Castle Super Beast - CSB 080: Steal The WiiU’s Children As You Stomp It Into The Grave

Episode Date: August 11, 2020

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Starting point is 00:00:00 And Hello, hey, good morning ish. Oh Hmm your framing is a little bit unfortunate right now. Sorry audio, but You I don't know if you position it seems like you tightened up your your shot and that has completely and utterly removed a Little geek from the equation. Oh, I'm sorry everybody I can I can hair hair I can I can I can reposition it live listener. There you go tiny baby joining us here today. There you go So right now the keyboard is is completely cropped out and the top of your head is off-camp. So that's where we're at
Starting point is 00:01:21 I'll make a hot adjustment child I'll do it. I'll do it live He's a good boy, he's sleepy right now because Paige did a great job wearing him out I took a nap when we came home from earlier errands and Wearing this dog out often includes hearing the words Zengief. No Quite often I thought it was good grief Well, that's the hashtag Okay, I almost got you
Starting point is 00:01:56 There you boy. I am tired as shit. Yeah, as am I I Hear that Okay, there we go. All right, we're good and Hey, hello MP3. What's up? It is what it is at this point. Oh, can you see the MP3? No, I'm talking to the MP3 people I'm just saying. Oh, right, you know. Oh, yes, Willie was moving the camera For you people in the MP3 You understand how it is
Starting point is 00:02:30 Hey, so, um, oh, no, you've you've you've unknowingly Exit you've unknowingly shown part of the couch that includes the the mold woman Usually and I've actually pulled in Too much because now there's the actual Like secondary camera weird thing that happens with me, so oh you've done a great job today We're gonna just put it back the way it was people saw the dog. Yeah, I Assumed that you know, that's kind of what you were going for so I decided to oblige
Starting point is 00:03:08 No, he what what I was going for was the fact that I have a power cable running from the monitor to the floor It's a thing and the dog likes to run around and sometimes he runs straight into it and thus Constantly moves the monitor around so I just barely fixed it Okay, you know this so um, I can Yeah, the best I can do here is Have have this crop where I'm at or I can even get less of your face and more of dogs
Starting point is 00:03:42 So like, you know Yeah, why not it all works out This is so fun for the audio listeners. This is my favorite audio podcast All right, listen That's what they're doing So, you know what that means then right what we got to do is we got to have a little bit We got to have a little bit something extra for MP3 folks so that they don't get shafted entirely So like we'll cut the stream off and we'll give an extra 30 seconds
Starting point is 00:04:13 Yeah, you get one extra bit one extra bit right at the end of the right at the end of the stream And that's gonna be mp3 exclusive super good bit. There you get every 100% that's that's how we're gonna do it now So anytime we're talking about Visual dumb things. Don't you worry you're getting your your extra good premium shit right at the end extra good MP3 bit Yeah, yeah, that's how we do it. Just don't forget Ah So what's up with you man? How's your week been? Well, um, I Can imagine why you're you're more tired than usual for me. It's because
Starting point is 00:04:54 my body is currently doing the the healing factor process because I went and continued my tattoo Oh Sick, yeah, so that was something that I've been looking forward to doing and Fortunately I Was able to get that done and I was very happy with the level of like precautions and procedures in place Especially now you're now your back hurt. Yeah a little bit a little bit
Starting point is 00:05:34 But like interestingly enough the the the artist like actually is Someone that is immunocompromised as well and so has to take all the precautions in the world So I'm like, okay, cool. This is good. I I like that but so we did and yeah, I can say that I'm at a I'm pretty happy. Got a I got a good amount of progress done and it's about 80% now so Basically, there's just like there's a I'd say like yeah another there's another 10% of like missing Lines that need to be drawn and then a 10% of like finalizing the
Starting point is 00:06:14 The whole thing just kind of like going back over that the thickest pieces and making sure everything stands out in contrast Throbbing veins on there. There's no throbbing veins. They're just you don't I mean You don't know That when you're lying there on your stomach That they're not just saying a fuck it and drawing like one hidden big throbbing vein Right on the hidden penis on your back. I'm actually sitting down and just leaning forward Okay, but what I'm saying is it's on your back. It's behind you. It is behind me Yeah, so about 80% that's where we're at soon I can
Starting point is 00:06:58 Start shopping for shirts that can be pulled off with one hand gesture So it's It's the the the bit is always the most ridiculous because it's not just they're pulling off a shirt with one hand gesture They're all wearing a button-up shirt, right? They're all wearing like a suit jacket over it and The whole thing is coming off with like one grab of the waist Yeah, and Like the arms should be exploding like the only way you could do that is like the arms get torn straight through all the way and The buttons come and it's like I don't know whatever. It's dramatic. Yeah, I feel like I feel like the last time I brought this up
Starting point is 00:07:41 I was talking about how they need to learn something from the the NBA track suits Because those are made to be pulled off the rhythm exactly the pullaways and they're like, you know You can start going into other fashion as well But yeah, it's it's a little bit of that Um, I remember the like first time I actually saw that was Rock Howard's win pose where like he grabs his jacket off his own body At Kiyokusanagi does it as well when he sweet like whips it over his shoulder and you're just like it doesn't come off that way You can't pull it through your body doesn't they never ever pull an arm in no
Starting point is 00:08:19 To do it. It's oh, yeah, right off because you have a couple seconds for that win animation, right? You can't waste too much time. So you just grab it by like one collar and you rip the rest through your body Just ultimate warrior it I'm just thinking of of Like a possible Yakuza enemy that instead of The back tattoo and pulling the shirt the suit off They they just have like leg tattoos and they just have like breakaway pants Yeah, it's just not the same sure it's just not the same sure
Starting point is 00:08:56 Mmm Tell you what watching Bacchemy tie Trending worldwide as a big old meme is the weirdest thing. I I It's very weird. I think I mean it would have been weird enough without the facial like Disfiguration Yeah, but it's the but the facial disfiguration seems to be a part of what folks are loving and That's been a meme of its own in that community that it's a song that's every game and the photo that he's looking at always changes And sometimes it's really stupid shit like a
Starting point is 00:09:32 Like a fucking dog or like a pocket racer like toy. Mm-hmm But it's it's it's it's the facial morphing that really kind of sends it over the edge for me and Puts it in a place where I want nothing to do with it Yeah, there's this there was like a nightmare version that was like that this dog Doing it, but they put the mouth in the wrong place. Exactly. Yeah, and it's like, oh Bad yeah But yeah, um, I mean to be perfectly honest, uh, so that that's going down
Starting point is 00:10:15 and I think interestingly like By kind of doing I and so I went I covered like two areas yesterday like a one on the left side and one on the right side so, um, I think kind of spreading out the the work in a way instead of like doing heavy in one area makes recovery a bit easier because Um You know, you do feel tired afterwards, but I feel like my body was dealing better with it There's how long is the session of that? Uh, so
Starting point is 00:10:46 Like on average on average on average about three hours, you know, you can you can go like depends Some people can go to and then they tap out some people can go for some people can just fucking sit there It depends on the body part, too I find for me personally like going over the back, which is a mixture of like really thick Flesh really thick skin and then a mixture of thin areas where like spine is exposed You kind of have rough spots and you have easy spots and Overall spine spots the worst overall it works out to being about like about three hours before like I can kind of like be like
Starting point is 00:11:28 Okay, I feel like I'm starting to sweat yesterday in particular though Like I could have kept going. I was I was Going alright, you know, but like there's definitely a weird thing about it because You are taking damage and even if you're like taking it and like you're dealing with it fine There is a very clear like in Dorfinrush your body kicks in it starts to take trying to handle the low-level damage spread out across your body and then like Hours later like you're gonna kind of feel cold. You're gonna feel a temperature drop You're gonna feel a little bit woozy because like it's directing
Starting point is 00:12:09 It's it's it's directing its energy towards healing over this area of your body So it's like hey, you don't feel a hundred percent stabbed for several hours a little bit a little bit of that I also think that uh, if I were doing it over like my arm or like, you know anywhere on my leg or anything like that it'd be way like It'd be way simpler like I don't think it I feel like it would be way easier and like I wouldn't have as much of a reaction That way because I don't know. Um Just your back is much more sensitive in a lot of places. So Yeah, anyway, it's it's it's something that is like if I'm starting there then I can do anything else and probably be fine with it
Starting point is 00:12:54 Didn't get up to much mainly because you know all the work I've been Doing on things that I can't announce yet, but I gotta get more veins in those but what I did manage to do is I Did have a night to actually go grind and do a little bit of a cleanup in Sushima There's a lot. Yeah, so I
Starting point is 00:13:24 found myself with some time after like taking a break from my stuff and Yeah, I just I'm like, okay, let's go do the side missions and the The faceless white Missions and a lot of the yeah, the ones that are obviously not as important. Mm-hmm. I Can definitely say that like at this point Even though at first I was like, oh man's if I want to go from my bow and arrows over to my smoke bombs It's gonna take a second to figure out what's where and a little bit of that coordination is like rough
Starting point is 00:13:59 But like now I'm like, okay. No, it's fine. I've gotten used to that You got it like that. Yeah, I want the kunai into the longbow into this or just style switching For each thing that runs at you, you know, you you get out you get the hang of that pretty quickly too as well So like that's that I've gotten comfortable comfortable with finally I still think that The standoff mechanic like I love it I hate that it's so finicky and I hate the button. You have to press to do it. I
Starting point is 00:14:34 Don't understand why it's triangle. It's not it's up on the d-pad. Oh That's what you mean. It's up on the d-pad and Yeah, sorry, I don't mean the button to press when you engage I mean just to call it out to begin with right? I think that like I don't like you have to like move move over to that button Especially when there's times when like you're there they notice you and you're on that cusp of like, okay It's about to turn from white into yellow and they're in their attention at you and you're not quite sure if you're gonna
Starting point is 00:15:12 If they're gonna give you a prompt for it or if they're just gonna come attack you and so a couple times I've had them be too close and I had to walk back a bit or take a few steps back on the horse and then do it And it's like this is this could be more clear I understand that the whole point is when you're both inside of each other You kind of press the button, but it's not really consistent in a couple cases like You get it when no one's looking at you like you're sneaking up on them You can do it and that's fine and in other cases like I'm right where I should be but there's no prompts, so I don't know I think my favorite
Starting point is 00:15:44 Version of that so far is that I Initiated a standoff in a like a heavily wooded area Mm-hmm and all three enemies that was supposed to attack me ended up running into trees Yeah, 10 seconds and reach me. Yeah, I was like mmm. You guys are doing it. You guys are I Like I get why it's spoke wise over there It's supposed to be deliberate, but it is kind of awkward, but the the d-pad seems to be the shit like like How do I put it like this is where the loser buttons that aren't Just aren't important enough for a main face button go
Starting point is 00:16:22 Exactly and and like touch pad has to be like You know like you might actually end up like with your thumb going touching that by mistake even so can't put anything too too critical up there, but They the d-pad is exactly that like it's let go of your movement to press these buttons And you know for the most part that's that's fine for like calling the horse and you know doing all the other stuff You need to do but when it comes to just calling out first standoff. I wish that I could Hold down Like a button while walking towards an enemy and it'll be like hey if this is an aggro point It'll just do it. You know like it would be nice to hold down our three
Starting point is 00:17:04 To set I mean that's no because you have crouching and yeah, not that but like I would have you know I don't know but like if there were a button to be like I'm being aggressive Right, you know even if I do I do understand the problem They ran into because it looks like there's button combinations that are being used But there are More moves that you get a hold of that require extra button presses and button combinations So like there's a move that you get that you do triangle and circle yeah fight Yeah, I unlocked that right so and there's a second one. Okay uses different buttons and it's like
Starting point is 00:17:47 They're already like pushing up against the amount of buttons they need Like that you do a lot of different goddamn things you have like four different like the four different weapons and four different throwables and Each of those has an ammo type And then then the your moves your moveset switches from the stance as well. Plus you've got the hold down light slash like attack But it ultimately I just it's the like I have I've pretty much gotten comfortable with everything else and you know again I feel like reading about the the the aiming and the switching ammo types was a more complex than actually doing it
Starting point is 00:18:27 You do it a couple times. You're like, oh, no, this makes sense Right, it makes much more sense than feeling it out that it is that reading it out Remember when that thing started to fill up. I'm like, oh god. This is gonna be really cool. No wait. It's fine Yeah But the only thing I thought the only thing I have about it is just like I don't like that, you know The call-outs are are like it's a finicky mechanic. Everything else is pretty solid You know the flow of combat seems to be like You know pretty simple
Starting point is 00:18:59 I definitely can see how like the I'm imagining some of the harder dudes that I started to fight in like these missions will become more standard and will thus kind of like You know create like a When you're getting fucking surrounded and you're just like, okay, I can't possibly deflect Properly on everybody and go in on them and stuff like that and you know and then you get you get the the Option to like perfect dodge perfect parry and shit like that and like intimidate the fuck out of everybody when you do and all these things plus the I ended up getting perfect dodge and the timing on it is pretty strict So I have I have perfect dodge and perfect parry and I find they're not that bad. I don't know
Starting point is 00:19:45 It feels it feels like it's it's lenient enough, you know might be might be because when I got them like I'm in the third area right now and You're fighting off a lot of enemies Like like it's not just the the quality of a particular enemy like you know you get brutes with shields for example and You get guys that are like like archers do this thing or per island where you know, they call out and they shoot at you Oh, sure. They they start to shoot multiple times. Yeah, and so now they're shooting three times Okay, after that and their archers if there's multiple archers they can shoot at you Simultaneously, so there's a lot of incoming fire
Starting point is 00:20:32 Have you seen those gifts of people getting like air calm? Yes. Yeah, there's there's like there's a specific area Multiple people have filmed themselves jumping off of and just getting juggled to infinity There's also charms that heal you back Can we take a quick five minute break? I need to run to the bathroom immediately. Okay, BRB. Excuse me Okay, there we are You don't You don't seem okay I Did not shit my pants. That's what's important
Starting point is 00:21:20 Okay These are not different pants dumbasses It's some it's usually One would hope to see you a sense of relief after such an urgent run out But Irritable bowel syndrome more like instant butt shit now mm-hmm. That's correct Never well does that just turn off when you're not at home This is what turn off when you're like does your brain just never go into that mode when you're like here for example
Starting point is 00:22:03 No, okay Just cuz I've never seen you well, we've talked about this it's like enough it's yeah, all right It's been a while since I've seen uh-oh right now right now right now, you know Yeah, my stomach hasn't felt great today if my sleep's been all screwed up By the way, if you hear weird Slurping noises in the background, that's cuz puppies eating his food When I woke him up getting up to poop earlier Puppy realized it was food time and started to go crazy because he is a fat bitch
Starting point is 00:22:41 He's wearing a fat pig It might also just be like I don't know apparently My my sinuses or something even though I lean all the way out here Before I clear my nose to make sure that that doesn't pick up but some people have been I know that's but the point is to not hear it point blank because that's really that's awful So I'm doing my best, but I also have a permanent sniffle that is with me for the rest of my life You should get like a Like a sinus invasion by one of them tubes, but they just blow out your sinus
Starting point is 00:23:17 I have I have sinus cleaning devices, you know, like I do have those things I also used to take a whole lot of a Well, there was Sudafed originally, but then I used to take a lot of The nasal sprays that are kind of like a steroid and they work But they work for a few hours and then you need more and that's bad So you can't remember you ever get one of those nasal cleaners And it's like the giant bottle that used to you fill up with saline Mm-hmm, and you like blow it up one nostril and then it drip out the other the netty pot
Starting point is 00:23:54 It's the no not the netty pot. There's a there's a different one. It's it's not it's not like a a kind Drip, it's like fucking crush it. Oh, yeah, so that it just shoots right up. Mm-hmm Definitely I've seen that Yeah, that that is Remarkably unpleasant. Mm-hmm Feels like it's touching your brain Yeah, I Like the first time I did it like I started like choking and I almost like threw up just because it was just like so
Starting point is 00:24:29 awful And then you used to it Just like anything else that makes you throw up Like poop sure I I After a light after a lifetime of using q-tips and eventually being told enough that like q-tips are super dangerous and Like risky if you Use them in your ear
Starting point is 00:24:58 Things, okay Yeah, yeah, hold on Okay, well anyway Audience sorry, I'm we're taking care of a puppy out here do your thing I'll just talk to the people so I've been told for years about like yeah I've been you for years I've been using q-tips and then the dangers of q-tips came up eventually and I remember when They came up like it's one of those things that came up like probably in my like early 20s
Starting point is 00:25:25 I says is what I first started like hearing about like hey You shouldn't do that and I think I might have heard about it while a q-tip was in my ear Yeah, it's it's whatever you do only use the q-tip around the exterior of your ear Don't push it in because that'll hurt your brain Well, I'll tell you one thing for sure the shittier brands that are not like the main one Will like cotton the cotton will come off of it and you're like oh dear god never because oh that's I remember I remember like getting one of those just like Like a kind of just a shittier brand where the cotton was not tightly packed in and you're like this coming off in your ear is a
Starting point is 00:26:03 Fucking problem. So do not even go down that road, right? And don't care for that. Yeah, but I'll all this to say that like is just as we're talking about you're talking about like those nose cleaning things or whatever I actually got like what is essentially a drill? it is a pen-sized drill that like has a Rubbery kind of tip and this is meant to be a like safer way to do it And so you just put it in and you twist in in a specific direction and Like along the grooves is how it cleans your ear out and that way it doesn't push anything further in Well, I use
Starting point is 00:26:42 For my ear parts because I have greasy shit ears That create their own form of ear poop apparently so I get one of them like Like pipettes like one of those little like, you know, it's like a rubber ball with like a weird tip on it okay, and You fill that up with lukewarm water and you you slowly snake it all the way to the back of your ear and you push water out of it, okay, and Boy when your ear is backed up It is it is like your ears are taking a shit
Starting point is 00:27:22 The amount of garbage that can shoot out of your ear. It is very bad I got I got one of those water-based ones But I didn't actually use it because I found the drill was actually doing a decent job without having to Put water way up inside, you know Still kind of not great about that based on my my bug story Yeah, the fun part about doing that with the pipette or whatever you call it is that you definitely want to use lukewarm water Because if you use cold water like pretty cold water or like hot water You can just fall right the fuck over
Starting point is 00:28:03 Because it screwed it fucks up your balance change. Yeah, your inner ear. Yeah Yeah, I tried it with like just cold tap water and almost like fell down in the shower Just like just tipped right over Yeah, no, that's dangerous And again, I don't want to go I don't want to go too too far in a q-tip felt nice going far in but like I I'm just gonna count myself as lucky that it's nothing bad has ever happened considering how many Warnings there's been about that stuff. So I'm just gonna be like fine. I'll give it up It's a pleasure that I can I'll have to deal deal without and
Starting point is 00:28:39 and Yeah, I mean I've told it many times but like one time Just that the super short version is one time when I was younger Mosquito crawled into my fucking ear and just got stuck inside So I heard the buzzing of a bug in my inside of my brain for the better part of an hour and The same thing happened to my sister ambulance couldn't help me actually flushed it out. It wasn't great Flushing flushing eventually was yeah, that's all but it just couldn't get it out for a really long time So that that that'll fuck you up. That'll fuck you up. So if you haven't heard that one already if you're new
Starting point is 00:29:17 I'll tell it again. That's what happened. I don't like that. I don't like bugs. I don't like the sound of a bug near my ear I'm afraid you don't like bugs inside your body. Not great So anyway, I've got bad news for you because bacteria are covering every cilia of every cell of you Anyway, as weird as it sounds this the little the soft drill works pretty decently. So That's I was I was impressed with that But it definitely goes out of its way to be like don't fucking twist it the wrong way There's an arrow follow the arrow. That's the pole things out if you twist it the wrong way You're shoving it in
Starting point is 00:29:59 You know, it's one simple step. Don't fuck this up, you know Yeah, impacted ear wax is fucking awful. So Really bad But anyway, so yeah, Sushima got a little bit of that going is pretty good Finished off Halo 3 Fight was finished before Willie Sushima. I do have a piece of advice for you. Yeah, so The different things happen when you finish different areas When you
Starting point is 00:30:28 Like wake when you beat all the camps in the first area like all the you know, the you know all the Mongol encampments, it's just gonna ping the entire map and just show you where every little question mark is So don't necessarily feel like you have to scrape up the map to find those secrets like they'll just tell you Where they all are What's way more important is that when you're about to leave the second map it'll tell you hey, you're about to do a really long mission and Do whatever you want to do before you do that mission because you're not able to go back to the first two areas Until near the end of the game after you do that one. Okay
Starting point is 00:31:11 Yeah, that would make sense then because I still again still an act one But I thought I had found all the camps turns out. I guess I haven't so other some that aren't even on the map until You fucking get to the second island. Okay, like they don't exist Cool good to know good to know So yes, though the oh And I found I was very very happy to find the the the white dye Color guy Yeah, cuz I remember just being like all these merchant dies not really cutting it for me
Starting point is 00:31:51 There's one or two that are all right, but I'm not really digging these looks and then it's like what did I want? I wanted this dude the white dye guy up top was like, yeah, these are the colors you want to rock. Absolutely What's what's what's suit? What? Clothes you wear? Well, I mean look I have my digital deluxe big fuck emperor armor, and I'm not wearing that Anymore cuz it's too much. It's just too jarring whenever I see the cutscenes of you You sneaking around and that looks fucking it's goofy as fuck So I had I had to take it off right so what I am what I'm using is I'm alternating between the travelers outfit for finding shit and the I think it's just like the typical the samurai
Starting point is 00:32:39 Clan that's a good samurai climb got from Moscow Yeah samurai clan and travelers are the two I'm going between and I have them both in white with a white sword And I think that's a pretty fun look so There's a there's a black dye merchant that you'll find later that has the like for you notice that not everything has a white version Yeah, the ones that don't have a white version. They have a black Okay, okay, okay. Yeah So that's that's that's cool And like now I'm like well now I have a reason to give a fuck about flowers a little bit, you know cuz
Starting point is 00:33:12 I'm like I don't need these at all if I only see one or two things I want But now I'm like, okay. No, I want to get these so that's fine So that's what we got going on so Shima I finished Halo 3 in the end very good game I felt There was some some there's definitely a couple moments of like What was your plan? Space AOC what exactly did you hope to accomplish here? Um
Starting point is 00:33:45 But I Do think in the end like I can see how the gameplay refined itself into a really, you know a pretty fun place. I Just going on story though like to me two remains the best so far. I said this kind of In the final discussion of it, but two Really stands out as like an amazing amazing game in the middle of it and yes, the blur studio cutscenes like are kind of unfair, but I think even taking the cutscenes out out of the equation the writing is much better into and There were more interesting plot threads happening that I felt that three just kind of turned them into sort of like straight
Starting point is 00:34:37 punches in a way So like I kind of thought that to kind of set up some interesting questions for example like the prophet Betraying the other the the prophet of truth being kind of betraying the other prophets and It kind of hints at like something like oh, is there something more to this like is he just Manipulating them because he has something else. He wants to accomplish or what are we going at here? And then it's like no, he's a true believer, too He kind of was just being greedy and it just kind of like it's like all that was an interesting question I wish that kind of went somewhere, you know or Cortana and Grave mind having that moment of like, yo, let's talk
Starting point is 00:35:16 I'm like, okay. What the fuck does that mean? That's interesting. I I bet that If you're disappointed with parts of Halo 3 that there's a book you can read that'll make that part better. Yeah, probably I Mean it's not to say I was it I'm not it's not that I was disappointed with parts of Halo 3 as much as I Felt that they didn't look they were fine But they didn't live up to like some of the really cool stuff about to in particular in the writing of two I feel that You know like yeah the Cortana and Grave mind Thread didn't go in the most interesting place. I felt
Starting point is 00:35:53 There was another one like that too as well there's something else that I was like, oh, that's interesting and then and not so much, you know, but All that to say that like it more it speaks more volumes about how good two is than it does about Problems with three because three still a very good fucking game, you know Probably like one of them. I'm thinking about it now one of the weirder things about like Halo 1 2 & 3 as a series is that they they Shot so high with the stakes on Halo 1
Starting point is 00:36:26 Like what happens if we fail oh the death of everything in the universe mm-hmm That there's no way to go like there's no realistic way to go higher than that so they came closer which would be earth and Then at the end just at the ass end of three they're able to raise the stakes slightly above that I Was like, oh, well, that's a cool little thing Yeah, once you get to the arc and the flood is on the arc now and you're like well Jesus shit Yeah, what's your living even worse than it was before yeah What's you're living in a like a world of like oh this can wipe out all life?
