like what are you gonna do like also into people's hands want one thing that i people to go like yo go play this game it's really good one thing that i didn't mention playing with your friends is fun people like to play with their friends so that thing you're talking about of like zero to competency yeah like i was thinking i was trying to think of like um the most extreme version of that and it's like a soul caliber takes seconds oh yeah soul caliber is fast seconds to go to understand will you look at the character and you immediately know what the range is well not just that but like you start pressing buttons and holding directions and you're like oh that okay yeah yeah and like that's my block got it yeah
Starting point is 01:50:47 you know um i'm i'm small and fast he's big and slow he's got long range if you put your hand on the controller you're you're in that's all it takes there's no other you know but that's not enough yeah right like there's a million other things there um and you know soul caliber has problems but like each of these individual pieces helps a bit yeah helps a bit but it it never seems to like push it over the edge yeah and league fighter is gonna it's gonna prove a lot one or the other about these theories yeah right it's gonna put a lot to the test it's gonna be the it's gonna be the the the biggest fighting game to ever have the free push for sure maybe oh come on it'll be i who knows dude it'll be free i hope so their whole their whole
Starting point is 01:51:44 business model for all their games is that they're free all of their games are free all of their game okay then fine they're there there are there are two games in the in the fucking client right now okay there's the there's there's league if it's when there's the auto chess if it's what they always do then yeah all right um and free and good ass online and characters more popular than street fighter yep which makes me want to die yeah this is a big ass this is a big ass test right and execution is going to be at the lowest it'll kid possibly be yeah um it'll be pure decision making versus decision making but what will but will it what will be the thing will it be enough what's up i don't know i'm optimistic i'm pessimistic i'm cautious i'm both
Starting point is 01:52:30 yeah i'm very optimistic and i'm very pessimistic i'm i'm everything you know and there's also a really weird thing when you play league in that every time you hit a match you're like riot's fucking evil they're bad was there a did anyone fart into their microphone while you were playing no no one tried to fart in your face by uh no yeah there's that part of it they're fucking evil and then i'm like i can't go down this road because they're all evil radiance good good people for now doing doing some cool stuff for now everything until seth killian turns into s kill but that'd be cool if you could do the teleport we're good people for now yeah for now buy a shirt please buy a shirt that's it you want to see me streaming some games you can check me
Starting point is 01:53:24 out at slash angriest pat schedule for this week is going to be ff7 observer pathologic two and one game of league of legends on the weekend which i was recently told that that was very brave which i was confused by until somebody explained that that is because children are home from school on weekends which means that is flooded with more bads which i'm actually kind of excited for it's slash angriest pat hey woolly sponsors what's up with your sponsors our sponsors this week castle super beast is sponsored by columbia college truition with truition at columbia college your education is one low price no fees no book costs no surprises no reason to play games with getting your education truition lets you budget for the true cost of
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Starting point is 02:00:15 beast thank you honey book thank you honey book uh yeah so uh my stuff was pretty varied you got an adota that's crazy yeah you wish i don't um dodas for nerds hey man that rivalry is fucking dank it's weird it's not kind people are pretty aggressive about one way or the other it's not like king of fighters and street fighters back in the day that amicable rivalry where they were drawing and making characters designed to make fun of the other company yeah yeah uh no so what did i do well for one thing i played some skull girls live on stream get out it was a lot of fun me and reggie sat down we got into fighting games for fun and uh cracked that cracked that shell open cleaned it out
Starting point is 02:01:26 and uh it was really it was really fun to just go back to it and pressing buttons in that game is a really enjoyable thing i agree right satisfying nice nice impact everything and just fancy animation really feels good lots of little fun uh jibes going back and forth and uh even the dated memes i can has cheeseburger ever present om nom noms you know but uh we definitely yeah and we had a we had a good time just like introducing reggie to like oh yo check out this color reference oh i got this familiar yeah yeah he only played the first version of the game way back when oh that's a million years ago exactly so he hasn't seen all the amazing things that have come since and there's so much cool stuff and so much uh uh in terms of um quality of life it's a
Starting point is 02:02:16 shame that game isn't good enough to be featured at evo yeah every time a new game gets announced for evo it's it actually i don't even care and it hurts my feeling you know like well it's a wonderful thing that it continues to get a great spotlight at many other tournaments throughout the year like uh ceo taku and uh uh uh the uh the combo breaker and tons of other great tournaments i have a question for you i don't mean to drag it back but it is about evo now that the cannons and mr killian are going to be working on their own fighting game as well as running evolution the biggest fighting game tournament do you not see that there may in fact be a conflict of interest there in terms of the lineup and what gets what
Starting point is 02:03:08 spot possibly that'll be a very interesting announcement mr wizard has to make oh when the time comes the player base problem certainly is not going to be an issue there will be enough people it's taking the number one spot over at what really it hasn't come out yet and you're telling us it's going to be the finals sam show yeah baby tag we've been over this it'll be it'll be it'll be fun to be very interesting um will there be a unist equivalent at the time that can be the people's champion to sort of like be like the hero you guys get this yes and that will be unist um unit clear or unit clear or whatever possibly possibly whatever french bread's up to yeah unist is the token fighting gamey indie support some may say that uh if you create the party
Starting point is 02:04:04 you get to enjoy the fruits yeah wait what what you get to enjoy a little bit of every everyone's uh uh plates and you know you get to taste all the food first feels weird it's like you brought i made the party you brought the food to my place i get to have a sample of everybody's potluck before i get the first slice allow me to wet my beak you know i actually don't necessarily disagree with that it some may say that they get the first call you know i mean they did put the time in if they're gonna make a fighting game why not you know what i don't want evo supports prima knocked up you know what i don't want i would really like it if they came out and they were just straight up we believe in this like what we think it's it deserves the spot because we made it right
Starting point is 02:05:00 and just straightforward that would be good what would not be good is to try and obfuscate it and be like it's got a lot of like you know anything but the obvious reason because that'll be a lie well that's the problem that i still have about the skull girl situation yeah and that'll always be the blemish yeah you know um yeah and and i think there the like there were answers that were still vague but not not um like you can't things that you can't challenge such as a popularity was never the determining all and all no right so what is well as long as you don't define what is that it could be anything it could be anything we can say what's not it could be whatever the f*** i feel like exactly and that is extremely hard to argue yeah right hey what are you all peeing whatever the f***
Starting point is 02:05:54 i want what are you gonna say to that well you should do this instead and you go nah right so yeah that'll always be there um but really it is true though that like you know there's a lot of tournaments that are not evo that are very very cool and it's just like i think a lot of people that are passionate about games that like didn't get one of those nine slots yeah instead of like you can spend your time moaning it or you can just be like yo go to common breaker or we're gonna make our own tournament go to ceo go to blackjack yeah hookers absolutely no 100% and guess what blackjack and hookers at a tournament is a great time except evo already has blackjack and hooker yeah so did canada cup it was no but uh there's a lot of great tournaments out there that you can go to if you care about the
Starting point is 02:06:43 game and like it's again it's looking at things in that like well it sucks that you didn't get this spotlight but like let's just really enjoy this one over here smashers have been doing that for years yeah um go ahead leaven's a bitch okay well i thought you had something clever than that oh have you seen his his little tantrum no dude's winning ultimate tournaments and then going on twitter and screaming into the void about how miserable he is and how much he hates playing ultimate okay and it's like wow brah you seem like an asshole and a bitch all right now i'm done do you know who's the best smash player in the community ever
Starting point is 02:07:33 zero that dude's chill as fuck because he fucking won all those smash ultimate tournaments and went yeah i'm the best and now he just streams dumb bullshit like sonic adventure and he's a pretty good fucking streamer too he's pretty funny okay that hot smash take was brought to you by fucking nothing uh we got and they smell uh all too also uh stream uh we got to also stream uh them's fighting herds and uh go into that again and that's such a good time and remember how i talked about the salt mines gotta get those is chat reacting in a way that you're finding appropriate uh no i'm getting blown up oh that's okay cool all right so remember them's fighting herds i do remember the salt
Starting point is 02:08:30 mines i do it was so fun and i was mistaken i think i originally thought that was like an eight player group thing where you go in together it is not limited everyone on the server everyone on the server can go into the salt mines and play together so you can do assault mines like we did on stream how big does that get we were i think we were like 25 people okay um so you just all go in and you're like yo let's just let's do a run and you can jump in when a game has already started it's great it's so great you know and people jumping into that stream midway through they're like yeah this is fighting get into fighting games for fun right yeah and you see me as a little horse on a fucking zelda overworld buying hats and trying out my new hats and i put on a zeppeli
Starting point is 02:09:25 i put on a zeppeli hat with the with the diamonds on it after checking out the soul bad guy hair yeah and then and then and then i went in and then fucking was mining for salt and then i was mining for salt and getting into fights and each of the fights with the little beasts in the little and that you have they're all teaching you a thing like one guy does overheads gotta splot that oh that's cool beat him and then the other one's gonna do like a throw and then you gotta do so there's stuff with that right um if for those who missed it them's fighting herds is the fighting game that was originally supposed to be my little pony friendship is magic and then hasbro was like get the fuck out of here and it got turned into its own thing with help from the
Starting point is 02:10:08 creator of my little pony friendship is magic uh so now it's like a completely separate ip and it looks like a really cool fighting game we put it on the old channel and they have one of the best funnest online modes i've seen in a fighting game recently which is everyone plays an asymmetrical like uh uh um game where you you drop into these mines and you have to fight these npc like beasts and mine for salt and then as the rounds come to a close the enemies get harder and then you get like you have you can like fight over chests that have rewards in them and then the person with the most at the end turns into the bear yeah and then it becomes a full-on uh freddy versus the kids yeah or jason versus the kids whichever that happens
