Castle Super Beast - CSB 076: This Soup Needs a Pinch of Hitler

Episode Date: July 7, 2020

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Starting point is 00:00:00 </font></font></font></font></font></font></font></font></n></ How are you today let you take one guess annoyed by construction that's that's one of them that's one of them all right I'm killing it today mm-hmm they uh I went and took a nap after we delayed the podcast a little bit yeah I was awoken this week by not this week rather this this morning by a thunderous boom not unlike uh like thunder in my actual fucking head but that yeah but that's just the construction happening around and it was like okay it's one of those it's that time again so um you know that's gonna just pay your protection gotta make sure you know that's all covered up but uh that'll be affecting things for the
Starting point is 00:01:36 for the time being so though yeah that's awesome uh yeah man yeah man fighting games are are fine the fighting game community is uh not doing fine the fighting game community is pretty rough right now things are shit and overall uh it's it's uh been a pretty like rough week for anybody uh in or associated with the community that's been following that's been anyone that's holding one of these fucking hell squares on there in their hands that just brings you the awful news oh oh the the rectangle of of misfortune yes yes the hellbox in your hand yes uh anyone that had the unfortunate uh you know opportunity to to hold one of these was brought uh just an emotionally exhausting week i'd say that's one way to describe it uh like so i may i made this um i made this
Starting point is 00:02:46 this disclaimer on uh on my stream like three four days ago when i talked a little bit about this uh but don't misunderstand uh the occasional uh giggle or quiet chuckle for dismissal or not taking this seriously the things going on in the fgc are so fucked that my personality can do nothing but laugh at how absurdly dark it is it's just the way that i actually am um it's one of those so uh what is it a laugh to keep from crying kind of things in which uh there's a certain how do i put this it's a car crash is a tragedy but like a million car crashes is comedy something like that there's some famous expression about that um absurd absurd like there was a there was a there was a moment
Starting point is 00:03:52 where i was i think it was like wednesday or thursday where i was scrolling down my timeline and i was like man that smash stuff's pretty crazy oh jeez that's the pro oh more well i mean it literally started the moment the podcast ended last week to be perfectly honest yeah um in the middle of that came you know what we were hearing about the the mic z stuff and then like it pretty much just launched off from that point and it got worse and worse and a lot a lot darker than than what than the mic z stuff that we didn't even have a chance to scan properly on on the air all things considered but um for what it's worth anyone who's um i don't know hoping to catch a take out of me i don't really have one it's just fucking it's just raw and shit and it's just it's
Starting point is 00:04:58 really awful feeling right now i have a take for all of you uh-huh it's a relatively simple take that i have expressed many times is it an obvious concept that we it is an obvious concept would like to assume that everybody has but understood but sometimes you're reminded that that's not the case is it one of these okay it is uh it's really easy it's in fact quite easy to not do i think i phrased it don't commit crimes and especially don't fuck the kids don't do it don't touch them don't look at them don't fuck the kids yeah there's something honestly just like the the the road from like uh that's a that's a creepy mm-hmm that the road from that's a that's a creepy thing to say in a like unwanted context
Starting point is 00:06:03 down to uh your honor i didn't know her age is a very large one there's a huge gulf between the two things and at least as far as the smash community is concerned there was a whole lot of like um yeah just like just insane underage store stories about people that were just like it's it's smash brothers so i i guess it just makes sense that there would be a lot of kids coming to play a nintendo game you know in a way like um when when i saw that stuff i was like oh of course that thing nintendo is actually always afraid about because their games draw in like a very young crowd oh of course that would attract a certain side clientele that would love to hang out in those spaces and i mean like you know for for like and to be perfectly honest like
Starting point is 00:07:10 there's something that kind of you know the you take that plus the the um the environment sometimes it depends it depends not every con but certain con tournament but like certainly like conventions and tournaments do have that energy uh where like you know at night after things are done people will sometimes go to bars go hang out go do like they'll have these parties and after events and things like that there is like a lot of i guess just like um it's it's a bit of a perfect storm for someone uh for it's a perfect storm for irresponsibility in some ways and like people who are uh not quite adults and people who are adults and people who are uh in between the two all just kind of like mashing together in in this like post um tournament setting and uh you
Starting point is 00:08:02 know it just it's just it's uh you take smash brothers you take the fact that again it it appeals to its audience and then you you add the the flavors of like tournament parties and hangouts and hotel room chilling and stuff like that and you just get like some fucking horror stories uh that sound just awful so yeah a lot of that um there's a mega thread that was put up on the smash brothers reddit where you can go down the list of uh you know different players different um accusations and essentially you know uh just the full like it's a it's alphabetical and and categorized you can just keep scrolling it it's takes a while uh these are the kinds of things you would associate with i don't know the people who are supporting like a fucking brand of oatmeal not like i don't know
Starting point is 00:08:59 like a fucking sexual assault slash misconduct slash creepy kid toucher list you shouldn't need to list it by alphabetical guys just stop it uh yeah i feel in general to that uh you know that's that's so that the smash brothers had that in the case of uh the you know quote unquote fgc proper uh every basically you know everything else um of course there was those evil online getting canceled which felt like you know it was the it was the exclamation mark at the end of a sentence that was that was being spelled out by um initially the accusations against mr wizard and then each company involved with evil online withdrawing their participation and then the commentators withdrawing their participation uh to the point that essentially
Starting point is 00:10:00 there was no evil to online left there was no event left i would probably suspect that there will be no evil left um i uh we'll see we'll see about that it definitely is not impossible that that's the outcome but uh i don't know i don't know what next year looks like i don't know what anything looks like but um i think it's i think it's i i personally think it's it's too soon to say what the fuck is going to shape up but one thing's for sir for sure is that the community at the very least you know which is like again currently reeling from all this is very open to like alternatives and ideas and just figuring out what what to do but for the most part i know that right now again it's all literally like a couple days ago
Starting point is 00:11:07 so people are kind of just like i just want to just play some some video games you know they're kind of their people are kind of just all in the same sort of space right now as far as i can tell yes not great far from uh i can i can see the situation like in my mind's eye of people over at capcom and and nether elman what have you looking at their uh their misery rectangle and going oh why no we gotta get the fuck out of this uh i assuming like the cannons took over a ceo right uh over wizard assuming they're legit and didn't know about what was going on uh they could salvage it
Starting point is 00:12:08 but i could see a situation in which like people over at capcom or whoever are just like we are never touching that shit again and pulling all kinds of support because that is a lot of shit popping off mm-hmm and has been popping off for a long time i think it again it just it depends on how this all shapes up it's it's i mean the problem is is there's no way to play uh uh you know literally monday morning quarterback when the game is quote unquote still going on right like it's it's literally it's not done it's happening we're in the middle of it so it's hard to say what the results of this will be for sure um you know and current results are this evos definitely done for absolutely and uh
Starting point is 00:13:01 yeah and there's going to be some management shake-ups at the very least i think that um yeah i it's it's going to be something where yeah it comes down to definitely like you know who knew what when i mean like like fucking right before i hit the button i just saw someone posted a thing that was like uh just in the on a more global scale like the x ceo of reddit was like hey we were at a party with gizlain maxwell and we all knew what she was up to so we stayed away from her and it was like uh oh she's currently uh what suddenly dying of cove it by the way what what what no that was that was a fake article that was a dumb fake article thing oh there's just no yeah that was super dumb and fake yeah totally okay well i'm sure she definitely
Starting point is 00:13:48 won't hang herself soon so all that to say definitely all that so i i bring that up to say that in terms of like yeah who knows who knew what went and stuff like that it's going to be it's going to be a big part of what happens going forward i think as well that um you know evo like i've seen i've seen pretty irresponsible i've seen pretty irresponsible behavior and i've seen pretty irresponsible takes uh in terms of just like what we're looking at with this situation i've seen some people say that uh if evo dies then fighting games are dead and it's over and i'm like that's self sir you're a silly person and you you need to just get out of here i don't even want to have a conversation with you about that um and i've seen people say that uh it'll be fine
Starting point is 00:14:40 nothing things will be back uh next year and it'll and it won't and and we'll be we'll be about we'll bounce back no problem and i'm like no that's similarly that's ridiculous as we all know the extremes are absurd you know and i i hate sliding the slider both ways either on in any of those instances because it's just those are not believable situations i think we're going to see some major changes and shake ups and how things are done and and and and you know like evo too like when the first whiffs of like fgc thuggery started coming out years ago uh they they like got really really aggressive about this stuff they got really really like you know zero tolerance was was an active thing going on i mean that's part of how the whole core values
Starting point is 00:15:28 you know uh like meme came about was was based on the one of the retroactively fucking most hilarious in a fucking gallows humor way things ever now yeah the hypocrisy is fucking like hashtag core values is it's peak parody it's it's a tense it's a tetsuzanko of of fucking hypocrisy but what ends up happening and is um the that is an over uh uh that is based on the idea that from back when we started seeing things like oh is a porn company gonna sponsor a player or you know like all these little weird stories that you that were popping up years ago they kind of just went like we need to make sure the image of the fighting game community is not like uh is clean and not like destroyed by you know um this type of behavior so that like
Starting point is 00:16:24 at the very least we can stay inviting to new players and if espn wants to come along they can broadcast this with no problem and all these little things they you know so they put these these sort of checks into place as as it were um and i i mean like i you know back when i was uh there was a point when i was like toing and doing events and and and some of them were associated with like you know evo premier league things and and you'd make tournament points or whatever was happening in montreal when i was running montreal street street fighter tournaments there was definitely the like uh the to group of communication where it's just like okay all to's get together and kind of talk about you know policies and things that that should be
Starting point is 00:17:09 in common and things that would happen and uh uh you know you definitely see things like something comes up related to a player and then the everyone goes oh that's fucked up okay like i'm gonna you know like that guy's not invited to our tournament anymore or whatever the case is and there would be these discussions so like um all this to say that an effort was made to sort of clean up the image years back but this one this time around it's fucking you know like it's it's rooted inside so there's no saying how this is gonna 100 percent play out i think but but to go back to my what i was originally saying i guess because i'm working this out as i'm talking i don't really i'm just kind of like going but if i think both of those are silly to say fighting games are dead
Starting point is 00:17:56 as silly to say that evo is going to be fine as silly i think that the um evo is very important to the fighting game community it's the major final event it's the biggest event and it represents a large uh fucking gathering and a sort of like you know it represents the end of the year so to speak of the the fighting game year community year so i think that um like that is going to that type of event the community is always going to want to have something like that and uh i feel like you know enough energy can come together to make sure that takes place whether it's in the same location whether it's under the same name or whether it's under a different tournament's name uh is what we will have to see there's other very large events that have been
Starting point is 00:18:44 building up momentum as well combo breaker is definitely one that everybody knows about that's getting more and more recognized for being the the evo for games that are not currently in the spotlight you know so um that is something that is building momentum but but again it's just it's gonna it's gonna happen over the course of literally the next 12 months you know so um it's it's a long time between now and then there's a lot that can happen based on the pace that this year has been moving so i just think it's too premature to say what's going to happen for certain is this year moving too fast or too slow the answer is both and there's literally a twitter story this morning to talk about that literally there was a twitter a story was put up from
Starting point is 00:19:38 i forgot what news art what news site that was literally just about like i keep saying literally i should stop that there was a an article put up about how time feels weird in 2020 it was Reuters why time time feels so weird in 2020 and it's just breaking down like your perception of things and how multiple events hitting you and you know contributes to like yeah you know you can't tell what's going on some days feel eternal and other days feel like they didn't happen um is it Reuters or Reuters i don't know how to pronounce it i don't know yeah everybody knows which one you're talking about so that's that's what's that's what's going down you know i have an idea evo wants to come back next year i think there are two things that you can do if
Starting point is 00:20:32 you say blood sport this conversation is over it's not blood sport okay because that would not clean up evo number one is don't allow miners to compete at all at all get miners out of there and the second one is maybe not host it in fucking vegas the fucking drug sleeves and alcohol capital of the world where the temptation to gamble and get fucking rip and drunk and do crimes might be higher than in other locations i know that when it comes to the ability well to i know two things about evo one the the organization had contracts signed with the hotels they were working with and i think that in some cases they were stipulated to you know have the
Starting point is 00:21:39 event there for a period of time uh they there was a year of there was a couple years of transition where they were trying to figure out between caesars palace and the wind and and and you know eventually mandalay bay but um i think that they they have these long terms things that get decided you know uh so all this to say i think one that's on the table two uh at the point where there were 12 000 people in attendance at the live finals because the growth of uh fighting games recently exploded in the uh i don't know how easily other city venues could handle that right on a short notice especially for anybody who's like i'm just gonna fly in and go check it out you know i think if you were to ask any other place um about like that sized crowd you
Starting point is 00:22:38 would have to do uh it would basically come down to i think um almost like festival planning in terms of like music festivals and how they handle like large crowds coming in you know and um yeah i think basically i think it can be done but evo would have to step up to that level of planning so that things are not uh fire festival obviously i agree i mean the the second one is is not as important to me as the first one but because any area that you have some large convention in huge crowd you're gonna have you're gonna have a lot of drinking and gambling and what have you but giving like not allowing miners to compete severely cuts down on the reasons for any miners to be there at all just get them out of there yeah i think don't let them don't let
Starting point is 00:23:35 them on the show floor let them go grand finals at the stadium i think at the i think every tournament though is kind of um like the the perspective at the is that like the the fgc is made up of miners and non-miners like the these if you go to your locals you will see like people that are there uh there's there's people that have come to tournaments here you know with their parents driving from over from Ottawa things like that like it's a mixture of a community with different ages because they're playing a video game so um just in terms of practically applying what you're talking about um it you know it feels like well essentially like these people are part of the the the locals it would uh make sense then for them to be part of
Starting point is 00:24:25 the majors when they occur and uh essentially they would and in an ideal world they would want them to be uh they would want the tournaments to be a safe environment as opposed to like banning them and saying whatever debauchery goes goes because the the the underlying point is even with a with a minor is or isn't present um there's certain behavior that shouldn't be occurring no matter what you know oh i totally agree but kids can't get kids can't get god if they're not there i get you i get what you're saying it's just like you know there is a there is a thing we're like at this where like i think a lot of game tournaments if we just go out if we go outside of the fgc i think you go towards other like gaming events as well and uh they kind of handle it with a mixture
Starting point is 00:25:24 of ages that's that are that are not necessarily you know um 18 plus i think uh yeah just you know the the amount of times i've seen like parental you know a supervision are people coming in with you know from uh uh wherever with that in tow is is pretty high there's a lot of people that participate that are 16 that are 17 that are getting into these games you know can i uh can i take a second i would like to uh address something i see people are saying in the chat that by me saying that minors should not be present at these events i am dismissing adults who have been harassed or assaulted at similar events and that it is like i am telling women not to get raped everyone who is saying that or thinking that can go fuck yourselves get fucked all right there is a difference
