Castle Super Beast - CSB 081: Ending I: throw out your (I)nsulin

Episode Date: August 18, 2020

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Music Oh and disposed temporarily air conditioners broke again it's getting replaced next week so that'll fix it as as such I'm sitting around mostly naked with my pepperonis flapping about lightly misted by my own fluids do you describe them as your pepperonis based on the contrast to your skin color or the size no actually no they're they're actually kind of like a light pink they kind of fade in no the reason I call them my pepperonis is because people started to tease me about having pepperoni nipples when I first did a
Starting point is 00:01:14 shirtless stream where the camera was off and I'm like hmm how can I turn this around and then I started saying all sorts of gross pepperoni shit and everyone started throwing up and now it is my power gotcha okay okay so it's not in fact because you have like oh it has absolutely nothing to do with reality gotcha there are you know there are there are people with unfortunate nipples out there so I know all right this is known all right to humanity mm-hmm you know what I said to myself this morning woolly I said to myself I says I got up page page woke me up around 6 or 7 a.m. and we were like let's go
Starting point is 00:02:04 for a walk so I went we went for a nice walk you know and then you know I relaxed and all that we were out there for I don't know half hour 45 minutes was very relaxing invigorating nothing really happened then we came in and I decided to take massive shit on the floor and then I decided that it would be a great idea to jump in it and stomp my feet in it and then roll around and lie down on top of it and get it in my armpits and in between the webbed toes of my paws listen listen and listen in your defense you've only been alive for a couple of weeks for about 10 weeks you've only been alive for a couple of
Starting point is 00:02:55 weeks there is no concept of why that is wrong or not a good thing to do so what the fuck then I tried to eat it that's really gross this is a really gross thing I don't like these details it's a really gross thing to do I don't I don't need to hear this and then the joke is that this is the dog story haha yeah dog rolled around in poop yeah look you're and then you don't we had to give him a bath in the sink yeah look when you're alive for a minute you don't you know you got a it's like you got to set your limits right I always tell everybody that it's like hey you know that time when you were a teenager and you drank way too much
Starting point is 00:03:42 of whatever particular alcohol and then you find out where swagger in my case everyone has one everyone has one it's different for everybody whether it's rum tequila you know gin everyone has a lot of people it's tequila a lot of people it's tequila but like it ends up going you there's a whole variety out there right and there's a point where you hit and you discover where the end of the bar is and you go that's my limit I can't go past that now I know prior to this I didn't know right that knowledge has to be acquired after you go too far and that is essentially what the rest of life is from the start that is puppy
Starting point is 00:04:26 needs to do that to learn that that's no good and then you don't do it no more I think the funniest part is that after rolling in the poo poo and then standing there going oh no I'm covered in poop the dog became upset that he was covered in poop mm-hmm correct yeah and it's like no you did that exactly you you enthusiastically engaged in this right on I tried to stop you so all things considered though like there was poop everywhere woolly you will you will I assume be able to survive the the coming heat of this week doesn't look great I'll just I'll just spray down my pepperonis with some with some marinara
Starting point is 00:05:24 you keep a spritzer I do keep a spritzer in tough times page hates it she despises the spritz method there's something just like there's something in old world trash about a spritzer to cool yourself off it's it's kind of like a rag over the shoulder it's just like man we haven't gotten anywhere in the last hundred have we you know nope nowhere yeah okay I get it I get it you know for me it's just like bandana and like bandana actually if you if you if you like have the the bandana in a cold place you can you can like or like run cold water over it that can be a nice cooler so cold water bandana is pretty
Starting point is 00:06:23 good I'm excited to get that new AC in installed man okay I'm gonna stand in front of it and ice these pepperonis how's your week this dog is a lot of work mm-hmm that's my week mm-hmm he wants to poop on himself and eat his own poop and then throw up the poop that hasn't happened yet but I assume that's what would happen it's hot also I don't like it did you squeeze in some video games between all that action a little bit though I would like to say actually before I move on to that that for the near future puppy Zangief will actually be joining us on the podcast very regularly as we're doing that thing
Starting point is 00:07:12 where we keep his leash on him and he he walks around the house with us so that he learns to basically become a shadow dog and follow us around that's fine I just don't I that's okay I just don't need the fecal details so yeah the dog is brown he looks like a big poop okay well you know um that's fine but we can move on like tan bits where like the corn would be I'll take the dresses and the bibs and the costumes oh you will don't worry over this so we're good all right so lands are in motion don't you don't you worry I do worry constantly you should you should worry all right woolly you don't want to talk about poop
Starting point is 00:08:08 and poop coming out of dog but holes that's fine instead you have to talk about Final Fantasy hi tricked you I'm okay with that all right so cuz secretly it's not about Final Fantasy yeah one of the more interesting things that occurred this week was that I was like hey woolly you're gonna use this track as the ending of the podcast I only do this once every five months it's this track and it is the new new puppet bunker the main boss theme which is incredible but I said do you want me to just send you the YouTube video or do you want me to just rip the fucking track itself and send it to you so you
Starting point is 00:08:53 don't get spoiled on like the boss encounter mm-hmm and you object you went for the non-spoilery option mm-hmm and I'm sure you told me this like god it must have been a year ago that the first one of these came out mm-hmm what is your your plan for that content there will be three of them correct there will be three the next one will be so they do the the patch cycle so it goes like the expansion is point oh and then on the odd numbered ones which would be point one point three which is this one point five mm-hmm the the 24 man stuff comes out okay yeah so I know there will be three of them I'm in the middle of
Starting point is 00:09:39 figuring it out but I've basically been talking to Min who's obviously you know doing insane his crazy stuff and we've been looking at possibly just going like hey you know if you want to catch up on this side of what happened into the near content we might do that together at some point okay cuz it's it's in this week it's in this really bizarre place where it seems like it'll probably fit in somewhere but nobody knows where okay if that makes any sense like there's parts of it you're like is this a prequel is this a sequel is that what is what the fuck is this so it doesn't fit in tarot just fucking with us so
Starting point is 00:10:22 these part these little raids don't fit neatly into the timeline then no interesting very confusing okay I didn't know that extremely confusing they also and this is probably my favorite part they also fit really really poorly into the game itself hmm there are a couple people up there particularly on RP servers who like fucking hate the near content because there's been a monster hunter crossover and a yokai watch crossover and other Final Fantasy games crossovers and the Final Fantasy tactics crossover but this one is the most we took this other thing and jammed it in out of all of them especially considering
Starting point is 00:11:13 it's got like highly advanced androids and flying suits right you know all that shit so if you were to play a raid in any other crossover event with whatever brand is there a plausible sort of in-world explanation so that someone unfamiliar with the brand can just accept I'm entering a portal to a new world or something like that yeah so the like Final Fantasy all of them in general but also this one especially have a whole like parallel dimension thing going on with a do you remember X death from f5 three guy well I know I I didn't play it but I know X death yeah okay so X death comes from the void and the void
Starting point is 00:11:58 is the crossover point okay so there and that's what the city it does and all that shit so if if Noctis shows up mm-hmm right you he eats it's literally as simple as I fell through a fucking portal right it's like creating a life-stream if you can just if this cat girl from fucking ff 11 shows up she's like oops I fell through a portal and then at the end of her little guest series she goes okay I'll go find a portal I guess and leaves cat T Grex sorry not T Grex Rathalos shows up and it's literally a palico going I don't know how I got here I was chasing a fucking Rathalos and I fell through a
Starting point is 00:12:42 portal or or the or the the the ff 15 car mm-hmm the one that is I would call it hyper integrated is the ff tactic stuff because they just literally said that okay so raven aster and most of the countries that happen in 12 are just there on the south part of the map yeah they've always been there yeah so it's Ivelis isn't it yeah Ivelis is it is just a straight-up country on the south side of the map right and then you go and you meet Fran and like then you play through the fft raid which is a canonical sequel to Final Fantasy tactics which is why people's expectations for the near thing are so
Starting point is 00:13:34 weird because at the end of the tactics raid you get one extra conversation between Delita and Ramza that takes place after fft's ending and it's written by Motseno mm-hmm so it counts it's like a real it's important yeah it came out 20 years ago yeah and that's weird because it's it like I remember I was the Rathalos event came out and people were like oh cool how do I play it and then you go to the page that says Rathalos crossover event yada yada how do you how do you get it and the first line on every single one of these is hit level cap mm-hmm that's crazy so completely not completely excluding anybody who's
Starting point is 00:14:20 still on their journey oh yeah yeah like and all the crossovers except for the yokai watch it because who gives a fuck they're all at level cap of whatever the particular time is I'm a fan of chatting with this game but I'm a not I'm not necessarily an ff 14 fan but fucking hit level cap before you can do this yourself to find out what happened well the idea is that you go okay well shouldn't be that long and then you get halfway through level cap and you go hey this is pretty good ah right because otherwise you would just start up your free subscription right you would go to level 30 because remember just bomb to
Starting point is 00:15:01 the content and then yeah and now it's free up to level 60 so you got to put it during the paid stuff but I was talking to Rebecca Ford about it the Warframe lady and she's like oh man that near stuff looks so good I can't wait to get to it playing for like six months and I'm I DM'd her I'm like hey Rob cool if you need any help all are you on primal I'll help you out what what class are you she's like oh I'm playing a black mange oh cool I'm like oh cool where are you at what level are you she's like I'm level 34 I feel like I'm almost there and I'm like holy fucking shit no you're not mmm because the leveling curve in an MMO is
Starting point is 00:15:46 exponential the amount of time it takes to get from level 79 to 80 is like the amount of time it takes to get from like 30 to 40 yeah yeah yeah right right and I was like oh you better you fool and that's the last I heard of that plot all good thing it's not the essential content no it's not so the big pet so I'll go back a little bit the big patch came out the patch that has been the first one in God when did 5.2 come I want to say 9 months 5.2 f14 1 February the last content patch for this game was in February and then corona said no uh-uh so this has easily been the longest time period between content updates and
Starting point is 00:16:45 people are getting very ordinary for new shit so for example me and my buddies hang out on Sundays and we just like run like some of the easier aides to get stuff we got everything we wanted in that time period the first time ever of playing the game of like five years we got every single mount that we wanted because there was tons of time six months is the longest there's ever been no content updates oh no I want to say five months is the longest before this and this was like nine nine a half okay right so crazy crazy long so there was a lot of pressure that this be a good patch because there are occasionally bad
Starting point is 00:17:31 patches and that's a fucking bummer so first of all this is a near patch so we got the puppets bunker which is way better than the last one the last one was the copy factory so it was like the factory from the beginning of near automata this one is a like crashed version of the the Android HQ and has way way more interesting bosses than the last one and has the legitimate nice little twists and I don't know if you remember me talking about it but there is a mechanic unique to this where after you're done the raid the game makes you go through the like the explorable area again looking for audio logs and not
Starting point is 00:18:20 audio logs looking for text logs written in normal ass English and they fill up in a goddamn near automata style menu nice that you keep and everyone is a hundred percent certain you will have to destroy after the third raid interesting okay Yoko Taro in one of the first interviews thought it would be funny to delete your character in yes so hey let me take my I'm obsessed with making you lose progress idea and just get super hard over that expanding into other games yeah and the whole team what an asshole the way they describe it is that they like verbally tackled him to the like it's not good enough that I've
Starting point is 00:19:10 made my own franchise where losing everything is meaningful and you have to have an emotional proposition for it I need to break out into other video games and start deleting your shit there too but I promise you it's for a really good emotional reason you fucking night genre man not he also he started playing 14 mm-hmm as a white mage and he only got to level like 30 and he was like yeah I don't care anymore I'll just just tell me how to design these fights and Yoko Taro is fannosing his way across the video game industry yeah one point he describes like so I was designing the boss and I asked the
Starting point is 00:19:59 gameplay guy they gave me why don't you just make it so that if anyone screws this up it just wipes the whole fucking encounter and kicks them out and the responses because then it would be impossible and he goes yeah they're like we're not doing that Yoko we're not we're not gonna do that yeah yeah everything must have consequences yeah it's like though there are there are when you go through it there are some tarot isms that you can appreciate it actually is designed very significantly differently from a lot of the other encounters which makes it a lot of fun right though there might be a bug with
Starting point is 00:20:44 the whole raid which is a problem I feel I feel like to keep up with this charade since he's done it a couple times the only way to go from here is to have a prompt on screen in the games to tell you to look around your apartment find the thing you cherish most and throw it out the window absolutely lock eyes with that which you know you need with you know find the photo of your grandmother find the thing you know you can't get rid of and get rid of it this is how you progress so people are obviously there to rain him in which thank God there is a what looks like a minor bug or it could just be
Starting point is 00:21:34 confirmation bias but in my entire group of friends the the the raid's been run maybe a dozen times because you only you're only allowed to pick up one piece of gear week throw your insulin out the window yeah exactly save this virtual character by throwing your insulin out all right anyway sorry all right so you only get one piece of gear week right mm-hmm out of every single run of everyone that I personally know only gear for dragoons has dropped and there have been problems in the past where certain raids for some reason get like heavily preferential treatment towards certain classes which makes it impossible
Starting point is 00:22:26 for everybody else to get like their gear I have I have not seen a single piece of gear drop for anybody but your goons and your goons have armors that they don't share with anything else like so you you know you get a situation where a black major a summoner they share here right dragoons are fucking unique and you keep are there oh it's confirmation bias fucking thank God are there do these things kind of tell you what your loot table is when you before you kind of go into it you you the loot table is pretty much the same in every encounter in the game you have stuff that drops armor and then there are counters that drop weapons
Starting point is 00:23:07 instead and out of that it can drop any particular thing of its own loot table so I guess what I mean though is like the stats what I mean though is like can you click on a button that shows you the rewards for finishing this quest and then it's like oh we'll get one of these things dropped so no but because FF 14 is really static and very conservative you know what it is because it's literally been the same thing like 12 raids in a row okay so for a 24 man there's the five visual pieces of armor your hat your chest your gloves your pants your boots there is a minion at the end which is just a tiny little character that can
Starting point is 00:23:52 follow you around there will be a piece of music and there will also be a token that you get just for clearing that you can use to upgrade gear that you would get from other sources and that has been the same in every single encounter going back to like 2014 okay so it's the situation of like you know exactly what the gear is in concept but it's only once you're in there that you actually see oh it's a coat with a high collar or whatever oh and a card and a triple triad card my mistake guys and the way that it does it is that on the odd numbered patch when it's new you could only get one reward a week and on the
Starting point is 00:24:39 odd numbered sorry on the even numbered patch and every patch afterwards they unlock it and you can just run it as many times you want to get whatever you want okay but regardless it's good but I wish I could get a single fucking good piece of gear I'm probably gonna end up running it a bunch tonight because resets tomorrow and if I don't get a piece this week I will not have one oh that's that as an outsider I can say that my timeline was a waterfall of 5.3 and crying emojis yeah so that's the other thing that'll be the last thing that I get to which is the actual plot because I got a dance the other thing
Starting point is 00:25:30 that they added which I would like to make it's just funny to me because of this one guy in shout chat which is you've seen those la la fell potato creatures the cute race the Chibis yep in the setting this expansion takes place they've been retrofitted as dwarves they just wear beards and they have gotten a quest series called the beast tribe it's a crafting thing where you're building a tank but as soon as I log in literally the first thing I see in bright red shout chat is a guy saying I love this fucking beast tribe quest because it shows that la la fells understand that they are subhuman
Starting point is 00:26:13 garbage like great good potatoes are basically animal creatures that can speak good kicker kickables also I don't like the head translation man mr. Koji Fox you know when people were like complaining about persona and being like man a lot of memes in this shit oh this this age is really terrible these these memes right not really I saw a couple but nothing's compared to this motherfucker Koji Fox is the unlock quest for the dwarves is called it's dwarf and time sure and and like because they're so terrible they actually age really well because they're not going for cool or even funny
Starting point is 00:27:20 they're actually going for as oh yeah the fucking gunbreaker quest is called gun blades of the Patriots yeah there's there's a there's a goddamn million of them sounds like they know their audience yeah it's it's it's there they're going for cringe like cringe is the intention and then they put out the story which I mean Shadowbringers is the one that has like a legitimately super good story because they gave it to the lady who wrote to the Dark Knight quest line and the point three series patch is always the one that ends the expansion story and then the point four and point five is gearing up for the next one so
Starting point is 00:28:08 you saw a lot of emotionality gifts and whatnot there there has been a long running like I would call it the A thread right the A plot of the background story that's been going since 2.0 in 2014 and the patch that came out last week is the end of that plot okay and it is the end of on two other plot lines that were also established back in 2014 and they totally nailed it there's a they there's a there's a big argument to be made as to how much of this is made up as it goes along and how much of it is actually planned but a really good example is that in the original games final boss this dumbass comes out and
Starting point is 00:29:04 starts spouting the craziest villain shit just like we need to resurrect our Dark God because this you mean pre realm reborn no realm reborn right okay we need to we need to fucking resurrect our Dark God to fucking save the planet and the laws of creation yeah and it's just like fucking nonsense it made it made no sense okay and it made no sense in 3.0 and it made no sense in 4.0 and then you get to the ending of Shadowbringers and you go oh wow that actually makes complete perfect sense holy shit that's incredible there's no way they wrote that ahead of time they must have just tried to figure out a story that made it work
Starting point is 00:29:49 and that also happens again with this last one where characters that you had no idea how they could possibly I wouldn't say fix but make interesting become the most interesting thing do you know that it's the same writers or writer across all of no it is explicitly different one interesting every expansion has been written by a different person and the final piece ends up making all the rest of it work out yeah okay I hope to fuck they keep this lady running the writing staff yes that is so on and so forth that is a what that is is a sign of extreme competence on behalf of the person in charge of the final leg of
Starting point is 00:30:44 the race because the scenario writer is like the same on all of them but like the person who actually like writes it out mm-hmm has been different every time yeah that that is a toss-up that can go horribly wrong often because what happened was is a forget her name I really feel bad should look her up shadow what happened was is they added the Dark Knight back in Heavensward and you do your class quests right so the the white mage class quest is awesome trees are sick with the well of the taint we got to cleanse the taint and you do white mage things and you whatever right her name is a Ishikawa a good Ishikawa so
Starting point is 00:31:32 and then you dragoon quest and it's like ah we got to get these dragons fucking dragons right you know it's it's it's charming but boilerplate right mm-hmm the fucking Dark Knight quest line pops off and you're you're engaging with a version of your character that hates the fact that you're an errand boy and an MMO and constantly talk shit about how much time you're wasting on these fucking pointless side quests interesting and it is this like chasm of quality between that one and everything else and you're like oh okay and then the quest series for Dark Knight at the next level great and the one after that great like and
Starting point is 00:32:28 you're just like oh my god they should get this person to write all of these and the dev team agreed it's this thing where you know this kind of project is made by so many different people that every now and then you get to see like oh wow this one piece is way higher quality than everything else well so what you're describing is reminding me of currently what I what I experienced with Halo in that Halo 2 ended up asking way more interesting questions than Halo 3 could answer and by the end of it it ends up being a satisfactory series of answers but the ideas put forth that are like just questions you don't know where
Starting point is 00:33:18 they're going the threads put forth in two are like way they lead to like way more interesting possibilities than what we end up with which is you know sometimes just kind of like a couple of expected straight punches and it turns out that it's because the writer for two did his job and then they handed it off to other people and then he was only involved with three to the capacity that like he gave them a couple of sentences and then they carried the rest forward so yeah yeah it's a fucking it's alien it turns into a grave mind and I mean I think he literally gave quotes I think it was like there's like three quotes that
Starting point is 00:33:59 he's like oh yeah the characters can say these lines at some point in the story and then the rest was just like yeah figure it out you know yeah so that's incorrect that's that's what someone dumped in a giant paragraph story to me to explain what it is that's that's what I was told it yeah so Ishikawa gets given the Dark Knight quest line she kills it's the best quest line in the game then they give her for Stormblood which was the Asian expansion they give her what is essentially the Mongolian step like tribute area that's the best zone in the in the game and then they go okay and they give her the the whole
Starting point is 00:34:36 expansion essentially and now that that storyline is essentially over I feel more confident talking about it and it's it's I find it fascinating from not a like it not the game story but like an MMO perspective Wow has always had this problem and a lot of MMOs have this problem where they're but I'll use Wow as the example Wow wants you to be the the single unit from the RTS right apparently what I was talking about applies to Halo 2 got it okay sorry go on yeah you're the orc warrior or you're the the human mage unit right and if you were to just pull Wow's camera up and look down right it would look like the