Starting point is 02:10:57 the bear versus the kids yeah and you are running around as a bear and all the all the other players can't see shit you got a small vision cone in the dark and the bear has a full screen and can sniff you down to be the bear i didn't get to be the bear i got fucking mauled bro it was terrifying it was super scary um the name of the game is them spyton herds i just had really really fun you ever have that moment where somebody's talking and your brain just gets overpowered by like a dumb meme sure like so as soon as as soon as we said like hasbro was like nah right i had this vision in my head of like blazing saddles and it's a good movie and you just paced the pony people heads on the guys in the bar and they go forget about that shit here comes hasbro yep and then he punches the horse
Starting point is 02:11:55 yep and i'm like i wish i had the skills to make that yeah but i don't here comes muggle dude i remember when you just said that like five years ago and i just started to fucking lose it it's the fucking best part of that movie uh guys talking about taxes and shit there's a lot of good parts of that forget about that shit here comes muggle yep yep yep remember i asked you what are many parts i remember asking what is the guy talking about he goes i don't know some bullshit it doesn't matter i like i'm so tired i'm so tired is great yeah i'm so tired it's great where the white woman at um so anyway that was really fun and uh yeah that's a really mechanically like so there's
Starting point is 02:12:52 some fun stuff with that game too where it's like okay it's all right it's a four button game right you have light medium hard and then magic what's it like playing a game that's all footsies and then there's the uh the way the supers work where you've got the like you got a level one super instead of a level three what's up i'm so stupid i can't stop laughing at the bad joke i made instead of a yeah hoof hoofies yeah oh hoofsies hoofsies hoofsies hoofsies you don't want to play hoofsies you know what hoofsies looks like hoofsies looks like the stuff that jango was doing on his horse at the end of the movie when when jango unchained when he's
Starting point is 02:13:51 riding when he's on his horse and he's making it do all these like oh yeah crazy high stepping tricks and putting the foot up and then and spinning around that's it that's what hoofsies looks like to me that's my brain on hoofsies i want to see the hitboxes on that anyway uh you have the uh you have light medium heavy and then you have the magic button and stuff and then supers do something really fun which is like you have instead of doing like a level one level three it's like level one and then while that super's happening you have another super you do in the middle okay you know to like power it up or do whatever your extra effect or change the effect yeah yeah that's cool right that's another way of going about it um so yeah still looking forward
Starting point is 02:14:34 to that game still stylish wait so it's not technically out i mean you can play it now it's really fine but like it's not there's no big release in the sense that it's like when the console drop happens across the board yeah that's the release when it's physical when it's out there you know everything up to this point is you're playing online in the early access version of the game so excuse me um you can check that out as well uh which is going to be you know that was on the stream and that's going to be coming to the channel too um some great highlights from that skull girl stream which yeah the dooting the the dooting occurred it's it's the best super it is something only possible only possible in this kind of fighting game in fighting
Starting point is 02:15:17 games period where someone can play a song so the time stops style on you in the most like it's like the perfect the perfect insult to injury yeah it is i can play a custom musical theme for your bodying before i body use it's pretty good it's pretty okay uh so uh yeah that happened and on more uh you can check that out over on woolly versus of course what's it like uh uh streaming the LP recordings um i'm curious it's interesting it's different in a lot of ways and uh overall it's it's it's better for a lot of reasons i mean for one um people can scream at me right away i was about to say that's probably the best one people can scream at me right away and i can not acknowledge it but change but fix the thing yeah right so
Starting point is 02:16:13 you're gonna see a moment or three in Death Stranding where i'm like about to run somewhere or do something and then just what uh dead stop let's go here instead yeah or like or like you're running and then suddenly like oh like wait what was that over there and then you turn around and run to something off camera yeah oh this thing over here yeah like i there's some moments when i was playing it on stream that i didn't acknowledge but i'm about to set off in this long journey and the month i should check my inventory before i go just to make sure i have that item oops i didn't have it oh good thing i remembered yeah and the thing is in a game like in a game like indivisible you're pretty straightforward here's your playsters or you go there's the thing yeah
Starting point is 02:16:56 in a game like Death Stranding where there's so many little little things to it and i'm i'm already clearly not doing the best job at internalizing a lot of that stuff like boy like when when me and reggie pause it like we just kind of go like fuck like look at this map there's all these little things have you figured out like hold your thumb on the touchpad and tilt the controller yeah see the topography of the map there was a moment where i was like okay make the generator for the bike and i was like i was looking at the ppc yeah and i was like wait where equip the ppc then what then aim it at the four and i'm holding and then i and i have the ppc and then i turn it into a mailbox and they're like you idiot you made a mailbox i'm like shit
Starting point is 02:17:40 wait dismantle that no you don't get that ppc back no you you can dismantle it oh you get the yeah yeah yeah you can tell you're fine but then i'm just like what and they're like no okay you have to do the thing where you turn it buzzing you you build it like a build like a building in fortnight like a fortnight exactly yeah you gotta get that more cycle to the the type of thing but i was just like oh god like i i didn't if it told me how to do that i didn't remember and if it didn't tell me how to do that then i wasn't intuitively gonna get there so that saved a lot of time so that was nice um of course uh there's a bunch of other things where it's like sometimes you're like oh we gotta cut here for editing purposes then it's like well everyone
Starting point is 02:18:27 just gotta sit and watch us go through it you know and like don't worry in the video it'll be gone but here's us doing it people will appreciate that perhaps they might you know they might even catch little secrets in between those moments but probably not um there's uh definitely like either a hard start time and a bit more on a hard finish time whereas like when we're doing it without streaming we can just kind of free flow yeah um and it's especially hard when you're getting to the natural conclusion right so the way you naturally conclude a session when you're LPing is like you finish on the game's last beat yeah right and you kind of instinctively get to know where this is min is very bad at finding where this is boy is he he always like like there's a
Starting point is 02:19:15 point where i'm like all right and this is where it would be and he's like oh but then and i'm like min but uh uh yeah you kind of feel it out right there's a way of just kind of going like yeah right i finished delivering this pizza is a good one for you to remember in the future for example right um but then there's moments where you're like okay we have a second stream to go to after this we've been going three and a half right so that's long for a session for a stream you can stream for whatever but in terms of like like the time of like you know putting this up right or getting a session in there you want to we try to aim for like that that two and a half to three right range before you your brain starts getting kind of goofy right and um you just get tired you
Starting point is 02:20:06 just need you just need to it's really funny because uh uh uh was it last two the one of the days you were streaming you did you did bow i got really fucking confused because i started my stream at three and you had been streaming since one yes and then i was finishing my stream up at like seven or eight and people were like oh raid woolly her page was like raid woolly i'm like has he been fucking going the whole time right and it's like oh no wait you don't you didn't you stopped i stopped and i took the necessary break and i don't happen then came back i thought you had gone insane thursdays are intense now yeah right because thursdays are we have a session to do and then we have a stream to do the only difference is is now people used to just see the fighting game stream but now
Starting point is 02:20:52 they're seeing the daytime part of it that i used to do anyway which is if it's a full last day you know they can all complain more accurately so when you get to a part that's like right before a cool thing like do the kakashi part and i'm like i am dying right now i know this is cool i get it but holy shit guys please wait you will wait now it's gonna it's gotta go for next time there's a hard time a little bit before the next thing starts i can't do this now also i'm starving and i need a nap you know what's you know am i fairer about that is the people that are honest enough to go i don't care about that yeah well anyone who wrote anyone who wrote like current like right now do it though yeah if you just wrote do it though in all caps then yeah yeah that all
Starting point is 02:21:38 right you're not gonna enjoy it okay you won't enjoy what you get but it'll be there yeah but the answer is no there's a there's a both a cooperative and antagonistic relationship between you and the chat and it is fascinating yeah because the for example i finished the fight and it was where you played did you know that there were samurai in Naruto shut up shut up you liar you're not a liar are you okay you know how there's ninjas in Naruto i do know that the ninjas are the army guess what there's a navy and an air force was there and they're out there having their own other fucking life that's stupid right the hidden ninja villages are just the world of ninjas and the samurais are totally amongst the regular population doing their samurai jobs
Starting point is 02:22:42 Naruto is fucking stupid so there's a cool samurai leader guy that's supposed to be the boss of the samurai and i'm like okay but but these ninja wizards are literally gods what the fuck is this supposed to you're what is what is the cop gonna do what are you doing striker joining into this realm what's he do and like he does cool sword chakra stuff he's got magic too but then he has a really rad like sword thing okay he's samurai showdowns magic he's samurai showdowns okay right but i missed it because the fight was like because the fights towards the the the wherever i'm at like are starting to get more like at first it was just like mass circle and now it's like no you can't keep mashing circle because there are they are gonna block and throw shit at
Starting point is 02:23:25 you so now you gotta do some more other stuff and vary your gameplay up a little bit and um so i was just like yeah let me just beat this guy instead of trying to save up to do the big finish and then when i saved up to do and then uh uh yeah but i missed landing his big super finish and then it's like immediately people were like what the fuck you just missed the coolest super in the game so i was like okay we'll just cut here and cut back to getting the super after this part then fuck and i was like i hope it doesn't save after this and it was a little bit of a this and that and whatever but anyway catching all of that in the moment as opposed to uh you know a couple days later when it goes out on youtube helps even though um sometimes you gotta like pump the breaks
Starting point is 02:24:14 and go wait everyone get out of the car what just happened you know um so yeah there's there's things like that that you get from it um it does kind of feel it how do i put this you know the you know the part you know how lp'ing is tiring yes it uses more yep right because page and i have talked about this we've described it as the the actual physical weight of eyes yeah and in a lot of times like so you know there's things there's times when it's like i especially learned recently like i'm like silence is okay right you don't know right um but like doing the lp thing you have to know when to jump in when to not and so on and so forth so your brain is still your brain is still in lp commentary mode your brain is still in processing new game mechanics mode