Starting point is 00:26:29 between me stating and it's an organizational structure it is an easy decision to ban minors from an event therefore possibly cutting down on incidences of child abuse even assuming all other controls and me making excuses for other adults sorry for other actions happening towards adults yeah kindly take your head and shove it up your these are not mutually exclusive points um or rather they are excuse me they are they're mutually exclusive points you can make one and separately make the other uh the one the inference of one does not imply the other but it bears stating which is why i brought it up um and i think that the nature of uh the comparison that you make to events like anime cons for example where you know there's a lot of again
Starting point is 00:27:27 people that are like oh fans are anime fans of anime are our age fans of anime are older than us and fans of anime are kids that are getting into like cartoons you know so the the all-agesness of the subject matter kind of permeates when it comes to video games when it comes to cartoons when it comes to you know this this this flavor of geekdom i suppose i don't know what else to call it you know um so i hear that but i i just i think it's an unlikely uh thing to happen i could be super wrong i could in fact they might just post it right now live and they'll just go like oh yeah we've made this change and here you go we're just gonna make it so that that's the case but i think um the i think the intention that the uh community
Starting point is 00:28:24 and the organizers of the events have is an all-ages safe event is the preferred outcome all things together and um and i know that there's certainly uh at tournaments there's certainly like 21 and over like events that take place or sub-events i should say you know where it's like okay there's going to be a specific event here but there's gonna be alcohol so you can't get in unless you get carted you know or there's uh these different things where they know that these like specific like you know children are not allowed here or there for specific parts of of of things that run but for the most part i think the intention is to keep things all ages because the community is made up of all ages you know mm-hmm there's a lot of young players that
Starting point is 00:29:20 you know are are there's there's there's there's like you know the um there's there's less so in the capcom sort of fgc side of things but but there's more and more of them definitely in the smash side of things but uh yeah anyway not to get too i'm just saying you shouldn't let minors into a fucking building that has an event that is serving alcohol oh yeah but like you okay if if if the fucking place is taking during a convention center that's one thing but we're talking about evo which is taking place in vegas hotels yeah you wouldn't bring your children to a bar yeah uh vegas hotels also have like like families walking through with their children you know a lot of the time in general anyway though um again it's it's not to say that
Starting point is 00:30:14 yeah because vegas is a shit though yeah i so so and that's kind of my point uh and not necessarily if you're and if you're speaking of evo specifically that's one thing not if not every tournament venue is a place that like is serving alcohol there's been a lot of tournaments at hotels that are just like it's it's a ballroom in a hotel so that doesn't necessarily apply so there's a lot of specifics that you can get into because it depends on where it depends on what you know evo is one circumstance the stuff that's happening that happened with smash brothers in particular those were you know those those were there's there's smash brother specific events where those things were occurring and and a lot of cases you're talking about stuff that
Starting point is 00:30:57 also was happening in hotel rooms as people were hanging out at the on their own doing their own activities outside of the venue in any instance so there's a lot of details to that i don't think i don't think a hand wave policy change gets rid of all the problems but i get i understand i get where you're coming from with that well like any any hand wave policy change would obviously have to be associated with a change in accountability and culture etc in which the assumed people who saw and suspected and knew shit was going on at all levels and in most of these situations just went ah it's not my business or whatever the fuck that needs to change as well
Starting point is 00:31:55 but you can't hand wave or implement a policy to that you can only shame them not specifically i mean even as there's no way to tell in many cases who knew what or who saw something and didn't say anything but in terms of things that can actually literally be done yeah you shouldn't be having big late night parties where everyone is getting wasted and there are minors around definitely definitely that that that's 100 percent that is just an obvious recipe for abuse and i can say that in most cases the big late night parties were uh not allowed to have minors around
Starting point is 00:32:52 there's a difference of course between that and the statement of like the tournament happening where the games are set up but what you just said specifically agreed and for the most part did occur but yeah um now i want to also make something clear i'm not saying that if you removed all the kids and you removed all the booze that somehow this problem would instantly stop no those are not the causes no of this problem you're talking about you talk about the conduct of individuals there are factors that make like booze makes crime easier particularly if people have fucking roofies hanging around which is by the way all of you don't ever leave your fucking drink unattended ever
Starting point is 00:33:51 but like yeah even if you got rid of all booze even if you moved the fucking evo out to poh dunk missoura you know uh banned all the kids you'd still have problems unless people step up and go hey what the fuck are you doing what are you doing where are you going what are you what are you doing there stop that yeah um and again there is definitely um nothing an event can do about like stuff that takes place not at the event or you know stuff that that happens if you are you know like you like hanging with somebody and under from not meeting them at the at the event but from tinder or whatever and then you you know like it's it's it's a thing that is occurring
Starting point is 00:34:54 like because the event is taking place in this location this is the weekend where this goes down but it's happening essentially entirely outside of the event in this way um or rather within the hotel not at the actual thing running then you kind of have a a situation where you're like yeah that can happen with those rules in place and this is something where the people involved actually need to uh not do the thing you know yeah um hey moron stop breaking the law so and you know uh i i i'm you know i'm generally not i'm an idiot so i'm sure uh everyone who is is of the opinion that i sound like a naive fool for this opinion then so be it you know i think smarter people than me can figure out what the
Starting point is 00:35:47 best way forward with a lot of this is but uh just in terms of having the conversation these are the thoughts that come to mind i guess because i i don't really know you know um yeah i've been uh i've been getting people's questions about uh the possibility asking me specifically hey man say you moved evo out and there was no suitable venue for it what then and my reaction is i don't care my personal i mean me and you might might uh uh might disagree on this fully but and or whatever but it's like i don't have a particular attachment to evo particularly other than like oh man that's we're also the all that you know all those uh cool matches happen i think
Starting point is 00:36:44 you have i think you have a tenuous attachment to fighting games at best so but uh i don't mind things being burnt down if they become tainted yeah yeah you're not me just burn them right and you're not me we have different takes we have different this is we're different people so i know you have zero attachment or give zero fucks ultimately about any of this because it's more of a source of it's more of a source of punch lines in the end ultimately you know um but woolly like punch lines are not like i don't think there's anything i could care about enough to not want it burned down once it becomes tainted all right like i hear you i think though organization comes out or event or whatever happens and it's like
Starting point is 00:37:46 uh hey you know a bunch of crimes happened associated with this and uh like for example let's take let's take the the cannons for example right mm-hmm i don't personally think that anyone will ever be able to convince me with certainty that no one knew about what was going on with mr whizzer because i find that claim to be ridiculous that not a single person knew and if any of the people who knew stick around that shit is tainted and needs to go now um yeah that's that seems pretty that seems pretty fair i i think that's uh there's a reasonable chance that that occurred i think somebody knew something and did nothing i think shit doesn't go on for decades and people don't know nothing
Starting point is 00:38:57 yeah and that's kind of why um like i said i i i think that the community as a whole can uh survive without evo but mm-hmm there's just a lot of like figuring to do um that the the the desire and energy for that type of event to occur to exist within the community otherwise is is is there you know um you know for uh for a situation that is otherwise so horrible which is uh you know the covid in this particular case it gives everybody plenty of time to figure this shit out yep it does it does because there ain't gonna be no fucking in-person tournaments where anybody got worried about this shit for a while being even handed isn't helping you today woolly mm-hmm mm-hmm yeah so anyway uh i think the point ultimately
Starting point is 00:40:15 is you have evo you have mr wizard you have evo you have the fighting game community as a whole you have the players that are known and then you have people that play fighting games in general and you have the games themselves there's a lot of different there's a lot of different parts to this and i think uh i don't think it's unreasonable or rather i think it's unreasonable uh whenever i see people going well fuck the entire thing and the fighting fighting games fuck them fuck the community fuck all of this this is all done right i've seen that those are hyperbolic people that's that's not a statement that actually is even worth having a discussion about i think if we're talking about uh the specifics of what you're what you're discussing here
Starting point is 00:41:12 you know in terms of like the event the the evo in particular uh the people involved in all of these accusations things with smash brothers everyone that has been like associated in in terms of these in these cases you're still gonna look at a bunch of things where there's uh there's a larger community as a whole that is like ultimately trying to not have this stuff exist in it mm-hmm it's it's complicated because like let's say uh evo turns out everybody new blah blah blah the shits the the secretly a fucking epstein side project whatever and uh evo's dead right it's just done that doesn't just instantly solve the problem because it's not even about evo evo is a symptom of a larger community-based problem and it's basically built on the individuals
Starting point is 00:42:13 who are dirtbags and the the slightly less dirtbag but equally disgusting people who just see a bunch of shit and just don't say anything or give people special treatment and those people hop events those people are all over the place they play multiple games they're not they're not like i'm certain i'm not going over the list it's too depressing but i'm certain there's people in that list of dirtbags that play multiple games and are good at in multiple communities in terms of performance uh there is one thing that it might be naive of me to think about to think this that might be an overall positive of this whole nightmare shit show and that is the tendency to not come out with horrible shit that happened to you is often
Starting point is 00:43:03 based off of everyone else's mutual silence and the feeling that well no one would believe this it sounds so absurd or no one would whatever this has made it very clear that this shit goes on and will hopefully create a situation in which people who are abused or assaulted in the future are finding more fertile ground to come forward and be like no that dude's a rapist that dude touches the kids this lady poisoned my drink and what have you yeah and at the very least have people look at the situation to determine some kind of action instead of oh that's ridiculous so and so would never do that i don't think i have heard a phrase in my life as absurd as the phrase blank would never do every single thing that i have ever
Starting point is 00:44:12 described either crimes and assaults against myself or friends of mine or people that i knew or whatever i have literally always run into at least one person who said oh that's crazy so and so would never do that it's a useless sentiment i i think that uh that is absolutely happening there is clearly um more as you said like ground uh for those events to occur and uh for when people decide to speak up and i think that uh you know just on the on the tail end of discussing this as far as a community goes i think that like in any in any community of any kind you know and in particular we're looking at you know fighting games today um but any group associated with anything together that like cares a lot about that thing um has it in their best interest to
Starting point is 00:45:24 like make sure that that exists that there is a clear like path for these uh shitty people to be like you know pointed out and uh you know and for someone who goes through something like that to not have to like just kind of like pretend it didn't happen uh and i think that if the community is available to like make sure that takes place and that the people that are um here that actually again give a shit about the whatever the thing is uh are are they have the best interest in mind of that community and the people involved and they care about those people then you you have to you have to make it comfortable for those people for people to speak up and uh i think we're probably going to get better about that moving forward in time i think here's hoping
Starting point is 00:46:31 i imagine a certain amount of that is almost automatic due to the widespread public nature of what's going on right now uh it's so depressing because it's like hey did you know that hollywood's all screwed up and with the kids and this and that and this and you're like well ha man video games though ha video games are so ha shit fuck yeah my backyard man why would video games be anything and not and and and and you know this particular moment like the ones that i play and in this particular moment literally it was seconds before going live to play marvel 3 last week even you know like i was jumping on to get into fighting games you know um oh don't don't worry buddy but you never while while it's blowing
Starting point is 00:47:28 up with the fgc now i can guarantee you that there are hundreds if not thousands of untold nightmare fuel stories associated with starcraft or first person shooters league of legends or yeah all these whatever all commute pick one communities are made up of people and you're going to have this in each case and the spotlight is not going to be on each one at the same time but make no mistake it is and does occur so yeah i think uh you're gonna i think that i like you said it it is a on a on a an absolutely universal scale something that applies to uh all of these communities but you know this week we got hit pretty hard uh in this particular one and um you know the uh the stories are not quite done coming out they'll continue to
Starting point is 00:48:36 and each subsequent one will every time you kind of have a a link and you see a you see someone you see my story and then a twit longer link it's like okay okay he just got a mentally just like uh okay you know um but uh yeah each each one i guess i'll to finish my thought is is is going to happen with i guess more support as we go forward in time i would like to have one addendum due to a comment that i saw earlier which while well meaning is unfortunately depressing in its own right which is uh how come all of this is coming out of uh the western or particularly american tournaments and like how come none of this is coming out about the japanese players and the japanese tournaments
Starting point is 00:49:44 and that's because uh asian countries particularly japan dramatically under represent or under report sexual assault crimes even compared to the most depressing statistics you could find out here it is not a situation in which well maybe it's fine over there maybe it's fine no it's probably pretty fucking bad everywhere yeah i think that would be a naive assessment to make to think that uh it's just us what it's really like it's it's being talked about here is what you're looking at and that's actually a decent microcosm for uh any particular group of any significantly large size of well you know that you know like i'll take league of legends i'm not particularly i'm not singling out league of legends as a hotbed of abuse or whatever i'm just
Starting point is 00:50:37 using it as a as a name well the league of legends community at least they're not a bunch of like no that's not necessarily true could be just more people are very quiet or there are bigger incentives to be quiet or bigger incentives against being loud no and as 2020 year of it's all bad everywhere world all around as far as um my uh uh as my as far as my usual goes uh you know anything anything i i like i'm basically like very capable of being wrong on just about anything i say at any given point so that's accurate um yeah at any given moment i don't know
Starting point is 00:51:35 you know whether or not i'm gonna look back at that and go like well that was a stupid thing to think you know and whatnot like um you kind of want to just you know hopefully uh be better at all of that in the future as opposed to in the in the present but you know i so just in these in you know whenever i have these types of discussions and we're just kind of spitball in it you know i'm just putting in and such um yeah like again i'm i'm i'm i'm no authority of any kind i'm i'm not particularly uh i have convictions i've had convictions that have been proven wrong in the past in my life before you know what i mean yeah i'd say so therefore i mean ideally we've all had convictions that have been proven wrong at some so that you can go
Starting point is 00:52:32 through what that's like yeah um so i had a deeply religious phase yeah it didn't last very long tell me about it well no i mean that no you're the wrong audience well because so at the point i the the point the point being that um i have convictions i and i and i give the uh i try to communicate what those are and i think that um those you know those can be wrong at any point too you know so if i just say this because i'm like uh to those who roll their eyes in this moment and and see me as just a naive fool sure i don't i yeah maybe i don't know i hope not and i'm i'm someone who you know is always gonna double check uh you know before committing but
Starting point is 00:53:36 i and i understand that that's a mean you are kind of two sides of the gun on you might be a little more naive but i'm very willing to just burn i don't know i know that and i and i know that's i know that it's not the most fucking like you know it's not the it's not the the most inspiring speech to the troops you know to give when you when i when i sound like this when it's not it's not the burning conviction that holds the sword forward and says charge it's not that but i can only be honest about what i am and and that's why i speak this way and also you know this this this job has made me very questioning of everything i say and do so i'm always making sure that things are right making sure that things are double
Starting point is 00:54:24 check out and seem okay so you know i just whatever i'm doing the woolly thing all right we're good i think probably one of the best articles they've ever written is the hard draw the hard times dot net article uh fuck cancel gamers cancel gamers uh talks about the smash shit talks about like beauty pies in there talks about like nobody knows why doctor disrespect got banned permanently from twitch and what the fuck do you have to fucking do to get permanently banned from twitch like kill a guy or some people people that do know are not legally allowed to really talk about it it seems yeah that's that oh man that shit's so fucking weird uh so yeah you know that huh i mean you can you can get taken to court for
