Castle Super Beast - CSB 071: Works Fine For Me!

Episode Date: June 3, 2020

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Don'tin' Hello. Hello. I'm not wearing a shirt. How you doing? I'm all right. It's hot. It's good. It's good to hear that. It's hot in here, man. From my understanding, you've been plagued with air conditioning foibles. Yeah, there's a leak in the AC unit. The freon all blew away, and I've been encountering a multitude of issues getting it repaired, including one of the dudes coming into my house to repair it, taking his mask off to talk to me, which was sick. Literally. Yeah, well, probably not statistically, but literally pulling the mask off down to talk to me because he thought I couldn't hear him when he's like, Hey, dude, come upstairs. And I'm like,
Starting point is 00:01:28 No. Wow. Why would I go upstairs? I got to show you something like no, you don't. Wow. Wow. And then bonus, I call the place and the ladies like, God damn it, that's a second complaint. Right. That one guy, it's not going to be a first time thing for sure. It's one of those dudes that's like, Corona shmimona. Right. We got to wear these masses. Stupid. Ah, fuck that bit. Yeah, there was a hit. There's a heat wave and everything too. How hot is your place? Right now, it's not too bad. Mm hmm. It's hovering around 27. Okay, 28. That's upper 70s, lower 80s for you. Imperial measurement folk. Okay. But I run hot. And the problem is that the the the basement area that I sit that PC. Mm hmm. That thing in the TV deck, those things kick out a shit ton of heat, man.
Starting point is 00:02:39 Oh, yeah. No, I can imagine. But can you still breathe though? Oh, yeah, I'm feeling I'm feeling respirated. Okay, that's good. Breathing is good. I would say I stop me if stop, stop me if I'm overstepping my bands. But I feel like that we can we can put this podcast on a on a firm breathing positivity stance. Breathing is good. It's a high quality activity, air getting through, hitting the lungs, coming back out the nose. My nose is a little bit blocked right now. That kind of that kind of fucked that bit up. No, but but breathing is good. It's good. It's a good thing that to be able to do, you know, it's all right. Yeah. So this episode of Castle Superbeast is probably going to get somewhat awkward for anyone who thinks it's going to get awkward, because
Starting point is 00:03:43 there's people out there like that. But hey, guess what? That's probably a good thing. It's it's it's it's it's go go ahead, go ahead. We've had we've had like, I remember when COVID happened. And we were like, Oh, man, I'm going to keep that shit out of the podcast. And then COVID happened. It feels like that. Yeah, you know, there's things worse to experience in life than feeling awkward at what you're hearing, I suppose, you know. Yeah, I honestly like it's a you can imagine it's a fucking it's a fucking mental it's a ride. It is a it is a weird one. But I have not been as glued to my phone, just checking all tweets, following all like, like just footage of what's going on, like protest cameras, everything like that, like what's
Starting point is 00:04:56 Oh, man, what's peaceful, what's burning everything, the full gamut of information is overwhelming, to say the least. And like, I literally think I've gotten like, perhaps like a combined four hours of sleep, maybe five over the last couple of days, it's just been I've been just scrolling through it, because there's so much shit to keep track of. And like, there's something like every time I'd usually come across something like incredible, I'd be like, I'd be like, Oh, yo, punch mom, check this out. And then I'd be we go over and talk about it. And like, it's just become like a constant stream of like, okay, there's a million things that you need to find out about and to see what's going on. Yeah, I got a bunch of buddies of mine who are glued
Starting point is 00:05:48 to a stream that is this guy just like combining four or five different news news streams or other live streams. Yep, simultaneously, and he'll he'll hop around different fucking different cities. And it's just like, Oh, it's popping off out there. Yeah, it's, it's really popping off out there. Yeah. Yeah. Every two minutes, it's like, Oh, did you hear this shit? No, that's a new one. I mean, it's kind of like, well, so so just to pretty much start with. It's the kind of catalyst, the video of George Floyd dying is the kind of catalyst that like there is few there are a few examples of like such a clear cut, like the moment you finish
Starting point is 00:06:58 watching this, your blood is on fire or your associate path, like there is there is a feeling that you get. And like, I feel like any time there is going to be a dip in the like, I guess, motivation to like push forward with with these Black Lives Matter Black Lives Matter protests and things like that. I feel like you just got to rewatch the video and go, Oh, yeah, right. Okay, cool. Back in there. It is right. That's some heinous shit. Yeah. It is a ridiculous motivator. As far as things go, there's so much to it that like, obviously you can go back through and look at. And I think the the the way it plays out right now in America is is it's very hard to say, but like, you know, the joke has been ongoing that like, Hey, from the from the start of the
Starting point is 00:08:01 year, we've had what fucking World War three scares from the 20 20s strike of midnight. Kobe fucking. Oh, that was this year. Oh my God. I thought that was years ago, dude. So so the longest year ever. So World War three. Kobe followed immediately by Australia on fire. Billion animals dead. Pandemic kicks in. Everything canceled. Everything quarantine. Life changes sprinkled in the middle of that. We got literally confirmed UFO sightings. Mm hmm. Murder hornets decided to come on and swing by death locusts in in in have swarmed and people discussed. Bola came back like yesterday. I don't know if you know that.
Starting point is 00:09:00 Certainly did. You know, there was a there was a a half step towards parallel universe discussion, but ultimately, you know, we not much to say there. A like fucking like just everything happening right now with George Floyd and the the protest, the America on fire. And then anonymous comes out and is like, Hey, yo, check out this this weird Epstein shit. And you're just like, this is not even summer yet. 2020 50 percent. Not even this year is utterly ridiculous. And there's like this is yeah, this is going to be one for the ages. This is a year that like, you know, like there's tweets or just like, Hey, remember when people were like, Oh man,
Starting point is 00:09:53 2016 worse year ever? Like, yeah, that was quite shy. Put that fucking tweet out. You've never lived a life. Yeah, you've never lived a life any time in your life where where like you've had a year like this, you know, so Yeah, buddy's doing good out there. Certainly. Montreal in particular was doing what Montreal does. Celebrating police brutality. Well, that's our specialty. The the the fun thing about that, of course, is, you know, up until that point, you were watching a footage of a peaceful protest that was go marching and otherwise honorary and celebratory and just kind of, you know, doing its thing. And the police in Montreal, if you got if you didn't hear about it, they have there's a
Starting point is 00:10:50 particular level of like, just fucking garbage they carry in their hearts, because they're known for being worst in our nation, worst in Canada. They're worthless. They're they're terrible out here. And like, we have and and and so you can go and watch and like so the the everyone's gathered, they do the fist up, they do the nine minute kneel, you know, and it's going and then the police are standing and holding the line. Now, the police official Twitter of Montreal puts out a two tweets that say, we're here in solidarity with you. We want to make sure everything is we're with you, bro, is safe. And, you know, like the tragedies that happened are awful. They don't represent our values. So we'll be out there with you, making sure everything stays
Starting point is 00:11:39 safe for everybody. And we're here in solidarity, right? So at the line of where the protesters are standing and the, you know, the cops are with the with the riot shields. After about, I guess, three or four hours, you know, at some point, during the day as it was getting into the evening, second line of cops comes out and then they all take a knee and everyone's like, yeah, and then there's cheers. And like everyone's like, holy fuck, look at that. And there's footage of this this line of cops, they all come out and they take a knee and they and they are like, you know, you're like, okay, what the fuck? This is crazy. And people are getting super excited for it. And then they pull out their gas masks and put them on while taking a knee. They do their
Starting point is 00:12:29 equipment switch, they get up, load up the tear gas and launch them into volleys into the crowd that is standing there doing nothing. So as they usually do out here, as they do, people scatter, you know, we get the sounds of the like running and everyone running down, you know, the various main streets. And before you know it, it looks like the thing that happens every year here anyway, which is the anti-pollution brutality demonstration, you know, and and of course, you're going to see like this. So there's there's your little your little your weird bits of like, you know, that pretty much like like, while that's going on, you have these these other little moments of just like people that are coming out and like doing weird things like there's
Starting point is 00:13:23 there's kids in all black, these like French kids were in all black that were just like spray painting some like graffiti in Creole. And like, the person who's filming it is going like, why are you writing that in Creole? Are you pretending to be Haitian? Why would you do that? That's a weird thing to do. And they don't really have much to say to them. You know, some weird shit like that. But ultimately, like, from that point, once everything scatters, you get you then get the escalation at nighttime into like, pretty much full on crazy ass, broken glass, like looting, riding, all of it, all of it, you know, the usual, the usual. But you get to watch the exact moment it happened when a bunch of cops came out, took a knee and then like basically trolled everybody.
Starting point is 00:14:16 And then got up and fucking gas them, you know? And someone pointed out too that like it's kind of reminiscent of there's a like, there's like a story from 2007 for there's a protest that was not on the island of Montreal, but is in a like a city like off island, but in Quebec, where you literally track a couple of cops that like, or like there's a protest over this, this, this, like Union or whatever. And there's there's a like a couple of buff looking protesters with masks on join. And everyone is standing there and they're having a peaceful demonstration. But then these guys grab some rocks and start marching towards the police shields. And then the protest leaders get in the way and go, What are you doing? What are you doing? Right? Yeah. And they are like,
Starting point is 00:15:06 they just kind of like try to shove them out of the way. And then eventually people like surround them and kind of go like, Who the fuck are you guys? You're not with us. You're not doing anything that is coordinated with what we're doing. And then they get called out and they're basically just like, these guys are these guys are cops and they're agitating and they're trying to escalate things right now. And it get provocative. Exactly. Provocaturing. And then eventually it gets to a point where they awkwardly are called out and have nowhere to go. So they just kind of slowly start walking towards the line of shields. And the people are getting in the way because they're trying to separate them by going like, No, don't escalate. But then eventually, like
Starting point is 00:15:46 after they've just been like made after they've been made out, right? Like they just kind of push slowly into the shields. And then a couple of cops behind kind of slowly grab them and put them on the ground and arrest them and march them away. And it's the most embarrassing thing because everyone that's filming is just laughing because they're like, This is a hilarious display because you have no exit. You've been found out as a cop that's in hiding trying to escalate the this prior, prior this to a riot. And now the only way out is to get fake arrested behind the line and let away, you know, very kindly. Yeah. Shit is, shit is, shit is ridiculous. So all that to say that at least here in Montreal,
Starting point is 00:16:35 they're willing to do that kind of thing, you know? Yeah, I don't know, like, I don't know if, if, you know, I would like to say one thing, particularly about the Montreal protest in that every single time I've been arguing with people on and off social media, and people have been constantly conflating my support for the protests, my support for the riots. And I have a bit of a personal experience with this because I can tell you with 100% certainty that the people protesting are not in many cases, the people rioting because I have a brother and my brother is a hotheaded, violent, dumb ass piece of shit. And my God, he's in, he must be in his forties now. And I would bet money that if you
Starting point is 00:17:38 went down and scrubbed through that footage of the Montreal rioting, you could probably see this dumb ass in the background somewhere. Because this is a guy that dad caught at least once trying to sneak downtown because there might be a riot. Oh man, I could get some shit. Like what, like just not the kind of person who's bad enough to start throwing the rocks and instigate specifically for the riot, but the guy rubbing his hands in the crowd just like, oh man, oh, just gonna be so sick. I'm gonna steal a phone. I mean, there's literally interview on, I think it's with the CTV or CBC or whoever it is, but there's a French news report of like they're asking these people down at the manifestation, as they say, what's going on. And
Starting point is 00:18:35 basically just you're looking at just a couple of, like there's a couple of people standing around and then they interview a couple of white kids that are there and like the one that they talk to specifically just like, hey man, yo, you know, I don't know. He's just kind of saying in French, like they're like, so yeah, why are you taking part in this? What are you going for and stuff? And he's like, well, you know, I know that it was originally there's about the police brutality and then the America is doing it as well. Quite frankly, you know, he's like, both my parents are cops, so I don't know. But yeah, we're just out here. We're just looking, we're just seeing what's going on and, you know, looking at maybe have some fun. I don't know, you know, and he said,
Starting point is 00:19:18 and then like the other guy next to him just kind of comes in and goes, oh, well, you know, it's more about sending a message and they just kind of like, it's this very clear he says into the microphone, I'm out here to cause trouble. Like that's that's what's up, you know, and you're like, all right, what's going to be known as the Jake Paul in the future? Well, yeah. So there you go, right? That's what you get alongside it. So yes, I think, I think it's important to, you know, like mention that there's definitely two kinds out there, you know, and and and somehow, at the same time, it is equally like it is an understandable like thing when you see the, you're looking at like how these, these riots are like, are like working out and you're
Starting point is 00:20:12 seeing instances of behavior from the police officers that is like the same type of mentality that it takes to kneel on someone's neck for nine minutes, you're seeing that exact same type of mentality kick in as they handle the current events, you know, and it's almost like it's almost like there's a it's almost like there's a consistent percent, there's a consistent consistent percentage of you should not be a police officer. What the fuck are you doing here? What is wrong with you that kicks in? They give you a gun. Yeah. And you get to see a lot of that. You get to see that scale up as the instances of, you know, like police interaction scale up, you know, and you get to see like the fucking likes of just all just it's so there's so much,
Starting point is 00:21:11 there's so much just insane like what how are you even remotely a cop kind of a shit that's being tagged right now online alongside the ones where you got the footage of the cops that are like, yeah, let's march with you and we're gonna we're gonna we're here in solidarity and all that stuff like you're seeing a full gamut of just complete nonsense, you know. I think honestly, like there's there's a million things that you can go into on this and and yeah, and I think as you mentioned too, like there's a there's a difference between like condoning the nature of like just like wanton rioting destruction, burning things and and and like basically put and then and then putting that as a larger concern over lives being lost. I think there's two different
Starting point is 00:22:05 discussions happening there, you know, and in some cases and some willful ignorance over your point on those discussions. I think so as well. Exactly. Like and and you know, there's there's a couple different takes on it like the there's a couple different, you know, people have put together their thoughts and kind of like we've seen with there's been like I want there's the the message that like, I retweeted where like, like, Trevor Noah had a breakdown where he was kind of going like this, like you're looking at some people in this are seeing this as a breaking of the social contract that we have as a society where some people are literally like, why should I even follow that contract if my life is pretty much like irrelevant and is not and the contract is
Starting point is 00:22:52 not being upheld right on the opposite end of things much much less by the people that are supposed to protect it and things like that. Right. There's there's there's a that type of thing. I think like you pretty much of and then and then there was the yeah, there was that other video, of course, of like the, you know, a couple people like like there was the guy who's like 45 and he just like, I've been doing this my entire life. I'm fucking sick of this shit. And the guy who's like, I'm 30. I have a five year old. I've been doing this like years ago. It got nowhere. I'm sick of this shit. This kid over here is 16. Please find another way. Do what we couldn't do because we don't know what to do anymore. You know, and like that type of energy is just like
Starting point is 00:23:30 it's a level of just like desperation that is in everyone. There's a level of desperation that is like it's hard to convey that feeling of just absolute helplessness when you're like, I don't, I literally don't know what else to do to fix this problem to make this go away. What are what what so here we go, I guess we like I don't it's like literally like I've tried and tried and tried to get the point across and I don't know what else to say anymore. And no one seems to care. And the people who are supposed to be making the differences do not make any difference whatsoever. They're like it's it becomes almost like a joke of a like slow procession. Anytime there's a police complaint that doesn't get filed, that doesn't get
Starting point is 00:24:19 followed up on to the point where you're like, Oh yeah, this dude, the officer Chauvet had like 18 previous fucking claims against him that led to nothing. Deaths that led that led to nothing. You're like this type of shit is so predictable. But why nothing, you know? So the most interesting thing I saw in regards to all of this was a thread that I retweeted. And I think this would be a beneficial thing to share and discuss at least for a little bit because I don't see anyone really talking about this. And I feel like this could be actually positive if it goes anywhere. This is a thread by Samuel Cinyangui who this is from 2019. And he's a data scientist, policy analyst, Stanford alumni, and a black
Starting point is 00:25:28 activist. So he is basically putting data alongside the activism and created a thread here that I put out there, which is for those who are interested in research based solutions to stop police violence, here's what you need to know based on the facts and the data, a thread, right? This one, as soon as I saw this, I was like, this is fucking interesting because, again, the overwhelming feeling is complete helplessness and uncertainty as to what to do. Right? So this is the first thing I've read that just goes, here's an example of what you can actually do. And it starts with, one, everything you've probably heard is a lie, specifically the most discussed solutions to police violence that have no evidence of effectiveness. For example,
Starting point is 00:26:24 body cams don't reduce violence. Not if they don't turn them on or, I mean, even if they do have them on, what am I talking about? Yeah, yeah. Literally, there is, and then, again, what's important here too, and the reason why I really like this is because every sourced link here is not a, it's not linking to an article written by somebody or a post of some kind on a news site or anything like that. It's linking to a research paper. And that's when you're like, okay, we have the data, we are looking at this, this can be trusted, right? You're looking at this first link is a randomized controlled trial evaluating the effects of police body worn cameras. And the conclusions drawn in the abstract are that, let me get to the exact sentence here. Yes,
Starting point is 00:27:29 here we show that body worn cameras have a very small and statistically insignificant effect on police use of force in civilian complaints, right? So, like, yeah, anyway, so you get this, you get this first thing where it's like, okay, you do not have any sort of like proof here that the idea of the implication is if there's a camera, then there's accountability, right? And then there, that would change the behavior. And then you look at it and it goes, no, it turns out there isn't. And then there's an actual little chart where you can see rates of disorderly conduct, complaints and use of force, and then like right beneath it is like almost the exact same line for people that are in a randomized controlled trial of