Starting point is 00:35:20 RTS you know that kind of thing yeah a lot of MMOs really want to put into the the idea of like you're just some guy in a big world right 14 has like never done that it has like a definitive story in which your character is the main character of that plot but because it's an MMO your character is limited to you know pre-canned dialogue choices occasionally and is generally a weirdo that doesn't speak to be fair in Wow you're some guy in a big world but you have the shiteist craziest lightning armor and yeah you're standing next to somebody else the exactly yeah right in 14 you're like the de facto canonical
Starting point is 00:36:06 warrior of light and you're the one there are other people that are hanging out but you're the guy right and what Shadowbringer started to do which was really weird and could have been a disaster and it started with that dark night thing is that they let your character not you but your character have agency and a personality and that could have been really awful if you didn't like it but it's good and they also actually allow your character to actually speak without your input which is also really bizarre here's because you spent six years playing this mute okay here's a question right the function
Starting point is 00:36:49 of a silent protagonist I feel like we've discussed this a lot of times but yeah it serves a purpose for allowing people to you know itself insert and comfortably just sort of I guess like sights see their way through this world and the story as the other characters that are your friends are actually making bigger stronger decisions and saying things and being much more direct about what they're doing has there ever been a case where they swerved it where the silent protagonist starts doing things and having a personality and like people generally went oh fuck that I hate this I want to
Starting point is 00:37:30 go back to being nobody has that ever backfired essentially I can't I can't think of cuz I can think of time I can think of you know like I know that there's games where oh Samus huh yeah that's the ultimate and the fallout character Samus do you imagine if like Gordon Freeman started talking and he was like actually an MIT nerd and he was like an insufferable tech boomer I mean Samus ends up talking about his like like if you if you Samus you know ends up being like fine in like subspace emissary context you know but where she doesn't speak yeah but other M being the one where they throw a whole lot of that
Starting point is 00:38:25 in there certainly I but I wasn't thinking of like across sequels I was thinking of like in a game where it is revealed at some point that oh you are not a self-insert there's a reason why you're this mute and quiet and here's your actual personality really weird because with an MMO it's it's unclear whether or not these are sequels or not right mm-hmm like you ostensibly go to a store and buy Shadowbringers and that's the sequel to Stormblood but it's it's a weird thing okay but yeah your character gets to talk your character gets to emote and every now and then you get dialogue choices in which somebody
Starting point is 00:39:10 asks you a question and your response is I don't really have a choice in this do I or I'm just gonna do that thing where I nod and you make me go kill you know ten giraffe or some shit but they totally nailed it the conclusion to a but so Ishikawa was given not the situation of hey I'll just ask a bunch of cool questions they were given the job of answer these questions that somebody thought up six years ago and she nailed it and then the final encounter which I don't want to talk about at all because it's a huge pop is incredible the music that they showed up with is great and the little foreshadowing
Starting point is 00:39:58 for the future of what is coming in this is fantastic there's even a weird Yu-Gi-Oh reference in that one of you the characters in the game is a astrologian which uses cards and turns out he's a goddamn Yu-Gi-Oh voice actor oh so he just starts doing Yu-Gi-Oh poses in the fucking background of a scene because fuck it in English like an English voice actor no the Japanese voice the Japanese voice actor makes no sense okay in English it's like why are you posing like oh boy okay and they and they yeah I see and the famous voice actor clearly has nothing to do with Yu-Gi-Oh nothing to do with it yeah
Starting point is 00:40:41 okay well it's it's just very nice that after like a nine month wait and then talking about how you know all the COVID troubles and all that it's like oh no wait game still good game still great good fantastic that's pretty much what I did with my week when I wasn't chasing the dog around leveling trying to level everybody to cap which is going well almost there I am um listening to my friends on discord who already leveled things back to cap a year ago doing all sorts of stupid fucking MMO shit is the weirdest woolly because you get you get like proper in and familiar with that situation that my friend Vell just blew
Starting point is 00:41:37 his whole week last week playing mahjong but he was playing mahjong in 14 mm-hmm because it was a feature in 14 because East Asian audiences want to play mahjong right mm-hmm he said ah fuck it I'll give mahjong a try and end up learning how to play mahjong and playing shit ton of mahjong yeah sometimes you sometimes you're an explorer sometimes you're a social you know adventurer sometimes you switch roles and you just do the thing you hang out you play what is it dead man's Morris on that pirate ship and Assassin's Creed for way longer than you're supposed to and sometimes you're a beater sometimes you're a beater so
Starting point is 00:42:30 before I move off the 14 stuff which I'm pretty much done with it's it's hey it's good they recently changed the way the free trial works I don't did you hear about that walls no so the free trial used to be hey man you want to play Final Fantasy 14 you can play it for free up to level 35 and the problem with that is that level 35 is literally the worst part of the entire game so you play up to 35 and like those quests suck and you go oh well I guess it's not that good and you stop right they have recently expanded the free trial to go all the way up to level 60 which includes the heavensward expansion and the
Starting point is 00:43:13 heavensward expansion is great so if you want to pretend your time traveling four years ago the pretty much the whole game is there for free I was gonna say it must be nice to come in late and not have these gaps and then just do story content one after the other back-to-back well on top of that they also did this thing where back in back when the game first came out they were worried that people weren't gonna have enough content so what they did was with the patches of 2.1 to 2.5 they put a million quests in right and the problem is that when you played them in a row like you're describing walls it was this arduous
Starting point is 00:43:55 slog well we described this before with all with like tons of sides and bullshit to go through right so what they did with this patch is they removed about 30 percent of 2.0's total quests going okay people want to get to heavensward people want to get to Stormblood people want to get to Shadowbringers this is the weakest part of the game let's let's cut so they cut so now the version of 1 to 60 is actually a much better one than it was two weeks ago and I have a big piece of advice for everybody who is thinking about getting in a Final Fantasy 14 the free trial there's your server and there's your data center your data
Starting point is 00:44:39 center is a collection of servers and you can visit anybody else on anybody on any other server as long as it's your data center right so if I'm on primal which I am it doesn't matter what server I'm on right I can go visit people in FAM for it or Ultros or whatever the fuck right in North America there's aether primal and crystal crystals the new one crystals the one they made last year and they put you get a buff I think it's called road to 70 which makes you go faster and leveling and it's filled with new players don't make your character on crystal why because it's a fucking shithole it is an absolute
Starting point is 00:45:33 goddamn shithole because they put the fucking RP server on it so you you get you get into this situation where servers get reputations right you had that back before you could hop between data centers you had a situation where Hyperion is the server where a lot of legacy players from 1.0 live because it used to be a legacy server right so everybody on that server is rich you have a situation where you have Gilgamesh which somehow became the rating server it's the most populated server and it's where everybody moves their character to raid you have to pay money to move off of crystal and then you have
Starting point is 00:46:23 Balmong and Balmong was the designated RP server and Balmong is the fucking ground zero of you don't pay my sub and you do you okay okay right I'm gonna I'm gonna like touch my tongue with my finger and hold it up to the wind for a second here and just kind of guess that is it perhaps a possibility that the RP servers slash the RP players happen to in addition to I guess I don't know perhaps being a pretty rough situation to hang around do they also happen to not be very good at the gameplay part of the game they're also not very good at the game part okay okay now granted there's every server has just people who are
Starting point is 00:47:21 terrible but that crystal shit because they they because they they they threw the RP server on there and they had all the new servers go on crystal it's filled with a lot of very new players and a lot of weird asshole RPers there is a subreddit that I love I absolutely adore called tales from duty finder which is nothing but people taking screenshots of their goddamn text logs of arguments they have while doing content okay and it is it is like hard skewed can you words fucking crystal what I have a question what is buying clears oh man let me tell you what is that buying clears is the most legit scam available so
Starting point is 00:48:31 selling gold is immoral mm-hmm and you if you sell gold you will get banned but if say you want hey man I want the mouth from the new super hard raid right and I suck well what I can do is find a group that is so good that they can clear an 8-man super hard raid with seven people and I'm just gonna pay them whatever they want to drag my fucking corpse through it okay okay it's literally just jump on the team and get carried all the way through yeah okay and okay you can do that with Gil or you can do that with cash now if you do that with Gil that's technically within the rules and that's fine it's fucking gross but it's fine if
Starting point is 00:49:52 you do that with cash don't get caught men used to sell clears apparently if your okay the encounter is difficult enough that you can't do it with seven people in a corpse you get to have the super fun experience of giving another person your login information they can literally just do it for you with your body yeah okay all right yeah it's exactly what sounds like even if you're the type of person who would do that fucking don't okay because there's no reason they can't just empty your character's bank account items or trash it or like what recourse do you have if
Starting point is 00:50:54 the person says hey fuck you you got God I can tell you right now so say hey fuck you it's my account now I'm transferring all my guilt at this character right your only recourse would be to contact support right and then you go hey this guy took my account how do you get in your account I don't know and then they go look at the chat logs between yeah you know that that on that account and they go oh you gave this person your login foot login info we'll fix that for you and then they ban the account forever right right right yeah okay like there's no recourse don't give out your login information you fucking
Starting point is 00:51:35 idiots God I just it's been really busy at school this semester and I just don't have time and my brother was using the computer all the time so I couldn't get better so I just wanted to fucking what was the problem fuck I'll also also give you a everybody a piece of advice that if you're gonna run party finder stuff there's a there's a loot option that you can choose when you make a party that's called loot master which means that the party leader gets to decide who gets what items if you ever see loot master on a party don't join it because here's how it's gonna work you're gonna join an encounter that takes 10 minutes and has
Starting point is 00:52:21 a 5% drop rate for the thing you want the party leaders gonna go okay it's loot master so that I get the first one but then we'll all stay and get everybody who joins their stuff and you go it can take two three hundred clears to guarantee that this drops for eight people that's like a hundred hours I don't think you're gonna bust out a hundred hours of runs on your fucking Sunday afternoon it sounds like you're just gonna steal the first drop and fucking run no I would never and then every single time that's exactly right right right right man shout outs to that kid that was back at my arcade when I used to live in my
Starting point is 00:53:14 with my mom's apartment and he was at the arcade and he would basically take not that much I think it was like 20 bucks maybe 25 bucks to play gauntlet legends with your character and max it out uh-huh great he's like yep hand me a 20 and I think I think it might have been plus the cost of the quarters to play but he would make 20 and you just be like yep I'll be here maxing your character out so that whenever you feel like coming over and playing your maxed out character you know I got it and he would just do it IRL yeah you can do that you can you can have somebody power level your thing one of the reason so one of the
Starting point is 00:53:59 reasons they add the the jump potion they call it well I don't that they actually don't call it that they call it some fancy fucking name but the reason those games add the jump potion which is buy a $30 straight to skip to level catch up to the content yeah is because if not though people will just do what you literally just described right right people are going to pay money to get their character to level cap and they don't give a shit might as well get a cut of that so the company goes well might as well be us yeah yeah that's it yeah it's always fun seeing those players because you can feel it like you
Starting point is 00:54:38 can literally fucking see it with your eyes that they they used the skip they all have the same gear set on the gear set that's given to them for free and then they're hitting random buttons it's all it's always a fun experience for me when you're running a dungeon and it's a dungeon where your your class shit is autopilot right like you know I don't have to look at the fucking screen to do my rotation so I can look everywhere else on the screen I want so what can you do well if you know the animations of the other classes you can just watch the other character know exactly what they're doing and you can tell that they're
Starting point is 00:55:19 doing nothing it's interesting because you tell that they're they're a fucking black mage hitting ice one eighty times in a row it's interesting because like this particular thing the more purely multiplayer a game is the sillier the proposition gets for example give me your login info I'll get you to Grand Master in whatever fighting game ranked mode and then yeah you go back and log in and you're like great I'm in Grand Master and you fight once and you just get annihilated so hard that you get booted back to fucking nothing and yeah it's it's a it's a fool's game because you're always gonna have to if you don't
Starting point is 00:56:06 improve you're always gonna have to keep paying to get back in mm-hmm but like in that context it's purely multiplayer and the the bragging rights of the situation whereas in this case there might actually be content access that you are being denied or whatever the case may be you know yeah but that's yeah okay it's it's dude I could I could I could do a like a four-hour podcast on like MMO social conventions and like the most infuriating of which it's just so you I've told you about you you don't pay my sub mm-hmm what has become more prevalent as of late is you worry about you is hey man did you know you could
Starting point is 00:56:59 actually cut the damage on this if you just hit this one button that's free don't worry about it what well no but it's I'm having to heal you it's it's much harder it's no no don't worry about it you just do you mm-hmm wanna scream my buddies my buddies went into god if they went into a level 80 fucking trial the other day and they look and they're like why does the black mage die to every mechanic and that's because the black mage is wearing gear from the last expansion they went a dozen levels and a full expansion without ever putting on a single new piece of gear and usually when you
Starting point is 00:57:50 confront people like that you go hey why not and like don't worry about it no I just like it this way and it's like you are intentionally making the game so miserable for yourself because your character is so much why just put a fucking piece of gear on that didn't okay I'm not I don't know what how often do you do you change gear in this game every level okay every okay all right every single level and at level cap like every week like it's it's crazy like are you enjoying going through the story trials like barely managing to make it through because your character dies instantly now I will say this the
Starting point is 00:58:34 closest thing I've ever had to an experience in this way was when I used to play overwatch and apex with like skull god and some other people that were like way better than fps games than I were than I was excuse me am and I will say that like playing that way straight up forced me to get better at a lot of things simultaneously and I very much enjoyed how hard that got and I you know and I feel as if like it's almost like you're the shitty drummer in a really good band and you kind of just have to you have to rise to the occasion a little bit you know so I do appreciate a little bit of that but yeah but so I I'd
Starting point is 00:59:26 like to take a second because I saw something that was this just seems like me being an OCD control freak and this just seems like getting mad that people play the game differently and I understand that criticism from people that don't play a game like this because it just sounds like well they're not min-maxing it or whatever shame on them the thing is is that in a game like FF 14 specifically the way that the system works there is not a different way to play there's a good way in a bad way like the like for example you look at a raid for right there's a timeline of events on that raid of like you look at
Starting point is 01:00:14 it and you can go at 22 seconds after the pull the boss will do this at 35 seconds after the pull the boss will do this right there is a numerically perfect way to play that fight and the goal is to get as close as you possibly can to that if you are freestyle in it you're not playing differently you're playing badly you're you're less effective and if this was a single player game and you wanted to play Devil May Cry 5 by doing 95 stingers in a row fine that's just fine right the problem is let's say I'm a tank and my gear is 10 levels below what it's supposed to be encounters that I join up might be
Starting point is 01:01:02 incompletable because the healer just literally can't heal me enough you might run into situations where because you're a damage dealer you can't beat the boss before its end rage because you literally don't know how to do enough damage and when you do that and you go I know I'm just doing whatever you're basically expecting everybody else to carry you and if you do end up not being able to clear it because of your stubbornness you're essentially wasting 10 minutes of time times seven for everybody else in the game also Devil May Cry doesn't have unavoidable damage you can dodge everything MMOs have shit tons of
Starting point is 01:01:49 unavoidable damage like I mean that's that's what a raid wide is a raid wide is at this point everybody gonna take this much damage and that's it heal up or die so it's it's just this thing of slight no they're not they're not playing different they're not I'm not casually playing it's not about like if you can people who play casually are not the problem people who play bad on purpose are the problem right hmm in a fighting game equivalent it would be did you know that if you block low this guy won't sweep you because it blocks low and the response come back it comes back you worry about your own character and it's
Starting point is 01:02:39 like I'm talking to you and you're on my team in the 3v3 at SBO right right right like dude dude block him low for fuck's sake oh it's you know I just want to as an aside I sort of say it's funny you brought that up because there was a fantastic tweet that popped up which is Chris who commentator extraordinaire oh god had a had a little I was talking to Paige about Chris who because of this he's the best explaining to her like this guy makes no sense listen to this combo clip and she's like what the fuck is he saying I go I don't know it's the best it's the best he's great but like there was a there's a quote where they
Starting point is 01:03:17 basically went why don't you block the overhead if you know it's coming right like why do you still block low and he said we don't drink water from the tap because we know that the tap sink area water might be dirty yet when we have a dirty apple we use the tap water to wash the apple and then eat the apple and then he goes do you understand like that is that I completely understand that is 2000 IQ that is amazing it is literally it is going there are two problems here and one is being used to fix the other and the lesser of the two evils is one that I will abide so I will keep blocking low because if you land that
Starting point is 01:04:20 overhead you're not gonna get anything off of it versus if I get knocked down or opened up it's a much worse punishment okay see now I see you you should just translate fucking Chris yeah it's a it's it's almost another it's another way of saying take the throw you know but it's like you know dear god what a fucking like thousand dollar quote right there you know what's a great like good timing of me bringing this conversation up again have you seen this clip of this dude scrub quotes pow retweeted it recently of this guy complaining about a Fall Guys player no so it's it's a dude reacting to a guys TikTok and guy
Starting point is 01:05:10 number one is playing that hexagon game in Fall Guys and he is crushing it he is knocking everybody into the into the ocean he's you know picking all the right hexagons and guy number two is essentially complaining see try hards that just play to win and just always everything's got to be about winning it's so sweaty they're what ruin games and it's like the implication other than that is assuming you're not just mad that you're not as good is that you're playing to lose or that you somehow don't care about success at all okay well which everyone knows isn't true I can say as someone with a fucking near PhD in
Starting point is 01:06:05 the in the discussion of the difference between playing for fun and playing for glory yeah that someone who's saying that is absolutely coming from a place where at a pure level they're just like I wish I was that good but I'm not that's that's what they're feeling I they could also say I wish that I could enjoy this game at while only putting this amount of time into it right and that extra that happened to me with Overwatch yeah where it's like I liked Overwatch but I wasn't willing to put the time in to play with the sweat sweat meets mm-hmm and I was like well darn and that extrapolates that's not their fault you know like that
Starting point is 01:06:49 extrapolates all the way over to as I've discussed it with like you know back in the day with fisticuffs and then to the current you have the guy at the college smash setup who's playing way too competitively while everyone is just trying to dick around between classes and have fun and you're ruining the mood and you're ruining the event by winning too hard you know that it's it's it's that's the energy they're hoping to convey but it's really and truly just you're super mad that you're not that good compared to the way this guy's playing that's that's what it comes that so it comes down to I see a really good
Starting point is 01:07:28 comment in there that I'd like to respond to which is guys not everyone plays video games as a day job you're completely right and before 2012 neither did I and this attitude goes back to the the time which I was five because I didn't want my brother to take it easy on me in Street Fighter even if he kicked my shit in because I wanted to actually play a real fucking match rather than a baby match where somebody just coddled me allow me to elaborate for a second to and say that if that asshole at the at the college smash setup was enforcing stage selections item rules and bull and things like that that were then
Starting point is 01:08:11 well that would be right actively getting in the way of the way everyone's playing the game that is a different thing from the person I'll get out you're ruining the mood that's very different from the person playing with you doing whatever you want but just being really good at it with all the items and bullshit and everything going there's did so and then when there's two things a game in which is a team game and I mean I can use 14 but it's way more fun to use overwatch I want to be Widowmaker you're not good at Widowmaker I don't care I want to be Widowmaker we're gonna lose because with Widowmaker right like
Starting point is 01:08:55 just we already have two Widowmakers Widowmaker though I'm the sniper do you go I got techie woke no thanks Hanzo it's you whiffed everyone it always comes down to the same thing of like you don't pay my sub right yeah but it's it's more than that because it expands way past games that have subs and it's like I get to do whatever I want with my game mm-hmm right mm-hmm but that means other people get to do whatever they want with their game which includes telling you to go fuck yourself for playing the third Widowmaker see in a game with like pure matchmaking like you know like Overwatch or something like that I mean you're
Starting point is 01:09:49 you're gonna you're never gonna run into that guy ever again right you're it's gonna be like a negative experience you're gonna tell them to fuck off maybe get a little toxic but then they're gone they're gone the instant that log off happens in a game like a 14 where you're running through through Party Finder and people have persistent named characters that can follow you you know I think based on this conversation and the earlier one a while ago about that dragon thing whatever it was DKP yeah sure right that that kill points okay okay all right so that also I'm reminded of your your journey into you know top
Starting point is 01:10:41 mid or jungler and I'm also reminded of what there was another one in there but the but the point remain the point I'm making is this games where you in particular are forced into a cooperative situation have high enough highs that you are willing to go into them as much as possible and enjoy that but like the problem with forced cooperation is that it creates a low lower than any other single player loss can give you it's the lowest low that could ever be yeah so I'll use a 14 example because the one that that comes to mind the best but also use league there was apex as well back in heaven yeah apex is a good one