Starting point is 00:55:28 talking shit about people so you sure can so particularly in kebek actually uh it's crazy defamation laws in this in this province are super nuts and involve like uh uh even if it's true if you were like trying to maliciously smear somebody you can still be liable for damages which has led to lots of fucked up situations in which crimes have been for real committed against people and then the person who speaks up and goes hey that guy kicked my ass or hey that guy stole my car and it gets them fired or whatever they can sue for damages kebek's weird so yeah kebek's super weird like you would not be able to run the same kind of gossip rag you would on the internet in kebek yeah so that's why um people don't know what doctor disrespect did apparently including
Starting point is 00:56:28 doctor disrespect i'm not i don't like to speculate on shit i don't know anything about i know i know everyone hold on everyone hold on adria the giant dot kiff but but uh there is a there's a clip of the ending of his stream in which he gets some kind of text message that seems to drain the life from his face that it's like i don't know man his statement was that twitch has not informed him why he's banned not that he doesn't know why he was banned okay those are possibly two different things fair enough i also too though know that like the hyperspeculative moments of things can sometimes lead people down some wild goose chases that are not even remotely close to the money it's the most uh deliciously gossipy sandwich ever very prominent person is removed from their position of employment
Starting point is 00:57:31 very publicly and just no reason is given by anybody time to comb through the vods and see what the most what what moments we can find yeah yeah what could it be the speculations it's like you're not going to find it you're like that's not how that like it would never have been on video than everyone would know right everybody would know it would be like ah it's well you know when he was uh allegedly this is a fake story by the way when he you know when he did that live stream where he shot a gun 40 times into the air in the middle of the night it's probably that right it's yeah but if i but if i need to complete the narrative because it's what my brain needs to do then i'm going to find the next closest thing and when the computer finishes scanning
Starting point is 00:58:23 for the next closest thing it's this one moment of him picking up his phone and that's i guess what we're going to go with to say there it is found it that's the thing and then we then we run with that you know the only the only thing you can actually draw from conclusion is it was worse than breaking california law by filming in a public bath yes it evidently was because you didn't get permanently banned from now he did not yeah um and of course you know shout outs to everybody who uh updates the the newest iteration of the the dsp survives uh uh image in the form of doom guy just opening fire on everyone and uh living onward that came but there's a there was a there was a post on the summer yeah uh that cracked me up which was min min's head slapped on to uh
Starting point is 00:59:21 uh fucking uh what's the name childish gambino uh donald lover yeah slapped on to his head when he comes into the room that uh everything's burning down everyone's suffering from gunshot wounds and it was just the phrase like so how about that min min huh yeah i saw that oh yeah um not to not to not to deflate it all there but uh i i i i do think it all the first thing that comes to mind a lot of the time is that you know at the end of the day dsp's an individual and an individual can just sort of like exist and that's all you got to really do you know all you got to do is just you just have to continue existing and uh that'll cement your immortality uh there's no mechanics to it you know there's no company to it there's no uh
Starting point is 01:00:19 group to or event to to you know have a bunch of moving pieces and cogs that all have to work together it's an individual that can that can continue to exist as a single unit to his uh credit which i i have i actually i love giving dsp credit because he he fascinates me but to his credit he absolutely admits like oh yeah lots of blind luck lots of blind luck that is the lucky man things just happen to whatever whenever he also even out he also generally tends to come out and and and you know kind of comment just be like yeah i don't know man just don't be scummy or stuff you know and uh just don't take your dick out when
Starting point is 01:01:14 you shouldn't take your dick out do that off frame hey i have a pro tip for everyone who can hear the sound of my voice if there is any doubt whatsoever in anyone's mind as to whether or not you should take your genitals out maybe put the kibosh on that idea because your own doubts aren't enough because you might be an idiot so think in your mind hey is it possible that somebody could look at this situation ever and be like yeah you shouldn't have done that just hold off probably a good idea just uh just hold off probably a good idea how was your week
Starting point is 01:02:16 uh aside from this shit which has been like uh i don't even know how to describe the emotion i'm curious what it is for i'm curious what it is for you because you know what it is for me it is a it is a new emotion it is a form of of almost persistent state of unreality yeah right yeah of like this like almost almost dream like in which i i scroll on the phone uh what'd you call it the hell cue the hell's where here and i go ah that oh man i know wow um just
Starting point is 01:03:15 kind of like it's a flip-flop between uh uh uh uh laughing at how how absurd it is and just being kind of bummed out and being like god damn it that's a huh many crime right so that i don't know i don't even know what to call ambivalent that's the name of that okay well a lot of people think that it is uh ambivalent means like so so it's not it's holding two contradictory emotions uh together within you once again at the same time uh i would like to uh say that i was already on gray life from the general uh uh uh state of the world that that yes are trying to figure out and that the regular updates of news coming in outside of video games in general is just it's the gray life so every time yes you know there's a lot going on
Starting point is 01:04:25 in fact there is uh and it uh we had a moment a few days ago in which everybody got to have their funny twitter gift over uh possible swine flu and bubonic plague outbreaks so you know um that that's that's currently ongoing depleting you know and every subsequent just piece of shit news related to covid or protests or anything happening really um um candidates joining the race even um the the the that that that that continues so so what i'm what i'm saying is that each of these little like you know backyard fgc touches is just like oh but you got jabbed and now all that gray life commits to real real damage that's right you know and then it goes down a little bit more and then one of these kicks in again and bam okay all that gray
Starting point is 01:05:31 life you know it's it's it's it's a build up it's a build up it's a build up and then oof and and i can say on behalf of like at least uh just you know everyone who shares at people that i i talk to that share the same interests that i do um that we're all fucking deflated right now and um you know i we're sitting up right now i'm sitting in front of a of a microphone but you know it's uh it's the worst of times dude 2020 man whoa party year well i do actually have something in my week that does tangentially relate to uh to that uh feeling uh and that is uh my current living situation so uh page is uh autoimmune compromised and i'm fat so uh the covid is very scary and as a result
Starting point is 01:06:48 i mean we were talking about this the other day but page and i outside of one 3am walk with masks and gloves that took about 15 minutes uh in our neighborhood have not been out of this house in like maybe 170 days since uh like maybe end of february and beginning of march uh so getting a little stir crazy even me more like 120 boy it feels like longer uh even me right notable shut in lover of not going outside i've found this to be stressful to a degree so oh peaches had the great idea to get ourselves a new vr headset and recently just a few days ago
Starting point is 01:08:06 an oculus riff came in the mail and vr chat is back on the menu was it that's just a nice experience was it on the menu before it was but there's a difference between getting on your desktop and going into vr chat and putting on the the the give up sphere and going on to the vr chat because um even though it is obviously not real and is a fake robot computer world it does provide an experience which has been sorely missing for quite some time which is the feeling like you went outside and talked to a person the feeling of going up to a group of people and going hey guys what's up now granted vr chat is also associated with a certain someone walking around as alternating goat
Starting point is 01:09:17 woman and crystal from star fox adventures and constantly going to digital furry conventions and turning into a giant godzilla waifu lady for some reason but it's nice to to feel like you got out there and talk to humans just random weirdo humans that are had that that have terrible taste in music and make you feel really really old really old and call you a boomer punch bomb and I have had the benefit of having a small circle of individuals that we see on a regular basis as you know wiser
Starting point is 01:10:26 as uh as I record so um you know that part of things I guess has been better on our side um because it has not been zero social activity whatsoever I haven't seen my parents since February because my dad is a dumbass and won't stop going to the grocery store oh yeah no I haven't seen my mom in a million I mean you know like that they're I told you like they just like fucking drove from from Texas up like it was just insane but um but yeah that that aside I just mean in terms of like actually um seeing people you know it helps uh that the nature of how I record allows for some social hangouts as well that stuff's cool so been a little a little well a little less cooped up I suppose
Starting point is 01:11:32 so VR chat's still cool it's actually very wholesome which is I mean yeah occasionally you'll see a guy walking around and he's just literally a giant penis like just a dick walking around but for the most part it's just been like oh hey man what's up uh staying inside you know uh it's cool also got to use the Oculus a good deal more my only other experience with the VR headsets was the PlayStation VR is it the quest which was cool but had the distinct problem in that um when I brought the PlayStation VR home it never worked once literally not once it would always drift to the left like every 10 seconds and it would make it so that you were staring like at the back of your head I don't know what the fuck
Starting point is 01:12:39 was going on with my apartment back when I lived there or whatever but we got the Oculus and probably we got the Oculus Rift S oh so it's not this it's not the one that's self-contained it is the one that's uh no the quest is like just uh it yeah that's that's totally self-contained the Rift S you put into your uh you plug into your personal computer and I mean to people who are familiar with VR this is all old shit but uh those controllers are rad and the fact that for the Rift S anyway you don't have to set up any cameras around your house any sensors you literally just plug it into your PC pick up the controllers and uh and put the headset on that's radical cool and being able to map out like I've mapped out this couch area as the the game zone
Starting point is 01:13:41 and uh being able to like poke your head out of it and it warns you dude you're gonna bump into the monitor dude you're gonna fall over your couch because I was I was considering um yeah because I have the the psvr there as well but considering the leaps and bounds that you know the tech has gone through I was looking at picking up um uh something Oculus and the quest sounded ideal because I I like the completely isolated wireless you know a solution there um but I don't know if like if I get that if I'm gonna be missing out on anything that um your standard plugged in Oculus can use or play I'm personally not familiar with the quest at all in fact I'm not even familiar with the fucking quest can do both page the one sorted all right quest can do both you
Starting point is 01:14:31 can plug it in or not all right done that settles that then um but uh yeah just the the the fact that it it fucking works instead of the psvr psvr which didn't fucking work big big big big up so big up so yeah um it's also a lot lighter than the the psvr the rift okay I hear the the quest is apparently super happy to be able to use it on my computer with you know all the most the p most of the VR shit comes out on to the computer uh walking around google earth was unexpectedly super entertaining uh just like vr is the only thing that I can I can actually point to where people go like uh that's just a dumb gimmick uh you know it's just an experience thing right and like for a lot of the stuff that
Starting point is 01:15:38 it'll do on a vr machine yeah it totally is just a gimmick but that gimmick is fucking rad it's really cool like just the the the initial demo that oculus sets you up where they're like here's a bunch of cubes on the table and I had I picked up a cube and I threw up a a cube and then I caught it with my other hand and then I made finger guns because you the the way that the controllers work you can do like different hand shapes and I was like yeah yeah yeah yeah right I'm gonna have to check out um I'm gonna have to check out uh the steam sail before it ends if you're listening to this right now and there's cool as vr games on steam that are on sale tell me what those are and I'll buy them whoo um yeah just yeah nice nice little piece of kit
Starting point is 01:16:45 I'm glad peach peach got it thanks peach thank you the honey um the cat keeps getting his hair in it I think he's using it when we're not looking all right mine's on the way all right play already yep well that's lucky it was a it was a mess for us to actually get a hold of one we were originally gonna get the index but then the index has like a back it has a backlog order back order of just like later eventually maybe someone oh I gotta play super high yeah no someone just said like oh there's like eight left or something and I'm like all right fuck that oh yeah they they sell out fast all right because uh would you would you believe people are desperate for a way to feel like they're getting out of the
Starting point is 01:17:34 house would you believe it so that was a cool experience I'll have I actually only spent a couple hours of that this week uh page been using it more often uh uh though I gotta say I'm not sure which is more fun using a VR device or watching uh your personal favorite dumbass shithead use a VR device and try and dance in a VR space while you see them with their fucking headset on because holy shit you look like such an asshole wearing these things I don't suppose by any chance that there is a glass table in front of you anywhere hell no we had we have a big ass like uh reclaimed wood table but we push that shit to the absolute max distance uh in front of us and we we basically barely have the amount of space with like the nine by nine feet okay
Starting point is 01:18:36 that uh oculus that's good because if you had a glass table then you know I suppose she would have already gone through it yeah yeah she would or and then she would have eaten out that that was part two yeah and then she would have got it that's where I was going um oh so you can't hear woolly but we're making fun of your desire to eat glass yep love you bit all right so uh in addition uh I've been playing a lot more dead by daylight which doesn't really have a whole lot of extra to it other than the fact that I recently uh hung out with my pals dk raw's shy and played one of those games I think shy and dk both put up videos of that on their respective channels that's dk diamantes and quite uh quite shy um but we also played with rebecca ford uh the community manager
Starting point is 01:19:29 of uh warframe cool and uh she's all right she's all right it did by daylight she's also a very nice lady cool cool she took some good natured ribbing at warframe's expense quite well um I was recently reminded that she is much more successful than us and younger so that was upsetting uh but yeah space mom's cool if you guys want to check that out you can go uh take a look at uh dk and shy's videos on the subject did you talk jojo uh um there was a really really goofy interaction uh that happened I'm not sure if it made it into any of the videos in which uh I did briefly talk to her about how I got spammed by a bunch of warframe players when her deo cosplay went up as being the person who ruined warframe
Starting point is 01:20:28 which I think was hilarious but what was the weirdest was she started talking on twitter right before we started streaming uh or maybe it's the night before about how much she loved runeterra because she had just started playing runeterra and plague was like you let pat talk you into something again didn't you and she brought up like yeah this plague of gripe sky was like you let pat talk it pat do you know anything about runeterra I'm like oh do I so she okay well to be fair you're pretty new too the game came out a month ago oh okay we'll never mind that okay well yeah I'm new so yeah rebecca's got incredible taste she's a great sport even though the dirtbags that are
Starting point is 01:21:24 shy dk and ross threw her into that game without even letting her finish the fucking tutorial just terrible terrible people should go look at their videos well shout so I played shout out to a good uh sent by noticing a good a good sent by notices uh it's good uh played dbd played uh the vr video games uh I finished dusk which is fucking great it's just great if you love fast first person shooty games it's great it's very good uh the last couple levels get super hard and they do this thing that I so we you and I talk about a lot we love it where it's like this game looks and feels like a game from its time but it's just you know maybe that cut that you know that color palette wouldn't have been possible or maybe this lighting trick it wouldn't
Starting point is 01:22:36 have been possible you know stuff like that uh and dusk starts to do that in that the visual aesthetic remains the same but then during the second half of its third episode like you know like the doom episodes of of olden days the level design becomes very very obviously impossible on the shit that it is emulating okay like gravity changes teleportation stuff room flips swapping in uh environments when you're not looking yeah stuff and you're like there's no fucking way quake would have been yeah that's trouble my shit I only play I only played one level of it um but I it immediately felt like oh yeah you you you're not allowed to do this on old game rules fuck off for sure yeah but it's great it's it's the real deal um
Starting point is 01:23:33 it's fantastic top to bottom uh its final encounter is it has like two final bosses and they're both both great um and like it had this wonderful difficulty curve and every level was visually different and they all had different little gimmicks the only downside I would say about the game is uh that uh they didn't properly test uh all the all the levels with controller support because I loaded into the final level with no guns and no ability to unholster them because the the gamepad doesn't have an unholster button and the fact that the weapon so there's tons and tons and tons might that have been intentional on part of the developer who wanted to fuck you for holding a controller I checked I spoke to the CEO and I'm like why does that
Starting point is 01:24:36 level break with controllers and he's like because because sometimes you don't test it a whole way through with controllers and if we holster the weapons for dramatic good loser yeah that is also something that was said but no but like you point out the bug and it's like no shut up get good though and it's like but that doesn't fix that no yeah I know that that was spoken um so and the other thing is that the weapon list for an fps is actually really safe um it's hold on hold on oh okay I was going to say I can actually take a guess at this now I've played one or two of those I've played one or two first person shooters now so I think I can guess at what you mean by that sentence pistol shotgun um uh machine gun um rocket launcher and uh probably a sniper rifle
