Castle Super Beast - CSB 066: Theme of Womb Explosion by Ludvig Forssell

Episode Date: April 28, 2020

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Music Howdy Doody. Hey man, what up? How are you? How is everyone? That's great. I'm older now. It sucks. I'm older. I smell. Do you get smellier because you get older? Are you going to assume? I'm going to assume on the journey from 30 to 80, sorry, 30 to 40. Jesus. No, I think you were right the first time. You start to transition into the old man's smell. Yes. You can feel from a distance. Yes, the smell of death. Yes. The smell of. I don't feel that much different though. So that's okay. The smell of the grim reaper chains getting closer on that floor. You know. Also, I mean, no one can tell we're
Starting point is 00:01:25 smelly anymore because we're all staying inside. So that's good. Also, your sense of smell gets worse as you get older. So you can't tell either. Well, I mean, I was never able to tell. Yeah, but now you double can't tell. Yeah. Luckily, I have the OCD that makes me shower compulsively, because if I didn't, I could be really smelly. But the smell of old comes from your soul. You can't rinse that away. No, man, it comes from like your butt and then it expands out. No, it comes from the the because as you get. So the way that I always thought is that you know how like old guys where their pants up to like their nipples. Yes. So I always assumed that the old man smell was because your butt smells. But instead of like escaping around the waist, it starts to just
Starting point is 00:02:08 crawl up your chest and is closer to the average person's face. I'm just old man butt smell. I'm going to go with what the first one I'm going to say it's the essence of death and the essence of old, the essence of all of that horrible shit inside. It starts to seep out. When you're young, it's contained because everything is tight. But as it loosens, it creates gaps so that this I don't I don't really buy that mystical shit. I think it's just like your decaying butt. But it's your inside butt. Yeah, no, it's the inside of your butt that starts to fall out. Anyway, it's all horrible. Yeah, it's it's bad. Congratulations 34 now, which sucks. It's not even a cool number. No. 35 is a cool number. Not really. It's got a five in it. That's cool.
Starting point is 00:03:08 It's all scraping for significance until you hit the fucking box at this point. You hit the last number that matters. 185, you know, the the you hit 30. And then I mean, if you want to, you can talk about 65. But really, it's 30 to the box, you know, well, us us dirtbag content creators don't retire at 65 like everybody else. It's just I don't think there's anybody who's been in the game long enough because the game hasn't existed. We get to find out together as we go sick. Who knows what what the content creation game leads to. I'm looking at a man to find out because who had can tell Jeff Gershman still great and that dude's in his forties. So we'll we'll have a little bit of a head start.
Starting point is 00:03:57 You get in the seat. The slightest the slightest head start in the form of giant bomb. Is there anyone older than that? That's like there's people that have been in the game for longer. But is there anyone that's like older? That is, I want to say what's the guy's name on influence level? Jeff Green? Is that the dude's name? So old guy played Dark Souls? That the guy Jeff Green? Okay. Yeah. Yeah, he's an old guy played Dark Souls. Okay. I think he used to work at like games radar or something. Yeah. Yeah, it might be time you might think Mega 64, but that's not but they're just as young as us. They've just been doing it. Yeah, Mega 64 is the same age as us. Right. The point you start at does not there's not the age. We're
Starting point is 00:04:46 looking at the age, you know, that's a yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He's a one up guy. Who is the oldest content creator? Let's play her particularly who I'm gonna say I'm right now as we can I think Gershman is our canary in the cold mine. I think that's yeah, because he's he's he's just he's one step ahead one one life class up. Okay, I mean, there's 106 year old Indian lady who puts up a country foods channel. Well, that's the problem with just saying like that who's the oldest. Yeah, like are we talking we talking dogs or Dalmatians here you want to go let's players in particular, you know. But then again, there was that it's got to be slow beef. I mean, he certainly has the wisest vibes. He certainly has the the the family man aura about him. Well, the thing that bumps me
Starting point is 00:05:44 out about slow beef is like we hung out with him in a fucking at magfest. And we had some chili and I'm looking at him and I'm like slow beef. You're like, you're like 58 or something. And he looks younger than me. Yeah, he's like, come on. That's not fair. He's got that energy. Anyway, so what up? Yeah, I played ff seven. I played ff seven. I I have very little to talk about other than ff seven, which will obviously be at the end of the podcast. So I'm going to skip over that shit. I did watch a movie. I too have played ff seven. I hit the credits last night. Yeah, you you hit the credits last night at 2 31am. And I was like, geez, man, I was I was doing it. I did it. You did it. Congrats. Congrats. I was I was I was I was racing.
Starting point is 00:06:46 That was yes. That is what happens at the end of that game. We'll talk about it later at the end of the podcast. Yeah, I'll be at the end of the podcast. Yep. As for a film, Willie, what's your experience with Monty Python? My experience with Monty Python is the flying circus used to air on TV. I'd watch a couple of random things of that. I've seen Holy Grail when I was super in high school, though, it was kind of just like this jerk was just kind of like fast forwarding to his favorite parts. So like, it was like a really fucked up viewing where there was like a bunch of it and then I didn't see and then afterwards I kind of saw some and I don't know, but but I'm pretty I'm pretty sure I've seen that. And then what should we call it?
Starting point is 00:07:37 What's the other one? Not life of Brian, but not life of Brian, but the other but the other one. Flying Circus. Holy Grail. And the one that starts with with the Catholics and the Protestants and then ends with the meaning of life, meaning of life, meaning of life. Okay. So I haven't seen a meaning of life and I saw Holy Grail earlier this year, which I thought was very funny and finally put context into like 35 jokes that I've seen in video games forever. Oh, yeah. But no, not last night, two nights ago, me and Peach has sat down and watched the life of Brian. And life of Brian is one of the weirdest fucking movies I've ever seen. And I wish I could time travel back to 1979 79 to have seen it in a theater with normies. Because I would call it like a
Starting point is 00:08:52 fucking anti movie. It is a biblical era Seinfeld episode. Yeah, in which I hear fucking nothing happens. I hear I hear a lot of ultimately good things about it. One will, you know, Eric Eilish is a fucking genius. So like that dude, like, I just whatever, I'll check his shit out no matter what. But the yeah, I've always had like close calls, but never actually got around to life of Brian. And I've been and I've definitely been meaning to get around to that. And like I hear a lot of good things because it's the first one that comes to fucking weird mind in many cases. When people talk about money, Python, like there are bits that go on for what seem like actually 20 minutes. And there are the the the movie doesn't care about where its plot is going.
Starting point is 00:09:51 Yeah, we'll just randomly stop the plot. And then and then just like Holy Grail, it just ends. But Holy Holy Grail ends with like a gag, right? And it's like, ah, the you know, the cops show up whatever this one, it just straight up just ends. So I mean, and I someone actually looks at the camera and says that's the end of the movie. And I like scrolled to see the Netflix bar. And sure enough, it was the end of the movie. And I was fucking baffled. So meaning of life is a collection of skits that are loosely threaded together with, you know, there's there's like there's an overall narrative. But like, it really is just kind of like, we're going to do funny things until we're out of funny things. And then when we're out of funny things, we're going to roll the credits.
Starting point is 00:10:49 It kind of feels that way. It feels like Life of Brian was the first shot at the formula. And it's super weird and experimental. And I'm so glad I watched it. But I can only imagine how much more I would have enjoyed it in a theater, because I mean, you probably remember me saying something like this like 15 years ago, Willie, where I would fantasize about going to see a movie. And it's a normal like thriller. And then halfway through, like the characters all turn to the camera and start to shit their pants for like 45 minutes, and the movie just ends. And like, people are yelling at you in the audience to go fuck yourself. And that somehow gotten theaters. Life of Brian feels like it is as close as we could ever possibly get to that that would still be in a real theater.
Starting point is 00:11:48 But like, it doesn't care that you're watching it. They created a fucking weird Elva humdinger with that. Always look on the bright side of life. Oh, that's hilarious. And it's a great song. Yeah, it's a fantastic song. They really nailed it. I was listening to a podcast about how they came up with it. It was a good, good ass song. But you're not saying anything that is a quality judgment. You're expressing bewilderment. But I can't quite tell whether this was an enjoyment. It was a great watch because it was fascinating. Okay. I'm trying to try to parse whether there's enjoyment in that or not. It's not a gut buster. It's the kind of thing where it's like this nice, pleasant, but also
Starting point is 00:12:38 bewildering like experience in that like, I remember us talking about sitcoms getting canceled and you pointed out that like certain sitcoms just don't have the laughs per minute that the ratings demand. This thing has a relatively low laughs per minute. And there were some sensible chuckles. But it was like, it's just like, oh, what is this? Oh, wow. You know, like it's just a whole fucking. Yeah. It's a Seinfeld episode turned into a movie in the olden times with Jesus. Well, you're also looking at a time when, again, assuming I'm going to use the other movies to make the comparison. But it's like an SNL series of sketches in the meaning of life. But a lot of those moments took a couple
Starting point is 00:13:34 to set up the joke in a way. So they're not afraid of like 60 seconds without a gag in order to deliver gags on the third minute of this bit. You know, it's also a 41 year old movie. Which, man, that's old. But yeah, I really enjoyed it. Glad I watched it. Heard it's about the Jesus. It's not about Jesus. But Jesus is there. He is in the background of one scene. And that's pretty much it. That's pretty much it for Pat this week. Okay, honestly. If you want to check out more Pat, this is a persona week. I'm also going to do some Resident Evil Revelations 2 on Friday with Peach Deliva. That's over slash Pat stairs at. I play video games on Twitch. That's my job.
Starting point is 00:14:38 You're all bored. I know you're not doing anything important. Just come come on. Just come on. Yeah, some some are, you know, but they're able to and none of the people in here right now are listening to the podcast. Some some are are all losers driving trucks and some are coding and some are, you know, Dorks. Some are doing the art stuff. Dweebs even. Okay, they're Alex Trebek. Oh man. All right. The fucking girl got fucking owned. Can you believe people are actually mad about that? Alex Trebek's ripping you and he's like an 85 year old man dying of cancer on a trivia show. He's a huge door. And he's and he's and he's like fucking bouncing back gets that cancer too. Maybe that's the energy that's keeping him alive. Maybe
Starting point is 00:15:32 big dick energy defeats cancer. You know, I like nerdcore music. Oh, so you're a fucking loser. I am the host of jeopardy, the nerdiest of all fucking game shows in the by far the dweebiest dorkiest fucking host of the nerdiest show in the world. Look someone in the eye that says they like a nerdcore and calls them a fucking loser. I have Wow, what a made many comments about music in the past. Many comments and people have said Pat, you don't know anything about music and that's true. But there is one judgment that I made once when I was 19. And I have yet to have a single experience that has even come close to changing my mind. And that is if the genre you of music that you are listening to has the word core in it, it's garbage. And you have bad taste
Starting point is 00:16:39 in music. Remember when we all thought Alex Trebek was some kind of genius trivia master? Because yes, the role of the answer man. And we thought that like, yes, he must be the Omni nerd, the final boss. Yeah. And then he's like, I read the cards. That's it. For you. You're just like, yeah, no, he's the card read guy. It's it's more the attitude that he always has this great attitude because he's an he's an he's an older man. He's got the fucking suit on. He's got the gray and he looks like he would know things, you know, you're like, oh, Professor Trebek. No, I'm sorry. The answer was the Philippines. And you're like, oh, damn, like he knew that he just it's always it's always this answer of like, oh, you just missed it.
Starting point is 00:17:30 It's not wasn't that hard. You know, like if you if you went to his house for dinner, if he invited you over for a dinner party, you you feel as if he would be a noted after dinner raconteur. You know, of various tales of intrigue, you know, he's but instead he's like, yo, you want to watch the game. And you're like, oh. And then otherwise he's like, well, what are you into? What do you listen to that shit's garbage? The beds you like suck. Fuck off. Yeah. Yeah. By the way, I got cancer crushed it and what? Yeah, one of the cancers with like the least like the lowest survival rate total. And not only is he crushing it like he looks fine. Yeah, he looks better now than I do now. Yeah. No, Alex Trebek is listening to NWA and pretty much nothing else.
Starting point is 00:18:33 Oh, yeah, I'll believe that. Well, anyway, I believe that. That aside, what's going on over here? Yeah, well, you know, besides getting to getting to the end of FF7R, which we'll talk about again at the end, I am continuing with, you know, the stuff on the channel. So there, you know, I talked about like hitting the the wrap up on Half Life the other day. Yeah. So, you know, there's an interesting an interesting threat to follow through on that. But for now, I cracked open that nuns for that nuns for has been the cracked open and took a sip, took a sip. Boy, oh boy, that's a Naruto game for those of you who are unaware, by the way. Yes, it is. Boy, oh boy, does the cyber connectedness reach absolute peak
Starting point is 00:19:43 in terms of just their ability to make over the top hype scenes and whatnot. Like they've been doing it for like eight games now in the franchise. And like there's just absolute nonsense buffoonery. The other problem. How's it play? It plays like Ultimate Ninja Storm. They added mechanics, but you're still mashing circle. You're mashing circle, but then you can do like Chakra dash cancels, or you can do tags, tag combos, or you can do call and assists to do your extenders, or you can do all triple team attacks, like literally like Marvel style mechanics being dropped all over the system. But you are still ultimately pressing circle. Oh, hey, I have a question for you. When you were playing it, were you like, man, we need to put FF seven
Starting point is 00:20:34 in the hands of these guys? That's not my first thought. No, no, that wasn't my second or third thought. What I did think was that there were many moments where I was dumbfounded at what I was looking at and how we got here from ninjas jumping through the trees and throwing kunai at each other. Like the idea of ninjas jumping through the trees and and turning into logs. Like at some point we hard cut to like the most psychotic kaiju battles you've ever seen with giant glowing gods that are like flying at each other and like shooting jihuti tracking lasers and just like like it's power crepe man. I mean, we say like we say space wizards, right? But like I do say that. But like there's just there's a point where like even space wizardry gives way to just like
Starting point is 00:21:42 like you just you just become glowing light. You just become glowing light that flies at each other. It gets so utterly unlike anything resembling the source material as the power creep goes higher and higher that I actually I'm having a hard time thinking of, well, to be fair, I've not seen I've not read every show and I haven't I haven't gone through all of them. But I can't think of a larger like power creep to like complete visual difference in the way conflicts are resolved and are handled than in Naruto. I mean, the only thing I can think of is like in like force unleashed one. Like the stupid shit that Starkiller is pulling off at the end. Yeah. But there's still and I mean even when you want to go to Dragon Ball, you're like, well, Goku is going to power up and get
Starting point is 00:22:41 really, really big numbers. And then his hair is going to change to a different color. And then he's going to he's going to he's going to like teleport punch kick beam and like and do and then other tactic spirit bomb or charge up special attack. Dragon Ball also had like a actual curve in which like all these things got added over time. And then you hit Frieza and you established that a beam or a ball or whatever, like a super can blow up a whole planet. Yeah. So and you can't there's nowhere to go. Like a plague talked about it in one of his videos. And in fact, Plague's in here right now. And he even said it is like feets will remain the same. It's like, if you're actually going to show what people are doing, there's only so fast
Starting point is 00:23:35 and so big and so strong and so anything you can actually even do in Dragon Ball after you established that planets get blown up super early. So another way of kind of putting this together in my head is like super Goku versus Broly, right? Yeah, is an example of like the ridiculous heights and craziness this can go to. It's an animation marvel, certainly, but like animation incredible, you know, levels aside, you also have like there's like a couple of moments like I think when he grabbed when when Gojira grabs him and does like that crazy hand up sort of toss special that looks pretty different from some of the things we've seen in Dragon Ball up to that point. But for the most part, that fight is still powering up, flying at each other,
Starting point is 00:24:32 hitting really hard, going really fast, punch, punch, punch, kick, kick, and it looks awesome, right? But it's still on the level of two really strong glowing dudes are going to fuck each other up in high speed and use the environment. Whereas in Naruto, you got like, guess what? I sealed you in an alternate dimension in which time doesn't exist. And then there are a billion poison frogs that if they look at you, you die, but don't we're all you went to not like it's, you know, but then it sounds like children play fighting, but then but then like when I jump onto my kaiju, those billion frogs coat the kaiju and they become an armor to double power up the kite. And like, you know, like you just get this thing where it's like, okay, so there's the
Starting point is 00:25:22 there's the vision, there's the scale in terms of just like, like, like human size to giant monster size, and then giant monster size to like, like, fuck, like unbelievable head in the clouds size, right? So, and then there's like, the other level of it, which is, you know, at the illusion within the illusion within the illusion of, of like, you know, like a Sasuke versus his Etachi, for example, in moments where they're just, they fake the fake to set up the fake of another fake and you're just like, Dear God, what the fuck, you know, and then like all of this to say that at some point, I just saw a screenshot of like, it was like, it was a right before entering a mission of just like, it just it looks nothing like ninjas running through the forest throwing
Starting point is 00:26:13 kunai anymore. And it's wild. I had to like, lean back and take in the impact of like, the whole sky is a monster, and we are all going to charge up our crazy light powers and shoot lasers at it and kill it. So Naruto has this problem really bad, I'd say bleach probably has it even worse. And I feel like it is the, because we're all talking, we're talking about shonen anime, we're shonamago, right? We're talking about battle anime. Yeah. And it's like, I feel there's a really clear distinction between it feeling like it was written by children, and it feel like it was written who somebody was thinking about it. Because in Naruto and bleach, especially, it reads like four year olds playing like super soaker tag or whatever. And you spray them with
Starting point is 00:27:06 water. And they say, no, it doesn't count. I'm not out because I'm wearing my lucky shirt that protects me. And then he goes, yeah, well, I, my water is from the super blah, blah, blah. The double wet water river. Yeah. And it just escalates forever. Keep doing that. There's that. And, and it escalates until the point where I like, I remember watching bleach. And in bleach, it like the like big pop offs, even in soul society were, oh man, you'll never defeat me. And then the answer is, oh, but what if I pull out this entire new power out of my ass that has nothing to do with shit that was never mentioned before and is the perfect counter to your specific thing only. Yeah. And you look at Jojo and it's just as stupid and ridiculous. But instead of
Starting point is 00:28:06 it being, aha, my stand can actually do this. It goes, ha, before I showed up to the fight, I drank tons of poison so that when you put poison in me, I would become anti poisoned because I suspected that you would try and poison me. And it's all pre prep mind game nonsense. It's never like, except for one extremely famous example where somebody pulls a new power out of their ass and that's why they beat an unbeatable enemy. It's just like, aha, I was, I'm so ahead of the fucking curve that I, I knew that you knew that I knew that you knew that I was going to figure it out, but I knew that and I knew that you knew that. So I put a fucking beetle in your ass when you weren't looking and you died, ha, right.
Starting point is 00:29:02 And that just feels so much more satisfying because instead of dumb characters that are just infinitely strong, you have like a weak or moderate characters that are infinitely crafty. Well, the other thing that's, which just feels way more satisfying. Yes. The other thing that's also satisfying is that imagine that every stand user, and it doesn't always apply, but in most stand battles with JoJo, it applies. There is a feeling that the fight starts and there are three rules that are all question marks and every stand enemy and every enemy stand has these three rules you have to find out and you'll find out the first one very quickly when the attack starts and it'll, and then you'll only find out the last one seconds before you defeat them.
Starting point is 00:29:56 You know, and then you'll have these things and then that's the procession. It's like, there are three rules to reveal and that is the game we play this episode, you know. Well, I like every every JoJo encounter can always be described in terms of a serious series of questions, which is what is happening? Who is it and where are they? Yes. Like, like, oh, we're being attacked by a fish. Yes. Is it a fish? The weak point is always the human being that is hiding somewhere. That is always the solution to the problem. Like 90% of of every stand battle ever is finding where the guy actually is and going, Hey, it's that guy. And then occasionally when there is a little, and then occasionally when there is no guy, you go, Oh, shit. And then
Starting point is 00:30:53 things go a little differently. But yeah, you get that three, you get that three rule, you know. And, you know, the state we're in at this point, like Sasuke's character sheet has so much shit on it. It's it's kind of nonsense. I do like that the story like ended up getting to a point where it's like, look at this stupid shit, your stupid eyeballs can do becomes the plot was always about how these guys got to go because their eyeballs are stupid. It's a problem. And then the other thing, of course, is that there's but it's not just that, but like imagine if your your tone setter, your first battles, you know, are like about as crafty as let's say, Jonathan versus Speedwagon in right, you know, on in London, right? Like it's the haha. I'm tough enough
Starting point is 00:31:51 to tank a hit. I threw my whole fight. That's that's that's I threw my hat though. There was some stuff on it, you know, oh man. And now what we're seeing, like if I walked by and kind of blurred my eyes and kept walking, like if it was playing on a TV in the background somewhere, I might have thought that was Gundam. I might have thought Gundam was playing like a new high budget, you know, and I mean, CyberConnect certainly fucking fuels to this fire, but like there are moments where I'm like, that looks like like giant robots in space attacking each other with their crazy tech with the laser blossoms and the funnels and new type like straight up, you know, and death cannons and new armor. Like, yeah, you get to the level where
Starting point is 00:32:42 you're like, oh, you're you're you're you're switching modes and like you're you're fucking you're piloting something, you know, out of a high budget Gundam franchise, you know, and that's where Naruto feels in certain moments and it's it's wild. It's wild. I am definitely one thing that's there are there's a couple things like the characters that are like cool from the jump continue to be cool from the to be cool later on so far. So I'm happy about that. Kakashi's rad. He continues to be rad. They're so far so good. You know, there's always a worry that you're gonna, you know, you're gonna ruin the boy. But he's he's pretty boss. He continues to do he does the cool thing. Hey, you know the fourth?