Starting point is 00:37:03 Like you kind of have to exist with those stakes and I guess you know what I and what I did appreciate is like Let's take a second to like work out the mechanics of how life would be wiped out, you know So it does that the terminals introduced in three Even though they're the roughest because of the first terminals obviously they're just like yeah reading codecs And some of them are timed so you can't quite read them all I did still feel that like the information they had was quite interesting You know the forerunner stuff I I liked so
Starting point is 00:37:40 You know, I'm looking at it like within the context of its time you know the The the individual elements of two and the gameplay pacing of two as well like the whole like introduction into new Mombasa into the big scarab fight switching over to Arbiter and Like, you know what I mean and then playing off of the two going back to
Starting point is 00:38:07 And then going in going back to fighting the flood and then throne room, you know Like the pacing of two really just was like bam, bam, bam, bam, really really solid Three kind of had it had a lot of cool new vehicle areas. I will say The back end going through the flood stuff did kind of drag a little But again, man still had a lot of fun with it, you know, I have to keep Mentioning that because I'm like, yeah, it's like it just I think two Has that stand down and then when you bring in the fact that it got the remake with the blur and all that shit It's like, okay, this is fucking
Starting point is 00:38:42 It's an unfair comparison almost, you know But that's that's where it kind of lands for me and in the end I see the way that like the good old chief just kind of literally gets in the Do not break glass until sequel Chamber and sits there and goes wake me up when you need me for the sequel You know and then they're like ten minutes later. They're like yo chief wake up. So You need to start on a slightly disappointing sequel Yeah, but it's it was extremely clear to me that like I'm like, yeah, that's of course
Starting point is 00:39:23 That's what you're gonna do here is you're gonna put You you go freeze in time and then if you want to like bring this character back at any point All you have to do is just go. Yeah, we defrosted him and then the world is different and blah blah blah Anyway, so that's that's you know, that's kind of where it was We'll see what else there is in store There were some big old sweeping Changes to teppen with the new season were there Yeah, they big and sweeping they nerfed a bunch of shit and
Starting point is 00:40:00 By a bunch of shit I mean my deck and your shit my shit and my character and my cards all got Completely and utterly ripped asunder Yeah, I had a situation so I fell off a rune terror But I still play a game here or there and although it's one of those games like Dead by Daylight where I binge it and then I'll Stop for a couple months and then go back on it What's new with the patch and it's like okay this deck this type of deck this deck this deck this deck have been nerfed I'm like that's all five of the decks that I made
Starting point is 00:40:35 Like every deck that I made some of which were like proper meta for a while. Oh They're all bad now darn darn you card games. I Basically came back to it to find that my zero deck was Like yeah, just that it was the target focus of like What we need to destroy in this game and the main thing was like okay, so Zero has a super Rakoha, which the more the more
Starting point is 00:41:11 Like cards you play throughout the match the stronger it gets and it basically was kind of like it would target Like whatever amount of cards were on the board. It would split damage across those cards And so they just made that super get a lot more expensive It went from being I think it was like 16 Like points. I forget the exact number. I think it was like 16 to now being like like 23 or 22 So takes you just get it less often and you know, um one of the cards I I really liked I talked about V the mysterious one, you know V comes in and then he can call in the the boys he can call in the trio and
Starting point is 00:41:56 That card used to be like it used to cost eight points to play it out of ten and then right to summon each Additional thing you'd have to spend one point, right? So but because teppen is a timing based game People that were ready for that card Will basically if they see your you're stalling for time building up your points are like, okay He's gonna drop something crazy right now and what they'll do is they'll take a card that will seal you immediately So um the egg I keep for quite cat you uh, whatever it's called in monster hunter the egg fucking dinosaur The thing that that that steals eggs
Starting point is 00:42:38 Cool the echo. Yeah. Yeah So that thing whatever you drop in front of it it seals all your abilities right so They will basically sit there and wait for you to drop Anything like a V card and then seal it immediately Then you're like, oh shit. I wasted all my points. He's useless when he sealed that was a fucked turn the whole thing's dumb, right? So if you waited till you had ten points in total to play You could drop him for eight and then immediately immediately like scrub your hand really fast To play a one-point card and then immediately play another one-point card
Starting point is 00:43:17 So at least by the time they killed him you would get two really good things in you know, you'd either get a Whatever, you know, you get whatever combination that makes sense So now he costs ten points, which means you will not build up the two You need you won't have the ability to play what you need immediately Which means he gets sealed right away, which means that card's dead, you know So that strategy completely destroyed and then they took a bunch of other stuff in My deck which was like there were cards that you do to just kind of like Build up your meter faster. They made them all more expensive and then the ultimate was
Starting point is 00:44:00 there was a Zeroes memories card that would like negate Like after you do like oh after you build it up a lot. You can negate any action So it's a like a super super control card They made it so that it can only negate actions that are like like weaker or inexpensive, you know So all this kind of led to a like well, that's done and I'm like, all right. Well, so be it, you know, um That's that was that was I'm defined the new shit Yeah, so I went back to Nero and I started mixing missing around with Nero and I was able to do like
Starting point is 00:44:35 decently but not as consistently as I would want it just doesn't hold up and the new Fucking feline in the game is just too annoying to fight and he can't really deal with it The Palakos stealing cards out of your hand, man It literally has a card that's just like every time this touches you it takes a random card out of your hand away from you I'm not sure what the The terminology is in magic or in general, but that's a There's a bunch of shit in Runeterra and Hearthstone that do that. It's just like no your card is my card Yeah, so well in in Gwent it would be the spy card
Starting point is 00:45:16 So like there's a really so I talked about this earlier on but there's a card that is like I'm going to grab something off the battlefield and make it my my my unit, right? That's an expensive Like, you know seize control of an enemy kind of card and there's another one that you can play I think that's like a resident evil character that like also is like a spy that steals something over but what the Palakos doing is Not stealing a card that's active. It's stealing one that is just showing in your hand from your hand Yeah, absolutely over and over and over and over and over again, you know, so So anyway, like it wasn't quite cutting it's bullshit. Yeah, so bad
Starting point is 00:46:00 Other things got nerfed as well. I noticed that like There's some bullshit that remains untouched in particular. There's Dante decks that are Dante plays no cards on the board at any point. He just Directly hurts you and oh pure aggro deck Yeah, there's I forgot what there was someone called doesn't there's a magic name for it But like he has I would I would call that a aggro deck He will just attack you directly and he will put up a Devil trigger where he can't be damaged burn burn burn burn. Yes, and so like you're like well, this is
Starting point is 00:46:41 This is some horseshit. Yeah, you're playing a totally different game. Mm-hmm. If you don't have Negation car if you if you're not playing a control deck encounter to that where you can negate Him doing 10 damage to you in one shot then you can't win like he has enough damage to just do stop shooting me 30 you know to you by the time the game is done and you're not gonna hit him fast enough because like he's just putting up involve on his devil trigger thing, so Yeah, that's one of those games. That's one of those decks where I'm like well that seems way more unfair than what I was doing Is zero, but who knows you know, I don't know enough about I mean it always feels that way. It always seems that way. It does always seem that way
Starting point is 00:47:27 What I will say is that like I switched over to a kuma Excuse me, and I have since basically Created a deck that consists of a lot of Ashford people. I got alexia Ashford. I got Alex Alfred Alfred Ashford. He's in there, too and Ashford family name is one of the original founders of those guys are terrible. They're great. Why are they so strong? Who are they? They are the villains of Code Veronica. Okay, the Dreamcast game
Starting point is 00:48:11 But like why are they so strong because they're fucking Alfred Ashford is the campiest Resident Evil character and even your you're like, you know Your your your toe dip in the Resident Evil franchise of like you didn't touch any old stuff You should be aware that like the campiest is a high bar. Okay He is the actual worst and His sister is almost as bad. They're so ridiculous. They are so ridiculous like hyper zombie bourgeoisie
Starting point is 00:48:47 They yeah, they're they're they're the ancient European family That was one of the founders of umbrella and he wears like a little military outfit and talks like this Ha ha ha and I want to death to sex with alexia. Okay, my sister Okay, you know just like Well, those cards are incredible Especially together What's that Alfred's card do so Alfred's card is a low-level card it costs about three points to play it and When it dies it kills another weak card with it
Starting point is 00:49:27 So it's really it's a really weak card, but when it dies it'll kill any other weak cards the opponent has down on the on the on the board that's really funny and Alexia When she gets It's called ascended. It's like when she gets buffed up. She kills Bernie She becomes Bernie Bernie fire girl and she kills a
Starting point is 00:49:57 Mid-level card on the board, right? Okay, so what you can do one way of like ascending cards is by dropping one on top of another It'll kill the old card and the new card will be ascended, right? So if you drop him down you drop Brother down and then you drop sister on top of brother What happens is you get two cards? killed for the price of one By having a mid if they have a mid-level and a weak-level card on their board you wipe out both in one shot
Starting point is 00:50:36 So you play them together and it's a really strong combination That's pretty much what happened Okay, that's that's intended really really good Integration interesting of those characters. Okay. Okay. That's a really really good joke Yeah They it works out really really well, you know So what wait hold on man, I need to I need to check this so Alexia card teppen. She is a There's two of my point card. Yeah, there's two. There's two portraits with the art one is burning and one is just like a monster
Starting point is 00:51:21 Okay, and then Steve is Steve in Teppen, I don't recognize the name probably is in teppen and he is a four-point card perfect So you could throw down Alfred and then throw down Alexia and therefore Alexia would then kill him Kill the Alfred would die and then that would kill Steve hundred percent. Yeah She takes out five points and he takes out three points. So That's really solid and Wesker is a deck. Okay, Wesker. Yes, Wesker has cards to like he there are Wesker cards
Starting point is 00:52:07 You can play but like as a deck he gets way more like you can do a lot of different things, you know Well, I asked because she tries to co-wesper and it fails Okay Because I guess Wesker is more than a mid-level car Oh, man, that's that's fun. Yeah, so they actually interactions with the the brand That's that's the fun part. It is the fight. Great. That's what I you know, we were talking about the the lore whatever Vorthos or whatever it was, but like yeah, that stuff is really fun to kind of look at I I
Starting point is 00:52:45 So what you can do and of course because that's that so you can play them together Do you do that as like kind of like a little base kind of a salt on on your enemies? But what you could also do a kuma has Like a raging demon is his ability obviously It's one of his supers and what that does is it just murders whatever card is across from the card that you attach raging demon to Of course, of course, that's what yeah, right and it ascends it and it makes it ascended So if you have some kind of crazy-ass card On the table and the mid-level unit you can drop Alexia in front of it
Starting point is 00:53:23 Put raging demon on her she kills the thing in front of her and she ascends so she kills the second thing as well You're like, oh man, that's pretty good too. So You know so yeah, I'm kind of messing with that for now trying to see if I can get back into champions with it but I'm essentially Moving around I tried I tried brute forcing it with zero a little bit more, but it's just not gonna happen, you know So I'm switching it up Currently enjoying a kuma. Also. There's some cool stuff where let's say you put down
Starting point is 00:53:55 Is it Alex? the the Arthur What was the brother's name you need to Alfred Alfred, excuse me So if you want him you can do things like put him down and then immediately play a card where like I Think it's I think it's like a Rathalos or something just eats your card and you get healed So you could just have you could just eat him get healed and when he dies he kills an enemy Great, you know, so fun little place to like
Starting point is 00:54:27 Pray on your own deck and stuff like that. So yeah teppen teppen continues There's a there's a great card in There's a absolutely fantastic card in teppen. Sorry not teppen. That's what you're playing Runeterra called they who endure and it's a card that's Relatively high cost six point card like goes up to ten, but the idea is that every single time one of your card dies and It starts at like to to like to attack to defense and it goes up by one every single time
Starting point is 00:55:08 one of your card dies on the board through the whole game, okay, yeah, and You basically sit on it forever and hope that they don't have like a single card delete and Then you slap it out near the end and it's like it's 30 30. Oh, yeah No, so that's and it will just insta kill anything it touches so What you're so I didn't I didn't get to it, but like that's one of the trump cards in the in the akuma deck is
Starting point is 00:55:47 It's exactly that it's Tainted King Valhazak Which is I don't know which monster hunter that's from Valhazak, that's from world. Okay, so zombie dragon. So Valhazak When placed on the field gains plus one attack for every unit in both players graveyards so if there are 20 units in your graveyard and Fucking 15 in mine. That's it. It's done and it's already coming out with 10 HP anyway
Starting point is 00:56:28 So yeah, that will that is the don't let the game last this long Because you're not gonna beat this card unless you have an instant delete, you know, or if you steal it What's yay? Yeah and then there's devil joe which is a Fucking super annoying fast card that comes out and kills everything that has a Like it hits for six and has an 8 HP, but every time it wins it gets weaker So every time it kills a card like that six becomes four and then four becomes two and then you know So it's like it's a super hard. It's a super good card, but eventually it kind of like fades off, you know
Starting point is 00:57:09 Yeah, because he's hungry and then he stops being hungry. I guess right Yep Yeah, so it's so it's fun, you know, you have you have that whole Thing did I ask you about fate of the unworthy? You did not okay because there's a card fate of the unworthy that like shows what I what appears to be a Resident Evil character just fucking eating shit. She's getting wrapped up by tentacles. She's wearing a white dress And she has like She looks. Oh, yeah, okay. Yeah, she's getting rekt. That's from re5. I
Starting point is 00:57:52 Don't recognize it. That's a Xsella from re5. Is it damn. Yeah, she's that's our Boris getting all tentacled out I did not recognize her at all. Wow, okay Well anyway Yep, that's kind of the that's kind of the the setup Ajula is in there the fucking monster dog goes At a Jule How do I type that or a jewel a DJ ULE? Oh Christ I didn't know that was its name
Starting point is 00:58:37 Goddamn, yeah, I'm looking at some of these cards like there's some weird obscure shit Like here's a card for that the guy on the megaphone with sunglasses in our e5. Does he have a name? No, no, but he's put his artist there, right? Yeah. Yeah, okay. It's gathering malice Yeah, no, man. There's a here's a card for that moment that narrow and Nero Angelo looked at a mirror and went Ah Yes, I honestly I feel like Resident Evil and Monster Hunter are the most over represented of the of all the artwork in this in like just the level of obscurity
Starting point is 00:59:19 They go into with their character polls has her to guess as to why that is Probably because of the money makers It's the it's the one and two. Yeah on cap arms. Yeah money list. Absolutely. That makes it makes perfect sense You know like there's you're still getting fun obscure Street Fighter cards in there And you're still getting fun obscure Mega Man characters in there But of all the obscurity's like it's really push towards Ari and Monster Hunter it also helps that Resident Evil just has like a Fucking 100. Yeah obscure characters. Uh-huh named
Starting point is 00:59:58 Named obscure characters. Yeah, like what was his fucking name? I forgot his name Ironically, but there's the hell you could have a card that's the helicopter pilot from like re4 You know the guy who shows up for that one sequence near the end. Okay, what's his name? It was like Bill or Ted or Bill I mean It was Mike. I Bet that I bet that's a card
Starting point is 01:00:26 No, not Mike teppin fairway independent mortgage corporation That's that's not what I asked. No, that's not okay. Never mind Mike teppin my bad But yeah There's there's there's people and there's moments You know and so the combination of that is like yeah, you're gonna get just about every little thing Like I think I think there's Yeah, there's like a mode. There's like one of like I guess Brad Right with with the long hair walking away from
Starting point is 01:01:06 No Walking away from the girl that Wesker has a crush on Oh, there's that's Billy. Oh, yeah card for Billy leaving Billy walking away from Whatever her name is from zero Rebecca. Yeah, that's like there's moments That's there's like literally like that's that is a card. It's called truth. That's so true faith Diculously specific Yeah, yeah So no, yeah, here's a Billy card of him jumping and shooting the leeches grizzled veteran
Starting point is 01:01:42 Yeah So stupid I Definitely Yeah, and what's nice too is like some of the cards have alternate art where they will Show you like a second portrait. That's like just a different take on the same event or something like that. So pretty sick, you know Anyway That that that is pretty much where I'm at on on on teppen and I think Until I find a deck I'm gonna probably float around outside of champions because
Starting point is 01:02:24 like you don't crack in to The higher rankings without having a certain Understanding of like everything about your deck and everything about the matchups you're gonna face, you know So it might be a while before I can arts make it back up there I wouldn't worry about it you get you crawled up the first time Hey, well, how do you feel that you're like globally way better at the card game than you are of the fighting game that these characters are in I Mean
Starting point is 01:02:57 Like you're you're way better like not to shit all over your fighting game performance But like I think you're like top like what are you two forty eight or something? I got my highest I got to that in one season Yeah, um, I mean if if Like not every fighting game has the same like seasonal system to begin with really, you know My highest What was my highest in Street Fighter 5? Like it was it was pretty early on in but at my highest I was definitely I Was under a thousand at one point. Okay
Starting point is 01:03:39 But were you really No Not in my heart But yeah Anyway, I think I think it helps that like it's a seasonal. It's a seasonal thing. There's like resets and you know like a Thing where you kind of like you get to this point and then you know Anyone who might have at some point been higher than this, but if they're not currently playing well Then they're not gonna be in the ranking and stuff like that, you know, so
Starting point is 01:04:08 I have that because if it was just like lifetime like there'd be people that were so far ahead that you could never catch up Yeah, that would suck and and I think as well like cuz can't killer instinct when they brought out the seasons It's an exciting thing cuz it kind of like, you know when the season restarts in a way like you feel like oh shit I can jump in now, you know, you don't feel like you're lost in the way forever Like the hype train came and went it's like no like every two months or every month, you know Like it'll reset and you can get in there and like, you know climb through and and and you'll still have a Ranking that carries over but what you're seeing is a current representation of skill as opposed to like, you know Whoever has stocked up the most over time, so
Starting point is 01:04:52 But yeah, that's that's that's pretty much it man, you know, not much else going on All right. Well, let's see. I've been chasing the dog around obviously He is adorable baby. He got his checkup at the vet and He is in perfect tip-top shelf condition. In fact Like if my dog had a health bar the health bar might actually be like a hundred and five or a hundred and ten percent Because the vet looked at him and he's like he's a bulldog, right? I say yes He is indeed a bulldog and he's like well he's
Starting point is 01:05:34 so healthy That he would be disqualified from being a show dog Because part of like the breed standard or whatever you would call it is that their face has to be a certain level of being fucked Hmm, they have to have a certain weird body shape and and like, you know like Squatness weird. Okay Yeah so he is
Starting point is 01:06:02 Like so like he's bulldog like his nose is a little more elongated than the average bulldogs stuff like that So he is extra super healthy. So I was talking to a friend of mine that has a pit bull and She was telling me about how When you Get when you get him as a puppy like there's an extra level of like Work you're putting in because you kind of have to build a personality out of the person out of the dog Is there because like if you if you're getting
Starting point is 01:06:40 If you're getting a dog like at a rescue, that's a couple ages a couple years old It already is kind of a person it already kind of has you know, like it's personality and Right now that has not yet been established. So you have to like kind of create one and that and I'm like I never realized I'm like, oh my god. Yeah, that sounds really like a lot of extra work, you know, so Bringing home this puppy in particular has been bringing home a toddler The phrase what is in your mouth is Like one of the most common phrases around here because even though we scraped the floor clean Somehow, oh, there's a little feather that came out of you know, one of the cats toys or you know
Starting point is 01:07:27 There's a tiny piece of food that fell down on the floor that you can't tell that it's a piece of food from far away it just looks like a black spot on the floor and Just Stop chewing that stop chewing me please So there's a there's a so you have never raised a puppy as you're just telling me that's like yeah building a personality one of the more annoying Slash troublesome parts of raising a tiny baby puppy is that they have their baby teeth oral fixation and their baby teeth are like needles
Starting point is 01:08:08 they are way they are like sharp and Boy boy is a puppy's mouth just strong enough to ruin your day Got any toys for that to teach them What's that sir got any toys for that though? Yes, you do, but puppies would rather bite you than their toys because you are interactive and You need to have your puppy biting the shit out of you because they have to learn what's called bite inhibition
Starting point is 01:08:48 Which is they have to learn that humans fucking hate it when you bite them Oh my god, so you have to let it rock No, you don't let it rock letting it rock One is too much like like I I cannot handle it. Okay, like it is so painful but Depending on Depending what the dog's personality is like
Starting point is 01:09:14 And how well he responds you can You can basically yell out in pain Which sometimes is no problem. Mm-hmm and that will startle the dog and Then The dog will often then bite you slightly less hard and What you can do is that you can? You can game that system over time so that even of a minor Like chew well, you'll go ah, right and then they'll be like, oh, no, that's too strong
Starting point is 01:09:48 so then eventually you get a dog that just kind of Just just kind of sucks on your arm Which is what you're supposed to if that doesn't work you You let your hand go limp and then you curl it into a fist and you turn your wrists down So they can't get a grab on you and you tell them no and then you ignore them because they hate that shit They desperately desperately want attention So by you going no and giving them nothing to bite and then like turning away or even leaving the room They're like dude, this sucks. Maybe I'll bite less hard next time
Starting point is 01:10:25 But that takes months. Yeah, I was gonna say like the idea of reading into your reaction and then internalizing that as like a bad thing Requires there to be an understanding of like your volume is a bad thing Yeah, to begin with that that can take months it can take like up to a year It is it is right alongside toilet training. Okay My thumb right now my left thumb is swollen because he bit it so hard yesterday That out like it's swell overnight. It's probably because he bit it super hard and then I cleaned up his shit So I probably have poop in my thumb is what I'm saying
Starting point is 01:11:08 So you got to do that he is ironically enough despite the fact that I'm describing You know bite inhibition the best news about puppy this week is that he and Elmo are getting along That's good. That's good. If people were watching the video feed earlier you could see that puppy was sleeping and Elmo came over and Smelled him and then turned around and walked away Ironically enough the puppy is not biting the shit out of the cat only me and Paige When when did they like get there? So it was a really gradual process
Starting point is 01:11:50 so we got him last Thursday and For the first day if Elmo could see him he would hiss and growl and be like I'll kill you Right and then every single day. It was not last Thursday, but What's that? It was my Thursday before last? And then every single day from then he could get closer before being like I'll kill you and Then a few days ago. I was chilling here and puppy was asleep and Elmo came to check him out And then the dog smelled him and we have now gotten to
Starting point is 01:12:24 What I would consider the like it's acceptable if this Like situation were to continue forever Which is the dog checks the cat out and he's like sniff sniff sniff I want to play with you and lick you and then if the dog gets within two inches of the cat's face Elmo just punches him in the face a bunch and And and you know his is Adam and then if he wants to leave he leaves But because the dog is physically tough and stocky And we clipped the cat's nails
Starting point is 01:12:57 Before the dog showed up Often what happens is the puppy stands there as the cat just punch a bit punches him in the face a couple times And the dog like tilts his head and doesn't understand Okay, which is hilarious I Would just like to point out that the casualness with which you delivered the news of there being fecal matter under your nails is A milestone. Oh, no, I don't mean under my nails. I mean like in my flesh Okay That's still a milestone. There's some cuts that poop probably got into that's a milestone for you personally. No, it's not
Starting point is 01:13:36 I had dogs every day of my life. I was the one who had to go pick up the dog shit in the yard Okay, it's just dog shit. Okay You see your your general absolute like Had your general handling of all kinds of bodily waste Makes it clear that like in many cases you would rather just die So The casualness with which you delivered that sentence had me taken aback because I'm like, how did you not just die? Oh Because I mean dogs are gross and you get used to it
Starting point is 01:14:18 Hmm, I Mean, it's just poop. You want you wash your hands Right, but harken back. Oh, no harken back to the other conversations where it's just poop is Literally the furthest end of the spectrum from where you're at All right. No, no, see here's the thing because I understand the confusion and this is the fun part about a Body nightmare OCD and that is that the crux of the in how do I put this?
