Castle Super Beast - CSB 060: Nerdy Meatbag Wipeouts

Episode Date: March 17, 2020

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Yeah. mhm. Mm. Hello, hello. Good morning. Greetings. Good morning. Greetings. How is everyone today? That's great. Yep. Greetings from the lockdown. Oh, is everyone having fun indoors and staying away from their old people? I'm noticing details about my apartment that I didn't notice. Yeah. I'm staring at corners and picking up things that I was like, huh? Oh, yeah, absolutely. You know, is that always there? Should I have not fixed that? Yeah, you know, or like, when
Starting point is 00:01:10 did that mark? Where did that come from? What fell over here? You know, and oh boy. Oh, find them finding out new things, new things. It's an exciting journey into the spaces that you inhabit. And we'll continue to inhabit for some time. Yeah, yeah, we'll, we'll, you know, we'll see how how this this 2020 thing goes. You know how the past couple of years like around New Year's people are like, Oh, fucking thank Christ. Oh, 2018's done with holy shit. Nothing can be worse than that. Yeah. Oh, Jesus Christ. 2019. So bad. Yeah. Oh, geez. Nothing can be worse. Oh, the plague. Are the fucking plague. Are you fucking for real on this one? Did you see? Did you see the video of the locusts? There's locusts.
Starting point is 00:02:07 I didn't. There's actual locust infestations where it's like, imagine a hail storm, except instead of hail, it's bugs. So the locusts is pretty good. But I think the monkeys attacking people in Thailand is way better. No, that's funny. That's funny because that's a that's a side, that's a side unexpected effect of like, no one's feeding them. Same thing for the for the narrow deer. They're like basically wandering into the station going like, okay, but bros, we're the food at though. Right. And you're like, please get away from me, you poisonous shit animal. But that's not that's not even it, though. The the the locust thing is just of its entire own design on some biblical shit. And there's a dude who's filming it and holds his hand out.
Starting point is 00:02:51 And like a few seconds pulls his hand back to the frame and you see like three in his hand. And he's like, yeah. And then he just lets him go. And then you have to walk on the crunchy locusts that are on the ground to get past and to get out of this locust storm. And unlike a normal storm, there's no eye in the locust storm. Well, you don't either might be there's no safe circular space that you can hide in and move with as it travels. It's nothing but bugs all the time 24 seven. So that's a good time. All all good times all the way around one of my favorite things. If I can pull it up here was a tweet from one Marcus stop flexing on Twitter, who said, my manager went on an eight week sabbatical on January 25th. And him and his wife rented a
Starting point is 00:03:48 cabin in the North Carolina Woods and didn't bring no type of technology with them so that they could enjoy each other's company. Holy shit. Nigga finna come back to pure hell. He doesn't even know Kobe's gone. So I saw something the other day that was, you know, big brother, big brother, the big brother, the reality TV, yes, and the thing. Yes, the German ones don't know that this is going on. Mm hmm. At all. Yeah, that one. They just don't know that's crazy too. And that and that's a that's a fucking rough, because it's like, okay, the the ethics of like, the world has some important things happening. Maybe you guys should know about, but a they are isolated. And they are sealed in and be cast and crew are taking the precautions. Yeah. And be any personal
Starting point is 00:04:36 tragedies that would have occurred in their lives. Anyway, they did sign up to not be around to hear those things. They did say that if need be like a family member got sick or whatever, they would warn them. So hey, okay, there's okay. Movie premise. Big brother style survivor show, except the world ends while they're filming. And then no one ever tells them. So they just continue living that way. Isn't that kind of what the fuck was it called? It was like Seth Rogan and Jay Berichel hanging out at a house. Oh, end of the world there. The end of the world thing. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, not quite. But I'm talking about like, you know, a reality TV show version of it. But yeah, I'm sure I'm sure I'm sure someone's done done something some similar.
Starting point is 00:05:31 This is the end is what was what that movie was called. Hey, Willie, I hate to interrupt you. Do you got do you want to start the call over? I'm seeing a million people complain about my microphone quality. Oh boy. Does it sound bad on your end? I mean, I'm hearing the drop ins and outs. Because we yeah, they're hearing what I'm hearing and I'm and I'm hearing the the dips and bips. We can attempt to do that. Oh, now everyone says it's fine. All right, fuck it. Okay, fuck it. I give up. Okay, I fucking give up. Well, this is this is where the this is where the the the elite MP3 listeners get the privilege now know have no idea what the fuck we're talking about because it sounds so good. The elite so Chris elite MP3 listeners with the it's like I'm right here in your ear.
Starting point is 00:06:23 It's the higher quality product. You see, if you happen to be listening to this podcast in its official format, that of an MP3 file, you can appreciate the new Castle Super Beast Gold quality that you're getting, which is both of us at max quality, as opposed to one of us under water. Well, this is the growing pains associated with a new form of podcast, the locked in podcast, which will probably be the foreseeable future until the world burns down around us. Quarantine Super Beast is as it will quarantine Super Beast is, you know, the measure until it's not the measure. But we got to wait for the details, right? Reinforcements or whatever. So I want to give a thumbs up to everybody out there who like, despite the the the troubles
Starting point is 00:07:19 ongoing, are doing their best to make this the dumbest shit memes that have ever shit memed ever. You like you say that like it's not the most important thing right now. It is like, you know, you're worried you're inside, you're like, Oh, no, what if everybody's sick? And then you scroll past on Twitter, a bunch of photos of Quentin Tarantino looking bored in his house called Quentin Quarantino. That's pretty funny. You're like that is that is the worst joke ever. That's that is that's there. They got it. They got it. You know, you know, who else got it? Tom fucking Hanks. So yeah, hey, you know, there's that. He'll be fine. He's a rich Hollywood celebrity. I mean, are you implying that that you can turn cash into vaccine that
Starting point is 00:08:11 does not exist? No, I'm talking you can turn cash into access to like ventilator access. I mean, there's all kinds and there's all kinds of high in medical care. Yeah. But there's none of them is the the big 180. You know, that's kind of the that's the problem with the situation. Our fucking Prime Minister probably has the coven. He doesn't. He doesn't. But his wife does. Is it is it crazy or conspiracy of me to be like, I don't believe that? No, I don't think there's I mean, one, he's young, but two, there's not a lot. I mean, maybe, but like, why? Oh, the blackface protects him. Thanks, Chad. What's there's a oh my god. There is indeed a thin layer that when it comes into contact with the brown, it well, see, it's funny because the virus has
Starting point is 00:09:08 actually been making very little inroads in the African continent. So it's quite possible. There is a genetic component that protects like you in particular willing off with that. I literally know. Listen, you need to stop right now. You need to stop right now because I was just listening to a doctor going, can you fucking morons talking about the genetic aspect to this fucking stop? There is nothing. There is no aspect to that whatsoever. It does not discriminate and all these stupid idiots on their podcast saying, nah, though, it seems like it doesn't affect black people. Holy fuck you, moron. Stop. Stop misinformation. Like just don't don't even go down that fucking road. Because yes, that came from some stupid podcast, and then some other people started
Starting point is 00:09:59 sharing it. And it's just it's the same way that all this other bullshit travels. It's complete nonsense. Completely. All right. So the end of that joke was going to be maybe the prime minister heard that and is painting himself to protect himself, thinking he can trick the virus. Maybe, maybe. Hey, guys, listen, if you decide you have to go out and if you decide that you have to, you know, brave it through somebody and you see someone coughing across the street, just put up the Wakanda forever and then and then it can't touch you. As long as you're doing the walk, just put up the Wakanda forever and walk through the midst. Tubman was trying to warn us. Walk through the midst. And I swear to God, I swear to God, it won't touch you.
Starting point is 00:10:47 The Rona is just going to bounce right off. It's going to see that shit and be like, now we out. We don't want to fuck with that. 12 o'clock coronavirus enters Baltimore. 1201 coronavirus has been shot. Thanks, Baltimore. I appreciate that. All right. OK, well, you know, I would like to apologize to everyone for causing this problem by playing Resident Evil 6. This is clearly my fault. Here's the real thing. I've been thinking about almost every couple of hours I've been thinking about. Dear fucking God was Hideo right again. Yeah, in the worst possible way. Did he just predict the future again? We're laughing at him over the lack of subtlety. Meanwhile, let's take some
Starting point is 00:11:45 great photos of delivery people around the world that look just like Sam now. I mean, there's a dude with a baby in an isolated container that he took a picture of himself as he had to carry his infant around. And it's just like, yeah, that's a real container that exists. You can put a baby in that. Sure. That genius cojumbo again. Listen, man, if they if they do describe that there is some type of person that is, I don't know, affected differently in some way and and they start creating an acronym and the first words they use are start with a D and an O. I'm tapping out. I'm tapping out. D. We never, we never found out what dooms done stood for. Oh, okay. There we go. Did we
Starting point is 00:12:46 literally never find out what the fuck dooms stood for? Not once. That's terrible. Oh my god. Is this a vocal cord parasite? It might be Kikongo. It might as well be. Damn, it only gets you if you speak English. That doesn't explain a lot of things, literally anything. Well, anyway, now that we've got all that happy news out of the way, haha, the lotter about the end of the world. The allotted banter has been, you know, yeah, successfully created. We can talk about weeks then. Yeah, it's awkward creating content in this context, isn't it? It's only awkward in the sense that like I find Skype podcasts more impersonal and they
Starting point is 00:13:45 they lose a little genocide. Yeah, a little bit, but I actually mean like the the nature of like fucking God forbid you fucking, oh, I just, you just sniffled like. Yeah, but it's not a cop. I heard it. Yeah, I know. Like everybody's so fucking paranoid. Yeah. And I mean, like I said it already on another stream, but it's like, yeah, every time you happen to cough on a stream, good luck. That's that's a fucking, that's an explosion. And you know, eventually, eventually that'll like, I don't know, I'm going to say, I'm going to say it's going to give it a couple months before it's like, all right, yes, we know, we get it. But don't don't get a bad one. Don't get a real bad cough. That's that's the danger right there. Because no, that's that's
Starting point is 00:14:32 time to cancel your content for a couple of days till it till it clears up so you don't freak people out. Well, here's what I here's the thing, though. I think what we're going to see is like that might continue to be it's be the bit until somebody does cough on stream and then later post actually I have it. There's there's a real there's a real morbid race in the minds of everyone of like, who's the first of all of us, right, all of the internet people that will be the one who's the oldest and or like, you know, most susceptible, because those are the ones that got a lockdown hardest. I don't know. I don't think it's a race. I just think that, you know, apparently there's a bunch of young people that can like have it and like not show it for a while.
Starting point is 00:15:29 So yeah, there's there's so the you have the people who just won't get any symptoms at all. And we'll pass through it completely undetectable. And but they'll breathe on people get people who get a mild flu. You get people who get way more than a mild flu. You get people who their lungs explode and then you get the people who have their hearts explode. And then you got downtown Tennessee over on number six. Yeah, we all know downtown Tennessee is undefeated. You know, they're they're partying and having a good old time. You see that big old crowd of people like, yeah, I saw the I saw the Disneyland photos this morning and it was like, oh man, people are like going out to watch the Disneyland parade and it's like 10,000 people shoulder to
Starting point is 00:16:23 shoulder. And it's like, oh, man, that's oh, that's no good. Well, you know, there's a really there's a there's a break down on I want to say it was a South Korea patient 31, and like how she went to church twice. And then kind of oh yeah, how South Korea had their shit completely unlocked. One person, one person. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So you know, that's that's how these things go. But anyway, as you were saying, content and the creating thereof within the current circumstances, at the very least, you can definitely say that, hey, what the fuck else did you do besides play video games? Nothing? I played video games. Our jobs are weirdly tailored to be absolutely like functional change in this in this environment. And that,
Starting point is 00:17:20 if anything, is the weirdest part. I was talking to I was talking to a friend of mine. He got a call from his mom who was really worried. And he's one of my FF 14 buddies. And she calls him and she says, Hey, honey, you're, you're changing your schedule so you don't go out so much, right? And he's like, absolutely, mom changed my whole life, never going out. And then he's on discord with me as he's crafting tens of thousands of items and 14 going like, Oh yeah, totally changed everything. There you go. It's like a whole it's like a whole new lifestyle. Did you did you have the did you have to have the conversation with your parents where you're just like, Hey guys, don't be dumbasses. Yes, I absolutely did. Okay. And I'm
Starting point is 00:18:08 going to call them after this podcast and give them that conversation again, because my parents are old. Okay, but here's the question. But, but are they dumbasses? There's a possibility. I suspect that they are stubborn. Okay. Okay. Because I got a what's that message that was like, Hey, so, you know, in Grenada and stuff. And, you know, things are what they are, but it should be fine. And basically, there was like a little bit of a, yeah, and if anything, anything happens, then we're, you know, we're one quick flight away from getting back to Montreal. And I'm just like, and pause. Okay, listen, you know, I'll do a respect. What the fuck are you doing? What do you mean? There's like 10 different things that are wrong with that. The two that
Starting point is 00:19:03 jumped to mind is one, air travel is not the best right now. And if Grenada got really bad, they could ban travel from Grenada. All of it. All of it. All of it. Dude, the whole scenario, the whole scenario. And it was really just two. Yeah. We're like, we're like a week away from the island being sealed off from the rest of the province. So, you know, I'm just, yeah, I'm basically just like, Okay, listen, it's you can only you only know what you know, you get what you get from what you hear. And, you know, they're, they're not keeping up to date on their smartphones and such as the way we are with all the shit happening. So you have to bring updates that, you know, otherwise might like the, like the, the, the, the coin will flip like four times throughout
Starting point is 00:19:49 the day. Right. And we're catching them on our phones. And like, that's right. And like for, like my mom, it's like, yeah, whatever she saw on TV that morning is where it's at. And then the next morning, it'll be wherever it lines again, you know, yeah, it's, it's not like you're on your phone and you get the little, you hold up your phone and you're like, Oh, what's, what's this? Oh, this country has completely shut down all borders and banned gatherings over five people. Okay. Right. Yeah. What's the, Oh, this cut, like, yeah. Also, hey, shout out to Austrian families of six. We're now breaking the law by default. Well, anyway, you know, so that that was kind of just like, all right, time to sit your folks down and be like, Hey, listen, this is what you need
Starting point is 00:20:35 to do. This is what you need to know. Because yeah, she just genuinely was not aware of that. It would be a terrible idea once showing symptoms to not rush back to Canada and, you know, kind of didn't know what to do. And it was like, Oh yeah, that's the other thing. Well, I mean, you would, you would be a good son and take care of your sick mother, wouldn't you? Uh, I mean, as long as I can ensure that I, there's no, you know, you can't. Yeah. So what do you, what do you, what do you split? So yeah, so don't show up, mama woolly. It's, it's, it's, we'll help no one. I mean, fuck. Yeah. I don't know how I'm probably not going to see my parents for
Starting point is 00:21:20 like six months at this rate, because I don't want to accidentally brush up against somebody in the Metro, like when this is mostly done with, and then, you know, brush up against them. And then my dad just keels over. I don't want that shit. Okay. I had Jesus Christ. Uh, yeah, no, if, uh, if I can safely go there, I would go there. Just saying I'm not, I don't, I don't think I have the same outlook on it that you do. I would, I would, you know, providing that the situation was on, was locked down. I would, I would definitely go. So not sure what the answer was supposed to be there, but you know, I hope everyone's enjoying their time inside. I hope so.
Starting point is 00:22:10 Moral of the story, I suppose. I hope so. I hope so. Yeah. I hope, I hope young students are excited for the zero days of summer vacation they're going to get this year. I hope we, we are confronted with more, uh, questions of, of, uh, I don't, anyway, you, you are, there will be confrontations of decisions that some people will have to make, I suppose, that they didn't think they would have to. But yes, all this to say, um, whenever that dude's boss comes back from sabbatical, uh, God bless almost, you almost want to film it because it's like really, yeah, they're talking pre pre-cobe because they're going to drive through empty streets pre-coby. It's going to be the beginning of a 28 days later.
Starting point is 00:22:59 Yes. You know, and the radio on the way back down might actually, uh, you know, give a little bit of a heads up, but who knows? Hey, what's going on? Ha, you want to put on some tunes? Great. Ah, yeah. Oh my God. That's so, oh, it's making me freak out. Just, oh, oh, that's not good. Don't like that. Well, you can always podcast from the end. We can. And we'll be here right up until the earth burns out, everybody. You don't think that, I know, the earth, do you, the earth's not going to burn out. It's not the sun. What the fuck am I talking about? Do you not think the internet would go out before that escalation point? Oh no, it'll stay. You think you will maintain a, a strong connection
Starting point is 00:23:54 all the way up until absolute final moment kind of thing. That actually goes, that actually goes into my week somewhat because, uh, uh, I, you know, for games and, and, and shit that I watched honestly this last week, uh, there's been a lot of, uh, a lot of cooking in the house, a lot more than usual, that kind of stuff. Uh, but I've been playing, didn't really play much of new stuff, but what I did do is wake up, uh, yesterday morning to no internet at all. Uh, yes. Which was a great feeling. Yes. To be completely done in the ceiling portion and just like no internet. Yeah. You have nothing. Yeah. You are, this is, we are all experiencing cheating isolation, right? Yeah. We're cheating. This is not true quarantine
Starting point is 00:24:53 or, you know, or self distancing and whatever. This is, this is like, you can totally maintain your digital contacts. The real thing is when you got none of that. And that's when the nightmare begins, the true test starts. Then I'm like, Oh, okay. Cause like, let's, let's do the, let's do the run. Let's say the modem's broken, right? I'm not letting some repair guy in my house to fix that. Fuck that. That's, that defeats the whole purpose of sealing yourself off. So I call the internet company. I'm like, Hey, is there a service outage? And they're like, no. And I'm like, Oh shit. Because I thought like maybe it's because everybody's at home, they're clogging up the internet tubes, right? But they weren't. And then he's like, Hey, you've got
Starting point is 00:25:45 like a $350 balance on your account. And I go, what? It goes, Oh, I never updated my credit card when I changed my credit card last month or two months ago. So they've been charging a defunct credit card that doesn't work. And they turned off my internet. Okay, well, that's just dumb. And then they were, then he was like, Oh, thank you, sir. Well, thank you for calling the day of we'll waive that reconnection fee. And I'm like, Okay, okay. When, when am I gonna get my internet back today? Okay, thank you. Yeah, I appreciate it. So here's what actually happens is you just burn through all your phone data. Now, and just keep burning it, you just burn through all your phone data, you just burn it and burn
Starting point is 00:26:46 it and burn it because you're not going to sit there and stare at the fuck until they stop. Yeah. No, that's not happening. So yeah, yeah, that's no, there's there's if the hardware was busted, you'd be in a real pickle. I'd be in a slight pickle. One might say a doozy or a laundry. So luckily, I mean, I got the new internet and the new modem and all that shit installed back in October, because the squirrels chewed through my cables. So that's good. That's probably fine. Oh, I did play a new video game, come to think of it. But I barely count it as playing. I played about two and a half hours of Neo two. And two hours of that was trying to beat the first enemy in the game, which is essentially
Starting point is 00:27:42 the asylum demon, but it's actually a real boss that you can just fight and you have your weapons. Fuck, you can avoid it, but you decided to take it on. Oh, you could. You can just run past it, but you can just like you just you just fight it. And it's a fucking asshole. It is. It is crazy fucking tough. And your name seems good. Basically, I didn't see much of it. No, you have your gear. But I would want. Okay, I mean, you don't have any of your specials or your good shit. No, you have the starter item. Yeah, so that's that's taken on a super boss at that point. So yeah, it feels like it. Okay. That game seems cool, but I didn't see very much of it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:35 Fair enough. I saw I saw a really cool design. Schmopka patch showed me this like, like, dredged to one side, like bad ass girl with the coloring and then the fucking pirate eye and the eye patch and shit. And I'm like, okay, there's some really cool character options in this that you could fuck around with. Oh, the character creator is immaculate. It's like a more realistic version of like Code Veins character creator. Yeah. It looks fantastic. And the other thing that I'll mention is that you get to fight different enemies right away. Like right away. It's the kind of thing where in Neo one, I got about a third of the way through the base game
Starting point is 00:29:25 and you do that and the enemies just stop showing up. That game has a laughably slow enemy rollout and then it has a low amount of enemies in general. After that, there's just not a whole lot other than the bosses, whereas I fought almost as many unique enemies in like my shitty time in Neo two as I did in like multiple hours of a proper level in the one. I want to say that you can dump like all the I spent I spent many hours on Neo one and it was pretty much all first four bosses. You know what I mean? Yeah. The Bat Lady took me forever. That's a bad that's a rough one.