Starting point is 00:33:33 Yeah, I don't know if I don't know if you thought he was cool, but I always thought he was cool. I've never actually seen him once. Okay. Well, the fourth is pretty cool. The more the more we find out about him, I'm glad that he continues to be very cool. So that's good. And in fact, I'm pretty sure my only knowledge about the fourth is you describing a panel turn page in which he tells 100 Shinobis to throw like a kunai over a hill or something. And then he's like, I'm gonna do it. And they're like, oh my god, what's he gonna do? And then you turn the page and it's like, and then the battle was won. Basically. And like, hold on. I don't I literally don't know what he looks like.
Starting point is 00:34:31 It's the white coat and the with the with the fire on the bottom. Hey, that looks like Naruto. He's got the guy Fieri flames. Why does that look like Naruto? So anyway, you get to see him do some really cool things and you're like, hey, it's cool. I'm glad they I'm glad I'm glad that's nice, you know, that they that they do the thing. And then there's a very, very satisfying moment for me personally, where you watched our red far enough to the point where Orochimaru was like pulling those coffins out of the ground and shit. Oh, yeah, dude, I hit 134. There you go. Right. So there's a there's an ongoing gag in the form of like Naruto is really good at like, just like, talk no jutsu talking people down from
Starting point is 00:35:27 situations and getting to the core of it in some cases. And the further we go, the more it seems like there's moments where they're willing to just kind of go. All right, hold the fucking phone. Everybody shut up. And there's a moment like where literally we're going to drag zombies out of the ground, right? Right. You guys are all really important, strong dudes. And that's cool. But everybody shut up. We're going to ask you questions. And you're going to tell me answers. Right. What if you could drag George Washington corpse out of the ground? And Otense put life back in it and be like, Hey, man, so about this constitution, what are we doing here? What do you what do you what do you what did you what was the and then George Washington
Starting point is 00:36:21 goes on ninjas? Yes, well, there's that. You know, and and and anyone else like anyone and like and you basically you pull your Mount Rushmore out of the ground and you go, you're going to explain to me what the fuck the point of this country is and what you actually intended. And it's very like, Oh, damn, I like that. I like I like I like the the the fact that you can go back to the founding fathers and go fuck off. Tell us what you wanted so that no one has to argue. I don't know, man. Isn't that some kind of like horrible abuse of sanctity of life? But that's that's yeah, it is it is and and it's not necessarily good people that are doing it. You know, and and remember, too, that like there when they when they wanted to resurrect the boss,
Starting point is 00:37:13 they went so hard as to create fake shitty stupid AI versions of her to figure out her will. Yes, and that was terrible. But yeah, interrogate the dead. It's good. Do it. Get get the answers. I'm actually a big fan of I forget what medium it was, but they're like, OK, we're going to ask the dead a question and they like raise the spirit like not the body but like the spirit yeah of the dead and the ghost just starts like screaming in agony nonstop because the process of pulling them back from the afterlife is nightmarish and a horrible and they're totally unable to get any answers at all. Yeah, because the ghost is now like mad. It's the worst thing ever. Yeah, yeah, that's a great. That's a great little twist to the process. If like you can do
Starting point is 00:38:08 this, but which are three that happens. They're not going to like it. Yeah. Every moment is agony. The barfing frog. Yeah. So anyway, that that shit is drugs. Wow, Naruto sounds great. Hey, where should I start? Yeah. Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm One one is. Oh, yeah. Start at Naruto Met Hero. Oh, OK. And then make your way up from there. Occasionally detour over to Geckito Ninja Tyson. Anyway, fucking we. Yeah. So have you ever seen that stupid image that is like an old painting and it's a guy getting stabbed in the back and the dude is labeled weeb and the knife is labeled fucking weeb and the guy holding the knife is labeled.
Starting point is 00:39:17 Strong, pretty strong. Anyway, so you know, stuff's going on there. And yes, Dokapon continues. That thing is is like we are all quietly sitting down and like feeling the anxiety every time we start to play because there's nothing like this experience, dude. Have you ever had a feeling where you went in for like imagine a session of tension increasing and increasing with no release for weeks on end, right? The idea of a Mario Party game at the end of the night, you're going to end the game. Something will happen and that'll be it and win or lose. You'll be like, ah, whatever. In this game, the kettle keeps going. So I gotta admit, I was looking at people talking about Dokapon the other day
Starting point is 00:40:25 and I was sitting there and I was I was musing and I was like, would it be like a horrible thing to happen or would it be incredibly lit if I got a text message that said, oh my god, Pat, someone just got stabbed on the Dokapon stream like and I just go what happened and the answer comes back is Dokapon. Just like escalated to stab it immediately have been produced. On stream. Knives have been produced. So, you know, we're hitting a place. We're hitting a place. There is a there is a general anxiety and tension and edging that is increasing. And I feel like we don't know when that bubble will pop. And in the meantime, all you can do is continue to brace for it. Imagine like, you know, someone says like,
Starting point is 00:41:37 hey, at some point today, at some point today, I'm going to slap you across the face. I literally live that life. But I won't tell you when. But I'm going to tell you that it'll be before you go to sleep. Uh-huh. And you spend the whole day tensing up. No, man. And then it's gonna happen. It's gonna happen. I guess. I guess. But then you go to sleep. And then it never happens. And then the next morning, it's like, okay, so I lied. But now you're going to get slapped twice as hard at some point today for the for both. And we continue and we go on. Fast forward to a month. And it's like,
Starting point is 00:42:31 at some point you're going to get shot. I don't know when it'll be, but a bullet will enter your body. And we do, you know, it's a, it's a, there is a, there is a, a, a sense of angst that has no release at the end of our sessions. All we can do is go, well, all right. Everyone go and just lie awake and think about what comes next in this fucking game. So, um, doke upon, uh, uh, continues. The, the blood pool continues. It's, it's, um, yeah, it's pretty rough. That sounds great. Yeah. It's a good time. That sounds not stressful at all. Not stressful at all. Um, so yeah, we're pretty much alternating between those two right now, in the meantime, until, uh, Kotor resumes, which, uh, you know, we'll let you know,
Starting point is 00:43:25 um, to, to, uh, those, but, uh, sounds, uh, right now, like, uh, you know, V might be back in good health with, uh, some time. So, uh, yay. Yay. So good on that. We'll, we'll see, we'll see. Um, yeah, really not much else besides talking about, uh, you know, f of seven. Yeah. Kind of burned through it. That was mainly what I was spending my week on. Oh, hard mode and that game's incredible. So I guess the one thing I wanted to confirm was, because I remember we were talking about it and I saw the descriptor for it and I guess I just wanted to confirm, like, um, was that all, you
Starting point is 00:44:06 said all the monsters are at a cap, right? So not all of them. It's super weird. Generic ass random battles are like fucking hilarious because you hit triple slash and the battle ends. So you're like, it's, it's just, it just instantly ends. And so it is a forced new game plus though. Like you, you cannot do hard mode from the jump. Well, you do it through a chapter. Exactly. Right. Yes. So you will have to continue. So like you're, you're doing, you're going through like the macro reactor at the very beginning and like the soldiers and the little grunts are like dying in actual single sword strikes because you level to level 50 and you know, you, you geared up your materia and then
Starting point is 00:44:53 you get to guard scorpion and guard scorpion is like level 51 and is way harder. And the way that it seems to work is that bosses and what would I call it? What do they call it? Like variant or unique enemies. So like side quest enemies that are like little tiny baby bosses, mini bosses and are scaled up to be super hard and final, final evolutions we'll say. Yeah. And when you do so, you will get a manuscript that will unlock more weapons, right? Right. Which is, you know, pretty good reward if you want to max out your stuff. So hard mode is this weird, like hilarious thing where it's like you're coasting and it's super easy and then you hit a boss and it's like, well, I mean, at the, at, so, um, at bare minimum, you know, I was like, why you're
Starting point is 00:46:02 saving your MP. Yeah. There's very clear points. So for example, I was like, I coasted through the the macro reactor and I did the sector stuff. And then you remember that that little side quest for Weimer where that fucking dog shows up in the slum, that really buff dog. A game over four times on it because it would just kill Tifa instantly. And it was like, oh, oh, shit. Wow. It's really cool. And it's a great reason to go through the game again. I, um, yeah, I, I, you know, if there's no like God hard or cloud must die mode, then you know, you might as well go all in on, on the difficulty on this because, you know, you're, you got, you got people that really want to spend time with this. So, uh, and then the,
Starting point is 00:46:53 I can't believe the benches MP thing. That's wild. Yeah. So I, it really, and the game's story is also very enjoyable to go through a second time. So yeah, well, you know, more on that later, I suppose, but I'm happy that the, the chapter select that exists in this game is much less convoluted than near automata, for example, it's a really good chapter select. It will tell you how many music tracks are still left in the level, how many manuscripts are left in the level. And when you beat a mission on hard mode, it literally goes hard. And then a checkmark and the background of the chapter changes from it's like a chapter art to the, the logo to show like, nope, that one's done. You're good. Yeah. There's, there's finished tracking down certain events in near automata
Starting point is 00:47:48 is really rough. Sometimes when they're available from this point to this point, then at this point, they go away and then at this, a later moment, they're back, but you know, like there's a lot of, of, of you're going to need help. You're, if you're going to use the chapter select to like scrape out your, I guess your platinum trophy, I feel. So this one's, this one's really good. Yeah, you just pick the number and go. So anyway, yeah, all that, all that and more, you know, to be discussed alongside the usual get into fighting games, which this thing, like something has, we've been doing on getting to fighting games and it's been pretty successful because, hey, there's always folks that are looking to promote stuff, but we've been
Starting point is 00:48:40 given away fighting games on getting to fighting games. So pretty much like get just throwing codes out there. I'm getting keys and some people have spare copies of games that they don't need. Other people are like, Hey, please check out my game and stuff like that. And so, yeah, if you are, are interested, check out, you know, our get into fighting game show and get yourself some free fighting games because I'm fucking play them. They're good. And usually we just throw the key out there and you can just grab it. So I'm a big fan of free. Yes. It's good. It's a good price. I'm asking you to get into a game and I'm going to give it to you
Starting point is 00:49:23 and then say, please, now you can get into it. Getting the, get in the fighting game, Shinji. I don't want to. Then she's going to do it. Okay. She's going to get in if you don't. She looks like the kind of bitch who drops combos. Is that what happened to her? Did she drop a combo? She's only got one eye. It's all wrapped up. What do you expect? Damn. Oh, I fucking forgot a different game that I played this week. Yeah, it was XCOM. It was XCOM Chimera Squad, a game I would really, really like to play. But it's kind of a fucking mess. Tell me more. It crashes hard a lot and a lot of the prompts are broken.
Starting point is 00:50:11 And it just, it feels like it got pushed out the door like a month early, which sucks because I think I like it better than XCOM too, because the premise is so much more interesting. It's like named voice acted teammates of which there are a set amount. And they, it is like a series of more linear missions in which like it's closer like a funnel fancy tactics than like traditional XCOM. And about half your team are weirdo aliens. And everything that happens between your weirdo aliens and the regular humans is incredible. I got a linear mission for you. Very, very linear. What's that? There's a line. You follow it. Uh-huh. It starts at the tail and it works its way up the body.
Starting point is 00:51:09 You know what the wildest thing about torque is? What's up with torque? What's up with torque? Torque is, first of all, an anti-alien racist hates off-worlders. Loves Canadians. Because she, despite being a fucking snake lady, was born on earth and considers herself an earthling. So she's like aliens go home. Yes. That, and it's like, uh-huh. But number two is Erica Lindbeck was on Twitter earlier today or maybe yesterday going, huh, just found out I voiced a snake woman. Also, why y'all, why y'all gotta be like that? Because apparently the people playing the aliens in that game were just given their names and not that they were weirdo aliens. They were also not given the heads up that
Starting point is 00:52:16 people were going to lust after them. I don't know. Like Erica Lindbeck has played like Futaba and Jesse. She's probably used to that shit. I saw the tweet. She was, she said something like, I'm away now or I'm going to away now or something like that. But yeah. In any case, everyone involved in that game seems desperate to pretend they don't get what's going on with the snake people. But don't they have like snake nudie mags? Yes. So what do we do in here? We dancing around, but they're like, oh man, that's weird, huh? That's crazy. Weird. Shrug. It's like, yeah. Yeah, cool game. I'll jump back on it in a couple weeks when it gets a patch, just like every for axis game that has ever come out. You know, when it comes to,
Starting point is 00:53:22 when it comes to the evolution of the snack fetish in the Western world, there's a lot of examples we can go to in Japan, but I'm wondering if prior to XCOM, wondering where we go because my brain goes to G.I. Joe. I was once a man, kind of a cobra, la, la, la, la shit, but Baroness never became a faulty lady. But if she did, that would have opened up some eyes. I know exactly who's fault it is. Give me give me a second. Okay. I need to check out a date. There's definitely the, you know, there's definitely the, the historical just full on Medusa aspect of things. All right. So in the modern era, I'm going to blame Jeff Lynch, John Sportsfelder and Barry White,
Starting point is 00:54:33 who are involved in the writing and directing as well as starring of the season four episode 20 aired in April 29th, 1993 episode of the Simpsons titled Wacking Day, in which when they thank Barry White for helping them save the snakes with his low baritone voice, he describes that there's nothing more sensual than the slither of a sexy lady snake. Okay. So that is a single line delivery. And though it is delivered with the strongest, most powerful voice that could deliver a line, I don't think it's fair to give that all the credit. Um, I feel as if that will water a seed that was planted, perhaps, perhaps eras ago. Oh, then it's, then it's the Cromer, because the Cromer, I'm, we're asking what happened.
Starting point is 00:55:36 And you put back, it's Homer's fault. You put back the Greek, the Greeks have put their dicks into anything, you know? Also, I recall, let's say you're a young lad playing, I don't know, God of War one, right? And then that's the, you know, in those games had the titties in them. But then at some point they had the Medusa titties too. So you're like, oh, oh, that's a thing. Look at that. So you know, someone might have seen that and went, huh? Think eight, let's think about what it says when part of your like pantheon, right? Of your culture, the big man God, big God man Zeus is like chasing after a lady and he's like, I want to fuck you. And she's like, nah, nah, man, I'm going to turn into a cow. And your God's response is, oh, yeah, I'll fuck that.
Starting point is 00:56:40 I'll fuck a tree. I'll fuck a river. And they're like, yeah, we're just to live by. Yeah. Yeah. Zeus kind of not, not, not the, not the best example of dick control. No. But you know, there, there is something about again, just narrowing the scope all the way down to snack, which sorry for those who are fans of the original meaning, which was just cute little snakes with the, you know, like Bork, Wolf Wolf, cute animal speak. That shit's gone. I thought you meant the original meaning of snack, which is like, cute snakes, don't tread on me. Oh, what? No, that it was just, it was just they put, can I get an edit of the fucking flag that just has the don't tread on me snake with
Starting point is 00:57:42 huge tents. You boop the nose. You boop the nose on the snack. And it was cute. What the fuck are you talking about? There was picture, you know, when people have like cute animal text, like they have like a fucking, oh, look at that. For snakes. So dog, you know, woofer, look at that, look at that pupper go and all that. Yeah. So they did it for, for snakes, they'd have cute pictures of snakes. And on those cute snake pictures, they'd call them snacks. And that's where that's, that's what I'm saying. That's what it was. You, you boop the nose on the snack. And then it'd be like, ah, and they have, do snacks even have noses? Well, there's a, yeah, there's a big old fucking,
Starting point is 00:58:29 you know, hunker in the front, the snoot. You boop the snoot. Okay. Okay. Well, anyway, the point is, is that, that, I don't, reptiles are weird, man. They clearly have a thing, like a thing where you, you know, think of the mud, think of the jungle book. You know, like, think of the giant fucking thing on cause front, like it's all, it's huge. It's this giant area of, of, of, of surface area in front of his eyes. That is, that is the snoot. Snakes don't have noses.
Starting point is 00:59:17 They have nostrils, but no nose. All right. You just, we're just going to pretend that. Okay. Well, um, anyway, uh, literally just looked it up. Yeah. You know what? You know what? So, hey, who knows? No one knows what I'm talking about right now. I'm like, yeah, just, there's nothing there. Oh, I noticed that I streamed XCOM and like my chat and Dono's and subs were like nothing, but people going, I want to fuck the snake with the titties. And I'm like, have you ever seen a snake? Yeah. You know what the head looks like. Yeah. You know where the eyes are. I do know what, what is the area above the mouth
Starting point is 01:00:05 in front of the eyes? The end of their head. They have nostril fucking holes, but they don't got no nose. Okay. Pat, call it a snoot. Call it a snoot. Call it a snout if you need to. It's the thing in the front. I mean, Jesus Christ, semantics, you know, but like the point calling it a nose is just, it's the breathing holes sticking out in front of the thing's face. I will not hear semantics from a man who went into a giant. We're going to go or somewhere else. Where are we going to go? We're going to go somewhere else. Dogs can't talk. We're going to go somewhere else on this about how dogs can't talk. You're right. They can,
Starting point is 01:00:56 they can clearly, you know, they can order a pizza if they want to. There we go. All right. I've seen a dog order a pizza. Have you? Yes. If you say no, you're a liar. I'm glad we, I'm glad we did this. I like that you have the power to pull a parachute that shoots you into space. It's pretty powerful. Yeah, it's called being nuts. Listen, try it sometime. Listen, torque is in the, is in the zeitgeist right now. And yeah, I don't know. You seem to have some trouble dealing with it. Does it upset you? I just don't like reptiles in general. I just don't care for them.
Starting point is 01:01:47 Yeah, sounds like you. They're like a lower form of life, barely capable of having distinct thoughts. Okay, but if like they're, they're about as close to like a CQ cumbers as they are to a dog. So, are these the words of a coward who will not embrace the wrapping and the, and the scaly embrace of, nah, I'm good, man. I petted a snake once and I was like, oh, that's pleasant. But like, that was like an elementary school. I like the idea of a world where like it or not, you're like when they come and join and become you and they become earthlings to you have to deal with it. You are forced to confront it.
Starting point is 01:02:44 I mean, if they could talk, they could talk. Well, anyway, anything that talks gets a pass. You know, it's like a rock or like a sludge. You can, you can join Reggie and the coward pit. The rest of us will embrace, embrace. I don't want to be in that pit. He's one of them feet people. There's feet people in that pit. Yeah, he is. And that's the problem with the snake. Reggie can't deal with this. Reggie can't deal with the snake because there's no feet on it. Cowardice. That's awful. I hate it. Your mech warrior has exited the mission area. Cowardice will not be tolerated. Mission failed. Absolute cowardice. No feet. There you go. There you go.
Starting point is 01:03:43 Understand. I'll care for this. I don't care for this. A man denied his foot fetish. Punished Reggie. Good. Good. All right. Well, anyway, XCOM though, right? Yeah, it's good. It's fun. It's good. All right. Well, you know, more of that came, more of that came from more with God. What do you say? More where that came from. It's on your channel and yes, more of my stuff on my channel. And just as soon as you say that, it's just I automatically hear fucking Atten. There's more where that came from. That's his battle cry like thing every time. But don't worry about it. Boy, I really need a shower. We get it, Tifa.