Starting point is 01:11:32 too there was a raid series back in heaven's word where people said ah the 2.0 raids were too easy so that okay so they did the 3.0 raid series and Gordius right and the way that Gordius was tuned for damage was that if a single person died at any point during the entire encounter even if you raise them you would never be able to make up for the damage loss of them being dead for a minute and you would fail immediately like you would never be able to catch up damage wise so it became known as the static destroyer and a static is your group of eight people that you play with every week instead of you know randomly
Starting point is 01:12:23 match made it's your static because it very very quickly would expose situations like where where five or six people are killing it and one or two or not and fuck right that can get really genuinely emotionally awkward particularly if you've been friends for a while mm-hmm like imagine cutting people from the team in little league right mm-hmm but now it's like a bunch of adults and you're like dude I just want to clear this fucking fight but we all subbed together because we're a group of friends that want to play together oh you don't have enough time to play lately because of the baby but I'm only I'm
Starting point is 01:13:09 only paying my sub to hang out with you guys that's the only reason why I'm subbing yeah and you have yeah you have people that are joining for different reasons there's the guy who's like dude I just want to crush the hardest content available and those people invariably end up leaving their friend statics to join statics of people who they don't know which will include weirdos out in Sweden and Germany mm-hmm and they'll start rating at 4 a.m. because those dudes are kick-ass and they will clear and then you have the other group that it's like oh that's what I'm currently doing it's like let's just hang out on
Starting point is 01:13:46 Sunday and do the thing now here's the question one day a week we'll just hang out can the person then who's been kicked out log in see all the rest on absolutely active in there doing the thing yeah oh yeah okay you go to the you go to your friend's list and it shows what instance they're in well it sucks or they come back with a little icon that says they beat it version of this yeah imagine going in a imagine going into it like a imagine going into the fucking a group and you go everybody knows how to do this we're just gonna bang out some clears and you get like 10 seconds in and it's always the
Starting point is 01:14:34 best part because every time in 14 when you're a new player to any activity right it always gives you a little bonus for clearing so we'll say hey there's a new player in this instance that means that everybody will get 50 extra poetics but if you do like a farm party which means everybody has it on lock and you load in and that bonus comes up everybody starts to go insane because it's like who the fuck is new how can this be a fucking farm if somebody's new who the fuck doesn't know what they're doing right right can you not read motherfucker also what if that new can you what if that what if the your old group of friends
Starting point is 01:15:17 grabs someone else that's a vet and then they crush it and then they're like hey man you're pretty good why don't you hang around and suddenly your click has replaced you that happens mm-hmm I I stopped I stopped rating with my with my group of guys for about a year in the middle of Stormblood and they replace me with a different tank dude the new kids basement is sick he's got a pool table yeah we're going to his house one of one light straight up one of two things happens either that person is cool and you probably end up getting to know them and you know you'll figure out whatever happens or that person is not
Starting point is 01:16:06 cool and the instant you go hey man I'd really like to come back and take my spot back people go okay that the next patch will be like hey our new friend our old friend is coming back sorry and then just push them out the fucking treehouse or because you end up with these situations where well they say you have six group of friends and you want to play 14 and you and your five friends are good pals and you love you right you're all cool mm-hmm but all of you are DPS and healers and you need two tanks well problem is tanks are rare and it's a it's a it's a buyer's market for tanks so you're gonna go on a pf and
Starting point is 01:16:55 you're gonna ask around and you're gonna try and find people and guarantee you one of those dudes is gonna be annoying as shit but you'll live with it because you want a goddamn clear based 1v1 games you're a loner from the get-go yeah only to only trust your fists no one else so yeah it's it's you the way that you described it like League of Legends if you have one bad player on your team you've lost right and you can and I played enough league to get to understand just how why it's so toxic because you can tell from the first 10 seconds of the match in many cases if you're gonna lose and the games are like 40 minutes
Starting point is 01:17:46 long mm-hmm if you are playing and you see Mordekaiser go mid fuck I might as well just quit now I might as well just fucking give up yeah and like that is like again it's it's you just yeah the the both rate both MMOs and like like fucking MOBAs where you're describing the you can watch 40 wasted minutes about to start I've never felt that I can't leave I've never felt that and like dear God will I do everything in my power to never feel that is probably had at the worst of any game I could ever hear because when you would log when you would start the ranked match and then someone would drop they dropped yeah
Starting point is 01:18:48 yeah yeah yeah yeah and holy shit it was garbage it was garbage when it happened it was garbage it was it was not no chance but dear God was it fucking rough and for the most part like at least those games are you know over in a couple of minutes so yeah so yeah you you totally nailed it these multiplayer games given the correct circumstances can give you the highest high what why have a phone call excuse me nope mom and dad I'm currently live on the internet right row excuse me while I text my father and be like dad I'm live on the internet right now please okay but yeah the highest highs absolutely like when
Starting point is 01:19:40 me and my buddies cleared a pizza party for the first time back in fucking 3.3 and beat thorton after like a month and we all cheered we're like yeah we tell us grow we beat thorton right that was great the time where my dumbass buddy cog subbed in on a scholar a class he doesn't know how to play and was able to mitigate like a giant like raid buster down to the point where you get to see a zero pop-up on your health bar like the litter this is zero exclamation point that's the amount of damage it did that was hilarious right the time that I kept I personally screwed up mechanic 12 times in a row and no one could figure
Starting point is 01:20:33 out why we were wiping until I realized it was me and went oh god it was me and then everyone gave me shit for like four years that's a fun experience right but on top of that is every single fucking time I go into goddamn duty finder I am rolling a dice roll to deal with fucking idiots I hope it's worth it seems like it is it's super worth it yeah but there's a reason why people like fucking get sick of these games and fucking crash out I won't even say burnout right like crash out like they just they go they there they have one extra bad day and they're like fuck it I'm out of here now you're
Starting point is 01:21:26 describing like you know one out of eight people being garbage and a thing happening like that wow has its foot you could be like one good one in a team of eight garbos right that happens but like if 39 out of 40 people are competent in a wow raid right like yeah I assume that like you can mask that more with bigger numbers I'm not personally familiar with while raids but it is my impression that one person the number one thing that can fuck up in a in a wow raid is if one of those 40 people walks a little too close to something they're not supposed to walk too close to mm-hmm and polls like 10 guys onto the raid while
Starting point is 01:22:18 you're doing something and then everybody wipes mm-hmm like the the famous clip of the guy screaming 50 DKP minus over and over is because people aren't in the spots they're supposed to or people aren't throwing the dots down they're supposed to so he's just he's just giving everyone demerits it's it's it's the rate it's you can go look it up if you're not familiar it's this guy it's this guy he's the raid leader yeah voice yeah and he's like more dots more dots more dots more dots and then starts like the fucking dragon welps come in on the left side and he's like who the fuck isn't picking up the welps and just
Starting point is 01:23:02 starts yelling out 50 DKP minus 50 DKP minus over and over to everybody on the left side it's like shut the like it's it's the most toxic shit that's ever been Jesus Christ okay it's yeah obfuscating it in particular language definitely amplifies that effect cool yeah it's it that that mentality is I am care I'm an RTS commander and my units won't do what I tell exactly that's the fucking dude yeah and that is the most fucked up way you could ever look at a team of people ever nail on the fucking head that's super on point my units are not listening to me oh my god yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah hmm interesting alright
Starting point is 01:24:01 there's there's a diff there's a difference between there's a wild difference between yelling at people to pick up the left side because that's what they're supposed to do and my buddy Val making fun of me by calling out 70 times in a row that I have to pick up the meteor on the left side of Ruby weapon because I keep fucking it up and he goes Pat got to pick up the me I know I goddamn no Val we cleared it a hundred and nine times I fucked it up like four times okay I know I fucking know to pick up the meteor god damn it okay that's pretty much I've been playing a lot of 14 yeah and taking care of a
Starting point is 01:24:56 lot of poop yeah yeah oh Willie I forgot to tell you so you remember last week I described that poop got into my thumb and my thumb got infected you did mention my thumb is no longer in fact good my thumb no longer hurts it's no longer swollen good great what happened was is that it got really swollen and then I bent it while I was in the shower and I guess the heat or something caused it to swell up and the side the right side of my nail must have punctured it because then it shot like a bunch of goo out all over and it popped like a like a like a like a zit or it's like my thumb like came on the wall with the poop goo I
Starting point is 01:25:34 appreciate bookmarking or rather bookending your segments with gross shit it's almost sounds intentional it's because it was infected and there was lots of pus in my thumb so I had to it so yeah it squeezes the rest of it out because of can you tell that Pat doesn't like when people tell him not to talk about gross things no it's actually this is just constant revenge for the colostomy bag thing gotcha still on that it's targeted well what is what is a little weird though is my thumb has like a line on it now I think I lost some thumb meat during the sink during this encounter you know your body should not
Starting point is 01:26:17 be undergoing changes at this point in in I don't know maybe I'm going through second puberty you know like at this point in the in the in the game you kind of want the state of things the state of lines and details to remain relatively the same anyway let's take a quick word from our sponsor let's do that this week cancel super beast is brought to you by honey hey honey what up honey it's like it's like you're talking to it's like you're calling me honey but I'm not honey honey is the sponsor honey is the sponsor honey is what you use to help you save money online we all shop online we've seen
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Starting point is 01:29:10 like free money that you're just leaving on the table don't leave the free money on the table take the free money it's there so by getting it do yourself a solid support the podcast as well and hey get honey for free at join honey dot com slash super beast that's join honey dot com slash super beast thanks honey thanks honey okay so on my side of the fence the yeah what's going on in well yeah had a bit of a different week I think I mentioned it a little bit last week but Steph was hitting that that point of like got gotta gotta get the fuck out gotta get the fuck out you know getting a little yeah that that was
Starting point is 01:30:03 exactly what Paige was doing when when the car became like a far-off future thing so we need to get a car because I'm gonna kill you pet yeah so that's when we basically put together the plan to grab our current quarantine bubble and head up to the cabin found a nice cabin up in it was it was I think it was like near Tromblant kind of area okay it was you know nice took a little took a long drive up and basically yeah it was me punch mom reggie men Lil V and Jill his fiance and yeah we we kind of just went and chilled up there for a couple of days it was pretty cool it was very relaxing sounds nice and relaxing yep
Starting point is 01:30:58 had a nice body of water to stare at I got to you know stoke a fire and stare at it and there was also a meteor shower happening this weekend our last weekend rather so you know you could like catch a couple of comets whizzing by so that was cool careful it don't awaken some kind of ancient memory in you buddy no nothing like that but yeah so you know it was one of these there's one of these kind of just you know not a ton of planning involved just ultimately a like you know just decompress and we did that we did that we did it was pretty great I like I like I like fire management fire management is fun it's
Starting point is 01:31:53 very cool Jill's very good at building a fire and it's just fun to burn things it is it is I I have some fire management memories from my my days of basically Bible scouts that I was doing is called that's a hell of a rewrite is there was a it was a pat bully has fire management memories is the is the version that will be written down in the history books yeah there's a thing called Pathfinders which is like basically Bible scouts for SDAs and yeah you know you learned a couple of things and on all the same basic shit essentially so that was cool did a couple of things up there clearly and at the forefront of everyone's mind
Starting point is 01:32:46 and so therefore I guess it has to be first in the discussion point is the chips discussion which you know nothing to it it's pretty straightforward in fact new people here might not have heard it but I definitely brought this up to you a couple years back so now that I've had time to percolate on it I think I do remember this yeah it was in the middle of some LP somewhere but essentially what I did was I just went you know every once in a while I like to describe things as tech because it's fun like the you know the towel the towel dryer tech which is the that's the mean life hacks that's another way to put it that's another
Starting point is 01:33:27 way to put it I've seen some people complain about their dryers being too far away and I've seen some people complain about their wet floor and to that I say if you don't have something on your bathroom for floor to compensate for you getting out wet then you're already fucking up to begin with like stop being a savage put some shit down on the floor so that you can step and not slip and die because I definitely have had a close enough encounter of slipping to know that hey head on the back of the bathtub from standing height not a good time so slipping in the bathroom used to be funny and now it's
Starting point is 01:34:11 terrifying exactly right of all the ways you can go balls out bleeding because you just slipped on a dumb thing in the bathtub is probably one of the worst you don't want that going down I don't and and who knows what'll happen when you know as you fucking bleed out and twitch maybe your body will decide to evacuate itself and then the scene becomes even worse oh it's ready so hey if you're stepping on wet floor and that's your problem buy a fucking mat it's not hard or at the very least throw down a towel or throw down a towel that's what you do in a in a motel you know it ain't it ain't that hard and if
Starting point is 01:35:00 the dryer is too far away then I apologize that's unfortunate it works best when the washer and dryer is in the same room as you but that's besides the point the the chip discussion was quite simple and then what I brought up to you guys and what was eventually brought up to the chalet was when it's bag of chips oftentimes certain certain brands more than others will have an uneven distribution of flavoring because the powder and a lot of the goodness in some cases will be concentrated at the bottom of the bag and thus it is sitting on a shelf the entire time with that collected at the bottom of the bag and
Starting point is 01:35:45 every time it moves every time it gets shipped in a truck whatever it does till it gets on the shelf it's all there at the bottom so what I say is instead of opening the traditional way which is brand like logo up and you eat the bag and then you have the powder at the bottom turn the bag over and you'll notice that the chips you eat off the top right away are really tasty and as you reach into the bag to pull more chips out what's on top that sprinkled powder will work its way down through the rest pretty effectively it's something I've been doing for a while and it obviously doesn't apply to a can of Pringles and
Starting point is 01:36:27 it definitely doesn't apply to you know like ruffles is a kind of brand where it's like every chip is pretty much set in its way it's not it's not as much about the thing there the powder there but you know I feel like if you get like Miss Vicki's brands and things like that you will do you will definitely see more powder of flavor beneath it it's a little bit like if you had those those people that eat ramen raw you know yeah those people aren't saying I used to do it I used to do it it's been a minute you know and to be fair it's been it's been a that there's the setup there's the setup for this nonsense so this is
Starting point is 01:37:07 this is I don't know what I said the last time I might have changed my mind since then but this seems warped it's pretty straightforward really like I don't like the idea of if you have a chip I don't want that chip caked with a second layer of like freed dust so I don't I think the dust at the bottom of the of the fucking chip bag is like the waste product from the natural it's like that the shit of the of the chip hmm like the idea of you like oh I need to redistribute that fucking dust no no I think you're wrong on that and I disagree with it because I think what you're getting is whatever little bits
Starting point is 01:37:50 break off in some cases or whatever powder ends up falling off of the chips if it's a dust if it's a powdered flavored chip right and here's the thing about this stuff is it doesn't just apply to chips right it applies to a bag of cereal as well a lot of this stuff I stopped doing because I haven't been avoiding carbs generally but you'll notice a bag of cereal is a really great example of shit gets to the bottom and if you flip if you open the box and pull the bag out and you do it the opposite way you will notice that like again you're not getting this this amount this this shit at the bottom I don't want
Starting point is 01:38:28 this cereal does well that's fine then definitely don't up if you avoid it in general then don't apply it to you like not not only do I avoid the dust at the bottom I shake almost every piece of food ever okay that goes into my face so that all the bits that aren't really part of it that would fall off fall off okay that's fine that's fine but what I'm saying about the bag of chips if you are somebody who does like the flavor of the thing and you don't avoid it like if you avoid that flavor then of course why would you want more of it that makes no sense but if you're somebody who does like that flavor and you want more of
Starting point is 01:39:11 it on your chips and you want it distributed better throughout the bag then if you do this you'll get to do that it'll help fix that problem alright hold on I need to confirm somebody something somebody said do you even shake hamburgers hey wonderful lady in my life do I shake my hamburger when I eat it no I mean like do I eat a bite and then do this I do that okay we both do it okay we yeah I do it okay see everyone in this house does I have no idea what you're talking about what is shaking a hamburger take a bite of your burger you take a bite of your burger okay and then the burger still in your right
Starting point is 01:39:49 yes right yes and then as you are chewing you slowly shake the burger just a little bit so that the the juices that would shoot out just fall out and then it's safe to take another bite of the that's fuck I do do that yeah and when you take a bite of cereal you move the cereal spoon up and down once or twice to make sure that the excess runoff milk falls out so that you don't have to you know you don't you don't worry about cereal splashing on your face as a person who finds that spoons don't contain enough milk in many cases anyway that's upsetting that's pretty upsetting I gotta say that's upsetting as
Starting point is 01:40:38 somebody who like I've been given a bowl of cereal with a teaspoon instead of a tablespoon at times and you're like the fuck am I supposed to do with this oh I eat cereal with teaspoons you want more milk with the cereal I don't want a little spoon that's too much that's too much of a bite of cereal how like can I just break the fourth wall for a second here yeah let's break the fourth wall I brought this up knowing that anytime one discusses a weird food tactic you are going to be the villain and I was fully prepared prepared to sit here and be the villain with this food with this weird chip thing and somehow you steal in the
Starting point is 01:41:31 spot you took taking the spotlight somehow in the middle of discussion I didn't even get a chance to pretend to go down an insane pathway towards chips being better off this way before you already took it somewhere else I don't even know where to follow well because you're when you shake the spoon with the cereal you're setting it to the same default state so that every cereal spoon is the same but milk with your cereal tastes good yeah well let me ask you when you're done with the cereal do you drink the cereal soup I do it taste okay I just toss that shit the milk with the cereal flavoring is so
Starting point is 01:42:15 good that they made they were thinking about selling it on its own they were literally crazy they were literally thinking about turning it into its own product and they actually had bars and then cereal milk experimental shit because it was delicious that's crazy that's madness don't don't drink that it's poison okay that's why I give all of my cereal soup to Paige she loves poison do you remember get out the movie I didn't see okay so shout outs to oh I know I know shout outs to Pat sitting there at his at his fucking table with a glass of milk and a hand-picked bowl of fruit loops which you then eat one eat
Starting point is 01:43:02 the cereal crunch it in your mouth and then take a sip of your milk with a straw I have absolutely eaten that a hundred percent I don't use the spoon though I just pick it with my hands and then sip the milk afterwards yeah okay the villain in that movie is shown to be so insane that that's how they eat cereal it's literally actually saw literally the point of showing the villain eating cereal that way is to emphasize how fucking crazy they are yeah I saw somebody say asking the director it's like oh was this a metaphor about like the white separated from the the color and he's like no I just thought
Starting point is 01:43:47 I wanted to think up the the most psycho thing anyone could ever exactly and I saw that I'm like oh I've eaten that I'll eat that right now okay well anyway the point of the chips was just that when you flip it over you get some flavor and then I don't and then the counter argument was shake the bag and then the flavor will get all over the chips and to that shaking the bag seems like a way more natural but it doesn't really work that well because one in a lot of cases you're breaking up the chips more you're just making you're just pretty you don't shake it that hard and then the second is a shake like that is not
Starting point is 01:44:36 enough to get a nice coverage over the full chip like bag you're getting a little bit maybe from the bottom to like the 75 percent mark 50 if you go real ham on the shake but it's not gonna do much you're just kind of fucking up the chips in the bag more so the shake is kind of worthless all of these all of these things are much more preferable compared to the anxiety caused by opening the bag upside see and this is what I wanted to touch on what I wanted to actually get to right is is it are we looking at a situation where right even if there was no discernible difference whatsoever is it just the
Starting point is 01:45:18 OCD of the upside-down logo that is bothering someone from the onset a lot of people have compulsive tendencies even if they don't have full-blown obsessive compulsive because prior to that clip starting right right before James started recording it min was looking at me opening it and going turn it around no flip it or flip it around yeah like exactly exactly flip it around no this is intentional you know so it's like if the logo being upside down is a part of this then it's like okay so like what fucking difference does that make you know it's wrong here's what I will say back in the day I remember they sold
Starting point is 01:46:01 mini cereal boxes where you had to eat them sideways where they expected you to flap open that's the the the front facing side of the box cut the bag open and pour the milk in that way and that was madness it was insane and it was a horrible mistake hello you just and I don't know if they still make them but dear god it's terrible it's the worst right that sounds just awful terrible really dumb idea okay well I I'm sorry that I'm sorry that I stole your insanity thunder on this I I it's it's to be expected because again I came in prepared you know I just what I don't know what I should want to see what I was
Starting point is 01:46:37 thinking I mean shit well I mean I think it was like two three weeks ago that I pointed out to Paige when I was eating something I'm like you know you haven't seen my mouth chew for like two three four years right and she's like what do you mean and I'm like have you not realized that every single time I go to say anything with any food anywhere near my mouth I take my left hand and put it as a barrier in front of the entire left side of my the entire bottom half of my face because I have a terror of people seeing me eat yeah you can't let people look at you eat if they see you eat it will look bad you cover your