Starting point is 01:25:35 yeah uh there's also a grenade launcher a melee weapon and the only weird gun in the game which is like a crossbow that goes through walls yay I'm figuring it out it is very like there there are very few like there's no like cerebral bore there's no weird ass gimmick weapons it's like no man that's the that's the shotgun that's the bigger shotgun that kind of stuff uh but all in all uh game's fantastic it's uh it's one of my favorites and there's a bunch of shit in there that I can go back and do I missed every secret level uh you can beat the game pacifist uh which I how do you by just sprinting by just to the exits I don't know do you disable enemies in any way or shape or do you just sprint to the exits I think you speed run it and just ignore enemies
Starting point is 01:26:46 and touch and touch the exit uh that is always an unexpected pleasant surprise uh I you move oh man so you've played you played uh what's the fastest shooter first person shooter yeah oh wait no you play dusk fuck it you move fastest shit yeah you can you can fucking book it yeah uh any game that supports a pacifist run that lets you actually like complete it intention intentionally fucking amazing huge fan of that before undertale um shout outs to geometry wars and uh Icaruga oh man that's a great achievement in geometry wars uh but uh yeah game's great uh it uh there was a joke by one of the devs that was like there's more immersive sim in it than you would expect because you could you can use like boxes to uh clip through areas or jump up areas there's speed run challenges
Starting point is 01:27:50 there's oh man the game's great just great makes me very excited for ultra kills eventual release uh gloomwoods release etc new blood has kind of been killing it they don't have a dud yet if I could they don't even have a sword if I could interject for a quick second uh to to teach people about uh the fact that if you play Icaruga and you do not fire a single bullet and you simply absorb and weave through the patterns you'll achieve the rank at the end of the stage of dot eater and the dot eater is one who doesn't kill anything and you can beat the entire game without firing a single bullet that's cool man when you get to the bosses there's I should try you get to the bosses there's a timer on the boss and when the timer on the boss runs out if you don't destroy it you still
Starting point is 01:28:45 continue with the stage you move on to the next stage and you still progress so yeah you can do a pacifist run go on um actually I will modify my addendum there is one game that I would say is kind of a sort of dud but it's not fair because I also I think was the week before last I played unfortunate spaceman what's that which is a new blood game which is free and is currently is it early access or is it just like put out and then they yeah so it's not early access but it is free and they're working on it consistently um are you familiar with unfortunate I'm looking at it right now so the primary mode is a 14 versus one uh spaceman versus thing like alien
Starting point is 01:29:46 uh that uh can change into anybody's color which is like you you know your your name in that game is like a seafoam or crimson or whatever and they can transform into anyone they can sneak around they can do monster things and the uh 14 or 15 other regular ass spacemen are to repair the station and escape while the monster is running around sabotaging shit tricking people turning into other people and like and lying on voice chat in order to fuck them over it's really cool it seems like a super good basis when I played it uh they were having some kind of horrible fucking rubber banding issue and it was goddamn unplayable uh but it's free and they keep working on it so I'm excited to play it once they hit the uh 1.1 versus it's for v1 it's 14 v1 cool
Starting point is 01:30:51 trailer looks interesting what can the monster do it's uh it's basically a thing game what can the monster do you want to play as the thing here you go also is this because of the it's called like is this because of the dead by daylight sort of like asymmetrical vibe going on no it's because I was playing dusk and uh I decided to uh go to dusk's store page and click on the new blood like logo and see what else they got right because if it and I was like well a mid-evil looks like awesome because that's just the heretic to dusk's quake right and then they got dusk then they got maximum action which I'm not going to play just yet because it's in uh it's in uh what do you call it uh early access but that's more of a kind of uh
Starting point is 01:31:47 what do you call it like uh rise the triad slash max pain try the game uh they and they also are the guys who put out faith mortice so I'm like well this is this is like a like a even smaller devolver right or it's like indie publisher that just does good shit now what I've always wanted is the evolve type game where the monster is human sized and they move like a character from crackdown I don't suppose this is that but what can the monster do the monster can uh it does move faster and jump farther than the humans it can turn into any of the humans and visually copy them and it can do anything the humans can do it also can burrow into the ground and insta kill people as they walk over them it can claw and bite as you would expect
Starting point is 01:32:50 and then there's a bunch of perk loadouts that like you know like when you turn into the monster you leave a copy of yourself or like throw gas everywhere to confuse people uh it's not you're not a crackdown monster uh it is more similar to a very built up version of the deceit game we played over it it's okay okay it's much much yeah all right got it got it crackdown monster would be read and when's ultra cool gonna come out waiting on that too need a little punch arm just drop down on uh what else I do anything else I don't think so drop down on somebody with a death from above you know but your cooldown is used up and then like wall run away
Starting point is 01:33:44 man wall running is such a problem for people huh cyberpunk cyberpunk just said they got rid of wall running revengeance got rid of wall running I mean think think of think of every game that the devs were like we took out jumping because it would break all the time the wall running is the the the the jumping of jumping all right here we go wall runs best wall runs prince of persia mirror mirror's edge guns the duel that's my three okay well you took prince of persia right away oh my god titan fall titan fall is everything though titan fall is more than just wrote wall running titan fall is just I mean I would I would say warframe but nobody uses the wall run in
Starting point is 01:34:43 that game at all uh I haven't played ghost runner but I hear it's good uh titan fall two most certainly uh I don't like the wall running in ninja guidance I think it's a little stiff but yeah those those ones the ones you mentioned mirror's edge oh uh does dying light have yeah no I mean definitely titan fall two would have been the would have been the answer there though you're you're you're also just grappling and flying and doing a million other things but yeah you know um yeah all all movement in that for sure it is good man don't cut it if you don't have to oh man you know who at what game has a good wall run fucking prototype because it's a wall sprint yes so hulk ultimate destruction is a wall sprint
Starting point is 01:35:49 where you latch in and you just book it in a direction it's not a temporary and I don't know if it counts because it's it's it's almost distinct from wall running because it doesn't you're not doing the mechanical like you would in another game where it's this is you getting some momentum on the wall it's it just turns the yeah so bao does that I wouldn't count bao as that what bao rotates the camera so that the wall is a new floor um so does um so does uh uh a ninja la actually um I would I would count I wouldn't count that as much I would count like like the camera staying in with the same orientation you know yeah but uh either way that's that's good stuff too
Starting point is 01:36:42 yeah I'm pretty sure that's it for me this week uh if you want to check out more of my crap you can go down to slash pat stairs at I'm gonna be streaming Tuesday Thursday Friday Saturday a combination of Ori and the blind forest probably gonna beat that this week and uh deadly premonition too whoo which comes out this week whoo very excited for that cool don't swear fucking bother swery and ask him for codes don't be a jerk he doesn't want to block people but he'll do it did you see swery putting out clips of the game running in like single digit frame rates I saw I saw I saw a tweet I saw a tweet yeah yeah that's what I'm talking about
Starting point is 01:37:38 I want that game to break like a super nintendo game apparently because he's so nice everybody is just thinking they can chum up and ask for a code and he's like leave me alone so um cool so for me uh yeah I'll take that first person torch at the very least beat halo this week uh halo one how's that final level impeccable this is like great solid amazing pillar pillar of autumn amazing uh uh uh closer after the library which was woof not the best not the best part of the game um that that final that final uh sequence through the through the the pillar is is super tight the music is on point um and then there was the actual driving when we got to the driving uh I suffered
Starting point is 01:38:50 I definitely suffered but I also had no idea how to properly drive the warthog I did not know what the fuck to do by the end I got it because uh I saw the just kind of drifting around corners so I was like oh you're supposed to go full speed and then fully drift and then just keep the momentum going but I was kind of just trying to point the nose in the correct direction as much as possible which was the super wrong attitude to have so I yeah the way halo vehicles control is was very unique for the time yeah I it's almost like you you are directing the driver to go somewhere with yeah and so like after being used to like having a gas pedal as the usual method of you know like moving around that's not at all what's happening here
Starting point is 01:39:45 so in terms of the warthog it definitely like uh yeah the the first run was just like a full-on botch and then the second run was a botch and like I kind of got after seeing what it what you're supposed to do with them like oh shit okay I completely misunderstood the way you're supposed to drive this but I get it now so um that's a that was a hilarious uh uh fucking drunken sequence but the um yeah the game is is is absolutely a classic for a good reason and I definitely appreciate a lot of what it did and uh it was a lot of fun I I I liked the you know um the problem solving in the form of like here comes a here comes a hunter switch to the pistol pop it in the hip you know that's that that shit was cool and of course to think about
Starting point is 01:40:34 how doom sort of treats a lot of most of its enemies with that same sort of like solve the problem right here um uh you know a bit like yeah that was fun um the uh I forget the bike vehicle but the bike vehicle that you can actually strife in uh that was probably my favorite uh of the the purple one where you can actually like yeah I don't that thing was probably the best for controlling um I liked it the most it was you know the fact that you can just kind of like again float sideways to to fly around the map and stuff was a lot of fun um and then later you get the full-on plane which I didn't realize was a plane when I got it so I was just I was trying to like kind of move around the map in the same way like a floating tank kind of and it's like no no
Starting point is 01:41:25 no no point the camera up and fly into the sky and I was like oh Jesus Christ I had no idea to expect that I thought it was just another hovering vehicle you know so uh that was cool um yeah like you know seeing the seeing the the master chieff do his thing and it's like okay he you know Cortana's uh Cortana sassy but she doesn't have the kind of sass that I like she's got that yeah I know she doesn't have the kind of sass I like you know um so I'm like alright Cortana chill you know let's let's let's let's dial back some of these parameters on the on the on the on the the fucking sliders if we could to west world the situation a little bit but um and then uh yeah I think uh three four
Starting point is 01:42:26 three guilty spark sounds like a fucking fighting game special and I love that and I look forward to the naming conventions continuing uh because that shit is uh really cool hey do you have windows uh I have Cortana staring at me right now yeah isn't that weird I wish I could make it go away I uh I don't know how but I made it go away I installed my classic windows start menu but I never made Cortana stop I tried I think I killed her at some point hmm hmm well I can hide the search box at the very least right yeah I think that's all I did yeah that's that's it's not actually gone it's just sort of like you know hidden but in any case um
Starting point is 01:43:21 I'm sure if I update my my shit I'll get her back alongside the edge uh so halo's cool oh good old edge yeah hello is cool my understanding is that the first uh game is is not it's it's it's it's a nostalgia trip but uh things tend to ramp up later on and a lot of people are definitely more excited about the escalation so the you're in a you're in a situation which is pretty unique which is halo two got a lot of flak despite being a pretty good game uh because it has a fucking terrible ending and uh that got built up into the finish the fight thing for halo three which I'm sure you remember uh but since that shit's a decade old you you don't have to deal with that yeah I mean I you
Starting point is 01:44:20 know I hit doom 2016's ending and I was like oh okay and then eternal came out and I was like oh okay yeah but yeah uh halo three is the one I put the most time in by far and I wouldn't say it's my favorite game but it's really cool uh though it is interesting to talk to you playing through these games as somebody who never really or probably won't be hitting on the multiplayer because that's where a lot of that game exactly I'm and that's what I'm aware of is that like ultimately even though there's the story mode and master chief and stuff like the reason why we know of these games is because of their multiplayer for sure like halo three in particular had just the custom game shit for days you could do all sorts of zany shit um also had the man cannon
Starting point is 01:45:18 just a jump pad cool yeah the version the game the multiplayer I played with my friends had jump pads and I think it had the um titan mode or whatever it was called we played uh I keep bringing it up but it's like yeah one one guy can super jump and he has a big hammer versus the rest of the team dude asymmetrical multiplayer is the best absolutely um so that was halo one um and uh yeah that continues uh on the channel as does the thousand year door mario is absolutely getting up to big crimes and nintendo is um clearly not paying attention at the time that this game is coming out it continues to hey what are you guys doing you doing something cool over there no they yeah it's it's cool like there was a miyamoto yelling at the team moment that was
Starting point is 01:46:19 that should have occurred here but it didn't and the game just shipped and this is what we got we're currently uh thoroughly in the tournament arc of which there is an unironic literal tournament arc so that's rad and um seriously like there's a straight up tournament so that's great and uh yeah what else is going on uh so the new um the feline came out in teppen uh I got to experience what's going on over there that thing has some bullshit as most characters do at the start and um yeah I want to say I want to say that this car the the feline might end up being
Starting point is 01:47:14 a nice little entry into the meta that might upset things a little bit because I've been having a fucking hard time trying to beat it in teppen at the moment um it is really just it has a it has a special that like like steals a card from your deck and puts it in its own it just has a free you know oh those ones are always just um and it has lots of just like nonsense where like a card goes down and then every time it takes damage but doesn't die it gets stronger and it introduces a bunch of crazy new cards as well and so far it's been uh it's been a a nightmare to with the originals with the zero deck I have with the control deck as it were um it is it is it is rough because the feline is just throwing down
Starting point is 01:48:11 just grunts you know it's not it's not doing spells it's not doing anything it's just throwing down grunts and the numbers are flying and then it's putting shields on top of them and it's one of those just like brute force styled decks that like doesn't have any time for your nonsense and doesn't give a fuck about your nonsense I'm just going to fill up the slots with shit and that's it you know like yeah yeah there's nothing nothing fancy to it you know you just you're gonna you're gonna take some damage and you gotta sit there and hold it while you build up your big spell and hope that the spell doesn't fail you know um it's got that going on um what else oh yeah so uh feline was there the other thing was um went back to marvel 3 had some just immediately bit
Starting point is 01:49:12 with the bug to lab to learn to just play this fucking game again um you know and it's a good game um and you know I think I think the fact that like uh I phased off of infinite uh also kind of created this like man I want this energy I want this kind of the style of game but like back and then so went back to that and had it's so much fun with it dude like I miss the shenanigans of Virgil I miss the phoenix right matches where you can fucking you know submit the evidence and then object and then go right into a full-on accusation super like such a fucking such a good time and um I kind of yeah it just it's it's so sad and nonsensical that like there's no current active iteration of this franchise for
Starting point is 01:50:12 no good reason no for no good reason no good reason just and um one would hope that uh everything okay all right fine one would hope that at some point there's no glass to eat so we're we're safe no you'll never live it down never anyway marvel through was really fun and uh I had so much fun that I'm like fuck it let's play it again so I'm gonna play it again this week so I'm gonna do that and uh uh just get back in and get better with with with some of the cast so are you just flying around the the roster or is it the kind of thing where you you went back in you're like oh I went to my team because the the team that's the that's the most coherent like team I have that if I'm trying to
Starting point is 01:51:10 play and I'm trying to win and I'm trying to do combos I'm gonna be like running my team Spencer Virgil uh Hawkeye you know and uh that's that's kind of the way I played it but you know there's there's other there's other characters I learned back in the day so we're gonna go back and just kind of lab and figure it out so that'll be on pc and get into fighting games on Thursday um and I guess um one other thing don't want to take too too long with it but I don't mind taking a moment to discuss the fact that I have finished Korra season two so I'm okay to have a little middle of the road the story so far discussion now that I've experienced both of these and uh I would ask that anything pertaining to
Starting point is 01:52:00 the future seasons that everybody just put that under your hat and hold on to it and just you know I don't want to I don't want to hear about three or four I just want to let you know how I feel about two at the moment if that's okay I like season three and four a lot more than season two is pretty much all I want to say I think season two kind of has like a the finale of like a wet a wet fart it's really really moist so I'm going to be so yeah if anyone is is trying to avoid spoilers for Korra uh I am about to talk about Korra season one and Korra season two not three and not four and I'm trying to avoid that so uh right now Korra season one really really fucking solid ass show up until the last second the last like the last 15 seconds
Starting point is 01:53:04 of the season are just like and undo no right you thought you were going to end on a note of like oh that's rough but okay we'll figure this out and then they kind of just went nah we'll let her get that avatar state back and then just go here you go you got it you unlocked it here you go it's it's the boy there he is now I of course um I understand that shows that are sequels to things need to establish their own strengths and not rely too much on the previous lore because if you do the new viewers will be like I didn't watch that old show what's this and but I get that part but it doesn't change the fact that people who watch the uh the previous show are very interested in seeing the previous returning cast in any way shape or form and what