Starting point is 00:30:21 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No, but like in Neo one, you had the Oni that had the sword and you had the Cyclops and then you had the guys with the pickaxes and that's like fucking 80% of the fucking games roster right there. It's honestly like the right timing for a game that you want to play in a lockdown situation. I'll tell you what, I don't know if this is pessimistic or insensitive or whatever, but the timing of this global pandemic lockdown couldn't be better for those of you who like to play video games. Do you like Neo or Resident Evil or FF7 or Doom or Animal Crossing? Remember how the tone of that was, dear God, too many games make it stop. And now you're like, oh, we got time. We got time, guys. Oh, thank God. Yeah. Everybody got the time
Starting point is 00:31:21 now. Yeah. We'll see. We'll see. You know, I mean, there's still a billion question marks up in the air. And, you know, like, it's obviously right now, like, you got to get those weeks in to see who's who's going to drop and who ain't. And then you got to after that be like, all right, we've got, you know, you've got some knowledge, you got some information, and then we can figure it out from where and see what the, you know, whether whether, you know, we're going to be we're going to be dealing with this for a long time. But what what the what the details of dealing with actually means can vary strongly, you know. Yeah. So like, for example, if you were not a big ass nerd, right, like everybody listening to this or in this podcast, you might think to
Starting point is 00:32:14 yourself, well, I mean, I'm stuck indoors all day, but at least I can catch up on baseball or the or the NBA or the football or the hockey or the nah, nah, man. Though you can catch up on wrestling. Yeah, that was pretty. And I think pretty crazy. I think that empty wrestling might be the craziest thing I've ever seen in my entire life. Honestly, like this new world of no audience things is pretty cool. I don't mind it. I don't mind the focus on the thing, you know, it's either that or start watching marble races, whatever the fuck you want to do, you know, but shout out to that guy that was like talking about everything going down and then was like, yeah, okay, whatever, don't touch stuff. And then he's like, touching the mics and touching the
Starting point is 00:33:06 disc and the that and then he runs out of there. And then it's like, he a few hours later tested positive. So that joke. Yeah, that dude's an asshole. That dude's that dude's a complete total piece of shit. Fuck him. Well, you know. So yeah, this is this is this is my rat marble racing getting real popular real quick. Oh, marble racing is the shit. And the level of professionalism in the commentary in the overlays in the team names and the overall like eSports budget effects on on marble racing channels is kind of it's freaking me out a little bit. Like I I looked away. I saw that first like ditch marble racing video years ago. And then I was like, oh, yeah, that funny thing, right? And then I looked, oh, I never seen it.
Starting point is 00:34:00 So it was the first one as far as I can tell was just like, they kick the gate open and then a bunch of marbles rolled out of ditch for like five minutes, like a super long track and you're like, why is this so long? That's crazy. Right. And then you look back and then there's a YouTube channel with tons of subs and tons of views doing really well. That is professional ass, super clean, overlaid eSports marble racing with team names and and they have like spectators in the stands that are little marbles and they have like advanced courses and like a clean room to do it in and it's just it's crazy. It's fucking crazy. And you're like, when did this blow up into that? And it's like, well, I guess it that first video was extremely like, hey, this is actually a thing
Starting point is 00:34:50 people want to see. And then it's hype. It's fucking got bankrolled. There's money in marble racing. And if you're a fucking addict and you need to bet on the horses, then bet on orange. I mean, marbles, sorry, marbles. Lens marbles can be just as unpredictable as a fucking horsey. Yeah. Yeah, you, you never know. I guarantee you, like if you go watch some of the most hyped ones, there's always a leader that has a full head, a full like two or three point lead. And then there's a switch up and then somehow something else takes first place and then it and then the leader goes back to third, but then might still pull it back at the end.
Starting point is 00:35:35 It's crazy. It's crazy. Yeah. Yeah, I did see that. That's, that's wild. Orange, orange is killing it. Orange is in fact killing it. Always bet on orange. And it's also like, it's also a clean corner of YouTube that, you know, kids can enjoy without all the filth that we put out there. So yeah, this is kind of a filthy podcast. Well, okay, I'm not going to advocate not using rubbers anymore. Okay. Okay. That joke was funny for a bit. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Here's, here's the thing. Here's, and here's, okay, this was this full, full credit to the observation, right? Of me and Pudge mom talking about the possibility that, uh-oh, what if
Starting point is 00:36:33 nine months from now we have a whole new boomer generation except they're the quarantine kids? Oh yeah, absolutely. That's totally going to happen. And here's the crazy thing about it is when we talk about our generations, right? Cause like Gen Xers were saying Gen X pride, we used to be the latchkey kids. We take care of ourselves. We can isolate properly and, but we have our parents and our kids that we have to keep away from each other. And they're all doing that whole thing. And it's like, okay, so you have all these clear generational differences that are set up, but they're all based on, uh, war time, you know, um, war time, uh, which we call it, um, history naming, war time history rather. So
Starting point is 00:37:13 that's what affected our generations. Whereas this is not specific North American war time history. This is global, right? The global. Oh, so it'll be a global generation. Boomers are a North American thing slash a thing for countries that participated in the war, right? And got, and got out of the war. Okay. Boomers is not a global concept. Not every single country shared that it has to do with the people and the kids that were born upon the return of the war. Like this is a global lockdown. So it's a generation that actually applies to the whole planet. You know, um, it's going to be, it's going to be interesting to see like the, the, the, the full planet version of a generation.
Starting point is 00:38:05 But yeah, oh, we got, we got big news coming in, big world news, uh, in order to sandbag our earlier joke about your mom flying up, uh, that is likely no longer possible. Uh, is your mom, uh, a citizen or she's, is it a granada? Both. A both? Okay. Then she's still good to come in because, uh, borders are closed. Canada. Yep. Canada is closed. Let's see here. News to everybody, but Canadian citizens, permanent residents, and U.S. citizens. Shockingly. Lockdown. Let's see here. And they've closed down, uh, all, but four airports to international travel.
Starting point is 00:39:08 What, uh, what story are you looking at? Oh, just type in, uh, fucking Canada closed borders. Yeah. Well, I, I am, um, not seen anything on that. Let me try to reword it here. It's trending on Twitter. It's probably just spoken about in parliament. Budget news organizations are picking it up. Oh, here we go. CBC. Yeah. Seminar, national flights will be rerouted to major Canadian airports, uh, barring all entry to travelers who are not Canadian citizens or permanent residents.
Starting point is 00:39:45 Okay. Yep. Yep. There you go. So that's the, that's the expected, that's the expected escalation of events, you know? And then in a couple of days, they'll probably block American travelers as well. I mean, yeah, it, it's got to get a whole lot worse before it gets better, you know? Yeah, pretty much. But the, it's like, uh, it's like a pimple, but there's, but there's a clear time limit of like, from the moment you stop, you can wait X amount of days and then see what's going on. You know, there's an information gathering period that you can use to like
Starting point is 00:40:24 see what happens. Basically, you've got to see when those chest busters pop out. Uh, wouldn't that be fucking awesome? If like a couple of days from now, turns out aliens. I mean, as in, we get to start shooting guns in the air as a completely separate like issue. Because the timing would be fucking wild. No, no. Oh, you mean evolution? No, no, man. I mean, like it's an alien ploy. It's like signs. Oh, they threw it at us. Yeah. As a preemptive. And then you get, you get people coming on the TV going like,
Starting point is 00:41:10 we want everyone to go outside and shoot their gun at the sky. Oh yeah. Well, then, you know what, fuck it, man, they can have this shit. Like, what are we doing here? It's done. Wrap it up. Yeah, we didn't do anything of value. Give me a jetpack first. Show me your tech. God damn it. Show me your tech. You with your fucking. Let me see what you got going on in the armory. And then do what you got to do. Let me just see what's happening. There might be something cool in that box, what you got in that box. I mean, there's assuredly cool stuff in the box. You got boots in the box.
Starting point is 00:41:43 You got jump boots in the box. You can use some jump boots. You can use a grapple beam. You can use a jetpack. You know, just, just velocity tools. Tools of velocity. Okay. Velocity tools. Yeah. Okay. Portal gun. What if they got a portal gun in the box? They got a portal gun. I wouldn't want to handle a portal gun right now. Portal gun right now is like, feels like a good excuse to accidentally cut yourself in half by accident. Oh, easy. Yeah. Free. Free.
Starting point is 00:42:18 But I just want to see. I just want to know, you know, I just want to know. Just want to know what's going on. Imagine if you played Portal 2 and it didn't have like the portal safety thing. And every time you turned the portal off when you were in it, you got cut in half and died. How hard that game would be. Could you imagine if you didn't have the boots that stopped all velocity from save, from not damaging you? Yeah, from not existing at all.
Starting point is 00:42:42 You don't even have to worry about the portal. Just literally gravity fucking with you indefinitely. How do you not splat into like infinity? I always love that little story that is in the Portal 1 commentary where they're like, people kept complaining about lack of fall damage or they kept expecting fall damage until they put that thing where you can see yourself in the portal in the first level and they just have the little, little leg things attached to Chell. And then all those complaints just disappeared.
Starting point is 00:43:11 It's like, oh, she got the leg thing done. Oh, cool. Well, I got some stuff. All right, what do you got? Speaking of Portal. Uh-huh. I cracked open that Black Mesa. Oh, I also played Black Mesa.
Starting point is 00:43:29 I didn't think to mention it because it's Half-Life. Well, guess what? I have memories of my brother playing Half-Life when I played a little bit when I was a kid. But for the most part, I haven't played Half-Life. Oh, okay. So this is a relatively new experience. New experience. I'm trying to catch up and find out why, you know, what's the deal with Gordon Freeman
Starting point is 00:43:49 and how did Steam and Valve become the owners of the realm of PC with this franchise? He's late for work. He's got a PhD from MIT. He's 26. He's got big nerd glasses. He cut the mult, he cut the ponytail. Yeah, and he wears a big dumb HEV suit. You know, the HEV suit is so much cooler than the dumb nerdy lab coats that everyone's got to wear.
Starting point is 00:44:21 And all those dumb nerds are like insufferable. And the cops are actually, the security guys are actually the only cool guys you could hang out with. Yeah, the scientists in Half-Life are always like the actual worst. Like they're actually waiting for you, Gordon, down in the test chamber. And it's the same person talking to himself for the whole game. So they're all just going, You're pretty much killing it. Yeah, the security guards, the Barneys, they're all right.
Starting point is 00:44:51 Yeah, they're okay. The security guards are all right indeed. I enjoyed hanging out with them. So how far did you get? I got to chapter five. Is that pre or post-military? Pre. Okay, because once the military shows that the game changes fairly dramatically.
Starting point is 00:45:15 But what we got is we got our making our way through things and full introduction. So Black Mesa, of course, being the remake of Half-Life 1, Source Engine, is coming with all kinds of Source Engine foibles. Hey, you can pick up this thing and throw it, holy shit. Yeah, that's cool, right? But then like climbing that ladder, good luck not dying. Good luck not dying trying to climb a ladder. So here's the deal, right?
Starting point is 00:45:49 In Black Mesa, they added all these features to ladder climbing to make it stickier. In the original, you couldn't like hit use to like lock onto the ladder. You would just like to walk into it or worked on like quake rules, I guess. And it could be a little finicky. Their attempt to fix the ladder to make it stickier has made it kill me so many more times. So now you can walk into the ladder or you can press the use to snap to it, right? But when you're pressing up and you're climbing up the ladder, there are moments when it'll decide that actually up is now down.
Starting point is 00:46:30 And there are moments where you hit the top and up will then switch to becoming down. The one that gets me the most often is that when I go to jump off the ladder, I'm not high enough on the ladder and I just jump this pitiful shit amount just like. So there's that, right? And there's the other times when you look away while holding onto the ladder and attempt to jump off, but then you're pressing up to get that extra momentum moving forward in the air. But what ends up happening is you actually end up climbing back down the ladder and then
Starting point is 00:46:59 jumping off beneath the platform you want it to get on. So you're holding up and then you're climbing upwards and then you turn around, right? And then you go, great, now I want to jump off. So you hold up and then you press the jump button. But by holding, continuing to hold up at the top of the ladder, that up now reverts to a climb down. Because holding up all the way to the top and then pressing it makes up to come down. So let me ask you, you're using a controller on this? Okay.
Starting point is 00:47:29 So you're running into like five problems. The controller is only one of them. Problem one is ladders in old games are fucked. They're in particularly old PC games. A lot of those ladders were bad. Two is half life ladders are bad. Three are source engine ladders are bad. And four is the implementation to fix those problems in Black Mesa is not great.
Starting point is 00:47:56 And then after that, most of the work seemed to have gone and making it play good with mouse and keyboard and not controller. You know, I go into depth of talking about controller mouse keyboard stuff while we're playing it. So no need for me to repeat all of that here. But you know, I'm playing with my preferred method right now. So let me ask you, how does Black Mesa hit you? Like, how do you feel about it?
Starting point is 00:48:27 Well, I can feel how it's dated. But I also know that and I'm able to go in with my like, I guess, like whatever mid aughts brain and just kind of assume like, okay, let's pretend you're playing this as just an old PC first person shooter for the first time, like you did back in the day and expect I expect the design to not, you know, contain a lot of the modern conveniences, you know, and I'm enjoying it. I'm having a lot of fun with that, you know, with that first part especially. And I really do like what's going on most for the most part.
Starting point is 00:49:13 What was rough and like, this is something that I continue to be concerned about as I'm playing through this is that, you know, well, whatever, you play something on your own and you just do stuff until you figure it out and that's it. You do stuff, you know, and live and then you're like, okay, not figuring out what I'm supposed to be looking at right now because the concept of like God raise and shit that we have taken for granted in modern context doesn't exist. It doesn't exist, right. So there are generally lights to guide you.
Starting point is 00:49:50 But things are not always as obvious as you would expect them to be in modern games. In today's world. Exactly, right. So for example, there's a moment early on where you have to pick up. I think it's either an eyeball or a handprint scanner off the ground and put it back into a socket on the wall. But it's actually a piece of just computer junk on the floor amongst all kinds of source engine, computer junk, all kinds of garbage.
Starting point is 00:50:18 Yeah. So your eyes just wouldn't look at that as anything significant. You would just go, it's just another piece of physics, you know. Yeah, see that that is, I believe, one of the new ones that was added for Black Mesa because the original game had no physics of any kind. Right. Like you couldn't you couldn't pick up items at all. So, you know, that's one of those moments where I go, oh my God, like what,
Starting point is 00:50:41 why would I notice this piece of junk more than others, right? And I kind of and like another possibility was like, I fortunately didn't have a problem with it. But in a moment where you have to pick up a valve and insert it into a turn a thing, like it's kind of just laying on the wall in an area where, again, there's lots of physics to interact with and junk lying around. It's not particularly special. The irony is that those those sections were way easier to figure out. Back when it was the game looked shittier.
Starting point is 00:51:17 Yeah. Because there was no clutter and seeing a random item lying on the floor was like, oh, what, what the fuck is that? Yeah. So because everything was totally barren. Yeah. And, you know, folks, I see, yeah, maybe you're just blind. Really?
Starting point is 00:51:32 Maybe. Like maybe my powers of observation suck, right? It is what it is. But I'm just telling you that like it it it still was something that I encountered that I was like, there are moments where I was like, I'm yeah, I'm I'm I'm stupid. I'm not observing enough and I'm not seeing what I'm supposed to see here, right? So it's also a weird place in that it's a it's a remake of a game from 98 that I almost feel like they assume you beat and play back in 98.
Starting point is 00:52:00 Perhaps. Perhaps, right? You know, one of the ones that like, you know, right off the jump like happened was and again, this is I'm just talking about these little bits, but there's a lot that I enjoyed. But one of one of the things was like that first literally the first room where you have to, you know, turn the fucking machine on before everything blows up, right? Yeah. And so I walked up the ladder and then I, you know, hit the switch and then the machine
Starting point is 00:52:28 turns on and I'm looking at the machine, right? But when I walked up the ladder, like the cage with the whole sliding mechanism, I walked past that I was just looking at the large machine. I didn't I didn't pay attention to the cage on the left, you know. So then when the cage came down and then there was an extra component that you slide into the thing, again, I that was not really called to my attention in a way. I didn't pay attention to it. And they were they were talking about now push the contraption in.
Starting point is 00:52:54 So it was something in the subtitles. I believe Reggie was talking at the time. So that was a part of that as well. It just like it's not I'm not saying you're dealing the games with games made like like you have to remember the time and this came out like this. That came out in 98. That was one of the golden childs of that year. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:18 Right. Metal Gear, Ocarina and Half-Life, basically. But like the frankly obnoxious, hand-holding, highlighted, arrow-pointing shit that we deal with currently had not been implemented into games. So like it kind of worked out well, because before I was LPing almost everything, I couldn't stand all that shit. I fucking hated it so much because it was always so obvious, right? Now that I'm playing games for an audience a lot, I appreciate that they're treating my
Starting point is 00:53:56 attention like a moron because I wasn't paying attention for a second. I was looking at chat or I was talking to somebody else. That's that's it, you know. And I mean, again, these are things that are not even thoughts that occur to you when you're just playing it by yourself because you just walk around until it's there. Oh, there it is. And then you just progress, you know, and the time frame that it between like, wait, what am I looking for?
Starting point is 00:54:24 And not like if there's a get if there's like even 30 seconds of wait, what am I looking at? Right? That's 30 seconds too long. You know? And in like you in real life, if that were that were 45, it wouldn't have been noticed. So it's just one of those things. And I was like, oh, you know, the main thing for Half-Life is that it was the first of the FPS games that had like a lot of scripting and a lot of dialogue.
Starting point is 00:54:50 Yeah. So the fact that you had a character tell you to do to push it into the in a machine at all was like, holy shit, there's a person talking to me. It was it was right. There's no way to say it to the feeling that you got playing Metal Gear the first time where, oh my God, the voice deck. Jesus Christ. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:11 And you know, and then in the end, it's like one of those bits where I'm kind of just like, well, you know, let's like, if I'm really just not observing and too dumb to like figure this stuff out instantly, I'm not suddenly going to get not dumb. So this is just going to continue to be a thing, you know? So I'm just like, for what it's worth. Like, yeah, if I'm dumb at this, then I'm going to continue to be dumb at it. And I'm going to try my best to not have it interrupt progress. But, you know, it's going to happen whenever there's parts that like, as you just mentioned,
Starting point is 00:55:48 you kind of possibly just missed what the game was sort of, you know, like expecting you to do if it wasn't super clearly pointed at and such. But fortunately, it didn't happen too much, right? And if you go watch it, you're hearing about me talk about it right now. But if you go watch it, I don't think it ended up being that big of a problem. I think it happened like a couple of times, but for the most part ended up being. Back in the old days, it's like, I can't figure out what to do. It was to fucking figure it out or die, I guess.
Starting point is 00:56:18 Yeah, pretty much. Or just keep playing, you know? There's no like, there's no pressure to figure it out within 60 seconds or whatever the case. So, but, you know, beyond that, like, I didn't mean for that whole thing to be a whole, like, this is what I didn't like part because it's not it's just describing, like, my own mistakes that happened in the course of what I was doing. What I wanted to get to was the rad shit that I loved. Like that crowbar is fucking awesome.
Starting point is 00:56:47 Dude, so I finally love that crowbar, dude. It's so you finally got there. You're you're you're 22 years late, but you finally get why people give a shit about that crowbar. It's so good. Like it's the moment you pull it out and then you're like, okay, what's this is the logo. This is the biggest deal. It's the item that he's seen with all the time. But why and then you swing it and the DPS comes out and you go, oh my god, this is amazing.
Starting point is 00:57:20 Yeah, it swings a million times a second like and it makes a super loud clank. Yeah. And when you whiff, you get punished for it. Right. So if you see a headcrab trying to jump at you and you just start holding it preemptively and hoping for the best, that's that's going to kill you. Not kill you. You're going to take hits that you don't need to take because you got a whiff and recover.
Starting point is 00:57:43 But on contact, it's so good. You know, and like literally there was two enemies that spawned in for the first time and it was like, I don't know what you are, but I'm swinging at you and you died before I could find out. Like literally one of those green, green blaster dudes. It was just like a Vortigaunts. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:07 One of those green blaster dudes spawns in and it's just like, hello, what the fuck? All right. Okay. Anyway, moving on, you know, there's like a couple of moments of like, there is a new thing. Now it's dead. I wonder what it does. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:24 You can you can actually run out of ammo and half life depending on, you know, accuracy and whatnot. But what do I do? Oh, just use the fucking crowbar, man. So that's the other thing, right? Ammo conservation. I didn't know whether this was going to be an ammo conservation game or not. It's not.