Starting point is 01:47:25 mouth when you're speaking out of politeness for not spitting food at them while you talk well I also cover my mouth in general even when I'm not eating sorry even when I'm not talking because I don't like people to see me eat food I know exactly where that came from though you remember when I had the false teeth yes well when you eat with the false teeth you got to take the teeth out and then I was like a toothless hillbilly looking fuck so you had I was like that for like eight so you have to hide it and now it's become a lifetime thing now it's become lifetime hey Willie just remember OCD is a fun
Starting point is 01:48:11 little game where you make up rules for yourself and then follow them forever yeah okay well look stolen valor aside I'm just saying that you know the the third answer which was proposed by some people here which is I like to use a bowl for the chips to me a bolt yeah a bowl is fine a bowl kind of it nullifies entire the entire thing you pour them out you have a bowl that's where it is right but it's just inconvenient and in many cases I will use a bowl if I have to offer chips to a group of people but if I'm just eating them for myself I'd rather not have a bowl to wash after the fact so I'll just fucking eat them from
Starting point is 01:48:59 the back I would offer I would I will often use a bowl for chips because the bowl side steps chip hands it does it does if I'm gonna sit you get to just use the fingertips to grab a chip but if I'm in a situation where chip hands is not that big a deal because I can just you know whatever afterward like it's fine I'll deal with it you know I I very much dislike chip hands but but but the bowl is yeah that's that's personal the bowl the bowl kind of comes out and acts as a a neutral a third party to the situation but but all it is is this man if you are bothered by the logo being upside down then obviously this is a
Starting point is 01:49:46 this has no effect on the flavor whatsoever this is a minor other mini goblin of some kind that you are wrestling with see you joke but it does meanwhile the actual it mean while the only reason why I flip it is because the chips taste a little bit better when I do and it's what if they don't actually what if that's in your mind I have had a long time to figure this out because the ritual every Saturday for a long time was you go to church and then you do the church food thing in the afternoon after the service and then you dick around in the in the fellowship hall for hours and then when the Sun goes down and you're
Starting point is 01:50:32 allowed to be a human again you go buy a bag of chips and a drink or maybe some candy at the deep under down the street and you enjoy that little treat and we come back to church after that and then get ready to go home or no we get ready for a why excuse me which is the evening service but that chips you would get I've had many a bag of chips and I've tried out different kinds and I was like hey you know at some point instead of having this powder at the bottom the which you know you can something depending on the flavors if it's like salty and just like if you're just eating salt then you're like okay that takes horrible at the
Starting point is 01:51:10 bottom of the bag but if it's a flavor that's like not that bad if it's a nice one you know a decent lays barbecue or something like that then like yeah you have it at the bottom and I'm like instead of having it all collect into this dust let me just fucking flip that bitch over get it all in there from the top and then I'm like oh shit look at that these chips taste better and the ones that I reach in for afterwards continue to taste better it's just that simple I bet that you would fail a double-plined taste test of this concept depends on how high in the bag we're talking if we're talking first layer
Starting point is 01:51:47 knock it no if we're talking everything beneath that there's a higher and higher chance of failing certainly I bet and here's the other bit you would here's the other bit if you're going from a neutral no chip taste in your mouth to chip taste you're getting a lot of flavor either way right going from zero to chip flavor and being zero to let's say 80 percent or zero to 95 percent is a much harder thing than going from 80 to 95 percent I bet that if you were 10 days in a row given a random sampling of right side up chip and upside down chip that you would be unable to tell which was which within the margin of statistical
Starting point is 01:52:45 significance again I bet you would get it correctly about 50% of the time again I think any human being going from zero to chip whatever that percentage is is going to have a much harder time detecting whether it's the slightly more flavorful version or the slightly less flavorful version then going from an unflavored or the less flavorful to the more flavorful it's the direct comparison from one to the other that you can actually tell more than going from zero to chip so what you're saying is that you can't tell therefore it's that's not even at all that's not even remotely close to what I said that is
Starting point is 01:53:27 what that's not even that's not at all what I said you wouldn't be able to tell therefore there's no difference no I'm but it's better I'm saying zero to any chip is going to create a much harder distinguishing point than it is to go from regular to the other way around and I would say this as someone who's done it again a bunch of times it's a it takes a second it literally you just flip it it's the same process it's pain-free and then you get a little bit more for it that's it this is placebo you're insane okay and as somebody who knows a lot about my own place all right this is big place all right now let's pause and
Starting point is 01:54:12 break this down all right so do you can we agree that some flavors of chips have the powdered flavor that comes off of the chips in the bag at the bottom of the bag yeah like let's take just Dorito can we agree the nacho cheese dust obviously falls okay now next can we agree that when you finish a bag of chips chips right side up you have all that powder in there that you can choose to eat on your own if you wanted to there you could if you like okay with the little crumbs all right so then could we not say if you were to take a normal chip out of port of the bag or have the entire bag poured out and if you were to
Starting point is 01:54:55 take a chip in your hand and sprinkle a little bit of that on it that you would end up tasting a stronger flavor to the chip well no because after you shake it all the dust will have gone to its neutral state anyway that's not what I asked you that's what I'm telling you answer the question it will taste more cheesy than it should it's not an objective term my friend should as subjective I'm saying that you have an extra element here which can affect the flavor that does exist at the bottom of the bag therefore when you turn it over if you're saying it's placebo you're saying that that dust ceases to exist
Starting point is 01:55:41 and goes into the ether and stops to exist as opposed to landing on the surface of the chips which it clearly does because physics if you were if you were to prepare a chip in this way I bet you could tell the difference but we're not talking about singular chips that have been redusted we're talking about a whole bag and between the whole bag you would not be able to tell any significant difference between it again it makes more of a difference towards the top by the last chips the dust is probably not permeating all the way back through but it makes more of a difference for the top half of the bag for certain just put
Starting point is 01:56:28 the logo the right side logos logos the problem logos the problem logo is upsetting logo is because here's the pet stare at logo eating here's the thing right when you eat food and you're anxious it doesn't taste as good as food when you're relaxed and upside down logos make you anxious of course they do it's wrong it's in the wrong position okay well I'll say this more sane people that's why you have to make sure that food doesn't touch on your plate more sane people than you will will will argue this point from a point of view that doesn't involve necessarily a logo anxiety but the point remains that is if
Starting point is 01:57:20 you like the powder to begin with that's the asterisk which because I'm somebody that is like I can accept if you're like I hate that shit fuck that get it away from me then fine right this doesn't apply in the same way that it's like if you throw the milk out at the bottom of a bowl of cereal you're kind of fucking crazy because of how good that milk tastes but whatever right that I think it actually tastes quite bad it's so nice milk sir post cereal milk is so nice dude as a kid I like that it was like it was one of my favorite things it was it's like it's such a reward I don't I don't like it I think it tastes
Starting point is 01:58:03 bad I think I like milk to taste like milk you know I I mean I'm willing I'm willing to say this I know that as adults our tastes change I know that as a kid I loved it I haven't done it in a very long time maybe it's too sweet for me now as an adult because your tastes your your your taste buds literally change as you get older so perhaps there is definitely a factor that apply perhaps there's definitely perhaps there is a factor that makes it better as a kid I'm willing to I'm willing to throw that in there right I'm willing to throw that in there to say yeah maybe but back then it was sweet but I loved sweet and it
Starting point is 01:58:45 tasted really good so good that the company decided to make a product out of it two products out of it they had cereal milk sold in its own container and they had the bars that were made of the cereal milk that's what's up it just seems awful that's what's up well anyway milk should taste like milk milk should taste like milk and then after you finished eating the cereal with the milk you get some better tasting milk there's no better take no no no that's wrong milk that's cereal fucking trash milk cereal tastes good the flavors taste good the sugar is good the milk is good it's all good and then at the end
Starting point is 01:59:39 of the milk bar it comes together concept of better milk the best milk is the ideal the pure the purest that's why it's milk purest milk I see unsullied unsullied by this fucking cereal trash sip it's big old glass of milk sip it separately in its own cup keep the colors set keep the colors away from it put a straw in there unless it's chocolate milk but that's chocolate milk put a straw own completely on the glass of milk bowl of cereal dry let them let thems remain unmixed we crunch and then we sip this is how we move hey let me ask you a question fucking psycho I this is this is a this is a
Starting point is 02:00:32 legit question because I want to see how you fall on this which is more upsetting drinking and sorry having the milk and cereal separate or pouring water in oh Jesus fucking Christ cuz that that's like madness to me that makes me upset okay okay so what you don't understand about that question is that a big part of being all about the the God's health message the Lord and one up is that sometimes we we we don't want to use things like regular milk because it's not as healthy what we need to do is get some powdered milk oh shut up and when you get the powdered milk going if you're in the house of someone who has a
Starting point is 02:01:34 big old box of powdered milk then you're gonna have to we actually have a big old box of powder then you're gonna have to pour the right amount of powder with the right amount of water and create the milk yourself and you're going to hope to God that the the mix is a correct the portions are correct and be even if they're measured correctly that you've mixed a thorough amount that there's no clumps floating the clumps are bad but guess what we are human and we are only human there will always be clumps there will always be an inefficient mix and there will always be a part of that which is just fucking water so then you
Starting point is 02:02:20 pour that shit over the cereal and what happens well you put you're mixing the soup the fucking soupy milk water powder in an open container anyway because you've got to have enough room to get the spoon going around so when you pour it over you see first the unmixed water hit your cereal then you get the clumpy parts dropping on top of your cereal and then the rest all comes together and now you've got random bowls of cereal with clumps of water and powder milk explosions sitting on them and you take a bite of that and then the the glop on the cereal explodes because it's a wet surrounding but the powder inside is
Starting point is 02:03:03 still powder yeah that's why we only use the powdered milk we have for coffee exclusively because it's small amounts which is easy to do and avoid this problem I've and that's only on weeks that we we can't get milk which doesn't happen anymore so I've been to many a household where the only thing to eat was powdered milk with your cereal be thankful for your regular I just dry cereal man yes actually at that point just at that point you're just gonna put some cereal in a ziploc bag and fucking eat it like that like it's trail mix you have no you have no choice um but then what if you're eating your what if you're
Starting point is 02:03:55 eating your trail mix cereal right and then you have a big ol glass of milk now you're the bowl again a major motion picture that was Academy of Award winning depicted the insanity of its villain as this exact action for the express purpose of communicating how insane this act is to any regular human being and more than enough people loved and appreciated that movie and that moment because of how disturbing it was listen man it's a rich tapestry something something food anyway hey do you follow gripping food with force no that's a very upsetting Twitter account I have not seen that and it sounds pretty upsetting it does it's a
Starting point is 02:04:57 it's a Twitter account that follows an incredibly strict formula which is picture number one is holding a banana picture number two is crushing that banana in your hand yeah with like every so evil food so forced to the point where the contents spill all out over the hand explode hate that that sounds that's annoying like it is it is a Twitter account that like has gotten like tons of hate mail and I don't need that oh no the accounts been temporarily restricted good people must be reporting it because they could remove this is such a good one so anyway look hey woolly else I'll send you I'll send you it look at it I look
Starting point is 02:05:50 look at it and tell the people how it makes you I ain't looking at shit look at it look at it you fucking coward why would you ruin an ego it's just like viscerally upset what's syrup on it you piece of shit it's so upsetting why would you dress it I love it um so up in the cabin we did some other things one of those things was we played the board game betrayal at the house on the hill oh that's a good ass board you know about it I've played many rounds yes it's very high quality board it fucking
Starting point is 02:07:01 might be my favorite rules I had no idea and basically I said hey what you know like this isn't this meant to be a relaxing environment and I can do that but you gotta keep thinking about work though never stop thinking about work even never stop producing everything is content even you're awake so I mean shit man I've my stream schedule this past week has been a disaster because I'm not getting any sleep because I mean we're crate training this guy and he loves to pee and I feel terrible even though it's like oh this is a new life this is obviously the focus right it's like oh you gotta get out of produce so
Starting point is 02:07:48 I said hey we're going up why not bring my stuff with me and some of that stuff includes some board games so I can get some table lords going so one of those was betrayal at the house on the hill and this is something where as soon as I pulled it out like Jill was like holy shit yeah fuck yeah let's go you know weigh in and I was like okay perfect because I didn't have a chance to read through the rules yet so it always though the hard part about this is always having to go and like get familiar enough to then start it out and make sure you're not fucking up any major rules on camera because you want to you want to
Starting point is 02:08:25 show off the thing properly so luckily enough this game half of its rules are banned from your reading until you exactly so we basically were able to do a session where I was like oh yeah it shouldn't take too long it should just you know a quick quick little game sometimes it goes faster than you expect we had a fucking run it took hours oh yeah it was it was really really it was wild a very eventful very interesting introduction to the game but essentially what it is is a game where you are you know playing as a number of like horror movie characters and you have everyone has the potential to
Starting point is 02:09:11 basically be like someone who is more or less part of the the the the team of people that are trying to escape with their lives but there's also something potentially dark about them and you know there's fears that they have to face essentially and you start on a tile which is basically the I guess like the the front room of this mansion and you have a deck of tiles that represent expanded rooms that you can explore in so as you walk into the fog of war that is like the unexplored rooms you pull these rooms from the top from the the deck and put them down on the on the table to create a giant mansion of many
Starting point is 02:09:55 rooms each room has its own rules a certain number of doors in certain locations and you create a map the occasional bullshit gimmick yeah and yeah and you create a map and each room has some some crazy bullshit in it exactly there's events there's omens there's items all kinds of little RNG things can happen so it's basically a rogue-like board game and once you've kind of gone through a certain number of events there's also a top floor and a basement which you can find yourself in and you can expand those as well there is always a chance with each omen event that kind of happens that you roll to see if you
Starting point is 02:10:42 start the second phase of the game the chances are pretty low when you initially are exploring and you picking up picking up things and seeing what happens but as you get further and further into the game the chances get higher and higher once the chance that once it eventually does hit the point where you fail a check excuse me the haunt begins and the haunt is phase two where all the survivors go from enjoying their cabin in the woods exploring and being merry but creeped out by a little bit of this and that to the monster or the problem has revealed itself and now you must solve that issue and it's it's great because
Starting point is 02:11:26 the most fun part of the game is the dead center of the game where you figure out what the actual haunt is going to be yes because the way the rule set works is the person who triggers the event grabs the rulebook and goes to an exact page where there is a literally a chart of what event happened in what location and the combination of these two things will create a specific theme to the final half of the game so I won't spoil about our adventure in particular because that'll be coming soon there's tons there's how many are like 30 40 yeah I think there's I think there's like 50 I think there's like 50 or so there's a
Starting point is 02:12:17 there's so so many and every one of them creates a different kind of horror movie monster or problem or anything creepy right and there's different solutions or different things you have to do accordingly and so what you do is once you identify what the haunt is you separate so the person who draws the thing will read the rules of what perhaps they or someone we don't know the rules change but the person who causes it reads one set of rules of what's about to happen and everyone else reads another set of rules of what's about to happen and yeah often the person who triggers it becomes the antagonist for
Starting point is 02:13:01 the rest of the gang for the remainder of the game yeah and so what ends up so then you end up all having one understanding of what's going down and then they have another and the game becomes asymmetrical once the game is asymmetrical you have this great like you know we can't give away too much information but we do have to execute our plan and adapt on the fly as things start to fucking fall apart and that aspect to it makes it amazing like it really it's a fucking 10 out of 10 you know and I'm glad like it's what it was recommended strongly so that's why I grabbed it you know but it's what it's
Starting point is 02:13:44 one of these games were it's probably my favorite board game it's yeah I feel it way up there and I definitely can see see this as something I'm like oh yeah this thing has legs like you can just do this over and over and over and get drastically different results every time so like the the idea is like I mean if you were had a perfect memory and could remember the rules for both teams like you would have an unfair advantage but there's so many different scenarios and I mean you're not playing you know 80 games of board games in a row the likelihood that you'll somehow remember what some other guy's rule set was from
Starting point is 02:14:23 two weeks ago I feel is like fucking no like there's no chance yeah there's deep there's small fine details too that you can easily forget certainly but there's just so many you know and let's say you do get used to it cuz hey who hasn't played through every version and seen every card of cards against humanity at this point right everyone's know everyone's like oh yeah same joke we know the deal you know you kind of at a certain point you're like yeah so this is where this game would be perfect for expansions and from what I understand there are expansions which add even more scenarios and twists and
Starting point is 02:14:58 rooms into the situation so like that is a just an absolute slam dunk of a board game again it's called betrayal at the house on the hill and that will be coming to table lords in short order soon on woolly versus we also got to try out Donkey Kong Jenga which is pretty fun it's Jenga all right I gotta look at this because it's Jenga that's not just a board game that's a fucking physical yeah it's Jenga with a little twist to it where you've got little Donkey Kong themed girders you've got little Mario's that have to climb the tower and Donkey Kong sitting at the top with Pauline and this and essentially you
Starting point is 02:15:52 have to excuse me so the the small side of every Jenga block has a hole in it and oh weird I'm looking at a video of it now this is bizarre so the long side looks like the long pink girders from the old Donkey Kong game and then the small side has the dots in them the holes in them like dremeled right through and what you do is you take the little piece of little Mario badge and you stick it in there and what your goal is is you spin a spinner that says pull out one piece pull out two pieces pull out three pieces you know like Jenga right or sorry zero one and two zero one and two but alongside that it's lift your
Starting point is 02:16:42 Mario up one two or three girders on the tower so at that point you're kind of moving up along the tower and that extra step of course makes it extra dangerous because you have to interact with the tower a bit more move them a little bit higher but what you can do is then pull out a girder beneath another Mario and they fall down a level so it is a kind of it is a a competitive aspect there where you can kind of fuck with other players as you go higher up once the Jenga tower falls the player who is highest to the top that did not cause the tower to fall wins so that's it that sounds like a nice little remix on Jenga
Starting point is 02:17:33 but Jenga is like really strong on it definitely so unless you like horribly fucked it up it's still gonna be pretty good it definitely was this was a nice little twist to it that I you know it wasn't too invasive it was just a little extra step it added a little bit of extra difficulty because you just you had to fuck with the tower a little bit more on each turn and then there was also a rule of before moving anything you have to take Donkey Kong off and then put back on so even if you had a perfect play when you put Donkey Kong back on top if it's too delicate you might fuck up and lose you know so yeah it was
Starting point is 02:18:10 great it was great so that's how you that's how you you play that version of the game so we did that as well and that was that was a fun time also coming up on table lords soon I was I guess Jenga is a board game even though it's got no it's a table it's a tabletop game you know you play it on a tape it's it counts the the cabin we were in happened to have a pool table a dartboard and a foosball table in the basement oh fucking sick that shit was rad so I definitely took advantage of that shot a couple games with Reggie didn't go my way yeah I because I mean it's what I feel like there's one of those things
Starting point is 02:19:01 were like I I can I can play I can play but I don't have enough control to like not fuck up by sinking the eight ball at the last second you know yeah I always fuck that up man so you know we're the pressures too much yeah yeah and and definitely Reggie the way so he's one of those people where he's he looks he says like he's looked at me he's like I see you've got a shark mode you know and it's in there like there's times where I'm like one two three four no problem but for the most part he was pretty consistent with it and then he has these then occasionally you know we're playing at a level where we're both like okay we
Starting point is 02:19:41 kind of know how to hit the ball and do things right but then he does like a jump at one point and I'm like motherfucker oh fuck off I'm like I can pull off a jump if I use the little secondary bitch stick you know but like that was that look at this try hard fucking ruining pool for you um right at the same time I I do have those moments to two words like you flip the the pool cue kind of behind yourself to like hit it from the back kind of thing and it's like oh oh you showing off you're being all fancy and it's like no it's the only way to make this shot I'm not left-handed yeah I can't do it any other way it's got to go
Starting point is 02:20:21 behind the back it's the only way um you know so yeah he we fucking we did our set and like that was what it was but I definitely I had the choke game I had the comeback that wasn't fast enough I had and then I had the the complete wash on it so it is what it is yeah this this feels like you almost like you describing a version of like you playing pool with my father because like my dad was a guy who hey kids let's go play pool and then he would like always just barely win and then you got old enough to be like dad are you fucking with us he like yeah I used to I used to hustle break out Lucille like oh pretty much
Starting point is 02:21:06 and and like oh come on dad let's play a real game and he goes okay and then he got to play a real game yeah and me and my brother and sister all got to stand there and watch him play correct that's that's what that's what exactly what it should be yeah it pool is a fucking amazing game where it's just it's the most physics-based physics thing ever it is all your ability to triangulate and and and then convert your calculation into muscle memory it's just trig man but it's trig and calculus but the way it creates rules especially when you're playing like you know proper a call every shot eight ball is one where like the