Starting point is 02:25:13 right all that tax stuff all that shit yeah i talked about blah but then also it's like but also acknowledge what's happening when people are pointing things out to you and uh you can't just minimize it and just be like no i'm just gonna do this thing like some of that stuff's important so you're actually paying attention to that as well while continuing to try and have a conversation about whatever the fuck right it's public speaking for a living so it's it's adding an extra facet to something that was already uh pretty challenging yeah i see a couple people in there being like i streamed once or twice or i do tiny streams and i feel exhausted yeah so we're basically super humans is what we will keep we will always bring up those examples
Starting point is 02:25:52 because they they're the only times we feel vindicated yeah max is a demigod as well and the reason hey max does giant streams all the time you know why because max is a lot of practice he has trained himself up he is he is strong he is skillful yep he oh he deserves that following um but the uh yeah then the nature of it is things just got a little harder yeah uh the tax just got a little higher yeah as it were and i know some people definitely are not a fat don't want to hear that um i'm not getting praises from ludwig on my death stranding play that's not going that way i'm the i'm the world's most perfect death stranding player so big oofs and wolves but i'll try and you know what my my baseline is it will continue to be as usual
Starting point is 02:26:48 hey man i didn't die we didn't hit a game over screen yeah i made it out of that situation it was a bad situation but i didn't die yeah i succeeded at the game's challenge well maybe in stranding luckily it's actually very difficult to get game over well yeah i will say i i actually completely forgot i want to give a big shout out to mister i will play less than perfect uh ludwig forsel in death stranding you know the little lullaby that uh uh fucking mads sings uh that is not an existing lullaby that is a new song made by ludwig and it is great um yep so uh uh uh that that's kind of how that stream lp hybrid feeling goes it's weird it's weird and uh i don't recommend it's a weird life taking it on unless you're ready for a lot more less you're big and strong like us
Starting point is 02:27:45 well yeah sure anyway uh played a lot of teppen as usual continued with that and continuing to um now i'm like understanding little moments of like full on like okay okay okay how do i put this there's moments of like outplaying that are uh fun to do when you do the you know when the time stops and then like car and then you stack up a bunch of stuff no oh did you ever touch it nope okay so uh i put my time in the league instead yeah that's fine so what happens is uh there's there's the active play where the lines are attacking each other right you put your cards down and then there's the time stop mode where you do um buffs and and all right all right like uh whatever abilities yeah not not play not like cards you're doing uh secondary tertiary shit
Starting point is 02:28:42 yes so in that mode depending on the cost of what you're trying to do you can take turns within the stopped time going i'm going to put a shield on that and then you're like well i'm going to attack that shield all right and then i'm going to go well then i'm going to move my card and give him a little heal and then you're like i'm going to negate that all right so you do want to um i'm finding some strength in my neuro deck uh in like doing some fun stuff where somebody will like some characters for example wesker yeah loves to just destroy your card at cost to his life or some other sacrifice where he'll be like i can destroy anything you put down oh like go down and hot sure and then the way that uh one way of dealing with that is if you have let's say
Starting point is 02:29:31 nero who as a card can flip and become awakened um when the card flips the destroy like cued up action that was waiting to to just to blow his card up doesn't apply anymore because he's not nero anymore all right right so anything or like or like um uh not gyro dose um oh god what's the fucking and there's a there's a there's a monster hunter monster that turns into like a bigger stronger version of itself that's a little vague i know and for and for is it black and turns gold gravios is the stronger stronger version of it gravios gravios then it'd be basarios okay right so yeah they got basarios and gravios in there super good card they suck super good card super good card gravios sucks wonderful card because you play him and then uh when you when
Starting point is 02:30:29 you when you like put growth points so that's basically when you yeah when you level it up it flips and becomes gravios right okay and uh anything that's that's applying to whatever they stacked on top of that card yeah just like nope it's not that card anymore right so you just shuffle it off yeah and or you can do little things like i had a really fun interaction where it was one of these stack ups like i'm going to blow this card up and i'm like i'm going to put a shield on that you can't blow it up and you're like well then i'm going to drop its attack to nothing and then i'm like uh i'm going to like uh do something else to defend it what did i do i think i put like a um uh like just evolution points right and it it stacked up like to like four or five counter
Starting point is 02:31:16 and counter one card yeah until eventually it was like it was just like oh man he really wants me to do you want that card gone right and i was able to very quickly because you have like let's say like it's like um maybe 15 seconds yeah of this little timer going around the thing no it's less than that it's like it's more like 10 of this little timer going around to like stack your stuff and i and i had i did a very quick mental math moment to go okay hold on a second he's about to do like eight damage to this card which will kill it but if i use this thing that i'm holding on to that i don't want to spend it's a reset card yeah it resets him to his original life so he goes back to nine which just enough for him to stay alive and then all the other little
Starting point is 02:32:01 stacked up things occur and my card survives i'm like fuck yeah so i threw that on there and won that exchange after like a ha ha ha ha ha ha ha and i was like that's yomi layer five right that's pod racing that's now that's pod racing that's yomi layer five in card game right and uh i was like really i felt good about that moment i was like i had a really smart play there and i had the i had the the the the right card in the pocket for that moment all right so i'm gonna ask the general populace listening to this podcast contact me at angriestpad on twitter is teppen a good one of these to get into is there a better one because i'm hearing you talk about it i'm hearing susie talk about it max is playing it people are playing teppen people are having fun with teppen yeah
Starting point is 02:32:51 you're having fun with teppen i am that's weird so i played chris there's a chris card and chris resets your your your stats to to what they started as and uh sometimes i like to and i like to hold that card because sometimes motherfuckers will do things like that jury thing i told you about the other day yeah where they're like we're gonna put it all on one yeah and this card is a bit could be unstoppable it's gonna be the card just kill everything this is gonna be my carry yeah and then i just throw out chris and i'm like shut up shut up get back to the kids to carry this no you don't play that no back to the right back back to yeah bot lane with dragon like you deserve so uh that was a fun moment that i had i was like yeah this is really cool but then i continued to fucking
Starting point is 02:33:35 hold down that a rank i can't get to champion i can't do it everyone has too much bullshit because now i'm not because i've gotten good enough to beat everyone who's playing normally that i play against online in terms of just like a straight deck with like a game plan but like there's these master level fucking plays that are crushing me and i'm like oh man unless i built my entire deck around being ready for that there's no way i could have dealt with that i got beaten yesterday but it's funny that you mentioned that because set play in card games and fighting games are almost the same yeah i can see it i can see it like yesterday i got beaten someone was playing morrigan and they i still don't understand how and why this thing is working but they basically like
Starting point is 02:34:23 they wait for you to fill up your three slots so that like you know you're not taking character damage right right and then they give you a shield they put a shield on you on your cards all right and then they give their cards the ability to fly and and attack faster and for some reason that their cards end up not attack it goes it's like ignores block i think is what they put on you on or on them and then what it does is it makes their cards like shoot a lion that ignores the card in front of it and just hit you directly and you can't pull cards away in this game once you lay a card down it's it's out till it dies that reminds me of gwent the witcher card game uh in gwent there's a one of the factions gets spy cards and spy cards are fucking busted
Starting point is 02:35:21 because what they do is uh the way gwent works is your stat every card has a number and whoever has the highest number wins so you take a card that's like five you have like it does five damage and you give it to your opponent you put it on their deck and they gave they gain five damage but when you do that you get to pull two more cards yeah and it's like right yeah i made you stronger yeah but now yes oh yeah wesker has a big thing where like he has revenge and like um and i'm death cards that are like i'm gonna put down a tyrant right and then uh when it dies it comes back as tyrant type whatever r o whatever the better version oh like scion right and then that appears and it's like a way harder card to deal with so it's almost like please kill this
Starting point is 02:36:09 card i want you to because i guess what t t 103 t yeah i think so right and then it'll so like and sometimes he'll kill it himself to make that happen yeah uh or or v is really interesting v is a card not a character you can use and what really yeah a big deal yeah v is not a he's not a character you can use he's a card oh i i can already feel where this is going has he has health but he has no his attack is zero right he he does nothing but when he comes down uh he can drop one of three random cards yeah and uh if you get um a nightmare you're getting a giant 13 attack 13 defense holy shit fuck the lines coming to get you yeah uh and then he goes away after that one right or you can get the burden or you can get yeah you can get you know
Starting point is 02:37:03 whatever like everything else so um you know little fun things like that coming into play where it's like oh that's an interesting way to convert his gameplay style into a card somebody in the chat a few minutes ago said that one of the reasons why this game so enjoyable is that it is capcom versus capcom it never stops being capcom it never stops being capcom while you're playing it and fully just yep enjoy the jpegs yeah enjoy the sliding jpegs you know ryu and all of his cards if you're fighting against one you know what he's trying to do he's just doing damage to you and nothing fancy hey isn't that crazy you can have a cool card game kind of game on the on your phone and you can just enjoy it because you enjoy the characters not because there's tons of
Starting point is 02:37:52 porn of them fate fans but there is tons of porn of them yeah but that's not the reason it's because they have good games porn doesn't hurt yeah it doesn't so uh that i'm getting into that part so now i'm really starting to like fine tune some bits to see if i can make it make it further up i got to a4 and then i drop back down to a5 you know like because i keep end up when you when you fight somebody that's in champion rank uh it has a thing a big text that pops up that says giant killer challenge yeah and like if you beat them you get two yeah rank up points instead of one but um usually there are japanese players and usually they're going to when the game starts do nothing and wait to see what you do first oh yeah yeah
Starting point is 02:38:46 and wait and wait for or wait for like the points the action points to build up you know so like there's a whole style where you're like well i guess i should start paying attention to that part of things i wasn't originally but here we are and uh yeah uh teppen is fun teppen is fun that will be the name of this podcast clip teppen is fun oh no it'd be teppen is okay and here's the other thing i haven't i haven't spent they've been i've been getting like the end game currency to buy new cards and to unlock shit i'm satisfied with my deck ish for the most part it's only little tweaks here and there so i haven't even used anymore like i don't even care i haven't spent any money on league either like i don't care to go get like if there's a specific type of new card