Starting point is 00:58:42 It's just if you really fucking you're not getting a ton of good though. You're not getting a ton of it. You definitely can run out of your shit, you know, at no point was I walking around with like a fuck ton of shotgun shells. Like once the military shows up to like help you guys, you get in a situation where they'll give you ammo more often or you'll find it on dead bodies. So so when when. And so when you yeah, when you end up using the fucking crowbar in a lot of these situations,
Starting point is 00:59:17 like you pretty much want to almost just like use the moment of their spawning in to sprint up to the glow and then just start holding the button, you know. It's it's a great it's a great fucking crowbar. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So that's that's fun. When did you get that fucking?
Starting point is 00:59:40 Did you get the submachine gun? No. No, wait, I know. Wait, no, wait, I think I did. I got a machine gun. I don't know what kind of machine because it's the most laughable fucking bullshit non-existent gun that's ever existed. It's a it's a mp5 and it's like exactly an mp5.
Starting point is 00:59:55 They just stole the model and it has a grenade launcher on it. Okay. Which is something that doesn't exist because what the fuck are you doing? With that shit. One thing that was like notably like like I was like, oh, trough was the the turrets. Those turrets fucking wreck you and you got to take some hits to deal with them, at least until you have something, you know, that can like, yeah, blow them up immediately because lobbing a grenade over to one is like depends on where it is, I suppose.
Starting point is 01:00:34 You're talking about the one that was like poking down from the ceiling? On the staircase, right? There was one, the first one you run into, I just ran past it and then you go up the staircase and then there's one on the fucking staircase shooting both ways and it's like, that's an ugly one. It's nice that you're making friends. You know that these friends are not long for this world because even if you were to get as far as you possibly could with them, you'll probably end up having to make some kind of
Starting point is 01:01:01 jump where they won't follow you, you know, so at one point I had a full party. I had a nerd and two, two fucking security guards. Yeah, I know the exact time you're talking about that's like you feel empowered. You're like, yeah, we got this. And then we get to like this, no problem. When we get to a ladder and they're like, all right, we'll stay here. You go ahead, we'll be fine. I'm like, well, yeah, you know.
Starting point is 01:01:25 So yeah, I just just feeling really good about that. Loving that you get two options with your grenades. You can throw the grenade or you can roll it. That's new, by the way, that's that's that that did not exist back. That's awesome. It's it's just like that's exactly what I wanted. Everything is sometimes that's a close quarter situation. I want to just roll it right over there, you know, but at the same time,
Starting point is 01:01:55 the deceptive like explosion range is they explode. It's a lie that the graphic for the explosion is like the size of, I don't know. Um, a couple of basketballs. Yeah, maybe, right? Like like a like a fridge, maybe a really like a like a little, a little tiny desk, you know, yeah. But then the actual impact is a massive box. It's like two cars.
Starting point is 01:02:23 And the other thing is that that applies to all the explosives that applies to the barrels, the boxes, the all the explosives are a lie. They do not they hurt you way larger than the than the visuals indicate. So way, way big larger. Yeah, you gotta you gotta, you know, and yeah, shrapnel. But like I'm just not used to video games having an explosion that goes into an invisible. It's more, it's usually, it's usually more clear by the visual in most, in most cases, right? Hey, let me ask you, were you surprised at the amount of platforming that's in the game?
Starting point is 01:02:59 I was. We had an area where, yeah, you have to jump on those like hanging cranes. And I was kind of just like, huh, that's asking for precision in a like, you know, like, I guess a game that I wouldn't think would be about that type of precision. But yeah, there's a lot of platforming in Half-Life One. And that's why I don't know if you took a close look at your options. But since you're playing with a controller, you probably had Crouch Jump turned on to automatic. No, I didn't see an option to make that automatic, but I do.
Starting point is 01:03:37 Okay, no, I heard we heard about the Crouch Jumping mechanic. And so are you are you manually Crouch Jumping or what? I'm not manually, no, because Crouching is is is a it's L3 and it's not a toggle. Okay, then, then you definitely are using the automatic Crouch Jumping because Crouching, it's the it's a quirk of the original Half-Life engine that's so fucking goofy in that. So say you jump straight up, right? When you crouch, even though your view gets lower, your character model actually squishes into the couch. No, no, no, no, no, no, it is on. It is on. Yes. And you get a little bit higher,
Starting point is 01:04:21 right? Yeah, so a shit ton of the platforming in that game was done assuming you would Crouch Jump it. Yeah, okay. So so it is on because, okay, if they're saying that they're saying the setting was on, I didn't I didn't I guess I didn't remember the setting. But there were situations where you had to crouch into a vent and just jumping into the vent would allow me to crouch, which and that would explain why that worked. So it was it was forcing a crouch to happen. Okay, I get it. Yeah, because I was trying to test it manually and it wasn't working. And I was not working, but I wasn't noticing a visual difference. And so Oh, it's finicky as shit if you're doing it with a controller like that. But when when we first heard about it, I was trying to do it. And I guess it's like,
Starting point is 01:05:07 well, okay, the reason why is because we're doing it automatically the whole time. So yeah, that that makes sense then. Yeah, I remember playing a lot of David defeat, and you'd run towards the point and you'd sprint at the absolute max speed, and then jump and then crouch jump so that you would grab the flag but have the smallest possible character while you did it. As you were moving. Is it also but is it just about that? Or is it also the height? It changes your height. Okay. As you do it. So it lets you climb up to things that you wouldn't be able to climb up on. Okay. Yeah, so that makes sense. Um, you know, and then there's the, I think they were calling them barnacles. The, yeah, that suck you up and you can you can ride one up and crowbar it and
Starting point is 01:05:52 then take some fall damage because you didn't yeah, or just shoot it or throw a barrel at it. So I have not been using my pistol for anything besides killing barnacles. Because anything that's not like anything that else is like I can shotgun that or crowbar it. And and yeah, so you know that that's how I've been making use of ammo. The game's also like super long, like particularly for a first person shooter because it's a single player only game because Counter Strike didn't exist. Not according to HLTB, but sorry. Not according to HLTB, but well, I mean, I, I rather, I remember it being super long. I took into account the expected length when I was as 12 hours is what I was kind of given.
Starting point is 01:06:43 Yeah. Okay. Was that just me thinking in my brain that it was super long for the time? I don't know because I feel like everything else was like super crazy fucking short. But I felt like that game was like 20. I, I, I, I considered it based on the fact that I was like, oh yeah, that's 12. I can do that. You know, the length. Hold on a second. Yeah, weird. I wonder if that's been, I wonder if things like that are altered by how old they are. Like the how long to beats for more popular games and how old they are. People end up beating it way faster than initially over the years and the number goes down. Could be, certainly could be. Because I remember it took me forever,
Starting point is 01:07:39 but I was also 12 years old. Right. When I beat that game originally. So I was much dumber than I was now. Then I was much fuck. Yes, I was much dumber then. Yeah. Not now. It looks like it's going to be much longer than like say doom, for example, right? So Oh, it dooms chunky, man. I felt like doom was fast, but I don't know. I think, I think it's just because you enjoyed it so. Maybe. Because doom is pretty chunky. Doom, doom felt quick. Yeah. Well, any, in any case, it's, it's, it's a, it's Black Mace is fucking goofy because that game, how about this? That game completely redid the end of the game?
Starting point is 01:08:34 Yeah. So Half-Life one has the Zen levels, which are fucking terrible. They're so bad. And it's the end of the game. So it's a total bummer. And Black Mesa completely redesigned them from the, from the top down and like, they're not the best, but they're a hell of a lot better than the original Zen levels. That's what I'm hearing. Yeah, I'm loving it, man. Like, I'm thinking, I'm having a good time with it. And, you know, knowing the age it's from and knowing the jank and knowing that this is a remake of that and knowing that there's some differences and such, it's, it feels like a, feels like a classic, you know, feels like something old. And it feels, I'm seeing parts that I remember seeing as a kid connecting threads in my brain. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:24 I remember the animation of a, of a scientist crawling into a vent and then a bunch of body parts flying out of the vent. Okay. So I want to talk to you about that. I think, like, I burst out laughing when I saw that on my stream a few days ago, because he crawls in and like, two seconds later, a pile of torsos shoot out. Yeah. Yeah. It's Mortal Kombat. Like, it's instantaneous everywhere. Yeah. You know, I remember that. I remember, like, I remember my brother playing it and cheating too. And I remember him no clipping up to a helicopter pad with a helicopter floating above it, you know. Oh, come on. So, like, there's a bunch of shit that is just floating around in my brain. But for the most part, it's, it's, it's mostly new. It's
Starting point is 01:10:16 mostly new. And I'm, yeah, I love it. I think it's, I think it's great so far. So I ask this every time and you're, you're one of the people I know who does the most often, but I'll ask anyway, are you able to put yourself back in the, in the shoes of somebody from like 98? I have to. And compare it to the other shit that was coming out in 98? Well, so, and be like, holy shit. Yeah, I basically like, I pretty much have to like, you know, imagine like, okay, this was the first time we're seeing some of these features, right? This is the first time something is going so in depth and giving you such a massive like map, for example. Like, the fact that you're traveling through that, that the, the cart introduction, it's super long and it's
Starting point is 01:11:00 super just like immersive and it's just setting the tone tons of areas and like it loads a couple times, but that's to make you aware of like the scale of this facility. It's crazy huge, you know? So like, yeah, it all starts to come together and you're like, yeah, no, this is like technologically impressive, you know, for the time it would, I definitely understand. I feel like it was the time when 98 was the time when console games and PC games were the most like laughably apart in terms of scale, because 98 was you had like 98 was like Tekken 3 and Parasite Eve and Golden Eye and not sorry, not Golden Eye, Symphony of the Night, right? And it's like, oh man, look at Symphony of the Night, look how good the sprites are and it's like, look at Half-Life.
Starting point is 01:11:55 Yeah. Half-Life is so fucking out like as a technical showpiece. Yeah, it's crazy. Yeah. No, no, no, that, that, that was, that was very clearly like, I'm definitely feeling, you know, that part of it, but I also know as well that Half-Life 2 is the way bigger deal. So I know that I'm kind of like touching on the, the, the first thing, but like the thing that I've I have a really unpopular opinion and that I think Half-Life 1 held up way better than Half-Life 2. Okay. Because in Half-Life 2, there are so many different bits that are like physics. Oh, wow, look, oh, you can put bricks on a, on a, on a fulcrum and use it to jump up to the thick of this. Whoa. Right. And it's, it's annoying. Oh really? So is it mostly just like, check out our
Starting point is 01:12:56 new tech as opposed to? Absolutely not. It is not mostly, but a lot of sequences. So Half-Life 1 is like a tech demo as a, as a shooter and levels are designed as tech showcases. Like, look how big this, this, this corridor can be or look how far down you can go in this area or look how much of this colored goo we can have, but it's none of though that tech is so old that it doesn't even register anymore. Okay. Okay. So Half-Life 2, it has the physics, it has the burning, it has the lighting, it has the light refracting, it has the vehicle stuff, it has the, the mute, the sound stuff they were doing, it has the, that has the goddamn, like the ant line thing that has the enemy AI thing going on. It's all really impressive. But I just feel like Half-Life 1 held up a little
Starting point is 01:13:58 better, but I have not played Half-Life 2 in many years. So it's going to be a curious comparison to see Black Mesa versus Half-Life 2 specifically. But I will say that, you know, the part of me that is going back to all these games and seeing for the first, the first time for me at least, like what the deal was and discovering that it's like, yeah, I have to constantly put my brain back into different eras. You know, like, like Doom is fucking incredible right now. Four years ago. You talking original, oh, I thought you meant original Doom. 2016. Because. 2016 is fucking incredible right now. Four years ago. Fuck, you know. And, and, and. I hope you're excited for Eternal on Friday. It's about to drop. It's cool.
Starting point is 01:15:01 Isabel's going to be in it, I bet. I hope so. So, you know, I, I, I, you know, and obviously spec ops and a bunch of this other stuff is very clearly like, yeah, man, this is what it was kind of creating at the time. It was, it was, it was paradigm shifting things. So I'm getting used to putting my brain in different eras of like my, my gaming career, so to speak, and go like, what was the contemporaries at the time? What was I hearing about? And why did this stand out? And, and what did I, why did I not hear about this? Why did, what was I care, what did I care about instead, et cetera? Let me ask you a question. Because we've, we've, we've played a lot of old games way past their time. What is, what is the, the old game that you played out of its era
Starting point is 01:15:51 that most impressed you? And like, you were like, I can't believe I missed this. I mean, we can always talk about Mr. Gimmick, if you want to talk about Mr. Gimmick, which is this absolutely ridiculous NES game that had no reason looking and being as impressive as it was. It was, it was crazy. It's like the animation and the sprite quality and there's a bunch of shit in it that you're just like, this is the craziest NES game ever. Like it's, it looks way, it looks more, it's more like a SNES game, but Mr. Gimmick is insanely impressive. Um, but that I played. Oh yeah. You see it, right? I'm looking at this. You see it. Yeah. Mr. Gimmick is fucking wild. It's weirdly in between. And, um, it's one of those things where like,
Starting point is 01:16:47 I, it, it, it is an era of like tech on the NES that like, I don't think anyone else really figured out, you know, it's got a full intro. It's got just way, again, way more impressive things going on with the sprites and with the levels, tile sets, um, throughout the whole game that you do not get from most NES platformers. So I give big, big, big ups to Mr. Gimmick on that. I think, I think for me, because this popped in my head as we were thinking is probably like Baldur's Gate or Baldur's Gate two, because I played it a couple of years ago. I talked about it on the podcast and that was 98 and 2000. And, uh, like, I mean, the games look like shit. They look like the, the, the sprite shit doesn't hold up for fuck, but just the, um, how long they are
Starting point is 01:17:41 and just how much fucking dialogue is in it. I was like, Jesus Christ. Yeah. Yeah. This was, this was hundreds of times larger than it's nearest contemporary. It's, it's not even fucking close. So um, another big one comes to mind, uh, in terms of at least stuff that has been like, uh, stuff I've looked at, uh, on recording, but, uh, I would say I was probably the most impressed with, uh, front mission three. Yeah. Coming to front mission three in a modern console era and just going, why is this so good? Like, unbelievably in depth with its, its story, with its in between mission shit and then it's in mission shit. Like every aspect of front mission three is phenomenal. And for that era, that's, I can't even fathom.
Starting point is 01:18:49 So what's crazy is that I, that feeling to some people got hit alongside its release because I played it and I met up with Emma and I did the, I beat the game and I was like, holy shit. What an incredible game. I researched everything on that game's internet. I, I maxed out most of my characters, but I didn't explore all of the part combinations because every single fucking part in that game had a skill associated with it. Right. And I was like, wow, that was an incredible hundred ish hours. All right, let's look up some cheats. Right. Let's look up some, some, some cool cheats I can do. And it's like, if you instead decide to stay at your office and read your email, you'll unlock the Alisa campaign. And I'm like, what's the Alisa campaign?
Starting point is 01:19:42 Oh, it's the significantly harder, much longer hard mode campaign. Yeah. And it's like, where you're fighting against the other team that you were allied with. And it's like, oh, oh my fucking God decision instead of that decision, your branch. So the, so the people, so the people who don't know, uh, in front mission three, uh, it's a tactical RPG where you play as robots, uh, in, uh, in a weird future Japan, uh, there, the first choice you make in the game is whether or not you want to go down to the, to a restaurant with your buddy after a delivery, or if you want to go back to your office and check your email. And it is the most nothing choice whatever, but doing that splits it into two campaigns, which are both like 80 to 100 hours
Starting point is 01:20:32 long. And they're completely different. Uh, they, they often use the same maps, but you're on the other side. So whereas in Emma's campaign, you have the mat, you have the mission to invade the base in the other campaign, you'll have the mission to defend the base on a place. One man, uh, front mission three blew me away when we saw that, like for the era at the time. Yeah. That, that feeling, whatever you want to call that, you know, it's, it's so good. Um, it's so good. Yeah. Yeah. That, that, that's, that, that's a standout. So, so all that to say, you know, um, um, yeah, man, fucking like, yeah, this is half life is a good time. Half life is a good time. And, uh, yeah, I'm just, I'm just in the first part. It's a good
Starting point is 01:21:21 game. Um, and you know, I will, I will continue to, uh, walk by a rubble heap and not notice the special rubble and or that's, that's have moments of, you know, just dumb, but beyond that it is what it is. And I also know too that it's like, Hey man, if you're trying to go through this and save people like good luck, the game is going to make it very difficult for you. People were trying to tell me that there is a hidden stat, uh, associated with saving characters in that game. In that, uh, the more every time a member of the science team dies, you're like damage output goes to Lee. And I feel like it's fake because I've been unable to confirm it. But everyone keeps telling me that it's there. That's crazy. I, I felt like a lot of these scientists are just
Starting point is 01:22:21 here to be like meat gags. Oh, a lot of them are meat gags. There are a lot to invent a term. That they, they get fucking iced out the whole game. By the way, that never stops. No, no, that's one thing that I'm fully expecting and aware of is these, they just, if they're dropped in to be meat gags and all these little scenarios and let's find creative ways to use our physics engine and look, there's an eyeball rolling by your boot. Ah, the test chamber got us again. Wipeouts, big wipeouts. There are some big wipeouts happening in that game. Um, but yeah, I, I definitely, uh, would not expect there to be a fucking save them stat, especially considering that like they all hit a threshold that they can't go further beyond, right?
Starting point is 01:23:20 Yeah, you can save some of them. Okay. I think the bummer about Black Mesa is that the other two campaigns that came out, uh, they're not quite as good, but they're still really good. Um, which is opposing force and blue shift. Uh, and the other thing is that there is a fourth campaign that nobody ever got to play called decay, which is only on the ps2 version and it's a co-op shooter. And these are just like different stories? Uh, they're different stories. So, uh, opposing force, you play as Adrian Shepard, part of the military that they send in to save you guys. Uh, blue shift is where you play as, so when you were going down the, the, the tramway, did you see a security guard not able to open a door? Yes. Okay. You play as him. You play as
Starting point is 01:24:15 Barney. Cool. Okay. And Barney is the name of all the security guards. Like I think, I think they're like like NBC name is Barney, but that guy's name is Barney. Okay. Okay. Um, and it decay is only on the ps2. Decay has a pc version now. Fucking great. But, uh, you play as the two, uh, you play as the two other women who use the s a a g v suits. Okay. One, one, you know, when you get your a g v suit, yeah, you one and three. And, uh, one of them is the lady who runs you through, like the, the, the tutorial. Okay. Cool. Uh, and all these campaigns are floating around, but like, say you play black mason, then you're like, all right, let's hit some op for, you're going right back to the fucking old models and all the old shit. And it's rough. It's fucking
Starting point is 01:25:06 rough. Opposing force. Oh, okay. You threw in those, you threw in those, those acronyms way too quick. It's, it's tough to not do that. Cause I think opposing force came out like 99. And you haven't seen it. Yeah. What's cool about opposing force though, it was made by Gearbox back when they gave a shit like Randy Pitchford's in the credits for opposing force on Half-Life. And they gave a shit cause that game's really good. Uh, so that, that, that will continue. Um, but I did do some other stuff. Tell me about your other stuff. I finally actually sat down and watched pop team epic. Oh, shit. I saw that show is fucking amazing.
Starting point is 01:26:02 It's, isn't it just, isn't it just meme blasting you? Pure meme blasting. It's, and it's, and to be fair, it has been a minute since I've actually gotten a show that that is, that is pure meme blasting because the last time I remember a show that was just like straight gag like that was like, um, so there was like, there was like, Excel saga was, was like just pure like nonsense, but it had a story. There was a, there was a continuity to it, right? Azumanga was episodic with these little gags, but they still had an overall thing sort of, but, uh, hello. Yep. You're there. Uh, technical difficulty. Yeah. Okay. Um, might have to fix this one. Uh-oh.
Starting point is 01:26:53 I'm, I'm still here, but hello. Okay. I'm, I'm gonna keep trying and then we can, can you guys hear me? Yeah. Yeah. We can. Is it your headphones? Maybe? Hmm. Well, that's the weirdest. Okay. We got to disconnect, reconnect on this one just in case to see what's going on here. I can't hear woolly, but woolly can hear me and everybody else can hear both of us. Okay. So I guess I've lost my hearing. Okay. Hold on. Uh, hold on everybody. Let me try to fix this problem real quick over here. All right. Hold on one second. I'm going to disconnect and reconnect. Hello. Hello. Yeah, I'm back. Yeah. You just cut out all of a sudden for me for some reason.