Starting point is 02:21:57 choke factor for pool is so fucking high I'm gonna sink that one are you yeah like playing par is like you're hitting the book like there's a level where you're like okay play to a caught a level of competency where you hit your ball and you sink the shot or you don't if you fail to even touch your ball they get to clean up they get it's me and like if they're good enough that's the game if you play well enough to hit your ball but you also scratch they get to clean up if you if they're good enough that's the game and if you and then nothing nothing is as bad as scratching on eight ball which means no matter how
Starting point is 02:22:45 well you've done you just instantly fucking lose destroyed guilty gear instant kill so yeah man it's a game of don't drop your combos and when you do drop your combos you can drop so hard that you just die it was great it was fun don't let that motherfucking combo drop keep the rhythm up and then yeah and then you know I kind of decided so that we had some fun with that but I also had a little bit of a a woolly versus triathlon we'll call it okay where all three of those games happens to be within close enough order to each other that oh yeah okay I figured a little something about so cue the Olympics music
Starting point is 02:23:34 we'll have another fun video at some point to pop up there and it was a good time it was a good time I think punch mom and Jill were a little bit non-plussed by the Tim Allen ask man grunting coming from the rest of us these are the kinds of situations in which the battle of the sexes isn't just encouraged it's bordering on mandatory you know like I every single time I have gone out with a group of people to play pool it always descends into alright dudes versus the chicks let's do it it got it you got it you got a show and I mean and then sometimes they show you and you're like damn but it's like that's a game that
Starting point is 02:24:27 like you know that there's no advantages one way or the other that can yeah there's no sexual dimorphism in the rules at all you know you need a firm but delicate touch to hit the ball to hit the fucking to do it to play properly you you cannot overshoot you cannot overdo it with power and you can't underdo it you know it's very similar to mini-golf yeah which I have not been able to play in nearly five years because Paige hates mini-golf and I think it's because she's bad at it because I would wreck her shit in putt putt all right who doesn't like mini-golf seriously um I don't know maybe you have a closer view
Starting point is 02:25:19 of the ball so all right that's a good one that's all right that one's that's a b-plus what I like about pool is that it has there's definitely an aspect to it where when you do it nice and you're in everything goes perfectly according to plan and you sink it you look like the fucking smartest coolest right you you bank a shot and then it comes and it does exactly what you wanted it to do it has a nice little thing where because of that moment where everyone stops to see what happened you get to know you get to no sell what you're internally going yeah but you just get to go and then you go all right and then you just walk
Starting point is 02:26:06 around confidently to line up the next one but inside you're screaming pools good for that yeah exactly it gives you time to maintain composure but you're freaking out inside a little bit you know what you know what game I would love to play all the time but I you need a lot of space for it unfortunately ping-pong mm-hmm I fucking love ping-pong so much I ping-pong like yeah it's it's it's like it's fun but like I don't have the cardio for it you know like I I played ping-pong nearly every day for like five years during high school and like it was just oh my god it's so much goddamn ping-pong badminton
Starting point is 02:26:59 and tennis are all games that I find really fun but I just do I don't have the fucking cardio I bet Reggie plays a lot of badminton I know but like yeah a lot of that just like you know high and high coordination reaction to the like it's at the highest levels ping pong is is unbelievable like there there's there's the two great feelings in ping pong having the guy just barely get it back on the table and have it go high and then you could just smash that shit so that it hits the fucking thing like a goddamn meteor and shoots down the hall to the point where the game is functionally over because the ball has
Starting point is 02:27:42 been lost in the crowd in your high school unless they spike block it in which case get fucked or them them going for the smash and you tilting it so that it like just barely rebounds at all mm-hmm and just like kind of drill blub blub blub blub blub blub blub blub and then they almost fall down trying to run back to where they were exactly exactly and it's just like oh my god that's just so it's yeah it's just a sport nothing but asshole moves badam badminton as well where you just like you fucking after such an aggressive meteor smash you just bunt the shuttlecock right over you know and they're
Starting point is 02:28:32 like oh fuck and they can dive and save it but they're not getting back up for the next one so yeah you know it's up to the partner to handle yeah which is also I mean and and those tactics apply to every net-based game where you have like a volleyball type of situation going on you know like you get too aggressive with your spike and then you get punished for it yeah good stuff good stuff the dartboard was big problem with ping pong though on compared to darts or pools you can't play ping pong by yourself a pool you pull you can play forever by you fucking you can play ping pong on a wall if you want to practice
Starting point is 02:29:08 your reactions but it's just yeah it's just training at that point you're basically playing like squash type of thing the dartboard was weird because it was magnetic so the darts had to attach magnetically to the thing which not a fan of that that's no I want the night you need the yeah it doesn't doesn't feel and it also feel and like the problem too is that you can overthrow and hit it so hard that it bounces back because the magnet just doesn't attach so that sucked but it was there so yeah all that all that was pretty cool though I didn't from not expecting anything to be there at all to having a bunch of those
Starting point is 02:29:50 in the basement was pretty sick too so soon there will be darts needs to be a game that you play while drinking with the knife version of the dart and there always needs to be a constant low-level threat of some like for real disaster like I'll get the darts hold on I'm gonna throw it like the the the the traditional dartboard placement of like in the middle of a bar where people are sitting around behind the banister that you're throwing at yep I follow can you hey I want to ask you a question about fucking lawn darts I thought this was what go in there I could feel it coming it's so it's so fucking awesome
Starting point is 02:30:41 to just throw a lawn dart straight up into the air and just see what happens just see what's the question okay I would like to once again direct your attention towards the film garden state where the final level of lawn darts was revealed where you grab a bow and arrow and you like the arrow on fire and you shoot it up straight into the air 90 degrees if possible and then you play avoid the arrow that's fun and you just have your head up and you just walk in circles trying to just eyeball it trying to just eyeball it lawn darts final oh by the way guys if you guys think I'm dying because I'm breathing
Starting point is 02:31:46 weird that's because there's a fat dog on my lap is he biting your pepperonis he's not biting my pepperonis he's sitting on my lap and and squabbling around and going with his puppy noises but anyway so we did a little bit of that and then you know I brought my console as well so we played my computer so we played some Ki and just enjoy enjoyed nature and enjoyed killer instinct and it was a good time a match made in heaven as it was meant to certainly was I definitely did just like there was a grill there and I'm like fuck me man fire meat just just go just all day just ready for that and yeah
Starting point is 02:32:40 woolly you know woolly likes food as most people do woolly likes fire what if I put the fire into the food he says eyes glinting with excitement and you know it's it's one of those things where it's just they had a really good grill and I don't often get a chance at a really good grill boy that thing is it was just a nice nice fun thing to have to work with what if I just started a fire he said and hey there was and saw it all there was a nice propane tank with propane accessories and you just you just you just have a memory of like yeah yeah fire you know yeah fire hey I'm gonna be real watching shit burn down is
Starting point is 02:33:32 fucking cool certainly is hopefully everyone's been evacuated so that you can enjoy how cool it is pro tip for building your campfire um dry pine needles dry branches of pine that's good are like little fireworks you can toss in there when you want to just have a little like whoo there it is for a little bit you know you toss in some dry pine you get a nice big reaction out of that play safe with your fire pit of course don't fuck around toss a propane tank in there you get a real fun hey now Australia but that would be unsafe so don't do that or you know you could always go the the ultimate route which
Starting point is 02:34:16 is thermite gender reveal tank oh yeah that's a great idea huh and you can see whether you get a pink or a blue and then you can burn down half your state whether or not your state burns down yeah so you know oopsie doodles pop up it's a boy it's a girl it's the end of California oopsie doodle California at least when Australia was burning down it was like probably just some kangaroo tannerite excuse me yeah but kangaroo a billion of them no grabbed a billion of them also those shots of the fire trucks outrunning two like walls on each side of burning forests as they're just pulling out because they're
Starting point is 02:35:12 like water ain't gonna do shit anymore boys we're out of here and like they're filming the fucking race through the and I'm like this is not backdraft 3 like this is real yeah that's the part with the fire it's like how do we save the forest the only way to save the forest from this inferno is to kill the forest in a big line so that there's nothing to burn you know I mean it's like look it's the only solution what it's worth every once in a while there are areas that do controlled burns on purpose and they they let it rock you know and they just like this podcast hey whoa and then when the smoldering ashes all settle
Starting point is 02:35:54 then they're like that's what we wanted I appreciate your totally unenthusiastic whoa that was good I like that so all that all that is is a good time and well needed and yay hooray for that those good yay cabin good times everybody all things I that sounds great man I'm glad you had a good you were there the week yeah just the weekend what is what is in fact up of course is that you know as one as you do when you when you when you kind of have these excursions you throw all like kind of food meals planning and restrictions to the wind and boy have I like I'm like well like it ain't great right now
Starting point is 02:36:46 quarantine has made it much harder to continue doing the healthiest thing when it comes to food and exercise as Paige would say I'm thinking Orbeez yeah yeah I'm listen I'm just gonna getting a bit geometric it's not good it's not good and and I you know I'm in a situation where the usual results I would buy that when I hit this point I'd just be like okay look get more aggressive with the morning runs get more aggressive with the boxing get more aggressive with the the meals you know and it's just that simple but like the restrictions has made it quite an ordeal to do that and I'm basically like about to look into I'm
Starting point is 02:37:39 gonna start looking for someone I can consult perhaps a dietitian or a nutritionist or a personal trainer or something but I'm a deep fatter I'm looking at finding a deep fatter and I don't often use the superpower that we have which is our Twitter box to do things we have a superpower right you try not you try to use it responsibly but I'm considering nah I'm yeah okay maybe just me but I'm considering hunting for a deep fatter to help me defat while I I'm in quarantine here I'm sure there's some de fatters out there that are professional de fatters who are also looking for people to help out
Starting point is 02:38:35 during the situation since they can't also go to their places of work you know so this is this this is the next step is alright this is a nice the cabin was a send-off to like my efforts as a good to good times and as it were and I got a fucking get real about it cuz it's it's it's pretty much back to being as bad as it ever was and I don't know there's something about like the excuses you give yourself but then you fight through those but then when the world makes it easy to make an excuse you just kind of like lean into it yeah it's crazy out there man we live in interesting times you know you can you can it's
Starting point is 02:39:25 interesting how the brain will create self defenses against your own like I guess lack of willpower but when outside forces are like hey man no choice this is just the way it is now you're you can accept that in a heartbeat way easier you know sucks so yeah I'm gonna figure that out and by all means if you if you know if y'all know people out there hit me up I'm gonna start looking I'm gonna start looking anyway that's me that's this this past weekend and you can that's the wall you can tune into those upcoming videos and you know the continuing adventures of paper Mario John Halo actually that's not true that's not true
Starting point is 02:40:18 but the continued ventures of some sort of shoot bangy man and and a second row and a second row hey not quite second year oh almost but not quite Jin in Sushima ghost of Sushima sushi boy which we'll be talking about soon in the news true true true true all that continues over on woolly versus on Twitter well excuse me woolly versus on Twitch woolly versus on YouTube and yeah go take a look take a peek see if you like what you see yeah you can find me over to Pat stairs that I'm pretty much everything so do that um also I think it is yeah I think I can I can drop this from now since we're pretty close to it
Starting point is 02:41:09 but next week Reggie and myself will be doing commentary for an upcoming Mortal Combat 11 event on Monday and on Wednesday there will be some they'll be online brackets for an MK 11 event promoting the boys the next season and from what I understand the times are going to be in the evening it'll be like two two sets of pools in the evening on Monday and then on on Wednesday so we'll be doing that so tune in if you want to catch us doing some MK 11 commentary you know we did it a little bit before back with some previous when there was the the RTX thing that was going down and yeah it's a good time I believe this is
Starting point is 02:42:07 an event too where there is a you know some expected big names will be there and I don't know what's announced so I'll kind of let them handle all of that but I'll tweet up more details about this as soon as I get them but yeah next week Monday and next week Wednesday Mortal Combat so podcast will be on podcast will be on Tuesday which is kind of an incredible coincidence because I'm getting my new AC installed on Monday so we wouldn't be able to do on Monday there you go is that great I just worked out we didn't work out so yeah stay tuned for that as well well we can I get a ten minute break I need to put
Starting point is 02:42:49 this baby to bed up and use the water okay so take note of the time right now and ten minutes from exactly this time we will be right back okay so welcome back to everyone including me and you now we were about to get into the news before we do that I have to make an announcement okay unfortunately because puppy is being a little crazy and Paige has to run an errand taking Elmo to the vet he has had to be crated for the foreseeable next half hour or 45 minutes so he might be super pissed off in the background that's okay to be perfectly honest I expected a lot more noise from the moment you made the announcement
Starting point is 02:43:47 that he existed and I've noticed that there hasn't been that much I've been expecting lots of yips and yaps but that's all good now this will probably come through a lot more clearly on the mp3 version and it sounds like he is being murdered in the background I assure you he is in a comfortable crate with a nice blanket and his toys and I gave him many treats however he is still very willful tell him I said Bork he is stupid and will not understand but I will so a couple of different stories happened this week probably the coolest one I'd like to start out with would be the ghost of Tsushima legends DLC that
Starting point is 02:44:50 has been announced boy is this out of nowhere so this is a multiplayer DLC which to be fair we expected DLC to show up at some point I I think I talked about it in the first episode you know where I was like okay like what are we gonna see here because we know we're in that first month or two of raw game but you don't make something this elaborate and detailed and just leave it off at one game or just what our single disc like you always have shit coming for this type of effort and yeah they I guess it's been about a month now the ghost of Tsushima legends is a co-op multiplayer release and it is for
Starting point is 02:45:40 players what seems to be playing you seem to be possibly playing as the people in the legends that they actually tell you about in the game yeah the you know the armor sets had legendary yeah seems like those are the those are the people and you're fighting yokai and it's free so cool thank you sucker punch it's also based on magic so free multiplayer showing up just like that that's all right that's pretty fucking cool the game clearly you know feels like it it it can do that it feels like if you have if you yeah you know it feels like the kind of game where like you kind of looked at I looked at some of these
Starting point is 02:46:36 environments I'm like yeah I could see you rolling with a crew you know and some of these play like like like situations maybe like taking on a Mongol fort with a group of people but in this case it would be a demon fort with ghosts yeah and they're saying that should be coming when what's the announcement on that hmm okay here we go cooperative gameplay experience for one of four characters samurai hunter Ronan or assassin series of co-op to player story missions as well um introducing magic survival based missions for four players as well I'm kind of shocked the game has no functional survival mode in the single
Starting point is 02:47:36 player a lot of the time you have to imagine that like they just they got it out the door you know yeah so any any little extras if you like you know we're working on DLC why put that out there with the initial thing when you're like we can just put this in later and take the time to polish it you know um so yeah wave-based survival and four player raid whatever that means so my so anyway like so like there's a couple of multiplayer modes actually it's not just the one and doesn't seem like there's a date there it looks really good he's going he's very he's he's he's going I'm gonna see if I can't change to rtx
Starting point is 02:48:40 voice for at least the the the live version boy see if that works boy it was pretty hello hi I've switched over I've heard I heard the switch over it was a little fuzzy okay let's see how it sounds oh I'm gonna turn my sensitivity way down there he is sounds like that dog comes through rtx no problem yep close enough to being a person what if you put it up hold on I'm gonna switch back up there he is yeah there okay oh boy I told you you did you did okay now here's the fun part I have now put him in the cage even if I are great rather if I wanted to take him out and put him back on my lap I have to wait until he's
Starting point is 02:49:42 quiet for like 30 seconds because if I take him out any time before that I am rewarding his crying hmm right right oh god I got it man there are many things in terms of raising a puppy that the puppy wails like a be a murdered being and maybe I'm just soft but it is guilting me so bad that I feel nauseous because I'm like I just want to take him out of the cage and give him kisses and dress him up like a little fireman you will be okay and he will be okay everyone is like quit being a pussy just let the dog cry also it has to get used to this for the times when it has to do it again yeah pretty much so it sucks now but it's one
Starting point is 02:50:37 of many if it doesn't if it can't handle it now it how will it handle the 10 more times it's gonna have to happen pretty much so you know but he's so sad he is oh well ghost of Tsushima legends on the other hand is not sad it's very cool and I for one actually I don't know you get far enough of that plot that plot starts to get really depressing I mean it's a it's kind of hilarious to think that again you're you're the bad guys care about your honor more than they care about the the killing of their men yeah but what I will say is at a glance it's kind of interesting because when you see this gameplay I'm kind of trained to have
Starting point is 02:51:28 a little like oh shit that looks like it's gonna be pretty rough when you see like a big oni enemy because I'm like going on Sekiro slash Neo feelings about giant onis but you're like this is gonna be way easier like not even remotely close to what those games are at the challenge level of whatever this enemy is you know easy enough on the fact that there's no fucking stamina to worry about at any given point you just hit the buttons and kill the stab just keep stabbing stab with the right stance and block when you got a block so yeah um good shit good shit now I wish that the stance system was entirely gone and
Starting point is 02:52:15 was replaced with those the same buttons that you used to change stances were just singular moves no I like I like stances I like Neo okay I like stances stances are not just like about the like that defeat this type of enemy thing in the sense that I like that moment in the first time I played Bushido Blade and you go from high stance to low and I go from low to mid and we have that little moment I love that and then that one person pulls out a gun and then he pulls out a gun and you get fucking popped the stance dance as it were the little like this counters
Starting point is 02:53:08 that well that counters this and then the counter to that is some shit I've never seen before is I fucking love it I fucking love it so yeah no no stances please sword trick gun sword trick gun royal I know so speaking look at that he seemed to have calmed down so speaking of samurai that's not the only samurai game announced it's not because we got to also take a first look at Samurai Jack now Samurai Jack is seems to be you know that's like one of them animes right look yet is and it seems to be going for a kind of character action the action situation it's not what I expected it to look like launchers there's a parry
Starting point is 02:54:15 system lots of enemies to take on in a room and the trailer proper I'm looking at the gameplay the tech the technical trailer we're showing you some of his abilities but the the cinematic trailer shows you like you know he's got some one-on-ones in there and he's got different eras of Jack to go through so you've got the I'm seeing some season 5 stuff exactly some season 5 stuff is is shown off in the trailer you get to have him in his clean form his busted up form his cyber warrior form his traditional armor form he picks the gun up and takes out the fucking the robots with it all these different things you
Starting point is 02:54:56 know so looking at the the gameplay extent the extended video because again trailer looks pretty cool right when you go into the the technique trailer I'm like there's a level of slowness and just a hint of Xbox live arcade jank happening with the combat in ps2 game I guess to me I say 360 and the reason why is because like I say 360 after you and the reason why is because like there's a particular lighting flash on I think on like the blocks that you see at certain points that is it's just it was abused in that era and then the speed as well makes everything feel a little floaty so yeah I you know it looks like
Starting point is 02:55:57 it's like it's nice that there's a samurai jack action game like this finally after what seems from what I understand is they they they've done other things but nothing like this but it the reason why I bring this up here is because the contrast I want you to look at are you looking at you're looking at the footage yeah I'm looking at the trailer right now okay so look at the action and the way the combat goes in that right particularly the like I said the the advanced tech gameplay techniques trailer and now look at this next game I'm gonna talk about okay and like okay it's not and it's not fair to
Starting point is 02:56:40 compare everything all the time like this but to get a feeling for just what I mean with impact and and speed and and a sense of juice this next game is a project one person's working on called Arbiter Arbiter is also a character action game and it fucking goes and it goes and it goes and it goes and it goes and this is the one that looks like Ori not quite it's the one that has a camera that almost resembles Ultimate Ninja Storm and a couple of moments where character oh and yeah you got an anime boy okay there you got anime boy right so camera move like it's a faster game it's a faster game but like what is nice is it
Starting point is 02:57:35 has camera shake to it it has like an actual tracking like dynamic that you feel on every time it changes from enemy to enemy and it has frame skip when you hit enemy it has frame skip when you hit enemies and it has literally some of the same attacks you see Jack doing like a helm splitter it has a way more dynamic version of that as the camera centers itself and fucking impacts down and you're like please do this because Samurai Jack fucking looks amazing in the show you know Samurai Jack has impact moments that like are carried well throughout the animation style and this game is doing it not justice it's it's
Starting point is 02:58:20 it's not fucking leaning into like hyper anime dynamic energy you know but you're getting it off of this which is a project you should check out called Arbiter avail and I believe there's a link slash Arbiter game so it's just to say that you know like there's little bits of I saw these two things very close to each other and I kind of had you know like a little moment of like aha very similar in what you're trying to accomplish and Samurai Jack is very beloved but like there's a flavor to action that you either get or you don't you know yeah so there's a bit in the release date trailer at about