Starting point is 01:04:50 We get it. You're filthy and sweaty and Cloud is a dumbass who doesn't get what you keep telling him. There is definitely a point at which Barrett's excitement is a bit over the top. I think I think Plague expressed it in a tweet in the form of like shooting a couple of rats. Yeah, get some. She like kicks a dog. I was literally just watching a clip of Eli cracking up being translated into Japanese for Japanese audiences because he kicked because Barrett just got all pumped up and kicked a bird out of the sky. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Just a little too excited for these mundane animal killings, you know, but anyway, got to do it for the planet. I guess
Starting point is 01:05:54 it's not entirely consistent. Yeah. All right. Well, we got some news to look at, but before we do that, let's all right. Hey, let's take a look at our sponsors. Oh, yes. Let's do that after that. I'll take a look at the bathroom. Oh, yeah. I could use the bathroom as well. And then we'll take a look at the news. Yeah. So stuff you know, sorry about that, folks. I hate it too. This week, Castle Super Beast is sponsored by, excuse me, this week, Castle Super Beast is sponsored by DoorDash. Hey, DoorDash, what's up? You got Chinese, you got pizza, you got Froyo, you got those sounds like foods, you got, you got your pastas, you got your meats, you got your veggies,
Starting point is 01:06:57 you got your all your choices, you know, you might have a couple of those things in your fridge, but you definitely don't have all those things in your fridge. And I have all those things in my fridge. Well, yeah, but you can't make it as good as your favorite restaurants can. I can't, that's true. So why not call on your favorite restaurants to bring you delicious food right away, straight to your door safely and, uh, hey, and support them while you're at it, since you know, you can't walk down there now. No, so and even if you could, you really shouldn't. So, in comes DoorDash, the app that brings you the food you're craving right now. Ordering is easy, you just open up the app, choose what you want to eat and your food will
Starting point is 01:07:44 be left safely outside your door with the contact list delivery drop off setting. Personally, I've been enjoying the method of the walk up, the drop off, the step back, the walk away, and, you know, again, in the distance as they go away, just kind of like, thank you, keep keeping on the kind of head bow and the one hand up. And they, it's nice. Exactly. And they just kind of walk away and fist up in the air, you know, as it fades to, as it fades to black and white and a big old cursive thank you appears anyway. Listen, there's over 30,000 partners in the US, Puerto Rico, Canada, Australia, you can support your local go-tos or choose from your favorite national restaurants. You got your Chipotle's, your Wendy's, your cheesecake factory,
Starting point is 01:08:36 whatever you are looking for. That is a giant number of restaurants to pick from. So chances are you're covered. You need food. You should eat the good food. Food is important. Food is that thing that you need to do. And even though it's going to come out later and you're going to be like, this seems pointless, you still have to eat food. Why not enjoy it with the best tasting things from your favorite places. So right now, our listeners can get $5 off their first order of $15 or more and zero delivery fees for their first month when you download the DoorDash app and enter the code CASEL. That's $5 off your first order and zero delivery fees for a month when you download the DoorDash app in the App Store and enter code CASEL. Don't forget code CASEL for
Starting point is 01:09:26 $5 off your first order with DoorDash. Thanks, DoorDash. This week, the podcast is sponsored as well by ExpressVPN. Oh, hey, ExpressVPN. You know the deal. I have you installed into my Chrome right now. Oh, yeah. What does that do? It lets me watch brand new animal because that shit's only on Netflix in Japan. And for some reason, it's not airing anywhere else. Fucking rad. Thanks, ExpressVPN. So they protect your privacy and security online. But yeah, that's one use of ExpressVPN. But you can also, as Pat just stated, unlock movies and shows that are only available in other countries because, for some reason, you know, the things you like sometimes you're not allowed,
Starting point is 01:10:24 you're being gate kept by the patch of dirt you live on. Well, Oh, this darn dirt. This dirt's not as good as that dirt. That's dirt. That dirt's allowed to watch brand new animal. This dirt's not allowed. It's over here. So while you're stuck at home, it's only a matter of time before you run out of stuff that's interesting to watch to you on Netflix. And, you know, you got to ExpressVPN to help you jump over and check out what's going on on the other patches of dirt, so to speak. You can change it up to UK, change it up to Japan. You can catch other streaming services as well because it also works with Hulu, BBC, iPlayer, YouTube, all of them. You name it, hundreds of VPNs out there.
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Starting point is 01:12:00 yourself with ExpressVPN at slash superbeast. Thank you, ExpressVPN. Thanks, ExpressVPN. Last but not least. Oh, really? We got a new one over here. Who's our new sponsor? Shout out to SunBasket. What's SunBasket? If you're looking to reduce unnecessary trips out, trying to avoid sold out groceries, you're trying to eat healthy, you can check out SunBasket. It's perfect and a delicious solution right now
Starting point is 01:12:45 for the times, so to speak. You got basically healthy, delicious meals delivered straight to your door. They've got recipes of all kinds for dietary preferences, including paleo, gluten-free, Mediterranean, vegetarian and more. So it's an easy and convenient, pre-proportioned and ready to prep and cook meal. You got your options to enjoy a dinner full of organic produce, including ingredients in as little as 15 minutes, no matter how much experience you have in the kitchen. Each week, SunBasket provides a wide range of recipes to choose from, so you can try some dishes like hoisin' steak, strip lettuce cups, pickled daikon and carrots, roasted salmon and miso glazed eggplant, black bean tostadas, diabolo with cabbage slaw and guacamole.
Starting point is 01:13:35 These are all pretty delicious sounding. I'm actually pretty glad I ate before the podcast or else we'd get in that situation in which you're listing these off and I'd be like, oh no, we don't make the mouth-watering noise into the microphone. I don't need that. You can hear it. Sounds too wet. Salivation bad. SunBasket, good. You can order from any of these recipes across the menu. Skip a week whenever you need to. Double up on your favorites. It's simple and easy with no gotchas. And SunBasket facilities have the highest level of employee and food safety there,
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Starting point is 01:15:00 Okay, so first IP, then we news. Yeah, I have to pee also timing. Bladder sink. All right. Three, two, one. Don't pee right now. No. You just said bladder sink for the travel to the you just said bladder sink. Brb. Or do you mean like do it in the sink? Because I don't have to go all the way upstairs. There's a sink down here. Rb. Cool. Hey, everyone. Sorry for the live listeners that took so long. I made myself a delicious cup of Joe, which I needed to do off camera and off microphone. As you all know that my coffee machine is very loud. Why is it called a cup of Joe? Because coffee was invented by Joe coffee.
Starting point is 01:16:04 That's a sound explanation. I'll accept it and regard exactly what happened for the rest of my life. All right. So as I was making a cup of Joe, I don't know if this is news, which by the way, but news or if it's part of our week. But have you used this RTX on shit for voice? No. Also, every time you press random buttons on your keyboard, it makes me a little anxious because every keyboard in my house does something like what are you doing? Are you hitting buttons? Well, you have this thing on the keyboard that's like power. Oh, yeah. So I turn the keyboard off and they go. Oh, I don't do that for dramatic effect. My keyboard just stays on forever and it's like the batteries last. They're crazy.
Starting point is 01:17:00 So here's the thing. I turned the keyboard off for two reasons. One, to literally do exactly what I just did. And two, I have a cat and cats love to jump on keys. And occasionally, I once came home and the cat was on Twitter and had typed the letter N. And I was like, I am turning this fucking thing off when I leave the house or am not holding the keyboard. Who would believe in your searchers? Who would believe cat racism? No one. He was just looking up other famous cats. Oh, don't know. All right. So let's get to the meat of it. So NVIDIA has their fancy video cards, everybody knows. Yes. And they've recently put out a program for your fancy video card that you
Starting point is 01:18:02 can totally edit so that it works on almost any video card called RTX voice. Okay. It is a noise removal solution. And basically what it does is it scans for background noise and it scans for your voice. It removes what it determines to be background noise. And then AI generates a ballpark of what it thinks your voice should be in the frequencies it cut out and replaces it. Now, we do this every day in audacity, but we do it with noise reduction via detecting the silence and removing the silence because it's easier to take room audio and remove that. And that's that's obviously not live. No, it's not right. So but this is a there was a is what you're saying. There's a gentleman
Starting point is 01:19:04 who put out a video testing it out in which he showed off him picking up like the fan out of what looked like a shot vac and pointing it directly at his condenser microphone while hitting his desk with a hammer and talking. And sure enough, shit totally removes that stuff. And I went, that's bullshit. There's no fucking way that that actually works. So I downloaded it and fucked around with it and discovered that in in it will not work that well in 100% of situations, but in 95% of situations, it totally actually does work like that. I did on my on my XCOM stream, I think it was, I grabbed a YouTube video of 10 hours of construction noise on my phone,
Starting point is 01:20:09 put it to its absolute maximum volume, which would be like as loud as I'm talking now, and played that during the beginning of my stream with RTX on. Okay, people thought I was having a laugh because they're like, I don't hear anything. Wow. Okay. So first of all, that was a little confusing because I thought you're talking about rooster teeth, but this is called what RTX? RTX voice voice. Okay, I bet I can grab that YouTube video and give you a timestamp and you can take 10 seconds to fucking that sounds very interesting. Yeah, because here's the other thing bananas. Hold on though. So something that happens when you, let's say you do a bad noise removal or if you have room audio that is really, really loud,
Starting point is 01:21:00 right? Like a particularly high end hum. When you mute that and remove it from everything, you will end up cutting some of your own low end out and it creates a weird effect, like an unbalanced EQ. Does this total any of that? Yes. However, in my testing, you lose maybe 10% of your personal audio quality, but the parts that become a little warbly are parts in which you would be bordering on inaudible without this thing on, because the noise would be so loud. So Willie, I just sent you a 59 second video of this bro testing the thing out. Okay. If you look at that video, it sounds like dude's just chatting
Starting point is 01:21:59 and then he turns the shit off and you can hear this giant motherfucking fan and hammer going on in the background. And it is fucking crazy. This is by the gun run. This is the guy's video that's coming up. That's magic. Oh, sorry. Sorry. The tweet that I'm talking about is from the gun run, but the streamer who was doing it was called at Barnacules. It's not perfect, but it is so much better than literally every other option available that it is mind blowing. Yeah. So like in situations, like at least for my setup, there are occasionally, you know, punch mom living noises, but outside of that, it's pretty like minimized. So that would completely
Starting point is 01:23:11 delete all of that. Okay. You know what I'm going to do? I'm going to help people at home for a second because I'm going to walk over to my coffee machine. Yeah. Is it on right now? Yeah. The coffee machine is on right now. I can run a clean run like no coffee through it. Yeah. And you guys can hear what it sounds like. Just give me one second because the thing I want to know is because that test video you can hear like banging and the fan on. I want to hear beeps. I want to hear high pitched noises and see how well it handles that. Yeah. Yeah. That's thud, thud, thud. I also want to know how it handles other people's voices. Can you completely remove another voice if it doesn't recognize your own?
Starting point is 01:24:08 No. No, you cannot do that. Okay. Wild. And this is, and this is available. I'm doing a thing with the RTX shit. So this is a like, this is new tech that's available for anyone that has a, what do you need? Do you need a specifically a GeForce experience? Okay. So two things to follow up on your earlier question. Question one was can you remove voices? The only thing it doesn't remove is voices. It's specifically tuned to pick up voices. Not just your voice. If you're, if you're, if you're talking and you're watching like a trade conference and the TV's too loud or whatever and you don't have headphones, it'll, it'll cut out the
Starting point is 01:25:01 room audio and focus in on all the voices in the room, giving you an even worse echo than before. Okay. But it kills everything else. On top of that, something that I forgot to mention, you can also use this on audio that you are listening to. Interesting. So if you're watching an interview in which there's too much crowd noise, it will literally remove that from your audio output. How do you, so how do you train it to your own voice then? You don't train it at all. You literally download the program. Okay. You install it and then it asks you, uh, what fucking,
Starting point is 01:25:45 uh, what do you call it? Hey, hello? You can still hear me? No. Hello? No. Oh, shit. You are now super muted. It ain't working right now. Sorry about that. When I turned it on, it changed what my default audio was. So basically you pick your input device, you put your output device and then you just turn on noise removal on either and that's it. Is it on right now? No, it's not. In fact, I can, I can test it for you, but it won't come through on the audio part of the podcast because I can't change audacity's recording system settings while it's going. Okay. Because I mean, you got up and you made all that noise with the coffee and the banging. Okay. So here's like,
Starting point is 01:26:36 I've tested that. That was just completely gone. I was assuming there was going to be a before and after here. No, no, I'm sorry. I can't change it while recording an audacity. You just got up and made noise for no reason. No, what I'm telling you is that is the type of noise that it would completely remove. Right. 100%. So Nvidia says that you need to have an RTX card, which is like a 2080 Ti or like a 1080 Ti or something. And when you download the installer, it will only work on those cards. However, if you open up like the thing in Notepad and like delete like three lines of text, it'll work on any Nvidia card. Oh, well, there we go. Okay. It also diminishes your frame rate by about
Starting point is 01:27:26 five to 10% because it's using your graphics card to do it. That's such bullshit because it's like, okay, it's using your graphics card to do it. But like, why would it be limited to that product window if not just to like sell those products? Supposedly it's using a part of those cards that isn't usually used for graphics processing. So it has less of an impact. And it takes a percentage of the GPU and the stronger the GPU, the less you'll notice the difference. Yeah, but you don't have to lock that in. You don't. You really don't. That's bullshit. You could test it as soon as the podcast is over. You just look up how to actually install it for yourself. Okay, but it's crazy. It's genuinely insane. Yeah, that's that sounds pretty
Starting point is 01:28:20 impressive. Yeah. At the end of the, at the end of the podcast, I'm going to see if I can immediately turn that on. I was thinking about using it for my streams only to find out that by removing the ambient audio of shuffling, coffee creation, chopping vegetables and screaming cats, my stream just isn't the same. So I've decided to keep it off. Really? Yeah. However, for buddies of mine in discord who play MMOs and are talking and like, I don't know, man, I don't know if this boss can possibly. Oh, yeah, that. Yeah. Right out. Right out. You use it on other people. That's great. Yeah. So wait, but you're actually, so you're choosing to opt in the background noise then. Hey, man. In the basement, you got to hear it all.
Starting point is 01:29:16 Okay. Okay. You should check it out. So number one application outside of obviously improving audio quality on streams and recordings is cutting the noise of arcade sticks out. Gone. I'm telling you right now, gone. Arcade sticks are loud as fuck. Yeah. That's pretty good. That's cool. So in real news, what do we got? Well, beyond that, let's take a look over here. So yeah, we might as well start with the uh, with the news that Naughty Dog has released a statement. Last of Us 2 is now launching on June 19th. Ghost of Tsushima will follow on July 17th. Wow. What a good. So
Starting point is 01:30:31 everything about the delay of Last of Us is so fucking stupid because they said they were delaying it because they were worried that you couldn't get the launch experience that players deserved. And then it's like, then it comes out. It's like what it's actually about is like, well, physical retail is all fucked up right now, right? And then it becomes, well, how long are you going to fucking delay it? A year? And definitely was the word used at the time. Right. And now, like the day after, big news about an angry employee leaking pretty much everything in the game onto YouTube. We got a new release date, everybody. This is totally a real delay that we chose to do and chose these, these for you and not because
Starting point is 01:31:39 everyone is talking about the game's ending two months before it comes out. Oh, was that, was the, was this a date announcement after the leaks? I thought it was before. Like 10 hours later. How about that? Interesting response. Interesting. Well, personally, I've dodged those and I don't want to know them. So I'm staying out of that just so that people know where. You know what I say? I say you should delay it a lot and do that shit over. It has been a while since I found out leaks that made me go, wow, that is bad for the game's release. That's really bad. This feels like when those Mass Effect 3 leaks came out and everyone went,
Starting point is 01:32:35 that can't possibly be that stupid. And then Mass Effect 3 came out. Yeah. Well, anyway, whatever, I'm going to do my best, but there is, I watched you put the armor on as you basically. So I want to break down the exact process that happened. Yes. Me and you were chatting and Paige was over here, you know, chilling on her phone. And we're talking about the last of us leaks. And then Paige is like, ah, fuck it. I'll read him. And I look over and she just silently mouths, oh God. No. What? What? And puts her hand over her mouth and just starts shaking her head. And I'm like, excuse me, wooly. And then I muted myself and I
Starting point is 01:33:35 took a gander and went, what? Huh? And then came back in and you were like, okay, I don't want to know anything. And I'm like, don't worry. I'm not going to tell you. But don't worry. Just don't worry. Well, now I'm slightly worried. You know what? Because I was in that part where I'm like, should I set up like, you know, Twitter words to, you know, spoil, you know, spoiler words? And I'm like, I have not seen one person read that shit and say anything other than boy, this sucks. And bonus, I have three DMs in my Twitter, my open DMs, like, you know,
Starting point is 01:34:40 the message request part. Yep. There are people going, bro, this shit is terrible. And they don't tell me what it is, but they're like, stop caring about last of us two. And two of those people compared it to Game of Thrones season eight. That's a pretty strong comparison. Did anyone compare it to FF seven R? No, they compared it to last Jedi. Sorry, not last Jedi rise of the Skywalker. Okay. Well, we'll see. I suppose we'll see. This everything about last of us two feels like shit. And the fun part is like, why would an employee leak so much shit? Could it be because they're not getting paid properly and they're getting worked like a sweatshop. And if they do have a bonus deal, that bonus deal doesn't go off
Starting point is 01:35:45 if the game's delayed indefinitely. Is that what's going on? I don't know. Because when you said everything about last of us two feels like shit. And I'm just thinking back and I'm like, the only thing I know about it is I saw that really cool reload animation. So I'm like, that's okay. Well, Naughty Dog is totally a sweatshop. Okay. Naughty Dog is like one of the crunchiest of all. Okay. That is super confirmed. Okay, gotcha. Yeah, I haven't heard a whole bunch, but I also haven't been paying a ton of attention. It just suddenly obviously exploded now because of this deal. But if I was working underpaid and underappreciated on a game like that, and my bonus was delayed indefinitely for bullshit,
Starting point is 01:36:40 I'd be pretty ordinary too. The word had definitely gotten thrown around a lot these days. They literally said it was delayed indefinitely. And then it was only delayed three weeks. So to use the word again right now in a different context is a little bit Well, anyway, so yeah, there's that story. I got nothing. Yeah. But a like, arduous journey, I suppose. Perhaps. I genuinely feel like this is this is one of those things where like, because you were worried about like FF7 spoilers, like when I was doing the stream, I was like, I mean, I was dodging shit and my chat was in sub mode, you know, stuff like that,
Starting point is 01:37:44 right? And because people would get excited and they do that thing of like, oh man, I'm excited for this to happen, right? Yeah. I don't think that's going to be a problem, man. I don't, I'm looking at the chat and I'm seeing like a hundred people go, okay, so I just went and read them. Fuck, they're terrible. Like, you know, like, oh, and these aren't like, like rumors or like the ending is on YouTube. It's the it's a video, right? It's not like the ending is on YouTube. And it's not a it's got debug shit in the end. Yeah, yeah, yeah, because I yeah, there was I did I did see like a screenshot with all that debug text. But like, it's not and it's like, it's not like a green text
Starting point is 01:38:41 thread, you know, like that's where it started. But that was based off of YouTube footage that totally exists. And you can go look at right, right, right? Okay, I'm looking at a green text right now. Okay. It's going to be great. It's going to be great. It's going to be great. It has totally evaporated the discussion about FF seven. This is a fascinating side effect. The only other thing I could think of to say is that I, you know, I remember not too long ago, you know, when hearing about this and like my thought about the existence of the sequel and such was that I was like, do we have to? Why? It feels like
Starting point is 01:39:30 it was fine. It feels like the game and least like available for a sequel. And there was a there was an article with the writer and director, and they were basically talking about how or what or the, I forget it was someone, but there's a, but there's an article about how they're like, yeah, we know. And we didn't want to touch it either until there was a reason to. And then we thought we got a pretty good reason to go back. You know what, you know what the reason to was? Sony was like, dude, can you do one? And they were like, yeah, I mean, there's that. You're right. But, but here's the thing. Like I also, I would imagine, I would imagine that Sony would trust them to also be like, well, they're doing goes to Sushima. So there's that. But
Starting point is 01:40:19 but I'm sure if they wanted to, they could be like, hey, do you want to do a completely different story within this universe as opposed to like revisiting these characters? You know, if you wanted to just put, if you wanted to go with the name recognition, I think I fucking hate when you have this giant universe like Star Wars is the worst. So he's a whole planet. It's a whole country. It's a whole universe. Let's go back to the characters we know. It's like, really? Do we have to? Shout outs to remedy. Yeah. Also, yeah, the one of those writers or producers, directors, a guy named Neil Druckmann,
Starting point is 01:41:04 who is like the head of the studio and is like directly blamed for a lot of the sweatshop crunchy shit and is the asshole who forced Amy Hedig out of the company. Amy Hedig being I remember when that story, the best writer in video games. I remember when that story broke. Like she wrote the legacy of Kane dialogue. She is the best. Where do you put Avalon? Number two. Okay. Actually, no. Amy, Amy's the best dialogue writer. Okay. And Avalon's the best like character writer, I would say. Okay. Because Avalon's pretty fucking good. Oh, Avalon's great. He's also crazy now. But we'll see how Dying Light 2 comes out.