Starting point is 01:27:42 Hold on a second. Let me just fix the screen. That was weird. Okay. We're back. We're good. So, uh, yeah. Anyway, that was, uh, you know, whatever. That's the, that's the quarantine beast problem. It's going to happen from time to time. When, uh, uh, you play, when you watch pop team epic, you just get like five minutes, maybe even less, sometimes even 30 second bits and skits. And, uh, yeah, I hear that's what bobo, bobo, bobo is like. I've never watched that. Um, there was another show that was, um, God, it was this kid that was just wasting time in class. And then there was this, like girl sitting behind him, just like basically going like, I can't believe this kid is wasting
Starting point is 01:28:36 time. And what's he going to do? What creative ways is he going to find to not pay attention in class today? And that was kind of it. So there's, there's been a couple of things over time that, like, uh, you know, I know that kind of hit that thing. But although all that to say, Have you seen, uh, hell shake, you know? Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. I have actually. Yes. That's the best bit I've ever seen. Fantastic. Yeah. Yeah. That was great. It was great. Um, yeah. Tonari, Tonari Sekikun was the other time wasting kid. Uh, so when, um, when you fucking just watch the show, you get like some wacky ass hilarious skits and bits. Uh, and the best thing is like after you get like, each episode is like 15 minutes. And then at the end, the episode keeps
Starting point is 01:29:30 going and then it loops a second time, but there's different voice actors. So they'll get like a cast, they'll get two different casts to play. Um, I guess, uh, Pipiko and, and pop P. Co or pop, whatever, Pippin pop. Does it even matter? They're fucking all one short one, right? Yeah. They get different people to play them. And like one episode, you get, uh, Frieza and fucking sell. You get Norio Wakamoto and, uh, the guy who plays Frieza to do them while you are in another time, they get like, uh, you know, these other, um, girls to do them. And you know, it just, you can get the same bit, but with two different takes on it. And like sometimes it's just way funnier because they, they make them improvise. So they tell them to just like, come up with
Starting point is 01:30:21 whatever you want for this skit. And then like, you'll hear like literally two different types of it's fucking great, man. It feels like the kind of show it's like, I can't believe they're letting us make it. All right. We're still going to waste everyone's time and money though. Yeah. Let's, let's do it. Have you seen the skit with like, uh, with the gun? It's just a little, it's just a bit where it's just like, Hey, I should get a summertime job. And then like the tall one just drops a briefcase full of money and just goes, all right, you begin now. And then, and then like, that's the end of the first part. And then the second part of it comes back and it's like, uh, wait, so what's the job? And then she puts a list down and goes,
Starting point is 01:31:00 do it. And then she's like, wait, what? And then she drops a gun on the table and just goes, do it. You know, and like you get to it again. And it's just, it's just a hilarious non bit. But, but watching it and seeing the different voice actor takes on those moments is, it's like, it's double the entertainment. And one of the best parts is at the beginning and throughout the show, they commit to this whole thing where there's a really sappy, typical show, Joe love story happening in this other anime. Right. Right. And like, they, they, they animated a full intro for it and the whole beginning. And then every time you get to the, what'll happen next episode, it's whatever is happening in that fucking show. And they keep
Starting point is 01:31:45 the bit going the entire time. And then you just, you see, like, oh, last time a new girl entered and, uh-oh, she's got the hots for senpai. What do I do? Fall in love again next week. And then you just go back to, well, not caring about it until the fucking the teas for the next episode. It's marvelous. It's super duper great. So I've been loving it and it's a really easy Netflix button click because like, if you just want to not think and just watch a dumb self-contained bits with no context whatsoever, fucking pop on, pop team epic. Now those t-shirts make sense and all those giant middle fingers with the heavy detail on them with the most, the lines on the fucking knuckles and shit. Now I get it. Yori. How much do they make sense? They make perfect sense.
Starting point is 01:32:36 The most perfect sense ever. There's these horrifying ones that look like they're animated by like, um, whoever did some of those like old MTV commercials where like they just look horrifying. Bob team epic is what they're called. And like their mouths turn into these weird like little like the tonsils are sticking out of the mouth and they have no actual. Okay, what the fuck? I'm looking this up. It's so Bob team epic. It's so fucking gross, dude. The animation is terrible. They end up having like little bug mouths and they just kind of flat back and forth and do these. Oh my god, this is terrifying and they're animated poorly. So they're snapping back and forth between open and closed. And sometimes they just do like bits that were done but with crazier takes on them.
Starting point is 01:33:26 And it's awful and it's fucking, I hate it. I hate it so cursed. It's the most cursed shit ever. Yeah, I'm looking at an alien pretending to be a cat licking himself and then the two frame walking away to his shitty city. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then looks back and then he's like, get out of here. And he's like, oh, then he looks back to get the fuck out. Yeah. Anyway. Oh, that seems awful. There's even some live action bits that that catch you by surprise that are really, really strong. So I honestly like, yeah, you don't need any setup for it. You just throw that shit on and fucking watch it and stop wherever you want. Um, I also went, I also checked out the my hero academia movie.
Starting point is 01:34:15 So yeah, it takes place between seasons two and three, I believe. So, you know, proper little self contained movie story, obviously, you don't really need to worry about it if you're like current as to where it's taking place. That thing is really, really nicely animated. It's got some very, very pretty things happening. I which one? I don't know the one that just yeah, there's there's two movies now. Let me look it up. The one that came out here. Give me a second. I just bought the ticket said my hero academia on it. I didn't I didn't look at the subtitle for it. Scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, heroes rising. Heroes rising. Is that the first or the second movie? Heroes rising is the second movie. All right. So I went
Starting point is 01:35:27 to go see heroes rising. Apparently that that takes place like ahead of the anime. Okay. Yeah, I liked it. It was a little side bit, you know, and they kind of just go and have a little proper self contained story in a self contained location with self contained characters as a movie would do, you know, because anything significant can't happen in a movie. Otherwise, what the fuck? Yeah, but does Deco use his new big robot arm? He doesn't that he got later? He doesn't. No, that's not that's not the thing. The thing about the movies, of course, is that there's always got to be like shit that feels like it should be insanely significant. But but then you kind of are like, well, whatever we do with this, it cannot affect things in a way
Starting point is 01:36:29 that like you will miss it in the show. You know what I mean? It has to be episodic. Yeah. So so so there's some cool stuff in there that you kind of are like, okay, watching this movie will I don't want to spoil it for anybody that hasn't seen it, obviously, but watching in this movie, you'll be like, holy shit, there's some crazy shit here. If you don't see it, I imagine you'll be able to just continue watching the show fine. But it's totally worth it to watch it because there's some cool shit in it. And I feel as if, you know, even though things kind of start and end with a neat little bow, it's worth the journey. It's worth checking out. Yes, the movies are canon totally. I get that. That's fine. What I'm saying is when you make it,
Starting point is 01:37:21 Oh, they are the movies are canon, right? Well, what I'm saying is is when you make a movie that people might not see, you don't want to put anything in it that someone who's watching only the show, for example, would be super confused by. And it feels like what we saw in this. I don't know. I feel like I feel like people do that all the time, like wasn't the Broly movie like just part of the main storyline. So I, yeah, but I guess I was I'm not I wasn't watching Super. So I don't know how that how they handled that. Did they handle that in an exact similar way? And it just was like, I mean, I'm not familiar. It's but I know that the Broly movie came out and so was there an episode where suddenly, if you only watch the show, Broly just existed in
Starting point is 01:38:05 Super and then he wasn't there before. Or did they handle it? I don't know. I just, all I know is that Broly came at the movie came out and it counted. Okay. I'm not, I'm not, it's not arguing about whether it's canon or not. I'm not saying it's not canon. That's not ever, ever, I didn't ever say that it wasn't. What I'm saying is you can have canon that is like conveniently insertable and removable based on like, I don't want to elaborate too hard, but basically, can you safely take two episodes, make a space and insert it and then remove it? Right? So that's kind of what I that's kind of what I'm getting at. I'm not saying it didn't happen. I'm saying, is this something that if a show watcher doesn't see, they'll still,
Starting point is 01:38:57 they'll not feel as if they're missing out on something. Does that make sense? So is it, is it Kingdom Hearts or not? I don't know about Kingdom Hearts. Because Kingdom Hearts had the problem where every single piece of supplemental material was not only canon, but important. Okay, hold on a second. I am understanding part of the confusion here. When I said self contained, I did not mean non-canon. When I said self contained, my usage of the term self contained means it introduces support characters and villains that are only relevant to this moment. And in the same way that like, you can have a self contained episode. If you know, Froppy goes off on a side adventure,
Starting point is 01:39:44 hangs out with these people. And then at the end of the day, that's her thing. And that's all there is to it. Like, I'm saying it's kind of like, it introduces, there's an island, there's people on it, there's stuff, there's villains, there's whatever. Oh, there's fake island. But it's not fake movie island. But it's not fake movie island. But it's just, it's over there. You know? I still remember there was like a fucking Naruto movie that came out and Naruto goes to the frozen lands of- Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So that shit is like whatever. And it was like, oh my goodness. Or like, there's the one where, there's the one where like, he's literally walking around what looks like a modern day Tokyo. And it's just like, what is happening here? Yes, yes, yes. That
Starting point is 01:40:28 shit is, you know, ridiculous. But no, I don't, I literally, when I say self contained, I just mean like conveniently, like tells you everything and wraps up in the in the one sitting, you know? So that like, you're not going to have a character introduced in this movie suddenly just appear on screen somewhere without an explanation. Now, if that does happen with Broly, for example, because I'm not sure if it does, then that would be, that would be totally the opposite of what I'm describing in which case, then- Yeah, well, Dragon Ball doesn't give a shit. In which case, Dragon Ball just didn't give a shit. Yeah. It's Dragon Ball. You saw the movie, right? Dragon Nerds, right? And if someone, if a Dragon
Starting point is 01:41:13 Nerd didn't see the movie, did Broly just suddenly- I guess they're not a real Dragon Nerd. They're Dragon Balls. Did Broly just suddenly appear in the show? I don't know. I don't know. I don't think it started back up yet. I think that's where the confusion comes in. Okay. Well, in any case, I think it was pretty cool. I think you should watch it because there's some cool ideas. Well, there's also manga spoilers in it, so I'm probably not going to watch it until- Is there? That shit has passed. Yes. The long and short of it that has kept going up is that it has been baffling is that they made a deal where they're going to put out a movie every year, every two years, and they're going to be concurrent with what's going on in the manga, not the anime.
Starting point is 01:42:12 So all the movies will be spoilers if you're just watching the anime. So someone says, it's like the Kamen Rider where the movie happens, and then the next episode everyone goes, ah, yes, Mizuki. We know them and what they did, or anime filler, where the people exist, but they just never show up again. Right. Okay. There you go. Okay. Well, I'm trying to think about like- Well, how about this? If there are? Apparently, apparently it is a character that showed up that you assumed was part of the movie universe is actually a manga character. Okay. Okay. I see. There's- Okay. I could take a guess as to who they're talking about. Yeah. If they're talking
Starting point is 01:43:07 about who I think they're talking about, there's a face that you see that you're just like, wait, who's that? And then they're not around for long. But I definitely didn't hit anything that I was like, oh, fuck, was I supposed to know that? I don't know how we got here. You know? That didn't really strike me. But yeah, you know what? I don't know what I don't know. So I don't know, man. I'm just trying to say- Hero Aka's gotten really bizarre for me. It's good. It's a good movie. That's all I'm trying to say. I liked it. The animation was cool. It had some good ideas, sorted out. That shows become really bizarre for me because like, I don't know what the fuck is Google doing to me. But like, I'll open up Chrome and it'll be like, hey, you like Hero
Starting point is 01:43:54 Aka, right? Here's a- Here's a fucking anime news article about the recent manga chapter. And it's literally always like, I can't believe that guy was evil the whole time. And it's like, are you- Are you fucking- Thanks, internet. But every time that that has happened so far, I've gone, oh shit. I can't wait for that to happen. You know, it's never been like, aw, bummer. Aw, geez. Instead, it's always like, oh, that sounds cool. That'll be nice. Yeah. Rad ideas are rad. And it's nice to know that, you know, Good Show gets- continues to be good. I'm- I'm- I remain consistently impressed with how absolutely middle of the road my hero is in its ambition. And how like, I don't- it's because mediocre is the wrong word,
Starting point is 01:45:00 because it implies like, like, you know, like it's- that it's not excellent. But it's really just predictable and solid and normal and fun, you know? Hey, Willie, I asked you a question that's fairly spoilery in your Discord chat. I want to ask, could you answer that for me in a yes-no? Uh, yeah. Yes. Okay, so fun- fun fact about that. So I'm gonna dance around this, but anybody who's read the manga or knows what I'm talking about- Yeah. So do you remember- do you remember that the author of Hero Academia has gone on record saying how much he regrets making a Bakugo into like a completely unrepentant piece of shit and can't seem to work it back far enough? Because he's such a bully?
Starting point is 01:46:06 Like, nothing he- nothing he does seems to be able to fix that character. He's such a bully, yeah. Without changing him completely, I suppose. So the deal is, is that before that was ruined, right, before that was the problem, the end of this movie was supposed to be the end of the whole story. Okay. And then at some point, that became like completely impossible to do. Okay. And he's like, no one will want this. Okay. No, everyone will. Okay. Okay. Well then, so then they just threw it in here instead. All right. Well, that's fun. That's cool. Um, yeah. Now, Bakugo is a really interesting character that like, if you love your Himbos,
Starting point is 01:46:56 then you got yourself a good one. And if you- You got a bunch of Himbos in that- in that fucking- Yeah, but if you like your bully Himbo, you got a- Yeah, what if you like your spacey Himbo? Well, because if you like your- because like, you got, yeah, you got a bunch of Himbos to pick from, and- but like, only one of them is the bully Himbo, you know? If you want Bakugo, but you don't want him to be a jerk, then pick the redhead. Yeah. So- And if you want the redhead, but you want him to be stupid, pick Kamenari. Yeah. And, and, and, you know. And then no one picks Minetta, ever. For any reason. Ever. That character should die. That character- I am- I've been- I've been on this bandwagon for a year now. Minetta exists as part of the core cast that can get
Starting point is 01:47:49 killed by a new villain. It would clean up the roster. To establish- It would clean it up. To establish that the villain is real. I mean, Minetta exists as a- like, the only redeeming thing I will- I will say about Minetta is, when he shows up, I like how his art style is different from everyone else's. Yeah. That's it. That's the only thing I got going on him. Please murder this boy quickly. Please speed it up. It's, it's so weird because everyone else, it's usually when you have like a weirdo garbage scumbag character in a, in an anime or a manga, they exist in a weird, I don't want to call them, scum smear. Yeah. Yeah. In which they're like irrationally protected from their horrible behavior. Yes. Uh, and Minetta's totally not
Starting point is 01:48:39 like everyone hates him. Um, and they, he's always in trouble because everyone hates him. Yeah, but like, but like his, his, his pervy shit keeps him from ever having real moments. You know, the most you get is like a punchline real moment where he bleeds from the head as he's like saving the day, but also yelling something fucking awful. And you're just like, yeah, yeah, no, no, that character can pretty much go. That character can die. He'll get some, he'll get some crazy fucking hero moment and everyone's going to be like, what? But here's the problem. Timeskip can't save that boy. You don't do it. Can't do it. You don't know that. I feel like everything can be solved
Starting point is 01:49:31 with the timeskip except him, Minetta. It's too much, man. It's too deep in. It's the only thing going on with his personality. Yeah. Until we're until further reveals. The only thing we've been given about his personality, I'll say, I'll word it. I'll word it that way. Not the, you know, it's all the only thing we know. But yeah, I otherwise check, check the movie out for some fun stuff and check it out for some proper My Hero Academia emotional manipulation. They go hard on the tears. Do you feel like Minetta is like the trap character and that it's the character like, okay, I want everybody to like all the characters that I like. So I'm going to make one that's just
Starting point is 01:50:23 straight garbage to just like catch all of the hatred. I mean, it's not a bad idea, right? It's not a bad idea to create the lightning rod for everyone's hire. But when you think of other shonen rosters and you think of the perv, there's never like nothing but they they have more than just exactly, right? So you want another version of this take, right? Let's go look at Jariah. Jariah is a perv and he's got up. He's also an old man. He's got other things going on. And then, you know, Jariah ends up being a character that you're like, yo, that was pretty cool. All right, you did the thing. Roshi's cool. And everyone was Roshi's got a lot going on. Everyone was rooting for him in the tournament, right? Everyone wanted to see Roshi fucking flex because
Starting point is 01:51:23 he hasn't done shit for the entire franchise. So you get that. Yeah. And he's like, now show me your titties. Yeah. And you're like, oh, you old man. Now, the old man in my hero is just fucking Mega Man and he's cool. He's got no problems. He's just ordinary, but he's not a perv. He's fine. Oh, I just it's it's it's the fact that Manetta is like a person the same age as the rest of the cast. If it was an old person, he'd be deflected against it. He'd be deflected. Hey, does everybody remember how like hilarious everybody thought that one teacher in Azamanga Daya was the first time you watched it? And then like that joke became like less funny every time you watched it. Uh huh. Uh huh. And it's the open mouth, man. It's the open mouth that does it for
Starting point is 01:52:12 me, dude. Like the specter, right? If that teacher was hot, those bits would be way different. If that was a they'd be way different. That was a fucking Kaji looking Bishi with his chest open. Then that show would be popular with. Yeah. Imagine blonde Kaji as the sensei with the button down and the top two open and he's the same guy with the same lines. No good. No good. Uh huh. I don't want it. Man, you know, all this talk about how Manetta is pervy garbage. Like it reminds me. So, hey, I don't know. Dude is to be sure. Yeah, he exists. Exactly. Exactly. Literally. It's the same. It's the same big fucking exists. Oh my God. Totally kill it. The is this week had another interspecies
Starting point is 01:53:19 and this week is both like it's like the saddest and most nightmarish one of all in which it is the, uh, fucking body double magic clone person that you date for three days and pretend it's your girlfriend and, uh, nothing more to say about that other than the fact that so you're watching, you're watching hero academia, let's say, right? And you're like, man, Manetta's garbage. Manetta's like a garbage person, right? Yeah. And you know, when you're watching something and you're like, even if, even if the, even if they don't really show it off, you're like, that one's the piece of shit. That one's the slimy rat man of the, of the crew. Yeah. Right. You get to, you get to fucking interspecies 10 and the one that you've been like,
Starting point is 01:54:11 you know, that little halfling dude, that dude's a piece of shit. I just feel it. Right. Guess what? Turns out he's a piece of shit. That dude's garbage. So who's, you knew who's the one that put in the request to specifically get a tomboy athletic type abs on display. Oh man. Slightly cindere personality traits. That's just some guy who walks in. That guy is a fucking scholar and a noble and a man of exquisite taste. So I, so there's an episode, it was, I think it was last week where they go to the actual succubus joint and succubus can change. Oh, it was me. I walked into the story. Got it. Okay. And I saw the edit. I saw an edit that was the three guys that walk in and they ask for a big titty monster wife,
Starting point is 01:55:11 lollies, and then a tomboy. Right. And I had, I had Matt and then Liam and your faces on them. And I was like, that's a hilarious edit. Then I watched the episode and discovered that the text and dialogue had not been changed. That is actually totally what those guys walk in and ask for. Yeah. And it was just a photo shop of the heads. Yeah. Yeah. And I couldn't believe it. I couldn't fucking believe it. It didn't. The subtitle didn't look edited. So I'm like, I need, I need more information because what a fucking that shows hilarious. What a patrician, you know, that that shit is is fucking hilarious. Oh, it's such a nail. I don't know where it's going from fucking orbit. Because there's two episodes left. And I genuinely don't know where the show can go from now.
Starting point is 01:56:09 I feel like we've seen it all. They had sex with a fucking skeleton. The answer is inside, Pat. Where do they go? Oh, he was your fucking giant test. Inside. Well, anyway. Yeah, man. Heroes Rising, you know, otherwise pretty, pretty typical anime movie, right? Like, you're not going to fucking rock the boat on anything. But my expectations are of the animation to be cool and for there to be some like holy shit moments. And there are, while there are also some other typical things. So worth checking out for sure.
Starting point is 01:56:51 And yeah, I don't know. Like you, like for someone who fucking wiki bombs himself on stories that you do care about, I don't think you'd be, you know, be any worse for the wear if you were to watch this. Oh, very likely not. Like I've probably been like, uh, what do you call it? Ambient spoiler bombed to everything at this point that goes on in that show. Pretty much. And like, based on the nature of what you asked me about, that's literally the only thing that is like, oh, wait, hold on. You know, without that being in the picture, like, yeah, just fucking watch it. You know, I think the funniest thing I saw recently was a quote from the author for Hierarchia that was like, I should probably go to sleep or something,
Starting point is 01:57:39 but I want to just keep drawing Muraco, which is the, uh, the buff rabbit. So I keep hearing about buff new rabbit lady girl. And, uh, you know, I'm not, I'm, I'm probably like two episodes or three episodes behind. So I haven't seen what's going on yet. She's not in the show. Oh, okay. All right. Great. Well, we'll get there. We'll get there. I'm patient. I have time. Um, and the other thing I did with that time was watch, or excuse me, I went back to Hades. Hmm. It's got the 99. So I was planning to play black Mesa last Thursday, but steam went fucking down and you couldn't buy anything. So that that plan flopped. So instead, I was like, well, fuck it then. Let me just do something I wanted to do for a while now,
Starting point is 01:58:31 which is just do a quick one off of, uh, of, of Hades. So I cracked that bitch open, which has another, another new update. I cracked that bitch open. And it turns out that the 99 update was happening the morning that I decided to take a look at it. And the 99 update includes gauntlets. So yeah, that was perfect, perfect, perfect timing. I'm back in they added the ability to punch. I'm back in on Hades and I'm catching up on all the features I missed in the meantime. Uh, I don't know how many there's a lot that's happened in the meantime, but I don't know. And I don't know how many of them are just from this update and not, but like, like the last time I touched it, Meg was the only fury.