Starting point is 00:28:17 over 2,200 officers over a period of months, right? Right. So, great. First one is that body cameras do nothing to affect the behavior. Second is there's no evidence that better police training or programs or implicit bias training changes behavior in any way. The trainings vary in quality and rarely result in any accountability or changes in decision making. So, don't put this at the top of your agenda, right? It's like, okay. So, and I'm like, when I think of it, I'm like, these are the first two things that you always hear about is camera and a better training, better training. And then it's like, yeah, no, no, turns out those don't do shit. So, I'm like, well, what the fuck comes next? Right? I don't know. Well, so third, more
Starting point is 00:29:10 restrictive state and local policies. Oh, yeah. So, that doesn't work. So, like, here's what's so like, what does work more restrictive state and local policies governing police use of force associated with significantly lower rates of police shootings and killings by the police. So, there's 30 years of research identified across multiple precincts in multiple counties. And basically, they put together a list and a comparison of all these different counties and what they don't like basically some some of them have policies that others don't have. And some of these are things that basically are shown to have less rates of violence in the counties where more of these things are enacted. So, okay, the list of the things that you can put in place to have less
Starting point is 00:30:04 police violence in your area, the first one that they list is requiring officers to de-escalate situations where possible by communicating with subjects, maintaining distance and otherwise eliminating the need to use force. Makes sense. Tell people to calm it down instead of ramp it up. Yes. Second, not allowing officers to choke or strangle civilians in many cases where less lethal force could be used instead, resulting in unnecessary death or serious injury to civilians. Yeah, it's been a common refrain lately, especially on video of like, man, those those anything to do with your fucking neck. Yep. Requiring officers to intervene, and this was the big one, requiring officers to intervene and stop excessive force used by other officers and
Starting point is 00:30:55 report these incidents immediately to a supervisor. It's self-explanatory. Restricting officers from shooting at moving vehicles, which is regarded as a particularly dangerous and ineffective tactic, and it doesn't sound like very, that one sounds like the least controversial enactment ever. And it links to another source for some information on why shooting at moving vehicles is a bad idea. Hey, don't shoot at cars. Developing a force continuum that limits the type of force and or weapons that can be used to respond to specific types of resistance. In other words, you can taze an unarmed person, you cannot shoot them. Right? This equals that. You create a rock, like a rock, paper, scissors, if you would,
Starting point is 00:31:51 of this is what you're dealing with, this is what you use type of situation. Requiring officers to exhaust all of the reasonable means before resorting to deadly force. Literally, I always thought that was a thing that applied to all police everywhere. Apparently, that is not the case everywhere. I thought that was built in, yeah. Yeah, no. A couple of these things, I thought they were built in and it turns out they're not necessarily. How stupid. Turns out they're not. It turns out it changes and that in some cases, literally, there are police union contracts that reset and change the rules over every four or so years or something
Starting point is 00:32:21 along those lines, but I'll get to that in a second. Exhausting all other reasonable means, giving a verbal warning before shooting when possible and requiring them to report each time that they use force or threaten to use force, which again, I was under the impression that every time a trigger is pulled, there's a report that has to be given about that. Apparently, that does not apply everywhere. That is not the case across the country or across the North America for that matter, but especially in America. You're looking at things that I thought were a given that turn out to not be a given and then they go into a list of everywhere alphabetically down from Albuquerque all the way down to Wichita and Winston Salem and they just run through
Starting point is 00:33:12 how many of these policies exist and are active in these given places and it runs the gamut. Some of them are half and half. Some of them are, they're all in place, like in Philadelphia, in San Francisco, they're all in place. In Reno and in North Las Vegas, none of them are in place. You literally just have different levels of that type of accountability available in different places across the country. You're going to get different results because literally cops are allowed to do more or less or there are going to handle situations the way they're trained to with more or less, again, accountability. That's an interesting link in and of itself. Going back to that original list of things, right underneath that, the next one is police
Starting point is 00:34:09 departments that get more military weapons from the federal government kill more people. You can stop that from happening through state and local policy. Montana, a red state has gone the furthest on this and then it gives you a link. Again, we have a study straight to, it's like straight to an academic paper, not hearsay or anything that is just a questionable hard data that shows you we have, they've tracked the number of military equipment transfers to various departments, law and law enforcement agencies and looking at the abstract, straight up the, let me get the exact sentence here for you. Yes, exactly. There is a direct correlation between the number of military equipment transfers
Starting point is 00:35:12 to the law enforcement agencies and the cases of civilian casualties, police violence instances and the number of dogs killed by police. Oh, if there are more military transfers to your precinct and like the equipment that you see goes into that like the higher level of that equipment goes, the more dogs are getting killed in any given area alongside fucking everything else, right? So I was like, wait, that's just that's a out of nowhere. It's just like, oh, by the way, exactly. It's a stat that you have, but they've got the data. They've got the data. We find a positive and statistically
Starting point is 00:36:00 significant relationship between military equipment transfers and fatalities from officer involved shootings across all models. And then you can go into the full study to see there. I forgot which documentary or show it was, but I remember watching something where they were like, the people that were filming, they went to a precinct and they were like, hey, look at that bad boy. What's that about? And the cops were so excited to show them the tank they just acquired and the fucking APCs and like the level of just military tech that they got, you know, to police individual like people, you know? Anyway, so the next thing on that list goes police union contracts every four to six years or police department's accountability
Starting point is 00:36:49 system is renegotiated, purging misconduct records, reinstating fired officers, department funding. It's in the contract cities with worse contracts have higher police violence rates. So you literally have a situation where every five years average, a police union contract will renegotiate and let things like misconduct records disappear and fired officers can return to work pending how hard that union fucking fights for those things. And it's kind of psychotic because the implication here is the union you think would exist to protect these anyone in their given profession from bullshit from the people who pay them and above and such and making sure that you know, they're given their rights and so on. But then it somehow turns into this type of situation
Starting point is 00:37:46 where it's like, so you are making it easier for bad officers to get off the hook. And that makes no fucking sense. Like if you're looking at it from the point of view of we want to make it so that our officers have every given opportunity to, you know, like clear their name if something happens and it's something that and you want to make sure that these are good. If you're saying that these are good police officers that like got into a bad situation that needs clarification, you also have to look at the point of view of like, and then when you have bad officers that you are putting behind the shield, they're being protected from ramifications. Right. So the list of things that police how police union contracts block accountability.
Starting point is 00:38:33 One, they disqualify misconduct complaints that are submitted too many days after incidents occur or investigations that took too long to complete. All right. Things I didn't know here to they they prevent officers from being interrogated immediately after being involved in an incident or otherwise restricting how, when and where they can be interrogated. There was another side article about why it took so long for Chauvin to get arrested. This is the type of thing that steps in and explains that unions actually are involved in the house. Like quickly that happens giving officers access to information that civilians don't get prior to be interrogated requiring them to pay costs related to police
Starting point is 00:39:13 misconduct, including giving officers paid leave while under investigation, paying legal fees and the cost of settlements, preventing information on past misconduct investigations from being recorded or retained in an officer's personnel file. So when you have 18 fucking things filed against you, you can actually have those sealed away, hidden, cleared. Who knows what, depending on what your union negotiates for you. And it's literally being like now you didn't do nothing wrong. No problems there. It's one of those things where it's like I have trouble going over it in my head and figuring out which is actually the most useful because clearing or hiding your misconduct, that's pretty
Starting point is 00:40:06 good. But I think what might be the best is just like when you do a stupid, stupid fucking thing and you get in the box and it was like an hour ago, you're liable to say some stupid shit or not have actually gotten your bullshit straight. And giving the ability to like it's cool off for it's literally called a cooling off period, by the way. Oh yeah, literally called a cooling off period before they do any sort of, before they open up to talk about what happened. They're given that in their union contracts. Yeah. Again, this is a lot of data. I'm dropping in one fell swoop. So stop me if you can't follow or if there's anything that is just like a bit much. But again, I feel like this type of stuff was like, I'm like, this is the most informative
Starting point is 00:41:00 shit I've seen. Also, the last thing on that list was there's limited limitations on disciplinary consequences for officers that limit the capacity for civilian oversight and structures to hold the police accountable. So yeah, effectively, the short of the bullet, the TLDR of this point is that unions can do whatever the fuck they want when they renegotiate a police contract. And like everything that you would think would build up to leading to people being fired when they're like, this is clearly a bad officer that's going to kill somebody for no reason. It's like, yeah, but five years, wipe the record never happened. Don't worry about it. So that's bad.
Starting point is 00:41:49 Then there's one that is just a straight up predictive police, predictive policing on the police. Yes, use the technology against them. Data use on force complaints and lawsuits can be used to identify officers who are most likely to shoot someone next and prevent it from happening. Use the methodology to save lives. And this is just going into how if you have access to those records we just talked about, you can actually put together a predictive pattern that'll show you likely which officers are going to continue frequently causing these infractions and will likely lead to an escalation where someone innocent is killed, I should say. Yep, and this was gathered through 8,600 officers that they followed over the courses
Starting point is 00:43:00 of 2007 and 2015 and basically tracking the frequency of complaints and the types of complaints led to a higher predictability in the next infractions. Then it goes into investing in alternatives to police as crime prevention strategies. Every 10 additional organizations in a city, community organizations, reduces the murder rate by 9%, reduces the violent crime rate by 6%, reduces the poverty crime rate by 4%, and then he links to the research on this which this is probably the one that I'm like, really? And it's like, yeah, it's straight up is saying the more community organizations you have present in any given area reduces those numbers
Starting point is 00:44:00 at a hard descent. Yeah, and then you can look at it, the abstract breaks down the exact numbers of it. And this was the information on this that for the increased community increased nonprofit organizations and community centers dropping these crime rates drew from a panel of 264 cities spanning over 20 years. So there's a large body to pull from there. This one is particularly related and you see these every once in a while, eight established non-police alternatives to 911 calls involving people with mental illness.
Starting point is 00:44:49 For example, one in five of the 911 calls in Eugene, Oregon are diverted to mental health first responders instead of police to respond. So it goes into basically play areas where you respond to someone who is, for example, suicidal with a mental health expert as opposed to police officers because we've seen cases where people go in and cops go into a suicide call and then they walk out like, yeah, we shot him. You're like, oh, okay, well, you know, glad we called you. Very helpful. Thanks, guys. So that is a really good one. And again, it's like this is the type of thing where you're like, these are these are a working examples that just have not been scaled up for whatever reason, because infrastructure does not put a
Starting point is 00:45:39 priority on these issues. But the data is there. Nine resource, the Department of Justice after the current president is voted out in brackets to initiate more investigations of police departments, departments that receive federal intervention have 25 to 30% fewer police shootings than those that do not. Graph here, federal intervention, reduced police shootings, and it just there's two lines. One line is the list of precincts where federal oversight was involved. It starts at around 250 shooting incidents over the course of 2010 to 2016. And it drops to below 100. And then the other list of precincts where there is no oversight starts at about 350 hits 400 goes back down to 350, and then back up,
Starting point is 00:46:44 and then just keeps escalating. So it's literally a line going down and a line going up. 25 to 30%. 10 know that change is not only possible, it's already happened in some places. Oakland police shot eight people on average five years ago. And after these interventions are were implemented, they had zero shootings this year, last year, one in 2018, the officers were fired for it and zero the year before lives were saved. That sounds crazy to me because I've always heard about Oakland is an insanely dangerous place. And finally, we've catalogued an extensive range of research studies and other information detailing potential solutions to police violence over here at Campaign Zero, the research laboratory. So yeah, this is all put
Starting point is 00:47:42 together with links to data, which again, I find the most convincing when I look at these things. And I'm like, okay, here is a gigantic list of, you know, shit that I have not heard of up until now that you can literally put into place that in theory and in practice would make an actual difference. Shit that works. Yeah. I've been talking a lot. So I'm taking a moment to un-talk. Oh, no worries. Yeah, it'd be nice to actually see things that actually work rather than well, maybe we should do this. What is the source on that again? So this is Samuel Sinyangue, so S-A-M-S-W-E-Y on Twitter. And I put out, I'm gonna put a link to
Starting point is 00:49:03 this post in the, in the, in the docket. And I've retweeted it on my account. So like, you should just, you know, in fact, I'll bump it again just so that you can, everyone can see it quicker. But like, this is the type of thing where I'm like, you know, there's a lot of shit. I say, and that gets called out for being wrong in whatever the case is in this case. I'm like, I would like to point to these research things if I'm ever having a discussion about this to go like, well, here it is in the form of a study. Please go investigate for yourself and see. I will bump it. There we go. So it should be, it should be right up top there. Very interesting. Very interesting. Pretty fucking good shit.
Starting point is 00:49:56 Yeah. Yeah. So, so that is the type of thing that like, when I read that, um, you actually feel like I want, I want to say hopeful, but that's not the right word because that is, that is insane. But you're like, what it is, is there was previously no idea what can be done to actually change things. And now it's like, it's right there. It's right there. We, people just have to know about it and people who have the ability to make things happen need to care about it and decide to put an emphasis on that. But it exists. It's fucking
Starting point is 00:50:49 right there. And the feeling of like, oh my God, there it is, is completely different from holy shit. Fuck all of this. I can't see another one of these. It's a very different mental place to be at. You know what I mean? Yeah. Yeah. Are you, uh, I mean, like, I guess I'm just like, I'm looking, I'm looking for, I'm not sure where to go or what's next. I'll be honest. Well, that was quite a bit. I appreciate you sharing it. Well, I guess I, I guess I, you know, we can, we can make this a less awkward walk
Starting point is 00:51:47 by going like, okay, well, um, are you like, like of all this, of all, like, like, of all the stuff you're following, I guess, like, like, what do you find has like, shocked you the most outside of the original event? Uh, the most. Let me think about that. Probably, uh, shocked. Okay. Because it's definitely not the worst, right? Yeah. Because but because I'm fairly cynical as a person. Probably honestly, the thing that shocked me the most is the fact that there are this many people out in the streets at all.
Starting point is 00:52:53 Hmm. Like everywhere. Hmm. The sheer, the sheer number. Like the huge, huge, big number. Yeah. Yeah. This is, this, the most pressing thing that I could possibly say is that like, we've all seen this song and dance before like many, many times and none of them were like this. Yeah. This one is very much bigger. And to understand why all you have to do is watch the video again. Hmm. You know, it's one of those things where you just, you, you, like, like I started, uh, as I said at the beginning, you fucking, you click play and then 10 minutes later you're like, Oh yeah, absolutely. 100%. There's no questions here. You know. Um, and, and like, you have to also take into account the fact that it's like, could you imagine if we had
Starting point is 00:54:00 that level of clarity of video for all of the instances you hear about on a regular basis? You know, like if you didn't have this level of clarity on that video, it would not be as cut and dry. If there was no footage, then you would just hear about it. It would be a story. People would not really have a visual of how fucking clear cut it is that this dude and his ego were the only thing that killed a man for fucking nothing. The apparently he knew. Yes, from working together for 17 years as bouncers at the, the, at the joint across the street or whatever personally knew the guy and also the, um, the officer who was, uh, uh, uh,
Starting point is 00:54:59 like standing in front blocking people from coming on was his brother-in-law. So you got that type of back story going on. Uh, yeah, yeah, there's a, there's a story about like the, uh, yeah, um, Chauvin, Floyd do each other, uh, and work together as bouncers apparently, according to, uh, uh, uh, someone that was on a news report of with this. So, um, you know, and then you're kind of like, okay, so, um, that type of video existing for multiple other instances would have probably netted in something like this sooner, but it was just a matter of time. It was just a matter of time. Maybe, maybe not. I was talking with a friend of mine and I'm like, when, you know, when do you think this is going to, you know, end?
Starting point is 00:55:51 And he described to me that one of the problems with protests in the United States in the past has been like, people eventually got to go back to work, right? There's only so long you can protest if you got to go back to work. And what with COVID and the lockdown and all that shit. Uh, nobody has to go back to work because nobody's working. Yeah. Yep. That's true. That is true. Um, well, you know, uh, um, we'll, we'll, we'll fucking see, you know, we will see. But, um, yeah, that's, that's fucking, that's, that's history books right there.
Starting point is 00:56:46 Oh, hey, well, as you mentioned, uh, earlier, that you're going to put the source for the, that research on your Twitter. What Twitter would that be? Exactly. Oh, um, uh, Woolly Wolves, W-O-O-L-I-E-W-O-O-Z-L-L-Z. Um, but the, the, the, the tweet I specifically, I'm linking to it in the docket as well. So you can, you can catch that as soon as you need to. Um, yeah, there was another thought in there, but, you know, ultimately, um, that's, that's, that's, that's, that's the deal. That's the deal, you know, of course, you know, there's, there's more to discuss of, uh, the variety that, you know, you just, you can't get enough of, uh, brand solidarity, you know? Yeah. You can't, you can't get enough of it.