Starting point is 01:53:57 they do and how they how they lived and what their what their life was to get to this point that plot hook is the most interesting thing to anybody who's returning so the more they play that down the more it's kind of annoying because you're like I I I know it's its own thing I just I like getting a little bit more info about it but it's fine they sprinkle it here and there but yeah Amon fucking just great villain the the struggle of of benders versus non-benders is one that makes sense of course there would be bender racism I was so much less interested in Amon once you find out more about Amon that didn't bother me I that didn't bother me I thought it was cool I I like the fact that um the something uh as sinister as bloodbending made a return
Starting point is 01:54:55 in as I like oh what the fuck happened with this thing well here's what happened with this thing that shit's still bad you know uh I thought that was all right I think I think my how do I put this I think the situation with Amon and bloodbending is fine for season one and it's and it's fine for stuff that happens later I guess but but the show in general starting with Amon I felt had a real problem with power creek okay um I think lightning is probably the best example actually where uh Zuko and Azula and Iroh uh know how to toss some lightning shit right because that is some fucking
Starting point is 01:55:56 stream ass shit and then we like smash cut to like I think there's a scene in like the first or second episode of season one where dudes are just like lightning bending to power turbines like like a yeah but this is and it's like but this is decades later when information is shared and metal bending is a regular thing that the police are doing whereas we watched the inception of that happen so it's just the passage of time I guess you know and the knowledge being shared like yeah to me that's just progress it feels like everybody gets like they saw all the cool stuff that you know one or two people could do in the first avatar and they're like well we want all of our new characters to be able to do all those cool new things too I don't really get
Starting point is 01:56:49 I would have found it more weird if nothing changed and we got to a big city that was the roar in 20s and and like everything else was almost identical I think I think the fact that we saw metal bending become what it became and I and we're seeing these other things in this way to me it it's like yeah you should see progression in society in bending society yeah it's a logical line for me and very cool to see how that works out you know especially since bending becomes such a casual thing so Amon also having that backstory with the brother and then that like you know like all of that like was like no that's that's a that's a good enough that's that's a good enough origin point I liked it I thought that was something that would be like I was I was
Starting point is 01:57:40 worried that like it would be like worse than what we got with that and I was like no that's fine that's solid he's motivated shit's fucked up his dad was a garbage and an abusive childhood a super abusive childhood turned him into what we got you know so that's that's good that that was solid I believe Steve bloom right crushing it yeah crushing it with on the the voice acting with that and um in the end like little little the boat scene you know oh that boat scene is fucking all right all right we're in there right it's really really short too just brief and like oh fuck that was real you know that was a nice little like yo yo that was real okay um I I did really I liked that season in fact
Starting point is 01:58:41 I would say that like the at the time my feeling was you know this the the problem of bending versus non-bending in society at a hole as a whole could be discussed over multiple seasons and you could in fact build up to you know like tensions between these two groups of people in society being a bigger deal you know but I'm like but I but but you know they there was one season they wrapped it up and that's what it was and I was like okay and then everything is fine and then at the last second they go and boop press the button give her the power and she's got it and I was like ah come on I thought she was going to earn it over the course of the next season you know but they they just decided to really quickly throw that in there you know it almost
Starting point is 01:59:30 feels like there was just an alternate ending there yeah well it's we're always remember that every season is ending so people challenged you about when you said that I people came to tell me that that's not true and then someone else came to say it was sort of true some you know it's not that it was all season by season but they thought they had two and at this point I'm like okay you know what everyone's got a different version of what this is I don't care I'm just going to watch it for what it is and you know really when is when has when will you learn that but yeah that that whole thought process of like you know nothing was going to stretch past its own season because of the way the production happened there's like okay I get it I'm also
Starting point is 02:00:11 being I was also told to hate it before watching it so you know yeah season three is probably my favorite okay so I'm excited for you well here's the thing if if if two is as bad as it gets then uh I'm I'm okay with that because uh two was definitely a step downwards in in quality uh especially the beginning because the first part the first third I want to say half no the first half no third whatever in between those every everything prior to Korra falling in the water is just really not great and I I appreciate us getting to meet her parents and that's all cool but it's so clear that everything has to move forward only because of her own stupid ass decisions and because she's she's a dumb kid getting
Starting point is 02:01:14 manipulated and at the end yet to be fair she calls that out later on but that's all the only reason why she's happening because she was too dumb and I'm like god I hate that that really sucks that's that's probably the number one complaint with Korra as a series overall is that uh for Aung sorry Aang god damn it fucking Shyamalan um for Aang he was physically weak but spiritually and mentally enlightened and so they're like well what if we do the other way around where our character's a badass but there are more on and well spiritually weak not stupid was to me the first to me the first season to me was she's spiritually weak physically strong but still capable and still like not dumb you know dumb no dumb in terms of relationships
Starting point is 02:02:06 certainly because whatever never had one but for someone who's older than than the original kids were you know I expect more and she's pretty stupid now based on the way that the season two played out I went and checked uh what episode has the shittiest part of avatar in it and uh yes season two is where we meet Juan uh and that is that's hilarious that was my favorite part of the season our first avatar was my favorite part of that season avatar Juan I thought that was great I thought it was I enjoyed that all right well then I'm very confused how you're gonna feel about the rest of it I was so like not I was not digging what was happening with Cora up until that episode when
Starting point is 02:03:10 they went let's go back and show you the story of the first avatar and I was like dear god yes thank you I will take a break from this action please and those two episodes oh that does kind of make sense in that and so what I got in those two episodes was a just complete like let's fill you in on lore of this world which I'm watching a sequel to the last airbender and I want to know about that the stuff I want the world built you know so this is filling in that information in a way that you know them sort of they're not really clearly throwing you like like um Katara's in the show but she's clearly meant to be in the background because they don't want it to be all just airbender too they want it to be Cora so the lore drop of this now switching over to the past and finding
Starting point is 02:04:01 a new character entirely I'm like welcome change right visually beautiful of course painterly very cool style going on okami you know it looks like you're watching scroll storytelling you know in a way and also it's told in a way over those two episodes that reminds me of like traditional sort of like fables like you know of the character and his friend and they kind of journey and stuff like that so I ultimately was like yeah all right this is this is this is interesting you know it it and then it goes back and it starts using elements that airbender touches on but like left super confusingly open like it goes hey remember that turtle yeah here's an explanation for that you go right yeah I guess that's where you and I disagree
Starting point is 02:04:50 where I found I found the open question like way more interesting than a single answer no I like knowing the mechanics so the moment that you see there's the basic incarnation of all yin and all yang you know fighting internally in this way and I was like okay so these two things by seeing their like almost human like traits the the Rama and I forget the other but anyway the yin and yang we'll call them all you know but like by seeing their sort of human traits you kind of go like okay well you're a little less like divine in your actions even though you're clearly meant to be these all-encompassing beings but the the idea that it's like the combination of this of just kind of stealing these different bending abilities all together and then piecing it to get with this
Starting point is 02:05:47 thing now kind of the with the yin kind of energy kind like I'm like this is interesting to see the crafting of what is a god being later on in history you know we see a floating glowing god being to me I liked seeing how the components of it individually break down into you got each of these elements you got a conduit to put it into you got a battery to supercharge it and you went to the place where you can combine all of them at this nexus type of thing I thought that was interesting to see how you build a god I don't know man to me like all this like spiritual mysticism boiling down to some guy tricks a bunch of forest spirits to give him magic so that he can finish the eternal battle between two different magic jellyfishes uh all right do it for me
Starting point is 02:06:44 like the the the ancient battle between good and evil literally being a good god and a bad god is almost always a brain turn off for me like niarlatotep and uh philemon yeah except those two actually don't ever fight each other physically ever the the instant god and satan start throwing fists I'm out yeah uh that again I it didn't bother me as much and in particular like I said I feel that seeing the the individual steps that you the ingredients that it takes to make a god as it were I feel like that's what we kind of saw with those two episodes so in the end you know it turns out that like and here's the other bit too I was like okay spirits what's the point of naming this
Starting point is 02:07:42 book after spirits we remember we ran into one or two of these who cares they were not that huge of a deal in the past and then now it's like oh well turns out you can make them important to everything so it's you know I'm I was like all right I can it's a little of an asshole to say that everything comes from the the the the spiritual uh uh uh battle here it's you know but just to say that that the story of the first avatar and how that came to be I enjoyed then we cut back to the future and we go back to the the current struggle with Korra and I'm like yeah and now we can you know get towards the other side of this and see what it means on the back in the future and it's like yeah okay so I definitely don't like the like spiritual threat of all evil darkness taking over everything
Starting point is 02:08:34 being the major one up from something that's much more like human and in the form of like benders versus non-benders you know class-based division is a much more interesting conflict to explore than literally the planet getting covered in purple you know so that's kind of like how I felt as we came out of that flashback and started to go into this whole other thing I also was like oh yeah they're gonna they're heading right for dark avatar territory clearly the point of creating a yang is to do to give to give Korra a Virgil here and you know I was like all right they're gonna clearly go for a Virgil don't make it lame just make it kind of cool please it was so it was I was
Starting point is 02:09:31 I didn't hate everything about it I thought the way I thought the kaiju form at the end I'm like yeah you know what that's fine I'll take that I'll take it I'll take it the kaiju form I'm like yeah fine you know but it was definitely like not at all a a battle that like mattered in the same way that like uh Korra had to confront like Amon and all that stuff like it was just they beam battled so it could have just gone either way and that's the part where you're like okay they it gets clearly it just becomes a a a a energy clash and this could go whichever way the writing wants it to go um didn't do much in that regard the conflict comes through and it's resolved but there's no clear reason why it worked out that way like going into the idea of like self um
Starting point is 02:10:28 self-identification say yourself uh uh uh wow what's the word self-realization self-actualization being the core point where Korra is like I'm going to walk into the bubble that Aang never walked into in space when he was meditating he got there because the turtle gave it to him later on the he never actually stepped into that thing so him doing her doing that thing I was like oh you went back to the thing though we didn't get to see okay cool uh sure what's gonna happen now and it's like all right it happens to be the eve of super magic and it happens to be the perfect perfect situation fine fine I'll take this the conflict yeah fine right is it the most compelling way this story could have been told far from and is it at all holding a candle to the way
Starting point is 02:11:18 things escalated in season one fuck no fuck no I have I have like a big big motherfucking problem with so it's it's weird right because it's one of those things that you talked a lot about about Sakura in Naruto where people are like I fucking hate Sakura and then people are like it's not fair to Sakura that her writer wrote her that way to which the response is it's not a real person it's not a it's it's a fucking character you can hate them all you want like it's a matter right um Korra is so stupid and makes like season two is almost a comedy of errors in her terrible judgment and uh them ending the second season on the note of like wow by the time she won I'm gonna use air quotes in here over the dark avatar um she has fucked up more than anyone
Starting point is 02:12:23 has ever fucked up in their combined thousand times like that's super cut of like so that's where I was going Kyoshi and all them so that's where I was killed so that's where I was going right I was gonna say like the way we start the season is like fucking meh we get to the Juan the the the the Juan flashback and I'm like yeah okay I like this information I enjoyed this little guidance no problem now let's see where we take it and we come out and it goes uh right sure and it continues and you get to this point where um oh hey look it's Iro and I'm like um okay okay yeah here he is like I'm you're pulling you're you're pulling on the heart strings right now you're you're you're manipulating me I will accept being manipulated and I kind of and then
Starting point is 02:13:28 they kind of like have him shows up and he goes hey it's me but I'm here to talk only about what's happening with this and people who know who I am will be like oh my god it's you and they might even be like I don't know waiting for some sort of thing relating to that preview but it's clearly meant to not matter it can't matter so it has to just be a pure cameo with no uh you know and I was just like man if we could have gotten something and I had the mean punch mom talked about this for a minute and I was like if we could have gotten something like I don't know like even if it was the slightest thing in the form of like maybe like his little like pet that he's hanging out with is like named after his son or something you know where I'm like okay so he passed on he made it this
Starting point is 02:14:18 is where he is now and in some ways he's kind of not reunited with his kid because that never that won't happen but he's put that energy towards this little buttless little pet and they're living out their lives and then I would have been like oh he gets a little something you know but it was purely like no we're just dropping the cameo and I was like ah why couldn't you do a little bit more than that you know I know why but that sucks anyway um and then you get the build up and everything happens and put it on that that that they fucking just start like like shift deleting avatars from existence and I'm like it's you're deleting the things I want to see more of I know this is its own show and character I get that but oh man damn it's this really bizarre thing because I don't
Starting point is 02:15:13 have talk about it because these are characters that are dead but it's a setting in which even if they're dead their spare can come forward and give you a pep top right and like I just watched the clip while while you were explaining and it's like you see the dude hit the little jellyfish and Aang just deleted it and then the the fire guy and Kyoshi deleted it you're like no I like those characters more than all right exactly and then at the end you're like I with the way that shot happened when you see the the last when you see Juan getting wiped I'm like they're never coming back that's not what they're doing this for and then the end of the season is like yeah that's gone and it's like okay they did it so that Korra will be an individual and I'm like you can self
Starting point is 02:15:57 actualize without removing some of the coolest hooks that we had for stuff from the past so I want to clarify something for you because this came out relatively recently and it was in a like post epilogue thing about you know Korra and it was her writing like a series of journals to future avatars because not sorry wait what are you talking about dead I'm talking about something that the creators went and clarified are you talking about in like supplemental future stuff though yeah but after the end of the season where it's she's writing like a memoir for the future right and it's like I have to write you this memoir because the avatar reincarnation shit it's not just all the old ones okay I think I want
Starting point is 02:16:53 you to hold yeah I want you to stop there if you don't mind just I okay well that never comes yeah I don't know I didn't know I was like maybe maybe it does maybe it doesn't I don't know I don't know but okay all right well yeah all right my point is is that Korra doesn't just screw up everything up until now it's literally the worst ever well so you know um that ends up happening and that was like a huge bummer because it was also some of the best parts of the previous show was like hey what's what what what's going on in the past guys what's up and we always talk about Kyoshi who's like murder the fuck out of that guy you know and but but not just that but like you know like the other times when he gets to tap into the past and be like can you guys give me some
Starting point is 02:17:44 advice and they're like yeah we can do that you know I liked that a lot so I really um I was really bummed that like you know Korra's actualization required the the emptying of the recycling bin I didn't think you needed to take that step at all but they went for it you know um bummer note to end things out on uh yeah but you know in the end I'm like all right well we found out some more about about the her parents and we found out just how much of a piece of shit that boyfriend is whatever the fuck his name is is the worst pretty pretty boy the guy that the one that's not Bolin the one that's not the one that's not Bolin and not Zuka yeah what's his he's garbage I don't even remember he's he's fucking trash so just and and and like it's funny