Starting point is 01:59:18 Ah, man. Okay, you, oh wow, you've been gone for a bit. Meg was the only fury. Now it's, they changed how dashing works. Everything, everything is super different now. Um, wait, wait, what was the dash change? Uh, the, the visual on it. Yes. The visual looks changed and you can now only dash twice unless you update your fucking dashes. No, you can only up dash twice. I was running a build that had, oh, did they change that back since I last night? I had five. Okay, so I had three dashes and then Hermes with a, uh, uh, with an epic boon gives you plus two dashes. So then you can get up to five. Oh, okay. So yeah, so there is a dash cap of two unless you get boons. Okay.
Starting point is 02:00:16 So I was fucking, I was, because you used to be able to get multiple dashes last up past that from the mirror. Um, yeah, man, you, you, you, you get dashes from the mirror and then, and then you can get Hermes who gives you more. Um, so there was a, uh, yeah, one major thing that is like, probably my favorite part of these updates is when the new character design shows up and oh my God, does Hades have some fucking winners? It just, it just absorbs the whole title screen. They're all winners, man. It reminds me of Saga in how strong some of these character designs are. Nick's best death mom is real now. She's in there and she's glorious.
Starting point is 02:01:04 Oh, she's, she's doesn't have the generic model now. No, no. Nick's is fucking awesome. Have you seen chaos? Oh yeah. Chaos has been in there for a while. Chaos is incredible. Right. Um, uh, uh, now there's, uh, um, God, uh, there's the Bard, right? There's the court, the court, or the Orpheus, the court musician, and then there's the other mute, the muse that you find out in, uh, and I want to say an Asphodel. Have you met, there's an NPC you meet out that's she sings? I have not met that character. Okay. Um, it's the kind of thing where I, I play like every two or three updates and every two or three updates that come back and I go, wow, it's like a whole new game. That's crazy. Uh, yeah. Meg has a challenger. Meg has a contender for
Starting point is 02:02:03 best girl. So I thought that 1.0 was coming like soon. Uh, like I thought it was going to be the update after nighty night and then I went and checked and they're like, yeah, we're slowly working towards 1.0 sometime in the fall. And I'm like, Oh my God, this fucking game is going to have a lot. Dude, the contractors didn't exist the last time I played it. And now the contractors are like this whole thing where you go talk. What are the contractors? They didn't exist last time. Contractors are like these little, um, um, meddits, you know, from Mega Man, right? The little helmet buddies. It's like that. These little cute things and they add renovations to either, um, Hades, like Cat Palace or to the, the underworld, right? So you can do a
Starting point is 02:02:56 whole bunch of cosmetic things, but there's a main front page that adds new features and new things that didn't exist. So for example, one thing and like every time they add something, it's not insignificant in terms of this first page stuff. So you spend, uh, some, some, um, whatever it is, like trinket collectibles or whatever the fucking currency is on renovating a list of minor prophecies from the fates and it's a list of like things that are fated to happen and you can go complete this list. It's essentially a list of achievos, right? And, but the way they work it in is the fates of prophesied that these things will happen and you get a reward for completing it and the characters talk about the list. Like it's an in
Starting point is 02:03:43 game, in lore thing that they refer to and they go, Oh yeah, are you working on doing it? And it's like, well, excuse me, it's kind of interesting because just because it says it here, do I have to do it? And it's like, well, they kind of want you to do it because that's what their prophecy is. And then it's this whole like, if we give you a list of what's supposed to happen, then you kind of know what the future beholds and whatever. But yeah, it's there, right? Um, one thing you can do is, you know, when you go to the mirror and you have all those abilities, the purple abilities, so you can scroll between, uh, you can now switch them to a second set. So all of those things on the list have like a fire version. So, um, so now you go to the list of
Starting point is 02:04:32 like all those mirror abilities and there's like a, a, a different take on it. So one, for example, is get more, uh, every time you level up, you get a higher life cap, for example, is like one of the, one of the bottom ones there. You can switch that to like, extreme confidence, which is instead of increasing your life when you level up, you, uh, you do more damage when you level up. So you don't, you just, you just, you know, you believe you're not going to get hit type of thing. Um, and I just believe it, uh, you can choose between like, I want to say it was like gaining money. I forgot the money one was, but it just, it's a different way of, of taking on the same kind of challenge, you know? Uh, and,
Starting point is 02:05:20 and I'm actually like hilariously enough loading up Hades right now to look at that because that sounds like the craziest. It's a massive change. And now all the, you know, when you, you collect, what is it, uh, uh, shadow, uh, with the purple drops. Oh yeah. I, the darkness. Yeah. That currency has a fucking mirror list of abilities you can dump it into. It's a whole second groove. It's, it's a huge change. Okay. Let's reflect. Let's take a look at this. What is, what is this fucking? So it's the little arrows on the lines. Oh my god. There's a, you flip it and then you get the yellow version and it's okay. So instead of deep pockets, I want golden touch, which is each rank gives you plus 5% of your total every time you
Starting point is 02:06:11 clear a region. Oh my God. So it changes. Oh, this is changes everything dude. This is sick. I'm upset. It's kind of crazy that this game is still not at 1.0 and this is how it's, it's not even close. I'm looking at the upper left upper right of the screen and it's 0.2683. Yeah. Here we are. You know, which is like, that's not even close. Now I, I don't know. I haven't read about why Hades is being developed this way, but I have to assume it's because there's a small team. They're very, I have to assume that like the rest of supergiant, which is also very small, is perhaps, I have to assume there's a second project in the works, perhaps, you know, because this is, this is a, maybe, because I feel like this is a way to develop
Starting point is 02:07:06 a game where, you know, you pretty much are letting people know that, hey, what we have is a, we have a team and we've got time, but we don't have a ton of people to iterate this quickly. Iterating is going to take a while so they can put like a minimal staff on Hades while the rest of the people are working on it. I don't know, man. The whole company's like 10 people. I don't know. I'm just guessing. I'm just guessing, you know. Okay. 20 people as of 2018. And yeah, there is that documentary from no clip about, about their process. That's true. Yeah. So I think this is all hands on board. It's just that the way they're making it is a way to get money while they make it super good. Because I don't think they'd have the time
Starting point is 02:07:49 to actually, like, how long has this been going on? Right? Once the last game that came out was fucking Pyrr, right? Okay, when the fuck did Pyrr come out? Not that long ago, but a couple years. 26, four years. 2017 July. So I don't think they have the funds to not put shit out. Right. For three, four years. Right. Yeah. I think that's why it's being developed this way. Pyrr didn't get talked about as much as Transistor and Bastion did. It didn't. So that could have an effect on it as well. Plus, hey, exclusive deal with Epic Store for the first, right? Before it got ported. So they got, they got some Epic Dev money too. It's funny because Hades, like Dead Cells came along and was the first game that I can remember.
Starting point is 02:08:53 I believe it was Vinny that told us, but the first game I can remember everybody going, yeah, it's early access, but who cares? Right? Like Dead Cells and early access is better than most of the games on your list. Yes, exactly. This is absolutely right there with that of like, yeah, it's early access, but it's still better than most of the stuff you're playing. I. There is not a single character in this roster, not a single God or lower being that I don't love. Yeah, they're all right. Every single person in this game is fucking amazing. Someone I love talking to. Someone I love going to see what's up. What are they going to say next? What lines? Let's give them a gift. Let's like all of them. It's funny because I've been chipping away at it
Starting point is 02:09:51 over time, but I cannot wait for 1.0 because 1.0 is going to delete everybody's progress. You're not going to be able to start with your character. It'll be a fresh slate. And I'm like, oh, I can't wait. Sure. Sure. Because there's so much dialogue that I'm sure I missed. Hypnos talks shit to you. He talks shit in the best way. Don't don't don't shit on Hypnos. That's great. No, if anything, it's the fucker with the what it's the. What's his name? Sisyphus? Sisyphus probably has the least amount going on. He's the guy. He's always there when they, you know, you run into him and he's got now. He's like, hey, what's up? Hey, Zag. What's his name? The asshole, the the ferryman. Karen. Karen. He's got he doesn't have a lot.
Starting point is 02:10:40 Sharon. Sharon. He's like talking to you, mate. Yeah. But he's not ready either, right? He's still in the. He still has the ropes on, which is the the placeholder graphic. Yeah. Oh, yeah. So he's not done yet either. And the other furies nowhere near as interesting, but also not people that you got to talk to. No, they're not allowed in the house. They're they're weird. Super. Anyway, really, really, really, really loving these updates. They're they're significant. And oh my god. Okay, so you just saw you only just showed you about the groove changes, right? So you can also did you see the weapons also have that now too? Sorry. So loading it back to the courtyard, grab a weapon, right? And then the empty space where
Starting point is 02:11:41 the weapon was will be a glowing purple orb. Interact with that. And you will now see a menu that goes like, I see the aspect of all you are. And like, you'll see three or four different weapon modes that you can set each weapon to where they become incarnations of whoever the previous user was. So the Lance, for example, you can get the version that your boy Achilles was using so that now the Lance, instead of throwing it out and having it come back to you as it's special, you throw it out. And then the second time you press Y, you dash to where it is. Does that have to be unlocked? Because I don't have that. Yes, you do have to spend a Titan blood to purchase the incarnations.
Starting point is 02:12:37 I'm going to start over immediately. Like, I'm deleting my fucking file right now. Because I reset it. No, that's not the reset I wanted you asshole. How do I kill this fucking file? I don't know. But if you I don't know how far you got. Did you did you get did you get to Asphodel? Did you get through to the area after that? No, no, I never beat the Minotaur. Oh, well, no, wait, no, Minotaur is no, Asphodel is the fiery place. Oh, okay, then I totally got to the Minotaur after that. Yeah, I got you got to Elysium and then you stop the Elysium. Okay, got it. All right. Yes. So Yeah, you're you're you know, I mean you could restart, but I don't think you have to but whatever it's up to you. In any case
Starting point is 02:13:33 There's so much now and each of those weapons that you has the different grooves now you can level up those grooves for extra of Fuck off specific Because that was one of the one things that was missing where you'd go. It's like, oh, okay. I gotta run bow. I don't really like bow And it's like, great. Now what they've tripled the weapons total. Yeah, I love the bow But yeah, they've tripled the weapons, right? So second incarnation of the bow when you When you hit something with the normal shot It creates a target on it so that your special arrows that all fly out and like fanned out directions all track towards that target
Starting point is 02:14:14 Oh a couple of seconds, you know Um, the fists are just like rapid fire And then like a cross cut and an uppercut And the uppercut the shore you can gets replaced with a vacuum shore you can like a shinry you can it pulls the enemy in And then you sure you can hell it is so sick man. Hades is amazing, dude so so, uh Yeah, I I remain a fan of to me The bow the fucking lance and the fists are just they just clean house. They clean fucking house
Starting point is 02:14:50 Yeah, Hades Hades is coming a long way, dude amazing game All right, is that it for your week buddy All right. Well, hey, if they want to see some of that week, where would they do that versus on youtube? We've got all of our daily lps now three a week Excuse me three three a day Three a day, right? So we got three p.m. We got six p.m. We got nine p.m Uh currently, you know, we're doing that we got that cotor two
Starting point is 02:15:25 um Oh my god that atris conversation That fucking atris conversation is okay I'm gonna steal this because I've been waiting to use the bathroom for two hours If you want to check out my stream, you can check it out at slash pass stairs at it's a big week It's animal crossing and doom and resident evil 3 Demo and the finale of re6 and now I have to run away. Excuse me. I'll be back in a few minutes Hey
Starting point is 02:15:57 How do I mute this just click the mute button and then there you go that'll do uh Yeah, that atris conversation is fucking amazing um cotor two is Showing it's full power. I'm getting full power uh, uh Feelings from where obsidian is is is is what they're doing in this game and and and
Starting point is 02:16:27 Dear god, I love it. So we got that going on over on woolly versus. Um Haven't having a good old time with you know, uh e-pack fan so That's great doom continues as well uh, and I want to say That you know, uh alongside that. Yeah, so we got the we got that usually coming out around 9 p.m
Starting point is 02:16:54 And then 6 p.m. We're throwing up get into fighting games any one-offs that we look at any special um Any special things of the week, you know are all going to kind of drop in at that 6 p.m slot um So have fun with that enjoy and what we'll probably end up doing is again since you know, we're moving so fast alongside the the stuff we're recording with like we've you know I took a look at like vanquish and sonic robo blast and now we got um We talked about hades for a little bit and then now i'm playing half life
Starting point is 02:17:29 It's like we're going to just use those 6 p.m. Slots to start cycling in you know, whatever else was was cued backwards. So uh, yeah We got we got uh vanquish coming up soon and then after that all the current things we're discussing so Anyway, uh, that's over on woolly versus you can also check it out on twitch. Uh, if you want to follow me and reggie and um Occasionally min and punch mom doing our thing and then uh, you know woolly wools on twitter For the daily updates and the swan and the so forth I said that again. I said the verbal tick
Starting point is 02:18:04 Okay Hmm. I was going to take a bathroom break myself But I might be able to just talk and see what everyone's up to how you guys doing You know, I can just I can just do a little bit of this For a minute. I've been playing a lot of teppin of course That's that's been a big a big focus because it's a nice way to kill some time Solo lps well the problem with the solo lp and I'm gonna be real is when I tried a solo lp Uh, I tried it with reboot and then I tried it again with Naruto and it was just immensely difficult
Starting point is 02:18:36 It was immensely difficult like I felt So Limited and stunted not having something or someone to play off of I felt like An idiot in many cases. I kind of just didn't know where the conversation should go And it like the episodes that you saw that worked out of me going solo took a lot of effort They took a whole lot of effort admittedly
Starting point is 02:19:04 Doing it with chat adds Another adds a little bit more. It makes it a bit more breathable What you saw was me doing solo lp without chat on Naruto and reboot at first and fuck me Was that rough and tricky, but it was rough feeling it is the end result was still pretty funny I like the way it sounded Yes plague of course clearly is very good at Just doing it solo and you know, I Hats off to the ability that plague has displayed by just being able to solo it
Starting point is 02:19:41 It's currently a fucking weak spot for me. What can I say? You know, I think I'm I'm at my most entertaining and I think I'm a funniest when I have someone to play off of and I think My big squishy weak underbelly is exposed When I have nothing and no one Because I I don't even know what to what to go for and I don't even know
Starting point is 02:20:06 What's what's landing and what's not landing? You know, it's a it's a really hard thing And if you ever try it You'd feel it in the moment if you ever hit that button and then go all right open space no feedback go It's a pretty sobering moment To kind of try and think about like what kind of content to to to take this in what direction You know, should you should you? Have some overconfidence. Should you feel under confident? I don't know. What do you feel? You know, it's it's it's it's it's
Starting point is 02:20:38 The LP tax increases like two fold because you're that much more in your head You know It's a it's a tricky one But that's how I feel Hello, I'm back. Hey, what's up? Just talking about uh the nature of solo lp'ing versus Uh duo
Starting point is 02:21:02 And so on lp. Uh, it's fucking weird Chat lets you bounce off for somebody but when you don't when you do it without a chat in the void Oh, yeah It's so um Paige and I have talked about this for a good bit in that um You look at so chat So I have I have a second monitor chats like kind of to the right of my sight line and the vast majority of time
Starting point is 02:21:30 Chat is like a An emotion more than any particular thought Right And it's just like sad angry It's kappa I could kappa's an emotion now if I could it is if I could do lps With a monitor that was just a color And it would be the emotion of chat as a whole I would totally be fine
Starting point is 02:21:58 Right like you just straight up like you see the yeah The screen fades red Everyone is posting the the head grab. Oh god. Oh god The screen fades yellow. Everyone's posting total biscuit lol, you know Yeah, that's all it is and you just you just you just react to the color and you can totally play off of that But the void the empty nothing That is the real challenge is uh, the void is it feels like uh doing the presentation at school
Starting point is 02:22:32 In front of the uh an audience that will not emote at you at all because they don't care Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm, and they're not interested see it's funny because when I was a little kid and I had to do those uh those presentations I always thought that the fact that people weren't paying attention that that would help me Turns out the fact that no one's paying attention puts more pressure on you because there's no way for you to win people over And it's the exact opposite effect when you're in a room with a live audience Like Yeah, because the you say something and the live audience goes. Ah, you're like, all right. We got this. Uh, it's so easy with a live audience Like it's all like effortless because the room feeling
Starting point is 02:23:14 Informs the next thing you're supposed to say You don't even you don't even feel like you have to like think of what to do or say next It just like it just the room tells you you know the punch lines are timed in such a way that when the audience Like, you know, they finish like clapping or laughing or saying or making whatever noises Then you just you have a pause and then bam next bit. Ah, you know, it's just It's very free. Um, and you don't get that you don't get that uh at all when you are fucking sitting there by yourself. So Uh, yeah, no, and you know, like I said, uh fucking kudos to plague on his ability to just you know
Starting point is 02:23:59 Whatever, um Dad Break what what's the word i'm looking for talk to rocks the ability to talk to rocks. Yes So here's the thing right? I talk quite often with uh, elia aka plague of gripes friend of the podcast Um, and he is just constantly muttering to himself Mm-hmm And he's and what he's doing
Starting point is 02:24:24 Day to day is he is constantly bitching and complaining at animals such as sheeps And being like, oh, you're stupid. So he does he is practiced Talking to nothing right essentially and drawing and talking to nothing So then when it comes down to it, it's just like Fuck that look at that rock. What a stupid rock What a stupid rock. Yeah Uh, anyway
Starting point is 02:24:53 With that, um quick word from our sponsors So let's see here This week, uh castle super beast is sponsored by Door dash Hey door dash. So Hey, as you guys know ever Sorry, excuse me No, just as you know, uh door dash is the application that lets you choose what you want to eat
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Starting point is 02:26:41 Um Yeah, it's it's a it's a really handy way to not have to worry about your next meal and just get it dropped off right to you again You can check out Door-dash and right now you our listeners can get five dollars off their first order Of 15 dollars or more when you download the door-dash app and enter the code castle That's five dollars off your first order when you download the door-dash app with the app store
Starting point is 02:27:10 and enter code castle Don't forget promo code castle Five dollars off your first order with door-dash Thank you very much door-dash Thanks door-dash So let's check the news out Hey woolly
Starting point is 02:27:33 Did anything get cancelled this week we go to is it cancelled yet dot com? Yeah, fuck it I Www dot is it cancelled yet dot com? Okay All right, well you got a nice psa up front telling people to stay the fuck home So that's nice Yeah, stay home
Starting point is 02:28:03 Even if you're not feeling sick you could there you go Old old people and sick people are at risk. Yes now 2020 status is uh-oh Donald trump status is uh-oh disneyland Canceled land cancel wwdc cancelled I don't know what that is democratic primary
Starting point is 02:28:24 uh-oh boston marathon uh-oh They're really gonna hold the fucking boston mat marathon. Are you serious microsoft build? Are you? Yes cancelled broadway The show must not go on March madness march madness cancel sat's uh-oh still gotta do mba season Canceled can a gel and a cell can mlb Cancel market Don't know what that is, but it's cancel three
Starting point is 02:29:01 Very cancel and that's our first talking item Yes, also almost all forms of public gatherings in most countries All the big music tours uh-oh Extremely cancel come on cancel that houston rodeo Hey casino buffets Pope france's public appearances
Starting point is 02:29:25 bernie and biden rallies google io south by southwest minecraft festival cancelled cancelled cancelled cancelled cancelled Everything is cancelled I think I think my favorite experience out of this whole thing in terms of things being cancelled Is seeing people who were told Various bullshit reasons why they couldn't work from home Only be told now Yeah, you told including a lady who left her job because they didn't have her they couldn't support her because she was on disability
Starting point is 02:30:00 And like literally had to leave because she couldn't get around and then the month after they're like oh turns out you couldn't work from home Yeah, it turns out uh that going to work is bullshit Turns out it's totally doable. No problem Everyone should be able to do their job at pajamas just like me stef curry's cough Canceled did you see that damn it? There's a video of stef curry Talking and he turns his head to cough and then like He just goes nope
Starting point is 02:30:39 You know he roman cancels it it's a fucking it's beautiful. It's a thing of beauty motherfucker drop he wire sees that shit and uh There's straight up edits of there's edits of him Like turning his head and then you see the little yrc animation from guilty gear. It's fucking great Hey, it's a it's a fucking weird thing in that I have I've had a similar situation where like I'm in a dry basement. My throat can get a little dry. So occasionally I'll clear my throat or do like a little Yeah, yeah in my elbow But doing that scares the shit out of people now
Starting point is 02:31:21 I It's scary But you know What people are you around? So what's the problem You know, uh, the car Yeah, I know, but I don't want anybody to be worried just like if if here's the thing right if the fucking if the covid If the rona hit us and then it introduced a new form
Starting point is 02:31:51 Of bodily and I just saw the car Yo, he contained it. He should have just downed it Um, listen if the rona hit us and it introduced a new form of bodily expulsion Then that'd be different a new type Right not sneezing not coughing What do we got ears and Well, you shoot us out your elbows or some or we can we already tear up We need a new nothing comes out the ears except for wax and you have to do it manually
Starting point is 02:32:34 Right if you got some new form of just like And if you if you hear anyone going Then that's the that's that means they got it then you're like, okay fine Why would someone make that noise unless there was they got it? But Oh, man, that's not what it is They're doing the noise. It's the florn noise Yeah, instead it's the mo instead Instead we're in the middle of cold flu and allergy season
Starting point is 02:33:01 So you're getting normal most likely time of year to cough and sneeze. There's tons and tons of false positives And there's just as many false negatives, so Yeah No People talk about the fart virus Yeah, well e3's dead Uh, e3's not coming back on this one too much money lost e3 E3's been going downhill for year after year after year after year
Starting point is 02:33:31 And every year's is some new fucking disaster. Yeah And now this year everybody's gonna set up the plans to do their Ubi direct and sony direct and ea direct and whatever the fuck right So why the fuck would they bother next year? So tournaments are are are definitely in a situation where some of them can't take the hit and They got to go it doesn't matter. No, I know but I just mean like it's a sense that it's like well that is a
Starting point is 02:34:03 non-recoverable situation, you know the loss. Yeah, no, I mean there's there's a I'll I'll shill them right now For example, but a guy who does a guy who rather has let me use music for my stream guy named fingers Uh, he's a great musician had just had like a shit ton of gigs pull on him Yes, uh, hey guess what all comedians like are not, you know, that's it like you whatever your tour was That's not we're gonna work out. Um I mean ceo just went off um
Starting point is 02:34:38 Probably shouldn't have but uh Yeah, I really shouldn't know we're we're uh, we're standing by but it's like yeah final round got wrapped up and you know, um, um A bunch of shit a bunch of shit is kind of going for it. So, you know, we're gonna wait and see and hear what's going on But for the most part, um, I feel I don't think there is a single chance that evo actually happens here That's going down at all that that's a gap. That's the the size of that You know the absolute state of it. It's way too big. You might as well just spit in your grandma's face
Starting point is 02:35:13 Um We'll Don't do that Nana will not appreciate it So yeah, some places are putting the cap at 250, you know, some places are putting it higher some places putting it lower But uh, one thing's for sure trade shows trade shows are fucking done Oh Elmo god damn it. No, Elmo shit. Lovely
Starting point is 02:35:37 Wonderful Stop that. This is great Okay, you know what that mother fuckers does you know what that cat does? He walks up. He walks up to the mist mixer and turns you down Because the sliding Like not the the sliding parts of the of the mixer that turn the volume up and down he likes to push them down So like we'll be streaming and he'll walk up to the microphone and he'll just turn like me or page just off that cat knows what's up
Starting point is 02:36:13 Fuck off cat. I got a different kind of mixer that has all knobs. So Oh, you got the all knobs Well, anyway, um, yeah, that's what we're looking at for the most part and uh, you know Everything is touch and go now. The question is is yeah, the the real question is is who recovers from the hit? You know nhl nm mlb and nba
Starting point is 02:36:39 it's like Those things are Sports are going to take tremendous losses, but they have so much fucking money Everybody in sports is a millionaire. So like whatever the the owners are all Stupid well the the players who are not the top cat players are not millionaires, certainly but there's uh There's a high likelihood that those institutions will be fine. They can if they can afford to lose the season
Starting point is 02:37:08 um I think uh It's the smaller group gatherings the smaller events that are going to be fucking You know How many people are luckily the biggest sports event in the world the olympics is still on I think it's just waiting till the last minute and I don't think anybody's buying their flights You know to like that for example I I like prime minister of japan's like we're totally going to do the olympics and everyone around him is like are you for real, dude?