Starting point is 00:57:47 And, uh, uh, it is, it is my pleasure to, uh, let, uh, you know, that about half of the docket this week is brand solidarity. Oh boy, I sure do love products that stand up for me. It's about like the brands hugging each other and crying, Raylith's comic. Raylith's comic was perfect. Yeah. Yeah. So, uh, we'll get into that, uh, as, uh, when we get to those items. What, um, do you have anything else that you've been checking out or doing and such? Cause I, you know, there's still, there are other things I suppose that were done. Oh yeah. Okay. So, uh, aside from all that shit, uh, I got, I actually got to have been working on, uh, on a emulator. Did you? Yeah. Okay. I
Starting point is 00:58:54 fucking hate it. Interesting. Like I, I, I spent the time to download, uh, Bluestacks and, uh, and got working and it was like, yeah. And I started to do the tutorial and I saw the bars moving like, you know, and, and, and I played this bar and play that bar and I'm just like, Oh, I hate this. Bummer. Total, but like, ah, you hate the bars. I hate the bars. And so I'm not also like a fan of its general presentation. Now, like the, the, the animated characters, that looks great. And the moves, that looks great. But, uh, the, like the look of the cards and all that, I just like, ah, ah, no, no, thanks. Okay. Uh, and then I went over down the street to Riot Games and started to play Runeterra. Yeah, I was going to say, um, you've played more
Starting point is 00:59:54 of these games than I have. So, you know, you've got a better grasp on like the differences between them and, and what's what. Teppin's a weird one. Teppin's like super, super goofy weird. Like it's, it is definitely the farthest out there out of all of them. But the Capcom though. Yeah, I know. I know. And that appeals. Yeah. Right. Well, he actually cares about the pictures on the cards. What a loser. I mean, it helps. Yeah. And how, I mean, I mean, for real though, like one of the things that, that I saw, I start playing the Legends of Runeterra, which I should mention is incredible. It's absolutely fantastic. I'm genuinely shocked. And I thought it might be because I'm a dumb baby and don't know nothing about
Starting point is 01:00:38 card games. And I had a buddy of mine who was an old Magic the Gathering nerd, and then became a Hearthstone nerd and is now a Runeterra nerd like overnight. And he's like, oh no, no, this thing is much more, this is much closer to magic. There's a lot more counterplay. There's no, there's less situations like at Hearthstone where you're just sitting with the winning set of cards in your hand, waiting to play them. And then the opponent can't do anything about it. But so yeah, games great. But I loaded it up. And one of the first things that happened is they go through the tutorial, right? Yeah, you got to do tutorials, teach people how to use cards. And one of the first things they do is they give you a Garen card. And Garen's a champion
Starting point is 01:01:24 in League of Legends. And when the card levels up, which it can do, he does a spin attack and then heals himself. And I go, oh, when I played League a couple weeks ago, Garen was super overpowered because he could heal when he would spin. I know that. I remember. I know Garen. And then I played more and it's like, oh, look, that guy has a Teemo. Fuck. Fuck, I hate Teemo. Fuck. And playing against Teemo in this card game gives you the same exact emotion as playing against Teemo in League, which I have to say kudos, big kudos on that, that infuriating little shit that I love to play as, but holy crap. So yeah, no, the fact that it is a record like recognizable series of characters to many, it matters a lot. It like even even jinx, I know you've seen jinx at at cons years and years
Starting point is 01:02:40 and years. She's in there. She can get a gun. It's one of the something that I find really fun is seeing how characters that you recognize how their abilities are adapted into the format. You know, oh, it's fascinating. It's really, it's really interesting to see how Sigma, you know, I think like, like, like whatever it is, like, like unyielding revenge in Sigma or something. Excuse me, is a card that is pretty cheap to play and he starts pretty garbage. But every time he dies, he gets a little bit stronger and you can play him indefinitely over and over and over again, you know, and like he just keeps coming back a little bit stronger every time. And it's just like fucking go away, Sigma. Never, you know,
Starting point is 01:03:38 let's get out of here again with the Sigma. Yeah, again. Yeah, probably like I'll use Teemo's example because he's he's he's a very popular and hated League character and he exemplifies it the best. I think he's the best adaptation of any of them that I've played in League. Teemo is a character that can often go invisible and has a blow dart and puts poison mushrooms all over the fucking ground. And when you walk on them, they're mines. Okay. And just constantly hangs out invisible and floods the lane with shit and pokes at you if you try and move forward, infuriating. Okay, okay. In Runeterra, he's a super weak and you can kill me easily if you catch him. If you bring him out in Runeterra, he's an elusive card which can't be attacked by anything
Starting point is 01:04:31 other than other elusive cards or spells. So most units just can't attack him at all. And when you play him and he manages to attack you, he plants a bunch of poison mushrooms on your deck. And so every round you fucking draw a card, there could be a mushroom that does a damage to you on your deck. Okay. And once he levels up after doing enough of those mushrooms, instead of adding five, he will multiply the amount by two. So you go from five mushrooms, eight mushrooms, 12 mushrooms, 15 mushrooms to 30, 60, 120. And then you're just every time you pull your deck, a card, you're like, Oh, there's four mushrooms on this. I take four damage. Oh, there's seven mushrooms on this. I take it. Which is like fighting him. Yeah, okay. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:05:26 it's this infuriating shit show of I can't kill that fucking piece of shit. And he keeps putting these fucking mushrooms down. So when Zero came out, he introduced the memory mechanic, which is basically as Zero plays more cards, he gets his memories back. And as he gets his memories back, he becomes stronger. You know, your attacks get better, you do more damage. And it's all based on unlocking things that you you you already had, you know. But what's cool is then they can apply that to other characters that can also like make sense with that in the sense that so there's a card called veteran agent Leon, right. And basically it's like, there's like, there's a card that is Leon in RE four after he's been through have been through
Starting point is 01:06:22 the shit. And if you play it at the beginning, then he's kind of just like regular, like, RPD like sort of like strength Leon, just a normal card, pretty tough, but whatever. But if you play it after your memories are like higher and higher and higher, the experience he gets as an agent goes up so that when you drop him on the board, it immediately like attacks everything, depending on how much experience he's had. And then he becomes like an insane super fucking card because he's ripped and he's juice. And he's learned so much shit since RE two. And now that it's RE four, he's got the jacket and he's fucking, you know, taking on Las Plagas by himself, you know. So yeah, that type of thing is like, oh, that's that's interesting. That's like, you kind of found
Starting point is 01:07:13 a way to it's called flavor. Someone says, yeah, flavor, you found a way to like, take the the mechanics and make them fit properly with the with the character's lore, you know, that that's always a fun little thing. So like, that's applying to league, which is I've heard popular. I've heard that league could be popular. On top of that, probably the weirdest thing about Runeterra by far is that you're not allowed to buy card packs. So how does it work? There's there's no way to buy card packs at all. So the way that it works is that 90% of the cards that you will acquire, you are basically just playing matches and earning XP, and just unlocking just packs like packs of cards or champion packs of cards or shards, which are the, you know, the what would you call the
Starting point is 01:08:16 the currency new cards, or this they give you a bunch of wild cards, which is like, oh, you got a rare wild card, you trade it in for one rare. And you're just basically grinding XP to go up these progression paths for various regions or to upgrade your weekly chest, which will just drop a shit ton of cards. But there's got to be some form of like micro that you can dump into there is. Most of it is cosmetic. Like, do you want a different looking board? Do you want a different looking little animal mascot on your on your board? And if you do want to spend money on cards, it is go to the card you want, click on it, and then buy it. How about that? If you have if you have a wild card for it, you can use a wild card. If you have the shards for it, you can use shards,
Starting point is 01:09:18 or if you want to pay a dollar amount for that just by interesting. That being said, the rewards paths that they have, like the way it works is a little weird, because there's one, two, three, four, five, six, seven regions in the game, and they function like the magic system of like different colors of mana, right? So in Runeterra, you can only make a deck out of two areas. But realistically, that's like, you can have a blue, green deck or a red, orange deck. Yeah, color mixing, right? Yeah. And each of those regions has a very, how many? It's like 30 item path, like progression path. And when you go down it, they give you a shit zillion cards. Like a fucking ton of them. And once I have, I'm halfway down one and like a third of the way
Starting point is 01:10:19 down a bunch of the others. And once I'm done that, like, I will be drowning in the vast majority of the game's cards, except for maybe champions, which are the most expensive. And you get one of those a week fairly easily, probably more. So this is the easily the freest of the free card games in terms of monetary spending. Because with Tappin, like you earn cards, you know, through events and playing and grinding out gold and stuff. But you buy it like so you can, there's different like, there's all the different currencies basically are for buying decks, you know, and like, or rather, not decks, but like, I guess a booster pack equivalent. But the only way to get a specific thing that you want is to, it's kind of like the overwatch
Starting point is 01:11:15 sort of like duplicate loot system where it's like, you have to build up duplicate currency and then forge the duplicate currency into the specific cards you want. So, you know, that's what dust is in Hearthstone and its shards here. It's predicated on you having fuck tons of shit you don't want to turn into one, a thing that you do, you know, so. Yeah, you get that for duplicates here, because you can only have three of each card. But they also give out wild cards like candy, like the champion ones, which is like orange rarity or whatever you would call it. Those are rare. Those are those are rare as shit. They cost like 3000 shards and they're fucking super expensive, right?
Starting point is 01:12:05 Everything else is fucking dirt cheap. I'm drowning in in wild cards for everything other. Like, I have already made like a so I net deck because I'm really bad at making my own decks, at least for now. And I've already made like a proper deck with just my first week's amount of cards. And I was able to pick like grab this, grab this, grab that, grab that kind of shit. Okay. Well, the game is fucking incredible. If you were more interested in just cards, just playing cards, like a good card game, I would extremely high big recommend this one. As it is really good. Yeah, that sounds, you know, that sounds like it sounds interesting.
Starting point is 01:13:05 I again, I saw lots of people pointing out that they thought it was silly that I care about the pictures, but you know, I probably wouldn't have picked it up if I didn't want to see some of that artwork. So I guess it's one of those bits where I'm like, yeah, the the the thing that draws me in is oftentimes not the thing that's going to draw in a card game enthusiast. So I'm just a different weird audience, you know, I'm I I I like the the the Capcom stuff and tepid and I'm kind of like drawn towards that. Don't really have much attachment to lead characters or the riot brands. I have I have like, I saw somebody say like, didn't Pat say he got into it because of League? Like, no, I am familiar and it is like cool to see something I recognize. But
Starting point is 01:14:10 like the main thrust of it is like, this is just a really, really excellent fucking card game. Mm hmm. This is just really, really high quality. Yeah, everything about it just screams like, first of all, it's gorgeous. It sounds great. Yeah, like the card and the one the card levels up, it's really flashy. It's got like a page was watching it. And she said that it looked like I was playing a fucking pachinko machine. Oh, wow. Okay. Because just like, I mean, I would imagine it's got the budget to fucking to scream, you know, no doubt. And you got to have the you got to have the the addiction triggers for sure, right? You got to have the the sound effects and this and the the particular type of lens flare that makes you feel get a little bit of
Starting point is 01:14:58 an adrenaline rush every time you see it, you know, slot machine chemicals, right? Yeah, exactly. But yeah, I mean, I don't know what to tell you. I'm just like, you know, there's there's like the fact that it's a card game comes like third, I suppose. But and the other card games that I am, wait, what's the way? Hold on, hold on. If that comes third, one's Capcom. Then what's second power gap? for emphasis. All right. And you know, when I was get when I got into Yomi, like I was on the basis of like loving the mechanics and and also liking the characters and liking the fighting game sort
Starting point is 01:15:45 of approach to things, you know, so that's it. That's that's that's that's how I go on the thing. So I probably shan't be checking out Runeterra, especially not since I'm fucking gunning for top 100 in Teppin, and I might actually make it. Really? I might. I might. That's that's banana. Um, I mean, got pretty I got I got I got. Yeah, like I'm I feel like I'm getting better
Starting point is 01:16:14 because like I'm recognizing I'm recognizing metadex faster. And that means I'm implementing a shutdown strategy faster. And that means I'm seeing more surrenders. Yeah, runeterra games almost always end in surrender. At least from my experience. Because you get to the point where you're like, no, like nobody lets the turn finish because you just see like, oh, that that's going to kill me.
Starting point is 01:16:48 That's that's not really nothing to stop that. Totally. Yeah. I have nothing. There's there's some there's some really crazy. There's some really great moments and like, you know, every once in a while, like I said, I have the replay like save just for the just to kind of show. And like I took a look at we I did a bit of a Teppin stream, you know, earlier last week.
Starting point is 01:17:11 Because I was not able to record with Reggie for a little bit. So, you know, I kind of gave people a look into what I've been doing and where I'm at and stuff. And so people got to kind of see some of the play that I was discussing. And yeah, there's just a thing where you're like, I recognize your your your your character and your super off the bat. And then the first couple of plays have a pattern to them. And if I start to see that pattern, then this is this is how you stop it.
Starting point is 01:17:39 You know, sometimes you know how to stop it, but you can't because the thing you need to stop it is at the bottom of your own deck. So it is what it is, you know, but with more knowledge like that, I think it's easier to get consistently to like top 500 top 300 and beyond, you know, I think by far the craziest thing that I've encountered is particularly one page pointed out at me. Do you remember when I told you about how when I was playing league, like I was actually remarkably chill and was like, ah, whatever, everybody getting toxic and makes me happy.
Starting point is 01:18:13 Like, you know, like I have yelled at my screen the most playing this game of any game I have played in a long, long ass time. Now, is that usually caused by the thing they drop on you or you not getting the thing you need? Uh, both the but right like 1% higher is there is a series of control spell cards in this game. I'm not sure if Teppen has them, but it's like cast a spell and kill a character outright. Yes. There is those cast a spell and stun a character outright. Fault.
Starting point is 01:18:59 Yeah. Or whatever the fuck. Yep. Totally. Right. Totally. And just, huh, it's just, oh man, I'm going to win. I'm going to win.
Starting point is 01:19:15 This card's going to hit and I'm going to win. And he just killed it. Yeah. So and he just he just killed it. Um, I it's it my card died. I've taken the opposite approach. I've taken the approach of like, you know, odds and stats make me feel, uh, sort of more comfortable in a lot of cases.
Starting point is 01:19:38 So if I'm looking at like a morrigan, I'm like, she's going to halt me. She's I'm going to lose seconds. No, like it's going to happen. And when it doesn't happen, I'm pleasantly surprised, but I'm always preparing for it to happen because like you expect the worst, you know. And when I've had matches where it's like, okay, I know what you're doing and you're about to absolutely fuck me up. But if I can get my counter, which is somewhere in this deck, I have to find it.
Starting point is 01:20:07 I can stop you. Right. And so you have moments where I'm scrambling, just playing any nonsense to get to the thing I need. And like, if I go through like, I don't know, like 10 out of 30 cards and I still don't find what I'm looking for, I'm just like, well, the deck shuffled bad for me. There's nothing like, you know, like it wasn't, it literally, it wasn't in the cards. I made all, I made the correct play and I have a counter in there, but it didn't show up.
Starting point is 01:20:37 It's on the bottom of the deck. What can you do? You know, so I kind of, I kind of accept those. It's the kind of situation where, uh, the, the particular spell that has caused the loudest, just screaming, fuck. Is there's a spell? I forget what country has it. Cause you know, the, the, the spell cards are specific to region.
Starting point is 01:21:01 So once you learn it, I'm supposed to know, okay, hold up, shadow isles could have a, if they have seven points, they can just kill a card out, right? But there's a four point card called deny. And it literally just deletes the last spell you cast. Oh yeah. Eight of Wong. And like it, I have seen it over and over and over where I have the win. It's right there.
Starting point is 01:21:29 It's raw. Yep. Just negate. It's called negate. God mother fucking damn it. You just, oh, you drop an eight up. Yes. Pat hates, Pat hates control decks.
Starting point is 01:21:45 That's right. I fucking hate them. Well, but yeah, I've been extremely pleased. And one of the things that I briefly mentioned earlier. I'm running a control deck. Oh yeah, of course you are. You piece of shit. Something I briefly mentioned earlier, but I will mention again to point out
Starting point is 01:22:09 is that I fucking forgot what I was saying. I lost it. I got so mad about you running a control that I literally, it just went away. Yeah. Well, it just went away. I was trying, like I said, I was running a Nero growth deck. And yep, yep, I got controlled. And I'm like, I don't like this.
Starting point is 01:22:40 This is not what I want to do. So, you know. Yeah, it's miserable. It's just playing against Yasuo. And it's really funny because the heroes that they've chosen to be control decks are controlled like characters. They're characters that stun or pull or what have you. I literally can't remember what the fuck I was going to say.
Starting point is 01:23:07 I fucking hate control decks so fucking much. I hate Yasuo so much. Like it sounds like you making it sound like you've been playing this game for months. I've been playing it for one week. Damn. It's been out for two or three weeks. Oh, it's that new.
Starting point is 01:23:23 It's it's in it's in a really weird place because if you see a guy with like a blue little stuffed animal, that means he was a guy playing in the beta. And the beta was going on since I want to say October, right? Like like maybe a little earlier, maybe a little later. But then there was a bigger closed beta a little later, I think. And it's active big old release like proper it's out. And they came out with a little expansion for it was like last week. Maybe a week before that.
Starting point is 01:24:01 Does Yasuo do cool sword stuff? He does. He's a he's a character that when you play a stun card, you do too damage to it. Like he'll just attack it and do too damage. And once you've stunned four or five cards, any card that gets stunned, he will just attack with like five. And you get in the situations where he's leveled up and you're like, oh man, I have this massive amount of shit on my board and he'll never defeat it.
Starting point is 01:24:29 And he plays some kind of spell that stuns every card in your deck. And you just see his card jump over to yours and go slash slash slash slash slash slash. And just your whole team died. Interesting. And I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I take a look at him.
Starting point is 01:24:44 Although that the effects you're describing sound a bit like Ryu, who is a direct fighter with no gimmicks. This is the weirdest conversation ever because like I'm talking about. I know, I have the rune terror character. No, because I'm talking about the rune terror character in relation to the street fighter character and the street fighter characters are obviously way older. But the Tepin version of these characters is in between the league and the rune terror version. So every time we say, oh, it's like that.
Starting point is 01:25:17 It's like, no, it's actually like the thing before it. I'm I'm I'm using the only references I have, man. Like, you know, I'm trying to I'm trying to go like, you know, it's I'm sorry. No, no, no, I don't mean to shit on you specifically, but it is a weird situation where I wasn't talking about Ryu as a fighting game character. I'm talking about Ryu and Tepin. Yeah, exactly. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:39 Where I would say like, man, a Timo and Fizz on the same team is the most infuriating shit in the world. And it actually has this moment where people go, are you talking about league or are you talking about rune terror? Okay. So in in in Tepin specifically, which is what I'm talking about when you play Ryu, he has cards that are like the moment you play them on the board or just it's just a normal card. But the moment you play it on the board, it does it starts damage.
Starting point is 01:26:07 It hits you right away type of thing. So you don't have to just like Ryu, you don't have to wait for the line. It just it does some instant damage. So yeah, like, it's a little bit of that, you know. Um, anyway. Oh, there it is. It's back. It's back.
Starting point is 01:26:25 I found it. Okay, great. So, dude, let me ask you a question. What limits choosing the cards in your deck in Tepin? There is, um, I want to think it's I think it's called, um, AP. There's a point system where basically you can pick up you have you have up to 30 cards. But if you mix two decks, then you can no longer play high value cards. You can play only cards up to a value of five instead of 10.
Starting point is 01:26:54 Okay. Well, that's all. Wow. So the best cards in the game are all like, you know, they cost like seven out of 10 to play or like some cases like 10 out of 10. And, uh, you cannot use the best cards of each of either color. You can use the weakest cards of both colors. Okay.
Starting point is 01:27:19 So it's great. Like, uh, unanticipated synergy. Exactly. Exactly. Yes. So, uh, the way that Hearthstone did it and it was like this massive barrier to entry for me was that, and it also made it a massive barrier to entry, like literally monetarily was that you had a class that you would play in Hearthstone, you know, like Warlock or Paladin,
Starting point is 01:27:43 and you would have class specific cards, but then you would also have just general use cards that any class can play and that general use card like pool was enormous. It was fucking gigantic. Um, and in Runeterra, it's colorless cards. Yeah, they would basically be colorless cards. Yeah. And in Runeterra, it's similar to magic. It's like, okay, no matter how many regions they add and how many millions of cards they add,
Starting point is 01:28:13 I can still only pull from two regions. Like, there are seven regions in the game. Saipik, Naka, Darius, and Elise as my champions. Like, I'm pulling red and green. I only have to worry about red and green. Okay. And I can, I can do stupid shit. Like, I can make a deck that is, uh, literally one blue card and 39 orange cards.