Starting point is 01:14:52 I want to describe I would describe this to a friend of mine the other day like this where I said OCD is really fun You make up little rules for yourself and you follow them forever But the rules are always way more specific than you would think and The I am not horrified of the actual poop. I Am disgusted by my body's need to produce it So hey, you know, okay, well you remember persona for Where they take an x-ray of Teddy and he's like a human skin around a void, right? That's the fantasy
Starting point is 01:15:36 Okay, okay, just like a fucking spirit homunculus with a human shell Okay, yep, but yeah dogs dogs poop they poop and piss and and and fucking Fart and burp and throw up and then eat their throw up. Yeah, and then maybe eat their poop. Yeah, they're dumb and Depending on the breed of dog that you've got and their overall level of health you may And this is the one thing that I won't do. This is this is Go you bring the dog to a groomer. You may have to express their
Starting point is 01:16:15 their glands If you're familiar with this no So, you know how dogs sniff each other's butts. Yes That's because they have little A scent glands On their butt mm-hmm, which would be around the bottom of your butt cheek. Mm-hmm and Those can swell up and get infected and become like pockets of
Starting point is 01:16:48 dog butt juice and Need to be expressed Which means you got to pop your dog's butt juice out Which is why you take them to they see a groomer every, you know month or so so they can get a nice bath and a haircut and Ignore that part Is that that parts proper foul that parts pretty gross let me tell you you could understand the confusion as to Your ability to do this stuff versus The way you described
Starting point is 01:17:35 Your own body it's about the specifics of It's it because it's it's not within your realm of experience because your realm of experience is more or less common sense Common sensical I would see even say so mine appears non-sensical, but no it's the internals remember woolly I'm the guy who freaks out at the sound of heartbeats because it reminds me that I have internal organs mm-hmm Correct because internal organs are disgusting Yes, okay, but not And and and what's less disgusting I guess is Everything that comes out of your dog
Starting point is 01:18:20 There's a lot that comes out of that dog. Well, I used to have when I was younger. We had we had a bouvier Yeah, okay, it's you we had a Bernese Yeah, you ever seen a bouvier or Bernese? Uh, I've I don't know bouvier, but I'm pretty sure I have seen a Bernese They're big. Mm-hmm. They're really big. Mm-hmm. You know what that means, right? Mm-hmm big stuff like huge big stuff huge shit Yeah, I Just and it yeah, and you know what sometimes when you're when you're lazy And you don't do as much of your chores and there's heavy snowfall when the snowfall starts to melt Like 30 to 40 percent of the yard is nothing but huge logs of dog shit that have essentially had water poured all over
Starting point is 01:19:05 Oh my god, okay, so welcome and you have to spend your entire day Okay, your entire Saturday off from school cleaning that up with a stick and a metal shop So welcome to those friends houses that I would never go visit If you had the backyard that was just that the minefield The minefield backyard friends house fuck that Um, there's only there's only one time of year that become that became a problem at my house and that was Uh, I'll put it off till tomorrow followed by heavy snowfall Uh during the summer. Yeah, you just pick it up. Okay, you see it. Okay. All right. All right
Starting point is 01:19:46 Just but uh, it's fine. Yeah, no, that's fine. Once once you do, you know 10 of those. Yeah, okay. All right picking up puppy poop with a paper towel and then maybe getting a little bit on your thumb Yeah, you'll live. Okay. Uh, I've updated woolly will remember that I've updated the fucking list, you know, uh, I assume that like All all uh bodily excretions were just a horror show for you. They were nightmare fuel and it turns out It's much more specific than that. Uh, I regret asking. Yeah, I certainly do. Is this drilling in? No, I get it. I get it. It may it's it's It's pure goblin town, but I get it. I see it. I get the rule set
Starting point is 01:20:29 Just, uh, anyway Moving on. See a cat and dog are living a nice life. Ironically enough, uh, Elmo's in a great mood ever since the dog's been chasing him around Even though he like yowls and punches the dog in the face I've never seen Elmo happier He's more affectionate. He's he's perk his steps a little perkier. It's probably good for him To to have somebody to to to punch in the face a little bit I was watching a video of like a bulldog that was just kind of like tanking these hits as like a goat was trying to
Starting point is 01:21:03 Do like a drop attack into it Oh, yeah, no, they so and the goat just kept standing up and doing the drop headbutt and the bulldogs like Are you trying to be cute? Like what are you doing? Like it just it just completely felt nothing the goat's trying Right the goat is doing the equivalent of uh, so a lot of people get freaked out by this But you ever see a dog start barking at you and maybe you growling But they keep their butt up and they they they like bow down on their their ford legs And their their forb. That's them showing like submission and saying like I want to play
Starting point is 01:21:39 But if you don't know dogs that can look terrifying Right. Yeah, that is what the goat is doing but goats do that with headbutts, right? Because they have those hard bodies Um, so yeah cat and dog are getting along great Puppy loves to poo Potty training and bite training are gonna take a long time. I'm gonna be having to deal with pp and poo poo In some form or whatever for like maybe three months to a year Let's see we took him out in his stroller
Starting point is 01:22:18 We put him in his stroller and we went for a walk And that was a great experience for puppy because he got to hear city noise and he got to meet some people and We got to experience the best thing ever which was like One third of people ignoring us One third of people being like obviously like jesus christ And the final third of people like near running up and being like, oh, can we pay your dog? And then you go. Yes, please pet the dog dog dog is out so that he can get used to people
Starting point is 01:23:01 Um So that's good Okay Push him in the stroller. We're gonna need to upgrade that stroller to a wagon at some point. Mm-hmm Because bulldogs tend to get um lazy Uh, so, you know, you take him to the dog park or whatever and then when they're done, they're done Didn't jump out of the sit around for like two hours waiting for them to not be done anymore You got to put him into a wagon and he doesn't jump out of the stroller
Starting point is 01:23:32 No, no, no, you put a like a you put his leash like you wrap it around one of the things and you put it through a hole So that like he can't jump out of the stroller. We got a dog. We got a car seat for him too Okay, that is the same thing you strap him in and it's like a little puppy seat belt Because we don't want him to be hurt if we're driving. Okay Yeah, let's see. What else and did you say that people like you walked up to people? Yeah Yeah, that's new as a result. Yeah as a result of dog and dog needs to go out Uh, and Montreal getting to about a hundred cases a day
Starting point is 01:24:12 uh page and I have been masking up and you know, uh Tip towing outside um Which I will admit is Honestly terrifying to me Um, I went about 200 ish days
Starting point is 01:24:36 With the only time I walked outside was to throw out trash And I would like look left and right And you know, if anybody was on the block I would wait That kind of thing um Now we we walked to a local restaurant and got food to go while we were outside and uh Uh, you know To hit got a little sunlight
Starting point is 01:25:05 I got a little bit of a sunburn probably because holy shit Uh, and then that leads us into Uh, woolly I messaged you last night And I said to you as I said, hey man, I have some government shit. I gotta get dealt with It's gonna be a while and then when I came home from that I went on twitter and was so tired that I fucked up posting Uh, oh my god. I just had the worst day Instead I said I had the first morning um, and uh
Starting point is 01:25:39 So I Now that I've decided to go outside and that pat and page have gotten a nice car to drive around in What this means Is that we have to deal with the s a a q Now if anyone doesn't live in kebek or montreal or doesn't drive and does live in kebek and montreal The s s a q is the society the alcohol to the automobile. It's the fucking dmv It's kebek's dmv And holy shit
Starting point is 01:26:12 Holy fucking shit Was this a goddamn ordeal? like The worst series of appointments I have ever had to go on in my life For what for what in particular? So pages from the states. Yeah Which means that getting a car
Starting point is 01:26:35 Work in kebek Uh, uh via lease Means that it's got to be somebody hears name on it. So it's my car technically, right? But I don't drive. I don't have a license Which means the lease transfer needs to have my name on the registration Which means we got to go get a new registration under my name So here's the sequence of events Go to the dealer
Starting point is 01:27:05 Okay dealer Car's in my name. Great. Okay. Good. We'll have to get a new license plate Okay, cool. You'll have to go down to the S a a q to get a new license plate. Oh and make sure to get a parking sticker Why do you need a parking sticker? Because almost everywhere that you park in the city If you don't have a parking sticker and you just dump your car on the street. Yep They will give you a ticket. Absolutely Well, guess what?
Starting point is 01:27:33 We're home a day And we got a ticket. Yep One day Yeah, this the sticker is like you belong in this neighborhood. Basically Well, well this needs to go faster Right. Mm-hmm Uh, all right. So we have an appointment with the s a a q Uh, like next week or this coming wednesday, I guess
Starting point is 01:27:58 All right, uh tuesday this coming tuesday. It's tomorrow, right? All right. So last week What we're going to do last friday, which is why I canceled my stream was so upset about this We're going to go down and we're going to pay that ticket and we're going to get that parking sticker Right. Okay. Go down to the s a a q it's uh Uh, go down to the branch and it's like, okay. I would like to pay this ticket, please and get this parking sticker
Starting point is 01:28:27 Oh, no You don't do that I go, I'm sorry We don't do the tickets here I waited 45 minutes in line for you to tell me that this is the wrong building. Is this not the car building? Oh, you have to go to your burrows, uh You know thing to pay your ticket Where's my burrow? Oh, it's in this building halfway across town
Starting point is 01:28:56 Isn't the the ticket can't be contested because you should Be allowed to park there, but the process no, we didn't have the we didn't have the the the the sticker doesn't even matter Okay, we didn't even have a real registration yet. Okay. Okay, so we go halfway across town. We go to see the uh the lady and okay, this is my burrows fucking Now, uh, what's it called access whatever it's it's the goddamn It's the the city bureau for my burrow and am I going okay? I like to pay this ticket. She goes, okay, sir
Starting point is 01:29:29 um Are you and she reads this guy's name? That's not me and they go no she goes. Well, that's who the ticket is for And I go what and she's like wait. Did you not update your registration yet? I'm like, no We have that appointment next week. She says well We need to have your current registration In order for you to pay this ticket I go what about the
Starting point is 01:29:55 What about the parking stickers like well, we can't Give out a parking sticker to somebody Without a proper registration So I go, okay, so where do I do that? She's like, well, you're gonna have to go to the saaq And uh, that's uh about how yeah, I know where it is actually Okay So I go back to the saaq and I wait in line again and get to talk to the same lady And I go, hey, can you do this and she goes
Starting point is 01:30:29 Really sorry, but um Because it's a lease um your uh Your your car dealership shouldn't have written The taxable number in this box. She should have written it in this this box over on the left side of the page Uh, this this form's no good. You're gonna have to go back to the dealer And have her give you a new one. Oh, yeah With the with and it's literally it is literally the box one over you like and I go does this really matters?