Starting point is 02:37:41 I think some people are still looking at the um The deposit right you're looking at the deposit and you're going Can I let that rock? can I let that slide and There's a certain number of zeros where they'll say no I cannot I cannot let that slide and the olympics might be there I don't know man does it change whether or not it's a good idea
Starting point is 02:38:13 You know, you know, it's bad for tourism sick people yeah so WrestleMania Should absolutely go on With their new found format but empty Oh, yeah And do it. I don't ever want to see a person in the crowd at wrestling ever
Starting point is 02:38:35 In the stadium With the same level of pomp and circumstance for all those intros Yeah, to no one That dude Be the best You already best already fucking booked the stadium. You already booked it. It's paid for it's done Run it run it and run it empty Add the crowd in post. Yeah
Starting point is 02:39:04 Yeah, add the crowd in post. I see uh Or add the But don't don't make it a good crowd make it like a bunch of cardboard at l 94 Just like just drop a texture a flat texture over the 35 different people Just mapped on put a giant green tarp over the seats And then just block it in Okay, but you know what I want I want them to be like the little like the blocked in like low carb warts But I still want the wrestlers to go into the stands to fight
Starting point is 02:39:41 And I want them to just be like clipping through the jpegs. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh man Oh, I mean the other way to do it would be to just make it a whole bunch of people's like, uh Twitch feeds So it's like if you're watching put your camera on and then we'll add your feed to this giant crowd So it'll just oh that'd be great just like A thousand different video qualities just a wall of heads all watching Oh, some creepy VR chat shit Yeah, e3 might not come back
Starting point is 02:40:21 You don't know it might but it might not e3. Here's what I'm here's why I'm not counting it down and out for 100 percent certain Because e3 has come back from worse in times when I thought it was not coming back at all No, it didn't all era. What the fuck was that garbage? It was way people still showed up People were still there Was there not a dead e3 one year that just didn't happen In the switch over no It it they moved it to like a airplane hangar and uh, it was in the Santa Monica instead of la
Starting point is 02:41:03 Okay, well, I'm like I'm just like that thing has fucking died and resurrected when when I long counted it like done so all right That that thing has been Like I remember when that and I went down there We were so excited to get to e3 and like e3 of 20 cut. What was it 2012 or 2013 that one sucked It sucked And that was and it's gotten shittier every year. It sure has but it didn't die
Starting point is 02:41:37 So, you know, I'm like I'm just like this fucking zombie Can it survive a pandemic? Can it survive a full year off? It's not a hundred percent But it doesn't look it doesn't look good It doesn't look good. Here's the real thing, right? um I think what this shows is that
Starting point is 02:42:00 We already knew this but a lot of developers that might be late to the party are finding out that you don't need e3 You really don't you don't need the trade show You can actually get your news out there in your own show And you can have your own broadcast and whatnot. It hurts the lar it hurts the small groups that don't have You know the eyeball platform that like any of the major quarters do right like the triple a's are all like Yeah, we can just run our own thing
Starting point is 02:42:33 the Yeah, the indies take the hit Well, tell you what just send me a send me an email with your unreleased game and uh, I'll do it I'll do a stream of it as its announcement. I'll get big eyeballs. So if there's great shade a legend coalition indie coalition kind of Needs to hey, man You saw those numbers I I've known about those numbers for a while. It's why it's why I keep making jokes about ha ha rich
Starting point is 02:43:04 Give money please like like how fast Would that add fucking like from the moment the moment the pitch Was was was dropped on your desk. It's it's it's pretty It's pretty telling that even the people that turned down rage shadow legends are like, oh, yeah I wouldn't blame anybody for taking that deal. Holy. Yeah, you know Here's the other thing is if you cultivate a cynical ass audience of people that know you well enough to know exactly what's going on That it insulates you from From oh, yeah, you're insulated forever. Hey woolly. Hey, hey
Starting point is 02:43:40 How was Inhumans Great show Great show great show Great show story of black bolt and his family the the part where black bolt black bolts a cool character He he he goes. Ah, people explode the game. It's crazy. What are you talking about great? Oh my god. It's a great show great show Okay, well in the meantime some news has come out and uh
Starting point is 02:44:15 Why Oh my god, it's the best it's the best thing I've ever seen news come out some announcements Have been made and perhaps these would have been e3 announcements, but hey, they're talking about Quite talking about the x-sex Yeah, they're talking a lot about the x the x-sex thoughts. What the fuck is the name of this thing the sex box sex box I say x got it Yeah, digital foundry got to go down there and literally do a teardown of a console that's like six months away so
Starting point is 02:44:48 The first thing that we saw was a loading time demo that they put out where you see they're popping up days gone and they're showing that Backwards compatibility has uh Did a loading time improvements across the board? um Even for games that are not optimized for the platform So I want to say that they show you days gone loading up and you know, I don't know maybe like 10 seconds or so You say days gone
Starting point is 02:45:16 Isn't that a ps4 game state of decay state of excuse me state of decay state of decay that we'll eat that's a different game It's the other one Actually, I actually just recently picked picked up state of decay, but I haven't tried it yet. Uh, yeah that one It uh, it uh, whoa. Hey camera chill out chill out buddy It's actually really similar to uh the way that sony showed off the thing with the spider-man with the ps4 Yeah, here's which was like but here's the thing though. Hey, like Uh, when you watch the video if anything it kind of just shows you how awful the loading in state of decay
Starting point is 02:45:54 is It's like blood-borne bad because It's that video is like a minute long And they just state of decay is uh is like an open world. So it's loading up the whole Yeah, so they show you the first the the xx loading up in 10 seconds Then you start running around and then like 40 seconds later The original version is still loading up on the xbox 1x
Starting point is 02:46:21 Yeah, so it's this it's this weird thing Where I I feel I feel genuinely insane sometimes looking at this stuff because The everyone's talking like you see I saw an article in the Buy headline in the the digital foundry thing was like how fast loading changes everything Right and it's like I've had an ssd in my pc for like four years Yeah, I know
Starting point is 02:46:54 Every everyone knows So Speaking of ssd. That's the other detail that came out with the sex bone is uh Done locked in that's where we're going now That's what it is now. So the sex bone has um
Starting point is 02:47:17 It has a hard drive space proprietary cards To expand the storage. So what you're going to get is a one terabyte ssd locked in But unlike your other usb external options or your small tray exchangeable options Uh, what they're fucking doing for this case is a propra vita memory primary one terabyte slot in the back And you can uh insert them For your whatever storage purposes and they're not going to be estimated to be cheap because
Starting point is 02:47:58 right now if you were to go get like a western digital equivalent of like a one terabyte at uh usb 3 for that case you're you're looking at, you know, possibly 200 dollars Well, I'm looking at my my current hard driver. I have a one terabyte as my c drive, right? For an ssd and that thing was pricey Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm I got it. I got a year or two ago. Uh, but like they're they're uh one terabyte ssd is not affordable ssd of quality is It's not cheap. Yeah, it's it's it's not it's not exactly. Um
Starting point is 02:48:33 The one terabyte and you're saying these are proprietary. So here we go. So basically To break it down. Um If you want more than one terabyte of playable games on your xbox series x prepare to shell out some money So this is written on Uh, and the breakdown describes how, you know, expandable storage works on the current generation um The slot uses uh, yep custom built nvme ssd cartridges Uh, once inserted into the system will work just like a speedy internal hard drive
Starting point is 02:49:08 The design also, uh includes a necessary heat sink to protect it from overheating Um, but this means you can't just plug in any type of hard drive. You need one from microsoft So let me ask you a question. Uh, is this in addition to its existing hard drive? It comes with a one terabyte hard drive and then uh, these expansion slots um Almost like, uh, it's almost like you're you're sticking in Uh, like shit into your pcie express express, you know, your pcie express slots Yeah, or if you're put like if you're like opening up and like in fucking
Starting point is 02:49:44 Slotting and shit into a mobo like that's that's kind of how they're going for it um And uh, yeah, no word on on the price But like I said I have a feeling these are gonna get delayed one terabyte usb 3.0 game drive adapter Game drive for the xbox one Currently has an msrp of 214.99 Uh, and that's a standard one terabyte usb 3.0 ssd drive
Starting point is 02:50:17 um, the the the price on ssd drives is just not there yet uh And the proprietary is always going to be more sse gate costs 129 um Yeah, but go to ck can go down and and The and the nvme ssd costs 199. So there you go. So you're looking at the range of At cheapest 130
Starting point is 02:50:48 at most expensive 215 I don't expect um Microsoft is going to come in proprietary. Yeah, I mean I can get some western digitals for like one terabyte for like 70 But those are externals Right, those aren't internals ssd Yeah, yeah So, you know, this is all just a speculation based on current market prices
Starting point is 02:51:13 Oh, wait. No, that's not an ssd because because you know, what if we do? Yeah, you Oh, yeah, there we go. Mm-hmm There's some cheap ass hard drives out there, but if you want a solid state you're your ship your ship your shill, uh, Yeah, you're yeah My my brain went shipping out and then I went shelling out and then it's like shelling out. That's correct. You're shelling out a lot for it So, um And here's the other thing games
Starting point is 02:51:44 In the upcoming gen are not going to be small They're not going to be smaller anyway so I mean they they Yeah, uh modern warfare is 100 gigs on its own Yeah, hey, what the fuck is the name of that that call-of-duty battle royale warzone out Is it warzone really? Yeah Call of duty warzone
Starting point is 02:52:14 That's crazy. They just decided to split that off into its own thing, huh? Can you blame them? No, because, um That was the one I enjoyed the most by far, but also remember the battle royale checklist Every announcement from uh the last fucking Uh e3 I believe it was Or it's just like here's the here's the e3 battle royale checklist every company. Where is your battle royale? There it is Where is it? Hey, we did it. We found it. We we did it guys. So
Starting point is 02:52:52 It was me. Oh people like it. They like it What are you gonna say, um This might be a problem to say the least because I remember yeah, I agree. In fact, we still live in the days of uh ridiculous peripheral, uh costs ridiculous uh official, um secondary controller costs or
Starting point is 02:53:20 The vita was not that long ago continues to do it, you know, it's it's not Great when something that is going to probably be mandatory at some point in the generation Is going to fucking cost that much money, you know, uh I I don't see them taking a hit at factory cost on this in order to, uh Recoup later, you know, so It's it's uh, yeah, that's that's one of the that's the other detail we got about the uh the sex bone right now I can't I can't with the sex bone shit, dude. It's too much get used to it
Starting point is 02:54:04 It's I I won't and you thought I'll probably get a song we was bad I Probably get a sex bomb See we is what happens when you go full on like we want simple baby um syllables We want something that anyone can say in any language and we just want it to be we
Starting point is 02:54:32 Whereas x box series x is what happens Direct x box series x is what happens when you just go so far in the other direction And try to get so uh fucking Slim sleek future edge That all that all that happens is everyone goes good luck saying that not english sex boat got it Got all good good i'm glad we glad we got the real word for this Um, okay, so we had some other announcements If you've been paying attention to for honor
Starting point is 02:55:11 They dropped a trailer for the prince of persia crossover event. You seen that shit I did not see it, but I did hear about it. So It's kind of us did not expect the prince of persia to get any sort of anything I did not expect uh ever soft to break wind in its general direction But here we are Sandy wind has been broken and blown It it does continue to exist now i'm not gonna lie It's a trailer for dlc crossover event
Starting point is 02:55:48 So it is not without its jankish licking looking moments There's some shit that looks a little bit like Okay But the prince is there and he's got his sword and they seemed and he's got his daggers of time And it seems like um A good old time daggers And it seems like they're gonna have
Starting point is 02:56:13 You know They're gonna have a whole uh, I don't know if he's just like a skin for an existing uh unit Or if he's gonna be a whole new type of unit Uh hard to say i'm gonna assume it's just skins With a special uh ability of some kind But either way, uh, we were seeing the prince in the trailer and we're seeing uh girl That I don't know because I probably didn't play the game
Starting point is 02:56:43 And then we're seeing some that's fine. So a bunch of skins Maybe even a mini boss. Oh, yeah, there you go, right exactly Uh Prince of purge has been gone for so long are there there must be people play for honor that are like who is this? Oh god, absolutely. What what what's the was the last thing? the pop zero Oh Yeah
Starting point is 02:57:21 Maybe the xbl a game the xbl a game Um, I don't know if that came after pop zero Maybe Okay, let's find out fact checking I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna check a fact also I want like I mean the movie was definitely the most recent of like Things but in terms of games Specifically, I forgot the movie. There was a movie
Starting point is 02:57:50 Okay, so pop zero was 2010 No, wait, hold on a second. That's not right That xbl a game was way way later No, no, no, that's not how it happened What was it called forgot no that was 2007 Prince of Persia. Yeah pop zero would have total Prince of Persia escape came out On the ios in 2018 Oh, wow, so there you go
Starting point is 02:58:29 Yeah, Prince of Persia has been dead forever What are you talking about 2018 ios game? Shadows of the flame shadow and the flame remake in 2013 forgotten sands 2010 Yeah Uh Prince of Persia pop zero 2008 I forgot about forgotten sands they got a remake forgotten sands is all right Rotten sands is all right So, yeah, uh for honor continues with that that's cool. There's been they've been doing some stuff on for honor and uh
Starting point is 02:59:17 Yeah, and uh, I I thought that game was gonna die after like six months. It's going your stuff and uh, yeah, i'm i'm currently working on uh I'm currently working on a for glory of for honor Oh, man, that's gonna be cool. That's tough that game's tough Yeah but You got your unlock tricks
Starting point is 02:59:44 No But I might have Something better Okay, we live in a society We also live in a city where this game is made That's true Apparently, um, did you ever play that fucking old pc blade runner game from 97? No
Starting point is 03:00:18 but I recently watched a video on it was a Mandalore who did it I remember hearing people talk about it when it came out. It was kind of incredible. I loved it So this was a game. I watched my brother play I remember uh, he we watching him play it back in the day on our computer And it was like really impressive at the time because you actually had to sit down and do um the You had to do the um the replicant tests on people
Starting point is 03:00:49 And like actually pay attention to them the device and like their eyes and the different readings on the machine And uh, I remember that being really cool at the time. So, uh night dive is bringing it back Set in 2019 Los Angeles Uh, yeah, that's they're gonna be doing. Yeah blade runner restored Uh for consoles and steam That will probably be great now I Would not have expected that direction after system shock and turrock But then again, who can say when when you're when when, uh
Starting point is 03:01:36 You're trying to follow the through line from system shock to turrock Where does it go? I don't know it lands on blade runner 97 apparently Uh, it's a fucking point of click man. It's not even a first person shooter Yeah, but it was a point in click that was like kind of insane for the time it really was Like i'm looking at i'm looking at video of it right now a million rendered a million pre-rendered, uh, uh scenes And moments like the whole game is just pre-rendered cg Um And and apparently they're using some kind of weird sliced voxel bullshit for the
Starting point is 03:02:14 For the characters which causes some weird weird bullshit rotating shit randomized plot where details change and uh You yeah, that's probably different outcomes, right? Like I yeah, we we had a really fun time going through that back in the day Um And that was definitely too that I remember that game specifically in my childhood as like a game that was
Starting point is 03:02:43 it was when I was getting my own like proper agency in playing games because um For a long time I'd play stuff But then like I'd also watch my brother play stuff and he always was like, you know Like the one that took took charge and I'd I'd be like second player second fiddle whatever or play when he's done Type of thing and I remember around that time. Yeah, I was starting to get into games on my on my own um It's my turn to play the xbox
Starting point is 03:03:16 So yeah, that's uh, that's a fucking sick ass drop and uh, I don't know. What do we have as far as a date for this? Uh I guess we don't have it's expected to launch later this year the date appears to be later this year Later for now And hey perfect to drop alongside um later under 2049 I haven't seen that yet you should Well, I haven't seen the original like 15 years, so I should definitely watch the original first. Um, it's slow
Starting point is 03:03:56 It's very slow just prepare for that But 2049 Also slow, but very good Very very good um fucking Just art direction is like
Starting point is 03:04:16 They're not like it does Things that like it just leans in To that art direction in the same way the original did and defines like some amazing um world building Things that I I have not seen a setting do in a very long time. It's it's fucking incredible, man Um, just just I've just it's just a pleasing to your eyeballs. You know Uh, yeah get around to get around to 2049 Okay