Starting point is 02:39:32 that i want to make to make the things to help things out i'll go craft it yeah right to help me you'll go but i do not care at all about uh unlocking packs of new cards but what if one of those packs of new cards i had the makoto card i got i got the gold makoto card i got that what okay well you fucking owned my bullshit just now there's two of them too yeah there's her block card and then yeah her attack card i just blew my fucking shit up doesn't even fucking white good job good job on it good counter um okay and then uh yeah beyond that just uh cool little things i had a fun well weekend doing some stuff hanging out with some friends and uh i saw some fancy pictures yeah well hanging out with friend i should say yeah um went to a little like basically
Starting point is 02:40:23 a maze for instagramers yeah it's a maze where every room creates more influence it's literally what it is and uh but you know step step uh found it and and thought it would be fun which it was so a good time was had some photo shoots were improvised and uh i will be uh releasing my influence slowly over the the coming whatever um went to an archie themed burlesque show had a good time say archie archie that's odd was Veronica the hottest yeah of course she was fuck no jughead really jughead killed it jughead was the beast goat literally it was probably the best jughead was probably the best burlesque performance i've ever seen and i've seen quite a few come out with just the little hat jughead was sitting jughead started not like
Starting point is 02:41:21 everyone comes out there's a state like a little pathway to the stage and then they do their thing jughead started sitting at the bar just like dejected yeah and spotlight on the bar yeah finishing that drink like oh is it my time now okay let's fucking do this and then like walks up to the stage and then a burger bag is on the stage and then the Beatles i want you so bad yeah starts playing and holy fuck did he have sex with that burger well yes i knew it i knew it and then and then a burger was pulled out of the of the the fucking the cod piece or whatever it was and uh amazing job to jughead um are cod pieces coming back in style well for the purposes of this burlesque performance absolutely should i start wearing a cod piece right in it at uh
Starting point is 02:42:17 what's the email no castle super beast mail at email dot com angriest pad on twitter no don't do that you can tell him directly how you feel about that you can tell me directly at at woolly wools on twitter i know it's a little odd that's my twitter handle so yeah um actually you know what no it wasn't jughead that was fucking the hamburgers it was uh pops i don't even know who that is that's the guy who makes the burgers i literally don't know the old man okay so old man fucking burgers old man fucking burgers that's your weekend um it was part of the show jughead was really hot though yeah yeah yeah so that was that was good that was good um and then there was uh yeah the the part of the weekend that was like yo remember am v's let's
Starting point is 02:43:08 fucking watch some so i do went down that hole and like i got to go hey staff you finished ava now you can dive in you can now enjoy am v hell can she or at the very least am v hell ava can that exist outside of its time we tried and there was some there was some good stuff you know like there's a there's a little compilation that cut just the ava stuff because i'm like you're not going to get the others but and i'm like yeah oh i didn't get most of those when i watched them back in the day i got a bunch of them because they're from shit that i was i was fucking watching everything when you when you're in deep you're like i'm watching all the new stuff you're in deep whatever um no it was uh like you started out with with uh uh gendo doing a fucking
Starting point is 02:43:56 speech to uh the german 1940s yeah or that one okay and then it goes into the titanic sinking while asuka picks up the ship yeah blocks the rockets and fucking selen is playing and you're like yeah this is fine yeah this still works still good memes are older than we thought um still went into uh some of the old classics like uh tainted donuts the the vash versus vashist mp versus i'm a big fan of uh like uh wittney houston over vegeta uh no it's all about um adam song over vegeta i never thought i'd die alone i laughed the loudest oh man you were so deeper than me man give all my things to all my friends i don't like it we'll never step foot in my room again dude the fucking adam song vegeta video is that that is the core of am v's right where you build
Starting point is 02:45:03 all up to him dying and blowing up and suffering and losing all the fights until he finally has his moment where he stands up at the end and all the voices kick in and it's a super sad song about this kid writing a suicide note and it's just like this is pure you know woolly wet when's fucking am v review with woolly madden i'm working on how to get around the music i was thinking i was thinking about that i literally um the only reason why i haven't already done it is because the music part is fucked so i was checking out uh this uh this guy uh page uh pointed me out was Curtis Connor he's a funny guy he fucking makes fun of people's tiktoks um and his solution to that when he's like looking at tiktoks that have licensed music he just sings it himself and
Starting point is 02:45:48 dubs it over in the shittiest way possible whatever this song is so like like like if you wanted to do what you just like what the video you're talking about just do what you just did okay shut the fuck up that's pretty good that's pretty good that's a very acceptable solution just shitty just fuck it up in fact that's so acceptable that i'm adding it to my notes sing the dumb song just sing it yourself fuck we're in there everybody who hates me every time i sing too bad too bad here comes that's really you're welcome you're welcome that's really really good that's a satisfactory answer to an ongoing problem because holy shit dude like i already know the rest of adam's song so yeah yeah it's ready to go anyway um but then you get into like
Starting point is 02:46:39 because the thing the thing because i remember like like because we were watching them and like i was going down we were just going down nostalgia lane you know but uh uh steff was just like like she's like i don't have context for so much of this like what the fuck yeah and i'm like okay okay okay okay here's why here's the here's the lens you have to look at this through this is video content made for 13 year olds by 13 year olds and then it's 13 years ago and it's like oh that's why it's so impressive you know so then suddenly you go back and you're watching um fucking uh the kenshin ova one by uh with by with vast touched over it and i'm like i played this music video for people in my school to teach them about editing there was
Starting point is 02:47:31 one that i always think of and it was the winner of its year's amv contest and it was this is your life dragon ball okay the fight club okay long yeah yeah yeah it was the most heavily edited thing i've ever seen at that time and it was incredible um for me it was the winner of like every contest that entered at the time the peak amv is razifon euphoria i don't even know by imagine heap of fru fru right i don't even know it's amazing for that like they're made for 13 year olds by 13 year olds you go like and i watched it yeah i watched it this weekend and i'm like nope still impressive right fucking incredible you know and like it was literally one of those things where you're like i was here getting on that tech of like we can sync up the song to the beats and then
Starting point is 02:48:27 use zooming in and cuts to black to make moments fancy when it goes like on the beat right but this thing is like nah fuck all that we're gonna build a clock out of scenes from the show and have it rotate while the chorus is singing and then have little surges of electricity to like match with the backing keyboards and i'm like this is wow right that was the peak amv for a year for for years that was the whole thing right and everyone who knows what i'm talking about 100% is like yep yep that's the one even if you've never seen razifon that's the one to go watch right wrong it's been dethroned what but it's been dethroned by 2016 because that's where amv stopped in my brain 12 years ago maybe yeah maybe longer right and then you know way longer than 12 years ago
Starting point is 02:49:21 holy shit what am i talking about am v stopped for me back in 2003 when i graduated from high fuck me 12 years ago as of when like i when like yeah whatever just infinity ago um but the new best am v i've ever seen happened and i was like yeah i was out and then uh you're back in i was introduced i'm not back in but i was introduced to something that like i was like this is actually the best musically technically everything about it yeah and the the easiest way to find this is to go into youtube and type ava space am v and if i'm not mistaken the top result should be the coolest fucking thing just give me the song what's the song uh nocturnous no that's not right let me let me let me numinous that is that what you get that's what somebody
Starting point is 02:50:22 just said that's it i think that's it yep that should be it i'll confirm in and a half second um it is whoop ignore that don't do that eva space am v enter top result am v numinous 60 frames per second this fucking thing takes clips from the rebuilds and it uses machine learning to do the you know extra smooth tech or yeah interpolation you interpolate between the keyframes interpolate these nuts damn got it wow i'm just like saying these nuts now it's fun and it it makes it yeah and it absolutely like uh it smooths out a bunch of scenes and it uses that for the transitions as well and it's just a masterwork it's a fucking masterwork like go click that button and watch it it's got currently 1.4 mil by mr no sec and it's just like okay this is the
Starting point is 02:51:26 power of modern am v's but that's no longer four by and by 13 that's adults that used to be 13 yes yes this is what happens when you know you look at what the old folks did with their euphoria frufruze and now you see what we can do with the modern day you know um like that was jim anime is terrible i love anime that was jimmy handrickson this is the new kids seeing what they can do with their machine learning uh fucking fucking amazing so um and i'm looking like two down from that and i'm see like it's like okay and the first result is numinous right for eva the second result is bohemian rhapsody and the third result is avangelion am v x 10 tentation x x 10 yeah they were like tentacion yeah you're like dayward that's where we're at right isn't that guy a scumbag and also dead
Starting point is 02:52:21 yes somebody wanted me to mention something about him to you today what hey remind woolly or let woolly know that the day before he died he wasted his entire day playing league and i don't know why they wanted me to tell you that yeah and the day before that he was beating up his girlfriend fuck that guy well he's well how'd he die he got shot cool um i mean people dying isn't cool but i don't know some people no he got it no no that sucks but crime sucks that shit sucks but i'll shrug and say cool he was also a bad person all sorts of people dying he was also a bad person page fucking page fucking trolled the fuck out of me by accident where she's like oh my god the queen of england died i'm like really sick and then she kept reading the article and it was like queen of
Starting point is 02:53:11 england dies at 93 for being a stupid old bitch i'm like damn it that's not a real article at all is it that's not real fuck that's not real no no anyway like like sometimes england sometimes you're a shitty person but you're not a shitty person that deserves to be wiped you know that's all but hey some people dug his music i guess i got fucking trolled anyway stupid queen how about this his name was dumb it's terrible unpronounceable death for that yeah but it let everybody let all the girls know that he had a lot of sex so there's a lot of wolf he did it hey oh your sex and hell asshole well anyway i don't i don't feel bad about speaking ill of the day i i feel nothing i hear you i get
Starting point is 02:54:06 you it's you're doing what you're doing i'm just saying like the circumstances leading to you know the fact that bullets into your body are like garbage because it's like can we not have these circumstances that would be cool you know what i'm gonna give myself the free pass i can give it to myself when i'm dead feel free to talk all the shit you want guys it doesn't hurt my feelings but what about the method of your death fuck it i don't care i'm dead go for it david caradine fucking i hope so i'm you know what i'm thinking about you know what i'm thinking about i'm thinking about say you got cancer or whatever i you know all my heart's bad you know hey one last one last one last meme for everyone just getting that closet the hook myself up take my pants off all