Starting point is 01:31:02 Like well, I need it for my forms So futurama episode Okay, so we go back to that we call the dealer and the best part of the story is we call the dealer and she answers the phone And I explain to her and she starts to just swear in french And she's like I fucking called them When you were here and I'm like, I do remember you did call the saaq while we were there She says I called them to double and triple check to make sure everything was in the right box These motherfuckers are always throwing shit out because of these fucking boxes
Starting point is 01:31:37 So we go down And get it And then by the time we are done with that the fucking places are all closed So it's okay Fine We'll do and it's closed for the weekend Right Go monday, right and it's because like the don't want to get a ticket
Starting point is 01:31:58 So I got to go the first day, but I have the podcast today. So I'm gonna be fucked up as shit Exhausted Okay, go down waiting in the waiting room. All right Waiting for a half hour. All right. Good Walk up to the lady. Hello I would like to do my registration, please Can you please do my registration? She goes, okay, do you have the old one? Yes here Okay, uh, do you have, uh, your your id here? Good. Here's my here's my medicare card
Starting point is 01:32:31 Because you know at the at the front of the thing it says if you want quick service, please have your medicare card your driver's license or your passport I go, okay, and she goes and where's your driver's license? I'm like, I don't have a driver's license She gives me a weird look. I'm like my girlfriend drives me. Don't worry about it. She goes, okay. Well, then where's your passport? I'm like, what do you mean? It's like, well, you need two pieces of id Like it does not say that Up there it says one or the other just well because you don't have an account I mean SAQ
Starting point is 01:33:01 I mean like, you know, you don't have a driver's license. So we don't have you registered So to start an account we need two pieces of government identification like the comedy of errors here So Like you know that moment where they're telling you and you you you know that you have no there's no solution And you just you kind of lock in and you just stare for like 10 seconds. Yep. Yep. Yep Yep like Okay, so we come home
Starting point is 01:33:31 And oh actually I stayed there and Paige drove home and got the passport and brought the passport back and then gave her the passport And then uh She's like, oh crazy a different lady. Oh great. No problem. Here you go and just hands me a fucking uh license plate I'm like, oh, that's a little bit All right, they just hand you a plate. They have it underneath the desk or whatever. Okay All right now back to the fucking uh borough office Get down there
Starting point is 01:34:05 Okay, I would like to fucking pay for this ticket I would like to get the parking sticker, please Ticket goes through no problem pay for it. Okay for the parking sticker I'm gonna need proof of your insurance Which I had right because they they won't give you the thing unless you have proof of insurance. Okay, fine All right, I also need uh two Uh pieces of id like two two like bills or whatever that have your address on it to make sure that I live there I go, okay
Starting point is 01:34:36 So I brought the insurance with me in a physical paper And I have a statement from my bank Uh, which is the one I go with my insurance from that has my information on it And I have my hydro bill that has my information on it, uh online in my email And I show that to her and she goes well, these two are both the insurance. So I need a different one and this hydro one Uh, I need the pdf You can't just show me the email And I'm like
Starting point is 01:35:11 And like my hydro thing it's been like forever since I signed up for it. I don't remember my thing I can't lie like I forgot this is where I start crying fyi. This is where tears just start streaming down And I I start like I I do that thing where you go through your email and I'm like bills Which one just sends me a pdf question are all of these able to log into my phone bill I was able to log into my phone bill and pull that fucking pdf out and be like here I live in my house, please Are are all of these while at the counter while people are waiting behind you? No, it's the it's like they have a lot of places. They don't let a line form
Starting point is 01:35:55 Okay, so it's not it's not pressure of the moment standing at the booth. All right, fine The they make people wait in other places and in a lot of play in a lot of cases. Um, but I'm just like All right So we got the parking sticker. We got the license plate Great Fucking awesome. That means we don't have to go tomorrow. That thing is done We've got the insurance on the car Everything's great. We come home
Starting point is 01:36:28 Put the sticker On the car. We're allowed to park here. All right. We have the license plate Good. Oh, I paid the ticket. Yeah, we have the license plate. All right. Well we go Well, since we have the plate now we don't need The fucking We don't need the goddamn old old like, you know the sticker license plate that's in the back of the you know the back window Okay, so we tear that off
Starting point is 01:36:57 And I grab the license plate and go around in the back and be like, oh my fucking god the motherfucker who Had the car leased before us Threw away the fucking screws for the license plate After the sticker license plate just like sitting in the trunk after the after the sticker was pulled off Yeah, yeah, like so we'll have to I'll talk to my dad and he'll tell me how to install a license plate Oh boy, dude. Yeah that Yeah, that's a series of unfortunate events. Um Again, I
Starting point is 01:37:48 I that I have patience for technology failing But bureaucracy on Like again that like Futurama central bureaucracy level where You can speak to the human being you can look them in their eye and There is no soul there to be found where a simple thing to save you
Starting point is 01:38:13 Five trips could not be done I have no tolerance The the the part The guys listen everyone's like it's just two screws. Dude guys. This was like an like an hour before the podcast started like We just wanted to get home and I wanted to take like a little bit of a nap because that that was a problem to deal with after the podcast um but
Starting point is 01:38:39 Requisition forms going into tubes going into little suction holes I was I was able to discover in this process what the actual problem was And the actual problem was is that at every single level The person that I was dealing with was Not willing to examine The whole problem. Mm-hmm. They would just hit apart in their mental checklist. Yes. Go fail. Yes, and the instant that happened They'd be like get out. Yes. If if I had
Starting point is 01:39:13 said if if the person at the at the saaq desk Light went through the whole thing after she saw the form was bad and said oh by the way You don't have your passport bring your passport next time And you know every variation of that This would have been two trips instead of I think five or six trips Yeah, like people in those contexts Try to ungenerally are probably trained to
Starting point is 01:39:46 turn the whole thing into a very binary like uh conveyor belt type of job where it's just like examine situation green light red light and there's no context to be fucking had
Starting point is 01:40:05 By the way, I actually forgot part of the annoyance Part of the annoyance is that uh Uh, me and Paige were buying something online or I forget what it was. I think it was door dash actually Or we we took my debit card out of my wallet And we had it down here And then We're like, okay. Well the next person who goes upstairs remember to take the debit card upstairs
Starting point is 01:40:34 And put it back in my wallet And we forgot So when we got there I got out of the car and she went home And I look in my wallet and I'm like mother fucker I have no way to pay for this registration Paige can you please go home and drive home and get the debit card? So that was actually the first thing that happened today So page had to go home twice today
Starting point is 01:41:03 From driving like dropping me off then going back to the house then bringing a debit card and then bringing a passport Yeah, like I woke up at 9 a.m. To do this and this was the second day And I think I got home at like one Um like fuck I learned I learned after like Maybe I don't know how many times it was of just The card not being returned to the wallet That there will never be like any time it comes out it has to go right back in
Starting point is 01:41:36 Otherwise you will walk out without it You will be out and like get fucked over by just going like ah shit I paid for pickup or delivery and put it down on a surface making fun of me for getting up at 9 a.m That's because I was up till 5 30 a.m. Taking care of a baby dog. You dumb shit It's Yeah You can you can always look into uh, I don't know if you've if you looked into it But like you can do like phone pay stuff now it uh that does exist too
Starting point is 01:42:05 Yeah, maybe just for like, you know situations where you're like, oh, shit. I got nothing. Well here that'll do you know, but uh Wolf wolf arf arf bark. That's uh, just like I almost cried. Yeah. No, that's absolutely it I almost actually like That's like it was like on step six and they're like On step six when the person's just staring at you going. Yeah, sorry Like that's tears 100%
Starting point is 01:42:33 It was the one where they told me I need my passport and i'm like it doesn't say I need my passport She's like well the dealer should have told you That you needed your passport and like You never get the satisfaction of it But in the instances where you could just be like can the three of you get on one call? And just fucking hash this out Because it's not my fault
Starting point is 01:42:56 You know like it would be great because you have to play ping pong between a bunch of people You know like that's what you really want of whom give a shit Just can you call this person who's telling me something else and figure it the fuck out and then you could get a consensus going here because Like all these people are sitting at their desks Giving you different stories like that that that's insanely infuriating and like this whole place is taking place inside government buildings In like granted, they're socially distant lines, but they're lines True, right? Yeah. Yeah, and i'm having to walk through like, you know Offices to get this shit and this is the like third day i've been out in 200 days
Starting point is 01:43:34 And i'm like everyone's wearing their masks, but i'm still terrified of other people. I'm super fucked up actually Like i'm legitimately terrified to go outside But got to So that's not good Like there's this constant low level anxiety in the back. That's just like you're dying right now I was like, no, I don't want to go like that No, you should um You should keep an eye on that and you know make sure that
Starting point is 01:44:03 one things Go back to normal that you don't get fucking stuck with any New isms Yeah Well, I always had low level agoraphobia prior because I don't like big crowds Just the size of what a crowd is is now smaller, but there's a difference between Uh, sudden onset agoraphobia and going full hickey mode
Starting point is 01:44:28 Yeah, uh, I need a needle in my arm and that'll clear right up Uh Okay, not just any needle That has a vaccine in it. Okay Like you want to clarify. All right. Yeah. All right I thought it might be funnier to not clarify, but then I realized I probably should So I did all that shit I also did play some games. I played Tsushima, but I mean the I mean I'm way farther than you. Hey games are really good
Starting point is 01:45:00 Sensei Ishikawa is like the actual worst. I hate him so much. He's a great character He's just such an asshole Uh, I also played a bunch of fall guys Have you seen this shit? All right, folks, there we go problems addressed super great and uh, so you know The uh, that's the magic of things being live is uh, you see the sausage sometimes So, yeah, that's good All right, so I was about to talk about fall guys, but your audio troubles actually made me think of something else
Starting point is 01:45:37 So I spent a little time over the weekend um, setting up a new mixer And uh, making sure it worked And it is a shittier mixer than the y I have when the one that you have we have Mackie I want to call it pro FX twos. I've replaced mine. I got a new mixer a while ago. Yeah, what's uh, what's the mixer you're using? Uh different brand you know Behringer or like
Starting point is 01:46:02 Yamaha actually, I think I'm using a Yamaha mixer. That's a good one. Yeah, that's a good one. So, uh, my Mackie is doing quite fine um, but I looked down and I said to myself I said Back at the office These things would just straight up die One day they'd be fine and then the next day they would be dead So it's not that they would die, but it's that the they would start giving out a low-level hum that could not be removed Yeah, I I consider that death. Yeah, okay fine. Whatever. Uh, and I'm like, well, okay, let's see
Starting point is 01:46:43 If I can you know, you know, how easy it would be Uh to get a replacement. Oh impossible What? Okay Yeah What about a similar impossible why right because here's what happened covid and everyone needing to work from home has just De-stocked almost every mixer piece of audio equipment Microphone of possible interesting
Starting point is 01:47:17 So I ended up going down and grabbing like a relatively cheap two input like Behringer one that is bare bones um, and Was testing it out over the weekend and the only reason I'm doing that is because like that thing is sitting there So that if the other one just dies that You know, there's a fucking Solution to it because what with the covid? and what with the
Starting point is 01:47:46 Troubles and whatnot not having a working audio system For this stream would actually be really really bad So I just went down to the the store and and like picked one up off the shelf in person Um, but this was before And yeah, having a backup is pretty nice in case anything goes wrong of in my case Uh, I already had a um A small two person one as well, but like I have a I'm a bit more probably more complex setup going because like I still have um
Starting point is 01:48:21 the Like I have a lot more shit going on on my on my side with the mixer I'm going into like a separate recorder a separate video a separate this and then that All sorts of goofy shit. So um a simple two slot thing is not going to cut it for me But uh, yeah, there are places that you can go in and just buy one in person. Mind you Uh, if you're having trouble finding a mixer online, that's decent. So Um, not to mention that uh, a lot of people Like working from home and setting up their like zoom meetings and office stuff for the first time
Starting point is 01:48:55 Are kind of coming in on the like web cam with headset level of tech Oh, it's great stuff, isn't it not a ton of people are jumping into like, you know, um Full on hdmi input and xlr microphone setups. That's a little bit more Expensive and and involved Uh, but anyway, I set that up it works Oh, excuse me got to talk closer into this because I got this potato Do you want to say anything potato? No, no nothing to say
Starting point is 01:49:35 okay For the audio listeners Gief has entered and gief has now left the chat and gief has left He looks like a potato With legs And I love him He's fat. I have no oh man puppies learn real fast So page and I were like feeding him with like a spoon
Starting point is 01:49:58 Well, I were feeding up his dog food with a spoon before and then we had to stop doing that because uh, he associated the The the clinking spoon noise with food and then we were eating chili and he started to go absolutely crazy And we couldn't realize why And it was because he thinks that we're like eating his food He thinks that we are like like literally preparing and eating his food and then none for him right Uh, but I played fall guys Which uh, lucky enough for for me. I played it during a time in which the servers were fine
Starting point is 01:50:36 Yeah, I streamed it and my servers the servers were completely fine Uh during that one period that I tried to play it and apparently that has not been the experience for anyone else at all Shit shit popped off. Uh, to be perfectly honest, uh Was going to take a look at that this week if shit was uh, Not way too busy, but uh as soon as I get the chance and run back on a regular schedule I I definitely intend to jump in and see what's going on with that So here's what's going on. It's fucking great looks really fun Uh, it is uh, it is just a keshi's castle slash mxc slash wipe out
Starting point is 01:51:14 Meets battle royale warrior You're just doing it with like 60 ish people um There's about half of it is is your effort half of it is God coming down to knock you off the platform. Hmm. Like just shit that like, you know Oh 30 30 people just decided to push you off the side of the okay. Well, you're dead. Fuck you, right? um
Starting point is 01:51:42 I have not screamed in furious anguish at a game like this game in probably a decade I think I lost a victory by what might have been like 10 milliseconds hmm Like I you know like you jump and you think you got it and then it says eliminated and I'm like Did you hit the button? Did you remember to hit the button? Yeah, okay, because a couple takeaways I saw just from seeing tweets about it. Don't forget to hit the button Don't forget to press the grab button um, actually I'd say my favorite thing I saw was a video of
Starting point is 01:52:22 someone kind of going like Basically, it's like the funny thing about people who cheat Is they do so because they're incredibly bad at these games And you see someone cheating with a really fast character that's moving like three times faster than everybody That runs up to the crown and falls Gets back up and tries like three times before someone else just running normally grabs and wins it And it's like you were cheating and you still fucking sucked That's right, you know, and it's like yeah, that's why you cheat you you absolute disgrace
Starting point is 01:52:58 you know they are uh, that that game is like dying due to its own popularity like it is Constantly struggling and uh, I don't know if it's part of news, but did you hear what's happening with the names yesterday? Uh, I didn't So here's what's happening with the names Your steam name is the one that um Like it shows up in game right and somehow um
Starting point is 01:53:30 If you put javascript in your steam name it will activate shit in the game So people were Using like html and css Or whatever the fuck it was to like give themselves premium currency Wow And like alter the game Fuck okay. That's a bad one through this through the names. That's a really bad one's name right now is like Everyone's name right now is like fall guy number
Starting point is 01:54:03 Whatever the wow to fall that what an amazing find though as a bug like On a qa level I am In awe at the discovery of that bug, you know, like finding a way to inject malicious code through the naming system Of your apparently it's kind of common because os level man saying sanitize your inputs Which apparently is a thing I didn't know that I don't know any about coding, but uh, yeah, uh, the game's great
Starting point is 01:54:36 This game is going to live and fucking die by how many of these new courses come out and have fast Because I played it for four hours and I played every single game multiple times So games like this that are Grow that grow faster than they're almost met to Based on the scale of like the development and the size of the team and you know the twitter account that's doing its best um It's it's like, you know, you can clearly see that with this level of popularity will come A cash influx that'll allow them to do all kinds of amazing things certainly
Starting point is 01:55:15 uh, but You know you you I think it it's it's like I don't know if like if it I wouldn't say it would die based on that, but it definitely will cool off The popularity spike if they're not able to keep up with, uh, the the the demand I would call it wither I guess because, um Like the game's incredible and I had so much fun playing it and yeah, I got I got so salty that I was like I'll never play this game again. Fuck this game. I probably will
Starting point is 01:55:49 uh, but there the problem is is that with the like I think there's 25 maps and I'd say like five or six of them are fucking terrible and I hate them I hate them when they come up And they come out too often because there's only so many So many maps Well, here's the other here's the other part of that though is like in a game that was otherwise You know like modest size which is kind of like the impression I've gotten of this
Starting point is 01:56:15 If it's so fun and so good that everyone plays so much of it that they see the whole thing It almost doesn't matter whether there was 25 50 or 100 maps, right? Because you're gonna be playing it that much because it's that fucking good. It's it's it's hitting that like And that fortnight. It's also that like you you get it You like it has the battle royale thing of like once you're out of a match you're back in right away Like right away So, you know New new new shit will come but uh, it almost doesn't matter how much shit there would have been to begin with because
Starting point is 01:56:52 And it's just that big you know, but it's it's just little cute cosmetics for like uh dress up as a pigeon and stuff like that um That if I the only thing that I would actually want in that game at all is a push Because you have a grab to hold people But I want to push Is there is is there a place that the the craze kind of started was there anyone like Channel or anyone like group that took a look at it that kind of like got it out there in some way Or did it just they put the beta keys out and everybody was like, holy shit. This is incredible
Starting point is 01:57:34 Okay It was last weekend No, uh, it was the weekend before last Because like a lot of new games free on ps plus right now a lot a lot of new games drop that like would kill for this kind of You know the coverage like so you just kind of wonder Was there something along the way that like signal as somebody who streamed it? One of the biggest things is that it's not just really fun to play. It is a blast to watch right
Starting point is 01:58:03 Which makes it just excellent for being advertised to fire streams Okay, uh because what when you are a a funny or entertaining streamer And you're playing fall guys, you are essentially creating your own bootleg to keshi's castle or most extreme elimination challenge Free beta keys and free ps plus. So yeah, that makes a lot of sense. So lots of people got to taste it and guess what? It's great. So There you go I'm I I think that's awesome. Like, uh, seems like a pretty small
Starting point is 01:58:37 Team otherwise or a pretty small game, you know, but like I'm well, it's by devolver, right? And devolver's never had like a big fucking mega hit to my knowledge published by devolver, right? Like what I mean is yeah for the publisher like devolver usually does like Like carry on or you know, whatever it's like. Oh, hey, look, it's this cool little indie game and did pretty well But this is their first mega success big hit as a publisher. Yeah, and I like to see that a game like this can make that level That's really cool. It's nice that that can still happen Uh People are saying that apparently the devs are like trust us new maps are in the the thing right now
Starting point is 01:59:17 Um, yeah new maps is important, especially because like the meta for certain maps has been discovered I like there's the the more that optimal paths Yeah, I saw a video of a guy running around in little circles at the bottom of the falling One where the hawk the hexagons are the best one. Yeah, there's two ways to do that There's two ways to win that game Uh, the one where the disappearing platforms either be the guy all the way at the top And hop and save as many squares you possibly can while looking down to see where you'll fall Or go all the way to the bottom first and just ruin it for ruin it for everybody. Yeah
Starting point is 01:59:57 Uh Shit I lost my train of thought No, I was yeah, I was just gonna say that um I Would like I like that like anytime something can come along and and again It said it was a two million sales immediately, right? Like I think I think that's the number that were they were saying Yeah, yeah, so a two million on pc right away Anytime plus the ps plus people
Starting point is 02:00:25 Because you know the like sort of like the upper echelon of like if you were to split video game attention Into like it's the major categories right minecraft and fortnight hold x chunk of the pie Um, and this is and I mean mobile is already a massive like it's a whole separate pie onto itself, but um In terms of console and pc stuff, uh, you know, you have those games and then you have everything else that is pretty much put out by EA or
Starting point is 02:00:59 EA or or or or uh ubi or any of the other, you know triple a's and such and I guess like It feels as if I don't know what the last game to enter that upper echelon that was not rocket league was it rocket league it was wasn't it totally rocket. Yeah. Yeah that That that was the last time the game the game that is its own industry I like I like seeing that a lot that makes me really happy so Uh, it doesn't happen often It it should happen more often, but like that's great where it's like the qual this game is fun enough That it doesn't it just surpasses everything else and makes it all the way through
Starting point is 02:01:42 Yeah, now get ready for the the fall guys rip offs. Oh, yeah Oh, yeah excited They are they they fucking they had one on the official twitter where they're like, you know, what have you done to my boy? Like they did the the little fucking Godfather line you've massacred my boy and they just have like the mobile game shit looking garbage It took seconds Took seconds for them to do that
Starting point is 02:02:10 Yeah, yeah Anime stranding still my favorite But that's only because it invented genius cojumbo I'm a big fan of um Skullgirls 3 deadly airport like it's it It's fucking great Yep, I plan I plan to get on that asap I plan
Starting point is 02:02:37 Apparently the apparently the deadly permission frame rate got fixed right after I beat it. That's fun That's big fun Oh, well Uh, I think that's it for me who is pat. Hello tumble talk out more of this plunging bro. Oh crap stumble lads Drop dude. I want to thank somebody in the chat for uh for pointing it out. I forgot that I also played frog fractions Hmm this uh this week and um Because frog fractions finally came out on steam. Yes it did
Starting point is 02:03:16 and and I immediately had ideas as soon as I saw that I have I have some fun ideas well Obviously the game of the decade incredible frog fractions learning about frogs and math Is there The the deep and uh, uh, excellent math adventure that we all know Uh, woolly, are you aware that it comes with dlc? I did there's a hat and for some reason the hat is nine dollars
Starting point is 02:03:48 The hat the iconic hat dlc, which is like a like a rasta hat Uh is like nine dollars. It's crazy and and the reason why that is is because Uh, when you are on the main menu, you can play frog fractions classic or frog fractions with iconic hat dlc and There are very significant changes to the gameplay Uh when you're eating the bugs and learning about fractions. Okay
Starting point is 02:04:26 When you wear that hat dlc It's actually a much longer experience than the original when you use the iconic hat dlc Interesting. Okay. I have heard through it and it is great. I've heard I've heard that the hat is is is some good Good content good stuff. Really? I heard it's pretty cool made hats. So I I don't know that made me chuckle. I don't know much about that I intend to I'd like to see that but, um Yes, that will definitely
Starting point is 02:05:00 Uh be something That will be looked at very very soon I was certainly I certainly enjoyed having hop where his iconic hat Much more than I did digging through glitter mitten grove. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm much much more Yeah, I mean we were both around to see that and how that went and uh It's a little bit rough recapturing the magic. Yeah, it's a little bit rough But uh, I'm very happy that they released this on steam because
Starting point is 02:05:43 You know fucking deserved it kind of kind of forgot about that for a minute And it just so happens that as it's been so long since that time Uh in my life There are there's a couple people that have no idea what the fuck this is So, yeah, so I'm like if you guys here we go Here we go want to play a fun little Edutainment game that features frogs that'll let you learn about fractions
Starting point is 02:06:19 I would highly recommend that you download and play Frog fractions on steam. It's free Is a free game it used to be a browser game now you can get on steam for free You if you really like learning about fractions with your amphibious friends You can go ahead and get the iconic hat DLC It won't disappoint you Cool And if you have any questions
Starting point is 02:06:53 past what I am talking about right now I highly suggest you don't ask them Shut the fuck up And instead just go play frog fractions. It's for free. That's correct It's a little bit like what we talked about. Um It when you talked about the outdoor worlds Wilds wilds and it was like Just just play it
Starting point is 02:07:19 Did you see Oh, man, there there was like updates on that level of cursed shit. Well, one of the writers for outer Wilds ended up going to work for obsidian and writing stuff for the upcoming outer worlds expansion And being like ha ha I did it I wrote for both But what was worse than that was somebody put up mock-ups of the outer wild like the obsidian game But with the box art styling of outer wilds and vice versa That's just mean and it's just the most confusing show. That's just mean. That's just cruel. It's
Starting point is 02:07:59 Like that is brain fuckery Uh, right If you want to check my stupid shit out you can go down to slash pat stairs at this week There'll be more re7 later in the week We'll finish off that re marathon and take a look at grounded, which is apparently good. Eli was telling me that grounded is fun So, okay, I'll check that out. Um, and most importantly on tuesday I will be checking out the canonical sequel raid series to near automata in the ff 14 patch 5.3
Starting point is 02:08:41 They have the new raid series out called the puppets bunker Uh, which will probably have sexy robots in it from near automata. Is that the second? Is that a second one? That is the second one. Okay. All right Um, so it was the it was the copied factory and now it's the puppets bunker Okay And uh heads up for those of you who want to check that out the Uh, 14 raid series actually contains massive spoilers for automata
Starting point is 02:09:14 Um, and probably is a sequel or a prequel or some shit So be warned if you go and check that out Yeah, I imagine you'd want to dodge that if entirely if you did not play those games well For context the you know, they did the evil ease like uh ff tactics series like uh last expansion That had an epilogue to final fantasy tactics where deletion and ramza get to have one last conversation And matzano wrote it so it's It counts
Starting point is 02:09:52 Yeah, I just mean if you're if you don't know what you're looking at like why not just dodge it entirely Yeah, but what I mean is is like the these raid series have been actually like Integrated with the writers of their games to to matter So it's not like uh, oh so and so is tagging along and you watch it You're like, oh whatever that doesn't matter like this shit will probably fold into something Right. Yeah, I don't know Okay, taro's an asshole though every time they interview him about the the fucking Raid series he's like, why don't you just make a mechanic that just kills everyone if they do this and they're like because then that would suck taro
Starting point is 02:10:34 That that would be that because that would be terrible to play and he's like, ah Um over on woolly versus, uh, I'm gonna put the schedule out a little bit later, but we're gonna have um Of course, uh, mario paper mario will continue ghost of sushima will continue And a new game, I suppose will be started now that halo 3 is done. What could it be? Who knows so uh That's exactly it So, um, I knew it we're coming in we're coming in continuing
Starting point is 02:11:16 What's going on and uh Yeah, I definitely uh, do you want to I but I wanted to do to do to do some stuff for fall guys and I wanted to do some stuff for um frog fractions, but Since this week, uh, I'm leaving on thursday, so Uh, not going to be able to get around to uh, the usual thursday and saturday schedules Uh, so those days going to be going to be gone Up to stare at some trees but
Starting point is 02:11:48 Um while up there, you know might might have some fun might might I don't know Bring a a board game or two. We'll see what's up Uh, but yeah the um enjoy your little trip. Thank you But yeah, so the schedule on woolly versus is going to be pretty much um Up to wednesday for now and uh, yeah, I'll be putting that out on my twitter Well, and you can check out as usual on on youtube as well on woolly versus the ongoing uh episodes of paper mario
Starting point is 02:12:21 halo three and go Tsushima and as soon as possibly Yeah, so I think uh The week after that i'm going to be i'm waiting for the details to be finalized, but um I'm going to be going to be doing some uh, uh
Starting point is 02:12:43 Some commentary for a a Mortal Kombat 11 tournament that's coming up as well. Oh cool. There's a there's an event That's kind of being put together. So I'm going to jump in and do a little bit of that I'll give you a guys more details once uh, I have them, but Stay tuned for that Oh, I I'd like to give an update on one thing because I see people are asking because I did the re marathon But then I stopped now. I'm going to seven the reason why we're we're holding off on revelations two is because pages pour back Is still like ruined and fucked up or lower back is just all screwed up But two more importantly, it's gonna be a really really long time
Starting point is 02:13:23 before We're able to both sit down and focus on a game together what with a shit beast poop and and and and chewing on stuff here like Pages like in the background right now. Hi, honey Uh, but uh The shit beast must be taken care of Cool so, um
Starting point is 02:13:53 That's over at willy versus Let's take and uh pat stairs that also. Yeah, let's take a quick word from our sponsors Let's do that You This week Castle super beast is sponsored by door dash Hey, I would actually love to sing door dashes praises right now. Yeah You know what my experience with door dash has been I recently started using them. Mm-hmm
Starting point is 02:14:33 Uh, I was like, you know what I'm gonna make the switch I used a rival food service That uses existing on the road drivers Uh, and I was like, you know what I am absolutely fucking sick Of these people getting hungry and stealing my food Boy, oh my god, it's it's like once a week It's so bad And I used door dash and first of all even though
Starting point is 02:15:03 Like, you know, there's restaurants that are like they use their own drivers So you can't get the the tracking data door dash has the tracking data for everybody And then they gave me a decent ETA And I got like free I got free delivery charges because I was a new user And my food showed up and then I ate it and it was good Would you describe that as a positive experience? I would it very much describe that as a positive experience. Okay, that's good keeping it positive is good That is uh
Starting point is 02:15:35 What is a little I noticed a little little note Right there. What's that? Oh, you know, uh, I I I uh, definitely can say that I've had positive experiences With door dash in particular. Uh, I like that. Um, there is a variety That is very very large of restaurants that very large variety I thought were outside of the range of delivery For my place It turns out they weren't there was uh, there was a couple places or that's crazy There's a couple places where I'm like, that's way too far. They're never gonna and it's like, oh my god, they're gonna
Starting point is 02:16:15 They'll do it There's some there's a couple places when I moved that I became outside their delivery range and there's one or two The door dash will still be like, yeah, no, we'll do it. Yeah. Like hey, that's awesome. All right So, you know, uh, as it is door dash, that's the way you get your food delivered to you these days Uh, you get you get the app. You simply order what you need Tons of places to pick from. Uh, I believe the last time We checked we were counting over 300 000 partners in the u.s. Puerto Rico, canada and australia And uh, it definitely includes chains as well as local go-tos
Starting point is 02:16:56 And uh, small and big restaurants alike all are available and I'm I'm very happy with the selection especially because you know, you want to kind of You want to rotate through things as you get used to some of your favorite spots You have them on a regular basis these days for me at least I like to keep things rotating and and and uh, door dash has got some really good picks with that so, um Yeah, they've been they've been really really solid with that and the contactless delivery continues to be Uh, magical it continues to be the shit. I love it Because you get the knock knock and then you open the door and bam there it is right there
Starting point is 02:17:36 And you just kind of you say thank you To the the go. Hey, thank you. Yeah, you can just leave it. You leave it there And then they go, okay That's it thumbs up And the ghost of the of efficient delivery Just kind of says no problem Heads back their way To help other people out. So
Starting point is 02:17:58 Yeah You know the deal uh Check out door dash and uh Help help out the show. Why don't you if you're a fan? You can uh right now our listeners can get five dollars off and zero delivery fees with their first order of 15 dollars or more When you download the door dash app and enter code castle That's five dollars off
Starting point is 02:18:20 Um and zero delivery fees on your first order when you download the door dash app in the app store and enter code castle Don't forget code castle for five dollars off your first order with door dash Thank you door dash. Thank you door dash Yeah There you go. Just a little just a little reminder to keep things positive up top I'm like, ah, okay. All right I suppose uh you know in
Starting point is 02:18:54 Discussing the failings of Really really other annoying People things and services You can bring out the positive in that I'll tell you what's not positive The rival food place that I ordered from before we switched to door dash Brought us some food from a very bad restaurant Okay, listen listen
Starting point is 02:19:24 Full disclosure about this I can't handle the story Oh, yeah, I can't handle it Actively z targeting my claustomy bad can't handle it The the I like the glimpse at the photo and I just I had to fucking check out I couldn't well see what what happened here. I couldn't fucking do it. I can't even entertain it I can't go down the road before I had to just completely turn your headphones off you pussy Couldn't do it before we switched to the excellent door dash We ordered from a restaurant that we thought was good
Starting point is 02:20:02 But was very bad because they sent us some moldy furry potato salad It looked like that potato salad was becoming a sonic friend Already I die at foods that are salads that are not actually salad Anything that is a blank salad that is not actually just Like tomatoes and a bunch of leafy greens can fuck off That's that's I'm already in that place by default My my wonderful loving woman Pete one peach saliva was very tired after a day of taking care of our doggy
Starting point is 02:20:36 and In a series of events that I do not fully understand and react with shock Decided to eat my leftover potato salad Without looking at it once Yeah, it's leftover because I didn't eat it And About five or six full bite swallows ends of oh there must be cat hair all over this She decided to look down and see that it in fact was growing new life in her potatoes
Starting point is 02:21:11 Furry powerful life And when she posted that on twitter scrub quotes no not scrub quotes. Sorry struggled tweets picked it up And made fun of her and then my favorite part of the story is people from Struggle tweets misunderstanding That it was mold and thinking she had somehow cooked the dog Absent mindedly and was in fact eating the dog
Starting point is 02:21:41 Which led to us having to go into the struggle tweets thing and be like guys First of all, yes, it is her. She is embarrassed, but too That we did not eat our dog our dog is right here. He is fat He is very he is very dumb, but we love him That photo is not safe for me No Not safe for me and then later Poor peach saliva had the stomach problems. Yeah, I imagine
Starting point is 02:22:17 Fuck And we were like after a day it was like oh, I bet it's fine and then on the like the second day it was like this is not fine Because as you all know women do not use the restroom like we do Can't can't handle it Too much Too many you've never eaten. Uh, you've never eaten food without looking at it and then discovered that it was poison Dude like the bread that Like we bought the other day like a slice at the back had like two dots of mold on them
Starting point is 02:23:08 and like punch mom fucking specked that shit out from like A sniper scope mile away And and and and and tossed it like It's not about being like Super hyper vigilant about catching the smallest little things But how does a large black fuzzy shape?