Starting point is 01:42:07 Okay. Yeah, but the interview basically said something to the effect of, hey, yeah, we know we weren't going to touch it either until we had a good idea and we had one. So trust us as a reason why we're going back. And I was like, okay, dude, I don't care who says that. I literally will never believe that ever. I it's one of those bits where if I like it's not something I would expect to hear in the I would not expect to hear a creator of something say, hey, yeah, I didn't want to touch it again either. But I'm doing this. Except we are very familiar with a prolific creator who actually has totally
Starting point is 01:42:50 said that I am so high games in a row with the clear track to in this thread going towards fucking Hideo because yes, it's very clear at each point where you're like, okay, just don't touch this though. Keep this. I appreciate I appreciate the honesty so much. Because with MGS three, he literally said, yeah, I didn't want to do another Metal Gear game, but they were going to make a new Metal Gear game. And I figured I should make it and I have a pretty good idea for what it could be. And then with Peace Walker, he's like, yeah, okay, I'm super done with Metal Gear. But I think I came up with a good idea for another one. And it was like so blatant. And it was appreciated. You know, it's entirely possible that he believed himself
Starting point is 01:43:42 at the time. You know, it's entirely it's entirely plausible that at the time this is where he was. And then he took his favorite jacket, and he went outside. And he saw a puddle. And he went, you know what? I got something else. And you know what he also did? He was making Metal Gear Solid 5. And he's like, man, I really don't want to make Metal Gear anymore. So I'm going to ruin Metal Gear by releasing a really bad one. And then no one will care about Metal Gear anymore. And he did. Wow, tinfoil hat. It was crazy. It was his master plan all along. Genius Kojumbo indeed. What a work. What a work. There was some stuff that was all right. Okay, I'm going to I'm going to be real. I don't I think
Starting point is 01:44:42 that saying I made this one bad on purpose might be the greatest deflection of light responsibility ever. Yeah, I don't think that's what's happened. But it's kind of a happy accident. There was there's some things there's some things that that that Phantom Pain adds to the timeline that I'm like. I don't that I don't think are bad. I mean like pussy bombs. Yeah, like those like those. Wow, you pulled that one up pretty fast. All right. Anyway,
Starting point is 01:45:34 I'm sorry. I'm very ashamed of my words and deeds. Hey man, Ludwig composed his ass off. He sure did. Anyway, theme of womb destruction by Ludwig Forsel. If you wear the second swallow, there's always two. I mean, there could have been more. Let's be real. Well, anyway, I can we make that the podcast title because I know Ludwig listens to the podcast and I want to get like a fucking raw reaction in my DMs when he fucking goes to Spotify or Yeah, we can blow it up just for one just for one person for one person's facial reaction.
Starting point is 01:46:54 We can blow it up for one guy. That's fine. I got I got no problem with that. All right. Yeah. Okay, let's do that. We can dedicate one. Oh shit, because he's asleep. He's on Japan time. Yeah, I know. There's no way to write to it live, but right now in in in mp3 format, he is frantically scraping through this episode to find right now. And it's in the last of us news delay. Like what? Why? Why? Congratulations. You just found it, dude. You found it. Hey, I deserve all those awards. Oh boy, planting a mine right in the middle of the podcast, not unlike Oh
Starting point is 01:48:10 So by the way, for those of you who are unaware who we're talking about Ludwig Ludwig Fossil is a friend of the show cool guy and the composer for Kojima Productions does did pretty much most of the compositions or if not all the compositions in Death Stranding very good at his job, but can't resist busting his balls on this one can't resist Uh balls busted. Well, anyway, um, so we got a couple things going on, uh, you know some some minor bits here, but there's there's there's some some cool ones. I personally, uh, will probably never get to experience this, but I think it's very cool. Apparently, uh, apex legends. Remember that? Oh no, what's that? It's a video game.
Starting point is 01:49:07 Is it good? Yeah. Apparently they're adding a reconnect feature. So the number one thing that would frustrate the shit out of everybody is when you drop out of a game that's ranking based and now you can apparently reconnect to casual and ranked matches. So are they're going to be adding that soon? How is that not a feature? Sure. Well, none of these, um, battle royale games have that as far as I know. Yeah, but it's a team game. Yeah, but if you like it's a mandated team game, but it's one of those like you disconnect and that's it. Like the the it's your team's gone. You're you're you're you gotta run solo because in solo, like you drop the games over you dropped,
Starting point is 01:49:57 but in a team game, like one of your guys drops like, Oh, guess what? You just lost. I mean, in Overwatch, you when someone drops, you just have to do it five v six. Yeah, and the game sucks. Well, I'm it's that's what happens though, you know, when a player drops, you just continue the game at a disadvantage. So, um, yeah, that's a really nifty thing to have, especially for ranked matches. You know, it's still you lose a moment of fucking, uh, you know, whatever, like you lose whatever time it takes that you lost in that the respawn and all that shit. But, um, yeah, that's that's a that's a nice feature to have for for the genre. Uh,
Starting point is 01:50:43 so they're working on that. That's an update. I just checked, by the way, Ludwig is totally a composer on ground zeroes. So we're good. Oh yeah. No, no, I know. That's why I know, but it has three composers. And the first one that comes up is Harry Griggs and William. So you like, you know, it was a little like, no, he totally composed some of the music for grand zeroes. Yeah, no, I spoke to him about it. That's, uh, that's, that's why I went there. Uh, so we got those updates happening. Um, and then continuing the discussion about updates, no man's sky has more ambitious additions lined up for 2020. Yeah, that game's like, I don't know if I told, talked about like me going back to it after the in goodening of no man's sky.
Starting point is 01:51:39 It's a pretty good game now. So we very enjoyable. We, we have, we have talked about it a couple times and what it would seem that nothing lights a fire under your ass, like being called Peter Molyneux to or Peter Molyneux, whatever the case is, uh, Sean Murray, uh, seems to be, uh, very much not interested in, in going down, uh, in history with, uh, the bad press of, of that launch. And, uh, yeah, they've been updating the shit out of no man's sky for a while now. Um, he put out a graphic that was like just a, a, a tweet showing all the different updates, like the found, like that they've done so far, foundation update, Pathfinder update, Atlas rises, uh, no man's sky next, the abyss, no man's visions, no man's sky visions beyond synthesis, living ship,
Starting point is 01:52:41 and then exomech, which was the one that just came out now. Yep. So like it's gotten fucking touched up to shit. And it looks like they're down to continue touching this game up for a while now, because as long as it continues to keep their studio afloat, uh, they will keep it going. And, um, I'd like to answer a question that I'm sure many people have because I'm literally seeing it in, it is how is no man's sky still a thing? And the answer is long, but there's a simple version. And that is, whereas say developers of many early access titles, uh, have success and they have like, wow, Daisy and rust are really successful. We'll fix it and finish it. We promise. And then they use that money to make the game
Starting point is 01:53:27 they actually care about. Um, the no man's sky devs literally just shut their mouths and just never stopped working on the game ever. Yep. It's had, it's had updates consistently the entire time of its life. Um, you can grind, uh, the story into a 180 by just literally working it, working the game into a space where it's not that disappointment anymore. And now it's like, haha, I can't wait to do space. That's good. Work it into space because, uh, and, um, by also adopting the, uh, I guess shocking work habits that like, let's say, Hollow Knight takes on, you know, games where you're like, please, please, you don't have to go this far. And they're like, we ain't done yet. Here's more. It's one of those things where you're like,
Starting point is 01:54:29 okay. Um, yeah, you're, you're doing it. You're putting, like you said, you're putting your head down and you're just fucking updating the shit out of this because you clearly care about, um, it being like the absolute best thing it can be. So like respect for that for what they're doing. And, uh, the fact that they got all that shit, we just saw the mech update and basically they're like, yeah, that's been crazy. Look at these, um, 10 updates we've all, we've done and we have more planned. So who knows, but they want this to be like a pretty fucking crazy ass project that it sounds like they're going to continue working on into the next gen. Good. If I had a single thing, I'd like them to improve. It'd be popping because they're still popping because the,
Starting point is 01:55:19 you know, the algorithmic shit. So like, yeah, it's crazy. I mean, it turns out that like, you know, we do have these working examples too of like, I guess, game non-MMO games that still can, uh, be in development for years and worked on and have they like a, an afterlife, you know what I mean? Or like a, or like a long, a long tail. No Man's Sky being one of them. We just talked about Hollow Knight. But who knew? Who knew that rock band was still getting music? I did. Did you? Yes. Because of the story you're about to read. Okay. Did you know everyone knew you would jump on this week? Did you know that prior to the story that it was still getting updates? Hell no. Okay. Well, there we go.
Starting point is 01:56:26 Did you? No, certainly didn't. Why would you? Right? Like what, what? You know, believe it or not, this was not on the docket until a second ago when I just remembered it happened. So as much as it is up my alley, uh, I just remembered it. So a rock band for still getting DLC in the form of new music, including one juice by Lizzo. Oh, cool. However, the trader, the, the, the, the track was then pulled because apparently people were having some difficulty, uh, succeeding at the vocal part or, or they were having no difficulty whatsoever. Okay. Why is that? Well, because, uh, the microphone instrument in rock band requires you to sing and match pitch with the lyrics. And, um, when you reach the end of the second verse of Lizzo's juice, uh, the one,
Starting point is 01:57:51 I believe the lyrics went as such, the juice ain't worth the squeeze if the juice don't look like this. Hold up, nigga. Please don't make me have to take your bitch. Okay. So this seems like the kind of song that would have the radio edits be in rock band. Apparently it was not. So the game required you require to say those words verbatim in order to get a high score, motherfucker. What are you going to do? Sit on this four stars? What are we doing here? A non perfect, uh, uh, fucking track? Are you crazy? What do we try to, we try to get Platinum's or not? What are we doing here? How bad do you need that Chivo? How bad do you need that completion, that perfect star rating on your playlist? I think you need it pretty badly. I'd like to quote
Starting point is 01:58:56 a one time luminary in the field of competitive e-sports. One, uh, David Serlin in his advice to quote, play to win. And quote. But what about one DJ Khaled who also says don't ever play yourself? Do you play yourself to win? That's tough. This is difficult because playing to win in this instance also involves playing yourself. You see the controllers plugged into two different consoles. What do you do? You know, it's difficult. Say the gamer word to win the game. I think there is no more grander, like Kafka-esque nightmare than the fact that the n-bomb is colloquially known as the gamer word. That is such a fucking nightmare. That is so fucked.
Starting point is 02:00:19 How else are you going to win the game? How else are you going to do it? I don't know. I just don't know. Well, harmonics put people in a pretty sticky situation. So with that. Or not, depending. The decision to change the song has actually caused a counter controversy. Some fans are angered that harmonics would censor the words of Lizzo's art. Yeah, exactly. What are we doing here? Lizzo, who I believe is 100% that bitch, this is her words. This is her art. Who are we? All right. So who are we? You guys at home are not aware.
Starting point is 02:01:15 I think her music should be trusted. He will trick you. Who are we to clean up what Lizzo has decided to express herself with? You know, this footage of concerts where the artist on stage holds the mic out and does a call-in response. What? You know what? What are you supposed to do? Listen, are you not going to respond? You're right. However, there is only one way to solve this. We have to ask Lizzo herself which version she wants up there and how she wants this to happen. And if she wants this version to stay up, she needs to start writing some passes and mailing them out. Now, that's a lot of work. It is a lot of work. That's a lot of work.
Starting point is 02:02:34 It is a lot of work. And she needs like a stamp and, you know, it's a whole thing. Getting your pass from Lizzo would take a lot of work. Fortunately, you happen to be speaking to one licensed dealer. Fortunately, for you, there is a place in your own city where you can acquire your very own pass and not have to deal with all the shipping and fees and delivery fees. We got a local fucking pick up and go right over here. I know for a fact that your ability to give out the pass was revoked by the Black Council. You do not have the right to give out that pass because you do it every day. You want that pass given out because you want to trick us. What? What is a trick? Oh my god, you're such an asshole. Who? So who are we? Who's going to look
Starting point is 02:03:43 the pass up and down as a bouncer and say, hey, I don't know. This looks counterfeit. Is there not a photo? Is there not a clear? I swear to God, Willie, you give me that pass and I try and cash it in. You know what the guy's going to look at me and say, Willie gave this, didn't he? Yo, Willie's giving him out again. Okay. Yeah, it was pretty funny. Willie, so who's going to call him? Hey, hey, you getting trouble? Fuck you. You getting trouble? You let him know Willie sent you. You tell him to call me. You tell him. I'm so glad this is on video. I'm so glad. Hey man, because now you can't pull that shit like, I don't know what you're talking about. What do you say? Everyone is born with a pass deep inside
Starting point is 02:04:48 if you really think about it. Deep inside, we all have a pass. Results may vary. But it's in you. It's in me. We all have it. We can use it at any time. No, I'm good, man. Results may vary, but anyone can use it at any time. Results may vary. Anyway, I feel so bad for the subreddit mods this past week. I feel so bad for that. I feel bad for Lizzo because we're censoring her art. Oh my god, you are, you know, your special kind of asshole. You're really pushing it to the next level. Why don't you fucking run RTX voice on that shit? Could you imagine a special gamer feature? Gamer features. It automatically drops certain words from your voice recording.
Starting point is 02:05:58 Nvidia has figured out the tech, bro. Just gotta tweak it a little. This is the soft launch for the real Nvidia features. Coming soon. So for real, though, I don't know if you remember. Nvidia. What does the N stand for? It doesn't stand for anything. No, because it's been censored out. Listen, a couple years ago, Microsoft was filing patents for a technology that would actually do this. They were running into the problem that Xbox Live was a nightmare filled shithole and were looking into technology that they could use a hardware solution to straight up remove certain words out of voice chat. Sick. It didn't work. Really? They were never able to get it good enough. How about that? Some words would be false positives and other words would be false negatives,
Starting point is 02:07:04 etc. My favorite thing about every time I hear about a story like this is that the fact that there exists a tech that can isolate and remove those words also therefore implies the tech that could isolate and mute everything except those words. Or add them in with your own voice. So that we can, you know, you control shift and then you invert, you know, and you just you delete the wrong thing. You can amplify that shit. The tech is out there. Possibilities exist. You know, this reminds me of it was in text form, but it was it was when I was I was sitting in on one of pages Dark Souls two streams and someone invaded and the person who invaded was the Night Man. But because of an over over sensitive correction feature, it was the asterix, asterix,
Starting point is 02:08:20 asterix, HT man who invaded. And what would have been a totally harmless character name suddenly became nefarious. That is indeed in Oh, it was a night man. It was night page. It was night page. That's what it was. And it was like, like, you just created racism out of nothing. It was fine before it was totally fine. But now everybody gets to me. It's all you can see. Your brain cannot see it. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:09:10 It's like fuck. Wow. Wow. Yeah. No, it is. It's like it's like when you put in those beeps where they're where they don't belong. If you take any of all of a sudden conversations that are totally harmless become complete garbage complete filthy like horrible. Yeah. Yeah. It's exactly that. Amazing. Amazing. Wow. It's like how brutal legends dialogue was way funnier with the beats. Well, you got on a page then. That's pretty good.
Starting point is 02:09:43 Anyway, we got we got we got some other stuff going on. Again, keeping in keeping in trend with keeping in trend with crazy updates. The other game that received a massive update was Super Mario Maker. You heard about this. Yes, I did hear about this. Mario Maker 2 has a version 3.0 update that just dropped and it's pretty fucking wild. This game already had a lot going on with it and there was some really nuts stuff people were doing, you know, and when I took a look in a quick quick look not long ago when it first came out. But so the new course maker parts have been dropped into the game.
Starting point is 02:10:41 And so you can go check out like a little preview video for it. And it basically shows off that there's like Super Mario Brothers 2 mushroom that turns you into a Mario 2 character who can ride on top of enemies and like pick them up in the same way that you could in Mario 2. They added a frog suit, power balloon, super acorn, boomerang flower, cannon box, propeller box, goomba mask, bullet bill mask, turn into a bullet bill. It's pretty sick. You could you can pull out all the Koopa kids, red power box, all that stuff, you know, fun fun items added, good stuff. And then they added a world maker where you can take basically your courses that you've made and lay them out on a map like Super Mario World or Mario 3.
Starting point is 02:11:33 And this is literally the last feature it needed, right? Where you connect the dots of your custom stages and have a Mario have to journey through in the same way you would in a full, you know, in a full land, right? So you the ability to make a full Mario game is now there. So you put that out and then you have the map and it lets you draw out the terrain and place the stages where you want and have you travel to them and wherever you need them to. And then once you make that world, you can connect multiple worlds up to six together to create a full game. So yeah, the last Mario maker update, just let you make your own Mario game completely top to bottom. And you can even put in a custom logo with like your super whatever world descriptor.
Starting point is 02:12:24 And each world can have its own leaderboards. And yeah, you can play everyone's individual worlds and so on and so forth. So it's crazy. It's crazy. That's a really neat thing to just throw in there. You just like you made a full like feature for people who there's a lot of people that make Mario that are just like, you know, customizers and tweakers and whatever you gave everybody. Yeah, that's the final step, in my opinion, outside of giving them the ability to like, if I can print a physical cartridge out somehow, you know, do doing big feature updates online is not something I expect from Nintendo. But from a game like this, it makes sense. You know, the whole thing is customization. It means that like, people who do Mario maker streams
Starting point is 02:13:16 were like, a good example is a guy named simple flips who makes these fucking bullshit levels. Seeing Joel hit them a couple of times, like that goes from a stream or like an LP series in which like, let's beat this fucked up level to like, let's beat this entire fucked up game. And when you look at, I mean, it makes sense when you look at the fact that like there was such a long history of customized Mario games. Yeah, Kaizo for the longest while. I mean, Kaizo being yeah, the most infamous and there was so many just like people doing that for forever now. And you're kind of just like, this is all money on the table. If you wanted to sell this as a product, I mean, fuck Mega Man tried it twice. You know, they tried it in the the powered up
Starting point is 02:14:10 franchise where you had the or whatever, Rockman Rockman, you had the editor in that where you could make your own custom levels. And then later on, they were it was going to be a part of what the universe game was about to, you know, because like people are making tons of custom Mega Man shit anyway. So if you have an old 8 bit franchise like that, you might as well make a thing for the people that are going to be going and hacking your games anyway. Yeah, so that's really that's pretty impressive stuff. The only thing that I always have to remember here, though, is Nintendo gives zero fucks about legacy preservation. No, zero fucks. So one day, the servers will go down and they will not be gone a fuck. It's up to you people working on
Starting point is 02:15:00 the switch emulator to drag this shit off the servers. Nintendo gives no shits about this stuff disappearing forever when it suits them best. And when it when the time comes, I don't know around Mario Maker 3, you know, or maybe they'll keep them and let them use them go from one to the other. But it has been shown in the past that they will bring a whole shop down and destroy the world. No problem. So that's a lot of customized effort and data that could just disappear one day. And I feel like that makes me sad because it's as people correctly point out, crazy people did back up me verse. Mm hmm. Not all of it, though. They got they got many, many, many posts, many, many, many wads of eShop games. But there's a lot of me verse stuff that never came back,
Starting point is 02:15:57 you know, yeah, amongst the most fucking painful being literal Kirby lore that was only posted to the Kirby page on me on me verse and nowhere else ever. So there's there's literally shit that is going on word of mouth. I'm like, oh, I remember reading a post that talked about this piece of lore at the time when Kumazaki took over and we just can't get any of that information back because it never went anywhere else. Like, they don't give a fuck about that stuff, you know, it sucks. I really wish they did. Or I wish someone at the company like would be like fighting for that preservation. But at the same time, they almost see the wipe as an opportunity to sell the games again and to sell the product again, you know, data wiping is
Starting point is 02:16:47 not bad when you're trying to resell the same nostalgia. Nintendo has made a lot of money tweaking and reselling very similar games over time by essentially Disney vaulting access to them on old shit. Yeah, it's not going to change any time soon either. That's new. Well, anyway, that's a really cool feature going on with the Mario Maker for now. You can download shit locally, obviously, but who the fuck's going to download every single, you know what I mean? Like get out of here. At the very best, I hope that like the top 500, you know, entries are like preserved in terms of like that means that like the long
Starting point is 02:17:42 term history like in the far future of Mario Maker isn't going to be the best levels. It's going to be nothing but all the fucked up levels for psychopaths. Whatever people play the most. There's also the musical ones, you know, that are just fun. Oh, the ones you walk forward and then you just boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop. Yeah. And you fucking you just walk forward and you hear great days. Yeah, that's cool. Until you find a way to fuck it up somehow. So anyway, there's that. We got
Starting point is 02:18:21 yeah, speaking of modding games and updating shit and everything in that train of thought. We got a fun little one here, credit two. Let me get the name correctly here. Moike Kobe, who has published. Oh, excuse me, created by their there is no spoon is actually the creator of a mod for God Hand that adds moveset switching to the game. Yay. So using the PS2 copy of God Hand, but you got a mod you can download and cheat engine. You can insert D pad moveset switching, which lets you have up to I think it said a lot of movesets. Yeah, you can use the D pad to switch through entirely complete movesets, which as you imagine
Starting point is 02:19:22 with six square slots and five face buttons fully customizable. That's a lot of moves. You can fucking just go. You can just go circle prompts customizable as well. Really? Dear God, could you imagine the I don't want to play that. That's like really cool. And I never want to play it ever because I had trouble enough with regular ask God Hand to take the problem. Take the overwhelming feeling of Dante and just layer it on, you know, to to fucking Jean. And you just you get you get what is too much. You get too much. Like no one's going to memorize all of that. But like there's going to be some crazy insane new combo videos coming. One would hope that alongside a mod like that would come like, I don't
Starting point is 02:20:18 know, some sort of like crazy difficulty is mod as well to like match it. But yeah, that's that's that's awesome. That's fucking crazy level dies already pretty fucked up. Yeah, there's people that are crushing that in their sleep, man. It's God Hand. Those aren't those aren't people. Well, I can't prove you wrong. You can't. You know who's not a person. All right. Segata San Chiro. That's right. He's not a real person. He's a character. He's also a God. Yeah. So we've got the newest commercial of Sega Chiro.