Starting point is 02:54:55 right let's go let's hit the news let's do it for the lulls all right look i remember what is it there's god at like like like the part where how do i put this yeah choke jerking must be it must be like it must be the best it has to be it makes me next yeah yeah yeah there has to be nothing on earth like it oh yeah like the feeling of meth through your veins that warms you up not even must be a fucking power gap distant second compared to the choke it's gotta be the shit because like you're taking some risks yeah you're taking some risks just to make sense of it right to wrap your head around why you would even venture down this pathway it's gotta be sick it has to be unbelievable it's gotta be the best
Starting point is 02:55:58 it's gotta be the best it's the only way to make sense yeah right it couldn't just be like pretty good all right yeah a little bit better than usual yeah like i don't know like a 15% bump like oh like it's like you know like the stranger like that yeah a little bit better than a stranger no it's gotta be like hey hey sexy lady get out of here i need to go to my choke closet i'm going i'm going to choke trick yeah yeah no it has to be that oh it's gotta be hey multiple sexy ladies all of you go away get out i'm going around i'm going for i'm getting in there i'm getting the belt we're belting up yeah right tell to pull me down if i die and here's the other thing is how many times how many how many close calls not close calls all right yeah how many like
Starting point is 02:56:42 discovered fucking people were going for the choke jerk yeah but ended up actually oh no i didn't get my pants off in time and now everyone just thought i killed myself but for the love of your memory yeah the the family that finds you goes oh god damn it i remember asking you maybe six well when did david caradine die jerking off whenever i remember when that happened i turned to you and we were laughing about it like hey woolly if i ever and you went no i'm taking pictures i'm dragging you out of there everyone will know i'm like thanks buddy because i didn't even get to finish the question because like the idea that it's like well pants are down right so you're spinning pants are down it's very clear and that you'd be like let me just pull
Starting point is 02:57:38 these pants up button them zip and then go damn it he he took his life you know what the ultimate fucking and that is the sadder but more respectable out than you fucked up the choke jerk you know you know what you you know what you've inspired me to do the the ultimate revenge on your worst enemy find them in an actual suicide unzip take the pants off leave that's that's vindictive suicide note burnt that's vindictive as fuck because that's like their their death is not enough it's not enough you need permanent humiliation and undoing of their memory yeah that's wild that's extreme but what situation are you gonna find your worst enemy like hanging themselves the one in which you orchestrated it yeah okay i guess this is a murder mystery that i'm writing it's called choke jerk
Starting point is 02:58:36 is not enough i mean like there's it's just it has to be it's gotta be incredible yeah right and um does that make does that make suicide less depressing if if you believe that the family always got there and put their pants back on and there's there's actually just an epidemic of of choke jerkers out there it might be possible is that less depressing it i mean if you're getting the fake reason right if the fake reason that's already depressing ends up being like the cover story yeah i don't know i don't know all it's a weird place okay and full credit to to to comedian big jokerson yeah for uh bringing the concept of like how are we like he's like i got this thing i want to make it and i can't believe it hasn't been made yet and i don't think i'm
Starting point is 02:59:33 gonna be rich off of it but but hear me out it's the belt mechanism thing for the choke jerk yeah that automatically releases after like 30 seconds if you don't yeah you know what guess what guess what people are gonna fucking disable the safeties on that but it's like you find a way where you know the you know press a button no no you just press a button to keep it going it's like a dead man switch it's a dead switch yeah guess what willy right it's not about it's not it's about the continue yeah i have bad news for you you know it's negative edge you know in star trek where one people want to get their real murder nut off they turn off the safety shit on the hologram a hall deck mm-hmm yeah people are gonna disable that for extra thrill yo i got a modified one it's
Starting point is 03:00:16 not safe it's not a perfect solution but it will minimize the dumb versions of the of the maybe maybe maybe it the dumb exits will be minimized and the ones who are super into it well yeah yeah happy trails springs a new meaning to negative edge happy trails to those but at the very literally yeah yeah that's good that's good i didn't i didn't invent that i stole that from chat negative edge yeah it's quite it's literally a negative but um negative edging to be yeah negative edging but uh in any case that is a that is a negative edging is not enough is that what is that we're gonna go for we'll figure yeah we'll give me give me a minute yeah um but but yeah that that's one of those things that like okay you'll you'll save some celebrities from a horrible legacy right
Starting point is 03:01:10 but would you want the rewrite in which all the recent yeah let's rewrite it yeah all of them someone got there first everybody ever robin williams uh all all all he hung himself mm-hmm oh man that's depressing unless chester i don't know who that is bennington lincoln park really lincoln park yeah yeah chris cornell really what's going on did you miss all of this yeah i don't give a shit about celebrities oh god well they're really good musicians all right anyway would like i'm trying to find like i don't know what you yeah whatever one one that you would care about or it's just like would you want to hear you know you know who got off the hardest ever hmm epstein he didn't kill himself he was jerking it it's gotta be really good it's gotta
Starting point is 03:02:03 hey man i'm bored in this jail cell i need to jerk it hard it's better than illegal under eight no don't do this don't don't even don't even finish that sentence you'll get into a database somewhere something about pizza i don't know this is is that the thing now the tightness of that rope all right you think the choke jerk community has like a new like has like a bunch of rope jokes like oh pushing rope doesn't mean the same thing there what do you think there is a choke jerk community there probably is there's a form somewhere shoutouts forever to the caradine family for not saving him for the story in which ninjas who had been on his path you're right to destroy
Starting point is 03:03:11 him for his entire life yeah after kung fu yeah finally got to him and did exactly what you described yes it was hey they ended him in the most embarrassing way possibly as a revenge yeah i appreciate the attempt i appreciate the attempt it was a good attempt it was made it's it's gotta be incredible it's it's just all right hey you want to get some news bbd boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop news got in toronto storing poop at people wait hold on before that next week i'm going to toronto well they caught him woolly they caught them next week i'm going to be in toronto courtesy of redbull uh because they're doing adrenaline and uh i'm gonna be heading out to adrenaline
Starting point is 03:04:09 where uh yeah they got all kinds of esports going on do you have your uh liquid feces protector no uh but i do have reggie and he are you implying that like you're gonna see a man coming at you with a bucket and you're gonna be like hey reggie look over there and just put him in front of you yo everyone's gotta pay their dues oh boy oh boy you get started in this LP game you know he said not two streams ago oh boy he would take a bullet a bullet is not feces it's not then again considering reggie likes to play a bunch of smash he's probably used to it hey oh hey uh hey a moral blow even if it's spiritual so i expect him to take a dive should there be any
Starting point is 03:05:06 fecal matter in the air this is how we do but it's happening and uh yeah and i think um there's also going to be the um mango birthday party happening as well the fuck is that uh uh well mango the smash player really yeah i was going to be having a big birthday bash uh going on that same event will he bring an umbrella well i won't but um i'm gonna be in toronto next weekend so if you're gonna be around the adrenaline and you want to say what's up uh come see me we'll say hi i'll be chilling um there's some games happening that are not fighting games but i don't know i'll find some other stuff i mean lan yeah i mean yeah exactly but lan ats had some fighting games that'd be a good uh good chance for you to brush up on your league
Starting point is 03:05:53 more of a dota guy put that on his grave so there's some guys throwing poop yeah that's the whole story other's a man been running around toronto with a bucket of liquid hot diarrhea throwing it on people in random attacks and he had multiple he did it three times oh wow five three was the count lag a couple days ago wow okay and they caught him so that's not like at first you're like is this some kind of message and then no like no doing it for the lulls it's it's gotta be or or it's up there with the choke jerk yeah it's like just this thing mm-hmm yep enjoys it there was a guy that was getting arrested the other day and then he didn't want to get pulled
Starting point is 03:06:36 in for questioning so he just reached in grabbed the hot one and smeared it on his face okay at which point um he was able to uh delay being questioned delaying yes but at other people only in toronto yeah i don't know man what do you think like that's one for montreal firing squad mm see you'd think of the firing squad of poop but then he he's probably ready no he'd power up yeah he'd power up he gets strong enough to break out you would buff him yeah that's not gonna work yeah um some people do crazy things when they're forced to live in toronto and we can't judge them too harshly but the six though you know it's gonna be really crazy this guy's in for questioning one and he's in the jail waiting uh whatever and there's a sixth
Starting point is 03:07:34 and you're like oh no it's a copycat pooper and then we can call toronto the six in reference to the six poopings yes yeah the six yeah for that and many other reasons that have become apparent i am just i'm getting more done with that city than i ever thought i i have like i'm getting extra done i was already done i'm getting why were you done the first time i was done because of just toronto and torontonian like ways was not a great thing but like like a bunch of shitty crimes happened to people that i care about in that city recently where i'm super just triple double down done i love so i have two friends i have a friend of mine who's from that area and he gets a little he gets a little ornery when uh the toronto montreal and honestly toronto the
Starting point is 03:08:39 rest of the country thing comes up and i love them but i can't help but tease uh everybody else i've ever met from the to area is like oh this fucking city i can't oh fucking yeah god damn it no like it's honestly like it's almost on a three to four month rotating schedule at this point where someone i know is coming in to report the latest crime that has happened to them and it's like in the to get the fuck out of this garbage place the center of the nation oh it's it's more important it's our most american city it sure is uh anyway um sure that's your breaking story and it wasn't the breaking story i was piecing together i i just wanted to yell that out
Starting point is 03:09:27 yep can you feel it i'm feeling it i mean it feels good um gotta gotta break the turd before you break the story damn heated yeah it was hot that means it's either like fresh or heated reheated yeah like beans yeah cooking man don't want to time went into this you don't want to think about it these were not unplanned random attacks make sure you got your your narwhal hat horn ready what's going on with that guy why is he got a narwhal horn he's getting an award for it yeah yeah because he's metal as fuck
Starting point is 03:10:21 yeah because the the closest weapon he could find to deal with someone swinging a knife around was a fucking narwhal horn it's cool it's like yeah that's a weapon get a medal for you sir right follow it like like what like what like what like last of us or no i don't know what game we're people don't know what the fuck we're talking about there was an event i gotta use the bathroom cover it i don't know where it was uk uk okay some fucking asshole uh fucking started going nuts and waving the knife around try to cut people and this beefy motherfucker it's like i ain't i ain't gonna take any of this shit he picked up a fucking narwhal horn i don't know where the fuck he got the narwhal horn i don't know why the fuck it was nearby and he fucked that asshole