Starting point is 02:23:33 If not the shadow of it then the texture Not or the the the instant scent of something being wrong Uh, sometimes you just got a lot of cat hair on your food and you you instead of doing anything about it You just decide to keep eating I guess or like have you ever forgotten clothes in the in the in the washing machine? I have and then you come back to it and you're like, oh no I gotta fucking wash these again before we dry them out because you can smell the start They'll be they'll be weird. Yeah, you can still smell the start of the mold like how does that in your mouth? Not immediately sends that's not mold. That's mildew. That's different. Okay. All right
Starting point is 02:24:13 I just I imagine all of your taste buds would Fire off and like send an alarm Now you would think you would think that is the case however You have to remember there are some people out there with what I describe as a scorched palette And people with scorched palettes can't detect anything other than salt Or other similarly strong phrases. These are the types of people that would say eat mustard out of a jar
Starting point is 02:24:48 Uh eat a jar of pickles by drinking the brine as if it were a soda Uh biting into lemons for real not as a joke Et cetera well Let the record show that I I had my thumb on my phone and I saw And I clicked on a photo
Starting point is 02:25:18 And I yelled no at the top of my lungs I yelled it And closed the app And stayed off of twitter For a while as I went back to what I was doing like that was the end of my session And I am like Yeah, like I you know, I like punch mom's out. She's she's she's gone for now. She's you know, I'm I am alone here I don't talk to myself
Starting point is 02:26:00 Yeah, the first noise I heard in days Because I don't talk to myself. I just sit here. I'm just quiet doing my thing. Yeah. Yeah, I yelled no And nothing like office kind of nothing has elicited that reaction from me in a very long time All right, so let's Chalk up the list We have Glass glass
Starting point is 02:26:32 Poison poison And mold Mold what's next for our young heroine? Who knows? You were with us when she tried to eat a whole pane of glass I was gonna say there's glass redux if you really want to Yeah glass redo attempt to eat the whole pane of glass and then there was the Successful attempt at eating the iPhone glass
Starting point is 02:27:00 What the ever-loving shit is cat water cat water, what's cat water? Oh man, you know what cat water is Okay, so here's what happens so she did So she didn't drink any cat water. Okay. Okay. She that one she that one she dodged. Okay So what cat water is it's page is what we're talking about the Elmo's water bit Okay, so what happens is you have some you have some water out Right and the cat comes out and drinks it because cats are sneaky Right, okay, and then the instant the cat drinks your drink
Starting point is 02:27:36 It becomes the cat's drink. Yes because cat mouths are Yes filthy at a notorious level. Yeah, the tongues are used to clean everything. Yeah No, no, not just that. They're also rife with like deadly bacteria That's why that's why if a cat bites you it often swells up and gets horribly infected Right, so there's a clip a million years ago of Elmo sneaking up and and drinking some of page's water And she won't drink it and I'm like drink the water and she won't do it Um what she did do however Oh, yeah, you know what this this we can add a fourth one here is that there is
Starting point is 02:28:14 Hold on a second. Hold hold that thought What now the fuck do you think? I Do like I'm Okay, so we were at we were at a funny little arts and crafts store for idiots And we oh no no puppy don't okay. Oh we discovered This cup which if you you can take a look at it I'm looking at a little it's a little coffee cup and there's a cat on it and it looks like Elmo looks kind of like Elmo
Starting point is 02:28:54 Right it's a black and white cat All right, so this black and white coffee cup. I thought was really cute and looked like our cat and I said to myself I know what I can do with this cup I can uh Take it and use it to scoop up the cat food And pour the cat food in the bowl And then put the cat food
Starting point is 02:29:17 Put it in the cat food, you know the big kibble bag and then so that when I need to give the cat more cat food Just grab it and go scoop it. The reason it doesn't have a handle is I just dropped it one day Did you inform anyone else of your plans? Yes, okay. Yes, I did. Okay I informed all members of the household of the plan to use this cat cup for cat food purposes, okay And one day I forgot it on the counter And I look over and Paige is drinking a glass of water And I'm like, oh no stop. She's like why sip is like that's almost cat food cup
Starting point is 02:30:07 You're eating cat food water Like You're already fucking dying all the time as is. What are you doing? Strengthening the immune system All right Okay Okay Listen man that fucking that potato salad that did things
Starting point is 02:30:39 Like that that did things That was I was not ready No, no, no good. No good. Um So, you know what? I didn't even tell you how the story happened in my perspective I was so tired that I fell asleep upstairs holding the dog And she comes into the bedroom goes pat Pat it's really important
Starting point is 02:31:07 I need help I'm like, what happened? She's like, I ate something and I'm like, okay And then We walk down and we just see it and it's sitting there And oh boy Love you, honey Do you know what I thought I was initially looking at? What's that? I initially thought I was looking at
Starting point is 02:31:35 The flesh off the back of a mouse Buried in the potato salad thought that too. We thought that too That's what I took that photo to be and that never really left Okay, uh video games then I got this dog and he's pretty cute The He's really soft, but he loves to poop. All right. Hey, you know what happens when you get a dog or a baby you sing little songs a lot Looks like you're trying to make a noise happen, but it ain't gonna happen
Starting point is 02:32:19 Hey, so some stuff happened Video games Yeah, you want to talk about the big one? Um Well, there's two big ones All right I'll let you pick whichever big one you want So with the announcement, um We'll start off. We'll go in chronological order here, but uh street fighter five champion edition dlc
Starting point is 02:32:46 Characters revealed for the next season of street fighter five include dan hibiki rose oro and akira kizama from rival schools Fucking Amazing. Good job guys. How about that? Yeah, that's great Those are good characters been calling for oro for a while now dan not so much but always a fun time and an akira From rival schools poll is rival schools exists. How about that the first acknowledgement in a very long time the first acknowledgement since tatsunoko versus capcom and
Starting point is 02:33:23 um wonderfully welcome Uh, uh characters akira one of the best characters in the on on that roster just design wise I think everybody is absolutely in love signs are excellent Yeah, and I think I think it's never been about her gameplay because no one really like gives Unfortunately, no one really cares that much Uh, uh about how she plays which is not wonderful in my in my brain, but um, yeah Super amazing character design that that that I'm glad came forward. I'm glad it wasn't batsu
Starting point is 02:33:56 um Yeah, me too because you know that would have been like well shut up. We know the deal Uh kiosuke is uh also, you know pretty uh, he got well represented in, um CVS too, so that was great But uh akira getting in there is fun and who knows maybe there will be Uh a reference where you know, maybe one of her supers is like her brother jumps in And does the does the team up attack and daigo takes a couple hits vangelion and then beats the shit out of you, you know
Starting point is 02:34:32 That's the thing about rival schools characters is they've always got to have an every guest appearance A level three that calls in their partner attack because it's such a major part of the game So a lot of fun on that I'd say rose is go ahead Rose is kind of the the the milk toast pick in that. Um, you can very easily imagine what she'll be like and Uh, you know, it's cool that she's there, but I don't think anyone was super clamoring On a I know that like gameplay wise rose has always had some very disgusting shit. So, um, yeah They can make her Very very good very easily if they wanted to it's it's it's interesting. I think, um
Starting point is 02:35:13 You know the the this is a this is a nice little little little unexpected surprise for street fighter five um I I think like aura holding is turtle. Mm-hmm. I think you know considering it ended in a place where um I basically was like well, it's less about This game as more as it is. I'm having fun with other games You know And then the online debacle that we kind of got into not too long ago was like pretty rough
Starting point is 02:35:42 But at the end I was like, oh, yeah seth is a pretty cool addition I like what they did with that and I also like what they did with uh gill But here, uh, I'm definitely going to want to see what they have going on with these characters that I like, you know I'm gonna I'm going to definitely Mess around and and and see what they have to offer dan's animations look pretty Elaborate already. So that's cool I hope he has a super taunt back. Does he have a super taunt back? He definitely has his uh taunt with a hitbox on it because we saw him
Starting point is 02:36:14 Doing a roll into the elbow. So oh, yeah g probably gonna be in there in some form I would like them to pay homage to his moves from svc chaos Because he always gets more in there. Uh, it'd be really cool if he could do the super taunt that actually stuns you You know Um It's really crazy that street fighter 5 is getting dlc characters after the championship edition Which was said to be like the finale of the street fighter 5 Like product cycle they did but these characters are going to be coming out till 2021
Starting point is 02:36:50 They did but then they came out and said actually we're doing another season Oh, that's crazy. So I wonder why they'd have another season. Yeah After after they said that Um That's goofy. Well, you know It's uh, what could have happened Who knows who knows who knows? Is there any other news? There sure is It looks like after a very long time
Starting point is 02:37:21 Being the face of the brand Yoshinori ono will be stepping down From his responsibilities and is leaving capcom Uh this summer so a letter Of resignation was sort of published And it looks like ono is going to be stepping out Oh no Yeah, so, um, this is this is one of those ones that, uh
Starting point is 02:37:51 You know It's it's Someone that's been working at this thing for a long time. He's been the face for a while. You know people definitely have pretty recent memories of 321 show you can you know In their in their minds and stuff like that um
Starting point is 02:38:12 There's definitely been you know stuff that's out there that is uh I think there was a good tweet that basically said like hey like It's possible to kind of appreciate the stuff that was done while also You know Keep me keeping in mind that this is a uh Someone who you know Like may have been responsible for like working like seph and combo fiend out of capcom possibly and There's there's unsubstantiated stuff that was that was said in regards to that. It's it's not a hundred percent confirmed
Starting point is 02:38:46 um There's not much I can really Say here but To keep it as as honest as possible Like we've kind of like kind of had me these sideways glances and smiles over the years a little bit But here the truth of the matter is this guys like um over the years
Starting point is 02:39:07 I've I've heard some like not great stuff in regards to production Uh production related stuff with ono and Like it doesn't it's and it's like a lot of different things In ways in a lot of different things involving projects and stuff like that that is just like not really a great sounding and Just in general there's things about like tough to work with and things like that in other cases a little more extreme, but um
Starting point is 02:39:37 It is uh, so it's one of those things where you're like, okay, you know I wonder if a little bit of that conflict and that that like sort of Hard to work with part of things is a factor in what led to this moment Because it wouldn't seem out of place for there to be eventually a uh
Starting point is 02:40:01 Disagreement that leads to you know, them parting ways based on What the previous conflicts have been like yeah, um I appreciate That ono cared enough to bring back street fighter and made the effort Yep sf4. Yep to bring it back and that is very appreciated However from my personal experience I have never heard anyone have anything nice to say about the man and working with him
Starting point is 02:40:45 And may in fact have heard Many not great things. Yep about working him particularly in production Also when the recent rumors came out that street fighter 6 was actually planned for like this year or maybe early next year But it sucks ass I would classify those rumors as extremely unsurprising And what with ono supposedly being the head on that project And possibly having that project given to somebody else to fix it
Starting point is 02:41:26 I am Extremely unsurprised that ono would eventually resign if he can't actually run street fighter anymore Yeah, that doesn't seem to that's the least surprising part of that story to be perfectly honest, um and It certainly lines up with what's been said, you know um, and you know, of course This is the type of thing where
Starting point is 02:41:54 You know, um, it really comes down to like I would say Anyway, I think the way it's but I think the way we phrased it is is the right way to go about it Because you just kind of like you can't really speak on behalf of other people You know what I mean? You can't there's a lot of people that have had their takes and have Said these things you can't you don't you don't want to speak on an on anyone's behalf And you definitely don't I don't want to speak on anybody's behalf. Yes
Starting point is 02:42:20 I don't want to say anything that can't be proven. Exactly. What I can say. Yes is that I have Absolutely, positively Never heard one nice thing about Yoshinori ono ever and anyone who has worked with him. Um and I you also don't like Want to elaborate further beyond what you've been asked To elaborate on so that's I sure do You know
Starting point is 02:42:50 um, that's kind of the The the tone here to understand but all things considered Yes, as you said it is nice and appreciated that shrewd fighter was brought back and that it was uh You know, it had a return to form after so long without there being any and you know, um, apparently he was responsible for um the Sound design back on third strike in the day and and shit like that and you're like that's fucking awesome And like very cool with that. Maybe a little less so on capcom fighting jam, but hey bygones Those are those are of yesteryear, you know, but uh, let's all just thank ono for helping street fighter 4 get made and also
Starting point is 02:43:35 Never forget that ono is a Blanca player. Well, there's that part of it But you know, I think um, I think that's that I think that's it. It's that uh, there's there's a very like sort of conflicted and mixed uh feeling that comes with um Not hearing any good stories as you said And also being aware that like a lot of people kind of see a public face, but you might not there might not be
Starting point is 02:44:06 a consistency between that and what happens behind the scenes so Um, I am much more excited for street fighter 6 now I'd like to see where things go with some fresh Fresh eyes fresh leadership You know see what direction uh, things are gonna go with Yeah, just a completely different person at the helm. Um Might be cool might be cool I would think
Starting point is 02:44:35 I have my suspicions it will be Pretty much for the better all across the board That's how I also suspect that that's how I feel about it I suspect that the reason we're getting a new season of sf 5 dlc is because sf 6 needs way more work on it Than it was originally planned And that they wasted many monies on it and now they have to make the monies back Hopefully the delay will give it rollback netcode that is good
Starting point is 02:45:13 It is what it is it is what it is but um, this is this is an announcement that I've been kind of sitting and wondering about you know, I was like this is gonna go down at some point Yeah, what's it gonna go down? That's the way to phrase it. That's the way to phrase it Woolly and I are sitting here going I wonder when what year this story is gonna happen and I guess it's this year And I remember thinking that All the way back when sf 5 launched At least at least once a year. There was a moment of will it be this year? I wonder, you know I wonder which year ono's gonna leave or quote unquote air quotes leave
Starting point is 02:45:55 Yeah, I mean, you know and there was the end like even on even on on his side of events Like there's things where you read the stories about how he's like I was worked to the bone And I got sick from overworking and uh, the company didn't care, you know That is totally accurate And that that did get horribly sick from overwork and the company didn't care at all. Yeah. Yeah, and you're like well Now you're also just like it's like, uh, you know all Things aside all other stuff mentioned aside like That just sounds also as well as if like there was just an probably an unpleasant
Starting point is 02:46:32 You know vibe in place Already between him and the company on on stuff like that on personal matters like that as well But it's not possible. Not our not our not our place to sit and speculate, you know I always you know what my favorite thing ever is My favorite thing ever And this is totally unrelated To what we're talking about now Has nothing to do with what we're talking about now
Starting point is 02:47:01 But when a a leaker comes out and has like dank leak news And can't reveal their sources Right because their sources is somebody who works there, you know, whatever, right? Um, and people are like, haha. What's your source? Just some guy or trust me, bro Right And they all make fun of the leaker and you look at it and you're like, no, that's real That's super real It it's kind of upsetting that this person's getting made fun of because they can't blow up their source
Starting point is 02:47:35 But no that one's That one's on point It's always a sad little story every every once in a while there is A leak that comes out and you kind of look and you just kind of you have your own little pock champ to yourself You know, you just kind of But uh, yeah, I know what you mean I know what you mean my my my favorite is like when a game gets announced and you're like Oh
Starting point is 02:48:04 Wow, that's crazy. I can't believe it. Oh my god Yeah, they really made another one So we'll see how this goes man, and we'll see, you know, maybe at the next fighting game round table We'll see who's uh, who's sitting Who's sitting down in in that place in that seat? Yeah There's a couple of uh, there's some new I mean capcoms had a pretty much a complete refresh of their of their talent since
Starting point is 02:48:44 The old-odd days, you know what I mean and a lot of people have moved on to other places. So, um There's now people there that like Have had a chance to work on a couple of fighting games Um, not all of them were good In fact, um, most of them were not but I would like to Imagine somewhere in there. There's somebody that can
Starting point is 02:49:13 You know get some fresh ideas It's really disappointing how every other part of capcom turned around and released a bunch of killing like the fucking awesome shit monster hunter is great resident evil is great I forget what else they put out, but it was probably really good Right and then the fighting game why we get we got infinite like oh, I'll tell you what whoever Was down to put akira from rival schools in in this Like you get kudos out of it. Yeah, and maybe it was ono that that made that pick, but you know, whoever that was But if it wasn't like, you know more of that more of that
Starting point is 02:49:52 We'll see We'll see Also, everybody remember that ono was also in charge of the deep down and phanta ray engine Panta ray. Mm-hmm Where's that? Oh That's weird because they're moving everything in the resident evil engine. So I guess phanta ray isn't Anything but a big ass waste of money. Oh waste of money. You say did that money just kind of disappear It may have just disappeared
Starting point is 02:50:26 I Hope oro has all three of his supers. I hope he calls in rocks I hope he can pull his second arm out I hope he gets The big spirit bomb. I hope we get all of it. Oh, those would be great What else we got this week this week we have um Other announcements include uh
Starting point is 02:51:00 The ghost of the we you in the sky Has gotten even more transparent Oh sick every day it gets a little bit more transparent and Pikmin 3 has been announced for the switch So it slowly but surely fades away You know that you know the the we you looking inside the like the rainy window Like that's that's the image I have of it like fading away like back to the future
Starting point is 02:51:32 Oh, is that what you're thinking? I'm thinking of like like up on the horizon, you know, like the last little bits like mufasa But like that again though, usually that's reserved for like people who you kind of like Are like no don't go It's not the person who undertaker's pushing into the into the casket I mean what you really want is to like rip its children away from it and then send it away So it's like please fade away, but give me the baby in your hand first Because give the baby you're holding on to a couple of babies that we need Let's grab them one by one. Okay. Wonderful 101. Here you go. We got it toss that over got the swaddle ready wrap that shit up
Starting point is 02:52:21 Deliver it to the switch and you're like you're like three dirt shovels in before you realize Deep in its death clutch are galaxy one and two and you're like no no Galaxy you will not know. I am not burying you with those. No, we got Pikmin out of there We got uh no more heroes is coming off of that um There's a couple things There's a couple things that are that are still stuck What well besides galaxy one and two xeno blade x. Yeah, that's the one zeno blade x zeno blade x
Starting point is 02:52:54 uh higher warriors Yeah, that's true. That's true So you're kind of trying you're trying to rip as i'm thinking of 3d world not galaxy my mistake You're trying to think of as rip as many babies out of that hand as possible You know nintendo land um They can remake that with more stuff like Nintendo land just not because also think about nintendo land and like like the funnest games were the asymmetrical ones you know
Starting point is 02:53:25 so Like you needed someone on the wii u gamepad and then everyone else looking at the tv For that ghost game to work that luigi's mansion game to work and shit like that that doesn't work as well with the switch You're not going to have to be able to set the same thing up. So just ditch that you know No Devil's third lull. Yeah, no, that's fine. I mean they didn't they port part of it The multiplayer or something like that Wasn't there a multiplayer only pc version or some some something?