Starting point is 02:59:06 45 seconds or let's say 46 47 seconds where there's a panning shot of Jack through various scenes lifting up like this giant fucking hammer thing and then he slams it down yeah and the anticipation animation on it is really good because he swings it and he's having trouble getting over his head but then when he slams it down onto a tree the camera stays rock solid and all of the impact is tried to like be put out through like one hit spark yeah there's no frame skip there's no camera shake there's no nothing so that ends up looking super weak yeah woolly are you are you actually saying hire this man
Starting point is 02:59:48 no I didn't say that I'm saying that the people that are making that game and the people are making Samurai Jack have similar goals because they're similar styles of action game but the difference is one has a better understanding of dynamic camera work and impact probably the one with the lower budget probably that's all I'm saying so what you're saying is that we should just give all developers more money actually no I'm gonna literally say that we should give developers more money in general I mean look I'm saying that when you identify somebody who knows how to make some really cool shit like appreciate
Starting point is 03:00:41 what they make because it's awesome so yeah so it's cool that there is a Samurai Jack game coming out that will have you know lots of what seems to be all seasons content going on here I don't know if the game will be good I hope it will be the footage has that'll be better than Afro Samurai it probably will be better than Afro Samurai and it appears to be you know it like based on that glance it looks like it'll be a little middle of the road you know depending on I guess like how the boss fight variety shakes up and how faithful it is to the material and if it ends up being like super faithful in a like cutscene story
Starting point is 03:01:31 and sort of just overall you know like like Samurai Jack flavor is like on point that'll be a really nice you know benefit to it but like as far as the actual gameplay goes I feel like we've seen you know kind of middle of the road action games that looked like this from time to time and it's kind of me of them and it's kind of falling into that I that vibe I would say the vast majority of action games kind of look like that you know what's funny because we should I personally shit on Kingdom Hearts a lot because it's silly game for idiots even though I really like the first couple but mainly because it's fun but
Starting point is 03:02:12 one thing that Kingdom Hearts absolutely nails like one of the problems I see with a lot of these action games is they don't want to do the hit stop because they want it to be smooth right they want the action to be smooth Kingdom Hearts has smooth looking gameplay like and it doesn't really like the hit stop kind of thing that we're talking about but the visual effects that happen when you hit something and the actual effects on your swings are so fucking loud that it can get away with it well you're doing that thing loud fucking swings you're doing that thing where you tried making the first version of Jojo Jeopardy for a
Starting point is 03:02:50 bunch of hardcore obscure questions that casual anime only fans won't get okay samurai jack is a very large and casual fan base that they're hoping to sell this game to that's true that's correct in fact I think this what they're making here will probably be fine for most people that would like to that that are excited for samurai jack to have a video game and that that that's true can that also not be true at the same time as like there are things this game could do to be a better action game like you worry about you I think we can have both these are not mutually exclusive statements I think this game could do
Starting point is 03:03:35 some things better while also being more than fine as an offering to anyone who's a fan of samurai jack and dare I say anything that it has a brand associated that like ends up being really cool is oftentimes perhaps because somebody on the staff was like hey we can make something cool here I have a really good idea for this perhaps someone was passionate about the franchise perhaps someone was on the team that was just like you know I want to do this thing justice or whatever the case is you know I think you can I just think it'll be it can it'll it can be fine as is and it can still do better so yeah
Starting point is 03:04:18 that's it and you know that was a I kind of again I'm not I'm not dumping ass on this but it just it's an impression that I got right after seeing both of these things at the same time and the contrast the budget game I don't think so it's coming out on ps4 switch Xbox one and PC that's not the impression I've been given and and I don't have these shots look really good but then when he has that there's a combo that he does where he like grabs the gun off a guy and it just looks like it looks like subjack and dexter and no I didn't I didn't just acknowledge that part because of one guy there was a couple people that kind of
Starting point is 03:05:01 felt like I was being a little unfair towards the game so I'm like let me I just want to elaborate here that this is you know this can be a run of the mill fine thing ultimately if the game ends up being all right then it ends up being all right but it was a whiplash moment to be hit with a someone who is definitely like yeah high-level character action shit going on very dynamic but here's another thing too I guess that just came to mind Naruto ultimate ninja storm games cyber connect understand some of those things too and this don't know how to make good games what I was gonna say is that those
Starting point is 03:05:43 Naruto is also very wide casual audience as your net but they still were able to make some really hype ass fucking dynamic shit when it comes to the action camera movement speed pacing impact those things were all on point so I think that's an example of a franchise that's also widespread casual but they happen to also put that that sort of detail in there so it's good when it's there and it's less good when it's not there can still buy it that's still fine but it's better when it's there money on as they say so that's samurai jack and arbiter and I feel like I got a couple of links towards arbiter over the times
Starting point is 03:06:39 that it's been announced yeah this is arbiter game dot ca slash faq oh it's Canadian that's cool alright someone's someone's working on some cool shit well anyway hey woolly do you want to talk about anime I can talk about all of the anime you want to talk about all of the anime all of the anime is currently up for sale wait what crunchy roll is up for sale I'm sorry did you want to talk about kiss anime yeah that is that is what I was gonna talk about no crunchy roll is apparently up for sale oh that's perfect
Starting point is 03:07:40 as a combo of those two stories so crunchy rolls up for sale so we found out a little while ago the crunchy roll doesn't pay its in its suburbs a good wage so the feel-good anime the legit of the season is actually not as feel-good anymore what's and then kiss anime which is where most people who watched their anime in pirate format got super killed so because of course it did a crunchy roll like I remember when I first heard about it and the number one selling point to me was being told that yeah they basically have simulcasts and they work with and pay the anime studios directly so what you watch actually
Starting point is 03:08:43 helps David production one-to-one yeah and I was like that's David know that that people in the West want to see Jojo I love that that sounded great to me and there was a really complicated way that they break down everyone's monthly sub for that but that's what I was told and that's what I basically was like fuck yeah I'm in on that all right the world says that's lies hmm except that that wasn't exactly true so what is true then that's true is that crunchy roll got a bunch of licenses and would pay people bad wages to sub it and they were the official distributor but was there no direct kickback to the studios was that
Starting point is 03:09:40 completely fictional familiar okay well if I'm being told overwhelmingly that's a lie I'm a bit confused all the parts that made you feel good about crunchy roll just pretend they don't make you feel good anymore but oh people are saying they did pay them but they paid them like almost nothing there you so so what's the subtitle story oh you didn't catch that it came out that like the people that that work for crunchy roll are paid like dog shit that they're paid contract wages per job but the amount of hours that it takes to do the sub job compared to like what time it actually takes like throws it way under minimum
Starting point is 03:10:37 wage people are saying 80 bucks an episode on like a short deadline okay that sucks yeah so the feel-good legit way to get anime is not feel good hmm and then kiss anime is dead because of course it is and it'll just it's something you'll pop up but it has started the conversation about piracy and and anime and all that and I think way more interesting than crunchy roll being up for sale or streaming sites or torrent sites getting shut down for anime is watching a bunch of voice actors come out and out themselves as the most out of touch privileged pieces of shit ever with their fucking hot piracy takes okay
Starting point is 03:11:39 I was wondering where this was going because I am like I fall like I when the story came out I'm like I didn't I didn't really know or use kiss anime so when that came up I was like yeah okay I don't use I don't know yeah and and I mean like I know with you like even on just a quality level you'd probably like you know take issue but yeah I so that was one of those things that like I saw the news but I was also kind of like not too sure what the impact of that was I guess out of touch with you know how popular it may or may not have been so I was a bit confused as to why you're bringing it up yeah it comes because the
Starting point is 03:12:30 big topic is pirate because a lot of people that was how they got their anime okay like oh no now I can't watch anime and then people of the industry go well just buy it and the overwhelming response from nearly everyone is I can't dumb shit and then the response back is well I guess it's not for you then quote quote who is this this voice actress voice actor on fire force and fairy tale it's not available my country how am I supposed to watch it you're not supposed to watch it it's specifically not available to you there's also a series of interactions with people in the Philippines arguing with people who are
Starting point is 03:13:25 dub actors going hey I want to support you how can I support you and they're like by the official release and they're like there is no official release right and that's met with like disbelief of what do you mean there's no official release I'm like I'm telling you there's no official release of this anime in the Philippines okay well that's just it doesn't that's a conversation that we that I feel we've had many times that's pretty much sorted it's I cannot give you my money you will not take it fuck you I guess that's what it is then yeah I've literally been on the record saying that
Starting point is 03:14:00 to HBO about Game of Thrones while it was airing I remember so there there's also the fun extra one if you're too poor just save up and wait no crunchy role got it start by being a piracy website poor people who'll never have the ability to appreciate a fucking piece of medium does not mean that they're less worthy of it and it doesn't mean that they don't want to support it when when somebody says how can I do this and the answer is don't be poor that's not a very satisfying reaction yeah that's not really a take that you can say to someone's face and just end the discussion like I remember be I remember
Starting point is 03:14:50 being a young man in the high school and not having any goddamn money for video games and my parents didn't have any money for video games so my friends and I ran a series of like used game rackets and when that stopped working we ran a let's say digital backup scheme mm-hmm for ps1 games and that's because if not I would just not have been able to play those games at all like period yeah so what response do you have to your devil's advocate argument about like what things you can access versus what you can't based on what money you have when it comes to life in general go fuck yourself hmm I don't care to make that
Starting point is 03:16:00 that like did you know that 99% of poor people have refrigerators what the gall what a luxury hmm like go fuck gut like it it it's oh my god like mm-hmm and and to our mostly American audience a lot of this attitude and I'm sure Willie you will agree with me is informed by the Canadian experience of media which I'm gonna assume Australians and Europeans are very familiar with as well the non-american the non-american experience yeah non-americans where you go hey can I watch this no F1 I want to watch it it seems cool fuck off as of as of literally current day you will occasionally be linked to some sort of
Starting point is 03:16:58 story or YouTube video where you click it and then it says the broadcaster has indicated this is not available in your country like that happens to us on a regular basis up here FYI I I tend to hang out late at night with pals in discord and we'll hit up a sink tube and you know watch a bunch of dumb bullshit and every now and then it's like sorry this this content's not available in your country and I'm like let's see about that Express VPN thanks a lot sponsor shout outs not this week but weeks past and probably weeks future oh there you go you know um and then there's also there's also been if
Starting point is 03:17:39 I'm not mistaken study like every time I say something like this I just immediately go all right hit me with the reason why this is bullshit but I I you know it it happened two seconds ago with fucking crunchy roll and I'm still reeling from that you know um but I don't know if it's true or not I've but I've been told that like in many circumstances given an opportunity to pair to pay for something that's that people enjoy that is fairly priced people will happily pay for the thing if they can we have a we have a definitive like real-world example of that with digital distribution for video games the
Starting point is 03:18:21 single biggest hit to piracy ever was the fact that almost everyone in almost every region could just buy a fucking video game hassle-free um yeah so you know I I with that ideology comes if you extrapolate that into everything else you kind of go like okay well then if something like crunchy roll exists then you know that seems like it would work out and then yeah it seems like it did um which is also why I'm kind of like ah man fuck what because that is a an inexpensive way to have access to a whole lot of anime and you know what I thought was supported I never hopped on the crunchy roll thing because like I
Starting point is 03:19:12 had I had the the situation that I'm sure a lot of people did where I go oh cool I will gladly pay for and support my anime all right I want to watch this okay like I wanted to watch one piece on fucking crunchy roll right and I said fuck it right that'd be a lot easier than somehow otherwise watching one piece and then I clicked on one piece and the fucking thing starts at like episode 261 right yeah why the fuck would I pay for that shit stuff that's not even in its complete really like yeah that sucks too like the fuck is the point of this thing was there like some sort of legal or production switch over where
Starting point is 03:19:59 licensing from one that will from up to a certain episode was handled by a different company I'm going to assume it's the licensing was season-based but that's just an assumption that fucking sucks man yeah remember the remember that the fucking actual decades of you're not allowed to watch Evangelion mm-hmm yep just straight up yep the single most important fucking anime of the 90s which directly like hey do you want to watch end of Evangelion fucking track down a fucking $400 VHS tape which directly led to the weirdness of it being on Netflix and so many people like experiencing it for the first time
Starting point is 03:20:47 despite already being immersed in its memes and it's like popularity through other like references you know fucking nonsense it and to to I just want to clarify one thing normally I would argue with the Devil's advocate on almost any topic mm-hmm but the unless they come at it with the attitude of let's have a discussion and your first point is well that's not for you mm-hmm like there's nowhere to go mm-hmm in that in that in that discussion there's there's they're like there's no fucking actual progress to be made the only thing my like I try to think of like what are similar mediums though where there's no way to to
Starting point is 03:21:41 obtain it in in whatever context because I was gonna say like movies are an example of a thing that exists and you have to go to a place to get them until eventually you didn't have to do that anymore there you know like that was like one of the first things that that that was fucking this discussion started coming up about right but let's say for example do you remember okay so Broadway shows right Avenue Q I've always wanted to see but never got to and it's over and that is a like the here's a medium it it has things that you can consume and it's only available where it is and then it's gone there's no real other way around it
Starting point is 03:22:36 with of course certain exceptions because I know that like Book of Mormon got filmed but like that's that's an example I'm like I'm like that's one of those mediums where it's like the nature of what it is makes it like almost prohibitive to like this type of discussion have the money resources and time to travel to Broadway to see a show live get fucked pours like yeah how about that yeah I have a really great example of some outrageous shit hey woolly at one point in your life you liked wrestling I still think wrestling pretty cool which would you like to watch wrestling such as WWE Network sure I'm
Starting point is 03:23:23 on the website right now watch WWE Network in Canada do you want the very first fucking question on the pages mm-hmm choose your television provider mm-hmm what what what television provider do you have none oh well fuck off then mm-hmm yep can't just click the button can't go to the website and click the bit though the play button or download the app and click the play but hey I would fucking watch wrestling mm-hmm for ten bucks a month mm-hmm if they fucking if I could just go to the goddamn website and just goddamn sign up yeah but this I would totally get back into wrestling yeah but the the ESPN
Starting point is 03:24:13 Stegosaurus needs you to pay him his due he needs to wet his beak if you want to watch that wrestling because prior to the network you had to watch his channel so after the network you must continue to pay tribute I don't want to well then you get no wrestling okay see that I feel wrestling's the perfect one because it's the perfect example of if it was easy for me to get I would totally watch wrestling from time to time if I was bored I would put it on in my second monitor and I would grind a bunch of bullshit because I think complaining about wrestling is almost as fun as good wrestling because bad wrestling is the
Starting point is 03:25:12 worst but I don't care enough to actually go through the fucking steps to pirate wrestling because it's just not that good it's not worth it yeah I I hope the data that says that people that like a thing and think that it's fairly priced for what they can afford are happy to pay for the thing I think that makes sense and I think if you get too high on that drug that you start telling people who live in countries where something doesn't exist too fucking bad for the circumstances of your birth you're kind of a dick you're an asshole for that that sucks yeah that's a really shitty thing to say to
Starting point is 03:26:12 somebody after that you imagine could you imagine it's at the very and at the very minimum it is not a convincing way to make your point that will want that let will win the person over to whatever you're trying to convince them of that's not that's not how you're gonna do it clearly could you imagine a musician like a singer let's say fucking Garth Brooks comes out with a new album right fucking country legend Garth Brooks comes out with a new album and says I don't want Europeans to listen to my fucking album they're not allowed what the fuck be crazy wait why are people asking me who Garth Brooks is that's a poll is that a
Starting point is 03:27:06 poll oh my fucking god I'm so old hold on we 60 what that oh man is there a joke about Garth who is Garth who a meme Garth who was a meme I think it is it it's gotta be or are we just old you know Garth Brooks is right it's kind of crazy that they don't okay all right whatever he sings about country stuff all right no no it's it's exactly what it is oh man if I had said Phil Collins would you all just look at me weird too no because the hangover had that song with Mike Tyson doing the part oh god damn it god damn it anyway look man you can boomer that shit all you want there's a ton of music
Starting point is 03:28:22 from before my time that like I grew up feeling like I had to know slash learn about as an almost like a rite of passage into into like society conversation you know I really like the Beatles yeah the Beatles is a great example of some shit that came out way before my time that I eventually of like on my own time went back to like listen to and find out after the fact and it was like oh shit you know what there's some good stuff here that's pretty cool you know what else is pretty old Kido sensei Gundam we're gonna sit here and pretend that like you know old-ass shit in others in other mediums doesn't like like is not a
Starting point is 03:29:22 similar way of a plop plop plop blah is not similarly applicable right like who would freak out who would freak out at a reference to Mario World 1 1 like what is that who what no one would obviously because it's relevant to your current thing but you know about it through the linear the history of the thing you're currently following right but if there's an album from that same year that someone put out like Garth Brooks that gets a fucking who reaction it's like okay but these things are coming from the same point in time you know you guys remember Shania Twain she was really pretty like if you can be if you can be
Starting point is 03:30:13 uptight about like I don't know Final Fantasy one or some other similarly ancient video game but look at an artist that came afterwards and be dismissive about that there's something a bit goofy there isn't there there's something a bit silly about that no you know what I think it is I think everyone that's even one year younger than us is having fun at our expense because we're old and that it will happen to them so what already does the differences is just once you can you can the fun part about being a human being with an age is that you can option select okay boomer to be everyone above your current year and
Starting point is 03:31:05 you can and you can go oh you fucking kids oh sweet summer child for anyone below your current year it's pretty it's fun it's a pretty diverse I like it yeah you know it has it has lots of applicable uses to it you will use that though both of those things interchangeably depending on which bracket you feel like like standing on that's how it goes when I was your age we had to inject drugs into our body you couldn't just use slappers back when I was young the internet didn't exist yeah that's a pretty big one that's the ultimate honestly that's the one I remember the introduction of
Starting point is 03:31:53 the internet to society I remember being a kid when and having to get used to it there was no internet we're the last ones okay anybody who's who doesn't know what I mean by slappers needs to go watch the Batman Beyond episode about drugs that slap little patches on themselves and become super buff it's a bane episode technically Batman what who beyond shut stop it yeah stop no hold up I got a pee I know what's right with the I know what's cool video I man I remember listening I gotta go to the bathroom giant bomb yeah I'm gonna keep talking okay I remember listening to the giant bomb cast and fucking Ryan and
Starting point is 03:32:50 Jeff would talk about these fucking stories of them sitting in their goddamn car listening to these fucking trashy rap albums by morons who like no I had never heard of and like they're fucking terrible rap group and I'd be like haha Jeff Ryan you guys are so old and now now I'm like God damn it God mother fucking damn it it's happening I think there are way worse things in my life than being compared to Jeff Gershman if I had anybody in this industry that I would say I look up to and admire them as a professional it'd be that guy but like God damn it at least I'm not kicking my walls so bad that it creates a
Starting point is 03:33:52 hole in the wall and then I'm worried about fucking scorpions stinging my fucking feet like that that shit's stupid that's fucking dumb wait hold on do you kids remember the backstreet boys wait who's Ryan Ryan Davis you unfortunately passed away a few years ago you know I also think that the blind spots of any given group of people are the things that they don't particularly care that much about so we're talking to a bunch of video game people primarily about country music anime secondary about country music exactly if we were Christ I'm not even a country music but my mom is whereas if we were to go to the
Starting point is 03:34:51 exact same age and generation but people that are more about music then they will be like of course I know who fucking Garth Brooks is da like I have had to help my mother buy Sarah McLaughlin tickets online multiple times yeah but then if you go hey do you remember the fucking 32x is that music group of people would be like the fuck you talking about Boomer you know I gotta I gotta tell you woolly I've brought this up in the past but it is it is I cannot think of a single more like I am my every cell in my body is bursting into dust then a Facebook meme that I once saw which was so glad I grew up playing games like
Starting point is 03:35:47 this instead of games like this and the photos were a fucking Halo 2 and mine crap that's pretty strong was that and it's on ironic oh on I rock dead dead ass okay and I fucking I fucking can't because Halo 2 came out in fucking I was a 2007 well when the fuck the Halo 2 come out when it went to Halo 2 I don't know 20 20 2004 2004 okay you know what mean you were doing in 2004 mm-hmm hanging out for the first time in college possibly no I mean literally that's yeah that was the right that was the error that's true yeah so like when people are like grew up playing good
Starting point is 03:37:02 old Halo 2 as a little child when I was three or four and then looking at Minecraft and be like oh this new shit and it's like to me my sister always made fun of me because I didn't know about the beginning of video games because she had an Atari and my first was the NES because to me the NES is the beginning right even though I know the Atari was first early and the arcade before the crash the crash is was the first but you know yeah right but there are people that are like yeah my first console was the PlayStation 3 yeah I think I'll say this right on an optimistic level I am quite happy with