Starting point is 03:11:06 with the knife up and he gonna get a medal apparently according to woolly london bridge having a london bridge oh that guy killed two people oh that sucks oh that's terrible well he got fucked up by a narwhal horn probably going to jail forever yeah free medal just carry around fucking animal parts to fight off terrorist attacks that'll work it was from a local fishmonger so you just did so a local fish man just having to have a narwhal horn can that narwhal get an award it's probably super fucking dead right like though the horns don't just come off
Starting point is 03:11:51 why is this kid uh why is pat keeping his hand down his pants and keep my hand down my pants because i like to hold my penis while i do the podcast it gives me a lot of sense of comfort and you might be thinking but pat your hands on the right side of your pants and your penis is in the middle uh that's because my penis is very large uh and square shaped that's not my wallet that's my weiner i don't think woolly's taking a piss i think woolly dumped me on the podcast to take a huge shit and heat it for later and now i'm stuck here talking to you guys about my square penis well this has been an interesting day hasn't it i hope he leaves this shit in i really do oh he came out the other door that's weird hey woolly welcome back
Starting point is 03:12:36 uh conversation straight a little bit but uh we're back okay well i had the news yes so um off the top uh i have been instructed at gunpoint to let everybody know yeah that Titanfall 2 is on ps plus this week yeah it's a good game play it multiplayer it's great have fun of course after i've uh after we we've pushed it many many times and how many how cheap it was everyone listening to this already bought the game so this is preaching to the choir because everyone everyone here within earshot of this already owns and has played Titanfall 2 that's right clearly 100 percent of you have played this so i don't even
Starting point is 03:13:25 know why we have to let people know that it's free on ps plus but it is tell your friend your dumb friend that wouldn't listen to you that's free now all of you have already played it you listened the last time we said it was four dollars and you got it back when it was that's like two years ago right when it back when it was the cost of a sandwich yeah and then we were like yeah you know apex that's coming but hey you should get this and then you all thankfully did go you listened yeah so there you go that game's really good you spent the three dollars it's a high quality video game two dollar video game can't believe it's only 150 hey can i take can i take a second out of here to throw some shade of dota for a second i looked at dota and there was a there's
Starting point is 03:14:06 a there was a shoulder piece that cost 93 dollars real money real money that goes on one character yep you know why that is why because dota items don't come from the store they drop and then are sold on the steam marketplace they drop in the game they drop in the game and their prices are set by whoever the fuck has them so wait uh league is the free game with the rotating characters league is the free game that has rotating characters and you gotta buy them and dota is two to three dollars and dota has the whole cast free no cosmetics but the cosmetics are the fucking decide the cost the cosmetics is decided by whoever has the cosmetics okay and wants to sell them to you okay so the other players are making money on the cosmetics
Starting point is 03:14:54 yeah well it's a cut oh okay it's fucking crazy or some little fucking dragon thing it's bullshit well anyway um so that's that's the top story right you know everyone buys a second copy of title fall 2 like do it do it pussies no they already have it yeah you know there's no actions are cool to be taken you would never um a couple other little weird stories nothing massive but uh i don't even remember this but do you remember hearing about an Atari crowd-funded console oh yes i do the vcs oh i sure do what you hear about that i heard that it was a fucking scam that they took a fucking that all they had ever made was the shell and then they took a fucking photo of the shell with a goddamn capture card in
Starting point is 03:15:46 it to try and pass it off as the real pcb and when people who own that capture card went that's a fucking capture card the whole thing started to fall apart like a fucking deck of cards i mean i'm looking at these production pictures here and i do not for the love of me remember any of this at all i don't even remember talking about it if we did did we uh yeah we did okay well so like a fucking scam it's a fucking scam apparently the console uh development process is nearing completion and uh they're insisting that it will be ready for a release date of march 2020 don't believe it a new q&a was published with the atari vcs coo talked about what happened and says that it will be out next year i want to point out i am wrong this is a different scam
Starting point is 03:16:40 oh so what are you talking about i don't remember now i thought it was the atari one the fuck is that how many of these fucking scams can there be okay well this is a thing and the guy saying the backers will definitely it was the calico chameleon i was thinking calico is a different yeah different scam calico from this scam all right let's let's see here let's go back to the kickstarter if we can fucking jesus christ excuse me it's an indiegogo that's my that's maybe why i didn't hear about it but uh indiegogo page when was this created there's so many scams now you know it's not a scam our shirts on rooster teeth by that's a good shirt feels comfy makes you attractive oh this was last year this is 2018 this is new okay well the atari vcs can uh
Starting point is 03:17:36 yeah didn't even catch this but uh so whatever next year 2020 there's gonna be this thing maybe is there i mean that's that's what they're saying they got four million for it eight thousand backers wait is that correct yeah okay four million canadian three point nine no four million canadian that's a lot of money but uh as of writing in this article it says under eight thousand backers amassed a very impressive two million so um i don't know but anyway yeah this is news to me there's an atari vcs console will it play what just like is it just a fucking um hdmi box is it another like you you know another one of these classic devices that's a piece it's probably a piece of
Starting point is 03:18:27 shit i have no faith in shit anymore the name atari was like already it's the name atari is fucking dirt yeah yeah okay it's a problem and anyone can grab it or like there's a weird like thing where like multiple people that are not atari have tried to be atari so info info games info games info games yeah fucking scam yep uh that's the one i'll never forget because i got mad at that because that fucked with like the shit i liked but yeah the stupid armadillo company uh yeah it looks like it's just old games well all right anyway uh there's the what i'm gonna assume there's a certain twitter account that you have in the news this week did you not see it woolly this is the most top story ever give me just one fucking second
Starting point is 03:19:14 have you taken a look at the study of works twitter account today no oh my god breaking fucking news woolly what's happening from fucking wait where did it go did it go what am i losing my mind am i glad your works here we go one tweet in the last hour am i going crazy what are we looking at 51 minutes ago people told me oh i got doesn't become successful within two three years i got i got fooled i'm sorry stadia fan is a different account that i gotta hear oh i got ah no i gotta hear i got fake news oh i'm coming in with all this urgency oh no i'm so stupid i'm sorry everybody what a dumb
Starting point is 03:20:14 oh i'm a biggest boomer so what was this oh it was a account that looked similar that was like google stole my internet information they're blackmailing me to talk good about the study of help and i was like but it was not real oh boo no i'm sad okay well there you go um um i was going to talk about uh the news that uh kojima came out with oh no no no no no no no this is not from that he's been talking about some other stuff with that stranding including talks of a sequel yeah which is the most hilarious non depressing stuff all very depressing stuff about his mom all kinds of stuff um but a rumor not from him came out about silent hills uh
Starting point is 03:21:11 apparently it's just a rumor but it uh is sourced to where was it so what's the rumor man tell me what the rumor is sorry okay um yeah apparently the game apparently pt was going to send you real life emails and text messages in some sort of arg type way fuck that even when you're not playing the game apparently it was uh fuck that going to involve you that is a terrible idea in the game even when you weren't actively playing some people want that is gotta be a fucking violation of some kind of law only if they if you sign up for it fuck that you can opt in if you opt in then you opt in hey do you want to sign up for our game's members no well guess how many games had that every telltale game every squarianics game
Starting point is 03:22:15 for us is they're not legally binding they're not but you can ask someone for their email and if they type it in i'm not gonna do it so yeah get out of here genius kojumbo someone else might hear that news and go that sounds rad use my rp account i don't use that anymore no no well anyway i don't like it it uh panel likey well it's interesting to me because that's the type of thing that i don't want to participate in but like args can be fun if well planned slash if there's something if there's a point to them and if their point is not just fucking nothing um but just having a game sends you spam emails would be like no that would suck right i like the stuff where it's like yo there's a website here and it's like a website for this
Starting point is 03:23:11 company that is a company in the game and then you gotta go fucking digging through it and finding some crazy shit on it like those things were fun ko what was that arg game that was like a murder mystery that you have to search the internet and it was ruined immediately by you'd search for the terms and then the walkthroughs for the game would come up instead maybe there's a bunch and then there's the stuff that adult swim was doing where there was no game to sell but it was just adult swim being adult swim yeah and we and they they made all those fucking super creepy websites and and secret world that was the okay and majestic yeah yeah so um and i remember there was one that involved going to like you give them the city you're in and then it involved like
Starting point is 03:24:03 going to like the right pay phone oh that's answering that's isle of bees that was the arg for halo yeah okay okay right right there you go i remember that remember when args were a thing that every company wanted to do can't everyone a everyone can't do it because everyone can't do it well they it needs to be laughably difficult and also worth it the reward needs to be really good yeah once i think that that that that that feel has been kind of salted forever because there were too many that the rewards just weren't worth it so now people aren't as willing to jump in like the reward for the first person to solve it should be a copy of the game yeah as early as it gets yeah that's the fucking that's the reward you know like if you really got to do it like
Starting point is 03:24:50 worth it for the purple people sign like that anyway um real life emails and text messages is an option i would have said no to but i don't fucking i don't think i don't know maybe kajima send you a dick pic yeah it's got a little other jacket might have a little and it just says i'm okay yeah uh really cool project being worked on here by uh i think yeah a pixel prospector is the name 3d sen is a nest emulator that converts games into 2.5d what and it only works with some games right like layers use the layers it's super cool so it basically is shit yeah so here's a clip of it doing it to rescue rangers right and um it seems like the way this works is like almost like basically like i imagine it would be something like if you took were to take each sprite oh yeah it's
Starting point is 03:25:51 using the layers and just convert them into like a proper object to display over top of the actual gameplay that's fucking not it's incredible right really really cool and i remember when we saw similar things with like um you know other other like remember back when they showed you like other the new bad tmnt remake of turtles in time yeah had like the the old version of the game running over it like something similar to that but yeah there's a vr version of this as well um and like right now what is it support i think it shows that it supports like a couple of really popular games but not all of them they're working on it slowly but fucking impressive chippendale duck tails batman castlevania oh batman dude that's sick mario one to three uh one plus three rather