Starting point is 02:21:04 You remember Sega Chiro? Is it the sun? Yeah. Now it's confirmed it's a sun. Yeah. In real life and in the story, he's like, he's oh wait, really? Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's hilarious in both. In both. He's literally he's literally his son. And so we've got the second ad for Sega Chiro and then the ad. He's playing on a handheld console and a girl's like, is that a switch? And he's like, it's a Sega game gear. And it's like, are those glasses? It's like, no, they're 3D glasses, Sega. And is that a backpack? And it's like, no, he's rocking a Sega Saturn as a backpack. And then they go, why do you always wear that judo gi? And then he stops and he goes, father.
Starting point is 02:21:50 And it cuts back to the flashback of literally Sega San Chiro just walking out away from his wife and kid. And he just goes later and he walks off to go die. And they're just crying. And then the explosion happens. And then what are the ads for? That's the thing that I don't get. So then a villain appears and his name is Sega Hatan Chiro. And it's an evil, dark gi wearing villain who has a mask on. And he says, my name is Sega Hatan Chiro. Right. And then he's and then Sega and then Sega Chiro is like, well, fuck, now I got to fight for my father's memory. And he's got to defend and save the day. He's got I got to say that is obviously second to San Chiro. So here's the thing that is
Starting point is 02:22:53 in Japanese hat on means bankruptcy. Okay, so Sega hat on is literally a villain that's like Sega bankruptcy. And he's like, no, I'm going to fight to save Sega from going bankrupt. So put persona five on the PC. There you go. This is where I solved it. This is where the fucking commercial is going. Sega straight up. And we're like, we got no consoles to sell you. We're fighting against the idea of going bankrupt right now. And that's what's happening. That's what's happening. It's a little that's super fucking weird, perhaps a little too real. But here we are. How about you make Jet Set Radio, you motherfuckers, my crap, my second has so much good shit they don't do shit with my avatar has been an X for a month now. What is that? What is
Starting point is 02:23:50 that? It's it's just trying to it's a part of a Jet Set Sona campaign to just kind of let Sega know how many people want a new Jet Set radio game. They don't care. Yeah, well, it's you know, they've known that for like decades. It's word of mouth. It's it's it's it's one of those things where you're like, hey, look, you know, everybody hold up your hold up your Shoryuken and then Capcom will do a Shoryuken in your home in private and Capcom will know that Street Fighter needs to come back. Yeah. This isn't Jesus. This isn't like go in your room and pray and close the door. This is Sega. Also, Hideki Naginuma is online and he's all like, we need a fucking news. Oh,
Starting point is 02:24:40 that's a thing. And we're all like, this guy made the music. He's here. He's horny on main. We need it. Oh, yeah, he does. Yeah. Skank Funk. Is that a genre now? No, that's his that's his DJ name. All right. As long as it's not Skank Core. No. Hideki Naginuma used to go by Skank Funk back in the day, which is a good one. It's a fucking good name. Yeah, it's good. So anyway, Sega Shiro confirmed Sega Satans shiro's son and he's not fighting the evil that is going to defeat the Saturn. He's not fighting to save the world. He's fighting to save Sega from going bankrupt. Hey, man, I just had a very, very confused piece of life
Starting point is 02:25:36 a walk down the stairs, just shrugging your shoulders and going, what? I'll explain it to you later, honey. The timing is right. People are people are still longing in their hearts for Sega Satans shiro. So why not? I hope this like goes to like a Sega Satans shiro game or something like that. It'd be nice if it went to anything, anything. Yeah, if to anything. Imagine a thing. Let's hope it goes to it. Death Stranding delayed to July 14th on the PC. Not much to say about that.
Starting point is 02:26:21 Bummer. Ziggurat Interactive acquires catalog of 3DO titles, all of which I've never played. So don't really know what to make of it, but apparently the 3DO game titles from way back when. And I still forget whether it's 3DO or 3DO, whatever you're supposed to say. It's 3DO. It's never been 3DO. No one has ever. Why do you keep saying 3DO? Because I don't know which one it is because when I was, I want to say that's what my, I want to say that's what my brother used to say when I was younger and then I always just internalized it as that. I think that's what it was, but I don't know.
Starting point is 02:27:08 This has come up on the podcast like four times and it's that unimportant to me that it gets deleted every time. So here we go. This is like how you don't know which game Rocket Knight Adventures is for 10 years running. No, I know exactly which one it is. I know that I like the good one. Anyway, you mean Rocket Knight Adventures? Yeah, Sparkster. So I want you to know that I called them avalanche every time I could in my in my FF7 stream. Good. Good. For you, as opposed to avalanche. Yes.
Starting point is 02:27:50 The thing Barrett literally says with his mouth. So the game publisher Ziggurat Interactive has acquired a catalog of 3DO titles from Prism, including Killing Time, Captain Quasar, Uprising, Lead and Destroy, and Requiem, Avenging Angel. Do any of those games mean anything to you? So is this the publisher or like the console when you say 3DO? You know what? It doesn't matter. Almost everything that came out on the 3DO or by 3DO was complete garbage. Yeah, that's the like, as I'm looking at this, I was kind of like, I really don't know any of these. I mean, somebody must care because they got them and
Starting point is 02:28:42 they're clearly going to, you know, probably throw them up on GOG, which is what they apparently tend to do. But I don't know. I don't know. Those Army Men games sucked, guys. They were terrible. Oh, Battle Tanks. They made that. Damn man, how about that? Well, anyway. Yeah, I think it's the published games. I think it's not the entire library, obviously. Well, it's out there. It's out there. I don't know anyone that owns one. I don't know anyone that like dove in. And I only got to play it because there was a rent it for an hour station back where I used to live. And that's where the blisters came from.
Starting point is 02:29:44 Is that CSGO TF2 shit in there? Nope. What's up? CSGO and TF2 had their source codes leaked. Oh, wow. That sounds pretty major. So enjoy playing those online. Never. Oh, wait. Isn't that the thing that resulted in like if you connect to a server, you might get your shit hacked instantly and or banned for life? I'm not sure about that. But oh, the TF2 was a false alarm. Oh, people are confirming to me that this is fake news. The source codes were old. Therefore, those games are now safe. It was nothing big fake. Darn. Mistakes were made. All right. I was I was secretly hoping that like Riot was the one
Starting point is 02:30:44 that stole them so that Valorant would become more popular. And it was all nefarious and shit. Oh, well. Well, I got a story that you don't know about, but you're probably gonna love. All right. Are you sitting down? Clearly. I am. You can see me. I know you can see me. But you're not cubed in. I'm not cubed in. That's true. I'm semi-cubed. Super Smash Brothers Ultimate competitor. Controversially double DQ'd from $5,000 online tournament after lag tests are called while being up to an O. Do you need a tissue? No, I'm good. My keyboard's blocking it.
Starting point is 02:31:46 Um, this is kind of amazing that this happened like this week after we talked about this exact thing last week. Well, last time it was darts. No, we talked about the people who were like lying to the TOs. Yes, there was that story as well. And that was a smash tourney. Yes. So this time around for a $5,000 prize pool, there was a match between Cosmos and Grayson. Excuse me. And Grayson ended up hosting the first game of the set and won against Cosmos. It was then reported that the players were experiencing lag that hindered gameplay. How could this happen? Cag requested both competitors provide proof of their LAN and speed test results. Cosmos reported a ping of two, a download speed of 93, Mbps and an upload speed of 60. Grayson. Yeah, that's nice
Starting point is 02:32:43 and solid. On the other hand, had a ping of 26, download speed of 34 and an upload speed of 10. Uploaded 10 is not great, but it's doable. Things felt stable as Cag then had Grayson perform a button check with Cag as the host. He then joined the room so the two could play at the second match. Grayson would again take victory over Cosmos, but then Cosmos reported there was still lag present. This time a ping of 26, download of 31 and an upload of nine. And after this, he was double disqualified. Oops. Red bars be gone for money. So I have, I'm seeing a comment in our live chat that is, this is why tournaments should only be LAN. Normally I'd agree. We're in somewhat of a special series of circumstances at the current time in terms of LAN.
Starting point is 02:33:48 Guys. Yeah. So that happened and I kind of find it, well, I kind of find it wild that you're going to enter in a tournament for cash and like risk that. That's a lot on the line, especially if you're like, you know, like really good enough to, what are you going to do? You can't get a man into your house to upgrade your internet anymore. No, no, I don't suppose you can. We had a situation out here in Montreal where most of the dudes who would do so are like, I'm not doing it. Fuck you. I'm just not, I'm just not doing it.
Starting point is 02:34:51 Talked about and the guys, the guys they are sending out are like in hazmat suits. We've talked about the power line adapter. We can continue. We have, we can continue talking about the power line adapter. Now there is one thing to say about the power line and that is that your, the devices have to be on the same circuit as the, everything has to be on the same circuit or else it's just not going to go. Yep. That's what I said last time too. You got to make sure that you are on the same, the same fuse circuit. Don't depending on your handyman abilities. Well, you may or may not be able to discover that before you buy the power line adapter. Well, here's the idea. The thought process is that you can still probably use it to trace a cable
Starting point is 02:35:38 much closer to your console than if you were to go without it. Right? Like that circuit is going to go through, like for example, like, you know, like my place has two circuits and, you know, you got to, you got to test to figure out which, which is on which, but you can kind of like go like, okay, well, this one is not on the same circuit and it's right next to the console, but the one just around the corner is. So I can just trace the wire a little bit more from around the corner. I've got a bunch of circuits in my house. Power line would probably not work well for me for shit. But luckily enough, when I did get my internet installed, the guy, I have like a, a fucking, I want to say like 80, not 80, but like 20 meter long cable
Starting point is 02:36:31 hiding on my ceiling going all the way around the house. You did that. Okay. I looked at that. I bought a super cable in case we ever needed to do it. We thankfully didn't, but yeah, I always was like worried about like, Oh God, what if we have to fucking trace a super cable across the ceiling? Because dude was like, okay, here's where the cable comes in. Where's the internet? I'm like at the complete opposite end of the house. And he's like, well, I'm going to go get my stapler and took him a long time to put it up. And I really appreciated it. Oh, so, so you got someone to do it then. Okay. Yeah, it's no, it's, it's not the ethernet. It's the real fiber cable, but wait from, from the yard, but wait, the internet guy did that part too.
Starting point is 02:37:22 Absolutely. Oh, wow. Yeah, I came in and he, you know, he drilled the hole in the wall to get the cable in. And then he's like, where does this go? I'm like here. And he's like, well, shit, I got the only ways around the ceiling is like, okay, and he got a ladder from his truck and he got his big old industrial stapler and just stapled a fucking fiber cable all the way around my basement. Took him like an hour. Okay, well, that's pretty incredible because I was looking at it like, ah, fuck, I'm going to have to get the ladder out and do this shit. So the modem is right next to my PC and the ethernet cable is like, you know, like one of those two foot ones. Cool. Um, yeah, okay, good to know. So yeah, that's that's that that that fucking happened,
Starting point is 02:38:08 man. That happened. Don't don't use your questionable internet on big money tournaments, man. Just don't just don't use your questionable internet. Or that just don't. And last but not least of this, this will, you know, could I may I suggest books? Books books as in read books instead of playing video games. That's correct. I might I suggest a podcast. That's good too. You can listen to a podcast. Checkers is good. You can play checkers while listening to a podcast. You can do you get what you could pet your cat. Also, podcastable activity. Yeah. I mean, hell, I'd be petting my cat right now during the podcast, but he's over there. I can't reach him. He's too far. Well, anyway.
Starting point is 02:39:08 And then last little bit here, but it's just, you know, the ultimacia books, the the big old Final Fantasy, the ultimania books, ultimania, excuse me, excuse me. Yeah, it's not that you got it wrong. Is that you got it wrong for something else that also exists? Yes, I know. I know. They made it super confusing for a second. Yes, exactly. Totally. Brain went in the wrong direction on that one. Zig should have zagged. Um, ultimania books, the FF seven are ultimania has been announced. There is a picture of it. And this bitch comes in at 752 pages. Important to read, I think I would like to read the things that they say about the development of this game. Yes. Big thick boy.
Starting point is 02:40:05 Thick boy. I'm going to have some good information. I'm very interested to find out. I would like a whole page on this is how we, this is the, this is the, the, the minutes from the meeting in which we decided to fill the game with sexual tension. This is the thirst bucket. Notice it is not a bucket. It is now a barrel. Mm hmm. It is now a pool. When did this fjord get here? I don't know. Wow. It's the ocean. It's the seagulls. This is the thirst seagulls. They, they, they, they, they, they, they, they, they're looking for food. They're looking for fish. That's right.
Starting point is 02:41:01 So that's a big ass book and there will be many, many secrets inside and answers to things that hopefully we can, we can get a little, a little taste that are left currently slightly unclear. Yeah. For example, what happens in the one that are on the rest of the disc one, you know? It is a mystery. Well, anyway, we'll discuss all that in a second, but let's just take a couple of emails and then. Yeah, let's take a couple emails. Before the spoiler cast the end of emails, I'd like to use the washroom again, if that's quite all right with everyone. That makes sense. That makes sense. Yeah, that does make sense. All right. So, let's do some emails and then we'll sync the P. If you guys want to send an email
Starting point is 02:41:52 about P, send it to CastleSuperBeastMail at That's CastleSuperBeastMail at Your email about P might sound something like this. Hello, sits on couch and sits in box. Dumpy butt flaps here. My friend and I are enjoying trying to platinum games that we enjoyed on the PlayStation. A flaw I found is that an otherwise perfect video game such as God of War is that when it becomes is that it becomes less interesting when even when there's so much left to do throughout the game. Kratos and Atreus and Mimir fill such an empty space with dialogue
Starting point is 02:42:38 stories and humor is banter. And as we got closer to getting platinum, there was no more dialogue between the characters or stories to be told. It just became running around an open world in complete silence. Does being a completionist sometimes make games less interesting? Absolutely. Sometimes it makes games more interesting depending on what kind of hidden stuff you can find. There's a really good Joseph Anderson video that I like about God of War. And his is particular complaint about this is not specific to God of War. A lot of games do this, but there are a lot of games that if you're trying to go for the platinum, one of the Platinum's is obviously beat the game on the hardest difficulty. And it is astonishing how
Starting point is 02:43:22 many games have really fucking terrible hardest difficulty settings. It can't be overstated how just juicing numbers can create for a horrible, obviously not play tested experience. Well, they will have a play test, but it'll be one person who's really good in QA that'll just do it. And they'll be like, yep, it can be done. And then they'll ship it. I mean, like, is it fun? Yeah, of course. Right. One of the things that Max was complaining about Resident Evil 3 remake is that the final boss on the super, super hard difficulties doesn't like seems like it was tested to see if it was like possible, but not if it was any good. Because the boss can stun lock you from zero to death very easily. And it's like, that's shit.
Starting point is 02:44:18 Yeah, so the way I think about it is that in many cases when a game, especially if it's a large studio, a game is developed where whoever is handling plot narrative and like gameplay alongside the main quests and missions is not always going to be the person who's handling side missions and extras. But sometimes it is. However, the person who FF seven is hilarious in this respect. Like it is so obvious that the the fucking main stuff and the side stuff were made by different people. But sometimes, even if those are different people or the same people, it's almost always someone different who's in charge of trophies, achievements and that requirement section of the game. There's always a usually on the team of programmers, there will
Starting point is 02:45:20 be someone whose job it is to take care of that aspect of it, you know, who's supposed to work with, let's say, a junior designer. And then they kind of come up with it together and more or less get ideas green lit and approved based on using existing assets to create challenges that'll equal out a full game or score or trophy list. And what ends up happening is a humongous tonal difference, dissonance, actually, a shift in many ways because it's literally like, you know, go out of your way to do this activity that already exists in the game to completion or, you know, go like repeat this thing this many times. But very, very rarely will there be like actual content lore or like bits and pieces that you want to catch behind some of these trophies,
Starting point is 02:46:23 you know, it's funny because God of War is actually one that I can think of in which the side content was very, very on par with the main content. So it added those the optional, the super boss, right? And all the, I forgot they're called the Valkyries, right? So you have that as an example of, you know, like, okay, this was a clearly written thing where it's just there's a boss here, there's content is a thing you're going to. But what other achievements, but like, you know, I mean, like, are there there's likely other achievements that are just kind of a complete this chart out, you know, do this thing over here. In many cases, Zombie Genocider, man. Zombie Genocider is still the number one because you get it
Starting point is 02:47:13 to get the real Mega Buster and Dead Rising one. You never want to play Dead Rising ever again. Yes, yes, yes. It like ruins the game. Just drive this truck into zombies for for hours. And there's no other way to actually do it other than use the cars to run them over for two, three hours. Yeah, yeah, exactly. Exactly. You know, it's just it's a it's a shame because I remember when achievements were first introduced and like they took developers by surprise, because the games that were coming out did not at all plan for them. In fact, they're like, beat level one, beat level two. Yeah, they were like, what, we got to do what and this is required, we have to do this. It's not optional. Okay, I don't know. Yeah, beat the levels, you know,
Starting point is 02:48:01 exactly. Do some combos. I still remember like how crazy it was that there'd be like a game like I think was a human revolution, Deus Ex, or is like pick up a basketball and throw it through the hoop. And it was like a total nothing thing that you didn't have to do and you never think of. And you got an achievement for it. You're like, wow, cool. As opposed to avatar where it's like do a four hit combo, do a five hit combo, you know, it really, yeah, it really was something that that that that people didn't understand was going to be a requirement. And then once they did, it very it became like, oh, God, okay, afterthought, make the game, and then get someone to take care of this in the meantime, because we have to have them. And that's kind of how that side of games
Starting point is 02:48:50 evolved in a way. And I'm not going to say that it stayed there because it definitely got better. And we came up with some really fun ones over the years, as the one you just mentioned, or, you know, defeats the guy with a sure you can in Street Fighter 2 HD remix. Yeah, all sorts of good shit, you know, but like the zero point losing streak achievements and dead or alive always come to my come to my mind, be online in this NBA game with 10,000 other players, you know, that one's the worst, the thing that'll never fucking happen. Yeah, so it really, it really just led down this path. So all this to say is just like, I think that the nature of it being a requirement that people didn't devs didn't really want to deal
Starting point is 02:49:35 with led to like this extra side mission content in the game that is almost like, you know, an afterthought and often handled by someone else, which is why they never make new assets for it really, or create new voice dialogue for it, or give it any lore implications. It's just completionist stuff. And you have these moments where like you mentioned in the email, you're just playing in silence for hours, you know, trying to grind it out. You know, it would be nice if like they got the attention put into them since, you know, they're here to stay. But in many cases, you know, I'm sad to report that like they're kind of an afterthought and treated as such when it comes to like,
Starting point is 02:50:23 Yeah, like right now I'm looking up, I'm looking up like the FF7R trophy lists. And I'm like, Yeah, I'm totally going to fucking end up getting like the platinum for this, because there's really nothing weird in this at all. And it's like, do everything, do everything on hard and there is all the battle minigames and there is content to acquire by completing things. There is, there is stuff locked to the dead ass end of hard boat. End of hard has stuff. Yeah, exactly. So that's, that's pretty cool. All right, let's take another one here. Not a question, but when you asked about weird omissions from genres of games, I immediately thought about roguelikes. Crypt of the Necker Dancer has a
Starting point is 02:51:15 feature I would love to see more, namely the ability to take things out of rotation. The janitor is the real MVP. How does that work? I'm not familiar. So in Crypt of the Necker Dancer, you have a chance of get you get new items that enter like a random, you know, pool that you can roll every time you open up a treasure chest or go to the shop keep. But if there's items that you think are terrible, you can go to the janitor and he will turn them off in the rotation so that you don't have a chance of getting those things. Hmm. That's interesting. So it effectively gives you the option to fine tune some of those unlocked things
Starting point is 02:52:01 if you just, you know, if you're like, oh, this weapon sucks. I don't want that. Yeah. That is a feature I would like a lot more. I wish I could do that for Gunjan. Just be like, I never want to see this piece of shit again ever. And it's your only option. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. That's a, you know, all roguelikes could benefit from something like that. That's a pretty good quality of life. I don't know. That'd be a really good way to make the game super easy. Well, it depends on how much you can turn off, right? Yeah. If you can turn off everything except the best items, then yeah, obviously in Gunjan,
Starting point is 02:52:36 I'd say like you can turn off like five items, right? There's like 400 something. So like you just turn off the five that you fucking hate. You'd have to, you definitely would have to limit it to might like not being able to turn off the majority of them, obviously, because then you, yeah, you just get a perfect build every time. That's, that's, that's no good. All right. We got one coming in here. Chris from Australia says, Hey beasts, have either of you watched Vice's Dark Side of the Ring series in particular, the latest episode on the order of Dino Bravo? Also, do you remember it being big in the news at
Starting point is 02:53:14 the time? Keep it up. Thanks for the great work. No, I have no idea what you're talking about. Okay. So I've heard a lot about this and I've been meaning to check head around to it, but I haven't watched it yet. There's this new show out called the Dark Side of the Ring, and it is basically following episodes of like things about wrestling that are like really fucked up. So like, you know, there's, there's an episode or a series of episodes. I'm not too sure which, but it's a series where they go into like the Chris Benoit stuff, right? Right. Or they go into. Probably go into Jimmy Snuka being a murderer. Probably into that. Right. They said that's going to be upcoming. They go into, they go into New Jack, for example,
Starting point is 02:53:56 who was one of those crazy motherfuckers who, I know him as a podcast guest because he's appeared on podcasts and he's one of those wild dudes that came from the fucking crazy ass jungle leagues, you know, and he literally has tried to murder people while in the middle of matches. Like, actually, he's crazy. Good. And super. And, and, you know, one of the keys, the keys, New Jack is the kind of person where you want to know how this dude rolls. He came up in a super duper Southern, like kind of like racist promotion kind of thing. And he's like the angry black guy that's a felon. So he understands what being a heel is. And you want to talk about catching that heat. This dude was wrestling when the OJ trial happened. And he cut a promo where he came out,
Starting point is 02:55:04 took the mic and basically said, nice job juice, too less to worry about. That's some heat. That's New Jack. Fucking crazy, dude. Fucking what? That's this dude. So there's an episode about him. All of this is like, yeah, really, really interesting stuff I want to check out. So I got to go find out more because, yeah, it's it sounds pretty fucking wild. Anyway. Listen, everyone, I'd like to apologize for killing twitch. Oh, what's that? That's in the past. That's not happening. That's not happening right now.