Starting point is 02:54:01 I don't know anyway Rip the babies out toss them to the waiting swaddles and make it fade away faster You know fade away faster Die wii u long live the wii u basically Uh, so there's that And Would you look at that?
Starting point is 02:54:31 sega says hey Persona for the golden made some money on pc Maybe just maybe there might be something to this So, um persona central which Goddamn it, um Hold on a second. Can you Whatever
Starting point is 02:55:04 I just got a call and like my headphones did that whole interrupting thing. Oh, no I hate that Don't take the call And for some reason upon switching back We got music that started playing don't worry about that That's that new mellow shit by the way two mellow just put out a new album And uh summer in silent places is beautiful. You should check it out That's a banger
Starting point is 02:55:37 That was actually my podcast outro music that you heard for a second there. Don't worry about it. Um What I was in the middle of saying Is that uh shout outs to persona central a site that's run by a friend of mine actually from uh montreal pretty cool guy They they paid attention to some of the um Q&A following their quarterly financial reports so They took some questions from their investors
Starting point is 02:56:06 And they basically had the sega sammi president and coo say that we've remastered persona for the golden A title previously sold on vita Released it for same for steam in the fiscal year and because of its critical acclaim and its low selling price sales were much stronger than we expected We will continue to actively promote porting Uh previously released titles to steam and new platforms We're negotiating with platform holders for new games in the future and considering ways to sell under favorable conditions for each title Among them measure such as preparing pc versions for titles from the beginning with multi platform releases in mind So
Starting point is 02:56:47 This is like legitimately good news But it's so upsetting. Yep. It's so upsetting This is the speed at which You can't this is the market catch-up speed, you know, like it takes about a decade For the company to catch on to what people have been asking for from release Ten years to those of you to those of you who can't quite understand just why it's so upsetting this is the equivalent of You telling your friend that broccoli is actually really good if you cook it well
Starting point is 02:57:29 No, man. I actually have broccoli a lot. It's like a good staple vegetable. I really enjoy it And they're like broccoli is garbage. I don't want to have broccoli And then a different friend a decade after you know them Sneaks broccoli into their food And they eat it and the next time you see you is like, you know, I recently started eating broccoli It's really good. Would you believe it? Like it's isn't that crazy and you're like you bitch you motherfucking bitch you fucking shithead bitch idiot I'll jam this broccoli down your fucking throat
Starting point is 02:58:05 It's the worst it is the fucking worst Broccoli is great broccoli is pretty good. Yeah Yeah, I didn't like it as a kid, but I like it as an adult I um You know, I'm I'm just reminded of all the other things where You just kind of you get you get the news and you just kind of get to go finally and it really 10 years of waiting on something and going like why don't why don't they get it? Why don't they know?
Starting point is 02:58:41 How is it so hard to get the message across? How is this falling on deaf ears for a decade? Like what's up with that? And then you finally kind of get some news and you go well, thank god But also you've deadened yourself inside to the issue after 10 years, you know So I mean I can actually tell you exactly what the answer is and I mean, I'm sure you know it But maybe yeah people I'm not I'm trying to not stay the obvious here. But yeah, the the obvious is is that The people that you need to talk to are isolated either regionally or linguistically or In terms of corporate infrastructure. They're not front-facing so like
Starting point is 02:59:22 people have the ability to talk to and interview people like Daisuke, Shibatari like you did or Harada and like literally tell them right and be like hey, dude We want this or this is cool or whatever Often the people in those decisions are people you don't know the names of and will never meet and never never see So you can't talk to them and then when people inside that company do talk to them Well, I've been here for 20 years. I've been here since the super nintendo. I know how games work I know how games are made and I know better
Starting point is 03:00:00 And that's it generally speaking literally it. Yeah I mean listen the role of community manager I remember when that did not exist and I remember when it started existing And I remember when what that meant was person who posts on the blog That we have like put out that essentially just kind of talks directly to You know people who are fans or whatever, but they don't really talk It's just I am making press releases that sound less stiff from our blog
Starting point is 03:00:33 That's all a community manager was I remember the first time I ever Saw a community manager And it was 2003 and it was the world of warcraft beta Might have been 2004 and release but rob pardo was like the head blue mod on the blizzard forums during world of warcraft's release and his job
Starting point is 03:01:00 Was to go into every topic complaining about everything and find the questions that actually mattered for shit And talk to a human and get some kind of answer Right and the answer was almost always we're working on it. Mm-hmm, right, but Even that was better than before And at least the devs would know what questions were coming in because it's like man They keep bugging us about this guild bank shit or oh, they keep bugging us about this bug out and whatever And rob won't leave me alone about this shit. I don't care about it, but fuck it. I'll think you know But now it is like it is like
Starting point is 03:01:44 Now like there's always been the thing of like do they do that which is what they're supposed to do Or are they just placating the anger people? They're the press release and the answer is they're placating anger now when twitter became more of a thing we got like Much more clear like feedback Uh loops or at the very least what seemed to be I can talk to you on twitter directly You might respond and that means you've gotten the heads up about it And then they kind of have to compile that from at least from talking to community manager guys about this stuff It sounds like what they do is kind of eventually compile the vibes
Starting point is 03:02:20 Into a report and send it off to the ether and there there's a wild difference between The the the the fucking what do you call it the press release guy and then the person you're talking about in the middle And then people like rev ford Who will hang out with you on stream and as you try and trick them into shit talking destiny Right and you make fun of them for how buggy their game is and they're like Right. Yeah. Love you rev pure your deo costume looks incredible. Um, what but there's a wide chasm in between that
Starting point is 03:02:59 and and what Kind of hurts is that in over the course of this decade of this decade long game of fucking String can telephone Right as the vibration travels slowly you have like things where you see the transcript of an investor meeting where That person will get their question in the investor will get their question in
Starting point is 03:03:28 directly to the coo Right away and it would be a case of like, you know, oh, I don't know whatever Hey, my kid's been playing the fortnight spends a lot of money. When can we get that kind of money? What's going on with that? And when is this game going to be more like call of duty slash fortnight slash what a minecraft? And I want to make it clear because we spend a lot of time dumping on these investor meetings all the time We sure do because they really are like rough to listen to because It's people who are like kind of throwing in the money looking for the investments and oftentimes don't understand
Starting point is 03:04:00 What's actually what they're investing in a lot and they ask really dumb questions And it's kind of embarrassing because you can hear the person who's answering like have to fucking Mentally just like Well, I mean let's let's not mince words Well, most investors who go to these meetings are moronic dirtbag old rich fuckhead capitalists Like they're rich people that love being rich and love to gamble. I'll just go give me more Of course and and and and yes, and they're and they're providing money that is then going to go work on these projects
Starting point is 03:04:33 But but the point the point of the dunking is that Like it's it's because like that voice is being heard loudly and it's a dumb voice Over really very loudly over the people that are willing to spend and buy your thing Right like your two places to get money from are investors and people that buy the product And all the people that are on the receiving end of like willing to we're waiting to buy the product We have the money here. We want to give it to you Right those things if it takes 10 years for the message to get heard and reacted to But you're you know what I mean, but in the meantime over here you get these dumb things flying out and
Starting point is 03:05:16 It's it's I mean it's a much more complicated topic than games like the idea that uh an investors Sorry invested companies only jobs to bank money isn't even actually technically true It's original stated goal was to create value Which is why the stocks go up and then you acquire value on the idea of like short term Like investiture for gains, which is basically just rich people gambling really only became popular in the past couple decades Uh, so like it's it's a whole fucking thing like the the idea of people like I'm gonna invest in blizzard And when blizzard is uh, their sub numbers go down I'm gonna be like why no sub numbers down and it's like well
Starting point is 03:05:59 We're the most popular game in the world unless people are playing us that means less people are playing in general There's nothing to be done about the the amount of consumers going down. Yeah, but I put the money give more money now money Yeah, it's just I I know that I know that out there. There's a straw man that says Uh, fuck all of that and fuck all of that money and then this is even though this is a corporate entity that is trying to be profitable um Game should be made for free and sold for free and you know what I mean like it just like a Let's let's I know let's not go too. Of course not. It's a completely stupid thing to go down But there's definitely a person who will hear like this kind of conversation and be like oh, so what they should just never
Starting point is 03:06:46 So then investors are not an important part of what's going on here or whatever and it's like yeah, okay, fuck that That's not the point obviously, but I'm just saying that I'm going down this rabbit hole because it's like we're talking about something that Sega has come out and basically said in their financial quarterly meeting Yeah, that pc release we did was pretty smart. We should do more of that And and everyone's like yeah, no shit moron and I can't think of I literally cannot think of a single fan of persona That I've had a conversation with that has not at some point
Starting point is 03:07:17 echoed this sentiment Like fucking ages ago. It's crazy. Oh, I I can expand that out to the smt fans in general There are like 20 games that atlas released in from like the ps1 to the ps2 That just live on that platform alone And like are gone now like that's why every day popped off for the nocturne re-release because it's like holy shit That game's incredible. It sure would be great if you could play it on something that's not 15 years old So I guess then in conclusion like I feel as if The the creation and hiring of a community manager almost is like a let's have someone whose official role
Starting point is 03:08:01 It is is to bridge the gap between the fan base and us And we're gonna hire someone from the west who understands it that comes from that fan base to represent all of that But if you still then keep that person and what they have to report to you at an arms distance Then it's kind of pointless because If the person's job is to just quell the the anger so to speak or like say give people platitudes But there's nothing positive to actually say because you won't listen to them They kind of have an impossible task to begin with
Starting point is 03:08:34 So here's a really good example from sega the sonic twitter guy So he told his story when he stepped down from the sonic twitter Hey, how come the sonic twitter was so badass and hilarious and he said well I was doing the regular thing and I kept wanting to make funny jokes But I had to go through like You know a two day long approval process where somebody would have to translate it into japanese and I have to get an answer back Yadda yadda, so I decided to just skip the approval process and just do whatever I wanted and Then the the account got lots of followers
Starting point is 03:09:05 So they liked me and so they could let me keep doing whatever I wanted that guy Just got promoted to god. What the fuck was it like head of strategy or marketing like something. Yeah. Yeah. He got a big promotion Absolutely. Yeah huge huge big promotion. So he asked he asked for forgiveness instead of permission Yeah, and uh That dude will now have real influence on shit at sega. Look at that, which is great Because that dude knows what the deal is That's sonic anyway At the very least
Starting point is 03:09:39 I mean, I will say that being funny doesn't necessarily mean like making great decisions Creatively. No, it doesn't But what it does mean is that he knows Like the way people actually give a shit about sega's products at that point where he can Have have a good time with them. I mean, let's not forget that Uh kicking ass and taking names is basically what got reggie presidency It got him way over like that's all it was it was that one moment that one time he said something
Starting point is 03:10:14 kind of like Stronger than nintendo That would like at the time and that was enough for him to fucking Parlay it into leadership of the entire company on on the the western side of things So, you know Body yeah, body ready body being ready was way later than that I'm talking about the the first thing reggie ever did when he walked up and said i'm about kicking ass taking names And we're about making games, you know like
Starting point is 03:10:43 People wanted all people were still in that like nintendo ain't babby shit. It's serious. It's real And that was big tall pizza man. He's gonna tell you he's gonna fight you. Yeah, so Uh, good job. Good job. Yay for pc releases You found your dick Turns out it was there the whole time Put it on the pc Actually put on everything but really please put on the pc so that we can i can have this shit forever, please god damn it So can we talk about the slingshot of emotions?
Starting point is 03:11:28 That we went through this week When you one watch the trailer for aon must die And then two Read the story about what's happening with aon must die I actually didn't see the trailer. So the first thing I heard Was you know, that game's not real and I went and looked at the trailer and i'm like, yeah, i'll believe that So i'll believe that that game's not real. I want to say that we actually talked about aon must die on the podcast I mean that's possible months ago
Starting point is 03:12:02 Because this is not the first time it's actually been teased um We actually had a Uh, a look at it earlier on because I like I know this is not the first time I've heard of it Yeah, one year ago. Yeah, there you go. So I I we we went we brought we we talked about it when it first dropped Uh, and we got a look at it So this time around they dropped a closer to release. I guess trailer of it and
Starting point is 03:12:28 Boy that shit looks fire It has everything I love with big burning animations and lots of really cool, um Like black and color aesthetics and black and neon like it's almost everything. Yeah, and like, um Like a little bit of that promare energy coming off of some of the characters Like the burnish looks a bit like the burnish in some pick some cases
Starting point is 03:12:58 And you're just like, oh my god, look at it go, right? And at some points you're like I mean, I guess that could be gameplay if it was really really really like smoothly implemented, but it looks great um Fucking seems like a beat-em-up that emphasizes one-on-one battles lots of lots of great lots of great shit happening in that, you know um, and and and you feeling homages to lots of cool anime things, um Immediately following this trailer release of this week comes the Comment right under it's it's in the right under its youtube Uh post was basically someone in the comments
Starting point is 03:13:43 Who if I can get the exact quote? More or less came out and went, uh, yeah, this trailer is stolen assets from the dev team Because the dev team that made this no longer work at this company And in fact there was a legal battle over the the ip itself And it seems like this game this this entire ip was taken from the people who made it and uh essentially they made a trailer without the dev team and put put it out there To get it marketed out in in the world and to you know do their thing
Starting point is 03:14:25 But everyone involved in actually working on this game and making it Is now completely removed from the equation and are in a legal battle to figure out what the fuck they can do This is the impression. I got you steal our ip. No That is some horseshit of the highest fucking order um And boy like talk about like it was like minutes between. Oh, yo look at this trailer. Oh my god. What? Um Scummy ass. Haha. It's a fake trailer. Scummy ass sounding shit. So
Starting point is 03:15:02 From possible criminals Let's let's find out Yes, here we go, so uh this trailer was created with abuse manipulation and theft Says the youtube description of the same trailer uploaded by a third party account shortly after it was shown at state of play People who worked on every shot of this are no longer with the company holding ip rights Some are not even paid for their work. This trailer was pending a conflict of ip The real ip for the game was stolen from the creators via foul play It links to a dropbox folder with a cache of testimonials allegations and other documents made by eight workers who left
Starting point is 03:15:43 limestone games in june and um Uh chief among them is alexa Nehoroshkin who uh helped found the studio in 2016 Uh, yeah, and Basically They're saying that they didn't even not only did they steal the shit They didn't even pay the artists or the staff
Starting point is 03:16:11 And they were in infinite crunch time Among other abuses I mean when you're gonna steal why not just steal at all? So, uh On friday focus home entertainment responded to the controversy And what is their statement here? Um We pride ourselves
Starting point is 03:16:41 Seriously, we'll let you know we were informed of serious allegations Grievance is directed at limestone. They're direct employer Okay So the publisher says they're looking into the allegations and no further comment will be shared until they have a complete view on the matter They usually can't say anything until there's like a legal there's a lawyer that tells them that they can say to That you can duck on them. Yeah, um There is obviously everything to fucking say about like
Starting point is 03:17:14 The the the grossness of you know, uh a company that would do that um, it's also kind of nuts because it's like It's just it's that weird thing where it's like Can't you like looking at the the kind of magic of like what they were making it clearly looks super cool super impressive Like there's a reason why you're working with these people and like They're able to whip up the magic that's going to You know, hopefully like make you your money and allow everything to thrive here, right?
Starting point is 03:17:51 It's kind of wild. I don't know to just kind of like Kick the chefs out And somehow yeah be like no, we're just gonna keep spitting these meals out for you. Like it's such a Baffling decision. We still got the brand name, right? Yeah, I but it's just like you kicked all of your chefs out. They're all gone All right. Well, you don't you don't need you don't need Gordon Ramsay. We still got the michelin star on the menu, right? Okay, good enough You know hire jimmy off the street Like the the thing with these stories that I never understand is like what is your course of action here? After releasing the video game. What's your plan?