Starting point is 03:26:43 megaman zelda micromages is the uh the current list but that's it's hot yeah yeah yeah yeah so oh um i don't know like here's a here's a here's a video of mario three like it takes oh wait no that's not just mario three that's a bunch of other games okay well it's gonna take like and if you're playing with vr you can actually see the the like stage that's fucking nuts like first person that's crazy there's a fucking flappy bird i want to see inside mario's asshole yeah you can get pretty close look at that that's crazy that's you're almost right in there so 3d send is what this is called check it out really cool project i'd love to see this uh eventually maybe do shovel night grow to support um the extended library or if some if not like
Starting point is 03:27:36 all the biggest because you how cool would it be to just be like yo boot up whatever yeah and then see that bullshit see it see it go shatterhand yeah totally um what else we got we got i feel like this week has been really slow for it has been pretty quiet ultimately uh we got the fact that uh there's apparently two mystery games that are going to be playable uh at jump fiesta 2020 by capcom so right now rumors rumors we don't know what's up but there's two unannounced games that are going to be playable uh in december 21st to 22nd so that's coming up in a little bit um some people are street fighter some people are rumoring maybe re3 make um what there's been talk about the that's crazy and the hey remember there's the deep down interview the other day
Starting point is 03:28:39 and all that shit i maintain i maintain that we are going to uh see that possibly that ip licensed realistic fighter that might have something to do with a certain product or certain like manga or whatever was like there was a post wasn't there yeah about like that possibly being fucking you know like tied to what yeah so like that i'm thinking we're going to get that there was an event hops post about this like fighting game that's going to be more realistic that capcom has been working on and it said uh it said it was going to be uh uh uh yeah coming sometime soon so we haven't heard anything there's always the possibility it's something we have no idea yeah it could be not the worst kept secret ever being re3 could be uh it could be but i hope it's that
Starting point is 03:29:39 story that we read about all that time it could well there's two right you said there's two unannounced capcom title yeah two so it could be re3 and uh realistic fighting game we'll find out in about three dragons dorgma two would be really good dragons dorgma yeah more dragons i really hope it's soon oh son's working on dragon's dog my man he loves that game i love that game i love it soon oh son it's soon oh son loves me he's a talented nope nope that's that last son loves me no that last one's not true he made dmc five for me when he was on that stage he was looking right at me i saw you made it for all of us nope just me if he made it for you then he would have made Dante easier no he believes in me he did too
Starting point is 03:30:39 much though he's too much faith in me hey you know it's cool the ff7 box is gonna be reversible fucking sick love it who buys boxes no one great if you do i like when they're reversible like god of war god of wars i wouldn't even know well why am i even asking old god of war box had a inverted art on it sure and i'm a fan of that and uh yeah in this case you're gonna get the cloud staring up at the reactor good on the main cover and then the invert is just all black there's a logo like ff9 yep that's good but instead of all white box it's all black oh so that's cool um then we have uh yeah shovel nice showdown it's gonna drop and fun cool thing they're doing with this game which is like yeah yeah you guys thought about this
Starting point is 03:31:34 good on you yacht club you could unlock all content temporarily unlock all content all characters all stages everything um if you were to i don't know want to play the game just to see if you want to spend more time unlocking this get a feel for what's in it right feel for the characters or maybe if you're running a tournament so you just want to hurry up or maybe if you were just showing off what it was like in some sort of video yeah it would be really cool how do you do that you just go to the main menu and you press up up left up up right down left left and then you get all the temporary characters and stick content right away or you can do a permanent one too yeah but you could also just play it and unlock things the way
Starting point is 03:32:21 that's crazy so full-on cheat codes and shovel night showdown smart thanks shovel night and thank you for helping uh the tournament and streamer and let's player and content curious community it's a good yacht club shovel night is great it's a good idea for the video games you made good shovel night um kanga cards also coming out oh man i wonder okay okay i love this headline it's a very good headline every once in a while headlines are really really well crafted battleborn's concurrent players will drop from 15 to 0 in 2021 i'm going to guess that's destructoid yeah destructoid has sassy titles yeah the only natural conclusion it says uh yeah so it's going to be offline it's going offline in january 2021 i want to give them
Starting point is 03:33:23 i will actually give gearbox support for even bothering to not just kill it right now to just keep it up for another year it's kind of impressive well it's letting everyone know you have one more year of battleborn left that feels like you know what fuck it that feels like a deal they made was a server company or some shit it feels like an announcement to tell everybody hey get in there now yeah or and do what join this there aren't enough people playing to have matches but maybe an announcement like this well no the urgency of like you will lose out on this moment in history okay all right that's fine sitama yeah yeah well and last we've got uh the rumor that apparently the sonic the hedgehog redesign
Starting point is 03:34:19 cost five million wait five not 25 apparently it cost five that's it um the there's a there's another user on there's a tweeter the twitter that account that came out and said it cost 35 but that was deleted and it went viral but there's no proof based on what that um that random tweet was but apparently a source close to production contacting indy wire said that it was around five million uh i want to point out there was a lot of people talking back when they thought it was 25 or 35 million that's like this is what it cost we got to put our butts in the seats to show them the our voice shut up shut up you know what cost them that money not listening to the people on the project going this thing looks like a fucking mutant don't make it like
Starting point is 03:35:10 this make it like this instead that's what cost them that money i just think that anybody that it goes so deep into down the hole that they're like oh yeah the bad model was intentional is out of their minds there was merch made for that bad model that's insane like you you you you you
Starting point is 03:36:10 you you it was already falling out though i turned us on i muted this okay it was already falling out though pat kicked the plug he unplugged the mixer why is the plug at my feet i have tiny legs if not tiny enough you don't know that well anyway sorry about that i just got it's an explosion of text messages jeez that's not gonna pull it back you get this thing away from my feet just kick it i that's what started this okay the other direction it was already half out that's only half my fault
Starting point is 03:36:52 oh my god it's mostly your fault actually hey if you want to send an email you send that into castle super beast mail let's cast the super beast mail hey i don't even know where the or the thought cut off but that's fine emails got one coming in from oh wait before i forget everybody get out of here emails check out the really cool talking netcode by hold back to block with with keats
Starting point is 03:37:41 so estaban over at hold back to block had a really good video going into talking about netcode and how it works from people who actually fucking used it and understand ggpo and it's a video that if you want to understand more about how netcode and fighting games and general work and how ggpo works and all that stuff like negative latency and all that stuff that stadia was talking about and the things that people don't understand which that little episode caused a lot of people to be like it was very clear that there's a lot of people who are like okay we know that ggpo is good and rollback is good but like we don't understand exactly how it works because like anyway um if you want to get a bit more educated on it check
Starting point is 03:38:31 it out it's good it'll help you but the like the lol stadia thing where it's just like well there you there it's just it's the same don't laugh at the tech you know don't laugh at the tech out of misunderstanding because that is that is functional tech but their ability to use it has been uh very very clearly uh poorly implemented so yeah hey walls yeah you check out loadwigs twitter 13 hours ago i did oh okay i didn't see it till just now why do you think that came it came up oh yeah i was wondering oh there's your retweet you didn't retweet it oh i'll get to that why didn't you do that i'll get to it okay i'll do that right after this you did good music well you did a good job i was wondering why why you were like why'd you stop and start making a weird face
Starting point is 03:39:23 because i just showed up somebody replied to me because i'm in it oh the hey emails we got one coming in for nick nick says you didn't say that nick says dear castle lads has there ever been an element of a game uh show or movie setting or background that is uh only mentioned or explored briefly but winds up criminally underutilized but it's significantly more interesting than aspects of the main plot i mean you just mentioned the
Starting point is 03:40:04 real world outside of Naruto which is fucking upsetting so it's it's the because it's like there's a world of cities and people and amongst those people are the police force that's kind of like the the the samurai but the ninjas are in the hidden villages yeah because they do the hidden ops and then the super secret hidden anbu are the hiddenists but no case in point i'm getting back into destiny too right now and uh all the lore stories about the black gardener insanely cool eldritch horror stuff oh yeah whole place existing as a form of perverted life where their ideas liberally germinate inside living things and people's minds get affected with mind viruses but whenever players go there we shoot some robots and admire the scenery totally
Starting point is 03:40:54 admittedly it's cool that the protagonist of destiny are sufficiently powerful that they're pretty blasé about killing robots inside tumors of the fabric of reality but it's really interesting info on the side content with the main story mostly being focused on killing the mini boss squad who shot your funny robot pal it's kind of frustrating to have ideas like that remain largely unexplored even though it does leave room for future content to expand on those ideas almost every cool planet in all the coolest locations in mass effect are places you can't go it's it's infuriating mass effect codex i want to go to the l core home world see all the cracks yeah what's it like down there yeah i want to see the asari homeworld oh wait it's on fire because
Starting point is 03:41:31 of the war i don't give a shit i'll go hang out but what if it's not as cool as your brain yeah uh mirror's edge catalyst i'm gonna pull one that you didn't think was gonna come back but it did mirror's edge catalyst other side behind you next to the left of the arcade cabinet there you go it is um has a lore dump uh fought hidden files that you pick up as collectibles that describe a more interesting game they describe no they describe the setting yeah and make sense of the world and the city and the shard in a way that goes into like really interesting back stories about how the like things like the reason why the city's colors are the way they are is because like the sort of the sixth smeg of corp viacom rules everything type world that they they live in
Starting point is 03:42:26 yeah the colors are the colors of these corporations and the different areas of the city are dedicated to these individual places and like none of them are red right the red is the what the the runners use but all these areas are color coded based on the corporations that those areas belong to and then it goes into like the gray lands and the outside of the city life and there's a whole post apocalyptic setting that is like oh that's that's interesting that's some fun stuff that never comes up anywhere there is uh until you hundred percent this game there's one uh interview in Death Stranding that's infuriating because it describes like you know when the void out started to happen and society started to fall apart and then you know communication networks