Starting point is 03:37:57 where I landed as far as generations go because being the last of the before times means you have a basis of understanding of how incredible this all is at the moment right yeah like I I got I mean we saw the Atari we weren't alive per yeah there was there was a Coleco vision in my house I never fucking used it once but it was there suck that's you know like like the Nintendo was the real first console to show up but there was a colleague a colleague a vision sitting there collecting dust you know I never even once investigated it like I remember running a fucking single color DOS
Starting point is 03:38:41 fucking PC and being blown away that it could print out something that was fucking sorceress but um but the the part where like you know you actually yeah like it's like internet didn't exist yet games then the NES was the beginning of video games coming back and being like a real industry that wasn't full of fucking garbage that either crashed or was hyperpony I would say bordering on scams a lot of Atari stuff basically um and and you know like it was it was yeah it was just that final era of like hey a lot of kids in this generation will have the go ride a bike with your friends around the block
Starting point is 03:39:30 a couple times as a normal way of killing time a sort of situation or you're like okay that's what everyone prior to me has grown up with as the norm and then this comes along and it's like this starts to change things and you see how fast and rapidly it goes you're like oh fuck I remember what it was like without it and knowing what it's like without it definitely makes you appreciate it more I think that's that's one cool aspect to it you're gonna feel we're gonna feel old as it goes and it's gonna it's gonna kick in every once in a while but I definitely still feel that I'm like I remember the times when
Starting point is 03:40:04 I felt suit like a super young dumb babby when fucking yeah usually from music music in movies were the ones that bothered me a lot because there'd be tons of references in either pop culture or just with adults in my life to things that I'm like I have no grasp of whatever this is you know and then when I just I got to like what I don't know how old I was when I was probably like between 18 and 20 when I said I'm just gonna go out of my own curiosity and like figure some of this out and I went to the video store and rented a bunch of old movies and then started looking up a bunch of old music to just figure out
Starting point is 03:40:41 what the fuck everyone was talking about so you know the reason why I can go like oh shit yo Akira Kurosawa is awesome is because of that phase of my life when I was like I'm gonna go and fucking rent this old-ass movie to see what the big deal is and then find out oh my god it's amazing you know so like it took a conscious effort to decide to do that and if you if I was just keeping up with what was current I would have never gone back to notice or see what that was and there were no one in my life I think I watched like the thing at like fucking 2006 yeah no no one in my life like came out and said go watch this you know or
Starting point is 03:41:22 hey go listen to this music it was just a sheer like I want to know what what the references are about so I did and it was I'm really glad I did that it was super worth my time to go find out type of thing so yeah some old stuff is cool I watched the Maltese Falcon with my dad one afternoon I was like this is a cool Casablanca I rented it to watch and I'm like oh shit yeah I liked that I you know I had to go back in and rent fucking Citizen Kane and and and Doctor Strange Love and just you know a bunch of like super ancient stuff that was really really often referenced and I was like okay yeah no I get what it is now
Starting point is 03:42:08 and you know for what it's worth I mean it was a it was a constructive use of my time like I'm definitely happy I did go do that I would have been super in the dark otherwise so you know there's something to be said about like going back way beyond your generation and catching up to some stuff and like it being super worth it to go do that old stuff is good sometimes it's pretty good sometimes it's bad I mean all of the all of the fucking mecca I love is from before my time you know like a ton of that shit is like way before I should have it was it wasn't just watching
Starting point is 03:42:52 what was out at the time with me like it definitely came from way before so you know I mean shit I watched all the original Gundam and most of Zeta which I have to get back on honestly I'll probably restart because it's been a bit and that shit is ancient as shit and feels ancient as shit I love it anyway so yes Garth Brooks I have a news announcement okay suddenly just now for everyone earlier I mentioned that I had to create the baby he is now out of the crate but more than that the reason why I had to create the little doggy baby is because he was being a shit on my lap here but the reason was because Paige
Starting point is 03:43:42 had to run an errand she is back now hello honey love you Paige is back from her errand that errand was taking other baby Elmo to the vet because as described by one peach saliva his asshole had become a clown nose you would pat him on the butt and you could feel his puckering protruding pulsing asshole and it was worrying so he just got back from the vet in which they they explored and examined our cats but hole at to the question why is his but hole out is his it does he have but cancer does he have polyps does he have a big poop stuck in his butt butt lips and the vet said no that just happens sometimes your cat's
Starting point is 03:44:35 but hole just comes out a little bit it's fine so our our old baby grandpa cat Elmo is back and he is healthy and happy if a little puffy on the backside oh he's not puffy anymore okay it went back in did they push it back in oh it's already back in he just sucked it right back in you done just to let everybody know sometimes your cat can have a little prolapse as a treat finished yes retro studios is hiring a lead producer for Metroid Prime 4 and a couple people were wondering whether or not this meant anything as far as figuring out what the game is worth in terms of sorry in terms of whether what the game is is how
Starting point is 03:45:37 it's doing in progress so people are like oh does this mean that things are going pretty bad on the development side of things is the calendar off or is this what does this mean and you know and someone was straight up just like yeah dude do you know anything about like what this could mean at whatever the development phase would be I would say based on you know what I know this doesn't mean anything necessarily like you can hire a lead producer to step in at any point or to replace somebody and one guy might have stepped away because his wife's pregnant or she's pregnant and you gotta fuck this I'm and they
Starting point is 03:46:19 and a new producer stepping in will have a lot of responsibilities that will affect the game but it's not going to affect a lot of the creative decisions artwork music gameplay you know and and I guess story and most of the flavor of how the game is going will be could still be probably fine with that so this is not a big sound the alarms type of story it's not that big of a deal it's just they're looking for a lead producer they might even be looking for an additional lead producer beside the one they already have to take on some extra tasks so yeah it's not really anything to you know get too worried about I think
Starting point is 03:47:11 that could still be a side of a normal ass game development cycle going down while they're hiring someone new I could be anything I mean when's it when was that game announced I want to say it's been like five years Detroit Prime 4 it's been a minute been a minute no development update 2017 so we're three years in exactly it was in June and then they did the development update last year and it's just like why it's we've talked about this in the past it's like producer changing up or whatever that's not a big deal usually but it feels like a big deal when it's a game that is just like fucking nothing's
Starting point is 03:48:01 coming out nothing's being show unless unless it's a case of game announced too early which I think it was you know I think I think it was game announced before like a single sheet of paper had been written down yeah there's no there's no hard you know written rule and stone about like what the exact announcement date to release you know must be like every everyone plays it a little differently but going too early you get people excited and then a lot of silence and then nothing and you know again like I personally I'm less affected by this but I see enough of I see it enough that like people are bummed
Starting point is 03:48:46 out when they hear nothing about something after a period of time that it starts turning sour and I think like it's that sucks I wish that didn't happen but you can avoid that by not announcing things early you know yeah but if you announced things your stock price go up you're not wrong so just announce you're not just announced wrong that's not 100% of the case when it's a small ass studio that doesn't have shares to fucking you know grow but for bigger games and announcements yeah that that's often a very very real factor but yeah it's all this to say I just wrote just to say that like it's not that big of a story
Starting point is 03:49:35 because it probably doesn't mean that much for how the game is is is coming along probably who knows Lego released the Lego Nintendo entertainment system and this thing is fucking incredible and I first saw it because prozd tweeted it out that he fee completed his set and then Min bought it and brought it to the cabin and built it there what is this thing the Lego Nintendo entertainment system it is a fully functional it it not fully functional it is a full replica of the NES made out of Lego and then you put a cartridge in and it actually opens the slot sticks inside and then you make a CRT TV with a background of
Starting point is 03:50:27 Mario one as he crawls he runs through the level there's also an older Mario set that's not great that's super cool so ignore the old Mario set but the actual CRT with the running Mario sprite on it with the full replica NES is incredible it's probably that's super dough it's probably like the most comic book it's one of the most complicated and amazing Lego sets I've ever seen comparable only to let's say a Death Star or a Star Destroyer but yeah Min finished it it was 31 bags and it was two giant instruction booklets but he was able to do it over the span of three days and it's it's fucking
Starting point is 03:51:13 incredible super cool if you care if you're if you're down with that I highly recommend you check it out by the way heads up if you hear plaintiff wailing in the background it is because it is food time now we've also seen these from time to time so it's not anything to necessarily start jumping up and down about but Amazon UK lists skyward sword for the switch okay maybe I really hope so that's that would be really good but I don't know what I think it would be really cool to have that and you know Breath of the Wild is doing its thing personally I'm looking I if it were
Starting point is 03:52:12 true I'd be very excited because I never finished it so it'd be a great excuse to do that I wonder why you never finished it honestly it was just time is it because it's bad no I liked what I played so far but it was just time for me I don't believe you I got to the first of the the trials and it was like the trial of something I forget what it was but I got to the first one and and then I yeah I just I was unable to go through the rest but I didn't mind it up to that point all right do people hate skyward sword I sure do okay I thought it was fine up until the point I played I liked it what did you hate about it the
Starting point is 03:53:13 linearity okay it's out of control linear also the motion controls so like most of it all right well if it does so it's also one of those things it's like I don't know if I'm in the trap of hating it because I hated it ahead of time but like I remember when they showed off the we motion plus thing I was like this this fucking they're gonna do that Zelda thing and I swear to God if it's a goddamn fucking Simon says the guy blocks this way swing left the guy blocks this way swing up I'm gonna shit and that was exactly what it was and it was just as boring as I thought it was I remember when that was gonna be the case with
Starting point is 03:54:13 Twilight Princess and I was like I definitely prefer a traditional controller for this and it was like well I played on Gamecube with everything reversed and I was like okay you can do it that way too with with everything unreversed unreversed yeah unreversed yes yes yes yeah yes correct when it came to skyward yeah I hate waggle I hate waggle sucks all the time the only thing I remember that really bothered me but it didn't it was just it was actually no I didn't I didn't get there but I heard something about it that I was like oh man which bumped me out which was I only did the first triforce trial but I
Starting point is 03:54:58 heard that all three of them are all really similar but the premise of them based on their names seems like something that could have made them all very different and unique from each other for each one of the triforce fucking you know I mean I think the biggest problem aside from linearity in the motion controls is that like skyward sword was like the same thing over and over and over so when you have all three trials to go through but they like I heard that they're all stealth and I was like that's not great but yeah I don't know man I like I said up to that up to the point that I played you know I was
Starting point is 03:55:38 enjoying it and I liked the world and bird and flying and characters and Bruce and Ghirahim and I was like oh shit yeah you're him that's fucking sick it's up with that tell me more about that the Ghirahim I actually learned way more about Ghirahim in the skyward sword section of viral warriors I did a Skyward score yeah that that was one of those like new things or I was like that's a fucking cool new villain and I like you right off the bat I thought that was pretty strong so but yeah I would love the opportunity to finish what I started if I ever got the chance on switch because otherwise I'm digging
Starting point is 03:56:35 up an old save and plugging in old things and you know let me think because I'm like so that I'm trying to think of what Zeldas I haven't like I started and didn't finish and I would say that a Minish cap Minish caps pretty good I like yeah that Minish cap and Oracle are probably the the only ones I started but but never ended up finishing oh man fucking those Capcom the Capcom made some Zelda games that's still crazy to me published published I'm pretty sure thought they were just publishers pretty sure it was developed because they're like I know that the the
Starting point is 03:57:32 Gameboy Advance developed by Capcom and flagship and Nintendo overseeing development oh my miss that is a Capcom game my mistake oh mr. mr. Inafune was a producer on Minish cat Capcom and Zelda yeah that is very weird but I thought they were producers on rather yeah I didn't realize a public I mean in my opinion Capcom did make one of the best Zelda games of all time so I mean it works and that's right that Zelda game is Okami to mm-hmm I'm so glad you and I agree on that that Okami to is the best Okami you ever play Okami dead for about 10 minutes hmm no one really talks about it
Starting point is 03:58:29 yeah it's okay I guess Jesus Christ that dog's a fat piece of shit he's already done all his food amateurize you no no that's a sheet the real dog now the real dog bully just gobbles that shit down like a fucking vacuum made out of potatoes okay where would you have put the cutting point oh to you okay because I have a very clear one define the cutting points lightly more specifically to me in Okami the cutting point should have been the nine tails the cutting point of what like in the
Starting point is 03:59:25 point at which it should have stopped right the nine tails should have been the final boss like Orochi you know like we can redux this as much as you need but the nine tails was a decent point to stop that fucking 90 hour game in its tracks and then pick it up a little bit later the fact that the you go to draw on the nine tails and the nine tails brings their own brush out would have been perfect as a final boss absolutely um you know but also like that was our that was an early taste of like Kamiya just putting everything in and then some right he has that a little bit
Starting point is 04:00:17 of that Sakurai flavoring of just like more more more you know because one of it's it's it's absolutely crazy when you look at the clover games because you look at Godhand and fucking Okami and you get to see like one game that just got every single dollar they could give it and one game that really didn't mm-hmm yeah it feels like Okami just sucked the life out of Godhand to make itself pretty but what are like hold on a second though we're talking about 2006 versus 2006 yeah see oh my god you're totally right yeah yeah yeah yeah like like Godhand looks like a game that could have been made in like a game jam you
Starting point is 04:01:32 know like just like this the four character models and then the punches as a go yeah just but Shinji had a really good combat idea he had a he had a game jam combat system built and then they said yo let's put it on a desk and sell it like what's crazy is that like after Godhand like I feel like this point hasn't been made enough but there's a straight line from the way Godhand feels to the way vanquish plays go on you're just using a gun instead of a punch no I don't see it as much the genre I feel like vanquish is a is a cover shooter I don't see it as much it's a cover shooter first and foremost
Starting point is 04:02:29 and it takes its its cues from that genre more than anything else the difficulty certainly is the county doing his thing but you know the weirdness of the way that fucking you know you turn in Godhand and run down and the camera angle and like it no it's it's it's its own thing I don't see that connection if you were to say RE4 yeah then you would get you would it's much more clear than that aspect I'd say for sure anyway all right all right for so good so we were laughing about it but then hey Atlas came out and was like don't worry about it Dante is gonna be in nocturne if you want him to be the
Starting point is 04:03:26 DLC maniacs DLC exactly the maniacs pack the stuff that the the maniacs edition of the game had which is ridiculous because every time there have ever been a HD re-release thing it includes whatever the latest version of the game this is straight ripoff they're separating it into a DLC pack and my first thought upon you're right but my first thought upon seeing this was if we have to pay Capcom to use Dante right now then we will make it a separate thing that Capcom will get their money from and it's not going to affect our bottom line I seriously doubt that's the case because Capcom doesn't have to pay Atlas when
Starting point is 04:04:15 they re-release DMC3 what was the crossover content there the designs for the devil triggers say again the designs for the devil triggers and can echo done by Keneco yeah yeah but was that really a crossover that was the trade that was literally their collaboration okay but what I mean is Dante is a guest character right that is an art thing that is still within what devil may cry 3 is yeah it's not it's not like they come out like like okay how about this what I mean Keneco's artwork design of that devil trigger is not owned by Atlas they don't own that you know he drew that and for Capcom
Starting point is 04:05:09 for that game but that's not an Atlas owned property whereas Capcom owns Dante and they have to get their cut if he's being used in a re-release of a game so the separation of this into a DLC pack makes me think it's how they keep the money clean to give to Capcom yeah I still like it I still think it's like if even if that is if Yoji if Yoji Shinkawa does artwork for another franchise which he's done today Kojima doesn't get a kickback you know Konami doesn't get a kickback every time Yoji does art for someone so I still think it's nonsense that they're releasing this is DLC and so just incorporating it into it I agree but I think my guess is the
Starting point is 04:06:09 reason why they did that and I imagine you'll just be able to yeah you'll pick between Maniac's new game or not if you want to still get Raido Kuzunoha you just pick regular new game versus new game Maniac's Raido's cool man shoutouts to the photoshop where you have a picture of Raido sitting at a press conference and then all the microphones are surrounding Dante kind of like the that Ukrainian lady who got all the attention it's it's the there's that that cute Ukrainian officer lady who like got a bunch of fan art yeah and then like she got a bunch of anime fan art and stuff like that and then when after her like popularity explosion Natalia thank you
Starting point is 04:07:08 and she was a police the police officer and when she when there was a press conference they had like two dude like the her and another dude and the dude just looks fucking salt because there's nothing around him and 800 microphones surrounding her and you can't even see the bottom of her face almost cuz she's just covered in microphones and is just the most insane thing but yeah and he's just like I'm trying to do my job can you fucking let me do my job you know no but look at her though we're making her into a waifu even though she's a real person wife who fucking Kim Jong-il sister the fucking yeah dictator yeah wife
Starting point is 04:07:56 wing yeah bit there hey man morally gray you know in charge of the North Korean propaganda wing yeah nice ponytail though morally gray yeah up next we got something pretty fucking sick actually so I've talked about it before but the Skullgirls mobile game is it it's not a fighting game per se but it's not bad it's a it's a fun little thing that they they put out and they're getting a new playable character Annie who you might remember from the character DLC contest she was one of the first couple of designs that they showed off of all the potential DLCs and she made it really far into the tournament she I think she
Starting point is 04:09:09 got to like one of the final rounds and she's basically a sailor sent she kind of send up and she's like on the set of her her TV show and she does her magical girl transformations but she's actually much older than she looks and quite tired of the bullshit and is basically like signing autographs like get the fuck away from me fine let's smile and pose and I don't really like that fucking the fucking Hunter Hunter character in the green arc the old lady that looks like a little girl I don't know but yeah so she's she's celebrity sailor sent she girl that's also just like yeah back from that that that that that thing so
Starting point is 04:10:04 Chanel playable character in the mobile game and pretty cool moves she has her little cute bunny buddy named Sagan so that's cool and at the end of the trailer they have a little fucking tease where you're watching the same you're watching essentially the same gameplay that you're watching prior in the in the trailer except the HUD has changed to the skull girls HUD so they're also making her for skull girls 2021 second encore so yay not only mobile exclusive actually coming to the game proper good job I can't believe yeah that's awesome like that's a long time like they and in the trailer they literally like she literally goes
Starting point is 04:11:00 when's Annie now's Annie and it just cuts from that to like oh yeah by the way we're making more characters now the crazy the crazy thing about this is with this announcement I've basically de-confirmed skull girls to from ever existing in my own head kind of why not just keep throwing stuff in the sky I exactly I think skull girls to has been completely like like I've it's I it to me it must have been a thought that was going somewhere in the in the background and now that they're like nah we're working on this and it'll come out fucking in a while from now I'm like all right no they're just gonna keep building on
Starting point is 04:11:50 this single game if they decided as I mean go ahead how many years has it been since the last update it's the last big update like two years the last big update was this year they had the the giant yeah yeah the online the big net the big online thing and the new backgrounds Sonic Fox and yeah that was it was absolutely just a couple months ago so with this I was gonna say that if the game plan instead of being let's make skull girls to becomes this is a platform and we're gonna slowly go down that list of characters that we presented and just start picking and throwing some of them in I'm fucking down you know I
Starting point is 04:12:43 think that's pretty sick and I think she already was one of the characters that was gonna be an indivisible as well too because she was pretty popular so yeah they seemed content to just be like we're going to make more even though it was it came down to you know we got our big band we got our our Beowulf we got Eliza and I think she was like fourth so fuck it how many steps till panzer Faust you know hopefully one the last remaining step I mean there was some other really great ones in there don't forget about Molly the ghost in the shell secretary on her big phone mech you know or number 13 the actual sniper of
Starting point is 04:13:44 as well there's some there's some really fun character designs in there there was that big old those that brainwave yeah yeah and that big old tall girl that was like Cody man I remember any of these people other than panzer there was some good those some good ones there were some good ones dude panzer Faust was a fucking standout because you're like yo there's Temkin he's big um but don't forget that you had a full page of winners panzer Faust is big let me see if I can pull it up here cuz yeah we had that we had that photo with a whole lot of them in it come on
Starting point is 04:14:39 let's see here we go all right so we had umbrella Marie the final umbrella yeah parasols little sister Marie the final boss black dahlia miss Victoria the teacher yeah there's some some fun was Andy the boxing anvil from peacocks crew Regina had some crazy shapes going on but it was dope yeah man panzer Faust clearly the silhouette that stands the fuck out and then right next to him Adam the just the normal ass-looking dude who actually shows up in the mobile game and talks to you as a bunch of these characters actually just talk to you in the mobile game as like NPCs Samson Samson being a skull girl hmm they're
Starting point is 04:15:43 just hanging out until I don't know I don't understand what the mobile game actually is I thought it was just a broken down version of the fighting game I mean it's it's like it's a swipe and like it's a swipe to play sort of simple fight version of a fighting game but I wouldn't quite call it a fighter because it's it's less than that you know hero versus plays like a full-on fighting game I'd say that you know has a little bit of the kind of the rising thunder sort of simplification on touch screen and stuff but in skull girls case it's more about like building out let's more about like leveling up and