Starting point is 03:04:44 Uh, so night dive was bringing that back Meanwhile, uh CD Projekt red gave an interview to a polish website And the translation of the article on stook dot pl Says um Some website Says that CD Projekt red is a already working on their next single-player game after cyberpunk And b
Starting point is 03:05:20 Everything they're working on is either taking punk taking punk Uh taking place in the cyberpunk or witcher universes So there these are the only ip's to look at Yeah, uh, it's it's totally going to be a witcher game and it'll be following siri Like I've been saying that for years Like witcher three that does a really really intense job to try and set up siri as your next player. Well, what if
Starting point is 03:05:52 Yeah, okay, but what if netflix though They're what what if what what if Now that everybody's playing nice together and everybody's happy again What if they're just no one's pointing fingers anymore? What if they just go wait? No, we're gonna go netflix the game They could totally do that Instead of like yeah, they could totally do that
Starting point is 03:06:25 Yeah, jiv have uh, what's his name? greg cook Do Is his name just do a slightly less gravelly voice Slightly no he doesn't I mean he doesn't even age noticeably over the course of his own stories It's like a hundred here's the question now that it's a post netflix world Uh, assuming the gameplay was still was great in either one assuming suiti project red did a great job either way Uh, which would be a bigger hit? You're you're handling a capital game or your or your siri game
Starting point is 03:07:05 Witcher's an up-and-coming ip now, so it's like it's tough It's it's what do you mean you're making double milk you may cry without dante I think I think the funniest thing about this. I I know I've mentioned in the past But in Witcher 3 siri literally talks about visiting night city She talks about oh, I fell through a portal and it was this crazy place Where people had metal arms and eyeballs made out of glass and and shit like that Um, and it's a fun little easter egg
Starting point is 03:07:45 And then uh in a bunch of interviews for cyberpunk People would ask hey, is there going to be a siri cameo, right? Are you going to be able to run into siri in the game? And the director of cyberpunk was not responsible for putting that easter egg in a witcher And he hates it He fucking Hates it like every time it comes up. He's like no that script writer just do it as a And no it was somebody on the witcher team that that put it in that was not on cyberpunk
Starting point is 03:08:19 No It's a one-sided connection and And the cyberpunk people fucking hate it But they'll never shake it off because it got into witcher And everybody loves connections Everybody loves over episode Mr. Peanut butter. Yeah. Yeah, what if Geralt and v kissed? That's the problem the problem with him hating it is that is how much people love crossovers
Starting point is 03:08:49 We just talked about yeah, exactly. It's it's just Once the thought is in you can't defeat it It can't it's it's just the way it's got to be um Geralt's gonna make out with robo Geralt and that's how it's gonna be So yeah, they're locked into that for a while So we'll we'll we'll see what's up, but don't expect any new ip's From cd project read anytime soon. No Well, they've got they've got their own ip and they've got their own ip that is not their own, but it is theirs
Starting point is 03:09:25 right, so One's a success and one they want to make it a success, but it's not it's but it's not your own ip if it if it exists as An actual product outside of your game Well, it's weird because they own it they own distribution rights to the fucking games forever. Hmm Like that's theirs, but the intellectual property of gerald Uh is something that is also owned by the creator man Yeah, as long as they don't want to make movies and cyberpunk is totally the other guy's thing
Starting point is 03:10:02 Oh, yeah, that's true. It's a fucking that is the tabletop game Or pen and pen and paper. So they're just saying no, we don't want to Make new ip new ip back. You don't want to think No, that's that's stupid um, they're uh They're killing it with what they're doing so far. So there's no reason to reinvent the wheel or swerve Uh In the meantime
Starting point is 03:10:32 Horizon zero dawn coming to pc shocking no one Time to destroy your home office everyone How dare you port this game what was the point? What was the point? Why did I even bother if all This was just gonna lead to you allowing more people to play it Okay Why should I even care I
Starting point is 03:11:06 I don't know which I like about that better is that some dumbass Destroys his home office in rage Over a port of a game he played multiple years ago Or the fact that the cherry on top is the lead on the game Retweeting that going what is wrong with you? Like the developer just getting up in your face going
Starting point is 03:11:36 No bad Dumb you dumb now Are you familiar with hero onada? I'm hero onada is The last imperial japanese officer who fought in world war two by hiding out In his holdout. Oh that guy until the end of the fucking war
Starting point is 03:12:01 And and just stood there and kept it going because the war the war is never over The war is never fucking over all right Nobody told nobody told him the war was over and he sat there in the philippines For god for years Decades yeah Until eventually they were like no dude really Actually really no the war Ended in the 40s bro. Um
Starting point is 03:12:37 But he fucking hung out till the 70s and It was it was it was it's crazy right But I bring him up because Sometimes all it takes is one man to fight a war and to keep it going in their head When the world has long since moved on This guy that broke down his office and smashed it to bits is fighting a console war That he thinks is still going
Starting point is 03:13:09 I think I think the console war like people Like okay, I've I've maintained this idea for a long time Um, I'm 33. Well you're 32 or you're 34. I forget whatever Something around there. Yeah, whatever. We're in our 30s, right? I was too old for this shit 10 years ago 20 And I probably should have been too old for it 10 years before that I remember the exact the exact day that
Starting point is 03:13:42 We were yelling at each other in grade six About street fighter championship edition on the sega genesis With the with the three buttons Versus the real version on the SNES with the six buttons before they had the controller with the extra buttons on it And my friend was saying no pressing select is fine though And we were just yelling we were just yelling because how could one man be so wrong? It's almost like you were children and then
Starting point is 03:14:13 I went to high school And with that came the feeling of oh, I got to be a bit more mature I got a you know got a mm. You know and and and and then the yelling matches Stopped being yelling matches, but it definitely became more of a Still becoming like aggressive became like hey, man. Uh, have you heard about this game? Oh, it's so sick Yeah, what is it? This is that cool. You want to borrow it? And it's like, oh, I don't have that it's like Oh, that sucks. You should have it Okay, and then the people who had those consoles would loan to those groups of friends
Starting point is 03:14:48 And my group of friends we'd have our shit and we'd pass it back and forth, but that was kind of a thing And if you had a decent friend who had like the complete opposite console like once a year during the summer You do like you can definitely do the full switch for like for like a month. Yep uh, and Uh, I even remember when uh, the dream cast entered the picture And I remember when me and a couple friends had our dream cast and we were like You know fighting gaming it up and shit and there's a couple of friends that were like, oh, shit Damn, those things look so much cooler than like
Starting point is 03:15:23 Like even soul caliber looks so much nicer on the system than it does in the arcades. We go and play it out. That's crazy Yeah, that was fucking that was wild, man But the war idea Was one that was It was changing war Was changing ID tags ID tagged shit kids yelling about their ID tagged games
Starting point is 03:15:51 No, it it actually was totally a weird thing and I remember that um Like the full on streaming punch kick matches were uh, you know, like there were still Versions of that when you would go online and you would get the anger Out when a wind waker gets announced And then people go what the fuck poo babby shit But This looks like shit for baby and so on and then I remember when I was like, yo
Starting point is 03:16:20 R e2 just came out for the n64 Fuck y'all look at this shit cartridge heavy cutscene still in it voice acting on the n64 barely barely still there. Ah, yeah Never played it, but it was a kind of pride n64 got re2. What? We can do it too n64 got Like some of the Some of the that era's ports were like bafflingly awful like the starcraft and diablo ports were just like
Starting point is 03:16:55 Astonishing in their terrible nowadays I'm not saying that society has much better, but here's where we're at. It's there's a very clear divide between The the console or computer that you own and the needs you have For certain types of games if you are somebody that's like, hey, man I play a couple halo games and I play a lot of sports. Yeah, you're still using your xbox and that's that's fine You and your friends are playing it together and that's all that matters That's the thing that's serving it to you if you're playing you're you're fucking You know, you're from soft games and a bunch of uh
Starting point is 03:17:33 Uh A bunch of anime fighters and a bunch of japanese shit. You're just sitting there on your playstation playing that and that's what you're doing You know, um, nintendo is always gonna have the nintendo ip's So if that's what you care about that that's what you that's what you do And do you want to place the the hot movers or arena shooters and click it out of your pc the the market Created natural grooves for people to fall into And that kind of became a you know, i'm not gonna yell at you for being into this while i'm into that But if you ever feel like trying a different thing in a different lane then go for it
Starting point is 03:18:09 Hence i'm trying out new shit right now Yeah, it's also extra stupid of the era of like Microsoft's just putting its games on the pc now Sony's clearly is going to be putting some of its games on the pc now There are a lot of pc games that you would think would be exclusive or coming to the consoles like back in the day fortnite would have been pc exclusive every But every once in a while and we've told the story many times You'd encounter someone out there in the wild where as recently as when i used to work at idos square enix
Starting point is 03:18:44 And we encountered someone who was a playstation fanboy through and through who had the fucking button symbols on his bag and hat and Would aggressively yell at people who talked about nintendo games around him and You work in an with adults adults adults adults would aggressively fucking You know just like insert himself into conversations about other consoles
Starting point is 03:19:17 Or things that were not sony related and go whatever that shit all sucks compared to knack you know and and uh the the the the fucking you know the the crowning jewel being The day when someone's phone in the office went off and it went And everyone was like yeah, and then the guy went like oh god enough with your stupid nintendo ringtones already And everyone in earshot turned around
Starting point is 03:19:53 And parks and rec faced at each other. We all went He doesn't it was like group Yo, he posted some cringe man. He is going to lose some subscribers. That is terrible serendipity Everyone because the office with the qa section department was open So everyone's an air shot of everybody if anything's going on and that made the room Fucking howl dude, and he's like looking around that everyone losing their shit Going what oh, I don't know whatever stupid fucking baby shit. You guys are
Starting point is 03:20:42 Oh, so I don't know about whatever your dumb thing is uh your fucking stupid baby games Oh, so funny. Why why would I care about not knowing your stupid fucking Your phone things and like just out of nowhere, right? He just So I gotta ask what So the part of the story that I've never delved into because I've heard this before and every time you tell it It kills me But like how what's the denouement that because somebody obviously he has to come up to him and tell him like that's final Fancy I assume it happened later that day, but in the moment
Starting point is 03:21:17 No one said anything We everyone just went yep. Yeah, man, you know, hey big zelda fans over here You know And then a couple people were definitely like you fucking idiot and it was like You know and that was it it just that side there was no follow-up, but you're like, yeah, that's where it's at That's the brain of the person who's militaristically In defense of sony. They can't even fucking catch Final fantasy fan. I want to hear it
Starting point is 03:21:55 Okay, I'm I'm just gonna put it down. We're if you're an adult stop it Stop it. You're an adult So when I see the last soldier The holdout in Singapore The war is over, but here comes one one more onatta Breaking his fucking office apart And then posting how angry he is at the news that horizon zero dawn is getting ported from a playstation exclusive to the pc
Starting point is 03:22:29 And then after the creator of the game calls him out for it He then follows up with a tweet that says jk lol Yeah, it was a troll. I was like And you're like, yeah, man The power of one guy Should never be never be underestimated He's a soldier. Here's the thing right or some die some Some people feel that it's fake. Some people don't believe the original thing and that it's staged, right?
Starting point is 03:22:59 I Here's the here's the way that I feel about this kind of thing If you staged Something that was embarrassing to yourself Like you acted like a moron and you're like, haha, I was only pretending to be stupid I will never acknowledge that it's fake ever You can't like you pretending to be stupid is even stupider than being stupid
Starting point is 03:23:27 So I'm just gonna I'm just gonna believe the lie and you'll never be able to convince me otherwise ever Well, here's where I go, right? You get you got to take some context on it. So did you see that tweet where? Where someone posted Quarantine kit ready to go and it's like a switch with the with the uh the blue and and aqua um joy cons and then The fucking vibrator next to it
Starting point is 03:24:00 And then the quote was hey, that's a pretty cool Decay that the pretty cool color combination, but you can't use a we remote with your switch silly Yeah Great, that's good. That's good. You know and then great, you know you click and you just go Whose profile is this? Oh, this person posts that shit all the time. They go hard in the paint. Yeah on that level of Fucking for yeah, so god bless. You're like, oh, okay. We know what's up, you know um The fucking aqua colored Hitachi
Starting point is 03:24:40 So that's that's context given to a circumstance that just like otherwise questionable This individual seems to be all about So All about the sony thing Yeah, the other thing is there's no evidence Like I have I have seen people break things over Bullshit Right, I've seen three. I've seen human beings throw tantrums pick up a controller and fucking launch it
Starting point is 03:25:14 Like it was the controller that hurt people grab controllers from other people's hands and launch those Yeah, I I I've seen uh, everyone's seen the videos of that angry german kid Smash his computer. Mm-hmm, right? Seeing videos of people kicking holes in their walls Because they lost a counter strike, right? These people are real. That is a real thing So you're gonna have to do a damn good job to convince me that you're not that stupid And I don't care Right if you pretend to be that stupid and you convince me congrats you convince me forever
Starting point is 03:25:55 You won You fooled me and and and and you know, it's always again. They always get to play it off. Um afterwards because no one is Like what possible thing are you gonna say is are you gonna say like Like are you gonna actually own up to it? Like it's always gonna the easiest thing to do is be like I pranked you all That's the way out of it. You know um Yeah, uh pranking stuff. It's like it's the same thing. It's like ha ha. We weren't actually committing crimes
Starting point is 03:26:27 It was a social experiment. Ha ha you guys are dirt Your dirt your morons Like there was that fucking uh youtuber forget what his name was but he he made up all these fucking fake social experiments In which you would hire people off the street to pretend to fuck them up. Okay, and it's like Congrats, you're garbage. You're all garbage. Well in any case, um Pour one out for the last of the true soldiers Hold it out fighting the war waiting for the emperor to declare That japan has won
Starting point is 03:27:10 Do you think those people are still being actively trained or do you think that Like our generation and a couple they're not being trained but they exist on their own because anyone That's a part of any group will ascribe to tribalism and If you just wait long at my thing is something you just wait long enough and there will be people who are die hard About whatever group they're in right some people will place the identity of that group thing whether it's fans of a show book movie game console team cup of coffee store
Starting point is 03:27:51 brand All of these things become replacements for a personality in some cases for some people You know, um who define themselves by the fucking sports team that they're into or whatever. I don't know it's it Let me tell you about rondo and I say this as the biggest jojo mark on the fucking planet That you know what I mean? Like I'm gonna go in there hard on the things I love But there's some people who take it to a point where it absolutely Absolutely is the only thing they have going and those people take personal I'm just repeating what fucking plague did in his video
Starting point is 03:28:31 Plague went into that shit. Oh, yeah, literally broke it down in the in the masks of gohan talking about Uh comfort branding was the term he used which you know like That's an interesting word to use and I I feel like I feel like he's the kind I feel like plague blushes and gets embarrassed and doesn't like to hear Heaps of praises on him. So I'll continue Yeah, he gets uncomfortable with praises. Do you tell him he's nice? He blushes. So I will continue to heat praises on on You know the the work that that is being done there because yeah comfort branding being the term You know, there's people that are going to make that thing
Starting point is 03:29:13 More than personal to them. It's it's everything. It's a personal attack When something is not positive with that brand And and this this has been ongoing forever. I remember an old giant bombcast bit where I think was jeff talking about his dad and his dad was like a hardcore Like oh the fuck was it like Chevy owner? And like every time somebody mentioned they had a ford. He'd be like, oh, yeah, like found on road dead, huh? Like just Childish shit
Starting point is 03:29:49 Yeah, yeah well Yeah, that's that that it's it's a fascinating type of person in some ways because Um, that's you have to be that far Gone into the thing you you you fucking live or die by To then take it to the next step where this guy goes, which is It's not about like something bad happening to your brand It's about something good happening to a rival brand that makes you deeply upset, right?