Starting point is 03:18:30 I Take the money and run I guess, you know, yeah I guess I mean the the thing about taking the money and running is that when you're running you have a lot of money to help you run But if you didn't take the money and run then you could have continued to like Grow some good shit with a team of people while continuing to make money take the money and run you have the money right now
Starting point is 03:18:57 Yeah, you do. That's true. You have the money right now. You don't have to wait for success You just money You know, what's better than taking the money and running What's that? Never spending the money to begin with Just don't spend it. Don't even spend it on the people making the thing Like oh man, because you have to spend money to make money, right and
Starting point is 03:19:22 But you want the money now So supposedly so you're trying to get that that cash money immediately But what's even better than getting the cash money immediately is not even spending it in the first place So oh man, that's crazy. So you get all the money when the release comes out, but you also never spent any money So you're in the black you're in the double black, you know, you're just You're fucking gangbusters on it Don't worry money your money is all that money I
Starting point is 03:20:00 look forward to the statement from limestone games Uh, which uh aon must die has now been released and to purchase it. All you have to do is transfer eight bitcoin to this address And You will be redirected to a site and they'll send you 10 bitcoin back A copy of the game and 10 bitcoin for every one that I upload That's wild
Starting point is 03:20:33 That's crazy dude Yo, this game though, right? Purchase it now by uploading your bitcoin or ethereum to this address The trailer for this game looks fucking cool, man. That's uh just That's upsetting that it looks cool. It's basically designed to be cool and not have to have anything to do with the real game I hope that this is one of those stories where you fast forward in time and the the team of people working on this get together and continue to Make magic as they were and make some cool shit that has nothing to do with their horrible fucking employers
Starting point is 03:21:18 I would really like it if They put out a new similar game called aon must live And it's just the opposite plot I hear you but like The months it would take After doing this kind of thing You got like you just want you want to go in a completely different direction probably you just You know at this point. It's probably just traumatizing to even bother Looking at what you used to work on
Starting point is 03:21:49 You kind of you know, but I I definitely hope they make something else together And and we get to play whatever they had in store for us because I'm I'm Fucking all about what I saw in that trailer and I'd love to see that team do something else, man Uh Yeah Sony must feel stupid You know, it's gonna. Yeah. Well, I mean, it's not you know, if they don't know what the fuck
Starting point is 03:22:18 They just throw it up on the state of play and it is what it is um I it's it's probably embarrassing. I don't know if they're gonna get to really Uh, do anything else with this game, but I will say this when it drops right Will we be looking at something where like How far will the will the how far will the power of this story go? You know
Starting point is 03:22:39 Because you have to remember that there are people that like Pretty much just buy games by browsing the front end of their online stores You know that aren't necessarily tuned into the shit that we are tuned into Are following any of this this crap like I can't imagine the game releasing while there's an active lawsuit going on about it Stranger things have happened, but you're probably right on that but I feel that um I'm curious to know like, you know, is this going to be a thing where like a lot of people
Starting point is 03:23:13 like will the will the news about this like stop Almost all of its sales Or would it's you know, how much how much does it still manage to know the legal battle might but no definitely not But I mean a game like that an indie game that's from an unknown team like The fact that it's unknown
Starting point is 03:23:33 It might actually increase the sales because more people would know about it I think if everybody that is Like anyone that would have streamed it and went like yo check this out It's kind of going fuck this game. Don't give them your money. They're scum Um, you know, it'll have its effect, but uh, yeah, I don't know. We'll we'll see where this goes Uh anyway We got some other announcements as well, um Got any manga news this week. I was going to talk about the ancient gods part one the doom eternal dlc
Starting point is 03:24:13 Hey, look, we're going to shoot gods again Without mc gordon Oh Sorry, it's the first thing I thought of Uh people seemed to be uh convinced that this was going to go into the betrayer And uh his son
Starting point is 03:24:35 And the whole icon of sin shit I don't know. We'll see where that goes But um, yeah Sad about the music man sad about the music I hope it's good. I don't want to kill more stuff I feel like uh doom is um of all the first person's games. I've been playing recently doom is definitely the one where um I could boot that up and just load into like a
Starting point is 03:25:06 Randomly generated challenge room You know just fuck around fuck around for a bit and then and then turn it off. Yeah It lends itself to that really really well Uh manga news you say Yeah, I got any manga news this week. Uh, I didn't Oh, yeah, yeah, are you even passingly familiar with the uh The the the the lead in I'm doing here. Nope. All right This week in manga news
Starting point is 03:25:42 Uh the writer of a manga called act age, which was apparently fairly well regarded in general Was arrested Uh a while ago In a somewhat wholesome message. I think was at the end of one of his chapters. He wrote I just need a bicycle and then I will be able to get my exercise and while social distancing yada yada right Uh, he was arrested Because they caught him on video camera riding around his bicycle and doing drive by molestations of middle school students
Starting point is 03:26:29 So that's what he needed his bicycle for I guess Uh Shonen jump has come out and being like yeah, that shit is dead Dead manga is dead There's a dead manga Did they chapter that it the the main the chapter that is in that is being printed right now. Yeah, that's the last chapter Any word on Kenshin? How's Kenshin doing? Nope
Starting point is 03:26:56 Kenshin's uh Kenshin's okay. Yeah, I guess is it? Kenshin's still going strong I'm not actually familiar, but I'm just gonna assume that it's actually going fine. Okay Cool how's pure tacky I don't know what that is. All right. That's the guy who uh, that's the that's the cocaine. That's the cocaine Yakuza guy Oh, yeah him. Yeah
Starting point is 03:27:25 Oh, man, you know, do you even know about the even worst yakuza cocaine story? Which one was that? So, you know, you know, there's a guy in yakuza 4 who plays the cop plays the cop tenomura And he also got deleted from existence and had his facial actor Removed because he also got arrested on drug charges And it was cocaine as well and turns out
Starting point is 03:27:48 a friend of his Friend air quotes was jealous that he was more popular in acting and so just made it up Uh, and as a result even the industry turned on him Just because he got arrested that's fucking he quit acting. He's like i'm out of this. Fuck this business. Holy shit Just on accusation Yeah, that's wild. Well because he got a because he got arrested That's wild. I think the guy even like admitted to like planting the drugs on him or some shit like Oh, okay
Starting point is 03:28:25 So but like he did because I was like so like someone said hey that guy has drugs and then the cops just took him And that was it like they didn't even find that everyone's like, oh cutting cutting ties with this motherfucker He's a dumbass. I mean if he planted that if he planted something they found that'd be one thing I guess that's like at least they found something and then you know like If they just grabbed him with zero evidence that'd be fucking You know, but I wouldn't put it past them because yeah 99 99 conviction rate, of course Jesus fucking christ, man I'm sorry, buddy. That's insane. Clapton. I woke up the baby
Starting point is 03:29:02 Well, you know Your your your job involves making noise babies baby naps are gonna be rough sometimes Baby must nap I mean listen. Oh, he's gone back to sleep. Oh, thank good. I have a question Have you read act age? I have not is it good I I people say it's good. Is it a is it a good manga? Is it I've heard it's a good manga Hey, listen man listen
Starting point is 03:29:34 Because I haven't read act age, but it's I mean it's uh, it's a good thing. I haven't read it I guess because then I'd be sad now. I could just avoid it Um, well never did get around you didn't hold on like you cut me off in a place that makes it sound really bad Because I didn't get to finish my thought I'm asking because I'm wondering if like Is the fact that kenshin was allowed to continue um in light of
Starting point is 03:30:05 grave Uh accusations which were then You know confirmed via evidence Is is is the kenshin is it simply because it's fucking kenshin and that's the end of that because I I believe it's because of legal and cultural differences in regards to the act of sex crimes versus having
Starting point is 03:30:29 sex crime Material, but I believe the kenshin guy actually got off easy because he like ran into a pedo ring He did exactly he he got a lighter sentence because of that but but that's not but that's what I'm saying is though I'm not talking about his legal You know, um, um sentencing. I'm talking about the business that he works with and the ramifications with the business Oh kenshin's really popular woolly. That's what I'm talking about. So what I'm wondering is Is act age getting this versus the other case where they're like, yeah, it was on chapter 37 We suspended it for two weeks and then got back right to it
Starting point is 03:31:05 Is that just a matter of like well, it's fucking kenshin Versus I've never heard of act age. You know, is it simply I believe that is two tiers of of of popularity thus two types of and people are saying Like kenshin's been over for like a decade. Then why was that story reported? alongside, um The fact that kenshin had an ongoing thing that was going to be released which they put on pause If kenshin's been over for 25 years, I don't know. Okay. Well, here's what I'm gonna say If kenshin's been over for 25 years the story that came out about the guy the creator
Starting point is 03:31:41 Also within that story was there's something they were publishing About kenshin that was happening and they they stopped publishing it. So Whatever you're saying it was done with they're going through a revival. Well, then it well then it wasn't done They were putting something out. Yeah And the answer is because kenshin's really popular. Oh, yes. Yes. Okay. This is all I'm trying to You know So, uh, I mean I might have read act age at some point. I don't know, but I'm definitely not going to do it now Um, it's very sad. I I can't stand it when you, uh
Starting point is 03:32:15 Are going to enjoy a thing and then the person who did the thing is like so reprehensible that you're like, ah You know, like you don't even want to enjoy it anymore um On the plus side I've been, uh, thinking of, uh, finally watching the anime adaptation of iso kuken Uh, this weekend, maybe Luckily There's nothing horrible about oh, no, that one too
Starting point is 03:32:50 Did you watch iso kuken no in fact For a second, I was wondering if you were talking about I can which it doesn't seem like you are Okay, I'm talking about the one with the three teenage girls that are writing them out. They're making a mind manga. Okay It's way different from the other thing Yeah Everybody was like wow that show's great
Starting point is 03:33:16 It's like oh You Anyway, what what what just don't follow creators on tumblr What what? Wait, was that fake? Oh, no This this says a lot This says a lot about The view of anime and manga creators that I'll just assume
Starting point is 03:33:49 Anything I hear about is true Okay, so some bullshit story. All right, maybe I'll do a little bit more research. Okay. Well that went nowhere, but um It's like act age Well, no the act age went somewhere is went to the middle schools on a bicycle and pedaled off It's a rather uh ever to be seen again Yeah, that's uh, that's a very non wholesome use of a bicycle I would say so I said pedaled off pedal because bicycles have pedals
Starting point is 03:34:36 Oh, oh no Hmm, okay Okay Yeah, it's not a never heard of this manga, but uh, it's not I I never heard of this manga and I never will again. I suppose so that pretty much there you go. Okay Well, hey, um, hey, I'll tell you what's cool Uh There's a new
Starting point is 03:35:15 character in them's fighting herds named shanty and it's a pirate And oh wow, and if you check out the trailer someone really Really Really loves gangplank galleon and kinkano. How do I spell this? Uh shanty It's a goat And the goat is a pirate
Starting point is 03:35:41 And if you can hear and see look at the stage and listen to the music And it's kind of crazy How much this is legally distinct? king k rule gangplank galleon Let's take a look Oh Yeah
Starting point is 03:36:04 That's a cool goat. Yep So It's been a while since there's been a new character. Um, in fact, I mean, you know the game's still been worked on so like there's uh, there's is a lot but Uh, they had a uh stampede tournament Uh this weekend and I believe the the stinger at the end was the reveal of this. So that's pretty cool And um that game continues to be very good and deserve attention
Starting point is 03:36:37 So check out the the reveal is going to be on friday. They're going to show off more gameplay But uh in the meantime listen to that fucking Hey, guess what? I hear it. If you're ripping off king k rule like that's a good ass song. That's a good ass stage There's worse places to pick from It sounds very good. It sounds very very good But yeah, they're not even pretending that it's that it's the to hide the homage there Um So that's gonna be coming out and then
Starting point is 03:37:13 A little bit not much to say about it, but if you remember, uh, momodora that really cool Uh, platformer reverie under the moonlight. Well, they've announced a new game will be Uh is is in development for the 10th anniversary since the first momodora came out in 2010 And I've only wow that came a lot older. Yeah, I've only played reverie under moonlight, but um, it was really good so That's fucking great news because uh solid solid ass game And um
Starting point is 03:37:53 I remember very much enjoying the time I spent with it on that quick look we did huge price. Uh, oh, excuse me Oh Looks like someone's trying to green hand their way out of their containment Somebody was just gonna take a big giant jump off the couch But he is too little to do that That's crazy Gief doesn't have his air spd yet. He only learned that way later This dog isn't afraid of shit. We ran the rumba the other day and we're like, oh
Starting point is 03:38:36 Uh, we got to get him used to vacuuming. He fought the rumba for like an hour Like he doesn't give a shit So you like, you know stroll him up to new people and he's like, oh, he's got to get used to new people He's like pet me pet me. I'm a dog Did you did you always have a rumba? Yeah, we've had a rumba for a long time. Oh, yeah, we got a scuba too that thing kicks ass That washes the floor better than I could because I feel like I feel like rumba people get rumbas for their pets
Starting point is 03:39:08 If I well it didn't work it didn't work out that way But I mean it did work out that way, but no we got it beforehand. Okay It's nice to clean the floor without having to clean the floor Uh, it's uh the rumba that the the mob's your floor. Forget the name of it. I called it as a scuba Uh momodora his dog's face is so soft. I love to kiss it We've got uh rock steady getting ready to announce a suicide squad game Which who knows Who knows
Starting point is 03:39:48 I you're gonna kill superman No, you're not you're gonna kill bizarro So here's the thing i'm i'm the first thing that comes to mind is Suicide squad is the brand that you you are associating with the uh, uh fucking movies and shit currently But rock steady are the arkham people So they are Is this going to be their own suicide squad that they're allowed to make With their full discretion or is this going to be movie tie-in stuff
Starting point is 03:40:31 It feels like if they made their own thing mostly their own thing with a little bit of tie-in. Yeah Feels like feels like they'd be smart to let them do whatever the fuck they wanted with it because You know people like those arkhams The uh, I like those arkhams even Although I heard I haven't seen it, but I heard that birds of prey was actually not that bad. I heard it was all right. Really? Yeah AKA Harley Quinn and her birds of prey All right Apparently they uh swerved it hard are
Starting point is 03:41:12 deadpool style and uh You know some people said some good things about it, but I don't know You know what I know. Mm-hmm this dog is fat It's a fat dog Okay, and the next story Is Fucking confusing to everybody But trying to make sense of it
Starting point is 03:41:52 Blazing saddles is being remade as an animated samurai movie about cats and dogs I page told me about this last night, and I thought she was fucking with me I thought it was a I thought it was a goof It is not a goof the film company align is Making an animated movie called blazing samurai, which will feature elements from blazing saddles uh
Starting point is 03:42:19 Yep, I guess They've gotten the the the okay from mel brooks or at the very least whoever's in charge of that brand and um Hank mel brooks's puppeted skeleton has given them the okay Max dog wants to go is it just max?
Starting point is 03:42:43 Oh mel's alive. Yeah, I know I know we saw him in the in the quarantine um Yeah, so uh hank the dog dreams of becoming a samurai and he becomes uh The he's in charge of protecting kakamucho, but it is a town populated entirely by cats So I'm of the opinion I'm of the opinion
Starting point is 03:43:14 That this has a chance, but only one chance. Yes And that is if it's the it's exactly what it sounds like. Yes, and the dogs and cats are like violently racist So this is a outrageously racist the script needs to be 95 accurate and have the words white and
Starting point is 03:43:43 Other replaced with dogs and cats And if that's the way we play it, we're good to go listen guys All I'm saying is that if you want me to be on board with this show I want the first episode of this show to be called dogger, please If you do that That show might have a future Where are the siamese cats at? Oh man, come on wait it's a movie
Starting point is 03:44:27 It's a feature length film. Yeah, I thought it was a show. No, it's a movie. It's a movie That's the only way to salvage this and the fact that they're using animated animals means They're they're coming for that cuckoo cuckoo panda money. So there's no way. All right. It'll be doing it properly, but yes I love I love me some blazing saddles I need Them to do this the right way if they're gonna do it and they never would they never would Do do you want it to be like?
Starting point is 03:45:00 Like you know a doggo and pussy or whatever the fuck right or do you want it to be like straight up like real real terms I need like I my love of blazing blazing saddles Would have it no other way than as real as possible Oh man, but enough of that shit here comes mongo and mongo was gonna be mongo mongo be like a mongo the giant fucking uh, uh, uh, uh, it has to be a cat, right?
Starting point is 03:45:35 So Yeah, it would have to be like a humongous fucking Mountain lion or some shit Coming through. I know exactly what it would be. It would be a Maine Coon Sure Sure, that's the real name. Yep. Yep. Sure. Sure. Why not? That's what Elmo is
Starting point is 03:45:57 Now pat I have a question for you All right, because it sounds to me like you two are on board for the version of this movie, which is accurate In most ways. No, I actually I want I I think it would actually be funnier if they invented fake racism. Okay I think fake racism terms are always hilarious now like uh, like, you know, it's not racist But you know in batman me on where they had everything was like sway. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh Uh, schwarbage. Uh, you know what however this plays out. Let's say it goes and it does its thing How Does
Starting point is 03:46:33 The cute animated movie about cats and dogs Handle the finale The uh, uh, uh Okay, wait, uh Like the finale finale like them writing out of the theater No, the musical number I remember they had the big musical number, but I forget what the song was the song was called doing the big mistake Okay
Starting point is 03:47:05 Do you recall the song? Uh, not really. It was very much of the time Uh-huh throw out your hands stick out your tush Something something Da-da-da-da, that's what it's called now. You're doing the big mistake Like is there is at the end of blazing french mistake. Excuse me french mistake. Did we See is that where springtime for hitler was springtime for hitler and germany? Um Is is way before and you're also when you're getting the um
Starting point is 03:47:45 You're getting the uh, no, that's yeah the producers. That's the producers. Um, that's pretty so so no you're thinking of probably i'm so tired Right. I'm so tired. Yeah. Yeah. Can't you see she's pooped? Yeah uh, listen The end of blazing saddles is the most dated thing in cinematic history it's Not 2020 approved by any way Stretch of the imagination that's shit. I mean woolly. Let's let's be really clear blazing saddles is the least 2020 approved movie of all time Probably probably
Starting point is 03:48:26 um I mean listen upon completion of the musical number. I don't know if you recall but uh Someone yells the line. Okay friend. What's next? um It's dated But Anyway, I don't think we're getting a faithful Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh. Yeah, you know uh well
Starting point is 03:48:53 Maybe it'll follow adaptations the footsteps of cat shit one I've animated cat and dog movies I need to see a rating give me a rating If this is uh That's when you know that's when you know, you know You see that rating come out. So you know what I want this movie to be I want them to use the fake dog and cat racism terms And I want them to use fake square as fake swears
Starting point is 03:49:32 Right. So did you in battle star galactic? It's hilarious. But in order to get on network tv They say everybody says frack. Mm-hmm. This is the future. So say frack off. So I want yeah, um in in uh Fucking firefly everyone says go ram because uh china Right. So what I want is fake swears and fake racism and every but other than that it is like the shield levels of Of anger and like cartoon violence and swearing And they just try super hard to get that pg
Starting point is 03:50:13 So, yeah, just work it as just Because I don't know you remember uh, uh matt and tray talking about uh, uh south park But they were like we're gonna make this the most fucked up violent movie ever And then they showed it to the sensors and they're like take out this one rim chop joke and you hit pg 13 Right, exactly. They're like really? Yes. You over blow it so that that's you over blow it so that you can fucking Get the rest in there totally Fuck up their sense of scale
Starting point is 03:50:39 Yeah, this movie should probably end up being the anti zootopia That that would be that would be the goal um Yeah, I don't I don't I don't fucking know why this is happening, but there's Is Never forget that blazing saddles is uh the first fart joke on film Really ever Well, thanks mel the cowboy sitting around the fire is the first fart joke on film
Starting point is 03:51:18 History Right there I'm gonna shoot the sheriff. No, don't do it You can't uh, I fucking love that. You can't do it. You can't do it today It's too fucking raw man. There's no way it's too raw Mel Brooks in the time that that movie was made had all the clout in the world Like the only person who could make a real blazing saddles style movie right now Is still mel Brooks
Starting point is 03:51:59 And he'll be like I made blazing saddles and you'd be like you're right mel you did make blazing saddles Dude like I Yeah, I just Anyway I I I I strongly disagree. I don't I I don't think even he could I I think it's just you gotta just let it be let it be a relic
Starting point is 03:52:28 You know, we got people in the chat who nailed it. Thank you quick quag who said blazing saddles to the search for more money That is a perfect title for that. It wasn't that space ball twos title I Mean you certainly you you certainly you certainly could do it if you You know If you calmed it down God mel if you calmed it down you could like uh mel looks rough He's old right now. He's fucking old. He's he's very old. Can't you see he's pooped? Yeah
Starting point is 03:53:09 He's had a long life page literally sing that fucking tired song to each other like all the time Yeah, everything below the waist is Put yeah, that's great because it's not it's not like it's it's It's not just racial shit, man It's all of it. It's everything at some point All right, let's take some letters All right, let's get some letters. Do you want to send in a letter? You can send that into castle super beast mail at That's castle super beast mail at
Starting point is 03:53:45 We've got the first one coming in Uh from wishy washy says Uh pat got a babu named him after the red cyclone Thing about I did old good vodka grobalski though is that nobody pronounces his name, right? The fuck thing is that its street fighter has had fully voice-acted Names for a while now and the a in zangief as an ah Has is two syllables and gf As well people don't give a shit though. They just call him zangief
Starting point is 03:54:18 So this actually makes me think of uh zidane from ff9 where I know it's pronounced Uh zidane Like the soccer player who was popular for that headbutt meme about a decade ago But everyone I know says it like zidane cook Or oh no no zidane zidane. Sorry zidane But it's everyone says it's like that that that footy player that headbutted that dude Okay, so the problem with this email is unfortunately that the it's written down the way it's written
Starting point is 03:54:53 He did a bad job of writing it out in the way. He's intending it to be said. I know what he's saying. Yeah so you what he's what he's saying is that um What he's saying is that uh, we named a dog zangief and he's like by the way this this line of no, hold on Yeah, I know a page rolling her eyes in the background boy This thing has been a really annoying question to deal with constantly With certain people being like you named your dog wrong like all right. Shut up dumbass. All right. Here's the deal
Starting point is 03:55:28 Zangief has been a character since 1992. I want to say right prior to that. He was uh, vodka gorblavsky in almost every Like time he showed up In media he was called zangief right up until I think it was sf4 and 5 4 where the announcer starts to call him Zangief. Yes, which is a reference to the guy. He's based off of called Victor zangief. He's a soviet wrestler back in the 70s. What kind of looks like gief? The problem is that that came
Starting point is 03:56:05 decades after the character's creation to the point where in fucking record Ralph What that capcom signed off on of like zangief hanging out and talking to people He's like my name is zangief And he has the whole like i'm not a bad guy just because you're a bad guy doesn't mean you have to be bad guy, etc
Starting point is 03:56:31 Like the name's inconsistent as shit and even if It's wrong I don't care That's the dog's name now We're teaching him his name. We're not gonna. I'm not gonna My mom already has trouble enough saying his name in defense, uh
Starting point is 03:56:51 The question was not a call out. It was just so I want to I want to point out I'm actually not frustrated with the question. This guy's making a decent point I'm frustrated with the similar but much ruder questions. Okay. Yes a name getting a talk on the internet is Infuriating people are assholes. Well You know Yeah, the question was essentially What games can you think of where they pronounce the game itself pronounced their own shit wrong within their own series? and uh final fantasy