Starting point is 02:56:07 I was making fun of the red bars. And I may have accidentally killed the internet. Yeah, but Pat, that was hours ago. This is my B. This is an MP3 file people are listening to. It's true. Unless I've killed that part of the internet as well. But then they wouldn't be able to hear it. So yeah, that's fine. Well, anyway, and we'll take one more here from Garrett who says, Dear Red One and Blue One, a friend who I recently got onto Jojo pointed out how crazy it is that literal Nazi Stroheim somehow becomes a likable character despite sacrificing a dozen Mexican civilians to set a Santana pretty much just because of a common enemy in the pillar men. My question is what cases of fictional characters do you find yourself laughing at
Starting point is 02:56:59 when you look upon their heinous actions and think, you know, this dude is actually pretty cool? Well, have we got one for you? It's so easy. What a good week for this question. We're going to talk about it in the FF7 spoiler cast right about now. So let's end the podcast before we even go further because I can feel your energy on this one. I have two answers for that. And it's really obvious. I've got three. Three. Ooh. So with that, we can wrap it up here and otherwise say, Hey guys, thanks for listening. We're going to start the FF7 final spoiler cast. This is for the remake, by the way. FF7 remake. We've now both beaten the game.
Starting point is 02:57:51 And obviously include spoilers for the original game from 23 years ago as well, as well as Crisis Corps, Advent Children, Deirdre of Cerberus, and maybe even before Crisis. Definitely before Crisis. Definitely before Crisis. So with that, folks, thank you. You can check out more on Woolly Versus this week. We got stuff going out. Like I said, Woolly Will's on Twitter, Woolly Versus on Twitch and YouTube, Nuns, Dokapon Kingdom, and Kotor returning not this week. I'll let you know where we're at by next week. You can also check out more of my crap over at Pat Stairsat. It's Pat Stairsat on pretty much everything, but mainly Twitter and the other thing, Twitch. That's the thing. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 02:58:48 Okay. All right. I'm going to hit the restroom and I'll be back in a minute. Okay. We'll be back and we'll count down that spoiler cast for you. So don't you worry. Okay. So Final Fantasy VII spoiler cast incoming in five, four, three, two, one. Spoils on. All right. So I really liked the game. I think it's really good. Spoiler. Spoiler. I think the game is fucking incredible. I think it's fantastic. I have a finger to raise about a couple of things. I also have a couple of things to complain about. Okay. There are... Oh, technicals. Hello? Did you mute me? You're here? Am I? Yeah, you're here.
Starting point is 03:00:14 Oh, apparently I'm muted so I can say anything I want. No, you're good. I'm free. No, you're not. You're here. All right. So yeah, I have some minor complaints. I have some complaints. Yeah. I have some thoughts. Do you think? I have big enjoyments. Yes. Well, first let's answer that man's question. The question was about what was it? It was who can you think of that has done horrible things, but you're like, oh man, they're so cool. Yeah, Reno and Rudy. The fucking Turks are like, how are you supposed... Here's the thing. I am someone who's always been like, man, they're cool. They're so cool. They're cool. Of course,
Starting point is 03:01:06 they're cool. Right? Now they're just their dudes who wear suits in this jail. They got a theme and they're easygoing and they're got snaps and they're cute and they got the fucking, you know, they got the whole suave effect going on. Sunglasses and the classic. Now it's a whole thing. Yeah. And now we got a look and go, I am going to, with almost glee, in a go and hit the button that literally homicides everybody. Listen, it's, it's, we have a story in which in the original, Reno and Rude and Sang and Elena were almost never portrayed as fun or goofy in the FF7 original, right? But then everything after that, you got to see way more of the Turks. You saw, you hung out with Sang in Crisis Corps.
Starting point is 03:02:12 In the later parts of, in the Rufus age, they would come around and it would be all hijinks. Wouldn't it? No. I feel like the, maybe I'm, maybe I'm not remembering the vibe, but I feel like their appearance. Like in Wutai, they're chill, but they're like professional chill. Catching some drinks. Yeah. But it's, it's always been difficult to get away from like, remember what, okay, in Ad then Children, Cloud meets up with Reno and they have like a goofy little haha moment, right? And then you have to remember that Reno is the person who essentially pushed the button on the, the FF7 equivalent of 9-11. Yes.
Starting point is 03:03:04 Hiroshima. Yeah. He, he killed like 10 to 100,000 people with the push of a button. And here's, okay, so here's a question, right? About that moment in the way that they did it here in FF7, a remake. When he's standing at the machine and they, and you're about to show down and then Cloud gets up in his face, Cloud looks at him and says, press it. Do you understand what that is? The way that I interpreted it as the instant you turn around to press it, I'm going to stab you in the back. I think, I think, like, I think it's supposed to be, I dare you to press it. Yeah, I dare you. But that's not what he actually says. He looks at him
Starting point is 03:03:44 and he goes, press it. You know, and then he goes, Hey, no need to be hasty. And then they start the fight, right? Now you, I'm thinking in my head about how you're going to have these little loose, goofy moments with them and how you're supposed to hang out with them for the rest of this story. And they're the cool guys with the music playing. They get two remixes of the damn theme. And I'm like, what, how are we going to get here? Right. And the answer is interesting. So we start up with way before, or way before the plate, we get to meet them and they're, they're like cool, but chill. Literally, they're just professional. There is a section of the game dedicated to
Starting point is 03:04:28 rude is a good person. Yeah, he's not bad. Aerith literally tells you, rude is not a bad guy. Yes. So you're, so that's set up in such a way. And then we have them flying to the plate where their orders are do a 9 11. And they're both flying there going, bro, this sucks. I don't want to do this. And then he goes, let's fake it. You there. But he's like, this is bad. I don't like my job here. And, and then once Reno actually drops in to and he sees cloud, his personality changes because he forgets about the mass murder and he's, and it becomes a petty squabble about, hey, I'm trying to do my job, man. It fuck off. It also becomes, ooh, here he is. I get my payback.
Starting point is 03:05:21 Right. Because there's the line that he yells out what's where cloud tries to stop him. And he just yells out, it's the most passionate Reno ever gets. It's like, not while I'm working. Let's give him the turks. It's like two step. And then afterwards we get to see them like looking essentially watching the news. Oh, this is where it gets me. Right. As a turks fan, I say, with the two fucking stupid old FF seven models, the old, I have the little fucking, you know, I say this with them sitting right there. And you know what? I'm probably going to buy those, those new ones. They look amazing. The new ones. Yeah, they're incredible. Right. They are sitting around and they go, yo, saying what the fuck is going on, right? Did we really
Starting point is 03:06:09 need to do that? And saying looks them in the eye and goes, someone would have been forced to. We might as well take the guilt on our shoulders so that we bear the responsibility. And you're like, and so that. So what I love about that is that that's really weak. Like that's a weak justification. You think that's noble. And it's so weak that he doubles down. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. He says something second. He says, first he says that. And then he got, they look at him and they make a noise. And then he goes, or another way to look at it is this is comeuppance. We've been taking from the planet for so long. It's finally time we gave something back. And then Rideau turns to him and goes,
Starting point is 03:06:58 do you see a rude? Do you seriously? Yeah, it's like, it's so weak as just justification that they turn to him and be like, do you even believe that? And he just kind of shrugs because he doesn't care. So here's your takeaway. Sang is absolute trash. Yeah. So the way to fix Reno and Rude is to make them bad people, but the, but to dump more of it on saying like saying is the worst person ever. And this will make it super sick when he gets punked out later. He, I mean, and remember too that like there's a point to which even when, even though it's mainly about saving Marlene, Arith is kind of like, okay to go with them because in her eyes, oh, the Turks are okay. They're not that bad, you know, fucking like, yeah, they're the, they're the button
Starting point is 03:07:59 pressers. They do it. And you literally, I feel like there might be some weird way in which it's almost like you can look at it through a weird like Bushido lens almost of like take the responsibility of the awful thing on yourself so that others won't have to bear it. Is there's a way of looking at it in a noble light? I think it's way simpler than that. But the act is so like saying, because in crisis core sings like a, like it's so wild because in Christ's court, saying goes with you to Nibelheim and as Zach and saying is this totally chill, pretty cool guy. And you get this feeling now that it's like, oh yeah, like he's punching in at nine in the morning, and he punches out. And this is his job. And it's like, what are you
Starting point is 03:08:53 going to do not do your job orders or orders your jobs to do what the fucking guy tells you to do. Yeah. Yeah. That's your job. And Reno. What are you going to fucking? What are you going to not do your fucking job? And Reno will Reno and rude will be cute about it when it's like, oh, there's Tifa. Oops. Oh, you know, there's earth in the flower garden. Hey, get out of the flowers. Can you do that over there? You know, they'll be cute about the whole thing. And, you know, it captures the energy of you're supposed to love to hate these guys or hate to love them. They're supposed to be those thorns in your side, but they're pretty all right, but they're on the wrong team. They're supposed to be whole horse. Yeah, they're supposed to be,
Starting point is 03:09:40 we could have been party members, but we're not. And then this, this goes really well with the thing in Wutai where you help save the girls on both teams from Cornell and they get the call to track you down again. And they check they like Reno checks his fucking watch to see if they're still off the clock on their vacation and they are and they just leave because it's like, oh, there's, there's, there couldn't be less personal, hard feelings here. I'm just working. I'm just working. Yes. Which is why I'm so happy with Reno's line of like, not while I'm working. So the biggest triumph of this game is we were the biggest worry that I had for this game is, oh man, Cloud's been fucked up up and down the street. Like his personality has been all over
Starting point is 03:10:32 the place. I really hope they don't screw up these characters personalities. And every time any character in the entire game gets a chance to show off their personality, it's the best part of the game. Yeah, it's what you're looking for the whole time. I'm actually upset that the the affinity scenes were missable because oh, you should go look at them all because there's good shit and all that's what I'm that's what I'm saying. I have seen them all, right? Okay. No, that's my that's exactly my point. I went back and I watched them and I went, holy fucking shit, these are important. And the fact that you they're really the fact that you only get one is like you are you are robbed of major character. You really want you to replay the game three times
Starting point is 03:11:20 because there's three sets of dresses and there's three of three of each. Yes, yes, yes. Like you are robbed of major characterization in those scenes, you know. So those are those are fantastic scenes for all three of your party members. Now to bridge a little bit because I mean, we're going to traipse you through the fucking flowers, so to speak, then get where we got to go. But to go from there, that reminds me of talking about like likable evil or a like a likable evil, you know, that takes me right to Walmarket, where you get the trio of Don Corneo's curators who sex traffickers who become these kind of allies that are struggling on their own. And the the framing is that you kind of are like, well, Corneo has his thumb on everybody
Starting point is 03:12:18 and everyone is suffering in their own kind of way. And that's perhaps why they're kind of are like, Oh, Chocobo Sam is going to trick you so that you don't even get a shot to go to the mansion, because he's trying to do the right thing. But and it's like Chocobo Sam and Madame M and Andrea are fucking scumbags. They're literally, literally lining girls up for the house. This is their job. There is just like, what's his name? Um, front door man Leslie, where it's like, these are all people who are like, listen, the dawn runs this whole thing. We don't like this. We're trying to tell you what the right thing to do is is don't do it. But they're still participating in this process. And effectively, like it's a weird way to look at it where it gets, it gets
Starting point is 03:13:06 really bad when you discover that it's not just sex trafficking, but it's consistent sex trafficking, because the girls fucking disappear. Right. Like, Hey, what happened to the old one? Don't know. No. She's gone. Well, we do know what, what, what does that mean? There's a lever. Yeah. But it like that you asked them, what does that mean? They go, I don't know. Yeah. I don't know. It's very clear that it's a, I don't know because I don't ask because I don't want to know. Exactly. And then it doesn't take a lot of effort to put two and two together and figure out where they went. But in this case, the idea of like, these characters all being noble in their own way because they have their own things to look out for, you know, Chocobo Sam
Starting point is 03:13:54 and Andreas in particular are like, they've, you know, they've got their loves, which is their Chocobos and the stage and Mademois is also against it. And when she shows up at the, at the Coliseum, but you're just like, you guys, at the end of the day, you're at the end of the day, you're a hundred percent part of the problem. You're like a really integral part of the problem. Charm or no, you know? Yeah. So there's that, there's, and there's a little bit of that weirdness to it. Now, the third place to go in that line of thought, and to me, it's the fucking peak is we haven't really talked about it much. I've mentioned it a couple of times when we, the game has brought up. I always had a big old hard on for Rufus. I always thought Rufus was rad.
Starting point is 03:14:42 As a, as I think Rufus gets the coolest, like in terms of like, what a, what a evil man lying in the entire game in the, in the remake in which he sees cloud and sees that he's a soldier and he says, Oh, you're a soldier. I, so I guess that means I own you. You're my property. Yeah. Yeah. And it's like, yeah. Fuck. Rufus. What an asshole. Rufus is incredible at being a piece of shit. And he's also a fucking cool badass. And hey, you know what happens when you're super evil, but you're attractive? I guess that means you're morally great. That's right. So, so, so as someone who, you know, and, and I mean, hey, like even, even down to like, um, like what, what, even, even though the, the, the less we talk about it, the better. But when he's in fucking advent children
Starting point is 03:15:32 and he's like, Oh, you know me, I'm in this. I'm fucked up in a chair. The geostigmas, you know, what am I going to do? Turn the new leaf over. I did, but he's like, fuck off. Shows up here. And I'm like, this dude is going to be so weird for anyone who doesn't know what's going on, but he just drops in and gives cloud the sickest one-on-one in the fucking game. Yeah. And then pieces have any pieces in a cool way. What an incredible upgrade to that, to that fight. I couldn't believe how insanely cool he was. You know what I love about the snow Mura eyes with the fucking, like literally the belt skirt. He couldn't just, he couldn't just wear a pair of white pants with the extra layer under the skirt made out of scraps and belts
Starting point is 03:16:25 and jackets and shit. Um, uh, from dark, uh, what was it? Dark, dark nation, dark from dark nation to dark star. Yeah. Interesting. The coins. Anyway, Rufus is rad. Whatever. In terms of characterization, the evil, but not as evil, but cool, but whatever is like one half of the game. And then I feel like they, they took the time to do all that for all of those characters because they're beloved, right? And not only did they not do it for some characters, they doubled down in a room in which everyone is calmly discussing how they just killed hundreds of thousands of people. Hojo is so repulsive to the other people on the board that when he talks about how to breed Eryth, they all just get up and leave the room. The handling of that
Starting point is 03:17:31 was really interesting. He never gets to do it. They cut that whole scene out. They remove the scene entirely, but they put the dirt in his brain instead and go, this is what he wanted to do. And it's, and the effect is, he's like, yeah, he, we know exactly what he's thinking. And he's getting giddy thinking about it, you know? And everyone is so freaked out by just how disgusting he is. They can't even talk to him about it. It almost makes it like even like, it almost makes it worse in the sense that like it doesn't go down that way. But by seeing him kind of going like, you're just like, oh my God, oh my God. They actually, they actually made a really significant change to why that idea comes up in the original is like this research going
Starting point is 03:18:18 to take like 200 years. There's no fucking way we're going to be done with this bullshit evil research in the lifespan of Eryth. In this one, it's okay. So we're going to do some crazy shit. We're going to need spares. So, so let's, let's make some spares. So this is where we now connect this moment to, and connect everything about Hojo in this, by the way, who like, like sufficiently ugly looking congratulations, you know, but even somehow like everyone gets attractive, he gets more attractive, but he's still like, he's, he's scum attractive in that way. He's still got the weird ass face. But in, in, in compilation world of like, you know, the post fucking content, post seven content, Lucrezia becomes this kind of super noble good figure
Starting point is 03:19:16 that is like much more fleshed out than she is, right? And is actually the dumbest bitch that ever was. How, how does this like, you know what I mean? How does this like super duper nice person end up being, I don't understand because she is the dumbest bitch that ever was when they were just little like fucking 3d little dots moving around on a board and she's like, I got to go with him and you're like, okay, sure. And Vincent gets cucked. But I think it was, I think it was butter buns that just put up a photo of Lucrezia from dirger Cerberus. And with the text like, I wish ff seven was real so I could go back in time and cyber bully Lucrezia. I don't. I can't piece together how the Lucrezia that we that, that, that they build off of in the sequels
Starting point is 03:20:11 hooks up with this guy now, who we've seen evolved into this, it makes no sense. But whatever, don't worry about whatever, whatever, ignore that. But yeah, Hojo is the so it Hojo gets this extra because Hojo is the actual problem. Of course, more more than Sephiroth more than Genova ever was. It is literally all Hojo's fart, the fault. It is his fart. It's all Hojo's. Yeah, it's his fart. No, but it is. Everything is Hojo's and his balls too. Yeah, and his balls. And the fact that he is, he's also one of those people that is, you know, willing to like, he sees willing to like, you'll take on the backseat role to see oblivion in that way for the, for the, for the knowledge, so to speak. So yeah, everything, everything, everything
Starting point is 03:21:04 definitely. He is, he is in the, in the, in the universe of FF7, he is literally the worst person in the world. He's the catalyst. Like on planet Earth, he is the worst person. Things were. So fuck him. Things were pretty bad from the natural order of things, you know, Meteor and Genova existing on their own are not great. But yeah, Hojo's manipulations 100% set everything into motion. So there's that. And to, to spend like what seems to be like a full hour showing just how disgusting he actually is, is perfect. Okay, so just that in his lab, and it's just a sort of into some gameplay stuff in particular. His lab is terrible. It's the worst part of the game. Okay. So Shinra building is like mind blowingly beautiful as an office space.
Starting point is 03:22:07 Yeah, I am like this lavishness is absolutely what's to be expected. I can't believe how insanely gorgeous this whole thing walking around is like, it was incredible. And the, the fucking, the fucking jerk off museum. Yes. Yes. Beautiful. Right. And, and then you go into the VR chamber and you get that fucking just perfect setup for everything. Like that was so good. There, there is so much probably like the most subtle perfect thing in the game is the VR simulation of Shinra's story of the ancients because they show you the ancients and they show you like the live stream and all this shit. And the ideal Midgard. And there was a moment that got me and it tricked me and I went,
Starting point is 03:22:57 holy shit, we finally get to see what the ancients look like. No, that's not what the ancients look like. This is the Shinra propaganda piece version. Yes. Of what the ancients look like. And that's why there is a natural Midgard formation in the background. Yes. And it's like, that's so fucking slick and gross. Not only did it get you, it got fucking Barrett, Cloud and Tifa because they were going, whoa. Oh, that's crazy. Wow. They were swept up in the illusion. It was gorgeous. Also, golden gun on the wall right there the whole time too in the museum exhibit. But, but Hojo's, Hojo's lab. Here's what I was, I wasn't going to talk about that. I was going to say that like there in particular, there was, there was two
Starting point is 03:23:54 moments where I was like overwhelmed in my chest with what was happening in terms of just music and gameplay swelling together. Yeah, Hojo's lab is pretty terrible from a gameplay part because of all the materia switching and having to split your party and all that crap. But I want to give it a big clap for managing to implement almost every single fucking stupid ass enemy that has no reason to exist, such as the whack-a-mole robots, all of the weirdo, you know, fusions, although no tank triceratops. That's later. Okay. Okay. Well, anyway, that's later. Also, shout outs to the Genova lab making way more sense. It's giant. Of course it is. Well, and it also now resembles
Starting point is 03:24:53 Nibbleheim way more than just being like, oh yeah, she's in that fucking tank over there. Like, it's like, what do you mean? She's right there? What the fuck you mean? She's right there. You know what a great little moment in that sequences is when you switch to Barrett, sorry, when you switch off from Cloud and Barrett to Tiefen Aerith and they see on a video screen Cloud and Barrett are stuck behind this like 100 ton 10 foot thick steel door. Yes. Yes. Yeah. And they're swinging at it. They're just, they're just looking at each other and then Barrett kicks it and Cloud almost shrugs and gives it like a lazy hit with the sword. They're just like, what do we do? And I'm like, you two are fucking idiots. This is what happens
Starting point is 03:25:41 when Hojo locks the doors, guys. The the instant the girls leave the party, Cloud and Barrett's brains fall out of their asses. They were like, what the fuck? Yeah. Yeah, they're just, um, so, so, uh, let the battles begin is a theme song for the fucking ages. And the fact that they remix this thing like 80 times and it hits different every time is do you mean those who fight further? No, I mean, let the battles begin as the boss for regular battle theme. Okay. Well, those who fight further is the those who fight further is the boss name. Are you sure? I believe so. Let the battles begin if a sudden remake costs. I was, I was, yeah, I was like hunting them down
Starting point is 03:26:31 to get all the versions to listen to, but you get all these mixes of that, right? And, um, they get the intro version, the cocktails version, the one that keeps going up with build up and then the final drop one, right? And then yeah, there's like 20, but the fucking it was it was the one you enter the garage of the Shinra building and they start playing the version that's just, um, it's just the background synth without the foreground and then these brass fucking horns coming in with such bass to them. And that moment kicked in right as Tifa was flying through the air in like a mid shore, you can twist as I was pulling up the next action. And I kind of just freaked out and went like, Oh my God, I'm getting hit with it so hard right now.