Starting point is 01:28:41 Right. But like it cuts it down. So like when I go to make a deck, even the baby shit decks that I've made, right, I have literally picked the champions that I like, or I think we'll work together. And then I go to the card selection and I go, I only want these two colors. And hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of cards become like 60. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 01:29:07 Okay. Right. Yeah. And I'm like, but our okay. Now granted, that will eventually become like 120 once I have all of them. But like the, the scale is so different is and then the, the, the jump after that was instead of looking at what champions I want cards I want type of deck I want and then pick champions accordingly.
Starting point is 01:29:30 But there's like a path to it instead of nothing. I assume that the colorless cards are garbage by comparison though. In, in, in this game, there are no colorless cards. Okay. Like I think magic probably had that and that made sense for the analogy when you mentioned it, but this game has no colorless cards. Every card has a region and if you play a champion, which you probably should, because they're, they're much, much better cards that all level up and have crazy effects.
Starting point is 01:29:58 You have to play cards from that region. Okay. Or you can only play cards from that region, that kind of thing. So I'm super impressed. It got me to make a deck. It was a terrible deck, but it was a deck that I managed to win one game with to technically to complete like a challenge and good enough for me. Did you understand the purpose of your deck when, when you?
Starting point is 01:30:24 Yes, I made a decked it. I, I made a Vladimir Heimdigger deck in which I wanted to flood the board with shit and then hurt them so that I could do damage and those to one character steals health from allies to do damage and the other floods the board with garbage. And it wasn't the best attempt, but I bet it could be a good deck if I knew what I was doing and had better cards to put it together. Yeah, the it is, it is interesting when like there are limitations to mixing colors and the, and you're with into mixing two colors with your deck, but then
Starting point is 01:31:12 you can like circumvent those via, you know, like whatever tricks to get higher and more expensive cards on the board. I think I made reference to like that already with like the Dalamadur and shit like that, where you're just like, you do not have the ability to play this if you, if you pull it normally into your hand, but if you send it to the graveyard and then use a resurrect random graveyard card, then it'll work, you know, and shit like that. So hey, by the way, woolly and to a podcast listeners, I'd like to apologize. There's going to be a bit of a, a bit of fan noise in the background for me
Starting point is 01:31:51 because I'm fucking sweating like a fucking bitch out here. It's really bad. I'm really slick and gross. Are you, are you getting birthed out of a couch like Daddy DeVito? It really, really feels that way. It's very hot and I don't like that. Um, I'm, I am, I am horribly disgusted by my body's fluids and I hate it and I hate especially sweat because, because I can't stop it.
Starting point is 01:32:35 I can't even hold it back a little like, you know, when you got a pee and you're like, I don't really, it's bad time to pee right now. You can clench your dick and pee won't happen. I can't, I can't clench my sweat holes. That's rough, buddy. It sure is. Yeah, I've been playing a lot of Runeterra. Oh, you know what else I've been playing a lot of?
Starting point is 01:33:03 Which I assume will be in the news. Fucking dead by daylight. Like a bunch of it. And boy am I happy that I already knew how to play that game before Pyramid Head got announced and came out. I was going to say it wasn't in the news, but I did hear that, uh, Pyramid Head, uh, the sound of his ass cheeks are clapping in James's head. So, um, well, they're not clapping in James's head. They're clapping in, in dead by daylight.
Starting point is 01:33:34 And I'm seeing some people go, uh, Pyramid Head, you shouldn't be, it should be James because it's going to, it's a Heather from Silent Hill three in it. And it's like, it's actually, if you'd actually looked at the game, one, um, it's actually not Heather Mason. It's Cheryl Mason, which is her real name, which is actually really, really incredible touch. But it's a Silent Hill one level. It's a Silent Hill two monster and it's a Silent Hill three character. So it's like a, it's like a tribute thing.
Starting point is 01:34:10 And would I be fucking incredible? Would I be, uh, accurate if I were to assess that at current moment, the maximum enjoyment you can get from Konami is if the company itself is frozen, but their IPs are used as guests and other things. So this, if you don't count PT, which I'm not sure if you can, which I'm not sure if you should, right? This dead by daylight character is literally the best use of a Silent Hill property since like 2005. Uh, yeah, okay.
Starting point is 01:34:57 Oh man. Like, like straight up the stage and the character and the monster look incredible. Pyramid heads mechanics are super crazy. They're really fun. Like it's the kind of thing where you don't want a licensed character comes in. You're like, cool, licensed character. But then the licensed character is actually just a really cool character in general, like battle, uh, battle, um, uh, rash in fucking killer instinct, right?
Starting point is 01:35:25 And you're like, oh, cool. Even if this wasn't pyramid head, I would think this character is radical, right? Okay. It's, it's just a, it's a fucking, it's a good time. It's a good time and dead by daylight. They also, I, when I stopped playing it a while ago, they were switching over to dedicated servers and oh my God, the match times are so ridiculous.
Starting point is 01:35:45 They were so bad. Now they're, as long as you're playing prime time, they're almost instant, which considering as a killer, you used to wait longer in the lobby than you used to actually play the fucking game. It's a big fucking deal. It's a big fucking difference. Is, um, is it just a pyramid head? No, the way that they, uh, put shit out is they put, um, like a new killer pack or whatever. You get a survivor, you get a stage and you get the killer.
Starting point is 01:36:23 Okay. So this one, it's, uh, the elementary school from silent hell one, which its layout has been almost like pretty faithfully recreated. Like there's the center courtyard with the big evil symbol. There's the two floors. There's the classrooms. Like it's, it's great. It's kind of, it's a cool thing that like horror brands and movies almost tend to realize that it's like,
Starting point is 01:36:53 in a lot of cases, if we just team up, we can all make money. Yeah. Dead by Daylight might be the craziest success story in that case I have ever thought of or heard of, because, uh, Matt and I played it on the shit storm a million years ago, back when I was in early access, I think, and we hated it. Like just this game seems like shit. And that's because I hate the survivor gameplay. Uh, but the killer gameplay is a completely different game.
Starting point is 01:37:25 Right. And probably the goofiest thing is that, you know, that Jason game came out. Yeah. Um, Friday the 13th. Yes. Yeah. And that had it. That's had its success.
Starting point is 01:37:37 I don't particularly care for it compared to Dead by Daylight and Dead by Daylight has had way more support. But Dead by Daylight came out with three characters to start. It came out with Trapper, uh, Wraith, and I think the Hillbilly, right? And one's a evil mountain man with traps. One's a ghost. And the other is definitely not leather face. As a mutant like Hillbilly with a chainsaw, right? Right.
Starting point is 01:38:11 Definitely not leather face, because it's this thing of like they're this indie game and they want to do these horror icons, but like we're not going to ever get the ability to actually do fucking leather face. What are you stupid? Right. Right. And now after its long history and success, the game has Freddy from Friday the 13th. Freddy Krueger goes to face some screen.
Starting point is 01:38:41 It has Michael Myers from Halloween. It has, uh, fucking the Demogorgon from Stranger Things. Whoa, really? No shit, Netflix got in on that. Huh, I didn't know that. Uh, like, it now has Pyramid Head and it totally does have leather face. I mean, it would have been Freddy from Friday the 13th. Sorry, Freddy Krueger from Nightmare on Elm Street.
Starting point is 01:39:11 I mean, it would have been fucking weird if like Mortal Kombat got leather face, but they couldn't. Oh, also, it also has Amanda the Pig from Saw. And like it also has other like classic archetypes like the evil clown or, uh, you know, the Hagwitch or this guy that is obviously the evil murderer from The Purge. Um, but it looks like they got, they're going to get everybody because they also have Bill from Left 4 Dead and Ash in there. Okay. At like Ash, like Evil Dead Ash, um, like they got.
Starting point is 01:39:54 And it's like, I look at this giant list and how it's like, it's like horror all stars. Yeah, well, that's it. And, and I feel like, um, you know, like multiple people have had the idea of like, can we just do like monster movie mashup, you know, like, and like this is the first time it seems like it's actually coming together with that many. And in a lot of cases, the person who holds the, it's just like the person who holds the license to this thing is just stupid and or doesn't get it and or is just like, give me half of the profit, please.
Starting point is 01:40:26 It's, it's become, it's, it's one of those weird things because like, it's like when third party characters got added to Smash Bros. Right. The, the opening of the, of the potential. Because now people are looking at it and they're like, is the Xenomorph connected? There's no restriction. There's no restrictions.
Starting point is 01:40:43 What about the pyramid had really opened the door to because he can send people to his own style of hook, which means that characters don't have to necessarily use the hook mechanic when they kill people, which could lead the way to Xenomorph. And people are like, what about Candyman? What about Chucky? Right. And just like, why not? Why the, why the fuck not?
Starting point is 01:41:06 Right. Well, what skirts the line of like, what skirts the line of horror and then into like action movie? Like we're just like, there's a, there's a persistent bad act. Like, I guess terminators, right? Yeah. Like if you got a terminator in there, it's like, okay, well, it's not really horror, but it is a big monster type threat.
Starting point is 01:41:29 Yeah. And it's this thing where it's like, I'm looking at this list and I'm like, man, the way is open for everything, but three characters that I am convinced will never appear, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever. And that is the two that are owned by Fox, a terminator and fucking, what's this? And Predator, right? Oh, and Xenomorph as well, I suppose. And Jason.
Starting point is 01:42:04 And the Jason has his own game. So there's no fucking way. Yeah. You will show up in this. And the cathoga from the relic. I would, there is not one Lovecraft character on this, on this list. There is totally a possibility for a, a squid man. When's our relic reference?
Starting point is 01:42:26 Never, definitely never, definitely never. Well, I don't even know what that movie is. It's got a fucking beast called the cathoga and it was the hypershit. All right, fair enough. Okay. Yeah, dead by daylight. Good. I've been playing a lot of it and dude, it's great.
Starting point is 01:42:52 It's just hide and seek, man. It's literally just hide and seek. What could you, could you? Okay. What would you do? Like how? Let me formulate this. Could you drop the fly or the thing into a game like this?
Starting point is 01:43:13 You could do, uh, the fly would just be a monster, right? The fly would just be a monster, right? You could totally do the thing. And the way you would do the thing is it would act like the spy from TF2 is it would, it would, it would be able to look like any of the other characters and thus run up to you. Like what do you call it? Unannounced, okay.
Starting point is 01:43:43 Like me and me and Paige, Paige plays it religiously, but she plays survivor exclusively and I play killer. And we're thinking about like, well, one of the biggest things in that game is how tall the killer is because it allows you to see them from way further away or like, well, Chucky would be really cool, but Chucky's like, uh, what, two feet tall? Like he'd be invisible. He'd be behind like most objects. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:44:08 Yeah. Right. How would, how would you make that fair? And what we came up with is that he would have to stab you three times to down you instead of twice. But he can hide more often. So that first stab is free, right? More or less, but the others, and that makes sense. He's like, he's a doll.
Starting point is 01:44:27 He can't stab you very strongly. Also, whatever fighting back mechanic you have would be less effective if you're a survivor. There are, there are precious, precious few fighting back mechanics in that game. There is shine a flashlight in their face or throw firecrackers at their feet. 99% of the thing that people are doing a survivor to not get killed is fancy jukes. Right. Dude, that game's incredible. Like I, I finally picked up.
Starting point is 01:45:00 Keep sounding better and better. Honestly, like if this is maybe the like third or fourth time it's come up with like, you know, update with some new shit and then it's like, oh, wow. Yeah, this thing is. It's, it just keeps going. And it did have, uh, it did have an issue. Like, uh, I would call a significant balance issue where the, uh, the, the basic gameplays are chasing people and you stab them, but survivors can, uh, run through and drop like
Starting point is 01:45:26 wooden pallets and the killer can't just jump over them. And if the killer is right behind them, it stuns them, which gives them a huge lead. And killers tend to run at like 110, 115% speed. So you do what's called pallet looping in which you find a little circle area with a pallet in it. And the survival will literally just fucking loop the killer until the killer's about to catch up. And then drop the pallet and run away. And the point of that is not even to escape them because they might get you. It's to waste like two and a half minutes of time
Starting point is 01:46:04 so that everybody else on the map can do their objective. Ah, okay, okay. And it was this infuriating thing because like most killers in the game just didn't really have a way to deal with that. And every killer that has come out in like a year has had some new variation or gimmick to deal with that. So you've got, uh, they added a guy with a straight up harpoon gun who, if you get the shot off, right, you aim it like it's call of duty, right? And if you fucking aim it correctly, you can just yank them towards you before they put the pallet down.
Starting point is 01:46:46 Or I was playing as, um, fucking, what's his name, um, Ghostface. And Ghostface's mechanic is that if he's unhidden and peeks out from behind a tree and stares at characters for five seconds, they go down in one. So you don't get into the pallet chase, right? But if you, and now we have Pyramid head. Oh, sorry. No, I was going to say like, um, in if, because I did play Friday the 13th, um, and I'm like wondering if you're playing as the monster and you encounter somebody
Starting point is 01:47:21 who's really good at wasting your time as a survivor. Isn't there a point at which you just go fuck this and just go after someone else? Yep. You just leave, you go after a week. Yeah, I look for a weaker player. Yeah. And finally get Pyramid head, which is the most aggressive out of these like anti-looping things where he drags his big fat knife on the ground.
Starting point is 01:47:43 And if characters run over it and he manages to down them, that he can just teleport them onto a hook at the farthest ass end of the map. And he doesn't even have to travel. Wow. Okay. In addition, he has a beam attack. Does he? Is that accurate?
Starting point is 01:48:02 So, so the way that it works is that he does a, uh, he does like a huge slash and it is big enough that the hit, uh, travels forward in this big corridor in front of him like can't feed. They gave him drive. Yeah, they gave him drive. And the deal with that is that it is one of the only things in the game that goes through walls and objects. So you get into a situation where you're running behind somebody and then they drop the palette
Starting point is 01:48:36 and then you charge the beam up and you let it go when they hit the floor and you hit them anyway. That's, did he ever do anything like that? No. Drive, drive. It's an overdrive. It's a video game. It's a video game.
Starting point is 01:48:52 That's, that's okay. All right. All right. So it's this thing of like if you're looping, he's dragging it behind you and you will naturally run over the status effect and then he just uses his beam to pop you down. And with the time that would normally be wasted on the other killers, he would have to do all that and then pick you up and drag you to the hook. He just gets to teleport you and he teleports you at the farthest place away from him.
Starting point is 01:49:22 Can he choose? Which is usually, Can you choose? No, he cannot choose. And he's, he's just really, really fun and cool. Like I don't know if he's good, you know, like that it's that thing that they always do a public test for like a couple weeks and then they usually tweak, they tweak them based on like how, how ridiculous it's being.
Starting point is 01:49:49 But like, I think he could be good. He's not unfair because the beam takes a second to come out. Overall, do you find that these adaptations are like, is this one of the games where like you'd go like, oh yeah, they fucking are nailing it with the integration of the character stuff because like the drive thing sounds cool, but if it's coming out of nowhere, I'm kind of just wondering like, is this a game that like sort of takes accuracy into account and figures that stuff out? The, the way that it generally works is that it is fairly accurate, maybe not down to the
Starting point is 01:50:35 minutiae, but in terms of feel. And the way that say for pyramid head works out is that in Silent Hill, you don't run fucking pyramid head in a loop, right? You, you turn around and you haul ass and you've run the fuck away, right? You don't hide under tables from pyramid head. You don't, you know, you just, right? Ghostface, I mentioned he peeks behind shit to literally poke his little head out and stare at you.
Starting point is 01:51:07 That's dead on. You have Michael Myers, who actually walks incredibly slowly. Yes. But the more he stares at you, the more he speeds up and he gets stronger and stronger as the match goes on, just like a, just like a Halloween movie. The one that was the least accurate by far was Freddy because Freddy had this weird, terrible dream mechanic where he had to put you to sleep and he could only attack you when you were asleep and there were too many ways to wake yourself up.
Starting point is 01:51:41 And the biggest problem with him is that he was technically accurate, but he was also so terrible. Like the game's tears right now go from A to C. He was an F. Oh my God. Okay. He was terrible. Describe, like putting a condition on the attack as such a sleep already sounds like. He was a character that would thrive on basic attacks, but you needed to hit people with
Starting point is 01:52:07 a debuff to hit them once. It was absolutely. Right, right. Okay. And now he characters fall asleep naturally like they would in a Freddy movie. And he also has a mechanic that he shares with the spirit, which is the renew type character where they just naturally are invisible sometimes. So when him or the spirit move their character models in spirits case, she stays stationary
Starting point is 01:52:38 and Freddy just disappears. So it creates the stop, start or teleport effect, even though you're just moving normal. Oh, cool, cool, cool, cool. That's smart. That's smart. And the spirits probably got the single coolest ability in the game in which she activates her power and you hear a VHS tape rewind noise. And as you are, or sorry, fast forward noise and two players, your character model stays
Starting point is 01:53:08 locked in place, but you are able to move around freely. And when you come out of it, your old body disappears and your new body reappears. So it is a hundred percent the ring you like she's right. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then she teleports to basically on top. Right, OK, OK. That's cool. It's dude, the game's incredible.
Starting point is 01:53:38 Because yeah, like I always I always like think about the examples of like Shovel Knight being integrated into various games is like the perfect litmus test for accuracy and like faithfulness, you know, like how much work are they going to do? And to this, to the to date, like I still say that the the rivals of Aether version of Shovel Knight puts all others to shame, you know. Yeah, except for Shovel Knight, Shovel Knight. Of course. So interesting.
Starting point is 01:54:08 OK, cool. And last but not least to answer your question, the worst character in the game after Freddy got buff is now Leatherface because because the power set that they would have given him got given to their own original off print character, the hillbilly as as guy with chainsaw. And so they gave him a different chainsaw ability. Hillbillies is he runs at you with the chainsaw. And if he hits you, he downs you, but he's hard to steer.