Starting point is 02:18:49 because he he is like a perfect example of like um it's like yeah you're you're you're you're a pretty you're a pretty uh uh emotionally undeveloped individual as most of these kids are you know and you're doing you're doing you're doing disappointing things with with all that relationship shit uh and then and then Bolin has a moment of like okay I can now manipulate I can now emotionally manipulate uh um uh Aubrey Plaza to get out of this situation and then at the end it's like no wait he actually kind of cared or you're like he's the complete opposite in every way where he like he's incapable of manipulating somebody because he's too wholesome for it you know so fucking enough of that kid like I wish they would have added a scene where
Starting point is 02:19:48 like I get it they're kids wooly I know I know but ringing his hands going just like getting drunk in a bar with Bolin it's like yeah pretty much right exactly exactly um and again like I again yeah I know they're kids so I know that they're being dumb about it but like we saw multiple kids especially younger kids in the previous season in the previous uh uh show there's a lot of bad relationship decisions people make and a lot of things that they have to figure out but this this kid's decisions are are like constantly disappointing is is what it is and you know that's so that that's what's up um I'm trying to water bend these nuts you know what I'm saying yeah so uh I if this is the low point and great I'll I'll I'll we can we can soldier on
Starting point is 02:20:43 uh it's the low point by a lot okay it's the it's it's the low point by a lot like I think people will argue about the the last season as to where it ranks I think most people's favorite is the third one is definitely my favorite I'm all in all like you know continuing to enjoy this show it's high quality the the fighting is it was very cool the the choreography uh in the final episodes was sick there was some really awesome tag team moments and and like just you know bending fighting right there's some really good shit well if you like that you're gonna really yeah yeah they did some cool stuff they did some cool stuff you know so you know not to take anything away from that and overall like the quality of the show remains like high in terms of
Starting point is 02:21:33 just like the the I feel like the production that they're delivering um but yeah you kind of get these little these stumbles with the character and their and their decision making and and growth and things like that where you just like okay this started a lot stronger the potential was really high and I and I and it would have been perfect if they had the chance to plan all of it out in advance instead of like you know I guess go step by step um uh yeah and and that and the the whole thing about like it's a pretty huge roster so I can see how uh there can be moments where um you don't really have much for x or y to do I can see that happening for sure because there's this is a very big very big supporting cast so um I think that's one of the my my biggest problems with the later
Starting point is 02:22:27 two seasons is that you finish season two and you're like this roster is really big and their solution to that would be to like more than double the roster oh boy you gotta yeah yeah like so they they there are so many fucking characters now in the name of that some some get like killer like uh screen time like the villains of the villains of three and four are not just big improvements on unilock but like they get a lot of screen time to do their villain shit and all that stuff right but there are so many characters that characters that you would think would be important are clearly being given like well you still exist right so you have to do something there's people there's people where you're like you don't have to quite
Starting point is 02:23:32 like people that are like like you're here for the season because if it weren't for the setting you would not be around um they can be left in the dust so it's like hey we're dealing with chorus parents and this entire tribe and these kids because they're here for the setting we can leave them behind if the setting moves um and it definitely feels that way with like you know like pro bending and stuff like that but you got the whole fucking air bending family and you got you got the cops and the government and then you got the crew and then you know there's just a lot happening so um you get to play you get to play a little game in the upcoming seasons of like what character that should have something to do has nothing to do like but uh but yeah in the
Starting point is 02:24:20 end in the end um it's like okay this is uh like it feels like this at its dumbest is dumber than airbender ever got oh yeah it's dumber than airbender ever got um but it still is like quality cartoon you know like it's never failing on all fronts even when it's being dumb the the the the art and the and the the choreography and the animation is is delivering and stuff like that so i'm still i'm still you know happy to see where things go but that's kora right now it kora's in this weird place where if it came out and was its own thing i think people give it like an eight or a nine but because the worst bits are way worse than anything we ever got with avatar and like it struggles to hit the same highs people are way harder on it if there was a single path
Starting point is 02:25:23 of like development that was built over the seasons to a final resolution in this in the way that that airbender went uh it could have been better you know it it literally it literally could have been better um but the fact that everything does have to stop stop stop stop you know is is is hurting it because you know you look at airbender and you're like man like you know from day one he's got to fight the fire lord and then he does it in the final episode of the third season like this is a journey you got to get there you know it it yeah all all four seasons of kora could be their own yeah and and and they're so you know and here because you know how long the pathway to to the the end of of airbender is um they get to focus on all these
Starting point is 02:26:14 missteps along the way or you know like being ready or the fact that like you know like they're they're having high jinx episodes like weeks before the final battle and then ang has a moment of like why are we having high jinx episodes weeks before the final battle you know like it's uh it's it's it's you see it go and it takes time um but that that time allows a a coherence and a cohesion to everything that i think uh kora's kind of missing right now but we'll see i'll cut it off there i'm very excited to talk to you about season three yeah yeah i'll uh i'll come back in i'll come back in on the wrap up at the very least but i i will i i man that boat scene was sick
Starting point is 02:27:06 how the show is just willing to just murder characters dead murder love it i love murder in my in my entertainment i think it's fun to do in a kids show uh okay so i can't believe woolly loves midichlorians you do no i don't i don't hey man are we about to jump into news because uh i drank too much orange juice all right um yeah okay so you can check out uh halo on woolly versus continuing as well as the uh
Starting point is 02:28:00 thousand year door uh and we're going to jump into some marvel 3 pc later on this week that's over on woolly versus on twitch woolly versus on youtube as well and uh we'll take a quick break and then we'll be back uh with the news okay uh before we move quick word from our sponsors oh before we're live we are live right now we're super live i was about to tell you a big secret but okay all right a little late was it about tell me we're live man my dick could have been out is that a is it a is it a dick or is it a shaved muskrat
Starting point is 02:28:55 or whatever that was i feel like my voice cannot possibly get the look on my face across but it's like what the fuck are you talking about uh page tweeted out something that looks like it was the mole rat oh i remember that okay no my dick doesn't have teeth and eyes bra okay this week the podcast is sponsored by pause for anticipation okay okay bombus hey bombus what up like you're currently there can you help me socks
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Starting point is 02:35:12 you express vpn um so yeah a couple things uh going on news wise to to drop uh i in fact a lot more non-game news of excitement um that that happens to be going on one of them is a trailer drop for the the world ends with you the animation that's that's game news well either way it's fucking cool i'm super super happy to see this thing getting uh an animation uh an anime series after all this time it's one of those background like man that was a cool idea that was a cool art style good music fun franchise you know never became the kingdom hearts beast that it it certainly had the potential to become but everyone clearly has affections for you know uh the aesthetic and neku and uh everything
Starting point is 02:36:21 about it at the time it's it's one of the few that locks in that jet set radio feeling so um we get uh you know the the phone ports and things like that over over the days and you know enter it like i've i've i've uh gone back to it and like i said like i feel like the single screen version of the game is my preferred edition but now in the style of persona there is an anime and the trailer if you check it out is actually putting the effort in to make the characters resemble their artwork which yeah that's really cool i really respect because like they could have been cowards and went for a safe easy tried and true you know anime art style that we that like you don't have to really put as much work into but instead they went for like accuracy to the models
Starting point is 02:37:17 of uh not the models rather accuracy to the art style uh of the original and like black outlines beautiful everything you know i i have tons of respect for the fact that they went that way on it i like that i like the fact that they're willing to not compromise on the aesthetic looks great finally i can enjoy the world ends with you without having to suffer through its terrible terrible controls it's really not great controls it has finally reached it's not great controls should have been in the first place yeah the you know and i'll i'm i'm open to debating on that one because i know that um you know it's more of a personal preference than it is a universal but i really uh i really like everything else about the series so i'm i'm super
Starting point is 02:38:08 glad to see it come back and hey if we can get a fat ass remix of the power is yet unknown uh we all win at the end of the day so twi aka uh twi aka subarashiki is is happening and uh i'm all about it i love that i love that hey woolly you mentioned that uh persona got an anime mm-hmm our is the uh persona five dub announcement in the news this week no what up there's a dub they're gonna make for the persona five anime and it's coming to north america soon on blu ray for the low low price of i think 20 to 25 off of 300 us dollars it's normally 400 but they're giving us a deal fucking criminals man just fucking criminals just just steal just steal
Starting point is 02:39:24 from our our wallets please just be honest and just go give just just run the money put the gun up run the jewels you know just fucking just do crime just do the crime don't even dance around it with these price tags just just put the gun in my face and tell me to run my shit and i go all right atlas here you go assholes i think that well it's anaplex right they always do that shit uh i think the funniest thing by far right i'm gonna i'm just gonna assume it's a 22 minute show right and it's uh 26 episodes right um if i'm wrong if it's like 50 then i'm wrong but let's just assume right um that is uh let's see 11 dollars per episode which is about i don't know 50 cents an hour right mm-hmm you can get persona four royal
Starting point is 02:40:39 a high quality video game which unlike the anime is high quality four like 60 bucks and that shit's like 125 hours long and is really good i'm retrieving what's up and people are also pointing out that one episode of this show is more expensive than a movie in a theater yeah i'm grabbing my 1998 tri-gun box set of dvds and i'm trying to find an msrp on it um and it doesn't have one so i don't remember how much i spent but excuse me like the fact that prices in anime for blu-rays have been so insanely high for so long that it's just the norm now like is one of the grossest things about that entire process and it's like
Starting point is 02:41:58 it's a wonder that like no one's going to bother it's like it's like like is it is it entirely just based on the fact that like is it a chicken and egg scenario where it's like everyone goes fuck that i'm not doing that i'm just gonna watch it some other way and then they go well now the prices get higher is it one of these little seesaw you know like i i i would love to i have dove and deep on this a couple times and i have a basic explanation the first of which is that they have always been overpriced always right particularly in the japanese market because this this box set was was reasonable at the time i bought it i don't remember what i paid for this but it was not insane i did i like i remember being like you know something i had to like save up for a little
Starting point is 02:42:48 bit but it was nowhere near what you're saying uh this was a very reasonable box set as is the rest of the ones up here which are all from the late 90s to early aughts so uh it's always been overpriced always and then uh when piracy changed the game the solution to that was not to go towards streaming or duck prices it was well let's calculate whatever money we're losing and then uh increase the price linearly till we make the same amount of money over and over and over and over and over right right right uh and and also led to uh that led to a situation in which blu-ray sales would then or dvd sales would only appeal to uh super hardcore consumers right which led to the creation of anime specifically for those
Starting point is 02:43:49 super hardcore consumers which is where that wave of like moe anime waithu shit came in there's that wave of garbage didn't and uh my favorite show legend of the galactic heroes which was uh straight to ova format but didn't um the uh markup start in japan at the blu-ray level where it's not even like it's like like the the the translation being insane is just the the expensive price being passed on yeah so there's two things there so the dvd and blu-ray prices in in japan are disgusting they're like a hundred like people are pointing out like three jojo episodes can be like 150 dollars in japan and the way that at least anaplex does their prices for english versions is they need to be expensive enough that japanese people will not reverse import them
Starting point is 02:44:58 right which is why you get the persona for a persona 5 anime for 300 bucks uh it's also why you get situations where um like 250 dollar box sets of blu-rays will come out and have no japanese voice track at all or um when you turn on japanese you can't turn off subtitles right right right to dissuade reverse importation because they need to keep the local market selling at these disgusting disgusting prices um it reminds me of i think it was a quote from capcom usa talking about tech and cross street fighter where they're like guys every 360 game is going to get hacked like they're going to find this shit in a day for the locked characters right on the disc yeah pan's response is like
Starting point is 02:45:56 why would they do that that's illegal i feel like that is often the attitude towards uh other ways to acquire media in japan in particular instead of going towards streaming services right or you know anything like that there has also been a concerted effort that has been more successful in japan than even the united states to increase copyright penalties for piracy uh penalties for piracy in japan can be like very severe and like big jail time and all sorts of shit like that uh so to make people scared of the piracy so that they will buy the 350 dollar uh blu-ray which just ends up creating a situation where anime in japan like the market around it is fucking precarious where they're trying to
Starting point is 02:46:53 keep the same amount of money coming in and the solution is literally to just charge more and more and more and to a increasingly small base i feel like that fucking industry is going to crash in in the next couple years well but i was saying that 10 years ago so yeah sex to hear about the about p5 on that that that's that's you know well luckily for all of you any products run your shit empty that pocket now the other one give me those shoes they're gonna run those shoes so lucky for all of you the persona five anime is bad yeah is it it's not good so just don't fine done don't even watching it totally dodgeable good yeah yeah i mean dude i remember seeing clips from from the p4 anime the first one and then even the second one and
Starting point is 02:48:06 take me a second because i'd take a see it happen and be like wait that's not an fmv from the golden what is that oh god you know and i'd be like oh it does it just look worse all the time and it's like yeah probably but it's longer i'm like yeah well fucking i'll just play the enjoy the game is actually really good okay it's a really good adaptation and the funniest thing about that is that anaplex had it run for 25 episodes on broadcast and then put the ending of the show in the blu-ray oh you fucking that's scummy that's pretty oh yeah and you remember p4 right yeah that that game has a perfect plot to put the real ending in as a bonus what um what i saw for the p5 anime i think i saw a clip of an all-out attack that just
Starting point is 02:49:08 lacked all the impact and and pizzazz and uh it just didn't have the fucking flair of it you know but it had the same visuals and i was like oh yeah oh that's just not that's not at all carrying the energy that it's supposed to it's really funny because like you know you adapt a book into a show or a comic into a movie you know right you don't have all the pieces there right but in a game like p5 where you there's cutscenes all over the place and all the visual language is very explicitly spelled out for you from the blocking to the timing to the sound effects to the actual effects and you fail to translate it this is what the fuck are you doing but somehow sakurai managed to nail it reminds me of uh did you play r5 yes okay do you remember when uh
Starting point is 02:50:10 cheva and chris confront wesker and he throws the sunglasses at him and they have a little fight you know chris catches the sunglasses and then west barely and they barely barely there's one of the resident evil films which steals that scene shot for shot punch for punch and it is the flattest most limp dick fucking embarrassment like the direct the direction on the capcom guys who are using their new like directing motion capture tech is so so much better than the real big air quotes hollywood actor that's sorry director it's fucking embarrassing hmm yeah um no my point in bringing up sakurai was that like it's just like the non the the the official thing converted it worse than the person who cared
Starting point is 02:51:16 to to make the guest spot have detail and put love into it so that that sucks um anyway uh boo those prices so other things going on though is uh amazon is apparently making a fallout tv series with the creators of westworld oh sick mm-hmm mm-hmm big exciting amazon that just unreleased crucible and the same westworld that took a big steaming shit right on your foot and you're like but i didn't want this here and they're like well now it's here and then you're like thing though what happened crucible that is a first person shooter that amazon studios put out or whatever mm-hmm and it's so bad that the the game has turned back into crucible
Starting point is 02:52:21 beta on steam oh no it has been unreleased that's uh oh no no no no no back in the oven no good no good so they're gonna make a fallout show huh few people have the balls to unrelease a game i gotta say that that takes some moxie usually very rare you know usually you'd release it and then go on day one like hey look we know how bad it is we're gonna day one patch it day two patch it week three patch it you know uh wow just straight up unrelease okay um yeah that's the don't look at me i'm not i'm not ready that's i'm naked stop stop looking that's not an error all right well yeah them and uh you know they're they're teaming up with um uh the other nolan
Starting point is 02:53:29 uh Jonah i believe um hey man season one was tight it was good you know he did a lot of good work writing that Jonah Nolan and Lisa joy um it just you know what's no longer tight fucking fallout yeah so it's a weird thing of like okay so the studio that just fucked up is teaming up with the creators that just fucked up to work on the franchise that just fucked up ooh i'm excited all right you know also um it's a nice case too of i don't like this is a thing that i also like i'm like you know when you see like someone let's say a director makes uh successfully or or just like critically makes a like um a movie or like or a series or has a show of some kind and it just happens to be like thematically similar or like the flavor happens