Starting point is 03:27:20 And then the version that also plays when you fight the monster in, in his, in Hojo's lab, the first phase of that monster has a same moment where you're just like, this version of this song is like unbelievably good. These are songs that have been remixed more than any other song I can imagine in video game history outside of maybe Zelda. And they're hitting harder than ever. How did you one up the 80 versions of this in the past? Like I don't know, but you did, you know, unbelievable. A lot of work. Yeah. Um, the lab also gives you an excuse to hang out with the party member that would have been the easiest to botch, which being red. Yep. Yep. And he's so perfect. Great. He's so fucking.
Starting point is 03:28:08 And you 100% like make, it makes sense. It's like, he comes in the last hours of the game, doesn't make sense to give him a character build. And it also lets him engage in almost every fight remaining in the game. Yes. Right. Um, because he's not a real party member, dude. He's a lab rat dog. Like talking about music, like Genova kicks and starts fucking going. And you're just like, I'm in it. Oh, but there's little tiny pieces of it around the whole thing. Yeah, totally. And then it finally comes in and you're like, there it is. There it is. And it goes and then you get to phase three and they just drop it on you like the full thing. And you're like, oh, it's, it's, it's unbelievable. And then I don't know if you caught it right at the end of, of the kill animation.
Starting point is 03:28:57 Um, as that, as the original is ending in phase three, they drop in the intro notes of safer Sephiroth there too. So it all just fucking hits and you're like, this is wild. So all these little pieces. Hey, man. Oh, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. Okay. Uh, it's, it's great to fight a motorball on the bike. Yeah. You don't have to get off because yes, fighting, fighting, uh, arsenal and then motorball right after one another would have been too much because those bosses are really similar. Yeah. Um, I have a thought about that. I'm going to put a little note in it. I'm going to come back for a second and I'm going to say, uh, Barrett getting a moment to like talk shit to Shinra. Pretty good. I was, I was talking
Starting point is 03:29:48 to Eli about this. I think Barrett's the best character in the game. He's amazing. He's amazing. He's fantastic. Um, like the fact that you go and expecting Mr. T and he gets so much more than that is really satisfying. Um, and you know, there's the, there's the little bits and pieces of just like exactly how him and cloud are like, yeah, you know, we, we like, ah, fuck you, Merc. You know, you want your money fine. But like, you know, but, but he gets these other little things that are like really, really strong. And I want to say that like the fact that they walk in and they're robbed of their revenge in the original and sword in the back, bam, that is a really nice moment because you go, ah, fuck me. I don't get to, uh, you know, it's been taken from you. Your
Starting point is 03:30:30 quest. So what would happen if Barrett did get to have his revenge and here you get to see it, you know, and he, he reluctantly throws him up and then he fucking gives it to him. He gets it all out, you know, and then in a weird way you go, Oh, but you're also Barrett. So you're going to let him walk and pull a gun on you. Yes. You're, you're, you're also a moron. You're an idiot that can't actually foresee where the situation is going. The whole scene lasts like two minutes and Shinra is like scrambling away and the whole time I'm like yelling at the screen, he is obviously going for a gun. Barrett doesn't have that in him. He doesn't get it. He's just, oh, you know, so you're like, you, he lets it happen. It's like, of course he would let it happen. It's
Starting point is 03:31:15 infuriating, but there it goes. And then they pull the fucking what on you by having Barrett get stabbed and I'm like, uh, he doesn't, he doesn't just get stabbed. So let's back up over the course of the game. The whisper mechanics have been showing up way more often the longer the game goes on as events seemed like desperate to go off the rails. And then it hits the absolute peak where Barrett doesn't just get stabbed. He gets killed. He fucking dies. Fully drops. They go. No, he's gone. He's fucking dead. He's gone. And, and, um, Genova Dreamweaver and you're like, what? You know, and then the moment it wasn't, it wasn't the moment it, it wasn't the moment you, you, you, you killed Genova Dreamweaver, but it was so the fucking, the whisper comes out of him
Starting point is 03:32:10 and it's like, yeah, that doesn't fucking happen. Right. Um, it was when you go up to the roof and you see the two of them holding each other, the two, uh, Sephiroth clones. And then you're like, oh, Jesus fucking Christ. Okay. Advent Children. Right. Right. Here we go. They're just literally clones are just like turning into him, you know. Yeah. He was always able to do that. And the thing is, is that that was supposed to be a clone leaving with Genova's body with the head. Yeah. No, with the, with the body, with the whole body. Right. And here it's like, oh, that's not, that's two clones. That's why you don't fight Genova life or birth or rebirth. You fight Genova Dreamweaver because Sephiroth and the body already left.
Starting point is 03:33:02 Um, so that whole thing is just, yeah, you're like, okay, this ain't real. This is nothing. You're looking at absolutely nothing right now. Um, but the actions are being carried out. So, um, I was worried in my head about like, I kept thinking, I'm like, you know, one weird thing about this is if this does truly take you through and stop at Midgar, then it's going to end on a pretty flaccid note because yeah, you, you, you beat motorball and you, you end at the fucking high. Because like, like, you, you, you know, after Rufus, which is a weird out of nowhere thing, like you get the, the alternate team hanging out in the elevator fight, which thank God,
Starting point is 03:33:51 they didn't make you fight in the elevator with this type of system that would have been fucking horrible. I liked it when you, when it, what happened on, on the second reactor, because you were, the team was split up from each other. I liked that moment, that moment. But yeah, the double elevator would have been terrible. So you fight them in an open space and it's like, it's a, it's a tank that is as involved and, and crazy as Rufus is by the way. Yeah. Um, and that fight really shows off something that drove me crazy, which is the, when you hit chapter 17, the game's like, you've been equipping every character with a full set of materia, right? It's like, no, I've been switching it
Starting point is 03:34:31 between characters. I've been pulling assess off of, off of cloud and dropping it on Barrett back and forth on the, and then on, and then they're like, okay, fight this boss with Barrett and Aerith, the only mandatory fight in the entire game that has those two characters in it. Um, it's the only fight in the entire game where they say Barrett and Aerith are going to be the team. Okay. Uh, sorry. So I'm just, I'm just looking here. Um, so that was the Genova body that was being carried. Yeah, I saw. Yeah. Okay. Got it. Correction, correction noted. Thank you. So, um, that aside, uh, you get, you get the fucking the road fight into the end. And then I'm like, yeah, that's a weird way to go out. And then that's like, but wait, there's more. And then
Starting point is 03:35:23 you get that, right? And then you, then you get a lot. So Sephiroth shows up and Aerith just stops bothering and just looks at the camera and says, this is a sequel like the Evangelion movies. This is a rip. Okay. That joke that I made last week about 7.77 you cannot remake was dead on. And this is where I have to say, I have to say I feel bad for the kids who are very young who looked and said, I am going to not play the original. I'm going to wait and experience it for the first time with this game because we were asked, uh, way back when about, um, should I play this now? Or should there was a letter time where someone asked and said, should I play this? And we were like, always play the original or should I wait for the new one? And we, and I played play the
Starting point is 03:36:27 play it, play it now, play it now. Don't fucking wait, play it. You'll get more out of it. They're so you have time. You have so much time to play it. Go play it. You had five years at least. You had 17 years before that. So some people didn't play it. And, and, and now you get this thing where I'm like, this sucks for people who walked in not getting what was advertised because the, the, what they're going for here is supposed to hit you if you know what's up. And it's a, it's a ballsy ass move that they played for everyone who did play it. It's kind of funny because the actual ending in that it's a sequel, I feel like we actually talked about it last week to the point where we don't really need to talk about it all that much
Starting point is 03:37:14 rebuilt done. But what you're bringing up right now is actually the thing I wanted to talk the most about. Yeah. Uh, I had, I had a list of predictions that I made while going through my streams and, uh, I nailed almost all of them. Like the, the, I feel super smart, but whatever that's not important. I went through that on my stream, right? I have two friends who are both in their mid twenties and both during their playthrough of the game kept asking me, Hey man, you know, I've never played FF seven. How do you think they're going to handle this two and three? And I would go, I don't know. And then they hit the end credits. And then they were like, Oh, and I talked with them at length. I have one big problem with the game and it has nothing to
Starting point is 03:38:08 do with my experience. And that is my friends pretty much have no idea who Sephiroth is other than the fact that he is a bad man. Yes. Uh, I, I went and tracked down an interview with, uh, I think it was no Jima who said, we didn't spend a lot of time characterizing Sephiroth in the game because everybody knows who Sephiroth is, right? It's like, no, they don't. That game's super old. So, so here's the thing, right? Here's the thing. Uh, in the same way that Arith looks at the camera and basically is like, you know what this is. Um, Sephiroth being literally about to lick Cloud's ear lobe in this, in this game is, okay, thank you. Because I got to the end of my stream and I was like, did you guys expect Sephiroth to be like, put it in my ass cloud?
Starting point is 03:38:59 Because it really, there was some fuck me up. So, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, because it, really, there was some fuck me up cloud shit going on in that. And, like, he is so into it. And when you go off of what Sephiroth should be at this point in time, which is who the fuck are you, a God complex mystery man, what are you, uh, right and it's like, no. The Sephiroth that that you have that is obsessed with this fucking nobody that that, uh, uh, uh, you know, wasn't on the on the on the team is the one that it's like, I'm he's obsessed with him because he beat him. Right. So because cloud killed him and defeated him, that that's where this whole obsession comes from to the point where he's more about cloud than he is about
Starting point is 03:39:54 fucking Genova. Yeah. And, and I, I somewhat recently, uh, played through at least disc one, right? You can correct me, guys, if I'm wrong, but I don't believe Sephiroth is ever on screen once during the parts of the game that the remake covers his like, I don't think you even see what he looks like until the flash his sword is. Yeah. His sword is on screen, but calm, calm is never on screen, calm is where the, the, the telling of the story happens and that's where you get to see him. So, so they just jam him in there and they jam him in like he's Marty from back to the future and welcome to complaint number one. Okay. My first issue with this game is we are watching Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets and every 45 minutes Voldemort is whispering in Harry's
Starting point is 03:40:55 ear going, Oh, Harry. So it's funny because people complained that the story is too much like Kingdom Hearts and I was confused about what they meant originally because I thought it meant the spectacle of the final boss fight with the buildings and shit. No, they actually, most people talk about the big fucking Kingdom Hearts monster you fight at the end. But the thing that is actually like Kingdom Hearts is the way that Nomura and his team write villains is the villain has to show up every couple of hours to remind you that they exist and taunt you and then literally fly through a portal. I hate it. I, I, I was expecting an amount of Sephiroth to be present because he is fucking Sephiroth. His, his status as like through osmosis in the video game industry
Starting point is 03:41:52 cannot be denied. Everyone has heard of this villain and they know the deal. Oh, my friends who didn't know what his deal was and recognized him and knew who he was. Of course, because that's what, but they didn't know why. Yeah, because the first thing you know about FF7 is cloud and the second thing you know is Sephiroth, right? So, so of course we're going to put the thing that is on the poster in the game in very, very prominent force. But I was hoping after that first, you know, moment that they would lighten up a little bit and the, and I guess I didn't, especially knowing where things go in the, in where the, the, where it's supposed to go. Like I was hoping that they wouldn't plaster him on so hard because there's, they do, they very plaster him. Because there's
Starting point is 03:42:43 so much to build to and I, and I mean, and I wanted to give that a chance. There's two great moments involved with Sephiroth. We talked about one last week in which cloud starts having one of his little freakouts and then Tifa turns around and there's nothing. Nothing. I love it because clouds tripping balls a lot, a lot and there's never anything there. And then he has one of those freakouts in front of Genova and you're like, oh, everyone's going to turn around, see there's nothing there. And they turn around and he's there and they all see him. Here's. And then cloud almost seems confused that they can see him. Sephiroth shows up so much that he literally cuts the bridge in front of cloud and creates an obstacle for them and they don't ask
Starting point is 03:43:31 about him or go, hey, what about that guy? What's the deal with that? And the whole time I'm waiting for the party to be like, so what's the deal with this guy in you anyway? Or who, what's the, why is he involved in our operation right now? What's that? And no one asks anything, right? They just, what's weirder than that is Barrett, Tifa and Cloud specifically, not Red and not Aerith, who we're going to talk about in a bit, literally know the entire plot of the game already. But Barrett, Tifa and Cloud are constantly being cockblocked by nonsense ghosts. And I don't think they ever go, what's up with that shit? Well, they do, but then they don't, then nothing happens. And the same thing goes for, like they're dragging Hojo away and they don't
Starting point is 03:44:20 even go, oh, what is that? And here's, and you can listen, you can, you can say that time ghosts, you can say that time ghosts are also effective at making you forget that they exist once they're gone. I actually really like that they give them a name to make it easier to whisper. I like time ghosts, it's funnier. Time ghosts making you kind of like, you can even say maybe they make you forget about the exist the moment they're gone, right? I think my favorite one is Hojo about to spill the beans and then they throw him into the elevator. Oh, no, you don't. Because yeah, he stares at him and goes, oh, no, you, you're like, as far as I'm concerned from what I know of Cloud's character, Hojo actually just told him Cloud might like pass into a coma on the spot.
Starting point is 03:45:03 He would probably go through exactly what happened when Zach died. Yeah. Yeah, he would, he would fall apart again for sure. And also what's interesting is that like, I was kind of looking for signs of Tifa like showing doubt in Cloud's story, so to speak. But like there wasn't much of that. I actually, I actually have some details for you on that. Okay, hold it though, because the second thing I had to say about Sephiroth showing up so much is that he shows up so much that not only does he create a literal obstacle that nobody then asks about that when he fucking shows up again and then again, and then Cloud runs after him, right? You can like when, when, because when Barrett dies, like there's a moment where you can turn
Starting point is 03:45:52 around to go to the group and the game's like, no, go after your, go, go at him and you go. And then it turns out it was the, the, the clone boys and then they're done and you run back in the room. And then Barrett just goes, you get your man? And he's like, no, he got away. And I'm like, is there going to be a follow up question? No. No. He just goes, you get your, yeah, that guy that's been following us the whole time. Do you get him? You get your man? No. All right. Well, anyway, you know, so, so about Tifa stuff. Yeah. So here's the thing. In the original, Tifa does not doubt a single thing about Cloud until he tells the story of the flashback and calm. And she immediately realizes that every single
Starting point is 03:46:36 fucking thing that he said was completely bullshit. And she holds on to that for the most of the game. Right. So he says, okay, so I was there and I hung out with Tifa on the mountain and then I fought Sephiroth and she's like, okay, all those things happened, but you weren't there. That's complete bullshit, but she doesn't say anything. She's just like, yeah, exactly. Yeah. In this game, she does ask him, Hey, how long has it been? And he says five years. And she goes, huh? And they drop it because that's wrong too. And that's when she starts to like poke at him for like, so whatever happened after you came to Midgar? And he gives a bunch of like noncommittal, like kind of depressed answers. And they kind of drop it.