Starting point is 01:54:40 Leatherfaces is that he swings wildly left and right in like a hundred and eighty degree like cone, but he's still like regular movement speed. And it's like, dude, Hillbilly is so much better than Leatherface. He's so much better. It's embarrassing. But people still play him because the way that it works is you unlock perks in this game and you unlock say that every killer has their specific perks. But if you get them high enough level, any killer can learn them.
Starting point is 01:55:13 And Leatherface has the best perk in the game. So you will level him up. Because you want to get barbecue and chili. So he will get played. And what's that? Barbecue and chili. When you hook people, you get to see where the other survivors are. And every time you hook somebody, you get a percentage increase up to a hundred percent
Starting point is 01:55:38 of your your points that you would spend on. Oh, yeah. Okay. Yeah, absolutely. Not only does it you hook somebody and go, oh, go in that direction. So no wasted time. But it can double the amount of points you get for for building your character. Yeah, that's that's that's a no brainer.
Starting point is 01:56:00 Damn. Also, I played a little bit of Xena played. Guess what? It's great. New version is great. It's really high quality. It has a cool level up level down feature that seems weird, but it seems cool. It attacks certain things can level you down or you can deliberately do it yourself.
Starting point is 01:56:15 No, the way it works is that Xena played Chronicles has a shit zillion cajillion side quests. And it's really, really, really, really, really easy to over level yourself into the game being nonsense. So if you turn expert mode on, it will it will bank a significant portion of your experience and keep you at a lower level, like a slower leveling curve. But if you want, you can just go into a menu and just go, hey, I'm having trouble with this. How much XP do I have banked? Okay, level four.
Starting point is 01:56:52 And then you push people up to like level eight. Interesting. And then and then if you're going into and apparently in Xena played, enemies that are way lower level than you give you very little experience, like not that it doesn't it's not like as effective, like they actually give you less overall. So, hey, am I fighting level eight guys, but I'm level 35? Well, why don't let's just level down to level eight.
Starting point is 01:57:16 I would hate that so much because like it's not even like not even a goblin thing. Just the idea that I have I have more experience and like I'm just like doling out a smaller amount to myself for the sake of challenge, I guess I'd be like, but I want more experience because I want more abilities. I also want the challenge. So here's where it gets super. I don't want to have less abilities for challenge. Here's where it gets super nuts.
Starting point is 01:57:51 I tested it out to make sure because I had that exact feeling. And I leveled my characters up to the maximum and naturally unlocked abilities. It's one of those games you get new moves as you level up and then I leveled back down and you totally keep those abilities. Oh, good. OK, good, good, good. OK, so it's also optional and the way and the reason why it's optional is that I did just the main story as well as like three quests and then I got to the first dungeon
Starting point is 01:58:21 at the level you're supposed to be for the first dungeon. I had picked up over 30 quests. And even on expert mode, had I done all of those quests, I would have been laughably overpowered for the first dungeon. And in the original game, I remember being like 10 levels above the first engine. And the reason why that matters so much is that Xenoblade is a gigantic, gigantic game and spending so much of your time on side quests that don't pose a threat to you. Ends up making the game feel boring.
Starting point is 01:58:58 Right, right, right. Yeah. So normally, I would actually be like, this is the worst mechanic ever. I totally get it here. Yeah. Oh, well, the fact that you have, like you said, you have those moves and you can keep them as you level down and stuff sounds fine to me because ultimately, like to me, it's almost like good moves, good spells are locked behind experience, but so is damage and strength.
Starting point is 01:59:28 And to me, I would take the reduced strength over, I'll take the reduced strength in order to have the challenge exist, but I don't want to have less of a tool set, you know? Because moves are more fun than they are. Exactly. I have fun with my tools. Make it harder if you want, but give me my tools is how I feel. So, yeah, that's good. Okay, they thought about that.
Starting point is 01:59:55 It's basically just a really granular difficulty selector that you can turn off at any time. Okay. But yeah, that's me. Let's see. I am going to be streaming at some point this week over Pat stairs at I'm currently in a fucking ongoing waiting period with AC repairs, so I'm not going to stream on whatever day that is because that'll take forever. Probably going to be streaming like Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
Starting point is 02:00:27 Not sure what yet. Maybe some Dark Souls and Runeterra and Call of Duty Warzone, maybe. But check back in at my Twitter at Pat stairs at for the update on that. Okay. Oh, yeah. Oh, God, I forgot to talk about PSO too. Is that it? It's docket.
Starting point is 02:00:47 It's docket. Okay. Yeah, we'll get there on the docket. Right. So, I guess. Hey, well, I'm going to make a coffee. Do you want a coffee? Sure.
Starting point is 02:00:58 Yeah, go for it. Thank you. Appreciate that. Hey, while you do that, I guess, yeah, I'll jump over to my side. So, I talked about Teppin a little bit. I did a stream for it and, you know, got to show off a little bit more of what I was talking about on that. And it seems like a lot of people had fun with that.
Starting point is 02:01:23 I'm like, oh, shit, people like watching some fucking card games. You know, that's cool. Yeah, I did a Runeterra one and people actually showed up. I was fucking shocked because I'm a shit baby. Some people too. Some people check the fuck out, but there was a lot of people that were like, oh, yeah, this is interesting to look at. So, I was like, oh fuck.
Starting point is 02:01:40 And a lot of people were like, damn it, it's making me want to go try a card game too. And I'm like, wow, okay, so there's something about just watching these little pictures drop into the slots and the lines go forward and then you can't end. You can't end without doing some gacha because you got a gacha. So, yeah, that was fun. We did a little quick look at that and it went up in three parts of showing off my zero stuff. I also took a look at Spark the Electric Jester, which is old. It is a Sonic send up kind of clone game, but it's also like a lot of other games.
Starting point is 02:02:24 And there is a sequel that's in three. That's 3D and a lot of people have a lot of good things to say about it. But I remember being recommended to check this game out ever since like years and years and years ago, it's always been on the list of like, hey, if you ever want to kind of take a look at something in the vein of Freedom Planet, for example, where you're looking at just like a Sonic type game, but it's its own original thing. Check out Spark the Electric Jester. So you have levels that are large and have loop-de-loops and big old speedways like a Sonic level.
Starting point is 02:02:59 You have a character that looks Sonic-esque as well. But you have abilities that you pick up throughout the level that are like Kirby abilities, and you can carry two of them and cycle through them like Mega Man. So you're doing a whole lot of platforming and like there's even like a bit of a rush button that works like Sonic Rush as well. So it's just a lot of the fun parts of all those things I just mentioned coming together into this game. It feels really good. It feels really fun. Some really amazing sprite work. Some of the backgrounds are incredible and the music is fucking phenomenal.
Starting point is 02:03:43 Super bangers drop in as we go through this. So far, I forget how many powers I've seen, but a healthy amount. They throw a lot of different powers at you that are placed throughout each level and you have to pick wisely how you're going to go through each one. When you grab one, you can pause it, and a bit like Kirby gives you a little how to play with each power up. There's multiple moves, so it's not just like, oh, you get the ice and now you have an ice shot. It's like, no, you got the sword. Well, now you can do the sword slash combo. You can charge it up. There's three levels to the charge. Each level does a different thing. In the air, there's a down tilt. There's an up tilt. On the ground, there's a down tilt and an up tilt.
Starting point is 02:04:30 And the sword, when you do a dash, like the rush button move, it adds a parry on top of it. So each ability completely reworks your move list, which is very Kirby-esque. Because Mega Man, usually, you just get a shot. You'll get the shot and then the charged version of it, whereas Kirby will give you the whole complete rework of the character with each ability. So the full move set is a lot more fun. I love that in games. And in this case, the other thing they do really right is the... So far, the move sets are all kind of like... They all feel a little bit busted. You feel really, really powerful no matter which one you pick up. Like, there's a... The weakest one, I'd probably say, is like it feels like it's Crossbow,
Starting point is 02:05:22 for example. But once you get it, it's a game where you can shoot in four directions, but the Crossbow shoots in eight. So it adds... Oh my god, I'm looking at footage of this thing. This is the most like, Sonic thing I have ever seen as a different game. Yeah, lots of speed. It goes so insanely fast at times. It really does the thing that you want to do more in Sonic, which is hit the edge of the screen and have the stage trying to keep up with the character. It does that a lot. There's a skateboard ability that's just specifically for blasting through the levels and having fun and doing little tricks as you jump through the air. Lots of abilities where you have such a massive amount of tools, as I was just talking about
Starting point is 02:06:12 a minute ago, that you fucking like, you're like, shit, I don't know if I want to give this up for this other one, but damn, these are all really, really good. And that is a plus. That is a benefit. Like, when you are like, I love what I have, but I also love that. And each of these things makes me feel like I can do a lot, but completely differently than, you know, that's the feeling you want for each of these powers. So Spark the Electric Jester. Super fantastic. Really liked it. There's a little bit of walk every now and then, but for the most part, like it, it was great. And took a look at that. Didn't end up finishing it. It's not that long. It's a pretty short game, I think. How long to beat puts it at like five or six hours tops, but I got most of the way through
Starting point is 02:07:00 it. I might pop it back in to finish it off and maybe look at the sequel at some point again in the future if I have a free solo stream day. But that's kind of one of the things that's going to be going up. And yeah, Doom is continuing. Doom is fucking, eternal is, yeah, that's, we're getting, we're going places. I just, I just did the lore level. Oh man. The lore level. Oh, did you expect it to actually do that? Fuck me. That was amazing. Oh, it's the best. You play the thing and then you're doing the thing and you're shooting, banging, and you're ripping in your Terran. And then you get to a level where the game is like, here, read this lore. And you're like, oh my God, this lore is fucking good.
Starting point is 02:07:53 And it makes so much sense to, now that you're piecing it together with like what they started out in, in 2016, because I want, I could like, I remember like when you're playing 2016, I was wondering, I'm like, is all of this stuff with you being like a holy, holy sentinel? Like, is that like sort of like a pre-ordained from the get go destiny that has to now apply to all of Doom 1, 2, and 64? And it's like, no, it happened between 64 and now. And I have never enjoyed a game more to say like, where you're like, is this plot deep? And they go, no. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No, it's not. It's stupid. And they just, they have all that in there. That's a good time, you know, and then the other thing that's really enjoyable about how they're playing this out, and again,
Starting point is 02:08:58 no spoilers for anyone who hasn't played Doom Eternal yet, but there was a humongous argument while I was playing 2016 between folks that were like, that is not the original Doom guy, the Slayer is someone else. And then between those that are like, no, it is the same guy, and shut up. It's cool that it is the same guy. And then the guy was one of those second people. Yes. And this game goes out of its way right off the bat. And then as the further you go on, it continues to hammer the fucking point, shut the fuck up. It is absolutely the same guy. And it is rad that it's the same guy. And if you didn't want it to be the same guy, too fucking bad. Too bad. They fucking beat it into you in case there's any doubt whatsoever.
Starting point is 02:09:52 It's like, no, this is the same man. You've been what? Doom is the story of doom. You know, specifically, laughably, it is the same man from the comic. Yep. Yep. Yep. Which is the deepest, worst, best pull I have ever seen ever. So I want, I want, I want to hear if you were one of those folks that was like, no, it's not the same guy. They're different. Shut up. If you were one of those people, I'd like to hear how you think about this. You know, I'm curious to know, because quite frankly, I think the confirmation of that being the case just makes it better. And it was almost like a thing where it's like, you could argue the point when it was up for interpretation, if you wanted it to not be him. But why would you want
Starting point is 02:10:43 it to not be him? You know, so. Badest dude that ever lived. Fuck yeah. Anyway, but that's pretty much where I am. So I'm still making it through. And, you know, I don't have, I'm not, not fully done yet. But boy, there's some really fun shit in there. And I'll get into that once we get through a little bit further. Shout outs to proto Virgil, then real Virgil, then like other Virgil type fights that start coming into the game. I'm a fan of the game going, hey, hey, look, look at this badass right here. Pay attention to this. In fact, we're going to put you in a room that's swarming you with shit. But there is one clear threat that has to go. As we were talking about a little bit before, it's like, no, no, no,
Starting point is 02:11:43 no, no, no. This thing needs to die right now. Fuck the rest of this room until this thing is dead. It feels great. It feels great. So that's a good time. We had a really interesting, fun time with Skullgirls this week on getting to fighting games. Basically, I managed to get a remote sort of episodic set, a remote setup going where like the setup was really not, it took some work, but like I got it going so that I was able to do a remote session of Skullgirls with Sharpie, that purple Sharpie. Shout outs. And with Crank, who was a TO. And basically, they're both community like fucking supporters and they've been on that Skullgirls since forever. And just some great people to sit down and kind of learn the ropes with. And we just kind of spent, we spent a couple
Starting point is 02:12:42 hours in the lab and they kind of walked through like what's happening in some of those really fast advanced levels. They walked through some stuff that the game has like indicators of that I didn't know about. And they explained some really interesting mechanics that are not quite as obvious once you jump in for the first time. And then we kind of, I got a little primer on the characters I wanted to learn, in particular Peacock, Big Band, and Beowulf. So yeah, it was a really, really educational and fun thing for a different type of episode we did. And then honestly like, I am super looking forward to doing these types of episodes in the future if you want to see what it's like to just like kind of start from the ground up with a character and just get advice from
Starting point is 02:13:38 people who really know it and walk you through. This is what this character does. This is how you apply it. This is how you use it. It's a type of thing where it might be a little bit drier than the sort of just like playing for casual fun episodes that we do. But it is super handy if you're just like, I want to pick up one of these characters and just start messing around and fighting online. If you just want to get like an initial game plan, it's super handy for that. So the Skullgirl, get into the Skullgirls lab. This is what I'm going to be calling it, is going to start coming out as well. We had a really good time with that this week. Excellent timing considering, well, not just Skullgirl's placement, but they just got that
Starting point is 02:14:24 fucking HD update. Yep, yep, yep. Absolutely. Skullgirls still getting updated. Still after all this time, even more shit coming, more life. So that's awesome. Really, really happy that people are just getting overwhelmed with all these updates because it's just like, yeah, we're putting more quality of life in there. And yeah, like I said, I'm currently working my way through Cora, but I think I'll just, like I said, I'll get into that once I'm done with it. But I'm making some progress, so don't need to press too much on that. I'll let you guys know once I'm through. All right, well, with that, do we have news? We do. Hey, if you want to check out anything we're doing, if you want to check out any of the stuff we discussed and what I
Starting point is 02:15:24 mentioned, you can check out Woolly versus on Twitch, Woolly versus on YouTube, and Woolly Wolves on Twitter. And let's take a quick word from our sponsor this week before we jump into the news. So, yeah, this week podcast is sponsored by ExpressVPN. ExpressVPN. I appreciate you letting me watch Always Sunny on Netflix. In fact, I made use of this exact ability earlier yesterday when I wanted to follow some news and some shows. I was specifically going to check out, there was an episode of last week tonight that was not available, of course, because they're not available in Canada. But thanks to things like, thanks to ExpressVPN and, you know, that type of,
Starting point is 02:16:28 like having that type of ability to, you know, switch over to a US IP. And then I was like, oh, yeah, click play. Watch the thing. Cool. Thank you. Awesome. Thanks, ExpressVPN. So, yeah, it's just that simple. It is a handy way that you can switch your identity to that of multiple countries and your ability to check out different shows on Netflix is one of the things you get. Of course, there's also the security aspects. There's the fact that, you know, your internet service provider can see everything you're doing and can snoop on you and ExpressVPN is great for not having that happen to you. Yeah, it's a obvious skate, your internet use. Doesn't matter what ISP you have. ISPs in the US can legally sell your information to ad companies.
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Starting point is 02:19:14 What's up? Co CEO of quantic dream creators of Detroit to become human say in a now deleted tweet, mind you, racism in any shape or form is shameful, stupid, and must be fought against everywhere and always. All lives matter and are equal regardless of skin color, religious belief, sex or sexual orientation or else at Detroit game is precisely about that. I thought that I thought that Detroit was not about racism or black people or racism or black people. In fact, if I remember correctly, Detroit was just asking some questions. What about robots? Just putting some questions out there, you know, and we can decide as a
Starting point is 02:20:22 society what we think this game is about. Oh, my God. You know what cracked me up, dude? There's a, there's a streamer out there. I'm not personally familiar with the guy. I was a black dude and he's playing Detroit and he's just looking at it. And he just goes, you know what this game is? What if black people are robots? Yep. Just, just straight up. Which in and of itself in that context is actually insanely racist. It's so racist. What if they were made to serve us? Would it be okay if they were billed? It's just, it's not even, it's not even the premise in and of itself because it is like, it is the premise combined with the subtlety of a bat to the head.
Starting point is 02:21:18 You know, because the refusal to admit it because think about, I'm like, like when I was like a kid, when I was a child, I remember discovering that Professor X versus Magneto was MLK versus Malcolm X. Yeah. You know, that was one of the first things I remember discovering about the entire X-Men story. So it's not that it's just your complete lack of ability to deliver an appropriate story with tact, but way to tag your, your fucking game in at the end of your, the end of your shit there, bro. Oh my God. And way to botch whatever intent you have by putting the all lives matter thing in the middle there. Though I'm going to blame a translation for that. Or maybe I shouldn't. I don't fucking know anymore. But that's probably why they deleted
Starting point is 02:22:13 the tweet. Who fucking knows? But yeah, one might say that, you know, that's also something you might want to be aware of in, in putting that out. But hey, tweet deleted, you know, we got a reconformation from the chat. So it says that the Twitter account originally made just a literal all lives matter tweet and then deleted it. And then we got this tweet instead. Rad. So Brad, Brad, I think my, I think my favorite use of the all lives matter phrase was a, I forget who was retweeted it, but it was all lives matter. I yell when I pull out my boron arrow and fire it into humans. Did you see that guy? I did see that guy. I'm going to go back and say that's my most shocking one. I mean, it used to be Waka. Yeah. But here we are.