Starting point is 02:54:34 to be similar to some other ip and then that ip goes get that guy to do our thing and then it's like well you hire this man hire this man but but essentially it's like to the creators who you you know and often cases want to work on completely different things you're like we're gonna pay you to come aboard and do exactly what you just did over there except with this title instead but do the same thing again do it you know and there's a little bit of like just kind of like a really is that i guess you know it feels it feels like putting a budget to the short-sighted like vision of like um yeah nintendo hire this man or um play part two when's part two of the thing i'm looking at right now more of that like it feels like more
Starting point is 02:55:29 it feels like this yeah give it give if you look the studio money version of that where they're just you made game of thrones you should come here and make our everquest movie no it also has swords you can do the swords can't you get the sword boys get the sword get they can do the what the dragons and the shit they can do it right it's just you know and it's like all right i guess that's that's the best you got right um so that's happening and uh you know stay i'm excited i say yeah i'm i i too excited because you know i like those fallout cutscenes and intros always have a cool flavor to them that's all old timey and thematic and it's a it's a world where you can do stuff right hey i get i hey do you want to have
Starting point is 02:56:27 a uh pass fail barometer for how bad this show's gonna be uh they're gonna put out the first trailer and the line that will be spoken at the beginning will be called it will be war war never changes and you can you will be able to tell the future whether or not it is ron perlman saying it or not if it is ron perlman you go ah maybe they care they at least know right but if it's anyone that's not ron perlman it's gonna be super trash i imagine you're gonna see the the the character with the armor on the box oh yeah brotherhood of steel you're doing the thing and you're gonna go minor there it is minor part of fallout but there it is on the box here it is in the show
Starting point is 02:57:34 it's the most look it's the fallout man there he is that's not nope main character of the show main character of the show fallout man he's right there now you know it's real John fallout that's him right there yep yep yep yep it's gonna be good i can't think of a game series that is less appropriate to adapt into something like a tv show fallout as a as a genre is like a big open western style rpg that has you your character being of nobody that you define by hundreds if not thousands of individual decisions and is mostly people hanging around and talking and by its own genre definition does not have a john fallout that's why the logo and like the
Starting point is 02:58:50 and all the branding is around the pip boy is around the the you know the the the the bobble head dude what's this fucking you know well um you don't have to worry because on the list of executive producers there to make sure the brand stays on track is one mr howard first name god so it's gonna be fine it's gonna be fine keeping the brand on track you know what that show should be it should be 12 episodes and the first and last episodes should deal with the plot and the remaining 10 should be hijinks should have the same kind of plot structure as cowboy bebop
Starting point is 03:00:02 a lot of things should be like cowboy bebop while we're saying words sure sure i don't like it nothing to worry about fuck put him in the show give him a speaking role you want to hear something really crazy if you go on fallout 76 on steam do you know what its user rating is mostly positive not overwhelmingly contested nope overwhelm oh overwhelmingly mixed you know why since the game was out and was a trash fire for like a year prior to its steam release
Starting point is 03:00:57 the only people who bought it later on steam when it came out were people that already liked it roll safe smart shit smart shit absolutely brilliant that's fucking genius and it's still still only mostly positive that's that's brilliant i i cannot fault this plan this is this is yeah you just you completely swerve so that people who come in to review the situation they see some broken glass on the ground they see some blood dried but otherwise the room seems pretty clean there's you know no need to worry about what happens in here it's you know a little bit of glass a little bit of blood but you sweep it up and then you got yourself a nice big empty room
Starting point is 03:01:58 it's fine positive so you know um that's going down and in the meantime it feels like we're getting all these updates but like nothing nothing in terms of progress seems to be occurring but nonetheless john void roberts is the director of the metal gear solid movie oh my god that yeah okay remember yeah so he's been talking some stuff and you know and like we've been seeing lots of words over time but uh latest interview he did says he's also working in the background on trying to get
Starting point is 03:02:48 a metal gear animated series green lit oh i bet with david hater uh cast so i have been hearing about a middle gear movie for 20 years well that's exactly that's exactly it right and let's be honest let's be real let's be keep it let's keep it to a fucking dollar on this keep it a hundred if you have not seen a metal gear movie exist that might be for the best the timeline where we keep hearing about it but not seeing it might be the better timeline might be so hey things might be great right now that there's no movie don't don't ever sleep on that possibility but in the meantime um here we are and um if i'm not mistaken i forgot he came up because of something else there's like i think like a test footage thing or there's something
Starting point is 03:03:51 that was done recently or like last year to be like oh check it out this is happening but yeah at the same time of this like you know kind of ghost movie where he's seeing uh he says he's talking about an animated series and he wants to bring back david hater to be perfectly honest if you could cancel the movie and just make an animated series i agree hater that would be the best way to go i completely agree we don't need we don't need a live action movie for this fucking thing i can't so the the movie of metal gear would either be nothing like metal gear or have the worst pacing a movie has ever had there's there's no in between like yeah i i hey i showed up for metal gear to have some
Starting point is 03:04:42 busted ass old president of some arms company tell me about the nightmare of nuclear proliferation for like 25 fucking minutes and show me a bunch of stock footage and tell me about the start to treaty and shit if anything did you see the bd i did not um so adding the music adding the timing adding the little the little bits and pieces of these cut scenes that just feel so kojima flavored um it's necessary it's it's it's you know uh reading reading it as a comic you're like okay you know ashley got pretty close to the yoji art but not but not a hundred percent there's still impossible that's not you yeah you know what i mean and yeah exactly so we get it but um but you want to have all of these little things in place and a hollywood movie is just gonna fucking
Starting point is 03:05:48 hand wave all of that shit you know um and it's it's funny because kojima is like 40 of his body is made of movies right and his his games have been criticized for being too movie like they like roll around in a pool of how much a bunch of video games they are even death stranding which i was thinking about just the other day man i really really really love death stranding because it's weird and that is a fucking video game i cannot think of god any adaptation of death stranding into anything else would just be terrible would just be the worst pretty pretty much unconsumable media yeah mm-hmm like just horrible yeah yeah they're games they don't need to be movies no bringing back um bringing back hater
Starting point is 03:06:48 would be pretty solid ha ha ha uh no pun intended literally but it would be a good move for an animated series and i think uh and you know i've even like whatever like um i've i've the moment i beat mgs five i got over the keifer thing yeah because you're like oh yeah okay fine you know you beat it and you go yeah sure but that's fine but um yeah i say scrap this whole fucking movie and put all your effort towards pitching this instead you know totally and then drop it on netflix and then then you don't have a problem with uh access or distribution or you know like numbers just there you go corn dog man
Starting point is 03:07:45 how's that go again corn dog man uh it's an old metal gear joke it's like my name is corn dog man and i love corn dogs let me tell you my corn dog story 25 minutes later and that's how i became a corn dog and uh finally rounding out the the movie hour slash tv hour is um a combined story of just for some reason the planets have aligned and we are getting bivous and butthead revived for comedy central daria spinoff jody greenlit by comedy central clone high revived by mtv studios network being decided and mission hill revival of gusts and walley as the side characters being shopped
Starting point is 03:08:53 around to networks for a possible green light mtv animation mtv cartoons are just fucking back out of nowhere mtv cartoons are just fucking back most notably clone high mission hill and daria all like yeah apps the fucking lootley um i don't know what it is but lord miller's moustaches coming together again they're over there they're gonna be uh for for well i mean they've been working on big big name movies and shit but uh the clone high teaser we saw in in fucking uh uh spider verse right uh it's like clearly something was being worked on it's happening it's fucking happening dude like all these mtv cartoons were so good and um in fact undergrads if i'm not mistaken also had that kickstarter don't know where that went or what's happening there
Starting point is 03:09:54 but that was another show as well that we were waiting on the return of undergrads because these all deserved follow up seasons there were all these really good cartoons that came out had one season and then got dropped by mtv um downtown was like the first one i think i want to say downtown was the first one which was also pretty fun pretty all right a lot of these shows kind of relied on the mtv like network music choices so that they can put like a whole bunch of licensed real music in their shit right um but man like all of this shit coming back simultaneously is just like uh overload it's it's that's amazing use i'm most excited for clone high personally i would like to point something out uh at the very beginning of this you said somehow the planets have aligned
Starting point is 03:10:48 mm-hmm you're aware that on saturday the planets aligned no i didn't know them i was ludo i didn't i didn't know that once every 200 years i was just yeah they did i was thinking of kora really did because they lined up in kora mm-hmm so well core came out like five years ago yeah i know but for me i watched the planets align on my television on saturday so um so let's all get excited for whatever astrological significance that holds for 2020 is it just a bunch of cool cartoons coming back that'd be nice if that's the if that's the the trade-off we get for the rest of this i'll take it so we have the shittiest baylet ever i'll i'll settle for the baylet that brings us some old
Starting point is 03:11:54 cartoons that's a decent fucking you know that would be nice uh because hey i expect nothing so the the mere pittance that is uh my my my college year memories of some fun cartoons would be nice it'd be nice uh yeah oh yeah and and you know beavis and butthead there too i can never seen beavis and butthead oh yeah not not in a single episode not a one it's it's a mixed bag man sometimes it's funny sometimes it's not it's a really mixed bag like aquatines a mixed bag or like hmm well okay aquatine i've i've only people have i've only seen the funniest bits the people of like isolated so i can't really say what aquatine is like when it's not great um more like teen aquatine is really consistent but i don't know if it's good
Starting point is 03:13:03 i just kept watching it okay there's some episodes of metalocalypse that are kind of nothing maybe a little like that in a weird way but like there's a part of a part of a big part of beavis and butthead was riffing on music videos and if you didn't particularly care about the music video they were riffing on then that whole thing fell flat okay yeah you know they were just riffing on bands and and whatever was going on and a part of that was just like all right i i don't particularly get this so it's not really landing um but sometimes it was funny it was just it's a fucking dice roll on it i i generally prefer
Starting point is 03:13:57 the spin-offs i think the things that came out of beavis and butthead are better than beavis and butthead king of the hill and daria now the beavis oh well yeah daria is great yeah yeah those are both better shows than the source material so okay sorry i just got distracted because my cat has really soft paws they're very sweet so um i love you just a quick quick heads up to anybody who is interested a game that i talked about earlier in a previous episode was x zodiac this was the game that essentially was a kickstarter star fox spiritual speh bat bat bat words spiritual successor um well the kickstarter is live
Starting point is 03:15:06 and it it continues to look like an awesome star fox type game ex zodiac and man that looks so star fox it fucking does that is so so star fox and like it's one of those it's one of those kickstarter videos personally that i word like you kick click play and you instantly see the thing no time wasted no not even a logo or a person talking to you you just get to it because i love and that's what i kind of want out of kickstarter videos these days because there's just there's a lot that you you go through so you kind of want to just go okay like give me the elevator pitch you know let the let the video work as an elevator pitch and you click it and you see star fox energy and you're like done on board on board well i mean ever since kickstarter changes rules
Starting point is 03:15:55 that you have to have something to show mm-hmm that has been much more common but the build up to nothing in some cases you know sometimes you'd get a build up to like some artwork slowly panning across the screen and then like five seconds of gameplay and i'm like i can't in good conscience tell people to fucking go you know check this thing out if i have no faith in it myself i mean shit i'm on steam right now and there's a demo for it so um exodiac currently halfway through its campaign no mm
Starting point is 03:16:44 looks like it's doing pretty healthy i checked prior and it was not doing healthy right but now it seems to be okay but nonetheless uh go take a peep and there's a demo you can play of this and um yeah it's it's it's just it's you know it's basically you're you're picking up where the classic star fox games left off and this is sorely needed for those of you guys looking for it it's exodiac spelled with an e like ex exodiac is is is i had trouble finding it for yeah ex yeah i'll call it i'll say ex zodiac so that people can can nail it down um yeah it's at like 58 000 of a goal of 33 000 so they're they're good pilot is a monkey girl she's got a tail she's like an andros girl kind of thing
Starting point is 03:17:50 ship is the villain gonna be a big evil fox head who knows that ship is ship is called the ultra violet mark three that's a good name and uh yeah have fun with that there's also a screenshot of uh no wait never mind that's not true for a second i thought i was looking at multiplayer but yeah go take a peek go take a peek looks exciting it looks great the first time they showed the trailer when i talked about it months ago and um you know now you can actually uh get in there so there's that and uh lastly just uh just uh just a random ass cool psa but it's like i have not exactly i'm not somebody that's paying attention to the uh monster hunter world modding scene mm-hmm so when i saw this ridiculously cool great sword mod uh by aki nuska aki nusuka
Starting point is 03:19:04 which is a giant sword that looks like the lost tech from um breath of the wild almost with its own ink splotch explosions i'm gonna retweet it um i was very impressed because i'm like that looks like to me that's your fucking resume to apply to work somewhere is like yeah look what i've modded into this game like super impressive cool great so gagmazios great sword oh man that that monster's never coming back so yeah the mod's the only way you're gonna get it um i saw the fist of mine go ahead i have a friend of mine who's who's uh uh hung out in the fucking uh monster hunter world modding discord and has done some some like background work just like you know filing models and you know not the actual modding but like helping those guys out with
Starting point is 03:20:05 resources um the modding scene is that uh monster hunter has fans that are insane just nuts and for worlds they're doing this thing where they're like desperate to get as many monsters in as possible but there appears to only be one or two guys uh building weapons and the series has had a long history of like hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of unique weapons which that one guy can't do uh and i think their focus is probably the correct one which is like get more monsters in there than weapon models but this is led to a situation where the game is i mean it's not the easiest thing to mod in the world but people have people have busted it open but they're basically just reinserting old shit yeah and they're like well we know what it's supposed to look like
Starting point is 03:21:10 all we have to do is model it okay and put it in um there is a lot more ambitious shit for world yeah i i'm i talked to the other day about like the fists that that they were too coward to actually win the contest with um that like someone actually just made them and they look great so it's like okay this scene is actively out there doing professional grade modding on this like it looks like it belongs yeah uh the other thing is that uh i mean there are you know there's rebalances there's cheat mods there's a bunch of costumes and anime teddy mods you want your anime as you do you can get them in there as you do um i have been modded into the game as a palico
Starting point is 03:22:04 with remory's model there's people who are adding are you saying that variants i always said remerai hey remory remerai rem rem rem rem rem rem rem how do we say your name is it remerai or is it rem re um anyway uh yeah all sorts of shit and one of the more interesting things is that um capcom is like when iceborn came out they had some back and forth on that denuvo stuff and they locked it down and stuff like that right uh but they didn't kill modding for it they made it slightly more difficult because they made the game a little more secure but they just they you know modding is still like not a problem and they have taken when iceborn cut came out they clearly looked at what the most popular mods were and implemented those as features so one of
Starting point is 03:23:02 the most popular mods by far was when an item dropped on the ground like a monster tear or something it would just be this little white item with a tiny little sparkle on it and there was a guy who made a mod that had that has its show like a big beam of light coming off the ground so that you can fucking find it and pick it up pretty easily okay but hold on are these mods just sitting on the steam workshop no they're sitting on the the monster hunter world nexus oh okay so like these are not officially yeah that's that's the thing i was going to say because like the workshop is like okay well it's here the game would then let you do it but okay capcom says no yeah nexus which is it's nexus is the middle point where it's not official it's not official
Starting point is 03:23:44 yeah all right recognized and then the then the how's it recognized then the third part is like are you downloading your mods off fucking github right hope yeah uh but they added the light pillar as a feature to iceborn and a bunch of other little stuff they've been working very hard to get the layering system into the game the transmog system uh which pc players like hacked into the game very fast but they're doing it their slow ass like actual implement implementation way so i'm very interested to see what kind of stuff the modding scene like inspires in whatever the hell the sequel to world is i find it so strange now that we're talking about it i guess that like like i don't know