Starting point is 04:16:20 collecting characters and then you know sort of doing that whole whatever the fuck you call it genre it's not I don't think it's gacha as much as it is like I don't know what I don't want to recall but I'm looking at it now yeah but I remember it but I tried it and it was like it was like all right this is pretty fun and it also was one of those things were like we're not making this to just fucking bulk your pockets you know they didn't just it was it wasn't a cash grab it was it was already it was pretty solid so I was like okay yeah I'm enjoy I enjoyed it but yeah brain drain a lot of these characters are like you
Starting point is 04:16:55 can just go down this list and make some winners so anyway shout outs to skull girls to now being made as skull girls one which is the exact opposite of the Okami problem we were just discussing yeah pretty much master Roshi yeah dude those trailers are terrible the edit to the Smash Brothers Joker reveal trailer where they're like here's it yeah that's what I'm thinking of that really show Dragon Ball Fighter style trailer for Smash characters you just see Joker is in he takes a shot coming soon yeah they they preview the intro and outro animations more than the actual gameplay and it's like you're kind of
Starting point is 04:17:52 clearly they're not really they don't they're they care more about getting the this the hype out there for the Dragon Ball fans then the you know fighting game fans per se which makes perfect sense it's a fucking Dragon Ball game so seeing Master Roshi jumping around and doing his doing a half of his level 3 super and half of his win pose is more than enough for anybody who doesn't really care about a fighting game to see the pictures and go yay but as far as like how the fuck does he move and play what does he do in the game it's really really unsatisfying how they do every single one of these trailers I remember
Starting point is 04:18:37 the Jiren one had like half of his super and that was literally like the whole trailer yeah they show like when they do show gameplay it's two normals one special and half of the level 3 you know so well Roshi's cool yep I also I'm a fan of you know just please go into the roster like deep reach into the roster Roshi's not that deep in but he's past the first layer of toys he's deeper than another Goku we had other Goku's that have been unused you know so we'll see if there's a if there's more than one Goku in the same season you know like yeah we got Ultra Instinct if there's two Goku's in the same season they'll never
Starting point is 04:19:45 live it down they'll never live it down that's that's gonna stick that'll never fucking go away that already happened I want to like I want to go find out who's in it we got if you can't fusions if you can't fusions then it happened all right it's great I was I was I was going for non-fusion characters on that that games roster it's such a fucking tree but it's but like the thing is that it's not even that as much as it is this roster is the roster of every Dragon Ball game like it's the it's the it's the trap that they all fall into that is not really a trap if you think about you know trying to appeal to the fan base
Starting point is 04:20:44 right if you want to go back to what we were just talking about Samurai Jack and I was just talking about Naruto and shit like if you want to go if you want to talk about like hey appealing to the your audience and it doesn't really matter what the you know other people's opinions are then it's like yeah man Dragon Ball fans want to fucking see all the Goku's because they love Goku because the point of the show is look it's Goku but what about that particular time when he did that thing guys it's Goku we could beat up so yeah no like they're not bored of it they're not bored of those Goku's they love it they
Starting point is 04:21:17 enjoy it you know they need the want for variety is is a like complete fucking non-issue compared to like yo look it's Goku he was cool he's strong he sounds like an old grandma Kefla finally got in but uh yeah Roshi's Roshi's Roshi's up next so yay good pick good pick keep it up go further go further beyond and last but not least Orwell's Animal Farm to receive video game adaptation oh shut up oh is this the first you're hearing are you fucking for real you not hear about this oh my god no I didn't yeah they're making an Animal Farm video game go to hell it's very very strange pick the video trailer is nothing there's date
Starting point is 04:22:38 there's nothing to really go on um everyone's asking what Animal Farm is come on come on come on come on no okay they're joking they're joking they're joking I don't know they're they're joking I don't know anymore they're they're they're they're joking they're not all right listen just in case no no no listen even though you don't think you're joking you are but I'll the reminder is George Orwell wrote a book called Animal Farm a fairy story and it is a story about a farm of animals who rise up against their shitty farmer and drive him off of the farm and take over and then they become a society and then the story goes on to show you all
Starting point is 04:23:45 the ways in which a society can fall apart and it's the place that the very famous saying all animals are made equal but some are made more equal than others that's where that comes from and it is a often cited story that you know has a million different metaphors and allegories you can extract from it it's studied a lot and you guys know this because you're aware of this book from 1945 and now there's a video games and uh yeah here's okay here's the thing all right on the premise a video game based on a great work of literature should not be a problem if executed properly because we do not have that issue when it comes to let's say movies or animation right but the key word is executed properly yeah I would love for
Starting point is 04:25:12 this to be something that does the book justice and actually carries a lot of the weight of what that story is about forward with the way the game unfolds and perhaps with some really cool design teams and and and you know uh uh narrative touches it can end up being not just dumb video game but actually decent like presentation of the work because it would be great for video games to be able to do these things more frequently I'm not upset at the premise of the idea of adapting a great work into something like this but we just haven't seen it fucking nailed but that doesn't mean it can't be done I want a microtransaction in this game to give you the cheat gun called the equalizer um the two legged the two legged yeah yeah
Starting point is 04:26:26 yeah I again it's like I you double take and spit out your coffee upon the story being announced but then I stop and go wait this is a medium it is a genre sorry it is a medium that can do whatever the person choosing to make wants to do um you can take animal farm and draw a comic you can take animal farm and animate it you can turn it into a film you can turn it into anything you can turn it into a play you can adapt it however the point is not what medium you adapt it to it's how it's treated if it becomes a film directed by michael bay and it starts gonna be lit and it starts with uh in a world and breathy female vocals then we're going down the wrong path but that's not the fault the fault of the genre of film it's the fault of the director
Starting point is 04:27:38 and everyone involved in producing that movie yeah the problem is that almost everyone who makes video game is a bunch of hacks so what we need is for this to be done right and taken with you know the again at least not I don't want to say seriously but to be taken with like you know just the understanding it's like yo this is a pretty important piece of literature it's it's pretty good and it has a lot to it and don't shirk on that stuff and don't just make it like um you know you you fucking uh you control napoleon and just walk around the open environment and then what fucking Jesus you know and that you walk around the open environment as napoleon and then you you fucking just like I don't know um collect uh
Starting point is 04:28:39 here's the action scene as old major when you shut down the leninus but like don't stop there stop those commies with your horse here's here okay here's what i'm saying right at no point while this game is happening should the goal be to collect a number of things that should not be what this is at no point should the goal be to jump from one ledge to another one building to another as you uh fucking um um oust uh the farmer and and and take over the farm right it should not that's not the point oh i was thinking a box or not old major my bad i fucking forget all their name um yeah just that's that's what i'm hoping for you know
Starting point is 04:29:39 and when it comes time to make uh the willy peat scene make sure that the player feels a sense of agency before the before they before they press the button know what i mean this is gonna this is either gonna be really good or a total trash trash fire i feel no in between i think there's an 85 percent chance of trash fire but i'm really fucking hoping oh dude i i would be super super fucking stoked for this to be an absolute piece of shit because it's it's it's i want i want the the premise and proof of concept
Starting point is 04:30:28 to be something that is not like embarrassing from the jump you know it's no mash the a button to re-educate the puppets just fucking Jesus fucking video games are the worst hey you know it was pretty good in a subtle way papers please it sure was you can be good in a subtle way and you can make a point that is not a giant prompt with bonus points while playing a video game but what if you did
Starting point is 04:31:23 so there is a there is a you know it has there's a realm that you can fucking reach out to to see how you can they're gonna have they're gonna fucking all right that's let's just hold let's put this on hold till we see more of it because i'm excited now i'm excited for the trash it's a good book uh it's gonna it's gonna it dude it's just gonna be like aim the mortar like targets as um the other pig is trying to escape it's gonna be like a prompt that's like take back the revolution and it's gonna be like the fucking pig equivalent to the microwave all the way crush the bourgeoisie
Starting point is 04:32:21 yeah and most importantly the uh the the poker game at the end will be a fully realized poker engine all right anyway video games all right that uh so before we last but not least it i actually there is one last news story that i'm shocked you didn't put in this week walls and that is uh if you mind me taking it away it's epic is suing google and apple i missed this completely yeah i didn't see this fucking sick what's going on let me explain the step one step two step three to you all right step one fortnight is on the app store and the apple what's it called the app store yeah the app store and the google play store right of course it's fortnight's day right
Starting point is 04:33:14 step two epic star starts the epic game store because they think the steams de facto monopoly on pc games is bullshit and they don't want to pay the 30 percent the steam charges right step three apple and uh google also charged 30 percent of your revenue to be on your store right so when you buy v bucks on your mobile device it 30 percent of that cost goes to apple or google right step uh step whatever doesn't matter um epic games announces an incoming discount to all v bucks on uh mobile devices it's going to be 20 off but only if you buy it directly through the fortnight app which coincidentally dodges and adds it to your account without going through their service right so apple first goes the fuck are you doing an epic says
Starting point is 04:34:22 suck my nuts and then apple goes no suck our nuts motherfucker and delists fortnight from apple products then like i want to say like 12 hours later android and google do the same fucking thing uh and they go you broke the to s you dumb pieces of shit and epic goes you motherfuckers you're having a monopoly we're gonna sue you for antitrust laws because you guys are you make it impossible to sell games on your devices without going through your stores and that's bad and it is it is not okay for you guys to have software not sold on your store be at a disadvantage so they are suing them under antitrust laws in total defiance of the hilarious irony that is epic trying to monopolize pc games that's this is one of those stories in which
Starting point is 04:35:35 everybody involved are all horrible corporate entities and they're all complete pieces of shit however fortnight has something that the others don't it has the kids watching games inside fortnight that's what 1980 fortnight was was they were broadcasting 1984 tonight within that's right the apple a parody of the apple ad which itself is a tribute to orwell's 1984 and they thought you know what 12 year olds are way into 1984 and a and a goddamn apple computer ad that came out fucking 36 years ago oh my god she threw the unicorn hammer into the screen hashtag free fortnight it's the worst wow wow like i mean like this goes perfectly with our boomer conversation and
Starting point is 04:36:55 and the fucking orwell uh talk from i'm not old enough to have seen that fucking apple ad that's amazing who the fuck is this video for the 45 year olds that remember this decades old commercial wow i because i okay though i saw people tweeting about 1980 fortnight but i just ignored it i completely ignored it i had no idea what was going on and i didn't care that's hilarious so oh wow now if you if you had downloaded fortnight you can still play fortnight on these devices but that represents nearly every mobile device on the planet has had fortnight delisted that's a so google apple and what else google okay so android the answer okay say go fuck yourself because yeah when you make when you make a fucking um uh uh uh uh when you make an app on on any of
Starting point is 04:38:05 these platforms like one of the deals with the thing you sign is absolutely in-app purchases are done through the app and separate sign-up things or websites or places where you can interact or and count or work with your your um your account are not for circumventing the store and you know oh people are giving us some updates what's up as a result of the lawsuit apple has expanded the drop to any app using the unreal engine and have removed epic games developer accounts for ios and macintosh so you just cannot play it on mac at all no delist they've delisted it from mac i'm like all mac things yeah but they they basically just killed the unreal engine on mac
Starting point is 04:39:12 oh my god petty as it could get but it's this is but it's petty like kaiju battles yeah they're all they all want to like it's like so it's probably for the best that epic wins this lawsuit so that apple can't have its monopoly on the app store and that's good right but the reason why they want to do that is so they can make because they're trying to do that shit with their own store already yeah and so like it's not for the right reasons and if you're gonna frame it as mind control and everybody must obey but you're the one that's trying to fucking do that it's it's so great and also it's like epic going we have like infinity money coming okay it's a threat they actually they haven't actually done it yet oh they haven't done it yet but they're gonna
Starting point is 04:40:04 apple says it will cut off epic games from ios impacting fortnight and all unreal engine software okay do it yeah it is it is like so like it is a fucking stick fight but between giants that's wild so epic is getting what i'm gonna consider infinity dollars off of fortnight on mobile yes just like and they want no we want 30 percent more infinity dollars and we're gonna we're gonna gamble for it and the gamble is now we're making zero or they're making they're making way less than they were before because now they can't get new people well the real question is and this is what they're testing is how big is fortnight's dick right it's the biggest we've ever seen but yeah but it's not big enough for apple to play ball apple
Starting point is 04:41:06 would never play ball with anything but that's what like you know what i mean like they're like hold on a minute though can they just be like nah fuck you we'll take that hit and we're so fucking girthy that we can take the hit and it won't even matter we can tank it you know while we fight until we get our way and then legally we come back around and you know fucking sue you for the damages or whatever the fuck the results end up being because monopoly versus monopoly equals like it doesn't matter how you fucking frame it or what you say we all we lose in the end um but fortnight is a beast it is a gargantuan thing that can and continue to exist on all the other platforms it's on although it's pretty fucked up if um if it's delisted does that mean
Starting point is 04:41:58 that it's removed from people's phones no it's they can still play it but you can't get a new copy right okay so everyone who was and is using it is still able to do so right but it means their numbers can only go down now and that's not infinite growth is you would think they would like do something like just make it so that the the the accounts are like no are like unnot shareable or so i don't know like hmm it's it's it's pretty wild because like this is where you get into like the other side of um cross play and account sharing where could you imagine if there's bucks to be bought on you know this if this is a console based thing and you're switching over to psn to buy something and microsoft's like what the fuck are you doing like use your account over here
Starting point is 04:42:51 buy it through our store and they're losing out on that you know like this is absolutely a a squabble that kind of needs to happen because if your account account can be played in multiple places and there's an incentive on each one to get you know uh uh you to buy it through them you can't force people to fucking just you know have to buy it on each individual platform like you're gonna have to you're gonna have to come to some sort of consensus on that and i have no idea what it had to play that i just hope i hope they all waste a bunch of their money fighting this lawsuit forever and then i want most of the people who are involved in this piss fight to fall into the ocean and get eaten by sharks the winning thing for the player is to have a choice where
Starting point is 04:43:48 they want to buy their v bucks i suppose um i'm reminded of steam games costing less because steam charges less uh from the developer to list their shit man you want to fucking you want to fucking talk about getting ripped off by epic you know control so control is coming to steam on the 27th and it's coming for $20 less than it was on the epic store and it also includes the dlc wow okay and if you're getting the console version it also includes a goddamn uh free upgrade to the next gen version so you if you bought it like nine months ago you essentially paid double for it and don't get that so fuck 505 games and epic holy that is an insane value deal to drop later compared to what it was yeah that's insane jeez is christ okay
Starting point is 04:45:01 um someone said only the deluxe version yeah it has to be like the new control deluxe something well is that already more expensive than the original default release was no it's cheaper when did control come out it's cheaper like hey fuck okay well it's fucking stupid in most circumstances um that the the the fact that like steam is able to basically uh uh undercut competition by saying to the developer hey we passed the savings on to you so you can you know are you sure you don't have is it the other way around epic usually has yeah epic usually has a smaller cut and they they pay the developers to drop but i'm i'm talking about
Starting point is 04:45:59 way before the epic game store was a thing that they were pushing when steam games versus console games would be a little bit cheaper oh yeah yeah absolutely steam games pc games traditionally cost 10 bucks because the extra 10 bucks was coming from the list prices and steam was uh charging less for that yeah that and they were nearly all digital anyway yes so so um the idea of passing that on to the to the end uh msrp uh was you know something that was like okay well the consumer wins on that one you know okay what a fucking mess i'm i'm i await with bated breath saying that spotify is is taking epics team i'm very excited to see how this shakes out i hope they all burn down the the results will be very important certainly
Starting point is 04:47:07 yeah i don't know i don't know anyway uh corporate dystopia which is extremely topical with uh what we've been discussing i love it thanks george he nailed it didn't he he nailed it that book was written 45 fucking like you want to talk about like one and done and we're good now let's spend the rest of our time discussing that same thing for the next 70 years oh by the way did you see that uh that uh or uh not or well uh are uh grim has imprisoned himself in his own right i did i did he is up in his cabin he has one servant and that servants he calls them assistants but he describes yeah it's a man's servant and that man's servant's job is to go and get the or a maid
Starting point is 04:48:06 servant whatever the case is to go and get the coffee and um basically keep him alive as he as he writes so he is imprisoned himself good good get the second book done while you're there um and he really does talk a lot it seems about like his his convention stuff i think he's really really involved with some new zealand conventions because seems to be a big part of his time outside of book writing anyway let's take some letters all right let's take uh one or two letters because we're already coming up on a five and a half hour podcast and i got to get out of here to help uh yeah all right
Starting point is 04:49:05 uh okay so podcast food there watan puli i recently moved to the us and i got to try out bbq style baked beans only to be utterly repulsed at the sweet flavor growing up in pr only knowing how his spanish style beans tasted savory my question is have you had a similar experience with dishes you mostly knew and uh were made a certain way tried it somewhere else and were pleasantly surprised slash utterly hated it like i did thanks keep up the good work from spartan yeah i had i had fucking sticky rice when i went to college and then i was like why does this taste so much better than my mom's buttered rice um this week end uh min bought some energy drinks including marshmallow and cotton candy flavor
Starting point is 04:50:01 yeah yeah not great not great don't care for that i took a sip instant nope uh huh yeah um i recently tried a coke energy drink that shit's poison doesn't sound great i know there's a coffee page likes it that's the craziest thing page page doesn't care for energy drinks she likes the coke coke energy drink that doesn't sound great i don't know i'd have to see doesn't sound great there was a coffee coke uh product that i'm surprised it was not as offensive as i thought okay yeah because that sounds it was it was not something i would buy and drink but i took a sip from my friend's uh bottle and i was like okay this is not as bad as i expected uh but yeah um there you go and we'll take one more here
Starting point is 04:51:08 uh commando joe says dear wool tuber and dog father uh with the announcement of roshi and dragon ball fighters a discussion came up about joke characters versus goofy characters made the incorrect assumption that master roshi compared to the rest of the roster was a joke character people were quick to disagree and say he's goofy um which i do now agree with but uh a lot of characters that i used to think were jokes might actually just be goofy like tec n with gone roger roger jr joke characters but panda and kuma are goofy street fighter dan joke shan equals goofy do you agree what are the rules between a joke and a goofy character uh silly or goofy character is one that even though they're silly or whatever is um actually physically capable and believable
Starting point is 04:52:02 as a fighting game character like master roshi in the tournament of power he eliminates a couple people like he fights dudes he can fight people he's just a fucking ridiculous moron um whereas say if you had mr satan in the game as a fighter you'd be like get the fuck out of here it's like satan can't do shit against i would that'd be a i would to me it's less about like the in-universe believability and it's more about like is this person even meant to possibly win a round like yeah so so is have they been built in such a way where they cannot possibly win you know do they have extremely low life and no real chance at all or are they just a silly version of whatever you know um i mean nori maro was a japan exclusive marvel versus street fighter character
Starting point is 04:53:06 that comes from some sort of joke i forgot where um and like if i'm not mistaken it was like you're not really picking this you're not like he it's not like he's gonna be competing with the rest you know um whereas phoenix right in marvel is like it's a joke but he's a real character he can win he can do stuff yeah kick your shit you know so like i think it's it comes down to like how they make them and like whether or not they're made they're they're like built in a sort of balanced way to fit with the rest of the roster or if they're meant to just be like absolutely impossible like gags you know yeah all right all right that's it for this week oh check out my crap oh what i um um yeah right true did those those dudes left the the avatar
Starting point is 04:54:06 live action guys were like fuck that and and and i was like wait there was another live action avatar happening um i you know so hearing that they're walking from that it's like okay creative differences whatever that might mean then there was the room the rumors that said oh the reasons why were because like netfix wanted to uh wanted the option to cast uh and then i got debunked yes then that might not be true so then i don't know like if those rumors were real but they're saying oh they wanted to age the characters up have them edgy uh have them be more edgy slash uh have them have sex and they wanted it i guess to river dale slash sabrina the teenage witch the situation a little bit uh again deep but that was it was fake okay so then they still had leftover creative
Starting point is 04:54:51 differences you know what's not fake um i don't know any they won that when the creators walked off they got replaced with the fucking executive producer of the death note sweet all i have to say about this is that's real you tried already with shamalan and failed and that was garbage yes you can come back over for once around and try it again but why not just make something else that is in the world of this stuff like just make another avatar that is not on uh Angkorra just do another one you want to do something else do it go you don't have to adapt fine that's it that's my take just make another story make it another avatar don't don't do don't adapt the thing we have uh if you don't need to especially if you have to go through changes
Starting point is 04:55:43 or what like like don't bother just make something else a little bit it'll be fine no one will have a problem if you write an original story that continues from whatever and is is is good you don't have to be chained down by the past and everyone who's interested from their old fan base will tune in to see where this is going done all right now we're done you you you

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