Starting point is 02:23:18 Yeah. As Waka takes the albed and tosses them into the ocean to get eaten by sin. Yeah. So and just in case for some reason, it's not painfully obvious. It's like, yeah, duh. Duh. The point is that black lives matter too. Obviously. Yeah, it's become if you're, if you're taking up that point of, of what's the word umbridge, I suppose it is almost like, like, like, why are you acting like you don't get the purpose of this? It, you know what it reminds me of? So like, you know, people say a guy says black lives matter and then the response is, well, all lives matter. It's like, yes, but you're kind of saying that as a refutation. It reminds me of back in the day, I got to see the real version of a girl
Starting point is 02:24:18 bitching about her boyfriend because he was a dumb ass, right? And she's like, oh, man. And people around, well, I'm, I'm a guy. I'm not like that. It's like, it's, it's, it's not about you. It's not like, like fucking calm down. Yeah, just fucking. I mean, look, it's, it's, it's, you know, it's like, if that's the argument you want to take up, if that's the thing that is bugging you the most, then like, just consider your priorities or don't and let the statement stand about, you know, like what you think is more important to discuss. So, but, but anyway, so alongside that, because, you know, that's, that's, that's where the ride starts, but it certainly doesn't end there. Oh no, because next we got to take the train down to, we got to make a stop.
Starting point is 02:25:17 Where are we stopping? We're stopping at GameSpot. GameSpot, what up GameSpot? GameSpot on Twitter, not stop. GameSpot, by the way, I made a podcast preview video a couple weeks ago, taught when we discussed GameStop and it's bullshit. Yeah. And how fucking crazy it is. And I made a podcast preview video where I sarcastically said something to the effect of this week, we talk about the wonderful job employment opportunities at GameStop and YouTube flagged the fucking video and pulled it down as inappropriate and dangerous. That's incredible. And I had to literally have a fucking counterclaim explanation written in to go, no, no, we were sarcastically making reference to how awful they are in the discussion
Starting point is 02:26:27 that this podcast I am linking to is about made quite clearly. I don't know if your algorithm robot just saw the words wonderful opportunity, employment opportunities at GameStop and said, fuck that video. But please understand this is not what is happening here. Everyone gets, everyone gets the sarcasm and they thankfully accepted and rescinded it. So my channel didn't get a warning, but I got a fucking warning over that video. Wow. It's at that rate. It's at the point where they're like, this is a dangerous company that needs to be stopped according to YouTube's fucking detection system. But that's not what we're talking about. We're talking about the spot, GameSpot on Twitter, which says for eight minutes and 46 seconds,
Starting point is 02:27:23 we will stop posting in our social feeds in tribute to George Floyd. Go fuck yourselves. We dedicate this time to the victims of police brutality and the powerful movement Fighting for Justice. Join at Color of Change and text demands to 55156. You know, the bravery and courage it takes to stop posting to all your social feeds for eight minutes and 46 seconds. Was that posted like at 11 a.m. where it would be an hour before any of their like a CMS would have updated anyway. So it was like free. It was free. 22 hours ago. I don't know. You do the math on it. But yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:28:11 Like, are they really show every four minutes? Of course not. Thanks, brand. Thank you. What would we do? Willie, I don't know if you know this, but Adidas and Nike have taken the historic step to retweet each other going, yeah, we got this, guys. We're behind you. You guys can keep buying sneakers. Please keep buying sneakers. Again, the rail with tweet, dude, that that that was the tweet. The rail if the one was about it was cracking me up. I saw social media people come from all over responding to people go, oh my God, that's so crazy that they retweeted Adidas and not and all the social media people
Starting point is 02:28:59 was like, that means nothing. That's literally a button click. It means nothing. They're tricking you to just buy sneakers. You're idiots. Yeah. For those of you who haven't seen it, it's just a four panel comic saying we here at brand encourage everyone to come together in this difficult time to buy our product and it's crying. And then someone taps the brand on the shoulder and that's another brand and it says buy our product too. And then they're hugging each other and they're crying and the word consume is floating in the air above them. I think, I think my favorite variation of that, you know, I'm gonna, I'm gonna fucking unretweet it and then retweet it again. I think I just saw you just did.
Starting point is 02:29:42 I think my favorite so far is like the onion came out and was like sweatshop worker devastated over sweater. She worked so hard on looted from local store. Pretty wild. Pretty wild. Yeah, all our clothes are made by slaves, right? I forgot. So after the after that stop game spot, we can, we can take a little short jog down and this one's a little bit more subtle, but we can take a quick jog down to Activision Blizzard. Oh, hey, what are you guys doing? Says today and always we support all those who stand against racism and inequality. There's no place for it in our society or in any society. Black Lives Matter from Activision and Blizzard.
Starting point is 02:30:41 Cool, cool, cool, cool, cool. No doubt, no doubt, no doubt, no doubt, no doubt, no doubt, no doubt, for sure, for sure, for sure, for sure, for sure. Um, what about Blitzchunk? What happened? They're in, they're in support of people's lives, not their rights. Because I'm, I see the Chinese can't be racist against the Hong Kong because they're Chinese too. See, see, see, and convenient Hong Kong. No, but money, money, brand. Thanks, brand. Sony one in there. Sony's in there. Sony's in there. So Sony was going to have an event on Thursday. Yep. And yeah, that's the fact. Sony is in fact the last one I'm going to pull up here, which is, uh, yeah, Sony's just, uh, they were going to have the PlayStation 5 event.
Starting point is 02:31:44 They said, uh, we're postponing it, uh, because now's not the time. And, um, that's what they did. I don't got much to say about it. It's like, okay, sure. Um, but it definitely was a, uh, a wild ride because, uh, the train then rolls off the tracks and right through the comments. If you feel like a good time, just follow the train as it flies through the air and straight through the comment section of, um, and you discover that this delay of this announcement is actually much more important than what's going on. Much more. More than you thought, one might say. Oh, yes. Uh, I will say, I do have one thing to say about, uh, Sony, and I'll say it again because I saw a lot, I saw, I've become so cynical that I'm looking at other
Starting point is 02:32:44 people who are less cynical and calling them morons and I don't care anymore. Okay. And it was people going like, wow, Sony, that's really great. That's really thoughtful and sensitive that you would not, you know, and I'm like, it's because they can't be in the news dumbasses. They're not going to be trending on Twitter with this shit popping off. Who gives it? Who gives a goddamn fuck about the people? You know, like, there's nothing to do. There could be a world war going on. And as long as the world war was going on for a little while, yeah, they announced the fucking PS five, but not right when it kicks off. Yeah, that's, that is not untrue. Again, I didn't take as much of an issue with what they had to say as, as, as compared to the other people we covered, but I want to be
Starting point is 02:33:36 clear. I'm not actually taking issue with Sony's delay. I think it's totally smart and that's fine and their statement was appropriate. I specifically want to call out the dumbness of thinking that Sony Corp did it to be sensitive to people, right? Like people giving credit to ignore, to ignore the practicality of why they would have to do it, practical actions, like they're emotional or like wholesome. It's like, fuck off. What are you stupid? Hmm. I definitely was pleased when I first clicked on that to see the first response was a solidly, solidly liked clip from one Castle Super Beast, which in the, in the pre-COVID days, when you kind of sat there and we're saying, Hey, we play video games as a hobby. It's also our
Starting point is 02:34:38 jobs and we do it pretty much as a life thing. It's, it's the entirety of our focus and it's everything that like is that pays the bills and is also what we are passionate about. Hmm. They're fucking video games, man. Just video games, man. They're fucking video games. And it was like, yeah, that's kind of a sentiment. Some people in that, in that, in that thread needed to hear. I thought what you were going to say was that a clip that I am now like laughing nervously about real hard where back on March 24th, I started to have a retail flashback and start freaking out about how we need to burn it all down before you eventually calm me down. And I look back on that and go, Oh, yeah. It's funny. It's funny. The things you say
Starting point is 02:35:40 when you're thinking about retail. Yeah, so do not blame me for this. No one listens to me. When you say for this, can you specify? Can you narrow the scope there? No, no, not gonna. No, don't blame me for anything. How about that? Because I mean, like, I mean, like all of this. Yeah. All of it. All of it. Okay. Any of it. I wasn't there. I didn't see nothing. I didn't do nothing. Where's my lawyer? Yeah. So thanks, Brands. I love you, Brands. You know, Dan Reichert's a really funny guy. He might be the dumbest guy in the world, but there was an incredible giant bombcast discussion in which
Starting point is 02:36:48 someone was trying to tell him Brands aren't your friend. And he's like, What? I love Brands. Like the phrase, I love Brands came out of his mouth and it was just unbelievable. Was that Randy One Real? It was Super Real. Oh my God. What Randy One are you talking about? Talking about the one where it said, Hey, if you want to kill some pig cops, play our game, what, Duke Nukem? You can kill pigs safely. It's like, it's like, Holy shit, dude. I appreciated the Mr. Fields retweet of that, which was a legend pedophile who doesn't play his employees, encourages violence. Like you somehow managed to hit the exact same tone deafness as Quantum Dream, except with infinitely less tact and possible call to violence, which you'd
Starting point is 02:37:46 know bad. No, I assume since I saw it in the form of a JPEG that it got deleted. Who knows? But like, where's that thing in your brain that makes you stop and reread it before pressing the button? I don't really that thing in your brain is not there when you're carrying around your work USB drive that has big, barely legal squirters on it. And you lose it at a medieval times. You know, if this were like 20 years ago or 10 years or 15 years ago, that fucking lawyer asshole, I forgot his name, Jack Thompson would grab one of these and go look, your honor. Look at this tweet. No, you know what? You know what Jack Thompson would say
Starting point is 02:38:44 right now? It's like, you know what games black kids like to play? Grand Theft Auto told you so, told you so. And you'd be like, God, damn it, Jack. Actually, what I think Jack Thompson would say right now is, damn, I wish I was still a lawyer. Yeah. Well, anyway, you got to be a real bad lawyer for the state to go. You don't get to be a lawyer anymore. Anyway, you know, maybe, maybe, you know, maybe we could have, we could all get together and have a time of healing by watching things that I discovered existed a couple nights ago, such as Shaggy Too Dope streaming Samurai showdown. Get out. Yeah, maybe we supposed to compete with this shit. Maybe we can all come together and just maybe that's the kumbaya, maybe Shaggy Too Dope streaming Samurai showdown
Starting point is 02:40:04 on his Twitch channel is in fact the kumbaya that we need right now. Who's he playing? I turned, I tuned in and I saw him playing earthquake. Cool. And his friend, of course. Earthquakes have juggalo already. He's a giant juggalo. He's a giant juggalo. Of course he is. Hell yeah. Earthquakes down with the family. And, you know, he's practically, he's practically got a hatchet man tattoo. And he was playing the earthquake and he was fighting against like whoever he streams with his friend, the creep, I believe, who was playing, I think, Jubei. But yeah, yeah, that was like. All right, 2020. I see you. I see you.
Starting point is 02:41:07 Juggalo's are weirdly wholesome, trashy, but wholesome. It's fucking weird. It's the cross, it's the it's the perfect cross section of those two things. When you max out your stat points on wholesome and trashy, you get the family. That's that's absolutely it. Oh my God, I didn't even realize what that meant for a second. Oh my God, that's terrible. That's terrible. That's terrible. The family. Oh my God, I hate it. You know, like at one point in time, Juggalo's were the fucking, they were about to be classified as a terrorist group or whatever the shit, you know, which is a pretty loose definition these days. And they managed to, what was it? They, they, yeah, I know. And just from that,
Starting point is 02:42:02 they kind of ended up being this thing where people are like, oh yeah, you come on out and it's a bunch of like fucking just weird kids hanging out at the gathering of the Juggalo's in the woods. And if they don't like you, you might get literal shit flung at you, but it's also if you're kind of garbage like Tila Tequila and you turn out to be. Oh, come on. Kind of garbage. You know, well, if you, you know, perhaps they could, they could read the future because she was not yet, she wasn't the, she wasn't at that time an Asian Nazi. And I don't mean that in the like, that doesn't mean, I mean, literally she is like. She dress up. Go Hitler. Go. Yeah. Yeah. Like, like, like she wasn't in it. She wasn't that yet,
Starting point is 02:42:50 but maybe they could smell it on her because actual feces was thrown in her direction on the stage, which is insanely, insanely fucked up. Oh, they are the insane clown posse. Yeah. Oh, folks missed out on the part where Tila Tequila became a Nazi. Yeah, she did. Oh, yeah. No, no, full on. Like full on hardcore. Not like New Wave either. Like old old fashioned. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That shit was nuts. Yeah. Yeah. So, you know, but the juggalos are out there. The juggalos are in fact out there. There. Yeah. You can look into it. Anyway, you want to talk about PSO to talk about PSO to all right, here we go. Hey, you know, hey, hey, do you remember games for Windows Live? I do. In fact, I had to do compliance
Starting point is 02:43:52 testing. Was that a piece of shit? It was the worst platform we ever had to test for. Well, I have good news for you. It's no longer the worst Windows games platform. As the Windows Store or the Windows App Store is the worst now, even worse. So back in the day games for Windows Live wasn't Oh, it doesn't update properly. Downloads the wrong drivers. You know, game on boot. PSO to is not only a game from 2012, and has its own little foibles. Right. But the Windows Store just adds a dump truck of feces all over it. I have heard of almost every single type of problem you could run into installing a game on PC. I personally couldn't get the game to run over what I think is 240p
Starting point is 02:44:54 because the game refuses to allow me to turn off resolution scaling because the window those app folder it creates is protected and you can't even delete it. Sounds like you managed to get it booted. I did boot it. I spoke to a friend of mine cool lightning. As soon as it finished downloading, he went to load it and it blue screened his computer. Something he had never seen happen. Ever. I mean, that's a pretty impressive feat in and of itself, but also getting it to boot is an impressive feat because from the news, it sounds like fantasy star online to after eight years finally is available in North America, but it is exclusively on the Microsoft Store and people are having all kinds of bullshit problems installing it, namely
Starting point is 02:45:45 that it takes two steps to install. First, you download an 11 gig partial launcher from the Microsoft Store and then you continue getting the rest of the 80 gig game from the client and apparently these two things do not play nicely. They sure don't. Everything, everything breaks. I had the resolution problem. My buddy had a blue screen. I talked to a guy named President Miyazaki in my sub discord. The game would attempt to redownload itself every time he turned it on and because the way the Windows Store works and it must protect the law and the integrity of the files, it doesn't duplicate or overwrite it. It just installs it again on a slightly different location and when you go to uninstall it, it only uninstalls the launcher and you have to do
Starting point is 02:46:46 registry edits and all sorts of shit to get that shit off your fucking that that fucking goddamn crap. It is every everything that I have heard that could ever go wrong with an install has gone wrong with this install. So I am talking to people. I have two friends who are playing it and think it's cool. Everybody else I know installed it spent a couple hours fighting it and gave up. Yeah, like it's straight up like I'm seeing reports here that like it's like some people redownloaded it multiple times and each new instance in of its fucking 90 gig installation was a new error that did not occur on the last installation. Yeah. And there's like a screenshot of like six different error messages that just are just
Starting point is 02:47:48 completely different from each other. I just saw a mouth say he was trying to it took him 24 hours. So the PSO2 tweaker gang, the people who did the translation stuff, they have as of today made the tweaker so that it will download the North American version outside of the window store and it works. And the reason for this is because if you download the Japanese version, all you really have to do is edit and any file before it updates and change JP to NA and you'll just get the the fucking North American version of the app. It's just that simple. The app itself is not region locked. Just your acquire a little of it through the window store is.
Starting point is 02:48:35 But it's this thing where I was talking to people on the PSO2 translation team over the weekend and I was like, they were like, dude, we got this, we're going to fix it. It'll be playable. And I'm like, I waited years for an official release because I didn't want to play this game through bootleg channels because when you play an MMO or a card game or whatever through bootleg channels, there's always the possibility that they update it and they kill whatever solution you've been using to play it. And then that game is just gone, right? And I waited and I waited and I waited and I waited for the official release and the official release came out and was the most negative experience I could have imagined. And the solution to it while incredible was
Starting point is 02:49:26 yeah, just use the new bootleg. Yeah, right. And also on a on a blunt like use a PSO is like a Warframe MMO. It's like a persistent game. And I feel very anxious playing a persistent server based game that would be released in such a fucked up state. One of the craziest things about it was that there are six servers and only three were available. And the game became instantly maxed out on players because I think they tried to use the Xbox player base as a measure of interest. I was talking to a buddy of mine who did manage to get through and play and him and his buddies couldn't get onto the same ship. But they went, oh, what if we go to the personal housing and then we can all be in my personal housing thing
Starting point is 02:50:24 and then we can leave the personal housing thing together, right? Except what happened was is they went to the personal housing instance and then the servers all filled up behind them and their characters became trapped. Oh my God. Even though the PSO translation team and tweaking team has done an incredible job fixing this, dude, Sega handles this game like garbage for our region. And my understanding is that this was fine for Japan for the last eight years. More or less. Yeah. Okay. They just half-assed it to us because they only used the money that Microsoft paid them to barely shit it out over here. Oh, dear God. I mean, what the fuck? So it's been a longstanding thing. Does a GM just grab you and pull you out?
Starting point is 02:51:23 Like what do you do? No, because there's nowhere to put you. Oh my God. They still haven't put those servers on, by the way. There are three servers just sitting there. You can see them on the server select that are just off. And no one can figure out why they won't turn them on. Sega does not care about the North American, European, or Australian audiences for this game. And as such, it becomes incredibly difficult to invest any amount of time in it because you have no idea how fucked up playing the game is going to be over time. There was a longstanding thing with a lot of Korean MMOs for a long time, and it hurt their success out here because they would be a patch behind in English. Oh, okay. And that's like a couple months. So people who
Starting point is 02:52:08 would get really, really, really invested into the game would stop playing the English servers. They'd go play the Korean ones. Yeah, that happens to be Korean. That happened on both guns, the duel, and it happened on Ragnarok on mine. And then the company looks at the fucking American servers and they go, well, people are leaving it. The game's not popular there. And then support, you know, it's like, so yeah, I have, like, I have absolutely been killed of any desire to play PSO2. And that is not an uncommon sentiment from the people that I spoke to. The average person that I knew in my group of people that I know was like, yeah, I'll try out PSO2. That game seems cool. It wasn't like a fervent like, oh my god, PSO2 is coming out, right? And it's turned into like,
Starting point is 02:53:01 yeah, I don't care. I don't care anymore. I just don't want to deal with this. Fuck it. I'll play something else. But yet they bothered nearly a decade later. You know, it's, it's this is like a high watermark for fucked up PC releases. I would say that the worst PC release of note, sorry, the worst game release of note before this would be the original Final Fantasy 14. Are you putting an MMO qualifier on that statement? No. Because we've covered some really bad PC ports. Oh yeah. This isn't even about PC ports. Well, it kind of is because the fucking Xbox version is fine. The Xbox version even has better tech support. You know, the game doesn't support higher than
Starting point is 02:53:57 1080p. Does not support higher than 1080p? Yeah, you can, you can put the resolution higher, but the text will only scale up to 1080p. Okay. So if you fucking run it at 4k, it's unplayable. It's the smallest text you've ever seen in your life. Yeah. What a piece of shit. How much does it cost? Can I, can I take a moment to point out one last thing? Yeah. How much does it cost? Free. Okay. When people are talking about a fucked up PC port,
Starting point is 02:54:51 if you're going to come in to a thread or a Twitter thread or a forum thread or a chat and go, works fine for me, I need you to untype that and shove it up your ass as that is a useless sentence. We're talking about works fine for, it's great. I'm, I'm, I see, I see no problem. Okay. Well, you've run into a lot of tech stuff. I want to ask you personally, which is, which is worse, which is worse. Okay. Tech support thread, right? And you're like, Hey, I can't get my printer to whatever, right? Doesn't really matter. And the guy goes, works fine for me.