Starting point is 03:30:23 You know what? You know what never has stands delivery companies I'm just thinking about like fedex and purilator and canada, but yeah, no one's all the Well, because all they can do Is their job or worse All they can do is the bare minimum or worse or worse. There's nothing in between. You're right. You come use zeroed in on it Now now when it comes to you know, um
Starting point is 03:30:57 I don't know. Let's say you are from cleveland And let's say one mr. King james decides to leave cleveland All right, what are you now? A husk cleveland, oh no less than cleveland apparently nothing because I don't what are you talking about james left cleveland as a basketball player Okay, and in the time that all right the city fell apart
Starting point is 03:31:32 The city fell apart It was like he was holding the whole thing on his back And when he left it was like you've never seen more vitriol at a man They wanted him dead riots Wait a second basketball man that light I know cleveland cleveland's the one that had those hastily made tourism ads for it back in sure
Starting point is 03:32:07 All the little chicks with the crimson lips cleveland rocks cleveland rocks No, it's about the one where their city catches on fire Sorry, there's their river catches on fire and all that shit cleveland rocks. Don't go to east cleveland or you'll die Cleveland rocks Ohio Ohio Ohio It's funny. There's a couple u.s. Cities that i've literally never heard anyone say anything nice about ever One is cleveland. One is snaddy and the other is detroit, obviously
Starting point is 03:32:41 I mean, I know some good people. I know some good people in michigan. I don't know about detroit Hey, hey, no wait detroit had barry sanders and barry sanders was a really cool football man But that's you know, he ran good But that's it I'm not worshiping at the altar of barry sanders I just liked how he ran the football And then at the end you do the thing where he just ran into the end zone And then he would just hand the football to the referee and he wouldn't touch down dance. He just went here you go
Starting point is 03:33:11 I did Here you go. I ran the ball. He was a good guy Yeah, so now you're reminding me I did I did see a lot of anger at lebron james for a little while and I couldn't figure out where the fuck was coming from a little side story there Uh barry sanders wore jersey number 20 for the detroit lions So, uh, you know, if you're a celebrity that happens to be walking around with a throwback jersey on the back Then it says sanders with the number 20 on it people might have some feelings about your jersey, bro Yeah, that's it's conceivable. It's conceivable
Starting point is 03:33:47 Uh barry sanders was great. What I just okay. I just okay. I just clicked in Lebron hate cleveland into google Okay, and I scrolled down And saw an article. I saw two articles next to each other What is why cleveland will be just fine without lebron james? And then the second one is lebron james and why cleveland fans should still hate him Okay, so you're you're you're learning about this now You're learning about it now, but you have to understand
Starting point is 03:34:23 At the time it was the most ridiculous circus Right like the city was on fire Because their basketball man was leaving and he's one of the greatest of all time Right. He's one of the greatest players of all time but It was like The soul of an entire city Was taken from them. Oh i'm looking at
Starting point is 03:34:49 I like anti lebron posters At the games his face was on a giant wall downtown And like you you had to drive by it every day You had to drive by and stare at that trader That uragurimono It's just a basketball player people He's the best in the active league and he and and more importantly than that. He's ours and one day One day. He's gonna do it with us
Starting point is 03:35:24 He's gonna get that ring for us Hey, you know, what's funny, you know, it's really funny This reminds me of why I stopped watching hockey because my favorite Hockey player was petik who was the guy I was named after and when I was a little kid He went and got traded to the avalanche And won a stanley cup in the colorado avalanche and I was like you trader bitch How dare you the difference is is that in this story? I'm like a six or seven year old fucking child I'm a child. I'm a literal child
Starting point is 03:35:58 right Cleveland is cleveland a child. Do you know who's pk suban is? pk suban is uh the black guy that was on the habs, right played for the montreal canadians hockey player and he was a really good player And everyone liked him And then sports did what they do Which is they trade players who are worth money so that they can profit on them As if as if they're playing cards
Starting point is 03:36:32 Like literally because it is a business and the reason why you buy a sports team Is not to feel good about your city being number one It's so that when they win that team is worth more and those players are worth more and can be traded for more money This is a business So pk suban was traded away And everyone got really mad at that because the identity of of the habs and whatnot was associated With him as a player on the canadians, you know um
Starting point is 03:37:08 And and and there was people that were upset But like one of the things he was doing while he was still here was that he was donating a wing to the hospital and uh He got traded And I want to say he came back To still do that after being traded away And if i'm not mistaken at the time I believe He came back and opened the wing and everyone was like yeah, and they were there
Starting point is 03:37:34 But there were still some diehard mother fuckers that were like ass see fuck pk go back home You know that were mad that he even showed up To open the wing of the hospital I So It's kind of you have to understand. It's so stupid. You have to are you right and he got traded. It's not even like he's like i'm leaving But they fuck it. It doesn't matter. It doesn't these
Starting point is 03:38:08 The details all right fucking matter. That's how crazy it is when you i'm gonna i'm gonna call out your personality I'm gonna call out sports fans in general. All right who thinks sports are really important Do you know how important sports are? They're not important. Do you know how I know they're not important? Because in a world of a global crisis Sports are canceled, but wrestling goes on and wrestling isn't worth shit That's how little sports matter Also vince doesn't want to lose any money because vince don't give a fuck
Starting point is 03:38:52 Oh, yeah, vince doesn't give a shit, but still And as far as I know no wrestlers on the roster of smackdown or raw were tested positive Whereas whereas baseball players were super tested positive Yeah Yeah, but yes all this to say That comfort branding and your identity being intrinsically linked to it is a ridiculous way to live your life already
Starting point is 03:39:22 And then you double down on level two which is therefore when the competitor to my comfort brand Is now improved by having Whatever, you know better player or better situation or in some cases more video game Such as horizon zero dawn making its way over to the pc That makes you upset because your competition needs to suffer while your comfort brand is on top It's only game. Why you have to because I have nothing else in life russian hockey player because I have nothing else in life. Hey
Starting point is 03:39:59 Well, did you ever encounter a situation? In which you went to a game store You asked somebody a Question about what was in their system And they just hit you with a burst of lies I Remember going down to the game buzz that was in the Eaton Center Back when that existed
Starting point is 03:40:23 And I asked the guy if he had a price in the system for the ps3 at the time right And he told me That they had no price But also that I shouldn't get the the playstation 3 Because it was going to be way worse than the xbox Because blu rays were going to lose the hd dvd thing and that it wasn't going to be as powerful as and and just like Started obviously making things up on the spot. Yeah, so
Starting point is 03:40:55 That was kind of a problem to unique to that store where they hired people That they were acting that way not because they got any kind of extra cut or anything They just got a bunch of fucking console warriors to Fight their fights at the customer who was there to buy a thing for their kids And it like and I'm standing there and I'm watching them go on I'm like I'm just you ever It's a really satisfying thing when somebody lies to you and you you have like a hundred percent uncertainty and you
Starting point is 03:41:32 You're like, oh, that's yeah, that's not true And you and you just get to be like no, that's not true. You just made that up for sure And they go no, no, no, it's true and like no, it's not you I I know Yeah, but they don't they're the expert. You're the consumer pat You're coming to them for your game information. They work at the game store. They know way more than you do They got the shirt on you to argue with the shirt I don't see you wearing the shirt I'm behind the counter
Starting point is 03:42:09 I once had a guy Try and upsell me in an eb games was like the second of last time That a guy that I was in any eb games is the one inside, uh, mabel, right? He's trying to upsell me on some bullshit some bullshit He's just hyping up some games so I could pre-order it and I'm like, no, I don't think so And in that span of time Two things happened one An honest to god fan of the show appeared and went oh hey pat
Starting point is 03:42:43 And wanted to shake my hand And then a friend of mine from high school Who was behind the counter turned around and recognized me? And was that dude's boss? And and like every part of this And like everyone around him every possible thing came together And he's like, oh, hey, Pat's like, yeah, hey, hey, this guy's a moron And he goes, yeah, I know
Starting point is 03:43:16 Okay, and then I bought my controller. I was buying a red PlayStation 4 controller Yeah It's a new piece of news, uh I think was from last week where Reggie's taking over game style. He's joining the board I it's gonna it's gonna take a lot I told we already we started and ended that story Reggie's getting in and getting that brick mortar money and getting out It's gonna take a lot we have is a fucking crashing ship in orbit And currently the the reentry fire is about to start start up and Reggie is putting on shades
Starting point is 03:43:57 And just halo dropping into the burning ship Getting in he's stuffing money into his bags as we speak and eventually he will halo drop out before the impact It is I I've shopped a lot of retail stores shopping at eb games has been like the look or game stop has been the most consistently miserable experience ever I just um I just remember that the difference between the eb slash game stops and the game buzz was game buzz just had five fanboys behind the counters and uh
Starting point is 03:44:37 And game stop was trying to push their commission on you, you know, so yeah Or they they were trying to hit a number. But um, yeah, exactly like they were They're trying to hit the store numbers. They don't get fucking fired Which is like it's like pushing born of like desperation. It makes you feel bad But at the same time go fuck yourself. I don't give a shit Uh anyway, so At Yeah, somebody in in our chat just says it perfectly every time I go to game stop. I wonder why I even bothered right
Starting point is 03:45:13 Yeah, so um, you know Fucking rest in peace soldier May you be buried In a coffin. Oh god, that's where this that's where this started. May you be buried in a coffin with With a playstation flag draped over it Uh Quick little last bits here one, um Due to what is surely not
Starting point is 03:45:44 Not Supposed to be but due to what is surely a leak and something that is a pair of what is clearly an nda breach Uh A band called the death set Tweeted out or uh Tweeted out or post facebook. I think it's facebook Just licensed five new songs to tony hawks 2020 game. You'll be hearing this shit soon. Oh my god It's fuck if dude
Starting point is 03:46:14 Sound the voice actors musicians. They're not they're not. They don't give a shit. Why would they? Movies are big important. What are the sat are the songs gonna get pulled out now? No way It's just you know movies are big important things. Obviously. They're everywhere. You can't fuck up that up Who the fucking video game who cares what a bunch of nerds are gonna get mad at me? Okay, what? Oh, yeah, yeah We just had a whole story where we talked for like an hour about nerds getting mad Nerds so new tony hawk game coming Although tony hawk did kind of imply that something was being worked on too not long ago
Starting point is 03:46:53 He did say something to the effect of like hey trying to do something. I don't know. We'll see But but he is also in a in a position of total invincibility. It's the game is his name Now If tony has any sway here Or at the very least if there's a god We will get
Starting point is 03:47:18 A significant portion of the game dedicated to his as an existential nightmare Oh, yeah, like tony hawk as of now traveling around the world people going why or That's the best one if we really want to just Put it on the wall and and frame it forever Literally call the game tony hawk's existential nightmare Oh, that'd be and the game is a skating game And you skate and you get the points, but you're a washed up dad
Starting point is 03:47:52 Trying to do the 900 Trying to do a loop-de-loop And going through everything we've heard about As tony hawk has gotten older in his years It would be one of the greatest journeys ever. I would fucking be there in a heartbeat for the whole thing We all want to be good literally literally just call that game tony hawk's existential nightmare Skateboarding we're down. Yeah, we're here for it I play that I play that right now
Starting point is 03:48:23 So, yeah, thanks to the death set Yeah, tony sets the like the the the the goal It's like at a hundred thousand points, right and he says I have to get a hundred thousand points in this level And collect the skate logos and then an NPC just looks at him goes why tony? Then it just slowly zooms in As he just stands there Why why do you have to why do you have to get the score tony? You know and then it's like yeah, you can go get that score if you want or you know
Starting point is 03:49:11 Skate You get to the end of the level and it pulls up your achievements. So it's like that is like, but do they matter? Tony sits down at the home at the end of the day Puts the deck on the ground and just sits in a chair And just like in in the dark he slowly slowly starts to weep And lets it out and then a few seconds later you hear I Feel like
Starting point is 03:49:50 That game instead of having a a traditional like health meter if you bail on a trick like you hurt yourself Instead it should just it should just uh have a a fae like tony hawks like like Staring off in a space face like underneath the game and transparency It's turned down. So it starts to slowly fade in. Okay. Here's the here. It is here. It is here. It is here It is when you wipe out and you fucking eat shit with that crazy animation and the blood comes out and the board goes flying away yeah You have to mash x to slowly get back up And your bones crack
Starting point is 03:50:34 And then when you're back up on your feet You have to limp back to your board Which rolled all the way over there And you just you got to go get it And in the meantime you got you got your internal thoughts. You got your monologue going You got your you know, you're just thinking about everything that long walk That long walk back to the board in the background. There's There's kids
Starting point is 03:51:03 Just a little chatter. It's like I think that old guy heard himself trying to skateboard And when you eventually make it to the board you you you pick it up And then you hop back on it and then as soon as you hop back on it And the and the colors Like re-saturate the music fucking picks back up as soon as you're back on the board. Yeah Yeah Yeah I don't want yeah, you're off the board the world's all gray and de-saturated
Starting point is 03:51:36 Fucking stop the music's gone just thoughts to himself As you as you you crawl you microwave hallway your way To the board. Oh my god This is one of the better ideas you've created It's a good idea It's not going to be that it's going to try and be like the old games Pat Pat
Starting point is 03:52:03 What is the acronym for tony hawks existential nightmare? Then Done Not now Then then that's stupid That's dumb is really stupid done Done and done and done and done and done Genius go jumbo. Good job, buddy
Starting point is 03:52:44 All right Quick little uh Quick little fun bit for anybody here before we take some letters But uh, you may have heard or may not have heard I don't know if you if you pay attention or not, but there's this mobile game I've talked about a little bit. Uh, that's coming out called hero versus. It's actually out. You can play it It's a fighting game And some cool people are making it
Starting point is 03:53:10 And the game is actually a competent Fighting game for mobile. It does not feel Stupid and bad. It feels good And it's like hey You're doing a good thing. You are people that are Uh familiar with the fgc and what they want So good for you. You got some ideas here So hero versus is like yo check it out
Starting point is 03:53:36 We're putting woolly in the game and i'm like, yeah, i'm down with that So woolly is coming to raid shadow legends available Oh god Oh, that's crazy man hero versus featuring woolly versus Bring me to life Requiem bring me the horizon I'm gonna be in a fighting game And that fighting game is mobile for now and it's going to be ported to pc uh steam and to switch
Starting point is 03:54:09 So That shit's cool dog Yeah, congratulations, uh You are now branded effectively effectively that's real i tweeted it out you can go check it out um, although uh, what we're kind of looking at right now is more or less It's it's pretty much a skin. It's pretty much a skin Uh, there's a really cool boxer girl. There's a cool punch girl in that game That's how it actually got my attention is they someone, uh, tweeted me to of course sick design of a punch girl
Starting point is 03:54:44 Who has these fucking awesome like metal fists and she's like she's got all the the the ducks and weaves She's got the dudley moves. She's got the crosses the lefts rights the overheads the up down the party starter It's all in there And she's a big old badass boxer So, um, there's gonna be a woolly skin essentially and uh, but there's also gonna be unique woolly moves too So it's not just that it's it's a skin plus What is a unique woolly move? I mean I guess we'll have to wait and see and find out
Starting point is 03:55:16 Uh, I'm they're they're they're fully taking the reins on it. It's not like I'm I'm being like here's my shit because I have a move list that I've in my in my own brain that I've you know created for other purposes and other things but these guys are working on it And uh, they're doing what they want with it and I'm like if it looks cool. I'm down. I'm not really Guiding the fucking the reins in any way on it But uh, so far the character design was pretty solid It was based on the version of me that soul carl drew for my banner where he's got the uh The back all right, right. Um, yeah, check out hero versus uh right now and apparently some other guests will be showing up
Starting point is 03:55:59 So We'll see where that go All right, let's take some letters Hey, let's take some letters if you want to send in a letter which you should have plenty of time to do now Uh, send it to castle super beast mail at That's castle super beast mail at Okay Do we have any good mail oh Jesus christ Oh no
Starting point is 03:56:33 See I mean, I gotta ask the right questions. Okay. Well, this one's gonna be no no no this before we even get to the questions I just got an email um, so uh, if you're gonna be uh Using our door dash promo code You want to use promo code castle So i'm gonna edit this back into the past so that it makes sense Wow, that is a last second right here right now promo code
Starting point is 03:57:03 castle Okay, all right We'll we'll I'll I'll fucking um You'll change that in the future all confirms in it And make so it was different in the past I will stand user that not everybody knows yet to it Yes, uh, okay In the meantime, let's get back to our letters here. Well, I got it in
Starting point is 03:57:37 Can't say I didn't get it in You got it in Congratulations bully Hey man, sometimes getting it in is really difficult I can be Hey, let me ask you do we believe those uh those ridiculous silent hill kajima sony rumors I didn't I didn't docket it because I don't believe nonsense And then I know I know there was a side note to the thing where it's like it's not just a random 4chan thread there was
Starting point is 03:58:14 It's relying horror. I I don't I don't it sounds it sounds too ridiculous It just sounds too ridiculous if it happens and it blows up and then becomes a real thing Then I'll we'll talk about it when it happens, but it sounds way too nonsense right now Where'd you go Where'd you go? If you've got a letter and you want to talk to us about it, uh, you can send it from your bunker to mine At castle super beast mail at That's castle super beast mail at
Starting point is 03:58:53 Let's take one coming from dear god. Why do you have to be? Such a bad app here One coming from uh x X says Hi person who is not pat and person who is not woolly a lot of people are attached to the technical aspects of analog media like practical effects Analog draw excel animation film grain lens flare for example To the point that any film grain and lens flare or sometimes added digitally to movies are added to other mediums to make them
Starting point is 03:59:24 Look, uh, like things that they weren't that weren't possible such as with physical cameras Filming that being said a lot of fans of analog media seem to hold contempt towards digital media Saying that it looks too sterile so less artificial at worst and that it's bad because it takes less It takes less effort than analog What is interesting is that it mostly seems to be enthusiasts who have had these views while most of industry professionals are welcoming towards digital Media and don't seem to care much about recreating analog when they could with digital tools So what do you think are the enthusiasts placing too much importance on unintended technical aspects? That even industry pros don't care much about or would you agree that even if unintended these technical aspects are an important part of the
Starting point is 04:00:02 Charmer of aesthetics of a medium creators should aim to recreate digitally outside of throwbacks Um I think video games desperately trying to look like movies is fucking stupid unless it's a game that is also trying to be a movie So middle gear too when you look up and the rain hits the camera That's cool lens flare and almost every game ever So the the fact that this this person went into things such as film grain And uh and lens flare is like clearly you've heard the version of the discussion that talks about how the um The defining traits of a medium are the things that are
Starting point is 04:00:42 Uh the the limitations of its time the jank the moments that are imperfect the imperfections all become beloved over time um I think combined that with the fact that uh The medium that you are Raised with is the norm to you Therefore when the new medium comes in the quality improvement jumps and you feel like Like if it's uh, for example, like the jump from dvds to blu-ray was a punch in the fucking face In terms of how sharp movies got but the jump from dvd
Starting point is 04:01:17 Uh from vhs to dvd was similar, right? Like it was it was It was it was insane, right? So the yeah in cases like that where you're getting a massive overall quality improvement You're gonna find that the consumer is gonna be like no, I want the good thing. That's fine. I don't care, right? um enthusiasts will always have the preference for that which they you know grew to respect for Uh what they grew up with yeah, so learned about you know, like previous old films and things like that And in some cases filmmakers like a more smart and Scorsese is gonna be the type of guy that's gonna be like fuck digital
Starting point is 04:01:53 I want to shoot with film or you know, they're gonna have these feels that they I wanted to look a certain way um, the average consumer is going to always be fine with the newest shiniest version of the thing. I think Uh, you don't need to go elitist over uh newer digital versions of things unless they are actually inferior in certain ways so Uh vhs to dvd to blu-ray is a direct improvement. There is Nothing lost in that jump
Starting point is 04:02:32 When you go from animatronics to cg There is a lot lost you can lose and the discussion becomes more complicated so it has And there's even the discussion to be it to be made between filming digital and filming on film film has a certain picture quality You can film a digital and then make it look like film But there but there is like a a certain texture to the image when you're filming with film um, you don't really hear people talking about I want comic books to be printed on the old newspaper recycled pages anymore
Starting point is 04:03:09 Yeah, everyone pretty much is like no that glossy clean white brightness shade is nice The colors are vibrant. They pop more and high vibrant paper Uh is actually like it it makes everything look like Just crisper and sharper even if it's the same image printed on both um Let me give everyone a pro tip right now if you're out there in the world and you're trying to uh If you if you're trying to do your your get yourself a job and you want to hand in your cv at places And you want to have a nice impression go out to your print shop and or your um office depot type place
Starting point is 04:03:48 and buy brightness 100 paper go find paper with high brightness And print your resume on that and it will literally be a bright resume in the midst of Lower normal quality paper When the person gets to it that's looking through the stack your resume will actually stand out because it'll be on brighter paper Use this trick not use this knowledge wisely. It's legitimate. It helps you get But now everyone's gonna use that paper this podcast. Well
Starting point is 04:04:24 Print your cv out on high brightness paper That was a secret that was secret business tech. I got tons of those I got tons of those but i'm giving you a little bit of a pro tip right now Go use that if you do it If you do do it digital cvs, of course are still like The way you get jobs in linkedin is the way you get jobs But if you happen to be printing it out which some places do If you happen to be applying to a boomer a location
Starting point is 04:04:51 Yeah, so Anyway, um, yeah, it's it's less relevant than ever of course since you just email your fucking shit But some places still do that. They still want a cover letter. Some places are like old school formal. Is that true? I don't know We haven't applied for real jobs in a long time. You apply what usually ends up happening is you apply Digitally you do the form you walk in you get the interview when you walk in you have it with you in your hand Oh, that seems to waste but nonetheless, that's how it goes sometime And you have you have it with you. You know, okay
Starting point is 04:05:28 so in any case, um What we're looking at here is a case of uh, yeah Like the medium will not always have a clear and direct improvement If the tech is if the digital tech is still being disputed as to whether or not it's superior early acg and movies look terrible So like uh, one of the ones that jumps out to me, um is the original mass effect had a um It has a very different palette than the other two And it has a really pronounced film grain
Starting point is 04:06:04 and The reason for that is they wanted to make it look like Old 70s 80s sci-fi Looking shit They wanted to They wanted people to feel like when you're playing mass effect you had turned on Some ancient forgotten like battlestar galactica Fucking tng kind of thing and that's why they altered the look for that and it's like, okay. You were going for a sex
Starting point is 04:06:37 But when you're playing like uh hour of victory generic shit-ass war game And there's just lens flare in there because it came with the goddamn unrealistic aberration Go fuck yourself. That looks like shit Chromatic aberration sucks What? It's soba you can use chromatic aberration is pretty dogs. It's totally not all that grit Don't you feel it? I'm hating on the grit. I fucking hate chrome aberration. Yeah, so, you know, um
Starting point is 04:07:09 This is where it's at. It's just it's a question That uh, really depends on the exact nature of what it is you're trying to Capture and whether or not it's a direct linear improvement with like no questions asked Uh, I think that like yeah, I think it's silly to be elitist about those those imperfections and to you know Think that like using them is Oh, hey, okay. I'll finish my thought. It's silly to think that um, they're automatically worse no matter what That seems a bit silly
Starting point is 04:07:43 you know Your video is gone, but your audio is there. Hey, ho. Oh, what's up everybody? Uh-oh. Oh, no All right Hold up, but I allow us to fix the problem over here And now I can't hear woolly. Oh curses Okay, so uh, that's not working out turns out discord just pooped right on the floor
Starting point is 04:08:19 And is no longer working. You can't connect to discord Uh, something's wrong with the servers. That's it. It's it's dead Um, hey man, the quarantine casts the quarantine the fucking what is it? What did I say? quarantine super beast is This is gonna be some foibles folks. It's not a perfect system I even tried to see if I was like, oh, maybe I can open up skype to do a backup But it's like no that's not working either. So Uh, so yeah, that is the anti climactic and to the discussion and to the episode
Starting point is 04:08:57 And that's the way things are gonna be a little bit and there's nothing we can do about it. So, um Hey This is a brave new world everybody. There's gonna be some problems There's gonna be some issues sometimes, but it's okay. We still got a decent four hours out of that That was a fun little podcast. I think it was pretty normal and fine um I enjoyed it. I did you enjoy it? I thought it was it was it was cool Uh, you know and uh, yeah, we'll just call it there
Starting point is 04:09:34 I'll probably make sure that we can do some kind of Backup plan, you know, if things uh If things kind of fall apart this way in in the next uh, the next time we we do this but Hey, I thought it was all right You know, I can I can go to sleep tonight saying that we did all right so, um with that
Starting point is 04:09:59 I'll save the rest of the questions we were at for next time and uh, we'll leave it there and uh, yeah just uh As for the you know, the where we're going to be and what's going on obviously you can check out Uh, what pat's doing over at at uh, not angry as pat at pat stares at excuse me um on twitch twitter On youtube he's got the archives going up And uh, you can you can you know see the schedule that gets posted
Starting point is 04:10:28 on his twitter there Or uh, if you'd like you can uh, check out woolly versus uh on twitch Woolly versus on youtube. We're continuing with our lps. We've got three videos a day as mentioned 3 p.m 6 p.m 9 p.m est and uh, yeah, that's going to be uh nights of the old republic 2 doom 2016 And uh, we're going to be cycling through some other videos for the third video of the day. So Check that all out if you would like More and otherwise guys stay safe. Thank you very much for tuning in
Starting point is 04:11:04 We'll catch you again next week on castle super beast Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh

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