Starting point is 03:47:28 Right. So she does poke at him. What's the time gap between falling in and Hojo shit to the Zach carry? Carrying him out? It's five years from the Nibbleheim incident, but it's actually been way longer since they've properly actually hung out. It's been since Cloud left town. Since he was a kid. Yeah. Right. So when he says, oh, it's been five years since we've seen each other, that's wrong. It's been five years for him, but it's been way longer for her. Okay. That's why she gets confused by the whole thing. Right. Right. I think they should have put the column flashback in here somewhere. I don't know where they would have put it. And that's clearly a giant sequence, right? Okay, because probably be the beginning of
Starting point is 03:48:12 the next game. So he had the help because he had the helmet on and he was too ashamed to show himself. And, uh, at the last time she was about seven then from, from, yeah. Okay. So when he says five, she's like, well, that's obviously, you know, right? So yeah, you were saying. So they, they do poke about that with, with her. Um, I think there is a massive thread on our subreddit that goes over almost every line of dialogue that comes out of Aerith's mouth in the game that I would say conclusively proves that she has enormous explicit knowledge of nearly the entire timeline of events. Uh, yeah. To the point where she even gives most of that knowledge to Red as well. And Marlene and Marlene like five. Imagine you get, you touch the lady and you find
Starting point is 03:49:07 out everything you're doing is fake and everything is fake and none of it's real. In her, in her affinity scene, she more or less tells you, I'm going to die. I have the script. Don't fall for me. Don't fall for me. Yeah. I am now going to make the pose that I make when I die. Yeah. Yeah. Also, um, well, yeah, depends on how you want to, you want to look at it, but there's, there's, there's the don't fall for me. And then there's also the like, you're not Zach. I didn't write you 80 letters. I sure did. Fuck out of here, bro. Yeah. And there's the, there's a lot of, you know, there's some stuff at the end, but the way she talks about it is that she is very terrified of changing events because they do work out. But the end, the end game of FF seven is a
Starting point is 03:50:02 cataclysmic disaster. So this is where like Midgar is annihilated. Tons of people are dead. The world is wrecked by the weapons. So this is where the point of no return becomes a really weird gamble because I think I have my guesses as to what is being set up, but it might like, if it's good, then it'll be good, but it's very bad. It'll be the worst. Exactly. So there's, there's a couple of little pieces that you see. One, they are totally going to be including Genesis in some form. They bring up G soldier types. He says, he literally says the S type and the G type soldier, right? Yeah. So you're like, okay, great. Confirmed. And Geel is real. Confirmed. Genesis is real. Genesis is going to be around. All that stuff is going to be
Starting point is 03:50:57 standing around in the fucking flashback. But I think the most important detail is that early in the game here and in the original FF seven, you see a Sephiroth is able to exercise total mind control over cloud. He's able to turn on Genova cells and make cloud do whatever he wants. And the original cloud is never able to break free of that control until he re actualizes his personality and integrates his bullshit, right? Here in the dead ass last scene between cloud and Sephiroth, Sephiroth tells him to join me and you can see clouds hand twitch with the control and he fights it off. The entire plot of FF seven falls apart the instant they go to the temple of the ancients and get the black bacteria and Sephiroth goes give
Starting point is 03:51:54 that to me and cloud just literally puts it in his hand. And that's where the end game pops off is that will not happen. He might still get it, but cloud's not going to put it in his hand. That is the biggest thing that happens in that planet in that world, right? So what? I mean, if he can, OK, I read the no meteor means a very different story. I read the twitch. I read the twitch as as like just a weird uncertain like a weird moment of uncertainty. But like if the control aspect is completely removed because we're past this at this point, then the only thing that can be said is he won't do it, but the fucking time ghosts might. Well, time gusts are dead. Well, that that
Starting point is 03:52:54 whole sequence is right, right, right, right, right, right. So so so the whole point that that sorry, OK, so that was where I was going to go is what I was going to say is that you're right, that doesn't make any sense because the point of putting this in right away in the first game, mind you, is to go like, well, we've killed fate. So now anything can happen. Anything can happen. And there's that nice line by Arith. It's like she misses the steel sky because this is an open sky, which of infinite possibility. Crisis Core gives you more elaboration on that because you find out that she hates the sky. She hates the, you know, like exactly like the infinite possibilities are. And in Japanese, I think it translates to something like I hate this
Starting point is 03:53:37 new sky. There's a lot of stuff you can actually find out if you look at both translation, apparently Barrett or sorry, the translation. When Sephiroth shows up at the highway, Barrett goes, is that the guy from before? And then Arith says, no, it's not. But in this case, it implies that there is original Sephiroth walking around and the one from Advent Children walking around. I don't know. I don't know. But like in English, he just goes, hey asshole. And she goes, don't. And that's not at all the same context, you know, but, um, but in any case, I, I am looking at this like, okay, so that's, that's the gamble. The gamble is we've destroyed fate. We can change destiny. We don't know what's going to happen at this point, right? And it's a nice little thing where they show Barrett
Starting point is 03:54:26 dying, but then being fixed by the ghosts and then they kill the ghosts and they go anybody like Arith's, I'm going to say Arith's probably going to live because the idea of having a whole series of games about changing. It's the number one. That's the number. It's like that'd be fucking so pointless, but they're, they're teasing you with like, it could be anybody or no one or everybody or the most psychotic thing was when they hard cut to the past and they go, oh yeah, Zach made it. And I'm like, you fucking, I know, um, you what? Um, so, so there's a lot of confusing shit with that. There's time ghosts exist all time at all times, including the past, present and future also. Hey man, we want to, we want to talk about people who don't understand what the fuck's
Starting point is 03:55:08 going on. Seth Roth was bad. Zach is the biggest part of the, is the biggest pop off in the ending. Like I, I like put my hand over my mouth. I was like, oh my God, I couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe it. Yeah. That guy, that fucking what? Then I talked to my friend and he's like, who is that guy? Yeah. Shit. That sucks. That sucks. Yeah. Literally, who is this guy? Is that cloud's brother? What's going on? Did cloud not go Super Saiyan? The cloud, the cloud and Super Saiyan. I got it. Okay. What happened? And what's really confusing is they have a really like the, the stamp Dorito bag or whatever the fuck it is flies in front of the screen. And did you catch this by the way? Cause I didn't catch it until
Starting point is 03:55:53 people told the dog is the dog from the Zach timeline, not the, not the, um, not the current timeline. And there's different stamps. It has different versions. Different step, which means that is a alternate series of events. That's what, that's why, which that's why the bag of chips. I don't know. And he's, what does that mean? He's carrying a cloud. He's carrying him back to the city. Like is the next game going to start with the, the bombing run, but as Zach with Barrett and Jesse and which I, I expect full fuckery to happen, but not until like not, but not for the most part, because I think the, the, I think the, as a product, right? The appeal of this game is also still to offer fans of the
Starting point is 03:56:45 original game, a remake of their, of their old experience. Yeah. So that needs to be in the product. I've been talking about this for a while and I think this is a lot of people would probably agree with me. They're like, we can, we've changed fate. We can do anything. I bet they're still going to do 95% of the same things because that's with some important changes. That's what people, you're still going to go to Corel. You're still going to have the date on the golden saucer. That's what people want. This is what we want, right? And these, these nods towards a change and towards the plot differences and towards like, what else can be happening with this? I think that is still something that is like, as a bold as a change as it is, you can't actually,
Starting point is 03:57:30 yeah, I still want to, you can't take away the moments people are hoping for, you know? I still want to have like expanded versions of like goofy shit. Totally. There's tons of great shit. And they set up, they set up characters to return hard, you know? Yeah, totally. With the level of swearing in this game, Cid is going to be a fucking sailor. Absolutely. There's a lot of, so how do I put this? Like I've been thinking about like how the actual events occurred in FF7 and Sephiroth's final line, which is you have seven seconds. Yes. There are two interpretations. By the way, when he starts counting down and in the, at the end of the fight, did you kill him after he said eight? I don't remember. Because he starts summoning me here. And then you have
Starting point is 03:58:27 to kill the fuck out of him. And I killed him when he, he says nine, and then he says eight. And then I did enough damage to kill him there. And then when the cutscene resumed and he said seven seconds, I was like, wow, what? Okay. So I just happened to, it looks like an N range. Okay. So I just happened to get lucky and I killed him at eight so that later on when they're talking, he says seven and it's connected. So there's two things that are happening there. One is, he's obviously counting down to Meteor. And in fact, there's even a loading screen that literally says it's seven seconds to Meteor. Also, however, there is another moment in FF7 that takes seven seconds and it's the drop to Stab Aerith. Does it? The drop to Stab
Starting point is 03:59:22 Aerith takes seven seconds. And counted that. That's crazy. Wow. Okay. So I've never heard of that. Okay. It doesn't. Everyone disagrees. All right. Fair enough. The main thing that I'm thinking about is that I think back to Aerith has to survive for a big reason. And that reason is that in the original game, if Sephiroth hadn't of killed her, he would have won. Because him killing her drags her prayer of holy to the planet instantly. And then he stops it. And then when you kill him, the prayer goes through. Right. If he just hadn't have done that, holy probably would have never gone off. And he would have totally won. Okay. So the other thing I was going to say about that moment too
Starting point is 04:00:27 with the seven seconds is I like there being a bit more of like the moment that Omni Slash comes out of now kind of has a bit more of a, at least a background context. Do you know what I mean? Because you're like, what, where do they end up right before that goes down? And like they end up at in space, staring at the meteor traveling towards the planet. And like they're literally in this other time dimension reality type of thing that they jump into. So that other time dimension is a specific location from the original. It's the void that you have the Omni Slash against Sephiroth. That's what I just said. Yeah. So I was actually talking to Max. Okay. Yes. No, I was just saying that exactly that. Like they drop into the Omni Slash void. And I'm trying
Starting point is 04:01:22 and I'm what I'm saying is I like that they've given that context now. Because originally that void was like, it was just a cinematic moment, you know. And now it's a Kingdom Hearts land. It's, it's the portal to Kingdom Hearts. Well, and here we are. Right. So here's the thing about this. All of this stuff where you're getting the full set. I didn't know if they were going to give you a full Sephiroth fight at the end of the first game. They give you like, give you like two. I feel like that's why I'm like, that fights super long. And I'm like, not only do they give you that, but they give you the setup for the Omni Slash dimension. And I'm like, which will be a fight, which will be a fight that will not be a cutscene. Yeah, yeah, I will. But I'm like, I'm only left
Starting point is 04:02:08 thinking I wanted less. I wanted less. I wanted it's weird. I wanted the build here. I feel, well, because now I'm like, well, what the fuck is the final boss going to be load is being fucking spooched. And I'm like, Oh, no, like, like the big fucking, the big fucking whisper monster and the three, the arbitrary spirits, the three spirits, the colored spirits, who by the way, I'm pretty sure Max was the one who figured out that those are the kids from Advent Children. So those are, those are Kadaj, Yazoo and Laws. Possibly. Yeah, I saw exactly. I got, I got a, I got a message about that because, but you fight them and you fight the big monster and then you fight Seth and it's like, this might as well be the original boss rush of
Starting point is 04:03:02 the original ending. So the thing about the three being the kids, by the way, like, they have the same weapons. They do. I like, I'm still not 100% sold on it. But the fact that they turn into fucking Bahamut is if it's not a reference, it's as close as you can get. They summon Bahamut and on top of that, like I was thinking about it and it's like Sephiroth's able to, my head cannon is that Sephiroth is able to time jump because Genova is bullshit and does not reintegrate into the livestream like it should. That was the whole plot of Advent Children was that Genova does not actually reintegrate with the livestream. And that even though you kill Sephiroth to the point where he is essentially atomized,
Starting point is 04:03:59 his soul doesn't die. So he just recombines with people. I thought that it's about the fact that Sephiroth needs to continue existing in Cloud's brain in order to be able to manifest and that if Cloud ever forgets about Sephiroth and moves on or just doesn't care anymore, then Sephiroth will be dead for real. I don't know. Because no one's ever going to actually forget him. But also we need to have a reason why Sephiroth can actually go back in time, which is pretty obviously what he's doing. And I think what he's doing is he's not physically going back in time. He's possessing versions of himself from earlier in the livestream. And if that was the reason, right, then the kids who are also Sephiroth clones would be able to do that to a shittier
Starting point is 04:04:57 extent. And thus manifest as big old time ghosts. Regardless, I actually think the mechanics of how people are time traveling is the least interesting thing about the game. Is it by far? Is it time travel? Yeah, it's time travel. Is it he uses he uses lines of dialogue straight from Advent Children? Well, I want you to look in I'm going to go get like there is an old meme from Advent Children. That you may have forgotten. Okay. I'm sending the meme to you now. Okay, okay. It is Sephiroth saying I will give you this pair and holding up a big ass pair. He says that line verbatim in the final fight.
Starting point is 04:06:02 Okay. Like it is 100% the guy from Advent Children. I mean, here's one thing. They're certainly not afraid to take all the all the compilation material and canonize it. They've shown you that they have the balls to acknowledge Dirge of Cerberus. They have the balls to acknowledge Crisis Core and Advent Children and all these things. And they're not, I say the balls too, but it's like for better and for worse, right? So you want to better and for worse, they're literally acknowledging gacts. So you know what I mean? I was able, they're doing it. I was able somebody before crisis is in there as well. Interview. There's an interview out there with Nomura where they talk about they talk about the remake and when it was planned to happen.
Starting point is 04:06:58 And Nomura is like the FF7 remake was planned to be the last game in the compilation of FF7. Ah. They were supposed to be, this was supposed to, and so you think back to that PS3 tech demo, do you remember that? Yeah. And how they kept saying, no, that's totally not a remake. That's no, no. And it's like, shut up. It's super was it 100% was gonna be it. And then it got pushed around because other projects and yeah, let's be real 14 years ago, it wouldn't have lived up to it. No, of course not. It's almost for the best that it was 23 years later. And with that context, you look at the end of Durge of Cerberus, which is the stupid cliffhanger with gact, and you're like, oh, that never had to go anywhere. Gact is backed. No, but that never had to go
Starting point is 04:07:53 anywhere at all because they were always planning to go back in time and do things differently. Durge of Cerberus was never going to happen. If we fuck with time, then it doesn't matter how stupid it gets. Yeah, deep ground is going to get whatever we can. The main timeline is allowed to be ruined because we're switching over here now because we're planning to switch. That depends on the, well, that depends. That's a hard theory that requires this idea we're seeing now to have been written back then. That's the requirement, right? And they probably would have had a lot of Genesis with Gact stuff in it. Well, now that's not going to happen. The Sephiroth Obsession bit definitely comes from an interview where he says it himself. He's like, yeah, like,
Starting point is 04:08:44 yeah, he's like, he wants Claude Pepe. He wants the dick. He wants the dick. Oh, did you see people going through the Japanese dialogue during the final battle between what characters you switched to? I did not have Aerith on my team. I had Barrett. Okay. So is that affinity? Is that Japanese? No, it depends on how well you do in the fight, I think. Like if you knock him back, you get Aerith. If he knocks you back, you get Barrett. Crazy. I didn't even get Aerith, but apparently he says different things. He frowns at Tifa if you take control of her. So so in Japanese, if you pick Claude, he talks the shit that he always talks. If you pick Aerith, he tells her that you can't protect him. And when he when you play as
Starting point is 04:09:38 Tifa, he says, go away and will not speak to her if he she's ever controlled because she's getting in the way. She's getting in the way of all sorts of things. Those giant yeah, it like those giant yabboes are keeping the dicks apart. Okay, but think about this. Think about worse. He needs to go away. What accomplishes. Think about what Tifa accomplishes in the course of Sephiroth's pseudo gay stand ship. She's the one who helps cloud put his brain back together. She's the one who causes cloud to get the drop on Sephiroth back in Nibelheim. And she's the one actually getting his dick. Of course he hates her. She is the she is like the worst thing they ever happened to Sephiroth. Wow.
Starting point is 04:10:30 Hojo balls. Well, yeah. Um, can you imagine how different things would have been if Hojo and Lucrezia literally just told him, yeah, you're our kid. And we, we, you know, messed you with jeans and stuff instead of I was born in a fucking tube from a space alien. Is this my mom? Is this my mom? You've got to be my mom. You know what I really like about Roche? Aside from Zach, every soldier ever is like falling to pieces mentally. Um, so speaking of that, actually, um, so yeah, and this is a shout outs, uh, because I got uh, I got some, some, I got a cat, someone caught this that the, uh, the dude who goes, hey, yo, uh, you're cloud, right? Stay here. I'm going to go get, um,
Starting point is 04:11:33 Consell or, or yeah, Consell or Kuna or whatever he says is going to go get his friend. That dude is a character from crisis core as well. Yep. So he's straight up like, uh, uh, he's, he's a clean reference direct through line soldier second someone that new cloud back in the day. Um, the class crisis core also has the soldier who says I would love to get stepped on. Uh, uh, uh, I wouldn't mind being, being stepped on by, um, Scarlet, you know, so. Oh, he's voiced by Crispin Freeman. How about that? Who played rude in Advent Children? Weird. Okay. Um, what the fuck with wedge? So bigs and wedge now completely okay, but you can't have too much thirst. So Jesse got to go. Jesse's alive, dude.
Starting point is 04:12:33 Her headband and her gloves are on the table next to wedge, uh, to bigs. Is she? Yep. Jesse is totally alive. She has probably quit avalanche, which is why she leaves her gloves and headband. Um, she, but apparently the chapter described descriptor said literally said, says she's dead. It says that, which chapter descriptor 18 says that, um, no, not 18. That's the last one. Uh, uh, the one, the, the, um, the tower, um, let me, let me fucking see if I can grab this here. Okay. So, uh, bigs walking, waking up in the hospital, the gloves on the bedside are definitely
Starting point is 04:13:28 Jesse's. People think that symbolizes she's alive. Um, the chapter text says bigs is wounded while Jesse perishes. The chapter text describes Jesse is perished. I'm going to put that as a question mark. I bet you anything she will show up at the gold saucer. So that she'll bring me to one thing that I, uh, one, one little bit here that I actually, uh, want to touch on. And I don't know how you feel about this one, but, um, um, knowing that this is a, uh, uh, knowing that this is the, the fucking, you know, change, change the future trunks, trunks timeline. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 04:14:13 Um, oh man. So max is in the chat. Hey max, she says the biggest part is a hundred percent of red herring, but she will be alive in sax time. Oh, Jesus. Oh my God. This is going to be a Oh my God. Fuck. Shit. Are they going to, is this the, is this chrono break? Oh, this might be radical dreamers. Is this chrono break? You're going to play half the game of Zach and then you'll switch to a portal and you'll be cloud. Oh, this, oh man. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Uh, I'm just going to have to put that in another fucking, uh, partition of my brain for a second. By the way, if we have time and max is still up for, we can get them in next week to follow this up because we're fucking like it's seven 40. I got
Starting point is 04:14:59 to get exactly that's wild. We can't even be doing this that much. No, no. The last thing I wanted to say was that, um, well one, uh, beyond the little, the bits I've talked about, like the game is fucking unbelievable. Just firing on all cylinders, like almost the entire time. There's so much cool shit. I just, I just have questions about what I just, I don't like that much Sephiroth in it. And I, and that ending is a huge gamble and I don't know if it's going to pay off. I hope it does. Um, so, but there was a, uh, thread talking about it on our subreddit that I read through and there was a sentiment that is pretty negative, but I do actually agree with, which is ending your game with anything could happen. Look at all the possibilities is easy to fuck up. It's super easy
Starting point is 04:15:50 to fuck up. And I know this as an Evangelion fan. Yeah. Sure. As an Evangelion fan, this type of ending makes me a little nervous, but that's de facto more interesting than a shot for shot remake to me because a shot for shot remake, I will get what I already know I have and can imagine in my mind, whereas something new could be something new and cool. Yeah, it definitely, I would, I would, I would, I would, I would prefer to roll the dice then play it safe. Yeah. Now that's not right or wrong. That is a personal preference. And it, you know, it, again, it, it, it kicks mud up if you were waiting because this game was marketed as a remake and you thought that's what it was. It kicks mud on your shoes. I was talking to,
Starting point is 04:16:49 I was talking to some friends of mine who were really bummed out because all they wanted was a remake and I was, uh, we came to the conclusion that if there was a dash in this game's title, a lot of people would be way happier with it. Okay. If there was just a single dash. Okay. Yeah. Because that would be like, why isn't it called? Remake. Just remake. Yeah. Remake. Um, I want to, also before I forget, I have to give a shout out to Page one, aka Peach Saliva, who totally came up with it before me and I'm jealous. She is convinced and I have to agree that the next game will not be called FF seven remake two. It will be called
Starting point is 04:17:28 FF seven reunion. Oh, that would be good. That would be good. I am also putting my own hat in the ring for possibly the third one as Regenesis. Please kill me. I want to die. Um, I wanted to say that, um, there's something about redoing all of this that is like, and I touched on it the last two, but it's like, there's a lot of tragedy in Final Fantasy seven. And I feel that those moments being saved and made happier are kind of like, I want to see characters kind of going through this. And like, I want to hear them discussing how awful these fucking bad guys got to go. I feel like when you, when you, when you make it safer by making people survive more and, and you take away some of that tragedy, you lose the opportunity to show you just how
Starting point is 04:18:30 fucking bad these villains can get. And in some cases, like what the heroes do to stop them in the motivations they take, you know, you kind of, you soften these moments and I'm a little bit afraid of that. You know, um, I want, I was waiting very excitedly to see how fucking broken, you know, like a lot of people can get because FF seven breaks people, you know. Yeah. There, there is some things that could happen. I mean, there's infinity things that could happen now that I would be unhappy with. There is one thing to me that would absolutely ruin this shit. And it, it feels like one fear kind of thing, right? I'm overall very hopeful and very interested, but the one fear is I swear to God, if Sephiroth and cloud go to that fucking
Starting point is 04:19:22 time to mention again and goes cloud, you don't understand. You have to team up with me to fight the even greater villain. I'm going to flip my shit. Tell me, I'm going to freak out. You didn't think for a second that I thought that's what he was about to say in the ending. Yeah. Yeah. That, that would be so awesome. That was a moment. That was a moment where it was like they might make the team up happen so that they could go to feet gacked. Like if, if guts goes to Griffith and Griffith's like, no guts, you don't understand. I was doing it to fight the devil. Like I don't care. Yeah. I don't want it, you know, and to, and again, to all those who, you know, were experiencing it for the first time and a lot of people just
Starting point is 04:20:12 got hype at what they saw. How you dig in that cat with the cape and, and, and oh my God, dude, we talked about it last week because it was out of nowhere, but then we beat the game and it never it never comes up once. You get all this red. I thought we were going to go to Shinra headquarters and we were going to see a fucking Kate Sith doll on a desk at least. You get all this red 13 and then you see a fucking Kate Sith walk up in this one moment and you know, like they could have just done it with Reeves, right? They could have just done it. They could have just had him look out the but instead he's controlling the cat. Anyway, whatever. That's what it's like. Man, this is not for your first journey. This is not for your first experience. And at the very least,
Starting point is 04:21:03 all those people now are going out and playing the original now. You got two, you got two, three, four, five, six years to fucking go play the old one. Yeah. I guess I want to justify something I said earlier and then I'm done. So I prefer the dice roll than the straight remake. And I'll be very honest that a lot of that is because because it's a dice roll, I get to play metal gear with the trailers. I get to play. What is that? What does that mean? Is that the alternate time? And I get to do that speculative. Yeah, you enjoy that. I dodge those things because I heard Barrett got stabbed in the last trailer. Like he sure that I would have been so mad. Fuck that. You see Sephiroth like you know what you see in that last trailer? You see the cutscene
Starting point is 04:22:00 where Sephiroth is in Midgar in the VR simulation and meteorites it. Oh, fuck. Just stop. I'm not, you know, I don't want to see any of that shit. I get that. I don't know. I don't know because dude like here's the problem, I guess the gamble that was like some of those things, including Advent Children left and hurt FF seven FF seven was hurt by a lot of this follow up content. And if we heard it even further, God damn it, man. So here's why I'm not too worried about that, because those things were hurt because the characterization of the characters was inconsistent. The characterization of these characters is perfect. It's still risky. This could have been or this could be pulling it out of the dirt.
Starting point is 04:22:55 Um, I could you imagine if they fixed gacked? Dude, could you imagine if they actually like Genesis shows up and he's cool? I want to be. I want to be a hell house. I want to be optimistic and I am about this gamble. Uh, I just need them to lighten up on the Sephiroth, please. Although we've already we've already gotten there. All right. So to that, I will tell you, no, they're not. They're not gonna. You're likely going to get more Harry. It's me, Voldemort. We have to team up to defeat the true evil JK Rowling.
Starting point is 04:23:46 The only the only way that you're going to see less Sephiroth is if in Zach's timeline, you spent a significant amount of time there and he is dealing with Genesis instead. Just just and then Genesis is the one showing up in visions and going. Loveless characters. It has a final act that no one knows. Characters do have moments of subtlety in this. There's a lot of non subtlety. There's a lot of non subtlety, but there is some subtlety. So I know that they can do it. You know, but that's it. That's it. That's it. Otherwise fucking, I mean, woof. I got to enjoy the rose colored everything, you know, and the combat and the feel and the flow
Starting point is 04:24:39 and the time stop and the, you know, the parry material and the counter stance and the hard mode is totally worth it. It's a blast. And just and like one shotting one of Sephiroth's phases by just playing swords with him properly by cross by counterstancing and by parrying properly, you can crush it. Oh, dude, counterstances busted to shit. Oh my God. God damn kill enemies outright if you don't even need to talk about quadruple like fucking quadruple like killing it. You know, that's all that, but we'll see where this this fucking new shit goes. All right. I'm fine with that. All right. Good game. A little, a little hesitant about the future, but good, good game. Earth turns to the camera and says, this is good, isn't it?
Starting point is 04:26:21 Hey. Check it out. That's the key. That's the key. That's the key. That's the key.

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