Starting point is 02:55:37 Awful, right? Just not helpful. So is that worse than the guy who goes, Hey, I don't know how to fix this thing. And it's your exact problem. And then they go, never mind, fixed it. And you're like, what did you do? And the, and the thread is six years old. Yeah. And there's like four people going, what the fuck, dude? What did you do? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That one's, that one's worse. That one's worse because they came back. They came back to say, they came, they came back to say, works fine for me. Yeah. Now I thought it worked fine for me, but not for you. But you know, they left and then they returned to do the exact same thing.
Starting point is 02:56:26 Yeah. Yeah. Hey, hey, hey, I've never seen, which is PM to the fix. Hey, Pat, how's that race working out for you? Which one's that? How's being white working out for you? It's pretty okay. Okay. That's not that. That's to say the thing. It's great. Works fine for me. Oh, no, I dropped the ball. Oh, no. Yeah, this race thing just works for me. I don't know. It's like, I don't know what you guys are talking about. I didn't have any problems. I was born. I installed it. It worked. And it's been great.
Starting point is 02:57:21 Blue screens. None. Not even a one. Been going for three decades. Not a problem. It's old reliable. I don't know what you guys are complaining about. You know, please don't put this on me. Please. Please take this joke back. Can we move on? Works fine for me. Oh, no, I dropped something. We can talk about. We can talk about a couple of things. I know what we should talk about. Let's talk about Kimba the white lion.
Starting point is 02:58:15 Yo, I hear that shit's hot right now. I got to give I got to give a shout out to I got to give a shout out to your movie sucks and Adam because there is a two and a half hour dissertation about Kimba the white lion. And it is a podcast, Adam, that is. Yes, he's been on the show. That is, that is, that is breaking down a common or a comparison that has happened over the years where Kimba the white lion made by Osamu Tezuka
Starting point is 02:59:09 was being called the original lion king that Disney then ripped off. And for years, it's my like as long as I can remember that was the end of it. And there was originally a couple of side by side screenshots and I saw them and I went, oh boy, yeah, OK. And then there was a couple of compilation videos and you're like, oh boy, that's crazy rip off. Holy shit. Oh, damn. And I remember just being like, well, that that's open and shut. But I've never gone through Kimba the white lion. I don't know anything about the story. And I just looked at what seemed to be a very convincing series of comparisons. And you're like, well, shit. I mean, his name is Kimba. This is the other lies.
Starting point is 02:59:56 His name is Simba. And there is all your there's what you know. And then there was in fact a large I want to say there was a huge petition signed by over like 400 anime animators in Japan to get Disney to acknowledge that they were inspired by Kimba the white lion and that they gave it no credit. So what Adam did was go through thousands of hours apparently of Kimba content in the form of multiple, multiple seasons of anime and then remade seasons of anime. So I have a bit of a manga. I have a bit of a background on that because Paige and Adam are good friends. And when he was doing the research on this, they were hanging out at a film festival before COVID popped off.
Starting point is 03:00:57 And the way that it was subscribed to me was that Adam was like, I don't care what's going on in here. This Kimba shit is on 24 hours a day. And Kimba was just on all the time in the hall always. The entirety of the Sunday film festival in the background. So over and be like, what's going on? Oh, more blackface. Oh, good. So so this project, this project was like, like, like almost a year in the making or so or something like that. Because he originally just want to have like a five minute he talks about in the video, you want to have like a five minute thing in the beginning of the Lion King review, or he's like, yo, this Kimba stuff, right? And then the more and more he looked into it, just like the bigger and bigger it got. And the more fucked
Starting point is 03:01:50 Kimba the white lion is. Oh, well, certainly. I mean, there's literally a point. So the what's great about this is that it's a two and a half hour video. But in the first 10 minutes, you get the abstract. You get the full summary of like, here's what's up. And here's why it's a bullshit comparison. And here's why everything you've been hearing for years is a lie. Also, here's blackface. And lots of it. Lots of copious, copious amounts. You know, it's crazy. It's crazy, dude. And so the gist is essentially that if you start comparing these two IPs, it's completely dishonest because when you're talking about the Lion King, you're drawing from a 90 minute film. When we're talking about Kimba, you're drawing from like at least
Starting point is 03:02:46 three different 52 episode animes, a handful of movies and years and years of manga that have covered the broadest, most nonsensical stories and like these and there's so many characters that are just complete non entities to the main plot or one offs that mean nothing. And one of the most guilty things is most of the side by side comparison shots that look so, so similar are taken from a movie that was made after the Lion King came out. So this Kimba movie of the many different Kimba adaptations there are happened to fucking ape Lion King shots. And now it's being used for the reverse, reverse implication because the property of Kimba came first. It's crazy. It's nuts, dude. And so you end up seeing stuff where it's like,
Starting point is 03:03:44 okay, so you see all these moments where people were like these, there's like, there's more than one YouTube channel has come along and built its entire like bedrock on the foundation of a Kimba is a rip off, Lion King is a rip off video. And it's clear to see that none of these people have done the research because they're quoting the exact same things and showing these scenes that are from a movie that came afterwards. And there's a lot of things where you see a side by side of, for example, out of context, like a Timon and Pumba sort of moment where Pumba the Warthog is being compared to this other Warthog from Kimba. And like they're just and you see these shots that are like, oh man, there it is. It looks so similar. And then he explains he's
Starting point is 03:04:25 like, yeah, this Warthog shows up for one episode and has a weird ass side story fetish where he has a pain fetish and then it kind of goes nowhere. And then he's never seen again in the hours, please spank me. I'm bad. And I was like, okay, okay, you know, and like a bunch of other shit like that where you're like, oh, yeah, okay. If you grab the most out of you have to work the angles basically, you have to work the angles to grab every shot you can to line them up and make them look similar. And you know, those comparison movies do it. But if you sit and do the fucking research, which God bless, he actually did. It's a lie. It's a complete lie. It's not real. Hey, hey, it's a big lie. Or would you say that they're lion?
Starting point is 03:05:23 Go watch the video. It's two and a half hours. And by the end of it, it is a thorough debunking of the ripoff theory. And yeah, you'll learn more about Kimba the white line than you've ever known because guess what? None of us watched a red Kimba. I don't know. I didn't know they hung out in his dad's corpse so much. I knew Kimba was, yeah, he carries Mufasa's body, the Mufasa equivalent. He carries the body around and uses it to inspire other animals. Listen, I knew it as one of Tezuka's works and it shows up in Astro Boy in the game. And I knew it in that context and I knew it in the context of people say that this is where the Lion King ripped its shit off. And then it's like, that's it. And you just do a little bit of work or not a little bit. That's not true. That's
Starting point is 03:06:25 a lie. Do a lot of work. And then you prove that many works. You prove that it's not true. It is not true. Debunked. Get shit. Why are people telling me to check the Cyberpunk Twitter? I mean, I'll do it. I have to tell me multiple times. Cyberpunk. They delayed their thing. Yeah, they delayed their thing. Okay. That's it. It's not a big deal. All right. Well, anyway. Here's something pretty rad. Tell me about your rad thing. Steam, Stadia, PS4, Xbox One, and Switch. What do they all have in common?
Starting point is 03:07:31 Crossplay with Battle for the Grid. Hell yeah. I knew it. Power Rangers Battle for the Grid becomes the first game to feature crossplay across every single platform. That's cool. That's, I mean, of all the games to get the credit, if all the games to get the credit. Fuck yeah. Good job. Good job, guys. You did it. Power Rangers fighting games. Pretty fun. Lots of cool stuff happening in it. It's got the spirit of Marvel and its bones, and you can play it on all platforms. And games like that need it because they're not going to have a giant install base on any individual platform. So it's absolutely like a benefit because anyone who picks up this game
Starting point is 03:08:29 on fucking, you know, Stadia, like, who the fuck are you going to fight? So good on them. Good on them for figuring that out. Dude, I saw some people complaining. This has been off topic, but Elder Scrolls Online. Fans are super pissed off because the patch cycle on it has been delayed by a week so that it, because it's on Stadia. That's the worst reason to not get your shit. It's like, because Stadia requires special certification. So now fuck. But hey, those cross play across five platforms. Kind of like the Power Rangers uniting up in a Megazord. Good on you. Good on you Power Rangers.
Starting point is 03:09:26 Now, if only everyone else could get along. Yeah, well, that's not going to happen. I mean, that, that Fortnite thing was like, like Sony almost died. Like, so it's only Sony almost fucking like, if Sony ran in there and threatened us to fucking shoot itself in the head, if we dare make Fortnite cross play compatible. It's like, shut up. I'll do it. We got some news that. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, we know. Hold on. Hold on. I don't know what you know about Trackmania. I know a little. I know a lot of people really like it. It's a cool, weird game. Well, for some reason, because yeah, we took a look at it some time ago and
Starting point is 03:10:28 ran into some issues, ran into some issues with it. But folks are that are dedicated to the game are loyal. So loyal, in fact, that Ubisoft has decided to push the limits of that loyalty by announcing that Trackmania is not a subscription based game. It's not a subscription. But you just have to pay for it multiple times. Uh-huh. New pricing scheme coming out with the new Trackmania is that you'll be paying $10 a year for the game service or Oh, hold on. This isn't updated. Okay. Here we go. All right. Okay. There's an update to the original story. So the original story was that it was $10 per year to play Trackmania or $30
Starting point is 03:11:35 per year for the club access special version of the game. After which point it would then have to be purchased at the end of that year again. But it's not a subscription. When the time is over, you have a subscription. You buy it for one period and then that's it. When the time is over, you buy the game again for the time that you want to access it again is what Ubisoft themselves have described this as. But it's not a subscription. Okay. Dude, it's not a subscription. Like obviously, come on, Jesus. Get it to you, bro. Just keep buying it. Just keep buying it on like a monthly or yearly basis automatically. God, they're so fucking full of shit.
Starting point is 03:12:36 Yeah, there's two tiers. So let me look at this update now. The update says managing director of Ubisoft clarifies on Twitter that Trackmania is in fact subscription based, but that's not the point. Oh, it's not the point. Did he elaborate as to what the point was? The question is that for online games that can benefit from support for years, what's the best model for each genre? In his opinion, $10 for a year of service and then the opportunity to pay $10 for another year or not if you prefer makes more sense than paying full price for a game that many people won't play for a year anyway. And those who do stay committed, the pricing scheme makes it easier for developers to continue
Starting point is 03:13:35 supporting the game with new content in the long run. Okay, well, then give people the option to do that or just fucking buy it and have it. And then that's the end of it. Because it's nice to have the thing so that I own it and then I don't have to think about whatever you decide to do with it in the future, whether you pull it or move it or something goes wrong or whatever the case is, offer this thing that you want to do, let people do it if they'd like to do it, nothing wrong, that's fine. And then just otherwise let people just buy the fucking game and then they can have the game and be like, Hey, look, I bought it and now I have it and that's the end of it. It's not it's not that complicated.
Starting point is 03:14:25 No, it's very complicated. Very complicated. Because We'll 5.0. Uh, Death Stranding was profitable. Good. Kind of surprised. Honestly, that game was a mess. Money exists for their next project. So don't worry, says Kojima. But a recent big project fell through and that makes him sad. Oh, that's bummer. Apparently. Yep. He says that the bit upset that a big project recently fell through. But that thing happened. That sort of thing happens in the
Starting point is 03:15:18 industry. But Death Stranding was profitable and has allowed them to plan for the next Koji pro production. But it is true that when you say something is profitable, it implies that it is not groundbreaking, but successful. That game was the craziest shit ever. And I can't believe it's really good. And I understand people hating it shit. So the fact that it was profitable is kind of bananas. The weirdest part, and it's just because of the way these things work, is that if something called Death Stranding 2 were to drop, that would probably be a way bigger moneymaker. Yeah. But it's better. And it's near you. You recognize the name you heard before, but you didn't bother. And now, you know, why would you do that? These stories are better told
Starting point is 03:16:23 standalone, but the name recognition and all that shit. Yeah. Anyway, which it's not a story, but it just reminds me of that tweet where the dude is streaming DMC5. Please tell me you saw that. Oh, yeah, I don't understand this game. What is happening? And then Dante just starts dancing and he fucking throws the headphones off. Oh, bless your heart. So I did some research on that. That dude jumped in at DMC5. Of course he did. Of course. I didn't need to be told that. You didn't need to tell me that. Yeah, but it was good that I did. That's inferred. The moment you see some dude, you know, on stream being like, what is happening in this game even? I said, well, what is happening is that you jumped on a hype train bandwagon because everyone was
Starting point is 03:17:23 excited about it, but you didn't know what the game was and you ignored the part where the number on it was five. And then you thought it would be fine and that everyone would tune in because you're playing the popular game. And then you got confused because you jumped in at part fucking five. And then when Dante starts dancing and it's one of the best slam dunks in the fucking game, he tosses his headphones off because I don't know what's going on. I don't get it. It's the best. It's the best. It's the best part for him to do that, too. I love that. I don't understand. I should be able to play this. I should be able to turn to a random page in this book and know exactly what is happening.
Starting point is 03:18:07 Fucking awesome. What a great moment. Just the silence from the headset as Dante spins and does this fucking cowboy dance. Yeah. It's good times. I love you, Dante. And lastly, we can talk about a guilty gear strive developers backyard dialogue, basically the backyard or like the developers backyard. It's basically a dev diary that is like, you know, the game is delayed now. So what they're doing is they're putting out these large updates that are trying to be transparent about feedback and answering a lot of the questions people have. So I think this is probably for the best. I think if they continue to openly answer these things, people can kind of get what they're going for
Starting point is 03:19:17 and then specifically say, hey, that's not a good idea, which, you know, a bunch of that is happening with this game. So not that things need to be made by committee or with too many cooks, but like I said, there are some valid concerns that people have. The first post they put up just gave you some stats on usage and the CBT had some CBT data about, you know, who was played the most, who was most requested. I can't take it goddamn seriously, man. Too bad. Too bad. CBT has data, huh? I bet it does. Too bad. Cage on it. I bet it has motherfucking data. And then the second section goes into answers to your concerns from the developers.
Starting point is 03:20:16 And they came out and basically brought up multiple things that people have been asking about and or concerns. So for example, concern, the damage is too high. They go into a little section about why they made the damage high, specifically saying that a central idea behind this title is that you can deal big damage without memorizing long combos as required in previous games. We wanted to make the damage in the beta test extreme to get the idea across before the game's release will be adjusting it by looking at feedback and match results. And then it also talks about how Gatling, you know, being in or out, like what that means, why they made those design decisions and what they wanted to kind of go for. And it's a, you know, a longer discussion about
Starting point is 03:21:05 those points, which again, helps the confusion by giving it some context. And I still don't fully agree with why, but now you can kind of be like, okay, well, now step two of this is to get the response to the explanation of what you're thinking here. You know, they're pulling a me by explaining their thought process. And, and I think it I think it'll be for the for the best for the health of the game, because this is also happening right after the delay was announced. So there is going to be some time between now and launch. The second concern they address is the 3d camera movement. Some people saying it disrupts the game pace. They kind of talk about what they wanted with that, as well as the user interface being not great.
Starting point is 03:21:56 They talk about the risk gauge being hard to see. They talk about the combo, the counter hit thing being too big. They talk about the lobbies being pretty shit. The lobbies are apparently there's shit. They're terrible. So apparently those 2d lobbies, there's some feature that they're they said is not that is not present in the in the in the test that was necessary that they want to show off. So apparently the reason for going with the 2d look and all that and simplifying it into this basic way is because there's some cool feature that needs that look is that that it works while there you go, right? Because it's like whatever that feature is, it can't be more important than matching up with somebody and fighting them, you know.
Starting point is 03:22:53 To put it another way, we talked about I told everyone about the awesomeness in them's fighting herds and the salt mines. You know, you can go back and check out I did a video on it where you can go see like, you know what that's like on Willy versus. But that's an awesome online feature where you can play with a bunch of people in a lobby in an asymmetrical like mint like sort of extra side game, you know, in a fighting game server. But if that feature meant that you could not just fight and play with people on normal matches, or if that decreased the ability of the matchmaking to just work, then that would that would not be worth it. So, um, so yeah, it sounds like, you know, they're, uh, they're going to try to reveal that
Starting point is 03:23:45 and I guess get this working or rework the whole thing possibly. But they want to show off that feature that they're describing that we have not seen yet that would explain why the lobby system has such a change from what it used to be, which is little 3D avatars sitting down at cabinets that worked. Um, and then yeah, and a little bit more on the design ideas behind like it not being rock and roll enough. And they're saying, uh, regarding the user interface in general, we've gotten many comments that the design is not rock and roll enough. Rest assured, we will make it rock. So, um, yeah, it's just, uh, if you kind of want to hear, you know, from the horse's mouth, what they're thinking as, uh, they readjust all this shit, um, it's going to be cool to see the screenshots,
Starting point is 03:24:36 even if, if, if, even if it's in progress to be like, okay, all right, you know, because it's important to like rebuild some of the, the faith that was lost by the, the shit that didn't work, especially when the game looks so fucking good and you really, really, really want it to launch in a good state. And, uh, all I can say is that, you know, if they use this delay and developer diary to do all the work that would otherwise come from having a bad launch, then we can skip the bad launch and get to the phase of the game where things are solid. It would be really smart to get that shit out of the way before you launch by just telling people what's going on in the game and getting the feedback on that and adjusting it. And then we
Starting point is 03:25:25 can start this whole thing out right with the most beautiful looking game, not having a shitty launch and actually having people excited about buying it once it drops. And then there's no like, oh, should I buy guilty gear? And it's like, ah, you do like, all right, you, you want to kill that discussion. You want the answer to be an, uh, unequivocal? Yes. So, uh, you know, fingers crossed. All right. Well, let's take some letters and do our thing. All right. Hey, you want to send in a letter, send it into castle super beast mail at That's castle super beast mail at And if you do, might sound a little something like this.