Starting point is 03:43:12 went down and that's how we lost contact with all the other countries yeah and it's like it is so fucking infuriating that you're looking at the american map within north america and you're like some of those points are really close to canada or mexico not one person from anywhere wandered and wandered anywhere ever and then came back and also radio doesn't exist anymore like it's it's actually really really bothersome cup and string you mean stick and string stick yeah no cup and string like my treehouse to your oh i thought you were talking about the rope and the stick no no i don't know what that is it was the opening thing in Death Stranding no humans made a stick and then a rope yeah no i'm talking about the cup and string i'm gonna talk
Starting point is 03:44:10 to you over there okay when nothing else that doesn't work very poorly it does it does no it works very well you lie it it's literally a science experiment kids can do i don't i don't believe i don't leave the kids um yeah i'm gonna say mirrors edge catalyst and i'm gonna say to some degree the mgs-5 audio tapes but the audio tapes also justified their existence in world by doing things that you can only do on audio tapes like having to meet the chemical burger like everything to do with paz yeah and everything to do with the vocal cord parasites i don't know man it's all about that chemical burger that's the best part of that game it's gotta be audio but yeah it sucks but what are you gonna do do you would you rather that stuff
Starting point is 03:45:04 not be there at all or would you rather it i'd rather mgs-5 not be there at all well that's not what i'm saying i'm saying would you rather like like like when the game is like fucking you imagine you finish playing just i don't know anything like simple eight bit and then you just get a fucking book to read about i don't know it's it's in the darkness of shadow moses it's really infuriating when you're like you're talking to somebody and they mention something you're like yeah this stuff you're not allowed to see is really cool it's like they fuck off show don't tell alright there's one there's one time that that happened that like i'm everyone's like fuck go back which in fallout 3 the best quest in fallout 3 is called the replicated man and it's about an
Starting point is 03:45:50 android from the institute a synth from the institute and they talk about up north in the institute and then fallout 4 takes place in that region and it's about synths and it's about the institute and you're like fuck this fuck this is bad it's bad this sucks i want less information now i want to go back to what i thought was before yeah i always though i always feel as if there's moments where like the writer goes what do you mean you don't have time to make this scene yeah god fuck okay uh put it in a dot here's some file dumps just put it in the lusty argonian made text file and it's like is there no other nothing we can't can i get a cut scene nope can i get a guy sitting in a chair telling you what happened maybe but he won't have voice acting fuck all right
Starting point is 03:46:44 well that or nothing then here's my excel sheet here's my word doc yeah paste it rick says their castle holiday beasts i was at one of those appliance stores in the states they were selling a refrigerator that for some reason is covered in posters for star wars the venn diagram of people who could afford this expensive fridge and who are also influenced by daisy riddlers daisy riddly's emotionless stare are two separate circles we couldn't sell this thing during black friday and i'm blaming the star wars posters what is the most inexplicable cross promotion you've ever seen something that makes you wonder who the heck is this even for happy holidays that fucking oh he's gonna go get something oh yeah i saw it in the bathroom yeah i saw this in
Starting point is 03:47:37 the bathroom it's a good one i'm gonna go say um huh what's that creepy chinese sex drug that has were you on it street overlord street overlord are you ready to overlord with street overlord don't take street overlord it'll kill you you will die yeah it's bad it'll kill you it's poison that boner will make you die this right here is the chic hydro five razor featuring uh blades that can be replaced and mikasa jumping and ready to cut the hair off your face because attack on titan has blades get it you're the titan what the fuck this is one step away but still nowhere near as confusing as gendo yeah gendo gendo akari's shaving kit so there we go i got it right here well you won that round
Starting point is 03:48:46 don't take street overlord if you see street overlord like turn around and walk away take all of them and throw them in the garbage and that's good to tell the person running the store that they're gonna kill people call the cops um that that that hey super beasts it's gyre here i uh has a new release of a game series uh in a series encourage you to play through the predecessors only for the newest one to disappoint you around the time i was in high school my history professor interested me in about bioshock a few months before infinite fell in love with one and two and the feeling um but infinite offered none of the gameplay experiences i expected and a smaller disappointment happened with assassin's creed
Starting point is 03:49:37 three as well experiencing brother brotherhood so close to three and realizing the streamlining of features a weak protagonist in lackluster environments to parkour around left me wanting more and those are two good fucking picks right off the bat yep though um i'd say again bioshock has always all three of those games have some flaws but i can't think of a series where i was out and then jumped in hard before the new one i did that for movies i think yeah movies is easier but with games it's pretty tricky uh yeah i'm usually and if i did do it like for persona for example or like dangan i didn't regret it right so for both dangan rampa and persona i enjoyed those so not sure i don't think i've ever done that i don't
Starting point is 03:50:33 think i've ever gone through the old games to get ready for the new one i usually i either played them or i didn't and then if i didn't i skip them yeah yeah like i'm probably never gonna play dishonored that's fine that's a franchise i'm super not okay i don't know anything about and it's just like yeah that's just where it is that's where we're at you know um it's gotta be something out there but oh i know a game you did it what dangan rampa why you totally be lying those first two games so you could do the but i i said dangan rampa oh i wasn't listening i fuck it came out of my mouth like 15 seconds ago okay i'm sorry it's just the nature of that game to be forgotten one and two are really good the fuck i i started one i hated
Starting point is 03:51:30 so much right yeah it's not your thing at all it's definitely not for you but they're very good now i look like a jerk hey beast formers woolly prime and mega pat i was looking through my twitter today and i saw pat asking if arkham knight was still broken on pc and it got me thinking if you saw a pc version of a game you wanted to play was broken why not why the hell not just played on console just give in uh sometimes pc gaming can be a hassle older games have trouble running on newer ones uh need more power than a pc might have also some new releases are just flat out broken like knight um food for thought was just looking for an opinion on this uh you really kicked also you kicked the hornets that's last week with the subreddit and the star wars
Starting point is 03:52:13 talk well funny you're gonna mention that because that's the perfect example where kotor as far have been told as i've been told is the example of like well if you're gonna go play it you get literally more story content by playing it on the pc version and not like a little like 20 percent of the game i'm absolutely somebody who would be like man this hassle is not worth it let's just get a console version go in here and i've done that for many lps um however uh yeah in the case of missing story shit fuck that i'm gonna play the version that has it honestly usually i am that case except arkham knight was like four dollars on pc because of a sale that's why it was asking um yeah uh
Starting point is 03:53:05 also nowadays for me it's like i usually i usually would just play the version that i happened to own but if someone has like a thing where they go like no dude don't do that one this one's better for that reason if they put out something worth it then yeah i'll also say that the pc version when it got re-released to kotor too they added controller support another pc version so that's the other bit is how do you play the game right so uh if i'm playing darkest dungeon like with a mouse is way better than using a switch stick you know so depends on the game if it's ultimately the same experience with with like controls and everything else then yeah you know don't you don't have to fumble around but um i tend to i i know you lane lean pc i tend to lean console you know
Starting point is 03:53:48 but yeah oh thank you um well let's take one last one here good i have time for one more and then i have to run out of this room and leave you to record the thing by yourself hey william pat ray from florida here my lineage runs back to kernel custer so dying on hills for stupid reasons is my bloodline technique all right that's a good does what hill do you die on it's not a contrarian opinion but a deeply held conviction that you cannot be talked out of and you will advocate for for me it's that silent hill too is bad and it killed the franchise i know i'm destined to die alone on this hill but i will not retreat that that hill doesn't even make any sense because it
Starting point is 03:54:28 wasn't a franchise until the second game that literally makes no sense at all that's a terrible hill to die on jesus christ all right i got a new hill to die on kajima makes way better trailers than it makes games that's interesting and you know i've had that for a while i remember saying that back at mgs2 that's pretty interesting those trailers are fucking great they're incredible all of them yeah every single one is very very very good that's you're not alone that's a very that's a that's a no it's not an unpopular opinion i've heard it from others but but it's but it's not hard to fight to agree with because his trailers are excellent you know like the bar is very high
Starting point is 03:55:20 for his trailers um i don't think he's ever made a bad one i can't think of one whereas there's like stuff with games that you go why would you do that so yeah that's not that hill that's a fucking speed bump all right you're dying on i mean i it's tough for me because i die on a lot of stupid hills all the time i think i once said that when you're short like me even the smallest slope is a giant mountain to die on yeah um i don't know hey here's an unpopular here's one despite overall not being good there are elements of other m that could be salvaged
Starting point is 03:56:08 this is just a variation of unpopular opinion but i guess which is always terrible because and i actually i was making fun of that earlier today when i said unpopular opinion pee pee poo poo butt butt fart piss where it's like unpopular opinion i really think this is the best flavor of starbucks they're always like fucking single degree off brand mainstream opinions that people want to be like champion for like that's crazy that you like that flavor of ice cream the best that's all that's so zany like fuck off explain how about really unpopular opinions like it's okay to shit talk the dead they're dead they don't care uh i i i put it this way to me it's a list of priorities it's okay to shit talk the evil goes above it's okay to
Starting point is 03:56:57 shit talk oh yeah all right that's all it's as simple as that i explain or your position is invalidated um like there's some cool stuff in the combat that ninja theory could have like you know put that game sucks you're so wrong okay your step game's so bad well at least it's a hell isn't it it's quite the hill at least it's a hill a lot of it's bad i think you just piss people off really good it's mostly bad x is overrated and then people get all fucking blank is overrated as always because that's a reflection of the intangible amount of how people of rating yeah that people feel about something because it's like whatever you feel about it you think too highly of it when you say like x is overrated uh someone says i like subhuman wow wow that's a
Starting point is 03:57:52 hill that's a hill that no don't die on it please subhuman never got good right um these themes got good yeah it did it got good i agree subhuman never got good all right i literally gotta get out of here i gotta run now everybody tune into our stuff yeah our stuff's good you should watch it okay bye everybody goodbye oh you you you
Starting point is 04:01:11 you you you you

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