Starting point is 03:24:45 let me let me i don't expect every company and every studio to be as open and friendly to mods as like a lot of the indie games we get are you know a lot of indie games come out and are just like do what you want stick anything in there have fun oh darkest dungeon throw whatever you want inside you know go nuts i don't expect that excuse me because not a lot of companies are just too traditional and closed off for that idea um but i definitely would expect by this point it feels weird that like they wouldn't have the same sort of like they wouldn't look at it the same way that like say sega does when it comes to like sonic fangames and things like that you know where like you're like sega is not putting like fan uploaded like fan fan feature uploaders into
Starting point is 03:25:36 their shit you know but like clearly they're embracing of that culture and of what's going on in that way and it just feels like it's just a net positive so why would you kind of be so slow on the uptake when you're seeing other communities with healthy modding scenes and you'd be like now we're too stubborn capcom overall at the company has been really really good about people making fangames i remember we played tech at an uh mega mega man cross tech mega man cross street fighter yeah yeah and uh they've been they've been very open about like yeah like people have modded all the new resident evil games oh you know the first the first capcom fangame was street fighter two rainbow edition technically right and uh they've always had this thing where
Starting point is 03:26:27 they like they look at it they see them across the room and they don't cross and shake hands or anything but they're like yeah hey hey you're you're okay well i remember they had they had to work to get that fat mega man cross street fighter like officialized that was a big deal for them you know whereas sega is kind of just like oh yeah man guys go nuts you know but it's not and it's it's not the level of we've put the modding feature in and we can let you click the button that says mods on yeah but you should definitely at this point have some sort of like policy besides we're fucking assholes with a wall up each shit aka nintendo so to answer your question why because like the resident evil games have been modded and devil may cry games get modded and stuff like that
Starting point is 03:27:16 but they haven't had the mod support or sorry the mod push that monster in their hats right and i would see that monster hunter world or its sequel or whatever would actually totally be a really good game for like official mod support the problem with that is that monster hunter world is made by the monster hunter team who if you remember correctly made their first pc game last year and don't know how things work and are weird maybe next time but i would not expect anything too forward thinking out of that gang hmm also the the the pc version for a long time was like holding together with glue and tape i suppose the other recently like a couple i want to say a couple months ago
Starting point is 03:28:27 finally fixed like the cpu utilization bug on iceborne the the other thing with capcom embracing mods is if they go all the way in uh then suddenly they're they're sending you towards functioning virtual mods in your devil may cry five yeah and and multiplayer so which i mean don't don't play that virtual mod you you don't you have no idea what could happen you wouldn't want to play an unofficial virtual would you yeah so all right well cool sword definitely don't play an unofficial virtual mod within the next six months that would be a terrible idea the mod the the modders found a concentration meter in the game
Starting point is 03:29:41 they turned they they literally they put the character number up by one and then they went what the fuck is that and it's like oh that's a concentration meter and they're like what are you talking about oh what are you oh oh oh okay that doesn't look like anything to me protect his smile it's wholesome not him though he comes a weird company because everyone he always knows what they're doing and they're and everyone's like yeah cool good do that well now anyway not back in the day back in the day it's like no stop yeah you know i've been meaning to i've been meaning to like pop that back in and give it and give it another another roundabout and i was like you know what i'll wait
Starting point is 03:30:50 a little bit oh man woolly did you see that fucking stupid statement by capcom that says resident evil village is not resident evil eight mm-hmm yeah yeah what the actual fucking stupid shit is that i dude i i don't know if the standard operating procedure as a re fan is to just get jerked around by the dick like this it sure is it sure is i would not stand for it personally i do not approve of this kind of that was clickbait darn it but it says eight in the title we want to call it village oh hey we got a message on twitter uh it's remer i remer i
Starting point is 03:31:54 thanks for my right cool 14 year old name yeah all right yeah yeah let's take some letters i'll remember that ah fuck it hey can you guys see this catfoot no it's an mp3 castle super beast mail at castle super beast mail at all right what do we got for letters this week we got one coming in let's go with this one dear castle super beast first time e-mailer uh been with you since the machinima days
Starting point is 03:32:51 now watching the playthrough of halo as an anime only watcher i wanted to bring up a couple things about the game development and a question about the visual design um forgive me for covering any information you've already seen but uh yeah just a heads up that the anniversary edition of the game was built off of a pc port of the of the original halo ce which was made by gearbox this port had a multitude of graphical problems that caused certain textures to look flat or muddier as a result the original graphics on anniversary edition are not the same as the original xbox release to get the instantaneous switch between the old and new ones working they had to run two instances of itself at the same time and saber interactive had to make
Starting point is 03:33:32 a separate rendering engine to process it uh this created collision problems as the upscaled models had more polygons and slightly different dimensions this caused entity positions to be different in two versions that led to various issues such as items clipping through the floor for the player floating around and all kinds of stuff and this was done with about one year with a one-year development cycle so it could be made in time for the 10th anniversary as a result of the quick development cycle a lot of the gun models and characters were just lifted from reach and three uh all this being said the fact that they got it together working in the final product is nothing short of amazing many people do have gripes with the original with
Starting point is 03:34:17 the visual design in certain areas of the game and he provides some examples and links uh yeah wow that i didn't realize how fucking uh uh like miraculous the conditions were that they had to do this under my question is this have you ever seen instances of graphical redesigns taking away from something's original design and uh how do they detract from the original intent uh there's a very stunning moment in halo in particular where it's one of the first times you look at the sky box and see the halo going into the distance and the mood of the reimagined version is just completely different because the halo itself is de-emphasized with atmospheric perspective it fades into the into the sky and in the original it's this large ominous shape
Starting point is 03:35:08 that curves upwards and you're like like it's so much more impactful in the original versus what you saw in the remake you know i mean i could i could just mention things that horribly horribly fucked it up like the sun hill hd collection but i don't think that's for years that's been i don't think that's what he's talking about he's talking about like a like a modification to a look i know a lot of people really didn't like the what the stuff blue pointed to shadow the colossus but i loved it i thought they did a really good job yeah and i similarly really like the stuff they're doing with um demon souls with demon souls yeah um i don't know i can't think of anything off the top of my head re4 no more heroes hmm yeah something with a new with a new one is just
Starting point is 03:36:14 completely inferior for some reason i think one of the more interesting ones is that uh there's a mod for reasonable five that takes away the color filter and people are like wow look how vibrant and and gorgeous all the areas in re5 look when they don't have that horrible green filter on them and i'm like those areas are supposed to look like fucking shitholes like they're not supposed to be like beautiful and and gorgeous they're supposed to look like garbage i don't know i feel like there's something that i played where like a certain monster was just like updated and made to look way more generic but the original was like less comprehensible and thus scarier uh if something comes like i don't know what it was something
Starting point is 03:37:14 comes to mind where it's like you just you made a shinier version of this thing but it doesn't look as scary because it's just a bland whatever monster you know um um but i can't think of what it was um yeah i don't know i mean the the flood the flood themself like the infected in in halo definitely don't look as scary in the newer form they kind of have those little like leaf like branch things sticking out of them like they're i don't know it just like the guys it didn't have the same it didn't it didn't look as horrifying because in the in the original the models looked like it was like fully bursting out of them but they were also melted into it and you couldn't quite tell where one stopped and the other started whereas uh in the newer models it was very
Starting point is 03:38:08 clearly just like a hole with the things sitting inside of it you know um yeah i'm sure there's a better example but unfortunately i can't uh pull it off the dome yeah sorry man don't have anything to jump into mine all right um but no thanks for the info on on how that was made that's interesting uh hey here's one uh coming in from penta says hey pat and woolly uh late to the topic but i was listening to your weird talk about the different versions of tastes and smells and i wanted to share something about synesthesia the mixing of senses it comes in many forms but one of them involves the taste of words those with lexical gastry synesthesia get a taste for words as they think about them this can include names like tony tasting like macaroni or uh the
Starting point is 03:39:08 word i sounding like or tasting like bacon uh there's been a fair amount of research done into the topic to summarize a few points words generally provoke tastes but not the other way around however there was a case where a subject had bi-directional taste where eating celery produced the word valory the flavor of words tends to be complex uh the flavor words tend to be complex such as gravy and potatoes rather than simple concepts like sweet or bitter combined words like bookend have individual flavors of a book and end at the same time and some words produce feelings more than taste such as a feeling of swallowing buttons supposedly this particular form of synesthesia is pretty rare accounting for 0.2 of the population polled with symptoms such as
Starting point is 03:40:04 pronouncing colors and shapes in your head being more common sounds producing colors and shapes in your head being more common yeah synesthesia as we know it is based on uh uh uh you know numbers having colors and and and the the sound and the mall sounds blending them together exactly so i'm not sure if this is a blessing or a curse but um i'll stick with my normal brain thank you and uh keep it up that's crazy shit i ever heard wild wild that seems like it would be horribly debilitating for some forms of communication also which you mean you meet a girl and she's hot and you're like what's your name and she's like i'm jenny and you're like oh your name tastes like shit not to mention that um good luck making the fucking res version of that
Starting point is 03:40:57 literally you know like you're what are you gonna fuck in how you're gonna convey this oh i gotta get VRS yeah you do yeah you do instantly top of the list um yeah that's that's no good that's bad you don't have control over that but you know it's cool if you're eating of something you really like and it doesn't have enough of something else you can probably just like think the word and like add that flavor to the future i don't know man that seems like a that seems like a like a a minefield of possible danger because like you're like you're like eating your soup and it needs more salt yeah and you're like can you pass me the hitler and they're like i can just no what the all they they just have to yell hitler at you and then like as long as they keep yelling it
Starting point is 03:41:51 that your soup gets more salty and tastes good but they said it's more yeah hit me hit me with some more of that hitler hitler hitler hitler hitler hitler hitler hitler hitler and that's about right there you go perfect did you get it good are you ballsy enough to make that the podcast title nope yeah me either well anyway um the thing about it though of course is that it's it's more about complex tastes as he said so it's if you're eating meat and potatoes and then you say and and then you say the meat and potatoes word then it'll uh it'll you know maybe it'll get more more pure so well see the thing is is that there wasn't i didn't get the feeling that meat and potatoes the word would taste like meat and potatoes meat and potatoes the word could taste
Starting point is 03:42:46 like styrofoam you know this i guess would this soup needs a pinch of hitler that's how you fucking create a structure around there yeah that's what it is it's yeah okay so all right i don't think itunes is gonna appreciate that crazy man i don't think itunes will appreciate that i'm not gonna lie let's be real that might be one of them auto auto filtered things where they're like you get a phone call what's going on over here boys what's going on over here you know let's be real all right last but not least we got one coming in from someone who lives in poland sending in clarification on the probable workings of conditions in cd project
Starting point is 03:44:03 all right hello willian pat after hearing pat talk about cd project crunching people for months seeing it memed on the subreddit i'd like to come forward and explain a couple things about the working conditions in poland the allegations of crunch in cd project may or may not be true but the form of crunch that it's in in everyone's mind is not actually possible disclosure i'm not a lawyer but most of those rules are commonly known to folks who have a job all the information below here is taken from gov dot the gov dot pl website and i've translated it to the best of my abilities it's a very elaborate breakdown but essentially the basics here are assigning a work contract creates a relationship of an employer an employee and that relationship is regulated under
Starting point is 03:44:51 the work law codex and it details the responsibility responsibilities of each side the letter of the law is pretty strict and offenses against the codex lead to slam dunk cases in courts not to mention since their crimes against society the government offices can investigate and take both employers and employees to court over any offenses to the work law codex when it comes to time working organization it has a list of things and this kind of goes on for a bit so again it just kind of tells you about how there's multiple ways to organize shifts regular shifts are limited to eight hours per day work time is calculated based on periods between paydays maximum 40 hours a week total work time in a month cannot
Starting point is 03:45:38 exceed the work time norm must be at least 11 hour breaks between any two shifts called a daily rest and there must be one 35th break between shifts once a week called a weekly rest and basically with these with these limitations in place a naughty dog slash anime studio levels of crunch should not be possible an employer is unable to plan office workers to work non-stop until a project is done and then it goes into a breakdown of overtime which again is restricted only two types of overtime the only types of overtime allowed are overtime necessary to save lives or if the employee has an absolutely special work related need to fulfill that the employer can decide is required
Starting point is 03:46:36 must be planned ahead of doctors yeah firefighters yeah overtime cannot be planned ahead of time there's three tiers of limiters placed on the website and again there's a daily limit a weekly limit and a yearly limit and then there's another thing about the compensation and how it has to be uh you know time and a half and such so um restrictions that actually sound pretty similar to what we got here uh actually but um yeah and it goes on for a little bit more specifying more details ultimately to conclude on the point that um based on the way things are handled here uh the the idea of the death march in poland is uh illegal and highly punishable so effectively hopefully this clarifies um the way things work a little bit here in poland
Starting point is 03:47:31 that's a fantastic email unfortunately i would have to point out that companies do in fact break the law and more than that um i mean i'm looking at a direct quote about cyberpunk right here from the joint ceo uh are you guys gonna have to put in crunch hours quote to some degree yes to be honest we try to limit crunch as much as possible but this is the final it is the final stage we try to be reasonable in this regard but yes unfortunately and for witcher uh i think the director on that game i'm not super sure but when they were asked like hey do you guys do crunch hours and he goes well yeah you gotta do crunch to get games like this that's a paraphrase that's
Starting point is 03:48:29 not a direct quote um but they've straight up admitted to crunching them a bunch so yeah so that's admitted to breaking the law yeah what i'd say we've gotten here is uh an understanding that like there are labor laws uh in poland that are very similar to canada in the restriction against uh this type of crunch as described um but of course you know the law existing does not mean that people aren't breaking it but it does you know and it is it is uh uh uh severely punishable but that's it that's if they get caught i suppose or if they get reported or whatever the case may be or if they don't pay the right guy good to know those are the rules though yeah it's cool and definitely laws are good and it's
Starting point is 03:49:21 good ones so if anything what that does is it means it's harder to to go like oh well you know poland's right it's it's like well no they have they're on top of that shit or at least at the very least on the paper on paper they are but um that doesn't de facto change uh whether or not it's occurring let's not barely know anything about poland other than it's far away and they have funny accents dot pl okay i know that now all right oh god no what are you doing ob s stop it i didn't click anything it's trying to exit maybe that's a good sign i think we're done all right i think we're done too everybody be safe out there wear your
Starting point is 03:50:20 masks don't go outside yeah don't don't get run over by cars and shit as as as relatively safe as you can be you know it's only six more months to go oh yeah and then magically when we hit december 31st it's all going to get better right yeah but we get to at least put like a mental barrier it's over man it's done this is it now this is it now it's fucking done the podcast that is the podcast is done it's over yeah in this dream of the
Starting point is 03:51:59 me you when you when the flowers forget what they wish for day after day when the flower was frozen in the stream of trees they still pick up the flowers it's a rip, into many a fruitless, into the day after day it's a rip, into many a fruitless, into the day after day
Starting point is 03:53:14 your passion, your passion take it from my feet cause we will tell you when to make yourself a hero your passion, your passion, your passion cause we will tell you when to make yourself a hero

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