Starting point is 03:26:22 Syvonix says, Hey, keyboard and fight stick, how are your day? How are your days? Apologize. I apologize in advance for how difficult, uh, this might be to say out loud. I was going through my Twitter feed and I saw something interesting. I saw someone's tweet said, had the phrase castle super beast or castle space super beast, all one word. This made me realize I almost always spell it castle spaced super space beast. Uh, at the same time, it wouldn't be out of the ordinary to see something such as castle space super hyphen beast. You see where this is going. I do. Uh, the weird train of thought made me realize that there's all sorts of different stylizations
Starting point is 03:27:10 from individual to individual, whether or not the official way to do it was confirmed by the creators. Can you think of any IPs with a massive range of disparity in different people spelling stylization and pronunciation? Um, my mind jumps to many anime series where you see a mishmash of name pronunciations. Tag on Titan is pretty incredible in this respect. Yeah. Um, I mean, if you need the, if you need the, the official branding on it, it's three words. Yes, three words. So that's okay. But, um, I think the, uh, I think the, uh, the logo has the space between each and then the compressed logo shows you the, the three lines. So there's three, it's three words. But, um,
Starting point is 03:28:03 yeah, uh, I don't, I don't know in terms of officially what, what we have. Oh, officially, I don't know. Spider man and spider hyphen man. We're all, we're always, you know, Marvel has to fight against that. What about all the different ways people talk about hero Aqa? I guess. Is it hero Aqa? Is it bo ko- Bo juno. Hero,ardenia. Is it, is it green narrative? Is it macadamia? Yeah. What is it? I don't know. Yeah. Bo kuno hero academy. Oh, that's, that's the worst, dude. I don't care for that. Yeah. Well, yeah, I'm going to go ahead and say Spiderman is probably the biggest one that is, you know, Marvel constantly has to fight against. The weird variations of the spelling.
Starting point is 03:28:56 Yeah. Yes, I do know about the attack on Titan trailer. No, I have not watched it because apparently it's chock full of spoilers. And that's the end of the discussion. It's one of those things where I watched it and I'm like, I'm sure these are spoilers, but I don't know. Yeah, I'd rather not. I'd rather not. I don't think there's a single more image, more spoilery than like the manga panel of like the final series of chapters where it was, they showed off some characters in a new look. Yeah. So you guys are very different. Not interested, you know. So if you're in, if you're out there or waiting for us to talk about it, I won't. Damn. Damn you, sir. Hill says your castle super beast mail at That's castle super beast mail at I've been playing near
Starting point is 03:29:49 Automata, Automata recently, near Automata, near Automata. Despite a few minor gripes, I've been really enjoying it. One of the said gripes I've realized is I hate the corpse run system. Not enough to not like the game, but I hate it nonetheless. Games that use it near Dark Souls, Hollow Knight, etc. Despite being incredible, I feel I don't benefit from the system in near specifically. I rarely die to begin with, but when I do 90% of the time, I'm within a short jog of an access point, so it's make it's effectively pointless. All it does is making the entire equipment plug-in, chip system, system field disposable and pointless, because if I slip up and die twice, I'll lose all my good shit anyways. I've never seen a game that does it effectively.
Starting point is 03:30:33 I just feel like the game inconveniencing you and pretending it's a challenge. Am I crazy? Am I alone? Are there any mechanics like this that you hate despite being present in the games you love? I don't think the corpse run system in Automata is any good at all, personally. You die so rarely that it just seems like, oh yeah, you guys put this in here? I guess, right? But corpse running has a certain fun to it. Corpse running in World of Warcraft, when people are PvP shitting all over your dead body, was both incredibly cool when you pulled it off, but usually horrible. Yeah, I think dropping your chips in a game where you barely die doesn't add much. Dropping your money and or experience in Souls games is a little bit different. Dude,
Starting point is 03:31:32 FF11's de-leveling thing is like the most punishing shit in the universe. Oh, and the boss hits you with an unlevel attack? No, if you die, you just lose experience. Oh my god. With no, with no, with no. And money is like, is very hard to come by in that game. So you could de-level and not be able to wear any of the shit that you had. Can you level down or do you just go down to zero at the current level? You can totally level down. That's brutal. That's brutal. That's fucking brutal. And so you'd be like, oh, I have to go make money to buy gear for one level below me so that I can use that gear to level up to one level above because I de-level. It also makes no sense from a conceptual point of view.
Starting point is 03:32:22 Experience. That's what the devs say. Experience make you like that's white. You lost some of your memories when you came back to life. You got dumber. Yeah. You lost some of your memoirs. To be honest, I'm a probably upset some fans of this mechanic, but I don't have love in my heart for crafting. It's a cool system that I'm sure a lot of people appreciate. And I say this as a Omni crafter in Final Fantasy 14, but in the vast majority of games, it's like, I just wish this wasn't here at all. I want to buy the item that has the numbers that I see and I want those items. I don't enjoy, especially when it's crafting with an RNG, you know,
Starting point is 03:33:21 the aspect to it where you're like, well, each time you make it might be a good one, might be a bad one. I don't like that. It doesn't make me want to play more. It doesn't draw me in. I just want the weapon. Please allow me to acquire the weapon that is there and we don't need 80 versions. It's nothing for me. It does nothing, but it's for other people. So at the same time, I can just pass on a game that it's all about that. But boy, I don't like RNG crafting. Yeah, I don't blame you. I really don't blame you at all. What's the best version of it? Best version of it? Of crafting? Because I just, to me, it's a mild to major negative, you know?
Starting point is 03:34:11 I like it Monster Hunter. I think it's a net positive in that game. Yeah, Monster Hunter doesn't add RNG to it. RNG crafting, I'm going to say, is bad by default. I think Guild Wars 2 had a really cool crafting system where you would discover recipes by using ingredients. Yeah, like I remember fucking by the end of Transformers, the Platinum game, you just have an inventory full of garbage weapons and you're like, what am I doing with these again? I don't know. You can throw some of these out, but if you keep a bunch of duplicates, you might be able to mix them with another one to get something else, but it might not be purple.
Starting point is 03:34:57 You're just like, what the fuck can we do? Shut up. Give me the good weapon. Let me earn what I need to earn to get it. Stop. It's artificial fucking length and depth. If you can build and grind towards something, okay. But every time you add a random number generator into it, you're like, oh, I could have. You very, very rarely get, oh my god, I got the best version. That's incredible. And it's much more common than it's like, oh, I got the sub par or even terrible version. Yeah, you know what, you know what's nice? None of that. And just being like, I got the super shotgun. Fuck yeah. I got it. That feels good. Oh man, now I got the meat hook.
Starting point is 03:35:47 And that's it. It's great. You had a tool added to your, your fucking tool belt and you don't have to be like, yay, I got the super shotgun, but oh my god, it's F. Okay. Well, I have the hooking ability, which is still good, but this damage sucks. I might as well switch back to my normal gun. Yeah. Fucking, you know, the anthem and destiny or whatever. Like, so anyway, yeah, that does it for me. I don't know. Do you have any abilities like that? Any mechanics that I'm just like, the turn off? Let me think. I don't like RNG in general. Like, I think, and it's a long standing thing. I don't think that consumables in games
Starting point is 03:36:49 are very good at all. I think they're usually pretty terrible. And either the game is so hard that if you fuck up using consumables, you'll be fucked later, which causes you to hoard them. Or the game is easy enough that you can ignore consumables. So why are they even there most of the time? I've never played a game where you have exactly what you need and it's not a hoard system or I'm out or I'm all out. I've never, ever, ever played a single game that wasn't one or the other extreme. Sucks. Yeah. And I always end up just like selling them for gold because gold can turn into gear, which isn't going to vary. Like, I remember playing Bloodborne and we had those fucking thunder papers. Do you remember those? And it's like, oh man, they're really good against,
Starting point is 03:37:51 they're really strong against, you know, this type of enemy. Cool. Let's use it. Ah, we've used them all up. And now the enemy is still not dead. And I, it's, fuck, fuck. Yeah. How about instead, you just have the consumable effect be something that can be obtained in by the item itself on the map in the stage? You know, it's one of the best things about Xenoblade Chronicles. When you finish a battle, your characters just regenerate all their health. Yeah, that's cool. That's cool. Because that sucks. Inworld power up that you, you know, if you like that you can, you know, if whatever area you're in, it might be a benefit, you know, to go grab that or to go do the thing, but you just, you get the effect there and then you
Starting point is 03:38:50 don't have to worry about this like fucking, you know, nonsense hoarding thing. Yep. Agreed. Agreed. Hey, Subcastle Super Beast crew, James says recently the persona fandom has been going through a surge in popularity due to P5R going through the classic popular new things sucks, old stuff was better phase with P3 great game being held up as a masterpiece regardless of its flaws and lack of quality of life. Never getting re-released, of course. My question is what's the worst instance of rewriting history due to the thing becoming popular you've seen? What's an instance of this phenomenon you actually agree with? I would, then I actually agree with, oh, because I would, I was about to say like the worst instance
Starting point is 03:39:37 that I ever saw in my life was Resident Evil. Those old games suck, dude. Interesting. Terrible. It's like, fuck, fuck yourself. Never heard you say that, but I did hear how much. And you never will. Right. I think one of the biggest ones I can think of is Twin Snakes, but I'm also the guy that doesn't hate Twin Snakes, but I know that everybody hates Twin Snakes. Yeah. The mailing thing is bad. The mailing thing sucks, but otherwise, like, I don't mind, Twin Snakes doesn't upset me. It should. There's some ridiculous fucking Kitamura action set piece moments that are just like,
Starting point is 03:40:38 yeah, fucking, why not? We, you know, we got, like, why not, man? Sure. Yeah, he backflips off a Stinger missile and shoots. It's okay. He can hang off the ledge. You can do the MGS2 ledge hanging, Sons of Liberty ledge hanging. Ninja and him have anime battles. Yeah, fuck it. Why not? Let's go for it. Yeah. But that's, that's like the only one I can really think of. Ultimately, you kind of, I remember the discussion I had back in the day with another Metal Gear fan in school where they said like, they're like, you know, if you look at all of Foxhound in MGS1, they're insane super soldiers. And the whole time we're being told that Snake is a super soldier,
Starting point is 03:41:32 but he's really just regular player character man. So those cutscenes kind of make it a little bit more believable that he's on that level, because otherwise you're not really given any evidence through gameplay that he's that special. Except for the fact that you can like easily knock people out and just a couple hits and sneak around and snap dudes next like it's nothing. Yeah, but in comparison to put your controller on the floor. You know what, I think like really nailed it home for me. And is what we mean you were talking about Twin Snakes like nine years ago, 10 years ago. And I talked about how one of the things that I didn't like about Twin Snakes was that it portrayed Solid Snake as so ridiculously powerful compared to Big Boss
Starting point is 03:42:24 because MGS3 had come out. And you pointed something out to me that happens in MGS3 that is like shot camera wise to be not as big of a deal. But it's actually way more insane than anything Snake does in Twin Snakes. And that's when Pain attacks Big Boss. Big Boss is able to protect himself with a knife because he is cutting the bees so fast that the bees can't sting him. I did point that out. And how how absurd that is. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's true. That's true. Yeah. You know, these are these are fucking these. It's just it's a little it's just ridiculous, you know, and I kind of get the feeling of like, all right. To me, Twin Snakes was just Gendy, Gendy Clone Wars.
Starting point is 03:43:35 You know, okay. Mace Windu is force crushing droids like left and right and running up walls. So somebody asks in the chat a good question. If we if I hate Twin Snakes, then why don't I care about Revengeance, which did something similar. It's like Revengeance is pretty consistent with the amount of stupid shit you see Raiden do in MGS4. I mean, there's a there's a direct blue line there. Yeah, but there's also one was a remake of existing events. And I'd even go it's like if I were to argue the the opposite end of it, as well, I would even go as far as to say that there is also a very consistent like the technology has become ridiculous. It's magic at that point. The the the abilities of the characters is are following what tech has
Starting point is 03:44:34 been able to allow them to do. And in the era of the Revengeance future, you can split it wide open to over edge, because you have these the body that is entirely robotic that allows you to swing and jump that high. I remember the quote somebody was making fun of Raiden's feathered hair a million years ago when Revengeance came out. Yeah, or maybe it was four. And somebody replied to it and it stuck in my brain. And I look at Raiden like with horror now. And it's like you spend a lot of time on your hair, too, if you were a robot from the molars down. And it's like, God, damn it. Like, oh, like, literally, only part of his body can express. It's all you have left. One of those two eyeballs is also not real.
Starting point is 03:45:35 Like, Raiden is a fucking sub zero fatality walking around walking around in a metal skin worse than Robocop. Yeah. You know, he he doesn't even have both of the eyes in the sockets. He's a fucking man has no dick. So yeah, allow him to spruce up his hair and get it did. What else does he have to do in the morning? Really? Maybe oil his joints? Don't fucking throw shade. Let him let him have his hair. That scene in Robocop was so fucked up. Yeah. Yeah. But Raiden had it worse. Make no mistake. Don't get it twisted. He doesn't even have the one lung. But yeah, like, you know what I mean? Like the man is a robot from the fucking jaw down.
Starting point is 03:46:35 Like he is holding a boat back on like he like come on. Dude, not no, not even when I say the molars down his lower jaw is also robot. Yeah, that's what I said from the jaw down. Oh, OK. When I because like, oh, geez, like his mouth is cut and everything his bottom jaw is robotic and everything beneath that continues to be robotic. Yeah, so fucked. It's not like otherwise you just be like, oh, he's a robot head. He's a living head on a robot body, which is somehow creepier. Like for some reason, the idea of a living head on a robot body just makes me think of like that weird monkey experiment. But the jaw. I don't want to talk about that.
Starting point is 03:47:21 But the jaw part just makes it like, OK, well, it's just crazy tech. I don't know. It's weird. It's weird. Yeah. Somebody's saying, but Pat, you want to be transhumanist. No, I just want my brain in a full robot. That's way less terrifying than keeping some fleshy bits. Yeah, I'm the opposite. I want mostly fleshy bits with with like one cool part with a couple of cool parts. Yeah. Hansers. I think as I think like you don't have to have that horror moment if you still have most of your
Starting point is 03:48:08 your your torso and you kind of just have the limbs replaced for cool shit. Yeah, Jensen's Jensen's cool. I want my dick, man. You want to keep your dick. I want to keep my dick. What if you could get a better dick? No, it could spin and and play radio. Now my dick's pretty good. I want to keep it.
Starting point is 03:48:37 OK, let me OK, let me ask you a question here. What if they could give you a robot dick, but they would hook it in to your like brain and it would feel twice as good. I cannot be convinced. This is a hard line stance and everyone's everyone's having great sex with their Robo Dicks and then you're out there and people like can't believe this guy's got a fucking an old skin dick. Jesus.
Starting point is 03:49:08 Fuck off. Give me the drugs. Like put the put the thing in my brain that just send me like, you know, like do it some other way. I was hanging out with your boys and they're just like, hey, man, I got the new Horsey 5000. What are you repping? I just popped into my head. It's like the new the newest model of fake dick is the Horsey 5000. Of course, of course, it's got a V8 engine in it.
Starting point is 03:49:43 It's got two attachments flat and round. I'm not I'm not interested under any circumstances whatsoever. So, yeah, everything from head to dick, we're going to keep that and then we'll slowly replace the rest with cool robot shit. So can I can I can I get a denial from you that you will not upgrade your dick to the Horsey 5000? I will sign that dotted line. It's got the logo on the side. Of course it does.
Starting point is 03:50:27 And it's it's got the it's got the 5000 and like super future font that's like italicized. Yeah. Have my shit looking like the fucking techno organic virus has infected it. I have it looking like cable's arm. Oh, no, we got we got a new batch of malware out there affecting our brand at the Horsey brand. Oh, oh, there's a Trojan virus affecting your dick. Oh, no. Now all of the good feelings go to someone else that's hijacking.
Starting point is 03:51:08 They hacked your dick, bro. Your dick got hacked. Dick hacks. What you gonna do now? Don't dick hack my Horsey 5000. What you gonna do now? Oh, you want to feel good? You want to go?
Starting point is 03:51:24 You want to feel good? Well, you're not getting it anymore. They stole it. Where's it going? To someone else's brain. Oh, no. The hacker has taken it from you. The ultimate in NTR.
Starting point is 03:51:40 Oh, I don't like this. No, you didn't. But you shouldn't have given up your fucking dick, bro. Never forget that we live in a world where a man discovered that you can hack into a pacemaker. He was then accidentally, he was then suicided before he could give a presentation to warn everybody about this, this, this ability. So, so, so make no mistake, the moment you replace your dick with the Robo-Dong, it will get hacked. What kind of fucking, what kind of encryption you're running on that bad boy?
Starting point is 03:52:31 Not enough. Not enough. End to end. WEP. We still doing WEP over here. Oh my god, the wifi signal on it. Dude, I click on my devices in my computer sometimes and I see things I don't recognize and I go, what the fuck is that?
Starting point is 03:52:59 And I squint at it real good and I look at the driver properties to try and figure out what the fuck that device is or who for that matter. You do not need this on your fucking dong. Yeah, maybe not, maybe not. Fucking Norton out here at McAfee. Trying to, trying to convince you to protect your dick while they're themselves infecting it. No, no, I don't like that. Folks, we're gonna call it there.
Starting point is 03:53:45 Yeah, that seems like a good time to call it. Good. All right, everybody, you stay safe out there. Do that, actually, actually do that. And uh, I don't know, don't fucking at me. How about that? How about we end on that note? That works for me.
Starting point is 03:54:12 Don't fucking at me. I don't want to hear it. Peace if you got a peace, but I don't want to hear it. Not the time. All right. Okay, bye everybody. Take care.

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