Starting point is 03:57:24 Is like they didn't pronounce it incorrectly But oh my god, did do people still fight about that shit? Like I mean, I still know people that are like it's titus. I don't care Yeah, titus titus never forget ryu ryu and ru Uh persona five all the characters say their own names wrong. Mm-hmm, which is probably the worst one ever sikamoto yeah um
Starting point is 03:57:53 There was sagat versus sagat for a while because you know Everyone kind of knew bob sagat. So you just kind of said it that way Yeah, of course eritharis was the the fucking the legendary stupid thing Good old ru Yeah, ru that's like one of the worst ever Just I would like seth would always say it and you'd be like god damn it seth that sucks. Yeah and ryu bothered me too because I remember my my I remember um
Starting point is 03:58:22 My cousins and pretty much everyone I knew growing up would always that's how it was said but at a certain point It's like but wait. No like the word is literally the pronunciation is in the word show to you can Like it's right there So why would it be different from the thing that he's saying himself? It's it's you know, that's dragon. It's show ryu kid. It's ryu. It's right there, you know so The american cartoon though would like double down by having him go ryu you know
Starting point is 03:58:55 But don't you leave scott mardale's name out of your mouth, but just yeah from from from the jump Uh, uh the first time you fucking heard it ryu's name was in the move. So I mean street fighter is the ultimate because there are characters whose names aren't even pronounced wrong. They're wrong Like bison and uh ball rock and vega. Mm-hmm Yeah, that's that's that's a bad one obviously um pronounced officially incorrect though
Starting point is 03:59:29 There's a bunch of series out there that like bring things back and then just Do whatever Excuse me one second. Oh, okay Um Karen Karen. Yeah Karen I mean, it's a and it's i right so it's clearly not karen for sure Um
Starting point is 03:59:56 Raiden versus ridin Yeah so raiden in particular is a weird one because it's like Raiden we know what ridin is we know about the fucking god of thunder Which this clearly is but this weird not japanese not chinese not quite sure what asia Form looks like chris lambert. You know like like that mortal mortal combat doesn't quite know what form of asia It's taking oh man. I can't wait to get that kami toku
Starting point is 04:00:29 So raiden ended up being what it was. It just ended up being raiden. You know like It's it's incorrect, but it's canonically incorrect Yeah, forget there's there's a there's a god what game was it? I forget what it was but they were like consistently Like like characters were arguing of almost about the pronunciation of locations Uh, I can't quite remember it hmm In in the actual in the actual canon
Starting point is 04:01:03 Oh, fuck. It's last airbender. Somebody in the chat just mentioned it Everyone in last airbender says all their names wrong their own character names. How? Ong yeah Katara number one that I that that jumps out. Yeah, it's just like but like what's me ong. Oh, wait. Sorry the movie you mean Yeah, the movie. Oh, okay. Sorry. Okay. For a second. I was like what like I thought you're talking about the cartoon I got very confused. Yes. Okay. No. No. No. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, okay, right, right, right Huh terrible Um
Starting point is 04:01:43 Yeah Got one coming in from Uh Jacob says woolly pat, uh, one of the best stories I've read in a while figured you'd like it. Uh, there's a Enjoy the awfully long link shared here and the title of this is uh
Starting point is 04:02:07 Okay, hold on. So this is a story. It's there's an article actually on kotaku where, um Um Someone discovered that, uh In the book Here, let me get this a traveler at the gates of wisdom is the latest historical novel from irish author Sean Boyne The boy in the striped pajamas, etc telling tales from across the breadth of human history It deals with a lot of stuff that was real and actually happened
Starting point is 04:02:39 But some stuff that only happened if you Played breath of the wilds. So it's a very real historical book There's a section that deals with dressmaking and the section in particular says I enjoy, um In addition for red I had to use a brilla's dress. I employed spicy pepper the tail of a red lasalphos and four highly inshrumes I'm sorry, what? Uh, so they're looking for the ingredients to make a red thing
Starting point is 04:03:14 and Just throw some lasalphos in there red lasalphos and highly inshrumes in a historical book in a section about dressmaking Um, and they're like what kind of weird references this and basically people were able to Take a guess that what likely happened is if you go to google And you google ingredients red dye clothes You get An automatic list off the top from recommended by google
Starting point is 04:03:46 Top of the list is apple second is spicy pepper third is highly inshrume and fourth is sun shroom fifth is fire Key swing and then sixth is red lasalphos tail So oopsie doodle straight up fictional ingredients being listed off of google were used in this book. That is pretty funny Old ass author. I bet that history man's very embarrassed puts breath of the wild in historical novel. Whoops
Starting point is 04:04:21 Uh influence continues dear castle super bugs shy ranger says, uh So game grumps used, uh, our playthrough sonic heroes and during their playthrough Um, Aaron was emailed by someone who was a tester during the game They basically said the game was so filled with bugs They were told by the higher ups to only focus on bugs that stop a level from being beaten Um, if there's something that doesn't stop the level from being beaten don't consider it a bug I know woolly's talked about his testing time before but I was wondering if you'd be able to mention any similar situations Where you're asked to only focus on specific glitches from shy ranger
Starting point is 04:04:58 Yes, um, this is called every single game Yeah That is not that's not a weird Uh, um surprising thing. That's not a strange occurrence Every single video game in development at a point has a time when Everyone testing it is told to only test critical path issues and only bug a class things because, um, they're in the they're in The non polishing phase of the game essentially
Starting point is 04:05:30 And or they will be there'll be something that they're trying to track down that they can't find right? So let's say, um, you're again You're not in polish phase and you are Getting in a bunch of bugs where you're like for some reason the game fucking blows up when you beat the third boss We don't know what's causing it, but it happens uh You know like let's say it's happened two twice out of Seven playthroughs or 10 playthroughs and that's pretty frequent. That's not good. So
Starting point is 04:06:05 Let's figure out what the fuck is happening. They'll switch tasks to Hey, right now the most important thing is to figure out why that happens because if people get to that point and can't finish the game That's the biggest possible compliance failure in the world. You can't fucking release that product. People will notice Yeah, they will very much notice it So the game will then go the priority is now Fuck small issues smut fuck any spelling errors. Fuck any weird sound bugs or You know things where you can reload your checkpoint um
Starting point is 04:06:39 What is making the game fall apart when you kill the third boss and so anything that's not that issue Like people when you find a bug you have to stop to report it and that takes some time and if you are uh kind of dying inside and or Trying to really bleed the day out You'll take your time writing a bug Some people take really long writing their bugs and i'll have to kind of be like come on
Starting point is 04:07:09 Didn't take you that long You know, uh, you you don't have to be a tester to know that uh Everybody that i've ever spoke to on game development has described a process in which we are x whatever away People just i don't give a shit This thing has to shit. Yes, and um with when they get delayed is when they go Oh, shit too much of the stuff that'll really break this shit. Well are getting through fuck
Starting point is 04:07:41 essentially right so like At this point the product has to go through testing to make sure That um, it doesn't kill you as opposed to it might leave injuries and grievous bodily harm You know, uh, we'll get to that or maybe we will depending on our budget and time But we definitely need to iron out the part where people are dying and stop that from happening. I uh, I spoke with a Long time ago. I spoke with a uh, Bethesda qa tester an in-house Bethesda qa tester
Starting point is 04:08:17 and uh, we had a long talk About the fuck is going on over there right And they described uh with no no small measure of pride that they They many of them feel that they are the most Talented qa department in the business because they are being thrown against Bethesda games all day
Starting point is 04:08:43 and They find everything Like there he described that there was not a single bug that was ever discovered for Fallout 4 that was not No guys, you're laughing, but I'm talking about the qa team The people who find the bugs Uh described that there was never a Um
Starting point is 04:09:07 Bug that came out that the qa team had not found at some point and I went okay. Well, that's pretty cool How long would it take for the dev team? to You know polish that up and fix Most of those and the answer came back it would never ship Like longer than the console cycle Like It's just not going to happen
Starting point is 04:09:39 Ask me how many times I've heard someone say we have the best qa team in the business How many times you heard that more than zero? Yeah How often is that I bet I bet everybody who's ever said that really means it Some cases may be genuine see the problem. It has to be paired with a dev team that actually fixes it Of course, of course and and you know like let's be real like you can hide behind that a little bit sometimes um Worked with a lot of qa teams have seen a lot of varying
Starting point is 04:10:17 Outcomes there's a lot of talented people out there in qa Who report something and then it just doesn't get fixed ever Um and then there are those who are at their desk when a dev comes over and goes hey I noticed an issue here. Can you investigate this? and uh That's like You know that should have been something that they caught but they didn't but they're like the devs like i'm way too busy But just please go look into this and then the person goes and they look into it and then they find a whole
Starting point is 04:10:50 Array of problems associated with it and then they're like taking claim For what they found when really there someone came over and handed it to them because they were way too busy You know all kinds of bits and pieces, but I'll I'll say this like um There's always a point as I said earlier There's always a point when a game is being made where you're going to be told to ignore non-essential issues That's not a weird standout thing It might seem that way at first if you don't know the context, but it's kind of necessary as long as after that phase
Starting point is 04:11:23 There is a polishing phase that occurs if the game is doing that and They've already had their polishing phase and like they're kind of decided we're going to keep everything else that's in here and ship it then You're probably going to end up with a game that's pretty rough and not going to not going to you know Not going to fucking we got a we got a guy in chat saying that my favorite bug was when I signed into staging branch one morning And every npc was 30 to 40 meters off the ground. Yeah Yeah, yo love the staging branch, baby
Starting point is 04:11:56 If you get to be if you get first crack at a new branch like It's a whole new world like it's it's it's you know a completely Undiscovered area where you're like what the fuck did you play around with and like what did it break a staging branch? Hmm Basically, it's a fork build that is that is made at some point where they're like, um, okay, so For example, we're testing like Tomb Raider and then they're like hey, um, tress effects is a fucking problem It doesn't work. It's creating all kinds of issues with her hair
Starting point is 04:12:36 And and it's a and it's a back-of-the-box Bullet point so it's got to work So we are going to make a branch build that has removed all tress effects from the game so that you can test other things Because this is this is taking up so much of our time and resources and we can't tell if the game is Running badly because of it exclusively or because of other things So you will get a staging branch Which which has that aspect removed just for this purpose even though it's going to be folded back in at some point Or in some cases it'll be a branch where um a feature of online exists here because like
Starting point is 04:13:19 This needs to be tested in isolation And then once this is working we will fold this working online component back into the rest of the game being cleaned up over here together, you know um And then what happens and then fucking everything everything's busted everything's busted. Oh somehow when we just remove tress effects and Exported this build everything else just broke Yeah, there's a there's a story that I may be misremembering, but i'm pretty sure it is real But follow me on this. I somebody look it up for me. I don't care, but i've told it before which is a world of warcraft
Starting point is 04:13:55 Way back in beta to 2004 They were still moving around like various rocks and trees in various zones And they discovered this one rock in uh the barons That if they tried to move it the server would crash And they were never able to determine why And the solution was to leave it Yeah
Starting point is 04:14:28 Yeah, yeah, it's just that's it Just like why the fuck is the collision on this rock causing the server to crash every like 100 of the time Yo, one of this one of the most amazing things I remember Uh that was used to deal with like collision issues and falling out of world um was like There are way too many corners and spots and and little doorways Where if you just push yourself the wrong way you're falling out of world easy, right?
Starting point is 04:15:02 How do you fix this? Well You take the existing ground collision You duplicate it move it down by a few And shift it off axis By about one or two degrees And so you basically just take everywhere out where a hole was and move Another spot in place to cover it up entirely and your entire level is now airtight I'm like we fixed it just make two floors and shift one floor over to the side. I'm like dear god that fucking works
Starting point is 04:15:42 That's spaghetti as shit spaghetti as shit, but it fucking worked, dude Like yeah as long as you're not you know like You know what that is That is the rock star horse bug You just you just described the exact sequence of events That led to the red dead redemption one rock star horse bug Do you remember that fucking thing the creepy the creepy horse like like having the lady animation? No, the rock star horse bug was NPCs would spawn on the ground
Starting point is 04:16:20 They wouldn't spawn above it and then fall when you couldn't look at them, right? They would spawn on the ground and um Red Dead Redemption one used like the second edition of the euphora physics engine So what would happen is every now and then there'd be a very minor bug that the horse would spawn One inch below the ground so that its hooves were underneath the first layer of ground collision But they would get caught in between that and the second layer of ground collision and because the ground had physics It would bounce between the two and it would speed up and gain force And eventually it would gain enough force that it would break through the collision box and fly off
Starting point is 04:17:07 Like a projectile skyrim mm-hmm Good times there's tons of videos if you just walking down the street and like a horse carriage Just flies out of space at like 80 miles an hour to attack you And can kill you because of the physics interaction Yeah, I saw a video of uh A dude in like doing like a real life thing where
Starting point is 04:17:35 Like he's he closes the door like there's like a dead body And it like and then he like he closes the door on Where the head is and basically goes like in gta engine and then the dude just starts freaking the fuck out And you're just like yeah, there are just there are some pitfalls That are engine level With this stuff that is like it doesn't matter what the game is It doesn't matter how you dress it up. You're gonna run into the same fucking issues every single time I'm sure what I'm saying is of of no surprise to anyone
Starting point is 04:18:08 But I do have like when I spoke to to Bethesda qa. I'm like, what's the source of the problem? He's like the engine He's like I he's like we have been bugging the same bugs for like 15 years And they're just never fixed because they can't be fixed because they're just part of the engine Yeah Yeah it uh Anyway, it's it's it's it's expected. It's an expected fucking part of the game, you know And you do and to be fair every project does as well have
Starting point is 04:18:48 um It is possible to just kind of like Be like there's a point where you're like The the game is polished. It's fine Like There are some extro extremely minor things left that can be caught In a patch later or so You can give the approval to ship it type of thing
Starting point is 04:19:12 But there's there are like some people that will kind of like hold it up and more or less be like absolutely not under no circumstances Can it ship with this in place type of thing? And like In some cases the the studios will have a uh, um They'll have the heads of each department have to give their sign off to say yes I agree ship it it's okay because what you essentially need is the art department guy has to sign off Because his vista in this one stage will be completely ruined by this bug or something It just it needs to be a sign of accountability so that when anything goes wrong you have a clear like Hey at this point in time you sent an email saying you were okay with this, but it clearly wasn't okay
Starting point is 04:19:52 what the fuck right it's it's really just an accountability thing for every department and um You'll have so and for for each of those people to get their sign offs Then the team the leaders of each team will then have to write their report going. Here's what's wrong with it But ultimately, you know, you kind of like Basically the way I've had to word things in cases was like I get that you are going to ship this no matter what Here's what's wrong with it. I think these things are pretty bad If you're okay with these things existing then sure go ahead and ship it
Starting point is 04:20:27 But I'm telling you that they're here. So I'm washing my hands clean of the affair You know And essentially like you kind of just It's it's it's like a weird like it's a situation where you don't want to pass the book But you kind of have to because oh, yeah The argument has gone back and forth so often and at some point you're like look if you're okay with this Love this being here then so be it But there's other times when you can you can let it go as long as you're like we'll catch this later
Starting point is 04:20:56 It's a pretty low chance of showing up and you kind of have to accept those flaws, you know It's there's a point in qa where when you're doing it properly you do have to actually know when to call it so to speak and you will never it's easy to point it's not easy but like It's much harder to know when to call it and to do that well Then it is to always say no, there's something wrong. You got to fix it. No, there's something wrong. You got to fix it and like that's that's a that's a more
Starting point is 04:21:26 complex level of Doing this work, you know, but it's like actively hitting a point where you're just like When you when you and not everybody it can be nintendo Essentially, um, there's also a point where you're just like look they you know, they they're they're out of budget They did plan pretty well things went pretty as smooth as you can be expected at a certain point, but Anyway, this thing's got to come out. It's got to come out, you know, so that that's that's a harder Harder part of this but uh, whatever that's that's that's the answer to the question um
Starting point is 04:21:59 and Lastly, let's take one over here from Paul who says Dear penitent ones in quarantine. I've finally been playing through blasphemous It's on sale on psn and I've recently received Uh, I recently received some major patches with the dlc Loving it love everything about it as I love symphony of the night The game also does right what so many things do wrong in its incredible hardcore spanish catholicism aesthetic
Starting point is 04:22:27 Uh, and the potential edginess therein Can you think of any other media that does edge right and what is the dividing line? so To me edge is hard edge is hard, right? Uh, and and but like when I think about it Edge edge done right so to speak is is the uh, is the question here. I think what matters a lot I don't know if it's the core point, but what it's it's in my head. It's a big one is like Does the character? Is the character aware that they're being cool?
Starting point is 04:23:05 Is a big part of it to me in a way because I feel like if you think of like Blasphemous and its character. He's just doing his thing and the world is just being true to what it is And the world is just awful um If you're if you're getting your dr. Raven dark talon blood wolf Out there winking at the camera You know, uh, dante not not what's standing. I'm cool. Then you're doing absolute fucking
Starting point is 04:23:42 You know, you're going edge in the worst way You know the the thing that really helps the penitent one is that the first thing he does is so fucking The first thing he does in the game is fill his gyneconical helmet with like blood and just dunk it on his head and that is a Weird and difficult to understand edge thing to do It's it's not like he he jumped through a window and through a motorcycle with somebody Like there's just as much. Why would you do that as well? That's metal. Mm-hmm um, you know in souls games and in blood born and such as well like when there's like gothic architecture and
Starting point is 04:24:25 um really uh Like sort of grim fantasy elements Again, they're kind of like they're presented as what the world is In a way. It's just it's just the state of affairs So the characters fitting in with this world Seem like they belong
Starting point is 04:24:46 It doesn't quite seem to be like i'm cooler than the world and i'm like winking at you as I do it um And again, I say all of this in the face of dante Uh doing his thrust monologue And and and uh, see here's throwing lucifer into a heart Dante's perfect because Dante Is not edge But he thinks he's edgy. Hmm
Starting point is 04:25:14 Which makes him actually super lame. Hmm, which makes him cool Virgil is edge. Hmm Edge would never do the cowboy dance Never Edge would hang out on a throne with a katana. Yes Going I can't wait to fight you brother. Yes Edge edge is best summed up with that ancient ms paint like crying Virgil that is like no dante. I am not here to pizza party with you
Starting point is 04:25:47 I am trying to kill you with my samurai sword um or that that uh Cartoon that that comic that four panel comic strip of Cat wearing Virgil's jacket and hair Going yeah, such solitude When will my loneliness end and then a hand with a red jacket reaches out to pet it and then it turns around and goes and stabs a bunch of uh Summon swords into it and then turns back to the wind on goes. Oh my solitude
Starting point is 04:26:19 When will it end? You know so a little bit of that a little bit of that Um, yeah, I think I think that's that's that's a part of it is is the self-awareness, you know Like my favorite characters that are lame are ones that think that they're cool Hmm like think about uh, think about Duke Nukem right Duke Nukem is one of the all-time like most macho dickhead characters ever Yep, and in Duke Nukem forever. He's like, oh my god, Duke's the hero of humanity and women fall over
Starting point is 04:26:58 I mean he's got statues made of him and back when that game came out Jeff Gerstman pointed out wouldn't that game be way funnier If Duke is still a macho badass and he kills the aliens good, but everyone around him thinks he's a massive fucking loser And he's like uh you gotta kick ass and chew bubble gum and I'm all out of gum And like the fucking like, you know special forces guy that's talking he was like Oh, Jesus Christ. Okay, whatever Duke. Yeah, you're you're really you're really cool. All right. Can you just shoot the aliens? Yeah, and you run into guys being like fuck. I hate that Duke guy. He's so lame. Yeah, jeez. Yeah Well, he's really good at shooting the aliens dude. Just just what he's gonna tell you some kind of stupid joke
Starting point is 04:27:44 Just just like ha ha It'd be pretty great if every time shadow the hedgehog pulled a gun out like Tails and knuckles and crew would be like dude. What the fuck is wrong with you or just rolled their eyes You know, you know, but but when it cuts back to shadow his music is playing So the world has agreed that this is the tone we're taking Like like like he pulls the gun and the music starts and then you just Like hard cuts to like tails like like nudging knuckles and the the elbow, you know, like You know, we can all run faster than bullets, right? Like why is he
Starting point is 04:28:27 Like who cares he's got a gun? Yeah, um I see I see cloud being mentioned But like I think cloud is not really cloud is is a fucking babu Trying that's a cloud is a babu trying to be cool and he can't fucking high five You know, but and that's why I like him and that's kind of pathetic. Yeah, but like cloud is also like He's too much of a like
Starting point is 04:28:58 It they can't quite put all that like if he was if they were if they wanted him to be an edgy type of character They would have made it a lot more obvious But they don't want him to be too much of anything because it he cloud is a lot of things to a lot of people So whatever you get from cloud is going to be very slight And very like occasional, you know cloud is a kid that was way into there's no overpowering flavor plan And he wants to be like both and he doesn't you can't realize which like fashion statement He wants to be the most of if he continued down the kingdom hearts
Starting point is 04:29:33 path Oh the bandage shit with the with the wing then we could have gotten there and hey, I unironically love that design That's cloud after he starts listening to evanescence You know Getting the the the vincent scarf going all of that. He's watching daredevil Yeah He's listening to evanescence Squall definitely has a better
Starting point is 04:30:00 A better claim to that that that title I'd say And that's just out of like You know douchey teenage reluctance. Yeah, whatever man. All right All right, we're gonna call it there And I hope everyone has a good week. Stay safe everybody pet your dog goes in your cats Um, yeah Take it easy
Starting point is 04:30:28 Uh And now for the extra mp3 only now for the extra mp3 bit I've been thinking about this one the whole podcast You ready? Oh wait, did we get rid of the live people? Now we did Okay, good. The live people are gone. The live people are gone So if if getting but takes out of a game If no if getting bugs out of a game is called hitting it with some extra polish
Starting point is 04:30:57 Then how come games from eastern europe are so jank? You know what that's not even they you think they'd be really polish. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. You know what? It only works in text, but fine I'll take it. Yeah, it's it. Yeah, it's a it's garbage But I'll take it pretty bad. All right. I'll see you next week mp3 listeners leave them on that note So Oh Oh
Starting point is 04:32:57 Oh You

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